Nomination Material2




MA讲义和练习-下CHAPTER08Standard CostsUse the following to answer questions 1-5:The Dresden Company uses standard costing for the single product the company makes and sells. The following data are for the month of April:Actual cost of direct material purchased and used: $62,400 Material price variance: $4,800 unfavorableTotal materials variance: $14,400 unfavorableStandard cost per pound of material: $6Standard cost per direct labor hour: $8Actual direct labor hours: 3,800 hoursLabor efficiency variance: $1,600 favorableStandard number of direct labor hour per unit of product: 2 Total labor variance: $680 unfavorable1. The total number of units produced during April was:A) 8,000B) 12,000C) 2,000D) 3,800(3800-2Q) ×$8= -1600 Q=2000unite2. The standard quantity of material allowed to produce one unit of product was:A) 1 poundB) 4 poundsC) 6 poundsD) 2 poundsSC=62400-14400=$48000 $48000/6/2000=4pounds3. The actual material cost per pound was:A) $6.50B) $6.00C) $5.00D) $7.20(AQ-2000×4) ×6=(14400-4800) AQ=9600unite(AP-6) ×9600=4800 AP =$6.54. The actual direct labor rate per hour was:A) $16.00B) $6.50C) $8.00D) $8.60(AP-8) ×3800=(680+1600) AP=$8.65. The labor rate variance was:A) $2,280 favorableB) $2,280 unfavorableC) $920 favorableD) $920 unfavorable680+1600=2280UFUse the following to answer questions 75-78:Standard Company has developed standard manufacturing overhead costs based on a capacity of 180,000 direct labor-hours (DLHs) as follows:Standard overhead costs per unit:Variable portion ......... 2 DLHs @ $3 per DLH = $6Fixed portion .............. 2 DLHs @ $5 per DLH = $10The following data pertain to operations in April:Actual output ............................................. 80,000 unitsActual direct labor cost ............................. $644,000Actual direct labor-hours worked .............. 165,000 DLHsVariable overhead cost incurred ................ $518,000Fixed overhead cost incurred .................... $860,00075. The variable overhead spending variance for April was:A) $15,000 unfavorableB) $23,000 unfavorableC) $38,000 favorableD) $38,000 unfavorable518000-480000=38000 UFThe variable overhead rate variance= $23000UF76. The variable overhead efficiency variance for April was:A) $15,000 unfavorableB) $23,000 unfavorableC) $38,000 favorableD) $38,000 unfavorable(165,000 -160000) ×3=$15000 UF77. The fixed overhead budget variance for April was:A) $40,000 unfavorableB) $40,000 favorableC) $60,000 favorableD) $60,000 unfavorable$860000-180000×$5=$40000F78. The fixed overhead volume variance for April was:A) $60,000 unfavorableB) $60,000 favorableC) $100,000 favorableD) $100,000 unfavorable180000×$5-80000×$10=$100000UFUse the following to answer questions 1-2:A manufacturing company has a standard costing system based on standard machine-hours (MHs) as the measure of activity. Data from the company's flexible budget formanufacturing overhead are given below:Denominator level of activity ................................... 6,300 MHs Overhead costs at the denominator activity level:Variable overhead cost ............................................. $34,020Fixed overhead cost .................................................. $120,960The following data pertain to operations for the most recent period:Actual hours .......................................................... 6,800 MHsStandard hours allowed for the actual output ........ 6,384 MHs Actual total variable overhead cost ....................... $38,080Actual total fixed overhead cost ............................ $122,7101. What was the fixed overhead budget variance for the period to the nearest dollar?A) $137 F B) $1,750 U C) $7,850 U D) $7,507 F2. What was the fixed overhead volume variance for the period to the nearest dollar?A) $9,600 F B) $7,987 U C) $1,613 F D) $1,615 UThe following is the standard cost card for a product produced by Asiago Company.Standard cost per unit of output:Direct materials, 1 kg @ $1 per kg $ 1Direct labour, 2 hours @ $8 per hour $16Factory variable overhead $ 4Total $21The actual costs for the current month follow:Materials purchased 3,000 kg @ $0.80 per kgOutput 1,900 units using 2,000 kg of materialsActuallabourcosts3,********************Actual variable overhead $9,000RequiredCalculate the following cost variances:3 a. Direct materials price and quantity variances (materials price variances are computed at the time of purchase).4 c. Variable overhead efficiency and rate variances.CH09 Performance Measurementa. Wong Co. reported the following statistics and results for 2014:ROI 14%Invested capital (average operating assets) $200,000Return on sales 8%Cost of capital 10%What was Wong’s residual income for 2014?1) $ 0 2) $ 4,000 3) $ 8,000 4) $ 16,000b. Rai Ltd. reported the following statistics and results for 2014:Net operating income $45,000Return on sales 7.5%Asset turnover 2.4Residual income $10,000What was Rai’s invested cap ital in 2014?1) $100,000 2) $133,333 3) $150,000 4) $250,000c. A new project, called project X, has been proposed at the Duquesne Company. The company’s present overall return on investment (ROI) is 20%. The company’s minimum required ROI is 15%. Project X has an ROI of 18%. Duquesne’s residual income without project X is $5,000,000. Which of the following statements is correct?1) A manager evaluated on the basis of ROI will accept project X.2) The residual income of project X is positive.3) A manager evaluated on the basis of residual income will reject project X.4) Adding project X will increase the company’s overall ROI to above 20%.d. What type of responsibility centre is best defined by the following statement:“Managers are delegated(授权)decision rights over input mix, product mix, and sales prices and quantities, but investment is determined at a higher level of the firm”?1) Cost centre2) Investment centre3) Profit centre4) Revenue centree. An improvement in cycle time would be an example of which of the following balanced scorecard perspectives?1) Customer2) Financial3) Internal business processes4) Learning and growthf. What are the 4 perspectives of the balanced scorecard developed by Kaplan and Norton?1) Customer, financial, internal business process, learning and growth2) Customer, financial, internal business process, quality3) Customer, financial, learning and growth, quality4) Customer, internal business process, learning and growth, qualityg Abex Company recorded the following average times to process an order for manufacturing custom moulds. Wait time 6 hoursInspection time 2 hoursProcessing time 21 hoursMove time 4 hoursQueue time 3 hoursWhat is the manufacturing cycle efficiency (MCE)?1) 0.45 2) 0.70 3) 0.75 4) 0.80Question 2 The performance of the division manager of Rarewood Furniture is measured by ROI, defined asdivisional segment income divided by gross book value of total divisional assets. For existing operations, the division’s projections for the coming year are as follows:Sales $ 20,000,000Expenses (17,500,000)Segment income $ 2,500,000The gross book value of total assets supporting present operations is $12,500,000. Currently, the manager is evaluating an investment in a new product line that would, according to her projections, increase 2012 segment income by $200,000. The cost of the investment has not yet been determined. The company’s cost of capital is 10%.Required2 a. Calculate ROI for 2012 without the new investment.4 b. Assuming the new product line would require an investment of $1,100,000, calculate therevised projected ROI for the division in 2012 with the new investment. Would the manager likelyaccept or reject the investment? Explain.3 c. At what investment cost would the manager be indifferent as to whether to make the new investment?10 d. Create a brief numerical example to explain andillustrate how the use of residual income as a performance measure may encourage a manager to accept a project that is in the best interests of the company, but that he or she might otherwise reject. (Hint: Using the above situation as an example might be a way of explanation.)e. The EVA approach is superior to the ROI approach in that it corrects for perceived deficiencies in the accounting model. Briefly describe two benefits of EVA over ROI.Question3某公司设有多个分公司,每个分公司作为一个投资中心进行评价。

