chapter 6-Intermolecular Forces-2012,4,10
相似相溶原理的英文The Principle of Similarity and SolubilityThe concept of similarity and solubility is a fundamental principle in various scientific disciplines, particularly in chemistry and physics. This principle, also known as the "like dissolves like" principle, suggests that substances with similar chemical or physical properties tend to be soluble in one another. This principle has far-reaching implications in understanding the behavior of materials, the formation of solutions, and the design of effective separation and purification techniques.At the core of the principle of similarity and solubility is the idea that the interactions between molecules or particles are governed by the intermolecular forces that exist between them. These intermolecular forces, which include van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding, and dipole-dipole interactions, play a crucial role in determining the solubility of a substance in a given solvent. When the intermolecular forces between the solute and the solvent are strong, the solute will readily dissolve in the solvent, resulting in a homogeneous solution.One of the most widely recognized examples of the principle ofsimilarity and solubility is the solubility of polar and nonpolar substances. Polar substances, such as water, tend to be soluble in other polar solvents, like alcohols or ammonia, due to the strong dipole-dipole interactions between the molecules. Conversely, nonpolar substances, such as oils and fats, are typically insoluble in polar solvents but readily dissolve in other nonpolar solvents, such as hydrocarbons or carbon tetrachloride, where the intermolecular forces are more compatible.The principle of similarity and solubility also extends to the behavior of ionic compounds, where the solubility is determined by the strength of the ionic bonds and the interactions between the ions and the solvent molecules. Ionic compounds with high lattice energies, such as sodium chloride (table salt), are generally less soluble in water compared to ionic compounds with lower lattice energies, such as potassium nitrate.The understanding of the principle of similarity and solubility has led to the development of various separation and purification techniques in chemistry and related fields. For example, the process of recrystallization, which is commonly used to purify organic compounds, relies on the principle of similarity and solubility. In this process, the impure compound is dissolved in a suitable solvent, and the solution is then slowly cooled or evaporated, allowing the pure compound to crystallize out while leaving the impurities behind.Another application of the principle of similarity and solubility is in the design of effective solvents for various industrial and research applications. The selection of an appropriate solvent is crucial in processes such as extraction, reaction, and cleaning, as the solvent must be able to effectively dissolve the target compounds while leaving the unwanted substances behind.Furthermore, the principle of similarity and solubility has implications in the field of biological systems, where the solubility and transport of various biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, are crucial for the proper functioning of living organisms. The ability of these biomolecules to interact with and dissolve in the aqueous environment of the body is essential for their participation in various metabolic and physiological processes.In conclusion, the principle of similarity and solubility is a fundamental concept that underpins our understanding of the behavior of materials and the design of effective separation and purification techniques. By recognizing the importance of intermolecular forces and the compatibility between solutes and solvents, scientists and engineers can harness this principle to develop innovative solutions to a wide range of practical problems in chemistry, physics, and beyond.。
The shift of electron density in a covalent bond toward the more electronegative atom or group can be observed in several ways. For bonds to hydrogen, acidity is one criterion. If the bonding electron pair moves away from the hydrogen nucleus the proton will be more easily transfered to a base (it will be more acidic). Methane is almost non-acidic, since the C–H bond is nearly non-polar. The O–H bond of water is polar, and it is at least 25 powers of ten more acidic than methane. H–F is over 12 powers of ten more acidic than water as a consequence of the greater electronegativity difference in its atoms. Electronegativity differences may be transmitted through connecting covalent bonds by an inductive effect. This inductive transfer of polarity tapers off as the number of transmitting bonds increases, and the presence of more than one highly electronegative atom has a cumulative effect. For example, trifluoro ethanol, CF3CH2– O–H is about ten thousand times more acidic than ethanol, CH3CH2–O–H.
墨水中胶体界面的工作原理及其作用机制详解示例1:English:The working principle of the colloidal interface in ink involves the interaction between the ink particles and the surface tension of the substrate. When ink is applied to a surface, the colloidal particles disperse and adhere to the substrate due to the intermolecular forces. This creates a strong bond between the ink and the substrate, allowing the ink to form a smooth and uniform layer.The colloidal interface also plays a crucial role in controlling the spreading and absorption of ink on different types of surfaces. By adjusting the composition and properties of the ink, manufacturers can modulate the colloidal interface to achieve specific printing effects, such as enhanced color vibrancy or improved water resistance.Overall, understanding the working principles of the colloidal interface in ink is essential for optimizing the performance and quality of printing processes.中文:墨水中胶体界面的工作原理涉及墨水颗粒与基材表面张力的相互作用。
图书在版编目(CIP)数据应用地球化学元素丰度数据手册/迟清华,鄢明才编著. -北京:地质出版社,2007.12ISBN 978-7-116-05536-0Ⅰ. 应… Ⅱ. ①迟…②鄢…Ⅲ. 地球化学丰度-化学元素-数据-手册Ⅳ. P595-62中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2007)第185917号责任编辑:王永奉陈军中责任校对:李玫出版发行:地质出版社社址邮编:北京市海淀区学院路31号,100083电话:(010)82324508(邮购部)网址:电子邮箱:zbs@传真:(010)82310759印刷:北京地大彩印厂开本:889mm×1194mm 1/16印张:10.25字数:260千字印数:1-3000册版次:2007年12月北京第1版•第1次印刷定价:28.00元书号:ISBN 978-7-116-05536-0(如对本书有建议或意见,敬请致电本社;如本社有印装问题,本社负责调换)2关于应用地球化学元素丰度数据手册(代序)地球化学元素丰度数据,即地壳五个圈内多种元素在各种介质、各种尺度内含量的统计数据。
金属晶体、离子晶体、分子晶体、共价晶体的熔点比大小The melting points of different types of crystals, such as metal, ionic, molecular, and covalent crystals, can vary widely due to the differences in their chemical bonding and structure.Metal crystals generally have high melting points. This is because metallic bonding involves a "sea of electrons" that hold the metal ions together. The strong electrostatic attraction between the positive metal ions and the delocalized electrons leads to a high melting point. Additionally, metals often have closely packed structures that contribute to their strength and stability, further increasing their melting points.金属晶体通常具有较高的熔点。
Ionic crystals also tend to have high melting points. Ionic bonding involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of cations (positively charged) and anions (negatively charged). The strong electrostatic attractions between oppositely charged ions contribute to the stability of ionic crystals and result in high melting points.离子晶体也往往具有较高的熔点。
The following table illustrates some of the factors that influence the strength of intermolecular attractions. The formula of each entry is followed by its formula weight in parentheses and the boiling point in degrees Celsius.
Molecular shape is also important, as the second group of compounds illustrate. The upper row consists of roughly spherical molecules, whereas the isomers in the lower row have cylindrical or linear shaped molecules. The attractive forces between the latter group are generally greater.
Chapter 2 Intermolecular Forces
2-1 van der Waals attraction 2-2 Boiling & Melting Points 2-3 Hydrogen Bonding 2-4 Properties of Crystalline Solids 2-5 Water Solubility
The molecule is the smallest observable group of uniquely bonded atoms that represent the composition, configuration and characteristics of a pure compound. Since all observable samples of compounds and mixtures contain a very large number of molecules, we must also concern ourselves with interactions between molecules, as well as with their individual structures.
