《中小学英语教课与研究》2008年第1~12期目录第1期小学英语地区性“校本研修”的行动与思虑/车建琴//1-2建立小学英语有效教课的坐标系——备课篇/钱希洁//1-5英语课本剧的设计/李风玲//1-7小学英语作业检查的新思路/汪建纯//1-9以学生发展为本的外语评论方法探访/闻咏//1-10教课研究Wordpower板块教课与词汇学习兴趣/张昌梅//1-14两种讲堂导入方式的成效与反省/宋金山//1-16影响初中英语讲堂教课质量的若干“细节”与改良建议——与新英语教师共同商讨/王春光//1-18动向生成——让英语讲堂闪耀智慧的火花/薛菊萍//1-22与话题相联合为语法复习添活力/张桂平//1-25英语教课中音乐的运用/王洁桦//1-28对于英语讲堂“等候”的几点思虑/张云峰//1-31听闻读写高中生课外英语口语训练的研究/惠鹏//1-34运用词块学习策略提高高中生英语写作水平/王佩娜//1-37提高英语听力理解能力的策略和技巧/朱筱杭//1-40展开中学英语课外阅读活动的研究与实践/康珍//1-43文化之角依照新《课程标准》培育学生跨文化意识/陈俭贤//1-46高中生跨文化社交能力测试剖析/傅山云//1-49教育评论对于上海市高中英语学业水平测试设计的几点思虑/徐强//1-55口语等级测试背景下的英语词汇教课/沈建梅//1-60语言知识巧用谚语学语法/庞公正//1-64“comeon”在社交用语中的六种用法/卫登峰//1-68巧解叹息句/蒋丰歌//1-69高考英语语法疑难分析(一)——基本时态的用法/沈金荣//1-70系列讲座外语自主学习有关观点辨析——外语自主学习系列讲座之一/吕良环//1-73东西南北美国为国家安全增强外语教育/王薇//1-77学校双语升国旗不宜倡导//1-77中小学英语等级考中消“洋等级考”渐渐升温//1-77英语四六级考试难度加大//1-78BBC的英语被挑剔/王翔宇//1-78外国图书室想方设法引导孩子阅读//1-79中文教育位居日本外语教育市场第二位//1-79英小学生课业过重无暇嬉戏//1-80信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//1-80第三届全国双语教课商讨会将于2008年4月28-29日在华东师范大学举行//1-封三征订启事:本刊2008年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//1-封四第2期教课研究浅谈新课程下英语教师的自主性/周智忠//2-2英语讲堂中教师独爱对学生学习的影响/严正贵//2-5激发学习动机的事例评析/李秋颖//2-9怎样利用信息差上好重生班的第一节英语课/叶文红//2-11利用网络——英语课的新试试/郑亚洪//2-14听闻读写高中英语教课中展开报刊阅读的实践与思虑/殷志勇//2-19高中英语书面表达训练题材选定的原则/张九林//2-22中学英语引导性写作程序训练的实践与研究/葛晓燕//2-27对中学英语听力教课的思虑/宋安莲//2-31小学英语图形的教课方法/王春华//2-35小学英语数词的教课方法/蒋凤仙//2-37低效或无效教课现象评析/吴智丹//2-38“订错本”在英语教课中的作用/王建飞//2-40双语教育日本双语教育的学生学业评论——以加藤学园为例/王斌华//2-41中职英语英语讲堂中职业教育的浸透/叶爱弟//2-44教育评论试论英语高考与英语讲堂教课测试的不一样/徐欣幸//2-472004~2007年高考英语试题(福建卷)综述/石锡伍//2-50高考书面表达中的常有问题剖析/朱俊爽,葛文山//2-56语言知识高考英语语法疑难题分析(二)——达成与达成进行时的用法/沈金荣//2-61英语中的同位语及其语义关系/苏克银//2-64Half用法规释/刘宝琴//2-67小议whatever的用法/严春妹//2-68What引导的特别疑问句/邵德荣//2-70汉语代词英译时的语言文化差别/刘文敏//2-71系列讲座程序磋商与外语自主学习能力之培育——外语自主学习系列讲座之二/吕良环//2-73东西南北母语弄不通外语也学不好//2-77照本宣科无助于学好外语/刘喜//2-77中国人为何学不好英语/张艳//2-78十大英语趣事令人叫绝/张贵余//2-78英语四六级就业“入门线”?/潘聪平//2-79大学英语教材将改革欲使毕业生听懂英文广播/董川峰//2-79科学馆英文出现百年“错误”清华大学拒绝更正/陈坦//2-79京剧不是“北京歌剧”/赵启正//2-80严禁中小学生报考英语等级考试报名人数大减/马振文//2-80信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//2-80第三届全国双语教课商讨会将于2008年4月28-29日在华东师范大学举行//2-封三征订启事:本刊2008年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//2-封四第3期教课研究鼎力增强英语教师专业化发展/章兼中//3-2从应用的角度教授语法/秦丽娟//3-8在语言实践中增强语法训练/谭夏斐//3-11合作学习提高外语学习自尊的实证研究/高妙兰,卢卫中//3-15洋老师的诗歌教课法/石金涛//3-20听闻读写怎样提高高中英语阅读课教课的实效性/赵晓娟//3-22高中英语“三段七步读写整合教课模式”实行与建议/牟金江,吕秋华//3-26怎样提高峰区初中学生英语口语能力/郝永红,陈善辉//3-30多角度培育乡村校生英语听力水平/陈洪友//3-33教材合理重整的研究/胡小芬//3-35警惕小学英语教课方案的“隐性”控制/刘宝杰//3-37打造学生心中的“SuperTeacher”/蒋晗//3-40闲谈母语在小学英语讲堂中的作用/丁洁琼//3-42双语教育上海市中小学双语教课的发展剖析(上)/朱浦教育评论高考英语的历史回首与将来走向/张敏,路世英//3-51高考英语阅读填空之研究/刘松//3-54浅谈高中英语完形填空扰乱项的特色/胡洁元//3-58语言知识高考英语语法疑难题分析(三)——时态的特别用法/沈金荣//3-64英语比较状语从句中的省略/张佐贤//3-67两重谓语的语法特色初探/李也白//3-68说说ratherthan的含义和词性/李建国//3-71漫话愚人节的发源与回文修辞/宋蕾系列讲座程序磋商的内容与外语自主学习能力之培育——外语自主学习系列讲座之三/吕良环//3-74东西南北我外国语政策与现实需求严重误差/缪迅//3-78中小学英语教材配套磁带好像“鸡肋”/薛慧卿//3-78聘任的外籍教授竟是农民//3-78外教招聘,怎一个难字了得?/解成君//3-79中青年翻译应补母语课/李灿珍//3-80信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//3-80第三届全国双语教课商讨会将于2008年4月28-29日在华东师范大学举行//3-封三征订启事:本刊2008年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//3-封四第4期小学英语小学英语有效教课的坐标系——要点和难点的打破/钱希洁//4-2小学英语词汇教课的误区与对策/黎茂昌//4-4“整体情境型”单词教课模式初探/赵雪朋//4-7不要让我们的学生成为“怕电击的猴子”/钱晶晶//4-10教课研究名人名言在中学英语教课中的运用/黄百安//4-12高中英语讲堂导入事例剖析/李杰//4-17形成性评论及其在高中英语教课中的实行/李桂红//4-21任务型教课的正确理解和合理优化/陈立华//4-23听闻读写“交流——互动”模式与英语听闻教课/曹爱萍//4-27浅谈怎样提高学生的英语听力水平/周永波//4-30高中英语阅读教课的梯度/刘骁明,余怀松//4-31双语教育上海市中小学双语教课的发展剖析(下)/朱浦//4-34教育评论高考英语科试卷新式“短文改错”题设计/刘庆思//4-40英语高考任务型阅读试题分析/沈正南,黄晓勇//4-44《2008年高考(江苏卷)英语科考试说明》解读/刘忠保//4-48中考英语科考试标准及试卷构造技术指标构思/王后雄,童祥林//4-50初中英语教课评论中的激励性原则/胡文治//4-57语言知识高考英语语法疑难题分析(四)——神态动词的用法/沈金荣//4-60浅谈抽象名词、物质名词的可数化/万小泉//4-65A、B、C与ABC/林有苗//4-68说说on表示“支撑”、“由,,支撑”的用法/孔礼战//4-69And的用法与翻译/程华明//4-71系列讲座自便式语言学习与外语自主学习能力之培育——外语自主学习系列讲座之四/吕良环//4-74东西南北嫁娶英国人要过英语关//4-78印度英语将来将主宰世界//4-78“翻译大国”垃圾知多少?/李菁//4-78教孩子用美国俚语吵嘴竟被列入课程/王蔚,肖茜颖//4-79韩国英语好可免兵役/赵明//4-80信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//4-80第三届全国双语教课商讨会将于2008年4月28-29日在华东师范大学举行//4-封三征订启事:本刊2008年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//4-封四第5期教课研究清点2007年《中小学英语教课与研究》杂志/夏建清//5-2对高中英语教材中性别文化价值取向的剖析/胡秋红,何安平//5-4中学英语双层文本解读模式研究——在英语学科中培育批评性思想的策略/李学书,杨莹子//5-8英语讲堂有效教课实例剖析/汤青//5-11闲谈记英语学习笔录/阚忠平//5-15初中英语笔录策略的指导/梅水英//5-17高中英语讲堂教课常有问题剖析/戴军熔//5-20听闻读写打破惯例的高中英语阅读教课策略/涂迎春//5-28浅谈英语阅读教课的策略/仇非//5-31培育词块学习和运意图识,提高学生写作水平/程菁华//5-35乡村中学生英语听力缺点成因的检查剖析及对策/汪迅,万直民//5-39小学英语小学高年级英语教课的评论/张韡//5-44小学英语讲堂口语评论的台前幕后/许姗姗//5-47小学英语复习课的“四字法”/廖荣莲//5-49小学英语教课的课程整合/张琦//5-51教育评论从试卷设计看高考英语科对阅读理解能力的考察/刘庆思//5-53语言知识高考英语语法疑难题分析(五)——语态的用法/沈金荣//5-57英语中表示“用”的介词及其使用特色/苏克银//5-61“决不”的多种表达方式/王立新//5-63英语动名词的逻辑主语/郑声衡,郑声滔//5-65系列讲座展开自便式语言学习活动——外语自主学习系列讲座之五/吕良环//5-67试卷交流2008年上海市一般高等学校春天招生考试英语试卷(上)//5-72东西南北“人机对话”学不来精湛英语/李雪林,余倩倩//5-79广泛的错译//5-79全国5000万人在学外语/姜泓冰//5-80“哑吧”英语教育模式应改革//5-80男孩女孩用不一样大脑地区办理语言信息/群芳//5-80China用惯了,不用非得叫ZhongGuo//5-80信息征订启事:本刊2008年下半年度全国邮局征订工作于2008年5月尾截止//5-封四第6期双语教育承上启下破浪前行——来自第三届全国双语教育商讨会的报导/熊建辉等//6-2教课研究四种版本教材必修部分选用的中国题材剖析/杨行胜//6-9一线教师论文来自哪处?/傅淑玲//6-12略论母语思想对英语学习者的影响/朱俊//6-15英语讲堂教课导入应具备的几个特色/谢玉民//6-18英语词汇教课浅谈/张红//6-20小学英语贴切的情境,英语有效教课的依靠/钱希洁//6-24合作学习在小班英语讲堂教课中的运用/卢清森//6-26追问,让小学英语讲堂绽开异彩/秦益锋,苏雪娟//6-29小学英语拓展性教课/胡春华//6-32听闻读写增强课外阅读,提高高中生英语阅读能力/夏安平//6-37中学英语启迪式写作教课实验/管卫华,肖大庆//6-39乡村中学展开寄宿生“宿舍口语”活动的新试试/黄瑛//6-44试用图式理论激发高中生英语听力兴趣/江淑玲,杨明蕊//6-48教育评论英语作文评改模式的研究与思虑/殷志勇//6-51翻译研究英汉句式互译差别剖析/赵晓江//6-56语言知识一些地道的讲堂用语/李力//6-59委婉虚构语气解读/刘岁卯//6-60初中英语易错单词集/陈萍//6-62定语从句与其余相像易混构造比较/李艳荣//6-65系列讲座高考英语语法疑难题分析(六)——名词及名词与限制词的搭配/沈金荣//6-67试卷交流2008年上海市一般高等学校春天招生考试英语试卷(下)//6-71东西南北双语教课母语外语应同步提高/苏军//6-77牛津英语大字典收入来自上海“嗲”字//6-77社交英语穿上奥运外衣高价卖/郦亮//6-78外语学习应着重人文意识/刘重宵//6-78英语学习要抛开应试压力/李涛//6-79学唱英文歌全市将推行/丁柏明//6-79信息通知:华东地域外语教课法研究会第十五届年会//6-80新书预告//6-封三征订启事:本刊2008年下半年度全国邮局征订工作仍在持续//6-封四第7期教师修养试论外语教师的指导和启迪生用/徐昌和//7-2论中学英语教师人文修养的内涵建构/陈文红//7-5商讨反省成长——记一次“专家引领”式的教研活动/方燕萍//7-7教课研究语法教课中的意识提高/麦晓萍//7-9提高课文教课中任务设计的实效性/杨延从//7-13观点图在高中英语词汇教课中的应用/袁成//7-19科技英语教课与学生创新思想的培育/郜键//7-23英语讲堂教课有效性的问题与对策/李华//7-26听闻读写浅谈新课标高中英语听力教课/颜晓梅//7-31剖析英语书面表达错误商讨书面表达教课/姜培信//7-33有效累积典型例句,提高语言应用能力/张红军//7-36小学英语智慧的导入——英语有效教课的序曲/钱希洁//7-38图表在小学英语高年级语篇教课中的有效运用/王建凤//7-40巧用chant记单词/陈良//7-44中小学英语教课连接的问题、原由和对策——以江苏省译林版《牛津英语》教材为例/钱伊琳//7-46瑞典中学英语全国一致考试一试卷介绍/张小情//7-50图表能给我们带来什么启迪?——谈江苏高考新题型“任务型阅读”的复习策略/周宏俊//7-54人教版高中英语综合性课型有效教课模式的研究/郑秋秋//7-57高中英语必修模块学业评论个案研究/郭满库//7-63语言知识两重谓语与一些相像构造的差别/李也白//7-66notonly,butalso,的用法探微/王平//7-69系列讲座高考英语语法疑难题分析(七)——冠词、数词的用法/沈金荣//7-72东西南北说“全民学外语”为时髦早/陈国利//7-78韩国英语热花销高成效差/王义//7-78以色列一大学研究表示双语小孩的大脑衰老迟缓//7-78老外应聘外教也非旗开得胜/袁艺//7-79为上海公共英语表记“挑刺”/王柏玲//7-79英语培训火爆背后是隐忧/彭晓妍,王培培//7-80跨国企业极缺双语经理人/苏姗·芬顿//7-80信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//7-80新书预告//7-封三征订启事:本刊2008年下半年度全国邮局征订工作仍在持续//7-封四第8期教课研究论新课程背景下教研组的建设/殷志勇//8-2外国二语讲堂教课研究的两种取向/刘永兵,王冰//8-5英语讲堂小组活动的有效性商讨/张静//8-10经过预习题案引导学生学会预习/陈红娟//8-12从身旁溜走的生成资源/冯江华//8-16新课改下教课资源的有效链接/王丽爱//8-18例谈怎样创建性地使用初中英语教材——Goforit第一轮使用小结/于秀娟//8-22新课标理念下“QA2I”中学英语教课活动设计——中学英语课程改革6年拾萃/孟庆忠,赵莉蓉//8-24小学英语小学英语教课中的点拨方法/廖蓉莲//8-34“师徒式”教授予小学英语教师专业技术的提高/傅淑玲//8-36小学英语讲堂教课的热身艺术/王咏梅//8-38奇妙设计小学英语课外作业/吕旦//8-40听闻读写高中英语听力教课商讨/郑晓红//8-43书面表达训练的一个实用环节——“说”书面表达/李霞平//8-45新课程下英语晨读课初探/孙利英//8-48新课程下高中英语口语教课研究/郑静君//8-50教育评论专家——生手教师作业批语比较的现状检查/黄如英//8-53语言知识英语后置定语概括/陈起富//8-57对静态动词be的进行时用法研究/吴宏亮//8-60非谓语动词的教课研究/高正泉//8-62从brunch何smog看现代英语中的拼缀法/邓道宣//8-64系列讲座高考英语语法疑难题分析(八)——形容词、副词的用法/沈金荣//8-682008年全国一般高等学校招生一致考试上海英语试卷(上)//8-73东西南北解读孩子的语言敏感期//8-78houmorsomeone≠幽他一默//8-78《水浒》翻译逸事/江中水//8-78外电述评北京规范中餐英文译名//8-79美国开发出语音互译设施//8-79科学家:双语者跟着语言变化会改变性格//8-79英国计划推动外国英语教育//8-80聊天能提高智力水平/露梅//8-80美国开除教师代价高/丁雨//8-80信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//8-80新书预告//8-封三征订启事:本刊2009年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//8-封四第9期教课研究初中英语体验式教课的认识与实践/魏明娣//9-2教师怎样修正自己的教课方案/张海生//9-6对高一英语教课中若干“疑惑”的思虑/李秋颖//9-7浅谈在英语教课情形创建和利用时易忽视的细节/韩光明//9-11小学英语小学英语教师要提高解读教材的能力——以江苏《牛津小学英语(6B)》教材为例/戈向红//9-15试论小学英语讲堂连接语的有效性/钱雨萍//9-21英语谚语在小学高年级英语教课中的运用/梁丽容//9-24小学英语颜色单词的若干教课方法/段海燕//9-28听闻读写高中英语口语教课的二维性任务设计/杨延从//9-30保持讲堂对话的连接性/王丽爱//9-35浅探主题式英语写作教课策略/邵碧虹//9-38依靠课文展开英语写作训练/杨治平//9-42教育评论2008高考英语写作命题理路的瑜与瑕/詹先君//9-46高考写作题设计应注意的几个问题/陈红//9-51浅析2008年高考英语浙江卷/费胜昌//9-54语言知识插入语对句子构造的分开/朱建民//9-57说说形容词最高等前不用定冠词的状况/李荣田//9-59“as,as,”构造的用法及翻译/李力//9-60any等同于“任何”吗/李也白//9-63系列讲座高考英语语法疑难题分析(九)——代词的用法/沈金荣//9-65试卷交流2008年全国一般高等学校招生一致考试上海英语试卷(下)//9-69东西南北语言中的文化差别//9-78同声传译人材稀缺/许璟莹//9-78五音不全者可能有交流阻碍/露梅//9-79信息欢迎定阅《学英语》//9-80欢迎定阅《21世纪英语教育周刊》//9-封三征订启事:本刊2009年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//9-封四第10期教师修养高中英语教师持续教育需求检查研究/郑磊//10-2从认贴心理学视角商讨中学英语教师讲堂语言效能/赵凤琴//10-7教课研究多种输入方式并用促使初中生理解语篇的试试与思虑/滕家庆//10-10让学生体验英语学习的成就感/夏建清//10-15标题的怀疑与研究/左金忠//10-16小学英语提高小学英语教课方案能力/刘剑//10-18创建性使用教材的“五字法”/周庆峰//10-21运用歌曲歌谣提高学生的听闻读写能力/陈晚好//10-23小学中高年级英语写话能力的培育/朱成//10-26双语教育“三