



6.4 需求弹性计算
1. 弧弹性计算(Arc Elasticity)
需求弹性,或者在需求曲线的一段区间上 计算,或者在点上计算。计算需求曲线一段区 间(或弧)上的弹性,用弧弹性公式。弧弹性公 式中用价格和数量的平均值或中点值,而不用 初始值来计算百分数的变化。
具体地说,需求的弧弹性(E)的计算式为: ΔQ/Q的平均值 ΔP/P的平均值
6.1 需求弹性系数
(Coefficient of Demand Elasticity)
需求弹性(Demand Elasticity):量度消费者对于 一种商品价格变化的响应程度或敏感程度,又被称 为需求价格弹性。

需求弹性是某种商品需求量变化的百分数与价 格变化的百分数的比值。

需求弹性系数 E:
1997:民航总局“禁折令” 1998:民航总局确定“海南省”为机票折价试点 2000/4:108条骨干航线联营,统一票价 2000/11:机票涨价15%(国际油价上涨) 2001/2:机票下调1% 2001/3:7条航线打折,上海-广州;上海-深圳;上海-重庆; 北京-广州;北京-深圳;广州-昆明;深圳-成都 2001/4:国内机票价格基本开放(市场化)
在某个价格范围上,需求依据弹性系数的绝对 值大于、等于1或小于1而被分别称为: • 富有弹性(Elastic)
• 单一弹性(Unitary elastic)
• 缺乏弹性(Inelastic)
Figure 6.1 缺乏弹性的需求曲线
D Q O Figure 6.2 富有弹性的需求曲线
6.2 弹性和总收益
(Elasticity and Total Revenue)

Chapter 06 IC Fabrication - An Introduction

Chapter 06 IC Fabrication - An Introduction

Polysilicon Gate Cross-Section Image
• the wafer is placed in a high-temperature furnace to make the silicon react with oxygen or water vapor, and to develop oxide films on the wafer surface (thermal oxidation). • To develop nitride films and polysilicon films, the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method is used, in which a gaseous reactant is introduced to the silicon substrate, and chemical reaction produce the deposited layer material. • The metallic layers used in the wiring of the circuit are also formed by CVD, spattering (PVD: physical vapor deposition)
• Dynamic Random Access Memory chips (DRAMs) - serve as the primary memory for
• Microprocessors (MPUs) - act as the brains of
• Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)



Chapter 02 — Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity3. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)(7)Week Output WorkerCost@$12x40OverheadCost @1。

5MaterialCost@$6TotalCostMFP(2)÷(6)1 30,000 2,880 4,320 2,700 9,900 3。

032 33,600 3,360 5,040 2,820 11,220 2。

993 32,200 3,360 5,040 2,760 11,160 2。

894 35,400 3,840 5,760 2,880 12,480 2.84*refer to solved problem #2Multifactor productivity dropped steadily from a high of 3。

03 to about 2.84.4。


Before:80 ÷ 5 = 16 carts per worker per hour.After:84 ÷ 4 = 21 carts per worker per hour。


Before:($10 x 5 = $50)+ $40 = $90;hence 80 ÷ $90 = 。

89 carts/$1。

After: ($10 x 4 = $40)+ $50 = $90;hence 84 ÷ $90 = .93 carts/$1。

c. Labor productivity increased by 31.25% ((21-16)/16).Multifactor productivity increased by 4。

5% ((。


89)/.89).*Machine ProductivityBefore: 80 ÷ 40 = 2 carts/$1.After:84 ÷ 50 = 1.68 carts/$1。

钱小军《概率论与数理统计》chap06-normal distribution

钱小军《概率论与数理统计》chap06-normal distribution

P(0.0 z 1.0)
English Version: Appendix B A-4
标准正态分布表.xls 中文版:参加附赠CD
Tsinghua-CUHK Finance MBA 2008
ab E ( x) 2
(b a) 2 Var( x) 12
Tsinghua-CUHK Finance MBA 2008
Normal Distribution 正态分布
Normal Distribution is one of the most important distributions in the probability statistics. One hand, it is very common in nature; the other hand, it has so many excellent properties. A lot of distributions can be described by it. 正态分布是概率统计中最重要的一种分布 。一方面,正态分布是 自然界最常见的一种分布; 另一方面,正态分布具有许多良好的 性质,很多分布可以用正态分布来近似描述。
Probability Density Function of Standard Normal
Tsinghua-CUHK Finance MBA 2008 17
Probability of Standard Normal Distribution



