The Release Matrix for Component-Based Software Architectures
LTE9种TM模式的中英文说明1. TM1,单天线端口传输:主要应用于单天线传输的场合。
2. TM2,发送分集模式:适合于小区边缘信道情况比较复杂,干扰较大的情况,有时候也用于高速的情况,分集能够提供分集增益.3. TM3,开环空间分集:合适于终端(ue)高速移动的情况。
4. TM4,闭环空间分集:适合于信道条件较好的场合,用于提供高的数据率传输。
5. TM5,MU-MIMO传输模式:主要用来提高小区的容量。
6. TM6,Rank1的传输:主要适合于小区边缘的情况。
7. TM7,Port5的单流Beamforming模式:主要也是小区边缘,能够有效对抗干扰。
8. TM8,双流Beamforming模式:可以用于小区边缘也可以应用于其他场景。
9. TM9, 传输模式9是LTE-A中新增加的一种模式,可以支持最大到8层的传输,主要为了提升数据传输速率TE Transmission Mode:Transmission mode 1: Single-antenna transmission.Transmission mode 2: Transmit diversity, SFBC(Space-Frequency Block Coding)based.Transmission mode 3: Open-loop codebook-based precoding in the case of more than one layer, degraded to transmit diversity in the case of rank-one transmission. (SU-MIMO)Transmission mode 4: Closed-loop codebook-based precoding. (SU-MIMO).Transmission mode 5: Multi-user MIMO version of transmission mode 4 (up to max 2 users/layers).Transmission mode 6: Special case of closed-loop codebook-based precoding limited to single layer transmission, also called beam-forming for single user.Transmission mode 7: Release-8 non-codebook-based precoding supporting only single-layer transmission per UE, it is also called beam-forming here for single layer per UE.Transmission mode 8: Release-9 non-codebook-based precoding supporting up to two layers per UE.Transmission mode 9: Release-10 non-codebook-based precoding supporting up to eight layers per UE.Codebook based mode means the precoding matrix can only be selected from known(predefined) cookbook.Non-codebook based mode requests different demodulation/UE specific reference signals to be inserted in the allocated RBs of PDSCH before precoding and the precoding matrix is completely selected by randomly. This mode supports up to 8 transmission layers(ranks) per UE in Release10.Closed-loop precoding is assumed that the network selects the precoder matrix based on feedback(CSI-PMI/RI) from the terminal.Open-loop precoding does not rely on any detailed precoder recommendation being reported by the terminal and does not require any explicit network signaling of the actual precoder used for the downlink transmission. Instead, the precoder matrix is selected in a predefined and deterministic way known to the terminal in advance. One use of open-loop precoding is in high-mobility scenarios where accurate feedback is difficult to achieve due to the l******cy in the PMI reporting.。
Autodesk Nastran 2023 参考手册说明书
FILESPEC ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
DISPFILE ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
File Management Directives – Output File Specifications: .............................................................................. 5
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报错解决V ASP⾃旋轨道耦合计算错误汇总静态计算时,报错:VERY BAD NEWS! Internal内部error in subroutine⼦程序IBZKPT:Reciprocal倒数的lattice and k-lattice belong to different class of lattices. Often results are still useful (48)INCAR参数设置:对策:根据所⽤集群,修改INCAR中NPAR。
将NPAR=4变成NPAR=1,已解决!错误:sub space matrix类错误报错:静态和能带计算中出现警告:W ARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian共轭in DA V结构优化出现错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 4 -4.681828688433112E-002对策:通过将默认AMIX=0.4,修改成AMIX=0.2(或0.3),问题得以解决。
以下是类似的错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -3.00000000000000RMM: 22 -0.167633596124E+02 -0.57393E+00 -0.44312E-01 1326 0.221E+00BRMIX:very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 28.00003 new 28.06093 0.111E+00错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -42.5000000000000ERROR FEXCP: supplied Exchange-correletion table is too small, maximal index : 4794错误:结构优化Bi2Te3时,log⽂件:WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian 1 -0.199E+01RMM: 200 0.179366581305E+01 -0.10588E-01 -0.14220E+00 718 0.261E-01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 56.00230 new 124.70394 66 F= 0.17936658E+01 E0= 0.18295246E+01 d E =0.557217E-02curvature: 0.00 expect dE= 0.000E+00 dE for cont linesearch 0.000E+00ZBRENT: fatal error in bracketingplease rerun with smaller EDIFF, or copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and continue但是,将CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR,接着算静态没有报错,这样算出来的结果有问题吗?对策1:⽤这个CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR重新做⼀次结构优化,看是否达到优化精度!对策2:⽤这个CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR,并且修改EDIFF(⽬前参数EDIFF=1E-6),默认为10-4错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 1 -7.626640664998020E-003⽹上参考解决⽅案:对策1:减⼩POTIM: IBRION=0,标准分⼦动⼒学模拟。
因为该固件库是通用的,并且包括了所有外设的功能,所以应用程序代码的大小和执行速度可能不是最优 的。对大多数应用程序来说,用户可以直接使用之,对于那些在代码大小和执行速度方面有严格要求的应 用程序,该固件库驱动程序可以作为如何设置外设的一份参考资料,根据实际需求对其进行调整。
1.3.1 变量 ................................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.2 布尔型 ............................................................................................................................................ 28 1.3.3 标志位状态类型 ........................................................................................................................... 29 1.3.4 功能状态类型 .............................................................................................................
盐酸坦洛新缓释滴丸的处方工艺研究戎欣玉, 田立权, 刘媛媛(河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院,河北石家庄 050018)摘要:研究了盐酸坦洛新(T SL S)缓释滴丸的处方工艺.采用聚乙二醇6000和聚乙二醇4000为速释性固体分散载体材料,硬脂酸及单硬脂酸甘油酯为缓释性骨架材料,熔融法制备缓释滴丸.以滴丸圆整度和丸重的RSD 为指标,对T SLS 缓释滴丸的制备工艺进行了优化.所得滴丸的圆整度好、丸重差异小,体外释放符合Higuchi 模型,可持续释药24h.关键词:T SLS;缓释滴丸;处方;制备工艺;释放度中图分类号:R 944.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-5854(2011)03-0279-04Study on Formulation and Preparation of TamsulosinHydrochloride Sustained -release Dropping PillsRONG Xinyu, TIAN Liquan, LIU Yuanyuan(College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Hebei University of Science and T echnology,H ebei Shijiazhuang 050018,China)Abstract:To study the formulation and preparation of tamsulosin hy drochloride (T SLS)sustained -releasedropping pills,TSLS sustained -release dropping pills w ere prepared by melting method w ith PEG -6000and PEG -4000as quick -released material,stearic acid and glyceryl monostearate as sustained -released matrix.T he preparation technology for sustained -release dropping pills w as optimized by way of the spherical degree and rela -tive standard deviation of pills w eight difference were selected as evaluation index es.T he orthogonal design was used to select the optim al formulation based on the percent release.Sustained -release dropping pills made from the optimal formula had good spherical degree and smaller pills w eight difference.T he release percentage of opt-i mal fomula com plied w ith Higuchi equation,it could release erug for 24h.Key words:T SLS;sustained -release dropping pills;formulation;preparation;accumulative release良性前列腺增生(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH )是老年男性常见病之一,60岁以上超过50%的男性患有BPH,70~90岁的男性至少有80%~90%患有此症,已经成为危害老年男性健康的 隐形杀手 .随着生活节奏的不断加快,患者人数日渐增多并呈现患者年轻化的发展趋势.因而,许多学者都将BPH 列为主要研究课题之一,治疗BPH 已引起社会的广泛关注[1-2].盐酸坦洛新(tamsulosin hydrochloride,TSLS)被称作治疗BPH 的第3代超选择性或组织选择性的 1A -肾上腺素受体阻滞剂.可选择性地阻断膀胱颈、前列腺腺体及被膜的平滑肌 1受体,降低平滑肌张力,降低下尿路阻力,从而改善因前列腺肥大引起的排尿障碍[3-5],临床上用于治疗前列腺增生所致的异常排尿症状,如尿频、夜尿增多、排尿困难等.为了避免由于血药浓度过高引起的体位性低血压等副作用,临床用药以缓控释制剂给药较好.本研究利用固体分散体技术,将难溶性药物TSLS 制成缓释滴丸,以期发挥缓释滴丸剂型本身的特点,在控制药物释放的同时增加药物溶解度及药物吸收,达到长效和高效的目的[6].收稿日期:2010-04-28;修回日期:2011-01-05基金项目:河北科技大学校立科研基金(XL200917)作者简介:戎欣玉(1962-),女,河北石家庄人,教授,硕士,从事药物制剂及药物的质量研究.第35卷/第3期/2011年5月河北师范大学学报/自然科学版/J OU RNAL OF HEB EI NO RMAL UNIV ER SITY /Natu ral Scien ce Edition /Vol.35N o.3M ay.20111 仪器与试药1.1 仪 器DWJSY- 型实验滴丸机(烟台博森制药机械有限公司);UV2600双光束紫外/可见分光光度计(上海天美科学仪器有限公司);RCZ-8A型智能药物溶出仪(天津大学精密仪器厂);FA2004电子天平(上海精科天平);1810-B型石英自动双重蒸馏水蒸馏器(江苏金坛市宏华仪器厂).1.2 试 药盐酸坦洛新(TSLS,上海康昊生物科技有限公司);聚乙二醇(PEG)4000,PEG6000(天津市永大化学试剂开发中心);单硬脂酸甘油酯(广东番禹市新宝食品添加剂厂);硬脂酸(天津市光复精细化工研究所);以上试剂均为分析纯.2 方法与结果2.1 TSLS缓释滴丸的成型工艺研究缓释滴丸的制备影响因素较多,如处方组成、料液温度、冷凝柱长度、冷凝液的温度和粘度、滴距及滴速等.参考滴丸成型工艺的报道[7-9]和预实验结果,选择的代表性处方是:PEG400010g,PEG600020g,硬脂酸6g,单硬脂酸甘油酯4g,主药TSLS0.23g.基本制备工艺是:称取水溶性基质和脂溶性基质,在80~85 水浴条件下加热并搅拌使之完全熔融,加入主药TSLS,充分搅拌,混匀,在保温条件下,将熔融的药液滴入盛有冷凝液二甲基硅油(运动粘度为100mm2/s)的冷凝柱中梯度冷却,成丸后收集滴丸,用滤纸吸去滴丸表面的冷凝液,在自然条件下防止干燥,即得.在此基础上,以滴丸的圆整度合格率(最短径/最长径>0.8)和丸重差异相对标准偏差(RSD)作为评价指标,对缓释滴丸成形工艺进行单因素考察优化制备工艺.2.1.1 滴距的影响不同滴距对滴丸成型的影响结果见表1.结果提示,滴距影响缓释滴丸的圆整度和丸重差异.当滴距较小时,由于冷凝液表面张力的存在,液滴容易浮在冷凝液的表面,下沉速度慢形成纺锤形小球,从而影响缓释滴丸的圆整度和丸重差异;滴距较大时,圆整度较好,但由于重力作用,部分液滴在滴制时与冷凝液碰撞而易分离出小液滴,从而影响滴丸的丸重差异.因此,滴距选择9cm较合适,圆整度较好,丸重差异较小.2.1.2 料液温度的影响不同料液温度对滴丸成型的影响结果见表2.结果提示,料液温度对缓释滴丸的圆整度和丸重差异有影响.实验条件下温度越高,圆整度越好.不过,考虑温度太高可能会影响主药的成分,所以在保证圆整度较好的前提下,选择较低的温度.因此,选择料液温度在85 左右.表1 滴距对成型的影响滴距/cm圆整度RSD/%50.943 5.290.981 3.2150.9258.6表2 料液温度对成型的影响料液温度/ 圆整度RSD/% 750.862 6.8850.975 2.1950.932 冷却温度的影响预实验结果表明,滴丸成型采用梯度冷却的方式较非梯度冷却效果好,梯度冷却可在温度逐渐下降时,使药液逐渐收缩成丸,对滴丸的圆整度有较大的改善.但不同梯度冷却温度对滴丸成型也有影响,其结果见表3.当梯度冷凝温度为35 5 时效果较佳,滴丸的圆整度较好,丸重差异较小.2.1.4 滴速的影响不同料液温度对滴丸成型的影响结果见表4.表3 冷却温度对成型的影响温度梯度/ 圆整度RSD/%25 50.9487.535 50.973 1.745 50.952 5.3表4 滴速对成型的影响滴速/(d min-1)圆整度RSD/%15 30.892 5.425 30.961 2.635 30.932 6.4280当滴速太快时,滴丸在冷凝柱上部有一定粘连,从而影响滴丸的圆整度和丸重差异,滴速较慢时圆整度及丸重差异欠佳,滴速控制在(25 3)d/m in 成型性最好.综上所述,制备工艺如下:取处方量的基质于水浴85~90 加热熔融,再加入TSLS 充分搅拌均匀,调节滴丸机的温控系统,使药液温度保持在85 左右,并使冷凝柱内的冷凝梯度为35 5 ,调节滴速为(25 3)d/m in,滴距保持9cm.由滴丸机的出口处将收缩成形的滴丸取出,用滤纸吸去粘附在滴丸表面的冷凝液,在自然条件下干燥,即得.2.2 TSLS 缓释滴丸的处方研究在滴丸成型工艺研究的基础上,对代表性处方中硬脂酸用量(A )、单硬脂酸甘油酯用量(B )及PEG6000用量(C )按正交设计L 9(34)表做正交试验进一步筛选处方.参考中国药典2005版规定,分别选择4,8,14h 3个时间点测定药物释放度,拟定Q 为评价指标:Q = Q 4-30% + Q 8-60% + Q 14-80% ,其中Q 4,Q 8,Q 14分别代表4,8,14h 时的释放百分率.Q 值越小越接近设计要求.L 9(34)正交试验设计因素和水平见表5,正交试验测定结果见表6.表5 正交试验设计%水平因 素AB C 125205022015403101030表6 正交试验结果试验号A B C Q 11110.541721220.433831330.430142120.377352230.392862310.422073130.511483210.59769332 1.3825k 10.46850.47680.5204k 20.39740.47470.7312k 30.83050.74490.4448R0.43310.27020.2864其中:k 1,k 2,k 3为各因素1,2,3水平的平均值;R 为极差值.从极差大小可知,各个因素对药物释放的影响顺序为A >C >B ,最优组合为A 2B 2C 3,由此确定处方为硬脂酸20%,单硬脂酸甘油酯15%,PEG600030%,TSLS 0.57%,PEG4000100%.2.3 工艺验证根据上述实验,按照确定的处方及制备工艺制备5批TSLS 缓释滴丸,进行外观评价、丸重和释放度考察,结果见表7及图1(n =6).281表7 5批样品的性状及粒径批次外观粒径/mm 圆整度平均丸重/mg丸重的R SD/%1白色小球 3.060.99134.95 1.032白色小球 3.050.97434.60 3.523白色小球 3.040.98334.02 3.364白色小球 3.020.99234.56 2.565白色小球3.080.98734.591.97图1 5批自制缓释滴丸的释放度曲线实验结果表明,所制备的TSLS 缓释滴丸为白色小球,表面光滑,色泽一致,丸粒大小均匀,滴丸的平均粒径(3.05 0.03)mm,RSD 为1.02%;圆整度为(0.984 1.12),RSD 为2.23%;平均丸重(34.54 0.33),RSD 为2.49%;体外释放有明显的缓释效果,不同批次之间缓释滴丸的释放相似.表明本实验优化的处方工艺重现性良好,处方与工艺稳定可行.将图1的累积释放数据用零级、一级、Higuchi 等不同释放模型拟合,结果提示,T SLS 缓释滴丸的体外释放符合Higuchi 模型:Q =0.3459t 1/2-0.23,r =0.9964.3 讨 论本处方设计是日服1次的缓释滴丸,参考中国药典2005版规定,结合药物本身较长的生物半衰期的特点,将处方筛选的依据定为4h 释药(Q 4)30%,8h 释药(Q 8)60%,14h 释药(Q 14)80%.以Q 为评价指标,Q 值越小越接近设计要求.Q = Q 4-30% + Q 8-60% + Q 14-80% .本研究完全采用量化的评价指标研究成型工艺及处方,避免了人为评价的主观因素,能更好地反映各因素对成型工艺及药物释放的影响.本文中,笔者采用水溶性和难溶性材料为载体,以熔融法制备缓释滴丸.从制备过程和成本角度考虑,与缓释片剂或缓释胶囊等比较,仅需混合、熔料、滴制过程,无需片剂或胶囊中的一系列步骤,如制备含药包衣液或含药层颗粒、空白丸芯的载药、装囊或压片等[10],因此,缓释滴丸的工艺更简单,工序更少,成本低于片剂和胶囊剂.又由于滴丸的制备是在液体状态下,所以在生产中无污染、无粉尘,有利于劳动保护.参考文献:[1] 许传亮,张振声,孙颖浩.良性前列腺增生症的药物治疗及其长期用药[J].中华老年医学杂志,2007,26(8):639-642.[2] ZIADA A ,ROSENBLU M M ,CRA WFOR D E D.Benig n Prostatic Hyperplasia:A n O verview [J].U rolo gy,1999,53(3Suppl3A):1-6.[3] 刘丽鹤,王鹏,李好枝.盐酸坦洛新血药浓度测定方法及其药动学研究进展[J].中国药学杂志,2003,38(7):487-489.[4] O LEARY M P.T amsulosin:Current Clinical Exper ience [J].U rolog y,2001,58(6Suppl 1):42-48.[5] YA SU SH I M iyazawa,ALA N 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Introduction to PhysiologyIntroductionPhysiology is the study of the functions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations. The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry.Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for or example—many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology.To study how an animal works it is first necessary to know how it is built. A full appreciation of the physiology of an organism must therefore be based on a sound knowledge of its anatomy. Experiments can then be carried out to establish how particular parts perform their functions. Although there have been many important physiological investigations on human volunteers, the need for precise control over the experimental conditions has meant that much of our present physiological knowledge has been derived from studies on other animals such as frogs, rabbits, cats, and dogs. When it is clear that a specific physiological process has a common basis in a wide variety of animal species, it is reasonable to assume that the same principles will apply to humans. The knowledge gained from this approach has given us a great insight into human physiology and endowed us with a solid foundation for the effective treatment of many diseases.The building blocks of the body are the cells, which are grouped together to form tissues. The principal types of tissue are epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular, each with its own characteristics. Many connective tissues have relatively few cells but have an extensive extracellular matrix. In contrast, smooth muscle consists of densely packed layers of muscle cells linked together via specific cell junctions. Organs such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, the intestines, and the liver are formed by the aggregation of different kinds of tissues. The organs are themselves parts of distinct physiological systems. The heart and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system; the lungs, trachea, and bronchi together with the chest wall and diaphragm form the respiratory system; the skeleton and skeletal muscles form the musculoskeletal system; the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nerves and ganglia, and peripheral somatic nerves form the nervous system, and so on.Cells differ widely in form and function but they all have certain生理学简介介绍生理学是研究生物体功能的科学。
2nd Introduction to the Matrix packageMartin Maechler and Douglas BatesR Core Development Team******************,*******************September2006(typeset on August11,2023)AbstractLinear algebra is at the core of many areas of statistical computing and from its inception the S lan-guage has supported numerical linear algebra via a matrix data type and several functions and operators,such as%*%,qr,chol,and solve.However,these data types and functions do not provide direct accessto all of the facilities for efficient manipulation of dense matrices,as provided by the Lapack subroutines,and they do not provide for manipulation of sparse matrices.The Matrix package provides a set of S4classes for dense and sparse matrices that extend the basic matrix data type.Methods for a wide variety of functions and operators applied to objects from theseclasses provide efficient access to BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines),Lapack(dense matrix),CHOLMOD including AMD and COLAMD and Csparse(sparse matrix)routines.One notable char-acteristic of the package is that whenever a matrix is factored,the factorization is stored as part of theoriginal matrix so that further operations on the matrix can reuse this factorization.1IntroductionThe most automatic way to use the Matrix package is via the Matrix()function which is very similar to the standard R function matrix(),>library(Matrix)>M<-Matrix(10+1:28,4,7)>M4x7Matrix of class"dgeMatrix"[,1][,2][,3][,4][,5][,6][,7][1,]11151923273135[2,]12162024283236[3,]13172125293337[4,]14182226303438>tM<-t(M)Such a matrix can be appended to(using cbind()or rbind())or indexed,>(M2<-cbind(-1,M))4x8Matrix of class"dgeMatrix"[,1][,2][,3][,4][,5][,6][,7][,8][1,]-111151923273135[2,]-112162024283236[3,]-113172125293337[4,]-1141822263034381>M[2,1][1]12>M[4,][1]14182226303438where the last two statements show customary matrix indexing,returning a simple numeric vector each1. We assign0to some columns and rows to“sparsify”it,and some NA s(typically“missing values”in data analysis)in order to demonstrate how they are dealt with;note how we can“subassign”as usual,for classical R matrices(i.e.,single entries or whole slices at once),>M2[,c(2,4:6)]<-0>M2[2,]<-0>M2<-rbind(0,M2,0)>M2[1:2,2]<-M2[3,4:5]<-NAand then coerce it to a sparse matrix,>sM<-as(M2,"sparseMatrix")>10*sM6x8sparse Matrix of class"dgCMatrix"[1,].NA......[2,]-10NA150 (310350)[3,]...NA NA...[4,]-10.170 (330370)[5,]-10.180 (340380)[6,]........>identical(sM*2,sM+sM)[1]TRUE>is(sM/10+M2%/%2,"sparseMatrix")[1]TRUEwhere the last three calls show that multiplication by a scalar keeps sparcity,as does other arithmetic, but addition to a“dense”object does not,as you might have expected after some thought about“sensible”behavior:>sM+106x8Matrix of class"dgeMatrix"[,1][,2][,3][,4][,5][,6][,7][,8][1,]10NA101010101010[2,]9NA251010104145[3,]101010NA NA101010[4,]910271010104347[5,]910281010104448[6,]10101010101010101because there’s an additional default argument to indexing,drop=TRUE.If you add“,drop=FALSE”you will get submatrices instead of simple vectors.2Operations on our classed matrices include(componentwise)arithmetic(+,−,∗,/,etc)as partly seen above,comparison(>,≤,etc),e.g.,>Mg2<-(sM>2)>Mg26x8sparse Matrix of class"lgCMatrix"[1,].N......[2,]:N|...||[3,]...N N...[4,]:.|...||[5,]:.|...||[6,]........returning a logical sparse matrix.When interested in the internal str ucture,str()comes handy,and we have been using it ourselves more regulary than print()ing(or show()ing as it happens)our matrices; alternatively,summary()gives output similar to Matlab’s printing of sparse matrices.>str(Mg2)Formal class'lgCMatrix'[package"Matrix"]with6slots..@i:int[1:16]1340113422.....@p:int[1:9]0358910101316..@Dim:int[1:2]68..@Dimnames:List of2....$:NULL....$:NULL..@x:logi[1:16]FALSE FALSE FALSE NA NA TRUE.....@factors:list()>summary(Mg2)6x8sparse Matrix of class"lgCMatrix",with16entriesi j x121FALSE241FALSE351FALSE412NA522NA623TRUE743TRUE853TRUE934NA1035NA1127TRUE1247TRUE1357TRUE1428TRUE1548TRUE1658TRUEAs you see from both of these,Mg2contains“extra zero”(here FALSE)entries;such sparse matrices may be created for different reasons,and you can use drop0()to remove(“drop”)these extra zeros.This should never matter for functionality,and does not even show differently for logical sparse matrices,but the internal structure is more compact:3>Mg2<-drop0(Mg2)>str(Mg2@x)#length 13,was 16logi [1:13]NA NA TRUE TRUE TRUE NA ...For large sparse matrices,visualization (of the sparsity pattern)is important,and we provide image()methods for that,e.g.,>data(CAex,package ="Matrix")>print(image(CAex,main ="image(CAex)"))#print(.)needed for Sweaveimage(CAex)Dimensions: 72 x 72Column R o w204060204060−0.4−,i.e.,in addition to the above implicitly mentioned "Ops"operators (+,*,...,<=,>,...,&which all work with our matrices,notably in conjunction with scalars and traditional matrices),the "Math"-operations (such as exp(),sin()or gamma())and "Math2"(round()etc)and the "Summary"group of functions,min(),range(),sum(),all work on our matrices as they should.Note that all these are implemented via so called group methods ,see e.g.,?Arith in R .The intention is that sparse matrices remain sparse whenever sensible,given the matrix classes and operators involved,but not content specifically. E.g.,<sparse>+<dense>gives <dense>even for the rare cases where it would be advantageous to get a <sparse>result.These classed matrices can be “indexed”(more technically “subset”)as traditional S language (and hence R )matrices,as partly seen above.This also includes the idiom M [M op num ]which returns simple vectors,>sM[sM >2][1]NA NA 151718NA NA 313334353738>sml <-sM[sM <=2]>sml [1]0-10-1-10NA NA 000000000NA[24]NA 0000000and “subassign”ment similarly works in the same generality as for traditional S language matrices.41.1Matrix package for numerical linear algebraLinear algebra is at the core of many statistical computing techniques and,from its inception,the S language has supported numerical linear algebra via a matrix data type and several functions and operators,such as %*%,qr,chol,and solve.Initially the numerical linear algebra functions in R called underlying Fortran routines from the Linpack(Dongarra et al.,1979)and Eispack(Smith et al.,1976)libraries but over the years most of these functions have been switched to use routines from the Lapack(Anderson et al.,1999) library which is the state-of-the-art implementation of numerical dense linear algebra.Furthermore,R can be configured to use accelerated BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines),such as those from the Atlas(Whaley et al.,2001)project or other ones,see the R manual“Installation and Administration”.Lapack provides routines for operating on several special forms of matrices,such as triangular matrices and symmetric matrices.Furthermore,matrix decompositions like the QR decompositions produce multiple output components that should be regarded as parts of a single object.There is some support in R for operations on special forms of matrices(e.g.the backsolve,forwardsolve and chol2inv functions)and for special structures(e.g.a QR structure is implicitly defined as a list by the qr,qr.qy,qr.qty,and related functions)but it is not as fully developed as it could be.Also there is no direct support for sparse matrices in R although Koenker and Ng(2003)have developed the SparseM package for sparse matrices based on SparseKit.The Matrix package provides S4classes and methods for dense and sparse matrices.The methods for dense matrices use Lapack and BLAS.The sparse matrix methods use CHOLMOD(Davis,2005a), CSparse(Davis,2005b)and other parts(AMD,COLAMD)of Tim Davis’“SuiteSparse”collection of sparse matrix libraries,many of which also use BLAS.Todo:triu(),tril(),diag(),...and as(.,.),but of course only when they’ve seen a few different ones.Todo:matrix operators include%*%,crossprod(),tcrossprod(),solve()Todo:expm()is the matrix exponential......Todo:symmpart()and skewpart()compute the symmetric part,(x+t(x))/2and the skew-symmetric part,(x-t(x))/2of a matrix x.Todo:factorizations include Cholesky()(or chol()),lu(),qr()(not yet for dense)Todo:Although generally the result of an operation on dense matrices is a dgeMatrix,certain operations return matrices of special types.Todo: the distinction between t(mm)%*%mm and crossprod(mm).2Matrix ClassesThe Matrix package provides classes for real(stored as double precision),logical and so-called“pattern”(binary)dense and sparse matrices.There are provisions to also provide integer and complex(stored as double precision complex)matrices.Note that in R,logical means entries TRUE,FALSE,or NA.To store just the non-zero pattern for typical sparse matrix algorithms,the pattern matrices are binary,i.e.,conceptually just TRUE or FALSE.In Matrix, the pattern matrices all have class names starting with"n"(patter n).2.1Classes for dense matricesFor the sake of brevity,we restrict ourselves to the real(d ouble)classes,but they are paralleled by l ogical and patter n matrices for all but the positive definite ones.dgeMatrix Real matrices in general storage modedsyMatrix Symmetric real matrices in non-packed storagedspMatrix Symmetric real matrices in packed storage(one triangle only)5dtrMatrix Triangular real matrices in non-packed storagedtpMatrix Triangular real matrices in packed storage(triangle only)dpoMatrix Positive semi-definite symmetric real matrices in non-packed storagedppMatrix ditto in packed storageMethods for these classes include coercion between these classes,when appropriate,and coercion to the matrix class;methods for matrix multiplication(%*%);cross products(crossprod),matrix norm(norm); reciprocal condition number(rcond);LU factorization(lu)or,for the poMatrix class,the Cholesky decom-position(chol);and solutions of linear systems of equations(solve).Whenever a factorization or a decomposition is calculated it is preserved as a(list)element in the factors slot of the original object.In this way a sequence of operations,such as determining the condition number of a matrix then solving a linear system based on the matrix,do not require multiple factorizations of the same matrix nor do they require the user to store the intermediate results.2.2Classes for sparse matricesUsed for large matrices in which most of the elements are known to be zero(or FALSE for logical and binary (“pattern”)matrices).Sparse matrices are automatically built from Matrix()whenever the majority of entries is zero(or FALSE respectively).Alternatively,sparseMatrix()builds sparse matrices from their non-zero entries and is typically recommended to construct large sparse matrices,rather than direct calls of new().Todo: E.g.model matrices created from factors with a large number of levelsTodo:or from spline basis functions(e.g.COBS,package cobs),etc.Todo:Other uses include representations of graphs.indeed;good you mentioned it!particularly since we still have the interface to the graph package.I think I’d like to draw one graph in that article—maybe the undirected graph corresponding to a crossprod()result of dimension ca.502Todo:Specialized algorithms can give substantial savings in amount of storage used and execution time of operations.Todo:Our implementation is based on the CHOLMOD and CSparse libraries by Tim Davis.2.3Representations of sparse matrices2.3.1Triplet representation(TsparseMatrix)Conceptually,the simplest representation of a sparse matrix is as a triplet of an integer vector i giving the row numbers,an integer vector j giving the column numbers,and a numeric vector x giving the non-zero values in the matrix.2In Matrix,the TsparseMatrix class is the virtual class of all sparse matrices in triplet representation.Its main use is for easy input or transfer to other classes.As for the dense matrices,the class of the x slot may vary,and the subclasses may be triangular, symmetric or unspecified(“general”),such that the TsparseMatrix class has several3‘actual”subclasses,the most typical(numeric,general)is dgTMatrix:>getClass("TsparseMatrix")#(i,j,Dim,Dimnames)slots are common to allVirtual Class"TsparseMatrix"[package"Matrix"]Slots:2For efficiency reasons,we use“zero-based”indexing in the Matrix package,i.e.,the row indices i are in0:(nrow(.)