心随意动 2013款捷豹XJ
我本来打算去4S 店瞧瞧车,想着说不定能挑中一辆合我心意的座驾呢。
讴歌 日本
奇瑞 中国
起亚 韩国
讴歌ILX 讴歌MDX 讴歌NSX 讴歌RDX 讴歌RL 讴歌RLX 讴歌TL 讴歌TSX 讴歌ZDX
艾瑞泽7 东方之子 风云2 奇瑞A1 奇瑞A3 奇瑞E5 奇瑞QQ 奇瑞QQ3 奇瑞QQme 奇瑞TX 奇瑞X1 奇瑞α7 奇瑞β5 旗云1 旗云2 旗云3 旗云5 瑞虎 东方之子Cross 风云 奇瑞A5 奇瑞QQ6 旗云
————浙江曙光实业有限公司PDW轮毂整理 资料来源于网络仅供参考 2013年7月6日
宝马德国 大众德国 吉利中国 铃木日本
比亚迪中国 东风中国 帝豪中国 MG中国
奔驰德国 法拉利意大利
全球鹰中国 迷你英国
标志法国 玛莎拉蒂意大利
江淮中国 马自达日本
保时捷德国 丰田日本 江铃中国 讴歌日本
古思特 幻影
雪铁龙 法国
五菱荣光 五菱之光
北京现代 现代(进口)
北京现代i30 北京现代ix35 朗动 名图 名驭 全新胜达 瑞纳 索纳塔八 途胜 伊兰特 悦动 领翔 索纳塔 雅绅特 御翔 Avante H-1辉翼 Veloster飞思 劳恩斯 劳恩斯-酷派 全新胜达(进口) 维拉克斯 现代i10 现代i20 现代i30(海外) 现代i40 现代ix20 现代ix35(海外) 现代Sonata(海外) 新胜达(进口) 雅科仕 雅绅特(海外) 雅尊 伊兰特(海外) 君爵 酷派 美佳
Aventador Gallardo Urus Veneno Estoque Murcielago Reventon Sesto Elemento
雪佛兰 美国
Alpine Captur Espace Twingo Wind 风景 风朗 科雷傲 拉古那 雷诺Clio 雷诺ZOE 梅甘娜 塔利斯曼 纬度 雷诺DeZir 威赛帝
在1933年7月,继双门跑车之后,SS I推出了高性能旅行车(SS Tourer),该车还首次正式参加了赛车运动。三部旅行车(SS Tourer)组成的比赛团队在1933年开始参加在欧洲大陆举行的阿尔卑斯山汽车试车赛,第二年他们就在这项相当艰难的比赛中一举赢得了团队奖项,大大提升了SS车系的名气。
年轻的里昂斯很快就展露出两方面的特质,这也是他在此后50年中最出色的个人特质。一方面,敏锐的商业头脑使他从中看到了盈利的机会;另一方面,独具品味的眼光又让他发现这些常人看来平凡无奇的创造所具有的别致外观。当里昂斯一到法定年龄,便于1922年9月从银行透支了1000英磅,创建了燕子跨斗车公司(Swallow Sidecars)。
品位传递者 试驾捷豹XF3.0
控 感 觉 提 到了 定 层 次
从 整体 表 现 上 来讲 捷 豹
系 多少有 些 相 似 之 处
的驾 驶 感 觉 与 宝 马
的悬 挂 设 定极 大 地 偏 向了运 动 i生能 是
副极 具
韧 性 的悬 挂 系 统 过于 敏 感
“ ” .
虽 然 在低 速 行驶 时 它的表 现 有 些
. .
提 的 是 捷 豹 的设 计 师在 这
线控 换 挡
×F 逐
系 统 之 上 叉 衍生 出 了 更 为炫 酷 的设 计 那 就 是
级 启 动 程 序 进 入 X F 之 后 捷 豹 D r iv e S e
, ,
部 的红 色 启 动 按 钮 立 即 开 始 有节 奏 地 闪动 就 像 跳 动 的心 脏
由那 些 优 雅 的细
感都 可 以
扫而 光 捷 豹 X F 的
辆 可 以 用 来 驾驶 的车子 不 是 因 为它 略 像 阿斯
顿 马T 的尾 部 造 型 也 不 是 因为它并 不 算 富得 流 油 的
后排 空 间 而 是 因 为它确实拥 有操 控 感
单 从 V 6 发 动机 与 6 前 速 手 自
麟 鬻黪
s 蕞
后方 扣 度是 它最好 的 观 肴视 角 无论平 视 仰 观 还 足如 此 俯 湖 圯 部 的造 删 酃像 极 J, 翘 级 跑 车刚斯 顿 j 5 丁 1 : o 过 个人落 得培部的设 }r 风 格 与阑睑的 风 格 , F小足 I. 协 ' 分 棚 埘为 分别从 正 l 斫 和背向肴它 基本 l - 以 当做.辆独 以的 乍嘤 J, J 两 。
● 第一代捷豹XJ20世纪60年代,当时的捷豹为了满足市场的需要,产品范围非常宽泛,但是受制于车型众多,使得捷豹当时各个车型的产量有些难以满足需求。
于是捷豹推出了一款名为Experimental Jaguar试验车。
『第一代捷豹XJ6』『捷豹XJ6内饰』经过一系列的测试,威廉·里昂斯爵士决定推出这款全新的顶级轿车,在命名时取了Experimental Jaguar第一个单词的第二个字母X和第二代单词的首字母J组合而成为XJ。
1972年,捷豹推出了XJ12车型,这款发动机搭载了在捷豹经典车型E-Type车型中使用的5.3L V12发动机。
● 外观:借鉴极光时尚大气前脸对比照片组合大灯重新设计的尾灯既保留了揽胜一直以来的特色,也增添了不少符合现代人审美取向的元素;向前延伸的边缘很好地与腰线结合,整体感得以增强。
简约是最好的设计语言之一,只因为它能毫无保留地突出整个设计的中心思想,而对于新一代揽胜来说,需要突出的就是豪华● 内饰:简约唯美极尽奢华很多人买SUV就是为了更好的视野,新一代揽胜可谓是猜透了大家的心思;在车流中,那种高高在上的感觉无可媲美。
Traducción del manual original 1Documentos aplicablesTodos los documentos disponibles sobre el producto è/pk.Observar los documentos aplicables:–Instrucciones motor –Instrucciones eje2Seguridad 2.1Instrucciones de seguridad–Montar el producto solamente en aquellos componentes cuyo estado sea seguro.–Limpiar los ejes. El cubo de acoplamiento [17] solo se agarrará sin deslizamiento en un gorrón que esté seco y libre de grasa. –Respetar la alineación del cubo de acoplamiento [17].–Apoyar la combinación:–en caso de componentes de motor pesados o de gran saliente–en caso de vibraciones fuertes y cargas de choque y de masas excéntricas–Realizar un recorrido de referencia de los ejes después de soltar o de girar elmotor.–Seleccionar elementos de fijación necesarios. El conjunto incluye los elementos de fijación máximos necesarios.–Respetar los pares de apriete. Si no hay indicaciones especiales, la toleranciaes de ± 20 %.2.2Uso previsto 2.2.1UtilizaciónConexión en paralelo de un eje con un motor.2.2.2Ejes y motores admisiblesFallo funcional y daños materiales por sobrecarga.Las magnitudes de salida del motor no deben superar los valores admisibles de los componentes empleados.Valores admisibles è /catalogue.•Limitar en consecuencia las magnitudes de salida del motor.•Deducir el eje y el motor de los códigos de interfaz.Ejemplo: EAMMU...V2540P V25: acoplamiento de eje 40P : acoplamiento de motor Acoplamiento de ejeEje 1)V20EGSCBS25, EPCCBS25V25EGSCBS32, ELGCBS32, EPCCBS32V32EGSCBS45, ELGCBS45, EPCCBS451) Mini carro EGSCBS, eje de accionamiento por husillo ELGCBS, cilindro eléctrico EPCCBSTab. 1Acoplamiento de motorMotor 1)28A EMMSST2828AA Motor de otras marcas35AEMMBST35, motor de otras marcas 40P EMMB/EMMEAS4042AEMMSST42, motor de otras marcasAcoplamiento de motorMotor 1)42ABMotor de otras marcas1) Servomotor EMM...AS, motor paso a paso EMM...ST, unidad motor EMCAECTab. 2La cualificación de los motores de otras marcas con acoplamiento mecánico apropiado utilizados en la combinación es responsabilidad del usuario.Su representante local de Festo le podrá indicar cuáles son los motores válidos de otras marcas è /sp.2.3Cualificación del personal técnicoEl montaje solo debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado. 3Información adicional–Accesorios è /catalogue.4Cuadro general del producto 4.1Suministro1Cuerpo (1x)2Tornillo (4x)5Correa dentada (1x)6Disco para correa dentada de eje (1x)7Tapa (1x)8Tornillo (3x)9Tuerca cuadrada (4x)15Disco para correa dentada de motor (1x)16Tornillo prisionero (1x)17Cubo de acoplamiento (1x)18Anillo de retención (2x)19Elastómero (2x)20Anillo deslizante (2x)21Pasador roscado (3x)Fig. 1 SuministroLa tuerca cuadrada [9] no está disponible con el EAMMU…V…28A/28AA/35A/42A/42AB.El EAMMU...V20 no cuenta con anillo deslizante [20].5Montaje 5.1Ensamblaje5.1.1Premontaje del acoplamientoFig. 2 Instalar anillo deslizante, lado del motor1.Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [K] del acoplamiento [17] del lado del motor.Excepción: con EAMMU...V20 no hay que instalar ningún anillo deslizante.2.Desenroscar el tornillo prisionero [16].8096435EAMM-U-...-V...