on Neutral Evolution of Model Proteins Di4usion in Sequence Space and Overdispersion


conective tissue结缔组织(留学生英语备课资料)

conective tissue结缔组织(留学生英语备课资料)

Chapter 5. Connective TissueConnective Tissue: IntroductionThe different types of connective tissue are responsible for providing and maintaining the form of organs throughout the body. Functioning in a mechanical role, they provide a matrix that connects and binds other tissues and cells in organs and gives metabolic support to cells as the medium for diffusion of nutrients and waste products.Structurally, connective tissue is formed by three classes of components: cells, fibers, and ground substance. Unlike the other tissue types (epithelium, muscle, and nerve), which consist mainly of cells, the major constituent of connective tissue is the extracellular matrix (ECM). Extracellular matrices consist of different combinations of protein fibers (collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers) and ground substance. Ground substance is a highly hydrophilic, viscous complex of anionic macromolecules (glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans) and multiadhesive glycoproteins (laminin, fibronectin, and others) that stabilizes the ECM by binding to receptor proteins (integrins) on the surface of cells and to the other matrix components. In addition to its major structural role, molecules of connective tissue serve other important biological functions, such as forming a reservoir of factors controlling cell growth and differentiation. The hydrated nature of much connective tissue provides the medium through which nutrients and metabolic wastes are exchanged between cells and their blood supply.The wide variety of connective tissue types in the body reflects variations in the composition and amount of the cells, fibers, and ground substance which together are responsible for the remarkable structural, functional, and pathologic diversity of connective tissue.The connective tissues originate from the mesenchyme, an embryonic tissue formed by elongated undifferentiated cells, the mesenchymal cells (Figure 5–1). These cells are characterized by oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli and fine chromatin. They possess many thin cytoplasmic processes and are immersed in an abundant and viscous extracellular substance containing few fibers. The mesenchyme develops mainly from the middle layer of the embryo, the mesoderm. Mesodermal cells migrate from their site of origin in the embryo, surrounding and penetrating developing organs. In addition to being the point of origin of all types of connective tissue cells, mesenchyme develops into other types of structures, such as blood cells, endothelial cells, and muscle cells.Figure 5–1.Embryonic mesenchyme.Mesenchyme consists of a population of undifferentiated cells, generally elongated but with many shapes, having large euchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli which indicate high levels of synthetic activity. These cells are called mesenchymal cells. Mesenchymal cells are surrounded by an extracellular matrix which they produced and which consists largely of a simple ground substance rich in hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid). This section is stained with Masson trichrome which stains collagen fibers blue and the lack of collagen in mesenchyme is apparent. X200.Cells of Connective TissueA variety of cells with different origins and functions are present in connective tissue (Figure 5–2 and Table 5–1). Fibroblasts originate locally from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and spend all their life in connective tissue; other cells such as mast cells, macrophages, and plasma cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow, circulate in the blood, and then move into connective tissue where they remain and execute their functions. White blood cells (leukocytes) are transient cells of most connective tissues; they also originate in the bone marrow and move to the connective tissue where they reside for a few days, then usually die by apoptosis. Figure 5–2.Lineages of connective tissue cells.This simplified representation of the connective tissue cell lineage includes cells from the multipotential embryonic mesenchyme cells and hematopoietic stem cells of bone marrow. Dottedarrows indicate that one or more intermediate cell types exist between the examples illustrated. The cells are not drawn in proportion to actual sizes, eg, adipocyte, megakaryocyte, and osteoclast cells are significantly larger than the other cells illustrated.Table 5–1.Functions of connective tissue cells.FibroblastsFibroblasts synthesize collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans and multiadhesive glycoproteins. Fibroblasts are the most common cells in connective tissue (Figure 5–3) and are responsible for the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. Two stages of activity—active and quiescent—are often observed in these cells (Figure 5–3b). Cells with intense synthetic activity are morphologically distinct from the quiescent fibroblasts that are scattered within the matrix they havealready synthesized. Some histologists reserve the term fibroblast to denote the active cell and fibrocyte to denote the quiescent cell.Figure 5–3.Fibroblasts.Connective tissue where parallel bundles of collagen are being formed.