VisiBone Web Designer’s HTML Card






一、安装CodeViser支持Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统,用户可以根据自己的操作系统版本下载对应的安装包,并按照以下步骤进行安装:1. 下载安装包2. 打开安装包并按照向导进行安装3. 完成安装后,即可开始使用CodeViser二、基本功能1. 代码编辑CodeViser提供了友好的代码编辑界面,支持多种编程语言的语法高亮显示。


2. 代码导航CodeViser提供了便捷的代码导航功能,让用户可以快速定位到代码中的特定位置。


3. 代码补全CodeViser的智能代码补全功能可以根据用户的输入提示代码,并提供可选的代码补全建议。


4. 代码调试CodeViser支持代码断点调试功能,用户可以设置断点、单步执行代码、查看变量值等。


5. 版本控制CodeViser集成了常见的版本控制系统,如Git和SVN,用户可以通过界面操作进行代码的版本管理和提交。

三、高级功能1. 插件扩展CodeViser支持插件扩展,用户可以根据自己的需求安装和启用各种插件,以增强CodeViser的功能。


2. 任务管理CodeViser提供了任务管理功能,用户可以创建并管理各种任务,如需求分析、项目计划等。


3. 项目管理CodeViser支持项目管理功能,用户可以将相关的代码文件组织为项目,并通过界面操作进行项目的管理。



file 英[faɪl] 美[faɪl]vt. 提出(离婚诉讼或其他讼案);把…归档;用锉锉;发稿,寄给报社vi. 发送(报道给报社);排成一行行走;提出申请n. 文件夹;卷宗;纵列;锉刀edit 英['edɪt] 美[ˈɛdɪt]vt. 剪辑(影片,录音);编辑;校订;主编n. 编辑view 英[vju:] 美[vju]n. 看;[建筑学]视图;风景;意图vt. 看;观看;认为;观察insert 英[inˈsə:t] 美[ɪnˈsɚt]vt. 插入;嵌入;(在文章中)添加;加插n. 添入物(尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图);(书报的)插页;插...source 英[sɔ:s] 美[sɔrs, sors]n. 根源,本源;源头,水源;原因;提供消息的人vt. (从…)获得;发起;向…提供消息;寻求(尤指供货)的来源vi. 原料来源;起源;寻求来源;寻求生产商(或提供商)Source Files 放源文件(.c、.cpp)程序的实现代码全放在这里Header Files 放头文件(.h)声明放在这里Resource Files 资源文件(.rc)放图标、图片、菜单、文字之类的,主要用来做界面的东东一般都放这里workspace英['wə:kspeis] 美['wə:kspeis]工作空间工作空间pagesetupn. [计]页面设置recent英['ri:snt] 美['ri:snt] 添加到我的生词本复制词条adj. 最近的;近来的;近代的NEW CLASS新类Form新形式file as text:文件作为文本set active project设置活动项目dependencies依赖关系export .输出,出口Makefile生成文件源代码浏览器定制选项宏记录快速的宏vt.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解对接的观点以前的级联水平排列垂直排列内容指标;指数;索引;指针键盘映射每日一帖技术支持活动服务器页面二进制文件位图文件光标超文本标记语言图标文件资源脚本资源模版结构化查询语言脚本文件创建ATL应用程序集群资源类型向导自定义应用程序向导数据库项目创建自动化宏扩展存储过程向导isapl因特网服务器应用程序接口扩展向导控件的创建引导应用程序向导实用工程Win32应用程序win32控制台应用程序win32动态链接库win32静态库。



Web界面设计需要什么软件,这5个入门完全够用了Web界面〔制定〕必须要的软件大致是这些:Hbuilder、Visual Studio Code、Sublime、Dreamweaver、Sublime。

如果想具体了解Web界面制定必须要什么软件,那无妨接着往下看吧!1、 HbuilderHBUilder是“DCloud〞推出的一款支持html5的开发软件,非常契合web项目。




2、 Visual Studio Code一般称之为VS Code,是微软(Microsoft)提供的一款开发工具,与2015年4月30日的时候在开发者大会上正式宣布可以运行于“Mac OS X〞、“Windows〞、“Linux〞系统中。



3、 SublimeSublime全称为Sublime Text,是一个代码编辑器,最早由程序员Jon Skinner于2008年1月开发出来。

Sublime Text具有美丽的用户界面和强大的功能,例如代码缩略图、功能插件等。

Sublime text还是一个跨平台的编辑器,支Windows、Linux、这些操作系统平台。

4、 Dreamweaver英文名可能不太熟悉,但是中文名一定听过叫“织梦〞,也就是网站优化员口中常说的织梦CMS系统。



5、 WebStormWebStorm 是JetBrains公司旗下一款JavaScript 开发工具。

拥有很多称号“Web前端开发神器〞、“最强大的html5编辑器〞、“最智能的JavaScript IDE〞等。




一般来说,在Visual Basic .Net针对窗体的编程是不需要人为介入的,因为可视化编程工具Visual Studio .Net已经按照窗体的缺省状态实现了。


我们发现越来越多的应用程序中使用到各种不同规则的窗体,这些不同规则的窗体给应用程序带来异常的情趣和不同平常的效果的同时,也促使使用者思考这样一个问题,如何创建这些窗体?在Visual Basic .Net中提供了一种简单、直接创建不规则窗体的方法,本文的主要内容就是探讨一下这些方法具体的实现过程。

下面就来详细介绍在Visual Basic .Net 中实现五种不同规格窗体的方法,即:椭圆形、扇形、圆形、环形和三角形。


Visual Basic .Net中创建、使用MDI窗体也是本文的重要内容之一,MDI是Multi Document Interface的简称,即:多文档界面,MDI最早出现于Windows 2.0中,最先使用到MDI的应用程序是E xcel电子表格。