化学A-level备考教学计划(schedule format)
西乡中学国际部2013—2014学年度第二学期A-LEVEL备考教学计划(TeachingSchedule)课程负责人(Course Leader):Joyce 授课教师(Teachers):Gina授课班级(Class):课程名称(Course):Chemistry A Level采用教材及资料(Teaching Material):Cambridge Chemistry AS Level and A Level学期总课时(Periods of Lessons):54 节;其中:理论授课(Theory) 36 节;实践教学含词汇检测Practice(次)节;练习课Exercise 15 节;测验考试含周测模考、月考、期中期末考Test( 3 次)节;机动安排(Flexible Arrangement) 3 节;备注:1、以周为单位填写授课授课形式、授课内容、实践教学内容、作业配备等。
教研组长Team Leader(签名):教学主管Teaching Director(签章):西乡中学国际部2014 年04月06 日周次(Week)周学时(Hours)讲课内容、课时 (Content&Page)(写明章节、题目名称及页码)授课重难点及目标(Focus&Objective)讨论、习题、见习、实习、测试、考试(Exercise&Test)备注(Remarks)第 8 周 4自习天气原因测试Chapter1 Atomic structure(1)1.recognise and describle protons, neutrons andelectrons in terms of their relative charges andrelative masses;2.describle the contribution of protons andneutrons to atomic nuclei in terms of atomicnumber and mass number;3.deduce the number of protons, neutrons andelectrons present in both atoms and ions fromgiven atomic and mass number;4.describe the behavior of protons, neutrons andelectrons in electric field.Chapter1 Atomic structure(2)1.explain the terms first ioniation energy andsuccessive ionisation energies of an element interms of 1mol of gaseous atoms or ions;2.explain that ionisation energies are influencedby nuclear charge, atomic radius and electronshielding;3.predict the number of electrons in eachprincipal quantum shell of an element from itssuccessive ionisation energies;4. describe the shapes of s and p orbitals第 9 周 3 Chapter1 Atomic structure(3)1.describe the numbers and relative energies ofthe s, p and d orbitals for the principal quantumnumbers 1,2,3 and also the 4s and 4p orbitals.2.deduce the electronic configurations of atomsup to Z=36 and ions, given the atomic numberand charge, limited to s and p blocks up to Z=36习题课The key point of chapter 1Chapter2 Atoms, molecules andstoichiometry(1)1.define the terms relative atomic mass, relativeisotopic mass, ect, based on the 12C scale2.describe the basic principles f the massspectrometer3.intepret mass spectra in terms of isotopicabundnces4.calcuate the relative atomic mass of an elementgiven the relative abundances of its isotopes, orits mass spectrum5.define the mole in terms of Avgadro’s constantand molar mass as the mass of 1 mole of a substance第 10 周 3 Chapter2 Atoms, molecules andstoichiometry(2)1define the terms empirical formula andmolecular formula2.calcuate empirical formula and molecularformula, using composition by mass3.construct balanced chemical equations4.perform calculations involving reacting masses,volumes of gases and volumes andconcentrations of solutions in simple acid-basetitrations, and use those calculations to deducesstoichiometric relationships期中考试习题课The key point of chapter 2Chapter3 Chemical bonding andstructure(1)1.describe ionic bonding as the electrostaticattraction between two oppositely charged ions,including the use of dot-and-cross diagrams2.describe, in simple terms, the lattice structureof sodium chloride3.describe a covalent bond as a pair of electronsshared between two atoms4.describe, including the use of dot-and-crossdiagrams, covalent bonding and dative covalent(coordinate) bonding5.appreciate that, between the extremes of ionicand covalent bonding, there is a gradualtransition from one extreme to the other6.describe electronegativity as the ability of anatom to attract the bonding electrons in acovalent bond第 11 周 4Chapter3 Chemical bondingand structure(2)1.explain and predict the shapes of, and bondangles in, molecules and ions by using thequalitative model of 2.electron-pair repulsion upto 4 electrons pairs3.describe metallic bonding, present in a giantmetallic lattice structure, as the attraction of alattice of positive ions to sea of mobile electrons4.describe intermolecular force, based oninstantaneous and permanent dipoles5.describe, in simple terms, the giant molecularstructures of graphite and diamondChapter3 Chemical bonding andstructure(3)1.describe hydrogen bonding between moleculescontaining –OH and -NH groups, typified bywater and ammonia2.describe and explain the anomalous propertiesof water resulting from hydrogen bonding3.describe, interpret or predict physicalproperties in terms of the types, motion andarrangement of particles between them, anddifferent types of bonding4.deduce the type of bonding present in asubstance, given suitable information习题课The key point of chapter 3Chapter4 States of matter(1)1.describe, using a kinetic-molecular model, the solid, liquid and gaseous states, melting, vaporization and vapour pressure2.state the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory as applied to an ideal gas3.explain qualitatively, in terms of intermolecular forces and molecular size第 12 周 3 Chapter4 States of matter(2)1.state and use the ideal gas equation PV=nRT incalculations, including the determination of therelative molecular mass of a volatile liquid2.describe in simple terms lattice structures ofcrystalline solids which are ionic, simplemolecular, giant molecular, hydrogen-bonded ormetallic3.outline the importance of hydrogen bonding tothe physical properties of substancesChapter4 States of matter(3)1.describe and interpret the uses of aluminium,copper and their alloys in terms of their physicalproperties2.understand that materials are a finite resourceand that recycling processes are important3.suggest from quoted physical data the type ofstructure and bonding present in a substance 习题课The key point of chapter 4第 13 周 4 Chapter5 Chemical energies(1)1.explain that some chemical reactions areaccompanied by enthalpy changes, principally inthe form of heat energy. The enthalpy changescan be exothermic or endothermic2.recognize the importance of oxidation as anexothermic process3.recognize that endothermic processes requirean input of heat energyChapter5 Chemical energies(2)1.construct a simple enthalpy profile diagram fora reaction to show the difference in enthalpy ofthe reactants compared with that of the products2.explain chemical reactions in terms of enthalpychanges associated with the breaking and makingof chemical bonds3.explain and use the terms enthalpy change ofreaction, standard conditions and bond enthalpyChapter5 Chemical energies(3)1.calculate enthalpy changes from appropriate experimental results, including the use of the relationshipe Hess’s law to construct enthalpy cycles and carry out calculations using such cycles and relevant enthalpy terms习题课The key point of chapter 5第 14 周 4 Chapter6 Electrochemistry1.describe and explain redox processes in termsof electron transfer an of changes in oxidationstate2.explain, including the electrode reactions, theindustrial processes of the electrolysis of brine,using a diaphragm cell,ectChapter7 Equilibria(1)1.explain the features of a dynamic equilibrium2.state Le Chatelier’s principle and apply it todeduce qualitatively the effect of a change intemperature, concentration or pressure on ahomogeneous system in equilibriumChapter7 Equilibria(2)1.deduce, for homogeneous reactions,expressions for the equilibrium constants K C, interms of concentrations, and K P, in terms ofpartial pressures2.calculate the values of the equilibriumconstants K C or K P including determination ofunits, given appropriate data3.calculate a concentration or partial pressurepresent at equilibrium, given appropriate data Chapter7 Equilibria(3)1.describe and explain the conditions used in theHaber process and the Contact process asexamples of the importance of a compromisebetween chemical equilibrium and reaction ratein the chemical industry2.describe and use the Bronsted-Lowry theory ofacids and bases, to include conjugate acid-basepairs3.explain qualitatively, in terms of dissociation,the differences between strong and weak acidsand between strong and weak bases in terms ofthe extent of dissociation习题课The key point of chapter 71.describe qualitatively, in terms of collisiontheory, the effect of concentration changes on therate of a reaction2.explain why an increase in the pressure of