Creating and Managing File System 创建并管理文件系统
Guide to Intel Rapid StorageINTEL快速存储安装指南Overview概述Intel® Rapid Storage Technology provides new levels of protection, performance and expandability for desktop and mobile plat forms. Whether using one or multiple hard drives, users can take advantage of enhanced performance and lower power consumption. When using more than one drive, the user can have additional protect ion against data loss in the event of a hard drive failure.Intel快速存储技术为桌面和移动平台的性能和可扩展性提供新的保护水平,无论使用一个或多个驱动器,用户都可以利用强劲的性能和更低的功耗,当使用多个驱动时,用户可以在硬盘故障的情况下对数据丢失进行额外的保护。
Starting with version 9.5, a brand new user interface makes creating and managing your storage simple and intuitive. Combined with Intel® Rapid Recover Technology, setting up data protection can be accomplished easily with an external drive.从9.5版本开始,一个全新的用户界面可以简单和直观创建和管理您的存储。
7.如何使用磁带机 如何使用磁带机
Orient LegendMaker
必须知道所使用的磁带机的正确的设备文件 名 如果使用一个磁带向系统传数据,则用户应 事先知道数据是如何被传到磁带上的,通常, 计算机磁带在使用上与录音带有相似之处, 比如倒带,另外也可以像磁盘一样,对磁带 机进行删节
Orient LegendMaker
archive6=/dev/rfd0135ds18 18 archive8=/dev/rStp0 20
archive0=/dev/rfd0135ds18 18 1440n DEFAULT tar DEVICE
12.向磁带或磁盘传输数据 向磁带或磁盘传输数据
18 18 10 archive0=/dev/rfd048ds9 archive1=/dev/rfd148ds9 archive2=/dev/rfd096ds15 360 n 360 n 1200 n 1440 n 0 y
18.查看 备份的内容 查看tar备份的内容 查看
Orient LegendMaker
tar tv来查看备份中的内容。
– tar tv – tar tv6 – tar tvf /tmp/tarfile
19.从tar备份恢复文件 从 备份恢复文件
– floppy Disk0 – floppy Disk1
SAS Certificate Base Practice Questions and Detailed Answers Chapter 1: Basic ConceptsChapter 2: Referencing Files and Setting OptionsChapter 3: Editing and Debugging SAS ProgramsChapter 4: Creating List ReportsChapter 5: Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw DataChapter 6: Understanding DATA Step ProcessingChapter 7: Creating and Applying User-Defined FormatsChapter 8: Creating Enhanced List and Summary ReportsChapter 9: Producing Descriptive StatisticsChapter 10: Producing HTML OutputChapter 11: Creating and Managing VariablesChapter 12: Reading SAS Data SetsChapter 13: Combining SAS Data SetsChapter 14: Transforming Data with SAS FunctionsChapter 15: Generating Data with DO LoopsChapter 16: Processing Variables with ArraysChapter 17: Reading Raw Data in Fixed FieldsChapter 18: Reading Free-Format DataChapter 19: Reading Date and Time ValuesChapter 20: Creating a Single Observation from Multiple RecordsChapter 21: Creating Multiple Observations from a Single RecordChapter 22: Reading Hierarchical FilesChapter 1: Basic Concepts Answer Key1.How many observations and variables does the data set below contain?a. 3 observations, 4 variablesb. 3 observations, 3 variablesc. 4 observations, 3 variablesd.can't tell because some values are missingCorrect answer:cRows in the data set are called observations, and columns are called variables. Missing values don't affect the structure of the data set.2.How many program steps are executed when the program below is processed?data user.tables;infile jobs;input date name $ job $;run;proc sort data=user.tables;by name;run;proc print data=user.tables;run;a.threeb.fourc.fived.sixCorrect answer:aWhen it encounters a DATA, PROC, or RUN statement, SAS stops reading statements andexecutes the previous step in the program. The program above contains one DATA step and two PROC steps, for a total of three program steps.3.What type of variable is the variable AcctNum in the data set below?a.numericb.characterc.can be either character or numericd.can't tell from the data shownCorrect answer:bIt must be a character variable, because the values contain letters and underscores, which are not valid characters for numeric values.4.What type of variable is the variable Wear in the data set below?a.numericb.characterc.can be either character or numericd.can't tell from the data shownCorrect answer:aIt must be a numeric variable, because the missing value is indicated by a period rather than by a blank.5.Which of the following variable names is valid?a.4BirthDateb.$Costc._Items_d.Tax-RateCorrect answer:cVariable names follow the same rules as SAS data set names. They can be 1 to 32 characters long, must begin with a letter (A–Z, either uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore, and can continue with any combination of numbers, letters, or underscores.6.Which of the following files is a permanent SAS file?a.Sashelp.PrdSaleb.Sasuser.MySalesc.Profits.Quarter1d.all of the aboveCorrect answer:dTo store a file permanently in a SAS data library, you assign it a libref other than the default Work. For example, by assigning the libref Profits to a SAS data library, you specify that files within the library are to be stored until you delete them. Therefore, SAS files in the Sashelp and Sasuser libraries are permanent files.7.In a DATA step, how can you reference a temporary SAS data set named Forecast?a.Forecastb.Work.Forecastc.Sales.Forecast (after assigning the libref Sales)d.only a and b aboveCorrect answer:dTo reference a temporary SAS file in a DATA step or PROC step, you can specify the one-level name of the file (for example, Forecast) or the two-level name using the libref Work (for example, Work.Forecast).8.What is the default length for the numeric variable Balance?a. 5b. 6c.7d.8Correct answer:dThe numeric variable Balance has a default length of 8. Numeric values (no matter how many digits they contain) are stored in 8 bytes of storage unless you specify a different length.9.How many statements does the following SAS program contain?proc print data=new.prodsalelabel double;var state day price1 price2; where state='NC';label state='Name of State';run;a.threeb.fourc.fived.sixCorrect answer:cThe five statements are•PROC PRINT statement (two lines long)•VAR statement•WHERE statement (on the same line as the VAR statement)•LABEL statement•RUN statement (on the same line as the LABEL statement).10.What is a SAS data library?a. a collection of SAS files, such as SAS data sets and some operating environments, a physical collection of SAS some operating environments, a logically related collection of SAS filesd.all of the aboveCorrect answer:dEvery SAS file is stored in a SAS data library, which is a collection of SAS files, such as SAS data sets and catalogs. In some operating environments, a SAS data library is a physical collection of files. In others, the files are only logically related. In the Windows and UNIX environments, a SAS data library is typically a group of SAS files in the same folder or directory.Chapter 2: Referencing Files and Setting Options1.If you submit the following program, how does the output look?options pagesize=55 nonumber;proc tabulate data=clinic.admit;class actlevel;var age height weight;table actlevel,(age height weight)*mean;run;options linesize=80;proc means data=clinic.heart min max maxdec=1;var arterial heart cardiac urinary;class survive sex;run;a.The PROC MEANS output has a print line width of 80 characters, but the PROCTABULATE output has no print line width.b.The PROC TABULATE output has no page numbers, but the PROC MEANS outputhas page numbers.c.Each page of output from both PROC steps is 55 lines long and has no page numbers,and the PROC MEANS output has a print line width of 80 characters.d.The date does not appear on output from either PROC step.Correct: answer:cWhen you specify a system option, it remains in effect until you change the option or end your SAS session, so both PROC steps generate output that is printed 55 lines per page with no page numbers. If you don't specify a system option, SAS uses the default value for that system option.2.In order for the date values 05May1955 and 04Mar2046 to be read correctly, what value mustthe YEARCUTOFF= option have?a. a value between 1947 and 1954, inclusiveb.1955 or higherc.1946 or higherd.any valueCorrect answer:dAs long as you specify an informat with the correct field width for reading the entire date value, the YEARCUTOFF= option doesn't affect date values that have four-digit years.3.When you specify an engine for a library, you are always specifyinga.the file format for files that are stored in the library.b.the version of SAS that you are using.c.access to other software vendors' files.d.instructions for creating temporary SAS files.Correct answer:aA SAS engine is a set of internal instructions that SAS uses for writing to and reading from files in a SAS library. Each engine specifies the file format for files that are stored in the library, which in turn enables SAS to access files with a particular format. Some engines access SAS files, and other engines support access to other vendors' files.4.Which statement prints a summary of all the files stored in the library named Area51?a.proc contents data=area51._all_ nods;b.proc contents data=area51 _all_ nods;c.proc contents data=area51 _all_ noobs;d.proc contents data=area51 _all_.nods;Correct answer:aTo print a summary of library contents with the CONTENTS procedure, use a period to append the _ALL_ option to the libref. Adding the NODS option suppresses detailed information about the files.5.The following PROC PRINT output was created immediately after PROC TABULATEoutput. Which SAS system options were specified when the report was created?a.OBS=, DATE, and NONUMBERb.PAGENO=1, and DATEc.NUMBER and DATE onlyd.none of the aboveCorrect answer:bClearly, the DATE and PAGENO= options are specified. Because the page number on the output is 1, even though PROC TABULATE output was just produced. If you don't specify PAGENO=, all output in the Output window is numbered sequentially throughout your SAS session.6.Which of the following programs correctly references a SAS data set named SalesAnalysisthat is stored in a permanent SAS library? saleslibrary.salesanalysis;set mydata.quarter1sales;if sales>100000;run; mysales.totals;set sales_99.salesanalysis;if totalsales>50000;run;c.proc print data=salesanalysis.quarter1;var sales salesrep month;run;d.proc freq data=1999data.salesanalysis;tables quarter*sales; run;Correct answer:bLibrefs must be 1 to 8 characters long, must begin with a letter or underscore, and can contain only letters, numbers, or underscores. After you assign a libref, you specify it as the first element in the two-level name for a SAS file.7.Which time span is used to interpret two-digit year values if the YEARCUTOFF= option isset to 1950?a.1950-2049b.1950-2050c.1949-2050d.1950-2000Correct answer:aThe YEARCUTOFF= option specifies which 100-year span is used to interpret two-digit year values. The default value of YEARCUTOFF= is 1920. However, you can override the default and change the value of YEARCUTOFF= to the first year of another 100-year span. If you specify YEARCUTOFF=1950, then the 100-year span will be from 1950 to 2049.8.Asssuming you are using SAS code and not special SAS windows, which one of thefollowing statements is false?a.LIBNAME statements can be stored with a SAS program to reference the SAS libraryautomatically when you submit the program.b.When you delete a libref, SAS no longer has access to the files in the library.However, the contents of the library still exist on your operating system.c.Librefs can last from one SAS session to another.d.You can access files that were created with other vendors' software by submitting aLIBNAME statement.Correct answer:cThe LIBNAME statement is global, which means that librefs remain in effect until you modify them, cancel them, or end your SAS session. Therefore, the LIBNAME statement assigns the libref for the current SAS session only. You must assign a libref before accessingSAS files that are stored in a permanent SAS data library.9.What does the following statement do?libname osiris spss 'c:\myfiles\sasdata\data';a.defines a library called Spss using the OSIRIS engineb.defines a library called Osiris using the SPSS enginec.defines two libraries called Osiris and Spss using the default engined.defines the default library using the OSIRIS and SPSS enginesCorrect answer:bIn the LIBNAME statement, you specify the library name before the engine name. Both are followed by the path.10.What does the following OPTIONS statement do?options pagesize=15 nodate;a.suppresses the date and limits the page size of the logb.suppresses the date and limits the vertical page size for text outputc.suppresses the date and limits the vertical page size for text and HTML outputd.suppresses the date and limits the horizontal page size for text outputCorrect answer:bThese options affect the format of listing output only. NODATE suppresses the date and PAGESIZE= determines the number of rows to print on the page.Chapter 3: Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Answer Key1.As you write and edit SAS programs it's a good idea toa.begin DATA and PROC steps in column one.b.indent statements within a step.c.begin RUN statements in column one.d.all of the aboveCorrect answer:dAlthough you can write SAS statements in almost any format, a