-1)and the column indices j accordingly.3the3×3actual subclasses of TsparseMatrix are the three structural kinds,namely t riangular,s ymmetric and g eneral, times three entry classes,d ouble,l ogical,and patter n.6Name:i j Dim DimnamesClass:integer integer integer listExtends:Class"sparseMatrix",directlyClass"Matrix",by class"sparseMatrix",distance2Class"mMatrix",by class"Matrix",distance3Class"replValueSp",by class"Matrix",distance3Known Subclasses:"ngTMatrix","ntTMatrix","nsTMatrix","lgTMatrix","ltTMatrix", "lsTMatrix","dgTMatrix","dtTMatrix","dsTMatrix">getClass("dgTMatrix")Class"dgTMatrix"[package"Matrix"]Slots:Name:i j Dim Dimnames x factorsClass:integer integer integer list numeric listExtends:Class"TsparseMatrix",directlyClass"dsparseMatrix",directlyClass"generalMatrix",directlyClass"dMatrix",by class"dsparseMatrix",distance2Class"sparseMatrix",by class"dsparseMatrix",distance2Class"compMatrix",by class"generalMatrix",distance2Class"Matrix",by class"TsparseMatrix",distance3Class"xMatrix",by class"dMatrix",distance3Class"mMatrix",by class"Matrix",distance4Class"replValueSp",by class"Matrix",distance4Note that the order of the entries in the(i,j,x)vectors does not matter;consequently,such matrices are not unique in their representation.42.3.2Compressed representations:CsparseMatrix and RsparseMatrixFor most sparse operations we use the compressed column-oriented representation(virtual class CsparseMatrix) (also known as“csc”,“compressed sparse column”).Here,instead of storing all column indices j,only the start index of every column is stored.Analogously,there is also a compressed sparse row(csr)representation,which used in in the SparseM package,and we provide the RsparseMatrix for compatibility and completeness purposes,in ad-dition to basic coercion((as(.,<cl>)between the classes.These compressed representations remove the redundant row(column)indices and provide faster access to a given location in the matrix because you only need to check one row(column).There are certain advantages5to csc in systems like R,Octave and Matlab where dense matrices are stored in column-major order,therefore it is used in sparse matrix libraries such as CHOLMOD or CSparse 4Furthermore,there can be repeated(i,j)entries with the customary convention that the corresponding x entries are addedto form the matrix element m ij.5routines can make use of high-level(“level-3”)BLAS in certain sparse matrix computations7of which we make use.For this reason,the CsparseMatrix class and subclasses are the principal classes for sparse matrices in the Matrix package.The Matrix package provides the following classes for sparse matrices ...FIXME many more —maybe ex plain naming scheme?...dgTMatrix general,numeric,sparse matrices in (a possibly redundant)triplet form.This can be a conve-nient form in which to construct sparse matrices.dgCMatrix general,numeric,sparse matrices in the (sorted)compressed sparse column format.dsCMatrix symmetric,real,sparse matrices in the (sorted)compressed sparse column format.Only theupper or the lower triangle is stored.Although there is provision for both forms,the lower triangle form works best with TAUCS.dtCMatrix triangular,real,sparse matrices in the (sorted)compressed sparse column format.Todo:Can also read and write the Matrix Market and read the Harwell-Boeing representations.Todo:Can convert from a dense matrix to a sparse matrix (or use the Matrix function)but going through an intermediate dense matrix may cause problems with the amount of memory required.Todo:similar range of operations as for the dense matrix classes.3More detailed examples of “Matrix”operationsHave seen drop0()above,showe a nice double example (where you see “.”and “0”).Show the use of dim<-for resizing a (sparse)matrix.Maybe mention nearPD().Todo:Solve a sparse least squares problem and demonstrate memory /speed gain Todo:mention lme4and lmer(),maybe use one example to show the matrix sizes.4Notes about S4classes and methods implementationMaybe we could give some glimpses of implementations at least on the R level ones?Todo:The class hierarchy:a non-trivial tree where only the leaves are “actual”classes.Todo:The main advantage of the multi-level hierarchy is that methods can often be defined on a higher (virtual class)level which ensures consistency [and saves from “cut &paste”and forgetting things]Todo:Using Group Methods5Session Info>toLatex(sessionInfo())•R version 4.3.1Patched (2023-08-09r84931),x86_64-pc-linux-gnu•Locale:LC_CTYPE=de_CH.UTF-8,LC_NUMERIC=C ,LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8,LC_COLLATE=C ,LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8,LC_MESSAGES=de_CH.UTF-8,LC_PAPER=de_CH.UTF-8,LC_NAME=C ,LC_ADDRESS=C ,LC_TELEPHONE=C ,LC_MEASUREMENT=de_CH.UTF-8,LC_IDENTIFICATION=C •Time zone:Europe/Zurich •TZcode source:system (glibc)•Running under:Fedora Linux 36(Thirty Six)•Matrix products:default8•BLAS:/u/maechler/R/D/r-patched/F36-64-inst/lib/•LAPACK:/usr/lib64/•Base packages:base,datasets,grDevices,graphics,methods,stats,utils•Other packages:Matrix1.6-1•Loaded via a namespace(and not attached):compiler4.3.1,grid4.3.1,lattice0.21-8,tools4.3.1 ReferencesE.Anderson,Z.Bai,C.Bischof,S.Blackford,J.Demmel,J.Dongarra,J.Du Croz,A.Greenbaum,S.Ham-marling,A.McKenney,and PACK Users’Guide.SIAM,Philadelphia,PA,3rd edition, 1999.Tim Davis.CHOLMOD:sparse supernodal Cholesky factorization and update/downdate.,2005a.Tim Davis.CSparse:a concise sparse matrix package., 2005b.Jack Dongarra,Cleve Moler,Bunch,and G.W.Stewart.Linpack Users’Guide.SIAM,1979.Roger Koenker and Pin Ng.SparseM:A sparse matrix package for R.J.of Statistical Software,8(6),2003.B.T.Smith,J.M.Boyle,J.J.Dongarra,B.S.Garbow,Y.Ikebe,V.C.Klema,and C.B.Moler.Matrix Eigensystem Routines.EISPACK Guide,volume6of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.Springer-Verlag, New York,1976.R.Clint Whaley,Antoine Petitet,and Jack J.Dongarra.Automated empirical optimization of software and the ATLAS project.Parallel Computing,27(1–2):3–35,2001.Also available as University of Tennessee LAPACK Working Note#147,UT-CS-00-448,2000(/lapack/lawns/。
Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft Cloud Platform System StandardNotes, cautions, and warningsA NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid theA WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2020 - Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2020 - 01Rev. A36About this Manual (4)1 Introduction (7)2 Support Matrix (8)Contents3About this Manual This manual provides information about supported software and hardware configurations for Dell EMC Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft.The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Contact your Dell EMC SupportWhere appropriate, this manual lists both the minimum supported version and the latest supported version. DellThe recommendations and guidelines in this document are based on industry best practices, CPS StandardThe addition of any non-DHCS hardware to your system will cause the Patch and Update process to fail. Revision HistoryTable 1. Document RevisionsRevision Date Changes from Previous RevisionA00December 2015Initial release of the Dell Hybrid Cloud System for MicrosoftSupport MatrixA02February 2016Updated the firmware matrix for release 1.0.2:•Near-line SAS drives•iDRAC•Fixed table headersA03May 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1:•BIOS•Firmware•Drivers•Additional HDDs and SSDs•Updates to support Intel E5 v4 processorsA04July 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.1:•BIOS•Firmware•Drivers•Additional hard drivesA05August 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.2:•BIOS•Firmware•Drivers•Additional hard drives4About this ManualA06September 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.3:•Hard drive firmwareA07October 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.4:•Document templateA08November 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.5:•BIOS•iDRAC•Switch firmware•Hard drive firmwareA09December 2016Updated the matrix for release 1.1.6:•Document version numbersA10February 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.3:•BIOS•iDRAC•Switch firmware•Firmware and driversA11March 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.3.1:•Additional SSDsA12May 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4 (1703):•BIOS•Firmware and driversA13June 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.1 (1705):•Expander and non-expander backplane firmwareA14July 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4 (1703b):•BIOS•FirmwareA15August 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.2 (1706):•Additional HDDsA16September 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.3 (1707):•Document version numbersA17October 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.4 (1708):•BIOS•Firmware and driversA18November 2017Updated the matrix for release 1.4.5 (1709):•BIOS•iDRAC•Firmware and driversA19January 2018 1.4.6 (1710): No updates. Releasing for version consistency.A20January 2018Updated the matrix for release 1.4.7 (1712):•BIOSAbout this Manual5A21March 2018Updated the matrix for release 1.4.8 (1802):•BIOS•iDRAC•Firmware and driversA22April 2018 1.5 (1803): No updates. Releasing for version consistency.A23May 2018Updated for release 1.5.1 (1804):•Firmware and driversA24June 2018 1.5.2 (1805): No updates. Releasing for version consistency. A25July 2018Updated for release 1.5.3 (1806):•Firmware and driversA26August 2018Updated for release 1.5.4 (1807):•Added minimum supported versions for hard drives.A27September 2018Updated for release 1.5.5 (1808):•Minor fixesA28October 2018Updated for release 1.5.6 (1809)•Minor fixesA29November 2018Updated for release 1.5.7 (1810)•Firmware and driversA30December 2018Updated for release 1.5.8 (1811)•Firmware and driversA31January 2019 1.5.9 (1812): No updates. Releasing for version consistency. A32March 2019Updated for release 1.5.10 (1901):•DriversA33April 2019Updated for release 1.5.11 (1902):•BIOSA34April 2019 1.5.12 (1903): No updates. Releasing for version consistency. A35June 2019 1.5.13 (1905): Updates to iDRAC.A36January 2020Updated for release 1.5.14 (1909)•Firmware and drivers6About this ManualIntroduction The Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft Support Matrix describes supported software and hardware for Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft.Introduction7Support MatrixCompute NodesThe Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft solution supports the following component driver and firmware versions for compute nodes: Table 2. C6300 and C6320Component Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionFan Control Board Firmware C6300 Chassis Fan Control Board V0213 2.13Intel X520 (10 GB NDC)Driver C6320Network —Tenant M1P35Minimumsupportedversion: M4PJN18.8.0Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.0PERC H330Driver C6320SAS HBA —Internal6V4WY 6.604.06.00 Chipset Driver C6320Intel C610 series JTN8310.1.2.85 BIOS Firmware C6320BIOS KV40Y 2.10.5 CPLD Firmware C6320CPLD6KF0V 1.0.0 iDRAC Firmware C6320iDRAC40T1C X520 (10 GB NDC)Firmware C6320Network —Tenant YHF9VMinimumsupportedversion: DKGC018.8.9Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.20PERC H330Firmware C6320SAS HBA —InternalT23TV25.5.6.0009Intel SSDSC2BX400G4R Firmware C6320400 GB Boot SSD RXYF1Minimumsupportedversion: 8MD67DL2D Minimum supported version: DL29Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD HY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101860CSS204(6 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD H89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC109060CSS600(6 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD F5NH4N440 Hitachi HUC101860CSS200Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD3M7RX FU29Seagate ST600MM0088 (6Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD0YHRW TS05 8Support MatrixMinimum supported version: 40R7R Minimum supported version: TS04Seagate ST600MM0088 (12Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD KKNKX TT31Seagate ST600MM0006 (6 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD8FF65Minimumsupportedversion: 68NGYLS0CMinimumsupportedversion:LS0BSeagate ST600MM0238Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD64GYN BS04Toshiba AL14SEB060N (12 Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD NK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Toshiba AL13SEB600 (6Gbps)Firmware C6320600 GB Boot HDD MCM30DE11 StorageThe Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft solution supports the following component driver and firmware versions for storage hardware: Table 3. R730 and MD14x0Component Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionIntel X520 (10 GB NDC)Driver R730Network — DataCenter M1P35Minimumsupportedversion: HP10318.8.0Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.0Dell SAS 12 HBA Driver R730SAS HBA —External 7JTJ1Minimumsupportedversion: GX4V12.51.25.01Minimumsupportedversion: H330Driver R730SAS HBA —Internal6V4WY 6.604.06.00Chipset Driver R730Intel C600/C610/C220/C2000seriesJTN8310.1.2.85Non-expander StorageBackplaneFirmware R730Backplane HRP1V 2.25Expander StorageBackplaneFirmware R730Backplane HYPYY 3.35BIOS Firmware R730BIOS1RKPD 2.10.5iDRAC Firmware R730iDRAC40T1C X520 (10 GB NDC)Firmware R730Network —TenantYHF9V18.8.9Support Matrix9Minimum supported version: 6FD9P Minimum supported version: 16.5.20Dell SAS 12 HBA Firmware R730SAS HBA —External 20VY1Minimumsupportedversion: 3VHN716.17.00.05Minimumsupportedversion: H330Firmware R730SAS HBA —InternalT23TV25.5.6.0009Hitachi HUC101830CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDHY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101830CSS204 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDH89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC109030CSS600 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDF5NH4N440Seagate ST300MM0006 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDD8FF65Minimumsupportedversion: 68NGYLS0CMinimumsupportedversion: LS0BSeagate ST300MM0008 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDKKNKX TT31Toshiba AL13SEB300 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDMCM30DE11Toshiba AL14SEB030N (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 300 GBBoot HDDNK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDH89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC109060CSS600 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDF5NH4N440Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDHY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101860CSS200Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD3M7RX FU29Seagate ST600MM0088 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDKKNKX TT31Seagate ST600MP0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDWHWFNMinimumsupportedversion: KYWVCVT32Minimumsupportedversion: VT3110Support MatrixSeagate ST600MM0238Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD64GYN BS04Toshiba AL14SEB060N (12 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDNK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Toshiba AL13SEB600 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDMCM30DE11Sandisk LT0400MO (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD1HMP1Minimumsupportedversion: PFH20D416Minimumsupportedversion: D40ZToshiba PX02SMF040 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD HHD9KMinimumsupportedversion: 2N3CVA3B3Minimumsupportedversion: A3AEToshiba PX04SMB040 (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD WMGV3AM04Toshiba PX05SMB040Y (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 400 GB SSD DKM6P AS03Sandisk LT0800MO (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD1HMP1Minimumsupportedversion: PFH20D416Minimumsupportedversion: D40ZToshiba PX02SMF080 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD HHD9KMinimumsupportedversion: 2N3CVA3B3Minimumsupportedversion: A3AEToshiba PX04SMB080 (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD WMGV3AM04Toshiba PX05SMB080Y (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 800 GB SSD DKM6P AS03Sandisk LT1600MO (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD1HMP1Minimumsupportedversion: PFH20D416Minimumsupportedversion: D40ZToshiba PX02SMB160 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD HHD9KMinimumsupportedversion: 2N3CVA3B3Minimumsupportedversion: A3AEToshiba PX04SMB160 (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD WMGV3AM04Toshiba PX05SMB160Y (12Gbps)Firmware MD14x0JBOD 1.6 TB SSD DKM6P AS03Hitachi HUC101812CSS204(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD HY2HP FJ23Minimum supported version: 89VK3Minimum supported version: FJ11Hitachi HUC101812CSS204(6 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD H89FV FJ05Hitachi HUC101212CSS600(6 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD4DT2J U5E2Seagate ST1200MM0007 (6Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD2DDG2IS06Seagate ST1200MM0088 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD0YHRWMinimumsupportedversion:40R7RTS05Minimumsupportedversion:TS04Seagate ST1200MM0088(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD KKNKX TT31Toshiba AL14SEB120N (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1420JBOD 1.2 TB HDD NK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Hitachi HUS726020ALS214(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD WFTGN KJ03Hitachi HUS724020ALS640 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD W21D1Minimumsupportedversion: J6G25W350Minimumsupportedversion: W2F0Seagate ST2000NM0023 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD8PRG2Minimumsupportedversion: MNVH4GS14Minimumsupportedversion: GS10Seagate ST2000NM0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD297DWMinimumsupportedversion: W80FTMS06Minimumsupportedversion: MS05Seagate ST2000NM0045(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 2 TB HDD RMDN6DS04Hitachi HUS724040ALS640 (6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD W21D1Minimumsupportedversion: J6G25W350Minimumsupportedversion: W2F0Hitachi HUS726040ALS214(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD WFTGN KJ03Hitachi HUS726040ALS210(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD PC27G KU27Seagate ST4000NM0023(6 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD8PRG2GS14Minimum supported version: MNVH4Minimum supported version: GS10Seagate ST4000NM0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD297DWMinimumsupportedversion: W80FTMS06Minimumsupportedversion: MS05Seagate ST4000NM0025(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD RMDN6DS04Toshiba MG04SCA40EN (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD K3G1WMinimumsupportedversion: T0FMVDS07Minimumsupportedversion: DS04Toshiba MG04SCA40ENY(12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 4 TB HDD D2GG1EG03Hitachi HUS726060AL5214 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 6 TB HDD FX9XXMinimumsupportedversion: MTG3DKF26Minimumsupportedversion: KK06Seagate ST6000NM0034 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 6 TB HDD DN6J2Minimumsupportedversion: Y9J1FMS85Minimumsupportedversion: MS84Seagate ST6000NM0095(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 6 TB HDD Y76GF DS23Hitachi HUH721008AL5200(12Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 8 TB HDD VJ59F LS03Hitachi HUH728080AL5204 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 8 TB HDD TJ8NWMinimumsupportedversion: FT5JTGK23Minimumsupportedversion: GK04Seagate ST8000NM0075 (12 Gbps)Firmware MD1400JBOD 8 TB HDD R2N0TMinimumsupportedversion: T51M7PS26Minimumsupportedversion: PS24EMM/ESM Firmware MD14x0EMM/ESM4Y1JH 1.07BackupBackup is optional. The Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft solution supports the following component driver and firmware versions for backup hardware:Table 4. R730xdComponent Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionIntel X520 (10 GB NDC)Driver R730xd Network — DataCenterM1P3518.8.0Minimum supported version: HP103Minimum supported version: 16.5.0PERC H730P Driver R730xd SAS HBA —Internal6V4WY 6.604.06.00Chipset Driver R730xd Intel C600/C610/C220/C2000seriesJTN8310.1.2.85Non-expander StorageBackplaneFirmware R730xd Backplane HRP1V 2.25 Expander Storage Backplane Firmware R730xd Backplane HYPYY 3.35BIOS Firmware R730xd BIOS1RKPD 2.10.5 iDRAC Firmware R730xd iDRAC40T1C X520 (10 GB NDC)Firmware R730xd Network —Tenant YHF9VMinimumsupportedversion: 6FD9P18.8.9Minimumsupportedversion: 16.5.20PERC H730P Firmware R730xd SAS HBA —InternalG7N2C25.5.6.0009Hitachi HUC101860CSS204 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDHY2HPMinimumsupportedversion: 89VK3FJ23Minimumsupportedversion: FJ11Hitachi HUC101860CSS200Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD3M7RX FU29Seagate ST600MM0088 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDKKNKX TT31Seagate ST600MP0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDWHWFNMinimumsupportedversion: KYWVCVT32Minimumsupportedversion: VT31Seagate ST600MM0238Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDD64GYN BS04Toshiba AL14SEB060N (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 600 GBBoot HDDNK8T7Minimumsupportedversion: 5CJXPDM06Minimumsupportedversion: DM03Hitachi HUS724040ALS640 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMW21D1Minimumsupportedversion: J6G25W350Minimumsupportedversion: W2F0Hitachi HUS726040ALS214 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMWFTGN KJ03Hitachi HUS726040ALS210 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMPC27G KU27Seagate ST4000NM0023 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPM8PRG2Minimumsupportedversion: MNVH4GS14Minimumsupportedversion: GS10Seagate ST4000NM0005 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPM297DWMinimumsupportedversion: W80FTMS06Minimumsupportedversion: MS05Seagate ST4000NM0025 (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMRMDN6DS04Toshiba MG03SCA400 (6 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPM0NXTP DG09Toshiba MG04SCA40EN (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMK3G1WMinimumsupportedversion: T0FMVDS07Minimumsupportedversion: DS04Toshiba MG04SCA40ENY (12 Gbps)Firmware R730xd Storage — 4 TBDPMD2GG1EG03SwitchesThe Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft uses Dell Networking S4048-ON, which is a 10/40GbE top-of-rack open networking switch. It is a high-density, 1RU 48-port 10GbE switch with six 40GbE uplinks and ultra-low-latency, non-blocking performance to ensure line-rate performance.The solution supports the following firmware version:Table 5. S4048–ONComponent Type Platform Category Software Bundle(SWB)Supported VersionDell Networking S4048–ON SwitchDell Networking O/S Firmware N/A Top-of-rack switch N/A9.13.0.0Minimumsupportedversion:9.9(0.0P9)。
