





















1. 企业的订货、销售量、生产量、价格、存货等信息属于
2. 按信息存储方式划分,国际市场信息可分为
3. 国际市场营销调研的最后一个环节是





本大题共10个小题,每小题3.0 分,共30.0分。


1.从市场理论的角度而言,企业市场营销的最终目的是( A )A.满足消费者的需求和欲望B.求得生存和发展C.推销商品D.获取利润2.促销工作的核心是( B )A.出售商品B.沟通信息C.建立良好的关系D.寻找顾客3.市场增长率和相对市场占有率都较高的经营单位是( B )A.问题产品B.明星产品C.金牛产品D.瘦狗产品4.以“顾客需要什么,我们就生产供应什么”作为其座右铭的企业是( B )A.生产导向型B.营销导向型C.推销导向型D.社会营销导向型5.企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上适合尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是( A )A.无差异市场营销战略B.密集市场营销战略C.差异市场营销战略D.集中市场营销战略6.按马斯洛的需要层次论,最高层次的需要是( C )A.生理需要B.安全需要C.自我实现需要D.社会需要7.企业决定同时经营两种或两种以上互相竞争的品牌,这种决策称为( D )A.品牌质量决策B.家庭品牌决策C.品牌扩展决策D.多品牌决策8.企业选择复用包装决策的目的是( C )A.节约成本B.方便顾客购买和使用C.通过给消费者额外利益而扩大产品的销售D.避免某一商品推销失败而影响其他商品的声誉9.一般说来,批发商最主要的类型的是:( )( B )A.经纪人B.商人批发商C.代理商D.制造商代表10.企业为了使预期的销售定额是以实现,还要采取相应的鼓励措施,其中最为常见的是( )( C )A.奖金B.旅游C.佣金D.销售竞赛二、多项选择题。

本大题共10个小题,每小题4.0 分,共40.0分。












Homework2 (chater3)1. T o understand a society’s actions and its points of view, what we need to appreciate?2. Discuss the importance of insights into the history of a country.3. How to understand the sentence “History is Subjective” ? Can you give so me examples?4. What were accepted as the basis for U.S. foreign policy during much of the 19th and 20th centuries.5. What’s Manifest Destiny ?6.What are the t hree basic dicta of Monroe doctrine?7. What’s Roosevelt Corollary?8. Discuss how American interpretation of Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine might differ from a Latin American’s.9. Study geography doesn’t mean only memorizing countries , capitals, and rivers, etc. explanation.10. After study the climate and topography, what should international marketers know?11.As countries prosper, natural barriers are overcome. Can you give some examples?12. “The construction of dams is a good example of how an attempt to harness nature for good has a bad side ”. What are the potential benefi ts and what are the side effects? Think of the Three Gorges.13. As the global rush toward industrialization and economic growth accelerates, environmental issues become more apparent. Discuss.14 . Discussion on environmental pollution.Environmental protection is not an optional extra – it is an essential part of the complex process of doing business. Do you agree this statement? What ramification it will bring to international marketer?Do you think the environmental pollution in China is severe? Please give the reasons.What are the main reasons of pollution?Whether economic development and protection for the environment can coexist? How or why?15. What does sustainable development mean? Discuss the marketing ramifications.16. What are the foundations of modern technology?17. What are the principal supplemental resources to human energy ?18. Explain and give example to “as countries industrialize, energy sources are not always efficiently utilized” .19. Please list the prerequisites to population control.20: What’s the most important deterrent to population control ? Discuss the marketing ramifications.21. China has changed the Family planning and some spouses are allowed to have one more child. Discuss the marketing ramifications.22. What does migration desire for transferring from rural to urban areas ? Discuss the marketing ramifications.23. Search on line the information on the population trend of some industrialized countries, and learn the countermeasures the governments have adopted.。



第二次作业 得分一、单项选择题1.国际市场营销信息系统主要包括四个子系统,其中( )是最基本的信息系统。

A.企业内部报告与管理系统B.国际市场营销情报系统C.国际市场营销调研系统D.国际市场营销分析系统2.一个完整的调研方案是从( )的确定开始的。

A.市场调研类型B.市场调研目的C.市场调研费用D.市场调研方法3.( )是市场营销人员直接从顾客、中间商、推销员和竞争者等方面收集得来的第一手资料。

A.文案资料B.原始资料C.年鉴资料D.报刊资料4. 在下述营销调研方法中, 最适宜于分析购买者行为和意向的是: ( )A. 询问法B. 观察法C. 实验法D. 类比分析法5. ( )是企业确定国际目标市场和制定国际市场营销策略的必要前提。

A.市场定位B.市场调研C.市场细分D.市场分析6. ( )是指企业依据消费者的购买动机或使用某种商品所追求的利益等变数来细分国外消费者市场。

A.心理变数细分B.行为变数细分C.人口变数细分D.地理变数细分7. 中小企业在进入国际市场时, 适合以一个或少数几个国家的市场部分或亚市场作为目标市场, 为一个或少数几个国家市场部分服务, 即为下述目标市场策略( )A. 无差别市场营销B. 集中市场营销C. 差别市场营销D. 多角化经营8. ( )就是指企业利用国内外中间商, 把产品出口到目标国市场。


A. 间接出口B. 直接出口C. 许可证贸易D. 对外直接投资9. 与间接出口相比, 以下哪一个不是企业选择直接出口的好处: ( )A. 可以对国际市场进行选择B. 承受的市场风险较小C. 市场信息反馈较好D. 对国际市场营销控制权更大10.( )所面临的首要问题是如何打开封闭的市场,这势必要求国际市场营销人员掌握更多的技巧, 花费更多的时间。

A.大市场营销B.绿色营销C.网络营销D.体验营销二、多项选择题1. 在国际市场营销信息系统中, 既不是基本的信息系统,又不是核心信息系统的是指:( )A. 企业内部环境报告系统B. 国际市场营销情报系统C. 国际市场营销调研系统D. 国际市场营销分析系统2. 人们了解国际市场形势, 制定市场战略决策和营销策略、预测未来市场发展趋势主要依据是:( )A. 市场现状信息B. 系统化国际市场信息C. 固定性市场信息D. 市场发展信息3. 在国际市场营销调研中, 有二类资料来源: 第一手资料和第二手资料。

































