每个接受缓存器都与一个独立的完整性检查模块(INTEGRITY CHECKINGMODULES)相连接。
在这个过程中,冗余管理器模块会从虚拟链路数据库(VLID DATABASE)中提取有用的虚拟链路的信息。
之后,数据将会发送至通信端口(COMMUNICATION PORTS)并由目的应用软件所接收。
缩略语(中英文对照)ACKADFADF—OtolithADF—SkeletalADUMAdvAscAEAAEMAFRLLALSALTEAANDEANITAA0APCFAPSARISARISSASDASIATUBARS缩略语(中英文对照)AcousticCountermeasureKitAvianDevelopmentFacilityDevelopmentandFunctionofthe AvianOtolithSy~eminNormaland AlteredGravityEnvironments SkeletalDevelopmeminEmbryonic QuailontheISS AdvancedDiagnosticUltrasoundin Microgravity AdvancedAstroculture ancillaryequipmentarea animalenclosuremodule AirForceResearchLaboratory aslowasreasonablyachievable advancedlifesupport AnomalousLong—termEffectsin Astronauts'CentralNervousSystem AtmosphericNeutralDensity Experiment AnalyzingInterferometerforAmbient Airatomicoxygen AdvancedProteinCrystallization Facility AntibioticProductioninSpace ActiveRackIsolationSystem AmateurRadioontheInternational SpaceStationairsupplydiffuser ItalianSpaceAgency audioterminalunitbrefeldinA—ADPribosylatedsubstrate BBNDBonnerBallNeutronDetector 240声对抗套件禽类发育设施重力正常和改变环境中禽类耳石系统的发育和功能国际空间站鹌鹑胚胎骨骼发育先进的微重力下的诊断超声高级太空栽培装置辅助设备区动物护笼组件美国空军研究实验室低至合理可行高级生命保障航天员中枢神经系统的异常长期影响中性大气密度试验环境空气分析干涉仪原子氧先进的蛋白质结晶设施空间抗生素生产机柜主动隔振系统国际空问站业余无线电送风扩散器意大利航天局音频终端设备布雷菲德菌素A-ADP核糖基化酶作用物邦纳球中子探测器BBTBCAT一3—4一C PbFGFBMDBP/ECGBPSBSTCCB0SSCBPDCBTMCCMCCISScDNACDRACEACeMMCE0CEVCEⅥSCFECGBACHabCHAMPCIRCLcm2CMGCNRSCNSBeacon—BeaconTest BinaryColloidalAlloyTest一3and 一4:CriticalPoint basicfibroblastgrowthfactor bonemineraldensity bloodpressure/electrocardiograph BiomassProductionSystem biotechnologyspecimentemperature controller CellularBiotechnologyOperations SupportSystem continuousbloodpressuredevice CommercialBiomedicalTesting ModuleCellCultureModule CardiovascularandCerebrovascular ControlonReturnfromISS complementarydeoxyribonucleicacid carbondioxideremovalassembly carcinoembryonicantigen Celegansmaintenancemedium CrewEarth0bservations crewexplorationvehicle CycleErgometerwithVibration IsolationSystem CapillaryFlowExperiment CommercialGenericBioprocessing ApparatusCeleganshabitat challengingminisatellitepayload combustionintegratedrack ContactLine squarecentimeter controlmomentgyroscope CentreNationalde1aRecherche Scientifique centralnervoussystem信标——信标测试二元胶体工艺试验一3,一4——临界点碱性成纤维细胞生长因子骨密度血压/心电生物质生产系统生物工程学标本温度控制器细胞生物工程运营支持系统连续血压装置商用生物医学测试组件细胞培养组件从国际空间站返回地面时的心血管和脑血管控制互补脱氧核糖核酸二氧化碳去除装置癌胚抗原线虫培养基乘组地球观测乘组探索飞行器带隔振系统的自行车功量计毛细流动实验商业通用生物加工装置线虫生境插件应答小卫星有效载荷燃烧实验集成机柜接触分界线平方厘米控制力矩陀螺法国国家科学研究中心中枢神经系统241COCO2C0TSCPCG~HCPDSCSI~01CSI一02CSLM一2CTCTPdBADAFTDCAMDcoilDCPCGDCSDEXADGGEDHEADHEASDID0DLRDNADOD242carbonmonoxidecarbondioxidecommercia1off-the—shelf CommercialGenericProteinCrystal Growth-High-density charged—particledirectional spectrometer CommercialGenericBioprocessing ApparatusScienceInsert——01 CommercialGenericBioprocessing ApparatusScienceInsert一02 CoarseninginSolidLiquidMixtures一2 computedtomography citratetransporterprotein DecibelsAdjusted DustandAerosolMeasurement FeasibilityTest Diffusion—ControlledCrystallization ApparatusforMicrogravity4a—hydroxy-tetrahydropterin dehydratase DynamicallyControlledProteinCrystalGrowth decompressionsicknessdual--energyX--rayabsorptiometry denaturinggradientgelelectrophoresis dihydroergocryptine dehydroepiandrosterone digitalinputdigitaloutput DeutsehesZentrumfurLufiund Raumfahrt deoxyribonucleicacid DepartmentofDefense一氧化碳二氧化碳市场现货供应商业通用高密度蛋白质晶体生长——高密度带电粒子定向仪商业通用生物加工设备科学插入一O1商业通用生物加工设备科学插入一02固一液混合物中粗化一2计算机断层扫描柠檬酸盐运输蛋白质在声压表的A声级上读到的分贝数灰尘和悬浮尘粒测量可行性试验扩散过程调整的微重力结晶装置4a一羟基一四氢嘌呤脱水酶动态控制蛋白质晶体生长减压病双能x线骨密度仪变性梯度凝胶电泳二氢麦角隐亭脱氢表雄酮数字输出数字输入德国航空航天中心脱氧核糖核酸国防部DOSMAPD0STELDUDUSTE.colfEAPEarthKAMEBVECLSSEDAEDTAEEGEGNEMAEMCEMCHEMCSEMGEMUEPOESAESMETSEUeVEVAEVARMEXPPCSExPRESS DosimetricMapping silicondosimetrytelescope detectorunit-●DustandAerosolMeasurement FeasibilityTestEscherichiacoli EducatorAstronautProgram EarthKnowledgeAcquiredbyMiddle SchoolStudents Epstein—BarrVirus EnvironmentalControlandLife SupportSystem educationdemonstrationactivity ethylenediamine—tetraaceticac electroencephalograph enhancedgaseousnitrogen epithelialmembraneantigen elasticmemorycompositeelasticmemorycompositehinge EuropeanModularCultivationSystem electromyography extravehicularmobilityunit EducationPayloadOperations EuropeanSpaceAgency experimentsupportmodule Engelhardtitanosilicatestructure endotoxinunitelec仃onvolt extravehicularactivity EVAradiationmonitoring ExPRESSPhysicsofColloidsin Space ExpeditetheProcessingof ExperimentstoSpaceStation剂量学制图硅剂量仪探测器单元粉尘和悬浮尘粒测量可行性试验大肠杆菌教师航天员计划中学生学习的地球知识EB病毒;爱波斯坦一巴尔病毒环境控制和生命保障系统教育示范活动乙二胺四乙酸脑电图浓缩气态氮上皮细胞膜抗原弹性记忆复合材料弹性记忆复合材料铰链欧洲模块化培育系体肌电图舱外机动装置教育有效载荷操作欧洲航天局实验辅助组件恩格尔哈德钛硅结构内毒素单位电子伏特舱外活动舱外活动辐射监测加快处理空间站上有效载荷实验的机柜系统内太空胶体物理学加快处理空间站上有效载荷实验的机柜系统243FCalFDAFDIFFQFIRFITFMVMFORPFPMUFPPFTSCEGAP—FPAGASMAPGCRGDSGHabGoESHDPCGHDTVHEPAHiRAPHⅣHPAHIHRPIAAIBMPICEICES244FenceCalibration FoodandDrugAdministration FluidDynamicsInvestigation FoodFrequencyQuestionnaire fluidsintegratedrack FungalPathogenesis,Tumorigenesis, andEffectsofHostImmunityinSpace FluidMergingViscosityMeasurement fueloxidizerreactionproductfloatingpotentialmeasurementunit floatingpotentialprobe ForwardTechnologySolarCell Experiment GroupActivationPack—Fluid ProcessingApparatus gasanalyzersystemformetabolic analysisphysiology galacticcosmicray GasDeliverySystem gardenhabitat geostationaryoperational environmentalsatellite High—DensityProteinCrystalGrowth high—definitiontelevision high—efficiencyparticularaccumulator high-resolutionaccelerometerpackage HumanImmunodeficiencyVirus HandPostureAnalyzer HumanResearchFacility HumanResearchProgram InternationalAcademyofAstronautics InstituteofBiomedicalProblems ISSCharacterizationExperiment InternationalConferenceon EnvironmentalSystems电子篱笆校准食品和药品管理局流体动力学研究食物频率问卷流体综合机柜太空真菌发病机理,肿瘤发生和宿主免疫性效应流体融合粘度测量燃料氧化剂反应产物浮动电位测量单位悬浮电位探头先进技术太阳能电池实验批激活包装——流体处理装置代谢分析生理学用气体分析仪系统银河宇宙射线气体输送系统植物生境插件同步环境实用卫星高密度蛋白质晶体生长高清电视高效特殊蓄电池高分辨率加速计组件人类免疫缺陷病毒手的姿势分析仪人类研究设施人类研究计划国际宇航学会俄罗斯生物医学问题研究所国际空间站特征实验环境系统国际会议ICFICMICUIFREC0RIGF~1IGRFInSbInSPACEIPYIRIISRISSISSIIZECSJAXAJESJSCK—citKCGEKSSLANLBNPLCDLDLLEDLEMSLEOLETLFSAF InteriorCornerFlow isothermalcontainmentmodule internalcargounitl'InitiativeFranqaisepourlesR6cifs Corallinesinsulin-likegrowthfactor—l InternationalGeomagneticReference Fieldindiumantimonide InvestigatingtheStructureof ParamagneticAggregatesfrom ColloidalEmulsion InternationalPolarY ear InternationalReferenceIonosphere IncoherentScatterRadar InternationalSpaceStation In—spaceSolderingExperiment ImprovedZeoliteElectronicControl System JapanAerospaceExplorationAgency jointexcursionsensor JohnsonSpaceCenter potassiumcitrate KidneyCellGeneExpression KarolinskaSleepinessScore localareanetwork lowerbodynegativepressure liquidcrystaldisplay low—densitylipoproteinlight-emittingdiode lowerextremitymonitoringsuit lowEarthorbit linearenergytrans~rlightweightflexiblesolararrayhinge 内角流恒温控制组件内部货物单元法国发起的堤礁研究项目胰岛素样生长因子一1国际参考地磁场锑化铟胶性乳状液顺磁聚合体的结构研究国际极地年国际参考电离层非相干散射雷达国际空间站在空间的焊接试验改进的沸石电子控制系统日本宇宙航空研究开发机构联合漂移传感器约翰逊航天中心柠檬酸钾肾细胞基因表达卡罗林斯卡嗜睡评分局域网下体负压液晶显示器低密度脂蛋白发光二极管下肢监测服低地球轨道线性能量转移轻巧灵活的太阳能电池阵列铰链245LOCAD—PTSMAAMACE—IIMAMSMAUIMb—YQRmBANDMBPMDUMEMSMEPSMEPSIMERMESAMeV瑚【FISHMFMGMISSEMITML—IMLIMM0DMnS0DM0BIASMOSFET246Lab?-on—-a?-ChipApplication Development—PortableTestSystem MockANDEActive MiddeckActiveControl Experiment——II MicrogravityAccelerationMeas~ememSystem Mauianalysisofupperatmospheric injections triplemummmyoglobin MulticolorBandingFluorescence ln—SituHvbridizationmulti_bodyplatform mobiledetectorUnit MicroelectromechanicalSystem MicroencapsulationElectrostatic ProcessingSystem MicroelectromechanicalSystem-based PicosatInspector Marsexplorationrover miniatureelectro—staticaccelerometer megaelectronvolt MulticolorFluorescenceIn—Situ Hybridization MiscibleFluidsinMicrogravity MaterialsInternationalSpaceStation Experiment MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology mistletoelectin-I multilayerinsulationmicrometeoroidandorbitaldebris manganesesuperoxide~smumse Multiple0rbitalBioreactorwith InstrumentationandAutomated Sampling metaloxidesemiconductorfieldeffect 芯片上的(微型)实验室应用开发——便携式测试系统模拟ANDEActive航天飞机中舱主动控制实验一II微重力加速度测量系统毛伊岛上层大气注入分析三重肌红蛋白突变体多色条带荧光原位杂化多体平台移动探测器单元微机电系统微胶囊静电处理系统基于微机电系统的微型卫星探伤仪火星探测车微型静电加速器兆电子伏多色荧光原位杂交微重力下的混相流体国际空间站材料实验麻省理工学院槲寄生凝集素一I多层绝缘微流星体和轨道碎片过氧化锰歧化酶具仪表和自动采样功能的多轨道生物反应器金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体MPVMRmRNAMSGMSRRMSSSNaClNEEM0NOAANSSSNTJDPNTNU0H0MS0PEOPGORZS0UMPAMPbPCAMPCG—EGNPCG—STESPCRPCSPCSatPCUtranslstor Meerwein—Pohhdorf-V erley magnetorheological messengerRNA microgravitysciencesglovebox materialsscienceresearchrack MauiSpaceSurveillanceSite sodiumchloride NASAExtremeEnvironmentMission Operations NationalOceanicandAtmospheric Administration NavySpaceSurveillanceSystem nucleartrackdetectorswithand withoutconverter Norgesteknisk—naturvitenskapelige universitethydroxide OrbitalManeuveringSystem on—boardproficiencyenhancer osteOpr0tegenn OptimizationofRootZoneSubstrates oxygenuptakemeasurement PhotoacousticAnalyzerModule lead ProteinCrystallizationApparatusfor MicrogravityProteinCrystalGrowth—Enhanced GaseousNitrogen ProteinCrystalGrowth—Single LockerThermalEnclosureSystem polymerasechainreaction PhysicsofColloidsinSpace PrototypeCommunicationsSatellite plasmaconductorunit管米尔文一蓬多夫一韦尔莱还原磁流变学的信使核糖核酸微重力科学手套箱材料科学研究机柜毛伊岛太空监视中心氯化钠美国航空航天局极端环境任务行动美国国家海洋和大气管理局海军太空监视系统具和不具变换机的核径迹探测器挪威科技大学氢氧化物轨道机动系统在轨技能精通增强器骨保护素根区基质优化摄氧量测量光声分析仪组件铅微重力下蛋白质结晶装置蛋白质晶体生长——浓缩气态氮蛋白质晶体生长——单柜热围护系统聚合酶连锁反应空间胶体物理通信卫星原型等离子导体装置247PEACEPECPEST0PFEPFMPFMIPFSPGBAPGCPIMPM2PMCPMZPOEMSPRDX5PuFFPV AQCTQTCMAQUSRAFTRAMB0RANKLRCSRNArRNARPARPIRPMRTS248 PolymerErosionandContamination Experiment passiveexperimentcontainer PhotosynthesisExperimentand