成教版英语二 Unit 6
2 Part of the explanation for bad luck is mathematical, but part is psychological. Indeed there is a very close connection between people’s perception of bad luck and interesting coincidences. 3 For example, take the belief that “bad things always happen in threes” (just like buses ...!) This popular notion would be unlikely to stand the scrutiny of any scientific study, but it must have some basis in experience, otherwise the phrase would never have arisen in the first place. What might be the rational explanation?
3. Do you believe one bad leads to another? Open answer.
4. Have you ever run into any unlucky things? Open ansБайду номын сангаасer.
Can bad luck be explained?
Warming Up
1. Do you think the men unlucky? Yes.
全新版大学英语第二册UNIT6 Women Half the Sky
assistant principal at County High School. In her spare time she is finishing her doctoral
dissertation and the final drafts of two books, and she still has time for tennis and horse
riding with her daughters." Four words in that description undid me: in her spare time. A
friend said that if I believed everything in the report, she had a bridge in Brooklyn she'd
全新版大学英语第二册 UNIT6
UNIT 6 Women Half the Sky
Part I Pre-Reading Task
Listen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions: 1. Why can't women be ignored? 2. What price have women had to pay for their wisdom? 3. What happens to them if you try to break their will? 4. Have women realized their dreams?
like to sell me.
My friend's joke hit home. What an idiot I'd been! I resolved to stop thinking about Kate's
全新版大学进阶英语第二册第六单元答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Ruler, tape, calculator, hammer, pincers, drill, wrench, saw, etc.2. I once made a kite with knife, scissors, ruler, tape, wood and paper. At first it didn’t work too well. My father helped me improve the design and then it flew much better. It was so much more satisfying to fly a kite made by myself.3. There are large worktables in the makerspace. Makers there are using all kinds of materials to build things. And instead of working alone, they are communicating with each other, sharing ideas and learning new skills from one another.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationMs. Peng,who madetherelationshi thethe aim ofthe support from the thesignificancthe mission2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasThe maker movement is now gaining ground in China and makerspaces like Xinchejian and Seeed Studio are open to the public. A maker is someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials. They are different from the traditional inventors who tinkered in garages. Makers often use software to design objects to be produced by desktop machines like 3-D printers. And they often cooperate and share their ideas online. The Chinese government is supporting this movement by building more government-supported innovation houses and organizing maker carnivals. And it is hoped that this movement can help Chinese industry move to a new stage. Although some observers see China’s maker movement as producing copycat goods, Mr. Pan Hao, founder of Seeed Studio, advises patience.2.2 Digging into detail1. They can tinker with everything from art projects to robots.2. It can react to human touch. And it can talk.3. He defines a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physicalmaterials, whether food, clothing or gadgets.4. He describes makers as “the Web generation creating physical things ratherthan just pixels on screens.”5. It is a conduit for people to say “This interactive stuff is not that scary, notthat difficult.”6. They hope that one of the tinkerers may develop the next groundbreakingtechnology.7. It specializes in the small-scale manufacturing of experimental,niche-market products.8. It features a picture of the South American revolutionary Che Guevara, hishead sprouting electronic components instead of hair.9. He wants to show that creating something original starts from learning andcopying.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. B4. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. For the time being, this computer system is still in its experimental stages.2. There is a growing tendency to regard money more highly than quality oflife.3. The following table includes a list of subjects at the frontier of scientificexploration.4. Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software hasbecome less expensive.5. Problem solving, like other mental activities such as creativity, is hard todefine but generally easy to recognize.6. Due to his health problems, Richard has to give up hard physical work onhis farm.7. My storybooks occupy most of the space of my two bookshelves in mybedroom.8. I am eager to know where my former classmates are now.9. Online stores are booming and continually increasing their market share.10. Cloud-based tools enable you to engage and interact with your audience inreal-time.11. It is amazing that Jack built a robot of his own.12. Human beings are born with a capacity to learn languages.13. Jack recommended to me a unique restaurant that specializes in seafood.14. There are three promising candidates for the job.15. Emily and her partners are working on their classroom presentation.1.21. gaining ground2. migrate3. transforming4. components5. manufacture6. executed7. exhibited8. sort of (hoping)1.31. Emily takes an interest in making things from all types of materials.2. This business specializes in the manufacture/manufacturing and retail salesof garden tools.3. The skin on our body is a good barrier to the virus, unless it is broken or cut.4. The poster calls for people to put down their smartphones and have moreface-to-face communication with each other.5. It is important to select and hire the best candidates for the post.2. Word Formation2.1collect →collector/collection friend →friendly/friendshipimpress →impressive/impression experiment →experimentallocate →location encourage →encouragementdefinite →definitely employ →employer/employee/employmentsurvive →survivor/survival hard →hardship2.21. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the Maker Faire in New York.2. Below is a list of manufacturers who can turn out custom laser-cut designsand circuit boards.3. Roger likes reading; he is an active member of the local book club.4. As a small country, it had to take a new road to its industrialization.5. Nowadays many women are as successful in business as men.6. The weather is so changeable high up in the mountains that the forecast issometimes not reliable.7. These sensors can monitor speed and distance from the car in front.8. The director of recruitment for the bank was very busy organizinginterviews and career fairs at various universities during the hiring season.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. The more you give, the more you receive.2. The more Mike earns, the more he spends.3. The more you explain, the more confused I am/feel.3.21. John waited at the doorway, his coat dripping water.2. Diana stood at the end of the diving board, every muscle of her bodyanticipating action.3. Jim slipped on the ice-coated steps, his head banged against the ground andhis back bruised.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeDo you know what I’ve been doing? I’ve been interacting with a tree, getting it to talk. No, don’t laugh. It’s true. I’m not making it up. The tree is the creation of someone in the maker movement. I don’t know if you have taken an interest in the movement, but I find it fascinating. It’s very popular in America and now it is gaining ground in China. It is even receiving encouragement from the government, which hopes it will help to transform the economy. The maker movement brings together traditional craft skills with the very latest in electronic technology to create something new. It does so by providing places where makers can get together to learn new skills from one another. Makers also encourage the sharing of ideas, rather than working in secret. So why not give it a try? If you like tinkering with things you might end up inventing something even more surprising than a talking tree!4.2 Translation1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages.2. Makers exhibited their latest creations.3. Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbon emissions.4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity to change theworld.5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.6. This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) real estatemarket.7. In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulated people’s creativity inan unprecedented way.8. At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers are tinkeri ng withall types of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. T2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. F2. Translation1. 让柴火与众不同的是它既与广义的创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经历的转型相关。
Detailed Reading
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
UUnniitt 66 WWoommeenn,, HHaallff tthhee SSkkyy After Reading Supplementary Reading
A Song — Barbie Girl
There are so many different kinds of Barbies. Every type
of girl you were, you could always find the Barbie that
matched you.”
