Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West.哈佛大学教育学教授霍华德·加德纳回忆其中国之行,阐述他对中西方不同的学习方式的看法。
Learning, Chinese-StyleHoward Gardner 1 For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.中国式的学习风格霍华德·加德纳1987年春,我和妻子埃伦带着我们18个月的儿子本杰明在繁忙的中国东部城市南京住了一个月,同时考察中国幼儿园和小学的艺术教育情况。
Darkness came down on the field and the city; and Amelia was praying for George, who was lying on his face, dead, with a bullet through his heart.
Vanity Fair,32 Thackery, ed.
毛主席《为女民兵题照》 毛主席《为女民兵题照》
Most Chinese daughters have a desire strong; To face powder and not to powder the face.
高天滚滚寒流急; 高天滚滚寒流急; 大地微微暖气吹。 大地微微暖气吹。
毛主席《冬云》 毛主席《冬云》
那么这个想法怎么会由一个不起眼的念 头变成了文字,然后又变成了电影呢? 头变成了文字,然后又变成了电影呢? 答案是名人精疲力尽了。 答案是名人精疲力尽了。这位点石成金 的好莱坞宠儿由《西雅图夜未眠》 的好莱坞宠儿由《西雅图夜未眠》到 《玩具故事》和《阿波罗13号》,获得 玩具故事》 阿波罗 号 了一连串的票房成功,并因《 了一连串的票房成功,并因《费城的故 和随后的《阿甘正传》 事》和随后的《阿甘正传》连续两年问 鼎奥斯卡奖。 鼎奥斯卡奖。
2 The three-character principle proposed threeby Yanfu in his translation of Evolution, Ethics and Other Essays
信: faithfulness 达: expressiveness 雅: elegance
2) 具有丰富的文化知识,熟悉以英语为 ) 具有丰富的文化知识, 母语的国家的诸如历史、宗教、政治、 母语的国家的诸如历史、宗教、政治、地 理、军事、外交、经济、文艺、科学、风 军事、外交、经济、文艺、科学、 土人情、民俗习惯等方面的社会文化。 土人情、民俗习惯等方面的社会文化。 So why did the idea come off the backburner and on to paper and then celluloid? Celebrity burn-out is the answer. Hollywood's man with the golden touch had had a string of box-office success, from Sleepless in Seattle to Toy Story and Apollo 13, and had won Oscars two years in succession, for Philadelphia and then Forrest Gump.
1. What is style?
Theodore Savory: Style is the essential characteristic of every piece of writing, the outcome of the writer’s personality and his emotions at the moment, and no single paragraph can be put together without revealing in some degree the nature of its author.
4 Lexical Level of Stylistic Devices Interaction of Dictionary and Contextual Meanings; Interaction of Primary and Derivative Meanings; Interaction of Logical and Emotive Meanings; Intensification of a Certain Feature of a Thing or Phenomenon
两份请帖,一份是比较正式的,用语也比 较严谨。而另一份则是比较随意的,用语 亲切而不拘礼。 1) Will you please honor me by coming to my humble home for a simple meal this FRIDAY evening? We will be very pleased if you can come at 6 o’clock. 2) Frank, we’d like you and your wife to come over for dinner this Friday evening. Six-thirty at our place. Can you make it.
