
1. ( )2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( ) 6. ( )7. ( ) 8. ( )9. ( ) 10. ( )二、文字問題(1問につき、1点、計10点)A 次のひらがなの漢字をそれぞれ①・②・③・④の中から一つ選びなさい。
( )11工場でぶひんを組み立てることを学びました。
①品物 ②竹物 ③質品 ④部品( )12彼はかいしゃに入る前はバスケットボール選手でした。
①当社 ②会社 ③弊社 ④本社( )13休む時きょかが必要です。
①今日 ②休暇 ③強化 ④許可( )14このしごとはけいけんがない人には難しいです。
①径険 ②径験 ③経険 ④経験( )15ホテルのよやくは、先週しました。
①予組 ②予絵 ③予約 ④予終B 次の漢字の読み方をそれぞれ①・②・③・④の中から一つ選びなさい。
( )16駅前の売店で切手を買いました。
①ばいてん ②ばいでん ③はいでん ④はいてん( )17そのお客さんの注文は無理だと思っています。
①ちゅもん ②ちゅうも ③ちゅもう ④ちゅうもん( )18喫茶店でタバコを吸うのを遠慮してください。
①えいりょ ②えんりょ ③えいりょう④えんりょう( )19値段が高くて、とても手が届かないといわれています。
①ねたん ②ねだん ③ちたん ④ちだん( )20この先の角に八百屋があります。
①はっぴゃくや ②おもちゃや ③やおや ④そばや三、語彙問題(1問につき、1点、計15点)答えはそれぞれ①・②・③・④の中から一つ選びなさい。

韩国语能力考试T O P I K初级练习题Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】2017年韩国语能力考试(TOPIK)初级练习题生命不休,学习不止。
以下整理的韩国语能力考试(TOPIK)初级练习题,希望对大家有所帮助,更多信息请关注!※ [6~9] .6. . (3)①②③④正确:③首先解释一下各项词语的意思:①抓住,留住②引起,创办,振兴③照顾,招呼④拉,牵,率领,指引题目的意思是他不论在何时都很热心地(照顾)邻居。
7. . (3)①②③④正确:①首先解释一下各项词语的意思:①关系②心理③程度④态度题目的意思是因为在同一个办公室工作两个人的关系变好了。
8. . (4)①②③④正确:③首先解释一下各项词语的意思:①安静②危险③昏暗,黑④凉,冷淡题目的意思是地下室因为几乎没有阳光,白天也很暗。
(考生或许对不太熟悉,此时可以选择排除法并研究句子意思选出)9. . (4)①②③④正确:④此题考查的是考生副词的掌握能力2017年韩国语能力考试(TOPIK)初级练习题。
※ 150~300 .※读下面的题目,写150~300字的作文。


가게[名] 店铺[记] 来自中文词“假家”,所谓“假家”指的是临时搭建的房屋,人们在里面做小生意。
[名] 옷가게(n.服装店)가격[名] 价格[记] 来自中文词“价格”가구[名] 家具[记] 来自中文词“家具”가깝다[形] 近, 不远[反] 멀다(adj.远)가끔[副] 偶尔、有时,表示时间和空间上有一定间隔。
[同] 종종[例] 김선생은요즘도가끔술을마신다. 金老师最近也偶尔喝酒。
가다[动] 去[派] 갔습니다(가다的过去时)가르치다[动] 教[例] 저는영어를가르쳐요. 我教英语。
가방[名] 包가볍다[形] 轻[反] 무겁다가수[名] 歌手[记] 来自于中文“歌手”가운데[名] 当中、中间、中[例] 강가운데배가떠있다. 江中间有一艘船。
가을[名] 秋天[派] 가을운동회(n.秋季运动会)[例] 늦은가을이되면서늘한바람이불고나뭇잎이떨어진다. 到了晚秋会吹起凉爽的风,树叶会掉落下来。
가재[名] 小龙虾가족[名] 家庭成员, 家族[记] 来自中文词“家族”가죽장갑[名] 皮手套[记] 由两个单词가죽(皮)和장갑(手套)组成간단하다[形] 简单[记] 来自中文词“简单”[反] 복잡하다(adj.复杂的)[例] 간단한절차를밟다. 经过了简单的程序。
간호사[名] 护士[记] 来自中文词“监护师”갈비[名] 排骨갈아타다[动] 换乘[记] 타다(vt.乘坐)감기[名] 感冒감사[名] 感谢[派] 감사해요/감사합니다(vt.谢谢)감자튀김[名] 炸薯条[记] 由两个单词감자(土豆)和튀김(油炸物)组成갑자기[副] 突然[例] 갑자기날씨가추워지다. 天气突然变冷。
값[名] 价格[同] 가격[区别] 값一般指的是商品买卖时的价格,而가격则是用金钱衡量的商品价值。
比如买水果的时候用的是값,但如果讨论水果价格的走势则往往使用가격갔다오다[动] 去过[同] 다녀오다강[名] 江, 河[记] 来自中文词“江”[派] 한강(n.汉江)강아지[名] 小狗같다[形] 一样[派] 같이(adv.一起)[例] 모두같이갑시다. 大家一起去吧。