ISO-TR 20172-2006 焊接.材料分组系统.欧洲材料

ISO-TR 20172-2006 焊接.材料分组系统.欧洲材料

Reference number ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 20172First edition 2006-02-01Welding — Grouping systems for materials — European materialsSoudage — Systèmes de groupement des matériaux — Matériaux européensReproduced by IHS under license with ISOUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.© ISO 2006All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyright@Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved Reproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. GermanyFor Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reservediiiContents PageForeword............................................................................................................................................................iv Introduction........................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................1 2 International grouping system for European materials....................................................................2 2.1 Types of steel in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 1.............2 2.2 Types of aluminium and aluminium alloy in accordance with the grouping system ofISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 2...............................................................................................................18 2.3 Types of copper and copper alloy in accordance with the grouping system ofISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 3...............................................................................................................22 2.4Types of cast iron in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 7 (24)Bibliography (27)Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)iv© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may decide by a simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely informative in nature and does not have to be reviewed until the data it provides are considered to be no longer valid or useful.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO/TR 20172 was prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 121, Welding , in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes , Subcommittee SC 10, Unification of requirements in the field of metal welding , in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedvIntroductionThis Technical Report reflects the situation as of June 2004. Changes in European material standards will be taken into account at the next revision of this Technical Report.Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedReproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. GermanyFor Internal Use Only Uncontrolled copy when printedTECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved1Welding — Grouping systems for materials — European materials1 ScopeThis Technical Report provides a European grouping system for materials for welding purposes, classified in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608.It may also apply for other purposes as heat treatment, forming, non destructive testing. Types of steels in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 1.This Technical Report covers grouping systems for the following standardized materials: ⎯ steel;⎯ aluminium and its alloys; ⎯ copper and its alloys; ⎯ cast iron.Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)2© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved2 International grouping system for European materials2.1 Types of steel in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 1See Table 1.Table 1 — Steel materialsGroup ReferenceDesignationstandardName Number S235JR 1.0037 S235JRG1 1.0036 S235JRG21.0038 S235JO 1.0114 S235J2G3 1.0116 S235J2G41.0117 S235J2G3C 1.0118 S235J2G4C 1.0119 S275JR 1.0044 S275JO 1.0143 S275J2G3 1.0144 S275J2G41.0145 S275J2G3C 1.0141 EN 10025-2S275J2G4C1.0142 P235GH 1.0345 EN 10028-2P265GH 1.0425 P275N1.0486 P275NH 1.0487 P275NL1 1.0488 EN 10028-3P275NL21.1104 S275N 1.0486 EN 10113-2S275NL 1.0488 S275M 1.8818 1.1EN 10113-3S275ML1.8819Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved3Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardName Number EN 10120 P245NB 1.0111 P265NB 1.0423 EN 10149-3S260NC1.0971P235S 1.0112P265S 1.0130 EN 10207P275SL 1.1100 L210GA 1.0319L235GA 1.0458 EN 10208-1L245GA 1.0459 L245NB 1.0457L245MB 1.0418 EN 10208-216Mo3 1.5415 S235JRH 1.0039 S275JOH 1.0149S275J2H 1.0138 S275NH 1.0493 EN 10210-1S275NLH 1.0497GP240GR 1.0621 EN 10213-2 GP240GH 1.0619 EN 10213-3G17Mn51.1131P195TR1 1.0107 P195TR2 1.0108P235TR1 1.0254 P235TR2 1.0255 EN 10216-1P265TR1 1.0258 S235JRH 1.0039 S275JOH 1.0149 S275J2H 1.0138S275NH 1.0493 S275NLH 1.0497 S275MH 1.8843 EN 10219-1S275MLH 1.8844L235 1.0252 EN 10224 L275 1.0260 S240GP 1.0021 EN 10248-1S270GP 1.0023 P195GH 1.0348P235GH 1.0345 P265GH 1.0425 1.1EN 10216-216Mo3 1.5415Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)4© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedTable 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberP275NL1 1.0488 EN 10216-3P275NL2 1.1104 P195TR1 1.0107 P195TR2 1.0108P235TR1 1.0254 P235TR2 1.0255 P265TR1 1.0258 EN 10217-1P265TR2 1.0259 P195GH 1.0348P235GH 1.0345 P265GH 1.0425 EN 10217-216Mo3 1.5415P275NL 1 1.0488EN 10217-3P275NL2 1.1104 P215NL 1.0451 EN 10217-4P265NL 1.0453 P235GH 1.0345P265GH 1.0425 EN 10217-5 16Mo3 1.5415P215NL 1.0451 1.1EN 10217-6P265NL 1.0453 S355JR 1.0045 S355JO 1.0553 S355J2G3 1.0570S355J2G4 1.0577 S355K2G3 1.0595 S355K2G4 1.0596 1.2 EN 10025 S355J2G3C 1.0569Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved5Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberS355J2G4C 1.0579 S355K2G3C 1.0593S355K2G4C 1.0594P295GH 1.0481 EN 10028-2P355GH 1.0473 P355N1.0562 P355NH 1.0565 P355NL1 1.0566 EN 10028-3P355NL2 1.1106 P355M1.8821 P355ML1 1.8832 EN 10028-5P355ML21.8833 S355N 1.0562 EN 10113-2 S355NL 1.0566 S355M 1.8823 EN 10113-3 S355ML 1.8834 P310NB 1.0437 EN 10120P355NB 1.0557 S315MC 1.0972 EN 10149-2 S355MC 1.0976S315NC 1.0973 EN 10149-3 S355NC 1.0977 L290GA 1.0483 EN 10208-1L360GA 1.0499 L290NB 1.0484 L290MB1.0429 L360NB 1.0582 L360MB 1.0578 EN 10208-2L360QB 1.0590 S355JOH 1.0547 S355J2H1.0576 S355NH 1.0539 S355NLH 1.0549 S460NH 1.8953 EN 10210-1S460NLH1.8956 EN 10213-2 GP280GH 1.0625G20Mn5 1.6220 1.2EN 10213-3G18Mo51.5422Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)6© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedTable 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardName Number S355JOH 1.0547 S355J2H 1.0576 S355NH1.0539 S355NLH 1.0549 S355MH 1.8845 S355MLH 1.8846 S460NH 1.8953 EN 10219-1S460NLH 1.8956 P355Q1.8866 P355QH 1.8867 P355QL1 1.8868 EN 10028-6P355QL21.8869 EN 10224 L3551.0419S355N1 — S355N2 — S355M1 —S355M2 — S355N3 — S355M3 — S355N3Z — EN 10225S355M3Z — S320GP 1.0046EN 10248-1S355GP 1.0083 P285NH 1.0477 P285QH 1.0478P355NH 1.0565 EN 10222-4P355QH 1.0571EN 10216-220MnNb61.0471P355N 1.0562P355NH 1.0565 P355NL 11.05661.2EN 10216-3P355NL2 1.1106Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved7Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberP355N 1.0562P355NH 1.0565 P355NL 11.05661.2 EN 10217-3P355NL2 1.1106 P460N 1.8905 P460NH 1.8935P460NL1 1.8915 EN 10028-3P460NL2 1.8918 S420N 1.8902S420NL 1.8912 S460N 1.8905 EN 10113-2S460NL 1.8915EN 10149-3 S420NC 1.0981 EN 10208-2L415NB1.8972EN 10216-28MoB5-41.5450P460N 1.8905P460NH 1.8935 P460NL1 1.8915 EN 10216-3P460NL2 1.8918 P460N 1.8905P460NH 1.8935P460NL 1 1.8915EN 10217-3P460NL2 1.8918S390GP 1.0522 1.3EN 10248-1S430GP 1.0523Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)8© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedTable 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberS235J0W 1.8958 S275J2W 1.8961 S355J0W 1.8959S355J2G1W 1.8963S355J2G2W 1.8965 S355K2G1W 1.8966 1.4 EN 10155 S355K2G2W1.8967P420M 1.8824 P420ML1 1.8835P420ML2 1.8828 P460M 1.8826 P460ML1 1.8837 2.1 EN 10028-5P460ML2 1.8831 S420M 1.8825S420ML 1.8836 S460M 1.8827 EN 10113-3S460ML 1.8838S420MC 1.0980 EN 10149-2S460MC 1.0982 L415MB 1.8973 EN 10208-2L450MB 1.8975 S420MH 1.8847S420MLH 1.8848 S460MH 1.8849 EN 10219-1S460MLH 1.88502.1EN 10222-4P420NH1.8932S550MC 1.0986S600MC 1.8969 S650MC 1.8976 2.2 EN 10149-2S700MC 1.8974Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved9Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandard NameNumberL485MB 1.8977 2.2 EN 10208-2L555MB 1.8978 P460Q 1.8870 P460QH 1.8871 P460QL1 1.8872P460QL2 1.8864 P500Q 1.8873 P500QH 1.8874 P500QL1 1.8875 EN 10028-6P500QL2 1.8865 S460Q 1.8908 S460QL 1.8906 S460QL1 1.8916 S500Q 1.8924S500QL 1.8909 S500QL1 1.8984 S550Q 1.8904S550QL 1.8926 EN 10137-2 S550QL1 1.8986 L415QB 1.8947L450QB 1.8952 L485QB 1.8955 EN 10208-2L550QB 1.8957EN 10222-4 P420QH 1.8936 EN 10213-2G20Mo51.5419P500Q 1.8873 P500QH 1.8874 P500QL1 1.8875P500QL2 1.8865 P690Q 1.8879 P690QH 1.8880 P690QL1 1.8881 3.1 EN 10028-6P690QL2 1.8888Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)10© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedTable 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberS620Q 1.8914 S620QL 1.8927S620QL1 1.8987 S690Q 1.8931 S690QL 1.8928 3.1 EN 10137-2S690QL1 1.898825CrMo4 1.7218 EN 10216-220CrMoV13-5-5 1.7779P620Q 1.8876 P620QH 1.8877P620QL 1.8890 P690Q 1.8879 P690QH 1.8880 P690QL 11.88813.1EN 10216-3P690QL2 1.8888 S890Q 1.8940 S890QL 1.8983S890QL1 1.8925 S960Q 1.8941 3.2 EN 10137-2S960QL 1.8933 S500A 1.8980 S500AL 1.8990 S550A 1.8991S550AL 1.8992 S620A 1.8993 S620AL 1.8994 S690A 1.8995 3.3 EN 10137-3S690AL 1.8996EN 10028-2 13CrMo4-5 1.7335 EN 10222-213CrMo4-51.7335G17CrMo5-5 1.7357 EN 10213-2G17CrMoV5-10 1.7706 10CrMo5-5 1.7338 5.1EN 10216-213CrMo4-5 1.7335Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved11Table 1 (continued )Group ReferenceDesignationstandard Name Number10CrMo9-10 1.7380 EN 10028-2 11CrMo9-10 1.7383 EN 10213-2 G17CrMo9-10 1.7379 EN 10222-2 11CrMo9-101.738310CrMo9-10 1.7380 5.2EN 10216-2 11CrMo9-10 1.7383 EN 10213-2GX15CrMo51.7365X11CrMo5+L 1.7362+LX11CrMo5+NT1 1.7362+NT1 EN 10216-2X11CrMo5+NT2 1.7362+NT25.3EN 10222-2X16CrMo5-11.7366X11CrMo9-1+L 1.7386+L5.4 EN 10216-2 X11CrMo9-1+NT 1.7386+NTEN 10213-2 G12MoCrV5-2 1.7720 6.1EN 10216-214MoV6-31.77156.2 EN 10213-2 G17CrMoV5-10 1.7706EN 10222-2 X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903 EN 10222-2X20CrMoV12-1 1.4922 EN 10213-2 GX23CrMoV12-1 1.4931 X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903 6.4EN 10216-2X20CrMoV11-11.4922Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)12© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedTable 1 (continued )Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberX2CrNi12 1.4003 X2CrTi12 1.4512 X6CrNiTi12 1.4516 X6Cr13 1.4000 X6CrAl13 1.4002 X2CrTi17 1.4520 X6Cr17 1.4016 X3CrTi17 1.4510 X3CrNb17 1.4511X6CrMo17-1 1.4113 X6CrMoS17 1.4105 X2CrMoTi17-1 1.4513 X2CrMoTi18-2 1.4521 X2CrMoTiS18-2a1.4523aX6CrNi17-1a 1.4017aX6CrMoNb17-1 1.4526 X2CrNbZr17a 1.4590aX2CrAlTi18-2 1.4605 X2CrTiNb18 1.4509 7.1EN 10088-1:1995Table 1X2CrMoTi29-4 1.4592EN 10028-7X3CrNiMo13-41.4313X12Cr13 1.4006 X12CrS13 1.4005 X20Cr13 1.4021 X30Cr13 1.4028 X29CrS13 1.4029 X39Cr13 1.4031 X46Cr13 1.4034X50CrMoV15 1.4116 X70CrMo15 1.4109 X14CrMoS17 1.4104 X39CrMo17-1 1.4122 X105CrMo17 1.4125 X90CrMoV18 1.4112 X17CrNi16-2 1.4057 X3CrNiMo13-4 1.4313 7.2EN 10088-1:1995Table 2X4CrNiMo16-5-1 1.4418aPatented steel grade.Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved13Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardName Number GX8CrNi12 1.4107 EN 10213-2 GX4CrNi13-4 1.4317 EN 10213-3 GX3CrNi13-4 1.6982 EN 10222-5 X3CrNiMo13-4 1.4313 X3CrNiMo13-4 1.4313 7.2EN 10272X12Cr13 1.4006 X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 X2CrNi19-11 1.4306 X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 X6CrNi18-10 1.4948 X6CrNiTi18-101.4541 X7CrNiTi18-101.4941 X6CrNiNb18-10 1.4550 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 X2CrNiMoN17-12-2 1.4406 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 8.1 EN 10028-7 X6CrNiMoNb17-12-21.4580Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printedISO/TR 20172:2006(E)14© ISO 2006 – All rights reservedTable 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardName Number X10CrNi18-8 1.4310 X2CrNiN18-7 1.4318 X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 X2CrNi19-11 1.4306 X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 X8CrNiS18-9 1.4305 X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541 X6CrNiNb18-10 1.4550 X4CrNi18-12 1.4303 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 X2CrNiMoN17-11-21.4406 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 1.4580 X2CrNiMo17-12-31.4432 X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 1.4429 X3CrNiMo17-13-3 1.4436 X2CrNiMo18-14-3 1.4435 X2CrNiMoN18-12-4 1.4434 X2CrNiMo18-15-4 1.4438 X2CrNiMoN17-13-5 1.4439 X1CrNiSi18-15-4 1.4361 X3CrNiCu19-9-2 1.4560 X6CrNiCuS18-9-2 1.4570 X3CrNiCu18-9-4 1.4567 EN 10088-1:1995Table 3X3CrNiCuMo17-11-3-21.4578 GX2CrNi19-11 1.4309 GX5CrNi19-101.4308 GX5CrNiNb19-11 1.4552GX2CrNiMo19-11-2 1.4409 GX5CrNiMo19-11-2 1.4408 8.1EN 10213-4GX5CrNiMoNb19-11-21.4581Reproduced by IHS under license with ISOLicense provided by I.H.S. Germany For Internal Use OnlyUncontrolled copy when printed© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved15Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumber X2CrNiCu19-10 1.4650 X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541 X6CrNiNb18-10 1.4550 X6CrNi18-10 1.4948 X6CrNiTiB18-10 1.4941 X7CrNiNb18-10 1.4912 X2CrNiMo17-12-21.4404 X2CrNiMoN17-11-2 1.4406 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 X2CrNiMo17-12-3 1.4432 X2CrNiMoN17-13-31.4429 X3CrNiMo17-13-3 1.4436 X2CrNiMo18-14-3 1.4435 X3CrNiMoN17-13-3 1.4910 EN 10222-5X3CrNiMo18-12-3 1.4449 X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 X2CrNi19-11 1.4306 X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 X5CrNi18-101.4301 X6CrNiTi18-10 1.4541 X6CrNiNb18-10 1.4550 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 X2CrNiMoN17-12-2 1.4406 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 8.1EN 10272X6CrNiMoTi17-12-21.4571 X1CrNi25-21 1.4335 X1CrNiMoN25-22-21.4466 X1NiCrMoCu31-27-4 1.4563 X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 1.4539 X1CrNiMoCuN25-25-5 1.4537 X1CrNiMoCuN20-18-7a 1.4547a 8.2EN 10088-1:1995Table 3X1NiCrMoCuN25-20-71.4529aPatented steel grade.Reproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. GermanyTable 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardName Number X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 X6CrNi18-10 1.4948 X6CrNiTi18-101.4541 X7CrNiTi18-10 1.4941 X6CrNiNb18-101.4550 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 X2CrNiMoN17-12-2 1.4406 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 8.1 EN 10222-5X7CrNiNb18-101.4912 8.2 EN 10213-4 GX2NiCrMo28-20-21.4458 X5CrNiCuNb16-41.4542 X7CrNiAl17-7 1.4568 X8CrNiMoAl15-7-2 1.4532 8.1EN 10088-1:1995Table 2X5CrNiMoCuNb14-51.4594 X12CrMnNiN17-7-5 1.4372 X2CrMnNiN17-7-5 1.4371 8.3EN 10088-1:1995Table 3X12CrMnNiN18-9-51.4373 11MnNi5-31.6212 13MnNi6-3 1.6217 EN 10028-415NiMn61.6228 EN 10213-3 G9Ni10 1.5636 13MnNi6-3 1.6217 9.1EN 10222-315NiMn6 1.6228 12Ni14 1.5637 EN 10028-412Ni19 1.5680 G17NiCrMo13-61.6781 EN 10213-3G9Ni14 1.5638 12Ni14 1.5637 9.2 EN 10222-3X12Ni51.5680© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved17Table 1 (continued)Group ReferenceDesignationstandardNameNumberX8Ni9 1.5662 EN 10028-4 X7Ni9 1.5663 9.3EN 10222-3 X8Ni91.5662X2CrNiN23-4a 1.4362aEN 10088-1:1995Table 4 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4462 EN 10213-4 GX2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4470 10.1EN 10222-5X2CrNiMo22-5-31.4462X3CrNiMoN27-5-2 1.4460X2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3 1.4507 X2CrNiMoN25-7-4a 1.4410aEN 10088-1:1995Table 4X2CrNiMoCuWN25-7-4 1.4501 GX2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3-3 1.4517 EN 10213-4 GX2CrNiMoN26-7-4 1.4469 10.2EN 10222-5X2CrNiMoN25-7-41.4410 R 200 1.0521 R 220 1.0524 R 2601.0623 R 260 Mn 1.0624 R 320 Cr 1.0915 R350 HT 1.0631 11.3 EN 13674-1R 350 LHT1.0632a Patented steel grade.Reproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. Germany2.2 Types of aluminium and aluminium alloy in accordance with the grouping system of ISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 2See Tables 2 and 3.Table 2 — Aluminium and aluminium alloys in accordance with EN 573-3:1994Group DesignationNumber a Chemicalsymbol bEN AW-1098 EN AW-Al 99,98EN AW-1198A EN AW-Al 99,98AEN AW-1090 EN AW-Al 99,90EN AW-1085 EN AW-Al 99,85EN AW-1450 EN AW-Al 99,5Ti21EN AW-1050A EN AW-Al 99,5EN AW-1060 EN AW-Al 99,6EN AW-1070A EN AW-Al 99,7EN AW-1080A EN AW-Al 99,8(A)EN AW-1100 EN AW-Al 99,0CuEN AW-1200 EN AW-Al 99,0EN AW-3003 EN AW-Al Mn1CuEN AW-3103 EN AW-Al Mn122.1EN AW-3004 EN AW-Al Mn1Mg1EN AW-3005 EN AW-Al Mn1Mg0,5EN AW-3105 EN AW-Al Mn0,5Mg0,5EN AW-5005 EN AW-Al Mg1(B)22.2EN AW-5050 EN AW-Al Mg1,5(C)EN AW-5052 EN AW-Al Mg2,5EN AW-5251 EN AW-Al Mg2EN AW-5149 EN AW-Al Mg2Mn0,8(A)EN AW-5249 EN AW-Al Mg2Mn0,8ZrEN AW-5454 EN AW-Al Mg3Mn(A)22.3EN AW-5754 EN AW-Al Mg3EN AW-5154 A EN AW-Al Mg3,5(A)EN AW-5154 B EN AW-Al Mg3,5Mn0,3EN AC-51000 EN AC-Al Mg(b)EN AC-51100 EN AC-Al Mg(a)Table 2 (continued)Group Designationsymbol bNumber a ChemicalEN AW-5083 EN AW-Al Mg4,5Mn0,7EN AW-5086 EN AW-Al Mg4EN AW-5456A EN AW-Al Mg5Mn1(A)EN AW-5056A EN AW-Al Mg522.4EN AC-51200 EN AC-Al Mg9EN AC-51300 EN AC-Al Mg5EN AC-51400 EN AC-Al Mg5(Si)EN AW-5186 EN AW-AL Mg4Mn0,4EN AW-5383 EN AW-AL Mg4,5Mn0,9EN AW-6005 A EN AW-Al SiMg (A)EN AW-6060 EN AW-Al MgSiEN AW-6061 EN AW-Al Mg1SiCuEN AW-6013 EN AW-Al Ag1Si0,8Cu23.1EN AW-6063 EN AW-Al Mg0,7SiEN AW-6081 EN AW-Al Si0,9MgMnEN AW-6082 EN AW-Al Si1MgMnEN AW-6106 EN AW-Al MgSiMnEN AW-7020 EN AW-Al Zn4,5Mg123.2EN AW-7003 EN AW-Al Zn6Mg0,8ZrEN AC-44000 EN AC-Al Si11EN AC-44100 EN AC-Al Si12(b)EN AC-44200 EN AC-Al Si12(a)24.1EN AC-44300 EN AC-Al Si12(Fe)EN AC-44400 EN AC-Al Si9EN AC-47000 EN AC-Al Si12(Cu)EN AC-42000 EN AC-Al Si7MgEN AC-42100 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3EN AC-42200 EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6EN AC-43000 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(a)24.2EN AC-43100 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(b)EN AC-43200 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Cu)EN AC-43300 EN AC-Al Si9MgEN AC-43400 EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Fe)© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 19Reproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. GermanyTable 2 (continued)Group Designationsymbol bNumber a ChemicalEN AC-45000 EN AC-Al Si6Cu4EN AC-45100 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MgEN AC-45200 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MnEN AC-45300 EN AC-Al Si5Cu1MgEN AC-45400 EN AC-Al Si5Cu3EN AC-46000 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)EN AC-46100 EN AC-Al Si11Cu2(Fe)25EN AC-46200 EN AC-Al Si8Cu3EN AC-46300 EN AC-Al Si7Cu3MgEN AC-46400 EN AC-Al Si9Cu1MgEN AC-46500 EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn)EN AC-46600 EN AC-Al Si7Cu2EN AC- 47100 EN AC-Al Si12Cu1(Fe)EN AC-48000 EN AC-Al Si12CuNiMgEN AC-21000 EN AC-Al Cu4MgTi26EN AC-21100 EN AC-Al Cu4Tia In accordance with EN 573-1.b In accordance with EN 573-2.Table 3 — Aluminium and aluminium alloys in accordance with EN 1706Group Designationsymbol bNumber a ChemicalEN AC-51000EN AC-Al Mg3b22.3EN AC-51100EN AC-Al Mg3aEN AC-51200EN AC-Al Mg922.4EN AC-51300EN AC-Al Mg5EN AC-51400EN AC-Al Mg5(Si)AC-71000EN AC-Al Zn5Mg23 ENEN AC-44000EN AC-Al Si11EN AC-44100EN AC-Al Si12(b)24.1EN AC-44200EN AC-Al Si11(a)EN AC-44300EN AC-Al Si12(Fe)EN AC-44400EN AC-Al Si9EN AC-42000EN AC-Al Si7MgEN AC-42100EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,3EN AC-42200EN AC-Al Si7Mg0,6EN AC-43000EN AC-Al Si10Mg(a)24.2EN AC-43100EN AC-Al Si10Mg(b)EN AC-43200EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Cu)EN AC-43300EN AC-Al Si9MgEN AC-43400EN AC-Al Si10Mg(Fe)EN AC-45000EN AC-Al Si6Cu4EN AC-45100EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MgEN AC-45200EN AC-Al Si5Cu3MnEN AC-45300EN AC-Al Si5Cu1MgEN AC-45400EN AC-Al Si5Cu3EN AC-46000EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)EN AC-46100EN AC-Al Si11Cu2(Fe)25EN AC-46200EN AC-Al Si8CuEN AC-46300EN AC-Al Si7Cu3MgEN AC-46400EN AC-Al Si9Cu1MgEN AC-46500EN AC-Al Si9Cu3(Fe)(Zn)EN AC-46600EN AC-Al Si7Cu2EN AC-47000EN AC-Al Si12(Cu)EN AC-46710EN AC-Al Si12Cu1(Fe)AC-21100EN AC-Al Cu4Ti26 ENa In accordance with EN 1780-1.b In accordance with EN 1780-2.© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 21Reproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. Germany2.3 Types of copper and copper alloy in accordance with the grouping system ofISO/TR 15608:2005, Table 3See Table 4.Table 4 — European grouping system for copper and copper alloys in accordance with EN 1652,EN 1653, EN 1654Group Designation asymbolNumber ChemicalCu-ETP CW004ACu-FRTP CW006A31Cu-OF CW008ACu-DLP CW023ACu-DHP CW024ACuZn5CW500LCuZn10CW501LCuZn15CW502LCuZn20CW503L32.1CuZn30CW505LCuZn33CW506LCuZn36CW507LCuZn37CW508LCuZn40CW509LCuZn20Al2As CW702RCuZn23Al2Co CW703R32.2CuZn38AlFeNiPbSn CW715RCuZn38Sn1As CW717RCuZn39Sn1CW719RCuSn4CW450KCuSn5CW451K33CuSn6CW452KCuSn8CW453KCuSn3Zn9CW454KCuNi25CW350HCuNi9Sn2CW351H34CuNi10Fe1Mn CW352HCuNi30Mn1Fe CW354HCuAl8Fe3CW303G35CuAl9Ni3Fe2CW304GCuAl10Ni5Fe4CW307GTable 4 (continued)Group Designation asymbolNumber ChemicalCuNi10Zn27CW401JCuNi12Zn24CW403JCuNi12Zn25Pb1CW404J36CuNi12Zn29CW405JCuNi18Zn20CW409JCuNi18Zn27CW410JCuBe1,7CW100CCuBe2CW101CCuCo2Be CW104C37CuFe2P CW107CCuNi2Be CW110CCuNi2Si CW111CCuZn0,5CW119Ca In accordance with EN 1412.© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 23Reproduced by IHS under license with ISO License provided by I.H.S. Germany。

Chemlok 7701 说明书

Chemlok 7701 说明书

Chemlok® 7701 Technical Data SheetChemlok® 7701 is a solvent-based surface treatment for use on various vulcanized and thermoplastic polymeric materials. Chemlok 7701 chemically alters the surface of the rubber, making it more receptive to processing. Do not apply to metal surfaces.Chemlok 7701 is used in conjunction with a broad range of LORD Adhesives, including epoxy and urethane adhesives, for bonding cured rubber. It improves attachment to a variety of cured and thermoplastic polymeric materials, including natural rubber, synthetic polyisoprene, SBR, butyl, polybutadiene, neoprene, EPDM, nitrile, polyurethane, styrene-butadiene block copolymers, styrene isoprene rubbers and polyvinyl chloride.Features and Benefits:Versatile – functions as a cleaner and surface conditioner; treats a wide variety of elastomer functional materials. Easy to Apply – applies easily by wipe, brush, dip or flood methods.Convenient – requires no mixing.Improved Performance – improves performance on cast urethanes and cured rubber.Fast Drying – surface treatment flashes off within five minutes or less.Environmentally Resistant – promotes increased environmental resistance by allowing the treated surface to be more easily wet.Application:Surface Preparation – Remove contaminants from rubber surface using a solvent wipe.Applying – Apply Chemlok 7701 by wipe, brush, dip or flood methods. Spray application is not recommended due to the reactivity of the material.Transfer the minimum amount of material necessary for the application into a new, clean container.• Wiping (preferred method)Apply Chemlok 7701 using a clean cotton rag. Change the rag frequently as it becomes contaminated with materials picked up from the surface being treated.• BrushingApply Chemlok 7701 using a bristle or foam brush. Check foam-type brushes for compatibility before use. Use bristle brushes from man-made materials. Do not allow brushes with metal handles or metal collars to come in contact with Chemlok 7701.• DippingImmerse parts in Chemlok 7701. Place treated parts on a rack to allow excess material to drip off and the solvent to flash off.To prevent contamination, discard excess material; do not return excess material to original container.The treatment is complete after the solvent flashes off (<5 minutes). Rinsing is not necessary. The best performance is achieved by assembling parts shortly after the solvent has flashed off. However, effective performance has been obtained on parts stored under controlled conditions. Parts can be retreated, as necessary.Cleanup – Use ethyl acetate for clean up. In the event of aspill, use large quantities of water to flush the area.Chemlok 7701 — Technical Data SheetParker LORDEngineered Materials Group 111 LORD DriveCary, NC 27511-7923USAValues stated in this document represent typical values as not all tests are run on each lot of material produced. For formalized product specifications for specific product end uses, contact the Customer Support Center.Information provided herein is based upon tests believed to be reliable. In as much as Parker LORD has no control over the manner in which others may use this information, it does not guarantee the results to be obtained. In addition, Parker LORD does not guarantee the performance of the product or the results obtained from the use of the product or this information where the product has been repackaged by any third party, including but not limited to any product end-user. Nor does the company make any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the effects or results of such use.WARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITY . FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.©2021 Parker Hannifin - All Rights ReservedInformation and specifications subject to change without notice and without liability therefor. Trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.OD DS6073CE 01/21 Rev.0Shelf Life/Storage:Shelf life is six months from date of shipment when stored by the recipient at 21-27°C (70-80°F) in original, unopened container.Avoid storage in lighted areas. Store material in original container or UV-filtering plastic or glass container. Do not store in metal containers. Store Chemlok 7701 in a cool, dark area away from oil, grease, sawdust, floor sweepings, easily oxidized organic compounds, ammonia, amines, ammonia salts, and metallic materials. Do not contaminate with water or alcohol.Cautionary Information:Before using this or any Parker LORD product, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and label for safe use and handling instructions.For industrial/commercial use only. Required to use under organized emissions. Must be applied by trained personnel only. Not to be used in household applications. Not for consumer use.Chemlok® 7701 是一款溶剂型表面处理剂,用于各种硫化和热塑性聚合物材料。