agas, increasing its concentration, may increase第 15 周 4 Chapter8 Reaction kinetics(1)the rate of a reaction involving gases3.explain qualitatively, using the Boltzmanndistribution and enthalpy profile diagrams, whatis meant by the term activation energy4.describe qualitatively, using the Boltzmanndistribution and enthalpy profile diagrams, theeffect of temperature changes on the rate of areactionChapter8 Reaction kinetics(2)1.explain what is meant by a catalyst2.explain that, in the presence of a catalyst, areaction proceeds via a different route3.interpret catalytic behavior in terms of theBoltzmann distribution and enthalpy profilediagrams4.describe enzymes as biological catalysts whichmay have specific activity习题课The key point of chapter 8第 16 周 4 Chapter9 Chemical periodicity(1)1.describe the Periodic Table I terms of thearrangement of elements by increasing atomicnumber, in Periods showing repeating physicaland chemical properties2.classify the elements into s, p and d blocks3.describe qualitatively the variations in atomicradius, ionic radius, melting point in electricalconductivity of the elements4.explain qualitatively the variation in atomicradius and ionic radius5.interpret the variation in melting point and inelectrical conductivity in terms of the presence ofsimple molecular, giant molecular or metallicbonding in the elementsChapter9 Chemical periodicity(2)1.explain the variation in the first ionizationenergy2.describe the reactions, if any, of the elementswith oxygen, with chlorine and with water3.state and explain the variation in oxidationnumber of the oxides and chlorides4.describe the reactions of the oxides with water5.describe and explain the acid-base behavior ofoxides and hydroxides6.describe and explain the reactions of thechlorides with water1.suggest the types of chemical bonding presentin chlorides and oxides from observations oftheir chemical and physical properties2.predict the characteristic properties of anChapter9 Chemical periodicity(3)element in a given Group by using knowledge ofchemical periodicity3.deduce the nature, possible position in thePeriodic Table, and identity of unknown elementsfrom given information of physical and chemicalproperties习题课The key point of chapter 9第 17 周 2 Chapter10 Group II(1)1.describe and explain the trends in electronicconfigurations, atomic radii and ionizationenergies of the Group II elements2.interpret and make predictions from thechemical and physical properties of the Group IIelements and their awareness of the importance and use ofGroup II elements and their compounds, withappropriate chemical explanations4.describe oxidation and reduction in terms ofelectron transfer and changes in oxidation state端午+高考Chapter10 Group II(2)1. describe the redox reactions of the elementsMg to Ba with oxygen and water and explain thetrend in reactivity in terms of ionization energies2.describe the reactions of Mg, MgO and MgCO3with hydrochloric acid3.describe the behavior of Group II oxides withwater4.describe the thermal decomposition of thenitrates and carbonate of Group II elements第18周 4Chapter10 Group II(3)1.describe the thermal decomposition of CaCO3to form CaO and the subsequent formation ofCa(OH)2 with water2.describe lime water as an aqueous solution ofCa(OH)2 and state its approximate pH3.describe the reaction of lime water with carbondioxide forming CaCO3, and with excess carbondioxide, forming Ca(HCO3)2, as in hard water 习题课The key point of chapter 10Chapter12 Group VII(1)1.explain trend in the volatilities of chlorine,bromine and iodine in terms of van der Waals’forces2.describe the relative reactivity of the elementsCl2, Br2and I2in displacement reactions and3.explain this trend in terms of oxidizing powderdescribe and explain the reactions of theelements with hydrogen4.describe and explain the relative thermalstabilities of the hydrides and interpret these interms of bond enthalpiesChapter12 Group VII(2)1.describe the characteristic reactions of the Cl-, Br- and I-with aqueous silver ions followed by aqueous ammonia2.describe and explain the reactions of halide ions with concentrated sulphuric acid3.describe and interpret, in terms of changes in oxidation state, the reactions of chlorine with cold, dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide to form bleach and with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide4.explain the use of chlorine in water purification recognize the industrial importance and environmental significance of the halogens and their compounds第 19 周 4习题课The key point of chapter 12Chapter14 Nitrogen and sulphur(1)1.explain the lack of reactivity o f nitrogen2.describe the displacement of ammonia from itssalts3.outline the industrial importance of ammoniaand of nitrogen compounds derived fromammonia4.explain the environmental consequences of theuncontrolled5.explain why atmosphere oxides of nitrogen repollutants, including their use in the oxidation ofatmospheric sulphur dioxideChapter14 Nitrogen and sulphur(2)1.describe the formation of atmospheric sulphurdioxide from the combustion of sulphurcontaminated carbonaceous fuels2.describe the role of sulphur dioxide in theformation of acid rain and the environmentalconsequences of acid rain3.describe the main detail of the Contact processand outline the industrial importance of sulphuricacid4.describe the use of sulphur dioxide in foodpreservation习题课The key point of chapter 14Chapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(1)1.interpret and use the terms nomenclature,molecular formula, general formula, structuralformula, displaced formula, skeletal formula,homologous series and functional groupe IUPAC rules for naming organiccompounds1.perform calculation, involving use of the moleconcept and reacting quantities, to determine the第 20 周 4 Chapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(2)percentage yield of a reaction2.describe and explain structural isomerism incompounds with the same molecular formula butdifferent structural formulaeChapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(3)1.interpret and use the term stereoisomerism interms of cis-trans and optical isomerism2.describe and explain cis-trans isomerism inalkenes, in terms of restricted rotation about adouble bond3.determine the possible structural and cis-transisomers of an organic molecule of givenmolecular formulaChapter15 Introduction to organicchemistry(4)1.explain the term chiral centre and identify anychiral centres in a molecule of given structuralformula2.understand that chiral molecules preparedsynthetically in the laboratory may contain amixture of optical isomers, whereas molecules ofthe same compound produced naturally in livingsystems will often be present as one opticalisomer only第 21 周 4习题课The key point of chapter 15根据实际情况安排实验课机动安排第22周 3 复习课Chapter 1—chapter 5期末考试复习课Chapter 6—chapter 9复习课Chapter 10—chapter 15。
Van der Waals forces(范德瓦尔斯力)
