A systematic review of cardiovascular effects after atypical antipsychotic medication overdose
专家建议:术前评估老年患者的衰弱症状并记录衰弱评分,必要时应咨询老年专科医师进一步评估,见表 1。
表1 衰弱筛查量表 (The “FRAIL” Scale) [1]项目问题Fatigue您感到疲劳吗?Resistance您能上一层楼梯吗?Aerobic您能行走一个街区的距离吗(500m) ?Illness您患有 5 种以上疾病吗?Lost您在最近 1 年内体重下降超过5% 了吗?注:总评分 0~5 分,其中 0 分:强壮,1~2 分:衰弱前期, 3~5 分:衰弱二、功能 / 体力状态和跌倒风险的评估功能依赖是术后 6 个月死亡率的最强危险预测因素,与术后 30d 死亡率的相关性要高于年龄因素。
专家建议: (1) 所有患者均应对日常活动能力进行评估,首先应用功能/体力状态的简短筛查试验 ( 询问 4 个问题 ) :①你自己能下床或离开椅子吗?②你自己能穿衣服和洗澡吗?③你自己能做饭吗?④你自己能买东西吗?如果以上任一问题回答“不能”,均应进行日常活动能力量表 (ADL)筛查[2],见表 2;记录任何功能受限情况并给予围术期干预 ( 如推荐进行专科治疗和 / 或理疗 ) ,直至出院。
(2) 记录视力、听力或吞咽功能下降情况。
(3) 询问跌倒病史 ( 过去 1 年你跌倒过吗? ) 。
(4) 建议采用起立行走试验 (TUGT)表对患者步态、运动受限情况进行评估,具体操作步骤为[3]:患者应坐在标准带扶手的椅子上,椅子距前方标线的距离为 3m,应穿合脚鞋子和使用行走辅助器具,除此之外不应接受其他帮助;患者按照以下指令进行检测: (1) 从椅子上站起来 ( 如可能,尽量不使用扶手 ) ,(2) 走到地面的标记线前面(3m),(3) 转身, (4) 回到椅子处, (5) 重新坐下;评分标准: TUGT≥ 15s 提示有功能减弱。
糖尿病是目前威胁人类健康的重要疾病之一,在 全球范围内糖尿病的发生率逐年增加,据国际糖尿病 联合会估计,到 2045 年全球糖尿病患者的 数 量 将 达 到 6. 93 亿[1] 。 糖 尿 病 肾 脏 病 ( diabetic kidney disease, DKD) 是糖尿病最常见和 最 主 要 的 微 血 管 并 发 症。 在终末期 肾 衰 竭 的 患 者 中,DKD 所 占 比 例 正 逐 渐增加。 在美 国 等 发 达 国 家,DKD 约 占 慢 性 透 析 患 者的 44% 左 右,是 终 末 期 肾 病 ( end - stage renal disease, ESRD) 需要 替 代 治 疗 的 首 位 病 因[2] 。 在 我 国, 随着糖尿病 发 生 率 的 升 高,DKD 所 占 ESRD 病 因 构 成比从 1999 年的 9% 上升至 2004 年的 18% ,发展至 肾衰竭的比例为 30% ~ 40% ,根据经验估计 DKD 在 我国 ESRD 中所占比例还将迅速增加。 DKD 还是心 血管事件的独立危险因素,随访研究提示,与肾功能 正常者比较, 肾 功 能 轻 中 度 下 降 者 心 血 管 事 件 增 加 40% ,病死率增加 20% ;并且随着肾功能下 降,心 血 管事件风险呈线性增加趋势。 提示糖尿病出现肾损 害将严重影响患者的预后,大幅度增加医疗支出。 因 此,研究 DKD 的发病机制和相应的干预措施将为人 类带来巨大的健康收益[3] 。
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维生素及抗氧化剂补充对心血管疾病的预防作用未获证实(BMJ. 2013 Jan 18;346:f10)题目:维生素及抗氧化剂补充对心血管疾病的预防作用:随机对照试验的系统回顾和荟萃分析(Efficacy of vitamin and antioxidant supplements in prevention of cardiovascular disease: systematic review andmeta-analysis of randomised controlled trials)目的:评估维生素及抗氧化剂补充对心血管疾病的预防作用。
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2022年7月于青岛大学医学院附属青岛市中心医院就诊的116例急性心肌梗死病人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组58例㊂对照组采用常规治疗,观察组在常规治疗基础上加用黄芪桂枝五物汤辅助治疗,均治疗14d后比较治疗效果㊂结果:观察组治疗后的心肌梗死溶栓分级优于对照组(P<0.05)㊂治疗后,观察组的左室射血分数(LVEF)㊁左室收缩末期内径(LVESD)㊁左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)㊁左室舒张期末容积(LVEDV)㊁心肌重量指数(LVMI)㊁左室后壁厚度(LVPWT)㊁舒张末期室间隔厚度(IVST)㊁可溶性细胞间黏附分子1(sICAM-1)㊁内皮素-1(ET-1)㊁血清miR-21㊁miR-126改善情况优于对照组(P<0.05)㊂观察组治疗后中医证候积分低于对照组(P<0.05)㊂随访6个月后,两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.152,P=0.697),但主要不良心血管事件发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.833,P=0.028)㊂结论:对急性心肌梗死病人实施黄芪桂枝五物汤辅助治疗,可降低心肌缺血及再灌注损伤,改善冠状动脉灌注和心功能,下调血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平㊂关键词急性心肌梗死;黄芪桂枝五物汤;心室重塑;心功能d o i:10.12102/j.i s s n.1672-1349.2024.04.020急性心肌梗死(AMI)可因冠状动脉粥样斑块破裂导致冠状动脉管腔受阻,血小板聚集于破裂斑块表面,作者单位 1.青岛大学医学院附属青岛市中心医院(山东青岛266042);2.青岛市中医医院/青岛市海慈医院(山东青岛266042)通讯作者刘学峁,E-mail:*******************引用信息田苗艳,徐丹,宋炜,等.黄芪桂枝五物汤对急性心肌梗死病人心室重塑及血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平的影响[J].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2024,22(4):686-690.从而使心肌发生严重缺血,形成血栓,表现为气促㊁胸闷㊁乏力㊁剧烈胸骨后疼痛,严重时可并发心力衰竭㊁心律失常㊁休克,严重危及生命安全[1]㊂目前,治疗AMI 的主要治疗方式为经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI),能够缓解因缺血导致的心肌坏死及损伤,快速恢复心肌血液灌注,但研究发现心肌缺血后再灌注本身便会引起心肌坏死或损伤,甚至扩大梗死面积㊁出现无复流,严重损害心肌组织,因此需重视介入术后的相关治疗[2]㊂中医认为,介入治疗后引起的再灌注损伤属于本虚标实之证[3]㊂AMI本身便因痰阻㊁寒凝㊁气滞㊁血瘀等瘀毒之邪堵塞于心脉,久而成痹,加之介入治疗会损伤正气,故应尽快给予温经通痹㊁泄毒化痰㊁益气活血㊁补气固本之法[4]㊂黄芪桂枝五物汤是中医补气生血名方,具有活血化瘀㊁温阳益气㊁利水化饮等功效,能够改善梗死后心功能,降低心肌耗氧量,缓解心肌缺血症状,更好地保护心肌,对AMI病人预后有益[5]㊂本研究探讨黄芪桂枝五物汤对AMI病人血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平及心室重塑的影响㊂1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取2021年2月 2022年7月于青岛大学医学院附属青岛市中心医院就诊的116例AMI病人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照组,每组58例㊂观察组,男30例,女28例;年龄(56.65ʃ8.95)岁;病程(5.83ʃ2.16)h;梗死部位:后壁9例,下壁18例,前壁31例㊂对照组,男32例,女26例;年龄(56.31ʃ8.87)岁;病程(5.54ʃ2.23)h;梗死部位:高侧壁8例,下壁17例,前壁33例㊂两组一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂本研究经过医院伦理委员会审批通过㊂1.2诊断㊁纳入与排除标准诊断标准:1)西医诊断,符合AMI西医诊断指南中的相关诊断标准[6];且持续剧烈胸痛>30min;相邻ȡ2个导联心电图ST段抬高ȡ0.1mV㊂2)中医诊断,符合AMI中医诊断相关标准[7],主症为胸痛㊁胸闷不缓解;次症为乏力㊁头晕㊁自汗㊁喘促㊁心悸㊁无法平卧㊁气短㊁苔白腻㊁舌淡暗㊁脉无力㊂纳入标准:符合中西医诊断标准;年龄>20岁;符合PCI介入适应证;签署书面知情同意书者㊂排除标准:合并严重心脏机械并发症者;合并血液系统㊁严重自身免疫性疾病者;合并肝肾功能衰竭者;有明确临床感染证据者;合并各种慢性炎症及创伤者;近期有手术史者㊂1.3方法两组均在PCI术后给予相应药物治疗㊂对照组采用常规西药治疗,即普伐他汀钠片,每日1次,每次20mg,口服;硫酸氢氯吡格雷,每日1次,每次75mg,口服㊂观察组在常规治疗基础上加用黄芪桂枝五物汤治疗,组方:当归15g,川芎15g,白芍15g,黄芪30g,炒白术12g,桂枝12g,丹参15g,元胡15g,人参9g,黄连9g,薤白9g,丹参15g,生姜6g,三七6g,瓜蒌9g,大枣6g,每日1剂,分早晚两次服用㊂两组均治疗14d㊂1.4观察指标1)心肌梗死溶栓治疗(TIMI)分级:0级为血管完全堵塞,无灌注;1级为少量造影剂通过狭窄部位,渗透而无灌注;2级为>3个心动周期远端血管可被充盈,部分灌注;3级为排空缓慢;4级为完全灌注,排空迅速㊂2)使用YZB/吉0052-2004SDD动态心电图检测左室射血分数(LVEF)㊁左室收缩末期内径(LVESD)㊁左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)㊁左室舒张期末容积(LVEDV);使用HP2500型号彩色多普勒心脏超声仪检测左室心肌重量指数(LVMI)㊁左室后壁厚度(LVPWT)㊁舒张末期室间隔厚度(IVST)㊂3)使用迈瑞Mindray全自动生化分析仪检测可溶性细胞间黏附分子1(sICAM-1)㊁内皮素-1(ET-1)水平㊂4)采集4mL 肘静脉血,3500r/min离心15min分离血清,收集上层液体,使用RNA提取试剂盒提取RNA,逆转录成cRNA,进行基因扩增,引物序列见表1,经历45个循环后曲线溶解,设置3个复孔,取平均值检测血清miR-21㊁miR-126水平㊂5)中医证候积分[8]:按照‘症状分级量化表“判定病人当前胸痛㊁胸闷㊁气喘㊁心烦㊁心悸㊁神倦乏力㊁双下肢水肿㊁烦躁㊁出汗㊁尿少腹胀㊁畏寒肢冷㊁口唇青紫㊁颜面灰白等症状,每项按照0~3分标记,分值越高,症状越重㊂6)不良反应和主要不良心血管事件(MACE)㊂表1miR-21、miR-126引物序列血清指标引物miR-21正向:5'TTTGGCTCTGACCATTCTGT3'反向:5'GTCCTCACCTFGAGGGACCCC3' miR-126正向:5'ACTAATRCCTCCCTCCTT3'反向:5'ATAAACTTCTRGGTGTCC3'1.5统计学处理采用SPSS20.0软件进行数据分析㊂符合正态分布的定量资料以均数ʃ标准差表示(xʃs),两组多时点对比采用重复测量的方差分析,两两比较采用LSD-t 检验㊂定性资料以例数或百分比(%)表示,采用χ2检验㊂等级资料采用秩和检验㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1两组TIMI分级比较治疗前,两组TIMI分级比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组治疗后TIMI分级优于对照组(P< 0.05)㊂详见表2㊂表2 两组TIMI 分级比较单位:例(%)组别例数时间0级1级2级3级4级观察组58治疗前6(10.34)22(37.93)20(34.48)10(17.24)0(0.00)治疗后0(0.00)0(0.00)5(8.62)25(43.10)28(48.28)对照组58治疗前7(12.07)24(41.38)18(31.03)8(13.79)1(1.72)治疗后1(1.72)5(8.62)7(12.07)35(60.34)10(17.24)2.2 两组心功能比较治疗前,两组心功能比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组LVEF ㊁LVESD ㊁LVEDD ㊁LVEDV 改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表3㊂表3 两组心功能比较(x ʃs )组别例数时间LVEF (%)LVESD (mm )LVEDD (mm )LVEDV (mL )观察组58治疗前35.86ʃ5.4639.79ʃ9.3646.52ʃ7.45258.74ʃ16.35治疗后51.43ʃ8.91①27.15ʃ4.13①35.26ʃ6.31①201.13ʃ14.28①t 值-11.348 9.412 8.78320.209P<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001对照组58治疗前35.56ʃ5.2439.81ʃ9.4446.89ʃ7.62258.82ʃ16.51治疗后43.72ʃ7.7933.34ʃ5.6540.22ʃ6.63229.77ʃ15.74t 值-6.616 4.479 5.033 9.701P<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组治疗后比较,①P <0.05㊂2.3 两组心室重塑指标比较治疗前,两组心室重塑指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组LVMI ㊁IVST ㊁LVPWT 改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表4㊂表4 两组心室重塑指标比较(x ʃs )组别例数 时间LVMI (g/m 2)IVST (mm )LVPWT (mm )观察组58治疗前90.35ʃ5.5911.32ʃ2.3812.65ʃ2.22治疗后108.95ʃ9.36①7.05ʃ2.49①8.36ʃ1.72①t 值-12.9979.42211.629P<0.001<0.001<0.001对照组58治疗前90.49ʃ5.6311.59ʃ2.4912.73ʃ2.54治疗后101.78ʃ8.829.65ʃ2.5210.98ʃ1.55t 值-8.216 4.1744.477P<0.001<0.001<0.001注:与对照组治疗后比较,①P <0.05㊂2.4 两组心肌缺血再灌注指标比较治疗前,两组心肌缺血再灌注指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组sICAM -1㊁ET -1改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表5㊂表5 两组心肌缺血再灌注指标比较(x ʃs )单位:ng/mL组别例数 sICAM -1 治疗前治疗后ET -1 治疗前治疗后观察组58425.39ʃ34.19131.68ʃ17.74162.28ʃ17.2249.86ʃ10.67对照组58426.78ʃ33.62198.54ʃ22.35162.37ʃ17.5495.55ʃ11.33t 值-0.221 -17.848-0.028 -22.358P0.826<0.0010.978<0.0012.5 两组血清miR -21㊁miR -126水平比较 治疗前,两组血清miR -21㊁miR -126水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,观察组血清miR -21㊁miR -126改善情况优于对照组(P <0.05)㊂详见表6㊂表6 两组血清miR -21㊁miR -126水平比较(x ʃs )组别例数 miR -21 治疗前治疗后miR -126 治疗前治疗后观察组58 2.89ʃ0.65 1.02ʃ0.11 2.75ʃ0.39 1.08ʃ0.12对照组582.72ʃ0.41 1.86ʃ0.34 2.82ʃ0.41 1.74ʃ0.29t 值 1.688-17.945-0.950 -16.082P0.094<0.0010.344<0.0012.6 两组中医证候积分比较重复测量数据方差分析显示,中医证候积分以时间因素和分组的交互作用㊁时间因素均有统计学意义(P <0.05)㊂两组治疗前中医证候积分差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),而观察组治疗后各时间段中医证候积分更低(P <0.05)㊂详见表7㊂ 表7 两组中医证候积分比较(x ʃs )单位:分组别例数治疗前治疗后7d 治疗后14d 观察组5811.35ʃ2.58 6.65ʃ2.36①4.12ʃ1.25①对照组5811.49ʃ2.668.94ʃ2.556.64ʃ1.33注:F 时点=901.769,F 交互=38.583,F 组间=30.159;P 时点<0.001,P 交互<0.001,P 组间<0.001㊂与对照组同时间比较,①P <0.05㊂2.7 两组不良反应和MACE 发生率比较两组病人均随访6个月,其中观察组在治疗期间出现低血压1例,面目潮红1例,胃肠道反应1例,不良反应发生率为5.17%(3/58);在随访中,1例发生再梗阻,MACE 发生率为1.72%(1/58)㊂对照组治疗期间出现面目潮红2例,恶心呕吐2例,不良反应发生率为6.90%(4/58);在随访中出现心源性死亡1例,再梗阻5例,复发心绞痛1例,MACE 发生率为12.07%(7/58)㊂两组不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.152,P =0.697),但两组MACE 发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.833,P =0.028)㊂3 讨 论AMI 属于中医学真心痛 范畴,以心前区剧烈疼痛为典型之证,伴随脉微欲绝㊁大汗淋漓㊁四肢厥冷㊁面色苍白病证[9]㊂中医古籍中有较多关于AMI 的表达,其中‘医碥㊃心痛“提及 真心痛,其证卒然大痛,咬牙噤口,气冷,汉出不休,面黑,手足青过节,冷如冰,旦发夕死,夕发旦死,不治 ;‘灵枢㊃厥病“: 真心痛,手足青至节,心痛甚,旦发夕死,夕发旦死 ;‘难经㊃六十难“: 手足青者,痛在心,名真心痛 ㊂上述文献综合了真心痛定义㊁部位㊁症状㊁预后,与 胸痹 病因病机相似,与寒邪侵袭㊁痰浊化生㊁过食肥甘㊁气滞血瘀㊁七情内伤㊁阳气不足㊁年老体衰有关,发病条件是标实,本虚是发病基础,严重者可因气血运行中断,心脉突然闭塞,危及生命,故需尽早治疗[10]㊂而在‘灵枢㊃脉度“: 经脉为里,络之别者为孙,支而横着为络 ;‘灵枢㊃邪客“: 营气者,注之于脉,泌其津液,化以为血,内注五脏六腑 ,以上文献重点强调络脉具有互渗津血㊁渗灌血气㊁贯通营卫之功[11]㊂因此,针对AMI 发病机制,中医治法应以温经通痹㊁化痰泄毒㊁益气活血为主,致使痰浊得以温化㊁瘀血得以通畅㊁瘀毒得以疏泄,心脉气血通畅,疾病得除[12]㊂ 黄芪桂枝五物汤包含多种药材,方中黄芪为君,具有益气固表㊁扶助心气㊁补气实卫㊁补气培元㊁益气之功㊂‘本草便读“中提及 黄芪之补,使阳气和利,自然生津生血,善达表益卫 ;当归性温㊁苦㊁辛㊁甘,具有润肠㊁止痛㊁活血㊁补血之功;桂枝性温㊁甘㊁辛,具有温经通痹㊁散风寒㊁开痹涩㊁通经络之功;配伍黄芪,可达到益气㊁通经㊁温阳;芍药微寒,性酸㊁苦,具有养血合营㊁缓中止痛㊁养血柔肝㊁通血痹㊂‘名医别录“论白芍, 散恶血,通顺血脉,去水气,利膀胱 ㊂与桂枝合用,可调营卫而和表里㊂元胡性温㊁苦㊁辛,具有理气止痛㊁活血散瘀之功;黄连性寒㊁苦,具有泻火解毒㊁清热燥湿之功;瓜蒌性寒㊁甘,具有润燥滑肠㊁宽胸散结㊁清热涤痰之功;白术性温㊁苦㊁甘,具有止汗㊁燥湿利水㊁健脾益气之功;人参性甘,具有生津止渴㊁补脾益肺㊁大补元气㊁安神益智之功;薤白性温㊁苦㊁辛,具有下气行滞㊁通阳散结之功;三七具有止痛㊁活血通络之功;大枣甘温,具有养血益气之功;生姜辛温,具有疏散风邪之功,综合全方,共奏温经通痹㊁化痰泄毒㊁益气活血㊁补益正气之功[13-15]㊂ 心室重塑是AMI 发病后一个进行性㊁慢性过程,主要是因心肌间质内基质金属蛋白酶突发增多,导致神经内分泌系统被激活,增加肌肉组织体积,增重心脏负荷,导致心室指标㊁心功能指标发生改变[16]㊂分析本研究结果,两组接受治疗后,心功能㊁心室重塑指标㊁心肌缺血再灌注指标均有所改善,说明病人经过相关药物治疗能够有效减轻心肌缺血再灌注损伤,改善心功能㊂两者比较,观察组LVMI㊁IVST㊁LVPWT㊁LVEF㊁LVESD㊁LVEDD㊁LVEDV㊁sICAM-1㊁ET-1及TIMI分级改善情况更优,中医证候积分更低,提示黄芪桂枝五物汤利用价值更高,不仅在症状改善方面具有一定优势,还可改善心功能,逆转心室重塑,对预后具有一定价值㊂分析原因,黄芪桂枝五物汤虽包含多种药材,其中黄芪㊁桂枝为主要用药,其中桂枝具有温阳通脉之功;黄芪为君药,可发挥健脾㊁行血㊁益气之功[17]㊂董扬等[18]在大鼠研究中发现,黄芪能够改善心室重塑,保护心功能㊂现代药理学研究证实,黄芪中包含黄芪多糖,能够改善冠状动脉血管内皮细胞功能,清除氧自由基,增强心肌收缩力;桂枝所含皂苷成分,能够增加病变区域血流灌注量,使冠状动脉有效扩张,减轻缺血区域再灌注损伤程度;诸药合用,可修复受损心肌细胞,促进侧支循环形成,减少心肌耗氧量,抑制重塑,从而缩小梗死面积,改善心室重塑和心功能[19]㊂同时,有研究表明,miRNA也参与了AMI发生㊁发展过程,可调控转录后水平基因表达,在不同疾病中存在不同表达谱,故近年来也被心血管疾病作为特异性判定标准[20]㊂本结果显示,观察组治疗后miR-21㊁miR-126改善情况优于对照组,进一步说明黄芪桂枝五物汤能够抑制冠状动脉血管平滑肌痉挛,修复凋亡内皮细胞,改善心功能,促使疾病恢复㊂从远期疗效分析,观察组随访后心脏不良事件更低,说明黄芪桂枝五物汤远期疗效也更为显著,可降低复发心绞痛㊁再梗阻率㊂综上所述,黄芪桂枝五物汤具有安全㊁有效特点,用于AMI病人中,可保护血管内皮细胞,减少心血管事件发生㊂参考文献:[1]LI S B,SHENG J,ZHOU Q,et al.Chinese medicine in treatment ofa patient with acute extensive anterior myocardial infarctioncomplicated by shock after 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[13]赵佩,邹青,李泽霖.黄芪甲甙对急性心肌梗死大鼠心室重塑和NOX/ROS/TNF-α信号通路的影响[J].生物技术进展,2022,12(5):778-785.[14]马莉,李玉红,王保和,等.基于网络药理学探讨黄芪-丹参治疗心肌梗死的分子作用机制[J].中国中医急症,2022,31(2):193-197. [15]王德民,雷宏飞.黄芪桂枝五物汤加味治疗对急性心肌梗死PCI术后病人血液流变学影响研究[J].贵州医药,2019,43(12):1891-1893.[16]胡爱浩,俞荣明,汤海林.黄芪活血方联合针刺对急性心肌梗死后再灌注损伤的影响[J].环球中医药,2020,13(12):2163-2166. [17]刘玉霞,白彩云.加味黄芪桂枝五物汤联合麝香保心丸治疗急性心肌梗死的临床效果评估[J].检验医学与临床,2020,17(7):946-949.[18]董扬,张芬,李幸幸,等.黄芪多糖对急性心肌梗死大鼠心室重构及miRNA-21的影响[J].海南医学院学报,2021,27(8):572-578. [19]何慧,郑卫东.黄芪桂枝五物汤加味治疗对急性心肌梗死PCI术后病人血液流变学及炎症因子的影响[J].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2019,17(3):396-399.[20]OU Y,SUN S J,SHI H M,et al.Protective effects of salvianolate onmyocardial injury or myocardial infarction after electivepercutaneous coronary intervention in NSTE-ACS patients:arandomized placebo-controlled trial[J].Chinese Journal ofIntegrative Medicine,2020,26(9):656-662.(收稿日期:2023-04-25)(本文编辑邹丽)。
一例2型糖尿病的循证医学临床八年杜敏0441711 病例患者,男性,53岁,2型糖尿病史4年余,常规服用磺脲类药物控制,饮食无特殊注意,血糖控制不稳定,多尿,多饮,多食,体重减轻明显,视物模糊,长时间站立后有双腿麻木胀痛,无头晕。
1mmol/L,血压150/90 mmHg,未进行眼底检查。
2 提出问题该患者可确诊为2型糖尿病。
关于糖尿病的治疗和控制目标是:1纠正代谢紊乱,消除糖尿病症状,维持良好的营养状况及正常的生活质量和工作能力 2 防止糖尿病急性代谢紊乱发生3预防和延缓慢性并发症的发生和发展UKPDS对2型糖尿病的的治疗目标是:在强调严格控制血糖的基础上,全面控制代谢紊乱和慢性并发症,保护B细胞功能,延缓疾病的进展.该患者病程中长,血糖控制不佳,未出现严重并发症,但有一些末梢神经及眼底的病变早期表现,对该患者的治疗应针对其现在的情况。
为提出适合的治疗方法及对其后续发展作出评估,应回答下面几个问题:1 该患者现行的药物治疗是否合理?是否需要使用胰岛素?2 如何延缓2型糖尿病并发症的出现?3 证据检索与评价经验的证据研究表明2型糖尿病人的发病与肥胖、高热量饮食、体力活动不足密切相关。
·3331··最新报告·《中国心血管健康与疾病报告2021》要点解读马丽媛,王增武*,樊静,胡盛寿*【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展,国民生活方式的变化,尤其是人口老龄化及城镇化进程的加速,居民不健康生活方式问题日益突出,心血管疾病(CVD)危险因素对居民健康的影响更加显著,CVD 患病率和发病率仍在持续增高。
2019年农村和城市CVD 死亡人数分别占总死亡人数的46.74%和44.26%,每5例死亡者中就有2例死于CVD。
推算中国CVD 现患人数为3.3亿,其中脑卒中1 300万,冠心病1 139万,心力衰竭890万,肺源性心脏病500万,心房颤动487万,风湿性心脏病250万,先天性心脏病200万,下肢动脉疾病4 530万,高血压2.45亿。
2019年中国心脑血管疾病的住院总费用为3 133.66亿元。
CVD 负担持续加重,特别是农村地区。
同时也应看到,中国在CVD 的防控方面也在不断进步,吸烟率下降,高血压控制率不断上升,临床诊疗水平和基础研究也有大幅进步,社区防治工作取得了一定成果,疾病后的康复工作愈发受到重视,医疗器械研发处于高速发展阶段。
【关键词】 心血管疾病;流行病学;健康影响因素;危险因素;患病率;死亡率;社区防治;康复;基础研究;器械研发;费用,医疗【中图分类号】 R 541 【文献标识码】 A DOI:10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0506马丽媛,王增武,樊静,等. 《中国心血管健康与疾病报告2021》要点解读[J]. 中国全科医学,2022,25(27):3331-3346.[]MA L Y,WANG Z W,FAN J,et al. An essential introduction to the Annual Report on Cardiovascular Health andDiseases in China (2021)[J]. Chinese General Practice,2022,25(27):3331-3346.An Essential Introduction to the Annual Report on Cardiovascular Health and Diseases in China (2021) MA Liyuan ,WANG Zengwu *,FAN Jing ,HU Shengshou *National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases/Fuwai Hospital ,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences ,Beijing 100037,China *Corresponding authors :WANG Zengwu ,Chief physician ,Professor ;E-mail :HU Shengshou ,Academician of Chinese academy of engineering ,Chief physician ,Professor ;E-mail :【Abstract 】 The prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular diseases(CVD) are increasing in Chinese residents due to ever-deepening influence of associated risks caused by socioeconomic factors(such as the acceleration of population aging and urbanization)and lifestyle changes(such as recently emerged unhealthy lifestyle factors). In 2019,CVD-related death accounted for 46.74% and 44.26% of all deaths occurring in China 's rural and urban areas,respectively. Two out of every five deaths were due to CVD. It is estimated that about 330 million individuals suffer from CVD in China,among whom the number of those suffering from stroke,coronary heart disease,heart failure,pulmonary heart disease,atrial fibrillation,rheumatic heart disease,congenital heart disease,lower extremity artery disease and hypertension is 13 million,11.39 million,8.9 million,5 million,4.87 million,2.5 million,2 million,45.3 million and 245 million,respectively. In 2019,the total hospitalization costs were 313.366 billion yuan for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The burden of CVD is continually increasing,especially in rural areas. The mortality of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease consistently exceeded the urban level in recent years due to unequal allocation of healthcare resources,low awareness of such diseases and poor compliance to the treatment. In the meantime,great progresses have been made in CVD prevention and control,such as decreased smoking prevalence,improved hypertension control rate,significantly improved clinical diagnosis,treatment and basic research,and enhanced community-based containment of CVD. Moreover,relevant rehabilitation has been increasingly valued,and the research and development of medical devices are in a rapid stage of progress.【Key words 】 Cardiovascular disease;Epidemiology;Health influencing factors;Risk factors;Prevalence;Mortality;Community-based prevention and control;Rehabilitation;Basic research;Medical device development;Fees,medical100037 北京市,国家心血管病中心 中国医学科学院阜外医院*本文数字出版日期:2022-07-18扫描二维码查看原文·3332·E-mail:******************.cn为推进“健康中国”战略在心血管领域的深入实施,促进以疾病为中心向以健康为中心转变,2019年,国家心血管病中心将2005年以来每年组织全国相关领域专家编撰的《中国心血管病报告》改版为《中国心血管健康与疾病报告》,增加了心血管健康行为、康复、基础研究与器械研发等内容。
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国际医学放射学杂志IntJMedRadiol2022Jul 鸦45穴4雪:420-426弗莱明翰心脏研究:70年的不朽丰碑陈艳春周帆张龙江*【摘要】弗莱明翰心脏研究(FHS)是1948年由美国国立卫生研究院资助的持续时间最长的心血管流行病学研究,旨在提高对美国冠心病流行病学的了解。
FSH 早期在识别冠心病和卒中的危险因素及制定冠心病风险评分方面获得了广泛认可。
主要概述FSH 的背景、研究目的、研究设计及学术贡献,并对今后的研究进行展望。
【关键词】冠心病;流行病学;风险评分中图分类号:R541.4;R445文献标志码:AFramingham heart study:70-year monumentCHEN Yanchun,ZHOU Fan,ZHANG Longjiang.Department ofDiagnostic Radiology,Jinling Clinical College,Nanjing Medical University/General Hospital of Eastern Theater Command,Nanjing 210002,China.Corresponding author:ZHANG Longjiang,E-mail:*****************【Abstract 】The Framingham Heart Study (FHS)is the longest-running cardiovascular epidemiological study fundedin 1948by the National Institutes of Health with the aim to improve understanding of the epidemiology of coronary heart disease (CHD)in the USA.Early studies of FHS earned widespread recognition in identifying risk factors for CHD and stroke and formulating CHD risk scores.The 21st century ushered in a new era in “molecular epidemiology ”centered on gene and omics technologies.The FHS not only provides the data and theory basis for subsequent studies and patient care guidelines,but also actively seeks to advanced approaches to the treatment and prevention of CHD as the first and one of the most impactful studies of CHD epidemiology in the United States and worldwide.This paper summarizes the background of FSH,research purpose,design,major contributions,and discusses its future.【Keywords 】Coronary heart disease;Epidemiology;Risk scoresIntJMedRadiol,2022,45(4):420-426作者单位:南京医科大学附属金陵临床医学院/东部战区总医院放射诊断科,南京210002通信作者:张龙江,E-mai l:k*****************审校者DOI:10.19300/j.2022.Z19496国际科研聚焦弗莱明翰心脏研究(Framingham heart study ,F HS)是由美国国立卫生研究院资助、波士顿大学管理,自1948年启动至今,是持续时间最长的心血管流行病学研究,旨在加强对冠心病的了解[1]。