Selected Solutions for Exercises inNumerical Methods with Matlab:Implementations and ApplicationsGerald W.RecktenwaldChapter6Finding the Roots of f(x)=0The following pages contain solutions to selected end-of-chapter Exercisesfrom the book Numerical Methods with Matlab:Implementations andApplications,by Gerald W.Recktenwald,c 2000,Prentice-Hall,Upper Saddle River,NJ.The solutions are c 2000Gerald W.Recktenwald.ThePDF version of the solutions may be downloaded or stored or printed onlyfor noncommercial,educational use.Repackaging and sale of these solutionsin any form,without the written consent of the author,is prohibited.The latest version of this PDFfile,along with other supplemental material for the book,can be found at /recktenwald.2Finding the Roots of f(x)=0 6–2The function f(x)=sin(x2)+x2−2x−0.09has four roots in the interval−1≤x≤3.Given the m-file fx.m,which containsfunction f=fx(x)f=sin(x.^2)+x.^2-2*x-0.09;the statement>>brackPlot(’fx’,-1,3)produces only two brackets.Is this result due to a bug in brackPlot or fx?What needs to be changed so that all four roots are found?Demonstrate that your solution works.Partial Solution:The statement>>Xb=brackPlot(’fx’,-1,3)Xb=-0.15790.05262.1579 2.3684returns two brackets.A close inspection of the plot of f(x)reveals that f(x)crosses the x-axis twice near x=1.3.These two roots are missed by brackPlot because there default search interval is too coarse.There is no bug in brackPlot.Implementing a solution using afiner search interval is left as an exercise.6–11Use the bisect function to evaluate the root of the Colebrook equation(see Exercise8) for /D=0.02and Re=105.Do not modify bisect.m.This requires that you write an appropriate function m-file to evaluate the Colebrook equation.Partial Solution:Using bisect requires writing an auxiliary function to evaluate the Cole-brook equation in the form F(f)=0,where f is the friction factor.The following form of F(f)is used in the colebrkz function listed below.F(f)=1√f+2log10/D3.7+2.51Re D√fMany other forms of F(f)will work.function ff=colebrkz(f)%COLEBRKZ Evaluates the Colebrook equation in the form F(f)=0%for use with root-finding routines.%%Input:f=the current guess at the friction factor%%Global Variables:%EPSDIA=ratio of relative roughness to pipe diameter%REYNOLDS=Reynolds number based on pipe diameter%%Output:ff=the"value"of the Colebrook function written y=F(f)%Global variables allow EPSDIA and REYNOLDS to be passed into%colebrkz while bypassing the bisect.m or fzero functionglobal EPSDIA REYNOLDSff=1.0/sqrt(f)+2.0*log10(EPSDIA/3.7+2.51/(REYNOLDS*sqrt(f)));Because the bisect function(unlike fzero)does not allow additional parameters to be passed through to the F(f)function,the values of /D and Re are passed to colebrkz via global variables.Running bisect with colebrkz is left to the reader.For Re=1×105and /D=0.02the solution is f=0.0490.Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.Chapter6:Finding the Roots of f(x)=03 6–13Derive the g3(x)functions in Example6.4and Example6.5.(Hint:What is thefixed-pointformula for Newton’s method?)Partial Solution:Thefixed point iteration formulas designated as g3(x)in Example6.4 and Example6.5are obtained by applying Newton’s method.The general form of Newton’smethod for a scalar variable isx k+1=x k−f(x k) f (x k)Example6.4:The f(x)function and its derivative aref(x)=x−x1/3−2f (x)=1−13x−2/3Substituting these expressions into the formula for Newton’s method and simplifying givesx k+1=x k−x k−x1/3k−21−(1/3)x−2/3k=x k(1−(1/3)x−2/3k)−(x k−x1/3k−2)1−(1/3)x−2/3k=x k−(1/3)x1/3k−x k+x1/3k+21−(1/3)x−2/3k=(2/3)x1/3k+21−(1/3)x k=2x1/3k+63−x−2/3kRepeating this analysis for Example6.5is left as an exercise.Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.4Finding the Roots of f(x)=0 6–17K.Wark and D.E.Richards(Thermodynamics,6th ed.,1999,McGraw-Hill,Boston,Example 14-2,pp.768–769)compute the equilibrium composition of a mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen gas at one atmosphere.Determining thefinal composition requires solving3.06=(1−x)(3+x)1/2 x(1+x)1/2for x.Obtain afixed-point iteration formula forfinding the roots of this equation.Implement your formula in a Matlab function and use your function tofind x.If your formula does not converge,develop one that does.Partial Solution:Onefixed point iteration formula is obtained by isolating the factor of (3+x)in the numerator.3.06x(1+x)1/21−x =(3+x)1/2=⇒x=3.06x(1+x)1/21−x2−3=⇒g1(x)=3.06x(1+x)1/21−x2−3Anotherfixed point iteration formula is obtained by solving for the isolated x in the denomi-nator to getx=(1−x)(3+x)1/23.06(1+x)=⇒g2(x)=(1−x)(3+x)1/23.06(1+x)Performing10fixed point iterations with g1(x)givesit xnew1-7.6420163e-012-2.5857113e+003-1.0721050e+014-7.9154865e+015-7.1666488e+026-6.6855377e+037-6.2575617e+048-5.8590795e+059-5.4861826e+0610-5.1370394e+07Thus,g1(x)does not converge.The g2(x)function does converge to the true root of x= 0.340327....Matlab implementations of thefixed point iterations are left as an Exercise. Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.Chapter6:Finding the Roots of f(x)=05 6–24Create a modified newton function(say,newtonb)that takes a bracket interval as input instead of a single initial guess.From the bracket limits take one bisection step to determine x0,the initial guess for Newton e the bracket limits to develop relative tolerances on x and f(x)as in the bisect function in Listing6.4.Solution:The newtonb function is listed below.The demoNewtonb function,also listed below, repeats the calculations in Example6.8with the original newton function and with the new newtonb function.Running demoNewtonb gives>>demoNewtonbOriginal newton function:Newton iterations for f(x)dfdx x(k+1)1-4.422e-018.398e-01 3.526644293139032 4.507e-038.561e-01 3.521380147397333 3.771e-078.560e-01 3.521379706804574 2.665e-158.560e-01 3.5213797068045750.000e+008.560e-01 3.52137970680457newtonb function:Newton iterations for f(x)dfdx x(k+1)1-4.422e-018.398e-01 3.526644293139032 4.507e-038.561e-01 3.521380147397333 3.771e-078.560e-01 3.521379706804574 2.665e-158.560e-01 3.5213797068045750.000e+008.560e-01 3.52137970680457The two implementations of Newton’s method give identical results because the input to newtonb is the bracket[2,4].This causes the initial bisection step to produce the same initial guess for the Newton iterations that is used in the call to newton.function demoNewtonb%demoNewtonb Use newton and newtonb to find the root of f(x)=x-x^(1/3)-2%%Synopsis:demoNewton%%Input:none%%Output print out of convergence history,and comparison of methodsfprintf(’\nOriginal newton function:\n’);r=newton(’fx3n’,3,5e-16,5e-16,1);fprintf(’\nnewtonb function:\n’);rb=newtonb(’fx3n’,[24],5e-16,5e-16,1);Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.6Finding the Roots of f(x)=0 function r=newtonb(fun,x0,xtol,ftol,verbose)%newtonb Newton’s method to find a root of the scalar equation f(x)=0%Initial guess is a bracket interval%%Synopsis:r=newtonb(fun,x0)%r=newtonb(fun,x0,xtol)%r=newtonb(fun,x0,xtol,ftol)%r=newtonb(fun,x0,xtol,ftol,verbose)%%Input:fun=(string)name of mfile that returns f(x)and f’(x).