consistent layout enhances readability and enables you to understand the program's purpose. It's a good idea to begin DATA and PROC steps in column one, to indent statements within a step, to begin RUN statements in column one, and to include a RUN statement after every DATA step or PROC step.2.What usually happens when an error is detected?a.SAS continues processing the step.b.SAS continues to process the step, and the log displays messages about the error.c.SAS stops processing the step in which the error occurred, and the log displaysmessages about the error.d.SAS stops processing the step in which the error occurred, and the program outputdisplays messages about the error.Correct answer:cSyntax errors generally cause SAS to stop processing the step in which the error occurred. When a program that contains an error is submitted, messages regarding the problem also appear in the SAS log. When a syntax error is detected, the SAS log displays the word ERROR, identifies the possible location of the error, and gives an explanation of the error.3. A syntax error occurs whena.some data values are not appropriate for the SAS statements that are specified in aprogram.b.the form of the elements in a SAS statement is correct, but the elements are not validfor that usage.c.program statements do not conform to the rules of the SAS language.d.none of the aboveCorrect canswer:Syntax errors are common types of errors. Some SAS system options, features of the Editorwindow, and the DATA step debugger can help you identify syntax errors. Other types oferrors include data errors, semantic errors, and execution-time errors.4.How can you tell whether you have specified an invalid option in a SAS program?a. A log message indicates an error in a statement that seems to be valid.b. A log message indicates that an option is not valid or not recognized.c.The message "PROC running" or "DATA step running" appears at the top of theactive window.d.You can't tell until you view the output from the program.Correct answer:bWhen you submit a SAS statement that contains an invalid option, a log message notifies you that the option is not valid or not recognized. You should recall the program, remove or replace the invalid option, check your statement syntax as needed, and resubmit the corrected program.5.Which of the following programs contains a syntax error?Correct answer:bThe DATA step contains a misspelled keyword (dat instead of data). However, this is such a common (and easily interpretable) error that SAS produces only a warning message, not an error.6.What does the following log indicate about your program?proc print data=sasuser.cargo99var origin dest cargorev;2276ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following:;, (, DATA, DOUBLE, HEADING, LABEL, N, NOOBS, OBS, ROUND, ROWS, SPLIT, STYLE,UNIFORM, WIDTH.ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.11 run;a.SAS identifies a syntax error at the position of the VAR statement.b.SAS is reading VAR as an option in the PROC PRINT statement.c.SAS has stopped processing the program because of errors.d.all of the aboveCorrect answer:dBecause there is a missing semicolon at the end of the PROC PRINT statement, SAS interprets VAR as an option in PROC PRINT and finds a syntax error at that location. SAS stops processing programs when it encounters a syntax error.Chapter 4: Creating List Reports Answer Key 1.Which PROC PRINT step below creates the following output?Correct answer:cThe DATA= option specifies the data set that you are listing, and the ID statement replaces the Obs column with the specified variable. The VAR statement specifies variables and controls the order in which they appear, and the WHERE statement selects rows based on a condition. The LABEL option in the PROC PRINT statement causes the labels that are specified in the LABEL statement to be displayed.2.Which of the following PROC PRINT steps is correct if labels are not stored with thedata set?Correct aanswer:You use the DATA= option to specify the data set to be printed. The LABEL optionspecifies that variable labels appear in output instead of variable names.3.Which of the following statements selects from a data set only those observations forwhich the value of the variable Style is RANCH, SPLIT, or TWOSTORY?Correct answer:dIn the WHERE statement, the IN operator enables you to select observations based on several values. You specify values in parentheses and separate them by spaces or commas. Character values must be enclosed in quotation marks and must be in the same case as in the data set.4.If you want to sort your data and create a temporary data set named Calc to store thesorted data, which of the following steps should you submit?Correct answer:cIn a PROC SORT step, you specify the DATA= option to specify the data set to sort. The OUT= option specifies an output data set. The required BY statement specifies the variable(s) to use in sorting the data.5.Which options are used to create the following PROC PRINT output?13:27 Monday, March 22, 1999 Patient Arterial Heart Cardiac Urinary203 88 95 66 11054 83 183 95 0664 72 111 332 12210 74 97 369 0101 80 130 291 0a.the DATE system option and the LABEL option in PROC PRINTb.the DATE and NONUMBER system options and the DOUBLE and NOOBSoptions in PROC PRINTc.the DATE and NONUMBER system options and the DOUBLE option inPROC PRINTd.the DATE and NONUMBER system options and the NOOBS option in PROCPRINTCorrect answer:bThe DATE and NONUMBER system options cause the output to appear with the date but without page numbers. In the PROC PRINT step, the DOUBLE option specifies double spacing, and the NOOBS option removes the default Obs column.6.Which of the following statements can you use in a PROC PRINT step to create thisoutput?Correct answer:dYou do not need to name the variables in a VAR statement if you specify them in the SUM statement, but you can. If you choose not to name the variables in the VAR statement as well, then the SUM statement determines the order of the variables in the output.7.What happens if you submit the following program?proc sort data=clinic.diabetes;run;proc print data=clinic.diabetes;var age height weight pulse;where sex='F';run;a.The PROC PRINT step runs successfully, printing observations in their sortedorder.b.The PROC SORT step permanently sorts the input data set.c.The PROC SORT step generates errors and stops processing, but the PROCPRINT step runs successfully, printing observations in their original (unsorted)order.d.The PROC SORT step runs successfully, but the PROC PRINT step generateserrors and stops processing.Correct answer:cThe BY statement is required in PROC SORT. Without it, the PROC SORT step fails. However, the PROC PRINT step prints the original data set as requested.8.If you submit the following program, which output does it create?proc sort;by months amount;run;proc print noobs; var months;sum amount payment;where months<360;run;a.b.c.d.Correct answer:aColumn totals appear at the end of the report in the same format as the values of the variables, so b is incorrect. Work.Loans is sorted by Month and Amount, so c isincorrect. The program sums both Amount and Payment, so d is incorrect.9.Choose the statement below that selects rows which•the amount is less than or equal to $5000•the account is 101-1092 or the rate equals 0.095.Correct answer:cTo ensure that the compound expression is evaluated correctly, you can use parentheses to groupaccount='101-1092' or rate eq 0.095OBS Account Amount Rate MonthsPayment1 101-1092 $22,000 10.00%60 $467.432 101-1731 $114,0009.50% 360 $958.573 101-1289 $10,000 10.50%36 $325.024 101-3144 $3,500 10.50%12 $308.525 103-1135 $8,700 10.50%24 $403.476 103-1994 $18,500 10.00%60 $393.077 103-2335 $5,000 10.50%48 $128.028 103-3864 $87,500 9.50% 360 $735.759 103-3891 $30,000 9.75% 360 $257.75For example, from the data set above, a and b above select observations 2 and 8 (those that have a rate of 0.095); c selects no observations; and d selects observations 4 and 7 (those that have an amount less than or equal to 5000).10.What does PROC PRINT display by default?a.PROC PRINT does not create a default report; you must specify the rows andcolumns to be displayed.b.PROC PRINT displays all observations and variables in the data set. If youwant an additional column for observation numbers, you can request it.c.PROC PRINT displays columns in the following order: a column forobservation numbers, all character variables, and all numeric variables.d.PROC PRINT displays all observations and variables in the data set, a columnfor observation numbers on the far left, and variables in the order in which they occur in the data set.Correct answer:dYou can remove the column for observation numbers. You can also specify the variables you want, and you can select observations according to conditions.Chapter 5: Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data Answer Key1.Which SAS statement associates the fileref Crime with the raw data fileC:\States\Data\Crime?a.filename crime 'c:\states\data\crime';b.filename crime c:\states\data\crime;c.fileref crime 'c:\states\data\crime';d.filename 'c:\states\data\crime' crime; Correct aanswer:Before you can read your raw data, you must reference the raw data file by creating afileref. You assign a fileref by using a FILENAME statement in the same way thatyou assign a libref by using a LIBNAME statement.2.Filerefs remain in effect change cancel end your SAS session.d.all of the aboveCorrect answer:dLike LIBNAME statements, FILENAME statements are global; they remain in effect until you change them, cancel them, or end your SAS session.3.Which statement identifies the name of a raw data file to be read with the filerefProducts and specifies that the DATA step read only records 1-15?a.infile products obs 15;b.infile products obs=15;c.input products obs=15;d.input products 1-15;Correct answer:bYou use an INFILE statement to specify the raw data file to be read. You can specify a fileref or an actual filename (in quotation marks). The OBS= option in the INFILE statement enables you to process only records 1 through n.4.Which of the following programs correctly writes the observations from the data setbelow to a raw data file?Correct answer:dThe keyword _NULL_ in the DATA statement enables you to use the power of the DATA step without actually creating a SAS data set. You use the FILE and PUT statements to write out the observations from a SAS data set to a raw data file. The FILE statement specifies the raw data file and the PUT statement describes the lines towrite to the raw data file. The filename and location that are specified in the FILE statement must be enclosed in quotation marks.5.Which raw data file can be read using column input?a.b.c.d.all of the aboveCorrect answer:bColumn input is appropriate only in some situations. When you use column input, your data must be standard character or numeric values, and they must be in fixed fields. That is, values for a particular variable must be in the same location in all records.6.Which program creates the output shown below?Correct answer:aThe INPUT statement creates a variable using the name that you assign to each field. Therefore, when you write an INPUT statement, you need to specify the variable names exactly as you want them to appear in the SAS data set.7.Which statement correctly reads the fields in the following order: StockNumber,Price, Item, Finish, Style?Field Name Start Column End Column Data TypeStockNumber 1 3 characterFinish 5 9 characterStyle 11 18 characterItem 20 24 characterPrice 27 32 numericCorrec t answer:bYou can use column input to read fields in any order. You must specify the variable name to be created, identify character values with a $, and name the correct starting column and ending column for each field.8.Which statement correctly re-defines the values of the variable Income as 100percent higher?a.income=income*1.00;b.income=income+(income*2.00);c.income=income*2;d.income=*2;Correct answer:cTo re-define the values of the variable Income in an Assignment statement, you specify the variable name on the left side of the equal sign and an appropriate expression including the variable name on the right side of the equal sign.9.Which program correctly reads instream data? finance.newloan;input datalines;if country='JAPAN';MonthAvg=amount/12;1998 US CARS 194324.121998 US TRUCKS 142290.301998 CANADA CARS 10483.441998 CANADA TRUCKS 93543.641998 MEXICO CARS 22500.571998 MEXICO TRUCKS 10098.881998 JAPAN CARS 15066.431998 JAPAN TRUCKS 40700.34; finance.newloan;input Year 1-4 Country $ 6-11Vehicle $ 13-18 Amount 20-28;if country='JAPAN';MonthAvg=amount/12;datalines;run; finance.newloan;input Year 1-4 Country 6-11Vehicle 13-18 Amount 20-28;if country='JAPAN';MonthAvg=amount/12;datalines;1998 US CARS 194324.121998 US TRUCKS 142290.301998 CANADA CARS 10483.441998 CANADA TRUCKS 93543.641998 MEXICO CARS 22500.571998 MEXICO TRUCKS 10098.881998 JAPAN CARS 15066.431998 JAPAN TRUCKS 40700.34; finance.newloan;input Year 1-4 Country $ 6-11Vehicle $ 13-18 Amount 20-28;if country='JAPAN';MonthAvg=amount/12;datalines;1998 US CARS 194324.121998 US TRUCKS 142290.301998 CANADA CARS 10483.441998 CANADA TRUCKS 93543.641998 MEXICO CARS 22500.571998 MEXICO TRUCKS 10098.881998 JAPAN CARS 15066.431998 JAPAN TRUCKS 40700.34;Correct answer:dTo read instream data, you specify a DATALINES statement and data lines, followed by a null statement (single semicolon) to indicate the end of the input data. Program a contains no DATALINES statement, and the INPUT statement doesn't specify the fields to read. Program b contains no data lines, and the INPUT statement in program c doesn't specify the necessary dollar signs for the character variables Country and Vehicle.10.Which SAS statement subsets the raw data shown below so that only the observationsin which Sex (in the second field) has a value of F are processed?a.if sex=f;b.if sex=F;c.if sex='F';d. a or bCorrect answer:cTo subset data, you can use a subsetting IF statement in any DATA step to process only those observations that meet a specified condition. Because Sex is a character variable, the value F must be enclosed in quotation marks and must be in the same case as in the data set.Chapter 6: Understanding DATA Step Processing Answer Key1.Which of the following is not created during the compilation phase?。
