2011 The Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein Affects Coronavirus RNA Accumulation Levels




PKM2促进癌细胞生长是通过减慢糖酵解使碳水化合物代谢产物进入其他次要途径,包括己糖胺途径,二磷酸尿苷(UDP)葡萄糖合成,甘油合成和PPP,PPP产生的大分子前体,有助于细胞增殖和还原物如NADPH的减少。随后的研究证实,表达PKM2的肺癌细胞比表达PKM1的细胞致癌性更大。通过调节外显子剪接可以使PKM2相对于PKM1优先表达。PK的mRNA剪接后包含外显子9翻译所得PKM1亚型,而包含外显子10的mRNA则会翻译得PKM2。MYC基因会上调核不均一核糖核蛋白(heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein,hnRNPs)它与PK mRNA的外显子9相结合导致mRNA中包含外显子10,从而主要表达PKM2。通过促进PKM2表达,MYC产生更多的NADPH,与ATP的增加相同步,并满足不断增殖的辅助需求。在临床上,PKM2高表达于各种癌症类型患者的样品中,从而发现PKM2可能对于早期检测癌症的是个有用的生物标志物。由此可见,进一步研究PKM2在癌症中的普遍性以及PKM2在肿瘤发生中的作用意义重大。
Abstract:Pyruvate kinase(Pyruvate Kinase,PK)is the key enzyme which catalyzes the last step of glycolysis and plays a vital role in the metabolism and growth of tumor cells.It includes four isoenzymes in the human body:type L,type R,type M1 and type M2.Type M2(PKM2)specifically and highly express in embryonic cells and adult stem cells.Protein post-translational modification plays a key role in the maintenance of protein function,regulating signal pathway,as well as in a number of important processes of cells.Pyruvate kinase activity of PKM2 is regulated by the external environment and the regulation of protein post-translational modifications.Totally,17 phosphorylated sites,10 acetylated sites,and 1 methylated sites on PKM2 have been identified by immunoprecipitation,gel digestion and LC-MS.It lays a good foundation for the further study of cross-talk of these modifications.


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中国医药工业杂志 Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals 2011, 42(3)
头孢妥仑匹酯中有关物质的 LC-MSn 分析
王 允,孙长山,王 洁,刘有平,邸 欣*
(沈阳药科大学药学院,辽宁沈阳 110016) 摘要 : 采用 LC-MSn 法定性分析头孢妥仑匹酯中的有关物质。用 C18 色谱柱,以乙腈 - 甲醇 ( 1 ︰ 1) 与 5 mmol/L 甲酸铵 缓冲液 (pH 6.0) 为流动相进行梯度洗脱 ; 在电喷雾离子源、正离子化方式下,对所得色谱峰进行一级和二级全扫描质谱 分析,初步推测了 7 种有关物质的化学结构。 关键词:头孢妥仑匹酯;有关物质;液相色谱-离子阱质谱法;测定 中图分类号:R917 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8255(2011)03-0206-06
ABSTRACT: A LC-MSn method was established for qualitative analysis of related substances in cefditoren pivoxil. A C18 column was used with acetonitrile-methanol (1︰1) and 5 mmol/L ammonium formate solution (pH 6.0) as the mobile phase for gradient elution. Mass spectrometric detection was achieved by an ion-trap mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray ionization interface working in positive ionization mode. The structures of seven related substances were tentatively postulated based on the full-scan MS and MS2 spectra of the HPLC peaks. Key Words: cefditoren pivoxil; related substance; LC-MSn; determination