SystemTestingandOperation periodicfitnessevaluation PulmonaryFunctionModule PoreFormationinMicrogravity PulmonaryFunctionSystem PlantGenericBioprocessing Apparatus plantgrowthchamber plasmaintegrationmodel pressurizedmodule polarmesophericcloud Promethazine PassiveObservatoriesforExperimentalMicrobialSystems peroxiredoxin5 PulmonaryFunctioninFlight polyvinylalcohol quantitativecomputedtomography QuadTissueCultureModule Assembly quantiativeultrasound radarfencetransponder RamBurnObservations receptoractivatorofNF—Bligand ReactionControlSystem ribonucleicacid ribosomalribonucleicacid ReplicationProteinA RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute revolutionsperminute remotetriaxialsensor聚合物侵蚀和污染实验无源实验容器光合作用实验和系统测试及运行定期健康评价肺功能组件微重力下的孔隙形成肺功能系统植物通用生物加工装置植物生长箱细胞质集成模型极地中气层云异丙嗪实验微生物系统的无源观测台过氧化物酶5飞行中的肺功能聚乙烯醇定量CT四个一组的组织培养组件单元定量超声雷达网应答器拉姆发动机燃烧观测NF—B配体的受体激活剂反应控制系统核糖核酸核糖体核糖核酸复制蛋白A伦斯勒理工学院每分钟转数远程三轴传感器RWVSAASAMESAMS—IIS删SCNSDBISDLSDSSDTOSEESEEDSSEMSGSMSi02SioXSLAMMDSLMSLRSMSnSNFMSORGESPESPEGISSPENVIS rotatingwallvessel SouthAtlanticAnomaly SmokeandAeroso1Measurement Experiment SpaceAccelerationMeasurement Systems—II solararrayrotaryjoint succinonitrile Short—durationBiological Investigation SpaceDynamicsLaboratory sodiumdodecylsulfate StationDevelopmentTestObjectivesea—viewingwidefield-of-viewsensor singleeventeffect SpaceExposedExperiment DevelopmentforStudents scanningelectronmicroscope SpaceExperimentModule slowgrowthsamplemodule silicondioxidesiliconoxide spacelinearaccelerationinass measurementdevicesoundleve1meter SatelliteLaserRanging SynaptogenesisinMicrogravitytinserialnetworkflowmonitor SolderinginReducedGravity Experimentsolarparticleevent StreptococcuspneumoniaeExpression ofGenesinSpace SpaceEnvironmentInformation System旋转壁容器南大西洋异常烟雾和悬浮尘粒测量实验空间加速度测量系统一II太阳能电池阵列旋转接头琥珀腈短期生物学调查航天动力学实验室十二烷基硫酸钠空间站研制试验目标海洋观测宽视场传感器单粒子效应为学生设计的太空暴露实验扫描电子显微镜太空实验舱缓慢生长采样模块二氧化硅氧化硅空间线性加速度质量测量设备声级计卫星激光测距微重力下的突触发生锡串行网络流量监控低重力下的焊接实验太阳粒子事件肺炎链球菌在太空的基因表达空间环境信息系统249SPHERESSSNSTEMSTESSTP~H2SUBSASvTCMTCSTEPCTeSSTF—FGITFSTIDTiO2TLDTVISTVTVEEVGV0AVZVWoRFZCGZPM250 SynchronizedPositionHold,Engage, Reorient,ExperimentalSatellites U.S.SpaceSurveillanceNetwork science,technology,engineering,and mathematics Single—lockerThermalEnclosure SystemSpaceTestProgram-H2 SolidificationUsingBaffleinSealed AmpoulesSieverttissueculturemodule ThermalControlSystem tissue—equivalentproportionalcounter temporarysleepstation totalforce—footgroundinterface TeachingFromSpace(Office) totalionizingdosetitaniumdioxidethermo.1uminescencedosimeter TreadmillVibrationIsolationSy~em TechnologyV alidationTestV enezuelanequineencephalitisV aneGapvol~ileorganicanalyzer videotaperecorderV aricellazostervirus WindowObservationResearch FacilityZeoliteCrystalGrowth zero—propellantmaneuver同步位置保持,衔接,重定向,实验卫星美国空问监测网科学,技术,工程和数学单柜热围护系统太空试验计划——氢气用密封管内折流板凝固西弗特(剂量当量单位,1Sv=lO0rem)组织培养组件热控系统组织等效正比计数器临时睡眠站总脚/地面反作用力界面太空教学处总电离辐射剂量二氧化钛热发光剂量计跑步机隔振系统技术验证试验委内瑞拉马脑炎叶片间隙挥发性有机物分析仪磁带录像机水痘带状疱疹病毒窗口观察研究设施沸石晶体生长零推进剂机动。
铁路通用摄像机技术要求1 范围本标准规定了铁路一体化球形摄像机、一体化半球摄像机、固定枪型摄像机、激光云台摄像机的基本要求、特殊要求、运行环境要求及网络安全要求。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 4208 外壳防护等级(IP码)GB/T 24338.5-2009 轨道交通电磁兼容第4部分:信号和通信设备的发射与抗扰GB/T 28181-2016 安全防范视频监控联网系统信息传输、交换、控制技术要求GA/T 1127-2013 安全防范视频监控摄像机通用技术要求IEEE 802.3af 信息技术IEEE标准:系统间的通信和信息交换-局域网和城域网-特殊要求-第3部分: CSMA/CD的接入方法及物理层规范修正3:经由媒体独立接口(MDI)的数据终端设备(DTE)功率以太网供电标准IEEE 802.3at 信息技术IEEE标准:系统间的通信和信息交换-局域网和城域网-特殊要求-第3部分:CSMA/CD的接入方法及物理层规范修正3:经由媒体独立接口(MDI)的数据终端设备(DTE)功率以太网供电标准增强型ITU-T G.711 音频信号的脉冲编码调制(PCM)ITU-T G.723.1 低速音频编码协议ITU-T G.729 采用共轭结构代数码激励线性预测的8kbit/s语音编码ITU-T REC.H.264 H系列:音视频和多媒体系统,音视频服务基础活动视频编码:通用音视频服务的先进视频编码ITU-T REC.H.265 H系列:高效率的视频编码(HEVC)3 术语、定义和缩略语3.1 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
3.1.1最低可用照度 minimum illuminance available保持环境色温不变的情况下,降低环境光亮度,摄像机的分辨率降低至标称分辨力70%时,被摄景物的照度值3.1.2水平分辨力 horizontal resolution在图像高度相等的水平尺寸内可分辨的垂直黑白条数(TV线)。
Salience of guilty knowledge test items affects accuracyin realistic mock crimesAnne Jokinen a ,Pekka Santtila a,⁎,Niklas Ravaja b ,Sampsa Puttonen caDepartment of Psychology,Åbo Akademi University,20500Turku,FinlandbCenter for Knowledge and Innovation Research,Helsinki School of Economics,FinlandcDepartment of Psychology at the University of Helsinki,FinlandReceived 31August 2005;received in revised form 18April 2006;accepted 18April 2006Available online 12June 2006AbstractA Guilty Knowledge Test measuring electrodermal reactions was carried out in order to investigate the quality of different questions and the validity of the test in a situation that resembled a true crime.Fifty participants were randomly assigned to commit one of two realistic mock crimes,and were later tested with GKTs concerning both the crime they had enacted and the one they had no knowledge of.Different scoring systems (SCRs and peak amplitudes as well as raw and standardised scores)were employed and compared when analyzing the results.Although there were some false positives,the test was able to differentiate between the groups of guilty and innocent participants.With the best scoring systems,the test was able to classify up to 84%of the innocent and up to 76%of the guilty correctly according to a logistic regression analysis.ROC areas reflecting these same results reached values above .80.Questions on matters that demanded the participants'attention and were easier to remember had better discriminative power.With nearly all scoring methods,there was a significant interaction between the salience of the relevant items and the guilt of the participants.Participants reacted more strongly to salient relevant items when they were guilty,while no different reactions were observed for the non-salient items between guilty and innocent participants.It is suggested that,although the Guilty Knowledge Test appears to be a valid measure of guilty knowledge even in crimes that are close to real crimes,the principles on which guilty knowledge test questions are constructed should be more clearly specified.©2006Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Guilty Knowledge Test;Memory;Lie detection;Electrodermal reactionsPsychophysiological detection of guilt can be done through analysing electrodermal reactions,respiration,cardiovascular and other measures (Ben-Shakhar and Furedy,1990;Kircher and Raskin,2002).Due to its ability to provide protection for the innocent,the Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT),also known as the Concealed Information Test (CIT),has been supported for the detection of guilt in criminal cases (Lykken,1998;Hira and Furumitsu,2002).The purpose of this test is not to detect lying per se,but rather to detect the presence of guilty knowledge (Lykken,1998).Guilty knowledge stands for any such information relevant to the crime that the perpetrators remember and that can only be known by the perpetrators themselves and the police.An example of a question could be:“In which room did the offender leave the body?Was it …“the hall ”,“the living room ”,“the bed room ”,“the kitchen ”,“the dining room ”,“the toilet?”It is important that noalternative seems more likely than any other to an innocent suspect (Myers and Arbuthnot,1997).The assumption behind the GKT is that recognising the items relevant to the crime will lead to enhanced physiological re-sponses (Ben-Shakhar and Furedy,1990).Many experiments provide support for this assumption starting with the classical studies of Lykken (1959,1960).It is also congruent with psy-chophysiological theory that relates differential responsivity in the GKT to orienting responses (e.g.Kleiner,2002).All stimuli in the GKT are in principle capable of evoking an OR.The basic assumption is,however,that recognizing the relevant item will produce a differentially greater OR,and thus stronger autonomic arousal because the relevant item is associated with a higher signal value (Furedy,1986;Lykken,1974).However,it has been shown that,in addition to the cognitive phenomenon of OR,the reactions are also influenced by emotional factors such as giving a deceitful verbal response (as opposed to remaining silent)to the alter-natives (Ben-Shakhar and Elaad,2003).International Journal of Psychophysiology 62(2006)175–184⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+35822154406;fax:+35822154833.E-mail (P.Santtila).0167-8760/$-see front matter ©2006Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2006.04.004The GKT has performed well in a number of laboratory tests using mock-crime situations(Ben-Shakhar and Elaad,2003; Lykken,1998).Ben-Shakhar and Elaad(2003)carried out a meta-analysis to examine the validity of the GKT.Including all studies of GKT with different designs,the combined effect size for GKTs was1.55standard deviations,which can be considered a good figure and to represent relatively high validity.The validity was even higher in mock-crime studies that are more akin to real crimes(effect size2.09).In the studies employing the mock-crime paradigm,the correct detection rate for guilty participants ranged from25%to100%in studies with both guilty and innocent participants.In the same studies,the correct detection rate for innocent participants ranged from40%to 100%.Finally,Ben-Shakhar and Elaad(2003)identified a subset of mock-crime studies in which motivational instructions, deceptive verbal responses and at least five GKT questions were used.The average effect size in this subset with10 experimental conditions was3.12.There are few field studies assessing the GKT in real-life criminal investigations(Elaad, 1990;Elaad et al.,1992;Suzuki et al.,2004).The results of the field studies indicate