


➢ SPICE出生于加州大学伯克利分校(UCB)EECS系, 是预测集成电路电器特性的软件。事实上, SPICE这个名字是从"Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis"来的。(重点应用于 集成电路的仿真程序)
23年前,1973年4月12日, 在加拿大滑铁卢 举行的第十六届中西部电路理论研讨会上, SPICE面世了。 提供论文的是UCB的Donald O. Pederson教授。我相信并不是每个人对这篇论文 或者它所描述的程序都有清晰的认识。
直流小信号传递函数值是电路在直流小信号下的输出 变量与输入变量的比值,输入电阻和输出电阻也作为直流 解析的一部分被计算出来。进行此项分析时电路中不能有 隔直电容。分析结果以文本方式输出。
直流扫描分析可作出各种直流转移特性曲线。输出变 量可以是某节点电压或某节点电流,输入变量可以是独立 电压源、独立电流源、温度、元器件模型参数和通用 (Global)参数(在电路中用户可以自定义的参数)。
➢ 当所有人对SPICE不抱大的希望时,所发 生的事情却是非常显著的。 短短几年内, SPICE被几乎所有的发展,很快扩展 至集成电路工业。到二十五年后的今天, 所有的电子工程学院的学生都在学习如何 使用SPICE及其派生物。 事实上,每一个 处理电路网表的CAD软件都精确的使用最 初的SPICE 2G6同样的网表描述。一句话, SPICE成了各种标准组织,委员会,会议, 定位论文和机构等等的工业标准。
• Calculates and plots the frequency spectrum
➢ 1. 直流分析: 包括电路的静态工作点分析;直流小信号传递函数值
分析;直流扫描分析;直流小信号灵敏度分析。在进行静 态工作点分析时,电路中的电感全部短路,电容全部开路, 分析结果包括电路每一节点的电压值和在此工作点下的有 源器件模型参数值。这些结果以文本文件方式输出。



LTspice电子线路模拟教程————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:P SPICE-电子线路模拟LTspice IV 教程.16. 07 2009 郭督于德国.1目录1.简介2. 安装3. …练习例子Astable Multivibrator“ 63.1. 打开线路图3.2.信号分部3.3. Löschen von Signalverläufen im Ergebnis-Bildschirm 103.4. Andere Farbe für eine Ergebniskurve 103.5. Änderung der Simulationszeit 113.6. Änderung des dargestellten Spannungs- oder Strombereichs 133.7. Cursor-Einsatz 153.7.1. Verwendung eines Cursors 153.7.1. Verwendung eines zweiten Cursors 153.8. Differenzmessungen 163.9. Strom-Messungen 173.10. Änderung von Bauteilwerten 184. RC-Tiefpass als erstes eigenes Projekt 194.1. Zeichnen des Stromlaufplans mit dem Editor 194.2. Zuweisung neuer Bauteilwerte 204.3. Untersuchung von einmaligen Vorgängen 214.3.1. Die Sprungantwort 214.3.2. Ein- und Ausschaltvorgang 234.3.3. Die Impulsantwort 244.4. Periodische Signale am Eingang 274.4.1. Sinussignal mitf= 1591 Hz 274.4.2. Rechtecksignal mitf= 1691 Hz 284.4.3. Dreiecksignal mitf= 1691 Hz 294.5. AC-Sweep zur Ermittlung des Frequenzganges 305. FFT (= Fast Fourier Transformation) 326. Zweites Projekt: Gleichrichtung 346.1. Einpuls-Gleichrichter ohne Trafo 346.2. Eine wichtige Sache: Erstellung eines SPICE-Modells und eines Symbols für einen Transformator 356.2.1. Erstellung des SPICE-Modells für einen Transformator mit zwei 35 Wicklungen6.2.2. Erzeugung eines passenden Symbols für den Transformator 366.3. Einpuls-Gleichrichter mit Trafo 386.4. Verwendung der Diode 1N4007 in der Gleichrichterschaltung 396.5. Zweipuls-Gleichrichter mit Trafo 417. Drittes Projekt: Drehstrom 437.1. Programmierung eines Drehstromsystems 437.2. Drehstrom-Gleichrichterbrücke ( Lichtmaschine im Auto) 448. Viertes Projekt: Darstellung von Bauteil-Kennlinien 468.1. Ohm‘scher Widerstand 468.2. Diode 478.3. NPN-Transistor 488.4. N-Kanal-Sperrschicht-FET 5029. Fünftes Projekt: Schaltungen mit Transistoren 519.1. Einstufiger Verstärker 519.1.1. Ansteuerung mit einem Sinus-Signal 519.1 .2. Simulation des Frequenzganges (…AC-Sweep“) 539.2. Zweistufiger gegengekoppelter Breitbandverstärker 549.2.1. Pflichtenheff 549.2.2. Simulations-Schaltung und Simulations-Vorgaben 559.2.3. Simulation in der Time Domain (= im Zeitbereich) 559.2.4. DC-Bias (= Gleichstrom-Analyse) 569.2.5. AC-Sweep (= Frequenzgang von 1 Hz bis 200 MHz) 589.3. Der Parameter-Sweep 5910. Sechstes Projekt: OPV-Schaltungen 6110.1. Einstieg: Umkehrender Verstärker 6110.2. Einsatz eines SPICE-Modells als …Subcircuit“ aus dem Internet 63 10.2.1. Breitband-Gainblock für 1 kHz bis 30 MHz mit 0PA355 63 10.2.2. Simulation mit dem erstellten 0PA355-Subcircuit-Modell 6310.3. Verwendung von Labels 6611. Siebtes Projekt: DC-DC-Konverter 6811.1. Bereitstellung des Power-MOSFETs …IRFZ44N“ 6811.2. Der Step-Up-Konverter ( = Aufwärtswandler) 7011.3. Der Flyback-Konverter ( = Sperrwandler) 7211.4. Der Step-Down -Konverter ( = Abwärtswandler) 7412. Achtes Projekt: Phasenanschnitt-Steuerung mit Thyristor 7612.1. Das eingesetzte Thyristor-Modell 7612.2. Schalten von Ohm‘schen Lasten 7712.3. Schalten von induktiven Lasten 7812.4. Zündung des Thyristors über einen Gate-Transformator 7913. Neuntes Projekt: Echos auf Leitungen 8013.1. Leitungen -- nurzwei Drähte? 8013.2. Echos 8213.3. Simulation des vorigen Rechenbeispiels mit LTSpice 8413.4. Leerlauf oder Kurzschluss als Last am Kabelende 8713.5. Verwendung von Kabel mit Verlusten (Beispiel: RG58 1 50Q) 89 13.5.1. Wie simuliere ich RG58-Kabel? 8913.5.2. Simulation der Kabeldämpfung bei 100MHz 9013.5.3. Speisung der RG58-Leitung mit einer Pulsspannung 9313.5.4. Ein Kurzschluss am Ende der RG58-Leitung 9414. Zehntes Projekt: S-Parameter 9514.1. Jetzt nochmals Echos, aber mit System 9514.3. Praxisbeispiel: 110MHz —Tschebyschef —Tiefpassfilter (LPF) 9815. Elftes Projekt: Double Balanced Mixer (= Ringmodulator) 102 15.1. Etwas Grundlagen und Informationen 10215.2. Standardschaltung des Ringmodulators 10315.3. Die erforderlichen Übertrager 10415.4. Simulation des DBM-Verhaltens 105316. Zwölftes Projekt: Digitale Schaltungssimulation 10616.1. Was man vorher wissen sollte 10616.2. Einfacher Anfang: die Umkehrstufe ( NOT oder Inverter) 10716.3. Der AND-Baustein 10816.4. Das D-Flipflop 10916.5. Dreistufiger Frequenzteiler mit D-Flipflops 11017. Dreizehntes Projekt: Rausch-Simulation 11117.1. Etwas Grundlagen 11117.1.1. …Rauschen“ --woher kommt das? 11117.1.2. Weitere Rauschquellen 11317.1.3. Rauschtemperatur und Noise Figure eines Twoports 11417.2. Simulation der Spektralen Rauschleistungs-Dichte 11417.3. Simulation der Noise Figure in dB 11741.简介这个软件是由LINEAR公司提供的免费模拟软件,目前最新版本4,LTspice IV 操作简单,入门容易.许多设计公司都喜欢用它.凌力尔特公司 (Linear Technology Corporation) 推出LTspice IV,这是其免费SPICE电路仿真软件 LTspice/SwitcherCADIII所做的一次重大更新。




