TL H 7769LM221 LM321Precision PreamplifiersFebruary 1995LM221 LM321Precision PreamplifiersGeneral DescriptionThe LM221series are precision preamplifiers designed to operate with general purpose operational amplifiers to dras-tically decrease dc errors Drift bias current common mode and supply rejection are more than a factor of 50better than standard op amps alone Further the added dc gain of the LM221decreases the closed loop gain errorThe LM221series operates with supply voltages from g 3V to g 20V and has sufficient supply rejection to operate from unregulated supplies The operating current is programma-ble from 5m A to 200m A so bias current offset current gain and noise can be optimized for the particular application while still realizing very low drift Super-gain transistors are used for the input stage so input error currents are lower than conventional amplifiers at the same operating current Further the initial offset voltage is easily nulled to zero The extremely low drift of the LM221will improve accuracy on almost any precision dc circuit For example instrumen-tation amplifier strain gauge amplifiers and thermocouple amplifiers now using chopper amplifiers can be made withthe LM221 The full differential input and high common-mode rejection are another advantage over choppers For applications where low bias current is more important than drift the operating current can be reduced to low values High operating currents can be used for low voltage noise with low source resistance The programmable operating current of the LM221allows tailoring the input characteris-tics to match those of specialized op ampsThe LM221is specified over a b 25 C to a 85 C range and the LM321over a 0 C to a 70 C temperature rangeFeaturesY Guaranteed drift of LM321A 0 2m V C Y Guaranteed drift of LM221series 1m V C Y Offset voltage less than 0 4mVY Bias current less than 10nA at 10m A operating current Y CMRR 126dB minimum Y 120dB supply rejection YEasily nulled offset voltageTypical ApplicationsThermocouple Amplifier with Cold Junction CompensationTL H 7769–1Set for 2 98V at output with LM113shorted Output should equal ambi-ent temperature at 10mV KAdjust for output reading in CC 1995National Semiconductor Corporation RRD-B30M115 Printed in U S AAbsolute Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage g20V Power Dissipation(Note1)500mW Differential Input Voltage(Notes2and3)g15V Input Voltage(Note3)g15V Operating Temperature RangeLM321A0 C to a70 C Storage Temperature Range b65 C to a150 C Lead Temperature(Soldering 10sec )300 C ESD rating to be determinedElectrical Characteristics(Note4)LM321AParameter ConditionsLM321AUnits Min Typ MaxInput Offset Voltage T A e25 C 6 4k s R SET s70k0 20 4mV Input Offset Current T A e25 CR SET e70k0 30 5nAR SET e6 4k5nAInput Bias Current T A e25 CR SET e70k515nAR SET e6 4k50150nA Input Resistance T A e25 CR SET e70k28M XR SET e6 4k0 2M X Supply Current T A e25 C R SET e70k0 82 2mA Input Offset Voltage6 4k s R SET s70k0 50 65mVInput Bias Current R SET e70k1525nAR SET e6 4k150250nAInput Offset Current R SET e70k0 51nAR SET e6 4k510nA Input Offset Current Drift R SET e70k3pA C Average Temperature R S s200X 6 4k s R SET s70kCoefficient of Input Offset Offset Voltage NulledVoltage0 070 2m V CLong Term Stability3m V yr Supply Current13 5mAInput Voltage Range V S e g15V (Note5)R SET e70k g13VR SET e6 4k a7 b13VCommon-Mode Rejection R SET e70k126140dB Ratio R SET e6 4k120130dBSupply Voltage Rejection R SET e70k118126dB Ratio R SET e6 4k114120dBVoltage Gain T A e25 C R SET e70kR L l3M X1220V V Noise R SET e70k R SOURCE e08nV 0Hz Note1 The maximum junction temperature of the LM321A is85 C For operating at elevated temperature devices in the H08package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of150 C W junction to ambient or18 C W junction to caseNote2 The inputs are shunted with back-to-back diodes in series with a500X resistor for overvoltage protection Therefore excessive current will flow if a differential input voltage in excess of1V is applied between the inputsNote3 For supply voltages less than g15V the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltageNote4 These specifications apply for g5s V S s g20V and b55 C s T A s a125 C unless otherwise specified With the LM221A however all temperature specifications are limited to b25 C s T A s a85 C and for the LM321A the specifications apply over a0 C to a70 C temperature rangeNote5 External precision resistor 0 1% can be placed from pins1and8to7increase positive common-mode rangeNote6 See RETS121X for LM121H 883military specs and RET121AX for LM121AH 883military specs2Absolute Maximum RatingsIf Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications Supply Voltage g20V Power Dissipation(Note1)500mW Differential Input Voltage(Notes2and3)g15V Input Voltage(Note3)g15V Operating Temperature RangeLM221 LM121A(-883) LM121(-883)b25 C to a85 C LM321 LM321A0 C to a70 C Storage Temperature Range b65 C to a150 C Lead Temperature(Soldering 10sec )260 C ESD rating to be determinedElectrical Characteristics(Note4)LM221 LM321Parameter ConditionsLM221LM321Units Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxInput Offset Voltage T A e25 C 6 4k s R SET s70k0 71 5mV Input Offset Current T A e25 CR SET e70k12nAR SET e6 4k1020nAInput Bias Current T A e25 CR SET e70k1018nAR SET e6 4k100180nA Input Resistance T A e25 CR SET e70k42M XR SET e6 4k0 40 2M X Supply Current T A e25 C R SET e70k1 52 2mA Input Offset Voltage6 4k s R SET s70k1 02 5mVInput Bias Current R SET e70k3028nA R SET e6 4k300280nAInput Offset Current R SET e70k34nA R SET e6 4k3040nAInput Offset Current Drift R SET e70k33pA CAverage Temperature R S s200X 6 4k s R SET s70kCoefficient of Input Offset Voltage Nulled11m V C Offset VoltageLong Term Stability55m V yr Supply Current2 53 5mAInput Voltage Range V S e g15V (Note5)R SET e70k g13g13VR SET e6 4k a7 b13a7 b13VCommon-Mode Rejection R SET e70k120114dB Ratio R SET e6 4k114114dBSupply Voltage Rejection R SET e70k120114dB Ratio R SET e6 4k114114dBVoltage Gain T A e25 C R SET e70kR L l3M X1612V V Noise R SET e70k R SOURCE e088nV 0Hz Note1 The maximum junction temperature of the LM221is100 C The maximum junction temperature of the LM321is85 C For operating at elevated temperature devices in the H08package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of150 C W junction to ambient or18 C W junction to caseNote2 The inputs are shunted with back-to-back diodes in series with a500X resistor for overvoltage protection Therefore excessive current will flow if a differential input voltage in excess of1V is applied between the inputsNote3 For supply voltages less than g15V the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltageNote4 These specifications apply for g5s V S s g20V and b55 C s T A s a125 C unless otherwise specified With the LM221 however all temperature specifications are limited to b25 C s T A s a85 C and for the LM321the specifications apply over a0 C to a70 C temperature rangeNote5 External precision resistor 0 1% can be placed from pins1and8to7increase positive common-mode range3Typical Performance CharacteristicsInput Bias CurrentVoltage Drift (Nulled)Distribution of Offset Voltage Drift (Nulled)Distribution of Offset Rejection Positive Power Supply RejectionNegative Power Supply Input Noise VoltageInput Noise Current Voltage Drift Differential Voltage GainSet Resistor and Set Current Set Current Common-Mode LimitsTL H 7769–94Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Common-Mode Limits Output Common-Mode Voltage Differential Voltage GainCommon-Mode Rejection Supply Current Offset Voltage Adjustment RatioTL H 7769–10Connection DiagramMetal Can PackageTL H 7769–7Top ViewNote Pin4connected to caseOrder Number LM121AH 883 LM121H 883LM221H LM321H or LM321AHSee NS Package Number H08CNote Outputs are inverting from the input of the same number5Schematic DiagramT L H 7769–86Frequency CompensationUNIVERSAL COMPENSATIONThe additional gain of the LM321preamplifier when used with an operational amplifier usually necessitates additional frequency compensation When the closed loop gain of the op amp with the LM321is less than the gain of the LM321 alone more compensation is needed The worst case situa-tion is when there is100%feedback such as a voltage follower or integrator and the gain of the LM321is high When high closed loop gains are used for example A V e 1000 and only an addition gain of200is inserted by the LM321 the frequency compensation of the op amp will usu-ally sufficeThe frequency compensation shown here is designed to op-erate with any unity-gain stable op amp Figure1shows the basic configuration of frequency stabilizing network In oper-ation the output of the LM321is rendered single ended by a 0 01m F bypass capacitor to ground Overall frequency com-pensation then is achieved by an integrating capacitor around the op ampBandwidth at unity-gain j122q R SET Cfor0 5MHz bandwidth C e4 106R SETFor use with higher frequency op amps such as the LM118 the bandwidth may be increased to about2MHzIf the closed loop gain is greater than unity ‘‘C’’may be decreased toC e4106A CL R SETALTERNATE COMPENSATIONThe two compensation capacitors can be made equal for improved power supply rejection In this case the formula for the compensation capscitor isC e8106A CL R SETTable I shows typical values for the two compensating ca-pacitors for various gains and operating currentsTABLE IClosed Current Set ResistorLoopGain120k X60k X30k X12k X6k XA V e1681302706801300A V e5152756130270A V e1010152768130A V e501351527A V e100–13510A V e500––113A V e1000–––––This table applies for the LM108 LM101A LM741 LM118Capacitance is in pFDESIGN EQUATIONS FOR THE LM321SERIESGain A V1 2c106R SETNull Pot Value should be10%of R SETOperating Current2c0 65VR SETPositive Common-Mode Limit V a b 0 6b0 65V c50kR SET(Typical ApplicationsOffset adjustSee table for frequency compensationTL H 7769–2FIGURE1 Low Drift Op Amp Using the LM321A as a Preamp7Typical Applications(Continued)Gain of1000Instrumentation AmplifierOffset adjustGain trimBetter than1%linearity for input sig-nals up to g10mV gain stability typi-cal a2%from b55to a125 CMatch of R5and R6effect powersupply rejectionTL H 7769–3High Speed Inverting Amplifier with Low DriftBandwidth e10MHzSlew Rate e40V m sTL H 7769–4Medium Speed General Purpose AmplifierBandwidth e3 5MHzSlew Rate e1 1V m sTL H 7769–58Typical Applications(Continued)Increased Common-Mode Range at High Operating CurrentsMatch to0 1%Depends on close loop gainTL H 7769–69L M 221 L M 321P r e c i s i o n P r e a m p l i f i e r sPhysical Dimensions inches (millimeters)Metal Can Package (H)Order Number LM221H LM321H or LM321AHNS Package Number H08CLIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION As used herein 1 Life support devices or systems are devices or 2 A critical component is any component of a life systems which (a)are intended for surgical implant support device or system whose failure to perform can into the body or (b)support or sustain life and whose be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life failure to perform when properly used in accordance support device or system or to affect its safety or with instructions for use provided in the labeling can effectivenessbe reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the userNational Semiconductor National Semiconductor National Semiconductor National Semiconductor CorporationEuropeHong Kong LtdJapan Ltd1111West Bardin RoadFax (a 49)0-180-530858613th Floor Straight Block Tel 81-043-299-2309元器件交易网This datasheet has been download from:Datasheets for electronics components.。
