Wolfe, K. H._2001_Nat Rev Genet_Yesterday's polyploids and the mystery of diploidization
Reservoir Computing Approaches toRecurrent Neural Network Training
1. Introduction Artificial recurrent neural networks (RNNs) represent a large and varied class of computational models that are designed by more or less detailed analogy with biological brain modules. In an RNN numerous abstract neurons (also called units or processing elements ) are interconnected by likewise abstracted synaptic connections (or links ), which enable activations to propagate through the network. The characteristic feature of RNNs that distinguishes them from the more widely used feedforward neural networks is that the connection topology possesses cycles. The existence of cycles has a profound impact: • An RNN may develop a self-sustained temporal activation dynamics along its recurrent connection pathways, even in the absence of input. Mathematically, this renders an RNN to be a dynamical system, while feedforward networks are functions. • If driven by an input signal, an RNN preserves in its internal state a nonlinear transformation of the input history — in other words, it has a dynamical memory, and is able to process temporal context information. This review article concerns a particular subset of RNN-based research in two aspects: • RNNs are used for a variety of scientific purposes, and at least two major classes of RNN models exist: they can be used for purposes of modeling biological brains, or as engineering tools for technical applications. The first usage belongs to the field of computational neuroscience, while the second
在应用辛几何算法求解Lotka-Volterra系统时,需要注意以下几点:1. 模型的建立:将Lotka-Volterra系统的微分方程转化为哈密顿形式是关键步骤。
2. 算法的选择:根据问题的特点和需求,选择合适的辛几何算法进行求解。
3. 模拟的精度和效率:在求解过程中,要平衡模拟的精度和效率。
微生物名人堂John E. Walker
微生物名人堂John E. WalkerJohn E. Walker AutobiographyI was born in Halifax , Yorkshire on January 7th, 1941 to Thomas Ernest Walker and Elsie Walker (ne Lawton ). My father was a stone mason, and a talented amateur pianist and vocalist. I was brought up with my two younger sisters, Judith and Jennifer, in a rural environment overlooking the Calder valley near Elland, and then in Rastrick. I received an academic education at Rastrick Grammar School , specializing in Physical Sciences and Mathematics in the last three years. I was a keen sportsman, and became school captain in soccer and cricket. In 1960, I went to St. Catherine's College, Oxford , and received the B.A. degree in Chemistry in 1964.In 1965, I began research on peptide antibiotics with E. P. Abraham in the Sir Willian Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford , and was awarded the D. Phil. degree in 1969. During this period, I became aware of the spectacular developments made in Cambridge in the 1950s and early 1960s in Molecular Biology through a series of programmes on BBC television given by John Kendrew, and published in 1966under the title The Thread of Life. These programmes made a lasting impression on me, and made me want to know more about the subject. Two books, Molecular Biology of the Gene by J. D. Watson, first published in 1965, and William Hayes' Bacterial Genetics helped to assuage my appetite for more information. My knowledge of this new field was extended by a series of exciting lectures for graduate students on protein structure given in 1966 by David Phillips, the new Professor of Molecular Biophysics at Oxford . Another series of lectures given by Henry Harris, the Professor of Pathology and published in book form undThen followed a period of five years working abroad, from 1969-1971, first at The School of Pharmacy at theUniversity of Wisconsin, and then from 1971-1974 in France, supported by Fellowships from NATO and EMBO, first at the CNRS at Gif-sur-Yvette and then at the Institut Pasteur.Just before Easter in 1974, I attended a research workshop in Cambridge entitled Sequence Analysis of Proteins. It was sponsored by EMBO (The European Molecular Biology Organization), and organised by Ieuan Harris fromthe Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) and by Richard Perham from the Cambridge University Department of Biochemistry. At the associated banquet, I found myself sitting next to someone that I had not met previously, who turned out to be Fred Sanger. In the course of our conversation, he asked if I had thought about coming back to work in England . I jumped at the suggestion, and with some trepidation, approached Ieuan Harris about the possibility of my joining his group. After discussions with Fred Sanger, it was agreed that I could come to the Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry (PNAC) Division at the LMB for three months from June 1974. More than 23 years later, I am still there.It