
Ball valves球阀使用说明书Ball Valve Operating Manual浙江石化阀门有限公司Zhejiang Petrochemical Valve Co., Ltd.二O一一年 Year 2011一用途Application球阀是一种管线阀门产品,用于接通或截断管路中的介质。
Ball valve is pipeline valve, used for connecting or cutting off medium in the pipelines. Normally it is at the state of opening or closing. And it couldfunction as regulating the flow when it is at the state of slightly open. It isused on the pipeline such as water, gas, oil etc.二性能规范 Performance Specification压力等级: Class150; Class300; Class600;Pressure: Class150; Class300; Class600;公称尺寸:NPS 2 ~NPS24;Nominal Size: NPS 2 ~NPS24阀体材料: ASTM A216 WCB; ASTM A351 CF8;Body Material:ASTM A216 WCB;ASTM A351 CF8;产品的设计、制造按API6D的规定;检查试验按API6D的规定;法兰连接尺寸按 ASME 的规定;结构长度按API6D的规定;Designed and manufactured according to API6D; Inspected and tested accordingto API6D;Flange ends according to ASME ; Face to face according to API 6D适用介质:水、蒸汽、油品等。

1.连接键损坏脱落 2.锥销剪断
1.更换键 2.更换锥销
制造厂对阀门投入使用一年内负责保修,但不超过发货期 18 个月。在保修期内,因产品 质量原因均可免费修理或更换零件。
2.3.1 普通碳钢阀门适用温度为-29℃~+425℃ 2.3.2 合金钢阀门适用温度-29℃~550℃ 2.3.3 不锈钢阀门适用温度为-196℃~+200℃
3.1 蝶式止回阀基本结构见图 1
蝶式止回阀靠介质顺流时的压力克服弹簧的扭力而开启,靠弹簧所产生的扭力矩而关闭, 再靠介质逆流时的压力产生的密封比压达到密封。
本 说 明 书 包 括 了 公 称 通 径 DN15mm~500mm(1/2”~20”) 、 公 称 压 力 PN1.6MPa~10MPa(ANSI CLASS150~600)螺纹端、法兰端、对焊端和承插焊端连接的手动、 齿轮传动、电动和气动操作的二分体式(对分式)和三分体式(对夹式)的浮动球球阀和固定球球 阀。
6.可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法 见表 1
表 1 可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法
1.摇杆与销轴配合太紧或有 异物卡住
1.检查配合情况 2.消除异物
1.阀门安装位置离泵太近 1.重新安装合适位置 2.管道内介质流动压力不稳 2.消除压力波动
5.5 应安装在垂直管道上。

Z41H 闸阀使用阐明书Z41H闸阀为阀板在阀杆旳带动下,沿阀座密封面作升降运动而达到启闭旳目旳。
1、压力级:1.0MPa, 1.6MPa, 2.5 MPa, 4.0MPa,6.4 MPa,10 MPa;2、使用温度:-29℃---425℃3、使用介质:水、蒸汽、油品等非腐蚀性介质。
二、维护保养 1、运送途中旳维护阀门在运送途中应注意要轻装轻卸,以避免法兰密封面磕碰损坏,应将密封面擦干净后再关闭。

二、产品特点1. 结构简单:球阀由阀体、球体、阀杆等组成,结构简单紧凑,便于安装和维护。
2. 使用方便:球阀采用旋转操作,开关方便,只需旋动阀杆即可实现快速开启或关闭。
3. 密封性好:球阀采用球体与阀座的配合,密封性好,可保证在高压力下的流体控制。
4. 耐腐蚀性强:球阀材质多样,可根据流体特性选择不同的材质,从而具备较好的耐腐蚀性。
5. 经济实用:球阀的制造工艺简单,成本较低,价格相对较为实惠。
三、使用注意事项1. 安装前检查:在安装球阀之前,应仔细检查阀体、球体、阀杆等部件是否完整,确保无缺损。
2. 安装位置选择:球阀的安装位置应选择在易于操作的位置,方便开关和维护。
3. 密封性检查:球阀关闭后,应通过观察阀杆位置判断是否密封良好。
4. 使用压力:球阀的使用压力范围应符合产品规格要求,过高或过低的压力都可能影响球阀的正常运行。
5. 注意阀门开关:操作球阀时,应缓慢开启或关闭,避免剧烈振动,同时关注阀门的流量变化,确保流体控制的稳定性。
6. 温度范围注意:球阀的材质和密封性能应与流体的温度范围相匹配,避免因温度过高或过低导致球阀损坏或无法工作。
7. 定期维护检修:为保证球阀长期稳定运行,应定期进行维护检修,清除阀体内的杂质,检查密封性能,并涂抹适量的润滑油。
四、故障处理1. 泄漏现象:如果球阀出现泄漏,首先应检查阀体和球体之间的密封性,确认是否需要更换密封件。

