SCO Security Cooperation Greater Challenges
第一位女诗人是:蔡琰(文姬)2. 第一部纪传体通史:史记3. 第一部词典是:尔雅4. 第一部大百科全书是:永乐大典5. 第一部诗歌总集是:诗经6. 第一部文选:昭明文选7. 第一部字典:说文解字8. 第一部神话集:山海经9. 第一部文言志人小说集:世说新语10. 第一部文言志怪小说集:搜神记11. 第一部语录体著作:论语12. 第一部编年体史书是:春秋13. 第一部断代史:汉书14. 第一部兵书:孙子兵法15. 文章西汉两司马:司马迁。
司马相如16. 乐府双璧:木兰词孔雀东南飞,加上《秦妇吟》为乐府三绝17. 史学双璧:史记资治通鉴18. 二拍:初刻拍案惊奇二刻拍案惊奇(凌蒙初)19. 大李杜:李白杜甫小李杜:李商隐杜牧20. 中国现代文坛的双子星座:鲁迅郭沫若21. 三不朽:立德立功立言22. 三代:夏商周23. 《春秋》三传:左传公羊传谷梁传24. 三王:夏禹商汤周公25. 三山:蓬莱方丈瀛洲26. 三教:儒释道27. 三公:周时,司马司徒司空西汉,丞相太尉御史大夫清明,太师太傅太保28. 三曹:曹操曹丕曹植29. 公安三袁:袁宗道袁宏道袁中道30. 江南三大古楼:湖南岳阳楼武昌黄鹤楼南昌滕王阁31. 岁寒三友:松竹梅32. 三辅:左冯翊右扶风京兆尹33. 科考三元:乡试,会试,殿试和自的第一名(解元,会元,状元)34. 殿试三鼎甲:状元榜眼探花35. 中国三大国粹:京剧中医中国画36. 三言:喻世明言警世通言醒世恒言(冯梦龙)37. 儒家经典三礼:周礼仪礼礼记38. 三吏:新安吏石壕吏潼关吏39. 三别:新婚别垂老别无家别40. 郭沫若“女神”三部曲:女神之再生湘果棠棣之花41. 茅盾“蚀”三部曲:幻灭动摇追求农村三部曲:春蚕秋收残冬42. 巴金“爱情”三部曲:雾雨电“激流”三部曲:家春秋43. 第一部国别史:国语44. 第一部记录谋臣策士门客言行的专集:国策战国策45. 第一部专记个人言行的历史散文:晏子春秋46. 第一位伟大的爱国诗人:屈原47. 第一首长篇叙事诗:孔雀东南飞(357句,1785字)48. 第一部文学批评专著:《典论·论文》(曹丕)49. 第一位田园诗人:东晋,陶渊明50. 第一部文学理论和评论专著:南北朝梁人刘勰的《文心雕龙》51. 第一部诗歌理论和评论专著:南北朝梁人钟嵘的《诗品》52. 第一部科普作品,以笔记体写成的综合性学术著作:北宋的沈括的《梦溪笔谈》53. 第一部日记体游记:明代的徐宏祖的《徐霞客游记》54. 第一位女词人,亦称“一代词宗”:李清照1. 我国第一部长篇讽刺小说:儒林外史2. 我国第一部介绍进化论的译作:严复译的赫胥黎的《天演论》,他是一个由不懂外,却成了翻译家的人。
高质量发展 high-quality development
区域协调发展 coordinated development across regions
Over the past two decades // since the Party’s 14th National Congress // we have kept searching for a new positioning for // the relationship between the government and the market // through practice and theoretical research. The Party’s 15th National Congress proposed that // “the market plays a basic role // in allocating resources under state macro control,” // the Party’s 16th National Congress proposed to // “give fuller play to the basic role // of the market in allocating resources,” // the Party’s 17th National Congress sought to // “introduce institutions to give better play to the basic role // of the market in allocating resources,” // and the Party’s 18th National Congress stipulated that // the Party should “leverage to a greater extent and in a wider scope // the basic role of the market in allocating resources.” From the above progression // it can be seen that // we have been constantly deepening our understanding // of the government-market relationship.
