MSOM-Multimodularity and Its Applications in Three Stochastic Dynamic





如何保证化妆品说明书的译文既要能准确有效地传达信息, 又要能切实满足消费者的需求, 这对化妆品说明书的译者来说是个难题。

作者试图通过文本类型理论翻译视角来探讨化妆品说明书的翻译, 旨在通过文本类型理论探讨其在英译时应遵循的翻译准则和可采用的翻译手段。

英国翻译家纽马克将文本类型划分为表达型文本﹑信息型文本和呼唤型文本三大文本类型, 认为译者应根据文本所要体现的文本功能来采取相应的翻译策略。





A Study on English-Chinese Translation of Imported Cosmetics Instructions under Newmark T ext Type TheoryABSTRACTIn recent decades, as China joined the WTO and then issued a series of foreign cultural policies, cosmetics begin to enter into the international market. instructions . Y et, it turns out to be a difficult issue for translators to deliver correct information effectively, to meet the real needs of consumers. In this thesis the author tries to study it from the point of text typology aiming at selecting basic translation criteria and available translation methods. Peter Newmark, the British translator, classifies all texts into three types: the expressive text, the informative text and the vocative text. He points out that the translator should adopt corresponding translation strategies according to different text functions that the text expresses.. In this thesis, the author adopts a qualitative analysis research method on cosmetic instructions from the market and their English versions based on the theory of Newmark’s text typology. The theory and the case study of this paper prove that Text Typology Theory can provide guidance to cosmetics instructions translation, and has great priority. What's more, the author points out that the translation of cosmetic instructions is not only a language decoding process, but also a process that involves many factors, such as target culture, aesthetic psychology and so on.KEY WORDS: Newmark,text typology theory,imported cosmetics instruction, English-Chinese translation.ContentsIntroduction (5)Chapter 1 Introduction to Cosmetics Instructions Translation (6)1.1 Literature Review (6)1.2 Research Purpose and Significance of CosmeticsInstructions Translation (9)1.3 Organization of the Thesis (9)Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework (11)2.1 Peter Newmark’s Views on Text Typology (11)2.1.1 Text Functions (11)2.1.2 Text Types (13)2.2 Peter Newmark’s Translation Methods (14)2.3 Text Types and the Choice of Translation Methods (14)Chapter 3 Analysis of the Application Text Typology Theory to Cosmetics Instructions Translation (16)3.1 Accuracy and Economy Applied to the CosmeticsInstructions Translation (16)3.2 Coherence applied to the cosmetics instructions translation 173.3 Fidelity applied to the cosmetics instructions translation (18)3.4 Relations among the Rules (19)Chapter 4 A Case Study to Evaluate Cosmetics Instruction Translation (20)4.1 Basic Elements of the Questionnaire (20)4.2 Questionnaire (20)4.3 Analysis of the Responses (22)4.4 Suggested Strategies Adopted in the Translation ofCosmetic Instructions (22)4.4.1 Target-language-orientated Strategies (23)4.4.2 Target-culture-orientated Strategies (24)Conclusion (29)Acknowledgements (31)Bibliography (32)IntroductionThe recent deca des witnessed China’s rapid development in terms of trade and international exchange. With the entry into WTO, more and more foreign cosmetic companies begin to come into the Chinese market.In 2003, foreign cosmetics, includ ing the imported and joint-stock products, have taken up 68 percent in Chinese cosmetics market. The chief issue is how to make the consumers know these products very well. The most direct way is to show the consumers the cosmetics instructions. Consequently, translation of cosmetics instructions is rather important. However, due to the insufficient attention to cosmetics instructions translatio n at home and abroad, studies in cosmetics instructions translatio n lag behind other pragmatic translation, such as tourist translation, advertisement translation, etc. Besides, the quality of the translation of cosmetics instructions is far fro m satisfactory. Moreover,the prominent feature of cosmetics instructions is the integration of informative, aesthetic and vocative functions. It undertakes doub le roles of offering information to consumers and arousing their desire to make a purchase. Thus, the task of the translator is to offer the reader-expected target text in light o f the client’s requirement and make the target text fully perform the functions of cosmetics instructions.Chapter 1 Introduction to Cosmetics InstructionsTranslation1.1 Literature ReviewWith the develop ment of social-linguistics, pragmatics and functional grammar, some researchers realize that there is a close relationship between language functions and text categorization, thus they attempt to classify texts according to language functio ns in order to find out the reason o f forming this kind of relatio nship. The fo llowing introduction is about their major contributions to translation stud ies in terms of language functions and text typology.Hatim(1980) , as one of the representative figures of the Leipzig school, mentio ned that a text might worth studying. However, Kade(1993) did not carry out the study from the perspective o f language functions that are explored nowadays as the parameter to classify text types, but fro m the text genre Gentzler(2004:67) said that Kade “allowed for a rather broad scale Textgattungen (not necessarily types, but categorized generica lly)”.Karl Buhler(2011:34), put forward that language has three main functio ns, namely, expression, representation and appeal in his “organon model of language”.Roman Jakobson(1960:363) further developed Buhler’s theory and proposed his own model of the functio ns of language, which is called communication model.Katharina Reiss(2001) put forward her text typology in her book Translation Criticism: The Potentials & Limitations as early as 1971.According to Hofstede(1995), the representational functio n means the function of reflecting objects and facts; the expressive function refers to expressing sender’s feeling or attitude, while the appellative functio n imp lies that making an appeal to the text receiver.Peter Newmark, a famous British translation theorist and an experienced translator, proposed his text typolo gy based on Buhler’s functional theory oflanguage as adapted by Jakobson and Reiss’s text typology. Taking Buhler’s and Jakobson’s discussions on functions of language as the basis, Newmark divided language functio ns into six categories, includ ing the expressive function, the informative function, the vocative function, the phatic function, the aesthetic function and the metalingual functio n.According to Newmark, altho ugh language has six functions, they do not occupy the same important position, because the expressive, informative and vocative functio ns can effectively meet the primary purposes of using language. In view of this, the expressive, informative and vocative functions seem to be more important than the aesthetic, phatic and metalingual functions.In China, it is hard to find an authoritative record that mentio ns the earliest research of text typology exp licitly, but it seemed that stud ies on translation from the perspective of language functionsCong Li Jun(2004:43) held the view that, “functions of language production”p lays a leading ro le in the criteria of translation, therefore, translators must convey the thought and content of the source language text accurately, meanwhile, keep the “functions of language production” unchanged in the target language text.Taking G. Leech’s five classifications of language functions as the basis, Cui Guo Qiang (2010:12) made a discussion on the “issue of translatio n shift” as well as different translatio n strategies fro m the perspective of informative function, expressive function, esthetic function and phatic function. No doubt, his study has operational significance in terms of translation strategy,F however, it seems that the objects of discussion concerned by Guan Xiao Jing(2010:) and Chen Ming Jing(2005) are limited to the sentence itself or sentence groups, which is called “inner-textual level”, and have not reach up to the textual level .Chen Yu Min (2005) made a brief comment on the book Translation Criticism. He pointed out that the shortcomings of the book lie mainly in the fact that it is prescriptive by nature and it fails to take full account of thecultural factor in the evaluation of target texts. Cui Jian (1993) ind icated that based on Reiss’s model, Newmark made some adjustments on his model, which is more flexib le, relatively complex in respect of translation strategies, and more detailed in reference to methods of literary translation than that of Reiss’s.Fu Zhong Xuan(1993) discovered that there are great differences between both theories in terms of the definition and nature of translation, the criteria of translation, text functio ns and translatio n strategies, etc.He Chuan Sheng(1997) proposed that the approaches for translation criticism, whereas the similarities they share much in common reflect in the aspects of the classification of text types, the nature of translatio n and the relatio n between translation and culture. Guo Xing Yu (2007) applied text typology into legal translation with the aim of exp loring the characteristics of text types and legal texts. She held the view that identifying the typological features of particular texts correctly can bring convenience for translators to grasp the overall intention and function.Hu De Lon (2005) pointed out that the selection of translatio n strategy is directly related to text functio n largely. In his monograph A Functionalism View on Pragmatic Translation, he systematically exp lored and discussed the application of text typology in pragmatic translation fro m the perspective of western functionalist translation theory and many C-E translation examp les.Based on text typo logy, Hu Xin (1984) conducted a study on the translation of place names. According to his study, in order to deal with the translation of place names flexib ly, one must depend on text functions, the aim of translators and language types. Hu Zheng Kui (2000) selected the C-E translation o f pub lic signs as her research topic, with the aim to reveal the effect that this kind of translation is intended to reach as well as the translatio n strategies or methods that are to be adopted. Ji Wei Bin carried out a research on linguistic features of Accounting English from the perspective of text typology. Jia Wen Bo (2004) selected business contract, business letters andbusiness advertisements as her research objects and chose Newmark’s text typology as the theoretical guidance. Based on Newmark’s text typolo gy, she made an analysis of the characteristics of three types.1.2 Research Purpose and Significance of Cosmetics Instructions TranslationCosmetic instruction translation has been studied fro m many perspectives, but there is no systematic study from the perspective of Text Typo logy Theory. So the study will be really significant for its uniqueness that has not been presented in other studies yet. It is tough to comprehensively portray and evaluate the translation process and the translatio n results. The reason is the emergency of diversified perspectives in recent years, which cause contradicts.Text Typology Theory provides a new angle and guidance to the study of cosmetic instructio n translation. Verschueren ho lds that the purpose of making choices is to achieve a successful communication. As a k ind of communicatio n, translation consists of various choices to make it satisfying to both the native speakers and the foreigners. In addition to theoretical importance, the study also offers some practical significance. The fast development of economy and the flood of commod ities entering the international and domestic markets require the companies must adopt some strategies to survive in the fierce competition. Cosmetic becomes very important in people's daily life. Functioning as the bridge between consumers and companies, cosmet ic instruction p lays an essential ro le, accordingly, the translation o f cosmetic instruction enjoy the same importance. The study of cosmetic instructio n translation will provide insights for the companies.1.3 Organization of the ThesisThis thesis is composed of four chapters.Chapter 1 introduces the origin and significance of the thesis, ind icating the gap in imported cosmetics instructions translation in the framework oftext-type theories, and also gives out a rough arrangement for each part of the thesis.Chapter 2 presents basic viewpoints of Peter Newmark’s text types. It explains Newmark’s six text functions and feasible translation methods in detail. According to the six text functions, Newmark divides all texts into three main types-expressive texts, informative texts and vocative texts, and based on different text types Newmark proposes eight translation methods, of which semantic translation and communicative translation stand for his core ideas in translation. Besides, in the last part of this chapter the author also discusses the choice of translation methods applied in these three main text types.Chapter 3,princip les and translation strategies based on text types are discussed. Through analyzing the cases, the author concludes types of translation problems and their causes in existing texts. And then by the use of Newmark’s text typo logy, the author advocates corresponding princip les and strategies for problems of instruction translation.Chapter 4 of the research is the theoretical framework of the research. According to Text Typology Theory, during the cosmetics instructions translation three princip les should be abided by: accuracy rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. This part is the main part of the research that is focusing on the cho ice of translation strategies guided by Text Typolo gy Theory, the application of three rules toward cosmetics instructio ns translatio n, and a case study about the above application. The author states opinions respectively in these aspects.Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework2.1 Peter Newmark’s Views on Text TypologyThis thesis takes Peter Newmark’s text typo logy as the theoretical framework of translation analysis. Newmark holds that any translations are based implicitly on a theory of language, and translatio n can test theory o f Translatio n by examining the effectiveness of translation. On the basis of Bxahler’s and Jakobson’s classification, Newmark advocated his own three categories of the text functio n: the informative function, the vocative fiction, the aesthetic functio n. Among these six functions, Newmark regards the three functions as the main functions of language because he believes that these three functio ns indicate the purpose of the use of language; thus he categorizes text types according to its main fiction conducted by the text.Scholars usually have two or more functions; thus they advocate that the nature of the type of a text should attrib ute to its main function. That is, the text functions of instructions could be multiple, but the property of the text type is controlled by its dominant function. To decide the text type of imported cosmetics instructio ns, it can start from the analysis o f text functions o f instructions. As the author mentioned previously, imported cosmetics instructions has three important language functio ns: the informative function, the vocative function and the aesthetic functio n. Since that Newmark insists a text could simultaneously carry several different functions and one of them is the dominant function, the author analyzes this situation.2.1.1 Text Functions2.1.1.1 The Informative FunctionExternal situatio n is the center of the informative function as the informative function expresses the facts of a topic, beyond language like concept or knowledge it contains. Accord ing to Newmark, “typicalinformative texts are concerned with any topic of knowledge, but texts about subjects, as they often value-judgments are apt to lean the informative text: a textbook; there are five standard formats of a technical report; an article in a newspaper or a periodical; a scientific paper; a thesis,” Besides, Newmark points out that two points need to be noticeable. One is that informative texts account for most translators’ work since these kinds of texts are of a variet y, which imp lies that the informative text takes up largest percentage of all types of texts. The other one is that most of informative texts are poorly Newmark holds that it is one of translators’ responsibilities to “correct” the fact and style. Thus, nowadays many translation works are and should be better than their original ones. The Vocative FunctionThe term “vocative” means to arouse the readership’s reaction, thought or sensation that the text intends to call up. Usually, this k ind of texts not only faces to a single reader but also to a group of people who can be called the readership since the content of the text is designed to serve particular groups. Therefore, the readership is the center of the vocative function. According to Newmark “typical vocative texts include notices, instructions,pub licity, propaganda, persuasive writing (requests, cases, theses) and possib ly popular function, whose purpose is to sell the book/entertain the reader, as the typical vocative text.”He thinks that the vocative text could be divided into persuasive style-appeal the readership to take reactio n such as advertisement and tour guide manuals, and imperative style-inhib it the readership’s behavior such as regulations and contracts. The Aesthetic FunctionThe aesthetic function is realized by the use of language that can please one’s senses.The expressio n of language for aesthetic functio n is mainlyrealized through the sound-effects and the metaphor. “Sound-effects consists onomatopoeia, alliterat ion, assonance, rhyme, metre, into natio n, stress- some of them play an important role in most types of texts: in poetry, nonsense and children’s verse and some types of pub licity (jingles, TV commercials)”. Note that, in poetry it has the aesthetic function as well as the expressive function. The expressive function emp hasizes the truth while the aesthetic functio n emphasizes the beauty; thus it easily falls into a dilemma as they stand ugly literal translation and beautiful free translation respectively. In addition, the roles of aesthetic and expressive functio n depend on d ifferent types of texts. In nonsense poetry, the sound-effect precedes the sense; in children’s poetry, “beauty” precedes “truth”; in other expressive texts, the expressive functio n plays a more important role than the aesthetic function.Except the sound-effect, metaphor plays another part in aesthetic function. Newmark believes, “metaphor is the link between the expressive and the aesthetic functio n”.Thus when translating original metaphor, one should preserve both expressive and aesthetic components.2.1.2 Text TypesNewmark holds that few texts have one purely single function; on the contrary, they usually have two or more functions. Most informative texts have expressive function that may be like a vocative thread throughout the text or occur in a separate sectio n of opinion or evaluation. Strictly speaking, the expressive functio n should neither exist in a vocative text nor in an informative text; it happens only unconsciously. However, an expressive text often carries informatio n: the degree of vocative components will vary depending partly on its proportion of universal and cultural components.Considering that almost all texts carry the informative, the expressive and the vocative functio ns with an emphasis on one o f the three, he advocates that the nature of the type of a text should attrib ute to its main functio n. Thus, heproposes three main types of texts: the informative text, the expressive text, and the vocative text.2.2 Pe ter Newmark’s Translation MethodsNewmark observes that the previous translation strategies cannot settle practical translation problems due to their own theories limitatio n, thus in his book Approaches to Translatio n published in 1981 he proposed six strategies: literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, co mmunicative translation, id io matic translation and free translation; later in 1988 he published A Textbook of Translatio n and added word-for-word translation and adaption in this book. In addition, these translation strategies are built in the shape of a pyramid, among which semantic translatio n and co mmunicative translation are most important ones, and they also represent Newmark’s main contribution to general translatio n theory. In terms of the emphasis on source language, word-for-word translation concerns most, the fo llowing rank fro m literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, co mmunicative translation, idio matic translation, free translation to adaptio n that concerns target language most. Their degrees of the lo yalty to the source text descend successively while their degrees of the flexibility ascend successively. Soon in 1991, Newmark reexamined semantic and communicative translatio n, and proposed a new concept, which he spent pages in d iscussing it in About Translation, later he defined it “correlative translation”in a paper titled A Correlative Approach to Translation in 1994.2.3 Text Types and the Choice of Translation MethodsNewmark divides all texts into three main types: the expressive text, the informative text and the vocative text since the translation methods are decided by the text type. According to Newrnark, the two methods of translation are appropriate to any text, and he suggests that sema ntic translation is more used for “expressive” texts while co mmunicativetranslation is used for “informative” and “vocative” texts. It seems that the text type of the original determines the cho ice of translatio n methods, or to say that there is a correspondence between the text type and the translatio n method. However, the truth is quite d ifferent. The functions of texts mentioned in previous sections are sometimes overlapped and even related in actual use of language. For instance, phrases as “I love you”, “I hate you” can not play the expressive function (express personal feeling), but also play the informative (deliver message to others). Besides, it usually has strong vocative function. It intends to arouse response from sensation and action. Thus, even a simp le sentence has three functions of texts simultaneously.In addition, the situation it invo lves can affect the choice of translation strategies. As Reins says that the text once goes beyond the circle of language and culture, its functions usually change auto matically as the objective circumstance of translation or the subjective intention of the translator changes. Newmark shares similar opinion with Reiss, and he stresses the importance of the intention of the text and the purpose of translation, which he says that the “variant”and “invariant”elements are decided the intention of the text, and the translator should make his ovum decision according to the intentio n of each text.Chapter 3 Analysis of the Application Text Typology Theory to Cosmetics Instructions TranslationText Typo logy Theory plays an important ro le in the functio nalist approaches to translatio n, makes a great change in the framework of the traditio nal translation theories. It greatly stresses the Text Typo logy, whic h judges what to translate and how to translate. In additio n, three rules of Text Typology princip les in pragmatic translatio n.3.1 Accuracy and Economy Applied to the Cosmetics Instructions TranslationThe princip le of accuracy is the basic rule for any translation in Text typology.Source text: Mamo nde Total Solution S mart Moisture Eye CreamTotal Solution S mart Moisture Eye Cream with concentrated hydratio n, improved whitening and anti-wrink le effects designed for dry skin, dark circles, and fine lines around eyes.Target text:梦妆多效修护眼霜给肌肤干燥、黑眼圈、细纹而变得黯沉的眼周肌肤,提供集中保湿、强化美白、淡化细纹的多效修护眼霜。


