statistics paper
descriptive statistics 描述统计学abortion statistics流产统计(学)accident statistics事故统计学accurate statistics精密统计actuarial statistics保险统计agricultural statistics 农业统计amplitude statistics 幅度统计ancillary statistics辅助统计量applied statistics应用统计banking statistics银行业务统计Bayesian statistics 贝氏统计(以主观估计为概率曲线的基础)benchmark statistics标志性统计数biological statistics生物统计学birth statistics出生统计Boltzmann statistics玻耳兹曼统计Bose-Einstein statistics 玻色-爱因斯坦统计(法) boundedly complete statistics有界完备统计量business statistics经济情况统计, 业务统计capital construction statistics基本建设统计car statistics车辆统计classical statistics经典统计(法)classification statistics 分类统计commercial statistics商业统计commodity statistics商品统计comprehensive table statistics综合统计表configurational statistics 构形统计学conversational statistics 对话统计学cost statistics成本统计counting statistics计数统计critical statistics临界统计customs clearance statistics结关[报关]统计demographic statistics 人口统计derived statistics整理后统计数字descriptive statistics 描述统计(学)dynamic statistics动态统计学economic statistics经济统计educational statistics 教育统计学elementary statistics 基础统计学empirical statistics经验统计employment statistics 就业率统计enumerative statistics枚举统计学family budget statistics家庭开支统计Fermi-Dirac statistics费米-狄拉克统计financial statistics金融统计, 财政统计, 财务统计foreign trade statistics外贸统计forest statistics森林统计学freight traffic statistics货物运输统计government statistics政府统计graphic statistics统计图表harvest statistics收成统计health statistics卫生统计学historical statistics 历史统计inductive statistics归纳统计学industrial statistics工业统计insurance statistics保险统计intensity statistics强度统计inventory statistics库存统计表labour statistics劳动统计linguistic statistics语言统计学loan statistics借书统计, 出借资料册次统计locomotive repair statistics机车检修统计manufacturing statistics 制造业统计mathematic(al) statistics 数理统计学Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics麦克斯韦-玻耳兹曼统计medical statistics医用统计学minimal sufficient statistics最小充分统计量mortality statistics死亡率统计national statistics全国性统计national income statistics 国民收入统计national wealth statistics 国富统计nonparametric statistics 非参数统计official statistics官方统计operating statistics业务统计, 行车统计output statistics产量[产品]统计parameter-free statistics 非参数统计parametric statistics参数统计(学)passenger traffic statistics 旅客运输统计photo-counting statistics 光子计数统计学plant statistics厂内统计population statistics人口统计primary statistics原始统计probability statistics概率统计quantum statistics量子统计rank statistics秩统计量registration statistics人口登记统计short time statistics短时统计特性social statistics社会统计static statistics静态统计status statistics有关居民阶级构成的统计资料sufficient statistics充分统计test statistics检验统计量trade statistics商业统计train operating statistics 行车统计transport statistics运输统计unbias(s)ed statistics无偏统计vital statistics(出生、结婚、死亡等)人口动态统计; [美]妇女的三围尺寸(胸围、腰围、臀围)wage statistics工资统计statistics of attributes质的统计, 属性统计statistics of circulation书刊发行(量)统计; 图书馆资料流通统计statistics of classification frequency分类频率统计statistics of extremes极值统计statistics of fixed assets固定资产统计statistics of grouping the same item同项归并统计statistics of income 进款统计statistics of random processes随机过程统计学statistics of rupture 断裂统计学。
A Cambridge International A or AS Level is recognised around the world by schools, universities and employers. The qualifications are accepted as proof of academic ability for entry to universities worldwide, though some courses do require specific subjects. Cambridge International A Levels typically take two years to complete and offer a flexible course of study that gives students the freedom to select subjects that are right for them. Cambridge International AS Levels often represent the first half of an A Level course but may also be taken as a freestanding qualification. They are accepted in all UK universities and carry half the weighting of an A Level. University course credit and advanced standing is often available for Cambridge International A/AS Levels in countries such as the USA and Canada. Learn more at /recognition.
cie alevel 1数学 11 21 22
cie alevel 1数学11 21 22今年夏天,CIE考局的cie alevel 1数学改革了,我们先来回顾一下这次改革的重点:CIE数学去掉了原有的M2部分,所以机械力学只剩下原有的M1,更名为M。
考试一共分别分为六个Paper,具体编号如下:Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2Paper 3: Pure Mathematics 3Paper 4: MechanicsPaper 5: Probability & Statistics 1Paper 6: Probability & Statistics 2细心的同学已经发现变化在哪了。
S1(统计1)变成了Paper 5 (以前是Paper 6) ;S2(统计2)变成了Paper 6 (以前是Paper 7)。
改革后的组合方式是:必选组合:Pure Mathematics 1 + Pure Mathematics 3;其他科目的组合方式:①Probability & Statistics 1 + Mechanics;②Probability & Statistics 1 + Probability & Statistics 2。
第1页首页上一页下一页末页共有87条记录1. 期刊名称:ANNALS OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICSISSN:0003-4851出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:INST MA THEMATICAL STATISTICS, PO BOX 22718, BEACHWOOD, USA, OH, 44122影响因子:主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS; STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New2. 期刊名称:PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN STA TISTICAL ASSOCIATION ISSN:1522-5437出版频率:Irregular出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, USA, V A, 22314影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New3. 期刊名称:QUARTERL Y PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATIONISSN:1522-5445出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, USA, V A, 22314影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New4. 期刊名称:STATA JOURNALISSN:1536-867X出版频率:Quarterly出版社:STATA PRESS, 4905 LAKEWAY PARKWAY, COLLEGE STATION, USA, TX, 77845影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2007new5. 期刊名称:STOCHASTICS AND DYNAMICSISSN:0219-4937出版频率:Quarterly出版社:WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 5 TOH TUCK LINK, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, 596224出版社网址:/期刊网址:/sd/sd.shtml影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2007new6. 期刊名称:STATISTICAL MODELLINGISSN:1471-082X出版频率:Quarterly出版社:ARNOLD, HODDER HEADLINE PLC, 338 EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, NW1 3BH期刊网址:/journals/pages/sta_mod/1471082X.htm影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New7. 期刊名称:BIOSTATISTICSISSN:1465-4644出版频率:Quarterly出版社:OXFORD UNIV PRESS, GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX2 6DP出版社网址:/影响因子:主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New8. 期刊名称:ECONOMETRIC REVIEWSISSN:0747-4938出版频率:Quarterly出版社:TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 325 CHESTNUT ST, SUITE 800, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106期刊网址:/journals/titles/07474938.asp影响因子:主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New9. 期刊名称:ELECTRONIC COMMUNICA TIONS IN PROBABILITYISSN:1083-589X出版频率:Irregular出版社:UNIV WASHINGTON, DEPT MA THEMATICS, BOX 354350, SEATTLE, USA, WASHINGTON, 98195-4350期刊网址:/~ejpecp/ECP/index.php影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New10. 期刊名称:ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF PROBABILITYISSN:1083-6489出版频率:Irregular出版社:UNIV WASHINGTON, DEPT MA THEMATICS, BOX 354350, SEATTLE, USA, WASHINGTON, 98195-4350期刊网址:影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New11. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THE ROY AL STATISTICAL SOCIETYISSN:0952-8385出版频率:Irregular出版社:ROYAL STA TISTICAL SOC, 25 ENFORD ST, LONDON, ENGLAND, W1H 2BH期刊网址:/main.asp?p影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New12. 期刊名称:METHODOLOGY AND COMPUTING IN APPLIED PROBABILITYISSN:1387-5841出版频率:Quarterly出版社:SPRINGER, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ期刊网址:/(qijofz55wmbciyixzhmxgqjg)/app/home/journal.asp?referrer=parent &backto=linkingpublicationresults,1:103281,1影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New13. 期刊名称:PHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICSISSN:1539-1604出版频率:Semiannual出版社:JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030期刊网址:/cgi-bin/jhome/93012805?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0影响因子:主题范畴:PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005New14. 期刊名称:OPEN SYSTEMS & INFORMATION DYNAMICSISSN:1230-1612出版频率:Quarterly出版社:KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ出版社网址:/期刊网址:/app/home/journal.asp?wasp=412900f3db3647f08d6d5c9f3d6d2805 &referrer=parent&backto=searchpublicationsresults,1,2;影响因子:主题范畴:MATHEMATICS, APPLIED; STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; MECHANICS; PHYSICS, MA THEMA TICAL; THERMODYNAMICS; COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS15. 期刊名称:SOUTH AFRICAN STA TISTICAL JOURNALISSN:0038-271X出版频率:Semiannual出版社:SOUTH AFRICAN STA TISTICAL ASSOC, P O BOX 27321,SUNNYSIDE, PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA, 0132出版社网址期刊网址影响因子:主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005年从SCIE源期刊中删除16. 期刊名称:AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF STATISTICSISSN:1369-1473出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0004-8674&site=1影响因子:0.412(2001),0.629(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY17. 期刊名称:ANNALS OF STATISTICSISSN:0090-5364版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:INST MA THEMATICAL STATISTICS, PO BOX 22718, BEACHWOOD, OH, 44122 出版社网址:期刊网址:/journals/00905364.html影响因子:0.925(2001), 1.079(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY18. 期刊名称:PROBABILITY THEORY AND RELATED FIELDSISSN:0178-8051版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Monthly出版社:SPRINGER-VERLAG, 175 FIFTH A VE, NEW YORK, NY, 10010出版社网址:/期刊网址:/app/home/journal.asp?wasp=5f8rkygwwj1tylfgxj7w&referrer=paren t&backto=browsepublicationsresults,401,500;影响因子:0.977(2001); 1.036(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY19. 期刊名称:THEORY OF PROBABILITY AND ITS APPLICATIONSISSN:0040-585X出版频率:Quarterly出版社:SIAM PUBLICATIONS, 3600 UNIV CITY SCIENCE CENTER, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19104-2688出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/tvp/tvp.htm影响因子:0.110(2001),0.293(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY20. 期刊名称:UTILITAS MATHEMA TICAISSN:0315-3681出版频率:Semiannual出版社:UTIL MATH PUBL INC, UNIV MANITOBA, PO BOX 7 UNIV CENT, WINNIPEG, CANADA, R3T 2N2影响因子:0.150(2001); 0.216(2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, APPLIED; STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY第2页首页上一页下一页末页共有87条记录1. 期刊名称:COMMUNICA TIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION ISSN:0361-0918出版频率:Quarterly出版社:MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON A VE, NEW YORK, NY, 10016出版社网址:/index.jsp期刊网址:/servlet/product/productid/SAC影响因子:0.174主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY2. 期刊名称:STOCHASTIC ANAL YSIS AND APPLICATIONSISSN:0736-2994出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON A VE, NEW YORK, NY, 10016出版社网址:/index.jsp期刊网址:/servlet/product/productid/SAP影响因子:0.198(2001),0.197(2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, APPLIED; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY3. 期刊名称:COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICSISSN:0943-4062出版频率:Quarterly出版社:PHYSICA-VERLAG GMBH & CO, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 69121出版社网址:/期刊网址:影响因子:0.208主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY4. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTA TION AND SIMULATIONISSN:0094-9655出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND, OX14 4RN出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/titles/00949655.html影响因子:0.215主题范畴:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS5. 期刊名称:STATISTICAL PAPERSISSN:0932-5026出版频率:Quarterly出版社:SPRINGER-VERLAG, 175 FIFTH A VE, NEW YORK, NY, 10010出版社网址:/期刊网址:/ap wasp=6cc6l524gp7jvvbf5j13&referrer=parent&backto=subject,31,32;p/home/journal.asp?影响因子:0.220(2001),0.136(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY6. 期刊名称:APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRYISSN:1524-1904出版频率:Quarterly出版社:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD出版社网址:/WileyCDA/期刊网址:/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-ASMB.html影响因子:0.228(2001),0.250(2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE7. 期刊名称:COMMUNICA TIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODSISSN:0361-0926出版频率:Monthly出版社:MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON A VE, NEW YORK, NY, 10016出版社网址:/index.jsp期刊网址:/servlet/product/productid/STA影响因子:0.234主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY8. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICSISSN:1048-5252出版频率:Quarterly出版社:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND, OX14 4RN出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/titles/10485252.html影响因子:0.277主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY9. 期刊名称:STATISTICA NEERLANDICAISSN:0039-0402出版频率:Tri-annual出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0039-0402影响因子:0.318(2001),0.250(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY10. 期刊名称:STATISTICSISSN:0233-1888版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND, OX14 4RN出版社网址:/journals/default.html期刊网址:/journals/titles/02331888.html影响因子:0.319(2001),0.245(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY11. 期刊名称:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERSISSN:0167-7152出版频率:Semimonthly出版社:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 出版社网址:/期刊网址:/locate/issn/01677152影响因子:0.357(2001),0.364(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY12. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITYISSN:0894-9840版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:SPRINGER, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ出版社网址:/期刊网址:/content/105605/影响因子:0.383主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY13. 期刊名称:ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMA TICSISSN:0020-3157出版频率:Quarterly出版社:KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ出版社网址:期刊网址:/issn/0020-3157/current影响因子:0.386(2002);0.214(2001)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY14. 期刊名称:INTERNA TIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORYISSN:0020-7276出版频率:Quarterly出版社:PHYSICA-VERLAG GMBH & CO, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 69121出版社网址:/期刊网址:/app/home/journal.asp?wasp=af8altnhrl3trlflmv56&referrer=par ent&backto=linkingpublicationresults,id:101791,1影响因子:0.411主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY15. 期刊名称:STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENTISSN:1436-3240版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:SPRINGER-VERLAG, 175 FIFTH A VE, NEW YORK, NY, 10010出版社网址:/期刊网址:/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-0-70-1093450-detailsPage%253Djo urnal%257Cdescription%257Cdescription,00.html影响因子:0.412(2001),0.519(2002)主题范畴:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; WA TER RESOURCES; ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES; ENGINEERING, CIVIL; ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL;16. 期刊名称:BIOMETRICAL JOURNALISSN:0323-3847出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:AKADEMIE VERLAG GMBH, PALISADENSTR 40, BERLIN, GERMANY, D-10243 出版社网址:期刊网址:/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-2221.html影响因子:0.444(2001); 0.250(2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY17. 期刊名称:LIFETIME DA TA ANAL YSISISSN:1380-7870出版频率:Quarterly出版社:KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ出版社网址:期刊网址:/issn/1380-7870影响因子:0.446主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY18. 期刊名称:STATISTICA SINICAISSN:1017-0405版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:STATISTICA SINICA, C/O DR H C HO,INST STATISTICAL SCIENCE,ACADEMIA SINICATAIPEI, TAIWAN, 115期刊网址影响因子:0.467(2001),0.605(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; China Journals19. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THE ROY AL STA TISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES D-THE STA TISTICIANISSN:0039-0526版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0039-0526影响因子:0.478(2001),0.621(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY变更情况:2005年从SCIE源期刊中删除20. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICSISSN:0266-4763出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:CARFAX PUBLISHING, RANKINE RD, BASINGSTOKE, ENGLAND, RG24 8PR期刊网址:/journals/routledge/02664763.html影响因子:0.480主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY第3页首页上一页下一页末页共有87条记录1. 期刊名称:TESTISSN:1133-0686出版频率:Semiannual出版社:SOCIEDAD ESTADISTICA INVESTIGACION OPERATIV A, HORTALEZA 104, 2 IZDA, MADRID, SPAIN, 28004出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子:0.487(2001), 0.209(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY2. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCEISSN:0378-3758出版频率:Semimonthly出版社:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505561/description#description 影响因子:0.497主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY3. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITYISSN:0021-9002版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:APPLIED PROBABILITY TRUST, THE UNIVERSITY,SCHOOL MATHEMATICSSTA TISTICS, SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND, S3 7RH出版社网址:/~apt/期刊网址:/~apt/ap.html影响因子:0.504主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY4. 期刊名称:METRIKAISSN:0026-1335出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:PHYSICA-VERLAG GMBH & CO, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 69121出版社网址:/期刊网址:/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-0-72-1017576-detailsPage%253Djo urnal%257Cdescription%257Cdescription,00.html影响因子:0.510主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY5. 期刊名称:PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICSISSN:0266-8920版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEV ARD,LANGFORD LANE,KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX5 1GB出版社网址:/期刊网址:/inca/publications/store/4/2/2/9/2/3/index.htt影响因子:0.514(2001);0.972(2002)主题范畴:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; MECHANICS; ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL6. 期刊名称:ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-PROBABILITES ET STA TISTIQUESISSN:0246-0203版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:GAUTHIER-VILLARS/EDITIONS ELSEVIER, 23 RUE LINOIS, PARIS, FRANCE, 75015出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/600724/description#description 影响因子:0.517(2001),0.661(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY7. 期刊名称:SCANDINA VIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICSISSN:0303-6898版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0303-6898影响因子:0.605(2001),0.522(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY8. 期刊名称:ENVIRONMETRICSISSN:1180-4009版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD出版社网址:/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=6285期刊网址:/jpages/1180-4009/影响因子:0.632主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES9. 期刊名称:INFINITE DIMENSIONAL ANAL YSIS QUANTUM PROBABILITY AND RELATED TOPICSISSN:0219-0257出版频率:Quarterly出版社:WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, JOURNAL DEPT, PO BOX 128FARRER ROADSINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, 912805出版社网址:/index.html期刊网址:/idaqp/idaqp.shtml影响因子:0.634主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, APPLIED; STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL10. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANAL YSISISSN:0143-9782版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0143-9782影响因子:0.637主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, APPLIED; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY11. 期刊名称:COMBINA TORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTINGISSN:0963-5483出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 40 WEST 20TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10011-4221出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?mnemonic=CPC影响因子:0.667主题范畴:MATHEMATICS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS12. 期刊名称:CANADIAN JOURNAL OF STA TISTICS-REVUE CANADIENNE DE STA TISTIQUEISSN:0319-5724出版频率:Quarterly出版社:CANADIAN JOURNAL STATISTICS, 675 DENBURY A VENUE, OTTAW A, CANADA, K2A 2P2出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子:0.696主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY13. 期刊名称:INSURANCE MA THEMATICS & ECONOMICSISSN:0167-6687出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子:0.756主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY14. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF MULTIV ARIATE ANALYSISISSN:0047-259X版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92101-4495出版社网址:/期刊网址:/inca/publications/store/6/2/2/8/9/2/index.htt影响因子:0.763主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY15. 期刊名称:ADV ANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITYISSN:0001-8678版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:APPLIED PROBABILITY TRUST, THE UNIVERSITY,SCHOOL MATHEMATICS STA TISTICS, SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND, S3 7RH期刊网址:/Dienst/UI/1.0/Journal?authority=euclid.aap影响因子:0.775(2003),0.590(02),0.636(01)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY16. 期刊名称:PROBABILITY IN THE ENGINEERING AND INFORMA TIONAL SCIENCESISSN:0269-9648出版频率:Quarterly出版社:CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 40 WEST 20TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10011-4221出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=ALPHA&mnemonic=PES影响因子:0.806(2001);0.377(2002)主题范畴:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL; OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE17. 期刊名称:INTERNA TIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEWISSN:0306-7734版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Tri-annual出版社:INT STATISTICAL INST, 428 PRINSES BEATRIXLAAN, VOORBURG, NETHERLANDS, 2270 AZ出版社网址:影响因子:0.820主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY18. 