Chapter 1 The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing2.How can the increased interest in international marketing on the part of the U.S. firms beexplained?1)The U.S. market has reached saturation levels for many products, and increasingnumbers of firms are faced with surpluses which must be sold.2) many firms find that return on investment may be higher in foreign markets than indomestic markets.3) more firms realize that tomorrow’s markets will be world markets and it is imperativeto establish world market positions early.3.Discuss the four phases of international marketing involvement.The first phase is domestic firms which have no foreign business activity except those sales made to foreign customers who come directly to the firm.The second is domestic firms which have temporary surpluses which are sold abroad on an availability basis with no intention for continuing market representation.The third is the domestic firms that have permanent productive capacity which is used to produce goods which are sold on a continuing basis in foreign markets.The fourth is the international company that produces a product for the world market.4.Discuss the conditions that have led to the development of global markets.1)new communications technology, travel and other factors led the world markets beingaware of different products and processes.2)Because of this awareness, each market thus had common needs for high quality,reasonably priced, standardized products.3)There is a strong feeling that within ideas from the world affected the tastes andperceived needs of every country market4)There is a strong feeling that world markets are being driven toward a convergingcommonality of taste and needs leading toward global markets.5.Differentiate between a global company and a multinational company.A global company assumes countries have the same needs and designs a standardized, high quality, reasonably priced product for those markets it as if there are no differences among the country markets.A multinational company has a specific marketing plan and adapts products for each country market and think there are cultural differences among countries that require specific adaptations for those markets.6.Differentiate among the three international marketing concepts. 见课件7.Discuss the three factors necessary to achieve global awareness.(1) objectivity; objective in assessing opportunities, evaluating potential, and respondingto problems. Too often mistakes are made because companies are swept away with generalities and make investments only later to find out that their commitment or abilities were not sufficient to succeed,(2) tolerance toward cultural differences; tolerance is understanding cultural differencesand accepting and working with others whose behavior may be different from yours,3) knowledgeable; To be successful in international business and globally aware, a personneeds to be knowledgeable of the enormous changes occurring throughout the world and the potential opportunities8.Define and discuss the idea of global orientation.A global orientation means operating as if all the country markets in a company’s scopeof operations (including domestic market) are approachable as a single global market and to standardize the marketing mix where culturally feasible and cost effective or to adapt the marketing mix where culturally required and cost effective.A global orientation mean standardizing the components of the marketing mix wheredemand is similar and changing the marketing mix where there are significant cultural differences .Chapter 2:The Global Environment of International Marketing Discussion Questions2. The Tokyo Round(会谈) of GATT has emphasized the reduction of nontariff barriers. How does the Uruguay(乌拉圭) Round differ?Nontariff barriers are all the restrictions imposed on the importation of goods by a host government with the exception of tariffs. Such things as standards, quotas, import licenses, countervailing duties, border taxes can be classified as nontariff barriers.Earlier rounds of negotiations by GATT members had been successful in reducing tariffs and the Tokyo Round focused on the reduction of nontariff barriers.The Tokyo Round start to address a number of nontariff barriers that have become more serious in recent years. Despite the success of these past rounds, high tariffs have not disappeared entirely and nontariff barriers are still widely used. There are also areas that, until now, GATT has not addressed such as services, intellectual property rights, and investment. Specifically, GATT negotiations in this round are to address key areas of importance in international trade which are not now under the scope of GATT rules. For example, GATT rules do not apply to the international trade of services which represent an increasing percentage of international trade flows. Similarly, GATT rules have little influence over government investment policies affecting international trade or on policies concerning the protection of intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Agricultural trade is another area where GATT rules either do not apply or arenot effective. Finally, the dispute settlement mechanism is seen to be increasinglyineffective at resolving conflicts among GATT members.3. Discuss the impact of GATS, TRIMS, AND TRIPS on global trade.An important objective of the United States in the Uruguay Round was to reduce oreliminate barriers to international trade in services. While there is still much progress tobe made before free trade in services will exist throughout the world, the GeneralAgreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the first multilateral, legally enforceableagreement covering trade and investment in services sector. It provides a legal basis forfuture negotiations aimed at eliminating barriers that discriminate against foreign servicestrade and deny them market access. For the first time, comprehensive multilateraldisciplines and procedures covering trade and investment in services have beenestablished. Specific market-opening concessions from a wide range of individualcountries were achieved and provision was made for continued negotiations to furtherliberalize telecommunications and financial services.Equally significant were the results of negotiations in the investment sector. Trade-RelatedInvestment Measures (TRIMs), established the basic principle that investment restrictionscan be major trade barriers and therefore are included, for the first time, under GATTprocedures. An initial set of specific practices were prohibited including: local contentrequirements specifying that some amount of the value of the investor’s production m purchased from local sources or produced locally; trade balancing requirements specifyingthat an investor must export an amount equivalent to some proportion of imports orcondition the amount of imports permitted on export levels; and, foreign exchangebalancing requirements limiting the importation of products used in local production byrestricting its access to foreign exchange to an amount related to its exchange inflow. As aresult of TRIMs, restrictions in Indonesia which prohibit foreign firms from opening theirown wholesale or retail distribution channels can be challenged. And so can investmentrestrictions in Brazil that require foreign-owned manufacturers to buy most of theircomponents from high-cost local suppliers and that affiliates of foreign multinationalsmaintain a trade surplus in Brazil’s favor by exporting more than they sell within.Another objective of the United States from the Uruguay Round was achieved by anagreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). The TRIPsagreement establishes substantially higher standards of protection for a full range ofintellectual property rights (patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial designs,and semiconductor chip mask works) than are embodied in current international agreementsand it provides for the effective enforcement of those standards both internally and at theborder.4. Discuss the evolution of world trade that has led to the formulation of the WTO.Since the inception of GATT, there have been eight “rounds” of intergovernmental tariff negotiations. The most recently completed was the Uruguay round which built on thesuccess of the Tokyo Round, the most comprehensive and far-reaching round undertakenby GATT up to that time. The Tokyo Round resulted in tariff cuts and set new international rules for subsidies and countervailing measures, anti-dumping, government procurement, technical barriers to trade (standards), customs valuation, and import licensing. While the Tokyo Round addressed n on-tariff barriers, there were some areas not covered by that round which continued to impede free trade. In addition to market access, there were issues of trade in services, agriculture, and textiles; intellectual property rights; and investment and capital flows.. T he Uruguay Round was begun in 1986 in Punta del Este, Uruguay and finally concluded in 1994. By 1995, 80 GATT members including the United States, the European Union (and it member states) Japan, and Canada had accepted the agreement. Perhaps the most notable achievement of the Uruguay Round was the creation of a new institution as a successor to the GATT, the World Trade Organization (WTO). At the signing of the Uruguay Round trade agreement, U.S. representatives pushed for an enormous expansion of the definition of trade issues. The result was the creation of the World Trade Organization that encompasses the current GATT structure and extends it to new areas not adequately covered in the past. The WTO is an institution—not an agreement as was GATT. It will set the rules governing trade between its 117 members, provide a panel of experts to hear and rule on trade disputes between members and, unlike GATT, issue binding decisions. It will require for the first time, the full participation of all members in all aspects of the currentGATT and the Uruguay Round agreements a nd, through its enhanced stature and scope, provide a permanent, comprehensive forum to address the trade issues of the 21st century global market. Trade disputes will be heard by a panel of experts. A panel of experts, selected by the WTO, will hear both sides and issue a decision; the winning side will beauthorized to retaliate with trade sanctions if the losing country does not change its practices.While the WTO has no actual means of enforcement, international pressure to comply with WTO decisions from other member countries is expected to force compliance. The WTO ensures that member countries agree to the obligations of all the agreements, c ountries, including developing countries (the fastest growing markets of the world) will undertake obligations to open their markets and to be bound by the rules of the multilateral tradingsystem.This exercise is designed to familiarize the student with the Internet and issues GATT as well as the WTO. In addition to the various Rounds of GATT, this site is a completediscussion of WTO. The discussion of this question could include a broader discussion of WTO.5.U. S. exports to the European Community are expected to decline in future years. Whatmarketing actions may a company take to counteract such changes?An economic unity such as the EC is primarily concerned with increases of trade withinits member-countries because they want to raise their own production and gain througheconomic growth that their specialized members can supply. It may be said that the ECwants to decrease their trade with nonmember nations. One study has shown some proportional declines already.What the U.S. marketer should do to counteract such actions is to, as rapidly as possible,expand exports to this market. More important, the marketers should build new andexpand EC-located, U.S.