


美国东北部 欧洲南部 印度 中国
Akova M, et al. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012;18(5):439-48.
欧洲个别国家 碳青霉烯类耐药肺炎克雷伯菌检出率最高达60%
EARS-Net 数据库 (2010)
http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/activities/surveillance/ EARS-Net/database/Pages/database.aspx
• >20岁院内获得性MDR鲍曼不动感染患者
• 入选两组:
– 泰阁治疗组:泰阁100mg首剂,后50mg bid,至少治疗5天,单药
或联合碳青霉烯、三代头孢(头孢他啶或头孢曲松),或哌拉西林/ 他唑巴坦
– 非泰阁治疗组:碳青霉烯和舒巴坦(亚胺培南/西司他丁500mg &舒
巴坦1g iv q6h,至少治疗5天)
51.2% - 95%
18.9% - 48.0%
*MIC:最低抑菌浓度 #VPKP:产VIM-I型酶肺炎克雷伯菌 Akova M, et al. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012;18(5):439-48.
耐碳青霉烯肠杆菌科细菌 当MIC>8mg/L,碳青酶烯类治疗失败率高达75%
替加环素(常需合用) 磷霉素的联合治疗(多粘、替加、碳青霉烯、氨基糖苷) 临床资料较少 (头孢他啶、头孢吡肟)+克拉维酸(对KPC有一定的抑 制作用)临床资料较少 氨曲南+阿米卡星?(产金属酶包括NDM-1部分菌株仍对 此2药敏感)临床资料较少
• 药物未能覆盖致病菌或细菌耐药,结合实验室痰培养 结果并评价其意义,审慎调整抗感染药物,并重复病 原学检查 • 特殊病原体感染,应重新对有关资料进行分析并进行 相应检查 • 出现并发症或存在影响疗效的宿主因素,应进一步检 查和确认,处理




































1 细菌耐药机制细菌主要通过以下几种方式抵制抗菌药物作用: ①产生灭活酶,使抗菌药物失活或结构改变。







( 1 . ga n gl i n g Vo c a t i o n a l a n d Te c hn i c al Co l l e ge, Y a n gl i n g, S h a an xi, 7 1 2 1 O0, Chi n a:2 . Y a n gl i n g Ji n h a i Bi o — t e c hn o l o gy Co Lt d. .
细 菌存 活下来 , 或 者 细 菌 从 环 境 中获得 耐 药 基 因 而 产生 。这 种耐 药性 由于 其可 遗传性 和可 传递 性 使 得
耐抗 菌 药 的基 因得 以广 泛传 播 , 大 大 增 加 了 耐 药 细
菌 出现 的概率 , 给 防治 细 菌 感 染 的 工 作 带来 了 很 大
Di f f e r e n c e s o f P o r k P r o d u c t i o n Ba s e d o n P QA PLUS b e t we e n Ch i n a a n d US A
BAI J u n , LI U S h u — h o n g , FAN Li n g — b i n 。 , ZHAO J i n g
严 重危 及全 球 公 共 健 康 的威 胁 之 一 。在 《 二 十 国集
根 据耐药 性 能 否 遗传 , 细 菌 对 抗 菌药 的 耐药 性 可 以分 为可遗 传 和不可 遗传 两 类 r j 。不 可遗 传 的耐
药性 是 了变化 而产生 的 , 当外界 的不 适 因素移 除 , 细 菌 的表 形 耐受会 逐渐 消失 ] 。而可 遗传 的耐药 性 是 由
动物 医 学进展 , 2 0 1 7 , 3 8 ( 7 ) : 1 0 0 — 1 0 4



































消除效果又没有毒副作用或毒副作用较低 的耐药抑制剂 。
1 细 菌 对 抗 菌 药 物 耐 药 机 制 11 耐 药性 产 生 的遗 传 方 式 .
质( 分别命名为 : 1 I2 I3 对大肠杆菌 的耐药 性有 不同程 I 、 、 ) T T T
度 的抑 制 , 1 I 对氟喹诺酮 、 T 卡那 霉素 、 氯霉 素的耐药性有 很
2 对 耐药茵具有 消除作 用的 中药 单 味药 金银花 、 . 1 连翘 、
板蓝根 、 黄连 、 黄柏 、 马齿苋 、 腥草 、 鱼 蒲公英 、 梅 、 乌 柴胡 、 黄
芩、 射干等清热解毒药是 目前 多用 于消除耐药 性中药。雷连
成等试 验结果表 明 : 黄连 、 桔梗 、 朴 、 厚 黄芪等 中药 中 3种 物
专 论 与 综 述
中药 消 除 细 菌 耐 药 性 的研 究 进 展
刘立新 1,刘芳 萍 ,李 睿 , 2 ,曲 鹏
(. 1 东北农业大 学动 物医学院药理教研室 ,哈尔滨 1 0 3 ;2 佳 木斯大学化学与药学院 ,佳 木斯 00 . 5
临床常见 的病原菌产 生较严重 的耐药性 , 而且其耐药水平越
来越 高 , 出现 了多 重耐药菌 株 , 并 给人类 和动物 的健 康带来 极大 的危胁 。细菌耐 药性 问题 已经 成 为全球关 注的一个 热 点, 人们试 图寻找耐 药抑制 剂 , 克服 日益严重 的耐药性 问 来 题, 为此 , 国外研究 人员 已经开始研究 耐药 性抑制剂 , 如利 血 平、 氰氯 苯腙 ( C P)2 4 C C 、 ,一二硝 基酚 ( N ) , o e 等 虽然 对耐药 性均有一定 的抑制作用 , 但它们本身的毒性也较大。因此 , 研 究低毒 、 有效 的耐药性抑制剂 具有广泛 的应用价值 和 良好 的 前景 , 在国际上越来越受 到重 视。 中药是我 国特有 的天然 资 源, 在治疗 感染 、 逆转 ( 或抑制 ) 肿瘤细胞 耐药性 等方面显 示 了独特 的作用 , 这提示我们 可以在 中药 中寻找既有 良好 耐药