期刊名称:BRITISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMA TICAL & STATISTICAL PSYCHOLOGY ISSN:0007-1102出版频率:Semiannual出版社:BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL SOC, ST ANDREWS HOUSE,48 PRINCESS RD EAST, LEICESTER, ENGLAND, LE1 7DR出版社网址:/index.cfm期刊网址:/publications/jMS_1.cfm影响因子:0.829(2001);0.750(2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY19. 期刊名称:BERNOULLIISSN:1350-7265版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:INT STATISTICAL INST, 428 PRINSES BEATRIXLAAN, VOORBURG, NETHERLANDS, 2270 AZ出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子:0.832(2001);0.635(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY20. 期刊名称:STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONSISSN:0304-4149版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Monthly出版社:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE期刊网址:/locate/issn/03044149影响因子:0.844(2001),0.682(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY第4页首页上一页下一页末页共有87条记录1. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STA TISTICSISSN:1085-7117版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STA TISTICAL ASSOC & INTERNA TIONAL BIOMETRIC SOC, 1444 I ST NW, STE 700, W ASHINGTON, DC, 20005期刊网址:/jabes/ifa.shtml影响因子:0.850主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; BIOLOGY2. 期刊名称:OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICSISSN:0305-9049出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/servlet/useragent?func=showIssues&code=obes 影响因子:0.874(2001);0.500(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY3. 期刊名称:ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITYISSN:1050-5164版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:INST MA THEMATICAL STATISTICS, PO BOX 22718, BEACHWOOD, OH, 44122 出版社网址:期刊网址:/journals/10505164.html影响因子:0.881(2001),0.889(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY4. 期刊名称:COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANAL YSISISSN:0167-9473出版频率:Monthly出版社:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子:0.928主题范畴:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS5. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICSISSN:0735-0015出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, V A, 22314出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/jbes/影响因子:1.000主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY6. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF COMPUTA TIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICSISSN:1061-8600出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, V A, 22314出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/jcgs/影响因子:1.000主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY7. 期刊名称:STATISTICS AND COMPUTINGISSN:0960-3174出版频率:Quarterly出版社:KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ出版社网址:期刊网址:/issn/0960-3174影响因子:1.000(2001),1.127(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS8. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THE ROY AL STA TISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STA TISTICSISSN:0035-9254版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0035-9254影响因子:1.072主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY9. 期刊名称:BIOMETRICSISSN:0006-341X版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD, 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 2DG出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0006-341X影响因子:1.081(2001);1.077(2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; BIOLOGY10. 期刊名称:BIOMETRIKAISSN:0006-3444版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BIOMETRIKA TRUST, UNIV COLLEGE LONDON, GOWER ST-BIOMETRIKA OFFICE, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1E 6BT出版社网址:/期刊网址:/biomet/影响因子:1.180 (2001);0.970 (2002)主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; BIOLOGY11. 期刊名称:FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMSISSN:0165-0114版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Semimonthly出版社:ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE 出版社网址:期刊网址:/inca/publications/store/5/0/5/5/4/5/影响因子:1.181主题范畴:MATHEMATICS, APPLIED; STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS12. 期刊名称:AMERICAN STA TISTICIANISSN:0003-1305版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, V A, 22314出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/tas/影响因子:1.198(2001),0.708(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY13. 期刊名称:QUALITY & QUANTITYISSN:0033-5177出版频率:Quarterly出版社:KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, V AN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3311 GZ出版社网址:期刊网址:/issn/0033-5177影响因子:1.215(2001),0.226(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY14. 期刊名称:TECHNOMETRICSISSN:0040-1706版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, V A, 22314出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/technometrics/影响因子:1.250(2001);0.675(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY15. 期刊名称:FINANCE AND STOCHASTICSISSN:0949-2984出版频率:Quarterly出版社:SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, BERLIN, GERMANY, D-14197出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子:1.267主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY16. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICSISSN:0886-9383版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Monthly出版社:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD出版社网址:/WileyCDA/期刊网址:/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-CEM.html影响因子:1.342主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; CHEMISTRY, ANAL YTICAL17. 期刊名称:ANNALS OF PROBABILITYISSN:0091-1798版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:INST MA THEMATICAL STATISTICS, PO BOX 22718, BEACHWOOD, OH, 44122 出版社网址:期刊网址:/journals/00911798.html影响因子:1.346(2001),0.916(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY18. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF QUALITY TECHNOLOGYISSN:0022-4065版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER SOC QUALITY CONTROL-ASQC, 600 N PLANKINTON A VE, MILWAUKEE, WI, 53203出版社网址:/portal/page?_pageid=33,39211,33_39236&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL 期刊网址:/pub/jqt/影响因子:1.411主题范畴:STA TISTICS & PROBABILITY; ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL; OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE19. 期刊名称:STATISTICS IN MEDICINEISSN:0277-6715版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Semimonthly出版社:JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD出版社网址:/期刊网址:/cgi-bin/jhome/2988影响因子:1.414(2001),1.278(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH; MEDICAL INFORMA TICS20. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-STATISTICS IN SOCIETYISSN:0964-1998版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Tri-annual出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0964-1998影响因子:1.547主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY第5页首页上一页下一页末页共有87条记录1. 期刊名称:STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCHISSN:0962-2802版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:ARNOLD, HODDER HEADLINE PLC, 338 EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, NW1 3BH出版社网址:/期刊网址:/影响因子:1.886(2001),1.553(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY; HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES; MEDICAL INFORMATICS2. 期刊名称:STATISTICAL SCIENCEISSN:0883-4237版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:INST MA THEMATICAL STATISTICS, PO BOX 22718, BEACHWOOD, OH, 44122 出版社网址:/期刊网址:/影响因子:2.000(2001),1.475(2002)主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY3. 期刊名称:MULTIV ARIATE BEHA VIORAL RESEARCHISSN:0027-3171出版频率:Quarterly出版社:LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOC INC, 10 INDUSTRIAL A VE, MAHW AH, NJ, 07430-2262出版社网址:https:///期刊网址:/smpp/title~content=t775653673~db=all影响因子:2.095主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY4. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATIONISSN:0162-1459版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC, 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, V A, 22314出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/jasa/影响因子:2.171主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY5. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF THE ROY AL STA TISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES B-STATISTICAL METHODOLOGYISSN:1369-7412版本:SCI-CDE出版频率:Quarterly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=1369-7412影响因子:2.315主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY6. 期刊名称:ECONOMETRICAISSN:0012-9682出版频率:Bimonthly出版社:BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 108 COWLEY RD, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX4 1JF出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journal.asp?ref=0012-9682影响因子:2.402主题范畴:MA THEMA TICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS; STATISTICS & PROBABILITY7. 期刊名称:STOCHASTIC MODELSISSN:1532-6349出版频率:Quarterly出版社:MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 10016 出版社网址:/期刊网址:/servlet/product/productid/STM影响因子:无主题范畴:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY。
4. 数据透视
3 -8
(raw data)
1. 完整性审核
应调查的单位或个体是否有遗漏 所有的调查项目或变量是否填写齐全
2. 准确性审核
数据是否真实反映实际情况,内容是否符合 实际
3 -5
3.1 数据的预处理
3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4
数据审核 数据筛选 数据排序 数据透视表
3 -6
3 -7
1. 数据审核
▪ 检查数据中的错误
2. 数据筛选
▪ 找出符合条件的数据
3. 数据排序
3 - 17
第1步:在Excel工作表中建立数据清单 第2步:选中数据清单中的任意单元格,并选择【数据】菜单
中的【数据透视表和数据透视图】 第3步:确定数据源区域 第4步:在【向导—3步骤之3】中选择数据透视表的输出位置,
(bar chart)
1. 用宽度相同的条形的高度或长短来表示 各类别数据的图形
2. 有单式条形图、复式条形图等形式
3. 主要用于反映分类数据的频数分布
4. 绘制时,各类别可以放在纵轴,称为条 形图,也可以放在横轴,称为柱形图 (column chart)
paper的意思用法总结1. Paper作名词时,指纸张或纸质材料。
- Piece of paper:张纸
- Sheet of paper:张纸
- Notebook paper:笔记本纸
- Toilet paper:卫生纸
- Wrapping paper:包装纸
- Tissue paper:面巾纸
2. Paper也可指论文、报告或科学研究的文稿。
- Research paper:研究论文
- Term paper:学期论文
- Position paper:立场论文
- White paper:白皮书
- Academic paper:学术论文
3. Paper还有以下衍生用法:
- Wallpapers:壁纸
- Newspaper:报纸
- Lined paper:线稿纸
- Carbon paper:复写纸
- Papercraft:纸艺、剪纸艺术
- She carefully papered the gift.
- The artwork was carefully papered and framed.
最后,paper还有一些习语和俚语用法,比如“paper over something”,意为“掩盖问题”或“粉饰过去”。
4.Looking to the future
The paper can conclude with some predictions.
The Conclusion
1 研究结果 (results of the study) 2 价值和意义(significance and advantages) 3 建议和展望 (hope or suggestion)
Listening and speaking---unit 3
lecture on 就…题目做报告,办讲座 family networks 家族关系 家庭网络 statistics 统计数据 devise 设计 发明 devise a research plan 设计一项研究计划 divide up the work 分配工作 anthropology [ˌænθrəˈpɑ:lədʒi] 人类学
3. Providing evaluations
The paper can conclude with an evaluation of significant effects, a description and analysis of the results. Hence drive home the key points of the paper.
⑷ Failure to reveal the complexities of a conclusion or situation. Negative aspects of your research should not be ignored. Problems, drawbacks etc. can be included in your conclusion section as a way of qualifying your conclusions (i.e. pointing out the negative aspects, even if they are outweighed by the positive aspects).
