Long-run behavior of games with many players
Chapter 15Price Levels and the Exchange Ratein the Long RunChapter OrganizationThe Law of One PricePurchasing Power ParityThe Relationship Between PPP and the Law of One PriceAbsolute PPP and Relative PPPA Long-Run Exchange-Rate Model Based on PPPThe Fundamental Equation of the Monetary ApproachOngoing Inflation, Interest Parity, and PPPThe Fisher EffectEmpirical Evidence on PPP and the Law of One PriceBox: Some Meaty Evidence on the Law of One PriceExplaining the Problems with PPPTrade Barriers and NontradablesDepartures from Free CompetitionDifferences in Consumption Patterns and Price Level MeasurementPPP in the Short Run and in the Long RunBox: Sticky Prices and the Law of One Price: Evidence From Scandinavian Duty-free ShopsCase Study: Why Price Levels are Lower in Poorer CountriesBeyond Purchasing Power Parity: A General Model of Long-Run Exchange RatesChapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run 71The Real Exchange RateDemand, Supply, and the Long-Run Real Exchange RateNominal and Real Exchange Rates in Long-Run EquilibriumInternational Interest Rate Differences and the Real Exchange RateReal Interest ParitySummaryAppendix: The Fisher Effect, the Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate under the Flexible-PriceMonetary Approach72 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth EditionChapter OverviewThe time frame of the analysis of exchange rate determination shifts to the long run in this chapter. An analysis of the determination of the long-run exchange rate is required for the completion of the short-run exchange rate model since, as demonstrated in the previous two chapters, the long-run expected exchange rate affects the current spot rate. Issues addressed here include both monetary and real-side determinants of the long-run real exchange rate. The development of the model of the long-run exchange rate touches on a number of issues, including the effect of ongoing inflation on the exchange rate, the Fisher effect, and the role of tradables and nontradables. Empirical issues, such as the breakdown of purchasing power parity in the 1970s and the correlation between price levels and per capita income, are addressed within this framework.The law of one price, which holds that the prices of goods are the same in all countries in the absence of transport costs or trade restrictions, presents an intuitively appealing introduction to long-run exchange rate determination. An extension of this law to sets of goods motivates the proposition of absolute purchasing power parity. Relative purchasing power parity, a less restrictive proposition, relates changes in exchange rates to changes in relative price levels and may be valid even when absolute PPP is not. Purchasing power parity provides a cornerstone of the monetary approach to the exchange rate, which serves as the first model of the long-run exchange rate developed in this chapter. This first model also demonstrates how ongoing inflation affects the long-run exchange rate.The monetary approach to the exchange rate uses PPP to model the exchange rate as the price level inthe home country relative to the price level in the foreign country. The money market equilibrium relationship is used to substitute money supply divided by money demand for the price level. TheFisher relationship allows us to substitute expected inflation for the nominal interest rate. The resulting relationship models the long-run exchange rate as a function of relative money supplies, the inflation differential and relative output in the two countries;E (M/M *) l(p e–p*e, (Y*/Y))The l function represents the ratio of foreign to domestic money demand; thus, both the difference in expected inflation rates and the output ratio enter the function with aChapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run 73positive sign. An increase in inflation at home means higher home interest rates (through the Fisher equation) and lower home money demand. An increase in foreign output raises foreign money demand.One result from this model that students may find initially confusing concerns the relationship between the long-run exchange rate and the nominal interest rate. The model in this chapter provides an example of an increase in the interest rate associated with exchange rate depreciation. In contrast, the short-run analysis in the previous chapter provides an example of an increase in the domestic interest rate associated with an appreciation of the currency. These different relationships between the exchange rate and the interest rate reflect different causes for the rise in the interest rate as well as different assumptions concerning price rigidity. In the analysis of the previous chapter, the interest rate rises dueto a contraction in the level of the nominal money supply. With fixed prices, this contraction of nominal balances is matched by a contraction in real balances. Excess money demand is resolved through a rise in interest rates which is associated with an appreciation of the currency to satisfy interest parity. In this chapter, the discussion of the Fisher effect demonstrates that the interest rate will rise in response to an anticipated increase in expected inflation due to an anticipated increase in the rate of growth of the money supply. There is incipient excess money supply with this rise in the interest rate. With perfectly flexible prices, the money market clears through an erosion of real balances due to an increase in the price level.This price level increase implies, through PPP, a depreciation of the exchange rate. Thus, with perfectly flexible prices (and its corollary PPP), an increase in the interest rate due to an increase in expected inflation is associated with a depreciation of the currency.74 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth EditionEmpirical evidence presented in the chapter suggests that both absolute and relative PPP perform poorly for the period since 1971. Even the law of one price fails to hold across disaggregated commodity groups. The rejection of these theories is related to trade impediments (which help give rise to nontraded goods and services), to shifts in relative output prices and to imperfectly competitive markets. Since PPPserves as a cornerstone for the monetary approach, its rejection suggests that a convincing explanationof the long-run behavior of exchange rates must go beyond the doctrine of purchasing power parity. The Fisher effect is discussed in more detail and accompanied by a diagrammatic exposition in an appendix to the chapter.A more general model of the long-run behavior of exchange rates in which real-side effects are assigned a role concludes the chapter. The material in this section drops the assumption of a constant real exchange rate, an assumption that you may want to demonstrate to students is necessarily associated with the assumption of PPP. Motivating this more general approach is easily done by presenting students with a time series graph of the recent behavior of the real exchange rate of the dollar which will demonstrate large swings in its value. The real exchange rate, q, is the ratio of the foreign price index, expressed in domestic currency, to the domestic price index, or, equivalently, E q (P/P *). The chapter includes an informal discussion of the manner in which the long-run real exchange rate, q, is affected by permanent changes in the supply or demand for a country’s products.Answers to Textbook Problems1. Relative PPP predicts that inflation differentials are matched by changes in theexchange rate.Under relative PPP, the franc/ruble exchange rate would fall by 95 percent withinflation rates of 100% in Russia and 5% in Switzerland.Chapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run 752. A real currency appreciation may result from an increase in the demand fornontraded goodsrelative to tradables which would cause an appreciation of the exchange rate since the increase inthe demand for nontradables raises their price, raising the domestic price level and causing the currency to appreciate. In this case exporters are indeed hurt, as one can see by adapting the analysis in Chapter 3. Real currency appreciation may occur for different reasons, however, with different implications for exporters’ incomes. A shift in foreign demand in favor of domestic exports will both appreciate thedomestic currency in real terms and benefit exporters. Similarly, productivity growth in exports is likely to benefit exporters while causing a real currency appreciation. If we consider a ceterus paribus increase in the real exchange rate, this is typically bad for exporters as their exports are now more expensive to foreigners which mayreduce foreign export demand. In general, though, we need to know why the real exchange rate changed to interpret the impact of the change.3. a. A tilt of spending towards nontraded products causes the real exchange rate toappreciate as the price of nontraded goods relative to traded goods rises (thereal exchange rate can be expressed as the price of tradables to the price ofnontradables).b. A shift in foreign demand towards domestic exports causes an excess demandfor the domestic country’s goods which causes the relative price of these goods to rise; that is, it causes the real exchange rate of the domestic country toappreciate.4. Relative PPP implies that the pound/dollar exchange rate should be adjusted tooffset the inflation difference between the United States and Britain during the war.Thus, a central banker might compare the consumer price indices in the UnitedStates and the U.K. before and after the war. If America’s price level had risen by 10%, while that in Britain had risen by 20%, relative PPP would call for apound/dollar exchange rate 10% higher than before the war—a 10% depreciation of the pound against the dollar.76 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth EditionA comparison based only on PPP would fall short of the task at hand, however, if itignoredpossible changes in productivity, productive capacity, or in relative demands for goods producedin different countries in wake of the war. In general, one would expect largestructural upheavalsas a consequence of the war. For example, Britain’s productivity might have fallen dramatically asa result of converting factories to wartime uses (and as a result of bombing). Thiswould call for a real depreciation of the pound, that is, a postwar pound/dollarexchange rate more than 10% higher than the prewar rate.5. The real effective exchange rate series for Britain shows an appreciation of thepound from 1977 to 1981, followed by a period of depreciation. Note that theappreciation is sharpest after the increasein oil prices starts in early 1979; the subsequent depreciation is steepest after oil prices soften in 1982. An increase in oil prices increases the incomes received by British oil exporters, raising their demand for goods. The supply response of labor moving into the oil sector is comparable to an increase in productivity which also causes the real exchange rate to appreciate. Of course, a fall in the price of oil has opposite effects. (Oil is not the only factor behind the behavior of the pound’s real exchange rate. Instructors may wish to mention the influence of Prime MinisterMargaret Thatcher’s stringent monetary policies.)6. A permanent shift in the real money demand function will alter the long-runequilibrium nominal exchange rate, but not the long-run equilibrium real exchange rate. Since the real exchange ratedoes not change, we can use the monetary approach equation, E (M/M *) {L(R*, Y*)/L(R, Y)}.A permanent increase in money demand at any nominal interest rate leads to aproportional appreciation of the long-run nominal exchange rate. Intuitively, the level of prices for any level of nominal balances must be lower in the long run for money market equilibrium. The reverse holdsfor a permanent decrease in money demand. The real exchange rate, however,depends upon relative prices and productivity terms which are not affected bygeneral price-level changes.Chapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run 777. The mechanism would work through expenditure effects with a permanent transferfrom Polandto the Czech Republic appreciating the koruna (Czech currency) in real terms against the zloty(Polish currency) if (as is reasonable to assume) the Czechs spent a higher proportion of theirincome on Czech goods relative to Polish goods than did the Poles.8. As discussed in the answer to Question 7, the koruna appreciates against the zloty inreal terms with the transfer from Poland to the Czech Republic if the Czechs spend a higher proportion of their income on Czech goods relative to Polish goods than did the Poles. The real appreciation would lead to a nominal appreciation as well.9. Since the tariff shifts demand away from foreign exports and toward domestic goods,there is a long-run real appreciation of the home currency. Absent changes inmonetary conditions, there is along-run nominal appreciation as well.10. The balanced expansion in domestic spending will increase the amount of importsconsumed in the country that has a tariff in place, but imports cannot rise in thecountry that has a quota in place. Thus, in the country with the quota, there would be an excess demand for imports if the real exchange rate appreciated by the same amount as in the country with tariffs. Therefore, the real exchange rate in the country with a quota must appreciate by less than in the country with the tariff.11. A permanent increase in the expected rate of real depreciation of the dollar againstthe euro leads to a permanent increase in the expected rate of depreciation of the nominal dollar/euro exchange rate, given the differential in expected inflation rates across the U.S. and Europe. This increase in the expected depreciation of the dollar causes the spot rate today to depreciate.78 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth Edition12. Suppose there is a temporary fall in the real exchange rate in an economy, that is,the exchangerate appreciates today and then will depreciate back to its original level in the future.The expected depreciation of the real exchange rate, by real interest parity, causes the real interest rate to rise. If there is no change in the expected inflation rate, then the nominal interest rate rises with the rise in the real exchange rate. This event may also cause the nominal exchange rate to appreciate if the effect of a currentappreciation of the real exchange rate dominates the effect of the expecteddepreciation of the real exchange rate.13. International differences in expected real interest rates reflect expected changes inreal exchange rates. If the expected real interest rate in the United States is 9% and the expected real interest rate in Europe is 3%, then there is an expectation that the real dollar/euro exchange rate will depreciate by 6% (assuming that interest parity holds).14. The initial effect of a reduction in the money supply in a model with sticky prices isan increasein the nominal interest rate and an appreciation of the nominal exchange rate. The real interest rate, which equals the nominal interest rate minus expected inflation, rises by more than the nominal interest rate since the reduction in the money supply causes the nominal interest rate to rise, and deflation occurs during the transition to the new equilibrium. The real exchange rate depreciates during the transition to the new equilibrium (where its value is the same as in the original state).This satisfies the real interest parity relationship which states that the differencebetween the domestic and the foreign real interest rate equals the expecteddepreciation of the domestic real exchange rate—in this case, the initial effect is an increase in the real interest rate in the domestic economy coupled with an expected depreciation of the domestic real exchange rate. In any event,the real interest parity relationship must be satisfied since it is simply a restatement of the Fisher equation, which defines the real interest rate, combined with theinterest parity relationship, whichis a cornerstone of the sticky-price model of the determination of the exchange rate.Chapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run 7915. One answer to this question involves the comparison of a sticky-price with a flexible-price model.In a model with sticky prices, a reduction in the money supply causes the nominal interest rate torise and, by the interest parity relationship, the nominal exchange rate to appreciate.The real interest rate, which equals the nominal interest rate minus expectedinflation, increases both because of the increase in the nominal interest rate andbecause there is expected deflation. In a model with perfectly flexible prices, anincrease in expected inflation causes the nominal interest rate to increase (while the real interest rate remains unchanged) and the currency to depreciate since excess money supply is resolved through an increase in the price level and thus, by PPP, a depreciation of the currency.An alternative approach is to consider a model with perfectly flexible prices. Asdiscussed in the preceding paragraph, an increase in expected inflation causes the nominal interest rate to increase and the currency to depreciate, leaving theexpected real interest rate unchanged. If there is an increase in the expected real interest rate, however, this implies an expected depreciation of the real exchange rate. If this expected depreciation is due to a current, temporary appreciation, then the nominal exchange rate may appreciate if the effect of the current appreciation (which rotates the exchange rate schedule downward) dominates the effect due to the expected depreciation (which rotates the exchange rate schedule upward).16. If long term rates are higher than short term rates, it suggests that investors expectinterest rates to be higher in the future, that is why they demand a higher rate of return on a longer bond. If they expect interest rates to be higher in the future, they are either predicting higher inflation in the future or a higher real interest rate. We cannot tell which by simply looking at short and long rates.80 Krugman/Obstfeld •International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth Edition17. If we assume that the real exchange rate is constant, then the expected percentagechange in the exchange rate is simply the inflation differential. As the question notes, this relationship holds better over the long run. Starting from interest parity, we see that R R * %∆e E. The change in the exchange rate is π–π* when PPP holds, so if PPP holds over a horizon, we can say that R R *π–π*. This means r r*. So, real interest rate differentials at long maturities should be smaller.On the other hand, if the real exchange rate changes or is expected to change, we would say that %∆e E %∆e qπ–π*. In that case, there can be a significant wedge between r and r*. Thus, ifPPP does hold over the long run and people predict this (and consequently are not expecting large changes in the real exchange rate), we would expect to see smaller real interest rate differentials at long maturities.18. If markets are fairly segmented, then temporary moves in exchange rates may leadto wide deviations from PPP even for tradable goods. In the short run, firms may not be able to respondby opening up new trading relationships or distribution channels. On the other hand, if there are persistent deviations from PPP of tradable goods, we would expect firms to try to increase their presence in the high-price market. If they do this, it should reduce prices there and bring pricesback towards PPP.19. PPP for non-tradables would arise if technologies were similar across countries, andthus similar prices for goods in the long run would be consistent with competitive markets and similar labor costs. If the labor costs are similar, then (again assuming similar technologies) the costs of non-tradables should be similar also. Of course, as the chapter notes, differences in productivity thatvary across sector could result in Balassa Samuelson style effects where despitetradables PPP holding, non-tradables are still priced differently across countries.。
2006年6月英语六级真题Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations。
At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said。
Both the conversationand the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer。
Then mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A)2 hours.B) 3 hours.C)4 hours.D)5 hours.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in t he afternoon。
Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer。
You should choose [D]on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line throughthe center。
program. Such programs are available for everyone and can provide systematic and regular learning. The second way is to study by oneself. You can learn whatever you need for your work on your own. For example, you can learn from books, TV programs, Internet or radio.
2. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor.