为了方便使用者同时能够操作多份电子表格,Excel 就采用了MDI来解决这个问题。


其中Windows 3.1中的程序管理器和文件管理器都采用了MDI。


下面就首先来介绍一下Visual Basic .Net创建不规则窗体的相关知识和具体实现方法。

一.简介Visual Basic .Net中定制不规则窗体时使用的类库:Visual Basic .Net中定制不规则窗体主要使用到Region类和G raphicsPath类,其中以GraphicsPath类最为重要。







件可以用于各种设计软件,比如Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator等,让设计师们可以在他们熟悉的环境中使用这些功能。












z 管理Project:介绍MS Modeling中的Project,并示范如何使用它们管理工作流文件。

z绘制简单分子: 介绍用于绘制链和环的绘制工具,编辑键级和元素类型并且测量不同的几何性质。

z绘制卟啉分子:显示如何操纵片断并使用Display Style 对话框。

z 绘制有机金属结构: 介绍片断浏览并示范如何使用Find Symeetry工具。

z将分子对接到表面: 介绍了用于连接晶体结构的表面模建。

z使用聚合物模建工具: 介绍了构建多种类型聚合物结构的聚合物模建工具。

z使用层模建工具: 先是如何使用层模建工具来构造一个界面和金属-聚合物金属分层结构。

z使用晶体模建工具: 介绍用于构造并可视化3D 周期结构的晶体模建工具。

1.管理Project背景当你正在运行一些高级的操作,例如Discover或者Amporphous Cell 工作的时候,会生成具有不同文件名的不同文档。

要使管理这些文档变得更简单,MS Modeling有一个叫做Project Explorer的文件管理器。






因为处理Project 是MS Modeling中的一个基本部分,也是进行其它教程的参考部分。




现在对其进行细分来反映每一步在Project 管理中的变化。




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Visual Components 4.4 Warehousing Components 用户指南说