CJJ 169-2011 城镇道路路面设计规范

CJJ 169-2011 城镇道路路面设计规范

3 基本规定................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 一般规定 ......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 设计要素 ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 术语 ................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 符号 ................................................................................................................................................. 3
6 水泥混凝土路面.................................................................................................................. 34

Valeo SRM-PQA training 2012

Valeo SRM-PQA training 2012
Phase 0 Competition Phase 1 Product / Process design Phase 2 Design Validation Phase 3 Product / Process validation Phase 4a Launch & Process stabilization Phase 4b Volume Production
Phase 4a Launch & Process stabilization
Phase 4b Volume Production
Stage 1: Select Supplier
integrated other Supplier (s)
PQA Process
Stage 2: Supplier nomination
VRF validation
STAGE 2: Supplier nomination

Pre sourcing VRF is reviewed and signed by Supplier and Valeo The Nomination letter is sent to the supplier
Stage 1: Select Supplier
Phase 4a Launch & Process stabilization
Phase 4b Volume Production
Stage 1: Select Supplier
integrated other Supplier (s)
PQA Process
STAGE 1: Supplier selection
Update date I 9



StandardMaterial RequirementsSulfide Stress Cracking Resistant MetallicMaterials for Oilfield EquipmentThis NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document,its scope,and provisions.Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone,whether he has adopted the standard or not,from manufacturing,marketing,purchasing,or using products,processes,or procedures not in conformance with this standard.Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as granting any right,by implication or otherwise,to manufacture,sell,or use in connection with any method,apparatus,or product covered by Letters Patent,or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability for infringement of Letters Patent.This standard represents minimum requirements and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject.Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances.NACE International assumes no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accepts responsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACE International in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteers.Users of this NACE International standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health,safety,environmental,and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this standard prior to its use.This NACE International standard may not necessarily address all potential health and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials,equipment,and/or operations detailed or referred to within this ers of this NACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health,safety,and environmental protection practices,in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary,to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE:NACE International standards are subject to periodic review,and may be revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice.NACE International requires that action be taken to reaffirm,revise,or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of initial publication.The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition.Purchasers of NACE International standards may receive current information on all standards and other NACE International publications by contacting the NACE International Membership Services Department,1440South Creek Dr.,Houston,Texas 77084-4906(telephone +1[281]228-6200).Revised 2002-01-01Approved March 1975NACE International 1440South Creek Dr.Houston,Texas 77084-4906+1(281)228-6200ISBN 1-57590-021-1©2002,NACE InternationalNACE Standard MR0175-2002Item No.21304MR0175-2002________________________________________________________________________ForewordThis NACE standard materials requirement is one step in a series of committee studies,reports,symposia,and standards that have been sponsored by former Group Committee T-1(Corrosion Control in Petroleum Production)relating to the general problem of sulfide stress cracking (SSC)of metals.Much of this work has been directed toward the oil-and gas-production industry.This standard is a materials requirement for metals used in oil and gas service exposed to sour gas,to be used by oil and gas companies,manufacturers,engineers,and purchasing agents.Many of the guidelines and specific requirements in this standard are based on field experience with the materials listed,as used in specific components,and may be applicable to other components and equipment in the oil-production industry or to other industries,as determined by the ers of this standard must be cautious in extrapolating the content of this standard for use beyond its scope.The materials,heat treatments,and metal-property requirements given in this standard represent the best judgment of Task Group 081(formerly T-1F-1)and its administrative Specific Technology Group (STG)32on Oil and Gas Production—Metallurgy (formerly Unit Committee T-1F on Metallurgy of Oilfield Equipment).This NACE standard updates and supersedes all previous editions of MR0175.The original 1975edition of the standard superseded NACE Publication 1F166(1973Revision)titled “Sulfide Cracking-Resistant Metallic Materials for Valves for Production and Pipeline Service,”and NACE Publication 1B163titled “Recommendation of Materials for Sour Service”(which included Tentative Specifications 150on valves,51on severe weight loss,60on tubular goods,and 50on nominal weight loss).This standard will be revised as necessary to reflect changes in technology.(See Paragraph 1.6.)Whenever possible,the recommended materials are defined by reference to accepted genericdescriptors (such as UNS (1)numbers)and/or accepted standards,such as AISI,(2)API,(3)ASTM,(4)or DIN (5)standards.(1)Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System (latest revision),a joint publication of ASTM International and the Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.(SAE),400Commonwealth Dr.,Warrendale,PA 15096.(2)American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI),113315th St.NW,Washington,DC 20005-2701.(3)American Petroleum Institute (API),1220L St.NW,Washington,DC 20005.(4)ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Dr.,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.(5)Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN),Postfach 1107,D-1000Berlin 30,Federal Republic of Germany.________________________________________________________________________Arrows in the margins indicate technical or major editorial revisions that were approved by NACE International STG 32and incorporated into the 2002edition of MR0175.Revisions are not indicated in the tables or index.In NACE standards,the terms shall ,must ,should ,and may are used in accordance with the definitions of these terms in the NACE Publications Style Manual ,4th ed.,Paragraph and must are used to state mandatory requirements.Should is used to state something considered good and is recommended but is not mandatory.May is used to state something considered optional.MR0175-2002________________________________________________________________________NACE InternationalStandardMaterial RequirementsSulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materialsfor Oilfield EquipmentContents1.General (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Applicability (1)1.3MR0175Application (1)1.4Control of Sulfide Stress Cracking(SSC) (2)1.5Acceptable Materials (2)1.6Procedures for the Addition of New Materials or Processes (2)1.7Hardness Requirements (3)1.8Materials Handling (3)1.9Procurement (3)1.10Material Replacement (3)2.Definitions (7)3.Ferrous Metals (9)3.1General (9)3.2Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels (9)3.3Free-Machining Steels (10)3.4Cast Iron (10)3.5Austenitic Stainless Steels (10)3.6Ferritic Stainless Steels (13)3.7Martensitic Stainless Steels (13)3.8Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels (14)3.9Duplex Stainless Steels (14)4.Nonferrous Metals (15)4.1General (15)4.2Other Alloys (18)5.Fabrication (19)5.1General (19)5.2Overlays (19)5.3Welding (19)5.4Identification Stamping (19)5.5Threading (19)5.6Cold-Deformation Processes (20)6.Bolting (20)6.1General (20)6.2Exposed Bolting (20)6.3Nonexposed Bolting (20)7.Platings and Coatings (20)7.1General (20)7.2Nitriding (20)8.Special Components (20)8.1General (20)8.2Bearings (20)8.3Springs (21)8.4Instrumentation and Control Devices (21)8.5Seal Rings (21)8.6Snap Rings (21)8.7Duplex Stainless Steel for Wellhead Components (21)8.8Special Process Wear-Resistant Parts (22)9.Valves and Chokes (22)9.1General (22)9.2Shafts,Stems,and Pins (22)9.3Internal Valve and Pressure Regulator Components (22)10.Wells,Flow Lines,Gathering Lines,Facilities,and Field Processing Plants (22)10.1General (22)10.2Wells (22)10.3Subsurface Equipment (23)10.4Wellheads (24)10.5Flow Lines and Gathering Lines (24)10.6Production Facilities (24)10.7Compressors and Pumps (24)10.8Pipe Fittings (24)11.Drilling and Well-Servicing Equipment (24)11.1General (24)11.2Control of Drilling and Well-Servicing Environments (24)11.3Drilling Equipment (25)11.4Blowout Preventer(BOP) (25)11.5Choke Manifolds and Choke and Kill Lines (25)11.6Drill Stem Testing (25)11.7Formation-Testing Tools (25)11.8Floating Drilling Operations (26)11.9Well-Servicing Equipment (26)References (26)Tables1.Description of Test Levels (4)2.Test Data (4)3.Stainless Steels Acceptable for Direct Exposure to Sour Environments (28)4.Nonferrous Materials Acceptable for Direct Exposure to Sour Environments (29)5.Acceptable API and ASTM Specifications for Tubular Goods (31)6.Acceptable Materials for Subsurface Equipment for Direct Exposure to SourEnvironments (32)7.Other Sources of Material Standards (32)FiguresFigure1:Sour Gas Systems (5)Figure2:Sour Multiphase Systems (6)IndexHistory of the Addition of Materials to MR0175 (33)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section1:General1.1Scope1.1.1This standard presents metallic materialrequirements for resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC)for petroleum production,drilling,gathering and flowline equipment,and field processing facilities to be used in hydrogen sulfide(H2S)-bearing hydrocarbon service.This standard is applicable to the materials and/or equipment specified by the materials standards institutions listed in Table7(or by equivalent standards or specifications of other agencies).This standard does not include and is not intended to include design specifications.Other forms of corrosion and other modes of failure,although outside the scope of this standard,should also be considered in design and operation of equipment.Severely corrosive conditions may lead to failures by mechanisms other than SSC and should be mitigated by corrosion inhibition or materials selection,which are outside the scope of this standard.For example,some lower-strength steels used for pipelines and vessels may be subjected to failure by blister cracking or hydrogen-induced(stepwise)cracking as a result of hydrogen damage associated with general corrosion in the presence of H2S.1,2Also,austenitic stainless steels and even more highly alloyed materials may fail by a type of chloride stress corrosion cracking that is promoted by elevated temperature,aggravated in some cases by the presence of H2S.1.1.2Many of the materials initially included in MR0175were included based on field use under varied conditions and the items for inclusion did not record the environments on which acceptance of these alloys into MR0175was based.MR0175has specified environmental limits for alloys included more recently.The stated environmental limits represent conditions under which the alloys successfully passed laboratory tests.Because SSC is dependent on the environment, including stress,H2S partial pressure,the presence of elemental sulfur,salinity,pH,and metallurgical condition of the alloys,the actual environmental limits may not have been defined for any alloys in MR0175.It is the user’s responsibility to determine both(1)the degree of accuracy to which laboratory test data,and(2)the degree of applicability of qualifying field experience, simulates the critical variables of the intended application.1.2Applicability1.2.1This standard applies to all components ofequipment exposed to sour environments,where failure by SSC would(1)prevent the equipment from being restored to an operating condition while continuing to contain pressure,(2)compromise the integrity of the pressure-containment system,and/or(3)prevent the basic function of the equipment from occurring.Materials selection for items such as atmospheric and low-pressure systems,water-handling facilities,sucker rods,and subsurface pumps are covered in greater detail in other NACE International and API documents and are outside the scope of this standard.1.3MR0175ApplicationSulfide stress cracking(SSC)is affected by factors including the following:(1)metal chemical composition,strength,heat treatment, and microstructure;(2)hydrogen ion concentration(pH)of the environment;(3)H2S concentration and total pressure;(4)total tensile stress(applied plus residual);(5)temperature;and(6)time.The user shall determine whether or not the environmental conditions are such that MR0175applies.1.3.1MR0175shall apply to conditions containingwater as a liquid and H2S exceeding the limits defined in Paragraph should be noted that highly susceptible materials may fail in less severe environments.MR0175-20021.3.1.1All gas,(6,7)gas condensate,(6,7)and sourcrude oil (8,9)(except as noted)When the partial pressure of H 2S in a wet (water as a liquid)gas phase of a gas,gas condensate,or crude oil system is equal to or exceeds 0.0003MPa abs (0.05psia).1.3.2MR0175need not apply (the user shall determine)when the following conditions exist: gasWhen the total pressure is less than 0.4MPa abs (65psia). oil and gas multiphase systemsWhen the total pressure is less than 1.8MPa abs (265psia),the maximum gas:oil ratio (SCF:bbl [SCF:bbl])is 5,000or less,and the H 2S content is less than 15mol%and the H 2S partial pressure is less than 0.07MPa abs (10psia).1.3.3MR0175need not apply (the user shall determine)for the following conditions: wells and salt-water handling facilities.These are covered by NACE StandardRP0475. corrosionandcorrosionfatigue. and chemical plants.1.4Control of SSC1.4.1SSC may be controlled by any or all of the following measures:(1)using the materials and processes described in this standard;(2)controlling the environment;or (3)isolatingthe components from the sourenvironment.Metals susceptible to SSC have been used successfully by controlling drilling or workover fluid properties,during drilling and workover operations,respectively.1.5Metallic materials have been included in this standard as acceptable materials based on their resistance to SSC either in actual field applications,in SSC tests,or both.Many alloys included in the first edition of MR0175had proved to be satisfactory in sour service even though they might have cracked in standard SSC tests,such as those addressed inNACE Standard TM0177.4Because MR0175was incorporated as a mandatory requirement by certain regulatory agencies,it soon became impossible to use satisfactory field applications as a criterion for the addition of new materials or processes;i.e.,because regulations prohibited the use of materials not specifically approved in MR0175,proponents of new materials or processes could not establish a history of satisfactory field application.Consequently,some materials in the standard may not perform as well in SSC tests as newer materials that have been excluded on the basis of laboratory test data.Materials’performance in the field may be different from that indicated by laboratory testing.To aid the user of this standard,those materials that were included in the original edition (MR0175-75)are noted in the index.Materials included in this standard are resistant to,but not necessarily immune to,SSC under all service conditions.1.5.1The acceptable materials and manufacturing processes listed in Sections 3through 11should give satisfactory resistance to SSC in sour environments when the materials are (1)manufactured to the heat treatment and mechanical properties specified,and (2)used under the conditions specified.1.6Procedures for the Addition of New Materials or Processes___________________________(6)Figure 1provides a graphical representation of the above partial pressure relationship.(7)Partial pressure may be calculated by multiplying the system total pressure times the mol fraction of H 2S.For example,in a 69-MPa abs (10,000-psia)gas system where the H 2S is 10%mol in the gas,the H 2S partial pressure is:absMPa 6.9=69x 10010ÿpsia 1,000=10,000x 10010(8)Figure 2provides a graphical representation of the above partial pressure relationship.(9)For downhole liquid crude oil systems operating above the bubble point pressure,for which no equilibrium gas composition is available,the partial pressure of H 2S may be determined by using the mol fraction of H 2S in the gas phase at the bubble point pressure.For example,in an oil with a 34.5-MPa abs (5,000-psia)bubble point pressure which has 10mol%H 2S in the gas phase at the bubble point,the H 2S partial pressure is:absMPa 3.45=10010x34.5ÿpsia 500=10010x5,000MR0175-20021.6.1The guidelines and specific requirements in thisstandard are based on satisfactory field experience and/or laboratory data.Materials will be added to MR0175after completion of laboratory or field tests performed and successful balloting in accordance with the requirements of this standard.Requests for revision of this standard should be made in writing to NACE Headquarters as described in the NACE Technical Committee Publications Manual.5 These requests shall state the specific changes proposed,supported by appropriate documentation, including a complete description of the materials or processes and laboratory or field test data or service performance,or other technical justification.The requested change shall be reviewed and balloted as described in the NACE Technical Committee Publications Manual.1.6.2New materials and/or new processes that areassociated with specific material(s)shall be balloted according to a Test Level Category.Each category hasa level of environmental severity,which is listed in Table1;the balloter is free to increase the severity at which his/her tests are conducted subject to the minimum environmental constraints of the balloted Test Level Category.Ballots on new materials and/or processes that are based only on laboratory data shall contain data from tests conducted on specimens from at least three heats of material.1.6.3Austenitic and duplex stainless steels,nickel-based alloys,and titanium alloys may be susceptible to cracking at elevated temperature.For use at elevated temperature,data at Test Level IV,V,VI,or VII should be submitted.When a Test Level Category higher than III is being balloted,the ballot item submitter shall also include test results at room temperature according to the requirements of Test Level Category III.Cracking of some duplex stainless steels has been inhibited by galvanic coupling with steel;therefore,evaluation of duplex stainless steels at room temperature using Test Level II should be considered.1.6.4Laboratory data produced in accordance with therequirements of NACE Standard TM0177provide one accepted basis for required laboratory test information.Other test methods may be employed.The test results with testing details shall be incorporated into this standard in Table2;for example,for tension testing,the threshold stress at which cracking occurs or the maximum stress at which failure/cracking does not occur will be listed with the material and the conditions under which it is tested.These test environments are not intended to represent actual service conditions.The data that are presented in Table2are not meant as guidelines on application or a limit for service environments in which materials may be used;it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that a material will be satisfactory in the intended service environment.1.7Hardness Requirements1.7.1The relationship among SSC,heat treatment,andhardness has been documented by laboratory and field service data.Because hardness testing is nondestructive,it is used by manufacturers as a quality control method and by users as a field inspection method.Accurate hardness testing requires strict compliance with the methods described in appropriate ASTM standards.1.7.2Sufficient hardness tests should be made toestablish the actual hardness of the material or component being examined.Individual hardness readings exceeding the value permitted by this standard can be considered acceptable if the average of several readings taken within close proximity does not violate the value permitted by this standard and no individual reading is greater than2Rockwell C hardness(HRC) scale units above the acceptable value.The number and location of test areas are outside the scope of this standard.1.7.3The HRC scale is referred to throughout thisstandard.Hardness values measured by HRC shall be the primary basis for acceptance.When warranted, Brinell(HB)or other hardness scales may be used.When applicable,hardness conversions shall be made in accordance with ASTM E1406Standard Hardness Conversion Table for Metals.Microhardness acceptance criteria are considered outside the scope of this standard.1.8Materials Handling1.8.1Although this standard covers materials intendedfor sour service,it is not to be construed as implying that products conforming to these requirements will be resistant to SSC in sour environments under all conditions.Improper design,manufacturing,installation, or handling can cause resistant materials to become susceptible to SSC.1.9It is the responsibility of the user to determine the expected operating conditions and to specify when this standard applies.This standard includes a variety of materials that might be used for any given component.The user may select specific materials for use on the basis of operating conditions that include pressure,temperature, corrosiveness,fluid properties,etc.For example,in selecting bolting components,the pressure rating could be affected. The following could be specified at the user’s option:(1) materials from this standard used by the manufacturer,and (2)materials from this standard proposed by the manufacturer and approved by the user.1.10When new restrictions are put on materials in this standard or when materials are deleted from this standard, materials in use at the time of the change that complied with this standard prior to the standard revision and that have not experienced H2S-enhanced environmental cracking failure in their local environment are in compliance with this standard. However,when these materials are replaced from their local environment,the replacement materials must be listed in thisMR0175-2002standard at the time of replacement in order to be incompliance with this standard.Table1:Description of Test LevelsTest Level I II III IV V VI VIITemperature25±3°C(77±5°F)25±3°C(77±5°F)25±3°C(77±5°F)90±5°C(194±9°F)150±5°C(302±9°F)175±5°C(347±9°F)205±5°C(401±9°F)CO2content, min.none none none0.7MPaabs(100psia)1.4MPaabs(200psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia)Environmental Condition H2S content,min.(list)TM0177TM01770.003MPaabs(0.4psia)0.7MPaabs(100psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia)3.5MPaabs(500psia) NaCl content,min.(list)TM0177TM0177150,000mg/L150,000mg/L200,000mg/L250,000mg/L pH(list)TM0177TM0177(list)(list)(list)(list) Other(list)none coupledto steel(list)(list)(list)(list)Test Method(s)(list)(list theTM0177method)(list theTM0177method)(list)(list)(list)(list)Material Type and Condition describe—chemical composition,UNS number,process history Material Properties describe—yield strength,tensile strength,%elongation,hardness Stress Level and Results describe—test stress level,plastic strain,etc.,test resultsTable2:Test DataTest Level Material Type andCondition Material Properties Test Method andEnvironmentTest ResultsMR0175-2002FIGURE1:Sour Gas Systems(see Paragraph1.3.1.1)MR0175-2002FIGURE2:Sour Multiphase Systems(see Paragraph1.3.1.1)Metric Conversion Factor:1MPa abs=145.089psia_______________________________________________________________________________Section2:DefinitionsAge Hardening:Hardening by aging,usually after rapid cooling or cold working.Aging:A change in metallurgical properties that generally occurs slowly at room temperature(natural aging)and more rapidly at higher temperature(artificial aging).Annealing:Heating to and holding at a temperature appropriate for the specific material and then cooling at a suitable rate,for such purposes as reducing hardness, improving machinability,or obtaining desired properties(also see Solution Heat Treatment).Austenite:The face-centered crystalline phase of iron-base alloys.Austenitic Steel:A steel whose microstructure at room temperature consists predominantly of austenite.Austenitizing:Forming austenite by heating a ferrous metal to a temperature in the transformation range(partial austen-itizing)or above the transformation range(complete austenitizing).Autofrettage:A technique whereby residual compressive stresses are created at the interior of a thick-walled component by application and release of internal pressure that causes yielding of the metal near the ID or bore of the component. Blowout Preventers(BOP):Mechanical devices capable of containing pressure,used for control of well fluids and drilling fluids during drilling operations.Brazing:Joining metals by flowing a thin layer(of capillary thickness)of a lower-melting-point nonferrous filler metal in the space between them.Brinell Hardness(HB):A hardness value obtained by use of a 10mm-diameter hardened steel(or carbide)ball and normally a load of3,000kg,in accordance with ASTM E10.7 Burnishing:Smoothing surfaces with frictional contact between the material and some other hard pieces of material, such as hardened steel balls.Carbon Steel:An alloy of carbon and iron containing up to2% carbon and up to1.65%manganese and residual quantities of other elements,except those intentionally added in specific quantities for deoxidation(usually silicon and/or aluminum). Carbon steels used in the petroleum industry usually contain less than0.8%carbon.Case Hardening:Hardening a ferrous alloy so that the outer portion,or case,is made substantially harder than the inner portion,or core.Typical processes are carburizing,cyaniding, carbonitriding,nitriding,induction hardening,and flame hardening.Cast Component(Casting):Metal that is obtained at or near its finished shape by the solidification of molten metal in a mold.Cast Iron:An iron-carbon alloy containing approximately2 to4%carbon.Cast irons may be classified as:(1)gray cast iron—cast iron that gives a gray fracture as a result of the presence of flake graphite;(2)white cast iron—cast iron that gives a white fracture asa result of the presence of cementite(Fe3C);(3)malleable cast iron—white cast iron that is thermally treated to convert most or all of the cementite to graphite (temper carbon);(4)ductile(nodular)cast iron—cast iron that has been treated while molten with an element(usually magnesium or cerium)that spheroidizes the graphite;or(5)austenitic cast iron—cast iron with a sufficient amount of nickel added to produce an austenitic microstructure.Cemented Tungsten Carbide:Pressed and sintered monolithic tungsten carbide alloys consisting of tungsten carbide with alloy binders of primarily cobalt or nickel.Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking:Failure by cracking under the combined action of tensile stress and corrosion in the presence of chlorides and water.Cold Deforming:See Cold Working.Cold Forming:See Cold Working.Cold Reducing:See Cold Working.Cold Working:Deforming metal plastically under conditions of temperature and strain rate that induce strain hardening,usually,but not necessarily,conducted at room temperature.Contrast with hot working.Double Tempering:A treatment in which normalized or quench-hardened steel is given two complete tempering cycles(cooling to a suitable temperature after each cycle) with the second tempering cycle performed at a temperature at or below the first tempering temperature. The object is to temper any martensite that may have formed during the first tempering cycle.Duplex(Austenitic/Ferritic)Stainless Steel:A stainless steel whose microstructure at room temperature consists primarily of a mixture of austenite and ferrite.。



Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform “”.© VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e .I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .N u m e r i c a l n o t a t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o I S O p r a c t i c e (s e e V W 01000).Q U E L L E : N O L I SPage 2VW 60184: 2006-06─Table 9:a) Fuel system test pressure changed from 600 kPa to 680 kPab) Coolant changed from Technical Supply Specification TL 774, types B, C, to TL 774, type F c) Line “Pressurizing fluid” added─Section “Pressure-vibration-temperature testing (PVT)” deletedPrevious issues1981-02; 1982-12; 1984-03; 1991-08; 1993-01; 1996-05; 2000-09 1ScopeThis standard shall apply to spring clamps used in the ─coolant circuit and servo system ─fuel system ─air intake system ─and charge air systemfor sealing of connections between hoses and fittings. See Table 7 for specifications relating to minimum leakage pressure.Intermediate sizes that deviate from the nominal sizes specified in Tables 1 to 3 are not permissible and must not be assigned standard production part numbers due to the risk of confusion during assembly.The diameter increment with the assignment of the appropriate hose, fitting and spring clamp can be found in VW 601 90. 2DescriptionDescription of a spring clamp of Shape A with nominal diameter d n = 19 mm, strip width = 12 mm, material is 51CrV4 according to EN 10132-4 and surface protection according to TL 233, gray (Ofl-t 650/gr):Spring clamp N 906 554 011)orSpring clamp VW 60184-A19x12-51CrV4-Ofl-t650/gr3MarkingSpring clamps shall be provided with a permanent marking. The location and type of this marking shall be as described in Figures 1 to 3.Legend1 Supplier code and optional manufacturer’s code, typeface according to DIN 1451-3-C2 2 Nominal diameter code (font height at least 2 mm)3 Optional marking with name or manufacturer’s code and nominal diameter permittedFigure 1 – Shape A(standard) Figure 2 – Shape B(space-saving clamp with stop piece)Figure 3 – Shape B(space-saving clamp with stopchannel)1)For released parts, refer to standard part administration system "NVS".Page 3VW 60184: 2006-064 DimensionsIt is not compulsory for spring clamps to comply with Figures 4 to 6 shown below. Only the dimensions specified in Tables 1 to 3 must be complied with. Missing dimensions shall be chosen by the manufacturer.Figure 4 – Shape AFigure 5 – Shape B with stop piece(refer to Figure 4 for missing dimensions and specifications)Figure 6 – Shape B with stop channel(refer to Figure 5 for missing dimensions and specifications)_________________________2) Characteristic process value Cpk. min. 1,33.3) Applies to all inside edges.Page 4VW 60184: 2006-06Table 1 – Shape A (strip width 12 mm)Dimensions in mmNominal∅d n 1) 8)s 1± 0,4 a2)- 3 b3)- 3c ± 0,3 e ± 0,7f± 0,2g± 0,7Color (similar to RAL) Supplied ∅d a max 4),5)Assembly∅d o min 6)Mass [g] 147)0,8 9gray 701113,3 15,8 3,5 17 1,2 black 901115,6 18,5 4,6 19 gray 701117,8 20,2 6,9 23 1,3black 901121 24,79,2 27 gray 701125,2 29 11,7 32 black 901129,5 34,5 14,2 40 1,7gray 701135,5 42,5 17,1 47 black 901141,5 50 22,7 55 2,1 gray 701147,5 58 29 60 black 901151,5 64 33,4 65 gray 701157,5 70 37,1 70 black901161,5 73 39 75 gray 701166 78 37 80 black 901170 83 39 85 gray 701174 88 40,8 902,6 8,51012 7 3 5,8black90117993491) Nominal Ø does not correspond to the supplied diameter.2) The dimension "a" shall be omitted for nominal Ø above 60 mm3) Dimension “b” shall be measured using a depth gage accuracy of 0,1 mm for a mandrel Ø = nominal Ø.4) Supplied diameter d a measured after opening once to the maximum assembly diameter (extend to end stop). The diameter d amust be measured in the x-direction.5) Characteristic process value Cpk. min. 1,33. 6) To be determined using measuring pins. 7) Not for use in FSI engines (fuel system).8) Spring clamp nominal Ø <14 mm, see standard part administration system NVS.Table 2 – Shape A (strip width 15 mm)Page 5VW 60184: 2006-06Table 3 – Shape B (strip width 12 mm)Dimensions in mmNominal ∅d n 1)s 1± 0,4a k b 2)- 2,5 c ± 0,3 e ± 0,7f ± 0,2g ± 0,7Color (similar to RAL) Supplied ∅d a max3),4)Assembly∅d o min 5)Mass [g] 146)0,8 black 901113,315,8 3 17 1,2 6black 901115,618,5 4 19 black 901117,820,27 23 1,3black 90112124,79 27 black 901125,22911 32 black 901129,534,514 40 1,7 black 901135,542,516 47 black 901141,55023 552,110312 7 3 5 black 901147,558291) Nominal Ø does not correspond to the supplied diameter.2) Dimension “b” shall be measured using a depth gage accuracy of 0,1 mm for a mandrel Ø = nominal Ø.3) Supplied diameter d a measured after opening once to the maximum assembly diameter (extend to end stop). The diameter d a must be measured in the x-direction. 4) Characteristic process value Cpk. min. 1,33. 5) To be determined using measuring pins.6) Due to the increased demands on parts used in FSI engines, where possible this diameter must only be used for FSI engines following consultation with the E1GB department. Alternatively, spring clamp N 909 865 01 may be used.5 Supplier-specific part numbersSpring clamps used in hose-fitting connections are sensitive, safety-relevant components. The procedure for supplier-specific part numbers that has been developed in the past has proven itself to be effective and will be continued. The differentiation between new spring clamp developments and parts from new manufacturers shall only be guaranteed by means of new part number indices; this is for logistical reasons and to ensure traceability in case of damage and shall be implemented by the E2TC/3 department. 6MaterialSpring steel shall be used that meets the specifications for the spring clamp component according to this standard within the scope of the fitting-hose clamp system (e.g. VW 780 07).The long-term static tensile load requirements for spring clamps necessitate increased requirements in terms of material ductility at high and low operating temperatures, the degree of purity of the material, and the surface properties of the material.The suitability of the spring clamp component shall be determined based on the material and the manufacturing process. This must be recorded on the drawing as part of the technical engineering approval (BMG – German abbreviation) process. The following specific process steps are significant here: manufacture of the strip, annealing processes, punching and bending, quenching and tempering, cleaning, coating. In order to ensure confidentiality, the details of the manufacturing process must only be disclosed to the E1GB department.It is not permissible to use phosphate treatment as a processing aid in the production of the cold-rolled strip.Page 6VW 60184: 2006-067 Surface protectionVW 137 50 Ofl - t 650/sw or t 650/gr, see Tables 1 to 3 for color assignments.Adhesion: crosscut test according to DIN 53151: 1981-05 Gt 0-1.Spring clamps with nominal Ø ≥ 32 mm must be coated with a permanent sliding agent (wax emulsion) in order to improve the sliding properties (creep behavior) of the part (please refer to drawing).Spring clamps with nominal Ø < 32 mm can be optionally coated with a permanent sliding agent (wax emulsion) at the discretion of the manufacturer.The manner in which coatings are structured may be selected according to the manufacturing process used. The required roundness must be observed in this respect (see Section TestsSpring clamps must be opened to the fully-open diameter and allowed to return to the closed position at least once prior to carrying out tests.8.1 Technical engineering approval (BMG)55 parts shall be provided for the technical engineering approval process. Recommendations in this respect shall be made via the E1GB department.8.1.1 Corrosion protection requirements15 parts shall be provided.The pliers contact points shall be excepted from this evaluation. Test according to DIN 50021 SS with scribing line according to DIN EN ISO 7253,test duration 720 hNo blistering, no base metal corrosion, no rust creep. System-determined fading to gray is permissible, but there must be no voluminous zinc corrosion. Test atmosphere according to DIN 50017 KK, test duration 240 h.No blistering, no base metal corrosion. The requirements as specified in Section 7 must be complied with (see "Adhesion"). Long-term life test (1 000 h test) only in instance of new developmentThe hardened, coated spring clamps must be clamped on a plastic mandrel according to the minimum assembly diameter -0,3 mm, dipped in a 5% sodium chloride solution and then placed in a condensed water container.Test temperature: (+60 ± 5) °CRelative air humidity: 100%Medium: Tap water (must be changed once weekly)In the first week after the start of the test, the spring clamps shall be immersed once daily in a 5% sodium chloride solution for 10 seconds and opened once to the maximum assembly diameter. As of the second test week, this procedure shall only be repeated once weekly.At least 15 specimens, no fractures.Material requirements: No cracks, no fractures, function shall still be guaranteed.Surface coating: System-determined fading to gray and approx. 10% base metalcorrosion are permissible.Page 7VW 60184: 2006-068.1.2 Mechanical test15 parts shall be provided. Determination of the clamping forces F x and F yThe clamping forces shall be determined on a 4-channel force measuring device, where d n (± 0,1) of the spring clamps shall be according to Figures 7 and 8 and Tables 4 and 5. Low-friction contact shall be ensured by means of a linear support for the four internal mountings.The 4 individual forces shall be evaluated independently of one another.In order to provide improved, targeted process management, the control of the clamping forces during production can be carried out using the differences in diameters d x – d y.F x = F x1 + F x2F y = F y1 + F y2Figure 7 – Shape A Figure 8 – Shape BTable 4 – Clamping forces for strip width 12 mmValues in N Nominal ØF x F y∆F = F x – F y Nominal ØF x F y∆F = F x – F yd n≥≥d n≥≥14 170 120 10 to 110 55 620 460 50 to 29017 170 130 10 to 130 60 650 480 20 to 20019 380 320 20 to 160 65 600 430 20 to 20023 380 320 20 to 160 70 560 460 20 to 20027 400 340 20 to 180 75 380 340 20 to 20032 400 340 30 to 200 80 380 340 20 to 20040 400 340 50 to 220 85 340 300 20 to 20047 530 430 50 to 230 90 340 300 20 to 200Page 8VW 60184: 2006-06Table 5 – Clamping forces for strip width 15 mmValues in NNominal ØF x F y ∆F = F x – F yd n ≥≥60 1 250 1 000 20 to 240 65 1 150 850 20 to 240 701 15085020 to 240If markedly higher clamping forces are present than those given in Tables 4 and 5 (above 1,25 x F min ), then larger clamping force differences may be permitted under certain conditions. The maximum clamping force difference shall be determined using Formula (1). The difference ∆F in this case must lie between ∆F min and ∆F max :22min max min ,min ,max min max TableTabley x y x Table Table F F F F F F F F F ∆−∆×+++∆+∆=∆(1)Legend F x , F yMeasured clamping force valuesF x min , F y min Minimum values of the clamping forces according to Tables 4 and 5 ∆F min Minimum value for permissible clamping force difference according to Tables 4 and 5∆F maxMaximum value for permissible clamping force difference according to Tables 4 and 5minmin y x y x F F F F ++Standardized total force y x F F +Absolute force level2min max TableTable F F ∆+∆Mean value of permissible clamping force differences according to Tables 4 and 52min max TableTable F F ∆−∆Position factor (proportionality factor for permissible exceedance value)Page 9VW 60184: 2006- Roundness deviationNOTE: measuring device: feeler gage strip, 3 mm wide.groundmandrelFigure 9 – Roundness deviation taking Shape A as an exampleTable 6 – DimensionsDimensions in mmNominal Ø d n14 17 19 23 27 32 40Mandrel Ø d p13,7 16,7 18,6 22,6 26,5 31,5 39,4Tolerance ± 0,1S3 max0,09Table 6 (completed)Nominal Ø d n47 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90Mandrel Ø d p46,4 54,4 59,4 64,4 69,4 74,4 79,4 84,4 89,4Tolerance ± 0,1s3max0,12 1)1) for strip width of 12 mm: 0,15for strip width of 15 mm: 0,2The dimension "s3" according to Table 6 between the test mandrel (see Figure 9) and the spring clamp must not be exceeded after the spring clamp has been tensioned to the end stop (max. assembly diameter 4))4) Supplied diameter measured after opening once to the maximum assembly diameter (extend to end stop). The diameter d a must be measured in x-directionPage 10VW 60184: 2006-068.1.3 Leak tightness test8.1.3.1 Load pressure test (see Figure 10)The following leak tightness values at room temperature (Table 7) must be complied with for the connection between the hose and the test fitting achieved using the spring clamp:Table 7Application Pressurizing fluid Minimum leakage pressure Test hose according to 1) Coolant circuit and servo system Water 300 kPa over-pressure2a) Fuel system up to an operatingWater 700 kPa over-pressurepressure of 400 kPa2b) Fuel system (FSI engines) up to anWater 1200 kPa over-pressureoperating pressure of 700 kPa3) Air charge system (above nominal ØAir in water bath 1)d n=60)4) Air intake system Air in water bath 10 kPa vacuum1) for strip width of 12 mm: 200 kPafor strip width of 15 mm: 300 kPaDimensions not shown are still to be determined.The load pressure test in accordance with Table 7 must use smooth test fittings for applications 1 through 3 (mandrel without bead). For dimensions refer to Table 8. For application 4 the molded hose and fitting must have standard-production grooves according to VW 605 08, 2001-10, Section 6.1.1 and Section 6.1.2.The test pressure must be increased continuously at a rate of 50 kPa/s until the nominal load is reached. The test must be carried out “until failure”, the test is not aborted until twice the minimum leakage pressure is reached. The leakage pressure is defined as the pressure at which water or air leakage is first observed.Dimensions in millimeters.groundLegend1 Spring clamp under test2 Hose according to VW 605 07, VW 605 08 or VW 780 07. Materials to be used as applicable according to the Technical SupplySpecification5)3 Any seal of manufacturer's choice.4 Connection to the load test pressure device5 Test mandrel of manufacturer’s choice6)Figure 10 - Test connection for low pressure5) TL 680, TL 520 68 and TL 523 61 for EPDM, TL 523 03 for ECO and TL 522 19 for AEM.6) Material for test mandrels is steel according to DIN EN 10088-3, for example.Table 8 – Low pressure applications (coolant circuit, servo returnsystem, fuel system and charge air system)Dimensions in mmHose clamp HoseTest mandrel ØNominal ØNominal dimensions Inner Ø1)Wall thickness 2)d n d i x s 2 d i max s 2 min d p Tol.7,3 x 3,5 3,214 8 x 3,5 7,5 7,85 17 10 x 3,5 9,59,85 19 12 x 3,5 11,5 11,85 23 16 x 3,5 15,5 15,85 27 20 x 3,5 19,5 19,85 32 25 x 3,5 24,5 3,124,85 40 32 x 4 31,5 3,6 31,85 47 38 x 4,5 37,5 37,85 55 46 x 4,5 45,5 4,1 45,85 60 50 x 4,5 49,5 49,85 65 55 x 4,5 54,554,85 7060 x 4,559,54,359,85+ 0,021) For released parts, see NVS2) The dimensions of the hose on the test mandrel side must be manufactured to a minimum length of 28 mm using an appropriate technique (e.g. grinding) for the purpose of the load pressure test. This ensures that the test is carried under the least favorable conditions. Temperature cycle testAt least 6 parts are required for this test according to Table 9.The leakage test shall be carried out in a hot/cold oven using standard production fittings and hoses according to Table 8; the leak tightness shall be checked using a leak detection spray at a temperature of T=-30 °C . The test chamber must alwa ys be brought up to temperature without any hold time when the key temperatures are reached. The cycle time is specified as a minimum of8.2 Accompanying tests8.2.1 Accompanying tests for process assuranceTo be decided by the manufacturer, but the following ductility test must be complied with.8.2.2 Ductility test following quenching and temperingThe hardened, uncoated spring clamps shall be clamped on a plastic mandrel according to the minimum assembly diameter -0,3 mm and exposed to a 0,9% HCl solution at room temperature (+23 ± 5) °C.Time until component is damaged: at least 8 minutes without fracture.8.3 Opening forcesThis Section defines a criterion for spring clamp quality assurance that must be applied in all assembly plants. It is assumed in this regard that technical engineering approval has already been granted (see Section 8.1 of this standard) and suitability for standard production has thus been proven.This Section describes how opening forces must be measured and the minimum values that must be complied with.NOTE: Before the tests are performed, the spring clamp must be widened to the maximum assembly diameter (as far as the end stop) and allowed to return to the unloaded position. Spring clamps may only be opened using the tool recommended by the manufacturer (see also VW 601 90).The opening forces for the spring clamps are suitable for comparative testing within the areas of responsibility of Production and Quality Assurance.8.3.1 Measuring deviceThe measuring device used must be capable of registering a force when the spring clamp is opened by a certain amount (e.g. spring balance).The force measuring device must have standard tool inserts suitable for the spring clamp to be tested. The E317) insert has proven itself to be suitable for spring clamps with shapes A and B (see Figure 12 and Figure 13). The inserts must be attached to the force measuring device so that they are in line with the measuring device and in such a way as to ensure they cannot slip away.The “0 mm” path (corresponds to block length “l” = 0) is defined as the position in which the tool inserts just touch each other. The distance between the inserts is defined as being positive, regardless of what is displayed on the testing machine.Figure 12 – Pliers insert (e.g. type "E31")Figure 13 – Insert fastening with dimension for forming depths7) "E31" is a threaded version of insert "E32" from VW 601 90, 2001-08, Table Measurement of the as-received diameter (d a)The diameter in the x-direction (see Figure 14) can be measured using a caliper gage (preferably digital); readings must be taken to an accuracy of one decimal place.Figure 14 – Illustration of the measurement direction8.3.3 Measurement of the opening forcesThe spring clamps must be placed in the open inserts and lightly preloaded (max. 5 N); this ensures that the spring clamp is correctly seated in the insert with no lash. The measurement shall start at this point by moving the inserts together.The measurement shall be carried out until the specified length "l" is reached (see Figure 16 and Table 10). The forming depths a1 = a2 are taken into consideration. The evaluation of the opening force shall preferably be carried out automatically by the measuring device at the distances specified in Table 10.Figure 16 – Force measuring device using Shape A as an exampleTable 10 – Specified valuesDimensions in mmSpring clamp shape Distance value "l" ± 0,05A 9B < 19 6B ≥ 19 12The values listed in Table 11 below must be complied with:Table 11 – Opening forces for spring clamps with strip width 12 mm Nominal Ø As-received Ø Opening force F O min[N]Opening force F O min[N]d n [mm]d a[mm]Form A Form B14 13,3 70 8017 15,6 110 11019 17,8 150 20023 21 190 22027 25,2 200 22032 29,5 200 20040 35,5 150 15047 41,5 200 20055 47,5 200 –60 51,5 220 –65 57,5 200 –70 61,5 190 –75 66 150 –80 70 170 –85 74 170 –90 79 150 –NOTE: The opening force for all spring clamps must not be any lower than those specified. The values specified are absolute lowest limit values and not average requirements.Clamps that do not achieve these values must be subjected to normal testing before use (Section Referenced standards8)TL 233 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with Top Coating;Requirements for Surface ProtectionTL 680 Coolant Hoses with Reinforcement; Material Requirements and Functional RequirementsTL 774 Ethylene Glycol-Based Coolant Additive; Material RequirementsTL 520 68 Single-Layer EPDM Coolant Hose; Material RequirementsTL 522 91 AEM, Alternatively ACM for Hoses; Material RequirementsTL 523 03 ECO/CO Molded Parts with Fabric Insert; Material RequirementsTL 523 61 Coolant Hoses with Aramide Reinforcement; Material Requirements andFunctional RequirementsTL 822 53 Fuel Line ASSY; Functional RequirementsVW 137 50 Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Surface Protection Types, CodesVW 601 90 Overview Standard; Hose Connections for Various Application Systems VW 605 07 Fuel Lines; Hoses and Studs for the Use of Spring ClampsVW 605 08 Charge Air and Intake Air Connections; Hoses and Hose Studs; Minimum Requirements, Dimensions, DesignsVW 780 07 Coolant System; Hoses and Fittings for Use with Spring ClampsDIN 1451-3 Lettering; Linear-Antiqua without Serifes; Lettering for PrintingDIN 50017 Climates and Their Technical Application; Condensated Water Containing ClimatesDIN 50021 Salt Spray TestingDIN 53151 1981-05 May 1981 issue: Testing of Paints, Varnishes and Similar Coating Materials;Cross-Cut Test on Paint Coatings and Similar CoatingsDIN EN 10088-3 Stainless Steels – Part 3: Technical Delivery Conditions for Semi-Finished Products, Bars, Rods, Wire, Sections and Bright Products of CorrosionResisting Steels for General PurposesDIN EN ISO 7253 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Resistance to Neutral Salt Spray (Fog)8) In this Section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。