Vol.33高等学校化学学报No.82012年8月 CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES 1733~1737抗肿瘤药物卡培他滨的合成新方法赵明礼,赵玉涛,张 召,高 洁,屈 文,徐锦梅,刘宏民(郑州大学药学院,新药研究开发中心,郑州450001)摘要 研究了抗肿瘤药物卡培他滨的合成新方法.该方法以廉价的D ⁃木糖为原料制得重要中间体1,2,3⁃三⁃O ⁃乙酰基⁃5⁃脱氧⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖(5),化合物5再与5⁃F 胞嘧啶进行Vorbrueggen 反应,然后经酰胺化,脱除乙酰基得到卡培他滨,合成总收率为29.8%.该方法的关键步骤是化合物3的3⁃OH 构型翻转和5⁃对甲苯磺酰氧基基团(5⁃OTs)的还原脱除㊂结果表明,该方法原料廉价易得㊁反应条件温和㊁操作简单㊁收率良好且产物易于分离纯化,适合大规模制备.关键词 卡培他滨;D ⁃木糖;抗肿瘤药物中图分类号 O626.4 文献标识码 A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.0251⁃0790.2012.08.019收稿日期:2011⁃11⁃07.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:81172937)资助.联系人简介:刘宏民,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事药物分子的设计合成研究.E⁃mail:liuhm@卡培他滨是5⁃F 尿嘧啶的前药.口服给药后,卡培他滨在胃肠道内以原形药物被吸收,随后在肝脏和肿瘤细胞内经过多种酶促反应,最终在肿瘤细胞内经胸苷磷酸化酶的作用转化为5⁃F 尿嘧啶核苷酸[1].因胃肠道内无5⁃F 尿嘧啶释放,从而减少了典型的5⁃F 尿嘧啶诱导的胃肠道毒性反应.同时,由于肿瘤组织细胞中存在较多的胸苷磷酸化酶,所以卡培他滨对肿瘤细胞具有选择性的细胞毒性[2].卡培他滨作为最新的氟化嘧啶药物,不仅具备特异的靶向性,而且对氟化嘧啶和其它化疗药物耐药的肿瘤仍然有效.在临床上卡培他滨主要用于治疗晚期乳腺癌㊁结/直肠癌,后又被批准治疗晚期胃癌.另外,卡培他滨可口服,副作用小,多数患者不必住院治疗,大大降低了治疗费用[3].2008年,卡培他滨销售额达到11.4亿美元.因此,降低生产成本一直是国内外关注的热点.文献[4~8]报道的合成方法大部分以1,2,3⁃三⁃O ⁃乙酰基⁃5⁃脱氧⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖(5)为中间体制备卡培他滨.目前,中间体5的制备主要有2种方法:(1)以核糖为起始原料,首先制备1⁃甲基⁃2,3⁃O ⁃异亚丙基⁃5⁃O ⁃对甲苯磺酰基⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖,然后用硼氢化钠还原得到1⁃甲基⁃2,3⁃O ⁃异亚丙基⁃5⁃脱氧⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖[4,5,9],再经过水解和酰化得到中间体5;(2)以核糖为起始原料,首先制备1⁃甲基⁃2,3⁃O ⁃异亚丙基⁃5⁃碘⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖,然后以Pd /C 为催化剂,加氢还原得到1⁃甲基⁃2,3⁃O ⁃异亚丙基⁃5⁃脱氧⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖[8,10],再经过水解和酰化得到中间体5.这2种方法均以核糖为起始原料,核糖价格比木糖昂贵,并且第2种方法需要使用Pd /C 催化剂和氢化设备,不利于工业生产.本文在参考以上方法的基础上,设计出一条更加实用的合成路线.首先以廉价易得的D ⁃木糖为原料制备化合物3[11,12],然后将化合物3的3⁃OH 构型翻转[13]并用硼氢化钠还原脱去OTs 基团得到化合物4,再经稀硫酸水解,乙酰化制得重要中间体5,进一步得到卡培他滨(7).该合成路线所用原料和试剂廉价易得,各步反应产率均较高,产物易于结晶纯化,生产时不需要催化氢化设备,易于工业化生产.1 实验部分1.1 试剂与仪器所用试剂均为国产市售分析纯,无水溶剂按标准方法纯化处理.X⁃5型精密显微熔点测定仪(北京富凯仪器有限公司);Perkin Elmer FTIR 1710型红外光谱检测仪4371高等学校化学学报 Vol.33 (KBr压片);Bruker DPX⁃400型超导核磁共振仪;Waters Q⁃Tof micro TM型质谱仪,CH3OH作溶剂;比旋光度用Perkin Elmer341型旋光仪在25℃下测定.1.2 实验过程目标化合物的合成路线见Scheme 1.Scheme1 Synthetic routes of capecitabine1.2.1 化合物2的制备 参考文献[11]方法,由木糖(100.0g,0.67mol)制得化合物2的粗品113.4 g,收率89.5%.1.2.2 化合物3的制备 参考文献[12]方法并加以改进,将化合物2(30.0g,0.16mol)溶解于100 mL二氯甲烷中,加入吡啶(19.3mL,0.24mol),在冰浴下于2h内分批加入对甲苯磺酰氯(31.9g, 0.17mol),然后搅拌反应1h,向反应体系中加入150mL饱和碳酸氢钠和300mL二氯甲烷,搅拌反应30min,分出有机相,再用饱和碳酸氢钠和饱和食盐水洗涤有机相,无水硫酸镁干燥,过滤浓缩,得到淡黄色固体,用乙醇结晶得到白色晶体化合物342.3g,收率78.0%.m.p.133~134℃(文献值[12]:134℃).1.2.3 化合物4的制备 参考文献[9,13]方法并加以改进,将化合物3(30.0g,0.087mol)溶解入150mL二氯甲烷中,再加入重铬酸吡啶盐(PDC)(18.0g,0.048mol)和乙酸酐(20.0mL,0.19mol),于室温下搅拌反应5h,浓缩至干,加入300mL乙酸乙酯,搅拌反应30min后过滤,收集固体残渣,加入200mL乙酸乙酯搅拌反应30min,然后过滤,重复4次,合并有机相,用饱和碳酸氢钠和饱和食盐水洗涤有机相,无水硫酸钠干燥,过滤浓缩至干,残余物溶解于100mL DMSO中,冰浴下加入硼氢化钠(3.3g,0.087mol),于室温搅拌反应3h,再加入硼氢化钠(5.0g,0.13mol),于85℃搅拌反应5h,滴加10%醋酸除去过量的硼氢化钠,用乙酸乙酯萃取,有机相用饱和食盐水洗涤,无水硫酸钠干燥,过滤浓缩,用乙醇结晶得11.8g白色晶体化合物4,收率78.0%.化合物4:m.p.70~71℃, [α]25D=47.5°(c1.0,CHCl3).IR(KBr),~ν/cm-1:3445,2992,2923,1551,1404,1079.1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3),δ:1.33(d,J=6.1Hz,3H,5⁃H),1.37[s,3H, C(CH3)2],1.56[s,3H, C(CH3)2],2.29(s,1H, OH),3.50(dd,J=8.5,5.2Hz,1H,3⁃H),3.79~3.83(m,1H,4⁃H), 4.54(t,J=4.6Hz,1H,2⁃H),5.80(d,J=4.0Hz,1H,1⁃H).13C NMR(101MHz,CDCl3),δ:16.8 (5⁃C),26.3[ C(C H3)2],26.5[ C(C H3)2],76.2(3⁃C),77.1(4⁃C),78.5(2⁃C),103.7(1⁃C), 112.3[ C(CH3)2].HRMS(ESI)([M+Na]+计算值):197.0788(197.0790).化合物4′:m.p.104~105℃,[α]25D=31.0°(c1.0,CHCl3).IR(KBr),~ν/cm-1:3475,2999, 2980,2930,1595,1369,973.1H NMR(400MHz,CDCl3),δ:1.35[s,3H, C(CH3)2],1.52[s, 3H, C(CH3)2],2.45(s,3H,Ar CH3),3.84~3.91(m,2H,5⁃H),4.15~4.19(m,1H,3⁃H), 4.31~4.34(d,J=11.1Hz,1H,4⁃H),4.54(t,J=4.0Hz,1H,2⁃H),5.72(d,J=3.9Hz,1H,1⁃H),7.34(d,J =8.2Hz,2H,Ar H),7.80(d,J =8.0Hz,2H,Ar H).13C NMR (101MHz,CDCl 3),δ:21.7(Ar CH 3),26.49[ C(C H 3)2],26.52[ C(C H 3)2],67.9(5⁃C),71.2(3⁃C),78.1(4⁃C),78.2(2⁃C),104.0(1⁃C),113.0[ C (CH 3)2],128.0(Ar C),129.9(Ar C),132.7(Ar C),145.0(Ar C).HRMS(ESI)([M+Na]+计算值):367.0830(367.0827).1.2.4 化合物5的制备 将化合物4(10.0g,0.057mol)加入100mL 0.1mol /L 稀硫酸中,于85℃加热搅拌2h,冷却至室温,加入2mL 吡啶搅拌反应,浓缩至干,用100mL 吡啶溶解,冰浴下滴加乙酸酐50mL,于室温搅拌反应24h,冰浴下加入饱和碳酸氢钠300mL,用乙酸乙酯萃取,有机相用氯化钠溶液洗涤,无水硫酸钠干燥,过滤浓缩,用乙酸乙酯结晶得10.2g 白色晶体化合物5,收率68.3%.m.p.63~64℃(文献值[9]:63~64℃).1.2.5 化合物6的制备 参考文献[5]方法,由5⁃F 胞嘧啶(10.0g,0.078mol)和化合物5(19.5g,0.075mol)反应制得23.4g 白色晶体化合物6,收率95.0%.m.p.191~192℃(文献值[7]:191.5~192.3℃).1.2.6 化合物7的制备 参考文献[5,14]方法并加以改进,将化合物6(16.8g,0.051mol)溶于200mL 无水二氯甲烷中,加入80mL 无水吡啶,冰浴下滴加氯甲酸正戊酯(9.0mL,0.061mol)的无水二氯甲烷溶液100mL,滴加完毕逐渐升温至室温,搅拌反应1h.向反应体系中加入200mL 饱和碳酸氢钠,搅拌反应30min,分出有机相,用饱和碳酸氢钠和饱和食盐水洗涤有机相,无水硫酸镁干燥,过滤浓缩,残余物溶于150mL 氨气的甲醇饱和溶液中,室温下搅拌反应1h,浓缩,用乙酸乙酯⁃环己烷(体积比3∶1)结晶,得到14.6g 白色晶体化合物7,两步反应总收率84.5%.m.p.119~120℃(文献值[7]:119~121℃).2 结果与讨论2.1 起始原料的选择文献报道的卡培他滨合成方法大都以核糖为起始原料,本文合成路线使用木糖为起始原料,经过4步反应得到重要中间体1,2,3⁃三⁃O ⁃乙酰基⁃5⁃脱氧⁃D ⁃呋喃核糖,进而制备卡培他滨.因木糖广泛存在于在农产品废弃部分中(如玉米的穗轴㊁秸秆和棉桃的外皮),数量多㊁含量高且易得,与核糖相比木糖价格低廉,可以降低卡培他滨的生产成本.2.2 化合物4制备条件的优化由化合物3制备化合物4时经历了1次氧化反应和1个一锅多步的还原反应(Scheme 2),首先化合物3的3⁃OH 被氧化得到中间体4″,由于中间体4″不易结晶纯化,直接对其进行立体选择性还原得到中间体4′,最后还原脱除中间体4′的5⁃OTs 基团得到化合物4.Scheme 2 Synthetic routes of compound 4from compound 3考察了氧化反应氧化剂和溶剂[15~18]对产率的影响.结果(表1)表明,选择的4种氧化剂均能氧化化合物3,使用邻碘酰基苯甲酸(IBX)和Dess⁃Martin 氧化剂(DMP)氧化时,原料反应完全,处理简单且收率高,但是成本很高;使用重铬酸吡啶盐(PDC)氧化时,原料反应完全,收率较高,成本低;使用DMSO 氧化时,原料不能完全反应,收率较低.故选择以0.55倍量的PDC 作为为氧化剂.实验还考察和比较了不同溶剂㊁不同反应温度和不同的硼氢化钠用量对还原反应时间及收率的影响.结果(表2)表明,以DMF㊁乙醇和四氢呋喃作为还原反应溶剂时,只能得到中间体4′;以DMSO 作为溶剂时,室温下反应只能得到中间体4′,而先在室温下反应,再加热反应可以得到化合物4.最终选择以DMSO 作为溶剂,2.5倍量硼氢化钠用量,先在室温下反应3h,再于85℃反应5h,可以较高的收率得到化合物4.5371 No.8 赵明礼等:抗肿瘤药物卡培他滨的合成新方法6371高等学校化学学报 Vol.33 Table1 Yields of preparation of compound4″under different reaction conditions Entry Oxidant Activator Solvent n(Oxidant)/n(3)Yield a(%) 1DMP No b CH2Cl2 1.5∶1 94.62IBX No b EtOAc 2.0∶1 95.43PDC Ac2O CH2Cl2 1.0∶1 85.44PDC Ac2O CH2Cl20.55∶1 88.45PDC Ac2O CH2Cl20.5∶1 85.36DMSO Ac2O DMSO c 46.57DMSO P2O5DMSO 65.78DMSO Oxalyl chloride DMSO 66.4a.The crude yield;b.no activator was added;c.DMSO was used as oxidant and solvent.Table2 Yields of preparation of compound4under different reaction conditionsEntry Solvent n(NaBH4)/n(3)Time a/h Time b/h Yield of compd.4′(%)Yield of compd.4(%) 1DMSO 1.0∶13080.202DMSO 2.0∶13081.303DMSO 2.0∶135 5.469.14DMSO 2.5∶135078.05DMSO 3.0∶135078.46DMF 2.5∶131082.607EtOH 2.5∶131085.408THF 2.5∶131083.10a.The reaction was carried out under25℃;b.the reaction was carried out under85℃.2.3 化合物7制备条件的优化由化合物6制备化合物7时,首先用化合物6与氯甲酸正戊酯反应,然后再脱除乙酰基得到化合物7.文献[4,5,7,8]中脱除乙酰基均使用了氢氧化钠水溶液,反应结束后需进行中和及萃取操作;本文使用氨气的甲醇饱和溶液脱乙酰基,反应结束后,直接将反应体系浓缩至干,然后加入乙酸乙酯和环己烷结晶即可高收率得到目标产物,减少了操作步骤,有利于工业生产.3 结 论以廉价的D⁃木糖为原料,经过4步反应制得重要中间体1,2,3⁃三⁃O⁃乙酰基⁃5⁃脱氧⁃D⁃呋喃核糖(5),化合物5再与5⁃F胞嘧啶进行Vorbrueggen反应,然后经酰胺化,脱除乙酰基得到卡培他滨,合成总收率为29.8%.该合成方法原料廉价易得㊁各步反应收率高㊁条件温和㊁操作时间短且产物结晶易于纯化,易于工业化生产和推广应用.参 考 文 献[1] Midgley R.,Kerr D.J..Nat.Clin.Pract.Oncol.[J],2009,6(1):17 24[2] Longley D.B.,Harkin D.P.,Johnston P.G..Nat.Rev.Cancer[J],2003,3:330 338[3] Saif M.W..Onco.Targets Ther.[J],2009,2:29 41[4] Juan B.R.,Esteban R.,Eleonora E..Method for the Preparation of Capecitabine and Intermediarios Used in Said Method,WO2009071726[P],2009⁃06⁃11[5] LI Zhi⁃Yu(李志裕),CHE Wen⁃Jun(车文军),YOU Qi⁃Dong(尤启冬).Chin.J.Pharm.(中国医药工业杂志)[J],2008,39(11):804 807[6] YU Jian⁃Xin(余建鑫),ZHANG Wan⁃Nian(张万年),YAO Jian⁃Zhong(姚建忠),SONG Yun⁃Long(宋云龙),SHENG Chun⁃Quan(盛春泉).Chin.J.Med.Chem.(中国药物化学杂志)[J],2005,15(3):173 175[7] Shimma N.,Umeda I.,Arasaki M.,Murasaki C.,Masubuchi K.,Kohchi Y.,Miwa M.,Ura M.,Sawada N.,Tahara H.,KurumaI.,Horiid I.,Ishitsukab H..Bioorg.Med.Chem.[J],2000,8:1697 1706[8] Fei X.,Wang J.,Miller K.D.,Sledge G.W.,Hutchins G.D.,Zheng Q..Nucl.Med.Biol.[J],2004,31(7):1033 1041[9] Sairam P.,Puranik R.,Rao B.S.,Swamy P.V.,Chandra S..Carbohydr.Res.[J],2003,338:303 306[10] WANG Xiang⁃Cheng(王相承),WANG Gang(王刚),QU Gang⁃Lian(曲刚莲).Chem.World(化学世界)[J],2008,49(4):226228[11] MoravcováJ.,ˇCapkováJ.,Staněk J..Carbohydr.Res.[J],1994,263:61 66[12] Sharma G.V.M.,Gopinath T..Tetrahedron[J],2003,59:6521 6530[13] DONG Chun⁃Hong(董春红),QI Xiu⁃Xiang(祁秀香),YU Xue⁃Jun(余学军),CHANG Jun⁃Biao(常俊标).Chem.J.Chinese Uni⁃versities(高等学校化学学报)[J],2004,25(11):2054 2056[14] JI Qi(季奇),HUANG Fei(黄飞),LI Jin⁃Liang(李金亮),MENG Ji⁃Ben(孟继本).Chem.J.Chinese Universities(高等学校化学学报)[J],2006,27(4):666 668[15] Lu Y.,Just G..Tetrahedron Lett.[J],2000,41:9223 9227[16] More J.D.,Finney .Lett.[J],2002,4(17):3001 3003[17] Couturier S.,Aljarah M.,Gosselin G.,Mathe C.,Perigaud C..Tetrahedron[J],2007,63:11260 11266[18] Luzzio F.A.,Fitch .Chem.[J],1999,64:5485 5493New Method for Synthesis of Antitumor Drug CapecitabineZHAO Ming⁃Li,ZHAO Yu⁃Tao,ZHANG Zhao,GAO Jie,QU Wen,XU Jin⁃Mei,LIU Hong⁃Min *(New Drug Research and Development Center ,School of Pharmaceutical Sciences ,Zhengzhou University ,Zhengzhou 450001,China )Abstract Capecitabine,a prodrug of antitumor agent 5⁃fiuorouracil,is currently to be approved for use as therapy in metastatic breast cancer,colorectal cancer,and other solid malignancies.This drug can be orally home⁃administered,which offers patients more freedom and reduces the costs of therapy.Here a novel method for synthesis of capecitabine was reported.The key intermediate,1,2,3⁃tri⁃O ⁃acetyl⁃5⁃deoxy⁃β⁃D ⁃ribose,was prepared from D ⁃xylose.Capecitabine was synthesized through Vorbrueggen reaction,amidation and hydroliza⁃tion of acetyl group with 29.8%overall yield.The key steps,the configuration change of the 3⁃hydroxy group through oxidation and reduction and the deoxygenation of sulfonyloxy activated sugar hydroxyl groups by reduc⁃tive displacement employing NaBH 4,were optimized.This method has the advantages of easily available and cheap starting materials,simply conducted procedures,relatively high yield and easy purification.So this new method is more suitable for scale⁃up production.Keywords Capecitabine;D ⁃Xylose;Antitumor agent(Ed.:H ,J ,K )7371 No.8 赵明礼等:抗肿瘤药物卡培他滨的合成新方法。