2,000 h at 85 °C and full load∆ Capacitance ±20% ESR 200% of limit DCL 100% of limit3,000 h at 85 ºC with rated voltage∆ Capacitance ±10% ESR 200% of limit DCL 100% of limit500 h at 85 °C, capacitance, ESR and DCL, initial requirements10 to 55 Hz, 0.06” and 10 g max, 2 h each planeThe Type 4CMC is the PC-mount version of the high-capacitance Type DCMC screw-terminal capacitor and has about 50% more capacitance per can size through 250 V. It’s for bus filtering applications where more capacitance or smaller can size is important like welders and energy storage. It’s a much better value than a large snap-in capacitor. Its extended cathode foil assures cool operation with heatflow from the capacitor element to the can in all mounting orientations.Highlights• Much better value than large snap-in capacitor • Ripple Currents to > 50 amps at 55 °C • 3-leads for reverse proof, strong mounting • Printed-circuit mounting version of DCMC • Thermal-Pak™ extended cathode constructionSpecificationsOperating Temperature:Rated Voltage:Capacitance:Capacitance Tolerance:DC Leakage Current:Cold Impedance:Ripple Current Multipliers:EIA Ripple Life: Life Test:Shelf Life Test: Vibration: Best Value Printed Circuit Mount TypeFrequency–40 °C to +85 °C 16 to 500 Vdc210 µF to 420,000 µF ± 20%± 20%≤ 6 √CV µA, 6 max, 5 min.–20 °C multiple of 25 °C Z ≤ 8 for 16 to 50 V, 4 for 63 to 100 V, 3 for 160 V & up Ambient Temperature45 °C 55 °C 65 °C 75 °C 85 °C Hz 60 Hz 120 Hz 360 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHk-10 kHz & up6.3 to 50 V 0.800.85 1.00 1.05 1.08 1.08 1.0863 to 250 V 0.800.83 1.00 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.20300 to 5000.780.801.001.301.401.401.40Complies with the EU Directive 2002/95/EC requirement restricting the use of Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB) and PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE).Outline DrawingsCase DimensionsPart Numbering System4CMCType 8InsulationAKCase Code100Voltage M Tolerance382Capacitance(blank) = StraightLeads0 = Bare can 8 = PVC and Standoffs9 = Polyester and Standoffs6R3 = 6.3 V 063 = 63 V M = ±20%T = –10% +50% U = –10 +75% 382 = 3800 µF 212 = 2100 µF100 = 100 VCase InchesMillimeters Code D ± .031 L MAX C ± .015 S ± .031 E ± .031 F ± .015 D ± .78 L MAX C ± .78 S ± .78 E ± .78 F ± .38AK 1.375 1.750.500.1750.250.5534.9344.4512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AA 1.375 2.250.500.1750.250.5534.9357.1512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AH 1.375 2.750.500.1750.250.5534.9869.8512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AB 1.375 3.250.500.1750.250.5534.9382.5512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AJ 1.375 3.750.500.1750.250.5534.9395.2512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AC 1.375 4.250.500.1750.250.5534.93107.9512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AD 1.375 4.750.500.1750.250.5534.93120.6512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AE 1.375 5.250.500.1750.250.5534.93133.3512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 AF 1.375 5.750.500.1750.250.5534.93146.0512.70 4.45 6.3513.97 EA 1.75 2.250.700.3750.350.9044.4557.1517.789.538.8922.86 EH 1.75 2.750.700.3750.350.9044.4569.8517.789.538.8922.86 EB 1.75 3.250.700.3750.350.9044.4582.5517.789.538.8922.86 EJ 1.75 3.750.700.3750.350.9044.4595.2517.789.538.8922.86 EC 1.75 4.250.700.3750.350.9044.45107.9517.789.538.8922.86 ED 1.75 4.750.700.3750.350.9044.45120.6517.789.538.8922.86 EE 1.75 5.250.700.3750.350.9044.45133.3517.789.538.8922.86 EF 1.75 5.750.700.3750.350.9044.45146.0517.789.538.8922.86 BA 2.00 2.250.800.4250.40 1.0050.8057.1520.3210.8010.1625.40 BH 2.00 2.750.800.4250.40 1.0050.8069.8520.3210.8010.1625.40 BB 2.00 3.250.800.4250.40 1.0050.8082.5520.3210.8010.1625.40 BJ 2.00 3.750.800.4250.40 1.0050.8095.2520.3210.8010.1625.40 BC 2.00 4.250.800.4250.40 1.0050.80107.9520.3210.8010.1625.40 BD 2.00 4.750.800.4250.40 1.0050.80120.6520.3210.8010.1625.40 BE 2.00 5.250.800.4250.40 1.0050.80133.2520.3210.8010.1625.40 BF2.005.750.800.4250.401.0050.80146.0520.3210.8010.1625.40RatingsESR Max. 25 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (A) (A)Nominal Size D X L (in)ESR Max. 25 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (A) (A)Nominal Size D X L (in)Cap.(µF)Catalog Part NumberCap.(µF)Catalog Part Number 16 Vdc (20 Vdc Surge)2000004CMC204M016AF8 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 330004CMC333M016AK8 34.227.2 5.7 6.4 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 2200004CMC224M016EC8 1310.315.217 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 550004CMC553M016AA821. 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 2400004CMC244M016BJ8 11.79.315.617.5 2 X 3 3/4 770004CMC773M016AH8 18.314.69.310.4 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 2500004CMC254M016ED8 11.59.21719 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 790004CMC793M016EA8 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 2800004CMC284M016EE8 10.58.418.921.2 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 990004CMC993M016AB814.811.811.112.4 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 2800004CMC284M016BC8 2 X 4 1/4 1100004CMC114M016EH8 17.413.811.412.7 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 3100004CMC314M016EF8 9.77.721.023.5 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 1200004CMC124M016AJ8 12.810.212.514.0 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 3300004CMC334M016BD8 10.78.516.919 2 X 4 3/4 1200004CMC124M016BA817.714.110.011.2 2 X 2 1/4 3700004CMC374M016BE8 2 X 5 1/4 1400004CMC144M016AC8 12.59.913.315.0 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 4200004CMC424M016BF89.07.219.822.22 X 5 3/41400004CMC144M016EB815.812.612.914.4 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 25 Vdc (30 Vdc Surge) 1500004CMC154M016BH8 14.511.611.913.3 2 X 2 3/4 220004CMC223M025AK8 63.250.4 4.2 4.7 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 1600004CMC164M016AD8 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 370004CMC373M025AA8 23.919.17.98.8 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 1800004CMC184M016AE8 10.88.615.817.7 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 520004CMC523M025AH8 20.616.48.89.8 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 1800004CMC184M016EJ8 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 540004CMC543M025EA8 22.918.39.310.4 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 1900004CMC194M016BB812.39.813.615.22 X3 1/4670004CMC673M025AB816.613.210.511.71 3/8 X 3 1/4Typical Performance CurvesESR Max.25 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)ESR Max.25 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)Cap. (µF)Catalog PartNumberCap.(µF)Catalog PartNumber780004CMC783M025EH8 19.0015.1010.9012.20 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 50 Vdc (65 Vdc Surge)820004CMC823M025AJ8 14.3011.4011.8013.20 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 100004CMC103M050AK8 44.3035.30 5.00 5.70 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 830004CMC833M025BA8 19.0015.2010.9012.20 2 X 2 1/4 170004CMC173M050AA8 27.3021.807.408.20 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 970004CMC973M025AC8 13.9011.1012.6014.20 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 240004CMC243M050AH8 23.4018.708.209.20 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 1000004CMC104M025BH8 15.5012.4013.0014.60 2 X 2 3/4 270004CMC273M050EA8 28.2022.508.409.40 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 1000004CMC1003M025EB8 17.3013.8012.3013.80 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 310004CMC313M050AB8 18.9015.109.8011.00 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 1100004CMC114M025AD8 12.8010.2013.8015.40 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 330004CMC333M050BA8 27.9022.309.0010.10 2 X 2 1/4 1200004CMC124M025AE8 11.909.5015.0016.80 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 360004CMC363M050EH8 21.2016.9010.3011.50 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 1200004CMC124M025EJ8 16.4013.0013.1014.60 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 380004CMC383M050AJ8 16.2013.0011.1012.40 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 1300004CMC134M025BB8 12.7010.1015.2017.00 2 X 3 1/4 390004CMC393M050EB8 20.3016.2011.3012.70 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 1400004CMC144M025AF8 11.409.1016.1018.00 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 450004CMC453M050AC8 15.7012.5011.9013.30 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 1500004CMC154M025EC8 14.1011.2014.6016.30 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 470004CMC473M050AD8 14.9011.9012.7014.30 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 1600004CMC164M025BJ8 12.5010.0017.1019.20 2 X 3 3/4 470004CMC473M050BH8 19.6015.6011.6013.00 2 X 2 3/4 1700004CMC174M025ED8 12.5010.0016.3018.30 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 480004CMC483M050EJ8 19.2015.3012.1013.50 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 1900004CMC194M025EE8 11.309.0018.2020.40 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 530004CMC533M050AE8 13.9011.0013.9015.60 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 1900004CMC194M025BC8 12.209.7017.4019.50 2 X 4 1/4 560004CMC563M050BB8 16.3013.0013.4015.00 2 X 3 1/4 2100004CMC214M025EF8 10.508.3020.2022.60 1 3/4 X 5 3/4580004CMC583M050EC8 16.5013.1013.5015.10 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 2200004CMC224M025BD8 11.409.1018.6020.80 2 X 4 3/4600004CMC603M050AF8 13.2010.5015.0016.80 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 2500004CMC254M025BE8 10.608.5019.9022.30 2 X 5 1/4670004CMC673M050ED8 14.5011.6015.1017.00 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 2800004CMC284M025BF8 9.607.6021.8024.40 2 X 5 3/4680004CMC683M050BJ8 15.0012.0015.6017.50 2 X 3 3/435 Vdc (40 Vdc Surge) 760004CMC763M050EE8 13.1010.5016.9018.90 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 150004CMC153M035AK8 63.2050.40 4.20 4.70 1 3/8 X 1 3/4820004CMC823M050BC8 14.3011.4016.1018.00 2 X 4 1/4 250004CMC253M035AA8 23.9019.107.908.80 1 3/8 X 2 1/4850004CMC853M050EF8 12.109.6018.8021.10 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 350004CMC353M035AH8 20.6016.408.809.80 1 3/8 X 2 3/4910004CMC913M050BD8 12.7010.1017.6019.80 2 X 4 3/4 380004CMC383M035EA8 22.7018.109.3010.40 1 3/4 X 2 1/41000004CMC104M050BE8 11.809.4019.0021.30 2 X 5 1/4 450004CMC453M035AB8 16.6013.2010.5011.70 1 3/8 X 3 1/41200004CMC124M050BF8 10.508.4020.7023.20 2 X 5 3/4 520004CMC523M035EH8 19.0015.1010.9012.20 1 3/4 X 2 3/463 Vdc (75 Vdc Surge)550004CMC553M035AJ8 14.3011.4011.8013.20 1 3/8 X 3 3/475004CMC752M063AK8 44.1035.10 5.10 5.70 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 560004CMC563M035BA8 19.0015.2010.9012.20 2 X 2 1/4120004CMC123M063AA8 26.8021.407.408.30 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 650004CMC653M035AC8 13.9011.1012.6014.20 1 3/8 X 4 1/4160004CMC163M063EA8 28.2022.508.309.30 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 670004CMC673M035EB8 17.3013.8012.3013.80 1 3/4 X 3 1/4160004CMC163M063AH8 23.5018.808.209.20 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 680004CMC683M035BH8 15.5012.4013.0014.60 2 X 2 3/4210004CMC213M063AB8 18.7014.909.9011.10 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 750004CMC753M035AD8 12.8010.2013.8015.40 1 3/8 X 4 3/4220004CMC223M063EH8 21.2016.9010.3011.50 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 830004CMC833M035EJ8 16.4013.0013.1014.60 1 3/4 X 3 3/4260004CMC263M063AJ8 16.9013.5010.9012.20 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 840004CMC843M035AE8 11.909.5015.2017.10 1 3/8 X 5 1/4260004CMC263M063BA8 27.7022.109.0010.10 2 X 2 1/4 870004CMC873M035BB8 12.7010.1015.2017.00 2 X 3 1/4290004CMC293M063EB8 20.9016.7011.2012.50 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 930004CMC933M035AF8 11.409.1016.1018.10 1 3/8 X 5 3/4300004CMC303M063AC8 17.3013.8011.3012.70 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 1000004CMC104M035EC8 14.1011.2014.6016.30 1 3/4 X 4 1/4330004CMC333M063BH8 19.5015.5011.6013.00 2 X 2 3/4 1100004CMC114M035BJ8 12.5010.0017.1019.20 2 X 3 3/4350004CMC353M063AD8 15.7012.5012.4013.90 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 1100004CMC114M035ED8 12.5010.0016.3018.30 1 3/4 X 4 3/4360004CMC363M063EJ8 20.0016.0011.8013.20 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 1300004CMC134M035EE8 11.309.0018.2020.40 1 3/4 X 5 1/4380004CMC383M063AE8 14.5011.5013.8015.50 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 1300004CMC134M035BC8 12.209.7017.4019.50 2 X 4 1/4430004CMC433M063EC8 17.2013.7013.2014.80 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 1400004CMC144M035EF8 10.508.3020.2022.60 1 3/4 X 5 3/4440004CMC443M063AF8 13.7010.9014.7016.50 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 1500004CMC154M035BD8 11.409.1018.6020.80 2 X 4 3/4470004CMC473M063BB8 16.2012.9013.4015.00 2 X 3 1/4 1700004CMC174M035BE8 10.608.5020.0022.40 2 X 5 1/4500004CMC503M063ED8 15.2012.2014.8016.60 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 1900004CMC194M035BF8 9.607.6021.7024.40 2 X 5 3/4530004CMC533M063BJ8 15.1012.0015.6017.40 2 X 3 3/4570004CMC573M063EE8 13.8011.0016.5018.50 1 3/4 X 5 1/4ESR Max.25 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)ESR Max.25 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)Cap. (µF)Catalog PartNumberCap.