goes without saying that this encounter with Fred Sanger and Ieuan Harris transformed my scientific career. In 1974, the LMB was infused throughout its three Divisions with a spirit of enthusiasm and excitement for research in molecular biology led by Max Perutz (the Chairman of the Laboratory), Fred Sanger, Aaron Klug, Francis Crick, Sidney Brenner, Hugh Huxley, John Smith and Csar Milstein, which was coupled with extraordinary success. For example, alongthe corridor from my laboratory Fred was inventing his methods for sequencing DNA, immediately across the corridor Csar Milstein and Georges Kouml;hler were inventing monoclonal antibodies, and elsewhere in the building, Francis Crick and Aaron Klug and their colleagues were revealing the structures of chromatin and transfer RNA.Fred's new DNA sequencing methods were applied first to the related bacteriophages fX174 and G4, and then to DNA from human and bovine mitochondria. I analyzed the sequences of the proteins from G4 and from mitochondria uIn 1978, I decided to apply protein chemical methods to membrane proteins, since this seemed to be both a challenging and important area. Therefore, in search of a suitable topic, I read the literature extensively. The enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation from the inner membranes of mitochondria were known to be large membrane bound multi-subunit complexes, but despite their importance, they had been studied hardly at all from a structural point of view. Therefore, the same year, I began a structural study of the ATP synthase from bovine heart mitochondriaand from eubacteria. These studies resulted eventually in acomplete sequence analysis of the complex from several species, and in the atomic resolution structure of the F catalytic domain of the enzyme from bovine mitochondria, giving new insights into how ATP is made in the biological world. Michael Runswick has worked closely with me throughout this period, and has made contributions to all aspects of our studies.In 1959, I received the A. T. Clay Gold Medal. I was awarded the Johnson Foundation Prize by the University of Pennsylvania in 1994, in 1996, the CIBA Medal and Prize of the Biochemical Society, and The Peter Mitchell Medal of the European Bioenergetics Congress, and in 1997 The Gaetano Quagliariello Prize for Research in Mitochondria by the University of Bari, Italy. In 1995, I was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1997, I was made a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge and became an Honorary Fellow of St. Catherine's College, Oxford .I married Christina Westcott in 1963. We have two daughters, Esther, aged 21 and Miriam, aged 19. At present, both of them are university students, studying Geographyand English, respectively, at Nottingham-Trent and Leeds Universities .From Les Prix Nobel 1997.。
抗拒诗,我正变为诗。 哦俄耳甫斯垂下的头,默默哀号, 我的头,从诗的云浪中,抬起。
慢慢,我的身体成为一个声音, 慢慢,我变成 一只铃, 一个椭圆、无形的元音, 我在变,成了铦鸟,
国际诗坛 Poetry International
我注视月亮的月狂的模样,它燃着 一支被自己的光环催眠的蜡烛, 然后,我 把自己火热、冻结的脸,转向那分叉的山 它像楔子,定住溺死的歌手。
鸿楷,本名何博超,中国社会科学院哲学研究所副研究员,研究方 向为古希腊哲学、东方哲学、现当代美学和诗学,亦从事诗歌写作 与翻译。 译有《德里克·沃尔科特诗集:1948—2013》(河南大学出 版社)。
我望着这座岛屿,把悬崖边 海浪优美的字迹缩小,之后 道路微渺,散漫,就像绳索 丢在岛的山峦;我望着,直到飞机 转向北方的终点,飞过 那片海水苍白、开放的海峡 就在渔人的一群小岛间,直到我爱的一切 遮入云中;我望着点点淡绿 在仿佛有礁的地方闪现, 望着机身的银光,每英里 都在让我们分别,绝对的忠诚变得紧张 直到距离将它扯断。 然后不久, 我什么也不想;我祈祷,什么都不要变; 当我们降落在西威尔,雨已下。
那冰冻的怒视, 被噬咬、化为石头的经典。 你今年不是发誓不写这样的诗吗? 不是以月亮起过誓?
为何你还会被无所作为的魔鬼抓住? 谁的沉默又如此迅速地惊呼?
. A渔l夫l像R贼i,抖gh搂t出s他R们e的s银er器v,ed.
轻盈的刀,在干燥的沙上扭动。 他们开始劳作, 记录他们历史的人,早已开始著述。
. A月l亮l闪R烁i,g就h像ts丢失R的e纽se扣r。ved.
Globally networked risks and how to respond
Risk, systemic risk and hyper-risk
According to the standard ISO 31000 (2009; /iso/ catalogue_detail?csnumber543170), risk is defined as ‘‘effect of uncertainty on objectives’’. It is often quantified as the probability of occurrence of an (adverse) event, times its (negative) impact (damage), but it should be kept in mind that risks might also create positive impacts, such as opportunities for some stakeholders.
• Geoff Parker, was a pioneer in ‗sperm competition‘. When females mate with more than one male, Geoff noticed that the sperm would compete to fertilise the eggs. He wrote a groundbreaking paper in 1970. For a few years people thought the concept only applied to insects – Geoff‘s speciality. In the following decade, there was an incredible realisation that female promiscuity was largely ubiquitous in the animal kingdom. Darwin had said exactly the opposite – that most females were strictly monogamous. Darwin assumed that the competition stopped once a partner was acquired. Geoff‘s idea was that sexual selection continues after insemination, with males competing for fertilisation and not simply for a partner. Females are particularly promiscuous in the breeding season.
