



V olvos are known as safe cars, so that's what Amanda looked for when she was buying a used car. However, what she didn’t know was that finding parts or repairmen for Volvos isn't always easy. When the twenty-five-year-old V olvo started to cut out when Amanda was driving, even without knowing anything about the car, she knew it was a pretty big problem. But it started up again right away, so she ignored it. However, she might not have made the best choice. And then one day, it wouldn’t’ t start. Amanda had it towed (to) to a garage that specializes in Volvos, and they got it up and running- for a week or so. Still paying off the first bill, she thought she'd ask a neighbor who fixes cars out of his garage to give it a try. He's a Chevy repairman, but a cars a car, right? Amanda soon found out that. in fact. Volvos are V olvos and Chevys are Chevys- and never shall the two meet!

Given that Amanda lived on an island. she was completely stuck at home without a car. She had no money to take taxis everywhere, and she certainly didn't have the money to buy another car. So Amanda finally did what any other fiercely independent- or desperate- woman would do:She ordered a Volvo manual(说明书) and started learning.

You should know that Amanda’s father never fixed cars in his spare time when she was growing up, so she knew nothing about cars. After reading through the manual she just flipped through (快速翻阅) and looked at the pictures,but it was a start, right?- she searched online. There are Volvo-fixing websites, V olvo boards, and V olvo groups. Who knew? She posted questions, always apologizing for her complete ignorance, and got answers, which just led to more questions. But she made a little progress by checking the gas tank and replacing the cheap gas with the high-grade one

Paragraph 1:

The more she learned, the more confident she grew.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2

She knew she was not giving up repairing the car, no matter how depressed she felt at times.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1:The more she learned, the more confident she grew. Every time she found a new possibility, she felt sure she would be able to get her car up and running. She didn't think she knew more than the repairmen, but the difference between her and the repairmen was that she needed her car to work She needed to go to groceries and she missed her freedom to drive anywhere. Moreover, she had to admit that she was starting to see her car as more than a car. They were starting to form a bond

Paragraph 2

She knew she was not giving up repairing the car, no matter how depressed she felt at times Finally she had a breakthrough. She fully understood how all the parts of the car work together and found out the real problem. She spent a full month and a bit of money replacing the broken part. In the end, she got it up and running again. That is to say, she fixed the car. To this day

she's still pretty proud. The car has already travelled half a million kilometers, and she wants

to make it get through the next half a million.



Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain special pleasure .When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no school on Monday the Labor Day. Enjoy your extra day off, said the teacher to her class

An extra day of fun suited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily. How was school, Kayla? asked her mom .It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday.

You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh? asked Kayla's mom with a laugh Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday washer favorite day of the week. It rained most of the day, so Kayla enjoyed playing video games inside .On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours. Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn't believe it. This was a holiday. A day where she was supposed to

be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped her eyes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream."Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let's get a move on,” said Kayla’s mom.

As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents, "Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?"

"Yes, Kayla. It is, replied her dad. "But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place

Paragraph 1

At first, Kayla felt disappointed at her parents plan for the holiday.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________

Paragraph 2:

But things began to change as she was the chores.____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph I

At first, Kayla felt disappointed at her parents' plan for the holiday. How eagerly she wanted to go out to play with her friends! She was against the annoying plan from the bottom of her heart, but she had no choice. First, Kayla was arranged to wash the breakfast dishes. After that, she was asked to give their puppy a bath. She knew it was a hard task, which needed a lot of tiring, careful and patient work. She began the work with great unwillingness

Paragraph 2

But things began to change as she was doing the chores. Brushing the puppy, she found it was a lot of fun with so many soap bubbles on the puppy as well as on her hands. Then it was on to yard work where Kayla helped to pick up sticks. She pretended the small sticks were basketballs, and shot them into a large trash can. So the work was done with great pleasure. Kayla felt proud to see how much better the yard looked. When she finished her meaningful chores, Kayla enjoyed relaxing in her tree house. The lemonade tasted wonderful after a hard day of work。

My father bought a motorcycle years ago. He said we could use it wherever we wanted to go because he wasn't always able to get around to shuttling(接送)us .However, nobody could ride except him in our family, so he decided to teach me how to ride the motorcycle. Young as I was, I longed to learn it because it could help our family a lot. Living in a remote area we had a hard time in terms of transportation.

