Provisional WCMA 100 1 Publication 美国窗帘安全标准
目前仅仅在美国本土和加拿大有被AAMA认可或授权的检测实验室,所以进行AAMA 认证的样机检测只能在国外进行。
AAMA对提升窗系统、推拉窗系统、翻窗系统、平开窗系统、平开门系统分别列举了若干基本窗型(总计25种)并对基本窗型的最小尺寸进行了限定,当基本窗型通过AAMA 认证测试后,由基本窗型组合而成的复合窗也可以宣称符合AAMA,并可以粘贴AAMA标签。
一、授权书内容1. 授权人授权受托人代表其在美国境内进行以下事项:(1)购买、出售、租赁、抵押、转让、赠与等与美国产权相关的各种交易活动;(2)办理与美国产权相关的各种手续,如产权登记、过户、贷款等;(3)代表授权人签订与美国产权相关的各种合同、协议;(4)处理与美国产权相关的其他事宜。
2. 授权书有效期为(年)月(日)至(年)月(日)。
3. 授权人保证授权书内容真实、合法、有效,并对授权书内容的真实性、合法性、有效性承担全部责任。
4. 受托人在授权期限内,按照授权书的规定,代表授权人行使权利、履行义务,并对授权人承担相应的法律责任。
二、申请公证的原因1. 确保授权书在美国境内具有法律效力,便于受托人在美国境内开展相关业务。
2. 避免授权书在法律程序上可能出现的争议,确保授权书的执行。
3. 为授权人、受托人双方提供法律保障,降低风险。
三、申请公证的具体事项1. 对授权书的真实性、合法性、有效性进行审查。
2. 对授权人的身份、授权人的授权意愿进行核实。
3. 对受托人的身份、受托人的受托意愿进行核实。
4. 在授权书上进行公证,确保授权书在美国境内具有法律效力。
四、申请公证所需材料1. 授权书原件。
2. 授权人的身份证、护照等有效身份证明。
3. 受托人的身份证、护照等有效身份证明。
4. 如有其他相关证明材料,请一并提供。
美国玻璃行业认证制度概览Flat Glass Certification Programs in USA王新春 建筑材料工业技术情报研究所 北京 100024周志武 中国建筑玻璃与工业玻璃协会 北京 100831中文摘要:本文综述了美国平板玻璃相关认证,涉及建筑安全玻璃、中空玻璃、汽车玻璃产品以及职业和企业资质等共20多个种类,供我国同行了解和借鉴。
英文摘要: The paper reviewed 20 more certification programs in US on building safety glass, IG glass, auto glass, technician and Business Accreditation, from which are worth learning.中文关键词:认证;玻璃;美国英文关键词: Flat Glass; Certification; USA美国是个玻璃大国,平板玻璃年产量约540万吨,占美国玻璃工业总产量的25%,其中80%用于住宅、商用建筑和汽车玻璃,20%用于其他方面,如镜子、家具和仪表等。
一、交通工具用安全玻璃1. DOT汽车安全玻璃产品认证美国运输部(DOT)下设联邦公路管理局(FHWA)、联邦航空管理局(FAA)、联邦机动车安全管理局(FMCSA), 海运管理局(MARAD)、全国公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA), 总检察官办公室(OST)等部门。
美国汽车工业设备认证机构AMECA(Automotive Manufacturers Equipment Compliance Agency, Inc)负责,ANSI/SAE Z26.1:Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment Operating on Land Highways (美国国家标准/美国汽车工程师协会标准:高速公路交通工具用安全玻璃材料)2.UL 铁路车辆用玻璃认证(FRA TYPE +)按照美国联邦铁路局标准223款进行认证(Federal Railroad Administration, Part 223, Safety Glazing Standards, Locomotive, Passenger Cars and Cabooses)。
二、美国房产交易公证的基本概念1. 公证(Notary Public):在美国,公证是指由州政府授权的官员或私人机构对某些文件或行为进行证明和认证的过程。
2. 房产交易公证(Real Estate Transaction Notarization):指在房产买卖过程中,对相关文件进行公证,以证明文件的真实性和合法性。
三、美国房产交易公证程序1. 确定公证机构在美国,公证机构分为政府公证机构和私人公证机构两种。
2. 准备公证文件在进行房产交易公证前,买卖双方应准备以下文件:(1)房产买卖合同:包括房产的详细信息、买卖双方的身份信息、交易价格、付款方式等;(2)房产评估报告:由专业机构出具的房产价值评估报告;(3)房产过户申请表:由当地政府或房地产登记机构提供的过户申请表格;(4)其他相关文件:如房产证、抵押贷款合同、维修保养记录等。
3. 进行公证在准备齐全公证文件后,买卖双方可前往公证机构进行公证。
美国无犯罪记录证明 学历证明海牙认证及使馆认证
本出版物可从如下网站免费获得: /10.6028/N务部 商务部长: 佩尼普利兹克(Penny Pritzke)
国家标准技术研究所所长 威利梅博士 (Dr. Willie E. May)
消费品安全委员会(CPSC) ................................................................................................................. 2 消费品安全法(CPSA)..................................................................................................................... 2 2008 年消费品安全改进法(CPSIA)............................................................................................... 2 证书和强制性第三方检测................................................................................................................... 2 儿童家具物品....................................................................................................................................... 3 幼童床................................................................................................................................................... 3 婴儿床与摇篮....................................................................................................................................... 4 全尺寸婴儿床和非全尺寸婴儿床 ...................................................................................................... 4 床边婴儿床........................................................................................................................................... 4 双层床................................................................................................................................................... 4 儿童产品的追踪标签........................................................................................................................... 5 联邦有害物质法(FHSA) ................................................................................................................ 5 儿童产品上的尖锐端点和锋利边缘................................................................................................... 5
全面版门窗装置合约英文版Title: Comprehensive Window and Door Installation ContractIn the realm of home renovations, one of the most crucial aspects is the installation of windows and doors. These fixtures not only provide security and insulation but also contribute to the overall aesthetics of the property. To ensure a smooth and successful installation process, it is essential to have a comprehensive contract in place.A comprehensive window and door installation contract should cover various key elements such as the scope of work, timeline, payment terms, warranties, and dispute resolution mechanisms. By clearly outlining these details in the contract, both parties can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts down the line.The scope of work section should detail the specific tasks to be performed, including the type and quantity of windows and doors to be installed, as well as any additional services such as trim work orweatherproofing. It is important to be as specific as possible to prevent any ambiguity.The timeline section should clearly outline the start and end