Detailed Reading
Barbie hit toy stores in 1959 as a miniature teenage
UUnniitt 66 WWoommeenn,, HHaallff tthhee SSkkyy After Reading Supplementary Reading
A brief introduction
Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by thDeetaiAlemd Reeardiincgan toycompany Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. Ken (also known as Ken Carson) is a Mattel toy doll introduced in 1961 as the fictional boyfriend of toy doll Barbie. Similar to his female counterpart, Ken had a fashionable line of clothing and accessories. Barbie was one of the first toys to
Unit 6 The Value of MoneyA Famous Quote:Never spend your money before you have it.–Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the third President of the United States andprimary author of the Declaration of Independence.Text A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money WiselyPre-reading Questions:1.Recall and describe how your parents allocated pocket money to you andhow you spent it.2.What influence does that way of giving pocket money have on kids finance management?School-going children need pocket money for food, stationary and bus fare.Parents give pocket money to their children in different ways. Some givea lump of sum at the beginning of a month or a week. Others prefer to give pocketmoney on a daily bias. The way in which pocket money is given affects how moneyis spent or saved. On the other hand, the children ’spending habits may affect howpocket money is given.Pocket money given on a daily bias is sometimes termed as“ food money” . Children usually use the pocket money to buy food during recess and also atlunch hour if they have school activities in the afternoon. They learn how tomanage small sums of money. As the money is limited, they have to controltheir spending. Some parents choose this method of allocating pocket moneyin order to prevent their children from overspending, hoping that in time theycan be trusted with larger sums of money. Parents who earn daily wagesmay also opt for this due to financial constraints.Giving pocket money on a daily bias places responsibilities of budgeting onthe parents, instead of child. The child may spend every single cent of the dailypocket money by overindulging in junk food, as they know they will get anothersum of money the next day. This results in children being short-sightedin their spending. The thought of saving money never crossed their minds. Theymay develop the mentality that money is meant to be spent. Others spend morethan they are given. They borrow from their siblings or their classmates when theyfeel like indulging themselves. Then they may ask formoney to pay off their debts. This habit of borrowing causes then to dependon others to solve their problems. In such instances, the purpose of rationingis defeated.Children need to learn how to budget their money. Some parents go bythe “ learning by doing ”principle and give their children lump sums at the beginningof the month, and by the third week of the month their account is already dry.On the other hand, some learn to budget their pocket money very well andeven have savings at the end of the month. They do not borrow moneynecessarily. In other words, they learn to spend within their means. Buy thenecessary first, and indulge ourselves only if there is money left. This habit,when inculcated since young, stands them in good stead when they startworking and earning their own money. It enables them to resist the temptationof “ buy now and pay later ” schemes.Formation of any habit starts at a tender age. There is no better way to teachchildren to manage money than to start with their pocket money. They need to learnthe importance of budgeting right from kindergarden days. It is a good idea to startwith daily pocket money and move on to monthly pocket money. When childrenlearn to spend within their means, they are able to manage their finances well laterin their lives.Text B The Importance of Money in LifePre-reading Questions:1. What do you think of the old saying,“ money is the root of evil”?2.Do you believe how people think about money determines whether theirmoney flow is constant?What were you taught about money as you were growing up? Somethinglike“ money doesn’ t grow on trees” , or“ money is the root of all evil” , or ma “ all rich people are greedy’?Well, how do you expect to become a success financially if you believethese things? You attract into you life what you are thinking about and whatyou believe. If you think there is not enough money in this world for everyoneyou will never have enough money. That is called the Law of Attraction.First o f all, believing that “ money doesn ’ t grow on trees ” is an example of what ’ s calledlack or scarcity programming. Our parents taught us that therewas never enough money to go around, and that it was not readily available orabundant. But in truth, the universe is very abundant, and there is lots of money asyour heart desires. What wonderful thing you could do with it: travelto the countries you have always dreamt of, buy a house you are evenscared to think about, attend meditation classes so you could spiritually grow,donate money to your favorite charity, spend more quality time with yourfamily, and the list goes on.The key is to start thinking that you deserve the money and that there islots of it available for your, and then you can start attracting in into your life.That ’ s abundance thinking, which is the opposite of lack or scarcity thinking.When you start thinking about abundance the Law of Attraction will do the rest.You do not need to know how it is going to happen. Just make the first step,first thought. Starting is already winning.And what about thinking that “ money is the root of all evil expect to” ? Can you really become a success if you believe that money is the root of all evil? Unlessyou have a desire to be an evil person, your subconscious will not let youhave money if you believe deep down that it is the root of evil.By the way, the quote is taken out of context in the first place. It wasoriginally stated as“ the love of money is the root of all evil” . So it has nothing do with the money itself.Now that you understand that, you can start to think that money is in factgood. You can help people with money. You can stimulate the economy with’ t need money. Even the most kind- hearted spiritual person, who says they donmoney, can do more to make the world a better place with money thanwithout it.And what about thinking that “ allrich people are greedy ’ ?Well, thatcreates us versus them, whereby you have labeled all of“ them” greedy in your mind. You, on the other hand, are very giving in your mind. That ’ swhy youdon’ t have money, because you’ re not greedy.Sure, there must be some rich people in the world who are greedy. Butthere are also poor people who are greedy. There are both rich and poor peoplewho are very giving as well. The amount of money you have has nothing to do withthese character traits.In fact, a lot of rich people got there by not being greedy. Having a givingattitude opens up a flow of money that often brings them more. You will findthe same thing: giving away money joyfully to a friend, and notice that it comesback to you in some other form. The world needs to be a balance of give andtake, and being joyful both as you give and receive will ensure that you alwaysgo with the flow.And changing your mindset from what you were taught as a child to a(完整版)自考英语二(新版)原文Unit6TheValueofMoneyhealthier view of money will allow you to become the financial success you deserve to be, to become the real you.。