-owned industries and marketing facilities to strengthen theirposition before it becomes too late. EC members are now busy building new plants andpoint of view, establishing their outlets and markets. From the U.S. foreign marketer’sthere is no time to waste, otherwise they will lose some of the grip they have establishedin Europe.Also, keeping in mind that many other Western European countries are again interested inA soundjoining EC. The typical argument: “It will be too expensive to stay outside.”policy for American companies wanting or dependent upon marketing in the Europeanmarket might increase their potential in EFTA.6.“Because they are dynamic and because they have great growth possibilities, themultinational markets are likely to be especially rough-and-tumble for the externalbusiness.” Discuss.The attractive growth and profit opportunities in multinational markets tend to draw themore aggressive marketers into competition. Whereas, a company may have virtually nocompetition in its home market, it may be competing with three or four major firms in themultinational market. National interest gives preferential treatment of various types tofirms from member nations and intensifies the normal market competition.7.Discuss the implica tions of the European Union’s decision to admit Eastern European nationsto the group.The admission of Eastern European nations into the EU will create an ever larger andmore economically important than the present EU. The globalization of markets, therestructuring of Eastern Europe into independent market-driven economies, thedissolution of the Soviet Union into independent states, the worldwide trend towardeconomic cooperation, and enhanced global competition make it important that marketpotential be viewed in the context of regions of the world rather than country by country.Formal economic cooperation agreements such as the EC are the most notable examplesof multinational market groups but many new coalitions are forming, old ones are beingre-energized, and the possibility of many new cooperative arrangements is on the horizon.8.Discuss the strategic marketing implications of the Canada-United States-Mexico Free TradeAgreement.NAFTA affects a variety of strategic issues, the most important of which are:Market Access. Within 10 years of implementation, all tariffs will be eliminated onNorth American industrial products traded between Canada, Mexico, and the UnitedStates. All trade between Canada and the U.S. not already duty free will be duty free by1998 as provided for in CFTA. Mexico will immediately eliminate tariffs on nearly 50percent of all industrial goods imported from the U.S., and remaining tariffs will bephased out entirely within 15 years.Nontariff Barriers. In addition to elimination of tariffs, Mexico will eliminate nontariff barriers and other trade-distorting restrictions. U.S. exporters will benefit immediately from the removal of most import licenses that have acted as quotas essentially limiting the importation of products into the Mexican market. NAFTA also eliminates a host of other Mexican barriers such as local content, local production, and export performance requirements that have limited U.S. exports.Rules of Origin. NAFTA reduces tariffs only for goods made in North America. Tough rules of origin will determine whether goods qualify for preferential tariff treatment underfrom benefiting through NAFTA. Rules of origin are designed to prevent “free riders” minor processing or transshipment of non-NAFTA goods. For example, Japan could not assemble autos in Mexico and avoid U.S. or Canadian tariffs and quotas unless the auto had a specific percentage of Mexican (i.e., North American) content. For goods to be traded duty free, they must contain substantial (62.5 percent) North American content. Since NAFTA rules of origin have been strengthened, clarified, and simplified over those contained in the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement, they supersede the CFTA rules. Customs Administration. Under NAFTA, Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. have agreed to implement uniform customs procedures and regulations. Uniform procedures ensure that exporters who market their products in more than one NAFTA country will not have to adapt to multiple customs procedures. Most procedures governing rules of origin documentation record keeping, and origin verification will be the same for all three NAFTA countries. In addition, the three will issue advanced rulings, on request, on whether or not a product qualifies for tariff preference under the NAFTA rules of origin. Investment. NAFTA will eliminate investment conditions that restrict the trade of goods and service to Mexico. Among conditions eliminated are the requirements that foreign investors export a given level or percentage of goods or services, use domestic goods or services, transfer technology to competitors, or limit imports to a certain percentage of exports.Services.NAFTA establishes the first comprehensive set of principles governing services trade. U.S. and Canadian financial institutions are permitted to open wholly owned subsidiaries in Mexico, and all restrictions on the services they offer will be lifted by the year 2000. U.S. and Canadian trucking companies are able to carry international cargo into Mexican border states and, by 1999, they will be able to truck throughout Mexico. Intellectual Property. NAFTA will provide the highest standards of protection of intellectual property available in any bilateral or international agreement. The agreement covers patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, semiconductor integrated circuits, copyrights for North American movies, computer software, and records. Government Procurement. NAFTA guarantees businesses fair and open competition for procurement in North America through transparent and predictable procurement procedures. In Mexico, Pemex (national oil company), CFE (national electric company), and other government-owned enterprises will be open to U.S. and Canadian suppliers. Standards. NAFTA prohibits the use of standards and technical regulations used as obstacles to trade. However, NAFTA provisions do not require the United States orCanada to lower existing health, environmental, or safety regulations, nor does NAFTAhealth and safety require the importation of products that fail to meet each country’sstandards.9.For each regional trade group—EC, NAFTA, AFTA, ASEAN+3 and Mercosur—cite which ofthe factors for success are the strongest and which are the weakest. Discuss each factor.Students will have different responses to this question. The important point is if they realize the importance of the different factors on the ultimate success of any regional trade group. In most cases, there are cultural, social, economic, political and ever, geographical differences among country members. The critical point is if their commitment to economic integration is sufficiently strong to allow them to deal with the differences that will arise as a result. Each response to this question will be different. For what it is worth, the author would rank them as follows:POLITICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL GEOGRAPHIC EC S S to W S SNAFTA W to S W to S S to W SAFTA S, S W to S W to SMERCOSUR S to W W to S S S10. What is the motive behind ASEAN+3 and what are the probable implications for globaltrade?One result of the Asian financial crisis of 1997–98 was the creation of ASEAN+3 (ASEAN plus China, Japan and South Korea), to deal with trade and monetary issues facing Asia. Most East Asia felt that they were both let down and put upon by the West who they felt created much of the crisis by pulling out in the midst of the crisis. It was felt that the leading financial powers either declined to take part in the rescue operations, as the US did in Thailand, or that they proposed unattainable solutions. The result was the creation of ASEAN+3,1 consisting of the foreign and finance ministers of each country, which meets annually after ASEAN meetings. Their first meeting was devoted to devising a system whereby they share foreign exchange reserves to defend their currencies against future attack. While still only tentative, there was also discussion among the members of ASEAN+3 of creating a common market and even a single currency or, perhaps, a new Asian entity encompassing both Northeast and Southeast Asia.2 Closer links between Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia is seen as a step towards-block strengthening Asia’s role in the global economy and the creation of a global three configuration.311. Discuss the economic and trade importance of the big emerging markets.The Department of Commerce estimates that over 75 percent of the expected growth in the world trade over the next two decades will come from the more than 130 developing and newly industrialized countries (NICs). There is a small core of these that will account for over half of that growth. They predict that the countries identified as Big Emerging。



