














四、设计教学活动1. Pre-reading activity(热身活动)在进行具体阅读教学之前,可以设计一些热身活动,激发学生的学习兴趣。


2. While-reading activity(阅读活动)教师可以根据教材内容设计一系列的阅读活动,促使学生理解和运用所学知识。


3. Post-reading activity(后续活动)在完成阅读活动后,教师可以设计一些后续活动来巩固所学知识。


























全球化与本土化的平衡高中生英语作文Balancing Globalization and LocalizationIn today's interconnected world, globalization has become an inevitable trend.The flow of goods, services, capital, and culture across borders has significantly contributed to the development and progress of nations.However, this does not mean that we should完全ignore the importance of localization.On the contrary, finding a balance between globalization and localization is crucial for sustainable development.全球化带来了许多好处。





To address these issues, we need to emphasize the importance of localization.Localization does not mean isolating ourselves from the global community.Instead, it means preserving and promoting our unique cultural identity while embracing global values.By doing so, we can maintain our cultural diversity and ensure that our traditions and customs are not lost in the wave of globalization.此外,本地化也可以帮助解决一些全球问题。




中国英语(china English)是英语在全球化过程中与中国特有文化相融合的结果,是客观存在的事实。



一、改变对待所谓“标准英语”和各种英语变体的态度英语全球化进程使英语产生了深刻的变化,标准英语(standard English,SE)这一概念的内涵随之也发生变化。

比如,在19世纪末20世纪初的英国,Received Pronunciation,曾被认为是标准的,甚至是至高无上的或唯一可以接受的。












论英语本土化及中国英语的研究和意义摘要:英语已发展成一门世界性语言 ,并由此产生了各种本土化的英语变体,“中国英语”就是其中的一种。

“中国英语”与“中式英语”的区别 ,中国英语的性质和特征等是中国英语研究关注的重点。

在英语本土化的进程中 ,认清语言学习的本质 ,增强对本国语言的认同感 ,正确理解语言的使用目的等对中国英语教学有重要意义。


据统计全世界有将近1/4的人口对英语的掌握程度达到流利或熟练的程度 ,而且这个数字还在稳步上升,到 20 世纪90年代 ,已达12 亿—15亿人之多。


英语在世界各地广泛传播的同时也在其传播地生根发芽,并受当地的语言、文化、习俗等的影响,逐渐变化发展,形成了独具本地特色的各种英语变体( varieties of English),如南非英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等,其名称也由单一的“English”变成了“World Englishes,由此也带来了很多争议,其中围绕“中国英语是否客观存在”的问题争论尤甚。




第二次传播发生在18世纪至19世纪不同时期,英语作为殖民地的产物被移植到亚洲和非洲 ,是少数以英语为母语者把这门语言带到一个新的社会文化环境中。

1.英语的本土化研究英语在世界各地的传播必然会使英语同当地的语言、文化、习俗等相结合从而导致它的变异 ,形成带有本地特征并在各个层面( 语音、词汇、语法、话语、语域、风格、文学流派)与母语英语有不同程度差异的英语变体。



递本土优 秀文化 ,一些研究 者称 这种现 象 为 “ 中国文 化失语 症 ” 。 _ 4 J 只有将英语教育放置于更加宽广 的边疆 多民族地区文化情境 中 ,才能 够真正 实现跨文化对话 中传达本地文化。
二 、 西双 版 纳 民族 地 区英 语 教 育 本 土 化 的 必 要性
认为 “ 中国英语是客观存在 ”的。其后 ,张毅 ( 2 0 0 4)认为英语本 土
2 0 1 3 _ q - ・ 7 只 ・
学 术・ 理 论 现代衾 善
边疆 多 民族 地 区英 语 教 育 本 土化 的探 讨
以云 南西 双版 纳 为 例
匡玉华 ( 云 南 西双 版 纳 职 业 技 术 学 院