小儿肺炎支原体肺炎并发消化道系统损害的相关影响因素分析*钱元原① 季卫刚① 陈艳艳① 张娟① 【摘要】 目的:探讨小儿肺炎支原体肺炎并发消化道系统损害的相关影响因素。
logistic回归分析显示,年龄≤3岁、发热病程≥7 d、大环内酯类药物使用时间<3 d、CRP≥10 mg/L是小儿肺炎支原体感染并发消化道系统损害的独立危险因素(OR>1且P<0.05)。
结论:小儿肺炎支原体肺炎患儿并发消化道系统损害与年龄≤3岁、发热病程≥7 d、大环内酯类药物使用时间<3 d、CRP≥10 mg/L有关。
【关键词】 小儿肺炎支原体肺炎 消化道系统损害 影响因素 炎症水平 大环内酯类 Analysis of Related Influencing Factors of Digestive Tract System Damage in MycoplasmaPneumoniae Pneumonia in Children/QIAN Yuanyuan, JI Weigang, CHEN Yanyan, ZHANG Juan. //Medical Innovation of China, 2024, 21(09): 143-146 [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the related influencing factors of digestive tract system damagein mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children. Method: Clinical data of 132 children with mycoplasmapneumoniae pneumonia admitted to Affiliated Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital of Nantong University fromJanuary 2020 to March 2023 were retrospectively analyzed, and they were divided into digestive system damagegroup (n=35) and non digestive system damage group (n=97) according to whether complicated with digestivetract system damage. General data of the children were collected, including sex, age, weight, fever course, diseasecourse, time when macrocyclic lactones began to be used, time when glucocorticoid began to be used, erythrocytesedimentation rate (ESR), C reactive protein (CRP) level, white blood cell (WBC) level, and the percentage ofneutrophil. Univariate analysis was carried out for the general data, and multivariate logistic regression analysis wascarried out for the factors with statistical difference. Result: Among 132 children with mycoplasma pneumoniaeinfection, 35 cases of digestive tract damage, the incidence rate was 26.52% (35/132). Univariate analysis showedthat gender, body weight, disease course, glucocorticoid initiation time, ESR, WBC, percentage of neutrophilswere compared between the two groups, the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). There werestatistically significant differences in age, course of fever, start time of macrocyclic lactones and CRP level betweenthe two groups (P<0.05). logistic regression analysis showed that age ≤3 years old, duration of fever ≥7 d, time ofmacrocyclic lactones drug use ≥3 d, CRP ≥10 mg/L were independent risk factors for mycoplasma pneumoniaeinfection complicated with digestive tract damage in children (OR>1 and P<0.05). Conclusion: Digestive tract systemdamage in children with mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia is associated with age ≤3 years old, duration of fever≥7 d, duration of macrocyclic lactones drug use ≥5 d, CRP ≥10 mg/L.*基金项目:2020年度南通市市级科技计划项目(JCZ20018)①南通大学附属南通妇幼保健院儿科 江苏 南通 226000通信作者:张娟- 143 - 肺炎支原体感染是小儿肺炎的常见病因,儿童身体免疫力与抵抗力低下,病菌容易入侵肺部,导致炎症发生[1-2]。
Founder principle
MarquesasMarianas IslandsPelew Palau Islands
Renell Ialands
D'Entrecasteaux Islands
2 岛屿生物地理学理论
True oceanic islands
其二是个体总数和物种数目之间的关系非常接近对数正态分布Distribution of species abundance
二进制灰狼算法 -回复
二进制灰狼算法-回复二进制灰狼算法(Binary Grey Wolf Optimization,简称BGWO)是一种基于自然灰狼行为的优化算法。
BGWO 算法通过模拟灰狼群体中的这种社会行为来解决优化问题。
BGWO算法的基本步骤如下:1. 初始化群体:首先,需要初始化一定数量的灰狼个体,这些个体将代表问题的潜在解。
2. 计算灰狼适应度:基于问题的具体要求,计算每个个体的适应度值。
3. 更新领导者:根据个体适应度值的大小,选择其中适应度最好的个体作为当前领导者。
4. 更新追随者:对于群体中的其他个体,通过一定的概率选择机制更新其二进制编码。
5. 更新界限:根据问题的具体要求,更新每个维度上的取值范围。
6. 更新个体适应度值:基于更新后的二进制编码,重新计算每个个体的适应度值。
7. 判断结束条件:根据问题的具体要求,判断是否满足算法的结束条件。
8. 输出最优解:如果满足结束条件,算法将输出当前群体中适应度最好的个体,作为最优解。
通过模拟灰狼群体中的行为,BGWO 算法能够在解决优化问题时具有较高的效率和准确性。
无尺度网络--摘自《科学美国人》提交者:mostai日期: 2007/5/28 23:38 阅读: 614 评分:8.33/6来源:《科学美国人》中文版2003.7摘要:这是一篇非常好的文章,文笔流畅,浅显易懂,强烈推荐!网络有随机网络和无尺度网络,许多网络包括因特网"人类社会和人体细胞代谢网络等,都是无尺度网络。
(原文:Scale-Free Networks, pp50-59, May2003) 撰文/Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Eeic Bonabeau)Tag:无尺度网络复杂系统《科学美国人》中文版2003.7作者介绍Albert-Laszlo Barabasi和Eric Bonabeau研究了从因特网到昆虫群落等一系列复杂系统的行为和特性。
一个实例:如图所示,因特网是一个无尺度网络,其中某些站点似乎与无数的其他站点相连结 (参见右图的星爆形结构细节)。
5.3.1 病毒的理论防范方法
3. 流模型法 流模型法是对共享信息流流过的距离设立一个阈
值, 使一定的信息只能在一定的区域中流动, 以此 建立一个防卫机制。 若使用超过某一距离阈值的信息, 就可能存在某种危险。 4. 限制解释法
限制解释法也就是限制兼容, 即采用固定的解释 模式, 就可能不被病毒传染。
一是传染 的隐蔽性。 二是计算ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้病毒程序存在的隐蔽性。
5.1.4 计算机病毒的特性
3. 计算机病毒的潜伏性 大部分的计算机病毒感染 系统之后一般不会马
上发作, 它可长期隐藏在系统中, 只有在满足其特 定条件时才启动其表现(破坏)模块, 在此期间, 它就可以对系统和文件进行大肆传染 。 潜伏性愈好, 其在系统中的存在时间就会愈久, 计算机病毒的传染 范围就会愈大。
1. 计算机病毒的传染性 与生物病毒一致:传染性是生物病毒的一个重要
特征。通过传染 ,生物病毒从一个生物体扩散到另一 个生物体。
计算机病毒一旦进入计算机病得以执行,它会搜 寻其他符合其传染 条件的程序或存储介质,确定目标 后再将自身插入其中,达到自我繁殖的目的。
5.1 Virus Overview 计算机病毒概述
5.2 Virus Mechanisms 计算机病毒的机制
5.3 Virus Prevention and Detection 计算机病毒的防范、检测
5.4 Trojan House 特洛伊木马
5.2.1 计算机病毒的结构模式
病毒 安装 模块 (潜伏 机制 )
5.1.5 计算机病毒的传播途径
Bass等撰写的文章“Use of Poly (A) Tail-Length to Improve the Efficacy of Short Hairpin RNAs”详细介绍了使用反义RNA抑制基因表达机制。
反义RNA还可以通过沉默Enhancer of Zeste homologue 2 (EZH2)表达,从而削弱相应的肿瘤细胞命运决策。
一项对Bcl2的RNA干扰( RNAi )研究发现,研究者使用反义RNA抑制Bcl2 mRNA的表达,且在带有Bcl2点突变的肺癌模型中表现出特异性,在小鼠中表现出良好的抗肿瘤活性。
Aging of Population
Aging of PopulationLeonid A. Gavrilov and Patrick HeuvelineThis is a manuscript of our article in The Encyclopedia of Population. New York, Macmillan Reference USA, 2003.[Note: This original manuscript is slightly different from the final publication because of small editorial changes.]Reference to the published article:Gavrilov L.A., Heuveline P.