



2017—2018学年度第二学期一年级春考期末语文试卷一、选择题1.下列词语中加字的读音完全正确的一项是()A.遁词(dùn )咳嗽( sù)俯瞰(kàn)攫取(jué)B.摇曳(yè)徘徊(huán)细菌(jǔn)黯淡(àn)C.霎时(shà)古劲(jìng)婀娜(nuó)喁喁细语(yúyú)D.脂肪(zhī)迂回(yū)轶闻(yì)瞥见(piě)2.下列短语中没有错别字的一组是( )A.擎着玉簟秋谗诛同年而语 B.瞭望殆尽岑寂叹为观只C.萦绕暴霜露干躁名副其实 D.海棉褴褛赂秦用之不竭3、依次填入句中横线处的关联词语恰当的一项是()阳光_____为生命所必需,_______阳光中的紫外线_______有扼杀原始生命的危险。


A.虽然但是却因而 B.不仅而且还所以C.尽管然而还因此 D.既然但是却因此4 .下列各组标点使用正确的一项是()A.人文的核心是“人”,以人为本,关心人、爱护人、尊重人。































第四大题分A卷题与B卷题,选择A卷的同学仅需完成A卷题的试题部分,无需完成B 卷试题。



)1.下列选项中加点字注音全部正确的一项是()A.吮.吸:yǔn 创.伤:chuāng 洞穴.:xuèB.奇瑰.:guī喷.香:pèn 錾.银:zànC.独处.:chù卑鄙.:bì癖.好:pǐD. 阡陌.:bǎi 馔.玉:zuàn 沽.酒:gù2.下列选项中有两个错别字的是一项是()A.宏扬圭臬国粹杜撰B.修葺缥渺蕃篱缜密C.木讷窟隆膏梁九宵D.横亘枯燥侥幸遵循3.下列加点成语使用恰当的一项是()A.小明作文句子都写不通,居然把自己的一篇不刊之论....的作文投稿到杂志社。















(任选其中6句)(6分)① 子曰:“_________________________,思而不学则殆。

”(《论语》十二章)② ________________________,风正一帆悬。

(王湾《次北固山下》)③ 不知何处吹芦管, 。

(李益《夜上受降城闻笛》)④ ________________________,随风直到夜郎西。

(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》)⑤ ________________________,巴山夜雨涨秋池。

(李商隐《夜雨寄北》)⑥ 岐王宅里寻常见,_________________________。

(杜甫《江南逢李龟年》)⑦ _______________________,铁马冰河入梦来。

(陆游《十一月四日风雨大作》(其二))⑧ 河流大野犹嫌束,_________________________。






我踮起脚尖,使矮小的身体挨cèng( )过别的顾客和书柜的夹缝,从大人的掖下钻过去。




…… 一页,两页,我如饥饿的瘦狼,贪婪地吞读下去,我很快乐,也很惧怕,这种窃读的zī( )味!(1) 给加点字注音,根据拼音写出相应的汉字。

浙江大学宁波理工学院2017–2018学年1学期 《概率论与数理统计》课程期末考试试卷B

浙江大学宁波理工学院2017–2018学年1学期 《概率论与数理统计》课程期末考试试卷B

命题(组)老师签名:____________________ 年 月 日研究所(教研室)教学负责人签名:_______________年 月 日浙江大学宁波理工学院2017–2018学年1学期《概率论与数理统计》课程期末考试试卷B开课单位: ,考试形式:闭卷,允许带_无存储功能计算器_入场 考试日期:__ ___年____月____日,考试所需时间: 120 分钟考生姓名 学号 考生所在学院(系): 专业班级: .22220.050.0250.9750.950.050.025() 1.,() 2.,().,().,(8).,(8)..886083068218827315511753t t χχχχ======一.填空题(每小格3分,共36分):1. 设,A B 是两个随机事件,若()0.3P A =,()0.4P B =,()0.1P AB =.则()⋃=P A B ______________; A 与B 独立吗?答:____________________.2. 设随机变量(,)X Y 在区域{(,):02}x y y x <<<上均匀分布,则(2)P X Y +<= __________,(12)P X X Y >+<= ___________.3.设X 服从1λ=的泊松分布,()F x 是X 的分布函数,则(2)F = ________,()D X = _____.4.设X 的概率密度函数为21,0,()20,0.xe xf x x -⎧≥⎪=⎨⎪<⎩,分布函数为()F x ,则(2)F =___________,(53)P X X >>= ___________. 5.设总体22~(,),,X N μσμσ均未知,19,,X X 是X 的简单随机样本.X 与S 分别是样本均值和样本标准差.若()~(0,1)a X N μσ-,则a =______,若222~(8)bS χσ,则b =________;为检验假设01:6,:6H H μμ=≠,在显著水平为0.05下的拒绝域为____________________,若6.64,0.8x s ==,则应该________(拒绝还是接受)原接受.二.(14分) 设随机变量X 的概率密度函数为0.25,02,()0.5,23,0,.x f x x <<⎧⎪=<<⎨⎪⎩其他 求(1)(0 2.5)P X <<;(2)X 的分布函数()F x ;(3)X 的数学期望()E X 和方差()D X .三.(14分)一盒中有4个红球2个白球,采用放回抽样,每次取一个球,观察其颜色后放回,第2次依然从6个球中取一个,...如此重复进行n 次,n X 表示n 次抽取中取得红球的个数.(1)求2X 的分布律;(2)求2()E X 和2()D X ; (3) 求2X 与4X 的相关系数ρ;(4)利用中心极限定理,求162{120}P X ≤的近似值.四.(12分)设随机变量(,)X Y 的联合密度函数为3,01,(,)0,.x y x f x y <<<⎧=⎨⎩其它. (1) 求(0.4)P X ≤;(2)分别求与X Y 的边缘概率密度函数(),()X Y f x f y ;(3)分析与X Y 是否独立.五.( 12分) 总体X 在[1,2]θ上服从均匀分布,未知参数0.5θ>,.从总体X 中取得简单随机样本1,,nX X ,求(1)θ的矩估计量1ˆθ;(2)θ的极大似然估计量2ˆθ.六. (12分)某商品的月销售额(单位:万元)2~(,)X N μσ,对该商品的销售情况进行9个月的观察,结果记为19,...,X X ,设各月的销售额相互独立服从相同分布,(1) 若23.6,0.36μσ== ,求9个月的销售额超过34.2万元的概率;(2)若μ未知,20.36σ=,样本均值 3.5x =,求μ的置信度为95%的置信区间;(3)若2,μσ均未知,样本方差20.4s =,求2σ的置信度为95%的置信区间.(保留三位小数)。



