Direct observation of quasi-particle band in CeIrIn$_5$ Angle-resolved photoemission spectr


Directed Motion of Colloidal Particles in a Galvanic Microreactor

Directed Motion of Colloidal Particles in a Galvanic Microreactor

Directed Motion of Colloidal Particles in a Galvanic Microreactor Linda Jan,†Christian Punckt,†Boris Khusid,‡and Ilhan A.Aksay*,††Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Princeton University,Princeton,New Jersey08544,United States‡Department of Chemical,Biological,and Pharmaceutical Engineering,New Jersey Institute of Technology,University Heights, Newark,New Jersey07102,United States*Supporting Informationflow is most likely driven by electrochemical potential gradientsdissolution.INTRODUCTIONPrecise patterning of colloidal single crystals with predeter-mined orientation is desired for their incorporation into devices including sensors,1−3photonic crystals,4−6and mesoscopic and hierarchical materials.7The use of electrokinetic phenomena has proven to be a versatile approach to guide colloidal aggregation and form patterned colloidal structures due to the possibility to define and control the speed and direction of colloidal particles as well as the location of particle deposition.8−13A variety of different techniques has been developed using externally applied electricalfields,including patterned interdigitated electrodes10,12or inducing current density heterogeneities on a single electrode through illumination with light patterns,11mechanical damage (scratches),13or application of insulating surface layers.9 Spontaneous electrochemical reactions which are associated with the presence of intrinsic electricfields,such as catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on pairs of dissimilar metal electrodes14or galvanic corrosion,15have been used to transport and pattern colloidal particles autonomously without the need for an external power source.Similarly,using a galvanic microreactor system,we recently demonstrated a method capable of autonomously forming complex,predeter-mined patterns of two-dimensional colloidal single crystals with defined orientation that are cemented to the substrate(Figure 1a and1b).15Our microreactor consisted of an array of galvanic electrodes,anodic copper and cathodic gold,arranged in a coplanar geometry(Figure1a).When the electrodes came into contact with mildly acidic pH3hydrochloric acid(HCl) solution,spontaneous electrochemical reactions occurred on the electrode surfaces:16−19In the presence of chloride ions,dissolution of copper proceeded along different pathways according to17−19+⇋+−−−Cu2Cl CuCl e2(1) or⇋++−Cu Cu2e2(2) and these reactions were balanced by reduction of dissolved oxygen on the gold cathode16++⇋+−O2H2e H O222(3) Thus,the copper−gold galvanic couple acted as a short-circuited battery,with an ionic currentflowing through the electrolyte and an(equal)electronic currentflowing through the copper−gold interface.Soluble cuprous chloride com-plexes18formed via eq1can further react with water to form cuprous oxide in a subsequent homogeneous reaction19+⇋++−+−2CuCl H O Cu O2H4Cl222(4) By being“recycled”back into the electrolyte via eq4,chloride acts similarly to a“catalyst”for copper dissolution and serves as supporting electrolyte.As the electrochemical reactions proceeded,negatively charged polystyrene(PS)microspheres suspended in the electrolyte moved toward the copper electrodes where they aggregated.15We found that the microstructure of the colloidalReceived:September19,2012Revised:December4,2012Published:January14,2013aggregates depended on the location where PS particles aggregated first,and that the location of initial aggregation could be in fluenced by varying the electrode geometry.15When anodic separation s was small (≈20μm),PS particles deposited randomly on the inner region of the copper electrode (inner-aggregation)and formed polycrystalline aggregates at the electrode center through electro-osmotic flow (EOF)and electrohydrodynamic (EHD)flow e ffects.8,20,21Conversely,when s was large (≈80μm),PS particle aggregation initiated from the corners and edges of the copper electrode (edge-aggregation)where the particles aligned with the raised edges of the gold electrode.Such edge-aggregation was found to be necessary for forming highly ordered particle aggregates as shown in Figure 1b.We also showed that the long-range particle transport toward the electrodes was primarily in fluenced by reaction-induced bulk electrolyte flow.15This was demonstrated by employing silica microspheres which have a larger density (2.0g/cm 3)than PS (1.1g/cm 3)that undergo sedimentation and therefore,unlike PS particles which either remain suspended in the electrolyte or are attracted to the copper electrodes,can be used to explore colloidal transport near the gold electrode surfaces.Before they settled down on the electrode surfaces,silica particles migrated toward the copper electrode with the same velocity that was observed for PS.However,after sedimenting onto the gold cathodes they reversed direction and migrated away from the nearest copper electrode.15Reversal of the silica particles ’direction of motion with respect to electric field and ion concentration gradients indicated that long-range particle motion was not due to electrophoresis or di ffusiophoresis,in which case the direction of particle motion would be de fined solely by electric field,ion concentrationgradients,and particle zeta potential,15,22,23but instead the result of bulk fluid flow.However,we did not explain why the spatial patterning of the electrodes a ffected the directed motion of the colloidal particles resulting in di fferent locations of particle aggregation.The goal of this paper is to analyze the interplay between spatial patterning of the electrodes,reaction rates (current density),and bulk fluid motion in fluencing the motion of PS particles resulting in either inner-or edge-aggregation.We first investigate how electrode geometry a ffects the dissolution current density distribution in situ.On the basis of this analysis,we identify a characteristic current density pro file which correlates with edge-aggregation.Through this correlation we determine the potential driving forces for the fluid motion as e ffected by geometry-dependent electrode kinetics and trans-port of electroactive species.A numerical simulation is presented to support our arguments.■METHODSA schematic of our experimental setup is shown in Figure 1a.The galvanic mircoreactor consisted of an array of copper anodes surrounded by a continuous gold cathode.To fabricate the electrodes,we first deposited 10nm of titanium film followed by 100nm of gold film on a silicon wafer using an e-beam evaporator (Denton DV-502A,Denton Vacuum,Moorestown,NJ).A 20−40nm copper film was electrolessly plated onto the gold (using a solution of 1.5g of copper sulfate,7.0g of potassium sodium tartrate,2.0g of sodium hydroxide,and 5mL of formaldehyde in 50mL of deionized (DI)water at 25°C).On top of the copper,we used standard photolithography to pattern photoresist (AZ(R)5214-E,Clariant Corp.,Somerville,NJ)according to our electrode design.Following photolithography,we formed copper “islands ”(copper electrodes raised above the gold electrode)by etching in nitric acid or copper “trenches ”(copper electrodes lowered,see Figure 1a)by depositing an additional gold layer on top of the patterned photoresist using the e-beam evaporator and performing a “lift-o ff”.The electrode pattern used for generation of colloidal crystals consisted of identically sized equilateral copper triangles with edge-length l of approximately 38μm.They were arranged in a “honeycomb ”pattern with an alternating apex orientation (and thus parallel edges)and separated by a distance s ranging from 25to 80μm as shown in Figure 1b,where the copper electrodes are fully covered by the PS particles.Prior to each experiment,the electrodes were etched for 5s in pH 3HCl solution to minimize surface oxide layers.For particle tracking experiments,arrays of copper line electrodes were used.The reaction cell (Figure 1a)was assembled by placing a 7mm inner diameter circular poly(dimethylsiloxane)(PDMS)spacer ring of either ≈650or ≈1100μm thickness on top of the galvanic electrode substrate.To start the reaction,we filled the chamber with pH 3HCl solution and enclosed it with a microscope cover glass.For particle aggregation experiments,we suspended surfactant-free sulfate-decorated PS latex particles (lot 53977A,Invitrogen,Eugene,OR)in the electrolyte solution at concentrations between 0.04and 0.11vol %.Observations were made with bright-field optical microscopy (Zeiss Axioplan 2,Carl Zeiss MicroImaging,Inc.,Thornwood,NY)and recorded using a 12-bit digital CCD camera (Zeiss AxioCam HRc,Carl Zeiss MicroImaging,Inc.,Thornwood,NY).The reaction was terminated by opening the cell,rinsing the substrate with DI water,and blow drying with nitrogen.Tracking experiments with 3.0μm diameter silica particles (Bangs Laboratories Inc.,Fishers,IN)were performed on arrays of 50μm wide copper line electrodes with s ≈310μm in the copper island con figuration.Prior to the experiments,silica particles were centrifuged and resuspended in fresh DI water for 3cycles and diluted to a particle concentration of 0.002−0.005vol %in pH 3HCl electrolyte.In situ images of the particles were recorded at 0.5Hz,and their positions and velocities were analyzed using an algorithm written in house with MATLAB.The centers of tracked particleswereFigure 1.(a)Schematic of the galvanic microreactor (not to scale).Electrodes shown here are of the trench con figuration,where the copper surface is lower than the gold surface.PS,polystyrene;PDMS,poly(dimethylsiloxane).(b)Patterned and crystalline two-dimensional colloidal aggregates adherent to triangular copper electrodes imaged after rinsing and drying of the sample.Particles distributed on the gold substrate have been deposited there during rinsing and drying.Parameters:Copper triangle electrodes (l ≈40μm)with s ≈60μm in trench con figuration,0.11vol %PS particles in pH 3HCl electrolyte.This electrode geometry exhibits edge-aggregation.determined using morphological operations.Experiments were conducted with low particle concentrations to avoid particle−particle encounters,and the algorithm removed particles that were so close to one another that they could no longer be differentiated automatically. To decrease the measurement noise,velocities of the particles measured within a spatial interval of≈8μm were collected and averaged over20s.The error bars shown in the tracking data reveal that scattering in the distance and velocity of particles reflect Brownian motion over the time scale of the measurement((4DΔt)1/2/Δt=0.38μm/s).For dissolution analysis,the topography of copper island electrodes was measured in the manner described by Punckt et al.24Color images of the copper thinfilm were recorded in situ at a frequency of1Hz. The color difference between copper thinfilms of less than30nm thickness and the gold substrate is an approximately linear function of thefilm thickness.Consequently,the time evolution of the topography of the copperfilm can be determined in situ from the color change of the copper electrodes over time.From the temporal changes in the topography of the copperfilm,we calculated the dissolution rate (measured in nm/s)and corresponding current density distribution on the anodic copper surface,assuming that copper dissolution takes place through a one-electron process that involves a cuprous chloride complex(see eq1).17−19This leads us to a lower limit for the actual current density since to a certain degree also two-electron processes occur during copper dissolution.To decrease measurement noise, color data were averaged over several images taken during a period of 5s.Current density measurements could not be performed on the cathode in this manner as color changes there are not related to Faradaic current but rather to deposition of reaction products.24 The electrophoretic mobility of PS and silica particles suspended in pH3HCl electrolyte was obtained using a Coulter DELSA440SX unit (Beckman Coulter,Inc.,Miami,FL).Measurements of mobilities of PS particles were taken at11different positions across a rectangular capillary cell using three detection angles.Particle motilities were found to give an excellentfit to the Komagata equation(R2=0.99for all detection angles),which was used to determine electrophoretic mobility.25The motilities were averaged over all detection angles for two profile runs.The method of O'Brien and White26was used to calculate the particle zeta potential from the measured electrophoretic mobility.We neglected surface conductance because of the relatively low ionic strength(1mM)of our system.PS particles in pH3HCl solution had a zeta potential of−44±3mV.Profile measurements could not be conducted with the silica particles because they settled over the time required to collect a full profile(≈45min).Thus,we measured the particle mobility only in a single stationary plane using 14samples and three detection angles.The zeta potential of the silica particles was measured to be−39±4mV.To estimate the geometry offlow cells numerically,we determined the steady-state solution of the incompressible Navier−Stokes equations at low Reynolds number in a500×500μm2system with no slip boundary condition at the top and periodic boundary conditions on the side walls using COMSOL.On the bottom boundary,the profile of afluid slip velocity was defined based on the current density distribution over the copper and gold electrodes(see below).■RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIn the following sections,wefirst investigate the effect of electrode geometry on the Faradaic current density distribution, reaction kinetics,and ion transport.We focus our observations on the copper anode and location of PS aggregation and show that the current density is influenced by three factors:(i) available cathodic surface area(due to kinetically limited cathode reactions,which include reduction of dissolved oxygen into hydrogen peroxide16,27),(ii)ionic transport,and(iii) concentration effects.Effect of Electrode Geometry on the Current Density Distribution.Figure2shows anodic current density distributions as a function of electrode spacing s measured about10s after initiation of the reactions.Values for s were chosen such that we observe inner-aggregation of PS particles on electrodes with the smallest s(Figure2a),a mix of inner-and edge-aggregation for s≈40μm(Figure2b),and edge-aggregation for all larger values of s(Figure2c and2d).The measured current density increases with s.At s≈80μm,along the electrode edges,particularly at the corners,values of≈450μA/cm2are reached,while at the electrode centers,lower currents between100and250μA/cm2are observed(Figure 2d).For smaller values of s,the current density profiles remain heterogeneous but the overall magnitude decreases.At s≈25μm,the current density at the electrode edges is onlyslightly Figure2.Initial(t≈10s)current density distribution as calculated from the dynamic copper dissolution profile on identically sized copper triangle islands(l≈35μm)for different anodic separation distances s:s≈(a)25,(b)40,(c)60,and(d)80μm.(Insets)In situ optical images of PS aggregation on copper electrodes:(a)inner-aggregation and(b)−(d)edge-aggregation are observed.Dashed lines indicate the boundaries of the underlying copper electrode.larger than the measurement noise level(<100μA/cm2)such that spatial features in the current density cannot be resolved (Figure2a).In summary,the results show that edge-aggregation of PS particles occurs in the presence of locally high and heterogeneous current density.The factors leading to variations in current density can be easily understood:Since the dissolution of copper is catalyzed by the presence of chloride ions,19the overall reaction is limited by the slow rate of oxygen reduction on the gold cathode27and therefore by the total available gold surface area.28As we reduce the spacing of the copper electrodes,we decrease the available cathodic surface area and thus reduce the overall reaction rate. However,by varying s,we not only change the cathodic surface area but also alter the copper area coverageθCu=A Cu/A total,i.e., the ratio of the copper to electrolyte volume,which changes the average concentration of reaction products and thus affects electrochemical equilibria and reaction rates.Furthermore, variations in anode spacing affect the transport of ions away from the high current density areas on copper,as can be understood by considering the solution of Laplace’s equation for ion diffusion in systems of different geometry.29Lastly,ionic (as well as electronic)currents are distributed in the microreactor such that energy dissipation is minimized.In the case of a kinetically limited reaction,such as oxygen reduction on the gold,the charge transfer reaction itself(eq3)is associated with a high so-called charge transfer resistance(also known as polarization resistance,kinetic resistance,chemical resistance),22,30,31and consequently,the ionic current spreads out over the majority of the cathode.In order to determine the contribution of variations in gold surface area to the observed changes in current density independent from contributions of changes in ionic transport and accumulation effects near the copper anodes,we conducted experiments in which we altered the exposed cathodic surface area with photoresist coatings,as detailed in the following.Kinetic Limitations vs Transport and Concentration Effects.By partially blocking the cathode with an insulating layer of photoresist,we can keep the ratio of the active gold and copper areas R=A Au/A Cu constant while varying the copper surface area fractionθCu(with respect to total geometric surface area).The photoresist-modified electrode with s≈80μm shown in Figure3is characterized by R≈4andθCu≈0.04.As shown in Figure3b,we obtain a heterogeneous current distribution and observe that the current density on the photoresist-modified electrode reaches about250μA/cm2atthe electrode edges.In the photoresist-modified system,PS particles start aggregating along the edges and corners of the copper electrodes(Figure3c),likely because this state exhibits similar current density and heterogeneity as observed for the pristine electrode with s≈40μm where edge-aggregation is observed as well(Figure2b).The current density on the photoresist-modified electrode has a significantly larger value than that obtained on the nonmodified electrode with s≈25μm shown in Figure2a which exhibits the same value of R≈4 (i.e.,identical accessible gold surface area)but a5times larger copper surface area fraction(θCu≈0.2,i.e.,larger accessible electrolyte volume).Therefore,in the case of small electrode spacing(Figure2a)dissolution of copper is limited not only by the comparably small cathodic surface area but also by the decreased rate of transport and thus by the accumulation of reaction products generated on the anode in a comparably small volume of electrolyte.This accumulation shifts the equilibrium potential for the dissolution reaction to a more positive value according to the Nernst equation.32The electrochemical overpotential which drives the dissolution reaction decreases,and the reaction rate drops.Conversely, decreasingθCu effects improved ionic transport and decreased concentration of anodic reaction products(due to comparably large electrolyte volume)which shifts the equilibria of the anodic reactions toward increased copper par-ing the current densities of the photoresist-modified electrode with the pristine s≈80μm electrode(Figure2d),where s and θCu are the same but R in the pristine electrode is higher(≈24), wefind that the current density of the photoresist-modified electrode is lower.This illustrates that a decrease in available cathodic area reduces the current since it no longer can spread out over a sufficiently large surface to sustain the electro-chemical reaction rates that can potentially be achieved at the anode in this geometry.27The photoresist-modified electrode thus appears to represent a case where the reaction rate is affected both by the limited rate of oxygen reduction andby Figure3.Experiments with photoresist-modified electrodes.Photo-resist partially covers the gold surface,reducing active gold surface area exposed to the electrolyte.(a)Schematic of a photoresist-modified electrode.We choose to examine identically sized copper triangles(l≈35μm)with the large anodic separation(s≈80μm),where in the pristine case edge-aggregation is observed.Thin layer of photoresist blocks offmost of the gold such that only a strip of width d≈11μm immediate to the copper electrode is exposed.(b)Initial current density distribution(t≈12s)on the photoresist-modified electrode system.Reducing active gold area suppresses the current density magnitude compared to the pristine electrode of the same geometry.(c)PS aggregation initiates from the edges and corners of the copper anodes in the photoresist-modified electrode system.accumulation of reaction products in the electrolyte slowing copper dissolution.Thesefindings are further supported by calculating the diffusion-limited current for different electrode geometries. Using the diffusion constant of the slowest species involved in the anodic reactions D CuCl2−≈5.7×10−10m2/s and a typical anodic reactant concentration of approximately1mM(pH3 HCl solution has,in very good approximation,a concentration of1mM),the one-dimensional diffusion limited current density(Cottrell)at10s is≈40μA/cm2.31,33For the s≈25μm electrode array,diffusive transport can be approximated as one-dimensional because s is small compared to the diffusion layer thickness(δ|t≈10s≈130μm)and the initially hemi-spherical diffusion layers of the individual copper anodes overlap within a few seconds creating an effectively one-dimensional concentration profile for all ionic species involved.29Consequently,the observed current density of about50μA/cm2lies near the calculated Cottrell current density.The current density of up to450μA/cm2measured for s≈80μm in the absence of photoresist,on the other hand, comes close to the limiting current that can be calculated for hemispherical diffusion(600μA/cm2on10s time scale).34In this case,hemispherical diffusion describes the transport within the reactor more accurately,because during a large fraction of the observation time the developing hemispherical concen-tration profiles around each copper anode do not overlap with those of neighboring electrodes.34In the presence of photoresist,such large current densities cannot be achieved due to the surface area of the cathode being insufficient to sustain the necessary high rate of oxygen reduction.It is a well-established concept in electrochemistry that spatial variations of the electrochemical reaction rate are small if the reaction under consideration exhibits a large charge transferresistance,i.e.,if large overpotentials are necessary to drive the reaction(secondary current distribution on a highly polarizable electrode).30,31This effect is,for example,used during electrodeposition of metals where,by addition of surfactants which partly block the electrode,the charge transfer resistance is increased in order to achieve a more homogeneous coating. To repeat,these conditions are met on the gold cathode.On the copper anodes,on the other hand,due to chloride complex formation,dissolution of copper is a fast process and therefore controlled by ionic transport(primary and tertiary current distributions),30,31resulting in strong current density hetero-geneities.Diffusion due to increased access to the electrolyte at the copper electrode edges and corners contributes the locally increased current densities there as compared to the electrode center where diffusion can be approximated as one dimen-sional.The observed current density heterogeneity due to both diffusion-and migration-related effects likely becomes more pronounced as s increases due to increased electrolyte volume between the anodes and lesser amounts of accumulating reaction products,amplifying differences in the(small)Ohmic drop between different locations on the electrodes.Unfortu-nately,the noise level of our current density data does not allow for experimental verification of this hypothesis.Temporal analysis of dissolution rate and particle motion as done below, however,provides additional evidence for the importance of concentration and ionic transport effects.Analysis of Temporal Behavior:Further Evidence for Transport and Concentration Effects.The current density profiles for a copper line electrode array shown in Figure4a reveal that the current density heterogeneity decreases in time. The high current zone near the copper edge(x≈0μm) broadens,and while the value of the maximum current density at the edge remains approximately constant,the current density at the electrode center(x≈−25μm)increases.At the same time,the total(integral)current increases in time(Figure4b). The location of the current density maximum slightly shifts toward the center of the copper electrode.We attribute the smoothening of the current profile over time to the aforementioned concentration changes in the electrolyte: accumulation of soluble reaction products in the electrolyte, including CuCl2−and Cu2+,16−19increases the electrolyte conductivity,which results in increased ionic currents further away from the copper−gold interface,thus increasing the dissolution rate near the electrode center.At the same time,the reaction equilibrium at the edge of the copper electrode is shifted toward decreased dissolution rate,limiting copper dissolution at later stages of the experiment.The shift of the maximum current toward the electrode center can be attributed to a slight decrease in electrode width as the gold underneath the copper electrode gradually becomes exposed,but may also be partially caused by a concentration-induced attenuation of the dissolution reaction at the copper−gold interface. During electrode dissolution,the velocity of silica particles on the gold electrode moving away from copper lines decreases in time despite increased overall current(Figure4c).Because of the moderately large electrolyte conductivity of400μS/cm and low ionic current densities of less than0.5mA/cm2, electrophoresis does not contribute significantly to thelong-Figure4.For an array of line electrodes(l≈50μm,s≈310μm):(a) current density over one-half a copper electrode located at−25μm≤x≤0μm where x≈−25μm is the copper electrode center.(b)Total current density(nA)over a copper electrode area of≈8300μm2as a function of time t.(c)Tracking of the lateral velocity of silica particles for different time intervals on the gold electrode surface located at x≥0μm as they move away from the copper and gold interface at x≈0μm.range motion of PS and silica particles(see Supporting Information for reproduction of evidence and argument for bulkfluid motion).15Therefore,the decreasing velocity of silica particles is associated with a decrease influidflow along the surface of the gold electrode,and this observation is correlated with the smoothening of the dissolution rate profile.In other words,wefind that bulkfluidflow in our reactor and consequently the velocity of silica particles on the gold cathode are dependent on the gradient of the copper dissolution rate. Related results of numerical simulations have been reported in the literature recently:Moran and Posner have shown that reaction-induced charge autoelectrophoreticfluid motion can decrease with increasing electrolyte conductivity which may increase in time in the microreactor.35As the composition and conductivity of the electrolyte change,reaction products,such as cuprous oxide,15,19can deposit on the electrodes,altering their native surface charge.All of these effects may affect electrokineticfluid motion but can currently not be evaluated experimentally.Preferential Particle Aggregation as Effected by Electrophoresis and Fluid Flow.Near or on the copper electrodes,particularly at the high current edges,electro-phoresis may be responsible for directly pinning the particles and thus prevent them from being recirculated into the electrolyte byfluid motion.This local electrophoretic effect increases in magnitude as the current density increases.Thus, one explanation for the occurrence of edge-aggregation at large electrode spacing is the increased contribution of electro-phoretic attraction toward high current areas.As we will show in the following,however,also bulkfluidflow has an effect on the location of particle deposition.To illustrate possible geometries offlow cells and how they can affect the location of particle deposition,we take into account that the bulkfluid motion in the galvanic microreactor is primarily driven by the gradient of the electrochemical potentialμof the cuprous chloride complex above the anode (i.e.,at the outer boundary of the diffuse layer)and can be expressed in terms of thefluid slip velocity u slip∼∇sμ.This assumption is based on theories for an electrochemical cell in a binary electrolyte,36,37which showed that the effects of the spatial variation of ion concentrations on thefluidflow can be expressed in terms of thefluid slip velocity.Physically, formation of suchflows is caused by the tendency of the system to equilibrate.Thus,their presence can be postulated based on the most basic principles of thermodynamics.In the galvanic microreactor,spatial variations of ion concentrations are certainly present due to the microreactor’s coplanar electrode configuration,in particular when current density distributions are heterogeneous.We assume that theflow generated over the copper electrode to equilibrate these heterogeneities dominates,because the current density heterogeneity is more prominent on copper compared to gold(see above).On the copper electrode,the most relevant counterion to consider is the cuprous chloride complex since it is the slowest diffusing species in the microreactor.The concentration of the cuprous chloride complex is related to its rate of formation via Fick’s law,and because the diffusion length is short at the early stage of our experiments,the cuprous chloride complex concentration and its rate of formation are roughly proportional.As an approximation for the spatial profile ofμ,we thus employ the current density distribution as determined on the copper line electrodes (Figure4a).Using this assumption,we calculated thefluidflow within our microreactor by assigning a spatially varying slip velocity to the copper surfaces:u slip∼∇s i.In Figure5,we show the computedflow pattern driven by a fluid slip velocity u slip over a pair of galvanic electrodes asnumerically calculated from two electrochemical potential profiles with different degree of heterogeneity(see Figure5 insets).Wefind that the steep outer gradient in the current density profile drivesfluid motion away from copper extending over the gold surface,which is consistent with our observed motion of the silica particles on gold.The recirculation of this largeflow cell likely brings particles,such as PS,suspended above the electrode surface toward the copper electrode,which is also consistent with our observations.The decrease in current density(and therefore in electrochemical potential)toward the center of the copper electrode drives another,counter-rotating flow cell directly over the copper surface.When the inner rotatingflow cell is strong compared to the outer one,as shown in Figure5a,PS particles located above the copper electrode can likely be directed toward the electrode edge before they reach a distance close to the electrode surface where they would become entrained by electrophoresis.When the counter-rotatingflow is weak,as shown in Figure5b,it is not effective in directing particles toward the edge before they reach the vicinity of the electrode where electrophoresis dominates.Thus, particles are more likely to deposit randomly over the inner region of the copper electrodes and later crystallize at the electrode center by EOF and EHDflow,8,20,21resulting ininner-aggregation.Figure 5.Calculations of thefluidflow pattern driven by electrochemical potential gradients near the copper−gold junction.(a)Presence of two counter-rotatingflow cells due to a strongly localized maximum of the electrochemical potential near the electrode interface.(b)Dominance of oneflow cell due to a more homogeneous electrochemical potential on the copper electrode.Images show only a part of the complete500×500μm2system.(Insets)Fluid slip velocity on and near the copper electrode is assumed to follow current density measurements for large(a)and small(b)electrode spacing (Figure4a).Left boundary of theflow images corresponds to x=0μm.。