【译文】Second,social security systems are established and developed to align with the country level of socioeconomic development.(既提出问题,又是论点)No country has built its social security institutions in a vacuum.Programs,eligibility,and benefits as provided by legislation are defined and influenced by the social and economic realities of each country.The general paRern is that,as the economy grows,the size of beneficiaries will be expanded,new programs added,and benefits increased.For example,when Germany first set up a social security system in1883.the system covered only workers in the industrial,commercial,andhandicrafts sectors.It was not until1957that agricultural workers were included in the system.The United States introduced its Social Security Act in1935,but it was not until1950that old age pension benefits were established by law.Between1950 and1998,benefit levels were amended32times in accordance with the country’s state of socioeconomic development,and benefits continued to increase.2.应当指出,近些年来,西方经济发达国家对社会保障制度的调整,是在原有的较高社会福利待遇基础上进行的。
The United Nations Sales Contract System, also known as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), is an international treaty that provides a uniform legal framework for the sale of goods across borders. The CISG, adopted in 1980 and entered into force in 1988, has been widely recognized and implemented by many countries around the world.The purpose of the CISG is to simplify and facilitate internationaltrade by establishing a set of rules that governs the formation, performance, and termination of sales contracts. The CISG covers a broad range of issues, including the offer and acceptance, the rights and obligations of the parties, the passing of risk, and the remedies for breach of contract.One of the key features of the CISG is its applicability. The CISG applies to contracts for the sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different countries. This means that the CISG can be used to govern contracts between parties from different legal systems, which can help to reduce legal uncertainty and promote international trade.The CISG begins with the definition of a "sale of goods," which is a contract for the sale and purchase of movable property. The CISG doesnot apply to contracts for the sale of land, securities, or other immovable property. The CISG also excludes certain types of transactions, such as insurance, banking, and transport.The CISG provides a detailed framework for the formation of sales contracts. According to the CISG, a contract is formed when the terms of the offer are accepted by the offeree. The CISG also sets out the rules for the interpretation of contracts, including the principle that contracts should be interpreted in a manner that gives effect to the intentions of the parties.The CISG establishes the rights and obligations of the parties to asales contract. The seller's main obligation is to deliver the goods in accordance with the contract, while the buyer's main obligation is topay the price. The CISG also provides rules on the passing of risk,which determines when the risk of loss or damage to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer.One of the most important aspects of the CISG is its provisions on remedies for breach of contract. The CISG provides a comprehensive set of remedies for breach of contract, including the right to terminate the contract, claim damages, and require specific performance. The CISG also sets out the conditions under which remedies may be claimed, and the procedures for seeking remedies.The CISG has several advantages over other international sales contract laws. First, the CISG is widely recognized and implemented by many countries, which makes it easier for parties to international sales contracts to predict the outcome of disputes. Second, the CISG provides a clear and concise set of rules, which helps to reduce legaluncertainty and promote international trade. Third, the CISG is based on the principle of freedom of contract, which allows parties to tailor the terms of their contracts to their specific needs.In conclusion, the United Nations Sales Contract System, or the CISG, is an important international treaty that provides a uniform legal framework for the sale of goods across borders. The CISG has several advantages over other international sales contract laws, including its wide recognition and implementation, clear and concise rules, and its focus on freedom of contract. By providing a set of rules that govern the formation, performance, and termination of sales contracts, the CISG helps to simplify and facilitate international trade, which is essential for the growth and development of the global economy.。
“The food crisis that has gripped global at-tention since the start of this year actually emerged back in May 2020. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is an accelerator of this crisis,” said Cheng Guoqiang, a professor with the School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Devel-opment, Renmin University of China.According to the Food and Agri-culture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the prices of wheat,grains in general, and vegetable oilon the international market soaredby 56, 30, and 45 percent respectivelycompared with May 2021. The 2022 Global Report on Food Crises pre-dicts that 42 countries and territories – home to between 179 and 181 mil-lion people – will be in crisis or worse this year.Confronted with this grim reality, Dr. Cheng is calling for cooperation among the international community for global governance in food security. He believes that China’s experience in this regard can be of value to other developing countries.Multiple Causes“The message disseminated by certain Western media outlets, including those of the U.S., is that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the main culprit for the global food crisis. This is the trick of passing theBy staff reporter LU RUCAIFood Security Calls for Global CooperationA food crisis is a situation in which people have no access to or cannot afford the food needed forbasic living needs.buck often played in the U.S.,” said Dr. Cheng.Simply put, a food crisis is a situation in which people have no access to or cannot afford the food needed for basic living needs. During such crises in the 1970s and 1980s, natural disasters caused grain shortages, and the people affected simply had no access to food. But the food crises afterwards are mostly about affordability. “During recent years in particular, the growing enthusiasm for bioenergy and financialization of the food commodity market has led to unusual fluctuations in food prices at higher frequencies and with greater intensity, to the point of elevating prices beyond the reach of many low-income countries,” Dr. Cheng added.As for the causes of the current food crisis, he cited the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing liquidity of the U.S. dollar as key reasons. In March 2020, the