∗ Jacobs
Raed Mesleh∗ , Irina Stefan∗ , Harald Haas∗‡ and Peter M. Grant‡
I. I NTRODUCTION Wireless radio frequency channel generally poses several challenges on the system design. The physical layer of such systems has to deal with multipath propagation, interference and limited available spectrum. MIMO (multiple-inputmultiple-output) transmission technology constructively exploits multipath propagation to provide higher data throughput for the same given bandwidth [1]. One of the most promising MIMO techniques to achieve the expected high data rate is the proposed V-BLAST (vertical Bell Labs layered space-time) architecture [2]. In V-BLAST, the information bit stream is separated in substreams. All the symbols of a certain stream are transmitted through the same antenna (one stream per antenna). The substreams are cochannel signals, that is, they have the same frequency band. Therefore, as compared to a SISO (single-input-single-output)



8A Statistical SignalProcessing Approachto Image Fusion UsingHidden Markov Models*Jinzhong Y ang and Rick S.Blum CONTENTSI.Introduction (266)II.The Image Formation Model Based on HMM (267)A.Tree Structure of the Wavelet Coefficients (267)B.Hidden Markov Tree Model (268)C.Image Formation Model (268)III.Fusion with the EM Algorithm (270)puting Conditional Probabilities (272)B.Updating Parameters Using the EM Algorithm (272)C.Initialization of the Fusion Algorithm (273)D.Fusion of the LL Subband Wavelet Coefficients (275)IV.Experimental Results (275)A.CWD with Visual and MMW Images (275)B.CWD with Visual and IR Images (277)C.Night Vision Image Fusion Applications (277)V.Conclusions (277)References (280)Appendix A Outline of Computing the Conditional Probabilities (282)Appendix B Outline of the Derivation of the Update Equations (284)p This material is based on work supported by the U.S.Army Research Office under grant number DAAD19-00-1-0431.The content of the information does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the federal government,and no official endorsement should be inferred.265I.INTRODUCTIONImage fusion methods based on multiscale transforms (MST)are a popular choice in recent research.1Figure 8.1illustrates the block diagram of a generic image fusion scheme based on multiscale analysis.The basic idea is to perform a MST on each source image,then construct a composite multiscale representation from these.The fused image is obtained by taking an inverse multiscale transform (IMST).Wavelet theory has emerged as a well developed yet rapidly expanding mathematical foundation for a class of multiscale representations.Some sophisticated image fusion approaches based on wavelet transforms have been proposed and studied.1–9However,the majority of fusion methods employing the wavelet transform have not attempted to model or capitalize on the correlations between wavelet coefficients,especially the correlations across the wavelet decomposition scales.The fusion was often performed separately on each wavelet subband.Although the wavelet transform is sometimes interpreted as a “decorrelator”which attempts to make each wavelet coefficient statistically independent of all others,the research from Refs.10–14demonstrates that there are still some important dependencies between wavelet coefficients.The dependencies can be described using the statistical properties called clustering and persistence .Clustering is a property that states that if a particular wavelet coefficient is large (small)then adjacent coefficients are very likely also to be large (small).Persistence is a property that states that large (small)values of wavelet coefficients tend to propagate across scales.Recently,in Refs.10,11,researchers have studied these properties and applied them in image coding,signal detection,and estimation.Based on the study of these properties (mainly persistence),a hidden Markov model (HMM)15,16approach was suggested.Here we employ an image formation model using a HMM to capture the correlations between wavelet coefficients across wavelet decomposition scales.Then,based on this image formation model,the expectation-maximization (EM)17–21FIGURE 8.1Block diagram of a generic image fusion scheme.Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications266algorithm was used to estimate the model parameters and produce the fused image.We have applied this new image fusion approach to concealed weapon detection (CWD)cases and night vision applications with good fusion results.II.THE IMAGE FORMATION MODEL BASED ON HMMThis research builds on the work in Ref.22.The image formation model proposed in Ref.22assumed that each pyramid coefficient was statistically independent of all others.This approach was taken to promote simplicity.Here we propose a more realistic dependency model.A new image formation model has been created based on allowing correlations between the pyramid coefficients.In the new model,the sensor images are described as the true scene corrupted by additive non-Gaussian distortion,and a HMM describes the correlations between the wavelet coefficients in one sensor image.A.T REE S TRUCTURE OF THE W AVELET C OEFFICIENTSTo describe the HMM for the wavelet coefficients,we need to use graphs and trees .23An undirected graph consists of a set of nodes {v 1;v 2;…;v N }and a set of edges linking the nodes.A path is a set of edges connecting two nodes.A rooted tree is an undirected acyclic graph.All nodes that lie on a path from v i to the root are called ancestors of v i :All nodes that lie on paths from v i going away from the root node are called descendants of v i :A node is called the parent of v i if it is the immediate ancestor of v i :The parent of v i is denoted by v r ði Þ:A node is called the child of v i if v i is its parent.The children of v i are denoted by {v j }j [c ðj Þ:Each node in the rooted tree has only one parent but may have several children.The root has no parent node.Nodes with no children are called leaves of the tree.In a rooted tree,if each node that is not a leaf has four children,this tree will be called a quadtree .A collection of quadtrees is called a forest of quadtrees.Based on the persistence property of the wavelet coefficients,we organize the wavelet coefficients of a source image as a forest of quadtrees.10,11Each coefficient represents a node in one of the quadtrees.The trees are rooted at the wavelet coefficients in the high-frequency bands (HL,LH,HH bands)in the coarsest scale.The coefficients in the LL band are not included in the quadtrees and will be processed separately.illustrates the quadtrees.In a quadtree,each coefficient in a coarse scale subband has four child coefficients in the corresponding finer scale subband.The arrows in the figure point from the subband of the parents to the subband of the children.The number of quadtrees in the forest depends on the size of the image and the number of decomposition levels in the wavelet transform.For example,if we decompose an N £N image using a wavelet transform with L decomposition levels (L scales),then in each subband set (LH,HL or HH subband set),ðN £22L Þ2wavelet trees are obtained.A Statistical Signal Processing Approach to Image Fusion 267Figure 8.2B.H IDDEN M ARKOV T REE M ODELFrom the study in Ref.11,a Gaussian mixture model appears to be able to closely fit the distribution of wavelet coefficient data.Hence,we can treat each wavelet coefficient from a given sensor image as a random variable with a Gaussian mixture probability density function (PDF).From the above discussion,it children.This dependency increases the complexity of the image formation model and the parameter estimation for the model.In order to solve this problem,a HMM is introduced.We associate a state variable with each wavelet coefficient.This random state variable will capture the parent–children relationship of waveletcoefficients.In a quadtree,we associate each coefficient node with a state on the associated state variable and independent of the other coefficients,when conditioned on the state variable.Therefore,the dependency of wavelet coefficients can be viewed as being “hidden”by the state variables.Further,we find that the state nodes in a quadtree form a Markov chain,since a node is statistically related only to its parent and children.The Markov model is fit on the a hidden Markov tree (HMT)model.11Figure 8.3gives an example of a HMT model for a particular quadtree.The definition of the state variable will be explained in more detail in Section II.C.C.I MAGE F ORMATION M ODELThe sensor images are described as the true scene corrupted by additive,and possibly non-Gaussian,distortion.Assume there are q sensor images to be fused.In the wavelet representation of each sensor image,suppose there are FIGURE 8.2Forest of quadtrees of wavelet coefficients.A quadtree rooted in the HH 3subband is shown.Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications 268node,as shown in Figure 8.3.Therefore,the wavelet coefficients are dependant tree structure (see Figure 8.2)of the wavelet coefficients.Hence we call it appears that a given coefficient may be statistically dependant on its parent andK quadtrees.For each quadtree,there are P wavelet coefficients,or P nodes.Let z i ;k ðj Þdenote the wavelet coefficient at the j th node of the k th tree in the i th sensor image.Let w k ðj Þdenote the wavelet coefficient at the j th node of the k th tree of the wavelet transform of the image describing the true scene.Then our image formation model isz i ;k ðj Þ¼b i ;k ðj Þw k ðj Þþ1i ;k ðj Þi ¼1;…;q ;k ¼1;…;K ;j ¼1;…;P ð8:1Þwhere b i ;k ðj Þis the sensor selectivity factor and 1i ;k ðj Þis the possibly non-Gaussian distortion.We use a zero-mean,M -term,Gaussian mixture model to fit the distortion.Now we introduce a random state variable S i ;k ðj Þwith M states;S i ;k ðj Þdenotes the state variable for the j th node in the k th wavelet quadtree.Then,p ðS i ;k ðj Þ¼m Þis the probability of being in state m .Now we associate state m (m ¼1,…,M )of variable S i ;k ðj Þwith the m th term in the Gaussian mixture model for the distortion.Thus we model the distortion as being in M states.In each state,the distortion has a zero-mean Gaussian distribution.The state probability,denoted by p S i ;k ðj Þðm Þ¼p ðS i ;k ðj Þ¼m Þ;is the probability that the distortion is in state m .To allow for efficient training,given only the source images,we assume that p S i ;k ðj Þðm Þis the same for all i and k and we denote it by p S ðj Þðm Þfor simplicity.Since b i ;k ðj Þw k ðj Þis assumed to be deterministic,z i ;k ðj Þalso has a Gaussian mixture distribution.If the distortion is in state m ,the coefficient z i ;k ðj Þcan also be thought to be in state m .Thus we will see that z i ;k ðj Þhas a distribution corresponding to the m th term in the mixture model for the distortion,but with a non-zero mean.Hence the state variables characterize the state (mixture term)of the sensor wavelet coefficients.As described previously,we associate each sensor coefficient node in a quadtree with a state node to obtain a HMT like the one shown in Figure 8.3.Let S i ;k ð1Þdenote the state variable of the root node and let r ðj Þdenote the parent node of node j in the k th tree of i th sensorimage.FIGURE 8.3HMT for an image quadtree.The black nodes represent the wavelet coefficient and the white nodes represent the state variables.A Statistical Signal Processing Approach to Image Fusion 269Due to the HMT model,we haveP {S i ;k ðj Þ¼m l S i ;k ðr ðj ÞÞ¼n r ðj Þ;…;S i ;k ð2Þ¼n 2;S i ;k ð1Þ¼n 1}¼P {S i ;k ðj Þ¼m l S i ;k ðr ðj ÞÞ¼n r ðj Þ}ð8:2Þwhere r ðj Þ;…;1represents all the nodes between r ðj Þand root node 1in the tree.We denote the state transition probability using a m ;n j ;r ðj Þ¼P {S i ;k ðj Þ¼m l S i ;k ðr ðj ÞÞ¼n }:To promote good estimation based only on the source images,we assume that a m ;n j ;r ðj Þis the same for all i ,k and so we can write a m ;n j ;r ðj Þ¼P {S ðj Þ¼m l S ðr ðj ÞÞ¼n }for simplicity.Given S i ;k ðj Þ¼m ;the distribution of distortion 1i ;k ðj Þisf 1i ;k ðj Þ 1i ;k ðj Þl S i ;k ðj Þ¼m ¼1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2p s 2m ðj Þp exp 21i ;k ðj Þ2s 2m ()ð8:3Þand using Equation 8.1,the distribution of z i ;k ðj Þgiven S i ;k ðj Þ¼m will bef z i ;k ðj Þ z i ;k ðj Þl S i ;k ðj Þ¼m ¼1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2p s 2m ðj Þp exp 2 z i ;k ðj Þ2b i ;k ðj Þw k ðj Þ 2s 2m()·ð8:4ÞThus removing the conditioning on S i ;k ðj Þ;the distribution of 1i ;k ðj Þis generally non-Gaussian as given by f 1i ;k ðj Þ 1i ;k ðj Þ ¼X M m ¼1p ðS i ;k ðj Þ¼m Þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2p s 2mðj Þp exp 21i ;k ðj Þ2s 2m ()·ð8:5ÞIf 1i ;k ðj Þis Gaussian,then this is also modeled by Equation 8.5with the proper choice of parameters.The M -state Gaussian mixture model is used to fit the wavelet coefficient data of the sensor images.Generally speaking,for different coefficients the distribution of each z i ;k ðj Þis different.However,they can be statistically related according to the statistical relationships of their state variable.The relationship is described by the HMT model.In this image formation model,the sensor selectivity factor b i ;k ðj Þand true scene data w k ðj Þare generally unknown.The Gaussian variance of each state s 2m ðj Þis also undetermined.These parameters explicitly appear in the image formation model.Two other variables,the state probability p S ðj Þðm Þ;and the state transition probabilities a m ;n j ;r ðj Þ;are also unknown and these will be needed to fully specify the image formation model as they describe the unconditioned distribution in Equation 8.5.III.FUSION WITH THE EM ALGORITHMThe image formation model in Equation 8.1and Equation 8.5has been used in conjunction with the expectation-maximization (EM)algorithm 17–21to develop a set of iterative equations to estimate the model parameters and to produce the Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications 270fused image (the final true scene estimate).Approximate maximum likelihood estimates 18are produced after using the EM algorithm.Since the image formation model in Equation 8.1and Equation 8.5is based on the coefficients in the high-frequency bands (HL,LH,HH bands),the iterative algorithm will be applied only to these bands.Fusion of coefficients in the LL band will be processed separately.We assume the same distortion model for each wavelet quadtree.Then the iterative algorithm will be run over the set of wavelet representations of the sensor images to obtain the estimates ofF ¼{p S ðj Þðm Þ;a m ;n j ;r ðj Þ;s 2m ðj Þ;b i ;k ðj Þ;w k ðj Þl i ¼1;…q ;k ¼1;…;K ;j ¼1;…;P ;m ;n ¼1;…;M }ð8:6ÞWe letF 0¼{p 0S ðj Þðm Þ;a 0m ;n j ;r ðj Þ;s 02m ðj Þ;b 0i ;k ðj Þ;w 0k ðj Þl i ¼1;…q ;k ¼1;…;K ;j ¼1;…;P ;m ;n ¼1;…;M }ð8:7Þdenote the updated values of F in each iteration of the iterative algorithm.Figure 8.4gives the block diagram of the iterative fusion procedure.This iterative fusion procedure begins with the parameters’initialization.Reasonable initial values are given to F :Then,with the initial parameter values and observed data,the conditional probabilities list is computed using the upward–downward algorithm 11,24,25based on the HMT model.The conditional probabilitieslist,FIGURE 8.4Block diagram of the iterative fusion procedure.A Statistical Signal Processing Approach to Image Fusion 271together with the initial parameters and observed data,are then used by the EM algorithm to update the parameters F to F0:If the difference between F and F0is less than a given threshold d;thefinal estimates of F are set to F0and we terminate the fusion procedure;otherwise,we update the current estimates using F0and repeat the procedure until the iterative procedure converges.Each block inA.C OMPUTING C ONDITIONAL P ROBABILITIESLet z denote the complete set of observations.From Equation8.4we know the wavelet coefficients of the sensor images are conditionally Gaussian given the hidden states.Hence,in order to carry out the iterative EM algorithm,we need to know the marginal probability mass functions(PMFs),pðS i;kðjÞ¼m l z;FÞ;and parent–child PMFs,pðS i;kðjÞ¼m;S i;kðrðjÞÞ¼n l z;FÞ;for i¼1;…;q;k¼1;…;K and j¼1;…;P:Since we assume that each quadtree is independent of the others,these conditional probabilities can be calculated independently for a given wavelet quadtree of a particular sensor image.Thus,we carry out these computations for each quadtree of each image.For computing efficiency in a particular tree,these probabilities are given by some intermediate parameters in our HMT model.The well-developed upward–downward algorithm11,24,25is used to produce these parameters.In order to determine the probabilities for the state variables,the state information must be propagated throughout the tree.The upward step of the algorithm calculates the parameters by transmitting information fromfine-scale wavelet coefficients up to the states of the coarse-scale wavelet coefficients;the downward step of the algorithm calculates the parameters by propagating information from the coarse-scale wavelet coefficients down to the fine-scale wavelet coefficients.After obtaining these intermediate parameters,the conditional probabilities can be calculated from them.The detailed calculation of the conditional probabilities and the upward–downward algorithm can be found inB.U PDATING P ARAMETERS U SING THE EM A LGORITHMThe EM algorithm is used to develop the iterative equations for parameter estimation.The updated estimates chosen are those that maximize a likelihood-estimates F of the parameters and produces updated estimates F0:The following update equations describe the procedure in detail.1.Update the state probability p SðjÞðmÞand state transition probability a m;n j;rðjÞfor all j¼1;…;P;m¼1;…;M usingp0SðjÞðmÞ¼X qi¼1X Kk¼1pðS i;kðjÞ¼m l z;FÞKqð8:8ÞMulti-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications272Figure8.4will be described in detail in the function(see Appendix B for the details).The algorithm begins with current Appendix A.a0m;n j;rðjÞ¼X qi¼1X Kk¼1pðS i;kðjÞ¼m;S i;kðrðjÞÞ¼n l z;FÞSðrðjÞÞð8:9Þ2.Update the Gaussian variance s2mðjÞfor all j¼1;…;P;m¼1;…;M usings02mðjÞ¼X qi¼1X Kk¼1z i;kðjÞ2b i;kðjÞw kðjÞ2pðS i;kðjÞ¼m l z;FÞKqp SðjÞðmÞð8:10Þ3.To update b i;kðjÞfor i¼1;…;q;k¼1;…;K and j¼1;…;P;select b0i;kðjÞ¼^1;0to maximizeQ¼212X Mm¼1ln s02mðjÞþz i;kðjÞ2b0i;kðjÞw kðjÞ2s02mðjÞ()£pðS i;kðjÞ¼m l z;FÞð8:11Þ4.Update the value of w kðjÞfor all k¼1;…;K;j¼1;…;P usingw0kðjÞ¼X qi¼1X Mm¼1b0i;kðjÞz i;kðjÞs2mðjÞpðS i;kðjÞ¼m l z;FÞX qi¼1Xm¼1b2i;kðjÞs02mðjÞpðS i;kðjÞ¼m l z;FÞð8:12ÞThe above update equations,Equation8.8to Equation8.12,are derived from the SAGE version of the EM algorithm,19similar to the development in Ref.22.C.I NITIALIZATION OF THE F USION A LGORITHMInitial estimates are required for computing conditional probabilities and the iterative procedure(Equation8.8to Equation8.12).We choose the initial estimates for the true scene w kðjÞto come from the weighted average of thew kðjÞ¼X qi¼1l i;kðjÞz i;kðjÞk¼1;…;K;j¼1;…;Pð8:13ÞA Statistical Signal Processing Approach to Image Fusion273 sensor images as per:The details of the derivation are presented in Appendix B.where P q i ¼1l i ;k ðj Þ¼1:In order to determine the l i ;k ðj Þin Equation 8.13,we employ a salience measure that was discussed in Ref.26.For coefficient z i ;k ðj Þ;let ðx ;y Þdenote its co-ordinates in a subband.Then the salience measure for this coefficient is computed from the weighted average of the coefficients in a window around it,as per:V i ;k ðj Þ¼X 2x 0¼22X2y 0¼22p ðx 0;y 0Þz 2i ðx þx 0;y þy 0Þi ¼1;…;q ð8:14Þwhere p ðx 0;y 0Þis the weight for each coefficient around ðx ;y Þand z i ðx þx 0;y þy 0Þdenotes the coefficient value at co-ordinates ðx þx 0;y þy 0Þin a subband.Here a five by five window of coefficients centered on ðx ;y Þis used to calculate the salience measure of z i ;k ðj Þusingp ¼1=481=481=481=481=481=481=241=241=241=481=481=241=31=241=481=481=241=241=241=481=481=481=481=481=480B B B B B B B B B @1C C C C C C C C C A ð8:15Þwhere p is the matrix notation of p ðx 0;y 0Þin a five by five window.Then the l i ;k ðj Þfor i ¼1;…;q ;are specified using:l i ;k ðj Þ¼V i ;k ðj Þ.Xq l ¼1V l ;k ðj Þi ¼1;…;q ð8:16ÞA simple initialization for b i ;k ðj Þis to assume that the true scene appears in each sensor image.Hence b i ;k ðj Þ¼1for i ¼1;…;q ;k ¼1;…;K and j ¼1;…;P :We assume the initial state probabilities p S ðj Þðm Þ¼1=M for m ¼1;…;M :At initialization,the parent–child transition probabilities are also assumed equal for all M states.Hence a m ;n S ðj Þ;S ðr ðj ÞÞ¼1=M for m ¼1;…;M and n ¼1;…;M :In order to model the distortion in a robust way the distortion is initialized as impulsive.20Thus we set s 2m ðj Þ¼gs 2m 21ðj Þfor j ¼1;…;P such that fixing g and s 21ðj Þfixes s 2m ðj Þfor m .1:Then the value for s 21ðj Þis chosen so that the total variance of the mixture model,s 2ðj Þ¼P M m ¼1s 2m ðj Þ=M ;matched the variance of the observations:s 2ðj Þ¼Xq i ¼1X K k ¼1½z i ;k ðj Þ2w k ðj Þ 2=qK ð8:17ÞWe chose g ¼10so that the initial distortion model was fairly impulsive.This initialization scheme worked very well for the cases we have studied.We observed that the algorithm in our experiments generally converged in less than 15iterations.Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications274D.F USION OF THE LL S UBBAND W AVELET C OEFFICIENTS Our HMT model applies to only the high-frequency subbands of the wavelet produces only the fused high-frequency subbands.Therefore,the fused LL subband needs to be produced separately.We used the weighted average method in Section III.C to produce the fused LL subband.Let w ðx ;y Þdenote the coefficient with co-ordinate ðx ;y Þin the LL subband of fused image,and let z i ðx ;y Þdenote the coefficient with co-ordinate ðx ;y Þin LL subband of sensor image i ,with i ¼1;…;q :Then the coefficients in the LL subband are determined using:w ðx ;y Þ¼Xq i ¼1l i ðx ;y Þz i ðx ;y Þð8:18Þwhere l i ðx ;y Þis the weight and P q i ¼1l i ðx ;y Þ¼1:We use the same method described in Equation 8.14,Equation 8.15,and Equation 8.16to determine l i ðx ;y Þfor i ¼1;…;q :IV .EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSWe have applied this fusion algorithm to CWD applications.CWD is an increasingly important topic in the general area of law enforcement and image fusion has been identified as a key technology to enable progress on this topic.7,27,28With the increasing threat of terrorism,CWD is a very important technology.We also applied this algorithm to night vision applications.29,30A.CWD w ITH V ISUAL AND MMW I MAGESWe used this algorithm to fuse the visual and MMW images *shown in 31with four decomposition levels.We created a two-state HMT model based on these wavelet representations and then use the algorithm described in Section III to fuse these two images.The fusion result is shown in Figure 8.5(c).We also used the EM-fusion algorithm presented at Ref.22to fuse these two images based on the wavelet representations.The fused result is shown in Figure 8.5(d).Figure 8.5(e)is the fused result obtained by using the same wavelet representations †and choosing the maximum sensor wavelet coefficients for the high-pass subband wavelet coefficients and averaging the sensor wavelet coefficients for the low-pass subband wavelet coefficients.1We call *The source images were obtained from Thermotex Corporation †We use the same wavelet representation for all wavelet methods used in each example we present in this chapter.representations (see Figure 8.2)and so the above iterative estimation procedure is used to transform the visual and MMW images into multiscale representations Figure 8.5(a)and (b)for a CWD application.The order-3Daubechies waveletthis wavelet fusion.Figure 8.5(f)is the fused result obtained by selecting the maximum pixel (no wavelet transform).We call this the selecting maximum algorithm.From the comparison,the HMT-based EM fusion algorithm performs better than the other three fusion methods.HMT-based EM fusion gives some improvement over the EM fusion method by considering the correlationsof FIGURE 8.5Visual and MMW images and fused result for CWD:(a)visual image,(b)MMW image,(c)HMT-based EM fusion,(d)EM fusion,(e)wavelet fusion,and (f)selecting maximum.the coefficients at different scales.From the fused image,there is considerable evidence to suspect that the person on the right has a concealed gun beneath his clothes.This fused image may be very helpful to a police officer,for example,who must respond promptly.B.CWD WITH V ISUAL AND IR I MAGESt 31is used decomposition levels and a two-state HMT model is created.Figure 8.6(c)to (f)show the fused results obtained by the HMT-based EM fusion method,the EM fusion method in Ref.22,the wavelet fusion method from Ref.1,and the selecting maximum algorithm,respectively.In this case,the standard EM fusion method from Ref.22is slightly inferior to the wavelet fusion method from Ref.1.However,after considering the correlations between different scale coefficients,the HMT-based EM fusion method seems to overcome any methodical limitations of Ref.22.In comparison,the HMT-based EM fusion algorithm performs better than the EM fusion method from Ref.22,the wavelet fusion method from Ref.1,and the selecting maximum algorithm.C.N IGHT V ISION I MAGE F USION A PPLICATIONSSome might suggest that in night vision applications,the most information is contained in the thermal images,with complementary information from the visual images.This is different from the daytime fusion system.In these cases,some might suggest that the most information is contained in the visual images.Hence,fusion methods which are good for daytime fusion systems may not work well for night vision applications.We applied the HMT-based EM fusion method for night vision applications with very good results.wavelet 31is used to transform the IR and visual images into wavelet representations with five decomposition levels.A two-state HMT model is EM fusion method,the EM fusion method in Ref.22,the wavelet fusion method from Ref.1,and selecting maximum algorithm,respectively.This example shows that the HMT-based EM fusion algorithm performs very well for night vision image fusion systems.In comparison,the HMT-based EM fusion algorithm performs better than the EM fusion from Ref.22,the wavelet fusion method from Ref.1,and the selecting maximum algorithm.V .CONCLUSIONSWe have presented a new image fusion method based on a Gaussian mixture distortion model.In this method,we used a hidden Markov tree (HMT)model to transform the visual and IR images into wavelet representations employing six Another example considers a CWD application employing the visual and the IR images shown in Figure 8.6(a)and (b).The order-3Daubechies wavele created.Figure 8.7(c)to (f)show the fused results obtained by the HMT-based Figure 8.7(a)and (b)show the IR and visual images.The order-3Daubechies。