1 细菌耐药性的产生1.1细菌耐药性产生的分子遗传学基础(1)细菌在某一核苷酸碱基对中发生了点突变,引起抗菌药物作用靶位的结构变化,导致细菌耐药性的产生。

















155 株克雷伯菌(SEANIR, in 2005)
%R %I %S MIC50 MIC90
20 4.5 75.5 4
21.9 14.2 63.9 8
12.3 3.9 83.9 4
•Ceftriaxone 33.5 14.2 52.3 8
OR的95%可信区间 0.98~1.05 0.16~2.70
0.602~14.56 0.916~1.095
1.65~40.7 0.3~5.56 0.522~2.936 0.61~12.4
•曹0彬.0王0辉01朱元珏 陈民4钧4..中华8呼吸结核杂志,9.20041年61~月2底1297卷第1期, P31-35..
%R %I %S MIC50 MIC90
17.3 14.5 68.2 8
8.4 20.1 71.5 16
2.8 3.4 93.9 2
•Ceftriaxone 41.9 25.1 33 32 256
•Cefotaxime 35.8 24 40.2 32 256
•三代头孢和ESBL Asensio A,et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2000 Jan;30(1):55-60.
•三代头孢和MRSA Washio M,Public Health. 1997 May;111(3):187-90. •三代头孢和CDAD Zadik PM, Moore AP. J Hosp Infect. 1998 Jul;39(3):189-93.



