日期和时间,(1)表示测量第一通道 A 相电流基波有效值:1.051A B 相电流基波有效值:1.056A C 相电流基波有效值:1.049A
7 0312-5903536,5903533,5903539(传真)
DZ-3A 电能质量监测仪
第 29 页 10-30 14:25 (1) Ia(02): 0.003 A Ib(02): 0.003 A Ic(02): 0.003 A
压、电流信号,此种方式下所显示的通道号为 1。如利用通道扩展板最多 可接入 6 路三相电压、电流信号。仪器将自动进行循环测量显示)。其它三 行为测量结果。 测量结果以三行作为一页进行显示。利用 、 可按页调整显示的内 容。按下上述两键不放,可实现快速翻页。
第1页 10-30 14:25 (1) Ua(00): 4.352 % Ub(00): 4.361 % Uc(00): 4.365 %
• 可任意设定电压、电流各次谐波的报警和跳闸限值。可任意设置连续越限次数 (为避免干扰和暂态谐波造成的误判断,当连续越限次数超过设定值时为一次 真实的越限)。
• 当测量值超过所设定的报警限值时,仪器提供报警继电器的闭合结点。 • 当测量值超过所设定的跳闸限值时,打开报警继电器的结点,仪器提供跳闸信
日期和时间,(1)表示测量第一通道 A 相电压基波有效值:57.15V B 相电压基波有效值:57.23V C 相电压基波有效值:57.36V
日期和时间,(1)表示测量第一通道 A 相电压 25 次谐波含有率:0.183% B 相电压 25 次谐波含有率:0.189% C 相电压 25 次谐波含有率:0.187%
DZ-3A 电能质量监测仪
1 测量仪器
一.概 述 二.使 用工 作 条件 三. Z D Z系 列单 相 交流 制 动电 磁 铁 四. M W Z系 列交 流 电磁 块 式制 动 器 五. M W Z S系 列交 流 电磁 块 式制 动 器
2 3 3~8 9~1 6 1 7~2 3
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建
润滑油。装配端盖时,请注意压紧端盖。 c. 定 期 检 查 主 弹 簧 松 紧 力 , 以 防 溜 钩 。 d. 定 期 检 查 制 动 器 摩 擦 片 是 否 松 动 。
7、 订 货 注 意 事 项 : 如单独购买电磁铁时:
a.请注明是用于 主钩、 行 车或上料车使用等要求 。 b. 需提供贵 单位原制动器型号 及附 图3中的制动 杆3的螺纹直径M和横 轴4的 直 径 等 即 可 。 如 果 在 附 图3中 有 件2, 请 提 供 其 直 径 以 及 主 弹 簧 丝 直 径 。 若 为YWZ型制动器 定货 的注 意事项同 附图3; c. 订 购 电 磁 铁 时 应 尽 量 另 行 订 购 电 磁 铁 控 制 器 作 为 备 件 。 D.订购控 制器 时,请注意是ZDZ1型还是ZDZ2型控制器。
3 .Z DZ型电磁铁 技术 参数 A .ZDZ1型(普通型)电磁铁 技术参数(表一 )
ZDZ1-230 ZDZ1-1000 ZDZ1-2000
额定 行程 mm
推 (吸) 力(N)
通电 持续
工作电流(A) 动作时间(S)
吸持 启动 释放 吸持 (万次)
≤0.1 ≤1 ≤0.30 ≤0.20 200 ZDZ1-100
1、拆卸制动臂组件1 3 2步骤1:在制动臂上卸除开关连接板,拆前请 做相应标记以便组装时按原有标记调整。
注:重复以上步骤将另一端制动臂组件拆除, 务必将两端制动臂全部打开,这样电磁铁中间 手动拨杆才能拆下,维保。
2、拆卸制动器配件1 2 5 3步骤1:使用卡钳取下挡圈,垫圈及弹簧,注意动作要轻,不要丢失相关部件。
拆开电磁铁端盖后相关部位的名称及操作情况参见下记照片:3、维保检测项目步骤1:清理电磁铁内部及松闸拨杆安装孔部杂质及附着物,查看电磁铁内部特别是导向套部位是否磨损,若磨损标准达到50%时则更换机座、线圈、导磁环一整体,其标准的界定为整个圆周上磨损的累计总长度是否超过圆周总长的50%, (该磨损标准的判断不涉及磨痕深度等),有50%以下磨损及锈蚀时,可使用相应牌号的砂纸打磨修复。
清理前注:请使用MOLYKOTE G-n Plus Paste 二硫化钼,建议使用100g 袋装的。
三、电磁刹车操作及维护保养规程Q/SH10250185-20041 范围本标准规定了电磁刹车的操作规程本标准适应于SDF系列、FDWS系列风冷式,DS系列及5030、6032、7040、7838水冷式电磁车的操作及维护保养。
2 技术参数2.1 风冷式电磁刹车技术参数见表12.2 水冷式电磁刹车技术参数购买表23.1 首次使用前应做绝缘测量,绝缘电阻应大于1MΩ。
3.2 检查盘车,刹车转子应转动灵活。
3.3 在刹车两侧轴承腔内注入锂基脂。
3.4 在牙嵌或齿式离合器的滑动与转动部分注入适量润滑脂。
3.5 呼吸孔畅通无油污。
3.6 油冷式控制柜内油质良好,油面距离上端盖20mm左右,保证内部电器元件浸入冷却油内。
3.7 控制箱各电器元件安装牢固。
3.8 司钻控制箱手柄牢固、灵活无卡滞。
3.9 保证控制箱与刹车主体接线正确牢固。
3.10 风冷式电磁刹车进排风门畅通无阻;风机转动灵活,报警装置完好。
3.11 水冷式电磁刹车准备充足的刹车冷却软化水,水压开关及报警装置完好。
4 启动4.1 闭合电源开头。
4.2 检查控制柜内指标灯状态及仪表参数,确认指标正确。
4.3 风冷式启动风机,水冷式启动水泵。
5 操作与运行5,1 在下钻过程中,用电磁刹车手柄控制下放速度。
5.2 运行中冷水温度与流量应符合要求,轴承升温不大于70℃,轴承处无冷却水渗出;刹车坚固件无松动;冷却风机运转正常,变压器及油冷式控制柜温度正常。
5.3 每次下钻前检查维护轴承、牙嵌、离合器、拨叉。
5.4 及时清除进排风口杂物。
5.5 下钻完毕后,风冷刹车应继续通风,刹车冷却后再关闭风机。
5.6 停机时关闭电源开关。
6 维护保养6.1 月检查维护6.1.1 检查连接电缆有无损伤、无老化现象,绝缘良好。
6,1,2 清除控制柜积尘,检查控制器触点。
6.1.3 测量变压器、控制柜、操作手柄的输入、输出电压、电流并做好记录。
6.1.4 清洗呼吸器。
推 (吸) 力(N)
1000 2000 6300 7100 8100
通电 持续 率
最低 吸持
启动 电压/
电压 / 电流
电流 (V) /(A)
(V)/( A) ≤
动作时间(S) 释放 吸持
12/0.6 280/2 ≤0.1 ≤0.2
14/0.8 280/4 ≤0.1 ≤0.2
32/1.8 280/8 ≤0.15 ≤0.1
YWDZ-600、630 MWZ3-630
B .改 装 程 序 : 如果原制动器为TJ2型,电磁铁为MZD1时,按附图1改装:先将原电磁铁拆 除,将连接板6固定于制动架上,然后把新电磁铁按附图1所示装于连接板6上。 如果原制动器为JCZ或YWZ型,改装时(参见附图3)将制动杆3松动后,退出横 轴4,拆除件4、件6的全部扛杆、铰链部分。然后参见附图2,将横轴3(三段轴 或套轴)穿于连接耳4上(1对)与制动架固定。安装制动杆2然后将制动杆帽套 于制动杆2上(见附图1),并将电磁铁固定于连接耳4上,调整制动杆帽与电磁 铁间的间隙及弹簧松紧,即可完成改装,如果原配制动架下端的调整机构9在推
一.概 述:
1 . ZDZ系列单相交流直推式制动电磁铁
Z D Z系列单相交流直推式快速制动电磁铁,是我厂发明的新型机电一 体 化 高 效 节 能 专 利 产 品 ( 专 利 号 :2 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 2 4 8 8 . 6) 。 广 泛 应 用 于 起 重 、 运输、冶金、矿山、港口、建筑、建材等机械制动中,作为外抱式瓦块 式 制 动 器的驱动装 置。用 以替代 高耗能、短寿命 的仿苏MZD1、MZS1等单 相 和 三 相电磁铁 以及替代YT1、Ed等液压 推动器。
施耐德电气 350 360系列 电磁制动器 说明书