-...A/P/R-2Conjunto paralelo8096435201901b [8096438]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Alemania+49 711 347Fig. 3 Deslizar el cubo de acoplamiento •Insertar el cubo de acoplamiento [17] con el taladro apropiado en el gorróndel eje [C].Fig. 4 Alinear el cubo de acoplamiento1.Respetar la distancia (Y) .2.Apretar el tornillo prisionero del lado del motor [16].Fig. 5 Instalar anillo deslizante, lado del eje •Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [L] del cubo de acoplamiento del lado del eje [P].Excepción: con EAMMU...V20 no hay que instalar ningún anillo deslizante.5.1.2Alineación de acoplamientoAlineación defectuosa del acoplamientoSi la dimensión Y está mal ajustada, se produce un mayor desgaste de la correa y puede provocar el contacto mecánico entre disco para correa dentada y cuerpo y tapa.•Respetar la distancia.Fig. 6 Alineación del cubo de acoplamiento EAMM-U-Y ±0,3[mm]30V2028A 2030V2028AA 15,938V2535A 2045V2540P 2045V2542A 1945V2542AB 1945V3240P 2045V3242A 1945V3242AB19Tab. 35.1.3Conexión motor y ejeFig. 7 Fijar el disco para correa dentada del lado del motor1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el exterior, en el disco para correa dentada [15].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [15] junto con la estrellade elastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [17].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [N] del cubo deacoplamiento [17].Fig. 8 Fijar el disco de correa dentada por el lado del eje1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el exterior, en el disco para correa dentada [6].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [6] junto con la estrella deelastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [P].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [C] del cubo deacoplamiento [P].Fig. 9 Fijar el cuerpo al eje1.Insertar el cuerpo [1] en el collar de centrado del ejeÄEl pasador antirrotación [O] del eje encaja en el taladro del cuerpo [1].2.Fijar el cuerpo [1] con los pasadores roscados [21] en la ranura en V del collarde centrado.Fig. 10 Posicionamiento del motor •Posicionar el motor en el cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.Fig. 11 Colocar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligeramente.2.Colocar la correa dentada [5] primero en el disco para correa dentada [15] y,después, en el disco para correa dentada [6].Fig. 12 Fijar el motor •Fijar el motor con los tornillos [2] y las tuercas cuadradas [9] al cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse pero no se puede inclinar más.Excepción: con el EAMMU...V...28A/28AA/35A/42A/42AB el sentido de montaje es diferente. Fijar el cuerpo [1] con los tornillos [2] al motor. Las tuercas cuadradas [9] no son necesarias.5.1.4Tensado de la correa dentadaExcesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Cargas radiales inadmisibles o rotura del eje.Elevado desgaste de la correa dentada, así como de los cojinetes del eje y del motor.•Evítese una excesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Se recomienda que la pretensión de la correa dentada sea reducida.La correa dentada [5] estará tensada cuando los ramales [D] discurran más o menos en paralelo:–Destensada: y > x–Tensada: y L1 … 1,05 xFig. 13 Ramales de la correa dentadaFig. 14 Tensar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor hasta que sobre la correa dentada [5] se ejerza la fuerzaelástica Fv.2.Apretar los tornillos [2].EAMM-UFuerza elástica Fv [N]305 (1538)17 (40)EAMM-UFuerza elástica Fv [N]4517 (40)Tab. 4 Fuerza de tensión admisible de la correa dentada 5.1.5Montaje de la tapaFig. 15 Montar la tapa •Antes de la puesta en funcionamiento: fijar la tapa [7] con los tornillos [8] al cuerpo [1].5.2Instalación 5.2.1Soporte de la combinación de eje y motorFig. 16 La combinación debe soportarse sin crear tensiones •Apoyar la combinación libre de tensiones para evitar daños.6Durante el funcionamiento Riesgo de lesiones al tocar superficies calientes.El juego de montaje del motor se calentará debido al calor generado por el motor.•No tocar el juego de montaje del motor durante el funcionamiento ni inmediatamente después.Riesgo de lesiones por movimiento inesperado de componentes en caso de fallo de la correa dentada.•Cumplir las medidas de seguridad complementarias.7Mantenimiento 7.1Comprobación de la correa dentadaLa correa dentada [5] es una pieza de desgaste è /spareparts. probar la correa dentada [5] periódicamente:–cuando se cumplen los plazos de mantenimiento de la máquina –cuando se sustituye un eje2.Sustituir la correa dentada [5] cuando aparezcan los siguientes indicios dedesgaste:–fuerte acumulación de partículas de desgaste en la carcasa –grietas en el dorso de la correa dentada–hilado de tracción de fibra de vidrio visible en la base de los dientes 7.2Sustitución de la correa dentadaFig. 17 Desmontar la correa dentadaEn caso de montaje en posición vertical o transversal:•Respetar las instrucciones de seguridad correspondientes incluidas en las instrucciones del eje.1.Retirar los tornillos [2].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.2.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligeramente.3.Retirar la correa dentada [5] de los discos para correa dentada [6] y [15].8Especificaciones técnicas8.1Tamaño de tornillos y pares de aprieteEAMM-U-[2] [Nm][8] [Nm][16][Nm][21][Nm] 30V2028A M2,5x120,8M2x50,5M1,6x50,25M2,5x30,5 30V2028AA M2,5x80,8M2x50,5M1,6x50,25M2,5x30,5 38V2535A M3x101,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 45V2540P M3x161,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 45V2542A M3x101,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 45V2542AB M3x101,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 45V3240P M3x161,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 45V3242A M3x101,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 45V3242AB M3x101,2M3x81,2M2,5x81,0M3x60,8 Tab. 5。