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The Getinge Table System Maquet Magnus sets standards in extreme positioning and stability through its impressive flexibility and weight- bearing capacity. At the same time, the ergonomic design and safety features ensure a healthy and comfortable envi-ronment for patients and surgical teams.Optimizing workflows Its extreme height adjustment and patient positioningcapabilities are what sets Maquet Magnus apart fromother operating table systems. It provides optimalergonomic conditions for you and your surgical teamand creates a healthy and safe workspace.The modular structure of Maquet Magnus allows fora highly versatile and very cost-effective use of the tablesystem. It can be integrated into a hybrid OR simply bychanging the table top and can be adapted to any surgicaldiscipline by adding or removing modules. Expanding the spectrum of surgical disciplines The carbon-fiber table tops of Maquet Magnus support interventions in endovascular and cardiovascular surgery as well as in interventional radiology, orthopedics and traumatology. The table top provides 360° radiolucency and therefore gives optimum X-ray access.When deployed for interdisciplinary use, the diagnostic requirements of neurosurgery, orthopedics and trauma-tology are also covered. Available interfaces to common imaging partners offer perfect synchronization with imaging equipment.Maquet Magnus Operating Table System Explore the possibilitiesMotor-driven joint module set 1180.11A0Back plate 1180.31A0Extension plate 1180.32A0Head rest 1180.53A0The modular operating table system includes a column, a hand control, a user-friendly transporter, and a wide variety of table top modules and accessories. Surgical staff can tailor the table to each surgery and patient by simply swapping a few modules.Motor-driven joint module set 1180.11B0Basic table top 1180.10A0Pair of leg plates, 4-piece 1180.54A0Optimizing turnaround times Improved utilization of your OR theaterPatient positioningPre-surgery TransportAdding extra o rdinary flexibility to your ORThe table system is freely configurable based on your diagnostic and therapeutic needs. Aside from patient outcome, there are two important aspects to every surgery: efficiency and safety. Improvements in efficiency can have a dramatic impact on your hospital’s bottom line by increasing turnaround times between surgeries and reducing staff injuries or damage to equipment.The Maquet Magnus OR Table System helps you to optimize the workflow in your surgical theater by providing expanded patient positioning possibilities and innovative table components that can be set up quickly and easily.Reducing the need for repositioningMaquet Magnus OR Table Tops can be easily removed from their columns for transport throughout the entire surgical area. The table top can still be adjusted even after it has been transferred to the transporter. This allows you to transport the patient throughout the surgical area in their original position without having to totally reposition them in the OR – saving time and allowing preparation of the next patient to start earlier.Workflow using Maquet Magnus+ less time is spend in the OR+ faster turnaround timesPatients can be kept in specialized positions suchas beach chair during transport. This can positivelyimpact your efficiency by elimi n ating the time-con-suming need for repositioning the patient in the OR.Furthermore, patients with respiratory conditionsbenefit from the possibility of upright transport that limits the pressure on their lungs from their ownbody weight. Maquet Magnus OR Transporters allow your team to maneuver the patient safely and withminimal physical effort.Workplace ergonomicsProviding a comfortable and safe environment during surgeryThe Maquet Magnus Operating Table System – easy and versatileDue to its versatility, innovative narrow design and broad range of angles and tilts, the MaquetMagnus OR Table System provides an optimal working environment. Even extreme positions canbe performed according to the needs of the surgeon and the procedure – throughout all surgicaldisciplines. Maquet Magnus offers patient positioning possibilities which grant you full access tothe surgical field from a relaxed and comfortable position. Especially during long procedures, thiscan reduce fatigue and allow you to focus on what is important– whether you are sitting or standing.Collision detection avoids disruptions during surgeryCollisions in the OR are one of the major risks to staff and equipment, and potentially time-consuming during surgery. By tracking specially designed transponders in the equipment,the Maquet Magnus OR Table System can detect collisions before they happen and issuea warning if accessories are on a collision course with the column or floor – even if the tabletop is positioned in reverse.Fast, safe and comfortable-in-use for the nursing staffThanks to the Easy Click technology, it takes only a single hand movement to interchange theMaquet Magnus modules, allowing for simple and safe handling. Patients placed on Maquet SFCcushions sink into the underlay due to their body weight and body temperature. The SFC cushionmolds itself individually to the body, thereby increasing the contact surface by up to 60%. Thevisco-elastic and thermo-active properties of SFC cushions have been proven to reduce pressureby means of optimum pressure distribution.Intuitive operationUsing the intuitive hand-held controller, you can reposition your patient safely and quickly duringsurgery. The controller will even store and recall up to 10 patient positions. Optionally, the table topcan be adjusted independently of the column on the transporter. This ensures compliance withnursing and anesthesia requirements relating to adjustments of the patient position during theinduction phase or in the recovery room.Due to its versatility, innovative narrow design and broad range of angles and tilts, the Maquet Magnus OR Table System provides an optimal working environment.Upright and free of strainMaquet Magnus Table Tops can be raised to a height of1,320 mm. This allows surgeons to operate comfortably froma standing position, e. g. during a total hip replacement inthe supine position.Relaxed arms and shouldersThe extremely low setting of the Maquet Magnus OR TableSystem ensures safe and stress-free operating, e. g. inminimally invasive laparoscopic interventions. A step stoolis not needed.Clear imagingPressure relieving cushioning is easy to clean and does notimpede X-rays.Simple setupThanks to the Easy Click technology, it just takes a singlehand movement to interchange the Magnus modules,easily and safely.All key operations at your fingertipsIntuitive hand controller with back-lit key panel andextensive position memory.Hybrid ORs – surpassing today’s expectations Image-guided surgery will become the new standardAt the core of the Getinge Hybrid OR is theMaquet Magnus Operating Table SystemFeaturing interchangeable carbon fiber and universal table tops, Maquet Magnus can be quickly con fi gured to accommodate a range of image-guided surgical procedures. Designed to work in full harmony with leading imaging system suppliers, Maquet Magnus is key to making the Hybrid OR future proof, offering integrated solutions for angio-graphy systems, CT and MRI, that ensure superior imaging and table performance.The precise and controlled table movements protect patients and improve accuracy during intra-operative readjustments. Quickly interchangeable radiolucent table tops allow for seamless transition between surgical procedures and disciplines. At the same time, they improve patient outcomes by reducing the need to transport the patient between multiple departments and teams.The Maquet Magnus product range also includes carbon fiber table tops, which are ideally suited to the Hybrid OR. These plates are made of radiolucent carbon fiber composite material, which allows a 360° imaging without metal elements that could influence the image. Available interfaces to common imaging partners offer perfect synchronization with imaging equipment. Synchronized movements of X-ray equipment and Maquet Magnus improve radiological results due to the retention of the isocentre.Even in time-critical situations, Maquet Magnus gives you the freedom you need to make the best possible decisions for your patients.Thyroid surgery with well exposed neckSpinal surgery in prone position with optimum access for the c-armSupine position wih maximum caudal working radiusLaparoscopic and conventional cholecystectomy: optimum access to the operating fieldFor all surgical interventionsOptimal combination of functionality and comfortShoulder surgery in beach chair position Minimally invasive total hip replacement with extension deviceMaximum head down position up to 80° with simultaneous lateral tilt up to 45°Position with optimised gravity, e. g. for bariatric surgeryThe modular design of the Maquet Magnus OR Table System makes it the perfect choice for any surgical setup. Its functionalities, accessories and broad range of positional options make both micro-surgical and complex interventions significantly easier and more flexible. Its perfect height adjustment, precise and controlled table movements, slope and tilt function, and large working radius offer you maximum comfort and access while operating.Maquet Magnus OR Table Columns provide the foundation for your customized OR table solution. Their innovative narrow design, unparalleled positioning flexibility and flat column base give you full access to the patient while letting you operate in a comfortable, ergonomic position.Maquet Magnus OR Table Columns are available in four different versions: two stationary, a mobile and a independently maneuverable version.Stationary OR table columnWith the Maquet Magnus Operating Table System you may select from two stationary options: a built-in base plate column or a surface-mounted base plate column.Both provide excellent stability, no matter which Maquet Magnus Table Tops are used.Mobile OR table columnThe mobile Maquet Magnus OR Table Column offers you all the flexibility of the stationary column, and also gives you the freedom to move the column and table top to any location with the help of a transporter. The column is powered by maintenance-free batteries that are integrated into the column base and last for at least one week of surgical work.Independently maneuverable OR table columnThe independently maneuverable Maquet Magnus OR Table Column is equipped with its own castors, making it easy to move without an additional transporter, even during surgery. This version, too, offers all the features of the stationary column.Maquet Magnus OR Table ColumnsUnparalleled flexibility and durabilityIndependentlymaneuverable OR table columnMobile OR table columnStationary OR table columnMaquet Magnus OR Table column• OR table column for mounting system-compatible operating table tops• Adaptive transfer: table column automatically recognises the transfer position and guides the column head accordingly• Electro-hydraulically driven column• Transfer of the operating table tops from both sides and with free selection of orientation of head or foot first. Automatic recognition of orientation direction of the operating table top on the column and corresponding allocation of the functional keys on the control units • Horizontal alignment of the column head (post- operative), either by activating the zero position function through the hand-held controller or by positioning the transporter and activating the “Height up / down” column function• Activation of the motorized movements of the OR table system using the infrared hand-held controller, cabled hand-held controller or foot lever as well as through the additional operating panel, which is integrated in the OR table column• Two splash-protected plug-type connections for the parallel connection of cabled hand-held controller and foot lever• Column casing made of stainless steel Available in four versions1180.01A0 – Stationary version for installationinto built-in base plate 1120.98A0 or 1150.98A0• Liquid-tight installation, flush with upper edgeof finished floor; can be rotated throughapprox. 350°; can be locked in any position• Power supply to the operating table columnthrough stationary transformer unit withbattery buffer1180.01C0 – Mobile column, can be movedwith transporter• Power supply for the operating table columnthrough maintenance-free batteries, integratedinto the base plate; operating capacity betweentwo charging cycles, approx. one OR week• Batteries are recharged and OR table columnis operated through a mains supply, using amobile transformer unit, which is included inthe scope of delivery1180.01B0 – Stationary column with floormounting plate for installation on finished floor• Power supply, same as 1180.01A01180.01D0 – Independently manoeuvrablecolumn, can be moved using the integratedcastors and activated by the hydraulicpedal-operated pump• Power supply, same as 1180.01C0Technical description and construction featuresRadioscopy access with positioning in head direction Foot down / head down tilt, max. 80°Highest position without cushioning Lowest position without cushioningBack plate position: up / down +90° / -60°,Leg plate position: up / down +80° / -90°,Lower leg plate: up / down +90° / -90°Left / right tilt: max. 45°Radioscopy access with positioning in foot directionMaquet Magnus OR Table Tops• OR table top as symmetrically divided basic unit, with identical interfaces on both sides, allowing for individual configuration, depending on surgical requirements• Plug-in modules may be selected as required• Table top has radioscopy window between the bars without crossbars, for intra-operative use of image intensifier• OR table top frame and side rails (10 x 25 mm) made of stainless steel• Radiolucent, 80 mm thick hybrid cushioning, with electrical discharging capacity. The support plates can easily be removed for cleaning, without tools• The central cushioning segment in a sandwich design, including wear-protection with visco-elastic foam and bi-elastic cover, offers excellent pressure distribution and reduces shearing forces• Electro-powered drive of the OR table top provides longitudinal shift (free-positioning for radioscopic examination with C-arm), as well as “Back plate up / down” and “Leg plates up / down”• Return to the last stored patient position followingC-arm control in modified patient position, using the hand-held controller • OR table top can be adjusted using plug-in modules (see below) for various specialist surgical disciplines or different patient body sizes. Mounting points for easy, safe adaptation of modules such as:-Motorised joint module 1180.11A0/B0-Standard back plate 1180.31A0 for general surgery-Extension plate 1180.32A0-Transfer board as leg support for the initial phasein dorsosacral position 1180.57A0-Leg plates, divided into four, can be bent, spreadand raised for genucubital position 1180.54A0-Shoulder module 1180.34A0-Carbon-fiber plate 1180.45A0-Extension plug-in device 1180.19A0-Dual-joint head rest 1180.53A0-Single-joint head rest 1180.50A0• Very easy adaptation is ensured using a snap connector (Easy Click System). Device is immediately held in place to prevent accidental looseningLength of universal table topHead-side configuration with one joint pair, back plate,extension plate and head rest1,945 mmLength of universal table topLeg-side configuration with one joint pair, head restand leg plates2,055 mm Width of universal table top540 mm Width across side rails580 mm Radioscopy window between the bars410 mmHeight (without cushioning) Stationary columnMobile columns 535–1,240 mm 565–1,270 mmInclination: head down / foot down80° / 80°Tilt, left / right45° / 45°Longitudinal shift460 mm Back plates up / down+90° / -60°Leg plates up / down+80° / -90°Max. patient weight incl. accessoriesBuilt-in base plate column 1180.01A0 Surface-mounted base plate column 1180.01B0 Mobile column 1180.01C0Mobile column 1180.01D0 380 kg 380 kg 380 kg 250 kg100012081 052019。