that,even if the GKT is able to provide reasonable protection for the innocent,false positives do occur.Memory is a decisive factor for the effectiveness of the GKT. Two questions are particularly important:what the perpetrator can remember and for how long.The perception and recall of crime-relevant details may be limited by a number of factors(Elaad, 1990;see also Wells and Loftus,1984).These may be related to the examinees,such as their level of attention to details while expe-riencing the event,their emotional and physical state at the time of the event,as well as the psychological trauma associated with the experience.They may also be related to the physical setting,the complexity of the event,the time elapsed since the event, subsequent exposure to additional information about the event and the type of questioning that the examinees have undergone. Elaad(1997)who used a relatively realistic mock-crime procedure found that some relevant items were not recalled when the GKT was administered a few days after the event.An additional question which has not been addressed earlier is whether the GKTcan detect information that the participants themselves are not aware of possessing.This may well be possible as Bauer(1984)has shown that a patient with prosopagnosia reacted to facial identity at the psychophysiological level even if he had no ability to consciously recognise the presented faces.The existence of the phenomenon of covert discrimination is not in doubt,but its underlying basis remains open.Covert or“unconscious”recognition abilities may reflect preattentive stages of processing which make available conceptual information about the stimulus even though the observer may be consciously unaware of this and/or unable to identify the stimulus(Bauer,1984).Previously,the focus has been on running GKTs on details the participants remember.Carmel et al.(2003)divided their relevant items into central items,which were directly related to the theft,and peripheral items,which happened to be at the crime scene.The results of the study indicated that weaker detection efficiency in realistic crimes could be accounted for by poor recall for some of the items.The detection was more efficient when items central to the crime were used as discriminating questions instead of items peripheral to the crime.When the test was carried out immediately after the realistic crime(the realistic-immediate condition),a short question series of four central questions had better detection efficiency than a full series of seven questions.In the realistic-delayed condition,the detection efficiency was largely unaffected by eliminating the peripheral items.However,these results indicate that a short question series can be quite effective,in departure from prior research suggesting that a greater amount of questions improves test efficiency(Ben-Shakhar and Elaad,2003).In the present study,it was expected that–in accordance with previous studies–the test should be able to differentiate guilty and innocent participants even under relatively realistic conditions.The literature suggests that the GKT is difficult to use due to the lack of availability of sufficient details to construct the test.A reasonably large number of questions was planned,in order to later compare if different questions provide similar differentiation and to see if salient items improve the efficiency of the test.The question series was divided into salient and non-salient items in order to see whether four salient items were enough for detection.Saliency was defined as consisting of features that were easier to remember.According to Sokolov(1963),when stimuli are presented repeatedly,the reactions they cause are gradually diminished. This phenomenon is called habituation.The term signal value is associated with a stimulus that is stronger and more resistant to habituation than a non-signal stimulus(Sokolov,1963).A stimulus that has no signal value can cause a response due to its novelty even if it is otherwise neutral(Kleiner,2002).Based on these considerations,it was expected that the participants would give the strongest reactions in response to the first of two question series they were subjected to.Also,it was expected that the position of the question series as first or second would interact with the guilt of the participants so that the effect of the position would be especially strong when the participant was guilty.In sum,the purpose of the present study was to investigate the validity of the GKT based on electrodermal reactions in relatively more realistic conditions than has previously been the case in most laboratory studies.In order to see if an unusual approach would provide additional information,electrodermal reactions were analyzed with four different methods(SCRs and peak amplitudes as well as raw and standardised scores).Environments with realistic stimuli were used and the tests were presented at a separate time point from the mock crime at a police station instead of the usual university environment.Also,participants had a real chance of getting caught by personnel who were not aware of their participation in a mock crime.Two different environments were included.The situations were complex in order to provide a more stringent test of the validity of the GKT under ecologically valid conditions.All participants performed one of the crimes but were questioned on both crimes thus belonging to both guilty and innocent groups.The two environments provided two indepen-dent tests of the validity—no a priori predictions were made as to which of them might lead to better accuracy.The following predictions were made:(1)guilty participants will have stronger reactions to relevantitems than innocent participants176 A.Jokinen et al./International Journal of Psychophysiology62(2006)175–184(2)the guilt of the participant will interact with the salience ofthe items so that accuracy is increased for salient as opposed to non-salient items(3)the participants will have stronger reactions to thequestion series presented first(as opposed to second) and this effect will be especially pronounced when the participants are guilty(4)the participants will react to some of the relevant itemseven if they have no conscious memory of them1.Methods1.1.ParticipantsParticipants consisted of30men and20women.Their ages ranged from20to38(M=25.5,S.D.=4.2).The participants were students and academics who were recruited through e-mail lists.The participants received a movie ticket as a reward for their participation.1.2.Methods of assessment1.2.1.Experimental settingThe mock crimes were conducted in two different environ-ments.The library of the Police College served as the first environment with minor modifications to its normal appear-ance.The library is quite small and consists of two rooms that have shelves,tables,chairs and computers.A few extra items like a stretching mat,a piece of wood and an empty film case were placed close to the books that the participants were instructed to steal.A typical classroom served as the second environment.The class room decoration consisted of typical elements like tables,chairs and a blackboard,which had written text on it(i.e.course).A computer and a case of diskettes were placed at one spot in the room.A poster,a plastic mattress and a cookie on a small plate served as additional items.The GKTs were carried out at a police station in a laboratory that the police normally use for testing crime suspects.The laboratory consists of a sound proof research room and a separate equipment room,where the examiner operates the machine and follows the test through a video image.The sound was transmitted to the research room through a Spirit Folio Lite microphone and loudspeakers.1.2.2.Question seriesThe GKT consisted of questions with six alternatives.The first one was always a buffer that was not included in the analysis.The following five alternatives consisted of the relevant crime item and of four control alternatives that were irrelevant to the crime.The position of the relevant item among the control alternatives was chosen at random.A separate library series(“library items”)and a separate class room series(“class room items”)both consisted of eight questions.The salient items consisted of the four relevant items in the series,which were mentioned most often when the participants were asked for which questions they remembered the correct item.The non-salient items consisted of the four relevant items in the series,which were mentioned least often when the participants were asked for which questions they remembered the correct item. The questions were posed only concerning the mock crime the participants committed.The salient items were on information about guilty actions or details that the participants could have noticed only through their actions(see Table1).Among the salient items,there were also matters like colour,number of noticed items(How many rows of shelves…?)and an observation about a detail in the proximity of the main item of the mock crime.The non-salient items handled guilty knowledge on such matters that the participants could have seen at the crime scene.1.2.3.Psychophysiological measuresThe Hagfors Polygraphy System that has been designed at the University of Jyväskyläwas used to collect the data from the tests.Physiological activity was recorded with a PC for the analyses.The sampling rate was10per second.A Trilock Genlock Adapter was used as a connector.The whole test occasion,including the reaction curves of the participants,were recorded with a video recorder