(a): Fibroblasts typically show large active nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm tapering off in both directions along the axis of the nucleus, a morphology usually called "spindle-shaped." The nuclei (arrows) are clearly seen, but the cytoplasmic processes resemble the collagen bundles (C) that fill the extracellular matrix and are difficult to distinguish in H&E-stained sections. (b): Both active and quiescent fibroblasts may sometimes be distinguished, as in this section of dermis. Active fibroblasts are large cells with large, euchromatic nuclei and basophilic cytoplasm, whereas inactive fibroblast or fibrocytes are smaller with less prominent, heterochromatic nuclei. The very basophilic round cells in (b) are leukocytes. BothX400.H&E.The active fibroblast has an abundant and irregularly branched cytoplasm. Its nucleus is ovoid, large, and pale-staining, with fine chromatin and a prominent nucleolus. The cytoplasm is rich in rough ER, and the Golgi apparatus is well developed. The quiescent fibroblast or fibrocyte is smaller than the active fibroblast and is usually spindle-shaped. It has fewer processes; a smaller, darker, elongated nucleus; and more acidophilic cytoplasm with much less RER.Fibroblasts synthesize most components of connective tissue ECM, including proteins, such as collagen and elastin, which upon secretion form collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers, and the glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins of the groundsubstance. Fibroblasts are targets of various growth factors that influence cell growth and differentiation. In adults, fibroblasts in connective tissue rarely undergo division; mitosis can resume when the organ requires additional fibroblasts as in wound healing.MEDICAL APPLICATIONThe regenerative capacity of the connective tissue is clearly observed when tissues are destroyed by inflammation or traumatic injury. In these cases, the spaces left after injury to tissues whose cells do not divide (eg, cardiac muscle) are filled by connective tissue, which forms a scar. The healing of surgical incisions depends on the reparative capacity of connective tissue. The main cell type involved in repair is the fibroblast.When it is adequately stimulated, such as during wound healing, the fibrocyte reverts to the fibroblast state, and its synthetic activities are reactivated. In such instances the cell reassumes the form and appearance of a fibroblast. The myofibroblast, a cell with features of both fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, is also observed during wound healing. These cells have most of the morphological characteristics of fibroblasts but contain increased amounts of actin microfilaments and myosin and behave much like smooth muscle cells. Their activity is responsible for wound closure after tissue injury, a process called wound contraction.AdipocytesAdipocytes (L. adeps, fat, + Gr. kytos, cell) are connective tissue cells that have become specialized for storage of neutral fats or for the production of heat. Often called fat cells, they have considerable metabolic significance and are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.Macrophages & the Mononuclearphagocyte SystemMacrophages were discovered and initially characterized by their phagocytic ability. They have a wide spectrum of morphologic features that correspond to their state of functional activity and to the tissue they inhabit.In the electron microscope, macrophages are characterized by an irregular surface with pleats, protrusions, and indentations, a morphologic expression of their active pinocytotic and phagocytic activities. They generally have a well-developed Golgi apparatus, many lysosomes, and rough ER (Figure 5–4).Figure 5–4.Macrophage ultrastructure.Characteristic features of macrophages seen in this TEM of one such cell are the prominent nucleus (N) and the nucleolus (Nu) and the numerous secondary lysosomes (L). The arrows indicate phagocytic vacuoles near the protrusions and indentations of the cell surface. X10,000.Macrophages derive from bone marrow precursor cells that divide, producing monocytes which circulate in the blood. These cells cross the wall of venules and capillaries to penetrate the connective tissue, where they mature and acquire the morphologic features of macrophages. Therefore, monocytes and macrophages are the same cell in different stages of maturation. Macrophages are also sometimes referred to as "histiocytes."Macrophages are distributed throughout the body and are present in most organs. Along with other monocyte-derived cells, they comprise a family of cells called the mononuclearphagocyte system (Table 5–2). All are long-living cells and may survive for months in the tissues. In most organs these cells are highly important for the up-take, processing, and presentation of antigens for lymphocyte activation. The macrophage-like cells have been given different names in different organs, eg, Kupffer cells in the liver, microglial cells in the central nervous system, Langerhans cells in the skin, and osteoclasts in bone tissue. However, all are derived from monocytes. The transformation from monocytes to macrophages in connective tissue involves increases in cell size, increased protein synthesis, and increases in the number of Golgi complexes and lysosomes. A typical macrophage measures between10 and 30 m in diameter and has an oval or kidney-shaped nucleus located eccentrically.Table 5–2.Distribution and main functions of the cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system.MEDICAL APPLICATIONWhen adequately