Australian National University,





澳大利亚国立大学怎么样澳大利亚国立大学简述澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University),简称ANU,是一所世界著名的公立研究型大学,澳洲第一所研究型大学,也是国际研究型大学联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、澳大利亚八校联盟的创始校之一。






澳大利亚国立大学专业设置定量生物学与生物信息学(Advanced)-硕士MS(MS in Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics(Advanced))应用经济学(Applied Economics)市场营销管理-硕士(Advanced)(Master of Marketing Management (Advanced))神经科学-硕士(Master of Neuroscience)人类学(Advanced)-硕士(Master of Anthropology (Advanced))国际与发展经济学(International and Development Economics)神经科学(Master of Neuroscience)公共管理-硕士MPA(Master of Public Administration)澳大利亚国立大学回国就业优势澳大利亚国立大学几乎所有学科都享有令人尊敬的声誉,其中数字媒体、平面设计、展示设计是最好的,每年有数万名本科生申请。



澳大利亚国立大学,简称ANU(Australian National University)澳大利亚悉尼大学,简称USYD(University of Sydney)澳大利亚墨尔本大学,简称UM(The University of Melbourne)澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,简称UNSW(The University of New South Wales)澳大利亚阿德雷德大学,简称Adelaide(The University of Adelaide)澳大利亚莫那什大学,简称Monash(Monash University)澳大利亚西澳大学,简称UWA(The University of Western Australia)澳大利亚昆士兰大学,简称UQ(The University of Queensland)澳大利亚麦考瑞大学,简称MQ(Macquarie University)澳大利亚格里菲斯大学,简称GU(Griffith University)澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学,简称UoN(The University of Newcastle)澳大利亚卧龙岗大学,简称UOW(University of Wollongong)澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学,简称UTAS(University of Tasmania)澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学,简称RMIT(RMIT University)澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,简称QUT(Queensland University of Technology)澳大利亚拉筹伯大学,简称La Trobe(La Trobe University)澳大利亚科廷科技大学,简称Curtin(Curtin University of Technology)澳大利亚迪肯大学,简称Deakin(Deakin University)澳大利亚悉尼科技大学,简称UTS(University of Technology Sydney)澳大利亚南澳大学,简称UNISA(University of South Australia)澳大利亚弗林德斯大学,简称Flinders(The Flinders University)澳大利亚斯运伯恩科技大学,简称Swinburne(Swinburne University of Technology)澳大利亚邦德大学,简称Bond(Bond University)澳大利亚西悉尼大学,简称UWS(University of Western Sydney)澳大利亚中央昆士兰大学,简称CQU(Central Queensland University)澳大利亚莫道克大学简称Murdoch(Murdoch University)澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学,简称JCU(James Cook University)澳大利亚堪培拉大学,简称UC(University of Canberra)澳大利亚南十字星大学,简称SCU(Southern Cross University)澳大利亚南昆士兰大学,简称USQ(University of Southern Queensland)澳大利亚新英格兰大学,简称UNE(University of New England)澳大利亚查尔斯特大学,简称CSU(Charles Sturt University)澳大利亚圣母大学,简称UNDA(The University of Notre Dame Australia)澳大利亚埃迪斯科文大学,简称ECU(Edith Cowan University)澳大利亚维多利亚大学,简称VU(Victoria University of Technology)澳大利亚天主教大学,简称ACU(Australian Catholic University)澳大利亚联邦大学,简称FedUni(Federation University Australia)澳大利亚阳光海岸大学,简称USC(University of Sunshine Coast)。



































那么就和来看看澳洲有哪些听起来像野鸡大学的名校?一、莫道克大学Murdoch University,位于珀斯,虽然与传媒大亨默多克重名,可是两者没有关系,名称是为了纪念华尔特莫道克爵士而命名。

二、拉筹伯大学乐卓博(原名拉筹伯)大学(La TrobeUniversity)是澳大利亚维多利亚州最大的,发展最快的公立大学之一。


三、卧龙岗大学(University ofWollongong,简称UOW)现在更名为伍伦贡大学。





五、教育涉外监管信息网澳洲大学和高等院校名单:1 . Australian Catholic University 澳大利亚天主教大学2 . Bond University 邦德大学3 . Central Queensland University 中央昆士兰大学4 . Charles Darwin University 查尔斯达尔文大学5 . Charles Sturt University 查尔斯史都华大学6 . Curtin University of Technology 科廷大学7 . Deakin University 迪肯大学8 . Edith Cowan University伊迪斯科文大学9 . Flinders University 弗林德斯大学10 . Griffith University 格里菲斯大学11 . James Cook University 詹姆斯库克大学12 . La Trobe University 拉筹伯大学13 . Macquarie University麦考瑞大学14 . Monash University 莫纳什大学15 . Murdoch University 莫道克大学16 . National Institute of Dramatic Arts国立戏剧艺术学校17 . Queensland University of Technology 昆士兰科技大学18 . RMIT University 皇家墨尔本理工大学19 . Southern Cross University 南十字星大学20 . Swinburne University of Technology 斯威本科技大学21 . The Australian National University 澳洲国立大学22 . The College of Law 澳大利亚法学院23 . The University of Adelaide 阿德莱德大学24 . The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学25 . The University of New England 新英格兰大学26 . The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学27 . The University of Newcastle 纽卡斯尔大学28 . The University of Notre Dame Australia 澳大利亚圣母大学29 . The University of Queensland 昆士兰大学30 . The University of Sydney 悉尼大学31 . The University of Western Australia 西澳大学32 . Top Education Institute 精英教育学院33 . Federation University Australia澳大利亚联邦大学34 . University of Canberra 堪培拉大学35 . University of South Australia 南澳大学36 . University of Southern Queensland 南昆士兰大学37 . University of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚大学38 . University of Technology Sydney 悉尼科技大学39 . University of the Sunshine Coast 阳光海岸大学40 . University of Wollongong伍伦贡大学41 . Victoria University 维多利亚大学42 . Western Sydney University 西悉尼大学。



