1. 折射和玻璃的相关概念折射是光线在通过两种介质界面时改变传播方向的现象。
2. 折射定律当光线从一种介质射向另一种介质时,它会满足一定的折射定律。
这个定律可以通过数学公式来描述:n1*sin(θ1) = n2*sin(θ2),其中n1和n2分别代表两种介质的折射率,θ1和θ2分别代表入射角和折射角。
3. 玻璃的折射率玻璃是一种典型的介质,具有特定的折射率。
4. 全反射当光线从折射率较高的介质射向折射率较低的介质时,可能会发生全反射的现象。
5. 玻璃的折射应用玻璃的折射特性使其在很多实际应用中得到了广泛的应用。
6. 玻璃折射的影响因素玻璃折射的特性受到多种因素的影响,包括材料的折射率、入射角度、波长等。
7. 折射角和入射角的关系折射定律描述了折射角和入射角之间的关系,它们之间通过介质的折射率相关联。
8. 折射和色散色散是光线在通过介质时发生波长分离的现象。
以下是一些常见的光学玻璃参数及其详解:1. 折射率(Refractive Index):折射率是光线从真空中进入玻璃时的折射比值。
2. 色散(Dispersion):色散是光线经过光学玻璃时,不同波长的光被折射的程度不同,导致光的分散现象。
3. 热膨胀系数(Thermal Expansion Coefficient):热膨胀系数表示光学玻璃随温度变化时的尺寸变化。
4. 导热系数(Thermal Conductivity):导热系数表示光学玻璃传导热量的能力。
5. 抗光蚀性(Optical Durability):抗光蚀性表示光学玻璃抵抗环境中光蚀和化学侵蚀的能力。
6. 透过率(Transmittance):透过率表示光线通过光学玻璃时的光强损失程度。
第8章 玻璃的光学性质玻璃的光学性质是指玻璃的折射、反射、吸收和透射等性质。
光是一种电磁波,具有一定的波长和频率,且以极高的速度在空间传播(光速约为3×108m/s )。
从图8-1中可看出,可见光在整个电磁波中只是很窄的一个波段(390~770nm )。
如果用折射率来表示光速的降低,则:V C n / (8-1)式中:n —玻璃的折射率C —光在真空中的传播速度 V —光在玻璃中的传播速度 一般玻璃的折射率为1.5~1.75频率/Hz 图8-1电磁波的频率和波长范围 波长/nmnm光在真空中的传播速度不同于在玻璃中的传播速度,因为光波是电磁波,而玻璃内部有着各种带电的质点,如离子、离子集团和电子。
1. 自然光的色散当自然光通过一个透明的物质(如水、玻璃等)时,会因为其不同波长的光成分具有不同的速度而发生色散现象。
2. 色散的衍射理论色散现象可以通过衍射理论来解释。
3. 色散的应用色散现象在实际应用中有着广泛的应用。
1. 折射定律折射定律是描述光在媒介界面上的折射规律的基本定律。
它可以用数学公式表示为:n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2,其中n1和n2分别代表两种媒介的折射率,θ1和θ2分别代表光线入射角和出射角。
2. 折射率与波速折射率与光的传播速度有密切的关系。
根据光速在真空中的恒定性,可以得到折射率与光速之间的关系:n = c/v,其中n代表折射率,c代表光在真空中的速度,v代表光在媒介中的速度。
3. 折射率的应用折射率在光学领域中具有广泛的应用。
8.4.1 玻璃的红外吸收 一般认为在红外区的吸收属于分子光谱。 吸收主要是由于红外光的频率与玻璃中分子振子
(或原子团)的本征频率相近或相同引起共振所致。 物质振动频率可表示为:
1 f 2 M
玻璃形成氧化物M较小,f较大,故ν大;铅玻璃和 一些非氧玻璃相对M较大,f较小,故ν小。
一般,网络外体加入量越多、离子半径越大、电荷 越小,玻璃的紫外吸收极限波长越长。
子折射度 R i 决定的。
分子折射度越大,玻璃的折射率越大; 分子体积越大,玻璃的折射率越小。
玻璃的折射率由玻璃的分子体积和玻璃的分子折射 度决定。
玻璃的分子体积标志着结构的紧密程度。取决于网络的 体积及网络外空隙的填充程度,与组成玻璃各种阳离子 半径有关。对于原子价相同的氧化物,阳离子半径越大, 玻璃的分子体积越大。
时变化更迅速的色散现象。 反常色散:当光波波长接近于材料的吸收带时所发
生的折射率急剧变化,在吸收带的长波侧折射率高, 在吸收带的短波侧折射率低的现象。
8.1.3 玻璃折射率与温度的关系 玻璃折射率是温度的函数。当温度上升时,折射率
温度升高,玻璃受热膨胀密度减小,折射率下降; 温度升高,阳离子对O2-的作用减小,极化率增加,折射
率增大;电子振动的本征频率减小,紫外线吸收极限向 长波方向移动,折射率上升。
nRddR t t t
温度的变化 R 和热膨胀系数随温度的变化 d 。
数主要取决于 R ,折射率随温度上升而增加。Fra bibliotek低温时,
DATE May 2004 PAGE 1/15TIE-29: Refractive Index and Dispersion0. IntroductionThe most important property of optical glass is the refractive index and its dispersion behavior.This technical information gives an overview of the following topics:- Dispersiono Principal dispersion (page 2) o Secondary spectrum (page 3)o Sellmeier dispersion equation (page 4)- Temperature dependence of refractive index (page 6)- Influence of the fine annealing process on the refractive index and Abbe number(page 9)- Tolerances (page 12)- Refractive index measurement (page 13)1. Refractive IndexIf light enters a non-absorbing homogeneous materials reflection and refraction occurs at the boundary surface. The refractive index n is given by the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum c to that of the medium vvc n =(1-1)The refractive index data given in the glass catalogue are measured relative to the refractive index measured in air. The refractive index of air is very close to 1.Practically speaking the refractive index is a measure for the strength of deflection occurring at the boundary surface due to the refraction of the light beam. The equation describing the amount of deflection is called Snell’s law:)sin()sin(2211αα⋅=⋅n n (1-2)The refractive index is a function of the wavelength. The most common characteristic quantity for characterization of an optical glass is the refractive index n in the middle range of the visible spectrum. This principal refractive index is usually denoted as n d – the refractive index at the wavelength 587.56 nm or in many cases as n e at the wavelength 546.07 nm.2. Wavelength Dependence of Refractive Index: DispersionThe dispersion is a measure of the change of the refractive index with wavelength. Dispersion can be explained by applying the electromagnetic theory to the molecular structure of matter. If an electromagnetic wave impinges on an atom or a molecule the bound charges vibrate at the frequency of the incident wave.DATE May 2004 PAGE 2/15The bound charges have resonance frequency at a certain wavelength. A plot of the refractive index as a function of the wavelength for fused silica can be seen in Figure 2-1. It can be seen that in the main spectral transmission region the refractive index increases towards shorter wavelength. Additionally the dotted line shows the absorption coefficient as a function of the wavelength.Figure 2-1: Measured optical constants of fused silica (SiO 2 glass) [1]2.1 Principal DispersionThe difference (n F – n C ) is called the principal dispersion. n F and n C are the refractive indices at the 486.13 nm and 656.27 nm wavelengths.The most common characterization of the dispersion of optical glasses is the Abbe number. The Abbe number is defined as)/()1(C F d d n n n −−=ν (2.1-1)Sometimes the Abbe number is defined according to the e line as)/()1(C F e e n n n ′′−−=ν (2.1-2).Traditionally optical glasses in the range of νd > 50 are called crown glasses, the other ones as flint glasses.Glasses having a low refractive index in general also have a low dispersion behaviour e.g. a high Abbe number. Glasses having a high refractive index have a high dispersion behaviour and a low Abbe number.DATE May 2004 PAGE 3/152.2. Secondary SpectrumThe characterization of optical