Visual Components 4.4 Warehousing Components 用户指南说

VISUAL COMPONENTS WAREHOUSING COMPONENTSSupport****************************Visual Components Forum Warehousing components referenceVisual Components 4.4 | Version: February 08, 2022This living document introduces warehouse components in the eCatalog, their properties, and simple use cases. It will be updated as more warehouse-related components are added or updated in the eCatalog.NOTE! There are separate tutorials for resources commonly used with warehouse components, such as the ASRS manual introducing cranes. You will go through properties and use cases of the following: ▪ Warehouse Shelf / Floorspace Buffer ▪ Warehouse Process Shelf ▪ Dual Rail Transport Controller ▪ Overhead Cranes ▪ Stack Feeder ▪Pallet FeederContentsWarehouse Shelf / Floorspace Buffer (3)Warehouse Process Shelf (7)Properties (8)Transport Link properties (9)Stack Feeder (12)Pallet Feeder (14)Warehouse Shelf / Floorspace BufferA Warehouse shelf is a Process Modelling (PM) process for storing and buffering products.The warehouse includes multiple presets that can be used to set up the appearance and dimensions of the following:•Pallet Rack•Crane Rack•Light Pallet Rack•Manual Picking Shelf•PickToLightThe Visibility of different visual features can be manually changed from the Options tab. In addition to a component's basic properties, you can change the color of different shelf parts in the Materials tab.Single shelf bay dimensions, Tiers and Bays, and other structural properties can be changed from the component’s basic properties.You can use the ProductOrientation property to define the orientation of the product while on a shelf.It is possible to load and unload the shelf from opposite sides. If resources such as humans are used, they will go to the FlowIn or FlowOutResourceLocation. Cranes or robot arms will not use the location.A small arrow indicates the flow in or out of the location. The location will automatically transform to match the product location on the floor level, and the offset from the shelf will be maintained. Both locations can be modified with the corresponding properties on the shelf.Some statement properties need to be visited to change, for example, the following:•AcceptAllProductTypes•AcceptedProductTypes•AcceptedFlowGroups•BufferFeedMode•BufferNeedMode•ParallelInputLimit•ParallelOutputLimitThe ParallelInputLimit should be set to a value less or equal to the total capacity of the available resources. That way, if more than one shelf is used, the shelves will be filled roughly at the same rate. ParallelOutputLimit is set automatically to match the number of slots but can be manually changed after the shelf has been set up.Examples from the BufferNeedMode while the block component is selected as ZeroPositionNode:•Left is Chaotic•Middle is LinearOrder•Right is ClosestToZeroPositionThe Floorspace buffer component shares the functionality of the Warehouse Shelf component. Instead of the shelf structure, the Floorspace Buffer component utilizes floor space as a buffer. Single-slot dimensions, spacing, and the number of Rows and Columns can be changed from the Component Properties.Warehouse Process ShelfA Warehouse Process Shelf is a Process Modelling (PM) process for curing and processing multiple products simultaneously. Typical applications are curing shelves, test rack processes, and monitoring or limiting a products’ storing time.Components share the same properties with the Warehouse Shelf in the Component Properties tab.A Warehouse process shelf has some additional properties in Statement Properties.ProcessTime can set the processing time for each product placed on the shelf. After this time is consumed, the product is ready to leave the process.If MaximumStoringTime is defined (other than zero) and the product remains on the shelf longer than defined in this property (in addition to possible ProcessTime), the product will become Outdated, and its product type will be changed to OutdatedProductType.If FailedProductPercentage is defined, this value is used as a probability that a product will become defective after processing, and its product type is changed to FailedProductType. Dual Rail Transport ControllerThe Dual Rail Transport Controller is required to control the cranes and serve as thetrack/runway for the cranes. It can control up to two cranes simultaneously. The cranes are connected to the controller using the PnP tool. The cranes are referred to as crane A or B, determined by the interface the crane is connected to.Once a crane is connected, the interface matches the crane’s dimensions, preventing it from exceeding the track. The dimensions of the crane are taken from its bounding box.Dual Rail Transport Controller with two overhead cranes, Crane A on the left and Crane B on the right PropertiesRunwayLength, RunwaySpan, and RunwayHeight: The dimensions of the track SafetyClearance: Determines the minimum separation between the cranes if more than one crane is connected to the same trackCheckLimits: Pause the simulation and display output message if a crane runs out of track (exceeds the track length)Auto Configure Links: If more than one crane is connected to the track, auto-configure will associate each link with crane A or B using the crane closest to the link’s source and destination nodes.When the Dual Rail Transport Controller is assigned to a transport link, some default properties and their values in the LinkDefaults tab in its Component Properties panel are applied to transport link(s). If the values in the LinkDefaults tab are changed the matching values in the transport links will also change, if UseCustomParameters is not enabled in the transport link.Transport Link propertiesPriority: Sets the priority for the link against all available/active transportation tasks. The lower the number, the higher the priorityUse Crane: Define a specific crane for transportation or allow the controller to choose and crane. The controller will, by default, select the nearest available. WaitForNextTransport: If enabled, a crane will wait and remain reserved until the process executions reach the next WaitTransport statement in the process. This process is used in conjunction with the StartTransportIn statement.LoadAssist,UnloadAssist: Controller of a resource that will move into the loading/unloading position of the crane. The process is executed in this position (GraspTime/ReleaseTime). UseCustomParameters: Enable to override default values (defined in controller properties) GraspTime: A time that is taken to load the crane. Excluding handler extend and retract times.ReleaseTime: A time that is taken to unload the crane. Excluding handler extend and retract times.GraspFrom: Selection from which position a product is transported. PickApproach, PlaceApproach: Linear approach direction and distance of the crane when the product is grasped/released.Overhead CranesSeveral process modeling cranes are available in the eCatalog - PM Cranes. Cranes vary in construction and size, but their behaviours and properties are the same.Up to two overhead cranes can be connected to a Dual Rail Transport ControllerCranes have a set of default properties (like RailWidth) to define the size and robustness of different parts of the crane.SlingLength can be used to define additional distance from the crane hook to the product and visualize lifting slings.AutoHoming::Delay: Defines the time once the cranehas been without tasks to move to a home positiondefined by the following properties. Use zero todisable AutoHoming.AutoHoming::BridgePosition: Bridge (X) homepositionAutoHoming::TrolleyPosition: Trolley (Y) home positionAutoHoming::HoistPosition: Hoist (Z) home positionAutoHoming::Read Current Joint Values: Read the current position and set the above properties.The Speeds tab properties set the kinematic parameters for each joint. The deceleration will be equivalent to the acceleration.Stack FeederA Stack feeder is a component for creating stacks of product instances in Process Modelling. The bottom product in a stack may be different from the rest of the stack. The component uses a Process Modelling routine controlled by Component Properties.A Stack feeder is a process that can be connected to a conveyor. It shares default properties with all Process Modelling flow components.Properties in the Stack tab control the StackFeeder routine.In this routine, a Joint modeled to a component is moved up while Stack::Count monitors the number of products created. Created products are attached, creating a hierarchical stack. The distance between products in the stack is defined with the Stack::Step property. The Last product in the stack is created separately, and the distance to the stack is defined with separate Stack::PalletStep property. This allows you to select a different product type as the bottom part of the stack.After a stack is created, it is transported out from the process and is delayed the amount of time in Stack::Delay.The Stack feeder creates stacksusing a pallet as its default producttype. Stacks are created usingCreate statements and the producttype can then be modified manuallyonce a new product type is selectedin the product type editor.Pallet FeederA Pallet feeder is a component for creating stacks of product instances in Process Modelling. This component uses a Process Modelling routine controlled by Component Properties, and routine execution is partly controlled by Python Statements.StackFeeder is a process that can be connected to a conveyor. It shares default properties with all Process Modelling flow components.The feeder has a set of default properties (like ProductLength) to define the size and visibility of different parts of the feeder.Properties in the Stack tab control the StackFeeder routine.In the routine, a Joint modeled to a component is moved up while Stack::Count controls the number of products created. The Stack::Step property defines the distance between products in a stack.After a stack is created, products are transported out from the process one by one with Stack::Interval, and then the whole stack is transported out, Stack::Delay controls the amount of time the products are delayed.The Stack feeder creates stacks using a pallet as its default product type. Stacks are created using Create statements and the product type can then be modified manually once a new product type is selected in the product type editor.。