小儿超声心动图的适应症较为广泛,包括紫绀、 发育迟缓、运动引发的胸区疼痛或昏厥、呼吸窘 迫、心脏杂音、充血性心衰、脉搏异常或心脏增
大等。这些指征可能提示不同种类的结构性先心 病,诸如心内左向右或右向左分流、梗阻性病变、 反流性病变、大血管转位性病变、体静脉或肺静 脉连接异常、圆锥动脉干 异常、冠状动脉异常、 功能性单心室、以及其他复杂畸型,诸如偏侧器 官异常 (内脏异位/异房同相) (heterotaxy/isomerism)等。如病人具有某些综合 症,或有遗传性心脏病家族史,以及已知与先天 性心脏病有关的心脏以外的异常现象等临床指征, 即使尚无心脏病的特异性症状和体征,也应视为 超声心动图的适用对象。病人经其他检查,如胎 儿超声心动图,胸部放射线检查,心电图,以及 染色体分析等提示有先天性心脏病,亦应被认为 属超声心动图检查的适用对象。
用于诊断目的的超声设备至少应该包括可用于 M-型,二维显像,彩色血流图,以及频谱多普 勒(包括脉冲波和连续波功能)的硬件和软件。
用于小儿超声检查的探头应该能够满足不同病儿 所需的深度范围。因此应配备多个不同频率的超 声波探头,从低频(2~2.5 兆赫)到高频(> 7.5 兆赫),也可选用一个含有上述频率范围的多频 探头。此外,还应具备一个专门用于连续波多普 勒检查的探头,为每个病人必要时备用。
美国芝加哥儿童纪念医院 阎鹏
பைடு நூலகம்
美国德雷克塞尔大学/圣克里斯托弗儿童医院 葛舒平
超声心动图现已成为对婴幼儿及青少年的 先天和后天性心脏病进行诊断和评价的主要影像 手段。对于评价心脏状况来说,经胸超声心动图 (TTE)是一个理想的诊断工具, 因为它对人无 创、设备轻便,能够有效地提供关于儿童心脏的 解剖、生理以及血流动力学方面的详细信息。
1872Chin J Lab Diagn,November,2019,Vol23,No.11综上所述,在非瓣膜性房颤致心源性卒中老年患者中,eGFR低于60ml/min/1.73m z不能预测其发病后1年不良预后结局。
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一项随机单盲研究纳入1000名有心绞痛、心肌梗死或其他冠心病风险因素的患者随访2年试验组499例患者给予地中海饮食对照组501例患者给予Step I NCEP节制性饮食Fat<30% SF<10% CHOL<300mg/d 结果显示:试验组较对照组在体重、BMI、腰臀比、收缩压、舒张压、LDL、HDL、甘油三酯、空腹血糖方面均有显著改善p<0.0001 NCEP: National Cholesterol Education Program
Sofi F Abbate R Gensini GF et al. Accruing evidence on benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on health: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Nov;925:1189-96..
地中海饮食 PK 运动+节食
Katherineet al. Cardiology Research and Practice.2011
黑柱:生活方式干预组 白柱:地中饮食干预组
阿托伐他汀仿制药与原研药的有效性和安全性系统评价作者:吕淑贤梁笑笑杨蕊李晓李妍韩毅黄欣来源:《中国药房》2022年第03期中图分类号 R972+.6 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2022)03-0358-08DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2022.03.17摘要目的系统评价阿托伐他汀仿制药与原研药的有效性和安全性,为临床用药选择提供最新的循证参考。
方法计算机检索PubMed、Cochrane Library、Embase、中国知网、维普网、万方数据库,收集阿托伐他汀仿制药与原研药的干预性研究和观察性研究,检索时限均为数据库建库起至2021年4月。
对符合纳入标准的研究进行资料提取后,采用Cochrane风险偏倚评估工具5.1.0对干预性研究进行质量评价,采用纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(NOS)对观察性研究进行质量评价;运用RevMan 5.4统计软件进行Meta分析,同时进行描述性分析。
结果共纳入24项研究,其中21项为随机对照试验(RCT)、3项为回顾性队列研究(RCS),合计20 001例患者。
亚组分析结果显示,北京嘉林药业生产的仿制药(简称“嘉林仿制药”)降低TC、TG的程度小于原研药,差异有统计学意义,其他指标及其他厂家仿制药组各指标与原研药组比较差异均无统计学意义;与原研药相比,嘉林仿制药20 mg/d组降低TC、TG的程度小于原研药,随访12、24周时降低TC的程度和随访24周时降低TG的程度小于原研药,差异有统计学意义,其余指标差异均无统计学意义。
心衰患者的护理参考文献汇总以下是关于心衰患者护理的一些参考文献,供您参考:1. Dickson VV, Riegel B. Are we teaching what patients need to know? Building skills in heart failure self-care. Heart Lung. 2009;38(3):253-61.2. Jaarsma T, Strömberg A, De Geest S, et al. Heart failure management programmes in Europe. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2006;5(3):197-205.3. Jovicic A, Holroyd-Leduc JM, Straus SE. Effects of self-management intervention on health outcomes of patients with heart failure: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2006;6:43.4. Riegel B, Moser DK, Anker SD, et al. State of the science: promoting self-care in persons with heart failure: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2009;120(12):1141-63.5. Strömberg A. The crucial role of patient educationin heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail. 2005;7(3):363-9.6. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, et al. 2017ACC/AHA/HFSA focused update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Failure Society of America. J Am Coll Cardiol.2017;70(6):776-803.这些文献涵盖了心衰患者护理的重要方面,包括自我护理、心衰管理计划、自我管理干预、患者教育以及相关的指南和科学声明。
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2023-2024学年浙江省金华市高二上学期1月期末英语试题ABCmouseABCmouse is one of the most well-known learn to read apps for children. With its expert-made curriculum, the program offers endless hours of content for children aged 2 to 8. The interactive app offers thousands of activities to help develop this essential skill, with lessons that expose students to math, arts, and science at age-appropriate levels too. The cost after free trial is around $15 per month. Families who purchase a full year’s subscription can get about 70% off the price.HomerHomer provides a personalized learning path for children aged 2 to 8. Children will learn reading, math, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. Instead of a one-size-fits-most approach, Homer customizes learning plans and allows students to take the lead in deciding what they want to work on. The price point is in line with similar apps at about $5 per month after a free trial, or roughly $60 for a full year or $100 for lifetime access.Hooked on PhonicsHooked on Phonics is an exceptional tool for homeschoolers, with a wide range of lessons, games, and fun activities. It is one of the most popular brands for teaching kids to read, and its integrated system makes it an ideal option for homeschooling students. Children are introduced to each new concept through a series of fun activities, videos, and even songs. The system is a little bit pricier than other apps, at about $16 per month after a trial month for roughly $1.FarFariaFarFaria invites children to join in on a magic al adventure that includes island hopping and the choice between reading the story or having it narrated completely with fun, magical animation. While the free membership offers one story a day, paid subscribers unlock access to unlimited adventures at roughly $8 per month. Readers can either read the books themselves or take advantage of the “read to me” option to have stories read aloud by professional narra tors.1. For an annual subscription to ABCmouse, how much does a family need to pay?A.$54. B.$105. C.$126. D.$180.2. Which app best suits children who are taught at home?A.ABCmouse. B.Homer.C.Hooked on Phonics. D.FarFaria.3. Which section of newspaper is this text probably taken from?A.Finance. B.Science. C.Culture. D.Education.A personal trainer from the UK hopes to set a new world record by walking backward up and down Africa’s highest mountain.Ben Stewart, 32, won’t be the first person to climb backward up Mount Kilimanjaro—two people have already done that—but nobody has walked backward both up and down the mountain. Stewart also hopes to set a record for the fastest time walking backward up and down Mount Kilimanjaro. He believes it will take him six days to get to the top of the mountain and two more days to get back down when he makes his attempt next February.Stewart says he started walking backward to challenge himself, and climbed his first mountain backward in 2019. Three years later, he completed the UK’s Three Peaks Challenge—climbing the highest mountains in England, Wales and Scotland—all while walking backward.He said he wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro because it’s the highest mountain that can be climbed without mountaineering equipment. However, Stewart will have a team of around 30 people with him to make sure he doesn’t fall off!There is a danger, though, that Stewart could damage his neck by looking over his shoulder for so long, so he is using a special neck training device to prepare.Stewart is using his climb to raise money for the British Heart Foundation, a heart disease research charity. He is doing this in memory of his grandfather, who died of a heart attack at age 65. Stewart told ITV News that his grandfather might have lived longer with “the right kind of research, the right kind of medication.”