dates of the project, as well as any milestones or deadlines that need to be met along the way. This helps to keep the project on track and ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the expected timeline.Payment terms are another crucial aspect of the contract. This section should specify the total cost of the project, the payment schedule, and any penalties for late payments. By clearly defining the payment terms, both parties can avoid any financial disputes during the project.Warranties are also an essential part of the contract. The contractor should provide warranties for both the materials used and the workmanship, outlining the duration and coverage of each warranty. This gives the homeowner peace of mind knowing that they are protected in case of any defects or issues.Finally, the contract should include a clause on dispute resolution mechanisms. This could include steps such as mediation or arbitration to resolve any conflicts that may arise during the project. By having these mechanisms in place, both parties can rest assured that any disputes will be handled in a fair and timely manner.In conclusion, a comprehensive window and door installation contract is essential for a successful home renovation project. By including key elements such as the scope of work, timeline, payment terms, warranties, and dispute resolution mechanisms, both parties can ensure a smooth and hassle-free installation process.。
授权方:姓名:[授权方全名]身份证号码:[授权方身份证号码]住址:[授权方住址]被授权方:姓名:[被授权方全名]身份证号码:[被授权方身份证号码]住址:[被授权方住址]鉴于:1. 授权方拥有[授权方所拥有的权利或资产名称]的全部权利,包括但不限于使用、处分、收益等。
2. 被授权方因[具体原因,如业务需要、合作项目等]需要使用授权方的上述权利或资产。
3. 授权方愿意将上述权利或资产授权给被授权方使用。
兹授权如下:一、授权范围1. 被授权方获得对[授权方所拥有的权利或资产名称]的使用权、处分权、收益权等。
2. 被授权方有权根据本授权书的规定,对[授权方所拥有的权利或资产名称]进行合法的经营活动,包括但不限于销售、租赁、抵押、转让等。
3. 被授权方在使用[授权方所拥有的权利或资产名称]时,应遵守相关法律法规,不得损害授权方的合法权益。
三、授权限制1. 被授权方未经授权方书面同意,不得将本授权书项下的权利或资产转让给第三方。
2. 被授权方在使用[授权方所拥有的权利或资产名称]时,不得损害授权方的名誉、信誉和合法权益。
3. 被授权方不得以任何形式侵犯授权方的知识产权。
五、责任与赔偿1. 被授权方在使用[授权方所拥有的权利或资产名称]过程中,如因违反本授权书的规定而给授权方造成损失的,被授权方应承担全部赔偿责任。
2. 如因被授权方违反本授权书的规定,导致第三方对授权方提起诉讼或仲裁,被授权方应承担全部法律责任。
六、终止与解除1. 本授权书可因以下原因终止:(1)本授权书规定的授权期限届满;(2)授权方或被授权方提前书面通知对方终止本授权书;(3)授权方或被授权方因故无法履行本授权书规定的义务。
授权人:(全名)身份证号:________________________住址:________________________授权人(以下简称“授权人”)在此特此授权以下被授权人(以下简称“被授权人”)代表本人进行以下事宜:一、授权范围1. 在美国境内,代表授权人签署任何与授权人财产、财务、法律事务等相关文件。
2. 在美国境内,代表授权人处理与授权人财产、财务、法律事务等相关事宜。
3. 在美国境内,代表授权人接受任何与授权人财产、财务、法律事务等相关通知。
4. 在美国境内,代表授权人与第三方进行谈判、协商,签署相关合同或协议。
5. 在美国境内,代表授权人处理与授权人财产、财务、法律事务等相关税务事宜。
6. 在美国境内,代表授权人处理与授权人财产、财务、法律事务等相关移民事宜。
三、授权限制1. 本授权书仅限于在美国境内使用,不得用于其他国家或地区。
2. 被授权人在执行授权事项时,必须遵守相关法律法规,不得损害授权人的合法权益。
3. 被授权人在执行授权事项时,必须尊重授权人的意愿,不得擅自变更授权事项。
4. 被授权人在执行授权事项时,必须保护授权人的商业秘密和隐私。
四、被授权人义务1. 被授权人在执行授权事项时,必须遵守授权人的指示和规定。
2. 被授权人必须对授权事项进行妥善保管,不得泄露任何授权人的商业秘密和隐私。
3. 被授权人必须按照授权人的要求,及时向授权人报告授权事项的进展情况。
4. 被授权人在执行授权事项时,必须承担相应的法律责任。
五、撤销授权1. 授权人可随时书面通知被授权人撤销本授权书。
2. 被授权人收到撤销通知后,应立即停止执行授权事项。
3. 撤销本授权书后,被授权人应将授权事项的相关文件和资料退还给授权人。
六、其他1. 本授权书一式两份,授权人和被授权人各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
2. 本授权书未尽事宜,可由授权人和被授权人另行协商解决。
授权书授权日期:____年__月__日致:[被授权人姓名或职位][被授权人所在公司或组织名称]根据[公司名称](以下简称“本公司”)的内部管理制度和业务需求,现授权[被授权人姓名或职位](以下简称“被授权人”)在以下范围内代表本公司进行相关事务处理:一、授权范围1. 代表本公司与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的所有沟通和谈判;2. 签署与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的合同、协议及其他法律文件;3. 代表本公司进行[具体业务或项目名称]项目的资金支付、收付款项等财务事务;4. 代表本公司处理与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的政府审批、许可证申请等行政事务;5. 代表本公司处理与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的其他必要事务。
三、授权权限被授权人在授权范围内,有权以本公司的名义进行以下行为:1. 签署文件:有权代表本公司签署与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的所有文件,包括但不限于合同、协议、备忘录等;2. 支付款项:有权代表本公司支付与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的所有款项;3. 接收款项:有权代表本公司接收与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的所有款项;4. 委派任务:有权代表本公司委派他人完成与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的具体任务;5. 解决争议:有权代表本公司解决与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的争议和纠纷。
四、授权限制1. 被授权人不得超越本授权书的授权范围进行任何行为;2. 被授权人不得以本公司的名义进行任何违反法律法规、损害本公司利益的行为;3. 被授权人不得泄露本公司的商业秘密、技术秘密等机密信息;4. 被授权人不得接受与[具体业务或项目名称]项目相关的任何形式的贿赂、回扣等不正当利益。
五、责任与义务1. 被授权人应当严格遵守本授权书的规定,妥善履行授权职责;2. 被授权人应当对本公司的合法权益予以充分保护,确保授权范围内的行为符合本公司的利益;3. 被授权人应当定期向本公司汇报授权范围内的业务进展情况;4. 被授权人应当对授权范围内的所有行为承担相应的法律责任。
二、美国公证房产证的种类1. 产权证明(Deed)产权证明是证明房产所有权的法律文件,包括房产的转让、赠与、继承等情况。
2. 权益证明(Title)权益证明是证明房产权利状况的法律文件,包括房产的抵押、租赁、查封等情况。
三、美国公证房产证的办理流程1. 准备材料办理美国公证房产证,需准备以下材料:(1)房产证原件及复印件;(2)产权证明或权益证明原件及复印件;(3)身份证原件及复印件;(4)护照原件及复印件;(5)其他相关证明材料。
2. 前往公证处携带准备好的材料,前往美国当地公证处进行申请。
美国玻璃行业认证制度概览Flat Glass Certification Programs in USA王新春 建筑材料工业技术情报研究所 北京 100024周志武 中国建筑玻璃与工业玻璃协会 北京 100831中文摘要:本文综述了美国平板玻璃相关认证,涉及建筑安全玻璃、中空玻璃、汽车玻璃产品以及职业和企业资质等共20多个种类,供我国同行了解和借鉴。
英文摘要: The paper reviewed 20 more certification programs in US on building safety glass, IG glass, auto glass, technician and Business Accreditation, from which are worth learning.中文关键词:认证;玻璃;美国英文关键词: Flat Glass; Certification; USA美国是个玻璃大国,平板玻璃年产量约540万吨,占美国玻璃工业总产量的25%,其中80%用于住宅、商用建筑和汽车玻璃,20%用于其他方面,如镜子、家具和仪表等。
一、交通工具用安全玻璃1. DOT汽车安全玻璃产品认证美国运输部(DOT)下设联邦公路管理局(FHWA)、联邦航空管理局(FAA)、联邦机动车安全管理局(FMCSA), 海运管理局(MARAD)、全国公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA), 总检察官办公室(OST)等部门。