glass through refractive index and Abbe number alone is insufficient for high quality optical systems. A more accurate description of the glass properties is achievable with the aid of the relative partial dispersions.The relative partial dispersion P x,y for the wavelengths x and y is defined by the equation:)/()(,C F y x y x n n n n P −−= (2.2-1)As Abbe demonstrated, the following linear relationship will approximately apply to the majority of glasses, the so-called ”normal glasses”d xy xy y x b a P ν⋅+≈, (2.2-2)a xy andb xy are specific constants for the given relative partial dispersion.In order to correct the secondary spectrum (i.e. color correction for more than two wavelengths) glasses are required which do not conform to this rule. Therefore glass types having deviating partial dispersion from Abbe’s empirical rule are especially interesting.As a measure of the deviation of the partial dispersion from Abbe’s rule the ordinate difference ∆P is introduced. Instead of relation (2.2-2) the following generally valid equation is used:y x d xy xy y x P b a P ,,∆+⋅+=ν (2.2-3)The term ∆P x,y therefore quantitatively describes a dispersion behavior that deviates from that of the ”normal glasses.”The deviations ∆P x,y from the ”normal lines” are listed for the following five relative partial dispersions for each glass type in the data sheets.)/()()/()()/()()/()()/,,,,C F g i g i C F F g F g C F e F e F C F s C s C C F t C C,t n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n (n )n (n P −−=−−=−−=−−=−−= (2.2-4)The position of the normal lines is determined based on value pairs of the glass types K7 and F2. The explicit formulas for the deviations ∆P x,y of the above-mentioned five relative partial dispersions are:DATE May 2004 PAGE 4/15)008382.07241.1()/()()001682.06438.0()/()()000526,04884.0()/()()002331.04029.0()/()()004743.05450.0()/()(,,,,,d C F g i g i d C F F g F g d C F e F e F d C F s C s C d C F t C t C n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P ννννν⋅−−−−=∆⋅−−−−=∆⋅−−−−=∆⋅+−−−=∆⋅+−−−=∆ (2.2-5)Figure 2.2-1 shows the P g,F versus the Abbe number νd diagram.Figure 2.2-1: P g,F as a function of the Abbe number for Schott’s optical glass sortiment.Additionally the normal line is given.The relative partial dispersions listed in the catalog were calculated from refractive indices to 6 decimal places. The dispersion formula (2.3-1) can be used to interpolate additional unlisted refractive indices and relative partial dispersions (see chapter 2.3).2.3. Sellmeier Dispersion EquationThe Sellmeier Equation is especially suitable for the progression of refractive index in the wavelength range from the UV through the visible to the IR area (to 2.3 µm). It is derived from the classical dispersion theory and allows the description of the progression of refractive index over the total transmission region with one set of data and to calculate accurate intermediate values.DATE May 2004 PAGE 5/15)()()(1)(3223222212212C B C B C B n −⋅+−⋅+−⋅=−λλλλλλλ (2.3-1)The determination of the coefficients was performed for all glass types on the basis of precision measurements by fitting the dispersion equation to the measurement values. The coefficients are listed in the data sheets.The dispersion equation is only valid within the spectral region in which refractive indices are listed in the data sheets of each glass. Interpolation is possible within these limits. The wavelengths used in the equation have to be inserted in µm with the same number of digits as listed in Table 2.3-1. For practical purposes Equation 2.3-1 applies to refractive indices in air at room temperature. The achievable precision of this calculation is generally better than 1·10-5 in the visible spectral range. The coefficients of the dispersion equation can be reported for individual glass parts upon request. This requires a precision measurement for the entire spectral region, provided the glass has sufficient transmission.Table 2.3-1: Wavelengths for a selection of frequently used spectral linesDATE May 2004 PAGE 6/153. Temperature Dependence of Refractive IndexThe refractive indices of the glasses are not only dependent on wavelength, but also upon temperature. The relationship of refractive index change to temperature change is called the temperature coefficient of refractive index. This can be a positive or a negative value. The data sheets contain information on the temperature coefficients of refractive index for several temperature ranges and wavelengths. The temperature coefficients of the relative refractive indices ∆n rel /∆T apply for an air pressure of 0.10133·106 Pa. The coefficients of the absolute refractive indices dn abs /dT apply for vacuum.The temperature coefficients of the absolute refractive indices can be calculated for other temperatures and wavelengths values with the aid of equation (3-1).)232(),(21),(),(22102210002TKabs TE E T D T D D T n T n dT T dn λλλλλ−∆⋅⋅++∆⋅⋅+∆⋅⋅+⋅⋅−= (3-1)Definitions:T 0 Reference temperature (20°C) T Temperature (in °C) ∆T Temperature difference versus T 0 λ Wavelength of the electromagnetic wave in a vacuum (in µm) D 0, D 1, D 2, E 0, E 1 and λTK : constants depending on glass typeThis equation is valid for a temperature range from -40°C to +80°C and wavelengths between 0.6438 µm and 0.4358 µm. The constants