for monitoring of the participant.Skin conductance(SC)was recorded with two thin tin lined plates measuring4.5cm around the finger and3.2cm along the finger.These were bent around the upper phalanges of the first and third fingers of the non-preferred hand on the palmar side. Fingers were disinfected with a solution(Neo Amisept)before attaching the electrodes.A saline solution(Teca Electrode Electrolyte NO028-201210)was used as electrolyte.SC was chosen as a main indicator because the electrodermal measure has been the most effective measure in studies so far.Thoracic respiration and finger pulse amplitude were also recorded,but data from these channels were not analyzed.1.3.ProceduresParticipants were randomly assigned to commit one of the two mock crimes.After arriving at the Police College,participants were instructed either to go to the library or to the classroom through means of task envelopes.In the library,they were instructed to take a good look around and also look outside the window,then find a specified book from a determined spot,steal the book and leave.In the classroom,the participants were also instructed to take a good look around and also look outside the window,then go to a computer,locate a specific file,copy it to a diskette,steal the diskette and leave.The library and classroom situations were intended as two independent replications that are reported within the same study and no differences were a priori expected between them in the accuracy of the GKT.Only the experimenter was aware of the participants conducting the mock crimes in the building of the Police College.The library personnel and the police personnel moving about in the building did not know that the experiment was in progress.This means that there was an actual possibility that the participant would have been caught on suspicion of committing an offence(this would of course have been immediately cleared up by the experimenter).The GKT was performed later on the same day or the following day at the police station in a neighbouring city.The177A.Jokinen et al./International Journal of Psychophysiology62(2006)175–184examiner brought the participants directly to the research room, where they were given more written information and signed a written consent of their participation to the test.Participants were told that the examiner would present them different GKT questions,each including different alternatives, and that they would not know the answers to all of the ques-tions.They were instructed to reply“no”to all of the questions, regardless of what they thought about them.During the test the participants sat on a chair which is used in test situations and were told to sit as still as possible.The measuring devices were attached.The examiner said the test would be videotaped,which was also the means through which the examiner followed what happened in the research room.The examiner told that she could hear the participant all of the time in case the participant wanted to communicate.After this,the examiner went to the equipment room.The examiner,who did not know which mock crime each participant was guilty of,read the GKT questions from paper. Participants were presented two different question series,out of which one concerned the mock crime in the library and the other concerned the mock crime in the classroom.The series were presented in a balanced order,in such a way that in every other test the library series was first and in every other the class room series was first.Before each question,the examiner told what the next ques-tion would concern,e.g.“the next question concerns stolen items”.Then the examiner read the question.The examiner marked the beginning of each alternative in the recorded data. This served as a marker for the reaction time as well as impeded the examiner from putting forward the next alternative during the following15s.Between the questions and alternatives,there was only a short break.After the time set by the marker ran out, the next alternative was presented.After the actual test,the participants were asked to report which of the eight relevant items they had remembered.Due to a failure during the administration of the questions,some of this memory information was missing.After this,the participants were told about the purpose of the experiment and were given their reward.The GKT took altogether about1h.1.4.Response scoring and statistical analysisFour different methods of scoring the electrodermal reactions of the participants were used:(a)standardised peak amplitudesTable1Test questions and observed numbers of highest standardised SC responses to the relevant items in the innocent and guilty conditionsQuestion Content of thealternative Innocent condition Guilty conditionObs.n of highestreactions to therelevant itemχ2Obs.n of highest reactionsto the relevant itemχ2Library situationWhat was the overall colour of the library?Colour2 2.041 3.76a How many rows of shelves were therein the middle of the room in the mainroom of the library?Number3 1.007 1.26What odd article was present in the room?Article:mat7 1.001 4.00⁎What was on the wall behind the computers?Article:poster40.259 4.00⁎Which book did the perpetrator steal?Stolen item:book7 1.001949.00⁎⁎Under which group of books was the stolen book?Class of articles2 2.2540.25 What was by the side of the stolen book on the shelf?Article:film case8 2.257 1.00 What was on the opposite side of the stolen books?Article:piece ofwood60.2550.01Classroom situationWhat odd article was present in the room?Article:mattress40.108 3.14a What animal was there in the poster on the wall?Article:koalaposter9 4.00⁎8 2.25 What was there on the table to eat?Article:cookie50.001420.25⁎⁎What was written on the blackboard?Text:course119.00⁎⁎⁎1316.00⁎⁎What did the perpetrator do in the room?Action:copy40.251736.00⁎⁎What did the perpetrator steal from the room?Stolen item:diskette3 1.001213.50⁎⁎What was written on the diskettethe perpetrator was looking for?Letter on diskette50.019 4.00⁎What was the name of the filethe perpetrator was looking for?File name:keys9 4.59⁎1316.00⁎⁎The bold items are the ones that the participants indicated they remembered best.Df=1for all analyses,expected n of highest reactions to the relevant item in the innocent condition=5.a p b.10.⁎p b.05.⁎⁎p b.001.⁎⁎⁎p b.01.178 A.Jokinen et al./International Journal of Psychophysiology62(2006)175–184(peak amplitudes are highest SC amplitudes within5s from the start of stimulus presentation),(b)raw peak amplitudes,(c) standardised SCRs(skin conductance reactions as a difference between the highest amplitude within five seconds from the start of stimulus presentation and the base point)and(d)raw SCRs. Standardised z scores were calculated so that comparisons of within subjects and within blocks z scores could be made (blocks refer to the different groups of questions,see Ben-Shakhar and Dolev,1996).The data for questions that contained movement or other artefacts were removed if the artefact was on a relevant alternative or if more than one of the alternatives contained an artefact.If an artefact occurred on a single control alternative,only that alternative was removed from the data.Mean values were calculated across the eight relevant items separately for both question series for all four score types. Means were also calculated separately for salient and non-salient items.The main purpose was to find out if it would be possible to differentiate guilty and innocent participants and whether the differentiation would be more effective for salient when com-pared to non-salient items.Three different statistical methods were used in the analyses.First,analyses of variance were con-ducted in order to investigate differences in means as a function of the guilt of the participant and the salience of the items and their interaction.Second,classification was accomplished through means of a logistic regression using all items and only salient or non-salient items.Third,to examine the effectiveness of the test,receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves were gen-erated for the different mock crimes again for all items and separately for only salient and non-salient items.