2.6 semiconductorFollowing the discussion of intrinsic ,elemental semiconductors we note that the fermi function indicates that the number of charge carriers increases exponentially with temperature. This effect so dominates the conductivity of semiconductors that conductivity also follows an exponential increase with temperature(an example of an arrhenius equation ).This increase is in sharp contrast to the behavior of metals.We consider the effect of impurities in extrinsic,elemental semiconductors.Doping a group IV a material(such as Si) with a group V a impurity (such as P)produces an n-type semiconductor in which negative charge carriers(conduction electrons)dominate.The “extea”electron from the group V A addition produces a donor level in the energy band structure of the semiconductor.As with instrinsic semiconductors,extrinsic semiconduction exhibits arrhenius n-type material, the temperature span between the regions of extrinsic and insrinsic behavior is called the exhaustion range .A p-type semiconductor is produced by doping a group IV a material with a group III a impurity(such as Al).The group III A element has a “missing”electronproducing an acceptor level in the band stucture and leading to formation of positive charge carriers (electron holes). The region between extrinsic and instrinsic behavior for p-type semiconductors is called the saturation range . Hall effect measurements can distinguish between n-type and p-type conduction.Compound semiconductors usually have an MX composition with an average of four valence electrons per atom .The III-V and II-VI compounds are the common examples .amorphous semiconductors are the non-crystalline materials with semiconducting behavior.Elemental and compound material are both found in this category .To appreciate the applications of semiconductors,we review a few decades.the solid state rectifier (or diode) contains a single p-n junction .Current flows readily when this junction is forward biased but is almost completely choked off when reverse biased.the transistor is a device consisting of a pair of nearby pn junctions.The net result is a solid state amplifier. Replacing vacuum tubes with solid state elements such as these produced substantial miniaturization of electrical circuits.Further miniaturization has resulted by the production of microcircuis consisting of precise parrerns of n-type andp-type regions on a single crystal chip.The major electrical properties needed to specify an intrinsic semiconductor are band gap,electron mobility,hole mobility,and conduction electron density (=electron hole density ) at room temperature.For extrinsic semiconductors,one needs to specify either the donor level (for n-type material) or the acceptor level (for p-type material).2.7 compositesOne category of structural engineering material is that of composites .These materials involve some combination of two or more components from the “fundamental”materal types .A key philosophy in selecting composite materials is that they provide the “best of both worlds”that is ,attrative properties from each component. A classic example is fiberglass.The strength of small diameter glass fibers is combined with the ductility of the polymetric matrix.The combination of these two components provides a product superior to either component alone .Many composites,such as fiberglass,involve combinations that cross over the boundaries of different kinds of materials. Others,such as concrete,involve different component from within a single material type.In general,we shall use a fairly narrow definition ofcomposites.We shall consider only thode material thata combine different components on the microscopic(rather than macroscopic )scale .We shall noot include multiphase alloys and ceramics ,which are the result of routine processing.Similarly,the microcircuits be discussed later are not include because each component retains its distinctive character in these material systems. In spite of these restrictions,we shall find this category to include a tremendously diverse collection of materials,from the common to some of most sophisticated.We shall consider three categories of composites mateials. Conveninently ,these categories are demonstrated by three of our most common structural material ,fiberglass ,wood,and concrete .Fiberglass(or glass fiber reinforced polymer ) is an excellent example of a human made fiber reinforced composite.The glass-polymer system is just one of many important example .The fiber reinforcement is generally found in one of three primary configutations: aligned in a single direction ,randomly chopped,or woven in a fabric that is laminated with the matrix.Wood is a stuctural analog of fiberglass ,that is ,a natural fiber reinforced composite.The fibers of wood are elongated,biological cells. The matrixcorresponds to lignin and hemicellulose deposits.concrete is our best example of an aggregate composite, in which particles rather than fibers reinforce amatrix common concrete is rock and sand in a calcium aluminosilicate (cement)matrix.While concrete has been a construction material for centuries ,these are numerous c composites developed in recent decades that use a similar particulate reinforcement concept.The concept of property averaging is central to understanding the utility of composite important example is the elastic modulus of a composite .The modulus is a sensitive function of the gemetry of the reinforcing component.similarly important is the srength of the interface betweeen the reinforcing component and the matrix .We sahll concentrate on these mechanical properties of composites in regard for their wide use as structural materials.So caaled “advanced”composites have provided some unusually attractive features,such as high strrenth to weight ratios.Some care is required in citing these properties,as they can be highly directional in nature.2.6there are numerous uses of piezoelectrics. for instance, plates cut from a single crystal can exhibit a specific naturalresonance frequency(i.e., the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that causes it to vibrate mechanically at the same frequency); these can be used as a frequency standard in highly stable crystal controlled clocks and in fixed frequency communications devices. other resonant applications include selective wave filters and transducers(e.g., for ultrasonic cleaning and drilling) and non-resonant devices(e.g., accelerometers, pressure gauges, microphone pickups) are dominated by ceramic piezoelectrics.2.7.3 fiberglass was a convenient and familiar example of fiber reinforced composites. Similarly ,concrete is an excellent example of an aggregate composite. As with wood,this common construction material is used in staggering quantities. The weight of concrete used annually exceeds that of all metals combined.For concrete, the term “aggregate”refers to a combination of sand(fine aggregate) and gravel(coarse aggregate). This component of concrete is a “natual”material in the same sense as wood. Ordinarily ,these materials are chosen for their relatively high density and strength. A table of aggregate compositions would be complex and largely meaningless. In general, aggregate materials are geological silicates chosenfrom locally available deposits. As such, these materials are complex and relatively impure examples of the crystalline silicates. Igneous rocks are common examples. “igneous”means solidified from a molten state. For quickly cooled igneous rocks ,some fraction of the resulting material may be non-crystalline, corresponding to the glassy silicates. The relative particle sizes of sand and gravel are measured(and controlled) by passing these materials through standard screens(or sieves). The reason for a combination of fine and coarse aggregate in a given concrete mix is that the space is more efficiently filled by a range of particle sizes. The combination of fine and coarse aggregate accounts for 60 to 75 percent of the total volume of the final concrete. Modern concrete uses portland cement,which is a calcium aluminosilicate. There are five common types of portland cement. They vary in the relative concentrations of four calcium containing minerals. The matrix is formed by the addition of water to the appropriate cement powder. The particle sizes for the cement powers are relatively small compared to the finest of the aggregates. Variation in cement particle size can strongly affect the rate at which the cement hydrates. As one might expect from inspecting the complexcompositions of portland cement, the chemistry of the hydration process is equally complex.In ploymer technology, we noted several “additives”which provided certain desirable features to the end product. In cement technology , there are a numble of admixtures,which are additions providing certain features. Any component of concrete other than aggregate,cement,or water is, by definition ,an admixture. One of the admixtures is an “air entrainer”which reminds us that air can be thought of as a fourth component of concrete. The air entrainer admixture increases the concentration of entrapped air bubbles, usually for the purpose of workability(during forming) and increased resistance to freeze thaw cycles.Why concrete is an important engineering material, a large numble of other composite systems are based on particle reinforcement. Particulate composites refer specifically to systems with relatively large size dispersed particles(at least several micrometers in diameter),and the particles are in relatively high concentration(greater than 25 and frequently between 60 and 90) of small diameter oxide particles. The oxide particles strengthen the metal by serving as obstacles to dislocation motion.2.7.2 like so many accomplishments of human beings, those fiber reinforced composites imitate nature. Common wood is such a composite, which serves as an excellent structural material. In fact, the weight of wood used each year in the Uited Sates exceeds the combined total for steel and concrete. We find two categories , softwoods and hardwoods. These are relative terms, although softwoods generally have lower strengths. The fundamental difference between the categories is their seasonal nature. Softwoods are “evergreens”with needlelike leaves and exposed seeds. Hardwoods are deciduous( i.e., lose their leaves annually)with covered seeds( i.e.,nuts)The microstructure of wood illustrates its commonality with the human-made composites. The dominant feature of the microstructure is the large number of tubelike cells oriented vertically. These longgitudinal cells are aligned with the vertical axis of the tree. There are some radial cells perpendicular to the longitudinal ones. As the name implies, the radial cells extend from the center of the tree trunk out radically toward the surface. The longitudinal cells carry sap and other fluids critical to the growth process. Early seaon cells are of larger diameter than later season cells. This growthpattern leads to the characteristic “ring structure”which indicates the tree’s age. The radial cells store food for the growing tree. The cell walls are composed of cellulose. The strength of the cells in the longitudinal direction is a function of fiber alignment in that direction. The cells are held together by a matrix of lignin and hemicellulose. Lignin is a phenol propane network ploymer, and hemicellulose is ploymeric cellulose with a relatively low degree of ploymerization. Related to this ,the dimensions as well as the proper ties of wood vary significantly with atmospheric moisture levels. Care will be required in specifying the atmospheric conditions for which mechanical property data apply.2.7.1 let us begin by concentrating on fiberglass, or glass fiber reinforced ploymer. This is a classic example of a modern composite system. A typical fracture surface of a composite shows fibers embedded in the ploymeric matrix, such fibers may have different composition since each is the result of substantial development that has led to optimal suitability for specific applications. For example, the most generally used glass fiber composition is E glass, in which E stands for its especially low electrical conductivity and its attractiveness as a dielectric. Its popularity in structural composites is related tothe chemical durability of the borosilicate composition. We should note that optimal strengh is achieved by the aligned, continuous fiber reinforcement. In other words, the strength is highly anisotropic.The fiber reinforced composites include some of the most sophisticated materials developed by man for some of the most demanding engineering applications. Important examples include boron reinforced aluminum, graphite epoxy, and al reinforced aluminum. Metal fibers are frequently small diameter wires. Especially high strength reinforcement come from “whiskers”which are small, single crystal fibers that can be grown with a nearly perfect crystalline structure. Unfortunately , whiskers cannot be grown as continuous filaments in the manner of glass fibers or metal wires.2.5polymerpolymers are chemical compounds that consist of long,chainlike molecules made up of multiple repeatinf units.The term polyner was coined in 1832 by the Swedish chemist Jins Jacob Berzelius from the Greek pols,or "many" and meros,or "parts."Polymers are also referred to as macromolecules,or "gaint molecules"-a term introduced by the German chemist Hermann Staudinger in 1992.Some gaintmolecules occur maturally.Proteins ,for example ,are natural polymers of amino acids that make up much of the structural material of animals;and the polymers deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) and ribonucleic acid(RNA) are liner strands of nucleotides that define the genetic make up of living organisms.Other examples of natural polmers are silk ,wool.natural rubber,cellulose ,and shellac.There materials have been known and exploited since ancient times.Indeed,people in what is now Switzerland cultivates flax,a source of polymeric cellulose fibres,during the Neolithic Period,or New Stone Age,some 10 000 years ,while other ancients collected proteinaceous wool fibers from sheep and silk fibers from silkworms.About five millennia ago,tanners produced leather through the cross linking of proteins by gallic acid forming the basis of the oldest industry in continuous production.Even embalming,the art for which ancient Egypt is famous is based on the condensation and cross linking of proteins with form aldehyde.Early developments in polymer technology,taking place in the 19th century,involved the conversion of natural polymers to more useful products-for example,the conversion of cellulose,obtained from cotton or wood,into celluloid,one ofthe first plastic.Before the 1930s only a small number of synthetically produced polymers were available commercially,but after that period and especially after World War II,synthetic compounds came to dominance.Derived principally from the refining of petroleum and natural gas,synthetic polymers are made into the plastics,rubbers,man-made fibres,adhesives,and surface coatings that have become so ubiquitous in modern life.As an important materials,the polymers are available in a wide variety of commercial forms:fibers,thin films and sheets,foams and in bulk.A common synonym for polymers is "plastic",a name derived from the deformability associated with the fabrication of most polymeric products.To some critics,"plastic" is a synonym for modern culture.Accurate or not,it represents the impact that this complex family of engineering materials has had on our society.Polymers are distinguished from our previous types of materials by chemistry.Metal,ceramics.and glasses are inorganic materials.The polymers discussed here are organic.The student should not be concerned about a lack of background in organic chenistry.This passage is intended to provide any of the fundamentals of organic chemistry neededto appreciate the unique nature of polymeric materials.We begin our discussion of polymers by investigating polymerization,the process by which long chain or network molecules are made from relatively small organic molecules.The structural features of the resulting polymers are rather unique compared to the inorganic materials.Ingeneral,the ,elting point and rigidity of polymers increase with the extent of plymerization and with the complexity of the molecular structure.We shall find that polymers fall into one of two main categories.Thermoplastic polymers are materials that become less rigid upon heating,and thermosetting polymers become more rigid upon heating.For both categories,it is important to appreciate the roles played by additives,which provide important features such as color and resistance to combustion.As with ceramics and glasses,we shall discuss important mechanical and optical properties of polymers.Mechanically,polymers exhibit behavior associated with their long chain molecular structure.Examples include viscoelastic and elastomeric deformation .Optical properties such as transparency and color,so important in ceramic technology,are also significant in the selection of polymers.2.5.1 PolymerizationThe term polymer simply means "many mers" where mer is the building block of the long chain or network molecule.There are two distinct ways in which a poly merization reaction can take place.Chain growth(also known as addition polymerization)involves a rapid "chain reaction" of chemically activated monomers.Step growth(also known as condensation polymerization)involves individual chemical reactions between pairs of reactive monomers and is a much slower process.In either case,the critical feature of a monomer,which permits it to join with similar molecules and form a polymer,is the presence of reactive sites,that is double bonds(chain growth) or reactive functional groups (step geowth).Each covalent bond is a pair of electrins shared between adjacent atoms.The double bond is two such pairs.The chain growth reaction converts the double bond in the monomer to a single bond in the mer.The remaining two electrons become parts of the single bonds joining adjacent mers.2.5.2 Thermal Plastic PolymersThermoplastic polymers become soft and deformable upon heating.This is characteristic of linear polymeric molecules.The high temperature plasticity is due to the ability of the molecules to slide past one another.This is another example of a thermally activated,or Arrhenius process.In this sence ,thermoplastic materials are similar to metals that gain ductility at high temperatures.The key distinction between thermoplastics and metals is what we mean by "high" temperatures.The secondary bonding,which must be overcome to deform thermoplastics,may allow substantial deformation around 100,whereas metallic bonding generally restricts creep deformation to temperature closer to 1000 in typical alloys.It should be noted that,as with metals,the ductility of thermoplastic polymers is lost upon cooling.2.5.3 Thermal Setting PolymersThermosetting polymers are the opposite of the thermoplastics.They become hard and rigid upon heating.Unlike thermoplastic polymers,this phenomenon is not lost upon cooling.This is characteristic of network molecular structures formed by the step growth mechanism.The chemical reaction "steps" are enhanced byhigher temperatures and are irreversible,that is,the polymerization remains upon cooling.In fabricating thermosetting products,they can be removed from the mold at the fabrication temperature (typically 200 to 300).By contrast,thermoplastics must be cooled in the mokd to prevent distortion.It might also be noted that network copolymers can be formed similar to be the block and graft copolymers.The network copolymer will result from polymerization of a combination of more than one species of polyfunctional monomers.2.5.4 AdditivesCopolymers and blends were discussed above as analogs of metallic alloys.There are aeveral other alloylike additives that traditionally have been used in polymer technology to provide specific characteristics to the polymers .A plasticizer is added to soften a polymer.This addition is essentially blending with a low molecular weight (approximately 300 amu) polymer.A filler ,on the other hand .is added to strengthen a polymer primarily by restricting chain also provides dimensional stability and reduced cost.Relatively inertmaterials are used.Examples include shortchanger cellulose (and organic filler) and asbestos (and inorganic filler).Roughly one third of the typical automobile tire is a filler (i.e.,carbon black).Reinforcements such as glass