stimulated, macrophages may increase in size and are arranged in clusters forming epithelioid cells (named for their vague resemblance to epithelial cells), or several may fuse to form multinuclear giant cells. Both cell types are usually found only in pathological conditions.Macrophages act as defense elements. They phagocytose cell debris, abnormal extracellular matrix elements, neoplastic cells, bacteria, and inert elements that penetrate the organism. Macrophages are also antigen-presenting cells that participate in the processes of partial digestion and presentation of antigen to other cells (see Chapter 14). A typical example of an antigen-processing cell is the macrophage present in the skin epidermis, called the Langerhans cell (see Chapter 18). Althoughmacrophages are the main antigen presenting cells, under certain circumstances many other cell types, such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells, astrocytes, and thyroid epithelial cells, are also able to perform this function. Macrophages also participate incell-mediated resistance to infection by bacteria, viruses, protozoans, fungi, and metazoans (eg, parasitic worms); in cell-mediated resistance to tumors; and in extrahepatic bile production, iron and fat metabolism, and the destruction of aged erythrocytes.When macrophages are stimulated (by injection of foreign substances or by infection), they change their morphological characteristics and metabolism. They are then called activated macrophages and acquire characteristics not present in their nonactivated state. These activated macrophages, in addition to showing an increase in their capacity for phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, exhibit enhanced metabolic and lysosomal enzyme activity. Macrophages also have an important role in removing cell debris and damaged extracellular components formed during the physiological involution process. For example, during pregnancy the uterus increases in size. Immediately after parturition, the uterus suffers an involution during which some of its tissues are destroyed by the action of macrophages. Macrophages are also secretory cells that produce an impressive array of substances, including enzymes (eg, collagenase) and cytokines that participate in defensive and reparative functions, and they exhibit increased tumor cell–killing capacity.Mast CellsMast cells are large, oval or round connective tissue cells, 20–30 m in diameter, whose cytoplasm is filled with basophilic secretory granules. The rather small, spherical nucleus is centrally situated and may be obscured by the cytoplasmic granules (Figure 5–5).Figure 5–5.Mast cells.Mast cells are components of loose connective tissues, often located near small blood vessels (BV). (a): They are typically oval-shaped, with cytoplasm filled with strongly basophilic granules. X400. PT. (b):Ultrastructurally mast cells show little else around the nucleus (N) besides these cytoplasmic granules (G), except for occasional mitochondria (M). The granule staining in the TEM is heterogeneous and variable in mast cells from different tissues; at higher magnifications some granules may show a characteristic scroll-like substructure (inset) that contains preformed mediators such as histamine and proteoglycans. The ECM near this mast cell includes elastic fibers (E) and bundles of collagen fibers (C).The secretory granules are 0.3–2.0 m in diameter. Their interior is electron-dense and heterogeneous. Mast cells function in the localized release of many bioactive substances with roles in the inflammatory response, innate immunity, and tissue repair.Because of their high content of acidic radicals in their sulfated glycosaminoglycans, mast cell granules display metachromasia, which means that they can change the color of some basic dyes (eg, toluidine blue) from blue to purple or red. The granules are poorly preserved by common fixatives, so that mast cells are frequently difficult to identify. Mast cell granules contain a wide variety of paracrine compounds that promote different aspects of a local inflammatory response. A partial list of important molecules released from these granules includes:§Heparin, a sulfated glycosaminoglycan that acts locally as an anticoagulant§Histamine, which promotes increased vascular permeability and smooth muscle contraction§Serine proteases, which activate various mediators of inflammation§Eosinophil and neutrophil chemotactic factors which attract those leukocytes§Leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4(or the slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis, SRS-A) which also trigger smooth muscle contraction.Mast cells occur in many connective tissues, but are especially numerous near small blood vessels in skin and mesenteries (perivascularmast cells) and in the mucosa lining digestive and respiratory tracts (mucosal mast cells). The average size and granular content of these two populations differ somewhat.Mast cells originate from progenitor cells in the bone marrow. These progenitor cells circulate in the blood, cross the wall of venules and capillaries, and penetrate connective tissues, where they proliferate and differentiate. Although they are in many respects similar to basophilic leukocytes, they have a separate stem cell. Release of the chemical mediators stored in mast cells promotes the allergic reactions known as immediate hypersensitivity reactions, because they occur within a few minutes after penetration by an antigen of an individual