维立体式”基础教育双语师资培育模式的研究与实践——以长春师范学院为例/刘春明等//10-29听闻读写善用电影剪辑进行英语教课/陈萍//10-32“任务型阅读”解题技巧及教课策略/潘永红//10-35高中英语阅读能力的阶段性培育/龚作导//10-39融文化背景知识于高中英语听力教课/周俊婵//10-43介绍信就该这么写——牛津7BUnit5maintask教课记/刘建//10-46教育评论高考英语上海卷“综合填空”命题剖析——兼谈2008年名称变化的含义/徐强//10-47新课程下的中考英语听力命题——2007—2008年江苏省各市中考听力试题简析/葛连干//10-52外语教师讲堂写作评论工具和手段的应用研究/高旭阳//10-58语言知识有理不在“声高”——谈aloud的实质意义/王志勇//10-64英语“季节”词语的引申意义/林有苗//10-65宾格人称代词的使用处合/盘笋//10-67小议动词不定式语态/练稳山//10-68Forgetit含义初探/阚洪全//10-71系列讲座高考英语语法疑难题分析(十)——疑问句、叹息句、祈使句的用法/沈金荣//10-73东西南北双语加油站语法新思想/张满胜//10-78海归含金量降落主因:外语水平差//10-78少儿英语教育落伍国际40年//10-79信息欢迎定阅《学英语》//10-80欢迎定阅《21世纪英语教育周刊》//10-封三征订启事:本刊2009年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//10-封四第11期小学英语从“连接”与“连接”的语篇视角谈小学英语故事教课/白薇,景嫣//11-2英语故事教课法的优势——对于我女儿学习英语的个案研究/吴爱宁//11-6小学英语讲堂教课评论的误差及对策/宫文胜//11-10小学英语教课中无效演练的反省/朱晓玲//11-14教课研究WebQuest在高中英语教课中的应用/冯映春//11-16重新课程下新教材的应用谈英语教师素责问题/王辉//11-22让“无声”的“鸦雀”一展歌喉——英语讲堂口语教课心理指导事例一则/杜为民//11-24初中英语作业环节存在的问题与对策/汪四楼//11-25初中英语教课中浸透生命教育初探/周华//11-29听闻读写写作课中的互动合作模式/梅春莹//11-32将写作教课进行究竟/杨成//11-35高中英语任务型写作教课的实践与思虑/侯亚敏//11-39双语教育试论双语教育比较研究中的可比性/魏日宁,熊建辉//11-41课程教材英语教材整合之我见/肖克义//11-46英语教科书中西文化交融的门路/姚冬琳//11-49英语高考命题:发展趋向及教课启迪/戴军熔//11-52研究词汇测试的新方法——浅析2008年高考英语(上海卷)词汇测试新题型/徐欣幸//11-59高考英语“任务型阅读”题型解读/俞红珍//11-62中职学生的英语自我效能感/宁波,金钧//11-67语言知识浅谈介词宾语的种类/欧阳敏//11-71英语“更不用说”的不一样表达方式/惠鹏//11-73连词before用法概括/李娟//11-74“AA制”源说/程华明//11-76东西南北“五脏六腑”被译成“五个库房六个宫殿/李妮//11-77英外交官称印度人英语比中国人强/王磊//11-77中文热的是语言而不是文化/陈向民//11-78傅雷译事的传承 /柳鸣九//11-78翻译侵权烂造乱象何时休/李景端//11-78五音不全者可能有交流阻碍/露梅//11-79信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//11-75欢迎定阅《21世纪英语教育周刊》//11-封三征订启事:本刊2009年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//11-封四第12期教师修养正确办理外语教课中的五个关系/徐伟彬,田式国//12-2高中英语教材的创建性使用/管怡//12-8给新上岗英语教师的三点建议/葛文山//12-12教课研究课时教课目的的设定、叙写、履行和检测/吴燕//12-15例谈语法教课中研究性学习的快乐——关系代词引导的定语从句教课察看与剖析/孟令喆//12-19生活化视线中的英语作业设计/李学书//12-21美国中学教师讲堂教课话语探微/刘忠//12-25小学英语刍议小学与初中英语教课的连接——以福建省福州市为例/叶秀秀//12-27借助交互电子白板,描述出色英语讲堂/陈亚飞//12-30创新单词记忆方法,提高词汇记忆实效/张韡//12-32Lookandread板块资源的再利用/王霞//12-36双语教育双语教课十项策略/王斌华//12-37听闻读写语篇连接理论与高中英语阅读教课/杨开泛//12-41初中英语阅读课的有效教课方案/邵利群//12-45初中英语课外拓展阅读的实践/许颖//12-48增强高中英语写作教课的研究/刘丽红//12-51中职英语运用任务型教课提高职高英语阅读教课的收效/张红红//12-53教育评论从试卷设计看高考英语科对语言知识的考察/刘庆思//12-57研究英语模块复习法提高英语复习效率/易仁荣//12-61语言知识重复与代替/郑继明//12-64冠词类型表示法探微/阚洪全//12-68and的特别用法探微/王平//12-70东西南北全世界化呼喊“简化英语”/迈克尔·斯卡平克//12-73让人舌头打结的英文单词/殷楠//12-73意大利评比“最丑恶”英语词汇/丁良恒//12-74少儿学英语培育语感更重要//12-74罚站?站着听课!/奥利弗·海尔//12-75研究表示:女性更合适担当高级管理人材//12-75英国千所中小学没校长/殷楠//12-76联合国:读写能力是化解健康威迫的良药//12-76信息欢迎邮购《中小学英语教课与研究》合订本//12-69本刊2008年第1~12期(总第213期~224期)总目录//12-77新书柬介//12-封三征订启事:本刊2009年度全国各邮局征订工作已经开始//12-封四。
( ) 1. —let's cross the road now, mu—no, we _____. we have to wait till the light turns green.a. couldn'tb. wouldn'tc. mustn'td. needn't( ) 2. the traditions in china are different _____ those in western countries.a. ofb. forc. fromd. with( ) 3. —may i keep the book a little longer?—ok, but you _____ return it to the library before wednesday.a. mustb. mayc. can'td. needn't( ) 4. we like daisy _____ because she is beautiful _____ she is kind and helpful.a. not only; andb. not ; butc. both; ord. not; and( ) 5. the boy _____ a present from his friend, but he didn't ______ it.a. received; receiveb. accepted; acceptc. accepted; received. received; accept( ) 6. it's not polite _____ somebody _____ the head.a. touching; onb. to touch; inc. touching; atd. to touch; on( ) 7. —must i finish the work today?—no, you _____. you can have a rest first.a. mustb. mustn'tc. couldn'td. needn't( ) 8. —what do you think of this book?—it's boring. there's _____ in it.a. nothing interestingb. anything interestingc. everything interestingd. something interesting( ) 9. —jenny always talks to people _____.—yes, she is really a _____ girl.a. careful; carefullyb. polite; politelyc. careful; carefuld. politely; polite( ) 10. —david got the first prize in the swimming competition.—______ he isn't good at swimming at all!a. i'm sorry to hear that.b. do you think so?c. what a surprise!d. it's bad luck!二、完形填空 (每小题1分后,共10分后)around the world, people have different ideas about what good table manners are. in india, 11 , people only eat with their right hands. you take food from one dish on the table, usually a kind of bread or rice, mix it with food from another dish and then put it in your mouth. your left hand stays 12 . eating with your left hand is very rude!in western countries, people do not usually share the same dishes.everyone has his or her own plate of food. you eat with a knife and fork and you 13 wave them around when you are not eating. try not to be 14 when eating. people think that is bad table manners! when you go to some restaurants in different part of the world, it is important to know 15 people think is rude. for example, in china it is ok to be noisy in a restaurant. 16 , in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places. if a table is too noisy,other customers might not be happy.17 the meal is also different from country to country. in china, oneperson usually pays for every one. in western countries, when friends eat together, they 18 share the cost. this is called “going dutch.” when westerners pay the check, they usually leave some 19 for the waiter .this iscalled “leaving a tip.” in the u.s., it’s common to leave tips of 10%, 15%or 20% of the check. the amount depends on(由……决定) how good the waiter was.20 waiters can get a lot of money!( ) 11. a. such as b. in fact c. at last d. for example( ) 12. a. busy b. still c. moving d. shaking( ) 13. a. may b. must c. shouldn’t d. need( ) 14. a. friendly b. quiet c. noisy d. sleepy( ) 15. a. what b. how c. which d. why( ) 16. a. so b. or c. though d. however( ) 17. a. asking for b. paying forc. looking throughd. searching for( ) 18. a. usually b. sometimesc. neverd. ever( ) 19. a. food b. drinks c. money d. flowers( ) 20. a. bad b. good c. careful d. beautiful三、写作认知(每小题2分后,共26分后)(共13小题;每小题2分后,满分26分后)adifferent countries have different customs in giving presents.in china you must never give a clock to a chinese person, because thesound of the word for "clock" is similar to the sound for "death" in chinese. also, don't wrap (包裹) a present in white, black, or blue paper, becausethese are the colors for funerals (葬礼). don't give a knife, becausesomething sharp (锋的) can cut a friendship.in russia if we give flowers as a present, we have to give odd numbers of them (one, three, five, etc) because even numbers of flowers (two, four, six, etc) are for funerals.in germany flowers are a good present to take in your dinner hostess, but don't take her red roses because it means you are in love with her. don't takethirteen of anything because it's an unlucky number. don't take an even number of anything, either. don't wrap your present in white, brown, or black paper.( )21. why can't we give a clock as a present to a chinese? because in chinese _______.a. the word "clock" has the same meaning with the word "death"b. the word "clock" has the same sound with the word "death"c. the word "clock" has the same meaning with the word "knife"d. the word "clock" means "dangerous"( )22. you may take _______ if you go to a birthday party in russia or in germany.a. 10 flowersb. 13 flowersc.9 flowersd. 11 red roses( )23._______ thirteen is an unlucky number.a. in chinab. in russiac. in japand. in germany( )24. what's the chinese meanings for "odd number" and "even number"?a. 自然数和偶数b. 基本数和奇数c. 奇数和偶数d. 幸运数字和不幸运数字( )25. which of the following is true?a. neither chinese nor germans wrap presents in black or white paper.b. both chinese and russians wrap presents in black or white paper.c. both chinese and germans wrap presents in black or white paper.d. neither chinese nor russians wrap presents in black or yellow paper.bas we know,there are differences between western culture and chinese culture. let's look at the words about animals and plants.most expressions in chinese about the dog, for example,"a homeless dog", "a mad dog", "a running dog" and "a dog catching a mouse", have negative(消极的) meanings.but in western countries, people think dogs are honest and good friends of humans. in english, people use the dog to describe positive (积极的)actions.for example, "you are a lucky dog" means you are a lucky person. and "every dog has its day" means each person has good luck sometimes. to describe a person's serious illness,they say "sick as a dog". the word "dog-tired" means very tired. however, chinese love cats very much.but in western culture, "cat" is often used to describe a woman who is cruel.the rose is regarded as (被看做)a symbol of love in both china and some western countries.people think the rose means love, peace, courage and friendship. and the rose is the national flower of england, america and many other countries.the words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. we can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.