2006全国英语竞赛试题答案2006年全国大学生英语竞赛(A级初赛笔试试题)参考答案及评分标准Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 points)Section A Short Conversations (6 points)1.a2. A3. D4. C5. D6. BSection B Long Conversation (4 points)7. B 8. B 9. A 10. ASection C News Items (10 points)11. B 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. A16. B 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. CSection D Passages (10 points )Passage One21. D 22. B 23. A 24. CPassage Two25. B 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. APart II Vocabulary and Structure(5 minutes, 10 points)31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. A36. A 37. D 38. B 39. D 40.CPart III Situational Dialogues(5 minutes, 5 points)41.C 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. DPart IV IQ Test(5 minutes, 5 points)46. D 47. B 48. D 49.C 50. APart V Reading Comprehension(25 minutes, 40 points)Section A Multiple Choice( 5 points)51.C 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. BSection B Yes / No / Not Given (5 points )56. N 57. NG 58. Y 59. Y 60. NSection C Short Answer Questions( 20 points)61. swimming62. garbage, sewage and medical waste63. discover / see / find64. eat (too much) fish65. the ocean pollution / the pollution of oceans / the problem of ocean pollution66. too cold67. they can feel / sense their movements (in the air)68. be very dangerous / hurt human beings69. kill cockroaches70. how and where cockroaches live, and difficulty of controlling themSection D Summary( 10 points)71. dangerous 72. culture / society 73. name 74. drops 75. nervesPart VI Cloze( 10 minutes, 15 points)76. around 77. benefits 78. sooner 79. money 80. alone81. career 82. disagree 83. Moreover 84. argued 85. Furthermore86. cultures 87. strange 88. outweighed 89. Unfortunately 90. believePart VII Translation (15 minutes, 15 points)Section A English-Chinese Translation (10 points)91. 许多原来通过请教家人、朋友或同事便能解决的生活问题,现在却超出了大家庭的能力范围。

[名] 1万元;韩语中的“一”往往省略
Word List 7
[名]话,言语. (注:这个单词是"말"的敬语)
[形] (天气)晴朗,(水)清澈

1. -가방이무겁습니까?
-아니요, ( ).
2. -모자를벗을까요?
-괜찮아요.( )계세요.