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)graph is a plot of two basic probabilities,the probability that the decision is positive when the condition of interest is present,or positive,and the probability that the decision is positive when the condition is absent,or negative(Swets et al.,2000).These are calculated from proportions of observed frequencies.A ROC provides a measure that can directly be compared from one study to another. In a GKT the probabilities can be interpreted so that,if one randomly picks a guilty person and an innocent person,the ROC area presents the probability that the guilty person will score higher than the innocent person in a test.A ROC is a measure of area under the curve.The statistic can be used to differentiate two distributions.As the area statistic ranges from0to1,the null hypothesis is at the value of.5with no differentiation between the distributions and perfect differentiation is reached at the value of1with no overlap between the two distributions.In addition,the effects of the presentation position of the question series(as first or second)was investigated using analyses of variance.The interaction of this factor with the guilt of the participant and the salience of the items was also explored.Finally,we tested if guilty and innocent participants could be differentiated on the basis of items that the participants did not remember.In addition to the above analyses,Lykken points analysis was computed.In a typical Lykken points analysis(see Lykken, 1998),the relevant alternative that produces the highest amplitude among the set is assigned two points,the relevant alternative that produces the second highest amplitude is assigned a score of one and any other position is assigned a score of zero.The amount of questions serves as a cutoff point for guilt or innocence.This scoring system demands that the participants have to produce second largest reactions and at least one largest reaction to the relevant alternatives across the series.2.Results2.1.Preliminary analysesIn a correlation analysis,no relationship was found between the electrodermal reactions and the age or sex of the participants in either mock crime.Sex had also no effect on the accuracy of the test based on any of the scoring methods.When three outliers were removed from the analysis of the association between age and accuracy,only one correlation out of26was significant which can be attributed to chance.Neither age nor sex was analyzed further.In order to make sure that the question alternatives were not obvious and such that both guilty and innocent participants could guess them,χ2tests were carried out for the guilty and innocent participants separately.As seen in Table1,three relevant alternatives in the classroom mock crime produced largest SC reactions in the innocent participants more often than expected by chance.These were either unexpected alternatives (a koala bear does not belong to European fauna)or the most logical alternatives(“course”can be expected to be written on a blackboard and“keys”may easily be related to a burglary). 2.2.The effects of guilt of the participants and the salience of the relevant items on electrodermal reactionsAnalyses of variance were conducted to investigate the effects of the guilt of the participants and the salience of the presented relevant items on electrodermal reactions with guilt (guilty vs.innocent)as a between-subjects factor and salience (salient vs.non-salient)as a within-subjects factor.Separate analyses were conducted for the library and the classroom situations and for the different scoring methods.First,results for the library situation are presented followed by those for the classroom situation.The results are presented in Fig.1.In the library situation,using standardised peak amplitudes resulted in significant main effects of both the guilt of the participant[F(1,48)=8.11,p b.01,η2=.14]and the salience of the items[F(1,48)=9.16,p b.01,η2=.16].These main effects were moderated by a significant interaction between them [F(1,48)=5.05,p b.05,η2=.10].The participants reacted with stronger peak amplitudes to salient relevant items when they were guilty.No difference was found for non-salient relevant items between guilty and innocent participants.When measured using raw peak amplitude,the pattern of the results was the same as when standardised amplitudes were used.There were significant main effects of both the guilt of the participant[F(1,48)=18.12,p b.001,η2=.27]and the salience of the items[F(1,48)=33.89,p b.001,η2=.41].These main effects were moderated by a significant interaction between them[F(1,48)=16.76,p b.001,η2=.26].179A.Jokinen et al./International Journal of Psychophysiology62(2006)175–184。
技术论坛TECHNOLOGY FORUM中国航班CHINA FLIGHTS 52民用飞机增强型飞行记录器数据存储标准的研究王梓霖1 巴塔西2|1.中国商飞上海飞机客户服务有限公司;2.交银金融租赁有限责任公司摘要:本文分析了先进民航客机机型所采用的飞行记录系统数据存储标准ARINC 767,以及基于ARINC 647A标准生成的记录器电子化记录文件(FRED)。
对采用ARINC 767标准记录的飞行数据相应的译码原理进行深入研究,为记录器译码工作奠定技术基础。
关键词:ARINC 767;增强型飞行记录器;数据译码目前民航领域最新的机型均是基于全双工以太网(AFDX)航电的新一代飞机,其航电系统与传统民航客机机型的航电系统有本质不同。
特别是记录器飞行数据记录规范也完成升级:传统机型基于ARINC 429总线数据传输规范到ARINC 717飞行数据记录规范,新机型基于ARINC 664 总线数据传输规范到ARINC767飞行数据记录规范。
新机型飞行记录器为新一代增强型机载飞行记录器(EAFR,ENHANCED AIRBORNEFLIGHT RECORDER),本文主要从以下三个方面论述EAFR的数据译码技术:基于ARINC 664的飞机传输技术;基于ARINC 767的EAFR数据存储技术;EAFR记录器飞行电子记录文件。
1基于ARINC 664的飞机传输技术随着航空电子系统的高速发展,飞机中电子设备呈现出多样化、复杂化的趋势。
因此,使用新型通信网络优化航空通信网络性能,改善航空电子设备结构成为了研发新一代航空数据网络航空电子全双工交换式以太网(Avionics Full Duplex Switched EthernetNetwork,AFDX)。
AFDX 系统由航空电子子系统、AFDX 终端系统、AFDX 互连网络三个部分组成。
1. AFDX概述 2. AFDX工作原理简介 3. AFDX终端系统(END SYSTEM)工作原理 4. AFDX交换机(switch)工作原理
AFDX:Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet , 航空电子全双工交换式以太网。与普通以太网的主要 区别是AFDX是一个确定性的网络(deterministic network)。AFDX有以下一些特点:
VL 101 BAG=16ms Lmax=256
VL 102 BAG=128ms Lmax=64
由于存在多路VL,因此有可能出现jitter,系 统要考虑jitter对VL的影响
Sub VL (子虚拟链路) 每个VL可以派生最多4个Sub VL,每个Sub VL中也采用 FIFO的策略,Sub VL之间采用循环的策略。
Flow/Traffic Control (流速/流量控制) 每个VL要指定两个参数:BAG、Lmax BAG表示在同一个VL中发送两个连续帧第一位之间的最小间 隔。 其值范围是2的0~7次方(1~128)毫秒,由于BAG 的规定,
Redundancy Management (冗余管理)
AFDX终端系统通过两个独立的通讯进行数据发送接收。这 样接收端将接收到两个一样的数据包,因此需要一个管理机制 进行处理。 1. 标识通过两个网络接收到的数据包是同一个(复制品), 每个VL的数据包有1个自己的序列值SN(sequence number) 进行标识。从1到255循环,0表示复位(reset)。 2. 对数据包的处理采用“先到优先使用”(“First Valid wins”)的策略。
Fc在航电上的应用主要包括:Fc-ae、Fc-aV (aRinc818)协议2个大的分支。
1Fc-ae协议集Fc-ae标准本身是一个Fc应用到航空电子环境中的一组协议集,主要用于航空电子环境下各设备之间的数据通信,传输视频、指控、仪器仪表、传感器等数据,主要包含:Fcae-1553、Fc-ae-asm、Fc-aeRdma、Fc-ae-Fclp及Fc-aeVi 共5种协议,目前Fc已经被用在Fc-35、b1-b、F18e/F、V22、apache等机型,Fc是四代和五代战机的代表性技术之一。
学术论文标准格式格式, 学术, 论文相关词条:格式, 学术, 论文(一)学位论文的一般格式和顺序1.题目:应以恰当、简明、引人注目的词语概括论文中最主要的内容。
摘要(1)论文研究工作的目的和重要性(2) 研究的主要内容(3)采取的方法(4)成果和结论,要突出本论文新的见解。
学士学位论文应不少于5000字, 英语专业学士学位论文不少于4000单词。
386Windo ws虚拟设备驱动程序 CDX复合索引文件ABC ASCI I编码格式文件 CF G 配置文件,包含系统设备和环境信息A CM 音频压缩管理驱动程序C GM Pa int S hop P ro映象文件ACT文档向导 CHK被CHKD SK/F命令恢复的由丢失的簇组成的文件ADF 系统管理配置 CLP剪贴板文件AIF声音格式文件 CMD命令文件AIO由APL文件转换成的格式文件CNF 配置文件,包含设备配置的有关信息ANI动画鼠标光标 CNT帮助内容APLAPL工作区格式文件 COBCOBOL语言源程序文件AP P 应用文件 COM DOS命令文件A RC 压缩文件 CP I 代码字符集信息文件ARJ压缩文件 CPL控制面板应用程序A RT 图像文件 CP P C/C++程序源文件AS C ASC文本文件CPT M acint osh C ompac t Pro文件库A SM MA SM汇编语言源程序文件 CRD WIND OWS卡片AU 声音文件C RF 交叉汇编文件,由MASM编译器产生的程序列表AVIWindo ws视频文件 CRT INTE RNET安全证书A WD 传真浏览文件CSV 命令分割数据AWP传真关键浏览器 CT L 控制文件AWS传真签名浏览器C UR 鼠标光标资源文件BAD错误文件 CUTPaint Shop Pro映象文件B AK 备份文件 DA T 数据文件,包含程序中需处理或产生的一批数据B AS BA SIC语言源程序文件 DB d BASE或FoxBA SE配置文件,包含运行环境的参数BAT DOS批处理文件DBC 数据库BC M WOR KS通讯文件 DBF FoxB ASE或F oxPro数据库索引BDB WORK S数据库文件 DBS数据库BFC公文包D BT 备注文件B IN 二进制文件D CT 字典文件BM P WIN DOWS位图文件D CX 传真浏览文档或数据库索引C C语言源程序文件 DDI压缩文件CABWINDO WS安装程序 DEF模式定义文件CA L WIN DOWS日历文件D ER In terne t安全证书CDACD音轨文件 DEV设备驱动文件,包含安装新设备时所需的参数CDR Pain t Sho p Pro映象文件DGS 设备诊断文件DIBPaint Shop Pro映象文件H C编译头文件DI C 字典文件 HDX Maci ntosh BinH ex文件DIF 变化备份设置目录文件HEX 十六进制数据文件DI R 目录文件 HGL Pain t Sho p Pro映象文件DLL W INDOW S动态链接库文件H IS 历史文件DM P Ora cle二进制格式备份文件 HL P 图形方式帮助文件DOB用户文本文件 HPJ帮助Pr oject文件DO C 文档文件 HPP C/C++头文件DOS D OS文件HT 超级终端文件DOT 文档文件H TM In terne t超文本标记语言D OX 用户文本文件ICC 图像配色描述文件DR V 设备驱动文件I CO 图标文件DR W Pai nt Sh op Pr o映象文件 IDEBorla nd C++ Pro ject文件DSN ODBC数据库文件 IDFMIDI乐器文件D UN 由拨号网络导出的文件I DX 索引数据文件DWG A UTOCA D图形文件 IMD编码字典文件DXF Pain t Sho p Pro映象文件IME 输入法文件EML I NTERN ET电子邮件 IMG磁盘镜像文件EP S 压缩的附录文件INC 包含文件E RR 出错记录文件INF 安装信息E XC 文本文件 IN I 初始化参数文件EXE 可执行文件INP S QL *F ORMS正文文件F KY 宏INS I NTERN ET通讯设置文件F LL FO XPRO动态链接库ISP I NTERN ET通讯设置文件F MT dB ASE或F oxBas e屏幕格式文件 JO R 日志文件FND保存的搜索结果J PE JP EG图像格式文件F NT 字形数据文件JPG 静态图形压缩格式文件FON 字形数据文件 KBD键盘布局FOR F ORTRA N语言源程序文件K EY 加密钥文件F OT 指向字体的快捷键 LBL dBAS E标签格式文件FO X FOX BASE编译目标文件 LBT标签备注FPT 表备注 LB X 标签FRM 报表格式文件或SQL*FORMS二进制文件 LGOWINDO WS标识FRT 报表备份L HA 用L HARC压缩的文件FRX 报表 LIB库文件FUL 全盘备份设置目录文件LNK 静态快捷键FUN 功能菜单文件 LOG日志文件FXP V isual FoxP ro 3.0编译程序 LST列表文件GEM P aintShoxPro映象文件 LZ H 用LH ARC压缩的文件G IF 图形交换文件MAC 宏定义文件GR3 W indow s 3.X屏幕捕捉器 MAP映象文件GRA 图形数据文件 MB 码表文件G RP Mi croso ft程序组 MCC访问The Micr osoft Netw ork的快捷方式G Z 用GN Z ZIP打包的文件 MCIMCI命令集M DB 扩展的浏览器PCX 图形数据文件MEMFOXBA SE内存变量文件P DR 口驱动程序M ID MI DI序列PF IC M描述文件MIFMIDI乐器 PFM打印机字形组合文件MIVMCC访问The M icros oft N etwor k的快捷方式 PFO FORT RAN语言预编译文件MLV电影剪辑PGM 样本或演示文件MMF MICR OSOFT邮件 PI C 图形数据文件M MM 动画 PIF程序信息文件MNF已存的M SN搜索PIX 图形数据文件MNT菜单备注PJT 项目备注M NU 菜单数据文件,包含有关菜单的定义PJX 项目MNX表单P OT PO WERPO INT模板MOV影片剪辑PPD P OSTSC RIPT打印机描述MPA 运动图形压缩格式文件PPT 图片文件M PD 驱动程序 PR G FOX BASE或FOXPR O过程或程序文件M PE 运动图形压缩格式文件P RJ 设计数据文件MPG 运动图形压缩格式文件PRN 打印格式文件MPR生成的菜单程序 PR O 说明文件MPV媒体剪辑 PRT打印机格式MPX编译后的菜单程序P S 用于P OSTSC RIPT的文档MS G 信息文件 PST MICR OSOFT邮件MS N MIC ROSOF T网络中心 PUB通讯用公钥文件MS P WIN DOWS画笔图像P WL 口令列表NA V MSN应用程序PX 原始索引文件NDX D BASE或FOXBA SE索引数据文件Q IC MI CROSO FT程序的备份集N ED MS N应用程序 QPR生成的查询程序NE T 网络配置文件Q PX 编辑后的查询程序NIS自然语言服务驱动程序 QT影片剪辑NWS I NTERN ET新闻RAS P aintShopPro映象文件OB D OFF ICE活页夹 RAW Pain t Sho p Pro映象文件OBJ 目标代码文件 RBKWINDO WS设备配置备份文件OBTOFFIC E活页夹模板 RC资源文件OBZ O FFICE活页夹向导 RCFRICHW IN艺术汉字制作器OCX O LE控制REC 用RECOV ER命令恢复的文件OFN 其它OFFI CE文档REG 应用程序注册器OUT C语言目标文件R EF 说明性的文本文件OVD覆盖文件 REP报表文件OVL 覆盖文件R LE 压缩格式化文件OVR覆盖文件RMI M IDI音序PABMICRO SOFT邮件 RPF报表正文格式化文件PASPASCA L语言源程序文件R PT 报表生成文件PBK N BN电话簿 RTF文本格式文件PBM PAIN T SHO P PRO映象文件SAV 拷贝文件P C C语言预编译文件 SCP拨号网络脚本SC R 正本文件 VBX Visu al Ba sic控制文件SC T 表单备注 VCT可视类库备注SC X 表单VCX 可视类库S EA MA CINTO SH自我选用档案库文件 VER版本描述SEC加密文件VEW 报表视图文件SET设置文件VIR 被病毒感染文件的备份文件SHB指向一个文档的快捷方式 VU E Fox Pro 2.X视图SHL 批命令文件VXD 虚拟设置驱动程序SH S 碎片对象 WAV声音文件SIT压缩文件WBK W ORD后备文档SL T 设置文件 WCM Work s通讯文件SND声音格式文件 WDB Work s数据库文件SPD POST SCRIP T打印机描述 WHT NetM eetin g白板文档SPL假脱机文件 WIN窗口文件SPR 生成的屏幕程序 WIZ Word向导SP T SUP ER-ST AR图形版面文件W LL Wo rd加载项SPX编译后的屏幕程序W PC 写字板文档转换SQLSQL *PLUS命令文件W PS 文字处理系统W PS建立的文件SW P 虚拟内存交换文件 WRIWindo ws书写器文档SY M 符号调试定义文件 WRL虚拟现实模型语言对象SYS系统控制文件 XAB Micr osoft邮件地址薄TARUNIX合并文件X BM 图形格式文件TBK 备注备份X LA Ex cel加载宏TBL词典文件 XLBExcel工作表T GZ 一种先合并后压缩的文件XLC E xcel图表TIF图形图像文件 XL D Exc el对话框TMP临时文件XLK E xcel备份文件T RN 翻译文件 XL M Exc el宏文件TQT压缩文件XLS E xcel工作表TS P 电话服务提供者XLT E xcel模板TTC True Type合成文件XLV E xcelVBA模板TTFTrueType字体文件XLW E xcel工作表TX T 文本文件 XSL分层文件ULS用户定位服务 ZIP由PKZ IP压缩的文件UR L Int ernet快捷方式ZOO 用于在交互式平台转换的一种文件格式我们经常不知道一些文件怎么打开,来这里查查吧htt p://w ww.gz bs/re p?tid=7203什么是文件名后缀说起来Windo ws工作界面下的文件名简直是随心所欲,比如:某编辑部的2000年工作计划。