剪接因子PSF是一个大的复合体的一部分,这个大的复合体是在前mRNA缺失的情况下组装成的,它包含了所有的五种snRNPs(PCC复合体能在缺失pre-mRNA的情况下形成,含有PSF和snRNPs)ABSTRACTPSF(polypyrimidine tract binding protein-associated splicing factor,PSF蛋白是一种多功能的DNA/RNA结合蛋白,它能抑制原癌基因的表达,在人和小鼠中具有抑制肿瘤的作用)蛋白是一个很大的核蛋白,参与了包括转录、RNA剪接等众多生理过程。

PSF蛋白被证实能直接与U5 snRNA结合并且在许多被纯化了的剪接复合体中被发现。

在这篇文章中,作者展示了当hela 细胞核提取物处于适于剪接的条件下时,PSF蛋白被发现作为一个很大的复合体的一部分,这个复合体包含了五种snRNPs和大部分已知的剪接因子。








剪接过程的执行需要剪接复合体,剪接复合体是一个由小核糖核蛋白颗粒(包括U1,U2,U4/U6和U5 snRNAs及其他的非snRNP蛋白因子)组成的庞大复合体。










关键词纳米丝素蛋白;聚乙二醇;抗菌性;药物缓释性;生物材料中图分类号:R318.08文献标识码:A文章编号:Antibacterial properties and Delayed release effect of Nano-Silk Fibroin Peptide/Polyethylene glycol graft polymerLIU Qiong,CHEN Zhongmin*,CHEN Xiao,XING Yaxi,WANG Na (College of pharmacy and biological engineering,Chongqing University of Technology,chongqing400054)Abstract The Nano-SFP/PEG compounds were prepared using Nano-SFP and PEG.While Nano-SFP was prepared from discarded materials of cocoon by dissolving and enzymolysis and PEG was grafted with Nano-SFP after succinic anhydride acylating.The Nano-SFP/PEG compounds were confirmed by Infrared spectroscopy(IR). The antibacterial properties against Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria were investigated.T he results showed the Nano-SFP/PEG compounds had good antibacterial properties.The NanoSFP/PEG compounds blending with chloramphenicol were also studied.The UV spectrophotometry tests showed that Nano-SFP/PEG compounds had certain controlled-release action to chloramphenicol.Antibacterial tests showed that Nano-SFP/PEG compounds with chloramphenicol had better antibacterial properties than the pure compounds,and we guessed it was the chloramphenicol that had an additive effect to antibacterial properties.The in vitro cytotoxicity tests were studied by MTT assay.The results showed that the prepared Nano-SFP/PEG compounds have non-toxic to L-929cells.Key words Nano-SFP;PEG;Antibacterial property;Delayed release effect;Biomaterials0引言蚕丝素蛋白是源于蚕丝的天然高分子材料,化学性质稳定,对人体无毒副作用、且具有良好的生物相容性和降解性。



Master degree
Professional Third-class Scholarship from 2015-2018 academic years
Education Experience
• Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau of Guangdong Province (NO. 20141065), • Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (NO. 2017A32217007) • National University Student Innovation Program.
MenaINV for invasive feature Mena11a for epithelial-specific feature
Two main AS regulators heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNPs) and serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins. Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein 1 (PTBP1, also known as hnRNP I) binds preferentially to pyrimidine-rich sequences.
Regulated by PTBP1 ?
The exact mechanism mediated Mena AS has not been elucidated. The purpose of this study is to explore the molecular mechanism of PTBP1 in regulating Mena alternative splicing and role of PTBP1 in lung carcinoma cells metastasis.



组蛋白赖氨酸去甲基化酶1的抑制剂筛选 郑一超,赵文,徐瑞敏,吕文蕾,马金莲,杨珂,杨昂,马永成,刘宏民* (郑州大学药学院,郑州大学新药研究开发中心,河南郑州 450001)摘要:目的建立组蛋白赖氨酸去甲基化酶1(LSD1)抑制剂的高通量筛选模型,合成并筛选出全新小分子LSD1抑制剂。



关键词:LSD1;高通量筛选;抑制剂Screening for lysine specific demethylase 1(LSD1) inhibitorsZHENG Yi-chao, ZHAO Wen, XU Rui-min, LV Wen-lei, MA Jin-lian, YANG Ke,YANG Ang, MA Yong-cheng, LIU Hong-min*(School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, New Drug Research & Development Center, Zhengzhou University, No.100, Science Avenue, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China) ABSTRACT: Objective This study is designed to e stablish a high through-put screening model for LSD1 inhibitor, synthesize and screen compounds with potential LSD1 inhibiting effect. Methods HRP coupled Amplex Red method was used to quantify hydrogen peroxide, a by-product of H3K4me2 demethylated by LSD1, in order to evaluate the inhibition rate of the compounds. Results and Conclusions We have established a LSD1 inhibitor screening model. 7 new compounds with LSD1 inhibitory effect have been obtained.Key words: LSD1; high through-put screening; inhibitor组蛋白赖氨酸去甲基化酶1(Lysine Specific Demethylase 1,LSD1)是2004年由哈佛大学医学院施洋教授发现的第一个组蛋白去甲基化酶[1],正式确认了组*作者简介:郑一超,男,博士研究生研究方向:新药筛选E-mail:************************;通讯作者:刘宏民,男,教授,博士生导师研究方向:新药设计合成及糖化学Tel:(0371)67781739E-mail:*************.cn。



摘 要
杜氏藻属( Dunaliella )是绿藻门的一类重要经济微藻,可以用来生产 β - 胡 萝 卜 素和 甘油等 产品 。杜氏藻属的 大多数 物种 极端耐盐 ,可以 在 含 0.05~5.50M NaCl 的培养液中生长,因此是研究植物耐盐机制的 良好实验材料。 本论文首先利用核基因 ITS 序列和叶绿体基因 rbc L 序列确定了一株杜氏藻 的分类地位,再比较了不同 NaCl 浓度对该藻的生理生化特性、几种碳氮代谢酶 活性及其基因表达的影响。旨在确定该藻的正确种属地位,筛选出适合该杜氏 藻生长的 NaCl 浓度条件及该藻碳氮代谢酶对不同 NaCl 浓度的响应,从而为藻 类耐盐机制提供更多资料。 ( 1 )对该藻进行了 ITS 序列和 rbc L 序列的克隆与序列测定, 结果表明该藻 株 D3 与 GenBank 数据库查找的 23 株 杜氏藻的 ITS 序列 之间的遗传距离 在 0.026~0.136 之间,与 21 株杜氏藻的 rbc L 序列之间的遗传距离在 0.005~0.060 之 间 , 由 遗 传 距 离 和 聚 类 图 结 果 推 断 该 杜 氏 藻 株 D3 应 该 是 绿 色 杜 氏 藻 ( D. viridis )。 ( 2 )比较了 4 种 NaCl 浓度对绿色杜氏藻的生长、叶绿素含量、蛋白质含 量、总脂含量和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明 1.00M NaCl 培养绿色杜氏藻 生长最快,培养至 10d 时, 0.44M 、 2.00M 和 3.00M NaCl 培养藻细胞密度分别 是它的 85.9% 、 93.2% 和 80.7% ;该绿色杜氏藻叶绿素含量和 可溶性蛋白含量均 为 1.00M NaCl 培养最高;总脂含量在 0.44~2.00M NaCl 范围内随盐度升高而增 加, 2.00M NaCl 培养总脂含量占干重的 22.3% ;叶绿素荧光参数 F v /F m 、 Ф PSII 和 q p 在高盐( 3.00M NaCl )培养显著降低,而 NPQ 则升高。 ( 3 )比较了 4 种 NaCl 浓度对绿色杜氏藻的碳固定酶——核酮糖 -1,5- 二磷酸 羧 化 酶 / 加 氧 酶 ( ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase , Rubisco ) 和 CO 2 转 化酶 —— 碳酸酐酶 ( CA )活性及其基因表达的影响。结果表明 绿色杜 氏 藻的 Rubisco 初始活力和总活力都是在 1.00M NaCl 培养最高,随着 NaCl 浓度升 高其活力下降,到 3.00M NaCl 时分别降为最高值的 37.33% 和 26.39% 。在转录 水平上, Rubisco 大小亚基—— rbc L 和 rbc S 分别在 1.00M 和 2.00M NaCl 组表 达量最高。胞外碳酸酐酶在 0.44~2.00M NaCl 范围内,随着 NaCl 浓度增加 CA


3,6-二氮杂氮螺[5.5]十一烷溴化物盐酸盐(4c): 白 色固体, 产率 85%. m.p. 225~228 ℃(文献值[19]: 233~ 235 ℃); 1H NMR (300 MHz, D2O) δ: 1.65~1.98 (m, 6H), 3.35~3.48 (m, 8H), 3.78~3.85 (m, 4H).
Vol. 31, 2011
苯基)-3-氧代丙基]-5,8-二氮杂螺[4.5]癸烷溴化物盐酸盐 (1)具有很好的镇痛活性[18](剂量 20 mg/kg 时, 镇痛活性 100%; 剂量 10 mg/kg 时, 镇痛活性 77.3%, 醋酸扭体实 验), 但毒性较大. 因此, 在本文中我们以化合物 1 为先 导物, 设计合成了化合物 1 的类似物 1-[3-(4-羟基苯 基)-3-氧代丙基]-4-哌嗪季铵盐(5a~5g), 希望通过结构 修饰, 找到活性更好, 毒性明显降低的化合物. 目标化 合物 5a~5g 的合成路线见图 1.
图 1 目标化合物 5a~5g 的合成 Figure 1 Synthesis of target compounds 5a~5g
No. 12
物(3e): 白色固体, 产率 73%. m.p. 274~276 ℃; 1H NMR (300 MHz, D2O) δ: 3.54~3.54 (m, 6H), 3.66~3.74 (m, 4H), 3.89~3.96 (m, 6H), 7.29~7.39 (m, 5H).
8- 苯 甲 酰 基 -5,8- 二 氮 杂 氮 螺 [4.5] 癸 烷 溴 化 物 (3a): 白色固体, 产率 80%. m.p. 219~220 ℃(文献值[19]: m.p. 219~220 ℃); 1H NMR (300 MHz, D2O) δ: 2.13~2.16 (m, 4H), 3.41~3.62 (m, 8H), 3.76 (s, 2H), 4.01 (s, 2H), 7.43~7.51 (m, 5H).