emacs高级用法一、Emacs基本用法1. Emacs is a super - powerful text editor. I can just open it up and start typing away like I'm pouring my thoughts onto a digital canvas. For example, if I want to write a simple note, I open Emacs, and it's like stepping into a blank room where I can arrange my words however I like. “Emacs就像一个超级强大的文本编辑器。
”2. One of the basic things in Emacs is moving around. I use the arrow keys, but there are also these cool shortcuts. It's like having a secret passageway in a maze. For instance, Ctrl - f moves the cursor forward one character. “Emacs的基本操作之一就是移动光标。
例如,Ctrl - f可以将光标向前移动一个字符。
”3. Saving a file in Emacs is a piece of cake. I just hit Ctrl - x Ctrl - s. It's as easy as closing a box after you put something in it. “在Emacs 中保存文件很容易。
会议管理制度英文翻译1. IntroductionThe purpose of this Conference Management System is to provide a comprehensive and organized framework for planning, organizing, and executing conferences within our organization. This system aims to streamline the conference management process, improve efficiency, and ensure that all conference activities are carried out in a systematic and professional manner.2. ScopeThis system applies to all conferences organized and hosted by our organization. It covers the entire conference management process, including planning, budgeting, venue selection, participant registration, program development, logistics coordination, and post-conference evaluation.3. Key Components3.1 PlanningThe first step in conference management is the planning phase. This involves defining the conference objectives, identifying the target audience, establishing a budget, and creating a timeline for the conference. Key tasks during the planning phase include selecting a conference theme, determining the conference format (e.g., in-person, virtual, or hybrid), and establishing a planning committee.3.2 BudgetingEffective budgeting is critical for the success of any conference. The budgeting component of the Conference Management System involves creating a detailed budget that outlines all expected expenses and potential revenue sources. This includes costs for venue rental, catering, technical equipment, marketing and promotion, speaker fees, and participant registration fees.3.3 Venue SelectionSelecting an appropriate venue is crucial for the success of a conference. The venue should be suitable for the size and format of the conference, provide the necessary facilities and amenities, and be conveniently located for participants. The venue selection process should consider factors such as cost, accessibility, capacity, and technical capabilities.3.4 Participant RegistrationParticipant registration is a key aspect of conference management. This component involves creating an online registration system, managing participant registrations, processing payments, and providing information and support to registered participants. Theregistration process should be user-friendly and secure, and it should allow for efficient communication with participants.3.5 Program DevelopmentThe development of a comprehensive and engaging conference program is essential for attracting and retaining participants. This component involves designing the conference agenda, selecting and inviting speakers and presenters, organizing panel discussions and workshops, and creating networking opportunities. The program should be well-balanced and offer value to participants.3.6 Logistics CoordinationLogistics coordination is crucial for ensuring that all conference activities run smoothly. This component involves coordinating travel and accommodation arrangements for speakers and participants, arranging for technical equipment and support, managing on-site logistics such as registration, catering, and signage, and providing support for any special requirements or accommodations.3.7 Post-Conference EvaluationAfter the conference has concluded, it is important to conduct a thorough evaluation to assess its success and identify areas for improvement. This component involves gathering feedback from participants and stakeholders, analyzing key performance indicators, and documenting lessons learned. The evaluation findings should be used to inform future conference planning and decision-making.4. Roles and ResponsibilitiesEffective conference management requires clear roles and responsibilities. The following key roles are involved in the Conference Management System:- Conference Chair: The individual responsible for overall conference oversight and leadership.- Planning Committee: A team of individuals responsible for planning and coordinating the conference activities.- Finance Manager: The individual responsible for budgeting, financial management, and sponsorships.- Venue Coordinator: The individual responsible for identifying and securing a suitable conference venue.- Registration Manager: The individual responsible for managing participant registrations and communications.- Program Committee: A team of individuals responsible for developing the conference program and content.- Logistics Coordinator: The individual responsible for managing all logistical aspects of the conference.- Evaluation Team: A team of individuals responsible for conducting post-conference evaluation and analysis.5. Policies and ProceduresThe successful implementation of the Conference Management System relies on clear policies and procedures that guide conference planning and execution. Key policies and procedures include:- Conference Planning Policy: This policy outlines the process for initiating and planning conferences within the organization, including the approval process, budgeting requirements, and timeline considerations.- Venue Selection Procedure: This procedure defines the steps for identifying, evaluating, and selecting conference venues, as well as the criteria for venue suitability and contract negotiations.- Participant Registration Policy: This policy outlines the requirements and guidelines for participant registration, including registration fees, refund policies, and data privacy considerations.- Speaker and Presenter Guidelines: This document provides guidelines for selecting, inviting, and managing speakers and presenters, as well as expectations for content and presentation quality.- Post-Conference Evaluation Procedure: This procedure outlines the process for conducting post-conference evaluation, including data collection methods, analysis tools, and reporting requirements.6. Technology and ToolsTechnology plays a critical role in modern conference management. The Conference Management System leverages various technology tools and platforms to support conference activities, including:- Conference Management Software: A comprehensive software solution for managing conference planning, registration, program development, and logistics coordination.- Online Registration System: A user-friendly and secure platform for managing participant registrations, payments, and communications.- Event Management Tools: Tools for managing venue logistics, catering, audio-visual equipment, and other conference requirements.- Communication Platforms: Email, social media, and other communication channels for reaching out to potential participants, speakers, sponsors, and stakeholders.- Evaluation and Analysis Software: Tools for collecting and analyzing post-conference evaluation data and generating reports.7. Training and SupportEffective implementation of the Conference Management System requires training and support for key stakeholders. This includes:- Orientation and Training: Training sessions for conference chairs, planning committee members, and other key roles to familiarize them with the Conference Management System and its components.- User Guides and Documentation: Comprehensive user guides, manuals, and documentation to support conference planning, budgeting, registration, program development, and logistics coordination.- Technical Support: Access to technical support resources to assist with the use of conference management software, online registration systems, and other technology tools.8. Continuous ImprovementContinuous improvement is a fundamental aspect of the Conference Management System. Regular evaluation and feedback are used to identify opportunities for improvement, refine processes, and enhance the overall conference management experience.- Feedback Mechanisms: Surveys, feedback forms, and other mechanisms for collecting input from participants, speakers, sponsors, and other stakeholders.- Lessons Learned: Documenting and sharing lessons learned from each conference to inform future planning and decision-making.- Process Review: Regular review of conference management processes and procedures to identify areas for streamlining and optimization.Conclusively, the Conference Management System is an essential framework for organizing successful conferences within our organization. By implementing this system, we aim to enhance the quality, efficiency, and professionalism of our conference activities, ultimately delivering value to all conference stakeholders.。
那么,如何建立一个强大且有效的Linux安全基线呢?A secure Linux baseline refers to a set of security measures and configuration rules designed to protect the Linux operating system from various security threats. It is crucial for organizations and individuals to establish a robust and effective Linux security baseline in order to safeguard sensitive data, maintain system integrity, and prevent unauthorized access.一个强大的Linux安全基线应该从以下几个方面进行考虑和配置。
归纳归档文件整理工作的流程11步Organizing and archiving files can be a tedious task, but it is crucial in order to maintain a well-organized system within a company or organization. The process of sorting through documents, categorizing them, and storing them properly is not only essential for easy access to information, but also for ensuring data security and compliance with regulations.整理和归档文件可能是一项乏味的任务,但这对于保持公司或组织内部的良好组织系统至关重要。
The first step in the process of organizing and archiving files is to gather all relevant documents and files in one central location. This may involve collecting physical papers from different departments or compiling digital files from various electronic devices. Having all documents in one place makes it easier to assess the volume of work involved and determine the best approach to sorting and categorizing them.整理和归档文件的第一步是将所有相关文件和文档收集到一个中心位置。
NAND Flash存储管理的jkffs嵌入式文件系统说明书