一.Summary1)指出所要解决的问题,对问题的理解2)如果有新定义的参数3)把问题分解为子问题解决4)每个子问题的解决方向5)最后说明问题从各方面考虑能够有个较好的方案解决按顺序说明建立的模型,及其模型的功能作用,提及对模型做了合理性的评估(优缺点和可行性)关键词可以加粗Abstract二.Contexts,设置跳转1Introduction (1)简要提出问题,再提出子问题,然后告诉老师接下来将从几方面进行解决2 Nomenclatures (2)3 Model one: Water demand and supply Forecast (2013-2025) (3)3.1 Introduction (3)3.2 Assumptions (3)从各方面限定模型的条件,简化模型3.3 Function Fit Model (3)根据搜集到的数据,建立模型3.3.1Analysis of China’s water use (4)由模型对问题进行分析,即解模3.3.2Model Testing (6)对模型的正确性进行初略的验证3.3.3Prediction Results and Conclusion (6)由建立的模型预测需要预测的数据3.4 Grey Forecasting Model (7)因原有模型存在缺陷,找到新模型建立对该问题进行更加可靠的模型3.4.1Reasons for Improvement (7)3.4.2Correlation Degree Analysis (8)3.4.3Thirteen-year water forecast based on Verhulst Model (9)3.4.4Model Solution 解模 (10)3.4.5Model Testing (10)4 Model Two: Water Storage and Movement (12)4.1 Terminology (12)4.2 Water Storage Model: Time Balancing Strategy of Water Resources (13)4.2.1Introduction (13)4.2.2Analysis (13)4.2.3Model Solution (14)4.2.4Conclusion (16)4.3 Water Transfer Model: Spatial Balancing of Water Resources Strategy (16)4.3.1Introduction (16)4.3.2Backgrounds and Water Movement Principles (17)4.3.3Model Analysis (18)4.3.4Objective Function of water transfer strategy (21)4.3.5Model Testing (21)4.3.6National water transfer strategy (21)4.3.7Conclusion (22)5 Model Three: Water De-salinization Strategy (23)5.1 Introduction (23)5.2 Terminology (23)5.3 Assumptions (23)5.4 Model Building (24)5.5 Model Solving (24)5.6 Analysis and Conclusion (25)6 Model Four: Water Conservation Strategy (25)6.1 Introduction (25)6.2 Water Pollution Control Model (25)6.2.1 Introduction (25)6.2.2 Assumptions (25)6.2.3 Terminology (26)6.2.5 Model solution: (27)6.2.6 Model analysis: (28)6.3 Water-saving Model (29)6.3.1 The water consumption per unit GDP (29)6.3.2 Analysis and Conclusion (30)7 Model Five: Impacts Evaluation Model (31)7.1 Introduction (31)7.2 The Comparison of η (the actual benefit of a project) (31)7.3 Evaluation of Economic, Physical, and Environmental impacts using AHP ...317.4 Neural Network Evaluation Algorithm (33)7.4.1 Analysis (33)7.4.2 Conclusion (34)8 Strengths and Weaknesses自评 (35)8.1 Strengths .....好评. (35)8.2 Weaknesses ......差评 (35)9 Position paper for the Governmental leadership of China (36)10 References...参考文献. (36)11 Appendix and Supporting Datas ......附录代码 (37)公式的编写列写数据建立图形(包括坐标图,便于理解所要解决问题的大纲图。

99种精益生产术语 工具解释培训资料

99种精益生产术语 工具解释培训资料

Batch and Queue (批量生产)
一种生产方法,指不考虑实际的需求,而大批量的生产,导致半产品堆积在下一个 生产工序,造成大量库存(包括在制品与成品)。 参见:Continuous Flow(连续流),Lean Production(精益生产),Overproduction (过量生产), Push Production(推动生产)
Automatic Line Stop (自动停止生产线)
出现任何生产问题或质量缺陷的时候都会自动停止生产。 对于自动生产线而言,这通常包括安装传感器及相应开关,用来探测异常情况, 并且自动停止生产线。对于非自动生产线而言,通常设置一个固定工位,用来 停止生产线的运转。如果无法在生产周期中解决问题,这个工位的操作员可以 在周期结束的时候,通过绳子或是按钮来停止生产。 这个例子解释了自动化(Jidoka)的精益原 则,它能够防止缺陷进入到下一个生产工序, 并且能够避免制造出一系列的缺陷产品。与 之形成对比的是,有些大批量的生产厂家, 即便是发现缺陷重复出现,不得不返工时, 仍维持生产线的运转,为了是获得较高的设 备利用率。 参见:Error-proofing (差错预防),FixedPosition Stop System(固定工位停止系统), Jidoka(自动化)。
A-B Control (A-B控制)
一种控制两台机器或是两个工位 之间生产关系的方法,用于避免 过量生产,确保资源的平衡使用。 图示中,除非满足下面三个条件, 否则任何一台机器或是传送带都 不准运行:A机器已装满零件;传 送带上有标准数量的在制品(本 例中为一件);B机器上没有零件。 只有当这三个条件都满足的时候, 才可以进行一个生产周期,然后 等再次满足这些条件时,再进行 下一个周期。 参见:Inventory(库存), Overproduction(过量生产)



根据老师的要求整理的词汇学期末复习资料Chapter 11.What is the scope of lexicology? How is lexicology related to lexicography and etymology?2.What are diachronic approach历时性研究and synchronic approach共识性研究in lexicological study?lexicology, a branch of linguistics, deals with the nature, history, use , and meaning of words and the relationships between elements of words. Lexicology mainly covers the origin, development, structure, meaning, and application of words.Linguists usually define a word as the smallest unit of a language1.Lexicology includes phonetics语音学phonology音韵学semantics 语义学etymology词源学lexicography词典学morphology形态学Etymology, which can be regarded as a subfield of lexicology, mainly focuses on the study of the origin and history of words. Lexicography, another related branch to lexicology, is mainly concerned with inclusion of words and the science of compiling dictionaries. Lexicography is about the application of lexicology--the science of dictionaries.Translation;coal abounds in this province.Crystal water wells out of the spring.2.Two major approaches are employed in lexicological studies;diachronic approach and synchronic approach. They are also two principal approaches to the study of language. all languages exist in a state of constant change and development. In language studies, linguists may investigate the history and stages oflanguage change(diachronic) in a course of time. It is historical lexicology. At the same time, they can study the language use, features and variation within a certain stage of its development(synchronic). Then it is descriptive lexicology.3.Chapter 21, what are the major foreign influences upon the development of the English vocabulary? Are there any other sources of influence that are not discussed in this chapter? Could you find some and add with examples?2, what factors do you think might influence the development of the English language? In your opinion, what will be English language be like in 50 years?The English vocabulary sprang from three major root sources; Germanic, Latin, and Greek.① Germanic tribes; anglo-Saxons, form AD450 to 1150; old English period, they contributed about 50. 000 very basic words in today’s English.②Latin; Roman Occupation, 55BC-AD410. The status of Englandwas re-enhanced as the Latin-speaking missionaries brought Christianity to England.Greek; Roman conquerors turned to learn Greek, and the English nobles began to learn Latin.French; in 1066, the Norman French conquered Britain and brought the French style of life to England.Italy; the European Renaissance, which originated from Italy in the late 14th century and began in large scale in Western Europe throughout the 15th century, signified a new epoch of scientific revolution, religious reforms, artistic transformations, and literary a result of this cultural movement, quite anumber of Italian words become a permanent part of the English vocabulary.In the 17th century, British conquered the place we call United State, mixed English with their language.In conclusion, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Jute, Viking, Norman.Chapter31.What is morpheme? What are the major types of morphemes? What is allomorph词素变体?A morpheme词素is the smallest part of a word that has grammatical function or meaning. For example, walks, walked, and walking can be analyzed into the morphemes(walk). None of these morphemes can be further divided into meaningful units.Morpheme;free morpheme自由词素it does not have to be attached to another morpheme.bound morpheme粘着词素they must be attached to some other unit(s).inflectional morpheme\屈折词素such as -s, -ed, -ing,the addition of inflectional morphemes merely changes word form. Such asderivational morpheme派生词素.re-, un-, -ness, -ful . The addition of derivational morphemes creates new words. Such as possible→impossibleWhen a morpheme has variant forms, these variant forms are called allomorphs. Allomorphs are different realizations of the same morpheme. Such as tooth→teeth, sheep→sheep(different pronunciation.)Chapter4The formation of English Words;derivation派生法; is the process by which new words areformed form existing words or roots by adding affixes词缀( prefix, suffix).Such as; self+less→selfless, self+less+ly→selflessly, un+self+ish→unselfish.compounding复合法;is a direct process of word formation.A compound word is usually formed of two or more independent words that can be used alone as individual words.Eg; database, weblog, webpage, customer service, data retrieval, mass-destructionconversion转类法;is a process in which the part of speech of a word changes while its form is maintained. Conversion is also defined as”zero derivation,”which means that a word can play a new role without deriving anything or making any changes.Such as; water n, v. bottle→t o bottle, closet, fool, knife, name, pocket, ship, can, e-mail, heat, microwave, nurse, shape, tutor. n→vblending拼缀法;is a word formation process in which parts of words are put together to get a new word. Such as; smoke+ fog→smog, spread+crawl爬行→sprawl伸开四肢坐或卧, camcorder→camera+recorder, blog→web+log, brunch→breakfast+lunch, comcast→communication+broadcast, guestimate→guest+ estimate, intercom →internal+ communication, laundromat→laundry+automat, medicaid→medical+care+aid, medicare→medical + care, newscast→news+ broadcast, nightscape→night + landscape, paratroops→ parachute+ troops伞兵,back formation逆构法;is a process of creating a new word out of an existing word which is mistakenly assumed to be in derivative; a supposed suffix of a longer word is removed. Such as; babysit from babysitting, nominate推荐from nomination提名.clipping 截短法;is another word formation process from which a new word is formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllable word and the remaining will mean essentially the same thing as the original word.. Such as; fax from facsimile, and phone from telephone, ad→advertisement, cable→cablegram, dorm→dormitory, gas→gasoline, gym→gymnastics, kilo→kilogram, memo→ memorandum, ?acronyms缩略法;Acronymy and Initialism首字母缩略法;are word formation practices in which the first letters of the individual words of a phrase are put together to form a new word. Such as; DOB for date of birth.from proper noun to common noun从专有名词到普通名词Chapter71.How do your understand sense relations? What are the majorsense relations discussed in this chapter?2.What is polysemy? What is homonymy? How are they related? How are they different?The meaning of a word in usually related in important ways to the meanings of other words. The relations in meaning are known collectively as sense relations. The major kinds of sense relations include; synonymy同义关系antonymy反义关系hyponymy上下义关系(such as flower and rose)polysemy一词多义homonymy同形或同音异义关系(bank bear)Polysemy; refers to the capacity of a word to have multiple meanings.A polyseme is a word or a phrase with different but related meanings. There are two kinds of polysemy; regular/systematicpolysemy and irregular/nonsystematic polysemy. Regular polysemy refers to the situation where different interpretations of one word have parallel sets of meanings among one another. For example, bottle can refer both to a container( of liquids)-as in this bottle is full of water-and to a quantity( of liquids)-as in i would like to buy a bottle of wine. Irregular polysemy is different. For example, glass can refer to a certain material, or to a certain kind of container, or to a certain optical aid which is often made of this material. Although these three meanings of the word are, to some extent, related to each other, the relations among them are not systematic, since we cannot give rulesthat would account for these three meanings of glass.Homonymy is , in the strict sense in linguistics, a sense relation in which words share the same spelling and/or the same pronunciation but have different meanings. One example of homonym is left( opposite of right) and left( past tense of leave). This is an example of perfect homonyms-they are the same in spelling as well as pronunciation, but different n meaning. Besides true homonyms, there are two other types; words that are same in spelling, but not in pronunciation, are called homographs; words that are the same in pronunciation, but different in spelling, are called homophones. Bear;忍受;生育(一词多义),bear 忍受;熊(同形异义)Chapter8Metaphor隐喻;a metaphor is an implied analogy that suggestively identified one thing with another.Eg; the city is a jungle, where the strong survive and the weak perish. The jail is a zoo, where many” animals” are caged.Life is the morning dew, which vapors away in a mere glimpse.The world is a stage.Personification拟人化; is a figurative technique by whichnon-living objects such as things and ideas are endowed with the traits, feelings, actions, characteristics, and even languages of human beings.The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,And seeing that it was a soft October night,Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.Hyperbole夸张; or exaggeration, is a figurative technique used to emphasize a point. Writers or speakers use this technique to be impressive or to emphasize a point.The fish is as small as a shrimp.To heaven or to hell, I will to with you.He feels as if he could crumb the earth into pieces.Allusion暗指;allusion is another kind of metaphor. It is used to refer to something that is well-known in literature or history to express your point.This story is actually a new version of King Lear’s tragedy.Many Americans were worried that the war in Iraq would become a second Vietnam War.After getting tired of the Tom-and-Jerry games in a high school, he quit his teaching job.Want to make a million dollars overnight? Have you got the Aladdin’s lamp yet?Paradox悖论refers to seemingly self-contradictory statement that actually is may appear totally senseless on the surface but is really valid.Rewards are not always proportionate to efforts.You achieve your goal only to find out that it’s not what you want. Ignorance is joy.Onomatopoeia 拟声; means to take advantage of the words whose sounds are associated with the objects or actions they represent. Onomatopoeia generates sounds.“We won!” my boss chortled in joy.The ghost chortled as it was getting closer to him in the nightmare howl.One of the war phots recorded a mother howling over the dead body of her child.Better wind howled through the naked trees.The horses snorted when pulling the wagon up the mountain road. That old steam-engine train snorted as it left the train station. “That is my father.” she whispered to him.Leaves were whispering in the autumn wind.A little boy was wailing for a toy train.An ambulance wailed down the street.A dog barked at the stranger.“Hold it! Or I’ll shoot,” the farmer barked at the intruder.The roar of a lion echoed in the valley.“Get out!” he roared, “I don’t want to see your face again!”Several young sparrows were twittering in their nest.He could not sleep because several little girls were twittering outside the window.。

2nd source 物料准备流程 120409(updated)

2nd source 物料准备流程 120409(updated)
2nd source Qualify Improvement Process
试产阶段 2nd source物料准备流程
原則上:進 build 前1.5個月提供 採購最遲收到後10 天內提給 Coordinator 採購依QA critical list 於 PV/ MV Build 備料 Coordinator 提供製階 / 數量/ 試產時間給 PUR ( 含spec. / 差異表/ where use) ( 此 2nd 料曾用在 PUR provide 2nd source proposal to Coordinator Coordinator 進 行 REIVEW
測試Pass item
Coordinator商討 action plan 或是直接 disqualify
分析哪個source fail並請 Coordinator 通知/並確認 RD 助理發 ECO 移除BOM
只發overall測試Pass項 目, Fail項目需移除
Coordinator 反饋overall 測試結果給 sourcer及 負責機種相關單位
測試單位 提供測試 結果給 Coordinator (9/05)
上件及測試 Fail item
QA 針對 test 後Risk Chip part + 6014, 6019 class 提出一份PV/ MV build Critical Chip List 給採購
Coordinator整合各單 位測試結果於list內
Coordinator 整理 上件 list 給 測試單位
PM 同時提供出貨狀態表 給 Team, (特別是 MPD 與 QA 等單位)
MEQA & HWQA & SWQA & EMI & RF & BIOS QA : 統一QA 窗口 Horace 黃森檳 (9/05)



highlighted texts such as words in bold or italic text;
graphs, tables or diagrams.
Unit 2 Searching for Information
3 Identifying topic sentences for information
7 Taking notes
8 Writing a summary
Unit 2 Searching for Information
1 Finding reliable and better sources
To evaluate source materials
• When you decide on the topic of your research and your essay, you begin to search for source materials for your studies. Source materials are any information which you take from books, journal articles, websites, newspapers, lectures, etc. The chief difference between an ordinary essay and a research article is that the latter must use findings and information from the related source materials. The reasons are: • 1) to show where your idea in your essay is originated; • 2) to show that you have done research to find "evidence" for your viewpoint, for referencing a source will give your essay academic "weight"; • 3) to show that you have a better understanding of the opinions and even controversies in the subject you have studied; • 4) to allow your readers to find the original sources themselves if necessary.