该系列是一组关于SPICE仿真、OrCAD pSPICE仿真、SPICE建模以及电路仿真中其他概念的指南和信息。





NI Multisim是一个易于使用的、功能强大的、灵活的SPICE仿真环境的范例,它支持教师们教授电路理论,并允许工程师们快速进行拓扑结构设计。

SPICE仿真概览目录1Overview2SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE)3SPICE Simulation Models and Netlists4 A Tradeoff Between Speed and Accuracy5Using SPICE Simulation6Learning MoreOverviewThe National Instruments SPICE Simulation Fundamentals series is your free resource on the internet for learning about circuit simulation. The series is a set of tutorials and information on SPICE simulation, OrCAD pSPICE compatibility, SPICE modeling, and other concepts in circuit simulation.For more information, see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals main page.The series is divided among a number of in-depth detailed articles that will give you HOW TO information on the important concepts and details of SPICE simulation.Circuit simulation is an important part of any design process. By simulating your circuits, you can detect errors early in the process, and avoid costly and time consuming prototype reworking. You can also easily swap components to evaluate designs with varying bills of materials (BOMs).SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE)SPICE is a computer simulation and modeling program used by engineers to mathematically predict the behavior of electronics circuits. Developed at the University of California at Berkeley, SPICE can be used to simulate circuits of almost all complexities. However, SPICE is generally used to predict the behavior of low to mid frequency (DC to around 100MHz) circuits.SPICE Simulation Models and NetlistsSPICE has the ability to simulate components ranging from the most basic passive elements such as resistors and capacitors to sophisticated semiconductor devices such as MESFETs and MOSFETs. Using these intrinsic components as the basic building blocks for larger models, designers and chip manufacturers have been able to define a truly vast and diverse number of SPICE models. Most commercially available simulators include more than 15,000 different components.The quality of SPICE models can vary, and not all SPICE models are applicable to every application. It is important to consider this when using the models supplied with a SPICE simulation package. Using a SPICE model inappropriately can lead to inaccurate results, or even generate an error in some circumstances. One of the most common errors made by even seasoned engineers is confusing a SPICE model with a PSPICE model. PSPICE is a commercially available program that uses proprietary languages to define components and models.A circuit must be presented to SPICE in the form of a netlist. The netlist is a text description of all circuit elements such as transistors and capacitors, and their corresponding connections. Modern schematic capture and simulation tools such as Multisim allow users to draw circuit schematics in a user-friendly environment, and automatically translate the circuit diagrams into netlists. Consider as an example the simple voltage divider circuit below. We include both netlist and corresponding circuit schematic.Voltage Divider Netlist* Any text after the asterisk '*' is ignored by SPICE* V oltage DividervV1 1 0 12rR1 1 2 1000rR2 2 0 2000.OP * perform a DC operating point analysis.ENDVoltage Divider SchematicA Tradeoff Between Speed and AccuracyAlthough the SPICE models used in a SPICE simulation can greatly affect the accuracy of the results, simulation settings also contribute to varying degrees of accuracy. SPICE simulation options generally allow the user to gain more accuracy in the results at the cost of the speed of the simulation.To understand the tradeoff between speed and accuracy in SPICE simulation one must consider a number of factors. SPICE simulation was created over 30 years go and around that time a typical computer had less power than the average microwave oven did thirty years later. Computing power was very expensive. The simulation of a circuit to the highest degree of accuracy could have taken longer and cost more money than building the actual circuit to see the results. Also, consider that the broad purpose of circuit simulation is to augment basic hand calculations and predict general circuit behavior. With these considerations in mind, the designers of SPICE created a program that could produce reasonably accurate results in a cost-effective manner. They also included many options to allow engineers to customize the accuracy of a simulation.As computing power has increased exponentially over the years, so have the complexity of circuit designs being simulated. Speed and accuracy are still important factors to consider when simulating circuits.Using SPICE SimulationSPICE Simulation by itself can be used as a command line or text-based simulation tool. However, to effectively manage large and complex designs that span from simulation through to PCB layoutand routing, several commercial software tools have been built around SPICE and XSPICE including Multisim. Included in Multisim is a graphical user interface to allow quick and efficient schematic capture, and interactive simulation.'Learning MoreTo learn more about SPICE simulation, please see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals home page.SPICE仿真回顾目录1Overview2SPICE Simulation History3ReferencesOverviewThe National Instruments SPICE Simulation Fundamentals series is your free resource on the internet for learning about circuit simulation. The series is a set of tutorials and information on SPICE simulation, OrCAD pSPICE compatibility, SPICE modeling, and other concepts in circuit simulation.For more information, see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals main page.The series is divided among a number of in-depth detailed articles that will give you HOWTO information on the important concepts and details of SPICE simulation.Circuit simulation is an important part of any design process. By simulating your circuits, you can detect errors early in the process, and avoid costly and time consuming prototype reworking. You can also easily swap components to evaluate designs with varying bills of materials (BOMs). SPICE simulation has been used for over thirty years to accurately predict the behavior of electronic circuits. Over the years the many revisions of SPICE have seen improvements in both accuracy and speed. In addition to these improvements, additions to the language have allowed simulation and modeling of more complex integrated circuits including MOSFETs.SPICE Simulation HistoryS imulation P rogram with I ntegrated C ircuit E mphasis, or SPICE, has been used for over thirty years. The original implementation of SPICE was developed at the University of California Berkeley campus in the late 1960s. SPICE was developed largely as a derivative of CANCER (Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Circuits, Excluding Radiation) also developed by UC Berkeley. The first widely used version of SPICE was announced in Waterloo, Canada in 1973. Shortly thereafter SPICE was adopted by nearly all major engineering institutions throughout North America. SPICE has evolved into the academic and industry standard for analog and mixed-modecircuit simulation.Over the years additional simulation algorithms, component models, bug fixes, and capabilities were added to the program. Even today SPICE is still the most widely used circuit simulator in the world and as of 2006 the latest version is SPICE 3F5.XSPICE was developed at Georgia Tech as an extension to the SPICE language. XSPICE allows behavioral modeling of components which can drastically improve the speeds of mixed-mode and digital simulations. Multisim from National Instruments is based on SPICE 3F5 and XSPICE and provides additional convergence and speed improvements to complement these powerful simulation languages.ReferencesThe SPICE Book, Andrei Vladimirescu, © 1994 John Wiley & SonsThe Life of SPICE, Laurence W. Nagel, © 1996SPICE仿真模型目录1Overview2What is a SPICE Simulation Model?3Model Makers4Where to look for SPICE Simulation modelsOverviewThe National Instruments SPICE Simulation Fundamentals series is your free resource on the internet for learning about circuit simulation. The series is a set of tutorials and information on SPICE simulation, OrCAD pSPICE compatibility, SPICE modeling, and other concepts in circuit simulation.For more information, see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals main page.The series is divided among a number of in-depth detailed articles that will give you HOWTO information on the important concepts and details of SPICE simulation.Circuit simulation is an important part of any design process. By simulating your circuits, you can detect errors early in the process, and avoid costly and time consuming prototype reworking. You can also easily swap components to evaluate designs with varying bills of materials (BOMs).An important key to performing accurate and successful SPICE simulation is to use high quality SPICE models. While most circuit simulation packages such as Multisim come with thousands of components and SPICE simulation models, frequently designers need to use a part that does not exist in the available database. When these situations arise, the software tool will typically have a way of adding custom components and models to the database. Multisim for example has adetailed component creation wizard that will guide designers through the process of defining custom parts for simulation and PCB layout (See Creating Custom Components in Multisim).What is a SPICE Simulation Model?A SPICE model is a text-description of a circuit component used by the SPICE Simulator to mathematically predict the behavior of that part under varying conditions. SPICE models range from the simplest one line descriptions of a passive component such as a resistor, to extremely complex sub-circuits that can be hundreds of lines long.SPICE models should not be confused with pSPICE models. pSPICE is a proprietary circuit simulator provided by OrCAD. While some pSPICE models are compatible with SPICE, there is no guarantee. SPICE is the most widely used circuit simulator, and is an open standard.Model MakersSome SPICE simulation programs such as Multisim include model makers to automatically generate SPICE models for various components. Multisim version 10.1 has 24 SPICE Model makers.Where to look for SPICE Simulation modelsThe best place to look for SPICE models is to browse the vendor or manufacturer’s webs ite. Listed below are some of the most popular chip vendors that supply SPICE models on their website.Vendor DescriptionAnalog Devices Amplifiers and Comparators, Analog to Digital Converters, Digital to Analog Converters, Embedded Processing & DSP, MEMS and Sensors, RF/IF Components, Switches/Multiplexers, Analog Microcontrollers, Interface, Power and Thermal ManagementAnalog and RF Models Analog and RF ModelsApex Microtechnology Linear Amplifiers, PWM Amplifiers Christophe Basso Switch-mode power suppliesCoilcraft, Inc.Power Magnetics, RF Inductors, EMI / RFI Filters, Broadband MagneticsDirected Energy Diodes, Switch-mode MOSFETs, HF / VHF Linear MOSFETs, MOSFET Driver ICsDuncan Amps Amplifiers, Vacuum tubesFairchild Semiconductors Amplifiers & Comparators, Diodes & Rectifiers, Interfaces, Digital Logic Devices, Signal Conversion, V oltage to Frequency Converters, Microcontroller, Optoelectronics, Switches, Power Controllers, Power Drivers, Transistors, Filters, V oltage RegulatorsInfineon Technologies AG Fiber Optics, Microcontrollers, Power Semiconductors, Small Signal DiscretesInternational Rectifier HEXFET Power MOSFETs, Diodes, Bridges, Thyristors, Relays, High V oltage ICs, Intelligent Power Modules, Intelligent Power Switch, HiRel Power MOSFETs, HiRel High V oltage Gate DriversKemet Home Page Surface-mount capacitors in aluminum, ceramic and tantalum and leaded capacitors in ceramic and tantalumLinear Technology Signal Conditioning, Data Conversion, Power Management, Interfacing, High Freuqency & OpticalMaxim Amplifiers and Comparators, Analog Switches and Multiplexers, Clocks, Counters, Delay Lines, Oscillators, RTCs, Data Converters, Sample-and-Holds, Digital Potentiometers, Fiber and Communications, Filters (Analog), High-Frequency ASICs, Hot-Swap and Power Switching, Interface and Interconnect, Memories: Volatile, NV, Multi-Function, Thermal Management, Sensors, Sensor Conditioners, V oltage References, Wireless, RF, and CableNational Semiconductor Amplifiers,Power Management, Temp Sensors, Interface, LVDS, Ethernet, USB Technologies, Micro SMDON Semiconductor Power Management, Amplifiers, Comparators, Analog Switches, Thyristors, Diodes, Rectifiers, Bipolar Transistors, FETs, Standard Logic, Differential Logic,Philips Analog/Linear, Audio, Automotive, Connectivity, Data/Media/Video processing, Discretes, Displays, Interface and control, Logic, Microcontrollers, Power and power management, RF, SensorsPolyfet Polyfet transistorsProtek Transient V oltage SuppressionSMPS Power Supplies Switch-mode power supply simulationSMPS Technology Switch-mode power supply designSupertex Mixed signal semiconductor, High-voltage interface productsSTMicroelectronics Amplifiers & Linear,Analog & Mixed Signal ICs, Diodes, EMI Filtering & Conditioning, Logic, Signal Switch, Memories, Microcontrollers, Power Management, Protection Devices, Sensors, Smartcard ICs, Thyristors & AC Switches, TransistorsTexas