U.S. Federal Reserve launched a new round of quantitative easing, pushing domestic inflation to a 30-year high and triggering off a steady rise in global prices of oil, grains, and other major com-modities. The Russia-Ukraine conflict ushered the food crisis into the second stage. The two countriesonly through global cooperation can we keep in check the ongoing food crisis and ensure food security for the world’s population.A ministerial meeting on food security is held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on May 18, 2022.are both major grain producers and exporters, so the clash between them disrupted the global sup-ply chain. And the sanctions piled on Russia by the West caused further chaos on the international food market. According to data gathered by the FAO, about 50 countries in the world, mostly in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, depend on grains produced in Russia and Ukraine. The military conflict has forced them to look for other sources of imports.Russia is also a major producer of fertilizers. The conflict with Ukraine and consequent economic sanctions have had a remarkable impact on the global supply and prices of fertilizers, which may, technically, result in a 30-50 percent reduction in grain output, further complicating the food security situation globally, Dr. Cheng added. To make things worse, due to climate factors such as draughts in major food producers like France, India, and the U.S., global wheat output is seeing greater uncertainties this year. Dr. Cheng hence warned that under the dual impact of higher prices and lower yields, the current food crisis may get worse and grind on tillthe end of 2023.As a result of this expectation, many exportersof grain and other agricultural products have intro-duced restrictions on food export to bolster theirfood reserves and prioritize domestic needs. By theend of May, such restrictions have been announcedby more than 20 countries including India.Ensuring Self-RelianceThe 1.4 billion Chinese people consume 700,000tons of grain, 98,000 tons of cooking oil, 1.92 milliontons of vegetables, and 230,000 tons of meat everyday. Amid the intensifying global food crisis, foodsecurity has become an issue of greater concern inChina. In 2013, the country introduced a food secu-rity policy of ensuring basic self-sufficiency of grainand absolute security of staple food. In the words ofPresident Xi Jinping, “China’s food supply should bekept firmly in the hands of Chinese people.”Last year, China’s total grain output reached682.85 million tons, increasing by 2 percent over2020 and 15.82 percent over 2012, marking a goodharvest for the 18th year in a row.foodsupplyChina’s foodsupply shouldbe kept firmlyin the hands ofChinese people.As China enters a new development phase, it has adopted a broader food security vision while working to ensure grain supply. President Xi has stressed that in addition to meeting its people’s de-mand for grains, China should ensure a sufficient supply of other foods, including meat, vegetables, fruits, and seafood. “None of them can be left out,” he said.At present China meets 95 percent of its own need for grains and the entirety of its needs for staple food. Its agricultural products are pre-dominantly home-grown, with imports seen as a supplement. According to the whitepaper Food Security in China published in 2019, of China’s food imports between 2001 and 2018, 75.4 percent were soybeans and less than 6 percent were rice andwheat. Imported corn and soybeans are primarily used in the production of cooking oil and animal feed. “China’s demand for these products is a boost for agricultural development in regions like South America,” Dr. Cheng said.In the years to come, China will adhere to the broader food security vision. It will continue to keepthe area utilized for farming above the baseline of 120 million hectares, take a holistic approach to managingagricultural resources, and improveagricultural infrastructure in accor-dance with market demands and lo-cal conditions to promote balanced,sustained agricultural development.Scientific and technological advanc-China meets 95 percent of its ownneed for grains andthe entirety of its needs for staple food.The Rice FarmersAssociation of Nigeria (RIFAN) builds 15 pyr-amids in Abuja with bags filled with rice harvested across the country on January 18, 2022. The objec-tive of the event is to call for public action to solve the nation’s food will play a key role in achieving this goal. “The fundamental guarantee for national food security is innovation in agricultural technology and a strong overall agricultural production capacity,” said Dr. Cheng. Global ActionAs a government advisor for food security poli-cies, Dr. Cheng has studied global food security governance. In his view, developing countries are the main victims of global food crises. “Any disrup-tion of the global food market would plunge many developing countries into food shortages.” The causes are plenty, but he highlighted the spillover effect of the high agricultural subsidies in developed countries. “With such subsidies, developed coun-tries raise the income of their farmers, and what’s more, flood the global market with low-priced farm products, distorting the international food trade. As a result, developing countries have been relying heavily on the global market for food supplies for a long time, made insufficient investment in domestic production, and failed to establish a strong agricul-tural production system,” Dr. Cheng explained. This is why wild swings in global food prices can sweep many developing countries into food security crises, he said.To improve global food security governance, Dr. Cheng gave the following suggestions.First, developed countries must take on their re-sponsibilities by slashing agricultural subsidies that distort global trade, hence creating an international environment conducive to fair agricultural trade. Meanwhile, limits should be placed on the use of agricultural resources in energy production, with a ban imposed on the use of grains for generation of bioenergy.Second, developing countries should pay more attention to strategic investment in agriculture to build up their food production capacity and improve their infrastructure for food storage and transport. Self-reliance is key to food security for any country, and is the reason why China is able to feed its large population.Third, the international community needs to make rules to combat speculation on grains and other agricultural products, and work together to maintain price stability in the global food market. Facing an evolving food crisis, the world needs closer cooperation, and major food producers and exporters have special responsibilities to fulfill at this moment, Dr. Cheng said. They should scrap all restrictive export policies to maintain smooth international food trade. Both parties involved in the military conflict and the countries imposing economic sanctions should take actions out of humanitarian concerns to keep the global supply chains unblocked for agricultural products and the materials needed in agricultural production, so that global food production, trade, and transport can be put back on track at the earliest. Only through global cooperation can we keep in check the on-going food crisis and ensure food security for the world’s population.C1. A scientist is working in a germ-plasm resources lab in Palmira, a city in the Depart-ment of Valle del Cauca in Colombia, on March 10, 2022.2. It is a tradition in Bangladesh to cov-er freshly harvested rice with bamboo cones when drying it out in the sun.12。