2017一年级语文下册期末考试试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,读音全部正确的一组是:A. 颜色(sè)B. 朋友(péngyǒu)C. 快乐(kuàilè)D. 老师(lǎoshī)2. “春眠不觉晓”的下一句是:A. 处处闻啼鸟B. 夜来风雨声C. 处处闻啼声D. 夜来风雨声声3. “床前明月光”的作者是:A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 白居易D. 王维4. “小荷才露尖尖角”的下一句是:A. 早有蜻蜓立上头B. 早有蜻蜓立上头头C. 早有蜻蜓立上尖尖角D. 早有蜻蜓立上头上5. “锄禾日当午”的下一句是:A. 汗滴禾下土B. 汗滴禾下土土C. 汗滴禾下土下D. 汗滴禾下土上6. “白日依山尽”的下一句是:A. 黄河入海流B. 黄河入海流流C. 黄河入海流下D. 黄河入海流上7. “举头望明月”的下一句是:A. 低头思故乡B. 低头思故里C. 抬头思故乡D. 抬头思故里8. “春种一粒粟”的下一句是:A. 秋收万颗子B. 秋收万颗子子C. 秋收万颗籽D. 秋收万颗籽籽9. “红豆生南国”的下一句是:A. 春来发几枝B. 春来发几枝枝C. 春来发几支D. 春来发几支支10. “独在异乡为异客”的下一句是:A. 每逢佳节倍思亲B. 每逢佳节倍思亲亲C. 每逢佳节倍思亲家D. 每逢佳节倍思亲家家二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)11. “床前明月光,__________。

”(李白《静夜思》)12. “__________,春来江水绿如蓝。

”(白居易《忆江南》)13. “__________,低头思故乡。

”(李白《静夜思》)14. “__________,粒粒皆辛苦。

”(李绅《悯农》)15. “__________,早有蜻蜓立上头。

”(杨万里《小池》)16. “__________,黄河入海流。

”(王之涣《登鹳雀楼》)17. “__________,汗滴禾下土。



































共 4 页 第 1 页吉 林大 学 考 试 卷(B 卷) 课程名称 线性代数B 考试学期 17-18-2 得分 适用专业 13、42系 考试形式 开卷 考试时间长度 120分钟一、填空题(30分,每空3分) 1. 设)1,2(),1,1(=−=βα,则=T αβ ;=+βα ; 2. 设 −−=1111A , −=11B ,则=AB ;=)(AB r ; 3. 设n 阶矩阵A 满足O E A A =−+2,则=+−1)(E A ; 4. 与向量)0 ,1 ,1(1−=α和)2 ,1 ,1(2−=α均正交的单位向量=3α ; 5. 设A 是53×阶矩阵,秩3)(=A r ,则齐次线性方程组0=Ax 的基础解系中含有 个解向量; 6. 设3阶矩阵B A ~,且矩阵A 的特征值为2,1,1−,则矩阵E B +的3个特征值分别是 ;行列式=+E B ; 7. 二次型32212321321424),,(x x x x x x x x x f +−+=对应矩阵=A 。

二、计算题(8分)计算行列式411211111−=D共 4 页 第 2 页三、(12分)假设=200011012A ,求矩阵方程X A E AX +=−的解。

四、(12分)设向量组A : −=42111α, =21302α;与B : =147031β,=105122β。

1. 证明向量组A 与B 等价;2. 求向量组A 与B 相互线性表示的表示系数。

共 4 页 第 3 页五、(15分)给定线性方程组 −=++−=++−=++322321321321λλλλx x x x x x x x x1. 参数λ取什么值时,上面的线性方程组无解、有唯一解和无穷解?2. 在方程组有无穷多解时,求出其通解。

六、(15分)设二次型323121232221321222222),,(x tx x tx x tx x x x x x x f −−−++=。

东华大学《概率论与数理统计》2017-2018学年第二学期期末试卷 B卷

东华大学《概率论与数理统计》2017-2018学年第二学期期末试卷 B卷

东 华 大 学 试 卷2017—2018 学年第 2 学期 课号课程名称 概率论与数理统计 (期末; 闭卷) 适用班级(或年级、专业)一. 填空:(每小题3分,共15分) 1.设41)()()(===C p B p A p ,0)(=AB p ,61)()(==AC p BC p ,则 事件C B A ,,都不发生的概率为 。

2.随机变量T 在[0,6]上服从均匀分布,则方程 012=++x T x 有实根的概率为 。

3.随机变量X 服从参数为λ的泊松分布,且1)]2)(1[(=−−X X E , 则=λ 。

4.设总体X 服从参数为λ的指数分布)(λExp ,n X X X ,,,21 是来自 总体X 的简单随机样本,则=X D 。

5.设1621,,,X X X 是来自总体X ),4(~2σN 的简单随机样本,2σ已知,令 ∑==161161i i X X ,则统计量σ−164X 服从分布为 (必须写出分布的参数)。

二.选择(每小题3分,共15分)1.以A 表示“概率考试及格,英语不及格”,则A 表示( ))(A 概率考试不及格,英语考试及格;)(B 概率英语考试都及格; )(C 概率英语考试都不及格;)(D 概率不及格或英语及格。

2.如果),163(N ~X ,且43+=X Y ,则DY 等于( ))(A 144 )(B 25 )(C 27 )(D 433.设X 服从参数为91=λ的指数分布,)(x F 为其分布函数, 则=<<}93{X P ( ))(A )93()1(F F − )(B )11(913ee −)(C ee 113− )(D ⎰−93/dx e x4.1621,,,X X X 是来自总体),10(N ~X 的一部分样本,设: 216292821X X Y X X Z ++=++= ,则YZ~( ) )(A )1,0(N )(B )16(t )(C )16(2χ )(D )8,8(F5.已知n X X X ,,,21 是来自总体的样本,则下列是统计量的是( )X X A +)( +A ∑=−n i i X n B 1211)(a X C +)( +10 131)(X a X D ++5三.计算(70分) 1、(8分)已知一批产品中,合格品占90%,检查时一个合格品被认为是次品的概率为0.02,而一个次品被认为是合格品的概率为0.05,现在任取一件检查,求该产品被认为是合格品的概率。
























