









担任(曾担任)IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control 等国内外多家期刊编委。

1_第2-3讲 估计、最优估计和最优估计方法

1_第2-3讲 估计、最优估计和最优估计方法

ˆ ˆ ˆ f X − X ( Z ) = [ X − X ( Z )]T S[ X − X ( Z )]
式中 S 为 n × n 维对称非负定加权矩阵。
ˆ 若有估计量 X MV ( Z ) ,使得贝叶斯风险最小,即
ˆ β [ X ( Z )] | X ( z )= X ˆ ˆ
= min
2.4 最小方差估计
设被估计量 X 是一个 n 维随机向量,观测值 Z 为 m 维向量, X 和 Z 没有明确 的函数关系,只有概率上的联系。 X 和 Z 的概率分布密度分别为 P1 ( X ) 和 P2 ( Z ) ,
ˆ 其联合概率分布密度为 P ( X , Z ) 。选择估计误差 X = X − X ( Z ) 的二次型函数为代价 ~
2) 极大似然估计
极大似然准则是使条件概率分布密度 P ( Z | X ) 达到极大的那个 X 值作为估 值的。 按照这种估计准则求得的 X 的最优估值成为极大似然估计。为了求出极大 似然估计,需要知道条件概率分布密度 P ( Z | X ) 。
3) 极大验后估计
极大验后准则是使验后概率分布密度 P ( X | Z ) 达到极大的那个 X 值作为估 值的。按这种估计准则求得的 X 的最优估值就是极大验后估计。为了求出极大 验后估计,需要知道验后概率分布密度 P ( X | Z ) 。
因此,可以说,状态估计是动态估计,而参数估计是静态估计。 动态估计和静态估计是由联系的,可以这样说,把静态估计方法与动态随 机过程或序列的内部规律性结合起来,就可得到动态估计方法。
2.2 估计准则和最优估计
ˆ 如上所述,所谓估计问题,就是要构造一个观测数据 Z 的函数 X ( Z ) 来作为
























极大验后估计是以已知p x / z 为前提的。如果只知 道 p z / x ,可按下式计算:
px / z p z / x p x pz
式中 p(x)是x 的验前概率密度,p(z)是观测值z的概率密 度,p(x/z)可用计算方法或实验方法求得。为了计算 p(x/z) 需要知道p(x)。在x没有验前知识可供利用 时,可假定x 在很大范围内变化。 一般说来,极大似然估计比极大验后估计应用普遍, 这是由于计算似然函数比计算验后概率密度较为简单。
ˆ J w e wi zi hi x
i 1 2 i i i 1 m m 2
这样可使拟合曲线接近于测量精度高的点,从而保证 拟合曲线有较高的准确度。
在前面所讨论的最小二乘法和加权最小二乘法,需要 同时用到所有的测量数据,在计算时不考虑测量数据的时 间顺序。当测量数据很多时,要求计算机具有很大的存储 量。在实际处理过程中,测量数据往往是按时间顺序逐步 给出的,我们可先处理已经得到的一批数据,得到的近似 估值,来了新的数据后,再对原估值进行修正,这样可以 减少计算机的存储量。
Байду номын сангаас
p zi ,1 , 2 ,
, n
i 1, 2,
将所得的 k 个函数相乘,得:
L z1 , z2 , zk 1 ,2 , ,n p zi ,1 , 2 ,
i 1 k
, n
称函数 L 为似然函数。。
xn hn t
式中 h1 t h2 t hn t 已知的时间函数,一般是ti 的 x1 x2 xn 不 幂函数、指数函数或正余弦函数等等。 随时间变化。