Visual Components 4.0 Python API 组件编程教程说明书

Visual Components 4.0 Python API 组件编程教程说明书

VISUAL COMPONENTS[ PYTHON API ] Component ScriptingVisual Components 4.0 | Version: February 28, 2017A component script allows you to use Python API to create custom behaviorsand add logic to a component. For example, you can write a script that manageschanges to component properties and what tasks a component performsduring a simulation. A component can contain multiple scripts with each scriptbeing its own Python Script behavior in the component.In this tutorial you learn how to create a component script that manages themotions of a servo controller and another script that changes the material of geometry during a simulation. This will involve using methods in the vcScriptmodule to reference the main application and component data.Support****************************Community© 2015 Visual Components Oy| PAGE 1 OF 7 || PAGE 2 OF 7 |GETTING STArTEdGetting Started 1. Open the ComponentScriptingStart.vcmx file for this tutorial.2. Click the Modeling tab, and then in the Component Graph panel, select the Behaviors and Properties check boxes, and then expand the component node tree.The component has one link containing the geometry of a blue platform. The platform needs to move along the X-axis of its link and be driven by a servo controller. Right now, thecomponent does not have any behaviors and the degree of freedom (DOF) of Link1 is fixed.GETTING STArTEd | PAGE 3 OF 7 |3. In the Component Graph panel, select Link1, and then in the Link Properties panel,set JointType to Translational , and then do all of the following: ▪Set Axis to +X .▪Set Controller to New Servo Controller , which will automatically add a new Servo Controller behavior to the root node and assign the joint of Link1 to that controller. ▪Set Min Limit to 0 and Max Limit to 600.The servo controller needs additional logic to operate during a simulation. For example, the controller needs to know when to move joints, what joints to move, and how far to move them. The logic for the servo controller can be defined in a Python Script behavior.4. In the Component Graph panel, select the root node , and then add a Python Scriptbehavior. The script editor will open automatically when you add the behavior.Basic ScriptThe initial first line of code for any component script is an import statement that retrieves allmethods from the vcScript module.The getComponent() method in vcScript allows you to get an object reference to thecomponent containing the Python Script behavior. This is helpful if you need to get andmanipulate other component data, for example behaviors, features and properties.NOTE! To learn more about the script editor, see "Python Script" in the Behaviors referenceguide of your Visual Components 4.0 product Help file.1. In the script editor, create variables for the component and its servo controller. Youcan use the component object to call the findBehaviour() method of vcNode to get abehavior by name.from vcScript import *comp = getComponent()servo = comp.findBehaviour("Servo Controller")The OnRun event is the main function of a script and is executed during a simulation.2. In the OnRun event, create a while loop that moves the joint of Link1 from its minto max value and back again. You can use the servo controller object to call themove() or moveJoint() method. To avoid creating an endless loop, you can use thegetApplication() method of vcScript to get an object reference for the main application.You could then get a "handle" for the simulation object and make the condition of thewhile loop to be true as long as the simulation is running.def OnRun():app = getApplication()while app.Simulation.IsRunning:servo.moveJoint(0,0.0)servo.moveJoint(0,600.0)| PAGE 4 OF 7 |BASIC SCrIPT3. Compile the code, and then enable Trace execution, which will allow you to knowwhich line of code is being executed in the script.4. Run the simulation, verify the platform moves from one side to the other, and thenreset the simulation.BASIC SCrIPT| PAGE 5 OF 7 |Additional ScriptIn some cases, you may want to create other scripts in a component that can run independentof one another.1. Close the script editor, and then add another Python Script behavior.2. In the PythonScript_2 editor, OnRun event, create a while loop that changes thematerial of the platform from blue to green. You can use the application object to callthe findMaterial() method to get a material by name. The component object can beused to call the findNode() method to get a node by name. In some cases, a featuremay already be assigned a material, so you may need to force the geometry of thenode to inherit its material. You can use the delay() method of vcScript to delay theexecution of a script. This is helpful if you need to toggle something on and off duringa simulation.from vcScript import *def OnSignal( signal ):passdef OnRun():app = getApplication()blue = app.findMaterial("blue")green = app.findMaterial("green")comp = getComponent()link = comp.findNode("Link1")link.MaterialInheritance = VC_MATERIAL_FORCE_INHERIT_NODEwhile app.Simulation.IsRunning:delay(1)link.NodeMaterial = bluedelay(1)link.NodeMaterial = green3. Compile the code.| PAGE 6 OF 7 |AddITIONAL SCrIPTrEVIEw | PAGE 7 OF 7 | 4. Run the simulation, verify the platform changes from blue to green, and then reset the simulation.reviewIn this tutorial you learned how to write component scripts that perform tasks during a simulation. You know how to use methods in vcScript to get handles for the main application, component containing the script and its data. You also know how to use the OnRun event todefine the main function of a script, which is executed during a simulation.。

Substance Designer基础入门笔记(一)

Substance Designer基础入门笔记(一)

Substance Designer 基础入门笔记(一)软件基础和节点入门大家好,我是火星时代深圳南山校区的项目主管老师萝卜,今天给大家带来一个Substance Designer的入门教程。

Substance Designer采用了全新的材质系统和流程,是PBR制作流程中不可缺少的一环,随着PBR技术的不断深入进步,Designer会更多的被制作者们提及和运用,更早的掌握这款软件对于大家来说有益无害。

Designer是大家目前了解的Substance Painter的下一个制作环节,两款软件同均由Allegorithmic 公司开发,Painter主要为Designer提供设计素材。


一、软件界面首先我们先来了解一下Substance Designer(以下简称SD)的界面软件的主界面菜单栏(红色)包括File Edit Tools Windows Help五个子菜单,和其他软件一样包含了我们想要的一些基础命令。

比如新建、保存、撤销、回撤、视图、设置、帮助等等快速工具栏(黄色)作用类似菜单栏,可以快速选择一些工具,依次是add a new substance创建新文件、add a new MDL material添加新MDL材质球、open package(s)\save all package(s) 打开与保存、undo\redo,撤销\回撤资源管理器Explorer(绿色)和windows资源管理器一样,SD中的资源管理器可以管理图标节点和资源,有助于我们管理整个项目文件。