(µF)Catalog PartNumber590004CMC593M063BC8 14.5011.5016.0017.90 2 X 4 1/4220004CMC223M100AF8 20.1016.0012.1013.60 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 640004CMC643M063EF8 12.7010.1018.4020.60 1 3/4 X 5 3/4220004CMC223M100EC8 21.9017.5011.7013.10 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 690004CMC693M063BD8 12.8010.2017.6019.70 2 X 4 3/4260004CMC263M100ED8 19.3015.4013.2014.70 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 790004CMC793M063BE8 11.609.2019.1021.40 2 X 5 1/4260004CMC263M100BJ8 23.6018.8012.5013.90 2 X 3 3/4 890004CMC893M063BF8 10.708.5020.6023.10 2 X 5 3/4300004CMC303M100EE8 17.3013.8014.7016.50 1 3/4 X 5 1/480 Vdc (100 Vdc Surge) 300004CMC303M100BC8 20.2016.1013.5015.20 2 X 4 1/4 56004CMC562M080AK8 59.6047.50 4.40 4.90 1 3/8 X 1 3/4330004CMC333M100EF8 15.8012.6016.4018.40 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 85004CMC852M080AA8 36.2028.80 6.407.20 1 3/8 X 2 1/4350004CMC353M100BD8 17.8014.2014.9016.70 2 X 4 3/4 120004CMC123M080EA8 38.4030.607.208.00 1 3/4 X 2 1/4400004CMC403M100BE8 16.1012.8016.3018.20 2 X 5 1/4 120004CMC123M080AH8 31.5025.107.107.90 1 3/8 X 2 3/4450004CMC453M100BF8 14.7011.7017.5019.60 2 X 5 3/4 150004CMC153M080AB8 31.6025.207.608.50 1 3/8 X 3 1/4160 Vdc (200 Vdc Surge)170004CMC173M080EH8 34.0027.108.109.10 1 3/4 X 2 3/415004CMC152M160AK8 81.7065.20 3.70 4.20 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 180004CMC183M080BA8 32.8026.108.309.30 2 X 2 1/425004CMC252M160AA8 51.8041.30 5.30 6.00 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 190004CMC193M080AJ8 25.2020.108.9010.00 1 3/8 X 3 3/435004CMC352M160AH8 37.5029.90 6.507.30 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 220004CMC223M080AC8 20.9016.7010.3011.50 1 3/8 X 4 1/437004CMC372M160EA8 47.1037.50 6.10 6.90 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 220004CMC223M080EB8 30.5024.309.3010.40 1 3/4 X 3 1/445004CMC452M160AB8 29.6023.607.808.80 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 230004CMC233M080BH8 23.1018.4010.7011.90 2 X 2 3/448004CMC482M160BA8 35.4028.207.208.10 2 X 2 1/4 260004CMC263M080AD8 19.1015.2011.2012.60 1 3/8 X 4 3/452004CMC522M160EH8 29.0023.108.309.30 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 270004CMC273M080EJ8 25.1020.0010.5011.80 1 3/4 X 3 3/455004CMC552M160AJ8 23.5018.7029.3032.80 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 290004CMC293M080AE8 17.7014.1012.5014.00 1 3/8 X 5 1/466004CMC662M160AC8 20.2016.1010.5011.70 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 300004CMC303M080BB8 19.2015.3012.3013.80 2 X 3 1/468004CMC682M160EB8 22.5017.9010.2011.50 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 320004CMC323M080AF8 16.7013.3013.3014.90 1 3/8 X 5 3/471004CMC712M160AD8 18.6014.8011.4012.80 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 320004CMC323M080EC8 21.5017.1011.8013.20 1 3/4 X 4 1/471004CMC712M160BH8 26.5021.209.0010.10 2 X 2 3/4 370004CMC373M080BJ8 18.0014.3014.3016.00 2 X 3 3/480004CMC802M160AE8 16.8013.4012.6014.20 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 370004CMC373M080ED8 18.9015.1013.3014.90 1 3/4 X 4 3/483004CMC832M160EJ8 18.5014.7011.7013.10 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 430004CMC433M080BC8 15.9012.6015.3017.10 2 X 4 1/490004CMC902M160AF8 19.2015.3012.4013.90 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 430004CMC433M080EE8 17.0013.6014.8016.60 1 3/4 X 5 1/493004CMC932M160BB8 20.6016.4010.8012.10 2 X 3 1/4 480004CMC483M080EF8 15.6012.4016.6018.60 1 3/4 X 5 3/4100004CMC1002M160EC8 15.8012.6013.1014.60 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 500004CMC503M080BD8 13.6010.8017.1019.10 2 X 4 3/4110004CMC113M160BJ8 16.9013.5013.3014.90 2 X 3 3/4 580004CMC583M080BE8 12.209.7018.6020.90 2 X 5 1/4120004CMC123M160ED8 13.9011.1014.7016.50 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 650004CMC653M080BF8 11.208.9020.1022.50 2 X 5 3/4130004CMC133M160EE8 12.509.9016.5018.40 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 100 Vdc (125 Vdc Surge) 130004CMC133M160BC8 14.5011.6014.5016.20 2 X 4 1/4 38004CMC382M100AK8 58.6046.70 4.40 4.90 1 3/8 X 1 3/4150004CMC153M160EF8 11.409.1018.4020.60 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 63004CMC632M100AA8 35.6028.30 6.507.20 1 3/8 X 2 1/4160004CMC163M160BD8 12.8010.2015.9017.80 2 X 4 3/4 81004CMC812M100AH8 32.8026.20 2.20 2.50 1 3/8 X 2 3/4180004CMC183M160BE8 11.509.2017.4019.50 2 X 5 1/4 82004CMC822M100EA8 39.2031.207.107.90 1 3/4 X 2 1/4200004CMC203M160BF8 10.508.4018.8021.00 2 X 5 3/4 100004CMC103M100AB8 32.9026.207.408.30 1 3/8 X 3 1/4200 Vdc (250 Vdc Surge)110004CMC113M100BA8 35.9028.707.908.90 2 X 2 1/412004CMC122M200AK8 105.2060.40 3.10 4.10 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 120004CMC123M100EH8 34.7027.708.009.00 1 3/4 X 2 3/419004CMC192M200AA8 66.6038.20 4.50 5.90 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 130004CMC133M100AJ8 31.7025.307.908.90 1 3/8 X 3 3/427004CMC272M200AH8 48.0027.60 5.407.20 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 150004CMC153M100EB8 31.1024.809.2010.30 1 3/4 X 3 1/427004CMC272M200EA8 60.0034.40 5.307.00 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 150004CMC153M100AC8 27.4021.800.90 1.10 1 3/8 X 4 1/435004CMC352M200AB8 37.8021.70 6.608.70 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 160004CMC163M100BH8 26.4021.0010.0011.20 2 X 2 3/435004CMC352M200BA8 44.2030.70 6.607.90 2 X 2 1/4 170004CMC173M100AD8 24.2019.3010.0011.20 1 3/8 X 4 3/437004CMC372M200EH8 38.1021.90 6.909.10 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 190004CMC193M100EJ8 25.6020.4010.4011.70 1 3/4 X 3 3/443004CMC432M200AJ8 29.9017.207.8010.20 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 200004CMC203M100AE8 21.9017.5011.2012.60 1 3/8 X 5 1/448004CMC482M200EB8 29.4016.908.5011.20 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 210004CMC213M100BB8 22.9018.3011.3012.60 2 X 3 1/450004CMC502M200BH8 33.1023.008.209.80 2 X 2 3/4ESR Max.25 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)ESR Max.25 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)Cap. (µF)Catalog PartNumberCap.(µF)Catalog PartNumber51004CMC512M200AC8 25.7014.708.8011.70 1 3/8 X 4 1/416004CMC162M300AB8 82.7047.50 4.80 6.30 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 58004CMC582M200AD8 22.6013.009.8012.90 1 3/8 X 4 3/418004CMC182M300EH8 99.2056.90 4.80 6.30 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 59004CMC592M200EJ8 24.1013.809.7012.70 1 3/4 X 3 3/419004CMC192M300AJ8 68.0039.00 5.607.40 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 66004CMC662M200AE8 20.3011.6010.9014.40 1 3/8 X 5 1/422004CMC222M300BH8 67.1037.40 6.308.40 2 X 2 3/4 68004CMC682M200BB8 25.6017.809.8011.80 2 X 3 1/423004CMC232M300AC8 57.9033.20 6.408.40 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 71004CMC712M200EC8 20.5011.8010.8014.30 1 3/4 X 4 1/423004CMC232M300EB8 76.1043.70 5.807.70 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 74004CMC742M200AF8 23.1013.3010.7014.20 1 3/8 X 5 3/426004CMC262M300AD8 50.6029.007.109.40 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 81004CMC812M200BJ8 21.0014.6012.2014.60 2 X 3 3/429004CMC292M300AE8 45.0025.807.8010.30 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 82004CMC822M200ED8 17.9010.3012.2016.10 1 3/4 X 4 3/429004CMC292M300BB8 51.6028.707.6010.20 2 X 3 1/4 93004CMC932M200EE8 16.009.2013.7018.10 1 3/4 X 5 1/429004CMC292M300EJ8 61.9035.50 6.808.90 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 95004CMC952M200BC8 19.1013.3012.8015.40 2 X 4 1/433004CMC332M300AF8 50.7029.107.6010.10 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 100004CMC103M200EF8 14.508.3015.4020.30 1 3/4 X 5 3/435004CMC352M300EC8 52.2030.007.7010.20 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 110004CMC113M200BD8 15.7010.9014.6017.50 2 X 4 3/436004CMC362M300BJ8 51.2028.508.1010.80 2 X 3 3/4 120004CMC123M200BE8 14.109.8016.0019.20 2 X 5 1/440004CMC402M300ED8 45.3026.008.6011.40 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 140004CMC143M200BF8 12.808.9017.3020.80 2 X 5 3/443004CMC432M300BC8 43.3024.109.2012.30 2 X 4 1/4 250 Vdc (300 Vdc Surge)46004CMC462M300EE8 40.1023.009.5012.60 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 8904CMC891M250AK8 137.0078.60 2.60 3.40 1 3/8 X 1 3/449004CMC492M300BD8 38.0021.2010.2013.70 2 X 4 3/4 15004CMC152M250AA8 86.5049.70 3.70 4.90 1 3/8 X 2 1/451004CMC512M300EF8 36.0020.6010.4013.70 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 19004CMC192M250EA8 68.7039.40 4.80 6.30 1 3/4 X 2 1/457004CMC572M300BE8 33.3018.5011.3015.10 2 X 5 1/4 21004CMC212M250AH8 62.3035.70 4.50 6.00 1 3/8 X 2 3/464004CMC642M300BF8 29.9016.7012.3016.50 2 X 5 3/4 27004CMC272M250BA8 54.2037.60 5.807.00 2 X 2 1/4350 Vdc (400 Vdc Surge)27004CMC272M250AB8 48.8028.00 5.507.20 1 3/8 X 3 1/44304CMC431M350AK8 264.10151.60 2.10 2.80 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 28004CMC282M250EH8 47.8027.40 6.108.10 1 3/4 X 2 3/47104CMC711M350AA8 158.9091.20 3.10 4.00 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 32004CMC322M250AJ8 38.6022.10 6.508.50 1 3/8 X 3 3/410004CMC102M350EA8 119.2068.40 4.10 5.40 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 37004CMC372M250EB8 36.8021.107.6010.00 1 3/4 X 3 1/410004CMC102M350AH8 113.9065.40 3.70 4.90 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 38004CMC382M250BH8 40.5028.107.208.70 2 X 2 3/412004CMC122M350BA8 98.1054.60 4.80 6.40 2 X 2 1/4 39004CMC392M250AC8 33.0018.907.409.70 1 3/8 X 4 1/413004CMC132M350EH8 105.1060.30 4.60 6.10 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 44004CMC442M250AD8 29.0016.608.2010.80 1 3/8 X 4 3/413004CMC132M350AB8 89.0051.10 4.50 6.00 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 45004CMC452M250EJ8 30.1017.308.6011.40 1 3/4 X 3 3/416004CMC162M350BH8 71.8040.00 6.008.10 2 X 2 3/4 50004CMC502M250AE8 25.9014.909.1012.00 1 3/8 X 5 1/416004CMC162M350AJ8 73.2042.00 5.20 6.90 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 50004CMC502M250BB8 31.2021.708.7010.40 2 X 3 1/417004CMC172M350EB8 80.6046.30 5.707.50 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 54004CMC542M250EC8 25.5014.709.7012.80 1 3/4 X 4 1/418004CMC182M350AC8 62.3035.80 6.007.90 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 56004CMC562M250AF8 29.4016.909.0011.90 1 3/8 X 5 3/421004CMC212M350BB8 55.1030.707.309.70 2 X 3 1/4 62004CMC622M250BJ8 25.5017.7010.7012.90 2 X 3 3/421004CMC212M350AD8 54.4031.20 6.708.80 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 63004CMC632M250ED8 22.3012.8011.0014.50 1 3/4 X 4 3/421004CMC212M350EJ8 65.5037.60 6.508.60 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 72004CMC722M250EE8 19.8011.4012.3016.30 1 3/4 X 5 1/424004CMC242M350AE8 48.3027.707.409.80 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 73004CMC732M250BC8 21.7015.1011.7014.00 2 X 4 1/425004CMC252M350EC8 55.3031.707.409.70 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 81004CMC812M250EF8 18.0010.3013.8018.30 1 3/4 X 5 3/426004CMC262M350BJ8 47.9026.708.7011.70 2 X 3 3/4 85004CMC852M250BD8 19.0013.2012.9015.50 2 X 4 3/427004CMC272M350AF8 54.5031.307.409.70 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 97004CMC972M250BE8 17.0011.8014.2017.00 2 X 5 1/429004CMC292M350ED8 47.9027.508.3011.00 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 110004CMC113M250BF8 15.4010.7015.4018.40 2 X 5 3/431004CMC312M350BC8 45.7025.509.0012.10 2 X 4 1/4 300 Vdc (350 Vdc Surge) 33004CMC332M350EE8 42.4024.309.4012.40 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 5204CMC521M300AK8 245.00141.00 2.20 2.90 1 3/8 X 1 3/436004CMC362M350BD8 40.1022.409.9013.30 2 X 4 3/4 8704CMC871M300AA8 148.0084.70 3.10 4.10 1 3/8 X 2 1/437004CMC372M350EF8 38.0021.8010.6014.00 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 12004CMC122M300AH8 106.0060.70 4.00 5.30 1 3/8 X 2 3/442004CMC422M350BE8 35.1019.6011.0014.70 2 X 5 1/4 13004CMC132M300EA8 111.0063.80 4.20 5.50 1 3/4 X 2 1/447004CMC472M350BF8 31.6017.6012.0016.00 2 X 5 3/4 16004CMC162M300BA8 93.2051.90 5.00 6.70 2 X 2 1/4ESR Max.25 ºC 120 Hz 20 kHz (mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)ESR Max.25 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(mΩ) (mΩ)Ripple Amps,85 ºC120 Hz 20 kHz(A) (A)NominalSizeD X L(in)Cap. (µF)Catalog PartNumberCap.