美国汽车工业设备认证机构AMECA(Automotive Manufacturers Equipment Compliance Agency, Inc)负责,ANSI/SAE Z26.1:Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment Operating on Land Highways (美国国家标准/美国汽车工程师协会标准:高速公路交通工具用安全玻璃材料)2.UL 铁路车辆用玻璃认证(FRA TYPE +)按照美国联邦铁路局标准223款进行认证(Federal Railroad Administration, Part 223, Safety Glazing Standards, Locomotive, Passenger Cars and Cabooses)。
美国专利法对发明专利新颖性的要求朱鹏作者简介:朱鹏,美国注册专利律师、注册律师,现为美国苏特韦斯特律师事务所(Suiter ? West pc llo)专利律师。
在美国获得法学博士(Juris Doctor)、地球科学博士学位,在中国获得地球化学硕士、学士学位。
版权声明:本文首次发表于<<中国专利代理>> 2003年第3期。
正文:一、引言美国发明专利(utility patent)的新颖性(novelty)考虑的是这样一种情况:申请人甲于某日期(申请日,filing date)向美国专利商标局申请一项发明专利,作为美国政府和社会的代表,美国专利商标局现在需要决定甲的该项发明是否新颖。
依据美国法典第35卷第102条(35 U.S.C. § 102),美国专利法对发明专利新颖性的要求有七款,分别是第102条(a)款、(b)款、(c)款、(d)款、(e)款、(f)款和(g)款。
其中,(a)款、(e)款和(g)款考虑的是,在甲的发明日(date of invention) (注意,不是甲的申请日)之前,别人的行为(注意,不是甲自己的行为)是否已使甲的该项发明丧失新颖性。
MODEL BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT示范商业公司法CHAPTER 1GENERAL PROVISIONS第一章总则Subchapter A. SHORT TITLE AND RESERVATION OF POWER第一节简称和权力的保留§ 1.01. Short title 简称§ 1.02. Reservation of power to amend or repeal 保留修订和废除本法的权力Subchapter B. FILING DOCUMENTS第二节文件的提交§ 1.20. Requirements for documents; extrinsic facts 申请条件与外部事实§ 1.21. Forms 表格§ 1.22. Filing, service, and copying fees 申报费、服务费以及复印费§ 1.23. Effective time and date of document 文件生效时间与日期§ 1.24. Correcting filed document 对已申请文件的纠正§ 1.25. Filing duty of secretary of state 州务卿的备案归档职责§ 1.26. Appeal from secretary of state's refusal to file document 对州务卿拒绝接受文件归档时的上诉§ 1.27. Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document 已归档文件副本的证据效力§ 1.28. Certificate of existence 关于公司存续的证明书§ 1.29. Penalty for signing false document 对签署假文件的惩罚Subchapter C. SECRETARY OF STATE第三节州务卿§ 1.30. Powers 州务卿的权力Subchapter D. DEFINITIONS第四节定义§ 1.40. Act definitions 本法案中的定义§ 1.41. Notice 通知§ 1.42. Number of shareholders 股东人数Subchapter A.SHORT TITLE AND RESERVATION OF POWER§ 1.01. SHORT TITLE第一节简称和权力保留§ 1.01. 简称This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "[name of state] Business Corporation Act."本法应称为并引用为《(州的名称)公司法》。
儿童寄养委托书认证(Fosterage Attorney)
房产买卖委托书认证(Power of Attorney for Real Estate Transaction)
房屋转让委托书认证(Power of Attorney)
离婚诉讼的委托书(Suit for Divorce)
委托国内亲友代办银行或其他事情(Power of Attorney)
单身声明书认证/无配偶声明书(Affidavit of Single Status)
放弃遗产继承声明认证(Relinquish of Inheritance)
财产赠与声明书认证(Gift of Property)
BY [ Signature]
NP-24 A[16] (REV. 1-07)[17]OSP[18] xx xxxxx
NP-24表,版本. 1-07
NP-24 A (
[3]日期格式一般为月、日、年,如January 01, 2000(2000年1月1日)。
[4]指active notary public,即现任、在任的公证员,也就是届时能实际有效履行公证员职务的公证员,因为在加州公证员每四年须重新学习、重新取得资格(各州对此的规定可能不尽相同),而与之对应的则是因任职期限届满、被吊销资格、被暂停资格或未达到资格要求而无履职资格的公证员(inactive notary public)。
[7]转让文件(the document by which a transfer is effected,esp. deed)。
[8]证词(deposition),指书写成文(通常由法院书记员(court reporter)书写)的证人的庭外证词,供日后用于法院或证据开示过程。宣誓书、声明书(affidavit)指声明人自愿所写并在有权主持宣誓的官员面前宣誓为真的关于事实情况的声明书。许多证据以声明书形式提交。这两种证词均可被法院采信。
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ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2009 (PS)Revision of ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2007PROVISIONAL AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDFOR SAFETY OFCORDED WINDOW COVERING PRODUCTSSPONSORWINDOW COVERING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. This standard was approved February 27, 2009 under the procedures for the publication for a Provisional Standard in the ANSI Essential Requirements Annex B. Changes relate to requirements for Roman Shades in paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 4.5, 5.2.8, and are shown in red withinthis standard.AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDSome of the information contained in this document has been processed in accordance with ANSI’s requirements for a Provisional American National Standard. The same or similar document will undergo the standards development process set forth in the WCMA’s accredited procedures. This Provisional ANS shall be withdrawn on or before the two year anniversary date of its approval as such.Published byWindow Covering Manufacturers Association, Inc.355 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, 10017Copyright © 2009 by the Window Covering ManufacturersAssociation, Inc.Not to be reproduced withoutSpecific authorization from WCMAPrinted in the USAThis Standard was developed by the Window Covering Manufacturers Association, Inc.FOREWORDWCMA standards, of which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the American National Standards Institute. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus around window covering products and safety issues. While the WCMA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in any such standards.The WCMA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance on this document. The WCMA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein.In issuing and making this document available, the WCMA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is the WCMA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.The WCMA has no power, nor does it undertake, to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this document. Nor does the WCMA list, certify, test or inspect products, designs, or installations for compliance with this document. Any certification or other statement of compliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the WCMA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of such statement.TABLE OF CONTENTS1.SCOPE (5)2. GENERAL (5)3.DEFINITIONS (5)4.PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS (7)5. LABELING AND OPERATIONAL TAG REQUIREMENTS (8)6. TESTS AND PARAMETERS (16)A1. - 2 CORDS (21)A1. - 3 CORDS (22)A1. - 4 CORDS (23)Figure A-1 Test Fixture Construction (27)APPENDIX C: GLOSSARY (NOT PART OF WCMA 100.1) (29)1. SCOPE1.1 The members of the Window Covering Manufacturers Association, Inc. (WCMA), recognizing that unfortunate accidents, including strangulation, have occurred among young children using certain products having flexible loops made or imported by members of the industry, have prepared this Standard in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).WCMA members have been engaged in an extensive awareness program and have also furnished millions of devices to be used in a retrofit manner to reduce the chance of user injury.This Standard is not intended to inhibit, but rather to encourage the development of devices and methods that shall further improve the safety of products manufactured by industry members. Manufacturers and other users of this Standard are requested to submit suggestions for improvements to WCMA.Members of WCMA, in recognition of continuing improvements to be made, shall sponsor appropriate revisions to this Standard on a regular basis.1.2 This Standard applies to all interior drapery hardware and window covering products that incorporate bead chains, cords, or any type of flexible looped device in their operation. The items covered include the products listed in 1.3 when used in all reasonably foreseeable environments where young children are present.1.3 Products covered include Cellular Shades, Horizontal Blinds, Pleated Shades, Roll-Up Blinds, Roller Shades, Roman Shades, Traverse Rods, and Vertical Blinds. Stock and Custom Products. (See Section 3 for definitions of these terms.)2. GENERAL2.1 Objective The objective of this Standard is to provide requirements for covered products in 1.3 that reduce the possibility of injury, including strangulation, to young children from the bead chain, cord, or any type of flexible loop device used to operate the product.2.2 Values Required values given in this Standard are given in U.S. units. The SI (metric) equivalents are approximate.2.3 Tolerances Where only plus or minus values are given, they are permitted to be exceeded or reduced as appropriate at the option of the manufacturers. Linear dimensions expressed without specific tolerances or are not marked maximum or minimum shall be plus or minus 1/32 in. (1 mm).3. DEFINITIONS3.1 Accessible Cords Cords which are visually exposed from the front or back of the blind and can be easily reached and pulled to form a cord loop.3.2 Accessible Inner Cords Cords which are strung or threaded through blind members, which can be reached and pulled to form a cord loop.3.3 Bead Chain A series of small spheres, equally spaced on a cord or connected by metal shafts, and used to operate a window-covering product.3.4 Cellular Shades Includes those products referenced and commonly known as Honeycomb Shades. (Figure 2.) These products are manufactured using a number of natural and artificial materials, which include but are not limited to, fabric, and polyester film. Cellular shade substrates consist of multiple layers (referenced to as a single, double or triple cell construction) of material formed into tubes or cells in a horizontal orientation.3.5 Cord Connector A device used to join the ends of several individual cords and provide cord(s) for operation below the cord connector.3.6 Cord or Bead Loop A curving or doubling of a bead chain or cord so as to form a closed loop.3.7 Cord Release Device A device which releases a cord loop when subjected to a specified load.3.8 Cord Retraction Device A device with an inner winding feature. It is often attached to an exposed cord and gathers the cord(s) in its casing.3.9 Cord Shear A device that holds the loop plumb (like a cord weight) with an inner cutting mechanism. It is attached to an exposed cord loop which separates the cord(s) into two or more pieces when subject to a specified load.3.10 Cord Shroud Device A flexible tape or ribbon which houses the otherwise exposed cords.3.11 Free Standing Loop An inner cord loop that will not diminish in size when the force used to create the loop is removed from contact from the cord.3.12 Horizontal Blinds Includes those products referenced and commonly known as Microblinds, Miniblinds, and Venetian Blinds. Horizontal blinds consist of slats of various widths. Horizontal slats are manufactured using a number of natural and artificial materials, which include, but are not limited to, aluminum, fabric, polymers, steel, and wood. The slats are suspended from a headrail by “ladders,” which hold the slats in a horizontal orientation. The headrail houses mechanisms that allow ladders to be actuated to tilt the slats for maximum light control and privacy, or raised to stack against the headrail (Figure 1).3.13 Inner Cord That portion of an operating cord between the