福建省“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”2019届高三上学期12月三校联考 英语
“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”三校2018~2019学年第一学期联考高三物理试题(考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分)本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)一、选择题。
全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 1.下列说法正确的是A.做匀速直线运动的物体,加速度为零;做匀速圆周运动的物体,加速度也为零B.某点的电场强度为零,电势一定为零;某点的电势为零,电场强度也一定为零C.静止的物体可能受滑动摩擦力作用;运动的物体也可能受静摩擦力作用D.牛顿用扭秤装置测出了引力常量G;库伦也用类似的扭秤装置测出了静电力常量k ;2. 如图所示,虚线a 、b 、c 代表电场中的三个等势面,相邻等势面之间的电势差相等,实线为一带正电的质点仅在电场力作用下通过该区域时的运动轨迹,P 、Q 是这条轨迹上的两点,据此可知 A .带电质点通过P 点时的加速度较Q 点大 B .带电质点通过P 点时的动能较Q 点大 C .带电质点通过P 点时的电势能较Q 点小 D .三个等势面中,a 的电势最高3.如图所示,甲、乙两个物块用平行于斜面的细线连接.用沿斜面向上的拉力F 拉甲物块,使甲、乙两物块一起沿光滑斜面做匀加速运动。
某时刻撤去拉力F ,则撤去拉力的一瞬间,下列说法正确的是 A.甲、乙都受三个力作用 B.甲、乙的速度相同 C.甲的加速度大于乙的加速度D.甲受到的合力一定沿斜面向下,乙受到的合力可以沿斜面向上4.自行车b 经过摩托车a 的旁边时,摩托车a 从静止开始运动,从该时刻开始计时,它们的v-t图象如图所示,已知两车始终在同一条平直公路上行驶,则关于两车的运动情况,下列说法正确的是A.8s末自行车开始调头,加速度开始反向B.6~8 s 内摩托车的加速度比自行车的大C.两车相距最远时,距离为12mD.t=8s时,自行车在摩托车前方5.物体从斜面顶端由静止开始下滑,经过斜面中点时速度为2m/s,则物体到达斜面底端时速度为A.3m/s B.s2 C.4m/s D. 6m/s2m/6.如图所示,平行板电容器的两个极板为A、B,B极板接地,A极板带有电荷量+Q,板间电场有一固定点P,若将B极板固定,A极板下移一些,或者将A极板固定,B极板上移一些,在这两种情况下,以下说法正确的是A.A极板下移时,P点的电场强度不变,P点电势不变B.A极板下移时,P点的电场强度不变,P点电势升高C.B极板上移时,P点的电场强度减小,P点电势降低D.B极板上移时,P点的电场强度减小,P点电势降低7.如图所示为某游乐场的摩天轮,其正常工作时,大转盘在竖直面内做匀速圆周运动.坐在座舱里的游客也随转盘做匀速圆周运动。
在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的)1.下列有关细胞结构及组成物质的叙述,正确的是()A. 氨基酸的空间结构是蛋白质多样性的原因之一B. 种子从休眠进入萌发状态,结合水/自由水比值上升C. 核糖核酸、ATP、核糖体、HIV病毒都含有核糖D. 叶肉细胞中缺乏Mg元素,则影响叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的合成2. 下列细胞结构与其包含的主要化学成分,对应错误的是()A. 核糖体——蛋白质和RNAB. 溶酶体——蛋白质和磷脂C. 染色体——蛋白质和DNAD. 中心体——蛋白质和固醇3. 下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述,正确的是()A. DNA和RNA等大分子物质可通过核孔进出细胞核B. 叶绿体基质中含有核酸和参与光合作用的酶C. 生物的细胞壁都可以被纤维素酶和果胶酶分解D. 构成生物膜的脂质主要包括磷脂、脂肪和胆固醇4.下列有关教材中的技术或方法,叙述不正确的是()A. 核移植技术可用于研究细胞核的功能B. 同位素标记法:证明细胞膜的流动性C. 差速离心法:细胞中各种细胞器的分离D. 假说-演绎法:基因分离定律的发现和果蝇白眼基因位于X染色体上的发现5.把一个细胞中的磷脂分子全部提取出来,在空气和水界面上将它们铺成单分子层(假定单分子间距离适当且相等)。
推测在下列细胞中,空气和水界面上磷脂单分子层的表面积与原细胞的表面积之比最大和最小的细胞分别是()①洋葱根尖成熟区表皮细胞,②蛙的红细胞,③人体浆细胞,④大肠杆菌细胞,⑤酵母菌细胞A. ①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ④⑤6.“结构与功能相适应”是生物学的基本观点之一,下列有关叙述错误的是()A. 神经细胞的突起有利于接受刺激和传导冲动B. 蛋白质合成旺盛的细胞核孔多,有利于RNA和蛋白质进出C. 哺乳动物成熟的红细胞无线粒体,所以只能进行无氧呼吸D. 性腺细胞膜上运输性激素的载体蛋白数量通常青春期时比幼年和老年时期多7. 下列生物体内的有关化学反应,一定在细胞器中进行的是()A. 肽键形成B. 病毒核酸的形成C. 转录D. 光合作用中二氧化碳的固定8.下列有关人体内元素和化合物的叙述,正确的是()A. 人的遗传物质彻底水解后可得到6种小分子B. ATP、磷脂、抗体、DNA的组成元素中都有C,H,O,N,PC. 蛋白质分子中的O主要存在于羧基中,核酸中的N主要存在于碱基中D. 人体内参与信息传递的分子都是蛋白质9.下列关于生物体内多聚体与单体的叙述,错误的是()A. 单体与其构成的多聚体具有相同的元素组成B. 由葡萄糖构成的多聚体具有相同的结构和功能C. 多聚体由单体脱水缩合而成,其基本骨架是碳链D. DNA的特异性与其构成单体的数目和排列顺序有关10. 下列与实验相关的叙述,错误的是()A. 马铃薯块茎捣碎后的提取液可检测出蛋白质B. 组织样液中滴加斐林试剂,不产生砖红色沉淀说明没有还原糖C. 调查人群中色盲发病率时,若只在患者家系中调查将会导致结果偏大D. 在95%乙醇中加入无水Na2CO3后可提高色素的溶解度11. 下列关于细胞的物质输入和输出,正确的是()A. 只要微粒直径足够小就能自由扩散进出细胞B. 温度不仅影响主动运输的速率也影响被动运输的速率C. 神经递质与突触后膜上的受体结合后,相关离子通过受体进入细胞D. 囊性纤维病是由于细胞中某种蛋白质结构异常,影响了K+和Cl-的跨膜运输所导致的12. 下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述,正确的是()A. 细胞膜上的糖蛋白减少导致细胞癌变,癌细胞容易扩散和转移B. 矿工易患“硅肺”的原因与肺泡细胞中溶酶体数目增多有关C. 细胞分化、衰老和癌变都会导致细胞形态、结构和功能发生变化D. 转录发生在紫色洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞的细胞核、线粒体和叶绿体中13. 下列有关酶和ATP的说法,正确的是()A. 所有酶均在核糖体上合成B. 检测蛋白酶的催化作用可用双缩脲试剂检验反应物是否完全分解C. 在ATP中A代表腺苷,P代表磷酸基团,T代表三个高能磷酸键D. 有机物氧化分解释放出的能量少部分转移到ATP中14. 细胞内还有与ATP结构类似的GTP、CTP和UTP等高能磷酸化合物,但ATP用途较为广泛。
福建省“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”2019届高三上学期12月三校联考 地理
3、谷坊的修建可使①河流含沙量减少②沟道下蚀作用增强③下游山洪危害减轻④沟道出口地区的土壤肥力增加A.①②B. ①③C.②④D. ③④4、修建谷坊的地区A. 气候干旱,沙漠广布B.地形平坦,人口稠密C.地形封闭,排水不畅D.蒸发量普遍高于降水量国务院印发的2017年中央一号文件,“实施农村新能源行动,推进光伏发电,逐步扩大农村电力、燃气和清洁型煤供给”被写入其中,我国光伏农业(棚上发电,棚下种粮种菜)得到迅速发展。
5.拍摄后一个月内A.天安门广场升旗时间提早 B.图中光伏发电量达一年中最大值C.北半球昼长夜短,昼渐短D.图中光伏发电板正午影子变长6.大面积发展光伏农业可能会A.增强大气逆辐射 B.增强太阳辐射C.降低大气温度D.增强地面辐射在新疆伊犁、塔城、喀什等地,寒冬采冰储藏成为一道独特的风景,等到来年夏天出售到市场上。
福建省“德化一中、永安一中、漳平一中”三校协作2023-2024学年高三上学期12月联考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Produce recallHealthfast Vitamins (维生素) and Wellbeing wishes to inform its outlets and customers that foreign material has been found in some bottles and containers of its vitamins and supplements (补充剂).Batches (批次) affectedYou will find the batch number printed on the bottom of the bottle or container.Goodnight Formula3 P6617-P6628Healthfast Diet Support tablets N5990-N5992Anti-stress Formula DR5938-DR5941Genuine Vitamin A UI4004-UI4008If the batch number has worn off or you have any questions relating to the recall, please call 1800 9888 7777. Alternatively, you may enquire at the outlet where the purchase was made.These products are available nationwide, but reports of faulty items have come from the Sussex Cove area, leading us to believe that they have been tampered with ( 擅自改动) locally. However, in the interests of security, we urge all customers who have products from the list above to return them immediately, either to the point of purchase or via post to the head office (Freepost SU 9877). If you have opened the bottle or container, please inspect and report any irregularities.RefundWe will provide a refund for any unopened bottle or container from the list above, no questions asked. If you have consumed vitamins or supplements from the affected batches, we would be grateful if you could complete the attached survey and report the place of purchase of the product. Please note that