单宁酸的生物活性研究进展聂方园;马晓丰【摘要】Tannic acid(TA)is a phenolic nature product widely distributed in plant,which has huge research values and exploitation prospects because of its multiple biological activities.This review summarized the bio-logical activity and application potential of TA,such as anti-bacterial,act on metabolic syndrome,anti-tumor,an-ti-inflammatory,et al.%单宁酸是一种多酚类天然产物,广泛分布于植物中。



【期刊名称】《化学与生物工程》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】4页(P16-18,22)【关键词】单宁酸;生物活性;抑菌;代谢综合征;抗肿瘤;抗炎症【作者】聂方园;马晓丰【作者单位】中国科学院大学生命科学学院,北京 100049;中国科学院大学生命科学学院,北京 100049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5单宁酸(tannic acid),又称鞣酸,属于水解类单宁,可水解为没食子酸和葡萄糖,化学式C76H52O46,结构如图1所示。






CpG岛组蛋白H3赖氨酸4三甲基化水平的研究2011;319 南方医科大学学报(JSouthMedUniv ) ?1575 ?临床研究 ?IgA 肾病患者CpG 岛组蛋白H3 赖氨酸4 三甲基化水平的研究1 2 1 1齐素文 , 睢维国 , 涂植光 , 戴勇1 2重庆医科大学教育部重点实验室临床医学检验诊断实验室 , 重庆 400016 ; 中国人民解放军181 医院肾病中心 , 广西桂林 541002摘要 : 目的研究IgA 肾病患者CpG 岛组蛋白H3 赖氨酸4 三甲基化H3K4me3 水平。

方法采用染色质免疫共沉淀联合芯片技术ChIP-chip 对15 例IgA 肾病患者和15 例健康者的外周血单个核细胞PBMCsH3K4me3 进行高通量的筛选 , 染色质免疫共沉淀- 实时定量聚合酶链反应ChIP-qPCR 验证芯片结果。

定量反转录聚合酶链反应qRT-PCR 检测H3K4me3 显著差异基因的mRNA 表达水平。

结果与健康对照组相比 ,IgA 肾病患者的83 个基因存在H3K4me3 显著差异 , 其中有39 个基因显示H3K4me3 水平增高 ,44 个基因H3K4me3 水平降低 ;ChIP-qPCR 验证结果与CpG 岛芯片结果相符 , 基因H3K4me3 异常变化影响mRNA 的表达。

结论 IgA 肾病患者PBMCs 基因组H3K4me3 存在显著改变 , 异常基因有助于研究IgA 肾病的发病机制。

关键词 :IgA 肾病 ; 组蛋白H3 赖氨酸4 ; 三甲基化 ; 染色质免疫共沉淀中图分类号 :R692.6 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1673-4254 (2011 )09-1575-04CpG array analysis of histone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation in patients with IgAnephropathy1 2 1 1QISu-wen,SUIWei-guo,TUZhi-guang,DAIYong1Key Laboratory of Laboratory Medical Diagnostics of Ministry of Education, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 410006, 2China;KidneyTransplantationandHemopurificationCenterofPLA,181HospitalofPLA, Guilin541002,ChinaAbstract: Objective To investigate the aberrance of histone H3 lysine4 trimethylation H3K4me3 in patients withIgA nephropathy IgAN. Methods In 15 patients with IgAN and 15 healthy volunteers, H3K4me3 variations inperipheral blood mononuclear cells PBMCs were analyzed using chromatin immunoprecipitation and microarrayanalysis ChIP-chip. ChIP real-time PCR was used to validate the microarray results. Quantitative real-time PCRqRT-PCR was carried out to examine the correlations between the mRNA expression profiles and H3K4me3 levels.Results We identified 83 genes that displayed significant H3K4me3 differences in IgAN patients compared withhealthy subjects. Among them, 39 genes showed increased H3K4me3 and 44 genes had decreased H3K4me3 levels.The results of ChIP real-time PCR were well consistent with the microarray data. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed thecorrelations between the mRNAexpressions and the methylation levels of H3K4me3. Conclusion IgAN patients havesignificant alterations in H3K4me3, and the genes with aberrant H3K4me3 may provide insights into the pathogenesisofIgAN.Keywords:IgAnephropathy;histoneH3lysine4;trimethylation;chromatin immunoprecipitationIgA 肾病是一组由多种病因引起的慢性肾小球疾探讨组蛋白甲基化与IgA 肾病之间的关系。



中国细胞生物学学报 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology2021,43(1): 263-272 DOI: 10.11844/cjcb.2021.01.0031RNA结合蛋白与非编码RNA调节关系的研究进展倪舒静u徐美倩陈辰王玲琳u朱婷琰奕天飞h2吉米丽古丽•艾尼廖奇1G宁波大学医学院,预防医学系,宁波315211;2宁波大学医学院,浙江省病理生理重点实验室,宁波315211)摘要 近年来,越来越多的研究表明,R N A结合蛋白(R N A binding protein,R B P)与多种类型的非编码R N A s(n o n c o d i n g R N A,n c R N A s)具有互相调节的关系,且调节机制形式多样。

一方面,R B P可以调节n c R N A的生物合成、稳定性和功能;另一方面,n c R N A也可以影响R B P的功能和结构。

同时,R B P和n c R N A的相互作用还在其他靶基因的调节上起着重要的作用,从而参与众多的生物过 程,如组织发育,代谢性疾病、神经退行性疾病、抗病毒免疫和各种癌症等。

该文就R B P与常见 类型的n c R N A s,包括m i R N A、l n c R N A、c i r c R N A的相互作用方式和调节机制的研究进展作一综述。

关键词 R N A结合蛋白;非编码R N A;调节关系;m i R N A;长非编码R N A;c i r c R N AProgress of Regulatory Relationships between RNA Binding Protein andNon-Coding RNAN I Shujing1'2,X U M e i q i a n1'2,C H E N C h e n1'2,W A N G Linglin'2,Z H U T i n g y a n12,Y I Tianfei12,G I M I L I G U L I Aini'-2,L I A O Q i1-2*['Department o f P reventative Medicine, Medicine School o f N ingbo University, Ningbo 315211,China.,^Zhejiang Key Laboratory o f P athophysiology, Medicine School ofNingbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)Abstract In recent years,m o r e and m o r e studies hav e s h o w n that R B P(R N A binding protein)a n d vari­ous types of n c R N A s(noncoding R N A s)h a v e m utual regulatory relationships.T h e interactions b e t w e e n R B P a n d n c R N A hav e diverse m e c h a n i s m s.O n one h a n d,R B P c an regulate the biosynthesis,stability a n d function of n c R N A;o n the other h a n d,n c R N A can also affect the function a n d structure o f R B P.A t the s a m e time,the interac­tion between R B P and n c R N A s also plays an important role in the regulation o f other target genes,therefore partici­pating in m a n y biological processes,such as tissue d e v e l o p m e n t,metabolic diseases,neurodegenerative diseases, antiviral i m m u n i t y a n d various kinds of cancers.This review focuses o n the research progress o f the regulation m e c h a n i s m s b e t w e e n R B P a nd several c o m m o n kinds of n c R N A s,including m i R N A,I n c R N A,a n d c i r c R N A.K e y w o r d s R N A binding protein;n o n c o d i n g R N A;regulatory relationship;m i R N A;long n o n c o d i n g R N A;c i r c R N AR N A结合蛋白(R N A binding protein,R B P)是 个〖2丨,R E A D D B(http://d a r w i n.soic.iu p u i.e d u/)是一一类在R N A调控过程中与R N A结合的蛋白质的总 个关于R B P表达和相关疾病信息的数据库,其中称111。

阳江原生态红树林土壤放线菌Streptomyces sp.strain V65的次级代谢产物

阳江原生态红树林土壤放线菌Streptomyces sp.strain V65的次级代谢产物

阳江原生态红树林土壤放线菌Streptomyces sp.strain V65的次级代谢产物向玲丽;梁碧怡;朱成波;王军;刘岚;林永成【摘要】The marine actinoraycete Streptomyces sp. V65, isolated from the soil sample under Acanthus ilicifolius from Yangjiang intact mangrove, metabolized some red pigments in Gause's medium ( I ). Un-decylprodigiosin ( I ) and metacycloprodigiosin ( II ) with SW-B (Ⅲ) ((2E, 4E) -2, 4, 6-trimeth-yldeca-2, 4-dienamide) were isolated from its mycelia and fermentation using silica gel column chroma-tography, RP - 18 silica gel column chromatography and Sephadex LH -20 column chromatography. Their structures were characterized by NMR spectroscopy and Mass analysis. The metabolites of the marine actinomycetes Streptomyces sp. strain V65 from Yangjiang intact mangrove were first investigated.%一株分自阳江原生态红树植物老鼠簕根部土壤的放线菌Streptomyces.strain V65在高氏Ⅰ号培养基中可产生丰富的红色素.采用硅胶柱色谱、反相硅胶柱色谱、LH-20凝胶柱色谱等技术对其菌体和培养液的提取物进行分离,初步得到2个红色素和1个酰胺类化合物;它们的结构通过核磁共振波谱技术及质谱技术鉴定,分别为:Undecylprodigiosin(Ⅰ)Metacycloprodigiosin(Ⅱ)和Xw-B(Ⅲ)((2E,4E)-2,4,6-trimethyldeca-2,4-dienamide).这是首次关于阳江原生态红树林海洋放线菌Streptomyces.strain V65次级代谢产物研究的报道.【期刊名称】《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(051)003【总页数】4页(P143-146)【关键词】阳江原生态红树林;海洋放线菌;次级代谢产物【作者】向玲丽;梁碧怡;朱成波;王军;刘岚;林永成【作者单位】中山大学药学院,广东广州510006;佛山市中医院,广东佛山528000;中山大学药学院,广东广州510006;中山大学药学院,广东广州510006;中山大学化学与化学工程学院,广东广州510275;中山大学化学与化学工程学院,广东广州510275【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O629.5红树林土壤以其生境的特殊性养育了大量具有特色代谢产物的微生物类群,蕴含了微生物的多样性及其资源的珍稀性,引起了科学家研究的浓厚兴趣。