%x0=2-element vector providing an initial bracket for the root%xtol=(optional)absolute tolerance on x.Default:xtol=5*eps%ftol=(optional)absolute tolerance on f(x).Default:ftol=5*eps%verbose=(optional)flag.Default:verbose=0,no printing.%%Output:r=the root of the functionif nargin<3,xtol=5*eps;endif nargin<4,ftol=5*eps;endif nargin<5,verbose=0;endxeps=max(xtol,5*eps);feps=max(ftol,5*eps);%Smallest tols are5*epsif verbosefprintf(’\nNewton iterations for%s.m\n’,fun);fprintf(’k f(x)dfdx x(k+1)\n’);endxref=abs(x0(2)-x0(1));%Use initial bracket in convergence testfa=feval(fun,x0(1));fb=feval(fun,x0(2));fref=max([abs(fa)abs(fb)]);%Use max f in convergence testx=x0(1)+0.5*(x0(2)-x0(1));%One bisection step for initial guessk=0;maxit=15;%Current and max iterationswhile k<=maxitk=k+1;[f,dfdx]=feval(fun,x);%Returns f(x(k-1))and f’(x(k-1))dx=f/dfdx;x=x-dx;if verbose,fprintf(’%3d%12.3e%12.3e%18.14f\n’,k,f,dfdx,x);endif(abs(f/fref)<feps)|(abs(dx/xref)<xeps),r=x;return;endendwarning(sprintf(’root not found within tolerance after%d iterations\n’,k));Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.Chapter6:Finding the Roots of f(x)=07 6–27Implement the secant method using Algorithm6.5and Equation(6.13).Test your program by re-creating the results in Example6.10.What happens if10iterations are performed?Replace the formula in Equation(6.13)withx k+1=x k−f(x k)(x k−x k−1)f(x k k−1,whereεis a small number on the order ofεm.How and why does this change the results? Partial Solution:The demoSecant function listed below implements Algorithm(6.5)using Equation(6.13).The f(x)function,Equation6.3,is hard-coded into demoSecant.Note also that demoSecant performs ten iterations without checking for convergence.function demoSecant(a,b);%demoSecant Secant method for finding the root of f(x)=x-x^(1/3)-2=0%Implement Algorithm6.5,using Equation(6.13)%%Synopsis:demoSecant(a,b)%%Input:a,b=initial guesses for the iterations%%Output:print out of iterations;no return values.%copy initial guesses to local variablesxk=b;%x(k)xkm1=a;%x(k-1)fk=fx3(b);%f(x(k))fkm1=fx3(a);%f(x(k-1))fprintf(’\nSecant method:Algorithm6.5,Equation(6.13)\n’);fprintf(’n x(k-1)x(k)f(x(k))\n’);fprintf(’%3d%12.8f%12.8f%12.5e\n’,0,xkm1,xk,fk);for n=1:10x=xk-fk*(xk-xkm1)/(fk-fkm1);%secant formula for updating the rootf=fx3(x);fprintf(’%3d%12.8f%12.8f%12.5e\n’,n,xk,x,f);xkm1=xk;xk=x;%set-up for next iterationfkm1=fk;fk=f;endCopyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.8Finding the Roots of f(x)=0 Running demoSecant with an initial bracket of[3,4](the same bracket used in Example6.10) gives>>demoSecant(3,4)Secant method:Algorithm6.5,Equation(6.13)n x(k-1)x(k)f(x(k))0 3.00000000 4.00000000 4.12599e-011 4.00000000 3.51734262-3.45547e-032 3.51734262 3.52135125-2.43598e-053 3.52135125 3.52137971 1.56730e-094 3.52137971 3.52137971-8.88178e-165 3.52137971 3.52137971-2.22045e-166 3.52137971 3.521379710.00000e+007 3.52137971 3.521379710.00000e+00Warning:Divide by zero.>In/werk/MATLAB_Book/SolutionManual/roots/mfiles/demoSecant.m at line228 3.52137971NaN NaN9NaN NaN NaN10NaN NaN NaNThe secant method has fully converged in6iterations.Continuing the calculations beyond convergence gives afloating point exception because f(x k)−f(x k−1)=0in the denominator of Equation(6.13).In general,it is possible to have f(x k)−f(x k−1)=0before the secant iterations reach convergence.Thus,thefloating point exception exposed by demoSecant should be guarded against in any implementation of the secant method.Implementing thefix suggested in the problem statement is left as an exercise for the reader.Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.Chapter6:Finding the Roots of f(x)=09 6–33Write an m-file function to compute h,the depth to which a sphere of radius r,and specific gravity s,floats.(See Example6.12on page281.)The inputs are r and s,and the output ish.Only compute h when s<0.5.The s≥0.5case is dealt with in the following Exercise.If s≥0.5is input,have your function print an error message and stop.(The built-in error function will be useful.)Your function needs to include logic to select the correct root from the list of values returned by the built-in roots function.Partial Solution:The floata function listed below performs the desired computations.We briefly discuss three of the key statements in floata The coefficients of the polynomial are stored in the p vector.Thenc=getreal(roots(p));finds the real roots of the polynomial.The getreal subfunction returns only the real elements of a ing getreal is a defensive programming strategy.The sample calculation in Example6.12obtained only real roots of the polynomial,so getreal would not be necessary in that case.Thek=find(c>0&c<r);statement extracts the indices in the c vector satisfying the criteria0≤c k≤r.Then h=c(k);copies those roots satisfying the criteria to the h vector.No assumption is made that only one root meets the criteria.If more than one root is found a warning message is issued before leaving floata.Testing of floata is left to the reader.Copyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.10Finding the Roots of f(x)=0 function h=floata(r,s)%float Find water depth on a floating,solid sphere with specific gravity<0.5%%Synopsis:h=floata(r,s)%%Input:r=radius of the sphere%s=specific gravity of the sphere(0<s<1)%%Output:h=depth of the sphereif s>=0.5error(’s<0.5required in this version’)elsep=[1-3*r04*s*r^3];%h^3-3*r*h+4*s*r^3=0c=getreal(roots(p));k=find(c>0&c<r);%indices of elements in c such that0<c(k)<rh=c(k);%value of elements in c satisfying above criterionendif length(h)>1,warning(’More than one root found’);end%==============================function cr=getreal(c)%getreal Copy all real elements of input vector to output vector%%Synopsis:cr=getreal(c)%%Input:c=vector of numerical values%%Output cr=vector of only the real elements of c%cr=[]if c has only imaginary elementsn=0;for k=1:length(c)if isreal(c(k))n=n+1;cr(n)=c(k);endendif n==0,cr=[];warning(’No real elements in the input vector’);endCopyright c 2000,Gerald W.Recktenwald.Photocopying is permitted only for non-commercial educational purposes.。