previously sensitized to the same or a very similar antigen. There are many examples of immediate hypersensitivity reaction; a dramatic one is anaphylactic shock, a potentially fatal condition. The process of anaphylaxis consists of the following sequential events: The first exposure to an antigen (allergen), such as bee venom, results in production of the IgE class of immunoglobulins (antibodies) by plasma cells. IgE is avidly bound to the surface of mast cells. A second exposure to the antigen results in binding of the antigen to IgE on the mast cells. This event triggers release of the mast cell granules, liberating histamine, leukotrienes, ECF-A, and heparin (Figure 5–6). Degranulation of mast cells also occurs as a result of the action of the complement molecules that participate in the immunological reaction cited in Chapter 14. Histamine causes contraction of smooth muscle (mainly of the bronchioles) and dilates and increases permeability (mainly in postcapillaryvenules). Any liberated histamine is inactivated immediately after release. Leukotrienes produce slow contractions in smooth muscle, and ECF-A attracts blood eosinophils. Heparin is a blood anticoagulant, but blood clotting remains normal in humans during anaphylactic shock. Mast cells are widespread in the human body but are particularly abundant in the dermis and in the digestive and respiratory tracts.Figure 5–6.Mast cell secretion.Mast cell secretion is triggered by re-exposure to certain antigens and allergens. Molecules of IgE antibody produced in an initial response to an allergen such as pollen or bee venom are bound to surface receptors for IgE (1), of which 300,000 are present per mast cell. When a second exposure to the allergen occurs, IgE molecules bind this antigen and a few IgE receptors very rapidly becomecross-linked (2). This activates adenylatecyclase, leading to phosphorylation of specific proteins and (3) entry of Ca2+ and rapid exocytosis of some granules (4). In addition, phospholipases act on specific membrane phospholipids, leading to production and release of leukotrienes (5). The components released from granules, as well as the leukotrienes, are immediately active in the local microenvironment and promote a variety of controlled local reactions which together normally comprise part of the inflammatory process called the immediate hypersensitivity reaction. ECF-A, eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis.Plasma CellsPlasma cells are large, ovoid cells that have a basophilic cytoplasm due to their richness in rough ER. The juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus and the centrioles occupy a region that appears pale in regular histologic preparations (Figure 5–7).Figure 5–7.Plasma cells.Plasma cells are abundant in this portion of an inflamed intestinal villus. The plasma cells are characterized by their abundant basophilic cytoplasm involved in the synthesis of antibodies. A large pale Golgi apparatus (arrows) near each nucleus is the site of the terminal glycosylation of the antibodies (glycoproteins). Plasma cells can leave their sites of origin in lymphoid tissues, move to connective tissue, and produce the antibodies that mediate immunity. X400 PT.The nucleus of the plasma cell is generally spherical but eccentrically placed. Many of these nuclei contain compact, peripheral regions of heterochromatin alternating with lighter areas of euchromatin, a configuration that can give the nucleus of a plasma cell the appearance of a clock-face. There are few plasma cells in most connective tissues. Their average lifespan is short, 10–20 days.MEDICAL APPLICATIONPlasma cells are derived from B lymphocytes and are responsible for the synthesis of antibodies. Antibodies are immunoglobulins produced in response to penetration by antigens. Each antibody is specific for the one antigen that gave rise to its production and reacts specifically with molecules possessing similar epitopes (see Chapter 14). The results of the antibody-antigen reaction are variable. The capacity of the reaction to neutralize harmful effects caused by antigens is important. An antigen that is a toxin (eg, tetanus, diphtheria) may lose its capacity to do harm when it combines with its respective antibody.LeukocytesConnective tissue normally contains leukocytes that migrate from the blood vessels by diapedesis. Leukocytes (Gr. leukos, white, + kytos), or white blood corpuscles, are the wandering cells of the connective tissue. They leave blood by migrating between the endothelial cells lining capillaries and postcapillaryvenules to enter connective tissue by a process called diapedesis. This process increases greatly during inflammation, which is a vascular and cellular defensive reaction against foreign substances, in most cases pathogenic bacteria or irritating chemical substances. The classic signs of inflammation were first described by Celsus in the first century as redness and swelling with heat and pain (ruboret tumor cum calore et dolore). Inflammation begins with the local release of chemical mediators of inflammation, substances of various origin (mainly from local cells and blood plasma proteins) that induce some of the events characteristic of inflammation, eg, increase of blood flow and vascular permeability, chemotaxis, and phagocytosis.MEDICAL APPLICATIONIncreased vascular permeability is caused by the action of vasoactive substances; an example is histamine, which is liberated from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes. Increases