一、填空题(共 6 题,每题 3 分,共 18分)1. n 阶行列式122222222222322222122222n n−的值为______.2. 设矩阵001110123010,010,023*********A C D −⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪=== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,且3阶方阵B 满足ABC D =,则1B −=______. 3. 已知2R 中两组基为ααββ===−=1212(1,1),(0,1);(1,1),(1,2),T TTT则从基αα12,到基ββ12,的过渡矩阵是 , 已知α在基αα12,下的坐标为(3,0)T ,则α在基ββ12,下的坐标为 .4.设111101,1101a A b α−−⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪=−=− ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭为A 的属于特征值2−的特征向量,则a =______,b =______.5.设3阶实对称矩阵A 的秩()2r A =且A 满足22A A O −=(O 表示零矩阵),则4I A −=______.6. 已知实二次型22212312313(,,)2f x x x x ax x x x =+++经正交变换x Py =可化为标准型221223f y y =+,则a =______.二、选择题(共 8题,每题 3分,共 24分) 1. 下列(2)n n ≥阶行列式的值必为0的是( ).(A) 行列式主对角线上的元素均为0 (B) 行列式零元素的个数多于n 个 (C) 行列式零元素的个数多于2n n −个 (D) 行列式非零元素的个数比+1n 少2. 将2阶方阵A 的第二列加到第一列得方阵B ,再交换B 的第一行与第二行得单位矩阵, 则A =( ).(A )0111⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (B )0111⎛⎫ ⎪−⎝⎭ (C )1110⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (D )1110−⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭3.设A 是n 阶矩阵,O A =3,则 =−−1)(A I ( ).(A )2A A I +− (B )2A A I ++ (C )2A A I −+ (D )2A A I −−4. 齐次线性方程组2123123123000x x x x x x x x x λλλλ⎧++=⎪++=⎨⎪++=⎩的系数矩阵记为A ,若存在3阶非零矩阵B 使得AB O =,则( ).中国海洋大学《线性代数》2017-2018学年第一学期期末试卷B卷(A )2λ=−且0B = (B )2λ=−且0B ≠ (C )1λ=且0B = (D )1λ=且0B ≠ 5. 已知12,ββ是方程组Ax b =的两个不同解,12,αα是对应齐次方程组0Ax =的基础解系, 则Ax b =的一般解是( ).(A )1211212()2k k ββααα−+++ (B )1211221()2k k ββααα++−+(C )1211212()2k k ββαββ−+++ (D )1211212()2k k ββαββ++−+6.下列矩阵中不能对角化的是( ).(A )1101⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (B) 1102⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (C) 1112⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ (D )1212⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭注:以下两道为多选题 7. 对向量组12,,,m ααα,其中,1,2,,n i R i m α∈=,下列说法正确的是( ).(A)设A 为n 阶方阵,若12,,,m ααα线性相关,则12,,,m A A A ααα也线性相关 (B) 设A 为n 阶方阵,若12,,,m ααα线性无关,则12,,,m A A A ααα也线性无关(C) 12,,,m ααα线性相关的充要条件是其中至少有一个向量可由其余向量线性表出 (D) 若12,,,m ααα中有一个是零向量,则此向量组线性相关(E)零向量可由12,,,m ααα线性表出8. 下列说法正确的是( ).(A)对矩阵A 不管施行初等行变换还是初等列变换都不会改变矩阵的秩的值 (B)若A 、B 均可逆,则()()r ACB r C =(C)若n 阶方阵A 的秩()1r A n =−,则*()0r A =,其中*A 为A 的伴随矩阵 (D)若1212=(,,,),=(,,,),m n a a a b b b αβ,其中,i j a b (1,2,,;1,2,,i m j n ==)均非零,则()1T r αβ=三、计算题 (共 3题,共24分)1.(8分)已知4阶行列式42134102315211152D =−,ij A 表示第i 行第j 列元素ij a 的代数余子式,求1323432A A A ++的值。




栽(zāi zhāi)树晒(sài shài)干翅(chìzhì)膀脑(lǎo nǎo)袋难(nán nàn)过闷(mēn mèn)热半空(kōng kòng)着(zhe zháo)急二、读句子,写字词。