有界随机测量时滞的网络控制系统的最优估计杨园华;韩春艳;刘晓华【摘要】在假设测量没有丢包的情况下,研究了带有随机测量时滞的网络控制系统的最优估计问题.利用已知的时滞分布概率,建立新的模型来描述随机时滞测量.进一步将带有时滞的测量等价成每个通道是单时滞的多通道测量,从而利用新息重组方法,通过求解黎卡提方程求解最优估计器.最后给出仿真实例验证了该算法的有效性.【期刊名称】《控制理论与应用》【年(卷),期】2014(031)002【总页数】7页(P181-187)【关键词】最优估计;随机测量时滞;网络控制系统;新息分析法;Riccati方程【作者】杨园华;韩春艳;刘晓华【作者单位】鲁东大学数学与统计科学学院,山东烟台264025;济南大学电子工程学院,山东济南250022;鲁东大学数学与统计科学学院,山东烟台264025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP273In recent years,the research on networked control systems has gained a lot of attention in communication networks,control and state estimation[1–4].In a networked control system,the sensor measures outputs of the system at every sampling time and transmits the measurement to a data processing center.The random communication delays,out-of-sequencemeasurements,and packet losses are inevitable in networked systems by unreliable communication networks from sensors to a processing center and from the processing center to end users.The data available in control and estimation may not be up-to-date due to stochastic delays or packet dropouts.These problems should be properly handled in order to achieve satisfactory estimation and control performance[5–7].The estimation problem for networked control systems with random delays or packet dropouts has received many results during the past few years[8–12].Nahi[13]investigates the estimation problem for system with an uncertain measurement,where sensor data that are simply the measurement noises at some samples are used for updating the estimate.Yazetal.[14]discussedtheleastmeansquare fi ltering problem with random sensor delays or packet dropouts.It is well known,the time stamp is necessary to reorder the packets when the measurements arrive out of order.Schenato[15]proposedtheestimatorssubjecttosimultaneousrandom packet delay and packet dropped as measurements are time-stamped and can be re-ordered at the estimator site. Zhang et al.[16]studied the optimal estimation problem for discrete-time systems with time delay in the measurement channel,and the measurements are time-stamped which can only take one value at time instant t.Sun[17]investigated the estimation problem for the systems with bounded random measurement delays and packet dropouts,which are described by some binary distributed random variables with known probabilities.In[17],the measurement model is received only one or no measurement at time instant t, and onemeasurement can be received for multiple times. However,the network transmission has limited capabilities,one measurement should not be re-received.The measurement model does not represent practical communication systems,because it allows the same measurement to be received for multiple times and/or generates too much packetloss.In[18],the measurement model guaranteedthe packet could be received at most one time with time stamp,but too much packet loss also possibly happens.Motivated by the discussion above,with the assumption of no packet loss,we present a more precise measurement model,in which the measurement at the present time instant is correlated with the previous time instant.The new measurement model is consistent with practical communicationprotocols,whichguaranteeseachmeasurement can be received only once and also allows to receive multimeasurements at a time.Then we model the delayed measurements as multiple measurement channels,and the optimal estimation problem is investigated by using the reorganized innovation[19].The designed estimator only depends on the probabilities of the delay at each instant but do not need to know if a measurement is delayed or received at a particular instant.This paper is organized as follows:Problem formulation is given,and the measurement model is proposed in Section 2.Section 3 presents the solution for the optimal estimation based on the reorganized innovation analysis approach.A numerical example is given in Section 4 to illustrate the main results.Finally,Section 5 draws some conclusions of this paper.Consider the discrete linear stochastic systemwhere x(t)∈ℝnis the state,z(t)∈ℝmis the output that is the measured signal at time t,and the received signal after network transmission is noted by y(t).ω(t)∈ℝnand υ(t)∈ℝmare white noises.Φ,Γ,H are matrices with suitable dimensions.The initial state x(0)and ω(t),υ(t)areGaussian,uncorrelated,white,withmean(¯x0,0,0)an dcovariance(P0,Q,R),respectively.In the networked systems,the sensor measures the outputs of the system at every time instant and transmits the measurement to the estimator.Time-delay is unavoidable due to unreliable network communication.Since thepacketdelayisrandom,itispossiblethatbetweentwoconsecutive sampling periods no packet or multiple packets are delivered.In this paper,we assume that there is no packet loss and the largest delay in data transmission are no more than N.On the other hand,the measured packets are not independent and they are correlated with the previoustime.Therefore,let ξk,i(k=t,t−1,...,t−N;i= 0,1,...,N)be the indicator function for z(k−i)with the sample delay i at time k,then the following model for the measurement received by the estimator is adopted:where ξk,iare mutually independent scalar binary distributed random variables with the known distributions. We assume at any timek=t,t−1,...,t−N,P{ξk,i= 1}=αiand P{ξk,i=0}=1−αi(0≤i≤N)withα0+α1+...+αN=1,i.e.,the probability of received packet is αiwith the sample delay i.For simplicity,we letthen Eq.