“Aging of Population.”In: Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (Eds.)The Encyclopedia of Population. New York, Macmillan Reference USA, 2003Available at:/servlet/ItemDetailServlet?region=9&imprint=000&titleCode=M333&ty pe=4&id=174029Aging of population(also known as demographic aging, and population aging) is a summary term for shifts in the age distribution (i.e., age structure) of a population toward older ages. A direct consequence of the ongoing global fertility transition (decline) and of mortality decline at older ages, population aging is expected to be among the most prominent global demographic trends of the 21st century. Population aging is progressing rapidly in many industrialized countries, but those developing countries whose fertility declines began relatively early also are experiencing rapid increases in their proportion of elderly people. This pattern is expected to continue over the next few decades, eventually affecting the entire world. Population aging has many important socio-economic and health consequences, including the increase in the old-age dependency ratio. Itpresents challenges for public health (concerns over possible bankruptcy of Medicare and related programs) as well as for economic development (shrinking and aging of labor force, possible bankruptcy of social security systems).Defining and measuring population agingAs the study of population aging is often driven by a concern over its burdening of retirement systems, the aging of population is often measured by increases in the percentage of elderly people of retirement ages. The definition of retirement ages may vary but a typical cutoff is 65 years, and nowadays a society is considered relatively old when the fraction of the population aged 65 and over exceeds 8-10%. By this standard, the percentage of elderly people in the United States stood at 12.6% in 2000, compared with only 4.1% in 1900 and a projected increase to 20% by the year 2030.A related measure of population aging is the elderly dependency ratio (EDR): the number of individuals of retirement ages compared to the number of those of working ages. For convenience, working ages may be assumed to start at age 15, although increasing proportions of individuals pursue their education beyond that age and remain, meanwhile, financially dependent, either on the state or, increasingly, on their parents or bank managers. The ratio of the elderly dependent population to the economically active (working) population is also known as old-age dependency ratio, age-dependency ratio or elderly dependency burden and is used to assess intergenerational transfers, taxation policies, and saving behavior.Another indicator of the age structure is the aging index (sometimes referred to as the elder-child ratio), defined as the number of people aged 65 and over per 100 youths under age 15. In 2000, only a few countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, and Japan) had more elderly than youth (aging index above 100). By 2030, however, the aging index is projected to exceed 100 in all developed countries, and the index of several European countries and Japan are even expected to exceed 200. To date, aging indexes are much lower in developing countries than in the developed world, but the proportional rise in the aging index in developing countries is expected to be greater than in developed countries.These indicators of population aging are mere head-count ratios (HCR), that is, they simply relate the number of individuals in large age categories.These indicators fail to take into account the age distribution within these large categories, in particular among the elderly. When the fertility and mortality trends responsible for population aging have been fairly regular over time, the population growth is positively correlated with age (i.e., the oldest age groups are growing fastest). This implies that if the proportion of the population over age 65 is increasing, within that 65-and-over population the proportion over, say, age 80 is also increasing. As health, financial situation, and consumption patterns may vary greatly between 65 year-olds and 80 year-olds, simple ratios conceal important heterogeneity in the elderly population. Increasingly, attention is paid to the "oldest olds" (typically age 80 and over). A long-time subject of curiosity, the number of centenarians is growing even faster. Estimated at 180,000 worldwide in 2000, it could reach 1 million by 2030 (United Nations 2001).The second class of indicators for population aging is the group of statistical measures of location (median, mean and modal ages of population). The median age -- the age at which exactly half the population is older and another half is younger -- is perhaps the most widely used indicator. For the year 2000, the median age in the United States was 36 years, a typical age for most developed countries and twice the median age for Africa (United Nations 2001). Because it is more sensitive to changes at the right-hand tail of the age distribution (i.e., the oldest old ages), the mean age of population might in fact be preferred to the median age to study the dynamics of population aging.Since population aging refers to changes in the entire age distribution, any single indicator might appear insufficient to measure it. The age distribution of population is often very irregular, reflecting the scars of the past events (wars, depression etc.), and it cannot be described just by one number without significant loss of information. Were the age distribution to change in a very irregular fashion over the age range, for instance, much information would be lost by a single-index summary. Therefore, perhaps the most adequate approach to study population aging is to explore the age distribution through a set of percentiles, or graphically by analyzing the population pyramids. Demographers commonly use population pyramids to describe both age and sex distributions of populations. Youthful populations are represented by pyramids with a broad base of young children and a narrow apex of older people, while older populations are characterized bymore uniform numbers of people in the age categories.Figures 1-5 About HereDemographic determinants of population agingTo understand the demographic factors that cause population aging, demographers often refer to stable populations (Preston et al. 2001). This population model assumes that age-specific fertility and mortality rates remain constant over time, and this results in a population with an age distribution that stabilizes and eventually becomes time invariant as well. Conversely, this theoretical model suggests that any change in age structure, and population aging in particular, can only be caused by changes in fertility and mortality rates. The influence of changes in fertility rates on population aging is perhaps less intuitive than that of mortality rates. Everything else constant, however, a fertility decline reduces the size of the most recent birth cohorts