3. There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness especially in the modern society.
4. 如果你用心感受,幸福就在你的身边。(put one's heart into)
4. with the help of reference books
The Addiction to Computer Games Among Teenagers: Causes and SolutionsIn recent years, the addiction to computer games among teenagers has become a serious concern for parents, educators, and society at large. With the widespread availability of computers and the internet, many teenagers are spending excessive amounts of time playing games, often neglecting their schoolwork, social life, and physical health. This addiction can have negative consequences for teenagers' mental and emotional well-being, making it crucial to understand the reasons behind this trend andfind effective solutions.One of the primary reasons for the addiction to computer games among teenagers is the sense of escape and immersion they provide. Many teenagers find it appealing to escape from the realities of their daily lives, whetherit's academic stress, peer pressure, or family conflicts. The virtual worlds of computer games offer them a sense of freedom and control, where they can achieve success and recognition without facing the same challenges and pressures as in real life.Another contributing factor is the social aspect of computer games. Many teenagers play games with their friends, creating a sense of community and belonging. This social interaction can be particularly appealing for those who feel isolated or struggle with social skills. However, this virtual socialization can also lead to a decrease in real-life social interactions, affecting their ability to form meaningful relationships.The third reason is the rewarding mechanism of computer games. Games often offer instant rewards and feedback, such as achievements, virtual currency, and upgrades, which can be highly motivating for teenagers. This constant stream of rewards can create a sense of addiction, as teenagersstrive to achieve higher levels and unlock new features.To address the addiction to computer games among teenagers, several solutions can be considered. Firstly, parents and educators should encourage healthy habits and set clear limits on the amount of time spent playing games. They should monitor their children's gaming behavior and ensure that it does not interfere with their schoolwork and other responsibilities.Secondly, parents and educators should provide alternatives to computer games that are more beneficial for teenagers' development. This could include extracurricular activities, sports, and social events that promote healthy lifestyles and socialization. Encouraging teenagers to participate in these activities can help them developskills, interests, and social connections that are more valuable in the long run.Thirdly, it is important to address the underlying issues that may be driving teenagers towards computer games. If they are experiencing stress, anxiety, or otheremotional problems, they should be provided with the necessary support and resources to address these issues. This could include counseling, therapy, or other forms of support that can help them cope with their emotions and develop healthier coping mechanisms.In conclusion, the addiction to computer games among teenagers is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. By understanding the reasons behind this trendand implementing effective solutions, we can help teenagers develop healthier habits and avoid the negativeconsequences of excessive gaming. By providing alternatives, setting limits, and addressing underlying issues, we can empower teenagers to lead more fulfilling and balanced lives.**青少年电脑游戏成瘾的原因与解决方案**近年来,青少年对电脑游戏的成瘾问题已成为家长、教育工作者和整个社会关注的焦点。
Coriander(香菜)is a really divisive herb, very popular in Mexican and Indian cooking as well as a fantastic ____1____ (add) to Vietnamese Bahn mi rolls. But is this a suitable ingredient for ice cream?A craze for coriander is now sweeping Shanghai after a new coriander-flavor sundae (圣代) ____2____ (release) by Mc Donald at its outlets early this year. Sales of the coriander sundae, which only cost 6.6 yuan started on Monday and willrun ____3____ Friday.The food sounds strange but actually tastes good. This new sundae with green jam and ____4____ (top) with shredded(切碎的)leaves of coriander is proving popular.A netizen in Jinan said she crossed almost the whole city ____5____ (get)this sundae. ____6____ one in Beijing said she made calls to three McDonald’s outlets, twoof ____7____ said it sold out on Monday and the third said it had only a few left—so she immediately rushed there and grabbed one.Actually, it isn’t the first time that the dish ____8____ (attract) people . Back inApril 2021, Subway, the popular sandwich chain also came up with coriandercookie. ____9____ these sure seem to grab attention, manywere_____10_____ (enthusiastic) but more astonished.(2022·山西大附中三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
中学生运动锻炼的倡议书 英语作文
中学生运动锻炼的倡议书英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Let's Get Moving! Why Exercise Matters for Middle SchoolersHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm a 5th grader who loves being active and playing sports. I know middle school is just around the corner for me, and that's a really important time in our lives. That's why I want to encourage all middle school students to make exercise and physical activity a huge priority!Exercise is so amazing for our bodies and minds in so many ways. First off, it helps us stay healthy and fit. When we exercise regularly, it strengthens our muscles and hearts, gives us more energy, and helps control our weight. It can reduce our risks for illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers later in life. Being physically active while we're young builds habits that will benefit us for decades to come.But exercise isn't just about physical health - it's also crucial for our mental health and wellbeing. Have you ever finished ahard workout or played your heart out in a game and felt that incredible rush of happiness篇2Physical Fitness is Fun for Everyone!Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm a 5th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Today I want to talk to all you middle school students about how awesome being physically active and exercising can be. I know, I know - you're probably thinking "Ugh, another lecture about exercise from some little kid." But hear me out! Getting regular physical activity is seriously one of the coolest things you can do. It makes you feel great, helps you have more energy, and best of all - it's just plain fun!Where do I even start with all the amazing benefits of being physically fit? For one, it helps keep your body strong and healthy. By exercising and moving around, you're keeping your muscles toned, your heart pumping, your lungs working great, and your bones nice and solid. Trust me, you're going to want a body that can run, jump, play sports, and just plain keep up with all your middle school adventures!Exercise also gives you way more stamina and energy throughout the day. Think about how awesome it would be to make it through those long school days without feeling totally drained and wiped out by 3pm. By staying active, your body will have tons more natural energy to power through classes,after-school activities, hanging with friends - you name it! No more crashing on the couch as soon as you get home.But by far, the best part about exercise is just how FUN it can be! There are so many awesome ways to get moving that go way beyond just running on a treadmill. Have you tried rock climbing, martial arts, dance classes, or playing pick-up games at the park? Those are just a few of the pulse-pounding, adrenaline-rushing activities that will have you grinning from ear-to-ear. Find something you're passionate about and it won't even feel like exercise!I get that finding time to exercise can be tough with all the schoolwork, activities, and social things you've got going on. But here's a pro-tip: build it right into your daily routine! Take a quick 15-20 minute jog or bike ride in the morning before school. Play recreational sports through your community center or at the park in the evenings. If you can squeeze in even a half hour a dayof heart-pumping exercise, you're going to feel like a million bucks.Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking "But Tommy, I just hate running and typical gym exercises are so boooring." Totally understandable! That's why it's so important to find a physical activity that fits your personality and interests. If you're more of an adventurous spirit, maybe mountain biking, rock climbing, or hiking are more your speed. If you're highly competitive, team sports like soccer, basketball, or volleyball could be great outlets. More of a solo star? Swimming, martial arts, or cycling might be perfect solo activities to help you shine. The options are endless!Whatever exercise you go for, the key is to pick something you genuinely enjoy and can stick with consistently. Don't just sign up for random activities because your parents are making you. Explore lots of different options until you find one or two that have you looking forward to your workouts and leaving you with an awesome afterglow. Trust me, once you find your fitness passion, you'll be hooked!I probably don't need to tell you this, but physical exercise is also just so crucial for maintaining a healthy weight as you're growing up. We could all probably do a little better when it comes to eating nutrious foods and limiting junk food. But guesswhat? Staying active makes it so much easier to work off any occasional dietary splurges and keeps your metabolism going strong. You'll feel lighter, more energetic, and just plain better about yourself when you're exercising regularly.Alright, alright, you get the point - exercise is amazing and middle schoolers need to make it a priority! But what's the best way to actually get started and stick with it? Here are a few tips that have really helped me get amped about physical fitness:Make it social! Everything is way more fun with friends. Put together an outdoor soccer or baseball team to play pick-up games on the weekends. Bring some buddies along on weekend hikes or bike rides. Sign up for group exercise classes like dance, martial arts, rock climbing, etc. Just make sure you're doing active things together rather than plopping on the couch.Vary your routine. Being physically active doesn't have to mean the same jog around the neighborhood day after day after day. Keep things fresh and exciting by cycling through different activities each week - one day might be swimming, the next rock climbing, the next playing tennis, and so on. Variety is the spice of life!Track your progress. Whether it's aiming for a faster 5K time, increasing your lifting weight, or mastering a new skateboardtrick, setting goals will keep you motivated. Use a fitness app or journal to monitor your achievements over time. Seeing your hard work pay off is so rewarding!Fuel for success. What you put into your body has a huge impact on your energy levels and how you feel before/after exercise. Make sure you're eating enough protein, fruits, veggies, and whole grains to keep you going strong. And don't forget to hydrate hydrate hydrate!Make it a lifestyle. The best way to develop lasting exercise habits is to fully integrate physical activity into your everyday life. Maybe you start walking, biking, or skateboarding to school instead of driving or taking the bus. You could do bodyweight exercises or yoga during TV commercial breaks at home. Or commit to taking your dog on a half-hour walk each morning before class. Once it becomes just another natural part of your day, exercise won't feel like a chore.The bottom line is, middle schoolers need to GET MOVING! Your bodies are going through so many crazy changes in these years. Keeping active through sports, classes, and any kind of physical exercise will help you build a strong foundation for lifelong health and fitness. Not to mention, being in great shapewill help you keep up with your friends, hobbies, and living your best life possible throughout these fun years!So what are you waiting for? Talk to your parents, teachers, coaches - anyone who can help point you towards physical activities you'll enjoy. Get outside and get sweating! With a little effort, you'll quickly start feeling more awake, energized, confident, and ready to take on the world. Let's get those bodies moving, middle schoolers! Who's with me?篇3Exercise and Staying Active: A Plea from a KidHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm a 10-year-old elementary school student. I know I'm just a kid, but I have something really important to say to all you middle school students out there. It's about exercise and being physically active.I get that you're really busy with school, extracurricular activities, spending time with friends, and everything else. Believe me, even as a kid, I feel like I have a crazy schedule too! But that's exactly why exercise and staying active is so crucial. It gives you an energy boost, helps you concentrate better, and makes you healthier overall.Think about it - when you're sitting at a desk for hours on end for classes, isn't it nice to get up, get your body moving, and break things up? Exercise is like giving your brain a little recharge. And being physically fit helps you feel more awake, focused, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.That's not just me talking either. Lots of super smart scientists and doctors back this up with research and facts. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve classroom behavior, cognitive performance, and academic achievement. How cool is that?I know what you're thinking though - yeah Jamie, exercise is important, but where am I supposed to find the time? I hear you, I really do. Between school, homework, activities, chores, and hanging with friends, it can seem absolutely impossible to squeeze in a workout.But that's where you have to get creative! Exercise doesn't have to mean spending an hour at the gym or running miles upon miles (unless you want to!). It can be as simple as:Walking or biking instead of driving/taking the bus when possibleTaking a quick 10-15 minute "movement break" every couple hours to get up and get your body movingDoing body weight exercises like pushups, squats, lunges, etc. in your roomTurning chores like vacuuming, mopping, or yard work into a little workoutFinding a fun physical hobby like dancing, martial arts, rock climbing, etc.Joining a recreational sports team or workout class with friendsThe options are endless and a lot of them don't require any equipment or extra time commitment beyond your normal routine. Just a bit of creativity and dedication!I get how hard it can be to build a new habit, trust me. It always feels harder than it actually is at first. But if you stick with it and make exercise a priority, you'll be amazed at how much better you feel and how much more energy you have. Don't take it from me though, just ask any athlete or super fit person - they'll tell you the exact same thing!It's also important to make sure you're doing activities you actually enjoy. If you dread going for a run, then don't forceyourself to be a runner. Find something else that's more your style and that you look forward to, not something you see as a chore. Getting active should be fun and rewarding, not a drag.One of my favorite things is seeing how my skills improve with practice, whether it's getting better at skateboarding tricks, improving my times on my bike riding loop, or being able to do more pushups than last week. That sense of growth and accomplishment is SO rewarding and motivating. I bet you'd have a blast finding your own ways to track your progress and get that natural high from achieving your fitness goals.Speaking of goals, be sure to set realistic ones for yourself, especially when you're first starting out. Don't try to run a marathon right out of the gate or you'll get discouraged. Start small, build up from there, and be patient with yourself. Any movement and activity is better than none at all.Most importantly though, do this for YOU. Not because someone is telling you to, but because you want to take care of your mind and body. You're growing into a young adult and giving your body what it needs through exercise and nutrition will set you up for a lifetime of health and happiness.So what do you say? Are you ready to make a commitment to getting active and reaping all the incredible benefits thatcome with it? Join me in making a pact to move more and take care of ourselves. We're in this together!I have faith that you can do this. You've got this!Your friend,Jamie篇4Get Up and Move! Why Exercise Matters for Middle SchoolersHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm a 5th grader who loves playing sports and being active. I know middle school can be a crazy time with all the new classes, activities, and social stuff going on. But I'm here to tell you why it's SO important to make time for exercise and physical activity, even when you're super busy with school.The Benefits of Exercise Are Endless!Where do I even start? Exercise has so many amazing benefits for your body and mind. First off, it keeps you physically fit and healthy. When you move your body and get your heart pumping, it strengthens your muscles, bones, heart and lungs. This helps you have more energy, endurance, and strength for allthe running, jumping, throwing etc. that comes with being an active middle schooler.Exercise also helps you maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity, which is really important during those chunky middle school years when everyone's bodies are changing shapes. Staying active burns calories and keeps that metabolism fired up!But exercise isn't just about the physical - it's also incredible for your mental health. Getting your body moving releases all those fun "feel-good" brain chemicals like endorphins that boost your mood and help relieve stress and anxiety. With all the new academic pressures, social situations, and life changes you face in middle school, having an active outlet for tension is key. Trust me, a good workout or game of basketball always helps mede-stress after a long day.Exercise also improves focus, concentration and classroom performance. All that increased blood flow and oxygen going to your brain when you get active makes it easier to sit still, pay attention, and learn new things. Just think how much easier those boring lectures will be if you get your Body Vibes moving beforehand!Tips for Staying ActiveOkay, now that I've convinced you exercise is awesome sauce, you're probably wondering how to actually fit it into your packed middle school schedule. Here are some tips:Join a school sports team or exercise club. This is probably the easiest way to build regular physical activity into your weekly routine. There are SO many options - football, soccer, basketball, track, dance team - the list goes on. Having a set practice schedule helps ensure you get that exercise in consistently.Get outside and play! Skip the TV/video games for a bit and head outdoors to a park, playground, basketball court, bike trail etc. Chase your friends, climb stuff, play tag or made-up games - just get that body moving!Make room for movement in little ways. Take breaks between homework to do jumping jacks or jog in place. Walk or bike to school instead of driving. Take stairs instead of elevator. Every little bit adds up!Build an indoor home gym. If you can't play outside due to weather, no problem! Create a little home workout space with small hand weights, resistance bands, a jump rope, yoga mat etc. Then follow along with a fun workout video from the internet.Involve your whole family. Go for family walks, hikes or bike rides together on weekends. Or start a driveway basketball, soccer or bowling routine in the evenings. Having an exercise buddy (especially a parent!) helps keep you motivated.Let's Get Physical, Middle Schoolers!So what are you waiting for? There's seriously no excuse for not getting your exercise on during these pivotal middle school years. Your body and brain need it! It'll help you look, feel and perform your absolute best as you navigate classes, activities, social situations and everything else.Just 60 minutes a day of heart-pumping physical activity like running, dancing, biking, shooting hoops or playing sports can make a huge difference. Start building those lifelong healthy exercise habits now!Who's with me? Let's get moving, middle school squad! Our minds and bodies deserve to feel strong, energized and healthy. An active lifestyle is key to being the best version of you. Let's make it happen together!篇5An Important Message for Middle Schoolers: Get Active, Stay Healthy!Hi there, middle school friends! This is your buddy from elementary school here. I know you all are getting older and dealing with a lot of new challenges like harder classes, new teachers, and trying to figure out who you are. Believe me, I remember how overwhelming that transition felt not too long ago!That's exactly why I'm writing to you today. With all the changes and pressures you're facing, it's more important than ever to take good care of your mind and body. And one of the best ways to do that is through regular physical activity and exercise!I know, I know - the word "exercise" probably makes a lot of you cringe or roll your eyes. You're thinking, "Ugh, why should I have to run laps or lift weights? That's for jocks and gym class, no thanks!" But stick with me here, because exercise is about way more than just building muscle or training for sports.Exercise gives you a healthy body AND a healthy mind. It boosts your energy levels, helps you sleep better at night, and improves your focus and concentration so you can ace those tests. Not to mention it can put you in a better mood byreleasing happy chemicals called endorphins. Who couldn't use more energy, better sleep, laser focus, and feeling cheerful?Plus, staying active sets you up for success as you get older by lowering your risk of developing diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers down the road. Need I say more? Getting fit now is an investment in your future self!Now you might be thinking, "Okay, okay, exercise is good for me. But how am I supposed to find time with my crazy schedule of school, homework, activities, and just trying to hang with my friends?" I get it, time is in short supply these days.The good news is, you don't need to spend hours at the gym or become a marathon runner to get the benefits (unless those things sound fun to you!). Just 60 minutes of physical activity per day is the recommended amount, and it can be spread out and combined with other things you enjoy.For example, you could walk or bike to school instead of driving or taking the bus. You could sign up for an activeafter-school activity like dance, martial arts, rock climbing, or an intramural sport you've always wanted to try. Or you and your crew could just go shoot hoops at the park or go for a hike when you need to blow off steam.The key is to get creative and find ways to incorporate more movement into your daily life. Bonus points if you can make it social and do active things with your friends!If motivation is an issue (which it can be for all of us at times), here are some tips that might help:Set a goal to work toward, like being able to run a 5K race or learning a new athletic skill. Having a target inspires you to keep at it.Do activities you fin篇6中学生运动锻炼的倡议书大家好!我是一名小学生,今天我想给大家提一个建议,那就是中学生要多参加运动锻炼。
运动使我快乐,运动使我健康英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sports Make Me Happy and HealthyHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about why playing sports is so awesome. It makes me really happy and keeps me fit and healthy too!First of all, sports are just really fun! I love being active and running around instead of sitting still all day. My favorite sports are soccer, basketball, and swimming. Whenever I get to play them, I have a huge smile on my face the whole time.Soccer is the best because you get to run up and down the field, dribbling the ball with your feet. I feel like a pro when I can deke around the other players. And scoring a goal? There's no better feeling! My face lights up and I can't stop cheering. All my teammates high five me and I feel like I'm on top of the world.Basketball is awesome too because it's non-stop action. You run back and forth on the court, dribbling the ball with your hands. I love the sound the ball makes when it bounces on the floor - bup bup bup! When you get to shoot some hoops, it's likeyou're in your own little zone just you and the net. Swish! Nothing but net! That sound is music to my ears.And swimming is a blast too, even though it's not a team sport. I have races with my friends to see who can get across the pool the fastest. We'll sprint as hard as we can, splashing water everywhere. When I reach the other side, I'm always out of breath but filled with joy. Cannonballs in the deep end are super fun too - the bigger the splash, the better!The second reason why sports are awesome is because they keep me healthy and in good shape. All that running, jumping, swimming and general moving around is great exercise. It keeps my heart strong and prevents me from getting out of breath easily.When I play sports regularly, I have way more energy throughout the day. I can run around at recess with my friends instead of feeling tired. And at home, I'm not as lazy after school. I'll toss a football around in the backyard or shoot some hoops instead of just laying on the couch.Playing sports has also helped me become faster, stronger and more flexible over time. I'm quicker on my feet than I used to be. I can run faster for longer periods. My muscles are moretoned from all the physical activity. And I'm way more bendy - I can almost do the splits now!Another big health benefit is that sports have improved my coordination a lot. Using my hands and feet for dribbling, catching, throwing and kicking balls has made me much less clumsy. I don't bump into things or trip over my own feet like I used to.Sports have also motivated me to make healthier choices in other areas of my life too. Since I know how important it is to fuel my body with good foods, I eat way more fruits and veggies than I used to. I've pretty much stopped eating junk food like chips and candy too because it makes me feel sluggish.I've also started drinking a lot more water to stay hydrated, especially on really hot days when I'm sweating a ton from running around. And instead of watching TV for hours, I'd much rather go outside and play for that extra physical activity.The last reason why I love sports so much is because of all the life lessons they've taught me. Playing on a team has shown me how to be a good teammate - supporting others, never giving up, and working together as one unit. It's not just about me, it's about our whole group.I've learned discipline too, like having to show up to practices and games on time. No slacking off! Sports have made me more determined as well. If I'm struggling with a skill, I don't quit. I keep trying until I've mastered it through hard work and perseverance.Sports have also built up my confidence tremendously. Scoring a goal or making a good play boosts my self-esteem. And just being physically active makes me feel capable and strong. If I can outrun someone on the soccer field, I feel like I can take on any challenge.Another important lesson has been learning good sportsmanship. Win or lose, I always shake the other team's hands at the end and tell them "good game." It's taught me to be humble when I win instead of gloating, and to have respect for my opponents. We're all just out there trying our best to have fun.Playing fair and following the rules is something else I've picked up from sports. Cheating never even crosses my mind because that would be totally wrong. Being honest is way more rewarding than being a cheater.So those are all the reasons why I just LOVE playing sports! They make me happy because they're fun and fill me with joy.They keep me physically fit, healthy and energized. And they've taught me great lessons about discipline, teamwork, confidence and good sportsmanship.Hopefully you can see why I'm such a big fan of sports after reading this! Whenever I'm on the field, the court or in the pool, I'm just beaming from ear to ear. Whether it's soccer, basketball, swimming or any other sport, I'm always going to be an active kid who loves staying fit while having loads of fun.So what are you waiting for? Go get out there, start playing, and feel the same happiness and health that sports have given me! Join a team, take a class, or just go to your nearest park and get moving. Once you get going, you'll never want to stop. Trust me, being a young athlete is absolutely the best!