– The market capitalization of the U.S. is $10 trillion while that of Guatemala is only $2 billion (in U.S. dollars)
Many stock markets also trade other financial
• Offer little or no investment advice
• No ‘hand-holding’ services provided
• Little opportunity for churning
• Lower commissions
– Range from $20 to $50
Trading on Margin
When opening a new account with a
A variety of different stock markets exist
– For instance, Germany’s market is over 400 years old while Tanzania’s began in 1998
– Macedonia has only two companies trading on its stock exchange while India has 5,840
Consolidations are merging stock markets and
technology is pulling national markets together
Francis & Ibbotson
Chapter 6: The Global Stock Market

Chapter06 Individual Decision Making

Chapter06 Individual Decision Making

Three-Component Model of Creativity 创造力三要素模型
Intrinsic Task
How to improve creativity?
Organizational factors impede creativity
▪ Intuitive Decision Making直觉决策
➢ An unconscious process created out of distilled experience.从经验中提炼出决策的无意识过程
▪ Conditions Favoring Intuitive Decision Making
▪ 决策者最先评估显而易见的、熟悉的或 与现状相差不远的方案,得出的决策也 是满意决策而不是最优决策。
How Are Decisions Actually Made in Organizations
▪ How/Why problems are identified
➢ Visibility over importance of problem (易见性胜过重要性)
The Three Components of Creativity
Creativity(创造力) The ability to produce novel and useful ideas.
Three-Component Model of Creativity 创造力三要素模型 Proposition that individual creativity requires: expertise(专业能力) creative-thinking skills(创造性思维技能) and intrinsic task motivation(内在的任务动机)