“But now he’s on my shoulder and in my ear,” said Stewart, “telling me I can do these amazing things.”4. What does Ben Stewart do to reduce the damage to his neck during walking?A.Conduct related research. B.Take preventive medicine.C.Do some special training. D.Use mountaineering equipment.5. What can we know about Ben Stewart?A.He completed the UK’s Three Peaks Challenge in 2020.B.He will take the challenge to climb Kilimanjaro on his own.C.He was inspired by his grandfather to set a new world record.D.He’ll be the first person to climb backward up and down Kilimanjaro.6. What kind of person is Ben Stewart?A.Ambitious and loyal. B.Careful and reliable.C.Persistent and curious. D.Determined and caring.7. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?A.To explain the reason for Ben’s climbing.B.To stress the significance of Ben’s action.C.To draw attention to heart disease research and medication.D.To provide detailed information on Ben’s climbing experience.To protect people living in areas that are likely to suffer flooding and rising sea levels, a group of architects has designed a floating home.The project is a collaboration between British architect firm Grimshaw and Dutch manufacturer Concrete Valley. Currently at the design stage, the home will be constructed using a concrete and glass framework, which sits on a floating pontoon structure. In the event of a tidal surge or flooding, the pontoon rises with the water level to keep the home safe. Fitted with solar panels and heat exchangers, the water home will be able to produce their own electricity during power cuts, in the event of a storm.Other firms are exploring floating homes, too. In the UK, Baca Architects has partnered with manufacturer Floating Homes. Their design was originally an entry to a competition to reduce London’s housing shortage, and has since been turned into a prototype. Baca Architects is exploring ways to provide practical, affordable, flood-resistant additional city housing, which could occupy unnecessary docks, canals and other waterways throughout London, director Richard Coutts told the Guardian.As the planet’s atmosphere warms, areas such as the Arctic are melting fast, contributing to rising sea levels and higher risk of flooding. The ocean is already reclaiming land in some parts of the world. With the global population set to reach 9.8 billion people by mid-century, extreme flooding could further add pressure to limited land, water, food and other resources. These challenges are at the heart of the Virtual Ocean Dialogues, an initiative by the World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action. The online event provides a forum for more than 50 world leaders to address the most pressing challenges facing our oceans and develop ways to protect them.While floating homes may be a common feature in parts of Asia and other developing regions, they are emerging as a way to relieve overcrowding and protect people in busy cities and urban areas which are likely to suffer from flooding.8. What makes it possible to produce electricity in the floating home?A.The concrete and glass framework. B.The tidal power.C.Solar panels and heat exchangers. D.The floating pontoon structure.9. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A.Floating homes will be useful but costly.B.Floating homes have been put into use in London.C.Baca Architects’ design was to ease the housing burden at first.D.There is a competition among firms in the UK to explore floating homes.10. Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined word “reclaiming” in Paragraph 4?A.Restoring. B.Reoccupying. C.Redeveloping. D.Reshaping.11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Melting Oceans are Causing Rising Sea LevelsB.A Forum is Ongoing to Explore Floating HomesC.Many Firms are Working Together to Reduce Housing ShortageD.Floating Homes are Emerging to Protect People from FloodingScientists are increasingly looking at the mind-body connection, including how heart health might affect brain function. Past studies of adults have linked poor cardiovascular (心血管的) health to a higher risk of cognitive (认知的) decline, but there’s been little research on how heart hea lth affects young brains.A new research analyzed the health data of 987 children, aged 11 and 12, from 21 US cities. The children took part in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study, the largest long-term study of brain development and health in children in the United States. Researchers measured participants’ cardiovascular health using a tool known as Life’s Essential 8, a list for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health. Developed by the American Heart Association ( AHA), the list includes a healthy diet, not smoking, being physically active, getting enough sleep, keeping a healthy weight and controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.Researchers looked at how the children’s cardiovascular health scores matched up with the ir scores from a cognitive test. They found that children with better cardiovascular health behaviors —— the list items related to diet, physical activity, smoking and sleep —— showed slightly better cognitive function. At the same time, children with better overall cardiovascular health that included all eight item s on the list also had higher cognitive function.Dr. Augusto Cé sar F. De Moraes, the study’s lead researcher, said that the message of the study was “that if you see children with high blood pressure or obesity, it’s important to look at their brain health as well.” The findings, which were presented on November 11in Philadelphia at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions conference, are considered preliminary (初步的) until full results are published in a peer-reviewed journal.12. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.The method of the research. B.The participants of the research.C.The findings of the research. D.T he background of the research.13. Which of the following may contribute to cardiovascular health according to AHA?A.Going on a diet. B.Keeping active works.C.Going to bed early. D.Keeping lower blood pressure.14. What can we learn about the new research?A.It draws attention to children’s problem of obesity.B.The participants are chosen from different countries.C.The full findings have not been made public so far.D.The researchers look at the mind-body connection in adults.15. What’s the main idea of this passage?A.High blood pressure is affecting children’s brain health.B.Better heart health may improve kids’ cognitive function.C.Life’s Essential 8 is an important tool in cognitive research.D.Cognitive decline will influence children’s cardiovascular health.While many people might be qui tting formal New Year’s decisions this year, others may mark a fresh start by deciding to make up for poor eating habits of the past. 16 Without a solid plan, you may fail quickly. So consider starting with these three easy ways to eat a healthier diet.Aim for real food only. 17 Maybe it’s the whole thing (like a frozen dinner), or maybe it’s just part of your meal (like the bottled dressing on your salad). Think of where you can replace processed foods for healthier ones. For example, eat whole-grain pasta instead of enriched white-flour spaghetti.Schedule your meals and snacks. Set times on your phone for three different meals and two snacks (if you need them). 18 This might control your desires, reduce stress about when you’ll eat next, and cut down on the extra calories of unnecessary snacking ——a real challenge if you’re close to a refrigerator all day while at home or work.Reduce your portion (份量) sizes. If you’re like most Americans, you’re eating too much food. An easy way to carry out portion control: load your plate as you normally would, then put back a third or half of the food. 19You don’t need to include all of these steps at one time; try one step per week. Write down what you’re eating and any thoughts or questions you have about th e process. 