257ISSN: 1749-3889 ( print ) 1749-3897 (online)BimonthlyVol.7 (2009) No.3JuneEngland, UK ***************************.uk International Journal ofN o n l i n e a r S c i e n c e Edited by International Committee for Nonlinear Science, WAUPublished by World Academic Union (World Academic Press)CONTENTS259.New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for Some Nonlinear Evolution EquationsA. Hendi268.A New Hierarchy of Generalized Fisher Equations and Its Bi- Hamiltonian StructuresLu Sun274.New Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Variants of the RLW, the PHI-four and Boussinesq Equations Based on Modified Extended Direct Algebraic MethodA. A. Soliman, H. A. Abdo283. Monotone Methods in Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value ProblemG.A.Afrouzi, Z.Naghizadeh, S.Mahdavi290. Influence of Solvents Polarity on NLO Properties of Fluorone Dye Ahmad Y. Nooraldeen1, M. Palanichant, P. K. Palanisamy301.Projective Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Different Dimensions via Backstepping DesignXuerong Shi, Zhongxian Wang307.Adaptive Control and Synchronization of a Four-Dimensional Energy Resources System of JiangSu ProvinceLin Jia , Huanchao Tang312.Optimal Control of the Viscous KdV-Burgers Equation Using an Equivalent Index MethodAnna Gao, Chunyu Shen,Xinghua Fan319.Adaptive Control of Generalized Viscous Burgers’ Equation Xiaoyan Deng, Wenxia Chen, Jianmei Zhang327. Wavelet Density Degree of a Class of Wiener Processes Xuewen Xia, Ting Dai332.Niches’ Similarity Degree Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Niches’ Model Jing Hua, Yimin Li340.Full Process Nonlinear Analysis the Fatigue Behavior of the Crane Beam Strengthened with CFRPHuaming Zhu, Peigang Gu, Jinlong Wang, Qiyin Shi345.The Infinite Propagation Speed and the Limit Behavior for the B-family Equation with Dispersive TermXiuming Li353.The Classification of all Single Traveling Wave Solutions to Fornberg-Whitham EquationChunxiang Feng, Changxing Wu360.New Jacobi Elliptic Functions Solutions for the Higher-orderNonlinear Schrodinger EquationBaojian Hong, Dianchen Lu368.A Counterexample on Gap Property of Bi-Lipschitz Constants Ying Xiong, Lifeng Xi371.A Method for Recovering the Shape for Inverse Scattering Problem of Acoustic WavesLihua Cheng, Tieyan Lian, Ping Li379.An Approach of Image Hiding and Encryption Based on a New Hyper-chaotic SystemHongxing Yao, Meng Li258International Journal of Nonlinear Science (IJNS)BibliographicISSN: 1749-3889 (print), 1749-3897 (online), BimonthlyEdited by International Editorial Committee of Nonlinear Science, WAUPublished by World Academic Union (World Academic Press)Publisher Contact:Academic House, 113 Mill LaneWavertree Technology Park, Liverpool L13 4AH, England, UKEmail:******************.uk,*********************************URL: www. World Academic Union .comContribution enquiries and submittingThe paper(s) could be submitted to the managing editor ***************************.uk. Author also can contact our editorial offices by mail or email at addresses below directly.For more detail to submit papers please visit Editorial BoardEditor in Chief: Boling Guo, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, 100088, China;************.cnCo-Editor in Chief: Lixin Tian, Nonlinear Scientific Research Center, Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu,212013;China;**************.cn,************.cnStanding Members of Editorial Board:Ghasem Alizahdeh Afrouzi, Department ofMathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Mazandaran University,Babolsar,Iran;**************.ir Stephen Anco, Department of Mathematics, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2S3A1,Canada;***************Adrian Constantin ,Department of Mathematics, Lund University,22100Lund,****************.seSweden;*************************.se,Ying Fan, Department of Management Science, Institute of Policy and Management, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing 100080,China,**************.cn.Juergen Garloff, University of Applied Sciences/ HTWG Konstanz, Faculty of Computer Science, Postfach100543, D-78405 Konstanz, Germany;************************Tasawar Hayat, Department of mathematics,Quaid-I-AzamUniversity,Pakistan,*****************Y Jiang, William Lee Innovation Center, University of Manchester, Manchester, M60 1QD UK;*******************Zhujun Jing,Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, ChineseAcademy of Science, Beijing, 100080,China;******************Yue Liu,Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Arlington,TX76019,USA;************Zengrong Liu,Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 201800,China;******************.cnNorio Okada, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, KyotoUniversity,**************** Jacques Peyriere,Université Paris-Sud, Mathématique, bˆa t. 42591405 ORSAY Cedex , France;************************,****************************.frWeiyi Su, Department of Mathematics, NanjingUniversity, Nanjing,Jiangsu, 210093,China;*************.cnKonstantina Trivisa ,Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland College Park,MD20472-4015,USA;****************.eduYaguang Wang,Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240,China;***************.cnAbdul-Majid Wazwaz, 3700 W. 103rd Street Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL 60655 ,USA;**************Yiming Wei, Institute of Policy and management, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100080,China;*****************Zhiying Wen,Department of Mathematics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China;*******************Zhenyuan Xu, Faculty of Science, Southern Yangtze University, Wuxi , Jiangsu 214063 ,China;*********************Huicheng Yi n, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210093, China;****************.cnPingwen Zhang, School of Mathematic Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China;**************.cnSecretary: Xuedi Wang, Xinghua FanEditorial office:Academic House, 113 Mill Lane Wavertree Technology Park Liverpool L13 4AH, England, UK Email:***************************.uk **************************.uk ************.cn。


Michael C. JENSEN and William H. MECKLING*
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, U.S.A.
Received January 1976, revised version received July 1976 This paper integrates elements frheory of property rights and the theory of finance to develop a theory of the ownership structure of the firm. We define the
l Associakz Professor and Dean, respectively, Graduate School of Management, Univer sity of Rochester. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Conference on Analysis and Ideology, Inlcrlaken, Switzerland, June 1974, sponsored by the Center for Research in Government Policy and Business at the University of Rochester. Graduate School of Management. We are indcbtcd IO I’. Black, E. Mama, R. Ibbotson, W. Klein, M. Rozeff, R. Weil, 0. Williamson. an anonymous rcfcrcc, and IO our collcagues and mcmbcrs of the Finance Workshop at the University of Rochester for their comments and criticisms, in particular G. Bcnston. M. Canes, D. Henderson, K. Lcfllcr, J. Long, C. Smith, R. Thompson, R. Watts and J. Zinuncrman.


Intense research activities in universities and other research institutions Drastically increasing number of publications in recent years Large amount of funding by the German government
Model predictive control (MPC)
Modern, optimization-based control technique Successful applications in many industrial fields Can handle hard constraints on states and inputs Optimization of some performance criterion Applicable to nonlinear, MIMO systems
A system is strictly dissipative on a set W ⊆ Z with respect to the supply rate s if there exists a storage function λ such that for all (x , u ) ∈ W it holds that λ(f (x , u )) − λ(x ) ≤ s (x , u ) − ρ(x ) with ρ > 0.
k =0 x (k |t + 1) x (t + 1) state x input u t+1 u (k |t + 1) k =N
Basic MPC scheme




MPI TITAN RF Probe Selection Guide

MPI TITAN RF Probe Selection Guide

MPI Probe Selection GuideWith a critical understanding of the numerous measurement challenges associated with today’s RF ap-plications, MPI Corporation has developed TITAN™ RF Probes, a product series specifically optimized for these complex applications centered upon the requirements of advanced RF customers.TITAN™ Probes provide the latest in technology and manufacturing advancements within the field of RF testing. They are derived from the technology transfer that accompanied the acquisition of Allstron, then significantly enhanced by MPI’s highly experienced RF testing team and subsequently produced utilizing MPI’s world class MEMS technology. Precisely manufactured, the TITAN™ Probes include matched 50 Ohm MEMS contact tips with improved probe electrical characteristics which allow the realization of unmat -ched calibration results over a wide frequency range. The patented protrusion tip design enables small passivation window bond pad probing, while significantly reducing probe skate thus providing the out -standing contact repeatability required in today’s extreme measurement environments. TITAN TM Probes with all their features are accompanied by a truly affordable price.The TITAN™ Probe series are available in single-ended and dual tip configurations, with pitch range from 50 micron to 1250 micron and frequencies from 26 GHz to 110 GHz. TITAN™ RF Probes are the ideal choice for on-wafer S-parameter measurements of RF, mm-wave devices and circuits up to 110 GHz as well as for the characterization of RF power devices requiring up to 10 Watts of continuous power. Finally, customers can benefit from both long product life and unbeatable cost of ownership which they have desired foryears.Unique design of the MEMS coplanar contacttip of the TITAN™ probe series.DC-needle-alike visibility of the contact point and the minimal paddamage due to the unique design of the tipAC2-2 Thru S11 Repeatability. Semi-Automated System.-100-80-60-40-200 S 11 E r r o r M a g n i t u d e (d B )Frequency (GHz)Another advantage of the TITAN™ probe is its superior contact repeatability, which is comparable with the entire system trace noise when measured on the semi-automated system and on gold contact pads.CROSSTALKCrosstalk of TITAN™ probes on the short and the bare ceramic open standard of 150 micron spacing compared to conventional 110 GHz probe technologies. Results are corrected by the multiline TRL calibration. All probes are of GSG configuration and 100 micron pitch.-80-60-40-200Crosstalk on Open. Multiline TRL Calibration.M a g (S21) (d B )Frequency (GHz)-80-60-40-200Crosstalk on Short. Multiline TRL Calibration.M a g (S21) (d B )Frequency (GHz)The maximal probe c ontac t repeatability error of the c alibrate S11-parameter of the AC2-2 thru standard by T110 probes. Semi-automated system. Ten contact circles.Cantilever needle material Ni alloy Body materialAl alloy Contact pressure @2 mils overtravel 20 g Lifetime, touchdowns> 1,000,000Ground and signal alignment error [1]± 3 µm [1]Planarity error [1] ± 3 µm [1]Contact footprint width < 30 µm Contact resistance on Au < 3 mΩThermal range-60 to 175 °CMechanical CharacteristicsAC2-2 Thru S21 Repeatability. Manual TS50 System.-100-80-60-40-200S 21 E r r o r M a g n i t u d e (d B )Frequency (GHz)MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe maximal probe c ontac t repeatability error of the c alibrate S21-parameter of the AC2-2 thru standard by T50 probes. Manual probe system TS50.26 GHZ PROBES FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONSUnderstanding customer needs to reduce the cost of development and product testing for the high competitive wireless application market, MPI offers low-cost yet high-performance RF probes. The specifically developed SMA connector and its outstanding transmission of electro-magnetic waves through the probe design make these probes suitable for applications frequencies up to 26 GHz. The available pitch range is from 50 micron to 1250 micron with GS/SG and GSG probe tip configurations. TITAN™ 26 GHz probes are the ideal choice for measurement needs when developing components for WiFi, Bluetooth, and 3G/4G commercial wireless applications as well as for student education.Characteristic Impedance 50 ΩFrequency rangeDC to 26 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.4 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 16 dB DC current ≤ 1 A DC voltage ≤ 100 V RF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 WTypical Electrical Characteristics26 GHz Probe Model: T26Connector SMAPitch range50 µm to 1250 µm Standard pitch step from 50 µm to 450 µm from 500 µm to 1250 µm25 µm step 50 µm stepAvailable for 90 µm pitch Tip configurations GSG, GS, SG Connector angleV-Style: 90-degree A-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsT26 probe, A-Style of the connectorTypical Electrical Characteristics: 26 GHz GSG probe, 250 micron pitchPROBES FOR DEVICE AND IC CHARACTERIZATION UP TO 110 GHZTITAN™ probes realize a unique combination of the micro-coaxial cable based probe technology and MEMS fabricated probe tip. A perfectly matched characteristic impedance of the coplanar probe tips and optimized signal transmission across the entire probe down to the pads of the device under test (DUT) result in excellent probe electrical characteristics. At the same time, the unique design of the probe tip provides minimal probe forward skate on any type of pad metallization material, therefo -re achieving accurate and repeatable measurement up to 110 GHz. TITAN™ probes are suitable for probing on small pads with long probe lifetime and low cost of ownership.The TITAN™ probe family contains dual probes for engineering and design debug of RF and mm-wave IC’s as well as high-end mm-wave range probes for S-parameter characterization up to 110 GHz for modeling of high-performance microwave devices.Characteristic Impedance 50 ΩFrequency rangeDC to 40 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.6 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 18 dB DC current ≤ 1 A DC voltage ≤ 100 V RF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 WTypical Electrical Characteristics40 GHz Probe Model: T40Connector K (2.92 mm)Pitch range50 µm to 500 µmStandard pitch step For GSG configuration:from 50 µm to 450 µm from 500 µm to 800 µmFor GS/SG configuration:from 50 µm to 450 µm 25 µm step 50 µm stepAvailable for 90 µm pitch25 µm stepAvailable for 90/500 µm pitch Tip configurations GSG, GS, SG Connector angleV-Style: 90-degree A-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsTypical Electrical Characteristics: 40 GHz GSG probe, 150 micron pitchT40 probe, A-Style of the connectorCharacteristic Impedance50 ΩFrequency range DC to 50 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.6 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 17 dBDC current≤ 1 ADC voltage≤ 100 VRF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 W Typical Electrical Characteristics Connector Q (2.4 mm)Pitch range50 µm to 250 µm Standard pitch stepFor GSG configuration: from 50 µm to 450 µm For GS/SG configuration: from 50 µm to 450 µm 25 µm stepAvailable for 90/500/550 µm pitch 25 µm stepAvailable for 90/500 µm pitchTip configurations GSG, GS, SG Connector angle V-Style: 90-degreeA-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsT50 probe, A-Style of the connectorTypical Electrical Characteristics: 50 GHz GSG probe, 150 micron pitchCharacteristic Impedance50 ΩFrequency range DC to 67 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 0.8 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 16 dBDC current≤ 1 ADC voltage≤ 100 VRF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 W Typical Electrical Characteristics Connector V (1.85 mm)Pitch range50 µm to 250 µm Standard pitch stepFor GSG configuration: from 50 µm to 400 µm For GS/SG configuration: from 50 µm to 250 µm 25 µm step Available for 90 µm pitch25 µm step Available for 90 µm pitchTip configurations GSG Connector angle V-Style: 90-degreeA-Style: 45-degreeMechanical CharacteristicsT67 probe, A-Style of the connectorTypical Electrical Characteristics: 67 GHz GSG probe, 100 micron pitchCharacteristic Impedance 50 ΩFrequency rangeDC to 110 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 1.2 dB Return loss (GSG configuration)1> 14 dB DC current ≤ 1 A DC voltage ≤ 100 V RF power, @10 GHz≤ 5 WTypical Electrical CharacteristicsMechanical CharacteristicsTypical Electrical Characteristics: 110 GHz GSG probe, 100 micron pitchT110 probe, A-Style of the connectorCharacteristic impedance50 ΩFrequency range DC to 220 GHz Insertion loss (GSG configuration)1< 5 dB Connector end return loss(GSG configuration)1> 9 dBTip end return loss(GSG configuration)1> 13 dBDC current≤ 1.5 ADC voltage≤ 50 V Typical Electrical CharacteristicsConnector Broadband interface Pitch range50/75/90/100/125 µm Temperature range -40 ~ 150 ºC Contact width15 µmquadrant compatible(allowing corner pads)Yes recommended pad size20 µm x 20 µm recommended OT (overtravel)15 µmcontact resistance(on Al at 20 ºC using 15 µm OT)< 45 mΩlifetime touchdowns(on Al at 20 ºC using 15 µm OT)> 200,000Mechanical CharacteristicsT220 probe, broadband interface Typical Performance (at 20 ºC for 100 µm pitch)BODY DIMENSIONS PROBES Single-Ended V-StyleT220 GHz Probe1.161.1628.328437.455.6512.5527.73Single-Ended A-StyleCALIBRATION SUBSTRATESAC-series of calibration standard substrates offers up to 26 standard sets for wafer-level SOL T, LRM probe-tip cali -bration for GS/SG and GSG probes. Five coplanar lines provide the broadband reference multiline TRL calibration as well as accurate verification of conventional methods. Right-angled reciprocal elements are added to support the SOLR calibration of the system with the right-angled configuration of RF probes. A calibration substrate for wide-pitch probes is also available.Material Alumina Elements designCoplanarSupported calibration methods SOLT, LRM, SOLR, TRL and multiline TRL Thickness 635 µmSizeAC2-2 : 16.5 x 12.5 mm AC3 : 16.5 x 12.5 mm AC5 : 22.5 x 15 mm Effective velocity factor @20 GHz0.45Nominal line characteristic impedance @20 GHz 50 ΩNominal resistance of the load 50 ΩTypical load trimming accuracy error ± 0.3 %Open standardAu pads on substrate Calibration verification elements Yes Ruler scale 0 to 3 mm Ruler step size100 µmCalibration substrate AC2-2Probe Configuration GSGSupported probe pitch100 to 250 µm Number of SOL T standard groups 26Number of verification and calibration lines5Calibration substrate AC-3Probe Configuration GS/SG Supported probe pitch50 to 250 µm Number of SOL T standard groups 26Number of verification and calibration lines5Calibration substrate AC-5Probe Configuration GSG, GS/SG Supported probe pitch250 to 1250 µm Number of SOL T standard groups GSG : 7GS : 7SG : 7Open standardOn bare ceramic Number of verification and calibration linesGSG : 2GS : 1Typical characteristics of the coplanar line standard of AC2-2 calibration substrate measured using T110-GSG100 probes, and methods recommended by the National Institute of Standard and Technologies [2, 3].2468(d B /c m )F requency (G Hz)α-6-4-202I m a g (Z 0) ()F requency (G Hz)AC2-2 W#006 and T110A-GSG100Ω2. (u n i t l e s s )F requency (G Hz)β/βо4045505560R e a l (Z 0) ()F requency (G Hz)ΩTypical Electrical CharacteristicsMPI QAlibria® RF CALIBRATION SOFTWAREMPI QAlibria® RF calibration software has been designed to simplify complex and tedious RF system calibration tasks. By implementing a progressive disclosure methodology and realizing intuitive touch operation, QAlibria® provides crisp and clear guidance to the RF calibration process, minimizing con-figuration mistakes and helping to obtain accurate calibration results in fastest time. In addition, its concept of multiple GUI’s offers full access to all configuration settings and tweaks for advanced users. QAlibria® offers industry standard and advanced calibration methods. Furthermore, QAlibria® is integrated with the NIST StatistiCal™ calibration packages, ensuring easy access to the NIST mul-tiline TRL metrology-level calibration and uncertainty analysis.MPI Qalibria® supports a multi-language GUI, eliminating any evitable operation risks and inconvenience.SpecificationsRF AND MICROWAVE CABLESMPI offers an excellent selection of flexible cables and acces-sories for RF and mm-wave measurement applications forcomplete RF probe system integration.CablesHigh-quality cable assemblies with SMA and 3.5 mm connectorsprovide the best value for money, completing the entry-level RFsystems for measurement applications up to 26 GHz. Phase stab-le high-end flexible cable assemblies with high-precision 2.92, 2.4, 1.85 and 1 mm connectors guarantee high stability, accuracy and repeatability of the calibration and measurement for DC applications up to 110 GHz.MPI offers these cable assemblies in two standard lengths of 120 and 80 cm, matching the probe system’s footprint and the location of the VNA.Cables Ordering InformationMRC-18SMA-MF-80018 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 80 cmMRC-18SMA-MF-120018 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 120 cmMRC-26SMA-MF-80026 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 80 cmMRC-26SMA-MF-120026 GHz SMA flex cable SMA (male) - SMA (female), 120 cmMRC-40K-MF-80040 GHz flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 80 cm longMRC-40K-MF-120040 GHz flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 120 cm longMRC-50Q-MF-80050 GHz flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 80 cm longMRC-50Q-MF-120050 GHz flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 120 cm longMRC-67V-MF-80067 GHz flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 80 cm longMRC-67V-MF-120067 GHz flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 120 cm longMMC-40K-MF-80040 GHz precision flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 80 cm long MMC-40K-MF-120040 GHz precision flex cable 2.92 mm (K) connector, male-female, 120 cm long MMC-50Q-MF-80050 GHz precision flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 80 cm long MMC-50Q-MF-120050 GHz precision flex cable 2.4 mm (Q) connector, male-female , 120 cm long MMC-67V-MF-80067 GHz precision flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 80 cm long MMC-67V-MF-120067 GHz precision flex cable 1.85 mm (V) connector, male-female, 120 cm long MMC-110A-MF-250110 GHz precision flex cable 1 mm (A) connector, male-female, 25 cm longMPI Global PresenceDirect contact:Asia region: ****************************EMEA region: ******************************America region: ********************************MPI global presence: for your local support, please find the right contact here:/ast/support/local-support-worldwide© 2023 Copyright MPI Corporation. All rights reserved.[1] [2][3] REFERENCESParameter may vary depending upon tip configuration and pitch.R. B. Marks and D. F. Williams, "Characteristic impedance determination using propagation constant measu -rement," IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, vol. 1, pp. 141-143, June 1991.D. F. Williams and R. B. Marks, "Transmission line capacitance measurement," Microwave and Guided WaveLetters, IEEE, vol. 1, pp. 243-245, 1991.AdaptersHigh-In addition, high-quality RF and high-end mm-wave range adapters are offered to address challenges ofregular system reconfiguration and integration with different type of test instrumentation. MRA-NM-350F RF 11 GHz adapter N(male) - 3.5 (male), straight MRA-NM-350M RF 11 GHz adapter N(male) - 3.5 (female), straightMPA-350M-350F Precision 26 GHz adapter 3.5 mm (male) - 3.5 mm (female), straight MPA-350F-350F Precision 26 GHz adapter 3.5 mm (female) - 3.5 mm (female), straight MPA-350M-350M Precision 26 GHz adapter 3.5 mm (male) - 3.5 mm (male), straight MPA-292M-240F Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (male) - 2.4 mm (female), straight MPA-292F-240M Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (female) - 2.4 mm (male), straight MPA-292M-292F Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (male) - 2.92 mm (female), straight MPA-292F-292F Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (female) - 2.92 mm (female), straight MPA-292M-292M Precision 40 GHz adapter 2.92 mm (male) - 2.92 mm (male), straight MPA-240M-240F Precision 50 GHz adapter 2.4 mm (male) - 2.4 mm (female), straight MPA-240F-240F Precision 50 GHz adapter 2.4 mm (female) - 2.4 mm (female), straight MPA-240M-240M Precision 50 GHz adapter 2.4 mm (male) - 2.4 mm (male), straight MPA-185M-185F Precision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (male) -1.85 mm (female), straight MPA-185F-185F Precision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (female) -1.85 mm (female), straight MPA-185M-185M Precision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (male) -1.85 mm (male), straight MPA-185M-100FPrecision 67 GHz adapter 1.85 mm (male) -1.00 mm (female), straightDisclaimer: TITAN Probe, QAlibria are trademarks of MPI Corporation, Taiwan. StatistiCal is a trademark of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Data subject to change without notice.。