寡头政治英语Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a small group. This small group of people, often referred to as an oligarchy, typically hold significant influence over political, economic, and social affairs within a society.In an oligarchic system, the ruling elite may come from a variety of backgrounds, including wealthy families, military leaders, or influential business leaders. These individuals often use their power and influence to maintain their privileged position within the society, while also working to further their own interests and agendas.One prominent example of an oligarchic system is found in the history of Ancient Greece, where the city-state of Sparta was ruled by a small group of elite warriors known as the Spartiates. These individuals held substantial power over themasses of helots and perioeci, who were effectively disenfranchised and subject to the rule of the oligarchs.In modern times, oligarchic systems can be found in a variety of political contexts. For example, some observers have suggested that certain countries, such as Russia, are ruled by a small group of wealthy and politically connected individuals who exert significant control over the country's political and economic systems.The existence of oligarchic systems can have significant implications for the functioning of a society. In many cases, oligarchies are associated with high levels of inequality, as the ruling elite work to maintain their privileged status at the expense of the broader population. This can lead tosocial unrest and instability, as disenfranchised groups seek to challenge the power and influence of the ruling oligarchs.Oligarchic systems can also undermine democratic governance, as the concentration of power in the hands of afew individuals runs counter to the principles of representative and participatory government. In such systems, the interests of the ruling elite take precedence over the broader public good, and policies may be shaped to benefit the few at the expense of the many.In conclusion, oligarchic systems represent a significant challenge to the principles of equality, fairness, and democratic governance. By concentrating power in the hands of a few individuals or a small group, these systems can perpetuate inequality and undermine the functioning of democratic institutions. As such, efforts to address the influence of oligarchic systems are essential for promoting a more just and equitable society.。
反垄断怎么说英语作文As the global economy continues to grow, the issue of antitrust has become increasingly important. Antitrust is a legal framework designed to promote competition and prevent monopolies from dominating the market. In recent years, many countries have implemented antitrust laws to regulate the behavior of large corporations and protect consumers.The concept of antitrust can be traced back to the late 19th century, when the United States passed its first antitrust law, the Sherman Antitrust Act. This law was designed to prevent monopolies from controlling the market and to promote competition. Since then, many other countries have passed similar laws to protect their markets and consumers.The main goal of antitrust laws is to promote competition and prevent monopolies from dominating the market. A monopoly is a situation where one companycontrols the entire market, which can lead to higher pricesand reduced innovation. Antitrust laws aim to prevent this by regulating the behavior of large corporations and promoting competition.There are several ways that antitrust laws can be enforced. One way is through mergers and acquisitions. When two companies merge, it can create a monopoly in the market. Antitrust laws can be used to prevent this by requiring companies to divest certain assets or by blocking themerger altogether.Another way that antitrust laws can be enforced is through price fixing. Price fixing is when companiescollude to set prices, which can lead to higher prices for consumers. Antitrust laws can be used to prevent this by imposing fines or even criminal charges on companies that engage in price fixing.In addition to preventing monopolies and promoting competition, antitrust laws can also protect consumers. For example, antitrust laws can be used to prevent companies from engaging in false advertising or deceptive practices.They can also be used to ensure that consumers have access to a variety of products and services at reasonable prices.Overall, antitrust is an important legal framework that is designed to promote competition and prevent monopolies from dominating the market. As the global economy continues to grow, it is important for countries to implement and enforce antitrust laws to protect consumers and promote a healthy economy.。
不可否认 ,中国作为世界第二大能源消费国,现在 已经
能源供应 :面临的挑战和解决方案
成为制约全球能源平衡的关键性因素。在中国,由于人 口增
长、 城市 化进程 加快 , 能源 需 求会继 续增 长 。 在未 来十 年 , 中
如果你读过关于世界能源市场最近的一些过于简单的分 国希望能源需求的增长率只达到 G P D 增长率的一半 。 实现这 析文章 ,你也许会得出这样的结论 :中国应该对过去两年来
能 源 效率 目标是 极 具挑 战 性 的 ,但 即使 实 现 了这 个 目标 ,
世界油价的大幅上涨负全部的责任。我要说的是 ,通过一些 也意 味着将 额 外增加 30 桶 / 日石油 和两 万亿 立方 英尺 天 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้万
表 象而得 出这样 的结 论未 免过 于 草率 。客观 地分 析 ,中国的 然气 的需 求 。由于 中 国国内有 限 的能源 供给 ,大 多数 增加 的 石 油需 求 的确 在增长 。从 上世 纪末 以 来 ,中 国对 于石 油 的需 能源需 求还 是要 通过 国际市场 来满 足 。这 就意 味 着 中国将 与 ■ 。
满足中国的需求. 对中国和其他国家而言 , 实现能源安全供应最有效的途径是成为世赛市场的一部分。他指出,中国在取得
巨大经 济 发展成 果 的同 时 . 与世 界 其他 国家 同样 面 临着能 源 供应 . 源消 费与 环境 的不 可 回避的 挑战 。中国的 经济 发展 奇迹 能 再 次证 明 ,开放 贸易不是 一 场 “ 零和 ”游戏 . 有的 参 s者都 将 受益 , 当运 用最 有效 的 贸易市 场机 翩 ,确保 能源 供应 s不 昕 应 断 增长 的需 求相 匹配 。 朗 勋爵的 演讲 视 角独特 而 开阔 , 布 分析 生动 而入 理 。他的分 析 和展 望 , 于我 们鳃 决能 源领 域的 矛盾 对