Visual Designer软件开发工具说明书

Visual Designer软件开发工具说明书

Visual Designer:Application development made easyVisual Designer is a software development package optimized for OEMs. New toolsstreamline the application development process, and the creation of Web-based applications has never been easier. In addition to basic monitor and control, Visual Designer is packed with advanced features to streamline the design of sophisticated applications.Time-saving solutions, lower costsWith application development expense often outweighing the hardware expense, the demand to quickly design and implement advanced GUI solutions isgreater than ever. Even advanced features such as data archiving, recipe management, multi-language, SQL database access, and Web serving are made easy through an elegant and modern user interface. Visual Designer’s ease-of-use and time-saving features lower your total installed cost.World-classapplication supportWith a variety of free support resources available, Eaton can help you create a custom operator interface application in record time. A getting started guide, context-sensitive help built into the software, and aninteractive training disc will help you get up to speed quickly. Sample applications within the software demonstrate both commonly used and advanced features. Most importantly,Eaton offers global phone and online technical support at no charge, as well as regularly scheduled classroom training sessions performed by Eatonproduct experts.Rich debugging and remote management tools lead to faster start-ups.Build applications faster.Work smarter with Visual Designer.Three hardware families—onesoftware packageXV: 3.5 to 10.4 inches Windows T CEXP: 10.1, 5.6 and 21.5 inchesWindows Embedded Standard 7Open PC platform (workstation or server): Runtime software forstandard Windows PCs2EATON Visual DesignerFully connected, Web-enabledWeb-based thin clientConnectivityOpen platformInteroperabilityVisual Designer development softwareVISUALDCEVisual Designer development software for Eaton’s XV operator interface family with Microsoft Windows CE operating system and a maximum of 4,000 tags and three drivers.VISUALDXPVisual Designer development software for PCs withMicrosoft Windows standard embedded or open PC operating system and a maximum of 64 k tags and eight drivers. Also supports Eaton’s XV operator interface family with Microsoft Windows CE operating system and a maximum of 4,000 tags and three drivers.XP-503All XP-500 models are pre-licensed with VisualDesigner runtime. The standard license is for 4,000 tags, five simultaneous communication drivers and one Web session each of three types: Thin Client, Secure Viewer and Mobile Access. Field upgrades are available for 64,000 tags, eight drivers and 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 simultaneous Web sessions of each type.See the operator interface catalog for field-installable updates, upgrades, PC and multi-user licenses.Technical support is available free of charge at our toll-free number, 877-ETN-CARE. Y ou will also find trial software and upgrades on the Web at /electrical.Mobile/remote accessEmail data and page interface from cell phones and PDAs.Web solutionAccess to the system from anywhere using a standard Web browser.Client stationsEnhanced security and remote monitoring and control with Visual Designer’s Secure Viewer thin client.Enterprise MRP/ERP , Access, Oracle, SQL Server, FoxPro, PI and many others.Plant floor integrationCommunication to PLCs, robots, drives and other devices on networks such as Ethernet,PROFIBUS T , DeviceNet E , Serial and many others.3EATON Visual DesignerEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2015 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA04803002E / Z16489April 2015Advanced features• Pop-ups and group screens •Full mathematical and logical evaluation •Web browsing and document viewing•Remote access and control without adding software to the remote PC • Database interfacing •Historical alarms and events•Historical data archiving and trending • Recipe management • Multi-language • VB scripting • Report generation • Scheduling• Resolution conversion • Emailing and text messaging •Launch and control of third-party applicationsAdvanceddevelopment features•Conversion of legacyPanelMate T configurations •Optional PanelBuilder E conversion utility •Multi-touch and gesture configuration• Online configuration/editing •Tag integration for RSLogix 5000, CODESYS, and many other tag based PLC platforms• Advanced search and replace •Automatic scaling of Web clients•Customizable application symbols•Reusable controls, images, and screens via indirect tag and/or PLC assignmentsFollow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。

substance design中文版

substance design中文版

substance design中文版
“Substance Designer中文版”通常指的是“Substance Designer 6中文版”,是一款适用于Mac操作系统的3D建模和纹理制作软件,提供了一系列强大的工具和功能,可帮助用户创建高质量的3D模型和纹理,适用于游戏、影视、建筑和产品设计等领域。

使用Substance Designer中文版,用户可以通过简单易用的界面轻松创建各种复杂的3D模型,包括机械、动物、人物等。









一、Visual Studio IntelliCode作为微软官方出品的插件,Visual Studio IntelliCode是一款基于人工智能的代码自动补全和智能感知工具。