Personal Profile

Personal Profile

V a s s i l i s T h e o d o r a k o p o u l o sWireless Communications Engineer30 Richmond Mount, Leeds, West YorkshireTel: 07796 978197 (mobile) 0113 2946608 (home)Email: vtheodor@ URL: /~vtheodorNationality: Greek (EU Citizen. No work permit required)Personal ProfileMy academic experience has given me a thorough grounding in the field of engineering and I have developed a great interest in the area of wireless communications. My main focus in the recent 5 years has been the design and analysis of image and video coding, processing, and communication systems. I am familiar with programming and simulation tools and I enjoy learning new languages and toolsets which I acquire easily. I maintained a high level of achievement throughout my academic studies and I have a record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journal and conferences. I consider myself as a hardworking person, able to adapt to new situations and to work effectively in team and individual basis.Key Technical Abilities•Modelling skills for layered image and video transmission over mobile and wireless networks•Computing and system development with C, Matlab and Python•User of Microsoft / Unix / Linux operating systemsEducation•2003 – 2007: PHD in Computer ScienceSchool of Informatics, Department of Computing, University of Bradford, Bradford, UKResearch thesis:Multi-priority QAM Transmission System for High Quality Mobile Video Applications. An experimental comparison of an M-QAM transmission system suitable for video transmission targeted for wireless networks is presented. The communication system is based in layer coding and unequal error protection to make the video data robust to channel errors.Key skills acquired: The philosophy of research, Effective written and oral presentation, Supervision of projects, Advanced video coding, Wireless communications, etc. (For a full list of publications please visit my web-page) •2000 – 2001: MSc in Communications and Real-Time Electronic SystemsSchool of Engineering, Department of Electronics & Communications, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK Research thesis:A Signal-Space Simulation for QAM. This Master’s thesis carries out an investigation in a signal space simulation for a digital communication system for transmission via single AWGN channel and via multipath Rayleigh fading channel. For the transmission an M-QAM system is considered.Key skills acquired:Wireless communications, Image and video processing, Digital Signal Processing, etc.•1996 – 2000: BEng in Electronic, Telecommunications & Computer EngineeringSchool of Engineering, Department of Electronics & Communications, University of Bradford, Bradford, UKProject Report: Investigation of Techniques for the Reduction of Howl-Round in Public Address Systems. This project attempts to use various echo cancellation techniques to control the effects of acoustic feedback between an adjacent microphone and loudspeaker in a public address systems.Key skills/knowledge acquired: Basics of electronics design, Advanced computer programming, etc.Professional ExperienceFeb 2002 – Jul 2002 :Research AssistantSchool of Informatics, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, U.K.My key responsibility in this role was to undertake a project on Multi-Priority Mobile Transmission Systems that involved modelling and simulation analysis of a novel M-QAM transmission system for mobile video applications. I accomplished this with leading the design and development of the transmission system. This role allowed me to further develop my project management skills. Responsibilities included the supervision of laboratories, support and help to a PhD researcher with active project and MSc students.Jul 1998 – Jul 1999 :Student EngineerDepartment of Development, Pace Micro Communications, Shipley, West Yorkshire, U.K.During the 12 months in the Development Department I was involved in building and testing development products, supervising the Pace ISDN and technical check of the imported electrical components. My duties also involved communicating with suppliers, clients, warehouse staff and the administration office. As a student engineer I was also working for other departments inside the company and developed the ability to understand the dynamics of a working environment, learned the aims of a business and how the different functions such as development, production, sales and marketing all relate.Jul 1997 – Sep1997 :Student Engineer (vocational work)Jul 1996 – Sep1996 :Hellenic Sugar Factory – Factory of Orestiada, Orestiada, 68200, GreeceI had the opportunity to work and be trained in the Technical Support Department in the factory of Orestiada. My duties included: installing and upgrading the employees PCs, installing a small network inside the factory, familiarising with the company’s database and central computer administration.Key SkillsSelf Management: Approaching the PhD from a project management perspective, being the project manager I was equipped with effective organisational, time and resource management skills in order to successfully complete the course on time and remain in control.Problem Solving: During my academic career I developed the ability to see a task through to its conclusion.There were several times during my research career when the results I had were leading to a dead end, but by employing efficient problem solving strategies (I am adept at looking at the bigger picture, while at the same time can pull out and analyse the important details of any problem) I could overcome the problem and lead my work to publishable results.Communication: I have strong communication skills, both written and verbal. My academic career has necessitated the importance of writing state of the art reports and articles and presenting them to a wide cross-section of academics and industrial professionals both at the University of Bradford and at conferences worldwide.Selected Publications (For a full list of publications please visit my web-page)•“Comparative analysis of a twin-class M-QAM transmission system for wireless video applications”, Theodorakopoulos V., Woodward M., Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue: Wireless Multimedia, Vol. 28, Issue 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 125-139.•“Uniform and Non-uniform Partitioned 64-QAM for Mobile Video Transmission”, Theodorakopoulos V., Woodward M., Sotiropoulou K., 9th IASTED International Conference on Internet & Multimedia Systems & Applications (IMSA), Honolulu, USA, 2005.•“Comparison of uniform and non-uniform M-QAM schemes for mobile video applications”, Theodorakopoulos V., Woodward M., Sotiropoulou K., IEEE International Conference on Multimedia communications Systems (ICMCS), Montreal, Canada, 2005.•“A Dual Priority M-QAM Transmission System for High Quality Video over Mobile Channels”, Theodorakopoulos V., Woodward M., Sotiropoulou K., IEEE First International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications (DFMA), Besançon, France, 2005.•“Partitioned Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Mobile Video Transmission”, Theodorakopoulos V., Woodward M., Sotiropoulou K., IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (ISMSE), Miami, USA, 2004.Professional Activities•Reviewer for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Proceedings in Communications.•Member of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Computer Society, IETReferencesAvailable upon request。



Package‘ClussCluster’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Simultaneous Detection of Clusters and Cluster-Specific Genes inHigh-Throughput Transcriptome DataVersion0.1.0Description Implements a new method'ClussCluster'descried in Ge Jiang and Jun Li,``Simultane-ous Detection of Clusters and Cluster-Specific Genes in High-throughput Transcrip-tome Data''(Unpublished).Simultaneously perform clustering analysis and signature gene selection on high-dimensional transcriptome data sets.To do so,'ClussCluster'incorporates a Lasso-type regularization penalty term to the objective function of K-means so that cell-type-specific signature genes can be identified while clustering the cells.Depends R(>=2.10.0)Suggests knitr,rmarkdown(>=1.13)VignetteBuilder knitrImports stats(>=3.5.0),utils(>=3.5.0),VennDiagram,scales(>=1.0.0),reshape2(>=1.4.3),ggplot2(>=3.1.0),rlang(>=0.3.4)License GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote6.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Li Jun[cre],Jiang Ge[aut],Wang Chuanqi[ctb]Maintainer Li Jun<*************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-07-0216:30:16UTC12ClussCluster R topics documented:ClussCluster (2)filter_gene (3)Hou_sim (4)plot_ClussCluster (5)plot_ClussCluster_Gap (6)print_ClussCluster (7)print_ClussCluster_Gap (7)sim_dat (8)Index9 ClussCluster Performs simultaneous detection of cell types and cell-type-specificsignature genesDescriptionClussCluster takes the single-cell transcriptome data and returns an object containing cell types and type-specific signature gene setsSelects the tuning parameter in a permutation approach.The tuning parameter controls the L1 bound on w,the feature weights.UsageClussCluster(x,nclust=NULL,centers=NULL,ws=NULL,nepoch.max=10,theta=NULL,seed=1,nstart=20,iter.max=50,verbose=FALSE)ClussCluster_Gap(x,nclust=NULL,B=20,centers=NULL,ws=NULL,nepoch.max=10,theta=NULL,seed=1,nstart=20,iter.max=50,verbose=FALSE)Argumentsx An nxp data matrix.There are n cells and p genes.nclust Number of clusters desired if the cluster centers are not provided.If both are provided,nclust must equal the number of cluster centers.centers A set of initial(distinct)cluster centres if the number of clusters(nclust)is null.If both are provided,the number of cluster centres must equal One or multiple candidate tuning parameters to be evaluated and compared.De-termines the sparsity of the selected genes.Should be greater than1.nepoch.max The maximum number of epochs.In one epoch,each cell will be evaluated to determine if its label needs to be updated.filter_gene3 theta Optional argument.If provided,theta are used as the initial cluster labels of the ClussCluster algorithm;if not,K-means is performed to produce starting clusterlabels.seed This seed is used wherever K-means is used.nstart Argument passed to kmeans.It is the number of random sets used in kmeans.iter.max Argument passed to kmeans.The maximum number of iterations allowed.verbose Print the updates inside every epoch?If TRUE,the updates of cluster label and the value of objective function will be printed out.B Number of permutation samples.DetailsTakes the normalized and log transformed number of reads mapped to genes(e.g.,log(RPKM+1) or log(TPM+1)where RPKM stands for Reads Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads and TPM stands for transcripts per million)but NOT centered.Valuea list containing the optimal tuning parameter,s,group labels of clustering,theta,and type-specificweights of genes,w.a list containig a vector of candidate tuning parameters,ws,the corresponding values of objectivefunction,O,a matrix of values of objective function for each permuted data and tuning param-eter,O_b,gap statistics and their one standard deviations,Gap and sd.Gap,the result given by ClussCluster,run,the tuning parameters with the largest Gap statistic and within one standard deviation of the largest Gap statistic,bestw and onesd.bestwExamplesdata(Hou_sim)hou.dat<-Hou_sim$xrun.ft<-filter_gene(hou.dat)hou.test<-ClussCluster(run.ft$dat.ft,nclust=3,ws=4,verbose=FALSE)filter_gene Gene FilterDescriptionFilters out genes that are not suitable for differential expression analysis.Usagefilter_gene(dfname,minmean=2,n0prop=0.2,minsd=1)4Hou_simArgumentsdfname name of the expression data frameminmean minimum mean expression for each genen0prop minimum proportion of zero expression(count)for each geneminsd minimum standard deviation of expression for each geneDetailsTakes an expression data frame that has been properly normalized but NOT centered.It returns a list with the slot dat.ft being the data set that satisfies the pre-set thresholds on minumum mean, standard deviation(sd),and proportion of zeros(n0prop)for each gene.If the data has already been centered,one can still apply thefilters of mean and sd but not n0prop. Valuea list containing the data set with genes satisfying the thresholds,dat.ft,the name of dat.ft,andthe indices of those kept genes,index.Examplesdat<-matrix(rnbinom(300*60,mu=2,size=1),300,60)dat_filtered<-filter_gene(dat,minmean=2,n0prop=0.2,minsd=1)Hou_sim A truncated subset of the scRNA-seq expression data set from Hou data contains expression levels(normalized and log-transformed)for33cells and100genes. Usagedata(Hou_sim)FormatAn object containing the following variables:x An expression data frame of33HCC cells on100genes.y Numerical group indicator of all cells.gnames Gene names of all genes.snames Cell names of all cells.groups Cell group names.note A simple note of the data set.DetailsThis data contains raw expression levels(log-transformed but not centered)for33HCC cells and 100genes.The33cells belongs to three different subpopulations and exhibited different biological characteristics.For descriptions of how we generated this data,please refer to the paper.Sourcehttps:///geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE65364ReferencesHou,Yu,et al."Single-cell triple omics sequencing reveals genetic,epigenetic,and transcriptomic heterogeneity in hepatocellular carcinomas."Cell research26.3(2016):304-319.Examplesdata(Hou_sim)data<-Hou_sim$xplot_ClussCluster Plots the results of ClussClusterDescriptionPlots the number of signature genes against the tuning parameters if multiple tuning parameters are evaluated in the object.If only one is included,then plot_ClussCluster returns a venn diagram and a heatmap at this particular tuning parameter.Usageplot_ClussCluster(object,m=10,snames=NULL,gnames=NULL,...),m,snames=NULL,gnames=NULL,...)Argumentsobject An object that is obtained by applying the ClussCluster function to the data set.m The number of top signature genes selected to produce the heatmap.snames The names of the cells.gnames The names of the genes...Addtional parameters,sent to the methodDetailsTakes the normalized and log transformed number of reads mapped to genes(e.g.,log(RPKM+1) or log(TPM+1)where RPKM stands for Reads Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads and TPM stands for transcripts per million)but NOT centered.If multiple tuning parameters are evaluated in the object,the number of signature genes is computed for each cluster and is plotted against the tuning parameters.Each color and line type corresponds to a cell type.If only one tuning parameter is evaluated,two plots will be produced.One is the venn diagram of the cell-type-specific genes,the other is the heatmap of the data with the cells and top m signature genes.See more details in the paper.Valuea ggplot2object of the heatmap with top signature genes selected by ClussClusterExamplesdata(Hou_sim)<-ClussCluster(Hou_sim$x,nclust=3,ws=c(2.4,5,8.8))plot_ClussCluster(,m=5,snames=Hou$snames,gnames=Hou$gnames)plot_ClussCluster_Gap Plots the results of ClussCluster_GapDescriptionPlots the gap statistics and number of genes selected as the tuning parameter varies.Usageplot_ClussCluster_Gap(object)Argumentsobject object obtained from ClussCluster_Gap()print_ClussCluster7 print_ClussCluster Prints out the results of ClussClusterDescriptionPrints out the results of ClussClusterUsageprint_ClussCluster(object)Argumentsobject An object that is obtained by applying the ClussCluster function to the data set.print_ClussCluster_GapPrints out the results of ClussCluster_Gap Prints the gap statisticsand number of genes selected for each candidate tuning parameter.DescriptionPrints out the results of ClussCluster_Gap Prints the gap statistics and number of genes selected for each candidate tuning parameter.Usageprint_ClussCluster_Gap(object)Argumentsobject An object that is obtained by applying the ClussCluster_Gap function to the data set.8sim_dat sim_dat A simulated expression data set.DescriptionAn example data set containing expressing levels for60cells and200genes.The60cells belong to4cell types with15cells each.Each cell type is uniquely associated with30signature genes,i.e.,thefirst cell type is associated with thefirst30genes,the second cell type is associated withthe next30genes,so on and so forth.The remaining80genes show indistinct expression patterns among the four cell types and are considered as noise genes.Usagedata(sim_dat)FormatA data frame with60cells on200genes.ValueA simulated dataset used to demonstrate the application of ClussCluster.Examplesdata(sim_dat)head(sim_dat)Index∗datasetsHou_sim,4sim_dat,8ClussCluster,2ClussCluster_Gap(ClussCluster),2filter_gene,3Hou_sim,4plot_ClussCluster,5plot_ClussCluster_Gap,6print_ClussCluster,7print_ClussCluster_Gap,7sim_dat,,59。