在澳大利亚国立大学学习法学专业怎么样?学校名称:澳洲澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University所在位置:澳洲QS排名:69在你一生一次的法学院之旅中,你可以享受充满活力的社会生活,并去一些最美丽的乡村和城市环境旅行。












在该学院教授宪法和人权法律的副教授Ryan Goss总结得最好,他说:“还有什么地方比首都更适合思考法律、政治和政府之间的关系呢?澳大利亚国立大学的法律为研究澳大利亚民主在21世纪面临的最大问题提供了一个至关重要的法律视角。















教育部认可的澳大利亚42所大学名单:1.Adelaide University 阿德莱德大学2.Australian Catholic University 澳大利亚天主教大学3.Australian Defence Force Academy 澳大利亚国防学院4.Australian Maritime College 澳大利亚海事学院5.Bond University 邦德大学6.Central Queensland University 中央昆士兰大学7.Charles Darwin University 查尔斯达尔文大学8.Charles Sturt University 查尔斯特大学9.Curtin University of Technology 科廷科技大学10.Deakin University 迪肯大学11.Edith Cowan University 埃迪科文大学12.Flinders University 弗林德斯大学13.Griffith University 格里菲斯大学14.James Cook University 詹姆斯库克大学Trobe University 拉筹伯大学16.Macquarie University 麦考瑞大学17.Melbourne University Private 墨尔本私立大学18.Monash University 莫(蒙)纳什大学19.Murdoch University 莫道克大学20.Queensland University of Technology 昆士兰科技大学21.RMIT University 墨尔本皇家理工大学(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University,简称RMIT University)22.Southern Cross University 南十字星大学23.Swinburne University of Technology 斯文本科技大学24.The Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学25.The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学26.The University of New England 新英格兰大学27.The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学28.The University of Newcastle 纽卡斯特大学29.The University of Notre Dame Australia 澳大利亚圣母大学30.The University of Queensland 昆士兰大学31.The University of Sydney 悉尼大学32.The University of Western Australia 西澳大利亚大学33.University of Ballarat 巴里迪大学/巴拉瑞特大学34.University of Canberra 堪培拉大学35.University of South Australia 南澳大利亚大学36.University of Southern Queensland 南昆士兰大学37.University of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚大学38.University of Technology Sydney 悉尼科技大学39.University of the Sunshine Coast 阳光海岸大学40.University of Western Sydney 西悉尼大学41.University of Wollongong 卧龙岗大学42.Victoria University 维多利亚大学澳洲留学、移民最新资讯,澳洲精品房产推介 。









大学排名:2013泰晤士世界大学综合排名全球28全澳第一2013QS世界大学综合排名全球36全澳第二2013 上海交通大学世界大学学术排名ARWU全球54全澳第一2013 台湾国立大学世界大学科研绩效排名全球43全澳第一2013QS世界大学雇主声誉排名全球10全澳第一2013泰晤士世界大学雇主声誉排名全球43全澳第一2012 澳洲教育署排名ERA 全澳综合第一优势专业:(4年可获荣誉学士学位)商科:商学专业3年文科:艺术专业3年理工科:生物制药专业环境专业建筑工程3年英语要求:墨尔本大学本科生入学要求IELTS(雅思)总成绩不低于6.5分,单项成绩不低于6分。






以下是澳大利亚大学排名前十名:1. 澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University)澳大利亚国立大学位于首都堪培拉,是澳大利亚唯一的国立大学。


2. 墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)墨尔本大学成立于1853年,是澳大利亚最古老的大学之一,其在商科、医学、法律等领域享有很高的声誉。


3. 悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)悉尼大学成立于1850年,是澳大利亚最古老的大学之一。



4. 新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales)新南威尔士大学成立于1949年,是澳大利亚最年轻的六所桂冠大学之一,其在工程、商科、医学等领域拥有很高的声誉。


5. 昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)昆士兰大学成立于1909年,其在生物科学、数学、农业科学等领域拥有很高的声誉。


6. 西澳大利亚大学(The University of Western Australia)西澳大利亚大学成立于1911年,其在土木工程、人类学、地球物理学等领域拥有很高的声誉。


7. 阿德莱德大学(The University of Adelaide)阿德莱德大学成立于1874年,其在工程、医学、计算机等领域拥有很高的声誉。




澳洲大学assessment范文澳洲大学国立大学(The Australian National University),简称ANU,始建于1946年,坐落于澳洲大学首都堪培拉,是公立研究型综合类大学[1][2][3][4],也是环太平洋大学联盟、国际研究型大学联盟、澳洲大学八校联盟、英联邦大学协会成员。