headrail and any moving rail that helps to suspend and lift the moving rail(s) and any horizontal louvers or fabric collected upon it at any position, raised or lowered.3.14 Inner Cord Stop Device A device to prevent the accessible inner cords from being pulled to createa cord loop.3.15 Multiple Cord or Bead Loop A curving or doubling of a bead chain or cord so as to form more than one closed loop.3.16 Multiple Cord Release Device A device which releases any one or more individual cords or bead loops when subject to a specified load.3.17 Operating Cord A form of rope, strap, or string used to operate a window covering product.3.18 Passive Device. A window-covering product component that operates without the direct interaction of the user, as opposed to an active device, which is activated and operated by the direct interaction of the user. 3.19 Permanent A marking or label shall be considered permanent if, during an attempt to manually remove it without the aid of tools or solvents, it cannot be removed, it tears, or it damages the surface to which it is attached.3.20 Pleated Shades Includes those products referenced and commonly known as Accordion, and Z-fold (Figure 3). These products are manufactured using a number of natural and artificial materials, which include, but are not limited to, fabric, polyester film, and paper products. Pleated shade substrates consist of single or multiple layers of material with permanent pleats in a horizontal orientation.3.21 Roll-Up Blinds Includes those products referenced and commonly known as Porch Shades, Roll-Up Shades, and Woven Woods. A window covering of a flexible sheet comprised of narrow strips of plastic or wood (in a horizontal orientation) woven together by cords. When the cord is pulled, a loop rises, causing the flexible sheet to roll-up from the bottom of the blind. (Figure 4).3.22 Roller Shade A window covering product comprised of a roller, a means of supporting the roller, and flexible sheets of material attached to the roller. The window covering operates by activating a spring mechanism in the roller or by a cord or bead loop attached to the roller (Figure 5&6).3.23 Roman Shades Includes those products referenced and commonly known as Austrian Shades, Balloon Shades, and Soft Shades. Roman Shades often consist of a flexible fabric with rings attached to the back. The rings are aligned in columns, and spaced so that the fabric folds or gathers as desired. The fabric issuspended from a headrail that contains hardware for guiding cords and operating the shade. Cords run from the headrail, through a column of rings, and are attached to the lowest ring. As the shade is raised, the fabric gathers from the bottom upwards towards the headrail (Figure 7).3.24 Sequential Process An operation that, to be completed successfully, requires two or more independent steps to be performed in a specific order.3.25 Stock Blinds Blinds that are made to standard sizes and then fitted by the consumer to varying sized windows.3.26 Tassel A device used to terminate and cover the end of a free hanging cord of a window covering product.3.27 Tension Device A device used to position cords in a manner to maintain tension on the cord loop.3.28 Traverse Rod A rod or track, which often uses cords to operate a pulley mechanism for drawing curtains, drapes or panels.3.29 Vertical Blinds Consist of slats or “vanes” in a vertical orientation that can be stacked in a small space to one or both sides of the headrail. Vertical vanes are manufactured in a number of natural and artificial materials, which include, but are not limited to, aluminum, fabric, glass, PVC, polymers, steel and wood. Vanes are suspended from a headrail by vane carriers. The headrail houses mechanisms that allow vane carriers to rotate and traverse the vanes (Figure 8).REQUIREMENTS4. PRODUCT4.1Exterior components of the blind which can be touched or ingested by young children shall be produced with no more than .02% lead by weight.4.2 Any safety component or device that is intended to separate from the product shall meet the requirements of Federal Standard: 16 CFR 1501 (see B1).4.3 The product shall reduce the hazard posed by an exposed operating cord or bead chain loop by meeting one or more of the following requirements:4.3.1 The product shall have no operating cords which are accessible.4.3.2 The product shall have one or more separate operating cords.4.3.3 The product shall contain a cord release device in the loop or the head rail that meets therequirements in The product shall contain a permanently attached cord retraction device that meets therequirements in The product shall contain a cord shear device that meets the requirements in The product shall contain a cord shroud device that meets the requirements in The product shall contain a cord tension device that meets the requirements in The product shall, if it requires a cord connector, limit the exposed loop above the cordconnector to less than 3 inches (7 mm) below the bottom of the head rail when only the bottomrail is in the fully lowered position, and shall include a warning on the product that describes the potential hazard when the product is in the raised