our children’s supplement range and Sportsboost vitamins have not been affected and do not need to be returned.Healthfast Vitamins and Wellbeing will pay a reward of up to $20, 000 for information leading to the conviction (定罪) of any person found guilty of tampering with its products. Ifyou have such information, please contact Regina Giese, Customer Relations Manager, at ********************.1.Which of the following batches of products is being recalled?A.Genuine Vitamin A UI4010.B.Anti-stress Formula DR5936.C.Healthfast Diet Support tablets N5991.D.Goodnight Formula3 P6615.2.What should you do if you have eaten an affected product?A.Report where you bought it.B.Contact Regina Giese.C.Post the empty container to the head office.D.Go to the hospital for a check-up immediately.3.What will Healthfast offer for details of the crime of tampering with its products?A.Free children’s supplements.B.Quality Sportsboost vitamins.C.A total refund.D.Reward money.A Nigerian mom found out the hard way that jaundice (黄疸) is still a dangerous disease in Africa — but now she’s putting an end to the disease with her new tech startup, making cribs (婴儿床).Virtue Oboro’s son, Tombra, was just 48 hours old when he had to be rushed to the NICU, suffering from jaundice, which causes yellow skin and can lead to permanent damage or even death. The treatment is fairly simple and widespread in developing countries: blue-light phototherapy (光疗).Virtue’s hospital had no phototherapy devices, so Tombra had to receive a risky emergency blood transfusion (输血). Her son made a full recovery, but Virtue was changed by the experience. “I felt like some of the things I experienced could have been avoided,” the visual designer said. “I thought, is there something I could do to make the pain less for the babies and the mothers?”What could a visual designer do? She designed the Crib A’Glow and named her new company Tiny Hearts. The mobile phototherapy unit is powered by the African sun, and costs one-sixth the price of a normal phototherapy crib — and is produced in her homeland of Nigeria. Virtue’s husband had some experience working with solar panels before, so he lent a hand to the visual designer, who was busy sailing in the unknown waters of a new profession. She worked with a baby doctor through the design process to ensure all the details would benefit the tiny babies.The Crib A’Glow can now be found in 500 hospitals across Nigeria and neighboring Ghana. It has been used on 300, 000 babies already. Virtue, who has also become a 2022 awardee for the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, says a further 200, 000 babies will be saved from jaundice by using the cribs in rural areas — no hospitals or electricity needed. 4.What happened to Tombra shortly after he was born?A.He suffered damage from a blood transfusion.B.He came down with jaundice.C.He received blue-light phototherapy.D.He got separated from his mother. 5.What can be learned about the Crib A’Glow?A.It is solar-powered.B.It is heavy.C.It has been used worldwide.D.It is expensive.6.Why are the numbers listed in the last paragraph?A.To highlight the importance of phototherapy devices.B.To stress the shortage of cribs in rural hospitals.C.To arouse people’s awareness of jaundice.D.To predict the bright future of Virtue’s crib.7.Which of the following can best describe Virtue?A.Tough and generous.B.Hardworking and productive.C.Caring and creative.D.Sociable and determined.For people who just can’t seem to pass up the candy in a supermarket checkout line, perhaps grocery shopping online could help reduce these impulse (冲动) purchases, a new study finds. The study suggests that online grocery shopping could help people stick to a healthy diet, said lead study author Jaime Coffino, a public health researcher at the University at Albany, State University of New York.Previous research shows that people who are more impulsive may be less healthy than less impulsive people, Coffino told Live Science. In a grocery store, that impulsiveness could lead to a shopping cart (购物车) filled with food with little nutritional value.The new study looked at 60 college students who filled out questionnaires (调查问卷) that assessed their levels of impulsiveness as well as how they respond to the presence of food. The students were then told they had $48.50 for grocery shopping, and were asked to fill an online shopping cart with “nutritious, affordable and tasty” foods. When Coffino calculated the nutritional value of all the foods in each person’s online shopping cart, shefound that there was no link between the foods a person chose and how impulsive the person was. “It didn’t matter how impulsive a person was,” Coffino said. “The nutritional outcomes didn’t vary.”The new University at Albany study dismisses previous suggestions by Britain’s top doctor that buying groceries online is bad for our health. Last June Professor Dame Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer, urged people to keep making trips to the supermarket to boost health. She cited a lack of exercise as a pressing health problem, with many adults failing to meet recommended daily guidelines for staying active.Often, when people buy groceries online, they need