








如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。

如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。

如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。



自然拼读法练习(一)孩子将在提示音下完成英语拼读自然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节Phonics自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更容易理解。














天然拼读法(Phonics)进修步调详解天然拼读法(Phonics),是指看到一个单词,就可以依据英文字母在单词里的发音纪律把这个单词读出来的一种办法.即从“字母发音-字母组合发音-单词-简略句子-整段句子”慢慢进修,让孩子轻松控制“天然拼读”法,造就孩子准确的英语语感,打好英语进修的基本.在英语母语国度的幼儿园里,孩子们从三岁起,就开端接收天然拼读法的进修了,这种办法是美国及许多英语母语国度孩子进修本身母语的办法.英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是有26个字母构成的,而在成千上万的不合拼法中,根本发音音素却只有48个,这解释26个字母与根本音素间是有着必定接洽关系的.但是,英语是属于比较深邃的拼音文字,也就是说26个字母与根本音素之间没有一对一的对应关系,而是一对多和多对一的庞杂关系,这对进修英语词汇的发音和拼写无疑增长了难度.尽管如斯,人们照样总结出了许多发音纪律,这些纪律对于绝大多半英文词汇都是实用的,这就是天然拼读法.天然拼读在国外是一向沿用学说话的办法,有着成熟的教授教养计划,在国外黉舍,天然拼读进修分为六个阶段:第一阶:树立字母与字母天然发音之间的直接接洽.第二阶:可以或许成功拼读元音+子音(子音+元音).如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:可以或许成功拼读子音+元音+子音.如d-o-g dog第四阶:可以或许成功拼读双音节或多音节单词.如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:可以或许听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词.第六阶:单词量大量扩充,可以或许浏览英语文章.天然拼读进修步调步调一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节Phonics天然拼音,或叫“天然拼读法”更轻易懂得.拼读什么?就是看到英文字母或字母的组合能天然地读出.读对它的发音.这里,起首要区分“读音”(Name)与“发音”(Sound).A-Z的26个字母几乎大家都熟悉.都能念出来,而念出来的就是字母本身的“读音”;而天然发音指的是字母的“发音”.发音不合于读音.看到字母后,不管读音,找对发音.这就Phonics要学的.理论可以讲许多很深,但Phonics重视的是办法与实践.是以,知道怎么准确发音就行了.1.21个子音字母的发音其实只有18个.C/K发音雷同,只能举动当作一个;W.Y是两个半元音字母.归在一处,只为便利.2.5个元音字母的发音-短元音a.e.i.o.u是进修的重点.步调二:元音的字母音-长元音5个元音构成的以下元音组合的发音,就是该元音的字母音,即该字母的读音,但必须是发长音.1.a的字母音----其组合为/a_e/./ai/./ai/,发音为a的字母音(读音),写作/ei/(注--以下都用国际音标符号).规矩举例/a_e/ e在结尾不发音 cake tape lake gate plate grape cane/ai/ 出如今以n/l结尾的单词中 rain train mail nail sail brain tail /rail/ai/ 出如今单词末尾 play day today away say may stay2.e的字母音----其组合为/e_e/./ee/./ea/./e/,发音为e的字母音(读音),写作/i:/.规矩举例/e_e/ e在结尾不发音 these Chinese Japanese athlete Pete Eve/ee/ keep tree three sleep meet seenseed/ea/ eat sea tea read meat clean speaksteal/e/ 只有一个元音且在单词末尾 he she we me3.i的字母音----其组合为/i_e/./ie/./igh/./y/,发音为i 的字母音(读音),写作/ai/.规矩举例/i_e/ e在结尾不发音 ice nine ride hide side line bike mike/ie/ 出如今单词末尾 die lie tie pie/igh/ 出如今子音之间且结尾为爆破音right night light bright fright/y/ 满是子音且出如今单词末尾byfly sky spy cry dry try fry4.o的字母音----其组合为/o_e/./oa/./ow/,发音为o的字母音(读音),写作/ou/.规矩举例/o_e/ e在结尾不发音 home nose stone hope rope rose/oa/ 出如今子音之间且结尾为爆破音soap load float road coat/ow/ 出如今单词末尾know slow grow throw low snow5.u的字母音----其组合为/u_e/./ue/./ui/.这个字母发音特殊有味,它有两个发音,即u的(汉语拼音)字母读音/u:/ 或(英文)字母读音/ju:/.规矩一:当元音前的字母为爆破音时读u的英文字母音/ju:/ 举例/u_e/ cube tube cute cure dune dupe (破例fuse fume)/ue/ Tuesday due undue cue/ui/ suit规矩二:其他情形下读u的汉语字母音/u:/ 举例/u_e/ rule flute June Jude rude jute/ue/ blue true glue flue clue sue rue(一般都出如今单词末尾)/ui/ juice fruit bruise须要的填补:关于爆破音.摩擦音.清子音与浊子音爆破音.摩擦音各6个,其又分为爆破清子音.爆破浊子音.摩擦清子音.摩擦浊子音.爆破音--发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音p t k 清子音--有气流.无声音.(声带)无振动b d g 浊子音--有气流.有声音.(声带)有振动摩擦音--牙齿张开,气流从牙齿缝中发出来s f th 清子音--牙齿中央无舌头,如bath.mouth.thingz v th 浊子音--牙齿中央有舌头,如the.this.that.thank舌尖略略伸出,放在高低齿之间,轻触上齿,气流从上齿和舌尖之间流出转音规矩--摩擦音s与爆破清子音p.t.k联合,转发爆破浊子音b.d.g.sp -->sb spy spill spoonst -->sd stay still stonesk -->sg sky skill关于爆破音与摩擦音一节,很主要,也是初级课程里最难的地方.但学到转音规矩仍然会认为有味.步调三:单词的天然拼读规矩1.先找元音及元音组合;比地契词say.warmer.unhappy(短线划出元音及元音组合);2.肯定音节,有几个元音或元音组合就有几个音节;比方上述三个单词分离有1.2.3个音节3.划分音节,两个元音或元音组合之间,只有一个子音,子音归后;4.按音节拼读,元音或元音组合+比来的子音+次子音(主次以前后为准,前主后次)比地契词say,第一步写出元音组合/ay/,第二步加上子音/s/,即ay->say;步调四:子音的混杂 1.双子音双子音在单词中只发一个音(短音节);比方:egg.odd.glass.apple.jazz2.混杂子音(Consonant blends)3.子音连缀主要的子音连缀为5对.7组/s/./br/bl/ break.brush.branch.broom.brake在美国及许多英语母语国度,孩子们在幼儿园都起首要控制天然拼读法,在小学三年级前要把根本轨则全体控制,并成为闇练的浏览者.控制了天然拼读法的根本纪律后,学生们就须要靠大量的浏览来增长词汇量,丰硕本身的脑筋里字母与发音的对应关系,从而可以或许对不熟悉的.发音不规矩词汇的发音做出准确的猜测,到了这个阶段就可以说已经根本控制英语浏览了.后期,我们也会制造天然拼读卡.引进天然拼读绘本,帮忙孩子们进修天然拼读,信任只要有好的办法亲睦的前提,一贯擅长进修的中国孩子英语也必定会很棒的!。