(µF)Catalog PartNumber400 Vdc (450 Vdc Surge) 15004CMC152M450BB8 75.9042.20 5.807.80 2 X 3 1/43204CMC321M400AK2B 382.00195.00 1.70 2.40 1 3/8 X 1 3/415004CMC152M450AE8 61.8031.50 5.708.00 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 5904CMC591M400AA2B 212.00108.00 2.60 3.70 1 3/8 X 2 1/415004CMC152M450EJ8 75.1038.30 5.708.00 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 8004CMC801M400AH2B 156.0079.40 3.20 4.50 1 3/8 X 2 3/416004CMC162M450AF8 69.3035.40 5.708.00 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 8404CMC841M400EA8 154.0078.80 3.60 5.00 1 3/4 X 2 1/418004CMC182M450EC8 63.3032.30 6.509.10 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 10004CMC102M400BA8 130.0072.20 4.20 5.60 2 X 2 1/419004CMC192M450BJ8 61.7034.307.209.70 2 X 3 3/4 10004CMC102M400AB2B 119.0060.90 3.90 5.50 1 3/8 X 3 1/421004CMC212M450ED8 54.8028.007.3010.30 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 12004CMC122M400EH8 107.0054.60 4.60 6.40 1 3/4 X 2 3/422004CMC222M450BC8 52.1029.007.9010.60 2 X 4 1/4 13004CMC132M400AJ2B 96.9049.50 4.50 6.40 1 3/8 X 3 3/423004CMC232M450EE8 48.4024.708.3011.60 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 14004CMC142M400BH8 93.6052.10 5.307.10 2 X 2 3/426004CMC262M450EF8 43.5022.209.3013.00 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 15004CMC152M400EB8 87.4044.60 5.507.70 1 3/4 X 3 1/426004CMC262M450BD8 45.7025.408.7011.70 2 X 4 3/4 15004CMC152M400AC2B 81.8041.700.500.80 1 3/8 X 4 1/431004CMC312M450BE8 38.8021.609.8013.10 2 X 5 1/4 16004CMC162M400AD2B 78.6040.10 5.507.80 1 3/8 X 4 3/434004CMC342M450BF8 35.0019.5010.7014.30 2 X 5 3/4 18004CMC182M400EJ8 71.0036.20 6.308.80 1 3/4 X 3 3/4500 Vdc (550 Vdc Surge)18004CMC182M400AE2B 69.5035.40 6.208.70 1 3/8 X 5 1/42104CMC211M500AK8 487.00287.00 1.50 2.10 1 3/8 X 1 3/4 19004CMC192M400BB8 71.9040.00 6.408.50 2 X 3 1/43104CMC311M500AA8 325.00191.00 2.10 3.00 1 3/8 X 2 1/4 20004CMC202M400AF2B 77.9039.70 6.208.60 1 3/8 X 5 3/44404CMC441M500EA8 238.00140.00 2.90 4.00 1 3/4 X 2 1/4 21004CMC212M400EC8 59.9030.507.109.90 1 3/4 X 4 1/44504CMC451M500AH8 225.00133.00 2.60 3.70 1 3/8 X 2 3/4 23004CMC232M400BJ8 58.4032.507.9010.60 2 X 3 3/45604CMC561M500BA8 193.00114.00 3.40 4.60 2 X 2 1/4 25004CMC252M400ED8 51.9026.508.0011.20 1 3/4 X 4 3/45904CMC591M500AB8 173.00102.00 3.20 4.50 1 3/8 X 3 1/4 27004CMC272M400BC8 49.3027.508.7011.60 2 X 4 1/46304CMC631M500EH8 165.0097.20 3.70 5.20 1 3/4 X 2 3/4 29004CMC292M400EE8 45.8023.409.0012.70 1 3/4 X 5 1/47304CMC731M500AJ8 140.0082.60 3.80 5.30 1 3/8 X 3 3/4 32004CMC322M400EF8 41.1021.0010.2014.30 1 3/4 X 5 3/47804CMC781M500BH8 134.0078.70 4.40 5.90 2 X 2 3/4 32004CMC322M400BD8 42.8023.809.6012.90 2 X 4 3/48204CMC821M500EB8 126.0074.40 4.50 6.40 1 3/4 X 3 1/4 36004CMC362M400BE8 37.9021.1010.6014.20 2 X 5 1/48204CMC821M500AC8 125.0073.60 4.20 5.90 1 3/8 X 4 1/4 41004CMC412M400BF8 34.0018.9011.5015.40 2 X 5 3/49004CMC901M500AD8 113.0066.40 4.60 6.50 1 3/8 X 4 3/4 450 Vdc (500 Vdc Surge) 10004CMC102M500BB8 103.0060.30 5.307.10 2 X 3 1/4 3304CMC331M450AK8 281.00143.00 1.80 2.50 1 3/8 X 1 3/410004CMC102M500AE8 99.0058.50 5.207.30 1 3/8 X 5 1/4 4904CMC491M450AA8 188.0095.70 2.50 3.40 1 3/8 X 2 1/410004CMC102M500EJ8 103.0060.40 5.207.30 1 3/4 X 3 3/4 6004CMC601M450AH8 138.0070.40 3.00 4.10 1 3/8 X 2 3/411004CMC112M500AF8 114.0067.30 5.107.10 1 3/8 X 5 3/4 6904CMC691M450EA8 163.0083.30 3.30 4.60 1 3/4 X 2 1/412004CMC122M500EC8 86.4050.90 5.908.30 1 3/4 X 4 1/4 8604CMC861M450BA8 116.0064.80 4.10 5.60 2 X 2 1/413004CMC132M500BJ8 83.2049.00 6.608.90 2 X 3 3/4 8604CMC861M450AB8 106.0054.00 3.60 5.10 1 3/8 X 3 1/414004CMC142M500ED8 74.8044.00 6.709.40 1 3/4 X 4 3/4 9304CMC931M450EH8 121.0061.50 4.10 5.70 1 3/4 X 2 3/415004CMC152M500BC8 70.2041.307.309.70 2 X 4 1/4 10004CMC102M450AJ8 86.1043.90 4.20 5.90 1 3/8 X 3 3/416004CMC162M500EE8 66.0038.807.5010.60 1 3/4 X 5 1/4 11004CMC112M450BH8 98.9055.10 4.80 6.50 2 X 2 3/418004CMC182M500EF8 59.1034.808.5011.90 1 3/4 X 5 3/4 12004CMC122M450EB8 92.4047.10 5.007.00 1 3/4 X 3 1/418004CMC182M500BD8 60.7035.808.1010.80 2 X 4 3/4 12004CMC122M450AC8 72.7037.10 4.80 6.80 1 3/8 X 4 1/421004CMC212M500BE8 52.1030.709.0012.10 2 X 5 1/4 13004CMC132M450AD8 69.9035.70 5.107.20 1 3/8 X 4 3/423004CMC232M500BF8 46.9027.609.8013.20 2 X 5 3/4。
常州安柏 AT8511 AT8512 直流电子负载 用户手册说明书
免责声明仪器接地不可在爆炸性气体环境使用仪器不可打开仪器外壳不要使用已经损坏的仪器不要使用工作异常的仪器不要超出本说明书指定的方式使用仪器声明:!, $, #,标志和文字是常州安柏精密仪器有限公司的商标或注册商标。
AT8511/8512直流电子负载简体中文Simplified Chinese@ Instruments 常州安柏精密仪器有限公司©2005-2010 Applent Instruments Inc.有限担保和责任范围常州安柏精密仪器有限公司(以下简称Applent)保证您购买的每一台AT8511/8512在质量和计量上都是完全合格的。
DA221中文资料Diodes1/4Switching diodeDA221M / DA221 / DA204U / DA204K DA228U / DA228K /UMR12Nz Applications Bias circuitsProtection circuitsz Features1) Three types of packages are available. (VMD3, EMD3, UMD3, SMD3)2) Two diode elements are connected in series (V F × 2) per circuit.z ConstructionSilicon epitaxial planarz Circuitz External dimensions (Unit : mm)Diodes2/4z MarkingUMD3DA204UDA228U UMD6UMR12NR12SMD3DA204KDA228KK BUKBU EMD3DA221KVMD3DA221Mz Absolute maximum ratings (T a=25°C)Type V RM (V)V R (V)I FM (mA)I O (mA)I surge (mA)(1μs)(TOTAL)Pd(mW)Tj(°C)Tstg(°C)DA2212020200100300150150?55 to +150DA221M 2020200100300150150?55 to +150DA204U 2020200100300200150?55 to +150DA228K 8080200100300200150?55 to +150UMR12N808020010030020015055 to +15055 to +150DA228U 8080200100300200150?55 to +150DA204K 2020200100300200150Peak reverse voltage Peak forward current Mean rectifying current Surge current Power dissipation Junction temperatureStoragetemperature DC reverse voltagez Electrical characteristics (T a=25°C)TypeForward voltageV F (V)Max.I R (μA)Max.Reverse current Fig.Cond.Cond.I F (mA)V R (V)DA221 1.0100.115 1 to 4DA221M 1.0100.115 1 to 45 to 9UMR12N1.210080DA204U 1.0100.115 1 to 40.1DA228U 1.210080 5 to 90.11.01015DA204K 1 to 40.1DA228K 1.210080 5 to 9Diodes3/4z Electrical characteristic curves (T a=25°C) (DA221, DA204U, DA204K) …Fig.1 to 4T a =125°CD1D1+D20.40.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.41001011.00.0175°C5°C25°C125°C75°C25°C25°CF O R W A R D C U R R E N T : I F (m A )FORWARD VOLTAGE : V F (V)Fig.1 Forward characteristicsF O R W A R D C U R R E N T : I F (m A )FORWARD VOLTAGE : V F (V)Fig.2 Forward characteristicsD2 125°CD1 100°C D2 100°CD1 75°C D2 75°C51015200.010.1110100D1 Ta=125°CR E V E R S E CU R R E N T : I R (n A )REVERSE VOLTAGE : V R (V)Fig.3 Reverse characteristics12510C A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S : C T (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE : V R (V)Fig.4 Capacitance between terminals characteristicsDiodes4/4(DA228U, DA228K, UMR12N) …Fig.5 to 9F O R W A R D C U R R E N T : I F (m A )FORWARD VOLTAGE : V F (V)Fig.5 Forward characteristics F O R W A R D C U R R E N T : I F(m A )FORWARD VOLTAGE : V F (V)Fig.6 Forward characteristics R E V E R S E C U R R EN T : I R (n A )REVERSE VOLTAGE : V R (V)Fig.7 Reverse characteristicsR E V E R S E C U R RE N T : I R (n A )REVERSE VOLTAGE : V R (V)Fig.8 Reverse characteristics110C A P A C I T A N C E B E T W E E N T E R M I N A L S : C T (p F )REVERSE VOLTAGE : V R (V)Fig.9 Capacitance between terminals characteristicsAppendixAbout Export Control Order in JapanProducts described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export Trade ControlOrder in Japan.In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause)on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.Appendix1-Rev1.0。
854854 is a widely known term in the field of electronics, specifically in relation to voltage levels and the standardization of these levels. In this document, we will delve into the significance of 854 and explore its applications in various industries.Introduction to 854854 refers to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard that defines the characteristics and limits for low voltage systems. The IEC 854 standard is widely recognized and implemented globally, ensuring compatibility and safety in electrical and electronic systems.The standard covers a wide range of voltage levels, including 12V, 24V, 48V, and 120V, to name a few. It establishes the maximum permitted limits for voltages, currents, power, and other parameters in order to prevent damage to equipment and ensure the safety of consumers.Applications of 854The 854 standard finds application in various industries where low voltage systems are used. Some of the key applications include:1. Automotive Industry854 standard is extensively used in the automotive industry to ensure compatibility and safety in the electrical systems of vehicles. From the battery voltage to the various sub-systems within the car, compliance with the 854 standard is crucial for the smooth functioning of the vehicle.2. TelecommunicationsTelecommunication networks heavily rely on low voltage systems for their operation. The 854 standard ensures the safe and efficient functioning of the electrical infrastructure in telecommunication facilities. It sets the limits for voltage levels and power consumption in order to prevent damage to sensitive equipment and ensure seamless communication.3. Information Technology (IT) SectorThe IT sector, including data centers and computer networks, also benefits from the implementation of the 854 standard. By adhering to the standard, IT professionals can ensure the compatibility and safety of low voltage systems powering their equipment.4. Industrial AutomationLow voltage systems play a critical role in industrial automation, controlling various processes and machinery. Compliance with the 854 standard ensures the safe operation of these systems, preventing equipment damage and ensuring the safety of workers.5. Renewable Energy SystemsWith the increasing use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, low voltage systems are crucial in the efficient conversion and distribution of energy. Adhering to the 854 standard ensures the safe and reliable operation of these systems.Benefits of Adhering to the 854 StandardImplementing the 854 standard brings several benefits to industries and consumers alike. Some key advantages are:•Compatibility: Adhering to the standard ensures interoperability between different low voltage systems, enabling seamless integration andoperation.•Safety: The standard sets limits for voltage, current, and power, ensuring the safety of equipment and preventing hazards such as electricshocks and fires.•Reliability: By following the 854 standard, industries can ensure the reliability and longevity of their low voltage systems, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.•International recognition: The 854 standard is globally recognized and accepted, simplifying international trade and promoting harmonization across industries.ConclusionIn conclusion, the 854 standard plays a crucial role in the standardization of low voltage systems. It ensures compatibility, safety, and reliability across various industries, including automotive, telecommunications, IT, industrial automation, and renewable energy. By adhering to the standard, industries can guarantee the smooth operation of their low voltage systems and enhance the overall efficiency of their operations.。
SM8140AEL Driver ICOVERVIEWThe SM8140A is designed for using as EL (Elec-PIN OUT( Top View )元器件交易网SM8140APAD DIMENSIONS( UNIT:µm )Chip size : 2.50 × 2.70mmChip thickness : 4000 ± 30µmPad size : 100 × 100µmChip reverse side : V SS PAD COORDINATESNote : MONG is test pin.MONG and VSS2 are not bonding. X Y1OCE23601902OCE19001903ENA14401904VSS220801905VDD23103206CPO23105607CP1231011008CP2231016409OUT22300253010OUT12100253011CHV1900253012MONG1700253013LDR1500253014VSS1190160015OCL2190104016OCL1190500元器件交易网SM8140ABLOCK DIAGRAMPIN DESCRIPTIONSSOP chip Pin Name i / o Function111CHV i DC high voltage pin − 12MONG o Monitor gate213LDR o Step − up inductor driver output 314VSS1 − GND − 4VSS2 − GND415OCL2o CR oscillator pin for step − up inductor and charge pump.External resistor at this pin determines oscillator frequency.516OCL1i 61OCE2i CR oscillator pin for output72OCE1o External resistor at this pin determines oscillator frequency83ENA ip 1 1. "ip" defines input pin with pull down internal resistorOutput control pin. Output from OUT1 and OUT2 pins are stopped When "L".95VDD −Power supply pin106CPO o Charge pump output (Voltage output for driving high voltage MOS)117CP1o Charge pump external capacitor pin 128CP2o Charge pump external capacitor pin 139OUT2o Output for EL 1410OUT1oOutput for EL元器件交易网SM8140AABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSV SS = 0V , Unless otherwise notedRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSV SS = 0V , Unless otherwise notedELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTa = 25 ° C, V SS = 0V , V DD = 3.0V , unless otherwise notedParameterSymbol ConditionRating unit Supply voltage range V DD − 0.3 to + 8.0V Input voltage rangeV IN All input pins V SS − 0.3 to V DD + 0.3VOutput voltageV CHVCHV pins 0.5 to 120V V LDR LDR pins 0.5 to 120 V OUT1 OUT1 pins 0.5 to 120 V OUT2OUT2 pins 0.5 to 120Power dissipation P D Ta ≤ 70 ° C 200mW Storage temperature range T STG − 55 to 125 ° C Soldering temperature T SLD Package only 255 ° C Soldering timet SLDPackage only 10sec ParameterSymbol ConditionRatingunit min typ max Supply voltage range V DD1 2.4 − 3.6V V DD2 CPO = V DD 1 1. 5V Application hints is different from 3V ones (Refer to APPLICATION HINTS) 4.5 − 5.5V Operating temperature range T OPR − 30 − 70 ° C Operating current 2 2. Max value is as same as Absolute Maximum RatingsI DD2 Including inductor current, V DD = 3.0V − 20100mA I DD3 Including inductor current, V DD = 5.0V− 25100mA Using inductorL LDR1 f LDR = 32kHz, V DD = 3.0V − 1.0 − mH L LDR2f LDR = 32kHz, V DD = 5.0V−1.5−mHParameterPin Symbol ConditionRatingunit min typ max Supply voltage rangeVDD V DD 2.4 − 3.6VOutput voltageCPOV CPO V CPO ≤ 2 × V DD 4.5 5.5 − V CHV V CHV 0.5 − 100OUT1/2V OUTH −− 100OUT1/2V OUTL −− 0.5Output resistance LDR R LDR V CPO = 6.0V − 5.010.0 Ω Oscillation frequency OCE1/2f OCE R OCE = 3.9M Ω OCL1/2f OCL R OCL = 100k Ω 1 1. R OSC determines EL driver frequency 20k to 100kHz 179256332Driving frequency OUT1/2f OUT R OCE= 3.9M Ω22. R OSC determines EL driver frequency 200 to 500Hz175250325Hz Output frequency LDR f LDR R OCL = 100k Ω22.43241.6kHz Input voltage ENA V ENAH ENA = "H"V DD + 1.0−V DD + 0.3V V ENAL ENA = "L"V SS − 0.3−V SS + 1.0Input current ENA I ENAH V ENAH = 3.0V 0.450.75 1.05µA Operating current VDD I DD1Excluding inductor current−−1mA Stand − by currentVDDI STBENA = "L"−−1µA 元器件交易网APPLICATION HINTSNC9612CE1998.03。