中国科学引文索引数据库:中科院编制,偏重于基础科学领域的期刊中文核心期刊:北京大学图书馆编制,指导图书馆的文献采购中国核心期刊遴选数据库:万方数据公司制作的科技期刊资源数据库,不用于评价中国学术期刊(光盘版)/中国期刊全文数据库/中国学术期刊综合评价数据库:清华大学制作的科技期刊资源数据库,不用于评价中文核心期刊:------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 遥感学报地理与地理信息科学地理研究计算机工程与应用微计算机信息计算机应用研究中国图像图形学报计算机应用与软件测绘学报武汉大学学报信息科学版测绘通报地图遥感学报大地测量与地球动力学测绘科学测绘学院学报安徽农业科学中国科技核心期刊:---------------------------------------------------------遥感技术与应用遥感信息地球科学信息世界地质国土资源遥感环境保护科学测绘工程普通期刊:-------------------------------------------------------------地理空间信息国外遥感类相关杂志与投稿1. 期刊名称:GPS SOLUTIONSISSN: 1080-5370出版频率: Quarterly出版社: SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, D-69121 影响因子:主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING变更情况: 2005New2. 期刊名称:SURVEY REVIEWISSN: 0039-6265出版频率: Quarterly出版社: COMMONWEALTH ASSOC SURVEYING LAND ECONOMY, C A S L E, UNIV WEST ENGLAND,C/O FACULTY BUILT ENVIRONMENT,FRENCHAY CAMPUS, COLDHARBOUR LBRISTOL, ENGLAND, BS16 1QY 期刊网址:/影响因子: 0.102(2002)主题范畴: GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; ENGINEERING, CIVIL 3. 期刊名称:PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORDISSN: 0031-868X出版频率: Quarterly出版社: PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SOC, UNIV COLL LONDON, DEPT GEOMATIC ENGINEERING,GOWER ST, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1E 6BT出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications/publicationsFrameset.htm影响因子: 0.353(2001); 0.633(2002)主题范畴: GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL; GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; PATHOLOGY4. 期刊名称:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0143-1161版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Semimonthly出版社: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON, ENGLAND, OX14 4RN出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/tf/01431161.html影响因子: 0.827(2001),1.154(2002)主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY5. 期刊名称:PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0099-1112版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Monthly出版社: AMER SOC PHOTOGRAMMETRY, 5410 GROSVENOR LANE, SUITE 210, BETHESDA, MD, 20814-2160出版社网址:/期刊网址:/publications.html影响因子: 0.841(2001);1.176(2002)主题范畴: GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL; GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; PATHOLOGY6. 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF GEODESYISSN: 0949-7714版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Monthly出版社: SPRINGER-VERLAG, 175 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 10010出版社网址:/期刊网址:/app/ ... gpublicationresults,id:100435,1 影响因子: 0.960(2001),0.726(2002)主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; REMOTE SENSING7. 期刊名称:ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0924-2716出版频率: Quarterly出版社: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE出版社网址:http://www.elsevier.nl期刊网址:影响因子: 0.963(2001),0.389(2002)主题范畴: GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL; GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; REMOTE SENSING; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY8. 期刊名称:RADIO SCIENCEISSN: 0048-6604版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2000 FLORIDA AVE NW, WASHINGTON, DC, 20009出版社网址:/期刊网址:/journals/rs/影响因子: 1.139(2001),0.796(2002)主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES; REMOTE SENSING; TELECOMMUNICATIONS; INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION9. 期刊名称:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0196-2892版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10017-2394出版社网址:/portal/index.jsp期刊网址:/soc/grss/tgars.html影响因子: 1.605(2001),1.603(2002)主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; REMOTE SENSING; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC10. 期刊名称:REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENTISSN: 0034-4257版本: SCI-CDE出版频率: Monthly出版社: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY, 10010-1710出版社网址:期刊网址: 影响因子: 1.697(2001),1.992(2002)主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING; ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY11. 期刊名称:CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSINGISSN: 0703-8992出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: CANADIAN AERONAUTICS SPACE INST, 1685 RUSSELL RD, UNIT 1-R, OTTAWA, CANADA, K1G 0N1出版社网址:期刊网址:影响因子: no主题范畴: REMOTE SENSING12. 期刊名称:IEE Proceedings -- Radar, Sonar & Navigation (已经更名:IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation)ISSN: 1350-2395版本: SCIE出版频率: Bimonthly出版社: IEE-INST ELEC ENG, MICHAEL FARADAY HOUSE SIX HILLS WAY STEVENAGE, HERTFORD, ENGLAND, SG1 2AY出版社网址:期刊网址:/IP-RSN影响因子: no主题范畴: radar, radio location, radio navigation and surveillance purposes. Examples of the fields of application include radar, sonar, electronic warfare, avionic and navigation systems. Processing directed towards the above application areas includes advances in matched filters and wideband signal correlation for radar and sonar systems; algorithms and processor designs for adaptive array; bearing estimation; range/Doppler radar and acoustic image processing operations for SAR, sonar, target identification functions, etc13. 期刊名称:IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingISSN: 1057-7149版本: SCI出版频率: Monthly出版社: IEEE Signal Processing Society出版社网址:期刊网址:/servlet/opac?punumber=83影响因子: no主题范畴: Signal-processing aspects of image processing, imaging systems, and image scanning, display, and printing. Includes theory, algorithms, andarchitectures for image coding, filtering, enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and motion estimation; image formation in tomography, radar, sonar, geophysics, astronomy, microscopy, and crystallography; image scanning, digital half-toning and display, andcolor reproduction.14. 期刊名称:Geophysical Research LettersISSN: 0094-8276版本: SCI出版频率: Semimonthly出版社: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2000 FLORIDA AVE NW, WASHINGTON, USA, DC, 20009 出版社网址:期刊网址:/journals/gl/影响因子: 2.491(2005)主题范畴: focus on a specific discipline or apply broadly to the geophysical science community15. 期刊名称: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter ISSN: 0196-2892版本:出版频率:出版社: TGARS Manuscript Reivew Assistant, GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS,IEEE Periodicals,445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA出版社网址:期刊网址:/menu.taf?menu=publications&detail=GRSL影响因子:主题范畴: GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS; REMOTE SENSING; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC16. 期刊名称:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMSISSN: 0018-9251版本: sci出版频率: Quarterly出版社: Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society出版社网址:期刊网址:/servlet/opac?punumber=7影响因子:主题范畴: the equipment, procedures, and techniques applicable to the organization, installation, and operation of functional systems designed to meet the high performance requirements of earth and space systems17. 期刊名称:Pattern Recognition LettersISSN: 0167-8655版本: SCIE出版频率: Subscriptions for the year 2007, Volume 28, 16 issues出版社: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505619/descr iption#description影响因子: 2005: 1.138主题范畴: ? statistical, structural, syntactic pattern recognition;? neural networks, machine learning, data mining;? discrete geometry, algebraic, graph-based techniques for pattern recognition;? signal analysis, image coding and processing, shape and texture analysis;? computer vision, robotics, remote sensing;? document processing, text and graphics recognition, digital libraries;? speech recognition, music analysis, multimedia systems;? natural language analysis, information retri;? biometrics, biomedical pattern analysis and information systems;? scientific, engineering, social and economical applications of pattern recognition;? special hardware architectures, software packages for pattern recognition.18. 期刊名称:Multidimensional Systems and Signal ProcessingISSN: 0923-6082 (Print) 1573-0824 (Online)版本:出版频率: Monthly出版社: Springer Netherlands出版社网址:期刊网址:/site/catalog/Journal/1582.jsp?top=2&mid=3&bottom=7&su bsection=12影响因子: 0.722 (2005)主题范畴: While the subject of multidimensional systems is concerned with mathematical issues designed to tackle a broad range of models, its applications in signal processing have been known to cover spatial and temporal signals of diverse physical origin. The current problem faced, due to the widely scattered nature of publications in this area, will be circumvented through the unity of theme in thisjournal, so that research is facilitated and expected with much reduced duplication of effort and much enhanced communication.19. 期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ISSN: 0303-2434版本: SCIE出版频率: Quarterly出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622741/descr iption#description影响因子:主题范畴: The International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation publishes original papers that apply earth observation data to inventory and management of natural resources and the environment. In this context, earth observation data are normally those acquired from remote sensing platforms such as satellites and aircraft, complemented and supplemented by surface and subsurface measurements and mapping. Natural resources include forests, agricultural land, soils, water resources, mineral deposits, and land itself as a foundation for infrastructure and housing. Environmental issues include biodiversity, land degradation, industrial pollution and natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods and landslides. The focus, which can be either conceptual or data driven, includes all major themes in geoinformation, like capturing, databasing, visualization and interpretation of data, but also issues of data quality and spatialuncertainty. Since the scope is large, contributions should be of the highest quality. Some will convey important recommendations for environmental management and policy, and we encourage 'Discussion' articles that stimulate dialogue between earth observation studies and managers in a statistically sound way. Papers addressing these topics in the context of the social fabric and economic constraints of developing countries are particularly welcome.20. 期刊名称:Computers & GeosciencesISSN: 0098-3004版本: SCIE出版频率: Subscriptions for the year 2007, Volume 33, 10 issues出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/398/descript ion#description影响因子: 2005: 0.779主题范畴: spatial analysis, geomathematics, modelling, simulation, statistical and artificial intelligence methods, e-geoscience, geoinformatics, geomatics, geocomputation, image analysis, remote sensing, and geographical information science.21. 期刊名称:SIGNAL PROCESSINGISSN: 0165-1684版本: SCIE出版频率: Monthly出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505662/descr iption#description影响因子: 2005: 0.694主题范畴: Signal Theory; Stochastic Processes; Detection and Estimation; Spectral Analysis; Filtering; Signal Processing Systems; Software Developments; Image Processing; Pattern Recognition; Optical Signal Processing; Digital Signal Processing; Multi-dimensional Signal Processing; Communication Signal Processing; Biomedical Signal Processing; Geophysical and Astrophysical Signal Processing; Earth Resources Signal Processing; Acoustic and Vibration Signal Processing; Data Processing; Remote Sensing; Signal Processing Technology; Speech Processing; Radar Signal Processing; Sonar Signal Processing; Industrial Applications; New Applications22. 期刊名称:Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative TransferISSN: 0022-4073版本: SCIE出版频率: Subscriptions for the year 2007, Volumes 103-108, 18 issues出版社: ELSEVIER出版社网址:期刊网址:/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/272/description#description影响因子: 2005: 1.685主题范畴:· Theoretical and experimental aspects of the spectra of atoms, molecules, ions, and plasmas. · Spectral lineshape studies including models and computational algorithms. · Atmospheric spectroscopy. · Theoretical and experimental aspects of light scattering. · Application of light scattering in particle characterization and remote sensing. · Application of light scattering in biological sciences and medicine. · Radiative transfer in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media. · Radiative transfer in stochasticmedia. · Electromagnetic energy transfer with near-field, nano-scale, and coherent effects. · Planetary, atmospheric, and environmental radiative transfer. · Radiative transfer in high-temperature environments, combustion systems, and fires. · Radiant energy emission from plasmas.。