篇2Sports Are Fun and Good for Me!Hi, my name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite thing in the whole world - sports! I just love playing sports. They make me so happy and healthy. Let me explain why I feel this way.First of all, sports are really, really fun. I mean, what's not fun about running around, kicking or throwing a ball, and playinggames with your friends? Whenever I'm on the soccer field or the basketball court, I'm just having a total blast. The time flies by so quickly because I'm enjoying myself so much.My favorite sport is probably soccer. I love dribbling the ball up the field, trying to get past the other players. And then when you finally score a goal, that feeling is just the best! You get to celebrate and your teammates come running over to hug you. Those are the greatest moments.I'm also a huge fan of basketball. Sinking a basket from way downtown is so satisfying. Swishhhhh! Nothing but net. I'll pump my fist in the air and yell "Yes!" And playing good defense when the other team has the ball is fun too. Stealing the ball away and going the other way for a layup is exhilarating.Even sports I'm not that good at, I still enjoy. Like baseball - I'm not the best hitter, but I try really hard and foul off a bunch of pitches before finally making contact. And running the bases is a rush, especially if I can make it safely to second or third. You get exhausted but it's worth it.The other great thing about sports is that they keep me healthy and in shape. Running around constantly for a whole game really gets my heart pumping. I'll be drenched in sweat bythe end, which lets me know I worked super hard. After the game, I feel tired but really good about myself for exercising so much.Playing sports also helps me build muscles and burn off any extra energy I might have pent up inside. My mom says she can really tell a difference in my behavior and attentiveness on days after I've played hard in a game or practice as opposed to days when I've just sat around all day. The exercise is great for my body and mind.Another awesome benefit of sports is the life lessons you pick up. You learn about being a good teammate and supporting the players on your side. You learn perseverance from never giving up, no matter how far behind you fall. You learn to respect the rules and listen to coaches and officials. You learn good sportsmanship through shaking hands with the other team after a game whether you won or lost. All of those lessons are so valuable.And speaking of losing, that's another big one - you learn how to deal with setbacks, losses, and failure. I've lost more games than I can count, but it's taught me resilience. You can't win 'em all, but you can't let losses get you down. You have to shake it off, refocus, and get 'em next time. That's a skill that will help me in all parts of life, not just sports.I've also made so many great friends through sports. Having teammates who support you and count on you creates amazingly tight bonds. We'll be friends for life because of the times we shared on the field or court, both the wins and the losses. Someday when I'm an adult, I'll look back so fondly on my childhood sports experiences and all my buddies I had on those teams.Finally, sports have helped shape who I am as a person. They've made me more disciplined through having to go to practices and work hard. They've made me more confident to go try new activities and put myself out there. They've built my leadership skills by allowing me to be a captain and roles model at times. Sports have been a huge part of my growth and maturation.I know I've gone on and on here, but I just love sports so much. They truly make me happy and healthy in more ways than I can count. The sheer joy of playing, staying fit, learning skills for life, making friends, growing as an individual - it's all there, packaged into sports. Every kid should get the chance to play whatever sport they love and experience the magic.I really hope I get to keep playing sports for a nice long time, maybe even into high school and college if I'm lucky. As long as Ican keep that ball bouncing or that runner off the bases, I'll be just thrilled. Sports will always have a huge place in my heart and my life. Excuse me, but I have to run - my teammates are waiting for me to join them out on the field to play!篇3Exercise Makes Me Happy, Exercise Makes Me HealthyHi friends! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about why exercise is so much fun and how it keeps me healthy and happy. Grown-ups are always telling kids to go outside and play, but I actually really like being active!One of my favorite things about exercise is that it gets my heart pumping and my body moving. I have so much energy as a kid, and exercise helps me use up that energy in a good way instead of bouncing off the walls at home. Whenever I'm feeling antsy or restless, my mom tells me to go run around outside for a while. After I run and jump and play, I feel nice and tired but also happy and relaxed. Exercise is a great way for me to get that silliness out of my system.Another reason I love exercise is because it's fun! Things like riding my bike, playing catch, swimming at the pool, and chasing after my dog are my idea of a good time. Gym class at school isprobably my favorite part of the day because we get to play fun games and activities that make my heart race. I'm not very good at sitting still, so exercising keeps me entertained and engaged. It makes me feel happy and excited. Even something as simple as a walk around the neighborhood with my family can put a big smile on my face.My parents are always telling me that exercise isn't just fun and games though - it's also really important for keeping me healthy. Exercise makes my muscles stronger, improves my flexibility, gives me more energy, and helps me maintain a healthy weight. It lowers my risk of getting certain diseases when I'm older too. I have friends who get sick a lot, but I tend to stay pretty healthy because exercise boosts my immune system.Exercise is even good for my mind and emotions. When I'm feeling worried, frustrated, or sad about something, going for a bike ride or shooting some hoops can take my mind off whatever was bugging me. Exercising releases chemicals in my brain that make me feel more calm and happy. My parents say it can help me sleep better at night and concentrate more at school too.Sometimes, especially if the weather is bad, it can be hard to motivate myself to exercise. That's when my parents have to give me a little push to get moving. But once I start being active andworking up a sweat, I'm always glad I did it. I feel so much better and more energized afterwards. It's definitely worth the effort!There are so many ways for kids like me to get exercise throughout the day. At school, I walk or bike instead of taking the bus when I can. I participate in gym class, recess, andafter-school sports teams. At home, I love going for family hikes, playing active games in the backyard, swimming at the local pool, or just dancing around while helping my parents with chores. I try to limit my screen time and go outside as much as possible.On weekends, my family and I have fun finding new parks, trails, or playgrounds to explore while being active together. We'll have hiking, biking, or scavenger hunt adventures. Sometimes we meet up with friends and cousins to play games like tag, softball, or frisbee in a big group. Exercising with others makes it even more exciting and enjoyable.My parents love seeing me be so healthy and energetic from all my activity. They always remind me that the habits I build now of eating right and exercising will serve me well when I'm an adult too. I'm already starting to see how much better I feel on the days when I'm active compared to the days I just lounge around watching TV.So there you have it - exercise equals happiness and health for this kid! Being physically active is one of my favorite things. It gives me energy, keeps me entertained, helps me sleep soundly, boosts my mind and emotions, and most importantly, keeps me fit and healthy. I hope other kids out there find being active as fun and rewarding as I do. Get out there, get moving, and get exercising!篇4Exercise Makes Me Happy, Exercise Makes Me HealthyHi, my name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about why exercise is so awesome! Exercise makes me super happy and keeps me healthy.First of all, exercise is really fun! My favorite exercise is playing soccer with my friends. We run around the field kicking the ball and trying to score goals. I love dribbling the ball around the other players and celebrating when I make a goal. Soccer gets my heart pumping and makes me feel energized. Even when I'm tired after the game, I have a big smile on my face.Another fun exercise is riding my bike. I get to go really fast and feel the wind blowing on my face. Sometimes my friends and I have races to see who is the fastest cyclist. Other times, we justcruise around the neighborhood exploring new areas. Bike riding is an adventure!I also enjoy swimming at the community pool in the summer. Splashing around in the cool water is refreshing, especially on hot days. My friends and I play fun games like Marco Polo and have swimming contests to see who is the best swimmer. Getting exercise in the pool is a blast.Whenever I exercise by playing sports or being active, I feel happier. Exercise releases chemicals in my brain called endorphins that make me feel good. After a great game of basketball or soccer, I'm in an amazing mood. Even though I worked hard, I have more energy and optimism. Exercise brings me joy!Exercise doesn't just make me happy though, it also keeps me healthy. Running around during exercise strengthens my muscles and heart. Having strong muscles helps me be a better athlete and avoid injuries. A healthy heart pumps blood more efficiently through my body.Exercise also helps me maintain a healthy weight. The more I run, jump, swim and play, the more calories I burn. This prevents me from gaining too much weight or becoming overweight. Maintaining a healthy weight makes me feel better about myself.Additionally, exercise boosts my immune system to help me avoid getting sick. When I exercise regularly, I get fewer colds and don't miss as many days of school. Being active gets my blood circulating to provide my body with the nutrients and oxygen it needs.I know exercise is great for me, but sometimes I do get tired when being active. At those moments, I remind myself of all the wonderful benefits of exercise. I take a break and drink some water to re-energize myself. Then I get right back into the fun!Not only is exercise good for my body, but it's good for my mind and spirit too. Whenever I'm feeling stressed, angry or sad, going for a run or playing a game helps me feel better. Exercise is like a natural anti-depressant for me. It clears my mind and improves my mood. After exercising, I feel mentally recharged and optimistic again.Exercise has also taught me important life lessons. Through sports, I've learned about being a good teammate, never giving up, handling disappointment from losses, and the value of practice. These lessons help me both on and off the playing field.I know the importance of cooperation, persistence, resilience and hard work.My parents started me exercising from a very young age by going on family walks, swimming together and throwing a ball around. Now exercise is a habit that is an essential part of my daily routine, just like brushing my teeth. I don't feel right if I go a day without doing some kind of physical activity!In the future, I hope to stay active by continuing to play sports, cycling, hiking and trying new fitness activities. Maybe I'll take up rock climbing, kayaking or even parkour! No matter what, I'll always make exercise a priority because it provides me with so much happiness and health.Exercise gives me energy, keeps me at a healthy weight, boosts my immune system, improves my mind and teaches me valuable lessons. Most importantly though, exercise makes me smile and brings me joy. That's why I'll never stop being active and getting exercise. An active lifestyle is the key to a happy and healthy life!篇5Sports Make Me Happy and Healthy!Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. I absolutely love sports and playing games outside with myfriends. Sports are the best thing ever and I'm going to tell you all about why I love them so much!First of all, sports make me super happy. Whenever I'm feeling sad or grumpy, I just go outside and start running around or playing catch with my buddy Jake. It's like magic – as soon as I start moving and getting some exercise, my frown turns upside down! My mom says it's because when I exercise, my brain releases these cool chemicals called endorphins that make me feel really good. Whatever it is, I just know that sports put the biggest smile on my face.Another awesome thing about sports is that they let me run off all my built-up energy. You see, when I have to sit still for a long time at school, I start to feel antsy and hyper. But then as soon as class is over, I can race out to the playground or gym and burn off all that pent-up energy by playing tag, shooting hoops, or kicking a soccer ball around. It feels so good to be able to move my body around freely after being cooped up inside.Not only do sports make me happy on the inside, but they also keep me healthy on the outside too! Playing sports helps me build strong muscles and bones, and keeps my heart beating nice and strong. My gym teacher Mr. Rhodes is always talkingabout cardiovascular exercise and how important it is. Whatever cardiovascular means, I know it's really good for my body.Mom says playing sports will also help keep me from gaining too much weight as I get older. She says childhood obesity is a big problem these days because kids spend way too much time in front of screens instead of running and playing. That's not me though – I can't get enough of being outside and active! Although...I do really love video games too. Maybe I'll just take breaks to run laps around the house. That counts as exercise, right?Some of my favorite sports are basketball, soccer, baseball, riding my bike, swimming, and doing races with my friends. I love the feeling of pushing myself and working up a sweat. It's hard sometimes, but I feel so accomplished after doing something difficult like running a few miles. It's almost like the harder I work, the prouder and happier I feel!I think every kid (and adult too!) should play sports and games to stay active. It's just so much fun and it makes me feel amazing. Plus, my parents are always saying how proud they are of me for being so energetic and choosing to be healthy. I'm not going to lie, eating junk food tastes better than eating vegetables. But because I burn so many calories from all myrunning and playing, Mom says I can have a few treats here and there as long as I'm still making healthy choices most of the time.My friends who play sports with me are some of the nicest, most positive people I know. We always encourage each other to do our best and not give up, even when we're really tired from running laps or struggling to make a basket. It feels like we're a team working together to get stronger, faster, and better at our sports. I've made so many good memories playing games with my buddies.I hope you can tell how much I truly love sports and being active! Whenever I'm outside running around and playing hard, I feel happier, more confident, and so proud of myself. It's honestly the best feeling ever. Not only that, but exercising helps keep my body healthy too by giving me more energy, helping me stay at a good weight, making my muscles and heart stronger, and releasing happiness chemicals in my brain. What's not to love?Sometimes I'll hear people say that exercise is too hard or boring, but those people just haven't found the right sport for them yet. There are so many awesome games and activities out there - I'm sure there's something for everyone to enjoy! You justhave to give it a try. Trust me, once you get moving and get those endorphins going, you'll be hooked!So there you have it - the top reasons why sports make me so happy and healthy. They boost my mood, help me burn off energy, keep me fit, let me make new friends, and honestly just bring me pure joy. Every kid should get outside and get active, even if it's just jumping on a trampoline or dancing around the living room. Sports and movement are the best! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a kickball game to get ready for. Thanks for reading, guys! Peace out!。
论述说明好习惯是抵制诱惑的结果英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Doing The Right Thing Is Hard, But Worth It!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk to you about habits - the good ones and the bad ones. Having good habits is really important, but it's not always easy. The truth is, doing the right thing and building good habits means saying "no" to lots of temptations.What do I mean by temptations? Well, those are the things that seem fun or enjoyable in the moment, but that we know aren't good for us in the long run. Like eating too many sweets, playing video games instead of doing homework, or being mean to somebody else because you think it will make you look cool. Those things are really tempting!The problem is, if you give in to those temptations all the time, you start building bad habits. You get used to eating junk food, slacking off, or bullying people. Before you know it, those bad habits are hard to break. That's no good!The alternative is resisting those temptations - doing the hard thing instead of the easy fun thing. Eating an apple instead of a candy bar. Doing your math homework right after school instead of watching TV. Being kind to the new kid even if your friends are making fun of them.It's not easy! Believe me, I know. I get tempted by video games, junk food, and gossip with my friends just like anyone else. But when I can resist those temptations, I'm building good habits that will pay off in the long run.For example, my parents and teachers are always telling me how important it is to build the habit of working hard on my schoolwork instead of slacking off. When I give in to the temptation of watching YouTube videos instead of studying for a test, I don't do very well. But when I resist that temptation and study like I'm supposed to, I get great grades!Those great grades open up opportunities for me. If I keep building the good habit of working hard in school, I'll be able to get into an amazing college someday and study whatever I want. Maybe I'll become a scientist and discover the cure for a disease! Or an engineer designing super-fast spaceships to explore the galaxy. Those are my dreams, but they'll never happen if I build the bad habit of slacking off in school.It's the same thing with being healthy and active. There's always the temptation to sit around playing video games or watching movies and snacking on chips and candy all day. That would be so much fun and feels great in the moment! But if I give in to those temptations over and over, I'll form terrible habits. I'll become lazy and unhealthy.On the other hand, if I resist those temptations and go outside to play sports, take my dog for a walk, or ride my bike with my friends, I'm building amazing habits. I'll grow up with tons of energy, strong muscles, and a healthy heart and lungs. I'll have the strength and stamina to do anything I set my mind to.One more example - let's talk about how we treat other people. It's so tempting to make fun of someone for being different, or to go along with friends who are bullying somebody to try to seem cool. If I give in to those temptations, though, I'm building the bad habit of being a mean, disrespectful person.But if I resist and choose to be kind, accept people for who they are, and stick up for others even when it's hard, I'm building unbelievably good habits. I'll become a compassionate, caring person that other people admire and want to be around. I might even inspire others to make the same good choices!As you can see, good habits come from resisting temptations and doing the hard things day after day, week after week. It's not easy, but it's so worth it in the end! I definitely struggle with it, just like every other kid. But I'm trying my best to be aware of those moments when I have a choice to make between the easy/fun thing and the right/hard thing. I'm trying to pause, and choose the path that will help me build habits I can be proud of.Maybe it helps to think about who you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to be lazy, unhealthy, mean, and struggling in life because you have a bunch of bad habits holding you back? Or do you want to be successful, energetic, kind, and following your biggest dreams - because you took the hard road and built incredible habits over time?For me, that choice is easy! I definitely want to become the best version of myself that I can be. So even though it's tough, I'm going to keep resisting temptations and doing the hard work to build habits that will get me there. Who's with me?!篇2The Power of Saying No to TemptationDo you ever feel tempted to do something you know isn't good for you? Maybe it's eating too many sweets when your parents aren't looking. Or maybe it's playing video games instead of doing your homework. We all face temptations every day that can lead us away from good habits if we give in to them.But you know what's really powerful? Saying no to those temptations! It might be hard at first, but resistingtemptation and sticking to your good habits is how you build a strong character. Let me tell you all about the awesome benefits of brushing off those enticing temptations.Building WillpowerWhen you say no to something tempting, like sleeping in instead of getting up for school, you're flexing your willpower muscles. And just like exercising your body makes you stronger physically, exercising your willpower makes it stronger mentally. The more you practice resisting temptation, the easier it gets to make good choices.Having strong willpower helps you stay focused on your goals. Let's say your goal is to get better at soccer. The temptation might be to spend all your free time playing video games instead of practicing. But if you can say no to the gamingand yes to practicing, that willpower will help propel you towards your goal.Feeling ProudThere's no better feeling than being really tempted by something but still managing to do the right thing. Maybe your friends wanted you to ditch class with them, but you said no because you knew it was important to stay in school. When you make that choice to do what's right instead of what's easy or tempting, you should feel so proud of yourself!That feeling of pride and accomplishment is amazing. It's like giving yourself a mental pat on the back for being strong and making good decisions. You showed you have the power to resist temptation, and that makes you feel awesome inside.Keeping Good HabitsGood habits, like brushing your teeth, getting to bed on time, and staying active, are what help us grow up healthy and strong. But it's not easy to build those good habits in the first place when there are so many temptations around us. Watching TV instead of studying, playing video games instead of going outside, eating junk food because it tastes good - those are all temptations that can derail our good habits if we give in to them.The only way to truly build good habits is by saying no to what's tempting and yes to what's good for us, even when it's difficult. If you can turn down that bag of chips because you know veggies are healthier, you're one step closer to making healthy eating a locked-in habit. Resisting temptation is the key to creating routines and patterns that become good habits over time.Being a Role ModelWhen you show you can resist temptation and make smart choices, you set an amazing example for the people around you. Your younger siblings, cousins, and friends see that you have strong willpower and care about doing the right thing. You become a role model for good behavior that others will look up to.Think about someone you really admire, like a teacher who is always patient and kind even when students are misbehaving. Part of what makes you look up to that person is their ability to do what's right rather than taking the easy or tempting way out. When you resist temptation, you're practicing that same quality that you admire in others.It Becomes EasierYou might find it really difficult to resist temptation at first. Saying no to a piece of cake at a birthday party or turning off your games to go to bed on time is hard! But here's the good news: the more you practice resisting temptation, the easier it becomes. It's like a habit in itself that becomes stronger and stronger.The first few times you have to resist something tempting, it may feel like a huge struggle. But stick with it! If you can pause, think about the consequences, and make the good choice, it gets a little bit easier the next time. And then it keeps getting easier and easier until eventually, you've built up the willpower and habits to turn down temptation without even having to think about it.So don't be discouraged if you slip up sometimes and give in to temptation. We all do! The important thing is to get back up, remind yourself why you want to build good habits, and keep on resisting. The more practice you get, the simpler and more automatic it becomes to make the smart choice.At the end of the day, having good habits is one of the best ways to set yourself up for a happy life. But good habits don't just appear out of nowhere. They are built through hard work, dedication, and constantly resisting temptation. It's not easy, butwith willpower and perseverance, you can become a pro at saying no to temptation. You'll gain strength of character, feel accomplished, stay on track towards your goals, and hopefully inspire those around you too. What could be better than that?So the next time you're tempted to make an unhealthy choice, pause and think about your habits and goals. Have the courage to say no, even if it's difficult at first. You've got this! Your future self will thank you for resisting and building those good habits one decision at a time.篇3Having Good Habits is Hard Work!Hi there, my name is Tommy and I'm going to tell you all about good habits today. Habits are the things we do over and over again, like brushing our teeth before bed or putting our dishes in the sink after eating. Some habits are good and some are bad. The good habits make our lives better and the bad ones make things harder.The really cool thing about good habits is that they help us become the person we want to be. Like if you want to be a great baseball player, you need the good habit of practicing every day.Or if you want to get straight A's, you need the good habit of studying hard. The habits we choose make us who we are.But developing good habits is really really hard! There are so many temptations that try to lead us away from our good habits. Temptations are like that little voice in your head saying "Just this once, it's okay to skip your homework and watch TV instead." Or "Eating a few more cookies won't hurt." Those tempting thoughts can be very convincing!The biggest temptation I struggle with is video games. I love playing video games so much. They are super fun and exciting. But if I'm not careful, I can easily get carried away playing games for hours and hours instead of doing my homework or chores. The temptation is so strong!Another major temptation, at least for me, is sleeping in late. My mom has to call me like a million times to get me out of bed for school. My warm cozy bed feels so nice in the morning and the temptation to stay cuddled up is huge. But if I listen to that temptation, I'll be late for school and miss important lessons and time with my friends.Those are just a couple examples of the temptations we all face. Temptations are any thoughts, feelings, or desires that pull us away from our good habits. They make us want to take theeasy way out instead of doing what we know is best. Temptations are the enemy of good habits!So how do we resist these temptations and build good habits? It's not easy, but here are some tips that have helped me:Recognize the temptation and pause before acting on it. When you get that urge to skip your responsibilities, stop yourself and think "Is giving in to this temptation going to help me or hurt me in the long run?"Imagine how you'll feel after the temptation passes. Will you feel proud of resisting? Or will you feel disappointed that you messed up your good habits? Picturing how I'll feel afterwards really motivates me.Get an accountability partner. My dad helps me resist my gaming temptation by checking on me when it's homework time. Having someone to be accountable to makes resisting easier.Just do it! When the temptation strikes, don't debate with yourself too much. Just force yourself to do the good habit as quickly as you can. The more you practice resisting, the stronger you'll get.Reward yourself. Once you've successfully resisted a temptation, give yourself a little treat or reward. That makes the resistance more worth it.The bottom line is that good habits are absolutely essential if we want to achieve our goals and become our best selves. But building good habits means constantly fighting against temptation. It's an ongoing battle because temptations never go away completely.Sometimes we'll cave in and give in to temptation. That's okay, we're human and it happens. The most important thing is to get back on the good habit wagon as quickly as possible. Don't let one slip up turn into total habit destruction.Having good habits is hard work, no doubt about it. It requires self-discipline, willpower, and determination. But all that hard work pays off big time. Good habits will help us accomplish amazing things while bad habits just hold us back.So stay strong, my friends! Recognize those tempting thoughts for what they are: roadblocks trying to stop you from becoming the best you you can be. When temptation strikes, pause and make the harder but better choice to follow your good habit. It'll be worth it, I promise. Choose the good habit, resist the temptation!