키가작아요(커요). 个子很矮(高)
소리가너무작다. 声音太低
그여자는머리가짧다(길다). 那个女人头发短(长)
모두의의견이비슷하다. 大家的意见很相近
우리직종이다르다. 我们工种不同
신발을신다穿鞋; 양말을신다穿袜子
모자를쓰다戴帽子; 안경을쓰다戴眼镜。

2006年日语能力考试1级真题読解・文法(200点 90分)問題Ⅰ 次の文章を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。
(中略) 小説がそのように<時間>に固く結ぴつけられているとはいっても、小説の中で生きて動いているのは日めくりカレンダーや柱時計ではなく、登場人物としての人間達である。
( ① )、小説の中で時の(注2)えるものとするのは、暦や時計それ自身ではなく、溜息をつきながら暦をめくり、不安げな表情で壁の時計を見あげる、あれこれの人物達に他ならない。

为了更好地评估学生的韩语水平,韩国设立了TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean)考试。

韩语TOPIK考试初级全真试题练习2017年韩语TOP IK考试初级全真试题练习单词是语言考试的基础,只有扎实基础才能更好地掌握韩语的听说读写能力。
以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年韩语TOP IK考试初级全真试题练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!신청하신분들께는선물도드립니다.많은관심부탁드립니다.1. 이글의제목으로알맞은것을고르십시오.①라디오를많이들으세요.②좋아하는노래를부르세요.③듣고싶은노래를신청하세요.④노래도하고선물도받으세요.2. 이글의내용과같은것을고르십시오.①이방송은일주일에한번합니다.②이방송에관심이있으면전화해야합니다.③이방송에서는좋아하는노래를들을수있습니다.④이방송에서는노래를부른사람에게선물을줍니다.【本期试题节选自第21届TOPIK初级试题“阅读”部分第53~54题】答案:③ ③解析:你想在收音机里收听自己喜爱的音乐吗?广播节目“2点音乐聚会”每天下午为大家播放喜爱的歌曲。
1.我们先来看一下选项中给出的四个题目:① 请多收听广播节目② 唱出你喜爱的歌吧!③ 欢迎点拨你想听的歌曲④ 既听歌又能收到礼物②首先就被排除掉了,这是一档以听歌为主的广播节目,而不是唱歌;而①和④都仅仅为文章内容的一部分,无法完全概括全篇内容;只有③是符合题目要求的,因为这则文章的写作目的就是为了让听众多多的支持‘두시의노래파티’这档广播节目,并多多的参与,点播自己喜爱的`歌曲2. ①这个广播节目每周播放一次——第二句中“매일오후”指出了播放时间为每天的下午②如果对此广播节目感兴趣的话,需要拨打电话——“인터넷홈페이지”以及文中明显的网址可以看出是通过网站点播的,而非电话③在这个广播节目中可以聆听到喜欢的歌曲④这个广播节目赠送礼物给唱歌的人——跟第一题的②选项是同样的错误,礼物是送给点播歌曲的听众的重点词汇短语:라디오收音机방송하다广播,播放신청하다申请,报名인터넷 (Internet)因特网,互联网홈페이지 (homepage) 主页노래를부르다唱歌【2017年韩语TOP IK考试初级全真试题练习】。

2006.9 上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段笔试试题+答案SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST(45 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.British people are far more sophisticated about beverages than they were 50 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and you’ll know where ___________ (1) goes. However, spurred on by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of ___________ (2) and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a ___________ (3).Although tea is available in more places than ever, it remains to be _____________ (4) of a typical British family.If you are invited to an English home, _____________ (5) in the morning you get a cup of tea. It is either brought in by a heartily _____________ (6) or an almost malevolently silent maid. When you are _____________ (7) in your sweetest morning sleep you must not say: ‘Go away, you_____________ (8).’ On the contrary, you have to declare with your best five o’clock smile: ‘Thank you very much. I _____________ (9) a cup of tea, especially in the morning.’ If they leave you alone with the liquidyou may pour it _____________ (10)!Then you have ___________ (11); then you have tea at 11 o’clock in the morning; _____________ (12); then you have tea for tea; then after supper; and again at eleven o’clock _____________ (13).You must not refuse any additional cups of tea under the _____________ (14): if it is hot; if it is cold; if you are _____________ (15); if you are nervous; if you are watching TV; _____________ (16); if you have just returned home; if you feel like it; if you do not feel like it; if you have had no tea ______________ (17); if you have just had a cup.You definitely must not ______________ (18). I sleep at five o’clock in the morning; I have coffee for breakfast; I drink innumerable_____________ (19) during the day; I have the _____________ (20) even attea-time!Part B: Listening Comprehension1. StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1. (A) The program on Channel Eight reminds me of TV commercials.(B) The product advertised in the TV commercial cannot help cure my illness.(C) I don’t watch TV that much, because of the omnipresent advertisements.(D) I have to sit on the sofa, because I am too sick to stand in frontof the television.2. (A) The plane arrived at 7:30.(B) The plane arrived at 8:00.(C) The plane arrived at 9:00.(D) The plane arrived at 10:00.3. (A) I’ll ask someone else to read and check this agreement for errors.(B) I’ll think more about the agreement before making a decision.(C) It’s obvious that I’ll discuss the agreement with my assistant first.(D) It’s out of question that I should get into any agreement with you.4. (A) The better members decided to cancel the meeting.(B) Less than half of the committee was away on business trips.(C) It’d be better if no one had attended this morning’s committee meeting..(D) The meeting was cancelled because of low attendance.5. (A) Supermarkets in the inner city and the suburbs are usually owned by the same company.(B) Products in grocery stores are more expensive than those in supermarkets.(C) There is a price difference for the same product even in shops run by the same company.(D) People prefer to shop in supermarkets, which are mostly located in the suburbs, with free parking space.6. (A) Many Americans cannot afford higher education because of the soaring college tuition fees and expenses.