-15Y -20Y -25Y -50Y -15Q -20Q -25Q -50Q
号 Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F
-15Y -20Y -25Y -50Y -15Q -20Q -25Q -50Q
通径(mm) φ15 φ20 φ25 φ50 φ15 φ20 φ25 φ50
不 能 正 常 启 动 电机过热
1、电源不通 2、电压低 3、操作回路不通 4、切换装置复位不正确 5、污物卡死 6、微动开关触点损坏 7、电容器损坏
接通电源 调整电压 检查电路 检查复位情况 清除污物 更换开关 更换电容器 按ε=10%
电动机。电动机通过其齿轮式减速机构驱动输出轴,输出轴通过十字接 头去驱动阀杆,阀杆驱动球体转动而实现阀的开关。
3.1.3 减速器 为一齿轮式减速器,减速比为 291.3:1 3.1.4 行程控制机构 其形式为凸轮块式。行程控制凸轮有开向和关向之分,分别通过相应 的微动开关控制开向和关向行程。即左下凸轮通过左下微动开关控制开 向行程,右下凸轮通过右下微动开关控制关向行程。球阀行程 90°。此 机构同时附有同步信号输出机构,它的左右凸轮及相应的微动开关同时 为远(近)距离控制输出阀门状态信号(见图 1)。 3.1.5 手动—电动切换装置 其形式为全手动切换装置,仅限于安装调试或电控失灵时使用。请严 格按使用说明书操作,否则将损坏内部机构。 由电动变手动的切换方法 切断电源,手用力向上拉起手柄(见图 2),然后用扳手按盖子上规定的 90°范围和方向转动传动轴(注意:绝不可超范围操作),使传动轴上的离 合销从传动齿轮的轴向槽中滑出,使之和减速器脱离,从而可以以 1:1 的传动比操作阀门的开启和关闭。 由手动变电动的切换方法 切断电源,手用力向上拉起手柄,按盖子上规定的范围和方向用扳手 转动传动轴使手柄上指针复位到原来的位置,松开手柄,使传动轴上的离

连接处密封采用 PTFE 垫片。
1、阀门运输 (1)在运输过程中,应将阀门用纸箱或木箱包装。如纸箱或木箱 无法包装阀门时,应用托盘将阀门固定好,做防尘防水处理。 (2)在装载阀门时,不要让传动装置承受任何外力。 (3)避免装载设备时超载,货物摆放要宽松,避免阀门受撞击。 (4)所有的阀门搬运都应该很小心,对于大口径的阀门应该用起 吊设备。 2、阀门保管
片,可以作为修理和维护的备用零件进行订购。 8、分解及再装配时必须小心防止损伤零件的密封面,特别是非金 属零件,取出 O 型圈时宜使用专用工具。 9、分解下来的单个零件可以用浸洗方式清洗。尚留有未分解下来 的非金属件的金属件可采用干净的细洁的浸渍有清洗剂的绸布 (为避免纤维脱落粘附在零件上)擦洗。清洗时须去除一切粘附 在壁面上的油脂、污垢、积胶、灰尘等。 10、非金属零件清洗后应立即从清洗剂中取出,不得长时间浸泡。 11、清洗后需待被洗壁面清洗剂挥发后(可用未浸清洗剂的绸布 擦)进行装配,但不得长时间搁置,否则会生锈、被灰尘污染。 12、使用润滑脂润滑。润滑脂应与阀金属材料、橡胶件、塑料件 及工作介质均相容。在密封件安装槽的表面上涂一薄层润滑脂, 在橡胶密封件上涂一薄层润滑脂,阀杆的密封面及摩擦面上涂一 薄层润滑脂。

球阀使用说明书 Q41F 浮动式球阀球 阀 (Ball Valve)球阀是由旋塞演变而来的,它的启闭件为一个球体,利用球体绕阀杆的轴线旋转90度实现开启和关闭的目的。
球阀在管道上主要用于切断、分配和改变介质流动方向,设计成V 形开口的球阀还具有良好的流量调节功能。
球阀结构爆炸图序号名称数量1 阀盖 12 密封垫 13 四氟密封圈 24 螺帽 45 螺栓 46 球 17 阀体 18 内六角螺丝 29 四氟填料 410 压盖 111 阀杆 112 四氟圈(阀杆密封) 1另有定位片、手柄、蜗轮、电动头(视工况而定)球阀的优点是:(1) 具有最低的流阻(实际上为零)。
(2) 因在工作时不会卡住(在无润滑剂时),故能可靠地应用于腐蚀性介质和低沸点液体中。
(3) 在较大的压力和温度范围内,能实现完全密封。
(4) 可实现快速启闭,某些结构的启闭时间仅为0.05~0.1s,以保证能用于试验台的自动化系统中。
(5) 球形关闭件能在边界位置上自动定位。
(6) 工作介质在双面上密封可靠。
(7) 在全开和全闭时,球体和阀座的密封面与介质隔离,因此高速通过阀门的介质不会引起密封面的侵蚀。
(8) 结构紧凑、重量轻,可以认为它是用于低温介质系统的最合理的阀门结构。
(9) 阀体对称,尤其是焊接阀体结构,能很好地承受来自管道的应力。
A-T Controls 22 SERIES 直接挂载球阀值用说明和维护手册说明书