10 Schritte zum Erfolg:E-Commerce in unsicheren Zeiten anbietenBestandsübersicht behaltenÜbernehmen Sie die Kontrolle über Ihren Bestand, indem Sie die Produktnachfrage überwachen. Dadurch erhalten Sie einen besseren Überblick, welche Artikel möglicherweise wieder aufgefüllt werden müssen und vermeiden, dass die meistverkauften Artikel ausgehen.Da das Verbrauchervertrauen in Ländern nachlassen könnte, in denen die Corona-Pandemie stärker verbreitet ist, sollten Sie sich allenfalls nach alternativen Bezugsquellen zu Ihren derzeitigen Märkten umschauen.Zur Unterstützung Ihrer Auftragsverwaltung, und für den Zugriff auf aufschlussreiche Versandberichte, können Sie die über unseren FedEx® Compatible Solution Finder erhältliche Software verwenden. Diese stellt genau das zeitsparende Tool zur Verfügung, das den Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens entspricht.Website optimierenStellen Sie sicher, dass sich Kunden auf I hrer Website leicht zurechtfinden, indem Sie Ihre Website für mobile Endgeräte optimieren, eine Suchfunktion implementieren und die Geschwindigkeit der Website erhöhen.Versenden Sie Bestellungen noch schneller, indem Sie wesentliche Versandfunktionen in Ihr bestehendes System integrieren. Dabei können die integrierten Weblösungen von FedEx durch die Automatisierung einer Reihe von Prozessen – vom Druck von Etiketten bis hin zur Schätzung von Laufzeiten –Ihre Abläufe verbessern.Lieferkette ausbauenStellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr vergrössertes Netzwerk die stärker ausgelastete Zeit erfolgreich bewältigen kann, indem Sie das Managen Ihrer Lieferketten auslagern. Übertragen Sie dazu die Logistik und Auftragsabwicklung an einen erfahrenen Anbieter. So haben Sie mehr Zeit, sich auf die Verwaltung Ihres (Online-) Angebots zu konzentrieren.Die FedEx Supply Chain Lösungen tragen dazu bei, Ihre E-Commerce-Prozesse zu beschleunigen. Darüber hinaus benötigen Sie mit unserem FedEx International PriorityDirectDistribution® Service keine Zwischenhändler mehr und Ihre Kunden erhalten die Waren noch schneller.** H inweis: Wir passen angesichts der sich schnell ändernden Situation einige unserer Services an. Informationen zur aktuellen Verfügbarkeit unserer Services finden Sie hier .Verpackungs- undVersandmaterial bestellenBereiten Sie sich durch den Kauf von Verpackungs- und Versandmaterialien auf eingehende Bestellungen vor und stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Ihren Bedarf der kommenden Monate abdecken.Was auch immer Sie versenden möchten, FedEx Express bietet Ihnen Kartons, Umschläge und Spezial-Verpackung , die für den Transport einer Vielzahl von Produkten ausgelegt sind. 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Informationen zur aktuellen Verfügbarkeit unserer Services finden Sie hier.Änderungen der Zollprozesse miteinrechnen Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation führen viele Länder zusätzliche Grenzkontrollen durch, was zu Verzögerungen bei Ihren Lieferungenführen könnte.Um solche Verzögerungen zu vermeiden und Ihre Kunden zufriedenzustellen, empfiehlt es sich, längere Laufzeiten transparent zu kommunizieren, sich regelmässig über Zolländerungenin den von Ihnen belieferten Märkten zu informieren und Dokumentationsanforderungen nachzuschlagen.In diesem Zusammenhang bietet Ihnen FedEx Express eine Auswahl an Online-Tools zur Unterstützung an – einschliesslich ETD Electronic Trade Documents mit denen Sie wichtige Zolldokumente vorbereiten und einreichen können. Auf der Website der Europäischen Kommission finden Sie ebenfalls zahlreiche Informationen rund um das Thema Zoll. Bitte prüfen Sie vor dem Versand unbedingt die Vorschriften und Bestimmungen des Landes, aus dem und in das Sie versenden. Informationen dazu finden Sie auf den Webseiten der entsprechendenRegierung.Rücksendungen bequem einrichtenRichten Sie einen Rücksendeprozess ein, damit Kunden, die Waren zurücksenden müssen, dies ohne Herausforderungen erledigen können. Auf diese Weise können Sie IhreLagerbestände effizient auffüllen und haben eine bessere Kontrolle über Ihre Bestellungen.Viele Online-Händler verlängern derzeit ihre Rückgabefrist auf bis zu 90 Tage. Vielleicht möchten Sie Ihren Kunden einen ähnlichen Zeitrahmen anbieten und ihnen so ein Stück entgegenkommen. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei Ihren Rücksendungen benötigen, probieren Sie unseren FedEx® Global Returns Service aus, mit dem Sie die Abholung von Rücksendungen planen, Rücksendeetiketten erstellen können und vieles mehr.Kunden informierenIn Zeiten wie diesen ist Kommunikation der Schlüssel. Versichern Sie deshalb Ihren Kunden, dass Ihr Geschäft weiterhin online für sie da ist, und dass Sie bei der Zustellung alternative Optionen anbieten, um ihre Sicherheit zu gewährleisten (diese Optionen können Sie über FedEx® Delivery Manager entsprechend einstellen).Um das Bewusstsein zu erhöhen, ist es von Vorteil, Ihre Kunden über alle digitalen Kanäle (insbesondere E-Mail und soziale Medien) zu informieren und aufzufordern Ihre Website für genauere Informationen zu besuchen.Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Massnahmen, die wir ergreifen , um die Sicherheit während des COVID-19-Ausbruchs zu gewährleisten. Zudem erhalten Sie hier weitere Informationen über unsere leistungsstarken E-Commerce-Services.Eine sicherere Lieferung gewährleistenBieten Sie Ihren Kunden Flexibilität bei den Lieferoptionen an, um alle spezifischen Sicherheitsanforderungen zu erfüllen, die während dieser Zeit gelten.Auch wenn die Lieferung an den Detailhandel aufgrund von Ladenschliessungen eventuell nicht möglich ist, stehen den Empfängern zahlreiche Alternativen zur Auswahl. So können sie beispielsweise angeben, dass Pakete an einem sicheren Ort abgelegt werden sollen (mit Anweisungen, wo genau sich dieser Ort befindet), oder sie an eine alternative Adresse liefern lassen. Mit dem FedEx ® Delivery Manager können Sie Ihren Kunden die Möglichkeit bieten, das Lieferdatum und den Lieferort ohne zusätzliche Kosten anzupassen. Darüber hinaus können sie stets den aktuellen Status ihrer Sendung verfolgen, indem sie sich für SMS- und E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen anmelden.Zusätzlich hat FedEx Express die für die meisten europäischen Lieferungen erforderliche Unterschrift als Liefernachweisevorübergehend ausgesetzt, um mehr Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.Waren weltweit verfolgenGeben Sie sich selbst und Ihren Kunden die Gewissheit, dass die Bestellungen sicher auf dem Weg sind, indem Sie jeden einzelnen Versandschritt verfolgen und sich Benachrichtigungen über den Sendungsverlauf schicken lassen.Über FedEx Express können Sie auf eine Reihe vonTracking-Tools zugreifen. Bleiben Sie über die Updates zu Ihren Sendungen auf Ihrem Desktop in nahezu Echtzeit auf dem aktuellsten Stand, lassen Sie sich unterwegs über Ihr Smartphone benachrichtigen und erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen – für noch mehr Transparenz und Vertrauen.。
关键词:上海合作组织;东盟;地区间主义;动力;困境[中图分类号]F125[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1003-2479(2023)04-001-11 Motivation,Predicament and Deepening Path of SCO-ASEAN CooperationDeng ZhouAbstract:Cooperation has always failed to achieve practical results over the past20years although both the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)and ASEAN have a strong desire and positive attempts to carry out coop⁃eration.The driving force of SCO cooperation with ASEAN is characterized byinterregionalism,which can be summa⁃rized as striving for the dominant position in the competition for international prestige,shaping international norms and"rationalizing"global governance.Although the driving force is strong,there are many restrictive factors hinder⁃ing the deepening cooperation between the SCO and ASEAN,which are mainly manifested in the SCO's weak bind⁃ing institutional characteristics,theSCO's own low level of integration,and the overlapping positions of the SCO and ASEAN in the global industrial chain.In order to solve the above difficulties,the SCO and ASEAN should pay atten⁃tion to continuously strengthening its own institutional construction,enhancing coordination with"Belt and Road Initia⁃tive",and developing a"bottom-up"functionalist cooperation path in their future cooperation.Key Words:Shanghai Cooperation Organization;ASEAN;interregionalism;motivation;dilemma上海合作组织(以下简称“上合组织”)作为一个区域性国际组织,自2001年6月15日成立以来便积极开展与其他国际组织的对话合作,促进共同发展。