VAN DER WAALS FORCESINTERMOLECULAR BONDINGWhat are intermolecular attractions?Intermolecular versus intramolecular bondsIntermolecular attractions are attractions between one molecule and a neighbouring molecule. The forces of attraction which hold an individual molecule together (for example, the covalent bonds) are known as intramolecular attractions. These two words are so confusingly similar that it is safer to abandon one of them and never use it. The term "intramolecular" won't be used again on this site.All molecules experience intermolecular attractions, although in some cases those attractions are very weak. Even in a gas like hydrogen, H2, if you slow the molecules down by cooling the gas, the attractions are large enough for the molecules to stick together eventually to form a liquid and then a solid.In hydrogen's case the attractions are so weak that the molecules have to be cooled to 21 K (-252°C) before the attractions are enough to condense the hydrogen as a liquid. Helium's intermolecular attractions are even weaker - the molecules won't stick together to form a liquid until the temperature drops to 4 K (-269°C).van der Waals forces: dispersion forcesDispersion forces (one of the two types of van der Waals force we are dealing with on this page) are also known as "London forces" (named after Fritz London who first suggested how they might arise).The origin of van der Waals dispersion forcesTemporary fluctuating dipolesAttractions are electrical in nature. In a symmetrical molecule like hydrogen, however, there doesn't seem to be any electrical distortion to produce positive or negative parts. But that's only true on average.The lozenge-shaped diagram represents a small symmetrical molecule - H2, perhaps, or Br2. The even shading shows that on average there is no electrical distortion.But the electrons are mobile, and at any one instant they might find themselves towards one end of the molecule, making that end -. The other end will be temporarily short of electrons and so becomes +.An instant later the electrons may well have moved up to the other end, reversing the polarity of the molecule.This constant "sloshing around" of the electrons in the molecule causes rapidly fluctuating dipoles even in the most symmetrical molecule. It even happens in monatomic molecules - molecules of noble gases, like helium, which consist of a single atom.If both the helium electrons happen to be on one side of the atom at the same time, the nucleus is no longer properly covered by electrons for that instant.How temporary dipoles give rise to intermolecular attractionsI'm going to use the same lozenge-shaped diagram now to represent any molecule which could, in fact, be a much more complicated shape. Shape does matter (see below), but keeping the shape simple makes it a lot easier to both draw the diagrams and understand what is going on.Imagine a molecule which has a temporary polarity being approached by one which happens to be entirely non-polar just at that moment. (A pretty unlikely event, but it makes the diagrams much easier to draw! In reality, one of the molecules is likely to have a greater polarity than the other at that time - and so will be the dominant one.)As the right hand molecule approaches, its electrons will tend to be attracted by the slightly positive end of the left hand one.This sets up an induced dipole in the approaching molecule, which is orientated in such a way that the + end of one is attracted to the - end of the other.An instant later the electrons in the left hand molecule may well have moved up the other end. In doing so, they will repel the electrons in the right hand one.The polarity of both molecules reverses, but you still have + attracting -. As long as the molecules stay close to each other the polarities will continue to fluctuate in synchronisation so that the attraction is always maintained.There is no reason why this has to be restricted to two molecules. As long as the molecules are close together this synchronised movement of the electrons can occur over huge numbers of molecules.This diagram shows how a whole lattice of molecules could be held together in a solid using van der Waals dispersion forces. An instant later, of course, you would have to draw a quite different arrangement of the distribution of the electrons as they shifted around - but always in synchronisation.The strength of dispersion forcesDispersion forces between molecules are much weaker than the covalent bonds within molecules. It isn't possible to give any exact value, because thesize of the attraction varies considerably with the size of the molecule and its shape.How molecular size affects the strength of the dispersion forcesThe boiling points of the noble gases arehelium-269°Cneon-246°Cargon-186°Ckrypton-152°Cxenon-108°Cradon-62°CAll of these elements have monatomic molecules.The reason that the boiling points increase as you go down the group is that the number of electrons increases, and so also does the radius of the atom. The more electrons you have, and the more distance over which they can move, the bigger the possible temporary dipoles and therefore the bigger the dispersion forces.Because of the greater temporary dipoles, xenon molecules are "stickier" than neon molecules. Neon molecules will break away from each other at much lower temperatures than xenon molecules - hence neon has the lower boiling point.This is the reason that (all other things being equal) bigger molecules have higher boiling points than small ones. Bigger molecules have more electrons and more distance over which temporary dipoles can develop - and so the bigger molecules are "stickier".How molecular shape affects the strength of the dispersion forcesThe shapes of the molecules also matter. Long thin molecules can develop bigger temporary dipoles due to electron movement than short fat ones containing the same numbers of electrons.Long thin molecules can also lie closer together - these attractions are at their most effective if the molecules are really close.For example, the hydrocarbon molecules butane and 2-methylpropane both have a molecular formula C4H10, but the atoms are arranged differently. In butane the carbon atoms are arranged in a single chain, but 2-methylpropane is a shorter chain with a branch.Butane has a higher boiling point because the dispersion forces are greater. The molecules are longer (and so set up bigger temporary dipoles) and can lie closer together than the shorter, fatter 2-methylpropane molecules.van der Waals forces: dipole-dipole interactionsA molecule like HCl has a permanent dipole because chlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen. These permanent, in-built dipoles will cause the molecules to attract each other rather more than they otherwise would if they had to rely only on dispersion forces.It's important to realise that all molecules experience dispersion forces. Dipole-dipole interactions are not an alternative to dispersion forces - they occur in addition to them. Molecules which have permanent dipoles will therefore have boiling points rather higher than molecules which only have temporary fluctuating dipoles.Surprisingly dipole-dipole attractions are fairly minor compared with dispersion forces, and their effect can only really be seen if you compare two molecules with the same number of electrons and the same size. For example, the boiling points of ethane, CH3CH3, and fluoromethane, CH3F, areWhy choose these two molecules to compare? Both have identical numbers of electrons, and if you made models you would find that the sizes were similar - as you can see in the diagrams. That means that the dispersion forces in both molecules should be much the same.The higher boiling point of fluoromethane is due to the large permanent dipole on the molecule because of the high electronegativity of fluorine. However, even given the large permanent polarity of the molecule, the boiling point has only been increased by some 10°.Here is another example showing the dominance of the dispersion forces. Trichloromethane, CHCl3, is a highly polar molecule because of the electronegativity of the three chlorines. There will be quite strong dipole-dipole attractions between one molecule and its neighbours.On the other hand, tetrachloromethane, CCl4, is non-polar. The outside of the molecule is uniformly - in all directions. CCl 4 has to rely only on dispersion forces.So which has the highest boiling point? CCl4 does, because it is a bigger molecule with more electrons. The increase in the dispersion forces more than compensates for the loss of dipole-dipole interactions.The boiling points are:CHCl361.2°CCCl476.8°C。
1. 《物理化学》(Physical Chemistry)by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula:这是一本物理化学的经典教材,其中涵盖了表面张力等与液体性质相关的内容。
2. 《Colloid and Interface Science》by Robert J. Hunter:这本书着眼于胶体和界面科学,其中表面张力是一个重要的主题。
3. 《Intermolecular and Surface Forces》by Jacob N. Israelachvili:该书深入研究了分子间和表面力的各个方面,涵盖了表面张力的理论和实验方面的内容。
4. 科学论文:一些科学期刊经常发布有关表面张力的最新研究论文,如《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《Langmuir》等。
5. 《Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis》by Gabor A. Somorjai:这本书涵盖了表面化学和催化领域的基本概念,包括表面张力和与其相关的表面现象。