宏观经济学 斯蒂芬威廉森chap06

宏观经济学 斯蒂芬威廉森chap06

Macroeconomics, 3e (Williamson)Chapter 6 E conomic Growth: Malthus and Solow1) I f changes in economic policy could cause the growth rate of real GDP to increase by 1% peryear for 100 years, then GDP would be ________ % higher after 100 years than it would havebeen otherwise.A) 1.3B) 2.0C) 2.7D) 3.8Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition2) I n an exogenous growth model, growth is caused byA) c apital accumulation.B) g overnment policies.C) h uman capital accumulation.D) f orces that are not explained by the model itself.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition3) T he idea that an improvement in technology causes an increase in population but causes noincrease in the average standard of living is attributed toA) A dam Smith.B) T homas Malthus.C) R obert Solow.D) M ilton Friedman.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition4) T he Malthusian model performs poorly in explaining economic growth after theA) F rench Revolution.B) A merican Revolution.C) I ndustrial Revolution.D) B io-technology Revolution.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition5) T he Solow model emphasizes the role of which of the following factors of production?A) l andB) l aborC) c apitalD) n atural resourcesAnswer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition6) B efore the Industrial Revolution, standards of living differedA) g reatly over time and across countries.B) l ittle over time, but differed greatly across countries.C) g reatly over time, but differed little across countries.D) l ittle over time and across countries.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition7) R ecent evidence suggests that output per worker isA) p ositively related to both the rate of investment and to the rate of population growth.B) p ositively related to the rate of investment and negatively related to the rate ofpopulation growth.C) n egatively related to the rate of investment and positively related to the rate ofpopulation growth.D) n egatively related to both the rate of investment and to the rate of population growth.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition8) T here is evidence that income per worker is converging inA) t he richest countries and the poorest countries.B) t he richest countries, but not the poorest countries.C) t he poorest countries, but not the richest countries.D) n either the richest nor the poorest countries.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition9) C onditional convergence means thatA) t he distance between poor and rich countries increases.B) t he distance between poor and rich countries stays the same.C) t he distance between poor and rich countries decreases.D) t here is no systematic pattern in how poor and rich countries grow.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew10) F or conditional convergence to hold, it is required thatA) p oor countries grow.B) p oor countries grow faster and faster.C) p oor countries grow faster than rich countries.D) p oor countries become richer than currently rich countries.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew11) C onditional convergence means thatA) p oorer countries have higher growth rates.B) p oorer countries have lower growth rates.C) p oorer countries have very diverse growth rates.D) p oorer countries have uniform growth rates.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew12) I n the Malthusian model, the population growth rate isA) e xogenous.B) p ositively related to consumption per worker.C) n egatively related to consumption per worker.D) a ssumed to be constant.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition13) T he Malthusian model emphasizes fixity in which of the following factors of production?A) l aborB) l andC) e nergyD) n one of the aboveAnswer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition14) I n the Malthusian model, an improvement in the technology of growing food is likely toA) i ncrease the equilibrium size of the population and increase the equilibrium level ofconsumption per worker.B) i ncrease the equilibrium size of the population and decrease the equilibrium level ofconsumption per worker.C) i ncrease the equilibrium size of the population and have no effect on the equilibriumlevel of consumption per worker.D) h ave no effect on the equilibrium size of the population and increase the equilibriumlevel of consumption per worker.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition15) T he Malthusian model predicts thatA) p opulation will keep increasing.B) t he standard of living will keep increasing.C) h ealth improvements increase the standard of living.D) p opulation control improves the standard of living.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew16) I n a Malthusian world, why is misery recurrent?A) T he marginal returns of capital are decreasing.B) F ertility is endogenous.C) O utput is increasing in labor.D) M ortality depends on the standard of living.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew17) I n a Malthusian world, what would improve the standard of living permanently?A) a warB) a new medical drugC) b irth controlD) d emocracyAnswer: CQuestion Status: N ew18) I n a Malthusian world, what would improve the standard of living temporarily?A) a warB) a new virusC) b irth controlD) d emocracyAnswer: AQuestion Status: N ew19) I n the Malthusian model, state-mandated population control policies are likely toA) d ecrease the equilibrium size of the population and increase the equilibrium level ofconsumption per worker.B) d ecrease the equilibrium size of the population and have no effect on the equilibriumlevel of consumption per worker.C) h ave no effect on the equilibrium size of the population and increase the equilibriumlevel of consumption per worker.D) h ave no effect on either the equilibrium size of the population or the equilibrium levelof consumption per worker.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition20) I n the Malthusian model, improvements in health care lead toA) h igher population and higher per-capita production.B) h igher population and lower per-capita production.C) l ower population and higher per-capita production.D) l ower population and lower per-capita production.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew21) I f an epidemic hits a Malthusian economy, the immediate consequence isA) a n increase in the standard of living.B) a reduction in the standard of living.C) n o change in the standard of living.D) d ependent on the population growth rate.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew22) I f an epidemic hits a Malthusian economy, the long-term consequence isA) a n increase in the standard of living.B) a reduction in the standard of living.C) n o change in the standard of living.D) d ependent on the population growth rate.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew23) I n a Malthusian world, what events would improve temporarily the standard of living, asmeasured by output per capita?A) a peace keeping missionB) a n increase in violent crimeC) a new mutation of germsD) a new sewer systemAnswer: BQuestion Status: N ew24) I n a Malthusian world, what events would improve permanently the standard of living, asmeasured by output per capita?A) a peace keeping missionB) a n increase in violent crimeC) a new mutation of germsD) a new sewer systemAnswer: CQuestion Status: N ew25) I n more modern times as opposed to the times of Malthus, higher standards of living appeartoA) d ecrease death rates and increase birth rates.B) d ecrease death rates and also decrease birth rates.C) d ecrease death rates and have no effect on birth rates.D) h ave had effects on neither death rates nor birth rates.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition26) M althus was too pessimistic because he did not foresee the effects ofA) e ver increasing amounts of land for cultivation.B) i ncreases in the capital stock and the effects of such increases on production.C) i mproved nutrition and health care.D) i mproved family planning practices.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition27) T he Solow residual attempts to measure the amount of output not explained byA) t echnological progress.B) t he direct contribution of labor and capital.C) e conomic projections.D) t he amount of a nation's human capital.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition28) G rowth accounting, popularized by Robert Solow, attempts to attribute a change inaggregate outputA) t o its most important single cause.B) s eparately between changes in government policy and changes in total factorproductivity.C) s eparately between changes in total factor productivity and changes in the supplies offactors of production.D) s eparately between changes in the supplies of factors of production and changes ingovernment policy.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition29) For the production function, Y = zK 0.36N 0.64, if measured output is, ˆYmeasured capital input is ˆK, and measured labor input is ˆN , then the Solow residual would be equal to A) 0.360.64ˆˆˆK N Y. B) 0.360.64ˆˆK N× ˆY . C) 0.640.36ˆˆN K× ˆY . D) 0.360.64ˆˆˆY K N. Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition30) A ll of the following increase total factor productivity exceptA) n ew inventions.B) m ore capital.C) n ew management techniques.D) f avorable changes in government regulations.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition31) W hich of the following increases total factor productivity?A) i nvestment in machineryB) a harsh winterC) b etter access to creditD) n ew production proceduresAnswer: DQuestion Status: N ew32) G rowth in the Solow residual was slowest in theA) 1950s.B) 1960s.C) 1970s.D) 1980s.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition33) G rowth in the Solow residual was fastest in theA) 1950s.B) 1960s.C) 1970s.D) 1980s.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition34) O ne plausible explanation of the U.S. productivity slowdown starting in 1973 is that it is anartifact of mismeasurement. This explanation would require that production ofA) g oods is underestimated.B) g oods is overestimated.C) s ervices is underestimated.D) s ervices is overestimated.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition35) O ne plausible explanation of the U.S. productivity slowdown starting in 1973 is that it was aresult of the increase in the relative price of energy. This explanation would require that, in light of higher energy costs, theA) c apital stock is overestimated.B) c apital stock is underestimated.C) l abor force is overestimated.D) l abor force is underestimated.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition36) O ne plausible explanation of the U.S. productivity slowdown starting in 1973 is that it wasthe result of the time needed to adapt to new technology. This explanation would require thatA) w orkers withdraw from the labor force to learn about the new technology.B) a large number of new entrants be attracted to the labor force.C) m anagers be reluctant to adopt changes.D) w orkers time at their jobs be diverted from production to learning the technology.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition37) P ercentage deviations from trend in the Solow residual areA) u nrelated to the business cycle.B) p rocyclical and smaller than percentage deviations from trend in GDP.C) p rocyclical and have about equal magnitude as percentage deviations from trend inGDP.D) p rocyclical and larger than percentage deviations from trend in GDP.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition38) T he biggest contribution to real U.S. GDP growth in the 1970s was due to growth inA) t otal factor productivity.B) t he capital stock.C) t he labor force.D) b oth the capital stock and the labor force.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition39) T he biggest contribution to real GDP growth in the "East Asian Tigers" during the period1966-1991 was due to growth inA) t otal factor productivity.B) t he capital stock.C) t he labor force.D) i nternational trade.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition40) T he per -worker production function relates output per workerA) t o capital per worker.B) t o the participation rate.C) t o production per worker.D) i n different countries.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition41) W e can express the per-worker production function as a function of only per-worker capitalthanks toA) t he decreasing marginal return of capital.B) t he decreasing marginal return of labor.C) t he constant returns to scale.D) t he impatience of households.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew42) T he slope of the output per worker function is equal to theA) m arginal product of capital.B) m arginal product of labor.C) s avings rate.D) g rowth rate of the population.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition43) I n Solow's model of economic growth, suppose that s represents the savings rate, zrepresents total factor productivity, k represents the level of capital per worker, and f(k) represents the per-worker production function. Also suppose that n represents thepopulation growth rate and d represents the depreciation rate of capital. The equilibrium level of capital per worker, k *, will satisfy the equationA) s zf(k*) = (n + d)k*. B) = (n + d )f (k*).C) nf(k *) = *()sk s d +. D) f (k*) =()s n d +k *. Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition44) T he saving rate has the following characteristic in Solow's exogenous growth modelA) i t increases with output.B) i t first decreases, then increases with output.C) i t first increases, then decreases with output.D) i t is constant.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew45) I n Solow's exogenous growth model, the principal obstacle to continuous growth in outputper capita is due toA) t he declining marginal product of labor.B) t he declining marginal product of capital.C) l imits in the ability of government policymakers.D) t oo little savings.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition46) I n Solow's exogenous growth model, the economy reaches a stable steady state becauseA) t he marginal return of capital is decreasing.B) c apital is growing at a constant rate.C) t he substitution effect is stronger than the income effect.D) c onditional convergence holds.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew47) I n the steady state of Solow's exogenous growth model, an increase in the savings rateA) i ncreases output per worker and increases capital per worker.B) i ncreases output per worker and decreases capital per worker.C) d ecreases output per worker and increases capital per worker.D) d ecreases output per worker and decreases capital per worker.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition48) W hich of the following is not a feature of the steady state in Solow's exogenous growthmodel?A) T he capital/output ratio is steady.B) C apital grows continuously.C) C onsumption per worker is steady.D) T otal saving is steady.Answer: DQuestion Status: N ew49) I f the population growth rate increases by the same percentage points as the depreciationrate, what happens to the steady-state, per-worker output in Solow's exogenous growth model?A) I t increases.B) I t decreases.C) I t does not change.D) I t cannot exist anymore.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew50) I f the population growth rate increases by the same percentage points as the depreciationrate decreases, what happens to the steady-state, per-worker consumption in Solow'sexogenous growth model?A) I t increases.B) I t decreases.C) I t does not change.D) I t cannot exist anymore.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew51) I n Solow's exogenous growth model, the steady-state growth rate of capital can be increasedbyA) h igher population growth.B) h igher depreciation rate.C) h igher saving rate.D) h igher interest rate.Answer: AQuestion Status: N ew52) T he Golden Rule of capital accumulation maximizes the steady-state level ofA) o utput per worker.B) c apital per worker.C) c onsumption per worker.D) i nvestment per worker.Answer: CQuestion Status: P revious Edition53) I n the Golden Rule steady state, the marginal product of capital is equal to theA) s avings rate plus the population growth rate.B) p opulation growth rate plus the depreciation rate.C) d epreciation rate plus the savings rate.D) s avings rate divided by the marginal product of labor.Answer: BQuestion Status: P revious Edition54) W ith the Golden Rule,A) s avings maximize output.B) s avings maximize consumption.C) s avings minimize costs.D) s avings optimize the population level.Answer: BQuestion Status: N ew55) T he Golden Rule says thatA) o ne should save as much as possible.B) o ne should save as little as possible.C) o ne should save something between A and B.D) s avings are irrelevant.Answer: CQuestion Status: N ew56) I n the steady state of Solow's exogenous growth model, an increase in the growth rate oflabor forceA) i ncreases output per worker and increases capital per worker.B) i ncreases output per worker and decreases capital per worker.C) d ecreases output per worker and increases capital per worker.D) d ecreases output per worker and decreases capital per worker.Answer: DQuestion Status: P revious Edition57) I n the steady state of Solow's exogenous growth model, an increase in total factorproductivityA) i ncreases output per worker and increases capital per worker.B) i ncreases output per worker and decreases capital per worker.C) d ecreases output per worker and increases capital per worker.D) d ecreases output per worker and decreases capital per worker.Answer: AQuestion Status: P revious Edition。