篇4Good Habits Come From Saying No to TemptationHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm in the 5th grade. Today I want to talk to you about habits. Habits are things we do over and over again, like brushing our teeth before bed or putting our backpacks away when we get home from school. Some habits are good and some are bad.Bad habits are easy to start but hard to stop. Like eating too many sweets or playing video games for hours instead of doing homework. Those things are really tempting and fun in the moment. But later on, you might get a stomachache from the sweets or get bad grades for not doing your work. Good habits take more effort at first but pay off in the long run.I'll give you some examples from my own life. A bad habit I've struggled with is biting my nails. It's just something I started doing without really thinking about it. But over time, my nails started looking really bad and ragged. Sometimes I'd bite them so much that my fingertips would bleed - ouch! I knew it was an ugly habit but it was hard to stop. The temptation to bite was always there, especially when I was bored or nervous.Then one day, my mom helped me put little mittens on my hands so I physically couldn't bite my nails. It was annoying at first. I felt silly wearing mittens when it wasn't even cold out. But after a few weeks, I wasn't biting my nails anymore! Fighting that temptation allowed me to break the bad habit. Now my nails look nice and I don't have to worry about bleeding fingers. It just took some discipline and resistance to that nail biting urge.On the flip side, a good habit I've built is reading for fun every night before bed. When I was younger, it was so tempting to just turn on the TV or ask my parents if I could play video games instead of reading. Video games and TV shows are a lot more exciting than books, at least at first glance. But my parents were very strict about my reading time. No screens until after I had read out loud to them for 30 minutes.I'll admit, I whined and complained about it a lot back then. But my parents stayed consistent and didn't give in. Eventually, I got used to the routine of reading every night. I started looking forward to exploring new book adventures before bed. Reading became a reward rather than a chore. These days, I'm a strong reader who loves getting lost in novels. I'm so grateful my parents helped me build that habit by saying no to my whining and the temptation of easier entertainment.Another example is exercising and staying active. With so many fun distractions like video games, TV, and just lounging around, it's really tempting to be lazy. Especially after a long day at school. The couch is calling "Plop down here and relax!" But too much couch lounging leads to an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. That's why my family has rules about daily activity time.We have to spend at least an hour each day being physically active in some way. It could be playing sports, going for a walk or bike ride, shooting hoops, or even just dancing around like crazy people. My siblings and I have been known to protest this rule with whining and outbursts of "But I'm tiiiiired!" But our parents don't give in. They know it's Setting a good lifelong habit of prioritizing physical activity. As a result, my whole family is fit and energetic. We rarely get sick and we feel great! All because we fought through that initial resistance to being active.I could go on with more examples, but you get the idea. Good habits like eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, being kind to others - they all involve resisting temptation in some way. It's learning to ignore that nagging voice that says, "Aww, just this once it'll be fine to make an unhealthy choice." Or "I'll start that good habit tomorrow instead." Tomorrow rarely comes when you think that way.Building good habits means being disciplined about doing the right thing over and over, even when you don't feel like it. It means saying no to temptation and instant gratification. In the moment, it's way more tempting to just keep doing bad habits. But in the long run, good habits make you feel great. They provide awesome benefits like confidence, health, success, and self-respect.So next time you're tempted to continue a bad habit or put off starting a good one, think about your future self. Is potential instant pleasure worth letting your future self down? I'm still just a kid, but I've already learned that the answer is no. Do the hard stuff now and your future self will thank you over and over again!篇5Sure, here's an essay about how good habits are the result of resisting temptation, written in English with a tone suitable for elementary school students (around 2000 words):Title: The Secret to Good Habits: Saying No to TemptationHave you ever wondered why some kids seem to have it all together? They wake up early, do their homework without being asked, and always remember to brush their teeth before bed. The secret isn't that they're super-humans or have some specialpower. The truth is, they've learned to resist temptation and make good choices, which leads to good habits.Let me tell you a story about my friend, Jessica. Jessica loves video games, and I mean LOVES them. She could spend hours and hours playing her favorite games, battling monsters, and exploring virtual worlds. But Jessica also knows that too much of a good thing can be bad. That's why she has a rule: no video games until her homework and chores are done.It's not always easy for Jessica to resist the temptation of her games. Sometimes, she really wants to play instead of doing her work. But she reminds herself that if she gives in to that temptation, she'll end up with bad habits – staying up late, falling behind in school, and having a messy room. So, she takes a deep breath, says no to the video game temptation, and gets her responsibilities done first.Once Jessica has finished her homework and chores, she can enjoy her video games without feeling guilty or worried. And because she's developed the good habit of putting her responsibilities first, she has more time and energy to really enjoy her gaming sessions.It's the same with other temptations, like watching too much TV, eating too many sweets, or playing outside instead of doingyour reading. Every time you resist those temptations and make the better choice, you're strengthening your good habits.For example, let's say you really want to watch your favorite TV show, but you haven't finished your reading for school yet. The temptation is to turn on the TV and worry about the reading later. But if you give in to that temptation, you'll end up with a bad habit of putting off your work and falling behind.On the other hand, if you resist the temptation and do your reading first, you'll be strengthening your good habit of getting your responsibilities done before playtime. And once you've finished your reading, you can enjoy your TV show without any guilt or stress.Of course, resisting temptation isn't always easy. Sometimes, those video games, TV shows, or sugary treats can seem so appealing, and it's hard to say no. But here's a secret: the more you practice resisting temptation, the easier it gets.It's like exercising a muscle. The first few times you say no to temptation, it might feel really hard. But the more you do it, the stronger that "resistance muscle" gets, and it becomes easier and easier to make the right choice.And the more you make those right choices, the better your habits become. Before you know it, waking up early, doing your homework, and staying active won't be a struggle anymore –they'll just be natural habits that you've developed by consistently resisting temptation.So, the next time you're tempted to procrastinate, watch too much TV, or indulge in something you know you shouldn't, remember Jessica and her video game rule. Take a deep breath, say no to the temptation, and make the better choice. It might be hard at first, but every time you do it, you're one step closer to developing amazing habits that will serve you well for the rest of your life.Good habits aren't magic – they're the result of hard work, determination, and consistently resisting temptation. But trust me, it's worth it. Because once you've developed those good habits, you'll feel accomplished, responsible, and proud of yourself. And who knows, you might even find that you have more time and energy for the things you really love, like Jessica and her video games.So, what are you waiting for? Start resisting those temptations today, and watch as your good habits bloom and grow. The path to success starts with saying no to the things thathold you back, and yes to the choices that move you forward. You've got this!。
玩电脑游戏的危害提建议英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Dark Side of Gaming: Advice for Navigating the Virtual WorldAs a student, I can't help but notice the ever-growing obsession with computer games among my peers. From the latest first-person shooters to immersive role-playing adventures, the gaming industry has become a multi-billion dollar behemoth, luring young minds into its captivating digital realms. While gaming can undoubtedly be an entertaining pastime, it's crucial to recognize the potential pitfalls that lurk beneath the surface of these virtual worlds.The most apparent danger of excessive gaming is the detrimental impact it can have on academic performance. I've witnessed countless classmates struggle to maintain focus during lectures, their minds seemingly trapped in the latest gaming craze. The allure of leveling up or conquering the next challenge can be so intense that it overshadows the importance of studying and completing assignments. Consequently, gradessuffer, and the road to academic success becomes increasingly treacherous.Moreover, the sedentary nature of gaming can have severe implications for physical health. Prolonged periods spent hunched over a screen, often accompanied by unhealthy snacking habits, can lead to a range of issues, including obesity, poor posture, and eye strain. The lack of physical activity not only impacts physical well-being but can also contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.However, the perils of gaming extend far beyond the realms of academics and physical health. The social implications cannot be ignored. I've observed friends and acquaintances gradually withdraw from real-world interactions, preferring the comfort and familiarity of their digital avatars. This social isolation can have profound consequences, hindering the development of essential interpersonal skills and creating a disconnection from reality.Additionally, the portrayal of violence and mature content in many popular games raises concerns about desensitization and the normalization of aggressive behavior. While the debate surrounding the direct link between virtual violence andreal-world aggression rages on, the potential influence on young, impressionable minds cannot be disregarded.Despite these dangers, I firmly believe that gaming can be enjoyed responsibly and in moderation. The key lies in striking a balance and implementing practical strategies to mitigate the potential risks. Here are some suggestions for navigating the virtual world:Prioritize academics: As students, our primary focus should be on academic success. Set specific study times and adhere to them strictly. Gaming should be a reward for hard work, not a distraction from it.Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Incorporate regular physical exercise into your routine, even if it's just a brisk walk or some light calisthenics. Encourage active gaming experiences that promote movement and engage the body. Additionally, prioritize a balanced diet and adequate hydration.Foster real-world connections: While gaming can be a social experience, it should not replace face-to-face interactions. Make a conscious effort to nurture friendships and participate in extracurricular activities that foster personal growth and social development.Set reasonable limits: Establish clear boundaries for gaming time and stick to them. Consider using parental controls or apps that monitor and restrict usage if necessary. Self-discipline is key to preventing gaming from consuming your life.Critically evaluate content: Approach gaming with a discerning eye, particularly when it comes to mature or potentially harmful content. Discuss concerns with parents, educators, or mental health professionals if you feel the content is having a negative impact on your thoughts or behavior.In conclusion, the world of computer gaming can be both enthralling and treacherous. While it offers an escape from the stresses of daily life and a platform for social connection, it also harbors dangers that can profoundly impact academic performance, physical and mental health, social development, and even personal values.As students, it is our responsibility to navigate this virtual realm with caution and wisdom. By prioritizing academics, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, fostering real-world connections, setting reasonable limits, and critically evaluating content, we can enjoy the benefits of gaming while mitigating its potential risks.Remember, the virtual world is a powerful tool, but it should never supersede the importance of the real world we inhabit. Embrace gaming as a pastime, but never allow it to become an all-consuming obsession that jeopardizes your future andwell-being.篇2The Perils of Gaming: A Call for ModerationAs a student, I can't help but notice the growing obsession with computer games among my peers. From the latestfirst-person shooters to immersive role-playing adventures, gaming has become an integral part of our daily lives. While I acknowledge the entertainment value and potential benefits of these digital experiences, I also recognize the dangers that come with excessive indulgence. In this essay, I aim to shed light on the perils of gaming and offer suggestions for striking a healthy balance.The Lure of Virtual WorldsComputer games offer an escape from the monotony of everyday life, transporting us into fantastical realms where we can assume different roles, conquer challenges, and experience thrills that reality often denies us. The allure of these virtualworlds lies in their ability to captivate our senses and stimulate our minds in ways that traditional forms of entertainment cannot match. However, it is precisely this immersive quality that can lead us down a path of addiction and detachment from the real world.The Dangers of AddictionLike any pleasurable activity, gaming can become addictive if not kept in check. The constant pursuit of the next level, the desire to accumulate virtual rewards, and the social connections formed within gaming communities can create a powerful pull that consumes our time and energy. As students, we have witnessed classmates neglecting their studies, forsaking physical activity, and isolating themselves from real-life social interactions in favor of their gaming obsessions. This addiction not only hinders academic performance but also poses risks to mental and physical well-being.Health ImplicationsProlonged gaming sessions, often accompanied by poor posture, lack of movement, and irregular sleeping patterns, can have detrimental effects on our health. Eye strain, headaches, and musculoskeletal problems are common complaints among avid gamers. Additionally, the sedentary nature of gaming cancontribute to obesity, cardiovascular issues, and a general decline in physical fitness. Furthermore, the constant exposure to violent or mature content in certain games may desensitize us to real-world violence and promote unhealthy attitudes or behaviors.Social and Emotional ConsequencesWhile gaming can foster online communities and facilitate social interactions, excessive reliance on these virtual connections can impair our ability to develop and maintain meaningful real-life relationships. The emotional investment in gaming can also lead to mood swings, irritability, and emotional detachment from loved ones. Furthermore, the constant pursuit of virtual achievements may breed a sense of dissatisfaction with real-life accomplishments, contributing to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.Suggestions for a Balanced ApproachDespite the potential dangers, I do not advocate for the complete abandonment of computer games. Like any leisure activity, gaming can be enjoyed in moderation and can offer benefits such as improved hand-eye coordination,problem-solving skills, and stress relief. However, it is crucial toestablish healthy boundaries and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Here are some suggestions:Set Reasonable Time Limits: Establish a daily or weekly time limit for gaming and adhere to it strictly. This will ensure that gaming does not consume excessive amounts of time that could be better spent on studies, physical exercise, or other productive activities.Prioritize Real-Life Responsibilities: Make a conscious effort to prioritize academic responsibilities, family commitments, and personal wellbeing over gaming. Treat gaming as a recreational activity, not a primary focus in life.Encourage Physical Activity: Incorporate regular physical exercise into your routine to counteract the sedentary nature of gaming. Engage in sports, outdoor activities, or simply take breaks to stretch and move around during prolonged gaming sessions.Foster Real-Life Connections: While online gaming communities can be engaging, make a conscious effort to nurture real-life friendships and social connections. Participate in group activities, engage in face-to-face interactions, and cultivate meaningful relationships outside the virtual realm.Practice Mindfulness: Develop an awareness of your gaming habits and the impact they have on your overall well-being. Reflect on the motivations behind your gaming behavior and address any underlying issues, such as stress, anxiety, or a need for escapism.Seek Support: If you or someone you know is struggling with gaming addiction, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Counseling, therapy, and support groups can provide valuable guidance and resources for overcoming unhealthy gaming behaviors.ConclusionIn the digital age, computer games have become an integral part of our lives, offering entertainment, social connections, and cognitive challenges. However, it is crucial to approach gaming with moderation and awareness of its potential dangers. By setting reasonable limits, prioritizing real-life responsibilities, fostering physical activity, nurturing genuine social connections, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed, we can strike a healthy balance and enjoy the benefits of gaming without compromising our well-being. As students, it is our responsibility to maintain a balanced lifestyle that supports our academic pursuits, personal growth, and overall fulfillment.篇3The Perils of Gaming: A Student's Perspective and SuggestionsAs a student, I can attest to the allure of computer games. They offer an escape from the pressures of academia, a chance to immerse ourselves in fantastical worlds, and a sense of accomplishment as we conquer challenges. However, as with many things in life, moderation is key. Excessive gaming can have detrimental effects on our academic performance, physical health, and social well-being. In this essay, I aim to shed light on the potential dangers of gaming addiction and provide suggestions for striking a healthy balance.The Impact on Academic PerformanceOne of the most significant risks of excessive gaming is its impact on academic performance. When we become consumed by virtual worlds, our focus and motivation for studying can dwindle. Hours that should be dedicated to homework, research, or attending lectures are instead spent glued to screens, battling digital foes or exploring virtual landscapes. This can lead to missed assignments, poor grades, and ultimately, jeopardize our educational goals.Moreover, the constant stimulation and instant gratification provided by games can make it challenging to engage in academic tasks that require sustained concentration and delayed rewards. Reading dense textbooks or writing research papers may seem dull in comparison to the adrenaline-fueled action of gaming. As a result, our attention spans can diminish, making it increasingly difficult to retain information or engage in deep, analytical thinking.The Physical TollProlonged gaming sessions can also take a toll on our physical health. Sitting for extended periods in front of a computer or gaming console can lead to poor posture, muscle strain, and even chronic back pain. The sedentary nature of gaming, coupled with the tendency to consume unhealthy snacks and neglect proper hydration, can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.Additionally, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our sleep patterns and circadian rhythms. Late-night gaming sessions can lead to insufficient sleep, which can impact our cognitive abilities, mood, and overall well-being. Lack of proper rest can also weaken our immune systems, making us more susceptible to illnesses.Social Isolation and Interpersonal ChallengesWhile multiplayer games provide opportunities for online social interaction, they are often a poor substitute forface-to-face connections. Excessive gaming can lead to social isolation, as we withdraw from real-world relationships and activities in favor of virtual ones. This can hinder our ability to develop and maintain meaningful connections, which are crucial for personal growth and overall well-being.Furthermore, the competitive nature of many games can foster aggression, trash-talking, and toxic behavior within gaming communities. This can negatively impact our interpersonal skills and the way we interact with others in both online and offline settings.Suggestions for Striking a Healthy BalanceWhile the dangers of excessive gaming should not be ignored, it is important to recognize that gaming, in moderation, can offer benefits such as improved hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and stress relief. The key lies in striking a healthy balance and incorporating gaming into our lives in a responsible and controlled manner.Set Limits and Prioritize: Establish clear boundaries for gaming time and stick to them. Prioritize essential tasks like studying, attending classes, and completing assignments before indulging in gaming. Consider setting a timer or alarm to prevent losing track of time during gaming sessions.Incorporate Physical Activity: Counteract the sedentary nature of gaming by incorporating regular physical activity into your routine. Engage in sports, exercise, or simply take breaks to stretch and move around. This will not only benefit your physical health but also improve your mental clarity and focus.Foster Real-World Connections: While online gaming communities can be enjoyable, make a conscious effort to nurture face-to-face relationships. Spend quality time with friends and family, engage in extracurricular activities, or join clubs and organizations that align with your interests. These real-world connections will enrich your life and provide a sense of belonging.Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These techniques can help you become more aware of your gaming habits, emotions, and thought patterns, enabling you to make more conscious choices about how you spend your time.Seek Support: If you find yourself struggling with gaming addiction or the negative consequences of excessive gaming, do not hesitate to seek support. Reach out to counselors, mentors, or support groups that can provide guidance and strategies for overcoming gaming-related challenges.In conclusion, while computer games can be entertaining and even beneficial in moderation, excessive gaming can pose significant risks to our academic performance, physical health, and social well-being. As students, it is crucial to recognize these dangers and take proactive steps to maintain a healthy balance. By setting limits, prioritizing essential tasks, incorporating physical activity, fostering real-world connections, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed, we can enjoy the joys of gaming without compromising our overall well-being and success.。
玩游戏有害的英语作文初中Playing video games can be harmful in many ways. Firstly, it can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. When we are engrossed in gaming, we often forget to move our bodies. As a result, we become less active and more prone to health issues like obesity and cardiovascular diseases.Secondly, excessive gaming can negatively impact our social skills. Spending too much time playing gamesisolates us from real-life social interactions. We become detached from our friends and family, and our ability to communicate effectively with others diminishes. This can hinder our personal and professional relationships in the long run.Furthermore, playing games for extended periods can have adverse effects on our mental health. It can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels, as we become too invested in the virtual world. Moreover, the constant exposure to violent and aggressive content in some gamescan desensitize us to real-life violence, making us less empathetic and more prone to aggressive behavior.In addition, excessive gaming can have a detrimental impact on our academic performance. When we spend too much time playing games, we neglect our studies and homework. This lack of focus and dedication can result in poor grades and hinder our educational progress.Lastly, addiction to gaming is a serious issue that affects many individuals. The constant need to play and the inability to control the amount of time spent gaming can lead to neglect of other responsibilities and obligations. This addiction can have severe consequences on our personal and professional lives, often leading to strained relationships and poor performance at work or school.In conclusion, while gaming can be a source of entertainment, it is important to be aware of its potential harmful effects. It is crucial to maintain a balance between gaming and other aspects of life, such as physical activity, social interactions, and academic pursuits. Bydoing so, we can enjoy the benefits of gaming without compromising our overall well-being.。