Brakes, Clutches and Electronic ComponentsP/N 8-178-000-24effective: 04/06/11Marine MarineMaritimeNavySuitable for many shipboardand severe duty applications Suitable for many shipboard andsevere duty applicationsSuitable for many Coast Guard, shipboard and severe duty applications when “ductile iron”is speci fi edDesigned to MilitarySpeci fi cationCompliance(Note A)IEEE 45ABSIEEE 45ABS IEEE 45Federal Standard 46ABSMIL-B-16392C(Ships)Spring Set Operation(Note E)Armature Actuated Brake(AAB)Solenoid Actuated Brake (SAB)Stearns Series (Note B)3503601-056-200-K01-087-0xx-K01-082-0xx-K01-086-0xx-K01-087-Mxx1-082-4xx 1-086-4xx1-087-6xx 1-082-6xx 1-086-6xx Enclosure IP55IP56NEMA 4IP56(Note C) NEMA 4, IP54,IP56IP55NEMA 4IP56Enclosure FinishDI - Water Based Primer Alum - Anodize MIL-A-8525 F Water Based Primer Alkyd Primer MIL TT-P-645CEnamel MIL-E-15090CoilEncapsulated ConstructionClass H InsulationInjection Molded ConstructionClass B InsulationInjection Molded ConstructionClass B InsulationEncapsulated Class H Endplate or Mount PlateMaterialSteelCast Iron Ductile Iron Ductile Iron Housing Material Cast Aluminum or Ductile IronCast IronDuctile IronDuctile Iron Support Plate Material N/A Steel(Note H)Ductile Iron Ductile Iron Pressure Plate & Stationary Disc Material N/ABrassBrass Brass Self Adjusting (Note G)No, Gap By GageNo, Gap By ScaleYes Yes Yes Manual Release (Note D)OptionalMaintainedMaintainedNon-MaintainedIEEE 45 compliance nameplate is optional. ABS Certi fi cate SB374021A. Additional options & modi fi cations are included in the full 12 digit part number B. IP56 with side release option available in 1-087-000-K0 & 1-082-000-K0C. The maintained release holds the brake in a release condition until the brake is electrically, or manually, re-engagedD.The non-maintained (“deadman”) release is manually held in the released condition, re-setting when the force is removed Spring-set, Solenoid with coil & linkage actuated brake (SAB), AC or DC voltage coilE. Spring-set, Armature actuated direct-acting brake (AAB), DC voltage coilCarrier ring friction disc is standard with the 350 & 360 series and is an option in the SAB brakes F. MDescriptionSuitable f and severBrake OperationSolenoid Actuated Brakes (SAB) are spring set power released brakes, acting through a solenoid and lever mechanism.The 1-087-x00, 1-082-x00 and 1-086-x00 series brakes are self-adjusting for friction disc wear.The endplate mounts to a C-face register & bolt circle, usually on the non-drive end of a motor. The brake hub is attached to the keyed shaft. The friction discs fi t closely onto the splined outside diameter of the hub. When the coil is de-energized, the spring pulls the lever arm about a pivot point. This action applies spring force against the pressure plate compressing the pressure plate and friction discs within the brake endplate. The disc pack, hub and shaft are unable to rotate. A small single-phase AC, or DC, solenoid coil is used with the design’s mechanical advantage to remove the spring force and allow shaft rotation. Coil pull in and holding amper-age requirements are listed in Stearns Catalog #200.Armature Actuated Brakes (AABs) are spring set power released direct acting brakes.The brake hub is attached to a shaft. A carrier ring style fric-tion disc fi ts closely to the outside diameter of the splined hub. The magnet body contains compression springs and an