澳洲大学国立大学位列2023QS世界大学排名世界第30位[45],2022U.S. News世界大学排名世界第56位[1]。

中文名澳洲大学国立大学外文名The Australian National University简称ANU、澳国立、澳洲国立大学创办时间1946年(奠基于1910年)[11]创办人约瑟夫·班纳迪克特·奇夫利(Ben Chifley)、约翰·戴德曼(John Dedman)。






1、The Australian National University 澳⼤利亚国⽴⼤学(世界排名22) 从1946年创建之初⾄今是全澳洲第⼀所专门致⼒于科学研究的⾼等学府。











2、The University of Sydney 悉尼⼤学(世界排名46) 1850年建校,是澳⼤利亚第⼀所⼤学,其悠久的历史和显赫的成就为它赢得了“南半球⽜津”的美誉。




3、The University of Melbourne 墨尔本⼤学(世界排名42) 始建于1855年,被公认为澳洲最卓越的研究性学府之⼀。








以下是澳大利亚教育部认可的公、私立大学列表:澳洲杰出研究计划(Excellence in Research for Australia, ERA),是澳洲第一个由联邦政府主导的官方大学排行榜。

负责这项计划的是澳洲研究理事会(Australian Research Council)。



2011 澳洲大学科学研究排名(Excellence Research Report)▪科研能力远高于国际水平▪01澳洲国立大学Australian National University▪02墨尔本大学University of Melbourne▪03昆士兰大学University of Queensland▪04新南威尔士大学University of New South Wales▪科研能力符合国际水平▪05雪梨大学University of Sydney▪06西澳大学University of Western Australia▪07阿德莱德大学University of Adelaide▪08蒙纳许大学Monash University▪09麦觉理大学Macquarie University▪10昆士兰科技大学Queensland University of Technology▪11格里菲斯大学Griffith University▪12墨尔本神学院Melbourne College of Divinity墨尔本大学合作学院▪科研能力未达国际水平▪13雪梨科技大学University of Technology, Sydney▪14塔斯马尼亚大学University of Tasmania▪15纽卡索大学University of Newcastle▪16卧龙岗大学University of Wollongong▪17梅铎大学Murdoch University▪18拉托贝大学La Trobe University▪19墨尔本皇家理工大学RMIT University▪20南澳大学University of South Australia▪21科廷科技大学Curtin University▪22西雪梨大学University of Western Sydney▪23詹姆士库克大学James Cook University▪24福林德斯大学Flinders University▪25迪肯大学Deakin University▪26查尔斯达尔文大学Charles Darwin University▪27新英格兰大学University of New England▪28旋滨科技大学Swinburne University of Technology▪29堪培拉大学University of Canberra▪30伊迪斯科文大学Edith Cowan University▪31南昆士兰大学University of Southern Queensland▪32澳洲天主教大学Australian Catholic University▪33邦德大学Bond University▪34查尔斯史都华大学Charles Sturt University▪35南十字星大学Southern Cross University▪36维多利亚大学Victoria University▪37柏拉瑞特大学University of Ballarat▪38中央昆士兰大学Central Queensland University▪39阳光海岸大学University of the Sunshine Coast▪40澳洲圣母大学University of Notre Dame Australia▪41原住民高等教育学士学院Bachelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education澳洲首都特区 Australian Capital Territory。



2021澳⼤利亚学校排名前⼗名 澳⼤利亚的教学品质是⽐较优质的,⼤家去这⾥读书,可以享受⼀流的教学服务,但是⼤家也需要保证⾃⼰的院校⺫标适合⾃⼰。


澳洲⼤学排名 1、澳⼤利亚国⽴⼤学(Australian National University,简称ANU) 坐落在澳⼤利亚⾸都堪培拉,是澳⼤利亚唯⼀由联邦国会专⻔单独⽴法⽽创⽴的⼤学。


2、墨尔本⼤学(The University of Melbourne) 是澳⼤利亚⼀所综合性公⽴⼤学,建⽴于1853年,是澳⼤利亚历史第⼆悠久的⼤学,在澳⼤利亚被归为“砂岩学府”之⼀,墨⼤是澳⼤利亚⼋⼤名校成员之⼀。



3、悉尼⼤学 位于澳⼤利亚的新南威尔⼠州。



4、新南威尔⼠⼤学(简称UNSW) 是澳⼤利亚⼀所研究型公⽴⼤学,建⽴于1949年,但校史最早可以回溯到1843年组建的悉尼机械研究院以及之后在1878年由其发展⽽成的悉尼技术学院。

新南威尔⼠⼤学现为澳⼤利亚⼋⼤名校和Universitas 21联盟的成员。

5、昆⼠兰⼤学(UQ) 是澳⼤利亚⼀所综合性公⽴⼤学,建⽴于1909年12⽉10⽇,是昆⼠兰州规模最⼤、历史最悠久的⼤学。

该⼤学是澳⼤利亚⼋⼤重点⾼校之⼀,也是进⼊21所⼤学联盟(Universities 21)的三所澳⼤利亚⼤学之⼀。








一、澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University )澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University )于1946年由澳大利亚联邦政府创建,坐落在澳大利亚首都堪培拉,校园占地226公顷,四周被国家自然保护区、伯利•格芬湖和市中心区环抱。