ADFS安装、配置及管理说明一、ADFS安装1、命令行中键入“servermanager.msc”打开Server Manager(服务管理器)。
2、点击Add roles and features,添加角色和功能,单击下一步3、在选择安装类型页上,单击的基于角色或基于功能的安装,然后单击下一步。
5、在“选择服务器角色”页面上,单击“Active Directory 联合身份验证服务”,然后单击“下一步”。
7、在“Active Directory 联合身份验证服务(AD FS)”页面上,单击“下一步”。
8、在验证信息后确认安装选择页上,单击安装,在“安装进度”页面上,验证所有内容是否正确安装,然后单击“关闭”二、ADFS配置1、在服务器管理器“仪表板”页面上,单击“通知”标志,然后单击“在服务器上配置联合身份验证服务”,打开“Active Directory 联合身份验证服务配置向导”。
3、在连接到AD DS页上,指定通过使用此计算机所加入的Active Directory (AD) 域,然后输入域管理员权限的帐户,单击下一步。
4、在“指定服务属性”页面上,如果你已获得包含安全套接字层(SSL) 证书的.pfx 文件,请单击导入,然后输入联合身份验证服务的名称,此名称默认会与证书中的使用者名称一致,输入联合身份验证服务的显示名称,如“Contoso Corporation“,用户可以在ADFS登录页面中看到此名称。
提示:如果没有证书,可以在IIS中申请自签名证书,申请步骤如下:a、打开IIS,根目录中点击“Server Certificates”证书服务。
简单介绍AFD和WSS的相关文档简单介绍AFD和WSS的相关文档AFD是Active Format Description的缩写,它的主要功能是提供给视频解码器以便创建优化的视频显示窗口(比如说元窗口为Overscan的切割,在显示窗口中的位置和大小等)。
WSS是Wide Screen Signalling的缩写,它的功能和AFD相同,那么如何区分AFD 和WSS呢?很见简单,AFD一般运用于数字频道(比如说,用ATSC,DVB,CEA 861-C标准编码的数字码流,对应于Digital RF, DVI-D 等),而WSS应用于模拟信号(比如说,CVBS,Svideo,Component,Analog RF等)。
从现在的新的相关标准来看,WSS 相关地方已经逐渐被AFD所替代(可以是简单的名字替换,也可能是添加新的字段),保留WSS主要是为了和以前模拟信号的标准相兼容。
在学习AFD之前,我强烈建议读者首先学习CEA-CEB-16文档,它是一个开发和实践AFD的向导文档,提供了详细的AFD 实现说明及推荐方法。
对于DVB标准而言,它也有类似的标准,请参考DTG和ETSI EN 300 294等标准来懂得AFD和WSS等。
ü数字ATSC或DVB是通过用户数据(user data)来传送AFD的描述符,比如A53,在sequence header, GOP or pictureheader中带有,请参考ISO13818-2。
ü CEA 861-C使用AVI包来传送AFD信息。
ü IEC 61880和CEA 805-C是通过VBI来传送AFD信息,比如ü当AFD一般有三个AR:16x9,14x9和4x3ü当AFD值为“0100”时,表示AR>16x9,即宽屏。
基于AFDX测试软件开发及验证研究【摘要】AFDX是一种基于标准定义的电子和协议规范(IEEE802.3和ARINC 664)用来航空子系统之间数据交换,提供一个高达24个终端系统的星形拓扑来连接从一个交换机桥接到其他的交换机内部网络。
其中AFDX网络部分定义了一种确定性网络,该网络基于已经成熟 IEEE802.3以太网技术发展,最大程度的降低了开发周期和开发费用,如何以最小的代价和最低的研发成本实现其快速开发成为航电系统优选总线。
1AFDX总线AFDX总线主要包含了End System(终端)、Switch(交换机)、Link(链路)。
它是基于一种网络概念而不是通常所说的总线形式,在这个网络上有交换机和终端两种设备,终端之间的数据信息交换是通过VL(虚拟链路)进行的,VL 起到了从一个唯一的源端到一个或多个目的端逻辑上的单向链接,且任意一个虚拟链路只能有一个源端。
Flow/Traffic Control(流速/流量控制)
在终端系统的输出中,每个特定的虚拟链接 (VL)的流速流量受到系统集成者的规划控制, VL的流速流量与BAG(Bandwidth Allocation Gap)、 JITTER以及帧的最大长度(Lmax)相关,具体如下 图:
• •
AFDX Interconnect
– 协议基础 • 物理及链路层:以太网协议( IEEE 802.3 标准) • 网络层:IP协议 • 传输层:UDP协议 – Virtual Link(虚拟链路) – Flow/Traffic Control(流速/流量控制) – Integrity Checking and Redundancy Management(完整性检验及冗余管理) – Avionics Services(航空电子通讯服务) – Full-duplex, Switched Ethernet全双工、交换式
应用程序读取 端口的信息后, 将信息从队列 中移走
信息到达后增 加到队列中
SAP port 一个终端系统作为一个服务接入点(SAP, Service Access Point )具有一下特点: 1. SAP port可以用于AFDX内部的通讯 2. 接入兼容网络(compliant network)需要通过网关或路由 器(设计为终端系统的一部分) 3. 终端系统提供与兼容网络(compliant network) 的UDP服 务 4. 每个UDP服务支持8K字节信息长度 5. 作为一个可选项,适当配置SAP port,可以支持TCP 可以直接访问IP层 SAP port主要用于AFDX系统与非AFDX系统的通信。
☆中峰镇:借创新社会管理活动平台解民忧排民难☆鄂坪乡: 推行“五步工作法”狠抓信访维稳工作☆水坪镇:加强群众思想教育信访户转型为产业户☆丰溪镇:“一线工作法”力促信访矛盾化解☆县河镇:以创新社会管理活动开展为平台化解矛盾纠纷☆泉溪镇:深化活动开展促进矛盾化解中峰镇:借创新社会管理活动平台解民忧排民难中峰镇巧借加强新时期群众教育推进社会管理创新活动平台,创新工作方法,大力开展“进农家,查民情,解民忧,排民难”活动,取得了较好的成效。
FS和FT 都是用于连续信号频谱的分析工具,它们都以傅里叶级数理论问基础推导出的。
Geometry Opt & Freqs:对分子进行结构优化,完成之后,自动计算优化好的那 个结构的频率。如此就可以检查是不是存在负的频率(也就是所谓的虚频)
Linear Transit:线性过渡。其用途参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” :ADF 搜 索过渡态典型案例
Transition State Search:过渡态搜索。其用途参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识 库” :ADF 搜索过渡态典型案例
Single Point:计算某一种分子结构的性质(比如计算 HOMO、LUMO,或者吸收 光谱、NMR 性质等等) ,之所以叫做单点,是指这种性质只由当前的这种结构就可 以计算出来。其他选项,例如 Fragment Analysis、Properties Only、Strict 选项 实际上等同于选择 Single Point,具体可以参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” : 如何计算 HOMO、LUMO、文献重现:锌酞菁的基态与激发态计算(第二部分) 、 如何计算 NMR Shielding 化学位移
ADF 参数设置详解
Main Preset : 常 用 的 选 项 包 括 Single Point 、 Frequencies 、 Geometry Optimization 、 Geometry Opt & Freqs、Linear Transit、Transition State Search。
Geometry Constraints and Scan: 进行 Linear Transit 计算的时候需要设置此处, 具体参考费米科技 WIKI 中“ADF 知识库” :ADF 搜索过渡态典型案例
DIM/QM大大降低了计算量∙支持指定分子特定区域带电∙X射线发射谱XES(X-Ray emission Spectrum)∙MECP∙Natural Transition Orbitals∙Fukui函数∙新泛函:∙长程修正泛函:LCY-BLYP、LCY-BP86、LCY-PBE、CAM-B3LYP、CAMY-B3LYP、HSE03、HSE06、M11、MN12-SX、N12-SX、WB97、WB97x)∙色散修正杂化泛函:B3LYP-D、B3LYP-D3、B3LYP-dDsC、B3LYP-D3(BJ)、B3LYP-dUFF、BHandHLYP-dDsC、PBE0-dDsC、PBE0-MBD@rsSC、S12h-D3 ∙meta-GGA:SSB-D、TPSS-D3、TPSS-D3(BJ)∙其他泛函库(libXC)支持灵活指定交换泛函与相关泛函∙BAND∙增加DFT分子动力学(具有周期性的体系)∙增加NEB方法搜索过渡态(旧版本有其他更精确的过渡态搜索方法)∙PEDA-NOCV(非限制性、周期性体系)能量分解∙能量相对于原子核坐标的一阶梯度∙能量相对于晶格常数的一阶梯度∙声子谱计算∙指定电子态的占据方式∙计算效率比2014版进一步提高∙新泛函:∙长程修正泛函HSE03、HSE06∙GGA色散修正泛函∙meta-GGA:SSB-D、TPSS-D3、TPSS-D3(BJ)∙其他泛函库(libXC)支持灵活指定交换泛函与相关泛函∙DFTB∙增加色散修正D3-BJ、D2、UFF、ULG∙Franck-Condon谱∙Bader分析∙声子谱∙新增大量元素的参数(QUASINANO2015)∙ReaxFF∙反应路径自动追踪∙体积变化设置(在模拟过程中,可以人为设置体积的变化过程)∙外加电场变化设置(在模拟过程中,可以为不同阶段设置不同的电场)∙新增力场:∙色散修正力场:CHONSSi-lg∙其他力场:AuCSOH、AuSCH_2011、AuSCH_2013、C单质、CHOFeAlNiCuSCr_v1、CHOFeAlNiCuSCr_v2、CHOFeAlNiCuSCr_v3、改进的CHOLi_v2、CHONiHe、CHONSFPtClNi、改进的CHONSMgPNaCuCl_v2、CHONSMgPNaTiClF、CHONSSiCaCsKSrNaMgAlCu、CHONSSiGe、CHONSSiNaAl、CHONSSiNaP、CHONSSiPtNiCuCoZrYBa、CHONSSiPtZrNiCuCoHeNeArKrXe、CHOSFClN、HOSMg、LiS、LiSi、NiCH、OPt、PdH、SiOH、VOCH、ZnOH∙COSMO-RS:离子液体数据库∙Python脚本库:PLAMS∙GUI显示∙优化了原子数非常多的情况下的显示能力,操作更加流畅∙轨道相互作用图示方式有所改进。
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1.With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.A.exhibitionB.exceptionC.exceptD.reception2.Although the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed.A.spareB.fastC.moderateD.moral3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedfinedD.concerned4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.A.canalB.tunnelC.channelD.cable5.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A. beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery6.When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal.A. surroundB.substanceC.stretchD.substitute7.With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.A. survivedB.suspendedC.sufferedD.subfected8.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about.A. novelB.spoilC.acceptableD.additional9.Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefullyA. sortingB.jokingC.countingparing10.We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. .A. continueB.bayC.assistanceD.graduate11.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state.A. federalB.figureC.scientificD.service12.He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member.A. traditionalB.scholarC.nurseD.pilot13.When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later.A. policyB.plainC.permanentD.principal14.John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.A. pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts15.We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty.A. owesB.spoilsC.desertsD.neglects16.In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______.A. facilitiesB.hensC.votesD.artists17.When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______.A. surfaceB.atmosphereC.attitudeD.bent18.This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea.A. boundaryB.stringC.spotD.zone19.She is already 16years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.A. believesB.absorbsC.accrsesD.behaves20.We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A. distinguishedB.annoyedC.astonishedD.scored21.The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.A. distributedB.packedC.prayedD.undertook22.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is _______, not foreign.A. domesticB.strainC.purchaseD.murder23.He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.A. measureB.maintainC.shelterD.reply24.He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A. resolvedB.resortedC.requestedD.reserved25.The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A. researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast26.Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________ from the earthA. withdrawnB.vanishedC.foundD.hung27.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______ their plans for the new bicycle.A. countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting28.Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.A. guardB.accomplishC.roarD.endure29.Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.A. favoriteB.availableC.convenientD.average30.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _______.A. exhaustedB.mountedC.wrappedD.restored31.The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.A. discouragedB.observedC.obeyedD.obtained32.Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help.A. detectiveB.presidentC.managerD.director33.We won’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs.A. devoteB.districtC.interfereD.wander34.We can not _______ all the magazines together.A. routeB.drawC.threadD.bind35.What he said in the meeting _______ everybody present.A. disgustedB.dismissedC.disposedD.eliminated36.Some lazy men would rather _______ than work.A. indicateB.declareC.solveD.starve37.This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class.A. scoldedB.overcomeC.inclinedD.displayed38.Some states in the United States _______ people to carry guns.A. applyB.charmC.ignoreD.forbid39.Carelessness made him fall in his job _______.A.interviewB.intentionC.stomachD.stocking40.Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.A. decreaseB.createC.defineD.delight41.Students with _______ problems may apply for student loans.A. economicB.financialC.maleD.economical42.Both sugar and salt can ______in water.A. desertB.absorbC.dissolveD.involve43.I have not heard anything from him since his _______.A. departureB.faultC.foundationD.acciptance44.Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.A. conductB.stoopmitD.sweat45.Several loudspeakers are _______ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.A. connectedB.sustainedC.associatedD.suspended46.This morning in the class, our teacher lost his _______ at last because he could not stand any more.A. temperB.terrorC.verseD.contain47.It is not ---_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.A. continuousB.difficultC.convenientD.sufficient48.When traveling alone in the mou ntains, you’d better take a _______ with you in case you get lost.A. compasspressplseD.campus49.As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.A. ruinB.restrainC.importD.impose50.If you have any problems during your study here, please do not _______ to call me for helpA. hesitateB.despairC.urgeD.request答案:1.B2.C3.A4.B5.D6.D7.A8.A9.B 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C 21.A 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.A32.D 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.D 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.A1. This kind of medicine has the power to _______poison.A.splashB.resistC.adoptD.occupy2. He is easily _______ so I do not like to talk with him.A.defendedB.affordedC.createdD.offended3.I am _______ to believe that he won’t come back to see his wife again.A.inclinedB.puzzledC.accompaniedD.performed4.Before you mail this letter, you should check again whether you have _______ it or not.A.sunkB.sighedC.soughtD.sealed5.After talking for nearly ten hours, he _______ to the government’s pressure at last.A.expressedB.yieldedC.decreasedD.approved6.My hands and feet were ________ with cold as I waited for the bus.A. cliffB.stillC.stiffD.stick7.This problem is beyond his ability and he can not ________ it.A.slipB.packC.gainD.solve8.When you buy the spare parts for your car, try to get the _______ ones from the authorized dealer.A.genuineB.generousC.geniusD.gentle9.If you use _______, you can get a higher quality picture.A.waxB.shameC.gooseD.slides10.Who _______ this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.A.frightensB.differsC.displayserns11.This year our university does not have any _______ to continue the international student exchange program.A.functionB.fundamentalC.funeralD.funds12.Who is the patient being _______ on?A.paintedB.operatedC.tiedD.fetched13.Mary is _______ of music but I am not.A.pauseB.adventureC.grammaticalD.fond14.This man has been proved _______ of murder.A.guiltyB.spoilC.flashD.curious15.The international situation is very _______ in the Middle East.A.deliciousB.perfectC.delicateD.percent16.Even though he knew that I should study, he still ______ me to go to the movies.A.recognizedB.extendedC.persuadedD.unexpected17.We _______ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.A.grantB.estimateC.councilD.check18.He read the paper several times but be stil l _______ some printer’s errors.A.overlookedB.ignoredC.noticedD.outlined19.She often talks with a _______ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.A.tidyB.sincereC.worshipD.merry20.If the students can not support themselves during their study in university, they may ask for a student _______ from the government.A.menuB.spoonC.loanD.bond21.English has become a communication _______ for people from different countries.A.meritB.streamC.enjoymentD.medium22.During the eight years war, many people _______ their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted23.You have greatly _______us. What you have done is not what you told us about several weeks ago.A.disappointedB.desertedC.clarifiedD.opposed24.Before you begin writing your paper, please write ------__________ first. Then we can have a better idea about what you are going to talk originB.a outline25.If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _______ for me .A.chapterB.ceremonyC.chamber D challenge26.A _______ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.A.stainB.stableC.peacefulD.pink27.The financial support is decided not only according to your GRE score, but also according to your _______ in college.A.performanceB.policyC.smartD.statement28.The World Trade Center is often called a _______ Building, because it is made up of two identical buildings.A. AlikeB.FolkC.TwinD.Former29.It is impossible for us to _______ such a difficult task within the limited time.A.fuelB.frownC.fulfillD.frost30.Please do not _______ when somebody else is talking.A. intendB.interpretC.interuptD.invest31.As a commander, you should not _______ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.A.expressB.explodeC.ecploitD.expose32.This newspaper often _______ the government’s opinion, not the public opinionA.affectsB.reactsC.reflectsD.recognizes33.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _______ from the front.A.feedbackB.backwardC.withdrawD.departure34.This movie has a _______ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.A.dramaticB.originalC.considerableD.temple35.During the graduation _______, the president gave a wonderful opening speech.A.evolutionB.signC.individualD.ceremony36.The dog _______ the rabbit but could not catch it.A.ceasedB.chainedC.checkedD.chased37.If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _______.A.excessB.exceedC.checkedD.chased38.In the class the teacher asked the students to _______ their bad habits.A.weakenB.omitC.overcomeD.overtake39.When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health _______.A.insuranceB.expenseC.evidenceD.payment40.Chocolate and ice-cream have different _______.A.favourB.favouritesC.feverD.flavours41.This is an _______ that will not be easily forgotten.A.impactB.academicC.insultD.alternative42.Please _______ me for my rudeness. I really do not know the custom here.A. engagefortC.executeD.forgive43.Water and air are _______ to human beings. We can not live without them.A.harbourB.functionC.definiteD.essential44.When the airplane takes off, the passengers are told to _______ their seat belts.A.fountainB.fixC.tightD.fasten45.This is not what we asked you to do. You can not get more pay for the _______ work.A.owingB.deviceC.tiredD.extra46.My throat is _______. I cannot speak any more.A.soreB.purchaseC.glowD.faint47.Many years ago, a lot of factories were _______ from big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A.transferredB.transformedC.transmittedD.transported48.He said in his letter that he would _______ some photographs but I couldn’t find anything in the envelope.A.caseB.doubleC.encloseD.nonsense49.Many English words are _______ from Latin.A.displayedB.spreadC.lostD.derived50.I feel _______ to say that I can not believe what he said.A.wantedB.observedC.obligedD.wandered答案:1.B2.D3.A4.D5.B6.C7.D8.A9.D 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.A 24.D 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.C 31.D 32.C 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.A 40.D 41.C 42.D 43.D 44.D 45.D 46.A 47.A 48.C 49.D 50.DTest 31.This watch is _______ by hand, not by machine, so it is very expensive.A.flatB.coinedC.boredD.manufactured2.These two horses look so much alike that we can not _______ one from the other.A.differB.detailC.distinguishD.defeat3.The president of that company was very calm during the political_______.A.failureB.fashionC.proceedD.crisis4._______ is usually the chief enemy of the camera lens.A.OxxasionB.vainC.MoistureD.Deck5.The _______ left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle.A.dashB.cellC.crewD.gay6.On our way to Beijing, we visited Xi’an, a city of two million _______, and stayed there for two days.A. insectsB.humanC.inhabitantsD.flights7.One of the main reasons for air pollution is that many cars _______ smoke into the atmosphere.A.gatherB.hireC.dischargeD.escape8.Don’t forget to _______ to let us know you arrived safely.A.cableB.cageC.borderD.bay9.She gave him a _______ that she could not come to his party.A.mistressB.shootC.neckD.hint10.When the temperature is below zero, water will _______.A.freezeB.virtueC.sinkD.seek11.1,3,5,7 and 9 are _______ numbers and 2,4,6 and 8 are not.A.oddB.evenC.extraD.nut12.He always _______ to everything and never agrees with anybody.A.projectsB.givesC.foldsD.objects13.I was born in Japan, but I have _______ Chinese citizenship.A.retainedB.representedC.reportedD.required14.He made a rough _______ of the first floor of that building, showing us where his office was located.A.paintingB.illustrationC.drawingD.sketch15.He is deeply _______ in the trouble of his company.A. involvedB.occurredC.packedD.represented16.He always leaves _______ for all the words he does not know in his translation.A.blanketsB.blindC.blackD.blanks17.Smoking and drinking are regarded as _______ in some countries because they do no good to health.A.vicesB.habitsC.customsD.copies18.The news has not yet been officially _______ by the government.A.struckB.confirmedC.foundedD.pointed19.These are two _______ issures, but people often take them as one.A.ruinB.nestC.distinctD.castle20.What _______ did you watch on television last night?A.waveB.frequencyC.channelD.tunnel21.The Bushmen are _______ hunters even though their weapons are primitive.A.favouriteB.originalC.sufficientD.expert22.Before he left the White House, the president made a _______ speech.A.quaarelB.symbolC.automobileD.farewell23.The local government has begun a _______ in this city to cut down the traffic accidents.A.protestB.punishmentC.protectionD.project24.It is highly _______ that he come here tomorrow to join us.A.desirableB.doubtfulC.goodD.wanted25.A new idea began to _______ from his mind when he was on his way back home.A.emergeB.outputC.starveD.tend26.If you just stay in this city for few days, we can give you a _______ library card and you can still make use of the books in the city library.A.terminalB.temporaryC.regularD.chamber27.When you buy anything expensive, never forget to ask for the _______ from the