20 Before long, you’ll have the confidence to attempt new steps.In India, a group of young people are c hanging seniors’ lives by pairing them with volunteer “grandchildren”.The organization, Goodfellows, was ______ by Naidu, Thakur, and Sandu, three young Indians who all ______ hanging out with their grandparents.Meant to ______ loneliness and help bring the lonely elders back into ______, the organization allows family members to nominate (提名) elders, typically if their life partner isn’t around anymore, as a “grandpal” ______ a “grandchild”. After the nomination, Mr. Naidu carries out an interview with the ______. It aims to learn about their interests in order to _______them with a “grandchild” who has _______ interests.One grandpal calls herself the luckiest lady in the world, thanks to her volunteer grandchild a passionate writer who is ____ her 81 year life stories.“Kersi uncle has been my grandpal for five months. We eagerly look forward to ______,” said 23 year old Aarohi. “He’s had quite a few ______ moments, but he always focuses on the beautiful bits, inspiring me to hold onto the happy momen ts.”In some ______, the pairing lasts as long as the grandpal’s remaining years. “We’ve come across so many grandpals who tell us they feel ______. Aside from a few public service staff, the doorbell never rings. But our organization is now _______ things. They are hopeful and excited on the _____ days of the week. They look forward to the bell ringing,” Ms. Thakur said.21.A.accepted B.discovered C.started D.assessed22.A.loved B.regretted C.admitted D.forgot23.A.face B.hide C.suffer D.address24.A.society B.reality C.family D.employment 25.A.in praise of B.in search of C.in honor of D.in defense of 26.A.advisors B.seniors C.customers D.volunteers27.A.pair B.guide C.protect D.compare28.A.special B.similar C.broad D.appropriate29.A.designing B.enjoying C.acting D.documenting 30.A.standing out B.showing off C.hanging out D.taking off31.A.important B.tough C.magical D.joyful32.A.cases B.stages C.places D.moments33.A.frightened B.relieved C.lonely D.inspired34.A.exploring B.examining C.advertising D.changing35.A.imagined B.peaceful C.appointed D.free阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
研究方法1. 数据采集本研究采用问卷调查和实验两种方式进行数据采集。
2. 数据分析采集到的数据经过整理和统计后,使用SPSS软件进行数据分析。
图说meta三:meta分析的类型证据是循证医学( Evidence-based Medcine,EBM) 的核心,基于随机对照试验( RCT) 的系统评价/Meta 分析是当前公认的最高级别证据。
近些年来,随着meta 分析方法学的发展,其类型也多种多样,本文将对meta分析的类型作简单介绍。
缺点:异质性很难控制方法:①加权计算: 即根据每个独立研究的样本量大小,给予不同的权重,对各独立样本的效应量率进行合并; ②直接等权相加: 即把各独立的结果事件直接等权相加,然后直接计算合并率,再用近似正态法计算其可信区间; ③调整后再等权相加: 即对各个独立研究资料的率进行调整后再行等权相加,计算出合并率的大小。
例如:Jones L, Bellis M A, Wood S, et al. Prevalence and risk of violence against children with disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies[J]. The Lancet, 2012, 380(9845): 899-907.单纯P值的meta分析定义:即将多个研究的P值进行合并缺点:不同研究未能根据研究特点进行加权;无法获知事件的发生信息,故无法得出有任何临床意义的信息;无法分析两个结论相反的研究;无法进一步评价研究之间的差异。
方法:当纳入研究仅给出了P 值,且按照Cochrane 系统评价员手册给出计算方法也不能计算出需要的数据,且临床实践需要合并,那么,在这种情况下可以考虑单纯对P 值进行合并。
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ReviewA systematic review of cardiovascular effects after atypical antipsychotic medication overdose☆Hock Heng Tan MBBS a,b,Jason Hoppe DO b,c,Kennon Heard MD b,c,⁎a Accident and Emergency Department,Changi General Hospital,SingHealth,Singaporeb Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center,Denver Health,Denver,CO,USAc Division of Emergency Medicine,Colorado Emergency Medicine Research Center,University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine,Denver,CO,USAReceived24March2008;revised16April2008;accepted18April2008Abstract As the use of atypical antipsychotic medications(AAPMs)increases,the number ofoverdoses continues to grow.Cardiovascular toxicity was common with older psychiatric medicationsbut seems uncommon with AAPM.We conducted a systematic literature review to describe thecardiovascular effects reported after overdose of5common AAPM:aripiprazole,olanzapine,quetiapine,risperidone,and ziprasidone.We included case reports and case series describing overdoseof these5medications identified in a search of MEDLINE,EMBASE,and abstracts from majortoxicology meetings.We found13pediatric cases(age,b7years),22adolescent cases(age,7-16years),and185adult cases.No pediatric case described a ventricular dysrhythmia or a cardiovasculardeath.In the adolescent and adult cases,we found numerous reports of prolonged corrected QTinterval and hypotension,but there were only3cases of ventricular dysrhythmia and3deaths that mayhave been due to direct cardiovascular toxicity.The results from case series reports were similar to thesingle case report data.Our review suggests that overdose of AAPM is unlikely to cause significantcardiovascular toxicity.©2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAtypical antipsychotic medications(AAPMs)have lar-gely replaced the older antipsychotic medications(APMs)as the drug of choice for the management of psychotic patients. Overdose of these medications are common with more than 40000exposures reported to US Poison Centers in2006[1].The primary system affected by overdose of AAPM is the central nervous system[2].Sedation,which may progress to coma,is the primary concern.There is also considerable concern about the potential for cardiovascular toxicity.The most common cardiovascular effects are tachycardia, hypotension(usually mild),and prolongation of the corrected QT(QTc)interval.The prolongation of the QTc interval is concerning because this suggests that patients may be predisposed to torsade de pointes(TdP).However,it has been our experience that this event is rare if it occurs at all. The objective of this paper is to describe the reported cardiovascular effects that occur after acute overdose of the5 AAPM commonly used in the United States.☆Dr Heard was supported by DA620573.⁎Corresponding author.Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center, Denver,CO80204,USA.Tel.:+13037391264;fax:+13037391475.E-mail address:kennon.heard@(K.Heard)./locate/ajem2.MethodsThis was a systematic review of AAPM overdose reports identified through a search of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and several other sources detailed below.2.1.Search MethodsWe identified appropriate reports using MEDLINE (January1950to November1,2007)and EMBASE(January 1974to November1,2007)searches.The search terms included aripiprazole(keyword),olanzapine(keyword), risperidone(keyword or MesH heading),ziprasidone(key-word),and quetiapine(keyword).We elected to exclude clozapine from our search because it is rarely used clinically, and we also did not include paliperidone that has only been approved in the United States since December2006.To identify studies reporting overdose,we limited the identified articles to those with the keywords:overdose,poison, poisoning,or ingestion.These articles were then limited to human(subject).We excluded unpublished data,adverse effects during therapeutic use of AAPM,and laboratory and forensic articles that reported little clinical information.The following data sources were manually searched:The Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers from1994to2006,The North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology abstracts from1994to2007, and European Association of Poison Control Centers annual meeting abstracts from2002to2007.Manual bibliography search was also done on review articles and the articles that were identified during the MEDLINE and EMBASE search.2.2.Article reviewTwo authors evaluated the articles in English indepen-dently using a standardized data abstraction form.Non-English articles were evaluated by1reviewer fluent in the language.After review,the articles were separated into2 categories:(1)case level data and(2)case series that give summary data.Where sufficient clinical data from individual cases could be extracted from a case series(case level data), the results were included in the individual case reports section. We divided the reports into these groups because the case level data could provide details on possible confounders that would not be detected in summary data,whereas case series could provide a rough estimate of the incidence and spectrum of events that occurred.Cases where the patient did not have an overdose were excluded from the analysis.Patients who overdosed on2AAPM were included in the totals for both AAPM.Hence,the