Lesson4 Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?花钱读常春藤名校值不值?1.如果愿意的话,施瓦茨(Daniel Schwartz)本来是可以去一所常春藤联盟(Ivy League)院校读书的。
2.18 岁的施瓦茨被康奈尔大学(Cornell University)录取了,但他最终却去了纽约市立大学麦考利荣誉学院(City University of New York’s Macaulay Honors College),后者是免费的。
私立学校医学院一年的花费动辄就要 4 万 5 美元。
他说,不值得为了一个本科文凭一年花 5 万多美元。
5.Robert Pizzo 越来越多的学生选择收费较低的公立大学,或选择住在家里走读以节省住房开支。
美国学生贷款行销协会(Sallie Mae)的一份报告显示,2010 年至 2011 学年,家庭年收入 10 万美元以上的学生中有近 25%选择就读两年制的公立学校,高于上一学年12%的比例。
6.这份报告称,这样的选择意味着,在 2010 至 2011 学年,各个收入阶层的家庭在大学教育上的花费比上一年少 9%,平均支出为 21,889 美元,包括现金、贷款、奖学金等。
高收入家庭的大学教育支出降低了 18%,平均为 25,760 美元。
这份一年一度的报告是在对约1,600 名学生和家长进行问卷调查后完成的。
HOW TO WRITE A WHITEPAPER如何写白皮书All set to write a white paper? If you are still preparing and searching for ways to compile a company’s deep knowledge of its industry and present it to your users as a white paper, this article may help you with white paperwriting.White papers are useful to highlight the expertise of a company. It is undoubtedly one of the most valuable tools of marketing.But what is the right way to make a white paper? You can take some references from business reports as white papers are quite similar to them. To write a flawless one, you must know what it is,why people need a white paper and what all is needed for white paper writing.If you are eager to know all these things, go ahead:What is a white paper?A white paper is a detailed guide or report of a particular topic and the problems it has. It is written to inform the audience and make them understand the topic, its problems, and solutions.This was a layman definition, a structured one as per the world of marketing would go like this:A white paper is a piece of content resembling an eBook. Opinions and facts included in white papers are supported by research and statistics derived from reliable sources. They include visuals as well, such as tables, images, graphs, charts, and manymore.The white paper is generally longer, detailed, and technical than an eBook.Backstory of White PaperThe term “white papers” traces its origin in England’s government-issued documents. One of the widely popular examples is the Churchill White Paper, 1922, which was commissioned by Winston Churchill.In businesses, especially inB2B, consulting, financial, sectors, white papers are used for communicating the philosophy of a company on a certain topic. It makes the case for the goodness of their product.White papers can be considered as an editorial than other forms of content. It has a deep foundation of research which gives it an authoritative tone. This is the reason why they promote thought leadership.What is the use of white paper?Businesses prepare white papers with two major intentions:To record expertise* To market themselvesThey are dedicated to an audience outside the range of business. This is why they act as a medium to attract new readers to the company as potential consumers by providing them with industry knowledge.A white paper is not a sales pitchEvery writer must know that white papers can never be a sales pitch. They are written in an entirely different way. Yes, they both serve a purpose to sell the company, but white papers don’t market in typically. They highlight the expertise of business by highlighting valuablerecommendations and internal expertise of the company. Unlike sales pitch, they don’t bid for the business.Examples:White Paper: Online Advertising: Making marketing cheap yet effective* Sales Pitch: How XYZ marketing is saving users’ budget on advertising?Types of white papersThere are various types of white papers a company can publish:Backgrounder: This white paper offers a detailed explanation of the b enefits of a company’s service, product, and methodology.* Problem-Solution Approach: While white paper writing, one walks through the solution to an issue that is prevalent in the industry.If you are a student and willing to know about other white papers, you can get online assignment help. Experts in such sites can let you know about them.How to select a white paper topic?It is tough to choose the right kind of topic. Here are the three factors you can consider while choosing a topic:Audience: Keep your target audience in mind. Try to ascertain their preferences.* Expertise: While writing a white paper you must highlight the expertise of your business.* Problem-based: Address a specific problem related to your business or industry.* Solution-focused: It should have a proposed solution or recommend a solution to the problem. How to prepare for white paper writing ResearchA white paper topic has to be research comprehensively. You can dig information from industry resources, online references, and internal documents.You don’t have to follow any stern rules on citations, however, do cite data that you didn’t know prior to research. But, try to know the readers’ confidence is expected to grow with a big list of resources.All your sources must belong to authoritative websites. To make a valuable document, you will have to cite credible origins. Also, you can take help with custom research paper writing.Read white papersIt is always a good idea to read others’ work before writing your own. By doing so, you can gain ideas on how to make your content more engaging. Also, you can decide on things you don’t want to include in your piece of writing.So, find out white papers written on your topic on the web. Go through them and determine the knowledge gaps you have. Use your reading skill as an opportunity to create existing content. Go for organizational toolsIsn’t it great to keep track of all sources, content, and ideas involved while writing a white paper? By using an organization tool like Mind-Map, you can do this easily. Such tools allow the writer to connect multiple pieces of information into one visual overview.There is no need to spend extrabucks to access an organizer. You can use free tools like FreeMind which are simple to use.How to format a white paperThe white paper format is generally a standard document. The order of content is often similar to other business documents, but the major difference is:Many business communications place conclusions at the beginning of the document, such as business proposals or technical reports. The white paper places the summary or conclusion at the end.* This order reflects the wishes of the audience and their preference while receiving information. * Content and research shows inform the audience. In a white paper, these are the twofactors that increase their understanding problem.* The last section offers a constructive moment. Here the audience receives solutions that are backed by reliable evidence in the document.* The preferences and journeys of readers in a business report and white paper are different. The major findings follow suit.* In case you are not sure of distinctions and lack business writing skills, you can connect to some online report writers.Irrespective of the journey, your document must be easy to read and understand. It must have informative headings and overall easy navigation. Here are the basics for drafting all sections:TitleIt must be appealing as users are more likely to click on catchy titles than the plain, boring ones. You can say, it is crucial to think of a good title. Try to clearly say what readers will get in your content. Entice them with your title.Don’t use the phrase “white paper” in the title unless required. It has been observed that the audience seek authoritative indicator. Understand the preferences of your potential readers.AbstractThis section is picked by most of the users. It gives a brief overview of the major points of a white paper. Here, the readers are allowed to acknowledge they have found a relevant document to serve their needs. After going through abstracts they must feel they are in the right place.Problem StatementThe problem statement explains the problem your white paper is mainly addressing. The main issue has to be defined and put into context. This has to ensure readers understand the problem.BackgroundIn this section, you will have to offer background information needed for the readers. Your readers should be able to grasp the issue and solution.The contents of the background must be detailed, high-level, broad, and technical. It must depend on the reader and theproblem.When original research is done for a white paper, you must communicate the methods.SolutionHere comes the most sorted moment of white paper writing.On the basis of the preceding data, you will have to present the solution here. It must be argued and developed for the use of aggregated evidence and expertise of the author and their company.ConclusionYou may already know what the conclusion is meant for. Summarize the content of the major findings of your white paper. Present recommendations based on solutions provided. ReferencesAll sources are utilized to develop a white paper which should be aggregated and cited here. References add validity to your white paper. This is the only section where your readers get content for further research. Follow citationformats like MLA or APA. Create it as per your industryWhat not to do while preparing a white paper Knowing everything about white paper is good if you are a beginner. But before you begin with one, there are certain mistakes you must know so that you can avoid them.There are some common mistakes listed here. All of them have the potential to turn your effort and dedication into a wasted venture. Let us quickly go through them:Make it like a sales pitchYes, white papers are used in marketing campaigns where businesses present their products and services. But that does not mean it should look like a sales pitch. If you are turning a white paper into a sales pitch, you are taking itall wrong. This will instantly turn your readers off. Because, when the audience comes to white papers in search of informative pieces made without any bias. Thus, it should help them by providing information and not try to persuade them to buy a service or product. A sales pitch is a different concept, you can save it for product brochures or other content.Lack of in-depth researchYou have already read that white papers mustbe intensely researched documents. It is right that carrying out valuable authentic research requires a lot. Apt research often needs collective efforts. At times it may fall beyond the budget of a marketing team, and minor statistics from the first page of a simple Google searchwill not do any good.Lengthy research is often time-consuming. Searching through a number ofscholarly works and collecting relevant statistics will surely take time, but the results will be worth your effort. If you want your white paper to have an intended effect, establish your content as an authoritative source. A source to which your users can trust want return. In any case, don’t compromise with research.Not-so-good designThe design of white paper is a broad concept to discuss. Though we cannot elaborate much here, it’s worth a brief mentioning. All writers, newbies, or pros must focus on the written content of the white paper, it matters a lot. But if one is neglecting design, even the perfect content will go unnoticed. Not putting effort to create stellar designs can harm your white paper to a great length. On the other hand, a good design canmake your salient points stand out. Your readers will easily understand what is presented in the paper. Visuals like videos, charts, images, and graphs supporting your argument are important. You can search on the internet how people make efficient use of visuals in design.Keeping it vagueWhite papers do hidden marketing. They serve a purpose to offer facts and information without directly persuading them. But, the essence remains in attracting potential consumers. To drive people towards a brand, white papers must not be boring. Don’t make it vague.Try telling a story. Problem-solutions papers, backgrounders, research findings, all they have some story. Make your readers aware of these stories through your narrative. Because they cannot make it via the whole piece if there willbe nothing to keep them connected. Set a problem, discuss its solution. Involve some success stories, it’s a proven formula to create engaging content.Keeping it abstractBecause most white papers will involve sharing research findings, it can be easy to leave them in the realm of theory without explaining how to utilize those findings on a practical level. This is truly more of backgrounders but can be the case with problem-solution white papers aswell.Generally, white papers present and share research findings. It is very to keep them in the reign of theory. You don’t need to describe how to use the research findings in the real world. TakeawayPreparing a perfect white paper is not a 2-minute job. Time, skill, and effort are the key ingredients you need to create a valuable and appealing document. When you are making something to share a company’s essence, knowledge, contribution to the welfare of society, role in the industry, you must focus on all the four pillars of a white paper: research, format, design, and content. One stellar white paper can increase business opportunities to a great extent.。