International Conference on Communication and Electronic Information Engineering (CEIE 2016)To establish file system in industrial storage managementHui-Zhong LiuInstitute of Applied Mathematics Hebei Academy of sciences, Shijiazhuang, 050081,ChinaE-mail:****************Aiming at the Nand flash which is widely used in industrial storage management, theembedded file system named “jkffs”is established. In “jkffs”, a direct addressingalgorithm is described; tnode-tree, variable-tnodelength are used to address most kinds ofnand flash; the method of chunk group is mentioned also. The dynamic wear-levelingalgorithm and static wear-leveling algorithm according to the different erasing times ofblock are presented in “jkffs” to realize the garbage-collection and wear-leveling.Keywords: Jkffs; Ttnode-tree; Variable-tnodelength; Tthreshold.1. IntroductionNAND Flash memory is widely used in the industrial storage management in which embedded system is the core. The log-structured file system designed according to the physical structure characteristics of NAND Flash can solve the embedded system of mass storage management issues.NAND Flash array can be divided into a series of blocks. Each block contains a number of pages, and the block is the smallest erasable unit. Erasing a block means defining all the bits as "1" (defining all bytes as “FFh”). Writing operation, through the programming, turns erased bits from "1" to "0". The unit of reading and writing is the page, the page contains data area and leisure area (OOB, out-of-band), and OOB area is used for software designer. Writing Page and erasing block are the basic operations of NAND Flash. Programming all bytes of blocks for OXFF can release space [1].2. Establishment of The File System2.1. The basic ideas of the file systemThe file system we establish is named “jkffs”. Additional information is stored in OOB area, which is designed to realize the management of NAND FLASH.All the components in the file system, including file, directory, links, devices etc., are entirely regarded as a file .Each file has a special head page store file to preserve the head of mode, length, file name, father object labeling and other information. The basic unit for writing in NAND Flash is the Page (Page) called chunk in the file system, which has different meanings. Page refers to the actual data storage areas on the NAND Flash Memory, while the chunk is the logical data storage areas allocated by the file system. Their sizes can be different.With 2048+64byte as a page of NAND Flash chips, for example, the file system use 8 Byte on OOB district to store the relative file system information [2], and design a erasing-times mark (Erase_num, 8 bits), to recover block and realize the wear-leveling. The directory structure of the file system must be built in the memory during the process of loading the system. Reading OOB contents is only needed to scan each Chunk and from the system marks in the OOB, it can be determined whether the Chunk is head or data. Then according to the contents of the file head chunk and the information such as object ID, chunk ID of data chunk, establish a corresponding object in the memory for each file. After all the Block has been scanned, it would establish the relationships of all objects, and form a kind of architecture in RAM. Thus, the file system would be loaded successfully [3].2.2. Addressing of the file systemEfficient addressing can be realized by creating a node tree. Structure definition: union jkffs_Tnode_union {union jkffs_Tnode_union *internal[8];}This is a pointer array of length 8. The node tree at the bottom, created according to this structure, becomes the leaf nodes and the middle is internal node. They have the same structure. When the nodes is the internal nodes, each element of the array will point to the next layer of child node; When the node is the leaf node, the array will be splitted into 16 long integer with N bits (Tnodelength), which is the storage location of the file contents in the flash (that is, chunkid).The Tnodelength of leaf nodes determines the maximum addressed space for the file system. For example, Tnodelength = 16, means it can represent 216 =65536 chunk.. As for a NAND flash with 2K chunk , the largest flash address space c is 128 M.It is very convenient to find the files through the node tree. Each tnode used by the internal node has 8 pointers, so three binary codes are needed to index it,therefore when the tree grows a layer high, three codes would be added into the ChunkID. In turn, each three nonzero ChunkID represents a layer of the internal nodes. Meanwhile, each Tnode used by leaf nodes has 16 pointers, so four binary codes are needed to index it.When tnode structure just started to be built, only the lowest level tnode would be established. And when the number of the Chunk was more than 16, an internal tnode would be established in the tree, and NO. 0 pointer would point to the Lowest Level Tnode. While more and more Chunk is read, new tnode will be added and the node tree is also more and more higher.2.3. Variable-Tnodelength in the node treeTnodelength of bottom node in the node tree determines the maximum space which can be addressed by file system . If The size of the chunk is 512 byte, 32 MB NAND Flash need 65536 chunks, and it needs 16 bit to index chunk. Similarly, 64MB nand flash needs at least 17 bit to index all the chunk and 128 MB NAND Flash needs18 bit. In order to facilitate processing, the tnodeSize must be the multiple of 32bit, tnodeSize = (tnodelength * 16) / 8, the unit is Byte. Tnodelength represents the length, because the Tnode of level 0 is 16 physical chunk index. From the foregoing, tnodelength is the size of physical chunk index, and the unit is bit. In order to make tnodeSize the multiple of 4 Byte, 64 M flash’s chunk index bits has to be 18 bit at least. Thus tnodelength = 18 can directly addressed 128 MThe way by increasing tnode-length can realize the management of the most large capacity of NAND Flash on the market at present, say, tnodelength = 20, the file system has the maximum space: 220 * 2 K = 2G for addressing. But such established node tree occupy too much RAM space in embedded system, which affects system performance, and it is not quite flexible for the protean design of embedded system.In system initialization process the information of NAND Flash is first read, the total number of pages can be obtained by multiplying blocks of Flash ( nblocks) by pages of each block, which means that file system need to manage these pages, and then figure out tnodelength of bottom node .specific algorithm is as follows:1) C alculated the total number of pages x = nChunksPerBlock * nBlocks2) w hen X > 1, shift X 1 to right ,bits= bits+13) r epeat , until x <= 14) i f X is odd number,X=X+15) endFlow chart as shown in Fig. 1Bits is bit length, and assign to tnodelength. This way can solve the problem that fixed tnodelength occupies too much RAM in the system, and can manageFig. 1 Tnode-length algorithm flow chartIn the actual system design, if bits is too large, Chunk array can be considered. Make one Chunk to match more pages, through which can reduce the tnodelength.Thus,the goal of managing NAND Flash memory can also be achieved. That is, through synthesizing certain chunk into a group with a same Id, may also increase the addressing chunk scope. At this time, the Pages of chunk are different. Supposing that a Chunk corresponds two pages andtwo continuous pages can becalled d_Chunk, including 4096bytes data, here d_Chunk [0], d_Chunk [1] correspond relevant page separately, as shown in Fig. 2:Fig. 2 Chunk array and Page relationship schemes3. Garbage- Collection and Wear-LevelingThe life of the flash memory is limited, it is determined by the maximum erasing time of the block .Therefore, wear-leveling algorithm should be design to distribute the erasing and writing operation evenly on each block and its impact on performance should be as low as possible. The process of erasing blocks and reuse it is called “garbage-collection”. Considering the using frequency of data with garbage-collection and wear-leveling, we designed two algorithms: dynamic and static wear-leveling algorithm.3.1. Dynamic wear-leveling algorithmThe working range of Dynamic wear-leveling algorithm is the updated frequently data space and unused space, it will be realized in the writing of data.Fig. 3 Garbage-collection Flow chartThe algorithm supplies a good way to manage the dynamic data in flash memory. It can guarantee a fixed number of free blocks, as well as can solve data writing delay and accumulation. Two values were used in the blockrecovery algorithm above, they are Min and TH1. Min is the number of recovered dirty block each time when the idle block list is empty. Next, TH1will be explained.In this algorithm, garbage-collection will happen when free block list is empty, while the recovery of dirty block may need to copy the effective data of dirty block first, so the erasing should be done by descending order of useless data page when recovering block, here TH1 means the lower limit of dirty block though “Aggressive Mode”, the recovery can be operated from the beginning of the list of dirty block when the value is more than that.The Min must meet the conditions for Min ≥ TH1.If Min is too large, the number of free blocks will increase, accordingly, the available memory space will reduce; If Min is too small, it cannot solve the problem of data accumulation completely. In the file system, Min is 1/10 of the total block, namely Min = nBlocks / 10, TH1 = Min / 2.3.2. The realization of static wear-levelingIn the practical application of the embedded system data storage have such characteristics: most files are small files, but large files take up most of the storage space; the blocks of small files are updated much frequently. Thus the following situation will appear: the erasing blocks of small files have more erasing times than that of big files, which leads erasing times of small files’erasing blocks will reach the upper limit of erasing times faster and the life of the whole flash memory will be used up.In order to deal with this kind of static read-only data, we designed static wear-leveling algorithm. When the garbage-collection was triggered, read the EraseNum from OOB of the erase block in the clean blocks list, which marked the erasing times, then find out biggest and smallest erasing times. Then do subtraction between them, if the value is bigger than threshold, it can be concluded that erase with minimum number of erasing stored static data, and it needed to be moved. And because the static data are usually bigger and take up more erase blocks, the number of blocks with the minimum time of erasing is more than 1. Therefore, in order to better achieve erase equilibrium, it is necessary to scan the clean block list again after moving operation, and find out the block with maximum erasing times. Specific algorithm is divided into the following steps:1)S can clean block list, and find out the blocks with the biggest and smallest erasing times, then record the number EraseMax and EraseMin respectively, and name the blocks A and B respectively.2) I f “EraseMax - EraseMin≥TH2”, erase block B store the static data, it must be done with moving operation.3) s elect one block from the free block list, copy the data of A to it; Then erase A, and then copy the data of B to A; And then put B to the dirty block list for the storage of data updated frequently.4) R epeat above three steps, until “EraseMax - EraseMin≥TH2” is false, That is, all the static data have been moved.The value of TH2 is very important in the algorithm. If the threshold is too large, the number of static file storage blocks needed to be released will be greater than that of free blocks, and effective data cannot be all received. Conversely, if threshold is too small, blocks for static data file storage cannot be released promptly, and frequent data moving will affect the performance of the system. Usually it is better to set the value of TH2 between 200 to 500. In this file system TH2 = 250.4. ConclusionAt present the most reasonable management of NAND flash memory of the file system mostly uses the log-structured design ideas, such as JFFS, yaffs, etc. The file system “jkffs ” is developed and completed .Practice has proved that “jkffs ” could flexibly manage many NAND Flash with various size at present. References1. Samsung Corp. Flash Memory K9K4G08U0M DataSheet[S], Nov. 2015.2. SUN Feng and ZHANG Fu-xin, “Research an Improvement Of YAFFSFile System”, Computer Engineering, vol. 34, pp. 258-261 March 2014.(In Chinese).3. Wookey. YAFFS Direct User Guide. 2013-07-26. http :// /.。
专利名称:FILE MANAGING SYSTEM 发明人:TSUCHIYA HIROKO申请号:JP5575387申请日:19870310公开号:JPS63221439A公开日:19880914专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To omit the closing process for assurance of data and to improve the writing process performance by opening a film at the time of a system rise and updating the end pointer set on a back-up memory for each writing process. CONSTITUTION:When a file set on a disk or a floppy is managed, the file is first opened and the name of the file is sent back to an open main body. Then a back-up memory is read and it is checked whether the name of a file equal to the opened file is registered or not into the back-up memory. If so, it is confirmed that a closing process is normally carried out and cleared. If not, both the file name and an end pointer set on a file label are written into the back-up memory and the end pointer is changed. Thus the closing process for assurance of data can be omitted.申请人:NEC CORP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
初级后端开发工程师 英语
