



外文文献翻译-国际商务谈判外文文献翻译International Business NegotiationsPervez Ghauri & Jean-Claude UsunierWhen two people communicate, they rarely talk about precisely the same subject, for effective meaning is flavored by each person’s own cognitive world and culturalconditioning. Negotiation is the process by which at least twoparties try to reach an agreement on matters of mutual interest. The negotiation process proceeds as an interplay of perception, information processing, and reaction, all of which turn on images of reality (accurate or not), on implicit assumptions regarding the issue being negotiated, and on an underlying matrix of conventional wisdom, beliefs, and social expectations. Negotiations involve two dimensions: a matter of substance and the process. The latter is rarely a matter of relevance when negotiations are conducted within the same cultural setting. Only when dealing with someone from another country with a different cultural background does process usually become a critical barrier to substance; in such settings process first needs to be established before substantive negotiations can commence. This becomes more apparent when the negotiation process is international, when cultural differences must be bridged.When negotiating internationally, this translates into anticipating culturally related ideas that are most likely to be understood by a person of a given culture. Discussions are frequently impeded because the two sides seem to be pursuing different paths of logic; in any cross cultural context, the potential for misunderstanding and talking past each other is great. Negotiating internationally almost certainly means having to cope with new and inconsistent information, usually accompanied by new behavior, social environments, and even sights and smells. The greater the cultural differences, the more likely barriers to communication and misunderstandings become. When one takes the seemingly simple process of negotiations into a cross-cultural context, it becomes even more complex and complications tend to grow exponentially. It is naive indeed to venture into international negotiation with the belief that “after all, people are pretty much alikeeverywhere and behave much as we do.” Even if they wear the same clothes you do,speak English as well as (or even better than) you, and prefer many of the comforts and attributes of American life (food, hotels, sports), it would be foolish to view a1member of another culture as a brother in spirit. That negotiation style you use so effectively at home can be ineffective and inappropriate when dealing with people from another cultural background;in fact its use can often result in more harm than gain. Heightened sensitivity, more attention to detail, and perhaps even changes in basic behavioral patterns are required when working in another culture.Members of one culture may focus on different aspects of an agreement (e.g., legal, financial) than may members of another culture (personal, relationships). The implementation of a business agreement may be stressed in one culture, while the range and prevention of practical problems may be emphasized in another culture. In some cultures, the attention of people is directed more toward the specific details of the agreement (documenting the agreement), while other cultures may focus on how the promises can be kept (process and implementation). Americans negotiate a contract; the Japanese negotiate a personal relationship. Culture forces people to view and value differently the many social interactions inherent in fashioning any agreement. Negotiations can easily break down because of a lack of understanding of the cultural component of the negotiation process. Negotiators who take the time to understand the approach that the other parties are likely to use and to adapt their own styles to that one are likely to be more effective negotiators.American and Russian people are not similar; their ethical attitudes do not coincide: they evaluate behavior differently. What an American may consider normative, positive behavior (negotiating and reaching a compromise with an enemy), a Russian perceives as showing cowardice, weakness, and unworthiness; the word “deal” has a strong negativeconnotation, even today in contemporary Russia. Similarly, for Russians, compromise has negative connotation; principles are supposed to be inviolable and compromise is a matter of integrity (The Russians are not alone here: a Mexican will not compromise as a matter of honor, dignity, and integrity; likewise, an Arab fears loss of manliness if he compromises.) A negotiation is treated as a whole without concessions. At the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) talks, the Americans thought they had an agreement (meaning conclusive commitment), while the Russians said it was an understanding (meaning an expression of mutual viewpoint or attitude). When the Americans thought they had an understanding, the Russians said it was a procedural matter, meaning they had agreed to a process for conducting the negotiation. Different cultural systems can produce divergent negotiating styles--styles shaped by each nation’s culture, geography,history, and political system. Unless you see the world through the other’s eyes (no2matter how similar they appear to you), you may not be seeing or hearing the same. No one can usually avoid bringing along his or her own cultural assumptions, images, and prejudices or other attitudinal baggage into any negotiating situation. The way one succeeds in cross cultural negotiations is by fully understanding others, using that understanding to one’s own advantage to realize what each party wants from thenegotiations, and to turn the negotiations into a win-win situationfor both sides. A few potential problems often encountered during across-cultural negotiation include ( Frank, 1992):Insufficient understanding of different ways of thinking.Insufficient attention to the necessity to save face.Insufficient knowledge of the host country--including history, culture,government, status of business, image of foreigners.Insufficient recognition of political or other criteria.Insufficient recognition of the decision-making process.Insufficient understanding of the role of personal relations and personalities.Insufficient allocation of time for negotiations.Over two-thirds of U.S.-Japanese negotiation efforts fail eventhough both sides want to reach a successful business agreement (The U.S. Department of Commerce is even more pessimistic; it estimates that for every successful American negotiation with the Japanese, there aretwenty-five failures.) In fact, these numbers hold true for most cross-cultural meetings. Often barriers to a successful agreement are of a cultural nature rather than of an economical or legal nature. Since each side perceives the other from its own ethnocentric background and experience, often neither side fully comprehends why the negotiations failed. It is precisely this lack of knowledge concerning the cultureand the “alien” and “unnatural” expectations of the other sidethat hinders effective negotiation with those from another culture.In cross-cultural negotiations, many of the rules taught and used domestically may not apply--especially when they may not be culturally acceptable to the other party. For most Western negotiators this includes the concepts of give and take, of bargaining, and even of compromise. The stereotypical, common Western ideal of a persuasive communicator--highly skilled in debate, able to overcome objections with verbal flair, an energetic extrovert--may be regarded by members of other cultures as unnecessarily aggressive, superficial, insincere, even vulgar and repressive. To other Americans, the valued American traits of directness and frankness show evidence of good intentions and personal convictions. To an American it is complimentary to be3called straightforward and aggressive. This is not necessarily so, however, for members of other cultures. To describe a person as “aggressive” is a derogatorycharacterization to a British citizen. To the Japanese, those very same traits indicate lack of confidence in one’s convictions and insincerity. Instead, terms such asthoughtful, cooperative, considerate, and respectful instillpositives in the Japanese and many Asian cultures.Domestically, the study of negotiation tends to encompass business relationships between parties, tactics, bargaining strategies, contingency positions, and so on. However, in a cross-cultural context,besides the usual rules of negotiation, one has to be wary of fine nuances in relationships and practices and how they are perceived and executed by