(3)is written asFirst,we explain the measurement model(4).For N=1,at time t,then when i=0,y(t)= ξt,0z(t);wheni=1,y(t)=(1−ξt−1,0)z(t−1).The measurements are not independent but are c orrelated with the one in previous time instance t−1.That is if z(t−1) is received at time t−1,then it can not be received at time t;but if z(t−1)is not received at time t−1,it must be received at time t.So,whether y(t)contains z(t−1)or not is conditioned on whether z(t−1)was received previously.Then,if y(t−1)contains z(t−1),then y(t)= z(t)with probabilityα0and y(t)=0 with probability 1−α0;otherwise,y(t−1)does not containz(t−1), then y(t)=[z(t)z(t−1)]is with probability α0and y(t)=z(t−1)is with probabilit y 1−α0.We have known that ξt,0and ξt−1,0are stochastic parameters,and at each time it equals 0 or 1 with the probability 1−α0or α0,respectively.Thus at every time in the model(4),one possible received measurement y(t)can be shown as in the following Table 1.From Table 1,we see that z(1),z(2),z(4),z(6),z(7) are received ontime;z(3),z(5),z(8)and z(9)are delayed.Furthermore,z(3),z(4)and z(5),z(6)are respectively received at the same pared to the[17],it is worthy noting that the new model not only guarantees one packet to be received only once but also satis fi es multiple packets to be received in the actual network transmission.Substituting Eqs.(1)–(2)into Eq.(4),we fi nd that the system is equivalent towhereWe let≡0 for 0<t<N in Eq.(7),that is for t<N,the me£asurement(6)is written as ⁄Remark 2In view of the distribution ofξt,i,we have these properties Lemma 1Random variable ai(t)has the following properties with the delayed probabilities αi:ProofEqs.(9)–(11)can be obtained directly from Remark 2.Then we have and Eq.(12)is obtained.In Eq.(13),from Remark 2 we know,when i=j,and when i/=j,then we get Eq.(13).For Eq.(14),we fi rst prove the case 0<i<N:when i=j,we havewhen i/=j,For the cases i=0 and i=N,the Eq.(14)also holds,and the proof is similar to the above.For simplicity,we will denote Aiito be Ai.Lemma 2For the system(1),we have the state covariance matrix satis fi es the following recursion:where S(t+1)=E[x(t+1)x′(t+1)],and S(0)= E[x(0)x′(0)]=P0.Our purpose is to fi nd the linear minimum variance optimalestimatorˆx(t|t)of the state x(t)based on the sensormeasurements(y(t),y(t−1),...,y(0)),i.e.to minimize the performancewhere Exis the expectation with respect to x(t),ω(t), υ(t);and Eξis the expectation with respect to ξt,iconsidering the random aspect of the observation.Let˜y(t)= {y(t),y(t−1),...,y(0)}and note that the values of ξt,iareunknown except their probabilities αiare known.In this section,we shall present a solution to the optimal estimation by reorganizing the measurements and applying the well-known projection method in[19].3.1 Reorganized measurementsBecause y(t)has its entries associated with states at different time instants due to the delays,the standard Kalman fi ltering is not applicable to the estimation problem.In this section,we adopt a reorganized innovation approach to the above optimal estimation problem.We will de fi ne another new observation sequence which is delayfree and contains the same amount of information as˜y(t), so that the Kalman fi ltering formulation can be applied to solve the estimation problem.LetNow the measurements˜y(.)are delay-free and shown in the following: wherewith υN(s),υt−s(s)are white noise of zero mean and by the Remark 2,the covariance matrix isIn the similar way,we getIt is clear that the original measurement set˜y(t)contains the same amount of information about the system as the set.Thus,the optimal linear estimation problem to be addressed in this paper can be restated as:given the measurement sequence,to minimize Eq.(16) in order to get the estimatorˆx(t|t)of the state x(t).3.2 Reorganized innovation sequenceIn this subsection we shall de fi ne the innovation associated with the reorganized measurements.De fi nition 1Consider the reorganized measurement,and de fi ne the following:where(s)is the projection(optimal estimation)ofbased on the measurements...,(s−1)},andwithFor s>t−N,whereis the projection(optimal estimation)ofbased on the measurements withThe sequences{ηi(s)}de fi ned in above are white noise with zero me an and covariance Qηi(s)and span the same linear space asAs usual,the sequences ηi(s)are termed as the innovation associated with the reorganized measurement.Thus the optimal es-timator(t|t)istheprojectionofthestatex(t)ontothelinear space spanned by 3.3 Optimal estimator(t|t)In order to calculate the optimal estimator with the innovation sequence as in the above subsection,we fi rstly give the following de fi nition.De fi nition 2Given time instant t,For 0≤s≤t−N,letbe the covariance matrix of the state estimation error, whereand(s,N)is the projection of state x(s)onto the linear space generated by For s>t−N,denote the covariance matrix of the state estimation error whereand(s,t−s)is the projection of state x(s)onto the linear space generated by With the de fi nition,we get the solution to the optimal fi ltering problem by applying the reorganized innovation sequence and the Riccati equations.Theorem 1Consider the system(1)–(2)with the bounded random measurement delays,and the time-delay probability αi(0≤i≤N),the optimal estimatoris given bywhere(t,1)is as in De fi nition 2,which is computed by the following iteration:wherewith the error covariance equation iswith the initial values PN(0)=P0.When s≤t−N,we let t−s=N in the above,then the estimator is obtained corresponding to the above.Proofˆx(t|t)is the projection of the state x(t) onto the linear space spanned by{ηN(0),...,ηN(t−N);ηN−1(t−(N−1)),...,η0(t)}.Since this sequence is orthogonal,the estimator is calculated by using the projection formula as: From Eqs.(30)and(20),we haveAccording to Eq.