electrical coil. When electrical power is applied to the coil, the armature is drawn to the magnet body, the springs are compressed and the hub and friction disc are able to rotate. When electrical power is removed, the brake is spring set. The spring force moves the armature across a small preci-sion air gap to clamp the carrier style friction ring between the armature and the mount surface which prevents hub and shaft rotation. The AAB coil requires DC voltage which can be supplied by a DC power source or an AC recti fi er.Stearns brakes operate at the selected voltage and frequency. Wire separately for use with a variable frequency motor drive (VFD).Catalog brakes can be modi fi ed with additional modi fi cations for use in severe duty or industry speci fi c applications.The full product catalog #200, sizing and selection charts, installation and part information is available at .HubFriction & Stationary DiscsTorque SpringEndplateMagnetCoilAir Gap Hub StoppedNavy Brakes - built to the former MIL-B-16392CDuctile Iron Enclosure, brass stationary and pressure plates in the disc pack.SAB Style: Power released spring set brakeAdditional modi fi cations will change the eighth through twelfth character of the part number.Modi fi cation necessary for vertical above or below mount.Adapters available for other C-face mount requirements.The Master Plan details materials, construction and dimensional informationSeries Plan R633 Carrier Plan 1-087-600N1-1087-602-A N1-087-602-D 1-082-600N1-1082-602-A N1-082-602-C 1-086-600N1-1086-602-AN1-086-602-CWeapon and cargo elevators specifying MIL-E-17807B are constructed with bronze carrier ring style friction discs, ductile iron stationaryand pressure plates. Due to weight, the carrier rings are horizontal use only.Torque (lb-ft)Model Number*NEMA Frame SizeList Price1015253550751051-087-612-001-087-622-001-087-632-001-087-642-001-087-652-001-087-662-001-087-682-00182-256TC$8,925.00$8,975.00$9,050.00$9,200.00$9,500.00$10,000.00$10,700.001251752303304401-082-612-001-082-622-001-082-632-001-082-642-001-082-652-00324-405TC$19,100.00$19,350.00$19,850.00$20,450.00$21,350.0037050075010001-086-612-XO 1-086-622-XO 1-086-632-XO 1-086-642-XO 444-445TSC$27,500.00$27,500.00$29,000.00$30,500.0050075010001-086-662-XO 1-086-672-XO 1-086-682-XO505SC$27,500.00$29,000.00$30,500.00Obsolete Navy Brake Interchange ListStatic Torque (lb-ft)StyleObsolete Brake Model NumberNEMA Frame SizeObsolete Brake MasterPlanReplacement Brake ModelNumberStatic Torque (lb-ft)3NA-82-91-028-311-00182-256TC N1037-A NO Direct Replacement310NA-82A-91-028-321-00182-256TC 1-087-612-001015NA-82C-91-028-331-00182-256TC 1-087-622-001525NA-82B-91-028-341-00182-256TC 1-087-632-002535NA-84A-91-028-351-00182-256TC 1-087-642-003550NA-84B-91-028-361-00182-256TC 1-087-652-005075NA-86B-91-028-381-00182-256TC1-087-662-007590NA-1006B 1-021-111-00Special pre-NEMA Frame N1190ANO Direct Replacement ---135NA-1008B 1-021-121-00Special pre-NEMA FrameNO Direct Replacement---180NA-1304C-131-023-111-00324-405TC N322H 1-082-622-00175270NA-1306C-131-023-121-00324-405TC 1-082-642-00330360NA-1308C-131-023-131-00324-405TC 1-082-652-00440180NA-1304C-161-023-141-00444-445TSC N322H1-082-622-00 with adapter. See ordering Information175270NA-1306C-161-023-151-00444-445TSC 1-082-642-00 with adapter. See ordering Information 330360NA-1308C-161-023-161-00444-445TSC 1-086-612 the full part numberis a de-rated