members of the other culture. The two business negotiators are separated from each other not only by physical features, a totally different language, and business etiquette, but also by a different way to perceive the world, to define business goals, to express thinking and feeling, to show or hide motivation and interests. From the other party’s perspective, for example, to some cultures Americans may appear aggressive and rude, while to others, those very same Americans appear calm and uninterested.1 The Art of NegotiationsThe word “negotiations” stems from the Roman word negotiari meaning “to(not) and otium (ease carry on business” and is derived from the Latin root words negor leisure). Obviously it was as true for the ancient Romans as itis for most businesspersons of today that negotiations and business involves hard work. A modern definition of negotiation is two or more parties with common (and conflicting) interests who enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement (preferably of mutual benefit). John Kenneth Galbraith said “Sex apart, negotiation is the most common and problematic involvement of one person with another, and the two activities are not unrelated.” Negotiations are a decision-makingprocess that provides opportunities for the parties to exchange commitments or promises through which they will resolve their disagreements and reach a settlement. A negotiation is two or more parties striving to agree when their objectives do not coincide.Negotiation consists of two distinct processes: creating value and claiming value. Creating value is a cooperative process whereby the parties in the negotiation seek to realize the full potential benefit of the relationship. Claiming value is essentially a competitive process. The key to creating value is finding interests that the parties have4in common or that complement each other, then reconciling and expanding upon these interests to create a win-win situation. Parties at the negotiating table are interdependent. Their goals are locked together. A seller cannot exist without a buyer. The purpose of a negotiation is a joint decision-making process through which the parties create a mutually acceptable settlement. The objective is to pursue a win-win situation for both parties.Negotiations take place within the context of the four Cs: common interest, conflicting interests, compromise, and criteria (Moran and Stripp, 1991). Common interest considers the fact that each party in the negotiation shares, has, or wants something that the other party has or does. Without a common goal, there would be no need for negotiation. Conflict occurs when people have separate but conflicting interests. Areas of conflicting interests could include payment, distribution,profits, contractual responsibilities, and quality. Compromise involves resolving areas of disagreement. Although a win-win negotiated settlement would be best for both parties, the compromises that are negotiated may not produce the result. The criteria include the conditions under which the negotiations take place. The negotiation process has few rules of procedure. Rules of procedure are as much a product of negotiation as the issues. Over time, the four Cs change and the information, know-how, and alternatives available to the negotiating international company and the host country also change, resulting in a fresh interpretation of the four Cs, the environment, and the perspective. In essence, negotiation takes place within the context of the political, economic, social, and cultural systems of a country. The theory of the negotiation process includes the following dimensions: (1) bargainer characteristics, (2) situational constraints, (3) the process of bargaining, and (4) negotiation outcomes. This theory is based on actors who share certain values and beliefs based on their culture. These actors function in business and economic situations that also have cultural influences, and they act in certain culturally inscribed ways. We bargain when:1. A conflict of interest exists between two or more parties; that is, what is, whatone wants is not necessarily what the other one wants.2. A fixed or set of rules or procedures for resolving the conflict does not exist,or the parties prefer to work outside of a set of rules to inventtheir ownsolution to the conflict.53. The parties, at least for the moment, prefer to search for agreement rather thanto fight openly, to have one side capitulate, to permanently breakoff contact,or to take their dispute to a higher authority to resolve it.In summary, negotiations primarily consists of five aspects: (1) goals: motivating the parties to enter; (2) the process of negotiatingthat involves communications and actions; (3) outcomes; (4) preexisting background factors of cultural traditions and relations; and (5)specific situational conditions under which the negotiation is conducted.2 VerbalLanguage is highly important. When people from different cultures communicate, culture-specific factors affect how they encode and decode their messages. Negotiators should check understanding periodically,move slowly, use questions liberally, and avoid slang and idioms. Eventhe discussion of negotiation, compromise, and agreement has different meanings to different cultures. Both the American and Korean meaningsfor the word “corruption” are negative; however in the United States, the word connotes being morally wrong while for the Koreansit implies being socially unfortunate. The Mexican will not compromiseas a matter of honor, dignity, and integrity. The Arab fears loss of manliness if he compromises. In Russia, compromise has a negative connotation; principles are supposed to be inviolable and compromise is a matter of integrity. For Russians, a negotiation is treated as a whole without concessions.In the American culture, those who refuse to bargain are viewed as cold, secretive, and not really serious about conducting business. The Dutch are not hagglers; you should make your offer fairly close to your true asking price; if you start making large concessions you will lose their confidence. The Swedes are methodical, detailed individuals who are slow to change positions. Bargaining is not highly valued in Swedish culture; those who bargain, who attempt to negotiate by offering a higher price in order to concede to a lower price, can be viewed as untrustworthy, inefficient, or perhaps out for personal gain at the expense of others.3 Nonverbal Communications in Cross-Cultural NegotiationsNonverbal behavior may be defined as any behavior, intentional or unintentional, beyond the words themselves that can be interpreted by a receiver as having meaning. Nonverbal behaviors could include facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, body movements, posture, physical appearance, space, touch, and time usage. They are all different from culture to culture. Nonverbal behaviors either accompany verbal6messages or are used independently of verbal messages. They mayaffirm and emphasize or negate and even contradict spoken messages. Nonverbal behaviors are more likely to be used unconsciously and spontaneously because they are habitual and routine behaviors.The wide range of behaviors called nonverbal behavior can be divided into seven categories. Gestures, body movement, facial movement, and eye contact are combined in the kinesic code commonly called body language. Vocalics refers to call vocal activity other than the verbal context itself. Also called paralanguage, vocalics includes tone, volume, and sounds that are not words. Behaviors that involve touching are placed in the haptics code. The use of space is called proxemics, and the use of time is chronemics. Physical appearance includes body shape and size, as well as clothing and jewelry. Finally, artifacts refer to objects that are associated with a person, such as one’s desk, car, or books. It should be emphasized that these codes do not usually function independently or sequentially; rather, they work simultaneously. In addition, nonverbal behavior is always sending messages; we can not communicate without using them, although, at times, the messages may be ambiguous. This wide range of nonverbal behaviors serves various functions in all face-to-face encounters. Most important, emotional messages at the negotiating table are expressed nonverbally by gestures, tone of voice, or facial expressions. The other side’sinterpretation of your statement depends on the nonverbal more than what was actually said. Nonverbal communications is significant.From: International Business Negotiations, 20017国际商务谈判伯维茨.高利, 简.科劳德.阿斯尼尔当两个人交流时,他们很少精确地谈论相同的问题,因为实际的意思会受到每个人认知的世界和文化熏陶的影响。