第 1 页 共 20 页CC-DTU-221A 系列应用说明书第一章产品简介 31.1产品概述 31.2产品特点 41.3终端原理组成 41.4工作原理 51.5技术参数 5MC39I的技术参数: 5接口: 6供电电源6环境参数6第二章功能描述 62.1按照传输协议的功能划分 62.11 TCP协议 62.12 UDP协议72.2按照透明传输的条件划分72.21以时间为传输数据的条件72.22以包头包尾为传输数据的条件82.3按照在线模式划分错误!未定义书签。
第三章设备的安装83.1概述83.2 整套DTU设备由组成83.3 安装与电缆连接83.11串口线的连接83.12电源的连接83.13 DTU的固定83.14 网络状况的检测9第四章DTU的设置104.1通信串口的选择。
104.2设定现场采集设备所需要的串口通信速率114.3接入点APN的名称124.4设定使用静态IP情况下的IP 134.5设定中心的端口号144.6选择使用协议的类型154.7设定设备的编号164.9定时命令的发送时间的间隔。
184.10设定包头包尾模式下,包头和包尾代表的字符194.11定时发送的两个命令204.12选择DNS服务器IP地址,设置域名,决定是否使用DDNS 错误!未定义书签。
第 2 页共 20 页命名规则第一章产品简介1.1产品概述本产品依托中国移动公司的GPRS网络平台实现数据无线通信,克服了传统无线通讯方式通讯距离短、性能不稳定的缺点,为用户提供高速、永远在线、透明数据传输的虚拟专用数据通信网络。
c)有功功率P,无功功率Q,功率因素 ;
装置的功率消耗符合DL/T 478-2001的以下规定:
EMS22A 非接触式绝对编码器产品说明书
*RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan. 27, 2003 including annex and RoHS Recast 2011/65/EU June 8, 2011. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time.Users should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.*Ro H S C O MP L I A NTInsulation Resistance (500 VDC) ......................................................................................................................................................................1,000 megohms Electrical Travel ........................................................................................................................................................................................................Continuous Supply Voltage ........................................................................................................................................................................5.0 VDC ±10 %, 3.3 VDC ±10 %Supply Current .................................................................................................................................................................................................20 mA maximum Output VoltageLow Output Level .................................................................................................................................................................................Vss+0.4 V maximum High Output Level...................................................................................................................................................................................Vdd-0.5 V minimum Output CurrentWith 4.5 VDC Supply Voltage .......................................................................................................................................................................4 mA maximum With 3.0 VDC Supply Voltage .......................................................................................................................................................................2 mA maximum Rise/Fall Time (Incremental Output) ...............................................................................................................................................................500 ns maximum Shaft RPM (Ball Bearing) .........................................................................................................................................................................10,000 rpm maximum Linearity ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................0.5 %AccuracyNominal ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................±0.7 ° or better Worst Case ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................±1.4 °Output Transition Noise ...................................................................................................................................................................................0.12 ° RMS max.Environmental CharacteristicsOperating Temperature Range ........................................................................................................................................-40 ºC to +125 ºC (-40 °F to +257 °F)Storage Temperature Range ...........................................................................................................................................-55 °C to +125 °C (-67 °F to +257 °F)Humidity -STD-202, Method 103B, Condition B Vibration ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 G Shock ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................50 G Rotational LifeS Bushing (@1,000 rpm) .................................................................................................................................................................100,000,000 revolutions T & W Bushings (@1,000 rpm with 250 g side load) ........................................................................................................................50,000,000 revolutions IP Rating .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................IP 65Mechanical CharacteristicsMechanical Angle ............................................................................................................................................................................................360 ° Continuous TorqueStarting ....................................................................................................................................................................................43 ±21 g-cm (0.6 ±0.3 oz-in.) Running ...................................................................................................................................................................................29 ±14 g-cm (0.4 ±0.2 oz-in.)Mounting Torque .........................................................................................................................................................................................203 N-cm (18 lb.-in.)Shaft End Play ......................................................................................................................................................................0.30 mm (0.012 ”) T.I.R. maximum Shaft Radial Play ..................................................................................................................................................................0.12 mm (0.005 ”) T.I.R. maximum Weight ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................11 gms. (0.4 oz.)Terminals .........................................................................................................................................................................................Axial, radial or ribbon cable Soldering ConditionManual Soldering ....................................................................................................................96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu solid wire or no-clean rosin cored wire 370 °C (700 °F) max. for 3 seconds Wave Soldering .............................................................................................................................................96.5Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu solder with no-clean fl ux 260 °C (500 °F) max. for 10 seconds Wash processes .......................................................................................................................................................................................Not recommended Marking ....................................................................................................................................Manufacturer’s trademark, name, part number, and date code.Hardware ....................................................................One lockwasher and one mounting nut supplied with each encoder, except on servo mount versions.Pin ConfigurationOutput Type Pin 1 (DI)Pin 2 (CLK)Pin 3Pin 4 (DO)Pin 5Pin 6Absolute Digital Input Clock GND Digital Output VCC*CS* Can be 5 or 3.3 VDC depending on the version.Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time.Users should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Output Type Waveform and Variant TableApplications■ Material handling equipment ■ Brushless DC motor commutation ■ Robotics ■ Automotive ■ Industrial automation ■ Petroleum refi nery■ Medical ■ Offi ce equipment■Audio and broadcast equipmentD0Daisy Chain Hardware ConfigurationDaisy Chain Mode Data TransferData ContentDescriptionD9:D0Absolute angular position data S1End of offset compensation algorithm S2Cordic overfl ow indicating an error in cordic partS3Linearity alarm S4Increase in magnitude S5Decrease in magnitudeP1Even parity for detecting bits 1-15 transmission errorAbsolute OutputConsult factory for options not shown, including:• Wire lead or cable options • Special shaft/bushing sizes and features• Connectors • Special performance characteristics• Non-standard resolutions • PCB mounting bracketProduct DimensionsShaft Style D (Bushing T)PANEL LAYOUT Shaft Style B (Bushing S)PANEL LAYOUT Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time.Users should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.Product DimensionsDIMENSIONS:MM(INCHES)Cable AssemblyMAX.2 PLCS.24 AWG (7X32) STRANDED, TOP COAT 6 CIRCUITS, P.V.C. INSULATIONSpecifi cations are subject to change without notice.The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time.Users should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.How To OrderREV. 05/14Specifi cations are subject to change without notice.The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time. Users should verify actual device performance in their specifi c applications.。
ABS/PMMA高光料ABS/PMMA 台湾奇美PA-718韩国HAM8541 BK(NP),HAM8541 BK(NP),SF-0505 BK(N P),HAM8560 BK(NP),HAM8521 BK(NP),HAM8541F BK(N P),BF—0670 BK(NP),BF—0673 BK(NP),BF—0675 BK(N P),BF—0677 BK(NP),BF—0679 BK(NP),PMMA/ABS:概述PMMA/ABS合金是一类性能优异的材料,它保留了ABS良好的加工性、韧性,同时兼具PMM A优异的耐候性、表面硬度、光泽性等优点,使得PMMA/ABS 合金具有比ABS好的多的耐候性、耐刮擦性和光泽。
特性及主要用途:等级特性用途ABS722:高光泽,高冲击、耐刮擦复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机,音响等HAM8521:高光泽,高流动,耐刮擦复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机,音响等HAM8541F:高光泽,高流动,优异的耐刮擦性能家电如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳,底座/DVD音响外壳HAM8541:超高光泽、耐刮擦家电等产品,如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳、底座/DVD音响外壳.特别适合炫黑系列产品HAM8560 :超高光泽、优异的耐刮擦性能家电等产品,如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳,底座/DVD音响外壳特别适合RHCM方法Test standards ISO、UL、IEC、ASTM 样品处理handling 23℃、24h 测试环境Environment 23℃、50%H检测项目Properties 检测方法Test method 单位Unit 检测结果Typical values 备注Remark密度Density ISO 1183 g/cm3 1.12熔体流动速率Melt flow rate ISO 1133 g/10min 18 拉伸强度Tensile strength ISO 527 MPa 57断裂伸长率Elongation at break ISO 527 % 20 弯曲强度Flexural strength ISO 178 MPa 79弯曲模量Flexural modulus ISO 178 MPa 2950 Izod缺口冲击强度Izod notched impact strength ISO 180 KJ/m2 10简支梁无缺口冲击强度Charpy unnotched impact strength ISO 179 KJ/m2 45 洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness ISO 2039-2 R 120热变形温度Heat deflection temperature ISO 75 ℃83维卡软化点Vicat softening temperature ISO 306 ℃88燃烧性能Flammability UL 94 Class HB收缩率Mould shrinkage ISO 294 % 0.4-0.6。
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浮子材质:AISI 316,重量:223 g,最大压力:2 barg,直径:140 mm 浮子材质:AISI 316,重量:223 g,最大压力:2 barg,直径:110 mm 浮子材质:AISI 316,重量:223 g,最大压力:2 barg,直径:90 mm
多功能测量浮子 —— 测量液位、界面和伺服密度
技术指标 —— 854 ATG
测量指标 量程
液位测量精度 界面测量精度 密度测量精度 温度测量精度 灵敏度 重复性 波动积分时间 最大浮子运动速度 (最大液面跟踪速度) 机械指标 安装法兰 外形尺寸 重量 电缆进口 使用环境 操作压力 环境温度 防护等级 安全性
材料指标 伺服机构腔体部分以及端盖 测量鼓室 外壳表面处理 测量磁鼓及磁鼓轴 测量钢丝 O 型圈 电器性能 电源 频率范围和功率 绝缘电压和雷电保护 通讯类型 通讯类型 通讯协议 电缆 与 PET 通讯 可选择项 报警输出 密度测量 液位模拟量输出 输入板
:标准 27m :可选 37m,
35m,此时测量钢丝可达 150m :≤ ± 0.4mm :≤ ± 2 mm :≤ ± 3 kg/m3(经过现场标定后 ≤ ± 1 kg/m3) :± 0.1°C :± 0.1mm :± 0.1mm :可在 0.5~10 秒之间 3 点可编程 :40mm/s
通讯电缆 2 x 1.5mm2 屏蔽双绞通讯电缆(建议采用铠装电缆) 推荐的国产电缆型号:DJYPC3Y32/SA (90) 1x2x1.5,铠装通讯电缆
电源电缆 2 x 1.5mm2 电力电缆 推荐的国产电缆型号:KVV32/SA (90) 2x1.5
型号代码 0815.345 0815.344 0815.343 0815.175 0815.173 0815.171 型号代码 0815.350 0815.355
移动光猫帐号CMCCAdmin密码aDm8H%MdA华为的:telecomadmin,密码:admintelecom中国移动光纤宽带丨P:超级账号(teleco madmin)及密码(nE7jA%5m)用户名:CMCCAdmin密码:aDm8H%MdA连接光猫在浏览器里面输入局域网内电脑手机打开浏览器,地址栏输入,回车,除普通账号密码可在光猫背部看到,另提供下面两个密码:工厂模式:用户名:fiberhomehg2x0?密码:hg2x0超级用户:用户名:CMCCAdmin密码:aDm8H%MdA另外,工厂模式进入打开FTP功能后,光猫插上U盘,在局域网内任意电脑手机电视的文件管理地址栏输入:,密码填hg2x0即可进入光猫内置存储,有很多文件夹,打开mm t文件夹,内部就是刚刚插入的U盘文件夹。
HG6201M的光猫超级管理员获取1 用电脑连接你的光猫确认你可以打开光猫的登录界面?2 打开此网址?开启telnet 服务?3 打开你的电脑命令行输入telnet 进入telnet服务用户名输入root 密码hg2x04 输入命令cat /flash/cfg/agentconf/?查看这个文件的内容第一行和第二行就是用户名和密码了局域网内电脑手机打开浏览器,地址栏输入,回车,除普通账号密码可在光猫背部看到,另提供下面两个密码:工厂模式:用户名:fiberhomehg2x0?密码:hg2x0超级用户:用户名:CMCCAdmin密码:aDm8H%MdA另外,工厂模式进入打开FTP功能后,光猫插上U盘,在局域网内任意电脑手机电视的文件管理地址栏输入:,密码填hg2x0即可进入光猫内置存储,有很多文件夹,打开mm t文件夹,内部就是刚刚插入的U盘文件夹。
路由器的默认帐号密码最佳答案1. 烽火的默认用户名:admin,密码:admin,2. 全向QL1880,用户名:root,密码:root3. 全向QL168810.0.0.2,用户名为admin;密码为qxcomm16884. TP-LINKTD-8800在IE输入户名admin,密码admin5. 合勤zyxel642 在运行输入telnet 密码12346. EcomED-802EG 在IE输入,用户名和密码都为root7. 6010RA,在IE输入用户名为ADSL,密码为ADSL12348. SmartAXMT800的初始IP是,用户名和密码都为admin,恢复默认配置的方法有两种,一种是连续按MODEM背后的RESET键三次,另一种是在配置菜单的SAVE&REBOOT里选择恢复默认配置。