of the dispersion formula are also calculated from the measurement data and listed on the test certificate.The temperature coefficients in the data sheets are guideline values. Upon request, measurements can be performed on individual melts in the temperature range from -100°C to +140°C and in the wavelength range from 0.3650 µm to 1.014 µm with a precision better than ± 5·10-7/K. The accuracy at the limits of the measurement range is somewhat less than in the middle of this interval.The temperature coefficients of the relative refractive indices ∆n rel /∆T and the values for ∆n abs can be calculated with the help of the equations listed in Technical Information TI Nr. 19 (available upon request).Figures 3-1 to 3-4 show the absolute temperature coefficient of refractive index for different glasses, temperatures and wavelengths.DATE May 2004 PAGE 7/15DATE May 2004PAGE 8/15SF 6.DATE May 2004 PAGE 9/154. Influence of the Fine Annealing Process on the Refractive Index and Abbe numberThe optical data for a glass type are chiefly determined by the chemical composition and thermal treatment of the melt. The annealing rate in the transformation range of the glass can be used to influence the refractive index within certain limits (depending on the glass type and the allowable stress birefringence). Basically slower annealing rates yield higher refractive indices. In practice, the following formula has proven itself.)/log()()(00h h m h n h n x nd d x d ⋅+= (4-1) h 0 Original annealing rate h x New annealing rate m nd ? Annealing coefficient for the refractive index depending on the glass typeThe refractive index dependence on annealing rate is graphically shown in Figure 4-1.Figure 4-1: Dependence of refractive index on the annealing rate for several glass types. Reference annealing rate is 7 K/hAn analogous formula applies to the Abbe number.)/log()()(00h h m h h x d d x d ⋅+=ννν (4-2) m νd ? Annealing coefficient for the Abbe number depending on the glass typeThe annealing coefficient m νd can be calculated with sufficient accuracy with the following equation:)/())((0C F nC nF d nd d n n m h m m −⋅−=−νν (4-3)The coefficient m nF-nC has to be determined experimentally.DATE May 2004 PAGE 10/15Figure 4-2 shows that individual glass types vary greatly in their dependence of t he Abbe number on the annealing rate. In general also the Abbe number increases with decreasing annealing rate. High index lead free glass types like N-SF6 show anomalous behavior. Anomalous behaviour means that the Abbe number decreases with decreasing annealing rate.Figure 4-2: Abbe number as a function of the annealing rate for several glass types. Reference annealing rate is 7 K/hValues for Annealing coefficients of some optical glasses are shown in Table 4-1. We will provide the values for the annealing coefficients of our glasses upon request.m nd m nF-nc m νdN-BK7 -0.00087 -0.000005 -0.0682 N-FK51 -0.00054 -0.000002 -0.0644 SF 6 -0.00058 +0.000035 -0.0464 N-SF6 -0.0025 -0.000212 0.0904Table 4-1: Annealing coefficients for several selected glass typesThe annealing rate can be used to adjust the refractive index and Abbe number to the desired tolerance range.In practice the annealing rate influences the refractive index and the Abbe number simultaneously. Figure 4-3 shows a diagram of the Abbe number versus the refractive index for N -BK7. The rectangular boxes indicate the tolerance limits (steps) for the refractive index and the Abbe number. For example the largest box with a dotted frame indicates the tolerance borders for step 3 in refractive index and step 4 in Abbe number. The smallest box indicates step 1 in refractive index and Abbe number. In the center of the frames is the nominal catalog value.DATE May 2004PAGE 11/15 After melting the optical glass is cooled down at a high annealing rate. To control the refractive index during the melting process samples are taken directly from the melt after each casting. These samples are cooled down very fast together with a reference sample of the same glass. The reference sample has a known refractive index at an annealing rate of 2°C/h. By measuring the change in refractive index of the reference sample the refractive index of the sample can be measured with moderate accuracy in the range of ±10-4.The annealing rate dependence of the Abbe number and refractive index of each glass is represented by a line in the diagram having a slope that is characteristic for the glass type. For a given melt the position of the line in the diagram is given by the initial refractive index / Abbe number measurement for a cooling rate of 2°C/h as a fix-point together with the glass typical slope. The refractive index and Abbe number for a given glass part can be adjusted by a fine annealing step along this characteristic line.Glass for cold processing has to be fine annealed to reduce internal stresses. During this fine annealing the annealing rate is in general lower than 2°C/h. The initial refractive index has to be adjusted during melting in such a way that the desired tolerances can be reached during fine annealing. The initial refractive index of N-BK7 for example is in general lower than the target value.Figure 4-3:The influence of the annealing rate on the refractive index and Abbe numberof N-BK7 for different initial