Instruments Buffers, Drivers and Transceivers, Flip-Flops, Latches and Registers, Gates, Counters, Decoders/Encoders/Multiplexers, Digital ComparatorsTyco Electronics (formerly Amp)Electromechanical components, passive components, power sources, RF & Microwave productsVishay Manufacturer of analog switches, capacitors, diodes, inductors, integrated modules, power ICs, LEDs, power MOSFETs, resistors and thermistors.Zetex DC-DC boost controllers, V oltage references, Current monitors, Motor control, Acoustar™ audio solutions, Linear regulators基础SPICE仿真模型参数目录1Overview2Basic SPICE Simulation Devices3SPICE Model SyntaxOverviewThe National Instrument SPICE Simulation Fundamentals series is your free resource on the internet for learning about circuit simulation. The series is a set of tutorials and information on SPICE simulation, OrCAD pSPICE compatibility, SPICE modeling, and other concepts in circuit simulation.For more information, see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals main page.The series is divided among a number of in-depth detailed articles that will give you HOWTO information on the important concepts and details of SPICE simulation.Circuit simulation is an important part of any design process. By simulating your circuits, you can detect errors early in the process, and avoid costly and time consuming prototype reworking. You can also easily swap components to evaluate designs with varying bills of materials (BOMs).Basic SPICE Simulation DevicesSPICE includes several different types of electrical components that can be simulated. These range from simple resistors, to sophisticated MESFETs. The table below lists these components and their SPICE syntax.SPICE Model SyntaxParameters in angular parentheses <> are optional. If left unspecified, the default SPICE parameter values will be used.ResistorsSyntax Rname n1 n2 valueExample Rin 2 0 100Notes n1 and n2 are the two element nodes. Value is the resistance (in ohms) and may be positive or negative but not zero.Semiconductor ResistorsSyntax Rname n1 n2 <value> <Mname> <L=Length> <W=Width> <Temp=T>Example Rload 3 7 RMODEL L=10u W=1uNotes This is the more general form of the resistor and allows the modeling of temperature effects and for the calculation of the actual resistance value from strictly geometricinformation and the specifications of the process.CapacitorsSyntax Cname n+ n- value <IC=INCOND>Example Cout 13 0 1UF IC=3VNotes n+ and n- are the positive and negative element nodes, respectively. Value is the capacitance in Farads. The (optional) initial condition is the initial (time-zero) value ofcapacitor voltage (in V olts).Semiconductor CapacitorsSyntax Cname n1 n2 <value> <Mname> <L=Length> <W=Width> <IC=V AL>Example Cfilter 3 7 CMODEL L=10u W=1uNotes This is the more general form of the Capacitor and allows for the calculation of the actual capacitance value from strictly geometric information and the specifications ofthe process.InductorsSyntax Lname n+ n- value <IC=INCOND>Example LSHUNT 23 51 10U IC=15.7MANotes n+ and n- are the positive and negative element nodes, respectively. Value is the inductance in Henries. The (optional) initial condition is the initial (time-zero) valueof inductor current (in Amps) that flows from n+, through the inductor, to n-.Coupled (Mutual) InductorsSyntax Kname Lname1 Lname2 valueExample Kin L1 L2 0.87Notes Lname1 and Lname2 are the names of the two coupled inductors, and V ALUE is the coefficient of coupling, K, which must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.SwitchesSyntax Sname n+ n- nc+ nc- Mname <ON><OFF>Wname n+ n- VNAM MnameL <ON><OFF>Examples Switch1 1 2 10 0 smodel1W1 1 2 vclock switchmod1Notes Nodes n+ and n- are the nodes between which the switch terminals are connected. The model name is mandatory while the initial conditions are optional. For the voltagecontrolled switch, nodes nc+ and nc- are the positive and negative controlling nodesrespectively. For the current controlled switch, the controlling current is that throughthe specified voltage source. The direction of positive controlling current flow is fromthe positive node, through the source, to the negative node.Voltage SourcesSyntax Vname n+ n- <DC<> DC/TRAN V ALUE> <AC <ACMAG <ACPHASE>>> <DISTOF1 <F1MAG <F1PHASE>>> <DISTOF2 <F2MAG <F2PHASE>>> Examples VCC 10 0 DC 6Vin 13 2 0.001 AC 1 SIN(0 1 1MEG)Notes n+ and n- are the positive and negative nodes, respectively. Note that voltage sources need not be grounded. Positive current is assumed to flow from the positive node,through the source, to the negative node. A current source of positive value forcescurrent to flow out of the n+ node, through the source, and into the n- node. V oltagesources, in addition to being used for circuit excitation, are the 'ammeters' for SPICE,that is, zero valued voltage sources may be inserted into the circuit for the purpose ofmeasuring current. They of course have no effect on circuit operation since theyrepresent short-circuits.DC/TRAN is the dc and transient analysis value of the source. If the source value iszero both for dc and transient analyses, this value may be omitted. If the source valueis time-invariant (e.g., a power supply), then the value may optionally be preceded bythe letters DC.Current SourcesSyntax Iname n+ n- <<DC> DC/TRAN V ALUE> <AC <ACMAG <ACPHASE>>> <DISTOF1 <F1MAG <F1PHASE>>> <DISTOF2 <F2MAG <F2PHASE>>> Examples Igain 12 15 DC 1Irc 23 21 0.333 AC 5 SFFM(0 1 1K)Notes ACMAG is the ac magnitude and ACPHASE is the ac phase. The source is set to this value in the ac analysis. If ACMAG is omitted following the keyword AC, a value ofunity is assumed. If ACPHASE is omitted, a value of zero is assumed. If the source isnot an ac small-signal input, the keyword AC and the ac values are omitted.DISTOF1 and DISTOF2 are the keywords that specify that the independent source hasdistortion inputs at the frequencies F1 and F2 respectively (see the description ofthe .DISTO control line). The keywords may be followed by an optional magnitudeand phase. The default values of the magnitude and phase are 1.0 and 0.0 respectively.Linear Voltage-Controlled Current SourcesSyntax Gname n+ n- nc+ nc- valueExample G1 2 0 5 0 0.1MMHONotes n+ andn- are the positive and negative nodes, respectively. Current flow is from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node. nc+ and nc- arethe positive and negative controlling nodes, respectively. VALUE is thetransconductance (in mhos).Linear Voltage-Controlled Voltage SourcesSyntax Ename n+ n- nc+ nc- valueExample E1 2 3 14 1 2.0Notes n+ is the positive node, and n- is the negative node. nc+ and nc- are the positive and negative controlling nodes, respectively. Value is the voltage gain.Linear Current-Controlled Current SourcesSyntax Fname n+ n- Vname valueExample F1 13 5 Vsen 5Notes n+ andn- are the positive and negative nodes, respectively. Current flow is from the positive node, through the source, to the negative node. Vname is the name of avoltage source through which the controlling current flows. The direction of positivecontrolling current flow is from the positive node, through the source, to the negativenode of Vname. Value is the current gain.Linear Current-Controlled Voltage SourcesSyntax Hname n+ n- Vname valueExample Hx1 5 17 Vz 0.5KNotes n+ and n- are the positive and negative nodes, respectively. Vnameis the name of a voltage source through which the controlling current flows. The direction of positivecontrolling current flow is from the positive node, through the source, to the negativenode of Vname. Value is the transresistance (in ohms).Non-linear Dependent SourcesSyntax Bname n+ n- <I=EXPR> <V=EXPR>Example B1 0 1 I=cos(v(1))+sin(v(2))Notes n+ is the positive node, and n- is the negative node. The values of the V and I parameters determine the voltages and currents across and through the device,respectively. If I is given then the device is a current source, and if V is given thedevice is a voltage source. One and only one of these parameters must be given. Thesmall-signal AC behavior of the nonlinear source is a linear dependent source (orsources) with a proportionality constant equal to the derivative (or derivatives) of thesource at the DC operating point.Lossless Transmission LinesSyntax Oname n1 n2 n3 n4 MnameExample O23 1 0 2 0 LOSSYMODNotes This is a two-port convolution model for single-conductor lossy transmission lines. n1 and n2 are the nodes at port 1; n3 and n4 are the nodes at port 2. Note that a lossytransmission line with zero loss may be more accurate than than the losslesstransmission line due to implementation details.Uniform Distributed RC Lines (lossy)Syntax Uname n1 n2 n3 Mname L=LEN <N=LUMPS>Example U1 1 2 0 URCMOD L=50UNotes n1 and n2 are the two element nodes the RC line connects, while n3 is the node to which the capacitances are connected. Mname is the model name, LEN is the length ofthe RC line in meters. Lumps, if specified, is the number of lumped segments to use inmodeling the RC line (see the model description for the action taken if this parameteris omitted).Junction DiodesSyntax Dname n+ n- Mname <Area> <OFF> <IC=VD> <TEMP=T>Example Dfwd 3 7 DMOD 3.0 IC=0.2Notes n+ and n- are the positive and negative nodes, respectively. Mname is the model name, Area is the area factor, and OFF indicates an (optional) starting condition on thedevice for dc analysis.Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)Syntax Qname nC nB nE <nS> Mname <AREA> <OFF> <IC=VBE, VCE> <TEMP=T> Example Q23 10 24 13 QMOD IC=0.6, 5.0Notes nC, nB, andnE are the collector, base, and emitter nodes, respectively. nS is the (optional) substrate node. If unspecified, ground is used. Mname is the modelname, Area is the area factor, and OFF indicates an (optional) initial condition on thedevice for the dc analysis.Junction Field-Effect Transistors (JFET)Syntax Jname nD nG nS Mname <Area> <OFF> <IC=VDS, VGS> <TEMP=T>Example J1 7 2 3 JM1 OFFNotes nD, nG, and nS are the drain, gate, and source nodes, respectively. Mname is the model name, Area is the area factor, and OFF indicates an (optional) initialcondition on the device for dc analysis.MOSFETsSyntax Mname ND NG NS NB MNAME <L=V AL> <W=V AL> <AD=V AL> <AS=V AL> <PD=V AL> <PS=V AL> <NRD=V AL> <NRS=V AL> <OFF> <IC=VDS, VGS, VBS><TEMP=T>Example M31 2 17 6 10 Mname L=5U W=2UNotes nD, nG, nS, and nB are the drain, gate, source, and bulk (substrate) nodes, respectively. Mname is the model name. L and W are the channel length and width,in meters. AD and AS are the areas of the drain and source diffusions, in 2meters . Note that the suffix U specifies microns (1e-6 m) 2 and P sq-microns(1e-12 m ). If any of L, W, AD, or AS are not specified, default values are used. MESFETsSyntax Zname nD nG nS Mname <Area> <OFF> <IC=VDS, VGS>Example Z1 7 2 3 ZM1 OFFNotes nD, nG, andnS are the drain, gate, and source nodes, respectively. Mname is the model name, Area is the area factor, and OFF indicates an (optional) initialcondition on the device for dc analysis.高级SPICE仿真模型参数OverviewThe National Instruments SPICE Simulation Fundamentals series is your free resource on the internet for learning about circuit simulation. The series is a set of tutorials and information on SPICE simulation, OrCAD pSPICE compatibility, SPICE modeling, and other concepts in circuit simulation.For more information, see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals main page.The series is divided among a number of in-depth detailed articles that will give you HOWTO information on the important concepts and details of SPICE simulation.Circuit simulation is an important part of any design process. By simulating your circuits, you candetect errors early in the process, and avoid costly and time consuming prototype reworking. You can also easily swap components to evaluate designs with varying bills of materials (BOMs).Advanced Model ParametersThe SPICE language can model many sophisticated real world effects such as the result of temperature variations on a component.The attached document lists the detailed model parameters for all the native SPICE models.Downloadsadvanced_model_parameters.xlsSPICE仿真选项目录1Overview2What are SPICE Simulation Options?3 A Tradeoff Between Speed and Accuracy4Changing SPICE Simulation Options5 A Listing of SPICE Simulation Options6SPICE2 Emulation ModeOverviewThe National Instruments SPICE Simulation Fundamentals series is your free resource on the internet for learning about circuit simulation. The series is a set of tutorials and information on SPICE simulation, OrCAD pSPICE compatibility, SPICE modeling, and other concepts in circuit simulation.For more information, see the SPICE Simulation Fundamentals main page.The series is divided among a number of in-depth detailed articles that will give you HOWTO information on the important concepts and details of SPICE simulation.Circuit simulation is an important part of any design process. By simulating your circuits, you can detect errors early in the process, and avoid costly and time consuming prototype reworking. You can also easily swap components to evaluate designs with varying bills of materials (BOMs).What are SPICE Simulation Options?SPICE simulation can help to predict the behaviour of electronic circuits of almost any complexity. The SPICE simulator will execute a desired transient, DC, AC or other simulation based on the parameters of the simulation (e.g. length of time, start/stop frequencies, initial conditions, etc.) and。