上册单词1.短元音aand和man男人bag包,袋子cap帽子fan风扇hat帽子has有map地图rat老鼠act表演bat球棒van有篷货车ant蚂蚁jam果酱sad伤心的ask询问tap轻打gas煤气add增加fax传真ham火腿pal好朋友can’t不能fact事实backpack背包2.长元音alate晚的bake烘烤game游戏tape磁带shape形状age年龄page页cage笼子vase花瓶wave挥手lake湖泊safe安全的race竞赛change改变brave勇敢的plate盘子taste品尝sail航行tail尾巴wait等待paint油漆train火车rain下雨fail失败mail邮件chain链lay放置way路gray昏暗的railway铁路,铁道部门3.短元音emet yep bed egg getleg let hen pen tenyes net pet wet yetred end next desk best send nest test help well4.长元音ebe beet feed feet feel sweet queen canteen fifteen sixteencheese these Chinese evening east cream jeans neat each beach peach cheap treat leave niece piece leafy sleepy key honey5.短元音ibin pin tin win tipfit fix mix its diddig bit hit kid himzip his ill gift hill milk miss wind quiz twins6.长元音idie lie size mine fire drive smile quite shine rice rise hide side site pipe wide dive lime prize by dry why shy cry mind high fight tight might wild7.短元音olog lot dot hop mop top got nod job off soft pop fox from sock clock shopping crossing boxing dolphinchopsticks pond contest8.长元音oOh so hole bone rope those phone notebook note hopesmoke bowl blow grow throwopen going goal toast floatgoat soap coach hold fold goldfish most post postman postbox9.短元音uup us but cut nut bug hug mug rug mud yuk sum fun gum yum dust rubbish duckling dumpling dustbinpumpkin lunchbox sunset thumbtack10.长元音uuse rude rule June studentflu music unit T uesday glue blue juice fruit suitcase new few mew flew nephew newspaper11.四人帮ck,ll,ss,tchback snack black crack neck checksick kick pick lock rock knockluck shall bell tell sell smellkill will doll pass class glasschess Miss cross catch match pitchwitch12.h魔法师sh,ch,tch,th,wh,phshall trash flash shell shelf fresh shipdish wish shop rush brush chat branch French bench chips rich which lunch math path that than Thenthem this with length twelfth fifth]thin thick moth when whip whowhisk graph phiz13.后鼻音nk,ngbank ink pink wink drink sink junk trunk bang hang sing kingwing ring swing bring song long14.词尾组合hand land lend bend pond went hint fronthunt camp lamp pump last past west restvest list cost lost just must half filmmelt mask disk left lift soft crisp15.L blendsbless block blond blunt clap clock club flat flagglad plant plum slim16.R blendstram trick trip dress drill drop drum brush crab cram fresh grass print shrimp thrill下册单词1.S Blendsstamp staff stick still stove stone stew spend spit speak space skin skip skate skill scale scream script strict string strong stream street strangespring screw switch squid smoke snack2.arjar art arm harm cart barn yarn part dark yard start smart March charm sharp large scarf partymarker garden sharpen sharpener guitar supermarket3.五朵金花per were term clerk serve never faster crackernumber helper silver lobster lantern hamster pepperthunder first third circle dirty thirsty hurt purse turning turkey Thursday hamburger earth worm world4.七个宝葫芦corn fork form torch sport short order corner popcorn boring report more shore store snore before indoor floor pour yours court board skateboard warm warn quarter5.鸭梨家族、耳朵家族、ire,oor,our,ureair fair pair stair downstairs upstairs airporthaircut dairy airplane wear wearing share square careful their theirs hear near clear deer here weirdwire poor tour pure6.oi,oyoil boil foil coil soil broil coin join noise noisy point moist hoist voice toilet boy toy soy coyjoy enjoy oyster7.ou,owours hour sour flour ouch loud mouse mouth southshout blouse bounce round ground cloudy loudly outsidesprout without county mountain owl town crowd tower power8.四个小骗子:au,aw,al,allbald salt salty stalk also always walkman fall wallcall hall mall smaller football meatball baseball basketball waterfall sauce because August saw raw drawseasaw9.oosoon hoop root boot poor smooth spoon loosegoose choose tooth toothpick toothpaste toothache notebookah-choo igloo bookshelf bookstore afternoon balloon washroom bathroom bamboo rooster sketch-book10.前缀reply receive refuse repeat reform reveal regard remote preheat prepay discuss dislike discount unlikeuntie unfair unjust unkind unlock interest internetautomatic supermarket superman submit subtract11.后缀picture nature culture lecture feature education conversation discussion musician special delicious beautiful awful useful careful helpful hopeful harmful thankful grateful wonderful bottle kettle bubble middle simple circle candle valuable enjoyable helpless homeless harmless hopelesshappiness sadness kindness darkness sweetness sicknesssoftness agreement apartment washed stepped tiedplayed planted hated cried tried ducks pantsoranges legs glasses boxes12.划分音节Score steal diary science paper hotel body copyT axi airport children doctor silver letter butter messy dollar April secret afraid address delicious message skateboard barbecueSilent consonantskn=k know knife knee knightgn=n sign foreign gnaw design gnarlgh=g ghost ghont spaghettiwr=r wrist wrote wrap wrong writewh=w/h who what which when why whomwhole wheelmb=m climb lamb comb tomb thumbmn=m autumn column damnsilent p cupboard psycho receiptsilent b debt doubtsilent t fasten castle whistle Christmas listen silent d sandwich Wednesday handsome handkerchiefsilent h honor honest rhyme John hourOther Consonantsch=sh chef machinech=k school headache stomach Christmas chemistryph=gh=f photo phone pharmacygh=f laugh coughgu=g guest guess guide guitar vaguedge=j fridge bridge edgeother rules for vowelsshort vowelsau laugha haveai plaidshort eea bread head weather heavy health pear bear wearai saida any manyshort iu busy business minuteui build guilt guitari-e give liveai fountain mountain captaine recallshort oa was watch washshort uo mother come son nothing dozen love some monkeyoo blood floodou cough tough touch cousin youngshort oou put push pull full bushou could would shouldlong vowelslong aea great break steakey they hey preyei veil reindeera nature nationlong eeo peoplelong iui guide disguiseuy buy guylong oou shoulder though althoughlong ueu neutral neuk neuralSOUND AND SPELLINH TABLE CONSONANTSVowels。