relative to the previous birth cohorts, hence reducing the size of the youngest age groups relative to that of the older ones.The effects of changes in mortality rates on population aging appear more intuitive, but are in fact more ambiguous. If increases in the human life span are correctly linked to population aging, reductions in mortality rates do not necessarily contribute to population aging. More specifically, mortality declines among infants, children and persons younger than the population mean age tend to lower the population mean age. A moment of thought suggests that indeed a reduction of neonatal mortality (i.e., death in the first month of life) adds individual at age 0 and should lead to the same partial alleviation of population aging as an increase in childbearing.Population aging is thus related to the demographic transition, that is the processes that lead a society from a demographic regime characterized by high rates of fertility and mortality to another one with lower fertility and mortality rates. In the course of this transition, the age structure is subjected to different influences. In the typical sequence, the transition begins with successes in preventing infectious and parasitic diseases that benefit infants and young children most. The resulting improvement in life expectancy at birth occurs while fertility tends to remain unchanged, thereby producing large birth cohorts and an expanding proportion of children relative to adults. Other things being equal, this initial decline in mortality generates a younger population age structure.After initial and sometimes very rapid gains in infant and child mortality have been achieved, further mortality declines increasingly benefit older ages and are eventually accompanied by fertility declines. Both changes contribute to reverse the early effect of mortality decline on the age structure, and this synergy is known as the double aging process. This corresponds to the experience of most developed countries today, but further decomposition suggest that their history of declining mortality is the dominant factor in current aging (Preston, Himes and Eggers 1989). Mortality declines continue in these countries and the decrease in mortality rates among the oldest-old (85+ years) has actually accelerated since the 1950s (Gavrilov, Gavrilova, 1991). This latest phase of mortality decline, which is concentrated in the older age groups, is becoming an important determinant of population aging, particularly among women.The rate of population aging may also be modulated by migration. Immigration usually slows down population aging (in Canada and Europe, for example), because immigrants tend to be younger and have more children. On the other hand, emigration of working-age adults accelerates population aging, as it is observed now in some Caribbean nations. Population aging in these countries is also accelerated by immigration of elderly retirees from other countries, and return migration of former emigrants who are above the average population age. Some demographers expect that migration will have a more prominent role in population aging in the future, particularly in low-fertility countries with stable or declining population size. The effects of migration on population aging are usually stronger in smaller populations, because of higher relative weight (proportion) of migrants in such populations.Dynamics of population agingThe current level and pace of population aging vary widely by geographic region, and usually within regions as well, but virtually all nations are now experiencing growth in their numbers of elderly residents (for selected regions and countries, see Table 1). The percentage of world population aged 65 and over only increased from 5.2% in 1950 to 6.9% in 2000. In Europe, however, the proportion is 14.7% in 2000. For a long time, the highest proportions where found in Northern Europe (e.g., 10.3% in Sweden in 1950), but had moved South by 2000 (18.1% in Italy). The proportions of elderly arelower outside of Europe with the notable exception of Japan where it increased from 4.9% in 1950 to 17.2% in 2000. The age structure of the United States continues to be marked by the large birth cohorts of the baby boom (people born from 1946 through 1964), not yet aged 65. The proportion of the elderly population in the U.S., 12.3% in 2000, hence remains low compared to the developed-country standards. .Table 1 About HerePopulation aging has the following notable features:(1) The most rapid growth occurs in the oldest age groups – the oldest-old (80+ or 85+ years) and centenarians (100+ years) in particular. In other words, population aging is becoming “deeper” with preferential accumulation of particularly old and frail people.(2) Population aging is particularly rapid among women, resulting in “feminization” of population aging (because of lower mortality rates among women). For example, in the United States, there were 20.6 million older women and 14.4 million older men in 2000, or a sex ratio of 143 women for every 100 men. The female to male ratio increases with age reaching 245 for persons 85 and over.(3) Another consequence of lower female mortality is the fact that almost half of older women (45%) in 2000 were widows, thus living without spousal support.(4) Population aging also causes changes in living arrangements resulting in increasing number of older people living alone (about 30% of all non-institutionalized older persons in 2000 lived alone in the United States).