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流体动力学fluid dynamics连续介质力学mechanics of continuous media介质medium流体质点fluid particle无粘性流体nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid连续介质假设continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学fluid kinematics水静力学hydrostatics液体静力学hydrostatics支配方程governing equation伯努利方程Bernoulli equation伯努利定理Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律Biot-Savart law欧拉方程Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理Kelvin theorem涡片vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖d&#39;Alembert paradox雷诺数Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数Strouhal number随体导数material derivative不可压缩流体incompressible fluid质量守恒conservation of mass动量守恒conservation of momentum能量守恒conservation of energy动量方程momentum equation能量方程energy equation控制体积control volume液体静压hydrostatic pressure涡量拟能enstrophy压差differential pressure流[动] flow流线stream line流面stream surface流管stream tube迹线path, path line流场flow field流态flow regime流动参量flow parameter流量flow rate, flow discharge涡旋vortex涡量vorticity涡丝vortex filament涡线vortex line涡面vortex surface涡层vortex layer涡环vortex ring涡对vortex pair涡管vortex tube涡街vortex street卡门涡街Karman vortex street马蹄涡horseshoe vortex对流涡胞convective cell卷筒涡胞roll cell涡eddy涡粘性eddy viscosity环流circulation环量circulation速度环量velocity circulation偶极子doublet, dipole驻点stagnation point总压[力] total pressure总压头total head静压头static head总焓total enthalpy能量输运energy transport速度剖面velocity profile库埃特流Couette flow单相流single phase flow单组份流single-component flow均匀流uniform flow非均匀流nonuniform flow二维流two-dimensional flow三维流three-dimensional flow准定常流quasi-steady flow非定常流unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流transient flow周期流periodic flow振荡流oscillatory flow分层流stratified flow无旋流irrotational flow有旋流rotational flow轴对称流axisymmetric flow不可压缩性incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow浮体floating body定倾中心metacenter阻力drag, resistance减阻drag reduction表面力surface force表面张力surface tension毛细[管]作用capillarity来流incoming flow自由流free stream自由流线free stream line外流external flow进口entrance, inlet出口exit, outlet扰动disturbance, perturbation分布distribution传播propagation色散dispersion弥散dispersion附加质量added mass ,associated mass收缩contraction镜象法image method无量纲参数dimensionless parameter几何相似geometric similarity运动相似kinematic similarity动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流plane flow势potential势流potential flow速度势velocity potential复势complex potential复速度complex velocity流函数stream function源source汇sink速度[水]头velocity head拐角流corner flow空泡流cavity flow超空泡supercavity超空泡流supercavity flow空气动力学aerodynamics低速空气动力学low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学high-speed aerodynamics 气动热力学aerothermodynamics亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流conical flow楔流wedge flow叶栅流cascade flow非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体slender body细长度slenderness钝头体bluff body 钝体blunt body翼型airfoil翼弦chord薄翼理论thin-airfoil theory构型 configuration后缘trailing edge迎角angle of attack失速stall脱体激波detached shock wave波阻wave drag诱导阻力induced drag诱导速度induced velocity临界雷诺数critical Reynolds number前缘涡leading edge vortex附着涡bound vortex约束涡confined vortex气动中心aerodynamic center气动力aerodynamic force气动噪声aerodynamic noise气动加热aerodynamic heating离解dissociation地面效应ground effect气体动力学gas dynamics稀疏波rarefaction wave热状态方程thermal equation of state喷管Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体compressible fluid绝热流adiabatic flow非绝热流diabatic flow未扰动流undisturbed flow等熵流isentropic flow匀熵流homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件Rankine-Hugoniot condition状态方程equation of state量热状态方程caloric equation of state完全气体perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管Laval nozzle马赫角Mach angle马赫锥Mach cone马赫线Mach line马赫数Mach number马赫波Mach wave当地马赫数local Mach number冲击波shock wave激波shock wave正激波normal shock wave斜激波oblique shock wave头波bow wave附体激波attached shock wave激波阵面shock front激波层shock layer压缩波compression wave反射reflection折射refraction散射scattering衍射diffraction绕射diffraction出口压力exit pressure超压[强] over pressure反压back pressure爆炸explosion爆轰detonation缓燃deflagration水动力学hydrodynamics液体动力学hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性Taylor instability盖斯特纳波Gerstner wave斯托克斯波Stokes wave瑞利数Rayleigh number自由面free surface波速wave speed, wave velocity波高wave height波列wave train波群wave group波能wave energy表面波surface wave表面张力波capillary wave规则波regular wave不规则波irregular wave浅水波shallow water wave深水波deep water wave重力波gravity wave椭圆余弦波cnoidal wave潮波tidal wave涌波surge wave破碎波breaking wave船波ship wave非线性波nonlinear wave孤立子soliton水动[力]噪声hydrodynamic noise水击water hammer空化cavitation空化数cavitation number空蚀cavitation damage超空化流supercavitating flow水翼hydrofoil水力学hydraulics洪水波flood wave涟漪ripple消能energy dissipation海洋水动力学marine hydrodynamics 谢齐公式Chezy formula欧拉数Euler number弗劳德数Froude number水力半径hydraulic radius水力坡度hvdraulicslope高度水头elevating head水头损失head loss水位water level水跃hydraulic jump含水层aquifer排水drainage排放量discharge壅水曲线back water curve压[强水]头pressure head过水断面flow cross-section明槽流open channel flow孔流orifice flow无压流free surface flow有压流pressure flow缓流subcritical flow急流supercritical flow渐变流gradually varied flow急变流rapidly varied flow临界流critical flow异重流density current, gravity flow堰流weir flow掺气流aerated flow含沙流sediment-laden stream降水曲线dropdown curve沉积物sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积sedimentation, deposition沉降速度settling velocity流动稳定性flow stability不稳定性instability奥尔-索末菲方程Orr-Sommerfeld equation涡量方程vorticity equation泊肃叶流Poiseuille flow奥辛流Oseen flow剪切流shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow层流laminar flow分离流separated flow二次流secondary flow近场流near field flow远场流far field flow滞止流stagnation flow尾流wake [flow]回流back flow反流reverse flow射流jet自由射流free jet管流pipe flow, tube flow内流internal flow拟序结构coherent structure猝发过程bursting process表观粘度apparent viscosity运动粘性kinematic viscosity动力粘性dynamic viscosity泊poise厘泊centipoise厘沱centistoke剪切层shear layer次层sublayer流动分离flow separation层流分离laminar separation湍流分离turbulent separation分离点separation point附着点attachment point再附reattachment再层流化relaminarization起动涡starting vortex驻涡standing vortex涡旋破碎vortex breakdown涡旋脱落vortex shedding压[力]降pressure drop压差阻力pressure drag压力能pressure energy型阻profile drag滑移速度slip velocity无滑移条件non-slip condition壁剪应力skin friction, frictional drag壁剪切速度friction velocity磨擦损失friction loss磨擦因子friction factor耗散dissipation滞后lag相似性解similar solution局域相似local similarity气体润滑gas lubrication液体动力润滑hydrodynamic lubrication浆体slurry泰勒数Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程Navier-Stokes equation牛顿流体Newtonian fluid边界层理论boundary later theory边界层方程boundary layer equation边界层boundary layer附面层boundary layer层流边界层laminar boundary layer 湍流边界层turbulent boundary layer温度边界层thermal boundary layer边界层转捩boundary layer transition边界层分离boundary layer separation边界层厚度boundary layer thickness位移厚度displacement thickness动量厚度momentum thickness能量厚度energy thickness焓厚度enthalpy thickness注入injection吸出suction泰勒涡Taylor vortex速度亏损律velocity defect law形状因子shape factor测速法anemometry粘度测定法visco[si] metry流动显示flow visualization油烟显示oil smoke visualization孔板流量计orifice meter频率响应frequency response油膜显示oil film visualization阴影法shadow method纹影法schlieren method烟丝法smoke wire method丝线法tuft method氢泡法nydrogen bubble method相似理论similarity theory相似律similarity law部分相似partial similarity定理pi theorem, Buckingham theorem静[态]校准static calibration动态校准dynamic calibration风洞wind tunnel激波管shock tube激波管风洞shock tube wind tunnel水洞water tunnel拖曳水池towing tank旋臂水池rotating arm basin扩散段diffuser测压孔pressure tap皮托管pitot tube普雷斯顿管preston tube斯坦顿管Stanton tube文丘里管Venturi tubeU形管U-tube压强计manometer微压计micromanometer多管压强计multiple manometer静压管static [pressure]tube流速计anemometer风速管Pitot- static tube激光多普勒测速计laser Doppler anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter热线流速计hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计hot- film anemometer流量计flow meter粘度计visco[si] meter涡量计vorticity meter传感器transducer, sensor压强传感器pressure transducer热敏电阻thermistor示踪物tracer时间线time line脉线streak line尺度效应scale effect壁效应wall effect堵塞blockage堵寒效应blockage effect动态响应dynamic response响应频率response frequency底压base pressure菲克定律Fick law巴塞特力Basset force埃克特数Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数Grashof number努塞特数Nusselt number普朗特数prandtl number雷诺比拟Reynolds analogy施密特数schmidt number斯坦顿数Stanton number对流convection自由对流natural convection, free convec-tion 强迫对流forced convection热对流heat convection质量传递mass transfer传质系数mass transfer coefficient热量传递heat transfer传热系数heat transfer coefficient对流传热convective heat transfer辐射传热radiative heat transfer动量交换momentum transfer能量传递energy transfer传导conduction热传导conductive heat transfer热交换heat exchange临界热通量critical heat flux浓度concentration扩散diffusion扩散性diffusivity扩散率diffusivity扩散速度diffusion velocity分子扩散molecular diffusion沸腾boiling蒸发evaporation气化gasification凝结condensation成核nucleation计算流体力学computational fluid mechanics 多重尺度问题multiple scale problem伯格斯方程Burgers equation对流扩散方程convection diffusion equation KDU方程KDV equation修正微分方程modified differential equation 拉克斯等价定理Lax equivalence theorem数值模拟numerical simulation大涡模拟large eddy simulation数值粘性numerical viscosity非线性不稳定性nonlinear instability希尔特稳定性分析Hirt stability analysis相容条件consistency conditionCFL条件Courant- Friedrichs- Lewy condition ,CFL condition 狄里克雷边界条件Dirichlet boundarycondition熵条件entropy condition远场边界条件far field boundary condition流入边界条件inflow boundary condition无反射边界条件nonreflecting boundary condition数值边界条件numerical boundary condition流出边界条件outflow boundary condition冯.诺伊曼条件von Neumann condition近似因子分解法approximate factorization method人工压缩artificial compression人工粘性artificial viscosity边界元法boundary element method配置方法collocation method能量法energy method有限体积法finite volume method流体网格法fluid in cell method, FLIC method通量校正传输法flux-corrected transport method通量矢量分解法flux vector splitting method伽辽金法Galerkin method积分方法integral method标记网格法marker and cell method, MAC method特征线法method of characteristics直线法method of lines矩量法moment method多重网格法multi- grid method板块法panel method质点网格法particle in cell method, PIC method质点法particle method预估校正法predictor-corrector method投影法projection method准谱法pseudo-spectral method随机选取法random choice method激波捕捉法shock-capturing method激波拟合法shock-fitting method谱方法spectral method稀疏矩阵分解法split coefficient matrix method不定常法time-dependent method时间分步法time splitting method变分法variational method涡方法vortex method隐格式implicit scheme显格式explicit scheme交替方向隐格式alternating direction implicit scheme, ADI scheme 反扩散差分格式anti-diffusion difference scheme紧差分格式compact difference scheme守恒差分格式conservation difference scheme克兰克-尼科尔森格式Crank-Nicolson scheme杜福特-弗兰克尔格式Dufort-Frankel scheme指数格式exponential scheme戈本诺夫格式Godunov scheme高分辨率格式high resolution scheme拉克斯-温德罗夫格式Lax-Wendroff scheme蛙跳格式leap-frog scheme单调差分格式monotone difference scheme保单调差分格式monotonicity preserving diffe-rence scheme 穆曼-科尔格式Murman-Cole scheme半隐格式semi-implicit scheme斜迎风格式skew-upstream scheme全变差下降格式total variation decreasing scheme TVD scheme 迎风格式upstream scheme , upwind scheme计算区域computational domain物理区域physical domain影响域domain of influence依赖域domain of dependence区域分解domain decomposition维数分解dimensional split物理解physical solution弱解weak solution黎曼解算子Riemann solver守恒型conservation form弱守恒型weak conservation form强守恒型strong conservation form散度型divergence form贴体曲线坐标body- fitted curvilinear coordi-nates [自]适应网格[self-] adaptive mesh适应网格生成adaptive grid generation自动网格生成automatic grid generation数值网格生成numerical grid generation交错网格staggered mesh网格雷诺数cell Reynolds number数植扩散numerical diffusion数值耗散numerical dissipation数值色散numerical dispersion数值通量numerical flux放大因子amplification factor放大矩阵amplification matrix阻尼误差damping error离散涡discrete vortex熵通量entropy flux熵函数entropy function分步法fractional step method。



光电英语词汇(I)i/o 输入输出装置iabsorption 本徵吸收ic 积体电路ic memory 积体电路记忆体ice crystal 冰花状晶体iceland spar 冰岛晶icelnned spar 冰洲石icon 图像icon meter 光像测定器iconography 图解iconology 图像学iconometer 量影仪iconometry 量影学iconoscope 光电显管管icosagon 二十边形,二十角形icosahedron 二十面体icositetrahedron 二十四面体ideal blackbody 理想黑体ideal crystal 理想晶体ideal detector 理想探测器ideal dielectric 理想电介质ideal filter 理想滤波器ideal observer 理想观测堵ideal polarization rotator 理想偏振转体ideal radiator 理想辐射体ideal scanning 理想扫描ideal value 理想值ideally-reflecting 理想反射identical graduation 等分度〖www.整理该文章,版权归原作者、原出处所有。

〗identification 鉴定,证认identification friend or foe (iff)system 敌我识别器identification signal 识别信号identifier (1)鉴别器(2)鉴别剂(3)标识符(4)鉴定人identity (1)怛定(2)恒等式identity relation 恒等式idiochromatic 本质色的idiochromatism 本质色性idiolelectric 非导体idiophanism 自现干涉图idler (1)空转(2)无效,无动(3)闲频信号idler absorption 无效吸收idnetification testing 览定试验ifomration accumulation 信息储存ignition 点火,引燃ignition temperature 点火温度ignitor discharge 引燃放电iintrinsic jointloss 内禀联结损失iischromatic surface 等色表面illuminance 光照度illuminance meters 照度计illuminant (1)施照体(2)照明illuminated 受照illuminated body 受照体illuminated magnifier 受照放大(透)镜illuminated table 受照台illuminating angle 照射角illuminating beam 照明光束illuminating engineering society (ies)照明工程协会illuminating lens 照明透镜,聚光透镜illuminating poer 照明本领illumination (1)照明(2)照明学(3)照度illumination device 照明装置illumination distribution 照明分布,照度分布illumination factor 照明系数illumination level 照明水平illumination meter (illumionmeter)照度计illumination photometry 照度测量术,测光法illumination ray 照明光束illuminator (1)发光器(2)施照体illuminometer 照度计illusion (1)幻觉(2)幻影illustration (1)示例(2)例图imacon 依麦康变像管imacon camera 依麦康摄影机image 像,图像image analyzer 像分析器image analyzers 影像分析仪image angle 像角image attenuation 影像衷减image blurring 图像模糊image brightness 像亮明image centroid 像矩心image circle 像圈image comensation camera 像补偿式摄影机image comparison 像比较image conduct 传像管image conjugate 像共轭image construction (1)求像法(2)像结构image contrast 像对比image converter camera 变像管摄像机image converter high-seed camera 显像管式高速照相机image converter streak camera 变像管高速扫描照相机image converter tube 变像管image data-processing system 图像数据处理系统image deblurring 图像去模糊image defintion 图像清晰度image degradation 像劣化image description 图像绘制image device 成像器件image digitization 图像数字化image disk 像斑image display device 图像显示器image dissector 析像管image dissector camera 析像管摄像机image dissector tube 析像管image distance 像距image distortion 像畸变image element 像素,像点image emission platelet laser 图像发射薄片激光器image enbancemet 影像增强术image enconding 图像编码image enhancement laser 影像增强雷射image enhancenment 图像增强image error 成像误差image evaluation 像质评质image field 像场image field distrubution 像场分布image filterig 滤像image flattening optical system 平像场光学系统image focal point 像焦点image focus 像焦点image focusing electrode 像聚焦极image force 像力image formation 成像image formation by rays 光线成线image forming tube 成像管image frame 像幅,像帧image frequency (1)像频(2)帧频image frequency interference 像频干扰image funtion 像函数image height adjuster 像高调整器image iconoscope 光电像管image improvement 像改善image information 像信息image inktensifier 像亮化器image integrating 像集成image intensification vision aid 影像加强视力辅助器image intensifier 像增强器image intensifying plate 像亮化板image intensity distribution 像光强座分布image inverter 倒像器image jump 像跳动image lscon 影像分流管image luminance 像发光度image metascope 红外线示像器image modification 像修正image modtion compensation 像移补偿image motion 图像漂移[page]image multiplier 像伯增器image optics 成像光学image orientation 图像定像image orthicon 超正析像管image pattern 像图image persistence 像余辉,像暂留image photo counting distribution (ipd)像影计image pickup 摄像image pickup system 摄像系统image pickup tube 摄像管image plane 像平面image plane holography 像面全息术image plane scanning 像面扫描image point 像点image position sensor (ips)像位传感器image processing 像处理image processor 像处理器image projection 像投射image quality 像质image quality criteria 像质判据,像质标准image recognition 像辨认image recombination 像的复合image reconstruction 像重现image redundancy 备份像image repeater 像重复器image restoration 像复原image retaining panel 影像储存板image retention 图像残留image rotation prism 成像旋转棱镜image rotator 像旋转器image scale 图像比例尺image scanner lenses 影像扫描器镜头image scrambler 图像保密器,图像编码器image seeking method 寻像法image segmentation 图像分割image sensor 图像传感器image sensor type measurement instruments 影像感测器式量测设备image sharpening 图像清晰化image source 像源image space 像方,像空间image stabilizing otpica system 像稳定光学系统image storage screen 像存储屏image storage tube 图像存储管image subtraction 像减去image surface curvature 像面曲率image synchronization 像同步,影像同步image synthesis 图像综合image transducer 影像转送器image transform 图像变换image transformation 像变换image translator 图像转换装器,换像器image tube 移像摄像管image tube camera 像管照相机image vericon 移像正析摄像管image working distance 像运作距离image-carrring fiber 载像纤维,传像纤维image-enhancing equipment 增像装备image-forming system 成像系统image-motion compensation 像动补偿image-splitting eyepiece 分像目镜image-translating device 图像装换装置image-tube camera 电视摄像机imaged converter 变像管imager 成像器imagery 成像imagery retification 成像修正imagin 成像imagin detector 成像探测器imaginary axis 虚轴imaginary line 虚线imaginary number 虚数imaging mosaic 成像感光镶嵌幕imagon lens 伊梅冈镜头imbalance 不平衡imbedding material 嵌料imitation 模拟imitator 模拟器immeasurabilty 不可测量性immersed bolometer 浸没式热辐射计immersed detector 全浸探测器immersed detector element 浸没探测元件immersed focal-plane lens 浸没焦面透镜immersion gain 光学浸油增益immersion grating 浸没光栅immersion lens 浸没透镜immersion liquide 浸液immersion magnifier 浸没放大镜immersion micro objective 浸没显微镜immersion objective 浸没物镜immersion oil 浸油immersion refract meter 浸没式折射计immersion refractometer 油浸折射计immersion series 油浸镜头组immigratimg 移入immiscibilty 不溶混性immittance 导抗immunity (1)抗扰性(2)不敏感性immunofluorescence 免疫萤光impack ionization 碰撞电离impact (1)碰撞(2)突加impact agitation 碰撞骚动impact fluorescence 撞击萤光impact-broadening 碰撞展宽impactexcitation 碰撞激发impatt diode 冲渡二极体impedance 阻抗impedance coupling amplifier 阻抗耦合大器impedance matching 阻抗匹配impedance-coupled amplifier 阻抗耦合放大器imperfect earth 不良接地imperial standard wire gauge 英国标准线规impinging radiation 碰撞辐射,冲击幅射implement (1)仪器(2)工具implosinon 爆聚,向心爆炸imporsity (1)无孔性(2)不透气性impositor 幻灯放映机impregnation 浸渍,浸透improvement of photograph 照相像质改善impulison (1)脉冲(2)冲击impulsator 脉冲发生器impulse (1)冲量(2)脉冲impulse exictation 脉冲激发impulse function 脉冲函数impulse register 脉冲寄存器impulse response 脉冲响应impulse-code modulation 脉冲编碥调制impulser 脉冲发生器,脉冲传感器impurity 杂质impurity absorption 杂质吹收impurity absorption edge (1)杂质吸收限(20杂质吸收边缘impurity activation 杂质激活impurity level 杂质能级impurity lons 杂质,杂子impurity photoconductor 杂质光电导体impurity scattering 杂质散射impurity-doped germanium detector 锗掺杂探测器imurity-to-impurity transition 杂质-杂质跃迁in parallel 并联in phase 同相(的)in series 串联in-cavity (intra-cavity)内共振in-line (1)并行(2)同轴in-line frauhofer hologram 同轴夫琅和费全息图in-line holography 同轴全息术in-phae 同相的in-phase amplitude detection 同相信号振幅探测[page] in-site measurement 现场测量in-step condition 同步条件inaccuracy 不准确,不精密inactivity (1)不活动性(2)不旋光性(3)不放射性(4)无功率incadnescent mantle 白炽灯纱罩incandescence 白炽incandescent body 白炽体incandescent bulb 白炽灯照incandescent cathode 白炽阴极incandescent lamp 白炽灯,钨丝灯incandescent lighting 白炽灯照明inch 英寸inch screw thread 英制螺纹incidence (1)入射(2)入射角incidence matrix 入射矩阵incidence point 入射点incident angle 入射角incident beam 入射光incident flux 入射通量incident illumination 入射照明incident image 入射像incident intensity 入射强度incident light 入射光incident light illuminator 入射光照明器incident light meter 入射光计incident power 入射功率incident radiation 入射辐射incident ray 入射线incident wave 入射波incident wavefront 入射波前incident-particle distribution 入射粒子分布incircle 内切圆incision 切开inclination (1)倾角(2)倾向inclination angle 倾角inclination factor 倾斜因子inclination joint 倾斜接头inclination of image 像倾斜incline level 斜度测量水准器,倾斜针inclined mirror 斜交镜,倾斜反射镜inclined plane 斜面inclined ray 倾斜射线inclinometer (1)磁倾计(2)倾斜计included angle 夹角inclusion (1)包含(2)掺杂(3)掺杂物,夹杂物incoding ray 入射光incoherence 非相干性incoherenet-to-coherent optical converte 非相干-相干光转换器incoherent 不相干的incoherent circular source 非相干环性源incoherent disturbance 非相干扰动incoherent fiber bundle 不相干光纤束incoherent holography 不相干全像术incoherent illumination 非相干照相incoherent imageing 非相干成像incoherent interphase boundary 非相干相间边界incoherent light 非相干光incoherent optical information processing 非相千光信息处理incoherent quasimonchormatic soure 非相干准单色光源incoherent scatter 非相干散射incoherent source 非相干光源incoherent to coherent devices (itc)光影像转换元件(itc)incoherent to coherent devices (itc)光影像转换元件(itc)incoherent-light holography 非相干光全息术incoherent-system 非相干系统incoheret reception 非相干接收incomplete radiator 不完全辐射体increased transmission 增透膜increased transmission lens 增透处理increasing wave (1)增加(2)增量increment 耐温耐湿试验incribed angle 内接角incubation test 刻痕,凹槽inculating crystal 籽晶indcution heater 感应加热器indcution motor 感应电动机inddex dial 指度盘indentaiton hardness 压头indentation 压痕硬度indenter 独立激发共振腔independent variable 测不准原理independently excited cavity 独立模式indeterminate princiiple (1)折射率(2)指数(3)指标(4)分度头(5)变址(6)索引index 分度卡盘index dip 折射率倾角index ellipsoide 折射率椭球index error 分度误差index gagae 分度规index glass 分度镜,标镜index guide beam 折射率导向光束index hand 指针index law 指数津index line 分度线,刻度线index liquid 折射率液index mark 分度符号,分度线index microscopoe 指标显微镜index mirror 标镜,分度镜index of idffraction 衍射指数index of refletion 反射率index of refraction 折射率index of refratcion 折射率index plate 标盘,分度盘index profile 折射率截面index-dispersion relation 折射率-色散关系index-gradient optical fiber 折射率陡度光学纤维index-matching material 配率材料index-matching oil 折射率匹配油indexer 分度器indexing (1)分度(2)分度法(3)指数(4)转位(5)变址indexing disc 分度盘indexing head 分度头indexing register 变址寄存器indexing table 分度台indicating calliper 指示卡规indicating device 指示器indicating gague 指示规indicating lamp 指示灯indicating mechanism 指示机构indicating micrometer 指示测微计,指示干分尺indicating range 指示范围,显示范围indication error 示值误差indication lag 指示滞差indication of measuring instrument 测量器示值indication ragne 指示范围indicator (1)指示器(2)指示剂(3)示功器indicator tube 指示管indicatrix (1)指示量(2)指标(3)折射率椭球(4)特性曲线indictrix of diffusion 漫射指示量indifferent equilibrium 随遇平衡indifferent gas 惰性气indiffused crystal waveguide 非漫射晶体波导indigo 靛青indine absorption 碘吸收indirect action receiver 间动式受话器indirect address 间接位址indirect emission 间接发射indirect glare 间接眩光indirect lighting 间接照明indirect measurement 间接测量indirect observation 间接观测[page]indirect radiative transition 间接辐射转变indirect reflection 间接反射indirect scanning 间接扫描indirect transition 间接跃迁indirectly excited antena 间接激发天线indirectly heated cathode 间热式阴极indistinctenss 不清晰度indistinguishability 不可分辨性indium 铟indium (in)铟indium antimonide 锑化铟indium antimonide detector 锑化铟探测器indium arsenide 砷化铟indium arsenide detector 砷化铟探测器indium laser 铟激光器indium tin oxid 氧化铟锡indside recess 内凹座indsie micrometer 内径测微计inducced transition cross section 感生跃迁截面induced absorption band 感应吸收带induced action (1)感应作用(2)感应辐射induced electromotive force 感应电动势induced emission 感应发射induced test 感应试验induced transition 感生跃迁inductance 电感inductance filter 电感滤波器induction 感应induction coil 感应线圈induction current 感应电流induction field 感应场induction force 感应力induction frequency converter 感应转频器induction reactance 感抗inductive pressure transducers 电感性压力转能器inductivity 感应率inductor (1)感应体(2)感应器(3)感应线圈inductor alternator 感应器交流发电机inductormeter 电感计inductosyn 感应同步器industrial instrument 工业仪表industrial instrumentation 工业测量仪表industrial microscope 工业用显微镜industrial television 工业用电视industrial tv camera 工电视摄像机inelastic collision 非弹性碰撞inelastic optical scattering 非弹性光散射inelastic scattering amplitude 非弹性散射振幅inelastic scattering excitation 非弹性散激发inensdity transmission coefficient 光强透射系数inependent mode 自变量,独立变量inerse bandwith 逆带宽inert gas laser 惰性气体激光器inertia (1)惯性(2)惯量inertia of photo 感光惰性inertia-mass 惯性质量inertial effect 惯性效应inertial error 惯性误差inertial laser sensor 惯性激光传感器inertial navigation 惯性导航ineterceptor 窃听器inexactness 不精确性infidelity 失真,不保真infiltration 渗入,渗透infinite (1)无穷的,无限的(2)无穷大infinite ray 平行射线,平行光线infinite series 无穷级数infinite-strip curve mirror 无限带状曲面镜infinitesimal (1)无穷小的,无限小的(2)无穷小infinitesimal calculus 微积分infinitesimal geometry 微积分几何infinity (1)无穷,无限(2)无穷大infintie object point 无限远物点inflammability 可燃性,易燃性inflexibilty 非挠性inflexion (inflection)(1)拐折(2)偏转inflexion point (1)拐折点(2)偏转点influence (1)影响,作用(2)感应,效应influence electricity 感应电information (1)信息,情报(2)数据information bit 信息位information capacity 信息容量information carrier 信息载体information channel 信息通道,信道information coding 信息编码information content of photgraph 照相信息容量information data 信息数据information density 信息密度information display 信息显示information generator 信息源,信息发生器information processing 信息处理系统information theory 信息论information transmission 信息传输information-handing system 信息处理系统information-yielding sytem 信息形成系统informative apttern 信息图infra focal image 红外焦像infra-accoustic frequency 亚声频率infra-red (ir)红外infra-red absorption 红外吸收infra-red absorption spectorscopy 红外吸收光谱学infra-red acquisition (1)红外探测(2)红外捕获infra-red activation 红外瞄准激光器infra-red aids 红外瞄准望远镜infra-red aimed laser 红外放大infra-red analyzer 红外反潜技术infra-red anti-submarine technique 红外光束跟踪器infra-red beam folower 红外双筒望远镜infra-red bincocular 红外双筒潜望镜infra-red bincocular-type periscope 红外照相机infra-red camera 红外元件infra-red cell 红外回旋共振infra-red cyclotron resonance 红外假目标infra-red decoy 红外采测装置infra-red detection device 红外探测器infra-red detector 红外色散infra-red dispersion 红外早期预警infra-red early-warning 红外发射infra-red emission 红外发射光谱infra-red emitter 红外发射源infra-red engineering 红外工怀infra-red excitation 红外激发infra-red extinction spectrum 红外消光光谱infra-red eye (1)红外摄像装置(2)红外寻的器infra-red filter 红外滤光器infra-red flyubgspot telescope 红外扫描望眼镜infra-red fourier transform spectrometry 红外傅里叶变换光谱测定法infra-red frequency 红外频率infra-red fuse discrimination 红外引信鉴别[page] infra-red gas analyzer 红外气体分析器infra-red generator 红外发生器infra-red glass 红外玻璃infra-red guidance systme 红外导系统infra-red heating 红外加热infra-red helium-cooled bolometer 红外氦冷却辐射热计infra-red heterodyne spectroscopy 红外外差光谱学infra-red holography 红外全息术infra-red homing guidance 红外寻的制导infra-red identification 红外鉴别infra-red image converter 红外变像管infra-red image metascope 红外成像指示器infra-red image seeker 红外图像寻的器infra-red imaging array 红外成像阵列infra-red inspection 红外检查,红外探伤infra-red interference filter 红外干涉滤光片infra-red jamming 红外干扰infra-red lamp 红外灯infra-red laser 红外激光器infra-red leak detector 红外检漏器infra-red mapping 红外测绘infra-red microscope 红外显微镜infra-red modulator 红外调制器infra-red night-vision system 红外夜视系统infra-red photo 红外照片infra-red photography 红外照相术,红外摄影infra-red photon 红外光子infra-red phyrometer 红外高温计infra-red quantum converter 红外量子转换器infra-red radar 红外雷达infra-red radiation 红外辐射infra-red radiometry 红外辐射测量术infra-red rangefinder 红外测距仪infra-red rapid-scan monochromator 红外速扫描色仪infra-red ray (ir)红外线infra-red ray drying 红外线乾燥infra-red ray gas analyser 红外线气体分析器infra-red reconnaissance equipment 红外侦察设备infra-red reference body 红外参考体infra-red region 红外区infra-red remote sensing technique 红外遥感技术infra-red response camera tube 红外响应摄像管infra-red scanner 红外扫描器infra-red sean geometry 红外扫描几何图infra-red search system 红外搜索系统infra-red searchlight 红外探照灯infra-red sensing system 红外传感系统infra-red sensor 红外传感器infra-red sight head 红外瞄准头infra-red spectrometer 红外分光计infra-red spectrophotometer 红外分光光度计infra-red spectroradiometer 红外光谱辐射计infra-red spectroscopy 红外光谱学infra-red spectrum 红外光谱infra-red suppression 红外抑制infra-red surveillance system 红外监视系统infra-red telemeter 红外测距仪infra-red telescope 红外望远镜infra-red television camera 红外电视摄像infra-red temperature profile radiometer 红外温度断面辐射计infra-red thermal imaging system 红外热成像系统infra-red thermograph 红外温度记录仪infra-red tracing system 红外跟踪系统infra-red tracker 红外跟踪装置infra-red tracking 红外跟踪infra-red transmittance 红外透射比infra-red transmitting filter 红外透射滤光片infra-red tv tracker 红外电视跟踪器infra-red vidcion 红外摄像管infra-red waves 红外波infra-red windows 红外窗infra-red-sensitive film 红外感光胶片infra-red-transmitting glass 红外透射玻璃infra-red-transmitting semiconductor 红外传输半导体infra-red-transmitting window 透红外窗infraared jjammiing 红外干扰infracord spectrohoptometer 红外记录分光光度计infranics 红外电子学infrared 红外(线)infrared (not for communication)leds 红外线二极体(非通信用) infrared absorbing/reflecting filters 红外吸收/反射滤光镜infrared absorption 红外吸收infrared alarm system 红外警报系统infrared astronomy 红外天文学infrared beacon 红外标向波infrared binoculars 红外双目镜infrared bolometer 红外辐射热(测定)计infrared camera 红外照相机infrared crystals 红外线晶体infrared detector 红外探测器infrared detectors 红外线检测器infrared films and plates 红外线底片及感光板infrared filter 红外滤光器infrared gas density meters 红外线气体浓度感测器infrared glass 红外线玻璃infrared homing 红外归向infrared image tube 红外像管infrared instruments 红外仪infrared lens 红外透镜infrared lenses 红外线透镜infrared light sources 红外线光源infrared materials 红外线材料infrared optical material 红外光学材料infrared phosphor 红外磷光体infrared photoconductor 红外光电导体infrared photodetector arrays 红外光探测器列infrared photography 红外照相术infrared photomicrogaphy 红外显微照相术infrared radiation 红外线辐射infrared radiation souirce 红外辐射源infrared reflectance spectroscopy 红外反射光谱学infrared reflectors 红外反射器infrared scanner 红外扫描器infrared searchlight 红外探照infrared signal generator 红外信号器infrared spectrophotometer 红外分光光度计infrared spectroscopy 红外分谱学[page] infrared thermal detector 红外热探测器infrared thermistor 红外热阻器infrared thickness gauges 红外线厚度计infrared transmitting filters 红外透过滤光镜infrared vidicon 红外视像摄管infrared window 红外窗infrared-emitting diode 红外发射二极体infrasil 红外硅infrmoation retrieval 保息检索infromation storage 信心存储inhomogencity 不均匀性inhomogeneous (1)不均匀的(2)非齐次的inhomogeneous broadening 非均匀加宽inhomogeneous brodadening 非均匀展宽inhomogeneous dispersion 非均匀色散inhomogeneous equation 非齐次方程inhomogeneous layer 非均匀镀层inhomogeneous pumping 非均匀抽运inhomogeneous wave 非均匀波initial acceeleration 起始加速度initial amplitude 初振幅initial bias 初始起置initial cavity photon flux 共振腔初始光子通量initial data 原始数据initial inverson 初始反转initial level 初始能级initial phase 初相initial photo density 初始光子密度initial point 原点,起始点initial population 起始粒子数反转initial reading 初读数initial state 初态initial value 初值,始值initial velocity current 初速电流initiatic signal 起始信号initiatin laser 引爆激光器initiating technique of chemical laser 化学激光器引发技褒initiation (1)激磁(2)起爆(3)起动injection 注入injection equipment 液晶注入装置injection laser 注入式激光器injection laser diode 注入电射二极体injection lelctroluminescence 注入电致发光injection locking technique 注频同步技术injection luminescence 注入发光injection luminescent diode 注入式发光二极管injection molding equipment 射出成形机injection pumping 注入式抽运injection syringe 注入器injection-lock ring amplifier 注入锁定环形放大器injector laser 注入式激光器inkjet plain paper facsimiles 喷墨普通纸传真机inlead 引入线inleakage 漏泄,渗入inlet (1)输入(2)入口(3)引入线inlet port 入口inmspiration 吸气,进气inner diameter 内径inner face 内表面inner hyperboloide 内双曲面inner shell 内壳层inner surface interference microscope 内表面干涉显微镜inner wall 内壁inner-adjustabel focus collimator 内调焦平行光管inner-shelll exiciation 内壳层激发inoized donor 离子化施主inorganic compoun 无机化合物inorganic liquide laser 无机液体激光器input (1)输入(2)输入端input amplifier 输入放大器input attenuation 输入衷器input beam 输入光束input circlult 输入电路input coupler 输入耦合器input impedance 输入阻抗input stage 输入级input terminal 输入端input transformer 输入变压器input transformer less 无输入变压器式inquiry display terminal 查询显示终端机inreasing trasmission treatment 增长波inscattering 内散射inscattering correction 内散射改正insensibility 不灵敏性insepction gage 检验量规insepction window 检查窗insert drawing 插图insert filler 惰性填料insert gas 惰性气体inserted pin 插销inserter 插件insertion gain 插入增益insertion loss 介入损失inset 嵌入物inside calipers 内测循规inside calipers micrometer 内微测微计inside dial indicator 内径测微指示计inside diameter 内径inside lead gauae 内螺纹导程仪inside radius 内半径inside vapor-phase oxidation (ivpo)内汽相氧化法insolation 曝晒insolubility 不溶性inspecting microscope 检验用显微镜inspection glass 检验用玻璃inspection mirror 检验面镜inspection of optical crystal 光学晶体检验inspection thermometer 检查用温度计inspectro (1)检验员(2)检验器insrument bord (1)仪表盘(2)配电盘instability 不稳定性,不安定性instability therory 不稳家理论installation (1)装置(2)安装,装配installation diagram 安装图,装配图installation microscope 安装显微镜instant 瞬时instant photography 瞬时摄影instant reset 瞬时复位instantaneity 瞬时性,即时性instantaneous amplitude 瞬时振幅instantaneous exposure 瞬时曝光instantaneous image 瞬时像instantaneous position 瞬时位置instantaneous power 瞬时功率instantaneous value 瞬时值instanteanous error measurement 瞬时误差测定instat return mirror mechanism 瞬时回镜机构instoscope 目视曝光计instrction 指令instruction (1)指令(2)说明instruction code 指令码instruction register 指令寄存器instructon set 指令系统instrument (1)仪器(2)工具instrument analysis 仪器分析instrument effect 仪器效应instrument error 仪器误差instrument for determing the optical transfer fuction 光学传递数测定仪instrument glass dial 仪器玻璃刻度盘instrument head 测量头,测量端[page]instrument light 仪表照明指示灯instrument panel 仪表操纵板instrument stand 仪器座instrument suppotr 仪器支instrument transformer 仪器变压器instrumental error 仪器误差instrumental optics 仪器光学instrumentla fucction 仪器功能insufficiency 不充分性insulated body 绝缘体insulated paper 绝缘纸insulating blanket 绝缘垫层insulating coating 绝缘涂层insulating substrate 绝缘衬底insulation (1)绝缘(2)隔离insulation power factor 绝缘功率因数insulation resistance 绝缘电阻insulator (1)绝缘体,绝缘子(2)隔热体insytrumentation (1)测量仪表,测试设备(2)仪表化intake (1)进口(2)吸入(3)吸入量inteaction 相互作用intechangable prism 可换棱镜intechanglabel objective 可换物镜intecption (1)阻断(2)窃听,监听integer (1)整数(2)总体,整体integeral (1)积分(2)积分的integerated twin-guie laser 集成孪生波导激光器integral calculus 积分学integral constant 积分常数integral density 积分密度integral equation 积分方程integral light counter 积分光量计integral line-breadth 积分谱线宽度integral photography 立体照相,积分照相integral relation 积分关系式integral value 积分值integralization 整化integrand 被积函数integraph 积分仪integrated absoption 积分吸收integrated automation 全盘自动化integrated brightness 累积亮度integrated circuit (ic)集成电路integrated console 联控台integrated device 集成器件integrated electrooptics 集成电光学integrated feedback laser 集成馈激光器integrated interferometric reflector 集成干涉反光镜integrated lasers 累积雷射integrated optical bolometer for radiation 集成光学辐射热测量计integrated optical circuit (ioc)累积光路integrated optical switch 集光学开关integrated optical waveguide coupler 集成光学波导耦合器integrated optics 集成光学integrated package 集成组件,集成块integrated radiance 积分辐射integrated sphere 累计球,积分球integratedf optical circuit 集成光路integrating amplifier 积分放大器。



