Cardiac Biomarkers
心脏瓣膜置换术中应用1,6-二磷酸果糖的心肌保护作用研究(作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________)作者:黄志勇, 姬尚义, 王毅, 叶小青, 吴贵云【摘要】目的探讨1,6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)在心脏瓣膜置换术中对心肌的保护作用。
实验组于CPB前分别从中心静脉滴入和经心肌保护液中加入FDP 150 mg/kg,对照组则以等量生理盐水代替。
实验组这些指标升幅均小于对照组,cTnI、CKMB 于开放升主动脉后30 min 及CPB停机后6 h显著低于对照组(P0.05),且实验组心脏自动复跳率高、术中S-T段改变轻微、正性肌力药用量少、ICU滞留时间短;电镜亦显示实验组心肌超微结构损伤明显轻于对照组。
【关键词】心脏瓣膜置换术;1,6-二磷酸果糖;体外循环;心肌保护Abstract: OBJECTIVE To evaluate protective effects of Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate(FDP) on myocardial structure and function during cardiac valve replacement surgery. METHODS 60 patients undergoing cardiac valve replacement were randomly and double-blinded selected to a treatment group and a control group (30 cases for each). Before initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), FDP was administered in the treatment group at dosage of 150 mg/kg by the central vein and mixed with cardioplegia solution in CPB line, respectively. As compared with FDP, in control group the same volume of normal saline was given into the patients. Plasma concentrations of cardiac biomarkers including Cardiac troponin I (cTnI), Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme(CKMB), Lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), Myoglobin(MYO) were measured at different time points in the two groups, meanwhile, Clinical data including heart resuscitation, ST-segment deviations, dosages of positive inotropic agent, time of ICU stay were recorded. Microstructures of myocardial cell were scanned by electrical microscope. RESULTS The plasma concentrations of the cardiac biomarkers after clamping off the aorta in both groups were significantly higher thanthose before onset of clamping the aorta (P0.05), the concentrations of all the cardiac biomarkers measured in the treatment group were much lower than those in control group. cTnI、CKMB showed significant lower level at time points of 30 minutes after clamping off the aorta and 6 hours after the end of CPB (P0.05). Clinical observations showed that treatment group had successful heart resuscitation, mild ST-segment deviations, less positive inotropic support and shorter length of ICU stay. The myocardial microstructures were found less damages in treatment group than in control group. CONCLUSION The findings suggest that FDP plays substantial, protective roles on myocardial structure and function during cardiac valve replacement surgery.Key words:Cardiac valve replacement; Fructose-1,6-disphosphate; Cardiopulmonary bypass; Myocardium protection1,6-二磷酸果糖(Fructose-1,6-disphosphate, FDP)是细胞能量代谢过程中重要的中间产物。
CTnT和CTnI为心肌细胞特有,分游离和 结合两种形式存在于心肌细胞中,当心肌细 胞缺血受损时,游离型CTn迅速透过细胞膜 释放入血,出现一个偏低的峰,所以CTn的早
期阳性率较高。当发生持续性或不可逆损 伤时,心肌细胞坏死,肌丝降解,引起结合型 CTn释放,出现第2个峰且在血中持续时间 长。
• 参考值: • 干片法:肌钙蛋白I 阴性 • 免疫法:肌钙蛋白T 0-15ug/L
• 心脏标志物正常情况下,主要或仅存在于 心脏(心肌),在心脏或心血管异常情况 下由心脏大量释放
• 一、心肌酶谱检测 • 二、心肌蛋白检测 • 三、心肌血管标记物检测 • 四、利钠肽(Natriuretic Peptide,NP)
• 天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST) • 肌酸激酶(CK) • 肌酸激酶同工酶(CK—MB) • 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)
• 对肾功能不全者更好 • 无儿茶酚胺的致心律失常作用 • 不增加室壁张力 • 抑制RAAS的活性 • 能改善预后
• BNP水平存在2个高峰:第1峰在心肌梗死后 的第16-24小时,为(319±58) pg/ml;第2峰在 心肌梗死后第5天,为(277±66) pg/ml。
cTnI仅存在于心肌细胞内 cTnT基本只存在于心肌内,但在一部分肾 脏疾病及一部分慢性肌病时,横纹肌内也 有表达 目前研究尚无证据表明cTnT比cTnI敏感性 高,而且在严重的骨骼肌损伤、肾脏坏死、 年龄大于70岁时,cTnT有可能增高。故目 前临床常用检查项目为cTnI.
C反应蛋白 (C-reative protein,CRP)
心肌标记物及其临床 意义
中日联谊医院心内科 陈宇
什么是心脏标志物(cardiac markers)
IVD行业国外原料主要供应商 .immunovision..mainebiotechnology. .anshlabs..arlingtonscientific..auditmicro..brt-us..cardinalbiologicals. .magsphere.丹麦提供诊断试剂盒和抗体、抗原和血清,有特色的产品是 CE认证的NGAL诊断试剂盒,MBL试剂盒重症监护和止血,临床化学仪器,试剂盒日本提供诊断试剂盒产品的公司,特色产品是低密度LDL 和胱抑素C 试剂盒。
产品涉及质控品,转染病,糖尿病,肿瘤,生殖,甲状腺等试剂盒Acris 是一家德国的著名抗体公司,提供近 3 万种各种优质抗体、蛋白及抗体纯化试剂盒,产品X 围涉及免疫学、细胞生物学、细胞神经信号传导、蛋 白组学、肿瘤生物学等。
CPR是一种急性时相反应蛋白,肝脏是其主要的合 成器官,最近研究表明,人体其他部位如冠状动脉平滑肌细 胞、神经元细胞、血管内皮细胞、脂肪细胞、肾小管上皮 细胞等在炎症刺激或病理状态下都能合成和分泌CRP。
CRP在急性心肌梗塞的早期即可出现异常增高。 CRP能预测稳定型心绞痛、不稳定型心绞痛再发缺血和 死亡的危险性。 心衰 、急性心肌梗塞后心脏破裂CRP升高。 CRP升高还见于发热、肿瘤、细菌感染、组织损伤、风 湿、外周血管病、移植排斥等多种疾病急性时,是全身炎 症反应的一部分。特异性差。
心肌标志物(cardiac biomarkers):
是指在循环血液中可测出的生物化学物质,能够 敏感、特异地反映心肌损伤及其严重程度,因而可以用 作心肌损伤的筛查、诊断、评定预后和随访治疗效果的 标志。心脏标志物正常情况下,主要或仅存在于心脏, 在心脏或心血管异常情况下由心脏大量释放。
心肌肌钙蛋白CTn是由结构和功能各不同的3个亚单位 (CTnT、CTnI、CTnC)组成,参与肌肉收缩和舒张过程中钙离子 激活的调节蛋白。CTnT的作用是将肌钙蛋白复合物与原肌球 蛋白结合在一起;CTnI是肌钙蛋白与肌凝蛋白横桥之间结合的 有效抑制物。 CTnT和CTnI为心肌细胞特有,分游离和结合两 种形式存在于心肌细胞中,当心肌细胞缺血受损时,游离型CTn 迅速透过细胞膜释放入血,出现一个偏低的峰,所以CTn的早期 阳性率较高。当发生持续性或不可逆损伤时,心肌细胞坏死, 肌丝降解,引起结合型CTn释放,出现第2个峰且在血中持续时 间长 。
[收稿日期]㊀2020-02-04[修回日期]㊀2020-12-28[基金项目]㊀四川省科技计划项目(2020YJ0381)[作者简介]㊀唐锴,硕士研究生,主要从事冠心病研究,E-mail 为doctor_tk@㊂通信作者吕湛,博士,教授,硕士研究生导师,主要从事冠心病研究,E-mail 为doctor_lz@㊂[文章编号]㊀1007-3949(2021)29-05-0451-05㊃文献综述㊃急性冠状动脉综合征生物标志物的研究现状唐锴1,2,帅壮1,2,李宗宇1,2,绉璐蔚1,2,苟峻琦1,2,王玉泉1,2,吕湛1,2(1.川北医学院临床医学系,四川省南充市637000;2.川北医学院第一附属医院心内科,四川省南充市637000)[关键词]㊀冠心病;㊀急性冠状动脉综合征;㊀心脏生物标志物[摘㊀要]㊀随着冠心病发病率的逐年升高,人们对急性冠状动脉综合征生物标志物的研究也不断深入㊂目前临床上常用于诊断急性冠状动脉综合征的生物标志物有肌红蛋白㊁肌酸激酶同工酶㊁肌钙蛋白㊁高敏肌钙蛋白等㊂越来越多的生物标志物被发现可用于急性冠状动脉综合征的早期诊断㊁风险分层和预后评估㊂目前研究发现的心脏生物标志物按其产生机制和生理效应分为心肌细胞损伤生物标志物㊁内皮细胞相关生物标志物㊁生物机械应变标志物㊁炎症因子相关标志物等几大类,文章对该领域近来年的研究进展进行综述㊂[中图分类号]㊀R5[文献标识码]㊀AResearch status of biomarkers for acute coronary syndromeTANG Kai 1,2,SHUAI Zhuang 1,2,LI Zongyu 1,2,ZHOU Luwei 1,2,GOU Jungqi 1,2,WANG Yuquan 1,2,LYU Zhan 1,2(1.Department of Clinical Medicine ,North Sichuan Medical College ,Nanchong ,Sichuan 637000;2.Department of Cardi-ology ,the First Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College ,Nanchong ,Sichuan 637000)[KEY WORDS ]㊀coronary heart disease;㊀acute coronary syndrome;㊀cardiac biomarkers[ABSTRACT ]㊀With the incidence rate of coronary heart disease increasing year by year,the research on biomarkers of acute coronary syndrome has been deepened.㊀At present,the clinical biomarkers commonly used in the diagnosis of acutecoronary syndrome are myoglobin,creatine kinase isoenzyme,troponin,hypersensitive troponin and so on.㊀More and more biomarkers have been found to be useful for early diagnosis,risk stratification and prognosis evaluation of acute coro-nary syndrome.㊀According to the mechanism and physiological effect of cardiac biomarkers,they can be divided into myo-cardial cell injury biomarkers,endothelial cell related biomarkers,biomarkers of biological mechanical strain,inflammatoryfactor related biomarkers and so on.㊀This paper reviews the research progress in this field in recent years.㊀㊀根据世界卫生组织的报告,中国地区的冠状动脉疾病(coronary artery disease,CAD)发病率逐年上升[1]㊂急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)的早期诊断和及时救治,是降低死亡率的关键,而心脏生物标志物在急性冠状动脉综合征的诊断㊁治疗和预后评估中起着非常重要的作用[2]㊂1㊀心肌梗死生物标志物心脏生物标志物用于诊断急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardial infarction,AMI )已超过半个世纪㊂Karmen 等[3]于1954年首次报道了AMI 患者的天冬氨酸转氨酶(aspartate transaminase,AST)升高㊂AST 是临床实践中使用的第一个心脏生物标志物㊂现已知道这种酶广泛存在于肝脏㊁骨骼肌㊁红细胞和许多其他组织中,而非心脏特异性的,但是Karmen 等[4-5]的这一发现开创了心肌损伤生物标志物领域的研究㊂随后,敏感性更高的肌酸激酶(creatine ki-nase,CK )和乳酸脱氢酶(lactate dehydrogenase,LDH)相继被发现,但由于其广泛存在于横纹肌损伤和肝脏疾病患者,心肌特异性仍然较低,逐渐被临床淘汰㊂肌酸激酶同工酶(creatine kinase-MB,CK-MB)被鉴定为具有更高诊断准确性的生物标志物,但CK-MB 用于诊断AMI 仍然缺乏特异性㊂2000年,心肌肌钙蛋白(cardiac troponin,cTn)取代CK-MB,成为诊断心肌梗死的首选生物标志物㊂cTn在心肌发生不可逆损伤时释放入血,它具有心肌组织高度特异性,可以准确诊断出仅有缺血性胸痛或仅有局部缺血心电图变化的心肌梗死㊂研究证明,cTn是比CK㊁CK-MB㊁肌红蛋白更敏感㊁更特异的心肌细胞损伤标志物[6]㊂但cTn在心肌损伤12h后才能达到峰值,这使其用于早期诊断ACS存在不足㊂随着临床对ACS早期诊断的迫切需求,高敏肌钙蛋白(high-sensitivity cardiac troponin, hs-cTn)应运而生㊂与传统的cTn检测相比,hs-cTn 检测提高了AMI早期诊断的准确性,减少了肌钙蛋白盲间隔,并制定出hs-cTn用于AMI的快速排除或早期诊断的新策略[7]㊂2015年欧洲心脏病学会(European Society of Cardiolog,ESC)指南中指出,在所有疑似非ST段抬高的ACS患者中都必须测量心肌细胞损伤的生物标志物,优先选择hs-cTn[8]㊂多中心的研究表明hs-cTn的测定大大提高了AMI诊断的准确性㊂为了将急性心肌梗死与其他原因胸痛区分开来,推荐连续测量[9-10]㊂但是除ACS和缺血性心肌损伤外,临床上还有一些情况也可能导致cTn升高,包括败血症㊁脑血管意外㊁心脏毒性药物㊁肾衰竭㊁横纹肌溶解㊁呼吸衰竭㊁过度劳累㊁超过30%体表面积烧伤㊁一氧化碳中毒㊁心肌病㊁心内膜炎㊁心肌炎㊁心力衰竭等,蒽环类㊁曲妥珠单抗类等心脏毒性药物的使用也可导致cTn升高[11]㊂除此之外,临床上常用的标志物还有肌红蛋白,它是一种低分子量的细胞质血红蛋白,对心脏坏死的特异性较cTn低,在骨骼肌疾病或慢性肾脏疾病等非心脏疾病中,其表达也可能上调[12-13]㊂肌红蛋白和肌钙蛋白联合使用能显著提高临床医生对高危人群的识别能力[14]㊂2㊀心肌细胞损伤生物标志物2.1㊀心肌肌球蛋白结合蛋白C心肌肌球蛋白结合蛋白C(cardiac myosin-binding protein C,cMyC)是由Offer等[15]在1973年发现的心肌损伤生物标志物㊂cMyC在肌肉中存在三种亚型,其中一种在心肌细胞中表达,另外两种亚型都在骨骼肌中表达㊂已有研究证实心肌细胞损伤后循环中cMyC比cTnT更早释放入血,这使得cMyC在早期诊断ACS成为可能[16]㊂Kaier等[17]在研究中发现AMI患者中cMyC浓度明显高于非AMI 患者,并且在AMI早期阶段cMyC比hs-cTnI更具有动态性的上升特点㊂预测3年死亡方面,cMyC与hs-cTnT相似,明显优于hs-cTnI和cTnI[18]㊂由此可见,cMyC已经具备早期分类ACS患者及预测AMI 患者预后的能力,但是目前仍缺乏大规模的临床实践应用㊂2.2㊀心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白(heart-type fatty acid binding protein,H-FABP)是一种参与心肌脂肪酸代谢的低分子量蛋白㊂一旦心肌出现损伤,它会迅速从心肌细胞释放到体循环中,最终被肾脏清除㊂因此血清H-FABP的水平可在一定程度上反映心肌细胞的损伤[19]㊂据Kleine等[20]研究发现AMI患者H-FABP血浆浓度在发生AMI后不到3h就明显升高,并在出现症状后20h内,H-FABP就恢复到基线水平㊂Ecollan等[21]在AMI患者血清中测试了H-FABP㊁CK-MB和cTnI的水平,发现H-FABP的敏感性明显优于其他标志物㊂Vupputuri等[22]对急性缺血性胸痛患者进行了评估,他们发现胸痛6h内H-FABP的敏感性远远优于cTnI和CK-MB,并提出H-FABP是AMI早期诊断高度敏感的生物标志物㊂总之H-FABP应用前景很好,然而在广泛应用于临床之前,还需要开发出更灵敏㊁快捷㊁经济的检测方法㊂3㊀内皮细胞相关生物标志物3.1㊀内皮细胞特异性分子内皮细胞在CAD的发展中起关键作用,内皮细胞正常平衡的破坏㊁血管结构的改变和功能异常是AMI发生和发展的重要因素[23]㊂内皮细胞特异性分子1(endothelial cell-specific molecule1,ESM-1)是由血管内皮细胞分泌的可溶性硫酸皮肤蛋白聚糖[24],已有研究发现在ACS患者的血清中ESM-1水平明显增加[25]㊂Tadzic等[26]研究表明降低ESM-1水平可能改善内皮功能,从而降低动脉粥样硬化的风险㊂Qiu等[27]纳入216名AMI患者和60名非AMI患者,通过改良的Gensini狭窄评分系统评估AMI的严重程度,发现AMI组血清ESM-1水平和高敏C反应蛋白(high sensitivity C-reactive protein,hs-CRP)水平都升高㊂但是在AMI患者中,血清ESM-1水平与hs-CRP水平㊁Gensini评分之间都没有显着相关性㊂结果表明,血清ESM-1水平可能是AMI 患者内皮功能障碍新的生物标志物㊂4㊀生物机械应变标志物4.1㊀脑钠肽和氨基末端脑钠肽前体㊀㊀脑钠肽(brain natriuretic peptide,BNP)是1988年日本学者Subon发现的一种激素,它由心肌细胞在心室所受压力增大或是牵扯情况下释放,氨基末端脑钠肽前体(N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide,NT-proBNP)比BNP的半衰期更长㊁稳定性更好[28]㊂研究证明BNP和NT-proBNP在心血管疾病中的发展及预后中起重要作用,它们是国内外心衰指南均推荐的心力衰竭首选生物标志物[1]㊂Goyal等[29]研究左心室收缩功能正常的非ST段抬高型ACS患者血清BNP水平与血管病变相关性,发现随着病变血管数量的增加,BNP水平明显上升㊂由此证明BNP 水平在即使没有左心室收缩功能障碍的非ST段抬高型ACS患者中仍然升高,高水平的BNP可以预测血管病变严重程度㊂Kvisvik等[30]综合评估了非ST段抬高型ACS患者的NT-proBNP和hs-cTn血清水平与主要不良心血管事件,发现相对于hs-cTn, NT-proBNP作为长期预后的指标更具优势㊂4.2㊀和肽素和肽素(copeptin)是精氨酸加压素的促激素,与H-FABP相似,心肌损伤后和肽素水平迅速升高,随后迅速下降[31]㊂2015年ESC指南中,推荐用于诊断非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(non-ST-segment ele-vation myocardial infarction,NSTEMI)的标志物中除了cTn以外,和肽素是唯一的生物标志物[8]㊂一项多中心的前瞻性研究共纳入2294名可疑ACS患者,结果证实和肽素和cTn对疑似ACS患者的双重测量排除标准可以缩短患者在急诊科的停留时间,且没有任何的安全隐患,并且和肽素水平升高与30天全因死亡率相关,和肽素提供了与cTn互补的预后信息[32]㊂Yildirim等[33]将首次接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的ST段抬高型心肌梗死(ST segment el-evation myocardial infarction,STEMI)患者分为造影剂肾病组和非造影剂肾病组,造影剂肾病组和肽素水平明显高于非造影剂肾病组,该结果表明,和肽素水平是STEMI患者发生造影剂肾病的预测指标㊂Cakmak等[34]对院外非创伤性心脏骤停患者的体内和肽素水平进行研究,发现患者体内和肽素水平明显高于健康组,存活时间超过24h者与24h内死亡者相比,血清和肽素水平明显较低,提示和肽素水平可以引导院外非创伤性心脏骤停患者接受心肺复苏的决策,并且能够反映非创伤性院外心脏骤停患者的短期预后㊂虽然和肽素在ACS患者中的早期诊断㊁预后判断中都是一个非常有潜力的生物标志物,但是其诊断ACS还缺乏特异性,还需更多研究来证明它在临床应用的价值㊂4.3㊀致癌抑制因子2致癌抑制因子2(suppressor of tumorigenicity2, ST2)是白细胞介素1(interleukin-1,IL-1)受体家族成员㊂心肌细胞机械应力增加时ST2血清水平会升高㊂ST2有两种亚型:可溶性ST2(soluble isoform of ST2,sST2)和膜结合受体ST2(transmembrane isoform ST2,ST2L)㊂2017年美国心脏病学会基金会/美国心脏协会指南纳入sST2用于急性和慢性心力衰竭患者的风险分层[35]㊂一项前瞻性研究发现AMI患者体内sST2水平明显升高,高水平的sST2会导致死亡风险及心衰风险增加,sST2是AMI患者的预测指标,提示在对AMI患者危险分层时应该考虑纳入sST2指标[36]㊂另一项前瞻性观察性研究发现ACS 发生1年后的稳定型冠心病患者体内hs-CRP和NT-proBNP的变异性较大,而ST2的患者体内变异性较低,ST2可能是稳定型冠心病患者个性化风险预测的有用生物标志物[37]㊂sST2的血浆水平在心脏病㊁肺部疾病㊁烧伤和移植物抗宿主病等疾病中都会升高,因此sST2对心脏疾病诊断缺乏特异性,还需要大量的基础研究明确sST2的来源,才能更好的应用于临床㊂5㊀炎症因子相关标志物5.1㊀C反应蛋白C反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)在机体受到感染或损伤时血浆中水平急剧上升,是临床上常用的炎症标志物㊂已有研究证明CRP是心脏死亡㊁AMI和充血性心力衰竭的预测因子[1]㊂一项单中心前瞻性研究共纳入10724名接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的患者,结果发现hs-CRP与CAD严重程度呈正相关,高水平的hs-CRP与主要不良心血管事件发生率呈正相关,据此得出hs-CRP可以作为CAD严重程度的生物标志物,而且有助于风险分层[38]㊂Zhuang等[39]通过孟德尔随机研究探讨hs-CRP与冠心病的因果关系,发现hs-CRP是冠心病发生的预测指标㊂同时Xie等[40]发现高尿酸血症患者血清中的hs-CRP水平高,发生冠心病风险相对较高㊂hs-CRP作为临床上常用炎症指标,能够提示CAD的严重程度,帮助临床医师风险分层和预后评测㊂5.2㊀生长分化因子15生长分化因子15(growth differentiation factor 15,GDF-15)是转化生长因子超家族的应激反应成员㊂心血管事件的发生率与GDF-15的水平呈正相关[41],表明GDF-15可作为心血管疾病的标志物㊂荟萃分析显示,高水平的GDF-15可能会增加心血管疾病患者的死亡风险[42]㊂Bodde等[43]对接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的STEMI患者进行研究发现, STEMI患者入院时GDF-15水平与10年全因死亡率独立相关,是冠心病全因死亡率的独立预测因子,同时与其他生物标志物(如NT-proBNP㊁CRP)联用可以增加其在临床上提供预后信息的价值㊂5.3㊀白细胞介素6白细胞介素6(interleukin-6,IL-6)由IL-6基因编码,并由巨噬细胞和T细胞分泌[31]㊂Kaminska 等[44]研究证明IL-6和CRP在ACS患者体内水平明显升高㊂一项大型的纳入15828名冠心病患者的研究[45]发现IL-6与稳定型冠心病患者的主要不良心血管事件㊁全因死亡率风险相关㊂SOLID-TIMI 52试验[46]发现在ACS发生后,IL-6浓度与心血管不良结局有关,并且独立于已建立的风险预测因子和其他生物标志物㊂6㊀结㊀语生物标志物的测量已成为心血管疾病诊疗当中不可或缺的部分,尽管有大量新型生物标志物出现,但目前只有少数生物标志物常规用于临床㊂心肌细胞损伤标志物如:H-FABP㊁cMyC在心肌细胞损伤早期即释放入血,因此可能在心肌梗死的早期诊断中提供帮助㊂NT-proBNP被用作诊断心力衰竭的生物标志物㊂高水平的和肽素提示患者发生造影剂肾病的可能性㊂CRP与GDF-15等炎症因子相关标志物可用于评估心脏病患者预后的指标㊂IL-6作为一种预测心血管不良结局的风险因子,若将IL-6作为治疗的靶点,可能会改变心血管不良结局㊂随着分子研究水平的发展以及检验水平的提升,越来越多的生物标志物将被用于临床,使患者能够得到更精准的治疗㊂[参考文献][1]Wang XY,Zhang F,Zhang C,et al.The biomarkers for acute myo-cardial infarction and heart failure[J].Biomed Res Int,2020, 2020:2018035.[2]中华医学会心血管病学分会介入心脏病学组,中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会血栓防治专业委员会,中华心血管病杂志编辑委员会.中国经皮冠状动脉介入治疗指南(2016)[J].中华心血管病杂志,2016,44(5):382-400.[3]Karmen A,Wroblewski F,Ladue JS.Transaminase activity in hu-man blood[J].J Clin Invest,1955,34(1):126-131. 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心脏标志物的应用准则心脏标志物(Cardiac Biomarkers)是指在心肌损伤或心肌梗死等心脏疾病的过程中释放到血液中的生物分子或物质,通过检测这些标志物的水平可以辅助心脏疾病的诊断、评估和治疗。