英国外交大臣上海国际问题研究院演讲时间 :2010-03-19 19:38来源 :口译网作者 :口译网点击 :365次Openness开放First, openness – to trade, ideas, people and investment. At the beginning of 2009, many predicted that the financial crisis would be compounded by protectionist measures mirroring the 1930s, when the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act turned the Wall Street Crash into a decade long depression.首先,对贸易、观点、人和投资的开放。
在 2009年之初,许多人预言金融危机将由于贸易保护主义措施而加剧, 正如二十世纪三十年代《斯姆特-霍利关税法》使华尔街危机演变成长期的衰退那样。
According to Global Trade Alert there has been an increase in protectionist measures, but levels remain well below those of the 1930s. This in part reflects deeper shared interests in open, connected markets. International supply chains have created a strong corporate constituency in favour of low tariffs. Norms of open trade are reflected in global and regional institutions, such as the WTO. But the biggest reason why the protectionist impulse was neutered was that policymakers found alternative ways of creating jobs and growth, through fiscal and monetary measures. Demand management counteracted domestic pressures for protection.根据国际贸易预警组织(Global Trade Alert所做的调查贸易保护主义倾向有所抬头,但相比二十世纪三十年代仍不显著。
cliffordchanceClifford Chance: An Overview of a Leading Global Law FirmIntroductionIn the business world, legal expertise is crucial for handling complex transactions and regulatory matters. As one of the world's leading law firms, Clifford Chance has built a reputation for providing exceptional legal services to clients worldwide. This document provides an overview of Clifford Chance, highlighting its history, areas of expertise, global presence, and commitment to diversity and inclusion.History and EvolutionClifford Chance has a rich history that spans over two centuries. The firm was founded in 1802 in London, England, and has since grown to become a global powerhouse in the legal industry. Over the years, it has undergone several mergers and expansions, combining with other prominent law firms to strengthen its capabilities and broaden its global reach.Areas of ExpertiseClifford Chance offers a comprehensive range of legal services across various practice areas. The firm's expertise spans banking and finance, capital markets, corporate andM&A, dispute resolution, real estate, tax, and regulatory matters. Its lawyers are renowned for their deep industry knowledge and ability to navigate complex legal challenges, making Clifford Chance a trusted advisor to clients across sectors.Global PresenceWith offices in major financial centers around the world, Clifford Chance has established a truly global presence. The firm currently operates in 33 countries and has more than 3,300 lawyers, making it one of the largest and most geographically diverse law firms globally. This global network enables Clifford Chance to effectively serve clients with cross-border legal needs and provide seamless support across jurisdictions.Commitment to Diversity and InclusionThroughout its history, Clifford Chance has recognized the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The firm believes that a diverse workforce brings different perspectives and ideas, ultimately leading to better outcomes for clients. To promote diversity, Clifford Chance has implemented various initiatives, including mentorship programs, affinity networks, and unconscious bias training. The firm has also set ambitious diversity targets and regularly publishes data on its progress towards achieving them.Clifford Chance's Pro Bono WorkIn addition to its commercial work, Clifford Chance is committed to giving back to society through pro bono initiatives. The firm encourages its lawyers to dedicate a portion of their time to providing free legal advice and assistance to individuals and organizations in need. Clifford Chance's pro bono work covers a wide range of social issues, including access to justice, human rights, environmental protection, and support for marginalized communities. This commitment to pro bono work demonstrates the firm's dedication to making a positive impact beyond its core business activities.Client Relationships and Industry RecognitionClifford Chance's success can be attributed in large part to its strong client relationships. The firm prides itself on understanding its clients' needs and delivering tailored solutions to help them achieve their goals. This client-focused approach has earned Clifford Chance a stellar reputation and numerous accolades in the legal industry. The firm consistently ranks among the top law firms globally in terms of revenue and market share, cementing its status as a trusted advisor to leading corporations, financial institutions, and governments worldwide.ConclusionAs one of the world's leading law firms, Clifford Chance continues to shape the legal landscape with its exceptional expertise, global presence, and commitment to diversity and inclusion. With a rich history, a wide range of practice areas, and a dedication to pro bono work, Clifford Chance has established itself as a trusted partner to clients around the globe. As the firm continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing business environment, its commitment to delivering outstanding legal services remains unwavering.。
the great council 名词解释
the great council 名词解释The Great Council refers to an elected assembly or governing body comprised of prominent individuals, representatives, or officials, who convene to discuss and make decisions on important matters of governance.例句:1. The Great Council plays a vital role in shaping government policies and implementing reforms. (伟大委员会在塑造政府政策和实施改革方面起着至关重要的作用。
)2. The members of the Great Council are elected by the people to represent their interests in the decision-making process. (伟大委员会的成员由人民选举出来,代表他们的利益参与决策过程。
)3. The Great Council convenes annually to discuss the allocation of resources and budget priorities. (伟大委员会每年召开会议,讨论资源的分配和预算优先事项。
)4. The decisions made by the Great Council have a direct impact on the socio-economic development of the region. (伟大委员会的决策直接影响着该地区的社会经济发展。
)5. The Great Council is responsible for oversight and accountability of government officials and departments. (伟大委员会负责监督和追究政府官员和部门的责任。