The four effects of Nano material (scientific knowledge)纳米材料的四大效应(科普知识)First, surface effectT he direct ratio exists between the surface area and diameter’s square of spherical particles, also exsits between its volume and cubic, soits specific surface area (surface area/volume) and is in inversely proportion to the diameter. With the diameter of particle becoming smaller, surface area will increases gradually, indicates the percentage of the surface atomic accounts for will dramatically increases. The surface effect of particle what the diameter is bigger than 0.1 microns could be ignored, when the size is less than 0.1 microns, the percentage of its surface atom will dramatically grows, even the sum of surface area of 1 g ultramicroparticles is 100 square meters, the surface effect will not be ignored at this time.The surface of ultramicroparticles is very different with the surface of the large object, if we take the television camera to the metal ultramicroparticles (diameter of 10 ^ 2 * 3 microns) by using the high-rate electron microscope, and you will found that the particles has no fixed form through the real-time observation , with the time’s changing,it will automatically forms into various shapes (such as cubic octahedron, ten surface body, with 20 ulrich, etc.),the body which is different from the general solid and liquid, is a quasi solid. under the radiation of electron beam of the electron microscope,the surface atomic looks like entering into the condition of "boiling",the unstability of particle structure could be seen when the size is bigger than 10 nanometer, then microparticle has the stable structure state.the surface of ultramicroparticles has high activity, the metal particles will be quickly oxidated and burnt in the air. We can use the surface coating or deliberately control the oxidation rate to prevent spontaneous combustion, make its slowly oxidated to generated a very thin and dens oxide layer to ensure the stabilizationof surface., because of the surface activity,the metal ultramicroparticles will become a new efficient catalyst ,gas storage materials and low melting point materialSecond, small size effectAs the quantitative chang of particles size, in certain conditions , the properties of particle would change in quality. particle size becomes smaller will be in order to macro physical characters changes ,we called this phenominon as small size effect. For Ultramicroparticles, Its size becomes smaller,and the surface area will dramatically increases at the same time,then produces the following a series of novel properties(1) The special properties of the optical: when gold was subdivided into the size that smaller than the wavelength of light wave, which means the gold loses their lusters of rich and honour and to be black. In fact, all of the metals are black in the state of ultramicroparticles.Size becomes smaller, the color is much more black, silver platinum (platinum) into platinum black, metallic chromium into chromium shows the reflectivity of metal ultramicroparticles to the light is very low, usually less than l %, thickness of a few microns could completely extincts the light. Because of the property, it could be as converted materials with the high efficient sunlight and optoelectronics and other materials, could also change efficiently the solar energy into heat energy, electric power. In addition, it also may be applied in the infrared sensitive components, infrared stealth technology, etc.(2) when the size of solid matter what has special thermal properties becomes bigger, its melting point is fixed, we will find its melting point significantly reduce after being super fined, the phenominon is very remarkable especially when particles are less than 10 nanometer magnitude. For example, the conventional melting point of gold is 1064 C ℃, when the size of particle reduces to 10 nanometer, the temperature would lower 27℃, the melting point is 327 ℃when the size is 2 nanometer; the conventional melting point of Silve is 670 ℃, and the melting point of superfine silver particles could be lower than 100℃. Therefore, the Conductive slurry what is made of ultrafine silver could sinter at the low-temperature, at this time ,the substrate of components could only use plastic not the high-temperature ceramic materials, thestrengths of using superfine silver size could make the film to be averaged thickness, and the covering area is large, not only does saving materials but high quality. The company of Japan kawasaki steel uses 0.1~1 micron copper, nickel ultramicroparticles to make conductive slurry what can be replaced precious metals, for example, silver,palladium and so on. The nature of the dropping melting point of the ultramicroparticles has a certain attraction for the powder metallurgy industry .For example,adding ultrastructure nickel particles at the ratio 0.1% ~ 0.5% in weight into the tungsten particles,which could decreased the sintering temperature from 3000 ℃ to 1200~1300℃,so that we can fire into the high power substratee of semiconductor pip under the low temperature(3) People found the ultrastructure magnetic particles exsited in the organisms of the dove,dolphins,butterfly,bees and live in the water of magnetotactic bacterial,etc.because of the ultrastructure magnetic particles, this kind of biological could tell the direction under the magnetic field navigation,has the ability of return. The essence of magnetic ultramicroparticles is a biological magnetic compass,the magnetotactic bacteria what is living in the water relys on it ,and swam to rich nutrition near the bottom. The research through the electronic microscope shows that, the magnetic oxide particles in diameter with 2 '10-2 microns were contained in the body of magnetotactic bacteria. The ultrastructure magnetic particles with small size is significant different with the large material, the pure iron coercive force in large chunks is about 80 Ann/m, and when the particle size reduced to the below of 2 '10-2 microns, the coercive force can increase 1000 times, If further reduce its size, about less than 6'10-3 microns,the coercive force reduced to zero, presents Superparamagnetic. By using the characteristics of high coercive force of magnetic ultramicroparticles, the people has made the magnetic recording magnetic powder with the high storage density , what has widely applied to tape, disc, magnetic card and key,etc. taking the advantage of Superparamagnetic, people have already made magnetic ultramicroparticles into magnetic liquid what has extensive used in many fields.(4) the special character of mechanics: ceramic materials are brittle in the normal condition, but the nano ceramic material what was squelched by the nanometer particles has good toughness. Because the nanometer material with large interface, the atomic arrangement is quite chaotic in he interface, the atoms is easy to migration when the external force deformed, which shows good toughness and certain ductility,and makes ceramic materials with novel mechanical properties. American researchers reported the nanometer material could bend but not break in the room tenperature. Research shows the truth why people's teeth are with very high strength is that it is made of the materials just like calcium phosphate,etc, the hardness of the metal nanoparticles is higher than theraditional coarse grain metal by 3~5 times.As for composite nanomaterials, just like ceramic and metal, could change the mechanical properties in a wider range, and its application foreground is very broad. small size effect of Superfine particles still behaves in the superconductivity, dielectric properties, acoustic properties and chemical properties, etc.Third,the tunnel effect of macroscopic quantumThe atom of every kind of element has a specific spectra, such as sodium atom has yellow spectra. We have used the concept of energy to reasonally interpret the Atom model and the quantum mechanics, the energy of single atom would be combined into energy band when the countless atoms are made of solid, because the number of electronic is massive ,and the spacing of the energe level in energy band is small,so we can regard it as the state of continues. By using of the theory of the energy band ,we can successfully explain the relationship and difference between the large metal,semiconductor,and insulators. For the ultramicroparticles, what exsits in the middle of the atoms,molecules and the large solid, the continuous energy band of large materials will be split into dividable energy level; the Spacing of energy level would increases as the reduce of particle size decreases. A series of abnormal properties what are different from the macro object will appear When the spacing of heat energy, electric field or magnetic field is smaller than the average spacing, which we call quantum size effect. For example, the conductive metal can be changed into an insulator in the condition of ultramicroparticles, the distance of magnet is relevantwith the numble of electronic in the particles whether is oddnumble or even. specific heat will also take abnormal change, the spectra line would moves to the direction of the short wave long, this is macroscopic performance of the quantum size effect. Therefore, we must consider the quantum effect when the ultramicroparticles is at low temperature, the original macro regularity was no longer established. Electronic has the characteristic with volatility and particles, therefore, the tunnel effect exsits.In recent years, people found some macro physical quantities, such as the magnetized strength of microparticles, the magnetic flux of quantum coherent devices also shows the tunneling effect,which we called the macroscopic quantum tunnel effect. Quantum size effect,macroscopic quantum tunnel effect will be the foundation of future microelectronics, optoelectronic devices, or it established the limitation of existing microelectronics devices taking the further miniaturization,we must consider the above quantum effect when microelectronics devices taking the further miniaturization.For example,on the condition of manufacturing semiconductor integrated circuit, electronic would overflows device through the tunnel effect when the size of the circuit is close to electronic wavelength, make the device does not work properly, the limited size of classic circuit is about 0.25 microns.The development of quantum resonance tunnel transistors is a new generation devices what is made by using the quantum effect at the present time.Fouth, the effect of quantum sizeThe energy level of electronic what is near to the the energy level of the metal Fermi is from continues to dividable, and the energy gap of nano semiconductor particles grows wider, these phenomena are both called quantum size effect.。













电流经过ad,电流I = nqv(ad),n 为电荷密度。

设霍尔电压为VH,导体沿霍尔电压方向的电场为VH / a。

设磁场强度为B洛伦兹力F=qE+qvB/c(Gauss 单位制)电荷在横向受力为零时不再发生横向偏转,结果电流在磁场作用下在器件的两个侧面出现了稳定的异号电荷堆积从而形成横向霍尔电场由实验可测出E= UH/W 定义霍尔电阻为RH= UH/I =EW/jW= E/jj = q n vRH=-vB/c /(qn v)=- B/(qnc)UH=RH I= -B I /(q n c)本质固体材料中的载流子在外加磁场中运动时,因为受到洛仑兹力的作用而使轨迹发生偏移,并在材料两侧产生电荷积累,形成垂直于电流方向的电场,最终使载流子受到的洛仑兹力与电场斥力相平衡,从而在两侧建立起一个稳定的电势差即霍尔电压。



Vocabulary 2
Ultraviolet 紫外的 visible 可见的 infrared 红外的 scalar function 标量函数 vector function 矢量函数 wavelength 波长 frequency 频率 Angular frequency 角频率 Radian 弧度
Vocabulary 9
frequency conversion 频率转换 Down conversion 下转换 Parametric process 参量过程 Nonparametric process 非参量过程 Spontaneous Parametric Down conversion 自发参量下转换 quasi-phase match 准相位匹配 Phase mismatch 相位失配
Hologram 全息图 holography 全息术 holographic reconstruction 全息再现 holographic recording 全息记录 volume holography 体全息术 reference wave 参考波 object wave 物波 coherent light 相干光
Hologram vocabulary
感光乳剂 slit 缝
正交的 monochromatic 单色的
bragg condition
布拉格(布喇格)条件 conjugate 共扼 rainbow hologram 彩虹全息图
Vibrate 振动 Apparatus 器械,仪器 Minimal 最小的 Fluctuation 波动,起伏 illuminate 照明 Transparency 透明物 Planar 平面的 Three-dimensinal 三维的



极 其中b 一 1 9 51 b =01 4 9 b = .7 00 , ; ∑ ( ) ,a, 别 为 人 射 方 向 、 化 . 1 3,z .6 86 , 一1 0 0 S 8 4 3 7 4 a; ;分
因此有必 要研究 能客 观反 映实 际烟幕凝 聚粒 子 的消光 特性 数值 计算 方 法. 离散偶 极 子 近似 方 法 有着 非 常好
的灵 活性 和通用 性 , 只要粒 子或散 射体 的尺 寸参数 和复 折射率 满足 它的使 用条件 , 能很好 地运用 该方 法研 就
究 目标或 者散射体 的散 射特 性. 文利 用该方 法对 随机 取 向的烟 幕凝 聚 粒子 所处 不 同 位置 的所 有 方 位角 求 本 统计 平均 , 从而得 到 消光特性 特征 量 的统计平 均值 , 究 了随机 取 向的烟幕 凝聚 粒子 的消光 特性 随原始 微粒 研 粒径 和数 目变化关 系 , 为进一 步研究 凝 聚粒子 的消光 机理 提供 了理论方 法 .
随机 取 向烟 幕 凝 聚 粒 子 的 消 光 特 性
类 成新 吴 振 森 ,
(. 山东 理 工 大 学理 学 院 , 山东 淄博 1 25 4 ; 西 安 电子 科 技 大 学理 学 院 ,陕 西 西 安 50 9 2 707 ) 10 1

要 :采 用 蒙 特 卡 罗 方 法 根 据 团 簇一 团簇 凝 聚 ( C C A) 模 型 对 由球 形 原 始 微 粒 凝 聚 而 成 的 烟 幕 凝 聚 粒 子 进 行
第 2 7卷 第 4期 21 0 0年 7月

V0 _ 7 . . l2 No 4



爱考机构-北大考研-工学院研究生导师简介-李喜青李喜青所受教育(EDUCATION)05/02–12/05博士(环境工程),UniversityofUtah论文:胶体在多孔介质中的迁移-实验和理论的比较09/94–07/97硕士(辐射化学),中国科学技术大学论文:利用国家同步辐射实验室200MeV直线加速器研究光致核反应09/89–07/94学士(应用化学),中国科学技术大学论文:磷系织物阻燃剂的合成与研究工作经历(WORKEXPERIENCE)09/06至今特聘研究员北京大学工学院,环境学院(合聘)02/06–08/06访问助理教授(VisitingAssistantProfessor) DepartmentofEarthandAtmosphericSciences,CityCollegeofNewYork05/02–02/06研究助理(ResearchAssistant) DepartmentofGeologyandGeophysics,UniversityofUtah08/01–05/02助教(TeachingAssistant)DepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofUtah08/00–07/01销售与服务工程师CitivigorLimited,HongKong03/00–05/00业务票夹部副经理MediyangGroup,Changshu,Jiangsu10/97–02/00技术翻译,助理调试协调员,技术部员工AsiaPacificPaperProductsCo.Ltd.(现芬欧汇川(常熟)纸业有限公司)所加入学术团体(PREFESSIONALAFFILIATIONS)AmericanChemicalSociety,USA AmericanGeologicalUnion,USANationalGroundWaterAssociation,USA SocietyofEnvironmentalToxicologyandChemistry研究方向胶体在多孔介质中迁移的机理胶体对污染物在地下环境中迁移的促进持久性污染物在环境中的手性行为在中国推广河岸过滤的可行性分析期刊论文(JOURNALPUBLICATIONS)Li,X.,Yang,L.,Jans,U.,Melcer,M.,Zhang,P.,2006,Lackofenantioselectivedegradationofchlordanein LongIslandSoundsediment,Environ.Sci.Technol.,inrevision.Johnson,W.P.,Li,X.,Yal,G.,2006,Colloidretentioninporousmedia:mechanisticsimulationsofwedging andretentioninzonesofflowstagnation,acceptedtoEnviron.Sci.Technol..Johnson,W.P.,Li,X.,andAssemi,S.,2006,Depositionandre-entrainmentdynamicsofmicrobesandnon-biologicalcolloidsduringnon-perturbedtransportinporousmediainthepresenceofanenergybarriertode position,acceptedtoAdvancesinWaterResources.Li,X.,Lin,C.L.,Miller,J.D.,Johnson,W.P.,2006,Roleofgraintograincontactsonprofilesofretainedcollo idsinporousmediainthepresenceofanenergybarriertodeposition,Environ.Sci.Technol.,3762-3768. Li,X.,Lin,C.L.,Miller,J.D.,Johnson,W.P.,2006,Pore-scaleobservationofmicrospheredepositionatgrai ntograincontactsoverassemblage-scaleporousmediadomainsusingx-raymicrotomography,Environ.S ci.Technol.,3769-3774.Johnson,W.P.,Li,X.,2005,Commenton“Breakdownofcolloidfiltrationtheory:roleofthesecondaryenergyminimumandsurfacechargehetero geneities”,Langmuir,21,10895-10895.Li,X.,Zhang,P.,Lin,C.L.,Johnson,W.P.,2005,Roleofhydrodynamicdragonmicrospheredepositionand re-entrainmentinporousmediaunderunfavorabledepositionconditions,Environ.Sci.Technol.,39(11),4 012-4020.Li,X.,andJohnson,W.P.,2005,Non-monotonicvariationsinremovalratecoefficientsofmicrospheresinp orousmediaunderunfavorabledepositionconditions,Environ.Sci.Technol.,39(6);1658-1665. Tong,M.,Li,X.,Brow,C.,Johnson.W.P.,2005,Detachment-influencedtransportofanadhesion-deficient bacterialstrainwithinwater-reactiveporousmedia,Environ.Sci.Technol.39(8),2500-2508. Johnson.W.P.,Li,X.,Tong,M.,2005,Colloidretentionbehaviorinenvironmentalporousmediachallenge sexistingtheory,Eos,86(18),May3,2005.Brow,C.,Li,X.,Ricka,J.,Johnson,W.P.,2005,Comparisonofmicrospheredepositioninporousmediaver sussimpleshearsystems,ColloidsSurf.A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects,253(1),125-136.Li,X.,Scheibe,T.D.,andJohnson,W.P.,2004,Apparentdecreasesincolloiddepositionratecoefficientswi thdistanceoftransportunderunfavorabledepositionconditions:ageneralphenomenon,Environ.Sci.Tec hnol.38,5616-5625.会议报告(CONFERENCEPRESENTATIONS)Li,X.,Yang,L.,Jans,U.,Melcer,M.,Zhang,P.,2006,Concentrationsandchiralsignaturesoforganochlori nepesticidesinLongIslandSoundsediments,SocietyofEnvironmentalToxicologyandChemistryAsia/ PacificConference,Beijing,P.R,ChinaJohnson,W.P.,Li,X.,YalG.,2006,Directobservationsand3-Dmechanisticsimulationsofcolloiddepositi oninporousmediainthepresenceofanenergybarrier:theinfluenceofgraintograincontacts,80thACSColl oidandSurfaceScienceSymposium,Denver,Colorado.Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,C.L.Lin,ler,2006,Directobservationofparticledepositionatgrain-grainc ontactsinporousmediausingx-raymicrotomography,FifthWorldCongressonParticleTechnology,Orla ndo,Florida.Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,C.L.Lin,ler,2005,Directobservationofcolloiddepositionatgrain-grainc ontactsusingx-raymicrotomography,2005GSAAnnualMeeting,SaltLakeCity,Utah.Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,C.L.Lin,ler,2005,Directobservationofmicrospheredepositionatgrain-g raincontactsusingx-raymicrotomography,TheJointInternationalSymposiumforSubsurfaceMicrobiol ogy(ISSM2005)andEnvironmentalBiogeochemistry(ISEBXVII),JacksonHole,Wyoming.Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,C.L.Lin,ler,2005,Directobservationofdepositionatgrain-graincontacts usingx-raymicrotomography,79thACSColloidandSurfaceScienceSymposium,Potsdam,NewYork. Johnson,W.P.,Li,X.,Tong,M.,Assemi,S.,2005Depositionandre-entrainmentdynamicsofmicrobesand non-biologicalcolloidsduringnon-perturbedTransportinporousmediainthepresenceofanenergybarrie rtodeposition,79thACSColloidandSurfaceScienceSymposium,Potsdam,NewYork.Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,C.L.Lin,2005,DirectobservationofparticlestrainingusingX-raymicrotomograph y,229thAmericanChemicalSocietyNationalMeeting,SanDiego,California.Li,X.,Tong,M.,Brow,C.,Johnson,W.P.,2004,Colloidtransportinporousmedia:deviationfromtheoryist henorm,nottheexception,AmericanGeologicalUnion2004FallMeeting,SanFrancisco,California. Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,2004,Distance-dependentremovalofmicrospheresinglassbeadsandmasscenterm ovementofremovedmicrosphereswithshortelutiontimeinquartzsand,78thACSColloidandSurfaceSci enceSymposium,NewHaven,Connecticut.Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,2004,Possiblemechanismsofre-entrainmentofmicrospheresinporousmediaunde rnon-perturbedconditions,78thACSColloidandSurfaceScienceSymposium,NewHaven,Connecticut .Zhang,P.,Li,X.,Johnson,W.P.,2003,Roleofhydrodynamicshearincolloidattachmentanddetachmentdu ringtransportinporousmedia,225thAmericanChemicalSocietyNationalMeeting,NewOrleans,Louisi ana.Johnson,W.P.,Li,X.,Tong,M.,andScheibe,T.D.,2003,DistributedAttachmentRates:CommontoBiolo gicalandNon-BiologicalColloids,225thAmericanChemicalSocietyNationalMeeting,NewOrleans,L ouisiana.联系方式逸夫二楼3656,北京大学,100871电话:010-6275-3246,传真:010-6275-1938,E-mail:">。