一、急诊心肌梗死(Acute Myocardial Infarction, AMI)的诊断心肌梗死是一种严重的心血管疾病,需尽早诊断和治疗,以减少心肌损伤和提高患者的生存率。
根据共识意见,AMI的标志物包括心肌肌钙蛋白(Cardiac Troponin)T和I、肌酸激酶同工酶(Creatine Kinase-MB,CK-MB)、心肌型肌红蛋白(Myoglobin)等。
1. Amsterdam EA, et al. 2014 AHA/ACC NSTE-ACS Guideline. Circulation. 2014;000:000–000. 2. Amsterdam EA, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Sep 18.
de Lemos JA, et al. N Engl J Med. 2001;345:1014-1021.
GFR - pro-BNP – EF与生存率
1063 pts in New Zealand – median FU 9.3 yrs Palmer et al: Eur Heart J 2009
risk of death or MI
•CK-MB •Troponins •BNP •CRP •Creatinine
• LM or 3-vessel
• •
disease Lesion complexity Thrombus
• Stress Testing
•EF •Diastolic
Use of risk-stratification models, such as the TIMI or GRACE risk score or PURSUIT risk model, can be useful to assist in decision making with regard to treatment options in patients with suspected ACS.
如有已验证的算法, 推荐使用 0h/1h hs-cTn,以便尽快诊断
心肌损伤标志物的分子机制与时间窗及临床应用 ACS的分型 利钠肽作为HF标志物的分子机制及临床应用 熟悉:
AS的危险因素和Aቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱS的风险预测的生化标志物
心肌梗死的发病机制 高血压的实验室检查
Other Cause of MI
Carbon monoxide (CO) 一氧化碳 has an affinity for hemoglobin that is much greater than that of oxygen. Exposure to carbon monoxide (especially firefighters 消 防队员 ) results in increased blood concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) 碳氧血红蛋白. Severe exposure to CO can cause extensive myocardial necrosis 心肌坏死 and cardiomyopathy心肌 病. If untreated severe intoxication can lead to death.
rupture动脉粥样硬化班块破裂 and overlying
thrombosis 叠加的血栓症 that cause the narrowing of
the arteries动脉腔狭窄。
This event results in impaired contractility of the heart muscle心肌收缩削弱within seconds . The reduction of coronary perfusion冠状动脉灌注减少 cause some episodes of chest pain(angina pectoris)心 绞痛
Clinical BiochemistryVolume 46, Issues 1–2, January 2013, Pages 1–4Third Universal Definition of Myocardial InfarctionAllan S. Jaffe,IntroductionThe Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction (MI) was recently published conjointly by the major cardiology organizations throughout the world and in the journals of the World Health Organization (WHO). This definition builds on two previous two iterations which were developed to make the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) more consistent.The efforts started originally in 1999 in the conference in Nice stimulated by the innovation of Dr. Kristian Thygesen and Dr. Joseph Albert who had recognized this problem and who developed a task force jointly sponsored by the ACC (American College of Cardiology) and the ESC (European Society of Cardiology) to attempt to standardize the definition of MI [1]. This major step led to the first document which moved the field from the epidemiologically oriented definition of MI which had been developed by the WHO to track the incidence of coronary disease and therefore was oriented towards specificity to a more clinically oriented definition which relied on biomarkers as a key feature of the diagnosis. This resulted in a paradigm shift where the diagnosis required documentation of myocardial necrosis with biomarkers and especially cardiac troponin (cTn) which was emerging at the time in the proper clinical situation. A second iteration in 2007 [2] updated the guidelines and the 2012 definition refines the definition still further particularly as it relates to biomarkers [3] which have in the past decade become progressively more and more sensitive. Intrinsically, increases in sensitivity of this sort tend to result in a diminution of specificity since increasingly sensitive measurements often unmask new etiologies for in this instance, elevations of these sensitive cTn biomarkers.Areas of the 2012 definition that remains important but unchangedThe definition of MI from the pathologic circumstance obviously is not going to change. The definition mandates the finding of cardiomyocyte necrosis definedpathologically due to myocardial ischemia. However, the clinical definition since pathology is not readily available to guide clinical care relies on a surrogate marker for cardiac injury; i.e., cardiac biomarkers and particularly, cTn. As in previous iterations, cTn is the biomarker of choice and strongly preferred for the overall guidelines as well as for each specific guideline. The definition of MI from the clinical perspective has not changed substantively. It requires detection of a rise and/or afall of a cardiac biomarker, preferably cTn, with at least one value above the 99th percentile reference limit in the appropriate clinical setting (see Table 1 for criteria). There are additional types of MI which will be covered subsequently but the guidelines rely heavily on clinical signs or symptoms, a clinical situation where ischemia is suspected even if signs and symptoms are absent or imaging information suggestive of ischemia in the presence of a changing pattern of elevated biomarkers.Table 1.Criteria for acute myocardial infarction (Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction).➢ Detection of a rise and/or a fall of cardiac biomarker values (preferably cardiac troponin (cTn)) with at least one value above the 99th percentile upper reference limit (URL) and at least one of the following:➢ Ischemic symptoms➢ ECG changes of new ischemia (new ST–T changes or new LBBB)➢ Development of pathologic Q waves in the ECG➢Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality➢Identification of an intracoronary thrombus by angiography or autopsy Full-size tableTable optionsThe metrics for the use of these biomarkers remain the same. One needs a value above the 99th percentile of the upper reference limit with a rising and/or a falling pattern of values. However, as cTn assay sensitivity has improved, the ability to consistently operationalize these criteria has become more problematic as will be discussed below. The document also recognizes a variety of special clinical circumstances which require unique handling. Some of these are related to cardiac procedures such as percutaneous interventions (PCI) or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery but others to novel procedures that are being developed such as transcutaneous aortic valve interventions (TAVI). The document discusses as well subsets of patients who are critically ill, those with heart failure, and those undergoing non-cardiac surgery as well. These classifications are not new from the 2007 document but are considered in greater detail.Issues related to biomarkersAs in the past, cTn is the marker of choice and a rise and/or a fall in values is necessary to define an acute event such as MI. It is recognized that there is some tension about how one defines the 99th percentile. It is assay dependent and is often defined based on convenience samples. Therefore, there is concern that perhaps they are not as reliable as if the sample populations were more intensively studied [4]. The values for these assays should be expressed in ng/L so that they are whole numbers because as assays become more complicated and more sensitive, the number of zeros could lead to clinical dysfunction. The assays should be precise and the document prefers assays that have excellent precision with a CV of 10% or less of the 99th percentile to allow detection of changing values. However, the document allows for assays with CVs up to 20% to be used [5]. It also is noted that analytic and pre-analytic problems can be problematic and lead to false-positive and false-negative values especially with more sensitive assays. It is also recommended that sex dependent values may be used with high sensitivity assays.Sampling should be done at 0, 3, and 6 h and later if additional episodes occur or if the timing of the initial symptoms is unclear. The diagnosis requires a rising and a falling pattern which is essential to differentiate elevations that are acute from those that are chronic and associated with structural heart disease such as patients with renal failure, heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, and the like. It is recognized that one needs to be careful because at times one could present sufficiently late asto miss an elevated value or could be near the time of peak values at which point in time one could believe that a change had not occurred when simply the values were similar on both sides of the peak.It is recognized and allowed that there may be circumstances in which cardiac injury could be present but not meet the diagnosis of MI because it is not in the appropriate setting or does not manifest a rise and a fall and there are a large number of such situations in which a diagnosis of cardiac injury may be more appropriate than the diagnosis of acute MI (see Table 2).Table 2.Elevations of cardiac troponin values because of myocardial injury (Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction).➢ Injury related to primary myocardial ischemia (MI type 1; i.e., plague rupture, intraluminal coronary artery thrombus formation)➢ Injury related to supply/demand imbalance of myocardial ischemia (MI type2;i.e., tachy-/brady-arrhythmias, aortic dissection, or severe aortic valve disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cardiogenic or septicshock, severe respiratory failure, severe anemia, hypertension with or without LVH, coronary spasm, coronary embolism or vasculitis, coronary endothelial dysfunction without significant CAD)➢ Injury not related to myocardial ischemia (i.e., cardiac contusion, surgery, ablation, pacing, defibrillator shocks, rhabdomyolysis with cardiac involvement, myocarditis, cardiotoxic agents)➢ Multifactorial or indeterminate myocardial injury (i.e., heart failure, stress (takotsubo) cardiomyopathy, severe pulmonary embolism or pulmonary hypertension, sepsis and critically ill patients, renal failure, severe acute neurological (e.g., stroke) infiltrative diseases (e.g., amyloidosis), strenuous exercise)Operationalizing change in cTn values is complex and assay dependent. It should be clear that given previous ways of diagnosing infarction have often not required changes over time that as one starts to implement these changes, one will have differences in both sensitivity and specificity [6]. In fact, most of the data in this area suggests that the use of delta change criteria improves specificity but at the cost of sensitivity. There are multiple reasons why this could be the case. The first is that it may be that there are patients being diagnosed with acute infarction who do not have a rising and a falling pattern based on clinical judgment since one can have acute looking plaques even in patients with stable coronary artery disease [7]. A second potential issue relates to the situation where there is variation in coronary artery perfusion. Biomarker release is flow dependent and the consequence of that is that there may well be circumstances with closed