3、喜羊羊想出了一个gèng hǎo的zhǔyì。

4、fáng qián的地上,有—群mǎyǐ正排zheduì搬家。
















C l a s s N a m eS I C n u m b e r E x a m T i m eE x a m R o o m装订线Central China Normal University2017–2018first semester Final Exam Paper (B)ComposerMarkerCheckerNo.IIIIIIIVVTotalMarksMarksMarkerⅠ.Vocabulary.(1point each,20points intotal)Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the followingsentences.1.Many collegiate sports competitions are now _______by various business enterprises.A.improvedB.promotedC.recognizedD.sponsored.2..________their performance,a number of reviews have been carried in the local newspapers.A.In accordance withB.In regard toC.In terms ofD.In the way of 3.Digital devices such as computers have built-in electronic ________that can turn on and off extremely rapidly A.machines B.designs C.circuits D.materials 4.More recently,________researchers have turned their attention to the study of variation patterns in American English and to the social and historical sources of these patterns.A.linguist B.linguistic C.lingual D.lexical5.In his speech,there is no information ____to the recent development in cancer research.A.belonging B.bringing C.leading D.pertaining6.Manufacturing used to be accompanied by hand,but most of today’s modern manufacturing operation are highly mechanized and ____.A.automatedplicatedC.controlledD.manual 7.It is estimated that cultivated fields ___crops more than four times as much as natural wild fields A.grow B.make C.manufacture D.yield 8.The requirements and methods of modern warfare have made swords____as combat weapons.A.dispensable B.obsolete C.unnecessary eless 9.Recent environmental protection campaigns have moved people to a new level of environmental _______and activism.A.alertness B.familiarity C.consciousness rmation 10.The poverty line in the United states is ____annually to allow for inflation .A.adjusted B.determined C.modified D.raised 11.He is looking forward to winter for the ____of long walks in snowy weather .A.enjoyment B.fun C.refreshment D.refresher 12.The sinking of the Titanic has been the subject of several books and films,but not until September 1985was the actual ____found and the area photographed by a joint Frenchen U.S.expedition .A.crash B.mess C.wreck D.trash 13.In contemporary society,dances often provide important occasion for young people to____.A.entertain B.blend C.socialize D.talkC l a s s N a m eS I C n u m b e r E x a m T i m e E x a m R o o m装订线14.To take part in that kind of social activity is generally considered as ____to the participants.A.inferior B.demeaning C.notorious D.outrageous 15.The name of the grass “wild rice ”is ______because wild rice is not related to common cultivated rice and it is usually much taller when grown up.A.meaninglessB.misleadingC.mistakenD.misunderstood.16.Quite a large number of old people enjoy _________in gardens on sunny afternoons in winter.A.sauntering B.tramping C.trotting D.wandering 17.A literate population is a necessity for any nation wishing to ________modern technological growth..A.take advantage ofB.take a chance ofC.take care ofD.take into puter technology has brought about rapid scientific development and dramatic social progress that were barely ________less than fifty years ago.A.convincing B.existing C.imaginable D.feasible 19.The Huang He is traditionally referred to as “China’s Sorrow”because,throughout Chinese history,it has periodically ________large areas by flooding.A.depressed B.devastated C.occupied D.overwhelmed 20.In writing,you should avoid using ________expressions;clear and straightforward ones can help the readers understand your viewpoint more easily.A.mystifying B.puzzling C.uncertain D.vagueMarksMarkerII .Reading.(2points each,40points in total)Direction:There are 4passages in this part.Each passage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B)C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and write down the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .Passage OneQuestions 21to 25are based on the following passage:Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星)now,one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it,say some scientists.Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids (流星)that race across the night sky.Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don’t threaten us.But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.Buy $50million worth of new telescopes right now.Then spend $10million a year for the next 25years to locate most of the space rocks.By the time we spot a fatal one,the scientists say,we’ll have a way to change its course.Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons.But the cost wouldn’t be cheap.Is it worth it?Two things experts consider when judging any risk are:1)How likely the event is;and 2)How bad the consequences if the event occurs.Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000years.Sounds pretty rare-but if one did fall,it would be the end of the world.“If we don’t take care of these big asteroids,they’ll take care of us,”says one scientist.“It’s that simple.”The cure,though,might be worse than the disease.Do we really want fleets of nuclear weapons sitting around on Earth?“The world has less to fear from doomsday (毁灭性的)rocks than from a great nuclear fleet set against them,”said a New York Times article.21.What does the passage say about asteroids and meteoroids?A)They are heavenly bodies different in composition.B)They are heavenly bodies similar in nature.C)There are more asteroids than meteoroids.D)Asteroids are more mysterious than meteoroids.22.What do scientists say about the collision of an asteroid with Earth?A)It is very unlikely but the danger exists.B)Such a collision might occur once every 25years.C)Collisions of smaller asteroids with Earth occur more often than expected.D)It’s still too early to say whether such a collision might occur.23.What do people think of the suggestion of using nuclear weapons to alter the courses of asteroids?A)It sounds practical but it may not solve the problem.B)It may create more problems than it might solve.C)It is a waste of money because a collision of asteroids with Earth is very unlikely.D)Further research should be done before it is proved applicable.45624.We can conclude from the passage that ______________.A)while pushing asteroids off course nuclear weapons would destroy the worldB)asteroids racing across the night sky are likely to hit Earth in the near futureC)the worry about asteroids can be left to future generations since it is unlikely to happen in our lifetimeD)workable solutions still have to be found to prevent a collision of asteroids with Earth25.Which of the following best describes the author’s tone in this passage?A)Optimistic.B)Critical.C)Objective.D)Arbitrary.Passage TwoQuestions 26to 30are based on the following passage:Believe it or not,optical illusion (错觉)can cut highway crashes.Japan is a case in point.It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75percent using a simple optical illusion.Bent stripes,called chevrons (人字形),painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are,and thus drivers slow down.Now the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C.is planning to repeat Japan’s success.Starting next year,the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents,according to the foundation.To help reduce those accidents,the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards are the greatest-curves,exit slopes,traffic circles,and bridges.Some studies suggest that straight,horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half.However,traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars.Chevrons,scientists say,not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower.The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway sped and the number of traffic accidents.26.The passage mainly discusses __________.A)a new way of highway speed control B)a new pattern for painting highways C)a new approach to training drivers D)a new type of optical illusion27.On roads painted with chevrons,drivers tend to feel that __________.A)they should avoid speed-related hazards B)they are driving in the wrong lane C)they should slow down their speedC l a s s N a m eS I C n u m b e r E x a m T i m e E x a m R o o m装订线D)they are approaching the speed limit28.The advantage of chevrons over straight,horizontal bars is that the former ___________.A)can keep drivers awakeB)can cut road accidents in halfC)will have a longer effect on drivers D)will look more attractive29.The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to __________.A)try out the Japanese method in certain areas B)change the road signs across the countryC)replace straight,horizontal bars with chevrons D)repeat the Japanese road patterns30.What does the author say about straight,horizontal bars painted across roads?A)They are falling out of use in the United StatesB)They tend to be ignored by drivers in a short period of time.C)They are applicable only on broad roads.D)They cannot be applied successfully to traffic circles.Passage ThreeQuestions 31to 35are based on the following passage:Amtrak (美国铁路客运公司)was experiencing a downswing in rider ship(客运量)along the lines comprising its rail system.Of major concern to Amtrak and its advertising agency DDB Needham,were the long-distance western routes where ridership had been declining significantly.]At one time,trains were the only practical way to cross the vast areas of the west.Trains were fast,very luxurious,and quite convenient compared to other forms of transportation existing at the time.However,times change and the automobile became America’s standard of convenience.Also,air travel had easily established itself as the fastest method of traveling great distances.Therefore,the task for DDB Needham was to encourage consumers to consider other aspects of train travel in order to change their attitudes and increase the likelihood that trains would be considered for travel in the west.Two portions of the total market were targeted:1)anxious fliers-thoseconcerned with safety,relaxation,and cleanliness and 2)travel-lovers-those viewing themselves as relaxed,casual,and interested in the travel experience as part of their vacation.The agency then developed a campaign that focused on travel experiences such as freedom,escape,relaxation,and enjoyment of the great western outdoors.It stressed experiences gained by using the trains and portrayed western train trips as wonderful adventures.Advertisements showed pictures of the beautiful scenery that could be enjoyed along some of the more famous western routes and emphasized the romantic names of some of these trains (Empire Builder,etc.).These ads were strategically placed among family-oriented TV shows and programs involving nature and America in order to most effectively reach target audiences.Results were impressive.The Empire Builder,which was focused on in one ad,enjoyed a 15percent increase in profits on its Chicago to Seattle route.31.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A)To show the inability of trains to compete with planes with respect to speed and convenience.B)To stress the influence of the automobile on America’s standard of convenience.C)To emphasize the function of travel agencies in market promotion.D)To illustrate the important role of persuasive communication in changing consumer attitudes.32.It can be inferred from the passage that the drop in Amtrak ridership was due to the fact that ________.A)trains were not suitable for short distance passenger transportationB)trains were not the fastest and most convenient form of transportationC)trains were not as fast and convenient as they used to be D)trains could not compete with planes in terms of luxury and convenience33.To encourage consumers to travel by train,DDB Needham emphasized __________.C l a s s N a m eS I C n u m b e rE x a m T i m eE x a m R o o m装订线A)the freedom and convenience provided on trains B)the practical aspects of train travel C)the adventurous aspects of train trips D)the safety and cleanliness of train trips34.The train ads were placed among family-oriented TV programs involving nature and America because ____________.A)they could focus on meaningful travel experiencesB)they could increase the effectiveness of the TV programs C)their profits could be increased by some 15percentD)most travel-lovers and nervous fliers were believed to be among the audiences35.According to the passage,the Empire Builder enjoyed an increase in ridership and profits because ___________.A)the attractiveness of its name and route was effectively advertised B)it provided an exciting travel exper5ienceC)its passengers could enjoy the great western outdoorsD)it was widely advertised in newspapers and magazines in Chicago and SeattlePassage FourQuestions 36to 40are based on the following passage :Why does cram go bad faster than butter?Some researchers think they have the answer,and it comes down to the structure of the food,not its chemical composition-a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances,so why cream should sour much faster has been a mystery.Both are emulsions-tiny globules (小球体)of one liquid evenly distributed throughout another.The difference lies in what’s in the globules and what’s in the surrounding liquid,says Brocklehurst,who led the investigation.In cream,fatty globules drift about in a sea of water.In butter,globules of a watery solution are locked away in a sea of fat.The bacteria which make the food go bad prefer to live in the watery regions of the mixture.“This means that in cream,the bacteria are free to grow throughout the mixture,”he says.When the situation is reversed,the bacteria are locked away in compartments (隔仓室)buried deep in the sea of fat.Trapped in this way,individual colonies cannot spread and rapidly run out of nutrients (养料).They also slowly poison themselves with their waste products.“In butter,you get a self-limiting system which stops the bacteria growing,”says Brocklehurst.The researchers are already working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made resistant to bacterial attack through alterations to the food’s structure.Brocklehurst believes it will be possible to make the emulsions used in salad cream,for instance,more like that in butter.The key will be to do this while keeping the salad cream liquid and not turning it into a solid lump.36.The significance of Brocklehurst’s research is that ____________.A)it suggested a way to keep some foods fresh without preservativesB)it discovered tiny globules in both cream and butterC)it revealed the secret of how bacteria multiply in cream and butterD)it found that cream and butter share the same chemical composition37.According to the researchers,cream sours fast than butter because bacteria _________.A)are more evenly distributed in creamB)multiply more easily in cream than in butter C)live on less fat in cream than in butter D)produce less waste in cream than in butter38.According to Brocklehurst,we can keep cream fresh by ___________.A)removing its fat B)killing the bacteriaC)reducing its water content D)altering its structure39.The word “colonies”(Line 2,Para.4)refers to __________.A)tiny globules B)watery regionsC)bacteria communities D)little compartmentsmercial application of the research finding will beC l a s s N a m eS I C n u m b e r E x a m T i m e E x a m R o o m 装订线possible if salad cream can be made resistant to bacterial attack _____________.A)by varying its chemical composition B)by turning it into a solid lumpC)while keeping its structure unchanged D)while retaining its liquid formMarksMarkerIII .Paraphrase.(2pointseach,10points in total)Explain the following italicized parts in your own words.1.He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval,as a colonel might look at a pirate whose bootlaces were undone.2.The teaching set-up appalled me.3.Tom closed the car window and sat back in his seat,in hostile silence4.Mrs.long clung to the case for a moment,claiming his attention first5.How grateful we are to you both for taking Tom off at such short notice.MarksMarkerIV .Translation.(2points each,10points in total)Translate the following sentences into English.1.他们是在慎重的考虑之后才决定离开家乡在巴黎定居下来。