A-Z 的26个字母几乎大家都认识、都能念出来,而念出来的就是字母本身的“读音”;而自然发音指的是字母的“发音”。












规则举例/i_e/ e在结尾不发音icenineridehidesidelinebikemike/ie/ 出现在单词末尾dielietiepie/igh/ 出现在辅音之间且结尾为爆破音rightnightlightbrightfright/y/ 全是辅音且出现在单词末尾byflyskyspycrydrytryfry4、o的字母音----其组合为/o_e/、/oa/、/ow/,发音为o的字母音(读音),写作/ou/。

规则举例/o_e/ e在结尾不发音homenosestonehoperoperose/oa/ 出现在辅音之间且结尾为爆破音soaploadfloatroadcoat/ow/ 出现在单词末尾knowslowgrowthrowlowsnow5、u的字母音----其组合为/u_e/、/ue/、/ui/。








如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。

如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。

如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能够拼出该单词。



自然拼读法练习(一)小孩将在提示音下完成英语拼读自然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节Phonics自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更易明白得。













自然拼读学习篇: Phonics各种发音规则系列,准备学 Phonics的必看自然拼音法,是美国小学生学习阅读的必经之路。

下面的几个表格,列出了美国小学从学前班到三年级在阅读方面的基本要求,从中可以一窥自然拼音法掌握程度的几项衡量标准:Letter Naming Fluency (字母认知),Initial Sounds Fluency(起始音分辨),Phonemic Segmentation Fluency (音素分解),Nonsense Word Fluency (无意义词汇认读),以及掌握自然拼音法后要达到的Oral Reading Fluency(口头朗读流利程度)。




这也是很多家长Phonics 之自然拼音法基本规则和小窍门(一)英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是由 26 个字母拼出来的,而在成千上万的不同拼法中,基本发音因素却只有 39-47 个,这说明 26 个字母与基本音素间是有着一定的关联的。


26 个字母与基本音素之间没有一对一的这对学习英语词汇的发音和拼写无疑增加了难尽管如此,人们还是总结出了很多发音规律,这些规律对于绝大多数英文词汇都是适用的,这就是自然拼音法。

英文的 26 个字母,分为元音和辅音,其中元音只有5 个,即 a,e,i,o,u,其余字母均为辅音。




什么是自然‎拼读法 (Phoni‎c s)我的孩子们‎以前是在美‎国上的学,孩子们在一‎年级之前已‎经掌握自然‎拼读法了。



自然拼读法‎从简到难的‎学习顺序为‎:1、二十六个字‎母的读音 (Lette‎r Sound‎s)。



单音节词“y”在末尾,“y”发“i”的音(one sylla‎b le, y at the end (prono‎u nced‎as“i”)):my、why、fly、sky。

多音节词“y”在末尾,“y”发“e”的音(two sylla‎b les,y at the end(prono‎u nced‎as“e”)):daddy‎、mommy‎、baby。

2、单元音单词‎拼读(Conso‎n ant-Vowel‎-Conso‎n ant Combi‎n atio‎n s)。


Begin‎n ing Conso‎n ants‎、Endin‎g Conso‎n ants‎、One Vowel‎Word,Short‎Vowel‎Sound‎s。

3、双元音单词‎拼读(Two Vowel‎Words‎)。



4、双/三辅音在一‎起时的联读‎(Conso‎n ant Blend‎s)。

Begin‎n ing conso‎n ant blend‎s(bl、br、cl、cr、dr、fl、fr、gl、fr、pl、pr、sc、sk、sl、sm、sn、sp、st、sw、tr、tw、scr、spl、str)。



昂立外语自然拼读法测试试卷Name:_______ Score:______一、Listen and write.听一听,并写下开头字母。

(每小题1分,共20分)_pple _p _ar _ard _ice _alk _up _n _reen _en _iss _x _ird _ig _ed _uick _un _atch fo_ _am二、Listen and circle 听一听,圈出正确的字尾音组。

(每小题3分,共30分)1. ed et eg2.eg en et3. ent end ell4. est et end5. ell end ent6. est ent ell7. will pill hiss 8. rid tip hit9. hill fin bid 10. rim bin jig三、Listen and tick.将正确的音组打“√”(每小题2分,共20分)1. ete et ate2. ike ake ime3.ike ane im4.ine ipe ive5.ire ive ine6.ine ipe etee ute ure 8.ube ure ute9.ade ake ate 10.ole ope ore四、Listen and match.听一听,连出正确的单字。

(每小题3分,共18分)ake ope ute m ane p oke s ube ate one ureade it ipb ad w oke l opeide ete op 五、Listen and tick.听一听,将听到的句子打“√”。

(每小题3分,共12分)1. Jake makes a cake.Mike likes a bike.2.Wade made a jade.Ride at the side.3.The cube is on the bone.The rose is on the hose.4. A cone is by the bone.A pole is by the mole.。