商用英语单词单词:negotiation1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:谈判,协商,为达成协议而进行的讨论或交流。

1.3英文解释:Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.1.4相关词汇:同义词 - bargaining, discussion;派生词 - negotiate(动词)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:源于拉丁语“negotiatio”,由“neg - 不”和“otium - 闲暇”组成,原意为“做买卖,处理事务”。



3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) negotiation skills:谈判技巧例句:Good negotiation skills can help you get a better deal.翻译:良好的谈判技巧能帮你达成更好的交易。

(2) business negotiation:商务谈判例句:The twopanies are in the middle of a business negotiation.翻译:这两家公司正在进行商务谈判。

(3) negotiation table:谈判桌例句:Both sides finally sat down at the negotiation table.翻译:双方最终坐在了谈判桌前。

4. 实用片段(1). "We are going to have a negotiation with our supplier tomorrow. They want to raise the price, but we need to keep our costs down." Tom said to his colleague. His colleague replied, "Well, we should prepare our negotiation strategies carefully."翻译:“我们明天要和供应商谈判。








根据商务谈判的各个环节和场景,我们把内容分为13 项。

商务谈判中开始会谈的一般用语Now that we are all here, let's begin the talk, shall we?现在人都到了,咱们开始,怎么样?What do you think if we begin now?我们现在开始,好吗?If you don't mind, I think we'd better begin right away.你要是不介意,我们就开始吧。

Suppose we get down to business now?现在我们开始怎么样?Let's get straight down to business now?我们直截了当谈问题吧。

Well, I know you're all extremely busy, so why don't we get started?我知道你们都特别忙,那就赶紧开始吧。

We've gone too far off the point. Let's return to the topic under discussion.咱们离题太远了,还是回到正题上来吧。

Let's have a word about delivery, OK?咱们谈谈交货问题,好吗?Let's have a talk over the question of payment terms,if you don't mind.你要是不反对,我们就谈谈付款条件。



1. 我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。

We are willing to establish trade relations with your company2. 我们愿与发展对方贸易提供机会。

We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade.3. 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。

This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you.4. 根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附目录一份。

As requested in your letter of Jan.20, we enclose a copy of our catalogue.5. 对你努力为我公司产品开拓市场,深表感谢。

We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products.6. 我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。

We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come.7. 我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重视。

We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you.8. 殷切地盼望早日来函。

We anticipate a prompt reply from you.Unit Two1.如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿与你方交货。

We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable.2. 一收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。



商务英语谈判对话带翻译商务谈判是交易当中最为重要的一部分,以下是小编给大家整理的关于商务英语谈判对话带翻译,希望可以帮到大家关于商务英语谈判对话带翻译<一>This book has information about layers and their priorites. It covers how theylook out for themselves and their clients, why they say there's no conflict of interest, and how no stone is left unturned for client, regardless of cost. The attorney istireless in checking every angle. This is basically because they are paid by the hour. The more time they spend on the case, the more they get paid.这本书谈到律师和他们处理事情的轻重缓急态度,也谈到他们如何善于维护自身和客户的利益,以及他们会不惜成本,强说事情没有利益冲突,或坚称客户的情况会很顺利的原因。


The fact that an in-house attorney handles similar situations faster and cheaper than attorneys paid by the hour is one of those mysteries of life we mere mortals will never understand without the help of an attorney.当企业雇有专属的律师,处理类似案件的速度就会比较快,而收费在比以外面按时计费的律师低。