(B) Sending their children to college is no longer a bigger challenge for millions of Americans.(C) The American government has set the goal that it will eventually stop funding higher education institutions.(D) Nowadays, American parents have to pay more to send their children to college.7. (A) For many university graduates, the jobs they take will not be related to their academic achievements.(B) Because of economic recession, the number of university students majoring in liberal arts is declining.(C) University students who are interested in liberal arts will have more job opportunities upon graduation.(D) With high unemployment rate, many university students will have to opt for transferring to other majors.8. (A) Good business negotiators will never repeat what other people have already restated.(B) Restating by good business negotiators is not an effective way to check the information.(C) Good business negotiators are sometimes curious about other people’s restatements.(D) Restating what others have said is a good strategy for confirming understanding.9. (A) We cannot reach an agreement, let alone a spoken promise.(B) We’d better draft and then sign a written agreement.(C) We generally keep our promises in business transactions.(D) We hope you understand why we are unable to keep our promises.10. (A) I don’t think you have more to say on that topic.(B) I think we’d better talk about that in detail sometime later.(C) I am truly appreciative if you can elaborate on that topic after lunch.(D) I am busy right now, so we might as well discuss it over lunch today.2. Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11—1411. (A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five12. (A) A profit-making private school.(B) A non-profit-making independent school.(C) A state school that is funded by non-governmental sources.(D) A secondary school that is open to the majority of British students.13. (A) Many children are no longer placed in schools according to their academic abilities.(B) Many children can afford to study in private schools, as they become part of the state system.(C) Children from wealthy families no longer choose to go and study in public schools.(D) Cleverer children will be sent to the best private schools in the country for a better development.14. (A) Clever and less bright children will mix well with each other.(B) School authorities will receive more funds from the government.(C) Most students will do well in their entrance examination for the higher education.(D) Every child will have an equal opportunity to go on to higher education.Questions 15—1815. (A) One that is unabridged with detailed definitions.(B) One that contains fewer words and emphasizes on special words.(C) One that contains a broad range of words in common usage.(D) One that spans several volumes and has extensive word histories16. (A) The New Oxford Picture Dictionary(B) The American Heritage Dictionary(C) The Dictionary of Legal Terms(D) The Drinking Water Dictionary17. (A) It lists abbreviations, proper nouns, and tables of measures.(B) It is an unabridged edition providing as many as 500,000 entries.(C) It was randomly compiled and contains as many foreign words as possible.(D) It provides detailed information of famous people and places.18. (A) A school dictionary. (B) A college dictionary.(C) A general dictionary. (D) A specialized dictionary.Questions 19—2219. (A) He’s bought his wife a present. (B) He’s missed an important phone call.(C) He’s dismissed his new secretary. (D) He’s popped out shopping.20. (A) Talking about the latest fashion.(B) Offering special reductions.(C) Giving bigger discounts to female customers.(D) Pressing on the customer to make a decision.21. (A) Upside down and inside out. (B) Inside out and back to front.(C) With its sleeves as trouser legs. (D) With its pattern upside down.22. (A) A V-necked pullover with short sleeves.(B) A high-necked pullover with long sleeves.(C) A white pullover with a pattern.(D) A blue pullover with a high neck.Questions 23—2623. (A) That of a creator. (B) That of a re-creator.(C) That of a receiver. (D) That of a performer.24. (A) Because we need to concentrate for our quiet thought.(B) Because we want to give full attention to the driving.(C) Because we try to avoid being caught by the patrolling police.(D) Because we intend to be as casual as possible in the driving.25. (A) In the elevator. (B) In the car.(C) In the bathroom. (D) In the church.26. (A) By perceptive and analytical listening.(B) By taking a sonic bath.(C) By attending classical concerts.(D) By listening to an emotional piece of music.Questions 27—3027. (A) His grandfather’s house. (B) His parents’ remarks.(C) A magazine. (D) A coursebook.28. (A) Enjoying visiting zoos. (B) Driving a car.(C) Making money. (D) Taking kids to a museum.29. (A) It died a few years ago. (B) It killed several tourists.(C) It is only a legend. (D) It is a living dinosaur.30. (A) No one has provided an accurate description of the animal.(B) No dead bodies of the animal have ever been found.(C) There are only 500 species living in Loch Ness.(D) The lake is not deep enough for such a huge animal.Part C: Listening and Translation1. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the correspondingspace in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2. Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage,translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)(2)SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS(45 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1—5The purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people. According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he or she is considered innocent until the court proves that the person is guilty. In other words, it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. It is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent.In order to arrest a person, the police have to be reasonably sure that a crime has been committed. The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law. Then the police take the suspect to the police station to “book” him.“Booking means that the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed at the police station.The next step is for the suspect to go before a judge. The judge decides whether the suspect should be kept in jail or released. If the suspect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he will return to court rather than run away—for example, because he owns a house and has a family—he can go free. Otherwise, the suspect must put up bail. At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court layer to defend the suspect if he can’t afford one.The suspect returns to court a week or two later. A lawyer from the district attorney’s office presents a case against the suspect. This is called a hearing. The attorney may present evidence as well as witnesses. The judge at the hearing then decides whether there is enough reason to hold a trial. If the judge decides that there is sufficient evidence to call for a trial, he or she sets a date for the suspect to appear in court to formally plead guilty or not guilty.At the trial, a jury of 12 people listens to the evidence from both attorneys and hears the testimony of the witnesses. Then the jury goes into a private room to consider the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty of the crime. If the jury decides that the defendant is innocent, he goes free. However, if he is convicted, the judge sets a date for the defendant to appear in court again for sentencing. At this time, the judge tells the convicted person what his punishment will be. The judge may sentence him to prison, order him to pay a fine, or place him on probation.The American justice system is very complex and sometimes operates slowly. However, every step is designed to protect the rights of the people. Theseindividual rights are the basis, or foundation, of the American government.1. What is the main idea of the passage?(A) The American court system requires that a suspect prove that he or she is innocent.(B) The US court system is designed to protect the rights of the people.(C) Under the American court system, judge decides if a suspect is innocent or guilty.(D) The US court system is designed to help the police present a caseagainst the suspect.2. What follows ‘in other words’ (para.1)?(A) An example of the previous sentence.(B) A new idea about the court system.(C) An item of evidence to call for a trial.(D) A restatement of the previous sentence.3. According to the passage, ‘he can go free’ (para.3) means _________.(A) the suspect is free to choose a lawyer to defend him(B) the suspect does not have to go to trial because the judge has decided he is innocent(C) the suspect will be informed by mail whether he is innocent or not(D) the suspect does not have to wait in jail or pay money until he goes to trial4. What is the purpose of having the suspect pay bail?(A) To pay for the judge and the trial.(B) To pay for a court lawyer to defend the suspect.(C) To ensure that the suspect will return to court.(D) To ensure that the suspect will appear in prison.5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A) The American justice system sometimes operates slowly.(B) The police can arrest a suspect without giving any reasons.(C) It is the responsibility of the suspect to prove he is innocent.