to search for each item they want, as opposed to strolling (闲逛) through a store and saying, for example, “Oh, those cakes look good.” Online, more planning and thought is needed. In addition, online grocery shopping makes people more aware of how much money they’re spending, which could prevent them from adding impulsive picks to their carts, Coffino said.8.What is the conclusion of previous research?A.Food displayed near checkout areas is more likely to be bought.B.In-store grocery shopping leads to unaffordable purchases.C.Impulsive people tend to follow a poor diet.D.Grocery shopping patterns vary little among people.9.What do we know about the study participants?A.They focused more on taste than nutrition.B.They made similar food choices to one another.C.They made a few impulse purchases.D.They shifted their shopping habits.10.What is Coffino’s attitude to Davies’s advice?A.Disapproving.B.Unclear.C.Favorable.D.Tolerant. 11.What is the best title for the text?A.Making trips to the supermarket boosts healthB.Adding impulsive picks to your shopping cart is up to youC.Online grocery shopping makes you more financially awareD.Doing food shop online could be healthierIn the 1960s, anthropologist (人类学家) Jean Briggs set out on a trip to the Arctic Circle(北极圈). Living in an environment cut off from all the usual creature comforts, Briggs survived thanks to the kindness of one Inuit family who took her in to their home. During her time among the Inuit, she came across a surprising phenomenon: Inuit people have an extraordinary ability to control their anger.Briggs documented certain occasions where it might have seemed plausible to fly off the handle. A fishing line that had taken many days to make broke on its first use. The simple response: “Sew it together.” A hot pot of tea that ended up all over the floor of an igloo (冰屋), damaging it, was met with no real acknowledgement. The person who knocked it over just got up and made a new pot.Briggs was left with the burning question of how the Inuit manage to raise such level-headed adults. In a meeting with the elders, it was revealed that the Inuit have a golden parenting rule: “Don’t shout at small children.” One mom, Lisa Ipeelie explained, “When they’re little, it doesn’t help to raise your voice. And this is even the case if a child bites or hits a parent. If a child is turning to this behavior, it’s because there’s an underlying issue that needs to be dealt with, calmly.”Still, you might be wondering how the Inuit get their children to behave, or even to stay safe. Well, it’s thanks to the storytelling tradition in the culture. These stories can be quite frightening. “Our parents told us that if we went out without a hat, the northern lights are going to take our head off,” shared Inuit film producer, Myna Ishulutak.However, psychologist Deena Weisberg believes “kids learn best through stories, which are interesting to them.” Interestingly, she states that stories with a peppering of danger have even more appeal to kids. “If we tell children stories they are in awe of, which help them to behave, they will pass them on to their own families,” she says.12.Why did Briggs find Inuit people amazing?A.They care little about personal belongings.B.They always keep calm.C.They live comfortably under extreme conditions.D.They treat strangers like family.13.What does the underlined word “plausible” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Reasonable.B.Preferable.C.Unacceptable.D.Debatable. 14.What might Ipeelie do if her boy hits her?A.Shout at him.B.Turn to others.C.Find out the reason.D.Beat him.15.What does Weisberg imply about using scary stories to get kids to behave?A.It improves parent-kid relationships.B.It brings about dangerous behavior.C.It is harmful to kids.D.It should be promoted.二、七选五How to Make and Keep a New Year’s ResolutionAre you making a resolution in the New Year? You’ll give yourself your best shot at success if your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound).•Specific. Your resolution should be absolutely clear. Making a concrete goal is really important rather than just vaguely(含糊地) saying “I want to lose weight.” You want to have a goal: How much weight do you want to lose and at what time interval? 16•Measurable. This may seem obvious if your goal is a fitness related one, but it’s also important if you’re trying to cut back on something, too. If, for example, you want to stop biting your nails, take pictures of your nails over time so you can track your progress in how those nails grow back out. 17•Achievable. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have big stretch goals. 18 So, for example, deciding to save enough money to retire in five years when you’re 30 years old is probably not realistic, but saving an extra $100 a month may be.•Relevant. 19 If you do it out of a sense of self-hate or a strong passion in that moment, it doesn’t usually last long. But if you build up a process where you’re thinking harder about what’s good for you, then you have a fighting chance.•Time-bound. Like “achievable”, the timeline toward reaching your goal should be realistic, too. That means giving yourself enough time to do it with lots of smaller goals set up along the way. 20If you’re building a habit, you’re planning for the next decade, not the next couple of months.A.Five pounds in the next two months—that’s going to be more effective.B.Is this a goal that really matters to you, and are you making it for the right reasons?C.Logging progress into a journal or making notes in an app can strengthen the progress.D.Do you have a realistic plan for achieving your resolution?E.Focus on these small wins so you can make gradual progress.F.But trying to take too big a step too fast can leave you disappointed.G.It’s a resolution based on someone else’s intention.三、完形填空A sled dog (雪橇犬) has reunited with his owner three months after disappearing from28.A.intended B.pretended C.prepared D.managed 29.A.appreciation B.support C.apology D.concern 30.A.investment B.search C.health D.development 31.A.heroes B.owners C.directors D.racers 32.A.cost B.form C.value D.cause 33.A.traditional B.creative C.special D.tiring 34.A.recall B.change C.celebrate D.assess 35.A.children B.volunteer C.family D.pair四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
“永安一中、 德化一中、 漳平一中”三校联考2018-2019学年第一学期联考高三数学( 理科) 试卷第I 卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求)1.若集合{|121}A x x ,0,1,2,3B ,则A B ( )A. 0,1B. 2,3C. 1,2D. {}1,2,32.若平面向量a ,b 满足()3a a b ,且13(,)2a ,25b ,则a b ( )A. 5B. 32C. 18D. 25 3.某柱体的三视图如图所示(单位:cm ),则该几何体的侧面积(单位:3cm )是( )A. 6B. 1023C. 1025D. 16254.下列说法正确的是( )A. 命题“若cos cos xy ,则x y ”的逆否命题为真命题 B. 命题“若0xy,则0x ”的否命题为“若0xy ,则0x ” C. 命题“xR ,使得2210x ”的否定是“x R ,都有2210x ” D. 若a R ,则“2a ”是“2a ”的充分不必要条件5.《周髀算经》 是我国古代的天文学和数学著作。
其中一个问题的大意为:一年有二十四个节气(如图),每个节气晷长损益相同(即物体在太阳的照射下影子长度的增加量和减少量相同).若冬至晷长一丈三尺五寸,夏至晷长一尺五寸(注:ー丈等于十尺,一尺等于十寸),则立冬节气的晷长为( )A. 九尺五寸B. 一丈五寸C. 一丈一尺五寸D. 一丈六尺五寸6.若,x y 满足约束条件10040x x y x y ,则y x 的最大值为( ) A. -1 B. 1 C. 2 D. 37.已知,a b R ,且2360a b ,则148a b 的最小值为( ) A. 128 B. 132 C. 16 D. 148.已知11ln 2x ,2322x ,3x 满足3132log x e x , 则( ) A. 132x x x B. 123x x x C. 213x x x D. 312x x x9.已知f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,满足(1)(1)f x f x ,若(1)1f ,则(1)(2)(3)...(2019)f f f f ( )A. 1B. 0C. 1D. 201910.在三棱柱111ABC A B C 中,1160A AB A AC ,90BAC ,112AB AC AA ,则1AC 与1A B 所成角的余弦值为( )A. 1232121 D. 31414 11.已知函数22cos 3sin cos 0223222x x x x x f x sin sin ,在0,3上单调, 且(0)()03f f .若将函数f x 的图象向左平移(0)个单位长度后得到的函数是偶函数,则的最小值为( )A. 56B. 512C. 3D. 612.在正整数数列中,由1开始依次按如下规则,将某些整数染成红色,先染1;再染3个偶数2,4,6;再染6后面最邻近的5个连续奇数7,9,11,13,15;再染15后面最邻近的7个连续偶数16,18,20,22,24,26,28;再染此后最邻近的9个连续奇数29,31,…,45;按此规则一直染下去,得到一红色子数列:1,2,4,6,7,9,11,13,15,16,……,则在这个红色子数列中,由1开始的第2019个数是( )A. 3972B. 3974C. 3991D. 3993 第II 卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题:(本大题4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
由此可见,与商代相比,周代政治文化A. 突出宗法等级秩序B. 彰显人文理性因素C. 带有强烈的功利主义色彩D. 神权与王权结合更为紧密【答案】B【解析】【详解】从商人祭祀带有神权色彩到周代祭祀“‘有功列于民’者”,体现了周代政治文化突显人性和理性的一面,故B项正确;材料中没有体现出等级的内容,排除A项;祭祀祖先的对象是重大贡献、“有功列于民”的人,并不代表有功利主义色彩,排除C项;周代祭祀祖先的对象变成对社会有贡献的人,而非商代的鬼神,说明周代政治的神权色彩有所弱化,故D项错误。
”该材料实质上反映了这一时期A. 赋税征收以实物为主B. 闭关政策下农民负担较重C. 各关口税率不尽相同D. 政府推行抑商政策【答案】D【解析】【详解】由材料“外关三而取一,中关五而取一,内关七而取一”可以判断汉代的关税高且关卡林立,其目的是抑制商业的发展,因此从本质上反映了重农抑商政策的推行,故D项正确;材料没有实物与其它税收形式的比较,故A项说法错误;“闭关”政策是明清时期实行的,故B项排除;C项是D项的表现,排除。
福建省“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”2019届高三上学期12月三校联考试题 语文试题参考答案
7.D D项,“有效地解决了医联体建设中大医院重分势力范围等问题”错,根据材料三可知,从一定程度上,医联体存在大医院重分势力范围等弊端。
“永安一中、漳平一中、德化一中”2018-2019学年第一学期联考高三英语试题( 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.When will the film probably start?A. At 11:45.B. At 12:00.C. At 12:45.2. What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?A. A book.B. A watch.C. A case for coin collection.3. Where did the man know his flight had been canceled?A. At the airport.B. At the meeting.C. At the international fair.4. Why can’t the woman contact the man?A. He just had a long phone conversation.B. His phone is out of order.C. The connection on the phone line is poor.5. What is the man doing?A. Taking an exam.B. Reading a book.C. Having a class.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
“永安一中、漳平一中、德化一中”2018-2019学年第一学期联考高三英语试题( 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.When will the film probably start?A. At 11:45.B. At 12:00.C. At 12:45.2. What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?A. A book.B. A watch.C. A case for coin collection.3. Where did the man know his flight had been canceled?A. At the airport.B. At the meeting.C. At the international fair.4. Why can’t the woman contact the man?A. He just had a long phone conversation.B. His phone is out of order.C. The connection on the phone line is poor.5. What is the man doing?A. Taking an exam.B. Reading a book.C. Having a class.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
福建省“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”2019届高三上学期12月三校联考 数学(文)
“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”三校联考2018—2019学年第一学期联考高三数学(文科)试题(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
)1. 已知集合3{1,3,9,27},{|log ,}A B y y x x A ===∈,则AB =.A {1,3} .B {1,3,9} .C {3,9,27} .D {1,3,9,27}2. 若复数z 满足(1)12i z i +⋅=+,则||z 等于.A 12 .B 2 .C 32 .D 2 3.已知1,2a b ==,且()a a b ⊥-,则向量a 与b 的夹角为.A 4π .B 3π .C 32π .D 43π 3. 已知角α的顶点与原点重合,始边与x 轴的正半轴重合,终边在直线x y 2-=上, 则α2cos =.A 54- .B 53- .C 53 .D 545.已知双曲线2222:1x y C a b -=(0,0a b >>)的离心率为2,则C 的渐近线方程为.A y =.B y = .C 2y x =± .D y =6. 已知,m n 是空间中两条不同的直线,,αβ为空间中两个互相垂直的平面,则下列命题正确的是.A 若m α⊂,则m β⊥ .B 若,m n αβ⊂⊂,则m n ⊥ .C 若,m m αβ⊄⊥,则//m α .D 若,m n m αβ=⊥,则n α⊥7. 已知函数1()1x f x x +=-的图像在点()2,(2)f 处的切线与直线10ax y ++=平行,则 实数a =.A 2 .B 12 .C 12- D .2- 8.下列说法正确的是.A 命题p q ,都是假命题,则命题“p q ⌝∧”为真命题..B R ϕ∀∈,函数)2sin(ϕ+=x 都不是奇函数..C 函数()sin(2)3f x x π=-的图像关于512x π=对称 ..D 将函数sin 2y x =的图像上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍后得到sin 4y x =9. 执行右面的程序框图,如果输入的48,36m n ==,则输出的,k m 的值分别为.A 2,12 .B 2,3 .C 3,12 .D 3,310. 《九章算术》中将底面为长方形,且有一条侧棱与底面垂直的四棱锥称之为“阳马”.现有一阳马,其正视图和侧视图是如图所示的直角三角形.若该阳马的顶点都在同一个球面上,则该球的表面积为.A .B 2π .C 6π .D 24π11. 已知等差数列{}n a 中,100a =,公差()2,0d ∈-,若()22222244747456cos cos sin sin cos sin cos a a a a a a a a -+-=-+,56cos()0a a +≠,则数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 的最大值为 .A π .B 5π .C 10π .D 15π12.若方程286ln x x x m =++仅有一个解,则实数m 的取值范围为.A (,7)-∞.B (156ln 3,)-+∞.C (126ln 3,)-+∞ .D (,7)-∞(156ln 3,)⋃-+∞第Ⅱ卷(非选择题90分)二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,请将正确答案填入答题卷中。
“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”三校2018~2019学年第一学期联考高三物理试题(考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分)本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)一、选择题。
全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分) 1.下列说法正确的是A.做匀速直线运动的物体,加速度为零;做匀速圆周运动的物体,加速度也为零B.某点的电场强度为零,电势一定为零;某点的电势为零,电场强度也一定为零C.静止的物体可能受滑动摩擦力作用;运动的物体也可能受静摩擦力作用D.牛顿用扭秤装置测出了引力常量G;库伦也用类似的扭秤装置测出了静电力常量k ;2. 如图所示,虚线a 、b 、c 代表电场中的三个等势面,相邻等势面之间的电势差相等,实线为一带正电的质点仅在电场力作用下通过该区域时的运动轨迹,P 、Q 是这条轨迹上的两点,据此可知 A .带电质点通过P 点时的加速度较Q 点大 B .带电质点通过P 点时的动能较Q 点大 C .带电质点通过P 点时的电势能较Q 点小 D .三个等势面中,a 的电势最高3.如图所示,甲、乙两个物块用平行于斜面的细线连接.用沿斜面向上的拉力F 拉甲物块,使甲、乙两物块一起沿光滑斜面做匀加速运动。
某时刻撤去拉力F ,则撤去拉力的一瞬间,下列说法正确的是 A.甲、乙都受三个力作用 B.甲、乙的速度相同 C.甲的加速度大于乙的加速度D.甲受到的合力一定沿斜面向下,乙受到的合力可以沿斜面向上4.自行车b 经过摩托车a 的旁边时,摩托车a 从静止开始运动,从该时刻开始计时,它们的v -t 图象如图所示,已知两车始终在同一条平直公路上行驶,则关于两车的运动情况,下列说法正确的是A.8s末自行车开始调头,加速度开始反向B.6~8 s 内摩托车的加速度比自行车的大C.两车相距最远时,距离为12mD.t=8s时,自行车在摩托车前方5.物体从斜面顶端由静止开始下滑,经过斜面中点时速度为2m/s,则物体到达斜面底端时速度为A.3m/s B.s22 C.4m/s D. 6m/sm/6.如图所示,平行板电容器的两个极板为A、B,B极板接地,A极板带有电荷量+Q,板间电场有一固定点P,若将B极板固定,A极板下移一些,或者将A极板固定,B极板上移一些,在这两种情况下,以下说法正确的是A.A极板下移时,P点的电场强度不变,P点电势不变B.A极板下移时,P点的电场强度不变,P点电势升高C.B极板上移时,P点的电场强度减小,P点电势降低D.B极板上移时,P点的电场强度减小,P点电势降低7.如图所示为某游乐场的摩天轮,其正常工作时,大转盘在竖直面内做匀速圆周运动.坐在座舱里的游客也随转盘做匀速圆周运动。
永安一中漳平一中德化一中2019届上学期联考高三英语第一节每题1.5分每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项1.When will the film probably start?A. At 11:45.B. At 12:00.C. At 12:45.2. What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?A. A book.B. A watch.C. A case for coin collection.3. Where did the man know his flight had been canceled?A. At the airport.B. At the meeting.C. At the international fair.4. Why can’t the woman contact the man?A. He just had a long phone conversation.B. His phone is out of order.C. The connection on the phone line is poor.5. What is the man doing?A. Taking an exam.B. Reading a book.C. Having a class.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What are the speakers talking about?A. How to choose music for the party.B. Who will be in charge of the party.C. When to start the party.7. What is the woman going to do?A. Help to prepare for the party.B. Tell the man a phone number.C. Ask Sonia for some information.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
“永安一中、漳平一中、德化一中” 2018-2019学年第一学期联考高三英语试题(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.When will the film probably start?A. At 11:45.B. At 12:00.C. At 12:45.2. What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?A. A book.B. A watch.C. A case for coin collection.3. Where did the man know hisflight had been canceled?A. At the airport.B. At the meeting.C. At the international fair.4. Why can’t the woman contact the man?A. He just had a long phone conversation.B. His phone is out of order.C. The connection on the phone line is poor.5. What is the man doing?A. Taking an exam.B. Reading a book.C. Having a class.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
福建省漳平市第一中学等三校2019届高三上学期12月联考化学试题 Word版含答案
“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”三校联考2018-2019学年第一学期联考高三化学试题(考试时间:90分钟总分:100分)本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Si-28 Mg-24 Cu-64第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)一.单选题(本大题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分)1.化学与生活密切相关。
下列说法中错误的是A.“酸可以除锈”“洗涤剂可以去油污”都是发生了化学反应B.蚊虫叮咬处感到疼痛是有甲酸注入人体的缘故,涂肥皂水可减轻疼痛是利用其弱碱性C.月饼包装盒中的铁粉可以起到抗氧化作用D.利用明矾净水,可以达到杀菌消毒和沉淀悬浮物的目的2.下列有关化学用语使用正确的是TsA.核内质子数为117、中子数为174的核素Ts可表示为:174117B.甲烷分子的比例模型:C.COCl2的结构式为:D.H2O2的电子式为:H+[ ]2-H+3.从物质分类的角度进行下列判断,正确的是A.根据是否具有丁达尔效应,可将分散系分为溶液、浊液和胶体B.SiO2既能与NaOH溶液反应,又能与氢氟酸反应,但SiO2不属于两性氧化物C.AgCl的水溶液不易导电,故AgCl是弱电解质D.烧碱、纯碱、熟石灰均属于碱4.用N A表示阿伏伽德罗常数值,下列叙述中正确的是A.6g SiO2晶体中含有Si-O键的数目为0.2N AB.标准状况下,2.24 L Cl2溶于水,转移的电子数目为0.1N AC .18gH 218O 和2H 2O 的混合物中,所含中子数为9N AD .25℃时,pH =13的Ba(OH)2溶液中含有OH -的数目为0.1N A 5.下列指定反应的离子方程式正确的是A . 硫化亚铁与稀硝酸混合反应:2H ++FeS=H 2S↑+ Fe 2+B . 酸化NaIO 3和NaI 的混合溶液,滴入几滴淀粉溶液变蓝色:5I −+IO 3−+6H +3I 2+3H 2OC . Ba(OH)2与等物质的量 NaHSO 4混合:Ba 2++2OH -+2H ++SO 42-= BaSO 4↓+2H 2O D . 电解饱和食盐水:2Cl −+2H+Cl 2↑+ H 2↑6.短周期元素A 、B 、C 在周期表所处的位置如图所示。
学习资料福建省“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”高三英语12月三校联考试题福建省“永安一中、德化一中、漳平一中”2021届高三英语12月三校联考试题(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)第I卷第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1。