传承、颠覆、创新法国试驾全新捷豹XJ 2010年03月10日 04:11 爱卡汽车网张漪然前言:时间:2009年7月9日,地点:英国伦敦的萨奇画廊Saatchi Gallery,事件:全新捷豹XJ 旗舰车型正式发布。
而摆在面前的全新XJ 则更多的沿袭自XF和XK,捷豹的新面貌似乎更能符合如今的审美观念,但这绝不等同于毫无特色的与其他品牌“同流合污”,对于这种拥有长远历史的品牌来讲,如何保持以往的风格是至关重要的。
不列颠绅士 捷豹XJL 3.0旗舰商务版
In-Depth Test深度测试
072January 2013
捷豹XJL 3.0旗舰商务版
将那种专属于X 优雅继承了下来。
宽大修长的车身,没有任何多余的点缀,车尾2012款捷豹XJL 3.0L旗舰商务版
4门5座C 级轿车115.80车型1
按摩座椅让我乐不思蜀2 后排乘客的尊贵待遇
虽然这辆2012款捷豹XJL 没有强劲的动力,但并不代表XJL 都是如此。
2013款XJL 同款车型已经换装3.0T 涡轮增压发动机,动
1 触控屏幕可以进行大部分设置操作
2 中控台镶嵌钟表已经成为豪华车的象征
3 车辆启动后升起的挡杆科技感十足
4 B &W 宝华音响,完美的音质
力有明显的提升,同时还有更高的5.0T+8AT 车型,售价更低的入门2.0T 车型。
不过对于捷豹XJL 来说,更强的动力并不能取代它本身优雅细腻的精髓,虽然它的外表已经不如前一代车型那样沉稳,融入了更多年轻的元素,但捷豹XJL 的绅士风度,并没有变化。
超脱于外表的奢华打开驾驶舱,精致的捷豹XJ环绕式前舱确实给人不一般的感觉,在其他车型上也没有看到过,据厂家介绍是取材自有水中法拉利之称的Riva Aqua rama赛艇的概念。
路虎神行者22014款 2.2T SD4 SE柴油版 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.2T SD4 S柴油版 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.2T SD4 SE柴油款 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.2T SD4 S柴油款 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.2T SD4 越动限量版 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体/自动变速箱2014款 2.0T Si4 HSE汽油版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.0T Si4 SE汽油版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.0T Si4 S汽油版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T Si4 越动限量版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体/自动变速箱2013款 2.0T Si4 HSE汽油款 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T Si4 SE汽油款 2.0T 2.0T 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.2T SD4 HSE柴油款 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.2T SD4 SE柴油款 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.2T SD4 S柴油款 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.0T Si4 HSE汽油款 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.0T Si4 SE汽油款 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 2.2T SD4 HSE柴油款 2.2T 2.2T 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 2.2T SD4 SE柴油款 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱路虎揽胜极光2013款 2.2T 5门柴油版 2.2T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.0T 5门圣诞限量版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.0T 5门限量版 2.0T L4 9挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.0T 5门耀动版 2.0T L4 9挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 2.0T 5门耀享版 2.0T L4 9挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T 3门耀致版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T 5门耀致版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T 3门耀动版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T 3门维多利亚限量版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体变速箱2013款 2.0T 5门耀动版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T 5门耀真版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 2.0T 3门眩蓝限量版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体变速箱2013款 2.0T 5门熠动限量版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.0T 3门耀致版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.0T 5门耀致版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.0T 3门耀动版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 2.0T 5门耀动版 2.0T L4 6挡手自一体自动变速箱路虎发现42013款 5.0 V8 HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 SE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 尊黑限量版 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 3.0 SDV6 HSE 柴油版 5.0L V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 3.0 SDV6 尊黑限量版 5.0L V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 SE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 HSE奢朗限量版 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 3.0 SDV6 HSE奢朗限量版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 3.0 SDV6 HSE柴油版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 5.0 V8 HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 3.0SDV6 HSE 柴油 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2010款 3.0 TDV6 S 柴油版 3.0L V6 6档手自一体路虎揽胜运动版2014款 5.0 V8 SC 锋尚创世版 Dynamic 5.0T V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 SC 锋尚创世版 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 SC HSE 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 NA HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 NA 黑标限量版 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 V6 SC 锋尚创世版 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 V6 SC HSE Dynamic 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 V6 SC HSE 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 V6 SC 智利红限量版 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 3.0 TDV6 柴油极致运动版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 3.0 TDV6 柴油版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 3.0 TDV6 黑标限量版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 SC 锋尚创世版 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 SC HSE 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 NA HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 NA HSE 驭红限量版 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 3.0 TDV6 极致运动版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 3.0 TDV6 HSE 柴油版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 5.0 V8 SC Autobiography 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 5.0 V8 SC HSE 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 5.0 V8 NA HSE 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 3.0 TDV6 Sporty 柴油版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 3.0 TDV6 柴油版 3.0T V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2010款 