(35)and the orthogonality,we have(t,1)⊥(t,1)andx(t)⊥υ(t),then substituting Eq.(44) into Eq.(43),we obtainBy the Lemma 1 and 2,we obtain the covariance of innovation η0(t)as Substituting the Eqs.(45)and(46)into Eq.(43),we obtain Eq.(37).For the case of s>t−N,With a similar discussion as above,Substituting Eqs.(48)(29)–(30)into Eq.(47),we obtain wherewithis theinnovation covariance as shown in the following:From Eq.(35),we havesince(s,t−s)is uncorrelated with ω(s),by Eqs.(51)and (50),we obtain the error covariancethus the recursive equation(42)is obtained.In the case of 0≤s≤t−N,we just let t−s=N in the above,then following the similar way,we obtainthen Eqs.(39)–(42)can be easily derived for t−s=N.Remark 3With the assumption of no packet loss,we propose the measurement model in which the received measurement is correlated with previous measurement.Thus our estimator just uses the probabilities of the delay at each time, and the obtained estimator is concerned with the state covariance matrix(15),this is the mainly different from[18].In this section,we present a simple example to illustrate the previous theoretical results.Consider the system (1)–(2)with the following speci fi cations:and the white noi ses ω(t)and υ(t)with mean zero and theircovariancesareQ=1andR=1,respectively.Since ξk,iare mutually independent scalar binary distributed random variables with the known distributions,we assume that the maximal random time delay N=2,thus the probability of received packet is α0+α1+α2=1. Settingα0=0.8,α1=0.1,α2=0.1 and the initial state value x(0)=[0 0]′,as the initial conditions, we calculate the estimator by using Theorem 1 proposed in Section 3,Fig.1 gives the trace of the estimation error covariance by theproposed algorithm,and shows the comparison with the trace of estimation error covariance for the standard Kalman fi ltering assuming that there is no time delay.It can be seen that the proposed estimator in the paper has a better performance,and also the steady-state estimation error variance matrices is obtained asThe optimal estimatort|t)is shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3.It is also shown that the proposed estimation algorithm effectively tracks the states of the system.Fig.4 shows the performance comparison of the sum of estimation error covariance in this paper and[18].We see that the method in our paper is not as good as the optimal method in[18].This is understandable because in the optimal method of[18]the time stamps are exactly known at each time,and it uses much more information in estimation than the probabilities of the delay we use in our paper.In this paper,for discrete-time stochastic linear systems with bounded random measurement delays,the optimal estimator is proposed.Firstly,we present a novel measurement model by using time stamps which are correlated with the previous time.The model ensures that each measurement is received and received only once,which is more precisely to describe the actual communication protocols.Then by applying the reorganized innovation analysis approach,the estimator is derived by solving a set of recursive discrete-time Riccati equations with the known probabilities of the delay.Our estimator can be computed off-line as it only depends on the data arrival probability at each time instant.杨园华(1982–),女,博士,讲师,主要研究方向为随机时滞系统的状态估计、预测控制,E-mail:*******************;韩春艳(1980–),女,博士,讲师,主要研究方向为时滞系统的状态估计、最优控制,E-mail:********************;刘晓华(1959–),男,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为预测控制、自适应控制,E-mail:*************.cn.【相关文献】[1]HESPANHA J,NAGHSHTABRIZI P,XU Y.A survey of recent results in networked control systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2007,95(1):138–162.[2]MATVEEV A,SAVKIN A.Optimal control via asynchronous communicationchannels[J].Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,2004,122(3):539–572.[3]SINOPOLI B,SCHENATO L,FRANCESCHETTI M,et al.Kalman fi ltering with intermittent observations[J].IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2004,49(9):1453–1464.[4]CLOOSTERMAN M,HETEL L,WOUW N,et al.Controller synthesis for networked systems[J].Automatica,2010,46(10):1584–1594.[5]NILSSON J,BERNHARDSSON B,WITTENMARK B.Stochastic analysis and control of real-time systems with random time delays[J].Automatica,1998,34(1):57–64.[6]NAKAMORI S,CABALLERO-AGUILA R,HERMOSO-CARAZOA,etal.Linearrecursivediscrete-timeestimatorsusingcovarianceinformation under uncertain observations[J].Signal Processing,2003, 83(7):1553–1559.[7]YANG F,WANG Z,HUNG Y,et al.H∞control for networked systems with random communication delays[J].IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2006,51(3):511–518. 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估 计 ,进 而利 用 估 计 值 得 到控 制 器 设 计 。 由此 可 以看 出 ,
问 题 的 关键 所 在 是 得 到 状态 的估 计 值 ,所 以在 本论 文 中将
文献 【 7 ] 利 用概 率 的方 法设 计 了带有 时滞 的网络 控 制 系统 的
Ka l ma n滤波 。文献 [ 8 ] 分 别提 出了具 有随 机观测 时滞 的递 推 最 小方 差状 态估计 问题 。近年来 ,针 对具有 观 测时 滞 的系统 估 计问题 ,文献 [ 9 ]提 出新 息重 组 分析 法来 处 理 时滞 ,将 观 测数 据 重新组 合从 而设 计估 计器 。文献 [ 1 0 ] 针 对测 量通 道是
滞 概率 已知 的条件下设 计得 到 了次 优滤波 器 。 关 于数 据包 丢失 时的状 态估 计问题 的研 究也 已取 得大 量 研 究成 果 。文献 [ 1 2 ] 利 用Be r n o u l l i 统 计特 性来 描述丢 包过 程
从B e r n o u l l i 分 布 的变 量描 述 在 网络 传 输 中 同时 发 生 时滞 和 丢 包 的测 量 ,从 而 得 到 观测 器 设 计 ,并 在 此基 础 上 设 计 了
基 于 观 测 器 的H。 。 控 制 问 题 归 类 于 估 计 问 题 中 。C . L i n ,
z . D. Wa n g 等 针对 随机 测 量 时滞 的 连续 时 间 系统 提 } f j 了 基 于 观 测 器 的 Ho 。控 制 问 题 ,通 过线 性 矩 阵不 等式 给 控 制 器 形 式 ,并 且 保 证 系统 是 指 数 均 方 稳 定 的 。对 于 随 机 丢 包 的 网络 系 统 ,J . G. L i ,J . O. Y u a n ,J . G. Lu 等利 用 已知概 率 分 布 的Be r n o u l l i随机 变 量来 描 述 随 机丢 包 序列 ,给 基于 观 测 器 的反 馈 控 制 器存 在 的充 分 条件 。F . W. Ya n g 等 已经 利 用 服