初级后端开发工程师英语英文回答:Introduction:The field of backend development is rapidly evolving, and junior backend developers are in high demand. To be successful in this role, it is essential to have a strong foundation in the core principles of software development, as well as a solid understanding of the latest technologies and best practices.Skills and Responsibilities:Junior backend developers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the backend of software applications. This includes creating and managing databases, writing server-side code, and implementing security measures. They must also be able to work effectively in a team environment and collaborate with frontend developersto ensure that the application is running smoothly.Education and Experience:Most junior backend developers have a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field. However, some developers may have gained the necessary skills and experience through self-study or bootcamps. Entry-level positions typically require 0-2 years of experience in backend development.In-Demand Technologies:Junior backend developers should be proficient in a variety of programming languages and technologies. Some of the most in-demand technologies include Python, Java, Node.js, and SQL. They should also be familiar with cloud computing platforms such as AWS and Azure.Communication and Interpersonal Skills:In addition to technical skills, junior backenddevelopers must also have strong communication and interpersonal skills. They must be able to clearly explain technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences. They must also be able to work effectively in a team environment and collaborate with other developers.Career Path:Junior backend developers can progress to more senior roles, such as backend lead or software architect. They may also specialize in a particular area of backend development, such as data engineering or cloud computing.Conclusion:The role of a junior backend developer is essential to the success of any software development team. By acquiring the necessary skills and experience, junior backend developers can build a successful career in this rapidly growing field.中文回答:简介:后端开发领域正在快速发展,初级后端开发工程师的需求量很大。
一种基于大模型的知识库构建及管理的方法Building and managing a knowledge base using large models can be a complex and challenging task. The first step in this process is to identify the scope of the knowledge base and the specific goals it aims to achieve. This involves defining the types of information and data that will be included, as well as clarifying the target audience and their needs. In order to maximize the effectiveness of a large model knowledge base, it is important to establish clear and specific objectives from the outset.使用大型模型构建和管理知识库可能是一个复杂而具有挑战性的任务。
Once the scope and goals of the knowledge base have been established, the next step is to select and implement a suitable large model for creating and managing the knowledge base. This involves evaluating different models based on their capabilities, scalability, and compatibility with the types of data and information that will beincluded in the knowledge base. It is important to choose a model that can effectively handle the volume and complexity of the data while also providing the necessary features and functionalities for efficient knowledge management.一旦确定了知识库的范围和目标,下一步就是选择和实施一个合适的大型模型来创建和管理知识库。
培训员工《文件管理流程》 英文
培训员工《文件管理流程》英文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, today we're going to talk about something super important for our job - document management process! I know it sounds all fancy and boring, but trust me, it's really important to get this right so we don't mess things up at work.First things first, let's talk about what documents are. Documents are any written or printed material that contains information. This can be anything from reports, emails, memos, to spreadsheets and presentations. It's basically anything that we need to keep track of for our work.Now, why do we need to manage these documents? Well, because we need to make sure they are organized and easy to find when we need them. Imagine trying to find an important report in a big messy pile of papers - not fun, right? So that's why we have a document management process in place.The document management process includes things like creating, storing, retrieving, updating, and disposing ofdocuments. We need to make sure that we follow the right steps for each of these tasks to keep things running smoothly at work.One key thing to remember is to always label your documents properly. This means giving them clear and descriptive names so we can easily identify what they are. It's also important to store them in the right folders or drives so we know where to find them later.Another important tip is to always update your documents when needed. This means making changes or adding new information when things are updated. We don't want to be working off of outdated information, right?And finally, when it's time to dispose of a document, make sure to do it properly. This means shredding any confidential information and following the company's policies for disposing of documents.So there you have it, guys! Document management process doesn't have to be boring or complicated - just remember to keep things organized and follow the right steps. Let's all work together to keep our documents in check and make our job a whole lot easier!篇2Hey guys, today we are going to talk about the "Document Management Process", which is super important for all of us at work. Document management is all about organizing, storing, and keeping track of all the important files and papers in the office. It helps us to work more efficiently and make sure that we don't lose any important information.First things first, it's important to always date and label your documents clearly. This way, we can easily find what we need and know when it was created. It's like giving each document its own name tag so we can recognize it right away.Secondly, we should always save our documents in the right folders on our computers or in filing cabinets. Just like how we organize our toys or books at home, we need to keep our documents in the right place so we can find them quickly when we need them.Another important thing to remember is to back up your documents regularly. This means making a copy of all your important files and saving them in a different place. It's like having a spare key to your house in case you lose the original key.Lastly, when it's time to get rid of old documents that we no longer need, we should shred or delete them properly. This is tomake sure that no one can access our private information or use it in the wrong way.By following these document management tips, we can all work more efficiently and keep our workspace neat and organized. So let's all do our part in managing our documents properly and make our workday easier!篇3Hey guys! Today we are going to learn about the "File Management Process" at work. It may sound a bit boring, but trust me, it's super important!First things first, let's talk about why file management is so crucial. Basically, it helps us keep our work organized, makes it easy to find important documents, and ensures that everything is securely stored.Now, let's break down the file management process step by step:1. Organizing files: Make sure to create folders for different categories of documents (like reports, client information, invoices, etc.) This way, you can easily find what you need without wasting time searching!2. Naming files: Always use clear and descriptive names for your files. Avoid using generic names like "document1" or "file123", as it will make it much harder to locate specific documents later on.3. Backing up files: Remember to regularly back up important files to prevent data loss. You can use external hard drives, cloud storage, or even emails to save copies of your work.4. Security: Keep your files secure by setting up passwords, restricting access to sensitive information, and being cautious about sharing documents with others.5. Cleaning up: Don't forget to regularly clean up your files by deleting unnecessary documents or archiving old ones. This will help keep your work space clutter-free and efficient.That's it for today's lesson on file management. Remember, staying organized and efficient in managing your files will make your work life much easier and smoother. So, let's start implementing these tips and rock at managing our files like pros! Stay organized, stay on top!篇4Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about a very important topic - "Document Management Process". It may sound like a boring topic, but trust me, it's super important for our work. So, let's dive into it!First things first, what is document management process? Well, it's basically how we handle, organize, and store all the important documents in our workplace. This includes things like emails, reports, memos, and all kinds of files. Having a good document management process will help us work more efficiently and avoid any messy situations.Now, let's talk about some tips on how to manage documents effectively. Firstly, always name your files properly so you can easily find them later. Don't just name it "document1" or "report2", be specific! For example, "Monthly Sales Report March 2021". This way, you can quickly locate the file you need without wasting time.Secondly, create folders to categorize different types of documents. For example, you can have folders for finance, marketing, HR, etc. This will make it easier for you to navigate through your files and find what you're looking for.Another important tip is to regularly back up your files. Imagine if your computer crashes and you lose all yourimportant documents - that would be a disaster! So, make sure to save your files on a cloud service or an external hard drive to avoid any data loss.Lastly, don't forget to update and review your document management process regularly. As our work evolves, so do our documents. So, make sure to adapt your process to meet the changing needs of your work environment.In conclusion, having a solid document management process is crucial for our work. By following these simple tips, we can keep our documents organized, accessible, and secure. Remember, a tidy workspace equals a tidy mind!That's all for today, folks! I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Happy document managing!篇5Hello everybody! Today I want to talk about something super important - file management process. It may sound boring, but trust me, it's really really important to know how to manage files properly.So, what is file management? It's basically the way we organize and store our documents and files so we can find them easily when we need them. It's like keeping your room clean and tidy so you can find your favorite toy right away!First, let's talk about naming files. When you save a document on your computer, give it a clear and descriptive name so you know what it is just by looking at the name. Don't just leave it as "Document1" or "Untitled" - that's like not putting a label on your toy box!Next, let's talk about folders. Folders are like different rooms in your house where you can keep similar documents together. For example, you can create a folder for all your school work, another folder for your favorite games, and so on. This way, you can find what you need quickly without searching through all your files.Oh, and remember to back up your files regularly! It's like making a copy of your favorite drawing in case the original gets lost or damaged. You can save your files on an external hard drive, a USB drive, or in the cloud.By following these simple file management tips, you can keep your digital files organized and easily accessible. It may seem like a small thing, but it can save you a lot of time andfrustration in the long run. So, let's all be file management pros and keep our digital lives in order!篇6Hi guys! Today, I’m going to share with you some tips on how to train our staff about the document management process. It’s super important to keep all our files organized and easy to find, so let’s dive right in!First off, make sure to explain to your team the importance of document management. Let them know that it helps us stay organized, saves time, and prevents important information from getting lost.Next, teach them about the different types of documents we use in the company. These can include emails, reports, invoices, and more. Each type of document should be stored in the appropriate folder or system to make it easy to locate later on.It’s also crucial to show your team how to name files properly. Use clear and descriptive names so that anyone can understand what the document is about without having to open it. Avoid using generic names like “document1” or“report2”.Furthermore, explain the importance of backing up important files. Encourage your team to regularly save their work to a shared drive or cloud storage to prevent data loss in case of a computer crash or other issues.Lastly, make sure to train your staff on how to properly secure sensitive information. Teach them about password protection, encryption, and other security measures to keep our company’s data safe from unauthorized access.By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your team is well-equipped to manage documents effectively. Remember, a well-organized document management system is key to the success of any business. Good luck with your training, and happy file organizing!