position.4.4 The product shall reduce the hazard posed by accessible inner cords by meeting one or more of the following requirements:4.4.1The product shall have no inner cords.4.4.2The product shall have inner cords that are not accessible4.4.3The product shall have accessible inner cords that meet the requirements in For products that incorporate an inner cord stop device on the cord(s), the device(s) shall be positioned 6 in. (153 mm) or less below the head rail, when only the bottom rail is in the fully lowered position.4.5 In addition to meeting 4.4, the inner cords of Roman style shades shall meet one of the following requirements:4.5.1 They shall not be accessible.4.5.2 If they are accessible, they shall incorporate a cord release device that prevents a freestanding loop from forming4.5.3 If they are accessible and do not incorporate a cord release device, all the following shallapply: The vertical ring to ring (or cord guide to guide) spacing shall not be greater than8 in. (204 mm), and4.5.3.2 The cords on the side of the shade shall be 2 in. (51 mm) or greater from the edgeof the product, and4.5.3.3 The product shall include a bottom bar or hem of sufficient weight and rigidity toeliminate a free standing loop when the lift cord is pulled and released from any pointabove the first ring/guide above the tie-off point.5. LABELING AND OPERATIONAL TAG REQUIREMENTS5.1 Labeling Manufacturers shall provide, on all window covering products with cords that are accessible, warnings about the potential dangers of these products to young children. All warning labels and hang tags shall adhere to ANSI Z535 standards (B 1.1), and shall be provided in both English and Spanish. If a single long label containing both languages is used instead of two separate labels, only one set of pictograms is required.Generic Warning Bottom Rail Label(s) The signal word (“warning” in English and 5.1.1“advertencia” in Spanish) shall be in all uppercase letters measuring not less than 5/16" (8 mm) in height and preceded by an ANSI safety alert symbol (an equilateral triangle surrounding an exclamation point) of at least the same size. The rest of the warning message text shall be in both uppercase and lowercase letters (sentence capitalization), with capital letters measuring not less than 1/8 in. (3 mm) (English) or 3/32 in. (2 mm) (Spanish). The warning label shall also include a pictogram of a young child’s hand reaching for a blind cord, with a prohibition symbol (circle with a diagonal slash) covering the pictogram. The label shall be permanently affixed to all products with accessible cords. The label shall be placed on the bottom rail of the blind, and printed in a color that contrasts the bottom rail color. For products without bottom rails, the label shall be placed in an alternative location on the product, to be determined by the manufacturer or importer, that is visible to the consumers. The generic warning label(s) shall read as follows: Warning Bottom Rail Label for Narrow Product A warning label of reduced size may be used only on product less than 18" in. (457 mm) width where space limitations prevent the use of label(s) described in 5.1.1 The signal word (“warning” in English and “advertencia” in Spanish) shall be in all uppercase letters measuring not less than 5/32" (4 mm) and preceded by an ANSI safety alert symbol (an equilateral triangle surrounding an exclamation point) of at least the same size. The rest of the warning message text shall be in both uppercase and lowercase letters (sentence capitalization), with capital letters measuring not less than 1/16" (2 mm). The warning label shall also include a pictogram of a young child’s hand reaching for a blind cord, with a prohibition symbol (circle with a diagonal slash) covering the pictogram. The label shall be permanently affixed to all products with accessible cords. The label shall be placed on the bottom rail of the blind, and printed in a color that contrasts the bottom rail color. For products without bottom rails, the label shall be placed in an alternative location on the product, to be determined by the manufacturer or importer, that is visible to the consumers. The generic warning label(s) shall read as shown in Operational Hang Tags The manufacturer shall provide an operational hang tag on the product. This tag shall include, at a minimum, all information presented in the following operational hang tags based on the characteristics of the product or the safety devices included on the product. The “Warning” word shall be typeset no less than 5/16" (8 mm) in capital letters and preceeded by the ANSI safety alert symbol (an equilateral triangle surrounding an exclamation point). The rest of the message is in upper and lower case with the capital letters not less than 1/8 in. (3 mm). A pictogram of a young child’s hand reaching a blind cord with the universal prohibition symbol (circle with diagonal slash) on top of the picture shall also be included on the hangtag. The hangtag(s) shall be used on all window covering products that have cords that are accessible.5.2.1 Individual Tassel Cords and Cord Release Device (Custom Blinds)Young