vessels where it takes much longer for the egress of marker to reach the circulation than in others. Thus, the idea of short periods of one or two hour sampling times looking for change may be inadequate. There also are issues related to the spontaneous change that can occur. This has been termed biological variation and clearly is much more substantial than just the variability associated with the imprecision of the assays [8]. Nonetheless, it is clear there is some overlap between the values that one believes are associated with patients with MI and the values that are considered part of the spontaneous biological variation [9]. In addition, the optimal values to use with each assay are not clear. One could calculate an ROC curve which many laboratorians are enamored of doing and pick the value that classifies the most patients correctly. However, this may not be what clinicians need. Cardiologists want relatively high specificity to avoid unnecessary procedures in patients who are not at risk, whereas emergency department physicians often want more sensitive criteria so that they do not inadvertently discharge patients who are at risk [10]. The balance between these two needs to be found at each institutional level. Thus, the complexity of this issue, with high-sensitivity assays, needs to be discussed at each local site and adjudicated on a case by case by assay basis.Classification of MIsThere are multiple reasons why cTn could be elevated that need to be distinguished from MI. One could have a rising and a falling pattern of cTn due to sepsis or pulmonary embolism, or acute heart failure with myocardial stretch; none of which would be associated, nor should be considered the same as MI. In addition, there are types of MIs as well and it may well be of some importance to distinguish the types as the care of these individuals may be different. The task force recognized multiple types of acute MI [3]. They define type 1 which many have called the so called “wild” type as an episode associated with plaque rupture and spontaneous in nature. Thus, these patients most often present after an episode of chest discomfort often with ECG changes, elevated biomarkers, and in the studies of such patients it is clear that having an elevated cTn indicates a beneficial response to an aggressive strategy with anticoagulation and the use of IIb/IIIa agents and early invasive strategy [11]. So called type 2 MIs are less typical. They often occur in patients who have fixed atherosclerotic disease who developed tachycardia, hyper- or hypotension, or in individuals who have abnormalities in coronary vasomotion such that they do not improve increased coronary blood flow in response to stress or have overt vasospasm. Such events can even occur in some individuals whose coronary arteries are totally normal but who have such severe supply demand imbalance due to extreme tachycardia, hyper- or hypotension. These scenarios can become complex. One could suggest that there is a continuum between myocardial injury which might be diagnosed, for example, in a young person with tachycardia who had an elevated cTn than who was totally asymptomatic, to a similar patient who might have more typical chest pain who might be called a type 1 MI, to an individual who might have vague symptoms that are difficult to classify in whom a diagnosis of type 2 MI might be made. This is an area where clinical judgment will be important for clinicians but it should be clear that solitary elevation of cTn even with a rising and a falling pattern does not mandate a diagnosis of MI. These distinctions are made more difficult by the fact that in certain circumstances such as the elderly, the diabetic, and patients who are postoperative classic findings may not be observed.Type 3 MI subsumes that circumstance where there is a patient with a classic MI documented either by electrocardiography or angiography where the biomarkers have not been obtained or have not had sufficient time to be elevated. This is rarely a problem except in those patients who succumb at a very early time during the process.There also are myocardial infarctions associated with revascularization procedures such as PCI or CABG. These are complex and will be covered below. Electrocardiographic changesThe electrocardiographic changes that should be observed for did not change markedly but looking for evidence of circumflex coronary artery ischemia is emphasized. Posterior leads (V7–V9) should be recorded in patients who may havecircumflex involvement. This may be suspected if there is ST segment depression in V1–V3. The ECG criteria for acute MI and common ECG pitfalls in diagnosing infarction are detailed in the Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction [3].Periprocedural myocardial infarctionsThis is an area of intense controversy. It is clear that myocardial injury can occur after percutaneous procedures. This can be due to emboli, whether they are a clot of atherosclerotic, occlusion of a side branch, or simply prolonged ischemia. What has been problematic has been the ability to know for sure that these events are associated with an adverse prognosis [12]. The criteria provided do not attempt to make that distinction since such a distinction requires outcome data. The thought with that is that for many such elevations, elevations prior to the procedure are present but have been ignored [12]. Indeed in recent meta-analysis, not one study that claimed to have a normal baseline had such a baseline. Therefore, the proponents of this particular point of view would argue that there is rarely prognostic significance. If so, the question arises as to whether or not diagnosing these patients with acute MI is of value. The opposing view is that prior studies, particularly done with less sensitive markers where one could ignore the baseline changes because markers like CK-MB were insensitive and did not detect very many such elevations suggested that there was prognostic significance to these events. Given the task force has moved strongly toward a cTn oriented structure and did not have to, nor did, dwell on the issue of prognostic significance, the question then was viewed as how to define a distinction between the cardiac injury that might have led to the procedure and some sort of additional insult caused by the procedure itself. The task force then decided to mandate the need for a normal cTn value or documentation of a stable or a falling pattern at baseline and then to rely on a 5 fold elevation of cTn when there was a clear cut abnormality induced by the procedure itself or marked symptoms occurred. The criteria uses previously of a threefold was increased to fivefold along with these ancillary criteria given the increase in assay sensitivity that has occurred since 2007 but it should be clear that given the heterogeneity of present day cardiac troponin assays that this will be a moving target depending upon the assay that one utilizes in any given situation.A similar statement can be made for CABG. Unfortunately, given the heterogeneity of assays, there is no single cutoff value that can be utilized. However, it is clear that individuals who start with an elevated cTn preoperatively elaborate more cTn [3]. Thus, a normal baseline value is important for comparative information. It is also clear that the more cTn that is elaborated, the more adverse the prognosis; thus, making many more comfortable with this diagnosis than with the post-PCI diagnosis [13]. However, there also is an obligatory amount of injury that is indigenous to the cardiac surgical procedure and the question is how much should be or should not be included. An arbitrary decision was made to suggest that above a tenfold increase from the URL value for any given cTn assay should be considered abnormal and leadto investigation looking to see if the additional criteria were present. These could be provided by imaging or by the electrocardiogram.Novel circumstancesSeveral other circumstances are recognized in the guidelines that are of relevance. For example, any procedure done on the heart is likely to cause elevations of cTn. Therefore, transcatheter aortic valve implantations, the so called TAVI or mitral clip procedures are likely to cause such cardiac injury. The task force suggested that the criteria for CABG be applied in that circumstance. In non-cardiac surgical procedures, there often are cTn elevations. Many of these appear to be the so called type 2 events although definitive information in this area is lacking and it is not clear that we have defined well enough the appropriate clinical criteria to distinguish type 1 and type 2 MI [3]. Nonetheless, it appears that at least based on an earlier data and vascular surgery patients that patients often have abnormalities in the supply and demand that can be documented. It has been shown [14] that tachycardia, hypotension, or hypertension post operatively is often associated with ST–T wave changes and subsequent elevation in cTn and the adverse prognosis are known to be associated to such elevations. However, the pathologic literature would suggest, and this is why one needs to be cautious in this area, that those events that lead to mortality often are associated with plaque rupture and may be more type 1 events [15]. Thus, there is still ambiguity about exactly what types of infarctions might exist and therefore the criteria are highly nuanced in that regard. Similar statements can be made about patients who are critically ill who may have elevations for a variety of reasons, some of which have nothing to do with the supply demand imbalance and some of which do. Some of the elevations in cTn could be related to the toxic effects of the disease (sepsis and heat shock proteins and/or TNF) or of medications that are being used therapeutically [16]. What is suggested by the task force is that the clinician needs to develop his or her own sense of when these elevations are due to ischemia and an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand and then one can diagnose that episode as a type 2 MI. In the absence of such a diagnosis, one would suggest the presence of cardiac injury due to whatever pathophysiology is thought to be present. Heart failure perhaps is one of those more common situations where this issue may arise. Many patients have heart failure due to ischemic heart disease. However, there also are non-ischemic mechanisms for the cTn release including acute myocardial stretch [17] so the task force took a very careful look and suggested that although some elevations could be due to acute ischemia, that the vast majority might well be considered not to be due to acute infarction. Again, this is an area where clinical judgment is likely to be essential. Clinical trials and societal issuesIt was acknowledged in the guidelines that the implementation of the criteria suggested for the diagnosis of MI could cause substantial difficulties both for patients and for those who are doing clinical trials. The diagnosis of MI carries with it substantial negative consequences and clinicians should be aware and sensitive to that issue when they are making this diagnosis. In addition, clinical trial groups may have difficulty at times collecting the ideal information to employ the criteria proposed. Their ability to come as close as possible however to more clearly mimic the real world of clinical cardiology will be important if those trials are to have real applicability to the everyday patient. Nonetheless, it is clear that there may be times when resource limitations and/or circumstance make total adherence impossible. ConclusionThe 2012 guidelines expand on the criteria previously established and amplify on the criteria. However, it is clear that as additional data are developed, these guidelines are apt to change still further.DisclosuresDr. Jaffe has or presently consults for most of the major diagnostic companies. 