1. What has happened to the cup with little hearts?A。
It has been lost.B。
It has been damaged。
It has been given to the man。
2. What did the man ask the woman to do?A。
Sew some clothes.B. Clean up the floors.C。
Pay more attention next time.3. How many classes does the girl have on Monday?A. Two. B。
C. Four.4. Why does the woman advise the man to run?A. To catch the postman。
B. To borrow some stamps.C. To reach the post office before closing.5. What is across from the new clothing store?A。
A bank. B。
A movie theater。
A bookstore。
在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的)1.下列有关细胞结构及组成物质的叙述,正确的是()A. 氨基酸的空间结构是蛋白质多样性的原因之一B. 种子从休眠进入萌发状态,结合水/自由水比值上升C. 核糖核酸、ATP、核糖体、HIV病毒都含有核糖D. 叶肉细胞中缺乏Mg元素,则影响叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的合成2. 下列细胞结构与其包含的主要化学成分,对应错误的是()A. 核糖体——蛋白质和RNAB. 溶酶体——蛋白质和磷脂C. 染色体——蛋白质和DNAD. 中心体——蛋白质和固醇3. 下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述,正确的是()A. DNA和RNA等大分子物质可通过核孔进出细胞核B. 叶绿体基质中含有核酸和参与光合作用的酶C. 生物的细胞壁都可以被纤维素酶和果胶酶分解D. 构成生物膜的脂质主要包括磷脂、脂肪和胆固醇4.下列有关教材中的技术或方法,叙述不正确的是()A. 核移植技术可用于研究细胞核的功能B. 同位素标记法:证明细胞膜的流动性C. 差速离心法:细胞中各种细胞器的分离D. 假说-演绎法:基因分离定律的发现和果蝇白眼基因位于X染色体上的发现5.把一个细胞中的磷脂分子全部提取出来,在空气和水界面上将它们铺成单分子层(假定单分子间距离适当且相等)。
推测在下列细胞中,空气和水界面上磷脂单分子层的表面积与原细胞的表面积之比最大和最小的细胞分别是()①洋葱根尖成熟区表皮细胞,②蛙的红细胞,③人体浆细胞,④大肠杆菌细胞,⑤酵母菌细胞A. ①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ④⑤6.“结构与功能相适应”是生物学的基本观点之一,下列有关叙述错误的是()A. 神经细胞的突起有利于接受刺激和传导冲动B. 蛋白质合成旺盛的细胞核孔多,有利于RNA和蛋白质进出C. 哺乳动物成熟的红细胞无线粒体,所以只能进行无氧呼吸D. 性腺细胞膜上运输性激素的载体蛋白数量通常青春期时比幼年和老年时期多7. 下列生物体内的有关化学反应,一定在细胞器中进行的是()A. 肽键形成B. 病毒核酸的形成C. 转录D. 光合作用中二氧化碳的固定8.下列有关人体内元素和化合物的叙述,正确的是()A. 人的遗传物质彻底水解后可得到6种小分子B. ATP、磷脂、抗体、DNA的组成元素中都有C,H,O,N,PC. 蛋白质分子中的O主要存在于羧基中,核酸中的N主要存在于碱基中D. 人体内参与信息传递的分子都是蛋白质9.下列关于生物体内多聚体与单体的叙述,错误的是()A. 单体与其构成的多聚体具有相同的元素组成B. 由葡萄糖构成的多聚体具有相同的结构和功能C. 多聚体由单体脱水缩合而成,其基本骨架是碳链D. DNA的特异性与其构成单体的数目和排列顺序有关10. 下列与实验相关的叙述,错误的是()A. 马铃薯块茎捣碎后的提取液可检测出蛋白质B. 组织样液中滴加斐林试剂,不产生砖红色沉淀说明没有还原糖C. 调查人群中色盲发病率时,若只在患者家系中调查将会导致结果偏大D. 在95%乙醇中加入无水Na2CO3后可提高色素的溶解度11. 下列关于细胞的物质输入和输出,正确的是()A. 只要微粒直径足够小就能自由扩散进出细胞B. 温度不仅影响主动运输的速率也影响被动运输的速率C. 神经递质与突触后膜上的受体结合后,相关离子通过受体进入细胞D. 囊性纤维病是由于细胞中某种蛋白质结构异常,影响了K+和Cl-的跨膜运输所导致的12. 下列有关细胞结构和功能的叙述,正确的是()A. 细胞膜上的糖蛋白减少导致细胞癌变,癌细胞容易扩散和转移B. 矿工易患“硅肺”的原因与肺泡细胞中溶酶体数目增多有关C. 细胞分化、衰老和癌变都会导致细胞形态、结构和功能发生变化D. 转录发生在紫色洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞的细胞核、线粒体和叶绿体中13. 下列有关酶和ATP的说法,正确的是()A. 所有酶均在核糖体上合成B. 检测蛋白酶的催化作用可用双缩脲试剂检验反应物是否完全分解C. 在ATP中A代表腺苷,P代表磷酸基团,T代表三个高能磷酸键D. 有机物氧化分解释放出的能量少部分转移到ATP中14. 细胞内还有与ATP结构类似的GTP、CTP和UTP等高能磷酸化合物,但ATP用途较为广泛。
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“永安一中、漳平一中、德化一中”2018-2019学年第一学期联考高三英语试题( 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.When will the film probably start?A. At 1145.B. At 1200.C. At 1245.2. What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?A. A boo.B. A watch.C. A case for coin collection.3. Where did the man now his flight had been canceled?A. At the airport.B. At the meeting.C. At the international fair.4. Why can’t the woman contact the man?A. He just had a long phone conversation.B. His phone is out of order.C. The connection on the phone line is poor.5. What is the man doing?A. Taing an eam.B. Reading a boo.C. Having a class.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What are the speaers taling about?A. How to choose music for the party.B. Who will be in charge of the party.C. When to start the party.7. What is the woman going to do?A. Help to prepare for the party.B. Tell the man a phone number.C. As Sonia for some information.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. What does the woman want to do tomorrow?A. Buy something on sale.B. Repair the water heater.C. Get off wor earlier.9. How does the man feel now?A. Ecited.B. Tired.C. Disappointed.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10. How does the woman feel about the man’s new computer?A. Amaed.B. Envious.C. Interested.11. What can we learn about the man?A. He bought a computer for the woman a year ago.B. He pays much attention to products in high technology.C. He always buys epensive computers.12. What does the woman use her computer for?A. Watching TV.B. Chatting online.C. E-mailing.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What is the probable relationship between the speaers?A. Customer and waiter.B. Manager and waiter.C. Guest and hotel receptionist.14. What does the woman thin of the man’s wor?A. Just so-so.B. Awful.C. Good.15. Why should the man clear the plates as soon as possible?A. To let people have some space.B. To give people space for dessert.C. To welcome the following customers.16. What should the man do while waling around?A. Smile at customers.B. Tae away empty glasses.C. Fill the water glasses quietly. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. Who organies the Winter Festival?A. The government.B. A team of volunteers.C. A group of businessmen.18. What is special about the art ehibition?A. It will be held in a school.B. There are three opening nights.C. The painters of the pictures are local students.19. What will be held in the Main Ehibition Hall?A. A music talent show.B. An art ehibition.C. A fancy-dress party.20. What is the purpose of the tal?A. To raise money for the festival.B. To inform people of the festival.C. To show some of the musical talents.