( ) 26. "you are a lucky dog" means "_______".a. everybody in the world is luckyb. each person lives his own way of lifec. you are a lucky persond. everybody has a time in life to be lucky( ) 27. western people usually use "cat" to refer to "_______".a. a tired personb. a brave manc. a homeless persond. an unkind woman( ) 28. in english,people use ________ to describe positive actions.a. the dogb. the catc. the rosed. the words( ) 29. what's the best title for the passage? ________a. negative or positiveb. different countries ,different culturec. rose means the same in chinese and englishd. what dog and cat mean in english and chinesecsingapore is made up of many kinds of people. the largest groups are chinese, malays and indians. each group has its own special wedding customs.chinese weddings: before the wedding, the mothers of the bride and the groom(新郎新娘) do the hair for the the bride and the groom make tea for the groom’s parents, aunts and uncles. then they go to the bride’s family to give gifts. after that they take some pictures. they ride in a car with red, pink and gold ribbon decoration. in the evening there is a big dinner. the women wear pink or gold dresses because those are lucky colors. the bride usually wears a red or pink dress at the dinner.malay weddin gs: malay’s weddings last two days in the city and many days in the country. the first day is a saturday evening. on sunday morning, the bride and the groom meet their friends, and the friends throw yellow rice over them to wish them good luck. in the evening there is a big dinner. the friends usually take some hard-boiled eggs when they leave for home.indian weddings: the bride and the groom plant a tree, after that they change their clothes. usually the groom gives the clothes to the bride and the bride puts the clothes on. the friends throw rice at the bride and the groom to wish them good luck. the friends do not wear black or white clothes. bright colors are the best for weddings.( ) 30. what can we learn about singapore?a. it is made up of three kinds of people.b. the largest group of people is japanese.c. there are different wedding customs.d. the wedding customs are the same.( ) 31. which wedding may be the longest?a. a chinese wedding.b. a malay wedding.c. an indian wedding.d. the writer didn’t tell us.( ) 32. which is true of all the three wedding customs?a. the friends have a big dinner for the bride and the groob. the friends wish the bride and the groom good luck.c. the friends throw rice at the bride and the grood. the friends wear black or white clothes.( ) 33. what is true according to the passage?a. at an indian wedding, the bride and the groom plant a tree.b. at a malay wedding, there is a big dinner on the first day.c. at a chinese wedding, all the people wear green clothes.d. at a indian wedding, friends change clothes with each other.四、单词拼写(共5分)根据汉语提示信息,写下单词的恰当形式。
2. After the fair, they felt very excited. 在展览会后,他们感到很兴奋。
【解析】felt是动词feel的过去式,意思 是“感觉”。feel是感官动词,后面接形 容词,表示“感到怎么样”。如:feel nervous感到紧张,feel happy感到开心。 例如:She felt sad when she heard the news. 当她听到这个消息的时候,她感 到伤心。
词语点将台 Word power Unit 7 词语笔记 attend 【展示】 1. He will attend a meeting tomorrow. 他明天将参加一个会议。 2. I want to attend my brother's wedding. 我想参加我哥哥的婚礼。 【总结】attend作动词讲,意为“参 例1和例2 加”,可作及物动词,如__________。
4. Her father is an English teacher. He teaches English to her. 她的爸爸是一位英语老师。他给她教 英语。 【总结】teach是动词,意为“教;讲 授”,既可作不及物动词,如例1;也可 作及物动词,如例2和例3。常用句型有: 例3 teach sb. sth,如__________;teach sth. to sb. 如__________。 例4
【跟踪练习】 根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 1. 他想加入足球俱乐部。 join He wants to__________ the Football Club.
2. 如果每天有时间读书的话,我会感到 很开心。 If I have time to read books every day, feel ______. I will _____ happy
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学生双语报高一29期B版答案第一篇:学生双语报高一29期B版答案第29期B1版Keys:(One possible version)词语保鲜一、1.get through2.get down to3.get away with4.get along with二、1.in great need of2.in favor of3.in celebration of4.in memory of词语狙击单词大练兵一、1.awarded2.permission3.forgivebine5.apologize6.admire7.celebration8.drowned9.customs 10.harvest11.religious12.belief 13.raw二、1.seasonal 2.worldwide3.independent4.energetic5.obvious6.balanced7.limited8.agricultural 9.slim10.fool词组训练场一、1.in memory of2.play tricks on3.as though4.earned her living5.day and night6.dress up7.look forward to8.tells lies 9.in debt 10.turned up二、1.is admired for2.must apologize to you for3.consult your lawyer4.benefit from5.remind me to call back第29期B2版Keys:阅读训练营 1-4 ACBA 5-8 ADCC 新题型聚焦 1-5 ECBAF第29期B3版Keys:(One possible version,客观题除外)语法小测一、1-5 ACBBD 6-8 DBC二、1.Shall 2.needn’t 3.must 4.may 5.should6.can7.would8.mustn’t9.mustn’t10.shall 句型巡航1.looks as though2.have you speaking to your mother3.It was obvious that4.I saw you reading a newspaper5.Does it mean 01第二篇:双语报高三版学生错题集锦双语报高三版学生错题集锦(原创)此题为天涯的好友提供,均为计算机阅卷显示正答率较低的题目,也是高三学生比较容易出错的题目。
2012年广东省高一学生双语报29期一、语言知识及运用第一节完形填空I went on my first amusement park ride at the age of eight. When people ask me what I 1 most about my childhood, I often refer to what 2 when I was riding a children's roller coaster.I went to a theme park with my elder brother and one of his friends. We 3 that roller coaster. We thought it was the 4 thing ever. We couldn't wait to try it, so all of us ran over to buy a ticket.I still get 5 when I think about how my brother's friend demanded to sit in the middle. My brother and I had to sit on the outer edges of the cart. My brother's friend was much 6 than me. As soon as the ride 7 , I could feel myself being crushed (压) because of the weight of my brother's friend. It was not long before I was crying in 8 .I had never 9 to have this kind of experience with an amusement park ride, and it is not something that I am proud of, but it is something that stands out vividly in my mind from my 10 . What bothered me most was that my brother's friend was 11 me. It seemed to be something fun to him.When I got off the ride, I walked by myself for a while and stopped crying. Then I 12 and found my brother who was still under the children's roller coaster. I told him not to talk to his friend any more. .As I grew up ancl became less afraid of the speed and seeming 13 of roller coasters, I was able to go on more and get over that 14 experience. I would still not say that the roller coaster is my favorite amusemcnt park ride, but I don't 15 it the way I oncc did.1. A.remember B. miss C. learn D. love2. A. survivcd B. happened C. appeared D. spread3. A. changed B. kicked C. saw D. made4. A.coolest B. longest C. easiest D.strangest5. A. surprised B. angry C. pleased D. moved6. A. kinder B. thinner C. younger D. bigger7. A.started B. improved C. broke D. settled8. A. belief B. shock C. happiness D. pain9. A. expected B. hated C. explained D. pretended10. A. family B. hobby C. childhood D. work11. A. laughing at B. believing in C. disagreeing with D. looking for12. A. went ahead B. went back C. showed up D. took off13. A. worth B. danger C. cost D. result14. A. famous B. bad C. forgettable D. sweet15. A. dislike B. appreciate C. replace D. Influence第二节语法填空The other day, I decided to come home early because it was such 16 beautiful day. There was an ice cream truck in front of my house. As I drove slowly 17 (avoid) an accident, I noticed a little boy looking at the ice cream truck. He didn't get anything and he walked away with a 18 (disappoint) look on his face. I asked the ice cream guy 19 happened and hesaid the little boy had no money. I had no cash on me so I went upstairs to look for some cash. When I found 20 , the ice cream guy was still waiting but the little boy was not.I went in the direction I thought he 21 (go) and I saw a woman getting out of her vehicle.I asked her if she had a little boy 22 she said yes. She quickly went 23 the house to get her son, and when she returncd I realized that he was not the little boy I had seen. This boy was a bit 24 (old) than that boy. I took him to the truck and let him pick out the ice cream he wanted.I never told the mom it was not the same boy 25 I was talking about. I couldn't find the original boy anywhere but I hope he got some ice cream soon.