建筑设备期末题一、填空题每小题3分,共30分1.室内给水系统根据用途的不同一般可分为系统、给水系统给水系统三类;2.电话通信的目的是实现任意两个用户之间的 ;由终端设备、传输线路和交换设备三大部分组成的电话通信网就是完成信号的任务的; 3.我国规范规定的采暖期是以历年日平均温度低于或等于采暖室外临界温度的总日数;一般民用建筑和生产厂房,辅助建筑物采用℃;中高级民用建筑物采用℃;4.CATV系统主要由、、三部分组成;5.火灾自动报警及消防联动系统主要由、、等组成6.为了减轻垂直失调,一个垂直单管采暖系统所供层数不宜大于层7.通风空调中所指的工业有害物主要有①;②;③ ;8.集中式空调系统按照不同,可分为直流式、混合式和封闭式;9.“安全电压”为 V;10.雷云对大地之间进行的放电将产生有很大破坏作用的大气过电压;其基本形式有三种:、、 ;二、判断题每小题 2分,共14分,在题前内打“√”或打“×”,表示题的“对”或“不对”1.根据钢管的壁厚又分为普通钢管、加厚钢管及薄壁钢管等;2.不论是立管或横支管,其安装位置应有足够的空间以利于拆换管件和清通维护工作的进行;3.我国习惯认为用温度低于或等于100℃的热水采暖称为低温水采暖;4.蒸汽干管汽、水逆向流动时的坡度要求是:i≥5.全面送风可以保证室内污浊空气不能窜入相邻房间,适用于室内空气较为清洁的旅馆客房、医院手术室的地方;6.管道布置应遵循小管道让大管道,有压管道让无压管道原则;7.TN-S系统中中性线与保护线有一部分是共同的,有一部分是分开的;三、单选或多选题每小题 2分,共20分1.在连接两个及两个以上的大便器或3个及3个以上卫生器具的污水横管上,应设置 ;A.检查口 B.清除口 C.清扫口 D.排气口2.地漏的作用是排除地面污水,因此地漏应设置在房间的处,地漏箅子面应比地面低5mm左右;A.较低 B.比较低 C.最低 D.最高3.塑料管道在使用中应注意冷水管道应采用公称压力不低于等级的管材和管件;热水管道应采用公称压力不低于 MPa等级的管材和管件;A. B.1.0 C. D.4.集中供热系统中的热用户是指用热系统的用户:A.室内采暖用户 B.空调用户 C热水供应用户 D.蒸汽供应用户5.在下列设备中,不属于热水采暖系统用的设备是 ;A.疏水器 B.集气罐 C.除污器 D膨胀水箱 E.安全水封6.由于燃气燃烧后排除的废气中都含有一氧化碳,且当其容积浓度超过%时,人工呼吸min就会在2h内死亡;A.5 B.10 C.20 D.30 E.40 7.配电线路按电压高低分为高压配电线路即及以上的线路和低压配电线路即以下的线路;A.10kV B.3 kV C.35kV D.1kV8.避雷器应与被保护设备 ,装在被保护设备的电源侧;A.串联 B.并联 C.混联 D.串或并联9.插座接线规定:单相三线是 ;A.左相右零上接地 B左零右相上接地 C.左接地右相上接零D.左零右接地上接相10.灯具向上的光线40%~60%,其余向下;向上或向下发出的光通大致相同,光强在空间基本均匀分布,这类灯具 ;A.漫射型灯具 B.半直接型灯具 C.直接型灯具 D.间接型灯具四、作图题 5分:作出TN—S系统;五、简答题每小题 5分,共25分1.简述防止水质污染的措施;2.简说机械循环热水采暖系统的工作原理与特点;3.通风与空气调节在概念上有何区别4、通风空调系统安装注意哪几方面5、正常照明方式有哪几种什么是事故照明其适合于哪些场合六、简算题6分普通的40W的白炽灯的初始光通量为300 1m,普通的20W的荧光灯的初始光通量为450 1m,试比较哪种灯的发光效率η高一、填空题:共30分1、消防、生产、生活给水 ;2、发送、接受、传输和交换信息交换3、5、8.4、前端系统、传输系统、分配系统5、火灾报警控制装置、灭火设备、减灾设备6、127、粉尘、余热、余湿、有害蒸汽和气体 8、利用回风的情况9、36V 10、1直击雷2感应雷3雷电波侵入二、判断题:14分√√√√√××三、单选或多选题:共20分1、A2、C3、D4、ABC5、AE6、C7、DD8、B9、B 10、A四、如图5分五、简答题每小题 5分,共25分1.为了确保用水水质,在设计、施工、管理中要有防止水质污染的措施;1饮用水管道不得因回流而被污染;2生活饮用水管道不得与非饮用水管道连接;3水箱溢流管不得与排水系统直接连接,必须采用间接排水;4选用管材及配件时,要防止因材料腐蚀、溶解而污染水质;施工安装时,要保证工程质量,避免外界对水质的污染;5生活饮用水管道应避开毒物污染区,当受条件限制时,应采取防护措施;埋地生活饮用水贮水池与化粪池的净距,不得小于10M;6生活、消防合用的水箱池,应有防止水质变坏的措施;2.答:机械循环热水采暖系统的工作原理是先对系统充满水,然后启动水泵,系统中的水即可在水泵的压力作用下,连续不断地循环流动;机械循环主要优点是作用半径大,管径较小,锅炉房位置不受限制,不必低于底层散热器;缺点是因设循环水泵而增加投资,消耗电能,运行管理复杂,费用增高;3.答:通常通风只是把室外的新鲜空气经过适当的处理例如过滤、加热等后送入室内,并把室内的不符合卫生标准的污浊空气或废气经适当除害消毒处理符合排放标准后排至室外,以保持室内空气的新鲜程度;而对于空气调节,不仅要保持室内的空气温度和洁净度,同时还要保持一定的干湿度及流动的方向与速度;通风系统的目的主要在于消除生产过程中产生的灰尘、有害气体、余热和余湿的危害;空气调节系统的目的是用人工的方法使室内空气温度、相对湿度、洁净度和气流速度等参数达到一定要求的技术,以满足生产、生活对空气质量的更高更精确的要求;空气调节的主要任务是对空气进行加热、冷却、加湿、干燥和过滤等处理,然后将经过处理的空气输送到各个房间,以保持房间内空气温度、湿度、洁净度和气流速度稳定在一定范围内,以满足各类房间对空气环境的不同要求;4 1通风空调系统的安装与建筑物的施工进度以及有关工艺社别的安装情况有密切关系,所以必须考虑它们之间的施工配合;2在安装前应对到货的设备和加工成品进行检查;3安装前应对现场作以下检查;4安装工作开始进行时,先要进行现场测绘及绘制安装简图;5 正常照明是满足一般生产、生活需要的照明,有一般照明又称为总体照明、局部照明和混合照明三种照明方式;事故照明是指在正常照明突然停电的情况下,可供事故情况下继续工作和使人员安全通行疏散的照明,如医院的手术室、急救室、大型影剧院等都需要设置事故照明;六、6分解:由于 40W的白炽灯的发光效率η=300/40=1m/W20W荧光灯的发光效率η=600/20=301m/W所以荧光灯的发光效率高于白炽灯的发光效率;。















三、新型抗菌药物耐药性的应对策略1. 加强监测与预警建立全国范围内的抗菌药物耐药性监测网络,及时监测各类耐药菌株的流行情况,提高对新型抗菌药物耐药性的认识和预警能力。

2. 优化抗菌药物使用合理使用抗菌药物,避免滥用和不当使用,减少抗菌药物对耐药菌株的选择压力,延缓耐药菌株的产生和传播。

3. 加强抗菌药物研发加大对新型抗菌药物的研发投入,寻找更具活性、更低毒性的抗菌药物,提高抗菌药物的治疗效果和耐药性。

4. 促进多学科合作鼓励医生、微生物学家、药剂师等多学科间的合作,加强对新型抗菌药物的研究和应用,提高治疗效果和减少耐药性的产生。



















微环境治疗改善难治性创面细菌耐药疗效分析罗艺;练慧斌;鞠海宾;主父中印【摘要】Objective To investigate the clinical value of the individualized treatment for microenvironment in reducing oc-currence of strain with bacterial drug resistance in the treatment of refractory wounds. Methods 63 patients hospitalized in our wards from June 2013 to June 2015 were divided into the individual treatment group (ITG, n=31) and the conventional treatment group (CTG, n=32) according to the random number table. There were no differences in sex or age before treat-ment between the two groups. The individualized treatment for microenvironment was made according to the mutant selec-tion windows theory, which was used in guiding the clinical treatment. Patients in both groups were treated with internal medical therapy and nursing, and individualized treatment were added to study group, while conventional treatment were added to control group. Bacterial culture of wound exudate and drug sensitivity test were performed before and after treat-ment in two groups. The data obtained were employed to proceed on the statistical analysis and the table production. Re-sults 9 cases(9/31)in ITG were proved to be infected by drug-resistance bacteria ,compared with 21 cases(21/32)in CTG. Significant differences were found between the two groups,χ2=8.45, P<0.05. Conclusion It is effective to use the individual-ized treatment for microenvironment to reduce occurrence of strain with bacterial drug resistance in the treatment of refrac-tory wounds.%目的:探讨创面微环境个体化治疗在改善难治性创面细菌耐药中的应用。