《中国合伙人》三幕谈判台词第一段:外国女: Mr. Cheng, My client educational exam services has issued a warning to all US universities of the possibilities that new dream student have cheated on the TOFEL and the GREs. The universities have been advised investigated any new dream students with exceptionally high scores.孟晓俊:You can’t issue such notice.外国女:And it has already been issued.孟晓俊: What are your accusations based on. It’s already been presumed guilty, a vanish on the fundamental principal of American laws.外国男: Mr. Meng, is this how you feel, why do your travel all the way here for this meeting?孟晓俊: I know wha t we’ve done wrong, but you don’t know what you have done, and you don’t even care.外国男: I really appreciate your good thinking. It just proved you receive good education in US. I care records on some interesting investigations about Chinese culture. In the period of examination system was first established. So tradition of cheating began in China, was many document and technique on how to cheat. This is also a record. It’s just an interesting anecdote I want to share.外国女: Where are you going?王阳: To take a piss. You want to go with me?成东青: I’m going with him.第二段:孟晓俊:Mr. Bono you claimed that tutorial materials on Chinese students unfair advantage to the exams. Can you define what do you mean by unfair advantages?外国男: You should know what it means be tter than I do. We’ll go to that matter. Right now we want you to admit the unauthorized use of that material.外国女: We vow the investigation of the courts, ordering you cease your infringement, and destroy all unauthorized copies of EES materials. Risking 15 million$ damages, the speaker does not include (post-period) penalties.王阳: That’s ridiculous.孟晓俊: The penalties you are seeking for us are far more than our total profits. You leave us no choice but go to court.外国女: Please repeat what you did say.孟晓俊: You are to be, loudly clear, in English.成东青: I suggest we take a break.外国女: Fine.第三段:王阳: Mr. Bono. It's your gift ,from me.外国男: It's got from Chinatown?王阳: Chinese moon cake. Next week is the moon festival. And if the fight breaks out later, i have something to throw.外国男: hahahaha...王阳: oh hoo, you got the joke, for you.成东青:Mr. Bono, we officially offer a formal apology, the acknowledgement and commodity copyright infringement and prepare to settle.王阳: But not fifteen million.成东青: Please, take any clause you want, any clause that is release to our copies.外国女: Clause eleven.成东青: The WTO Copy rights and performances and phonograms treaties of impromenciate at of ninety nineteen eight, amended section 101 by added《Geneva Conventions》, pick another one please.王阳:波诺先生,送你的礼物波诺:从唐人街回来?王阳:中国月饼,下个礼拜就是中秋节了还有,等会儿如果打起来,还可以那它来扔你。



1. We wish you will give us a competitive price and we would rather have your CIF prices than FOB prices.我们希望你方能够报给我方一个较有竞争力的价格,并且希望你方报给我们CIF价(到岸价),而不是FOB价(离岸价)。

2. I’m afraid that the price is on the high side. How about reducing the price by 10%?我觉得这个价格偏高,把价格降低10%怎么样?3. I’m sorry to inform you that we have lodged a claim(提出索赔)against your companyon the goods for $500 for short weight.我非常遗憾地通知您,我们已针对货物短重一事向你公司提出索赔500美元。

4. We can assure you that we will do everything to effect the delivery(发货)as soon aspossible. This is the best we can do.我们可以向您保证我们将想尽一切办法尽快发货。


5. To meet you halfway, we suggest 50% of the payment should be made by confirmed (保兑的), irrevocable(不可撤销的)letter of credit(信用证), and the balance by D/P (付款交单).我们妥协一下吧,我们建议50%的付款用保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,其余的用D/P。

6. Now there remains one more point to discuss. What coverage(保险)will you take outfor the goods we have ordered?现在还有一个问题要讨论,你们准备给我们订的货买什么样的保险?7. Who is authorized to issue the inspection certificate(商检证)? What if the inspectioncan not be completed within the time limit?谁有权来发放商检证?如果商检不能在限期内完成将怎么办?8. I can’t give you the thumbs up right now, but I think it will be alright.我现在无法立刻同意,不过我想应该可以。



英语阅读翻译:谈判的艺术There has been a great deal of research into the art of negotiation, and, in particular, into what makes a “good” negotiator.有很多关于谈判艺术的研究,尤其是对如何成为一名优秀的谈判者的研究。

One point most researchers seem to agree on is that good negotiators try to create a harmonious atmosphere at the start of a negotiation. They make an effort to establish a good rapport with their counterpart, so that there will be a willingness to----on both sides---to make concessions, if this should prove necessary.很多研究人员都认同的是:优秀的谈判者在谈判一开始就试图建立一种和谐的氛围。


Good negotiators generally wish to reach an agreement which meets the interests of both sides. They therefore tend to take a long-term view, ensuring that the agreement will improve, or at least not harm, their relation with the other party. On the other hand, a poor negotiator tends to look for immediate gains, forgetting that the real benefits of a deal may come much later.优秀的谈判者总是希望能够达成满足双方利益的协议。





一、日常交流用语1. How are you? - 你好吗?2. Nice to meet you! - 很高兴见到你!3. I'm sorry. - 对不起。

4. Thank you! - 谢谢你!5. You're welcome! - 不客气!二、工作任务用语1. Can you help me with this? - 你能帮我处理这个吗?2. I need your assistance. - 我需要你的帮助。

3. Could you please take care of this matter? - 你能处理这件事吗?4. I'll take care of it. - 我会处理的。

5. Let's work together. - 让我们一起合作。

三、会议用语1. Let's have a meeting. - 让我们开个会。

2. Could you please take notes? - 你能记笔记吗?3. May I have the floor? - 我可以发言吗?4. Can you clarify that point? - 你可以澄清一下这个问题吗?5. Let's wrap up the meeting. - 让我们结束会议。

四、商务通信用语1. Dear Sir/Madam, - 尊敬的先生/女士,2. I am writing to inquire about... - 我写信是想问一下……3. Please find attached the file. - 请查收附件。