in blood flow and vascular permeability are responsible for local swelling (edema), redness, and heat. Pain is due mainly to the action of chemical mediators on nerve endings. Chemotaxis (Gr. chemeia, alchemy, + taxis, orderly arrangement), the phenomenon by which specific cell types are attracted by some molecules, is responsible for the migration of large quantities of specific cell types to regions of inflammation. As a consequence of chemotaxis, leukocytes cross the walls of venules and capillaries by diapedesis, invading the inflamed areas.Leukocytes do not return to the blood after arriving in connective tissue except for the lymphocytes. These cells circulate continuously in various compartments of the body: blood, lymph, lymphatic organs, and the interstitial fluid of connective tissue. Lymphocytes are particularly abundant in the connective tissue of the digestive tract.A detailed analysis of the structure and functions of leukocytes and lymphocytes is presented in Chapters 12 and 14.FibersThe connective tissue fibers are formed by proteins that polymerize into elongated structures. The three main types of connective tissue fibers are collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers. Collagen and reticular fibers are both formed by the protein collagen, and elastic fibers are composed mainly of the protein elastin. These fibers are distributed unequally among the types of connective tissue and the predominant fiber type is usually responsible for conferring specific properties on the tissue. CollagenThe collagens constitute a family of proteins selected during evolution for the execution of several (mainly structural) functions. During the process of evolution of multicellular organisms, a family of structural proteins was selected by both environmental influences and the functional requirements of the animal organism and developed to acquire varying degrees of rigidity, elasticity, and strength. These proteins are known collectively as collagen, and the chief examples among its various types are present in the skin, bone, cartilage, smooth muscle, and basal lamina. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, representing 30% of its dry weight. The collagens are produced by several cell types and are distinguishable by their molecular compositions, morphologic characteristics, distribution, functions, and pathologies. More than 20 types of collagen have been identified and designated with Roman numerals; the most important of these are listed in Table 5–3. They are classified into the following four categories according to their structure and general functions.Table 5–3.Collagen types.[ 1 (I)]2[ 2 (I)]300-nmmolecule,67-nm bandedfibrils[ 1 (II)]3300-nmmolecule,67-nm bandedfibrils[ 1 (III)]367-nm bandedfibrils[ 1 (V)]3390-nmmolecule,N-terminalglobular domain1 (XI)] [2 (XI)] [3 (XI)]300-nm molecule[ 1 (IX)] [ 2 (IX)] [ 3 (IX)] 200-nm molecule[ 1 (XII)]3LargeN-terminaldomain;interacts withtype I collagenXIV [ 1 (XIV)]3LargeN-terminaldomain;cross-shapedmolecule[ 1 (VII)]3450 nm,globular domainat each end[ 1 (VII)]2[ 1(IV)]Two-dimensional cross-linkednetworkCollagens that Form Long FibrilsThe molecules of long fibril–forming collagens aggregate to form fibrils clearly visible in the electron or light microscope (Figure 5–8). Collagen type I is the most abundant and has a widespread distribution. It occurs in tissues as structures that are classically designated as collagen fibers forming structures such as tendons, organ capsules, and dermis.Figure 5–8.Type I collagen.Molecules of type I collagen, the most abundant type, assemble to form much larger structures. (a): TEM shows fibrils cut longitudinally and transversely. In longitudinal sections the fibrils display alternating dark and light bands that are further divided by cross-striations and in cross-section the cut ends of individual collagen molecules can be seen. Ground substance completely surrounds the fibrils. X100,000. (b):In H&E stained tissues, type I collagen fibrils can often be seen to aggregate further into large collagen bundles (C) of very eosinophilic fibers. Subunits for these fibers were secreted by fibroblasts (arrows) associated with them. X 400.Fibril-Associated CollagensFibril-associated collagens are short structures that bind the surfaces of collagen fibrils to one another and to other components of the ECM. Molecules in this category are also known as FACIT collagens, an acronym for "fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices."Collagens that Form Anchoring FibrilsAnchoring collagen is type VII collagen, present in the anchoring fibrils that bind the basal lamina to reticular fibers in the underlying connective tissue (Figure 4–2). Collagens that Form NetworksAn important network-forming collagen is type IV collagen, whose molecules assemble in a meshwork that constitutes a major structural component of the basal lamina.Collagen synthesis, an activity once thought restricted to fibroblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts, and odontoblasts, has now been shown to occur in many cell types. The polypeptides initially formed on ribosomes of the rough ER are called procollagen chains, which intertwine in ER cisternae to make triple helices. Every third amino acids in the chains is glycine; two other small amino acids abundant in collagen are hydroxylated post-translationally to form hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. Many different chains