(D) The jury considers the evidence in the court room.Questions 6—10So you’ve got an invention—you and around 39,000 others each year, according to 2002 statistics!The 64,000-dollar question, if you have come up with a device which you believe to be the answer to the energy crisis or you’ve invented a lawnmower which cuts grass with a jet of water (not so daft, someone has invented one), is how to ensure you’re the one to reap the rewards of your ingenuity. How will all you garden shed boffins out there keep others from capitalizing on your ideas and lining their pockets at your expense? One of the first steps to protect your interest is to patent your invention. That can keep it out of the grasp of the pirates for at least the next 20 years. And for this reason inventors in their droves beat a constant trail from all over the country to the doors of an anonymous grey-fronted building just behind London’s Holborn to try and patent their devices. The building houses the Patent Office. It’s an ant heap of corridors, offices and filing rooms—a sorting house and storage depot for one of the world’s biggest and most varied collections of technical data. Some ten million patents—English and foreign—are listed there.File after file, catalogue after catalogue detail the brain-children of inventors down the centuries, from a 1600’s machine gun designed to fire square bullets at infidels and round ones at Christians, to present-day laser, nuclear and computer technology.The first ‘letters patent’ were granted as long ago as 1449 to a Flemishcraftsman by the name of John Utynam. The letters, written in Latin, are still on file at the office. They were granted by King Henry VI and entitled Utynam to ‘import into this country’ his knowledge of making stained glass windows in order to install such windows at Eton College. Present-day patents procedure is a more sophisticated affair than getting a go-ahead note from the monarch. These days the strict procedures governing whether you get a patent for your revolutionary mouse-trap or solar-powered back-scratcher have been reduced to a pretty exact science. From start to finish it will take around two and a half years and cost £165 for the inventor to gain patent protection for his brainchild. That’s if he’s lucky. By no means all who apply to the Patent Office, which is a branch of the Department of Trade, get a patent.A key man at the Patent Office is Bernard Partridge, Principal Examiner (Administration), who boils down to one word the vital ingredient any inventor needs before he can hope to overcome the many hurdles in the complex procedure of obtaining a patent—‘ingenuity’.6. People take out a patent because they want to __________.(A) keep their ideas from being stolen(B) reap the rewards of somebody else’s ingenuity(C) visit the patent office building(D) come up with more new devices7. The phrase ‘the brain-children of inventors’ (para.5) means_________.(A) the children with high intelligence(B) the inventions that people come up with(C) a device that a child believes to be the answer to the energy crisis(D) a lawnmower that an individual has invented to cut grass8. What have the 1600’s machine gun and the present-day laser in common?(A) Both were approved by the monarch.(B) Both were granted by King Henry VI.(C) Both were rejected by the Department of Trade.(D) Both were patented.9. Why is John Utynam still remembered?(A) He is the first person to get a patent for his revolutionary mouse-trap.(B) He is the first person to be granted an official patent.(C) He is the first person to be an officer in the Patent Office.(D) He is the first person to have invented a lawnmower.10. According to the passage, how would you describe the complex procedure of obtaining a patent for an invention?(A) It is rather expensive.(B) It is an impossible task.(C) It is extremely difficult.(D) It is very tricky.Questions 11—15All living cells on earth require moisture for their metabolism. Cereal grains when brought in from the field, although they may appear to be dry, may contain 20 per cent of moisture or more. If they are stored in a bin thus, there is sufficient moisture in them to support several varieties of insects. These insects will, therefore, live and breed and, as they grow and eat the grain, it provides them with biological energy for their life processes. This energy will, just as in man, become manifest as heat. Since the bulk of the grain acts as an insulator, the temperature surrounding the colony of insects will rise so that, not only is part ofthe grain spoiled by the direct attack of the insects but more may be damaged by the heat. Sometimes, the temperature may even rise to the point where the stored grain catches fire. For safe storage, grain must be dried until its moisture content is 13 per cent or less.Traditional arts