二、阅读第一节阅读理解AIn the digital age of Facebook, Twitter and texting, it seems as if very few things arc sacred (神圣的). People text in movie theaters, in class and even while driving. But one woman was caught texting in a really unusual place —her own wedding.After making her way down the aisle(过道) with her father, the Califomia bride stopped, pulled a cellphone out of the top ofher dress alnd began to text under her veil. She used one hand to text as the other held her father's hand."This is part of a weedding video I shot in August, 2008 at the Mission Beach Women's Club in San Dicgo, CA," videographer James Costa wrote on his YouTube page." It was perfectly normal except for this funny clip of the bride texting.""At one point, I noticed her doing it through my lens(镜头) and I had to pull away from the camera to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing," Costa wrote.The preacher could be heard in the background beginning the ceremony. The bride's back was to her guests, but Costa caught the moment with his camera. "The preacher was busy reading his opening comments and the bride's back was to the guests who were there," Costa wrote. "I was the only one to see her. Her dad glanced at her and then saw me taking a video!"The bride's father appeared embarrassed and at one point opened his mouth and began to move his arm as though he was going to say something to her, but he stopped himself from doing so, and let the bride do —or text —whatever she wanted on her special day.26. What would be the best title for this passage?A. A few things are sacred nowadays.B. A bride became famous after her wedding.C. A bride was caught texting on her wedding.D. A woman tried to make her wedding special.27. When Costa saw the woman tcxting, he fclt it was __________. .A.normalB. unbelievableC. perfectD. boring28. The woman was texting while __________.A. she was hugging her dadB. she was walking down the aisleC. the preacher was reading his opcning commentsD. the preacher was looking for the husband29. When the bride's father saw Costa taking a video, he __________.A. tried to say something to himB. stopped him from doing soC. thanked him for doing soD. felt embarrassed30. When the bride's Father glanced at the bride, she __________.A. was still busy textingB. looked up and noticed CostaC. asked him to let her finish textingD. stopped herself from texting at onceBI like shopping. On 15 December, 2010, I started a challenge to spend a year without shopping for clothes. It hasn't been easy. Why did I decide to take a year off from shopping for clothes?Financial reasonsIn 2010, my financial circumstances changed, but my spending habits didn't. I was eaming less but not spending less. Tired of working in a company, I started an online business in early 2010. While the experience helped me in many ways, it didn' t increase my income. . Practical reasonsMost women wear only 20-30% of their clothes. A year without shopping for clothes gave me a chance to increase the percentage. I wasn't adding any new pieces to my wardrobe (衣橱), so I was forced to reach for those I hadn't worn for ages. Over the past year, I found myself wearing items that had hung for months. You know sometimes children get so many toys that they can't play with them all. After a few weeks they "discover" the old toys and it's almost like having new ones. I found all sorts of new toys in my wardrobe.Creative reasonsShopping is nearly a sport for many women, me included. I'm great at it. I could have represented Australia in the shopping Olympics, if such a thing existed. But when you look at the bigger picture, it's rather sad to consider all that creative energy going into shopping. I learned to use that creative energy for other purposes.Now as the end of my challenge gets close, I have mixed feelings. To help me deal with things, I've been thinking about what I've leamed over the past year.31. What can we leam from Paragraph 2?A. The writer thought highly of her job in the company.B. The wnter became tired of operating an online business.C. The writer benefited in some ways from her online business.D. Starting an online business allowod the writer to spend more money.32. The underlined part "new toys" in Paragraph 3 refers to __________.A. toys for kidsB. unworn clothesC. things used for shoppingD. shopping habits33. By saying "I could have represented Australia in the shopping Olympics", the writer means __________. .A. she wants to take part in the Olympic GamesB. she is proud of Australian shoppersC. she is good at shoppingD. she does well in sports34. Which of the following reasons for giving up shopping is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. To save money.B. To spare energy.C. To wear the unworn clothes.D. To spend more time with friends.35. What would be talked about in the following paragraph?A. What the writer has learned from that experience.B. How to form good shopping habits.C. Why the writer has mixed feelings.D. How to avoid shopping.CSearch efforts are continuing in south-eastern Turkey for survivors of Sunday's powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The number of the dead reported has exceeded (超过) 200 and the number is expected to continue to increase. Rescue workers are racing against time to final the hundreds of people believed to be trapped under the rubble(碎砖) of buildings that fell after the quake.The 7.2 magnitude quake severely damaged thousands of buildings. Despite battling against the numerous aftershocks, rescue efforts have been successful. A woman was dug out of her fallen apartment block afler being trapped for 10 hours. Then she called out for her mother, who was injured. The survivors are from the town Ercis, one of the worst hit areas where as many as l00 buildings were reported collapsed.Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Van, the main city in the quake-stricken region. He warns there may still be worse news to come. He says the biggest concern is for the villages because the buildings are made of mud and are more vulnerable to quakes. He says almost all buildings in such villages are destroyed. With the telephone system failing in many places, there has been little news from the area. Many of the roads have also been cut off, adding to the difficulties of rescue efforts.The mountainous south-eastern region of Turkey, where the quake struck, is one of the poorest parts of the country. Weather conditions worsened late Sunday, with freezing temperatures and forecasts for snow.Turkey sits on major geological fault lines. In 1999, two earthquakes registering more than 7,0 on the Richter scale killed almost 20,000 people in populated parts of the north-western region of the country.36. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Rescue efforts continuc after an earthquake in Turkey.B. Turkey was stricken by a powerful earthquake.C. Turkey is in great trouble after an earthquake.D. Hundreds of people are trapped in Turkey.37. We can learn from the first two paragraphs that __________.A. it is not hard to rescue those people trapped under the rubbleB. a woman was found after she called out for her motherC. the town Ercis has reported the most deaths so farD. aftershocks are a big problem that rescuers face38. Turkish Prime Minister used the underlined word "vulnerable" in Paragraph 3 to show that__________. .A. he has great confidence in rescue workB. people should not use mud to build housesC. the buildings in the villages can be easily destroyedD. the recent earthquake is more powerful than he has expected39. What is implied in the last paragraph?A. Turkey is very likely to be stricken by earthquakes.B. Turkey' s location helps it avoid many earthquakes.C. Turkey is not experienced in fitghting against earthquakes.D. The recent earthquake is the most serious in Turkey's history.40. What is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Where the earthquake struck in Turkey.B. The number of buildings damaged in the earthquake.C. The latest number of deaths caused by the earthquake.D. The help Turkey received from other countries after the earthquake.DRebecca Bunting is excited about the weekend. She's flying from London to Tallinn, where a little boy will be waiting to greet her at the airport. "It's his fourth birthday." she said, smiling. "I haven't seen him for three months and