篇7Hey guys! Today we are going to learn about the "Document Management Process" in our company. It's super important because it helps us keep all our files organized and easy to find. Let's dive in!First, when we receive a new document, we need to make sure to save it in the right folder on the computer. This will helpus keep track of everything and make sure we can access it whenever we need to.Next, we need to give the document a clear and descriptive name. This way, we can easily search for it later on if we need to find it quickly. It's like giving each document its own special nickname!After that, we need to make sure to update any changes in the document. If there are any new versions or edits, we should save them with a new name or in a separate folder. This will help us keep track of the most recent information.Lastly, we should regularly review and clean out our files. If there are any documents we no longer need, we should delete them or move them to an archive folder. This will help us keep our computer nice and tidy.Remember, keeping our files organized is super important for the success of our company. So let's make sure to follow these document management processes carefully. Happy filing, everyone!篇8Hey guys! Today we are going to talk about the "Document Management Process". It's super important to know how to manage documents properly in the workplace. So let's get started!First things first, what is a document? A document is any piece of paper, file, or electronic record that has important information on it. It could be a report, a memo, an email, or even a sticky note. It's really important to keep all these documents organized and easy to find when you need them.Now, let's talk about the document management process. This process includes creating, storing, organizing, and retrieving documents. When you create a document, make sure to name it something that makes sense and saves it in the right folder on your computer or in a file cabinet. This will make it easier to find later on.When storing documents, make sure to use safe and secure methods. You can store electronic documents on a server or cloud storage, and physical documents in a locked cabinet. This will protect sensitive information and keep everything organized.Organizing documents is super important too. You can use folders, labels, or tags to group similar documents together. This will make it easier to find what you need quickly and efficiently.And finally, when you need to retrieve a document, make sure you know where to look for it. Keep track of where you save your documents and remember to update them regularly.So there you have it, the document management process in a nutshell. Remember to keep your documents organized, secure, and easy to find. This will make your work life a whole lot easier!篇9Hello everyone, today I'm gonna talk about the super-duper important subject of "Document Management Process". So, let's get started and learn all about it!First of all, what is document management? Well, it's all about how we organize and store our files and papers in a neat and tidy way. It's like having a perfect system to keep all our stuff in order. And why is it so important? Because when we need to find something, we can do it super quick and not waste time searching around.Now, let's talk about the steps in document management. Step one is to decide what kind of documents we have. Are they important papers, drawings, or maybe photos? Once we know that, we can move on to step two which is sorting them out and putting them in different folders or boxes. Step three is labelingeverything so we know what's inside. It's like giving each document a name so we can find it easily later.Next, we have step four which is storing the documents in a safe place. We need to make sure they won't get lost or damaged. Maybe we can put them in a filing cabinet or a special storage room. And finally, step five is about sharing the documents with others if needed. We should always ask permission before giving out any confidential information.So, that's the basic idea of document management. It's all about being organized and keeping our files safe and easy to find. Remember, the better we manage our documents, the smoother our work will be. So, let's all work together and make our document management process super awesome! Thanks for listening, bye-bye!篇10Hey guys! Today we are going to learn about the "File Management Process" at work. It's super important to keep our files organized and up-to-date, so let's dive in!First off, let's talk about creating new files. When we have a new project or document to work on, we need to make sure tosave it in the right folder on our computer. This helps us easily find it later on and keeps everything neat and tidy.Next, let's chat about naming our files. It's best to use clear and descriptive names that tell us what the file is about. For example, instead of naming a file "Untitled Document," we could name it "Sales Report October 2021." This makes it much easier to know what each file is without having to open it.Now, let's discuss organizing our files into folders. Folders are like virtual filing cabinets for our documents. We can create different folders for different projects or departments to keep things sorted. It's like having separate drawers for our toys or books at home - everything has its place!Lastly, let's touch on backing up our files. It's crucial to regularly back up our important files to avoid losing them in case of computer crashes or accidents. We can save copies to an external hard drive or use cloud storage services to keep our files safe and sound.Remember, good file management skills make our work easier and more efficient. So let's keep our files organized, named correctly, and backed up regularly. Keep up the good work, team!。
f2fs tools使用方法
f2fs tools使用方法English:The f2fs tools provide users with a set of utilities for managing the Flash-Friendly File System (F2FS). These tools include for creating a new F2FS file system, for checking and repairing F2FS file systems, and for debugging the F2FS file system. To create a new F2FS file system, you can use the command followed by the device name, such as /dev/sdb1. This will initialize the device with the F2FS file system. To check and repair an existing F2FS file system, you can use the command followed by the device name. This will scan the file system for errors and repair any inconsistencies. For debugging purposes, you can use the command to inspect the internal structure of the F2FS file system and make modifications if necessary. These tools provide users with the necessary functionality to manage and maintain F2FS file systems effectively.中文翻译:f2fs工具为用户提供了一套用于管理Flash-Friendly文件系统(F2FS)的实用工具。
创新管理的主要流程英文回答:Main Processes of Innovation Management.Innovation management is the process of identifying, developing, and implementing new ideas or solutions within an organization. It is a continuous process that involves a variety of activities, including:Idea generation: This is the process of coming up with new ideas. It can be done through brainstorming, research, or simply by paying attention to customer feedback.Idea screening: This is the process of evaluating ideas to determine which ones are most likely to be successful. It involves considering factors such as the market potential, the cost of development, and the organization's strategic goals.Idea development: This is the process of turning an idea into a viable product or service. It involves developing a business plan, creating a prototype, andtesting the product or service with customers.Idea implementation: This is the process of launchinga new product or service into the market. It involves developing a marketing strategy, hiring staff, and setting up distribution channels.Idea monitoring: This is the process of tracking the progress of a new product or service after it has been launched. It involves collecting data on sales, customer satisfaction, and other metrics to identify areas for improvement.Steps to Successful Innovation Management.1. Create a culture of innovation: This means creating an environment where new ideas are encouraged and supported.2. Establish a clear innovation process: This will helpto ensure that ideas are evaluated and developed in a systematic way.3. Identify and develop key innovation capabilities: This includes investing in research and development, hiring innovative employees, and developing a strong innovation infrastructure.4. Implement a portfolio approach to innovation: This means investing in a variety of different innovation projects, some of which are more likely to succeed than others.5. Monitor and evaluate innovation outcomes: This will help to identify what is working well and what needs to be improved.Benefits of Innovation Management.Increased revenue: New products and services can generate new revenue streams for an organization.Improved customer satisfaction: Innovative products and services can meet the needs of customers more effectively, leading to increased satisfaction.Competitive advantage: Innovation can help an organization to differentiate itself from its competitors and gain a competitive advantage.Increased employee engagement: Employees are more likely to be engaged in their work when they are involved in innovation.Improved organizational agility: Innovation can help an organization to respond more quickly to changes in the market or technology.中文回答:创新管理主要流程。
monaco计划系统培训IntroductionThe Monaco Plan System is an innovative and comprehensive software solution designed to streamline, automate and optimize the process of creating, managing and tracking employee benefit plans. This cutting-edge system offers a wide range of features and capabilities that can help HR professionals and benefits administrators to streamline their workflow, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.To fully leverage the capabilities of the Monaco Plan System, it is important for HR professionals and benefits administrators to undergo comprehensive training. This training will provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to maximize the benefits of the system, ensuring that they can effectively and efficiently manage employee benefit plans and programs.In this document, we will provide an overview of the training program for the Monaco Plan System. We will outline the key objectives, topics and modules covered in the training, as well as the delivery methods and resources used to facilitate the training process.Key Objectives of the Training ProgramThe training program for the Monaco Plan System is designed to achieve the following key objectives:1. To familiarize HR professionals and benefits administrators with the features and functionalities of the Monaco Plan System.2. To provide comprehensive knowledge and skills required to effectively and efficiently manage employee benefit plans using the Monaco Plan System.3. To ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards governing employee benefit plans, including but not limited to HIPAA, ERISA, and ACA.4. To empower HR professionals and benefits administrators to leverage the capabilities of the Monaco Plan System to improve process efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.5. To facilitate the seamless integration of the Monaco Plan System with existing HR and benefits management processes and systems.Training Program Structure and ModulesThe training program for the Monaco Plan System consists of several modules, each covering a specific aspect of the system. The modules are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the system's features and functionalities, as well as hands-on training in using the system to create, manage and track employee benefit plans.Module 1: Introduction to the Monaco Plan SystemThis module provides an overview of the Monaco Plan System, including its key features, functionalities, and benefits. Participants will learn about the different modules and components of the system, as well as its role in the overall HR and benefits management process.Module 2: Getting Started with the Monaco Plan SystemIn this