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全国医学英语统考医学英语词汇表精选Aalimentary I,aeli'menteri/a.营养的;消化器官的alkaline/'aelkalain/a.碱性的n.碱性,碱度allergic /e'le:d3ik/ a.过敏的alleviate/e'li:vieit/v.减轻痛苦,缓和alveolus/ael'viales/n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡ambulant/'sem bjulan"a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的ameliorate/8'mi,"Uereit/v.改善,改良,转好ammonia/'aemaunj8/n.氨anatomy/e'naetemi/n.解剖学amputate/'aem pju,teit/V.切断,截肢anemia/e'ni:mie/n.贫血症anesthesia/aenes'ei:zie/n.感觉缺失;麻醉anesthetic/,aenis'Setik/a.麻木的n.麻醉剂anhydrous/aen'haidres/a.脱水的,无水的ankle/'aerjk9J/n.踝anorexia~,aerieu'reksia/n.食欲缺失;厌食anoxia lae'noksie/n.缺氧症antacid/aent'aesid/n.解酸药,抗酸剂antibiotics几aentibai'atiks/n.抗生素antibody/'aenti,bodi/n.抗体antifebrile/,aenti'fi:braill a.退热的n.退热药antigen/'aentid3an/n.抗原antiseptic/,aenti'septik/a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂antitoxin^aenti'toksin/n.抗毒素antiviral/'aenti'vaiarel/a.抗病毒的antivirus/'aenti'vaieras/n.抗病毒素apparatus^~epa'reites/n.器械,仪器,装置appendicitis/e,pendi'saitis/n.阑尾炎appendix/e'pendiks/n.附录;阑尾appetite/'aepitait/n.食欲,胃口,要求,欲望appliance/a'plaians/n.器具;用具;器械arrhrthmia/a'riOmie/n.心率不齐;心率失常artery/'a:teri/n.动脉,干线arthritis /a:'Oraitis/ n.关节炎articular/a"ti kjulal a.关节的aseptic/ei'septik/a.无菌的;防腐的;冷漠的asphyxia/aes'fiksie/n.窒息aspirate /'aespereit/v.吸出;抽出aspirin/'aesperin/n.阿司匹林assay/e'sei/n.测定,鉴定;化验v.化验,分析;尝试'assimilate /e 'simileit/v.吸收;同化asthma/'aesma/n.气喘,哮喘asymmetrica1/aesi'metrikkal/a.不对称的;不匀称的;偏位的atrium/'eitriem/n.心房atropine /'aetrapi:n/n.阿托平attenuate/o'tenjueit/vt.使变稀薄,稀释atypical/'eitipikaI/a.非典型的;不规则的,不匀称的;不正常的audiometer/,o:di'omita/n.听度计,听力计augment/o:g 'ment/V.扩大;增长aural/' a:ral/a.听觉器官的;耳的auscultate| a:skelteit|v.听诊auspice/'o:spis/n.预兆,先前兆;吉兆autoclave/' 0:taukleiv/n.高压消毒锅autopsy/'o:topsi/n.尸体解剖, 尸检axilla/aek'sile/n.腋窝Bbacillus/ba'silas/n.芽孢杆菌backache/'baekeik/n.背痛bacterial/baek'tieriel/a.细菌的bactericidal/baek'tiarisaidal/a.杀菌的bacteriology/baek,tieri'olad3i/n.细菌学的bacterium/baek'tieriem/n.细菌bandage l'baendid3/n.绷带barbiturate/ba:'bitluarit/n.巴比妥盐BCG卡介苗bellyache/'belieik/n.腹痛beriberi/'beri'beri/n.脚气病bicarbonate/bai'ka:banit/n.碳酸氢盐bilateral/bai'laetaral/a.两边的,双侧的bile/bail/n.胆汁biliary/'biUari/a.胆汁的bioactive /,baia~aektiv/a.生物活性的biochemistry/'baieu'kemistri/n;生物化学biological/baie'lodsikal/a.生物的,生物学的biologist/bai'olad3ist/n.生物学家biology/bai'oled3i/a.生物学biomedical/,baiau'medikal/n.生物医学的biomedicine/,baieu'medisn/n.生物医学biopsy/'baiopsi/n.活组织检查biostatistics/,baiausta't Jstiks/n.生物统计学biotic/bai'otik/a.生命的;生物的bladder/'blaeda/n.囊,膀胱blanch/bla:nt『/v.漂白;使变白;使植物不见}1光而变白bleach/bli:t『/v.漂白n.漂白剂bleed/bii:d/v.出血,流血blend/blend/n.混合物v.混合blister/'bliste/n.水泡v.起泡bloat/bleut/v.肿胀;n.肿胀病人block/blow v.阻塞,封锁;心传导阻滞n.木块,块料;街区;障碍物bout/baut/n.一回;发作bowel/'baual/n.肠;内部bronchitis /broB'kaitis/n.支气管炎bronchus/'broqkes/n.支气管bruise/bru:z/'n.伤痕,青肿v.碰伤,使青肿buccal/'bAkal/a.颊的;口腔的buffer/'bAle/n.缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器v.缓冲Ccaffeine/'kaefi:n/n.咖啡因,咖啡碱,茶素calcify/'kaelsifai/v;钙化calcium/'kaelsiam/n.钙callous/'kaelas/a.起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的callus/'koalas/n.胼胝;骨痂,接骨质calory/'kaelari/n.卡热量单位camphor/'kaemfe/n.樟脑cancellous/'kaensilas/a.网眼状的;海绵状的;网状骨质的cancer/'kaensa/n.癌canine/'keinain/n.犬齿canker /'kaerjka/ n.溃疡;口疮cannula/'keeniula/n.套管,插管capillary/ka'pilari/n.毛细血管capsule/'keepsju:l/n.胶囊;封壳;密闭小舱carbohydrate/'ka:bau'haidreit/n.碳水化合物;糖类carbon/'ka:ban/n.碳carbonate/'ka:baneit/n.碳酸盐carcinogen/ka:'sinad3en/n.致癌物carcinogenesis/,ka:sinau、d3enisis/n.致癌作用;癌发生carcinoma/,ko:si'nauma/n.癌cardiac/'ka:diaek/a.心脏的caries /'ksari/n.龋, 骨溃疡;骨疽cartilage/'ka:tilid3/n.软骨catabolism/ka'ta~balizam/n.分解代谢catalyst/'kaetelist/n.催化剂cataract/'kaetaraekt/n.大瀑布;白内障catheter/'kaeeite/n.导管cathode/'keeOaud/n.阴极,负极caustic /'ko:stik/a.腐蚀性的;n.腐蚀剂cavity /'kaeviti/n.空洞, 腔,凹处celiac /si:lieek/a.腹的;腹腔的cell /sel/n;牢房, 蜂房;细胞;电池cellular /'seliula/a.细胞的;由细胞组成的cellulose/'seliuleus/n.纤维素centigrade/'sentigreid/a.摄氏温度计的centrifuge/'sentrifju:ds/V.离心;分离n.离心机cephalic/se'faelik/a.头的,头部的;头侧的cerebellum/,seri'belam/n.小脑cerebral/'seribral/a.大脑的cerebrum/'seribrem/n.大脑cervix/'se:viks/n.颈;子宫颈chemotherapy /,kemeu'eerapi/n.化疗chickenpox/'川kin paks/n.水痘chloride/'klo:raid/n.氯化物chlorine /'klo:ri:n/ n.氯气chlorophyl/'klorefil/n.叶绿素choke /t『auk/v.窒息, 噎住;堵塞cholera /'kolare/n.霍乱cholesterol/ke'lestereul,一roy n.胆固醇chromosome/'kreumaseum/n.染色体chronic/'kronik/a.慢性的,久病的,长期的chyme/kaim/n.食糜cilia/'silie/n.睫;纤毛cinerary /'sinereri/a.灰的;骨灰的circadian /se:'keidien/a.生理节奏的circulate/'se:kjuleit/v.循环,流通,流传,传播circumscribe/'sa:kemskraib,,sa:kem'skraib/V.在…周围划线;限制,约束Cirrhosis /si 'reusis/n.硬变;肝硬化cleanse/klenz/v.使清洁,清洗cleavage/'kli:vid3/n.劈开;分裂;卵裂cleave/kli:v/V.cleft;cleft or cloven劈开;把…分成几个小部分cleft/kleft/n.裂,裂口,豁嘴clog /klog/V.障碍, 妨碍;阻塞, 填塞clone/kleun/v.克隆closure/'klau3e/n.关闭罩子clot /klot/n.血凝;块;土块v.使凝块clump /klAmp/n.丛;簇;群;细菌凝块coagulate /keu'eegjuleit/v.凝结,凝固cocaine/ke'kein/n.可卡因coccus /'kokes/n.球菌colic/'kolik/n.绞痛;急腹痛a.绞痛的;结肠的colitis/keu'laitis/n.结肠炎collagen/'kole,d3an/n.胶原蛋白colloid/'koloid/n./a.胶体的,胶质的colon/ko'lon/n.结肠colony /'kolani/n.殖民者,群体;菌落coma/'keume/n.昏迷complexion/kem'plek』an/n.肤色;情况,局面;气质,脾性complicated/'komplikeitid/a.错综复杂的,麻烦的complication/,kompli'kei,en/n.复杂,混乱;复杂的情况;并发病,并发症compound/'kompaund/a.复合的n.混合物,化合物concentrate/'konsentreit/v.集中,集结;浓缩concentration/,konsen'trei,an/n.集中;专心;浓缩;浓度conception/kan'se吖an/n.概念,想法;开始怀孕;胚胎condense/ken'dens/V.压缩,浓缩,精简;使冷凝condenser/ken'dense/n.冷凝器,凝结器;电容器conductivity/,kondAk'tiviti/n.传导率;传导性conduit/'kondit/n.管道;导管cone/keun/n.锥形物;锥体;球果v.使成锥形congenital/kon'd3enitl/a.先天的,天生的congest /k e n ' d 3est/v.充满;拥挤;充血congestion/ken'd3est,en/n.充满;拥挤;充血conjuncture/ken'd3AOkU a/n.结合;紧要关头conscious/'kon』as/a.有意识的,知觉的consensus/ken'senses/n.一致;舆论;同感.交感constipation /, konsti'pei』an/n.便秘constitution/,konsti'lju:,an/n.构成,机构,成分;体格,体质;宪法constrict/ken'strikt/v.压缩,收缩;阻塞consult /ken'sAlt/v.商量, 咨询;会诊consultant/ken'sAItant/n.请教者;商议者;顾问;会诊医生consumption/ken'sAm吖an/n.消费,消耗;肺结核;结核病contagious/kan'teid3es/a.传染的contaminate/ken'teemineit/v.弄脏;污染;传染contamination/ken,teemi'nei,an/n.污染,沾染物continence/'kontinens/n.自制,节制;节欲contour/'kontue/n.轮廓,外形contraceptive/,kontra'septiv/a.避孕的n.避孕药物喃具contractile /k en'treektail/a.可收缩的contraindicate/kontra'indikeit/v.禁忌contralateral/,kontre'leetarel/a.对侧的convalescent/,konve'lesnt/a.恢复健康的,渐愈的;恢复期的n.恢复中的病人convex/'kon'veks/a.凸的,凸面的convulsion/ken'vAUan/n.震动;痉挛,惊厥cornea/'ko:nial n.角膜coronary/'koraneri/a.冠状的corpse/ko:ps/n.死尸,尸体corpuscle/'ko:pAS9l/n.小体,细胞,血细胞;微粒corrosion/ke'reu3an/n.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈cortex/'ko:teks/n.植物的皮层,树皮,脑或肾的皮层,皮质cosmetic/koz'metik/n.化妆品a.化妆用的,美容的costal/'kostl/a.肋骨的cough/ko:f/V.,n.咳嗽cramp/kraemp/n.夹,钳;病性痉挛,绞痛cranium/'kreinjam/v.头盖骨;颅crutch/kratf/n.拐杖;支柱v.支撑cryotherapy /'kraiauOerepi/n.冷冻疗法CT 计算机断层扫描cube/kju:b/n.立方体,立方形;立方、三次幂cure/kjua/n.治愈,痊愈;药;疗法v.治愈,矫正,纠正n.良药,疗法cusp/kAsp/n.尖,尖端cutaneous /kju :' t e i n j a s/a.皮的cylinder/'silinde/n.圆柱体,圆筒;气缸cyst/sist/n.囊肿cvtogenetics/,saitaud3rnetiks/n.细胞遗传学cvtology/sartoled3i/n.细胞学Ddander/'daendel n.头皮屑;怒火dandruff/' d a e n dr A f/n.头垢;头皮屑deactivate/di:'aektiveit/v.使不活动;使减少活性;使无效debilitate/drbiliteit/v.使衰弱debility/di'biliti/n.衰弱,虚弱decibel/'desibel/n.分贝deciliterdeciliter/'desili:ter/n.分升,十分之一升decimal /'desimal/a.小数的,十进制的decolourize/di:'k^laraiz/v.使…脱色;将…漂白decompensate/di:'kompenseit/v.代偿失调decompose/,di:kam'peuz/v.分解,使腐败,使腐烂decubitus/dr kju:bites/n.褥疮defecate/'defikeit/v.澄清,净化;排粪,通大便deferent/'deferent/a.输送的;输出的;输精的defervescence /, d i f a ' v e s n s/n.退热deficiency/di'fiJansi/n.缺乏,不足;营养缺乏症deficit/'defisit/n.短缺;赤字deflate/drfleit/v.排放…空气;解除气胀deflection /di'flek『a n/n.偏离;偏转deform/di:'fo:m/v.损坏…的形状,使…变形deformation/,di:fo:'meifan/n.形状损坏;变形;畸形deformity/drfo:miti/n.变形,畸形;畸形的人degenerate/drd3enareit/V.蜕化;变质;变性degradation/,degra'dei,an/n.降级;低落;退化;降解;衰变degression /drgre』a n/n.下降;递减dehydration /, di:ha i ' d r ei f a n/n.脱水deleterious/,delrtierias/a.对身心有害的;有毒的delitescence/,delrtesns/n.潜伏期;潜伏状态;炎症突然消退deliver Idi'liver/v.交付,传递;发表;接生delusion /drlu:3an/n.幻想;妄想;错觉dementia/drmenfia/n.痴呆demography /d i:' m o g r e f i/n.人口统计学dense /dens/a.密的, 稠密的, 浓厚的density /'densiti/a.密度密集;稠密dental/'dentl/a.牙齿的;牙科的dentist/'dentist/n.牙医dentistry/'dentistri/n.牙科学denture/'dentJe/n.一副牙齿;义齿;全口义齿deodorant/di:'euderent/a.除臭的n.除臭剂depilate /'depileit/v.拔去…毛;脱去…毛deplete /di'pli:t/v.弄空;排除,减轻;减少…体液;放去…的血'depression/drpre,an/n.抑郁症depurate /' d e p j u r e i t/v.净化, 提纯derivation /derrvei』an/n.引出;起源,由来;衍生,衍生物derma/'de:me/n.真皮dermatitis /, d a:m e ' t a i t i s/n.皮炎dermatology /,de:me'tolad3i/n.皮肤病学detergent/drte:d3ant/a.使用清洁的n.清洁剂;去垢剂deteriorate/di'tieriareit/v.恶化;变坏;退化detoxify/di:'toksi,fai/v.解毒,除去…毒物;去除…放射性沾染dextral/'dekstrel/a.右边的;用右手的;右旋的diabetes/,daie'bi:ti:z,一ti;s/n.糖尿病diagnose/'daiegnauz/V.断定;诊断diagnosis /daleg'neusis/v.诊断;调查分析;判断diagram/'deiegraem/n.图解,图表dialysis/daraelisis/n.透析,渗析;分离,分解diameter/daraemita/n.直径diaper/'daiepa/n,尿布diaphoresis/'daiafa'ri:sis/n.发汗;出汗diaphragm/'daiafraem/n.膈,膈膜diarrhea/daie'ri:a/n.腹泻diastole /dai'aesteli/n.心舒张期diet/'daiet/n.饮食,食物differential/,dife'renJal/a.差别的,鉴别的;特异的;微分的n.微分;差速器diffuse/di'fju:z/v.扩散;渗出digest/di'd3est;dai'd3est/V.消化n.摘要digital/'did3itl/a.数字的dilate/darleit/v.膨胀,扩大dilute /dai'Uu:t,drl-/v.冲淡;稀释dioxide/daroksaid/n,二氧化物dip/djp/v./n.蘸,浸diphtheria/d i f ' S i e r i e, d i p -/v.白喉disable/dis'eibl/v.使残疾discharge/dis't,a:d3/V./n卸货;排出;释放;出院discrete /d i s ' k r k t/a.分离的;稀疏的disgorge/dis'go:d3/V.吐出,呕吐dishonour/dis'one/n.不光彩,不名誉,耻辱v.使丢脸,凌辱disincentive/,disin'sentiv/a.阻止的,抑制的n.在生产等方面起抑制作用的行动或措施disinfect /, disin'fekt/v.杀菌, 消毒disintegrate/dis'intigreit/V.崩溃,分裂;分解;蜕变;衰变dislocation /disle'keiJ an/n.关节脱位,脱臼disorder/dis'o:da/n.混乱,紊乱;骚乱,骚动;.疾病,失调dispatch/dis'peatJ/v.派遣,发送;调度,调遣n.急件,快信dispensary /dis'peatS/n.药房dispensary/dis'penseri/v.分配;配方;发药dispense /dis'pens/v.分发,分配,配药;使分散,解散;散布,a.分散的,弥散的disposable/dis'peuzebl/a.可处理的;可随意使用的;用一次就丢掉的disrupt /dis'rApt/v.分裂;破坏dissect/drsekt/v.分割;解剖disseminate/di'semineit/v.散播;传播,散布dissipate/'disipeit/v.驱散;浪费,挥霍;放荡;酗酒dissolve/di'zolv/v.溶解,融化;解除,解散,取消.distal/'distal/a.远侧的;末梢的;远中的distend/dis'tend/v.扩张;肿胀distil /'distif/ v.蒸馏;滴下diverge/dai'vo:d3/V.分叉;分歧;离题;使…岔开,使转向dizzy/'dizi/a.眩晕的,头晕眼花的donate/deu'neit/v.捐赠,赠送donor/'deune/v.捐赠者;供血输血者;dorsum/'do:sam/n.背,背部;背侧部分,dose/deus/n.剂量,一服,一剂drench/drent,/v.浸透;淋透dropsy/'dropsi/n.水肿病,浮肿病drug /drAg/n.药品, 麻醉品, 毒品_drum/drAm/n.鼓,鼓状物;骨膜;耳膜idual /dju:el/a.双重的;二元的;duct/dAkt/n.管;导管;渠道jdue /dju::u sdu:/a.应付的,到期的;应有的,充分的n.应得物,当然权利. duodenum/Jdju:eu'di:nem/n.十二指肠jd y e/da il v./n.染,染色n.染料j dynamics/darnaemiks/n.力学,动力学;动力,0原状动力;动态idysentery/'disantri/n.痢疾蠢dysfunction/dis'fArjk』an/n.机能障碍,机能不j 良/失调dyspepsia/dis'pepsie/n.消化不良dysphagia/dis'feid3ie/n.吞咽困难dysplasia/dis'pleizie,一'plei3a/n.发育不良,发育异常dyspnea/dis'pni:a/n.呼吸困难dystrophy/'distrefi/n.营养不良,营养障碍EECG心电图ecological/,eka'lod3ikel/a.生态的;生态学的ecology/j:'kolad3i/a.生态学ectopic/ek'topik/a.异位的eczema/'eksime,'egzi-/n|湿疹edema/i:'di:ma/n.水肿;浮肿EEG n.脑电图efferent/'efarant/a.传出的efficacy/'efikasi/n.功效;效验effluent /'efluent/a.发出的;流出的effusion ∥ f j u:3 8 n/n.流出;渗出液ejaculate li'd3aekjuleit/v,突然喊出;射出液体elbow /'elbau/n.肘,弯头,弯管v.用肘挤electrolyte /i'lektreulait/v.使充电;使电气化;使触电;使震惊;使兴奋electrolyte/i'lektraulait/n.电解质,电解液electromagnetic/ilektreu'maegnitik~/a.电磁的electron /rlektron/n.电子electronic /ilek'tranik/a.电子的electronics /ilek 'traniks/n.电子学elevation /eli'vei』an/n.高度;仰角;海拔;提高;高地elongate /'i:laogeit/V.拉长;伸长;延长emaciate /rmei,ieit/v.衰弱;消瘦embed/im'bed/v.嵌入;包埋embolism/'embalizem/n.栓塞embolus/'embalas/n.栓子embryology /, e m b r i ' o l e d 3 i/n.胚胎学emphysema Lemfrsi:ma/n.肺气肿enamel/i'nmmal/n.搪瓷;牙齿的珐琅质encyst /en'sist/v.包在囊内end /end/n.端,尖,尾;目标,目的v.终止,结束endemic/en'demik/a.地方性的;地方病的endermic /en'da:mik/a.经皮的,皮下的endocrine /'endaukrain/a.内分泌的endogenic /, endeu 'd3enik/a.内源的endoscope/'endauskeup/n.内镜endotoxin,/endeu 'toksin/n.内毒素entail/in'teil/V,使承担;把疾病遗传给;引起;伴有enumerate/i'nju:moreit/v.数,点;列举envelop/in'velap/V./n.包;封;包围,围绕enzyme/'enzaim/n.酶epidemic/,eprdemik/a.流行性的,传染的n.流行病,时疫;传播;流行epidemiology/,epi,di;mi'oled3i/n.