SAE AS85485A-2011
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2011 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerService@SAE WEB ADDRESS: h ttp://AS85485Issued 2004-06 RevisedRATIONALERevision required to incorporate AS85485-A2, update references, update government related terminology, and address technical requirements.1. SCOPE1.1 ScopeThis specification covers the requirements for radio frequency absorptive component wires and finished cables which function electrically as distributed low-pass filters. Materials and construction details are specified in the detail specification.1.2 ClassificationProducts in accordance with this specification shall be of the following types, as specified in the detail specification.Component Wire - A single conductor, insulated as specified in the detail specification.Finished Cable - Any construction other than component wire, utilizing a wire or wires with or without shielding, or with or without an outer jacket.1.2.1 CurrentRatingThe current rating shall be determined in accordance with AS50881.1.2.2 TemperatureRatingThe maximum conductor temperature of the component wire or finished cable for continuous use shall be as specified in the detail specification.1.2.3 VoltageRatingThe maximum voltage rating of the component wire or finished cable for continuous use shall be as specified in the detail specification.1.2.4 Component Wire and Finished Cable DesignationComponent wire and finished cable shall be identified by a combination of digits and letters (not to exceed 15). wire: Component wire designation shall be as shown in the following example: Basic specification: The basic specification shall describe the performance requirements of components and finished cable. Detail specification: The detail specification shall describe the material and construction details of finished cable and components. Wire size: The component wire size shall be identified. All component wire used in a cable shall be of the same size. Color: The component wire color shall be designated in accordance with MIL-STD-681. The preferred color of component wire is light violet, designated 7L. cable: Finished cable designation shall be as shown in the following example: Construction: A letter symbol shall be used to designate the construction in accordance with the following: (a) Shielded, jacketed cable constructionLetter CodeConductor Type Shield Type T Tin-coated copper Tin-coated copper S Silver-coated copper Silver-coated copper NNickel-coated copperNickel-coated copperM Silver-coated high-strength copper alloy Silver-coated high-strengthcopper alloy P Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy U Silver-coated-high-strength copper alloy Tin-coated copper V Silver-coated-high-strength copper alloy Silver-coated copperW Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloyNickel-coated copper(b) Unshielded, unjacketed cable constructionLetter Code Conductor TypecopperT Tin-coatedcopperS Silver-coatedN Nickel-coatedcopperM Silver-coated high-strength copper alloyP Nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy1. Number of components: A single digit shall be used to designate the number of component wires in thefinished cable. Color code designator: The letter symbol A shall be used to designate the component color code described in3.6.3.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThe following publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. The applicable issue of the other publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the purchase order. In the event of conflict between the text of this document and references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.2.1 SAE PublicationsAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .AS1241 Fire Resistant Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid for AircraftAMS1424 Fluid, Deicing/Anti-Icing, Aircraft, SAE Type IAS50881 Wiring, Aerospace VehicleAS85485/5* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Tin-Coated Copper Conductor, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150 °C, 600-VoltAS85485/6* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Silver-Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Conductor, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150 °C, 600-VoltAS85485/7* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Unshielded, Unjacketed, Multiple-Component, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150 °C, 600-VoltAS85485/8* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Shielded, Jacketed, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150 °C, 600-VoltAS95485/9* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Tin-Coated Copper Conductor, Radio Frequency, Absorptive, 150ºC, 600-VoltAS85485/10* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Silver-Coated High-Strength Copper Alloy Conductor, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150ºC, 600-VoltAS85485/11* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Unshielded, Unjacketed, Multiple-Component, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150ºC, 600-VoltAS85485/12* Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Shielded, Jacketed, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150ºC, 600-Volt*AS85485 detail specification2.3 ASQ PublicationsAvailable from American Society for Quality, 600 North Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203, Tel: 800-248-1946 (United States or Canada)) or +1-414-272-8575 (International), ..ASQC Z1.4 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes2.4 ASTM PublicationsAvailable from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585,.B33-78 Standard Specification for Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical PurposesB63-49 (1975) Standard Test Method for Resistivity of Metallically Conducting Resistance and Contact MaterialsE104-51 Standard Recommended Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity by Means of Aqueous SolutionsB298-74a Standard Specification for Silver-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper WireB355-74 Standard Specification for Nickel-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper WireD471 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Effect of LiquidsE595-77 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials From Outgassing in a Vacuum EnvironmentB624-77 Standard Specification for High-Strength, High-Conductivity Copper-Alloy Wire for Electronic ApplicationD1153-77 Standard Specification for Methyl Isobutyl KetoneD3032 Standard Test Methods for Hookup Wire InsulationD4814 Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel2.5NEMA PublicationsAvailable from National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752, Roslyn, VA 22209, Tel: 703-841-3200,.NEMA HP1-1979 High-Temperature Insulated Wire – Impulse Dielectric Testing2.5 U.S. Government PublicationsAvailable from the Document Automation and Production Service (DAPS), Building 4/D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Tel: 215-697-6257, /quicksearch/.H4/H8 Catalog of Commercial and Government Entities (CAGE)(Battle Creek Customer Contact Center, Defense Logistics Information Service, 74 Washington AvenueN., Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084) https:///ccr/default.aspxSD-6 Provisions Governing QualificationMIL-STD-104 Limits for Electrical Insulation ColorMIL-STD-129 Military Marking for Shipment and StorageFED-STD-228 Cable and Wire, Insulated; Methods of TestingMIL-STD-681 Identification Coding and Application of Hook Up and Lead WireTT-I-735 IsopropylAlcoholMIL-DTL-915 Cable and Cord Electrical, for Shipboard Use, General Specification forMIL-PRF-5606 Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base; Aircraft, Missile, and OrdnanceMIL-DTL-5624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JP-4 and JP-5MIL-PRF-7808 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic BaseMIL-DTL-12000 Cable, Cord, and Wire, Electric, Packaging ofMIL-PRF-23699 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic BaseMIL-DTL-29606 Wire, Electrical, Stranded, Uninsulated Copper, Copper Alloy, or Aluminum, or Thermocouple Extension, General Specification ForMIL-C-43616 Cleaning Compound, Aircraft SurfaceMIL-DTL-83133 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Kerosene Types, NATO F-34 (JP-8) and NATO F-35MIL-PRF-87937 Cleaning Compound, Aerospace Equipment3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Detail SpecificationsThe requirements for the component wire and finished cable furnished under this specification shall be as specified herein and in accordance with the detail specification. In the event of discrepancy between this specification and the requirements of the detail specification, the requirements of the detail specification shall govern.3.2 Classification of RequirementsThe applicable requirements are classified herein as follows:Requirement ParagraphQualification 3.3Materials 3.4 Construction 3.5 Component Wire and Finished Cable 3.63.3 Qualification:The component wire or finished cable furnished under this specification shall be a product which is qualified for listing on the applicable qualified products (see 4.3 and 6.3). The provisions of 4.6 for retention of qualification are included in this requirement.3.4 MaterialsMaterial3.4.1 ConductorAll strands used in the manufacture of the conductors shall be soft annealed copper conforming to ASTM B33, B298, or B355, as applicable, or shall be high-strength copper alloy conforming to ASTM B624. Strands shall be free from lumps, kinks, splits, scraped or corroded surfaces and skin impurities. In addition, the strands shall conform to the following requirements as applicable. Tin-coated copper strands: No additional requirements. The tin coating shall be as specified in ASTM B33. Silver-coated copper strands: The strands shall have a coating thickness of not less than 40 micro-inches ofsilver when tested in accordance with ASTM B298. Nickel-coated copper strands: The strands shall have a coating thickness of not less than 50 micro-inches ofnickel when tested in accordance with ASTM B355. Adhesion of the nickel coating shall be such that, after subjection to the procedures of, the strands shall still pass the continuity of coating test in ASTM B355. High-strength copper alloy: The strands shall be of the applicable AWG gage specified in Table 1 and of suchtensile properties that the conductor from the finished wire conforms to the requirements of for elongation and breaking strength. The strands shall be silver-coated or nickel-coated in accordance with or as applicable.Material3.4.2 Shield3.4.2.1 Braided round wire strands: Braided round wire strands shall meet all the applicable conductor materialrequirements of 3.4.1 prior to braiding. Braided flattened wire strands: Braided flattened wire strands shall meet all the applicable conductor materialrequirements of 3.4.1 prior to flattening and braiding.Material3.4.3 InsulationAll insulating and filter layer materials shall be in accordance with the detail specification and shall meet all applicable requirements of Table 3 and the detail specification.3.5 ConstructionConstruction of the component wire and finished cable shall be as specified herein and in the detail specification.3.5.1 Conductor3.5.1.1 Stranding3. Concentric-lay stranding: The conductors of wire sizes 30 through 10 shall be concentric-lay conductorsconstructed as specified in Table 1. Concentric-lay shall be interpreted to be a central strand surrounded byone or more layers of helically wound strands. It is optional for the direction of lay of the successive layers tobe alternately reversed (true concentric lay) or to be in the same direction (unidirectional lay). The strandsshall be assembled in a geometric arrangement of concentric layers, so as to produce a smooth and uniformconductor, circular in cross-section and free of any crossovers, high strands, or other irregularities. Thedirection of lay of the individual strands in the outer layer of the concentrically stranded conductors shall beleft hand. The length of lay of the outer layer shall not be less than 8 nor more than 16 times the maximumconductor diameter as specified in the detail specification. Splices: Splices in individual strands or members shall be butt brazed. There shall not be more than one strand-splice in any two lay lengths of a stranded concentric-lay conductor. In no case shall the whole conductor be spliced at one point. Conductor elongation and breaking strength: Soft or annealed copper: The individual strands removed from component wires with soft or annealed copperconductors, wire sizes 20 and larger, or the whole soft or annealed copper conductor removed from component wire, sizes 22 and smaller, shall have the following minimum elongation when tested in accordance with 24 and smaller – 6 percent (minimum)Sizes 22 and larger – 10 percent (minimum)There shall be no breaking strength requirements for soft or annealed copper conductors. High-strength copper alloy: The whole conductor removed from component wires with high-strength copperalloy conductors shall exhibit elongation of 6 percent, minimum, and a breaking strength conforming withTable 1, when tested in accordance with 1 - DETAILS OF CONDUCTORS3.5.1.4 Conductor diameter: The diameter of the conductor shall be as specified in Table 1. Applicability of the “generalpurpose” or of the “small diameter” Table 1 requirements for maximum conductor diameter shall be as indicated in the detail specification .3.5.2 ShieldThe shield shall be constructed as specified in the detail specification.3.5.3 InsulationThe insulating and filter layers shall be constructed as specified in the detail specification. All component insulation shall be readily removable by conventional wire stripping devices without damage to the conductor.3.6 Component Wire and Finished CableThe component wire and finished cable shall conform to the requirements of Table 3 and those of the detail specification. The requirements of 3.6.1 through 3.6.10 also apply. Unless otherwise specified, component wire shall conform to all applicable requirements prior to assembly into the finished cable.3.6.1 BlockingAdjacent turns or layers of the component wire or cable jacket shall not stick to one another when tested as specified in 4.7.4 at the temperature specified in the detail specification. 