Although I had to experience lots of bruises(擦伤) before I mastered riding, it was worth it. The motorcycle was a really big help. I could send my younger brother Ryan to school early. I could take Mom to town for our little business. Sometimes I even could ride to the farm, up in a steep mountain, to lend my father a hand. As time went by, these strengthened my determination to ride and I was no longer afraid of riding whatever road I would take One afternoon, my father called me and asked me to take the empty bucket(水桶) ,he left at home to the farm. He had hung up before I could tell him the situation at home. Mom had gone downtown to meet a customer and left Ryan to me. so I couldn’t go to the farm.

I took Ryan to our neighbors and had them help me look after him. But when I was about to leave for the farm, Ryan ran to me, crying for going with me. I told him to stay there because the mountain road was so rocky and it was too dangerous for him to go up there. Still, he continued to cry aloud and insisted on riding with me Having tried in vain to persuade him and considering that my father urgently needed the bucket, I gave in. So after placing Ryan at the back of the motorcycle in a hurry, I started to take the road, going to the mountain with him and the bucket.


Paragraph 1

While we were on our way, I found the road was wet because of the previous day’s

rain.___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2

As soon as we got home, I dealt with his injuries immediately.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


While we were on our way, I found the road was wet because of the previous day's rain. It was so slippery that I had trouble riding. Suddenly the front wheel of the motorcycle hit a big rock, throwing Ryan and me away. And I looked for Ryan immediately. When I saw him lying on

the road and crying at the top of his lungs, I was scared to death. I rushed to him and checked him carefully. Thank goodness he was safe! There were only some minor injuries on his knees. Paragraph2

As soon as we got home, I dealt with his injuries immediately. Seeing his injure knees. I felt ashamed for my failure to protect him as an elder sister. I knew the road was dangerous, and the accident could have been avoided if I had forced him to stay at home. But I hadn’t. After my parents came back home. I told them what had happened with great regret. However, instead

of blaming me, they gently comforted me, saying that I was just eager to offer help This experience made me painfully aware that I should love our family in a better way.



It had been a long, hard week, and I was heading home one day in 2019. I was a computer teacher and my work week normally started on Sunday morning when I caught a flight to wherever I would teach the next week, and ended with a flight home on Friday, arriving home around midnight.

By Friday evening I was pretty well worn out .One of the few perks(特别待遇) of flying as much as I did was getting an upgrade to first class without much difficulty. This flight was non-stop from Kennedy airport in New York to LAX in Los Angeles As I settled into my seat, I noticed two young, unaccompanied children being seated by the flight attendants(空乘服务员) in the front row of the coach section. They appeared to be brother and sister, about 6 or 7 years old I felt upset, as I thought of five hours with two young children talking loudly right behind me

and no parents in sight. I wanted to have a nap but found it was impossible. I wondered where the kids were from and why they were alone. I realized I couldn’t have a satisfying trip this time Luckily, the flight attendants tried to keep an eye on the kids, bringing them coloring books and crayons. But it's hard for children of that age to be all alone on a six-hour flight. The flight attendants had a full plane to deal with. The noise level from the seats behind me was rising.

Then a woman in first class stood up, spoke briefly with the flight attendant, then went back and sat down with the chin in coach. For the next four plus hours, until the flight landed, that lady talked and colored, and told stories, and generally kept those kids occupied, happy, and quiet She seemed to be totally enjoying herself. I was amazed and grateful. She gave up her seat in first class. went sit in coach, and entertained two nervous, bored children on a long trip. It was right her kindness that made me comfortable during the whole flight.

Paragraph 1:

When we finally arrived in LA, she turned the two children over to the flight attendant.

____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2

“Of course, Madam. I’m happy to do so.” said the girl .

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________参考答案:

Paragraph 1:

When we finally arrived in LA, she turned the two children over to the flight attendant

Before she walked down to the exit, the girl of the two children ran towards her."Thank

you, Madam! This is our first time to take a flight alone. My brother and I were really

nervous after getting on board. It's really kind of you to talk with us and tell us stories

The woman replied, “I have a son of your age and I can't travel with him sometimes. But

he has received much help from warm-hearted strangers. My girl, would you like to help

others in need in the future?