fibers are also categorized as additives but produce such fundamentally different materials (e.g.,fiberglass) that they are properly discussed later on composites.Stabilizers are additives used to reduce polymer degradtion.They represent a complex set of materials because of the large variety of degradation mechanisms(oxidation,thermal,and ultraviolet).As an example,polyisoprene can absorb up to 15% oxygen at room temperature with its elastic properties being destoryed by the first 1%.Natural rubber latex contains complex phenol groups that retard the room temperature oxidation reactions.However,these naturally occurring antioxidants are not effective at elevated temperatures.Therefore ,additional stabilizers(e.g.,other phenols,amines,sulphur compounds,etc.)are added to rubber intended for tire applications.Flame retardant are added to reduce the inherentcombustibility of certain polymers such as bustion is simply the reaction of a hydrocarbon with oxygen accompanied by substantial heat evolution.Many polymeric hydrocarbons exhibit combustibility.Others,such as polyvinylchloride(PVC),do not.The resistance of PVC to combustion appears to come from the evolution of the chlorine atoms from the polymeric chaim.These halogens hinder the process of combustion by terminating free radical chain reactions.Additives that provide this function for halogen free polymers include chlorine,bromine,and phosphorus containing reactants.Colorant are additions to provide color to a polymer where appearance is a factor in materials selection.Two types of colorants are used,pigments and dyes.A pigment is an insoluble,colored material added in powered form.Typical examples are crystalline ceramics such as titanium oxide and aluminum silicate,although organic pigments are availble.Dyes are soluble,organic colorants that can provide transparent colors.2.5.5 Viscoelastic DeformationAt relatively low temperature,polymers are rigid solids anddeform elastically.At relatively high temperatures,they are liquidlike and deform viscously.The boundary between elastic and viscous behavior is again known as the glass transition temperature,Tg.However,the variation in polymer deformation with temperature is not demonstrated in the same way.For glassws,the variation in viscosity was plotted against temperature.For polymers,the modulus of elasticity is plotted instead of viscosity.There is a drastic and complicated drop in modulis with temperature for a typical,commercial thermoplastic with approxinately 50% crystallinity.THe magnitude of the drop is illustrated by the use of a logarithmic scale for modulus.At "low" temperatures (well below Tg),a rigid modulus occurs corresponding to mechanical behavior reminiscent of metals and ceramics.However,the substantial component of secondary bonding in the polymers cause the modulus for these materials to be substantially lower than the ones found for metals and ceramics,which were fully bonded by primary chemical bonds (metallic,ionic,and covalent).In the glass transition temperature (Tg) range,the modulus drops precipitously and the mechanical behavior is leathery.The polymer can be extensively deformed and slowly returns to itTys original shape upon stress removal.Just above Tg,arubbery plateau is observed.In this region,extensive deformation is possible with rapid spring back to the original shape when stress is removed.These last two regions(leathery and rubbery) extend our understanding of elastic deformation.Sometimes the elastic deformation meant a relatively small strain directly proporyional to applied stress.For polymers,extensive,non-linear deformationcan be fully recovered and is ,by definition,elastic.This concept will be explored shortly when we discuss elastomers,those polymers with predominant rubbery region.2.5.6 ElastomersTypical linear polymers exhibits a rubbery deformation region.For certain polymers known as elastomers,the rubbery plateau is pronounced and establishes the normal room temperature behavior of these materials.(For these materials,the glass transition temperature is below room temperture.)This subgroup of thermoplastic polymers includes the natural and synthetic rubbers (such as polyisoprene).These materials provide a dramatic example of the uncoiling of a linear polymer.As a practical matter,the complete uncoiling of the molecule is not achieved,but huge elastic strains dooccur.The stress-strain curve for the elastic deformation of an elastomer shows dramatic contrast to the stress-strain curve for a common metal.In that case,the elastic modulus was constant throughout the elastic region (stress was directly proportional to strain).While the clastic modulus (slope of the stress-strain curve) increases with increasing strain.For low strains,the modulus is low corresponding to the small forces needed to overcome secondary bonding and to uncoil the molecules.For high strains,the modulus rises sharply,indicating the greater force needed to stretch the primary bonds along themolecular "backbone".In both region,however,there is a significant componrnt of secondary bonding involved in the deformation mechanism,and the moduli are much lower than those for common metals and ceramics.Tabulated values of moduli for elastomers are generally for the low strain region in which the materials are primarily used.Finally,it is important to emphasize that we are talking about elastic or temporary deformation.The uncoiled polymer molecules of an elastomer recoil to their original length upon removal of stress.2.5.7 Stress RelaxationFor metals and ceramics,we found creep deformation to be an important phenomenon at high temperatures (greater than one half the absolute melting point).A similar phenomenon,termed stress relaxation,occurs in polymers.This is perhaps more significant to polymers.Because of their loe melting points,stress relaxation can occur at room temperature.A familar example is the rubber band,understress for a long period of time,which does not snap back to its original size upon stress removal.2.4(88)Chemical substitutions in the BaTio3 structure can alter a number of ferro electric properties.For example,BaTio3 exhibits a large peak in dielectric constant near the Curie point-a property that is undesirable for stable capactior applications.This problem may be addressed by the substitution of lead (**) for (**),which increases the Curie point;by the substitutionof strontium,which lowers the Curie point;or by substituting Ba with calcium,which broadens the temperature range at which the peak occurs.Barium titanate can be produced by mixing and firing barium carbonate and titanium dioxide,but liquid-mixtechniques are increasingly used in order to achieve better mixing,precise control of the barium titanium ratio,high purity,and submicrometre particle size.Processing of the resulting powder varies according to whether the capacitor is to be of the disk or multilayer type.Disks are dry pressed or punched from tape and then fired at temperatures between 1250 and 1350.Silver-paste screen printed electrodes are bonded to the surfaces at 750.Leads are soldered to the electrodes,and the disks are epoxy coated or wax impregnated for encapsulation.The capacitance of cermic disk capacitors can be increased by using thinner capacitors;unfortunately,fragility result.Multilayer capacitors overcome this problem by interleaving dielectric and electrode layers.The electrode layers are usually palladium or a palladium-silver alloy.These metals have a melting point that is higher than the sintering temperature of the ceramic,allowing the two materials to be cofired.By connecting alternate layers in paralled,large capacitance can be realized with the MLC.The dielectric layers are processed by tape casting or doctor blading and then yer thickness as small as 5 micrometres have been achieved.Finished "build" of dielectric and electrode layers are。
Read Operation............................................................................................................. 12 Write Operation ............................................................................................................. 13 Precharge ..................................................................................................................... 13 Burst Termination ......................................................................................................... 13 Refresh Operation ........................................................................................................ 13 Power Down Mode ....................................................................................................... 14 Input Clock Frequency Change during Precharge Power Down Mode ........................ 14 Mode Register Operation .............................................................................................. 14 Publication Release Date: Nov. 29, 2011 Revision A03
Package‘groupWQS’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Grouped Weighted Quantile Sum RegressionVersion0.0.3Author David Wheeler,Matthew CarliMaintainer Matthew Carli<******************.edu>Description Fits weighted quantile sum(WQS)regressions for one or more chemical groups with con-tinuous or binary outcomes.Wheeler D,Czarnota J.(2016)<doi:10.1289/isee.2016.4698>. License GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote7.0.2Depends R(>=3.2.1)Imports Rsolnp,glm2,stats,graphics,MASS,rjagsSuggests knitr,rmarkdown,testthatVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2020-06-2718:10:02UTCR topics (2)make.X (3)make.x.s (4)simdata (5)weight.plot (6)WQSdata (6) Grouped WQS RegressionDescriptionThis functionfits a grouped weighted quantile sum(GWQS)regression,y.train=NULL,x,x.train=NULL,z=NULL,z.train=NULL,x.s,B=100,n.quantiles=4,pars=NULL,func,ineqLB=NULL,ineqUB=NULL,tol=1e-06,delta=1e-06)Argumentsy A vector containing outcomes for validation.y.train A vector containing outcomes for training.If left as NULL the validation data will be used for training as well.x A matrix of component data for validation.x.train A matrix of component data for training.If left as NULL the validation data will be used for training as well.z A vector or matrix of covariates for validation.z.train A vector or matrix of covariates for training.If left as NULL the validation data will be used for training as well.x.s A vector of the number of components in each index.B The number of bootstrap samples,must be1or more.n.quantiles The number of quantiles to apply to A vector of initial values,listed in order:beta naught intercept and group index beta coefficients,individual chemical weight coefficients,and covariate coeffi-cients.make.X3 func The objective function to be used(must match outcome data type);currently only fun args"continuous"or"binary"are supported.ineqLB Vector of lower bounds for betas and weights,set to-2by default.ineqUB Vector of upper bounds for betas and weights,set to2be default.tol Tolerance level for bootstrap Step size for bootstrap procedure.ValueA list of3containing the GWQS estimate based on calculated weights,the GWQS modelfit tovalidation data,and weight estimatesExamplesdata("WQSdata")group_list<-list(c("X1","X2","X3"),c("X4","X7"),c("X5","X6","X9","X8"))x.s<-make.x.s(WQSdata,3,group_list)X<-make.X(WQSdata,3,group_list)Y<-WQSdata$yresults<,x=X,x.s=x.s,B=1,func="continuous")make.X Forms matrix of componentsDescriptionThis function returns a matrix of component variables,X.The user can specify the desired chemicals and order by creating a list of string vectors,each vector containing the variable names of all desired elements of that group.Usagemake.X(df,num.groups,groups)Argumentsdf A dataframe containing named component variablesnum.groups An integer representing the number of component groups desiredgroups A list,each item in the list being a string vector of variable names for one com-ponent groupValueA matrix of component variables4make.x.s Examplesdata("WQSdata")group_list<-list(c("X1","X2","X3"),c("X4","X7"),c("X5","X6","X9","X8"))X<-make.X(WQSdata,3,group_list)Xmake.x.s Forms component group ID vector of XDescriptionThis function returns a vector which lets know the size and order of groups in XUsagemake.x.s(df,num.groups,groups)Argumentsdf A dataframe containing named component variablesnum.groups An integer representing the number of component groups desiredgroups A list,each item in the list being a string vector of variable names for one com-ponent groupValueA vector of integers,each integer relating how many columns are in each groupExamplesdata("WQSdata")group_list<-list(c("X1","X2","X3"),c("X4","X7"),c("X5","X6","X9","X8"))x.s<-make.x.s(WQSdata,3,group_list)x.ssimdata5 simdata Simulated data of chemical concentrations and one binary outcomevariableDescriptionData simulated to have.7in-group correlation and.3between-group correlation.There are three groups,the third being significantly correlated to the outcome variableUsagesimdataFormatA data frame with1000rows and15variables:pcb_118a numeric vector;part of group1pcb_138a numeric vector;part of group1pcb_153a numeric vector;part of group1pcb_180a numeric vector;part of group1pcb_192a numeric vector;part of group1as a numeric vector;part of group2cu a numeric vector;part of group2pb a numeric vector;part of group2sn a numeric vector;part of group2carbaryl a numeric vector;part of group3propoxur a numeric vector;part of group3methoxychlor a numeric vector;part of group3diazinon a numeric vector;part of group3chlorpyrifos a numeric vector;part of group3Y a numeric vector;the outcome variableweight.plot Generates Plots of weights by groupDescriptionThis function takes the object created by the function and a vector of group names and generates a random forest variable importance plot for each group.The weights in each group are listed in descending order.Usageweight.plot(fit.object,s)Argumentsfit.object The object that is returned by the functions A string vector containing the name of each group included in the GWQS re-gression.Will be used for plot titles.ValueA plot for each group of the GWQS regressionExamplesdata("WQSdata")group_list<-list(c("X1","X2","X3"),c("X4","X7"),c("X5","X6","X9","X8"))chem_groups<-c("PCBs","Metals","Insecticides")x.s<-make.x.s(WQSdata,3,group_list)X<-make.X(WQSdata,3,group_list)Y<-WQSdata$yresults<,x=X,x.s=x.s,B=1,func="continuous")weight.plot(results,chem_groups)WQSdata Simulated data of chemical concentrations and one continuous out-come variableDescriptionCorrelation and concentration patterns were loosely based on NHL data.UsageWQSdataFormatA data frame with1000rows and10variables:X1a numeric vectorX2a numeric vectorX3a numeric vectorX4a numeric vectorX5a numeric vectorX6a numeric vectorX7a numeric vectorX8a numeric vectorX9a numeric vectory a numeric vector;the outcome variableIndex∗datasetssimdata,5WQSdata,,2make.X,3make.x.s,4simdata,5weight.plot,6WQSdata,68。
¾ 超级计算机...............................................................................................................................1 超级计算环境 2007 年 3 季度运行情况简报 .........................................................................1
● 共197名用户,3季度增加用户6名。 ● 有134名用户利用LSF提交作业,共完成.51000多个作业,用户作业平均规模为5.9个CPU,累计 使用机时112万CPU小时(按Walltime计算)。 ● 2007年3季度,深腾6800的磁盘阵列系统与QsNet网络系统先后发生故障,导致深腾6800的平均 整体使用率有所下降,为83.5%(按Walltime计算),平均CPU利用率69.1%(按CPUtime计算)。CPUtim e与Walltime之比平均为82.7%。 ● 2007年3季度,作业平均等待时间为23.3小时。 ● 已完成作业按规模分布情况:串行作业数量占62.6%,4处理器节点内并行作业数量占21.1%。 而根据作业使用的CPU小时计算,占用机时最多的并行作业规模分别为16处理器、33-63处理器、32处理 器、64处理器,其比例分别为21.8%,18.1%,17.9%和12.4%,串行作业仅使用总机时的2.1%,表明深腾6 800的计算机时还是主要用于较大规模的并行作业计算。
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................2
信息元素功能性定义作者:李欣目录目录 (1)信息元素功能性定义 (11)1 核心网信息元素 (11)1.1 CN Information elements (11)1.2 CN Domain System Information (11)1.3 CN Information info (11)1.4 IMEI (11)1.5 IMSI (GSM-MAP) (11)1.6 Intra Domain NAS Node Selector (11)1.7 Location Area Identification (12)1.8 NAS message (12)1.9 NAS system information (GSM-MAP) (12)1.10 Paging record type identifier (12)1.11 PLMN identity (12)1.12 PLMN Type (12)1.13 P-TMSI (GSM-MAP) (12)1.14 RAB identity (12)1.15 Routing Area Code (12)1.16 Routing Area Identification (13)1.17 TMSI (GSM-MAP) (13)2 UTRAN 移动信息元素 (13)2.1 Cell Access Restriction (13)2.2 Cell identity (13)2.3 Cell selection and re-selection info for SIB3/4 (13)2.4 Cell selection and re-selection info for SIB11/12 (13)2.5 Mapping Info (14)2.6 URA identity (14)3 UE 信息元素 (14)3.1 Activation time (14)3.2 Capability Update Requirement (14)3.3 Cell update cause (15)3.4 Ciphering Algorithm (15)3.5 Ciphering mode info (15)3.6 CN domain specific DRX cycle length coefficient (15)3.7 CPCH Parameters (15)3.8 C-RNTI (15)3.9 DRAC system information (15)3.10 Void (16)3.11 Establishment cause (16)3.12 Expiration Time Factor (16)3.13 Failure cause (16)3.14 Failure cause and error information (16)3.15 Initial UE identity (16)3.16 Integrity check info (16)3.17 Integrity protection activation info (17)3.18 Integrity protection Algorithm (17)3.19 Integrity protection mode info (17)3.20 Maximum bit rate (17)3.21 Measurement capability (17)3.22 Paging cause (17)3.23 Paging record (17)3.24 PDCP capability (17)3.25 Physical channel capability (18)3.26 Protocol error cause (18)3.27 Protocol error indicator (18)3.28 RB timer indicator (18)3.29 Redirection info (18)3.30 Re-establishment timer (18)3.31 Rejection cause (18)3.32 Release cause (18)3.33 RF capability FDD (19)3.34 RLC capability (19)3.35 RLC re-establish indicator (19)3.36 RRC transaction identifier (19)3.37 Security capability (19)3.38 START (19)3.39 Transmission probability (19)3.40 Transport channel capability (20)3.41 UE multi-mode/multi-RAT capability (20)3.42 UE radio access capability (20)3.43 UE Timers and Constants in connected mode (21)3.44 UE Timers and Constants in idle mode (21)3.45 UE positioning capability (21)3.46 URA update cause (21)3.47 U-RNTI (21)3.48 U-RNTI Short (21)3.49 UTRAN DRX cycle length coefficient (21)3.50 Wait time (21)3.51 UE Specific Behavior Information 1 idle (21)3.52 UE Specific Behavior Information 1 interRAT (22)4 无线承载信息元素 (22)4.0 Default configuration identity (22)4.1 Downlink RLC STATUS info (22)4.2 PDCP info (22)4.3 PDCP SN info (22)4.4 Polling info (22)4.5 Predefined configuration identity (23)4.6 Predefined configuration value tag (23)4.7 Predefined RB configuration (23)4.8 RAB info (23)4.9 RAB info Post (23)4.10 RAB information for setup (23)4.11 RAB information to reconfigure (24)4.12 NAS Synchronization indicator (24)4.13 RB activation time info (24)4.14 RB COUNT-C MSB information (24)4.15 RB COUNT-C information (24)4.16 RB identity (24)4.17 RB information to be affected (24)4.18 RB information to reconfigure (25)4.19 RB information to release (25)4.20 RB information to setup (25)4.21 RB mapping info (25)4.22 RB with PDCP information (25)4.23 RLC info (25)4.24 Signaling RB information to setup (26)4.25 Transmission RLC Discard (26)5 传输信道信息元素 (26)5.1 Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH information (26)5.2 Added or Reconfigured UL TrCH information (27)5.3 CPCH set ID (27)5.4 Deleted DL TrCH information (27)5.5 Deleted UL TrCH information (27)5.6 DL Transport channel information common for all transport channels (27)5.7 DRAC Static Information (27)5.8 Power Offset Information (28)5.9 Predefined TrCH configuration (28)5.10 Quality Target (28)5.11 Semi-static Transport Format Information (28)5.12 TFCI Field 2 Information (28)5.13 TFCS Explicit Configuration (28)5.14 TFCS Information for DSCH (TFCI range method) (29)5.15 TFCS Reconfiguration/Addition Information (29)5.16 TFCS Removal Information (29)5.17 Void (29)5.18 Transport channel identity (29)5.19 Transport Format Combination (TFC) (29)5.20 Transport Format Combination Set (29)5.21 Transport Format Combination Set Identity (29)5.22 Transport Format Combination Subset (29)5.23 Transport Format Set (29)5.24 UL Transport channel information common for all transport channels (30)6 物理信道信息元素 (30)6.1 AC-to-ASC mapping (30)6.2 AICH Info (30)6.3 AICH Power offset (30)6.4 Allocation period info (30)6.5 Alpha (30)6.6 ASC Setting (30)6.7 Void (31)6.8 CCTrCH power control info (31)6.9 Cell parameters Id (31)6.10 Common timeslot info (31)6.11 Constant value (31)6.12 CPCH persistence levels (31)6.13 CPCH set info (31)6.14 CPCH Status Indication mode (31)6.15 CSICH Power offset (32)6.16 Default DPCH Offset Value (32)6.17 Downlink channelisation codes (32)6.18 Downlink DPCH info common for all RL (32)6.19 Downlink DPCH info common for all RL Post (32)6.20 Downlink DPCH info common for all RL Pre (32)6.21 Downlink DPCH info for each RL (32)6.22 Downlink DPCH info for each RL Post (33)6.23 Downlink DPCH power control information (33)6.24 Downlink information common for all radio links (33)6.25 Downlink information common for all radio links Post (33)6.26 Downlink information common for all radio links Pre (33)6.27 Downlink information for each radio link (33)6.28 Downlink information for each radio link Post (33)6.29 Void (33)6.30 Downlink PDSCH information (33)6.31 Downlink rate matching restriction information (34)6.32 Downlink Timeslots and Codes (34)6.33 DPCH compressed mode info (34)6.34 DPCH Compressed Mode Status Info (34)6.35 Dynamic persistence level (34)6.36 Frequency info (34)6.37 Individual timeslot info (35)6.38 Individual Timeslot interference (35)6.39 Maximum allowed UL TX power (35)6.40 Void (35)6.41 Midamble shift and burst type (35)6.42 PDSCH Capacity Allocation info (35)6.43 PDSCH code mapping (36)6.44 PDSCH info (36)6.45 PDSCH Power Control info (36)6.46 PDSCH system information (36)6.47 PDSCH with SHO DCH Info (36)6.48 Persistence scaling factors (36)6.49 PICH Info (36)6.50 PICH Power offset (37)6.51 PRACH Channelisation Code List (37)6.52 PRACH info (for RACH) (37)6.53 PRACH partitioning (37)6.54 PRACH power offset (37)6.55 PRACH system information list (37)6.56 Predefined PhyCH configuration (38)6.57 Primary CCPCH info (38)6.58 Primary CCPCH info post (38)6.59 Primary CCPCH TX Power (38)6.60 Primary CPICH info (38)6.61 Primary CPICH Tx power (38)6.62 Primary CPICH usage for channel estimation (38)6.63 PUSCH info (38)6.64 PUSCH Capacity Allocation info (38)6.65 PUSCH power control info (39)6.66 PUSCH system information (39)6.67 RACH transmission parameters (39)6.68 Radio link addition information (39)6.69 Radio link removal information (39)6.70 SCCPCH Information for FACH (39)6.71 Secondary CCPCH info (39)6.72 Secondary CCPCH system information (40)6.73 Secondary CPICH info (40)6.74 Secondary scrambling code (40)6.75 SFN Time info (40)6.76 SSDT cell identity (40)6.77 SSDT information (40)6.78 STTD indicator (40)6.79 TDD open loop power control (41)6.80 TFC Control duration (41)6.81 TFCI Combining Indicator (41)6.82 TGPSI (41)6.83 Time info (41)6.84 Timeslot number (41)6.85 TPC combination index (41)6.86 TSTD indicator (41)6.87 TX Diversity Mode (41)6.88 Uplink DPCH info (41)6.89 Uplink DPCH info Post (42)6.90 Uplink DPCH info Pre (42)6.91 Uplink DPCH power control info (42)6.92 Uplink DPCH power control info Post (42)6.93 Uplink DPCH power control info Pre (42)6.94 Uplink Timeslots and Codes (42)6.95 Uplink Timing Advance (42)6.96 Uplink Timing Advance Control (43)7 测量信息元素 (43)7.1 Additional measurements list (43)7.2 Cell info (43)7.3 Cell measured results (43)7.4 Cell measurement event results (44)7.5 Cell reporting quantities (44)7.6 Cell synchronization information (44)7.7 Event results (44)7.8 FACH measurement occasion info (45)7.9 Filter coefficient (45)7.10 HCS Cell re-selection information (45)7.11 HCS neighboring cell information (45)7.12 HCS Serving cell information (45)7.13 Inter-frequency cell info list (46)7.14 Inter-frequency event identity (46)7.15 Inter-frequency measured results list (46)7.16 Inter-frequency measurement (46)7.17 Inter-frequency measurement event results (47)7.18 Inter-frequency measurement quantity (47)7.19 Inter-frequency measurement reporting criteria (47)7.20 Inter-frequency measurement system information (47)7.21 Inter-frequency reporting quantity (47)7.22 Inter-frequency SET UPDATE (48)7.23 Inter-RAT cell info list (48)7.24 Inter-RAT event identity (48)7.25 Inter-RAT info (48)7.26 Inter-RAT measured results list (48)7.27 Inter-RAT measurement (49)7.28 Inter-RAT measurement event results (49)7.29 Inter-RAT measurement quantity (49)7.30 Inter-RAT measurement reporting criteria (49)7.31 Inter-RAT measurement system information (50)7.32 Inter-RAT reporting quantity (50)7.33 Intra-frequency cell info list (50)7.34 Intra-frequency event identity (50)7.35 Intra-frequency measured results list (50)7.36 Intra-frequency measurement (50)7.37 Intra-frequency measurement event results (51)7.38 Intra-frequency measurement quantity (51)7.39 Intra-frequency measurement reporting criteria (51)7.40 Intra-frequency measurement system information (51)7.41 Intra-frequency reporting quantity (52)7.42 Intra-frequency reporting quantity for RACH reporting (52)7.43 Maximum number of reported cells on RACH (52)7.44 Measured results (52)7.45 Measured results on RACH (52)7.46 Measurement Command (52)7.47 Measurement control system information (53)7.48 Measurement Identity (53)7.49 Measurement reporting mode (53)7.50 Measurement Type (53)7.51 Measurement validity (53)7.52 Observed time difference to GSM cell (53)7.53 Periodical reporting criteria (53)7.54 Primary CCPCH RSCP info (54)7.55 Quality measured results list (54)7.56 Quality measurement (54)7.57 Quality measurement event results (54)7.58 Quality measurement reporting criteria (54)7.59 Quality reporting quantity (54)7.60 Reference time difference to cell (54)7.61 Reporting Cell Status (55)7.62 Reporting information for state CELL_DCH (55)7.63 SFN-SFN observed time difference (55)7.64 Time to trigger (55)7.65 Timeslot ISCP info (55)7.66 Traffic volume event identity (55)7.67 Traffic volume measured results list (55)7.68 Traffic volume measurement (55)7.69 Traffic volume measurement event results (56)7.70 Traffic volume measurement object (56)7.71 Traffic volume measurement quantity (56)7.72 Traffic volume measurement reporting criteria (56)7.73 Traffic volume measurement system information (56)7.74 Traffic volume reporting quantity (56)7.75 UE internal event identity (56)7.76 UE internal measured results (57)7.77 UE internal measurement (57)7.78 UE internal measurement event results (57)7.79 UE internal measurement quantity (57)7.80 UE internal measurement reporting criteria (57)7.81 Void (58)7.82 UE Internal reporting quantity (58)7.83 UE Rx-Tx time difference type 1 (58)7.84 UE Rx-Tx time difference type 2 (58)7.85 UE Transmitted Power info (58)7.86 UE positioning Ciphering info (58)7.87 UE positioning Error (58)7.88 UE positioning GPS acquisition assistance (59)7.89 UE positioning GPS almanac (59)7.90 UE positioning GPS assistance data (59)7.91 UE positioning GPS DGPS corrections (59)7.92 UE positioning GPS ionospheric model (59)7.93 UE positioning GPS measured results (59)7.94 UE positioning GPS navigation model (60)7.95 UE positioning GPS real-time integrity (60)7.96 UE positioning GPS reference time (60)7.97 UE positioning GPS UTC model (61)7.98 UE positioning IPDL parameters (61)7.99 UE positioning measured results (61)7.100 UE positioning measurement (61)7.101 UE positioning measurement event results (61)7.102 Void (62)7.103 UE positioning OTDOA assistance data for UE-assisted (62)7.104 Void (62)7.105 UE positioning OTDOA measured results (62)7.106 UE positioning OTDOA neighbor cell info (62)7.107 UE positioning OTDOA quality (63)7.108 UE positioning OTDOA reference cell info (63)7.109 UE positioning position estimate info (64)7.110 UE positioning reporting criteria (64)7.111 UE positioning reporting quantity (64)7.112 T ADV info (65)8 其它信息元素 (65)8.1 BCCH modification info (65)8.2 BSIC (65)8.3 CBS DRX Level 1 information (65)8.4 Cell Value tag (65)8.5 Inter-RAT change failure (65)8.6 Inter-RAT handover failure (66)8.7 Inter-RAT UE radio access capability (66)8.8 Void (66)8.9 MIB Value tag (66)8.10 PLMN Value tag (66)8.11 Predefined configuration identity and value tag (66)8.12 Protocol error information (66)8.13 References to other system information blocks (66)8.14 References to other system information blocks and scheduling blocks (67)8.15 Rplmn information (67)8.16 Scheduling information (67)8.17 SEG COUNT (67)8.18 Segment index (67)8.19 SIB data fixed (67)8.20 SIB data variable (67)8.21 SIB type (67)8.22 SIB type SIBs only (67)9 ANSI-41 Information elements (68)10 Multiplicity values and type constraint values (68)信息元素功能性定义消息是由多个信息元素组合而成,信息元素根据其功能的不同划分为:核心网域信息元素、UTRAN 移动信息元素、UE 信息元素、无线承载信息元素、传输信道信息元素、物理信道信息元素和测量信息元素。
EnglishABCABMAbstract Resource AbstractionAccelerationAcceptability Criteria Acceptable Quality Level AQL AcceptanceAcceptance Criteria Acceptance Letters Acceptance Number Acceptance Review Acceptance TestAcquisition Methods Acquisition Negotiations Acquisition PlanAcquisition Plan Review Acquisition Planning Acquisition Process Acquisition StrategyActionAction ItemAction Item FlagsAction PlanActivationActive ListeningActivity Arrow NetActivity Based Costing Activity Based Management Activity CalendarActivity CodeActivity DefinitionActivity DescriptionActivity DurationActivity Duration Estimating Activity ElaborationActivity FileActivity IDActivity ListActivity Node NetActivity on ArcActivity on ArrowActivity on NodeActivity OrientedActivity Oriented Schedule Activity PropertiesActivity QuantitiesActivity StatusActivity TimingActorActualActual and Scheduled Progress Actual CostActual Cost Data Collection Actual CostsActual DatesActual Direct CostsActual ExpendituresActual FinishActual Finish DateActual StartActual Start DateACWPAdaptationAdded ValueAddendumAdequacyAdjourningAdjustmentADMADM ProjectAdministrationAdministrativeAdministrative Change Administrative Management ADPADRAdvanced Material Release AFEAFEAffectAffected PartiesAgencyAgendaAggregationAgreementAgreement legalALAPAlgorithmAlignmentAllianceAllocated BaselineAllocated RequirementsAllocationAllowable CostAllowanceAlternate ResourceAlternative AnalysisAlternative Dispute Resolution AlternativesAmbiguityAmendmentAmount at StakeAMRAnalysisAnalysis and DesignAnalysis TimeAnalystAND RelationshipAnecdotalAnticipated Award CostAOQAOQLAPMAApparent Low BidderApplicationApplication AreaApplication for ExpenditureApplication for Expenditure Justification Application ProgramsApplied Direct CostsApportioned EffortApportioned TaskAppraisalApproachAppropriationApprovalApproval to ProceedApproveApproved Bidders ListApproved ChangesApproved Project RequirementsAPRAQLArbitraryArbitrationArcArchitectural BaselineArchitectural ViewArchitectureArchitecture executableArchiveArchive PlanArea of Project Management Application ArrowArrow Diagram MethodArrow DiagrammingArrow Diagramming MethodArtifactArtificialASAPAs-built DesignAs-built DocumentationAs-Built ScheduleAs-Late-As-PossibleAs-NeededAs-Performed ScheduleAssemblyAssembly SequenceAssessmentAssetsAssignmentAssociated RevenueAssociationAs-Soon-As-PossibleAssumptionAssumptionsAssumptions ListAssuranceAttitudeAttributeAttritionAuditAuthoritarianAuthoritativeAuthorityAuthority for Expenditure AuthorizationAuthorizeAuthorized Unpriced WorkAuthorized WorkAuthorized WorksAutomated Data ProcessingAutomatic Decision EventAutomatic GenerationAutomatic Test EquipmentAuxiliary Ground EquipmentAvailabilityAverage Outgoing Quality Average Outgoing Quality Limit Average Sample Size Curve AvoidanceAwardAward FeeAward LetterBACBack ChargeBackchargeBackward PassBad DebtsBalanceBalanced MatrixBalanced ScorecardBalanced Scorecard Approach BankBankingBar ChartBargainingBargaining PowerBarriersBaseBaselineBaseline at Completion Baseline budgetBaseline businessBaseline ConceptBaseline ControlBaseline CostBaseline cost estimate Baseline DatesBaseline Finish DateBaseline ManagementBaseline PlanBaseline ReviewBaseline ScheduleBaseline Start DateBaseline technicalBasis of EstimateBatchBatch OperationBATNABCMBCWPBCWSBehaviorBehavior AnalysisBenchmarkBenchmarkingBeneficial Occupancy/UseBenefitsBenefits FrameworkBenefits ManagementBenefits Management PlanBenefits Management RegimeBenefits ProfilesBenefits Realization PhaseBest Alternative to Negotiated Agreement Best and Final Contract OfferBest and Final OfferBest Efforts ContractBest PracticesBest ValueBeta DistributionBeta TestBeta testingBidBid AnalysisBid BondBid Cost ConsiderationsBid Document PreparationBid DocumentsBid EvaluationBid ListBid PackageBid ProtestsBid QualificationsBid ResponseBid Technical ConsiderationBid Time ConsiderationBid/No Bid DecisionBidderBidders ConferenceBidders ListBidders Source SelectionBiddingBidding StrategyBillBill of MaterialsBills of MaterialsBlanket Purchase AgreementBlueprintBoardBoiler PlateBona FideBondBonusBonus SchemesBooking RatesBOOTBottom Up Cost EstimateBottom Up Cost Estimating Bottom Up EstimatingBoundaryBPABPRBrainstormingBranching LogicBreach of Contract BreadboardingBreak EvenBreakdownBreakdown StructureBreak-Even ChartBreak-Even ChartsBreak-Even PointBribeBSABuck PassingBudgetBudget at CompletionBudget CostBudget CostsBudget DecrementBudget ElementBudget EstimateBudget PresentationBudget RevisionBudget UnitBudgetary ControlBudgetedBudgeted Cost of Work Performed Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled BudgetingBudgeting & Cost Management BuildBuild Own Operate Transfer BuildabilityBuildingBuilding ProfessionalismBuild-to DocumentationBuilt-in Test EquipmentBulk MaterialBurdenBurden of ProofBureaucracyBurn RateBurst NodeBusiness ActorBusiness AppraisalBusiness AreaBusiness AssuranceBusiness Assurance Coordinator Business CaseBusiness Change Manager Business CreationBusiness EngineeringBusiness ImperativeBusiness ImprovementBusiness ManagerBusiness ModelingBusiness NeedsBusiness ObjectivesBusiness OperationsBusiness ProcessBusiness Process Engineering Business Process Reengineering Business ProcessesBusiness RiskBusiness RuleBusiness Transition Plan Business UnitBuyerBuyer's MarketBuy-InBypassingCADCalculate ScheduleCalculationCalendarCalendar FileCalendar RangeCalendar SoftwareCalendar Start DateCalendar UnitCalendarsCalibrationCAMCapabilityCapability SurveyCapitalCapital Appropriation Capital AssetCapital CostCapital EmployedCapital Expansion Projects Capital Goods Project Capital PropertyCards-on-the-wall Planning CareerCareer Path Planning Career PlanningCarryover Type 1Carryover Type 2Cascade ChartCashCash FlowCash Flow AnalysisCash Flow ManagementCash Flow NetCash InCash OutCatalystCatch-up Alternatives CausationCauseCCBCCDRCentral Processing Unit CentralizedCertainCertaintyCertificate of Conformance CertificationChainChallengeChampionChangeChange ControlChange Control Board Change Documentation Change in ScopeChange LogChange ManagementChange Management Plan Change NoticeChange OrderChanged Conditions CharacteristicChartChart of AccountsChart RoomCharterCheckingChecklistCheckpointCheckpointsChief Executive Officer ChildChild ActivityClaimClarificationClassClassesClassification Classification of Defects Clearance NumberClientClient EnvironmentClient Quality Services Closed ProjectsCloseoutCloseout phaseCloseout ReportClosingClosureCMCoachingCodeCode and Unit TestCode of AccountsCodingCollaborationCollapsingCollectiveCombativeCommercialCommercial Item Description Commission and Handover CommissioningCommissions and Bonuses CommitCommitmentCommitment Document Commitment Package Commitment to Objectives Committed CostCommitted CostsCommon CarrierCommunicating With Groups Communicating With Individuals CommunicationCommunication Channels Communication Plan Strategic Communication Plan Tactical Communication Room Communications Management Communications Plan Communications Planning CommunityCompanyComparisonCompatibilityCompensationCompensation and Evaluation CompetenceCompetencyCompetitionCompetitiveCompileCompile TimeCompleteCompleted ActivityCompleted UnitsCompletionCompletion DateComplexComponentComponent Integration and Test Component-Based Development ComponentsCompound RiskCompromiseCompromising in negotiating ComputerComputer Aided Design Computer Aided DraftingComputer Aided ManufacturingComputer Cost ApplicationsComputer HardwareComputer ModelingComputer Program Configuration ItemComputer SoftwareComputer Software ComponentComputer Software Configuration ItemComputer Software DocumentationComputer Software UnitComputer-AidedComputerized Information Storage Reference and Retrieval ConceptConcept Definition DocumentConcept PhaseConcept StudyConception PhaseConceptualConceptual BudgetingConceptual DesignConceptual DevelopmentConceptual Project PlanningConcessionConcession Making in negotiatingConciliatoryConcludingConclusionsConcurrencyConcurrentConcurrent DelaysConcurrent EngineeringConcurrent TasksConditional RiskConditionsConductingConfidence LevelConfigurationConfiguration AuditConfiguration BreakdownConfiguration ControlConfiguration Control BoardConfiguration IdentificationConfiguration Item Acceptance ReviewConfiguration Item VerificationConfiguration Item Verification ProceduresConfiguration ManagementConfiguration Management BoardConfiguration Relationships Configuration Status Accounting ConflictConflict ManagementConflict Resolution Conformance to Requirements ConfrontationConsensusConsensus Decision Process ConsentConsequencesConsiderationConsiderationsConsolidateConsortiumConstituentsConstraintConstraint project constraint ConstraintsConstructabilityConstructionConstruction Contractor Construction CostConstruction Management Construction Manager Construction StageConstruction WorkConstruction-Oriented Constructive Challenge Constructive ChangeConsultantConsultingConsumable Resource ConsumablesContemplated Change Notice Contending in negotiating ContentContent TypeContextContingenciesContingencyContingency Allowance Contingency Budget Procedure Contingency PlanContract ManagementContract NegotiationsContract PackageContract Performance Control Contract PlanContract Pre-award Meetings Contract Quality Requirements Contract RequirementsContract RiskContract Risk AnalysisContract SigningContract StrategyContract Target CostContract Target PriceContract TypeContract TypesContract Work Breakdown Structure ContractingContractorContractor Claims Release Contractor Cost Data Report Contractor EvaluationContractor Furnished Equipment Contractor Project Office Contractor Short ListingContractor's Performance Evaluation ContractualContractual ConditionsContractual Requirements Contributed ValueContribution AnalysisControlControl AccountControl Account ManagerControl Account PlanControl and CoordinationControl ChartControl CycleControl GateControl LoopControl PointControl RequirementsControl SystemControl TheoryControllable RisksControllingControlling Relationship Coordinated MatrixCoordinationCoordinatorCorporateCorporate Administration and Finance Corporate BudgetCorporate Business Life Cycle Corporate ConstraintsCorporate Data BankCorporate ManagementCorporate MemoryCorporate PhilosophyCorporate PlanningCorporate Project Management Corporate Project Strategy Corporate Quality Standards Corporate ResourcesCorporate Responsibility Matrix Corporate StandardsCorporate SupervisionCorporationCorrectionCorrective ActionCorrelationCostCost AccountCost Account BreakdownCost Account ManagerCost Account PlanCost Accumulation MethodsCost AnalysisCost ApplicationsCost AvoidanceCost BaselineCost BenefitCost Benefit AnalysisCost Breakdown StructureCost BudgetingCost CeilingCost Ceiling BracketCost CenterCost CheckCost ClassesCost CodeCost CodesCost ControlCost Control PointCost Control SystemCost CurveCost DistributionCost EffectiveCost ElementCost EngineeringCost EnvelopeCost EstimateCost Estimate Classification System Cost EstimatingCost Estimating RelationshipCost ForecastCost ForecastingCost GrowthCost IncurredCost IndexCost IndicesCost InputCost ManagementCost ModelCost of MoneyCost of QualityCost OverrunCost Performance BaselineCost Performance IndexCost Performance IndicatorCost Performance Measurement Baseline Cost Performance RatioCost Performance ReportCost PlanCost PlusCost Plus Fixed Fee ContractCost Plus Incentive Fee ContractCost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract Cost Reimbursable ContractCost ReimbursementCost Reimbursement Type Contracts Cost ReviewsCost SavingsCost Sharing ContractCost StatusCost to CompleteCost to Complete ForecastCost TypesCost VarianceCost/Schedule Status ReportCost-Benefit AnalysisCosted Work Breakdown StructureCost-EffectivenessCostingCosting SystemsCost-Time Resource Sheet Counseling CountermeasuresCPICPIFCPMCPNCraftCrash CostsCrash DurationCrashingCreativityCreditCredited ResourceCrisisCriteriaCriterionCriticalCritical ActivityCritical ChainCritical DefectCritical DefectiveCritical Design Review Critical EventCritical FactorsCritical PathCritical Path Analysis Critical Path Method Critical Path Network Critical RatioCritical SequenceCritical Sequence Analysis Critical Subcontractor Critical Success Factors Critical TaskCritical Work Item Criticality IndexCross OrganizationalCross ReferencesCross-Stage PlanCSCICTCCTPCultureCulture organizational Cumulative Cost-to-DateCumulative S CurveCurrency ConversionCurrent BudgetCurrent Date LineCurrent Finish DateCurrent FY Budget Allocation Current Start DateCurrent StatusCurrent YearCustom Duty and Tax CustomerCustomer Acceptance Criteria Customer Furnished Equipment Customer Perspective Customer/Client Personnel Cutoff DateCutoverCWBSCyberneticsCycleCycle TimeDamagesDangleDataData ApplicationData BankData CollectionData DateData Entry ClerkData Item DescriptionData ProcessingData RefinementsData Structure Organization Data TypeDatabaseDatabase Administrator Database Management System Date of AcceptanceDay Work AccountDBMSDCFDeactivation Plan Deactivation Procedures DebriefingDecentralizedDecisionDecision DocumentationDecision EventDecision MakingDecision Making Process Decision Support System Decision TheoryDecision TreeDecision TreesDecomposingDecompositionDefaultDefault ValuesDefectDefectiveDefects-Per-Hundred-Units DeficiencyDeficiency ListDefinitionDefinition PhaseDefinitiveDefinitive EstimateDeflectionDegradationDelayDelay compensableDelaying ResourceDelegatingDelegationDeliberate Decision Event DeliverableDeliverable Breakdown Structure Deliverable Deadline DeliverablesDeliverables Management DeliveryDelphi TechniqueDemonstrateDemonstratedDemonstrated Past Experience DemonstrationDemonstration Review DepartmentDepartmental Budget DependabilityDependenciesDependencyDependency ArrowDependency DiagramDependency LinksDependency ManagementDeploymentDeployment Lessons Learned Document Deployment PlanDeployment ProceduresDeployment Readiness Review Deployment ViewDepreciationDescriptiveDesignDesign & Development PhaseDesign AlternativesDesign AppraisalDesign AuthorityDesign BaselineDesign Bid BuildDesign BriefDesign BuildDesign ConceptDesign ContingencyDesign ContractDesign ControlDesign DevelopmentDesign ManagementDesign Management PlanDesign ModelDesign of ExperimentDesign PackageDesign ReviewDesign SubsystemDesign TimeDesign to BudgetDesign to CostDesign-to SpecificationsDesirable LogicDetail DocumentationDetail ScheduleDetailed DesignDetailed Design StageDetailed EngineeringDetailed PlanningDetailed PlansDetailed Resource PlanDetailed ScheduleDetailed Technical Plan DeterminationDetermine Least Cost for Maximum Results DeterministicDeterministic NetworkDeveloped CountryDeveloperDeveloping CountryDevelopmentDevelopment caseDevelopment PhaseDevelopment PlanDevelopment processDeviationDeviation PermitDiagramDifferencesDifferentialsDiffering Site ConditionsDirect CostDirect Cost ContingencyDirect CostsDirect LaborDirect Project CostsDirectingDirectionDirectiveDirectorDisciplineDiscipline MaintenanceDiscontinuous ActivityDiscontinuous ProcessingDiscount RateDiscountingDiscrete EffortDiscrete MilestoneDiscrete TaskDiscriminationDiscussionDisplayDisposal of MaterialsDisputeDisruptionDisruptiveDisseminationDistinguishing ConstraintDistributedDistributed Computing Environment Distributed ProcessingDistribution ListDistribution of information Distribution of MinutesDiversityDocumentDocument ControlDocument ManagementDocumentaryDocumentationDocumentation Change Notice Documentation Requirements Description Dog and Pony ShowDomainDual Concern ModelDual ResponsibilityDummyDummy ActivityDurationDuration CalculationDuration CompressionDuty and Tax AdministrationDynamic Baseline ModelDynamic ClassificationEarliest Feasible DateEarliest FinishEarliest Finish TimeEarliest StartEarliest Start TimeEarly DatesEarly FinishEarly Finish DateEarly StartEarly Start DateEarly Start TimeEarly Warning SystemEarned HoursEarned ValueEarned Value AnalysisEarned Value Cost ControlEarned Value ManagementEarned Value Management Systeme-BusinessEconomic AnalysisEconomic Commercial ValueEconomic EvaluationEconomic LifeEconomic SuccessEconomic ValueEconomic Value AddedEconomicsEconomistEconomy of GovernanceEducation and TrainingEducation in project management Effective CommunicationEffective InterestEffectivenessEffectiveness in project planning EfficiencyEfficiency FactorEfficiency in project execution EffortEffort RemainingEffort-Driven ActivityEighty-Twenty RuleElaborationElapsed DurationElapsed TimeElectronic FilesElementElement Definition DictionaryEmailEmployee RelationsEmploymentEmpowermentEnclosed DocumentEnd ActivityEnd EventEnd ItemEnd Stage AssessmentEnd Tranche AssessmentEndorsementEnd-Phase AssessmentEngineering Change Notice Engineering Change Proposal Engineering Change Request Engineering Cost Estimate Engineering ProcessEnterpriseEnterprise Project Management Enterprise Project Structure Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning Systems EntitlementEntrepreneurEnvironmentEnvironment Characteristic Environment generalEnvironment naturalEnvironment projectEnvironmentalEnvironmental Approvals Environmental Factoring Environmental Requirements Environmentally ConcernedEqual OpportunityEquipment ProcurementEquitable AdjustmentEquity Theory of Motivation Equivalent ActivityERPErrorError ProbabilityErrorsErrors and OmissionsEscalated Base PriceEscalationEssential Characteristics Essentials of Project Management EstimateEstimate at CompletionEstimate Based on Working Drawings Estimate Class AEstimate Class BEstimate