这里还有大约100个俱乐部和社团,包括亚洲电影协会、堪培拉海外学生咨询会,及Ha re Krishna Vegetarian社团。


















澳洲(ào zhōu)及新西兰大学排名前10及评分根据U.S.News最新公布的全球大学排名情况,澳洲墨尔本大学以全球排名32,澳洲第一的成绩进入榜单。


1、University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学墨尔本大学建立于1850年,历史悠久。






2、University of Sydney 悉尼大学(xī ní dà xué)悉尼大学是澳大利亚的第一所大学,从1850年建立之初,悉尼大学作为一个学府就一直在适应新南威尔士的需求,不只是简单的反映英国古老的大学。







澳大利亚名校英文介绍Australia is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, known for their academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life. In this document, I will introduce some of the top universities in Australia that are renowned for their academic reputation and global impact.One of the most well-known universities in Australia is the University of Melbourne, consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the world. Founded in 1853, the University of Melbourne offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts, sciences, engineering, and business. The university is known for its research excellence and innovative teaching methods, attracting students from all over the world.Another leading institution in Australia is the Australian National University (ANU) located in Canberra,the capital city of Australia. Established in 1946, ANU is renowned for its strong emphasis on research and its commitment to academic excellence. The university offers a diverse range of programs in fields such as politics, economics, law, and environmental studies, attracting top scholars and researchers from around the globe.The University of Sydney is another prestigious institution in Australia with a rich history dating back to 1850. Located in the vibrant city of Sydney, the university is known for its world-class facilities, cutting-edge research, and diverse student population. The University of Sydney offers a wide range of programs in areas such as medicine, engineering, architecture, and humanities, preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.Monash University, located in Melbourne, is another top university in Australia known for its innovative research and strong industry connections. With a focus on practical learning and real-world experience, Monash Universityoffers a range of programs in areas such as business, health sciences, technology, and arts. The university's commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship has made it a popular choice for students seeking a dynamic and forward-thinking education.The University of Queensland, located in Brisbane, is renowned for its world-class research and academic excellence. Established in 1909, the university offers a wide range of programs in areas such as science, engineering, agriculture, and humanities. The University of Queensland is known for its strong industry partnerships and commitment to sustainability, preparing students to make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion, Australia is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, offering a diverse range of programs, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life. Whether you are interested in arts, sciences, business, or technology, there is a university in Australia that will meet your academic and career goals. With a strong emphasison innovation, research, and global engagement, Australian universities continue to attract students from around the world seeking a high-quality education and a truly unforgettable experience.。





澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University),简称ANU,坐落于澳大利亚首都堪培拉,享誉世界的顶尖高等学府。






墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne),1853年始建于澳大利亚文化、艺术与工业中心墨尔本,享誉世界的公立研究型大学,多榜位居全澳第1,为环太平洋大学联盟、亚太国际贸易教育暨研究联盟、国际大学气候联盟、英联邦大学协会与澳大利亚八校联盟成员,AACSB及EQUIS认证成员,U21大学联盟创始会员和秘书处所在地。