例如,我们可以说paper bag (纸袋)、paper trail(文件记录)等。
短语:on paper另外一个常见的用法是短语"on paper",意思是理论上、按照文件、按照计划或理想状况。
例如,我们可以说"On paper, the project seems feasible."(理论上,这个项目看起来是可行的。
)综上所述,根据上下文的不同,papers可以是名词(指文件或文件纸)、动词(指涂抹纸张)、形容词(与纸有关的)或短语("on paper"表示理论上)。
精品文档目录Section A (1)Representation of data .Measures of location. Measures of spreadSection B (9)ProbabilitySection C (14)Permutations and combinationsSection D (19)Probability distributionsExpectation and Variance of a random VariableSection E (22)The binomial distributionSection F (26)The normal distribution Answer (30)Section A (30)Section B (36)Section C (39)Section D (40)Section E (42)Section F (44)Section A Representation of data Measures of locationMeasures of spread1 The weights in kilograms of two groups of 17-year-old males fromcountry P and country Q are displayed in the following back-to-backstem-and-leaf diagram. In the third row of the diagram,. . . 4 | 7|1 . . . denotes weights of 74 kg for a male in country P and 71kg fora male in country Q.(02w)(i) Find the median and quartile weights for country Q. [3](ii) You are given that the lower quartile, median and upper quartilefor country P are 84, 94 and 98 kg respectively. On a single diagramon graph paper, draw two box-and-whisker plots of the data. [4](iii) Make two comments on the weights of the two groups. [2]2 (i)(03s)The diagram represents the sales of Superclene toothpaste over thelast few years. Give a reason why it is misleading. [1](ii) The following data represent the daily ticket sales at a smalltheatre during three weeks.52, 73, 34, 85, 62, 79, 89, 50, 45, 83, 84, 91, 85, 84, 87, 44, 86,41, 35, 73, 86.(a) Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram to illustrate the data. [3](b)Use your diagram to find the median of the data. [1]3 A random sample of 97 people who own mobile phones was used to collectdata on the amount of time they spent per day on their phones. Theresults are displayed in the table below.(03s)Time spent per0 ≤t < 5 5 ≤t < 1010≤t < 2020≤t < 3030≤t< 4040 ≤t < 70 day(t minutes)11 20 32 18 10 6Numberof people(i) Calculate estimates of the mean a nd standard deviation of the timespent per day on these mobile phones. [5](ii) On graph paper, draw a fully labelled histogram to represent thedata.[4]4 A computer can generate random numbers which are either 0 or 2. On aparticular occasion, it generates a set of numbers which consists of23 zeros and 17 twos. Find the mean and variance of this set of 40numbers. [4] (03w)5 The floor areas, x m2, of 20 factories are as follows.(03w)150 350 450 578 595 644 722 798 802 9041000 1330 1533 1561 1778 1960 2167 2330 2433 3231Represent these data by a histogram on graph paper, using intervals0 ≤x < 500, 500 ≤x < 1000, 1000 ≤x < 2000, 2000 ≤x < 3000,3000 ≤x < 4000. [4]6 Two cricket teams kept records of the number of runs scored by theirteams in 8 matches. The scores are shown in the following table.(04s)Team A 150 220 77 30 298 118 16057Team B 166 142 170 93 111 130 14886(i) Find the mean a nd standard deviation of the scores for team A. [2]The mean and standard deviation for team B are 130.75 and 29.63 respectively.(ii)State with a reason which team has the more consistent scores.[2]7 In a recent survey, 640 people were asked about the length of time eachweek that they spent watching television. The median time was foundto be 20 hours, and the lower and upper quartiles were 15 hours and35 hours respectively. The least amount of time that anyone spent was3 hours, and the greatestamount was 60 hours.(04s)(i) On graph paper, show these results using a fully labelledcumulative frequency graph. [3](ii) Use your graph to estimate how many people watched more than 50hours of television each week. [2]8 The lengths of cars travelling on a car ferry are noted. The data aresummarised in the followingtable. (04w)9 The ages, x years, of 18 people attending an evening class aresummarised by the following totals: Σx = 745, Σx 2 = 33 951.(04w)(i) Calculate the mean a nd standard deviation of the ages of this groupof people. [3](ii) One person leaves the group and the mean age of the remaining 17people is exactly 41 years. Find the age of the person who leftand the standard deviation of the ages of the remaining 17 people.[4]10 The following table shows the results of a survey to find the averagedaily time, in minutes, that a group of schoolchildren spent ininternet chatrooms.(05s)Time per day (t minutes)Frequency0 ≤t < 10 210 ≤t < 20 f20 ≤t < 40 1140 ≤t < 80 4The mean time was calculated to be 27.5 minutes.(i) Form an equation involvingf and hence show that the total number of children in the survey was 26. [4](ii) Find the standard deviation of these times. [2]11 The following back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram shows thecholesterol count for a group of 45 people who exercise daily and forLengthof car (x metres)Frequency Frequency density 2.80≤x < 3.00 17 85 3.00≤x < 3.10 24 240 3.10≤x < 3.20 19 190 3.20 ≤x < 3.408 aanother group of 63 who do not exercise. The figures in brackets show the number of people corresponding to each set of leaves.(05s)(i) Give one useful feature of a stem-and-leaf diagram. [1](ii) Find the median and the quartiles of the cholesterol count for the group who do not exercise. [3]You are given that the lower quartile, median and upper quartile ofthe cholesterol count for the group who exercise are 4.25, 5.3 and 6.6 respectively.(iii) On a single diagram on graph paper, draw two box-and-whisker plots to illustrate the data. [4]12 A group of 10 married couples and 3 single men found that the meanagex of the 10 women was 41.2 years and the standard deviation ofwthe women’s ages was 15.1 years. For the 13 men, the mean agexm was 46.3 years and the standard deviation was 12.7 years.(05w)(i) Find the mean age of the whole group of 23 people. [2](ii)The individual women’s ages are denoted byx and the individualwmen’s ages byx. By firstfinding Σ2w x and Σ2m x, find themstandard deviation for the whole group. [5]13 A study of the ages of car drivers in a certain country produced theresults shown in the table.(05w)Percentage of drivers in each age groupYoung Middle-aged ElderlyMales4035 25Females20 70 10Illustrate these results diagrammatically.14 The salaries, in thousands of dollars, of 11 people, chosen at randomin a certain office, were found to be:40, 42, 45, 41, 352, 40, 50, 48, 51, 49, 47.Choose a nd calculate an appropriatemeasure of central tendency (mean, mode o r median) to summarise these salaries. Explain briefly why the other measures are not suitable. [3](06s)15 Each father in a random sample of fathers was asked how old he waswhen his first child was born. The following histogram represents the information.(06s)(i) What is the modal age group? [1](ii) How m any f athers were between 25 and 30 years old when their first child was born? [2](iii) How many fathers were in the sample? [2](iv) Find the probability that a father, chosen at random f rom the group, was between 25 and 30 years old when his first child was born,given that he was older than 25 years. [2]16 32 teams enter for a knockout competition, in which each match resultsin one team winning and the other team losing. After each match thewinning team goes on to the next round, and the losing team takes nofurther part in the competition. Thus 16 teams play in the second round,8 teams play in the third round, and so on, until 2 teams play in thefinal round. (06s)(i) How many teams play in only 1 match? [1](ii) How many teams play in exactly 2 matches? [1](iii) Draw up a frequency table for the numbers of matches which theteams play. [3](iv) Calculate the mean and variance of the numbers of matches which the teams play. [4]17 The weights of 30 children in a class, to the nearest kilogram, wereas follows.50 45 61 53 55 47 52 49 46 5160 52 54 47 57 59 42 46 51 5356 48 50 51 44 52 49 58 55 45Construct a grouped frequency table for these data such that thereare five equal class intervals with the first class having a lowerboundary of 41.5 kg and the fifth class having an upper boundary of61.5 kg. [4] (06w)18 In a survey, people were asked how long they took to travel to andfrom work, on average. The median time was 3 hours 36 minutes, theupper quartile was 4 hours 42 minutes and the interquartile range was3 hours 48 minutes. The longest time taken was 5 hours 12 minutes andthe shortest time was 30 minutes.(i) Find the lower quartile. [2](06w)(ii) Represent the information by a box-and-whisker plot, using a scale of 2 cm to represent 60 minutes. [4]19 The length of time, t minutes, taken to do the crossword in a certainnewspaper was observed on 12 occasions. The results are summarisedbelow.Σ(t - 35) = -15 Σ(t - 35)2 = 82.23Calculate the mean a nd standard deviation of these times taken to do the crossword. [4](07s)20 The lengths of time in minutes to swim a certain distance by themembers of a class of twelve 9-year-olds and by the members of a class of eight 16-year-olds are shown below.(07s)9-year-olds: 13.0 16.1 16.0 14.4 15.9 15.1 14.2 13.7 16.7 16.4 15.013.216-year-olds: 14.8 13.0 11.4 11.7 16.5 13.7 12.8 12.9(i) Draw a back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram to represent theinformation above. [4](ii) A new pupil joined the 16-year-old class and swam the distance.The mean time for the class of nine pupils was now 13.6 minutes.Find the newpupil’s time to swim the distance. [3]21 The stem-and-leaf diagram below represents data collected for thenumber of hits on an internet site on each day in March 2007. Thereis one missing value, denoted by x.(08s)(i) Find the median and lower quartile for the number of hits eachday. [2](ii) The interquartile range is 19. Find the value of x. [2]22 As part of a data collection exercise, members of a certain schoolyear group were asked how long they spent on their Mathematicshomework during one particular week. The times are given to thenearest 0.1 hour. The results are displayed in the following table.(i) Draw, on graph paper, a histogram to illustrate this information.[5](ii) Calculate an estimate of the mean t ime spent on their Mathematics homework by members of this year group. [3]23 (i) In a spot check of the speeds xkmh-1of 30 cars on a motorway, thedata were summarised by ∑(x - 110) = -47.2 and ∑(x - 110)2 =5460. Calculate the mean a nd standard deviation of these speeds.[4]24 The age at which a child first walked (to the nearest month) wasrecorded for 8 children. The results were as follows.12 11 16 19 10 12 12 13Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the data. [3]25 The manager of a company noted the times spent in 80 meetings. Theresults were as follows.Time(t minutes) 0﹤t≤15 15﹤t≤30 30﹤t≤60 60﹤t≤90 90﹤t≤120 Number o f meeting 4 7 24 38 7Draw a cumulative frequency graph and use this to estimate the median time and the interquartile range. [6]26 A summary of 24 observations of x gave the following information:Σ(x -) = -73.2 and Σ(x -)2 = 2115. (07w)The mean of these values of x is 8.95.(i) Find the value of the constant . [2](ii) Find the standard deviation of these values of x. [2]27 The arrival times of 204 trains were noted and the number of minutes,t, that each train was late was recorded. The results are summarisedin the table.-2≤t﹤0 0≤t﹤2 2≤t﹤4 4≤t﹤6 6≤t﹤10 Number of minuteslate(t)Number of trains 43 51 69 22 19(i) Explain what -2 ≤t < 0 means a bout the arrival times of trains.[1](ii) Draw a cumulative frequency graph, and from it estimate themedian and the interquartile range of the number of minutes lateof these trains. [7]28 Rachel measured the lengths in millimetres of some of the leaves ona tree. Her results are recorded below.(08w)32 35 45 37 38 44 33 39 36 45Find the mean and standard deviation of the lengths of these leaves.[3]29 The pulse rates, in beats per minute, of a random sample of 15 smallanimals are shown in the following table.(08w)115 120 158 132 125104 142 160 145 104162 117 109 124 134(i) Draw a stem-and-leaf diagram to represent the data. [3](ii) Find the median and the quartiles. [2](iii) On graph paper, using a scale of 2 cm to represent 10 beats perminute, draw a box-and-whisker plot of the data. [3]30 During January the numbers of people entering a store during the firsthour after opening were as follows.(09s)Time after openingx minutesFrequency Cumulative frequency 0 ﹤ x ≤ 10210 210 10 ﹤ x ≤ 20134 344 20 ﹤ x ≤ 3078 42230 ﹤ x ≤ 4072 40 ﹤ x ≤ 0 b 540 (i) Find the values of a and b. [2](ii) Draw a cumulative frequency graph to represent this information.Take a scale of 2 cm for 10 minutes on the horizontal axis and2 cm for 50 people on the vertical axis. [4](iii) Use your graph to estimate the median time after opening thatpeople entered the store. [2](iv) Calculate estimates of the mean, m m inutes, and standard deviation,s minutes, of the time after opening that people entered the store.