4. Could you please provide me with more information? - 你能提供更多的信息吗?5. Thank you for your attention. - 感谢你的关注。



商务英语翻译复习材料1. Business Negotiations 商务谈判- Negotiation Strategies 谈判策略- Preparing for Negotiations 准备谈判- Cultural Aspects in Negotiations 谈判中的文化因素2. Business Correspondence 商务信函- Letter Writing Format 信函写作格式- Formal and Informal Language in Business Correspondence 商务信函中的正式和非正式语言- Email Etiquette 电子邮件礼仪- Writing Effective Business Emails 写作有效的商务电子邮件3. Business Presentations 商务演讲- Planning and Structuring Business Presentations 商务演讲的规划和结构- Visual Aids and Presentation Tools 视觉辅助和演示工具- Engaging the Audience and Delivering a Persuasive Presentation 吸引观众并进行有说服力的演讲- Handling Questions and Objections 处理问题和异议- Tips for Successful Business Presentations 成功商务演讲的技巧4. Business Meetings 商务会议- Preparing for Business Meetings 准备商务会议- Conducting Effective Business Meetings 进行有效的商务会议- Meeting Etiquette 会议礼仪- Taking Minutes 会议记录- Following up on Action Items 后续行动项5. Business Ethics 商业道德- Ethical Decision Making in Business 商业中的伦理决策- Cultural Differences in Business Ethics 商业道德中的文化差异- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 公司社会责任- Ethical Dilemmas in Business 商业中的伦理困境- Ethical Leadership in Business 商业中的伦理领导力7. International Business 国际商务- Globalization and its Impact on Business 全球化及其对商业的影响- International Market Entry Strategies 国际市场进入策略- International Business Laws and Regulations 国际商业法律和法规- Exporting and Importing Procedures 出口和进口程序- Managing Cultural Differences in International Business 管理国际商务中的文化差异以上是商务英语翻译的复习材料,涵盖了商务谈判、商务信函、商务演讲、商务会议、商业道德、跨文化沟通和国际商务等方面的内容。







(, CCFO,MCFO,CGM ,MGM, CL/T,ML/T ,,MI分别代表中方财务总监、总经理、法律以及技术顾问,翻译)中方到墨西哥谈判,墨西哥代表欢迎中方到来,谈判开始以前双方的财务总监介绍各自谈判人员,顺序依次为总经理,法律顾问/技术顾问,翻译。




翻译:We are very glad to come to Mexico have a further negotiation with your company on the issue of price. Now let our technical adviser to introduce the advantages of our high - speed rail technology and service then let our chief financial officer make a reasonable offer .CL/T:首先简单介绍一下中国高铁基本情况中国是世界上高速铁路发展最快、系统技术最全、集成能力最强、运营里程最长、运营速度最高、在建规模最大的国家。

翻译:Firstly let me briefly introduce the general situation of high speed railway in China,. china’s high-speed railway is developing with the fastest growing in the world. It has the most complete technology System ,the most integrated capacity, the longest operating mileage, and the highest operating speed. in a word ,China is the largest country of high speed railway construction .CL/T:在运行速度上,目前最高设计最低时速可达350公里,在运输能力上,一个长编组的列车可以运送1000多人,每隔5分钟就可以开出一趟列车,运力强大;在适应自然环境上,高速列车可以全天候运行,基本不受雨雪雾的影响;在列车开行上,采取“公交化”的模式,旅客可以随到随走;在节能环保上,高速铁路是绿色交通工具,非常适应节能减排的要求。



外贸常用英语句式翻译内容Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】外贸常用英语句式翻译报价谈判阶段:谢谢你的询盘/询价。

Thanks for your inquiry/enquiry.Thanks for reaching/getting to us.对不起,请允许我和生产部门/仓库确认一下这个尺寸,我马上回来。

Allow me to check this size with our production department, I will be right back.Production department/warehouse/你预期的价格是What’s your expected price Target priceWhat price were you expecting你知道的,中国市场上总是会有更低的价格,我建议你对那家提供低价的供应商做一下评估,例如他们是不是会用次级的材质。

You may know, it always has/there always be lower price in Chinese market. I suggest that you may evaluate the supplier who offers low price and see if they would provide inferior material.要不先试一个样品单我们很乐意提供样品给你做质量测试Would you like/do you need a sample, we arepleased/glad/willing to offer free samples for quality test.为了防止误解,请问你有图片可以发给我做双重确认吗For avoiding mis…To Avoid/prevent Mis-understanding,Could you pls send me pictures for double-check当然,我们可以提供相关的材质报告。



商务英语谈判对话带翻译商务谈判是交易当中最为重要的一部分,以下是小编给大家整理的关于商务英语谈判对话带翻译,希望可以帮到大家关于商务英语谈判对话带翻译This book has information about layers and their priorites. It covers how they look out for themselves and their clients, why they say there's no conflict of interest, and how no stone is left unturned for client, regardless of cost. The attorney is tireless in checking every angle. This is basically because they are paid by the hour. The more time they spend on the case, the more they get paid.这本书谈到律师和他们处理事情的轻重缓急态度,也谈到他们如何善于维护自身和客户的利益,以及他们会不惜成本,强说事情没有利益冲突,或坚称客户的情况会很顺利的原因。


The fact that an in-house attorney handles similar situations faster and cheaper than attorneys paid by the hour is one of those mysteries of life we mere mortals will never understand without the help of an attorney.当企业雇有专属的律师,处理类似案件的速度就会比较快,而收费在比以外面按时计费的律师低。


9. Profit – 利润
- The company's profit margin has been steadily increasing over the past few years. - 过去几年中,公司的利润率稳步增长。
10. Partnership – 合作伙伴关系
- We have established a partnership with a local supplier to expand our market reach. - 我们与一家本地供应商建立了合作伙伴关系,以扩大市场覆盖范围。
3. Sorry – 对不起
- I'm sorry I forgot to bring your book. - 很抱歉我忘记带你的书了。
4. Hello – 你好
- Hello, may I speak to Michael, please? - 你好,请问我能和迈克尔通话吗?
5. Excuse me – 打扰一下
1. Invoice – 发票
- Could you please send me the invoice for the recent order? - 你能给我寄一下最近订单的发票吗?
2. Contract – 合同
- We need to review the contract before signing it. - 我们需要在签署之前审查合同。





下面我们就来看下,专业的商务谈判中,各种技巧及原则的英文释义吧!1、Bargaining讨价还价petitive, win-lose situations.2、Selective perception 选择性感知When the perceiver singles out certain information that supports a prior belief and filters out information that does not confirm that belief.3、Intangibles无形因素intangible factors are the underlying psychological motivations that may directly or indirectly influence the parties during a negotiation.4、Interdependent相互依赖when the parties depend on each other to achieve their own preferredoute they are interdependent.5、Negotiator’s dilemma谈判者的困境the choice of whether to pursue a claiming value strategy is described as the “negotiator’s dilemma”.6、initial offer最初报价the first number the buyer will e to the seller.7、petitive situation竞争性情形:when the goals of two or more people are interconnected so thatonly one can achieve the goal, this is petitive situation, also known as a zero-sumor distributive situation,in which “individuals are so linked together that there is a negative correlation between their goal attainments”.8、Mutual-gainssituation相互获益情形: When parties’goals arelinked so that one person’s goal achievement helps others to achieve theirgoals, it is a mutual-gains situation,also known as a non-sum or integrative situation.9、BATNA达成谈判协议的最佳选择an acronym for best alternative to a negotiated agreement.10、Thedilemma of honesty诚实困境it concerns how much of the truth to tell the other party.11、Thedilemma of trust信任困境it concerns how much should negotiators believe what the other party tells them.12、Distributive bargaining分配式谈判accepts the fact that there can only be one winner given the situation and pursues a course of action to be that winner.13、Integrative bargaining共赢争价attempts to find solutions so both parties can do well and achieve their goals.14、Claimvalue主张价值to do whatever is necessary to claim the reward, gain the lion’s share, or gain the largest piece possible.15、Createvalue创造价值to find a way for all parties to meet their objectives, either by identifying more resources or finding unique ways to share and coordinate the use of existing resources.16、Stereotypes心理定势is a very mon distortion of the perceptual process. It occurs when one individual assigns attributes to anothersolely on the basis of the other’s membership in a particular social or demographic category.17、Contending争夺战略actors pursuing the contending strategy pursue their own outes strongly and show little concern for whether the other party obtains his or her desired outes.18、Yielding屈服战略actors pursuing the yielding strategy show little interest orconcern in whether they attain their own outes, but they are quite interested in whether the other party attains his or her outes.19、Inaction不作为战略actors pursuing the inaction strategy show little interest in whether they attain their own out-es, as well as little concern about the other party obtains his or her outes.20、Problem solving解决问题战略actors pursuing the problemsolving strategy show high concern for attaining their own outes and high concern for whether the other.21、target point目标点the point at which negotiator would like toconclude negotiations.22、resistance point拒绝点a negotiator’s bottom line, the mostthe buyer will pay or the smallest amount the seller will settle for.23、a positive bargaining range积极的谈判空间the buyer’s resistance is above the the seller’s, and the buyer minimally willing to pay morethan the seller is minimally willing to sell for.24、Reciprocity互惠主义when you receive sth from another person, you should respond in the future with a favor in return.25、The winner’s curse赢家的诅咒the tendency of negotiators, particularly inan auction setting, to settle quickly on an item and then subsequently feel disfort about a negotiation win that es too easily.26、Process-basedinterests基于谈判过程的利益related to how the negotiators behave as they negotiate.27、indirect assessment间接估计determining what information an individual likely used to set targetand resistance point and how he or she interpreted this information.28、ive presentation选择性表述negotiators reveal only the facts necessary to support their case.29、Pareto efficient frontier帕累托有效边界the claiming value line is pushed towards the upper right-hand side to the fullest extent possibleby creating value, and the line is called the Pareto efficient frontier.30、shared goal共享目标the goal that both parties work toward but that benefits each party differently.31、joint goal联合目标the goal thatinvolves individuals with different personal goals agreeing to bine them in a collective effort.32、Endowment effect捐赠效应The tendency to overvalue something you ownor believe you possess.33、Relationship-basedinterests基于双方关系的利益tied to the current or desired future relationship between theparties.34、Resistance point拒绝点a resistance point is the place where you decide that you should absolutely stop the negotiation rather than continue because any settlement beyond this point is not minimally acceptable.35、Alternatives可替代的选择other agreements negotiators couldachieve and still meet their needs.36、Target point目标点one realistically expects to achievea settlement and the asking price, representing the best deal one can hope toachieve.37、Halo effects晕轮效应rather than using a person’s group membership as a basis for classification, however,halo effects occur when people generalize about a variety of attributes basedon the knowledge of one attribute of an individual.38、Projection投射效应When people assign to others the characteristics or feelings that they possess themselves.39、Mythical fixed-pie beliefs固定蛋糕观念those who believe in the mythical fixed-pie assume there is no possibility for integrative settlements and mutually beneficial trade-offs, and they suppress efforts to search for them.40、Anchoring and adjustment基准调节cognitive biases in anchoring and adjustmentare related to the effect of the standard (or anchor)against which subsequent adjustments are made during negotiation.41、Issue framing and risk谈判框架的制定方式与风险the way a negotiation is framedcan make negotiators more or less risk averse or risk seeking.42、Availability of information信用的可用性in negotiation, the availabilitybias operates when information that is presented in vivid, colorful, orattention-getting ways bees easy to recall, and thus also bees centraland critical in evaluating events and options.43、The law of small numbers小数法则in decision theory, the law of small numbersrefers to the tendency of people to draw conclusions from sle sizes. Innegotiation, the law of small numbers applies to the way negotiator learn and extrapolate from their own experience.44、Self-serving biases感知错误The tendency to overestimate the causal roleof personal or internal factors and underestimate the causal role of situationalor external factors, when explaining another person’s behavior.45、Ultimatum最后通牒an ultimatum is an attempt to induce pliance or force concessions from a presumably recalcitrant opponent.。


各国应开展形式多样的多边合作,在合作中促进各自发展。Countries need to carry out different forms of (multilateral) cooperation that will bring about mutual development to all.
这几个例句中,“促进”在句子后半部分,很明显表示一个目的或希望 产生的结果。从这个角度出发,译文侧重于描述要实现的结果,而没有将“促
深化干部人事制度改革,促进各方面优秀人才脱颖而出。Additional improvements are needed in the personnel system to harness the full potential of the most qualified individuals.
利 用 消 费 平 台 充 分 挖 掘 市 场 潜 力, 促 进 供 需 更 好 衔 接。Consumer platforms can be used as a channel to tap into the full potential of the market so that supply is more effectively aligned with demand.
去 年 对 招 生 程 序 的 改 革 证 明 还 是 有 用 的, 学 生 人 数 增 加 了。The changes made to the admission procedures last year proved to be instrumental in increasing enrollment.
金融改革有序推进,金融体系不断完善。The financial system continues to improve as reform proceeds in good order across the sector.