二、Go to DefinitionGo to Definition是一款简单而实用的代码跳转插件。



Go to Definition非常直观且易于使用,是众多程序员的首选插件之一。

三、Better JumpingBetter Jumping是一款功能强大的代码跳转插件,它提供了多种多样的跳转选项,包括前往定义、前往引用、前往实现等。


此外,Better Jumping还支持自定义快捷键,方便用户根据个人偏好进行设置。

无论是追踪代码的调用链路还是查看某个方法的实现,Better Jumping都能帮助你快速准确地跳转到代码的相应位置。

四、Code RunnerCode Runner是一款综合性的代码运行和调试插件,同时也提供了代码跳转功能。


在Code Runner中,用户可以通过快捷键或右键菜单选择"Go to Definition",来跳转到所选代码的定义位置。










安装的时候,可以将压缩包中的Veloitey文件夹放到Photohop的Plug-in 里的Panel 文件夹中,或者使用Adobe扩展管理器来安装。

当你使用的时候,在PS的菜单中点击窗口—>扩展—>Veloitey ,便可以打开Veloitey的界面。


新建文档首先,我们需要点击“ [+] New Template”按钮来新建一个空白文档。


添加Header在“ [+] New Template”按钮下方,你可以看到一系列选项卡,其中一个是Header。




Visual Components 4.0 机器人编程教程说明书

Visual Components 4.0 机器人编程教程说明书

© 2017 Visual Components Oy | PAGE 1 OF 6 |VISUAL COMPONENTS [ ROBOT PROGRAMMING ]Teach a Process StatementVisual Components 4.0 | Version: March 27, 2017A Process statement allows a robot to execute a user-defined process. A process is first defined by the script of a Process Handler, which can be written in .NET or Python API. A robot statement implemented as a Process statement is then used to call the handler of that process.In this tutorial you learn how to:▪Use a Python Process Handler behavior to define a process.▪Add, remove and modify process positions.▪Create and execute a Process statement in a robot program.Support ****************************CommunityDefine ProcessA Process Handler is used to define a process that can be executed by a robot.1. Add a robot to the 3D world, for example a Generic Articulated Robot available in theVisual Components Web eCatalog.2. Click the Modeling tab, and then in the Behavior group, click the Behaviors arrow,and then under Misc, click Process Handler. The script editor will open automaticallywhen you add the behavior.3. In the script editor, add the following code to define process positions and a robotcontroller will move to each position.from vcPythonProcessHandler import *def OnStatementAdd(statement):for i in range(5):pos = statement.createPosition("PP")mtx = pos.PositionInWorldmtx.translateAbs(1400,0,1000)mtx.rotateAbsZ(i*90)pos.PositionInWorld = mtxdef OnStatementExecute(executor, statement):for pos in statement.Positions:executor.Controller.moveTo(pos.PositionInWorld)4. In the Component Graph panel, select the Robot Executor behavior of the component,.and then in the Properties panel, set ProcessHandlers to PythonProcessHandler| PAGE 2 OF 6 |DEFINE PROCESSExECUTE PROCESS | PAGE 3 OF 6 |Execute ProcessA Process statement can be added to a robot program and used to call an executable process.1. On the Modeling tab, in the Behavior group, click the Behaviors arrow, and thenunder Misc, click Python Script .2. In the Python Script editor, add the following code to insert a new Process statement in the main routine of the robot, and then compile the code.from vcScript import *comp = getComponent()rx = comp.findBehavioursByType("rRobotExecutor")[0]rx.Program.MainRoutine.addStatement("Process")3. Click the Program tab, and then in the Program Editor panel, select the process statement in the main routine.4. In the Statement Properties panel, set Process to PythonProcessHandler , the oneyou assigned to the robot executor in the previous section. This will add robot positions defined in the process handler script to the statement.5. Run the simulation, verify the robot moves to each position in the process, and thenreset the simulation.Modify ProcessYou can modify a process by editing the script of its process handler. For example, you canrename the positions of a process and remove them from the 3D world.1. Access the PythonProcessHandler script editor, and then modify the OnStatementAddevent to give each position a unique name, and then use the OnStatementRemoveevent to clear process positions from the 3D word, and then compile the code.def OnStatementAdd(statement):for i in range(5):pos = statement.createPosition("PP")#modify name += str(i)mtx = pos.PositionInWorldmtx.translateAbs(1400,0,1000)mtx.rotateAbsZ(i*90)pos.PositionInWorld = mtxgetApplication().render()def OnStatementRemove(statement):for pos in statement.Positions:statement.deletePosition(pos)getApplication().render()NOTE! When adding/removing robot positions, rendering the 3D world is optional.2. Test your modifications by changing the Process property of the robot statement tonull and then to PythonProcessHandler.| PAGE 4 OF 6 |MODIFy PROCESSMODIFy PROCESS | PAGE 5 OF 6 |You can use the OnStatementModified event to create and update position properties. For example, you can add a property to a position to indicate whether or not the position isskipped in its process.3. Access the PythonProcessHandler script editor, and then use the OnStatementModified event to add a Boolean type property named "Skip" to each process position, and then modify the OnStatementExecute event to only move the robot to positions that are not skipped, and then compile the code.def OnStatementModified(statement):for pos in statement.Positions:skip = pos.getProperty("Skip")if not skip:pos.createProperty(VC_BOOLEAN, "Skip")def OnStatementExecute(executor, statement):for pos in statement.Positions:if pos.Skip == False:executor.Controller.moveTo(pos.PositionInWorld)4. In the 3D world, select PP0, and then in the Statement Properties panel, select the Skip check box.5. Run the simulation, verify the robot skips the first position in the process, and thenreset the simulation.ReviewIn this tutorial you learned how to define, execute and modify a process that can be calledby a robot statement. You know how to create a Python Process Handler behavior andassociate it with a Robot Executor behavior. You know how to use the OnStatementAddevent to add positions and other attributes to a process statement. You know how to usethe OnStatementExecute event to define the actions of a robot when executing the processstatement. Finally, you know how to use the OnStatementRemove and OnStatementModifedevents to clean up and modify a process statement and its positions.For more information, see "vcPythonProcessHandler" in the Python API reference guide.| PAGE 6 OF 6 |REVIEw。