total number of cases analyzed may be more than the actual number of cases involved.Variables that were not available were recorded as“not reported,”and variables that the authors reported as normal (eg,vital signs and electrolytes)were recorded as“normal.”Reviewers abstracted the data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet using pull-down lists to assure consistent coding. All discrepancies were resolved by consensus.2.3.Variable definitionsWe defined an acute overdose as the ingestion of a dose greater than the maximum recommended single dose from the package insert.Patients who developed complications due to chronic therapy and who developed adverse reactions after a therapeutic first dose of the medication were not included in the analysis.We used the following definitions for outcomes in adults: QTc interval prolongation,greater than440milliseconds; tachycardia,heart rate(HR)of greater than100beats per minute(bpm);QRS interval prolongation,greater than100 milliseconds;and hypotension,systolic blood pressure of90 mm Hg or lesser.A QTc interval of500milliseconds or greater was considered significant QTc interval prolongation [3].We also recorded these findings as present if the author stated that they occurred without reporting numeric values. The reference values for pediatric age groups(up to12years of age)were defined from a standard textbook(Rosen's Principles and Practice of Emergency Medicine).Additional outcomes included the need for intubation,the need for vasopressor drugs,and the final outcome(recorded as death, recovery with deficits,or full recovery).We collected data on potential confounders such as coingestions,prior medications,preexisting heart disease,or electrolyte abnormalities.Hypokalemia was defined as serum potassium below3.5mEq/L;hypocalcemia,as total calcium below 4.2mEq/L;and hypomagnesemia,as magnesium below1.3mEq/L.These variables were recorded as present,not present,or not recorded.2.4.AnalysisAs the etiology of the exposure(accidental vs deliberate) and comorbidities differ among patients of different ages,we stratified our results by age group:younger than7years,7to 16years,and older than16years(adult).Descriptive statistics were calculated for case reports and case series with patient level data.Median and ranges are reported for continuous data,whereas percentages are reported for nominal data.3.Results3.1.SearchA total of135English and13non-English articles and reports were included in our analysis.The MEDLINE search yielded172articles,and the EMBASE search yielded70 articles;91met our inclusion criteria.The articles excluded consist of review/editorial articles(n=24)and articles608H.H.Tan et al.describing forensic reports (n =11),laboratory (n =8),and epidemiologic (n =4)studies where there is insufficient clinical data (eg,some forensic reports only stated that the patient was found dead).Articles that described only the therapeutic use of the AAPM and the adverse effects that occurred during therapeutic use were also excluded (n =40).The remainder of the articles were repeat articles (n =29)or did not involve the atypical antipsychotics listed (n =33).One case was reported twice in the literature [4,5];the findings of these cases were only included once.One foreign language report could not be located [6].Other searches identified 57additional reports.The review of meeting abstracts found 37reports,the AAPCC annual report identified 8cases,and our manual bibliography identified 12additional reports,of which,one is an abstract.3.2.Pediatric patientsWe identified 13pediatric (age,b 7years)patients that had case level data reported [7-17].The cases involved risperidone (n =3;dose range,1-4mg)[14,17],ziprasidone (n =1;400mg)[11],olanzapine (n =4;dose range,7.5-40mg)[7,12,13,15],and aripiprazole (n =5;dose range,2-195mg)[8-10,16].The details are reported in Table 1.Three olanzapine cases [7,12,15]and the ziprasidone case [11]developed sinus tachycardia (HR,N 160bpm).No reports described sinus tachycardia in this age group after ingestion of risperidone or aripiprazole.Two female patients had prolonged QTc intervals:a 17-month-old subject who ingested ziprasidone (400mg or 37mg/kg)[11]had a QTc interval of 480milliseconds and a 2.5-year-old subject who ingested aripiprazole (195mg or 17mg/kg)[8]had a QTc interval of 446milliseconds.There were no other apparent causes for QTc interval prolongation reported,and the resolution of the QTc interval was not documented.There were no cases with prolongation of the QRS interval,ventricular dysrhythmias,or hypotension.One patient who ingested 30to 40mg of olanzapine (approximately 3mg/kg)[7]was intubated.No patients required vasopressors,and all patients recovered fully.All but 1case series with summary data did not stratify patients younger than 7years from other pediatric patients.All pediatric case series are summarized in the next section.For the 7-to 16-year-old age group,we identified 22case level data reports [1,9,17-31].The details of the cases are shown in Table 1.Only 2patients had coingestants [26,27].Fifty-five percent (11/20)of the patients with single ingestion developed tachycardia,and 5had an HR of greaterTable 1Clinical effects described in case level reports for overdose of AAPMsRisperidoneOlanzapine Quetiapine Ziprasidone Aripiprazole Age,b 7n 3(2)4(4)NA 1(1)5(5)Dose1-4mg 7.5-40mg NA 400mg 11.9-195mg Tachycardia 03(3)NA 1(1)0Hypotension 00NA 00Incr QRS 00NA 00Incr QTc 00NA 1(1)1(1)V A 00NA 00Deaths 00NA 00Age,7-16n 6(5)5(4)7(7)NA 4(4)Dose21-110mg 100-275mg 600-3600mg NA 15-300mg Tachycardia 4(3)3(2)6(6)NA 0Hypotension 1(1)2(1)0NA 0Incr QRS 000NA 0Incr QTc 001(1)NA 0V A 000NA 0Deaths 001(1)NA0Age,N 16n 56(27)62(38)32(19)29(16)6(2)Dose9-270mg 50-1600mg 0.5-3.6g 0.24-12.8g 330-1260mg Tachycardia 22(10)35(25)17(11)3(0)2(0)Hypotension 13(4)7(3)12(8)2(0)2(0)Incr QRS 2(1)1(0)7(4)2(1)1(0)Incr QTc 10(5)2(1)11(5)13(6)2(0)V A 1(0)1(1)01(0)0Deaths4(0)5(2)1(1)2(0)1(0)Numbers in parenthesis are the number of cases where the AAPM was the only exposure.NA indicates no reports available;Incr QRS,increased QRS interval;Incr QTc,increased corrected QT interval;V A,ventricular arrhythmia.609Cardiovascular effects after AAPM overdosethan140bpm[1,18,22,30,32].The smallest single ingestions associated with tachycardia of greater than140bpm was275 mg for olanzapine[18]and600mg for quetiapine[32].The only patient with a significantly prolonged QTc interval was a14-year-old boy who ingested his own quetiapine(26mg/ kg)[19].His QTc interval was500milliseconds1hour after ingestion,and it returned to normal within8hours.He also had a tachycardia of128/min.His mental state was normal. No patients had prolongation of the QRS interval.Three patients(2olanzapine[18,27]and1risperidone[28]) developed hypotension;one of the patients who ingested olanzapine[27]was treated with vasopressors.There were no ventricular dysrhythmias,and2patients who ingested olanzapine required intubation[27,31].The only reported death occurred after the ingestion of2 quetiapine tablets of unknown strength[1].On initial evaluation,the patient was apparently well except for a tachycardia of150/min;she was transferred to the psychiatric ward,and6hours later,she was found seizing with fixed and dilated pupils.The electrocardiographic rhythm and intervals were not reported.There was no discussion of a possible coingestionFive case series data without patient level information were identified for patients younger than19years(Table2) [33-37].The cases described in the case series have similar findings to the case report data.One case series reported 1036risperidone exposures[35];there were3case series reporting485aripiprazole exposures[33,34,37]and1report detailing7ziprasidone exposures[36].There were no deaths, ventricular dysrhythmias,or cases of prolonged QTc interval reported.The most common cardiovascular abnormality was tachycardia,which occurred in3%[35]to19%[37]of patients in the reports.There was no report of any cases requiring intubation.One case series reported a0.5%(2/401) rate of hypotension[34].There were no case series reporting