of food preservation took advantage of this principle in a number of ways. The plant seeds, wheat, rye, rice, barley millet, maize, are themselves structures evolved by nature to provide stored food. The starch of their endosperm is used for the nourishment of the embryo during the time it over-winters (if it is a plant of the Temperate Zone) and until its new leaves have grown and their chlorophyll can trap energy from the sunlight to nourish the new-grown plant. The separation by threshing and winnowing is, therefore, to some degree part of a technique of food preservation.The direct drying of other foods has also been used. Fish has been dried in many parts of the world besides Africa. Slices of dried meat are prepared by numerous races. Biltong, a form of dried meat, was a customary food for travelers. The drying of meat or fish, either in the sun or over a fire, quite apart from the degree to which it exposes the food to infection by bacteria and infestation by insects, tends also to harm its quality. Proteins are complex molecular structures which are readily disrupted. This is the reason why dried meat becomes tough and can, with some scientific justification, by likened to leather.The technical process of drying foods indirectly by pickling them in the strong salt solutions commonly called ‘brine’ does less harm to the protein than straightforward drying, particularly if this is carried out at high temperatures. It is for this reason that many of the typical drying processes are not taken to completion. That is to say, the outer partsmay be dried leaving a moist inner section. Under these circumstances, preservation is only partial. The dried food keeps longer than it would have undried but it cannot be kept indefinitely. For this reason, traditional processes are to be found in many parts of the world in which a combination of partial drying and pickling in brine is used. Quite often the drying involves exposure to smoke. Foods treated in this way are, besides fish of various sorts, bacon, hams and numerous types of sausages.11. According to the passage, insects spoil stored cereals by ________.(A) consuming all the grain themselves(B) generating heat and raising the surrounding temperature(C) increasing the moisture content in the grain(D) attacking each other for more grain12. In speaking of the traditional methods of food preservation, the writer ________.(A) expresses doubts about direct smoking(B) describes salting and pickling as ineffective(C) condemns direct drying(D) mentions threshing and winnowing13. Direct drying affects the quality of meat or fish because ________.(A) it exposes them to insects(B) it makes them hard(C) it damages the protein(D) it develops bacteria14. We can learn from the passage that salting preserves food by ________.(A) destroying the protein(B) drawing away moisture from the food(C) drying the food in the sun(D) dressing the food15. According to the passage, partial drying is useful because ________.(A) it damages the protein less(B) it can be combined with pickling(C) it leaves the inside moist(D) it makes the food softQuestions 16—20We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man but, on the contrary, one which could by a single actionreplace a thousand men.Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First there is the conveyor belt system of continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into a single sequence. The goods produced by thiswell-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces both unskilled and semiskilled. Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the quality of the product: here mechanisms are built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with what it is supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type of automation will illustrate its immense possibilities. There is a factory in the U.S.A. which makes 1,000 million electric light bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the preautomation techniques were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25,000. A motor manufacturing company with 45,000 spare parts regulates their entire supply entirely by computer. Computers can be entrusted withmost of the supervision of industrial installations, such as chemical plants or oil refineries. Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance companies and the like. Here the essential features are the recording, storing, sorting and retrieval of information.The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their vastly greater speed of operation by comparison with unaided human effort; a task which otherwise might take years, if attempted at all, now takes days or hours.One of the most urgent problems of industrial societies rapidly introducing automation is how to fill the time that will be made free by the machines which will take over the tasks of the workers. The question is not simply of filling empty time but also of utilizing the surplus human energy that will be released. We are already seeing straws in the wind: destructive outbursts on the part of youth whose work no longer demands muscular strength. While automation will undoubtedly do away with a large number of tedious jobs, are we sure that it will not put others which are equally tedious in their place? For an enormous amount of sheer monitoring will be required. A man in an automated plant may have to sit for hours on and watching dials and taking decisive action when some signal informs him that all is not well. What meaning will his occupation bear for the worker? How will he devote his free time after a four or five hour stint of labor? Moreover, what, indeed, will be the significance for him of his leisure? If industry of the future could be purged of its monotony and meaninglessness, man would then be better equipped to use his leisure time constructively.16. The main purpose of automation is _________.(A) to devise the machine which could replace the semi-skilled(B) to process information as fast as possible(C) to develop an efficient labor-saving mechanism(D) to make an individual man perform many different actions17. The chief benefit of computing machines is ________.(A) their greater speed of operation(B) their control of the product quality(C) their conveyor belt system of continuous production(D) their supervision of industrial installations18. One of the problems brought about by automation in industrial societies is _________.(A) plenty of information(B) surplus human energy(C) destructive outbursts(D) less leisure time19. Which of the following best explains the use of ‘stint’ (para.4)?(A) Effort.(B) Force.(C) Excess.(D) Period.20. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A) There is no automation with feedback control of the quality of the product.(B) Computers are reliable in any supervision of industrial installations.(C) The essential features for banks are the recording and sorting ofinformation.(D) Automation will undoubtedly eliminate numerous tedious jobs.Questions 21—25The city water pipes in Rome were usually of baked clay or lead; copper was sometimes used and also hollowed stone. For the large supply conduits leading to the city the Romans used covered channels with free water surfaces, rather than pipes. Perhaps this choice was a matter of economics, for apparently they could make lead pipes up to 15 inches in diameter. While pipes can follow the profile of undulating ground, with the pressure increasing in the lower areas, channels cannot. They must slope continuously downwards, because water in channels does not normally flow uphill; and the grade must be flat, from 1 in 60 in small channels to perhaps 1 in 3,000 in large ones, to keep the water speed down to a few feet per second. Thus the main supply channels or aqueducts had long lengths of flat grade and where they crossed depressions or valleys they were carried on elevated stone bridges in the form of tiered arches. At the beginning of the Christian era there were over 30 miles of these raised aqueducts in the 250 miles of channels and tunnels bringing water to Rome. The channels were up to 6 feet wide and 5 to 8 feet high. Sometimes channels were later added on the tops of existing ones. The remains of some of these aqueducts still grace the skyline on the outskirts of Rome and elsewhere in Europe similar ruins are found.Brick and stone drains were constructed in various parts of Rome. The oldest existing one is the Cloaca Maxima which follows the course of an old stream. It dates back at least to the third century B.C. Later the drains were used for sewage, flushed by water from the public baths and fountains, as well as street storm run-off.。

A. へB.をC.でD.に17.時間がなかったから、朝ご飯はパンと牛乳しました。

TOPIK韩语初级真题解析距离TOPIK考试越来越近,很多人都不知道有没有什么技巧可以搞定TOPIK 韩语初级考试。
接下来我们就来看看有哪些关键词是我们要留意的:1、转折性词汇그런데(但是)하지만(但是)비록(尽管)아무리(尽管、就算)하더라도(即使)그러나(但是) 그렇지만(但是)2、否认性词汇안,못,지않다。

2006年日语一级能力考试真题及答案文字·語彙 (100点 45分)問題Ⅰ 次の文の下線をつけた言葉は、とのように読みますか。
(13).腐敗1.ふうはい2.ふうばい3.ふはい4.ふばい(14).阻止1.そうし2.そし3.そっし4.そんし(15).迅速1.しっそく2.しっそく3.しんそく4.じんそく問題II 次の文の下線をつけた言葉は、ひらがなでどう書きますか。

* 韩国每年六次,其他国家每年四次。
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新韩国语能力考试 TOPIK Ⅰ听力介绍 出题点 询问有无 询问是否是某人、某事、某物 询问人、事、物的性质、状态、属性等 对策 回答方式: ① 네 , 이 / 가 있어요 . ② 아니요 , 이 / 가 없어요 . 回答方式: ① 네 , 이에요 / 예요 . ② 아니요 , 이 / 가 아니에요 . 回答通常包含与问句相关的形容词或动词
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类别 TOPIK Ⅰ TOPIK Ⅱ 考试 第一堂 第一堂 第二堂 领域 听力(40 分钟) 阅读(60 分钟) 听力(60 分钟) 写作(50 分钟) 阅读(70 分钟) 中国 开始时间 09:00 13:00 15:20 结束时间 10:40 14:50 16:30 开始时间 10:00 13:00 15:20 韩国 结束时间 11:40 14:50 16:30