children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always keep cords and bead chains out of children’s reach.Move cribs, playpens, and other furnitureaway from cords and bead chains.Children can climb furniture to get to Los niños pequeños corren el riesgo deESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de las cuerdas y cadenas. También se pueden envolver las cuerdasalrededor del cuello y ESTRANGULARSE.Mantenga siempre las cuerdas y cadenas fuera del alcance de los niños.Mueva las cunas, los corrales y otros muebles lejos de las cuerdas y cadenas. Los niñospueden subirse a los muebles para llegar a las cuerdas.5.2.1a Individual Tassel Cords and Cord Release Device (Stock Blinds)Young children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always ensure that inner cord stop devices are within 6" (153 mm) of headrail whenblind is in the fully lowered position. Seeadjustment instructions.Always keep cords and bead chains out ofchildren’s reach. Los niños pequeños corren el riesgo deESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de las cuerdas y cadenas. También se pueden envolver las cuerdasalrededor del cuello y ESTRANGULARSE.Siempre asegure que mechanismos de cuerdas interiores para parar esten dentro de 6”(153mm) de el riel superior cuando la persianaesta en el posición completamente bajado.Consultad los instrucciones para ajustar.Mantenga siempre las cuerdas y cadenas fuera5.2.2 Cord with Cord ConnectorYoung children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops and in the loop(s) above the cord connector. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always keep cords and bead chains out ofchildren’s reach.Move cribs, playpens, and other furnitureaway from cords and bead chains. Children can climb furniture to get to cords. Los niños pequeños corren el riesgo deESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de las cuerdas ycadenas y enel lazo por encima de la trabe de la cuerda. También se pueden envolver las cuerdasalrededor del cuello y ESTRANGULARSE.Mantenga siempre las cuerdas y cadenasfuera del alcance de los niños.Mueva las cunas, los corrales y otros muebles lejos de las cuerdas y cadenas. Los niñospueden subirse a los muebles para llegar a5.2.3 Tension Device Hang tag (attach to tension device)Young children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always keep cords and bead chains out ofchildren’s reach.Move cribs, playpens, and other furnitureaway from cords and bead chains. Children can climb furniture to get to cords.Attach tension device to wall or floor. This Los niños pequeños corren el riesgo de ESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de las cuerdas y cadenas. También se pueden envolver las cuerdas alrededor del cuello y ESTRANGULARSE.Mantenga siempre las cuerdas y cadenasfuera del alcance de los niños.Mueva las cunas, los corrales y otros muebles lejos de las cuerdas y cadenas. Los niñospueden subirse a los muebles para llegar alas cuerdas.5.2.4 Cord Retraction DeviceYoung children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always keep cords and bead chains out ofchildren’s reach.Move cribs, playpens, and other furnitureaway from cords and bead chains. Children can climb furniture to get to cords. Los niños pequeños corren el riesgo de ESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de las cuerdas y cadenas. También se pueden envolver las cuerdas alrededor del cuello y ESTRANGULARSE.Mantenga siempre las cuerdas y cadenasfuera del alcance de los niños.Mueva las cunas, los corrales y otros muebles lejos de las cuerdas y cadenas. Los niñospueden subirse a los muebles para llegar alas cuerdas.5.2.5 Cord Shroud hang tag (attach to cord shroud)Young children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always keep cords and bead chains out ofchildren’s reach.Move cribs, playpens, and other furnitureaway from cords and bead chains. Children can climb furniture to get to cords.Do not remove looped cord from cord Niños pueden ESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de cuerdas y cadenas. Ellos tambien pueden envolver las cuerdas alrededor de sus cuellos y ESTRANGULARSE.Siempre mantenga las cuerdas y cadenasfuera del alcance de niños.Mueva cunas, corrales, y otros muebles lejos de las cuerdas y cadenas. Niños puedensubirse sobre los muebles para llegar a lascuerdas.5.2.6 Cord ShearWARNING ADVERTENCIAYoung children can STRANGLE in cord and bead chain loops. They can also wrap cords around their necks and STRANGLE.Always keep cords and bead chains out ofchildren’s reach.Move cribs, playpens, and other furnitureaway from cords and bead chains. Children can climb furniture to get to cords.Do not tie cords together. Make sure cords Los niños pequeños corren el riesgo de ESTRANGULARSE en los lazos de las cuerdas y cadenas. También se pueden envolver las cuerdas alrededor del cuello y ESTRANGULARSE.Mantenga siempre las cuerdas y cadenas fuera del alcance de los niños.Mueva las cunas, los corrales y otros muebles lejos de las cuerdas y cadenas. Los niñospueden subirse a los muebles para llegar a las cuerdas.5.2.7 Cordless Horizontal and Pleated Blind5.2.8 Roman Style BlindThis warning tag must be attached to the