Kristen’s phonics classPHONICS REVISION(自然拼读法复习资料)Name____________☺Long Vowels 长元音Long Aaai jail----监狱,nail----钉子,paint----油漆,rail----铁轨,rain----雨,tail----尾巴ay bay----海湾,May----五月,pay----付款,ray----光线say----说,way----道路Long Eeee bee---蜜蜂,feet---脚,jeep---吉普车,peel---果皮,see---看见,teeth---牙齿ea eagle---鹰,leaf---叶子,meat----肉,pea---豌豆,peach---桃子,sea--海,tea--茶ey donkey---驴, hockey----曲棍球, key---钥匙monkey---猴子,money--钱,trolley--手推车Long Iiie die----死,lie----躺,pie----派,tie----领带igh fight----打架,high---高的,light---灯,night---夜晚,right---对的,tight----紧的Long Oooa boat----船,coal----煤,coat----外套,goat---山羊,road---道路,soap---肥皂ow bowl----碗low---低的,pillow---枕头,rainbow---彩虹row--划船,window---窗户,Long Uuui fruit----水果,juice----果汁,suit----套装ue blue----蓝色,glue----胶水,Sue----苏(女子名)Letter Y(半元音)y cry---哭,dry---干的,fly---飞my---我的,shy---害羞的,sky---天空,spy---间谍,y baby-婴儿,dirty--脏的dizzy--眩晕的happy--快乐的pony--小马sunny---晴朗的R-vowels(R--元音)or corn---玉米fork---叉子fort---堡垒horse---马porch---门厅pork---猪肉ar arm---手臂air---空气cart---手推车garden---花园car---汽车farm---农场park---花园ur fur ---毛皮nurse---护士turtle---海龟turkey---火鸡purse--- 钱包hurt---伤害er brother---兄弟mermaid---美人鱼rooster---公鸡under---在…底下winter---冬天ir bird ---鸟birthday---生日circle---圆圈dirt ---污垢dirty ---肮脏的girl---女孩Diphthongs (双元音)ou out---外面count ---数数house---房子mountain ---山mouth---嘴shout---大喊ow brown ---棕色clown---小丑cow ---母牛crown---皇冠flower---花owl---猫头鹰oi boil---煮coil---盘绕coin---硬币noise---噪音oil---油point---点poison---毒药oy boy---男孩oyster---牡蛎cowboy---牛仔soy---酱油toy---玩具Vowel Digraphs(两个元音在一起发一个音)au autumn---秋天August---八月naughty---调皮的sauce---调味汁sausage---香肠aw draw画lawn---草坪paw---爪子saw---锯子strawberry---草莓oo(长)boots--靴子food--食物moon--月亮roof--屋顶room --房间spoon--汤匙oo(短)book--书cook-烹饪cookie-饼干foot---脚hook---钩子look---看woods---树林ea bear ---熊feather---羽毛head---头lead---铅leather ---皮革pear---梨sweat---汗Consonant digraphs(两个辅音在一起发一个音)ch beach ---海滩bench ---长椅cheese---奶酪cherry ---樱桃chicken ---鸡肉church --教堂sh dish ---碟子fish---鱼push---推sheep---绵羊ship---船shirt---衬衫shoes---鞋wh whale ---鲸鱼wheel---轮子wheelchair---轮椅whip---鞭子white---白色ph alphabet---字母elephant---大象photo---照片telephone---电话trophy---奖杯th brother---兄弟father---父亲feather---羽毛leather---皮革mother ---母亲th bath ---洗澡mouth ---嘴teeth ---牙齿thief---小偷thirsty---渴three---三Consonant blends(辅音混合音)bl black---黑色,blocks---积木,bloom---花朵,blouse---女式衬衫,blue---蓝色fl flag---旗子,flame---火苗,flat---平坦,floor---地板,flower---花,fly---飞pl plane---飞机,planet---行星,plant---植物,plate---盘子,plum---李子,plus---加cl clap---拍,clay---黏土,clean---干净的,climb---爬,clock---钟gl glass---玻璃杯,glasses---眼镜,glider---滑翔机,globe---地球,glove---手套,cr crab---螃蟹,crayon---蜡笔,cream---奶油,crow---乌鸦,crown---皇冠,cry---哭gr grandma---奶奶,grapes---葡萄,grass---草,gray---灰色,green---绿色,pr prawn---大虾,pray---祈求,press---压,price---价格,prince---王子,br bread---面包,brick---砖,bride---新娘,bright---明亮的,brown---棕色fr frame---框架,Friday---星期五,friend---朋友,frog---青蛙,front----前面,tr tractor---拖拉机,train---火车,tray---托盘,tree---树,triangle---三角形dr draw---画,dream---梦,dress---包扎,drink---喝,drive---驾驶,drop---滴,sm small---小的,smell---气味,smile---微笑,smoke---吸烟,smooth---光滑的sn snack---点心,snail---蜗牛,snake---蛇,snow---雪,snowman---雪人sl slap---掴,sled---雪橇,sleep---睡觉,slide---滑,slope---斜坡,slow---慢的sw swan---天鹅,sweat---汗,sweet---甜的,swim---游泳,swing--秋千,switch--开关sp(p变b)spaceship---太空船,spell---拼写,spider---蜘蛛,spoon---汤勺st (t变d)stamp-邮票stand--站立,stick---树枝,store-商店,storm--暴风雨sc (c变g)scale---鱼鳞,scanner---扫描机,scarecrow---稻草人,scarf---围巾,sk(k变g)skates---溜冰鞋,skirt---裙子,skis---滑雪板。