流行病学epilepsy/'epilepsi/n.癫痫epithelium/,epi'i:Uem/n.上皮erythrocyte /rriOrausait/n.红细胞esophagus /i:'sofages/n.食管ether /'i:Se/n.以太;乙醚etiology /i:ti'olad3i/n.病因学evaporate/i'vaepereit/V.使蒸发;使脱水;挥发exacerbate/eks'~ese:beit/v.恶化,加剧;激怒exanimate/ig'zaenimit/a.已死的;无生命的;无生气的;没精神的exasperate/ig'za:spereit/V.激怒;使疾病加剧,使恶化excise/ek'saiz/v.删去;切除excrete /eks 'kri:t/v.排泄;分泌execute /'eksi kju:t/V.实行,执行,实施;处死,处决exhalation/,ekshe'lei』an/n.呼气;蒸发;散发exhale/eks'heil,eg'zeiI/v.呼气;发散出exotoxin /ekseu'toksin/n.外毒素expectorate/eks'pektareit/v.咳出痰;吐血,唾液等expiration/,ekspaia'rei,an/n.满期,届期;呼气,吐气expire/iks'paie,eks-/v.满期;终止;开始无效;呼气exterior/eks'tiarie/a.外部的;外来的;对外的,外交上的n.外部,外表;表面exterminate/iks'te:mineit/v.根除;灭绝;扑灭extremity/iks'tremiti/n.末端;肢exudate/'e ksj ude i t/n.渗出物, 渗出液eyeball /'ai,bo,II n.眼球eyebrow/'aibrau/n.眉,眉毛eyelid/'ailid/n.眼睑eyesight/'aisait/n.视力Ffabric/'faebrik/n.织物,纺织品,结构,构造fabricate/'faebrikeit/v.制作;装配;组合;捏造;伪造Fahrenheit/'faerenhait,'fa:r一/a.华氏温标的n.华氏温度计Failure /feiUe/n.失败;不及格;缺乏;衰退;故障;衰竭fat/faet/ n.脂肪,肥肉a.肥胖的,多脂肪的fatigue/fa'ti:g/n.疲乏,劳累V.使疲劳febrile /'f i:bra i l/a.发热的;热性的febrifuge/'febrifju:d3/n.退热药;解热药feces/'fi:si:z/n.粪便;排泄物;渣滓feeble/'fi:bl/a.虚弱的;微弱的;薄弱的feed/fi:d/v.喂养;饲养;牛、马吃东西n.一顿,一餐,喂一次femur/'fi:me/n.股骨;大腿ferment /'fa:ment/n.v.发酵;酵素ferrous/'feras/a.铁的;含铁的;亚铁的;二价铁的fetus /'fi:tas/n.胎儿fever/'fi:va/n.发热;热病;狂热;兴奋v.发热fibre/'faiba/n.纤维,纤维质;纤维制品fibril /'faibril/ n.原纤维fibrillation/faibri'leiJ an/n.纤维性颤动;原纤维形成作用fibrosis/fai'breusis/n.纤维变性;纤维化filtrate /'filtreit/v.过滤九.滤液finding/'faindi~/n.发现;发现物;常用复数调查或研究结果fission/'fi』an/n.分裂;裂开;分裂生成;裂变fissure/'fi『9/n.裂缝;裂伤fistula/'fistjula/n.瘘管fixture/'fikstf a/v.固定;固定状态;固定物;常用复数房屋内的固定装置flaccid/'flaeksid/a.松弛的flag/fIaeg/n.旗V.衰退flake/fIeik/n.薄片flank/flae~k/n.侧面;胁;胁腹flatulence /'flaetjulans/ n.肠胃气胀;空虚;浮夸flea/fIj:/n.跳蚤fleck/fiek/n.皮肤的斑点;雀斑flesh /fief/n.肉;果肉;肉体;肌肤flex/fIeks/v.弯曲flexibility/,flekse'biliti/ n.挠性,柔韧性;机动性,灵活性flora/'rio:re/n.植物区系;菌丛florid/'florid/a.绚丽的;红润的;脸色好的fIu/flu:/n.流感fluctuate/'flAktjueit/v.波动;涨落;起伏fluid/'flu:jd/a.流动的;流体的;液体的n.流体;液体fluorescent/flua'resant/a.荧光的;发荧光的fluoroscopy/fIu:a'roskepi/n.荧光屏检查;X射线透视检查forceps/'fo:seps/n.镊子forefinger/'fo",firjga/n.示指forensic medicine/fe'rensik'meds8n/n.法医学fracture/'fraekt『9/n.破裂;断裂;折裂;裂缝;裂痕;骨折;v.使破裂,使断裂fragile/'fraed3ail/a.脆的;易碎的;虚弱的fragment/'fraegmant/n.碎片,碎块;片断v.使成碎片;使分裂freckle/'frekl/n.雀斑;晒斑friction/'frikfan/n.摩擦;摩擦力fulminant/'fAIminant/a.疾病的暴发性的fulminate/'f^lmineit/v.疾病暴发;爆炸function/'f^rjkJan;'fArjk』an/n.机能,官能,功能v.活动;运行;起作用fundus/'f^ndas/n.底,基底fungus/'fArjges/n.真菌Ggalactic /ga' laektik/a.乳汁的;催乳的gale/geil/n.大风;突发的一阵galf/goff/n.胆汁;胆gallbladder /'go:lblaeda/n.胆囊gallstone/'go:lsteun/n.胆石ganglion/'gaeglien/n.神经节;腱鞘囊肿gangrene/'geerjgri'n/n.坏疽gastric/'gaestrik/a.胃的gastritis/gaes'traitis/n.胃炎gastroenterolog¨g~estrau,enta'rolad3i/n.胃肠病学gastrointestinal/,gaestreuin'testanI/n.胃肠的gastroscope /'gaestraskeuD/n.胃镜gauze/go:z/n.纱布;薄纱;薄雾gear/gj8r/n.齿轮, 传动装置V.开动gel/d3eI/n.凝胶体;冻胶gelatin/'d3elatin/n.明胶;动物胶;果子冻gene/d3i:n/n.基因genetic/d3i'netik/a.创始的,发生的,遗传学的genital/'d3enitl/a.生殖的;生殖器的genus /'d3i:nasl n.类;属geriatric/Jd3eri'aetrik/a.老年病学的;老年的,衰老的germ Id3a:ml n.细菌;病菌;胚芽germicide/'d3e:misaid/n.杀菌剂germinate/'d3e:mineit/V.发芽;发生;发展gerontology/,d3eran'tolad3i/n.老年医学giddy/'gidi/a.头晕的;眼花缭乱的;轻浮的ginger/'d3ind3e/n.生姜;活力gland/glaend/n.腺globular/'glo bjula/a.球状的;有小球的globule/'glo bju:l/n.小球;液滴;药丸globulin/'glo bjulin/n.球蛋白glossal/'glo:seI/a.舌的glossitis/gIo'saitis/n.舌炎glorris/'glotis/n.声门gIucose/'glu:keus/n.葡萄糖glue/gfu:/n.胶,胶水v.胶合,粘贴a.胶的glycerol/'gliserol/n.甘油'glycogen/'glaikaudsen/n.糖原glycosuria/'gla ikes'juaria/n.糖尿goiter/'goitar/n.甲状腺肿gonad/'gonaed/n.性腺;生殖腺gorge/g0:d3/n.咽喉;胃;暴食;山峡v.塞饱;狼吞虎咽地吃gout/gu:/n.痛风graft /gra:ft/n.移植片,移植物gramme/gream/n.克重量单位gram-negative/graem'negetiv/a.革兰阴性gram-positive/graem'pozetiv/n.革兰阳性的granule /'graenju:l/n.颗粒;粒剂gravity/'graeviti/n.重力,引力;严肃,庄重groove /g r u:v/n.槽, 沟, 纹v.开槽guinea-pig /'gini/n.豚鼠;天竺鼠gut/gAt/n.肠子;p1.内脏;勇气;力量;效力gymnastics/d5im'naestiks/n.体操;体育gynecology /g a i n i ' k o l a d 3 i/n.妇科学I-IHalitosis /haeli'tausis/n;口臭hallucination/halu:si'nei f an/n.幻觉hatch/heatJ/v.孵,孵化;策划,图谋n.孵化,结果n.舱口,小门heartbum /'ho:tb3:n/a.胃灼热;妒忌,不满heat-stroke /' h i:t ' s t r a u k/n.中暑hematology /hema'toled3i,hema-/n.血液病hematoma /hi:ma'tauma/n.血肿hematuria /,hi:me'tjuric/n.血尿heine /hi:m/n.血红素hemiplegia /, h e m i ' p l i:d 3 i a/n.偏瘫hemisphere /'hemisfie/n.半球;大脑半球hemoglobin/,hi:mau'gleubin/n.血红蛋白hemolysis /hi:'molesis/n.溶血作用hemoptysis/hi'moptisis/n.咯血hemorrhage /'hemarid3/n.出血hemorrhoid /'hemeroi d/n.痔疮hemostasis /hi'mostesis/n.止血法hepatic/hi'paetik/a.肝的hepatosis /hepa'teusis/n.肝病herb/ha:b/n.草,药草hernia/'hamja/n.疝;突出herpes /'he:pi:z/n.疱疹hiatus/hai'eitas/n.裂孔;间隙;脱落,稿件的漏字;漏句histology/his'toled3i/n.组织学homeostasis/,heumiau'steisis/n.体内平衡homogeneous/Jhomeu'd3i:njas/a.同类的,同族的;均匀的;同质的homocjraft/'homeugro:ft,'home/n自体移植片;同种移植片homotransplant /heumetraens'pla:nt/n.同种移植片hormone /'ho:maun/n.荷尔蒙, 激素humid /hju:mid/a.湿的;湿气重的humidity /hju:'miditi/n.湿气;湿度humoral /hju:marel/a.体液的hyaline /haiali:n/a.透明的;玻璃样的hydration /hai'dreiJan/n.水合作用hydraulic/hai'dro:Iik/a.水力的;液体的;水压的;液压的hydrocarbon/'haidrau'ka:ban/n.烃,碳氢化合物hydrocjen/'haidrad3en/n.氢hydrolysis /hai'drolisis/n.水解作用hydrophobia /haidrau'feubj9/n.狂犬病,恐水病hydropic /ha i 'dropik/a.水肿的;浮肿的hydrotherapy /haidra 'Oerapi/n.水疗法hygleriel /haid3i:n/n.卫生学;卫生hyperacid /,haipa:'r~esid/a.胃酸过多的;酸过多的hyperactivity /haipa:raek'tiviti/n.活动过多;机能过敏;机能亢进hyperplasia /haipa:' plei3ia/n.增生hypertension /,haipa 'ten,an/n.高血压hypnosis /hip'neusis/n.催眠术;催眠状态hypnotherapy / hipna 'Oerepi/n.催眠疗法hypoplasia /,haipeu'pleizj9/n.发育不全hypotenson /,haipeu 'pleizj9/n.低血压hypothetical/haipa'Oetik9l/a.假设的,有前提的hysteria /his 'tieria/n.癔症,歇斯底里IIcteric /ik'terik/a.黄疸的ididem/id/a.同著者的;同上的;同前的idiopathic /,idie'paeOik/a.自发的,特发的;原发的ileocecal /,ilieu'si:kal/ a.回结肠的ileum /iliam/n.回肠ileus /ilias/n.肠梗阻imbalance /im'baelens/n.不平衡;失调imbibe /im'baib/v.喝, 饮;吸入,吸收immune/i'mju:n/a.免除的;不受影响的;有免疫力的;免疫的n.免疫者immunize /imju:naiz/v.使免疫;使免除immunodeficiency /,irajunoudi'fi』ansi/n.免疫缺陷;免疫缺损immunolocjy /,imju'nolad3 i/n.免疫学immunorecjulation /jmjuneu,regju'lei』9n/n.免疫调节immunotherapy /i'mju:nou'Oerapi/n.免疫疗法impair /im'p ~ e/v.削弱;损害, 损伤implant /im'pla:nt/v.插入;植入inactivate /in'aektiveit/v.灭活;使不活动inanimate /in'aenimit/a.无生命的;无生气的,没精打采的inappetence /in、aepitans/a.食欲不振;欲望缺失inborn /in'bo:n/a.生来的;天生的;先天的incitant /in'saitant/n.兴奋剂a.兴奋的,刺激的incontinence /in'kontinans/n.失禁;无节制incoordinate /inkau'o:dinit/a.不协调的;不对等的incubate /'in kjubeit/v.孵育;潜伏incurable/in'kjuarebl/a.医不好的;不可救药的;不能矫正的indication /indi'kei』an/n.指示;指出;表示;指征;暗示迹象;适应证indicator/indikeita/n.示指伸肌;指示器;指示剂;指示物indigestion /indi'd3estJan/n.消化不良;难理解induce /in'dju:s/V.引诱,劝使;诱发,引起ineffective /,ini'fektiv/a.无效的;不起作用的inefficacious/,inefi'kei』as/a.无效力的,疗效不好的inertia /i'ne:na/n.惯性;不活动;无力infarct /in'fa:kt/n.梗死infect /in'fekt/v.传染,感染infection /in'fekJan/n.传染,侵染;传染病;影响infectious/in'fe时as/a.传染的;传染性的infertile/in'fa:tail/a.贫瘠的;不毛的;不生育的infest /in'fest/v.大批出没于;侵扰;寄生于infiltrate /in 'filtreit/v.渗入;浸润inflammation /infla'mei,9n/n.炎症,发炎;燃烧;激动inflammatory /in'flaematari/a.使激怒的;炎性的;炎症的influenza /'influ 'enza/n.流行性感冒infrared /'infra'red/a.红外线的;产生红外辐射的infuse /infju:z/v.注入;灌输;浸渍;泡制药ingest/in'd3est/V.咽下;吸收;摄取,摄入ingredient /in;g ri:dient/n.成分,组成部分;配料inhibit /in 'hibit/v.禁止;抑制;约束inject /in'd3ekt/v.注射injection /in'd3ekJan/n.注射;注入;喷射inlet /'inlet/n.进口,入口v.引进;嵌入,插入innate /'ineit/a.天生的;固有的;先天的;遗传的innocuous /i'no kjuas/a.无害毒的;不关痛痒的innutrition/,inju:'trJan/n.营养不良;缺乏营养inoculate /i'no kjuleit/V.给…接种;作预防注射inoperable /in'oparabl/a.不能宜动手术的inorganic /ino:'gaenik/a.无生物的;无机的inpatient /'in,peiant/n.住院病人insane /in'sein/a.精神错乱的;精神病的insanitary/in'seenitari/a.不卫生的;有害健康的;易引起疾病的insecticide /in 'sektisaid /n.杀昆虫剂inseminate /in'semineit/v.栽种于;使受胎insensitive/in'sensitiv/a.感觉迟钝的;不敏感的insert/in'sa:t/v.插入;嵌入n.插页;插入物insoluble /in'soUubI/a.难以溶解的insomnia /in'somnia/n.失眠inspire/in'spaia/v.吸人,吸气;使…产生灵感;鼓舞;产生instillation /insti'lei,an/n.滴注;滴注法;滴注物insufficiency/,insa、可ansi/n.不足;不适当;机能不全;闭锁不全insulate /'insjuleit/v.隔离;绝缘insulin/'insjulin/n.胰岛素intercellular /inta:;seUuIa/a.细胞间的interface /'irite:,feis/n.分界面;两个独立体系的相交处interferon/,inte:'fiaron/n.干扰素interlace /inta:'leis/v.交织, 交错interne/in'tam/n.实习医生interposition/in,ta:pe'ziJan/n.插入;干预;中间位;介植;插补术intersperse/,inta:'spa:s/v.散布;点缀intestine/in'testin/n.肠intramuscular/Jjntra ' m Askjula/a.肌内的intravascular /intra'v ~ eskjula/a.血管内的intravenous/intre'vi:nas/a.静脉内的;静脉注射的invalid /in'welid/a.有病的;病弱的;伤残的n.病人;伤病员invalid /in 'vaelid/a.无效的;无效力的invasion /in'vei3an/n.入侵;侵犯;疾病;发作iodine /'aiedi'n/v.碘ion /'aian/n.离子irradiation/i,reidi'ei』an/a.照射;辐射,阐明;放射;扩散irritate /'iriteit/v.激怒,恼火;刺激;使发炎;使兴奋ischemia /is'ki:mia/n.局部缺血isolate/'aiseleit/v.隔离,孤立isolation /aisau'lei,an/v.隔离;孤立;脱离;分离isotope /'aiseuteup/n.同位素itch /itJ/n.痒;疥疮;渴望v 发痒;渴望Jjaundice/'d30:ndis/n.黄疸;妒忌;厌恶;偏见jaw /d30:/n.颌,颚,下巴jejunum /d3i'd3u:nem/n.空肠jelly /'d3eli/n.肉冻;果子冻;胶状物v.使成胶状junction/'d3^~kJan/n.连接,接合;接合点;交叉点juncture /'d3A~kt,a/n.接合;接合点;交界处;时机;关头juvenile/'d3u:vinail/a.青少年的;适合于青少年的;幼稚的n.青少年Kkernel /'k a:nl/n.核, 仁;核心;中心kidney/'kidni/n.肾;脾气kilo/'ki:lau/n.公斤,千克;公里,千米kinesiatrics/kai,ni:si'aetriks/n.运动疗法kinetics/kai'netiks/n.动力学knee/ni:/n.膝,膝盖;膝关节knot/not/n.结;节疤;难题;海里v.打结knuckle/'nAkl/n.指关节;猪等动物的膝关节L labium/'leibiam/n.唇lacerate/'laesareit/v.撕碎,割碎;伤害感情lachrymal/'laekrimal/a.泪的n.p1泪腺l a c t a t e/' l aek tei t/v.分泌乳汁;喂奶lactose/'laektaus/n.乳糖lake/'leik/n.湖v.使血液发生血细胞溶解l a m e/l e i m/a.跛;瘸的v.使跛, 跛行lancet/'la;nsit,laen-/n.刺血针;柳叶刀l a p o r o t o m y/l a e p a ' r o t a m i/n.剖腹术lapse/laeps/n.失检;小错;跌落,下降;失检, 偏离;流逝,间隔v.失检,背离;终止;失效lard/Io:d/n.猪油v.涂油于;润色文章la rva/'la:va/n.幼虫昆虫,蚴蠕虫laryngology/,laerirj'golad3il n.喉科学larynx/'laeri rks/n.喉laser/'leiza/n.激光latitude/'l~titjud/n..纬度la xative/'l~ksativ/n.轻泻药a.轻泻的leakage/'li:kid3/n.漏,泄漏;泄漏物;漏出量lemon/'lemen/n.柠檬l e n g t h e n/' l e r j O a n/V.使延长;延伸lens/lenz/n.透镜,镜头leprosy/'leprasi/n.麻风病lesion/'li:3an/n.损害,损伤l e t h a l/' l i:O a l/a.致死的, 致命的leukemia/Uu:'ki:mie/n.白血病leukocyte/'Uu:kesait/n.白细胞leukocytosis^Uu:kasai'tausis/n.白细胞增多¨d/lid/n.盖;眼睑ligament/'ligamant/n.韧带limb/lira/n.肢,手足;大树枝v.肢解;砍去树枝lime/Iaim/n.石灰v.用石灰去处理linear/'linie/a.线的;直线的;长度的;线性的;长条形的link/lirjk/n.环;链;链环V.链接,联系lipase/'laipeis,'lipeis/n.脂肪酶l i pid/' lip i d, ' l aip i d/n.脂肪酶lipoid/'lipoid,'laipoid/n.a.类脂的;脂质的liquid/'likwid/n.液体a.液体的;液态的liquor/'like/n.液;汁;液剂;酒v.把…浸于水中lithiasis/li'Oaiasis/n.结石病liver/'live/n.肝,肝脏lobe/laub/n.叶Iobule/'lobju:l/n.小叶longevity/Ion'd3eviti/a.长寿;资历,供职期限longitude/'lond3itju:d/n.经度lotion/'lauJan/n.洗液;洗剂luetic/Uu:' etik/a.梅毒的;传染病的lumbar/'IAmba/a.腰的lumen/'Uu'min/n.内腔,流明l u m p/l Amp/n.块, 团v.使成团, 使成块lymph/liraf/n.淋巴;淋巴液lymphocyte/'limfasait/n.淋巴细胞Iyse/lais/v.溶解,溶化lysis/'laisis/n.溶解;消散;疾病渐退Mmacroscopical/.maekrau'skopikal/a.宏观的· 肉眼可见的macula/'maekjule/n.尤指皮肤上的斑点macular/'m~ekjulal a.斑点的magnesium/maeg'ni:zjam/n.镁magnet/'maegnit/n.磁铁;磁体;有吸引力的人物magnetic/maeg'netik/a.磁性的;有吸引力的malaria/ma'lcaria/n.疟疾malformation/,meelfo:'mei』an/n.畸形,变形malfunction/meerfA0k』an/n.故障;机能障碍malignant/ma'lignant/a.恶性的;有害的malnutrition/'maelnju:'训,an/n.营养不良mammal/'maemal/n.哺乳动物manometer/ma'nomita/n.压力计;血压计m a r r o w/' m a e r a u/n.骨髓;精华;活力mask/ma:sk/n.面具;口罩v.遮盖;戴面具massage/'maesQ:3/n..按摩,推拿v.按摩,推拿maternal/me're:nil a.母亲的;母系的maternity/ma'te:niti/n.母性;产科医院;怀孕mathematical/,maegi'maetikal/a.数学的,数学上的;精确的matron/'meitran/n.护士长;女总管;总干事m a t u r a t e/' m a e l j u r e i t/v.成熟;化脓maximal/'maeksimal/a.最大的,最高的;最带总括性的measles l'mi:zlzl n.麻疹measurable l'me3erabI/a.可测量的measure/'me3a/n.量度,测量;措施,办法v.量,测量measurement/'me3amant/n.测量,度量;尺寸,大小mechanism/'mekenizam/n.机制,机理;机械装置;手法;途径median/'mi:djan/a.中央的,当中的n.中部;中线;中值medicare/'medi,k&e/n.医疗照顾方案/项目,医疗保险medication/,medi'keiJan/n.药疗法,药物处理;药物,药剂medicinal/me'disine~a.药的;药用的;治疗的medicine/'medsin,一disin/n.内服药;医药;医学;医术;内科学v.给…用药medico-athletics/'medikauaee'letiks/n.医疗体育medicolegal I',medikau'li:gal/a.法医学的medial/'mi:djal/a.中间的;内侧的;近中的medulla/me'dAl8/n.髓质membrane/'membrein/n.膜meningitis/,menin'd3aitis/n.脑脊膜炎menstrual/'menstrual/a.月经的;每月一次的mesh/me』/n.网眼;网络;网状结构metabolism/me't~ebalizam/n.新陈代谢metallic/mi'teelik/a.金属的;金属制的;含金属的;产金属的;像金属的metastasis Ima'taestasis/n.转移;转移灶;转移瘤meteorology/,m i:tja'rolad3i/n.气象学methodology/meOe'dolad3i/n.方法论;某一学科一套方法microbe l'maikraubl n.微生物;细菌microbiology/maikraubarolad3i/n.微生物学microfilm/'maikraufilm/n.缩微胶卷;缩微照片v.用缩微法拍摄microorganism/maikreu;o:ganizam/n.微生物microscope/'maikreskaup/n.显微镜microstructure/'meikrau'strAktje,n.微观结构;显微结构。
Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction
New Universal Definition of Myocardial InfarctionAthanasios G. Pipilis, MDRecently, a joint ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF Task Force published an expert consen-sus document on the universal definition of myocardial infarction [1]. The following points are extracts from this document that summarize its main features.The main reason for agreeing on a new definition of myocardial infarction derives from the development and the wide availability of very sensitive and specific serological biomarkers that are able to detect even minimal myocardial necrosis.Acute myocardial infarction is diagnosed when there is evidence of myocardial cell necrosis in the clinical setting of myocardial ischemia. In contrast to the historical World Health Organization (WHO) definition where symptoms, ECG and enzymes had equal weight for the diagnosis (the presence of any two would suffice), today bi-omarkers take precedence with imaging having also a diagnostic role. Consequently, acute myocardial infarction is diagnosed if a rise and fall of cardiac biomarkers (prefer-ably troponin) is detected together with at least one of the following: a) symptoms of ischemia, b) new ST-T changes or new left bundle branch block (LBBB), c) development of pathological Q waves and d) imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality.Prior myocardial infarction requires for its diagnosis any of the following criteria: a) new Q waves, b) imaging of a regional loss of viable myocardium that is thinned and fails to contract and c) pathological findings of a healed or healing myocardium.c L I N I c A L c L A s s I f I c A t I O N O f m Y O c A r D I A LI N f A r c t I O NThe clinical classification of myocardial infarction consists of 5 types:a) Type 1: Spontaneous myocardial infarction related to ischemia due to a primary coronary event (plaque erosion, rupture, fissuring, dissection)b) Type 2: Myocardial infarction secondary to ischemia due to either increased oxygen de-mand or decreased supply (spasm, embolism, anemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, hypoten-sion)c) Type 3: Sudden unexpected death (biomarkers may have not been obtained or not yet raised)d) Type 4: Myocardial infarction associated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (type 4a) and stent thrombosis (type 4b). To diagnose peri-procedural necrosis in patients with normal baseline troponin values, biomarkers should be greater than 3 times the th percentile URL (upper reference limit).e) Type 5: Myocardial infarction associated with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). To diagnose peri-operative necrosis biomarkers should be greater than 5 times the th per-centile URL, together with new Q waves, LBBB, graft or native artery occlusion or imaging of new loss of viable myocardium.Associate Director of Cardiology, Hygeia Hospital, AthensHOSPITAL CHRONICLES 2008, SUPPLEMENT: 52–53Address for correspondence:E-mail: athanasios.pipilis@hygeia.grNEW UNIVERSAL DEFINITION OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION53c A r D I A c b I O m A r K E r s , E c G & I m A G -I N GAlthough elevation of troponin is indicative of myocardial cell damage it does not indicate the mechanism. Therefore several conditions with elevated troponin do not imply overt ischemic heart disease (for example cardiac failure, renal failure, drug toxicity, sepsis, pulmonary embolism).Electrocardiographic manifestation of ischemia that may lead to myocardial infarction are ST segment elevation (with hyperacute symmetrical increased amplitude T-waves being an early finding) or ST segment depression. New ST eleva-tion requires a J point in two contiguous leads ≥0.2 mV in men and ≥0.15 mV in women for leads V2-V3 and ≥0.1 mV for the other leads. New ST depression and T wave changes requires horizontal or down-sloping depression ≥0.05 mV in two contiguous leads and/or T wave inversion ≥0.1 mV in two contiguous leads with a prominent R wave or R/S ratio >1.Imaging techniques are applied in the acute and the healing or healed phase of myocardial infarction. Rest echocardiography is the commonest method used but cannot distinguish ischemia from infarction. Radionuclide imaging, stress echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to identify viability of myocardial tissue.I m P L I c A t I O N sThe new definition of myocardial infarction has several epidemiological and clinical trial implications. In epidemiol-ogy, since biomarkers are able to detect smaller infarcts the incidence of non STEMI is increased while unstable angina is becoming a rarer diagnosis. Therefore, comparison of tempo-ral trends of myocardial infarction incidence in registries will be affected and historical controls may be difficult to evaluate. In clinical trials with myocardial infarction as an outcome, an attempt to quantify myocardial damage by multiples of the th percentile URL of the biomarker is encouraged so that comparisons between various severity categories of infarction can be made possible.Finally, the new definition, with more patients with limited myocardial injuries being diagnosed as myocardial infarctions may have psychological, legal, insurance and professional consequences.s U G G E s t E D r E A D I N G1. Thygesen K, Alpert JS, White HD on behalf of the ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF Joint Task Force for the redefinition of myocardial infarction. Universal definition of myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J 2007; 28: 2525-2538 & J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:2173– 5.2. The Joint ESC/ACC Committee. Myocardial infarction rede-fined—a consensus document of the Joint ESC/ACC Commit-tee for the Redefinition of Myocardial Infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000; 36: 5 –6 .3. Jaffe AS, Babuin L, Apple FS. Biomarkers in acute cardiac dis-ease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48:1–11.4. French JK, White HD. Clinical implications of the new defini-tion of myocardial infarction. Heart 2004; 0: –106.5. Zimetbaum PJ, Josephson ME. Use of the electrocardiogram in acute myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 2003;348: 33– 40.6. Kligfield P, Gettes LS, Bailey JJ, et al. Recommendations for the standardization and interpretation of the electrocar-diogram. Part I: the electrocardiogram and its technology. A scientific statement from the AHA Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee, Council on Clinical Cardiology; the ACC Foundation; and the Heart Rhythm Society. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;4 :110 –27.7. Korosoglou G, Labadze N, Hansen A, et al. Usefulness of real-time myocardial perfusion imaging in the evaluation of patients with first time chest pain. Am J Cardiol 2004; 4:1225–318. Wagner A, Mahrholdt H, Holly TA, et al. Contrast-enhanced MRI and routine single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) perfusion imaging for detection of subendocardial myocardial infarcts: an imaging study. Lancet 2003;361:374 – . . Gosalia A, Haramati LB, Sheth MP, Spindola-Franco H. CT detection of acute myocardial infarction. Am J Roentgenol 2004;182: 1563–6.10. Peels C, Visser CA, Kupper AJ, Visser FC, Roos JP. Usefulness of two-dimensional echocardiography for immediate detection of myocardial ischemia in the emergency room. Am J Cardiol 1 0;65:687– 1.11. Udelson JE, Beshansky JR, Ballin DS, et al. Myocardial perfu-sion imaging for evaluation and triage of patients with suspect-ed acute cardiac ischemia: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2002;288: 26 3–700.12. Kavsak PA, MacRae AR, Lustig V, et al. The impact of the ESC/ACC redefinition of myocardial infarction and new sensi-tive troponin assays on the frequency of acute myocardial in-farction. Am Heart J 2006 Jul;152(1):118-25.。
首先,我们来介绍美国企业Moderna Therapeutics。
Moderna Therapeutics致力于开发mRNA技术,该技术可以根据身体需要自主合成所需的蛋白质。
Moderna Therapeutics通过基因编辑和基因修复等方式,治疗多种疾病,包括癌症和遗传性疾病。
Moderna Therapeutics在细胞与基因治疗领域树立了技术领先地位,被誉为该领域的龙头企业之一。
接下来,我们介绍一家位于瑞士的公司CRISPR Therapeutics。
CRISPR Therapeutics是第一家使用CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑技术进行临床试验的公司之一。
通过CRISPR-Cas9技术,CRISPR Therapeutics旨在治疗遗传性疾病、癌症和传染性疾病等多种疾病。
该公司已与药企Vertex Pharmaceuticals合作,共同开发针对血液病的基因治疗药物。
CRISPR Therapeutics以其领先的技术和丰富的研发经验,成为了细胞与基因治疗领域的重要参与者。
除了以上两家公司,我们还要介绍一家位于中国的企业——蓝思科技(Bluebird Bio)。
心肌标志物(Cardiac biomarkers)是用于诊断和监测心肌损伤
1. 肌钙蛋白与肌酸激酶比对方案:肌钙蛋白(TnI或TnT)是
2. 肌钙蛋白与心肌型肌红蛋白比对方案:心肌型肌红蛋白(Myoglobin)是一种早期释放的心肌标志物,在心肌损伤后
3. 多心肌标志物联合比对方案:由于不同的心肌标志物在心肌损伤的不同阶段释放和升高特点不同,因此,同时检测多个心肌标志物可以提高诊断和监测的准确性。
心脏标志物POCT在基层医院急诊科急性胸痛患者中的应用朱爱华;彭湘富;魏侍萍【期刊名称】《国际医药卫生导报》【年(卷),期】2018(024)021【摘要】Objective To investigate the application value of cardiac biomarkers point of care testing (POCT) in patients with acute chest pain in emergency department of primary hospitals.Methods Each 200 cases of patients with acute chest pain admitted to our hospital before and after the application of cardiac biomarkers POCT in the emergency department were selected as the control group and the observation group respectively.The initial visit time and the residence time in emergency department were compared between the two groups;the diagnosis time,the time of first dose of anticoagulant medication,and the time of transfer to higher-level hospital for interventional treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction were compared between the two groups,and were statistically processed.Results After the application of cardiac biomarkers POCT in the emergency department,the initial visit time and the residence time in emergency department of patients with acute chest pain significantly shortened,with statistically significant differences (P <0.01);the diagnosis time,the time of first dose of anticoagulant medication,and the time of transfer to higher-level hospital for interventional treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarctionsignificantly shortened,with statistically significant differences (P<0.01).Conclusions The application of cardiac biomarkers POCT in patients with acute chest pain in emergency department of primary hospitals,has significantly shortened the initial visit time and the residence time in emergency department,at the same time makes patients with acute myocardial infarction diagnosed and treated in advance.%目的探讨心脏标志物床旁即时检测(point of care testing,POCT)在基层医院急诊科急性胸痛患者中的应用价值.方法选取在急诊科使用心脏标志物POCT前、后就诊的急性胸痛患者各200名作为对照组和观察组,对比两组患者初诊时间、在急诊科停留时间;对比两组中急性心肌梗死患者确诊时间、首服抗凝药物时间、转上级医院介入治疗时间,并进行统计学处理.结果在急诊科使用心脏标志物POCT后,急性胸痛患者初诊时间、在急诊科停留时间明显缩短,结果比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);急性胸痛患者中急性心肌梗死患者确诊时间、首服抗凝药物时间、转上级医院介入治疗时间明显缩短,结果比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论心脏标志物POCT在基层医院急诊科急性胸痛患者中的应用,使急性胸痛患者初诊时间、在急诊科停留时间明显缩短,同时使急性心肌梗死患者得到了提前诊治.【总页数】3页(P3334-3336)【作者】朱爱华;彭湘富;魏侍萍【作者单位】528061 佛山市第一人民医院禅城医院急诊科;528061 佛山市第一人民医院禅城医院急诊科;528061 佛山市第一人民医院禅城医院护理部【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.D-二聚体检测在急诊科急性胸痛患者中的应用观察 [J], 武巧月;赵立安2.胸痛临床评估与诊断流程在急诊科急性胸痛患者诊断中的应用效果 [J], 李莉;武巧月;赵立安3.POCT在急诊科急性冠状动脉综合征患者中的应用及效果评价 [J], 陈海英;谢环英;孙宏娟4.胸痛临床评估与诊断流程在急诊科急性胸痛患者诊断中的应用效果 [J], 邝伟杰5.胸痛临床评估与诊断流程在急诊科急性胸痛患者诊断中的应用效果 [J], 邝伟杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Measurement of circulating cardiac biomarkers has enabled early diagnosis and risk assessment of acute coronary syndrome.Heart type fatty acid binding protein(H-FABP)is a relatively novel marker for the diagnosis of myocardial injury.The purpose of the present study was to compare HFABP with early stage of percutaneous cornary intervention(PCI).