6. 学术手册:一些学术手册或参考书籍,如《Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry》等,通常包含有关表面张力的详细信息。
分子间作用力(Intermolecular force)Intermolecular forceHelp edit an encyclopediaIntermolecular forceThe intermolecular force, also known as the Fan Dehua force, is, in essence, an electrical attraction, so the origin of the intermolecular force is investigated by studying the electrical and molecular structures of the molecules of matter.See the wonderful AtlasCatalogClassification of intermolecular forcesDistance philosophy from Fan Dehua's forceRelationship with hydrogen bondsFactors affecting intermolecular forceSize and physical propertiesOpenClassification of intermolecular forcesDistance philosophy from Fan Dehua's forceRelationship with hydrogen bondsFactors affecting intermolecular forceSize and physical propertiesOpenEdit this paragraphClassification of intermolecular forcesIntermolecular force refers to the force acting between molecules and molecules or functional groups of molecules within polymers, referred to as intermolecular forces. It mainly consists of:Fan Dehua force: originally proposed in order to correct the Fan Dehua equation. Ubiquitous in solids, liquids, gases, any particles, and inversely proportional to the distance between the six. According to different sources can be divided into: the dispersion force (en:London dispersion force): the electrical attraction between the instantaneous dipole orientation; force (dipole-dipole force): electric dipole attraction between the electrically induced force; induced dipole and dipole attraction between hydrogen bonds: X-H... Y type of force. In addition, novel intermolecular forces have also been reported, including double hydrogen bonds and gold bonds.Definition: Fan Dehua force (also called molecular force) arises from electrostatic interaction between molecules or atoms. The empirical equation for calculation of energy: U =B/r 12- A/r (6 to 2 carbon atoms, the parameter values for B =11.5 * 10-6 kJnm^12/mol * 10-3; A=5.96 kJnm^6/mol; A B, different atoms have different values) when the two atoms are close to each other near the electronic cloud overlap, has strong rejection, rejection force and distance is inversely proportional to the square of 12 times. The low point in the figure is the distance Fan Dehua forces maintain and the maximum force is called the Fan Dehua radius.Vander Ed Ley can be divided into three kinds of forces: induction force, dispersion force and orientation force.Dispersion forceAtomic interior model of particlesDispersion force, also known as the force of London, all molecules or atoms exist. Is the force between the instantaneous dipole, that is due to the movement of electrons, the instant electronic position is the asymmetry of atomic nuclei, i.e. positive charge center and negative charge center instantaneous do not overlap, resulting in instantaneous dipole. The dispersion force and the deformation of the interacting molecules are related. The larger the deformation (the greater the general molecular weight, the greater the deformability), the greater the dispersion force. The dispersion force is related to the ionization potential of the interacting molecules. The lower the ionization potential ofthe molecule (the more electrons there are in the molecule), the greater the dispersion force. The interaction of the dispersion force varies with 1/r6. Its formula is:I1 and I2 are the ionization energies of two interacting molecules, respectively. Alpha 1 and alpha 2 are their polarizability.Inductive forceInductive force (induction, force) has an inductive force between polar molecules and nonpolar molecules, and between polar molecules and polar molecules. Due to the polar molecular dipole generated by the electric field on the non-polar molecules, the nonpolar molecule electron cloud deformation (i.e. the electron cloud is attracted to the polar molecular dipole positive pole), the non polar molecules and electron cloud nuclei occur relative displacement, have non positive and negative focus in charge of polar molecules is coincidence, the relative displacement will no longer coincide, the non-polar molecules produced a dipole. The relative displacement of the charge center is called deformation. The dipole produced by deformation is called the induced dipole, which is distinguished from the intrinsic dipole in the polar molecule. The induced dipole and the intrinsic dipole attract each other, and the force induced by the dipole is called the induced force. In polar molecules and polar molecules, in addition to the orientational force, each molecule deforms and induces an induced dipole due to the interaction of polar molecules. As a result, the dipole distance increases with both the orientational force and the induced force. An induced force isalso found between cations and anions.The induced force is proportional to the square of the dipole moment of the polar molecule. The induced force is proportional to the deformation of the induced molecule. The larger the outer shell of the nucleus in each molecule (the more heavy atoms), the more easily it becomes deformed under the influence of external electrostatic force. The interaction changes with 1/r6, and the induction force is independent of temperature. Its formula:Alpha polarizability.Orientation forceThe orientational force (orientation, force) of the orientational force occurs between the polar molecule and the polar molecule. Because of the uneven distribution of the molecules of the polar molecule, one end is positively charged and one end is negatively charged, forming a dipole. Thus, when the two polar molecules are close to each other,Because of their dipole poles repel, heteropolar, relative rotation of two molecules will occur. The dipole rotates so that the opposing poles of the dipole are called "orientations"". Because the opposite pole is close, very far, the gravity is bigger than the repulsion, two molecules near, when close to a certain distance, attraction and repulsion balance. The intermolecular forces produced by the orientation of polar molecules are called orientational forces. The orientational force is proportional to the square of the dipole moment of themolecule, i.e., the greater the polarity of the molecule, the greater the orientation force. The orientation force is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. The higher the temperature, the weaker the orientation force and the change of the interaction with the 1/r6. Its formula is:1, mu 2 is the dipole moment of two molecules; R is the distance between the molecular center of mass; K is Boltzmann constant; T is thermodynamic temperature; negative value means energy decrease.The relation of three forcesBetween polar molecules and polar molecules, orientation force, induced force, dispersion force exists; between polar and non-polar molecule, is induced and dispersive; between non polar and non-polar molecules, then there is only the dispersion force. The size of these three types of forces depends on the polarity and deformability of the interacting molecules. The greater the polarity, the more important the orientation force; the greater the deformation, the more important the dispersion force; the induction force is related to these two factors. But for most molecules, dispersion is the main force. Experiments have shown that for most molecules, the dispersion force is the main; only the dipole moment of large molecules (such as water), the orientation force is the main; and the induction force is usually very small. The polarizability alpha reflects whether the electron cloud in the molecule is susceptible to deformation. Although van Edward's force is only 0.4 - 4.0kJ/mol, the interaction between a large number of macromolecules can be very stable. For example, C -H in benzene, van Edward force has 7 kJ/mol, and in lysozyme and sugar bound substrate van, Edward force has 60kJ/mol, van Edward force has additivity.The