(5) Since older persons have usually lower income and a higher proportion of them are living below the poverty line, population aging is associated with poverty, particularly in developing countries.Projections of population aging in the 21st centuryFuture population aging will depend on future demographic trends, but most demographers agree that the fertility and mortality changes that would be required to reverse population aging in the coming decades are very unlikely. According to current population forecasts, population aging in the first half of this century should exceed that of the second half of the 20thcentury. For the world as a whole, the elderly will grow from 6.9% of the population in 2000 to a projected 19.3% in 2050 (Table 1). In other words, the world average should then be higher than the current world record. All regions are expected to see an increase, although it should be milder in some regions, such as Africa where the projected increase is from 3.3% in 2000 to 6.9% in 2050. But in Latin America and the Caribbean, the increase should be from 5.4% in 2000 to 16.9% in 2050, higher than the current European average. The increase should be even more spectacular in China: from 6.9% in 2000 to 22.7% in 2050.If population aging is thus far from limited to the most developed regions, the countries of these regions will likely continue to experience the highest proportions ever known. The forecasts suggest 29.2% of elderly in the European population as a whole, but more than 30% in a number of specific European countries, and perhaps as much as 36.4% in Japan. Again, the forecasted increase from 12.3% in 2000 to 21.1% in 2050 appears less dramatic in the U.S. than in other most developed countries.There is of course some uncertainty with any forecast, but it is important to note that previous population forecasts underestimated rather than overstated the current pace of population aging. Before the 1980s the process of population aging was considered as an exclusive consequence of fertility decline and it was predicted that the pace of population aging would decrease after stabilization of fertility rates at some low levels. Rapid decline in old-age mortality observed in developed countries in the last decades of the 20th century significantly accelerated population aging. Now the old-age mortality trends are becoming the key demographic component in projecting the size and composition of the world's future elderly population. Current and future uncertainties about changing mortality may produce widely divergent projections of the size of tomorrow's elderly population. For example, the U.S. Census Bureau's middle-mortality series projection suggests that there will be 14.3 million people aged 85 and over in the year 2040, while the low-mortality (i.e., high life expectancy) series implies 16.8 million. Alternative projections, using assumptions of lower death rates and higher life expectancies, have produced estimates from 23.5 to 54 million people aged 85 and over in 2040 in the United States (see Kinsella, Velkoff, 2001).Social and economic implications of population agingWhile population aging represents, in one sense, a success story for mankind (massive survival to old ages has become possible), it also poses profound challenges to public institutions that must adapt to a changing age structure.The first challenge is associated with dramatic increase in the older retired population relative to the shrinking population of working ages, which creates social and political pressures on social support systems. In most developed countries, rapid population aging places a strong pressure on social security programs. For example, the U.S. social security system may face a profound crisis if no radical modifications are enacted. Cuts in benefits, tax increases, massive borrowing, lower cost-of-living adjustments, later retirement ages, or a combination of these elements are now discussed as the possible painful policies, which may become necessary in order to sustain the pay-as-you-go public retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security.Population aging is also a great challenge for the health care systems. As nations age, the prevalence of disability, frailty, and chronic diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.) is expected to increase dramatically. Some experts raise concerns that the mankind may become a “global nursing home” (Eberstadt, 1997).The aging of the population is indeed a global phenomenon that requires international coordination of national and local actions. The United Nations and other international organizations developed recommendations intended to mitigate the adverse consequences of population aging. These recommendations include reorganization of social security systems, changes in labor, immigration and family policies, promotion active and healthy life styles, and more cooperation between the governments in resolving socioeconomic and political problems posed by population aging.On the positive side, the health status of older people of a given age is improving over time now, because more recent generations have a lower disease load. Older people can live vigorous and active lives until a much later age than in the past and if they're encouraged to be productive, they can be economic contributors as well. Also the possibility should not be excluded that current intensive biomedical anti-aging studies may help to extend the healthy and productive period of human life in the future (de Greyet al., 2002).Word Count: 2,793BIBLIOGRAPHYAdministration on Aging. 2001. A Profile of Older Americans: 2001. U.S.Department of Health and Human Services.De Grey, Aubrey D. N., Leonid Gavrilov, S. Jay Olshansky, L. Stephen Coles, Richard G. Cutler, Michael Fossel, and S. MitchellHarman. 2002. “Antiaging technology and pseudoscience.” Science, 296: 656-656.Eberstadt, N. 1997. “World population implosion?” Public Interest, 129: 3-22.Gavrilov, Leonid A., and Natalia S. Gavrilova. 1991. The Biology of Life Span: A Quantitative Approach. NY, etc.: Harwood Academic Publ.. Kinsella, Kevin, and Victoria A. Velkoff. 2001. An Aging World: 2001. U. S.Census Bureau, Series P95/01-1, Washington, DC: U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office.Lutz, Wolfgang, Warren Sanderson, and Sergei Scherbow. 2001. “The end of world population growth.” Nature 412: 543-545.Preston, Samuel H., Christine Himes, and MitchellEggers. 1989. “Demographic conditions responsible for populationaging.” Demography 26: 691-704.Preston Samuel H., Patrick Heuveline, and Michel Guillot. 2001.Demography. Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Oxford: Blackwell.United Nations 2001. World population prospects: the 2000 revision. New York: United Nations.Table 1. Dynamics of Population Aging in the Modern World Observed and Forecasted Percentages of the Elderly (65+ years) in Selected Areas, Regions, and Countries of the World: 1950, 2000 and 2050.Major Area, region and country 1950 20005.2%6.9%WorldAfrica 3.2% 3.3% Latin America and the Caribbean 3.7% 5.4% China 4.5% 6.9% India 3.3% 5.0% Japan 4.9%17.2% Europe8.2%14.7% Italy8.3%18.1% Germany9.7%16.4% Sweden10.3%17.4% U.S.A.8.3%12.3% Source: United Nations 2001.Figure 1. Youthful population.Figure 2. Aged population.Figure 3. Intermediate population.Figure 4. Projected extremely old population.Figure 5. Projected old population.。