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of mortality in the develped countries.Advances in techniques for the measurement of circulating troponin and creatine kinase myocardial band levels have enabled early diagnosis and risk assessment of myocardial injury in patients presenting with acute chest pain.In addition,H-FABP has recently emerged as a new circulating cardiac biomarker.
• 此外,许多其他因素如:早期 复极化、左室高电压和左束支传导 阻滞均可引起心电图ST段改变,从 而影响对心肌缺血的正确判断。心 电图的诊断价值还受到以下因素限 制:非缺血性因素引起的室壁运动 异常产生的心电图异常;心肌缺血 引而起的损害范围小于室壁厚度的 20%不引起心电图异常。放射性核 素显像在诊断ACS时,敏感性在心 肌损伤少于10克时明显受限;特异 性易受假性室壁变薄影响而受限。 肌钙蛋白(cTn)是心肌梗死的特 异性指标,但须在心肌损伤后4-6 小时才能释放入血而在外周血中检 出,而且在心肌损伤可逆期cTn未 必升高。
• David Bar-Or等[6]以PTCA术中因球囊扩张压迫引起的短暂心肌缺血为 模型研究了ACB试验的动力学,试验选取42名可疑心肌梗死即将接受经皮穿 刺冠状动脉腔内血管成形术(percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty,PTCA)的病人为试验组,选取13名计划行诊断性冠状动脉血管成 形术(术中只插入导管而未行血管成形术)的病人为对照组,试验组病人在 PTCA术前、术后即刻、术后6小时和术后24小时都抽血测IMA、CK-MB、 cTnI。对照组只在术前和术后抽血检测上述指标。研究结果显示:IMA在 PTCA引起的短暂的冠脉闭塞和再灌注后几分钟即显著升高(而对照组无明显 升高提示:试验组缺血是由短暂的球囊压迫引起,而不是因为冠脉中插入导 管所致),而在术后6小时和24小时回复基线无明显升高。这种动力学特征表 明在可疑的缺血发作后进行ACB 试验检测缺血是极好的,而且因为6小时后 该试验结果即可回复基线故可以重复用来检测缺血的反复发作。 Juan Quiles[7]和Iris Paula Garrido[8]等人继续以PTCA术中球囊扩张压迫引起的短 暂心肌缺血为模型研究了IMA水平与心肌缺血严重性的关系。 Juan Quiles发 现PTCA术后IMA升高的水平与术中球囊扩张的压力、扩张的持续时间和扩张 的次数有关。Iris Paula Garrido的研究表明PTCA术后血清IMA在无侧支循环 的病例中升高的水平高于有侧支循环的病例。故上述两项研究均认为IMA不 仅是缺血存在的标志,而且其升高的水平还与心肌缺血的严重程度是有相关 性的。
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Cardiac biomarkers–the old and the new:a review Vikas Singh,Pedro Martinezclark,Mario Pascual,Eric Scot Shaw and William W.O’NeillBiomarkers are biological parameters that can be objectively measured and quantified as indicators of normal biologic processes,pathogenic processes,or responses to a therapeutic intervention.Typically thought of as disease process screening,diagnosing,or monitoring tools,biomarkers may also be used to determine disease susceptibility and eligibility for specific therapies.Cardiac biomarkers are protein components of cell structures that are released into circulation when myocardial injury occurs. They play a pivotal role in the diagnosis,risk stratification, and treatment of patients with chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome and those with acute exacerbations of heart failure.Cardiac markers are central to the new definition of acute myocardial infarction put forward by the American College of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology.Active investigation has brought forward an increasingly large number of novel candidate markers but few have withstood the test of time and become integrated into contemporary clinical care because of their readily apparent diagnostic,prognostic,or therapeutic utility.Coron Artery Dis21:244–256 c2010 Wolters Kluwer Health|Lippincott Williams&Wilkins.Coronary Artery Disease2010,21:244–256Keywords:acute,coronary,novel,protein,syndromeUniversity of Miami,Miller School of Medicine,Miami,Florida,USA Correspondence to Dr Pedro Martinezclark,MD,University of Miami,Miller School of Medicine,1400NW12th Avenue,Suite1179,Miami,FL,33136,USA Tel:+13052435050;fax:+13052435578;e-mail:pmclark@Received4January2010Revised31January2010Accepted2February2010IntroductionBiomarkers are biological parameters that can be objec-tively measured and quantified as indicators of normal biologic processes,pathogenic processes,or responses to a therapeutic intervention.T ypically thought of as disease process screening,diagnosing,or monitoring tools,biomar-kers may also be used to determine disease susceptibility and eligibility for specific therapies.Cardiac biomarkers are protein components of cell structures that are released into circulation when myocardial injury occurs.They play a pivotal role in the diagnosis,risk stratification,and treatment of patients with chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS)as well as those with acute exacerbations of heart failure.Cardiac markers are central to the new definition of acute myocardial infarction(AMI)put forward by the American College of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology[1,2].Active investigation has brought forward an increasingly large number of novel candidate markers but few have withstood the test of time and become integrated into contemporary clinical care because of their readily apparent diagnostic,prognostic,and/or therapeutic utility (T able1).Markers for inflammation and plaque destabilizationC-reactive proteinC-reactive protein(CRP)is a protein found in serum or plasma at elevated levels during an inflammatory process (Fig.1).It is a sensitive marker of acute and chronic inflammation and infection and,in such cases,is increased several hundred-fold.Extensive studies beginning in the early1990s showed elevated CRP levels independently predicted adverse cardiac events at both the primary and secondary prevention levels.More than15prospectively conducted clinical studies have shown CRP to be associated with short-term and long-term morality risk not only for patients with acute and chronic ischemic heart disease but also for those at risk for atherosclerosis[3].Increases in CRP levels detected by assays with expanded sensitivity to very low levels of CRP,so-called high-sensitivity CRP(hs-CRP),showed a strong correla-tion as an independent risk factor for future cardiac events.New rapid tests for CRP at the ultrasensitive level have also been developed.Guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control/AHA indicate that based on results using standardized assays with precision to or below0.3mg/l,cut points of low risk(<1.0mg/l),average risk(1–3mg/l),and high risk(>3.0mg/l)be assigned to those patients with an intermediate10-year CHD risk(10–20%Framingham Risk Score/Adult T reatment Panel III guidelines)[4].hs-CRP predicts new coronary events in patients with ACS and unstable angina(UA),AMI,and risk of res-tenosis after revascularization procedures,independent of troponin T[5].The estimations that more than30% of patients with severe UA do not present with elevated hs-CRP levels along with its nonspecific nature pose a limitation to its use[6].244Perspective0954-6928 c2010Wolters Kluwer Health|Lippincott Williams&Wilkins DOI:10.1097/MCA.0b013e328338cd1fMyeloperoxidaseReleased from activated neutrophils,myeloperoxidase (MPO)is a leukocyte enzyme possessing powerful pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory properties that play important roles in the pathogenesis of destabilization of coronary artery disease(CAD).MPO catalyzes the conversion of chloride and hydrogen peroxide to hypo-chlorite.It has been implicated in the oxidation of lipids contained within LDL cholesterol and consumption of endothelial-derived nitrous oxide,thereby reducing nitrous oxide bioavailability and impairing its vasodilating and anti-inflammatory properties.The blood and leuko-cyte MPO activity is found to be higher in patients with CAD than angiographically verified normal indivi-duals[7].A recent study has shown an association of MPO levels with the risk of future CAD in an apparently healthy population[8].Thus,even in the absence of myocardial necrosis and in negative cardiac troponin patients,baseline measurements of MPO significantly enhance the identification of patients at risk.New rapid tests for MPO levels have been developed and studies suggest that a value of more than350m g/l is associated with a considerably increased risk of heart attack[9].MPO plays a role in the degradation of the fibrous cap,making it both a marker of inflammation (neutrophil activation)and plaque instability(that precedes ACS).This property makes MPO a useful marker for short-term risk stratification.F urther validation studies on MPO in the general emergency department (ED)chest pain population are needed to determine its sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value,and negative predictive value(NPV).Matrix metalloproteinasesMatrix metalloproteinases(MMPs)are a family of proteolytic enzymes that cleave the extracellular matrix and have been shown to be regulated by a class of proteins called tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. The MMPs are found in most tissues and are regulated byTable1Clinical utility-based classification of cardiac biomarkersInflammation and plaquedestabilization Ischemia Early necrosis Intermediate/late necrosis Heart failureC-reactive protein(CRP) hs-CRP Ischemia-modified albumin Myoglobin CK-MB Brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)Myeloperoxidase Glycogen phosphorylase enzymeBB(GPBB)Creatinine kinase MBisoforms-CKMB2Cardiac troponins(cTn)cTnTcTnITerminal fragment ofprohormone of BNPMatrix metalloproteinases Free fatty acids Soluble CD-40L(sCD40L)Fatty acid binding proteinsPregnancy-associated plasma protein A Phospholipase enzymes(A–D) Lipoprotein associatedphospholipase A2Placenta growth factor Interleukin-6Fig.1Platelets: sCD40L Lipid core:PAPP-AIL-6Macrophage:MMPOMMP-22IMAGPBBFABPLP-PLA2Biomarkers for plaque destabilization and ischemia.FABP,fatty acid binding protein;FFA,free fatty acids;GPBB,glycogen phosphorylase enzyme BB in brain;IL-6,interleukin-6;IMA,ischemia-modified albumin;LP-PLA2,lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2;MMP,matrix metalloproteinase; PAPP-A,pregnancy-associated plasma protein A;sCD40L,soluble CD40ligand.Cardiac biomarkers–the old and the new Singh et al.245transcription in response to growth factors,cytokines, and hormones,and,extracellularly,in the form of pro-hormones,whose breakdown occurs mostly in response to plasmin.They are sub-grouped based on substrate specificity and structure,with MMP-2and MMP-9, (gelatinases)being of most current interest in inflamma-tion and cardiac disease.Several studies have shown that extracellular matrix degradation by MMPs,specifically MMP-9,are involved in the pathogenesis of a wide spectrum of cardiovascular disorders,including athero-sclerosis,restenosis,cardiomyopathy,congestive heart failure,MI,and aortic aneurysm[10,11].Similar to MPOs,the proteinases MMP-2and MMP-9are released from macrophages within the atherosclerotic plaques and have attracted attention as markers of plaque rupture.In patients with ACS MMP-2and MMP-9,levels at hospital admission are found to be two to three-fold higher as compared to that of patients with stable angina pectoris [12,13].Studies measuring MMP-9have indicated it to be another risk factor for assessing the severity of CAD in patients with ST-elevation MI[14].Soluble CD40ligandThe CD40and CD40ligand(CD40L)system is expressed on a variety of cell types including activated platelets,vascular endothelial cells,vascular smooth muscle cells,monocytes,and macrophages.After ex-pression on the cell surface,CD40L is partly cleaved by proteases and subsequently released into the circulation as soluble CD40L(sCD40L)that can be detected in serum and plasma.The main source of circulating sCD40L is platelets[15].It also shows that the anti-platelet treatment using the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa re-ceptor antagonist abciximab is beneficial to patients with elevated sCD40L levels[16].Several clinical studies have consistently reported that sCD40L is elevated in patients with ACS and that it provides prognostic information with therapeutic implications independent of established cardiac markers,for example cardiac troponins[16].Furthermore,patients with UA have higher plasma concentrations of sCD40L than healthy volunteers or those with stable angina,and elevation of sCD40L in this setting indicates a higher risk for recurrent events[16,17].The current standard for recurrent MI prediction by simultaneous assessment of sCD40L and cardiac troponin I(cTnI)yields indepen-dent and complementary prognostic information,thus enabling more powerful prediction of adverse cardiac outcomes[18].Increases in sCD40L have also been shown in a number of different inflammatory processes, so it is not specific for cardiac inflammation.No commercially available kit has been approved by the FDA to date and more studies using large cohorts will be required to validate the clinical use of sCD40L indepen-dently or in combination with other markers in the prediction of cardiovascular events after ACS.Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and placenta growth factorHuman pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A(PAPP-A) is a200kDa metalloproteinase belonging to the metzin-cin superfamily of zinc peptidases originally identi-fied in the serum of pregnant women before delivery [19–21].The role of PAPP-A in tissue other than placenta including fibroblasts,vascular smooth muscle cells, and male and female reproductive tissues has been explored[22,23].PAPP-A,found equally in men and women,is histologically abundant in eroded and ruptured plaques but is not expressed in stable plaques[24]. Pregnancy-associated protein A is one of six different proteases that degrades insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.This proteolytic degradation of the insulin-like growth factor binding proteins is considered the predominant mechanism for the release of bioactive insulin growth factor-1(IGF-1)[25].A large study has illustrated that decreases in IGF-1appear to be cardio protective,yet some research shows that increases in PAPP-A,which should also increase the bioavailability of IGF-1,may be a relevant marker for the presence and extent of coronary atherosclerosis[26].It is believed that PAPP-A is released during plaque destabilization and appears to be a valuable indicator of UA and AMI in patients lacking other indicators of necrosis[24].In a study of patients with angiographi-cally confirmed ACS,an elevated level of serum PAPP-A was a strong independent predictor of nonfatal AMI or death.Elevated PAPP-A levels were able to identify patients at risk[27].PAPP-A as a marker can detect plaque rupture before markers that indicate onset of MI and myocardial necrosis.This capability for early determination of event risk makes PAPP-A a promising novel cardiac biomarker with potential applications for CAD risk assessment,diagnosis,and management. Placental growth factor is a member of the vascular endothelial growth factor family that stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth,recruits macrophages into atherosclerotic lesions,upregulates production of tumor necrosis factor-a and monocyte chemotactic protein1by macrophages,and stimulates pathological angiogenesis [28].It appears to be an initiator of the inflammatory process and a promising biomarker of plaque formation and plaque rupture.In one study,elevated placenta growth factor(P1GF)levels not only identified patients with acute chest pain who developed ACS,but also those patients with an increased risk of recurrent instability after hospital discharge[29].In another study comprising over32000women,an elevated level of PlGF was associated with an elevated risk for cardiovascular disease and subsequent cardiovascular events over a14-year follow-up period[30].The definite value of PAPP-A and PlGF still needs to be proven in larger studies.246Coronary Artery Disease2010,Vol21No4Interleukin-6Interleukin-6(IL-6)is a cytokine,a nonantibody protein, and intercellular mediator.Cytokine IL-6is produced by a variety of cells in the body;plasma concentrations reflect both the intensity of plaque vulnerability to rupture and,following percutaneous coronary interven-tion,restenosis.Cytokine IL-6is involved in the patho-genesis of ACS and has the following effects:stimulating the linear production of fibrinogen and CRP,stimulating the macrophage to produce tissue factor and MMPs, platelet aggregation,adhesion