国际市场营销学 14秋《国际市场营销学》作业2一,单选题1. 以下支付方式是国际贸易中最经常使用的。

A. 跟单托收B. 预收款C. 寄售D. 信用证?正确答案:D2. 下列哪一项不属于许可证贸易的优点。

A. 许可人能够轻易对被许可人国家的市场营销计划进行控制B. 有利于进入目标国家的市场C. 将较高的投资和适应性变化风险转嫁给海外被许可人D. 利于被许可人迅速取得生产技术、著名产品或商标?正确答案:A3. 具有长期战略发展机会的市场是。

A. 主要市场B. 三级市场C. 初级市场D. 高端市场?正确答案:A4. 产品线中每一产品所提供的花色品种的数量是指。

A. 产品组合的深度B. 产品组合的相关性C. 产品组合的宽度D. 产品组合的广度?正确答案:A5. 在维持产品原有的质量和价格的前提下,增加同一种产品的款式、规格与花色,这属于策略。

A. 扩大产品组合策略B. 缩短产品组合策略C. 产品仿制策略D. 产品线延伸策略?正确答案:A二,多选题1. 采用国家吸引力和企业与每个国家的适应性两个标准划分市场,可以将市场划分为。

A. 主要市场B. 二级市场C. 三级市场D. 初级市场E. 高端市场?正确答案:ABC2. 产品标准化从企业角度来讲包含很多优点,主要有。

A. 提高企业的知名度B. 满足不同市场消费者的特殊需求C. 可获得规模经济效益D. 能延长产品生命周期E. 缩短产品的生命周期?正确答案:ACD3. 产品的整体概念包括三个层次,分别是。

A. 基础产品B. 高级产品C. 核心产品D. 形式产品E. 延伸产品?正确答案:CDE4. 直接出口相对于间接出口的优点表现在。

A. 可以有效利用本国出口贸易机构的渠道增加产品销售B. 可以通过与国际市场直接联系获取及时的信息反馈C. 合同期限相对较短,企业易于调整目标市场及进入市场的方式D. 营销费用相对较低E. 风险相对较大?正确答案:BC5. 新建和兼并海外企业作为直接投资的两种方式,兼并具有优点。



一、单选题(共15 道试题,共60 分。

1. 企业选择同一产品的若干子市场作为目标市场,这是()。

A. 多重选择
B. 专门产品选择
C. 专门市场选择
D. 单一选择
E. 全面选择
2. 在成本加成定价法中“加成”的含义是指()。

A. 一定比率的利润
B. 一定比率的价格
C. 固定比率的利润
D. 固定比率的成本
3. 在目标市场营销过程中,衡量各个子市场的吸引力,选定一个或多个子市场作为企业的目标市场的是()。

A. 市场细分
B. 市场营销
C. 市场选择
D. 市场定位
4. 最简单的购买行为是()。

A. 例行反应行为
B. 化解不协调购买行为
C. 寻求多样化购买行为
D. 复杂购买行为
5. 品牌中可以被认出,但不能用言语称呼的部分,叫做()。

A. 品牌化
B. 品牌名称
C. 品牌标志
D. 商标
6. 假如总产量从100 单位增加到102单位,总成本从300单位增加到330单位,那么边际成本等于()。

A. 30
B. 330
C. 300。





( )一般指那些与本企业提供类似产品和服务,并拥有相似的目标顾客及相似价格的企业。

•A、竞争者•B、服务者•C、供应者•D、咨询者标准答案:a说明:题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ( )是指对原有产品在品质、性能、款式、包装等方目进行改进而形成的新产品。

•A、新发明产品•B、革新产品•C、改进新产品•D、仿制新产品标准答案:c说明:题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2根据产品生命周期理论,产品开始投入市场,销售额增长缓慢的阶段称为( )•A、投入期•B、成长期•C、成熟期•D、衰退期标准答案:a说明:题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 当一种货币贬值时,持有这种货币的资产会贬值,这种风险属于( )•A、社会风险•B、商品物质风险•C、市场风险•D、交易结算风险标准答案:d说明:题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 差异化全球营销战略相对于无差异全球营销战略最大的优点在于()•A、生产成本更低•B、市场覆盖范围广•C、满足不同市场的个性化需求•D、企业的投入少标准答案:c说明:题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 现代市场营销学研究的主要内容是以什么为主的市场营销组合( )•A、3Ps•B、4Ps•C、5Ps•D、6Ps标准答案:b说明:题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 有关国际营销的各项经营活动计划的总和,叫做( )•A、国际营销策略•B、国际营销战略•C、国际营销计划•D、国际营销控制标准答案:c说明:题号:8 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2在国际营销中,短期效果明显的促销方式是( )•A、广告促销•B、公共关系•C、.营业推广•D、联合促销标准答案:c说明:题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 服务商品的交换过程,既是生产过程又是( )•A、分配过程•B、交易过程•C、消费过程•D、反馈过程标准答案:c说明:题号:10 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 被出口企业指定销售其产品的商号叫做( )•A、分销商•B、代理商•C、进口商•D、供货商标准答案:a说明:题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 采用标准化促销信息的根据之一是( )•A、规模经济•B、文化差异•C、形式相同•D、法律区别标准答案:a说明:题号:12 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 产品价格低,其营销渠道就应( )。

第二专题真题练习国际市场营销 2 试题 及答案

第二专题真题练习国际市场营销 2    试题  及答案

第二专题(4、6章)真题练习(第4章)1.在市场调研的方法中以观察事物内在联系的方法进行的资料搜集是( B )P97A.人员访问调查法B.电话访谈法C.观察法D.实验法2.在调查中,被调查者可以自由回答,不受任何限制的问句是( D )P98A.封闭式问句B.态度测量问句C.倾向偏差式问句D.开放式问句3.如果事先由调查人员设计好备选答案,在调查时供被调查者从中选择,那么这样的问句就是( A )P98 A.封闭问句B.对比问句C.开放问句D.顺位问句4.国际市场营销调研的最后一个环节是( D )P101A.问卷设计B.二手资料搜集C.数据分析D.撰写调研报告5.在调研过程中,由于某一或某些不确定因素所引起的误差是( A )P99A.随机误差B.抽样误差C.测量工具误差D.调研人员误差6.用一组与某产品的潜在需求量密切相关的变量来间接地估计该产品可能的需求量的市场调研技术是( B )P103A.类比估计技术B.多因素指标技术C.回归分析技术D.风险评估技术7.国际市场调研按照调研的范围分为交叉文化调研、国外调研和三种类型。