5.0 V8 NA HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2010款 5.0T V8 SC HSE 5.0L V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2010款 3.0 TDV6 HSE 3.0L V6 6挡手自一体自动变速箱路虎揽胜2013款 5.0 V8 AB 尊崇创世版 5.0T V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 SC Vogue SE 5.0T V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 NA Vogue SE 5.0T V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 5.0 V8 NA Vogue 5.0T V8 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 TDV6 Vogue SE 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 V6 SC Vogue 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2014款 3.0 V6 SC Vogue SE 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2013款 3.0 TDV6 Vogue 3.0T V6 8挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 SC 尊崇创世版 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 SC 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 NA 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2012款 5.0 V8 SC 巅峰创世典藏版 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2011款 5.0L SC 创世尊崇版 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱2010款 5.0L SC 创世尊崇版 5.0T V8 6挡手自一体自动变速箱88款。
• 为了备战1953年的勒芒比赛,捷豹还研制了秘密武器—碟 式刹车系统。装配有自动释放式的碟式刹车系统的 C-Type赛车可在3.5英里的Mulsanne直道上从150英里/小 时的速度上非常自信地随意减速,且还能保证他们的刹车 相比其他对手更持久耐用。最终三部捷豹车分别名列第一、 第二和第四。编辑本段捷豹传奇创造全世界最忠于本性, 激发共鸣,拥有全方位卓越驾乘表现的顶级汽车。捷豹是 人类创造出来的最具生命力的汽车杰作。——捷豹创始人 威廉· 里昂斯爵士
• 1966年:专为勒芒赛事而开发的捷豹XJ13,因规则变更无法参赛 • 1965年,捷豹开始进行中置引擎的运动型赛车设计。为了有足够的动 力驱动,他们制造了一个四凸轮、5升的V12引擎。该车即后来的 XJ13于1966年被制造出来,但不幸的是,比赛规则的变令这款专为 勒芒赛事开发的赛车无法参加比赛。 • 捷豹 XJ13 经常被描述为从未有过的最佳捷豹,仅存的一辆 XJ13 在 1971 年的事故中严重受损,其后又被重造,目前被陈列在博物馆里 供爱车者观赏,是所有捷豹车中最稀有的无价之宝。
• 1943年:直列六缸引擎于二战期间开发而成 直列六缸引擎于二战期间率先由工程师们在工厂借夜间防 火时间开发而成,这在其后奠定了公司在该领域的领先地 位。同时,SS的公司名称因与纳粹缩写相同而蒙上阴影。 因此,Lyons在1945年将SS公司改为捷豹汽车公司。战后 早期捷豹处境艰难,当务之急是尽早恢复生产,而最好的 复兴方式是重新推出战前的那些车型。直到1948年,捷豹 才发布了战后第一款新车Mark V,不过该车在捷豹产品策 略上只是一款过渡车型,因此没有配备已研究成功的新引 擎。新型引擎大胆采用了顶置凸轮轴的设计,它是一款容 量为3.5升的直列式6缸引擎,被最终命名为XK。XK引擎 的输出功率达到了160马力,这在当时是巨大的成就,XK 发动机也是捷豹在此后很长一段时间里,在业内保持领先 优势的原因。
Keithley 2010 Digital Multimeter Manual
Manuale d’uso AX-70201.Descrizione generaleIl dispositivo descritto nel presente manualeèun multimetro analogico ad elevata sicurezza di utilizzoèstata aumentata notevolmente.Lo strumento di misuraèconforme allo standard CAT III 600V.Dispone di21intervalli di misurazione e consente la misurazione di tensione DC,tensione AC, corrente DC,resistenza e test di continuitàcon segnalazione acustica.(1)AttenzionePer evitare scosse elettriche,lesioni o il danneggiamento del dispositivo;prima di iniziare l’utilizzo del multimetro,leggere attentamente le informazioni contenute nelle avvertenze e nelle note sulla sicurezza.(2)Note sulla sicurezzaIl presente multimetro analogico soddisfa i requisiti della norma EN61010e dello standard CAT III600V. Utilizzare il multimetro conformemente al manuale d’uso,in caso contrario lo strumento di misura portebbe subire dei danni.2.Norme di sicurezza•Prima di iniziare l’utilizzo dello strumento di misura controllare il suo alloggiamento.Uno strumento di misura privo o con gli elementi di gomma danneggiati non saràfunzionante.Non utilizzare il multimetro in questo caso.•Controllare se la guaina di cavi di misura nonèdanneggiata,seèvisivile il conduttore o se i cavi non presentano segni di danni.In caso i cavi di misura siano danneggiati;prima di iniziare ad utilizzare il multimetro sostituirli con dei cavi nuovi.•Per controllare se lo strumento di misura funziona correttamente,eseguire una misurazione della tensione.Qualora il multimetro non funzioni correttamente,non utilizzare il dispositivo ed inviarlo ad un centro di assistenza tecnica per la riparazione.•Non applicare sulle prese d’ingresso del multimetro tensionsoni superiori al valore nominale consentito.•Prestare particolare attenzione durante l’utilizzo del multimetro con tensioni superiori a60V DC o30V AC,queste possono esporre al pericolo di scosse elettriche.•Utilizzare prese e intervalli di misura appropriati per la misurazione eseguita.•Non eseguire misurazioni di valori di tensione e di corrente superiori all’intervallo di misurazione consentito.Qualora non sia noto il valore approssimativo del segnale misurato,scegliere l’intervallo piùalto disponibile ed eseguire la misurazione.Prima di eseguire il test di continuitàdel circuito, scollegare l’alimentazione del circuito e diseccitare tutti i condensatori presenti nel circuito.•Durante l’utilizzo dei cavi di misura,tenere le dita al di sopra degli appositi anelli protettivi.•Non utilizzare o conservare lo strumento di misura in ambienti in cui sono presenti temperature elevate,umidità,in luoghi con sostanze infiammabili o esplosive,e in prossimitàdi forti campi elettromagnetici.•Durante la conservazione dello strumento di misura,per la pulizia delle superfici utilizzare un panno delicato ed un detergente non aggressivo.Non utilizzare sostanze abrasive o solventi in quanto ciòportare ad episodi di corrosione dell’alloggiamento o danneggiare lo strumento di misura.3.Simboli di sicurezza””-doppio isolamento””-messa a terra””-AC””-diodo””-’STANDARD EURO””-consultare il manuale d’uso””-attenzione,alta tensione”-DC”-fusibile”-batteria4.Struttura del dispositivo1.Custodia protettiva2.Alloggiamento del multimetroncetta4.Regolazione meccanica dello zero5.Pulsanti funzione6.Prese di ingresso7.Regolazione dello zero della resistenza8.Pannello frontale5.Scala graduata1.Scala della resistenza2.Scala a specchio3.Scala DC/AC4.Scala ACV,batteria e resistenza5.Scala DB6.Scala della corrente del diodo nel senso di conduzione6.Esecuzione delle