6 6 6 1 O 0 )
要:英语本 土化 一直是 学术界讨论 的热点 。云 南西双版纳 多民族地 区 由于经 济、文化 、民族与 内地有很 多的差别 ,在 全球 化发展 的大
种观点 :一种是持支持的观点 。早 在 8 0年代 葛传 规先生 就提 出 “ 中 国英语 ” 的概念 ,说 :讲英语时都有些我 国特有 的东西要表达 。黄金 祺 ( 1 9 8 8 )提出 “ 汉 化英语 ” 的概念 并认 为具有 积 极的合 理 的 “ 带
有 中 国 色 彩 的英 语 ” 。汪 榕 培 ( 1 9 9 1 ) 也 提 出 “中 国 英 语 ” 的 概 念 ,
引 言
随着 经济 全球化 步伐 的加快发展 ,全世 界将 近有 1 / 4的人使用英
的多样个体 间关 系。由于受制与不 同文化背 景和价值观 的影响 ,他们 形成不 同的价值观 、心理状态 、道德意识和行 为。一些 著名人类学家
如 本尼 迪 克 特 ( B e n i e di c t r u t h) 、米 德 ( Me a d m a r g a r e t ) 认 为 ,人 在



论英语在 中国的“ 本土化 ” 时, 相当多 的作者在 文章 的英文摘
泰米尔英语 ( T ng a l i s h ) ; 四是语言 和文学作 品与英语接触 , 在 不 同层次 出现 了英语化 过程 中的独特语言范例 ; 五是在不 同 的社会语言学语境下 , 英语具有广泛 的作用 , 由此在 亚洲 、 非
土 化” 将 一 直是 “ ] 0 C a ] 1 z a t 1 0 n ” 。
[ 关键 词] 英语 的本土化 ;英语 的当地化 ;适应性 变化 ;中国语境 [ 中图分类号] H 3 1 2 [ 文献标识 码] A [ 基金项 目] 2 O 1 0 年湖南省高校教育改革研究项 目 “ 高校学生英语听说能力障碍的本土化解决方案研究”( 湘教通 2 O 1 1 一 l 9 3 ) [ 作者简 介] 谢粤湘 ( 1 9 7 5 一 ) ,女 ,硕 士,讲 师,研 究方 向为英语 口语 、商务英语。 自美 国语 言学 家 B. B .Ka c h r u在 其一 系列 著作 和文章
些作 品往往被认 为是本民族文学作品 的组成部分 ; 三是英语 深深 地渗透 到社会 当中 , 由此 产生 了一些 变体 , 如新 加坡英 语( S i n g l i s h ) 、 低方言( b a s i l e c t ) 、 市集 英语 ( b a z a r a E n g l i s h ) 、
洲 和其它 的英 语变体 中 , 产生 了当地化 的 ( 1 o c a l i z e d ) 语 域和
要和标 题 中使用 了“ n a t i v i z a t i o n ” 一词 。如李 文 中的《 英 语全 球化及 其在 中 国本 土化 的人文 影响 》 一 文 ] , 英 文标题 即为



被译 成 了 “ 鬼 ” 魔 。这 种 译 法抹 杀 了事 物的本质特 征 , 也没 有表 达 出具有 中国 特色 的东西 。跨文化交 际是两 种不 同文 化之 间的交 流 , 是本 土 文化 和 目标语 文
化 之 间 的 交 流 。 缺 失 了本 土 文 化 , 就 也
英语 的一种变 体 , 描写 中 国社会 和 中 要
大 型跨 国公 司进 行 了一 系列 的 战 略 调 整 与 管 理 改 革 , 而 保 持 了 良好 的 增 长 势 头 和 较 强 的 国 际 竞 争 力 。 本 文 以 沃 尔 玛 和 家 乐福 从 两 家 知 名 跨 国企 业 的 经 营 为例 , 析 了跨 国 企 业 经 营 的 主 要 战 略 , 分 并得 出对 我 国企 业 海 外经 营的 启 示 。 关键 词 : 国企 业 ; 土化 经 营 战 略 ; 示 跨 本 启
国历史文化 , 必须向 中文靠拢 , 吸收一 些
汉 语 特 有 的 表 达 方 法 。 因 此 , 应 该 对 不
语 讲得好坏要看其语音是不是标 准 的英
式 或 者 美 式 英 语 ; 断 一 个 人 英 语 写 作 判
水平 的高低要看他 的行 文是不 是符合 英
美 人 的 语 言 和 思 维 习惯 。而 中 国 英 语 则
接触 中扮演 了重要 角色 , 其影响深远 。 中国英语 的概 念最早 由葛传桑先 生 在2 0世 纪 8 0年代 提 出, 明确指 出那 他
些 具 有 中 国特 色 的 事 物 译 成 英 语 可 以 称 为 “ 周 英 语 ( hn nlh ” 第 一 位 中 C iaE gi ) 。 s 给 中 国英 语 下 定 义 的 人 是 汪 榕 培 。19 91
生过程 , 是英语 与本土文化结合的产物 。