大学英语二unit6less and more课后答案
大学英语二unit6less and more课后答案1. The little dancer from Australia looks ______ in the long skirt. [单选题] *A. gentlyB. happilyC. beautifullyD. lovely(正确答案)2. The number of people who ______ the meeting was larger than we had expected. [单选题] *A. keptB. attended(正确答案)C. publishedD. got3. I didn’t realize she was our English teacher ______ she took off her dark glasses. [单选题] *A. until(正确答案)B. unlessC. butD. after4. Tom had to ______ the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. [单选题] *A. turn inB. turn down(正确答案)C. turn overD. turn to5. A: Remember to print on both sides of the paper. [单选题] *A. Me, tooB. Well done.C. Sure, I will.(正确答案)D. That’s all right.6. More efforts, as reported, ______ in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform. [单选题] *A. are being madeB. have been madeC. are madeD. will be made(正确答案)7. The research group produced two reports based on the survey, but ______ contained any useful suggestions. [单选题] *A. allB. noneC. eitherD. neither(正确答案)8. Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for ______ Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. [单选题] *A. what(正确答案)B. thatC. whyD. how9. The team are busy ______ the problem so that they can find the best solution. [单选题] *A. pretendingB. promisingC. guessingD. analyzing(正确答案)10. A: Are you sure you’re ready for the test? [单选题] *A. I’m afraid notB. No problem(正确答案)C. Hard to sayD. Not really11. [单选题] *A. leaving(正确答案)B. drivingC. runningD. coming12. [单选题] *A. SpecificallyB. ParticularlyC. Fortunately(正确答案)D. Interestingly13. [单选题] *A. IfB. While(正确答案)C. SinceD. Unless14. [单选题] *A. guiltyB. worried(正确答案)C. angryD. curious15. [单选题] *A. no oneB. everyone(正确答案)C. someoneD. anyone16. [单选题] *A. buy(正确答案)B. bringC. leaveD. lend17. [单选题] *A. shockedB. amazed(正确答案)C. puzzledD. concerned18. [单选题] *A. wiseB. crazyC. innocentD. sweet(正确答案)19. [单选题] *A. whichB. what(正确答案)C. whenD. whether20. [单选题] *A. must notB. may notC. can’t(正确答案)D. needn’t21. [单选题] *A. checking withB. paying forC. operating onD. looking after(正确答案)22. [单选题] *B. toC. withD. from(正确答案)23. [单选题] *A. wonderful(正确答案)B. gratefulC. playfulD. respectful24. [单选题] *A. Out ofB. As toC. Thanks toD. Regardless of(正确答案)25. [单选题] *A. hopeB. love(正确答案)D. pain26. You draw pictures on the paper to make the windsock ______. [单选题] *A. funB. heavyC. strongD. special(正确答案)27. Which of these things do you need for Step 2? [单选题] *A. Tape(正确答案)B. RibbonsC. A pencilD. A string.28. What do you do after you put ribbons through the holes in the tube? [单选题] *A. Make holes in the tube.B. Tape the tube together.C. Tie knots in the ribbons.(正确答案)D. Put a string through the hole.29. What is probably the most important to make a windsock work? [单选题] *A. Its shape.(正确答案)B. Its size.C. The color of the paper.D. The number of the holes.30. What is the main purpose of this article? [单选题] *A. To tell an interesting story.B. To explain how to do something.(正确答案)C. To teach an important lesson.D. To show what a windsock is like.31. According to the passage, children’s fear and dislike of books may result from ______. [单选题] *A. reading little and thinking littleB. reading often and adventurouslyC. being made to read too muchD. being made to read aloud before others(正确答案)32. The teacher told his students to read ______. [单选题] *A. for enjoyment(正确答案)B. for knowledgeC. for a large vocabularyD. for higher scores in exams33. Upon hearing the teacher’s talk, the children probably felt that ______. [单选题] *A. it sounded stupidB. it was not surprising at allC. it sounded too good to be true(正确答案)D. it was no different from other teachers’ talk34. Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE according to the passage? [单选题] *A. She skipped over those easy parts while reading.B. She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.C. She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.(正确答案)D. She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school.35. From the teacher’s point of view, ______. [单选题] *A. children cannot tell good parts from bad parts while readingB. children should be left to decide what to read and how to read(正确答案)C. reading is never a pleasant and inspiring experience in schoolD. reading involves understanding every little piece of information36. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.(正确答案)E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.37. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.(正确答案)G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.38. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.(正确答案)B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.39. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.(正确答案)40. [单选题] *A. And think of people in cold countries.B. Sports help to train a person’s character.(正确答案)C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.D. Many people like to watch others play games.E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.。
She can!
mechanic: a person
whose job is to repair and maintain machines
She can!
She can!
David Cameron
She can!
Theresa May
• Translation: 女服务员站在门边,脸上挂着僵硬的笑容。 The waitress stood beside the gate,
__w_it_h__a_m__e_c_h_a_n_ic_a_l_s_m__i_le__o_n_h_e_r__fa_c_e. • Reflection:
mechanic (n.) 机修工 mechanics (n.) 力学,机械学
• What careers are considered to be “mendominated”?
faulty premises
Men’s dominance
faulty premise: a mistaken statement from which another follows as a conclusion 错误的前提
13. when it comes to
• e.g. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is useless. e.g. Many students like to chat up a storm online, but when it comes to real people, they have a fear of communicating.