1.受扰非线性时滞系统近似最优跟踪控制 [J], 唐功友;胡乃平;赵艳东
2.基于观测器的控制时滞线性系统的最优跟踪控制 [J], 张城明;唐功友;白玫
3.采用观测器的双线性系统最优跟踪控制器设计 [J], 唐功友;赵艳东;胡乃平
4.基于观测器的受扰非线性系统近似最优跟踪控制 [J], 唐功友;高德欣;张宝琳
5.受正弦扰动的线性时滞系统的最优输出跟踪控制 [J], 唐功友;胡乃平;赵艳东因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


ˆ E J E x x x az b

的条件来确定系数 a 和 b 。
极大似然法估计是以观测值出现的概率为最大作为估 计准则的,它是一种常用的参数估计方法。 设 z 是连续随机变量,其分布密度为z1 , z2 , , zk ,含有 个未知参数1 ,2 , ,n 。把 个独立观测值z1 , z2 , , zk 分别 代入p z,1 , 2 , , n 中的 ,则得
ˆ J w e wi zi hi x
i 1 2 i i i 1 m m 2
这样可使拟合曲线接近于测量精度高的点,从而保证 拟合曲线有较高的准确度。
在前面所讨论的最小二乘法和加权最小二乘法,需要 同时用到所有的测量数据,在计算时不考虑测量数据的时 间顺序。当测量数据很多时,要求计算机具有很大的存储 量。在实际处理过程中,测量数据往往是按时间顺序逐步 给出的,我们可先处理已经得到的一批数据,得到的近似 估值,来了新的数据后,再对原估值进行修正,这样可以 减少计算机的存储量。
极大验后估计是以已知p x / z 为前提的。如果只知 道 p z / x ,可按下式计算:
px / z p z / x p x pz
式中 p(x)是x 的验前概率密度,p(z)是观测值z的概率密 度,p(x/z)可用计算方法或实验方法求得。为了计算 p(x/z) 需要知道p(x)。在x没有验前知识可供利用 时,可假定x 在很大范围内变化。 一般说来,极大似然估计比极大验后估计应用普遍, 这是由于计算似然函数比计算验后概率密度较为简单。
2 ˆ x x ˆ p x dx min J E x x 2




1. 交叉相关法:交叉相关法是一种常用的时滞估计方法。




2. 系统辨识法:系统辨识法是一种基于模型的时滞估计方法。




3. 自适应法:自适应法是一种实时估计时滞的方法。





1. 控制系统:在控制系统中,时滞会对系统的稳定性和性能产生重要影响。



2. 通信系统:在通信系统中,时滞会导致信号失真和误码率的增加。



3. 信号处理:在信号处理领域,时滞会导致信号的时域和频域特性发生变化。




































对于时滞系统,其状态方程可以表示为:x'(t) = f(t, x(t), x(t-τ), u(t))其中,x(t)为系统的状态变量,u(t)为系统的控制输入,τ表示时滞时间。



常用的建模方法有以下几种:1. 离散化方法:将连续时间上的时滞系统离散化为差分方程的形式。


2. 插值方法:通过插值技术,将时滞项转化为历史状态变量和控制输入的函数。


3. 延迟微分方程方法:将时滞系统转化为一组延迟微分方程,通过求解微分方程来得到系统的性能指标。


三、时滞系统的求解方法针对时滞系统的最优控制问题,常用的求解方法有以下几种:1. 动态规划方法:动态规划是一种基于状态和决策的最优化方法,可以用于求解时滞系统的最优控制问题。