have been identified, encoded by related genes and varying in length and amino acid sequence.The triple helix of chains forms a rod-like procollagen molecule, which in type I and II collagen measures 300 nm in length and 1.5 nm in width. Procollagen molecules may be homotrimeric, with all three chains identical, or heterotrimeric, with two or all three chains having different sequences (Figure 5–9). Different combinations of the many procollagen chains in procollagen molecules are largely responsible for the various types of collagen with different structures and functional properties. In collagen types I, II, and III, collagen molecules aggregate and become packed together to form fibrils. Hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are important in the aggregation and packing of these subunits. In a subsequent step, this structure is reinforced by the formation of covalent cross-links, a process catalyzed by lysyl oxidases.Figure 5–9.。



胆固醇介导的星形胶质细胞活化与淀粉样前体蛋白表达升高和进展相关Evangelina Avila-Muñoz;Clorinda Arias【期刊名称】《神经损伤与功能重建》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【摘要】Cholesterol is essential for maintaining lipid raft integrity and has been regarded as a crucial regulatory factor for amyloidogenesis in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The vast majority of studies on amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism and amyloid β-protein (Aβ) production have focused on neurons. The role of astrocytes re-mains largely unexplored, despite the presence of activated astrocytes in the brains of most patients with AD and in transgenic models of the disease. The role of cholesterol in Aβ production has been thoroughly studied in neu-rons and attributed to the participation of lipid rafts in APP metabolism. Thus, in this study, we analyzed the effect of cholesterol loading in astrocytes and analyzed the expression and processing of APP. We found that cholesterol exposure induced astrocyte activation, increased APP content, and enhanced the interaction of APP with BACE-1. These effects were associated with an enrichment of ganglioside GM1-cholesterol patches in the astro-cyte membrane and with increased ROS production.%胆固醇对于保持脂筏的完整性起必要作用,其被认为是阿尔茨海默病(AD)中淀粉样蛋白生成的关键调节因子。

蛋白质的结构和生物学功能(Structure and biological function of protein)

蛋白质的结构和生物学功能(Structure and biological function of protein)

蛋白质的结构和生物学功能(Structure and biological functionof protein)Structure and biological function of proteinProtein is the basic substance that makes up cells and organisms, accounting for half of the dry weight of cells. The content of protein in biological membranes accounts for 60% to 70%, and the protein occupies 80% of the organic components of protoplasm. All the elements of the protein group, Chengdu, are similar. They contain four elements, C, H, O and N. The average nitrogen content is about 16%, which is a characteristic of protein in the composition of elements. Protein is a kind of very complex nitrogen-containing macromolecular compound, and its basic component is amino acid.1. the basic unit of protein amino acidsThere are 20 kinds of amino acids that make up proteins, 19 of which can be represented by a general formula. The other is proline, which also has a similar structure, but the side chains are linked with nitrogen atoms to form amino acids. Except glycine, amino acids in the protein are asymmetric carbon atoms, are L type and D type, the difference between two configurations, compared with glyceraldehyde configuration, a L typeartificial regulation, another is a type of D. When writing, the NH2 is written to the left, type L, and NH2 to the right, and D. Known amino acids in natural proteins are of type L.Of the 20 basic amino acids, many are synthesized from other compounds in living organisms. But there are 8 kinds of aminoacids which are not synthesized in human body. They are called essential amino acids. They are threonine (Thr), leucine (Leu), isoleucine (Ile), methyl sulfate (Met), phenylalanine (Phe), tryptophan (Try), lysine (Lys) and valine (Val). The classification of 20 amino acids, mainly based on the R group. In earlier years according to the structure of R based amino acid into aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic three categories, which are divided into neutral aliphatic (monoaminodicarboxylic acid (two), a carboxyl amino) and alkaline (two amino acids with a carboxyl group). In recent years, the polarity of R group has been used to distinguish the kinds of amino acids.For alpha - amino acids containing an amino group and a carboxyl group, do they exist in neutral or solid states in neutral or zwitterionic forms? Many experiments have proved to exist mainly in the form of zwitterionic ions.Neutral forms of molecules; zwitterionic formsAn amino acid, such as an amino acid and a carboxyl group, that is chemically characterized as an amphoteric compound with weak bases and weak acids. The charged state of amino acid in the solution, and changes with the pH value of the solution, if the net charge of amino acids is equal to zero, and in moving to the positive or negative phenomenon does not occur in the electric field, the solution in this state pH value is called its isoelectric point, pI said. Since all kinds of amino acids have specific isoelectric point, when the pH value of the solution is lower than the isoelectric point of an amino acid, the amino acid is positively charged and moves toward thecathode in the electric field. If the pH value of the