随着 经济全球 化的发展 以及 互联 网络 的普 及,越来越多的国家视英语 为官方语言或通用语言 ,英语 的国际化及全球化 (lblai )已毋庸置 goa zt n i o
疑 。但英语在全球 化的过程中也带来 了广泛 的本土化(a vzt n ,例如 , nt i i ) i ao 新加 坡英语 、澳 大利 亚英 语等 的 出现 与 不断 崛起 。对于 英语 的本 土化 , Kahu cr认为 “ 英语一旦在某 一地 区被采用 ,不论其 目的是科 学、技术 、文 学还 是获得名望、地位 或是现代 化,它就会经受一个再生过程 ,部分是语 言 上 的 再 生 ,部 分 是 文 化 上 的再 生 ”Kahu 1 8 ) ( cr ,9 5 。这 种 再 生 过 程 就 是 英
ve ba nd no ve ba enf r e e ; r l a n— r lr i o c m nt
5 4
man an n e s fh mo ; it n n i t i i g a s n e o u r l e i g s
a tvey;a c p i ha e s nsm a ci l c e tng t tl s o y not
r s e t b i g p te t u d r t n i g e p c; en ain , n esa dn ,
a dn njd me tl h ligs d ns n o - g na; e n t e t u p u
s t r a i tc g a s f e i g p s tv e e ls i o l ;o f r n o ii e
p re t e e e e e i me r / h i
p r s , e tr a , o h a e y se d y t mo r w, h e b ro t ev r mu t as x r s h i e s lo e p e s t e t m ;wa c h th t e i a p o rae s it r m n i a n p r p i t h f fo o e t me f me r t no h r o i e v r e e n t e o a t e ;n tc e b t ns s i h r a ig. e dn




In recent years, the concept of "localization" has become increasingly important in the field of English language education. As English continues to be a global language, there is a growing emphasis on adapting the language to suit the specific needs and cultural contexts of different regions. This trend, known as "localization," has sparked much discussion and debate in the field of English language education. In this essay, we will explore the concept of localization and its impact on English language education.Definition of Localization。

Localization refers to the process of adapting a product or service to a specific language, culture, and market. In the context of English language education, localization involves tailoring the teaching and learning of English to the specific needs, interests, and cultural backgrounds of students in different regions. This may include using local examples, cultural references, and language variations in the teaching of English.Importance of Localization in English Language Education。



本土化发展英语作文Title: Localization of English Language Development。

In today's globalized world, the English language plays a significant role as a lingua franca, connecting people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. However, there's a growing recognition of the importance of localizing English language development to better meet the needs and context of different communities. This essay delves into the significance of localizing English language education and explores strategies to achieve effective localization.First and foremost, localizing English language development involves tailoring language learning materials, curriculum, and teaching methodologies to align with the linguistic, cultural, and educational contexts of specific regions or communities. This approach acknowledges thatone-size-fits-all pedagogical approaches may not besuitable for learners across the globe. By incorporatinglocal content, examples, and cultural references into English language instruction, educators can make thelearning experience more relevant and engaging for students.Furthermore, localization promotes linguistic diversity and preserves indigenous languages. Instead of viewing English as a threat to local languages, it can beintegrated into multilingual education frameworks where students have the opportunity to learn and appreciate both English and their mother tongue. Bilingual or multilingual education not only enhances students' proficiency inEnglish but also fosters a deeper understanding of theirown cultural heritage.Moreover, localized English language education can contribute to economic and social development at the local level. By equipping students with English language skills that are relevant to their community's needs, such as tourism, business, or technology, they are better preparedto participate in the global economy while also addressing local challenges. For example, in regions heavily relianton tourism, English language proficiency among localresidents can improve visitor experiences and boost economic opportunities.To achieve effective localization of English language development, collaboration among various stakeholders is essential. This includes educators, policymakers, community leaders, and language experts who can collectively design and implement localized curriculum and teaching strategies. Additionally, leveraging technology can facilitate access to localized learning resources, especially in underserved areas where traditional educational infrastructure may be lacking.Furthermore, teacher training programs should incorporate modules on localized English language instruction, equipping educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement localized approaches in their classrooms. Professional development opportunities and peer learning networks can also support teachers in continuously refining their practices based on local feedback and experiences.In conclusion, localizing English language development is imperative for providing meaningful and relevant language learning experiences to students worldwide. By tailoring curriculum, materials, and teaching methodologies to the linguistic and cultural contexts of specific communities, localization promotes linguistic diversity, preserves indigenous languages, and contributes to local economic and social development. Through collaborative efforts and investment in teacher training, effective localization can be achieved, ensuring that English language education meets the diverse needs of learners around the globe.。