1.USE: 1.1Life of valve can be maximized if the valve is used within the rated range, in accordance with pressure, temperature, and corrosion data. 2.MANUAL OPERATION: 2.1To open or close the valve, turn the handle ¼ turn (90 degrees). A.Valve in Open Position – the handle is in parallel (in-line) with the valve or pipeline. B.Valve in Closed Position – the handle is perpendicular (crossed) with the valve or pipeline.3.DISASSEMBLING & CLEANING THE VALVE: 3.1Ball valves can trap fluids in ball cavity when it is in closed position. 3.2If the valve has been used in hazardous media, it must be decontaminated before disassembly. A.Relieve the line pressure. B.Place valve in half-open position and flush the line to remove any hazardous material from valve. C.All persons involved in the removal and disassembly of the valve should wear the proper protective clothing, such as face shield, glove, apron, etc.4.REPLACING THE THRUST WASHER, PACKING, AND SEATS 4.1Before replacing the stem seal and the packing, the pipeline must be de-pressurized. 4.2Take-off the valve from the pipeline. 4.3Place valve in its’ fully open position. 4.4Take-off end cap. 4.5Close the valve and remove the seat, body seals and ball. 4.6Remove the valve stem nut, handle, gland nut and remove the valve stem through the body cavity. 4.7Remove the stem trust washer from the stem cavity. 4.8Examine all metallic sealing surfaces such as ball, stem and end cap for damage, if the ball or stem is excessively damaged, ball and stem need to be replaced.5.RE-ASSEMBLINGHaving assured that all critical surfaces and components have been inspected, cleaned and or replaced, re-assemble can begin. 5.1Place new stem seal on stem and install the stem. 5.2Install new gland packing, bushing,gland bush, belleville washer and stem nut 5.3Tighten stem nut to torque specification in Table 1.5.4 Lightly lubricate seats and body seals using a lubricant. 5.5 Re-install end cap.A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。
A-T Controls 55 SERIES 全端口球阀安装与维护指南说明书

Contents1.SCOPE (2)2.INSTALLATION (2)3.VALVE OPERATION (3)4.DISASSEMBLY (3)5.ASSEMBLY (4)6.REPAIR KITS (4)1.SCOPE1.1.CAUTION1.1.1.For your safety, read this manual before installation or service.1.1.2.Before installing or servicing, please ensure the line pressure has been relieved and any hazardous fluids have beendrained or purged from the system.1.1.3.Ensure that all Lockout and Tagout procedures for the system have been properly implemented.E1.2.1.Maximum results and long life of valves can be maintained under normal working conditions and according withpressure/ temperature ratings and corrosion data chart.2.INSTALLATION2.1.GENERAL INFORMATION FOR INSTALLATION2.1.1.The valve can be installed in any position on the pipeline.2.1.2.Before installation of the valve, the pipe must be flushed clean of dirt, burrs, and welding residue, or the seats and ballsurface will be damaged. The pipe must be free from tension and in proper alignment. Check to ensure that allconnections are free from defects.2.2.INSTALLATION OF THREADED VALVESe conventional sealant, such as hemp core, Teflon, etc. on threads. Apply wrench only on the hexagon of the valveends. Tightening by using the valve body or lever can seriously damage the valve. In some applications, screwedvalves are back welded on site. These valves must be treated as per instructions for the weld end valves before backwelding.2.3.INSTALLATION OF WELDED ENDS2.3.1.Tack weld the valves on the pipe in four points on both end caps.2.3.2.With the valve in the open position, (lever to be parallel to the axis of the pipe), remove all the body bolts except one.Loosen the nut on the remaining bolt. Swing the body outside the pipe. Finish welding both end caps on the pipe.2.3.3.When cooled down, clean both end caps and body surface.2.3.4.Swing the body back in position and replace the body bolts. Tighten all nuts slightly. This operation is very importantto keep the body and end caps perfectly parallel, thus preventing distortion of end caps. Tighten body bolts evenly (seesection 5.5). Make sure that maximum tightening torque is observed. Check proper operation of the valve.3.VALVE OPERATION3.1. MANUAL3.1.1.HANDLE3.1.1.1.To OPEN the valve, turn the handle counterclockwise until the handle is parallel with the pipeline and the handlehas contacted the handle stop. CLOSE the valve, turn the handle clockwise until the handle is perpendicular with the pipeline and the handlehas contacted the handle stop. handle lock is incorporated into the handle. To use, slide the lock into the mounting pad, in the full open orfull closed position. Insert an appropriate size lock or hasp into the handle. If it can be performed safely, try toturn the handle to ensure that the valve has been locked properly.3.1.2.GEAR3.1.2.1.To OPEN the valve, turn the handle wheel counterclockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the open positionand stop rotating when fully opened. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicator anywhere between openand close. CLOSE the valve, turn the handle wheel clockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the close position andthe hand wheel will stop rotating when fully closed. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicatoranywhere between open and close.3.2.AUTOMATED3.2.1.A-T Controls 55 Series Ball Valves can be mounted with quarter turn actuators. Valves with actuators shall be checkedfor proper valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignment may result in high operational torque and unnecessarywear on the valve stem. See the actuator IOM for information on operating the actuator.4.DISASSEMBLYWARNINGCAUTION, FLUIDS CAN BE TRAPPED IN THE BODY OF THE VALVE, POSSIBLY UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. FOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE VALVE FROM THE LINE OR ANY DISASSEMBLY.4.1.Remove actuator or gear if equipped.4.2.Care should be taken to not damage the surface finish of the valve components,4.3.Remove the ends (2) from the body (1) by removing the body bolts (14), body nuts (17), and lock washers (18).4.4.Remove the seats (8) and body gaskets (13) from both sides of the body (1). Once removed, with the valve in the fullyclosed position, the ball (3) should slide freely out of the body (1).4.5.If equipped, remove the handle nut (21), handle (7), and the handle stop assembly (15).4.6.While holding the stem (4) stationary, remove the packing nut (5). Once removed, the locking saddle (12), Bellevillewashers (6), and the packing bushing (9) should be free to remove.4.7.While holding the bottom of the stem (4), push the stem (4) through the inside of the valve body (1).4.8. Remove the packing set (10) and the thrust washer (11).4.9.Inspect all components for damage and, if necessary, clean or replace.5.ASSEMBLY5.1.Care should be taken to not damage the surface finish of the valve components.5.2.Place thrust washer (11) on the stem (4) and install it by going through the body (1). Insert V-style packing set (10) overstem (4) with the V pointing away from the valve (see Bill of Materials for correct orientation).5.3.Install the packing gland (10), Belleville washers (6), the locking saddle (12), and the packing nut (5). While holding thestem (4), tighten the packing nut (5) to the torque listed in the Fastener Torque Chart. Tighten further if needed in order to be able to place the locking saddle (12) over the packing nut (5).5.4.Ensure the stem (4) is in the closed position with the body tang parallel with the flow of the valve. Insert a seat (8) and bodygasket (13) in one side of the body (1). Carefully slide the ball (3) into the body (1) and insert the other seat (8) and body gasket (13).5.5.Assemble ends (2) onto body (1). Insert all body bolts (14), body nuts (17) and lock washers (18) into valve and tighten tofinger tight, making sure that the ends (2) are flat against the body (1). Tighten all body bolts (on both sides for 2-1/2” thru 4”) from the nut (17) to 50% of the max bolt torque in a star pattern. Check each body bolt (14) torque and tighten a final time to the max torque of the body bolts. It is acceptable for the torque to relax slightly over time due to relaxation of the polymer components, but the valve will still seal properly. If leakage is detected, repeat the steps for tightening the body bolts (14).5.6.If required, assemble the locking device (20), handle stop (15), handle (7), and the handle nut (21).6.REPAIR KITSRepair kits are available to replace all soft goods. See Bill of Materials for components that are included in the repair kits.7.BILL OF MATERIALSA-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications.The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only.Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to https:///Downloads/。