misureAttenzioneSulle prese d’ingresso possono essere presenti tensioni pericolose.L’utenteètenuto a leggere attentamente il manuale d’uso prima di iniziare ad utilizzare il dispositivo,inoltre durante l’esecuzione delle misurazioni le dita devono essere tenute al di sopra degli anelli protettivi presenti sui cavi di misura.1.Tensione DC:(DCV)Posizionare il selettore sull’intervallo DCV e collegare il cavo di misura nero e rosso rispettivamento alla presa d’ingresso nera e rossa,quindi collegare i cavi di misura al circuito testato per leggere il risultato della misurazione della tensione DC.L’utente puòscegliere tra gli intervalli DCV500V,250V,50V,10V, 2.5V,0.5V,0.1V e leggere il valore misurato sulla seconda scala graduata.2.Tensione AC:(ACV)Posizionare il selettore sull’intervallo ACV e collegare il cavo di misura nero e rosso al circuito testato per leggere il risultato della misurazione della tensione AC.L’utente puòscegliere tra intervalli ACV500V, 250V,50V e leggere il risultato della misurazione sulla terza scala graduata.3.DC mAAttenzioneNell’intervallo di misurazione DC mA nonèpossibile effettuare misurazioni in DCV e ACV,in quanto ciòpuòcondurre al danneggiamento del dispositivo.Posizionare il selettore sull’intervallo di misurazione DC mA e collegare il cavo di misura nero e rosso rispettivamente alla presa d’ingresso rossa e nera,quindi collegare i cavi di misura al circuito testato,il risultato della misurazione DC mA verràvisualizzato sulla seconda scala DC mA.Dopo aver selezionatol’intervallo DC10A,collegare il cavo di misura rosso alla presa da10A.il cavo di misura rosso corrisponde alla polaritàpositiva,mentre il cavo nero a quella negativa.4.Resistenza:(Ω)AttenzionePrima di iniziare la misurazione della resistenza,assicurarsi che l’alimentazione del circuito testato sia stata scollegata e tutti i condensatori siano stati diseccitati.In caso contrario ci si espone al pericolo di scosse elettriche e di danneggiamento del dispositivo.Posizionare il selettore sull’intervalloΩe prima di iniziare la misurazione,azzerare la lancetta.Osservare la lancetta e controllare che questa sia posizionata sullo zero della scalaΩ.Se la lancetta non si trova sullo zero,azzerare la lancetta mediante l’apposita regolazione.Quindi collegare i cavi di misura alla resistenza testata e leggere il risultato della misurazione sulla prima scala graduata.Se dopo aver cortocircuitato i cavi di prova ed aver posizionato il selettore sull’intervalloΩ,la lancetta non si trova ancora sullo zero,ciòsignifica che la batteriaèscarica e deve essere sostituita.Prestare attenzione ad ogni intervallo della resistenza e mediante la procedura sopra descritta azzerare la lancetta prima di iniziare ogni misurazione.Il valore ottenuto per i diversi intervalli dovràessere moltiplicato per l’apposito fattore.L’unitàdi misura utilizzataèΩ.5.Misurazioni di LEDPosizionare il selettore sull’intervalloΩ*10e collegare i cavi di misura ai due poli del diodo.Sulla quarta scala graduata LI verràvisualizzata la corrente del diodo nel senso di conduzione(IF).La scala LV mostra la tensione del diodo nel senso di conduzione.6.Test di continuitàPosizionare il selettore sull’intervallo BUZZ(Rx1)e collegare i cavi di misura alla resistenza testata.Se il valore della resistenza saràinferiore a100Ω,verràgenerato un segnale acustico.7.Misurazione del livello sonoro dBLa misurazione viene effettuata similmente alle misurazioni in ACV.Se il circuito testato dispone di una componente DC,collegare in serie il condensatore di blocco con capacità0.1uF e tensione assorbita superiore a500.Posizionare il selettore sull’intervalo AC10V,sulla quarta scala graduata il multimetromostreràil valore-10~22dB,e per ciascun altra gamma ACV,per il valore bBV reale sarànecessario utilizzare la tabella sottostante per eseguire la conversione ADD,dB.7.Parametri tecnici1.Caratteristiche generali-Funzioni:ACV,DCV,DCA,Ω,dB,test di continuità,test di diodi.-Alimentazione:UM-3(AA),1.5V*2,6F22,9V*1-Fusibile:F0.5A/250V,Φ5*20mm-Fusibile:F10A/250V,Φ5*20mm-Condizioni di esercizio:0℃-40℃Umidità<70%RH-Condizioni di stoccaggio:-10℃-50℃Umidità<70%RH-Altitudine massima:2000m-Standard di sicurezza:IEC61010-1Cat III600V-Grado di inquinamento:Livello2-Peso:320g ca.-Dimensioni:168*95*46mm-Accessori:manuale d’uso,scatola colorata.Batteria non fornita.2.Parametri elettriciPrecisione:DC±3%,AC±4%,periodo di calibrazione:un anno.Condizioni di esercizion per i valori di precisione riportati:18℃-28℃,umidità<75%RH1-Intervallo2-Precisione3-Impedenza di ingresso4-Calo di tensione5-Valore centraleTensione DC:(DCV)Tensione AC:(ACV)Corrente DC:(DCA)Resistenza:(Ω)8.ManutenzioneAttenzionePer evitare scosse elettriche,prima di aprire l’alloggiamento posteriore del multimetro,scollegare i cavi di misura dal circuito testato.1.Lo strumento di misura descritto nel presente manualeèun dispositivo di precisione,non modificare i circuiti del dispositivo e proteggerlo contro umidità,polvere ed urti.2.Se non si intende utilizzare lo strumento di misura per un periodo prolungato di tempo,rimuovere le batterie per prevenire eventuali fuoriuscite di acido ed il conseguente danneggiamento del dispositivo.3.Qualora nell’intervalloΩdopo la cortocircuitazione dei cavi di misura la lancetta non sia presente sullo zero,ciòsignifica che la batteriaèscarica e deve essere sostituita con una batteria nuova.4.Qualora sia necessario sostituire il fusibile,sostiturilo con un fusibile nuovo delle stesse dimensioni e dello stisso tipo.5.In caso di eventuali malfunzionamenti dello strumento di misura,questo deve essere riparato presso un centro di assistenza tecnica qualificato.。