[4](v) Use your graph to estimate the number of people entering the storebetween ()21s m and ()21s m minutes after opening. [2]Section B Probability1 Ivan throws three fair dice.(02w)(i) List all the possible scores on the three dice which give a totalscore of 5, and hence show that the probability of Ivan obtaininga total score of 5 is361 . [3] (ii)Find the probability of Ivan obtaining a total score of 7. [3]2 Rachel and Anna play each other at badminton. Each game results ineither a win for Rachel or a win for Anna. The probability of Rachelwinning the first game is 0.6. If Rachel wins a particular game, theprobability of her winning the next game i s 0.7, but if she loses, the probability of her winning the next game i s 0.4. By using a tree diagram, or otherwise, (02w)(i) find the conditional probability that Rachel wins the first game,given that she loses the second, [5](ii)find the probability that Rachel wins 2 games and loses 1 game out of the first three games they play. [4]3 The people living in 3 houses are classified as children (C), parents(P) or grandparents (G). The numbers living in each house are shownin the table below.(03s)House number 1 House number2House number34C, 1P, 2G 2C, 2P, 3G1C, 1G(i) All the people in all 3 houses meet for a party. One person atthe party is chosen at random. Calculate the probability ofchoosing a grandparent.[2](ii) A house is chosen at random. Then a person in that house is chosen at random. Using a tree diagram, or otherwise, calculate theprobability that the person chosen is a grandparent. [3](iii) Given that the person chosen by the method in part (ii) is agrandparent, calculate the probability that there is also aparent living in the house.[4]4 In a certain country 54% of the population is male. It is known that5% o f the males are colour-blind and 2% o f the females are colour-blind.A person is chosen at random and found to be colour-blind. By drawinga tree diagram, or otherwise, find the probability that this personis male. [6] (03w)5 When Don plays tennis, 65% o f his first serves go into the correct areaof the court. If the first serve goes into the correct area, his chance of winning the point is 90%. If his first serve does not go into thecorrect area, Don is allowed a second serve, and of these, 80% g o into the correct area. If the second serve goes into the correct area, his chance of winning the point is 60%. If neither serve goes into thecorrect area, Don loses the point.(i) Draw a tree diagram to represent this information. [4](04s)(ii) Using your tree diagram, find the probability that Don loses thepoint.[3](iii) Find the conditional probability that Don’s first serve went into the correct area, given that he loses the point. [2]6 When Andrea needs a taxi, she rings one of three taxi companies, A,B or C. 50% of her calls are to taxi company A, 30%to B and 20% to C.A taxi from company A arrives late 4% o f the time, a taxi from companyB arrives late 6%of the time and a taxi fromcompanyC arrives late 17%of the time.(04w)(i) Find the probability that, when A ndrea rings for a taxi, it arriveslate.[3](ii) Given that Andrea’s taxi arrives late, find the conditionalprobability that she rang company B.[3]7 Data about employment for males and females in a small rural area areshown in the table.(05s)Unemployed EmployedMale 206 412Female 358 305A person from this area is chosen at random. Let M be the event thatthe person is male and let E be the event that the person is employed.(i) Find P(M). [2](ii) Find P(M and E). [1](iii) Are M and E independent events? Justify your answer. [3](iv) Given that the person chosen is unemployed, find the probabilitythat the person is female. [2]8 Boxes of sweets contain toffees and chocolates. Box A contains 6toffees and 4 chocolates, box B contains 5 toffees and 3 chocolates,and box C contains 3 toffees and 7 chocolates. One o f the boxes is chosenat random and two sweets are taken out, one after the other, and eaten.(05w)(i) Find the probability that they are both toffees. [3](ii)Given that they are both toffees, find the probability that theyboth came from box A. [3]9 The probability that Henk goes swimming on any day is 0.2. On a daywhen h e goes swimming, the probability that Henk has burgers for supperis 0.75. On a day when he does not go swimming the probability thathe has burgers for supper is x. This information is shown on thefollowing tree diagram. (06s)The probability that Henk has burgers for supper on any day is 0.5.(i) Find x. [4](ii) Given that Henk has burgers for supper, find the probability that he went swimming that day.[2]10 Two fair dice are thrown.(06w)(i) Event A is ‘the scores differ by 3 or more’. Find the probabilityof event A. [3](ii) Event B is ‘the product of the scores is greater than 8’. Find the probability of event B. [2](iii) State with a reason whether events A and B are mutually exclusive.[2]11 Jamie is equally likely to attend or not to attend a training sessionbefore a football match. If he attends, he is certain to be chosenfor the team which plays in the match. If he does not attend, thereis a probability of 0.6 that he is chosen for the team.(07s)(i) Find the probability that Jamie is chosen for the team. [3](ii)Find the conditional probability that Jamie attended the training session, given that he was chosen for the team. [3]12 In country A 30% o f people who drink tea have sugar in it. In countryB 65% of people who drink tea have sugar in it. There are 3 millionpeople in country A who drink tea and 12 million people in countryB who drink tea. A person is chosen at random from these 15 millionpeople. (08s)(i) Find the probability that the person chosen is from country A.[1](ii) Find the probability that the person chosen does not have sugarin their tea. [2](iii)Given that the person chosen does not have sugar in their tea,find the probability that the person is from country B. [2]13 A lecturer wishes to give a message to a student. The probabilitiesthat she uses e-mail, letter or personal contact are 0.4, 0.1 and 0.5respectively. She uses only one method. The probabilities of thestudent receiving the message if the lecturer uses e-mail, letter orpersonal contact are 0.6, 0.8 and respectively.(i) Find the probability that the student receives the message. [3](ii) Given that the student receives the message, find the conditional probability that he received it via e-mail. [3]14 A survey was made of the number of people attending church serviceson one particular Sunday morning. A random sample of 500 churches wastaken. The results are as follows.Number o f people attending 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-100 101-200 201-300 Number of churches 46 110 122 100 86 36(i) Draw a histogram on graph paper to represent these results. [5](ii) Find the probability that, in each of 3 churches chosen at random from the sample, the number of people attending was less than 61.[2]15 Events A and B are such that P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.8 and P(A and B)= 0.4. State, giving a reason in each case, whether events A and Bare(i) independent [2](ii) mutually exclusive. [2]16 Box A contains 5 red paper clips and 1 white paper clip. Box B contains7 red paper clips and 2 white paper clips. One paper clip is takenat random from box A and transferred to box B. One paper clip is thentaken at random from box B.(07w)(i) Find the probability of taking both a white paper clip from boxA and a red paper clip frombox B. [2](ii) Find the probability that the paper clip taken from box B is red.[2](iii) Find the probability that the paper clip taken from box A was red, given that the paper clip taken from box B is red. [2](iv) The random variable X denotes the number of times that a red paperclip is taken. Draw up a table to show the probabilitydistribution ofX . [4] 17 There are three sets of traffic lights on Karinne ’s journey to work.The independent probabilities that Karinne has to stop at the first, second and third set of lights are 0.4, 0.8 and 0.3 respectively.(08w)(i) Draw a tree diagram to show this information. [2](ii) Find the probability that Karinne has to stop at each of the firsttwo sets of lights but does not have to stop at the third set.[2](iii) Find the probability that Karinne has to stop at exactly two ofthe three sets of lights. [3](iv) Find the probability that Karinne has to stop at the first setof lights, given that she has to stop at exactly two sets of lights.[3]18 At a zoo, rides are offered on elephants, camels and jungle tractors.Ravi has money for only one ride. To decide which ride to choose, hetosses a fair coin twice. If he gets 2 heads he will go on the elephant ride, if he gets 2 tails he will go on the camel ride and if he gets1 of each he will go on the jungle tractor ride.(09s)(i) Find the probabilities that he goes on each of the three rides.[2]The probabilities that Ravi is frightened on each of the rides areas follows:elephant ride 106, camel ride 107, jungle tractor ride 108.(ii) Draw a fully labelled tree diagram showing the rides that Ravicould take and whether or not he is frightened. [2]Ravi goes on a ride.(iii) Find the probability that he is frightened. [2](iv) Given that Ravi is not frightened, find the probability that hewent on the camel ride. [3]。
Arista EOS 应用可见性和网络探测白皮书说明书
APPLICATION VISIBILITY CHALLENGE As Enterprises and Service Providers evolve from traditional static networks to virtualized on-demand cloud networks, troubleshooting and monitoring toolsets also need to evolve to provide fine-grained visibility into application performance and network-wide monitoring capabilities that integrate with both industry standards and customer specific dev/ops solutions.Arista EOS already has numerous features that provide visibility into network traffic such as Latency Analyzer (LANZ), Data Analyzer (DANZ), sFlow, Path Tracer, VM Tracer, MapReduce Tracer as well as tools like Advanced Event Monitor (AEM) that provides an on-switch record of data-plane forwarding changes.Arista’s Network Telemetry application for Splunk augments these with additional network telemetry data and by pushing the data into a centralized Splunk server where the Arista Network Telemetry App for Splunk provides pre-built dashboards, views, searches and add-ons for visualizing this network telemetry data. The types of data that can be pushed into Splunk include:•Interface counters and statistics•System logging data (syslog)•Network topology discovered using LLDP•Switch health and inventory data (modules and transceivers) including power consumption,optical light levels and switch capacity •Latency Analysis data (LANZ)•Data Analysis (DANZ) mirror-to-cpu decoded packets•sFlow sampled packets (decoded)•AEM events including MAC moves (L2), route updates (L3), VM vMotion events etc.Arista Networks was founded to deliver software defined cloud networking solutions for large data center and high-performance computing environments. With more than one million cloud networking ports being deployed worldwide, Arista delivers a portfolio of 1/10/40 and 100GbE products that redefine network architectures, bring extensibility to networking, and dramatically change the price/performance of data center networks.At the core of Arista's platform is the Extensible Operating System (EOS™), a ground-breaking network operating system with single-image consistency across hardware platforms, and modern core architecture enabling in-service upgrades and application extensibility.This whitepaper details Arista’s Network Telemetry Application for Splunk and EOS extensions that enable Arista switches to push network telemetry information into Splunk. Figure 1: Arista Network Telemetry summary dashboardThere are two parts to the Arista Network Telemetry Application for Splunk:1.An Arista EOS Extension that runs on the switch. This extension provides the source data from variouscollectors and uses the Splunk Universal Forwarder (also running on the switch) to forward to one or more Splunk servers.2.The Arista Network Telemetry App that runs on the Splunk server providing pre-built dashboards, views,searches and add-ons for visualizing supplied dataIt is a prerequisite that Splunk is already installed and running.INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING THE ARISTA EOS SPLUNK EXTENSIONThe Arista EOS Splunk Extension is a standalone extension package (swix file) that can be loaded onto Arista switches running EOS-4.12 or later. Download the arista-splunk-extension.swix from the software download section of , copy to the switch and install using the extension command:switch# copy scp://<user>@<host>/<dir>/arista-splunk-extension.swix extension:switch# extension arista-splunk-extension.swixLog out and login into the switch to update the CLI with the new extension.The Splunk Universal Forwarder RPM also needs to be installed on the switch. This can be downloaded from Splunk’s website. The Arista EOS Splunk Extension provides instructions on how to download