solution is higher than the isoelectric point of an amino acid, the amino acid has a net negative charge and moves toward the anode in the electric field. The calculation method of the isoelectric point of amino acid for amino acid amino single carboxyl group, its isoelectric point is pK1 and Pk2 arithmetic average, from pI = 1/2 (pK1 + pK2) in the formula is obtained; for containing 3 ionizable group of amino acids, as long as in order to write it from neutral to alkaline after acid his solutions to various kinds of ions to form high process, and then take the zwitterionic pK value on both sides of the arithmetic average, can get the value of pI. For example, when Asp is dissociated, there are 3 pK values, and under different pH conditions there can be 4 ionic forms, as shown in the following figure.At the isoelectric point, the zwitterionic form is mainly Asp +, so the Asp of pI = 1/2 (pK1 + pK2) = 1/2 (2.09 + 3.86) = 2.98. In the same way, the isoelectric point of other amino acids with 3 pK values can be obtained. Various amino acids have no light absorption in the visible region, while in the ultraviolet region only tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine are absorbed. The maximum absorption wavelength of tryptophan is 279nm, the maximum absorption wavelength of tyrosine is 278nm, and phenylalanine is 259nm. The content of these amino acids can be determined by ultraviolet light. Most of the UV absorption of proteins in 280nm is caused by tryptophan and tyrosine. Therefore, it is a simple and rapid method to determine the light absorption value of proteins in 280nm by UV spectrophotometry when the protein content is measured.2. the chemical structure and spatial structure of proteinsThe amino acid composition of the protein, with the peptide bond together. The peptide bond is another amino acid and alpha amino adjacent an amino acid molecule in the alpha carboxyl groups formed by dehydration condensation polymers of amino acids together so called peptides. The amino acids on the peptide chain are known as amino acid residues because of the loss of H on the alpha ammonia and OH on the alpha carboxyl group in the process of mutual connection.Yet the reaction containing a free amino group on the polypeptide chain amino acid (NH2), is called peptide amino terminal amino acids or amino acids N terminal amino acid; the other end contains a non reacting free carboxyl group (COOH), called peptide carboxyl terminal amino acid or C terminal amino acid. In general, when a polypeptide chain is expressed, the N end is always written to the left, and the C end is written to the right. When the peptide chain is synthesized, the synthetic direction begins at the end of N and extends gradually toward the end of C.A variety of protein molecules have a specific spatial structure, that is, conformation.The primary structure of the protein is also called the primary structure or chemical structure, refers to the number of amino acid, polypeptide chain composed of protein molecules in the type and sequence number of the polypeptide chain, but also include two disulfide bonds within the chain or the number and the location of. The primary structure of protein molecules is formed by covalent bonds, peptide bonds and two disulfide bondsare covalent bond. The peptide bond is the basic way of amino acids in the protein molecule, forming a covalent backbone. Two sulfur bonds (S - S) are linked by dehydrogenation of two cysteines (residues), and are the major chemical bonds between the peptide chains and the peptide chains. The two sulfur bond plays a stabilizing role in protein molecules, and is often related to biological activity. When the two sulfur bond is destroyed, the biological activity of the protein or polypeptide will be lost. In protein structure, the number of two sulfur bonds is more, and the stability of protein structure is stronger. Among the proteins in the skin, horn and hair that protect the organism, the two sulfur bond is the most.The two stage structure of a protein is the folding and coiling of the polypeptide chain itself, which is a periodic, repetitive structure or conformation of a polypeptide chain in a protein molecule that is rolled in a single direction. This periodic structure is maintained by hydrogen bonds between the peptide chains or between the peptide chains. The common two stage structures are alpha helix, beta fold, beta corner, etc.. For example, various fiber proteins of animals, whose molecules revolve around a longitudinal axis, are called spirals. Adjacent helices are linked by hydrogen bonds to maintain conformational stability. Nails, hair, and hoofs of hooves, horns, and wool are all alpha - Helical fibrin, also called alpha keratin. Beta - sheet is more than the alpha helix extension peptide, connected to each other by hydrogen casting become lamellar, such as silk, silk in beta keratin.The three - stage structure of proteins: refers to further folding and folding on the basis of the two - level structureto form a very irregular protein molecule with a specific conformation. To maintain the force of three level structure is mainly some so-called weak interactions, i.e. secondary bonding or non covalent bonds, including hydrogen bonds, salt bond, hydrophobic and Vander Ed Ley etc.. Salt bond also called ionic bond, side chain groups in the protein molecule is positive and negative charges are close to each other, the electrostatic attraction formed, such as the interaction