Class CEstimate Class DEstimate ConversionEstimate of costEstimate To CompleteEstimated Actual at Completion Estimated Completion Date Estimated Cost at Completion Estimated Cost to Complete Estimated Final CostEstimated Market Penetration EstimatingEstimating CostsEstimating FactorEstimator's AllowanceETCEthicalExecutive ManagementExpandingExpectancyExpectancy TheoryExpectation of Accountability Expectation of ReliabilityExpectationsExpected Monetary ValueExpected ValueExpected Value riskExpected Working PeriodExpeditingExpendedExpenditureExpenditure AuthorityExpenditure Management Report Expenditure ProfileExpenditure to BudgetExpenditure to DateExpenseExperienceExperimentExpertExpert PowerExpertiseExposureExtended Life CycleExtended Subsequent Applications Review ExternalExternal ConstraintExternal PoliticsExternal Procurement Sources ExternalitiesExtinctionExtra Work OrderExtra WorksFabricationFACFacilitatingFacilitatorFacilities/Product Life CycleFacilityFactorFailureFair and Reasonable CostFair Market PriceFallback PlanFallback PositionFast TrackFast TrackingFaultFeasibilityFeasibility BudgetFeasibility PhaseFeasibility ReportFeasibility StudyFeasible Project Alternatives Feasible ScheduleFeatureFeeFeedbackFFPFieldField ClarificationField CostField InspectionField/Project Office Overhead FIFOFileFile TransferFile Transfer ProtocolFilterFinal CompletionFinal Contract ReviewFinal DesignFinal ObjectivesFinal PaymentFinal ReportFinanceFinancialFinancial Administration Financial AnalysisFinancial CloseoutFinancial ControlFinancial Management Financial RatiosFinancial SourcingFinancial ViabilityFinancingFinishFinish DateFinish FloatFinish to FinishFinish to Finish LagFinish to StartFinish to Start LagFinishing ActivityFirewallFirm Fixed Price ContractFirmwareFirst In First OutFirst In First OutFiscal YearFixed CostFixed CostsFixed DateFixed FeeFixed FinishFixed PriceFixed Price ContractFixed Price ContractsFixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract Fixed StartFixed-Duration SchedulingFlexibilityFlexibleFloatFloat Trend ChartsFloating TaskFlow ChartFlow DiagramFMFollow-on WorkFollyForce AccountForced AnalysisForcingForecastForecast At CompletionForecast At CompletionForecast Final CostForecast Remaining WorkForecast ReportForecast To CompleteForecast to CompletionForecastingForeignForm Fit and Function DataForm of OrganizationFormalFormal AuthorityFormal BidFormal Qualification Review Formal Reprogramming Formative Quality Evaluation FormingFormulationForward PassFPFPPIFFractalFragnetFrameworkFree FloatFree RidingFree SlackFreightFrequencyFrequency of MeasureFront EndFront LoadingFTCFTPFull and Open CompetitionFull Operational Capability Full TimeFunctionFunction Point Analysis Function PointsFunction project management Functional AnalysisFunctional Configuration Audit Functional Department Manager Functional Line Manager Functional Management Functional ManagerFunctional MatrixFunctional Organization Functional Personnel Functional Plan administrative Functional Plan architectural Functional ProgramFunctional Project Leader Functional Requirements Functional Responsibility Functional Specification FunctionalityFunction-Quality IntegrationFundingFunding ProfileFURPSFuture ValueFuzzy Front EndG&AGAAPGain Sharing ArrangementsGame PlanGanttGantt BarGantt ChartGantt ChartsGantt HenryGatesGeneral Accounting SystemGeneral and AdministrativeGeneral and Administrative CostsGeneral ConditionsGeneral Management SkillsGeneral ManagerGeneral Project AlignmentGeneral ProvisionsGeneral RequirementsGeneral SequencingGeneralizationGeneralized Activity NetworkGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles GenerationGeographical SeparationGERTGFEGo/No-goGo/No-go DecisionGoalGoal Setting TheoryGoodsGoodwillGovernanceGovernmentGovernment Contract Quality Assurance Government Furnished Equipment Government Regulations and Requirements GradeGrape VineGraphGraphical Evaluation and Review TechniqueGraphical User Interface Group CommunicationGroup workGroupthinkGrowthGuaranteeGuaranteed Maximum Guaranteed Maximum PriceGUIGuidanceGuidelineHammockHammock ActivityHandlingHand-OverHand-Over PhaseHandover PlanHand-Over PlanHangerHanging ActivityHard ProjectHardwareHardware Configuration Item Hardware Project HarmonizationHazardHeadquartersHeads UpHeavy ConstructionHeuristicHierarchical Coding Structure Hierarchical Planning HierarchyHierarchy of NetworksHigh Level Forecasting Highlight ReportHighway Construction HistogramHistoric RecordsHistorical Data Banks Historical DatabaseHold PointHolidayHolisticHome OfficeHome Office OverheadHost OrganizationHQHR Compensation and Evaluation HR Organization Development HR Performance EvaluationHR Records ManagementHRMHTMLHTTPHuman ResourcesHuman Resources Management Human Resources Responsibility Hurdle Rate of ReturnHygieneHyper Text Markup Language Hyper Text Transport Protocol HypercriticalHypercritical Activities HyperlinksHypothesisI/TIAWIBRIDCIdentificationIdentifierIdentify OpportunityIdle TimeIFBi-j notationImageImmediate ActivityImpactImpact AnalysisImpact InterpretationImpact riskImplementationImplementation Completion of Implementation Phase Implementation Plan Implementation Planning Implementation Review Implementation View Implementation VisitImplied WarrantyImportance of a project Imposed DateImposed FinishImposed StartImpossibilityImpossibility of Performance ImpracticalityImprovementIn Accordance WithIn ProgressInaction in negotiatingIncentiveIncentive SchemeIncentive SchemesInceptionInclusionInclusive OR relationshipIncomeINCOTERMSIncrementIncrementalIncremental DevelopmentIncurred CostIncurred CostsIndependentIndependent Cost AnalysisIndependent Cost EstimateIndependent FloatIndependent Verification and Validation IndexIndicatorsIndirectIndirect CostIndirect Cost PoolsIndirect CostsIndirect Project CostIndividualIndividual Activity CostIndividual Development PlanIndividual Work PlanIndustrial RelationsIndustryInefficiencyInexcusable DelaysInflationInflation/EscalationInfluenceInformalInformal ReviewInformation。
6.2. 强大的config .............................................................................................94
6.3. 聚合config变量 .........................................................................................98
写这本书,只是想把自己会的一点东西完全的落于纸上。在努力学习 UVM 的 过程中,自己花费了很多时间和精力。我只想把学习的心得记录下来,希望能够给 后来的人以启发。如果这本书能够给一个人带来一点点的帮助,那么我的努力就不 算是白费。
这本书的前半部分(第 1 到第 9 章)介绍了 UVM 的使用,其用户群较为广泛;
8.2. 搭建一个简单的register model...............................................................129
8.3. 复杂的register model...............................................................................137
HP Asset Manager Asset Manager 9.30 产品规模指南说明书
HP Asset ManagerAsset Manager® 9.30 Sizing Guide Using the Oracle®Database Server, or IBM® DB2® Database Server, or Microsoft® SQL ServerLegal Notices (2)Introduction (3)Asset Manager® Architecture (3)Sizing definitions (4)Database and Windows® client (4)Web environment (4)Web connection (5)Network latency recommendation for WANs (5)Hardware considerations (5)Recommended hardware for database servers (6)Oracle® and DB2® Running on HP-UX® (6)Small Asset Manager configuration (6)Medium Asset Manager configuration (6)Large Asset Manager configuration (6)Microsoft® SQL Server Running on Windows Server® 2003 or Windows Server® 2008 (64bit) (7)Small Asset Manager configuration (7)Medium Asset Manager configuration (7)Large Asset Manager configuration (7)Recommended hardware for the Automated Process Manager (amsrv) (8)Sharing Asset Manager Automated Process Manager with Connect-It (8)Recommended hardware for the Asset Manager Web server (9)Entry level Asset Manager Web instance configuration (9)Small Asset Manager Web instance configuration (9)Medium Asset Manager Web instance configuration (10)Superior Asset Manager Web instance, single server configuration (10)Superior Asset Manager Web instance, two server configuration (10)Large Asset Manager Web instance configuration (11)For more information (12)Legal Notices© Copyright 1994-2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Confidential computer software.Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying.Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Adobe®, Adobe logo®, Acrobat® and Acrobat Logo® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Corel® and Corel logo® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation or Corel Corporation Limited.Java™ is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows NT®, Windows® XP, Windows Mobile®, Windows Server® Enterprise and Windows Vista® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Oracle® is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.IntroductionThis sizing guide is intended to assist you in implementing an Asset Manager®version 9.30 Web servers and one of the following database configurations:•On HP®HP-UX®11i, either the IBM®DB2® Universal Database (UDB) Version 9.x, or the Oracle®Database 11g (Refer to the Compatibility Matrix and Release Notes for supported versions)Or•On Windows Server® 2008 64 bits, Microsoft® SQL Server, Oracle®Database 11g or IBM DB2 The Operating Systems supported for Asset Manager Web Server and other components may vary from the OS supported for the RDBMS servers. Refer to the Compatibility Matrix and Release Notes for supported versions of the Operating System supported for the Asset Manager programs.Asset Manager® Architecture•The Asset Manager background application server (amsrv) connects directly to the RDBMS server. There is no direct connection between the Asset Manager Windows GUI or Web Client and the Asset Manager background application server.Sizing definitionsThis section defines the components of an Asset Manager implementation that are described in this sizing guide.Database and Windows® clientThese sizing categories are given for a classical installation of Asset Manager 9.30 (amsrv server and database):•A small user environment would consist of fewer than 100 concurrent users and fewer than500,000 Portfolio items.•A medium user environment would consist of between 100 and 500 concurrent users, and between 500,000 and 2.5 million Portfolio items.•A large user environment would consist of more than 500 and up to 1000 concurrent users, and between 2.5 million and 5 million Portfolio items.Note: User environments with more than 1000 concurrent users would be handled on an individual basis, and are not specifically addressed in this document.Web environmentThis sizing guide has been redacted based on the following hypothesis: A Web user actively interacts with the Web server during 15% of his or her working time with Asset Manager 9.30 Web. During the rest of the time the user is filling forms, reading tables, or involved in actions that do not require data exchanges. Sizing for Web users is as follow:Number of concurrent users:Asset Manager WebenvironmentEntry-level 0-100Small 100-200Medium 200-300Superior 300-500Large 500-1000Note: Web environments with more than 1000 concurrent users would be handled on an individual basis, and are not specifically addressed in this document.You can have several Asset Manager Web 9.30 instances, of varying sizes, for a unique database. In such a case, you must evaluate separately how many Web users will use each instance. You can then decide either to split them into separate physical servers or keep a single one. For example, if you have 50 French users and 100 English users, consider a single small server with two separate Asset Manager Web 9.30 instances accommodating all 150 users, rather than an Entry-Level server for French users and a separate Small server for English users.These physical servers are dedicated to running the application servers. An instance of Asset Manager Web 9.30 is made of two logical application server engines.•The first one generates the HTML pages required by the Web users (the Web Tier Web application)•The second one handles the database link and the processes logic (the Web Services Web application).For example, if Tomcat is your application server, then you should have a Tomcat instance handling the Web Tier and another Tomcat instance running the Web Services, where each has a JVM® tuned precisely to its needs.You can merge the two Web applications on a single application server engine for a very small number of concurrent users (fewer than 15). However, this is not recommended on Windows systems for a larger number of concurrent users.Web connectionNotice: All the measures indicated on “Web connection” were done on the 5.01version of Asset Center.The recommended Web usage is to have the Web server as close as possible to the RDBMS: at least on the same LAN, and if possible on the same hub or switch.When separate server machines are used for the Web Tier and for Web Services, they should be on the same LAN, and if possible on the same hub or switch.Asset Manager 9.30 has been successfully tested on WANs having up to 400 ms ping time between the end user and the Web Tier.Network latency recommendation for WANsUsage Recommended maximum ping time between the end user and the Web Tier Web serverIntensive 250 ms (latency time of 125 ms)Casual 400 ms (latency time of 200 ms)The network bandwidth required depends on the operations performed and the free available bandwidth on the network. As the free available bandwidth of a network is often statistically-based in a multi-user and multi-application environment, this document provides metrics compiled on a full screen-set type rather than simple bandwidth considerations. A simplified screen-set will require less data exchange on details.Operation Typical size (in kilobytes)Display a list 63 kb on averageDisplay a detail 30 to 50 kb depending on the complexity of the screen Detail : Display another tab with sub-details 28 to 45 kb depending on the complexity of the screen Detail : Display a tab with a sub-list 30 to 45 kb depending on the complexity of the screen Duplicate a Portfolio 110 kb on averageHardware considerationsThe hardware systems listed below are not intended to be a “shopping list” for hardware components. Rather they are chosen as representative of the hardware that would typically be used in a given implementation. Additionally, each level of hardware allows for future growth. Resources required for the RDBMS server, such as CPU and memory, are very dependent on the implementation. Factors that may impact required hardware resources in Asset Manager systems caninclude custom access restrictions, configuration of the lists, custom code for scripts, and wizard implementation. Refer to the Asset Manager Tuning Guide for further information on those topics. Note: The sizing recommendations given here are for Asset Manager version 9.30. Recommended hardware for database serversThis section suggests hardware configurations that are appropriate for HP-UX-based and Windows-based RDBMS servers.Note: All the recommended HP server machines are available at .Oracle® and DB2® Running on HP-UX®The following hardware configurations are recommended for the Oracle and DB2 database servers used in the small, medium, and large Asset Manager implementations:Small Asset Manager configuration•HP Integrity rx2660 Server with two Dual-Core Intel®Itanium®*************************(GHz) with 18 MB cache (or better)•16 GB RAM (or more)•A RAID 10 storage array that includes between four and six 146 GB or larger hard disks arrays (for example a SAN RAID 5 with 12 disks)Medium Asset Manager configuration•HP Integrity rx2800 Server with two Quad-Core Intel® Itanium®************************ MB cache (or better)orHP Integrity rx6600 Server with four Dual Core Intel® Itanium®************************* cache (or better)•32 GB RAM (or more)•A RAID 10 storage array that includes between six and eight 146 GB disks or larger hard disks array (for example a SAN RAID 5 with 12 disks)Large Asset Manager configuration•HP Integrity rx8640 with twelve Dual-Core Intel® Itanium®************************* cache (or better)or•HP Integrity NonStop BladeSystem NB54000c with six Quad-Core Intel® Itanium® 9300 processors @ 1.73 GHz with 20 MB cache (or better)or•HP Integrity Superdome 2 SD2-8s with six Quad-Core Intel® Itanium®******************* GHz (or better)•64 GB RAM or more•A RAID 10 storage array with eight 300 GB hard disks or large SAN disk array.Microsoft® SQL Server Running on Windows Server® 2003 or Windows Server® 2008 (64bit)Note: Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 is running on Windows Server® 2003 32bit operating system. Microsoft® SQL Server 2008 is 64bit version running on Windows Server® 2008 64bit operating system. And for the large Asset Manager Configuration or above, 64bit database on 64bit operating system are recommended.The following hardware configurations are recommended for SQL Server database servers used in the small, medium, and large Asset Manager implementations:Small Asset Manager configuration•HP ProLiant DL180 G6 with one Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® 5606 processor (2.13 GHz, 8 MB L3 cache)•8 GB RAM•A RAID 10 storage array that includes four 146GB or larger hard disks or a RAID 5 with at least 8 physical disks, or a SAN disk ArrayMedium Asset Manager configuration•HP ProLiant DL180 G6 or DL 380 G7 with two Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® E5640 processor (2.66 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache) or two Six-Core Intel® Xeon® L5630 processor (2.13 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache) or better•12 GB RAM or more•A RAID 10 storage array that includes between six and eight 146 GB hard disks, or Storage Area Network (SAN) storage with 800 GB free spaceLarge Asset Manager configuration•HP ProLiant DL580 G5 with 2 Eight-Core Intel® Xeon® X7560 processor (2.27 GHz, 24 MB L3 cache) or better•32 GB RAM or more•A RAID 10 storage array with eight 300 GB hard disks, or SAN storage with 500 GB free spaceRecommended hardware for the Automated Process Manager (amsrv)The following hardware configurations are recommended for the application servers that can be used in all the Asset Manager implementations described in this document, for small, medium, and large user environments.The Asset Manager Automated Process Manager (amsrv) can be set up on the same machine as the RDBMS, Web server or Connect-It, using Pentium and Xeon processors (and compatible CPUs). UNIX versions are supported for amsrv too.In any case, HP Management Software recommends that you use a dedicated server machine, or a machine shared with HP Connect-It. The sizing below is for a server machine dedicated to amsrv. Choose one of the following server machines (or better), which are available at :• HP ProLiant DL120 G6 with one Intel® Pentium® G6950 processor (2.80 GHz, 3 MB L3 cache) • HP ProLiant BL280c G6 blade server with one Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® E5502 processor (1.86 GHz, 4 MB L3 cache)Make sure to include the following as well:•Either the Windows XP, Vista or Windows Server2003 x32 operating system•At least 2 GB RAM•4 GB of free disk spaceSharing Asset Manager Automated Process Manager with Connect-It•If you plan to use Connect-It with several scenarios consider an HP ProLiant DL180 G6 with one Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® 5606 processor (2.13 GHz, 8 MB L3 cache) and 8 GB RAM•If you plan to use Connect-It intensively with many scenarios running in parallel then consider an HP ProLiant DL180 G6 or DL 380 G6 with two Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® E5540 processor (2.53 GHz, 8 MB L3 cache) or better and 16 GB RAM or better.Recommended hardware for the Asset Manager Web serverThe following hardware configurations are recommended for the Web application servers used in the Entry-level, Small, Medium, Superior, and Large Asset Manager Web instances, which are defined in the section Web environment.In a production environment WebTier and WebService servers should each run on a dedicated instance of the web server (Apache® Tomcat®, IBM® WebSphere® or Oracle® WebLogic®). These instances of the web servers can be run simultaneously on the same physical server or on distinct servers. In case separated servers are used, they should be linked by a High-speed low latency network (typically WebService and WebTier servers should be connected physically on the same hub/switch on a Giga-bit type LAN). Most of the listed configurations below are designed to have the WebTier and WebService instances on the same server. It is strongly recommended to use 64bit operating system for small web environment configuration and above (it will improve performance). 32bit environment is only suggested for entry level configuration. It is strongly recommended to use Sun JDK1.6.0_23 or above for Apache® Tomcat® web server.Entry level Asset Manager Web instance configuration •Operating System Windows Server 2003 x32 or x64or 2008 (x64)•HP ProLiant DL180 G6 or DL 380 G6 with one Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® E5620 processor (2.40 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache) or better•6 GB RAM (for a x32 OS) or 8 GB (for a x64 OS)•10 GB free disk space•1 Web Tier instance•1 Web Service instanceOn Unix Operating Systems, only Entry Level Asset Manager Web instance configuration should be set up since Asset Manager Web Server is available in 32 bit application mode only, even if the Operating System is available only in 64 bit mode (HP HP-UX, IBM® AIX®, Oracle® SunOs®). Typical configuration:•HP Integrity rx2660 Server with two Dual-Core Intel®Itanium®*************************(GHz) with 18 MB cache (or better)•12 GB RAM (or more)•30 GB of free space on diskSmall Asset Manager Web instance configuration•HP ProLiant DL180 G6 or DL 380 G6 with two Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® E5620 processor (2.40 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache) or better•8 GB RAM•10 GB free disk space•1 Web Tier instance•1 Web Service instance•64 bit Asset Manager Web Server on 64-bit Windows OSMedium Asset Manager Web instance configuration•HP ProLiant DL580 G5 with two six-Core Intel® Xeon® E7450 processor (2.40 GHz,12 MB L3 cache)•16 GB RAM•15 GB free disk space•1 Web Tier instance•1 Web Service instance•64 bit Asset Manager Web Server on 64-bit Windows OSAn alternative to the single Web server architecture is to use two separated Web servers, each as described in the section Small Asset Manager Web instance configuration.Superior Asset Manager Web instance, single server configuration•HP ProLiant DL580 G4 series with three six-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor X7450M (2.40 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache)•36 GB RAM•30 GB free disk space•2 Web Tier instance•1 Web Service instance•64 bit Asset Manager Web Server on 64-bit Windows OSSuperior Asset Manager Web instance, two server configurationFor this configuration, you will need two servers that fit this description:•HP ProLiant DL180 G6 or DL 380 G6 with two Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® E5540 processor (2.53 GHz, 8 MB L3 cache)•24 GB RAM•15 GB free disk space•1 Web Tier instance per server•1 Web Service instance•64 bit Asset Manager Web Server on 64-bit Windows OSLarge Asset Manager Web instance configurationFor this configuration, you will need two servers that fit this description:•HP ProLiant DL980 G7 series with four eight-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor X6550 (2.00 GHz, 18M L3 Cache)•64 GB RAM•60 GB free disk space•2 Web Tier instance•2 Web Service instances•64 bit Asset Manager Web Server on 64-bit Windows OS11For more informationPlease visit the HP Software support Web site at: /managementsoftware/supportThis web site provides contact information and details about the products, services, and support that HP Software offers.HP Software online support provides customer self-solve capabilities. It provides a fast and efficient way to access interactive technical support tools needed to manage your business. As a valuable support customer, you can benefit by being able to:• Search for knowledge documents of interest• Submit and track progress on support cases• Submit enhancement requests online• Download software patches• Manage a support contract• Look up HP support contacts• Review information about available services• Enter discussions with other software customers• Research and register for software trainingNote: Most of the support areas require that you register as an HP Passport user and sign in. Many also require an active support contract.To find more information about support access levels, go to the following URL: /managementsoftware/access_levelTo register for an HP Passport ID, go to the following URL: /passport-registration.htmlLimited responsibility clauseAsset Manager is integrated with several third-party applications. Examples: Database engines, Web servers, single sign-on software, load-balancing and clustering hardware and software solutions, reporting software such as Crystal Reports, etc.Support for these applications is limited to their interface with Asset Manager. Support does not cover installation problems, setup and customization problems or malfunctioning of the third-party application.White papers contain examples of implementations that may work in your environment with orwithout customization. There is no guarantee that this will be the case. It could also be that some of the solutions covered by white papers appear as standard features in a future release of the software. When this is the case, there is no guarantee that you will be able to upgrade the solution youimplemented based on the white paper to the equivalent standard feature.© 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information containedherein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products andservices are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying suchproducts and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting anadditional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors oromissions contained herein.Itanium is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. andother countries and is used under license.AM 9.30 Sizing Guide Using Oracle DB2 or MSSQL.doc。