1. 电路SPICE描述,保存为文件E:\spice\ex4.cir
Common emitter amplifier .model 2n3904 NPN(Is=6.734f Xti=3 Eg=1.11 Vaf=74.03 Bf=416.4 Ne=1.259 + Ise=6.734f Ikf=66.78m Xtb=1.5 Br=.7371 Nc=2 Isc=0 Ikr=0 Rc=1 + Cjc=3.638p Mjc=.3085 Vjc=.75 Fc=.5 Cje=4.493p Mje=.2593 + Vje=.75 Tr=239.5n Tf=301.2p Itf=.4 Vtf=4 Xtf=2 Rb=10) V1 Vcc 0 DC 12V Q1 vc vb ve 2n3904 Rc Vcc vc 2k Re ve 0 500 R1 vb 0 7k R2 Vcc vb 33k C1 Vin vb 0.1u C2 vc Vout 0.1u RL Vout 0 100k Vsig Vin 0 ac 10mV sin(0 10mV 1kHz) .end
SPICE 语法 SPICE 仿真 SPB, Multisim 实例
.op – Operating point,计算电路的直流偏置状态 .dc – DC sweep,当电路中某一参数在一定范围 内变化时计算相对应的电路直流偏置特性 .ac – 计算电路的交流小信号频率响应特性 .tran – Transient,瞬态分析,在给定激励信号的 作用下,计算电路输出端的瞬态响应 .noise – 噪声分析 .pz – Pole-zero analyse,零极点分析 .disto – 失真分析 .tf – Transfer function,直流小信号传递函数分析