雷公藤甲素微乳凝胶对CIA大鼠T细胞相关因子调节作用研究管咏梅;张建林;刘佳;余雅婷;金晨;陈丽华;朱卫丰【摘要】目的:观察雷公藤甲素微乳凝胶(TP-MBGs)外用对CIA大鼠T细胞相关因子表达水平的影响,以探究其治疗类风湿性关节炎的作用机制.方法:将56只CIA模型大鼠随机分成空白组、模型组、基质组、TP灌胃组、TP微乳高剂量组、TP-MBGs高、中、低剂量组,给药28 d后处理,采用ELISA法检测各组大鼠皮肤(CD1α、IgA)、血清(IFN-γ、IL-6、TNF-α、ColⅡ、IL-10)及滑膜细胞上清液(IL-1、PGE2、TNF-α)中相关细胞因子的表达水平.结果:与空白对照组比较,模型组皮肤中CD1α、血清中IFN-γ、IL-6、TNF-α和滑膜细胞上清液中IL-1、PGE2、TNF-α的表达水平明显升高;与模型组比较,TP-MBGs中剂量组血清中的TNF-α及IL-6、滑膜细胞上清液中的IL-1及TNF-α表达水平显著降低;TP-MBGs高剂量组皮肤中CD1α、血清中的TNF-α及IFN-γ、滑膜细胞上清液中的IL-1及TNF-α的表达水平显著降低.结论:雷公藤甲素微乳凝胶外用治疗类风湿性关节炎,可能通过调节皮肤免疫功能及抑制相关细胞因子的分泌,从而起到局部及全身治疗作用.【期刊名称】《世界中医药》【年(卷),期】2019(014)007【总页数】4页(P1635-1638)【关键词】TP-MBGs;CIA模型;RA;T细胞相关因子;调节作用;ELISA法;经皮给药;机制【作者】管咏梅;张建林;刘佳;余雅婷;金晨;陈丽华;朱卫丰【作者单位】江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004;江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004;江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004;江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004;江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004;江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004;江西中医药大学现代中药制剂教育部重点实验室,南昌,330004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5类风湿性关节炎(Rhumatoid Athritis,RA)是一种以关节炎性反应和骨损伤为主要特征的全身性自身免疫疾病,其患病率较高[1-2]。



MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1对心肌细胞炎症的作用袁园;车妍;王兆鹏;靳亚阁;唐其柱【摘要】Objective To investigate the effect of MAP kinase-interacting kinase 1 (Mnkl) on myocardial inflammation.Methods Using Mnk1 gene knockout mice and C57 BL/6 wild type mice,we investigated the nuclear localization of NF-κBp65 and the protein levels of P-NF-κBp65 and TNF-α in heart tissue after 4 weeks of aortic banding by immunofluorescence and Western blot re spectively.For the in vitro studies,the expression of Mnk1 in H9c2 cells was knocked down using adenovirus expressing Mnk1 shRNA.And the cells (control group and Mnk1 shRNA group) were stimulated with angiotensin Ⅱ for 48 hours.The nuclear localization of NF-κBp65 and the mRNA level of TNF-α was analyzed by immunofluorescence and RT-PCR respectively.Results The in vivo studies showed that P-NF-κBp65 nuclear translocation significantly increased in the heart tissue of Mnk1 gene knockout mice as compared with C57 BL/6 wild typemice.Furthermore,the protein levels of P-NF-κBp65 and TNFα increased as mediated by pressure overload,especially in the Mnk1 gene knockout mice.The in vitro studies indicated that decreased Mnk1 expression increased P-NF-κBp65 nuclear translocation and TNF-α mRNA expression in angiotensin Ⅱ-stimulated H9c2 cells.Conclusion Mnk1 gene knockout accelerate pressure overload-induced Ⅱ myocardialinflammation,decreased Mnk1 expression led to more aggressive cardiomyocyte inflammation induced by angiotensin.%目的于在体水平和离体水平研究MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1对心肌细胞炎症的作用.方法应用MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1基因敲除小鼠和C57 BL/6野生型小鼠,行主动脉缩窄术,于术后4周取材.应用免疫荧光染色,检测心肌组织中P-NF-κBp65在心肌细胞中的核转位.应用Western blot法检测心肌组织中P-NF-κBp65和TNF-α.应用Mnk1 shRNA腺病毒转染技术,降低H9c2细胞中Mnk1的表达,给予血管紧张素Ⅱ刺激48h.应用免疫荧光染色,检测H9c2细胞中P-NF-κBp65的核转位.应用RT-PCR检测H9c2细胞中TNF-αmRNA的表达.结果在体实验表明,主动脉缩窄术后4周,与野生型小鼠相比,MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1基因敲除小鼠心肌组织中P-NF-κBp65在心肌细胞中的核转位明显增多,TNF-α和P-NF-κBp65的蛋白表达明显增加.离体实验表明,MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1表达降低的H9c2细胞中P-NF-κBp65的核转位明显增多,TNF-αmRNA的表达明显增加.结论 MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1基因缺失促进压力负荷诱导的小鼠心肌组织炎症,其表达降低可促进血管紧张素Ⅱ诱导的心肌细胞炎症.【期刊名称】《医学研究杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(047)003【总页数】5页(P62-66)【关键词】MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1;炎症;心肌细胞【作者】袁园;车妍;王兆鹏;靳亚阁;唐其柱【作者单位】430060 武汉大学人民医院心血管内科、武汉大学心血管病研究所,心血管病湖北省重点实验室;430060 武汉大学人民医院心血管内科、武汉大学心血管病研究所,心血管病湖北省重点实验室;430060 武汉大学人民医院心血管内科、武汉大学心血管病研究所,心血管病湖北省重点实验室;430060 武汉大学人民医院心血管内科、武汉大学心血管病研究所,心血管病湖北省重点实验室;430060 武汉大学人民医院心血管内科、武汉大学心血管病研究所,心血管病湖北省重点实验室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R542.2;R34MAPK相互作用蛋白激酶1 (MAP kinase-interacting kinase 1,Mnk1)在研究细菌经典MAPKs调节蛋白表达文库时被发现[1]。



Hale Waihona Puke 氟西汀——抗抑郁药 BZZ——百合正丁醇萃取液,含百合总皂苷70%
对脑肠轴作用 检测大鼠血液及P物质(SP)等脑肠肽含量 的变化,发现百合总皂苷能提高血浆 VIP(vasoactive intestinal peptide,血 管活性肠肽)的含量,降低结肠组织中VIP 的含量,并提高血中及结肠组织中GAS(胃 泌素),SP等的含量,表明百合总皂苷对脑 肠轴有一定作用。
研究发现不仅百合多糖、秋水仙碱有抗癌 活性,百合皂苷同样具有。在C-27位上含 有3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸结构的百合皂苷及 其衍生物能抑制TPA刺激的宫颈癌细胞 (HeLa),并抑制各种人类恶性肿瘤细胞, 如胰腺癌(PANC-1)、骨肉瘤(OST)、嗜铬细 胞瘤(PC-12)等。
段秀君,马宏伟.百合有效部位的化学成分研究[J].中国实验方剂学杂 志,2010,16(9):56.
抗抑郁作用 对脑肠轴作用 抗氧化作用 抗炎作用 抗肿瘤、抗癌作用 抗菌作用
高淑怡,李卫民,帅颖等. 药用植物百合甾体皂苷研究进展[J].中国实验方剂 学杂志,2012,18(16):337-342.

百合是百合科百合属植物的统称,全世界百合 属植物约有100个种,据《中国植物志》记载, 其中有10个品种可供食用[1]。 《中国药典》2010版[2]收载的百合为百合科植 物卷丹、百合或细叶百合的干燥肉质鳞叶。 功效——养阴润肺,清心安神。 主治——阴虚燥咳,劳嗽咳血,虚烦惊悸,失 眠多梦,精神恍惚。
周中流,石任兵,刘斌,等.卷丹乙醇提取物及其不同极性部位抗氧化活性的 比较研究[J].食品科学,2011,23(9):55. 何纯莲,陈腊生,任凤莲,等.药用百合皂苷对羟自由基清除作用的研究[J].湖 南师范大学学报: 医学版,2004,1(1) :56.



头花蓼化学成分研究赵焕新;白虹;李巍;王元书;刘拥军;刘爱芹【期刊名称】《天然产物研究与开发》【年(卷),期】2011(023)002【摘要】Nine compounds were isolated from EtOAc extract of the Polygonum capitatum Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don.. Their structures were identified as quercetin 3-O-(4"-O-acetyl) -α-L-rhamnopyranoside ( 1 ), quercetin (2), quercitrin ( 3 ),myricetrin (4), quercetin 3-rhamnoside 2"-gallate (5), protocatechuic acid (6), daucosterol ( 7 ), gallic acid ( 8 ) and progallin A (9) on the basis of their physical properties and the spectral data. Compound 1 was isolated from the genus Polygonum for the first time,and 4 was isolated from the plant for the first time. The NMR spectroscopic characteristics of the acetylated rhamnose of flavonoids glycosides were summarized.%从苗药头花蓼(Polygonum capitatum Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)乙酸乙酯部位中分离得到9个化合物,根据理化性质结合波谱学技术分别鉴定为槲皮素-3-O-(4″-O-乙酰基)-α-L-鼠李糖苷(1)、槲皮素(2)、槲皮苷(3)、杨梅苷(4)、槲皮素-3-O-(2″-没食子酰基)-鼠李糖苷(5)、原儿茶酸(6)、胡萝卜苷(7)、没食子酸(8)、没食子酸乙酯(9).其中化合物1为首次从该属植物中分得,化合物4为首次从该植物中分得.同时,对黄酮苷类化合物中鼠李糖不同位置乙酰基取代后的1H NMR和13C NMR波谱数据进行了归纳总结.【总页数】5页(P262-266)【作者】赵焕新;白虹;李巍;王元书;刘拥军;刘爱芹【作者单位】山东省医学科学院药物研究所,山东省现代医用药物与技术重点实验室,济南,250062;山东省医学科学院药物研究所,山东省现代医用药物与技术重点实验室,济南,250062;日本东邦大学药学部,千叶,274-8510;山东省医学科学院药物研究所,山东省现代医用药物与技术重点实验室,济南,250062;山东省医学科学院药物研究所,山东省现代医用药物与技术重点实验室,济南,250062;山东省医学科学院药物研究所,山东省现代医用药物与技术重点实验室,济南,250062【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R284;Q946.91【相关文献】1.头花蓼化学成分研究 [J], 陈旭冰;刘晓宇;陈光勇;刘光明2.头花蓼化学成分及其分析方法研究进展 [J], 赵焕新;白虹;王元书;聂田田3.头花蓼化学成分及其黄酮类化合物含量的研究进展 [J], 曹芳;谭辉;邓先扩4.头花蓼化学成分及其分析方法研究进展 [J], 赵焕新; 白虹; 王元书; 聂田田5.苗药头花蓼化学成分及检测方法的研究进展 [J], 杨钧屹因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


Mechanisms: RNA-RNA, RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions
A review about DNA/RNA-protein interaction
Functions of initiator protein:
Nucleotide Excision Repair:
Three-way junction
Step 2: The OH of the 5’ exon attacks the phosphoryl group at the 3’ splice site. --------- the 5’ and 3’ exons are joined and the intron is liberated in a “lariat”.
The intron is removed as a “Lariat” Two successive transesterification: Step 1: The OH of the A at the branch site attacks
the phosphoryl group of the G in the 5’ splice site. -- the 5’ exon is released and the 5’-end of the intron forms a three-way junction structure.
pre-initiation complex in transcription: Core promoter + regulatory elements + GTFs + Mediator complex +Transcriptional regulatory proteins + Nucleosome-modifying enzymes+RNAP