HPE Security ArcSight ESM软件版本6.9.1c补丁2发布说明说明书
HPE Security ArcSight ESM Software Version:6.9.1c Patch2Release NotesNovember21,2016Legal NoticesWarrantyThe only warranties for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The network information used in the examples in this document (including IP addresses and hostnames)is for illustration purposes only.HPE Security ArcSight products are highly flexible and function as you configure them.The accessibility,integrity,and confidentiality of your data is your responsibility.Implement a comprehensive security strategy and follow good security practices.This document is confidential.Restricted Rights LegendConfidential computer software.Valid license from Hewlett Packard Enterprise required for possession,use or copying.Consistent with FAR 12.211and 12.212,Commercial Computer Software,Computer Software Documentation,and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the ernment under vendor's standard commercial license.Copyright Notice©Copyright 2016Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development,LPFollow this link to see a complete statement of copyrights and acknowledgements:https:///docs/DOC-13026SupportPhoneA list of phone numbers is available on the HPE Security ArcSight Technical Support Page: https:///documents/10180/14684/esp-support-contact-listSupport Web Site https:// Protect 724Communityhttps://Contact InformationRelease NotesContentsArcSight ESM6.9.1c Patch24 Purpose of this Patch4 Usage Notes5 SSL Client Authentication After Patch Installation5 Enable iframe of Command Center Pages5 Nested Storage Groups6 Preserving Reference Pages Information6 Authentication Between IE11and PKCS#1Token6 Corrections to the High Availability Module User's Guide6 Uninstalling the Console Patch on the Mac7 Section508Compliance8 Geographical Information Update8 Vulnerability Updates8 Installing ESM Version6.9.1c Patch29 Verifying the Downloaded Installation Software9 ArcSight ESM Main Component Suite9 To Install the Patch10To Uninstall the Patch11 ArcSight Console12 To Install the Patch12To Install the Patch on a Mac14To Uninstall the Patch14 Fixed Issues16 Analytics16 ArcSight Console16 ArcSight Manager17 CORR-Engine17 Command Center17 General18 Open Issues20 Open and Closed Issues in ESM6.9.1c Patch120 Send Documentation Feedback21ArcSight ESM6.9.1c Patch2These release notes describe how to apply this patch release of ArcSight ESM.Instructions are included for each component,as well as other information about recent changes and fixed and open issues. This patch is for ArcSight ESM6.9.1c only,with or without a released patch.To set up a new ESM6.9.1c installation,refer to the ArcSight ESM Installation and Configuration Guide.The build number for the ESM suite for this patch is2120.The build number for the ArcSight Console for this patch is2310.After you have installed6.9.1c with or without a released patch,follow the instructions in"Installing ESM Version6.9.1c Patch2"on page 9of these release notes to apply Patch2.Purpose of this PatchThis patch:l Updates the JRE to1.7.0_101l Supports RHEL6.8and CentOS6.8for those upgrading from ESM6.8c to ESM6.9.1c Patch2l Enables High Availability(HA)environment on newly certified OS versions of RHEL6.8and CentOS 6.8for upgraded ESM6.8c to6.9.1Patch2.l Addresses critical issues in ESM6.9.1c.l Provides updates for geographical information and vulnerability mapping.l Provides important security updates.Refer to the HPE ArcSight ESM Support Matrix for the new and existing operating systems supported in this patch.Usage NotesSSL Client Authentication After Patch InstallationIf you have configured SSL Client Authentication prior to applying this patch,and if you used keytoolgui to generate keypairs and certificates,then you must regenerate them after applying the patch and before restarting services.Enable iframe of Command Center PagesTo allow iframing of Command Center pages,you can add the following optional setting in entries are a comma separated list of the elements that could be of one of the following two forms:l origin(for example,https://)l key:::originIn this example,the key is any string uniquely identifying the origin within the comma-separated list.For the definition of origins,see /html/rfc6454.Below is an example of""containing several entries.The first entry is origin,while the second is key-value,microsoft:::https://Third party applications that need to iframe Command Center pages should add the parameter"origin" to URLs pointing to Command Center page and use that parameter to specify their origin.For example: https://host:8443/www/ui-phoenix/com.arcsight.phoenix.PhoenixLauncher/?origin=microsoft#loginIn that parameter the origin could be specified directly(https://)or with help of the key (microsoft)from the above ESM configuration setting.ESM uses"origin"parameter from HTTP request to lookup an entry in""setting.If there is matching entry,then iframing is allowed for configured origin.If origin is specified in the HTTP request,but is not presented in"",the request will fail with the exception"Not allowed request".HTTP requests without"origin"parameter are handled by ESM the same way as before,so there are no changes for regular Command Center sessions.Here iframing is not allowed to prevent clickjacking vulnerability:https:///index.php/Clickjacking_Defense_Cheat_SheetThe implementation requires enabling cookies in the browser.It might also be needed to login to Command Center without iframing from the browser once.Opening Command Center directly creates browser's cookie for the target host.By default,the cookies for iframed pages are not created. Nested Storage GroupsWhen creating a storage group in the ArcSight Command Center,do not nest this new group under an existing group:this means the archiving path of one group must not be under the archiving path of another group.Nesting storage groups increases the archive space utilization for that group.For information about storage and archiving,refer to the ArcSight Command Center User's Guide. Preserving Reference Pages InformationThis information applies to tiered ESM architectures where the network model would be similar across ESM installations,and would therefore have the same networks and zones.When you are forwarding events from a source to a destination in this type of architecture,the Reference Pages information(a resource group attribute)would be the same in the source and in the destination.If the Reference Pages information for a given resource group is not found in the destination,make sure the Network attribute of the forwarding connector is set.Then make sure the specified network belongs to a zone.It is important that your network model is defined correctly,and that connector configurations have the correct Network setting.This connector setting applies to all connectors being used,including Forwarding Connector.Authentication Between IE11and PKCS#1TokenWhen using Internet Explorer11with ActivClient middleware and a PKCS#11token,an error is displayed: This page can't be displayedThis prevents the user from logging into ArcSight Command Center.if there are problems with the PIN dialog to log into the card in some client(Firefox,IE,Chrome, ArcSight Console),try another client.Once the card is successfully authenticated through that client, the middleware(for example ActivClient)might skip card authentication,when you repeat PKCS#11 login from the original client.Corrections to the High Availability Module User's Guide Corrections are needed on pages20and21of the ESM High Availability Module User's Guide for ESM 6.9.1.The topic applies to ESM Appliance used in high availability configurations.Uninstalling the Console Patch on the MacWhen uninstalling the Console Patch on the Mac,if the actual uninstaller binary located in<CONSOLE_ HOME>/current/UninstallerData_6.9.1.2is used to invoke the uninstall process,then the UninstallerData_6.9.1.2directory is left behind after the process finishes.Workaround:Use the symbolic link created when the Patch was installed to invoke the Console Patch Uninstaller on the Mac,instead of the binary directly.Or delete the ArcSight Console’s UninstallerData_6.9.1.2 directory.After deleting,you can re-install the ArcSight Console ESM patch.Section508ComplianceArcSight recognizes the importance of accessibility as a product initiative.To that end,ArcSight continues to make advances in the area of accessibility in its product lines. Geographical Information UpdateThis version of ESM includes an update to the geographical information used in graphic displays.The version is GeoIP-532_20160901.Vulnerability UpdatesThis release includes recent vulnerability mappings from the September2016Context Update.Installing ESM Version6.9.1c Patch2You can install this patch release using the platform-specific component executable files provided. Patch installers are available for all supported platforms.Each component has install and uninstall steps.Verifying the Downloaded Installation SoftwareHPE provides a digital public key to enable you to verify that the signed software you received is indeed from HPE and has not been manipulated in any way by a third party.Visit the following site for information and instructions:https:///portal/swdepot/ eSigningArcSight ESM Main Component SuiteThis section describes how to install or uninstall the ESM6.9.1c Patch2for all the main components except the ArcSight Console.These components include the Manager and the CORR-Engine.To Install the Patch1.Download the patch from the HPE Software Support Online site().ArcSightESMSuitePatch-XXXX.tar...where XXXX represents the suite build number.Be sure to verify the patch file;see"Verifying the Downloaded Installation Software"on theprevious page.2.As user arcsight,extract the tar file.3.Stop the ArcSight services as user arcsight:/etc/init.d/arcsight_services stop all4.Back up the ArcSight directory,/opt/arcsight,by making a copy.Place the copy in a readilyaccessible location.This is a precautionary measure so you can restore the system to the original state,if necessary.5.If you have High Availability configured,run the following command on the secondary server asuser root to put the server in standby mode:crm_standby-v true6.From the directory where you extracted the tar file,run the patch installer as user arcsight:./ArcSightESMSuitePatch.binTo install in Console mode,run the following command from the shell prompt and then follow the instructions in the window:./ArcSightESMSuitePatch.bin-i console7.Read through the license agreement and accept it at the end.In GUI mode,the acceptance radiobutton is disabled until you scroll to the bottom of the agreement.In console mode,press theEnter key until you have paged through to the end of the license agreement.8.Select a location for the uninstaller link,if you want to have a shortcut to the uninstaller in someother location.You must have write permission to the specified folder.9.Check the pre-installation summary to verify that all the locations listed are correct and that youhave enough disk space to install this patch.10.Press Enter to start the installation.11.When the installation is complete press Enter to Exit.12.Start the ArcSight services as user arcsight:/etc/init.d/arcsight_services start all13.If you have High Availability configured,run the following command on the secondary server asuser root to bring the server online:crm_standby-DTo Uninstall the PatchIf needed,use the procedure below to uninstall this patch installation and restore the system to the pre-patched state.1.Stop the ArcSight services as user arcsight:/etc/init.d/arcsight_services stop all2.If you have High Availability configured,run the following command on the secondary server asuser root to put the server in standby mode:crm_standby-v true3.As user arcsight,run the uninstaller program from either the directory where you created the linkwhile installing the product or,if you had opted not to create a link,then run this from the/opt/arcsight/suitepatch_6.9.1.2/UninstallerData_6.9.1.2directory:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Suite_PatchAlternatively,you can run the following command from the/home/arcsight(or wherever youinstalled the shortcut link)directory:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Suite_Patch_6.9.1.2Or,to uninstall using Console mode,run:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Suite_Patch_6.9.1.2-i consoleRun the uninstaller in the same mode in which you ran the installer(GUI or Console mode).4.When the installation is complete press Enter to Exit.5.Start the ArcSight services as user arcsight:/etc/init.d/arcsight_services start all6.If you have High Availability configured,run the following command on the secondary server asuser root to bring the server online:crm_standby-DArcSight ConsoleThis section describes how to install or uninstall the ESM6.9.1c Patch2for ArcSight Console on Windows,Mac,and Linux platforms.To Install the Patch1.Exit the ArcSight Console.2.Back up the Console directory(for example,/home/arcsight/console/current)by making acopy.Place the copy in a readily accessible location.This is a precautionary measure so you can restore the original state,if necessary.3.Download the executable file specific to your platform from the HPE Software Support Online site().YYYY.Y represents the Console build number.l Patch-6.9.1.YYYY.Y-Console-Win.exel Patch-6.9.1.YYYY.Y-Console-Linux.binl Patch-6.9.1.YYYY.Y-Console-MacOSX.zipBe sure to verify the patch file;see"Verifying the Downloaded Installation Software"on page 9.For the Mac,see"To Install the Patch on a Mac"on the next page.4.Run one of the following executables specific to your platform:l On Windows:Double-click Patch-6.9.1.YYYY.Y-Console-Win.exel On Linux:Verify that you are logged in as user arcsight,and then run the following command:./Patch-6.9.1.YYYY.Y-Console-Linux.binTo install in Console mode,run the following command from the shell prompt and then follow the instructions in the window:./Patch-6.9.1.YYYY.Y-Console-Linux.bin-i consoleThe installer launches the Introduction window.5.Read the instructions provided and Press Enter.6.Accept the terms of the license agreement and press Enter.In GUI mode the acceptance radiobutton is disabled until you scroll to the bottom of the agreement.In Console mode,press Enter until you have read every page,and then Press Enter to accept the agreement.7.Select the location of your existing<ARCSIGHT_HOME>directory for your Console installation bytyping the appropriate choice and pressing EnterIf you want to restore the installer-provided default location,select Restore Default Folder.8.Press Enter to continue.9.Select a Link Location(on Linux)or Shortcut location(on Windows)by clicking the appropriateradio button and Press Enter or click Next.10.Check the pre-installation summary to verify that all the locations listed are correct and that youhave enough disk space to install this patch.11.Press Enter to start the installation.12.When the installation is complete,press Enter to exit..To Install the Patch on a MacThe patch installer download and run procedure is slightly different on the Mac than on the other supported platforms.1.Exit the ArcSight Console.2.Back up the Console directory(for example,/home/arcsight/console/current)by making acopy.Place the copy in a readily accessible location.This is just a precautionary measure so you can restore the original state,if necessary.3.Download the file to anywhere on your system.Be sure to verify the patch file;see"Verifying the Downloaded Installation Software"on page 9.unch the patch installer by double-clicking the ArcSightConsolePatch file.5.Follow the steps on the patch install wizard,providing the information as prompted:l Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.The acceptance radio button isdisabled until you scroll to the bottom of the agreement.l Choose the location where you want to install the patch.Browse to<ARCSIGHT_HOME>,where your previous Console was installed.l Choose an alias location for the Console application(or opt to not use aliases).This is the same asa link location on UNIX systems or shortcut location on Windows systems.6.Click Next.7.Verify your settings and click Install.To Uninstall the PatchIf needed,use the procedure below to uninstall this patch installation.1.Exit the ArcSight Console.2.Run the uninstaller program:On Windows:l Double-click the icon you created for the uninstaller when installing the Console.For example,if you created an uninstaller icon on your desktop,double-click that icon.l If you created a link in the Start menu,click:Start>All Programs>ArcSight ESM Console6.9.1c Patch2>Uninstall ArcSight ESM Console6.9.1c Patch2l Or,run the following from the Console’s<ARCSIGHT_HOME>\current\UninstallerData_6.9.1.2directory:Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch.exel On Windows8.1,run the following from the Console's<ARCSIGHT_HOME>\current\UninstallerData_6.9.1.2directory:Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch.exeOn Linux:l From the directory where you created the link when installing the Console(your home directory or some other location),run:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch_6.9.1.2l Or,to uninstall using Console mode,run:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch_6.9.1.2-i consolel If you did not create a link,execute the command from the Console’s<ARCSIGHT_HOME>/current/UninstallerData_6.9.1.2directory:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patchl Or,to uninstall using Console mode,run:./Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch-i consoleOn a Mac:l From the directory where you created the link when installing the Console,run:Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch_6.9.1.2l From the Console’s<ARCSIGHT_HOME>/current/UninstallerData_6.9.1.2directory,run: Uninstall_ArcSight_ESM_Console_Patch3.Click Done on the Uninstall Complete screen.Fixed IssuesThe following issues are fixed in this release.•Analytics16•ArcSight Console16•ArcSight Manager17•CORR-Engine17•Command Center17•General18 AnalyticsArcSight ConsoleArcSight ManagerCORR-EngineCommand CenterGeneralOpen IssuesThe following issue is open in this release.Open and Closed Issues in ESM6.9.1c Patch1For information about open and closed issues for ESM6.9.1c Patch1,see the release notes for that release.Send Documentation FeedbackIf you have comments about this document,you can contact the documentation team by email.If an email client is configured on this system,click the link above and an email window opens with the following information in the subject line:Feedback on Release Notes(ESM6.9.1c Patch2)Just add your feedback to the email and click send.If no email client is available,copy the information above to a new message in a web mail client,and send your feedback 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摘 要:通过对 6 块玻璃自爆残片的电镜观察和成分分析,发现并证明了引起钢化玻璃自爆的主要原因不仅仅是传统认识中的硫化镍(NiS)微粒,很 多情况是由单质硅微粒引起的。进一步对单质硅微粒引起自爆的力学机理进行了分析和有限元模拟。结果显示:由于单质硅微粒周边玻璃的切向应力 过大从而引起局部拉伸破坏并导致整体破裂,降温过程可以使这种应力增加并加大破裂危险。
Abstract: It has been discovered and demonstrated, via scanning electron microscope examination on 6 samples of broken glasses, that one important cause for the spontaneous breakage in tempered glass occurs as a result of the single-phase polycrystalline silicon particles, rather than simply the nickel sulfide (NiS) particles that are commonly recognized to be the main cause for the spontaneous breakage. The mechanism of the spontaneous breakage resulting from these silicon particles was analyzed by using the finite element method. The calculation indicates that the crack initiation and extension on a whole glass sample is imputed to the tensile tangent stress in the glass near the silicon particle. The risk of spontaneous breakage, as caused by silicon particles in a heat-treated glass, might increase with a decreasing temperature.