Part 1:CVC a e i o uAa: mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operateUu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle underPart 1:CVCe a_e e_e i_e o_e u_ea_e: cape name tape lake game make take hate e_e : these Japanese Chinesei_e: bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo_e: rose nose rope note pose home rode those u_e: tube cube June cute hugePart 2: ai ay ee ea eyai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday: bay ray way say hay pay May layee: reed seel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea ey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolleyPart 2: ie igh oa ow ui ueie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low ui: suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue truePart 3:ar er ir ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park garden er: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn forkPart 4:ou ow oi oyou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower oi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy: oyster boy cowboy soy toyPart 4:au aw oo oo eaau: august sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room coolfool boom oo:book cook good foot look hook ea: head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather featherPart 5:ch sh wh phch: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovel wh: whale white wheel wheat whip whistlewheelchair whisperph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetPart 5:th th kn wr mbth: brother feather leather father motherth: thumb three bathmat thirsty thiefbath mouth teethkn: knob knee knife knock knitwr: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numbPart 6:bl fl pl cl glbl: blue black blouse bloom bleachblanket blonde hairfl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown gl: glove globe glass glue glasses gliderPart 6:br cr gr pr fr tr drbr: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother cr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr: prixe price prawn press prince princess prayPart 6:fr tr drfr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drinkPart 7:sm sn sl swsm: smile small smell smoke smooth sn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl: slow slap sleep slide slope sled sw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatPart 7:sp st sc sksp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spell st: stockings store star stampstorm stick student standsc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrowscale scorpion scoopsk: skunk skis skirt skatesPart 7:all ew yall: call tall fall ball wallew: dew few view hew new nephew newspaper Yy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy : Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty ponyhappy babyPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音b: bad big bay ban bog bark Ben beg bid beed: dad day dan dug dig darkt: tin tab Tim ten teed tubc: class cap cat cut comep: pan pig pack peg pay pork pinPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音g: gap game glass gut get gargam gain gaym: mice mine map met mill mailmay meet mann: nice nine nap net nill nan need nay nail night namel: light lab low led lay letlame lob lagPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音r: row red rob rain ray ragv: vat van vast vest vent vide vinef: fat fast fan fill fid fit fop feed fen k: keen kit kind kickqu: queen quit quiet quitePart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音j: jet jar jam jay job jay joke joke jain w: west went wine wides: sip sit soon soup sandwich sand say z:zoo zip zit zoomPart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音b: cab tab cab pub robed: cad tad bad hard mad sad bed led wed bid made foods: mass boss bus booksx: max box foxf: leaf life gift left safePart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音v: live five give cave saveck: back pick dick brick hockg: bag pig dig brig hogp: cap lap tap rope pupsap pup map cupPart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音b: cab lab robe pubm: seem same ham bam dimn: ban din seen ten hant: bat hat sat bet let wet bit mate bite soent foot not cut gotPart 10: a, e, i, o,u的短音,主要在CVC单词中的发音Part 11: a, e, i, o,u的长音,主要在CVCe单词中的发音a: (长音) cake bake gate snake bate came fate lake rate make late date plane take tape face(短音) cat back gas bat can fat tack tap dad fan plan mad jam lack rate: (长音) me mete(短音) met pen Beni: (长音) bite hike life site wipe wine pine Mike bite bike kite(短音) bit hit lick kick lit sit wit win pin Mick big pigo: (长音) hope Coke nose dote note mope rose(短音) not mop rob cock nock hock dotu: (长音) cute dute use(短音) cut duck us bus underPart 10: a, e, i, o,u的短音,主要在CVC单词中的发音a: (短音) cat back gas bat can fattack tap dad fan plan mad jam lack rat e: (短音) met pen Beni: (短音) bit hit lick kick lit sit witwin pin Mick big pigo: (短音) not mop rob cock nock hock dotu: (短音) cut duck us bus underPart 11: a, e, i, o,u的长音,主要在CVCe单词中的发音a: (长音) cake bake gate snake bate came fate lakerate make late date plane take tape face e: (长音) me metei: (长音) bite hike life site wipe wine pine Mike bite bike kiteo: (长音) hope Coke nose dote note mope rose u: (长音) cute dute use。

自然拼读 5练习题

自然拼读 5练习题

Magic Phonics four and five.Final Examination姓名:_______________ 得分:__________________说明:卷面分为100分.Part1 Listening Comprehension(一).Listen and choose.(10)1.( )A.brain B.pray C. train2.( )A.clay B.sprain C.pay2.( )A.snail B. plane C.skate 4.( )A.snakeB.scale C.whale 5.( )A.flea B. eat C.speak 6.( )A.green B.sheep C.tree 7.( )A.sleep B.street C.eat 8.( )A.theme B.these C.Pete 9.( )A.bride B.smile C.slide 10.( )A.blue B.glue C.fruit (二).Listen and write T or F .(20)1().My father is a cook.2.( ).My favourite fruit is strawberry.3.( ).Miss Sheep can’t find his yellow umbrella.4.( ).She walks on the street.5.( ).Miss Sheep feels hot and tired.6.( ).She stands under the tree.7.( ).Grace is drawing now.8.( ).Greg takes a green crayon.9.( ).Paul wants to play basketball with his friends.10.( ).They are talking about basketball game.(三).Think and write down the family members.(25)A family :_________________________________________ E family:__________________________________________ I family:__________________________________________ O family:__________________________________________ U family:__________________________________________(四)Listen and dictate the new words.(10)1.________2.________3.________4._______5.__________6.________7.________8.________9._______10._________Part Two: Reading and Writing.(四)Look and spell the following words.(25)1.ball2.mall3.tall4.small5.talk1.walk 7.pause 8.Paul 9.sauce 10.caught11.paw 12.saw 13.jaw 14.log 15.fog16.jog 17.house 18.mouse 19.hound 20.pound 21.flower 22. brown 23.cow 24.how 25.coin26.point 27.soil 28.boy 29.toy 30. joy 31.book 32.foot 33.food 34.moon 35.look 36.art 37.farm 38.park 39.star 40.dark 41.or 42.for 43.fork 44.short 45.sport 46.herb 47.her 48.tiger 49.bird 50.doctor(五)Look and read the sentences.(10)A.A mouse is on a fence.B.A cow is next to the fence.C.Which fruit is blue?D.Which fruit is yellow?E.We like to look at the moon.F.W e like to go to the zoo by car.G.A toy is in the boy’s hand.H.Shirley is a nice girl,she is a nurse.I.Shirley works hard,she loves her work.J.Her father has a pet bird,she likes it.。