全球本土化英语作文英文回答:When it comes to the topic of global localization of English, I believe it is a fascinating and complex issue. On the one hand, English has become a global language, spoken and understood by people all over the world. On the other hand, the way English is spoken and used can vary greatly from one region to another, leading to the development of different local variations of the language.For example, in the United States, people might say"I'm gonna grab some coffee" to mean that they are going to get some coffee, while in the United Kingdom, they might say "I'm going to have a cuppa" to express the same idea. These variations in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar are what make English such a diverse and dynamic language.中文回答:说到全球本土化英语这个话题,我认为这是一个既迷人又复杂的问题。



全球化与本土化的结合高中生英语作文Globalization and Localization: A Harmonious IntegrationIn today's interconnected world, the concepts of globalization and localization have become increasingly relevant.Globalization refers to the process of integrating economies, cultures, and societies on a worldwide scale.On the other hand, localization emphasizes the preservation and promotion of local traditions, values, and identities.While these two concepts seem to be at odds with each other, they can actually be harmoniously integrated to create a more vibrant and diverse world.One way to achieve this integration is through cultural exchange.As people from different countries interact more frequently, they have the opportunity to learn from one another's cultures and traditions.This exchange of ideas can lead to a greater appreciation of diversity and a more open-minded approach to global issues.For example, through international exchange programs, high school students can travel to different countries to learn about their cultures firsthand.This not only broadens their horizons but also fosters a sense of empathy and understanding towards people from different backgrounds.Another aspect of the integration of globalization and localization is the promotion of sustainable development.As the world becomes more interconnected, it is crucial to ensure that economic growth does not come at the expense of the environment.By supporting local businessesand industries, we can help preserve natural resources and reduce carbon emissions.For instance, buying locally-produced goods not only supports the local economy but also reduces the need for transportation, thereby decreasing pollution.Furthermore, the integration of globalization and localization can be seen in the realm of education.With the advent of technology, students have access to a wealth of information from around the globe.However, it is equally important to provide them with a strong foundation in their local culture and history.By doing so, we can help them develop a sense of identity and pride in their heritage.For example, schools can offer courses on local history and traditions, while also encouraging students to learn about other cultures through language classes or exchange programs.In conclusion, globalization and localization need not be mutually exclusive.By embracing cultural exchange, promoting sustainable development, and emphasizing the importance of education, we can create a world that is both globally connected and rich in local diversity.As high school students, it is essential for us to be aware of the challenges and opportunities presented by these concepts.By fostering a sense of empathy, understanding, and appreciation for different cultures, we can contribute to a more harmonious and interconnected world.。



全球本土化的英语作文英文回答:Global localization is a phenomenon that has been gaining traction in recent years. As the world becomes more interconnected and diverse, the need for localization has become increasingly important. In my opinion, global localization is essential for businesses and organizations to succeed in today's globalized world.One reason why global localization is important is that it allows businesses to connect with their target audience on a more personal level. By adapting their products and services to the local culture and language, businesses can better resonate with their customers. For example, when McDonald's first entered the Chinese market, they localized their menu to include items like the "McSpicy Chicken Burger" to cater to the local taste preferences. This not only made the brand more appealing to Chinese consumers, but also helped McDonald's establish a strong presence inthe Chinese market.Another reason why global localization is important is that it helps businesses avoid cultural misunderstandings and faux pas. Without proper localization, businesses run the risk of offending their target audience or failing to understand their needs and preferences. For instance, when PepsiCo launched their "Pepsi brings you back to life" campaign in China, the slogan was mistranslated to "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave." This cultural blunder caused an uproar and negatively impacted thebrand's image in China.中文回答:全球本土化是近年来逐渐受到关注的现象。