Xidian University
School of Microelectronics
Xidian University
School of Microelectronics
School of Microelectronics
+CGSO=4E0-11CGDO=4E-11 CGBO=2E-10 UO=383 TPG=1 LAMBDA=0.03
V××××× N+ N- <<DC>流值> <AC<振幅<相位>>> <瞬态值>
I××××× N+ N- <<DC>直流值> <AC<振幅<相位>>> <瞬态值>
Xidian University分段线性源:PWL(T1 V1 < T2 V2 ···>)





(三)练习使用aim-spice 软件,特别是其中的标准spice分析功能。




Vi2Ω2Ω(三)交流电路如图 1.3所示,已知Vtu)451000sin(2220-=, R1=100Ω, R2=200Ω, R2=50Ω, L1=0.1H, L2=0.5H C=5uF。



u(五)电路如图 1.5(a)所示,输入电压u如图 1.5(b)所示,设u c(0_)=0。

用spice 画出u ab过渡过程的波形。

u cu(六)电路如图1.6所示,t<0时电路已经处于稳态,t=0时开关K 闭合,请用spice画出开关闭合后电路中电流i的波形。

图1.4图1.5(a) 图1.5(b)10V图1.6(七)已知二极管1N41418的参数:IS=0.1PA, RS=16 CJO=2PF TT=12N BV=100 IBV=0.1PA,用spice 画出1N4148的伏安特性曲线,要求横轴是电压,纵轴是电流,电压:0~1.2V。