molecular forces, ionic bonds, salt bonds, and covalent bonds are all electrostatic attraction. Why is the gap so great?So the real keyword is "distance", and we can consider the molecular force and the ionic bond together.Types of action energy and distance relationsElectrostatic interaction of charged groups 1/rIon dipole 1/r2Ion induced dipole 1/r4Dipole dipole 1/r6 alignment force chemistryDipole induced dipole 1/r6 induced forceInduced dipole induced dipole 1/r6 dispersion forceNon - bond exclusive 1/r12 - 1/r6In secondary school, we studied ionic bonds, and the crystal configuration of six typical compounds, NaCl, CsCl, CaF2, cubic ZnS, six party ZnS and rutile TiO2, is a strong force.In biology, the focus is on understanding the ionicinteractions of organic molecules. Ion organic molecules, electronegativity difference is not so large, unlike the interaction of these typical ionic compounds such as ionic bond, so called ion interaction; but they have in common are electrostatically formation.NaCl, CsCl, CaF2 crystal, cubic ZnS, six party ZnS, rutile TiO2 six typical compounds of the ionic bond is an energy and distance is inversely proportional to the square, the interaction between Mg2+ and ATP, the interaction between the zwitterionic amino acids. The ion dipole decreases with the two side of the distance, and the ion induced dipole decreases with the 4 side of the distance. Therefore, the interaction of ions in biological molecules (also called salt bonds) is a weak interaction, and decreases with the 1/r2 - 1/r4.Interaction of ATP with magnesium ionThe van Edward force includes gravity and repulsion, gravity and distance of the 6 side is inversely proportional to the repulsion force and the 12 side of the distance is inversely proportional. They are static electricity, springing up at different levels.Edit this paragraphDistance philosophy from Fan Dehua's forceVan Edward's force is well understood, which is different from the quark's progressive freedom. In Confucius's words, "near is rude, far away."." Between people need to have a certaindistance between the mind, far away will be lonely, need to draw close to each other; near, the contradiction will intensify. For the atom, this paradox is inversely proportional to the 12, and the attraction is inversely proportional to the 6. The distance between atoms can be approximately measured, but the distance between man and mind is not measurable......There is also a safe distance between people. Duncan, a master of American psychology, said: "1.2 meters is the safe distance between people.". Unless it's someone you trust, know or get close to, it's going to make you feel insecure, whether it's talking or other communication. On the street to and fro stream of people, two people, a group, three people, a group of, before and after the distance between each other are mostly kept within a certain distance,It's also a subconscious security precaution; there's one meter safety line in front of the atm. Take care of yourself and you'll find the safe distance is with usEdges are visible everywhere. Some people say that marriage is a siege, the people who do not go in want to go in; people who go in and want to come out. The distance between people is often greater than the life of the "Fan Dehua radius", less trust each other.After entering the marriage besieged city, they longed for each other's heart distance to be closer, became no longer lonely, also was precisely because crossed the humanSelf boundaries will have suspicion, mistrust,misunderstanding, longing for each other to pay more, worry about personal gains and losses, more demanding to each other, and ultimately like quarks and fermions as to the "asymptotic freedom" to constitute a society now divorce. If people are too far away from each other, people will be lonely, unable to rely on, will become no longer trust others, and then be excluded from society. Everyone has to find the inner integrity and keep the right distance from different people. This is the "Fan Dehua radius" of life, which is the philosophy of molecules, and also the philosophy of man.Edit this paragraphRelationship with hydrogen bondsThe essence of hydrogen bonding is the electrostatic attraction between a hydrogen nucleus with a strong polar bond (A-H) and an electronegative electric atom containing an unpaired electron pair and an atom with partial negative charge B. Hydrogen atoms can be combined with 2 electrically electronegative atoms with small atomic radii (such as O, N, F, etc.). In X - H... Y, X, and Y are atoms with large electronegativity, small atomic radii, and electrons with no shared electrons. X H, X has a strong electronegativity, the electron density of X - H bond bias in the X end, and H shows a partial positive charge; another molecule in Y but also a concentration of the electron cloud and significantly negative, it and H with static electricity combined, this is the nature of hydrogen bonds. Therefore, the electrostatic attraction of hydrogen bonds is usually called the Fan Dehua force, and the difference is that it is saturated and directional. This forceis generally below 40kJ/mol, much smaller than the average bond energy.From the point of view of physics and mechanics, it can be divided into gravitation and repulsionGravitation:When an external force tries to stretch an object, a large number of molecules that make up the object will show gravity to resist the pull of the outside.Although there are gaps between molecules, a large number of molecules can cluster together to form solid and liquid, indicating the existence of gravitational attraction between molecules.Solids hold a definite shape to indicate gravitational attraction between molecules.Repulsion:When an external force tries to compress an object, a large number of molecules forming an object will exhibit repulsion to resist the compression of the outside.There are gravitational forces between molecules, but molecules do not stick together, but there are gaps, indicating that there is repulsion between molecules.Edit this paragraphFactors affecting intermolecular forceHydrogen bond, polarity of bond and relative molecular weight. The radius (similar to the ion compound), the greater the radius, the farther the distance, the weaker the ionic bond, the lower the boiling pointEdit this paragraphSize and physical propertiesMaterial composition and structure similarity, the higher relative molecular mass and the Fan Dehua stress is, to overcome the intermolecular force of the material melting and vaporization on the need for more energy, the higher the melting and boiling points. But there are hydrogen bonds of boiling point and melting point of molecular crystals are abnormally high. The distance between gas molecules is large, so the small molecular interactions; liquid and solid, it is proved that intermolecular attraction effect; and the liquid and solid to compression, and that rejection showed in near distance between molecules.The solid is difficult to stretch, intermolecular force performance, so the A of B; the liquidity is not in liquid illustrated with gravitation and repulsion, its reason is the chemical bond effect; C, the gas molecules even without compression or repulsion, but smaller, D that the steel intermolecular voids, the oil overflows from the tube, is the result of external factors, but not on steel. The molecularrepulsion of oil molecules to [1]。
➢ 色散力是非极性分子之间唯一的作用力 17 ➢ 色散力存在于所有的分子之间
0 0.003 3.305 13.31 36.38
0 0.008 1.104 1.548 1.929
8.49 8.74 16.82 14.94 8.996
氢键(hydrogen band)
● 氢键存在的证明
H2O、 HF、NH3与同系物性质的不同就是由氢键引起的。 氢键和分子间作用力一样,也是很弱的力。
The structure of ice
氢键: 氢键是一种特殊的分子间作用力 1936年 Pauling
氢键:氢原子与电负性 大的X原子以共价键结 合以后,它还可以和另 一个电负性大的X’原 子产生吸引力。这种吸 引力叫做氢键。
丙醇 < 丙二醇 < 甘油
➢ 生命科学:
反平行-折片 反平行-折片
➢ 生命科学:碱基配对,DNA基因转录
主槽 次槽
➢ 水的特殊性质:
高沸点 高热容 密度的变化 水的高表面张力 树木中水的输送 良好的溶解能力 可燃冰
When approaching IB Chemistry…
Do or do not.
There is no try.
Why is methane a gas at room
temperatures, yet methanol is a liquid?
H-bonding the answer is.