中国海洋大学全日制本科课程期末考试试卷2017年春季学期 考试科目: 线性代数 学院: 数学科学学院 ___ 试卷类型: B 卷 命题人: 线性代数课题组 审核人:________ _考试说明:本课程为闭卷考试,共_3__页,除考场规定的必需用品外还可携带的文______________。

填空题(每空3分,共 18分)1. 已知4阶行列式的第一行元素依次为1,2,2,-1,第四行元素的余子式依次为:8, k ,-6,10,则=k ____3____.2. 已知T a )121(=,T )101(=β,T A αβ=,则3A =__1014202101⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭________.3. 设3阶矩阵A 的特征值为1,2,3,三阶矩阵B 与A 相似,则12B I -+=________,*1()2A I -=_______。

351,2164. 设n 阶方阵A 满足O I A A =-+10232,则=--1)2(I A __1(38)6A I -+__. 5. 已知4元非齐次线性方程组AX b =,()(,)3r A r A b ==,又知123,,ααα为AX b =的3个解,且()14,1,0,3T α=-,()2323,0,3,6Tαα+=-,则AX b =的全部解为 23112(3)(4,1,0,3)(3,1,1,1)3T T k k αααα++-=-+--- (共 6 题,每题 3分,共 18 分)1.向量组12,,,(2)m m ααα>线性相关的充要条件是( C )。

(A) m ααα,,,21 中至少有两个向量成正比; (B) m ααα,,,21 中至少有一个零向量;(C) m ααα,,,21 中至少有一个向量可由其余的向量线性表示; (D) m ααα,,,21 中任一部分组线性相关。

2. 设,P Q 均为n 阶可逆阵,A 是n 阶矩阵,且PAQ E =,则1A -=(C);A.PQB.11P Q -- C. QPD.11Q P --3. 设A 为m n ⨯矩阵,0Ax =是非齐次线性方程组Ax b =所对应的齐次线性方程组, 则下列结论正确的是( D )(A). 若0Ax =只有零解,则Ax b =有唯一解(B). 若0Ax =有非零解,则Ax b =有无穷多解 (C). 若Ax b =有无穷多解,则0Ax =只有零解 (D).若Ax b =有无穷多解,则0Ax =有非零解4. 设n 阶矩阵A =1111a aa a a a a aa a a a ⎛⎫⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭的秩为1,n n -≥3,则a =( B )(A).1 (B). 11n-(C). 1- ( D). 11n -5. 设A 为3阶方阵,将A 的第二列加到第一列得到矩阵B ,在交换B 的第二行与第三行得单位矩阵,记12100100110,001001010P P ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪== ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,则A =( D )(A). 12P P (B). 112P P - (C). 21P P(D). 121P P -6.设三阶方阵B A ,满足E BA ABA +=**2,其中E 为三阶单位矩阵,*A 是A 的伴随矩阵,⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=100021012A ,则=B ( A ).(A) 91 (B)9 (C) 31(D) 3三、计算题(每题8分,共 24 分)1. 求n 阶行列式1231111001001na a D a a =的值,其中0,1,2,,i a i n ≠=。



2017学年春季学期《高等数学Ⅰ(二)》期末考试试卷(B)注意:1、本试卷共 3 页;2、考试时间110分钟; 3、姓名、学号必须写在指定地方一、单项选择题(8个小题,每小题2分,共16分)将每题的正确答案的代号A、B、C或D填入下表中.1.a与b是向量,若baba+=+,则必有()(A)⊥a b(B)0,0==a b或(C)a=b(D)⋅=a b a b2.()(),0,1sin()limx yxyx→=( ).(A)不存在(B)1(C)0(D)∞3.二元函数),(yxfz=在),(yx处可微的充要条件是()(A)),(yxf在),(yx处连续(B)),(yxfx',),(yxfy'在),(yx的某邻域内存在(C)),(yxfx',),(yxfy'在),(yx的某邻域内连续(D)当0)()(22→∆+∆yx时,yyxfxyxfzyx∆'-∆'-∆),(),(是4.对函数(,)f x y=(0,0)是(,)f x y的( ).(A)驻点与极值点(B)驻点,非极值点(C)极值点,非驻点(D)非驻点,非极值点5.设平面区域D:1)1()2(22≤-+-yx,若21()dDI x yσ=+⎰⎰,32()dDI x yσ=+⎰⎰则有()(A)21II<(B)21II=(C)21II>(D)不能比较6.设椭圆L:13422=+yx的周长为l,则()dLx y s+=⎰()(A)0 (B) l (C) l3 (D) l47.下列结论正确的是( )(A)若11nnuu+<(1,2,)n=成立,则正项级数1nnu∞=∑收敛(B)当0lim=∞→nnu时,交错级数1(1)nnnu∞=-∑收敛(C)若级数1nnu∞=∑收敛,则对级数的项任意加括号后所成的新级数也收敛(D) 若对级数1nnu∞=∑的项适当加括号后所成的新级数收敛,则原级数也收敛8.设∑∞=1nnnxa的收敛半径为(0)R R>,则∑∞=12nnnxa的收敛半径为( A )(A) (B) R(C) 2R(D) 不能确定二、填空题(7个小题,每小题2分,共14分).1.过点(1,2,3)且方向向量为(1,2,3)=n的直线方程为;2.设z是方程e zx y z+-=所确定的,x y的隐函数,则(1,0,0)zx∂=∂;3.设22(,)f x y x y=-,则(1,1)f=grad;4. 交换积分1d(,)dyy f x y x⎰的积分次序,变为;5.设L是直线21y x=+上从点(0,1)到点(1,3)的线段,将(,)(,)LP x y dx Q x y dy+⎰转换成对弧长的曲线积分为;6.幂级数11(1)nnnxn∞-=-∑的收敛域是;7.设有周期为π2的函数,它在(,]ππ-上的表达式为()⎩⎨⎧≤<+≤<--=ππxxxxf,1,1,其傅里叶级数在点π=x处收敛于.三峡大学试卷纸教学班号序号学号姓名…………………….……答题不要超过密封线………….………………………………三、综合解答题一(5个小题,每小题7分,共35分.解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)1.设(,)z z x y =由方程(23,2)0F x z y z --=所确定,其中F 是可微函数,求d z . 解: 2.求曲面32=++xy z e z在点)0,1,2(处的切平面方程与法线方程. 解:3.计算二重积分22()d Dxxy y σ++⎰⎰,其中D 由1,0,0=+==y x y x 所围成.解:4.计算(1)d I x v Ω=+⎰⎰⎰,其中Ω是以原点(0,0,0)为形心,边长为a 正立方体.解:5.求幂级数01nn x n ∞=+∑的收敛域与和函数.解:三峡大学 试卷纸 教学班号 序号 学号 姓名…………………….……答 题 不 要 超 过 密 封 线………….………………………………四、综合解答题二(5个小题,每小题7分,共35分.解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)1.在椭圆4422=+y x 上求一点,使其到直线0632=-+y x 的距离最短. 解: 2.计算d d Ly x x y -+⎰,其中L 是沿圆周1)1()1(22=-+-y x 正向一周.解:3.计算d Lxy s ⎰,其中L 为从(0,0)到(2,0)的上半圆弧:)0(222≥=+y x y x .解:4.计算积分d I z S =∑⎰⎰,其中∑是上半球面222y x a z --=,(0)a >.解:5.利用高斯公式计算对坐标的曲面积分(cos cos cos )d x y z S ∑αβγ++⎰⎰, 其中∑为锥面222x y z +=介于平面0z =及1z =之间的部分的下侧, (cos ,cos ,cos αβγ)是∑上点(,,)x y z 处的法向量的方向余弦.解:三峡大学 试卷纸 教学班号 序号 学号 姓名…………………….……答 题 不 要 超 过 密 封 线………….………………………………2017学年春季学期《高等数学Ⅰ(二)》期末考试试卷(B)答案及评分标准一、单项选择题(8个小题,每小题2分,共16分)1.a 与b 是向量,若b a b a +=+,则必有(D )(A)⊥a b ; (B)0,0==a b 或; (C)a =b ; (D)⋅=a b a b .2.()(),0,1sin()limx y xy x →=( B ).(A ) 不存在;(B ) 1; (C ) 0; (D ) ∞ .3.二元函数),(y x f z =在),(00y x 处可微的充要条件是( C ) (A )),(y x f 在),(00y x 处连续;(B )),(y x f x ',),(y x f y '在),(00y x 的某邻域内存在; (C )),(y x f x ',),(y x f y '在),(00y x 的某邻域内连续; (D)当0)()(22→∆+∆y x 时,y y x f x y x f z y x ∆'-∆'-∆),(),(0000是比4.对函数(,)f x y =(0,0)是(,)f x y 的( C ). (A )驻点与极值点; (B )驻点,非极值点; (C )极值点,非驻点; (D )非驻点,非极值点. 5.设平面区域D :1)1()2(22≤-+-y x ,若21()d DI x y σ=+⎰⎰,32()d DI x y σ=+⎰⎰则有( A )(A )21I I <; (B ) 21I I =; (C )21I I >; (D )不能比较.6.设椭圆L :13422=+y x 的周长为l ,则()d L x y s +=⎰(A ) (A)0; (B) l ; (C) l 3; (D) l 4.7.下列结论正确的是 ( C )(A) 若11n n u u +<(1,2,)n =成立,则正项级数1n n u ∞=∑收敛; (B) 当0lim =∞→n n u 时,交错级数1(1)nnn u∞=-∑收敛;(C) 若级数1nn u∞=∑收敛,则对级数的项任意加括号后所成的新级数也收敛; (D) 若对级数1nn u∞=∑的项适当加括号后所成的新级数收敛,则原级数也收敛.8.设∑∞=1n nnx a的收敛半径为(0)R R >,则∑∞=12n n n x a 的收敛半径为 ( A )(A)(B) R ; (C) 2R ; (D) 不能确定.二、填空题(7个小题,每小题2分,共14分).1.过点(1,2,3)且方向向量为(1,2,3)=n 的直线方程为123123x y z ---==.2.设z 是方程e zx y z +-=所确定的,x y 的隐函数,则(1,0,0)z x ∂=∂_______12_____ 3.设22(,)f x y x y =-,则(1,1)f =grad (2,-2) . 4.交换积分10d (,)d yy f x y x ⎰的积分次序为______21d (,)d xxx f x y y ⎰⎰___.5.设L 是直线21y x =+上从点(0,1)到点(1,3)的线段, 将(,)(,)LP x y dx Q x y dy+⎰转换成对弧长的曲线积分为2)P Q ds +⎰. 6.幂级数11(1)nn n x n∞-=-∑的收敛域是 (1,1]- . 7.设有周期为π2的函数,它在(,]ππ-上的表达式为()⎩⎨⎧≤<+≤<--=ππx x x x f 0,10,1,其傅里叶级数在点π=x 处收敛于2π. 三、综合解答题一(5个小题,每小题7分,共35分.解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)1.设(,)z z x y =由方程(23,2)0F x z y z --=所确定,其中F 是可微函数,求d z . 解:d d d x y z z x z y =+………………2分12121222d d 33F F x y F F F F =-+-----………………5分12122d 2d 3F x F y F F +=+.………………7分或解:由12(2d 3d )(2d d )0F x z F y z ⋅-+⋅-=,得12122d 2d d 3F x F yz F F +=+.2.求曲面32=++xy z e z在点)0,1,2(处的切平面方程与法线方程. 解:令32),,(-++=xy z e z y x F z,………………2分 则2,,+===z z y x e F x F y F ,故(2,1,0)(1,2,3)n………………4分所求切平面的方程为 03)1(2)2(=+-+-z y x , 即432=++z y x , ………………6分法线方程为32112zy x =-=-.………………7分 3.计算二重积分22()d Dx xy y σ++⎰⎰,其中D 由1,0,0=+==y x y x 所围成.解:22()d Dxxy y σ++⎰⎰=1-1220d ()d x x x xy y y +++⎰⎰………………4分1320515()d 62324x x x x =-+-+=⎰.………………7分4.计算(1)d I x v Ω=+⎰⎰⎰,其中Ω是以原点(0,0,0)为形心,边长为a 正立方体.解:Ω的形心为(0,0,0),Ω的体积V 为3a ,………………4分 故3I xV V V a =+==.………………7分5.求幂级数01nn x n ∞=+∑的收敛域与和函数.解:因为11limlim 12n n n n a n a n ρ+→∞→∞+===+,所以1R = . ………………1分 在左端点1x =-,幂级数成为0(1)1nn n ∞=-+∑,它是收敛的;在右端点1x =,幂级数成为011n n ∞=+∑,它是发散的,故该幂级数收敛域为[1,1)-. ………………3分令0()1nn xs x n ∞==+∑,[1,1)x ∈-,于是1()1n n x xs x n +∞==+∑,[1,1)x ∈-,逐项求导,得(())xs x '=101n n x n +∞='⎛⎫ ⎪+⎝⎭∑=101n n x n +∞='⎛⎫ ⎪+⎝⎭∑=0n n x ∞=∑=11x -,(1,1)x ∈- 将上式两端从0到x 积分,得01()d ln(1),111xxs x x x x x==---≤<-⎰, (根据和函数的连续性,当1x =-时,此式也成立).于是,当0x ≠时,1()ln(1)s x x x=--,又(0)1s =.故 1ln(1), [-1,0)(0,1),()1, 0.x x s x xx ⎧--∈⎪=⎨⎪=⎩ ………………7分四、综合解答题二(5个小题,每小题7分,共35分.解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)1.在椭圆4422=+y x 上求一点,使其到直线0632=-+y x 的距离最短. 解: 设),(y x 为椭圆4422=+y x 上任一点,则该点到直线0632=-+y x 的距离为13326yx d --=;令)44()326(222-++--=y x y x L λ,………………2分于是由224(623)20,6(623)80,440,x y L x y x L x y y L x y λλλ⎧=---+=⎪=---+=⎨⎪=+-=⎩ 得驻点 183(,)35M ,283(,)55M -,383(,)55M --,483(,)55M -,………………5分依题意,椭圆到直线一定有最短距离存在, 其中1313133261min =--=M yx d 即为所求.………………7分 2.计算d d Ly x x y -+⎰,其中L 是沿圆周1)1()1(22=-+-y x 正向一周.解: 圆周1)1()1(22=-+-y x 所围区域D 的面积为 π⋅21,………………3分 由格林公式得d d (11)d d LDy x x y x y -+=+⎰⎰⎰=π2.………………7分3.计算d Lxy s ⎰,其中L 为从(0,0)到(2,0)的上半圆弧:)0(222≥=+y x y x .解: :L 1cos {,[0,]sin x t t y tπ=+∈=,………………3分d (1cos )sin d 2Lxy s t t t π=+=⎰⎰.………………7分4.计算积分d I z S =∑⎰⎰,其中∑是上半球面222y x a z --=,(0)a >.解:d d S x y =d x y ………………3分d DI x y =………………5分3d d d DDx y a x y a π===⎰⎰.………………7分5.利用高斯公式计算对坐标的曲面积分(cos cos cos )d x y z S ∑αβγ++⎰⎰, 其中∑为锥面222x y z +=介于平面0z =及1z =之间的部分的下侧, (cos ,cos ,cos αβγ)是∑上点(,,)x y z 处的法向量的方向余弦. 解:设∑1为221(1)z x y =+≤的上侧,………………2分 则∑与∑1一起构成一个闭曲面, 记它们围成的空间闭区域为1=∑∑Ω+, 由高斯公式得 1(cos cos cos )d x y z S ∑∑αβγ+++⎰⎰3d d d x y z Ω=⎰⎰⎰=π………………4分而 22111(cos cos cos )d d d d d x y x y z S z x y x y ∑αβγπ∑+≤++===⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰,………………6分因此 (cos cos cos )d x y z S ∑αβγ++⎰⎰=0 ………………7分。