History of the Kohlrausch (stretched exponential) function Focus on uncited pioneering work
CommentHistory of the Kohlrausch (stretched exponential) function: Focus on uncited pioneering work in luminescenceM. Berberan-Santos 1,*, E. N. Bodunov 2, and B. Valeur 31Centro de Química-Física Molecular, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal2Physical Department, Petersburg State Transport University, St. Petersburg, 190031, Russia 3 CNRS UMR 8531, Laboratoire de Chimie Générale, CNAM, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75141 Paris cedex 03, and Laboratoire PPSM, ENS-Cachan, 61 avenue du Président Wilson, 94235 Cachan cedex, France*berberan@ist.utl.ptImportant elements for the history of the Kohlrausch (or stretched exponential) relaxation function were recently presented by Cardona, Chamberlin, and Marx [1].The Kohlrausch function is given by()0()exp /P t t βτ⎡⎤=−⎣⎦, (1)where P(t) is a linear function of a property of a system that evolves towards equilibrium after the sudden removal of a perturbation, 0<β≤1, and τ0 is a parameter with the dimensions of time.In studies of the relaxation of complex systems, the Kohlrausch function is frequently used as a purely empirical relaxation function, given that it allows gauging in a simple way deviations from the “canonical” single exponential behaviour by means of parameter β. There are nevertheless theoretical arguments to justify its relatively common occurrence.The first use of the stretched exponential function to describe the time evolution of a non-equilibrium quantity is usually credited to Rudolph Kohlrausch (1809-1858), who in 1854 [2] applied it to the discharge of a capacitor (Leyden jar), after concluding that a simple exponential of time was inadequate [3].Like Cardona, Chamberlin, and Marx [1], the present authors also commented on the frequently careless citation of Kohlrausch’s work [4,5].We would like now to draw attention to a set of pioneering works on the Kohlrausch function, one of which published 101 years ago [6], and that are not mentioned in [1]. All these uncited works pertain to the description of luminescence decays, and are briefly discussed in [4] and [5] in connection with the stretched exponential relaxation function.The Kohlrausch function was most likely used for the first time in luminescence by Werner in 1907 [6], in order to describe the short-time luminescence decay of an inorganic phosphor. This pioneering work of a Ph. D. student of Philipp von Lenard (1862-1947, 1905 Nobel Prize in Physics) [7] in Kiel has received only 8 SCI citations, however one of these comes from a paper by Marsden [8]. The article is also cited in a monograph (where we found it) [9], and in a few more books [10,11]. In his article, Werner does not cite Kohlrausch, and again uses the Kohlrausch function as an empirical function. Werner’s work is thus the second documented use of the Kohlrausch function.In the field of condensed matter luminescence, the Kohlrausch function has firm grounds on several models of luminescence quenching, namely diffusion-controlled contact quenching [12] (75 citations), where the transient term has β=1/2, and diffusionless resonance energy transfer by the dipole-dipole mechanism, with β=1/6, 1/3 and 1/2 for one-, two- and three-dimensions, respectively, see [13] (1139 citations) and [14] (23 citations). Other rational values of β are obtained for different multipole interactions, e.g. β=3/8 and β=3/10 for the dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole mechanisms in three-dimensions [15] (1099 citations).All these works ([6, 12-15]) antedate (in the Werner case by many decades) the 1970 Williams and Watts’ paper on dielectric relaxation, and are a significant part of the history of the stretched exponential relaxation function.References1. M. Cardona, R. V. Chamberlin, and W. Marx, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 16, 842 (2007).2. R. Kohlrausch, Ann. Phys. Chem. (Poggendorff) 91, 179 (1854).3. R. Kohlrausch, Ann. Phys. Chem. (Poggendorff) 91, 56 (1854).4. M. N. Berberan-Santos, E. N. Bodunov, and B. Valeur, Chem. Phys. 315, 171 (2005).5. M. N. Berberan-Santos and B. Valeur, J. Lumin. 126, 263 (2007).6. A. Werner, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 24, 164 (1907).7. J. F. Mulligan, Phys. Perspect. 1, 345 (1999).8. E. Marsden, Proc. Roy. Soc. A83, 548 (1910).9. H. S. Allen, Photo-Electricity, 2nd edn. (Longmans, London, 1925), p. 222.10. P. Lenard, F. Schmidt, and R. Tomaschek, Phosphoreszenz und Fluoreszenz (1. Teil), in Handbuch der Experimentalphysik, vol. 23, Ed. W. Wien and F. Harms (Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1928), p. 143.11. P. Pringsheim, Fluorescence and Phosphorescence (Interscience, New York, 1949), p. 577.12. E. W. Montroll, J. Chem. Phys. 14, 202 (1946).13. T. Förster, Z. Naturforsch. 4a, 321 (1949).14. B. Y. Sveshnikov and V. I. Shirokov, Opt. Spectrosc. 12, 576 (1962).15. M. Inokuti and F. Hirayama, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 1978 (1965).。
Fig.11 生存在极限许可温度下的cdc突变体的染色体重组和丢失率
Fig.15 细胞被x射线照射后的相片.正被辐射(A)及几小时后(B)的野生型细胞.可以看
到A中处于未出芽状态的G1期细胞在B中仍然停滞于体积巨大的出芽状态,而已经出 芽的G2期细胞可以继续细胞分裂.G1期的单倍体细胞对于受损双链的修复效率很低, 因为它们缺少可以作为同源染色体重组修复的模板.正被辐射(C)及几小时后(D)的 rad9突变型细胞.可以看到处于G1期的未出芽细胞(C)的分裂未被阻滞,而是继续分裂 形成无活力的微菌落(D)
Fig.16 限制温度下的端粒缺陷使细胞分裂无法被阻滞. cdc13 RAD9细胞在 限制温度培养数小时后细胞分裂被阻滞,细胞保持活性(A);但cdc13 rad9 细胞 不能进入停滞状态,并且死亡(B).
2.生物可以轻松的用同样的手段达到不同 的目标,反之亦然
Leeland H. Hartwell Ph.D
酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fig.3 一个cdc突变细胞在允许温度(permissive temperature,A),以及转移到 限定温度(restrictive temperature)数小时后(B)的活体荧光捕捉显微相片(Timelapse photomicroscopy).
Fig.6 S. cerevisiae细胞周期事件的基因调控途径,多数是由cdc基因进行的. 简写:iDS,DNA合成起始 initiation of DNA; DS,DNA合成 DNA synthesis; mND,中 期核分裂 medial nuclear division; lND,晚期核分裂 late nuclear division BE,芽发 生 bud emergence; NM, 核融合 nuclear migration; CK,胞质分裂 cytokinesis; CS, 细胞分离 cell separation; MF,交配因子 mating factor
二进制灰狼算法 -回复
二进制灰狼算法-回复灰狼算法(Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm,GWO)是一种基于自然界灰狼的行为特征和社会结构进行建模的启发式优化算法。
而二进制灰狼算法(Binary Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm)则是在灰狼算法基础上,将优化问题的解表示为二进制形式,并在该空间中进行搜索。
二、算法步骤二进制灰狼算法按照以下步骤进行:1. 初始化群体:随机生成初始灰狼个体,并根据问题的要求构建二进制串表示的解。
2. 计算适应度:根据问题的优化目标,对每个灰狼个体计算适应度。
3. 寻找最优解:根据灰狼个体的适应度,找到群体中的最优解和最差解,并记录它们的位置。
4. 更新位置:根据灰狼个体的位置信息和适应度,更新个体的位置并计算新的适应度。
5. 跟随和追逐:通过模拟灰狼个体之间的跟随和追逐行为,更新个体的位置和适应度。
6. 改变狩猎策略:根据灰狼个体的适应度,改变个体的狩猎策略,包括探索和利用的比例。
7. 终止计算:根据预设的终止条件(迭代次数或适应度阈值),判断是否终止计算。
8. 输出最优解:输出找到的最优解以及对应的适应度值。
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No one would expect a 30-year-old book that is mostly about fish cytogenetics to be of much interest to mod-ern molecular biologists,particularly if that book had received lukewarm reviews at the time of publication 1,2.Nevertheless,citations of Susumu Ohno’s book Evolution by Gene Duplication 3have tripled between the years 1990 and 2000.In this book,written when only a few protein sequences were known,Ohno proposed that it is much easier to make new genes by duplicating old ones than to create them de novo ,and that genome duplication (polyploidy) was a quick and easy way to produce vast numbers of duplicate genes.Genome duplication could open the door to duplicating whole biochemical pathways.He famously proposed that two (or possibly three) rounds of polyploidy had occurred during the early evolution of the vertebrate lineage,but that further polyploidization then became impossible in mammals owing to the emergence of the X/Y sex-chro-mosome system.The human genome would thus be a paleopolyploid:an ancient polyploid that had later become diploid again,by means of sequence divergence between the duplicated chromosomes.
The renewed interest in Ohno’s ideas stems from two lines of research that began to bear fruit in the late 1980s.The first was what is now called comparative genomics.Genetic map comparisons among mammals confirmed that they contain large segments 4of con-served SYNTENY with conserved gene order.As early as 1973,Ohno had identified an apparently duplicated
chromosomal segment within the human genome,which was delineated by two pairs of duplicated genes on chromosomes 11 and 12 (REF.5).His proposal that these segments were remnants of ancient polyploidy (or some other form of ANEUPLOIDY ) meant that the develop-ment of comparative genetic maps between mam-malian genomes went hand-in-hand with a search for duplicated regions within them (for example,REF.6).The second line of research began with the discovery that the four HOX GENE CLUSTERS in mammals had evolved by quadruplication of a prototypic cluster similar to that of Drosophila .Schughart et al.7suggested that this quadruplication could have been associated with poly-ploidizations of the type envisaged by Ohno.Not only were the orders of the Hox genes in each cluster con-served between human and mouse,but also the gene order was essentially conserved among the four mam-malian clusters.The Hox clusters are a quadruplicated chromosomal segment.Subsequent discoveries of other duplicated genes that were linked to the Hox clusters indicated that the duplicated chromosomal regions might be quite large 8.
Ohno’s book was not very explicit about the number and timing of the proposed genome duplications,but the most widely accepted form of the hypothesis,which has been called the 2R hypothesis 9,is that there were two rounds of genome duplication in vertebrate ancestry:one immediately before,and one immediately after,the divergence of the lamprey lineage (see FIG.1and REF.10).
Kenneth H.Wolfe
Thirty years after Susumu Ohno proposed that vertebrate genomes are degenerate polyploids,the extent to which genome duplication contributed to the evolution of the vertebrate genome,if at all, is still uncertain. Sequence-level studies on model organisms whose genomes show clearer evidence of ancient polyploidy are invaluable because they indicate what the evolutionary products of genome duplication can look like. The greatest mystery is the
molecular basis of diploidization, the evolutionary process by which a polyploid genome turns into a diploid one.
Smurfit Institute,Trinity College,University of
Dublin,Dublin 2,Republic of Ireland.e-mail:khwolfe@tcd.ie
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