refractive indices.DATE May 2004PAGE 12/15 Glass for hot processing i.e reheat pressing is subjected to much more rapid annealing. The heat treatment processes used by the customer in general use annealing rates much higher than 2°C/h. Therefore for N-BK7 pressings for example the initial refractive index needs to be higher than the target value. For a better visualization in figure 4-3 the annealing line for pressings was shifted to higher Abbe numbers. In general it is also possible to achieve step 1/1 for pressings after hot processing. We deliver an annealing schedule for each batch of glass for hot processing purpose. This annealing schedule contains the initial refractive index at 2°C/h and the limit annealing rates to stay within the tolerances.5. TolerancesThe refractive indices, which are listed to 5 decimal places in the data sheets, represent values for a melt with nominal n d-νd position for the glass type in question. The refractive index data are exact to five decimal places (for λ > 2 µm: ± 2·10-5). The accuracy of the data is less in wavelength regions with limited transmission. All data apply to room temperature and normal air pressure (0,10133·10-6 Pa).Defining tolerances for the refractive index of a glass the customer has to distinguish between the refractive index tolerance, the tolerance of refractive index variation within a lot and the refractive index homogeneity (figure 5-1).Figure 5-1:Refractive index variation from within a production sequence.DATE May 2004 PAGE 13/15All deliveries of fine annealed block glass and fabricated glass are made in lots of single batches. The batch may be a single block or some few strip sections. More information on the new lot id system can be found in [3].The refractive index and Abbe number tolerance is the maximum allowed deviation of a single part within the delivery lot from nominal values given in the data sheets of the catalog. The refractive index of the delivery lot given in the standard test certificates is given by the following formulae:2/)(min max n n n lot += (5-1)n max is the maximum and n min the minimum refractive index within the lot.The refractive index variation from part to part within a lot is always smaller than ± 1*10-4. The refractive index homogeneity within a single part is better than ± 2*10-5 in general [4]. A short summary of the refractive index tolerance, variation and homogeneity grades can be found in table 5-1. More information is given in the optical glass catalogue [5].Tolerance Grade Refractive Index [*10-5] Abbe NumberStep 4-- ± 0.8% Step 3 ± 50 ± 0.5% Step 2 ± 30 ± 0.3% AbsoluteStep 1± 20 ± 0.2% SN± 10 -- S0 ± 5 -- Variation S1± 2 -- H1± 2 -- H2 ± 0.5 -- H3 ± 0.2 -- H4 ± 0.1 -- Homogeneity H5 ± 0.05--Table 5-1: Refractive Index Tolerances6. Refractive Index MeasurementFor refractive index measurement two different measurement setups are used: the v -block refractometer (figure 6-2) and the spectral goniometer. Figure 6-1 shows the principle of the v-Block measurement. The samples are shaped in a nearly square shape. One sample is about 20x20x5 mm small. The sample will be placed in a v shaped block prism. The refractive index of this prism is known very precisely. The refraction of an incoming light beam depends on the refractive index difference between the sample and the v-block-prism. The advantage of this method is that up to 10 samples can be glued together into one v -block stack. Therefore many samples can be measured in a very short time. The relative measurement accuracy is very h igh, therefore differences in refractive index within one v -block stack can be measured very accurately.DATE May 2004 PAGE 14/15Figure 6-1: Refractive index variation from within a production sequence .Figure 6-2: V-block refractometer.The spectral goniometric method is based on the measurement of the angle of minimum refraction in a prism shaped sample. This is the most accurate absolute refractive index measurement method. In our laboratory we have standard manual spectral goniometers and automated improved spectral goniometer with higher accuracy and the ability to measure in the infrared and UV region (figure 6-3).Figure 6-3: Manual spectral goniometer (left side), automated spectral goniometer (rightside).sample with lowerrefractive indexsample with higher refractive index samplev-block-prism immersion oillightbeamDATE May 2004PAGE 15/15 Table 6-1 shows a summary of the refractive index measurements available at Schott.Measurement accuracyMeasurementRefractive index DispersionWavelengths MethodV-block standard ± 30*10-6 ± 20*10-6g, F’, F, e, d, C’,CV-block enhanced ± 20*10-6± 10*10-6I, h, g, F’, F, e, d,C’, C, r, tv-blockrefractometerPrecisionspectrometer± 10*10-6± 3*10-6Super precision spectrometer ± 5*10-6± 2*10-6h, g, F’, F, e, d,C’, CspectralgoniometerUV precisionspectrometer± 10-20*10-6± 3*10-6UV super precision spectrometer ± 2-5*10-6± 2*10-6248.3 nm –2325.4 nm(about 30spectral linespossible)automaticspectralgoniometerTable 6-1: Absolute refractive index measurement accuraciesThe temperature coefficient of refractive index is measured using an automated spectral goniometer and a temperature controlled climate chamber with a temperature range from -100°C up to +140°C. The temperature coefficient can be measured with an accuracy of ± 0.5*10-6 K-1.7. Literature[1] The properties of optical glass; H. Bach & N. Neuroth (Editors), Springer Verlag 1998[2] SCHOTT Technical Information No. 19 (available upon request).[3] SCHOTT Technical Note No. 4: Test report for delivery lots[4] SCHOTT Technical Information No. 26: Homogeneity of optical glass[5] SCHOTT Optical Glass Pocket CatalogueFor more information please contact:Optics for DevicesSCHOTT GlasGermanyPhone: + 49 (0)6131/66-3835Fax: + 49 (0)6131/66-1998E-mail: info.optics@/optics_devices。