* (八)用spice 画出某一种三极管的输出特性曲线。




模 型 类 别 总 结
SPICE基本语句 TYPE VSWITCH ISWITCH 关键字 S W N O U U U U U U U U 元件名称 电压控制开关 电流控制开关 数字输入器件 数字输出器件 数字输入输出模型 标准门 三态门 边缘触发器 门控触发器 脉宽校验器 复位和保持校验器 数字延迟线
标题语句 描述文件的第一行。SPICE将第一行作为标题行打印而不作为 电路的一部分进行分析。 注释语句 一般形式是“ * ”后加字符串。注释语句不参与电路的模拟仿真。 可以存在于输入文件除第一行和最后一行之间的任何位置。
SPICE基本语句 电路的描述语句 定义电路拓扑结构和元件类型及其数值,半导体器件,电路描 述语句等。可以出现在文件的第二行到末行结束语句之间的任 何地方。 电路特性分析和控制语句 可以对对电路的特性进行选择分析,如分析频率特性等,以及 对输出等要求的控制语句。 结束语句 标志着电路描述语句的结束。 格式: “ .END”,位于描述语句文件的最后一行。
模 型 类 别 总 结
电压源、电流源可以是独立源,也可以是受控源。一个独立源可 以是直流源、交流小信号源或瞬态源。其中瞬态源又有正弦SIN、 脉冲PULSE、指数EXP、分段线性PWL和单频调频SFFM源等几 种形式。源描述语句由源名称、连接关系和源数值组成。 独立电压源语句格式 V(name) N+ N- [<DC> value] +[AC <magnitude value> <phase value) >] +[(transient value) +<PULSE> <SIN> <EXP> <PWL> <SFFM>]



.OP直流工作点分析(P3、P56、J31) .DC直流扫描分析(P3、P54、P67、J33) .AC交流小信号分析(P3、P62 、J37) .TRAN暂态/瞬态分析(P4、P58 、J42) .TF转移函数分析(P56、P73、J36) .SENS灵敏度分析(P56、P256、J36) .PZ极/零点分析(P157、J36) 蒙特卡罗分析、最坏情况分析、数据驱动分析
断 线 性 波 形
(P14、 P62、 J14)
期 脉 冲 波 形
(P15、 P61、 J11)
子电路定义语句: .SUBCKT subnam n1 <n2 n3 ...> <parnam=val> *子电路结构描述 .ENDS 或 .MACRO subnam n1 <n2 n3 ...> <parnam=val> *子电路结构描述 .EOM 其中,n1 <n2 n3 ...>表示需要连接外部的子电路中的节点号
说明: 说明:蓝色部分的描述项不区分先后顺序 注释可安插于标题与结束之间的任一项间 + 用于引导续行
(一)用于独立的注释行,* 需为该注释行的第一个非空白字符,&用于有效 叙述的后面引导注释 +符号用于引导续行





⏹随着计算机性能的不断提高,电子设计自动化(ElectronicDesign Automation,EDA)工具出现。



EDA工具在数字逻辑课程中的应用--Multisim工具之Spice仿真以集成电路为重点的仿真程序(Simulation Programwith Integrated Circuit Emphasis,SPICE),它是为了执行日益庞大而复杂的集成电路仿真工业而发展起来的,它是一个通用的、开源的模拟电子电路仿真工具。



在1989年,Thomas Quarles 开发出SPICE3,它使用C语言编写,并且增加了窗口系统绘图功能。

EDA 工具在数字逻辑课程中的应用--Multisim 工具之Spice 仿真在目前流行的NI 公司的Mutisim Workbench 工具、Altium 公司的Altium Designer 工具和Cadence 公司的OrCAD 工具中都嵌入了SPICE 仿真工具。







下面将通过Multisim 环境下的设计实例,演示EDA工具在数字逻辑课程中的应用--Multisim工具之Spice仿真SPICE的基本分析功能包含三大类:⏹直流分析⏹交流分析⏹时域分析EDA工具在数字逻辑课程中的应用--Multisim工具之Spice仿真注1:直流分析是所有其它分析的基础。

Spice 模拟电路用户指南

Spice 模拟电路用户指南

目录一、分析的类型 (3)1.直流分析 (3)2.交流小信号分析 (3)3.瞬态分析 (3)4.温度分析 (3)二、收敛性 (4)三、输入格式 (5)四、电路描述 (5)五、标题卡、结束卡和注释卡 (5)1.标题卡 (5)2.结束卡 (6)3.注释卡 (6)六、元件卡 (6)1.电阻 (6)2.电容和电感 (6)3.耦合电感 (6)4.无损耗传输线 (6)5.独立源 (7)A:脉冲源 (7)B:正弦源 (7)C:指数源 (7)D:分段线形源 (8)E:单频频率调制源 (8)6.线形受控源 (8)A:线形电压控制电流源 (8)B:线形电压控制电压源 (8)C:线形电流控制电流源 (8)D:线形电流控制电压源 (8)7.半导体器件 (9)A:结型二极管 (9)B:双极型晶体管 (9)C:结型场效应晶体管 (9)D:MOS场效应晶体管 (9)E:模型卡 (10)七、子电路 (10)1.子电路卡片 (10)2.终止卡 (10)3.子电路调用 (11)八、控制卡 (11)1.温度卡 (11)2.宽度卡 (11)3.可选项卡 (11)4.工作点卡 (11)5.直流卡 (11)6.节点电压设置卡 (11)7.初始条件卡 (12)8.转移函数卡 (12)9.灵敏度卡 (12)10.交流卡 (12)11.失真卡 (13)12.噪声卡 (13)13.瞬态分析卡 (13)14.傅立叶分析卡 (13)15.打印卡 (14)16.绘图卡 (14)附1:.OPTION可选项 (15)附2:三大分析流程 (16)Spice 通用电路模拟电路用户指南一、分析的类型1. 直流分析SPICE的直流分析用来决定电路的直流工作点,这时,电路中电感短路、电容开路。





AC, DC, Tran, etc.
Prop delay, Max, Min etc.
ICL 指令
應用範例 - 三相全可控轉換器
PH AS E 12 0
I(V4 ) IC
每10us取一筆資料 記錄資料時間由0到2ms
Tstep 資料點數之影響
.TRAN 0.5ms 2ms
.TRAN 0.25ms 2ms
.TRAN 0.125ms 2ms
.TRAN 0.01ms 2ms
V1 1 0 SIN 0 1 1KHZ
IsSpice 能做什麼?
所有電子電路之應用:線性與非線性 電路之時域、頻率響應、雜訊、溫度、 傅立葉、失真與設計妥善性分析。 IC設計 ( Bsim3v3 、Bsim4 )
電力電子與電源供應器電路之應用 濾波器與高頻電路設計 混合信號 (類比、數位)之應用 混合技術 (機電整合)之應用
IsSpice 最佳Netlist 結構
漂移電位 : 0V 振福 : 0.1V 頻率 : 1KHz
• 屬性對話欄 • 元件數值 • 模型編號(自動置放) • 標籤置放 • 波形顯示
輸入電路圖的必備要素: 1) 正確的電路結構 2) 正確的激勵信號與電源 3) 正確的SPICE 屬性 4) 適當的分析指令 5) 輸出指令
Test Point 輸出指令