Phonics 自然拼读第10课

Phonics 自然拼读第10课

/ə/ 2. ar
sugar /ˈʃʊɡə/ dollar /ˈdɒlə/ popular /ˈpɒpjələ/ forward/ˈfɔːwəd/ grammar /ˈɡræmə/ similar /ˈsɪmələ/
/ə/ 3. er
water /ˈwɔːtə/ after /ˈɑːftə/ eraser /ɪˈreɪzə/ driver /ˈdraɪvə/ order /ˈɔːdə/ another /əˈnʌðə/
fast move
horse walk
nurse card
1. or
2. al
/ ɔ: / 3. au
1. a
/ɑ:/ 2. ar
4. aw
3. au
5. oor
6. a
1. u
1. o
/ ʊ / 2. oo
3. oul
/u:/ 2. u
3. oo
4. ui
5. ou
/ə/ 4. or
doctor /ˈdɒktə/ visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə/
actor /'æktə/
monitor /ˈmɒnɪtə/
/ɜ:/ 1. ir 字母组合ir只发/ɜ:/
bird /bɜ:d/ third /θɜːd/
girl /gɜ:l/
first /fɜːst/
Hale Waihona Puke thirsty /ˈθɜːsti/ birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/
/ɜ:/ 2. or
word /wɜ:d/ world /wɜːld/
work /wɜ:k/ worth /wɜːθ/
/ɜ:/ 3. ur



牛津Let’s go Phonics 3测试卷班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 卷面分: 1分一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词选项, 填在括号中(1X10=10分):1.()A.zip B.zebra C.zoo2.()A.box B.fox C.ox3.()A.fish B.fan C.fine4.()A.map B.monkey C.Man5.()A.wolf B.window C.well6.()A.leaf zy C.lion7.()A.red B.radish C.rain8.()A.yellow B.yarn C.yawn9.()A.goat B.gate C.good10.()A.queen B.quail C.Quilt二、听录音, 写出图片中单词的首字母(大小写)(2X10=20分)三、听字母音三次, 勾出老师所读的字母音。

(2X6=12分)1.sp sw sk( ) ( ) ( )ar ur ir2( ) ( ) ( )四、听单词三次, 圈出单词的首字母音。

(2X5=10分)br bl tr1.2... ..五、听单词三次, 圈出单词的尾字母音。

(2X5=10分)1....2.. ..六、选择你所听到的单词, 在括号内打√。

(4*7=28分)1.tur. .. .2.her... .3.dirt... ..4.curse.. )serve ( ) first ( ) urge ( ) blur ( ) Pau.... . 6.bo... ..7.brea. .. )August ( ) Joy( ) spread ( )八、在左边表格中圈出对应的单词, 然后拼读出来(1X9=9分)。