超高压·大口径气动球阀使用说明书SUPPER HIGH-PRESSURE & LARGE-SIZE PNEUMATIC ACTIONBALL VALVE OPERATING MENUl ANSI CLASS 900、1500、2500 Lb l GB PN 160、250、320、420 kgf/cm 2 l DN 2"-36" 50-900 mm成都成高阀门有限公司CHENG DU CHENG GAO VALVE CO.,LTD.CHV®A Z超高压•大口径气动球阀 CHV 成都成高阀门有限公司-1-目 录一、产品用途...............................................................................................................................2 1.Instruction......................................................................................................................2 二、结构特点...............................................................................................................................2 2. Con struction feature......................................................................................................2 三、组成............................................................................................................................2 3. Composing....................................................................................................................2 四、工作原理....................................................................................................................2 4.Working principle...........................................................................................................2 五、安装调试与使用维护...........................................................................................................2 5. Installation and maintenance.....................................................................................................2 六、可能出现的故障及排除方法...............................................................................................3 6. Trouble Shooting.......................................................................................................................3 附图.........................................................................................................................................4 attached figure .......................................................................................................................4 球阀Cv 值表..........................................................................................................................5 Cv flow coefficients.................................................................................................................5 固定球阀操作扭矩表.............................................................................................................6 Trunnion Mounted Ball V alve Open torque.. (6)超高压•大口径气动球阀 CHV 成都成高阀门有限公司·2·一、产品用途: 1.Instruction:CHV 制造超高压、大口径气动球阀是气动执行器的一种新产品,它具有新颖独特的结构和专门的控制系统设计,它与气控或电控组合仪表配套,广泛地应用于冶金、矿山、石油、化工、电力、轻工、船舶等工业部门和自动化控制系统中,适用于气体、液体或含有悬浮颗粒流体的流量控制或切断。

本说明书旨在向用户介绍Flowserve 球阀阀门的基本知识、安装使用方法、维护保养等内容,以帮助用户正确地使用和维护该设备。
1. 安装前检查:在安装前应检查球阀是否完好无损,各部件是否齐全,没有明显的机械损伤或裂纹等现象。
2. 安装位置:球阀应安装在流体流动方向上,尽可能避免安装在管道的最高点或最低点。
3. 安装方式:根据球阀的结构和尺寸,可以采用法兰连接或螺纹连接等方式进行安装。
4. 操作使用:在操作球阀时,应先确认流体流向,然后旋转阀杆,使球体在阀体内转动,以达到控制流体流向和流量的目的。
1. 定期检查:应定期对球阀进行检查,包括检查球体、密封圈、阀杆等部位是否有磨损或损坏现象,以及是否有渗漏或堵塞等现象。