She looked at the blue sea.武行者心中要吃,哪里听他分说,一声喝道:“放屁!放屁!”Pass your wind! Nonsense彩云红雨暗长门,翡翠枝余萼绿痕。
As rainbow clouds o’er darkened door, red petals shower,On jadeite branch is left the trace of fallen flower.接受竟成了劫搜。
Taking-over turns out to be loot-taking.他们种庄稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草。
(1)They plant crops and grapevines, brew and drink wines, feed and milk cows, and weed and plant the garden.(2) They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk and weed the garden to grow flowers.(3) They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine for drink, feed cows for milk and weed the garden for flowers.(4)They plant crops and grapevines, do the gardening, brew wine for drink, and feed cows for milk.去教堂祈祷和做礼拜They go to the church to pray and attend church service.They go the church, praying and attending church service.到广场拉琴、跳舞和唱歌a. They play the violin, dance and sing.b. They play the violin, dancing and singing.c. They play dance and sing to the violin.21世纪前10年,是中国民航承前启后,继往开来的重要时期。
Unit112 One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later.美国人的立场可以概括起来这么说,我们比中国人更重视创新和自立。
13 However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon).但我并不想夸大其辞。
新编汉英翻译教程陈宏薇第2版考研练习题库陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)目录第1章绪论第2章汉英翻译基础知识第3章词语的英译3.1 词语指称意义和蕴含意义的确定3.2 词语英译与文化环境3.3 “假朋友”的识别3.4 成语和四字格的英译第4章句子的英译4.1 主语的确定4.2 谓语的确定与主谓一致问题4.3 语序的调整4.4 否定句的英译4.5 句子功能的再现第5章句群与段落的英译5.1 句群内的衔接与连贯5.2 段落翻译第6章篇章的英译6.1 广告文本的英译6.2 新闻文本的英译6.3 科技文本的英译6.4 说明性文本的英译6.5 歌词文本的英译6.6 文学文本的英译•试看部分内容绪论Ⅰ. 填空题1. 按照文本类型来分,翻译可分为_____、_____、_____、_____。
2. 就翻译方式而言,主要有_____、_____、_____,其中_____是翻译最基本的方式。
3. 汉语和英语均具有的语言层级为_____、_____、_____、_____、_____。
汉英两种语言均有的语言层级为词(wo rd)、短语(ph rase)、句子(sen tence)、段落(p aragraph)和篇章(text)。
1. 直译法(1) 英译按原文的字面翻译, 其比喻意义同原文一样生动, 译文使读者能很快联想起英文中的对等成语. 如:竭泽而渔to drain a pond to catch all the fish (相当于kill the goose that lays the golden eggs)2) 打草惊蛇to stir up the grass and alert the snake (相当于wake a sleeping dog)3)易如反掌to be as easy a s turning over one’s hand (相当于as easy as falling off a log)4) 玩火自焚to get burnt by the fire kindled by oneself (相当于fry in one’s own grease)5)掌上明珠a pearl in the palm (相当于the apple of one’s eye)6)对牛弹琴to play the lute to a cow (相当于cast pearls before swine)7)守口如瓶to keep one’s mouth closed like a bottle (相当于keep a still tongue in one’s head)8) 雪中送炭to send charcoal in snowy weather (相当于help a lame dog over a stile)9) 画蛇添足to draw a snake and add feet to it (相当于paint the lily)(2) 不少汉语成语不一定有非常对等的英语成语, 但它们的字面翻译也能使译文读者得到正确无误的形象意义. 如:1) 声东击西to shout in the east and strike in the west2) 刻骨铭心to be engraved on one’s heart and bones3)井底之蛙to be like a frog at the bottom of a well4)调虎离山to lure the tiger from the mountain5)口蜜腹剑to be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted2. 意译法如:手忙脚乱in a frantic rush 立竿见影get instant results它虽难以保全成语的文化特色和具体形象,却能简洁明快的反应出成语的喻义。
I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened .2,中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。
The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.3,一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但在地理上,而且在政治、经济和文化上都是一个整体。
A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.4,人们十分关注善款现在是如何使用的。
People are much concerned about how the charity money is being used.5,处于安全的原因,这些实验室的具体地址保密。
The exact locations of the laboratories are being kept secret for reasons of security.6,由于我们的价格优势,我们向那个地区的出口与去年同期同比增长了30%。
Thanks to our price edge, our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year.7,他宣布,反叛者如果放下武器,就能得到宽恕。
He declared that all the rebels would be pardoned if they laid down their arms.8,这可不是一般的学生,他们即将接受宇航员的训练。
【译文】In front of my house there are a few stalls run by street vendors.Street vendors all know the popular saying:“Locations make a difference in business.”That is to say,even if your stall stands side by side with someone else’s in the neighbourhood,your neighbour may attract a constant stream of shoppers,but yours,unfortunately,is visited by few.【解析】翻译陈述句时,一方面要使译文与原文信息功能相似、意义相符,一方面确保译文语言遵循译入语的语法和表达习惯。
(巴金《朋友》)【译文】I visited many new places and met many new friends on my recent trip.3.过铁路时,他先将橘子散放在地上,自己慢慢爬下,再抱起橘子走。
(朱自清《背影》)【译文】In crossing the railway track,he first put the tangerines on the ground, climbed down slowly and then picked them up again.4.我不打麻将,我不经常听戏看电影,几年中难得一次,我不长时间看电视,通常只看半个小时,我也不串门子闲聊天。