Australian National University

Australian National University

Australian National University简介澳洲国家大学位于澳洲首都坎培拉市,占地150公顷。
















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Assessing Deduplication and Data LinkageQuality:What to Measure?.au/linkage.htmlPeter Christen⋆and Karl GoiserDepartment of Computer Science,Australian National University,Canberra ACT0200,Australia{peter.christen,karl.goiser}@.auAbstract.Deduplicating one data set or linking several data sets areincreasingly important tasks in the data preparation steps of many datamining projects.The aim of such linkages is to match all records relatingto the same entity.Research interest in this area has increased in recentyears,with techniques originating from statistics,machine learning,in-formation retrieval,and database research being combined and appliedto improve the linkage quality,as well as to increase performance andefficiency when deduplicating or linking very large data sets.Differentmeasures have been used to characterise the quality of data linkage algo-rithms.This paper presents an overview of the issues involved in measur-ing deduplication and data linkage quality,and it is shown that measuresin the space of record pair comparisons can produce deceptive accuracyresults.Various measures are discussed and recommendations are givenon how to assess deduplication and data linkage quality.Keywords:data or record linkage,data integration and matching,dedu-plication,data mining pre-processing,quality measures.1IntroductionWith many businesses,government organisations and research projects collect-ing massive amounts of data,data mining has in recent years attracted interest both from academia and industry.While there is much ongoing research in data mining algorithms and techniques,it is well known that a large proportion of the time and effort in real-world data mining projects is spent understanding the data to be analysed,as well as in the data preparation and pre-processing steps (which may well dominate the actual data mining activity).An increasingly im-portant task in data pre-processing is detecting and removing duplicate records that relate to the same entity within one data set.Similarly,linking or matching records relating to the same entity from several data sets is often required,as information from multiple sources needs to be integrated,combined or linked inorder to allow more detailed data analysis or mining.The aim of such linkages is to match all records relating to the same entity,such as a patient,a customer, a business,a consumer product,or a genome sequence.Deduplication and data linkage can be used to improve data quality and in-tegrity,to allow re-use of existing data sources for new studies,and to reduce costs and efforts in data acquisition.In the health sector,for example,dedupli-cation and data linkage have traditionally been used for cleaning and compiling data sets for longitudinal or other epidemiological studies[23].Linked data might contain information that is needed to improve health policies,and which tradi-tionally has been collected with time consuming and expensive survey methods. Statistical agencies routinely link census data[18,37]for further analysis.Busi-nesses often deduplicate and link their data sets to compile mailing lists,while within taxation offices and departments of social security,data linkage and dedu-plication can be used to identify people who register for benefits multiple times or who work and collect unemployment benefits.Another application of current interest is the use of data linkage in crime and terror detection.Security agencies and crime investigators increasingly rely on the ability to quickly accessfiles for a particular individual,which may help to prevent crimes by early intervention.The problem offinding similar entities doesn’t only apply to records which refer to persons.In bioinformatics,data linkage helps tofind genome sequences in large data collections that are similar to a new,unknown sequence at hand.In-creasingly important is the removal of duplicates in the results returned by Web search engines and automatic text indexing systems,where copies of documents –for example bibliographic citations–have to be identified andfiltered out be-fore being presented to the paring consumer products from different online stores is another application of growing interest.As product descriptions are often slightly different,comparing them becomes difficult.If unique entity identifiers(or keys)are available in all the data sets to be linked,then the problem of linking at the entity level becomes trivial:a simple database join is all that is required.However,in most cases no unique keys are shared by all of the data sets,and more sophisticated data linkage techniques need to be applied.An overview of such techniques is presented in Section2.The notation used in this paper,and a problem analysis are discussed in Section3, before a description of various quality measures is given in Section4.A real-world example is used in Section5to illustrate the effects of applying different quality measures.Finally,several recommendations are given in Section6,and the paper is concluded with a short summary in Section7.2Data Linkage TechniquesComputer-assisted data linkage goes back as far as the1950s.At that time,most linkage projects were based on ad hoc heuristic methods.The basic ideas of prob-abilistic data linkage were introduced by Newcombe and Kennedy[30]in1962, and the theoretical statistical foundation was provided by Fellegi and Sunter[16] in1969.Similar techniques have independently been developed in the1970s bycomputer scientists in the area of document indexing and retrieval[13].However, until recently few cross-references could be found between the statistical and the computer science community.As most real-world data collections contain noisy,incomplete and incorrectly formatted information,data cleaning and standardisation are important pre-processing steps for successful deduplication and data linkage,and before data can be loaded into data warehouses or used for further analysis[33].Data may be recorded or captured in various,possibly obsolete,formats and data items may be missing,out of date,or contain s and addresses can change over time,and names are often reported differently by the same person depending upon the organisation they are in contact with.Additionally,many proper names have different written forms,for example‘Gail’and‘Gayle’.The main tasks of data cleaning and standardisation are the conversion of the raw input data into well defined,consistent forms,and the resolution of inconsistencies[7,9].If two data sets A and B are to be linked,the number of possible record pairs equals the product of the size of the two data sets|A|×|B|.Similarly,when deduplicating a data set A the number of possible record pairs is|A|×(|A|−1)/2.The performance bottleneck in a data linkage or deduplication system is usually the expensive detailed comparison offields(or attributes)between pairs of records[1],making it unfeasible to compare all record pairs when the data sets are large.For example,linking two data sets with100,000records each would result in ten billion