一种合成柔红霉素糖基类似物的新方法李路;朱静;赵文献【期刊名称】《化学研究》【年(卷),期】2011(22)5【摘要】与很多蒽环类抗生素一样,柔红霉素分子中含有3-氨基-2,3,6-三脱氧己糖单元,糖基部分对药物分子的活性起着至关重要的作用.本文介绍了一种合成柔红霉素糖基类似物的新方法.%3-azido-2,3,6-trideoxy-L-hexose is exited in the molecule of daunorubicin. It plays a vital role in the biologic activity of daunorubicin. A divergent approach to synthesize daunorubicin analog was reported.【总页数】4页(P70-73)【作者】李路;朱静;赵文献【作者单位】商丘师范学院化学系,有机新材料合成重点实验室,河南商丘476000;商丘师范学院化学系,有机新材料合成重点实验室,河南商丘476000;商丘师范学院化学系,有机新材料合成重点实验室,河南商丘476000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O629.11【相关文献】1.靶向细胞毒生长抑素类似物:一种治疗各类癌症的新方法 [J], 高恒莹2.合成高效杀菌剂氟硅唑类似物的新方法 [J], 张增佑;夏泽斌3.三环型吗啡类似物合成的新方法 [J], 张勇民;Thal;c4.油菜甾醇内酯及其类似物的侧链部分合成新方法 [J], 彭立增;张涛;梅天胜;张逢质;李裕林5.乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂Territrem B类似物的合成新方法 [J], 赵金浩;程敬丽;赵锋;朱国念;王彦广;赵昱因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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J OURNAL OF V IROLOGY,May2011,p.5136–5149Vol.85,No.10 0022-538X/11/$12.00doi:10.1128/JVI.00195-11Copyright©2011,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.The Polypyrimidine Tract-Binding Protein Affects Coronavirus RNA Accumulation Levels and Relocalizes Viral RNAs to NovelCytoplasmic Domains Different fromReplication-Transcription SitesᰔIsabel Sola,Carmen Gala´n,†Pedro A.Mateos-Go´mez,Lorena Palacio,Sonia Zu´n˜iga,Jazmina L.Cruz,Fernando Almaza´n,and Luis Enjuanes*Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,Centro Nacional de Biotecnología,CSIC,Darwin3,Cantoblanco,28049Madrid,SpainReceived28January2011/Accepted2March2011The coronavirus(CoV)discontinuous transcription mechanism is driven by long-distance RNA-RNA inter-actions between transcription-regulating sequences(TRSs)located at the5؅terminal leader(TRS-L)and alsopreceding each mRNA-coding sequence(TRS-B).The contribution of host cell proteins to CoV transcriptionneeds additional information.Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein(PTB)was reproducibly identified inassociation with positive-sense RNAs of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus(TGEV)TRS-L and TRS-Bby affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry.A temporal regulation of PTB cytoplasmic levels wasobserved during infection,with a significant increase from7to16h postinfection being inversely associatedwith a decrease in viral replication and transcription.Silencing the expression of PTB with small interferingRNA in two cell lines(Huh7and HEK293T)led to a significant increase of up to4-fold in mRNA levels andvirus titer,indicating a negative effect of PTB on CoV RNA accumulation.During CoV infection,PTBrelocalized from the nucleus to novel cytoplasmic structures different from replication-transcription sites inwhich stress granule markers T-cell intracellular antigen-1(TIA-1)and TIA-1-related protein(TIAR)colo-calized.PTB was detected in these modified stress granules in TGEV-infected swine testis cells but not in stressgranules induced by oxidative stress.Furthermore,viral genomic and subgenomic RNAs were detected inassociation with PTB and TIAR.These cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complexes might be involved in post-transcriptional regulation of virus gene expression.Transmissible gastroenteritis virus(TGEV)is a member of the Coronaviridae family,included in the Nidovirales order(25, 26).Coronaviruses(CoVs)are the causative agents of a variety of respiratory and enteric diseases in humans and animals (22,53).The emergence of severe acute respiratory syn-drome coronavirus(SARS-CoV)revealed the potential high pathogenicity of CoVs for humans by infecting8,000people and killing about10%of them(52).Common ancestors of CoVs have been identified in bats distributed worldwide, suggesting that they may represent a natural reservoir from which viruses may be reintroduced into the human popula-tion(20,42,46,54,55).CoVs have the largest known RNA genome,consisting of a single-stranded positive-sense RNA of about30kb in length (19,25,50).The CoV replicase gene,which occupies the5Јtwo-thirds of the genome,is extremely complex,and besides the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(RdRp)and helicase activities,it encodes other enzymes less frequent or exclusive among RNA viruses(50,62,67),such as an endoribonuclease, a3Ј-5Јexoribonuclease,a2Ј-O-ribose methyltransferase,a ri-bose ADP1Љ-phosphatase,and a second RNA-dependent RNA polymerase residing in nonstructural protein8(nsp8) (31).In addition to the replicase components,the viral nucleo-protein has been shown to play a major role in CoV RNA synthesis(3,60,70).The structures of the CoV genomic and subgenomic RNAs resemble the structure of most cellular mRNAs,containing a cap structure at the5Јend,a poly(A)tail at the3Јend,and5Јand3Јuntranslated regions(UTRs).CoV gene expression depends on a discontinuous transcription process leading to a collection of subgenomic mRNAs (sgmRNAs),consisting of the5Јterminal leader sequence(L) joined to distant genomic sequences.This complex process is associated with transcription-regulating sequences(TRSs),lo-cated at the3Јend of the leader(TRS-L)and preceding each gene(body TRS or TRS-B).TRSs include the conserved core sequence(CS)(5Ј-CUAAAC-3Ј),identical in all TGEV genes, and the5Јand3Јflanking sequences(5ЈTRS and3ЈTRS, respectively)(24).In agreement with the proposed working model for CoV transcription(63,69),TRS-B would act as an attenuation and dissociation signal for the transcription complex during the synthesis of the minus-strand RNA.This transcription step would promote a template switch of the nascent RNA,com-plementary to the coding sequences,to the genome5Јleader region.Then,the synthesis of minus-strand subgenomic RNA (sgRNA)would resume,adding a copy of the leader.The resulting chimeric sgRNAs of minus sense serve as templates to yield sgmRNAs that share both5Јand3Јterminal sequences*Corresponding author.Mailing address:Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,Centro Nacional de Biotecnología,CSIC,Darwin3, Cantoblanco,28049Madrid,Spain.Phone:34915854555.Fax:3491 5854506.E-mail:L.Enjuanes@cnb.csic.es.†Present address:Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology,Depart-ment of Epigenetics,Laboratory Jenuwein,Stu¨beweg51,D-79108 Freiburg,Germany.ᰔPublished ahead of print on16March2011.5136 on April 12, 2015 by UNIV OF CONNECTICUT / Downloaded fromwith the genome RNA.Previous studies on the TGEV tran-scription mechanism have shown that complementarity be-tween TRS-L and complement of TRS-B(cTRS-B)in the nascent RNA is a determinant factor during template switch (63,69).Presumably,host cell proteins also contribute to tran-scriptional regulation by RNA-protein and protein-protein in-teractions involving TRSs(24,50).To date,limited information on cellular proteins involved in CoV transcription is available.The heterogeneous nuclear ri-bonucleoproteins(hnRNPs)A1and Q were identified through their interaction with TRSs of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV),a member of CoV genus␤.These proteins were characterized as possible positive regulators for viral RNA synthesis(16,45).The polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB)was also described to bind the MHV leader TRS(30). However,analysis of the role of PTB in MHV replication and transcription did not lead to clear conclusions(15).PTB,also known as hnRNP I,is a member of the hnRNP family of RNA-binding proteins,which regulate different as-pects of RNA metabolism both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells(59).In the nucleus,PTB acts as a pre-mRNA splicing repressor associated with tissue-specific exons(12).It has been proposed that PTB interferes with molecular interactions across the exon between protein com-plexes that mediate exon definition(33)or,alternatively,by precluding the association of splicing factors required for exon RNA removal(64).In the cytoplasm,PTB is involved in the regulation of cap-independent translation of viral and cellular mRNAs driven by internal ribosome entry site(IRES)(61), mRNA location(47),and stability(41).We have recently reported on the interaction of cellular proteins with the5Јand3ЈUTRs of the TGEV RNA genome, a member of CoV genus␣.The binding of PTB to the5Јend of the viral genome was shown(28).In the study described in this report,PTB interaction with TGEV TRSs has been shown by RNA affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry anal-ysis.The functional relevance of PTB on TGEV transcription was analyzed by small interfering RNA(siRNA)approaches in human Huh7cells infected with TGEV and in HEK293T cells transfected with a TGEV-derived replicon.A significant in-crease of up to4-fold in mRNA levels and virus titer was observed after silencing of the expression of PTB,suggesting a negative effect of PTB in TGEV infection.In TGEV-infected cells,PTB localized to novel discrete cytoplasmic granules at the time that RNA synthesis ceased.Neither double-stranded RNA(dsRNA),intermediates of viral RNA synthesis,nor components of the viral replication-transcription complex were detected in these cytoplasmic structures.However,cellular RNA-binding proteins such as T-cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1)and the TIA-1-related protein(TIAR)were identified in PTB-containing granules.PTB was not detected in TIAR-containing stress granules(SGs)induced in swine testis(ST) cells by oxidative stress,suggesting that PTB might be a specific component of cytoplasmic granules induced by TGEV infec-tion.Interestingly,viral genomic RNA(gRNA)and sgmRNA were detected in association with PTB and TIAR.These data indicate that viral RNAs and cellular proteins such as PTB, TIA-1,and TIAR form cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein com-plexes that are most likely involved in the posttranscriptional regulation of virus gene expression during infection.MATERIALS AND METHODSCells and viruses.ST cells(51)were grown in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium(DMEM)supplemented with10%fetal bovine serum(FBS).Human liver-derived Huh7cells were kindly provided by R.Bartenschlager(University of Heidelberg,Heidelberg,Germany)and were grown in DMEM supplemented with10%heat-inactivated FBS.Human HEK293T cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with5%FBS.The TGEV PUR46-MAD strain(58)was used to infect ST cells,and the TGEV PUR46-C11strain(57)was used to infect Huh7 cells.Virus titration was performed on ST cell monolayers as previously de-scribed(35).For oxidative stress induction,ST cells were exposed to1and3mM sodium arsenite(Sigma)in complete medium for60and90min at37°C.For endoplasmic reticulum(ER)stress induction,ST cells were exposed to1and2␮M thapsigargin(Sigma)in