torquederated to 37010-1051-087-400182-256TC1-087-M0010-105Marine Duty Spring Set BrakeCast Iron Enclosure, brass stationary and pressure plates in the disc pack.SAB style: Power released spring set brake.Additional modi fi cations will change the eight through twelfth characters of the part number. Options are listed on the pamphlet back cover and in the catalog.Additional options and modi fi cations are recorded in the 8-12 position.Lb-Ft AC Part Number List Price DC Part Number List Price 31-056-212-K0$1,6751-056-216-K0$1,97561-056-222-K0$1,9901-056-226-K0$2,290101-056-232-K0$2,0951-056-236-K0$2,065151-056-242-K0$2,1951-056-246-K0$2,495201-056-252-K0$2,5301-056-256-K0$2,830251-056-262-K0$2,6251-056-266-K0$2,9251-056-200-K056TC - 145TC mount: 5-7/8” bolt circle, 4-1/2” register IP56 (close mount), NEMA 4X, side release Dimensional drawing side release 1-056-202-D1-087-000-K0182TC - 256TC mount: 7-1/4” bolt circle, 8-1/2” registerIP56 (close mount), NEMA 4 & 4X. IP56 with side release optionDimensional drawing pull release 1-087-002-D; side release: 1-087-002-ZDLb-Ft AC Part Number List Price DC Part Number List Price 101-087-012-K0$2,1251-087-016-K0$2,695151-087-022-K0$2,1751-087-026-K0$2,745251-087-032-K0$2,2501-087-036-K0$2,820351-087-042-K0$2,4001-087-046-K0$2,970501-087-052-K0$3,1501-087-056-K0$3,720751-087-062-K0$3,6501-087-066-K0$4,2201051-087-082-K0$4,8001-087-086-K0$5,3701-082-000-K0324TC - 405TC mount: 11” bolt circle, 12-1/2” register IP54, NEMA 4 & 4X. IP56 with side release optionDimensional drawing pull release 1-082-002-D; side release 1-082-002-ZDLb-Ft AC Part Number List Price DC Part Number List Price 1251-082-012-K2$8,8501-082-016-K2$10,4151751-082-022-K2$9,1001-082-026-K2$10,6652301-082-032-K2$10,2001-082-036-K2$11,7653301-082-042-K2$10,8001-082-046-K2$12,3654401-082-052-K2$12,3001-082-056-K2$13,8651-086-000-K0324TC - 405TC mount: 14” bolt circle, 16” register Cast Iron Enclosure, IP54, NEMA 4Dimensional drawing pull release 1-086-002-DLb-Ft AC Part Number List Price DC Part Number List Price 5001-086-022-K2$17,3001-086-026-K2$19,9257501-086-032-K2$19,5501-086-036-K2$22,17510001-086-042-K2$21,8001-086-046-K2$24,425Marine Duty Spring Set BrakeAAB: Armature Actuated Style Spring Set BrakesDuctile Iron Cover, DC Coil, IP56 Rating•Corrosion resistant fi nish over steel magnet body, armature and splined hub•Sizes range from 35 lb-ft to 300 lb-ft•Typical options listed on the pamphlet back cover•Rectifi ers are listed in catalog•The 350 & 360 series enclosures are rated IP56, NEMA 4. The magnet body and coil are designed as a Class H insulation system. No modifi cation for vertical use is needed. Selection is made through a series of material and construction choices and options. A full part number is provided after all specifi cations are considered. The AAB style brake has a long per-formance life when the small, precision air gap is properly maintained. Coil engage and release times are listed in the catalog. The 350 series is pressure plate mountedThe magnet body is farthest from the mount surface. The carrier ring style friction disc is close to the mount surface.Cover plugs are removed to reach the under-cover threaded retracting style maintained release bolts.Conduit box option•Mechanical status switch available•Six bolt adjustment by feeler gage•Viton fl at gasket between housing and pressure plate mount•Covers available in die cast