Review on

Review   on

Carbohydrate Polymers 111(2014)149–182Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCarbohydratePolymersj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p olReviewReview on flammability of biofibres and biocompositesMfiso E.Mngomezulu a ,c ,1,Maya J.John a ,b ,∗,Valencia Jacobs a ,b ,2,Adriaan S.Luyt c ,3aCSIR Materials Science and Manufacturing,Polymers and Composites Competence Area,P.O.Box 1124,Port Elizabeth 6000,South Africa bDepartment of Textile Science,Faculty of Science,Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University,P.O.Box 1600,Port Elizabeth 6000,South Africa cDepartment of Chemistry,Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus),Private Bag X13,Phuthaditjhaba 9866,South Africaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 6November 2013Received in revised form 7March 2014Accepted 20March 2014Available online 3April 2014Keywords:Flammability Flame retardants Biopolymers Natural fibre Compositea b s t r a c tThe subject on flammability properties of natural fibre-reinforced biopolymer composites has not been broadly researched.This is not only evidenced by the minimal use of biopolymer composites and/or blends in different engineering areas where fire risk and hazard to both human and structures is of critical concern,but also the limited amount of published scientific work on the subject.Therefore,it is necessary to expand knowledge on the flammability properties of biopolymers and add value in widening the range of their application.This paper reviews the literature on the recent developments on flammability studies of bio-fibres,biopolymers and natural fibre-reinforced biocomposites.It also covers the different types of flame retardants (FRs)used and their mechanisms,and discusses the principles and methodology of various flammability testing ©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction (150)2.Flame retardants ....................................................................................................................................1512.1.Mode of action of flame retardants..........................................................................................................1512.1.1.Physical action .....................................................................................................................1512.1.2.Chemical action ....................................................................................................................1512.2.Types of flame retardant agents .............................................................................................................1522.2.1.Phosphorus based flame retardants ...............................................................................................1522.2.2.Halogen based flame retardants ...................................................................................................1532.2.3.Silicon based flame retardants.....................................................................................................155Abbreviations:APP,ammonium polyphosphate;ATH,aluminum tri-hydrate;BAl,boehemite aluminum;BDP,bisphenyl A bis(diphenyl phosphate);DNA,deoxyribonu-cleic acid;DTG,derivative thermogravimetric analysis;EG,expandable graphite;EVA,ethylene vinyl acetate;FRs,flame retardants;FRAs,flame retardant agents/additives;HPCA,hyperbranched polyamine charring agent;HBCD,hexabromocyclododecane;HRR,heat release rate;HRC,heat release capacity (Ác );IFR,intumescent flame retardant;LOI,limited oxygen index;LDPE,low density polyethylene;MA,melamine;MCC,Microscale combustion calorimetry;MH or MDH,magnesium hydroxide or magnesium dihydroxide;MPD,methacryloyloxyethylorthophosphorotetraethyl diamidate;MA-g -PP,maleic acid grafted polypropylene;MMP,melamine phosphate;MMB,melamine borate;MMT,montmorillonite;MLR,mass loss rate;MWNTs,multi walled nanotubes;NAs,normal additives;NFs,natural fibres;NFRBC,natural fibre reinforced biopoly-mer composites;OSU,Ohio State University;PMMA,polymethyl methacrylate;PCFC,pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry;PA6,polyamide 6;PU,polyurethane;PC,polycarbonate;PP,polypropylene;PE,polyethylene;PS,polystyrene;POSS,polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane;PCL,polycaprolactone;PLA,polylactic acid;PHBV,poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate);PBT,poly(butylene terephthalate);PBAT,poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate);PTT,poly(trimethylene terephthalate);PPTA,poly(p-phenylenediamineterephthalamide);PBDE,polybromodiphenyl ether;PHRR,peak heat release rate;PEBAX,polyether blockamide;PC,polycarbonate;RAs,reactive additives;RTM,resin transfer moulding;SPR,smoke production rate;SPDPM,spirocyclic pentaerythritol bisphosphorate disphosphoryl melamine;SEA,soot extinction area;SEM,Scanning electron microscopy;SWNTs,single walled nanotubes;TBBPA,tetrabromobisphenol A;TBPA,tetrabromophthalic anhydride;TTI,time to ignition;THR,total heat release;TPOSS,trisilanolphenylpolyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane;UL 94,underwriter laboratories 94;UV,ultraviolet;ZB,zinc borate.∗Corresponding author at:Corresponding author.Tel.:+270415083292.E-mail (M.E.Mngomezulu), (M.J.John), (V.Jacobs), (A.S.Luyt).1Tel.:+270415083241.2Tel.:+270415083229.3Tel.:+270587185314./10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.03.0710144-8617/©2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.150M.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers111(2014)149–1822.2.4.Nano metric particles (155)2.2.5.Mineralflame retardant (159)3.Flammability testing techniques (161)3.1.Cone calorimetry (161)3.2.Pyrolysis combustionflow calorimetry(PCFC) (162)3.3.Limiting oxygen index(LOI) (163)3.4.UnderwritersLaboratories94(UL94) (164)3.5.Ohio State University heat release apparatus(OSU) (164)4.Flammability of biofibres and biocomposites (166)4.1.Biofibres(naturalfibres) (166)4.2.Biopolymers (171)4.3.Biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites (175)5.Summary (178)Acknowledgements (179)References (179)1.IntroductionIn recent years,the research on biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites has advanced.This development is motivated by factors such as shortage of and high fossil energy cost,and the current shift towards environmentally tolerant or“green”composite materials. The shift towards environmentally friendly biocomposite materi-als is due to environmental legislation,the REACH Act(Registration, Evaluation,Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances), comparable properties to syntheticfibre counterparts,green attri-bution and low cost.Most of the components in biocomposites are based on agricultural products as a source of raw materials.Thus, their use provides solution for waste disposal,reduction in agricul-tural residues and hence environmental pollution resulting from the burning of these.Additionally,it offers an economical solution for farming and rural areas in developing countries(Anandjiwala et al.,2013;Chapple&Anandjiwala,2010;Faruk,Bledzki,Fink,& Sain,2012;Horrocks,2011;Jang,Jeong,Oh,Youn,&Song,2012; John&Thomas,2008;Kandola,2012;Sahari&Sapuan,2011; Satyanarayana,Arizaga,&Wypych,2009).Biofibre reinforced biopolymer composite materials largely have appealing properties.They are renewable,recyclable(par-tially or completely),relatively cheap,biodegradable and thus environmentally friendly.However,there are some inherent dis-advantages such as their hydrophilic nature and poorflammability properties(i.e.poorfire resistance).The attractive properties clearly outweigh the undesirable ones and the latter have remedial measures.For example,remedies may be chemical and/or phys-ical modifications such as the incorporation offlame retardant additives(FRAs)to improveflammability of biocomposites(John &Thomas,2008).Previous research observed limitations in the use of biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites,especially in areas that posefire hazard and risk.This is because naturalfibre reinforced biopoly-mer composites are largely used in the packaging and automotive industries wherefire safety regulatory requirements are not as stringent as those in the aerospace industry.Therefore,to broaden the range of applications of these biocomposites into other sec-tors of advanced engineering(i.e.aerospace,marine,electronics equipment and construction),both theirflammability characteris-tics andfire retardance strategies need more research(Bourbigot& Fontaine,2010;Chapple&Anandjiwala,2010;Kandola,2012).There are different strategies that can be demonstrated forfire retardancy of biocomposites.Fire retardancy is the phenomenon in which materials such as plastics and/or textiles are rendered less likely ignitable or,if they are ignitable,should burn with less efficiency(Price,Anthony,&Carty,2001).It may be achieved by use of several approaches.These may be chemical modification of existing polymers,addition of surface treatment to the polymers,use of inherentlyfire resistant polymers or high performance poly-mers,and direct incorporation offlame retardants(FRs)and/or micro or nanoparticles in materials.The direct incorporation of flame retardants is achieved through use of various additives.These flame retardance strategies may range from the use of phospho-rus additives(e.g.intumescent systems),halogen additives(e.g. organobromine),silicon additives(e.g.silica),nanometric particles (e.g.nanoclays)and minerals based additives(e.g.metal hydrox-ide).The broader information onflame retardant additives(FRAs) in natural polymers,wood and lignocellulosic materials has been reviewed by Kozlowski and Wladyka-Przybylak(2001).Thus,the primary duty offlame retardant systems is to prevent,minimize, suppress or stop the combustion of a material(Laoutid,Bonnaud, Alexandre,Lopez-Cuesta,&Dubois,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013; Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).Flame retardant systems can either act chemically or physically in the solid,liquid or gas phase.These mechanisms are dependent on the nature of theflame retardant system.The chemical mode of action may be manifested by reaction in the gaseous and condensed phases,whereas the physical mode occurs by a cooling effect,for-mation of a protective layer or by fuel dilution.FRs may be classified into three classes.They are normal additives(NAs),reactive addi-tives(RAs)and a combination of FRs(Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).Theflammability offire retarded materials may be tested through differentfire testing techniques.The most widely used laboratoryflammability testing techniques have been reported in literature(Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).A number of small,medium and full scaleflammability tests are used in both academic and industrial laboratories.They are employed for either screening the materials during production or testing the manufactured products.These techniques are cone calorime-try,pyrolysis combustionflow calorimetry(PCFC),limiting oxygen index(LOI),and underwriters’laboratories94(UL94)and Ohio State University(OSU)heat release rate tests.These techniques involve the measurement of variousflammability parameters by appropriate tests depending on the targeted application of a poly-meric material.Theflammability of polymers can be characterized by parameters such as ignitability(ignition temperature,delay time,critical heatflux),burning rates(heat release rate,solid degra-dation rate),spread rates(flame,pyrolysis,and smoulder),product distribution(emissions of toxic products)and smoke production (Carvel,Steinhaus,Rein,&Torero,2011;Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001).Theflammability properties of naturalfibrereinforced biopoly-mer composites have not been studied extensively.The aim of this paper is to review the current research and developments related toflammability of biofibre reinforced biopolymer composites for the period2000–2013.This review will explore aspects such as theM.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers111(2014)149–182151different types offlame retardants,laboratoryflammability testing techniques and recent studies onflammability of biopolymers and biocomposites.2.Flame retardantsFRs impartflame retardancy character to materials such as coatings,thermoplastics,thermosets,rubbers and textiles.These FRs may prevent,minimize,suppress or stop the combustion pro-cess of materials.They act to break the self sustaining polymer combustion cycle shown in Fig.1,and consequently reduce the burning rate or extinguish theflame in several ways(Guillaume, Marquis,&Saragoza,2012;Grexa&Lübke,2001;Kandola,2001; Kandola&Horrocks,2001;Ke et al.,2010;Kozlowski&Wladyka-Przybylak,2001;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013;Price et al.,2001;Wichman,2003).The possible ways to reduce the burning rate or extinguish theflames are:(i)the modification of the pyrolysis process in order to lower the quantity of evolvedflammable volatiles,with normally an increase in the formation of char(lessflammable)serv-ing as barrier between the polymer andflame(stage‘a’,Fig.1); (ii)the isolation of theflame from the oxygen/air supply(stage ‘b’);(iii)introduction into the polymer formulations those com-pounds that will release efficientflame inhibitors(e.g.chlorine and bromine)(stage‘c’);and(iv)the lowering of thermal feedback to the polymer to prevent further pyrolysis(stage‘d’)(Price et al., 2001).Toflame retard polymer materials or to protect them fromfire, there are three main approaches to be considered.These are the engineering approach,use of inherently lowflammable polymers and the use offlame retardant additives(FRAs)(Morgan&Gilman, 2013).The engineering approach is cost effective and relatively easy to implement.It requires the use of afire protection shield.However, the method has some limitations such as tearing and/or ripping off(offire proof fabric),loss of adhesion(in metalfire protection), and scratching away and falling off due to impact or ageing(of intumescent paint).Consequently,the underlying material may be left exposed tofire damage.The inherentlyflame retarded polymers can be made in various forms and are easy to implement in different applications.Their use,though,can be limited by high cost and difficulty to recycle(i.e.fibre reinforced polymer composites).As a result,lowflammability polymers are less used except for applications demanding their use (e.g.aerospace and military sectors).The use of FRAs is a well known approach,cost effective and relatively easy to incorporate into polymers.The challenges with this approach,however,include potential for leaching into envi-ronment,difficulty with recycling and a compromise in reaching a balance in properties of a polymer.Regardless of these problems, FRAs are still used.FRs are classified into three categories.They are normal additives(NAs)flame retardants,reactive additives(RAs)flame retardants and combinations of FRs.NAs are incorporated during polymerization or during melt mixing processing and react with the polymer only at higher temperatures at the start of afire.They are commonflame retardant additives and their interaction is physical with the substrate.NAs usually include mineralfillers,hybrids or organic compounds that can include macromolecules.RAs,on the other hand,are usually introduced into polymers during polymer-ization or in a post reaction process.During polymerization,RAs are introduced as monomers or precursor polymers whereas in a post reaction process their introduction is by chemical grafting.These flame retardants chemically bond to the polymer -binations of NAs and RAs can produce an additive(sum),synergistic (higher)or antagonistic(lower)effect.A synergistic effect typically occurs when they are used together with specificflame retardants (Kozlowski&Wladyka-Przybylak,2001;Morgan&Gilman,2013; Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998).2.1.Mode of action offlame retardantsFlame retardant systems can act either chemically or physi-cally in the solid,liquid or gas phase.Such actions do not occur singly but should be considered as complex processes in which var-ious individual stages occur simultaneously,with one dominating. They are dependent on the nature offlame retardant system in place(Bourbigot&Duquesne,2007;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan& Gilman,2013;Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998;Wichman,2003). Various modes offlame retardants are discussed in subsequent sections.2.1.1.Physical actionThe physical mode occurs by(i)cooling effect,(ii)fuel dilu-tion or(iii)via formation of a protective layer(coating)(Chapple& Anandjiwala,2010;Jang,Jeong,Oh,Youn,&Song,2012;Kandola, 2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998; Wichman,2003).(i)Cooling effect:Some FRAs(e.g.hydrated trialumina and mag-nesium hydroxide)decompose by an endothermic process and trigger temperature decrease in the system.Cooling of the medium to below the polymer combustion temperatures is effected.Such endothermic reaction is known to act as a heat sink.(ii)Fuel dilution:During decomposition offlame retardants(e.g.aluminum hydroxide),the formation of gases such as H2O,CO2, and NH3lead to dilution of the mixture of combustible gases.Consequently,this limits both the concentration of reagents and the possibility of materials to ignite.(iii)Formation of a protective layer(coating):Some FRAs(e.g.phos-phorus and boron compounds)form a protective solid or gaseous layer between the gaseous and solid combustible phases.This limits the transfer of combustible volatile gases, excludes oxygen necessary for combustion and thus reducing the amount of decomposition gases.2.1.2.Chemical actionThe chemical mode of action may be manifested by reaction in the(i)gaseous and(ii)condensed phase(Chapple&Anandjiwala, 2010;Jang et al.,2012;Kandola,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Price et al.,2001;Troitzsch,1998;Wichman,2003).(i)Gaseous phase:By incorporation of FRAs that favour the releaseof specific radicals(e.g.halogenflame retardants,Cl•and Br•) in the gas phase,the free radical mechanism of the combustion process can be stopped.These radicals can react with highly reactive species such as H•and OH•to form less reactive or inert molecules.The exothermic reactions are then stopped;the system cools down and the supply offlammable gases is subsequently reduced.(ii)Condensed phase:Two types of chemical reaction initiated by FRAs are possible:(a)flame retardants can speed up the rupture of polymer chains and the polymer will drip,thus moving away from theflame action zone;(b)FRs can cause the formation ofa carbonized or vitreous layer at the surface of the polymer.This occurs by chemical transformation of degraded polymer chains.The formed char and/or vitreous layer acts as a physical insulating barrier between the gas and condensed phases.152M.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 111(2014)149–182Fig.1.Demonstration of the self-sustaining polymer combustion cycle;a–d represent potential modes of flame retardants.Adapted from Price et al.(2001).2.2.Types of flame retardant agentsFRAs are based on various chemical compounds.This subsection discusses chemical compounds based on phosphorus,halogen,sil-icon,nanometric particles and mineral additives.The phosphorus based additives include organic phosphorus,inorganic phospho-rus,red phosphorus and intumescent flame retardant systems.The silicon based additives consist of silica and silicones,the nanomet-ric particles based ones may be carbon nanotubes,nanoclays and nanoscale particulate additives,and the minerals based flame retar-dant additives are hydrocarbonates,metal hydroxides and borates.2.2.1.Phosphorus based flame retardantsPhosphorus based FRs include phosphorus into their structure.Their structure can vary from inorganic to organic forms,and with oxidation states of 0,+3,or +5.Phosphorus based FRs consist of phosphates,phosphonates,phosphinates,phosphine oxide and red phosphorus.These FRAs are used as NAs or RAs incorporated into the polymer chain during synthesis.They are effective with oxy-gen or nitrogen containing polymers (cellulose,polyesters,and polyamides).Phosphorated FRs are unique in that they can be con-densed phase or vapour phase FRs depending on their chemical structure and interaction with the polymer under fire conditions (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009).In the condensed phase ,their thermal decomposition leads to the production of phosphoric acid that readily condenses to give phosphorylated structures and gives off water.Released water dilutes the oxidizing gas phase (physical action:fuel dilution).Addi-tionally,phosphoric acid and pyrophosphoric acid can facilitate a dehydration reaction resulting in the formation of carbon to carbon double bonds and charring.This can then lead to the generation of crosslinked or carbonized structures at high temperatures (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan &Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998).At high temperatures both ortho and pyrophosphoric acid are turned into metaphosphoric acid (OPOOH)and their corresponding polymers (PO 3H)n .Phosphate anions (pyro and polyphosphates)then partake in char formation (with carbonized residue).This car-bonized layer isolates and protects the polymer from the flames,limits the volatilization of fuel,prevents formation of new free radicals,limits the diffusion of oxygen thus reducing combustion,and insulates the polymer underneath from the heat (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan &Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998).Phosphorus based flame retardants can also volatilize into vapour phase forming active radicals (PO 2•,PO •and HPO •)and act-ing as scavengers of H •and OH •radicals.Volatile phosphorated compounds are among the effective inhibitors of combustion com-pared to bromine and chlorine radicals.Since phosphorus based flame retardants are significantly effective in oxygen and nitrogen containing polymers,it is thus important to have these atoms in the polymer chain.In case the used polymer lacks these atoms in its chain and cannot contribute to charring,a highly charring coadditive {e.g.polyol (pentaerythritol)}has to be introduced in combination with the phosphorated flame retardant.Polymers such as polyamides and polyurethane can also be used as char-ring agents in intumescent flame retardant systems (Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan &Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998).anic phosphorus.Many organic phosphorus derivatives show flame retardancy properties.But,those of commercial impor-tance are limited by the processing temperature and the nature of the polymer to be modifianic phosphorus based FRs can act as NAs or as RAs monomers or co monomers/oligomers.Their main groups are phosphate esters,phosphonates and phosphinates.Due to their high volatility and relatively low fire retardant efficiency,the use of alkyl substituted triaryl phosphate (i.e.triphenyl phos-phate,TPP,cresyl diphenyl phosphate,isopropylphenyl diphenyl phosphate,tertbutylphenyl diphenyl phosphate or tricresyl phos-phate)is limited in plastics engineering.Oligomeric phosphates with lower volatility and higher thermal stability than triaryl phos-phate can be used for plastics engineering.These may be resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate)(RDP)and bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate (BDP).The combination of volatile and nonvolatile phosphates can also lead to a synergistic effect.This may be a positive combination of the condensed phase and gas phase of phosphates.The use of reactive phosphorus flame retardants isM.E.Mngomezulu et al./Carbohydrate Polymers111(2014)149–182153also a solution for avoiding volatilization during thermal decompo-sition and migration towards the surface of a polymer.They can be incorporated directly within the polymer chain structure and can be used either as monomers for copolymerization with one or two co-monomers to get phosphorated polymers or as oligomers that react with polymers to form branched or grafted phosphorated polymers(Faruk et al.,2012;Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009; Morgan&Gilman,2013). phosphorus.A typical example of an inorganic phosphorus salt is a combinationof polyphosphoric acid and ammonia called ammonium polyphosphate(APP).It is either a branched or unbranched polymeric compound with variable chain length(n).For short and linear chain APPs(where n is less than100, crystalline form I),they are more water sensitive and less thermally stable,whereas APPs with longer chain(n is greater than1000, crystalline form II)exhibit very low water solubility(<0.1g/100ml) (Jang et al.,2012;Laoutid et al.,2009).The APPs are stable and nonvolatile compounds.Those with long chains start decomposing at temperatures above300◦C giv-ing polyphosphoric acid and ammonia,whereas the short chain ones decompose at150◦C.It is thus important to adapt a crys-talline form of APP to the decomposition temperature of a polymer. When an APP is incorporated into a polymer that contains oxygen and/or nitrogen atoms,polymer charring occurs.Thermal degrada-tion of APP creates free acidic hydroxyl groups that condense by thermal dehydration yielding a crosslinked structure of ultraphos-phate and polyphosphoric acid with a highly crosslinked structure. Polyphosphoric acid reacts with oxygen and/or nitrogen containing polymers and catalyses their dehydration reaction and char for-mation.However,the effectiveness of an APP is dependent on the loading concentration.Low concentrations of APP are not efficient in aliphatic polyamides,but at high concentrations it becomes effi-cient.In non self-charring polymeric materials,the APP can modify the degradation mechanism of the polymer(Bourbigot&Fontaine, 2010;Ke et al.,2010;Zhu et al.,2011). phosphorus.This is the most concentrated source of phosphorus forflame retardancy and is used in small quantities (i.e.<10%).It is effective in oxygen and nitrogen containing poly-mers(i.e.polyesters,polyamides and polyurethanes).For oxygen containing polymers only,the mode of action involves specific scav-enging of oxygen containing radicals leading to the generation of gaseous fuel species.For oxygen and nitrogen containing polymers, red phosphorus turns into phosphoric acid or phosphoric anhy-dride,which gives polyphosphoric acid upon heating.This happens through thermal oxidation and the formed polyphosphoric acid catalyses the dehydration reaction of the polymer chain ends and triggers char formation(Laoutid et al.,2009;Laoutid,Ferry,Lopez-Cuesta,&Crespy,2006).Additionally,red phosphorus is also effective in non oxygenated polymers(e.g.polyethylene).Consequently,red phosphorus depolymerizes into white phosphorus(P4).This white phosphorus can volatilize at high temperatures and act in the gaseous phase or it can diffuse from the bulk of the polymer to the burning sur-face where it oxidizes to phosphoric acid derivatives.These can come into close contact with theflame and form phosphoric acid. This acid can act as a char forming agent and therefore physically limiting oxygen access and fuel volatilization(Laoutid et al.,2009).Red phosphorus is active in both the gas and condensed phase in polyethylene.In the gas phase,the produced PO•radicals quench the free radical process.In the condensed phase,red phosphorus lowers the heat of oxidation and also traps the free radicals.This results in improved thermal stability leading to a decrease in fuel production during burning of a material(Laoutid et al.,2009).The disadvantage of red phosphorus is that it releases toxic phosphine(PH3)through reaction with moisture due to its poor thermal stability.However,phosphine formation can be avoided by prior encapsulation of red phosphorus to improve its effective-ness as aflame retardant.Alternatively,phosphine formed at high temperatures can be trapped by taking advantage of its capacity to react with metallic salts(i.e.AgNO3,HgCl2,MoS2,HgO,PbO2,CuO, FeCl3·H2O)(Laoutid et al.,2009). retardant system.Intumescentflame retardant systems were initially developed to protect fabrics,wood and coatings for metallic structures fromfire.Intumescent mate-rials are classed into thick or thinfilm intumescent coatings.The thickfilms are usually based on epoxy resins,contain agents that intumesce when exposed to heat and are available as solvent free systems.Thinfilms are available as solvent or water based sys-tems,and are applied by spray or brush roller in thinfilm coats. An intumescent system is based on the formation of an expanded carbonized layer on the surface of a polymer during thermal degra-dation.This layer acts as an insulating barrier by reducing heat transfer between the heat source and the polymer surface,by limiting the fuel transfer from the polymer towards theflame,and limiting the oxygen diffusion into a material.The formulation of an intumescent system consists of three components:an acid source,a carbonizing agent and a blowing agent.Table1tabulates examples of each component category(Bourbigot&Duquesne,2007).The intumescent FRs are widely used due to their advantages of low smoke and low toxicity(Jimenez,Duquesne,&Bourbigot,2006;Ke et al.,2010;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013).An acid source promotes dehydration of the carbonizing agent and results in the formation of a carbonaceous layer.It has to be liberated at a temperature below the decomposition temper-ature of a carbonizing agent and its dehydration should happen around the decomposition temperature of a polymer.A carboniz-ing agent is generally a carbohydrate that can be dehydrated by an acid to form a char.Its effectiveness relates to the number of car-bon atoms and the reactive hydroxyl sites containing carbon source agent molecules.The quantity of char produced is dependent on the number of carbon atoms present.Reactive hydroxyl(OH)sites determine the rate of the dehydration reaction and thus the rate of formation of the carbonized structure.A blowing agent decomposes and releases gas leading to expansion of the polymer and forma-tion of swollen multicellular layer.The gas must be released during thermal decomposition of a carbonizing agent in order to trigger the expansion of the carbonized layer(Bourbigot&Duquesne,2007; Jimenez et al.,2006;Ke et al.,2010;Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan& Gilman,2013).2.2.2.Halogen basedflame retardantsHalogenated FRs are molecules that include elements from group VII of the periodic table(F,Cl,Br and I).Their effectiveness increases in the order F<Cl<Br<I.The type of halogen dictates the effectiveness of the halogenatedflame retardant.However,fluorine (F)and iodine(I)are not used because they do not interfere with the polymer combustion process.Fluorinated compounds are more thermally stable than most polymers and do not release halogen radicals at the same temperature range or below the decomposition of the polymers.Iodine compounds are less thermally stable than most commercial polymers and therefore release halogen species during polymer processing.Bromine and chlorine can readily be released and partake in the combustion process because of their low bonding energy with carbon atoms(Chen&Wang,2010; Laoutid et al.,2009;Morgan&Gilman,2013;Troitzsch,1998). retardant additives.Halogenated FRs differ in chemical structure from aliphatic to aromatic carbon。

Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Complicated Pareto Sets, MOEA_D and NSGA-II

Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Complicated Pareto Sets, MOEA_D and NSGA-II
H. Li was with the Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, U.K. He is now with the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG8 1BB, U.K. (e-mail: hzl@).
A multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) can be stated as follows:
subject to
where is the decision (variable) space, is the objective
be two
vectors, is said to dominate if
for all
.1 A point
is called (globally) Pareto optimal
if there is no
such that
Hale Waihona Puke dominates. The set
of all the Pareto optimal points, denoted by , is called the
Pareto set. The set of all the Pareto objective vectors,
, is called the Pareto front [1].