2. 最优化方法:将时滞系统的最优控制问题转化为一个最优化问题,通过求解最优化问题的数学模型,可以得到最优的控制策略。


3. 近似方法:由于时滞系统的求解往往存在较高的复杂度,可以通过近似方法来简化求解过程。




《时滞系统稳定性分析与应用》阅读记录目录一、时滞系统稳定性分析与应用导论 (2)1.1 时滞系统稳定性分析的意义与背景 (3)1.2 时滞系统稳定性研究的发展历程 (4)1.3 时滞系统稳定性分析与应用的研究现状 (5)二、时滞系统稳定性分析方法 (7)2.1 系统理论分析方法 (8)2.1.1 李雅普诺夫函数法 (9)2.1.2 预备知识法 (9)2.1.3 矩阵分解法 (10)2.2 计算机仿真分析方法 (11)2.2.1 松弛法 (13)2.2.2 龙格库塔法 (14)2.2.3 数值积分法 (14)2.3 实验验证方法 (16)2.3.1 理论验证 (17)2.3.2 实验验证 (18)三、时滞系统稳定性应用 (19)3.1 时滞系统在工业控制领域的应用 (20)3.2 时滞系统在机器人控制领域的应用 (21)3.3 时滞系统在电力系统领域的应用 (23)四、时滞系统稳定性分析与应用实例 (24)4.1 案例一 (25)4.2 案例二 (26)4.3 案例三 (27)五、总结与展望 (28)5.1 研究成果总结 (29)5.2 研究不足与展望 (31)一、时滞系统稳定性分析与应用导论随着科技的不断发展,时滞系统在各个领域中得到了广泛的应用,如控制系统、通信系统、生物医学系统等。










Ke r s:t - ea y wo d i me d ly;b l e r s se ; o t l o tu r c ig c n r l P V r b e ;sa e r c n t ci n i n a y t ms i p i u p t t k n o to ;T B p o lm ma a tt e o sr t u o
Ab ta t T e p i l u p t r c i g o to fr i s r c : h o t ma o t u ta k n c n rl o t me- ea b l e r y tm i r s a c e . I a c r a c w t te a o d ly i n a s se i s ee rh d n c od n e i h h lws f
Te hnq e an e h d c iu d M t o
时滞双线性系统 的最优跟踪控 制 ; l :

赵艳 东 , 葛素 楠
( 岛 科 技 大 学 自动 化 与 电 子 工 程 学 院 , 青 山东 青 岛 2 64 ) 6 0 2
摘 要 :研 究 带有 时滞 项 的 双 线性 系统 的最 优 跟踪 控 制 , 据 求 解规 律 转 化 成 两 点 边值 问题 。 依 通 过 采 用 迭代 逐 次逼 近 法 .能够 得 到 收 敛 与 原 系统 最优 控 制 律 的 序 列 。 由 于控 制 律 含 有 外 系统 变量 导 致 控 制律 物 理 不 可 实现 ,则采 用状 态重 构 解 决 这 一 问题 。仿 真 结果 表 明该 方 法 对 解 决 这 类 问题 有较 好 的 鲁棒 性 及 快 速 性 。
关 键 词 :时 滞 ; 线 性 系 统 ; 优 跟 踪 控 制 ; 点 边 值 问题 ; 态 重 构 双 最 两 状







最佳线性无偏估计量与最小二乘估计、序贯平稳估计的主要区别在于:(1)从前提条件上看,它要求序贯平稳随机向量而不是序贯向量; (2)从后续估计量上看,它要求序贯的协方差矩阵而不是随机的相关矩阵;(3)从最优点确定的步骤上看,它是从随机序贯向量转换到序贯的协方差矩阵,而不是从序贯的方差矩阵转换到随机的相关矩阵。













考虑到执行器、传感器故障和控制元器件故 障的存在会影响系统性能,故障诊断技术的研究 为提高 系 统 可 靠 性 与 安 全 性 开 辟 了 新 的 途 径. 故障诊断包括故障检测[4] 、 故障分离和故障估 计[5] ,而故障估计是容错控制问题的重要基础. 基于观测器设计的故障估计包括自适应故障诊 断估测器[6] 、状态增广的故障估计[7] 、滑膜估计 观测器[8鄄9] 等方法. 文献[10] 针对有扰动和齿轮 箱故障的传动系统模型,设计一类自适应滑膜观 测器,利用滑膜控制律抑制扰动. 文献[11] 研究 了线性广义系统的区间观测器的设计问题. 奇
关键词摇 奇异摄动系统; 传感器故障; 残差观测器; H肄 控制; 多目标优化 分类号摇 TP273
摇 摇 奇异摄动系统在航空、电力、机械等实际工 程领域具有广泛的应用背景. [1] 航空控制系统 舵机与发动机的机械运动相对于飞行器方向速 度的变化以及电力系统的电磁暂态特性相对于 电压和相位的变化等跨尺度运动的问题均可归 结到奇异摄动系统框架下研究. 对于奇异摄动 系统小 摄 动 参 数 的 处 理 常 用 快 慢 子 系 统 分 解 法[2] 和基于线性矩阵不等式的方法. [3]
异摄动系统由于摄动参数的存在可能导致系统 故障也具有跨尺度特征,因此,系统的故障估计 研究更加困难. 文献[12] 基于快慢子系统分解 方法对控制器 - 观测器进行综合设计. 在文献 [13] 中采用 PI( Proportional Integral) 观测器对奇 异摄动系统进行了故障状态估计和最优容错控 制的研究. 对于带有干扰复杂奇异摄动系统的 故障诊断问题,研究目标不仅要使系统在干扰存 在的情况下闭环系统稳定,并且能够更快速准确 的检测故障量. 文献[14] 研究了具有未知输入 干扰的奇异摄动系统的故障诊断问题,采用频 域方法将鲁棒故障诊断转化为 1 个标准的 H肄 控制问题,基于 KYP 引理和 Lyapunov 稳定性理 论给出 了 具 有 摄 动 参 数 依 赖 的 观 测 器 设 计 方 法. 文献[15] 针对传感器故障的 Lipschitz 非线 性奇异摄动系统,采用了基于观测器的故障估 计方法,通过改进的多目标优化算法来保证估 计过程中最大的摄动上界和最佳的不确定衰减 能力.