Kinds of Solids
Ionic – high melting points
sodium chloride
Kinds of Solids
Kinds of Solids
Metallic – delocalized electrons
Kinds of Solids
O H .. H HC O HH
Methanol has H-bonding; methane only has weak dispersion forces
H-bonding in Methanol
Consider the boiling points of several hydrides…..
Normal Boiling Point
-100 0
Molecular Mass
100 Normal Boiling Point
(oC) 0
Molecular Mass
溶剂化结构英语Solvation Structure in Chemistry: A Deeper InsightThe concept of solvation structure is fundamental to understanding the behavior of molecules in solutions. Itrefers to the arrangement of solvent molecules around solute particles, which can significantly influence the propertiesof the solution, such as its reactivity, stability, and solubility. This essay will delve into the intricacies of solvation structures, their types, and their implications in chemical reactions.In a solvation structure, the solvent molecules are attracted to the solute through various intermolecular forces, including hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, and van der Waals forces. The nature of these forces determinesthe type of solvation that occurs.Hydrated Ions: A common example of solvation is the hydration of ions in water. Water, being a polar molecule,can form a hydration shell around ions, with the oxygen or hydrogen atoms aligning themselves to interact with the charged particles. This hydration sphere is crucial for maintaining the stability of ions in an aqueous solution.Solvation in Organic Solvents: Not all solvationstructures are as straightforward as those in water. Inorganic solvents, solvation can occur through dipole-dipoleinteractions or through the formation of a solvation cage, particularly in nonpolar solvents where the solute's nonpolar regions interact with similar regions of the solvent molecules.Types of Solvation Structures:1. Spherical Solvation: This is typical for small, nonpolar molecules or ions in polar solvents, where the solvent molecules surround the solute in a spherical arrangement.2. Spiral Solvation: Larger, asymmetric molecules may induce a spiral or helical arrangement of solvent molecules around them.3. Linear Solvation: For linear or elongated solutes, solvent molecules may align in a linear fashion along the solute's axis.Importance in Chemical Reactions:The solvation structure can affect the rate and mechanism of chemical reactions. Solvent molecules can act as a barrier to reaction, shielding reactive sites and thus slowing down the reaction. Conversely, they can also facilitate reactions by stabilizing transition states or by participating in the reaction as a nucleophile or a leaving group.Applications in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry:Understanding solvation structures is vital in the pharmaceutical industry for drug design and delivery. It helps in predicting how a drug will interact with biological targets and can influence the drug's efficacy and side effects. In industrial chemistry, solvation structures are critical for processes like solvent extraction, where the selective solvation of certain components is exploited for purification.In conclusion, solvation structures are a complex and multifaceted aspect of chemistry that play a pivotal role in determining the properties and reactivity of solutes in various solvents. A thorough understanding of thesestructures is essential for chemists working in a wide range of fields, from fundamental research to applied chemistry and pharmaceutical development.。
中国农业大学2021~2022 学年秋季学期专业英语能动191 课程考试试题一、Translate the following vocabularies and phrases into Chinese(每题1分,共10分)1. Wicket gate:2. Electrical grids:3. Cascade:4. Tangential velocity:5. Positive displacement pump:6. Exact derivative:7. Dimensional consistency: 8. Gauge pressure:9. Impulse turbine:10. Pumped storage power station:二、Translate the following vocabularies and phrases into English(每题1分,共10分)1. 剖视图:2. 体积流量:3. 水头流量曲线:4. 法向应力:5. 惯性力:6. 混流泵:7. 汽化潜热: 8. 表面张力:9. 可再生能源: 10. 净吸入水头:三、Translate the following sentences into English (每句5分,共20分)1.流体流经管路时的摩擦阻力以及流体和管壁之间的传热传质速率是建立设计准则的关键参数。
4. 固定导叶的主要功能是承担蜗壳和水轮机顶盖的压力载荷。
专业:班级:学号:姓名:成绩:四、Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese (每段20分,共60分)1.The molecules of a solid are usually closer together than those of a fluid. The attractive forcesbetween the molecules of a solid are so large that a solid tends to retain its shape. This is not the case for a fluid, where the attractive forces between the molecules are smaller. An ideal elastic solid will deform under load and, once the load is removed, will return to its original state.Some solids are plastic. These deform under the action of a sufficient load and deformation continues as long as a load is applied, providing the material does not rupture. Deformation ceases when the load is removed, but the plastic solid does not return to its original state. The intermolecular forces in a fluid are not great enough to hold the various elements of the fluid together. Hence a fluid will flow under the action of the slightest stress and flow will continue as long as the stress is present. A fluid may be either a gas or a liquid. The molecules of a gas are much farther apart than those of a liquid. Hence a gas is very compressible, and when all external pressure is removed, it tends to expand indefinitely. A gas is therefore in equilibrium only when it is completely enclosed. A liquid is relatively incompressible, and if all pressure, except that of its own vapor pressure, is removed, the cohesion between molecules holds them together, so that the liquid does not expand indefinitely.2. A new approach to optimizing a pump diffuser is presented, based on a three-dimensionalinverse design method and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. The blade shape of the diffuser was designed for a specified distribution of circulation and a given meridional geometry at a low specific speed of 0.109 (non-dimensional) or 280 (rpm). To optimize the three-dimensional pressure fields and the secondary flow behavior inside the flow passage, the diffuser blade was more fore-loaded at the hub side as compared with the casing side.Numerical calculations, using a stage version of Dawes three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code, showed that such a loading distribution can suppress flow separation at the corner region between the hub and the blade suction surface, which was commonly observed with conventional designs having a compact bowl size (small outer diameter). The improvements in stage efficiency were confirmed experimentally over the corresponding conventional pump stage. The application of multi-color oil-film flow visualization confirmed that the large area of the corner separation was completely eliminated in the inverse design diffuser.3.The use of hydraulic turbines for the generation of power has a very strong historical traditions.The first truly effective inward flow reaction turbine was developed and tested by Francis and his collaborators around 1850 in Lowell, Massachusetts. Modern Francis turbines have developed into very different forms from the original, but they all retain the concept of radial inward flow. The modern impulse turbine was also developed in the USA and takes its name from Pelton, who invented the split bucket with a central edge around 1880. The modern Pelton turbine with a double elliptic(椭圆形的)bucket including a notch(凹槽)for the jet and a needle control for the nozzle was first used around 1900. The axial flow turbine with adjustable runner blades was developed by the Austrian engineer Kaplan in the period from 1910 to 1924.。
材料科学与工程 专业英语 Unit 4 Chemistry and Advanced Materials
Unit 4 Chemistry and Advanced MaterialsBeing closely related to materials science, chemistry focuses on the atomic or molecular level, and materials science deals with macroscopic properties, howeverboth together provide a proper understanding of how chemical composition, structure and bonding of materials are related to the particular related to……..focus on….译文:和材料科学紧密相关的化学,关注原子或者分子水平,材料科学处理宏观性质,然而,两者一起可以理解材料的化学组成、结构和键如何同具体的性质联系起来。
But many arising problems like pollution of the environment or the toxicity of different materials nowadays clearly reveal the need of a better understanding of the basic chemistry. It is becoming widely recognized that no new method for extracting or processing a material can be considered without good understanding of the real costs as well as its fate after its ….it is becoming widely recognized that…as well as ….译文:但是许多出现的问题,象现在的环境污染、不同材料的毒性,清晰地显示需要很好地理解基础化学。
物理贴合 英文
物理贴合英文Physical bonding, or physical fit, refers to the process of two or more materials being joined together by intermolecular forces, rather than by a chemical reaction. In simpler terms, physical bonding involves the interlocking of two materials without any chemical changes taking place. (物理贴合,或称物质黏合,是指两种或更多材料通过分子间力相连接,而不是通过化学反应。
)One common example of physical bonding is when two pieces of metal are pressed together. The atoms on the surface of each piece interlock with each other, creating a strong bond between the two materials. This type of bonding is often used in applications where a strong and reliable connection is needed, such as in construction or manufacturing. (物理贴合的一个常见例子是当两块金属件被压在一起时。
)Unlike chemical bonding, physical bonding does not involve the sharing or transfer of electrons between the materials. Instead, itrelies on the attractive forces between molecules or atoms to hold the materials together. This can result in a less permanent connection compared to chemical bonding, as physical bonds can be easily broken under certain conditions. (与化学贴合不同,物理贴合不涉及材料之间电子的共享或转移。
分子物理学 英文
分子物理学英文Molecular physics is a branch of physics that studies the physical properties and behavior of molecules at a molecular level. It focuses on understanding the structure, dynamics, and interactions of molecules, as well as the physical processes that govern their behavior.One of the key aspects of molecular physics is the study of molecular structure, which involves investigating the arrangement of atoms within a molecule and how this arrangement influences the molecule's properties. This includes the study of bond lengths, bond angles, and bond strengths, as well as the overall three-dimensional shape of the molecule.Another important area of study in molecular physics is molecular dynamics, which involves examining the motion and interactions of molecules over time. This includes studying how molecules move, rotate, and vibrate, as well as how they interact with each other and with external forces.Molecular physics also explores a wide range of physical processes that occur at the molecular level, such as molecular spectroscopy, chemical reactions, and intermolecular forces. By understanding these processes, scientists can gain insights into a variety of phenomena, ranging from the behavior of gases and liquids to the structure and function of biological molecules.Overall, molecular physics plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the natural world and has important applications in fields such as chemistry, biology, materials science, and nanotechnology. Its interdisciplinary nature and focus on the fundamental properties of molecules make it a fascinating and vital area of scientific research.。
!- – –
– –
But at any given moment, the electron distribution may be nonsymmetrical, resulting in temporary polarity
London Dispersion Forces
London dispersion forces are similar to dipole – dipole forces, except:
• they are the result of temporary dipoles • they are weaker than dipole-dipole forces • they occur in both polar and nonpolar molecules
Dipole – Dipole Forces
Dipole – dipole forces occur in polar substances
•they are the result of attractions between the positive
and negative ends of different molecules
-- Interaction between a positively polarized hydrogen atom and an unshared electron pair on a N, O or F atom
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forces or dispersion forces.
London Dispersion Forces
On the average, the charge distribution in the helium atom is spherical. At a particular instant, the helium atom is polar, with an excess electron on the left side and a shortage on the right side.
Relative strength of forces:
Chapter 6 Intermolecular Forces
Dipole-dipole interactions London dispersion forces Dipole-induced dipole force Hydrogen bonding
Intermolecular Forces
These intermolecular forces as a group are referred to as van der Waals forces.
van der Waals Forces
• • • • Dipole-dipole interactions London dispersion forces Dipole-induced dipole force Hydrogen bonding
The covalent bond present within HCl molecules is much stronger than the forces present between the neighbouring molecules, which exist when the molecules are sufficiently close to each other.
Dipole-Dipole Interactions
The more polar the molecule, the higher is its boiling point.
Of the following substances, predict which has the highest boiling point based on intermolecular forces.
1. Propane, C3H8 2. Dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3 3. Methyl chloride, CH3Cl 4. Acetaldehyde, CH3CHO 5. Acetonitrile, CH3CN
Correct Answer:
1. Propane, C3H8 2. Dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3 3. Methyl chloride, CH3Cl 4. Acetaldehyde, CH3CHO 5. Acetonitrile, CH3CN
dipole moment
1. Dipole moment (μ) : A quantitative measure of the polarity of a polar molecular.
Q d
+ -
Unit:C · m
d +Q -Q
q: the charges on both poles; d: the distance between the charges
Dipole Moment of Some Molecules μ(×10-30 C·m)
Molecule H2 N2 CO2 CS2 CH4 CO CHCl3 H2 S Dipole moment 0 0 0 0 0 0.40 3.50 3.67 molecule SO2 H2O NH3 HCN HF HCl HBr HI Dipole moment 5.33 6.17 4.90 9.85 6.37 3.57 2.67 1.40
There are both repulsive interactions between like charges and attractive interactions between unlike charges, but the attractive interactions predominate. Molecules that have permanent dipoles are attracted to each other. For example HCl and chloroform (CHCl3) Dipole-dipole attractions.
Intermolecular Forces
Intermolecular forces are forces of attraction or repulsion which act between neighboring particles: atoms, molecules or ions. They are weak compared to the intramolecular forces, the forces which keep a molecule together.
Section I: the Structure of Matters Chapter 6
Intermolecular Forces
2012, 04, 10
Summary: intramolecular forces and intermolecular forces
Bond type Covalent bonds Ionic bonds Metallic bonds Hydrogen bond Dipole–dipole forces Dipole-induced dipole force London dispersion forces.
Intermolecular Forces
• The intermolecular attractions are weaker than covalent bonds; • They are, however, strong enough to control physical properties such as boiling and melting points, vapor pressures, and viscosities.
London Dispersion Forces
London Dispersion Forces
London dispersion forces (LDF, also known as dispersion forces, London forces, instantaneous dipole– induced dipole forces) is a type of force acting between atoms and molecules. The LDF is named after the German-American physicist Fritz London. The LDF is a weak intermolecular force arising from quantum induced instantaneous polarization multipoles in molecules.
Dispersion forces.
(a) On the average, the charge distribution in the helium atom is spherical. (b) At a particular instant, however, there can be a nonspherical arrangement of the electrons. The nonspherical electron distributions produce momentary dipoles and allow momentary electrostatic attractions between atoms that are called London dispersion
1) Of the molecules below, only __________ is nonpolar. A) CO2 B) H2O C) NH3 D) HCl 2) The molecular geometry of the BCl3 molecule is __________, and this molecule is __________. A) trigonal pyramidal, polar B) trigonal pyramidal, nonpolar C) trigonal planar, polar D) trigonal planar, nonpolar E) trigonal bipyramidal, polar
Answer: A , D
Dipole-Dipole Interactions
Dipole-Dipole Interactions
Dipole–dipole interactions are electrostatic interactions of permanent dipoles in molecules. These forces are only important when the molecules are close to each other.
Each of these molecules has almost the same molecular weight; however, acetonitrile has the largest dipole moment (3.9 D) and hence the largest dipole-dipole forces. Thus it has the highest boiling point.