A.staticB.registerC.externD.auto3.设有如下宏定义:#define test(t) t-4%t则表达式test(2)*test(5)的值为。

A.-12B.-2C.2D.04.执行语句b=(a=2*10,a=a=4,(a=3*5,a*4),a+5); 后,a和b的值分别是。

A.24,29B.20,25C.15,25D.15,205.设有变量定义:int p=4; char k='a'; 则执行表达式((k+=2)>= 'c') ||((p*=3)<10) 后,变量k和p的值分别为______ 。



int a[8]={ 4,3,2,1 , 7,6,5,4 };int m,*p;p = &a[0];m = ( *p + 1) + ( p[ 2 ] ) * ( p[ 7 ] );A.13B.11C. 16D. 198.设有变量定义:char a[30]; long int *p = (long int *)(a+3); 则以下与表达式p+4等价的是。

A.&a[7]B. a+16C. a+19D. a+289.对于以下字符串,strlen(s)的值为:(1) char s1[]="\t\"\\\\\0abc\n";(2) char s2[]="\x69\33\n";(3) char s3[]="\t\082\n";A.4、3和1B.4、3和3C.16、3和3D.16、3和1010.表达式2.5+7%2-5/2*2的结果为______ 。



课程编号:07000131;07000150复旦大学2017-2018学年第二学期《数值分析》期末考试试卷(B 卷)2018.6一、填空(每小题4分,共28分)1.设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠+-=)0,0(),(0)0,0(),(32),(2233y x y x y x y x y x f ,则=')0,0(x f _____,=')0,0(y f ______.2.设22331238),(y x y x y x f --+=,则),(y x f 取得极小值的点为,),(y x f 取得极大值的点为.3.函数2223) , ,(z y x z y x f -+=在)1 , 2 , 2( -P 点处沿着从P 到)0 ,0 ,0(O 方向的方向导数为____________________.4.设L 是曲线弧t t t e z t e y t e x === , sin , cos (20≤≤t ),则曲线积分=++⎰L z y x ds222.5.数项级数n n n n n 1ln )1(1+-∑∞=是条件收敛、绝对收敛、还是发散?答:.6.设⎩⎨⎧<≤-<≤=πx x x x f 11102)(2,又设)(x S 是)(x f 的以π2为周期的余弦级数展开式的和函数,则=)1(S _____,=)(πS _____,=-)2(πS _____,=-)2(S _____.7.函数321)(2--=x x x f 的麦克劳林级数的展开式为______________________,其收敛域为______________________.二、(10分)设),(y x u 是由方程02222=-+-x y z u 确定的可微的隐函数,其中y y y xy y x z z -+==ln ),(2,且0),(>y x u ,求)1,2(点处x u ∂∂, y u ∂∂, x z ∂∂, yz∂∂的值.三、(8分)计算二重积分⎰⎰-=Ddxdy x y I )(2,其中D 是由抛物线2y x =与223y x -=围成的有界闭区域.四、(10分)在曲面xy z =∑:上求一点P ,使曲面∑在P 点处的法线垂直于平面093=+++z y x ,并写出∑在P 点处法线的标准方程.五、(10分)求幂级数12122)12(-∞=∑-n n nx n 的收敛区间及和函数.六、(10分)设Ω是由曲面22y x z +=和平面x z 2=所围成的立体,其上质量分布是均匀的(密度为μ),求Ω绕z 轴旋转的转动惯量.七、(10分)计算第二类曲面积分⎰⎰++=Sdxdy z xdydz I 2)2(2,其中S 是曲面224y x z ---=的上侧.八、(8分)设)(u f 在) , (∞+-∞内有连续的导函数,k 是一个待定常数.已知曲线积分⎰Γ++++ 532]2)([)2(dy y xy xf dx ky x y x 与路径无关,且对任意的t ,有2)( )0 , 0( 5322]2)([)2( , t dy y xy xf dx ky x y x t t =++++⎰-求)(u f 的表达式和常数k 的值.九、(6分)设0>n u ,0>n v ,且011>≥-++a v u u v n n nn, ,2,1=n ,其中a 为常数.求证:(1)数列}{n n v u 单调有界;(2)级数∑∞=1n n u 收敛。



一、单选题(题数:50,共 50。

0 分)1这篇小说对郁达夫个人创作生涯意义的影响,不包括下列哪一项?()(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:B 我的答案:B2开拓了词的形式和内容的是()。


0分)1.0分正确答案:C 我的答案:C3出自《和子由渑池怀旧》的成语“雪泥鸿爪"比喻的是()。



0分正确答案: D 我的答案:D4下列关于现代新诗的介绍,说法不正确的是()。

(1.0分)1.0分正确答案: A 我的答案:A 5《萧萧》的艺术成就包括(). (1。


0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D6陆游诗作篇什逾万,至今尚存九千余首,有三首行世,其中不包括()。


0分正确答案:C 我的答案:C7《声声慢》中提到的意象没有()。


0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D8下列关于“梦中的女孩”顺姑在小说中的形象意义,说法不正确的是()。


0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D9《钗头凤》中三个“错”字连用,所表达的感情不包括()。



0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D10评析姜夔《暗香》,此词咏梅怀人,思今念往。



0分正确答案: D 我的答案:D11卓人月的《古今词统》评价“行人更在春山外”为()。


0分)1.0分正确答案:A 我的答案:A12表现出诗人对未来生活的憧憬,包含了自得其乐的人生态度的一联是()。


0分正确答案:B 我的答案:B13关于顾炎武的介绍,下列说法正确的是()。


0分)1.0分正确答案:B 我的答案:B14以下不属于《断魂枪》中所采用的传统叙述方式的是()。



0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D15杨慎著述宏富,著作达百余种,他的作品主要收入()。

(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D16下列关于沙子龙末世心态的分析,说法正确的是()。



0分正确答案:D 我的答案:D17下列关于20年代,新诗发展的说法正确的是()。



) ,可现场放电,产生静电火花,引起火灾。
B. 数万伏
C. 220 伏
D.380 伏
12. 消除或减轻静电场所危险的程度,不正确的做法是(
A. 通风、惰性气体保护
E 采用适宜的灌注方式
13. 危险化学品危险程度的警示词有(
A. 危险
V x =300X (21-9)/(9 一 3) = 600m3 (2 分)
)29. 为了确保使用安全,照明电路的保护线上应该装设熔断器。
)30. 绝缘导体上产生的静电量很小,不用考虑其危险性。
) 3 1.对于厂房面积很大,工作地点比较固定的作业场所,在改善整个厂房的空气环境有
)32. 经过清洗置换后的设备和工艺系统,就可以进行检修作业。
B. 按安全技术说明书培训作业人员
C 锁在抽屉里保存好
D. 安全技术说明书制定急救措施
9. (级情况需要各个部门同外部机构联合处理的各种紧急情况。
A. 1
B. 2
10. 当气体中有害物质蒸气浓度较高时,可采用方法净化。
A. 燃烧净化
D. 冷凝净化
1 1.静电电压最高可达( A.50 伏
试卷代号 :2630
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2017 年春季学期"开放专科"期未考试
化工安全技术 试题答案及评分标准
2017 年 6 月
一、选择题(每小题 2 分,共 30 分。 1~11 为单选题, 12~15 为多选题,多选题答案少选、多选、
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