两直线的交点应满足: 两直线的交点应满足:
求得: 求得:
如果参数值同时满足0≤u≤1,0≤v≤1, 如果参数值同时满足0≤u≤1,0≤v≤1,则两线段有 0≤u≤1 交点,代入公式( 即可求得交点坐标( 交点,代入公式(6-1)即可求得交点坐标(x,y), 否则无交点。 否则无交点。
这种方法虽然简单,但当多边形为凹多边形时, 这种方法虽然简单,但当多边形为凹多边形时,则 可能出现错误,即所求出的矢量为内法矢量。 可能出现错误,即所求出的矢量为内法矢量。 2、求任意多边形法矢量的算法 而三个方向分量为: 而三个方向分量为: 设法矢量
(6-4) )
式中:n为顶点号,若i≠n,则j=i+1;否则i=n,j=1。 式中: 为顶点号, i≠n, j=i+1;否则i=n,j=1。 i=n
第6章 隐藏线和隐藏面的处理
消隐常用的计算方法 凸多面体消隐 任意多面体的消隐 常用的消隐算法 小结
什么是消隐?有什么用途? 什么是消隐?有什么用途?
用计算机生成三维物体的真实图形, 用计算机生成三维物体的真实图形,是计算机图形 学研究的重要内容。真实图形在仿真模拟、几何造型、 学研究的重要内容。真实图形在仿真模拟、几何造型、 广告影视、指挥控制和科学计算的可视化等许多领域都 广告影视、 有广泛应用。从一个视点去观察一个三维物体, 有广泛应用。从一个视点去观察一个三维物体,必然只 能看到该物体表面上的部分点、 能看到该物体表面上的部分点、线、面,而其余部分则 被这些可见部分遮挡住。如果观察的是若干个三维物体, 被这些可见部分遮挡住。如果观察的是若干个三维物体, 则物体之间还可能彼此遮挡而部分不可见。因此, 则物体之间还可能彼此遮挡而部分不可见。因此,消隐 就是在视点确定之后 在视点确定之后, 就是在视点确定之后,为了真实地显示三维物体而将对 象表面上不可见的点、 面消去,以消除二义性。 象表面上不可见的点、线、面消去,以消除二义性。执 行这一功能的算法,称为消隐算法 消隐算法。 行这一功能的算法,称为消隐算法。



(k x
(k y
(k z
如果和时间无关, 则为稳态
有限元分析 第6章
有限元分析 第6章
• 类似于结构力学中的最小势能原理,将解 结构力学的解一组控制方程转化势能(数 学上称为泛函,是以函数为自变量的函数) 的极小,在热传导里面也采用类似的方法。
• 满足第1类边界的温度场下列泛函极小,等 价于热传导方程和第2及第3类边界条件:
1 2
1 2
)2 d
有限元分析 第6章
6.2.2 稳态热传导问题的有限元
单元离散 单元插值
N ii i 1
(ie )
1 2
uT Td
(1 T D T D )dv uT fdv uTTd 1( )T D dv
(1 2
有限元分析 第6章
6.3.3 有限元格式 对已知的温度场和待求的位移场分别进行 有限元离散和单元插值,为了方便可以选 取同样的插值函数
e j
peie )

Chapter 06 Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk

Chapter 06 Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk
Foreign Currency Transactions and Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk Learning Objectives 5. Describe the concepts of cash flow hedges, fair value hedges, and hedge accounting. 6. Demonstrate the accounting for forward contracts and options used as cash flow hedges and fair value hedges to hedge foreign currency assets and liabilities, foreign currency firm commitments, and forecasted foreign currency transactions.
Learning Objective 1
Foreign Exchange Markets
Option contracts Option premium – cost of purchasing the option, is a function of the option’s intrinsic value and time value. Intrinsic value – is the gain that could be made by immediate exercise of the option. Time value – the value that derives from the fact that the currency value could increase during the remainder of the option period.


Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 5
Data for the Sellmore Problem
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 6
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem Which person should be assigned to which task? 哪个人应该负责哪项工作?
Chapter 6. Transportation and Assignment Problems
第六章. 运输问 题和指派问题
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 1
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem The marketing manager of Sellmore Company will be holding the company’s annual sales conference soon. (塞尔默公司的营销经理将要主持 召开一年一度的由营销区域经理以及销 售人员参加的销售协商会议)
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 3
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem
Each will handle one of the following four tasks: (每一个人负责完成下面的一项任务) Word processing of written
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 17
Materials-Handling Cost Data
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 18
Job Shop (Assigning Machines to Locations)


N P −3 PS PG C = (cm ) → C = ∴C G= ; Cs = V kT kT kT
F2 Transport F3 Reaction
hG ∴ F1 = ( PG − PS ) kT
Use Henry’s law (relation between the concentration of a species in a solid and the partial pressure of the species in the surrounding gas) Co=HPs; C*=HP H---Henry’s constant C*---Equilibrium concentration of oxidant in the oxide ∴ F1=h(C*-Co), h---New gas-phase mass transpor—Reaction rate constant of the chemical reaction at the interface
In Steady State:
F1 = F2 = F3
D ⎧ * ⎪h(C − C0 ) = X (C0 − Ci ) ⎪ ox ∴⎨ ⎪ D (C − C ) = K C i s i ⎪ X ox 0 ⎩
Oxidant Flow (e.g. O2,or H2O)
Gas Diffusion
Solid-State Diffusion SiO2 Formation
Gas Flow stagnant Layer SiO2 Si-Substrate
IV Deal-Grove model of Oxidation Kinetics (developed in 1965)



V n 0
In spherical coordinates, the Laplace’s eq. is
1 2 1 1 V r Vr r sin V sin r sin 0V Vr er V e V e
If the flow is irrotational, there exists a velocity potential such that
A physically possible flow must satisfy the continuity equation, i.e., for incompressible flow
cos 2 r
Velocity components:
1 1 V er e e r r r sin cos sin er e 0e 3 3 2 r 4 r
V Vr er V e Ve
C Vr r 2 V 0 V 0
C V 2 er r
This velocity distribution describes a flow with straight streamlines emanating ['eməneitiη] from the origin. Moreover, the velocity varies inversely with the square of the distance from the origin.
C 4
Finally we find
Vr 2 4r