高斯分布 .PARAM xx=GAUSS(nominal_val, rel_variation, sigma <,multiplier>) .PARAM xx=AGAUSS(nominal_val, abs_variation, sigma <,multiplier>)
1. 使用TSMC 0.18um库的 库的TT_3V工艺,并通过参数指定 工艺, 使用 库的 工艺 MOS管尺寸的长和ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้,通过 管尺寸的长和宽, 管尺寸的长和宽 通过.data语句定义几组不同的 语句定义几组不同的 长宽参数阵列, 长宽参数阵列,查看自动选择元件模型的结果 加一脉冲信号并使用上面定义的参数数据阵列作瞬态分 析,观看输出波形 +3.3V
MONTE = $关键字 关键字 + <val | $指明分析次数 指明分析次数 + val firstrun=num | $指明初始值 指明初始值 + list num | $指明列表值 指明列表值 + list(<num1:num2><num3><num4:num5>)> $指明列表值 指明列表值
最坏情况分析经常被用来对MOS和双极型 集成电路进行参数极端情况的分析,一般 用来作最坏情况分析的参数是取其统计分 布的+/-2σ 或+/-3σ值来进行的。所选取的 参数作最不利的组合,如:SS、FF、SF、 SS FF SF FS等,而后在这种情况下进行电路性能模 拟,从而进一步调整电路设计参数,最后 以一种符合实际的折衷方法完善电路的设 计。








一、二极管模型:1.1 理想二极管的I-V特性:1.2 实际硅二极管的I-V特性曲线:折线1.3 DC大信号模型:1.4 电荷存储特性:1.5 大信号模型的电荷存储参数Qd:1.6 温度模型:1.7 二极管模型参数表:二、双极型晶体管BJT模型:2.1 Ebers-Moll静态模型:电流注入模式和传输模式两种2.1.1 电流注入模式:2.1.2 传输模式:2.1.3 在不同的工作区域,极电流Ic Ie的工作范围不同,电流方程也各不相同:2.1.4 Early效应:基区宽度调制效应2.1.5 带Rc、Re、Rb的传输静态模型:正向参数和反向参数是相对的,基极接法不变,而发射极和集电极互换所对应的两种状态,分别称为正向状态和反向状态,与此对应的参数就分别定义为正向参数和反向参数。

2.2 Ebers-Moll大信号模型:2.3 Gummel-Pool静态模型:2.4 Gummel-Pool大信号模型:拓扑结构与Ebers-Moll大信号模型相同,非线性存储元件电压控制电容的方程也相同2.5 BJT晶体管模型总参数表:三、金属氧化物半导体晶体管MOSFET模型:3.1 一级静态模型:Shichman-Hodges模型3.2 二级静态模型(大信号模型):Meyer模型3.2.1 电荷存储效应:3.2.2 PN结电容:3.3 三级静态模型:3.2 MOSFET模型参数表:一级模型理论上复杂,有效参数少,用于精度不高场合,迅速粗略估计电路二级模型可使用复杂程度不同的模型,计算较多,常常不能收敛三级模型精度与二级模型相同,计算时间和重复次数少,某些参数计算比较复杂四级模型BSIM,适用于短沟道(<3um)的分析,Berkley在1987年提出四、结型场效应晶体管JFET模型:基于Shichman-Hodges模型4.1 N沟道JFET静态模型:4.2 JFET大信号模型:4.3 JFET模型参数表:五、GaAs MESFET模型:分两级模型(肖特基结作栅极)GaAs MESFET模型参数表:六、数字器件模型:6.1 标准门的模型语句:.MODEL <(model)name> UGATE [模型参数] 标准门的延迟参数:6.2 三态门的模型语句:.MODEL <(model)name> UTGATE [模型参数]三态门的延迟参数:6.3 边沿触发器的模型语句:.MODEL <(model)name> UEFF [模型参数]边沿触发器参数:JKFF nff preb,clrb,clkb,j*,k*,g*,gb* JK触发器,后沿触发DFF nff preb,clrb,clk,d*,g*,gb* D触发器,前沿触发边沿触发器时间参数:6.4 钟控触发器的模型语句:.MODEL <(model)name> UGFF [模型参数]钟控触发器参数:SRFF nff preb,clrb,gate,s*,r*,q*,qb* SR触发器,时钟高电平触发DLTCH nff preb,clrb,gate,d*,g*,gb* D触发器,时钟高电平触发钟控触发器时间参数:6.5 可编程逻辑阵列器件的语句:U <name> <pld type> (<#inputs>,<#outputs>) <input_node>* <output_node># +<(timing model)name> <(io_model)name> [FILE=<(file name) text value>] +[DATA=<radix flag>$ <program data>$][MNTYMXDLY=<(delay select)value>]+[IOLEVEL=<(interface model level)value>]其中:<pld type>列表<(file name) text value> JEDEC格式文件的名称,含有阵列特定的编程数据JEDEC文件指定时,DATA语句数据可忽略<radix flag> 是下列字母之一:B 二进制 O 八进制 X 十六进制<program data> 程序数据是一个数据序列,初始都为0PLD时间模型参数:七、数字I/O接口子电路:数字电路与模拟电路连接的界面节点,SPICE自动插入此子电路子电路名(AtoDn和DtoAn)在I/O模型中定义,实现逻辑状态与电压、阻抗之间的转换。



SPICE仿真和模型简介SPICE 仿真和模型简介1、SPICE仿真程序电路系统的设计人员有时需要对系统中的部分电路作电压与电流关系的详细分析,此时需要做晶体管级仿真(电路级),这种仿真算法中所使用的电路模型都是最基本的元件和单管。



SPICE(Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis)是最为普遍的电路级模拟程序,各软件厂家提供提供了Vspice、Hspice、Pspice等不同版本spice软件,其仿真核心大同小异,都是采用了由美国加州Berkeley大学开发的spice模拟算法。