P98(第6章)1.低收入国家市场的人均GNP为( A )P140A.低于400美元B.400—1000美元C.400—2000美元D.低于1000美元2.习惯上将世界市场划分为低中等收入国家市场的人均GNP为( A )P140A.400—2000美元B.1000—2000美元C.400—12000美元D.10000—12000美元3.习惯上将世界市场划分为高中等收入国家市场的人均GNP为( A )P140A.2000—12000美元B.高于10000美元C.10000—12000美元D.高于12000美元4.企业能够有效地进入细分市场并为之服务的这一有效市场细分特征是( C )P145A.可衡量性B.可盈利性C.可进入性D.可实施性5.企业把产品直接出售给海外的中间商或最终用户,这种进入国际市场模式是( A )P153A.直接出口B.许可贸易C.间接出口D.投资进入模式6.企业在一定时期内将其工业产权的使用权转移给国外另一企业,并得到许可费或其它补偿的进入国际市场模式是( A )P156A.特许经营B.许可贸易C.合同制造D.投资进入模式7.企业与国外生产厂家签订合同,规定由对方按照本企业的要求生产某种产品,由企业负责产品营销的进入国际市场模式是( C )P158 LA.直接出口B.许可贸易C.合同制造D.管理合同8.对于市场规模较小的国家,企业进入其市场的适合采用的模式是( C )P161A.直接出口B.独资企业C.间接出口D.合资企业9.对于市场潜力很大的国家,企业进入其市场的适合采用的模式是( A )P161A.直接出口B.管理合同C.间接出口D.许可贸易10.企业以本国市场为主要发展领域,在有机会的条件下可外销产品,则企业采取进入国际市场的合适模式是( C )P162A.直接出口B.独资企业C.间接出口D.合资企业11.市场细分是20世纪年代中期美国市场营销学家温德尔·斯密提出的。

-2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷 国际市场营销 a卷及答案

-2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷 国际市场营销 a卷及答案

课程名称:国际市场营销(考试)考试班级:11级国贸1班、2班一、单选题(每小题2 分,共20 分)1.“迪斯尼乐园的产品不是米老鼠、唐老鸭,而是快乐”,这种说法所体现的市场营销管理观念是()。

A.产品观念 B.推销观念C.市场营销观念 D.社会市场营销观念2.大市场营销认为市场营销组合为6PS,其内容是在4P之外加两个P,一个是权利(POLITICAL POWER),另一个是()A.产品(PRODUCT) B.价格(PRICE)C.公共关系(PUBLIC RELATIONS) D.地点(PLACE)3.决定高档消费品购买力的主要因素是()。

A. 经济发展状况B.消费者收入C.消费者可支配收入D.消费者可任意支配的收入4.电视的核心产品是( )。

A.漂亮的外型B.优良的质量C.周到的服务D.收集信息和满足娱乐生活的需要5.某工程机械公司专门向建筑业用户供应推土机、打桩机、起重机、水泥搅拌机等建筑工程所需要的机械设备,这是一种( )策略。

A.市场集中化B.市场专业化C.全面市场覆盖D.产品专业化6.“欧莱雅”化妆品公司兼并了“美宝莲”化妆品公司,这属于( )发展战略。




A. 日用便利品B. 工业品C. 选购品D. 高档特殊品10.绿色营销的前提是()。

A.绿色法制B.绿色宣传C.政府支持D.消费者觉醒的“绿色”意识二、多选题(每小题3 分,共15 分)1.分析营销环境的根本目的是 ( )。

A.扩大销售 B.对抗竞争 C.寻求营销机会D.避免环境威胁 E.树立企业形象2.国际技术环境变化带来的风险主要有()A.产品生命周期迅速缩短B.市场需求的多样化和多变化C.新通用技术的出现会带来一些难以预见的长期结果D.高昂的技术许可费用3.影响国际营销定价的因素包括()A.生产技术B.企业定价目标C.竞争情况D.供求状况E.政府的限制4.从企业所处的竞争地位来看,竞争者的类型有()A.替代品厂商 B.市场追随者 C.市场领导者D.市场挑战者 E.市场补缺者5.全球性组织结构包括()A.全球产品组织结构B.全球职能组织结构B.全球地区组织结构 D.全球矩阵组织结构三、名词解释(每小题 4 分,共20 分)1.SWOT分析2.国际市场细分3.国际产品生命周期4.认知定价法5.营业推广四、简答题(第一小题6分,第二、第三小题7分,共20 分)1.消费者购买住房和购买软饮料的购买决策过程及消费行为有区别吗?消费者购买决策的五阶段模式进行分析。