国际商务谈判翻译句子Chapter 1(1)你的立场有磋商的余地吗,Are you negotiable?(2)我肯定还有商量的余地。

I'm sure there is some room for negotiation. (3)在我们开始谈判之前,你要先出个价才行。

Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer.(4)我们可以把它也列入议程。

We could add it to the agenda.(5)在我们开始之前,有人想要什么饮料吗,Would anyone like something to drink before we begin? (6)看看我还能尽些什么力。

See what I can do.(7)要是我能做到的话,我一定会做。

I would if I could.(8)我知道我可以拜托你。

I know I can count on you.(9)这次会议的结果我们都会是赢家。

We'll come out from this meeting as winners. (10)我会尽量使你满意。

I'll try to make you happy.Chapter 2(1)我们的新产品市场需求很大。

There’s a great demand for our new product.(2)这种产品的前景很是看好。

This product has good prospects.(3)我们需要讨论一下基本的交易条件。

We need to talk about the basic terms of the transaction. (4)如你方价格公道,质量令人满意,我们将大量定货。

If your prices are reasonable and the quality is satisfactory, we shall place substantial orderswith you.(5)双方坚持各自的价格是不明智的,我们可否都作些让步,It’s unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. Can we each make some concession?(6)如果你方不肯降价,我方只好放弃这笔交易。



谈判英语翻译Negotiation plays a crucial role in business and diplomatic interactions, as it involves finding mutual agreements and resolving conflicts. Effective negotiation requires strong communication skills and the ability to understand and address the interests and concerns of all parties involved. In this article, we will explore the key principles and strategies in negotiation, and how they can be applied to achieve successful outcomes.First and foremost, it is essential to establish a positive and open atmosphere for negotiation. This includes being respectful, listening actively, and maintaining a cooperative mindset. By doing so, all parties can feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns, which paves the way for finding common ground and potential solutions.Secondly, preparation is crucial in negotiation. Before entering into discussions, it is important to understand the interests, needs, and goals of both sides. This includes conducting research, gathering relevant data, and anticipating possible objections or challenges. By being well-prepared, negotiators can present strong arguments and demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues at hand, thereby increasing their chances of success.During the negotiation process, effective communication is paramount. Both verbal and non-verbal cues should be utilized to convey ideas and express emotions in a constructive manner. Active listening is equally important, as it allows negotiators to understand the concerns and perspectives of the other party. By practicing empathy and being receptive to different viewpoints,negotiators can build trust and rapport, which lays the foundation for productive discussions.In addition to communication, the ability to compromise and find win-win solutions is a key aspect of negotiation. It is important to recognize that both parties have their own interests, and solely pursuing one's own agenda may lead to an impasse. By seeking common ground and exploring creative options, negotiators can find mutually beneficial outcomes that address the needs of all parties. This requires a flexible mindset and a willingness to explore alternatives.Lastly, negotiation should always aim for a long-term perspective. Building and maintaining relationships is crucial in business and diplomatic contexts, and negotiation provides an opportunity to strengthen these connections. By focusing on long-term goals and seeking to build trust and cooperation, negotiators can lay the groundwork for future collaborations and partnerships.In conclusion, negotiation is a crucial skill in business and diplomatic interactions, and its success relies on effective communication, preparation, and a willingness to compromise. By establishing a positive atmosphere, actively listening, and finding win-win solutions, negotiators can achieve successful outcomes and maintain long-term relationships. With proper training and practice, anyone can become an effective negotiator and achieve mutually beneficial agreements.。



商务谈判陈述范文英语翻译2、少说多听商务谈判实际上是一种对话,在这个对话中,双...Business negotiation is actually a dialogue,in this dialogue,both sides explain their situation,to state their views,listen to each other's proposal,offer,and make counter-proposal,offer,give and take,the final agreement.Successful negotiators in talks to more than 50% of the time to listen.They listen as she ponders,edge analysis,and continue to ask questions to each other,to ensure that they understand each other pletely correct.In business negotiations in the face of a variety of objects,we can not e up with the same attitude towards all the negotiations.We need to negotiate with the results of the negotiations to determine the importance of negotiations with the attitude to be taken.If negotiating the business is very important,such as long-term cooperation of major clients,and the content of the talks with the results of the pany is not very important,so you can have the mentality of promise negotiations,that there is not much loss in business and the impact of circumstances to meet each other,so for the future cooperation will be more powerful.If negotiating the business is very important,but the oute of negotiations is also important for business,then hold a friendly co-operative attitude,as much as possible to achieve win-win situation,the conflict between the two sidesturned to a third party,such as the division of the market area there is a conflict,then can be suggested that the two together or help each other to develop new markets,expand regional area,will be negotiated into work peting against petition.If negotiating the business is not important,the oute of negotiations on the enterprise is insignificant,non-essential,it can be easy battle,not to consume too much energy in such negotiations,or even revoke such negotiations.If negotiating the business is not important,but the oute of the negotiations is very important forbusiness,then a positive petitive attitude in the negotiations,the negotiations do not take into account the opponent,plete with the best result-oriented negotiations.关于求职信范文求职信一封完整的求职信可以从四个方面入手: A:开头开头一定要开门见山的写明你对公司有兴趣并想担任他们空缺的职位,以及你是如何得知该职位的招聘信息的。