光学玻璃 参数
1. 引言光的色散是由于光的折射率对波长的依赖性所引起的。
2. 光的折射与折射率当光从一种介质射入另一种介质时,会引起折射现象。
这个关系式称为折射定律,可表示为:n₁sinθ₁ = n₂sinθ₂,其中n₁和n₂分别为两种介质的折射率,θ₁和θ₂分别为入射角和出射角。
3. 色散现象当光通过透明介质时,不同波长的光会发生色散现象。
4. 高折射率与低折射率色散现象与光波在介质中的折射率有直接关系。
5. 频率色散与色散曲线除了波长色散,光还存在着频率色散现象。
6. 光纤中的色散在光纤通信中,色散是一个重要的影响因素。
1. 正常色散正常色散指的是光在通过透明介质后,不同波长的光线按照从紫色到红色的顺序分离,形成光谱。
2. 反常色散反常色散则正好相反,即光在通过透明介质后,不同波长的光线按照从红色到紫色的顺序分离。
在数学上,折射率可以通过以下公式进行计算:n = c/v其中,n代表介质的折射率,c为光在真空中的光速,v为光在介质中的传播速度。
根据这个公式,我们可以得出以下结论:1. 折射率大于1根据公式,光在介质中的传播速度v一般小于真空中的光速c,因此介质的折射率n一般大于1。
2. 折射率与光的波长有关根据公式,折射率n与光在介质中的传播速度v有关,而光的传播速度与波长也有关。
3. 不同介质的折射率差异不同介质的折射率也会有所不同,这是由于不同介质中原子结构、分子结构以及密度等因素的差异所导致的。
具体而言,我们可以使用斯奈尔定律来计算折射率的值,斯奈尔定律的公式为:n1*sinθ1 = n2*sinθ2其中,n1和n2分别代表两个介质的折射率,θ1和θ2分别代表入射角和折射角。
1. 折射率:oc玻璃的折射率在1.5左右,具有良好的透明性和色散性。
2. 热膨胀系数:oc玻璃的热膨胀系数约为5×10^-6 /℃,较低的热膨胀系数使其能够承受高温变形。
3. 导热系数:oc玻璃的导热系数较低,约为1.4W/m·K,适用于高温绝缘材料。
4. 软化温度:oc玻璃的软化温度为约725℃,具有较高的耐高温性能。
5. 化学稳定性:oc玻璃具有优异的化学稳定性,能够耐受大多数酸、碱、溶剂等腐蚀介质的侵蚀。
6. 机械强度:oc玻璃的机械强度较低,易于加工成各种形状和尺寸。
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DATE May 2004 PAGE 1/15TIE-29: Refractive Index and Dispersion0. IntroductionThe most important property of optical glass is the refractive index and its dispersion behavior.This technical information gives an overview of the following topics:- Dispersiono Principal dispersion (page 2) o Secondary spectrum (page 3)o Sellmeier dispersion equation (page 4)- Temperature dependence of refractive index (page 6)- Influence of the fine annealing process on the refractive index and Abbe number(page 9)- Tolerances (page 12)- Refractive index measurement (page 13)1. Refractive IndexIf light enters a non-absorbing homogeneous materials reflection and refraction occurs at the boundary surface. The refractive index n is given by the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum c to that of the medium vvc n =(1-1)The refractive index data given in the glass catalogue are measured relative to the refractive index measured in air. The refractive index of air is very close to 1.Practically speaking the refractive index is a measure for the strength of deflection occurring at the boundary surface due to the refraction of the light beam. The equation describing the amount of deflection is called Snell’s law:)sin()sin(2211αα⋅=⋅n n (1-2)The refractive index is a function of the wavelength. The most common characteristic quantity for characterization of an optical glass is the refractive index n in the middle range of the visible spectrum. This principal refractive index is usually denoted as n d – the refractive index at the wavelength 587.56 nm or in many cases as n e at the wavelength 546.07 nm.2. Wavelength Dependence of Refractive Index: DispersionThe dispersion is a measure of the change of the refractive index with wavelength. Dispersion can be explained by applying the electromagnetic theory to the molecular structure of matter. If an electromagnetic wave impinges on an atom or a molecule the bound charges vibrate at the frequency of the incident wave.DATE May 2004 PAGE 2/15The bound charges have resonance frequency at a certain wavelength. A plot of the refractive index as a function of the wavelength for fused silica can be seen in Figure 2-1. It can be seen that in the main spectral transmission region the refractive index increases towards shorter wavelength. Additionally the dotted line shows the absorption coefficient as a function of the wavelength.Figure 2-1: Measured optical constants of fused silica (SiO 2 glass) [1]2.1 Principal DispersionThe difference (n F – n C ) is called the principal dispersion. n F and n C are the refractive indices at the 486.13 nm and 656.27 nm wavelengths.The most common characterization of the dispersion of optical glasses is the Abbe number. The Abbe number is defined as)/()1(C F d d n n n −−=ν (2.1-1)Sometimes the Abbe number is defined according to the e line as)/()1(C F e e n n n ′′−−=ν (2.1-2).Traditionally optical glasses in the range of νd > 50 are called crown glasses, the other ones as flint glasses.Glasses having a low refractive index in general also have a low dispersion behaviour e.g. a high Abbe number. Glasses having a high refractive index have a high dispersion behaviour and a low Abbe number.DATE May 2004 PAGE 3/152.2. Secondary SpectrumThe characterization of optical glass through refractive index and Abbe number alone is insufficient for high quality optical systems. A more accurate description of the glass properties is achievable with the aid of the relative partial dispersions.The relative partial dispersion P x,y for the wavelengths x and y is defined by the equation:)/()(,C F y x y x n n n n P −−= (2.2-1)As Abbe demonstrated, the following linear relationship will approximately apply to the majority of glasses, the so-called ”normal glasses”d xy xy y x b a P ν⋅+≈, (2.2-2)a