Paragraph 2

Of course, Madam. I'm happy to do so, said the girl. The woman waved goodbye to

her with a smile. Seeing this, I was greatly moved by the woman and the children Although I didn’t t know who the woman was, what she had done- giving up her sseat in first class and accompanying the two kids- really made others thankful rather than just amazed. I realized that

one person can make a difference. and it doesn’t matter who you are.


When one of our regular customers named Violet entered the store where I worked, I immediately greeted her with a big smile. She wore her usual sweater and her white hair was combed in its natural wave. The only thing missing was her bright smile.

You may remember my husband passed away two months ago, "she said. "Our grandson feels really sad without him. Violet told me her husband had played and shared many interesting stories with their eleven-year-old grandson and they had built a very close relationship. So she was looking for something to make her grandson happy again.

We searched the store shelves for a right gift to help reduce her grandsons pain. "What about this?"I suggested, pointing to a painting of a boy walking through the darkened forest. Violet and I stood side-by-side and stared at this painting for a long time.

“ That would be perfect” Violet said. If only I had that much money.” I hesitated(犹豫) Though we had no discount, I told Violet that there was a special twenty-percent discount for her."“That’ s kind of you, but it’ s still more than I can afford, "she said with her head down. "I only have twenty dollars to spend. "We were silent for a while, then, a thirty-something man entered the store. I greeted him and said, “I’l l be right with you No hurry, " said the man. He slowly stood behind us. Nice painting, "he said to Violet. " Are you going to buy it?”“wel l,” Violet answered and then went on to tell him her hesitation After listening to her story, the man said," I' Il pay the balance. Violet raised a gentle protest (反对).“ I couldn’t let you do that.” The man said, I simply enjoy helping people. Besides, this painting is perfect for your grandson

Paragraph 1 The man reached d up to remove the painting from the wall and asked me to wrap it up .

___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 I turned to the man and asked if I could help him.

________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1: The man reached up to remove the painting from the wall and asked me to wrap it up. With tears in her eyes, Violet stood in front of the counter next to us and watched me wrapping this painting “It’ s so kind of you," she said to the le man. I gave the painting a discount as I had promised. And Violet set her twenty-dollar bill on the counter Then the man paid the rest of the money. After thanking him again, Violet left the store。

Paragraph 2 I turned to the man and asked if I could help him. He thought for a moment and took a casual walk around the store shelves. Finally, he took magazine from the bookshelf,

merely giving it a quick look. After paying for it, the man left with a big smile. I was moved by him, because I knew his only purpose of visiting here was to help the old woman buy a gift to cheer her grandson up


Outside my kitchen window, there are people all over the place. We had lived in this house for a year and I knew everyone on the block, except Mrs. Miller, the old woman who lived by herself two doors down. She almost never left the house .

I thought it was time to get to know her. I carried my baby and set out to meet the neighbor. As I came to her house, Mrs. Miller's black dog looked at me. The dog was old, but she was always standing guard. I thought at least Mrs. Miller had someone to look after her. She needed more than a dog to rely on. I knocked on the front door

“Come in! "Mrs. Miller said when she saw us, feeling a little surprised. "Have a seat here in the living room. "I had only just sat down when her phone rang. Mrs. Miller received two phone calls .

When she answered and came back, she said, I' m sorry, dear. It's just the neighbors calling to check in. Susan on the street was asking if she could pick up my groceries(食品杂货)The boys next door offered to take care of my garden “ How nice it is," I thought.“ Do you have children?"I asked."No. It was just Mr. Miller and myself, until he passed away. ”“I' m so sorry, “I said."You must have family. She replied, “A sister. But were both in poor health and it's difficult for us to visit each other. She pointed to her painful legs .

“ Can you get to a doctor?” I asked. She said, “Oh, there’ s a nurse who usually comes to check on my health. Then her face became serious. She added, " Margo used to pick up my medicine every Monday. But she has just moved out of town I knew what she was thinking: What would she do without Margo.

Paragraph 1 I could take over for Margo, I said

._______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 When Christmas arrived, I decided to help Mrs. Miller prepare for the festival.