Ford Fiesta 2011年产品说明书
fi es t aiNDicATor LiGHTSService engine soon light : Illuminates briefly whenthe ignition is turned on. If it remains on or is blinkingafter the engine is started, the on-board diagnosticssystem (OBD-II) has detected a malfunction. Drive in amoderate fashion and contact your authorized dealerAirbag readiness light : Illuminates briefly whenthe ignition is turned on. If this light fails to illuminate,remains on or continues to flash after the engine isstarted, contact your authorized dealer for serviceas soon as possible. A chime will also sound ifthere is a malfunction in the indicator light.(if equipped with a manualIlluminates when the manualtransmission should be shifted to the nexthighest gear in order to maximize fuel efficiency.power Door LockPress to lock/unlock the doors. When theindicator light is illuminated, all doors andthe trunk are locked. When the light isoff, it indicates that one or more doors2(recircuLATeD Air)Press to activate/deactivate air recirculation in the vehicle cabin. Recirculated air mayreduce the amount of time to cool the interior of the vehicle and also may help reduceundesired odors from reaching the interior of the vehicle.STeeriNG wHeeL, if equippeD)Press to access SYNCPress M repeatedly to cycle through all available audio modes.SyNcPress to activate the SYNCSYNC® section (if equipped) in the Entertainment Systems chapter of yourOwner’s Guide for more information.13BE8J 19G217 AAM a r c h2010 F i r s t P r i nt i n gQ u i c k R e f e r e n c eG u i d eF o r d F i es t aL i t h o i nU.S.A.f o r d o w ne r.c o mf o r d.c a15Use extreme caution when using any device orfeature that may take your attention off theroad. Ford recommends against the use of anyhand-held device while driving and that youcomply with all applicable laws. Your primaryresponsibility is the safe operation of the vehicle.InstrumentThis Quick Reference Guide is notintended to replace your vehicleOwner’s Guide which containsmore detailed informationconcerning the features of yourvehicle, as well as importantsafety warnings designed tohelp reduce the risk of injuryto you and your passengers.Please read your entireOwner’s Guide carefully asyou begin learning about yournew vehicle and refer to theappropriate sections whenquestions arise.All information contained inthis Quick Reference Guidewas accurate at the timeof duplication. We reservethe right to changefeatures, operation and/or functionality of anyvehicle specificationat any time. Your Forddealer is the bestsource for the mostcurrent information.For detailed operatingand safety information,please consult yourOwner’s Guide.F o r d M o t o r C o mp a n yC u s t o m e r R e l a t i on s h i p C en t e rP.O.B o x6248 D e a r b o rn,M I481211-800-392-3673(F O R D)(T D D f o r t h e h e a ri n g i m p ai r e d:1-800-232-5952)1e s s e nt I a l f e a t u re sfueL TANk cApAciTy/fueL iNfoYour vehicle has a fuel tank capacity of 12.4 gallons (47 L). Use only “Regular” gasoline with an octane rating of 87. Do not use E85 fuels because your vehicle was not designed to run on fuels with more than 10% ethanol.TirepreSSureThe recommended specifications are on the Safety Compliance Certification Label or Tire Label located on the on the B-Pillar or the edge of the driver’s door. As anadded safety feature, your vehicle is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pressure warning light when one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. Refer to the Tires, Wheels and Loading chapter in your Owner’s Guide for more information.LocATioN of SpAre TireAND TooLSYour spare tire is located in the trunk. Remove the spare and jack by turning their tie-down bolts counterclockwise. For complete details, refer to your Owner’s Guide.roADSiDe ASSiSTANceYour new Ford Fiesta comes with the assurance and support of 24-hour emergency roadside assistance. Roadside assistance includes such services as: lockout assistance, limited fuel delivery, battery jump starts, changing a flat tire, towing, and winch out. To receive roadside assistance in the United States, call 1 (800) 241-3673. In Canada, call 1 (800) 665-2006.eASyfueL™ ‘No cAp’ fueL SySTemWith this system, you simply open the fuel filler door, insert the nozzle and begin fueling. Wait five seconds from the time the refueling nozzle isshut-off until the nozzle is pulled back out of the fill pipe to allow residual fuel in the nozzle to drain into the tank.This system is self-sealing and therefore protected against dust, dirt, water, snow and ice. To use a portable fuel container, slowly insert the fuel funnel (located in the spare tire compartment in your trunk), and pour the fuel into the funnel. When done, clean the funnel or properly dispose of it. Extra funnels can be purchased from your authorized dealer. Do not use aftermarket funnels as they will not work with the Easy Fuel™ system and may cause damage.HiLL STArT ASSiST(AuTomATic TrANSmiSSioN oNLy, if equippeD)Hill start assist (HSA) makes it easier to pull away when your vehicle is parked on a slope without using a parking brake. When active, this feature allows your vehicle to remain stationary on a slope for up to two to three seconds after you release the brake pedal thereby giving you time to move your foot to the accelerator and pull away. This feature is activated automatically if the sensors detect that the vehicle is on a slope.fueL ecoNomy TipSDriving style can affect fuel usage. With these tips you may be able to change a number of variables