大学英语第二册Unit 6课后练习答案
参考译文Unit 6 Text A卡罗琳·特克从事的职业传统上一直是男人们的天下。
Unit 6 The Value of MoneyA Famous Quote:Never spend your money before you have it.–Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson(1743-1826), the third President of the United States and primary author of the Declaration of Independence.Text A Teaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely Pre-reading Questions:1. Recall and describe how your parents allocated pocket money to you and howyou spent it.2. What influence does that way of giving pocket money have on kids financemanagement?School-going children need pocket money for food, stationary and bus fare. Parents give pocket money to their children in different ways. Some give a lump of sum at the beginning of a month or a week. Others prefer to give pocket money on a daily bias. The way in which pocket money is given affects how money is spent or saved. On the other hand, the children’s spending habits may affect how pocket money is given.Pocket money given on a daily bias is sometimes termed as “food money”. Children usually use the pocket money to buy food during recess and also at lunch hour if they have school activities in the afternoon. They learn how to manage small sums of money. As the money is limited, they have to control their spending. Some parents choose this method of allocating pocket money in order to prevent their children from overspending, hoping that in time they can be trusted with larger sums of money. Parents who earn daily wages may also opt for this due to financial constraints.Giving pocket money on a daily bias places responsibilities of budgeting on the parents, instead of child. The child may spend every single cent of the daily pocket money by overindulging in junk food, as they know they will get another sum of money the next day. This results in children being short-sighted in their spending. The thought of saving money never crossed their minds. They may develop the mentality that money is meant to be spent. Others spend more than they are given. They borrow from their siblings or their classmates when they feel like indulging themselves. Then they may ask formoney to pay off their debts. This habit of borrowing causes then to depend on others to solve their problems. In such instances, the purpose of rationing is defeated.Children need to learn how to budget their money. Some parents go by the “learning by doing” principle and give their children lump sums at the beginning of the month, and by the third week of the month their account is already dry.On the other hand, some learn to budget their pocket money very well and even have savings at the end of the month. They do not borrow money necessarily. In other words, they learn to spend within their means. Buy the necessary first, and indulge ourselves only if there is money left. This habit, when inculcated since young, stands them in good stead when they start working and earning their own money. It enables them to resist the temptation of “buy now and pay later” schemes.Formation of any habit starts at a tender age. There is no better way to teach children to manage money than to start with their pocket money. They need to learn the importance of budgeting right from kindergarden days. It is a good idea to start with daily pocket money and move on to monthly pocket money. When children learn to spend within their means, they are able to manage their finances well later in their lives.Text B The Importance of Money in LifePre-reading Questions:1. What do you think of the old saying, “money is the root of evil”?2. Do you believe how people think about money determines whether their moneyflow is constant?What were you taught about money as you were growing up? Something like “money doesn’t grow on trees”, or “money is the root of all evil”, or maybe “all rich people are greedy’?Well, how do you expect to become a success financially if you believe these things? You attract into you life what you are thinking about and what you believe. If you think there is not enough money in this world for everyone you will never have enough money. That is called the Law of Attraction.First o f all, believing that “money doesn’t grow on trees” is an example of what’s called lack or scarcity programming. Our parents taught us that there was never enough money to go around, and that it was not readily available orabundant. But in truth, the universe is very abundant, and there is lots of money as your heart desires. What wonderful thing you could do with it: travel to the countries you have always dreamt of, buy a house you are even scared to think about, attend meditation classes so you could spiritually grow, donate money to your favorite charity, spend more quality time with your family, and the list goes on.The key is to start thinking that you deserve the money and that there is lots of it available for your, and then you can start attracting in into your life. That’s abundance thinking, which is the opposite of lack or scarcity thinking. When you start thinking about abundance the Law of Attraction will do the rest. You do not need to know how it is going to happen. Just make the first step, first thought. Starting is already winning.And what about thinking that “money is the root of all evil”? Can you really expect to become a success if you believe that money is the root of all evil? Unless you have a desire to be an evil person, your subconscious will not let you have money if you believe deep down that it is the root of evil.By the way, the quote is taken out of context in the first place. It was originally stated as “the love of money is the root of all evil”. So it has nothing to do with the money itself.Now that you understand that, you can start to think that money is in fact good. You can help people with money. You can stimulate the economy with money. Even the most kind-hearted spiritual person, who says they don’t need money, can do more to make the world a better place with money than without it.And what about thinking that “all rich people are greedy’? Well, that creates us versus them, whereby you have labeled all of “them” greedy in your mind. You, on the other hand, are very giving in your mind. That’s why you don’t have money, because you’re not greedy.Sure, there must be some rich people in the world who are greedy. But there are also poor people who are greedy. There are both rich and poor people who are very giving as well. The amount of money you have has nothing to do with these character traits.In fact, a lot of rich people got there by not being greedy. Having a giving attitude opens up a flow of money that often brings them more. You will find the same thing: giving away money joyfully to a friend, and notice that it comes back to you in some other form. The world needs to be a balance of give and take, and being joyful both as you give and receive will ensure that you always go with the flow.And changing your mindset from what you were taught as a child to ahealthier view of money will allow you to become the financial success you deserve to be, to become the real you.。
Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Ruler, tape, calculator, hammer, pincers, drill, wrench, saw, etc.2. I once made a kite with knife, scissors, ruler, tape, wood and paper. At first it didn’t work too well. My father helped me improve the design and then it flew much better. It was so much more satisfying to fly a kite made by myself.3. There are large worktables in the makerspace. Makers there are using all kinds of materials to build things. And instead of working alone, they are communicating with each other, sharing ideas and learning new skills from one another.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasThe maker movement is now gaining ground in China and makerspaces like Xinchejian and Seeed Studio are open to the public. A maker is someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials. They are different from the traditional inventors who tinkered in garages. Makers often use software to design objects to be produced by desktop machines like 3-D printers. And they often cooperate and share their ideas online. The Chinese government is supporting this movement by building more government-supported innovation houses and organizing maker carnivals. And it is hoped that this movement can help Chinese industry move to a new stage. Although some observers see China’s maker movement as producing copycat goods, Mr. Pan Hao, founder of Seeed Studio, advises patience.2.2 Digging into detail1. They can tinker with everything from art projects to robots.2. It can react to human touch. And it can talk.3. He defines a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials,whether food, clothing or gadgets.4. He describes makers as “the Web generation creating physical things rather thanjust pixels on screens.”5. It is a conduit for people to say “This interactive stuff is not that scary, not thatdifficult.”6. They hope that one of the tinkerers may develop the next groundbreakingtechnology.7. It specializes in the small-scale manufacturing of experimental, niche-marketproducts.8. It features a picture of the South American revolutionary Che Guevara, his headsprouting electronic components instead of hair.9. He wants to show that creating something original starts from learning andcopying.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. B4. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. For the time being, this computer system is still in its experimental stages.2. There is a growing tendency to regard money more highly than quality of life.3. The following table includes a list of subjects at the frontier of scientificexploration.4. Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software has becomeless expensive.5. Problem solving, like other mental activities such as creativity, is hard to definebut generally easy to recognize.6. Due to his health problems, Richard has to give up hard physical work on hisfarm.7. My storybooks occupy most of the space of my two bookshelves in mybedroom.8. I am eager to know where my former classmates are now.9. Online stores are booming and continually increasing their market share.10. Cloud-based tools enable you to engage and interact with your audience inreal-time.11. It is amazing that Jack built a robot of his own.12. Human beings are born with a capacity to learn languages.13. Jack recommended to me a unique restaurant that specializes in seafood.14. There are three promising candidates for the job.15. Emily and her partners are working on their classroom presentation.1.21. gaining ground2. migrate3. transforming4. components5. manufacture6. executed7. exhibited8. sort of (hoping)1. Emily takes an interest in making things from all types of materials.2. This business specializes in the manufacture/manufacturing and retail sales ofgarden tools.3. The skin on our body is a good barrier to the virus, unless it is broken or cut.4. The poster calls for people to put down their smartphones and have moreface-to-face communication with each other.5. It is important to select and hire the best candidates for the post.2. Word Formation2.1collect →collector/collection friend →friendly/friendshipimpress →impressive/impression experiment →experimentallocate →location encourage →encouragementdefinite →definitely employ →employer/employee/employment survive →survivor/survival hard →hardship2.21. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the Maker Faire in New York.2. Below is a list of manufacturers who can turn out custom laser-cut designs andcircuit boards.3. Roger likes reading; he is an active member of the local book club.4. As a small country, it had to take a new road to its industrialization.5. Nowadays many women are as successful in business as men.6. The weather is so changeable high up in the mountains that the forecast issometimes not reliable.7. These sensors can monitor speed and distance from the car in front.8. The director of recruitment for the bank was very busy organizing interviewsand career fairs at various universities during the hiring season.3. Sentence Patterns1. The more you give, the more you receive.2. The more Mike earns, the more he spends.3. The more you explain, the more confused I am/feel.3.21. John waited at the doorway, his coat dripping water.2. Diana stood at the end of the diving board, every muscle of her bodyanticipating action.3. Jim slipped on the ice-coated steps, his head banged against the ground and hisback bruised.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeDo you know what I’ve been doing? I’ve been interacting with a tree, getting it to talk. No, don’t laugh. It’s true. I’m not making it up. The tree is the creation of someone in the maker movement. I don’t know if you have taken an interest in the movement, but I find it fascinating. It’s very popular in America and now it is gaining ground in China. It is even receiving encouragement from the government, which hopes it will help to transform the economy. The maker movement brings together traditional craft skills with the very latest in electronic technology to create something new. It does so by providing places where makers can get together to learn new skills from one another. Makers also encourage the sharing of ideas, rather than working in secret. So why not give it a try? If you like tinkering with things you might end up inventing something even more surprising than a talking tree!4.2 Translation1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages.2. Makers exhibited their latest creations.3. Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbon emissions.4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity to change theworld.5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.6. This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) real estate market.7. In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulated people’s creativity in anunprecedented way.8. At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers are tinkeri ng with alltypes of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. T2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. F2. Translation1. 让柴火与众不同的是它既与广义的创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经历的转型相关。
大学英语2 UNIT6
New Words
• • • • • • • • • • • • • infrequently ad. seldom; not often relax vi. become less tense 放松 relaxation n. residency n. 高级专科住院实习(期) constant a. 不断的;始终如一的 resolve vt. solve 解决 resolution n. considered a. carefully thought out 经过深思熟虑 dwell vi. live (in a place) 居住 bound a. very likely; certain 一定的,必然的 sound a. 正确的,合理的 confident a. 自然的 confidence n.
Three types of doctors
3) Researchers Some doctors do not practise medicine after they complete medical training. They prefer to devote their time to medical research. These doctors often help teach future physicians in medical schools. At the same time, they use the laboratories and hospital facilities of the medical schools to conduct research programs. Many medical researchers work in large hospital centers, while many physicians conduct research programs in addition to their private practices.
Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Ruler, tape, calculator, hammer, pincers, drill, wrench, saw, etc.2. I once made a kite with knife, scissors, ruler, tape, wood and paper. At first it didn’t work to o well. My father helped me improve the design and then it flew much better. It was so much more satisfying to fly a kite made by myself.3. There are large worktables in the makerspace. Makers there are using all kinds of materials to build things. And instead of working alone, they are communicating with each other, sharing ideas and learning new skills from one another.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasThe maker movement is now gaining ground in China and makerspaces like Xinchejian and Seeed Studio are open to the public. A maker is someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials. They are different from the traditional inventors who tinkered in garages.Makers often use software to design objects to be produced by desktop machines like 3-D printers. And they often cooperate and share their ideas online. The Chinese government is supporting this movement by building more government-supported innovation houses and organizing maker carnivals. And it is hoped that this movement can help Chinese industry move to a new stage. Although some observers see China’s maker movement as producing copycat goods, Mr. Pan Hao, founder of Seeed Studio, advises patience.2.2 Digging into detail1. They can tinker with everything from art projects to robots.2. It can react to human touch. And it can talk.3. He defines a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physicalmaterials, whether food, clothing or gadgets.4. He describes makers as “the Web generation creating physical thingsrather than just pixels on screens.”5. It is a conduit for people to say “This interactive stuff is notthat scary, not that difficult.”6. They hope that one of the tinkerers may develop the nextgroundbreaking technology.7. It specializes in the small-scale manufacturing of experimental,niche-market products.8. It features a picture of the South American revolutionary CheGuevara, his head sprouting electronic components instead of hair.9. He wants to show that creating something original starts fromlearning and copying.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. B4. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. For the time being, this computer system is still in its experimentalstages.2. There is a growing tendency to regard money more highly than qualityof life.3. The following table includes a list of subjects at the frontier ofscientific exploration.4. Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software hasbecome less expensive.5. Problem solving, like other mental activities such as creativity,is hard to define but generally easy to recognize.6. Due to his health problems, Richard has to give up hard physicalwork on his farm.7. My storybooks occupy most of the space of my two bookshelves in mybedroom.8. I am eager to know where my former classmates are now.9. Online stores are booming and continually increasing their marketshare.10. Cloud-based tools enable you to engage and interact with youraudience in real-time.11. It is amazing that Jack built a robot of his own.12. Human beings are born with a capacity to learn languages.13. Jack recommended to me a unique restaurant that specializes inseafood.14. There are three promising candidates for the job.15. Emily and her partners are working on their classroom presentation.1.21. gaining ground2. migrate3. transforming4. components5. manufacture6. executed7. exhibited8. sort of (hoping) 1.31. Emily takes an interest in making things from all types of materials.2. This business specializes in the manufacture/manufacturing andretail sales of garden tools.3. The skin on our body is a good barrier to the virus, unless it isbroken or cut.4. The poster calls for people to put down their smartphones and havemore face-to-face communication with each other.5. It is important to select and hire the best candidates for the post.2. Word Formation2.1collect → collector/collection friend → friendly/friendship impress → impressive/impression experiment → experimentallocate → location encourage → encouragementdefinite →definitely employ →employer/employee/employmentsurvive → survivor/survival hard → hardship2.21. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the Maker Faire inNew York.2. Below is a list of manufacturers who can turn out custom laser-cutdesigns and circuit boards.3. Roger likes reading; he is an active member of the local book club.4. As a small country, it had to take a new road to its industrialization.5. Nowadays many women are as successful in business as men.6. The weather is so changeable high up in the mountains that theforecast is sometimes not reliable.7. These sensors can monitor speed and distance from the car in front.8. The director of recruitment for the bank was very busy organizinginterviews and career fairs at various universities during the hiring season.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. The more you give, the more you receive.2. The more Mike earns, the more he spends.3. The more you explain, the more confused I am/feel.3.21. John waited at the doorway, his coat dripping water.2. Diana stood at the end of the diving board, every muscle of her bodyanticipating action.3. Jim slipped on the ice-coated steps, his head banged against theground and his back bruised.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeDo you know what I’ve been doing? I’ve been interacting with a tree, getting it totalk. No, don’t laugh. It’s true. I’m not making it up. The tree is the creation of someone in the maker movement. I don’t know if you have taken an interest in the movement, but I find it fascinating. It’s very popular in America and now it is gaining ground in China. It is even receiving encouragement from the government, which hopes it will help to transform the economy. The maker movement brings together traditional craft skills with the very latest in electronic technology to create something new. It does so by providing places where makers can get together to learn new skills from one another. Makers also encourage the sharing of ideas, rather than working in secret. So why not give it a try? If you like tinkering with things you might end up inventing something even more surprising than a talking tree!4.2 Translation1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages.2. Makers exhibited their latest creations.3. Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbonemissions.4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity tochange the world.5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.6. This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) realestate market.7. In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulated people’screativity in an unprecedented way.8. At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers aretinkering with all types of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. T2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. F2. Translation1. 让柴火与众不同的是它既与广义的创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经历的转型相关。
自考英语二 课后练习答案 Unit 6 课后练习答案
Unit6The Value of Money课后习题参考答案Text AI.1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.BII.Section A1.differentiate2.indulgent3.resistance4.responsibility5.formation6.unnecessarySection B1.mentality2.budget3.principle4.scheme5.monthly6.temptationSection C1.to2.in3.on4.in5.within6.ByIII.1.basic 2.direct 3.invest 4.Ideally 5.called 6.wasteful 7.where8.Now that9.accumulated10.growIV.Section A1.drew the conclusions on the basis of experiments2.she has never indulged herself in drinking wine3.will not be responsible for his behavior4.my teaching experience has stood me in good stead5.have resulted in head injuriesSection B不管父母和继父母是否允许自己的孩子们管理自己的零花钱,他们都会从预算中拨出一笔现金,来满足孩子们的日常需要和需求。
自考英语二自学教程 版 纯答案
自考英语二自学教程答案(纯答案)Unit1课后习题参考答案Text AI . 1. B 2. A 3.D 4.A 5.CII . Section Al. Consistent 2. Statement 3. Reflect 4. Invalid 5. Considerably 6 comparisonSection B1 . Credible 2. Identify 3. Assumptions 4. Represents 5 evaluated 6. ApproriateSection C1. to2.forth3.into4.for5.with6.toⅢ.1. define 2.action 3.tears 4. good 5.express 6.powerful 7. internally 8.shape 9.responds to 10. personal Ⅳ.Section A1. take interests of different social groups into account2. Compare the recent work with the previous work3. was not consistent with his statement to the police4. was not relevant to the matter being dealt with5. Please inform us of any change in vour case .-.Section B想成为灵活的读者,就要知道如何选择和使用阅读风格,这种阅读风格与你的阅读目的是一致的。
大学英语2 unit 6 PPT
Cultural Notes
• Feminism • The belief that women and men are equal in abilities and should have equal rights and opportunities; • In the 1960s, became the subject of intense debate during the women’s liberation movement; • Encouraged women to reject their traditional supporting role and to demand equal status and equal rights with men in areas such as employment and pay; • Have brought about many changes in the English language, e.g. “police officer”, “chairperson” , “Ms”.
revise指先仔细考虑和检查,找出需要改正、改善的地 方,然后进行必要的变动。 e.g. The dictionary has been completely revised.