_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案

paragraph1 I could take over for Margo,” I said Picking up your medicine would be no trouble at all. Mrs. Miller was glad about it In the coming months, I made Mrs. Miller my part-time project. I knew more about her, and also the other neighbors who helped her. There were the kids who cleaned her garden, the lady who came to cook and the girl who walked the dog. The stream of help never stopped. Not once did I see Mrs. Miller have to ask for a favor.

Paragraph 2 When Christmas arrived, I decided to help Mrs. Miller prepare for the festival. So one morning I knocked on her door. " Merry Christmas! Mrs. Miller said when she let me in. I was surprised that her house had been decorated with lights and presents.

"We'd like to invite you to our Christmas dinner, "I told her. "I wish I could come, "Mrs. Miller said.“ But I already promised one of the other neighbors I'd go there. Although I was a little disappointed, I was happy that Mrs. Miller had so many friendly neighbors, who treated her like a family member.


Mom and I walked side by side through the town. I was twelve years old, and dependent on her. She raised me by herself, and except for when I was at school, we were almost always together.

She was a nurse, but after my birth she quit her job to care for me. It was said that she was once one of the best nurses in a big local hospital Recently she had returned to work there. She said she wanted to spend more time being with me. but she couldn't .

I didn’t like her going back to work. She left at 5: 45 am, which made me responsible for waking myself up, fixing breakfast and walking to the 7:30 am bus.

I hated being left home alone in the mornings, but I especially hated having to take the bus Once I had missed it, I wasn’t only late to school, but I had also caused Mom to scramble to find someone else to drive me. After that. I was so worried about missing the bus that I left for the bus stop too early every day. I stood by myself before the other kids arrived, in wind rain and snow, having to bear the embarrassment when crowded by adult passengers sometimes.

Mom worked the day shift so she could pick me up after school. Every time she didn't go to the hospital, she would drive me both ways Those were the best days.

On such a day, as we walked on the sidewalk, I saw an old man coming close to us. When he saw us, he suddenly showed a wide smile, but I didn't recognize him. "Leigh! Leigh! "he said, calling my mother's name My mother also greeted him cheerfully. He asked me whether I was the daughter of my mom. I said yes'" I didn’t know him and just looked at him, unsure of my role. "Well, it is very nice to meet you, young lady. I hope you know how lucky you are he said Paragraph 1 Not knowing why he said so, I looked at him uncertainly.

____________________________________________________________________________ _________________Paragraph 2: Mom said there was no need to thank her but the man insisted.

____________________________________________________________________________ _________________


Paragraph 1: Not knowing why he said so, I looked at him uncertainly. He didn’t know my situation at all, and how could he say that? I didn’t think I was lucky at all. I was unhappy with his words. The man sensed that, but just smiled and patted me on the head tenderly. He told me that when he was in hospital, helpless and alone last month, it was my mom that took the best care of him. He said Mom made every day better for him, and that he would never forget her help Paragraph 2 Mom said there was no need to thank her, but the man insisted. I looked into this strangers which were filled with gratitude to Mom. I was greatly moved. Right then, I realized what it meant for my mom to be a nurse, and what it actually meant for her to be busy with her job while I was at school. She was serving, caring for, and loving unfamiliar strangers, often during

some of the darkest times in their lives. It was the first time that I had understood why I stood at the bus stop every morning.


In the 1970s. when I was a new teacher at a school in Detroit, I was arranged to teach a particularly talented class. The students included a little girl named Mary Kay, who had spent only one year at our school- the year that I had her in my third-grade class.

Her father was Billy Kim, a quite famous man He was from South Korea. His daughter Mary Kay could speak beautiful English, and loved smiling. She had great respect for learning and never made trouble in class.

In one class, I asked Mary Kay to read an article in our book out loud. To my surprise, although Mary Kay could speak beautiful, flowing English she was poor in reading. She even mispronounced many words. Immediately, the kids in the class laughed at her.

Then I said to Mary Kay, Why don’t you go and write some words in your native language on the blackboard for everyone? Mary Kay's eyes suddenly brightened, and she walked with a smile to the board, full of new-found confidence.

The other children watched as she wrote word after word along with her name in her native language. The whole class immediately watched with a bit of respect and amazement, not pity. Then one of the students said, "Write my name Mary Kay.” And she did. Then more students asked. Soon, the whole class had their names on the board, and Mary Kay became a heroine. She could do something the others could not. She went from feeling inadequate(能力不足的)to feeling proud. In the following days, I still often encouraged Mary Kay .