国际营销课后复习题 人民大学出版社 14版

国际营销课后复习题 人民大学出版社 14版

Discussion Questions for Chapter 33. Why study a country’s history? DiscussHistory helps define a nation’s “mission,” how it perceives its neighbors, how it sees its place in the world, and how it sees itself. Insights into the history of a country are important for understanding attitudes about the role of government and business, the relations between managers and the managed, the sources of management authority, and attitudes toward foreign corporations.To understand, explain, and appreciate a people’s image of itself and the attitudes and unconscious fears that reflected in its view of foreign cultures, it is necessary to study the culture as it is now as well as to understand the culture as it was—that is, a country’s history.Unless you have a historical sense of the many changes that have buffeted Japan—seven centuries under the shogun feudal system,i the isolation before the coming of Admiral Perry in 1853, the threat of domination by colonial powers,ii the rise of new social classes, Western influences, the humiliation of World War II, and involvement in the international community—it is difficult to fully understand its contemporary behavior.Loyalty to family, to country, to company, and to social groups and the strong drive to cooperate, to work together for a common cause, permeate many facets of Japanese behavior and have historical roots that date back thousands of years. Loyalty and service, a sense of responsibility, and respect for discipline, training, and artistry have been stressed since ancient times as necessary for stability and order. Confucian philosophy, taught throughout Japan’s history, emphasizes the basic virtue of loyalty “of friend to friend, of wife to husband, of child to parent, of brother to brother, but, above all, of su bject to lord,” that is, to country.A fundamental premise of Japanese ideology reflects the importance of cooperation for thecollective good. Japanese achieve consensus by agreeing that all will unite against outside pressures that threaten the collective good. A historical perspective gives the foreigner in Japan a basis on which to begin developing cultural sensitivity and a better understanding of contemporary Japanese behavior.4.How does an understanding of history help an international marketer?To u nderstand, explain, and appreciate a people’s image of itself and the fundamental attitudes and unconscious fears that are often reflected in its view of foreign cultures, it is necessary to study the culture as it is now as well as to understand culture as it was, that is, a country’s history. An awareness of the history of a country is particularly effective for understanding attitudes about the role of government and business, the relations between managers and the managed, the sources of management authority, and attitudes toward foreign MNC’s. History is what helps define a nation’s “mission,”how it perceives its neighbors, and how it sees its place in the world. To understand a country’s attitudes, prejudices, and fears it is necessary to look beyond the surface or current events to the inner subtleties of the country’s entire past for clues.6. Some say the global environment is a global issue rather than a national one. Whatdoes this mean? Discuss.Many view the problem as a global issue rather than a national one. One report on the global environment stressed . . . “it is quite clear that a number of critical problems—the threat to the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, the loss of biodiversity, and ocean pollution—cannot be addressed by nations in isolation.”Companies looking to build manufacturing plants in countries with more liberal pollution regulations than they have at home are finding that regulations everywhere are becoming stricter. Many Asian governments are drafting new regulations and strictly enforcing existing ones. A strong motivator for Asia and the rest of the world is the realization that pollution is on the verge of getting completely out of control.Neither Western Europe nor the rest of the industrialized world are free of environmental damage; rivers are polluted and the atmosphere in many major urban areas is far from clean.The very process of controlling industrial wastes leads to another and perhaps equally critical issue: the disposal of hazardous waste, a by-product of pollution control. Estimates of hazardous wastes collected annually exceed 300 million tons; the critical question is disposal that does not move the problem elsewhere.The business community is responding positively to the notion that the focus must be on the global environment rather than “the quality of the air, land, and water in our own backyards.”An International Chamber of Commerce Industry Forum on the environment reflected a shift in company attitudes toward environmental issues away from a reactive and largely defensive stance to a proactive and constructive approach. Some skeptics may dismiss such statements as “window dressing” and they could be, but the beginning of change is awareness. Responsibility for cleaning up the environment does not rest solely with governments, businesses, or activist groups. Each citizen has social and moral responsibility to include environmental protection among his/her highest goals.9. Discuss the bases of world trade. Give examples illustrating the different bases.The basis for world trade is the differences between countries. One of these differences is the difference between people. Different heritages have resulted in the development of certain unique skills in the people of a country. An example would be the watchmaking skill developed by the Swiss. Thus, they have a unique skill on which to base trade. Another difference is the one of differing stages of economic development existing in the world today. Some countries are highly developed and industrialized.These nations, such as the United States and France, might be trading in luxuries, whereas an underdeveloped nation, such as Kenya, might be forced to trade only in essential capital goods. A third difference in countries serving as a basis for world trade is the availability of natural resources. Great Britain, poor in mineral resources, imports petroleum, where West Germany, rich in mineral resources but not food, imports large amounts of fruits and vegetables. Thus, trade is created by these differences: (1) Differences in skills – other countries seek the products of skills, (2) differences in economies –countries seek products they don’t produce but need, and (3)differences in national resources – countries buy and sell resources which they do not have or have an abundance of.15. The telegraph, telephone, television, satellites, computer, and the Internet have all hadan effect on how international business operates. Discuss how each of thesecommunications innovations affects international business management.An underpinning of all commerce is effective communications, knowledge of where goods and services exist and where they are needed and the ability to communicate instantaneously across vast distances. Facilitating the expansion of trade have been continuous improvements in electronic communications. First came the telegraph, then the telephone, television, satellites, the computer and the Internet. Each revolution in electronic technology has had a profound effect on human conditions, economic growth and the manner in which commerce functions. As each “new” communications technology has had its impact, new business models have been spawned and some existing businesses re-invented to adapt to the new technology while other businesses have failed to respond and thus ceased to exist. The Internet revolution will be no different; it too affects human conditions, economic growth, and the manner in which commerce operates. As we will discuss in subsequent chapters, the Internet has already begun to shape how international business is managed. However, as the Internet permeates the fabric of the world’s cultures, the biggest changes are yet to come!Discussion Questions for Chapter 82.Discuss how the shift from making "market entry" decision to "continuous operation" decisions creates a need for different types of information and data.●General information about the country, area, and/or market●Information to forecast future marketing requirements●By anticipating social, economic, consumer, and industry trends within specific markets orcountries●Specific market information used to make and develop marketing plans3.Discuss the breadth and scope of international marketing research. Why is it generally broader in scope than domestic marketing research?●Economic and demographic climate●Cultural, sociological; and political climate●Overview of market conditions●Summary of the technological environment●Competitive situation8.Discuss the problems of gathering secondary data in foreign markets.●Availability of data●Reliability of data●Comparability of data15."The foreign market researcher must possess three essential capabilities to generate meaningful information", what are they?● A high degree of cultural understanding of the market in which the research is beingconducted● A creative talent for adapting research methods● A skeptical attitude in handling both primary and secondary data Discussion Questions for Chapter 106.Discuss the different promotional/product strategies available to an international marketer.The marketer has at least three viable alternatives when entering a new market: he can (1) sell the same product he presently sells elsewhere, (2) individualize existing products to the tastes and specific needs of the new country, or (3) develop a totally new product. These three basic alternatives, when combined with promotional effort, can be developed into five different product strategies available to the international marketer. First, a company can sell the same product using the same promotional message worldwide as Pepsi-Cola and the Coca-Cola company do. A second version is to sell the same product but with promotions featuring different use patterns, for example, garden power equipment designed for United States home use but sold as agricultural equipment in underdeveloped countries. A third strategy involves altering the basic physical features of the product to meet local environmental needs but promoting the product to fill the same use patterns as are prevalent in the domestic market.Detergents redesigned to function in cold water but still promoted to get clothes clean is an example of this strategy. The fourth strategy requires both a change in the product to meet different use patterns and a change in the promotional message accompanying it. For example, the fifth strategy is one of investing or developing a totally new product rather than adapting an existing one. This is less frequently done, but as companies move into less developed markets and seek greater economic penetration into these markets it becomes more prevalent. As examples, the Coca-Cola Company has developed Saci, a protein fortified beverage to sell in foreign countries as a diet supplement; and