菜单部分菜单中英文对照表一、File〈文件〉New—-————-——---—-—————-—-—〈新建> Reset--————--——————---————〈重置〉Open———-———-—-———---——————〈打开〉Save--—————-—————-————--———〈保存> Save As—-——————————-—--———〈保存为〉Save selected——-————-——〈保存选择〉XRef Objects ————--—————<外部引用物体〉XRef Scenes —-——————-—-〈外部引用场景> Merge ———-—--———-————-————<合并〉Merge Animation——————--〈合并动画动作〉Replace——-———-—-——-—-————<替换〉Import--———--———-———--————-〈输入〉Export--—-----———-——-———--—〈输出〉Export Selected—————-———-〈选择输出〉Archive—-——————-——-—-—-——-—<存档〉Summary Info-—-——-—----〈摘要信息〉File Properties—---—----—〈文件属性〉View Image File—-—————-<显示图像文件> History——-————-————---—---—〈历史〉Exit————-—--—-——————————--〈退出〉二、Edit〈菜单〉Undo or Redo—-———-————〈取消/重做〉Hold and fetch-——-—-—-—〈保留/引用〉Delete--——-—-—-—--—---<删除>Clone-———-——--———--—-—---〈克隆〉Select All———-----———————--<全部选择〉Select None———-——-——————〈空出选择> Select Invert----—-———-—--〈反向选择>Select By--———-—--—-—-——-—〈参考选择> Color——-————----———-——-—-〈颜色选择〉Name———-——--—-————-————--〈名字选择〉Rectangular Region————-〈矩形选择〉Circular Region-——-————〈圆形选择>Fabce Region—--———————〈连点选择>Lasso Region---—-—--——〈套索选择> Region:———-—-————-——-————-〈区域选择〉Window-———-—-—--————-——〈包含〉Crossing———-————-—————-——<相交>Named Selection Sets〈命名选择集>Object Properties————-—-—〈物体属性〉三、Tools<工具〉Transform Type—In-—-——-<键盘输入变换〉Display Floater—-—------——<视窗显示浮动对话框〉Selection Floater——--——-—<选择器浮动对话框〉Light Lister———————-—-———-——<灯光列表> Mirror——-——--—————-—--—————-—<镜像物体> Array-—-———-——-——--—---————-—<阵列〉Align————-—-——————---———-—-—〈对齐〉Snapshot———-————-————-————〈快照〉Spacing Tool———-—---—————<间距分布工具〉Normal Align--—-—————-———〈法线对齐>Align Camera--—-——-————-〈相机对齐〉Align to View---—-————-————〈视窗对齐〉Place Highlight-—--——-—-—-<放置高光〉Isolate Selection————————-〈隔离选择〉Rename Objects--—————-——〈物体更名>四、Group〈群组〉Group—-——-——-——————-————-———〈群组> Ungroup—-———-----——————-——〈撤消群组>Open-—-————----————-———--——〈开放组> Close-——-———--——————-—-—-—-—〈关闭组〉Attach---—-—--————-—---—-----<配属〉Detach--—-————---——-——-—---<分离〉Explode-——-—————-——-———--—-〈分散组〉五、Views〈查看>Undo View Change/Redo View change〈取消/重做视窗变化> Save Active View/Restore Active View<保存/还原当前视窗〉Viewport Configuration-——————-——--—-〈视窗配置〉Grids—-—-——-—-—-—-————-—--————-—-————-—<栅格〉Show Home Grid—————-—---——-——-——<显示栅格命令〉Activate Home Grid—-—--——-—---——-〈活跃原始栅格命令〉Activate Grid Object-—-—-——-—-————-<活跃栅格物体命令>Activate Grid to View--—--————————-〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉Viewport Background-——------—-—〈视窗背景〉Update Background Image———-—〈更新背景>Reset Background Transform<重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo-———-—--—〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting-—--————-———-———-———<显示重橡〉Show Key Times———-——————--—-—-—-<显示时间键〉Shade Selected————-———-—---————-—〈选择亮显〉Show Dependencies———-—————--—<显示关联物体〉Match Camera to View——--—-————〈相机与视窗匹配〉Add Default Lights To Scene—〈增加场景缺省灯光〉Redraw All Views—--------————-——〈重画所有视窗>Activate All Maps-———————---———————〈显示所有贴图> Deactivate All Maps—————-——--—---〈关闭显示所有贴图〉Update During Spinner Drag ——〈微调时实时显示〉Adaptive Degradation Toggle-——<绑定适应消隐〉Expert Mode--——-—--——-———-—-—----〈专家模式〉六、Create<创建〉Standard Primitives—————-—---—-——〈标准图元〉Box———-——-————-—----—————--————-————---〈立方体〉Cone—-—--—-———————--—-————-—————--——-<圆锥体〉Sphere-—-————-—--—---—-——————————-——-〈球体〉GeoSphere-——-—--—----———-———————--<三角面片球体〉Cylinder—-—-—-——-—————---—-----———--—〈圆柱体> Tube—-—-——————--————-—--———--—-—--—-—〈管状体〉Torus——--———-——-————---—--——-———--———〈圆环体> Pyramid--—-——-——-—-———--——————--————<角锥体〉Plane-—-———-—---—-—------————-—-—-—-—〈平面〉Teapot—--———————---—————————-—————-——<茶壶〉Extended Primitives——-—---——————〈扩展图元>Hedra——--———--—--—--—---———-—----——-—〈多面体〉Torus Knot——-———-————————-—-—--————<环面纽结体〉Chamfer Box--—-—————--———-—--——--<斜切立方体〉Chamfer Cylinder-————--—---—————〈斜切圆柱体>Oil Tank——-——————-—-—--—---—--———--—〈桶状体〉Capsule——--—-—-———-—————--—————————<角囊体〉Spindle———--—--—-——-———-——-—————————〈纺锤体〉L-Extrusion—-——-———-———--——--——-———〈L形体按钮〉Gengon——-———--————-—-——---—-————-——〈导角棱柱〉C—Extrusion-———-—--—-———-———-—————〈C形体按钮〉RingWave———-—--—-—--———-—--———-—-〈环状波〉Hose---———-——-————-—--————--——-—-——-〈软管体> Prism-——————————-————--——-——--—-————〈三棱柱〉Shapes--———-—-———-—————---————————〈形状>Line---—————--—-———-—————-—---———-——-〈线条〉Text-—-———-——--———-——-—-—-——-——--——-——〈文字〉Arc---——--——--———-—-—--——---——---——--—〈弧〉Circle—--—-——-——--—--—————————-———--—〈圆〉Donut----—-——-———-———-—-———-———-————<圆环〉Ellipse-———--———————-—-—————-——-—--—-〈椭圆> Helix—-———-—-————--———--—--——----—-——<螺旋线〉NGon—-——----————————-—-—----—--————<多边形> Rectangle—--—-—-—-————-—-----—-——-<矩形〉Section——--———————--—————----———————〈截面> Star—-—--——-————-—---————--————-—————〈星型> Lights————---—-————--———————————---—〈灯光〉Target Spotlight----————-——-—-———〈目标聚光灯〉Free Spotlight—-----———-———--—-———〈自由聚光灯>Target Directional Light—--—-——〈目标平行光〉Directional Light——-—-————-————--〈平行光>Omni Light——-——-——-—-———---——-——-<泛光灯>Skylight---—————--——-———————-——————-〈天光〉Target Point Light-——-—--————--—<目标指向点光源>Free Point Light————-——————-——--〈自由点光源>Target Area Light—-——-—-——-—-——〈指向面光源>IES Sky—-———--—-—---—--—-———-—-—-—<IES天光>IES Sun-——-—--————--——————-—-————〈IES阳光〉SuNLIGHT System and Daylight〈太阳光及日光系统〉Camera--—-—------—-——-————-————-〈相机〉Free Camera————--———-—--———---〈自由相机〉Target Camera—-—-———-———--——-<目标相机〉Particles——--————-———--———-———--—-<粒子系统> Blizzard————-—-——----—————————---—<暴风雪系统〉PArray--—--—-——-—-——-—--—-----—--—〈粒子阵列系统〉PCloud——--———-—-—-—-——---——-——-——〈粒子云系统〉Snow————-—--——-—————-——————--———--〈雪花系统〉Spray——-—--—-————————--——--———-—-—〈喷溅系统〉Super Spray--———-—---—---——————<超级喷射系统〉词汇中英文对照Absolute Mode Transform Type—in绝对坐标方式变换输入Absolute/Relative Snap Toggle Mode绝对/相对捕捉开关模式ACIS Options ACIS选项Activate活动;激活Activate All Maps激活所有贴图Activate Grid激活栅格;激活网格Activate Grid Object激活网格对象;激活网格物体Activate Home Grid激活主栅格;激活主网格ActiveShade实时渲染视图;着色;自动着色ActiveShade(Scanline)着色(扫描线)ActiveShade Floater自动着色面板;交互渲染浮动窗口ActiveShade Viewport自动着色视图Adaptive适配;自动适配;自适应Adaptive Cubic立方适配Adaptive Degradation自动降级Adaptive Degradation Toggle降级显示开关Adaptive Linear线性适配Adaptive Path自适应路径Adaptive Path Steps适配路径步幅;路径步幅自动适配Adaptive Perspective Grid Toggle适配透视网格开关Add as Proxy加为替身Add Cross Section增加交叉选择Adopt the File's Unit Scale采用文件单位尺度Advanced Surface Approx高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Advanced Surface Approximation高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Adv。