After Mary Kay finished her third grade, I had never met her and lost contact with her. About 30 years later, I happened to meet with her father in a local church. And I decided to ask him about Mary Kay, so I introduced myself first.

Paragraph 1: “Hel, Mr. Kim, I’m Sophia brown,” I said .__________________________________________________________________________ _________________

Paragraph 2: She told me how much my class had influenced lecture._________________________________________________________________________ ______________


Paragraph 1: Hello, Mr. Kim, I'm Sophia Brown, "I said." was your daughters third-grade teacher when your family was living in Detroit. Do you remember me? I added. All of a sudden, his eyes were filled with surprise. Then he said excitedly, “Yes. Mrs. Brown. Mary Kay has been looking for you for thirty years! Then he sent my phone number to Mary. Not long afterward, my phone rang. It was Mary Kay, who had become a grown woman and also a teacher. I was so glad that we were connected again .

Paragraph 2 She told me how much my class had influenced her life. It increased her confidence in herself, and most importantly, it led to her later determination to influence her students as I did on her. Not long after that talk, Mary went to further study at Harvard University

and became a professor. She continued to influence lives for decades to follow. I had never thought one action mattered so much. Meanwhile, I was glad that she kept encouraging and supporting her students who might face what she had faced. I was proud of her.


高考读后续写训练1. Name________________ It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit (追寻) of the dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him. Over the phone, his mother told him, “Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral(葬礼)is Wednesday.” Memories flashed(闪现)through his mind like an old newsreel (新闻短片) as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. “Jack, did you hear me?” “Oh, sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It’s been so long since I thought of him. I’m sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago,” Jack said. “Well, he didn’t forget you. Every time I saw him he’d ask how you were doing. He’d reminisce (回忆) about the many days you spent over ‘his side of the fence’ as he put it, ” Mom told him. “I loved that old house he lived in,” Jack said. “You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man’s influence (影响) in your life,” she said. “He’s the one who taught me carpentry. I wouldn’t be in this business if it weren’t for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things that he thought were important. Mom, I’ll be there for the funeral.” Jack said. Busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown. Mr. Belser’s funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away. The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time, which was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture … Jack stopped suddenly. “What’s wrong, Jack?” his Mom asked. “The box is gone,” he said. “What box?” Mom ask ed. “There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he’d ever tell me was ‘the thing I value most’,” Jack said. It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it. “Now I’ll never know what was so valuable to him,” Jack said sadly. 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。


读后续写教案范文英语作文读后续写150词左右不唯一 Help is Always Unselfish A selfish mother donated her ears to her imperfect son without ___ing him about it. At last, the son got the secret from his father after his mother died. Help is always unselfish. The mother donated her ears to her son, showing her greatest love to her child. From these, we can know how difficult it is for parents to raise their children. In the daily life, we always get kind help from our teachers, classmates and friends. And their kind help is always unselfish. When I was in Senior Middle School, I lived in the school. Every time I was ill, my teachers and classmates gave me kind help, taking good care of me all the time. In today’s society, I was affected by some bad things, which made me think that there was no kindness in the world. It was my friends who did everything to help me out. From these experiences, I have realized that helping others is necessary, and true love does exist in our daily life. Since then, I have changed myself a lot, and I also give hands to others when they are in need of help. 试题分析:这是一篇以感人故事形式的作文,注意内容、要求,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需


2016.9 浙江高考: One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom. “I'm going to find a better spot for us to camp" and walked away. With no path to follow,Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place. she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snowcapped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom! "she cried. "Help!" No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him. Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling (滴落)somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To her great joy,she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now. Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter. Is that for me? Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文文中标有下划线的关键词语: 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1 But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.