全球本土化英语作文英文回答:I think the globalization of English is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows people from different countries to communicate and understand each other more easily. For example, when I traveled to Japan last year, I was able to communicate with the locals in English, which made my trip much more enjoyable and stress-free. It also opens up more opportunities for international trade and business, as English is often used as the common language in these situations.However, on the other hand, the globalization of English can also lead to the loss of local languages and cultures. For instance, in some countries, the younger generation is more proficient in English than in their native language, which can lead to a decline in the use of the local language. This can result in the loss of traditional customs, stories, and ways of thinking that areunique to that culture.中文回答:我认为全球本土化的英语是一把双刃剑。



全球本土化的英语作文Global Localization。

In today's interconnected world, the concept of global localization has gained increasing prominence. It refers to the process of adapting global products and services tosuit local preferences and cultural contexts. This trend has been fueled by the desire to create a more personalized and tailored experience for consumers. Companies are now realizing the importance of understanding local nuances and adapting their offerings accordingly.Take the fast food industry, for example. Global chains like McDonald's and KFC have successfully localized their menus to cater to different tastes and dietary preferences. In China, for instance, KFC offers dishes like congee and soy milk to appeal to the local palate. This localization not only helps these companies gain a competitive edge but also shows respect for local traditions and customs.Similarly, the entertainment industry has also embraced localization. Hollywood movies are often dubbed orsubtitled in different languages to reach a wider audience. Additionally, some movies are even shot in multiple versions to cater to specific markets. This not only enhances the viewing experience for audiences but also allows for greater cultural representation and diversity.Education is another sector where localization has become crucial. English, as a global language, is being taught in schools worldwide. However, educators are now recognizing the importance of incorporating local content and cultural references into the curriculum. This helps students connect with the language on a deeper level and fosters a sense of pride in their own culture and heritage.In the world of technology, localization plays a vital role in user experience. Software and apps are now being designed with intuitive interfaces and localized content to cater to different markets. This ensures that users can easily navigate and understand the product, regardless of their language or cultural background. Localization intechnology not only makes products more accessible but also fosters inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.In conclusion, global localization is a growing trend that seeks to bridge the gap between global products and local preferences. It allows for a more personalized and tailored experience for consumers, while also respecting and embracing local traditions and customs. Whether it's in the food industry, entertainment, education, or technology, localization is becoming increasingly important in a world that values diversity and cultural understanding.。



高中生英语作文全球化与本土化Globalization and LocalizationIn today's interconnected world, the concepts of globalization and localization have become increasingly relevant.Globalization refers to the process of integrating economies, cultures, and societies on a global scale.On the other hand, localization emphasizes the importance of preserving local cultures, traditions, and identities.While these two concepts seem contradictory, they are not mutually exclusive and can coexist harmoniously.The advancements in technology and transportation have facilitated the flow of goods, services, and information across borders.As a result, people have access to a wider range of products and services from different parts of the world.This has led to the standardization of certain aspects of culture, such as language, cuisine, and fashion.For example, the popularity of fast food chains like McDonald's and Starbucks can be attributed to globalization.However, globalization has also sparked a backlash against the loss of local cultures.Many argue that globalization threatens the uniqueness and diversity of local traditions and identities.In response, there has been a growing movement towards localization.This is evident in the rise ofSupport local businesses and sustainable tourism.By supporting local businesses, people can help preserve local traditions and promotecultural diversity.Moreover, localization also has environmental benefits.The production of locally-sourced goods reduces carbon emissions from transportation, thereby helping to combat climate change.Additionally, localization encourages the sustainable use of resources and promotes biodiversity.In conclusion, globalization and localization are not opposing forces, but rather complementary concepts.While globalization has its benefits, such as increased access to goods and services, localization helps preserve the uniqueness and diversity of local cultures.By striking a balance between the two, we can create a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations.。













他认为“所有这些英译文都不是Chinese English或Chinglish,而是China English。


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他认为“所有这些英译文都不是Chinese English或Chinglish,而是China English。








另外,在语法上,我们可以看到有很多汉语缩略句译介成中国英语后带有显著中国特色,例one country two system(一国两制)、safety first and prevention first(上有政策,下有对策)等等。










例如表现政治气候的新词:four modernization(四个现
代化)、macro-economic control system(宏观调控体系)等。