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KAREN: 我们要记住的是如果他们一定要裁员的话,我们一定要做好以退为进的准备。













KAREN :谢谢ANDREW:那么,我们就等着他们对我们的建议的回答了。

KAREN :是的,我们知道裁员和价格是双方关注的焦点, 但是最好能让他们来安排时间。

ANDREW: 那还需要我做演示吗?KAREN :这正是我们用得着你的地方,安德鲁。

ANDREW:你要关注他们的反应和…KAREN :并回答所有的问题。



KAREN :我确定我可以搞定他,我们得熬过今天,你说是吧?ANDREW:是啊,你有几把刷子。

(你很有办法)FRANCOISE:对不起让你们就等了,你肯定是凯伦.我是弗朗索瓦丝,这是肖恩 .SEAN:很高兴见到你,凯伦,弗朗索瓦丝,,这是我的老竞争对手,安德鲁. FRANCOISE:很高兴认识你,安德鲁,你们的行程怎么样KAREN :非常好,不到一个小时就到了。

ANDREW: 连他们提供的早餐都来不及吃。


FRANCOISE:不用急着开始,是吧,凯伦?SEAN: 安德鲁,你想要再来一杯吗?ANDREW: 请帮我加入些牛奶,再加上三块糖。


ANDREW: 你想念美国吗?肖恩?SEAN:是的,我想我孩子和妻子,我和安德鲁两年前在达拉斯谈成一笔生意。

ANDREW:是的,像是一场马拉松长跑——36个小时,是吧!SEAN: 安德鲁,如果一份工作是值得我们做的,就值得把它做好。


UNIT 2 设定议程Version1Francoise: 我们已经研究过你方的建议,一般来说,兴趣似乎符合我们的需要。


Karen: 可能安德鲁会展现我们的建议,到时你会看到··Francoise: 我相信你能理解我的担忧,我有一个从事IT工作的四人团队,他们非常专业,但他们非常不稳定。

Andrew: 我可以建议我们现在对你的优点就是如果你选择Okus,那你也许能辨识你的分区··Sean: 我们需要一些保险,任何的裁员都需要劳资委员会的批准。

Francoise: 在我们继续之前我们必须解决这个问题。

Karen: 我明白。


现在,如果在继续之前你能同意这个价钱··Sean: 不,价钱我们以后再谈,我们想先解决员工的问题,它们是两个分开的问题。

Andrew: 但是凯伦所说的是两个相互依赖的问题。


Version2Francoise: 在今天的会议中我想从我说的一些话开始,我希望可以成功。


我们今天想做的是找到共同点,清楚吗?Karen: 好的。

Francoise: 我们已经草拟了一个议程,首先我希望你提出你们的建议。


安德鲁,我知道你已经准备好去做了吧?Andrew: 这需要10~15 分钟时间,当我讲话的时候请你们自由提问。

Francoise: 好。


Sean: 我只想多说一点就是你随时可以用隔壁的房间,如果你需要的话,那里有咖啡和员工。

Karen: 谢谢。

Francoise: 那最后一天结束后干什么呢?今晚你要坐飞机回去吗?Karen: 是的,那我们可以在机场的旅馆定房间。

Sean: 我确定我可以带你到比那更好的房间。

Francoise: 希望,你不需要一个旅馆。





KAREN :安德鲁,不好意思打断您,但也许弗朗索瓦丝和肖恩想听到关于控制系统、价格和人员水平方面的信息。

SEAN: 说说人员编制就好了,ANDREW:嗯,对不起,是的,是的,我肯定制作了一张这方面的幻灯片。


KAREN :安德鲁,也许我可以回答那个问题。



场景2;ANDREW: 因此,继续我们的话题。





现在,你们有什么问题吗?SEAN: 那由谁来负责具体项目和存在问题呢?ANDREW: 我们计划让我们在英国的工程师随时听从调遣。


ANDREW: 在其它合作中我们也运用了类似的办法:在这儿,IT经理每天都会对项目实施管理,但是当他或她需要得到帮助时,就会叫英国Okus公司的人过来进行协助。

对此你有什么疑问吗?SEAN: 为海外业务提供服务,难道这不是居于第一位的吗?KAREN: 对,你说得没错,我们在爱丁堡也有类似的客户,比如,在时间和距离上,从爱丁堡到比利时与从爱丁堡到苏格兰是不会有多大区别的。


ANDREW: 也许你愿意跟我们在爱丁堡的客户谈谈?FRANCOISE:不,我们已经听明白你的意思了。


ANDREW: 好,我可否谈谈价格方面的问题?Unit 4 Clarifying positions清楚确认立场Version 1KAREN:不,我们所说的是成本是建立在一定因素的基础上的,当然,时间是其中之一,我们保持上门服务的所有记录,如果在一个月内这些价格超过了预先确定的发货单的费用,那么在接下来的一个月将做一个调整。










Version 2KAREN:如果你看22页,我们所要做的是保持所有上门服务的记录,如果这个数字比确定的发货单费用多,我们在接下来的一个月将做一个调整。














就如凯伦所说我们要在规格A上做说明,规格B,这个IT 经理将需要随着每个计划的产生而作批准。

KAREN:OK,我们可以转变这个赞同的程序吗?ANDREW:可以,如果你看了这三个章节的提议,你将...第五单元解决冲突阅读1安德鲁:我们将起草一份计划项目, 这包括在接下来的一年里我们都觉得需要进行的,可能是引进新软件,培训,硬件升级…肖恩:是的,但是我们怎么知道你的团队什么时候做支持工作和他们什么时候做项目工作。




肖恩:好主意,安德鲁,但你不会在这里的场所工作,你会吗?安德鲁:我个人来说,我不明白你的意思肖恩: 我想说的是,我们不知道你的团队正在做的事情安德鲁:但是我们将在你的团队中指定一名经理。