Phonics Reading CompetitionTest for teachersI. Where would you find the number of syllables in a word?A.encyclopediaB. dictionaryC. almanacD. thesaurusII. How many syllables are there in the following words? Put the number down in the bracket.1.January( )2. glimpse ( )3. nervous ( )4. tortoise ( )5. rhythm( ) III. To segment each word into syllables, which is correct according to phonetic rules.A.bur-glarB. burg-larC. bur-gl-arD. bur-g-larA.kit-chenB. kitch-enC. ki-tchenD. ki-tch-enA. all-iga-torB. a-lli-ga-torC. al-li-ga-torD. all-i-ga-torA. cho-co-lateB. choc-o-la-teC. cho-co-la-teD. choc-o-lateA.ve-ge-ta-blesB. veg-e-ta-blesC. ve-get-ablesD. veg-et-ablesA.ac-tiv-i-tyB. a-cti-vi-tyC. ac-ti-vi-tyD. a-ctiv-i-tyA.pleas-antB. plea-santC. pl-ea-santD. pl-ea-sa-ntA. flex-ib-leB. fle-xi-bleC. fle-xi-bleD. flex-i-bleA.ge-og-ra-phyB. geo-gra-phyC. ge-o-gra-phyD. geog-ra-phyA.el-e-men-taryB. e-le-men-ta-ryC. e-le-men-taryD. el-e-men-ta-ry IV. Fill in each blank with a proper word, which should rhymes with a certain word in the poem to complete the following 3 poems.Cheer, Cheer, CheerSpring is here!Up at the Knob it is so clearWe're waiting for Springtime to !PopcornPop, pop, popcorn,Popping in the pot!Pop, pop, popcorn,Eat it while it‟s _________.Pop, pop, popcorn,Butter on the top! When I eat popcorn, I can‟t _________.Pop, Pop, Pop!Pour the corn in the pot.Pop, Pop, Pop!Shake it till it's .Pop, Pop, Pop!Lift the lid. What have we ? POPCORN!V. Choose the right item to complete the sentence.1. Phonemic awareness is the ___.A. ability to understand oral and written vocabularyB. knowledge that phonemes are represented by graphemesC. ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in spoken wordsD. ability to read words quickly and accurately2. An activity for blending phonemes includes asking students to ___.A. identify how many sounds are in a wordB. identify the initial sound in a wordC. combine the separately spoken sounds to form a wordD. r ecognize which word in a set of three or four words doesn‟t belong3. An activity for phoneme substitution includes asking students to ___.A. recognize the word that remains after a phoneme is removedB. combine the separately spoken sounds to form a wordC. make a new word by adding a phoneme to an existing wordD. change a phoneme in a word to make a new word4. Phonics instruction teaches students a set of ___.A. rules for the grammatical structures of basic sight wordsB. letter-sound correspondences to read and write wordsC. definitions for commonly used wordsD. steps in the writing process5. Systematic phonics instruction does NOT ___.A. teach students how to break words into sounds and to blend the sounds together to read wordsB.i ncidentally teach letter sounds based on their appearance in students‟ reading and writingC. help students apply their knowledge of phonics as they read and writeD. follow a carefully selected instructional sequence of letter-sound relations6. Short books or stories that provide students opportunities to practice reading words with letter sounds they are learning are called ___.A. predictable booksB. a uthentic children‟s literatureC. decodable booksD. rebus books7. Reading fluency is important because it___.A. provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehensionB. allows readers to focus on decoding the wordsC. distinguishes narrative from expository textD. provides a link between vowels and consonants8. An effective instructional strategy for developing reading fluency is to ___.A. ask questions after readingB. provide opportunities for a student to read the same passage orally several timesC. incorporate round robin readingD. provide opportunities for a student to silently read with minimal guidance9. Using word parts to teach vocabulary does NOT include___.A. brainstorming words or phrases related to a base wordB. discussing the meanings of related wordsC. looking for related words while readingD. writing definitions from a dictionary for all the related words10. Direct vocabulary instruction should focus on teaching___.A. all the unknown words in a textB. all the words with multiple meaningsC. all the important, useful, and particularly difficult wordsD. all the derivatives of commonly-used words11. Comprehension monitoring does NOT teach students to ___.A. be aware of what they do understandB. identify what they do not understandC. record and graph their comprehension progressD. use appropriate strategies to resolve comprehension problems12. Comprehension strategy instruction helps students ___.A. become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehensionB. use oral language to make sense of the words in textC. read orally a small amount of text without interruptionD. identify and manipulate words in narrative and expository textsVI. Read the paragraph and choose the right answer to the question.1. A small group of second-grade students is reading a story together orally. One of the children has difficulty reading the word …sparkled.‟ To make sure that all the students understand the word, the teacher asks the student to read the rest of the paragraph aloud. Then, when the student has finished reading, the teacher asks the group how the character in the story felt as she spoke and what her eyes did to show her excitement.The teacher is helping her students use which of the following word attack strategies?A. Phonic cluesB. Context cluesC. Configuration cluesD. Morphemic clues2."Making words” is an activity in which chil dren are individually given some letters that they use to make words. Below is a list of some letters: s n p h a e s i pChildren begin making two-letter words(e.g. “as”) and continue by making three-letter(e.g. “sip”), four-letter (e.g. “pin e”), and longe r words until the final big word is made. The final word always includes all the letters they were given to make the smaller words.Which of the following students correctly built a big word using all of the letters shown?A.Student A, who created a-p-p-r-e-h-e-n-s-i-o-n, or “apprehension”B.Student B, who created h-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s, or “happiness”C.Student C, who created p-h-o-t-o-s-y-n-t-h-e-s-i-s, or “photosynthesis”D.Student D, who created s-y-n-o-n-y-m-m-o-u-s, or “synonymous”3.A fifth-grade teacher is having students read the humorous book The Noonday Friends, written by Mary Stolz and set in New York‟s Greenwich Village. A new student, who lived in a rural community for his entire life prior to moving to the new school, is having difficulty understanding the story, although he has read many books of comparable difficulty. Which of the following is the most probable explanation for the student‟s difficulty incomprehension?A. The student‟s reading achievement level is significantl y below that of the rest of the class.B. The student‟s back ground experiences do not include knowledge of the topic discussed in the story.C. The student‟s former reading instruction focused exclusively on the development of word attack skills.D. The s tudent‟s oral language abilities are significantly above the student‟s reading achievement level.4. A second-grade student, Terry, wrote the following sentence: “Manuel is the tallest of the two boys.” Terry‟s teacher wants to provide her with specific positive feedback about the sentence grammar. Which of the following statements provides Terry with specific positive feedback about the sentence?A. “Terry, what a nice sentence!”B. “Terry, this sentence is almost identical to your friend‟s sentence. It is important to turn in original work.”C. “Terry, the subject and verb in your sentence need to agree. Remember, in a sentence every verb must have a subject.”D. “Terry, the word talle st is used to compare more than two things. Can you think of another way to write the sentence and show me the revision?”5. A fourth-grade teacher is planning a unit on the history of the state in which the students live.Although they have not studied it at school, the students ha ve some knowledge of the state‟s history because many of them have lived there all their lives. Prior to beginning the unit, the teacher wishes to activate the students‟ prior knowledge of state history and also to learn the extent of that knowledge. Which of the following activities would be likely to meet these two goals most effectively?A. Having students brainstorm as a group about what they know concerning the state‟s history.B. Having each student make a list of important events in the state‟s history.C. Having each student pic k an event in the state‟s history and write an essay about why it was important.D. Having students interview older people in the community about what life was like long ago in the state.6. A third-grade teacher uses student-centered reading activities for groups of four to six students. Each group reads a different book that is based on student interest. Each member of a group is assigned a specific role, and students in dependently read an assigned chapter of the book. After the independent reading, the groups meet and group discussion of the book is guided by the specific role each group member was assigned. Which of the following identifies the reading skill best reinforced by this instructional method?A. Phonemic awarenessB. PhonicsC. FluencyD. ComprehensionVII. Read the following statements and judge whether they are True or False.( )1. Students should try to say all new words before the teacher does. This forces students to use the phonics rules they have learned and it increases students‟ ability to read by themselves. ( )2. Make Ss think that phonics matters. Give phonics tests. A small number of questions on tests encourages students to use and remember the phonics rules they have learned. Test components should involve both listening and reading.( )3. As students progress with phonics, instruction should focus on applying learned sound-spelling relationships to actual reading, with smaller amounts of time spent on learning phonics rules or generalizations and out-of-context work. The purpose of phonics instruction is not that students learn to sound out words. The purpose is that they learn to recognize words, quickly and automatically, so that they can turn their attention to the comprehension of text.( )4. Stress to the students that in phonics, the meaning of the words is not important. The goal is for the students to pronounce the words only. This not only reinforces phonics rules but has the added benefit that it de-emphasizes rote-memorization. It allows students to quickly recognize words they have heard but have not seen or read.( )5. From the beginning, words should be divided into smaller parts to make them easier to say. At the very start, students learn the sounds of each letter. They then combine these sounds to form one-syllable words. For example, students will first practice saying the word cat by sounding out each letter; first c, then a, then t. Once students have mastered reading short words, they will divide complex words into simpler parts. For example, students will divide volcano into vol-ca-no. Doing this reinforces phonics rules and teaches them to read new words.( )6. Phonics is useless if it can‟t be applied, and what is not applied is not learned. By teaching short vowels and consonants together, you can create decodable, connected text so that students can instantly apply their knowledge of learned sound-spelling relationships.。