环境中耐药菌的分布现状及其耐药机制的研究肖斌;刘冲【摘要】Resistant bacterias gradually evolved to a global problem, which already existed widely in water, air, soil and other various environments. If these resistance genes of resistant baeterias spread to pathogenic bacteria and infected people, it would have serious consequences. The situation of restraining resistant bacteria was not optimistic. The problem of resistant bacteria should be attached great importance. According to the recent research on resistant bacterias, produc- tion and harm of resistance, the present distribution of resistant bacterias and the transfer of resistant gene were reviewed.%耐药菌问题已是逐步演变成一个全球性的问题。




【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2012(040)013【总页数】3页(P5-7)【关键词】耐药菌;分布现状;耐药机制【作者】肖斌;刘冲【作者单位】东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海201620;东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海201620【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X508据报道,2001年美国销售土霉素15200 kg。









解决细菌耐药性问题迫在眉睫根据世界动物保护协会的报告,全世界生产的抗生素中有 60% 以上用于农场动物。





所以我国2020 年7 月饲料开始全面禁抗,然而全国养殖场细菌性感染的病例逐渐增加,特别是肠道有害病原菌得不到有效控制,肠道健康问题突出,以梭菌性疾病、大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌等有害菌过量繁殖引起全身性感染尤为常见。