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The Release Matrix for Component-Based SoftwareLouis J. M. TabordaMacquarie Graduate School of Management,Macquarie University, NSW 2109, AustraliaLouis.Taborda @ Abstract.The challenge of managing the development and evolution ofcomplex, component-based software is increasingly being recognized as thedevelopment of such systems becomes more common. This paper attempts tounderstand the relevance of current management best practices by utilizing asimple meta-model to illustrate the impact that architectural complexity andreusable components have on management patterns. The model serves as aheuristic device and supports the view that products based on a framework ofreusable software components pose new challenges and have to be managedsimultaneously at a number of different levels. This provides a rationale for theRelease Matrix, a generalization of a software release plan, previously proposedas a technique for managing software product lines. The Release Matrix haspractical applications for tracking the evolution of complex component-basedsystems and is shown via the model to be a natural consequence of increasedarchitectural complexity and component reuse. This paper has relevance fordevelopers seeking simple techniques to help them manage challengingcomponent-based programs, as well as researchers interested in the conceptualbasis and limits of current management practices.1 IntroductionSoftware intensive systems continue to grow in complexity and while component-based architectures provide benefits in terms of productivity and quality; they also represent a growing management challenge. Beyond traditional software development expertise necessary to assure component quality, component-based development (CBD) must address new challenges including component selection, reuse, assembly, as well as the integration testing and evolution of a configuration of inter-dependent components [1]. These challenges are markedly different from one-off systems development and new methods, and techniques are needed to tackle the management of such componentized systems [2, 3, 4].A significant benefit offered by CBD is the potential to reuse components across a number of products (alternatively, applications or systems depending upon the terminology preferred). CBD methods, like their object-oriented predecessors, encourage the design of components for future reuse and means of easily identifying and utilizing these components in the construction of software systems is an area of© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights research [3, 5]. This body of work increasingly recognizes that the success of CBD and product line architectures (PLA) are intimately connected to the management of a configuration [4, 5, 6], and hence renewed interest in the discipline of Configuration Management (CM) applied at an architectural or coarse-grained, component or sub-systems level [7, 8] rather than at the software source level. The emphasis of this paper is on the management of configurations of such coarse-grained components that may subsequently be decomposed into the lower level entities that can be queried for more detailed management information.In systems development programs, exemplified by early military and aerospace initiatives, a complex system is typically decomposed into sub-systems in a manner that has a close, but imperfect correspondence with CBD where decomposition is not the only means of identifying components. In that domain, the Systems Engineering discipline [9] ensures that the sub-systems integrate into the desired system. For all the formalism that supports such systems development programs, managing CBD can be shown to be inherently more complex. This is due to the fact that, as well as the system integration and program coordination challenges of complex systems development, the reuse of components adds a new level of management complexity. One where there is not a single customer to be satisfied, and thus the demands of the separate products reusing the component has to be juggled.Traditional project management (PM) techniques, such as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), the Critical Path Method (CPM), the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Gantt charts, were not conceived to address the significant interdependencies that often make planning a product development in isolation irrelevant. The release of a product is therefore no longer a single, isolated event but rather one that involves careful choreography of a series of smaller, “fractal” component releases. Providing accurate and reliable program status in such environments is extremely difficult, often causing management to become intractable and reactive.While many CBD practitioners routinely have to grapple with these issues in the workplace, there are few management techniques available to guide their activities. This research has been motivated by such real-world conditions where the effectiveness of current management best practices may appear inadequate. In exploring practical new techniques more suited to these conditions, the meta-model presented in this paper was found valuable for describing the conditions that gave rise to “classical” management best practices and illustrating why the adoption of CBD and systematic reuse necessitates new paradigms to address this new level of complexity.The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the meta-model to study the effects of product complexity on management patterns. Section 3 investigates the relevance of the most complex pattern and its realization in modern CBD and product lines. Section 4 describes the Release Matrix and shows it to be the natural result of the interdependencies between products and components© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved. with practical applications. Section 5 concludes by reviewing the future direction of the research, as well as discussing current limitations and the validation of the model in the real world.2 Modeling Product ComplexityIn an effort to arrive at new insights into CBD, it is instructive to go back to fundamentals and review the management patterns that apply to the development of increasingly complex products. A simple meta-model acts as a heuristic device to investigate the effect of growing architectural complexity and to understand the appropriateness of different management techniques. The model itself was motivated by a desire to understand the challenges of complex software development and offers a rationale for the previously proposed Release Matrix [10]. Fig. 1. Four stages of increasing development complexity 11 Entity-relationship notation is used to illustrate the model as standard data-modeling techniques can be applied to normalize the many-to-many relationship.PRODUCT COMPONENTa) One-to-one relationship1 1 PRODUCT COMPONENTb) One-to-many relationshipn 1 PRODUCT COMPONENTc) Many-to-one relationship1 m PRODUCT COMPONENTd) Many-to-many relationshipn m2.1. Monolithic ArchitectureWe start by considering the simplest architecture (Fig. 1a) where the one-to-one correspondence between a product and component represents the development of a monolithic software system. In such a simple scenario there is little need to distinguish between the terms product and component (better called the architecture) since they are one and the same.This stage represents the earliest development paradigm when the focus of all effort is a tightly coupled architecture that has only to meet the needs of a single product. As such, it offers a textbook example of early development where PM techniques would ably support the planning and tracking of activities. A single development organization is likely to have been responsible for the release of the complete product, requiring little packaging given its monolithic nature, and using CM to provide the baseline control for the delivered product.2.2. Product DecompositionAs systems grew in complexity, the natural response was to apply the “divide and conquer” maxim to decompose the product into sub-systems or components. This results in the one-to-many relationship between products and components (Fig. 1b). Irrespective of how the decomposition of the system is achieved (whether by top-down structured methods or object-oriented techniques such as domain engineering) they have the effect of “breaking-down” the monolithic architectures of the past and enabling different components to be developed separately.Under these conditions, the organization of the work would usually follow the architectural boundaries (which might also represent different skill-sets) so that the individual components could be developed and managed as separate (sub) projects. While these are useful devices to manage complexity, the trade-off is that the separate component development schedules now have to be coordinated so that they can be integrated into the required product. As customer requirements would in general span or be allocated to the different components, achieving a product release necessitated the coordinate of the separate component releases. This requires significant management coordination that was often possible because the component teams were dedicated (if not contractually bound) to the product’s release schedule. In particular, aligning the separate component release schedules is essential to integrate, test and deliver the final product, but achieving this and tracking the progress of the program can be problematic. Thus, it is common for the program to be under the control of a system integrator (or prime contractor in military programs) responsible for the product or system integration, while the components that are not commercial off the shelf (COTS) are developed autonomously by teams that can be in-house, remote, sub-contracted or out-sourced.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.System Engineering techniques help address these challenges by ensuring that the separate components are specified and designed to be consistent with the overall system concept and that the customer requirements are traceable across these components. CM must provide the baseline controls to ensure that the different component releases are clearly identified and made available for integration and testing at the product level.This pattern is manifest in a number of different real-world contexts including military development, CBD, PLAs and all manner of information systems (IS) development. While the nature of the components and their granularity may vary, the management pattern remains consistent and relevant.2.3. Reusable ComponentsThe potential to reuse or separately market software capability is at the heart of CBD principles. The aim is to identify and isolate such capabilities so they can be managed as separate components that may be reused by multiple products or applications (Fig. 1c). Increased complexity only serves to drive specialization, making it more likely that critical components will mature into reusable components or sub-systems. Indeed, domain engineering attempts to identify such components early so that a shared framework of reusable components and services exists for products.There is a spectrum of possible reuse, and COTS products could be seen as the extreme case that best represents this pattern. Here potentially numerous customers have to be supported and, depending upon the maturity of the component/product, this could entail maintenance patches and potential development activity. The level of “shrink-wrap” that the product has achieved will determine the degree of direct influence a customer will have on the component’s evolution or direction. COTS vendors would always hope to be responsive to market needs but reusable components developed in-house as part of (say) a domain engineering effort, can expect a different level of feedback and demand for responsiveness from its customers. The close interaction and greater flexibility afforded by in-house reuse efforts represents the other extreme of the reuse spectrum, often characterized by iterative development and short release cycles.Irrespective of the environment, a decision by a product group to reuse a common component represents a significant change in the balance of power within a program. The fact that there are multiple customers for a reusable component means that it is elevated beyond the control of any single product group and now must act as a separately managed entity responsible for its own destiny. Thus, the reused component (and its development group) must introduce mechanisms for the collection, prioritization and conflict resolution across its different customers. The release© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.planning and scheduling can become fractious as they directly affect the product plans and capabilities. No single product can dictate the reused component’s evolution or release plan as they have to satisfy the demands of several product markets concurrently, or its reusability (or market) is threatened. The products that use a common component must therefore share influence and must negotiate with the component team to achieve an acceptable component release plan.A product’s loss of control has to be traded-off against the benefits of utilizing a reusable component that can include shared development and maintenance costs, improvements in quality, the shrinking of schedules and the reduction of risk. Each product group must carefully weigh these considerations before making the decision of whether to utilize a reusable component. In the case of a COTS component, this corresponds to the classic build vs. buy decision; whereas for in-house components this relates to the decision to identify reusable components instead of recreating software capabilities.2.4. Concurrent and Systematic ReuseThe ultimate challenge in our study of increasing product complexity is the many-to-many relationship between products and components (Fig. 1d). This represents the concurrent demands of multiple products impacting a configuration of reusable components; exemplified by domain engineering or product line architectures. The critical differentiator between this relationship and the “simpler” product decomposition pattern is that every reuse of a common component creates an implicit coupling between two products using it. What were independent products can now have their plans and schedules intertwined as a result of decisions made regarding the reusable components they share. This situation is illustrated in the Release Planning scenario described later in this paper.Such a highly interdependent environment creates a challenge for all stakeholders in the enterprise. As described before, each product can place competing and potentially conflicting demands upon the reused components. Component development teams have to plan releases as best they can and also balance the priorities across the different products they serve. Product managers, on the other hand, may have requirements that necessitate modification to multiple components and so have to negotiate with each of these groups to ensure that they can meet the product schedule. As new agreements are reached, however, they have to be reviewed and approved by the other product and component stakeholder groups that may be affected.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved. Fig. 2. Products use and reuse of componentsThe interdependencies inherent in this pattern can therefore be seen to be somewhat outside the realm of traditional management disciplines. PM and CM techniques cannot be assumed to be applicable under these conditions which are significantly different to those they were designed to address. Specifically, planning cannot be conducted for any single component or product in isolation. Attempting to arbitrarily favor one stakeholder over another can make reuse unsustainable and subject to the observed tensions [11]. Instead, an acceptable master plan for the entire enterprise has to be negotiated that meets the enterprise’s business objectives and encompasses the individual plans for the component and product groups. With this level of interdependency, no single product or component can plan its release schedule in isolation. The multiplicity of conflicting demands and priorities can only be resolved at the business, or enterprise level. All stakeholders in the many-to-many relationship have to be represented and involved in the release planning process and must accept any compromises necessary as a result of agreed business priorities. A necessary feature of this planning is that it has to be done holistically, so that a master plan for the enterprise is developed with each individual stakeholder’s plan synchronized and compatible with the whole. Achieving this, however, is no simple task. Too often in such complex environments it can be expected that releases will address the needs of the most dominant group or individual rather than the business priorities. Products Component Architecture3 Implications of Product ComplexityThe last stage of the model described is the most general case and encompasses all previous “stages of evolution” of software architectures. Stepping through the different stages of this heuristic device can be viewed as an historical tour of the increasing architectural complexity and its associated management patterns. The research question that this poses is: How does reality fit the model? This topic is one that is worthy of further investigation, however, the fact is that current system complexity can be shown to have reached the most complex level in the model – without the benefit of correspondingly sophisticated management techniques.3.1. Pattern Recognition in PLAsThe many-to-many relationship between products and components in complex software architecture are illustrated in Fig. 2. Such a relationship is readily recognizable in PLAs [3, 10] and it has been proposed that it be elevated to the status of a management pattern. This has been termed the “Marketplace Pattern” [10] in recognition of the number of potential stakeholders that could contribute to a PLA, both internal and external, to an organization.While further research is necessary to determine the prevalence of the Marketplace Pattern outside of PLAs (and its wider acceptance within the PLA community), there are a number of scenarios where it can be observed in practice. To recognize these we have to identify situations where the following two, necessary conditions are satisfied:(i) A configuration of (partially) reusable components or sub-systems exists orwill be brought into existence; and,(ii) There are multiple products (or more generally, customers) that make concurrent demands impacting this configuration.The above criteria suggest that the pattern may be identified in many complex software development environments. The increasing utilization of COTS products or components [12], such as the middleware necessary in modern CDB technologies like the .NET and Java platforms, makes this management pattern almost unavoidable. Similarly, the systematic reuse inherent in domain engineering and the resulting software frameworks can be expected to be subject to such a pattern, along with the general category of business IS architectures.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.3.2. Related Management TechniquesModern software architectures have been shown to be susceptible to the highest levels of complexity described by the heuristic model introduced in this paper. The consequence of this complexity is that it creates a challenge that, it is argued, can exceed the capabilities of traditional management disciplines like PM and CM when applied in isolation.The study of the growing complexity the model allows suggests that more integrated approaches to managing these highly complex situations is required. These approaches must extend the “classic” single-product, single-project disciplines so that they address the growing interdependencies that characterize modern systems architectures. PM and CM need to play multi-dimensional roles in enterprises employing large-scale component reuse, and need to be applied concurrently, both at the original, single-product level they were designed for, as well as at the enterprise level.It is increasingly recognized that the CM problem in CBD and PLA environments significantly increase [5, 7, 13], and that common CM techniques are often inadequate or have to be “stretched” to tackle the different levels at which the challenges manifest. Similarly, there have been calls for new paradigms in PM to address increasing complexity [14] and simultaneity [15] of projects. This, and the increasing interest in Agile Methods [16] that question traditional plan-driven development approaches, indicate a growing dissatisfaction with the adequacy of the classical management techniques.Yet the situations where these disciplines fall short relate to relatively common everyday scenarios for CDB practitioners. Even minor changes to a component-based architecture can, because of reuse, impact the plans of numerous related products – and even seemingly unrelated components. The simple example below highlights this situation and indicates the need for the entire enterprise (comprising products and components) to be managed as a configuration itself so that any changes can be analyzed holistically and their ramifications understood and anticipated.3.3. Release Planning ScenarioAs a real-world example of the inter-dependencies that have to be addressed, consider this simple scenario. A Billing System has a high-priority requirement to support a more elaborate bill-print format that displays a variable customer greeting. Achieving this capability might require coordinated changes to (say) the display, storage and print-manager components. Changing just one component alone is inadequate since all three capabilities (and so components) have to be released together to achieve the desired business result.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.Add to this scenario the fact that the display and print-manager components are reused by another product that has a low priority request to support a new output device. It becomes evident that whenever there is reuse there arises the possibility of conflicting priorities that have to be managed. Thus the question: with limited resources, which requirement should the print-manager component team work on first? Irrespective of the apparent urgency, it may be that longer timescales for changing the display and storage components make it pointless for the print-manager component team to schedule the corresponding formatting changes with the same priority. In that case the smarter thing for the team to do would be to work on support of the new output device first. After that task is completed, then the formatting changes can be implemented, still allowing the synchronized release of the new bill-print format at the earliest possible time.Juggling the priorities and balancing the competing concerns across products and components is what release planning in a product line environment is primarily about. To manage limited resources optimally requires the ability to easily recognize and adjust for the inter-dependencies between the change activities and the components that they affect.4 Holistic ManagementThe previous scenario highlights the fact that a web of dependencies, not always recognized or managed, joins all products based upon a shared software framework. Management of these relationships has been shown to be a difficult exercise that can lead to problems [17]. The argument has been made that dependencies in software need to be separately managed [18], and the explicit recording of the component relationships is a key requirement of software release management [7]. But component releases must also be kept consistent so that changes do not render them incompatible with each other. This requires that release planning and management take place holistically, at the enterprise-level, taking into consideration the entire architecture and all the product and component stakeholders involved.The challenge of managing complex, product-line architectures both at the individual component or product level as well as at the enterprise-level, gave rise to the concept of a Release Matrix that has been introduced as the multi-dimensional generalization of traditional release plans [10] and is summarized below.4.1. The Release MatrixIn situations where concurrent product development is based upon a reusable, component-based framework, there are two distinct, orthogonal management views that can be taken of development – the first based on the products and the second based on the components. A matrix representation has been proposed to capture these© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved.© Louis J. M. Taborda, 2004. All rights reserved. two viewpoints, thus explicitly identifying the product and component stakeholders so that their perspectives and interdependencies can be clarified. These matrices can be seen to be a manifestation of the most general, many-to-many case of the meta-model described, and as such, provide an organizing principle to help consider different facets of a complex software program. The matrices offer the ability to record relevant, lifecycle information in their cells, while capturing the relationships that information has with other members of the ecosystem. This traceability provides a context that can support the incremental planning and evolution of the component-based architecture by early identification of the possible impacts of a change. In particular, the Release Matrix has been proposed as a means of planning and tracking the evolution of the system architecture over time. As shown in Fig. 3, the Release Matrix records the components (x-axis) and the products (y-axis) that use these components, integrating them into the market offering. The matrix can be seen to correspond to the relationships shown in Fig. 2 where the existence of a relationship between a product (P i ) and component (C j ) results in an entry in the intersecting cell (r ij ). When no relationship exists between a product and component there is a zero or null entry in the corresponding cell. The content of the cells of a Release Matrix can be simply regarded as the scheduled dates of the set of dependent releases, however a family of similar matrices can be employed to record different lifecycle data depending upon the utilization of the matrix. For example, in order to derive and coordinate the release schedules for all products and components, a separate matrix can be used to record the product requirements that have been allocated to the different components. With reference to the release planning scenario previously described, the P2 row could represent the bill-print project where C2, C3 and C4 would be the display, storage and print-management components.Fig. 3. The Release Matrix consolidates the product and component perspectives The multiplicity of releases that are a feature of CBD environments can benefit from the clarification offered by the Release Matrix. It provides a succinct and explicit means of recording the dependencies between products and components, whileComponent Releases Product Releases。