xy andb xy are specific constants for the given relative partial dispersion.In order to correct the secondary spectrum (i.e. color correction for more than two wavelengths) glasses are required which do not conform to this rule. Therefore glass types having deviating partial dispersion from Abbe’s empirical rule are especially interesting.As a measure of the deviation of the partial dispersion from Abbe’s rule the ordinate difference ∆P is introduced. Instead of relation (2.2-2) the following generally valid equation is used:y x d xy xy y x P b a P ,,∆+⋅+=ν (2.2-3)The term ∆P x,y therefore quantitatively describes a dispersion behavior that deviates from that of the ”normal glasses.”The deviations ∆P x,y from the ”normal lines” are listed for the following five relative partial dispersions for each glass type in the data sheets.)/()()/()()/()()/()()/,,,,C F g i g i C F F g F g C F e F e F C F s C s C C F t C C,t n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n (n )n (n P −−=−−=−−=−−=−−= (2.2-4)The position of the normal lines is determined based on value pairs of the glass types K7 and F2. The explicit formulas for the deviations ∆P x,y of the above-mentioned five relative partial dispersions are:DATE May 2004 PAGE 4/15)008382.07241.1()/()()001682.06438.0()/()()000526,04884.0()/()()002331.04029.0()/()()004743.05450.0()/()(,,,,,d C F g i g i d C F F g F g d C F e F e F d C F s C s C d C F t C t C n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P n n n n P ννννν⋅−−−−=∆⋅−−−−=∆⋅−−−−=∆⋅+−−−=∆⋅+−−−=∆ (2.2-5)Figure 2.2-1 shows the P g,F versus the Abbe number νd diagram.Figure 2.2-1: P g,F as a function of the Abbe number for Schott’s optical glass sortiment.Additionally the normal line is given.The relative partial dispersions listed in the catalog were calculated from refractive indices to 6 decimal places. The dispersion formula (2.3-1) can be used to interpolate additional unlisted refractive indices and relative partial dispersions (see chapter 2.3).2.3. Sellmeier Dispersion EquationThe Sellmeier Equation is especially suitable for the progression of refractive index in the wavelength range from the UV through the visible to the IR area (to 2.3 µm). It is derived from the classical dispersion theory and allows the description of the progression of refractive index over the total transmission region with one set of data and to calculate accurate intermediate values.DATE May 2004 PAGE 5/15)()()(1)(3223222212212C B C B C B n −⋅+−⋅+−⋅=−λλλλλλλ (2.3-1)The determination of the coefficients was performed for all glass types on the basis of precision measurements by fitting the dispersion equation to the measurement values. The coefficients are listed in the data sheets.The dispersion equation is only valid within the spectral region in which refractive indices are listed in the data sheets of each glass. Interpolation is possible within these limits. The wavelengths used in the equation have to be inserted in µm with the same number of digits as listed in Table 2.3-1. For practical purposes Equation 2.3-1 applies to refractive indices in air at room temperature. The achievable precision of this calculation is generally better than 1·10-5 in the visible spectral range. The coefficients of the dispersion equation can be reported for individual glass parts upon request. This requires a precision measurement for the entire spectral region, provided the glass has sufficient transmission.Table 2.3-1: Wavelengths for a selection of frequently used spectral linesDATE May 2004 PAGE 6/153. Temperature Dependence of Refractive IndexThe refractive indices of the glasses are not only dependent on wavelength, but also upon temperature. The relationship of refractive index change to temperature change is called the temperature coefficient of refractive index. This can be a positive or a negative value. The data sheets contain information on the temperature coefficients of refractive index for several temperature ranges and wavelengths. The temperature coefficients of the relative refractive indices ∆n rel /∆T apply for an air pressure of 0.10133·106 Pa. The coefficients of the absolute refractive indices dn abs /dT apply for vacuum.The temperature coefficients of the absolute refractive indices can be calculated for other temperatures and wavelengths values with the aid of equation (3-1).)232(),(21),(),(22102210002TKabs TE E T D T D D T n T n dT T dn λλλλλ−∆⋅⋅++∆⋅⋅+∆⋅⋅+⋅⋅−= (3-1)Definitions:T 0 Reference temperature (20°C) T Temperature (in °C) ∆T Temperature difference versus T 0 λ Wavelength of the electromagnetic wave in a vacuum (in µm) D 0, D 1, D 2, E 0, E 1 and λTK : constants depending on glass typeThis equation is valid for a temperature range from -40°C to +80°C and wavelengths between 0.6438 µm and 0.4358 µm. The constants of the dispersion formula are also calculated from the measurement data and listed on the test certificate.The temperature coefficients in the data sheets are guideline values. Upon request, measurements can be performed on individual melts in the temperature range from -100°C to +140°C and in the wavelength range from 0.3650 µm to 1.014 µm with a precision better than ± 5·10-7/K. The accuracy at the limits of the measurement range is somewhat less than in the middle of this interval.The temperature coefficients of the relative refractive indices ∆n rel /∆T and the values for ∆n abs can be calculated with the help of the equations listed in Technical Information TI Nr. 19 (available upon request).Figures 3-1 to 3-4 show the absolute temperature coefficient of refractive index for different glasses, temperatures and wavelengths.DATE May 2004 PAGE 7/15DATE May 2004PAGE 8/15SF 6.DATE May 2004 PAGE 9/154. Influence of the Fine Annealing Process on the Refractive Index and Abbe numberThe optical data for a glass type are chiefly determined by the chemical composition and thermal treatment of the melt. The annealing rate in the transformation range of the glass can be used to influence the refractive index within certain limits (depending on the glass type and the allowable stress birefringence). Basically slower annealing rates yield higher refractive indices. In practice, the following formula has proven itself.)/log()()(00h h m h n h n x nd d x d ⋅+= (4-1) h 0 Original annealing rate h x New annealing rate m nd ? Annealing coefficient for the refractive index depending on the glass typeThe refractive index dependence on annealing rate is graphically shown in Figure 4-1.Figure 4-1: Dependence of refractive index on the annealing rate for several glass types. Reference annealing rate is 7 K/hAn analogous formula applies to the Abbe number.)/log()()(00h h m h h x d d x d ⋅+=ννν (4-2) m νd ? Annealing coefficient for the Abbe number depending on the glass typeThe annealing coefficient m νd can be calculated with sufficient accuracy with the following equation:)/())((0C F nC nF d nd d n n m h m m −⋅−=−νν (4-3)The coefficient m nF-nC has to be determined experimentally.DATE May 2004 PAGE 10/15Figure 4-2 shows that individual glass types vary greatly in their dependence of t he Abbe number on the annealing rate. In general also the Abbe number increases with decreasing annealing rate. High index lead free glass types like N-SF6 show anomalous behavior. Anomalous behaviour means that the Abbe number decreases with decreasing annealing rate.Figure 4-2: Abbe number as a function of the annealing rate for several glass types. Reference annealing rate is 7 K/hValues for Annealing coefficients of some optical glasses are shown in Table 4-1. We will provide the values for the annealing coefficients of our glasses upon request.m nd m nF-nc m νdN-BK7 -0.00087 -0.000005 -0.0682 N-FK51 -0.00054 -0.000002 -0.0644 SF 6 -0.00058 +0.000035 -0.0464 N-SF6 -0.0025 -0.000212 0.0904Table 4-1: Annealing coefficients for several selected glass typesThe annealing rate can be used to adjust the refractive index and Abbe number to the desired tolerance range.In practice the annealing rate influences the refractive index and the Abbe number simultaneously. Figure 4-3 shows a diagram of the Abbe number versus the refractive index for N -BK7. The rectangular boxes indicate the tolerance limits (steps) for the refractive index and the Abbe number. For example the largest box with a dotted frame indicates the tolerance borders for step 3 in refractive index and step 4 in Abbe number. The smallest box indicates step 1 in refractive index and Abbe number. In the center of the frames is the nominal catalog value.DATE May 2004PAGE 11/15 After melting the optical glass is cooled down at a high annealing rate. To control the refractive index during the melting process samples are taken directly from the melt after each casting. These samples are cooled down very fast together with a reference sample of the same glass. The reference sample has a known refractive index at an annealing rate of 2°C/h. By measuring the change in refractive index of the reference sample the refractive index of the sample can be measured with moderate accuracy in the range of ±10-4.The annealing rate dependence of the Abbe number and refractive index of each glass is represented by a line in the diagram having a slope that is characteristic for the glass type. For a given melt the position of the line in the diagram is given by the initial refractive index / Abbe number measurement for a cooling rate of 2°C/h as a fix-point together with the glass typical slope. The refractive index and Abbe number for a given glass part can be adjusted by a fine annealing step along this characteristic line.Glass for cold processing has to be fine annealed to reduce internal stresses. During this fine annealing the annealing rate is in general lower than 2°C/h. The initial refractive index has to be adjusted during melting in such a way that the desired tolerances can be reached during fine annealing. The initial refractive index of N-BK7 for example is in general lower than the target value.Figure 4-3:The influence of the annealing rate on the refractive index and Abbe numberof N-BK7 for different initial refractive indices.DATE May 2004PAGE 12/15 Glass for hot processing i.e reheat pressing is subjected to much more rapid annealing. The heat treatment processes used by the customer in general use annealing rates much higher than 2°C/h. Therefore for N-BK7 pressings for example the initial refractive index needs to be higher than the target value. For a better visualization in figure 4-3 the annealing line for pressings was shifted to higher Abbe numbers. In general it is also possible to achieve step 1/1 