and improve your fuel economy.o D rive Sensiblyo K eep your tires properly inflated o U se cruise control when you can o D on’t carry more than you need.You will lose up to 1% in fuel economy per 100 lb (45kg).o O bserve the speed limit. Speedsover 70 mph (112 km/h) decrease your overall fuel economyo E nsure that your car isproperly maintainedo C heck and replace your airfilter regularlyo U se the recommended gradeof motor oilo A void excessive idlingBLiND SpoT mirrorSBlind spot mirrors have an integrated convex spotter mirror in the upper corner on the outside mirrors. These mirrors help increase visibilityalongside the vehicle; thereby helping you see a vehicle which may be in your blind spot. As the vehicle approaches, its image will transition from the main mirror to the blind spot mirror. Refer to your Owner’s Guide for more information.SoS poST-crASH ALerT SySTem™This system provides audible and visual alarms when a crash causes the deployment of airbags or the activation of the safety belt pretensioners. The turn signals will flash and the horn will sound. The horn and lamps will turn off when you press the hazard control button or the vehicle runs out of power.kNee AirBAG SySTem (DriVer’S SiDe oNLy)Located under the instrument panel, this system works along with the driver’s front airbag to help reduce injury to the legs. The knee airbag system will deploy when the driver’s airbag deploys in a collision. Ensure that you are properlyseated and restrained to reduce the risk of death or serious injury. Refer to your Owner’s Guide for more information.ADVANceTrAc ® STABiLiTyeNHANcemeNT SySTemYour vehicle’s AdvanceTrac ® system is comprised of two major components -traction control which helps avoid wheel spin and loss of traction and electronic stability control which helps avoid skids or lateral slides. These components work together to help you maintain stability and steerability of your vehicle during a variety of road conditions. The system activates automatically each time the engine is started and cannot be turned off.perimeTer ALArm (if equippeD)When armed, the perimeter alarm system will sound the horn and flash the park/turn lamps if unauthorized entry is attempted.TurN SiGNAL coNTroLPush the control up or down to the first stop to activate the right or left turn signal. When changing lanes, tap the control up or down for the turn signal to flash one or three times. For information on programming the lane change indicator, refer to Multifunction Display in the Instrument Cluster chapter of your Owner’s Guide.iNTeLLiGeNT AcceSS key (if equippeD)Intelligent access (IA) keys allow you to unlock the vehicle door(s) and start the car without using a key (provided your IA key is within approximately three feet). To unlock the driver’s door, simply have the IA key within range (in yourpocket or purse, for example) and press the lock button on thedoor handle. To start the car, have the IA key within range, depress the brake pedal (automatic transmission) or clutch pedal (manual transmission) andpress the ENGINE START/STOP button next to the steering wheel. The IA key also contains a mechanical key blade which can be used to unlock the driver door if the battery runs low in the transmitter. Simply press and hold the push buttons on the edge of the transmitter and remove the key blade.iNTeGrATeD keyHeAD TrANSmiTTer (ikT) AND iNTeLLiGeNT AcceSS (iA) remoTe eNTry icoNSo P ress once to lock all doors. If all the doors are closed the turn signal lamps will flash twice.o P ressor once to unlock the driver’s door. The interior lamps willilluminate and the parking lamps will flash. Press again within three seconds to unlock all doors.o P resstwice within three seconds to open the trunk.mooN roof (if equippeD)Your moon roof has a built-in sliding shade. To open your moon roof, press the rear of the SLIDE control. If the sliding shade is closed, it will open along with the moon roof. To close, press and hold the front of the SLIDE control. To vent, press the rear of the TILT control. To close from a venting position, press and hold the front of the TILT control to close the moon roof.HeATeD ouTSiDe mirrorS When your rear window defrost is activated, both outside mirrors will be heated to automatically remove ice, mist and fog.HeATeD SeATS (if equippeD)Pressto activate/deactivate.a d d I t I o na l f e at u r e s AuDio SySTemSetting the Clock: Press the H or M buttons on the outside of the multifunction display to access the clock settings. Once you are in the clock setting, press the H or M button repeatedly until the desired number appears. Press OK to confirm and close.Menu: Press to access features such as SIRIUS ® (if equipped), SYNC ® media (if equipped), SYNC ® Phone (if equipped), Audio menu with Sound, DSP Occupancy, DSP Equalizer and other selections.(Sound Menu): Press to access the sound menu and make adjustments to Treble, Bass, Fade (if equipped) and balance settings.SyNc ® (if equippeD)Your SYNC ®system has unique phone and media features which allow you to make and receive hands-free calls as well as play your media selections by artist, album, genre or similar music. You can receive Vehicle Health Reports and set up and use 911 Assist™ which can call emergency services if you have an accident. SYNC ® also offers Services, (Traffic, Directions and Information) which, if activated, can provide turn-by-turn directions, access to traffic reports, sports scores and businesssearches. To learn more about SYNC ® and to set up your profile which will allow you to use the Vehicle Health Report and the Services features, please visit or refer to your Owner’s Guide.SiriuS ® SATeLLiTe rADio (if equippeD)Your vehicle may be equipped with satellite radio. SIRIUS ®satellite radio broadcasts music, sports, news and entertainment programming. For more information and acomplete list of SIRIUS ® satellite radio channels, visit in the United States, www.sirius-canada.ca in Canada, or call SIRIUS ® at 1–888–539–7474. Satellite radio is only available with a valid SIRIUS ® radio subscription.ceNTrAL LockiNG/uNLockiNGTo lock/unlock all vehicle doors from outside the vehicle:o turn the key in the driver’s side door counterclockwise to lock all doors.o turn the key clockwise once to unlock the driver’s door or twice to unlock all doors.facebooktwitterfiesta movementowner’s guideConvenIenCesmartphone interactive. sCan here.。
Operator’s ManualEDACS® ALLEGRAVEHICLE HANDSFREE ericssonz2NOTICE!This manual covers Ericsson and General Electric products manufactured and sold byThis manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccu-racies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Er-icsson Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-tronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express writ-ten permission of Ericsson Inc.Copyright © February 1995, Ericsson Inc.VEHICLE HANDSFREE PACKAGEThe VEHICLE HANDSFREE Package lets you talk on a portable radio in your car without taking your hands off the wheel. Your radio operates as usual, except that you use an external microphone, speaker, and antenna.The HANDSFREE powers the radio and charges its battery (standard or slim-line only).USING YOUR HANDSFREE UNIT INSERTING THE RADIOBefore inserting the radio remove the following:• the round rubber plug in the antenna port on the back of the radio.• the system connector plug from the bottom of the radio.3INSERT THE RADIO INTO THE HANDSFREE HOLDER1. Slide the radio straight down parallel tothe back of the holder.2. Push the radio all the way down tomake sure the system connector is properly seated.3. Push the radio back until the side tabsof the handsfree unit lock into place.4OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Service Available IndicatorThe indicator light on the top edge of the radio shows a steady green light when service is available from the service net-work.Answering A CallRefer to your radio user’s guide to se-lect an answering option. Most radios have at least three options:• answer with the SEND key• answer with any key except VOL-UME keys• answer automatically after a num-ber of rings Adjusting The Speaker VolumeWhen the radio is in the cradle and turned on, you can adjust the speaker vol-ume using the volume keys. The radio stores two volume settings independently--one for when the radio is used as a port-able, and one for the speaker volume when the radio is in the HANDSFREE unit. Both settings remain unchanged after the radio is turned off.CHARGING YOUR RADIO BATTERYWhen your radio is on and in standby mode in the HANDSFREE unit, the radio battery is automatically charged. You can charge your radio battery by leaving the phone in the cradle overnight. However, continuously charging the battery in this5way for more than a week can temporarily weaken the vehicle battery.• When your radio is in the HANDSFREE unit, the radio dis-play will indicate charge status. Theindicator alternates between C for“Charging” and the charge level (0through 9). When the battery isfully charged, the display shows an“F” for “Full Charge.”• The HANDSFREE unit recharges a standard battery in less than twohours and a similar battery in lessthan an hour.NOTE: Charging pauses when acall is in progress, but a tricklecharge maintains the batterycharge level.• To use your radio in the HANDSFREE unit if the radio bat-tery is completely discharged (i.e., the radio will not turn on), place the radio in the unit and wait 10 min-utes before placing a call.6REMOVING THE RADIO1. To release the radio from theHANDSFREE unit, squeeze the tabson both sides of the holder until theradio tilts slightly forward.2. Slide the radio straight up out of theholder so that the HANDSFREE sys-tem connector detaches from the baseof the phone.7CARE AND MAINTENANCE• Carefully follow the instructions on Inserting and Removing the radiofrom the HANDSFREE unit.• Do not attempt to service the HANDSFREE unit or componentsyourself. Doing so will void the war-ranty.• Follow all safety precautions and user guidelines8TROUBLESHOOTINGRADIO PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDYThe LED does not light when the vehicle power is supplied.The holder is not receivingpower, or vehicle power polar-ity is reversed.Check the power connec-tions and fuse. Be sure theradio battery is charged.The portable radio functions outside the holder, but not in the holder.Radio is not properly seated inthe holder, or the system con-nector contacts are dirty, or theexternal antenna is discon-nected or defective.Be sure the radio is properlyseated in the holder. If sys-tem connector contacts aredirty, carefully clean them.The other party of the radio connection cannot hear sound.The microphone jack is not in-serted into the connection box.Clean the microphone plugand insert it into the connec-tion box.No audio The speaker jack is notinserted into the connectionbox.Clean the speaker plug and insert it into the connection box.9NOTES 101112Ericsson Inc.Private Radio SystemsMountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia 24502AE/LZT 123 1873 R1A 1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.。