2.范围本使用说明书包括了公称通径NPS 2~48、压力等级Class150~2500法兰端连接、承插焊端连接的两片式、三片式硬密封、软密封锻钢固定球阀;适用介质水、油、汽等介质;操作方式包括齿轮、手柄、电动执行机构、液动、气动和气液联动执行机构。
—美标球阀设计参照API 6D,阀门材料的选择符合ASME B16.34 压力—温度额定值的要求;国标球阀的设计参照GB/T 12237或GB/T 19672,阀门的材料选择符合GB/T 12224压力—温度额定值的要求。
—阀门密封材料应根据介质对材料的腐蚀性和工况耐磨损的要求而选择,参照API 6D、GB/T 12237或GB/T 19672的规定。
—阀门设计时应有防静电装置及防火结构,放火实验设备符合API 607及API 6FA 规范,并已通过英国的劳氏船级社认证。
3.2 用户须知3.2.1 概述3.2.1.1 任何场合,应首先保证人身安全。 使用阀门时允许工作压力应符合 ASME B16.34 或GB/T12224压力—温度额定值的规定。 选择阀门材料时应考虑工作介质对材料的腐蚀性和工况对耐磨损的要求。 工作介质是易燃/易爆的,要限制工作温度。 当维修/维护时,应先打开泄放阀或泄放螺塞,以泄掉中腔压力。
斯沃琪洛克 AFS 球阀产品手册说明书

Swagelok® Alternative Fuel Ser vice (AFS) Ball ValvesFor High-Pressure, High-Flow ApplicationsSwagelok AFS Ball Valves■ Working pressures up to 6000 psig (413 bar)■ Flow coefficients (C v) from 4.0 to 13.8■ Fractional and metric Swagelok tube fittings; ISO and NPT pipe end connections available■ 316 stainless steel body and end connections■ Manual and pneumatic actuation2 Swagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball ValvesCertifications■ ANSI / AGA NGV 3.1 / CGA 12.3-M95,Classification: Manual valve Pressure: 4500 psig (310 bar)Temperature: –40 to 250°F (–40 to 121°C)■ ANSI / IAS NGV 4.6 / CSA 12.56-M99,Classification: Class APressure: 4500 psig (310 bar)Temperature: –40 to 185°F (–40 to 85°C)■ ECE R110 Manual Service Valve Type ApprovalClassification: Class 0Pressure: 3770 psig (260 bar)Temperature: –40 to 248°F (–40 to 120°C)■ Certifications do not include attachments to the valve,such as actuators or a different handle mechanism.Features■ High flow—C v from 4.0 to 13.8■ All wetted components arecompatible with hydrogen andcompressed natural gas (CNG)■ Maximum pressure rating: 6000 psig(413 bar)■ Temperature rating: –40 to 250°F(–40 to 121°C)■ Low operating torque■ No packing adjustment required ■ Field repairable with seal kitSwagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball ValvesImportant InformationAbout Swagelok AFS Ball ValvesSwagelok AFS ball valves are designed to be used inthe fully open or fully closed position.Valves that have not been cycled for a period of timemay have a higher initial actuation torque.Pressure-Temperature RatingsRatings are based on ASME Code for Pressure Piping B31.3, Process Piping. To determine working pressure ratings in accordance with ASME B31.1, Power Piping, for 316 stainless steel, multiply pressure by:■ 0.86 for temperatures from 100 to 200°F (37 to 93°C).■ 0.82 for temperatures up to 250°F (121°C).consistent, low actuation torquechemical compatibilitypressure systemsSwagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball Valves 3USAUSAEUROFlow Data at 70°F (20°C)NitrogenFlow,stdL/minNitrogenFlow,stdft3/minPressure Drop, psiPressure Drop, barInlet Pressure 3600 psig (248 bar)Inlet Pressure 5000 psig (344 bar)NitrogenFlow,stdL/minNitrogenFlow,stdft3/minPressure Drop, psiPressure Drop, barMaterials of ConstructionWetted components listed in italics.412510113131418678919121615174 Swagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball ValvesOrdering Information and DimensionsSelect an ordering number.Dimensions, in inches (millimeters), are for reference only and are subject to change.➀ V alves can be ordered with two different end connections. Contact your authorized Swagelok sales and service representative.➁ N ot available with AGA, IAS, and ECE R110 certifications; not recommended for panel mounting; not available with pneumatic actuator.➂ T hread type ISO/BSP (tapered), based on DIN 3852, Swagelok RT fittings.See specifications ISO 7/1, BS EN ISO 10226-1, and JIS B0203.Options and AccessoriesLocking Brackets■ Designed to lock valve in the openand closed position■ Accommodates shackle diametersup to 0.344 in. (8.7 mm)■ To order the locking bracket factory-assembled on a valve, add -LH to the valve ordering number.Example: SS-AFSS6-LHTo order the locking bracket for fieldassembly, use kit ordering number: SS-51K-AFS-LHHandle OptionsBlack nylon directional handles are standard.■ To order adirectional handle ofanother color,add a handleto the valve ordering number.Example: SS-AFSS6-RD■ To order a nylon ovalhandle, add -K to the valve ordering number.Example: SS-AFSS6-K ■ To order a black aluminumdirectional handle, add -AHD to the valve ordering number.Example: SS-AFSS6-AHDHandle KitsThe replacement handle kit includes a handle with set screw and instructions.■ Black nylon directional handle kitordering number: NY-5K-AFS-BKTo order a nylon directional handle kitin a color other than black, replace -BK in the kit ordering number with a handle color designator.Example: NY-5K-AFS -RD ■ Nylon oval handle kit orderingnumber: NY-5K-AFSK-BK■ Black aluminum directional handle kitordering number: A-5K-AFS-BKStem Seal Material OptionUltralow-temperature fluorocarbon FKM is standard. Ultralow-temperature nitrile (Buna C) is available as an option to enhance valve cycle life. Valves with ultralow-temperature nitrile have atemperature rating of –40 to 200°F (–40 to 93°C) and are not certified to AGA, IAS, or ECE R110.To order, add -BCS to the valve ordering number.Example. SS-AFSS6-BCSSwagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball Valves 5SwagelokPneumatic ActuatorsThe Swagelok rack and pinion pneumatic actuator is compact,lightweight, easily mountable, and can be operated with standard shop air. The actuators are available in spring-return and double-acting modes. For technical data, including materials of construction, air displacement, and weight, see the Swagelok Ball Valve Actuation Options catalog, MS-02-343.DimensionsDimensions, in inches (millimeters), are for reference only and are subject to change.Actuated assemblies mustbe properly aligned andsupported. Improper alignment or inadequate support of the actuated assembly may result in shorter valve life.Actuator Pressure at Maximum System PressureRequired pressures based on valve performance using pressurized air or nitrogen.For dual-mounted assemblies (two valves mounted to one actuator), add DM to the ordering number. Example: SS-AFSS6-33DHT DMActuator Service Ratings➀ M aximum working pressure for valves mounted to low-temperature service actuators is4500 psig (310 bar).Factory-Assembled ActuatorsTypical Ordering NumberD = Double actingC = Normally closed spring return O = Normally open spring returnD H TActuator Service N one = StandardHT = High temperature LT = Low temperature ➀➀ M aximum working pressurefor valves mounted to low-temperature service actuators is 4500 psig (310 bar).Ordering InformationActuators for Field AssemblyOrder one actuator kit and one mounting bracket kit for each valve.Mounting bracket kit ordering number:MS-MB-AFS-133➀ M aximum working pressure for valves mounted to low-temperature service actuators is 4500 psig (310 bar).6 Swagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball ValvesISO 5211-Compliant Pneumatic ActuatorsSwagelok ISO 5211-compliant rack and pinion pneumatic actuators are available in spring-return and double-acting modes.For technical data, including actuator materials of construction and weight, see the Swagelok Ball Valve Actuation Options catalog, MS-02-343.For additional information on selecting and sizing ISO 5211-compliantactuators, see the Actuated Ball Valve Selection Guide—ISO 5211-Compliant Actuator Mounting Bracket Kits, MS-02-136.Factory-Assembled ActuatorsTypical Ordering NumberD = Double actingC4 = Normally closed spring return O4 = Normally open spring returnD H TActuator Service N one = StandardHT = High temperatureActuated assemblies mustbe properly aligned andsupported. Improper alignment or inadequate support of the actuated assembly may result in shorter valve life.Ordering InformationActuators for Field AssemblyOrder one actuator kit and one mounting bracket kit for each valve.Mounting bracket kit ordering number:SS-MB-AFS-F05-14DIN-MActuator Service RatingsDimensionsDimensions, in inches (millimeters), are for reference only and are subject to change.Swagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball Valves 7Maintenance KitsKit components are of the same materials and grades listed in Materials of Construction, page 3.Seat Seal KitsThe seat seal kit contains two seats, seat O-rings, seatbackup rings, seat springs, end screw gaskets, lubricant with Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and instructions.Kit ordering number: SS-9K-AFSStem and Seat Seal KitsThe stem and seat seal kit contains a stem O-ring, two guide rings, stem backup ring, thrust washer, packing bolt gasket, two seats, seat O-rings, seat backup rings, seat springs, end screw gaskets, lubricant with Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and instructions.Kit ordering number: SS-91K-AFSTo order a kit with a stem O-ring of optional ultralow-temperature nitrile (Buna C) material, use kit ordering number: SS-91K-AFS-BCSOptions for ISO 5211-Compliant andSwagelok Pneumatic ActuatorsSwagelok offers a range of accessories to enhance instrumentation and process ball valve performance and control, including solenoid valves, limit switches, and position sensors. Factory assemblies and kits for field assembly are available.For more information, see the Swagelok Ball ValveActuation Options catalog, MS-02-343.Safe Product SelectionWhen selecting a product, the total system design must be considered to ensure safe, trouble-free performance. Function, material compatibility, adequate ratings,proper installation, operation, and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.Warranty InformationSwagelok products are backed by The Swagelok Limited Lifetime Warranty. For a copy, visit or contact your authorized Swagelok representative.Swagelok—TM Swagelok Company © 2004–2014 Swagelok Company Printed in U.S.A., AGS November 2014, R11MS-02-303。

球阀使用说明书Q41F 浮动式球阀浙江福泰阀门有限公司球阀(Ball Valve)球阀是由旋塞演变而来的,它的启闭件为一个球体,利用球体绕阀杆的轴线旋转90度实现开启和关闭的目的。
球阀在管道上主要用于切断、分配和改变介质流动方向,设计成V 形开口的球阀还具有良好的流量调节功能。

4-14 4-14 4-14 4-18 4-18 4-18 8-18 8-18 8-22 8-26 8-26 12-26 12-30 16-30
PN4.0MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 235 270 300 375 450 515
65 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 190 220 250 320 385 450
44.5 49 55 65 65 75 90 95 115 127 140 172.5 310 350
PN1.6MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 220 250 285 34010 125 145 160 180 210 240 295 355 410
PN2.5MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 235 270 300 360 425 485
65 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 190 220 250 310 370 430
46 56 65 76 84 99 118 132 156 184 211 274 330 389
● 阀内件
阀芯形式 流量特性
O 型球体阀芯 近似快开型
● 执行机构
CHR 系列角行程执行机构
动作时间:15 秒/30 秒/60 秒 保护装置:过热保护、手动操作:同附带手柄操作、限位:电气、机械二重限位
AT Controls 77-Series 球类阀门安装与维护手册说明书

Contents1SCOPE (2)2INSTALLATION (2)3VALVE OPERATION (3)4DISASSEMBLY (4)5ASSEMBLY (4)6REPAIR KITS (5)7BILL OF MATERIALS (6)1SCOPE1.1CAUTION1.1.1For your safety, read this manual before installation or servicing.1.1.2Before installing or servicing, please ensure the line pressure has been relieved and any hazardous fluids havebeen drained or purged from the system.1.1.3Ensure that all Lockout and Tagout procedures for the system have been properly implemented.1.2USE1.2.1A-T Controls 77-Series Ball Valve are available in Hygienic Ferrule Ends (½” & ¾” Type A, 1”-4” Type B) orExtended Tube Butt Weld Ends.1.2.2Maximum results and optimum valve life can be maintained under normal service conditions and in accordancewith pressure/temperature ratings and corrosion data charts.2INSTALLATION2.2A-T Controls 77-Series Ball Valves are bi-directional and can be installed with the flow in either direction. Thevalve can be mounted in any position so that the handle, gear, or actuator has proper clearance, allows foroptimal drainage, can be easily accessed, and the open/close indicator can be viewed. If the gear is equipped witha chain wheel, the valve shall be mounted in a way so that the chain does not come in contact with the valve orpipeline.2.3Before installation of the valves, the pipe must be flushed clean of dirt, burrs, and welding residues. Failure to doso can cause the seats, sealing surfaces, and internal polish to be damaged.2.4The pipe must be free from tension and in proper alignment.2.5Before installation of the valves, check to ensure that all connections are free from defects.2.6Be sure to consult with supplier of your clamps and gaskets to be used on the hygienic ends for the propermaterial, pressure rating, and clamp torque for your process. Over torqueing clamps may result in damage to the ferrule end.2.7Disassembly of the valve is not necessary for tube end valves. However, caution should be taken to ensure thatthe heat source does not come in contact with the sealing components of the valve in excess of the sealingcomponent temperature limitation.3VALVE OPERATION3.1MANUAL3.1.1HandleTo open the valve, turn the handle counter-clockwise until the handle is parallel with the pipeline andthe handle has contacted the handle stop.To close the valve, turn the handle clockwise until the handle is perpendicular with the pipeline and thehandle has contact the handle stop.A handle lock is incorporated into the handle. To use slide the lock into the mounting pad, in the fullopen or full closed position. Insert an appropriate size lock or hasp into the hole in the handle. If it canbe performed safely, try to turn to ensure that the valve has been locked properly.3.1.2GearTo OPEN the valve; turn the hand wheel counter-clockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the openposition and stop rotating when fully opened. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicatoranywhere between open and close.To CLOSE the valve; turn the hand wheel clockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the close positionand the hand wheel will stop rotating when fully closed. The flow can be adjusted by stopping theindicator anywhere between open and close.3.2AUTOMATEDA-T Controls 77-Series Ball Valves can be mounted with quarter turn actuators. Valves with actuatorsshall be checked for proper valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignments may result in highoperational torque and unnecessary wear on the valve stem. See the actuator IOM for information onoperating the actuator.4DISASSEMBLYWARNINGCAUTION, FLUIDS CAN BE TRAPPED IN THE BODY OF THE VALVE, POSSIBILY UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. FOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE VALVE FROM THE LINE OR ANY DISASSEMBLY.4.1Remove actuator or gear if equipped.4.2Care should be taken to not damage the surface finish of the valve components.4.3Remove the ends (2) from the body by removing the body bolts (18) and body nuts (19).4.4Remove the seat (4) and body gasket (5) from both sides of the body (1). Once removed, with the valve in the fullyclosed position, the ball (3) should slide freely out of the body (1).4.5If equipped, remove the handle nut (13), handle (15), and handle stop assembly (22).4.6While holding the stem (7) stationary, remove the packing nut (13). Once removed, the locking saddle (12),Belleville washers (11) and packing bushing (10) should be free to remove.4.7While holding the bottom of the stem (7), push the stem (7) through the inside of the valve body (1).4.8Remove the packing set (8) and stem seal (6).4.9Inspect all components for damage and if necessary clean or replace.5ASSEMBLY5.1Care should be taken to not damage the surface finish of the valve components.5.2Place stem seal (6) on the stem (7) and install it by going through the body (1). Insert V-Style packing set (8) overstem (7) with the V pointing away from the valve (see Bill of Materials for correct orientation).5.3Install the packing gland (10), the Belleville washers (11), locking saddle (12), and packing nut (13). While holdingthe stem (7), tighten the packing nut (13) to the torque listed in the Fastener Torque Chart. Tighten further ifneeded in order to be able to bend the locking saddle (12) over a flat side of the packing nut (13).5.4Ensure that the stem (7) is in the closed position with the bottom tang parallel with the flow of the valve. Insert aseat (4) and body gasket (5) in one side of the body (1). Carefully slide the ball (3) into body (1) and insert the other seat (4) and body gasket (5).5.5Assemble ends (2) onto body (1). Insert all body bolts (18) and nuts (19) into valve and tighten to finger tight,making sure that the ends (2) are flat against the body (1). Tighten all bolts (18) (on both sides for valves 2-1/2”- 4”) from the nut (19) side (if equipped) in a star pattern to 50% of the final torque shown in the Fastener Torque Chart. Using the handle (15) or an adjustable wrench, cycle the valve 3 times. Tighten all of the body bolts (18) to the final torque in a star pattern. Cycle the valve 3 times again. Check each body bolt torque (18) and tighten if needed a final time. It is acceptable for the torque to relax slightly over time due to relaxation of the polymer components, but the valve will still seal properly. If leakage is detected, repeat the steps for tightening the body bolts.5.6If required, assemble the handle stop assembly (16), handle (15), and handle nut (13).Valve SizeTorque of Body Bolts (In-lbs.) Torque of Stem Nut(In-lbs.) 50% of Final Torque Final Torque1/2" 56 113 783/4" 61 122 781" 69 139 1221-1/2" 156 312 1652" 217 434 1652-1/2" 347 694 1913" 390 781 1914" 390 781 2176REPAIR KITSRepair kits are available to replace all soft goods. See Bill of Materials for components that are included in the repair kits.7BILL OF MATERIALSA-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to https:///Downloads/A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。
Series BV2MB 手动切换 brass 球阀说明书