Ford and General Motors are experimenting with a “bare bones” Model T-type truck to sell in developing countries. The success of any of these strategies depends upon the product and the fundamental need it fulfills, its characteristics and their perception within the culture, and finally, the associated costs of each program.7.Assume yo u are deciding to “go international” and outline the steps you would take to help you decide on a product line.Library research project.8.Products can be adapted physically and culturally for foreign markets. Discuss.Products can be adapted to a new culture in a variety of ways ranging from simple package changes to total redesign in the physical product. Some need for change becomes obvious with relatively little analysis. For example, a cursory analysis of a country will uncover theneed to require electrical goods if it uses a different voltage system, or to indicate product simplification when the local level of technologies is not high, or the need for a color change if the present color violates local taboos, etc. Most such superficial changes can be spotted by looking at product use patterns, the economy, and other related culture elements. One international scholar has categorized these changes into thirteen environmental factors listed below. Each is quickly detected and requires only basic changes to bring the product in line with a culture.Environmental Factor Design ChangeLevel of technical skills Product simplificationLevel of labor cost Automation or manualization of productLevel of literacy Remarking and simplification of productLevel of income Quality and price changeLevel of interest rates Quality and price change (investment in high qualitymight not be financially desirableLevel of maintenance Change in tolerancesClimatic differences Product adaptationProduct simplification and reliability improvement Isolation (heavy repair difficult andexpensive)Differences in standards Recalibration of product and resizingThe suggested changes are primarily concerned with the price and physical or mechanical properties of a product. Such product characteristics certainly can impede effective use of a product within another culture, but more subtle differences within a culture require other kinds of changes that must be resolved before a product gains acceptance.Internal cul tural variations may require product adaptation that hinges more on the product’s conflict with norms, values, and behavior patterns than on its physical or mechanical aspects.For example, introduction of a new product into a culture that does not perceive a need for such an item can conflict with established norms, locally accepted values can be upset by trying to introduce personal care items into a culture that prefers body functions remain very private and assuming too high a level of sophistication in product usage may overlook local behavior patterns.9,What are the three major components of a product? Discuss their importance to product adaptation.The three major components of a product are: (1) its core, the physical product and all its functional features; (2) the packaging component that includes the physical package in which the product is presented, as well as the brand name, trademark, styling and design features, price and quality levels; (3) the support services component, which completes the product buyers receive and from which the bundle of satisfactions received are derived. This support services component includes repair and maintenance services, installation, delivery, warranty, spare parts, training and instructions, credit, and any other services related to the use andpurchase of the product. The importance of each component, as well as the perceived component attributes are functions of culture. What may be desirable in one culture may be unimportant in another. A product is, in a large part, a cultural phenomenon; that is, culture determines the individual’s perception of what a product is and what satisfaction that product provides. Therefore, in developing products for international markets, adaptation of that bundle of utilities or satisfaction received may be necessary to bring the product in line with the culture’s needs. Such adaptation may require changes of any one or all of the product components as defined above.16.Discuss “environmentally friendly” products and product dev elopment.Germany has a strict Eco-labeling program to identify, for the concerned consumer, products that have a lesser negative impact on the environment than similar products. Under German law, a manufacturer is permitted to display a logo, called the “Blue Angel,” on all products that comply with certain criteria that make it environmentally friendly. More than 3,200 products in 58 product categories have been examined and given the Blue Angel logo. While it is difficult to judge the commercial value of a Blue Angel designation, manufacturers are seeking the eco-label for their products in response to growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly products. Similar national labels are under discussion in France, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The EC Commission issued guidelines for eco-labeling that became operational in October 1992. Under the EC directive, a product is evaluated on all significant environmental effects throughout its life cycle, from manufacturing to disposal, a cradle-to-grave approach. Companies will be encouraged to continuously update their environmental technology because eco-labels will be granted for only a limited period. As more environmentally friendly products come onto the market, the standards will become tougher, and products that have not been improved will lose their eco-label.The “Blue Angel” and similar eco-labels are awarded on the basis of a product’s environmental friendliness, that is, how “friendly” when used and when its residue is released into the environment. A detergent formulated to be bio-degradable and not pollute would be judged more friendly than a detergent whose formulation would be harmful when discharged.Aerosol propellants that do not deplete the ozone layer are another example of environmentally friendly products. No country’s laws yet require products to carry an “eco-label” to be sold. The designation that a product is “environmentally friendly” is voluntary and its environmental success depends on the consumer selecting the “eco-friendly” product. However, laws that mandate systems to control solid waste management, while voluntary in one sense, do carry penalties in that consumers may not select their products.Discussion Questions for Chapter 122.“Perhaps advertising is th e side of international marketing with the greatest similaritiesfrom country to country throughout the world. Paradoxically, despite its many similarities, it may also be credited with the greatest number of unique problems in international marketing.” Di scuss.The paradox lies in the fact that advertising methodology is similar from country to country but that the unique problems of company policy limitations, legal aspects, linguistics, media limitations, all pose a distinct problem to the international advertiser. Advertising must be related to the basic and existing motivation patterns. The unique problem is to find this motivation and orient your campaign to the stimuli which must make the majority of the people buy the product. But these problems are generally mechanical and can be easily overcome by long-range research.5.Outline some of the major problems confronting an international advertiser.Of all the elements of the marketing mix, decisions involving advertising are the ones most often affected by cultural differences among country markets. Consumers reflect their culture, its style, feelings, value systems, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. Since advertising’s function is to “interpret or translate the need/want satisfying qualities of produ ct and services in terms of consumer needs, wants, desires, and aspirations,” the emotional appeals, symbols, persuasive approaches and other characteristics of an advertisement must coincide with cultural norms to be effective.Reconciling international advertising and sales promotion effort with cultural uniqueness of markets is the challenge confronting the international or global marketer. The global advertiser is confronted with legal and tax considerations, language limitations, media limitation and production and cost limitations. These limitations must all be dealt with effectively if a company is to have an effective advertisement.Discussion Questions for Chapter 132.Why may it be difficult to adhere to set job criteria in selecting foreign personnel? Whatcompensating actions might be necessary?It may be difficult to adhere to set job criteria in selecting foreign salesmen because there may be several different levels of job criteria and the company must move down these levels after having trouble hiring individuals who conform to the established criteria. Compensating actions, which may be necessary, include sales commissions, as this motivates the better personnel and eliminates the receiving of equal wages by both the better and poorersalesmen.3.Why do the global sales force cause special compensation problems? Suggest somealternate solutions.The global sales force causes special compensation problems because an imbalance is created, as the expatriate salesman would normally receive more than would the foreign salesman, and the foreign salesman will feel aggrieved and mistreated. Motivational devices are valuable in providing solution but perhaps a foreign sales force managed by expatriate salesmen is best.9.“It is costly to maintain an international sales force.” Comment.It is certainly more expensive to maintain an international sales force than a domestic sales force because travel, living expenses, interpreters, training and establishing a sales force, etc., all contribute to higher expenses. However, the increasing number of companies going overseas indicates it is well worth it.10.Adaptability and maturity are traits needed by all salesmen. Why should they be singled out as especially important for international salesmen?These two traits are singled out as especially important for international salesmen because the foreign market is extremely different from the domestic market and calls for different policies and more independent decisions and commitments. The traits are credited with being two of the prime causes for failure of international salesmen.11.Can a person develop good cultural skills?Yes. Good cultural skills just as good social skills can be developed. Cultural skills provide the individual with the ability to relate to a different culture, even when the individual is unfamiliar with the details of that particular culture. Anyone being sent to another culture should receive training to develop cultural skills. In addition, they should receive specific schooling on the customs, values, and the social and political institutions of the host country.There are a variety of organizations that provide intercultural training.。