3.6.2 CablingThe required number of component wires as specified in the detail specification shall be cabled together with a left hand lay. For cables having multiple layers, the outer layer shall be left hand and the inner layer or layers may be either right hand or left hand lay. The lay length of the individual component wires shall be not less than 8 times nor more than 16 times the diameter of the applicable layer. Fillers and binders shall be used only as specified in the detail specification. 3.6.3 ColorUnless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the color of component wire shall be light violet, designated by 7L. The preferred colors for components in a finished cable shall be light violet for component number 1 and light violetwith stripe designators for remaining component wires as follows:All solid colors and the colors of all striping shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-104, Class 1, unless otherwise specified. Color striping, if applicable, shall conform to MIL-STD-681 and shall be capable of withstanding the striping durability test of 4.7.11 for the number of strokes and with the weight specified in the detail specification. 3.6.4Crosslinking Proof Test and Life CycleWhen samples are tested in accordance with 4.7.10, there shall be no cracking of the insulation or jacket and no dielectric breakdown, as applicable. 3.6.5Conductor and Shield ContinuityOne hundred percent of all finished cable shall be tested for continuity prior to shipment. There shall be no indication of discontinuity in any of the component wires or shields. 3.6.6 Continuous LengthsThe individual continuous lengths of component wire or finished cable in each inspection lot shall be of such footage that, when inspected in accordance with 4.7.9, the inspection lot shall conform to the continuous length requirements of Table 2. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the footage of the individual continuous lengths in each spool or reel shall be marked on the spool or reel in the sequence in which the lengths will be unwound by the user.TABLE 2 - MINIMUM CONTINUOUS LENGTHSPRODUCT DESCRIPTION REQUIRED MINIMUM PERCENT OF THE TOTAL INSPECTION LOT FOOTAGE IN CONTINUOUS LENGTHS GREATER THAN250 feet 100 feet 50 feet Component Wire 85% 100% -- Finished Cable--85%100%3.6.7 Identification of ProductThe component wire or finished cable shall be identified by a printed marking applied to the outer surface, or visible through the outer surface, of the wire or cable insulation. Identification marking of unshielded, unjacketed cable shall be located on component number 1. Identification marking of components of finished cable shall not be required. Printing of the color code designator on surface of wire insulation or jacket is not required. The printing marking shall consist of the following information:Detail specification part numberManufacturer’s code as specified in publications H4/H8For finished shielded and jacketed cable, the words “FILTER LINE” shall follow the manufacturer’s code. Identification intervals: For the component wire, the identification shall be at intervals of 9 inches to 60 inches,as measured from the beginning of one complete marking to the beginning of the succeeding completed marking. For finished cable, the distance between the end of one complete marking and the beginning of the next complete marking shall not be greater than 12 inches. Identification color: The printing shall be white in color in accordance with MIL-STD-104, Class 1. Identificationprinting shall be applied with the vertical axes of the printed characters lengthwise of the component wire or finished cable when the nominal diameter is 0.050 inch or smaller. The vertical axes of the printed characters may be either crosswise or lengthwise of the component wire or finished cable when the nominal diameter exceeds 0.050 inch. All printed characters shall be complete and legible. Durability of identification: Identification printing, when applied to the outer surface of the component wire orfinished cable, where applicable, shall be capable of withstanding the durability test specified in 4.7.11 for the number of cycles and with the weight specified in the detail specification.3.6.8 Insulation and Jacket FlawsWhen required by the detail specification, one hundred percent of the component wire and finished cable shall pass the spark test of or the impulse dielectric test of Testing of finished component wire or cable shall be performed during the final winding on shipment spools or reels. Component wire intended for finished cable shall be tested prior to cabling.3.6.9 WorkmanshipAll details of workmanship shall be in accordance with high grade wire and cable manufacturing practice. The insulation shall be free of cracks, splits, irregularities, and imbedded foreign material.3.6.10 Wrap TestWhen component wires are tested in accordance with 4.7.29, there shall be no cracking of insulation.3.6.11 Jacket ResistivityWhen tested in accordance with 4.7.1, the jacket resistivity for conductive jackets shall be 150 ohm-cm, maximum.3.6.12 Low Temperature (cold bend)When samples are tested in accordance with 4.7.19, there shall be no cracking of the insulation or jacket and no dielectric breakdown.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for InspectionUnless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the qualifying activity. The qualifying activity reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.4.2 Classification of InspectionsThe examinations and tests of component wire and finished cable under this specification shall be divided into the following classifications:Classification ParagraphQualification inspection 4.3Quality conformance inspection 4.4Process control inspection 4.5Periodic qualification re-evaluation 4.64.3 Initial Qualification InspectionInitial Qualification inspection shall consist of the examination and tests listed in Table 3 of this specification as applicable to the component wire or finished cable. Qualification approval for finished cable must be obtained both for the component wire and for the finished construction. The qualifying activity (see 6.3) is required to perform tests as indicated in Table 3 as noted. Upon request (see 4.3.2), the qualifying activity shall provide a data package to the manufacturer for inclusion in the final test report.4.3.1 Sampling for Qualification InspectionExcept as provided in, a component wire or finished cable sample of the required length shall be tested for each range of component wire or finished cable sizes for which qualification is desired. The sample may be any size of component wire or finished cable within the size range specified below. Within each size range for which qualification is desired for shielded, jacketed cable, both a single-conductor and a multiple-conductor finished cable sample must be tested if they fall within that size range. Ten linear feet of the coated conductor strand used in the manufacture of the finished wire sample shall be submitted with the finished wire sample.Component Wire Size Range Required Length of Sample (Feet)24 and smaller 200 22 through 18 200 16 and larger 200Finished Cable Size Range Nominal Overall Diameter (Inch) Required Length of Sample (Feet)0.100 100 > 0.100 and 0.150 100 > 0.150 and 0.225 100 > 0.225 1004.3.1.1 Optional qualification samples: In cases where two or more detail specifications cover component wire orfinished cable identical in materials and construction except for conductor and/or shield material (i.e., the specified conductor or shield may be tin-coated copper, silver-coated high strength copper alloy or as specified in the detail specification), the component wire or finished cable sample in accordance with 4.3.1 may qualify any one of the detail specification components. For those detail specifications so qualified by similarity, a conductor and/or strand shall be tested in accordance with the applicable conductor and/or strand requirements in Table 3. One conductor and/or strand shall be tested for each size range specified in 4.3.1. Approval of the qualification sample shall also qualify the same component wire or finished cable size range or ranges in each of the other detail specifications. Ten linear feet of the conductor strand and shield strand applicable to the same wire or cable size range as the finished wire or cable samples shall be submitted when qualification by similarity is requested. (Note: For purposes of determining identity of construction in detail specifications under this provision, small differences in specified component wire or finished cable diameter or weight which are due to differences in the specified conductor or shield shall not be considered as constituting differences in construction of the component wire or finished cable.)TABLE 3 - PROPERTIES OF COMPONENT WIRE AND FINISHED CABLETABLE 3 - PROPERTIES OF COMPONENT WIRE AND FINISHED CABLE (CONT’D)EXAMINATION OR TEST REQUIREMENT METHODspecification 4.7.25 Thermal shock resistance 1/ Detailspecification 4.7.26 Thermal stability 1/ DetailVacuum stability Detail specification ASTM E595-77Detail specification withstand(post-environmental)4.7.28specificationWeight DetailWorkmanship 3.6.9 4.7.12 Wrap test 1/ Detail specification and 3.6.10 4.7.29FINISHED CABLEBlocking 1/ 3.6.1 4.7.4 Cabling Detail specification and 3.6.2 4.7.12Color 3.6.3 DetailspecificationConductor and shield continuity 3.6.5 4.7.12Construction and materials Detail specification, 3.4 and 3.5 4.7.12Continuous lengths 3.6.6 4.7.9Crosslinking proof test 1/ 3.6.4 and of marking and colorstriping 1/Finished cable diameter 1/ Detailspecification DetailspecificationIdentification of product 1/ 3.6.7 DetailJacket elongation and tensileDetail specification 4.7.16strength 1/Insulation and jacket flaws Detail specification and 3.6.8 4.7.17Jacket resistivity 1/ 3.6.11 4.7.1specification 4.7.12 Jacket thickness 1/ DetailLife cycle 1/ 3.6.4 4.7.10 Low temperature (cold bend) 1/ 3.6.12 4.7.19specification 4.7.20 Shield coverage and angle 1/ DetailDetail specification 4.7.24Surface transfer impedance,effective 1/specification 4.7.26 Thermal stability 1/ DetailVacuum stability Detail specification ASTM E595-77Voltage withstand (dielectric) Detail specification withstandDetail specification 1/ DetailspecificationWorkmanship 3.6.9 4.7.121/ Tests shall be performed by the qualifying activity.4.3.2 Forwarding of Qualification Samples:Samples and the manufacturer’s certified test report (excluding the qualifying activity test data except when required by the supplier) shall be forwarded to the testing laboratory designated in the letter of authorization from the activity responsible for qualification (see 6.3), plainly identified by securely attached, durable tags marked with the following information:Sample for qualification testCABLE, ELECTRIC, FILTER LINE, RADIO FREQUENCY ABSORPTIVEDetail specification part numberManufacturer’s name and code number (Publication H4/H8)Manufacturer’s part numberComprehensive description and manufacturer’s name and formulation number of the base materials from which the product is made. (This information will not be divulged by the Government.)Place and date of manufacture of sampleSubmitted by (name) (date) for qualification tests in accordance with the requirements of AS85485 under authorization (reference authorizing letter).The tags or spools must be stamped by the government inspector as representative samples of the manufacturer’s normal production capability. Samples submitted without the stamp will not be accepted.4.4 Quality Conformance InspectionQuality conformance inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests listed in Table 4 and described under “Test Methods” (4.7). Quality conformance inspection shall be performed on every lot of component wire or finished cable procured under this specification.4.4.1 Sampling for Quality Conformance InspectionANSI/ASQC Z1.4. shall apply for definitions of inspection terms used herein. For purposes of this specification, the following shall apply. Lot: The inspection lot shall include all component wire or finished cable of one part number subjected toinspection at one time. Unit of product: The unit of product for determining lot size for sampling shall be one continuous length ofcomponent wire or finished cable as offered for inspection.。