1.What is the nature of translation?●The nature of translation is paraphrasing, or transferring theoriginal (source language -- SL) meaning to the target language(TL).●Translation is always meaning-based.2.What is the most influential and most popular criterion of translationin China? P.3●pressiveness and elegance (“信、达、雅”) –a most influential andmost popular criterion of translation–that is first advocated byYan Fu (严复).3.What is the criterion of CET adopted in this course-book by ChenHongwei and Li Yadan? P.5/7●“Similarity in function and corresponding in meaning” (功能相似,语义相符) is what is adopted as the Criteria of CET in thiscourse-book by Chen Hongwei and Li Yadan.4.What types of culture are there?●There are 3 types of“culture” defined by 邢福义, which are:material culture, institutional culture and mental culture..5.What kinds of scritpt are Chinese and English respectively?●Chinese is an ideographic one / ideographic-oriented syllabicscript (表意音节文字) , while English is an alphabetic script,formed by the combination of one or more of the 26 English letters.6.What is the reason leading to cultural shock, simentically? P.34-●Simentically, semantic non-correspondence (语义相异) and semanticzero (语义空缺) are the very reasons leading to the so-calledcultural shock .7.What is text? What are its unique features:●Text(语篇) is a semantic unit expressing a holistic concept.Coherence(衔接) & consistency(连贯) are its unique features. 8.心有余而力不足。
以下是课本几乎所有有a,b 的都收集起来了,已经超过老师所说的20多条的.....自行挑着看,重点看第四章!!!其他爱看不看啦...2.金桂湖位于武汉的南部后花园一一咸宁市咸安区南川水库。
9页a.Jingui Lake, which lies in the south part of Wuhan, called the Back Garden—the Nanchuan reservoir.b. Jingui Lake is located in the Southern back garden of Wuhan—the reservoir of Xian an district of Xianning.C. Jingui Lake lies in the area of Nanchuan Reservoir, Xian'an District, Xianning, which is reputed as the Back Garden to the south of Wuhan3.本书收集了有关他们(钱锺书、杨绛)生平与创作的资料,有关的评论文章,同时选编了研究资料的目录索引,是研究钱锺书、杨绛的必备书。
9页a. It is a necessary book to study Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, since it collects materials of their life and works as well as relevant comment writings,and compiles contents and index of the research materials.b.It includes materials of their life experiences, literary creation and related commentary essays.A bibliographic index is also presented here, which all the more entitles the book to a must for the research on the two.练习四58页1.这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。
”宝玉笑道:“除《四书》外,杜撰的太多,偏只我是杜撰不成?”“youre making that up, im afraid,” teased tan chun. “most works, apart from the four books, are made up; am i the only one who made things up?” he retorted with a grin.2.贾母笑道:“你不认得他,他是我们这里有名的一个泼皮破落户儿,南省俗谓作‘辣子’,你只叫他‘凤辣子’就是了。
”“you dont know her, ”said grandmother jia merrily. “shes aholy terror this one. what we used to call in nanking a‘peppercorn’. you just call her ‘peppercorn feng’. shell know who you mean!” (david hawkes 译)3.贾母笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹妹!” with a smile at pao-yu, the lady dowager s colded, “fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor. hurry up now and pay your respects to your cousin.”4.贾母笑道:“可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他?”“youre talking nonsense again,” said his grandmother, laughing. “how could you possibly have met her?”5.他是只狡猾的老狐狸。
This girl is really beautiful.2.此人是书就读。
This man reads every book he can reach .3.是可忍,孰不可忍?If this can be tolerated, what cannot?4.是古非今Praise the past to condemn the present5.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it----this is knowledge .6.南京的风俗:但凡新媳妇进门,三日就要到厨下收拾一样菜,发个利市。
The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish,which stands for fortune.7.去设埋伏我们都没有信心,想他一定在昨天晚上就早溜了,今天去也是瞎子点灯白费蜡。
We had no confidence in today's ambush because we were sure he had escaped last night. It seemed as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.8.……只因生得妩媚风流,满学中都送了两个外号:一个叫“香怜”,一个叫“玉爱”。
... Because of their glamorous looks and affected manners, were universally known by the nickname of Darling and Precious.9.克明:觉新哪,你听着!Keming: Juexin, I want you to pay particular attention to this.10.客人一走进大门,扑鼻的是一阵幽香,入目的是绿蜡似的叶子和红霞或白雪似的花朵……As guests entered the gate, they would first smell a sweet fragrance and then see the waxy green leaves and the rainbow red or snow-white flowers.11.……三十六家花酒店,七十二座管弦楼。
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以下是课本几乎所有有a,b 的都收集起来了,已经超过老师所说的20多条的.....自行挑着看,重点看第四章!!!其他爱看不看啦...2.金桂湖位于武汉的南部后花园一一咸宁市咸安区南川水库。