possible record pair comparisons.On the other hand,the maximum number of truly matched record pairs that are possible corresponds to the number of records in the smaller data set(assuming a record can only be linked to one other record).For deduplication,the number of duplicate records will be smaller than the number of records in the data set.The number of potential matches increases linearly when linking larger data sets,while the computational efforts increase quadratically.To reduce the large number of possible record pair comparisons,data linkage systems therefore employ blocking[1,16,37],sorting[22],filtering[20],cluster-ing[27],or indexing[1,5]techniques.Collectively known as blocking,these tech-niques aim at cheaply removing pairs of records that are obviously not matches. It is important,however,that no potential match is removed by blocking.All record pairs produced in the blocking process are compared using a variety offield(or attribute)comparison functions,each applied to one or a combination of record attributes.These functions can be as simple as an exact string or a numerical comparison,can take into account typographical errors,or be as com-plex as a distance comparison based on look-up tables of geographic locations (longitude and latitude).Each comparison returns a numerical value,often pos-itive for agreeing values and negative for disagreeing values.For each compared record pair a weight vector is formed containing all the values calculated by the differentfield comparison functions.These weight vectors are then used to clas-sify record pairs into matches,non-matches,and possible matches(depending upon the decision model used).In the following sections the various techniques employed for data linkage are discussed in more detail.2.1Deterministic LinkageDeterministic linkage techniques can be applied if unique entity identifiers(or keys)are available in all the data sets to be linked,or a combination of attributes can be used to create a linkage key,which is then used to match records that have the same key value.Such linkage systems can be developed based on stan-dard SQL queries.However,they only achieve good linkage results if the entity identifiers or linkage keys are of high quality.This means they have to be precise, stable over time,highly available,and robust with regard to errors(for example, include a check digit for detecting invalid or corrupted values).Alternatively,a set of(often very complex)rules can be used to classify pairs of records.Such rule-based systems can be moreflexible than using a simple link-age key,but their development is labour intensive and highly dependent upon the data sets to be linked.The person or team developing such rules not only needs to be proficient with the rule system,but also with the data to be deduplicated or linked.In practise,therefore,deterministic rule based systems are limited to ad-hoc linkages of smaller data sets.In a recent study[19],an iterative deter-ministic linkage system was compared with the commercial probabilistic system AutoMatch[25],and empirical results showed that the probabilistic approach achieved better linkages.2.2Probabilistic LinkageAs common unique entity identifiers are rarely available in all data sets to be linked,the linkage process must be based on the existing common attributes. These normally include person identifiers(like names and dates of birth),de-mographic information(like addresses)and other data specific information(like medical details,or customer information).These attributes can contain typo-graphical errors,they can be coded differently,and parts can be out-of-date or even be missing.In the traditional probabilistic linkage approach[16,37],pairs of records are classified as matches if their common attributes predominantly agree,or as non-matches if they predominantly disagree.If two data sets A and B are to be linked,the set of record pairs A×B={(a,b);aεA,bεB}is the union of the two disjoint sets of true matches M and true non-matches U.M={(a,b);a=b,aεA,bεB}(1)U={(a,b);a=b,aεA,bεB}(2) Fellegi and Sunter[16]considered ratios of probabilities of the formP(γεΓ|M)R=Alternatively,some of theγmight additionally consider typographical errors,or account for the relative frequency with which specific values occur.For example, a surname value‘Miller’is much more common in many western countries than a value‘Dijkstra’,resulting in a smaller agreement value.The ratio R,or any monotonically increasing function of it(such as its logarithm)is referred to as a matching weight.A decision rule is then given byif R>t upper,then designate a record pair as match,if t lower≤R≤t upper,then designate a record pair as possible match,if R<t lower,then designate a record pair as non-match.The thresholds t lower and t upper are determined by a-priori error bounds on false matches and false non-matches.IfγεΓfor a certain record pair mainly consists of agreements,then the ratio R would be large and thus the pair would more likely be designated as a match.On the other hand for aγεΓthat primarily consists of disagreements the ratio R would be small.The class of possible matches are those record pairs for which human over-sight,also known as clerical review,is needed to decide theirfinal linkage status. While in the past(when smaller data sets were linked,for example for epidemio-logical survey studies)clerical review was practically manageable in a reasonable amount of time,linking today’s large data collections–with millions of records –make this process impossible,as tens or even hundreds of thousands of record pairs will be put aside for review.Clearly,what is needed are more accurate and automated decision models that will reduce–or even eliminate–the amount of clerical review needed,while keeping a high linkage quality.Such approaches are presented in the following section.2.3Modern ApproachesImprovements[38]upon the classical probabilistic linkage[16]approach include the application of the expectation-maximisation(EM)algorithm for improved parameter estimation[39],the use of approximate string comparisons[32]to calculate partial agreement weights when attribute values have typographical errors,and the application of Bayesian networks[40].In recent years,researchers have also started to explore the use of techniques originating in machine learning,data mining,information retrieval and database research to improve the linkage process.Most of these approaches are based on supervised learning techniques and assume that training data(i.e.record pairs with known deduplication or linkage status)is available.One approach based on ideas from information retrieval is to represent records as document vectors and compute the cosine distance[10]between such vectors. Another possibility is to use an SQL like language[17]that allows approxi-mate joins and cluster building of similar records,as well as decision functions that decide if two records represent the same entity.A generic knowledge-based framework based on rules and an expert system is presented in[24],and a hy-brid system which utilises both unsupervised and supervised machine learningtechniques is described in[14].That paper also introduces metrics for deter-mining the quality of these techniques.The authorsfind that machine learning outperforms probabilistic techniques,and provides a lower proportion of possible matches.The authors of[35]apply active learning to the problem of lack of training instances in real-world data.Their system presents a representative(difficult to classify)example to a user for manual classification.They report that manually classifying less than100training examples provided better results than a fully supervised approach that used7,000randomly selected examples.A similar ap-proach is presented in[36],where a committee of decision trees is used to learn mapping rules(i.e.rules describing linkages).High-dimensional overlapping clustering(as alternative to traditional block-ing)is used by[27]in order to reduce the number of record pair comparisons to be made,while[21]explore the use of simple k-means clustering together with a user tunable fuzzy region for the class of possible matches.Methods based on nearest neighbours are explored by[6],with the idea to capture local struc-tural properties instead of a single global distance approach.An unsupervised approach based on graphical models[34]aims to use the structural information available in the data to build hierarchical probabilistic models.Results which are better than the ones achieved by supervised techniques are presented.Another approach is to train distance measures used for approximate string comparisons.[3]presents a framework for improving duplicate detection using trainable measures of textual similarity.The authors argue that both at the character and word level there are differences in importance of certain character or word modifications,and accurate similarity computations require adapting string similarity metrics for all attributes in a data set with respect to the par-ticular data domain.Related approaches are presented in[5,12,29,41],with[29] using support vector machines for the binary classification task of record pairs. As shown in[12],combining different learned string comparison methods can re-sult in improved linkage classification.An overview of other methods–including statistical outlier identification,pattern matching,and association rules based approaches–is given in[26].3Notation and Problem AnalysisThe notation used in this paper is presented here.It follows the traditional data linkage literature[16,37,38].The number of elements in a set X is denoted |X|.A general linkage situation is assumed,where the aim is to link two sets of entities.For example,thefirst set could be patients of a hospital,and the second set people who had a car accident.Some of the car accidents resulted in people being admitted into the hospital,some did not.The two sets of entities are denoted as A e and B e.M e=A e∩B e is the intersection set of matched entities that appear in both A e and B e,and U e=(A e∪B e)\M e is the set of non-matched entities that appear in either A e or B e,but not in both.This space of entities is illustrated in Figure1,and called the entity space.eFig.1.General linkage situation with two sets of entities A e and B e,their intersection M e(the entities that appear in both sets),and the set U e which contains the entities that appear in either A e or B e,but not in bothThe maximum possible number of matched entities corresponds to the size of the smaller set of A e or B e.This is the situation when the smaller set is a proper subset of the larger one,which also results in the minimum number of non-matched entities.The minimum number of matched entities is zero,which is the situation when no entities appear in both sets.The maximum number of non-matched entities in this situation corresponds to the sum of the entities in both sets.The following equations show this in a more formal way.0≤|M e|≤min(|A e|,|B e|)(4) abs(|A e|−|B e|)≤|U e|≤|A e|+|B e|(5)In a simple example,assume the set A e contains5million entities(e.g. hospital patients),and set B e contains1million entities(e.g.people involved in car accidents),with700,000entities present in both sets(i.e.|M e|=700,000). The number of non-matched entities in this situation is|U e|=4,600,000,which is the sum of the entities in both sets(6millions)minus twice the number of matched entities(as they appear in both sets A e and B e).This simple example will be used as a running example in the discussion below.Records for the entities in A e and B e are now stored in two data sets(or databases orfiles),denoted by A and B,such that there is exactly one record in A for each entity in A e(i.e.the data set contains no duplicate records),and each record in A corresponds to an entity in A e.The same holds for B e and B. The aim of a data linkage process is to classify pairs of records as matches or non-matches in the product space A×B=M∪U of true matches M and true non-matches U[16,37]as given in Equations1and2.It is assumed that no blocking(as discussed in Section2)is applied,and that all possible pairs of records are compared.The total number of comparisons equals|A|×|B|,which is much larger than the number of entities available in A e and B e together.In case of the deduplication of a single data set A,the number of record pair comparisons equals|A|×(|A|−1)/2,as each record in the data010011001100110011001100110011001101001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011123412345678910111213141516181719202122232425567891011121314151617181920True True True AB matches (M)positives (TP)negatives (TN)matches (M)Classified ~Fig.2.General record pair comparison space with 25records in data set A arbitrar-ily numbered on the horizontal axis and 20records in data set B arbitrarily num-bered on the vertical axis.The full rectangular area corresponds to all possible record pair comparisons.Assume that record pairs (A 1,B 1),(A 2,B 2)up to (A 12,B 12)are true matches.The linkage algorithm has wrongly classified (A 10,B 11),(A 11,B 13),(A 12,B 17),(A 13,B 10),(A 14,B 14),(A 15,B 15),and (A 16,B 16)as matches (false pos-itives),but missed (A 10,B 10),(A 11,B 11),and (A 12,B 12)(false negatives)set must be compared with all others,but not to itself.The space of record pair comparisons is illustrated in Figure 2and called the comparison space .For the simple example given earlier,the comparison space consists of |A |×|B |=5,000,000×1,000,000=5×1012record pairs,with |M |=700,000and |U |=5×1012−700,000=4.9999993×1012record pairs.A linkage algorithm compares pairs of records and classifies them into ˜M (record pairs considered to be a match by the algorithm)and ˜U(record pairs considered to be a non-match).To keep this analysis simple,it is assumed here that the linkage algorithm does not classify record pairs as possible matches (as discussed in Section 2.2).Both records of a truly matched pair correspond to the same entity in M e .Un-matched record pairs,on the other hand,correspond to different entities in A e and B e ,with the possibility of both records of such a pair corresponding to different entities in M e .As each record relates to exactly one entity,and there are no duplicates in the data sets,a record in A can only be correctly matched to a maximum of one record in B ,and vice versa.For each record pair,the binary classification