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Modicon M221一体型及书本型 可编程控制器
Engineer ITControl Builder MVersion 3.2Getting Started工业工程IT控制应用开发版本 3.2入门山东恒拓科技开展本资料是由山东恒拓科技开展〔ABB系统集成商〕内部员工参考CBM原版说明书翻译整理而成,本书主要用于内部参考学习及客户培训使用,未经山东恒拓科技开展许可的前提下,其他任何人员不可擅自复制,传播。
版权拥有© 1999 ABB保存所有版权发行:2002年12月文献编号:3BSE 028 807 R201 Rev B商标本文中使用到的注册和商标:Windows 微软公司注册ActiveX 微软公司注册PostScript Adobe Systems Inc. 注册Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Inc. 注册Industrial IT ABB 注册第一部Control Builder M目录关于本书简介 (6)第一章–介绍Control Builder M产品总览........................................................................ ... ... . (7)编程语言....................................................... ... ... ... ... ... . (7)工程开发器.................................................... ... . (7)库................................ ... ... (8)安装要求....................................................................... ....................... . (8)可以支持的控制器组态.......... .. ....................................... ....................... . (9)Control Builder和控制器组态................................................. (10)分散控制................ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........................... ..................... .. (11)Control Builder现有版本及其差异........................................ (12)第二章–安装Control Builder M................ ..... ..... ..... ..... .. .. ... .. (13)逐步安装指南........................................................ .. .. ... (14)TCP/IP 网络协议................................................. ..... ..... ..... .. (14)设置...................................................................................... ...... ...... ...... .. (15)启动................... ..... ..... ..... ..... . (15)AC800M/C的MMS效劳器............................................................. . (15)添加删除程序...................... ..... ..... ..... .. (15)第三章–培训导言.............................. ..... ..... ..... .. (17)开始新工程.......................................... ......... ......... (17)工程开发器...................................................................... . (18)标题菜单工具 (36)库...................................................................................................................... .. (37)控制器.................................................................................................................... . 38 任务. (40)应用 (40)变量间接 (43)变量声明〔定义〕 (43)局部变量 (44)模拟 (47)关闭Control Builder M (49)第四章–举例– Shop Doors简介 (51)选择模板 (52)声明变量和数据类型 (53)变量声明 (54)使用ST语言编写代码 (56)改变编程语言 (56)声明功能块 (57)划分程序功能段 (58)代码输入 (59)模拟 (62)硬件组态 (64)连接I/O通道和应用 (65)第五章–下装和测试简介 (71)通过串行电缆进行操作系统下装 (71)给冗余控制器下装操作系统 (73)设定IP地址 (74)通过以太网下装工程 (77)在线测试 (91)附录AC800 M/C的OPC效劳器简介 (91)自动启动OPC效劳器OPC的组态面板第二部AC800M Controller Hardware目录关于本书第一章–简介产品总览 (27)AC 800M 控制器的突出特性 (38)第二章–安装安装环境要求 (41)电缆 (43)电源 (44)防护等级 (46)将AC 800M单元安装于标准DIN-Rail导轨 (47)安装PM856/860/861/TP830 控制器单元〔单独〕 (54)安装PM861/TP830 控制器单元〔冗余〕 (62)安装PROFIBUS DP 通讯单元,CI851/TP851 (65)安装RS232-C通讯单元, CI853/TP853 (69)安装PROFIBUS DP-V1通讯单元, CI854/TP854 (70)安装CEX-bus电缆 (74)安装ModuleBus 电缆 (75)安装SD82x 供电电源 (76)安装主断路器 (77)安装SS822冗余电源选择模块 (79)安装SB821外部电池 (83)安装I/O 单元 (83)柜体安装 (84)第三章–组态简介 (89)连接到Control Builder M (89)连接到控制网 (90)通讯方式 (91)控制器IP地址 (93)在Control Builder M设置冗余控制器 (93)I/O系统 (94)驱动系统 (98)供电系统 (100)柜体中的电源模块 (101)柜外电源设备Powering Field Equipment outside the Cabinet (101)外部+24 V DC 电源 (103)第四章–操作AC 800M 控制器(PM856/860/861) (107)启动 (110)启动模式 (110)自动切换到冗余后备控制器 (112)AC 800M系统运行检查 (113)观察单控制器的运行 (113)观察冗余控制器的运行 (115)第五章–维修维修频率 (117)更换电池 (118)内部电池 (118)SB821外部电池单元 (120)在线插拔 (124)更换PM861冗余控制器 (124)维修步骤 (125)查找问题 (126)PM856/860/861控制器单元 (126)PM861 CPU冗余单元 (127)内部电池/ SB821外部电池 (127)PROFIBUS DP – CI851 (128)RS232-C Channels – CI853 (132)PROFIBUS DP-V1 – CI854 (133)Table of Contents附录–硬件单元PM856/PM860和TP830 –控制器单元 (137)技术数据 (138)性能数据 (142)PM861 and TP830 –控制器单元 (143)技术数据 (144)性能数据 (146)CI851 和TP851 – PROFIBUS DP单元 (147)CI853 和TP853 – RS232-C单元 (155)CI854 和TP854 – PROFIBUS DP-V1 Interface (159)电源单元–SD821, SD822 和SD823 (175)SS822 – (冗余电源选择单元) (183)SB821外部电池 (187)其他 (189)TB850 -- CEX-bus终端电阻 (189)TB851 -- CEX-bus终端电阻 (190)TB807 ModuleBus终端电阻 (191)TB852 RCU 连接终端电阻 (191)TK850 CEX-bus 外部电缆 (191)TK851 RCU连接电缆 (191)TK853电缆 (192)TK212工具电缆 (193)第一部Control Builder M关于本书简介欢迎使用本软件〔Control IT for AC 800M/C〕----一个真正全开放的工业控制开发系统。
为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。人身安全的提示用一个警告三角表示,仅 与财产损失有关的提示不带警告三角。警告提示根据危险等级由高到低如下表示。
危险 表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,将会导致死亡或者严重的人身伤害。
警告 表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致死亡或者严重的人身伤害。
Siemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG 德国
A5E45911111-AB Ⓟ 09/2021 本公司保留更改的权利
Copyright © Siemens AG 2021. 保留所有权利
本操作说明的用途 本操作说明包含 SIMATIC IPC547J 安装、电气连接、调试和扩展以及维护和维修设备所需 的全部信息。本操作说明是专为以下具有资质的专业人员编写的: • 装配工 • 调试工程师 • IT 管理员 • 维修与维护人员
小心 表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致轻微的人身伤害。
பைடு நூலகம்注意
M12x1 插座 (母头), 系列 CN2 ▶ 插座, M12x1, 5-針, A-编码
M12x1 插座 (母头), 系列 CN2 ▶ 插座, M12x1, 5-針, A-编码 ▶ 屏蔽
M12x1 插座 (母头), 系列 CN2 ▶ 插座, M12x1, 5-針, B-编码 ▶ 屏蔽
聚酯树脂 氟(石炭)橡胶(FKM)
技术性备注 ■ 规定的保护等级只适用于已安装和检查的状态。
额定电压 电流,最大值
电缆引线 可连接的电缆的最 小/最大直径
直线 180° 呈 90° 弯角
[mm] 4/8
外壳颜色 黑色
[kg] 0,028 0,027
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
3 4
1834484173 1834484174
额定电压 电流,最大值
电极数目 3
电缆引线 可连接的电缆的 最小/最大直径
直线 180°
呈 90° 弯角
-- / 4,5
产品代码 1834484173 1834484174
8941054324 8941054424
Fig. 1
4 2 3
电缆引线 直线 180°
E1UAA20-16.257M中文资料(ECLIPTEK)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
E1U列•符合RoHS(无铅)•HC-49 / US短包•AT或BT切提供•电阻焊接密封•紧公差/稳定性•磁带和卷轴,绝缘片,和自定义引线长度可供选择NOTES H 2.50L 11.18W 4.70水晶_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________电气特性频率范围频率公差/稳定性在工作温度范围温度范围工作温度范围老化(25°C)存储温度范围并联电容绝缘电阻驱动电平负载电容(C)3.579545MHz为50.000MHz为±50ppm /±100ppm(标准),±30ppm/为±50ppm(AT切割只),±15ppm/±30ppm(AT切割只),±15ppm/±20ppm(AT切割只),或±10ppm/±15ppm(AT切割专用)0°C到70°C,-20°C至70°C(AT切割只),或-40°C至85°C(AT切割专用)±5ppm/年最大-40°C至125°C7pF最大500兆欧最低在100V1 mWatt最大18pF之(标准),自定义C 10pF,或串联谐振等效串联电阻(ESR),运作模式(MODE),切频率范围3.579545MHz到4.999MHz5.000MHz到5.999MHz6.000MHz到7.999MHz8.000MHz到8.999MHz9.000MHz到9.999MHz10.000MHz到14.999MHz ESR (Ω)200最大150最大120最大90马克斯80马克斯70马克斯模式/剪切基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT频率范围15.000MHz到15.999MHz16.000MHz到23.999MHz24.000MHz到30.000MHz24.000MHz到40.000MHz24.576MHz为29.999MHz30.000MHz到50.000MHzESR (Ω)60马克斯50马克斯40马克斯40马克斯150最大100最大模式/剪切基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ AT基本/ BT三次泛音/ AT三次泛音/ AT.ECLIPTEK CORP.CRYSTAL E1U HC-49/US Short CR4111/07零件编码指南E1U A A 18 - 20.000M - I2 TR频率公差/稳定性A =±50PPM 25°C时,±0℃至100ppm70℃B =±50PPM,在25°C,±100ppm-20℃至70℃C =±50PPM,在25°C,±100ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°CD =±30ppm25°C时,±0℃50PPM至70℃E =±30ppm25°C时,为±50ppm -20℃至70℃F =±30ppm25°C时,为±50ppm -40°C至85°CG =±15ppm25°C时,±0℃为30ppm至70℃H =±15ppm25°C时,±30ppm-20℃至70℃J =±15ppm25°C时,±30ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°C K =±15ppm25°C时,±0℃为20ppm至70℃L =±15ppm25°C时,±20ppm-20℃至70℃M =±15ppm25°C时,±20ppm温度范围为-40°C至85°C N =±10ppm25°C时,±0℃为15ppm至70℃P =±10ppm25°C时,±15ppm-20℃至70℃包装选择空白=散装,A =盘,TR =卷带式可选项空白=无(标准)CX =自定义引线长度I2 =绝缘子标签频率负载电容S =系列X X = X X pF(自定义)动作模式/水晶切割A =基本/ A TB =三次泛音/ A TD =基本/ BT外形尺寸ALL DIM ENSIONS IN M ILLIM ET ERS 卷带尺寸ALL DIM ENSIONS IN M ILLIM ET ERS环境/机械特性PARAMET ER SPECIFICAT ION 标记规格1000 Pieces per ReelCompliant to EIA-468B精细泄漏测试总泄漏测试铅完整铅端接机械冲击耐焊接热抗溶剂可焊性温度循环振荡M IL-STD-883,方法1014,条件AM IL-STD-883,方法1014,条件CM IL-STD-883 2004方法锡2微米 - 6微米M IL-STD-202,方法213,条件CM IL-STD-202,方法210M IL-STD-202,方法215M IL-STD-883,2002年法M IL-STD-883,法1010M IL-STD-883,方法2007,条件A1号线:电子X X.X X X中号Frequency in MHz(5 Digits Maximum + Decimal).ECLIPTEK CORP.CRYSTAL E1U HC-49/US Short CR4111/07。
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• Low-profile (7.6mm Max. square, 3.0, 3.5 and 5.1mm Max. height). • Available in magnetically shielded construction or unshielded construction version. • Suitable for large current. • Ideal for a variety of DC-DC converter inductor applications. • RoHS compliant. • • • • •
(Quantity/reel; 1,000 PCS)
Rated DC Current (3) (A) Max. 2.73 2.26 1.91 1.68 1.28 1.06 1.04 0.84 0.77 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.51 0.46 0.45 0.37 0.35 0.32 0.30
TYPE D73CT Series (With Ferrite Shield)
TOKO Part Number #A854CY-4R7M #A854CY-6R8M #A854CY-100M #A854CY-150M #A854CY-220M #A854CY-330M #A854CY-470M #A854CY-680M #A854CY-101M #A854CY-151M #A854CE-221M #A854CE-331M #A854CE-471M Inductance (1) L (µH) 4.7 6.8 10.0 15.0 22.0 33.0 47.0 68.0 100.0 150.0 220.0 330.0 470.0 Tolerance (%) ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20
Inductance (1) L (µH) 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.3 4.7 6.8 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 33.0 39.0 47.0 56.0 68.0 82.0 100.0
Tolerance (%) ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20
Fixed Inductors for Surface Mounting
D7 Series Power Inductors D7
Inductance Range: 1.0~100µH (D73LF, D73F, D73C), 1.2~100µH (D73LC), 4.7~470µH (D73CT), 1.0~470µH (D75F)
TOKO Part Number #817CY-1R2M #817CY-1R8M #817CY-2R4M #817CY-3R3M #817CY-4R7M #817CY-6R8M #817CY-100M #817CY-120M #817CY-150M #817CY-180M #817CY-220M #817CY-270M #817CY-330M #817CY-390M #817CY-470M #817CY-560M #817CY-680M #817CE-820M #817CE-101M
(Quantity/reel; 1,000 PCS)
Rated DC Current (3) (A) Max. 3.60 3.40 2.68 2.40 2.26 1.66 1.37 1.12 1.08 1.04 0.80 0.77 0.71 0.62 0.56 0.54 0.50 0.43 0.39
TYPE D73C Series (With Ferrite Shield)
TOKO Part Number #636CY-1R0M #636CY-1R5M #636CY-2R2M #636CY-3R3M #636CY-4R7M #636CY-6R8M #636CY-100M #636CY-120M #636CY-150M #636CY-180M #636CY-220M #636CY-270M #636CY-330M #636CY-390M #636CY-470M #636CY-560M #636CY-680M #636CY-820M #636CY-101M Inductance (1) (µH) 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 33.0 39.0 47.0 56.0 68.0 82.0 100.0 Tolerance (%) ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20
(1) Inductance is measured with a LCR meter 4284A (Agilent Technologies) or equivalent. (2) DC resistance is measured with a Digital Multimeter TR6871 (Advantest) or equivalent. (3) Maximum allowable DC current is that which causes a 10% inductance reduction from the initial value, or coil temperature to rise by 40°C, whichever is smaller. (Reference ambient temperature 20°C) (1) (2) (3)
7.6Max. 2.0
6.0 3.3
D73F/ D73C
(Unit: mm) Note (*): D73LF/D73LC; D73F/D73C/D73CT; D75F; 3mm Max. height 3.5mm Max. height 5.1mm Max. height
Fixed Inductors for Surface Mounting
continued from previous page
TYPE D73F Series (Unshielded)
TOKO Part Number #636FY-1R0M #636FY-1R5M #636FY-2R2M #636FY-3R3M #636FY-4R7M #636FY-6R8M #636FY-100M #636FY-120M #636FY-150M #636FY-180M #636FY-220M #636FY-270M #636FY-330M #636FY-390M #636FY-470M #636FY-560M #636FY-680M #636FY-820M #636FY-101M Inductance (1) (µH) 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 33.0 39.0 47.0 56.0 68.0 82.0 100.0 Tolerance (%) ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20
(Quantity/reel; 1,000 PCS)
DC Resistance (2) (Ω ) Max. 0.019 0.023 0.028 0.035 0.043 0.055 0.080 0.090 0.120 0.130 0.150 0.210 0.250 0.310 0.350 0.430 0.520 0.600 0.790 Ra 2.66 2.26 1.96 1.76 1.34 1.23 1.09 0.99 0.90 0.81 0.72 0.67 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.46 0.41
Recommended patterns
continued on next page
(Unit: mm)
2.4 5.1 5.4
Fixed Inductors for Surface Mounting
continued from previous page
DC Resistance (2) (Ω) Max. 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.20 0.27 0.32 0.35 0.48 0.56 0.63 0.71 0.97 1.08
TYPE D73LC Series (With Ferrite Shield)
TYPE D73LF Series (Unshielded)
TOKO Part Number #817FY-1R0M #817FY-1R5M #817FY-2R2M #817FY-3R3M #817FY-4R7M #817FY-6R8M #817FY-100M #817FY-120M #817FY-150M #817FY-180M #817FY-220M #817FY-270M #817FY-330M #817FY-390M #817FY-470M #817FY-560M #817FY-680M #817FE-820M #817FE-101M Inductance (1) L (µH) 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 33.0 39.0 47.0 56.0 68.0 82.0 100.0 Tolerance (%) ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20 ± 20