I can't wait to see how much he has grown."From the way she's talking, you'd imagine Rebecca is going to visit a nephew or a fiiend's child. Instead, this tall, attractive 28-year-old woman from London is going to spencl a long weekend with her son, whom she left two years ago when she walked away from him and her husband. "He has a very good father and grandmother. I feel he's better off living with them than with me," she said calmly. "I want him to be with me, but I just can't be sure that would work."Yet public attitude towards women like Rebecca, who have chosen to live away from their children, is that they are at some level irresponsible. In our society women who fail to put their children before themselves are seen as unnatural. Whispers follow, "What's wrong with her? I would never do that."Sarah Hart is the co-chairperson of Match, a charity for mothers who don't live with their children, and the author of A Mother Apart, a book for the 200,000 or so British women in this situation. She says that there is still a hug discrepancy in how we view mothers and fathers not living with their children. "We usually think that it's very painful for men to be separated from their kids but that this is just how things work out. But when a woman does it, our judgment is unforgiving," she says. "People usually think that she must have done something wrong and that in some way she must be unfit." .41. How does the writer lead to the topic of the passage?A. By telling Rebecca's story.B. By referring to a recent study..C. By referring to scientific data.D. By telling her own life story.42. Rebecca chooses not to let her son live with her probably because __________. .A. she doesn't love himB. her son doesn't like herC. she cannot take good care of himD. she doesn't want to live with a child43. Generally speaking, what's people's attitude towards women like Rebecca?A. They greatly support such women.B. They think such women are selfless.C. The7y have great pity on such women.D. They think such women are not responsible.44. The underlined word "discrepancy" in Paragraph 4 is the closest in meaning to "__________".A.improvementB. mistakeC. achicvementD. difference45. When men live away fiom their children, people usually think __________. .A.they are irresponsibleB.they shouldn't be forgivenC. they have no choice but to do itD. they must have done something wrong .第二节信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息首先,请阅读以下商品介绍:A. If your bathroom needs livening up, our Toothpaste Spread Heads areideal. It can put toothpaste onto your toothbrush very simply and easily. Itcan make an ideal stocking stuffer.B. The Head Massager is the thing you've been longing for. As soon as thesoft-rounded, smooth tips of the Head Massager meet your head, you'll besent straight to heaven. Your body will thank you for this unique, unusualand highly pleasurable experience.C. The Talking Photo Album is a fantastic invention. You can record up toeight seconds of message per page in this wonderful album which alsoholds eight photographs. Now loved ones will never be too far away, asyour little one can not only see them but also hear them!D. Dave the Funky Shoulder Monkey is an electronic toy that can move itsarms and head and speak! It can perform over 30 different actionsincluding waving, dancing, and nodding its head! It is perfect for monkeylovers.E. The Piggy Coin Counter is a fantastic bank that not only keeps yourcoins safe but also counts them. All you have to do is to throw them into itsmouth and then let it do the rest.F. If you're looking forward to doing something creative, this fantastic 3DDrawing Pad is the answer to your prayer. With a pair of 3D glasses, youcan see your drawings float above the page.阅读以下商品评价,然后将其与上面的商品进行匹配。
1、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks2、10.﹣Could you please sweep the floor?I’m going to cook dinner.﹣__________.I’ll do it at once,Mom.[单选题] *A.I’m afraid notB.You’re kiddingC.It’s a shameD.My pleasure(正确答案)3、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon4、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day5、In the closet()a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday. [单选题] *A. lyingB. lies(正确答案)c. lieD. is lain6、If you get _______, you can have some bread on the table. [单选题] *A. happyB. hungry(正确答案)C. worriedD. sad7、The manager was quite satisfied with his job. [单选题] *A. 担心的B. 满意的(正确答案)C. 高兴的D. 放心的8、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)9、84.There is a big tree? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?the house and the river. [单选题] * A.between(正确答案)B.inC.overD.of10、While they were in discussion, their manager came in by chance. [单选题] *A. 抓住时机B. 不时地C. 碰巧(正确答案)D. 及时11、22.Will there ________ any schools in the future? [单选题] *A.isB.areC.amD.be(正确答案)12、He was very excited to read the news _____ Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature [单选题] *A. whichB. whatC. howD. that(正确答案)13、—______ is the concert ticket?—It’s only 160 yuan.()[单选题] *A. How manyB How much(正确答案)C. How oftenD. How long14、There is _______ meat in the fridge.Lets go and buy some. [单选题] *A. little(正确答案)B. a littleC. fewD. a few15、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /(正确答案)D. the; /16、We ______ boating last weekend.()[单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. are goingD. will go17、26.—Mary, is this your pen?—No, it isn't. ________ is black. [单选题] * A.MyB.IC.MeD.Mine(正确答案)18、He is going to _______ a party this evening. [单选题] *A. hold(正确答案)B. makeC. needD. hear19、31.That's ______ interesting football game. We are all excited. [单选题] * A.aB.an(正确答案)C.theD./20、Tom’s sister is a nurse. I met _______ in the street yesterday . [单选题] *A. sheB. hersC. himD. her(正确答案)21、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] *A.inB.forC.withD.to(正确答案)22、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film23、My brother is _______ actor. He works very hard. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. one24、It ______ me half an hour to return to school.()[单选题] *A. takes(正确答案)B. spendsC. costsD. brings25、He prefers to use the word “strange”to describe the way()she walks. [单选题] *A. in which(正确答案)B. by whichC. in thatD. by that26、It seems slow for children to become _____ ,while adults often feel time flies. [单选题] *A. growns-upsB. growns-upC. grown upsD. grown-ups(正确答案)27、76.AC Milan has confirmed that the England star David Beckham ()the team soon. [单选题] *A. has rejoinedB. was going to rejoinC. rejoinedD. is to rejoin(正确答案)28、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)29、John is quite _______. He likes to attend activities in?his spare time. [单选题] *A. active(正确答案)B. quietC. lazyD. honest30、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any。
曾涛教授简介材料 - 湖南大学外国语学院
2012年广东省高二学生双语报29期一、语言知识及运用第一节完形填空Birthday celebrations are meant to be fun. However, they often turn into expensive nightmares with wasted food and 1 gifts. They also come year after year, which means the waste will 2 for years to come!My older daughter 3 four last week. It was the first time ever that we had a real "birthday party" for her. Needless to say, I was incredibly 4 with a number of things to deal with. I planned for weeks and even lost a few nights of sleep over it. Fortunately it worked outreally well in the end.In order to have a simple birthday party, you need to plan early. By "plan", I don't mean 5 the menu; this is more about sitting together with the birthday child to 6 about what he or she wants for a party. Planning early will give you time to 7 if problems arise.A birrhday party can be incredibly simple if we consider it as a "celebration" instead of a "party". For my daughter, her birthday was about friends, fun, and 8 gifis with the sick kids in the hospital. She smiled with 9 every time I told a relative or a friend about her choice to give her own gifts to the kids in the hospital.Having a simple birthday party could be hard if you are going against the 10 of friends and the extended family. 11 the rest of the family in the birthday discussion —this will make the process a little easier. Explain your plan to a few close fiiends, 12 if it needs their cooperation in some way. I had a 13 with a few friends when I planned for my daughter's birthday party. It helped them understand my idea, and it helped me feel 14 with my decision.A celebration does not 15 with just the party. Afterwards, talk about why the day wasso much fun with your child, and take notes of the best parts for happier and more meaningful birthday parties in the future.l. A. unnecessary B. impossible C. unpleasant D. unbelievable2. A. finish B. recover C. continue D. wait3. A. cost B. made C. took D. turned4. A. stressed B. shocked C. confused D. moved5. A. describing B. concluding C.deciding D.observing6. A. read B. guess C.learn D. mention7. A. prove B. perform C. judge D. change8. A. counting B. comparing C. discussing D. sharing9. A. surprise B. puzzle C. pride D. doubt10. A. expectations B. suggestions C. findings D. orders11. A. Involve B. Forget C.. Appreciate D. Protect12. A. extremely B. finally C. obviously D. especially13. A. quarrel B. report C. speech D. conversation14. A. clever B. common C. comfortable D. funny15. A. end B. improve C. succeed D. develop第二节语法填空Michael Rubens Bloomberg is a successful American businessman. In March 2011, his totalwealth 16 (add) up to $19.5 billion, making him the 12th 17 (rich) person in the United States. He also happens to be the Mayor of New York City. 18 he has so much money, Bloomberg lives 19 simple life. According to reports, 20 has only two pairs of work shoes. His spokesman told the New York Post that one day he would wear one pair, and the next day the 21 . Bloomberg said that he had the shoes 22 (repair) when there was something wrong with them and he didn't throw them away and get new ones. Bloomberg can afford any shoes he wants, but he believes there is no need for a new pair because they are 23 (comfort) and they work. His spokesman also said that when he bought a cup of coffee, he would choose the smallest size. In his personal life he only spends money 24 what he needs. So it is with his work in govemmental finance. Bloomberg, 25 has been the Mayor of New York City since 2002, refuses to receive a city salary, accepting $1.00 every year for his service.二、阅读第一节阅读理解AAs I sat down on the sofa after a long drive home from university, my brother Joseph threw himself on top of me, closely followed by my sister Jessica, and next my sister Emily. "Oh! We'relike a brother and sister pie!" laughed Joseph. We struggled together, thrilled to be reunited. Despite our time apart, there was no awkwardness.That's the beauty of being siblings (兄弟姐妹). Quite possibly, we are the most relaxed when we're with each other. We all know that we are unconditionally loved and accepted for who we are. "Well, of course," you will say. "You're siblings." But would you change your mind if I now tellyou that I am adopted?I have been asked by people on more than one occasion whether my sisters are closer to each other than they are to me because they are "real" sisters. Part of me finds it hard to believe that some people can be so superficial (肤浅的) about blood and love."Bloodd" really has no relevance to my sibling relationships. What has shaped our relationships is our shared set of experiences. Only my sisters and I remember the time when Emily and I sailed too far out to sea and Dad nearly had a heart attack! Only we were permittedl to laugh at Jessica for the silly things she did when she was young! Only we remember the time when Joseph locked himself in my university room and we had to call for help at 11 pm at night.We have memories which form part of ourselves. They belong to us, were created by us, are treasured by us, and will be carried by all of us through our entire lives. Bits will be added, but nothing will be taken away. For some, blood will always connect them to their siblings, but for us, love is thicker than water.26. We can learn from the first two paragaphs that __________.A. the writer has close relationships with her siblingsB. the writer's relationships with her siblings seem awkward to othersC. the writer's siblings don ' t know that she is adoptedD. the writer and her siblings live near each other27. What does the writer think of the fact that some people are superficial about blood and love?A. She thinks it 's pretty normal.B. She is a little shocked.C. She is kind of delighted.D. She is tired of being asked related questions.28. What are the writer's relationships with her siblings based on?A. Their parents' love.B. Their shared values.C. Their family friends.D. Their past experiences.29. According to Paragraph 4, the writer's dad once nearly had a heart attack because __________.A. he got too tired from sailingB. he was very sad that his children left homeC. he got over-excied at his children 's successD. he was worried aboutt his children 's safety30. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Create good memories with your family.B. The beauty of being siblings.C. Love is thicker than water.D. Blood brings unconditional love.BIt's a little-known fact that August 13th is celebrated as Left-handers' Day throughout the world. A numher of left-handers' associations celebrate it and draw attention to this special day butit is not done enough.On August 13th, 1976 an organization known as Left-handers International first declared this holiday. This organization served as a source of information for left-handers. It also sold left-handed products tor several years before going out of business. No organization really pickedit up from there. Now, it's up to individuals and local organizations to celebrate this day.We have not heard of left-handed parades (游行) or large parties. There will always be some mention of this day in a few newspapers or local TV stations that can be easily missed by the public. The question is: what can we do to change this and bring more attention to Left-handers' Day?To celebrate Left-handers' Day. you can organize a party and invite lefl-handers from your family, neighborhood, workplace or school. Also, don't forget to invite your right-handed friends. Give your good wishes to all the left-handers you know and send them cards. Buy a gift, preferably a left-handed product, for a special left-handed fiiend.On August 13th, wear a T-shirt that says something about Lefl-handers' Day. Let your local newspaper and TV station know about the day by writing to them. Send cards to left-handed celebrities, wishing them a happy Left-handers' Day. If you are a school teacher, educate the kids about Left-handers' Day.If you have any other suggestions, please let us know. We will add them to this list. Also, ifyou have a local left-handers' association, tell us about it and we will help you spread the word so that you can attract new members. Finally, send us photos and stories about how you have celebrated Left-handers' Day and we will publish them here.31. We can learn from the passage that Left-handers' Day __________.A. is an international holidayB. is only celebrated by left-handers' associationsC. is often celebrated wiih paradesD. is seldom mentioned in any newspaper32. According to the passage, Left-handers International __________.A. produced left-handed products to earn moneyB. was founded in 1976C. is not in business nowD. has been replaced by another organization to celebrate Left-handers' Day33. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. How to celebrate Left-handers' Day.B. How the date was chosen for Left-handers' Day.C. Advantages of being left-handed.D. History of Left-handers' Day.34. To celebrate Left-handers' Day, you are advised in the passage to __________.A. hold a party that doesn't include right-handersB. use your left hand to write cards to left-handersC. wear a special T-shirt to celebrate the dayD. ask left-handed celebrities to celebrate it in public35. The passage was written mainly to __________.A. promote Left-handers' DayB. introduce left-handed celebritiesC. collect people's opinions about being left-handedD. encourage left-handed people to live a normal lifeCFor the past two years, my teaching partner and I have set up a Poetry Cafe at our school and invited parents and other special guests to come and hear students recite their favorite poems aloud. After the students study poetry in their reading workshop and write poetry in their writing workshop for a month, we celebrate their finished pieces by opening the Poetry Cafe and having students invite their parents and other family members to an evening event.We transform a common area of our school into our Poetry Cafe. We create a stage with a microphone for the student readers, serve snacks and coffee, and turn the lights down to set the mood. Students are asked to wear black shirts and jeans to honor the "beatnik culture" of the 1950s and early 1960s, when poetry readings at small coffee shops were popular.Before planning the event, you will need to determine which part of your school would be the best place to set up a cafe. A regular classroom may not be large enough to seat all of the guests, but you do not want to pick a place (such as a gym or a dining hall) that is so large that it loses the feeling of a crowded coffee shop, either. We use a group discussion area in our building.One at a time, we call the students' names. They take their place on the stage and read their poems aloud. Instead of clapping at the end of each poem, guests are asked to snap(打响指) their fingers in honor of the true "beatnik culture". Each student reads two poems written by himself/ herself and one poem by an author he / she studied in the poetry workshop.Thoughout the student readings we have "open mic" breaks when parents and other family members can read aloud their own poems or read a poem from a favorite author or book. The students love it!36. The Poetry Cafe is opened __________.A. only for students who have a special interest in poetryB. to teach srudents how to write poemsC. as a way to improve parent-child relationshipsD. to give students a chance to show what they have learnt about poetry37. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the "beatnik culture"?A. It is still very popular now.B. Black shirts and jeans are considered as its features.C. It seldom took place at coffee shops.D. It forbade snapping one's fingers.38. Where is the Poetry Cafe held?A. In a gym.B. In the school dining hall.C. In a regular classroom.D. In a group discussion area.39. Which of the following things are done at the Poetry Cafe?①Students write new poems on the spot.②Parents read their favorite poems.③Students give all kinds of performances.④Members enjoy snacks and coffee.A. ①②B. ①③C. ②③D. ②④40. What does the writer think of the Poetry Cafe?A. He / She is quite proud of it.B. He / She thinks it is out of date.C. He / She wants to add more entertainment to it.D. llc / Shc believes it still needs improving.DWhether it's full or slim, Earth's moon is a familiar old friend to all of us. But the moon maysiill hold some surprises. Scientists announced on Wednesday that they have a new theory about our moon. They think that Earth once had two moons.When you look at a full moon in the sky, it appears perfectly round. In Fact, the moon is slightly lopsided(不匀称的). And the far side of the moon, which we don't see from Earth, is very hilly. The side we see every night has a more even surface.The new theory may explain the moon's lopsidedness. Billions of years ago, Earth may have had two moons. About 4.4 billion years ago, the smaller moon may have run into the other in what scientists call "the big splat".The smaller moon would have been drawn to the larger moon by gravity. "They must have collided. There was no way out ... The speed must havc been slow." said Erik Asphaug, who is a planetary scientist at the University of California.The rocks and crust from the smaller moon would have then spread over and around the bigger moon. The "splat" would have been too slow to create a big hole as a faster move would have done. "The physical theory is really surprisingly similar to a pie in the face," Asphaug said."It probably took about a day for the 'splat' to be complete and the near and far sides of the moon looked different then."The theory is capturing the interest of other planetary scientists. Alan Stern, former NASA associate administrator for science, said it is a "very clever new idea". But, Stern adds, the theoryis not easily tested to learn whether.it is right. So for now, we can continue to look at the moon and wonder.41. What is the new theory about the moon?A. The moon is slightly lopsided.B. There once were two moons.C. The moon creates little gravity.D. The moon once ran into Earth.42. The side of the moon that faces us is __________.A. bigB. Relatively evenC. slimD. very hilly43. The underlined word "collided" in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by "__________".A. competedB. risenC. crashedD. missed44. According to Erik Asphaug, __________.A. "the big splat" must have been very fastB. "the big splat" left a big hole in the moonC. the moon might become more even in the futureD. the hilly surface might have come from a smaller moon45. What is Alan Stern's attitude towards the new theory?A. He believes it can't be true.B. He believes it is true because he has done similar research.C. He is very interested in it but thinks it still needs testing.D. He has no interest in it at all.第二节信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。
29.如图是绿色开花植物的蒸腾作用过程示意图。下列说法错误的是( )
12.某同学利用光学显微镜观察蚕豆叶下表皮临时装片时,在低倍镜下观察,发现目标结构位于视野左上方。他想换高倍镜进一步观察,首先应该进行的操作是( )
1. A. 校服 B. 校园 C. 课文 D. 课外
答案:A. 校服
2.A. 活跃 B. 惊险 C. 自由 D. 困难
答案:C. 自由
3.A. 有趣 B. 古老 C. 气派 D. 孤独
答案:B. 古老
4.A. 她的 B.我的 C. 他的 D. 它的
答案:A. 她的
1.答案:A. 成
2.答案:B. 学习双语帮助提高语言技能
3.答案:C. 通过双语学习能够更加熟练的处理技能
1. 抽象
2. 为客人做准备
3. 成功
4. 你让我惊讶
1. 收集信息、预习文章、看视频、解决问题
2. 可以进行语音操练、学习单词、尝试写作等
1.B. 说
2. C. 更多
3. B 英语
4. A. 听
5. D. 做
2020年第24期广东化工第47卷总第434期 · 125 · 硫酸钡重量法测定铁矿石中的硫含量漆寒梅,文静,伍慧玲,何威,曹莉(湖南有色金属职业技术学院资源环境系,湖南株洲412000)[摘要]采用改良的碳酸钠—氧化锌半熔硫酸钡重量法测定铁矿石中的硫含量。
实验过程除过滤分离方式不一样外,其他条件全按国标GB/T 6730.16-2016进行。
实验结果显示,硫含量为0.036 %、0.038 %、0.063 %铁矿石标样,在两种分离方式下,真空抽滤分离方式的准确度及精密度更好。
[关键词]硫;硫酸钡重量法;滤纸过滤;真空抽滤[中图分类号]O65 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1865(2020)24-0125-02Determination of Sulfur in Iron ore by Barium Sulfate Gravimetric MethodQi Hanmei, Wen Jing, Wu Huiling, He Wei, Cao Li(Resource and Environment Department Hunan Nonferrous Metals Vocational and Technical College, Zhuzhou 412000, China) Abstract: A modified sodium carbonate-zinc oxide semi-molten decomposition and Barium sulfate gravimetric method was applied to determine sulfur in iron ores. Separation conditions of filter paper filtration and vacuum filtration that affect the determination of sulfur was investigated in this paper. The iron ore standard samples containing 0.036 %, 0.038 % and 0.063 % sulfur were studied. Except for different separation conditions, all other conditions were carried out according to GB/T 6730.16-2016. The results show that the vacuum filter separation condition is better than the filter paper filtration from the accuracy and high precision.Keywords: sulfate;barium sulfate gravimetric method;filter paper filtration;vacuum filtration矿石中的硫主要以黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、石膏、重晶石等形式存在。
⼀、语⾔知识及运⽤第⼀节完形填空Last Sunday, I went shopping at the largest shopping mall in my town. As Christmas was just around the corner, the shopping mall was people.There were many girls and ladies who hung their handbags loosely (松松地) over their shoulders.I did that. Although my mother always asked me to hang it carefully over my shoulder, I to do so. Her kind advice always fell on deaf ears.As the shopping mall was having a sale, I was busy looking at the goods of prices, espccially the clothes which I had to buy for a long time. They were offered at a of up to 70%! This made me not pay attention to my loosely-hanging handbag. I did not that ti had attractcd the attention of a potential (潜在的) thief. He was getting close to me, but my were fixed on the clothes and I did not see him.Suddenly, there was a pull on my shoulder. It made me lose the of my body and my arms hit the hanger of the clothes. As a result, I had a bad cut. Blood was streaming down from my arm. After from my shock. I let out a loud scream.him! My handbag! Thief! Thief!" I shouted in shock. A man hcard my cry for and ran after the thief.Finally, he caught the thief. He then took my handbag back from the thief to return it to me. He left quickly before I could him. From then on, I became much more when I was shopping.l. A. full of B. close to C. far from D. short of2. A. hardly B. never C. also D. still3. A. pretended B. refused C. expected. D. offered4. A. low B. disappointing C. common D. magical5. A. helped B. volunteered C. forgotten D. wanted6. A. speed B. discount C. cost D. demand7. A. suggest B. believe C. remember D. realize8. A. desires B. eyes C. hopes D. fingers9. A. strength B. balance C. weight D. shape10. A. slowing down B. waking up C. running away D. showing up11. A. Hit B. Judge C. Stop D. Punish12. A. money B. help C. work D. care13. A. successfully B. logically C. interestingly D. unluckily14. A. thank B. protect C. impress D. ask15. A. active B. hopeful C. careful D. Honest第⼆节语法填空Many teenagers complain about the fact that they don't want to live with their families and want to live alone. Why? Well, this is they say that they want to be independent.But are there only disadvantages young people to live with their families? No. There are some advantages. First, they don't have to cook for great problem for the majority of teenagers. Some people hate having to do this and prefer to buy a hamburger. However, living with your parents you don't have to do all the housework alone.1It is a great advantage to know that you can listen to music at a high volume having to put up with your father always tells you to put the sound lower. But in case you disturb some of your neighbors, then it is your responsibility to answer the door apologize.Moreover, to live alone implies having the opportunity some friends over. You can throw a little party, but be your parents can find out very quickly.