9页a.Jingui Lake, which lies in the south part of Wuhan, called the Back Garden—the Nanchuan reservoir.b. Jingui Lake is located in the Southern back garden of Wuhan—the reservoir of Xian an district of Xianning.C. Jingui Lake lies in the area of Nanchuan Reservoir, Xian'an District, Xianning, which is reputed as the Back Garden to the south of Wuhan3.本书收集了有关他们(钱锺书、杨绛)生平与创作的资料,有关的评论文章,同时选编了研究资料的目录索引,是研究钱锺书、杨绛的必备书。
9页a. It is a necessary book to study Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, since it collects materials of their life and works as well as relevant comment writings,and compiles contents and index of the research materials.b.It includes materials of their life experiences, literary creation and related commentary essays.A bibliographic index is also presented here, which all the more entitles the book to a must for the research on the two.练习四58页1.这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。
a. It's the winter of 1917. The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living.b. It happened during the winter of 1917. A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early.2.世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。
a. The world's affairs, well understood, are all scholarship.Human relationships, maturely experienced, are already literature.b. True learning implies a clear insight into human activities.Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relationships.3.这尊塑像站了几百年了,他觉得这是一种苦役。
a. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue had now come to detest it as a kind of forced drudgery.b. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue felt that it was hard labor.13.西风,秋水,雁阵,衔着落日的远山,交融在一起,更增添打猎者的无限兴致。
(徐光兴《枪口》) 66页a. The joy of hunters was enhanced by the west wind, the autumn stream and the wild geese mingled with the distant mountains that held the sinking sun.b.An autumn stream ruffled by the west wind, and the lines of wild geese set against the background of distant mountains embracing the sinking sun, har-moniously merged to enhancethe joy of hunters.(琥珀译)14.我接着便有许多话,想要连珠一般涌出…·…但又觉得被什么挡着似的,单在脑里面回旋,吐不出口外去。
(鲁迅《故乡》) 67页a.There were so many things then to talk about that I wanted to spew them out like a string of beads .. But something seemed to hold me back. Everything just swirled around in my head and I couldn' t get the words out.(杨宪益、戴乃迭1956年译文)b. After this there were so many things I wanted to talk about, they should have poured out like a string of beads.. But I was tongue-tied, unable to put all I was thinking into words.(杨宪益、戴乃迭1980年译文)练习五71页一、结合语言语境选择较贴切的译文。
a. He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change medicine in the hospital.b. He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change dressings in the hospital.2.佃农家庭的生活自然是很苦的。
a. The life of a tenant farmer's family was of course hard, but we somehow managed to scrape along because mother was a clever and able woman.b. The life of a tenant farmer's family was of course hard, but it was somehow comfortable because mother was a clever and able woman.3.富华家具带给您典雅的欧陆风情。
a. You will be enchanted by the unique European amorous feelings of Fuhua furniture.b. You will be enchanted by the unique European style of Fuhua furniture.4.不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。
a. We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open policy. This is a key process we must go through.b.We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open policy. This is a barrier we must stride across.练习七84页1.务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约。
a. It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage and uphold industry and thrift to prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development.b. It is imperative to carr y on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage frugality, and prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development2.这里山花古松遮掩着悬崖峭壁,鸟语花香,生意盎然,一派秀丽景色。
a. Wild flowers and old pines on the precipice, with birds singing among them form a beautifulscene full of life and vitalityb. Sheer precipice and overhanging rocks are enveloped by wild flowers and old pine trees. Beautiful and magnificent scenery prevails with singing birds and fragrant flowers and everything full of life and vitality3.我国政府愿意在平等互利、相互开放、长期合作、共同发展的基础上,进一步加强同亚洲各国的经济合作和贸易交流。