具有观测时滞系统的状态估计吴琼【摘要】在实际应用系统中,时滞是不可避免会产生的一种现象,具体原因包括具有多变性的传输通道和不可靠通信等.传统的Kalman估计理论已不适用于带有时滞系统.本文利用状态增广和射影定理,得到新的增广系统,该系统与一步随机观测滞后系统相比无时滞.基于新系统提出了线性最小方差最优Kalman滤波器,通过仿真证明该理论的正确性和有效性.【期刊名称】《现代制造技术与装备》【年(卷),期】2019(000)008【总页数】2页(P99-100)【关键词】状态增广;时滞滤波;估计【作者】吴琼【作者单位】广东理工学院,肇庆 526100【正文语种】中文1 时滞系统基本概述时滞可分为两种情况:一种由系统的固有时滞引起状态方程中带有时滞;另一种是由于传感器本身性质或是传输通道和通信多变性、不可靠性引起观测结果中带有时滞。


2 最优Kalman滤波器考虑单传感器的离散时变随机系统如式(1)、式(2)所示。

式中,x(t)∈ Rn为系统状态;y~(t)∈Rp、Φ(t)∈ Rn×n、F(t)∈ Rn×m、C(t)∈ Rp×n以及w(t)∈ Rm为输入白噪声;v(t)∈Rp为传感器观测噪声。



式中,ξ(t)是服从Bernoulli分布的互不相关的白噪声序列,满足概率分布Prob{ξ(t)=1}=α 以及Prob{ξ(t)=0}=1-α,且不相关于其他随机变量。






COV ( X , Z ) PxCT , COV (Z , X ) CPx
1.由最小方差估计的性质③ ,可得
ˆ EX COV ( X , Z )Var(Z )1 (Z EZ) X MV
E( X | Z )
1 ˆ VarX MV VarX COV ( X , Z )Var(Z ) COV (Z , X )

1 T 1 exp{ [ Z E ( Z | X )] [Var ( Z | X )] [ Z E ( Z | X )]} 2 其中 E (Z | X ) E (CX v) CX ,Var(Z | X ) R 。
可得似然方程为: ln p( z | x) C T R 1 ( Z CX ) | X Xˆ 0 ML x 解得: ˆ (CT R1C)1CT R1Z X ML
X (t ) 的协方差(当 t1 t2 t 时,就是随机过程的方差 )
E[ X (t )] x (t ) x p1 ( x, t )dt

COV[ X (t1 ), X (t2 )] E{[ X (t1 ) x (t1 )][X (t2 ) x (t2 )]}
Var( X | Z )
p( x | z ) 1 (2 ) 2 | Var( X | Z ) |
n 1 2

1 T 1 exp{ [ X E ( X | Z )] [Var ( X | Z )] [ X E ( X | Z )]} 2 则可得验后方程为:



Markovian随机时滞系统的状态估计的开题报告1. 研究背景与意义:随着科技的进步和应用场景的增多,随机时滞控制在工业自动化、飞行器、导航等领域中得到了广泛的应用。



2. 研究内容:1) 对于Markovian随机时滞系统,建立其数学模型;2) 基于已知的系统模型,提出一种有效的状态估计方法,如卡尔曼滤波器、粒子滤波器等;3) 对提出的状态估计方法进行仿真实验,验证所提出的方法的有效性;4) 对方法进行优化和完善,提高其适用性和鲁棒性。

3. 研究方法:1) 系统地理解Markovian随机时滞系统的背景知识和数学模型,并结合实际案例加深对系统的理解;2) 综合运用控制理论、数学模型、概率论、统计学等基础知识,提出有效的状态估计方法;3) 通过Matlab和Simulink等软件平台,实现提出的状态估计方法,并进行仿真实验,分析实验结果,得出结论;4) 在实验结果的基础上进行方法的优化和完善,最终得到适用性强、鲁棒性好的状态估计方法。