for pressings after hot processing. We deliver an annealing schedule for each batch of glass for hot processing purpose. This annealing schedule contains the initial refractive index at 2°C/h and the limit annealing rates to stay within the tolerances.5. TolerancesThe refractive indices, which are listed to 5 decimal places in the data sheets, represent values for a melt with nominal n d-νd position for the glass type in question. The refractive index data are exact to five decimal places (for λ > 2 µm: ± 2·10-5). The accuracy of the data is less in wavelength regions with limited transmission. All data apply to room temperature and normal air pressure (0,10133·10-6 Pa).Defining tolerances for the refractive index of a glass the customer has to distinguish between the refractive index tolerance, the tolerance of refractive index variation within a lot and the refractive index homogeneity (figure 5-1).Figure 5-1:Refractive index variation from within a production sequence.DATE May 2004 PAGE 13/15All deliveries of fine annealed block glass and fabricated glass are made in lots of single batches. The batch may be a single block or some few strip sections. More information on the new lot id system can be found in [3].The refractive index and Abbe number tolerance is the maximum allowed deviation of a single part within the delivery lot from nominal values given in the data sheets of the catalog. The refractive index of the delivery lot given in the standard test certificates is given by the following formulae:2/)(min max n n n lot += (5-1)n max is the maximum and n min the minimum refractive index within the lot.The refractive index variation from part to part within a lot is always smaller than ± 1*10-4. The refractive index homogeneity within a single part is better than ± 2*10-5 in general [4]. A short summary of the refractive index tolerance, variation and homogeneity grades can be found in table 5-1. More information is given in the optical glass catalogue [5].Tolerance Grade Refractive Index [*10-5] Abbe NumberStep 4-- ± 0.8% Step 3 ± 50 ± 0.5% Step 2 ± 30 ± 0.3% AbsoluteStep 1± 20 ± 0.2% SN± 10 -- S0 ± 5 -- Variation S1± 2 -- H1± 2 -- H2 ± 0.5 -- H3 ± 0.2 -- H4 ± 0.1 -- Homogeneity H5 ± 0.05--Table 5-1: Refractive Index Tolerances6. Refractive Index MeasurementFor refractive index measurement two different measurement setups are used: the v -block refractometer (figure 6-2) and the spectral goniometer. Figure 6-1 shows the principle of the v-Block measurement. The samples are shaped in a nearly square shape. One sample is about 20x20x5 mm small. The sample will be placed in a v shaped block prism. The refractive index of this prism is known very precisely. The refraction of an incoming light beam depends on the refractive index difference between the sample and the v-block-prism. The advantage of this method is that up to 10 samples can be glued together into one v -block stack. Therefore many samples can be measured in a very short time. The relative measurement accuracy is very h igh, therefore differences in refractive index within one v -block stack can be measured very accurately.DATE May 2004 PAGE 14/15Figure 6-1: Refractive index variation from within a production sequence .Figure 6-2: V-block refractometer.The spectral goniometric method is based on the measurement of the angle of minimum refraction in a prism shaped sample. This is the most accurate absolute refractive index measurement method. In our laboratory we have standard manual spectral goniometers and automated improved spectral goniometer with higher accuracy and the ability to measure in the infrared and UV region (figure 6-3).Figure 6-3: Manual spectral goniometer (left side), automated spectral goniometer (rightside).sample with lowerrefractive indexsample with higher refractive index samplev-block-prism immersion oillightbeamDATE May 2004PAGE 15/15 Table 6-1 shows a summary of the refractive index measurements available at Schott.Measurement accuracyMeasurementRefractive index DispersionWavelengths MethodV-block standard ± 30*10-6 ± 20*10-6g, F’, F, e, d, C’,CV-block enhanced ± 20*10-6± 10*10-6I, h, g, F’, F, e, d,C’, C, r, tv-blockrefractometerPrecisionspectrometer± 10*10-6± 3*10-6Super precision spectrometer ± 5*10-6± 2*10-6h, g, F’, F, e, d,C’, CspectralgoniometerUV precisionspectrometer± 10-20*10-6± 3*10-6UV super precision spectrometer ± 2-5*10-6± 2*10-6248.3 nm –2325.4 nm(about 30spectral linespossible)automaticspectralgoniometerTable 6-1: Absolute refractive index measurement accuraciesThe temperature coefficient of refractive index is measured using an automated spectral goniometer and a temperature controlled climate chamber with a temperature range from -100°C up to +140°C. The temperature coefficient can be measured with an accuracy of ± 0.5*10-6 K-1.7. Literature[1] The properties of optical glass; H. Bach & N. Neuroth (Editors), Springer Verlag 1998[2] SCHOTT Technical Information No. 19 (available upon request).[3] SCHOTT Technical Note No. 4: Test report for delivery lots[4] SCHOTT Technical Information No. 26: Homogeneity of optical glass[5] SCHOTT Optical Glass Pocket CatalogueFor more information please contact:Optics for DevicesSCHOTT GlasGermanyPhone: + 49 (0)6131/66-3835Fax: + 49 (0)6131/66-1998E-mail: info.optics@/optics_devices。