⼆、阅读第⼀节阅读理解AMy three-year-old daughter recently had her first day of school. I guess we went through all the usual feelings parents feel as their "babies" step though the school gates for the first time. Will she make friends? Will she like the teacher? Will she go to the toilet OK? What if she falls over on the playground and hurts herself?But there were some added concerns, too. For one, the classes are all in Spanish, but she almost all the time at home. So how would she be fine with this sudden entry into a world where she doesn't understand what her teacher and classmates say? Will she be bored in class?We know that thousands of other kids go through the same process when a family moves abroad, and that as a result they pick up the language quickly. However, to see your own child struggle hurts your heart.It seems my daughter is too young to be going to school, too. In England, they don 't start until they are four. In Spain, they start at three years old. And while it is not a must for kids to be in school until they are six, no one seems to wait. We held our daughter back for a little while.But the main cause of all our worries is that our daughter has serious food allergies (过敏). But now we have to let her out into the big wide world, and to a place where the kids bring breakfast and snacks into the classroom: bread, cheese, chocolate, biscuits and crisps — all the things that could make her ill. In England, it would be less of a problem. Schools there are becoming more aware of the risks, and are better trained and equipped to deal with medical situations.26. What is this passage mainly about?A. When children usually start to go to school abroad.B. Parenrs' reactions to their children's first day of school.C. How the writer's daughter spent her first day of school.D. The writer's concerns about his daughter's starting school.27. If we say someone is a chatterbox, we mean he / she __________.A. likes talkingB. is quietC. is shyD. works hard28. We can infer from the passage that the writer __________.A. doesn't like living in Spain with his familyB. doesn't want his daughter to go to school too earlyC. is worried that his claughter won't learn Spanish wellD. doesn't think it will help to send his daughter to school29. What makes the writer worried most?A. That his daughter will have no friends.B. That his daughter will not like her teacher.2。
2020-2021学年四川省绵阳南山中学双语学校高一(上)期中化学试卷1. 下列物质属于纯净物的是( )A. 空气B. 盐酸C. 粗盐D. 冰水混合物2. 下列状态的物质,既能导电又属于电解质的是( )A. 氯化钠固体B. 硫酸钾溶液C. 石墨碳棒D. 熔融氢氧化钾3. 下列物质中,摩尔质量最大的是( )A. B. C.54gAl D.4. 下列各项与胶体性质无关的是( )A. 卤水点豆腐B. 明矾净水C. 静电除尘D. 盐酸与氢氧化钠溶液发生中和反应5. 下列实验操作均要用玻璃棒,其中玻璃棒的作用及其目的相同的是( )①过滤②蒸发③溶解④向容量瓶转移液体。
A. ①和②B. ①和③C. ③和④D. ①和④6. 下列物质的提纯方法可能属于化学变化的是( )A. 蒸馏B. 过滤C. 分液D. 洗气7. 下列电离方程式正确的是( )A. B.C. D.8. 加入稀HCl后,溶液中下列离子数目减少的是( )A. B. C. D.9. 下列关于氧化物的叙述正确的是( )A. 金属氧化物不一定是碱性氧化物B. 与水反应生成碱的氧化物为碱性氧化物C. 非金属氧化物都是酸性氧化物D. 不能跟酸反应的氧化物一定能跟碱反应10. 在两个容积相同的容器中,一个盛有HCl气体,另一个盛有和的混合气体。
在同温、同压下,两容器内的气体一定具有相同的是( )A. 氢原子数B. 分子数C. 质量D. 密度11. 下列各组离子在溶液中能大量共存的是( )A.、、、 B. 、、、C. 、、、D. 、、、12. 下列溶液中物质的量浓度为的是( )A. 将溶解在1L水中B. 将气体溶于水配成1L溶液C. 将的浓盐酸加入9L水中D. 将10g NaOH溶解在少量水中,再加蒸馏水直到溶液体积为250mL13. 下列除去杂质括号内的物质为杂质的方法中错误的是( )A. 硫酸亚铁溶液硫酸铜:加足量铁粉后,过滤B. 一氧化碳二氧化碳:用氢氧化钠溶液洗气后干燥C. 二氧化碳氯化氢:用氢氧化钠溶液洗气后干燥D. 二氧化锰氯化钾:加水溶解后,过滤、洗涤、干燥14. 下列实验中,所选装置或实验设计不合理的是( )A. 用图①和②所示装置可以除去中的杂质,并获得固体B. 用苯提取溴水中的溴选择图③所示装置C.用图④所示装置除去自来水中的D. 图⑤所示装置中盛有饱和溶液除去中含有的少量HCl15. 在溶液里含有和,则此溶液中氯离子的物质的量浓度是( )A. B. C. D.16. 草酸分子式为,沸点:是生物体的一种代谢产物,广泛分布于植物、动物和真菌体中.下列有关判断不正确的是( )A. 草酸的摩尔质量是B. 1mol草酸中含有个分子C. 45g草酸中含有个氧原子D. 1mol草酸在标准状况下的体积约为17. 关于与气体,下列比值一定为2:3的是( )A. 若两种气体所占体积相同,两种气体的质量之比B. 若温度和压强相同,两种气体的密度之比C. 若两种气体原子数相同,两种气体的质子数之比D. 若两种气体的质量相同,两种气体的分子数之比18. 设表示阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列叙述中正确的是( )A. 常温常压下,1molNaCl含有的电子数为B. 100g质量分数为的乙醇水溶液,含有个氧原子C. 的水解形成的胶体粒子数为D. 标准状况下,中含有的氧原子数为19. 下列离子方程式正确的是( )A. 用醋酸除去水垢:B. 向碳酸氢钠溶液中加入足量澄清石灰水:C. 铁片上滴加稀硫酸:D. 稀硫酸与氢氧化钡溶液混合:20. 物质的量浓度相同的NaCl、、三种物质的溶液,当溶液的体积比为3:2:1时,它们与同一浓度的溶液恰好反应,则消耗的溶液的体积比是( )A. 3:4:3B. 1:1:1C. 1:2:3D. 3:2:121. 标准状况下有①②个HCl ③④,下列对四种气体的关系从小到大表示不正确的是( )A. 体积④<①<②<③B. 密度①<④<③<②C. 质量④<①<③<②D. 氢原子数②<④<③<①22. 下列对于某些离子的检验及结论正确的是( )A. 某溶液中加入HCl产生无色气体,将气体通入澄清石灰水,溶液变浑浊,则一定含有B. 检验NaOH溶液中是否含有,先加稀硝酸除去,再加入溶液,有白色沉淀生成,证明含C. 某溶液滴入溶液,再滴加稀盐酸,产生白色沉淀,则一定含有D. 某溶液加入碳酸钠溶液产生白色沉淀,再加盐酸白色沉淀消失,则一定含有23. 溶液中含有,取此溶液,用水稀释至3VL,则稀释后溶液中的物质的量的浓度为( )A. B. C. D.24.在由、、组成的固体混合物中,已知硫元素的质量分数为则氧元素的质量分数为( )A. B. C. D.无法计算25. 某结晶水合物的化学式为,其相对分子质量为M。
学生双语报答案2020高一RX版第3期测试题参考答案1-5 CDBAB 6-10 DBACD 11-15 BACAB16-25 (One possible version)16. traditional 17. bigger 18. As 19. since20. to celebrate 21.of 22.or23. is decorated 24.a 25. one26-30 CDADC 31-35 BDBCA36-40 DACCB 41-45 BDBDD46-50 EDACF基础写作 (One possibleversion)This week, we had a discussion on how tolearn English well in our class. Some of us think it is important to learnEnglish grammar, because grammar rules help us avoid mistakes, while othersthink memorizing English words is important, since we must learn as manyEnglish words as possible in order to speak fluently.Ithink both learning grammar and memorizing words are important, but it is stillnot enough. Some students are good at gramma r and have learnt many words, butthey still can’t express themselves well in English. So, to learn English well,we should practice speaking, listening and writing as often as we can, and onlyin this way can we learn English well.读写任务(One possibleversion)The passage mainly tells us the importanceand benefits of reading. Readingprovides our minds with nutrition. No matter what field we are in, we can getthe latest information and learn more by reading.Ialso benefit a lot from reading. On one hand, reading is a good way for me torelax and spend my spare time meaningfully. On the other hand, reading not onlyequips me with knowledge but also builds up my character.The book that I love best is Forrest Gump. The book tells us the storyabout how Forrest Gump, who is low in intelligence, achieves success with suchpersonal virtues as kindness, honesty and selflessness. I enjoy the beautifullanguage, the wonderful plot as well as the vivid characters of the book.Every time I read it, I am deeply moved and learn a lot about how to bea man. Forrest Gump guides me to gradually become a man with good morals. Iwill never give up in the face of difficulties.听力练习(03)第一节1-5 ABBAB第二节6-10 ACBAB 11-15CBAAC16-20 ABBCC第3期测试题部分答案解析完形填空城里老鼠去乡下,过不惯那里的生活,而乡下老鼠去城里同样过不惯那里的生活。
以下是顺顺同学对一些物理量的估算,其中不符合事实的是()A.一名中学生质量约50kgB.中学生双脚站立时对地面的压强约125PaC.游泳漂浮在水面上的中学生受到浮力约500ND.中学生爬一层楼克服重力做功的功率约150W2.物理学的发展有力地推动人类文明进程,在物理学发展漫长历程中,不少前辈作出了卓越的贡献,对以下科学规律的发现作出了重要贡献的科学家对应错误的是()A.惯性定律——牛顿B.液体压强原理——帕斯卡C.大气压的测量——伽利略D.杠杆原理——阿基米德3.如图所示,竖直放置的试管中盛有约半试管的水,若将试管稍稍倾斜些,那么()A.试管中水的质量没有变化,水对试管底的压强也不变化B.试管中水的深度没有变化,水对试管底的压强也不变化C.试管倾斜后,水面高度下降,水对试管底的压强变小D.试管倾斜后,水面高度下降,水对试管底的压强变大4.研究二力平衡的条件时,小明用剪刀将图中静止的薄塑料片从中间剪断,他要研究的是这两个力是否()A.作用在同一直线上B.方向相反C.作用在同一物体上D.大小相等5.下列关于机械功和机械能的说法中正确的是()A.悬挂在天花板上的吊扇因为没有做功,所以不具有能量B.洒水车在洒水的过程中匀速行驶,所以洒水车的动能保持不变C.小明乘电梯上楼,电梯在匀速上升的过程中,动能转化为重力势能D.在各种形式的能相互转化过程中,各种形式能的总量一定守恒6.将一重为80N的物体,放入一盛满水的溢水杯中,从杯中溢出了30N的水,则物体受到的浮力是()A.80N B.30N C.50N D.110N7.关于浮力的应用下列说法不正确的是()A.轮船从长江驶入东海,海水的密度变大,船所受浮力变大B.橡皮泥捏成小船后可以漂浮在水上,是通过增大排水的体积来实现的C.潜水艇在水里潜行时靠改变自身的重力实现沉浮D.同一密度计在不同的液体中均处于漂浮,但受到的浮力大小相等8.下列做法中,目的为减小摩擦的是()A.冰壶运动员蹬冰脚的鞋底为橡胶制成B.自行车车胎上制有花纹C.体操运动员手上涂防滑粉D.机器转动部分安装滚动轴承9.办公室有一个简单的抽水机,当用手连续按压上部塑料筒时,水就会流出来;再按一下水管上方的黄色按钮,会听到“哧”的一声,筒内的水立刻退回到水桶内。
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