市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业 .

市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业 .

市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业 .课程市场营销学测试市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业已开始14-5-11 下午8:49已提交14-5-11 下午11:53状态已完成分数得 66 分,满分 100 分已用时间3 小时 3 分钟。

说明问题 1得 2 分,满分 2 分14.是判断某一地理区域的市场潜力,并由此选择销售地点的是()。

答案所选答案:A.市场分析问题 2得 2 分,满分 2 分14.现代企业定价目标是()。

答案所选答案:D.顾客满意度问题 3得 2 分,满分 2 分15.市场细分变量包括社会阶层、生活方式、个性等的是()。

答案所选答案:心理变量问题 4得 2 分,满分 2 分15、()是指企业将整个市场划分为若干个子市场,并对各子市场的需求差异加以区分,选择其中一个或几个子市场作为目标市场,并开发适销对路的产品,发展相应的市场营销组合,以满足目标市场的需要。

答案所选答案: A.目标市场营销问题 5得 2 分,满分 2 分15.企业定价目标及其运动和调整的基本框架是()。

答案所选答案:B.顾客满意度问题 6得 2 分,满分 2 分15.估计某一产品的市场潜力及该产品的市场占有率的是()。

答案所选答案:B.产品分析问题 7得 2 分,满分 2 分15.市场营销管理要考虑的市场有消费者市场和答案所选答案:C.组织市场问题 8得 2 分,满分 2 分16.市场细分变量包括追求利益、使用者情况、使用程度、信赖情况,购买准备阶段、对产品的态度等的是()。

答案所选答案:行为变量问题 9得 0 分,满分 2 分16、在世界上其他国家已经生产并投放市场,在本国则是第一次开发生产并投放市场的产品称为()。

答案所选答案: A.国际性的新产品问题 10得 2 分,满分 2 分16、()是以注重商品的欣赏价值和艺术价值为主要目的的购买行为。

答案所选答案: C.求美动机问题 11得 2 分,满分 2 分16.选择合适的大众传播媒体,用生动而又吸引人的文字、图象、声音向消费者宣传介绍产品的是()。



2014年9月份考试房地产市场营销第二次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 20 小题,每小题 2 分)1. 美国管理学权威彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drunker)的话说:“市场营销的目标就是使推销成为 ( )的。

”A. 多余B. 必要C. 手段D. 目标2. 成本导向定价法是指以房地产产品()作为定价基础的定价方法,是企业最常采用的方法A. 成本B. 用途C. 质量D. 数量3. “我们卖什么,人们就买什么”代表()观念。

A. 生产(产品)B. 推销观念C. 市场营销观念D. 社会营销观念4. 品牌战略的核心内容可以概括为“两个基本点、一个中心”。

所谓一个中心点是()A. 产品B. 服务C. 客户关系D. 商标5. 接受用户订货是一种()A. 直接渠道B. 间接渠道C. 长渠道D. 短渠道6. 房地产企业采用的主要控制方法,其目的是确定确保企业达到年度计划规定的销售额、利润指标及其他指标,它是一种短期的即时控制,中心管理,这是房地产营销控制的哪种方法()A. 年度计划控制B. 季度计划控制C. 赢利能力控制D. 效率控制7. ()是指企业对1~5年内的房地产市场变化及其发展趋势的预测,是企业制定发展规划的依据A. 短期预测B. 中期预测C. 长期预测D. 一般预测8. 下列说法不正确的是()A. 房地产市场调研主体侧重对房地产市场产品的调查B. 房地产市场调查主体侧重对房地产的消费者C. 一般耐用消费品的市场调查主体侧重于消费者D. 房地产市场调研是为了规避市场风险9. 德尔菲法是在()发展过程中为了消除其中专家面对面交谈可能产生的心理影响而被提出来得。

A. 展销会B. 订货会C. 专家座谈会D. 庙会10. 在SWOT中T代表()含义A. 优势B. 劣势C. 机会D. 威胁11. 选出你认为错误的一项()。

A. 可行性是指房地产企业选择的细分市场,能否制定和实施相应有效的市场营销计划,包括产品、价格、渠道以及促销等计划B. 可盈利性是指市场规模足以使企业有利可图C. 可测量性是指整个市场的现实或潜在购买力和市场规模大小可以识别、可以衡量的D. 可进入性是指房地产企业可能进入所选定的细分市场的程度12. 随机抽样与非随机抽样的错误表述是()A. 随机抽样中,可以根据调查样本来推断母体的情况B. 随机抽样最主要的特征是从母体中任意抽取样本,每一样本有相等的机会C. 非随机抽样是指市场调查人员在选取样本时按照一定的规律选取D. 非随机抽样中,每个样本被选中的机会不是相等的13. 房地产人员推销中( )是整个推销过程的第一步。

市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业 .

市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业 .

课程市场营销学测试市场营销2014年上半年第二次作业已开始14-5-11 下午8:49已提交14-5-11 下午11:53状态已完成分数得66 分,满分100 分已用时间3 小时3 分钟。

说明问题1得2 分,满分2 分14.是判断某一地理区域的市场潜力,并由此选择销售地点的是()。

答案所选答案:A.市场分析问题2得2 分,满分2 分14.现代企业定价目标是()。

答案所选答案:D.顾客满意度问题3得2 分,满分2 分15.市场细分变量包括社会阶层、生活方式、个性等的是()。

答案所选答案:心理变量问题4得2 分,满分2 分15、()是指企业将整个市场划分为若干个子市场,并对各子市场的需求差异加以区分,选择其中一个或几个子市场作为目标市场,并开发适销对路的产品,发展相应的市场营销组合,以满足目标市场的需要。

答案所选答案: A.目标市场营销问题5得2 分,满分2 分15.企业定价目标及其运动和调整的基本框架是()。

答案所选答案:B.顾客满意度问题6得2 分,满分2 分15.估计某一产品的市场潜力及该产品的市场占有率的是()。

答案所选答案:B.产品分析问题7得2 分,满分2 分15.市场营销管理要考虑的市场有消费者市场和答案所选答案:C.组织市场问题8得2 分,满分2 分16.市场细分变量包括追求利益、使用者情况、使用程度、信赖情况,购买准备阶段、对产品的态度等的是()。

答案所选答案:行为变量问题9得0 分,满分2 分16、在世界上其他国家已经生产并投放市场,在本国则是第一次开发生产并投放市场的产品称为()。

答案所选答案: A.国际性的新产品问题10得2 分,满分2 分16、()是以注重商品的欣赏价值和艺术价值为主要目的的购买行为。

答案所选答案: C.求美动机问题11得2 分,满分2 分16.选择合适的大众传播媒体,用生动而又吸引人的文字、图象、声音向消费者宣传介绍产品的是()。

答案所选答案:C.广告分析问题12得2 分,满分2 分16.顾客的满意度可用以下公式表示()。

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微软“用一种全球性的眼光来看待works 的目标市场,而不是以单个国家为基础,这样就可以建立一个全球范围的标准产品,而对国家间的差别仅需作微小的变动,从而减少了软件本土化的时间”。


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用生产要素的丰缺来解释国际贸易产生的原因和商品流向的理论是( )
得5 分,满分5 分

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2014年5月19日星期一下午06时21分12秒CST 确定。