演练在 Visual Web Developer 中创建和使用 ASPNET 母版页

演练在 Visual Web Developer 中创建和使用 ASPNET 母版页

中国- 简体中文欢迎您登录开发中心MSDN 主页 开发中心主页技术资源库学习下载支持社区可打印版本添加到收藏夹提交添加内容…请单击以进行评分并提供反馈∙MSDN Library∙Design Tools∙开发工具和语言∙Visual Studio 2008∙Visual Studio 2005∙Visual Studio 文档∙Visual Studio 简介∙Visual Studio 集成开发环境∙确定要使用的技术和工具∙基于Windows 的应用程序、组件和服务∙Visual Studio 中的 .NET Framework 编程∙Visual Basic∙Visual C#∙Visual C++∙Visual J#∙JScript∙Visual Web Developer 文档∙欢迎使用∙指导教程∙网站∙网页∙ 网页介绍∙网页设计器∙ 网页编程∙使用客户端脚本进行 网页编程∙母版页∙ 母版页概述∙演练:在Visual WebDeveloper 中创建和使用 母版页∙在Visual WebDeveloper 设计器中编辑母版页∙嵌套的 母版页∙在Visual Studio 中共享母版页∙以编程方式使用母版页∙主题∙Web 部件∙保存 页的值∙缓存∙Web 服务器控件∙数据访问∙网站安全∙调试和疑难解答∙自定义网站∙管理网站∙XML Web services∙从Visual Studio .NET 2002 或2003进行转换∙移动设备∙ 编程∙ 配置管理∙Visual Web Developer 设置∙Visual Web Developer 用户界面元素∙Visual Studio Tools for Office∙智能设备开发∙工具和功能∙词汇表(.NET Framework)∙Visual SourceSafe∙Visual Studio Team System 文档∙Visual Studio .NET∙.NET 开发∙Office Development∙Silverlight∙SQL Server∙Synchronization∙Windows Live∙Windows SharePoint Services 3.0∙技术文章MSDNMSDN Library∙开发工具和语言Visual Studio 2005Visual Studio 文档Visual Web Developer 文档网页母版页演练:在Visual Web Developer 中创建和使用AS...全部折叠语言筛选器: 全部此页面仅适用于Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/.NET Framework 2.0同时提供下列产品的其他版本:∙Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/.NET Framework 3.5 Visual Web Developer演练:在Visual Web Developer 中创建和使用 母版页本演练阐释如何创建一个母版页和几个内容页。




在众多的代码编辑器中,VSCode 因其强大的功能和丰富的扩展而备受青睐,而选择一个适合自己的主题更是能让编程过程变得更加愉悦。

接下来,我将为大家推荐几款非常实用的 VSCode 主题。

One Dark ProOne Dark Pro 可以说是 VSCode 主题中的经典之作。




Material ThemeMaterial Theme 以其简洁和现代的风格受到许多开发者的喜爱。

它的配色灵感来源于 Google 的 Material Design 设计语言,给人一种清新、直观的感觉。

这个主题对于不同的文件类型,如 JavaScript、Python、HTML 等,都有精心设计的颜色方案,让你在切换不同语言的开发时,都能保持良好的视觉体验。

而且,它还提供了多种变体,如 MaterialTheme Darker 和 Material Theme Lighter,以满足不同用户对于亮度的需求。

Monokai ProMonokai Pro 是一款极具特色的主题。



特别是对于一些复杂的逻辑和嵌套结构,Monokai Pro 能够帮助你更加清晰地理解代码的层次。


Solarized Light如果您不太喜欢深色主题,那么 Solarized Light 可能是一个不错的选择。

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