molecules,tumor necrosis factor,and vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation[31]. Cytokine IL-6predicts future MIs in healthy men and total mortality in the elderly[32].Elevation of circulating IL-6is a strong and independent marker of increased mortality in acute coronary events[33,34].Current value of inflammation markers Aforementioned markers for inflammation and plaque destabilization are nonspecific to cardiac disease but have,time and again,proved to be useful adjuncts as diagnostic markers for ACS in the ED when used in combination with TnI and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP).hs-CRP is the most valuable among these and predicts new coronary events in such cardiac patients independent of troponin T.Elevated PAPP-A levels identify patients with UA even in the absence of elevations in cTn or hs-CRP levels;there are,unfortu-nately,no currently available tests in a point-of-care testing(POCT)format.Although increased MPO has a role superior to that of PAPP-A,CD40L,and cytokines,is still inferior to CRP[35].Markers for ischemiaThe aim of diagnostic markers is to identify patients with ACS even in the absence of myocyte necrosis evidence (Fig.1).Ischemia-modified albuminAlbumin loses its ability to bind transitional metals like copper,cobalt,nickel in its N terminus region as it undergoes conformational change because of ischemia. This alteration is most likely caused by hypoxia,acidosis, free radical injury or energy-dependent membrane dis-ruption[36–38].This decrease in binding capacity can be measured by addition of a specified amount of cobalt to the patient’s serum followed by a colorimetric assay that determines the amount of unbound cobalt.This assay has been reported to be positive within minutes of ischemia, peaking within6h,and remains elevated for up to12h, thus allowing detection before the development of myo-cardial necrosis[as evidenced by normal levels of creati-nine kinase isoenzyme(CK-MB),troponin and,myoglobin] [39–42].Studies have also shown that ischemia-modified albumin (IMA)is a sensitive biomarker for the identification of ACS in patients presenting to the ED with typical chest pain at rest[43].The albumin cobalt binding test has been approved by the FDA for use as a rule-out marker for acute myocardial ischemia.The optimum cut-off for IMA,for ruling out ACS,is85kU/l and the higher values of100kU/l or more can be used for risk stratification.A meta-analysis of current data has shown that the finding of a negative IMA result,negative cTnT measurements, and a normal or nondiagnostic ECG,has a high NPV for excluding ACS in the ED[44].It is estimated that approximately1–2%of the total albumin concentration in the normal population is IMA compared to6–8%in patients experiencing ischemia and it is also found to be elevated in most patients with cirrhosis,bacterial and viral infections,advanced cancers, stroke(brain ischemia),and end-stage renal disease. Studies on the use of IMA in patients with chest pain in the ED have found sensitivities that ranged from71to 98%,and specificities of45–65%,with a NPV of90–97% for ACS.Thus,the main limitation of IMA at the present time is its low specificity.Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BBGlycogen phosphorylase(GP)plays an essential role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by mobi-lization of glycogen[45].It catalyses the first step in glycogenolysis in which glycogen is converted to glucose-1-phosphate,utilizing inorganic phosphate.The physio-logical form of GP is a dimer,which is composed of two identical subunits.Three different GP isoenzymes have been described in human tissues:GPLL(liver),GPMM (muscle),and GPBB(brain).Although isoenzymes BB and MM are found in the heart,GPBB is predominant. However,tissue concentrations of GPBB in the heart and brain are comparable raising issues with specificity[46]. In cardiomyocytes,GP is associated with glycogen and the sarcoplasmatic reticulum and forms a macromolecular complex,the sarcoplasmatic reticulum glycogenolysis complex[47,48].The metabolic state of the myocardium determines the degree of association of GP with this complex.With the onset of tissue hypoxia,GP is thereby converted from a particulate,structurally bound form into a soluble,cytoplasmatic form[47,49].A high GPBB concentration gradient is immediately formed in the perisarcoplasmatic reticulum compartment and GPBB is released from cardiomyocytes upon an increase in the cell membrane permeability.This makes GPBB an early marker for detection of ischemic myocardial damage. GPBB is not a heart-specific marker.However,its increase is rather specific for ischemic myocardial injury when damage to the brain and consequent disturbance of the blood–brain barrier can be excluded.GPBB levels increase between1and4h from chest pain onset and return to the reference interval within1–2days after AMI onset[50,51].Similar to other soluble markers, Cardiac biomarkers–the old and the new Singh et al.247such as myoglobin and CK-MB,it can be shown that GPBB time courses in AMI patients are markedly influenced by the fact of whether early reperfusion of the infarct-related coronary artery occurs.The acceler-ated GPBB release from cardiomyocytes after successful thrombolysis leads to a more rapid increase in GPBB, earlier and usually also higher peak values.GPBB thus may be useful,along with other soluble myocardial proteins,for assessing the effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy noninvasively.GPBB also increases,early on,in patients with UA and reversible ST-T alterations in the resting ECG at hospital admission and could be useful for early risk stratification in these patients[51,52]. GPBB is a promising marker for the early diagnosis of ACSs and could probably act as a marker of ischemia. However,further studies on specificity and development of a fast,automated assay are necessary before GPBB can be recommended as a routine diagnostic tool[53].Free fatty acidsFree fatty acids(FFAs)play several essential roles in physiologic homeostasis.Plasma long-chain fatty acids are either esterified to glycerol or nonesterified(or FFAs), most of which are bound to albumin.Under aerobic conditions,nonesterified long-chain FFAs represent the primary metabolic sources for the myocardium,account-ing for almost two-thirds of the ATP generated[54].The mechanism for uptake of FFAs into myocytes remains unclear but involves passive diffusion and/or active carrier-mediated transport.In the cytoplasm,long-chain FFAs are bound to fatty acid binding proteins(FABPs), which presumably facilitates their transport to the outer mitochondrial membrane where they become esterified/activated by long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase. Once activated,acyl-CoA esters are directed mainly to b-oxidation,but some may be stored as triglycerides or converted into membrane phospholipids.During hypoxia and ischemia,nonesterified fatty acids/FFAs have dama-ging effects on heart tissue and have been associated with an increased incidence of ventricular dysrhythmias and death in patients with AMI[55,56].Although most of the FFAs in serum are bound to albumin,a small amount is unbound;this is frequently referred to as the‘free’fraction.Serum FFAu concentrations are determined from the ratio of total serum FFAs to total serum albumin [57].Several studies suggest that increased unbound FFA concentration(FFAu),which is determined from the ratio of total serum FFAs to total serum albumin,may provide an early indicator of myocardial ischemia[58].Although the exact mechanism is not clear,it has been suggested that increased unbound FFAs result from catecholamine stimulated lipolysis in conjunction with a reduction of FFA utilization in myocardial ischemia.A POCT method for the determination of unbound FFA has already been developed(FFA Sciences)and has turned out to be quick (turnaround-time<1min)and precise(coefficient of variation7%)while requiring as little as15m l of plasma [59,60].This method uses a recombinant fatty acid binding protein labeled with a fluorescent probe of FFAu termed acrylodated intestinal fatty acid binding protein.When FFA binds to acrylodated intestinal fatty acid–binding protein,the fluorescent tag is displaced, thus producing a spectral shift that can be measured with a hand-held reader.Current data,although limited,suggest that monitoring of FFAu concentrations in patients presenting with ischemic symptoms may provide an early indication of cardiac ischemia.Fatty acid binding proteinsFABPs are relatively small(15kDa)intracellular proteins that are abundantly produced in tissues having active fatty acid metabolism,including the heart,liver,and intestine[61].FABPs bind long-chain fatty acids rever-sibly and noncovalently.Currently,nine distinct FABP types have been identified,with each type showing a characteristic pattern of tissue distribution and a stable intracellular half-life of2–3days[61].Several studies investigated H-FABP’s application as a biochemical marker of myocardial injury after it was first shown to be released from injured myocardium in1988.The H-FABP isoform is produced not only in cardiomyocytes but also,to a lesser extent,in skeletal muscle,distal tubular cells of the kidney,specific parts of the brain,lactating mammary glands,and placenta[62–64].H-FABP is not found in the circulation(plasma concentration<5m g/l)under nonpathological conditions and is rapidly released after AMI.H-FABP secretion into the interstitial space may be mediated by increased permeability of the myocardial cell membrane associated with severe ischemia[65].It has been shown that sequential H-FABP monitoring by only two samples,at admission and1h after admission, can reliably diagnose AMI within1h with a0.995area under the curve value in receiver operating characteristic curve analysis.In addition,100%of non-AMI can be excluded with no false-negative results[66].Therefore, H-FABP has been touted as an alternative to myoglobin but its limitations include a lack of complete cardiac specificity,a relatively small diagnostic window of24–30h after the acute event,and the probability of falsely increased values in patients with renal insufficiency cardiac specificity.H-FABP and myoglobin ratios have similar predictive accuracies for early detection of successful coronary reperfusion[67].Serial plasma H-FABP or myoglobin concentrations may be used for infarct sizing within the first24h after symptom onset only in AMI patients with normal renal function[68].Several immunosensors have been developed using enzyme amperometric,immuno-optical,or immunoassay technologies,as reviewed by Chan et al.[66].At present there is only one immunochromatographic POCT assay248Coronary Artery Disease2010,Vol21No4for H-FABP(rennesens CardioDetect)available commer-cially.The use of H-FABP in ruling out MI in patients with ACS is promising but needs further study. Phospholipase enzymes and cholineThe idea of a marker of plaque destabilization for the very early diagnosis of patients with MI is very attractive. Here,the marker is effectively a surrogate for direct detection of ischemia.Plaque rupture/erosion is the underlying pathophysiological event,which will lead to ischemia then to infarction.A plaque rupture marker does not have the problems of need for a gold standard to diagnose ischemia as hard outcomes such as death, AMI,and major adverse cardiac events(death,AMI, readmission with UA,and need for urgent revasculariza-tion)can be used as endpoints.A plaque rupture marker may still have the problem of cardiospecificity.There is a significant interest in the possibility that choline and phospholipase A2and D may be good markers of plaque instability.Phospholipases are enzymes subgrouped into four major categories(A–D)that catalyze phospho-lipids into fatty acids and another lipophilic substance. Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2,also known as platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase,is regulated by mediators of inflammation.It circulates bound mainly to LDL and HDL and has been found to correlate with the levels of LDL,another indicator of CAD[69].In one study lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2was associated with an almost two-fold increase in stroke in the selected population coupled with a six-fold increase in hyperten-sive individuals,leading to interest in its assay[70]. Phospholipase D catalyzes membrane-bound phospho-lipids producing phosphatidic acid and choline.It is also involved with the promotion of fibrinogen binding to platelets[71].Several experimental studies support the concept that phospholipase D activation is a key event in early ischemic membrane damage and in coronary plaque destabilization.Choline has been identified as a pro-mising marker for ACS by metabolic screening of human blood[72].Choline appears to be useful for risk stratifications in patients with angina pectoris,particu-larly if tests for troponins are negative on admission. Increased levels of plasma and whole blood choline concentrations are observed in tissue ischemia in patients with negative troponin values.Choline is not a marker for myocardial necrosis but indicated high-risk UA in patients without AMI(sensitivity86.4%,specificity86.2%)[73]. Assessment of both increased levels of plasma and whole blood choline may prove to be useful in patients suspected of ACS.At present,reliable choline assays are based on high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, but development of rapid central laboratory assays and POCT for choline is expected to help to identify such high-risk patients in the emergency room as well.Current value of ischemia markersAlthough markers for ischemia are not specific to cardiovascular disease,further clinical studies are war-ranted so that this exciting tool may be used to routinely detect MI before myocardial necrosis.At present,IMA’s role is limited to ruling out ischemia rather than as a diagnostic test for the occurrence of ischemia because of its lack of specificity.Increased GPBB is specific for ischemic myocardial injury and has shown potential in assessing the effectiveness of thrombolytic therapy and in early diagnosis of ACS;however,a quick automated assay is not yet widely available.POCT has been developed both for FFA and H-FABP.FFA promises to be an early indicator of myocardial ischemia and H-FABP’s role in diagnosing AMI has been found to be comparable with myoglobin.Early markers for cardiac tissue necrosisMyoglobinMyoglobin is a heme protein that is found in all striated muscle fibers,which accounts for about2%of both skeletal and cardiac tissue mass(Fig.2).The small molecular weight of myoglobin allows it to be rapidly released during skeletal muscle injury and cardiac tissue necrosis[74].This is unlike creatine kinase and its isoform CK-MB,which are larger molecules and are released more slowly after an AMI[75].Myoglobin typically rises2–4h after onset of infarction,peaks at 6–12h,and returns to normal within24–36h(Fig.2).In one study measurement of myoglobin levels in blood samples obtained2h after the patient came to the ED with chest pain had a sensitivity of100%for detecting AMI[76].Myoglobin is released in a pulsatile manner,so serial testing with early presentation may be needed [77].Myoglobin has an excellent NPV(99.9vs.95%for CK-MB)if determined early enough to onset of symptoms,generally within the first hour[78].Rapid Fig.2100010010Hours after chest painRelativemarkerincrease10.1Early,intermediate,and late cardiac markers for necrosis.Cardiac biomarkers–the old and the new Singh et al.249。