only summary data for quetiapine or olanzapine ingestions.3.3.Adult patientsWe identified102reports[4,11,17,18,24,30,31,38-123, 124-129]describing185patients with case level data (including cases with undefined age)[105].One hundred eighty-two patients ingested a single AAPMs,and3 patients ingested2AAPMs[11,56,109].A summary of the identified adult cases is shown in Table1.Forty-five percent of patients had coingestants,and78%involved acute ingestion of the patient's own medication.Reports were generally equally distributed between male and female subjects for each medication.Among patients with single-substance ingestion,tachy-cardia occurred in most quetiapine and olanzapine ingestions (N50%)and was common after risperidone ingestion(37%) but was not reported after ziprasidone or aripiprazole ingestion.Tachycardia usually occurred within8hours of ingestion and rarely lasted more than48hours.Prolonged QTc interval was reported in38cases(63% were female subjects).Two of these cases involved ingestion of2AAPM(one ingested quetiapine and ziprasidone[11], and the other ingested risperidone and ziprasidone[109]). There was only1patient with a prolonged QTc interval who developed a dysrhythmia.A30-year-old female patient ingested an unknown amount of ziprasidone and developed TdP8hours after the exposure.This patient coingestedTable2Summary of clinical effects after overdose of AAPMs reported in case seriesRisperidone Olanzapine Quetiapine Ziprasidone Aripiprazole Age,≤19No.of reports10013Patients1036NA NA7485 Tachycardia 3.0%NA NA14.3% 5.5%-18.8% Hypotension NR NA NA NR0.5% Incr QRS NR NA NA NR NR Incr QTc NR NA NA NR NR V A NR NA NA NR NR Deaths NR NA NA NR NRAge(any age range)No.of reports47634Patients16413348677622 Tachycardia12.5%-50%30.8%-70.3% 5.0%-77.8%30.8%-38.1% 4.4%-11.2% Hypotension NR 5.0%-16.2% 5.6%-28.6% 3.8%0.3%-2.1% Incr QRS NR NR 5.9%NR NR Incr QTc NR 3.8%-55%26.9%-38.9%9.5%NR V A NR NR NR NR NR Deaths NR NR NR NR NRNA indicates no reports available;NR,not reported in the manuscript;Incr QRS,increased QRS interval;Incr QTc,increased corrected QT interval;VA, ventricular arrhythmia.610H.H.Tan et al.amantadine,another medication associated with TdP [38].Two patients with prolonged QTc interval died —the first was the ziprasidone-amantadine case just described [38],and the other patient was a mixed overdose involving imipramine who died of sepsis and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)[17].There were 18cases where QTc interval was greater than 500milliseconds;however,there were other causes for QT prolongation in 10of these cases (4hypokalemia [4,66,97,101]and 6coingestions [38,58,62,109,124]).Of the 8cases with no other obvious cause for prolongation [11,67,81,84,92,129],the QTc interval ranged from 510to 684milliseconds.The lowest dose associated with QTc interval greater than 500milliseconds without another potential cause was 270mg for risperidone [92],2000mg for quetiapine [81],and 1040mg for ziprasidone [129].There were no reports of single-substance ingestion with QTc interval prolongation involving olanza-pine or aripiprazole.Approximately 7%(13/185)of patients had prolonged QRS interval.However,7of the patients had coingestants [31,58,65,70,80,120,123],and 6of these patients had coingested drugs that are known to prolong the QRS interval [31,58,65,70,120,123].Among patients without coingestants,the QRS interval duration ranged from 104to 286milliseconds [4,75,78,81,84,101]and was associated with tachycardia (n =2)[4,78]and hypotension (n =2)[4,78].The lowest dose producing QRS interval prolongation was 100mg of risperidone [101],2000mg of quetiapine [81],and 4020mg of ziprasidone [75].No deaths or ventricular dysrhythmias were reported in patients with prolonged QRS interval.Ventricular dysrhythmia occurred after overdoses of olanzapine [57],ziprasidone [38],and risperidone [125].The details are described in Table 3.The only single-substance ingestion to experience a ventricular dysrhythmia was a 62-year-old with no cardiac history who ingested 750mg of olanzapine [57].On admission,he was confused,with a blood pressure of 134/74,an HR of 125/min,and an oxygen saturation of 93%.In the intensive care unit,he developed nonsustained ventricular tachycardia,followed by cardiac asystole that lasted less than 2minutes before returning to sinus rhythm.He received immediate resuscita-tion,and the oxygen saturation never fell below 90%.He was intubated and remained obtunded until his death at day 57from congestive heart failure and pneumonia.There was no mention of prolonged QRS or QTc interval.Hypotension occurred in 15%(4/27)of risperidone [17,20,49],8%(3/38)of olanzapine [31,64,126],and 42%(8/19)of quetiapine [4,30,50,67,78,85,113]single-substanceTable 3Summary of case reports describing patients who had ventricular dysrhythmias or died after overdose of AAPMs MedicationBrief descriptionRisperidone 40/Female —coingested imipramine,benztropine,and ibuprofen and died of sepsis and ARDS.QTc was prolonged.Ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Risperidone 50/Male —coingested salicylate and lithium.Salicylate level was 133.5mg/dL.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were notdocumented.Risperidone 51/Female —coingested haloperidol and benztropine and was given multiple doses of activated charcoal with sorbitol.Developed paralytic ileus and ARDS.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Risperidone 66/Male —coingested sertraline,clonidine,nifedipine,and clonazepam.Developed hyperthermia,recurrent seizure,andventricular fibrillation.QTc was not reported.Olanzapine 20/Female —coingested valproic acid and acetaminophen.Valproic acid level was 2059m g/mL.QTc and ventriculardysrhythmias were not documented.Olanzapine 38/Male —autopsy result:intracranial hemorrhage.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Olanzapine 62/Male —coingested phenelzine,had initial ventricular tachycardia and asystole,and died 57d later from pneumonia andheart failure.Olanzapine “Young ”/female –phenelzine contributed to death;had refractory seizure and hypotension.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmiaswere not documented.Olanzapine 24/Male —coingested alprazolam;found in asystolic arrest of unknown time with possible aspiration;successfulresuscitation but collapsed again.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Quetiapine 15/Female —with initial HR of 150bpm;found seizing and had fixed dilated pupils in psychiatric ward 6h later.QTc andventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Quetiapine 52/Male —found comatose with acute respiratory distress;failed resuscitation.Autopsy result was cardiomegaly withbilateral pulmonary congestion.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Ziprasidone 37/Female —coingested acetaminophen,diphenhydramine,and clonazepam.Autopsy:centrilobular necrosis;acetaminophen level:899μg/mL;cause of death probably from acetaminophen.