读后续写范例 (四篇)

读后续写范例(四篇) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 (一) The other day I was travelling to San Antonio by train to visit my sister. The train was a little crowded and there was a young man sitting next to the window. Since it was a hot day, I wanted that window seat more than anything else at that time As a young lady, I thought the young man would give me the seat if I asked him. So I smiled at him and asked whether he could give up his seat and take another one. To my surprise, he said that he needed that seat and refused my request. I had no choice but to take the seat next to him. The train was crossing station after station .The weather was so hot that the scenery(风景) outside the window could not attract my interest I had nothing to do, so I started to focus my attention on the young man and stare at him up and down. He wore a blue shirt and there was a shawl(披巾) on his legs. He did not even rise from his seat once, which made me feel a little bit strange. Moreover, only a madman would use a shawl in such hot weather, I thought. After the five-hour long journey, the train arrived at the final stop. I picked up my bag and stood up, waiting for the door to open. I gave a


读后续写答题技巧指导 读后续写是随着我国高考改革由教育部考试中心研制的英语高考新题型,2016 年10 月在浙江省首次使用。该题型通过读写结合,检测学生的英语书面语言理解与表达能力。要求学生能够梳理故事文体的结构、分析故事发展的线索、想像故事发展的情节以及续写故事的发展和结局。 2020年山东省高考英语卷准备首次采用读后续写题型。读后续写考题,“提供一段350 词以内的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容和所给段落开头语进行续写(150 词左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文”。从试题结构看,读后续写评价的是书面理解能力和书面表达能。因此,在写作之前,首先读懂文本,理清故事情节,然后构思故事的发展和结局。下面介绍一下读后续写的答题技巧: 一.写作思路 主要按照以下四个步骤来写: 第一步:通读文本,提取线索词和信息句,写出每段段落大意。 第二步:根据文本每段内容,结合所给续写部分的首句,构思完整的故事情节。 第三步:根据续写部分所提供的首句,写出续写部分每段的段落大意,围绕续写 部分的段落大意进行合理的细节描写。 第四步:润色成篇。 二.写作过程展示 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短 文。续写的词数应为150左右。 It was somewhere between spring and summer that my mom and I were driving through the countryside. Back then I was 13 years old and always felt unhappy with Mom. But little did I know that this trip was going to be a special one. A pot of flowers sat in the back seat, whose heavenly scent filled the car. Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, my mom pulled over. “What are you doing?” I cried, fearing that the car had broken down and we’d be stuck there, so far from home. But that wasn’t the case. My mom hopped out of the car, grabbing the flowers from the back seat. “It’ll just be a minute,” she called back through the open windows. My eyes impatiently skimmed the edge of the road before settling on a little sign showing that it was a nursing home (养老院). I looked back at the building, somewhat annoyed, as my mom reappeared, empty-handed. Before she started the car, curiosity drove me to ask, “Do you know anyone there?” She shook her head. “Then what did you do with the flowers?” She smiled slightly, “I gave them to the receptionist (接待员).” “What?” She laughed at my confusion. “I told the receptionist to give the flowers to whoever needed them, especially those who haven’t gotten any.” 1


浙江高考英语读后续写 第二节读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事 “I’m going to miss you so much, Poppy,” said the tall, thin teenager. He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye. He stood up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions (情绪)get the better of him. His parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control. They had driven their son several hours out of town to the university where he would soon be living and studying. It was time to say goodbye for now at least. The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed. The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder, and flashed a bright smile. “I guess this is it,” he said. “I’ll see you back home in a month, okay” His parents nodded, and they watched as he walked out of sight into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents. The boy’s mother turned to the dog, “Okay, Poppy, time to go back home.” The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there. All that week, Poppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner, her favorite toy, or even in her daily walk. Her owners were sad too, but they knew their son would be back to visit. Poppy didn’t. & They offered the dog some of her favorite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit on the sofa, but the old girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. Her owners started to get worried. “What should we do to cheer Poppy up” asked Dad. “We’ve tried everything.” “I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy,”smiled Mom. “Without anybody left in the house but us, this pla ce could use a bit of fun. Let’s get a little dog for Poppy. It didn’t take long before they walked through the front door carrying a big box. Poppy welcomed them home as usual but when she saw the box, she stopped. She put her nose on it. Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever so slowly, then faster as she caught the smell. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Para 1. Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared. 》 Para 2. A few weeks later, the boy arrived home from university. Dad opened the box and a sweet little dog appeared. Then out of the box jumped a small mass of golden woolen thing, shouting loudly and joyfully, as if he was asking why he couldn’t see the sunshine for such a long time. Finding that she had a playmate again, Poppy was amazed. She appreciated her new little playmate, smiling amusedly, barking gently, walking slowly around it and wagging her tail cheerfully and constantly. “I don't have to be