青少年在家应该做家务吗英文作文阐述观点全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Should Teenagers Do Chores at Home? An Elementary Student's ViewI've been thinking a lot about whether teenagers should have to do chores around the house. It's an important issue that people seem to have very different opinions on. Some of my classmates say their older brothers and sisters never have to lift a finger to help out. But my teenage cousins tell me they have lots of chores they're expected to do every week. Who's right?I guess it probably depends on the family and their rules. But I have some strong opinions on the matter that I'd like to share!First off, I think it's really good for teenagers to have regular chores and responsibilities at home. Sure, being a teenager is a busy time with school, activities, friends and all that. But that doesn't mean they should be excused from pitching in around the house. Doing chores teaches important life skills like hard work, discipline, and time management.How are teens ever going to learn to cook, clean, do laundry, and all the basics of taking care of themselves if their parents never make them practice? If you ask me, parents are doing their kids a huge disservice by not making them do any chores. It's setting them up for a really tough time when they finally move out and have to fend for themselves. No one wants their kid to be that adult who can't even work the washing machine or cook anything besides ramen noodles!Another big reason I believe teenagers should have household chores is that it's just not fair to make their parents do absolutely everything around the house. Parents work really hard - at their jobs during the day, and then running the household in the evenings and on weekends. It's a lot for anyone to handle all by themselves. Isn't it only right that their teenaged kids who live under that same roof pitch in a little too?I see lots of moms and dads who come home from work absolutely exhausted, only to be greeted by a messy house and a bunch of chores awaiting them. All while their teenage kids just sit around watching TV, playing video games, or spending hours on their phones. That doesn't seem right to me at all. Yeah, school is hard work too. But if you're old enough to be ateenager, you're definitely old enough to take on some responsibilities around the home as well.Having chores shows that everyone in the family is expected to pull their weight a bit. It creates a sense of teamwork, with all the family members doing their part for the good of the household. Imagine if kids didn't have any chores until they became adults - what an entitled attitude they could develop! Thinking that having everything done for them is just normal could make them very self-centered and lazy. Not a good recipe for becoming a responsible, hardworking adult if you ask me.What do I think should happen if a teenager just flat-out refuses to do their assigned chores? There have to be consequences, plain and simple. Maybe removal ofphone/internet privileges, less allowance, or not being allowed to go out with friends until those chores get done. Parents can't be pushovers - you have to enforce the rules you set, or teenagers will just take advantage. Letting them off the hook just enables lazy, irresponsible behavior in the long run.At the end of the day, a household should be a team effort. Sure, parents are the leaders and purse string holders. But teenagers are certainly old enough to be contributing members as well. Doing age-appropriate chores teaches so manyincredible lessons beyond just checking off a to-do list. It builds character, instills a solid work ethic, and helps prepare kids for being successful, self-sufficient adults down the road.So in my view, unless there are extenuating circumstances, teenagers absolutely should be doing chores at home. It's good for them, it's good for their family, and it's great practice for their eventual adult lives. A little hard work never hurt anyone. If you ask me, bring on the chores!篇2Yes, certainly! Here's an essay of around 2,000 words on the topic of whether teenagers should do household chores at home, written from a child's perspective:Should Teens Do Chores at Home? An EssayHi there! My name is Alex, and I'm a 10-year-old kid. Today, I want to share my thoughts on whether teenagers should do chores at home or not. It's a topic that my parents and I have discussed a lot, and I have some strong opinions about it!First of all, let me start by saying that I absolutely think teenagers should do chores at home. I know, I know, a lot of myfriends complain about having to clean their rooms or take out the trash, but hear me out!You see, doing chores is not just about keeping the house clean (although that's definitely important too). It's also about learning important life skills and becoming more responsible. When we're young, our parents do everything for us – they cook our meals, clean our messes, and even tie our shoelaces! But as we grow older, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves and our living spaces.Imagine if a teenager went off to college or moved out on their own without ever having done a single chore. How would they know how to do laundry, wash dishes, or even make their bed? They'd be completely lost! That's why it's so important to start learning these skills early on, and doing chores at home is the perfect way to do that.But wait, there's more! Doing chores also teaches us about teamwork and pitching in. A household is like a little community, and everyone needs to do their part to keep things running smoothly. If one person (like a teenager) doesn't do their share of the chores, it puts extra stress and work on everyone else. That's not fair, is it?On the other hand, when everyone chips in and does their part, the workload is shared, and things get done more quickly. Plus, it creates a sense of pride and accomplishment when you've contributed to the upkeep of your home.I know some teenagers might argue that they're too busy with school, sports, and other activities to do chores. But here's the thing – we all have busy schedules, even us kids! Between school, homework, and extracurricular activities, our days are packed too. But we still find time to do our chores (well, most of the time!), because they're important.Learning how to manage your time and prioritize tasks is another valuable skill that comes from doing chores. Sure, it might mean sacrificing an hour of video game time or social media scrolling, but in the long run, it's worth it.Another argument I've heard from some teenagers is that they don't get paid to do chores, so why should they have to do them? Well, let me ask you this – do you get paid to brush your teeth or take a shower? Of course not! Chores are just basic responsibilities that come with being part of a household, just like personal hygiene.Plus, doing chores can actually be a way to earn some extra pocket money. In my family, we have a system where my siblingsand I can earn an allowance by doing extra chores beyond our regular responsibilities. That way, we learn the value of hard work and get rewarded for going above and beyond.Now, I know what you're thinking – "But Alex, chores are boring and no fun at all!" And you know what? You're absolutely right! Vacuuming, dusting, and scrubbing toilets are not exactly thrilling activities. But that's life, folks! There are plenty of things we have to do that aren't necessarily fun, but they're still important.Besides, there are ways to make chores more enjoyable. In my house, we like to crank up the music and have little dance parties while we're cleaning. Or we'll race to see who can make their bed the fastest. It's all about finding ways to make the tasks a little more bearable.At the end of the day, doing chores is just part of being a responsible and contributing member of a household. It teaches us valuable life skills, teamwork, time management, and a strong work ethic. Plus, it helps keep our living spaces clean and organized, which is good for everyone's mental health andwell-being.So, to all the teenagers out there who groan and complain about having to do chores, I get it – believe me, I do! But trustme, it's all worth it in the long run. Embrace those chores, find ways to make them fun, and take pride in the fact that you're contributing to your family and learning important skills for the future.And who knows, maybe one day when you're all grown up and living on your own, you'll look back and appreciate all those times your parents made you do the dishes or vacuum the living room. At the very least, you'll know how to keep your place clean and tidy!That's my two cents on the topic of teenagers and chores. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know in the comments below!Thanks for reading, and remember – a little bit of hard work never hurt anyone!篇3Should Teenagers Do Chores at Home?Hi there! My name is Alex and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk to you about whether teenagers should have to do chores around the house. It's a topic adults seem to argue about a lot. Some parents think teenagers are too busy with school, activities,and hanging out with friends to also have household responsibilities. But other parents believe it's important for teens to pitch in at home and learn valuable life skills.Personally, I think teenagers should definitely do chores. Sure, they have a lot on their plates with classes, homework, sports, clubs, and trying to have a social life. But doing chores teaches important lessons that will help them when they grow up and live on their own someday.First off, having chores gives teens a sense of responsibility. When you have to make your bed, load the dishwasher, fold laundry, or take out the trash on a regular basis, you learn that things don't just get done by magic. Chores show that running a household takes work and effort from everyone who lives there. Doing chores gets kids in the habit of taking care of their living space and belongings.Doing chores also teaches time management skills that are super important, especially when you get older. Teens have to figure out how to balance chores along with all their other activities and commitments. It can be hard at first, but it gets easier with practice. Good time management prepares teens for bigger responsibilities down the road like juggling a job, classes, workout routine, and social life in college.Chores also give teenagers a sense of contribution to the family. When teens do their part to keep the house clean and running smoothly, they can feel pride in pulling their own weight and not making their parents do absolutely everything. It helps teens appreciate all the hard work their parents do to provide a nice home for the family. After gaining experience doing chores, many teens even say they appreciate their parents more than before.Learning basic household skills like cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work, and home repairs is another big benefit of chores. Sure, those things might not seem exciting to a teenager. But knowing how to fend for themselves is crucial when teens go off to college or get their first apartment someday. Without chores, some teens might find themselves completely clueless about how to keep their living space clean and habitable. By doing chores as teens, they get a head start on mastering skills they'll need as self-sufficient adults.Some critics argue that chores burden teens too much on top of everything else they're juggling. They say childhood should be a time of fun, relaxation, and enjoying being a kid before entering the working world as adults. WhileI understand that view, I think it's okay to have a moderate amount of choresthat don't consume too much of a teen's free time. An hour or two of household tasks spread throughout the week seems reasonable and still allows plenty of time for other activities.Another common argument is that chores distract teens from their most important job: succeeding in school. However, many studies have shown that chores don't interfere with academics if workloads are balanced properly. In fact, chores can promote organizational skills and self-discipline that actually boost performance in the classroom. As long as parents don't go overboard with excessive chores, it need not get in the way of teens' studies.At the end of the day, doing chores gives teenagers valuable life experience to draw from when they eventually live independently as adults. Sure, chores aren't exactly a party. But neither is cooking every meal, cleaning up after yourself constantly, and handling the never-ending piles of laundry that quickly accrue when you're on your own. By starting chores as teens, kids get the chance to build important practical skills while their parents are still around to guide and support them.Chores also promote a good work ethic that will benefit teens in the long run. Doing chores teaches that sometimes we all have to do tasks we don't enjoy for the greater good of ourhousehold or community. In today's world, having a solid work ethic is crucial for succeeding in careers and being a productive member of society. Starting chores as teens helps cement the mindset that shows up for adulthood.While I'm sure some of you might still disagree, I believe the evidence shows teenagers should have reasonable chore responsibilities at home. Not only do chores impart critical skills for independent living, they also instill positive values like responsibility, time management, contribution, and a strong work ethic. So parents, go ahead and put those teens to work! They may grumble at first, but someday they'll look back and be grateful you gave them an invaluable head start on adulting. Thanks for listening, friends!篇4Should Teenagers Do Chores at Home?Hi there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 10-year-old student in the 5th grade. Today, I want to share my thoughts on whether teenagers should do chores at home or not. It's a topic that many families debate, and I've heard a lot of different opinions from my friends and their older siblings.First of all, let me start by saying that I think it's important for everyone in a family to help out around the house, no matter their age. A home is like a little community, and when everyone pitches in, it makes things run more smoothly and creates a sense of teamwork. Plus, it's just fairer if everyone shares the workload instead of leaving it all to Mom and Dad.Now, I know that some teenagers might argue that they're too busy with school, extracurricular activities, and social life to worry about chores. But in my opinion, that's not a good excuse. We all have responsibilities, and learning to balance different tasks is an important life skill. If teenagers can manage their time effectively, they should be able to fit in some chores without too much trouble.And let's be honest, doing chores isn't exactly篇5Should Teenagers Do Chores at Home?Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 10-year-old kid in 5th grade. Today I want to share my thoughts on whether teenagers should have to do chores and help out around the house. It's a topic that kids and parents don't always agree on!In my opinion, I think teenagers definitely should be expected to do their fair share of chores at home. There are a few main reasons why I believe this:It teaches important life skills and responsibility.If teenagers never have to lift a finger to clean, do laundry, cook meals, or keep their living space tidy, how are they going to learn those skills? They'll be totally unprepared when they grow up and move out on their own one day. Doing chores helps build habits of being responsible, disciplined, and taking care of your own messes and needs.It's only fair that everyone contributes.Think about it - in a family, the parents work really hard all day at their jobs to pay the bills and put food on the table. When they come home, they still have to do tons of housework like cleaning, cooking, yardwork, and laundry on top of that! It doesn't seem fair for the teenagers to just laze around while their poor parents have to do everything. Everyone who lives in the house should pitch in and do their part.It gives a sense of ownership and taking pride in your home.If you never have to clean up after yourself or put any work into taking care of your living space, you don't learn to take pridein it and really appreciate having a clean, comfortable home. But if you've put in some effort into vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing toilets, and taking good care of your space and belongings, you feel way more ownership over it. You can look around and think "I helped make this place look nice!"It keeps teenagers out of trouble.Let's be honest, teenagers with too much free time on their hands can sometimes get into mischief or trouble. But if they have constructive chores and tasks to do around the house, it keeps them busy in a good way. They'll be less likely to get bored and make poor choices, and more likely to develop a good work ethic.It prepares them for the real world.Once teenagers eventually move out and get their own places, they'll have no choice but to do 100% of the cleaning, laundry, cooking, and household maintenance themselves. If they had zero practice with chores during their teenage years, they'll be in for a rude awakening! Doing age-appropriate chores as a teen is good practice for managing a household independently as a grown-up.Those are some of the biggest reasons I'm firmly convinced that teenagers should indeed have daily or weekly chore responsibilities at home. It just makes sense! Of course, the workload should be fair and not excessive. Parents shouldn't treat their teenagers as full-time maids. But a reasonable amount of chores instills great values.I can already hear some teenagers complaining "But I'm really busy with school, activities, a job, etc.!" While those are valid points, the reality is that pretty much everyone has a full plate of commitments - parents included. Part of being a responsible human is learning to manage your time and priorities. If you can't find a way to get your chores done on top of other things, then maybe you're overcommitting yourself too much. Developing time management skills is just another benefit of doing chores!Another argument I can predict is "You're just a kid, what do you know?" Well, sure, I may be young but I'm wise beyond my years (just kidding!). But truly, I've seen firsthand how capable and mature teenagers can be when they're expected to pitch in at home. My teenage cousins who have always had regular chores just seem so much more responsible than the ones who never lift a finger. You can easily tell which ones were taughtself-discipline and a good work ethic from an early age. So in my experience, giving teens chores works!At the end of the day, a household is kind of like a team. Everyone needs to contribute and do their part for things to run smoothly. It's not fair or sustainable for just the parents to do absolutely everything. Teenagers are old enough to take on some weekly chores, and frankly, it's what's best for them in the long run too. No one wants to grow up feeling entitled to have everything done for them. Taking pride in your home and pitching in is just part of being a respectful, productive person.So there you have it - the views of thiswise-beyond-his-years fifth grader! I say make those teenagers clean their rooms, do their own laundry, help with meal preps, and all those fun things. They may whine at first, but trust me, it'll make them better humans in the long run. A family that chores together, stays together! (Okay, maybe not the best slogan, but you get what I mean!) Thanks for reading!篇6Should Teenagers Do Chores at Home?Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about whether teenagers should do chores at home. Some people may think that choresare only for adults, but I believe that even teenagers like us can and should help out around the house.First of all, doing chores teaches us important life skills. As we grow up, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves and our future homes. By doing chores, we learn how to clean, organize, and maintain a tidy living space. These skills will be very useful when we move out and live on our own.Secondly, doing chores helps us become responsible individuals. When we have assigned tasks at home, we learn to manage our time and prioritize our responsibilities. We understand that our actions have an impact on our family and the environment we live in. By taking care of our own messes and contributing to the household, we develop a sense of accountability.Moreover, doing chores is a great way to show appreciation for our parents or guardians. They work hard to provide for us and taking some of the burden off their shoulders can make them happy. It also teaches us to be grateful for the things we have and not to take them for granted. When we help with chores, we show that we care about our family and are willing to contribute to a harmonious home.Additionally, doing chores can be a fun and bonding experience for the whole family. Instead of thinking of it as a boring task, we can turn it into a game or competition. We can play some upbeat music and turn cleaning into a dance party. By involving everyone, we create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere at home.However, it's important to find a balance between chores and schoolwork. Our education should always come first, and we should make sure we have enough time for studying and other activities. It's all about managing our time effectively and finding a routine that works for us.In conclusion, I believe that teenagers should definitely do chores at home. It not only teaches us valuable life skills and responsibility but also shows gratitude and strengthens family bonds. So let's grab that broom, put on some music, and make our homes clean and happy places to live in!Thank you for reading my essay. I hope you enjoyed it!。
学生是否应该每天多上一节体育课英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Should Students Have an Extra Physical Education Class Every Day?Hi everyone! My name is Amy, and I'm a primary school student. Today, I want to talk about whether students should have an extra physical education class every day. Let's dive in and explore this topic together!In my opinion, it is important for students to have an extra physical education class every day. There are several reasons why I believe this.Firstly, regular exercise can keep us healthy. Physical education classes give us the opportunity to be active and engage in physical activities like running, jumping, and playing various sports. These activities help us to strengthen our muscles, improve our endurance, and enhance our overall fitness. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, which make us feel happy and reduce stress. So, having an extra physical educationclass every day would contribute to our well-being and happiness.Secondly, physical education classes promote teamwork and cooperation. When we participate in team sports like basketball or soccer, we learn how to work together with our classmates. We learn important skills such as communication, sharing, and supporting each other. These skills are not only valuable on the sports field, but also in our daily lives. By having an extra physical education class, we can have more opportunities to practice and develop these teamwork skills.Furthermore, physical education classes can improve our academic performance. Studies have shown that regular exercise can enhance our concentration and memory. When we engage in physical activities, our brains receive more oxygen and nutrients, which helps us to stay focused and alert. By having an extra physical education class every day, we can boost our brain power and perform better in our academic subjects.Some people might argue that having an extra physical education class would take away precious time that could be spent on other subjects like math or science. However, I believe that a balanced education includes both physical and mental development. By incorporating an extra physical education classinto our daily routine, schools can ensure that students receive a well-rounded education. Moreover, the benefits of physical activity, such as improved health and teamwork skills, can positively impact our overall academic performance as well.In conclusion, I strongly believe that students should have an extra physical education class every day. Regular exercise can keep us healthy, promote teamwork, and even improve our academic performance. It is important for schools to prioritize physical education alongside other subjects. By doing so, we can become healthier, happier, and more successful students!Remember, let's stay active and embrace the joy of physical education every day!I hope you find this essay helpful!篇2Should We Have Another P.E. Class Every Day?Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm in the 5th grade. My teacher, Mrs. Johnson, told us we're going to be writing essays about an important issue at our school. She said the school might make some changes based on what we write, so we need to make sure our essays are really good!The topic we have to write about is whether students should have an extra physical education (P.E.) class every day at school. Right now, we only have P.E. twice a week. Some people think we should have it every single day instead. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I have some thoughts I want to share.First of all, I love P.E. class! It's definitely one of my favorite parts of the school day. We get to run around, play games, and just have a bunch of fun. P.E. is a nice break from all the reading, writing, and math we have to do in our other classes. It's a chance to get out some of my energy and be active instead of sitting at a desk all day. Honestly, sometimes I wish P.E. could last even longer than it does now!Having another P.E. class every day would be great for helping kids like me get more exercise. I've learned that exercising regularly is really important for staying healthy. It's good for building strong muscles and bones, and it helps prevent kids from gaining too much weight. These days, lots of kids don't get nearly enough physical activity. We spend way too much time inside using phones, tablets, video games, and watching TV. Getting overweight can lead to health issues like diabetes and heart disease later on. An extra daily P.E. could helpprevent these problems by making sure we're moving around a lot more.Exercise also helps kids feel more awake, focused, and ready to learn in school. Sometimes after sitting through a bunch of lessons, I start getting antsy and have trouble paying attention. But after a good P.E. class where I've been running and playing hard, I feel refreshed and re-energized for the rest of my classes. Studies show that more physical activity improves kids' concentration, memory, behavior, and academic performance. Who wouldn't want all those benefits?Having P.E. every day could teach us lots of important skills too. In class, we play different sports and learn about things like teamwork, following rules, showing good sportsmanship, and never giving up. We get tips on warming up properly, using the right techniques, and staying safe while being active. We discover all kinds of fun activities we can do to stay fit, like jump roping, bowling, hiking, and dancing. Gaining these skills at a young age could help us develop healthy exercise habits that stick with us for life.Another issue is that daily P.E. could be too much exercise for some kids, especially those who aren't very athletic or are overweight. Getting overheated, out of breath, and overtiredfrom too much daily activity could make it harder for some students to focus in their other classes afterward. Not every student may be physically capable of that much exercise either. They could risk injury or health issues. Kids' bodies are still growing, so too much strenuous daily activity might not be a good thing.Then there are practical concerns, like making sure the school has enough facilities, equipment, and qualified P.E. teachers for students to have an extra class every single day. They might need to hire more staff and make a lot of scheduling changes. That could get expensive for the school district. Some parents might not want to pay higher taxes or fees to cover those costs.Ultimately though, I think the benefits of daily P.E. for elementary students would be worth any potential downsides or challenges. Childhood obesity rates are high and physical fitness is so crucial, especially at a young age. Instilling healthy, active habits early on could make a huge positive impact on kids' lives. As long as the classes are designed to be fun, engaging, and appropriate for different ability levels, I believe daily篇3Should Students Have an Extra Physical Education Class Every Day?Hi everyone! My name is Lily, and I'm a fourth-grade student. Today, I want to talk about whether students should have an extra physical education (PE) class every day. In my opinion, I think it's a great idea! Let me tell you why.First of all, having an extra PE class every day can improve our health. We all know that exercise is important for our bodies. By having more PE classes, we can stay fit and active. It helps us to strengthen our muscles, improve our coordination, and keep our hearts healthy. When we exercise, we feel more energetic and focused in our other classes too!Secondly, PE classes are a lot of fun! We get to play different sports and games with our friends. It's a great way to make new friends too. Sometimes, we have group activities where we have to work together as a team. It teaches us how to cooperate and support each other. Plus, it's a nice break from sitting at our desks all day. We can run, jump, and play, which makes us happy and less stressed.Moreover, PE classes also teach us important life skills. We learn about sportsmanship, fair play, and how to follow rules. These values are not only important in sports but also in ourdaily lives. We learn how to respect our opponents, accept defeat gracefully, and celebrate our victories modestly. These lessons help us become better individuals and prepare us for the future.Additionally, physical activity has been proven to enhance our academic performance. When we exercise, our brains get more oxygen, which helps us think better and remember things more easily. It also boosts our concentration and helps us stay focused in class. So, by having an extra PE class every day, we can improve our grades and do better in our studies.Some people may argue that having an extra PE class every day takes away valuable time from other subjects like math and science. However, I believe that a healthy body is just as important as a healthy mind. When we take care of our bodies, we can learn better and achieve more. Plus, we can always find ways to balance our time and manage our studies effectively.In conclusion, I strongly believe that students should have an extra PE class every day. It benefits us in many ways, including improving our health, teaching us important life skills, and enhancing our academic performance. Let's remember that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. So, let's get moving, have fun, and make PE a part of our daily routine!Thank you for listening to my opinion. I hope