and install onto the switch if its not already installed (issue “show splunk-forwarder”) or use the following commands: switch# copy /releases/5.0.3/universalforwarder/linux/splunkforwarder-5.0.3-163460.i386.rpm extension:switch# extension splunkforwarder-5.0.3-163460.i386.rpmNote this is the same Splunk Universal Forwarder Fedora/Red Hat x86-32 RPM binary that you would install on a Linux host or server unmodified. It can run on the control-plane of all Arista switches as-is.Complete the installation of the extension by ensuring it is part of extensions:switch# copy installed-extensions boot-extensionsAt this point, the Arista Splunk Extension can be configured through the splunk-forwarder configuration sub-mode and defining one or more Splunk servers to forward events to and enabling:switch# configureswitch(config)# splunk-forwarderswitch(config-splunk-forwarder)# splunk-server <ipaddr>switch(config-splunk-forwarder)# no shutdownBy default the Arista Splunk Extension will forward switch logs in real time, interface counters and LANZ data every minute, switch health and inventory data (modules, transceivers), power consumption, optical light levels, switch capacity and network topology information every hour with a maximum data rate of 256Kbps (32KB/s or at most 2.7MB/day.)You can verify this via “show splunk-forwarder” or “show run all section splunk”:switch# show run all section splunksplunk-forwardersplunk-server <ipaddr> 9997index inventory interval 3600index topology interval 3600index interface-counters interval 60no index sflowindex syslog follow-tail-onlyindex lanz-data interval 60 threshold 1024 historic-data 7200max-data-rate 256no shutdownswitch# show splunk-forwarder[…]Forwarders Configured:<ipaddr>:9997Items to index: (max-data-rate is 256 Kbps)Switch Inventory: enabled (1h 0s intervals)Topology Information: enabled (1h 0s intervals)Interface Statistics: enabled (1m 0s intervals)Latency Analyzer (LANZ): enabled (1m 0s intervals) [threshold: 1024]Syslog: enabled (Tail)Sflow: disabledMirror CPU traffic: NoneCustom Script: NoneSplunk Forwarder Status:Operational state: runningsplunkd is running (PID: 15131).Active forwards:<ipaddr>:9997switch#Additional data items can also be sent to Splunk including decoded sampled data plane traffic (sFlow), decoded Mirror-to-CPU traffic as well as any other data collected within EOS, either via custom-scripts that run CLI commands or any commands from within Linux like a bash command. Some examples include: •Collect decoded sFlow sampled traffic:switch(config-splunk-forwarder)# index sflow•Collect DANZ mirror-to-CPU traffic from interface Ethernet10:switch(config-splunk-forwarder)# index mirror-cpu interface ethernet10 •collect L2 MAC address moves in the last minute every minute:switch(config-splunk-forwarder)# index custom-script source-type arista_mac_movesinterval 60 cli show event-monitor mac match-time last-minute•track TCP stack performance on the switch with Linux’s native ‘netstat’ command:switch(config-splunk-forwarder)# index custom-script source-type arista_netstatinterval 300 bash netstat -sIts also possible to selectively push any data from the switch into Splunk in an adhoc or unstructured manner.e.g. to send the contents of the BGP table into Splunk as a one-off:switch# show ip bgp | splunk-adhocAs Splunk can index unstructured data there are no limits to what data can be sent towards Splunk. The skill is being able to formulate searches and queries in Splunk to extract data around finding whatever is being looked for. This is where the Arista Network Telemetry App that runs on the Splunk server with pre-built dashboards, views, searches and add-ons for visualizing supplied data comes into play.ARISTA NETWORK TELEMETRY APPLICATION FOR SPLUNKThe Arista Network Telemetry Application for Splunk can be downloaded from Splunk’s website. You can find it using App -> Find More Apps -> and search for Arista Networks.Once installed, access it via App -> Arista Networks within Splunk (typically <splunkurl>/app/aristanetworks/) and a summary is presented:Figure 2: Arista Network Telemetry summary dashboardThe summary view displays aggregate traffic levels across all switches (top left), alarms/alerts on all switches (top right), and drops/errors across switches (bottom left/right). The time periods of each of these can be customized and one can drill down to look further into any detail by clicking on elements.Figure 3: Drilldown to alerts/logs – showing warnings summaryNavigation bar across the top allows the user to look closer at any aspects of the data being sent to Splunk, e.g. clicking on “Network Topology” will provide a network topology diagram based on what has been discovered using LLDP:Figure 4: Network Topology diagramUnder Interface Statistics individual interface statistics (bytes, rates, packets, errors) can be graphed either by switch (Figure 5) or by individual interfaces on a switch (Figure 6).When displaying multiple interfaces at the same time, Spark Line graphs are used to show rate changes and a traffic-light color scheme (red/orange/green) is used to denote interface traffic levels and/or any errors. One can zoom into any date/time by highlighting any part of the timeline, 8am-4pm on 17 October shown below:Figure 5: Multiple Interfaces rates dashboardSince switches push information such as interface descriptions out to Splunk, interface statistics can be located based on what the switch is attached to without having to know physical interface connectivity (Figure 6). Also shown in single interface rates are drops/errors highlighted using bar graphs alongside interface rates:Figure 6: Single Interfaces rates using switch port descriptionDashboard views for Switch Inventory show a summary of what devices are known and can be filtered based on any fields. For example below, we are listing all switches with a manufacturing date of 2011 of later:Figure 7: Switch Inventory Table dashboardIt’s possible to drill down further into what field removable units (FRUs) exist in a given switch and use this to track transceivers, power supplies, fans etc., being added/removed or reused across different switches over time:Figure 8: Field Removable Unit Inventory dashboardMost tables can also be displayed as charts too, for example under Transceivers you can get a summary view of what transceivers are deployed across all switches:Figure 9: Transceiver Inventory Chart dashboardCapacity Planning information like the number of used/free ports and switch control-plane capacity (CPU and memory utilization) are also recorded and available as a dashboard allowing for historical reporting and comparison. Simple traffic-light reporting (green/yellow/red) is also provided in this view providing easy interpretation of whether there are any capacity problems that need further attention:Figure 10: Switch CPU/memory/ports used dashboardCapacity planning information about the data-plane hardware forwarding tables (MAC tables, LPM and Host Routes) is also pushed into Splunk and is available on a dashboard, again with simple traffic-light reporting (green/yellow/red) providing for easy interpretation, historical usage and trend over time:Figure 11: Switch data-plane capacity planning dashboardSwitch Environmental/Power statistics are also available, pushed into Splunk and with dashboard views that provide this data across switches:Figure 12: Switch Power Consumption dashboardSome of the best and most useful network telemetry data available is provided by Latency Analyzer (LANZ) on Arista switches. LANZ provides visibility into congestion events and microbursts. LANZ can provide details on when congestion happened, for how long, the queue depth (bytes), and maximum latency. There are two pre-built dashboards that provide this data, allowing drill-down on delay (usec) and maximum queue depth (bytes).In Figure 13 below Splunk is used to look into a congestion event at 8:06am on the switch “nickel”, interface ethernet38 that recorded 152 LANZ events during that minute.Figure 13: LANZ Latency dashboardIn Figure 14 below one is exploring a congestion/performance issue on 14 October. Using the LANZ Maximum Queue Size dashboard its clear that there was a large congestion event around midday on that day. Given the visualization one could then dive further into that time to see what was going on.Figure 14: LANZ Maximum Queue size dashboardEnabling sFlow on Arista switches provides for data-plane traffic sampling where 1 in N packets is sampled and sent to a sFlow collector. This can be augmented by enabling sFlow collection within the Arista EOS Splunk Extension where sFlow sampled packets will be decoded and pushed to Splunk.A nice aspect of sFlow is that it samples the first 128 bytes of every packet which means that we can conduct some protocol analytics based on things other than Layer 2 to Layer 4 headers, i.e. we can also see protocols and decode those. Figure 15 below shows an example of conducting a search in Splunk to show frames in VLANs numbered over 1,000 and then showing the top 10 traffic sources at layer 2 (eth_src). The search query in Splunk is simply ‘sourcetype=arista_switch_sflow sflow_245_vlan_in>1000’:Figure 15: sFlow sampled data decoded and pushed to SplunkQuery: sourcetype=arista_switch_sflow vlan_in>1000Drilldown to top talkersVisibility into what the hosts and applicationsare doingShowing the power of ad-hoc searches and Splunk’s powerful visualization capabilities one could change this search to be something like “show me where all HTTP traffic is going”. The search in Splunk would be as simple as ‘sourcetype=arista_switch_sflow http | geoip ip_dst’ which will show any sFlow sampled traffic from Arista switches that contain HTTP fields, and conduct a geo-location lookup on the destination IP address. This can then be plotted on a map as shown below showing the most common locations where HTTP requests are going to: Query: sourcetype=arista_switch_sflow http | geoip ip_dstFigure 16: sFlow sampled HTTP requests decoded with geolocation lookup plotted on Google MapsSUMMARYThere are many more pre-built dashboards and views available in addition to those listed here. The real power of Arista Network Telemetry data being pushed into Splunk is in combining multiple input data sources with network telemetry data and using that for analytics, capacity planning and troubleshooting.Arista Network Telemetry including the Network Tracers provides real-world solutions to the real-world problems of Data Center network visibility, monitoring and troubleshooting. Arista Network Telemetry enables tight linkages between the physical and virtual infrastructure and applications running within the infrastructure resulting in considerable savings in operational expenditures.Santa Clara—Corporate Headquarters 5453 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel: 408-547-5500San Francisco —R&D and Sales Office 1390 Market Street Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94102India —R&D Office Eastland Citadel102, 2nd Floor, Hosur Road Madiwala Check Post Bangalore - 560 095Vancouver —R&D OfficeSuite 350, 3605 Gilmore Way Burnaby, British Columbia Canada V5G 4X5Ireland —International Headquarters Hartnett Enterprise Acceleration Centre Moylish Park Limerick, IrelandSingapore —APAC Administrative Office 9 Temasek Boulevard#29-01, Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989Copyright © 2013 Arista Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. CloudVision, Extensible Operating System, and EOS are registered trademarks and Arista Networks is a trademark of Arista Networks, Inc. All other company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Certain features may not yet be available. Arista Networks, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. 11/13ABOUT ARISTA NETWORKSArista Networks was founded to deliver software-defined cloud networkingsolutions for large data center and computing environments. The award-winning Arista 10 Gigabit Ethernet switches redefine scalability, robustness, and price-performance. More than one million cloud networking ports are deployedworldwide. The core of the Arista platform is the Extensible Operating System (EOS ®), the world’s most advanced network operating system. Arista Networks products are available worldwide through distribution partners, systems integrators, and resellers.Additional information and resources can be found at .。
a scatterplot, gives an immediate visual impression of a possible relationship between two variables(quantitative variables).
correlation measures the strength of a linear relationship
统计学是通过搜索、整理、分析、描述数据等手段,以达到 推断所测对象的本质,甚至预测对象未来的一门综合性科学。 其中用到了大量的数学及其它学科的专业知识,它的使用范 围几乎覆盖了社会科学的各个领域。统计学的中心问题就是 研究变量之间的关系,以及如何根据样本去探求有关总体的 真实情况。
通过回归方程的表达式,可以预测(计算) 任意一个样本之外的y的取值
Computer output:
In a scatterplot, regression outliers are indicated by points falling far away from the overall pattern. That is, a point is an outlier if its
√ The interquartile range, IQR ,which is the range of middle 50%.