• Credit (Pa.4): n. 1) praise; approval; recognition e.g. He got all the credit for the discovery. She was given the credit for what I had done. 2) recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed e.g. He received full credit for his studies at a previous school. 3) belief or confidence in the truth of sth. e.g. The store has received credit for changing people's opinions about buying over the Internet. We believe our good credit and products with high quality would win your trust.
全新版大学英语第二册 unit 6 A woman can learna nything a manc an全新版大学英语(第二版)
IRON LADY– Margaret Thatcher
She is the first female leader of British Conservative Party in British history, created for the three consecutive terms, a term of up to 11 years of recording female prime minister. In addition, early before she became prime minister, because of her high profile against communism, and by Soviet media dubbed “the Iron Lady”, the nickname has ever become her main mark.
Old standards for women
1.Men for the field and women for the hearth.
2.Men for the sword and women for the needle.
3.Men with the head and women with the heart.
Dream: be loaded the magazine" Times” Evaluation: Desires to manipulative from childhood, had the ambitious to be a leader
Chinese Iron lady ----Wu Yi
A Brief Introduction to Feminism
一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握本单元的词汇,包括动词、形容词、名词等;(2)了解本单元的语法点,如虚拟语气、非谓语动词等;(3)理解并分析本单元的篇章结构。
2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生的阅读理解能力,学会从文章中获取信息;(2)提高学生的写作能力,学会运用所学语法和词汇进行写作;(3)提高学生的听说能力,学会运用所学知识进行交流。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯;(2)培养学生尊重他人、关爱生命的品质;(3)培养学生关注社会热点问题,提高社会责任感。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:(1)掌握本单元的词汇和语法点;(2)理解并分析本单元的篇章结构;(3)提高学生的阅读、写作和听说能力。
2. 教学难点:(1)理解并运用虚拟语气;(2)分析并掌握非谓语动词的用法;(3)提高学生的写作技巧。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)利用多媒体展示本单元的主题图片,激发学生的学习兴趣;(2)简要介绍本单元的学习目标和内容。
2. 阅读理解(1)学生自主阅读课文,了解文章大意;(2)教师引导学生分析文章结构,提炼文章主旨;(3)学生回答教师提出的问题,检验阅读效果。
3. 词汇学习(1)教师讲解本单元重点词汇,包括词性、词义、搭配等;(2)学生通过练习题巩固词汇,提高词汇运用能力。
4. 语法学习(1)教师讲解本单元的语法点,如虚拟语气、非谓语动词等;(2)学生通过练习题掌握语法点的用法。
5. 写作训练(1)教师指导学生分析范文,了解写作技巧;(2)学生根据所学知识进行写作练习,教师点评并指导。
6. 听说训练(1)学生进行听力练习,提高听力理解能力;(2)教师组织学生进行口语练习,提高口语表达能力。
7. 课堂小结(1)教师对本节课所学内容进行总结;(2)布置课后作业,巩固所学知识。
四、课后作业1. 阅读课文,完成课后练习题;2. 按照所学知识,撰写一篇短文;3. 收集并整理本单元的词汇,进行复习。
全新版大学进阶英语第二册第六单元答案解析Unit 6 Maker Movement in ChinaKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Ruler, tape, calculator, hammer, pincers, drill, wrench, saw, etc.2. I once made a kite with knife, scissors, ruler, tape, wood and paper. At first it didn’t work too well.Myfatherhelped me improve the design and then it flew much better. It was so much more satisfying to fly a kite made by myself.3. There are large worktables in the makerspace. Makers there are using all kinds of materials to build things. And instead of working alone, they are communicating with each other, sharing ideas and learning new skills from one another.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasThe maker movement is now gaining ground in China andmakerspaces like Xinchejian and Seeed Studio are open to the public. A maker is someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials. They are different from the traditional inventors who tinkered in garages.Makers often use software to design objects to be produced by desktop machines like 3-D printers. And they often cooperate and share their ideas online. The Chinese government is supporting this movement by building more government-supported innovation houses and organizing maker carnivals. And it is hoped that this movement can help Chinese industry move to a new stage. Although some observers see China’s maker movement as producing copycat goods, Mr. Pan Hao, founder of Seeed Studio, advises patience.2.2 Digging into detail1. They can tinker with everything from art projects to robots.2. It can react to human touch. And it can talk.3. He defines a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physicalmaterials, whether food, clothing or gadgets.4. He describes makers as “the Web generation creating physical thingsrather than just pixels on screens.”5. It is a conduit for people to say “This interactive stuff is notthat scary, not that difficult.”6. They hope that one of the tinkerers may develop the nextgroundbreaking technology.7. It specializes in the small-scale manufacturing of experimental,niche-market products.8. It features a picture of the South American revolutionary CheGuevara, his head sprouting electronic components instead of hair.9. He wants to show that creating something original starts fromlearning and copying.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. B4. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. For the time being, this computer system is still in its experimentalstages.2. There is a growing tendency to regard money more highly than qualityof life.3. The following table includes a list of subjects at the frontier ofscientific exploration.4. Computer technology in all its phases from hardware to software hasbecome less expensive.5. Problem solving, like other mental activities such as creativity,is hard to define but generally easy to recognize.6. Due to his health problems, Richard has to give up hard physicalwork on his farm.7. My storybooks occupy most of the space of my two bookshelves in mybedroom.8. I am eager to know where my former classmates are now.9. Online stores are booming and continually increasing their marketshare.10. Cloud-based tools enable you to engage and interact with youraudience in real-time.11. It is amazing that Jack built a robot of his own.12. Human beings are born with a capacity to learn languages.13. Jack recommended to me a unique restaurant that specializes inseafood.14. There are three promising candidates for the job.15. Emily and her partners are working on their classroom presentation.1.21. gaining ground2. migrate3. transforming4. components5. manufacture6. executed7. exhibited8. sort of (hoping) 1.31. Emily takes an interest in making things from all types of materials.2. This business specializes in the manufacture/manufacturing andretail sales of garden tools.3. The skin on our body is a good barrier to the virus, unless it isbroken or cut.4. The poster calls for people to put down their smartphones and havemore face-to-face communication with each other.5. It is important to select and hire the best candidates for the post.2. Word Formation2.1collect → collector/collection friend → friendly/friendship impress → impressive/impression experiment → experimental locate → location encourage → encouragement definite →definitely employ →employer/employee/employment survive → survivor/survival hard → hardship2.21. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the Maker Faire inNew York.2. Below is a list of manufacturers who can turn out custom laser-cutdesigns and circuit boards.3. Roger likes reading; he is an active member of the local book club.4. As a small country, it had to take a new road to its industrialization.5. Nowadays many women are as successful in business as men.6. The weather is so changeable high up in the mountains that theforecast is sometimes not reliable.7. These sensors can monitor speed and distance from the car in front.8. The director of recruitment for the bank was very busy organizinginterviews and career fairs at various universities during the hiring season.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. The more you give, the more you receive.2. The more Mike earns, the more he spends.3. The more you explain, the more confused I am/feel.3.21. John waited at the doorway, his coat dripping water.2. Diana stood at the end of the diving board, every muscle of her bodyanticipating action.3. Jim slipped on the ice-coated steps, his head banged against theground and his back bruised.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeDo you know what I’ve been doing? I’ve been interacting with atree, getting it to talk. No, don’t laugh. It’s true. I’m not making it up. The tree is the creation of someone in the maker movement. I don’t know if you have taken an interest in the movement, but I find it f ascinating. It’s very popular in America and now it is gaining ground in China. It is even receiving encouragement from the government, which hopes it will help to transform the economy. The maker movement brings together traditional craft skills with the very latest in electronic technology to create something new. It does so by providing places where makers can get together to learn new skills from one another. Makers also encourage the sharing of ideas, rather than working in secret. So why not give it a try? If you like tinkering with things you might end up inventing something even more surprising thana talking tree!4.2 Translation1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages.2. Makers exhibited their latest creations.3. Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbonemissions.4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity tochange the world.5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.6. This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) realestate market.7. In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulatedpeople’screativity in an unprecedented way.8. At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers aretinkering with all types of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. T2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. F2. Translation1. 让柴火与众不同的是它既与广义的创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经历的转型相关。
英语(二)全国高等教育自学考试主讲人:席艺涵n普洱(P u'e r)茶深受中国人喜爱,最好的普洱茶产自云南的西戏版纳(Xishuangbanna),那里的气候和环境为普洱茶树的生长提供了最佳条件。
n Pu'er tea enjoys great popularity among Chinese people, and the best Pu'er tea is produced in Xishuanebanna, Yunnan Province, where the climate and environment provide the best condition for the tea tree to grow. The color of Pu'er is relatively deep and its flavor is totally different from others. The longer it brews, the better it tastes. Many people who love the tea are especially fond of its unique flavor and taste. Considering that Pu'er contains a great number of elements that are beneficial to health, drinking the tea regularly helps protect the heart and blood vessels, as well as lose weight, eliminate fatigue and promote digestion.The Value of Money12Sample dialoguePair practice analysis对话译文:史蒂夫:澳大利亚英语和英国英语很相似,你同意吗?爱丽丝:我不确定是否十分赞成。
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Word understanding queen n. the female ruler of a country 女王 ;王后 Examples: • Elizabeth II became Queen of England in 1952. With 42 albums (专辑), she was the queen of pop.
The Oprah Winfrey Show (3)
is now considered to be the highest-rated program of its kind in history. It is broadcast in over 130 countries and attracts an estimated 26 million viewers in the U.S. each day.
Communicative Activities
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Text A—Language Points
legally end the marriage; to separate two ideas, subjects, etc. completely 离婚;分离
© 学苑书业,2012
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
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Text A—Organization
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Text A—Background Information
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Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
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Text A—Background Information
• • • • In Britain, one in three marriages ends in divorce. (n.) It’s much too easy to get a divorce nowadays. (n.) Petra’s parents divorced when she was about seven years old. (v.) Our society has divorced itself from religion (宗教). (v.)
Communicative Activities
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Text A—Background Information
The Oprah Winfrey Show (1)
The Oprah Winfrey Show is a daytime television show which lasts one hour each time. The host Oprah Winfrey invites a guest panel to discuss a topic in front of a studio audience. The topics are often controversial (引 起争论的). The Oprah
In this unit, you will learn:
• the main idea of two texts; • the key words, expressions, structures in Text A and Text B; • useful expressions and sentences concerning television; • writing skills: How to develop a paragraph? • the grammar point: Passive Voice
Tennessee State University (TSU) (2)
cultural, research, service, and professional activities. It has grown dramatically from a small college to two campuses: The 450acre main campus and the downtown Avon Williams campus, located in the heart of Nashville (田纳西州的首府纳什维尔).
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Warm-up Activity
对应词:king 国王
Examples: • With her at my side, I felt like a king. • The lion is the king of the jungle.
© 学苑书业,2012
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar FoEnglish
Text A—Organization
Part 1
(Para.1): It is mainly about Oprah Winfrey’s good habit of reading books in her childhood and the influence of the habit on her.
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Text A—Background Information
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
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Text A—Language Points
1. 2.
How much do you like watching TV? How does the Internet affect your TVwatching habit? Do you like to watch a talk show? If yes, what is it? If no, why not?
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
Communicative Activities
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Unit 1 Cover Page
© 学苑书业,2012
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
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Enjoy English
Text A—Background Information
Background Information Text Organization Language Points Useful Expressions Sentences to Be Remembered Exercises
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Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
The text can be divided into 3 parts.
© 学苑书业,2012
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus
Communicative Activities
© 学苑书业,2012
Teaching Objectives Warm-up Activity Text A Text B Grammar Focus