元素的电负性 Electronegativities of elements
元素的电离能 Ionization energies of the elements
元素的结合能 Cohesive energies of the elements
六方密堆积 Hexagonal close-packed
费密-狄喇克分布函数 Fermi-Dirac distribution function
费密电子气的简并性 Degeneracy of free electron Fermi gas
费密 Fermi
费密能 Fermi energy
费密能级 Fermi level
费密球 Fermi sphere
正交晶系 Orthorhombic crystal system
正则振动 Normal vibration
正则坐标 Normal coordinates
立方晶系 Cubic crystal system
立方密堆积 Cubic close-packed
四方晶系 Tetragonal crystal system
金刚石结构 Diamond structure
金属的结合能 Cohesive energy of metals
金属晶体 Metallic Crystal
转动轴 Rotation axes
转动-反演轴 Rotation-inversion axes
转动晶体法 Rotating crystal method
切应变 Shear strain
周期性重复单元 Periodic repeated unit
底心正交格子 Base-centered orthorhombic lattice



流体力学专业词汇(V ocabulary of Fluid Mechanics )CHAPTER-1acceleration 加速度average velocity 平均速度Bernoulli 伯努力boundary layer 边界层calculus 微积分coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数compressible(incompressible) (不)可压的conservation of mass(momentum, energy) 质量(动量,能量)守恒continuum 连续介质control-volume 控制体density(mass per unit volume) 密度differential 微分dimension 量刚尺度dynamics 动力学Euler 欧拉eulerian (lagrangian) method of description欧拉(拉格郎日)观点,方法field of flow 流场flow pattern 流型(谱)fluid mechanics 流体力学function 函数inertia 惯性, 惯量integral 积分kinematics 运动学kinetic (potential, internal) energy 动(势,内)能Lagrange 拉格郎日liquid 流体Newtonian fluids 牛顿流体(non)linear (非)线性(non)uniform (非)均匀one-dimensional 一维pathline 迹线perfect-gas law 理想气体定律pressure 压力压强Reynolds 雷诺shear(normal) stress 剪(正)应力solution 解答statics 静力学steady(unsteady) (非)定常strain 应变streamline(tube) 流线(管)thermal conductivity 热传导thermodynamics 热力学variable 变量vector 矢量velocity distribution 速度分布velocity field 速度场velocity gradient 速度梯度viscous(inviscid) (无)粘性的volume rate of flow 体积流量CHAPTER -2absolute (gage,vacuum) pressure 绝对(表,真空)压力area moment of inertia 惯性面积矩atmospheric pressure 大气压力barometer 气压计body force 体力Cartesian [rectangular] coordinates 直角坐标(系)centroid 质心elliptic 椭圆的equilibrium 平衡horizontal 水平的hydrostatic 水静力学,流体静力学hyperbolic 双曲线的mercury 水银moment 矩parabolic 抛物线plane (curved) surface 平(曲)面plate 板pressure center 压力中心pressure distribution(gradient) 压力分布(梯度)reservoir 水库rigid-body 刚体scalar 标量specific weight 比重surface force 表面力vertical 垂直的, 直立的CHAPTER -3Bernoulli equation 伯努力方程Boundaries 边界Conservation of mass 质量Control volume 控制体Energy(hydraulic) grade line 能级线Flux 流率Free body 隔离体Heat transfer 热传到Imaginary 假想Inlet, outlet 进、出口Integrand 被积函数Jet flow 射流Linear(Angular)-momentum relation 线(角)动量关系式Momentum(energy)-flux 动量(能量)流量Net force 合力No slip 无滑移Nozzle 喷嘴Rate of work 功率Reynolds transport theorem 雷诺输运定理Shaft work 轴功Stagnation enthalpy 制止焓Surroundings 外围System 体系Time derivative 时间导数Vector sum 矢量合Venturi tube 文图里管V olume(mass) flow 体积(质量)流量V olume(mass) rate of flow体积(质量)流率CHAPTER -4Soomth 平滑Laminar 层流Transition 转捩Roughness 粗糙度Random fluctuations 随机脉动Reynolds number 雷诺数(Re)Instability 不稳定性Breakdown 崩溃Mean value 平均值Drag 阻力Osborne ReynoldsDye filament 染色丝Internal (external) flow 内(外)流Cartesian 笛卡坐标Infinitesimal 无限小local acceleration 当地加速度dot product 点乘total derivative 全导数convective acceleration 对流加速度substantial(material) derivative 随体(物质)导数operator 算子partial differential equation 偏微分方程Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Navier-Stokes Equations N-S方程Second-order 二阶Similarity 相似Nondimensionalization 无量纲化Flat-plate boundary layer 平板边界层Thermal conductivity 热传导Heat flow 热流量Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律Couette Flow 库塔流动Channel 槽道Parallel plates 平行平板Pressure gradient 压力梯度No-slip condition 无滑移条件Poiseuille flow 伯肖叶流动Parabola 抛物线Wall shear stress 壁面剪应力Prandtl 普朗特Karman 卡门Momentum-integral relation 动量积分关系Momentum thickness 动量厚度Skin-friction coefficient 壁面摩擦系数Displacement thickness 排移厚度Blasius equation 布拉修斯方程Coordinate transformation 坐标变换Composite dimensionless variable 组合无量纲变量Shape factor 形状因子Velocity profile 速度剖面流体动力学fluid dynamics连续介质力学mechanics of continuous media介质medium流体质点fluid particle无粘性流体nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid连续介质假设continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学fluid kinematics水静力学hydrostatics液体静力学hydrostatics支配方程governing equation伯努利方程Bernoulli equation伯努利定理Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律Biot-Savart law欧拉方程Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理Kelvin theorem涡片vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖d'Alembert paradox雷诺数Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数Strouhal number随体导数material derivative不可压缩流体incompressible fluid质量守恒conservation of mass动量守恒conservation of momentum 能量守恒conservation of energy动量方程momentum equation能量方程energy equation控制体积control volume液体静压hydrostatic pressure涡量拟能enstrophy压差differential pressure流[动] flow流线stream line流面stream surface流管stream tube迹线path, path line流场flow field流态flow regime流动参量flow parameter流量flow rate, flow discharge涡旋vortex涡量vorticity涡丝vortex filament涡线vortex line涡面vortex surface涡层vortex layer涡环vortex ring涡对vortex pair涡管vortex tube涡街vortex street卡门涡街Karman vortex street马蹄涡horseshoe vortex对流涡胞convective cell卷筒涡胞roll cell涡eddy涡粘性eddy viscosity环流circulation环量circulation速度环量velocity circulation偶极子doublet, dipole驻点stagnation point总压[力] total pressure总压头total head静压头static head总焓total enthalpy能量输运energy transport速度剖面velocity profile库埃特流Couette flow单相流single phase flow单组份流single-component flow均匀流uniform flow非均匀流nonuniform flow二维流two-dimensional flow三维流three-dimensional flow准定常流quasi-steady flow非定常流unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流transient flow周期流periodic flow振荡流oscillatory flow分层流stratified flow无旋流irrotational flow有旋流rotational flow轴对称流axisymmetric flow不可压缩性incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow浮体floating body定倾中心metacenter阻力drag, resistance减阻drag reduction表面力surface force表面张力surface tension毛细[管]作用capillarity来流incoming flow自由流free stream自由流线free stream line外流external flow进口entrance, inlet出口exit, outlet扰动disturbance, perturbation分布distribution传播propagation色散dispersion弥散dispersion附加质量added mass ,associated mass 收缩contraction镜象法image method无量纲参数dimensionless parameter几何相似geometric similarity运动相似kinematic similarity动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流plane flow势potential势流potential flow速度势velocity potential复势complex potential复速度complex velocity流函数stream function源source汇sink速度[水]头velocity head拐角流corner flow空泡流cavity flow超空泡supercavity超空泡流supercavity flow空气动力学aerodynamics低速空气动力学low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学high-speed aerodynamics 气动热力学aerothermodynamics亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流conical flow楔流wedge flow叶栅流cascade flow非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体slender body细长度slenderness钝头体bluff body钝体blunt body翼型airfoil翼弦chord薄翼理论thin-airfoil theory构型configuration后缘trailing edge迎角angle of attack失速stall脱体激波detached shock wave波阻wave drag诱导阻力induced drag诱导速度induced velocity临界雷诺数critical Reynolds number 前缘涡leading edge vortex附着涡bound vortex约束涡confined vortex气动中心aerodynamic center气动力aerodynamic force气动噪声aerodynamic noise气动加热aerodynamic heating离解dissociation地面效应ground effect气体动力学gas dynamics稀疏波rarefaction wave热状态方程thermal equation of state 喷管Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体compressible fluid绝热流adiabatic flow非绝热流diabatic flow未扰动流undisturbed flow等熵流isentropic flow匀熵流homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件Rankine-Hugoniot condition 状态方程equation of state量热状态方程caloric equation of state完全气体perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管Laval nozzle马赫角Mach angle马赫锥Mach cone马赫线Mach line马赫数Mach number马赫波Mach wave当地马赫数local Mach number冲击波shock wave激波shock wave正激波normal shock wave斜激波oblique shock wave头波bow wave附体激波attached shock wave激波阵面shock front激波层shock layer压缩波compression wave反射reflection折射refraction散射scattering衍射diffraction绕射diffraction出口压力exit pressure超压[强] over pressure反压back pressure爆炸explosion爆轰detonation缓燃deflagration水动力学hydrodynamics液体动力学hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性Taylor instability盖斯特纳波Gerstner wave斯托克斯波Stokes wave瑞利数Rayleigh number自由面free surface波速wave speed, wave velocity 波高wave height波列wave train波群wave group波能wave energy表面波surface wave表面张力波capillary wave规则波regular wave不规则波irregular wave浅水波shallow water wave深水波deep water wave重力波gravity wave椭圆余弦波cnoidal wave潮波tidal wave涌波surge wave破碎波breaking wave船波ship wave非线性波nonlinear wave孤立子soliton水动[力]噪声hydrodynamic noise 水击water hammer空化cavitation空化数cavitation number空蚀cavitation damage超空化流supercavitating flow水翼hydrofoil水力学hydraulics洪水波flood wave涟漪ripple消能energy dissipation海洋水动力学marine hydrodynamics谢齐公式Chezy formula欧拉数Euler number弗劳德数Froude number水力半径hydraulic radius水力坡度hvdraulic slope高度水头elevating head水头损失head loss水位water level水跃hydraulic jump含水层aquifer排水drainage排放量discharge壅水曲线back water curve压[强水]头pressure head过水断面flow cross-section明槽流open channel flow孔流orifice flow无压流free surface flow有压流pressure flow缓流subcritical flow急流supercritical flow渐变流gradually varied flow急变流rapidly varied flow临界流critical flow异重流density current, gravity flow堰流weir flow掺气流aerated flow含沙流sediment-laden stream降水曲线dropdown curve沉积物sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积sedimentation, deposition沉降速度settling velocity流动稳定性flow stability不稳定性instability奥尔-索末菲方程Orr-Sommerfeld equation涡量方程vorticity equation泊肃叶流Poiseuille flow奥辛流Oseen flow剪切流shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow层流laminar flow分离流separated flow二次流secondary flow近场流near field flow远场流far field flow滞止流stagnation flow尾流wake [flow]回流back flow反流reverse flow射流jet自由射流free jet管流pipe flow, tube flow内流internal flow拟序结构coherent structure 猝发过程bursting process表观粘度apparent viscosity 运动粘性kinematic viscosity 动力粘性dynamic viscosity 泊poise厘泊centipoise厘沱centistoke剪切层shear layer次层sublayer流动分离flow separation层流分离laminar separation 湍流分离turbulent separation 分离点separation point附着点attachment point再附reattachment再层流化relaminarization起动涡starting vortex驻涡standing vortex涡旋破碎vortex breakdown涡旋脱落vortex shedding压[力]降pressure drop压差阻力pressure drag压力能pressure energy型阻profile drag滑移速度slip velocity无滑移条件non-slip condition壁剪应力skin friction, frictional drag壁剪切速度friction velocity磨擦损失friction loss磨擦因子friction factor耗散dissipation滞后lag相似性解similar solution局域相似local similarity气体润滑gas lubrication液体动力润滑hydrodynamic lubrication浆体slurry泰勒数Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程Navier-Stokes equation 牛顿流体Newtonian fluid边界层理论boundary later theory边界层方程boundary layer equation边界层boundary layer附面层boundary layer层流边界层laminar boundary layer湍流边界层turbulent boundary layer温度边界层thermal boundary layer边界层转捩boundary layer transition边界层分离boundary layer separation边界层厚度boundary layer thickness位移厚度displacement thickness动量厚度momentum thickness能量厚度energy thickness焓厚度enthalpy thickness注入injection吸出suction泰勒涡Taylor vortex速度亏损律velocity defect law形状因子shape factor测速法anemometry粘度测定法visco[si] metry流动显示flow visualization油烟显示oil smoke visualization孔板流量计orifice meter频率响应frequency response油膜显示oil film visualization阴影法shadow method纹影法schlieren method烟丝法smoke wire method丝线法tuft method氢泡法nydrogen bubble method相似理论similarity theory相似律similarity law部分相似partial similarity定理pi theorem, Buckingham theorem 静[态]校准static calibration动态校准dynamic calibration风洞wind tunnel激波管shock tube激波管风洞shock tube wind tunnel水洞water tunnel拖曳水池towing tank旋臂水池rotating arm basin扩散段diffuser测压孔pressure tap皮托管pitot tube普雷斯顿管preston tube斯坦顿管Stanton tube文丘里管Venturi tubeU形管U-tube压强计manometer微压计micromanometer多管压强计multiple manometer静压管static [pressure]tube流速计anemometer风速管Pitot- static tube激光多普勒测速计laser Doppler anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter热线流速计hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计hot- film anemometer流量计flow meter粘度计visco[si] meter涡量计vorticity meter传感器transducer, sensor压强传感器pressure transducer热敏电阻thermistor示踪物tracer时间线time line脉线streak line尺度效应scale effect壁效应wall effect堵塞blockage堵寒效应blockage effect动态响应dynamic response响应频率response frequency底压base pressure菲克定律Fick law巴塞特力Basset force埃克特数Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数Grashof number努塞特数Nusselt number普朗特数prandtl number雷诺比拟Reynolds analogy施密特数schmidt number斯坦顿数Stanton number对流convection自由对流natural convection, free convec-tion强迫对流forced convection热对流heat convection质量传递mass transfer传质系数mass transfer coefficient热量传递heat transfer传热系数heat transfer coefficient对流传热convective heat transfer辐射传热radiative heat transfer动量交换momentum transfer能量传递energy transfer传导conduction热传导conductive heat transfer热交换heat exchange临界热通量critical heat flux浓度concentration扩散diffusion扩散性diffusivity扩散率diffusivity扩散速度diffusion velocity分子扩散molecular diffusion沸腾boiling蒸发evaporation气化gasification凝结condensation成核nucleation计算流体力学computational fluid mechanics多重尺度问题multiple scale problem伯格斯方程Burgers equation对流扩散方程convection diffusion equationKDU方程KDV equation修正微分方程modified differential equation拉克斯等价定理Lax equivalence theorem数值模拟numerical simulation大涡模拟large eddy simulation数值粘性numerical viscosity非线性不稳定性nonlinear instability希尔特稳定性分析Hirt stability analysis相容条件consistency conditionCFL条件Courant- Friedrichs- Lewy condition ,CFL condition狄里克雷边界条件Dirichlet boundary condition熵条件entropy condition远场边界条件far field boundary condition流入边界条件inflow boundary condition无反射边界条件nonreflecting boundary condition 数值边界条件numerical boundary condition流出边界条件outflow boundary condition冯.诺伊曼条件von Neumann condition近似因子分解法approximate factorization method 人工压缩artificial compression人工粘性artificial viscosity边界元法boundary element method配置方法collocation method能量法energy method有限体积法finite volume method流体网格法fluid in cell method, FLIC method通量校正传输法flux-corrected transport method通量矢量分解法flux vector splitting method伽辽金法Galerkin method积分方法integral method标记网格法marker and cell method, MAC method 特征线法method of characteristics直线法method of lines矩量法moment method多重网格法multi- grid method板块法panel method质点网格法particle in cell method, PIC method质点法particle method预估校正法predictor-corrector method投影法projection method准谱法pseudo-spectral method随机选取法random choice method激波捕捉法shock-capturing method激波拟合法shock-fitting method谱方法spectral method稀疏矩阵分解法split coefficient matrix method不定常法time-dependent method时间分步法time splitting method变分法variational method涡方法vortex method隐格式implicit scheme显格式explicit scheme交替方向隐格式alternating direction implicit scheme, ADI scheme 反扩散差分格式anti-diffusion difference scheme紧差分格式compact difference scheme守恒差分格式conservation difference scheme克兰克-尼科尔森格式Crank-Nicolson scheme杜福特-弗兰克尔格式Dufort-Frankel scheme指数格式exponential scheme戈本诺夫格式Godunov scheme高分辨率格式high resolution scheme拉克斯-温德罗夫格式Lax-Wendroff scheme蛙跳格式leap-frog scheme单调差分格式monotone difference scheme保单调差分格式monotonicity preserving difference scheme穆曼-科尔格式Murman-Cole scheme半隐格式semi-implicit scheme斜迎风格式skew-upstream scheme全变差下降格式total variation decreasing scheme TVD scheme 迎风格式upstream scheme , upwind scheme计算区域computational domain物理区域physical domain影响域domain of influence依赖域domain of dependence区域分解domain decomposition维数分解dimensional split物理解physical solution弱解weak solution黎曼解算子Riemann solver守恒型conservation form弱守恒型weak conservation form强守恒型strong conservation form散度型divergence form贴体曲线坐标body- fitted curvilinear coordi-nates[自]适应网格[self-] adaptive mesh适应网格生成adaptive grid generation自动网格生成automatic grid generation数值网格生成numerical grid generation交错网格staggered mesh网格雷诺数cell Reynolds number数植扩散numerical diffusion数值耗散numerical dissipation数值色散numerical dispersion数值通量numerical flux放大因子amplification factor放大矩阵amplification matrix阻尼误差damping error离散涡discrete vortex熵通量entropy flux熵函数entropy function分步法fractional step method广义连续统力学generalized continuum mechanics 简单物质simple material纯力学物质purely mechanical material微分型物质material of differential type积分型物质material of integral type混合物组份constituents of a mixture非协调理论incompatibility theory微极理论micropolar theory决定性原理principle of determinism等存在原理principle of equipresence局部作用原理principle of objectivity客观性原理principle of objectivity电磁连续统理论theory of electromagnetic continuum 内时理论endochronic theory非局部理论nonlocal theory混合物理论theory of mixtures里夫林-矣里克森张量Rivlin-Ericksen tensor声张量acoustic tensor半向同性张量hemitropic tensor各向同性张量isotropic tensor应变张量strain tensor伸缩张量stretch tensor连续旋错continuous dislination连续位错continuous dislocation动量矩平衡angular momentum balance余本构关系complementary constitutive relations共旋导数co-rotational derivative, Jaumann derivative 非完整分量anholonomic component爬升效应climbing effect协调条件compatibility condition错综度complexity当时构形current configuration能量平衡energy balance变形梯度deformation gradient有限弹性finite elasticity熵增entropy production标架无差异性frame indifference弹性势elastic potential熵不等式entropy inequality极分解polar decomposition低弹性hypoelasticity参考构形reference configuration响应泛函response functional动量平衡momentum balance奇异面singular surface贮能函数stored-energy function内部约束internal constraint物理分量physical components本原元primitive element普适变形universal deformation速度梯度velocity gradient测粘流动viscometric flow当地导数local derivative岩石力学rock mechanics原始岩体应力virgin rock stress构造应力tectonic stress三轴压缩试验three-axial compression test三轴拉伸试验three-axial tensile test 三轴试验triaxial test岩层静态应力lithostatic stress吕荣lugeon地压强geostatic pressure水力劈裂hydraulic fracture咬合[作用] interlocking内禀抗剪强度intrinsic shear strength 循环抗剪强度cyclic shear strength 残余抗剪强度residual shear strength 土力学soil mechanics孔隙比void ratio内磨擦角angle of internal friction休止角angle of repose孔隙率porosity围压ambient pressure渗透系数coefficient of permeability [抗]剪切角angle of shear resistance 渗流力seepage force表观粘聚力apparent cohesion粘聚力cohesion稠度consistency固结consolidation主固结primary consolidation次固结secondary consolidation固结仪consolidometer浮升力uplift扩容dilatancy有效应力effective stress絮凝[作用] flocculation主动土压力active earth pressure被动土压力passive earth pressure 土动力学soil dynamics应力解除stress relief次时间效应secondary time effect贯入阻力penetration resistance沙土液化liquefaction of sand泥流mud flow多相流multiphase flow马格努斯效应Magnus effect韦伯数Weber number环状流annular flow泡状流bubble flow层状流stratified flow平衡流equilibrium flow二组份流two-component flow冻结流frozen flow均质流homogeneous flow二相流two-phase flow气-液流gas-liquid flow气-固流gas-solid flow液-气流liquid-gas flow液-固流liquid-solid flow液体-蒸气流liquid-vapor flow浓相dense phase稀相dilute phase连续相continuous phase离散相dispersed phase悬浮suspension气力输运pneumatic transport气泡形成bubble formation体密度bulk density壅塞choking微滴droplet挟带entrainment流型flow pattern流[态]化fluidization界面interface跃动速度saltation velocity非牛顿流体力学non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 非牛顿流体non-Newtonian fluid幂律流体power law fluid拟塑性流体pseudoplastic fluid触稠流体rheopectic fluid触变流体thixotropic fluid粘弹性流体viscoelastic fluid流变测量学rheometry震凝性rheopexy体[积]粘性bulk viscosity魏森贝格效应Weissenberg effect流变仪rheometer稀薄气体动力学rarefied gas dynamics物理化学流体力学physico-chemical hydrodynamics 空气热化学aerothermochemistry绝对压强absolute pressure绝对反应速率absolute reaction rate绝对温度absolute temperature吸收系数absorption coefficient活化分子activated molecule活化能activation energy绝热压缩adiabatic compression绝热膨胀adiabatic expansion绝热火焰温度adiabatic flame temperature电弧风洞arc tunnel原子热atomic heat雾化atomization自燃auto-ignition自动氧化auto-oxidation可用能量available energy缓冲作用buffer action松密度bulk density燃烧率burning rate燃烧速度burning velocity接触面contact surface烧蚀ablation。

Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing第2章

Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing第2章

CHAPTER 2BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUM2.1INTRODUCTIONThe plasma medium is complicated in that the charged particles are both affected by external electric and magnetic fields and contribute to them.The resulting self-consistent system is nonlinear and very difficult to analyze.Furthermore,the inter-particle collisions,although also electromagnetic in character,occur on space and time scales that are usually much shorter than those of the applied fields or the fields due to the average motion of the particles.To make progress with such a complicated system,various simplifying approxi-mations are needed.The interparticle collisions are considered independently of the larger scale fields to determine an equilibrium distribution of the charged-particle velocities.The velocity distribution is averaged over velocities to obtain the macro-scopic motion.The macroscopic motion takes place in external applied fields and in the macroscopic fields generated by the average particle motion.These self-consistent fields are nonlinear,but may be linearized in some situations,particularly when dealing with waves in plasmas.The effect of spatial variation of the distri-bution function leads to pressure forces in the macroscopic equations.The collisions manifest themselves in particle generation and loss processes,as an average friction force between different particle species,and in energy exchanges among species.In this chapter,we consider the basic equations that govern the plasma medium,con-centrating attention on the macroscopic system.The complete derivation of these 23Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing ,by M.A.Lieberman and A.J.Lichtenberg.ISBN 0-471-72001-1Copyright #2005John Wiley &Sons,Inc.equations,from fundamental principles,is beyond the scope of the text.We shall make the equations plausible and,in the easier instances,supply some derivations in appendices.For the reader interested in more rigorous treatment,references to the literature will be given.In Section2.2,we introduce the macroscopicfield equations and the current and voltage.In Section2.3,we introduce the fundamental equation of plasma physics, for the evolution of the particle distribution function,in a form most applicable for weakly ionized plasmas.We then define the macroscopic quantities and indicate how the macroscopic equations are obtained by taking moments of the fundamental equation.References given in the text can be consulted for more details of the aver-aging procedure.Although the macroscopic equations depend on the equilibrium distribution,their form is independent of the equilibrium.To solve the equations for particular problems the equilibrium must be known.In Section2.4,we introduce the equilibrium distribution and obtain some consequences arising from it and from thefield equations.The form of the equilibrium distribution will be shown to be a consequence of the interparticle collisions,in Appendix B.2.2FIELD EQUATIONS,CURRENT,AND VOLTAGEMaxwell’s EquationsThe usual macroscopic form of Maxwell’s equations arerÂE¼Àm0@H@t(2:2:1)rÂH¼e0@E@tþJ(2:2:2)e0rÁE¼r(2:2:3) andmrÁH¼0(2:2:4) where E(r,t)and H(r,t)are the electric and magneticfield vectors and wherem 0¼4pÂ10À7H/m and e0%8:854Â10À12F/m are the permeability and per-mittivity of free space.The sources of thefields,the charge density r(r,t)and the current density J(r,t),are related by the charge continuity equation(Problem2.1):@rþrÁJ¼0(2:2:5) In general,J¼J condþJ polþJ mag24BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMwhere the conduction current density J cond is due to the motion of the free charges, the polarization current density J pol is due to the motion of bound charges in a dielectric material,and the magnetization current density J mag is due to the magnetic moments in a magnetic material.In a plasma in vacuum,J pol and J mag are zero and J¼J cond.If(2.2.3)is integrated over a volume V,enclosed by a surface S,then we obtain its integral form,Gauss’law:e0þSEÁd A¼q(2:2:6)where q is the total charge inside the volume.Similarly,integrating(2.2.5),we obtaind q d t þþSJÁd A¼0which states that the rate of increase of charge inside V is supplied by the total currentflowing across S into V,that is,that charge is conserved.In(2.2.2),thefirst term on the RHS is the displacement current densityflowing in the vacuum,and the second term is the conduction current density due to the free charges.We can introduce the total current densityJ T¼e0@E@tþJ(2:2:7)and taking the divergence of(2.2.2),we see thatrÁJ T¼0(2:2:8)In one dimension,this reduces to d J T x=d x¼0,such that J T x¼J T x(t),independent of x.Hence,for example,the total currentflowing across a spatially nonuniform one-dimensional discharge is independent of x,as illustrated in Figure2.1.A generalization of this result is Kirchhoff’s current law,which states that the sum of the currents entering a node,where many current-carrying conductors meet,is zero.This is also shown in Figure2.1,where I rf¼I TþI1.If the time variation of the magneticfield is negligible,as is often the case in plasmas,then from Maxwell’s equations rÂE%0.Since the curl of a gradient is zero,this implies that the electricfield can be derived from the gradient of a scalar potential,E¼Àr F(2:2:9)2.2FIELD EQUATIONS,CURRENT,AND VOLTAGE25Integrating (2.2.9)around any closed loop C givesþC E Ád ‘¼ÀþC r F Ád ‘¼ÀþC d F ¼0(2:2:10)Hence,we obtain Kirchhoff’s voltage law ,which states that the sum of the voltages around any loop is zero.This is illustrated in Figure 2.1,for which we obtainV rf ¼V 1þV 2þV 3that is,the source voltage V rf is equal to the sum of the voltages V 1and V 3across the two sheaths and the voltage V 2across the bulk plasma.Note that currents and vol-tages can have positive or negative values;the directions for which their values are designated as positive must be specified,as shown in the figure.If (2.2.9)is substituted in (2.2.3),we obtainr 2F ¼Àre 0(2:2:11)Equation (2.2.11),Poisson’s equation ,is one of the fundamental equations that we shall use.As an example of its application,consider the potential in the center (x ¼0)of two grounded (F ¼0)plates separated by a distance l ¼10cm and con-taining a uniform ion density n i ¼1010cm 23,without the presence of neutralizing electrons.Integrating Poisson’s equationd 2F d x 2¼Àen i eFIGURE 2.1.Kirchhoff’s circuit laws:The total current J T flowing across a nonuniform one-dimensional discharge is independent of x ;the sum of the currents entering a node is zero (I rf ¼I T þI 1);the sum of voltages around a loop is zero (V rf ¼V 1þV 2þV 3).26BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMusing the boundary conditions that F ¼0at x ¼+l =2and that d F =d x ¼0at x ¼0(by symmetry),we obtainF ¼12en i e 0l 22Àx 2"#The maximum potential in the center is 2.3Â105V,which is impossibly large for a real discharge.Hence,the ions must be mostly neutralized by electrons,leading to a quasi-neutral plasma.Figure 2.2shows a PIC simulation time history over 10210s of (a )the v x –x phase space,(b )the number N of sheets versus time,and (c )the potential F versus x for 100unneutralized ion sheets (with e /M for argon ions).We see the ion acceleration in (a ),the loss of ions in (b ),and the parabolic potential profile in (c );the maximum potential decreases as ions are lost from the system.We consider quasi-neutrality further in Section 2.4.Electric and magnetic fields exert forces on charged particles given by the Lorentz force law :F ¼q (E þv ÂB )(2:2:12)FIGURE 2.2.PIC simulation of ion loss in a plasma containing ions only:(a )v x –x ion phase space,showing the ion acceleration trajectories;(b )number N of ion sheets versus t ,with the steps indicating the loss of a single sheet;(c )the potential F versus x during the first 10210s of ion loss.2.2FIELD EQUATIONS,CURRENT,AND VOLTAGE 2728BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMwhere v is the particle velocity and B¼m0H is the magnetic induction vector.The charged particles move under the action of the Lorentz force.The moving charges in turn contribute to both r and J in the plasma.If r and J are linearly related to E and B,then thefield equations are linear.As we shall see,this is not generally the case for a plasma.Nevertheless,linearization may be possible in some cases for which the plasma may be considered to have an effective dielectric constant;that is,the “free charges”play the same role as“bound charges”in a dielectric.We consider this further in Chapter4.2.3THE CONSERVATION EQUATIONSBoltzmann’s EquationFor a given species,we introduce a distribution function f(r,v,t)in the six-dimensional phase space(r,v)of particle positions and velocities,with the interpret-ation thatf(r,v,t)d3r d3v¼number of particles inside a six-dimensional phasespace volume d3r d3v at(r,v)at time tThe six coordinates(r,v)are considered to be independent variables.We illus-trate the definition of f and its phase space in one dimension in Figure2.3.As particles drift in phase space or move under the action of macroscopic forces, theyflow into or out of thefixed volume d x d v x.Hence the distribution functionaf should obey a continuity equation which can be derived as follows.InFIGURE2.3.One-dimensional v x–x phase space,illustrating the derivation of the Boltzmann equation and the change in f due to collisions.time d t,f(x,v x,t)d x a x(x,v x,t)d t particlesflow into d x d v x across face1f(x,v xþd v x,t)d x a x(x,v xþd v x,t)d t particlesflow out of d x d v x across face2 f(x,v x,t)d v x v x d t particlesflow into d x d v x across face3f(xþd x,v x,t)d v x v x d t particlesflow out of d x d v x across face4where a x v d v x=d t and v x;d x=d t are theflow velocities in the v x and x directions, respectively.Hencef(x,v x,tþd t)d x d v xÀf(x,v x,t)d x d v x¼½f(x,v x,t)a x(x,v x,t)Àf(x,v xþd v x,t)a x(x,v xþd v x,t) d x d tþ½f(x,v x,t)v xÀf(xþd x,v x,t)v x d v x d tDividing by d x d v x d t,we obtain@f @t ¼À@@x(f v x)À@@v x(fa x)(2:3:1)Noting that v x is independent of x and assuming that the acceleration a x¼F x=m of the particles does not depend on v x,then(2.3.1)can be rewritten as@f @t þv x@f@xþa x@f@v x¼0The three-dimensional generalization,@f@tþvÁr r fþaÁr v f¼0(2:3:2)with r r¼(^x@=@xþ^y@=@yþ^z@=@z)and r v¼(^x@=@v xþ^y@=@v yþ^z@=@v z)is called the collisionless Boltzmann equation or Vlasov equation.In addition toflows into or out of the volume across the faces,particles can “suddenly”appear in or disappear from the volume due to very short time scale interparticle collisions,which are assumed to occur on a timescale shorter than the evolution time of f in(2.3.2).Such collisions can practically instantaneously change the velocity(but not the position)of a particle.Examples of particles sud-denly appearing or disappearing are shown in Figure2.3.We account for this effect,which changes f,by adding a“collision term”to the right-hand side of (2.3.2),thus obtaining the Boltzmann equation:@f @t þvÁr r fþFmÁr v f¼@f@tc(2:3:3)2.3THE CONSERVATION EQUATIONS29The collision term in integral form will be derived in Appendix B.The preceding heuristic derivation of the Boltzmann equation can be made rigorous from various points of view,and the interested reader is referred to texts on plasma theory, such as Holt and Haskel(1965).A kinetic theory of discharges,accounting for non-Maxwellian particle distributions,must be based on solutions of the Boltzmann equation.We give an introduction to this analysis in Chapter18. Macroscopic QuantitiesThe complexity of the dynamical equations is greatly reduced by averaging over the velocity coordinates of the distribution function to obtain equations depending on the spatial coordinates and the time only.The averaged quantities,such as species density,mean velocity,and energy density are called macroscopic quantities,and the equations describing them are the macroscopic conservation equations.To obtain these averaged quantities we take velocity moments of the distribution func-tion,and the equations are obtained from the moments of the Boltzmann equation.The average quantities that we are concerned with are the particle density,n(r,t)¼ðf d3v(2:3:4)the particlefluxG(r,t)¼n u¼ðv f d3v(2:3:5)where u(r,t)is the mean velocity,and the particle kinetic energy per unit volumew¼32pþ12mu2n¼12mðv2f d3v(2:3:6)where p(r,t)is the isotropic pressure,which we define below.In this form,w is sumof the internal energy density32p and theflow energy density12mu2n.Particle ConservationThe lowest moment of the Boltzmann equation is obtained by integrating all terms of(2.3.3)over velocity space.The integration yields the macroscopic continuity equation:@n@tþrÁ(n u)¼GÀL(2:3:7)The collision term in(2.3.3),which yields the right-hand side of(2.3.7),is equal to zero when integrated over velocities,except for collisions that create or destroy 30BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMparticles,designated as G and L ,respectively (e.g.,ionization,recombination).In fact,(2.3.7)is transparent since it physically describes the conservation of particles.If (2.3.7)is integrated over a volume V bounded by a closed surface S ,then (2.3.7)states that the net number of particles generated per second within V ,either flows across the surface S or increases the number of particles within V .For common low-pressure discharges in the steady state,G is usually due to ioniz-ation by electron–neutral collisions:G ¼n iz n ewhere n iz is the ionization frequency.The volume loss rate L ,usually due to recom-bination,is often negligible.Hencer Á(n u )¼n iz n e (2:3:8)in a typical discharge.However,note that the continuity equation is clearly not sufficient to give the evolution of the density n ,since it involves another quantity,the mean particle velocity u .Momentum ConservationTo obtain an equation for u ,a first moment is formed by multiplying the Boltzmann equation by v and integrating over velocity.The details are complicated and involve evaluation of tensor elements.The calculation can be found in most plasma theory texts,for example,Krall and Trivelpiece (1973).The result is mn @u @t þu Ár ðÞu !¼qn E þu ÂB ðÞÀr ÁP þf c (2:3:9)The left-hand side is the species mass density times the convective derivative of the mean velocity,representing the mass density times the acceleration.The convective derivative has two terms:the first term @u =@t represents an acceleration due to an explicitly time-varying u ;the second “inertial”term (u Ár )u represents an acceleration even for a steady fluid flow (@=@t ;0)having a spatially varying u .For example,if u ¼^xu x (x )increases along x ,then the fluid is accelerating along x (Problem 2.4).This second term is nonlinear in u and can often be neglected in discharge analysis.The mass times acceleration is acted upon,on the right-hand side,by the body forces,with the first term being the electric and magnetic force densities.The second term is the force density due to the divergence of the pressure tensor,which arises due to the integration over velocitiesP ij ¼mn k v i Àu ðÞv j Àu ÀÁl v (2:3:10)2.3THE CONSERVATION EQUATIONS 31where the subscripts i,j give the component directions and kÁl v denotes the velocity average of the bracketed quantity over f.ÃFor weakly ionized plasmas it is almost never used in this form,but rather an isotropic version is employed:P¼p000p000p@1A(2:3:11)such thatrÁP¼r p(2:3:12) a pressure gradient,withp¼13mn k(vÀu)2l v(2:3:13)being the scalar pressure.Physically,the pressure gradient force density arises as illustrated in Figure2.4,which shows a small volume acted upon by a pressure that is an increasing function of x.The net force on this volume is p(x)d AÀp(xþd x)d A and the volume is d A d x.Hence the force per unit volume isÀ@p=@x.The third term on the right in(2.3.9)represents the time rate of momentum trans-fer per unit volume due to collisions with other species.For electrons or positive ions the most important transfer is often due to collisions with neutrals.The transfer is usually approximated by a Krook collision operatorf j c¼ÀXbmn n m b(uÀu b):Àm(uÀu G)Gþm(uÀu L)L(2:3:14)where the summation is over all other species,u b is the mean velocity of species b, n m b is the momentum transfer frequency for collisions with species b,and u G and u L are the mean velocities of newly created and lost particles.Generally j u G j(j u j for pair creation by ionization,and u L%u for recombination or charge transfer lossprocesses.We discuss the Krook form of the collision operator further in Chapter 18.The last two terms in(2.3.14)are generally small and give the momentum trans-fer due to the creation or destruction of particles.For example,if ions are created at rest,then they exert a drag force on the moving ionfluid because they act to lower the averagefluid velocity.A common form of the average force(momentum conservation)equation is obtained from(2.3.9)neglecting the magnetic forces and taking u b¼0in theÃWe assume f is normalized so that k f lv ¼1.32BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMKrook collision term for collisions with one neutral species.The result is mn @u @t þu Ár u !¼qn E Àr p Àmn n m u (2:3:15)where only the acceleration (@u =@t ),inertial (u Ár u ),electric field,pressure gradi-ent,and collision terms appear.For slow time variation,the acceleration term can be neglected.For high pressures,the inertial term is small compared to the collision term and can also be dropped.Equations (2.3.7)and (2.3.9)together still do not form a closed set,since the pressure tensor P (or scalar pressure p )is not determined.The usual procedure to close the equations is to use a thermodynamic equation of state to relate p to n .The isothermal relation for an equilibrium Maxwellian distribution isp ¼nkT(2:3:16)so thatr p ¼kT r n (2:3:17)where T is the temperature in kelvin and k is Boltzmann’s constant (k ¼1.381Â10223J /K).This holds for slow time variations,where temperatures are allowed to equilibrate.In this case,the fluid can exchange energy with its sur-roundings,and we also require an energy conservation equation (see below)to deter-mine p and T .For a room temperature (297K)neutral gas having density n g and pressure p ,(2.3.16)yieldsn g (cm À3)%3:250Â1016p (Torr)(2:3:18)p FIGURE 2.4.The force density due to the pressure gradient.2.3THE CONSERVATION EQUATIONS 33Alternatively,the adiabatic equation of state isp¼Cn g(2:3:19) such thatr p p ¼gr nn(2:3:20)where g is the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume.The specific heats are defined in Section7.2;g¼5/3for a perfect gas; for one-dimensional adiabatic motion,g¼3.The adiabatic relation holds for fast time variations,such as in waves,when thefluid does not exchange energy with its surroundings;hence an energy conservation equation is not required. For almost all applications to discharge analysis,we use the isothermal equation of state.Energy ConservationThe energy conservation equation is obtained by multiplying the Boltzmannequation by12m v2and integrating over velocity.The integration and some othermanipulation yield@ @t32pþrÁ32p uðÞþp rÁuþrÁq¼@@t32pc(2:3:21)Here32p is the thermal energy density(J/m3),32p u is the macroscopic thermal energyflux(W/m2),representing theflow of the thermal energy density at thefluid velocityu,p rÁu(W/m3)gives the heating or cooling of thefluid due to compression orexpansion of its volume(Problem2.5),q is the heatflow vector(W/m2),whichgives the microscopic thermal energyflux,and the collisional term includes all col-lisional processes that change the thermal energy density.These include ionization,excitation,elastic scattering,and frictional(ohmic)heating.The equation is usuallyclosed by setting q¼0or by letting q¼Àk T r T,where k T is the thermal conduc-tivity.For most steady-state discharges the macroscopic thermal energyflux isbalanced against the collisional processes,giving the simpler equationrÁ32p u¼@32pc(2:3:22)Equation(2.3.22),together with the continuity equation(2.3.8),will often prove suf-ficient for our analysis.34BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMSummarySummarizing our results for the macroscopic equations describing the electron and ionfluids,we have in their most usually used forms the continuity equationrÁ(n u)¼n iz n e(2:3:8) the force equation,mn @u@tþuÁr u!¼qn EÀr pÀmn n m u(2:3:15)the isothermal equation of statep¼nkT(2:3:16) and the energy-conservation equationrÁ32p u¼@@t32pc(2:3:22)These equations hold for each charged species,with the total charges and currents summed in Maxwell’s equations.For example,with electrons and one positive ion species with charge Ze,we haver¼e Zn iÀn eðÞ(2:3:23)J¼e Zn i u iÀn e u eðÞ(2:3:24)These equations are still very difficult to solve without simplifications.They consist of18unknown quantities n i,n e,p i,p e,T i,T e,u i,u e,E,and B,with the vectors each counting for three.Various simplifications used to make the solutions to the equations tractable will be employed as the individual problems allow.2.4EQUILIBRIUM PROPERTIESElectrons are generally in near-thermal equilibrium at temperature T e in discharges, whereas positive ions are almost never in thermal equilibrium.Neutral gas mol-ecules may or may not be in thermal equilibrium,depending on the generation and loss processes.For a single species in thermal equilibrium with itself(e.g.,elec-trons),in the absence of time variation,spatial gradients,and accelerations,the2.4EQUILIBRIUM PROPERTIES35Boltzmann equation(2.3.3)reduces to@f @tc¼0(2:4:1)where the subscript c here represents the collisions of a particle species with itself. We show in Appendix B that the solution of(2.4.1)has a Gaussian speed distribution of the formf(v)¼C eÀj2m v2(2:4:2) The two constants C and j can be obtained by using the thermodynamic relationw¼12mn k v2l v¼32nkT(2:4:3)that is,that the average energy of a particle is12kT per translational degree offreedom,and by using a suitable normalization of the distribution.Normalizing f(v)to n,we obtainCð2p0d fðpsin u d uð1expÀj2m v2ÀÁv2d v¼n(2:4:4)and using(2.4.3),we obtain1 2mCð2pd fðpsin u d uð1expÀj2m v2ÀÁv4d v¼32nkT(2:4:5)where we have written the integrals over velocity space in spherical coordinates.The angle integrals yield the factor4p.The v integrals are evaluated using the relationÃð10eÀu2u2i d u¼(2iÀ1)!!2ffiffiffiffipp,where i is an integer!1:(2:4:6)Solving for C and j we havef(v)¼nm2p kT3=2expÀm v22kT(2:4:7)which is the Maxwellian distribution.Ã!!denotes the double factorial function;for example,7!!¼7Â5Â3Â1. 36BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMSimilarly,other averages can be performed.The average speed vis given by v ¼m =2p kT ðÞ3=2ð10v exp Àv 22v 2th !4p v 2d v (2:4:8)where v th ¼(kT =m )1=2is the thermal velocity.We obtainv ¼8kT p m 1=2(2:4:9)The directed flux G z in (say)the þz direction is given by n k v z l v ,where the average is taken over v z .0only.Writing v z ¼v cos u we have in spherical coordinatesG z ¼n m 2p kT 3=2ð2p 0d f ðp =20sin u d u ð10v cos u exp Àv 22v 2th v 2d v Evaluating the integrals,we findG z ¼14n v (2:4:10)G z is the number of particles per square meter per second crossing the z ¼0surfacein the positive direction.Similarly,the average energy flux S z ¼n k 1m v 2v z l v in theþz direction can be found:S z ¼2kT G z .We see that the average kinetic energy W per particle crossing z ¼0in the positive direction isW ¼2kT (2:4:11)It is sometimes convenient to define the distribution in terms of other variables.For example,we can define a distribution of energies W ¼12m v 2by4p g W ðÞd W ¼4p f v ðÞv 2d vEvaluating d v =d W ,we see that g and f are related byg W ðÞ¼v (W )f ½v (W ) m (2:4:12)where v (W )¼(2W =m )1=2.Boltzmann’s RelationA very important relation can be obtained for the density of electrons in thermal equilibrium at varying positions in a plasma under the action of a spatially varying 2.4EQUILIBRIUM PROPERTIES 3738BASIC PLASMA EQUATIONS AND EQUILIBRIUMpotential.In the absence of electron drifts(u e;0),the inertial,magnetic,and fric-tional forces are zero,and the electron force balance is,from(2.3.15)with@=@t;0,en e Eþr p e¼0(2:4:13) Setting E¼Àr F and assuming p e¼n e kT e,(2.4.13)becomesÀen e r FþkT e r n e¼0or,rearranging,r(e FÀkT e ln n e)¼0(2:4:14) Integrating,we havee FÀkT e ln n e¼constorn e(r)¼n0e e F(r)=kT e(2:4:15)which is Boltzmann’s relation for electrons.We see that electrons are“attracted”to regions of positive potential.We shall generally write Boltzmann’s relation in more convenient unitsn e¼n0e F=T e(2:4:16)where T e is now expressed in volts,as is F.For positive ions in thermal equilibrium at temperature T i,a similar analysis shows thatn i¼n0eÀF=T i(2:4:17) Hence positive ions in thermal equilibrium are“repelled”from regions of positive potential.However,positive ions are almost never in thermal equilibrium in low-pressure discharges because the ion drift velocity u i is large,leading to inertial or frictional forces in(2.3.15)that are comparable to the electricfield or pressure gra-dient forces.Debye LengthThe characteristic length scale in a plasma is the electron Debye length l De.As we will show,the Debye length is the distance scale over which significant charge densities can spontaneously exist.For example,low-voltage(undriven)sheaths are typically a few Debye lengths wide.To determine the Debye length,let us intro-duce a sheet of negative charge having surface charge density r S,0C/m2into an。