Chapter 6 – Political Economy 19 Chapter 6 – Political Economy 1. a. Below, the preferences for Person 1 and Person 2 are drawn. Same procedure is used for the other three people. b. C wins in every pairwise vote. Thus, there is a stable majority outcome, despite the fact that persons 1, 2, and 3 have double-peaked preferences. This demonstrates that although although multi-peaked multi-peaked multi-peaked preferences preferences may lead lead to to to voting voting voting inconsistencies, inconsistencies, inconsistencies, this this this is is is not not necessarily the case. 2. The belief that the tax bill will pass because it contains provisions sought sought by by by so so so many many different lawmakers is consistent with the logrolling model. It could be the case that each lawmaker lawmaker has has has inserted inserted inserted favored favored favored provisions provisions provisions with with with the the the understanding understanding understanding that that that other other other lawmakers lawmakers will support the overall package provided it contains the provisions they favor. 3. Without vote-trading, neither bill would pass. If there is vote-trading, then voter B would agree to support issue X provided voter A supports Issue Y, allowing both bills to pass. The change in net benefits is +3 for Issue X and -2 for Issue Y, so logrolling results in a gain of +1. 4. Yes, it it is is is consistent, consistent, consistent, because because because the the the theory theory theory says says says that that that when when when unanimity unanimity unanimity is is is required, required, required, no no decisions are likely to be made. A majority system might be more suitable, although it is subject to cycling and other problems. 5. Assuming that the preferences of Kuwaiti women differ from the preferences of Kuwaiti men, stronger voter turnout by women could invalidate the median voter theorem. That is, the results of majority voting would not reflect the preferences of the median voter. 6. When there is a vote over five options, there is the chance that a potential majority vote is split between four relatively preferred options, and the fifth option wins. The winning option may have been voted down if it had been a two-way vote with any of the other options. Further, Further, if if if preferences preferences preferences are are are not not not single-peaked, single-peaked, single-peaked, cycling cycling cycling and and and inconsistent inconsistent inconsistent public public decisions may emerge. Part 2 – Public Expenditure: Public Goods and Externalities 20 7. Given the U.S. experience with the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990, we would expect the EU deficit li mits to be ineffective. We would expect “accounting tricks” to mask the size of the deficits (such as itemizing various budget items as “unexpected emergencies”), and and if if if that that that didn’t didn’t didn’t work, work, work, we we we would would would expect expect expect the the the deficit deficit deficit rules rules rules to to to be be be ignored. ignored. This This is is apparently apparently what what what is is is happening. happening. When When Germany Germany Germany exceeded exceeded exceeded the the the deficit deficit deficit target, target, target, no no no moves moves were taken to levy the required fines. 8. Since rents, by definition, are the returns above a normal return, then when the licenses are put on the market, their price will be the value of the rents. Hence, the owner of the peanut license, whoever he or she is, only makes a normal return. Put another way, the license is an asset that earns a normal rate of return. If the peanut license system were eliminated, efficiency would be enhanced. But the elimination would, in effect, confiscate the value of this asset. It is not clear that this is fair. One could also argue that when someone buys this asset, the purchase is with the understanding that there is some probability that its value will be reduced by elimination of the program; hence, it is not unfair to do so. 9. a. With the demand curve of Q=100-10P and a perfectly elastic supply curve at P=2, then the milk is sold at a price of $2, and a quantity of 80 units is sold. b. The The marginal marginal marginal revenue revenue revenue curve curve curve associated associated associated with with with the the the inverse inverse inverse demand demand demand curve curve curve P=10-P=10-(1/10)Q (1/10)Q is is is MR=10-(1/5)Q, MR=10-(1/5)Q, MR=10-(1/5)Q, while while while the the the marginal marginal marginal cost cost cost curve curve curve is is is MC=2. MC=2. The The cartel cartel would ideally produce a quantity where MR=MC, or 10-(1/5)Q=2, or Q=40. The price associated with a cartel quantity of 40 units is P=10-(1/10)*40, or P=6. c. The rent associated with the cartel is the product of the marginal profit per unit and the number of units produced. The marginal profit per unit of milk is $4 (=$6 price - $2 marginal cost), while 40 units are produced. Thus, the rents equal $160. d. The The most most most the the the cartel cartel cartel would would would be be be willing willing willing to to to contribute contribute contribute to to to politicians politicians politicians is is is the the the full full economic rent of $160. The cartel situation, the quantity of milk produced is too low from society’s point of view. The deadweig ht loss triangle is computed using the difference between the cartel output and competitive output as the “base” of the triangle, and the difference between the cartel price and competitive price as the “height.” Thus, the triangle is equal to (1/2)*(80-40)*($6-$2)=$40. e. As Figure 6.5 in the textbook shows, the deadweight loss could now go as high as the sum of the conventional deadweight loss and the rents, or $160 rents + $80 DWL DWL = = = $240. $240. This This is is is because, because, because, as as as noted noted noted in in in the the the text text text, , , “rent “rent “rent-seeking -seeking -seeking can can can use use use up up resources resources –– lobbyists spend their time influencing legislators, consultants testify before before regulatory regulatory regulatory panels, panels, panels, and and and advertisers advertisers advertisers conduct conduct conduct public public public relations relations relations campaigns. campaigns. Such resources, which could have been used to produce new goods and services, are are instead instead instead consumed consumed consumed in in in a a a struggle struggle struggle over over over the the the distribution distribution distribution of of of existing existing existing goods goods goods and and services. Hence, Hence, the the the rents rents rents do do do not not not represent represent represent a a a mere mere mere lump-sum lump-sum lump-sum transfer; transfer; transfer; it it it is is is a a measure of real resources used up to maintain a position of market power.”Chapter 6 – Political Economy 21 10. Niskanen’s Niskanen’s model model model of of of bureaucracy bureaucracy is is illustrated illustrated illustrated in in in Figure Figure Figure 6.4 6.4 6.4 of of of the the the textbook. textbook. In In the the aftermath of September 11th , the new concerns over food safety would likely shift the V curve upward (that is, the value placed on each level of Q ). Assuming that C curve (costs per per unit unit unit of of Q ) ) does does does not not not change, change, change, then then then this this this shift shift shift increases increases increases the the the actual actual actual number number number of of of food food inspectors inspectors hired. hired. It It is is is also also also likely likely likely that that that the the the slope slope slope of of of the the V curve curve changes, changes, changes, with with with each each marginal unit of Q becoming more valuable. Thus, the V curve not only “shifts” upward, but becomes steeper as well. Both of these effects – the shifting of the V curve and the change change in in in the the the slope slope slope –– lead lead to to to greater greater greater values values values of of Q under under the the the bureaucracy bureaucracy bureaucracy model. model. The change in the slope leads to a greater value of Q *, the efficient level of output. Thus, the optimal number of FDA employees and the actual number of FDA employees are likely to rise. 11. a. The The outcome outcome outcome of of of the the the first first first election election election (M (M (M vs. vs. vs. H) H) H) is is is M. M. The The outcome outcome outcome of of of the the the second second election election (H (H (H vs. vs. vs. L) L) L) is is is L. L. The The outcome outcome outcome of of of the the the third third third election election election (L (L (L vs. vs. vs. M) M) M) is is is M. M. Majority rule leads to a stable outcome since M defeats both H and L. Giving one person the ability to set the agenda would not affect the outcome in this case. b. With the the change change in in Eleanor’s Eleanor’s preference ordering, majority rule rule no no longer generates a stable outcome. In a vote between M and H, the outcome is H. In a vote between H and L, the outcome is L. In a vote between L and M, the outcome is M. So, giving one person the ability to set the agenda affects the outcome. For example, example, Abigail Abigail Abigail prefers prefers prefers H, H, H, so so so she she she might might might pit pit pit L L L against against against M M M first first first in in in order order order to to eliminate L and avoid having L defeat H. 。