you enjoyed reading my essay. Let's stay active and have a fantastic day ahead!Word count: 408 words篇4Should Students Have an Extra Physical Education Class Every Day?Hello everyone! My name is Lily, and today I want to talk about whether students should have an extra physical education (PE) class every day. I think it's a great idea, and I will explain why.Firstly, having an extra PE class every day can help us stay healthy and fit. As students, we spend a lot of time studying and sitting in classrooms. It's important to take a break from books and get moving! Regular exercise can make our bodies strong and increase our energy levels. It also helps us to stay focused and concentrate better in other classes. When we exercise, our brains release chemicals that make us feel happy and less stressed. Isn't that awesome?Secondly, PE classes provide opportunities for us to learn new sports and games. We can discover our talents and interestsin different activities. Some of us may be great at soccer, while others may excel in basketball or gymnastics. By trying different sports, we can find out which ones we enjoy the most and continue to pursue them outside of school. Who knows, we might even become professional athletes one day!Moreover, PE classes teach us important life skills. We learn about teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship. These skills are not only valuable in sports but also in our daily lives. When we work together as a team, we learn how to communicate, support each other, and achieve common goals. These skills will benefit us not only in school but also in our future careers.In addition, physical education classes can help us develop a sense of discipline and responsibility. We learn to follow rules, listen to our teachers, and participate actively in class. These qualities are essential for success in any area of life. By being disciplined and responsible, we become more organized and capable of accomplishing our goals.Some may argue that having an extra PE class every day will take away time from other important subjects like math and science. However, I believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. When we take care of our physical well-being, we are better able to learn and excel in all subjects. Physical educationshould be seen as an integral part of our education, just like math, science, and English.In conclusion, I strongly believe that students should have an extra PE class every day. It not only promotes physical health but also teaches us valuable life skills. With regular exercise, we can become happier, more focused, and better equipped to face the challenges of life. So let's put on our sneakers, get active, and make PE a priority in our daily lives!Remember, "Healthy body, healthy mind!" Thank you for listening!Word count: 370 words篇5Should Students Have an Extra Physical Education Class Every Day?Hi there! I'm a primary school student, and today I want to talk about whether we should have an extra physical education (PE) class every day. Physical education is important for our overall development, but let's discuss the pros and cons before making a decision.On one hand, having an extra PE class every day can be beneficial for us. First and foremost, it helps us stay healthy and fit. Regular physical activity keeps our bodies active and strong, and it prevents us from becoming overweight or developing health problems. Moreover, exercise also improves our concentration and helps us perform better in other subjects. When we play games or participate in sports, it boosts our energy levels and makes our minds more focused during lessons.Secondly, PE class is a great way to make friends and learn teamwork. When we play sports together, we learn how to cooperate, communicate, and support one another. These skills are not only important in sports but also in our daily lives. Through teamwork, we can achieve more and build strong relationships with our classmates.Furthermore, physical education provides a break from academic subjects. Sometimes, studying for long hours can be tiring and make us feel stressed. Having an extra PE class can give us a chance to relax, have fun, and recharge our minds. It can help reduce our stress levels and make us more motivated to learn when we return to the classroom.However, there are also some considerations to keep in mind. One concern is that having an extra PE class may reducethe time available for other subjects. As students, we need to learn various subjects such as math, science, and languages. If we spend more time on PE, it might limit the time we have for these important subjects. Striking a balance between physical education and academics is crucial.Another point to consider is the availability of resources and facilities. Some schools may not have enough space or equipment to accommodate an additional PE class every day. It is important to ensure that schools have the necessary resources to provide quality physical education to all students.In conclusion, having an extra PE class every day can bring many benefits to students. It promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and provides a break from academic subjects. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between physical education and academics, and ensure that schools have the necessary resources. As a primary school student, I believe that incorporating more physical education into our daily routine can help us lead a healthy and balanced life. Let's stay active and enjoy our PE classes!Word count: 349 words篇6Should Students Have an Extra Physical Education Class Every Day?Hi everyone! I am a primary school student, and today I want to talk about whether we should have an extra physical education (PE) class every day. Physical education is an important part of our school curriculum, and it plays a significant role in our overall development. Let's explore the benefits of having an additional PE class every day.Firstly, having an extra PE class can improve our physical health. Regular physical activity helps us stay fit and strong. When we engage in activities like running, jumping, and playing sports, our muscles and bones become stronger. By sweating and exercising, we can maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of illnesses like obesity and heart disease. It also boosts our energy levels and helps us concentrate better in other subjects.Secondly, physical education classes provide an opportunity for us to learn important life skills. Through team sports and group activities, we learn the value of teamwork, cooperation, and communication. We learn how to work together towards a common goal and support our teammates. These skills are not only important on the field but also in our daily lives. They help us build strong relationships and succeed in our future careers.Moreover, PE classes can help us relieve stress and improve our mental well-being. As students, we often face academic pressures and various challenges. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are known as "feel-good hormones." These hormones make us feel happy, reduce stress, and improve our mood. When we exercise, we forget about our worries and focus on having fun. It's like a break for our minds, which helps us relax and concentrate better in our studies.Additionally, having an extra PE class can enhance our overall academic performance. Research has shown that physical activity stimulates our brain and improves cognitive function. When we exercise, our brain receives more oxygen and nutrients, which enhances our memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities. By having more PE classes, we can improve our academic performance and excel in other subjects too.On the other hand, some people argue that having an extra PE class every day might reduce the time available for academic subjects. They believe that academic subjects like math, science, and languages are more important for our future. However, it's important to remember that a healthy body is essential for a healthy mind. By taking care of our physical health, we can perform better in all subjects. Moreover, physical educationclasses can be designed in a way that integrates other subjects like English or math, making learning more fun and effective.In conclusion, I believe that students should have an extra physical education class every day. It not only improves our physical health but also helps us develop important life skills, relieves stress, and enhances our academic performance. By prioritizing our physical well-being, we can become healthier, happier, and more successful individuals. Let's embrace the joy of physical education and make it a part of our daily routine!Remember, "Stay active, stay healthy!"Word count: 449 words。
Improve communicatio n skills
Games provide opportunities for students to communicate in English, enhancing their language skills and confidence
Promotes critical thinking
• Continuous improvement: Collect feedback from students and use it to improve future game designs Advisor any challenges that pose during the game and make adjustments to overcome them in future lessons
Implementation methods of games in
English classrooms
Preparation before the game
Game selection
Choose games that are suitable for primary school students' English proficiency levels and age groups Advisor the educational goals of the less and choose games that align wimake adjustments to the game based on student performance For example, if most students are not understanding a rule, simplify it or clarify it further
暴力电子游戏不应该被禁止英文作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be BannedIntroduction:In recent years, there has been a growing debate surrounding the impact of violent video games on individuals, particularly children and adolescents. Many argue that these games promote aggressive behavior and desensitize players to violence, leading to real-life acts of aggression. As a result, there have been calls for violent video games to be banned or heavily regulated. However, I believe that banning violent video games is not the solution to addressing the issue of aggression in society. In this essay, I will explore the reasons why violent video games should not be banned.Body:1. Freedom of Expression:One of the most important reasons why violent video games should not be banned is the principle of freedom of expression.In a democratic society, individuals should have the right to create and consume media that reflects a wide range of viewpoints, including those that some may find controversial or objectionable. Banning violent video games would set a dangerous precedent for censorship and limit the creative freedom of game developers.2. Lack of Causal Link:While some studies have suggested a correlation between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior, there is no definitive evidence to support a causal link between the two. It is important to note that correlation does not equal causation, and there are many factors that can influence an individual's behavior. Banning violent video games based on inconclusive research would be unjust and ineffective.3. Parental Responsibility:Ultimately, it is the responsibility of parents to monitor and regulate their children's exposure to violent video games. Parents should be actively involved in their children's media consumption and educate them about the potential risks of playing violent games. Banning these games would undermine parental authority and shift the burden of responsibility onto the government.4. Benefits of Gaming:Contrary to popular belief, not all violent video games are detrimental to players. Many games involve strategic thinking, problem-solving, and social interaction, which can have positive effects on cognitive development and social skills. Banning violent video games would deprive individuals of the opportunity to engage in a popular form of entertainment and potentially stifle creativity and innovation in the gaming industry.5. Slippery Slope:Lastly, banning violent video games would set a dangerous precedent for censorship and regulation of other forms of media, such as movies, music, and literature. Once the government starts to restrict access to certain types of content, it opens the door for further restrictions on freedom of expression. It is important to safeguard the right to free speech and artistic expression, even if some may find it uncomfortable or offensive.Conclusion:In conclusion, banning violent video games is not the solution to addressing the issue of aggression in society. It is important to uphold the principles of freedom of expression, avoid hasty conclusions based on limited evidence, respectparental authority, recognize the benefits of gaming, and prevent a slippery slope towards censorship. Instead of banning violent video games, we should focus on promoting media literacy, responsible parenting, and open dialogue about the potential impact of video games on individuals. By taking a holistic and nuanced approach to the issue, we can ensure that everyone can enjoy video games responsibly and without unnecessary restrictions.篇2Title: Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be BannedIntroductionViolent video games have often been a topic of controversy, with many believing that they should be banned due to their negative impact on players. However, I argue that violent video games should not be banned, as they offer a range of benefits to players and can actually help improve skills such asdecision-making and hand-eye coordination.BodyFirstly, it is important to acknowledge that video games are a form of entertainment, much like movies and television shows. Just as violent movies and TV shows are not banned, videogames should be treated in the same way. Banning violent video games would be a violation of freedom of speech and expression, as well as an infringement on the rights of individuals to consume the media of their choice.Secondly, research has shown that there is no definitive link between violent video games and real-life violence. While some studies have suggested a correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression, other studies have found no such connection. In fact, many players use video games as a way to release stress and frustration, rather than as a catalyst for violence.Furthermore, violent video games can actually have a range of positive effects on players. For example, playing violent video games can improve hand-eye coordination, reaction times, and decision-making skills. These games can also provide a sense of accomplishment and achievement, as players work towards completing objectives and overcoming challenges.ConclusionIn conclusion, violent video games should not be banned. While there are concerns about the impact of these games on players, the benefits they provide should not be overlooked. Banning violent video games would be a violation of individualrights and would prevent players from enjoying a popular form of entertainment. Instead of focusing on banning these games, efforts should be made to educate players about responsible gaming habits and to promote a balanced approach to gaming.篇3Violent electronic games have always been a hot topic of debate among parents, educators, and policymakers. Many argue that these games promote aggression and violence in real life, leading to negative consequences for society as a whole. As a result, there have been calls to ban or restrict the sale of violent games to minors.However, I believe that violent electronic games should not be banned. While it is true that some studies have linked exposure to violent games with increased aggression, it is important to remember that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. There are many factors that contribute to aggressive behavior, and it is simplistic to blame video games as the sole cause.Furthermore, research has shown that the vast majority of people who play violent games do not become violent in real life. In fact, many players use these games as a way to relieve stressand unwind after a long day. For them, gaming is a form of entertainment and escapism, not a training ground for violence.Moreover, banning violent games would infringe on the rights of game developers and gamers. Video games are a form of artistic expression, and creators should have the freedom to explore controversial and challenging themes in their work. Censoring these games would stifle creativity and limit the diversity of ideas in the gaming industry.In addition, banning violent games would not address the root causes of aggression and violence in society. Instead of blaming video games, we should focus on addressing issues such as poverty, mental illness, and access to firearms that have a much greater impact on violent behavior.In conclusion, while the debate over violent electronic games will likely continue, I believe that banning these games is not the solution. Instead, we should focus on promoting responsible gaming practices, educating players about the potential risks of excessive game play, and addressing the underlying causes of violence in our society. Only by taking a comprehensive approach can we create a safer and more inclusive gaming environment for everyone.。
打游戏的危害 英文作文
打游戏的危害英文作文The Hazards of Playing Video Games。
Video games have become a popular pastime for many people, especially young people. However, there are many hazards associated with playing video games. In this essay, I will discuss some of these hazards and offer some solutions to mitigate them.One of the hazards of playing video games is addiction. Many people become addicted to video games, spending countless hours playing them instead of engaging in other activities such as socializing, exercising, or studying. This addiction can have serious consequences, such as poor academic performance, social isolation, and even physical health problems.Another hazard of playing video games is the potential for violent behavior. Many video games feature violent content, and some studies have shown that playing violentvideo games can increase aggression in some people. This can lead to conflicts with friends and family members, as well as legal problems if the aggression turns into violence.Additionally, playing video games can have negative effects on physical health. Sitting for long periods of time while playing video games can lead to obesity, back pain, and other health problems. Furthermore, playing video games late into the night can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and decreased productivity during the day.To mitigate these hazards, there are several thingsthat can be done. First, parents should monitor their children's video game use and limit their screen time. Additionally, schools and community centers can offer alternative activities such as sports, arts, and music to encourage children to engage in other activities. Moreover, video game developers can create games with positive messages and themes that promote healthy behavior.In conclusion, playing video games can be hazardous to one's health and well-being. However, with proper monitoring and moderation, video games can be a fun and enjoyable pastime. It is important to be mindful of the potential hazards and take steps to mitigate them.。
网络游戏的利与弊英语作文小学生全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Pros and Cons of Online GamingOnline gaming has become a massive phenomenon in recent years, capturing the attention and time of millions of people worldwide. As a student, I can attest to the widespread popularity of online games among my peers. However, like many things in life, online gaming comes with both advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of this increasingly prevalent form of entertainment and discuss its impact on our lives.On the positive side, online gaming offers a unique and engaging form of social interaction. In an era where physical interaction has been limited by various circumstances, online games provide a virtual space for people to connect and build communities. Through these games, players can communicate, collaborate, and form lasting friendships with individuals from different parts of the world. This aspect of online gaming isparticularly appealing to those who may struggle with social anxiety or have difficulty making connections in real life.Furthermore, online gaming can foster valuable skills such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, and teamwork. Many games require players to think critically, devise strategies, and work together to achieve a common goal. These skills are not only useful within the gaming realm but can also be applied to various aspects of life, such as academics and future careers. Additionally, some educational games have been developed to make learning more engaging and interactive, potentially enhancing students' motivation and retention of knowledge.However, despite these benefits, online gaming also presents several drawbacks that cannot be ignored. One of the primary concerns is the potential for addiction and excessive screen time. The immersive and engaging nature of online games can make it easy for players to lose track of time, neglecting other important aspects of their lives such as studies, physical activity, and face-to-face social interactions. This can lead to poor academic performance, health issues, and strained relationships with friends and family.Another issue is the potential exposure to inappropriate or harmful content. While many online games are designed for ageneral audience, some may contain violence, profanity, or other mature themes that may be unsuitable for younger players. Additionally, online interactions can sometimes lead to cyberbullying, harassment, or exposure to predatory behavior, which can have severe psychological consequences, especially for impressionable young minds.Moreover, online gaming can be a significant financial burden, particularly for those who engage in microtransactions or paid subscriptions. These costs can quickly add up, leading to financial strain and potential debt for players or their families.In conclusion, online gaming presents both advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully considered. While it offers a unique form of social interaction, fosters valuable skills, and can be an engaging educational tool, it also carries risks of addiction, exposure to inappropriate content, and financial strain. As students, it is crucial for us to strike a balance and practice moderation in our online gaming habits. By being mindful of the potential pitfalls and setting healthy boundaries, we can enjoy the benefits of online gaming without compromising our academic performance, physical well-being, or personal relationships. Ultimately, the responsible and mindful approachto online gaming is key to reaping its rewards while mitigating its potential drawbacks.篇2The Pros and Cons of Online GamingHey guys! I'm sure a lot of you are really into online gaming like me. Whether it's exploring huge open worlds, battling monsters and enemy players, or just hanging out and chatting in virtual spaces, online games have gotten super popular in the last few years. But are they actually good for us? Let me break down some of the pros and cons.On the plus side, online gaming lets us interact with friends from all over in a fun, digital environment. When the pandemic hit and we couldn't hang out in person for a while, online worlds became the place to meet up and stay connected. Even now that things are mostly back to normal, a lot of my gaming buddies live far away, so we use online games as a virtual clubhouse to play together.It's also just an awesome way to spark your imagination and creativity. The best online games construct these massive, living universes with their own rules, lore, and possibilities to explore. You can craft, build, quest, and role-play in so many ways. And ifyou get bored of one game, there are endless others to check out with completely new settings and gameplay styles.Online gaming has even helped me learn some valuable skills. All those quests, puzzles and missions requireproblem-solving and strategic thinking. Mastering the controls and mechanics takes hand-eye coordination. And if you play games that involve things like resource management, you pick up organizational abilities. Some games have even taught me about subjects like history, mythology and coding through their narratives and gameplay systems.Of course, there are also some big downsides to online gaming that we have to watch out for. The biggest issue is how crazy addictive these games can be! The never-ending leveling up, looting, and objective hunting provides a constant sense of progress and reward that makes you want to keep playing forever. And developers purposely design their games using persuasive psychology to get you hooked.Too much time spent gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle without much physical activity, which is terrible for your health. It can also strain your eyes, cause sleep problems from picking poor sleep schedules, and even promote issues likeanxiety and depression if you become too isolated from the real world.Speaking of the real world, that's another major drawback - online games present yet another distraction from schoolwork, chores, and other responsibilities. If you're not careful, it's easy to put off everything else to grind out one more quest or drop into another match. I've definitely struggled with that temptation more times than I can count!There are also some safety risks to watch out for when gaming online. You have to be cautious about protecting your privacy and personal information, since there could be creeps or scammers prowling around. Cyberbullying and toxic behavior tend to run rampant in online game communities too. And of course, you always need to monitor games for age-appropriate content.My final big concern is the crazy expensive microtransactions and loot boxes that a lot of modern games rely on. It starts out with small purchases for customization items or gameplay advantages. But then you get sucked into the cycle of constantly paying more to acquire new online items and power-ups. These predatory monetization systems are pretty shameless, if you ask me.So in summary, online games offer awesome opportunities for social connection, creativity, and picking up useful skills when enjoyed in moderation. But we have to be super mindful that we don't overindulge and let gaming take over our lives or wallets in unhealthy ways. Everything in balance, right?For me personally, I'm trying to be more intentional about when and why I choose to play online. If I've got a ton of homework and chores piling up, maybe it's not the best time to hop into a marathon gaming session. But if I've tackled my responsibilities and want to reward myself by slaying some dragons with friends across the globe, you better believe I'm firing up my favorite game!At the end of the day, online gaming is a massively popular part of youth culture these days that comes with its own set of benefits and risks. We just have to be smart consumers who keep it all in perspective. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go grind out some more levels...but just for an hour or two!篇3The Pros and Cons of Online GamingVideo games have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I still vividly recall getting my first gamingconsole - it was a PlayStation 2 that my parents gifted me for my 6th birthday. Since then, gaming has been my biggest passion and hobby. Over the years, I've transitioned from playing single-player games on consoles to becoming an avid online gamer on my PC. Online gaming has opened up a whole new world of opportunities and experiences, but it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks. In this essay, I'll discuss the pros and cons of online gaming from my perspective as a student.One of the biggest advantages of online gaming is the social aspect. When I'm playing multiplayer games online, I get to interact and collaborate with players from all around the world. This has allowed me to make friends with people from different countries and cultures, something that wouldn't have been possible in the pre-internet era. We use voice chat to communicate strategies, share jokes, and bond over our shared love for the game. Some of my closest friends today are people I originally met through online gaming communities.Another significant benefit is the virtually endless variety of games to choose from. With new titles being released constantly and frequent updates to existing games, I never run out of fresh content to explore. This constant stream of novel experiences keeps me engaged and prevents me from getting bored.Additionally, many online games offer extensive customization options, allowing me to personalize my character's appearance, abilities, and playstyle to suit my preferences.Furthermore, online gaming can be an excellent way to develop important skills. Many games require strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and effective communication and teamwork. These are valuable abilities that can translate toreal-life situations, such as working in a team or managing time effectively. Some games even incorporate educational elements, such as historical settings or puzzles that requireproblem-solving skills.However, online gaming also has its downsides, and one of the biggest concerns is the potential for addiction. It's easy to get lost in the immersive worlds of online games, especially when there's always something new to achieve or unlock. I've had instances where I've spent countless hours gaming, neglecting other important aspects of my life, such as schoolwork, physical activity, and social interactions with friends and family in the real world.Another issue is the exposure to inappropriate or harmful content. While most reputable online games have systems in place to moderate and filter out offensive material, there'salways a risk of encountering toxic behavior, such as cyberbullying, hate speech, or exposure to graphic violence or explicit content. As a minor, this can be particularly concerning and potentially damaging.Additionally, online gaming can be a significant financial investment. While many games offer free-to-play options, the temptation to purchase in-game items, expansions, or subscription services can quickly add up, straining a student's limited budget.Despite these drawbacks, I believe that online gaming can be a positive and enriching experience when enjoyed in moderation and with proper precautions. As a student, it's crucial to maintain a healthy balance between gaming, schoolwork, and other aspects of life. Setting reasonable time limits, prioritizing real-world responsibilities, and being mindful of the content I consume can help mitigate the potential negative impacts.In conclusion, online gaming offers a wealth of social, intellectual, and entertaining opportunities, but it's essential to approach it responsibly and with moderation. By being aware of the potential risks and taking appropriate measures, students like myself can enjoy the benefits of online gaming while minimizing its drawbacks. Ultimately, it's about finding the rightbalance and making informed choices that align with our values and priorities.。
下周末和朋友去野餐的英语小作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Next Weekend's Picnic with My FriendsHi there! I'm so excited to tell you about the fun picnic I'm going to have with my friends next weekend. We've been planning it for weeks and it's finally almost time!My best friend Sarah had the idea for the picnic. Her mom said we could use their big backyard since it has lots of space for running around and playing games. Sarah's backyard is really pretty with lots of green grass, some flower gardens, and a few big trees that will give us shade to sit under.We decided each person will bring one food item and we'll all share everything. I'm going to bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because those are my favorite! Sally is bringing carrot sticks and ranch dip, Johnny is bringing an fruit salad, Michael is bringing bags of chips, and Sarah is bringing lemonade and cups for everyone.For dessert, Mrs. Williams (that's Sarah's mom) is going to bake two dozen chocolate chip cookies for us to share. Yum! I can't wait for those. We're all going to pack the food in disposable containers and baggies so we don't have to worry about dishes.After we're done eating our picnic lunch, we have lots of fun activities planned. We're going to play freeze dance and musical chairs, and have relay races and a water balloon toss too! Sarah's dad is going to set up a badminton net so we can play badminton in the backyard. He's also going to get out their outdoor furniture like chairs and a little table in case we get tired and need a break from all the running around.I really hope the weather is nice next Saturday. The forecast right now says it's supposed to be sunny with a high of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which is perfect picnic weather if you ask me! As long as it doesn't rain, we should be able to have our picnic outside and play all the games we want to.If it does end up raining though, we might have to have an indoor picnic instead. We could lay out some big blankets or towels on the floor of Sarah's playroom and use that as our picnic spot. Then we could play indoor games like charades andheadbands. An indoor picnic wouldn't be quite as fun, but it would still be really nice to get to hang out together.The best part about picnics is getting to spend quality time with your friends while enjoying yummy foods! I love my friends so much and I'm really looking forward to this fun picnic day we have planned. We're going to make so many wonderful memories laughing, playing games, and just being silly kids together.I'll close this essay by saying a big thank you to Sarah's parents for being willing to host and help out with our picnic! We're all super grateful and will be on our best behavior. I better start getting ready and making my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This picnic is going to be epic!篇2Here's a 2000-word English essay written from the perspective of an elementary school student about going on a picnic with friends next weekend:My Exciting Picnic Plans for Next Weekend!Hey there! It's me, Sam. I'm super pumped to tell you about the big plans I have for next weekend. You see, my buddies and Iare going on a picnic! Isn't that awesome? We've been talking about doing something fun together for ages, and we finally decided on a picnic. I can't wait!Where are we going, you ask? Well, we're heading to Green Valley Park. It's this massive park not too far from my house with tons of wide open spaces perfect for picnicking. There are lots of big shady trees to sit under and plenty of room to run around and play games too. My friend Jake's mom is going to drive us all there bright and early on Saturday morning.Now let me tell you about the food we're packing. My mom is in charge of making sandwiches for everyone - ham and cheese, my favorite! She's also bringing some fruit salad which is delicious, especially in the summer. Jake's mom said she would make pasta salad, and Lucy's mom is bringing a huge bowl of potato chips. For dessert, Mike's mom offered to bake some chocolate chip cookies. Don't they all sound like such tasty treats?Of course, what's a picnic without beverages? We're all bringing our own re-usable water bottles to drink, but Jake's dad is also picking up a few bottles of lemonade and iced tea for us to share. Yummy!While we're at the park, we've got a whole bunch of fun activities planned. First up, we're going to spread out our blankets and dig into our delicious picnic lunch. I can already taste those scrumptious sandwiches! After we're good and full, we're going to split into teams and play capture the flag. Doesn't that sound like a blast? I hope I get picked to be one of the flag guards. Then, we'll toss around a frisbee for a while to work off all the food we ate.If it gets too hot in the afternoon sun, we can always go back under the shade of the trees and play some classic card games like Go Fish or Crazy Eights. Jake has a football too, so maybe we'll throw that around for some exercise. We might even kick around a soccer ball for bit of footie fun!As the day starts winding down, I think we'll wrap things up by taking a leisurely stroll around the walking trails in the park. They go past a beautiful little creek where we can do some frog watching. Sometimes you can even spot a turtle or two if you're really lucky!When our folks finally come to pick us up, we'll be tired but happy after a day filled with yummy food, games, and quality time with friends. I can't wait to get home and tell my parents all about the awesome day we had. A picnic is such a wonderful wayto spend quality time together while enjoying the great outdoors.Gosh, I'm counting down the days until next Saturday! Being with my closest pals, eating tasty treats, soaking up the sunshine, and playing ultra fun games - what's not to love? It's going to be an epic picnic for the ages, I just know it. The weekend can't come soon enough!Those are my exciting picnic plans for next weekend. Pretty great, right? I'll be sure to give you all the deets when I see you back at school on Monday. Maybe your family can join us for our next picnic adventure! See you later, alligator!篇3Next Weekend's Picnic With My FriendsI'm so excited because next weekend, my friends and I are going on a picnic! It's going to be so much fun. We've been planning it for weeks.My best friend Emily had the idea. One day at recess, she came running up to me, Jayden, and Liam with the biggest smile on her face. "Guys! I just thought of something awesome we can do next weekend," she said, out of breath from running. Weasked her what her idea was and she told us we should pack a lunch and snacks and drinks and have a picnic at the park near Liam's house."A picnic? That does sound fun!" I said. Jayden and Liam agreed too. Emily is always coming up with the best ideas for things to do on the weekends when we don't have school.So we started planning right away. First, we had to ask our parents if it was okay. My mom said yes as long as we had adult supervision. Emily's mom said she could come with us to the park to keep an eye on us. Phew! Now we could make the rest of our picnic plans.We decided that each of us would pack our own lunch, with a sandwich, chips, an apple, cookies, and a juice box or bottled water. For extra snacks to share, I offered to bring a bag of trail mix, Jayden said he'd bring carrot sticks and ranch dip, and Liam volunteered to make peanut butter rice crispy treats. Yum!Emily's mom is going to pack a big blanket for us to sit on at the park. We're also going to bring a soccer ball, frisbee, and sidewalk chalk to play with after we eat our picnic lunch. The weather forecast shows it's going to be sunny and warm, so it should be perfect picnic weather!I can't wait for next Saturday morning. We've made plans to all meet at Emily's house at 10am. Her mom will drive us over to Liam's neighborhood park which has a great playground, plenty of open space to run around, and lots of shady trees to set up our picnic under.When we get to the park, we'll pick the perfect scenic spot and lay out the big blanket. Then we'll unpack all our food and set it out. I'm sure everything is going to look and smell so delicious! We'll have to be careful not to spill anything. Emily's mom might make us do squats as punishment if we make a mess. She's pretty strict about that kind of stuff.After we've set up, we'll all dig in and eat our yummy lunches. Jayden always gets.extra mayonnaise on his sandwiches which I think is kind of gross, but oh well. We'll talk and laugh and just have an all-around great time. Picnics are the best!Once we've eaten every last crumb and drained our juice boxes dry, it'll be time to play! We'll take turns tossing the frisbee back and forth and kicking the soccer ball around. We're not very good at soccer yet, but it's still really fun. Whenever the ball rolls too far away from us, we'll have to chase after it, getting in a mini workout while we're at it!When we get tired from running around, we can relax under the trees and do some coloring with the sidewalk chalk. We'll draw pictures and write our names and whatever else we feel like creating. One time Jayden drew a huge monster truck which was pretty cool. I like making patterns with different colors and shapes.Before we know it, a few hours will have flown by. We'll have had so much fun, but it'll be getting late in the afternoon and Emily's mom will say it's time to pack up and head home. We'll gather all our stuff, making sure not to leave any trash behind, and head back to Emily's for her mom to drop us all off.When I get home, I'll be tired but so happy after an awesome day at the park with my best friends. I'll put my lunchbox in the kitchen and immediately plop down on the couch to rest for a little while. Maybe I'll even take a short nap!Later that night after I've had some time to re-energize, I'll get started on my homework for the week. I always try to get it all done over the weekend so I can relax in the evenings after school during the week. Thinking about our picnic and all the fun we had will definitely motivate me to power through my homework quickly!I'll go to bed feeling content and accomplished that night. School nights are hard, but picnics and fun friend days on the weekend always make it worth it. I'm so lucky to have Emily, Jayden, and Liam as my best friends. We've been so close ever since we were in kindergarten together. Memories like next weekend's picnic are what I'll cherish forever.Only one more week to go until the picnic! I can't wait. Next Saturday is going to be the best day ever!篇4A Fun Picnic with My Best FriendsNext weekend I'm going on a picnic with my two best friends Sarah and Michael! We've been planning it for weeks and I'm so excited. A picnic just seems like the perfect way to enjoy the beautiful spring weather.Sarah's mom said she would drive us to Green Valley Park since it has a huge grassy area that's great for picnics. Her mom also said we could pick anywhere in the park we want to set up our picnic blanket and basket. I really hope we can find a shady spot under one of the big oak trees. That would be so nice to sit in the shade and not get too hot while we're eating.Packing the picnic basket is going to be so much fun. My mom is letting me pick out all the snacks and foods we'll bring. I already know I want to pack lots of fresh strawberries, grapes, carrot sticks, cucumber slices and ranch dip. Those are my favorite fresh and healthy picnic snacks.But of course you can't have a picnic without sandwiches! I'm going to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because those are easy for me to make and they're a classic picnic food. Sarah is allergic to peanuts though, so I'll have to make her a sunflower seed butter and jelly sandwich instead. Michael doesn't like jelly at all, so his sandwich will just have cheese and deli meat.For dessert, I really want to bake some chocolate chip cookies to bring. Homemade cookies just seem perfect for a picnic. My dad said he would help me bake them the night before so they'll still be fresh and gooey. I'm also going to see if my mom will let me pack some fruit snacks or maybe some trail mix for a sweet snack too.Of course, we'll need drinks for our picnic too. I'm going to ask my mom if we can get those juice boxes with the little straws. Those are so fun to drink and very picnic-y! Sarah said she wouldbring a big jug of lemonade too since that's nice and refreshing on a warm sunny day.The hard part is going to be deciding what games and activities to bring to do at the picnic. Sarah really wants to bring a frisbee to toss around, and Michael wants to kick around his soccer ball. I think I'll bring my skipping rope too in case anyone wants to jump rope. We'll definitely need to bring a deck of cards so we can play crazy eights or go fish or something.Oh, and we can't forget outdoor blankets and towels to sit on! My blanket has cupcakes all over it and it folds up really nicely to carry. Sarah has a big beach towel with mermaids on it that would work well too. We'll just lay those out on the grass wherever we decide to set up our picnic spot.I really hope the weather stays nice and sunny next Saturday. It would be no fun at all to have our picnic if it rains! But the forecast is calling for clear skies and warm temperatures, so hopefully it will be absolutely perfect picnic weather. We might even get to see some butterflies or squirrels running around the park.After we eat all our yummy food, I'm sure we'll want to burn off some energy by playing outside for a while. Sarah and I can double dutch with my jump rope, and the boys can kick theirsoccer ball back and forth. When we get tired, we'll just relax on our blankets and maybe read comics or color in my new coloring book I got for my birthday. A picnic is the perfect place to take it easy and just enjoy being outdoors with friends.Eventually Sarah's mom will come back to pick us up and we'll have to pack everything back into the picnic basket. We'll get grass stains all over the backs of our pants from sitting on the ground for sure! But it will be worth it to have spent the whole day outside in the sunshine, just hanging out and making fun memories with my besties.I can't wait for next weekend's big picnic with Sarah and Michael! Playing outside and eating all our favorite snacks is going to be so awesome. A picnic in the park is such a great way for kids to enjoy this beautiful spring weather. Here's hoping the rain stays away so we can have an amazing picnic day!篇5Last Week was so Fun!Next weekend, me and my bestest friends Julia, Tommy, and Miguel are going on a picnic! I'm super excited because picnics are my favorite. We get to eat yummy food outside and play games and have fun adventures.My mom is making the picnic food for all of us. She's the best cook ever. She's making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (my favorite!), baby carrots, grape tomatoes, oranges, and chocolate chip cookies. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! We're also bringing a blanket to sit on, a baseball and glove, and a frisbee to play with.We're going to Elm Park because it has a huge grassy area that's perfect for picnics. There are also walking trails through the woods that we can explore. I love the outdoors because you never know what cool stuff you might find - colorful rocks, fuzzy caterpillars, or bubbling creeks to stomp in. One time, Julia and I found a bird's nest with three tiny blue eggs inside! We watched it very carefully but didn't touch.After we eat our picnic lunch, the first game we'll probably play is frisbee. Tommy is really good at throwing frisbees far. His throwing arm is super strong from playing baseball. I'm not as good at throwing them, but I'm an awesome catcher! My favorite frisbee game is when we make up silly rules like having to spin around three times before you can catch it.Then we'll likely play catch with the baseball. Miguel is the best baseball player I know. He's able to throw curveballs and everything! Sometimes he'll purposely throw the ball a little toohigh so I have to jump up to catch it. I'll get it though, because I'm good at jumping. Julia loves baseball too, but she's not as crazy about it as Miguel. Tommy gets a little bored playing catch after a while.When we get tired of throwing thebaseball around, we'll head over to the hiking trails to explore. The woods behind Elm Park are filled with tall oak trees, flowering bushes, and critters galore! Once, we saw a family of deer drinking from the stream. We all froze and watched them for the longest time. They were so peaceful and beautiful. I hope we see some cool nature stuff like that this time too!After hiking through the woods for a while, we'll definitely be hot and thirsty. That's the perfect time to pull out the oranges and chocolate chip cookies! I can already taste the sweet citrus bursts and gooey chocolate. Yummm. While we're snacking, we'll probs come up with some funny jokes and riddles to share too. Miguel always has a new "Why did the chicken cross the road?" joke to tell.When we're re-energized from our snacks, we'll head back onto the grassy area for a game of freeze dance! That's where we dance around and when the music stops, we have to freeze in place like funny statues. The last one frozestill wins. Julia is themaster at freeze dancing - she can hold her body in wild pretzel shapes forever without moving a muscle. I on the other hand am a wiggle worm and always get out first, haha!Finally at the end of the day, we'll find some long sticks and roast marshmallows over the park's fire pit. Gooey toasted marshmallows smushed between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate - is there anything better?? My favorite is when the marshmallow drips down the side of the s'more and you have to lick it off before it hits the ground. So. Good.Ugh, I can't wait for next weekend's picnic! We always have such a blast together. Running around outside, playing games, exploring nature, and stuffing our faces with delicious food - what could be better?? The weekend can't come soon enough!篇6A Fun Picnic Adventure with My Best Friends!Next weekend is going to be so much fun! My mom said I can invite my best friends Emma and Jake over for a picnic in the park. I'm really excited because picnics are my favorite. We get to eat delicious food outdoors and play games all day long!First, we need to pack all the supplies for our picnic adventure. Mom is going to help me make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because those are Emma and Jake's favorite. I want to bring baby carrots, grapes, and cheese crackers too since those are my favorite snacks. Don't forget the chocolate chip cookies for dessert! We'll pack everything into our big red picnic basket.We also need outdoor stuff for playing at the park. I'm bringing a frisbee to toss around. Emma said she would bring some sidewalk chalk so we can decorate the ground and play hopscotch. Jake is bringing his ball so maybe we can play catch or kickball. It's going to be such an active day!On Saturday morning, I'll wake up extra early because I'll be too excited to sleep in. I'll get dressed in my favorite shorts and t-shirt with the turtle on it. Once Emma and Jake arrive, we'll head over to Maple Park near my house. It has a huge grassy area with lots of trees for shade. There's also a playground and walking trails if we want to explore.When we get to the park, we'll find the perfect picnic spot. Maybe under the big oak tree or next to the colorful flower garden. We'll spread out the checkered picnic blanket and unpack all our goodies from the basket. Sandwiches, snacks, andcookies galore! I wonder if the ducks at the pond will waddle over looking for crumbs.After filling our bellies, it'll be time to play and run around. We can toss the frisbee back and forth, seeing who can catch it the most times without dropping it. Emma is really good at frisbee. Then we'll get out the sidewalk chalk and decorate the ground with colorful doodles and obstacle。
Playing video games can be a fun and engaging activity,but its important to recognize that there are potential downsides to this pastime.Here are some of the common disadvantages associated with excessive gaming:1.Time Consumption:Video games can be incredibly timeconsuming.Players often lose track of time and end up spending hours in front of the screen,which can lead to neglecting other important aspects of life such as work,school,or social activities.2.Physical Health Issues:Sitting for extended periods while playing games can lead to a sedentary lifestyle,which is associated with obesity,cardiovascular diseases,and musculoskeletal ck of physical activity can also contribute to poor posture and back pain.3.Mental Health Concerns:Excessive gaming can lead to addiction,which can have serious mental health implications.It can cause anxiety,depression,and even lead to social isolation as players may prefer the virtual world over reallife interactions.4.Impact on Academic Performance:Students who spend a significant amount of time gaming may find it difficult to balance their studies.This can result in poor academic performance,as they may not allocate enough time to studying or completing assignments.5.Social Skills:While some games offer a social aspect,excessive gaming can lead to a decrease in facetoface social interactions.This can hinder the development of social skills and may result in difficulties in forming and maintaining reallife relationships.6.Financial Implications:Games,especially those with ingame purchases,can be expensive.Players may spend a significant amount of money on games,ingame items,or gaming equipment,which can strain their finances.7.Disruption of Sleep Patterns:Many gamers play late into the night,which can disrupt their sleep ck of sleep can have a negative impact on cognitive function, mood,and overall health.8.Aggressive Behavior:Some studies suggest that exposure to violent video games can lead to increased aggression in players.This can manifest in both online and offline behavior,potentially leading to conflicts and antisocial actions.9.Eyesight Issues:Staring at screens for long periods can cause eye strain and may contribute to the development of vision problems such as myopia or digital eye strain.10.Cyberbullying:Online gaming communities can sometimes be a breeding ground for cyberbullying.Players may be subjected to harassment,threats,or other forms of online abuse,which can have a profound impact on their emotional wellbeing.Its important for gamers to be aware of these potential downsides and to maintain a healthy balance between gaming and other aspects of life.Moderation and selfregulation are key to enjoying video games without experiencing the negative effects.。
英文作文:电子游戏弊大于利The Harm of Video Games Outweighs Their BenefitsIn the modern era, video games have become a prevalent form of entertainment, especially among young people. While some argue that they can offer educational benefits and improve cognitive skills, I firmly believe that the harm of video games outweighs their advantages.Firstly, video games can be highly addictive. Many individuals spend countless hours playing games, often neglecting important responsibilities such as schoolwork, exercise, and social interaction. This excessive gaming can lead to poor academic performance, physical health problems, and social isolation. Moreover, the constant stimulation provided by video games can desensitize individuals to real-world experiences, making it difficult for them to engage with the world around them.Secondly, video games often promote violence and aggressive behavior. Many popular games involve shooting, killing, and other forms of violence, which can desensitize players to real-world violence and make them more likely to engage in aggressive behavior. Studies have shown that childrenand adolescents who play violent video games are more prone to aggression, bullying, and even criminal behavior.Thirdly, video games can be expensive and time-consuming. Many gamers invest heavily in hardware, software, and online subscriptions, which can be costly. Additionally, the time spent playing games could be better utilized engaging in more productive activities, such as reading, learning new skills, or participating in sports.While some may argue that video games can offer educational benefits and provide a form of relaxation, I believe that these benefits do not outweigh the potential harm. The negative effects of video games on physical health, mental well-being, and social development are well-documented and cannot be ignored. Therefore, we should encourage individuals to limit their gaming time and focus on more positive and productive activities.。
青少年应不应该玩电脑游戏英语作文{z}Title: Should Teenagers Play Computer Games?Computer games have become an increasingly popular form of entertainment among teenagers.However, the question of whether or not teenagers should play computer games is a topic that has sparked much debate.In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of teenagers playing computer games.One of the main arguments in favor of teenagers playing computer games is that they can improve their cognitive skills.Many computer games require players to think quickly and solve problems in order to progress.This can help teenagers develop their problem-solving abilities and improve their critical thinking skills.Additionally, computer games can also help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.Furthermore, computer games can also provide teenagers with a means of relaxation and stress relief.Many teenagers face a lot of pressure from school, extracurricular activities, and social life.Playing computer games can serve as a form of escapism and help them unwind and relax.It can also provide them with a sense of achievement and boost their self-confidence.However, there are also arguments against teenagers playing computer games.One of the main concerns is that excessive gaming can lead to addiction.Some teenagers may spend countless hours playingcomputer games, neglecting their studies, family, and social life.This can have negative consequences on their academic and personal life.Moreover, excessive gaming can also lead to health problems such as obesity, poor eyesight, and repetitive strain injury.Another concern is that computer games can be violent and aggressive.Some games involve shooting, fighting, and killing, which can have a negative impact on teenagers" behavior and attitudes.Exposure to violent content in computer games can increase aggression and hostility, and may even lead to violent behavior in real life.In conclusion, whether or not teenagers should play computer games is a complex issue.While computer games can improve cognitive skills, provide relaxation, and boost self-confidence, they can also lead to addiction and violent behavior.It is important for parents and guardians to monitor their teenagers" gaming habits and ensure that they strike a balance between gaming and other activities.Additionally, it is crucial for teenagers to be aware of the potential risks and consequences of excessive gaming and to prioritize their health and well-being.。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0409742v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t a t -m e c h ] 29 S e p 2004Long-run behavior of games with many players Jacek Mi¸e kisz Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Warsaw University ul.Banacha 202-097Warsaw,Poland e-mail:miekisz@.pl February 2,2008Abstract :We discuss similarities and differencies between systems of many interacting players maximizing their individual payoffs and particles minimizing their interaction energy.We analyze long-run behavior of stochastic dynamics of many interacting agents in spatial and adaptive population games.We review results concerning the effect of the number of players and the noise level on the stochastic stability of Nash equilibria.In particular,we present examples of games in which when the number of players or the noise level increases,a population undergoes a transition between its equilibria.Keywords:evolutionary game theory,Nash equilibria,stochastic adaptive dynamics,spatial games,equilibrium selection,long-run behavior,stochastic stability,ensemble stability.MSC :82B20,91A10,91A22.1IntroductionMany socio-economic and biological processes can be modeled as systems of interacting indi-viduals;see for example papers in econophysics bulletin[1].One may then try to derive their global behavior from individual interactions between their basic entities.Such approach is fun-damental in statistical physics which deals with systems of many interacting particles.We will explore similarities and differences between systems of many interacting players maximizing their individual payoffs and particles minimizing their interaction energy.Here we will consider game-theoretic models of many interacting agents[2,3,4].In such models,agents have at their disposal certain strategies and their payoffs in a game depend on strategies chosen both by them and by their opponents.A configuration of a system, that is an assignment of strategies to agents,is a Nash equilibrium if for any agent,forfixed strategies of his opponents,changing the current strategy will not increase his payoff.One of the fundamental problems in game theory is the equilibrium selection in games with multiple Nash equilibria.In two-player games with two strategies we may have two Nash equilibria:a payoffdominant(also called efficient)and a risk-dominant one.In the efficient equilibrium,players receive highest possible payoffs.The strategy is risk-dominant if it has a higher expected payoffagainst a player playing both strategies with equal probabilities.It is played by individuals averse to risks.One of the selection methods is to construct a dynamical system where in the long run only one equilibrium is played with a high frequency.Here we will discuss adaptive dynamics where agents adapt in some optimal way to the environment created by other players and with a small probability,representing the noise of the system,they make mistakes.To describe the long-run behavior of such stochastic dynamics,Foster and Young[5]introduced a concept of stochastic stability.A configuration of a system is stochastically stable if it has a positive probability in the stationary state of the above dynamics in the limit of zero noise.It means that in the long run we observe it with a positive frequency.The main goal of this paper is to review results concerning the dependence of the long-run behaviour of the system on the number of players and the noise level.We will show that in many games,when the number of players or the noise level increases,the population undergoes a transition between its equilibria.In spatial games,players are located on vertices of certain graphs and they interact only with their neighbors[6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15].In discrete moments of time,playersadapt to their neighbors by choosing with a high probability the strategy which is the best response,i.e.the one which maximizes the sum of the payoffs obtained in individual games and with a small probability they make mistakes.Now,for any arbitrarily low butfixed noise, if the number of players is big enough,then the probability of any individual configuration is practically zero.It means that for a large number of players,to observe a stochastically stable configuration we must assume that players make mistakes with extremely small probabilities. On the other hand,it may happen that in the long run,for a low butfixed noise and sufficiently big number of players,the stationary state is highly concentrated on an ensemble consisting of one Nash configuration and its small perturbations,i.e.configurations where most players play the same strategy.We will call such configurations ensemble stable.We will consider here games with symmetric Nash equilibria and homogeneous Nash config-urations.By the stochastic stability of a strategy or a Nash equilibrium we mean the stochastic stability of the corresponding Nash configuration.We will present examples of spatial games with three strategies where concepts of stochastic stability and ensemble stability do not co-incide[16].In particular,we may have the situation where a stochastically stable strategy is played in the long run with an arbitrarily low frequency.We discuss also an effect of adding a dominated strategy to a game with two strategies.In particular,the presence of such a strategy may cause a risk and payoff-dominant strategy to be observed in the long run with a frequency close to zero.In above models,when the number of players or the noise level increases,a population undergoes a transition between its equilibria.We will also review two models of adaptive dynamics of a darwinian type where states of a population are characterized by a number of individuals playing thefirst strategy.In both models,the selection part of the dynamics ensures that if the mean payoffof a given strategy at the time t is bigger than the mean payoffof the other one,then the number of individuals playing the given strategy should increase in t+1.In thefirst model,introduced by Kandori,Mailath and Rob[17],one assumes(as in the standard replicator dynamics)that individuals receive average payoffs with respect to all possible opponents-they play against the average strategy.In the second model,introduced by Robson and Vega-Redondo[18,19],at any moment of time,individuals play only one game with randomly chosen opponents.In both models,players may mutate with a small probability hence the population may move against a selection pressure.It was shown that in the Kandori-Mailath-Rob model,the risk-dominant strategy is stochas-tically stable-if the mutation level is small enough we observe it in the long run with thefrequency close to one[17].In the model of Robson and Vega-Redondo,the payoff-dominant strategy is stochastically stable.It is one of very few models in which a payoff-dominant strat-egy is stochastically stable in the presence of a risk-dominant one.We showed in[20]that in the sequential dynamics in the model of Robson and Vega-Redondo,for any arbitrarily low but afixed level of mutations,if the number of players is sufficiently big,a risk-dominant strategy is played in the long run with a frequency close to one.More precisely,we proved that an en-semble consisiting of states of the population in which only its small fraction play the efficient strategy has the probability close to one in the stationary state.Again,in the limit of the infinite number of players,one has to consider the ensemble stability rather than the stability of individual configurations.We showed that stochastically stable efficient strategy is observed with a very low frequency. It means that when the number of players increases,the population undergoes a transition from the efficient equilibrium to the risk-dominant one.In Section2,we will introduce basic notions of game theory.In Section3,spatial games are discussed.In Section4,we compare ground-state configurations in lattice-gas models and Nash configurations in spatial games.In Section5,we introduce a concept of the ensemble stability and present an example in which a stochastically stable strategy is played in the long run with a frequency close to zero.In Section6,we review results concerning stochastic and ensemble stability in adaptive dynamics.2Nash equilibriaTo characterize a game-theoretic model one has to specify the set of players,strategies they have at their disposal and payoffs they receive.Although in many models the number of players is very large,their strategic interactions are usually decomposed into a sum of two-player games.Only recently there have appeared some systematic studies of truly multi-player games [21,22,23,24,25].Here we will consider only two-player games with two or three strategies. The payoffof any player depends not only on his strategy but also on strategies played by his opponents.It can be represented by a kxk matrix,where k is the number of strategies.Let us begin by describing a game with two strategies and two symmetric Nash equilibria.A generic payoffmatrix is given byExample1A BA a bU=B c d,where the ij entry,i,j=A,B,is the payoffof thefirst(row)player when he plays the strategy i and the second(column)player plays the strategy j.We assume that both players are the same and hence payoffs of the column player are given by the matrix transposed to U; such games are called symmetric.An assignment of strategies to both players is a Nash equilibrium,if for each player,for a fixed strategy of his opponent,changing the current strategy will not increase his payoff.If a>c and d>b,then(A,A)and(B,B)are two Nash equilibria.If a+b<c+d,then the strategy B has a higher expected payoffagainst a player playing both strategies with equal probabilities.We say that B risk dominates the strategy A(the notion of the risk-dominance was introduced and thoroughly studied by Hars´a nyi and Selten[26]).If at the same time a>d, then we have a selection problem of choosing between the payoff-dominant(also caled efficient) equilibrium(A,A)and the risk-dominant(B,B).Games with symmetric payoffmatrices are called doubly symmetric or potential games[27]. More generally,a game is called a potential game if its payoffmatrix can be changed to a symmetric one by adding payoffs to its columns.Such payofftransformation does not change strategic character of the game,in particular it does not change the set of its equilibria.More formally,it means that there exists a symmetric matrix V called a potential of the game such that for any three strategies A,B,and C,U(A,C)−U(B,C)=V(A,C)−V(B,C).(1)It is easy to see that every game with two strategies has a potential V with V(A,A)=a−c, V(B,B)=d−b,and V(A,B)=V(B,A)=0.It follows that in two-player games with two strategies an equilibrium is risk-dominant if and only if it has a bigger potential.3Spatial games with local interactionsLetΛbe afinite subset of the simple lattice Z2(we may think about a square centered at the origin of the lattice).Every site ofΛis occupied by one player who has at his disposalone of k different pure strategies.Let S be a set of pure strategies,thenΩΛ=SΛis the set of all possible configurations of players,that is all possible assignments of pure strategies to individual players.For every i∈Λ,X i is the strategy of the i−th player in the configuration X∈ΩΛand X−i denotes strategies of all remaining players;X therefore can be represented as the pair(X i,X−i).U:S×S→R is a matrix of payoffs of our stage game.U(A,B),A,B∈S is the payoffof thefirst(row)player playing the strategy A when the second one(a column player)is playing B.We will consider here only symmetric games so the payoffof the second player is given by U(B,A)(the payoffmatrix of the second player is the transpose of the payoffmatrix U of thefirst one).Every player interacts only with his neighbors and his payoffis the sum of the payoffs resulting from individual games.We assume that he has to use the same strategy for all neighbors.Let N i denote the neighborhood of the i−th player.For the nearest-neighbor interaction we have N i={j;|j−i|=1},where|i−j|is the distance between i and j.For X∈ΩΛwe denote byνi(X)the payoffof the i−th player in the configuration X:νi(X)=j∈N iU(X i,X j)(2) Definition1X∈ΩΛis a Nash configuration if for every i∈Λand A∈Sνi(X i,X−i)≥νi(A,X−i).In this paper we will discuss only coordination games,where there are k pure symmetric Nash equilibria and therefore k homogeneous Nash configurations,where all players play the same strategy.We describe now the deterministic dynamics of the best-response ly,at each discrete moment of time t=1,2,...,a randomly chosen player may update his strategy.Hesimply adopts the strategy,X t i,which gives him the maximal total payoffνi(X t i,X t−1−i)for givenX t−1−i,a configuration of strategies of remaining players at time t−1.Now we allow players to make mistakes with a small probability,that is to say they may not choose the best response.A probability of making a mistake may depend on the state of the system(a configuration of strategies of neighboring players).We will assume that this probability is a decreasing function of the payofflost as a result of a mistake[6].In the log-linear rule,the probability of chosing by the i−th player the strategy X t i at time t is given by the following conditional probability:p T i(X t i|X t−1−i )=e(1/T)νi(X t i,X t−1−i)where T>0measures the noise level.Let us observe that if T→0,p T i converges to the best-response rule.Our stochastic dynamics is an example of an ergodic Markov chain with|SΛ|states.Therefore,it has a unique stationary state which we denote byµTΛ.The following definition wasfirst introduced by Foster and Young[5]:Definition2X∈ΩΛis stochastically stable if lim T→0µTΛ(X)>0.If X is stochastically stable,then the frequency of visiting X converges to a positive number along any time trajectory almost surely.It means that in the long run we observe X with a positive frequency.In most models it is usually equal to1.In examples below,we consider symmetric games with symmetric Nash equilibria and ho-mogeneous Nash configurations.By the stochastic stability of a strategy or a Nash equilibrium we mean the stochastic stability of the corresponding Nash configuration.4Ground states and Nash configurationsWe will present here one of the basic models of interacting particles.In classical lattice-gas models,particles occupy lattice sites and interact only with their neighbors.The fundamental concept is that of a ground-state configuration.It can be formulated conveniently in the limit of an infinite lattice(the infinite number of particles).Let us assume that every site of the Z2 lattice can be occupied by one of k different particles.An infinite-lattice configuration is an assignment of particles to lattice sites,i.e.,an element ofΩ={1,...,k}Z2.If X∈Ωand i∈Z2, then we denote by X i a restriction of X to i.We will assume here that only nearest-neighbor particles interact.The energy of their interaction is given by a symmetric k×k matrix V.An element V(A,B)is the interaction energy of two nearest-neighbor particles of type A and B. The total energy of a system in a configuration X in afinite regionΛcan be then written as HΛ(X)= (i,j)∈ΛV(X i,X j).Y is a local excitation of X,Y∼X,Y,X∈Ω,if there exists afiniteΛ⊂Z d such that X=Y outsideΛ.For Y∼X,the relative energy is defined by(V(Y i,Y j)−V(X i,X j)),(4)H(Y,X)=(i,j)where the summation is with respect to pairs of nearest neighbors on Z2.Observe that this is thefinite sum;the energy difference between Y and X is equal to0outside somefiniteΛ.Definition3X∈Ωis a ground-state configuration of V ifH(Y,X)≥0for any Y∼X.That is,we cannot lower the energy of a ground-state configuration by changing it locally.The energy density e(X)of a configuration X isHΛ(X)e(X)=lim infΛ→Z2afinite number of steps we arrive at a ground-state configuration;at every step we decrease the energy of the system and for everyfinite system its possible energies form afinite set.For an infinite system,we have to proceed ad infinitum converging to a ground-state configuration (this follows from the compactness ofΩ).Game models are different.It may happen that a game with a nonsymmetric payoffmatrix may not posess a Nash configuration.The classical example is that of the Rock-Scissors-Paper game given by the following matrix.Example3R S PR120U=S012P201One may show that this game dos not have any Nash configurations on Z and Z2but many Nash configurations on the triangular lattice.In short,ground-state configurations minimize the total energy of a particle system,Nash configurations do not necessarily maximize the total payoffof a society.Ground-state configuration is an equilibrium concept for systems of interacting particles at zero temperature.For positive temperatures,we must take into accountfluctuations caused by thermal motions of particles.Equilibrium behavior of the system results then from the competition between its energy V and entropy S(which measures the number of configurations corresponding to a macroscopic state),i.e.the minimization of its free energy F=V−T S,where T is the temperature of the system-a measure of thermal motions.At the zero temperature,T=0,the minimization of the free energy reduces to the minimization of the energy.This zero-temperature limit looks very similar to the zero-noise limit present in the definition of the stochastic stability.Equilibrium behavior of a system of interacting particles can be described by specifying probabilities of occurence for all particle configurations.More formally,it is described by a Gibbs state(see[31]and references therein).We construct it in the following way.LetΛbe afinite subset of Z2andρTΛthe following probability mass function onΩΛ=(1,...,k)Λ:ρTΛ(X)=(1/Z TΛ)exp(−HΛ(X)/T),(6)for every X∈ΩΛ,whereexp(−HΛ(X)/T)(7)Z TΛ=X∈ΩΛis a normalizing factor and T is the temperature of the system.We define a Gibbs state as a limit ofρTΛasΛ→Z2.One can prove that a limit of a translation-invariant Gibbs state for a given interaction as T→0is a measure supported by ground-state configurations.One of the fundamental problems of statistical mechanics is a characterization of low-temperature Gibbs states for given interactions between particles.Let us now come back to spatial games with players located on afinite regionΛof the Z2 lattice and receiving a payoffgiven by the matrix in Example1.It has two homogeneous Nash configurations,X A and X B,in which all players play the same strategy A or B respectively.If V is a potential of the stage game,then (i,j)∈ΛV(X i,X j)is a potential of a configuration Xin the corresponding spatial game.One can show[8]thatµTΛ(X)=e(1/T)(i,j)∈ΛV(X i,X j)If X isǫ-ensemble stable for some T>0andǫclose to zero,then the ensemble consisting of X and configurations which are different from X at at most few sites has the probability close to one in the stationary state.It does not follow,however,that X is necessarily low-noise ensemble or stochastically stable as it happens in the following example.Players are located on afinite subsetΛof Z2(with periodic boundary conditions)and interact with their four nearest neighbors.They have at their disposal three strategies:A,B, and C.The payoffs are given by the following symmetric matrix:Example4A B CA00.11U=B0.12+α1C112,whereα≥0.Our game has two Nash equilibria:(B,B)and(C,C),and the corresponding spatial game has two homogeneous Nash configurations:X B and X C.Forα=0,both X B and X C are ground state-configurations for−U;forα>0only X B is a ground-state configuration.Observe that the strategy A gives a player the lowest payoffregardless of a strategy chosen by his opponent.Such strategy is called dominated.It is easy to see that dominated strategies cannot be present in any Nash equilibrium.Therefore such strategies should not be used by players and consequently we might think that their presence should not have any impact on the long-run behavior of the system.We will see that this is not true in Example4.The unique stationary state of the log-linear dynamics(3)is given in(8)with V=U. Let us start our discussion withα=0.It follows from(8)that lim T→0µTΛ(X A i)=1/2,A i= B,C so B and C are stochastically stable.Let us investigate the long-run behavior of our system for largeΛ,that is for a big number of players.Observe that limΛ→Z2µTΛ(X)=0for every X∈Ω=S Z2.Hence for largeΛand T>0we may only observe,with reasonable positive frequencies,ensembles of configurations and not particular configurations.We will be interested in ensembles which consist of a Nash configuration and its small perturbations, that is configurations,where most players adopt the same strategy.We performfirst the limit Λ→Z2and obtain an infinite volume Gibbs stateµT=limµTΛ(9)Λ→Z2We may then apply a technique developed by Bricmont and Slawny[32,33].They studied low-temperature stability of the so-called dominant ground-state configurations.It follows from their results thatµT(X i=C)>1−ǫ(T)(10) for any i∈Z2andǫ(T)→0as T→0[16].The following theorem is a simple consequence of(10).Theorem1Ifα=0,then X C is low-noise ensemble stable.We see that for any low butfixed T,if the number of players is big enough,then in the long run,almost all players use C strategy.On the other hand,if for anyfixed number of players, T is lowered substantially,then B and C appear with frequencies close to1/2.Let us sketch briefly the reason of such a behavior.While it is true that both X B and X C have the same potential which is the half of the payoffof the whole system(it plays the role of the total energy of a system of interacting particles),the X C Nash configuration has more lowest-cost ly,one player can change its strategy and switch to either A or B and the total payoffwill decrease by8units.Players in the X B Nash configuration have only one possibility,that is to switch to C;switching to A decreases the total payoffby15.2. Now,the probability of the occurrence of any configuration in the Gibbs state(which is the stationary state of our stochastic dynamics)depends on the total payoffin an exponential way. One can prove that the probability of the ensemble consisting of the X C Nash configuration and configurations which are different from it at few sites only is much bigger than the probability of the analogous X B-ensemble.It follows from the fact that the X C-ensemble has many more configurations than the X B-ensemble.On the other hand,configurations which are outside X B and X C-ensembles appear with exponentially small probabilities.It means that for large enough systems(and small but not extremely small T)we observe in the stationary state the X C Nash configuration with perhaps few different strategies.The above argument was made into a rigorous proof for an infinite system of the closely related lattice-gas model(the Blume-Capel model)of interacting particles by Bricmont and Slawny in[32].Forα=0,both X B and X C have the same total payoff.X C has lowest-costfluctuations and therefore it is low-noise ensemble stable.Forα>0,X C has a smaller total payoffbutnevertheless one can prove[16]that in the long run C is played with a frequency close to1if the noise level is low but not extremely low.Theorem2For everyǫ>0,there existα(ǫ)and T(ǫ)such that for every0<α<α(ǫ),there exists T(α)such that for T(α)<T<T(ǫ),X C isǫ-ensemble stable,and for0<T<T(α), X B isǫ-ensemble stable.Observe that forα=0,both X B and X C are stochastically stable(they appear with the frequency1/2in the limit of zero noise)but X C is low-noise ensemble stable.For smallα>0, X B is both stochastically(it appears with the frequency1in the limit of zero noise)and low-noise ensemble stable.However,for intermediate noise T(α)<T<T(ǫ),if the number of players is big enough,then in the long run,almost all players use C strategy-X C is ensemble stable).If we lower T below T(α),then almost all players start to use B strategy.We may say that at T=T(α)the society of players undergoes a phase transition from C to B-behavior.Stochastic and ensemble stability of three-player spatial games were discussed in[34]and of some other spatial games in[35].6Stochastic and ensemble stability in adaptive dynam-icsHere we will review two models of darwinian adaptive dynamics.In both of them,the selection part of the dynamics ensures that if the mean payoffof a given strategy at the time t is bigger than the mean payoffof the other one,then the number of individuals playing the given strategy should increase in t+1.In thefirst model,introduced by Kandori,Mailath,and Rob[17],one assumes(as in the standard replicator dynamics[2,3])that individuals receive average payoffs with respect to all possible opponents-they play against the average strategy.In the second model,introduced by Robson and Vega-Redondo[18,19],at any moment of time,individuals play only one game with randomly chosen opponents.In both models,players may mutate with a small probability hence the population may move against a selection pressure.In the above models,at every discrete moment of time t,the state of the population is described by the number of individuals,z t,playing the strategy A in the two-player symmetric game with the payoffmatrix given in Example1.Formally,by the state space we mean the setΩ={z,0≤z≤n}.Now we will describe the dynamics of our system.It consists of two components:selection and mutation.Letπi(z t),i=A,B,denote the mean payoffof a strategyat the time t.In their paper[17],Kandori,Mailath,and Rob writea(z t−1)+b(n−z t)πA(z t)=,n−1provided0<z t<n.It means that in every time step,players are paired infnitely many times to play the game or equivalently,each player plays with every other player and his payoffis the sum of corresponding payoffs.The selection dynamics is formalized in the following way:z t+1>z t ifπA(z t)>πB(z t),(12)z t+1<z t ifπA(z t)<πB(z t),z t+1=z t ifπA(z t)=πB(z t),z t+1=z t if z t=0or z t=n.Now mutations are added.At every moment t,each player switches to a new strategy with some probabilityǫ.It is easy to see that for any two states of the population,there is a positive probability of the transition between them in somefinite number of time steps. We have therefore obtained an irreducible Markov chain with n+1states.It has a unique stationary state(a probability mass function)which we denote byµǫn.The following theorem was proved in[17].Theorem3For any large enough n,limǫ→0µǫn(0)=1in the average strategy(K-M-R)model.It means that in the long run,in the limit of no mutations,all players play the risk-dominant strategy B,that is B is stochastically stable.We will outline the proof of the above theorem(see[17,19]).It is based on the tree repre-sentation of stationary states of irreducible Markov chains[36,37,38](see also the Appendix).We willfirst show that z=0and z=n and possibly nx∗(if it is an integer)are the only absorbing states of the mutation-free dynamics(the selection part).Let U A and U B are the basins of attraction of z=n and z=0respectively.The basins do not overlap and we have that U A={k,nx∗<k≤n}and U B={k,0≤k<nx∗},where x∗=(d−b)/(d−b+a−c)isthe solution of the equationπA=πB,that is x∗is the mixed Nash equilibrium of the game.If nx∗is an integer,it is the additional invariant state of the dynamics.Now to prove Theorem3it is enough to notice that x∗>1/2for the payoffmatrix in Example1and therefore the population needs more mutations to move from z=0to z=n than the other way around.Therefore q m(z=0)has the lower order inǫin(16)than q m(z=n) so B is stochastically stable.The general set up in the model of Robson and Vega-Redondo[18,19]is the same.However, individuals are paired only once at every time step and play only one game before the selection process takes place.Let p t denote the random variable which describes the number of cross-pairings,i.e.the number of pairs of matched individuals playing different strategies at the time t.Let us notice that p t depends on z t.For a given realization of p t and z t,mean payoffs obtained by each strategy are as follows:a(z t−p t)+bp t˜πA(z t,p t)=,n−z tprovided0<z t<n.Let us denote by˜µǫn the stationary state of the corresponding Markov chain.It was proved in[18,19]that the payoff-dominant strategy is stochastically stable.Theorem4For any large enough n,limǫ→0˜µǫn(n)=1in the random matching(R-V-R)model.Let us again outline the proof.Due to the stochastic nature of matching,basins of attraction overlap here.First of all,one can show that there exists k such that if n is large enough and z t≥k,then there is a positive probability(a certain realization of p t)that after afinite number of steps of the mutation-free selection dynamics,all players will play A.Likewise,if z t<k(for any k≥1,then if the number of players is large enough,then after afinite number of steps of the mutation-free selection dynamics all players will play B.In other words,z=0and z=n are the only absorbing states of the mutation-free dynamics and there are no other recurrent classes.Moreover,if n is large enough,then if z t≥n−k,then the mean payoffobtained by A is always(for any realization of p t)bigger than the mean payoffobtained by B.(in the worst case all B-players play with A-players).Therefore the size of the basin of attraction of the state z=0is at most n−k−1an that of z=n is at least n−k.It follows that the system needs at least k+1mutations to evolve from z=n to z=0and at most k mutations to evolve from。