石油词汇英语翻译(QR)Q check 质量检查Q deconvolution Q反褶积Q value Q值;品质因数Q wave 勒夫波Q 第四纪q 公担Q 夸脱Q 量q 品质因数q 问题Q-band Q频带Q-joint Q 节理Q-law 品质因素定律Q-meter Q 表Q-mode cluster analysis Q型聚类分析Q-qualit 品质因数Q-RING 方形环Q. 夸德q.e. 这就是Q.I 质量指标Qa 二次淬火的QA 象限角QA 质量保证qb 速断;高速断路器Qc 快速检查QC 质量控制QD 俯角QED 证完QEF 这就是所要作的QEI 这就是所要找的qf 品质因数QFT 定量荧光分析法QISAM 队列索引顺序存取法ql. 公担;英制重量单位qlty 质Qp 更新世;更新统QPL 产品一览表qquasi-section 假剖面qr 四分之一;一刻钟QR 质量要求QRC 快速反应能力QRC 快速换装闸板型qt 夸脱QT 快速测试qt 数量QTC 鉴定试验试件QTR 检验合格报告qtr 四分之一qty 量qtz 石英qtze 石英岩quad word 四倍长字quad 四倍的;四重的;四个部分形成的quad 四边的quad 四角形quad 四路多工的;四倍的quad 象限quad. 四角形quadded cable 四线电缆quadr- 四Quadracypris 方星介属Quadraeculina 四字粉属quadrangle 四边形quadrangular 四边形的quadrant angle 象限角quadrant antenna 正方形天线quadrant depression 俯角quadrant elevation 仰角quadrant tooth 扇形轮齿quadrant valve 扇形阀quadrantal diagram 象限图quadrantal 象限的quadraphonics 四轨录音放音;四声道立体声quadrate 正方形;使成正方形;四等分quadratic approximation 二次逼近quadratic component 二次谐波quadratic criterion 二次准则quadratic curve 二次曲线quadratic damping 平方阻尼quadratic detection 平方律检波quadratic discriminant 二次方程判别式quadratic equation 二次方程quadratic expression 二次表达式quadratic form 二次型quadratic function 二次函数quadratic interpolation 二次插值quadratic mean deviation 中误差quadratic mean 均方值;有效值quadratic programming 二次规划quadratic root 平方根quadratic spline 二次样条quadratic sum 平方和quadratic surface 二次曲面quadratic transformation 二次变换quadratic variation 二次变分quadratic 二次方程式;二次项;二次的;平方的;象限的;方形的quadratin free number 无平方因子数quadratron 热阴极四极管quadrature analysis 正交分析quadrature component 正交分量quadrature filtering 90度相移滤波quadrature formula 求积公式quadrature network 无功电路quadrature spectrum 正交谱quadrature trace 正交道quadrature 求面积;求积分;正交;转象差;90度相位差quadrennial 连续四年的时间;每四年一次的事件;第四周年;连续四年的;每四年一次的quadri- 四quadric cone 二次锥面quadric stress 曲面应力quadric surface 二次曲面quadric 二次quadricorrelator 自动调节相位线路quadrilateral 四边形quadrille paper 方格纸quadrillion 1×1024quadrinomial 四项式quadripole 四极quadripolymer 四单体共聚物quadrivalence =quadrivalency 四价quadrntnt 四分之一圆;扇形体;象限仪;象限;扇形齿轮;四分仪quadrode 四极管quadru- 四quadruple block 四轮滑车quadruple board platform 二层台quadruple chain drive 四排链的传动quadruple coincidence set 四等分器quadruple completion 四层同时完成quadruple 四倍;四倍的;四重的;由四部分组成的;四路的;四工的;四倍地;成四倍;以四乘quadruple-action hand pump 四作用手摇泵quadrupler 四倍器;四频器;乘四装置;四倍乘数quadruplet 四件一套的东西quadruplex 四路多工系统;四倍的;四重的;四路多工的quadruplicate 一式四份的一份;一式四份;四倍的;四重的;四次方的;一式四份的quadruplication 放大四倍;反复四次quadrupole 四极quafric curve 二次曲线quafric of revolution 回转二次曲面quagmire 沼泽quake center 震中quake sheet 地震岩席quake 震动;颤抖qual. 定性的qual.anal. 定性分析qualia quale的复数qualification approval test 资格合格考试qualification certificate 资格证书qualification examination 资格审查qualification rate 合格率qualification test report 检验合格报告qualification test 资格考试qualification 资格qualificative 限定的qualified acceptance 有条件承兑qualified driller 合格司钻qualified part 合格零件qualified person 合格人员qualified product list 产品一览表qualified 合格的qualifier 合格的物;修饰词;限定词qualimeter X射线硬度测量仪qualitative analysis 定性分析qualitative assay 定性测定qualitative carbon steel 优质碳钢qualitative comparison 质量比较qualitative curve 定性曲线qualitative determination 定性测定qualitative examination 定性研究qualitative filter paper 定性滤纸qualitative formation evaluation 定性地层评价qualitative indication 定性指示qualitative interpretation 定性解释qualitative observation 定性观察qualitative respones data 定性响应数据qualitative scenarios 定性情景qualitative scheme 定性方法qualitative spectral scan 定性全谱扫描qualitative steel 优质钢qualitative stratigraphic corrrelation 定性地层对比qualitative tendency 特性趋势qualitative test 定性测试qualitative 定性的quality assessment 质量评价quality assurance provision 质量保证条例quality assurance 质量保证quality certificate 品质证书quality check 质量检查quality claim 品质索赔quality control by attributes 按固定指标控制quality control 质量控制quality determination 质量测定quality discrepancy record 质量不合规定的记录quality factor 品质因素quality grade 质量等级quality gravel 优质砾石quality index 质量指标quality inspection 质量检验quality leadership 质量领先quality level 质量水平quality loss 质量损耗quality management 质量管理quality matetrial 优质材料quality mind 质量意识quality monitoring 质量监测quality of balance 平衡度quality reduction 质量下降quality requirements 质量要求quality specification 质量标准quality standard 质量标准quality steel 优质钢quality supervision 质量监督quality 质量qualutative model 定性模型quan. 定量的quant. anal 定量分析quant. 定量的quant. 定量地quant. 数量quanta quantum的复数quantification 定时化;定量评价;量化quantifiter 量词;计量器quantifying risk 风险定量quantile 分位点数quantimeter 剂量计quantitative analysis 定量分析quantitative assay 定量测定quantitative assessment 定量评定quantitative change 量变quantitative check 定时检查quantitative classification 定量分类quantitative comparison 定量比较quantitative criterion 定量标准quantitative data 定量数据quantitative determination 定量测定quantitative evaluation 定量评价quantitative examination 定量研究quantitative filter paper 定量滤纸quantitative forecast 定量预报quantitative formation evaluation 定量地层评价quantitative geochemistry 定量地球化学quantitative geology 定量地质学quantitative index 数量指标quantitative interpretation 定量解释quantitative lithologic data 定量岩性资料quantitative measurement 定量测定quantitative paper chromatography 定量纸色谱法quantitative relation 数量关系quantitative reserve assessment 定时储量评定quantitative scenarios 定量情景quantitative seismic stratigraphy 定量地震地层学quantitative spectrograhic analysis 定量光谱分析quantitative spectrography 定量光谱学quantitative stratigraphy 定量地层学quantitative test 定量分析quantitative 定量的quantities uplifted 增加的数量quantity claim 数量索赔quantity control valve 油量控制阀quantity determination 数量确定法quantity discount 折扣量quantity estimate sheet 工作量估算表quantity loss 数量损耗quantity meter 总流量表quantity of heat 热量quantity of information 信息量quantity of injected water 注入水量quantity of precipitation 降水量quantity of remaining recoverable oil 剩余可采油量quantity production 大量生产quantity sheet 工程数量表quantity 量quantivalency 化合价quantivalent 多价的quantivative approach 定量方法quantization 量子化;数字化;分层quantometer 光量计quantum chemistry 量子化学quantum detector 量子探测器quantum effect 量子效应quantum efficiency 量子效率quantum energy 量子能quantum frequency standard 量子频率标准quantum mechanics 量子力学quantum of action 作用量子quantum optics 量子光学quantum theory 量子论quantum-mechanical theory 量子力学理论quanxtizer 数字转换器;量化器quaqavsal dome 圆形穹隆quaquaversal fold 穹状褶皱quaquaversal structure 穹状构造quaquaversal 穹状圆项;由中心向四方扩散的quaquavsal dip 穹倾斜quar 砂岩quarantine buoy 检疫浮标quarantine 检疫;隔离;隔离区;对…进行检疫quark 夸克学quarkonics 夸克学quarry stone 乱石;毛石quarry 石场;菱形的玻璃片;消息的来源;采;搜索;追求物quart 夸脱;一夸脱的容器quart- 四quart. 季度的;四分之一的;每季的;季刊quartation 析银法;;四分法quarter bend 90度弯管quarter deck 艉甲板quarter 四分之一;四分之一元;四等分;季度;一刻钟;方位;四个主要点中的一点;象限;方向;地区;方面;地区;住处;船的后部;相互垂直;弦;把…分为四部分;把…四等分;使与机器连接部quarter-life 四分之一寿命quarter-turn ball valve 直角回转球阀quarter-turn belt 直角回转皮带quarter-wave filter 四分之一波长滤波器quarter-wave 四分之一波长的quarterbost 宿营船quartering sea 船尾浪quartering 四等分;四分取样法;间柱;成直角的quarterline 四等分线quarterly account 季度报表quarterly report 季报quarterly 季刊;季度的;每季的;四分之一的;一季一次的;每季的quartermadter corps line 军用油管线quartern 四等分quarternary 四元的quartet 四人一组;四件一套;四重线quartic 四次的quartile 四分位数quartimax method 四次幂极大法quartimin method 四次幂极小法quarto 四开;四开本;四开的quartz anorthosite 石英斜长岩quartz crystal oscillator gauge 石英晶体振荡压力计quartz crystal 石英晶体quartz dioite 石英闪长岩quartz disoultion 石英辉长岩quartz fiber gravimeter 石英丝重力仪quartz fiber horizontal magnetometer 石英丝水平磁力仪quartz gabbro 石英辉长岩quartz gauge 石英压力计quartz knife edge 石英刀口quartz magnetometer 石英磁力仪quartz montzonite 石岩二长岩quartz monzobiorite 石英二长闪长岩quartz monzogabbro 石岩二长辉长岩quartz oscillator 石英晶体振荡器quartz sand 石英砂quartz sinter 硅华quartz spring gravimeter 石英弹簧式重力仪quartz syenite 石英正长岩quartz T variometer 石英T磁变仪quartz torsion fiber 石岩扭丝quartz 石英quartzarenite 石英砂屑岩quartzification 石英化quartzifous 石英质的quartzite 石英岩quartzitic grit 石英岩质粗砂岩quartzitic sandstone 石英岩质砂岩quartzmengwacke 石英蒙瓦克岩quartzo-feldspathic hornfels 石英长石质角岩quartzolite 硅英岩quartzose arkose 石英长石砂岩quartzose conglomerate 石英质砾岩quartzose laterite 石英质粗砂岩quartzose limestone 石英质灰岩quartzose sandstone 石英砂岩quartzose 石英质quartzwacke 石英瓦克岩quartzy sandstone 石英质砂岩quasi laminar flow 拟层状流quasi one-dimensional flow 准一维流动quasi particle 准粒子quasi shear-wave 准横波quasi steady state flow 准稳态流动quasi thixotropy 准触变性quasi- 似quasi-analog 拟quasi-analytical method 准解析法quasi-competent sands 半坚实砂层quasi-conductor 半导体quasi-coordinates 准坐标quasi-criterion 准评判准则quasi-cyclic code 准循环码quasi-dispersive wave group 准频散波群quasi-dry sample 低含水岩样quasi-elastic scattering 准弹性散射quasi-elastic 准弹性的quasi-equilibrium 准平衡quasi-ergodic principle 准各态遍历原理quasi-factor 拟因子quasi-flexural fold 拟挠曲褶皱quasi-fluid 似流体quasi-friction 准摩擦quasi-geologic joint 似地质节理quasi-gradiometer 准梯度仪quasi-gravity 准重力quasi-group 拟群quasi-homogeneous 准均质的quasi-instruction 拟指令quasi-isostatic displacement 准均衡位移quasi-linear 拟线性的quasi-linearization 拟线性化quasi-longitudinal wave 准纵波quasi-marine 准海成的quasi-Newton method 拟牛顿法quasi-optical 准光的quasi-optimal solution 准优解quasi-ordered system 拟序系统quasi-orthogonal 准正交的quasi-periodic 拟周期的quasi-periodicity 准周期quasi-plastic flow 半朵性流quasi-polynomials 准多项式quasi-random access memory 准随机存取存储器quasi-random 拟随机quasi-single phase flow 准单相流动quasi-sorted 半筛选的quasi-stability 准稳定性quasi-stagnant water 准停滞水quasi-static analysis 准静态分析quasi-static displacement 拟静态驱替quasi-static 似静定的quasi-stationary channel flow 准稳定槽流quasi-stationary oscillation 似稳振荡quasi-stationary 似稳定的quasi-steady state 准稳定态quasi-transverse wave 类横波quasi-variable 准变数quasi-viscous 准粘性的quasicraton 准克拉通quasicrystal 准晶体Quasiendothyra 似内卷虫属Quasifusulina 似纺锤NFDA3quasimoney 准货币quasiorthogonal code 准正交码quasiperfect network 准理想网络quasiseller 准卖主quatation 行情表quater- 四分之一quaterdenary 十四进制的quatermary 四;四个一组quaternary ammonium polymer 季铵聚合物quaternary ammonium 季铵quaternary carbon atom 季碳原子quaternary gain 四进制增益Quaternary geanticline 第四纪地背斜Quaternary glaciation 第四纪冰期Quaternary ice age 第四纪冰期Quaternary period 第四纪quaternary sediment 四组分沉积物Quaternary system 第四系quaternary system 四元系统Quaternary 第四纪第四系quaternion 四个一组;四人一组;四元数;四元法quaternity 四位一体;四人一组quaver 颤音;震动;颤抖;发颤音quay 码头qucidiao 缺次调queen 王后;女王;大石板quefrency domain 同态频率域quefrency 同态频率quench aging 淬火时效quench alloy steel 淬硬合金钢quench bath 淬火浴quench condensation 急冷凝quench duct 骤冷丝室quench hardening 粹火硬化quench oil 淬火油;急冷油quench tower 急冷塔quench zone 急冷段quench 淬火;急冷quenchant 淬火剂quenched and tempered steel 调质钢quenched combustion 急冷燃烧quenched water 急冷水quencher 扑灭者;熄灭器;淬灭剂;灭火器;灭弧器;减震器;阻尼器quenching agent 淬火剂quenching bath 淬化浴quenching crack 淬火裂纹quenching effect 骤冷效应quenching medium 淬火剂quenching oil column 急冷油塔quenching stack 骤冷甬道quenching strain 淬火应变quenching system 急冷系统quenching temperature 淬火温度quenching water column 骤冷水塔quenching 淬火quenchometer 冷却速度试验器querceta quercetum的复数Quercoidites 栎粉属quernstone 含铁砾质砂岩Querwellen wave 奎威林波query language 询问语言query 质问;疑问;询价;请问;疑问号;询问quest for oil 找油quest 探索;寻找;要求;追求question 问题;难题;议题;疑问句;可能性;询问questionable productive zone 可疑生产层questionable 可疑的questionary 询问的questionnaire 调查表queue anticline 背斜尾queue discipline 排队规则queue empty 队列空queue full 队列满queue priority 队列优先权queue 发辫;行列;梳成辫子;排队queued access method 队列存取法queued indexed sequential access method 排队索引按序存取法queued sequential access method 排队按序存取法queuing network 排队网络queuing theory 排队论queuing 排队quibinary code 五-二码quick access 快速存取quick acting 快动作的quick ash 烟道尘quick bleed 快排开关quick burning fuse 速燃引信quick cement 快凝水泥quick clay 过敏性粘土quick closing safety valve 快闭安全阀quick connector 快速连接器quick cooling 快速冷却quick coupler 快速连接器quick coupling 快速管箍quick current assets 速动资产quick depletion 速递减quick disconnection 速断开quick exhaust valve 快速放空阀quick freezing 速冻quick ground 流砂土quick hardening 快硬的quick lock 速关锁装置quick look scaler 快速直观解释比例尺quick open cover 快速开启盖quick opening shock valve 快开冲击阀quick ratio 速动比quick relealse 快松quick return motion 速回运动quick run 快速的quick setting cement 快凝水泥quick setting mortar 快凝灰浆quick solder 速熔焊料quick start 快启动quick talking cement 快凝水泥quick test 快速试验quick turn 急转弯quick union 快接接头quick 快的quick-acting coupling 快速接头quick-acting fuse 速燃引信quick-acting valve 快动作启闭阀quick-adjustsing 快速调整的quick-break switch 急断开关quick-break 速断quick-breaking emulsion 易破坏乳状液quick-change plug container 快卸式水泥头quick-change 快速调换的quick-closing lock 快关闭装置quick-closing valve 快关阀quick-detach 速拆卸quick-disconnect 速折卸的quick-drying lacquer 快干漆quick-drying oil 快干油quick-opening flow characteristic 快开流动特性quick-opening valve 快开阀quick-operating 快动的quick-reading flow sheet 简化流程quick-release coupling 快卸接头quick-release valve 快泄阀quick-replaceable 快速更换的quick-setting 快凝quick-speed 快速quick-stick test 快粘试验quick-wear part 易损零件quick-wearing 快磨损quicklime 生石灰quicklook interpretation 快速直观解释quicklook playback 快速直观回放quicklook 快速直观quicksand type formation 流砂型地层quicksand 流砂;动荡和捉摸不定的事物quicksilver 水银;汞;涂水银于QUICKTRAN 快速翻译程序quiddity 本质;遁辞quiescence 静止;沉寂quiescent condition 静止状态quiescent current 静态电流quiescent interval 间歇时间quiescent layer 静止层quiescent load 静负荷quiescent point 静态工作点quiescent tank 静水沉降池quiescent 静止的quiet day 无磁扰日quiet magnetic zone 地磁平静区quiet well 安静井quieter 消音装置quietus 偿清;解除;静止状态quilitative method 定性方法quill 羽毛;钻轴;衬套;导火线;做管状的褶子;卷在线轴上quilt 用垫料填塞;被;被状物;缝quin- 五quinary digit 五进制数字quinary notation 十五进制的quinary 五个一套;五的;五个的;五个一套的;第五位的;五进制的quindenary 奎宁;金鸡纳碱Quinguerhabdus 五角棒石quinine 奎诺酊quinoidine 喹啉quinoline 喹啉quinolinic acid 喹啉酸quinone 醌quinqu 五quint 五件一套;五度quintal 公担quintessence 精髓;典型;本位quintete 五人一组;五件一套;五重线quintic 五次的quintuple 五倍量;五个一套;成五倍;五的;五倍的quintupler 五倍器quintuplet 五人一组quintuplicate 五倍的数;使成五倍;作成一式五份;五倍的;五重的quintuplication 五倍quintupling 五倍quioning 外角构件;挤紧;楔紧quire 一刀;对折的一叠纸quirk 突然弯曲;遁辞;弯曲quisqueite 高硫钒沥青;硫沥青quit flowing pressure 停喷压力quit 离开;退出;放弃;解除;偿清;停止quiver 颤声;一闪;颤动;摇动quiverful 大量的quiz 知识测验;难题quizzes quiz的复数Qujionlepis 曲靖鱼属qun 群qunatum 量;量子;和quoin 外角;角落;隅石;楔形支持物;夹紧quorum 法律顾问quot 引用的;开价的quot 引用语;行市;估价单quota agreement 生产限额协议quota allocation of production 生产配额quota cost 定额成本quota of budget 预算定额quota of budgetary estimate 概率定额quota of capital construction 基本建设定额quota system 限额进出口制quota 份额quotation of prices 报价quotation 引证quote 引号;引文;引用;把…放在引号内;报quoteworthy 有引用价值的quotient convergence factor 比值收敛因子quotient group 商群quotient of difference 增量比quotient 商数;份额quotient-difference algorithm 商差算法quotient-multiplier register 乘数商数寄存器quotiety 率quotoent system 限额进出口制qv 见qwasi-time domain method 伪时域法QWERTY keyboard QWERTY盘R a T 抽油杆和油管R and M 修理与维护r c 橡胶包裹的r c 遥控R wave R波R 半径R 比r 残余的R 第三纪R 电阻率R 范围r 竿r 河流R 基R 接收器R 兰金度数R 雷诺数R 列氏温度r 伦琴R 逆动r 稀有的R 右R 原始的R 阻力R&D 研究与发展R' 圆半径弧分数R'' 雷氏秒数R'' 圆半径弧秒数R-C coupling 阻容耦合R-C 阻容的r-equivalent 伦琴当量R-M spread 研究法-马达法辛烷值差R-mode factor analysis R-型因子分析R-mode space R-型空间R-mode statistical method R-型统计法r-number r值R-signal 电阻性信号r-strategist 特化种R-unit 伦琴单位R. 半径R. 比R. 后R. 江R. 铁道R. 已注册的R. 右r.a.l 左右R.A.S 英国皇家航空协会R.C 旋转变流机R.C 研究中心R.C 阻容R.C.E.E.A. 无线电通信及电子学工程协会R.F.U. 随时可使用的R.H. 相对湿度R.H. 右r.h.s. 右方R.I. 保留指数R.I. 放射性同位素R.I. 放射性同位素指示剂R.I. 复现指数R.M.T. 读取磁带R.N. 雷诺数R.P.C. 遥控台R.T. 放射性同位素指示剂R.T. 射线探伤访验R.T.C. 自记式温度控制器RA 放射性RA 辐射RA 记录准确度Ra 镭RA 洛氏硬度A级RA 实数加RA 随机存取RA 作用半径raabsite 钠闪云煌岩RAB tool 钻头处电阻率测井仪rabbet 插孔rabbit 清管器rabble 搅拌棒rabbler 刮九Rabinowinwitsch model 拉宾诺维奇模race knife 划线刀race rotation 空转race 赛跑RACE 随机存取计算机设备raceme 外消旋体racemization 外消旋作用raceway 电缆管道racheting device 棘轮装置racing 空转;急转rack and gear drive 齿条-齿轮传动rack and gear jack 齿条-齿轮式千斤rack and pinion jack 齿条-小齿轮千斤顶rack and pinion 齿条-小齿轮rack back 在井架中排立钻杆rack bar sluice valve 齿条式闸门阀rack circle 圆齿条rack earth 机壳地线rack jack 齿条式千斤顶rack mechanism 齿条机构rack of barrels 桶堆rack pipe 排管rack pricing 离炼厂定价rack rail 齿轨rack rent 高额地租rack tooth 齿条齿rack up 排放完rack wheel 棘轮rack 架racker 排管器racking arm 系管臂racking back 在井架中排立钻杆racking board 二层台racking capacity 排立根量racking cone 钻杆排置锥座racking of drill pipe 钻杆排放racking of drum 堆桶racking pipe 排管racking platform 二层台racking 架;震动racon 雷达信标Rad 放射的RAD 快速存取磁盘rad 拉德rad. 半径rad. 根数rad. 弧度rad. 无线电rad. 无线电报rad. 无线电员radac 快速数字自动计算radan 多普勒雷达自动导航radar altimeter 雷达测高仪radar antenna 雷达天线radar band 雷达波段radar base map 雷达导航图radar beacon 雷达信标radar beam 雷达波束radar buoy 雷达浮标radar coverage 雷达覆盖范围radar depression angle 雷达俯角radar doppler 多普勒雷达radar imaginary 雷达成象radar indicated face 雷达显示表面radar interaction 雷达干扰radar jamming 雷达干扰radar map 雷达地图radar mapping 雷达地形显示图radar mast 雷达天线杆radar microwave technique 雷达微波技术radar mosaic 雷达综合图radar navigation 雷达导航radar performance figure 雷达性能指标radar photography 雷达摄影术radar pilotage 雷达领航radar presentation 雷达显示radar range finder 雷达测距仪radar reflection interval 雷达反射时间间隔radar reflection 雷达反射radar reflectivity 雷达反射率radar remote sensing 雷达遥感radar resolution 雷达分辨率radar responder 雷达应答器radar return 雷达回波radar scanning 雷达扫描radar shadow 雷达盲区radar surveying 雷达测量radar target 雷达目标radar 雷达radar-probing system 雷达探测系统radar-rock units 雷达岩石单位radar-transparency 雷达透视radargrammetry 雷达测量radarman 雷达员radarphototheodolite 雷达摄影经纬仪radarscope photography 雷达摄影学radarscope 雷达示波器RADD 列地址radechon 雷得康管radiac 放射性检测仪radiacmeter 核辐射剂量计radiagraph 活动焰切机radial adaptive multiple suppression 径向自适应压制多次波radial advance 径向推进radial air-cooled engine 星型气冷式发动机radial angle 径向角radial arm bearing 横力臂支承radial arm 旋臂radial array 径向排列radial bearing disk 止推轴承盘radial bearing lower drive sub 下部径向轴承传动接头radial bearing upper drive sub 上部径向轴承传动接头radial bearing 径向轴承radial bore length 水平井眼长度radial characteristic 径向特性radial circular flow 径向环流radial clearance 径向间隙radial component 径向部分radial conductive heat transfer 径向热导传热radial coning 径向锥进radial coordinates 径向坐标radial crack 放射状裂隙radial crushing strength 中心破碎强度radial davit 转动式吊艇杆radial differential temperature log 径向微差井温测井radial displacement 径向驱替radial drilling machine 旋臂钻床radial engine 星型发动机radial feed 径向给进radial flow tray 径流塔板radial flow 径向流radial fluid flow 平面径向流radial force 径向力radial gradient 径向梯度radial groove 径向沟槽radial height 径向高度radial histogram 径向直方图radial impeller pump 径向叶轮泵radial inward flow 径向向内流radial load 径向载荷radial migration 辐射迁移radial multiple-suppression method 径向多次压制法radial node 径向结点radial outward flow 径向向外流radial packing 径向盘根radial piston motor 径向活塞马达radial play 径向间隙radial plunger pump 径向柱塞泵radial reactor 径向反应器radial refraction 径向折射radial resolution 径向分辨率radial response 径向响应radial rift 放射断陷radial shaft seal ring 径向轴密封环radial shooting 径向激反radial shrinkage 径向收缩radial slot 沿径槽radial steady-state flow equation 径向稳定流动方程radial steam-front advance 径向蒸汽前缘推进radial strain 径向应变radial stress 径向应力radial support bearing 径向支承轴承radial survey 径向观测radial symmetry 径向对称radial thrust bearing 径向止推轴承radial tolerance 径向容许偏差radial trace 径向记录道radial turbine 径流式涡轮radial velocity 径向速度radial vibration 径向振动radial waterflooding 环状注水radial wire cord tire 钢丝子午线轮胎radial wobble 径向震摆radial 辐向的radial-inlet impeller 径向进口式叶轮radialization 辐射;放射radian frequency 角频率radian measure 弧度radian 弧度radiance contour map 辐射外形图;发光度外形图radiance 光亮度;辐射率;辐射性能radiancy =radianceradiant coil 辐射段炉管radiant energy 辐射能radiant flux density 辐射能量密度radiant heat sensor 辐射热传感器radiant heat zone 辐射热带radiant heat 辐射热radiant heater 辐射式加热炉radiant intensity 辐射强度radiant matter 辐射物radiant power 辐射功率radiant quantity 辐射量radiant rays 辐射线radiant section 辐射段radiant surface absorptivity 辐射表面吸收率radiant temperature sensitivity 辐射热感温灵敏度radiant tube 辐射管radiant type fiber 辐射型纤维radiant wall tubes 辐射壁管radiant 辐射源radiant-type furnace 辐射炉radiaoctive family 放射系Radiastarte 射华蛤属radiate 放射radiated noise 辐射噪声radiated solar energy 辐射太阳能radiated structure 射状构造radiated wave 辐射波radiating body 辐射体radiating heat 辐射热radiating matter 放射物质radiation absorber 辐射吸收剂radiation balance 辐射平衡radiation belt 辐射带radiation characteristic 辐射特性radiation chemistry 放射化学radiation counter 辐射计数器radiation crosslinking 辐射交联radiation damage 辐射线损伤radiation degradation 辐射降解radiation detector 辐射探测器radiation dosimetry 辐射剂量测定法radiation ecology 辐射生态学radiation effect 辐射效应radiation efficiency 辐射效率radiation energy 辐射能radiation estimator 辐射剂量计radiation grafting 辐射接枝radiation heat transfer 辐射热传递radiation heat 辐射热radiation heater 辐射加热器radiation induced crosslinking 辐射诱导交联radiation induced grafting 辐射诱导接枝radiation initiation 辐射引发radiation intensity 辐射强度radiation ionization 辐射电离radiation level 辐射强度radiation logging 放射性测井radiation loss 辐射损失radiation method 辐射法radiation pattern 辐射模式;辐射特性图radiation peak 辐射最大值;辐射峰值radiation polymerization 放射聚合radiation pyrometer 辐射高温计radiation resistance 抗辐射性radiation resistant finish 防辐射整理radiation section 辐射段radiation sensitizer 辐射敏化剂radiation shield 辐射屏蔽radiation source 辐射源radiation temperature 辐射温度radiation wall thinkness measure device 辐射测壁厚仪radiation 辐射radiation-free zone 无辐照区域radiation-generating machine 辐射发生器radiation-initiated crosslinking 辐射诱导交联radiation-initiated polymerization 辐射引发聚合radiationless transition 无辐射跃迁radiationmeter 放射线计Radiatisporites 辐毛大孢属radiator shutter 散热器风门片radiator 辐射体radiator-type cooling unit 散热器式冷却装置radical catalyst 游离基催化剂radical copolymerization 游离基共聚合radical expression 根式radical four-spot patern 基本四点井网radical polymerization 游离基聚合radical scavenger 游离基清除剂radical sedimentation basin 辐流式沉淀池radical sign 根号radical 基radical-anion initiator 游离基-阴离子引发剂radicand 被开方数radication 开方radices radix的复数radicle 基;根radii radius 的复数radio detection 无线电检测radio direction finder 无线电测向仪radio direction finding 无线电测向radio distance-measuring 无线电测距radio echo sounding 无线电回波探测radio electronics 无线电电子学radio emission 无线电发射radio engineering 无线电工程radio examination X射线透视法radio facsimile 无线电传真radio finder 无线电测向仪radio frequency 射频radio indicator 放射性同位素指示剂radio interference 无线电干扰radio interferometry 无线电干涉测量radio modulation 无线电调制radio modulator 无线电调制器radio navigation aids 无线电导航设备radio navigation transmitter 无线电导航发射机radio navigation 无线电导航radio pager unit 无线电呼唤装置radio position fixing 无线电定位radio positioning 无线电定位radio prospecting 放射性勘探radio reception 无线电接收radio relay station 无线电中继站radio research ship 无线电通信试验船radio responder 无线电应答器radio scanner 无线电扫描仪radio scattering 射电散射radio sonobuoy 无线电声呐浮标radio spectrum 射频频谱radio station 无线电台radio survey 无线电测量radio telemetering 无线电遥测;无线电遥测的radio telemetry buoy 无线电遥测浮标radio telemetry seismic data acquisition system 无线电遥测地震数字采集系统radio teletype 电传打字机radio thin-layer chromatography 放射薄层色谱法radio tick 无线电报时信号radio tower 无线电天线塔radio transceiver system 无线电收发系统radio transmission 无线电发射radio transmitter 无线电发射机radio wave propagation 无线电波传播radio 无线电radio- 放射radio-altimeter 无线电测高计radio-apparatus 无线电台radio-controlled pump station 无线电控制泵站radio-direction-finder method 无线电测定方位法radio-fixing 无线电定位radio-frequency amplifier 高频放大器radio-frequency choke 射频扼流圈radio-frequency coil 高频线圈radio-frequency drying 高频干燥radio-frequency field 射频场radio-frequency formation heating 地层射频加热radio-frequency interference 射频干扰radio-frequency location system 射频定位系统radio-frequency oscillator 射频振荡器radio-frequency reading 用高频扫描快速读出radio-frequency signal 高频率信号radio-halo 放射晕radio-label 放射性同位素示踪radio-link 无线电通信联络radio-micrometer 高灵敏度辐射计radio-microwave telemetering system 无线电-微波遥测系统radio-positioning navigation 无线电定位导航radio-positioning network 无线电定位网格radio-positioning station 无线电定位台radioacoustics 无线电声学radioactinium 放射性锕radioactivation analysis 活化分析;放射活化分析radioactive age determination 放射性年龄测定radioactive anomaly 放射性异常radioactive ash 放射性尘埃radioactive bullet 放射性子弹radioactive bulletlocator 放射性子弹定位器radioactive carbon dating 放射性碳年代测定法radioactive cement 放射性水泥radioactive chain 放射性衰变链radioactive concentration 放射性浓度radioactive constant 放射常数radioactive contamination 放射性污染radioactive decay 放射性衰变radioactive density meter 放射性密度计radioactive detector 放射性检测器radioactive disintegration 放射性衰变radioactive drug 放射性制剂radioactive element 放射性元素radioactive foil 放射性金属薄片radioactive heat 放射性热radioactive indicator 放射性指示剂radioactive isotope equipped go-devil 放射性同位素刮管器radioactive isotope 放射性同位素radioactive leak 放射性泄漏radioactive logging 放射性测井radioactive mineral 放射性矿物radioactive nucleus 放射性核radioactive nuclide 放射性核素radioactive occurrence 放射性矿床radioactive pollutant 放射性污染物radioactive prospecting 放射性勘探radioactive source 放射性源radioactive standardization 放射性标准化radioactive static eliminator 放射性静电消除器radioactive tracer log 放射性示踪剂测井radioactive tracer survey 放射性示踪物测量法radioactive tracer 放射性指示剂;放射性示踪剂radioactive transformation 放射性转化;放射性蜕变radioactive waste 放射性废物radioactive well logging 放射性测井radioactive 放射性的radioactive-tracer method 放射性示踪法radioactive-tracer-fibre 放射性示踪纤维radioactivity anomaly 放射性异常radioactivity background 放射性本底radioactivity decay 放射性衰变radioactivity equilibrium 放射性平衡radioactivity indicator 放射性强度指示器radioactivity level 放射性能级radioactivity log 放射性测井radioactivity prospecting 放射性勘探radioactivity standard 放射性标准radioactivity survey 放射性勘探radioactivity well logging 放射性测井radioactivity 放射性;放射radioalarm equipment 无线电报警器radioamplifier 高频放大器radioanalysis 放射性分析radioanalytical chemistry 放射分析化学radioassay 放射性检验radioastronomy 射电天文学radioautocontrol 无线电自动控制器radioautogram 无线电传真radioautograph 放射自显影radioautography 放射自显影术radiobeacon buoy 无线电浮航标radiobeacon 无线电信标radiobeam 无线电电波radiobearing 无线电方位radiobiochemistry 放射生物地球化学radiobiology 放射生物学radiobroadcast 无线电广播;用无线电广播radiocall sign 无线电呼号radiocarbon age 放射性碳年龄radiocarbon C14 放射性碳radiocarbon chronology 放射性碳测定年代法radiocarbon dating 放射性碳测定年龄radiocarbon stratigraphy 放射性碳地层学radiocarbon tracer 放射性碳示踪物radioceramic 高频瓷radiocesium 放射性铯radiochannel 波道radiochemicak analysis 放射化学分析radiochemistry 放射化学radiochromatogram 放射性色谱图radiochromatograph 辐射色层分离谱。



