世纪商务英语——听说教程 PPT
世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit 7

Chinese exporter. Listen and answer the questions.
3. What are its features?
Power failure warning, adjustable shelves and trays, fast freeze function, easier
At the trade fair, Mr. Smith, an American importer, is talking with Mr. Wang, a
Chinese exporter. Listen and answer the questions.
5. What colors are the products available in?
Part Ⅲ
Part Ⅳ
Listening and Speakingபைடு நூலகம்
Fun Break
Part Ⅴ
Situation Performance
Warming Up
Task One
Brainstorm with a partner about what should be included when making inquiries.
What products are inquired
The 1st inquiry
The 2nd
The 3rd inquiry
What is asked for?
alpine exercisers
the price list, a catalogue and
maintenance instructions
3. What are its features?
Power failure warning, adjustable shelves and trays, fast freeze function, easier
At the trade fair, Mr. Smith, an American importer, is talking with Mr. Wang, a
Chinese exporter. Listen and answer the questions.
5. What colors are the products available in?
Part Ⅲ
Part Ⅳ
Listening and Speakingபைடு நூலகம்
Fun Break
Part Ⅴ
Situation Performance
Warming Up
Task One
Brainstorm with a partner about what should be included when making inquiries.
What products are inquired
The 1st inquiry
The 2nd
The 3rd inquiry
What is asked for?
alpine exercisers
the price list, a catalogue and
maintenance instructions
世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit .ppt

5. Did it recover in November and December?
Yes, it did.
Active Listening
Section C
Task Two
Listen to the presentation again. Note down all the figures and try to draw out the graph according to what you hear.
Listening and Speaking
Task One
Listen to the presentation about how to conduct a meeting. Answer the questions below.
3. How many supermarkets and convenience stores did Sainsbury’s open during the 14 weeks?
Active Listening
Section A
Task Two
Listen to the conversation again. Answer the following questions according to what you hear.
1. What is the situation of Chinese market?
It is much better than Japanese market.
2. What is the reason that Tanaka gave for the bad performance of Japanese market?
The declining economy.
商务英语听说(第一册) 全套课件共235页

1. business partners 业务伙伴 2. international exit 国际航班出口 3. take sb. all the trouble of doing… 麻烦……
做…… 4. look forward to + n. or gerund 盼望;期待 We are looking forward to your reply. 我们期待着
Programme 1 Meeting Foreign Business Partners
Process Objectives: ● Learn how to identify and greet business
partners; ● Know the procedures of going through
Key to task 3 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F
Conversation 3 At the Hotel
Words and phrases receptionist n. 接待员 reserve v. 预定 reservation n.预定 suite n. 套间 attendant n. 服务员 bellboy n. 门童 thoughtful adj. 体贴的;周到的 arrangement n. 安排 arrange v. 安排 distinguished adj. 高贵的;著名的 spacious adj. 宽敞的;宽阔的 well-equipped adj. 设备齐全的 considerate adj. 体贴的;周到的 suit v. 对……很方便;合……之意

1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
1、纪律是管理关系的形式。——阿法 纳西耶 夫 2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。
3、道德行训练,不是通过语言影响 ,而是 让儿童 练习良 好道德 行为, 克服懒 惰、轻 率、不 守纪律 、颓废 等不良 行为。 4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。 ——夸 美纽斯
5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养 成儿童 自觉的 纪律性 ,这是 儿童道 德教育 最重要 的部分 。—— 陈鹤琴
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit 9

The price was so high that he found it difficult to make a bid.
2. How much did Mort reduce the price?
Mort reduced the price by 5%.
Active Listening
Task Two
√ √
√ √ √
Listening and Speaking
Task Two Work in pairs. Suppose that one is the seller and the other is the customer who places an order. You are negotiating the price, quantity, payment, shipment, and other necessary information. Make a presentation in the class about the order.
further reduction of 3%.
Active Listening
Task Two
Section A
Listen to the conversation again, and answer the following questions.
1. How did Mr. Frederick think of the price?
3. You see, our __________ profit margin is very narrow. no alternative but 4. I hate to disappoint you, Mr. Mort, but if that’s the case, we have ______________ to cover our requirements elsewhere. cooperation between us, I agree to a 5. Well, considering the friendship and long-term ________________
商务英语听说PPT UNIT 4

5.During this tour, we believe visitors from every region of the globe will realize that they have witnessed the work of the number one motor manufacture in the world.
2 3
You will hear five sentences. When you hear the first time, repeat the sentences and pay attention to the stresses and tones. Then listen again and write them down. Check your answers when you listen for the third time.
→ → →
n. 发酵 要员,高官 v. 目击;作证
simultaneously → mash brew →
adv. 同时地
v. 捣碎 v. 酿造;酿酒
→ 最先进的;达到最高水准的
brew beer make whisky make piano manufacture automobiles make potato chips
1.In the factory tour, buyers will get a comprehensive understanding of the products and the production process.
2.During the factory tour, we will take photo on general practices and facilities of the factory. 3.The top brass willபைடு நூலகம்tour the factory next week, so let’s get everything in ship-shape order. 4.The tour will take guests right through the heart of the production floor.
2 3
You will hear five sentences. When you hear the first time, repeat the sentences and pay attention to the stresses and tones. Then listen again and write them down. Check your answers when you listen for the third time.
→ → →
n. 发酵 要员,高官 v. 目击;作证
simultaneously → mash brew →
adv. 同时地
v. 捣碎 v. 酿造;酿酒
→ 最先进的;达到最高水准的
brew beer make whisky make piano manufacture automobiles make potato chips
1.In the factory tour, buyers will get a comprehensive understanding of the products and the production process.
2.During the factory tour, we will take photo on general practices and facilities of the factory. 3.The top brass willபைடு நூலகம்tour the factory next week, so let’s get everything in ship-shape order. 4.The tour will take guests right through the heart of the production floor.