lower most section of lift cord on the back side of a Roman style product and be visible from the front of the shade upon installation.5.3 Installation, operational and adjustment instructions shall be consistent with current standards.5.3.1 Instructions for length adjustable products that require inner cord stop devices shall include how to adjust inner cord stop device(s) and the warning about the hazards of not correctly adjusting the inner cord stop device(s) in Section Inner Cord Stop Warning (In English and Spanish) The word “warning” shall be in all uppercase letters measuring not less than 5/16 in. (8 mm) or 1.5 times the height of the warning message text, whichever is larger, and shall be preceded by the ANSI safety alert symbol (an equilateral triangle surrounding an exclamation point). The rest of the warning message text shall be in both uppercase and lowercase letters (sentence capitalization), with capital letters measuring not less than 3/16" (5 mm) or the height of most text in the instructions, whichever is larger. A pictogram of the fully lowered product with a circle around the inner cord stops and adjacent headrail, and a detail of the circled area showing the cord stops located no more than 6 in. (153 mm) below the headrail, shall be included in the warning. The warning shall be within a border in a prominent location on the installation instructions.Inner cords can pull out to form a loop, which can strangle a young s cuerdas internas pueden sacarse para formar un lazo en que puede ESTRANGULARSE un niño pequeño.•Los dispositivos de paro de la cuerda interna pueden diminuir este riesgo si están situados correctamente en el halado de las cuerdas. •Si los dispositivos de paro de cuerda interna5.4 Product Origins There shall be a permanent label or marking on each finished corded window covering product that identifies the name, city, and state of the U.S. manufacturer or importer or distributor or fabricator or seller, and the year of manufacture.6. TESTS AND PARAMETERS6.1 Cord Release Devices Cord release devices with multiple cords shall be tested with the design intent. Devices that join cord or bead loops or devices that detach cord or bead loops from head rails shall release as referenced in Appendix A.6.1.1 Single Loop Cord Release Device. Appendix A, A1. Multiple Loop Cord Release Device. Appendix A, A1. Cord Retraction Devices Cord retraction devices shall adhere to the following:6.2.1 The device shall passively retract the cord to within 6 in. (152mm) of the head rail and lock in this position. Sequential operations shall be required to unlock and unwind the cord for operation.6.2.2 The device shall be tested with multiple cords and at length in accordance with design intent. It shall meet one of the following requirements: The cord retraction device shall have a service life of 5,000 cycles. A cycle is completed when the device travels from the raised position to the lowered position and back to the raised position.retractiondevice shall fail in the locked and raised position, disabling thecord6.2.2.2Thewindow covering’s cord operation.6.2.3 If the device requires assembly at the time the product is installed, clear and accurate instructions shall be provided to describe installation.6.2.4 The device shall be constructed so that it can only be disassembled or detached from the cord loop by a sequential process or tools.6.3 Cord Shear Devices Cord shear devices shall adhere to the following:6.3.1 The cord shear device shall be tested in accordance with the procedures set forth in AppendixA.6.3.2 The cord shear device shall be attached to the cord or bead loop upon receipt by the end user.6.3.3 The cord shear device shall be constructed so that it can only be detached from the cord or bead loop with a sequential process or tools.6.3.4 Clear and accurate installation instructions shall be provided to describe installation. Once the cord shear device is installed, it shall perform as a passive device.6.3.5 The cord shear device is to be designed so the cord is not cut when simply pulling on the device’s housing. It shall not have any exposed buttons or plungers that would make the cutting feature obvious to young children while in its free hanging position. The cord shear device shall not have an accessible blade when the device is in the open position.6.4 Cord Shroud Device Cord shroud devices shall adhere to the following:6.4.1 The cord shroud device shall be designed so that when the window covering product is in the raised position, the cord shroud device shields the cords, eliminating their potentially hazardous exposed loops. When the window covering product is in the lowered position, the cord shroud device shall allow the cords to pass freely without restriction.6.4.2 The cord shroud device shall be designed so that it shields the cords by routing them through a series of openings no more than 1.5 inches apart.6.5 Tension Devices Tension devices for cord or bead loops shall adhere to the following:6.5.1 The tension device shall be designed so when not installed will, at least partially, prevent the lift system from moving the window covering through deployment or retraction.。