aluminum or ductile iron•The 360 series is magnet body mountedThe magnet body is closest to the mount surface. The carrier ring style friction disc farthest from the mount surface. The fric-tion disc can be changed without removing the magnet body.External non-maintained release•Under-cover threaded retracting style maintained release bolts with optional external yoke release•Conduit box option•Mechanical status switch available•Longer hub with four set screws accepts larger•diameter shaftThree bolt adjustment by feeler gage•Viton O-ring between housing & pressure plate•mountCovers available in die cast aluminum or ductile•ironBasic SelectionThe full part number is assigned at purchase orderBore Size?•Torque Required?•Magnet Body Mount (360) or Pressure Plate Mount (350)•Mounting Dimensions: NEMA C-face or metric bolt circle?•Factory de-rate torque for longer wear life or due to shaft diameter?•AC voltage selection? Rectifi er choice will determine the DC coil voltage.•Conduit Box?•AAB Model Torque(lb-ft)Shaft Bore (Min/Max)(in / mm)List Price*350-6 350-7 350-8 350-917019623027835-6050-110100-180175-3001-1/8 - 1-3/81-3/8 - 1-5/81-5/8 - 1-7/81-7/8 - 2-1/830-3530-4835-4530-70$3,195 - $4,283$4,266 - $5,353$4,909 - $5,897$6,605 - $7,603360-6 360-7 360-8 360-917019623027822-6050-110100-180175-3001-1/8 - 1-5/81-3/8 - 1-7/81-5/8 - 21-7/8 - 2-3/830-4030-4835-5040-60$3,195 - $4,533$4,266 - $5,653$4,909 - $6,197$6,605 - $7,903* List Price varies by torque, mount, options, conduit box & external yoke releaseMaritime Duty Spring Set BrakeDuctile Iron Enclosure, brass stationary & pressure plates in the disc pack SAB style: Power released spring set brakeAdditional modi fi cations will change the eighth through twelfth character of the part number.Options are listed on the pamphlet back cover and in the catalog.All SAB brakes are rated for fi xed frequency & voltage. Wire separate from a variable frequency drive (VFD).Modify for vertical above or below use.1-087-M00182TC - 256TC mount: 7-1/4” bolt circle, 8-1/2” register IP56 (close mount), NEMA 4 and pull release Dimensional drawing: 1-087-M02-DLb-Ft Model Number List Price 101-087-M12-001-087-M16-00AC DC $4,332$4,762151-087-M22-001-087-M26-00AC DC $4,360$4,790251-087-M32-001-087-M36-00AC DC $4,416$4,846351-087-M42-001-087-M46-00AC DC $4,472$4,902501-087-M52-001-087-M56-00AC DC $4,560$4,990751-087-M62-001-087-M66-00AC DC $4,708$5,1381051-087-M82-001-087-M86-00AC DC$4,892$5,322The 1-087-400 is out of production.1-087-400 OD was 9.47 OD; the 1-087-M00 is 11.88 OD1-082-400324TC-405TC mount: 11” bolt circle, 12-1/2” register IP56 (close mount), NEMA 4 and pull release Dimensional drawing: 1-082-402-DLb-Ft Model Number List Price 1251-082-412-001-082-416-00AC DC $9,672$9,6721751-082-422-001-082-426-00AC DC $9,800$9,8002301-082-432-001-082-436-00AC DC $9,948$9,9483301-082-442-001-082-446-00AC DC $10,214$10,2144401-082-452-001-082-456-00AC DC$10,518$10,518500-1000 Lb-ft, see the 1-086-600 Navy series (page 7)Mount adapters are available for use with:182-256TC, 7-1/4” AJ Bolt Circle 284-286TC, 9” AJ Bolt Circle444-505TC, 14” AJ & 14.5” AJ Bolt CircleMount adapters are available for use with:56-145TC, 5-7/8” AJ Bolt Circle 284-286TC, 9” AJ Bolt Circle 324-405TC, 11” AJ Bolt CircleStainless Steel Spring Set BrakesSevere Wash Down Enclosure IP56, NEMA 4x SAB style: Power released spring set brake NEMA 56C to 145TC5-7/8” bolt circle (AJ), 4-1/2” register (AK)1-056-900 SeriesOptimum Corrosion Protection• NEMA 4x, IP56, IP57 rating with close couple mount • 300 Series stainless steel enclosure and hardware • Viton • ® gaskets and o-rings No exposed paint surface• Universal horizontal / vertical mount• External maintained side release rests with voltage application • Options list on the pamphlet back cover • Dimensional, inrush and amperage information available at • Non-Drive End Motor MountDimensional Drawing: 1-056-904-D Select torque, shaft bore, voltage Drive End Coupler MountDimensional Drawing: 1-056-904-5DSelect torque, 5/8 or 7/8 shaft & bore, voltage Nominal Static Torque lb-ft (Nm)Basic Model Number and List Price*AC AC List Price*DC DC List Price*3 (4)1-056-914-00$3,4251-056-916-00$3,7256 (8)1-056-924-00$3,4901-056-926-00$3,79010 (14)1-056-934-00$3,5951-056-936-00$3,89515 (20)1-056-944-00$3,6951-056-946-00$3,99520 (27)1-056-954-00$3,7801-056-956-00$4,08025 (34)1-056-964-00$3,8751-056-966-00$4,175Nominal StaticTorque lb-ft (Nm)TypeBasic Model Numberand List Price Wt. Lbs. (kg)3AC 1-056-71S-0X $2,47422 (10)6AC1-056-72S-0X$2,53922 (10)10AC 1-056-73S-0X $2,63922 (10)15AC 1-056-74S-0X $2,73922 (10)20AC 1-056-75S-0X $2,82422 (10)25AC1-056-76S-0X$2,91922 (10)5/8” or 7/8” shaft/bore size• (for 5/8”, use “05” in place of “0X” in model number)• (for 7/8”, use “07” in place of “0X” in model number)• Nominal Static Torque Lb-ft (Nm)No. of Friction DiscsCoil Size MaximumSolenoid Cycle Rate (1)Thermal Capacity (2)Inertia (Wk 2)AC DC cycles/min hp-sec/min (watts)Lb - Ft (kgm 2 x 10-4)AC DC Horizontal Vertical 3 (4)244+36109 (11.2) 6.5 (80).014 (5.88)6 (8)2K4K4+36109 (11.2) 6.5 (80).014 (5.88)10 (14)2K4K4+36109 (11.2) 6.5 (80).014 (5.88)15 (20)2K4+M4+36109 (11.2) 6.5 (80).014 (5.88)20 (27)3K4+M4+36109 (11.2) 6.5 (80).020 (8.40)25 (34)3M4+P4+36109 (11.2)6.5 (80).020 (8.40)Engineering Speci fi cations Hub SelectionCharacterBore (in.)Keyway** (in. x in.)A*B C D 5/85/83/47/81/8 x 1/163/16 x 3/323/16 x 3/323/16 x 3/32E F*K L*1-1/81-1/41/211/4 x 1/81/4 x 1/81/8 x 1/161/4 x 1/8N*O*P*R*S*9/1611/161-1/1613/1615/161/8 x 1/163/16 x 3/321/4 x 1/83/16 x 3/321/4 x 1/8(1) Maximum solenoid cycle rate is based on ambient temperature of 72ºF (22ºC) with 50% duty cycle. Does not relate to brake cycle rate (see Thermal Capacity).(2) Thermal capacity rating is based on ambient temperature of 72ºF (22ºC), stop time of one second or less, with no heat absorbed from the motor.In Line drive end coupler styleBetween two C-face registers C-face Mount - non-drive endStearns Division of Rexnord Industries, LLC, has over 60 years experience with supporting marine, maritime, drilling, port and similar severe duty applications. Many options and modifi cations are available to adapt the SAB and AAB style spring set brakes to meet your application. The following list are common severe duty options. These modifi cations can be added to the standard industrial or hazardous duty brakes as detailed in the Stearns catalog. Design, application and fi eld support is readily available by phone, fax or e-mail to talk about your specifi -cation and additional options or brake solutions.Option Application SAB AAB IEEE 45 nameplate Add to Marine brakes, standard on Navy & Maritime X XCoil: Encapsulated construction, Class H Insulation Robust construction for temperature extremes & high cycle rates. Class H isstandard in the AABSeePage 1StdSpace Heater Maintain a consistent temperature to reduce brake condensation and resultingcorrosionX X Carrier ring friction disc Weapons lift and extreme inertia loads X Std Hardware, external: StainlessMountOutdoor saltwater or vapor exposure X X Gasket: Brake to Motor Neoprene gasket for close couple IP 56/57 mount X X Epoxy or Enamel paint fi nish Enclosure corrosion, compare to spec page one X X Internal endplate fi nish Corrosion control in disc pack area X N/A Stainless steel hub Extreme corrosion environments X X Stainless steel self-adjustmechanismPage one, Note G. All steel self adjust is an option also (no synthetic bushing)X N/A Manual adjust only Disable the self adjust feature in 1-08X-000 series X N/A Terminal strip Simplify wiring and maintenance X N/A Conduit box External conduit box with terminal strip X X Status switch Set as normally open or closed to confi rm set or release X X Proximity switch Confi rm brake set or release X N/A Encoder mounted inside brake Non-standard shaft requirements, brochure available detailing this optionHousing machining for externalencoder mountRigidly attach or tether an encoder to the brake X XCarrier ring friction disc con-struction Extreme duty applications, horizontal only SeePage 1StdAdapters Adapt brake to a larger or smaller C-face mount X X Through shaft Through bore & seal in housing X X Manual release alternatives Maintained, non-maintained, full, under-cover X X Vertical mount Specify mount above or below the motor X N/ASpecifyBasic brake part number (enclosure •rating & torque)Shaft bore & keyway•Leadwire position•Options & modifi cations including •vertical above or below mount Information that would be useful in •selecting the correct brake Lead Wire PositionsPosition FormABCFG1231,2,32,3 BBCView facing brake mounting register. Rexnord Industries, LLCStearns Division5150 S. International DriveCudahy, WI 53110414-272-1100 Fax: 414-277-4364。
电磁离合器、制动器的基本参数5 10 20 40 80 160 320额定动力矩(N、m) 5 10 20 40 80 160 320结合时间(<ms) 55 75 120 140 200 230 280断开时间(<ms) 15 25 35 45 60 90 120额定直流电压(V) 24 24 24 24 24 24 24额定功率(W)(20℃) 11 15 20 25 35 45 60 最高转速(rpm) 6000 5000 4000 3500 3000 3000 20004、安装要点及实例简介单片电磁离合器与制动器属于干式工作,安装位置应勿靠近带有油污和润滑油飞溅的地方,离合器与制动器可安装在同轴或对接轴上,当安装在对接轴上时,必须保证两轴的同轴度,离合器安装后,磁轭与动盘间不得发生摩擦,但间隙不要超过0.3~1.5。
ElectricityElectromagnetic induction1 / 2Waltenhofen’s pendulumDEMONSTRATE AND INVESTIGATE HOW AN EDDY-CURRENT BRAKE WORKSUE304040004/16 ALFBASIC PRINCIPLESWhen a metal disc moves through a non-uniform magnetic field, any arbitrary section of the disc ex-periences constantly changing magnetic flux and an eddy voltage is induced therein. This causes electrical eddy currents to flow all over the disc. These undergo Lorentz forces within the magnetic field that act to slow down the motion of the disc. Such eddy currents are drastically reduced if the metal disc has slots in it, since this means that the current has to flow from one segment to the next by a more circuitous route. Such a disc is slowed down only slightly.The emergence and suppression of eddy currents can be clearly demonstrated using a Waltenhofen pendu-lum. This includes a partially slotted metal disc thatoscillates inside a non-uniform magnetic field.VFig. 1: Eddy current I in a metal disc moving at speed v through anon-uniform magnetic field B 1, B 2 with Lo-rentz forces F 1 and F 2 acting on both limbs of the eddy. The force