Costing NotesChapter – MaterialIn this chapter we compute the material storage cost, material order cost and material re-order levels.Re-order Levels:1. Minimum Stock Level = ROL – (U1 * T2)Re-order Level (ROL) – (Avg. Consumption X Avg. Time)2. Maximum Stock Level = ROL + ROQ – (U3 * T3)Economic order quantity (EOQ):1. EOQ = 2AO/CA = Annual Usage of raw materialO = Ordering cost per orderC = Annual Carrying cost per unit2. No. of orders per year = Annual inputs / EOQ3. No. of days difference in two orders = 365 0r 360 / No. of orders per year4. Total Ordering cost = (Annual input / EOQ) * per order cost5. Total Carrying cost = ½ X EOQ X Carrying cost per unit.Stock Turnover Ratio:1. Stock turnover ratio = Annual input cost / Cost of avg. input in storeAvg. Stock = ½ (Op. Stock + Cl. Stock)Valuation of StockStock Valuation methods:1. Specific Price method2. First in first out (FIFO)3. Last in first out (LIFO)4. Base stock method5. Simple Avg. method6. Weighted Avg. method, etcValuation of material receipt:Important terms:1. Treatment of normal and abnormal loss2. Waste3. Scrap4. Spoilage5. DefectivesChapter – Labour Important terms:1. Attendance register method2. Metal disc method3. Time recording clocks4. Dial time records5. Idle time6. Normal time7. Over time8. Group plans9. Components of wages –Labour Turnover:1.2.Differential time rateUp to 75% efficiency Normal rate75% to 80% efficiency N * 1.1081% to 90% efficiency N * 1.2091% to 100 % efficiency N * 1.30101% to 120% efficiency N * 1.40Payment by Result:1. Straight piece rate2. Differential piece work systemA. Taylor’s differential piece work systemLess than 100% efficiency N * 0.83On the 100% efficiency N * 1.00Mora than 100% efficiency N * 1.25B. Merrick Differential piece Rate systemUp to 83% efficiency N * 1.0083% to 100% efficiency N * 1.10Above 100% efficiency N * 1.20 or N * 1.303. Combination PlansA. Gantt task and bonus systemOut put below Std. Normal rateOutput at Std. Time rate + 20% of time rateOutput above Std. Piece rate + 20% of piece rateB. Emerson’s efficie ncy systemUp to 2/3 efficiency Normal rate100% efficiency N + 20 %Above 100% efficiency N + 20% + 1% increase per 1% increase inefficiency4. Points SystemBandeaux points system5. Bonus PlansA.B.1. – N. idle time2.3.Holiday and leave wages:Wages are divided in two parts: wages for worked days and wages for leave and holidays. Example:Basic pay 1000.00 per monthD.A. 300.00 per monthFringe benefits 100.00 per monthWorking days in year = 300 days, full pay leave = 20 days and one day = 8 hour.Working days for Worker A = 290 days, B = 280 days, C = 250 days. Find out total amount paid to each worker and effective hourly rate.Treatment of Over time Wages:1. Over time treated as normal for industry - Taken as normal wages2. Over time due to abnormal reasons - Abnormal wages excluded from normal3. Over time due to customers request - Over time wages directly charge tocustomer`s A/cChapter – OverheadOverhead are the indirect expenses in the factory and office which is absorbed by the units produce on pre-determined rate of absorption.Allocation and Apportionment of Overhead cost:1.2.3.B. Repeated distribution methodC. Trial and error methodAbsorption of Overhead cost:1. Percentage of direct materials.2. Percentage of direct prime cost.3. Percentage of direct labour cost.4. Labour hour rate.5. Machine hour rate.Treatment of Under and Over absorption of Overheads:Over absorbed overhead treated as effective planning profit and taken to the Costing P&L as costing profit.Under absorbed Overhead treated as loss to Costing P&L.Chapter – Job costing∙Transport service - Passenger km, Quintal km, Tonne km∙Supply service - Kw hr., Cubic meter, per kg, per litre∙Hospital - Patient per day, room per day, per bed, per operation ∙Canteen - per item, per meal etc.∙Cinema - per ticket.∙Absolute tonne-km - absolute tonne X kme.g. 20*80km + 12*120km + 16*160km = 5600 tonne km∙Commercial tonne km Avg. load X total kmPreparation of cost sheet1. Fixed cost or standing cost2. Variable cost or running cost3. Semi – variable cost or maintenance costs.If depreciation treated in time than take fixed cost but in activity level than take as variable cost.Chapter – contract costingCost of work certified =Cost of work to date – ( Cost of work uncertified + material in hand + plant at site)Work uncertified =Cost to the date ---------Less: Cost of work certified ---------Material in hand ---------Plant at site ---------Cost of work uncertified -----------Cash received = Value of work certified –Notional Profit =Value of work certified – ( Cost of work to dateEstimated Profit = Contract price – plus contract:Under cost plus contract, the contract price is ascertained by adding a percentage of profit to the total cost of work. Such type of contract are entered into when it is to estimate the contract cost with reasonable accuracy due to unstable condition of material, labour services.Chapter – Process CostingNormal process loss - Charge to process A/c1. Net realizable value。



工厂生产计划管理面试问题英文回答:1. Describe the steps involved in developing a production plan.Define the production objectives and goals.Forecast future demand.Determine the optimal production level.Schedule the production process.Control and monitor production.2. What are the key factors to consider when developinga production plan?Customer demand.Production capacity.Material availability.Machine efficiency.Labor availability.3. What are the common challenges that can arise during production planning?Changes in demand.Equipment breakdowns.Material shortages.Labor disruptions.Quality issues.4. How can you overcome the challenges that arise during production planning?Be flexible and adaptable.Develop contingency plans.Communicate effectively.Use technology to automate tasks.Continuously improve the production process.5. What are the benefits of using a production planning software?Improved efficiency.Reduced costs.Increased productivity.Better customer service.Reduced waste.6. What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) for production planning?On-time delivery.Productivity.Quality.Inventory turnover.Machine utilization.7. How can you ensure that the production plan is aligned with the company's overall strategy?Communicate with senior management.Understand the company's financial goals.Identify the key production constraints.Develop a plan that is both efficient and effective.中文回答:1. 描述制定生产计划的步骤。

Bunn-O-Matic 28152 热水壶产品说明书

Bunn-O-Matic 28152 热水壶产品说明书

1SH & 2SHILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOGDesigns, materials, weights, specifications, and dimensions for equipment or replacement partsare subject to change without notice.BUNN-O-MATIC CORPORATIONPOST OFFICE BOX 3227SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62708-3227PHONE: (217) 529-6601 FAX: (217) 529-664428152.0000M 07/15 ©1997 Bunn-O-Matic CorporationBUNN-O-MATIC COMMERCIAL PRODUCT WARRANTYBunn-O-Matic Corp. (“BUNN”) warrants equipment manufactured by it as follows:1) Airpots, thermal carafes, decanters, GPR servers, iced tea/coffee dispensers, MCR/MCP/MCA single cup brewers, ther-mal servers and ThermoFresh® servers (mechanical and digital) 1 year parts and 1 year labor.2) All other equipment - 2 years parts and 1 year labor plus added warranties as specified below:a) Electronic circuit and/or control boards - parts and labor for 3 years.b) Compressors on refrigeration equipment - 5 years parts and 1 year labor.c) Grinding burrs on coffee grinding equipment to grind coffee to meet original factory screen sieve analysis - parts and labor for 4 years or 40,000 pounds of coffee, whichever comes first.These warranty periods run from the date of installation BUNN warrants that the equipment manufactured by it will be commercially free of defects in material and workmanship existing at the time of manufacture and appearing within the applicable warranty period. This warranty does not apply to any equipment, component or part that was not manufactured by BUNN or that, in BUNN’s judgment, has been affected by misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation or operation, improper maintenance or repair, non periodic cleaning and descaling, equipment failures related to poor water quality, damage or casualty. In addition, the warranty does not apply to replacement of items subject to normal use including but not limited to user replaceable parts such as seals and gaskets. This warranty is conditioned on the Buyer 1) giving BUNN prompt notice of any claim to be made under this warranty by telephone at (217) 529-6601 or by writing to Post Office Box 3227, Springfield, Illinois 62708-3227; 2) if requested by BUNN, shipping the defective equipment prepaid to an authorized BUNN service location; and 3) receiving prior authorization from BUNN that the defective equipment is under warranty. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, WRITTEN OR ORAL, EX-PRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF EITHER MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The agents, dealers or employees of BUNN are not authorized to make modifications to this warranty or to make additional warranties that are binding on BUNN. Accordingly, statements by such individuals, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties and should not be relied upon.If BUNN determines in its sole discretion that the equipment does not conform to the warranty, BUNN, at its exclusive op-tion while the equipment is under warranty, shall either 1) provide at no charge replacement parts and/or labor (during the applicable parts and labor warranty periods specified above) to repair the defective components, provided that this repair is done by a BUNN Authorized Service Representative; or 2) shall replace the equipment or refund the purchase price for the equipment.THE BUYER’S REMEDY AGAINST BUNN FOR THE BREACH OF ANY OBLIGATION ARISING OUT OF THE SALE OF THIS EQUIPMENT, WHETHER DERIVED FROM WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED, AT BUNN’S SOLE OPTION AS SPECIFIED HEREIN, TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND.In no event shall BUNN be liable for any other damage or loss, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost sales, loss of use of equipment, claims of Buyer’s customers, cost of capital, cost of down time, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, or any other special, incidental or consequential damages.392, A Partner You Can Count On, Air Infusion, AutoPOD, AXIOM, BrewLOGIC, BrewMETER, Brew Better Not Bitter, Brew-WISE, BrewWIZARD, BUNN Espress, BUNN Family Gourmet, BUNN Gourmet, BUNN Pour-O-Matic, BUNN, BUNN with the stylized red line, BUNNlink, Bunn-OMatic, Bunn-O-Matic, BUNNserve, BUNNSERVE with the stylized wrench design, Cool Froth, DBC, Dr. Brew stylized Dr. design, Dual, Easy Pour, EasyClear, EasyGard, FlavorGard, Gourmet Ice, Gourmet Juice, High Intensity, iMIX, Infusion Series, Intellisteam, My Café, Phase Brew, PowerLogic, Quality Beverage Equipment Worldwide, Respect Earth, Respect Earth with the stylized leaf and coffee cherry design, Safety-Fresh, , Scale-Pro, Silver Series, Single, Smart Funnel, Smart Hopper, SmartWAVE, Soft Heat, SplashGard, The Mark of Quality in Beverage Equipment Worldwide, ThermoFresh, Titan, trifecta, TRIFECTA (sylized logo), Velocity Brew, Air Brew, Beverage Bar Creator, Beverage Profit Calculator, Brew better, not bitter., Build-A-Drink, BUNNSource, Coffee At Its Best, Cyclonic Heating System, Daypart, Digital Brewer Control, Element, Milk Texturing Fusion, Nothing Brews Like a BUNN, Picture Prompted Cleaning, Pouring Profits, Signature Series, Sure Tamp, Tea At Its Best, The Horizontal Red Line, Ultra are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Bunn-O-Matic Corporation. The commercial trifecta® brewer housing configura-tion is a trademark of Bunn-O-Matic Corporation.228152 031314TABLE OF CONTENTS1 SH Server Stand (4)2 SH Server Stand (8)Numerical Index (12)328152 080200428152 111611ITEMPART NO.QTY.DESCRIPTION51 -------------- 1 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 2) 27775.0001 1 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type) 27775.0002 1 Cover, Receptacle (Black) 27775.0004 1 Cover, Receptacle (Red) 01382.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head SST #6-32 x .375” 01382.0002 2 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 2 -------------- 1 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 1) 27774.0001 1 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type) 27774.0002 1 Bracket, Receptacle (Black) 27774.0004 1 Bracket, Receptacle (Red) 01382.00034 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”01382.0002 2 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 312249.0001 2 Rail, Guide (SST) 12249.0007 2 Rail, Guide (Black) 00970.0000 4 Nut, Keps #8-324 27263.0000 1 Cover, Stand (SST) 27263.0002 1 Cover, Stand (Red) 01382.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”5 27181.0001 1 Circuit Breaker, 4 amp6 27253.0001 1 Transformer, 80 VA 115-120/240V-24V 29179.0001 1 Transformer W/Fuse, 115-230V-24V 01382.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375”00973.00002Nut , Keps #6-32 (Prior to Serial #SSTF002813 only)7 22126.0000 1 Rectifier 02367.0000 1 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .625” 8 26722.0000 2 Adapter, Spade 9 07070.0000 1 Bushing, Snap (.687” Dia. hole) 01663.0000 1 Bushing, Snap (.875” Dia. hole)10 26528.0000 4 Leg, 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (See item 23) 11 03996.0000 4 Pad, Rubber 1.25” Dia (See item 23) 12 01686.0000 1 Bushing, Strain Relief13 28154.0000 1 Housing W/Decals, SST (Includes items 14 & 15) 35320.1003 1 Housing W/Decals, RED (Includes items 14 & 15) 14 00986.0000 1 Decal, Warning - Electrical 15 27789.0000 1 Schematic, Electrical (120V only)16 27790.1000 1 Receptacle Assembly, Spring Contact (Includes item 17, 18 & 19) 20608.0000 2 Screw, Flat Head #6-32 x .375” SST Black 00973.0000 2 Nut , Keps #6-32 17 27746.0000 1 Housing, Spring Contact 1827788.00002Spring1 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS28152 072915(Continued)628152 111611ITEMPART NO.QTY.DESCRIPTION728152 0729151 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS19 27748.0000 2 Pin, Contact 01521.0000 2 Washer, Flat 00973.0000 2 Nut, Keps #6-32 20 00971.0000 1 Nut, Keps #10-32 - Cord Ground 21 28264.0000 1 Strap, Transformer Hold Down 01382.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375” 22 21537.0001 1 Plate, Server Stop SST 21537.0004 1 Plate, Server Stop RED 01347.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .38”Note: The following parts are not illustrated23 13255.0003 1 Kit, Leg 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (Includes four legs and pads) 24 20630.0003 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (120V) 33529.0009 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (230V)38074.0012 1 Cord, Power 10A/250V (Stands with product #27875.0006 only) 25 27791.0000 1 Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (120V)27791.00031Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (230V)Serial #SSTF002813 and up828152 111611ITEMPART NO.QTY.DESCRIPTION92 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS1 --------------2 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 2) 27775.0001 2 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type) 27775.0002 2 Cover, Receptacle (Black) 01382.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head SST #6-32 x .375” 01382.0002 4 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 2 -------------- 2 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 1) 27774.0001 2 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type.) 27774.0002 2 Bracket, Receptacle (Black) 01382.0003 8 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”01382.0002 8 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 312249.0001 3 Rail, Guide (SST) 12249.0007 3 Rail, Guide (Black) 00970.0000 6 Nut, Keps #8-324 27766.0000 1 Cover, Stand (SST) 120/240V 01382.0003 4 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”5 27181.0001 2 Circuit Breaker, 4 amp6 27253.0001 1 Transformer, 80 VA 115/230V-24V 29179.0001 1 Transformer W/Fuse, 115/230V-24V 01382.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375”00973.00002Nut , Keps #6-32 (Prior to Serial #SSTF003327 only)7 22126.0000 2 Rectifier 02367.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .625” 8 26722.0000 6 Adapter, Spade 9 07070.0000 2 Bushing, Snap (.687” Dia. hole) 01663.0000 2 Bushing, Snap (.875” Dia. hole)10 26528.0000 4 Leg, 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (See item 23) 11 03996.0000 4 Pad, Rubber 1.25” Dia (See item 23) 12 01686.0000 1 Bushing, Strain Relief13 35322.1000 1 Housing W/Decals, Stand (Includes items 14 & 15) 14 00986.0000 1 Decal, Warning - Electrical 15 27793.0000 1 Schematic, Electrical (120V only) 27793.0001 1 Schematic, Electrical (230V)16 27790.1000 2 Receptacle Assembly, Spring Contact (Includes item 17, 18 & 19) 20608.0000 4 Screw, Flat Head #6-32 x .375” SST Black 00973.0000 4 Nut, Keps #6-32 - Zinc Pl 17 27746.0000 1 Housing, Spring Contact 18 27788.0000 2 Spring19 27748.0000 2 Pin, Contact 01521.0000 2 Washer, Flat 00973.0000 2 Nut, Keps #6-32 Zinc Pl 20 00971.0000 1 Nut, Keps #10-32 Zinc Pl - Cord Ground 21 28264.0000 2 Strap, Transformer Hold Down01382.00004Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375”28152 072915(Continued)Serial #SSTF003327 and up1028152 111611ITEMPART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 112 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS28152 07291522 21537.0001 2 Plate, Server Stop SST01347.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .38” Note: The following parts are not illustrated23 13255.00031 Kit, Leg 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (Includes four legs and pads) 24 20630.0003 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (120V) 33529.0009 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (230V) 38074.00121 Cord, Power 10A/250V (Stands with product #27875.0005 only) 25 27791.00002 Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (120V) 27791.00032 Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (230V) 26 27794.0000 1 Wiring Harness, Transformer (120V) 27794.0001 1 Wiring Harness, Transformer (230V)12NUMERICAL INDEXPART NO. PAGE NO. PART NO. PAGE NO. PART NO.PAGE NO. 00970.0000........................5,900971.0000........................5,900973.0000........................7,900986.0000........................5,901347.0000......................7,1101382.0000.....................5,7,901382.0003........................5,901521.0000........................7,901663.0000........................5,901686.0000........................5,902367.0000........................5,903996.0000........................5,907070.0000........................5,912249.0001........................5,912249.0007........................5,913255.0003......................7,1120608.0000........................5,920630.0003......................7,1121537.0001......................7,1121537.0004...........................722126.0000........................5,926528.0000........................5,926722.0000........................5,927181.0001........................5,927253.0001........................5,927263.0000...........................527263.0002...........................527746.0000........................5,927748.0000........................7,927766.0000...........................927774.0001........................5,927774.0002........................5,927774.0004...........................527775.0001........................5,927775.0002........................5,927775.0004...........................527788.0000........................5,927789.0000...........................527790.1000........................5,927791.0000........................5,927791.0003........................5,927793.0000...........................927793.0001...........................927794.0000.........................1127794.0001.........................1128154.0000...........................528264.0000........................5,929179.0001........................5,933529.0009......................7,1135320.1000...........................535322.1000...........................938074.0012......................7,1128152 072915PART NO. PAGE NO.。