The Series BV2MB is an economical hand lever ball valve for commer-cial and general industrial use. The Series BV2MB is perfect for water shutoff applications. Valve body, body cap, and ball are made of quality brass. Seats and stem packing are constructed of TFE for long lasting service. Blowout-proof stem provides safety in the event of overpressure.Full port design allows for maximum Cv and minimal pressure drop.INSTALLATIONPrior to installation, inspect valve and pipe ends to make sure they are free from debris. Material trapped inside the valve can cause damage to the seats and result in leakage. Clean pipe ends and check for proper threading to prevent damage to valve internals.Use a PTFE based thread sealant applied to the pipe threads. With valve in the OPEN position, install pipe. Use a smooth wrench on the hex portion of the valve, not the valve body, to tighten. Use pipe wrench-es on pipe and pipe fittings only.OPERATIONThese valves are bi-directional and can be installed with flow in either direction. Rotate the handle 90 degrees counterclockwise to open and 90 degrees clockwise to close. Check to make sure the process media is compatible with the valve materials. See “Specifications”. Do not exceed pressure or temperature maximum ratings.SPECIFICATIONS Body: Two-Piece.End Connections: 1/4˝ to 3˝ female NPT.Pressure Limit: 1/4˝ to 1˝: 600 psi (41.4 bar), 1-1/4˝ to 2˝: 400 psi (27.6 bar), 2-1/2˝ to 3˝: 200 psi (13.8 bar) WOG.Wetted Materials: Body and body cap: forged brass (ASTM B283-C37700); ball and stem: brass; seat and packing: TFE.Temperature Limit: 10 to 200°F (-12 to 93°C).Other Materials:Body seal: rubber; handle: plated steel; nut and gasket: brass.MAINTENANCEThe Series BV2MB is a non-repairable valve. The only maintenance required is the occasional tightening of the packing gland nut.©Copyright 2010 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 8/10 FR# R2-443324-00 Rev. 1。
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. . ..
.资料. . .
浮动球阀结构示意图 固定球阀结构示意图
1. 阀门采用中部法兰及PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)或PPL(对位聚苯)垫片的密封结构,浮动球,两端法兰连接,扳
2. 阀座为PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)或PPL(对位聚苯),其摩擦系数小,能有效的降低球阀的开关力矩。
3. 阀杆经调质处理,有良好的机械性能和抗擦伤性。
4. 可根据使用工况或用户要求设置防火防静电结构,还可以带锁,防止误操作。
1. 阀门采用中部法兰及金属石墨缠绕垫片或O形圈的密封结构,固定球,两端法兰连接。
2. 阀座为摩擦系数小且有自润滑和耐腐蚀的PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)或PPL(对位聚苯)。
3. 阀杆经调质处理,有良好的机械性能和抗擦伤性。
4. 有上下阀杆承受主要载荷,所以在关闭位置,球与阀座之间的受载情况得到缓解,保护了密封副免受损伤。
5. 该阀门根据用户要求可设置注脂装置。
6. 双阻断及泄放功能:阀门采用阀前密封,两个阀座能独立切断进口端和出口端的介质,实现双阻断功能;
1、设计制造标准:GB/T 12237-2007;API 6D、BS5351
GB/T12221-2005 ;ANSI B16.10
3、法兰的结构型式及尺寸:JB/T 79-1994 ;ANSI B16.5、ANSI B16.47
4、阀门的检验与压力试验:JB/T 9092-1999;API 598
2.3 大型阀门存放在室外保管时,应将其支撑起来,不要与地面接触,并用塑料薄腊覆盖保护。
-4- Q(3)41F-150Lb、Q(3)41PPL-150Lb
Q(3)47F-16 Q(3)47PPL-16
Q(3)47F-25 Q(3)47PPL-25