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThe things that ids choose to play with can impact our Earth. The manufacturing of toys and games can produce harmful pollution and non-biodegradable waste, which is harmful for our planet. But some toymaers are creating items for ids that aim higher. They use natural or non-harmful materials, and find ways to reuse and recycle. Toys and its (成套工具) can also teach ids about environmentally friendly solutions. Here are a few of our favorite low-impact, high-fun toys.Test the watersWater is Earth's most precious natural resource. Many people tae it for granted, but not everybody in the world has access to clean water. Learn about the science behind one solution with Thames & osmos' Global Water Quality Eperiment it. The it comes with tools and instructions for conducting eight important eperiments including testing the quality of H2O and maing dirty water cleaner. ($15) Plant tomatoesWhen communities in dry, desert regions eperience drought, it impacts their agricultural practices. Learn about water preservation and grow delicious cherry tomatoes with Bac to the Roots' Self-Watering Tomato Planter. It features technology that African desert farmers have been using for thousands of years a miniature clay pot releases water, but only when the surrounding soil has dried up. ($30)Draw with veggiesWee Can Too's Veggie Sidewal Chal is made from fruit and vegetable powders — it's practically safe to eat! The chal, created using environmentally friendly ingredients, has none of the chemicals found in your typical sidewal chal. When the rain comes and washes away your masterpiece, no harmful pollutants will be entering the environment. ($12)Create with cardboardWhen cardboard breas down in a landfill, it creates methane, a major greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Recycled cardboard can be transformed into a wor of art with the Cardboard Tool it from UncommonGoods. The it comes with 28 reusable parts for fastening cardboard pieces together. Now let your imagination go wild! ($13)21. What is special about Bac to the Roots' small clay pot?A. It is very pretty.B. It is a recent invention.C. It can improve tomatoes' taste.D. It uses anti-drought technology.22. Which product needs users to be imaginative?A. Cardboard Tool it.B. Veggie Sidewal Chal.C. Self-Watering Tomato Planter.D. Global Water Quality Eperiment it.23. What do the four products have in common?A. They are hard to use.B. They are Earth-friendly toys.C. They are good for ids' health.D. They are great choices for art-lovers.BI arrived in this beautiful Spanish island at the start of September, full of enthusiasm and eager to start wor as an English teacher. I sorted all the necessary paperwor out and moved into a flat of my own within the first couple of days. Great! Or so I thought. At 4 am and at several intervals after that, I was rudely awoen by the coc that lives opposite me. Fantastic! I now have 5 etra alarms every morning.In the following wees, I also started to notice a trend. Things in my flat started to brea at the rate of one object per day, lie the hot water, bowls, cups, shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy but things just fell apart. If it wasn't broen, it would either be dirty or missing. Using my washing baset for the first time was pretty disgusting. When I too out my clothes, they were swiftly followed by a hundred or so bugs that were living in the bottom.As for the general lac of equipment in the house, there was no oven, tin opener, sharp nives or potato peeler. It turns out maing a burger from scratch wasn't the best idea. I have a small microwave and a grill. I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went with it. Smoe soon started to appear. I was not quite sure if it was the burger or the grill but as soon as I opened the door, the electricity cut out. I spent the following 10 minutes in a dar, smoy room hunting for the power switch using the light from my mobile phone, which broe the wee after and left me without a connection to the outer world.Lucily, I'm now borrowing a phone and my luc has returned. No more things have broen (probably because there is nothing left to brea). I've also realied that even if a flat loos pretty, it doesn't mean its contents wor. I am also learning how to adapt to life with limited, broen utensils (厨房用具).24. What problem did the author have in the morning?A. She often slept late.B. Her alarm failed to wor.C. She got some noisy neighbors.D. Her sleep was disturbed by a rooster.25. What can we now about the author from Paragraph 2?A. She was a very careful woman.B. She was quite satisfied with her flat.C. Her flat was pretty old but comfortable.D. Her household articles were in poor condition.26. What happened when the author was maing a burger?A. She was seriously injured.B. She made a terrible mistae.C. She broe her phone accidentally.D. She suffered a sudden power failure.27. What is the tet mainly about?A. Remaining optimistic.B. How to choose a nice flat.C. Learning to live in a new flat.D. Why living abroad is not easy.CWor started this wee on net season’s flu vaccine, with eperts woring off forecasts about which types of the flu virus will be maing the rounds. But don’t epect any improvements. Flu eperts arealready admitting that most vaccines will give at best basic protection, because they’re based on old-fashioned technology. It’s not a new problem, but one th at the slow-moving world of drug and vaccine production seems helpless to improve upon.Every flu vaccine is a coctail, aimed at either three or four of the most common flu types. Flu vaccines must be recreated every year because flu viruses develop constantly in a process called antigenic drift. In February, global flu eperts gather to trade notes on what viruses are circulating in different countries and to come to an agreement on which types the net vaccines should be made to target.In recent years, flu vaccines have been based on H1N1, H3N2 and either one or two types of influena B virus. Each of these has a “reference” type, which is used to mae seed virus. Producers add the seed types to eggs and incubate (孵) them as the virus grows. Then they purify the virus, and either weaen it or ill it to mae a vaccine.Using eggs is a tricy (=difficult) and unpredictable process. Sometimes the virus doesn’t grow well in eggs, which can mean less vaccine than epected. The result is a flu vaccine that doesn’t offer much protection. “As long as we have eggs we are going to have this problem,” said Scott Hensley, a flu virus epert, “The only solution is not to depend on eggs.”Flu is a major iller. The 2017-2018 season has been a severe one, hitting the entire U. S. with widespread influena infection at once for wees on end, and illing 97 children so far. Against this threat, even a less satisfying flu vaccine will definitely help. “Even when you have these mismatches it will not prevent infection but liely prevent disease severity.” said Hensley.29.Net season flu vaccine fails to improve because ______.A.it has offered the best protection B.eperts can’t forecast the flu typesC.it is based on outdated technology D.eperts are unwilling to respond to changes 30.According to Paragraph 2, flu eperts ______ in February.A.echange views on the virus types net seasonB.get together and mae a deal on vaccinesC.sign an agreement on vaccine productionD.decide on how to circulate the viruses31.The ris of using eggs to mae vaccines may be that ______.A. seeds are less liely to get protectionB.viruses might not be developed as epectedC. there are not enough eggs to be usedD.whether vaccines will grow is hard to predict 32.What message does the underlined sentence convey?A.The U. S. is faced with serious flu attacs.B.Egg-based vaccines are better than nothing.C.There is something wrong with flu vaccines.D.Flu vaccines can stop the disease spreading.D“While etroverts (性格外向者) often mae great first impressions with their outgoing manner and lively personalities in interviews, that value and reputation at wor diminish (削减) over time.” says Corinne Bendersy, an associate professor of management.“Etroverts disappoint us over time when they're part of a team,” Bendersy says. “On a team you're epected to wor hard and contribute a lot. But they're often poor listeners, and they don't collaborate.”“On the other hand, introverts (性格内向者) wor hard on a team because they care what others thin of them. They don't want to be seen as not pulling their weight or contributing 100%,” Bendersy says.So while companies may be attracted to hiring etroverts because they impress managers greatly in job interviews, bosses also may want to consider whether the etrovert they are considering will be a valuable team player, Bendersy says.Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilins, two writers, agree and say managers should recognie the strengths of introverted employees, such as their ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes.“Thes e team members are often easygoing, which can mae them eceptional mentors (良师益友) to more junior staff or particularly good sounding boards when you interact with them in one-on-one situations,” Su says.“Managers must try to help introverts find their voice,” Wilins says. “Help them see that speaing up is not about self-promotion or being in conflict but rather about offering the team ey insights, maing better decisions or increasing the efficiency for all.”What about those etroverts who never seem to be at a loss for words? Should managers cut them off ? Managers definitely should weigh in on how an etrovert is affecting others. Wilins suggests saying something in private to mae adjustments.32. What do we now about outgoing people according to Bendersy?A. They are good listeners.B. They are good at cooperating.C. They often mae great contributions.D. They tend to perform well in interviews.33. Which can best replace the underlined part “pulling their weight” in Paragraph 3?A. Trusting others.B. Maing good choices.C. Doing their full share of wor.D. Trying to share their thoughts.34. What is Su's attitude towards Bendersy's words?A. Critical.B. Tolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Approving.35. What does Wilins advise managers to do?A. Promote more introverts.B. Learn to wor more efficiently.C. Encourage introverts to spea up.D. Avoid conflict among employees.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。