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A NTIMICROBIAL A GENTS AND C HEMOTHERAPY,Dec.2009,p.5122–5126Vol.53,No.12 0066-4804/09/$12.00doi:10.1128/AAC.00064-09Copyright©2009,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.Introduction of Ertapenem into a Hospital Formulary:Effect onAntimicrobial Usage and Improved In Vitro Susceptibility ofPseudomonas aeruginosaᰔEllie J.C.Goldstein,1,2*Diane M.Citron,1Victoria Peraino,3Tanya Elgourt,4Anne R.Meibohm,5and Shuang Lu5RM Alden Research Laboratory,Santa Monica,California1;Departments of Infectious Diseases,2Microbiology,3and Pharmacy,4 St.Johns’Health Center,Santa Monica,California90404;and Merck&Co.,Inc.,North Wales,Pennsylvania5 Received16January2009/Returned for modification2July2009/Accepted21September2009After ertapenem was added to the formulary of a344-bed community teaching hospital,we retrospectivelystudied its effect on antimicrobial utilization and on the in vitro susceptibility of various antimicrobial agentsagainst Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Three study periods were defined as preintroduction(months1to9),postin-troduction but before the autosubstitution of ertapenem for ampicillin-sulbactam(months10to18),and afterthe policy of autosubstitution(months19to48)was initiated.Ertapenem usage rose slowly from introductionto a range of36to48defined daily doses/1,000patient days(DDD)with a resultant decrease in ampicillin-sulbactam usage due to autosubstitution.Imipenem usage peaked6months after the introduction of ertap-enem and started to decline coincidently with the increased use of ertapenem.During the second period,imipenem usage decreased(slope؍؊1.28;P؍0.002).Prior to the introduction of ertapenem,the suscepti-bility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem increased from61to81%at month7but then decreased slightly to67%atmonth9.After the introduction of ertapenem,susceptibility continued to increase;the increasing trend wassignificant(slope؍1.74;P<0.001).In the third period,the median susceptibility(interquartile range)was88%(82to95%).This change appeared related to decreased imipenem usage.For every unit decrease in themonthly DDD of imipenem,there was an increase of0.38%(P؍0.008)in the susceptibility of P.aeruginosato imipenem in the same month.Ertapenem was effective in our antimicrobial stewardship program and mayhave helped improve the P.aeruginosa antimicrobial susceptibility to imipenem by decreasing the unnecessaryusage and selective pressure of antipseudomonal agents.The development of multidrug-resistant gram-negative pathogens driven by antimicrobial selective pressures has be-come an increasing concern in hospitalized patients(1,14,16). For Enterobacteriaceae,␤-lactamases such as the extended-spectrum␤-lactamases(ESBLs)and plasmid and chromo-somal AmpCs are probably the most important resistance mechanisms,although other extended-spectrum class A en-zymes,such as KPC,also are emerging(1).For P.aeruginosa, chromosomal AmpC,permeability changes(OprD),and the multidrug efflux pumps are probably the determining factors. Metallo-␤-lactamases are distinctly unusual in Enterobacteria-ceae and P.aeruginosa in the United States but are a more important problem in other geographic areas(10).The devel-opment,spread,and persistence of these resistance mecha-nisms complicates the selection of antimicrobial therapy when trying to avoid the increased selective pressures caused by the utilization of any one class of antimicrobial agents.Conse-quently,the Infectious Diseases Society of America has issued guidelines to enhance antimicrobial stewardship programs(4), with goals that include minimizing the emergence of resistance by the appropriate use of antimicrobials.The increased importance of ESBL resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species has necessitated the use of ESBL-stable␤-lactams like ertapenem(15,18).The FDA approved ertapenem,a carbapenem(19)without Pseudomonas aerugi-nosa activity,for use against community-acquired pneumonia, complicated intraabdominal infections,pelvic infections,com-plicated urinary tract infections,and skin and soft-tissue infec-tions,including diabetic foot infections.However,concern as to whether ertapenem might adversely affect the activity of the carbapenems imipenem and meropenem against P.aeruginosa has been a barrier for its use.Studies performed prior to ertapenem’s approval attempted to define risk factors for Pseudomonas resistance(6,11).Lau-tenbach et al.(11)found not only a higher mortality rate (31.1%)for patients infected with an imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa than for those infected with imipenem-susceptible strains(16.7%)but also concluded that the only independent risk factor for imipenem resistance wasfluoroquinolone use. Fortaleza et al.(6)evaluated the problem of P.aeruginosa resistance and concluded that imipenem,amikacin,and van-comycin use were associated with imipenem-resistant P.aerugi-nosa.Patterson(16)has reviewed the various conflicting stud-ies of this topic and concludes that“the lack of alternative agents on the horizon that are active against gram-negative bacteria makes our efforts at controlling emergence of resis-tance all the more imperative.”Because we felt the addition of ertapenem to our formulary would have cost savings and clin-ical utility but were concerned about collateral damage,we retrospectively studied the effect of the addition of ertapenem on antimicrobial utilization and on the in vitro activity of imi-*Corresponding author.Mailing address:2021Santa Monica Blvd., Suite740East,Santa Monica,CA90404.Phone:(310)315-1511.Fax: (310)315-3662.E-mail:ejcgmd@.ᰔPublished ahead of print on28September2009.5122 at Yale University on April 21, 2010 Downloaded frompenem,ertapenem,levofloxacin,cefepime,tobramycin,and piperacillin-tazobactam on P.aeruginosa.(Parts of this study were presented previously at the44th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Toronto,Canada,2006[3].)MATERIALS AND METHODSStudy design.We retrospectively collected and analyzed data on the antimi-crobial usage(defined daily dose/1,000patient days[DDD])and antimicrobial susceptibility for P.aeruginosa in a344-bed community teaching hospital from January2002to December2005.The hospital has a51-bed oncology unit that is involved in research programs,a32-bed intensive care unit,and a32-bed step-down unit.The average daily census for the study period was approximately200; the average length of stay varied from4.6to9.1days,with an average stay of5 days,excluding newborns and outliers.Ertapenem was added to the formulary in September2002,and in July2003a policy of autosubstituting ertapenem for ampicillin-sulbactam was instituted because of increased(40%)E.coli resistance to ampicillin-sulbactam and because of its relatively high cost.