chapter06 三绕组变压器

chapter06 三绕组变压器

3、第三绕组接成 ,提供i3回路。
1、三绕组同心排列在铁心柱上; Y Y 1 2 3 3 2 1
3 2
1 高压 2 中压 3 低压
每相的高中低压绕组均套于同一铁心柱上。为了绝缘使用合理, 通常把高压绕组放在最外层,中压和低压绕组放在内层。 6
2、三绕组容量可以不同,此时变压器的额定容量指三绕组 最大的一个。 •额定容量是指容量最大的那个绕组的容量,一般容量的百 分比按高中低压绕组有三种形式100/100/50、100/50/100、 100/100/100。 •三相三绕组变压器的联结组有YN、yn0,d11(
U12 U1 (U 2 ) I1[r1 j ( L1 M 12 M 13 M 23 )] I2 [r2 j ( L2 M 12 M 23 M 13 )]
I1 (r1 jx1 ) I 2 (r2 jx2 ) I1 z1 I 2 z 2
U 13 U 1 (U 3 ) I1[r1 j ( L1 M 12 M 13 M 23 )] I3 [r3 j ( L3 M 13 M 23 M 12 )]
I1 (r1 jx1 ) I 3 (r3 jx3 ) I1 z1 I 3 z3
U 2 ' k12 U 2
I 2' I 2

U 3 ' k13 U 3

M12 N 1 N 2 21 , M12 ' N 1 N 2 ' 12 M12 ' k12 M12 M 21'



117 第十七页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
第十八页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
119 第十九页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
220 第二十页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
3 构建用例图(一)
用例规约该写什么? 用例规约需要与用例图相对应
用例的名称 用例描述:一句完整的话 用例间的关系
事件流的详细程度 事件流之间的流转
330 第三十页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
用例描述中没有主参与者。 用例描述中只有参与者动作,没有系统动作。 事件流中的动作没有主语。 描述中有过多的用户操作细节,如按钮等界面元素
的虚线表示 ✓“extend”关系的方向, 子用例对主用例的扩展
223 第二十三页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
4. 用例关系-2:什么关系?
✓用例是一个完整 的交互,用例之间 没有顺序的关系
224 第二十四页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
4. 用例关系-3
第二十五页,编辑于星期五:十点 三十三分。
Jacobson博士建议永远不要扩展一扩展对于在描述用例的时候,什么时候用扩展,什么时候用可 选路径,Jacobson建议:
只有当扩展用例与被扩展用例完全分离(即它本身是一个独立 的具体用例或者是其他用例需要的一个小片段)时,才使用扩 展关系

第六章 传票翻打技术

第六章  传票翻打技术

6.4 传票算
6.4.1 传票算使用说明
• 系统主界面选择【传票录入】进入到【传票录入】目录。选 择“[D]设置”,进行相关设置。设置完毕后按[Enter] 自动保存设置。 操作:通过[↑↓]键移动光标,[←→] 键调整相关设置。
• 在【传票录入】目录下选择“[B]传票算”,进入【传票算】 功能菜单。选择“[B]传票算测试”或者“[A]传票算练 习”,二者的区别在于:测试模式下,系统可以保存最后成 绩,并且可以通过无线模块发送测试成绩,该模式可以在比 赛时使用。在练习模式下,系统不保存成绩,也不能发送成 绩,但是可以保存成长历程,该模式只在练习时使用。
6.4 传票算 6.4.2 传票算计分规则
按照录入界面提示页码和行次进行累加,每组加和20题,以回 车键提交得到的结果作为评断得分的标准,即每一组为20分或 0分,最后一组以时间到后的结果评定小分。
第六章 传票翻打
传票翻打,也称为传票算,是指在经济核算过程中,对各种单 据、发票或凭证进行汇总计算的一种方法,一般采用加减运算。 它是加减运算在实际工作中的具体应用,它可以为会计核算、 财会分析、统计报表提供及时、准确、可靠的基础数字,是财 经工作者必备的一项基本功,并被列入全国会计技能比赛的正 式项目。 传票翻打是对一打整理好的同类票据,针对每张上的某个特定 数据进行统计的技能。
• (1)各手指要放在基本键上,输入数字时,每个手指只负责 相应的几个键,不要混淆。
• (2)手腕平直,手指自然弯曲,击键只限于手指指尖,身体 其他部分不要接触工作台或键盘。
• (3)输入时,手稍微抬起,只有要击键的手指才伸出击键, 击完后立即收回,停留在基准键上。
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第六章基因突变Chapter 6 Gene Mutation 新基因的产生——

第一节基因突变的时期和特征(pp:249-253) Section 6.1 Time and Characters of Mutation







人类红细胞表面抗原的特异性由3个复等位基因I A,I B,i决定。

其中I A,I B对i均为显性;
I A,I B间为共显性。

反应类型,如下表所示(其中用I O表示i):
小鼠(Mus musculus)毛色遗传的隐性致死突变

研究表明:黄色基因(A Y)在毛色上表现为显性,但是同时具有隐性纯合致死效应;A Y A Y个体胚胎阶段即死亡,所以杂合体自群交配毛色会表现2:1。







自然条件下基因突变率一般较低,并随生物种类、基因而异: 不同生物种类的基因突变率:
Beadle, G. W.(1941)通过红色面包霉突变研究发现:基因是通过酶的作用控制性状表现,提出“一个基因一个酶”假说(如图所示)。


水、无机盐、糖类、微量生物素→(酶促合成)→必需的复杂有机物 几种生化突变型:

