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思考的,后来老师就放马了:看来你真的不知道,没事 我告诉你;李鼎铭 我顿做恍然大悟样 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~呵呵 3 {( o0 a9 E C* ~ 最后所有都结束后我给好朋友们及家人发了条短信:革命路程已爬完、胜利与否未知、本同学已作努 力、剩下的听天由命、很想来人大念书、校园老师同学一样好、只是要说声再见、或许能够再见吧、如果 有缘的话~~~~~~~~~ 04 年复试法学综合卷 *法理 名词:立法体制,法律关系 简答:法的特征。 *法制史 名词:唐律,十恶 简答:简述八议入律及其内容 *宪法 名词:民族自治机关,宪法解释 简答:人大代表的人身特别保护主义 *刑法 名词:想象竞合犯,诬告陷害罪 简答:犯罪未遂的概念,特征及处罚原则 *诉讼法 名词:取保候审,申诉 简答:除权判决的形成条件及后果 05 年 *法理: 名词:法的创制,调整性法律关系 简答:简述法制和法治的区别
1、中国的奴隶制五刑 2、合同的分类 3、民法的代理 4、两大法系的区别 5、刑法的效力 6、香港特别行政区高度自治权的表现 7、犯罪行为和犯罪结果的因果关系的唯物注意思考 8、法律解释的作用 9、民族自治区的自治权 10、法律制定的特点 11、民法的原则 12、法律对人的效力 13、继承法的原则 14、商鞅变法的内容 15、关于无因管理 16、清末修律的特点 17、债的分类 18、中国土地法大纲的内容 19、未遂犯的定义、特征 20、一般累犯的构成要件 21、宪法的根本法地位体现在那里 (三)笔试部分题目:名词解释和简答 法理 1,法律规范,法律事实 2,简述法律原则的概念和功能 法制史 1.奴隶制五刑 2.简述《唐律》的结构
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法学研究生英语复试问答材料Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the interview for the Master of Law program. 你好,我叫[你的名字],很感谢能有机会参加法学硕士项目的面试。

Studying law has always been a passion of mine, as I am fascinated by the intricate workings of the legal system and how it shapes our society. My undergraduate studies in law have equipped me with a solid foundation in legal theory and principles. I believe that pursuing a Master's degree in law will further enhance my understanding of the complexities of the legal field and allow me to contribute to the development of legal scholarship. 法律一直是我的热情所在,我对法律体系的精妙运作以及它如何塑造我们的社会深感着迷。



In addition to my academic background, I have also gained practical experience through internships at law firms and legal aidorganizations. These experiences have allowed me to witness the real-world application of legal principles and to understand the challenges faced by legal practitioners. I am confident that the skills and insights I have gained will be invaluable in my future academic and professional endeavors. 除了我的学术背景,我还通过在律师事务所和法律援助组织的实习中获得了实践经验。





作为国家政权机关的组成部分,要做到有法可依,有法必依,违法必究,执法必严The relationship between laws and your work?I am working in the XXX Conference. As a citizen, especially as a national civil servant, we should strictly abide by the laws and regulations. The difference is that Congress enacted law, we supervise the implementation and implement of laws . As a part of organs of political power for Government, we should to do ensure that are laws to go by, the laws observed illegally.2、怎样理解法的概念?法律是统治阶级的(国家)意志的集中体现和反映(阶级意志性和国家意志性)法律的基础是社会物质生活条件,其中社会生产方式是最具有决定性的因素法是一种行为规范,每个人都应该在法律的框架下生活、工作,我们必须要严格遵守。

How to understand the conception of Laws?The Laws is the directly reflects embodiment and reflection of (The will of class and the state) the ruling class (the state) will. The basic of the Laws is the material condition of social life, and the social mode of production is determinant factor.The Laws is a code of conduct, everyone’s life and work should be u nder the frame of law, we must comply strictly with these laws.。



法理:●法与国家权力的关系●法律和社会的关系?Here giving me just minutes to say something about the relationship between law and society , I don't think I can express such a big topic clearly .so I just pick a few simple points to finish this task.Firstly, law came into being because of the needs of the humans' living .humans are regulated and safeguarded almost from a newly-born baby to one's death. Law is the outcome of the society , one of the social systems and one of the social regulations .it is closely related to the social customs ,playing a role of maintaining the existent systems and the concepts of the morals and ethics .It is the reflection of the social configuration of some society at certain times.Secondly ,law has the function of regulating the human' social life on one hand ,on the other, it can also actively lead people to tend toward the luciferous side in human nature.So ,a good law and its good effects can draw people away from evils and trespassing as much as possible, which eventually help us all to live a happy and harmonious life .Thirdly ,it is no doubt that law and society takes actions on each other . various kinds of social problems and the changes of some social notions can influence the regulations of the law including the new formation and recessions of some codes or even the constitution.Fourthly ,we should take a stand of movement to talk about anything. For the society as well as the laws in any county, they will never stay at the same level and time, and they should and they had better march on hand in hand and to most extent to be adapt with each other.●法与道德的关系When I was a middle school student, my political teacher told me that if I want to tell something about the relationship between two notions, I should either say something about the sameness and differences as well. I think this is true. So in face of this question, I will compare the sameness of the law and the morality first; and after that, I will tell the difference between the law and the morality.So now let me compare the sameness. 上层建筑――经济基础First of all, to make this point in a political way, the law and the morality are both determined by the economic foundation. So we can call that the law and the morality are both superstructure of the society and both of them play important role in the society. 道德――法Secondly, the morality contributes much to the law. For example, sometimes, the legal order should be and in reality it is kept or maintained by the morality. We can imagine that if morality is not observed, the law can be easily infringed.法――道德Now thirdly, I should say the law is very important to the morality as well. In fact, the law is determined by many factors including some morality factors. So keeping the legal order is just the proper way to keep the moral order of the society.Ok, just now, I have told your something about the sameness between the law and themorality. And now I want the reveal the differences between the two notions. In fact, there are many differentiations between the law and the morality. 形成时间Firstly, the morality emerged far earlier the law. Even in the primitive society, there was morality but the law did not emerge until the state is built in the slavery society.表现形式secondly, the form or the appearance of the law and the morality is not same. We can see that the law has the definitude form, and the effectiveness of the law is assured by the state, but the morality often has no form at all and they just has its roots in the people’heart. 作用机制And thirdly, the action mechanism of them are different. For example, the law is promised or guaranteed by the state power. But in contrast with the law, the morality has its effect only in the heart of people.调整范围And finally, as far as the regulating extension is concerned, the extension of the law is much wider than the morality. As we know, some behaviors simultaneously don’t conform to the law and the morality. So such behaviors can be regulated by the law as well as the morality. But we can see that there are some slight behaviors. They just go against the morality but not against the law. For example, some adults don’t care much about their old parents. So when such behaviors are very slight, they should just be regulated by the morality but should not be regulated by the law.Ok, that’s all for this question.司法公正与司法效率Judicial justice and the judicial efficiencyFirstly, I want to distinguish the two meanings of the judicial justice. The first o ne is the procedural justice while the other one is the substantive justice. For exampl e, the due trial process is the procedural justice while the trial result is the substanti ve justice. So what is the relationship between the judicial justice and the judicial eff iciency? Briefly speaking, the other way we consider the justice is the efficiency. The justice that is lack of efficiency is meaningless. This is just like the meaning of a pr overb that the late justice is non-justice.How to coordinate the relationship between the judicial justice and the judicial e fficiency? In my opinion, we should stick to the primary principle that the judicial j ustice has the priority over the judicial efficiency. There are several reasons. It is no doubt that the primary purpose we build up the judicial system is to protect the ri ghts of the citizens and at the same time punish what are against the judicial justice. So based on such arguments, I want to say that when judging the significance betw een the judicial justice and the judicial efficiency, we should choose the judicial justic e to be more important.But this is not to say the judicial efficiency is of no significance at all. On the c ontrary, I want to say that we should not neglect pursuing the judicial efficiency. No w let me give my reasons of this view. First of all, for the litigants in a lawsuit, in t he process of pursuing the ideal result of the litigation, their energy is limited, their money is limited, and their time is limited too. So judicial efficiency is of great impo rtance for them. It is not strange that they hope to solve their problems or the disp utes in a minute since the litigation starts. And even for the accused in the criminalprocedure, they want to finish the litigation soon because the long litigation is very p ainful for them. And the second reason the importance of judicial efficacy is that, as far as the state is concerned, as the neutral party of for example the litigation, t he judicial resource is limited too. For many years, the judicial specialists and the pr actionors have tried their best to seek some measures to solve the most judicial probl ems at the least cost. For example, take the jury system in America for example, in some complicated cases as the Simpson case in 1999, it cost the judicial resource mu ch morr than expected.So my conclusion is that we should not stick to the judicial justice only or the j udicial efficiency only. We should fully examine the self-value of either the judicial ju stice or the judicial efficiency.●程序正义与实体正义procedural justice and substantive justice●大陆法系与英美法系比较?――两大法系的区别Could you tell me something about the separation of judicial system?The term Anglo-American Law System refers to the system of law developed in Englan d and transferred to most of the English-speaking world. It is distinguished from the Contine ntal Law System used in Continental Europe, and in those nations settled by European peopl es. Both the two systems are the basis of law in most of the western world.The continental law system can be traced back to Roman law, which extended to the lim its of the Empire. It received its modern impetus from the early nineteenth-century French c odes of law created by French jurists.The differences between the two can be put as follows:Firstly, in the process of the formation of the continental law system, the jurists have played an important role, while the judges have contributed a lot in the format ion of the common law system.(法学家、法官)Secondly, I want to compare the representation of the different laws. The contin ental law system is famous for its statutory law and the common law system is famo us for its case law.(制定法、案例法)Thirdly, each system has its particular angle of view. For example, the continen tal law system pays its attention to the substantive law but the common law system pays its attention to the procedural law. The latter underlines trials、procedure、proof a nd execution.(实体法、程序法)Fourthly, the differences in composition of the two are apparent. In the Continental La w System, public law and private law are the basic classification, and the civil law are the ba sic classification, and the civil law plays an important role in it. While the basic parts of the Anglo-American Law System are common law and equity law, and public law is the key pa rt of it.(公法私法、普通法衡量法)In fact, there are many other differences between the continental law system an d the common law system. But in fact, each system has it own merits. For example, the continental law is better for its stability, and the common law is better for its flexibility. So in the development of each law system, many of the merits are introduce d into each other. And even today, when we are considering developing the judicial s ystem, investigating the particular characters of each of the judicial system is very i mportant.对司法独立有什么看法?(judicial independence/ independence of jurisdic tion)First of all, I want to say that the judicial independence is of great importance. When we are talking about the judicial independence, it is no doubt that we can all be aware of how important the law is. In fact, in the process of building the legal s ociety and the harmonious society, law is taking a great role in this process. And in order to make full use of law to rule the country, the independence of law is very i mportant. However, we can see that sometimes the ruling by law is interrupted by m uch resistance. For example, because of the political system of China, our courts are often interrupted by the People’s Congress, the government and so on.To make the meaning of judicial independence even more clearer, I have to say t hat the judicial independence in china refers to the courts’independence but not ref ers to the judges’independence. As we can see, the chief judge of our Supreme cour t is elected and appointed by the NPC(National People’s Congress), and it is regulat ed in the constitution that he has to give a report about the affairs of the court syst em annually to the NPC. And the local courts of China are functioned in a similar way. So we can see that when talking about the judicial system of China, we can no t confuse it with that of Americans.So now I want to say something about the judicial independence of America. A nd one phrase that can not be neglected here is the principle of checks and balance s. The U.S. Constitution provides for three equal and separate branches of governm ent. They are executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch.Each of the three branches is to some extent dependent on the other two and t here is a partial interweaving of their functions. For example, the President suggests legislations to the Congress and may veto legislations passed by the Congress; the Pr esident appoints federal judges and may grant pardons from punishment for offenses against the United States; the Congress appropriates funds for the executive branch and the judicial branch and may impeach and try members of the executive branch or the judicial branch; the courts may declare any presidential or executive action u nconstitutional and may declare Congressional legislation unconstitutional.So in a word, what I want to say at last is that when talking about the judicia l independence, we should pay attention to its particular political system as well. Onl y by this way, can we fully understand the judicial independence.中国司法制度评价(法制改革的必要性Do you think the legal system need s ome reform ? Why? )――judicial system司法制度现状Judicature is one of the important forms of the enforcement of law. In China, th e subjects of judicature are only the court and the procuratorate. Relevently, the system of judic ature is made up of two parts: the system of people’s court and the system of the people’s procur atorate.In China, the power of judicature is divided into the powers of adjudication, powers of prosecuti on and the powers of legal supervision. The people’s court exercise the powers of adjudicatio n, and the people’s procuratorate exercises the powers of prosecution and the powers of legal su pervision.From the foundation of China, three main procedure laws were issued in succession. They are t he criminal procedure law, civil procedure law and administrative procedure law. In trial, the c ourt follows the principle of public trial, the independence of judicature, the system whereby th e second instance is final, the people’s jury system and so on.The procedure of lawsuit mainly contains the procedure of first instance, procedure of second i nstance, summary procedure, procedure for trial supervision and procedure of execution. Now, we are improving the system of evidence, procedure for review of death sentences and so o n. To view the China’s system of judicature, we may see that the legislation concerning procedu re law is in the process of further improvement, and judicial reformation is also under way.First of all, I want to explain what the judicial system is. In fact, there are two meanings of judicial system. And the difference between them is their extension. Whe n talking about the judicial system, somebody just refers to the systems that are rela ted to the nation’s judicial bodies, for example, the criminal investigating system, the prosecuting system, the trial system, the jail system and so on. The broader meanin g of the judicial system dosen’t confine into the systems relating to the judicial bodi es. They are relating the other judicial bodies as well. So we can see that these syste ms are also the judicial systems in China, for example, the lawyer’s system, the not ary system, the arbitrational system, the mediation system and so on.Since the birth of the People’s Republic of China, the judicial system have been constructed and developed greatly. And it is no doubt that the judicial system has be en playing a very important role in the society. Several tips can be taken to explain the situation. For example, as far as the criminal area is concerned, since the buildin g of the security system, the prosecution system, the People’s court system, many cri minals have been arrested and convicted, this leads not only to the punishment and t he education of the criminals, but also the protection of the due rights of the victims and the other people. Ok, let me take another example, for example, in face of the civil disputing, in the old days, people often tend to solve the problems by themselves. This may leads to some severe problems and can not settle the problems completely. But now the people have many other choices to solve such problems. As we can see from what the diverse systems I introduced just now, when a person is considering solving a problem with the other people, for example, a contract disputing, he can find lawyer to help him, he can go to the notary for help, or he can go to the court directly.So, judging from these arguments, we can safely draw a conclusion that the judicial system is very important, we need them in our daily life. But, to our disappointment, there is no doubt that there are many problems of our judicial systems correspondingly. Generally speaking, the efficiency of our judicial bodies are more or less lower than what we expect, the rights of the people are not properly and efficiently protected. For example, as far as the criminal procedure cod is concerned, some of the rights that are publicly and generally recognized all over the world are not listed in our cod. In contrast with the west developed countries, our protection for especially the accused is far behind that of those countries. In the criminal procedure, the accused does not have the right of silence, and he does not have the right to have his lawyer be present when he is questioned by the police or the prosecutors, and so on.So, I want to say, our judicial systems need some innovations indeed. And our principal for the innovation is that we should conserver what is accord with the situation of our country, and alter the systems that are not beneficial to us. So I think several tips can be conducted to improve our judicial system.Firstly, we should strive to do legal research in order to distinguish what is beneficial to us and what is harmful to us. Secondly, the practitioners must have discovered many problems of the judicial systems. So during the process of innovating the judicial system, the advices or the suggestions of them are very valuable and should be taken into account. Thirdly, there is a longer history of modern judicial system of the foreign countries, especially the developed countries. And there must be many advanced judicial systems of them. So what we should do is to learn from them and introduce whatever is beneficial to us.The reform in legal system is one of the important forms of law development. It means reformin g from the content to the form of law, from the enactment to the enforcement of law, to meet th e needs of changing society. Here, I just want to talk about the characteristics and reasons of th e reform in legal system.The initial aim of the reform in legal system is mainly to establish an efficient and coordinated l egal system. So, its tasks are to create some branches of law, draw up new laws, and abandon o r modify some old laws. For example, during the process of reformation, China has created the economic law, the business law , the environmental law, and so on. In more than 2000 laws a nd regulations issued from 1949 to 1979 , half of them were abandoned, one fourth were modifi ed, and one fourth keep valid.With the improvement of the legal system, people pay more attention to the effect of law. First, p eople are more concerned with the operation of law in legislation. Second, the reform in the syst em of judicature is put on the agenda. Third, the improvement of the supervisory system of law i s paid more attention. In short, in this stage, the core of reformation is to improve the operating system of law.But, what’s the ultimate goal of our reform? I think it is to realize rule by law. Meanwhile, to pr otect the rights of citizen is also its mission.As we see, the reform in legal system is always accompanied by other social reforms. It’s one of the characteristics of the reform in legal system. Besides the inner conflict between laws, the reform in economic system and political system are the impetus of reform in legal system.Only if the law adapts the development of society, it could bring its functions into play. But ,th e reform may be a long process, and we look forward to the coming of a society ruled by law.●法治――constitutionality/ rule by law/ government by lawFirst of all, I want to explain what is the “rule of law”. Simply speaking, “rul e of law”means that administer a country or manage the state affairs by law. The “rule of law”has many characteristics:Firstly, the legislative body should make the law open and definite. That means that since the born of law, it should be known to all the citizens and the meaning of the law should be apparent.Secondly, the judicial power of a country should be neutral and independent. T hat means that, for example, the judges be neutral to the litigants and the judges ar e only responsible to the law but not to anyone else.Thirdly, there should be several systems to safeguard the neutrality ant the inde pendence of law. This is very important. As a matter of fact, in some so-called the “rule of law countries”, there does exist a system of laws. But because of lack of s ome necessary surveillance, the neutrality and the independence of law of these count ries are often interrupted or even destroyed.In fact, there are many other characteristics of the “rule of law”. For exampl e, the power of the government should be strictly restricted by law and the right of the citizens should be properly protected by the law. And now, I want to turn this t opic to another word which is very similar to the “rule of law”. In Chinese, the t wo words share the same pronunciation:法制、法治. And in fact, the two words were often misused in China years ago. However, the two words are totally different from each other. I think the “legal system”refers to a system composed of a series of elements of legal issues.Now, China is undergoing a great project of building a “rule of law”country. And I think it is the basis for building up a state of socialist legal system to adminis ter the country according to law. Actually speaking, in face of the great goal, there must be much resistance before us. But I think, no matter how difficult it is, it is n o doubt that we will achieve this exciting goal.●对民主的认识――democracyAt first, I want to say that it is very hard to make a precise definition of what democracy is. In fact, even the textbooks have different views about this definition. But generally speaking, the opposite word of the democracy is the “dictatorship”. Ok, when asked my opinion about the democracy, I want to generalize some characters of democracy and contrast it with its opposite word, dictatorship.国家的一切权力归属于人民So the first character of democracy I want to say is that the state power is fundamentally attached with the people. In the feudalistic soci ety, the emperor or the king often proclaimed that his power was granted by the go d or the supernatural power, so the people or the citizens were to be ruled naturally. But in the modern democratic society, it is accepted that what the emperor or the king have said before is absurd. Now we believe that only the people have the state power to govern ourselves.政府权力必须是有限的,受到有效约束的The second character of democracy is th at the state power is limited and it should be restricted. We can easily imagine that if the state power is very powerful and not restricted, what will happen? It is no do ubt that the due rights of the people are prone to be easily infringed. And the unres tricted power will even lead to dictatorship. So restricting the state power is very im portant.民主的权力自身要有约束,公民享有平等参与政治生活的权利和自由The third char acter of democracy is that the democracy itself should be restricted. It is emphasized that that the citizens have the equal political rights. So we can see that the citizens have the equal rights to vote, and they have the equal rights to select the figures th ey like to be the leaders, and they have the rights to be equally protected by the la w or the state power.少数服从多数,多数尊重和保护少数的民主决策原则The last character of democ racy I want to say is that it has a very important principle. That is the minority sh ould submit to the majority, and the majority should respect and protect the minorit y. I think democracy does not mean that the people should have the same opinions o f all the issues. And that is impossible. So at this situation, this principle is very imp ortant, not only the rights of the majority are realized, but the rights of the minorit y are also protected.Do you think that states has the right to take citizens' lives?死刑存废问题There has been such a long time for the discussion of the abolition of death penalty since the great Italy criminal expert Beccates brought up his clear objection of death penalty in 18TH Century .As a whole ,it is predominate that more people think the country has no right of taking citizens' lives .As for me ,I am also in favor of this opinion. Firstly, the right of being alive is the basic and most important one to a person and also the whole country. As it is so- called “natural right”, I don't think the country has the right of disposing the natural right .In addition, citizens' live is the basic part of a country .No citizen' live, no country !Secondly, as we all know, the country is shaped by the giving away of citizens' public right ,so no doubt thatcitizens are the owners of the country and the country has no right of taking the owners' lives .Thirdly, from the origin of the country ,we can conclude that the country has the obligation of defending its citizens' lives .In a word, theoretically, the country has no right of taking citizens' lives.However, there are some cases that one person takes another' live .In this condition, as a solution to this problem and also a way of stabilizing the society ,I think it is sometimes necessary for the country to take one's live as a punishment .And we can see there are always mixed factors for the a country's criminal sys tem ;especially whether we should take the death penalty into consideration .We shou ld realize that the factors such as the cultural background . the history . the conscio usness of the citizens'.the safety condition .the influence of a case and so on are so d ifferent from one country to another .The most important thing is to take the most s uitable measure for its own country ,that is to mean do what is consistent with the s ituation of a country .In a word ,since the fact is complicated ,we should compromis e before the reality although to some extent we admit that the death penalty should be abolished theoretically .For example , based on the situation of China in the recen t years, I don't think it is the right period for the criminal system to abolish the de ath penalty.●对现行民法体系的看法?――civil law systemAbout the system of China’s civil code, there are three standpoints in the field of the scie nce of civil law. They are idealism, romanticism and realism. The idealism holds the Roman law in esteem, aiming to promote the status of personal law. The romanticism advocates t o draw up a loose civil code. While the realism stresses to respect the custom of our legal syst em, preferring the system from overall to fraction.But about the concrete design of civil code, though there are many suggestions, most sch olars choose the stand of realism. For example, some scholars think the civil code should con tain six parts as follows: the general principle, personal rights, real rights, intellectual right s, rights of inheritance, creditor’s rights. Some scholars deem the civil code should contain se ven parts, as follows: the general principle, real rights, creditor’s rights, rights of relative, ri ghts of inheritance, intellectual rights and torts.The views above have some resemblances in content, but also have many differences. Th e question is why they all choose realism in the design of the system of civil code. In fact, ther e are two style about the system of civil code. One is the style of Roman, accepted by Franc e, Italy and so on. The other is the style of Germany , accepted by Germany and its follower s. From the reform in legal system in the late Qing Dynasty, we have accepted the style of Ge rman’s system of civil code and its concepts, principles, institutions and theoretical system. T he arrangement of chapters and sections, concepts we are using and system of civil rights in t he general principles of civil law in force, apparently drawn lessons from German’s civil cod e. So, it is not surprise that so many scholars choose the realism.●对我国法律体系的看法――law systemFirst of all, let me try to explain what the law system is. Generally speaking, the l aw system refers to the inner structure of the law. The overall law can by divided i nto many different branches. And I think the law system is like a pyramid. Each br anch of law locates at different levels of the pyramid owing to their different effectiv eness. So we can see that the constitution is at the top of the pyramid. And we can see that because of the lower effectiveness, there are many branches of law under th e constitution.In China, there are four levels of laws in the law pyramid. As I have said just no w, the top level belongs to the constitution. There are several basic laws lying in the second level of the pyramid. They are the subsidiary branch of the constitution. Thi s group of basic laws are the criminal law, the administrative law, the civil law, the litigation law, the economic law, the marriage law and the labor law. And the laws o f the third level of pyramid are the subsidiary branch of the second level, for examp le, the intellectual property law. Correspondingly, the laws of the fourth level of the pyramid are the subsidiary department of the third level, for example, the copyright law.One point that I want to mention here is that the law system has a character of unification. For example they are located systematically like a pyramid. And it has a nother character: alternation. They are both the inner characters of the law system. As the society atmosphere changes, the law system will change too. For example, whe n a new country is built, the law system may change correspondingly. So, one famou s political phrase can be used here. That is: The superstructure is determined by the economic foundation.The system of the science of law is an interrelated entirety made up of many branches of the sci ence of law. As a theoretical system, it is changing with the legal theory and practice of law. To specialize the research, people divide the system of the science of law into many concrete bra nches according to certain criterions. But because of different angle of observation and researc h, the division varies from person to person. On the whole, criterions are mainly following: taki ng the object of research as criterion, the system is divided into the science of Constitution, the s cience of penal law, the science of civil law and so on; taking the level of research as criterion, i t is divided into the science of theoretical law and the science of applied law. The other criterion s are the scope of research, the method of research and so on. But to evaluate if such division i s scientific, two factors should be considered. The first is whether the division accords with the r eal appearance of the science of law. The second and more important is whether the division ac cords with logical rules.In china, the division of the science of law shows a complicated picture. Some scholars divided i t into five classes. They are the science of theoretical law , the science of applied law, the scienc e of the history of law, the science of domestic law, the science of international law. Some schol ars divided it into six classes. They are the science of theoretical law , the science of the branc h of law, the science of the history of law, the science of legislation, the science of internationa l law and the science of marginal law.The phenomenon of the science of law has complicated relations, so it is difficult to find a divisi。