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.Ziprasidone 30/Female —coingested amantadine and ibuprofen;developed TdP 8h after presentation and then died 10d later from effectsof cardiac arrest;had hypokalemia and bradycardia at presentation.QTc was prolonged and patient had ventricular dysrhythmias.Aripiprazole 24/Male —coingested sertraline,trazodone,methamphetamine,and lithium.Probable cause of death:drug-inducedhyperthermia.QTc and ventricular dysrhythmias were not documented.611Cardiovascular effects after AAPM overdosecases.There were no patients with single-substance ingestion of ziprasidone or aripiprazole who had hypotension reported. Only28%(10/36)of hypotensive patients required ino-tropes,and the only single-substance overdose requiring vasopressors was a patient who ingested a large(560mg) amount of olanzapine[64].There were13adult deaths reported(Table3).After review,the deaths were attributable(at least partly)to the coingestion for10of the cases.In these cases,the AAPM were risperidone(n=4)[1,17,125,127],olanzapine(n=3) [105,112,128],ziprasidone(n=2)[1,38],and aripiprazole (n=1)[1].The coingestants included imipramine,halo-peridol,benztropine,nifedipine,sertraline,clonidine,clona-zepam,acetaminophen,valproic acid,salicylate,trazodone, alprazolam,phenelzine,amantadine,ibuprofen,diphenhy-dramine,methamphetamine,and lithium.Three of the deaths involved single-substance AAPM ingestion.One case was the patient who ingested750mg of olanzapine previously described[57].The second patient had a history of cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension and was found comatose and in respiratory distress after the ingestion of quetiapine[72]. There was no rhythm reported,and autopsy revealed cardiomegaly and bilateral pulmonary congestion.Both of these patients had measurable drug levels to confirm exposure.The final death involved a single-substance exposure to olanzapine,but the autopsy revealed intracranial hemorrhage[126].We identified24case series(involving all age ranges)that reported1482overdose patients[33,64,67,113,124,129-146,154].The findings of these reports are summarized in Table2.The most common abnormality was tachycardia. QTC interval prolongation was only reported in6of the case series(3quetiapine[67,130,138],2olanzapine[64,146],and 1ziprasidone[129]).QTc interval prolongation seems to be common after quetiapine and olanzapine ingestion.QRS interval prolongation was only reported after ingestion of quetiapine.The rate of patients developing hypotension varied from0.3%for aripiprazole[140]and up to29%for quetiapine[130].There were no reported deaths or ventricular dysrhythmias in any case series.4.DiscussionAcute overdose of risperidone,olanzapine,quetiapine, and ziprasidone have been reported to cause mild to moderate cardiovascular toxicity in some cases.There are few case level data describing aripiprazole ingestion,but the large number of patients reported in case series suggest that cardiovascular toxicity is minimal.No serious cardiovascular effects were noted in children younger than7years for any of these medications.We found some reports of serious cardiovascular toxicity among adolescent and adult patients who deliberately ingested AAPM,but these were primarily hypotension.There were no clinically significant dysrhyth-mias clearly attributable to AAPM toxicity.Although our methodology does not allow us to make precise estimates of the incidence of these events,we believe that the absence of published reports suggests that they are very rare.Cardiovascular toxicity is frequently the life-threatening event after poisoning.Psychiatric medications such as tricyclic antidepressants and older APMs(such as chlorpro-mazine)produce arrhythmias and profound hypotension in overdose.Other typical APMs(such as haloperidol)are less likely to have profound cardiovascular toxicity;however, these drugs alter cardiac repolarization and have been associated with TdP[147-150].Thus,APMs have a long history of cardiotoxicity after overdose,and this legacy has led many to assume that overdose of the AAPM will also produce significant cardiovascular toxicity.Cardiovascular toxicity can present with alterations in blood pressure(most often hypotension)or changes in intracardiac conduction such as prolongation of the QRS interval or QT intervals,or ventricular dysrhythmias.Hypoten-sion may be due to vasodilation,impaired myocardial contractility,or both.Chlorpromazine and tricyclic antide-pressants are both thought to cause vasodilatation by blocking peripheralα-adrenergic receptors[151].The AAPMs studied have a high affinity ofα1-adrenergic receptors[152], suggesting that they may also cause vasodilation and hypotension.However,in our review,hypotension was an uncommon finding for all medications except quetiapine.In addition,only28%of hypotensive patients required treatment with vasopressors,suggesting that the hypotension was not life threatening or responded to fluid infusion.Cardiac dysrhythmias may be caused by several mechan-isms.The2most commonly suggested for psychiatric medications are sodium channel antagonism(producing prolonged QRS interval duration and ventricular dysrhyth-mias)and potassium channel antagonism(producing QTc interval prolongation and TdP).We found reports of QRS interval prolongation after acute single-substance ingestion overdose of risperidone,quetiapine,and ziprasidone.In vitro studies suggest that risperidone,olanzapine,and ziprasidone have relatively low affinity for cardiac sodium channels,and our findings confirm that QRS interval prolongation is not a common effect for these drugs[153].The affinity of quetiapine for cardiac sodium channels is not well described, but a number of quetiapine overdose reports describe QRS interval prolongation similar to the type1A antidysrhyth-mics.However,we did not identify any cases of cardiovas-cular collapse,suggesting that quetiapine overdose is better tolerated than overdose of other drugs that prolong the QRS interval(eg,tricyclic antidepressants).There was1case of ventricular tachycardia that was documented after a large olanzapine overdose[57].As previously noted,olanzapine has a very low affinity for cardiac sodium channels[153], and the case did not report QRS interval widening(an effect that would indicate sodium channel antagonism)before the dysrhythmia.Given the patient's age,it is possible that this dysrhythmia was due to ischemia rather than drug effect.612H.H.Tan et al.Prolongation of the QTc interval has been reported with therapeutic use of many antipsychotic medications.Studies have suggested a link between these medications and sudden death,leading to a hypothesis that medication-induced prolongation of the QTc interval may produce dysrhythmias. These studies have focused on chronic use;however,the conclusions have been generalized to overdose patients. Although we found that QTc interval prolongation was frequently reported after overdose,we identified only1case where TdP was documented.This case was ziprasidone ingestion with an unknown dose;the patient also ingested amantadine,another medication that has been associated with TdP[38].No case series data reported TdP.Not surprisingly,there were several deaths occurring after overdose of these medications.Many of these cases involved multiple agents,and in several,we felt that the death was likely due to a nonpoisoning cause or a coingestion.In2 cases,there was not another clear cause—one patient was found in respiratory arrest[72],and a second patient had a seizure and was found dead in a psychiatric ward[1].It is possible that either of these patients had a dysrhythmia that was missed.There is no evidence to suggest dysrhythmia as the main cause of death.There were no ventricular dysrhythmias reported among the case series data.5.LimitationsOur study is a review of the literature,and therefore,our conclusions are limited by the available cases and reported information.We found very few reports of aripiprazole poisoning.It is possible that future reports will differ significantly from the currently available information.Our search did not include clozapine or paliperidone.It is possible that these APMs may systematically differ from the ones included.However,paliperidone is the active metabo-lite of risperidone,so it is likely that the effects in overdose will be similar.It is certainly possible that dysrhythmias after overdoses of these medications have occurred but not been reported.However,it seems likely that reporting bias would favor the publication of cases with life-threatening effect rather than underestimate the severity of cases.This is further supported by the case series data that suggest that severe cardiovascular toxicity is rare after overdose of AAPM. 6.ConclusionsOur review suggests that the most common cardiovas-cular effects that occur after AAPM overdose are tachycar-dia,mild hypotension,and prolongation of the QT interval. Prolongation of the QRS interval was very uncommon after ziprasidone and risperidone single ingestion,but there were multiple cases after quetiapine ingestions.We found no reports where ventricular dysrhythmias(including TdP) could be clearly attributed to AAPM overdose. 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