Rule: A numerical rule sometimes used for designating outliers is to calculate 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) and then call a value an outlier :
词汇漫谈知识拓展同学们每天都与paper 打交道,那么paper 有多少层意思呢?一、作名词用:1.纸(不可数名词)。
比如我们常说的:a piece of paper 一张纸2.(口语)报纸(newspaper ):a daily paper 日报a school paper 校报/刊a morning paper 晨报an evening paper 晚报3.文件;证明(常用复数):contract papers 契约文件customs papers 海关文件secret papers 秘密文件white paper 白皮书4.证件(常用复数):plane papers 航空证ship ’s papers 航照travel on Chinese papers 持中国政府颁发的证件旅行5.证券、票据、纸币(可数名词):paper =paper money 纸币pass bad paper 用假支/钞票6.论文、报告(可数名词):a paper on the Civil War 一篇关于南北战争的论文7.答案(用纸);试题(用纸):hand in the paper 交考卷look over examination papers 阅卷二、作动词用:主要指用纸包装(或覆盖),用纸裱糊等。
如:paper a room 把房间内贴上墙纸paper warfare 纸上谈兵另外,paper 还可与其它一些词语搭配组成若干复合词组。
请熟记:paper boy 报童paper mill 造纸厂paper knife 裁纸刀paper cut 剪纸paper tiger 纸老虎on paper 理论上a scheme on paper 一纸空谈write something to paper 把某事记下来安徽省濉溪县百善中学姜经志供稿. All Rights Reserved.。
statistics的用法总结大全statistics的意思n. 统计,统计学,统计法,统计资料,统计数字,“statistic”的复数statistics用法statistics可以用作名词statistics作“统计资料,统计数字”解用作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。
statistics用作名词的用法例句He is a professor of statistics.他教授统计学。
There is a compulsory course in statistics.有一门统计学的必修课。
Get me a printout of the statistics.给我一份打印出的统计资料。
statistics用法例句1、The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。
2、A close look at the statistics reveals a troubling picture.仔细看过统计数据后,会发现情况令人担忧。
3、Their governments have no reason to "massage" the statistics.他们的政府没有理由“窜改”这些数据。
correlational statistics的中文翻译及用法phr. 相关,关联;相互关系英语解释· a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other相似短语· correlational statistics phr. 相关,关联;相互关系· correlational analysis phr. 因素相关性分析· correlational grammar 关联语法· correlational hierarchy 相关的等级体系· administrative statistics 行政统计资料· employment statistics 就业统计,就业统计· decentralized statistics 分散统计· field statistics 现场统计· genetic statistics 遗传统计· inventory statistics 库存统计,库存统计表相似单词· correlational adj. 相关的· Statistics n. 统计,统计数字· statistics n. 1.一项统计数据2.统计资料,统计数字3.统计学· health statistics 【医】卫生统计statistics的用法总结大全。
Paper Referen ce(s)6683/01Edexcel GCEStatistics S1Advanced/Advanced SubsidiaryThursday 15 May 2008 MorningTime: 1 hour 30 minutesMaterials required for examination Items included with question papersMathematical Formulae (Green)NilCandidates may use any calculator allowed by the regulations of the JointCouncil for Qualifications. Calculators must not have the facility for symbolicalgebra manipulation, differentiation and integration, or have retrievablemathematical formulae stored in them.Instructions to CandidatesWrite the name of the examining body (Edexcel), your centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Statistics S1), the paper reference (6683), your surname, initials and signature. Values from the statistical tables should be quoted in full. When a calculator is used, the answer should be given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.Information for CandidatesA booklet ‘Mathematical Formulae and Statistical Tables’ is provided.Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions.There are 7 questions in this question paper. The total mark for this paper is 75.Advice to CandidatesYou must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled.H32582A This publication may onl y be reprodu ced in acco rdan ce with Edex cel Li mited cop y right policy.©2008 Edexcel Li mited.1. A disease is known to be present in 2% of a population. A test is developed to help determinewhether or not someone has the disease.Given that a person has the disease, the test is positive with probability 0.95.Given that a person does not have the disease, the test is positive with probability 0.03.(a) Draw a tree diagram to represent this information.(3)A person is selected at random from the population and tested for this disease.(b) Find the probability that the test is positive.(3)A doctor randomly selects a person from the population and tests him for the disease. Given thatthe test is positive,(c) find the probability that he does not have the disease.(2)(d) Comment on the usefulness of this test.(1)H32582A2H32582A32.The age in years of the residents of two hotels are shown in the back to back stem and leaf diagram below.Abbey Hotel 8 5 0 means 58 years in Abbey Hotel and 50 years in Balmoral Hotel Balmoral HotelFor the Balmoral Hotel,(a ) write down the mode of the age of the residents,(1) (b ) find the values of the lower quartile, the median and the upper quartile.(3)(c ) (i) Find the mean, x , of the age of the residents.(ii) Given that ∑ x 2 = 81 213, find the standard deviation of the age of the residents.(4)One measure of skewness is found usingdeviationstandard modemean -(d ) Evaluate this measure for the Balmoral Hotel.(2)For the Abbey Hotel, the mode is 39, the mean is 33.2, the standard deviation is 12.7 and the measure of skewness is –0.454.(e ) Compare the two age distributions of the residents of each hotel.(3)3.The random variable X has probability distribution given in the table below.x –1 0 1 2 3P(X = x) p q 0.2 0.15 0.15Given that E(X) = 0.55, find(a) the value of p and the value of q,(5)(b) Var (X),(4)(c) E(2X – 4).(2) 4. Crickets make a noise. The pitch, v kHz, of the noise made by a cricket was recorded at 15 differenttemperatures, t °C. These data are summarised below.∑ t 2=10 922.81, ∑ v2= 42.3356, ∑ tv = 677.971, ∑ t = 401.3, ∑ v = 25.08(a) Find S tt, S vv and S tv for these data.(4)(b) Find the product moment correlation coefficient between t and v.(3)(c) State, with a reason, which variable is the explanatory variable.(2)(d) Give a reason to support fitting a regression model of the form v = a + bt to these data.(1)(e) Find the value of a and the value of b. Give your answers to 3 significant figures.(4)(f) Using this model, predict the pitch of the noise at 19 °C.(1)H32582A45. A person’s blood group is determined by whether or not it contains any of 3 substances A, B and C.A doctor surveyed 300 patients’ blood and produced the table below.(a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information.(4)(b) Find the probability that a randomly chosen patient’s blood contains substance C.(2)Harry is one of the patients. Given that his blood contains substance A,(c) find the probability that his blood contains all 3 substances.(2)Patients whose blood contains none of these substances are called universal blood donors.(d) Find the probability that a randomly chosen patient is a universal blood donor.(2)H32582A 56.The discrete random variable X can take only the values 2, 3 or 4. For these values the cumulativedistribution function is defined byF(x) =25)(2kx+for x = 2, 3, 4,where k is a positive integer.(a) Find k.(2)(b) Find the probability distribution of X.(3)7. A packing plant fills bags with cement. The weight X kg of a bag of cement can be modelled by anormal distribution with mean 50 kg and standard deviation 2 kg.(a) Find P(X > 53).(3)(b) Find the weight that is exceeded by 99% of the bags.(5)Three bags are selected at random.(c) Find the probability that two weigh more than 53 kg and one weighs less than 53 kg.(4)TOTAL FOR PAPER: 75 MARKSENDH32582A6。
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统计 学 概述
总体数据 理、显示和分析等)
(利用样本信息和概率 论对总体的数量特征进
1 - 13
总体内在的数 量规律性
从统计方法的研究和应用角度来看,统计学可 分为理论统计学和应用统计学:
理论统计学(Theoretical Statistics):是指统计 学的数学原理,主要研究统计学的一般理论和统 计方法的数学原理。
•Pierre Simon Laplace (拉普拉斯) (1749-1827)
•Adrien Marie Legendre (勒让德) (1752-1833)
Pierre Simon Laplace (拉普拉斯)
•Thomas Robert Malthus (马尔萨斯) (1766-1834)
Thomas Robert
Johann Gregor Mendel (孟德尔)
Friedrich Gauss
从统计方法的构成看,统计学可分为描述统计 学和推断统计学。用图形表示如下:
1 - 10
(descriptive statistics)
•Jacob Bernoulli (伯努利)(1654-1705)
•Edmond Halley (哈雷) (1656-1742)
•De Moivre (棣莫弗) (1667-1754)
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The life and contributions of Dr. W. Edwards Deming
Dr. W. Edwards Deming born on Oct.4, 1900. in SiouxCity, IA,USA. His family is poor even though his father run a ranch. Deming worked at his early age. At that time he swiped the snow, work at the restaurant, wash dishes and so on in order to earn some money to support family.
He got the math and physical master in University of Colorado at 1925 after he graduated from University of Wyoming at 1921. Then he got the physical PHD in YALE University at 1928. After graduating, he worked as a mathematical physicist at the US department of agriculture and was a statistical adviser for USCB. He ever spent one year do some statistic research with R.A.Fisher in University of London. In 1950, Deming went to Japan to assist the 1950 Japan census. He almost went to Japan every year to give guidance to Japanese business.
He contributed to the establishing of early SQC in USA. He created the new statistic methods for the census which prove that statistic methods can not only used in industry, but also used in business. He also establish the quality management method of statistic and give people the practice for many place including the government organization. This do great contribution to the foundation and spreading of SQC.
Deming help Japanese company a lot, he teach the statistic method and also teach the idea and importance of quality operating. He made a significant contribution to the TQC, CWQC and high-quality products and economic power. Deming even became a hero in Japan.
Not only for Japan, Deming also do great contribution for America and the world. Deming spread the TQM to America and the world, and teach his classical idea of quality operation--Deming’s 14 points--the 14 management principle.
In December 1993, Deming died in his sleep at the age of 93 at home. Deming is successful and do significant contribution to the improvement of quality operation and management in the world.。