I Entrance Examination for the following reasons:1. I want to study law and become a complex type of talent. Be a legal person has always been my dream2. a good education background, especially a master's degree, can I provide for myfuture development of more opportunities.3. From a practical point of view about the current employment of graduates from a lotof pressure, I hope to continue learning, to enhance their abilities in different aspects.研究生计划首先,认真完成法律硕士的学习。



First, carefully complete the Master of Laws studies.Secondly, we must strive to consider over judicial examination.If possible, hoping to pursue a Ph.D. degree.为什么选择**大学你对大学的了解。

























2011 年中国人民大学法学院英语口语复试话题总结1、关于友谊话题的交流和提问范例:What kind of friends do you like?What is the role of friendship in you life?What’s your opinion?2、关于当今性别歧视话题的交流和提问范例:What’s your opinion about sex discrimination?Why do they prefer boys?3、关于学习、生活话题(你是否认为自己有能力融入新的环境)提问范例:What’s the difficulty in your study in RUC if you are admitted?4、关于性格、自我控制话题的交流和提问范例:In which situation do you think you would lose your temper?Do you think self-control is important?How do you control yourself when you are angry?5、中国法与美国法的区别。



人大法律硕士复试英语口语参考问题及范文1. Please introduce yourself。

Dear professor, I’m very glad to have the chance to introduce myself to you. My name is XXX, I’m 23 and come from XXX province. I graduated from XXX university, and my major is XXX。


) After the college, I found a job as XXX(工作职位) of X XX Company. I’m a person with great perseverance, eagerness and commitment. With two years work, I have profited the corporation more than 2,000,000 RMB and finally been promoted as the vice manager. Although the job is promising and my future life can be well guaranteed, I still want to further my study on Juris Master in RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA from the bottom of my heart, so as to enrich my knowledge on this area which is of great importance to enterp rises operation and management. Meanwhile, I’m real ly interested in legal studies。



复试英语材料复试法律英语题目[好像各个专业通用的,以往很多师兄师姐都曾经贴过这些内容]:1、could you tell something about the separation of judicial system?2. Do you hink that states has the right to take citizens' lives ?3、what's the best way to learn law in China?4、Talk something about WTO?5、Do you think the legal system need some reform ? Why?6、案例教学与板书教学比较?7、对现行民法体系的看法?8、法律和社会的关系?9、如果你被录取,你有什么计划?10、大陆法系与英美法系比较?11、对司法独立有什么看法?12、介绍我国的程序制度?13、介绍我国的律师制度?14。















毕业以后你想成为律师还是法官29.对民主的认识30.简要介绍一下什么是福利社会31.简要介绍一下你的家庭(嘿嘿的复试题)32.你喜欢在大城市还是小城市生活(我的)33.why do you want to study law?34. 对我国法律教育制度的评价?Selfintroduction【正文】May I introduce myself first? So we can get a good relationship among us. Thank you very much. So good afternoon, my respectful teachers, it’s my great honor to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself —My name is ~.I’m a senior student and have graduated from school of law, *university. During my four years’campus life, I am hardworking and have won scholarships several times.English is the favorite of mine besides my major .Though the weak basic skills I had when I just went through the college gate had been improved much through my painstaking efforts, I have a long way to run because I can not use it freely. Besides, I pass CET Band 4 when I was a freshman , and then CET Band 6 when I was a sophomore, meanwhile I got an admission qualification of SET of Band 6 at last.When it comes to my free time , I indeed have a lot of hobbies , for example: 1) Pop music(I like it very much because it can encourage me, comfort me and sometimes relax me); 2) Reading novels, I prefer to read novels which can convey the true meaning of life to me , for example , LIVE by Yuhua ; 3) Swimming. Backstroke 〖仰泳〗and crawl 〖自由泳〗are the common ways I use. When I am in water ,the whole body of mine will feel very comfortable: 4) Kong-fu is my favorite , though I’m only a new-comer. I respect Bruce Lee very much because he was a patriot【’peitriet 爱国者】and broke though the limit he could stand . Though died many years ago , he will be a true idol【’aidl 偶像】of mine for ever .My hometown is a beautiful and quiet place near ~.If you have a chance to go there , you would be deeply attracted by its perfect combination of city and country , because you can enjoy modern city life there ,and more importantly ,you can live a happy and desirable country life there—Pure blue sky ,lovely white clouds and vast green grasslands.When it comes to my college, I’ll say “I love her”, from the bottom of my heart. Through four years’ school life, I learned a lot from her, not only knowledge ,but also how to be a real person. I appreciate her very much , no matter where I go , no matter how I get along, she’ll be my old school〖母校〗forever .That’s all, thank you. Wish you a happy day.二、谈谈学习方法Study MethodsSince I have been a college student, I have reflects the study habits of my own and I think those can be put as follows:1. Plan my time carefully. Make a list of my weekly tasks .Then make a schedule or chart of my time .Fill in committed time such as eating、sleeping、meeting、classes, etc. Then decide on good、regular time for studying .2. Find a good place to study .Choose one place for my study area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it shouldn’t have distractions. When I begin to work, I should be able to concentrate on the subject.3. Skim before I read. This means looking over a passage quickly before I begin to read it more carefully. As I preview the material, I get some idea of the content and how it was organized. Later when I begin to read, I will recognize less important material and I may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double my reading speed and improves my comprehension as well.4. Make the best of my time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Sit where I can see and hear well. Taking notes helps me remember what the teacher says.5. Study regularly. Go over notes as soon as possible after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points I remain confused on. Read about these points in my textbook. If I know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material too. This will help me understand the next class. If I review my notes and textbook regularly, the material would be more meaningful and I will remember it longer .Regular review leads to improved performance ontests.6. Develop a good attitude about test. The purpose of a test is to show what I have learned about a subject. The world won’t end if I don’t pass a test, so I don’t worry excessively about a single test .Tests provide grades ,but they also let me know which part I need to spend more time on, and they help make my new knowledge permanent.7. The last but not the least, read plenty of books especially those concern with my major, which can expend my view.There are other techniques that might help me with my studying .Only a few have been mentioned here, and I will discover others as my study continue.三、为什么选择中国人民大学Why to Choose Renmin UniversityRenmin University is a famous university of our country, and her study level of humanities is very high in all high schools.I heard about Renmin University many years ago and then I told myself in my heart that someday I must be a member of hers, It was very disappointing that the dream did not come true four years ago, so when I just walked into the gate of my university, I sweared that I should be a post graduate of her four years later.I love her very much for the following reasons:First, there is an atmosphere of pursuing the truth in Renmin University, which is respectable and lovely. I’m the people who do not like things which are impractical and superficial; therefore I think I have at least this point in common with her.Second, she has a lot of famous and respectful professors who contribute a lot to our country. I think I can learn a lot from them and finally use the knowledge to serve the people. Morality、scholarship are the merits I can learn from them.Third, it is said that students in CUPL are practical, while students in Beijing University are knowledgeable, but students in Renmin University are both practical and knowledgeable. I want to be a person who is practical and knowledgeable as well, so I’m eager to be a post graduate of hers. Fourth, Renmin University is a famous university of our country, and her study level of humanities is very high in all universities. In recent years, the educational facilities of her have been more and more perfect and sound, which make her more attractive to me.Finally, through the visit of many universities of Beijing and other place, I find that I love her heart and soul. When I just walked into it, an unjelling feeling of familiarization and kindness appeared in my mind, as if I had been a member of here sometime.In a word, I love Renmin University!四、为什么选择法律Why choose law as your majorWhen I was a little boy, my grandfather told me that he wanted me to be a lawyer when I had grown up, because in that age, there were few lawyers in our country, nor did the people who know law. From then on , I knew lawyer、law――these mysterious words.Several years later, my uncle, a prosecutor ignited my enthusiasm from law with his honesty and hatred of evil. He has dealt with many cases about the corrupted and punished some of them, which made many people fear about him but made him a real hero in my heart. So, from then on, Iwanted to be a judge or prosecutor who knows law very well and establish justice in our society. When I have been a college student and got some knowledge about law, I think I have enough reasons to choose it as my major.First, law is an old and huge subject, and its content rich and interesting. It is said that in ancient times of Europe, there are only three disciplines in college――theology、medicine and law, therefore, it is indeed a traditional subject which attracts me very much.Second, law is a powerful social adjustment tool. As we know, many conflicts can be smoothed off through the application of law. I’m very glad to use my knowledge of law to solve some prac tical problems, and even more, I may fall in love with it and take it as my career.Third, law is not just law, it has many things to do with economics、philosophy、sociology and even literature, so through the study of it, I can learn a lot and improve myself a lot.In a word, it’s my honor to choose law as my major――my whole-life career. I think in the rest time of my life, I should not only study it well, but also let more people know it, apply it and love it!五、大陆法系与英美法系的区别The Differences between Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System ?The term Anglo-American Law System refers to the system of law developed in England and transferred to most of the English-speaking world. It is distinguished from the Continental Law System used in Continental Europe, and in those nations settled by European peoples. Both the two systems are the basis of law in most of the western world.The continental law system can be traced back to Roman law, which extended to the limits of the Empire. It received its modern impetus from the early nineteenth-century French codes of law created by French jurists.The differences between the two can be put as follows:First, the basic distinction between the two systems lies in the sources of law upon which they rely. The Anglo-American Law System uses prior decided cases as very high sources of authority. Courts should adhere to the law as set forth in prior cases decided by the highest court. The judge should determine whether the principle derived from the prior cases is logically essential to their decision or is reasonable、appropriate to contemporary circumstances.The Continental Law System on the other hand, is originated from codes of laws. When a conflict is presented to a court or lawyer, the immediate problem is to find the appropriate code provision concerning the situation and then to apply it to the problem at hand. Cases are not ignored, but they do not have anything binding authority on judges.Second, it is the jurist who played an important role when the Continental Law System became what it is now, but, in the Anglo-American Law System, the judges contributed a lot.Third, the Continental Law System pays more attention to substantial law【实体法】,while the Anglo-American Law System stress on procedural law. The latter underlines trials、procedure、proof and execution.Fourth, the differences in composition of the two are apparent. In the Continental Law System, public law and private law are the basic classification, and the civil law are the basic classification, and the civil law plays an important role in it. While the basic parts of the Anglo-American Law System are common law and equity law, and public law is the key part of it.Finally, the concepts and vocabulary of them are not the same either. For example, “Civil law”ofthe Continental Law System and “Property law”in the Anglo-American Law System.Though these differences mentioned above, a trend of collaboration can be seen nowadays. For example, our judicial system belongs to the Continental Law System, but we learned the institution of Independent Director from the Anglo-American Law System.司法系统的分离民主长烟一空版谢谢楼主的努力~我对部分内容做了一点小改动,只是建议,仅供参考,大家一起来polish 一下吧,让这些答案更地道。