complete medium for1.5,8,and16h at37°C.For activation of RNA-activated protein kinase(PKR),ST cells were transfected with2and4␮g of poly(I:C)(Sigma)by a reverse transfection protocol with Lipofectamine2000(Invitrogen),following the manufacturer’s instructions. Stress granule formation was analyzed by immunofluorescence at2,6,and16h posttransfection.DNA constructs.To generate a DNA template for the in vitro transcription of an RNA including TRS-L,nucleotides(nt)39to159of the TGEV genome were amplified by PCR from plasmid pBAC-TGEV-⌬Cla(4)with the oligonucleo-tides T7-TRSL-EcoRI-VS(where VS indicates virus sense and which includes the T7promoter)and TRSL-HindIII-DraI-RS(where RS indicates reverse sense)(Table1).For the in vitro transcription of a minus-sense RNA including the complement of TRS-L(cTRS-L),TGEV genome nt38to154were amplified from the same plasmid by PCR with the oligonucleotides cTRSL-EcoRI-SacI-VS and T3-cTRSL-HindIII-RS,which includes the T3promoter(Table1).Both PCR amplicons were digested with EcoRI and HindIII and cloned into the same restriction sites of the vector pSL-1190to generate plasmids pSL-T7-TRSL and pSL-T3-cTRSL,respectively.pSL-T7-TRSL and pSL-T3-cTRSL were linearized with DraI and SacI,respectively.Linearized plasmid pSL-T3-cTRSL-SacI was treated with T4DNA polymerase(New England BioLabs)to generate blunt ends,following the manufacturer’s conditions.The DNA templates were purified with QIAquick reagent(Qiagen)and then used for the in vitro transcription reactions.PCRs were performed with platinum Pfx DNA polymerase(Invitro-gen),following the manufacturer’s recommended conditions.All cloning steps were checked by sequencing the PCR-amplified fragments and cloning junctions. In vitro transcription.In vitro transcription reactions to generate TRS-L-121 (TGEV nt39to159)and cTRS-L-117(the complement of TGEV nt38to154) RNAs were performed from1.5␮g of linearized pSL-T7-TRSL and pSL-T3-cTRSL templates using a MAXIscript T7/T3transcription kit(Ambion),accord-ing to the manufacturer’s instructions.Biotin-14-CTP(Invitrogen)was added at afinal concentration of0.16mM in a1:6.25ratio to unlabeled CTP.The transcription reaction mixtures were incubated for2h at37°C and treated with 10units of DNase I for15min at37°C.The resulting transcripts were purified with an RNeasy kit(Qiagen),following the RNA cleanup protocol,analyzed by denaturing electrophoresis in2%(wt/vol)agarose–2.2M formaldehyde gels,and quantified spectrophotometrically.Cell extracts.For proteomics analysis,Huh7cells were grown in15-cm-diam-eter dishes to confluence and infected at a multiplicity of infection(MOI)of5 with TGEV PUR46-C11.After an adsorption period of1h,the inoculum medium was replaced by fresh medium and the cell extracts were prepared at TABLE1.Oligonucleotides used for PCR amplifications Oligonucleotide Oligonucleotide sequence(5Ј33Ј)aT7-TRSL-G GAATTC TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGTTCTTTTACTTTAACTAGCCTTGTG TRSL-HindIII-C AAGCTT TTTAAA CTGAATGGAAATAATCcTRSL-EcoRI-G GAATTC GAGCTC TTCTTTTACTTTAACT3-cTRSL-C AAGCTT AATTAACCCTCACTAAAGGGGAATGGAAATAATCAACGCTTGa Restriction endonuclease sites used for cloning are in italics.Transcription promoters are in boldface.V OL.85,2011PTB AFFECTS CORONAVIRUS RNA LEVELS5137on April 12, 2015 by UNIV OF CONNECTICUT /Downloaded from72h postinfection(hpi).The cells were then washed with cold phosphate-buffered saline(PBS),scraped off the plates,centrifuged at1,000ϫg for5min at4°C,and stored atϪ80°C.Cytoplasmic extracts were prepared from infected cells as previously described(28).Extracts were stored in10%glycerol atϪ80°C. Total protein concentration was determined with a Coomassie plus protein assay (Pierce).5؅Biotinylated RNA oligonucleotides.5ЈBiotinylated RNA oligonucleotides 16or30nt long,including sequences of TGEV TRS-L and TRS-B with positive or negative polarity(Table2)and the CS as the central motif,were purchased from CureVac(Tu¨bingen,Germany).RNA affinity chromatography.Cell extracts(250␮g)were diluted1:3in binding-washing(BW)buffer(50mM HEPES,pH7.9,150mM KCl,5%glyc-erol,0.01%NP-40)and precleared three times with20␮l of streptavidin-coupled Dynabeads(M-80;Dynal)for4h at4°C.In vitro-transcribed RNAs(3␮g)or5Јbiotinylated RNA oligonucleotides(400pmol)were diluted in20␮l of RNA-binding buffer(5mM Tris HCl,pH7.5,0.5mM EDTA,1M NaCl)and incubated with20␮l of fresh streptavidin-coupled Dynabeads for30min at room temperature.The immobilized RNA was washed three times with200␮l of BW buffer and then incubated with the precleared protein extract overnight.The RNA-protein complexes were washed three times with200␮l of BW buffer. RNA-interacting proteins were eluted with12␮l of KCl,2M,dialyzed against water on nitrocellulose membranes(VSWP01300;Millipore),resuspended in NuPage sample buffer(Invitrogen),and analyzed by denaturing electrophoresis using NuPAGE4to12%bis-Tris gels and morpholinepropanesulfonic acid (MOPS)-SDS running buffer(Invitrogen).The gels were washed three times in deionized water and stained with Coomassie blue Simply Blue Safe stain(Invit-rogen),and the protein bands of interest were excised from the gels for their identification by mass spectrometry.Identification of proteins by mass spectrometry.Protein samples from excised bands were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time offlight (MALDI TOF)mass spectrometry in an ABI4800MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometer(Applied Biosystems),followed by comparative data analysis with the NCBI human protein nonredundant database using the Mascot program,as previously described(28).siRNA transfection.Human Huh7cells were transfected following a reverse transfection protocol.Briefly,for each well of a24-well plate,5ϫ104cells were incubated in suspension with50nM PTBP1-specific siRNA(sense sequence 5ЈGGAUUCAAGUUCUUCCAGAtt3Јand antisense sequence5ЈUCUGGAA GAACUUGAAUCCtt3Ј[lowercase indicates nucleotide protruding at the3Јends];catalog no.12337;Ambion)and2␮l of siPORT amine(Ambion)diluted in50␮l of Opti-MEM I reduced serum medium(GibcoBRL-Invitrogen), following the manufacturer’s instructions.As a negative control,an irrelevant validated siRNA(sequence not available;siRNA sequence identifier4390843; Ambion)was transfected.Cells were plated onto each well using DMEM with 10%heat-inactivated FBS,incubated at37°C for48h,and then infected with TGEV PUR46-C11at an MOI of5.At24,48,and72hpi,total RNA,protein, and cell supernatants were collected for further analysis.HEK293T cells were transfected as previously described(28).Briefly,cells grown to60%confluence were transfected with100nM the same PTBP1-specific siRNA and RNAiMax (Invitrogen),according to the manufacturer’s specifications.Cells were incub ated at37°C for24h and then trypsinized and seeded in24-well plates at a confluence of2ϫ105cells per well.The cells were retransfected with50nM siRNAs at48h after thefirst transfection and incubated for5h at37°C.Then,the transfection medium was discarded and the cells were transfected with800ng of the TGEV-derived replicon REP2and Lipofectamine2000(Invitrogen)as previously described(3).Total RNA was collected for further analysis at19,28, and47h after the replicon transfection(72,92,and100h after thefirst transfe ction of siRNA,respectively).Analysis of cellular gene expression and viral RNA levels.Cellular gene expression and viral RNA levels were quantified by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR(qRT-PCR).Total RNA was prepared with an RNeasy kit (Qiagen),according to the manufacturer’s instructions.cDNA was synthesized with random hexamers from100ng of total RNA using a high-capacity cDNA transcription kit(Applied Biosystems).Cellular gene expression was analyzed using a human PTB-specific TaqMan gene expression assay(Hs00259176_m1 PTBP1;Applied Biosystems).To analyze viral RNA levels,a custom TaqMan assay(Applied Biosystems)specific for TGEV mRNA7was used(28).Data were acquired with an ABI Prism7000sequence detection system(Applied Biosystems)and analyzed with ABI Prism7000SDS,version1.0,software. Relative gene expression was referred to that for cells treated with a validated negative-control siRNA(Ambion)for each time point.The data represent the averages of biological triplicates.Western blot analysis.Cell lysates were analyzed by denaturing electropho-resis in NuPAGE4to12%bis-Tris gels with MOPS-SDS running buffer(Invit-rogen).Proteins were transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane(Hybond-C extra nitrocellulose;Amersham Biosciences)with a Bio-Rad Mini protean II electro-blotting apparatus at100V for1h in bis-Tris transfer buffer(25mM bis-Tris,25 mM bicine,1mM EDTA)containing20%methanol.Membranes were blocked for1h with5%dried skim milk in Tris-buffered saline(20mM Tris-HCl,pH7.5, 150mM NaCl)and then probed with antibodies specific for PTB(mouse mono-clonal antibody[MAb]from hybridoma BB7;ATCC),TGEV nucleoprotein(N; mouse MAb3DC10)(48),and␤-actin(mouse MAb ab8226;Abcam).Bound antibodies were detected with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse secondary antibody and the Immobilon Western chemiluminescent sub-strate(Millipore),following the manufacturer’s recommendations.Densitomet-ric analysis of PTB and␤-actin bands from at least four different experiments was performed using Quantity One,version4.5.1,software(Bio-Rad).Immunofluorescence.TGEV-infected(MOI,10)or noninfected ST cells were fixed with100%chilled methanol for10min at room temperature,washed three times in PBS,and incubated with blocking buffer(PBS containing10%bovine serum albumin)for1h at room temperature.Primary antibodies(anti-PTB MAb from hybridoma BB7from ATCC;anti-TIAR and anti-TIA-1from Santa Cruz Biotechnology;anti-Dcp1a kindly provided by J.Lykke-Anderson,University of Colorado;anti-HCoV229E nsp8kindly provided by J.Ziebuhr,Giessen Uni-versity,Giessen,Germany;anti-N-protein MAb3DC10[48];anti-dsRNA MAb from English&Scientific Consulting,Hungary)were diluted in PBS–5%bovine serum albumin(1:1,000for anti-TIAR,anti-TIA-1,and anti-Dcp1a;1:300for anti-nsp8;1:200for anti-dsRNA and anti-PTB;1:100for anti-N)and incubated with cells at room temperature for1h.Cells were then washed four times for10 min each time with PBS and incubated for1h at room temperature with secondary antibodies conjugated to Alexa Fluor488or Alexa Fluor594diluted 1:500in PBS–5%bovine serum albumin.For double-labeling experiments with MAbs against PTB and dsRNA,affinity-purified anti-PTB MAb BB7was directly labeled with Zenon labeling reagent(Molecular Probes,Invitrogen)following the manufacturer’s instructions.Cells werefirst incubated with the primary MAb IgG2a anti-dsRNA and secondary antibody conjugated to Alexa Fluor594. Then,cells were incubated with the complexes formed by MAb BB7bound to goat anti-mouse IgG2b Fab fragments conjugated to Alexa Fluor488.To prevent transfer of the Zenon label between antibodies,afixation with4%formaldehyde solution in PBS for15min at room temperature was performed.Nuclear DNA was visualized with4Ј,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI).Coverslips were mounted in Prolong Gold antifade reagent(Invitrogen)and analyzed with a confocalfluorescence microscope(TCS SP5;Leica).For each experimental series,images were acquired with the same instrument settings and analyzed with Leica software.RNA IP.Isolation of PTB and TIAR-associated RNAs under native conditions was performed by immunoprecipitation(IP)using anti-PTB MAb BB7and goat anti-TIAR antibody,respectively.Cytoplasmic extracts were prepared from ST cells uninfected or infected with TGEV PUR46-MAD at an MOI of10.ST cells grown in15-cm-diameter dishes to confluence were washed with cold PBS, scraped off the plates,and centrifuged at2,000ϫg for2min at4°C,and the cell pellets were resuspended in1ml cold PBS.Then,the cell suspension was mixed with1ml lysis buffer(150mM NaCl,3mM MgCl2,20mM Tris-HCl,pH7.5,1% NP-40,protease inhibitor cocktail[Roche],1.6U/␮l RNasin RNase inhibitor [Promega])by gentle pipetting,incubated at4°C for10min,and centrifuged at 3,000ϫg for2min at4°C.The supernatant,corresponding to the cytosolicTABLE2.Biotin-labeled RNA sequences used in affinitychromatography experimentsName TRS Sequence(5Ј33Ј)a Polarity Size (nt)TRS-L-30TRS-L CACCAACUCGAA CUAAAC GAAAUAUUUGUCϩ30cTRS-L-16TRS-L AUUUC GUUUAG UUCGAϪ16TRS-S2-30TRS-S2GAAACCUUCCUU CUAAAC UAUAGUAGUAGGϩ30cTRS-S2-16TRS-S2CUAUA GUUUAG AAGGAϪ16TRS-N-30TRS-N CAUAUGGUAUAA CUAAAC UUCUAAAUGGCCϩ30cTRS-N-30TRS-N GCCAUUUAGAAG GUUUAG UUAUACCAUAUGϪ30a The conserved CS(in boldface)is the central motif of RNA oligonucleotides.5138SOLA ET AL.J.V IROL.on April 12, 2015 by UNIV OF CONNECTICUT /Downloaded fromfraction,was collected and precleared before RNA IP on protein A/G plates (protein A/G plate IP kit;Pierce),following the manufacturer’s instructions. Purified anti-PTB,anti-TIAR,or anti-greenfluorescent protein(anti-GFP; Boehringer Mannheim)antibodies werefirst bound to A/G plates diluted(20␮g/␮l)in IP buffer(PBS,1%Triton X-100),and then cytoplasmic extracts were added to the protein A/G-antibody plates.Immunoprecipitated RNA-protein complexes were eluted according to the manufacturer’s instructions.RNA was isolated by an RNeasy kit(Qiagen)and subjected to qRT-PCR for the detection of PTB-,TIAR-,or GFP-associated viral or cellular RNAs.Viral gRNA was detected with a custom TaqMan assay(forward primer,5Ј-TTTAACTAGCCT TGTGCTAGATTTTGTC-3Ј;reverse primer,5Ј-AAATAATCAACGCTTGTC CTCTATGA-3Ј;minor groove binder DNA probe,5Ј-CAACTCGAACTAAA CGAAAT-3Ј).sgmRNA7was quantified as described above.RESULTSInteraction of PTB with TGEV transcription-regulating se-quences.Since TRSs are specifically associated with transcrip-tion,they were selected to isolate TRS-interacting cellular proteins potentially involved in viral transcription by RNA affinity chromatography.Biotin-labeled RNAs,including viral TRS(Table2),were used to capture proteins from cytoplasmic extracts of CoV-infected human Huh7cells(MOI,5).A hu-man cell line was selected for proteomic analysis to improve protein identification,since human sequences are better rep-resented in public databases than those from porcine species (28).RNA-protein complexes were immobilized on streptavi-din-coupled paramagnetic beads and eluted proteins were re-solved by SDS-PAGE.Bands detected in the presence of TRS RNAs and absent in samples without RNA were excised,di-gested with trypsin,and subjected to MALDI-TOF mass spec-trometry analysis(Fig.1A).PTB was reproducibly associated with positive-sense RNAs containing TRS-L sequences of30 nt(TRS-L-30)or121nt(TRS-L-121),as well as30-nt TRS-B sequences(TRS-S2-30and TRS-N-30).In contrast,PTB was not detected when the minus-strand RNA complementary to these TRSs(cTRS-L-117,cTRS-S2-30,cTRS-N-30)was used. Two bands with apparent molecular masses of57and59kDa, compatible with isoforms PTB1and PTB2/4,respectively,gen-erated by alternative splicing of PTB mRNA(66)were iden-tified with significant scores(PϽ0.05)and sequence coverage (47to88%)(Fig.1B and C).Effect of PTB expression silencing on TGEV RNA levels and infectious virus production.To analyze the functional rele-vance of PTB on TGEV transcription and infectious virus production,its expression was silenced with specific siRNAs in the human cell line Huh7,which is susceptible to TGEV strain PUR46-C11infection.Additionally,the effect of PTB on TGEV RNA levels was evaluated in human HEK293T cells transfected with a TGEV-derived replicon(3,28).A human cell line was selected for functional assays because gene silenc-ing and gene expression reagents were not available for the porcine PTB gene,whereas they were available for the human gene.Furthermore,the design of porcine-specific customFIG.1.RNA affinity chromatography assays for isolation of pro-teins interacting with TGEV TRS.(A)Scheme of the RNA affinity chromatography assay.(B)Proteins from the cytoplasmic extracts of infected Huh7cells were pulled down,separated by SDS-PAGE,and stained with Coomassie blue.Bands detected in the presence of TRS RNAs and absent in samples without RNA were excised and analyzed by mass spectrometry(MS).Arrows indicate isoforms of PTB.Molec-ular size markers are shown.TRS-L,TRS-L121-nt RNA;cTRS-L, cTRS-L117-nt RNA complementary to leader TRS;TRS-N,30-nt RNA including the N-gene TRS;cTRS-N,30-nt RNA complementary to TRS-N;TRS-S2,30-nt RNA including TRS-S2within S gene;cTRS-S2, 16-nt RNA complementary to TRS-S2.(C)Scheme showing three iso-forms of PTB generated by alternative splicing of plete skipping of exon9produces PTB1.Inclusion of exon9from two alterna-tive splice sites produces PTB2and PTB4,which have an extra19-and 26-amino-acid insert,respectively,between exons8and 10.FIG.2.Silencing of PTB expression in TGEV-infected cells.Hu-man Huh7cells were transfected with siRNAs and infected with the TGEV PUR46-C11strain at48h posttransfection.Total RNA and protein extracts were collected at24,48,and72hpi(72,96,and120h posttransfection,respectively)to analyze PTB silencing.(A)Analysis of PTB silencing at the mRNA level.The amount of PTB mRNA in cells transfected with PTB-specific siRNA was quantified by qRT-PCR and expressed as a percentage of mRNA reference levels in cells transfected with a validated negative-control siRNA(siRNA CϪ)for each time postinfection.(B)Analysis of PTB silencing at the protein level by immunoblotting with anti-PTB antibody.Ponceau staining was used as a loading control.V OL.85,2011PTB AFFECTS CORONAVIRUS RNA LEVELS5139on April 12, 2015 by UNIV OF CONNECTICUT /Downloaded fromsiRNAs is restricted since information on porcine genomic sequences in public databases is very limited and currently available computer algorithms have been developed by taking as a reference only human,mouse,and rat sequences.Syn-thetic siRNAs were transfected into Huh7cells by reverse transfection.After48h,the cells were infected with the TGEV strain PUR46-C11at an MOI of5.Silencing experiments were optimized to select the minimal concentration of siRNA and transfection reagent providing maximum gene silencing and minimum cytotoxicity.From previous PTB-silencing experi-ments(data not shown),one out of three specific siRNAs providing the highest silencing efficiency(Ͼ90%)was chosen for further analysis.Moreover,a single siRNA transfection was sufficient to achieve sustained PTB silencing at both the mRNA and protein levels at the times of the phenotypic anal-ysis.PTB silencing did not have a significant impact on cell viability,as confirmed by the observed growth kinetics of trans-fected cells.Samples were collected for analysis at24,48,and 72hpi(i.e.,72,96,and120h after transfection of the siRNAs, respectively).PTB mRNA levels showed a significant reduc-tion(90to95%)in PTB-silenced cells,in relation to the cells transfected with a validated negative-control siRNA,as deter-mined by qRT-PCR with specific TaqMan gene expressionFIG.3.Effect of silencing PTB expression on TGEV-infected human Huh7cells and HEK293T cells transfected with a TGEV-derived repli-con.To analyze the viral phenotype,total RNA and supernatants were collected at the indicated times from human Huh7cells which had been transfected with siRNAs and infected with TGEV PUR46-C11and hu-man HEK293T cells transfected with siRNAs and subsequently with the TGEV-derived replicon.(A)Quantification by qRT-PCR of viral mRNA 7accumulation in cells transfected with PTB-specific siRNA compared to reference levels from cells transfected with a validated negative-control siRNA(CϪ)at each time postinfection.(B)Virus production in Huh7 cells was quantified by titration of the supernatants on ST cells.(C)Effect of silencing PTB expression on human HEK293T cells transfected with a TGEV-derived replicon.PTB mRNA and viral mRNA7accumulation levels were quantified by qRT-PCR at19,28,and47h after the replicon transfection(hpt;72,92,and100h after thefirst transfection of siRNA, respectively)and expressed as percentages of mRNA reference levels in cells transfected with a validated negative-control siRNA(CϪ)for each time postinfection.The experiment was performed three times,and the data represent the averages of triplicates.Standard deviations are indi-cated as error bars.FIG.4.Kinetic analysis of PTB cytoplasmic levels and viral mark-ers in TGEV-infected ST cells.Total RNA and cytoplasmic proteinextracts were collected from ST cells infected with the TGEV PUR46-MAD strain at the indicated hpi.(A)Western blot detection of PTB incytoplasmic extracts from infected ST cells at different times postin-fection.The smallest band detected with anti-PTB MAb in porcine STcells corresponds to a nonspecific product.TGEV N was detected as acontrol of viral infection.The smaller band corresponds to a product ofcaspase-mediated proteolysis of TGEV nucleocapsid protein(23).␤-Actin was used as a loading control.Protein molecular masses are given in kDa.(B)Quantification of viral mRNA7and cytoplasmicPTB levels in TGEV-infected ST cells.Viral mRNA7levels at differ-ent times postinfection were determined by qRT-PCR and expressedas relative units in reference to the amount at0hpi.Cytoplasmic PTBlevels were quantified by densitometry of the PTB2/4band(upperband)and normalized against the amount of␤-actin.Densitometricanalysis of PTB and␤-actin bands from at least four different experi-ments was performed,with similar results.5140SOLA ET AL.J.V IROL.on April 12, 2015 by UNIV OF CONNECTICUT /Downloaded from。