module, participants will learn how to set up and configure the Monaco Plan System, including user accounts, permissions, and system settings. They will also learn how to import and export data, and how to ensure data integrity and security.Module 3: Creating Employee Benefit PlansThis module focuses on the process of creating and setting up employee benefit plans using the Monaco Plan System. Participants will learn how to define plan details, eligibility criteria, coverage options, and contribution levels, as well as how to customize plan templates and generate plan documents.Module 4: Managing Employee Benefit PlansParticipants will learn how to manage and administer employee benefit plans using the Monaco Plan System. This includes enrolling employees in plans, processing plan changes, tracking plan usage and costs, and generating reports on plan performance and compliance.Module 5: Compliance and ReportingThis module covers the compliance and reporting features of the Monaco Plan System, including tools for ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards, and generating reports on plan performance, costs, and usage. Participants will also learn about data privacy and security considerations when managing employee benefit plans.Module 6: Integration and CustomizationIn this module, participants will learn about the integration capabilities of the Monaco Plan System, including its compatibility with existing HR and benefits management systems. They will also learn how to customize and extend the functionality of the system to meet their specific needs and requirements.Delivery Methods and ResourcesThe Monaco Plan System training program is delivered through a mix of online and instructor-led training sessions, as well as self-paced learning resources. The training is typically conducted over several days, with each module being covered in dedicated training sessions.Online Training Sessions: These are live, interactive sessions conducted using web conferencing tools. Participants can ask questions and interact with the instructor in real time, making the training more engaging and effective.Instructor-Led Training Sessions: These are traditional classroom-style sessions conducted by experienced trainers. They provide a more focused and structured learning experience, allowing participants to ask questions and receive personalized instruction.Self-Paced Learning Resources: These include training videos, tutorials, and documentation that participants can access at their own pace. These resources provide a convenient way for participants to review and reinforce their learning.In addition to the training sessions, participants will have access to online forums, support resources, and a dedicated helpdesk to address any questions or issues they may encounter during the training process.ConclusionThe Monaco Plan System training program is designed to provide HR professionals and benefits administrators with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively and efficiently manage employee benefit plans using the system. By completing the training program, participants will be equipped to leverage the capabilities of the Monaco Plan System to streamline their workflow, improve process efficiency, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards. This will ultimately lead to better management of employee benefit plans and programs, resulting in improved employee satisfaction and productivity.。
英文回答:As a production planner, possessing a thoroughprehension of thepany's production processes and adeptness in creating and managing production schedules are imperative. During the interview process, it would be advantageous to inquire about the candidate's proficiency with production planning software and their capacity to utilize it effectively. Furthermore, seeking information regarding their expertise in inventory management and their approach to managing unforeseen alterations in production schedules can offer valuable insights into their problem-solving abilities and adaptability.作为一名生产规划者,必须彻底了解Pany的生产工艺,并适当制定和管理生产时间表。
Also, it's important to ask the candidate about how they work with others and get things done as a team, because production planning involves working with different departments like purchasing, manufacturing, and shipping. Questions about howthey prioritize their work, assign tasks to others, and meet deadlines can show us how organized and good at leading they are. It's also helpful to talk about their experience with lookingat production data anding up with ideas for making the process better, because that tells us how good they are at paying attention to details and analyzing things.重要的是要询问候选人如何与他人合作,并作为一个团队把事情办好,因为生产规划涉及与采购,制造,航运等不同部门合作。
动画制作文件命名规范英文回答:Animation file naming conventions are essential for organizing and managing animation projects effectively. A well-structured naming system ensures that files can be easily located, identified, and shared among team members. There are several key elements to consider when creating a naming convention for animation files.First and foremost, it is crucial to establish a consistent and logical structure for naming files. This structure should provide relevant information about the content of the animation and its version. For example, a common practice is to include the project name, followed by a brief description of the shot or scene, and finally, the version number. This helps to prevent confusion and allows for easy identification of different iterations of the same animation.Additionally, including a date or timestamp in the file name can be beneficial, especially when working on projects that involve frequent updates and revisions. This ensures that the most recent version of the animation can be easily identified and accessed.Furthermore, it is important to use clear and concise language in file names. Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms that may not be universally understood by all team members. Instead, opt for descriptive words that accurately represent the content of the animation. This helps to avoid any misunderstandings and facilitates efficient collaboration.Another consideration is the use of file extensions. It is recommended to use standard file formats, such as .mov or .mp4 for video files and .png or .jpeg for image files. This ensures compatibility across different software and platforms.In addition to the above guidelines, it can be helpful to include a unique identifier for each file, such as aproject or client code. This can be particularly useful when working on multiple projects simultaneously or when collaborating with different clients.To summarize, a well-designed animation file naming convention should have a consistent and logical structure that includes relevant information about the animation's content and version. It should use clear and descriptive language, avoid abbreviations, and include a date or timestamp when necessary. Standard file formats and unique identifiers can also be incorporated to enhance organization and collaboration.中文回答:动画制作文件的命名规范对于有效组织和管理动画项目至关重要。
PADSlayout中文教程PADS Layout 2007中文教程(第二部分)编着:Coolbor Xie目录第六章库操作 (1)第一节管理库(Managing Libraries) (1)一、创建和修改库(Creating and Modifying Libraries) (1)二、设置库的有效性和查找选项(Setting Library Availability and Search Options) (2)三、管理库属性(Managing Library Attributes) (3)四、从所有库显示属性(Displaying Attributes From All Libraries) (4)五、导入和导出库(Importing and Exporting Libraries) (4)六、报告库内容(Reporting Library Contents) (5)七、通配符和表达式(Wildcards and Expressions) (5)第二节创建元件类型(Creating Part Types) (6)一、设置元件信息(Setting Part Information) (6)二、设置元件信息——常规(Setting Part Information –General) (6)三、添加、删除和修改逻辑系列(Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Logic Families) (7)四、设置元件信息——PCB封装(Setting Part Information - PCB Decals) (8)五、设置元件信息——门(Setting Part Information – Gates)(9)六、设置元件信息——引脚(Setting Part Information - Pins)(10)七、设置元件信息——属性(Setting Part Information –Attributes) (12)八、设置元件信息——连接器(Setting Part Information –Connectors) (13)九、设置元件信息——引脚映射(Setting Part Information - Pin Mapping) (14)第三节创建封装(Creating Decals) (14)一、使用PCB封装编辑器(Using the PCB Decal Editor) (14)二、启动PCB封装编辑器(To Start the PCB Decal Editor) (15)三、在封装编辑器中自定义默认颜色和层(Customizing Default Colors and Layers in the Decal Editor)(15)四、在PCB封装编辑器中打开封装(Opening a Decal in the PCB Decal Editor) (15)五、保存封装(Saving a Decal) (16)六、自动创建封装(Creating Decals Automatically) (16)七、手动创建封装(Creating Decals Manually) (23)八、创建焊盘(Creating Pad Stacks) (31)第四节编辑封装(Editing Decals) (40)一、修改项目(Modifying an Item) (40)二、取消铜箔与端点的关联(T o Unassociate Copper with Terminals) (40)三、修改端点属性(Modifying Terminal Properties) (40)四、修改端点编号属性(Modifying Terminal Number Properties) (40)五、修改引脚焊盘属性(Modifying Pin Pad Stack Properties)(40)六、移动端点(T o Move a Terminal) (41)七、移动端点编号(To Move a Terminal Number) (41)八、交换端点编号(To Swap Terminal Numbers) (41)九、重新编号端点(To Renumber a Terminal) (41)十、删除端点(T o Delete a Terminal) (42)十一、分配JEDEC引脚(To Assign JEDEC Pinning) (43)十二、移动封装名(To Move a Decal Name) (43)十三、修改封装名属性(Modifying Decal Name Properties)(43)十四、修改属性(T o Modify an Attribute) (43)十五、对标签进行操作(Working with Labels) (43)十六、修改封装级禁止区(Modifying Decal-level Keepouts)(45)十七、将修改的封装和元件保存到库(Saving Modified Decals and Parts to Libraries) (45)十八、焊盘大小和焊盘(Pad Sizes and Pad Stacks) (45)第五节管理过孔(Managing Vias) (46)一、添加过孔焊盘(To Add a Via Pad Stack) (46)二、编辑过孔焊盘(To Edit a Via Pad Stack) (46)三、删除过孔焊盘(To Delete a Via Pad Stack) (47)四、使用钻孔对设置对话框(Using the Drill Pairs Setup Dialog Box) (47)五、设置钻孔对(T o Set Up Drill Pairs) (47)六、控制阻焊和助焊(Controlling Solder Mask and Paste Mask) (48)第六章库操作在这一章,主要介绍关于管理库的信息,如:如何创建器件类型(part type)和封装(decal)、如何修改封装、如何创建过孔,以及如何控制器件的阻焊(solder mask)和助焊(paste mask)。
外联部规章制度及职责英文回答:Public Relations Department Rules and Responsibilities。
As a member of the Public Relations (PR) Department, I am responsible for a variety of tasks that are essential to the success of our organization. These tasks include:Developing and implementing public relations strategies。
Managing relationships with the media。
Creating and distributing press releases and other communications materials。
Organizing and hosting events。
Responding to media inquiries。
Monitoring public opinion。
Providing support to other departments。
In addition to these general responsibilities, I amalso responsible for a number of specific projects, such as: Developing a social media strategy。
Creating a new website。
Launching a new product。
Managing a crisis communications plan。
I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong understanding of public relations principles and practices. I have a proven track record of success in developing and implementing successful PR campaigns. I am also an excellent communicator and have stronginterpersonal skills.I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to the PR Department and to the overall success of our organization.中文回答:外联部规章制度及职责。
FUJITSU Software BS2000 LMS V3.5 库管理系统说明书
DatasheetFUJITSU Software BS2000 LMS V3.5Library Maintenance SystemLMS is the central library management system in BS2000.LMS is used to create and manage program libraries, as well as to manage and edit the elements contained in those libraries.Program libraries are PAM files which are processed using the PLAM library access method (PLAM: Program Library Access Method). For that reason they are also referred to as PLAM libraries. The PLAM access method is included in the BS2000 basic configuration.LMS makes an excellent software development support tool, providing the following standout functions:standardized program library system, element version management, the SDF statement language, protection mechanisms which can also be used for elements, and options for automating program development and library management.LMS is a sophisticated and mature BS2000 standard product which supports program development, maintenance and documentation.Program librariesA program library is a file with a substructure. It contains elements (“members”) and a table of contents listing the stored elements. Each library has an entry in the system catalog. The user can specify the name and other file attributes, such as retention period or sharability.Storing multiple elements in a library relieves the load on the system catalog, since only the library is entered there, and not each element. What’s more, it also saves storage space, since the elements are stored in the library in compressed form.ElementsAn element is a logically related set of data, e.g. input/output data, a procedure, a link module or a source program. Each element in the library can be addressed individually.An element in a program library is uniquely identified by its type, its name and a version identifier. Multiple versions relating to one element type and name can also be stored.In addition to standard types for typical contents, users can define their own types using names up to 8 