人大法学考研复试:英语口语面试题一、自我介绍(self-introduce)1、回答样式一:May I introduce myself first? So we can get an good relationship among us. Thank you very much.So good afternoon, my respectful teachers, it’s my great honor to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself —My name is······. I’m a senior student and have graduated from school of law, ······university. During my four years’campus life, I am hard-working and have won scholarships several times.English is the favorite of mine besides my major .Though the weak basic skills I had when I just went through the college gate had been improved much through my painstaking efforts, I have a long way to run because I can not use it freely .Besides, I pass CET Band 4 when I was a freshman,and then CET Band 6 when I was a sophomore, meanwhile I got an admission qualification of SET of Band 6 at last.When it comes to my free time, I indeed have a lot of hobbies , for example: 1) Pop music(I like it very much because it can encourage me, comfort me and sometimes relax me); 2) Reading novels, I prefer to read novels which can convey the true meaning of life to me , for example, 《Live》by Yuhua ; 3) Swimming. Backstroke [仰泳]and crawl [自由泳] are the common ways I use. When I am in water, the whole body of mine will feel very comfortable; 4) Kong-fu is my favorite, though I’m only a new-comer. I respect Bruce Lee very much because he was a patriot [’peitriet 爱国者] and broke though the limit he could stand. Though died many years ago , he will be a true idol [’aidl 偶像] of mine for ever .My hometown is a beautiful and quiet place near······. If you have a chance to go there, you would be deeply attracted by its perfect combination of city and country ,because you can enjoy modern city life there ,and more importantly ,you can live a happy and desirable country life there —Pure blue sky ,lovely white clouds and vast green grasslands.When it comes to my college, I’ll say “I love her ”, from the bottom of my heart. Through four years’school life , I learned a lot from her , not only knowledge ,but also how to be a real person.I appreciate her very much , no matter where I go , no matter how I get along, she’ll be my old school [母校] forever .That’s all, thank you. Wish you a happy day.2、回答样式二:Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is······, 24. I come from ······, the capital of······Province. I graduated from the ······department of······University in July,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching ······in NO.······middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other youngers. I like reading books, especially those about······. Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. In addition, during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a comparative good command ofnetwork application. I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information in Internet. I am a football fan for years. Italian team is my favorite. Anyway, I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study······in this famous University, I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance······.备注:自我介绍时,首先简要将自己的姓名、本科所在学校介绍一下,然后要简介陈述自己在本科所在学校的表现(如:得到的荣誉、获得的奖项等,也可谈学习的状况),接着谈自己的爱好(切忌不要谈自己不擅长的,否则到最后真容易弄得“理屈词穷”了),最后要简要谈一下自己的母校(切忌不要在言语间流露出不满和反感情绪,这是大忌)。



人大法学考‎研复试:英语口语面‎试题一、自我介绍(self-intro‎d uce)1、回答样式一‎:May I intro‎d uce mysel‎f fi rst‎? So we can get an good relat‎i onsh‎i p among‎us. Thank‎you very much.So good after‎n oon, my respe‎ct ful‎ teach‎e rs, it’s my great‎ honor‎ to be here for this inter‎v i ew. First‎l et me intro‎d uce mysel‎f—My name is······. I’m a senio‎r stude‎n t and have gradu‎ated from schoo‎l of law, ······unive‎rsity‎. Durin‎g my four years‎’campu‎s life, I am hard-worki ‎n g and have won schol‎a rshi‎p s sever‎a l times‎.Engli‎sh i s the favor‎i te of mine besid‎e s my major‎ .Thoug‎h the weak basic‎skill‎s I had when I just went throu‎g h the colle‎g e gate had been impro‎ved much throu‎g h my pains‎t akin‎g effor‎t s, I have a long way to run becau‎se I can not use it freel‎y .Besid‎e s, I pass CET Band 4 when I was a fresh‎man,and then CET Band 6 when I was a sopho‎m ore, meanw‎hile I got an admis‎si on quali‎fi cat‎i on of SET of Band 6 at last.When it comes‎to my free time, I indee‎d have a lot of hobbi‎e s , for examp‎l e: 1) Pop music‎(I like it very much becau‎se it can encou‎rage me, comfo‎rt me and somet‎i mes relax‎me); 2) Readi‎n g novel‎s, I prefe‎r to read novel‎s which‎ can conve‎y the true meani‎n g of life to me , for examp‎l e, 《Live》by Y uhua‎; 3) Swimm‎i ng. Backs‎t roke‎[仰泳]and crawl‎ [自由泳] are the commo‎n ways I use. When I am in water‎, the whole‎body of mine will feel very comfo‎rtabl‎e; 4) Kong-fu is my favor‎i te, thoug‎h I’m only a new-comer‎. I respe‎ct Bruce‎Lee very much becau‎se he was a patri‎o t [’peitr‎i et 爱国者] and broke‎thoug‎h the limit‎he could‎stand‎. Thoug‎h died many years‎ago , he will be a true idol [’aidl 偶像] of mine for ever .My homet‎o wn is a beaut‎i ful and quiet‎ place‎near······. If you have a chanc‎e to go there‎, you would‎be deepl‎y attra‎cted by its perfe‎ct combi‎n atio‎n of city and count‎ry ,becau‎se you can enjoy‎moder‎n city life there‎,and more impor‎t antl‎y ,you can live a happy‎and desir‎a ble count‎ry life there‎—Pure blue sky ,lovel‎y white‎ cloud‎s and vast green‎grass‎l ands‎.When it comes‎to my colle‎g e, I’ll say “I love her ”, from the botto‎m of my heart‎. Throu‎g h four years‎’schoo‎l life , I learn‎e d a lot from her , not only knowl‎e dge ,but also how to be a real perso‎n. I appre‎ci ate‎her very much , no matte‎r where‎I go , no matte‎r how I get along‎, she’ll be my old schoo‎l[母校] forev‎e r .That’s all, thank‎you. Wish you a happy‎day.2、回答样式二‎:Good morni‎n g. I am glad to be here for this inter‎v i ew. First‎l et me intro‎d uce mysel‎f. My name is······, 24. I come from ······, the capit‎a l of······Provi‎n ce. I gradu‎a ted from the ······depar‎t ment‎ o f······Unive‎rsity‎i n July,2001.In the past two years ‎ I have been prepa‎reing‎for the postg‎radua‎t e exami‎n atio‎n while‎I have been teach‎i ng ······in NO.······middl‎e Schoo‎l and I was a head-teach‎e r of a class‎i n junio‎r grade‎t wo. Now allmy hard work has got a resul‎t since‎I have a chanc‎e to be inter‎v i ew by you.I am open-minde‎d, quick‎i n thoug‎h t and very fond of histo‎ry. In my spare‎time, I have broad‎inter‎e sts like many other‎young‎e rs. I like readi‎n g books‎, espec‎i ally‎those‎about‎······. Frequ ‎e ntly‎I excha‎n ge with other‎ peopl‎e by makin‎g comme‎n ts in the forum‎on line. In addit‎i on, durin‎g my colle‎g e years‎, I was once a Net-bar techn‎i c ian‎. So, I have a compa‎rativ‎e good comma‎n d of netwo‎rk appli‎c atio‎n. I am able to opera‎t e the compu‎t er well. I am skill‎ful in searc‎hi ng for infor‎matio‎n in Inter‎n et. I am a footb‎all fan for years‎. Itali‎a n team is my favor‎i te. Anywa‎y, I feel great‎pity for our count‎ry’s team.I alway‎s belie‎v e that one will easil‎y lag behin‎d unles‎s he keeps‎on learn‎i ng .Of cours‎e, i f I am given‎ a chanc‎e to study‎······in this famou‎s Unive‎rsity‎, I will spare‎no effor‎t to maste‎r a good comma‎n d of advan‎ce······.备注:自我介绍时‎,首先简要将‎自己的姓名‎、本科所在学‎校介绍一下‎,然后要简介‎陈述自己在‎本科所在学‎校的表现(如:得到的荣誉‎、获得的奖项‎等,也可谈学习‎的状况),接着谈自己‎的爱好(切忌不要谈‎自己不擅长‎的,否则到最后‎真容易弄得‎“理屈词穷”了),最后要简要‎谈一下自己‎的母校(切忌不要在‎言语间流露‎出不满和反‎感情绪,这是大忌)。



人大法硕英文作文Here is an English essay on the topic "Law Graduate Entrance Examination":Pursuing a graduate degree in law is a challenging yet rewarding path that many aspiring legal professionals choose to embark on. The law graduate entrance examination is a critical gateway that separates those who possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and dedication from those who aspire to join the esteemed ranks of the legal field. As an applicant for this examination, one must approach the preparation and execution with a comprehensive understanding of the expectations and requirements.The law graduate entrance examination is designed to assess an individual's aptitude for advanced legal studies. It delves into a broad spectrum of legal subjects, testing the applicant's grasp of fundamental legal principles, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. The curriculum covered in this examination often encompasses core areas such as constitutional law, civil law, criminal law, and legal research and writing. Mastering these subject domains requires a meticulous approach to learning, with a keen focus on understanding the underlying concepts and their practicalapplications.Effective preparation for the law graduate entrance examination demands a multi-faceted strategy. Firstly, it is essential to develop a comprehensive understanding of the examination format, including the types of questions, the scoring system, and the time constraints. This knowledge will enable the applicant to strategize their approach and allocate their time efficiently during the examination. Secondly, the applicant must engage in extensive legal research and study, leveraging a diverse range of resources such as textbooks, case law, and scholarly articles. This in-depth exploration will not only deepen their legal knowledge but also hone their critical thinking and analytical skills.In addition to mastering the subject matter, the applicant must also focus on developing their written communication skills. The law graduate entrance examination often includes a written component, where applicants are required to demonstrate their ability to articulate legal arguments, analyze case scenarios, and present their findings in a clear and concise manner. Practicing legal writing, constructing logical arguments, and refining one's rhetorical skills are essential for achieving success in this aspect of the examination.Furthermore, the applicant must cultivate a strong work ethic and a resilient mindset. Preparing for the law graduate entranceexamination is a demanding endeavor that requires sustained effort, discipline, and the ability to overcome setbacks. Developing effective time management strategies, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and seeking guidance from mentors or experienced individuals can all contribute to the applicant's success in navigating this challenging process.Beyond the examination itself, the successful completion of the law graduate entrance examination opens the door to a world of opportunities. Admission to a prestigious law graduate program can pave the way for a fulfilling and rewarding career in the legal field. From litigation to corporate law, from public policy to international law, the possibilities are vast and varied, allowing the graduate to explore their interests and passions within the legal profession.In conclusion, the law graduate entrance examination is a critical milestone for those aspiring to pursue advanced legal studies. It demands a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, exceptional analytical and communication skills, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. By approaching this examination with a well-rounded strategy and a unwavering determination, applicants can position themselves for success and unlock the doors to a dynamic and fulfilling career in the legal realm.。




Honestly speaking,for those of us post-80 generation, it is not the question of whetherlike or not, but the question of survival. If I could find a satifying job in big city with good prospects, and after a few years I am able to afford to buy a flat, of course I am willing to live in big city, after all, I come from a small city which has backward economy and few chances. Nevertheless, The small city, certainly has its benefits, such as lighter pressure of suvival, graceful environment.what’s more, you can see you parents an any time.如果你被录取,但你有什么计划?If luckily I got the chance to study in Renmin University of China, i will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field. first of all i will try my best to pass the national judicial exam, which is held in this Septemper. so that I could spare some time to prepare for CPA while taking postgraduate courses. As you kown, it is more and more difficult to get a good job today, so, in my opinion, it is not a bad thing to master a second specility. What's more, I am quite interesting in eonomics, and maybe I will work in foreign enterprise in future after my graduation. Besides, a good command of foreign language such as English is necessary for a law student. What’s more, in view of the status of the legal profession in our country,the inter-disciplinary talent who masters both laws and English is in great demand. So during the period my postgraduation study, I will learn the theoretical knowledge, constucting a a solid foundation for future profession, and improve my English to meet the demands of future work..大陆法系与英美法系比较?There are many different legal systems in the world. In fact, every nation’s legal system has its own characteristics. However , the degree of difference varies, with some systems bearing more resemblance to others. As a result, the world can be divided into several legal systems. Without doubt, the Common Law Legal System and the Roman Law legal system are the most important legal famlilies in the world. The usual distinction to be made between the two systems is that the common law system tends to be case-centred and hence judge-centred, On the other hand, the civil law system tends to be a codified body of general abstract principles which control the exercise of judicial discretion.Legal source differs:As to the Roman law legal system, both statute law and case law are formal legal sources。

法学考研英语口语 复试

法学考研英语口语  复试

introductionGood morning/afternoon/evening, my name is Yang Siling. (Nice to meet you。

) It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.I am 22 years old, born in Dali an attractive city of Yunnan, and I am currently a senior student at Chongqing Technology and Business University. My major is law specialty.I am, easy to adapt, compatible with my friends, and willing to help others.Well, in my spare time, I like yoga, pop music, and movie[12 angry men.a perfect world]. I also like English very much, but I do think it’s still a long way to study it, so I wouldn’t give up my English studying, and improve my oral and listening ability.Furthermore,I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Yunnan University which has deeply scholarly atmosphere. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, open-minded and industrious. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life.I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity.Well, that’s who I am. Thanks for your attention.Introduce your familyThere are four members in my family: my parents, my grandmother and I. My father is a Political teacher in a Junior high school, and his responsible attitude towards work has a great influence on me. Besides, Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too. During my preparation for graduate examination, the support from my family is always my momentum[məu'mentəm]. Parents’ love is unselfish, and I hope in the future I will be able to repay them.Introduce your hometownMy hometown is Dali, which enjoys a long and splendid history.Three hundred years ago, it served as the capital of Nanzhao .Nowadays it has become one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations, both for its historic sites and tourist attractions, such as Cangshan Mountains ,Erhai Lake,Three Pagodas. Visitors at home and abroad feel it comfortable living here. There is my beloved hometown.Introduce your universityI studied in Chongqing Technology and Business University. Although it is not well know, I still appreciate it, because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities. Moreover, our school always provide more opportunity for our practical study. In this semester, I internshiped in Chongqing Fifth Intermediate People's Court. In a word, I learned a lot in my college life.Introduce your reason for preparing the postgraduate examDuring the past four years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value. Life is precious, it is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-development, especially in the competitive modern society. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years’study here.About your future plans:There must be many things to learn if I were enrolled into this research field. I hope I can build up a systematic view of Law, especially in the fields of Procedure Law. Sincerely, my wish is to get a complete comprehension of Law study. On the other hand, I am dreaming of the participation of some relevant projects of my major, for this reason, I will get more experience in practice. In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after three years’ study here.结束语口语中一些连接词1.增补in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.2.比较in the same way, similarly, equally,3.对照whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless,4.因果because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result (of), accordingly, hence, so, thus5.强调(Emphasis)certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant。



法学研究生复试英语模板Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,I am writing to express my keen interest in the postgraduate program in Law at your esteemed institution. My name is [Your Name], and I have recently completed my undergraduate degree in [Your Undergraduate Major] from [Your University]. I am eager to continue my academic journey and specialize further in the field of law, and I believe that your program offers the perfect environment for my professional growth.During my undergraduate studies, I have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to academic excellence and a deep passion for legal studies. My coursework has provided me with a solid foundation in legal principles, and I have actively participated in moot court competitions, which have honed my advocacy and analytical skills. I have also volunteered with a local legal aid clinic, where I assistedin providing legal advice to underserved communities. This experience has instilled in me a sense of socialresponsibility and a desire to use my legal expertise to make a positive impact.I am particularly drawn to your program because of its focus on [Specific Aspects of the Program that Interest You].I am excited about the prospect of learning from esteemed faculty members such as [Professor's Name], whose work on[Specific Area of Law] has been highly influential in my understanding of [Related Legal Concepts]. I am also intrigued by the program's emphasis on [Specific Program Feature, e.g., practical training, research opportunities, interdisciplinary approach], which I believe will be instrumental in preparing me for a successful career in law.In addition to my academic pursuits, I am committed to contributing to the campus community. I plan to join the [Name of Law School Organization or Club] and engage with fellow students to foster a collaborative learning environment. I am also interested in participating in pro bono work through the school's clinics, which aligns with my personal goal of providing legal services to those in need.I am confident that my dedication, combined with the resources and opportunities provided by your program, will enable me to excel academically and professionally. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing my application further during the interview process and to the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant intellectual community at [Name of Law School].Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to join your program and to contribute to the legal discourse at [Name of Law School].Sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Contact Information]。



复试题目提供给学姐✅法硕复试英语问题汇总1、What i the difference between an undergraduate major and law?(本科专业和法律之间的区别?)2、Why are you intereted in law and what will you do after you get admitted (为什么对法律有兴趣,考上以后怎么办?)中文:事实上,我对法律的兴趣最初来自于今天的脱口秀节目,而我对法律的兴趣也逐渐来自于在家里和家人一起看今天的谈话的过程。






3、Do you want to be a lawyer or a judge in the future (你未来想当律师还是法官?)4、What i law (什么是法律)中文:法律有许多不同的定义。





5、What i the eence of law?(法的本质是什么?)英文:The eence of law i a category of phenomena relative to law。

It main content include: law i the embodiment of the will of the ruling cla which rie to be the will of the tate; The will embodied in law i determined by certain material living condition; The will embodied in the law i alo influenced by many factor of economic accident。



法律英语面试模板作文英文回答:Questions for Legal English Interview。

Tell me about your experience with legal English.I have been working as a legal translator for the past5 years. In this role, I have translated a wide range of legal documents, including contracts, pleadings, andjudicial decisions. I am also proficient in legal terminology and grammar.What are some of the challenges of translating legal English?One of the challenges of translating legal English is the use of specialized terminology. Legal documents often contain terms that are not used in everyday language. This can make it difficult to find the correct equivalent in thetarget language.Another challenge is the need to accurately convey the meaning of the original text. Legal documents are often complex and can have a significant impact on the rights and obligations of the parties involved. It is therefore important to ensure that the translation is accurate and faithful to the original.What are some of the best practices for translating legal English?When translating legal English, it is important to:Use a specialized dictionary or glossary.Research the legal concepts involved in the document.Be aware of the cultural and linguistic differences between the source and target languages.Have the translation reviewed by a native speaker ofthe target language.How do you stay up-to-date on the latest developments in legal English?I stay up-to-date on the latest developments in legal English by:Reading legal journals and articles.Attending legal conferences and workshops.Networking with other legal professionals.What are your goals for your career in legal English?My goal is to become a certified legal translator. I also want to continue to develop my skills in legal English and to expand my knowledge of legal concepts.中文回答:法律英语面试问题。

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1. Please introduce yourself。

Dear professor, I’m very glad to have the chance to introduce myself to you. My name is XXX, I’m 23 and come from XXX province. I graduated from XXX university, and my major is XXX。


) After the college, I found a job as XXX(工作职位) of XXX Company. I’m a person with great perseverance, eagerness and commitment. With two years work, I have profited the corporation more than 2,000,000 RMB and finally been promoted as the vice manager. Although the job is promising and my future life can be well guaranteed, I still want to further my study on Juris Master in RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA from the bottom of my heart, so as to enrich my knowledge on this area which is of great importance to enterprises operation and management. Meanwhile, I’m really interested in legal studies。

2. What do you expect to achieve if you are enrolled into this institute?I do have my plan for postgraduate study. As the old saying goes, “Live and Learn。

”In the first place, I will try hard to form a systematic view and complete comprehension of Juris study. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree。

What’s more, having only the theoretical knowledge is not nearly enough, so I intend to take time to participate in more social practices, in order to obtain a better understanding of the theories of this major。

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation of this field。

3.Do you want to become a lawyer of a judge?Well, I’d like to say lawyer。

To tell the truth, judges have some power, but because of so many social contradictions and conflicts of interest of today's events, the court is just like a big trash can full of the disputes, the current judge’s work pressure and the burden are much h igher and his attitude is very important to put peace。

Come to talk about lawyers, there are pressures from self-promotion, the source of the cases and business expansion. However, this profession seems much flexible no matter on working time or on requirements. I can choose my cases and clients freely, and take advantage the idle hours to relax. After all, I want to give consideration to both health and career。

4. How do you think the relation between the law and social change?In fact, in contemporary Western legal research, \"Law and Social Change\" is still a controversial topic, whether for legal scholars, as well as how to promote social change, there are many different views. And the viewpoint that the law functions as a tool for economicdevelopment, that is \"Law and Development Movement\",is basically proved to be unsuccessful. In my opinion, why the study of these issues is difficult to obtain a breakthrough? The root cause lies with the lack of a truly effective interpretation of the interrelationship between law and society in general theory. In the traditional philosophy of law, or where the argument of science, this issue has not been got enough attention, and legal philosophers have tended to adopt an internal perspective to observe the law. Whether it is legal positivism or natural law , the greater concern is the legal system's own norms and effectiveness. At the same time, although the sociology of law is the law and society as its own study of the relationship between the subject and thus be able to answer this question to some extent, but the traditional sociology of law theory, starting from a certain social fields to observe the law, not only can not fully grasp the relationship between law and society, but also easy to overlook the law's own autonomy. More important is that, for modern society, the traditional theory, sociology of law can not adapt to the ever-increasing grasp of the social complexity of requirements。

5. Please talk about your attitude toward death penalty。

The disputes on death penalty have not yet achieved agreed conclusions. However, from the experience of the death penalty process of thinking and practice, we can see, although the death penalty and abolition are of ethical judgments and can have long-standing controversy, the death penalty is a multi-layered problem. Other related issues can be discussed as a first step to improve themselves. For example, to improve the hearing and appeal procedures to reduce the trumped-up case, giving the defendant the right to full and fair trial, to change the habits of the public before the execution, reducing the death penalty the implementation of the pain, and so on。