(Ampicillin-sul-bactam wasϳ$45/day,not including nursing and pharmacy time or the bag and intravenous administration setup materials for three to four daily administra-tions,while ertapenem wasϳ$45/day with one administration per day).The policy of reminding physicians to voluntarily substitute cefotaxime for cefepime if no P.aeruginosa was isolated from cultures after72h of empirical therapy was continued.No other antimicrobial-prescribing restrictions were instituted,and no other new agents were added to the formulary during the study period.No unusual infection control measures were instituted during this period. Statistical analysis.To investigate the trends in antibiotic usage in the sus-ceptibility of P.aeruginosa,wefirst defined three periods in the48-month study. Thefirst period,months1to9,was prior to the introduction of ertapenem to the formulary.During the second period,months10to19,ertapenem was in the for-mulary but there was no required substitution for ampicillin-sulbactam.The last period,months20to48,was after the autosubstitution policy was implemented. The impact of introducing ertapenem to the hospital formulary on the usage of imipenem and on the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem was evaluated by the use of time-series analyses.Time-series analysis estimates regression models while relaxing the assumption that observations are inde-pendent by estimating the serial correlation or autocorrelation among obser-vations collected over time(e.g.,antibiotic usage and susceptibility across different periods)(21).An autoregressive error model that corrects for serial correlation was built using PROC AUTOREG in SAS(version8)for Win-dows(20).The Yule-Walker method proposed by Gallant and Goebel(7)was used as the estimation method.A segmented model was used to assess the changes in trends(i.e.,slopes) of the usage of imipenem and the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem in each of the three periods.The trend is defined as the slope of the response (i.e.,antimicrobial usage or susceptibility)over time(x unit change for every 1month change of time).Similar methods were applied to evaluate changes in the trends of the usage of levofloxacin,cefepime,and piperacillin-tazobac-tam and the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to these agents,except that data for the second and third periods were combined.To model the susceptibility of P. aeruginosa to imipenem,initially we included the current and historical(last13 months)usage of imipenem and ertapenem and the time in the model.Only statis-tically significant(␣ϭ0.05)predictors of the outcome variable were kept in thefinal model;thus,the variables in the model were the current use of imipenem and the current month.RESULTSTable1and Fig.1show the monthly usage(DDD)of imi-penem and ertapenem and the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem during the48months of observation.The usage of ertapenem increased slowly from its introduction to the for-mulary in month10through month15(DDDϭ8),and then usage increased more sharply.Prior to the implementation of the policy of autosubstituting ertapenem for ampicillin-sulbac-tam,the DDD was35.Subsequently through month42,usage was relatively consistent,generally in the range of36to48DDD. Toward the end of the observation period(months43to48), ertapenem usage increased and then began to decrease again. In the9months of observation prior to the introduction of ertapenem,the usage of imipenem increased significantly(13 to39DDD;slopeϭ3.18;PϽ0.001).Imipenem usage peaked in month15(DDDϭ59)and then started to decline(the slope during the second period wasϪ1.28;Pϭ0.002),which is coincident in time with the sharper increase in the use of ertapenem.Overall,usage declined significantly during the second period(the change of slope wasϪ4.46;PϽ0.001). During the third period,imipenem usage was relatively con-stant,generally between22and29DDD.Contrary to the trend of increasing the use of imipenem prior to the introduction of ertapenem,there was a significant decrease in the use of imi-penem when ertapenem became available.Prior to the introduction of ertapenem,the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem increased from61to81%at month 7but then decreased slightly to67%at month9(slopeϭ0.60; Pϭ0.51).After the introduction of ertapenem(months10to 19),susceptibility continued to increase and was above80%for the last4months;the increasing trend was significant(slopeϭ1.74;PϽ0.001);however,the change in the rate of increase (the change in the slope was1.14)was not statistically signifi-cant(Pϭ0.36).In the third period(months20to48),there was no consistent increasing or decreasing trend(slopeϭ0.02; Pϭ0.85)in susceptibility.The median susceptibility(inter-quartile range)was88%(82to95%).For2006to2008,ϳ87%of our P.aeruginosa isolates(ϳ300/year)remained susceptible to imipenem with continued ertapenem usage(data not shown). During the study periods,there was a decreased use of imi-penem and an increased use of ertapenem(Table1).This result-antly decreased use of imipenem was statistically significantly related to the improved susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imi-penem(Table1).For every unit decrease in the monthly DDD of imipenem,there was an increase of0.38%(Pϭ0.008)in the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem in the same month.age of ertapenem and imipenem and susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenemPeriod MonthsErtapenem usage(DDD)Imipenem usage(DDD)Susceptibility(%)of P.aeruginosato imipenemPercentile aRangePercentile aRangePercentile aRange 255075255075255075Prior to ertapenem usage0–9000025303413–4062697760–81After addition of ertapenemto formulary10–1978205–3528354323–5971758263–91After policy substitution20–4839445324–7922252913–5082889567–100a50th percentile is the median;25th and75th percentiles are thefirst and third quartiles(interquartile range),respectively.V OL.53,2009INTRODUCTION OF ERTAPENEM INTO HOSPITAL FORMULARY5123at Yale University on April 21, 2010 Downloaded fromThe use of levofloxacin generally was constant throughout the study