acting against the motion is greater than that operating in the same direction.Fig. 2 Set-up Waltenhofen’s pendulumUE3040400 3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICS EXPERIMENT3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany, © Copyright 2016 3B Scientific GmbHLIST OF APPARATUS1 Waltenhofen’s pendulum 1000993 (U8497500) 1 Stand base, 150mm 1002835 (U13270) 1 Stand rod, 750mm 1002935 (U15003) 1 Universal clamp1002830 (U13255) 1 Horseshoe magnet 1000979 (U8497215) 1 Pair of pole pieces 1000978 (U8497200) 1 Pair of clamps1000977 (U8497181) 2 Coils with 1200 turns each1000989 (U8497440)1 DC power supply unit 20 V, 5 A @230 V1003312 (U33020-230) or1 DC power supply unit 20 V, 5 A @115 V 1003311 (U33020-115) 1 Set of 15 safety connecting leads 1002843 (U138021)SET-UP∙Set up an electromagnet consisting of a horseshoe magnet, two coils with 1200 windings each and two pole pieces.∙ Connect the coils in series to the DC power supply unit.∙ Firmly attach the aluminium disc to the slotted area inside the pendulum rod.∙Mount the stand rod in the stand base. Use the universal clamp to attach the magnetised rod to the stand rod and suspend the Waltenhofen pendulum from it.∙Arrange the apparatus in such a way that the sec-tion of the aluminium disc without any slots can os-cillate freely between the tips of the pole pieces and the pendulum can come to a state of rest between these pole pieces.∙Select the smallest possible distance between the pole pieces before attaching them, making sure that this does not obstruct the motion of the pendulum.EXPERIMENT PROCEDURE∙ Gradually increase the current passing through the electromagnet in stages.∙ Displace the pendulum from its state of rest and observe its oscillations.∙ Firmly attach the aluminium disc to the area without slots and repeat the procedure.SAMPLE MEASUREMENTSTable 1: Number of oscillations of the aluminium disc in the magnetic field after being deflected from its state of rest. The pole pieces are at a distance of 8mm and the deflection is approx. 7cm.EVALUATIONWhen the side of the metal disc without slots moves through the non-uniform magnetic field, its oscillation is damped. The damping increases with the magnitude of the magnetic field. Eddy currents are induced within the disc and the non-uniform magnetic field exerts a force on the eddy currents that opposes their motion (c.f. Lenz’s Law).If the slotted side of the metal disc moves through the non-uniform magnetic field, the damping of the motion is only slight since it is much more difficult for the eddy currents to form.RESULTSEddy currents are induced in a metal disc which moves within a non-uniform magnetic field. This non-uniform magnetic field exerts a force on the eddy currents that op poses their motion (c.f. Lenz’s Law).In the slotted aluminium disc, it is difficult for eddy cur-rents to form.。
目录1使用要则 (1)1.1符号说明 (1)1.2 维护保养操作前的注意事项 (2)2制动结构 (2)3制动器的维护保养 (3)3.1制动器的维护保养周期 (3)3.2制动器的检测和维护 (3)3.2.1 拆卸制动臂组件 (3)3.2.2 拆卸制动器配件 (4)3.2.3电磁铁内部检测和维护 (4)3.3 制动相关部件的检查和维护 (6)3.3.1 制动臂 (6)3.3.2 制动片和制动轮毂表面的碳化物的清理 (6)3.3.3 闸瓦的更换 (7)4 制动机构的调试 (7)4.1 制动机构的说明 (7)4.2 手动松闸装置 (8)4.3 制动机构的调试 (8)4.3.1闸瓦与制动轮毂间的制动间隙调节 (9)4.3.2 制动力矩的调节 (9)4.3.3 制动间隙的调节 (9)5 制动机构常见故障及排除方法 (10)1 使用要则十分感谢您选用我公司的产品!请注意!不正确的安装、操作或保养都可能使电梯无法正常运行,进而可能导致财产损失或人身伤害!为保证电梯安全、可靠、高质量的运行,在电梯安装、操作、维护保养和使用前,请务必仔细阅读和理解手册的内容,如果在阅读本手册后,对其中的文字内容、表格及图片含义仍然不能完全理解,请您与华升富士达电梯有限公司及时取得联系并获得相应的技术支持。