工程热力学中英文对照词汇表AAbsolute entropy绝对熵Absolute pressure绝对压力Absolute temperature绝对温度Absolute zero of temperature绝对零度Adiabatic enthalpy drop绝热焓降Adiabatic exponent绝热指数Adiabatic flame temperature绝热燃烧温度Adiabatic process绝热过程Adiabatic system绝热系Anergy 火无,无用能Atmosphere大气Available energy有用能A vogadro’s hypothesis阿伏伽德罗假说BBinary vapour cycle两气循环B oltzman’s constant玻尔兹曼常数CCarnot cycle卡诺循环Carnot, N.L.S. 卡诺C arnot’s theorem卡诺定理Celsius temperature scale摄氏温标Characteristic function特性函数Chemical equilibrium化学平衡Chemical equilibrium constant化学平衡常数Chemical potential化学势Chemical thermodynamics化学热力学Clapeyron equation克拉贝龙方程Classical thermodynamics经典热力学Clausius-Clapeyron equation克劳修斯-克拉贝龙方程Clausius, R. 克劳修斯1Closed system闭口系Coefficient of performance of refrigerator制冷系数Coefficient of thermal expansion热膨胀系数Coefficient of utilization of thermal energy热能利用系数Combined cycle联合循环Compressibility factor压缩因子Compression ratio of cycle循环压缩比Compression work压缩功Condition of phase equilibrium相平衡条件Condition of stability稳定性条件Conservation of energy能量守恒Conservation of mass质量守恒Control mass控制质量Control surface控制面Control volume控制容积Continuty equation连续性方程Covergent-divergent nozzle缩放喷管Covergent nozzle渐缩喷管Criteria for equilibrium平衡判据Critical point临界点Critical state临界状态Critical flow临界流动Critical pressure ratio临界压力比Cycle循环DDegradation of energy能量贬值Density密度Diesel cycle笛塞尔循环Divergent nozzle渐扩喷管Diffuser扩压管Dissipation of energy能量耗散D olton’s law of partial pressare道尔顿分压定律Dry saturated steam干饱和蒸汽Dual cycle混合加热循环2EEffect of dissipation耗散效应Energy能量Engineering atmosphere工程大气压力Engineering thermodynamics工程热力学Enthalpy焓Enthalpy drop焓降Entropy熵Entropy balance equation熵方程Equation of energy for steady flow稳定流动能量方程Equation of state状态方程Equation of state in reduced form对比态方程Equilibrium平衡Equilibrium state平衡状态Ericsson cycle埃尔逊循环Exergy火用Expansion work膨胀功Extensive quantity尺度量FFahrenheit temperature scale华氏温标First law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律Flow work流动功Flux of entropy熵流Free energy自由能Free enthalpy自由焓Free expansion自由膨胀Friction摩擦Force力GGas气体Gas constant气体常数Gauge pressure表压力3Generalized compressibility chart通用压缩因子图Generalized work广义功Generation of entropy熵产G ibbs’ function吉布斯函数G ibbs’ J.W.吉布斯G ibbs’ phase rule吉布斯相律Gravitational potential重力位能HHeat热Heat of combustion燃烧热Heat (enthalpy) of formation生成热(生成焓)Heat of reaction反应热Heat pump热泵Heat source热源Helmhotz function亥姆霍兹函数H ess’ law赫斯定律Humidity湿度IIdeal gas equation of state理想气体状态方程Inequality of Clausius克劳修斯不等式Intensive quantity强度量Internal combustion engine内燃机Internal energy热力学能(内能)Inversion curve转变曲线Inversion temperature转变温度Irreversible cycle不可逆循环Irreversible process不可逆过程Isentropic compressibility绝热压缩系数Isentropic process定熵过程Isobaric process定压过程Isolated system孤立系Isometric process定容过程Isothermal compressibility定温压缩系数4Isothermal process定温过程JJoule, J.P. 焦耳Joule-Thomon effect焦—汤效应KKelvin, L. (Thomson, W.) 开尔文Kinetic energy动能K irchhoff’s law基尔霍夫定律LLatent heat潜热Law of corresponding states对应态定律Law of partial volume分容积定律L e Chatelier’s principle吕—查德里原理Local velocity of sound当地声速Lost available energy有用能损失MMach number马赫数Mass flow rate质量流量Maximum work from chemical reaction反应最大功Maxwell, J.C. 麦克斯韦Maxwell relations麦克斯韦关系M ayer’s formula迈耶公式Mechanical equilibrium力学平衡Metastable equilibrium亚稳定平衡Mixture of gases混合气体Moist air湿空气Moisture content含湿量Molar specific heat摩尔比热NNernst heat theorem奈斯特热定理5Nonequilibrium-thermodynamics非平衡热力学Nozzle喷管OOne dimensional flow一维流动Open system开口系Otto cycle奥托循环PParameter of state状态参数Perfect gas理想气体Perpetual motion engine永动机Perpetual motion engine of the second kind第二类永动机Phase相Polytropic process 多变过程Potential energy位能Power cycle动力循环Pressure压力Principle of increase of entropy熵增原理Process过程Psychrometer chart湿空气焓—湿图Push work推挤功Pure substance纯物质QQuantity of refrigeration制冷量Quality of vapor-liquid mixture, Dryness干度Quasi-equilibrium process准平衡过程Quasi-static process准静态过程RRankine cycle朗肯循环Ratio of pressure of cycle循环增压比Real gas实际气体Reduced parameter对比参数6Refrigerant制冷剂Refrigeration cycle制冷循环Refrigerator制冷机Regenerative cycle回热循环Reheated cycle再热循环Relative humidity相对湿度Revesed Carnot cycle逆卡诺循环Reversed cycle逆循环Reversible cycle可逆循环Reversible process可逆过程SSaturated air饱和空气Saturation pressure饱和压力Saturation state饱和状态Saturation tempperature饱和温度Saturated vapor饱和蒸汽Saturated water饱和水Second law of thermodynamics热力学第二定律Simple compressible system简单可压缩系Sink冷源Specific heat比热容Specific heat at constant pressure定压比热容Specific heat at constant volume定容比热容Specific humidity绝对湿度Specific volume比体积Stable equilibrium稳定平衡Stagnation enthalpy滞止焓Standard atmosphere标准大气压力Standard enthalpy of formation标准生成焓Standard state标准状况State状态State postulate状态公理Statistical thermodynamics统计热力学7Steady flow稳定流动Steam水蒸汽Subsonic亚声速Superheated steam过热蒸汽Supersonic超声速TTemperature温度Temperature of dew-point露点温度Temperature scale温度标尺Technical work技术功Theoretical flame temperature理论燃烧温度Thermal coefficient热系数Thermal efficiency热效率Thermal equilibrium热平衡Thermodynamic Probability热力学概率Thermodynamics热力学Thermodynamic system热力学系统Thermodynamic temperature scale热力学温标Third law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律Throttling节流Triple point 三相点UUnavailable energy无用能Universal gas constant通用气体常数VVacuum真空度V an der Waals’ equation范德瓦尔斯方程Velocity of sound声速Virial equation of state维里状态方程WWet-Bulb temperature湿球温度Wet saturated steam湿饱和蒸汽8Work功Working substance 工质ZZeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律制冷专业英语基本术语制冷refrigeration蒸发制冷evaporative refrigeration沙漠袋desert bag制冷机refrigerating machine制冷机械refrigerating machinery制冷工程refrigeration engineering制冷工程承包商refrigeration contractor制冷工作者refrigerationist制冷工程师refrigeration engineer制冷技术员refrigeration technician制冷技师refrigeration technician制冷技工refrigeration mechanic冷藏工人icer制冷安装技工refrigeration installation mechanic制冷维修技工refrigeration serviceman冷藏链cold chain制冷与空调维修店refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop冷藏refrigerated preservation流体力学词汇(部分) 英汉对照Aabsolute pressure 绝对压力acceleration 加速度acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceleration of transport 迁移加速度acoustic wave 声波adhesive forces 粘滞力, 附着力adiabatic flow 绝热流动airfoil 翼型angle of attack 冲角9angular velocity 角速度apparent shear stresses 表面剪切应力apparent stresses 表面应力Archimedes law 阿基米德定律atmospheric pressure 大气压axial-flow 轴向流动Axisymmetric around cylinder no circulation ideal flow 轴对称绕圆柱体无环流理想流动Bback pressure 背压baroclinic fluid 斜压流体barometer 气压计barotropic fluid 正压流体Bernoullis equation 伯努利方程blade 叶片body-force 质量力boundary condition 边界条件boundary layer 边界层,附面层boundary layer separation 边界层分离boundary layer thickness 附面层厚度bulk modulus 体积模量bulk stress 体积应力bundle of streamline 流束buoyant force 浮力butter layer 过渡层CCauchy-Reimam condition 柯西—黎曼条件center of pressure 压强中心coefficient 系数coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of eddy viscosity 涡流粘性系数coefficient of viscosity 粘度粘性系数cohesive forces 粘附力combined boundary layer 组合边界层completely rough zone of turbulent pipe flow 紊流粗糙管平方阻力区10component velocity 合速度compressibility 压缩性compressible fluid 可压缩流体conservation equation of energy 能量守恒方程conservation equation of mass 质量守恒方程conservation of mechanical energy 机械能守恒conservation of moment of momentum 动量矩守恒conservation of momentum 动量守恒continuity 连续性continuum 连续介质continuum hypothesis 连续介质假设control surface 控制面control volume 控制体(积)convective acceleration 迁移加速度convergent-divergent nozzle 缩放喷嘴converging nozzle 收缩喷嘴correction coefficient 修正系数critical pressure 临界压强critical Reynolds number 临界雷诺数critical speed of sound 临界声速critical state 临界状态cross section 横截面curvature radius 曲率半径curved shock 曲面波cylindrical coordinate system 柱坐标系Ddeformation velocity 变形速度density 密度detachment 脱体differential pressure 差压,压差,压力降dimensionless number 无量纲数displacement thickness 位移厚度distribution 分布disturbance wave 扰动波doublet 偶极子11drag coefficient 阻力系数dynamic pressure 动压强dynamic similarity 动力相似性dynamic viscosity 动力粘度Eeddy zone 涡流区eddying flow 涡(紊旋)流efficiency 效率elastic wave 弹性波elevation head 位置水头energy of turbulence 湍能enthalpy 焓entropy 熵equation of continuity 连续性方程equation of energy 能量方程equation of moment –of momentum 动量矩方程equation of motion 运动方程equation of state 状态方程equilibrium 平衡Eulerian equation 欧拉方程Euler method 欧拉方法Euler's formula 欧拉公式Ffield 场flow coefficient 流量系数flow meter 流量表,流量计flow net 流网flow pattern 流型fluctuating pressure 脉动压力fluctuating stress 脉动应力fluid 流体fluid dynamics 流体动力学fluid field 流场fluid machinery 流体机械fluid mechanics 流体力学12fluid particle 流体质点fluid statics 流体静力学free surface 自由表面friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction drag 摩擦阻力frictionless fluid 无粘性流体Ggas constant 气体常数gas dynamics 气体动力学gauge pressure 表压力geometric pressure 几何压力geometric similarity 几何相似gradual contraction 渐缩gradual enlargement 渐扩Hharmonic function 调和函数headloss 压头损失heat transfer 传热Helmholtz equation 亥姆霍兹方程heterogeneous fluid 非均质流体homogeneous fluid 均质流体horizontal force 水平力horizontal line 水平线hydraulic diameter 水力直径hydraulically smooth zero of turbulent pipe flow 紊流光滑管区hydrostatics 流体静力学hydrostatics force 流体静压力hydrostatics stress 流体静应力hypersonic flow 高超音速流动(m>5)Iincompressible fluid 不可压缩流体inertial coordinate system 惯性坐标系initial condition 初始条件input 输入intensity of turbulence 紊流(强)度13interface 分界面internal energy 内能internal friction 内摩擦inviscid fluid 无粘性流体irrotational flow 无旋流动irrotational motion 无旋运动isentropic process 定熵过程isotropic flow 均质流动isotropic fluid 均质流体KKarman qotex street 卡门涡街kinematic energy 动能kinematic moleculer theory 分子运动论kinematic similarity 运动相似性kinematic viscosity 运动粘度Kutta-Joukowski theorem 库塔—儒可夫斯基定理LLagrange method 拉格朗日方法Lagrangian viewpoint 拉格朗日观点laminar boundary layer 层流边界层laminar flow 层流laminar sublayer 层流底层Laplace operator 拉普拉斯算子Laplace's equation 拉普拉斯方程Laval nozzle 拉伐尔喷管lift 升力linear acceleration 线性加速度linear velocity 线速度liquid 液体liquid fluid 流体local acceleration 当地加速度MMach angle 马赫角Mach cone 马赫锥Mach number 马赫数14mass 质量mass flowrate 质量流量material derivative 随体导数mean-time-average velocity 时均速度mechanical energy 机械能mercury 水银minor loss 局部阻力mixing-length theory 混合长理论moment of momentum 动量矩momentum integral relation 动量积分关系式momentum thickness 动量厚度moody diagram 莫迪图move velocity 平移速度multi-phase flow 多相流流动NNavier-stokes equation 纳维—斯托克斯(N-S )方程near wall region 近壁区Neuton's viscosity law 牛顿粘性定律Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体no sources and sinks 无源无汇node 节点non-steady flow 非定常流动non-uniform 非均匀流动nonviscous fluid 非粘性流体normal direction 法向normal line 法线normal shock wave 正激波normal stress 法向应力Ooblique shock 斜激波one-dimensional compressible flow 一维可压缩流动one-dimensional flow 一维流动one order tensor 一阶张量open channel flow 明渠流动open system 开口系统15order of magnitude 量级orifice 孔口orifice plate 孔板output 输出Pparallel flow 层流流动parameter 参数particle path 质点轨迹path line 迹线perfect gas 理想气体pipe flow 管流Pitot-static tube 皮托—静压管Pitot tube 皮托管plane flow 平面流动plane jet 平面射流point of inflextion 拐点point of transition 过渡点potentional energy 势能Potential flow 势流power 功率Prandtl mixing length 普朗特混合长度Prandtl number 普朗特数pressure differential 压差pressure drag 压差阻力pressure field 压强场pressure force 压力pressure gage 压强计pressure gradient 压强梯度pressure head 压强水头pressure wave 压力波Qquantum mechanics 量子力学quasi-static process 准静态过程quasi-steady theory 准定常理论R16radial velocity 经向速度ratio of specific heats 比热比real fluid 粘性流体real gas 真实气体,实际气体rectangular coordinate system 直角坐标系reduced Navier-Stokes equation 简化纳维—斯托克斯方程Reynolds number 雷诺数resonance 共振Reynolds stress 雷诺应力rotation velocity 旋转速度rotational flow 有旋流动rough-pipe zone of flow 流动的光滑管区roughness 粗糙度Ssame mass flow 均质流secondary flow 二次流流动separation point 分离点sharp-crested weir 尖顶堰shear stress 剪切力shear deformation 剪切变形shock wave 激波similarity 相似性sink 汇siphon 虹吸管skin(or wall) friction 表面(或壁)摩擦(力)small perturbance 小扰动sonic barrier 声障sonic flow 声速流动sound wave 声波source 源specific force of gravity 比重specific heat 比热speed of sound 声速spherical coordinate system 球坐标系Stokes' viscosity law 斯托克斯粘性定律17stress tenser 应力张量stress 应力stagnation point 驻点stagnation pressure 驻点压强stagnation temperature 驻点温度standard atmosphere 标准大气压static pressure 静压强steady flow 定常流动strain rate tensor 变形速度张量streamline 流线stream function 流函数streamline form 流线形streamtube 流管Strouhal number 斯特劳哈尔数subcritical flow 亚临界流动subsonic flow 亚声速流动supercritical flow 超临界流动supersonic flow 超声速流动surface force 表面力surface tension 表面张力Ttemperature gradient 温度梯度tensor 张量theory of similarity 相似性理论thermal conductivity 热传导率thermal field 温度场thin-plate orifice flowmeter 薄孔板流量计total drag 总阻力total flow 总流量total pressure 总压强traction force 拉力transformation 转换transonic flow 跨音速流动transport theorem 输运定理triangular weir 三角堰18turbo-machinery 涡轮机械turbulent boundary layer 湍流(紊流)边界层turbulent energy 湍流(紊流)能量turbulent flow 紊流turbulent jet 湍流(紊流)射流two-dimensional flow 二维流动UU - tube U 型管uniform flow 均匀流动unit vector 单位矢量unsteady flow 非定常流动Vvelocity 速度velocity circulation 速度环量velocity gradient 速度梯度velocity head 速度水头velocity of sound 音速velocity potential 速度势Venturi flowmeter 文丘里流量计vertical force 垂直力viscous sublayer 层流底层viscosity 粘度viscosity factor 粘度系数viscosity resistance 粘性阻力viscous fluid 粘性流体volume of flow 流量volume flow 容积流量von Karman integral momentum equation 卡门动量积分方程vortex 涡旋vortex flow 涡流vortex line 涡线vortex street 涡街vortex strength 涡强度vortex tube 涡管vorticity 涡量19Wwake vortex 尾涡流wave drag 波阻wave length 波长wave speed 波速well-ordered mean-time-average flow 有序时均流wind tunnel 风洞woke 尾涡区work 功压缩机制冷系统及机组制冷系统refrigeration system制冷机refrigerating machine机械压缩制冷系统mechanical compression refrigeration system蒸气压缩制冷系统vapour compression refrigeration system压缩式系统compression system压缩机compressor制冷压缩机refrigerating compressor, refrigerant compressor吸气端suction end排气端discharge end低压侧low pressure side高压侧high pressure side蒸发压力evaporating pressure吸气压力suction pressure, back pressure排气压力discharge pressure蒸发温度evaporating temperature冷凝压力condensing pressure冷凝温度condensing temperature吸气温度suction temperature回气温度back temperature排气温度discharge temperature压缩比compression ratio双效压缩dual compression单级压缩single-stage compression双级压缩compound compression20多级压缩multistage compression压缩级compression stage低压级low pressure stage高压级high pressure stage中间压力intermediate pressure中间冷却intercooling多级膨胀multistage expansion湿压缩wet compression干压缩dry compression制冷系统refrigerating system机械制冷系统mechanical refrigerating system氟利昂制冷系统freon refrigerating system氨制冷系统ammonia refrigerating system压缩式制冷系统compression refrigerating system单级压缩制冷系统single-stage compression refrigeration system双级压缩制冷系统two-stage compression refrigeration system多级制冷系统multistage refrigerating system复叠式制冷系统cascade refrigerating system混合制冷剂复叠系统mixed refrigerant cascade集中制冷系统central refrigerating plant直接制冷系统direct refrigeration system直接膨胀供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid direct expansion 重力供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for the evaporator by gravity液泵供液制冷系统refrigeration system with supply liquid refrigerant for evaporator by liquid pump间接制冷系统indirect refrigeration system融霜系统defrosting system热气融霜系统defrosting system by superheated vapour电热融霜系统eletrothermal defrosting system制冷系统故障breakdown of the refrigerating system冰堵freeze-up冰塞ice plug脏堵filth blockage油堵greasy blockage21液击(冲缸、敲缸)slugging湿行程wet stroke镀铜现象appearance of copper-plating烧毁burn-out倒霜frost back制冷机组refrigerating unit压缩机组compressor unit开启式压缩机组open type compressor unit开启式压缩机open type compressor半封闭式压缩机组semihermetic compressor unit半封闭式压缩机semihermetic compressor全封闭式压缩机组hermetically sealed compressor unit全封闭式压缩机hermetically sealed compressor压缩冷凝机组condensing unit全封闭式压缩冷凝机组hermetically sealed condensing unit半封闭式压缩冷凝机组semihermetically sealed condensing unit开启式压缩冷凝机组open type compressor condensing unit工业用压缩冷凝机组industrial condensing unit商业用压缩冷凝机组commercial condensing unit整马力压缩冷凝机组integral horsepower condensing unit分马力压缩冷凝机组fractional horsepower condensing unit跨式制冷机组straddle refrigerating unit热泵热泵heat pump供热热泵heating heat pump制冷与供热热泵cooling and heating heat pump热泵循环heat pump cycle性能系数coefficient of performance (COP)供热量heat output压缩式热泵compression heat pump蒸汽压缩式热泵vapour compression heat pump空气压缩式热泵air heat pump蒸汽喷射式热泵steam jet heat pump22吸收式热泵absorption heat pump低温型吸收式热泵low temperature absorption heat pump高温型吸收式热泵high temperature absorption heat pump水-气式热泵water/air heat pump土壤热源热泵ground source heat pump土壤盘管热泵ground coil heat pump水源热泵water source heat pump水盘管热泵water coil heat pump空气源热泵air source heat pump空气盘管热泵air coil heat pump热泵空气盘管heat pump air coil, air coil热泵水盘管heat pump water coil, water coil热泵土壤盘管heat pump ground coil, ground coil气-气式热泵air/air heat pump气-水式热泵air/water heat pump水-水式热泵water/water heat pump地-气式热泵soil/air heat pump地-水式热泵soil/water heat pump一次热泵primary heat pump二次热泵secondary heat pump第三级热泵tertiary pump太阳能热泵solar heat pump家用热泵domestic heat pump工业热泵industrial heat pump高温热泵high temperature heat pump温度放大器templifier热泵式热水器heat pump water heater热泵式空调器heat pump air conditioner热泵式干燥机heat pump drying plant蒸馏和浓缩用热泵heat pump for distilling and thickenning processes制冷系统自动调节流量调节flow regulation制冷剂控制器refrigerant control23膨胀阀expansion valve节流阀throttle valve热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve热电膨胀阀thermal electric expansion valve内平衡热力膨胀阀internal equalizer thermostatic expansion valve外平衡热力膨胀阀external equalizer thermostatic expansion valve外平衡管external equalizer pipe内平衡管internal equalizer pipe蒸发器阻力损失pressure drop of evaporator同工质充注same material charge交叉充注cross charge吸附充注absorptive charge气体充注gas charge膨胀阀过热度superheat degree of expansion valve过热温度调节superheat temperature regulation膨胀阀容量expansion valve capacity手动膨胀阀hand expansion valve自动膨胀阀automatic expansion valve浮球调节阀float regulation valve浮球阀float valve低压浮球阀low pressure float valve高压浮球阀high pressure float valve制冷辅助设备压力容器pressure vessel贮液筒/器surge drum高压贮液筒high pressure receiver低压贮液筒low pressure receiver低压平衡筒accumulator,surge drum均压管/平衡管equalizer均压罐equalizer tank平衡罐balance tank液体分离器suction trap气液分离器flash chamber净化系统purge recovery system24油分离器oil separator集液器liquid trap集油器oil receiver,oil trap不凝性气体分离器non condensable gas purger放空气器gas purger干燥器dehydrator,drier过滤器filter,screen,strainer干燥过滤器drier-filter脱水dehydration干燥drying干燥剂desiccant硅胶silica gel活性铝activated carbon分子筛molecular sieve润滑lubrication滑油冷却器oil cooler中间冷却器intercooler,interstage cooler闪发式中间冷却器flash intercooler膨胀容器expansion tank经济器economizer喷射器ejector搅拌器agitator抽气回收装置purge recovery unit排空pump-down循环泵circulation pump液位指示器liquid level indicator窥镜sight glass液体流动指示器liquid flow indicator吸入压力表suction gauge排出压力表discharge gauge管道与附件配管tubing空调制冷配管ACR tubing管道piping,tubing25制冷管路refrigeration pipe line系统酸状况acid condition system退火annealing加压元件pressure imposing element检修门access door气封vapor lock主管main歧管manifold集管header盐水管brine line盐水集管brine header旁通管by-pass套管tube-within-a-tube伸缩弯expansion loop存油弯oil loop液环liquid loop吸入管suction line,return line消声器muffler分液贮存器accumulator排出管discharge line,hot gas line液体管liquid line冷凝液管condensate line管道附件fittings软接头connecting hose加液接头charging connection快装接头quick-release coupling,quick-coupler法兰flange接管coupling收缩管constricted tube异径内承插管reducing coupling异径外承插管double male reduction异径套管reducing bushing螺纹接管nipple阀valve截止阀stop valve26止回阀check valve角阀angle valve球阀ball type valve,ball valve闸阀gate valve操作阀service valve防通阀bypass valve二通阀two-way valve三通阀three-way valve塞子plug端盖cap垫gasket垫料gasket填料packing喇叭口接头flared joint扩口工具flaring tool胀口工具swaging tool弯曲弹簧bending spring弹簧弯管器bending spring扭矩扳手torque wrench制冷装置制冷装置refrigerating installation,refrigerating plant工业制冷装置industrial refrigerating plant商业制冷装置commercial refrigerating plant中心站房central station成套机组self-contained system规范安装code installation制冷回路refrigerating circuit热平衡heat balance货物负荷product load操作负荷service load设计负荷design load负荷系数load factor制冷装置试验与操作27试运转commissioning吹污flush气密性试验gas-tight test,air-right test密闭容器closed container漏气air infiltration放气air vent检漏leak hunting,leak detection检漏仪leak detector卤素灯halide torch电子检漏仪electronic leak detector真空试验vacuum test试验压力test pressure工作压力operating pressure,working pressure最高工作压力highest operating pressure气密试验压力gas-tight test pressure设计压力design pressure平衡压力balance pressure充气aerate,gas charging制冷剂充注refrigerant charging首次充注initial charge保护充注holding charge,service charge制冷剂不足lack of refrigerant,under-charge,gas shortage缺液starveling充灌台charging board充灌量charge充注过多overcharge供液过多overfeeding制冷剂抽空pump down of refrigerant降温试验pull down test制冷[功能]试验refrigeration test卸载起动no-load starting,unloaded start卸载机构unloader闪发flash vaporization,instantaneous vaporization闪发气体flash gas不凝性气体non condensable gas28气体排除gas purging,degassing,gasoff阀针跳动hammering,needle hammer阀振荡hunting of a valve阀片跳动valve flutter,valve bounce短期循环short-cycling异常温升overheating泄漏leak气蚀cavitation制冷剂瓶refrigerant cylinder,gas bottle检修用瓶service cylinder,gas bottle紧急泄放阀emergency-relief valve检修阀service valve安全阀pressure relief valve抽空阀pump out valve加油阀oil charge valve放油阀oil drain valve放空阀purge valve充灌阀charging valve喷液阀liquid injection valve制冷能力及计算术语制冷量refrigerating capacity总制冷量gross refrigerating capacity净制冷量net refrigerating capacity单位制冷量refrigerating capacity per weighing单位容积制冷量refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume制冷系统制冷量system refrigerating capacity单位轴功率制冷量refrigerating effect per shaft power压缩冷凝机组制冷量compressor condensing unit refrigerating capacity制冷压缩机制冷量refrigerant compressor capacity蒸发器净制冷量net cooler refrigerating capacity空调有效显热制冷量useful sensible heat capacity of air conditioner空调有效潜热(减湿)制冷量useful latent heat (dehumidifyying) capacity of air conditioner空调器有效总制冷量useful total capacity of air conditioner29制冷剂循环量circulating mass of refrigerant制冷剂循环容积circulating volume of refrigerant单位压缩功compress work per mass示功图indicator diagram指示功indicated work摩擦功frictional work功率power摩擦功率frictional power指示功率indicated power理论功率idea power轴功率brake power效率efficiency指示效率indicated efficiency机械效率mechanical efficiency总效率overall efficiency制冷系数coefficient of performance (COP)制冷压缩机的制冷系数refrigerating compressor coefficient of performance热力完善度thermodynamical perfectness能效比energy efficiency ratio (EER)热泵供热系数heat-pump coefficient of performance热泵用压缩机的供热系数heat-pump compressor coefficient of performance容积效率volumetric efficiency容积输气量volumetric displacement实际输气量actual displacement理论输气量theoretical displacement冷凝热量condenser heat过冷热量heat of subcooling过热热量superheat运转工况下的制冷量rating under working conditions标准制冷量standard rating名义工况normal conditions试验工况test conditions运行工况operating conditions标准性能standard rating标准工况standard condition30空调工况air conditioning condition内部条件internal conditions外部条件external conditions蓄热accumulation of heat蓄冷accumulation of cold制冰能力ice-making capacity除霜结霜frost formation积霜frost deposit回霜frost back除霜defrosting化霜defrosting融霜defrosting冲霜defrosting人工除霜manual defrosting除霜周期defrosting cycle除霜循环defrosting cycle中止除霜循环off-cycle defrosting周期除霜系统cycle defrost system自动除霜automatic defrosting半自动除霜semi-automatic defrosting高速半自动除霜fast semi-automatic defrosting定时除霜time defrosting外能除霜external defrosting水除霜water defrosting水除霜系统water defrosting system热水除霜hot water defrosting热液除霜系统hot liquid defrosting system内能除霜internal defrosting热气除霜hot gas defrosting热气除霜系统hot gas defrosting system热液除霜hot liquid defrosting逆循环除霜reverse cycle defrosting31逆循环除霜系统reverse cycle defrosting system除霜用热气管hot gas line for defrosting热箱除霜thermotank defrost电加热器除霜electric heater defrosting电加热器除霜系统electric heater defrosting system暖空气除霜warm air defrosting除霜水盘drip tray,defrost pan蒸发器及冷却设备蒸发器evaporator直接冷却式蒸发器direct evaporator直接式蒸发器direct evaporator间接冷却式蒸发器indirect cooled evaporator间接式蒸发器indirect evaporator干式蒸发器dry expansion evaporator满液式蒸发器flooded evaporator再循环式蒸发器recirculation-type evaporator强制循环式蒸发器pump-feed evaporator壳盘管式蒸发器shell-and-coil evaporator壳管式蒸发器shell-and-tube evaporator喷淋式蒸发器spray-type evaporator立管式蒸发器vertical-type evaporator平行管蒸发器raceway coil螺旋管式蒸发器spiral tube evaporator“V”型管蒸发器herringbone type evaporator沉浸式盘管蒸发器submerged evaporator板式蒸发器plate-type evaporator螺旋板式蒸发器spiral sheet evaporator平板式蒸发器plate-type evaporator,tube-in-sheet evaporator管板式蒸发器tube-on-sheet evaporator凹凸板式蒸发器embossed-plate evaporator吹胀式蒸发器roll-bond evaporator压焊板式蒸发器roll-bond evaporator制冰块器的蒸发器ice cube maker evaporator结冰式蒸发器ice-bank evaporator32。



q check 质量检查q deconvolution q反褶积q value q值;品质因数q wave 勒夫波q 第四纪q 公担q 夸脱q 量q 品质因数q 问题q-band q频带q-joint q 节理q-law 品质因素定律q-meter q 表q-mode cluster analysis q型聚类分析q-qualit 品质因数q-ring 方形环q. 夸德q.e. 这就是q.i 质量指标qa 二次淬火的qa 象限角qa 质量保证qb 速断;高速断路器qc 快速检查qc 质量控制qd 俯角qed 证完qef 这就是所要作的qei 这就是所要找的qf 品质因数qft 定量荧光分析法qisam 队列索引顺序存取法ql. 公担;英制重量单位qlty 质qp 更新世;更新统qpl 产品一览表qquasi-section 假剖面qr 四分之一;一刻钟qr 质量要求qrc 快速反应能力qrc 快速换装闸板型qt 夸脱qt 快速测试qt 数量qtc 鉴定试验试件qtr 检验合格报告qtr 四分之一qty 量qtz 石英qtze 石英岩quad word 四倍长字quad 四倍的;四重的;四个部分形成的quad 四边的quad 四角形quad 四路多工的;四倍的quad 象限quad. 四角形quadded cable 四线电缆quadr- 四quadracypris 方星介属quadraeculina 四字粉属quadrangle 四边形quadrangular 四边形的quadrant angle 象限角quadrant antenna 正方形天线quadrant depression 俯角quadrant elevation 仰角quadrant tooth 扇形轮齿quadrant valve 扇形阀quadrantal diagram 象限图quadrantal 象限的quadraphonics 四轨录音放音;四声道立体声quadrate 正方形;使成正方形;四等分quadratic approximation 二次逼近quadratic component 二次谐波quadratic criterion 二次准则quadratic curve 二次曲线quadratic damping 平方阻尼quadratic detection 平方律检波quadratic discriminant 二次方程判别式quadratic equation 二次方程quadratic expression 二次表达式quadratic form 二次型quadratic function 二次函数quadratic interpolation 二次插值quadratic mean deviation 中误差quadratic mean 均方值;有效值quadratic programming 二次规划quadratic root 平方根quadratic spline 二次样条quadratic sum 平方和quadratic surface 二次曲面quadratic transformation 二次变换quadratic variation 二次变分quadratic 二次方程式;二次项;二次的;平方的;象限的;方形的quadratin free number 无平方因子数quadratron 热阴极四极管quadrature analysis 正交分析quadrature component 正交分量quadrature filtering 90度相移滤波quadrature formula 求积公式quadrature network 无功电路quadrature spectrum 正交谱quadrature trace 正交道quadrature 求面积;求积分;正交;转象差;90度相位差quadrennial 连续四年的时间;每四年一次的事件;第四周年;连续四年的;每四年一次的quadri- 四quadric cone 二次锥面quadric stress 曲面应力quadric surface 二次曲面quadric 二次quadricorrelator 自动调节相位线路quadrilateral 四边形quadrille paper 方格纸quadrillion 1×1024quadrinomial 四项式quadripole 四极quadripolymer 四单体共聚物quadrivalence =quadrivalency 四价quadrntnt 四分之一圆;扇形体;象限仪;象限;扇形齿轮;四分仪quadrode 四极管quadru- 四quadruple block 四轮滑车quadruple board platform 二层台quadruple chain drive 四排链的传动quadruple coincidence set 四等分器quadruple completion 四层同时完成quadruple 四倍;四倍的;四重的;由四部分组成的;四路的;四工的;四倍地;成四倍;以四乘quadruple-action hand pump 四作用手摇泵quadrupler 四倍器;四频器;乘四装置;四倍乘数quadruplet 四件一套的东西quadruplex 四路多工系统;四倍的;四重的;四路多工的quadruplicate 一式四份的一份;一式四份;四倍的;四重的;四次方的;一式四份的quadruplication 放大四倍;反复四次quadrupole 四极quafric curve 二次曲线quafric of revolution 回转二次曲面quagmire 沼泽quake center 震中quake sheet 地震岩席quake 震动;颤抖qual. 定性的qual.anal. 定性分析qualia quale的复数qualification approval test 资格合格考试qualification certificate 资格证书qualification examination 资格审查qualification rate 合格率qualification test report 检验合格报告qualification test 资格考试qualification 资格qualificative 限定的qualified acceptance 有条件承兑qualified driller 合格司钻qualified part 合格零件qualified person 合格人员qualified product list 产品一览表qualified 合格的qualifier 合格的物;修饰词;限定词qualimeter x射线硬度测量仪qualitative analysis 定性分析qualitative assay 定性测定qualitative carbon steel 优质碳钢qualitative comparison 质量比较qualitative curve 定性曲线qualitative determination 定性测定qualitative examination 定性研究qualitative filter paper 定性滤纸qualitative formation evaluation 定性地层评价qualitative indication 定性指示qualitative interpretation 定性解释qualitative observation 定性观察qualitative respones data 定性响应数据qualitative scenarios 定性情景qualitative scheme 定性方法qualitative spectral scan 定性全谱扫描qualitative steel 优质钢qualitative stratigraphic corrrelation 定性地层对比qualitative tendency 特性趋势qualitative test 定性测试qualitative 定性的quality assessment 质量评价quality assurance provision 质量保证条例quality assurance 质量保证quality certificate 品质证书quality check 质量检查quality claim 品质索赔quality control by attributes 按固定指标控制quality control 质量控制quality determination 质量测定quality discrepancy record 质量不合规定的记录quality factor 品质因素quality grade 质量等级quality gravel 优质砾石quality index 质量指标quality inspection 质量检验quality leadership 质量领先quality level 质量水平quality loss 质量损耗quality management 质量管理quality matetrial 优质材料quality mind 质量意识quality monitoring 质量监测quality of balance 平衡度quality reduction 质量下降quality requirements 质量要求quality specification 质量标准quality standard 质量标准quality steel 优质钢quality supervision 质量监督quality 质量qualutative model 定性模型quan. 定量的quant. anal 定量分析quant. 定量的quant. 定量地quant. 数量quanta quantum的复数quantification 定时化;定量评价;量化quantifiter 量词;计量器quantifying risk 风险定量quantile 分位点数quantimeter 剂量计quantitative analysis 定量分析quantitative assay 定量测定quantitative assessment 定量评定quantitative change 量变quantitative check 定时检查quantitative classification 定量分类quantitative comparison 定量比较quantitative criterion 定量标准quantitative data 定量数据quantitative determination 定量测定quantitative evaluation 定量评价quantitative examination 定量研究quantitative filter paper 定量滤纸quantitative forecast 定量预报quantitative formation evaluation 定量地层评价quantitative geochemistry 定量地球化学quantitative geology 定量地质学quantitative index 数量指标quantitative interpretation 定量解释quantitative lithologic data 定量岩性资料quantitative measurement 定量测定quantitative paper chromatography 定量纸色谱法quantitative relation 数量关系quantitative reserve assessment 定时储量评定quantitative scenarios 定量情景quantitative seismic stratigraphy 定量地震地层学quantitative spectrograhic analysis 定量光谱分析quantitative spectrography 定量光谱学quantitative stratigraphy 定量地层学quantitative test 定量分析quantitative 定量的quantities uplifted 增加的数量quantity claim 数量索赔quantity control valve 油量控制阀quantity determination 数量确定法quantity discount 折扣量quantity estimate sheet 工作量估算表quantity loss 数量损耗quantity meter 总流量表quantity of heat 热量quantity of information 信息量quantity of injected water 注入水量quantity of precipitation 降水量quantity of remaining recoverable oil 剩余可采油量quantity production 大量生产quantity sheet 工程数量表quantity 量quantivalency 化合价quantivalent 多价的quantivative approach 定量方法quantization 量子化;数字化;分层quantometer 光量计quantum chemistry 量子化学quantum detector 量子探测器quantum effect 量子效应quantum efficiency 量子效率quantum energy 量子能quantum frequency standard 量子频率标准quantum mechanics 量子力学quantum of action 作用量子quantum optics 量子光学quantum theory 量子论quantum-mechanical theory 量子力学理论quanxtizer 数字转换器;量化器quaqavsal dome 圆形穹隆quaquaversal fold 穹状褶皱quaquaversal structure 穹状构造quaquaversal 穹状圆项;由中心向四方扩散的quaquavsal dip 穹倾斜quar 砂岩quarantine buoy 检疫浮标quarantine 检疫;隔离;隔离区;对…进行检疫quark 夸克学quarkonics 夸克学quarry stone 乱石;毛石quarry 石场;菱形的玻璃片;消息的来源;采;搜索;追求物quart 夸脱;一夸脱的容器quart- 四quart. 季度的;四分之一的;每季的;季刊quartation 析银法;;四分法quarter bend 90度弯管quarter deck 艉甲板quarter 四分之一;四分之一元;四等分;季度;一刻钟;方位;四个主要点中的一点;象限;方向;地区;方面;地区;住处;船的后部;相互垂直;弦;把…分为四部分;把…四等分;使与机器连接部quarter-life 四分之一寿命quarter-turn ball valve 直角回转球阀quarter-turn belt 直角回转皮带quarter-wave filter 四分之一波长滤波器quarter-wave 四分之一波长的quarterbost 宿营船quartering sea 船尾浪quartering 四等分;四分取样法;间柱;成直角的quarterline 四等分线quarterly account 季度报表quarterly report 季报quarterly 季刊;季度的;每季的;四分之一的;一季一次的;每季的quartermadter corps line 军用油管线quartern 四等分quarternary 四元的quartet 四人一组;四件一套;四重线quartic 四次的quartile 四分位数quartimax method 四次幂极大法quartimin method 四次幂极小法quarto 四开;四开本;四开的quartz anorthosite 石英斜长岩quartz crystal oscillator gauge 石英晶体振荡压力计quartz crystal 石英晶体quartz dioite 石英闪长岩quartz disoultion 石英辉长岩quartz fiber gravimeter 石英丝重力仪quartz fiber horizontal magnetometer 石英丝水平磁力仪quartz gabbro 石英辉长岩quartz gauge 石英压力计quartz knife edge 石英刀口quartz magnetometer 石英磁力仪quartz montzonite 石岩二长岩quartz monzobiorite 石英二长闪长岩quartz monzogabbro 石岩二长辉长岩quartz oscillator 石英晶体振荡器quartz sand 石英砂quartz sinter 硅华quartz spring gravimeter 石英弹簧式重力仪quartz syenite 石英正长岩quartz t variometer 石英t磁变仪quartz torsion fiber 石岩扭丝quartz 石英quartzarenite 石英砂屑岩quartzification 石英化quartzifous 石英质的quartzite 石英岩quartzitic grit 石英岩质粗砂岩quartzitic sandstone 石英岩质砂岩quartzmengwacke 石英蒙瓦克岩quartzo-feldspathic hornfels 石英长石质角岩quartzolite 硅英岩quartzose arkose 石英长石砂岩quartzose conglomerate 石英质砾岩quartzose laterite 石英质粗砂岩quartzose limestone 石英质灰岩quartzose sandstone 石英砂岩quartzose 石英质quartzwacke 石英瓦克岩quartzy sandstone 石英质砂岩quasi laminar flow 拟层状流quasi one-dimensional flow 准一维流动quasi particle 准粒子quasi shear-wave 准横波quasi steady state flow 准稳态流动quasi thixotropy 准触变性quasi- 似quasi-analog 拟quasi-analytical method 准解析法quasi-competent sands 半坚实砂层quasi-conductor 半导体quasi-coordinates 准坐标quasi-criterion 准评判准则quasi-cyclic code 准循环码quasi-dispersive wave group 准频散波群quasi-dry sample 低含水岩样quasi-elastic scattering 准弹性散射quasi-elastic 准弹性的quasi-equilibrium 准平衡quasi-ergodic principle 准各态遍历原理quasi-factor 拟因子quasi-flexural fold 拟挠曲褶皱quasi-fluid 似流体quasi-friction 准摩擦quasi-geologic joint 似地质节理quasi-gradiometer 准梯度仪quasi-gravity 准重力quasi-group 拟群quasi-homogeneous 准均质的quasi-instruction 拟指令quasi-isostatic displacement 准均衡位移quasi-linear 拟线性的quasi-linearization 拟线性化quasi-longitudinal wave 准纵波quasi-marine 准海成的quasi-newton method 拟牛顿法quasi-optical 准光的quasi-optimal solution 准优解quasi-ordered system 拟序系统quasi-orthogonal 准正交的quasi-periodic 拟周期的quasi-periodicity 准周期quasi-plastic flow 半朵性流quasi-polynomials 准多项式quasi-random access memory 准随机存取存储器quasi-random 拟随机quasi-single phase flow 准单相流动quasi-sorted 半筛选的quasi-stability 准稳定性quasi-stagnant water 准停滞水quasi-static analysis 准静态分析quasi-static displacement 拟静态驱替quasi-static 似静定的quasi-stationary channel flow 准稳定槽流quasi-stationary oscillation 似稳振荡quasi-stationary 似稳定的quasi-steady state 准稳定态quasi-transverse wave 类横波quasi-variable 准变数quasi-viscous 准粘性的quasicraton 准克拉通quasicrystal 准晶体quasiendothyra 似内卷虫属quasifusulina 似纺锤nfda3属quasimoney 准货币quasiorthogonal code 准正交码quasiperfect network 准理想网络quasiseller 准卖主quatation 行情表quater- 四分之一quaterdenary 十四进制的quatermary 四;四个一组quaternary ammonium polymer 季铵聚合物quaternary ammonium 季铵quaternary carbon atom 季碳原子quaternary gain 四进制增益quaternary geanticline 第四纪地背斜quaternary glaciation 第四纪冰期quaternary ice age 第四纪冰期quaternary period 第四纪quaternary sediment 四组分沉积物quaternary system 第四系quaternary system 四元系统quaternary 第四纪第四系quaternion 四个一组;四人一组;四元数;四元法quaternity 四位一体;四人一组quaver 颤音;震动;颤抖;发颤音quay 码头qucidiao 缺次调queen 王后;女王;大石板quefrency domain 同态频率域quefrency 同态频率quench aging 淬火时效quench alloy steel 淬硬合金钢quench bath 淬火浴quench condensation 急冷凝quench duct 骤冷丝室quench hardening 粹火硬化quench oil 淬火油;急冷油quench tower 急冷塔quench zone 急冷段quench 淬火;急冷quenchant 淬火剂quenched and tempered steel 调质钢quenched combustion 急冷燃烧quenched water 急冷水quencher 扑灭者;熄灭器;淬灭剂;灭火器;灭弧器;减震器;阻尼器quenching agent 淬火剂quenching bath 淬化浴quenching crack 淬火裂纹quenching effect 骤冷效应quenching medium 淬火剂quenching oil column 急冷油塔quenching stack 骤冷甬道quenching strain 淬火应变quenching system 急冷系统quenching temperature 淬火温度quenching water column 骤冷水塔quenching 淬火quenchometer 冷却速度试验器querceta quercetum的复数quercoidites 栎粉属quernstone 含铁砾质砂岩querwellen wave 奎威林波query language 询问语言query 质问;疑问;询价;请问;疑问号;询问quest for oil 找油quest 探索;寻找;要求;追求question 问题;难题;议题;疑问句;可能性;询问questionable productive zone 可疑生产层questionable 可疑的questionary 询问的questionnaire 调查表queue anticline 背斜尾queue discipline 排队规则queue empty 队列空queue full 队列满queue priority 队列优先权queue 发辫;行列;梳成辫子;排队queued access method 队列存取法queued indexed sequential access method 排队索引按序存取法queued sequential access method 排队按序存取法queuing network 排队网络queuing theory 排队论queuing 排队quibinary code 五-二码quick access 快速存取quick acting 快动作的quick ash 烟道尘quick bleed 快排开关quick burning fuse 速燃引信quick cement 快凝水泥quick clay 过敏性粘土quick closing safety valve 快闭安全阀quick connector 快速连接器quick cooling 快速冷却quick coupler 快速连接器quick coupling 快速管箍quick current assets 速动资产quick depletion 速递减quick disconnection 速断开quick exhaust valve 快速放空阀quick freezing 速冻quick ground 流砂土quick hardening 快硬的quick lock 速关锁装置quick look scaler 快速直观解释比例尺quick open cover 快速开启盖quick opening shock valve 快开冲击阀quick ratio 速动比quick relealse 快松quick return motion 速回运动quick run 快速的quick setting cement 快凝水泥quick setting mortar 快凝灰浆quick solder 速熔焊料quick start 快启动quick talking cement 快凝水泥quick test 快速试验quick turn 急转弯quick union 快接接头quick 快的quick-acting coupling 快速接头quick-acting fuse 速燃引信quick-acting valve 快动作启闭阀quick-adjustsing 快速调整的quick-break switch 急断开关quick-break 速断quick-breaking emulsion 易破坏乳状液quick-change plug container 快卸式水泥头quick-change 快速调换的quick-closing lock 快关闭装置quick-closing valve 快关阀quick-detach 速拆卸quick-disconnect 速折卸的quick-drying lacquer 快干漆quick-drying oil 快干油quick-opening flow characteristic 快开流动特性quick-opening valve 快开阀quick-operating 快动的quick-reading flow sheet 简化流程quick-release coupling 快卸接头quick-release valve 快泄阀quick-replaceable 快速更换的quick-setting 快凝quick-speed 快速quick-stick test 快粘试验quick-wear part 易损零件quick-wearing 快磨损quicklime 生石灰quicklook interpretation 快速直观解释quicklook playback 快速直观回放quicklook 快速直观quicksand type formation 流砂型地层quicksand 流砂;动荡和捉摸不定的事物quicksilver 水银;汞;涂水银于quicktran 快速翻译程序quiddity 本质;遁辞quiescence 静止;沉寂quiescent condition 静止状态quiescent current 静态电流quiescent interval 间歇时间quiescent layer 静止层quiescent load 静负荷quiescent point 静态工作点quiescent tank 静水沉降池quiescent 静止的quiet day 无磁扰日quiet magnetic zone 地磁平静区quiet well 安静井quieter 消音装置quietus 偿清;解除;静止状态quilitative method 定性方法quill 羽毛;钻轴;衬套;导火线;做管状的褶子;卷在线轴上quilt 用垫料填塞;被;被状物;缝quin- 五quinary digit 五进制数字quinary notation 十五进制的quinary 五个一套;五的;五个的;五个一套的;第五位的;五进制的quindenary 奎宁;金鸡纳碱quinguerhabdus 五角棒石quinine 奎诺酊quinoidine 喹啉quinoline 喹啉quinolinic acid 喹啉酸quinone 醌quinqu 五quint 五件一套;五度quintal 公担quintessence 精髓;典型;本位quintete 五人一组;五件一套;五重线quintic 五次的quintuple 五倍量;五个一套;成五倍;五的;五倍的quintupler 五倍器quintuplet 五人一组quintuplicate 五倍的数;使成五倍;作成一式五份;五倍的;五重的quintuplication 五倍quintupling 五倍quioning 外角构件;挤紧;楔紧quire 一刀;对折的一叠纸quirk 突然弯曲;遁辞;弯曲quisqueite 高硫钒沥青;硫沥青quit flowing pressure 停喷压力quit 离开;退出;放弃;解除;偿清;停止quiver 颤声;一闪;颤动;摇动quiverful 大量的quiz 知识测验;难题quizzes quiz的复数qujionlepis 曲靖鱼属qun 群qunatum 量;量子;和quoin 外角;角落;隅石;楔形支持物;夹紧quorum 法律顾问quot 引用的;开价的quot 引用语;行市;估价单quota agreement 生产限额协议quota allocation of production 生产配额quota cost 定额成本quota of budget 预算定额quota of budgetary estimate 概率定额quota of capital construction 基本建设定额quota system 限额进出口制quota 份额quotation of prices 报价quotation 引证quote 引号;引文;引用;把…放在引号内;报quoteworthy 有引用价值的quotient convergence factor 比值收敛因子quotient group 商群quotient of difference 增量比quotient 商数;份额quotient-difference algorithm 商差算法quotient-multiplier register 乘数商数寄存器quotiety 率quotoent system 限额进出口制qv 见qwasi-time domain method 伪时域法qwerty keyboard qwerty盘。



一、英汉互译:1. Passive Remote Sensing被动遥感: Makes use of sensors that detect thereflected or emitted (散射)electro-magnetic radiation from natural sources.2. Active remote Sensing主动遥感: Makes use of sensors that detect reflectedresponses from objects that are irradiated (辐射)from artificially-generated energy sources, such as radar.3. Platforms平台: Vehicle to carry the sensor (truck, aircraft, space shuttle,satellite, etc.)4. Sensors传感器: Device to detect electro-magnetic radiation (camera, scanner,etc.)5.Atmospheric scattering(大气散射)is the unpredictable diffusion of radiationby particles in the atmosphere.6.Mie scatter (米氏散射)exists when the atmospheric particle diameter isessentially equal to the energy wavelengths being sensed.7..Electromechanical:(光机)the sensor oscillates(振荡)from side to side toform the image.8.Linear array :(线性列阵)an array of detectors is used to simultaneously(同时地)sense the pixel (像素)values along a line。

悟空号暗物质粒子探测卫星作文资料 英语

悟空号暗物质粒子探测卫星作文资料 英语

悟空号暗物质粒子探测卫星作文资料英语The Wukong Dark Matter Particle Detection SatelliteAs humanity's quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe continues, one of the most intriguing and elusive phenomena that has captivated the scientific community is the enigma of dark matter. This invisible and yet ubiquitous substance, which is believed to make up a significant portion of the universe, has long evaded our direct observation and understanding. However, the recent launch of the Wukong Dark Matter Particle Detection Satellite marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to shed light on this cosmic conundrum.The Wukong satellite, named after the legendary Chinese mythological figure Sun Wukong, or the Monkey King, is a state-of-the-art space-based observatory designed to detect and study the nature of dark matter particles. Launched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Wukong mission represents a groundbreaking collaboration between international teams of scientists and engineers, all driven by the shared goal of unraveling one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the field of astrophysics.At the heart of the Wukong satellite's mission is the search for weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, which are widely believed to be the primary constituents of dark matter. These elusive particles, if detected, could provide invaluable insights into the fundamental nature of the universe and the forces that govern its evolution. The Wukong satellite is equipped with a highly sensitive instrument, the Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), which is capable of precisely measuring the energy and trajectory of cosmic rays and other high-energy particles.One of the key challenges in the study of dark matter has been the inability to directly observe these particles, as they do not interact with electromagnetic radiation and are therefore invisible to traditional telescopes and detectors. The Wukong satellite, however, is designed to overcome this obstacle by using its advanced DAMPE instrument to search for the subtle signatures of dark matter interactions with ordinary matter.As the Wukong satellite orbits the Earth, it is constantly bombarded by a stream of cosmic rays and other high-energy particles. By carefully analyzing the data collected by DAMPE, scientists hope to identify the telltale signs of dark matter particles, such as distinctive energy signatures or patterns of interaction. This information, in turn, could provide invaluable clues about the properties and behavior of dark matter, ultimately leading to a better understanding of its rolein the formation and evolution of the universe.One of the key advantages of the Wukong satellite is its ability to operate in the harsh environment of space, where it is shielded from the interference and disturbances that can plague ground-based observatories. This allows the DAMPE instrument to collect data with unprecedented precision and sensitivity, increasing the chances of detecting the elusive dark matter particles.Moreover, the Wukong mission is part of a broader international effort to study the nature of dark matter. By collaborating with other space agencies and research institutions around the world, the Chinese team behind the Wukong satellite hopes to leverage the collective expertise and resources of the global scientific community to tackle this fundamental question.As the Wukong satellite continues its mission, the scientific community eagerly awaits the data and insights it will provide. The successful detection of dark matter particles would not only represent a major breakthrough in our understanding of the universe but could also pave the way for new avenues of research and technological advancements.Beyond the scientific implications, the Wukong mission also holds significant symbolic and cultural significance for China. Thenamesake of the satellite, the legendary Monkey King, is a beloved figure in Chinese folklore, known for his boundless curiosity, intelligence, and determination. By naming the satellite after this iconic character, the Chinese space agency has infused the mission with a sense of national pride and a nod to the rich cultural heritage of the country.In conclusion, the Wukong Dark Matter Particle Detection Satellite represents a remarkable achievement in the ongoing quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe. As the satellite continues its mission, the global scientific community eagerly awaits the insights it will provide, hoping to shed light on the elusive nature of dark matter and its role in shaping the cosmos. The success of the Wukong mission will not only advance our scientific understanding but also inspire future generations of explorers and researchers to push the boundaries of human knowledge and discovery.。



ZHANG Shujing1 , XIAO Chen1 , WU Bin2 , ZHANG Hailong1
( 1. Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001,China; 2. Unit 32316, Urumqi 830000, China)
随着科学技术的发展以及战略形势的转变,作 为战略通道与信息传播的媒介,海洋战场的作用与 地位越发突出。 夺取信息制胜权是打赢信息化海 洋战争 的 首 要 因 素。 量 子 密 钥 分 配 ( QKD ) [1-2] 作 为重要的通信方式之一,由于其具有无条件安全等 特点得到了越来越多的关注与发展。 与拥有固定 衰 减 的 传 统 光 纤 信 道 QKD[3-4] 相 比, 大 气 信 道
QKD[5-7] 不易受地 理 条 件 的 限 制,能 够 覆 盖 更 宽 广 的传输 范 围 并 且 拥 有 更 灵 活 的 传 输 信 道[8-9] 。 在 海洋战场上,由 于 海 洋 环 境 的 复 杂 性, 部 署 光 纤 信 道进行密钥传输相对困难,并容易遭到破坏,因此 大气信道发挥了作用。 但是,大气信道环境相对复 杂,光在大气中传 输 时 不 可 避 免 地 受 到 大 气 的 影 响 。 [10-12] 复杂 大 气 对 光 传 播 的 影 响 主 要 有: 大 气
CVQKD 系统的各项参数,可以提高通信的可靠性。
关键词:海盐粒子;传输距离;大气 CVQKD;密钥率
中图分类号:TN918. 1 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1671-0673( 2019) 05-0587-04
Effects of Sea Salt Radius on Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution



“纳米材料的量子效应”研究报告目录目录 (2)概念 (3)定义: (3)举例: (3)应用 (3)理论应用: (3)BCS理论 (3)量子霍尔效应 (5)实际应用: (6)IMEC开发的硅纳米线太阳能电池利用量子效应使转换效率达30%以上 (6)研究前沿动态: (8)总结与个人观点: (13)概念定义:一维势阱模型中,粒子运动范围越小,能级差就越大,从这一规律定性地更复杂的三维体系就不难理解:普通金属费米能级附近的准连续能级在纳米颗粒中会变为离散能级,而半导体中本来存在的窄能障在纳米颗粒中会变宽,当这种能级差大于热能,电场能或者磁场能时,就会呈现出与宏观物体不同的反常特性,即量子尺寸效应。


应用理论应用:BCS理论BCS 理论是解释常规超导体的超导电性的微观理论(所以也常意译为超导的微观理论)。

该理论以其发明者约翰·巴丁(John Bardeen)、利昂·库珀(L.V.Cooper)和约翰·罗伯特·施里弗(J.R.Schrieffer)的名字首字母命名。





在BCS理论提出的同时,尼科莱·勃格留波夫(Nikolai Bogoliubov)也独立的提出了超导电性的量子力学解释,他使用的勃格留波夫变换至今为人常用。






光子加速原理问:为什么光子能达到光速?答:1、光light,是电磁波emw = electromagnetic wave。

这是确证无疑的,是标标准准的横波transverse wave;2、光是由光子解释的,光子photon,只是一种从效应上类比出来的概念,并不是真正的粒子。

所以,物理中把这种粒子跟真实粒子real particle,加以区别,称光子是quasi-particle,我们翻译成准粒子、类粒子、虚粒子。

光子具有的粒子性质,也为了跟真正的粒子性质加以区别,把光的粒子性称为particle-like particle,直译就是“像粒子的”那种性质。






----1、光light,是电磁波emw = electromagnetic wave。

这是确证无疑的,是标标准准的横波transverse wave;2、光是由光子解释的,光子photon,只是一种从效应上类比出来的概念,并不是真正的粒子。

所以,物理中把这种粒子跟真实粒子real particle,加以区别,称光子是quasi-particle,我们翻译成准粒子、类粒子、虚粒子。

光子具有的粒子性质,也为了跟真正的粒子性质加以区别,把光的粒子性称为particle-like particle,直译就是“像粒子的”那种性质。




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The discovery of superconductivity in heavy fermion (HF) -electron compounds near a magnetic quantum critical point (QCP) has stimulated the studies of superconductivity in this class of materials 1, 2]. In these compounds, both magnetism and superconductivity are originated from the electrons, which are considered to have dual character, i.e., both localized and delocalized character 3]. The recently discovered Ce In5 ( =Rh, Ir, Co) compounds have attracted much attention because they are antiferromagnets or superconductors depending on the chemical composition and pressure, which suggests that the system is located near a QCP. Therefore they are good target materials to study how magnetism and superconductivity are related with each other. At ambient pressure, CeRhIn5 4] becomes antiferromagnetic below = 3 8 K, while CeIrIn5 5] and CeCoIn5 6] become superconducting below = 0 4 K and 2.3 K, respectively. For the CeRh Ir1; In5 alloy compounds, it was reported that the antiferromagnetic (AF) long-range order and the superconductivity coexist for 0 3 06 7]. These di erences in the ground state properties of the di erent Ce In5 compounds are thought to be originated from the di erences in the lattice constants of the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) CeIn3 layers, and hence the di erence in the - hybridization strength. Therefore, this system provides an unique opportunity to study the relationship between magnetism and superconductivity in -electron systems. There are several experimental studies on the elecf f T T TN : TC :
PACS numbers: 79.60.-i, 71.27.+a, 71.18.+y
Shin-ichi Fujimori1, Atsushi Fujimori1 2 , Kenya Shimada3 , Takamasa Narimura4 , Kenichi Kobayashi4 , Hirofumi Namatame3, Masaki Taniguchi3 , Hisatomo Harima5, Hiroaki Shishido6 , Shugo Ikeda7 , Dai Aoki8 , Yoshifumi Tokiwa9 , Yoshinori Haga7 , and Yoshichika Onuki6 7 1
Direct observation in CeIrIn5: Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study
Synchrotron Radiation Research Unit, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, SPring-8, Sayo, Hyogo 679-5148, Japan 2 Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8561, Japan 3 Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan 4 Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan 5 Department of Physics, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan 6 Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan 7 Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan 8 Institute for Material Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan 9 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics, MST-10, MS K764, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA (Dated: February 13, 2006) We have performed a high-resolution angle resolved Ce 4d-4f resonant photoemission experiment on the heavy fermion superconductor CeIrIn5 . We have observed a quasi-particle band which has an energy dispersion of 30 meV in the Ce 4f on-resonance spectra. The result suggests that although the 4f spectra are dominated by the localized/correlated character, the small itinerant component is responsible for the superconductivity in this compound.
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tronic structure of states in these compounds. For antiferromagnetic CeRhIn5 , Shishido et al. 8] have performed de Haas van Alphen (dHvA) experiments, and found that the obtained branches are essentially the same as those of LaRhIn5 , suggesting that the Ce 4 electrons in CeRhIn5 are localized. The localized nature of Ce 4 electrons in this compound is also evident from the dHvA experiments on Ce La1; RhIn5 by Los Alamos group 9] and the optical conductivity measurements 10]. For the superconducting CeIrIn5 , on the other hand, there has been a controversy between the localized and delocalized pictures for the Ce 4 electrons. A nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) study has suggested that the Ce 4 electrons in this compound are much more itinerant than known other Ce HF based compounds 11]. dHvA measurements on this compound have also suggested that the observed branches are well explained by the itinerant 4 -electron model 8, 12]. In addition, Harrison et al. 9] have compared the dHvA branches of CeIrIn5 and LaIrIn5 , and found that the expansion of Fermi surface (FS) volume on going from LaIrIn5 to CeIrIn5 . This implies the formation of quasi-particle band in CeIrIn5 . All these results suggest that 4 electrons in CeIrIn5 have itinerant character. On the other hand, photoemission studies have been made for this compound, and the localized character of -electrons has been observed. In a previous paper, we have studied Ce In5 ( =Rh, Ir) by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) using low energy photon ( =21.2 eV) and Ce 3 -4 resonant photoemission (RPES) 13]. The RPES spectra of both compounds were understood within the framework