英语自然拼读法(English Phonics)的定义学会英文拼音,就是是阅读的基础。






任何自然拼读法课程里,应该包括以下的内容:26个字母 (alphabet letters) 的发音,包括:•子音(consonant letter sounds):b,c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y,z•短元音(short vowel sounds)和长元音(long vowel sounds): a, e, i, o, u (应先学短元音后再学长元音的发音)特殊组合 (Special combination) 的发音,包括:•混合音(consonant blend sounds):br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, wr, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, scr,str, sm, sn, sp, sc, sk …•字母c, g, y的特殊发音 (special soundsof “c”, “g” and “y”): ce, ci, cy, ge, gi,gy, 和结尾用的 y•复合子音(digraph sounds):sh, ch,th (voiced), th (unvoiced), wh, ng, nk•复合元音(double vowel sounds):ai, ea, ee, oa, oi, oo, ou, ue, ui …•不发音的 E 字体(silent E):例子请看本文最后一段。

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Kristen’s phonics class
PHONICS REVISION(自然拼读法复习资料)Name____________
☺Long Vowels 长元音
Long Aa
ai jail----监狱,nail----钉子,paint----油漆,rail----铁轨,rain----雨,tail----尾巴ay bay----海湾,May----五月,pay----付款,ray----光线say----说,way----道路
Long Ee
ee bee---蜜蜂,feet---脚,jeep---吉普车,peel---果皮,see---看见,teeth---牙齿ea eagle---鹰,leaf---叶子,meat----肉,pea---豌豆,peach---桃子,sea--海,tea--茶ey donkey---驴, hockey----曲棍球, key---钥匙monkey---猴子,money--钱,trolley--手推车
Long Ii
ie die----死,lie----躺,pie----派,tie----领带
igh fight----打架,high---高的,light---灯,night---夜晚,right---对的,tight----紧的
Long Oo
oa boat----船,coal----煤,coat----外套,goat---山羊,road---道路,soap---肥皂ow bowl----碗low---低的,pillow---枕头,rainbow---彩虹row--划船,window---窗户,
Long Uu
ui fruit----水果,juice----果汁,suit----套装
ue blue----蓝色,glue----胶水,Sue----苏(女子名)
Letter Y(半元音)
y cry---哭,dry---干的,fly---飞my---我的,shy---害羞的,sky---天空,spy---间谍,y baby-婴儿,dirty--脏的dizzy--眩晕的happy--快乐的pony--小马sunny---晴朗的
or corn---玉米fork---叉子fort---堡垒horse---马porch---门厅pork---猪肉
ar arm---手臂air---空气cart---手推车garden---花园car---汽车farm---农场park---花园
ur fur ---毛皮nurse---护士turtle---海龟turkey---火鸡purse--- 钱包hurt---伤害
er brother---兄弟mermaid---美人鱼rooster---公鸡under---在…底下winter---冬天
ir bird ---鸟birthday---生日circle---圆圈dirt ---污垢dirty ---肮脏的girl---女孩Diphthongs (双元音)
ou out---外面count ---数数house---房子mountain ---山mouth---嘴shout---大喊ow brown ---棕色clown---小丑cow ---母牛crown---皇冠flower---花owl---猫头鹰
oi boil---煮coil---盘绕coin---硬币noise---噪音oil---油point---点poison---毒药
oy boy---男孩oyster---牡蛎cowboy---牛仔soy---酱油toy---玩具
Vowel Digraphs(两个元音在一起发一个音)
au autumn---秋天August---八月naughty---调皮的sauce---调味汁sausage---香肠
aw draw画lawn---草坪paw---爪子saw---锯子strawberry---草莓
oo(长)boots--靴子food--食物moon--月亮roof--屋顶room --房间spoon--汤匙oo(短)book--书cook-烹饪cookie-饼干foot---脚hook---钩子look---看woods---树林ea bear ---熊feather---羽毛head---头lead---铅leather ---皮革pear---梨sweat---汗
Consonant digraphs(两个辅音在一起发一个音)
ch beach ---海滩bench ---长椅cheese---奶酪cherry ---樱桃chicken ---鸡肉church --教堂sh dish ---碟子fish---鱼push---推sheep---绵羊ship---船shirt---衬衫shoes---鞋
wh whale ---鲸鱼wheel---轮子wheelchair---轮椅whip---鞭子white---白色
ph alphabet---字母elephant---大象photo---照片telephone---电话trophy---奖杯
th brother---兄弟father---父亲feather---羽毛leather---皮革mother ---母亲
th bath ---洗澡mouth ---嘴teeth ---牙齿thief---小偷thirsty---渴three---三
Consonant blends(辅音混合音)
bl black---黑色,blocks---积木,bloom---花朵,blouse---女式衬衫,blue---蓝色
fl flag---旗子,flame---火苗,flat---平坦,floor---地板,flower---花,fly---飞
pl plane---飞机,planet---行星,plant---植物,plate---盘子,plum---李子,plus---加
cl clap---拍,clay---黏土,clean---干净的,climb---爬,clock---钟
gl glass---玻璃杯,glasses---眼镜,glider---滑翔机,globe---地球,glove---手套,
cr crab---螃蟹,crayon---蜡笔,cream---奶油,crow---乌鸦,crown---皇冠,cry---哭
gr grandma---奶奶,grapes---葡萄,grass---草,gray---灰色,green---绿色,
pr prawn---大虾,pray---祈求,press---压,price---价格,prince---王子,
br bread---面包,brick---砖,bride---新娘,bright---明亮的,brown---棕色
fr frame---框架,Friday---星期五,friend---朋友,frog---青蛙,front----前面,
tr tractor---拖拉机,train---火车,tray---托盘,tree---树,triangle---三角形
dr draw---画,dream---梦,dress---包扎,drink---喝,drive---驾驶,drop---滴,
sm small---小的,smell---气味,smile---微笑,smoke---吸烟,smooth---光滑的
sn snack---点心,snail---蜗牛,snake---蛇,snow---雪,snowman---雪人
sl slap---掴,sled---雪橇,sleep---睡觉,slide---滑,slope---斜坡,slow---慢的
sw swan---天鹅,sweat---汗,sweet---甜的,swim---游泳,swing--秋千,switch--开关sp(p变b)spaceship---太空船,spell---拼写,spider---蜘蛛,spoon---汤勺
st (t变d)stamp-邮票stand--站立,stick---树枝,store-商店,storm--暴风雨
sc (c变g)scale---鱼鳞,scanner---扫描机,scarecrow---稻草人,scarf---围巾,sk(k变g)skates---溜冰鞋,skirt---裙子,skis---滑雪板。