period;the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to levo-floxacin tended to increase(slopeϭ0.53;Pϭ0.021)after the introduction of ertapenem(Fig.2a).The use of cefepime gen-erally was constant throughout the study period using the three-period model;cefepime use was increasing during the first period(before ertapenem was added,slopeϭ2.70and Pϭ0.006),while use during the second period wasflat.The susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to cefepime tended to increase (slopeϭ0.54;PϽ0.0001)after the introduction of ertapenem (Fig.2b).Cefoxitin and piperacillin-tazobactam usage were affected by distributor/manufacturer supply shortages for brief periods;otherwise,their usage was constant.The susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to piperacillin-tazobactam became more stable and tended to increase slightly after ertapenem was added (slopeϭ0.14;Pϭ0.040)due to less variability(Fig.2c).While the susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to these agents tended to increase slightly during the study period,the increasing trends began before the introduction of ertapenem.Against E.coli,P.mirabilis,Klebsiella species,and Entero-bacter cloacae,there was either no change or minor changes in susceptibilities to the various agents,including imipenem,sub-sequently to the inclusion of ertapenem in the formulary(data not shown).All of the aforementioned species remained100% susceptible to ertapenem.E.coli susceptibility to levofloxacin declined from90to83%.ESBL enzymes(data not shown) were present in3%of Klebsiella species isolates in2002prior to the introduction of ertapenem,but the level fell to2%in 2005.ESBL enzymes were present in1%of E.coli isolates without significant change.These rates remained constant dur-ing2006and2007(data not shown).DISCUSSIONWhile studies often yield diverse and conflicting results when attempting to define specific antimicrobial resistance risk factors(16,17),selective antibiotic pressure generally is ac-cepted as an important causal reason.For ESBL-producing strains and other multiresistant gram-negative bacteria,car-bapenems are the current antimicrobial therapy of choice(9, 15).There is also a need for a nonpseudomonal carbapenem to diminish the selective pressure exerted by carbapenem use on P.aeruginosa.The Infectious Diseases Society of America stewardship guidelines(4)have noted that“education alone,without in-corporation of active intervention,is only marginally effective in changing antimicrobial prescribing practices and has not demonstrated a sustained effect(evidence grade B-II).”Our study suggests that adding ertapenem to our formulary was an effective antimicrobial management program tool.The in-creased ertapenem usage per se did not show a statistically significant impact on the imipenem susceptibility of P.aerugi-nosa;however,the increased ertapenem use was simultaneous with a decline in imipenem usage,and this decreased imi-penem use paralleled the improved imipenem susceptibility of P.aeruginosa.There are several limitations to our study,which include the limitation of group-level studies,the issue of using proportion versus incidence as the main outcome,and the limitation of a single-institution study.Time effects versus exposure effects, which are a potential problem,were adjusted for by our sta-tistical methods.Several other studies,most presented in abstract form,also have noted that the addition of ertapenem to a hospital for-mulary did not adversely affect the in vitro activity of imipenem and/or meropenem against P.aeruginosa.Crank et al.(3)re-ported that2years after the addition of ertapenem to the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago formulary,there was no effect on carbapenem resistance to P.aeruginosa.Goff et al.(8) also reported that P.aeruginosa susceptibility to imipenem remained at approximately72%during the4years after the addition of ertapenem to the formulary at Ohio State Univer-sity.Similarly,Carmeli et al.(2)retrospectively studied theage(DDD)of imipenem and ertapenem and susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to imipenem.Line A indicates the introduction of ertapenem to the formulary.Line B indicates the implementation of the policy of substituting ertapenem for ampicillin-sulbactam.5124GOLDSTEIN ET AL.A NTIMICROB.A GENTS C HEMOTHER.at Yale University on April 21, 2010 Downloaded fromeffect of ertapenem on their formulary and found by multivar-iate analysis that ertapenem was not associated with a high incidence (P ϭ0.88)or increased proportion (P ϭ0.66)of imipenem-resistant P.aeruginosa ,but imipenem and mero-penem usage were associated with both a high incidence (P ϭ0.0014)and an increased proportion (P ϭ0.036)of imipenem-resistant P.aeruginosa strains.Our findings and those of the aforementioned studies are in accord with those of Livermoreage (DDD)and susceptibility of P.aeruginosa to levofloxacin (a),cefepime (b),and piperacillin-tazobactam (c).Line A indicates the introduction of ertapenem to the formulary.Line B indicates the implementation of the policy of substituting ertapenem for ampicillin-sulbactam.V OL .53,2009INTRODUCTION OF ERTAPENEM INTO HOSPITAL FORMULARY 5125at Yale University on April 21, 2010 Downloaded fromet al.(13),who reported that the selectivity of imipenem-resistant P.aeruginosa strains by ertapenem usage“should be minimal under clinical conditions.”Recently,Lima et al.(12)evaluated the impact of ertap-enem use for ESBL-Enterobacteriaceae infections at a tertiary-care university hospital in Brazil from March2006to February 2007.The use of ertapenem was mandated and substituted for imipenem for the treatment of these infections,unless there was a coinfection with a nonfermenting gram-negative aerobic bacillus.Imipenem use decreased64.5%(from46.3to16.1 DDD)during the study period,and ertapenem use rose to 42.57DDD.During the study period,1of the18P.aeruginosa strains isolated was imipenem resistant,whereas4/20(20%) were resistant during the study of the prior year,which showed a trend but was not statistically significant.They speculated that increased ertapenem use“may have had a positive effect on the hospital ecology,with no evidence of resistance devel-opment associated with its use.”Other potential benefits of ertapenem use may be on limit-ing collateral damage to the fecalflora,which can act as a reservoir of resistance.DiNubile et al.(5)reviewed the expe-rience with ertapenem in two large multicenter,comparative trials(OASIS I and OASIS II)of complicated,community-acquired intraabdominal infections.Resistant Enterobacteria-ceae organisms were significantly(PϽ0.001)less likely to emerge in patients treated with ertapenem than in those treated with the comparator agents piperacillin-tazobactam or ceftriaxone plus metronidazole.No ertapenem-treated patient became fecally colonized with an ESBL-producing organism at the end of therapy,while this occurred in2.1%of piperacillin-tazobactam-and9.3%of ceftriaxone plus metronidazole-treated patients.These data are in accord with our study(data are not presented on ESBL-stable rates of incidence)and provide assurance that increased resistance,including that to ESBLs,in gram-negative rods is unlikely when ertapenem is used clinically in the hospital setting and when coupled with standard infection control practices.Our study suggests that when coverage for P.aeruginosa is not required,as in most community-acquired infections,the use of Pseudomonas-sparing agents,such as ertapenem,re-duces antibiotic pressure.It is possible that additional restric-tions of other antipseudomonal agents,such as ceftazidime, cefepime,piperacillin-tazobactam,andfluoroquinolones,also help with decreasing Pseudomonas resistance.In our study,the addition of ertapenem to our formulary was an important component of our antimicrobial stewardship program and was cost-effective and helped improve our P.aeruginosa suscepti-bilities.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Judee Knight and Alice E.Goldstein for various forms of assistance.This study was supported in part by a grant from Merck&Co.,Inc. Ellie J.C.Goldstein is on the advisory boards of Merck,Bayer, Schering-Plough,GlaxoSmithKline,Optimer,and Theravance,and he is in the Speakers Bureau of Merck,Schering-Plough,GlaxoSmith-Kline,OrthoMcNiel,and Aventis.He received research support from Merck,Schering-Plough,GlaxoSmithKline,Optimer,Theravance, Aventis,OrthoMcNiel,Wyeth,and Pfizer.Shuang Lu is employed by Merck Research Laboratories and may own stock or stock options. Anne R.Meibohm formerly was employed by Merck Research Labo-ratories and may own stock or stock options.REFERENCES1.Bratu,E.P.,ndman,R.Haag,R.Recco,A.Eramo,M.Alam,and J.Quale.2005.Rapid spread of single ribotype of KPC-producing,carbapen-ems-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in New York City.Ann.Intern.Med.165:1430–1435.2.Carmeli,Y.,S.Lidji,E.Shsbsti,S.Navon-Venezia,and M.J.Schwaber.2007.The effect of group1versus group2carbapenems on imipenem resistant P.aeruginosa:ecological study,abstr.K-396,p.315.Abstr.47th Intersci.Conf.Antimicrob.Agents Chemother.3.Crank,C.W.,B.Hota,and J.Segreti.2006.Effect of ertapenem utilizationon Pseudomonas aeruginosa susceptibility to imipenem,abstr.285,p.99.Abstr.44th Ann.Meet.Inf.Dis.Soc.Am.4.Dellit,T.H,R.C.Owens,J.E.McGowan,Jr.,D.N.Gerding,R.A.Wein-stein,J.Burke,W.C.Huskins,D.L.Paterson,N.O.Fishman,C.F.Carpenter,P.J.Brennan,M.Billeter,and T.M.Hooton.2007.Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America guidelines for developing an institutional program to enhance an-timicrobial stewardship.Clin.Infect.Dis.44:159–177.5.DiNubile,M.J.,I.Friedland,C.Y.Chan,M.R.Motyl,H.Giezek,M.Shivaprakash,R.A.Weinstein,and J.P.Quinn.2005.Bowel colonization with resistant gram-negative bacilli after antimicrobial therapy of intra-ab-dominal infections:observations from two randomized comparative clinical trials of ertapenem therapy.Eur.J.Clin.Microbiol.Infect.Dis.24:443–449.6.Fortaleza,C.M.,M.P.Freire,D.de C.Filho,and M.de Caravalho Ramos.2006.Risk factors for the recovery of imipenem-or ceftazidime-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa among patients admitted to a teaching hospital in Brazil.Infect.Control Hosp.Epidemiol.27:901–906.7.Gallant,A.R.,and J.J.Goebel.1976.Nonlinear regression with autoregres-sive errors.J.Am.Stat.Assoc.71:961–967.8.Goff,D.A.,and J.E.Mangino.2008.Ertapenem:no effect on aerobicgram-negative susceptibilities to imipenem.J.Infect.57:123–127.9.Hyle,E.P.,A.D.Lipworth,T.E.Zaoutis,I.Nachamkin,W.B.Bilker,andutenbach.2005.Impact of inadequate initial antimicrobial therapy onmortality in infections sue to extended-spectrum B-lactamase-producing En-terobacteriaceae.Ann.Intern.Med.165:1375–1380.10.Jones,R.N.,D.J.Biedenbach,and A.C.Gales.2003.Sustained activity andspectrum of selected extended-spectrum B-lactams(carbapenems and cefepime)against Enterobacter spp.and ESBL-producing Klebsiella spp: report from the SENTRY antimicrobial surveillance program(USA,1997–2000).Int.J.Antimicrob.Agents21:1–7.utenbach,E.,M.G.Weine,I.Nachamkin,W.B.Bilker,A.Sheridan,andN.O.Fishman.2006.Imipenem resistance among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates:risk factors for infection and impact of resistance on clinical and economic outcomes.Infect.Control Hosp.Epidemiol.27:893–900.12.Lima,A.L.L.,P.R.Olivera,A.P.Paula,K.Dal-Paz,F.Rossi,and A.V.Zumiotti.2009.The impact of ertapenem use on the susceptibility of Pseudo-monas aeruginosa to imipenem:a hospital case study.Infect.Control Hosp.Epidemiol.30:487–490.13.Livermore,D.M.,S.Mushtaq,and M.Warner.2005.Selectivity of ertap-enem for Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutants cross-resistant to other carbap-enems.J.Antimicrob.Chemother.55:306–311.14.Neuhauser,M.M.,R.A.Weinstein,R.Rydman,L.H.Danziger,G.Karam,and J.P.Quinn.2003.Antibiotic resistance among gram-negative bacilli in US intensive care units.JAMA289:885–888.15.Paterson,D.L.2006.Resistance in gram-negative bacteria:Enterobacteria-ceae.Am.J.Infect.Control34(Suppl.I):S20–S28.16.Patterson,J.E.2006.Multidrug-resistant gram-negative pathogens:multipleapproaches and measures for prevention.Infect.Control Hosp.Epidemiol.27:889–892.17.Pfaller,M.A.,and J.Segreti.2006.Overview of the epidemiological profileand laboratory detection of extended-spectrum␤-lactamases.Clin.Infect.Dis.42(Suppl.4):S153–S163.18.Ramphal,R.,and P.C.Ambrose.2006.Extended-spectrum␤-lactamases andclinical outcomes:current data.Clin.Infect.Dis.42(Suppl.4):S164–S172. 19.Shah,P.,and R.D.Isaacs.2003.Ertapenem,thefirst of a new group ofcarbapenems.J.Antimicrob.Chemother.52:538–542.20.SAS Institute.1999.SAS/ETS8user’s guide.SAS Institute,Cary,NC.21.Shardell,M.,A.D.Harris,S.S.El-Kamary,J.P.Furuno,ler,andE.N.Perencevich.2007.Statistical analysis and application of quasi experimentsto antimicrobial resistance intervention studies.Clin.Infect.Dis.45:901–907.5126GOLDSTEIN ET AL.A NTIMICROB.A GENTS C HEMOTHER.at Yale University on April 21, 2010 Downloaded from。