MRP provides time scheduling information specifying when each of the materials, parts, and components should be ordered or produced.
MRP in its basic form is a computer program determining how much of each item is needed and when it is needed to complete a specified number of units in a specific time period.
Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A Required
Order Placement
LT = 1 day
Next, we need to start scheduling the components that make up “A”. In the case of component “B” we need 4 B’s for each A. Since we need 50 A’s, that means 200 B’s. And again, we back the schedule up for the necessary 2 days of lead time.
Operations Management
Chapter 9
Material Requirements Planning
Global Company Profile Dependent Demand Dependent Inventory Model Requirements



Chapter 8Valuing Bonds8-1.A 30-year bond with a face value of $1000 has a coupon rate of 5.5%, with semiannual payments. a. What is the coupon payment for this bond? b. Draw the cash flows for the bond on a timeline. a. The coupon payment is:Coupon Rate Face Value 0.055$1000$27.50.Number of Coupons per Year 2CPN ⨯⨯===b. The timeline for the cash flows for this bond is (the unit of time on this timeline is six-monthperiods):2P 100/(1.055)$89.85==8-2.Assume that a bond will make payments every six months as shown on the following timeline(using six-month periods):a. What is the maturity of the bond (in years)?b. What is the coupon rate (in percent)?c. What is the face value? a. The maturity is 10 years.b. (20/1000) x 2 = 4%, so the coupon rate is 4%.c. The face value is $1000.1 $27.50 02 $27.503 $27.5060$27.50 +$1000Berk/DeMarzo •Corporate Finance, Second Edition 1078-3.The following table summarizes prices of various default-free, zero-coupon bonds (expressed as a percentage of face value):a. Compute the yield to maturity for each bond.b. Plot the zero-coupon yield curve (for the first five years).c. Is the yield curve upward sloping, downward sloping, or flat?a. Use the following equation.1/nn n FV 1YTM P ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭1/1111001YTM YTM 4.70%95.51⎛⎫+=⇒= ⎪⎝⎭1/2111001YTM YTM 4.80%91.05⎛⎫+=⇒= ⎪⎝⎭1/3331001YTM YTM 5.00%86.38⎛⎫+=⇒= ⎪⎝⎭1/4441001YTM YTM 5.20%81.65⎛⎫+=⇒= ⎪⎝⎭ 1/5551001YTM YTM 5.50%76.51⎛⎫+=⇒= ⎪⎝⎭b. The yield curve is as shown below.Zero Coupon Yield Curve4.64.855.25.45.60246Maturity (Years)Y i e l d t o M a t u r i t yc. The yield curve is upward sloping.108 Berk/DeMarzo• Corporate Finance, Second Edition8-4. Suppose the current zero-coupon yield curve for risk-free bonds is as follows:a. What is the price per $100 face value of a two-year, zero-coupon, risk-free bond?b. What is the price per $100 face value of a four-year, zero-coupon, risk-free bond?c. What is the risk-free interest rate for a five-year maturity? a.2P 100(1.055)$89.85==b. 4P 100/(1.0595)$79.36==c. 6.05%8-5.In the box in Section 8.1, reported that the three-month Treasury bill sold for a price of $100.002556 per $100 face value. What is the yield to maturity of this bond, expressed as an EAR?410010.01022%100.002556⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭8-6.Suppose a 10-year, $1000 bond with an 8% coupon rate and semiannual coupons is trading for a price of $1034.74.a. What is the bond’s yield to maturity (expressed as an APR with semiannual compounding)?b. If the bond’s yield to maturity changes to 9% APR, what will the bond’s price be? a.2204040401000$1,034.747.5%(1)(1)(1)222YTM YTM YTM YTM +=+++⇒=+++Using the annuity spreadsheet: NPER Rate PV PMT FVExcel Formula Given: 20 -1,034.74 40 1,000Solve For Rate: 3.75%=RATE(20,40,-1034.74,1000)Therefore, YTM = 3.75% × 2 = 7.50% b.2204040401000$934.96..09.09.09(1)(1)(1)222PV L +=+++=+++ Using the spreadsheetWith a 9% YTM = 4.5% per 6 months, the new price is $934.96NPER Rate PV PMT FV Excel Formula Given: 20 4.50% 40 1,000 Solve For PV: (934.96) =PV(0.045,20,40,1000)Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Edition 1098-7.Suppose a five-year, $1000 bond with annual coupons has a price of $900 and a yield to maturity of 6%. What is the bond’s coupon rate?25C CC 1000900C $36.26, so the coupon rate is 3.626%.(1.06)(1.06)(1.06)+=+++⇒=+++We can use the annuity spreadsheet to solve for the payment. NPER Rate PV PMT FV Excel Formula Given: 5 6.00% -900.00 1,000Solve For PMT: 36.26 =PMT(0.06,5,-900,1000)Therefore, the coupon rate is 3.626%.8-8.The prices of several bonds with face values of $1000 are summarized in the following table:For each bond, state whether it trades at a discount, at par, or at a premium. Bond A trades at a discount. Bond D trades at par. Bonds B and C trade at a premium.8-9.Explain why the yield of a bond that trades at a discount exceeds the bond’s coupon rate. Bonds trading at a discount generate a return both from receiving the coupons and from receiving a face value that exceeds the price paid for the bond. As a result, the yield to maturity of discount bonds exceeds the coupon rate.8-10.Suppose a seven-year, $1000 bond with an 8% coupon rate and semiannual coupons is trading with a yield to maturity of 6.75%.a. Is this bond currently trading at a discount, at par, or at a premium? Explain.b. If the yield to maturity of the bond rises to 7% (APR with semiannual compounding), whatprice will the bond trade for? a. Because the yield to maturity is less than the coupon rate, the bond is trading at a premium. b. 2144040401000$1,054.60(1.035)(1.035)(1.035)++++=+++NPER Rate PV PMT FV Excel Formula Given: 14 3.50% 40 1,000Solve For PV:(1,054.60)=PV(0.035,14,40,1000)8-11.Suppose that General Motors Acceptance Corporation issued a bond with 10 years until maturity, a face value of $1000, and a coupon rate of 7% (annual payments). The yield to maturity on this bond when it was issued was 6%. a. What was the price of this bond when it was issued?b. Assuming the yield to maturity remains constant, what is the price of the bond immediatelybefore it makes its first coupon payment? c. Assuming the yield to maturity remains constant, what is the price of the bond immediatelyafter it makes its first coupon payment?110 Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Editiona. When it was issued, the price of the bond was1070701000P ...$1073.60.(1.06)(1.06)+=++=++b. Before the first coupon payment, the price of the bond is970701000P 70...$1138.02.(1.06)(1.06)+=++=++c. After the first coupon payment, the price of the bond will be970701000P ...$1068.02.(1.06)(1.06)+=+=++8-12.Suppose you purchase a 10-year bond with 6% annual coupons. You hold the bond for fouryears, and sell it immediately after receiving the fourth coupon. If the bond’s yield to maturity was 5% when you purchased and sold the bond,a. What cash flows will you pay and receive from your investment in the bond per $100 facevalue? b. What is the internal rate of return of your investment?a. First, we compute the initial price of the bond by discounting its 10 annual coupons of $6 and finalface value of $100 at the 5% yield to maturity.NPER Rate PV PMT FV Excel Formula Given:10 5.00%6 100Solve For PV:(107.72)= PV(0.05,10,6,100)Thus, the initial price of the bond = $107.72. (Note that the bond trades above par, as its coupon rate exceeds its yield.)Next we compute the price at which the bond is sold, which is the present value of the bonds cash flows when only 6 years remain until maturity.NPER Rate PV PMT FV Excel Formula Given: 6 5.00%6 100Solve For PV:(105.08)= PV(0.05,6,6,100)Therefore, the bond was sold for a price of $105.08. The cash flows from the investment are therefore as shown in the following timeline.Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Edition 111b. We can compute the IRR of the investment using the annuity spreadsheet. The PV is the purchaseprice, the PMT is the coupon amount, and the FV is the sale price. The length of the investment N = 4 years. We then calculate the IRR of investment = 5%. Because the YTM was the same at the time of purchase and sale, the IRR of the investment matches the YTM. NPER Rate PV PMT FV Excel Formula Given: 4 –107.72 6 105.08Solve For Rate: 5.00% = RATE(4,6,-107.72,105.08)8-13.Consider the following bonds:a. What is the percentage change in the price of each bond if its yield to maturity falls from 6% to 5%?b. Which of the bonds A –D is most sensitive to a 1% drop in interest rates from 6% to 5% andwhy? Which bond is least sensitive? Provide an intuitive explanation for your answer. a. We can compute the price of each bond at each YTM using Eq. 8.5. For example, with a 6% YTM,the price of bond A per $100 face value is15100P(bond A, 6% YTM)$ The price of bond D is101011100P(bond D, 6% YTM)81$114.72..06 1.06 1.06⎛⎫=⨯-+= ⎪⎝⎭ One can also use the Excel formula to compute the price: –PV(YTM, NPER, PMT, FV). Once we compute the price of each bond for each YTM, we can compute the % price change as Percent change =()()()Price at 5% YTM Price at 6% YTM .Price at 6% YTM -The results are shown in the table below.Coupon Rate Maturity Price at Price at Percentage Change(annual payments)(years)6% YTM 5% YTM A 0%15$41.73$48.1015.3%B 0%10$55.84$61.399.9%C 4%15$80.58$89.6211.2%D8%10$114.72$123.177.4%Bondb. Bond A is most sensitive, because it has the longest maturity and no coupons. Bond D is the leastsensitive. Intuitively, higher coupon rates and a shorter maturity typically lower a bond’s interest rate sensitivity.112 Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Edition8-14.Suppose you purchase a 30-year, zero-coupon bond with a yield to maturity of 6%. You hold the bond for five years before selling it.a. If the bond’s yield to maturity is 6% when you sell it, what is the internal rate of return ofyour investment? b. If the bond’s yield to maturity is 7% when you sell it, what is the internal rate of return ofyour investment? c. If the bond’s yield to maturity is 5% when you se ll it, what is the internal rate of return ofyour investment? d. Even if a bond has no chance of default, is your investment risk free if you plan to sell itbefore it matures? Explain. a. Purchase price = 100 / 1.0630 = 17.41. Sale price = 100 / 1.0625 = 23.30. Return = (23.30 / 17.41)1/5– 1 = 6.00%. I.e., since YTM is the same at purchase and sale, IRR = YTM. b. Purchase price = 100 / 1.0630 = 17.41. Sale price = 100 / 1.0725 = 18.42. Return = (18.42 / 17.41)1/5– 1 = 1.13%. I.e., since YTM rises, IRR < initial YTM. c. Purchase price = 100 / 1.0630 = 17.41. Sale price = 100 / 1.0525 = 29.53. Return = (29.53 / 17.41)1/5– 1 = 11.15%. I.e., since YTM falls, IRR > initial YTM. d. Even without default, if you sell prior to maturity, you are exposed to the risk that the YTM maychange.8-15.Suppose you purchase a 30-year Treasury bond with a 5% annual coupon, initially trading at par. In 10 years’ time, the bond’s yield to maturity has risen to 7% (EAR).a. If you sell the bond now, what internal rate of return will you have earned on yourinvestment in the bond? b. If instead you hold the bond to maturity, what internal rate of return will you earn on yourinvestment in the bond? c. Is comparing the IRRs in (a) versus (b) a useful way to evaluate the decision to sell the bond?Explain. a. 3.17% b. 5%c. We can’t simply compare IRRs. By not selling the bond for its current price of $78.81, we willearn the current market return of 7% on that amount going forward.8-16.Suppose the current yield on a one-year, zero coupon bond is 3%, while the yield on a five-year, zero coupon bond is 5%. Neither bond has any risk of default. Suppose you plan to invest for one year. You will earn more over the year by investing in the five-year bond as long as its yield does not rise above what level?The return from investing in the 1 year is the yield. The return for investing in the 5 year for initialprice p 0 and selling after one year at price p1 is 101pp -. We have05151,(1.05)1.(1)p p y ==+Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Edition 113So you break even when41105545/41/41(1)110.031(1.05)(1.05) 1.03(1)(1.05)1 5.51%.(1.03)p y y p y y +-=-===+=-=For Problems 17–22, assume zero-coupon yields on default-free securities are as summarized in the following table:8-17.What is the price today of a two-year, default-free security with a face value of $1000 and an annual coupon rate of 6%? Does this bond trade at a discount, at par, or at a premium?221260601000...$1032.091(1.04)(1)(1)(1.043)N N CPN CPN CPN FV P YTM YTM YTM ++=+++=+=+++++This bond trades at a premium. The coupon of the bond is greater than each of the zero coupon yields, so the coupon will also be greater than the yield to maturity on this bond. Therefore it trades at a premium8-18.What is the price of a five-year, zero-coupon, default-free security with a face value of $1000? The price of the zero-coupon bond is51000$791.03(1)(10.048)NN FV P YTM ===++ 8-19.What is the price of a three-year, default-free security with a face value of $1000 and an annual coupon rate of 4%? What is the yield to maturity for this bond? The price of the bond is223124040401000...$986.58.1(1.04)(1)(1)(1.043)(1.045)N N CPN CPN CPN FV P YTM YTM YTM ++=+++=++=++++++ The yield to maturity is2...1(1)(1)NCPN CPN CPN FVP YTM YTM YTM +=++++++234040401000$986.58 4.488%(1)(1)(1)YTM YTM YTM YTM +=++⇒=+++8-20.What is the maturity of a default-free security with annual coupon payments and a yield to maturity of 4%? Why?The maturity must be one year. If the maturity were longer than one year, there would be an arbitrage opportunity.114 Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Edition8-21.Consider a four-year, default-free security with annual coupon payments and a face value of $1000 that is issued at par. What is the coupon rate of this bond? Solve the following equation:2344111110001000(1.04)(1.043)(1.045)(1.047)(1.047)$46.76.CPN CPN ⎛⎫=++++ ⎪+++++⎝⎭=Therefore, the par coupon rate is 4.676%.8-22.Consider a five-year, default-free bond with annual coupons of 5% and a face value of $1000. a. Without doing any calculations, determine whether this bond is trading at a premium or at adiscount. Explain. b. What is the yield to maturity on this bond?c. If the yield to maturity on this bond increased to 5.2%, what would the new price be? a. The bond is trading at a premium because its yield to maturity is a weighted average of the yieldsof the zero coupon bonds. This implied that its yield is below 5%, the coupon rate. b. To compute the yield, first compute the price.2122345...1(1)(1)50505050501000$1010.05(1.04)(1.043)(1.045)(1.047)(1.048)NN CPN CPN CPN FVP YTM YTM YTM +=+++++++=++++=+++++The yield to maturity is:2...1(1)(1)505010001010.05... 4.77%.(1)(1)NN CPN CPN CPN FVP YTM YTM YTM YTM YTM YTM +=+++++++=++⇒=++c. If the yield increased to 5.2%, the new price would be:2...1(1)(1)50501000...$991.39.(1.052)(1.052)NNCPN CPN CPN FV P YTM YTM YTM +=+++++++=++=++8-23.Prices of zero-coupon, default-free securities with face values of $1000 are summarized in thefollowing table:Suppose you observe that a three-year, default-free security with an annual coupon rate of 10% and a face value of $1000 has a price today of $1183.50. Is there an arbitrage opportunity? If so, show specifically how you would take advantage of this opportunity. If not, why not?First, figure out if the price of the coupon bond is consistent with the zero coupon yields implied by the other securities.Berk/DeMarzo • Corporate Finance, Second Edition 115111000970.87 3.0%(1)YTM YTM =→=+ 2221000938.95 3.2%(1)YTM YTM =→=+ 3331000904.56 3.4%(1)YTM YTM =→=+According to these zero coupon yields, the price of the coupon bond should be:231001001001000$1186.00.(1.03)(1.032)(1.034)+++=+++ The price of the coupon bond is too low, so there is an arbitrage opportunity. To take advantage of it:Today1 Year2 Years3 Years Buy 10 Coupon Bonds 11835.00 +1000 +1000 +11,000 Short Sell 1 One-Year Zero +970.87 1000Short Sell 1 Two-Year Zero +938.95 1000Short Sell 11 Three-Year Zeros +9950.16 11,000 Net Cash Flow 24.988-24.Assume there are four default-free bonds with the following prices and future cash flows:Do these bonds present an arbitrage opportunity? If so, how would you take advantage of this opportunity? If not, why not?To determine whether these bonds present an arbitrage opportunity, check whether the pricing is internally consistent. Calculate the spot rates implied by Bonds A, B, and D (the zero coupon bonds), and use this to check Bond C. (You may alternatively compute the spot rates from Bonds A, B, and C, and check Bond D, or some other combination.)111000934.587.0%(1)YTM YTM =⇒=+2221000881.66 6.5%(1)YTM YTM =⇒=+3331000839.62 6.0%(1)YTM YTM =⇒=+Given the spot rates implied by Bonds A, B, and D, the price of Bond C should be $1,105.21. Its price really is $1,118.21, so it is overpriced by $13 per bond. Yes, there is an arbitrage opportunity.To take advantage of this opportunity, you want to (short) Sell Bond C (since it is overpriced). To match future cash flows, one strategy is to sell 10 Bond Cs (it is not the only effective strategy; any multiple of this strategy is also arbitrage). This complete strategy is summarized in the table below.Today 1 Year 2Years 3Years Sell Bond C 11,182.10 –1,000 –1,000–11,000Buy Bond A –934.58 1,0000 0 Buy Bond B –881.66 0 1,0000 Buy 11 Bond D –9,235.82 0 0 11,000Net Cash Flow130.04Notice that your arbitrage profit equals 10 times the mispricing on each bond (subject to rounding error).8-25.Suppose you are given the following information about the default-free, coupon-paying yield curve:a. Use arbitrage to determine the yield to maturity of a two-year, zero-coupon bond.b. What is the zero-coupon yield curve for years 1 through 4?a. We can construct a two-year zero coupon bond using the one and two-year coupon bonds asfollows. Cash Flow in Year: 1 2 3 4 Two-year coupon bond ($1000 Face Value) 100 1,100 Less: One-year bond ($100 Face Value) (100) Two-year zero ($1100 Face Value) - 1,100Now, Price(2-year coupon bond) = 21001100$1115.051.03908 1.03908+=Price(1-year bond) =100$ By the Law of One Price:Price(2 year zero) = Price(2 year coupon bond) – Price(One-year bond)= 1115.05 – 98.04 = $1017.01Given this price per $1100 face value, the YTM for the 2-year zero is (Eq. 8.3)1/21100(2)1 4.000%.1017.01YTM ⎛⎫=-= ⎪⎝⎭b. We already know YTM(1) = 2%, YTM(2) = 4%. We can construct a 3-year zero as follows:Cash Flow in Year:1 2 3 4Three-year coupon bond ($1000 face value) 60 60 1,060 Less: one-year zero ($60 face value) (60) Less: two-year zero ($60 face value) - (60) Three-year zero ($1060 face value) -- 1,060Now, Price(3-year coupon bond) = 2360601060$1004.29.1.0584 1.0584 1.0584++=By the Law of One Price:Price(3-year zero) = Price(3-year coupon bond) – Price(One-year zero) – Price(Two-year zero) = Price(3-year coupon bond) – PV(coupons in years 1 and 2)= 1004.29 – 60 / 1.02 – 60 / 1.042 = $889.99.Solving for the YTM:1/31060(3)1 6.000%.889.99YTM ⎛⎫=-= ⎪⎝⎭Finally, we can do the same for the 4-year zero:Cash Flow in Year:1 2 3 4Four-year coupon bond ($1000 face value) 120 120 120 1,120 Less: one-year zero ($120 face value) (120) Less: two-year zero ($120 face value) — (120) Less: three-year zero ($120 face value) — — (120) Four-year zero ($1120 face value) —— —1,120Now, Price(4-year coupon bond) = 2341201201201120$1216.50.1.05783 1.05783 1.05783 1.05783+++=By the Law of One Price:Price(4-year zero) = Price(4-year coupon bond) – PV(coupons in years 1–3)= 1216.50 – 120 / 1.02 – 120 / 1.042 – 120 / 1.063 = $887.15. Solving for the YTM:1/41120(4)1 6.000%.887.15YTM ⎛⎫=-= ⎪⎝⎭Thus, we have computed the zero coupon yield curve as shown.8-26.Explain why the expected return of a corporate bond does not equal its yield to maturity. The yield to maturity of a corporate bond is based on the promised payments of the bond. But there is some chance the corporation will default and pay less. Thus, the bond’s expected return is typically less than its YTM.Corporate bonds have credit risk, which is the risk that the borrower will default and not pay all specified payments. As a result, investors pay less for bonds with credit risk than they would for an otherwise identical default-free bond. Because the YTM for a bond is calculated using the promised cash flows, the yields of bonds with credit risk will be higher than that of otherwise identical default-free bonds. However, the YTM of a defaultable bond is always higher than the expected return of investing in the bond because it is calculated using the promised cash flows rather than the expected cash flows.8-27.Grummon Corporation has issued zero-coupon corporate bonds with a five-year maturity. Investors believe there is a 20% chance that Grummon will default on these bonds. If Grummon does default, investors expect to receive only 50 cents per dollar they are owed. If investors require a 6% expected return on their investment in these bonds, what will be the price and yield to maturity on these bonds? Price =5100((1)())67.251.06d d r -+=Yield=1/510018.26%67.25⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭8-28.The following table summarizes the yields to maturity on several one-year, zero-couponsecurities:a. What is the price (expressed as a percentage of the face value) of a one-year, zero-couponcorporate bond with a AAA rating? b. What is the credit spread on AAA-rated corporate bonds? c. What is the credit spread on B-rated corporate bonds? d. How does the credit spread change with the bond rating? Why? a. The price of this bond will be10096.899.1.032P ==+b. The credit spread on AAA-rated corporate bonds is 0.032 – 0.031 = 0.1%.c. The credit spread on B-rated corporate bonds is 0.049 – 0.031 = 1.8%.d. The credit spread increases as the bond rating falls, because lower rated bonds are riskier.8-29.Andrew Industries is contemplating issuing a 30-year bond with a coupon rate of 7% (annual coupon payments) and a face value of $1000. Andrew believes it can get a rating of A from Standard and Poor’s. However, due to recent financial difficulties at the company, Standard and Poor’s is warni ng that it may downgrade Andrew Industries bonds to BBB. Yields on A-rated, long-term bonds are currently 6.5%, and yields on BBB-rated bonds are 6.9%. a. What is the price of the bond if Andrew maintains the A rating for the bond issue? b. What will the price of the bond be if it is downgraded? a. When originally issued, the price of the bonds was3070701000...$1065.29.(10.065)(1.065)P +=++=++b. If the bond is downgraded, its price will fall to3070701000...$1012.53.(10.069)(1.069)P +=++=++8-30.HMK Enterprises would like to raise $10 million to invest in capital expenditures. The companyplans to issue five-year bonds with a face value of $1000 and a coupon rate of 6.5% (annual payments). The following table summarizes the yield to maturity for five-year (annualpay) coupon corporate bonds of various ratings:a. Assuming the bonds will be rated AA, what will the price of the bonds be?b. How much total principal amount of these bonds must HMK issue to raise $10 million today,assuming the bonds are AA rated? (Because HMK cannot issue a fraction of a bond, assume that all fractions are rounded to the nearest whole number.) c. What must the rating of the bonds be for them to sell at par?d. Suppose that when the bonds are issued, the price of each bond is $959.54. What is the likelyrating of the bonds? Are they junk bonds?a. The price will be565651000...$1008.36.(1.063)(1.063)P +=++=++b. Each bond will raise $1008.36, so the firm must issue:$10,000,0009917.139918 bonds.$1008.36=⇒This will correspond to a principle amount of 9918$1000$9,918,000.⨯=c. For the bonds to sell at par, the coupon must equal the yield. Since the coupon is 6.5%, the yieldmust also be 6.5%, or A-rated. d. First, compute the yield on these bonds:565651000959.54...7.5%.(1)(1)YTM YTM YTM +=++⇒=++Given a yield of 7.5%, it is likely these bonds are BB rated. Yes, BB-rated bonds are junk bonds.8-31.A BBB-rated corporate bond has a yield to maturity of 8.2%. A U.S. Treasury security has ayield to maturity of 6.5%. These yields are quoted as APRs with semiannual compounding. Both bonds pay semiannual coupons at a rate of 7% and have five years to maturity.a. What is the price (expressed as a percentage of the face value) of the Treasury bond?b. What is the price (expressed as a percentage of the face value) of the BBB-rated corporatebond? c. What is the credit spread on the BBB bonds? a. 103535 1000...$1,021.06 102.1%(1.0325)(1.0325)P +=++==++b.103535 1000...$951.5895.2%(1.041)(1.041)P +=++==++ c. 0. 178-32.The Isabelle Corporation rents prom dresses in its stores across the southern United States. It has just issued a five-year, zero-coupon corporate bond at a price of $74. You have purchased this bond and intend to hold it until maturity. a. What is the yield to maturity of the bond?b. What is the expected return on your investment (expressed as an EAR) if there is no chanceof default? c. What is the expected return (expressed as an EAR) if there is a 100% probability of defaultand you will recover 90% of the face value? d. What is the expected return (expressed as an EAR) if the probability of default is 50%, thelikelihood of default is higher in bad times than good times, and, in the case of default, you will recover 90% of the face value? e. For parts (b –d), what can you say about the five-year, risk-free interest rate in each case? a.1/51001 6.21%74⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭b. In this case, the expected return equals the yield to maturity.c.1/51000.91 3.99%74⨯⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭d. 1/51000.90.51000.51 5.12%74⨯⨯+⨯⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭e. Risk-free rate is 6.21% in b, 3.99% in c, and less than 5.12% in d.AppendixProblems A.1–A.4 refer to the following table:A.1.What is the forward rate for year 2 (the forward rate quoted today for an investment that beginsin one year and matures in two years)? From Eq 8A.2,22221(1) 1.055117.02%(1) 1.04YTM f YTM +=-=-=+A.2.What is the forward rate for year 3 (the forward rate quoted today for an investment that begins in two years and matures in three years)? What can you conclude about forward rates when the yield curve is flat? From Eq 8A.2,3333222(1) 1.05511 5.50%(1) 1.055YTM f YTM +=-=-=+When the yield curve is flat (spot rates are equal), the forward rate is equal to the spot rate.A.3.What is the forward rate for year 5 (the forward rate quoted today for an investment that begins in four years and matures in five years)? From Eq 8A.2,5555444(1) 1.04511 2.52%(1) 1.050YTM f YTM +=-=-=+When the yield curve is flat (spot rates are equal), the forward rate is equal to the spot rate.A.4.Suppose you wanted to lock in an interest rate for an investment that begins in one year and matures in five years. What rate would you obtain if there are no arbitrage opportunities? Call this rate f 1,5. If we invest for one-year at YTM1, and then for the 4 years from year 1 to 5 at rate f 1,5, after five years we would earn 1YTM 11f 1,54with no risk. No arbitrage means this must equal that amount we would earn investing at the current five year spot rate:(1 + YTM 1)(1 + f 1,5)4 + (1 + YTM 5)5.。