23. European Union Control Association (EUCA)
European Control Conference (ECC)
Innovative Computing, Information and Control 24.
International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII)
24. Kobe Gakuin University
The 40th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering(CIE40)
99 學年度電機資訊學院教師出席國際會議等級清單
B 級(補助 2 萬元)
IFAC World Congress
International Conference LASER OPTICS
Optical Society of America (OSA) 11.
12. The Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Associations for Dental Research
International Association of Science and Technology
IASTED Signal and Image Processing
for Development (IASTED)
International Federation of Automatic Control 9.

Moment methods for structural reliability

Moment methods for structural reliability
Department of Architecture, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
Abstract F ir st-order reliability method (FORM) is considered to be one of the most reliable computational methods. In the last decades, researchers have examined the shortcomings of FORM, primarily accuracy and the difficulties involved in searching for the design point by iteration using the derivatives of the performance function. In o rde r to improve upon FORM, several structural reliability methods have been developed based on FORM, such as second-order reliability method (SORM), importance sampling Monte~Carlo simulation, first-order third-moment reliability method (FOTM), and response surface approach (RSA). In the present paper, moment methods for structural reliability are investigated. Five moment method formulas are presented a nd investigated, and the accuracy and efficiency of these methods are demonstrated using numerical examples. The moment methods, being very simple, have no shortcomings with respect to design points, and requires neither iteration nor the computation of derivatives, and thus are convenient to be applied to structural reliability analysis. © 2001 Elsevier Science L td. All rights reserved.



华中科技大学硕士学位论文used to explore the optimal BPA degrading conditions. From orthogonal test, Shaking speed 150 rpm, 35◦C and pH=7 were the optimized degradation conditions.3. Due to the selective adsorption of MIPMs to BPA and its analogues, addition of MIPMs to activated sludge increased levels of BPA and its metabolites, higher substrates (BPA and its metabolites) level promoted biodegradation efficiencies of activated sludge. The enhancement of MIPMs in degradation efficiencies was more significant in environmental water containing low level of pollutants, and water containing interferences such as heavy metals and humic acid. Furthermore, MIPMs were more suitable than non-selective sorbents such as active carbon to be used as enhancer for BPA biodegradation.Key words: molecularly imprinted polymeric microspheres; phenolic estrogen pollutants;bisphenol A; activated sludge独创性声明本人郑重声明,本学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果的总结。

西门子TX-I O模块技术规格说明书

西门子TX-I O模块技术规格说明书

Technical Specification SheetDocument No. 149-476TApril 1, 2023 TX-I/O Product RangeDescriptionTX-I/O™ is a range of I/O modules, with associated power and communication modules, for use within the TALON system. The TX-I/O product range includes the following:•Eight types of I/O modules, which act as signal converters. The I/O modules communicatebetween the TC Modular or the TC-36 and therelated devices in the building services plant. •TX-I/O Power Supply for the TX-I/O modules. •TX-I/O Bus Connection Module, which bridges communication and power from one DIN rail toanother.TX-I/O Modules provide I/O points for TALON based upon TX-I/O Technology. TX-I/O Technology provides flexibility of point types, tremendous flexibility of signal types and support for manual operation. There are eight types of TX-I/O modules:•8 point DI module (TXM1.8D)•16 point DI module (TXM1.16D)• 6 point DO with Relay module (TXM1.6R)• 6 point DO with Relay and Manual Override module (TXM1.6R-M)•8 point Universal module (TXM1.8U)•8 point Universal with local override/identification device (LOID) module(TXM1.8U-ML)•8 point Super Universal module (TXM1.8X)•8 point Super Universal with LOID module (TXM1.8X-ML)Features•The self-forming TX-I/O bus transmits power as well as communication signals. The TX-I/O buscan be extended a maximum of 160 feet (50meters).•Hot-swappable electronic components allow powered electronics to be disconnected andreplaced without removing terminal wiring ordisturbing the self-forming bus.All TX-I/O modules include the following features: •DIN rail mounting.•High density (point count to physical dimensions). •Hardware addressed with address keys. •Removable label holder that allows for customized point labels.•LEDs that provide status indication and diagnostic information for the I/O module, as well as for each point on the module.•Separable into terminal base and plug-in I/O module electronics for:−Improved installation workflow, allowing field wiring to be terminated prior to installation ofelectronics.−Optimum diagnostics - connected peripheral devices can be measured without affecting orbeing affected by the I/O module.−Quick replacement of electronics for service. Module IntroductionDigital Input Modules (TXM1.8D andTXM1.16D)The TXM1.8D and TXM1.16D are dedicated to monitoring, respectively, 8 and 16 digital input points. •They monitor status signals from normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC), latched voltagefree/dry contacts.•All 8 points on the TXM1.8D module as well as 8 of the 16 points on the TXM1.16D module may be used as pulse counters up to 10 Hz.•Each input point has a green LED for status indication.NOTE: No potential (dry contact) for all points. Digital Output Modules (TXM1.6R andTXM1.6R-M)The TXM1.6R and TXM1.6R-M Digital Output Modules provide six NO or NC (form C), maintained or pulsed, voltage free/dry contacts.•The contacts are rated for a maximum of 250 Vac at 4A.•Each I/O point has a green LED for status indication.•The TXM1.6R-M module is also equipped with manual override switches. An orange LED peroverride switch indicates override statusindividually per point.Universal Modules (TXM1.8U andTXM1.8U-ML)The TXM1.8U and TXM1.8U-ML Universal I/O modules provide 8 points, which can be individually software configured as digital input, analog input, or analog output to best meet the specific application needs.All Universal I/O modules provide:•AC supply voltage for peripheral devices, such as valves and actuators.•Green LED status per I/O point that varies in intensity according to the voltage and current(directly proportional).Page 2 of 8 Siemens Industry, Inc.Digital input support includes:•Voltage free/dry contacts•Pulse counters up to 25 HzAnalog input sensor support includes:•1K Nickel – Landis & Gyr curve•1K Platinum – 375 and 385 coefficient•10K and 100K Thermistor – Type II CurveActive input and output support includes:•Analog input voltage 0-10 Vdc•Analog output voltage 0-10 VdcNOTE: Active inputs and outputs are permitted on the same module when connected sensorsare powered from that module. Whensensors are externally powered, active inputsand outputs should be on separate modules. TXM1.8U-ML modules are also equipped with a local override/identification device (LOID), which includes an LCD signal display. The LCD displays the following information for each I/O point:•Configured signal type•Symbolic display of process value•Notification of faulty operation, short circuit, or sensor open circuitOrange LEDs indicate override status individually per point.Super Universal Modules (TXM1.8X andTXM1.8X-ML)The TXM1.8X and TXM1.8X-ML Super Universal modules share all of the Universal module features, and also provide:•Analog input current 4-20 mA•Analog output current 4-20 mA(four current outputs maximum per module onPoints 5 through 8)•24 Vdc supply voltage for sensors at a maximum of 200 mA per module NOTE: Active inputs and outputs are permitted on the same module when connected sensorsare powered from that module. Whensensors are externally powered, active inputsand outputs should be on separate modules. TX-I/O Power Supply (TXS1.12F4)The TX-I/O Power Supply generates 24 Vdc at 1.2A to power TX-I/O modules and peripheral devices.•An LED provides an indication of 24 Vdc on the TX-I/O bus.•Up to 4 TX-I/O Power Supplies can be operated in parallel, with a maximum of two per DIN rail.•It can be located within a row of TX-I/O modules or at the beginning of a new DIN rail.The TX-I/O Power Supply performs the following functions:•Transfers 24 Vac at 4A to power TX-I/O modules and peripheral devices.•Routes CS (+24 Vdc Communication Supply) and CD (Communication Data signal) betweenDIN rails.•Provides an input point for 24 Vac to power additional peripheral devices.•Isolates the 24 Vac peripheral device supply in case of overload or short-circuit. The replaceableAC fuse can be accessed from an installedmodule.•Indicates the AC fuse status (via LED) for easy diagnostics.TX-I/O Bus Connection Module (TXS1.EF4)The Bus Connection Module transfers 24 Vac at 4A topower TX-I/O modules and peripheral devices.•It can be located within a row of TX-I/O modules orat the beginning of a new DIN rail.The TX-I/O Bus Connection Module performs thefollowing functions:•Routes CS (+24 Vdc Communication Supply)and CD (Communication Data Signal) betweenDIN rails.•Provides an input point for 24 Vac to poweradditional peripheral devices.•Isolates the 24 Vac peripheral device supply incase of overload or short-circuit. The replaceableAC fuse can be accessed from an installedmodule.•Indicates the AC fuse status (via LED) for easydiagnostics.Page 4 of 8 Siemens Industry, Inc.I/O Functions by Module* Active inputs and active outputs (0-10V and 4-20 mA) must be located on different modules if sensors are externally powered.TX-I/O Bus ExtensionThe following picture shows the TX-I/O bus extended using a Bus Connection Module and TX-I/O Power Supply. This configuration allows the TX-I/O bus to extend a maximum of 160 feet (50 meters), and it may extend outside an enclosure.Specifications:Dimensions (L × W × D)TX-I/O Modules 2.52” × 3.54” × 2.75”(64 mm × 90 mm × 70 mm)TX-I/O Power Supply 3.78” × 3.54” × 2.75”(96 mm × 90 mm × 70 mm)TX-I/O Bus Connection Module 1.26” × 3.54” × 2.75”(32 mm × 90 mm × 70 mm) ElectricalPower Requirements 24 Vac +/-20% input @ 50 or 60 Hz Power ConsumptionTX-I/O Power Supply 35 VA With the above power consumption, the Power Supply produces 28.8 W (1.2A at 24 Vdc) and the P1 BIM provides 14.4 W (0.6A at 24 Vdc) to be used by the following:TXM1.8D 1.1 W TXM1.16D 1.4 W TXM1.8U 1.5 W TXM1.8U-ML 1.8 W TXM1.8X 2.2 W TXM1.8X-ML 2.3 WPage 6 of 8 Siemens Industry, Inc.TXM1.6R 1.7 W TXM1.6R-M 1.9 W TerminationsI/O Terminals 20-12 AWG Solid20-14 AWG Stranded Power Supply 2 or 3 position screw terminal pluggable blocksAmbient operating environment Operate in a dry location, which is protected from exposure to saltspray or other corrosive elements. Exposure to flammable orexplosive vapors must be prevented.Operating Temperature 32°F to +122°F (0°C to 50°C) Shipping & Storage Environment -13°F to 158°F (-25°C to 70°C) Relative Humidity 5 to 93% rh, non-condensing Agency Listings UL 864 UUKL Smoke Control EquipmentULC/ORD-C100-1992 UUKL7 Smoke Control EquipmentUL 916 PAZXCSA 22.2 No. 205 PAZX7 Agency Compliance FCC ComplianceAustralian EMC Framework (C-Tick)European EMC Directive (CE)European Low Voltage Directive (LVD)RoHS CompliantUKCA - Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations (S.I. 2016 No.1091 / S.I. 2012 No. 3032)Information in this document is based on specifications believed correct at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes as design improvements are introduced. TALON and TALON View are registered trademarks of Siemens Industry, Inc. Other product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2023 Siemens Industry, Inc.Siemens strongly recommends to comply with security advisories on the latest security threats, patches and other related measures, published, among others, under https:///cert/en/cert-security-advisories.htm . Siemens Industry, Inc. Smart Infrastructure 1000 Deerfield ParkwayBuffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513 U.S.AYour feedback is important to us. If you havecomments about this document, please send them *****************************************.Document No. 149-476TPrinted in the USAPage 8 of 8Ordering InformationTX-I/O I/O ModulesTX-I/O Power Supply and Bus ModulesAccessoriesRegions where this Product is Sold(US, Asia Pacific, Canada, Latin America, UK)Disposal。



第29卷 第1期2010年 2月大豆科学S OY BEAN SC I ENCEVol 129 No 11Feb . 2010大豆豆渣粗提物清除DPPH 自由基活性及其协同效应的研究收稿日期:2009208221基金项目:安徽省高校自然科学基金资助项目(KJ2009B071);安徽工程科技学院引进人才科研启动基金资助项目(2007Y Q005);芜湖市科技计划资助项目(2008505)。


E 2mail:gerrylin@ 。

葛 飞1,2,桂 琳3,陶玉贵1,朱龙宝1,黄 寅1(1.安徽工程科技学院生物化学工程系,安徽芜湖241000; 2.微生物发酵安徽省工程技术研究中心,安徽芜湖241000;3.皖南医学院微生物和免疫学教研室,安徽芜湖241000)摘 要:用二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH )2T LC 法和酶标仪法对大豆豆渣石油醚、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、乙醇粗提物的自由基清除活性进行了定性和定量分析,考察了抗氧化剂维生素C 、柠檬酸对大豆豆渣乙醇粗提物清除DPPH 自由基活性的协同效应。

结果表明:大豆豆渣不同极性粗提物均有一定的自由基清除活性,其中乙醇粗提物的自由基清除活性最强,在浓度为10.0mg ・mL -1,于37℃下保温15m in 时,对0.4mg ・mL -1的DPPH 自由基的清除率可达76.48%;维生素C 和柠檬酸对大豆豆渣乙醇粗提物均能产生一定的协同效应,且维生素C 的协同作用强于柠檬酸。

关键词:豆渣提取物;DPPH;抗氧化;协同作用中图分类号:TS202.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100029841(2010)0120113205D PPH Rad i ca l Scaveng i n g Acti v ity of Extract fro m Soybean Resi due and Coord i 2na ti on EffectGE Fei 1,2,G U IL in 3,T AO Yu 2gui 1,ZHU Long 2bao 1,HUANG Yin1(1.Depart m ent of B i oche m ical Engineering,Anhui University of Science and Technol ogy,W uhu 241000;2.Anhui Engineering Technol ogy Research Cen 2ter of M icr obial Fer mentati on,W uhu 241000;3.Depart m ent of M icr obi ol ogy and i m munol ogy,W annan Medical College,W uhu 241000,Anhui,China )Abstract:To study the DPPH radical scavenging activity of the extracts fr om s oybean residue and the coordinati on effect with other anti oxidants,DPPH 2T LC and DPPH 2M icr op late assays were used t o deter m ine the free radical scavenging activi 2ties of the petr oleu m ether,ethyl acetate,acet one and ethanol extracts fr om s oybean residue .The results revealed that these extracts all had free radical scavenging activities .The DPPH radical scavenging activity of the ethanol extracts was much higher than that of petr oleu m ether,ethyl acetate and acet one extracts .A t concentrati on of 10.0mg ・mL -1,the ethanol ex 2tract fr om s oybean residue could reach 76.48%of 0.4mg ・mL-1DPPH radicals after incubating at 37℃for 15m inutes .A t the sa me ti m e,coordinati on of DPPH radical scavenging activity of the ethanol extract fr om s oybean residue with Vc and citric acid was studied .Vc and citric acid could intensify DPPH radical scavenging activity of ethanol extract fr om s oybean residue .Vc exhibited str onger synergistic effect than that of citric acid .Key words:Extract fr om s oybean residue;12Dphenyl 222p icrylhydrazyl (DPPH );Anti oxidati on effect;Coordinati on effect 我国是大豆主产国之一,而豆渣是大豆加工中的主要副产物,约占全豆干重的15%~20%,产量极为丰富,多用作饲料或肥料,甚至作为废物被丢弃,既污染环境又造成了资源的浪费[1-3],因此进一步加大对大豆豆渣综合利用的研究有重要意义。

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Li and Yu: Multimodularity and Its Applications in Three Stochastic Dynamic Inventory Problems
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16(3), pp. 455–463, © 2014 INFORMS
Qing Li
School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong,
Peiwen Yu
School of Management, Fudan University, 200433 Shanghai, China, freeypw@ust.In stochastic dynamic programs, one is often interested in the question of whether and when the optimal policies are monotone in the states. Take, for example, a cost minimization problem. A standard approach is to show inductively that (a) if the minimal cost function is submodular, then the objective function is also submodular; and (b) the submodularity of the minimal cost function is preserved after optimization. One can then conclude that the objective function is indeed submodular and hence the optimal policies are monotone in the states. The above standard approach works well for complementarity. We say two variables are complements (substitutes) if increasing one variable decreases (increases) the marginal cost of the other variable. In inventory management, there are many models in which the state and decision variables are economic substitutes (e.g., inventories at different ages, inventories that will arrive at different times, and capacities at different locations). To use the above standard approach in these models, one may start the induction with the hypothesis that the minimal cost function is supermodular. However, minimization does not in general preserve supermodularity and hence the standard approach above is not directly useful. In this study, we show that multimodularity, which is known to imply substitutability, is preserved after optimization. We use three examples from inventory management to illustrate its applications. The concept of multimodularity, first introduced by Hajek (1985), has been a useful tool in the study of
Vol. 16, No. 3, Summer 2014, pp. 455–463 ISSN 1523-4614 (print) ISSN 1526-5498 (online)
/10.1287/msom.2014.0488 © 2014 INFORMS
queuing systems (e.g., Hajek 1985, Glasserman and Yao 1994, Altman et al. 2000). We show that multimodularity propagates through dynamic programming recursion, which implies monotonicity of the optimal policies. We also establish bounds for the marginal effects of each state variable to the optimal policies. For the models in which the state and decision variables are economic substitutes, there seem to be two other approaches to show monotone optimal policies in the existing literature. One is to directly take the derivatives of the optimal actions and optimal value functions with respect to the state variables (Fries 1975, Yang and Qin 2007, Hu et al. 2008). This approach requires twice differentiability. In addition, the analysis with this approach is typically very tedious, especially when the state and/or action space are large. The second approach is to rely on a tool called L -convexity. The concept of L -convexity was introduced into inventory management by Lu and Song (2005). L -convexity is a stronger notion of complementarity than submodularity. To use L -convexity to show structural properties, one must first transform the original variables into complementary variables, then show structural properties with respect to the new variables through showing L -convexity, and finally transform the properties back to those with respect to the original variables. The second approach has been used in the analysis of various inventory models with substitutable variables (Zipkin 2008, Huh and Janakiraman 2010, Pang et al. 2012, Chen et al. 2014). Multimodularity and L -convexity can be related through a unimodular coordinate transformation
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e apply the concept of multimodularity in three stochastic dynamic inventory problems in which state and decision variables are economic substitutes. The first is clearance sales of perishable goods. The second is sourcing from multiple suppliers with different lead times. The third is transshipment under capacity constraints. In all three problems, we establish monotone optimal polices with bounded sensitivity. Multimodularity proves to be an effective tool for these problems because it implies substitutability, it is preserved under minimization, and it leads directly to monotone optimal policies with bounded sensitivity. Keywords : dynamic programming; multimodularity; substitutability and complementarity; stochastic inventory models History : Received: June 9, 2013; accepted: February 11, 2014. Published online in Articles in Advance May 21, 2014.