4. 研究计划:第一年(2021年):1) 系统阅读文献,深入理解Markovian随机时滞系统的背景知识和数学模型;2) 基于已有工作,提出一种基本的状态估计方法,并进行仿真实验,初步验证方法的有效性;3) 收集仿真实验数据并进行分析,为下一步优化和完善方法提供参考。

第二年(2022年):1) 根据第一年的研究结果,进一步优化和完善状态估计方法;2) 在更多的应用场景中进行仿真实验,深化对于方法的理解和掌握;3) 结合仿真实验数据及其分析结果,撰写相关的学术论文,准备参加国内外学术会议。

第三年(2023年):1) 在实际应用场景中进行验证,对优化后的状态估计方法在某一工业应用中进行验证,并对其性能进行评估;2) 根据实际应用结果,对方法进行进一步改进和完善,提出可行性建议;3) 撰写学术论文,准备提交相关的国内外期刊。

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Abstract This paper investigates the linear minimum mean square error state estimation for discrete-time systems with Markov jump delays. In order to solve the optimal estimation problem, the single Markov delayed measurement is rewritten as an equivalent measurement with multiple constant delays, then a delay-free Markov jump linear system is obtained via state augmentation. The estimator is derived on the basis of the geometric arguments in the Hilbert space, and a recursive equation of the filter is obtained by solving the Riccati equations. It is shown that the proposed state estimator is exponentially stable under standard assumptions. Key words Linear estimation, discrete-time systems, Markov jump delays, Riccati equa optimal linear filter of a class of Markov jump linear systems via state augmentation[11−15] . A finitedimensional recursive filter is obtained in terms of Riccati difference equations. We also show that the estimator is stable under standard assumptions. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 1 introduces the system under consideration. The minimum variance state estimator is presented in Section 2, and its stability is studied in Section 3, which requires most of our efforts. In Section 4, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the main results. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section 5. Notations. The notation in this paper is fairly standard. Rn denotes the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Rm×n denotes the norm bounded linear space of all m × n matrices. For L ∈ Rn×n , LT indicates the transpose of L, and L ≥ 0 (L > 0) means that the symmetric matrix L is positive semi-definite (positive definite). For a collection of N matrices D1 , · · · , DN , with Dj ∈ Rm×n , diag{Dj } ∈ RN m×N n represents the diagonal matrix formed by Dj in the diagonal, and zero elsewhere. In addition, L ⊗ K ∈ Rmr×ns stands for the Kronecker product for any L ∈ Rm×n and K ∈ Rr×s , and E[·] represents the operator expected value.
Vol. 35, No. 11
November, 2009
Optimal State Estimation for Discrete-time Systems with Random Observation Delays
HAN Chun-Yan1 ZHANG Huan-Shui1
In many signal estimation problems, it is usually assumed that the observation packets are received either immediately or with a constant and known delay[1−2] . However, in certain new engineering applications, the observation packets need to be transmitted through a communication network which may induce considerable and randomly varying transmission delays. Examples are offered by complex networked sensor systems containing a large number of low power sensors, as well as complex dynamical processes like advanced aircraft, spacecraft, and manufacturing process, where time division multiplexed networks are employed for exchange of information between spatially distributed plant components. All these new engineering applications motivate the development of a new chapter of control and estimation theory that deals with networked control systems, in which control and communication issues are combined together while all the delays and limitation of the communication channels between sensors, actuators, and controllers are taken into account. State estimation for delayed systems was considered in a number of papers[3−4] . The situation where the observations were transmitted to the estimator via communication channels with irregular transmission time was investigated in [5−6]. The case of randomly delayed measurements was systematically studied by Ray (see [7−8], and the literature therein) under the assumption that the sensor delays did not exceed the sampling rate and form a stationary sequence of mutually independent random quantities with a priori known statistics. When the delay process is itself modeled as a finite-state Markov chain, state estimation algorithms for a resulting hidden Markov model were presented in [9], while an H∞ filtering was presented in [10]. However, in [9−10], they only considered the case where the delay steps were known on-line via time-stamped data. The case where the transition probabilities were uncertain was not studied. In this paper, we study the linear minimum mean square error state estimation for discrete-time systems subject to random communication delays, where the delay process is modeled as a finite-state Markov chain. Different from [9−10], the Markov delay considered in this paper is not known in advance. In order to solve the optimal estimation problem, the single Markov delayed measurement is firstly written as an equivalent measurement with multiple constant delays, and the estimation problem is then reReceived April 25, 2008; in revised form October 27, 2008 Supported by National Basic Research and Development Program of China (973 Program) (2009CB320600), National Natural Science Foundation of China (60774004), Taishan Scholar Construction Engineering of Shandong Government, National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (60825304) 1. School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, P. R. China DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1004.2009.01446