率、电感、电容和角度的量纲分别默认为伏、安、赫、亨、法 和度。
➢ 输入描述语句的规定
4. 分隔符 用以区分一行语句的不同部分。 空格、逗号、等号、左括号、右括号等都可以作为分 隔符,多余的分隔符是无效的。
5. 续行号 一般一行最多有80个字符。 第二行的开始加上“+”号,表示是第一行的继续。
6. 方向 规定支路电路的正方向和支路电压的正方向一致。
7. 不能分析的问题 电路中不能包含以下部分:电压源回路、电感回路、
* SPICE netlist written by S-Edit Win32 10.10 * Written on Mar 25, 2011 at 13:XX LYYYYYYY LZZZZZZZ VALUE 说明:LYYYYYYYT和LZZZZZZZ是两个耦合电感的名; VALUE是互感系数K,它必须大于0,小于1。 如: KOUT LPRI LSEC 0.85
4. 理想(无损耗)传输线 格式:TXXXXXXX N1 N2 N3 N4 Z0=VALUE <TD=VALUE <IC=V1,I1,V2,I2>
对于非线性电容C和电感L定义格式如下: CXXXXXXX N+ N- POLY C0 C1 C2 … <IC=INCOND> LXXXXXXX N+ N- POLY L0 L1 L2 … <IC=INCOND>
说明:C0 C1 C2 …(L0 L1 L2 …)为元件多项式表达的系数, 对于电容,表达式为两端电压V的函数,即: VALUE=C0+C1×V+C2×V2 + … 对于电感,表达式为通过电流I的函数,即: VALUE=L0+L1×I+L2×I2 + …



Frequency (Hz)

Vdd=2.5V, PMOS栅极与输入相连 请写出该电路的网表,并仿真其Vout-Vin的DC特性 Vd

W=2u, L=1u
*Push-pull Inverter .lib 'mix025_1.l' tt Vd vdd 0 2.5V
*NMOS transistor .lib 'mix025_1.l' tt m1 1 2 0 0 nch W=1u L=2u Vd 1 0 1V Vg 2 0 1V .dc Vd 0V 2.5V 0.01 .print gmo(m1) gdso(m1) gbso(m1) .end
集成电路专业 黑龙江大学 《数模混合集成电路设计》 卜 丹 7
• n1 n2 ... 外界调用子电路的端口的名称 • 一般子电路内部的节点都是“局域”(LOCAL)的,也就是说,和外界调用子 电路的电路的节点没有关系,外界不能调用子电路内部的节点. •节点0(地)是“全局”(global)的,对每个子电路都相同
• 调用子电路: Xname n1 <n2 n3 …> subname 必须以X开头
集成电路专业 黑龙江大学 《数模混合集成电路设计》 卜 丹 22
*Subckt buffer 两个反相器组成的缓冲器(buffer) .lib 'mix025_1.l' tt Vd vdd 0 2.5V Vin in 0 SIN 1.25 1.25 100MegHz 4/0.2 10/0.2 x1 in 1 vdd inv1 5 5 x2 1 out vdd inv2 C1 out 0 2p 2/0.2 5 5/0.2 5 .subckt inv1 in out vdd Mp1 out in vdd vdd pch W=4u L=0.25u Mn1 out in 0 0 nch W=2u L=0.25u .ends .subckt inv2 in out vdd Mp1 out in vdd vdd pch W=10u L=0.25u Mn1 out in 0 0 nch W=5u L=0.25u .ends .tran 0.01n 100n .print tran v(x2.out) v(x1.in) .end
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高斯分布 .PARAM xx=GAUSS(nominal_val, rel_variation, sigma <,multiplier>) .PARAM xx=AGAUSS(nominal_val, abs_variation, sigma <,multiplier>)
示例: 示例:
.dc k start=2 stop=4 step=0.5 monte=10 .dc k start=2 stop=4 step=0.5 monte=5 firstrun=6 .dc k start=2 stop=4 step=0.5 monte=list 5:7 10 .dc k start=2 stop=4 step=0.5 monte=list(5:7 10)
使用TSMC 0.18um库的TT_3V工艺,并指定 MOS管尺寸的长(1u)和宽(10u) 加一脉冲信号并作瞬态分析,观看输入输出波形 通过使用.ALTER语句,同时在TT,以及在SS、 FF、SF、FS等极限工艺角情况下依次进行分析, 并在库中查看不同工艺角情况下的参数设置
1. 使用TSMC 0.18um库的 库的TT_3V工艺,并通过参数指定 工艺, 使用 库的 工艺 MOS管尺寸的长和宽,通过 管尺寸的长和宽, 管尺寸的长和宽 通过.data语句定义几组不同的 语句定义几组不同的 长宽参数阵列, 长宽参数阵列,查看自动选择元件模型的结果 加一脉冲信号并使用上面定义的参数数据阵列作瞬态分 析,观看输出波形 +3.3V
XL:实际沟道长度的误差Difference between the physical (on the wafer) and the drawn reference channel length. XW:实际沟道宽度的误差Difference between the physical (on the wafer) and the drawn S/D active width. TOX:栅极氧化层厚度Gate oxide thickness. RSH:源/漏极的方块电阻Source/drain sheet resistance. DELVTO:临界电压变化Threshold voltage shift.
+ pval1’ <pval2’ pval3’ ... pvalxxx’> .ENDDATA 实例: 实例: .DATA mydata param1 param2 1 23 4 56 .ENDDATA
工作点分析 .DC DATA=dataname 直流扫描分析 .DC vin 1 5 0.25 SWEEP DATA=dataname 交流扫描分析 .AC dec 10 100 10meg SWEEP DATA=dataname 暂态分析 .TRAN 1n 10n SWEEP DATA=dataname
实验:P229, 图P230。右边
给出了部分参考 代码
monte.sp .options post .dc monte=60 .param ru_1=unif(100, 0.2) Iu1 u1 0 -1 ru1 u1 0 ru_1 .end
数据驱动分析,允许同时修改多个参数值, 再执行原来指定的直流、交流、暂态分析 等操作 由.DATA语句定义参数值阵列 在原来的直流、交流、暂态分析语句里要 加入指定使用的数据阵列名称
.DATA datanm pnm1 <pnm2 pnm3 ... pnmxxx> + pval1 <pval2 pval3 ... pvalxxx>
最坏情况分析经常被用来对MOS和双极型 集成电路进行参数极端情况的分析,一般 用来作最坏情况分析的参数是取其统计分 布的+/-2σ 或+/-3σ值来进行的。所选取的 参数作最不利的组合,如:SS、FF、SF、 SS FF SF FS等,而后在这种情况下进行电路性能模 拟,从而进一步调整电路设计参数,最后 以一种符合实际的折衷方法完善电路的设 计。
MONTE = $关键字 关键字 + <val | $指明分析次数 指明分析次数 + val firstrun=num | $指明初始值 指明初始值 + list num | $指明列表值 指明列表值 + list(<num1:num2><num3><num4:num5>)> $指明列表值 指明列表值
均匀分布 .PARAM xx=UNIF(nominal_val, rel_variation <, multiplier>) .PARAM xx=AUNIF(nominal_val, abs_variation <, multiplier>) 随机极限参数分布 .PARAM xx=LIMIT(nominal_val, abs_variation)
各 参 数 意 义
通过.DC、.AC、.TRAN分析语句启动,并且可以通过 MONTE参数设定蒙特卡罗分析的次数。
.DC sweepVar start stop step sweep MCcommand
.AC type step start stop sweep MCcommand .TRAN step start stop sweep MCcommand MCcommand的语法格式为: MONTE = $关键字 关键字 + <val | $指明分析次数 指明分析次数 + val firstrun=num | $指明初始值 指明初始值 + list num | $指明列表值 指明列表值 + list(<num1:num2><num3><num4:num5>)> $指明列表值 指明列表值