shop.A.renderB.trustC.receiptD.tale28.These programs are designed for those young people who want to _______ higher education but do not have enough time to go to university.A. insureB.purseC.purchaseD.pursue29.In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _______ books from the school library.A. implicationB.referenceC.sampleD.saucer30.When he opened the door, he used too much force and _______ the key.A.trailedB.variedC.twistedD.wicked31.When heated, water changes into _______.A.solidB.vapourC.liquidD.air32.What she achieved in her research might _______ what she had been expecting.A.exceedB.exclaimC.excessD.extend33.It is _______ to anyone here that the department chairman has refused to support the new project.A.factorB.falseC.evidentD.elastic34.He _______ his father in appearance but not in height.A.repeatsB.looksC.resemblesD.likes35.Both O.J.Simpson and Jim Brown have been ______ as the greatest players in the history of football.A.rankedB.recordedC.stockedD.stripped36.The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ______ from side to side and going faster and faster.A.surroundingB.foregoingC.swayingD.frowning37.This is a poem about _______ life in the American West.A.bayB.chamberC.frankD.dozen39.What they produced has no any _______ value. But it is very useful to their research.A.filterB.foldC.partialmercial40.When talking about Chinese culture, people often _______ its origin with the Yellow River.A.worshipB.vainC.revealD.associate41.As a chairman for nearly ten years, Professor Smith has never _______ to anything dishonest.A.beardB.attachedC.grantedD.kept43.The ---_______ between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious so that it is not easy to distinguish between people from the two countries.A.distinctionB.equivalentC.indexD.murder44.When he caught a _______ of his girl-friend in the rain, Jack asked the taxi driver to stop to pick her up.A.harbourB.kettleC.glimpseD.scale45.He’ll always be _______ to you for what you’ve done.A.peacefulB.secureC.gratefulpanion46.In Nearly any country, there always exists a _______ gap between the old and the young.A.generationB.helicopterC.noticeableD.ounce47.Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me what number I should dial to get the _______.A.throatB.verseC.conductorD.operator48.Without the _______ materials imported from abroad, Japan can hardly produce anything.A.storeyB.valuableC.spareD.raw49.We may be able to _______ you in some way if you can not finish your work on time.A.resistB.insistC.assistD.disease50.She always dreamed of an _______ job even when she was ten years old.A. idealB.indirectC.absoluteD.aid答案:1.D2.C3.D4.C5.C6.C7.C8.A9.D 10.A 11.A 12.D13.A 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.C 31.B 32.A33.C 34.C 35.A 36.C 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.D 41.C 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.C 46.A 47.D 48.D 49.C 50.ATest 41.Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not _______ himself to the Chinese customs.A.adoptB.adjustC.adaptD.accept2.He tried to _______ with the manager for has salary.A.evaluateB.objectC.bargainD.pause3.To some _______, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so.A.extendB.partC.extentD.content4.Great Britain and France will hold a _______ regarding some European economic problems.A.conferenceB.referenceC.conversionD.cooperation5.Since he often travels on business, he can _______ himself to sleeping in any place he can find.A.makeB.accustomC.forceD.let6.He has _______ much time and energy for his invention.A.containedB.proceededC.consumedD.paid7.A good teacher always tries to _______ students to ask question.A.encourageB.obeyC.recallD.spread8.If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an _______ with his secretary first.A.admissionB.agreementC.appointmentD.alphabet9.They say the new film is a(n) _______ picture so they won’t go to see it.A. internalB.oddC.interestingD.dull10.The judge _______ the murderer to twenty years in prison.A.requiredB.orderedC.indicatedD.sentenced11.This university has _______ a great deal since our last visit.A.appearedB.alteredC.approachedD.admired12.She is narrow minded and always _______ what other people have.A. jealousB.owesC.missesD.envies13.When he woke up from his dream, the frightened boy tried to _______ his mother’s arm.A.grapeB.greyC.gripD.grave14.Mary has never been _______ a ship.A.abroadB.aboardC.aboveD.absorb15.The modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _______ for each piece of its glass.A. levelsB.storiesyersD.formations16.The thief was _______ by the police at the railway station.A.carpetB.minedC.capturedD.mounted17.In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.A.adequateB.absoluteC.privateD.practical18.There is too much noise outside. I can not _______my attention on my work.A.connectB.flatC.fillD.concentrate19.While studying at U.C.L.A.,Mr.Wang _______ his old friend, whom he has not seen for nearly twenty years.A.encounteredB.whisperedC.swungD.maid20.The _______ production of engines in our factory has doubled this year.A.manualB.annualC.amountD.alike21.The Foreign Minister made an excellent _______ on the current international situation.mitteemandmentmission22.They _______ cattle mainly for the international market.A.carpenterB.districtC.oxD.breed23.He went to the dance last night but couldn’t find a _______ b ecause of his strange clothes.A.pondB.saddleC.partnerD.salad24.Her father will never _______ of her going to study in the United States alone.A.proveB.agreeC.admitD.approve25.I wish I could _______ you somehow for your kindness.A.strawB.issueC.rewardD.own26.Our teacher was _______ by the funny story.A.nakedB.yieldedC.amusedD.expanded27.The young people made a new _______ to the governorA.proposalB.submergeC.tendencyD.thread28.In the film we saw last night, the hero _______ his wife to death with his sword.A.throatB.thrustC.trustD.thread29.If there is no other way to save a _______ person in a tall building on fire, fire fighters may spread a net into which the person can jump.A.voltB.wrappedC.trappedD.deserted30.Since 1978, many new _______ have been developed in our university to meet the increasing demands of the students.A.disciplinesB.entrancesC.checksD.flames31.How can we finish the work in the _______ of any other helpers?A.eraB.hasteC.spareD.absence32.The wo unded soldiers’ blood _______ the ground red at the front.A.diedB.dumpedC.drawedD.dyed33.There are two governments in this country. But neither of them is regarded as the _______ one by the other.A.panelB.legalC.purpleD.republic34.The question then ________: What are we going to do when we graduate from the university?A.raisesB.arousesC.arisesD.rises35.The _______ between the two playing periods of a football game is onlya few minutes.A. internalB.reserveC.intervalD.radium36.What we need to learn is how to put theory into _______ when we begin our fieldwork here.A.appearanceB.applicationC.accomplishD.achievement37.It is a _______ truth that man is the only animal that has the power to speak and reason.A.worthyB.virtualC.universalD.indefinite38.His speech _______ the young people to continue their study.A.glancedB.delayedC.inspiredD.created39.The ground around here is mostly _______ and not very good for farming.A.boardB.clayC.kidD.wax40.Some people say that education is the best _______ for children.A. investigationanizationC.investmentD.origin41.She likes the _______ flower instead of the natural one.A. articleB.adventureC.ancientD.artificial42.This highway runs _______ to the railway.A. identicalB.suitableC.parallelD.distribution43.The rent for this house is $ 250. But you need also pay $50 first as the _______.A.depositB.councilC.desiredD.submitted44.The rebuilding plan was _______ to the committee.A.tapedB.admittedC.desiredD.submitted45.Jack London worked very hard and finally he _______ success.A.madeB.foundC.soughtD.achieved46.It’s just _______ bite. There is nothing to worry about.A.a vesselB.a arbitrary47.Jack is _______ of stealing the books from the library.A.accusedB.witnessedC.strainedD.found48.Metals expand when they are heated and _______ when cooled.A. indicateB.eliminateC.conquerD.contract49.In order to _______ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school.A.requireB.inquireC.acquireD.address50.He checked carefully to _______ the possible errors in his design.A.eliminateB.exceedC.enlargeD.vibrate答案:1.C2.C3.C4.A5.B6.C7.A8.C9.D 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.D32.D 33.B 34.C 35.C 36.B 37.C 38.C 39.B 40.C 41.D 42.C 43.A 44.D 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.D 49.C 50.ATest 51.His proposal is _______ to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.A.apparentB.appearingC.approachingD.apart2.This mountain range has many high _______ and fertile valleys.A.peaksB.hillsC.phasesD.pink3.He gave us a good _______ of his experience.A.demonstrationB.frequencyC.descriptonD.instruction4.You have your choice of three _______ of ice cream.A.varietiesB.topsC.respectsD.decks5.This sick man was _______ in a blanket.A. inputB.issuedC.ensuredD.wrapped6.This is the military ________. Nobody is allowed to get in without permission.A.bondB.zoneC.butterD.zoo7.Rock music usually _______ the young people in most countries.A.applies toB.appeals toC.amazesD.actress8.Would he have seen you if you hadn’t _______ to h im?A. intendedB.wavedC.expressedD.debt9.Everyone _______ the right to his own opinion.A. imitatesB.requestsC.deservesD.outlines10. I’m worried about the appearance of the floor. I need to _______ it.A.cleanB.fixC.waxD.oven。