characters long (user types) in order to structure their libraries more efficiently and automate processing of library elements with the aid of procedures in a much more finely grained manner.Version managementExperience teaches us that software elements need to be changed frequently. For this reason they must be easy to change and the different versions must be uniquely identified.Symbolic version identifiers support library management automation. Examples available include: *HIGHEST, for the highest version identifier, and *INCREMENT, to increment an existing version identifier in accordance with a selectable rule.LMS provides compact storage of differential sets (deltas): elements which have been created from a prior element due to changes generally differ only slightly from their predecessor. With LMS, only the differences compared with the predecessor then need to be physically stored. When such element versions are read, these deltas are merged in again at the relevant points, thus making the complete element available to the user once more.Integration into the programming environmentThe utility routines of the programming environment, such as EDT, compilers etc., can directly access program libraries.Link-and-load modules can be stored directly in program libraries by all the compilers and by the BINDER link editor. However, LMS can also copy link-and-load modules that originate from the old linker-loader system with the TSOSLNK linkage editor into the program library.The LMS subroutine interface provides users with convenient options for processing LMS libraries and their contents, from directly within a user program (Assembler, C, COBOL). In this case LMS is loaded dynamically.Multiple access to program librariesA library can be opened by one or more users for both read-only and write access.An element can be read concurrently by a number of users, but can only be accessed for writing by one user at a time. While an element is open for writing, no other access – including read-only – is possible to this element. Other elements of the library can be accessed. Statement formatLMS supports the SDF statement format familiar from the BS2000 command language. Statements in ISP format continue to be supported for compatibility reasons. New functions are only provided in SDF format, however.Basic functionsLMS provides the following basic functions:⏹Creating and managing libraries⏹Adding elements to a library, copying elements into anotherlibrary, and outputting elements from a library into a file⏹Managing, listing and editing elements⏹Comparing elements⏹Making LMS functions available from within EDT⏹Maintaining a Last Access Date for elements⏹Defining default settings in a start file.Protection functionsLMS supports the use of passwords and basic access control lists (BACLs) to provide a comprehensive, multi-tiered protection concept for libraries and elements.When the SECOS product is deployed, the GUARDS subsystem can be used to set up an extended, user-definable access control mechanism for libraries and elements.Protection rights are transferred to the elements on request when files are added, and vice versa when elements are output into files.All security-related actions relating to libraries and elements can be logged by linking PLAM to the SAT subsystem (part of the SECOS product).When elements are deleted, data that is no longer required can be selectively overwritten with the value X'00' (security erase). Borrowing procedureThe borrowing mechanism provides a means of controlling access to elements that are being modified e.g. by several developers working on a project.An element can only be written if the writer has previously been entered as the current holder for the source version.During writing, a history comprising the return timestamp, the holder’s user ID and optionally a user-specific comment is added to the new element status.The processing status of an element is output as an attribute in the table of contents and can also be used as a selection criterion. Make functionalityThe make functionality familiar from and successfully employed in other operating systems is also available under LMS. Using make enables projects to be implemented efficiently, since only absolutely essential steps are performed. The interface is tailored to match the BS2000 system.For a given target object, the make function describes the source objects on which this target depends, and the actions leading to the creation of the target.Starting from the selected target object, all targets are created from new if the source objects of a target have changed since the last time the target was generated.TopicsAs well as the selected target object, all associated source objects represent further sub-targets which are handled similarly.A BS2000 procedure is created and can be launched synchronously or asynchronously.To allow the description to be reused, the sequence of LMS-specific make statements should be stored in a separate element, called a make file.Output of library information to S variablesLMS supports the output of selected data to S variables. This enables easy and efficient creation of command procedures (S procedures), e.g. for automated library administration.If structured variables and lists are to be used here, then the chargeable product SDF-P is a software prerequisite. Reorganizing librariesLMS reorganizes a library so that the maximum amount of disk space not currently used by elements is released.This enables the amount of disk space required for a library to be reduced. In contrast to copying and subsequently deleting the old library, no additional disk space (to the full size of the library!) is required for reorganizing a library.Unlike with the COPY method, however, after REORG-LIBRARY there can still be an amount of free space which, at a maximum, may be as large as the largest element in the library.Technical DetailsRequirementsTechnical Requirements Hardware BS2000 Business ServerTechnical Requirements Software BS2000/OSD-BC V8.0 or higher or OSD/XC V8.5Demands on the user Knowledge of BS2000Installation and operationOperating mode Interactive and batch modeImplementation language Assembler, SPLUser interface Commands in English, message texts in German/EnglishInstallation By the customer according to the release noticeDocumentation and trainingDocumentation LMS User GuideLMS Subroutine Interface on the manual server.Training See course offerPurchasingConditions This software product can be leased by the customer in accordance with theconditions for the use of software products.Ordering and delivery This software product may be obtained from your local Fujitsu TechnologySolutions GmbH regional office.Products/fts/products/In addition to BS2000, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of other computing products: ■ Storage systems: ETERNUS■ Server: PRIMERGY, PRIMEQUEST, Fujitsu SPARC M10, BS2000 Mainframe■ Client Computing Devices: LIFEBOOK, STYLISTIC, ESPRIMO, FUTRO, CELSIUS ■ Peripherals: Fujitsu Displays, Accessories ■ Software ■ Network Solutions/fts/solutions Infrastructure Solutions are customer offerings created by bringing Fujitsu’sproducts, services and technologies togetherwith those from partners.Industry Solutions are tailored to meet the needs of specific verticals.Business and Technology Solutions provide a variety of technologies developed to tackle specific business issues such as security and sustainability, across many verticals. Services/fts/services/ Application Services support the development, integration, testing,deployment and on-going management of both custom developed and packaged applications.Business Services respond to the challenge of planning, delivering and operating IT in a complex and changing IT environment. Managed Infrastructure Services enable customers to deliver the optimal IT environment to meet their needs.To learn more about BS2000, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website. /fts/bs2000/global/about/environment/ Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/© 2014 Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. BS2000 is a trademark or a registered trademark of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH in Germany and other countries. Othercompany, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.Technical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.More informationContactFujitsu Technology Solutions GmbHMies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8, 80807 München Website: /fts 12 March, 2015 EN。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
/dev/hda --- primary master (the first hard disk on an IDE cable of Hard disk)
Because the chip that controls SATA ports and USB ports are same, so the storage devices all use the same name. 因为控制SATA端口的芯片和USP端口的是一样的,所以这些存储设备都是用相同的名字
8. /usr
This folder contains the third party software information. If we install any third party software like media player, chatting software etc, all the information will be stored in the /usr folder.
ps -e 12. /mnt and /media
These are the default mount points in linux. If we open a CD/Pen drive (USB drive) or anything in Graphical mode, it will be mounted to /media If we open a CD/Pen drive (USB drive) or anything in Command mode, it can be mounted to /mnt
Disk Quotas 磁盘配额
A File system is a data structure, that means the structure of storing files in an Operating system.
The file system structure is the most fundamental level of the organization in an Operating System.
5. /lost+found
Every partition will have a lost+found folder. In Linux every partition will be checked for bad sectors in 180 days. After the checking if any bad sector is found in that partition, an error report will be placed in this folder. So the system administrator can easily identify the errors in the Hard Disk.
Creating and Managing File Systems Page 1
File system structure 文件系统结构
Friday, July 27, 2012 11:04 AM
What is a file system? 何为文件系统
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A file system is a data structure which interprets the physical sector of a disc into logical directory structure. 将磁盘上的物理磁道转换成逻辑目录结构
What is Mounting?
The logical structure will help computers and users to trace files. 跟踪文件
The file system registers the location of files and directories on the disk. 注册磁盘上文件和目录的位置
It also has subdirectories like /bin and /sbin.
If we install an administrative software like network monitoring, all the files will be stored in /sbin. That means only root user can use it. If we install any media player it will be stored in /bin, that means local user can also use it.
It is the default downloading directory, just like downloads folder in windows
11. /proc
The process ID's of all the running programs are stored in this folder. Just like the task manager in Windows. To see all the process, we can use the command
File System Structure 文件系统结构
The file system structure is the most basic level of organization in an Operating System. 最基本的层次
An Operating system interacts with its users, application and the security model 操作系统与用户、应用程序相互作用 are dependent upon the way it organizes files on storage devices. 安全模块则依靠它在存储设备上组织文件的方式
/dev/hdb---- primary slave 第一通道从硬盘 /dev/hdc----- secondary master 次要主机(第二通道主硬盘) /dev/hdd-----secondary slave 第二通道从硬盘
/dev/hda1----- first partition 第一分区 /dev/hda2-----second partition 第二分区
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1. /root
This is the home directory of the root user. (just like the my documents folder in windows)
2. /boot
This folder contain the booting files of the Linux Operating System. So that it is very important, we must create it as a separate partition at the time of installation.
6. /bin
This folder contain all the commands (binary executable files) that a local user can use in the computer.
7. /sbin
This folder contain all the commands (binary executable files ) that a root user can use in the computer
So it is very important to learn about the file system in Linux. In this topic we will learn about,
how to create file system, mounting the file system and disk quotas. 将学习如何创建文件系统、挂载文件系统以及磁盘配额
/dev/sda1-----SATA HDD first partition /dev/fd0 ---- floppy
If we connect a pendrive (USB drive) and it will show the name as SATA , why? 如果我们连接一个优盘,会显示成SATA, why?
/dev/sda ----- SATA1 /dev/sdb------SATA2 /dev/sdc------SATA3 /dev/sdd-----SATA4
/dev/sda1-----SATA HDD first partition
Creating and Managing File Systems Page 2
Creating and Managing File Systems Page 4
9. /lib
All the library files are stored in this folder. Library files are used for programming in Linux.
10. /net
Creating and Managing File Systems Page 3
File System Hierarcly 03, 2012 9:37 AM
The Tree structure of Linux file system is called a file system Hierarchy. linux文件系统的树形结构叫做文件系统层级 Important directories that comes under the File System Hierarchy are 该层级中的重要目录包括