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写的词数应为150左右。 V olvos are known as safe cars, so that's what Amanda looked for when she was buying a used car. However, what she didn’t know was that finding parts or repairmen for Volvos isn't always easy. When the twenty-five-year-old V olvo started to cut out when Amanda was driving, even without knowing anything about the car, she knew it was a pretty big problem. But it started up again right away, so she ignored it. However, she might not have made the best choice. And then one day, it wouldn’t’ t start. Amanda had it towed (to) to a garage that specializes in Volvos, and they got it up and running- for a week or so. Still paying off the first bill, she thought she'd ask a neighbor who fixes cars out of his garage to give it a try. He's a Chevy repairman, but a cars a car, right? Amanda soon found out that. in fact. Volvos are V olvos and Chevys are Chevys- and never shall the two meet! Given that Amanda lived on an island. she was completely stuck at home without a car. She had no money to take taxis everywhere, and she certainly didn't have the money to buy another car. So Amanda finally did what any other fiercely independent- or desperate- woman would do:She ordered a Volvo manual(说明书) and started learning. You should know that Amanda’s father never fixed cars in his spare time when she was growing up, so she knew nothing about cars. After reading through the manual she just flipped through (快速翻阅) and looked at the pictures,but it was a start, right?- she searched online. There are Volvo-fixing websites, V olvo boards, and V olvo groups. Who knew? She posted questions, always apologizing for her complete ignorance, and got answers, which just led to more questions. But she made a little progress by checking the gas tank and replacing the cheap gas with the high-grade one Paragraph 1: The more she learned, the more confident she grew. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 She knew she was not giving up repairing the car, no matter how depressed she felt at times. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案:


Teaching Plans Teaching Contents Continuation writing Teaching Aims After learning the lesson, the students are able to: 1.Sense and organize my different feelings during such a terrible surrounding. 2.Understand the implied deep meanings of the two lines that changed my life. 3.Conclude how I changed to live a happier life in the desert and continue writing. Teaching important points Feeling changes Teaching difficult points How to continue writing according to the given text Teaching strategies Situation-based teaching Task-based language teaching Communicative approach Teaching tools Multiple media and Blackboard Teaching procedures Step one Lead-in (Purpose: inspire students’ background informatio n about desert life and set a realistic reading environment for them) 1.Show them pictures and get them to think about what they would do when travelling to a desert? 2.Have them discuss with partners their feelings of a trip to a desert. Step two Read for structure (Purpose: To develop students’ abilities of organizing structures by going through the passage quickly to organize its’ structure and divide it into three parts in line with particular main ideas) Part 1 (para _____ _) a. A letter from the author’s father Part 2 (para_______) b. The original feelings of the author Part 3 (para_______) c. The _______ of the author


2016~2020浙江省高考读后续写 1.(2016年10月,浙江高考) One weekend in July,Jane and her husband,Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom. “I’m going to find a better spot for us to camp” and walked away. With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snowcapped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost. “Tom! ”she cried. “Help!” No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him. Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling (滴落)somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream.To her great joy, she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now, Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake. As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter.Is that for me? Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为l50左右; 2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: It was daybreak when Jane woke up. ____________________________________________________________________________________________【解析】 ◆题型解读 读后续写要求考生首先要读懂已有信息,不仅能读懂字面含义,还要理清文章的脉络和关系。续写这篇短文时,考生需要明白故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置变化、人物特征和情感等。在此基础上,考生顺着文章的思路,根据线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合理预测,并用英语表达出来。同时,在组织语言时,切记使用5个以上给出的提示词。 ◆故事主线


读后续写练习(一) A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining heavily that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village. and was going to help the person to stand up. At that time, he found it was a dead man and there baskets with him. officer asked, “Are these yours?” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(胆怯地). “No, no, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry. “When did you see the dead man?” “At about seven last night.” “Did you see who killed the man?” “No, sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” “No, sir.” prison. the officer wanted to trap(设陷阱) the farmer into the confession(供认), but the farmer didn’t admit he was the murderer(谋杀犯). 注意: 1.所续写的短文词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为二段,每段的开头语已经为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The officer was so angry that he asked the policeman to beat him up again. The farmer was lucky .A few days later,