目次1 总则 (1)2 术语 (2)3 材料要求 (3)4 设计 (4)4.1 一般规定 (4)4.2 基本构造 (4)4.3 节点构造 (5)5 施工 (8)5.1 一般规定 (8)5.2 施工准备 (8)5.3 施工工艺 (9)5.4 成品保护 (11)6 验收 (12)本规程用词说明 (14)引用标准名录.................................. 错误!未定义书签。

条文说明.. (15)Contents1 General provisions (1)2 Terms (2)3 Materials requirements (3)4 Design (5)4.1 General requirements (5)4.2 Material selection design (6)4.3 Structural design (7)5 Construction (8)5.1 General requirements (8)5.2 Base Preparations (9)5.3 Construction technology (9)5.4 Product Protection (9)6 Acceptance (14)Explanation of wording in this specification (23)List of quoted standards (24)Addition: Explanation of provisions1总则1.0.1为推广聚合物水泥防水装饰涂料的工程应用,做到技术先进、安全适用、经济合理、提高工程质量,制定本规程。



2术语2.0.1聚合物水泥防水装饰涂料polymer-modified cementitious coating for waterproofing and decoration以聚合物、水泥、细骨料为主要组份,掺入颜料和添加剂,按适当配比混合制成,具有防水和装饰功能的涂料。



SPECIFICATION FOR PRESSURE VESSEL PLATES, ALLOY STEEL,QUENCHED-AND-TEMPERED, CHROMIUM-MOLYBDENUM,AND CHROMIUM-MOLYBDENUM-VANADIUMSA-542/SA-542M(Identical with ASTM Specification A542/A542M-95.)1.Scope1.1This specification covers two types of21⁄4Cr-1Mo and three types of Cr-Mo-V alloy steel plates for use in the quenched-and-tempered condition,intendedfor the fabrication of welded pressure vessels and components.1.2Material under this specification is available infive types,designated“A,”“B,”“C,”“D,”and“E.”Type B is identical to Type A except for restrictive limits for carbon,phosphorus,sulfur,and nickel.The material is also available infive classes having the following strength levels.Type E is available only as Class4and4a.Class Minimum Tensile Strength,ksi[MPa]1105[725]2115[795]395[655]4and4a85[585]1.3The maximum thickness of plates is limited onlyby the capacity of the chemical composition to meetthe specified mechanical property requirements.1.4The minimum thickness of plates is limited to3⁄16in.[5mm].1.5The material is intended to be suitable for fusion welding.Welding technique is of fundamental impor-tance and it is presupposed that welding procedureswill be in accordance with approved methods.9911.6The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents, therefore,each system must be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with this specification.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:A20/A20M Specification for General Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure VesselsA435/A435M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultra-sonic Examination of Steel PlatesA577/A577M Specification for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination of Steel PlatesA578/A578M Specification for Straight-Beam Ultra-sonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications3.General Requirements and OrderingInformation3.1Material supplied to this material specification shall conform to Specification A20/A20M.These requirements outline the testing and retesting methods and procedures,permissible variations in dimensions,SA-542/SA-542M1998SECTION IIand mass,quality and repair of defects,marking,load-ing,etc.3.2Specification A20/A20M also establishes the rules for the ordering information which should be complied with when purchasing material to this specifi-cation.3.3In addition to the basic requirements of this specification,certain supplementary requirements are available when additional control,testing,or examina-tion is required to meet end use requirements.These include:3.3.1Vacuum treatment,3.3.2Additional or special tension testing,3.3.3Impact testing,and3.3.4Nondestructive examination.3.4The purchaser is referred to the supplementary requirements listed in this specification and to the detailed requirements in Specification A20/A20M.3.5If the requirements of this specification are in conflict with the requirements of Specification A20/A20M,the requirements of this specification shall prevail.4.Manufacture4.1Steelmaking Practice—The steel shall be killed and shall conform to thefine austenitic grain size requirement of Specification A20/A20M.5.Heat Treatment5.1All plates shall be heat treated by heating to a suitable austenitizing temperature,holding for a suffi-cient period of time to attain uniform temperature throughout the thickness,and quenching in a suitable liquid medium by spraying or immersion.For Type D material,the minimum austenitizing temperature shallbe1650°F[900°C].For Type E material,the minimum austenitizing temperature shall be1850°F[1010°C].5.2After quenching,the plates shall be tempered to produce the specified tensile requirements by heatingto a suitable temperature and holding for a period of time of not less that30min/in.[1.2min/mm]of thickness but not less than1⁄2h.The minimum tempering temperature shall be as follows:992Type Class Temperature,°F[°C] A,A,B,C41200[650]A,B,C,D4a1250[675]5.3Plates over4in.[100mm]in thickness shall receive a prior heat treatment of normalizing at,or water quenching from,a temperature within the range from1650to1850°F[900to1010°C]for Types A, B,C,and D and1850to2050°F[1010to1120°C] for Type E before the heat treatment specified in5.1.5.4When the purchaser elects to perform the heat treatment required above,the material manufacturer shall temper the plates prior to shipment at a temperature not lower than1050°F[565°C]for Types A,B,C, and D and not lower than1200°F[650°C]for Type E.6.Chemical Composition6.1The steel shall conform to the chemical require-ments shown in Table1.7.Mechanical Properties7.1Tension Test Requirements:7.1.1The material as represented by the tension-test specimens shall conform to the requirements shown in Table2.7.1.2For nominal plate thicknesses of3⁄4in.[20 mm]and under,the11⁄2in.[40mm]wide rectangular specimen may be used for the tension test,and the elongation may be determined in a2in.[50mm]gage length that includes the fracture and that shows the greatest elongation.7.2Notch Toughness Requirements—Classes4 and4a:7.2.1A transverse Charpy V-notch test from each plate as-heat-treated shall have a minimum energy absorption value of40ft·lbf[54J]average of three specimens and35ft·lbf[48J]for one specimen only in the set.7.2.2For Class4,the impact test temperature shall be as specified on the order.7.2.3For Class4a,the impact test temperature shall be0°F[−18°C].PART A—FERROUS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SA-542/SA-542MTABLE1CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTSComposition,%Element Type A Type B Type C Type D Type E Carbon:Heat analysis0.15max0.11–0.150.10–0.150.11–0.150.10–0.15Product analysis0.18max A0.09–0.180.08–0.180.09–0.180.06–0.18Manganese:Heat analysis0.30–0.600.30–0.600.30–0.600.30–0.600.30–0.60Product analysis0.25–0.660.25–0.660.25–0.660.25–0.660.25–0.66Phosphorus,max0.025B0.015B0.025B...0.025Heat analysis.........0.015...Product analysis.........0.020...Sulfur,max0.025B0.015B0.025B...0.010Heat analysis.........0.010...Product analysis.........0.015...Silicon,max0.50B0.50B0.13B...0.15Heat analysis.........0.010...Product analysis.........0.013...Chromium:Heat analysis 2.00–2.50 2.00–2.50 2.75–3.25 2.00–2.50 2.75–3.25Product analysis 1.88–2.62 1.88–2.62 2.63–3.37 1.08–2.62 2.63–3.37Molybdenum:Heat analysis0.90–1.100.90–1.100.90–1.100.90–1.100.90–1.10Product analysis0.85–1.150.85–1.150.85–1.150.85–1.150.85–1.15Copper,max:Heat analysis0.400. analysis0.430.,max:Heat analysis0.400. analysis0.430. analysis0.03max0.02max0.20–0.300.25–0.350.20–0.30Product analysis0.04max0.03max0.18–0.330.23–0.370.18–0.33Titanium:Heat analysis......0.015–0.0350.030...Product analysis......0.005–0.0450.035...Boron:Heat analysis......0.001–0.0030.0020...Product analysis......NA C NA C...Columbium,max:Heat analysis.........0.070.015–0.070Product analysis.........0.080.010–0.075 Calcium,max:DHeat analysis.........0.0150.0005–0.0150 Product analysis.........0.020NA CA In A542/A542M–82and earlier editions,for plates5in.[125mm]and under in thickness,the carbon was limited to0.15%maximum.B Applies to both heat analysis and product analysis.C NA p Product analysis in not applicable.D Rare earth metals(REM)may be added in place of calcium,subject to agreement between the producer and the purchaser.In that case, the total amount of REM shall be determined and reported.TABLE2TENSILE REQUIREMENTSClass1Class2Class3Class4Class4a Tensile strength,ksi[MPa]105–125[725–850]115–135[795–930]95–115[655–795]85–110[586–760]85–110[585–760] Yield strength,min,ksi[MPa]85[585]100[690]75[515]55[380]60[415] Elongation in2in.[50mm],min,%1413202018993SA-542/SA-542M1998SECTION IISUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSSupplementary requirements shall not apply unless specified in the order.A list of standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of thepurchaser are included in Specification A20/A20M.Several of those consideredsuitable for use with this specification are listed in this section by title.Other testsmay be performed by agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.S1.Vacuum Treatment,S2.Product Analysis,S3.Simulated Post-Weld Heat Treatment ofMechanical Test Coupons,S4.2Additional Tension Test,S5.Charpy V-Notch Impact Test,S6.Drop Weight Test,S7.High-Temperature Tension Test,994S8.Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with Specification A435/A435M,S9.Magnetic Particle Examination,S10.Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with Specification A577/A577M,S11.Ultrasonic Examination in accordance with Specification A578/A578M,andS12.Bend Test.。

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