大企业尖兵计划税务英语In the bustling corporate world, the "Elite Program" stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering a unique opportunity for aspiring professionals to delve into the intricacies of tax law.This initiative is designed to equip young talents with a comprehensive understanding of the tax system, ensuring they are well-versed in both domestic and international regulations. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to balance theoretical knowledge with practical application.Participants are immersed in a dynamic learning environment that includes case studies, simulations, and guest lectures from industry experts. This exposure to real-world scenarios is crucial for developing a nuanced grasp of tax strategies and compliance.The program also emphasizes the importance of communication skills, particularly in English, which is the lingua franca of global business. Students are encouraged to articulate complex tax concepts clearly and concisely, askill that is invaluable in the professional sphere.As the course progresses, students engage incollaborative projects that simulate the challenges of a corporate tax department. This hands-on approach fosters teamwork and leadership, essential qualities for future taxstrategists.The "Elite Program" culminates in a capstone project, where participants apply their newly acquired knowledge to a simulated tax scenario. This final task is a testament to their growth and readiness to contribute to the corporate world.Graduates of the program are well-positioned to excel in their careers, equipped with a robust understanding of tax law and the ability to communicate effectively in English. They are the future leaders in the field of corporate taxation, ready to navigate the complex landscape with confidence and expertise.。
美国公众公司会计监督委员会PCAOB:美国公众公司会计监督委员会 Public Company Accounting Oversight Board 美国公众公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB)是会计⾏业的⾃律性组织,它由PCAOB不同会员事务所的会计师组成,这些会计师要为PCAOB中的其他会员事务所进⾏年检。
历史 美国公众公司会计监督委员会是在安然丑闻后的萨班斯法案催化下的产物。
About the PCAOBThe PCAOB is a nonprofit corporation established by Congress to oversee the audits of public companies in order to protect investors and the public interest by promoting informative, accurate, and independent audit reports. The PCAOB also oversees the audits of broker-dealers, including compliance reports filed pursuant to federal securities laws, to promote investor protection.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which created the PCAOB, required that auditors of U.S. public companies be subject to external and independent oversight for the first time in history. Previously, the profession was self-regulated.The five members of the PCAOB Board, including the Chairman, are appointed to staggered five-year terms by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), after consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Secretary of the Treasury.The SEC has oversight authority over the PCAOB, including the approval of the Board’s rules, standards, and budget.The Act established funding for PCAOB activities, primarily through annual fees assessed on public companies in proportion to their market capitalization and on brokers and dealers based on their net capital./Pages/default.aspxPCAOB官⽹截图。
简明反垄断法法英文指南Promoting Competition,Protecting Consumers:A Plain English Guide to Antitrust LawsTABLE OF CONTENTSPrefaceAn Antitrust PrimerIllegal Business PracticesMaintaining or Creating a MonopolyMergersPrice DiscriminationFrequently Asked QuestionsKeeping Markets Competitive简明反托拉斯法英文指南目录:序言反托拉斯入门非法商事行为维持和引发垄断合并价格歧视常见问题保持市场竞争性Preface序言:The Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) share responsibility for enforcing laws that promote competition in the marketplace. Competition benefits consumers by keeping prices low and the quality of goods and services high.联邦贸易委员会竞争署和司法部反托拉斯局共同负责实施促进市场竞争的法律。
The FTC is a consumer protection agency with two mandates under the FTC Act: to guard the marketplace from unfair methods of competition, and to prevent unfair or deceptive acts or practices that harm consumers. These tasks often involve the analysis of complex business practices and economic issues. When the Commission succeeds in doing both its jobs, it protects consumer sovereignty -- the freedom to choose goods and services in an open marketplace at a price and quality that fit the consumer’s needs -- and fosters opportunity for businesses by ensuring a level playing field among competitors. In pursuing its work, the FTC can file cases in both federal court and a special administrative forum.联邦贸易委员会是在《联邦贸易委员会法》规制下并拥有其两项授权的一个消费者保护机构:一是引导市场避免不公平的竞争;二是杜绝有损消费者利益的不公平或欺骗性的市场行为。
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SCO Security Cooperation Greater Challenges作者:by Yuan Shengyu来源:《China Pictorial》2018年第06期The 2018 Shanghai Cooper- ation Organization (SCO) summit will be held in Qingdao, a coastal city in China’s eastern Shandong Province, this June. Against the backdrop of major challenges in the international landscape, the summit has drawn wide attention both at home and abroad as the first of its kind since the organization expanded last year, testifying to the global importance of the SCO as the world’s l argest regional cooperation organization. Security cooperation is the core mission of the organization. With India and Pakistan now admitted to the SCO, how should its member states work together to strengthen security cooperation and fight cross-border terrorism threatening the stability of the SCO region? The future of SCO security cooperation has become a hot topic within and beyond the region.Security Cooperation at the Heart of the SCOOfficially founded in 2001, the SCO originated with a bloc of five countries (China,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan) that became known as the Shanghai Five after their first meeting in 1996. Initially, the Shanghai Five focused on demarcation negotiations and establishing mutual trust militarily in the border areas. Since 1998, the focus of the group has shifted to multilateral security cooperation and efforts to maintain regional stability. As the five countries began to prioritize the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, the SCO was gradually incubated. The regional cooperation organization has since been hailed as an innovative model for post-Cold War international security.Over the past 17 years since its inception, the SCO has made fruitful achievements and accumulated rich experience in security cooperation. The close, effective security cooperation between its member states over the years laid a solid foundation for the SCO.The Shanghai Spirit of “mutual trust, mutual benefits, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and pursuit of shared development” is the core value and guidelines for the SCO to carry out cooperation in multiple areas including security. Unlike the Cold War mentality, it transcends the curse of zero-sum games by effect ively solving the “prisoner’s dilemma”threatening SCO member states in security cooperation. By doing so, the