into ˜Mand ˜U results in one of four possible outcomes [15]as shown in Table 1.As can be seen,M =T P +F N ,U =T N +F P ,˜M=T P +F P ,and ˜U =T N +F N .When assessing the quality of a linkage algorithm,the general interest is in how many truly matched entities and how many truly non-matched entities have been classified correctly as matches and non-matches,respectively.However,theTable1.Confusion matrix of record pair classificationMatch(M)True match False non-matchTrue positive(TP)False negative(FN)outcome of the classification is measured in the comparison space(as number of classified record pairs).While the number of truly matched record pairs is the same as the number of truly matched entities,|M|=|M e|(as each truly matched record pair corresponds to one entity),there is however no correspon-dence between the number of truly non-matched record pairs and non-matched entities.Each non-matched record pair contains two records that correspond to two different entities,and so it not possible to easily calculate a number of non-matched entities.The maximum number of truly matched entities is given by Equation4. From this follows the maximum number of record pairs a linkage algorithm should classify as matches is|˜M|≤|M e|≤min(|A e|,|B e|).As the number of classified matches˜M=T P+F P,it follows that|T P+F P|≤|M e|.And with M=T P+F N,it also follows that both the numbers of FP and FN will be small compared to the number of TN,and they will not be influenced by the multiplicative increase between the entity and the comparison space.The number of TN will dominate,however,as,in the comparison space,the following equation holds:|T N|=|A|×|B|−|T P|−|F N|−|F P|.(6) This is also illustrated in Figure2.Therefore,any quality measure used in dedu-plication or data linkage that uses the number of TN will give deceptive results, as will be illustrated and discussed further in Sections4and5.The above discussion assumes no duplicates in the data sets A and B.Thus, a record in one data set can only be matched to a maximum of one record in the other data set(often called one-to-one assignment restriction).In practise,how-ever,one-to-many and many-to-many linkages or deduplications are possible. Examples include longitudinal studies of administrative health data,where sev-eral records might correspond to a certain patient over time,or business mailing lists where several records can relate to the same customer(this happens when data sets have not been properly deduplicated).While the above analysis would become more complicated,the issue of having a very large number of TN stills hold in one-to-many and many-to-many linkage situations,as the number of matches for a single record will be small compared to the full number of record pair comparisons.Table2.Quality measures used in recent deduplication and data linkage publicationsAccuracy acc=T P+T N[1,2,10,11,14,27]T P+F PRecall rec=T P)[1,11,27]prec+recFalse positive rate fpr=F P4Quality MeasuresGiven that deduplication and data linkage are classification problems,vari-ous quality measures are available to the data linkage researcher and practi-tioner[15].With many recent approaches being based on supervised learning, no clerical review process( possible matches)is often assumed and the problem becomes a binary classification,with record pairs being classified as either matches or non-matches,as shown in Table1.A summary of the qual-ity measures used in recent publications is given in Table2(a more detailed discussion can be found in[8]).As presented in Section2.2,a linkage algorithm is assumed to have a thresh-old parameter t(with no possible matches t lower=t upper),which determines the cut-offbetween classifying record pairs as matches(with matching weight R≥t)or as non-matches(R<t).Increasing the value of t results in an in-creased number of TN and FP and in a reduction in the number of TP and FN, while lowering t reduces the number of TN and FP and increases the number of TP and FN.Most of the quality measures presented here can be calculated for different values of such a threshold(often only the quality measure values for an optimal threshold are reported in empirical studies).Alternatively,quality mea-sures can be visualised in a graph over a range of threshold values,as illustrated by the examples in Section5.Taking the example from Section3,assume that for a given threshold a linkage algorithm has classified|˜M|=900,000record pairs as matches and the rest(|˜U|=5×1012−900,000)as non-matches.Of these900,000classified matches650,000were true matches(TP),and250,000were false matches(FP). The number of false non-matched record pairs(FN)was50,000,and the number of true non-matched record pairs(TN)was5×1012−950,000.When looking at the entity space,the number of non-matched entities is4,600,000−250,000= 4,350,000.Table3shows the resulting quality measures for this example in both the comparison and the entity spaces,and as discussed,any measure that includes the number of TN depends upon whether entities or record pairs are counted.As can be seen,the results for accuracy and the false positive rateTable3.Quality results for the simple example Accuracy94.340%99.999994% Precision72.222%72.222000% Recall92.857%92.857000% F-measure81.250%81.250000% False positive rate 5.435%0.000005%1101001000 10000100000-60-40-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120F r e q u e n c y Matching weightMDC 1999 and 2000 deduplication (AutoMatch match status)Duplicates Non DuplicatesFig.3.The density plot of the matching weights for a real-world administrative health data set.This plot is based on record pair comparison weights in a blocked comparison space.The lowest weight is -43(disagreement on all comparisons),and the highest 115(agreement on all comparisons).Note that the vertical axis with frequency counts is on a logarithmic scaleto process even with today’s powerful computers.Standard blocking was used to reduce the number of comparisons,resulting in 759,773record pairs (this corresponds to only around 0.005%of all record pairs in the full comparison space).The total number of truly classified matches (duplicates)was 8,841(for all the duplicates as described above),with 8,808of the 759,773record pairs in the blocked comparison space corresponding to true duplicates (thus,33true matches were removed by blocking).The quality measures discussed in Section 4applied to this real-world dedu-plication procedure are shown in Figure 4for a varying threshold −43≤t ≤115.The aim of this figure is to illustrate how the different measures look for a dedu-plication example taken from the real world.The measurements were done in the blocked comparisons space as described above.The full comparison space (15,349,359,655record pairs)was simulated by assuming that blocking removed mainly record pairs with negative comparison weights (normally distributed be-tween -43and -10).As discussed previously,this resulted in different numbers of TN between the blocked and the (simulated)full comparison spaces.As can be seen,the precision-recall graph is not affected by the blocking process,and the F-measure differs only slightly.The two other measures,however,resulted in graphs of different shape.。