SCO has integrated regional stability with the national security of every member state and realized win-win cooperation and holistic security, setting a good example for building a new security concept for the post-Cold War world.Peaceful settlement of disputes among member states through negotiation and consultation is a key factor driving the effective security cooperation of the SCO. History has shown that issuesconcerning the core interests of neighboring countries such as demarcation and border garrisons can be settled by peaceful means through equal-footed consultation. Such issues remain major obstacles hindering security cooperation.Adhering to the principle that the interests of all member coun- tries, big or small, are equally important, the SCO has effectively carried out military cooperation, information exchange and joint drills aiming to combat terrorism, separatism and extremism, realizing positive achievements in security cooperation. Regarding the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, SCO member states have developed joint concepts and taken concerted action to make their security cooperation more pragmatic and safeguard the broader security of the region.The SCO properly balances the relationship between security and development. Actually,security and development are not independent from each other—pursuing only one or the other will make both unsustainable. Over the past 17 years, the SCO has not only maintained regional stability and guaranteed shared development of all member countries through security cooperation, but also paved the way for eliminating security risks and forging a beneficial cooperation model based on common development.Safeguarding Regional Stability and ProsperityDevelopment won’t continue for long without security. Pursuing development while ignoring potential risks will leave it unsustainable. The stability and prosperity of the SCO region over the years could not have been achieved without long-term, effective security cooperation among relevant countries. Data has shown that wars, terrorism, separatism and extremism radicallyundermine and hinder development. Strengthening security cooperation to safeguard the development of the SCO region is a task that requires long-term, joint efforts of all SCO member states.Over the years, the effective security cooperation among SCO member states has maintained the overall security and stability of the region, created a sound environment for domestic development in every relevant country, guaranteed the sustainability of various economic activities and helped foster a sense of security so work can move forward smoothly. Moreover, the overall safe environment of the SCO region provides a fundamental guarantee for international eco- nomic cooperation, trade and investment in and beyond the region, thus effectively promoting regional prosperity and development.The SCO is undergoing changes with time. Nevertheless, the role of security cooperation in promoting regional stability and prosperity will only become more crucial. Especially after the addition of India and Pakistan,the SCO’s potential for re gional economic cooperation has greatly expanded. The alignment of development strategies of different countries will become an important driver for future development of the region. Economic interaction in and beyond the region will become more frequent, and personnel exchange will see a substantial increase. At the same time,security risks will grow accordingly. Therefore, the SCO will face greater future challenges in building a sound regional environment and coping with the threats of terrorism, separatism and extremism. The mission and governing regulations of the SCO security cooperation mechanism will continue expanding. For instance, cooperation in information security will become more and more important.New Day for Security CooperationIn recent years, new problems have emerged in some Western countries, which have resulted in profound changes in international and regional landscapes. Isolationism and protectionism are intensifying, and anti-globalization sentiment and populism are on the rise, causing anxiety over instability and uncertainty. In this context, the traditional regional cooperation model is facing new challenges. Meanwhile, some Eastern countries represented by China have maintained steady development while striving to build a community with a shared future for mankind and a multi-polar world. In addition to the increasingly complicated international situation, the SCO also faces a severe threat from international terrorism. In particular, Afghanistan has been plagued by terrorism, separatism and extremism. Facing these new challenges, the SCO is embarking on a new journey in security cooperation.Both long plagued by terrorism, separatism and extremism, India and Pakistan naturally took their concerns on such problems to the SCO when they joined the organization. SCO member states maintain different concepts and practices in security cooperation. The Shanghai Spirit remains the solution to bridging differences. As Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, the fundamental reason for the SCO’s development and growth is that its member states have consistently and firmly upheldthe Shanghai Spirit. Security cooperation is the foundation for the SCO’s continual development, so its member states must further consolidate the foundation under the guidance of the Shanghai Spirit.With the addition of new members, the SCO needs to adjust its existing security cooperation mechanism to address changes through consultation to better safeguard the overall security interests of all member states and guarantee the effectiveness of its cooperation model. Now that India and Pakistan have been admitted to the SCO,a total of four of the organization’s member states have nuclear weapons, so it is necessary for it to formulate plans and mechanisms concerning nuclear security cooperation. And considering the increasing numbers of maritime powers in the SCO, the organization must strengthen institutionalization of maritime security cooperation and formulate new cooperation plans.As the largest country in South Asia, India has ambitions to become a great power while maintaining a certain amount of independency and influence in terms of international security cooperation. Coordinating security cooperation within the SCO while optimizing the organization’s influence in international security affairs is a mission that requires concerted efforts of all member states, old and new, through friendly consultation. In particular, SCO member states need to work together to explore solutions to the Afghanistan issue, a common security threat to all ofthem, while avoiding internal friction caused by different interests, which could prevent them from acting as a consolidated force. With the Afghanistan issue as a central focus, the SCO should continue reinforcing its regional and global influence in security.。