between carboxyl and amino and guanidino, imidazole groups etc.. Is hydrophobic hydrophobic or hydrophobic side chain polypeptide chain of some amino acids (nonpolar side chains) due to avoid boiling water caused by close to each other and adhesion together. It occupies a prominent position in the maintenance of the three structure of protein. Fan Dehua gravitation is the attraction between molecules. In addition, the two sulfur bond also stabilizes the conformation of the three structure.A globular protein with a three - stage structure is a more complex protein in conformation than fibrin. The peptide chains also have conformational units such as alpha helix, beta fold, etc. these conformational units are connected by an irregularly coiled peptide segment, so that the entire peptide is cast into an almost spherical irregular shape. Enzymes, a variety of proteins, hormones, antibodies, and proteins in the cytoplasm and cell membranes are globulins. Unlike fibrin, the surface of the globulin is hydrophilic and therefore soluble in water.The four - level structure of a protein: a protein molecule that is polymerized into two or more than two polypeptides with a three - class structure. The polypeptide chains that constitutefunctional units are called subunits, and in general, the subunits alone do not have biological activity, and only when aggregated into four structures do they have complete biological activity. For example, phosphorylase is composed of 2 subunits, glutamate dehydrogenase is composed of 6 identical subunits, hemoglobin is composed of 4 different subunits (2 alpha polypeptide, 2 beta chain) form, each chain is a three level structure of immunoglobulin. The subunit synthesis of the four - order structure is linked by some secondary bonds of the molecular surface, mainly salt bonds and hydrogen bonds. Some protein molecules have only one or two or three structures, and no four structures, such as myoglobin, cytochrome C, ribonuclease, lysozyme, etc.. Other proteins, one or two and three or four, exist simultaneously, such as hemoglobin, catalase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and so on.3. properties and biological functions of proteinsProteins are made up of many amino acid molecules,Large molecular weight. Therefore, some of its properties are the same as those of amino acids, some of which are different from those of amino acids, such as colloidal properties, allosteric processes, and denaturation.(1) colloidal properties: protein molecular weight is large, easy to form colloidal particles in water, with colloidal properties. In aqueous solutions, proteins form hydrophilic colloids, i.e., the outer layer of colloidal particles contains a layer of water film. The water film separates the particles from each other, so the particles do not condense into piecesand sink.(2) allosteric effect: protein molecules containing more than 2 subunits, if one of the subunits with small molecules, it is not only the spatial structure of the subunit to change the conformation of other subunits will also change, the conformation of the entire protein molecule and the activity will change this phenomenon, called allosteric or allosteric effect. For example, certain enzyme molecules can bind to the final product they catalyze, creating allosteric effects that reduce the activity of the enzyme and thus act as a feedback inhibiting agent.(3): protein denaturation in heavy metal salts (mercury salt, silver, copper salts), acid, alkali, acetaldehyde and urea in the presence of, or is heated to 70 to 100 DEG C, or in X, under the action of ultraviolet ray, the spatial structure change and destruction, and loss of biological science the activity of this phenomenon is called degeneration. Peptide bond cleavage and two disulfide bonds do not occur in the process of degeneration and destruction, thus not a structure damage, and mainly hydrogen bond, hydrophobic bond failure, the polypeptide chain orderly curl, folded into loose.A wide variety of proteins have a variety of biological functions, which are summarized as follows: (1) as an enzyme, proteins have catalytic functions. (5). (2) as a structural component, it establishes and maintains the structure of cells.(3) as a regulator of metabolism (hormone or repressor), it coordinates and guides intracellular chemical processes. (4) as a vehicle, it can transport small molecules or ions throughthe cell membrane or through the cell membrane. (5) as an antibody, it plays an important role in protecting organism and preventing invasion of foreign objects. The protein is indispensable to the phenomena of life, even like a virus and so on nucleic acid as the main biological, must also be in the living cells of their parasitic protein function, to show the phenomenon of life.PAGEPAGE 1***[JimiSoft:, Unregistered, Software, Convert, Part, Of, File, Read, Help, To, Know, ONLY, How, To, Register.]***。



重组人促红细胞生成素对谷氨酸诱导的视网膜神经细胞凋亡的影响李珂;贾君【期刊名称】《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)002【摘要】目的:观察重组人促红细胞生成素(rhEPO)对谷氨基酸(glutamate ,Glu)诱导的SD乳鼠视网膜神经细胞凋亡的保护作用。

方法将体外混合培养7 d的SD乳鼠视网膜神经细胞分为对照组、Glu组和rhEPO预处理组,rhEPO预处理组又分为3个rhEPO不同浓度剂量组,各组分别加入0.15、0.30、0.50 U/mL rhEPO作用12 h后,Glu组和rhEPO预处理组加入终浓度为20μmol/L Glu作用30 min建立凋亡模型,24 h后用TUNEL法检测各组细胞的凋亡,免疫组化和RT-PCR法检测视网膜神经细胞中BCL-xL蛋白及mRNA的表达。

结果 Glu组细胞凋亡指数(AI)明显高于对照组(P<0.01),3种不同浓度的rhEPO预处理组的AI值较Glu组均明显降低,同时BCL-xL mRNA及蛋白的表达较Glu组均显著增加,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),且呈rhEPO浓度依赖性。

结论 rhEPO预处理可能通过上调细胞凋亡抑制因子BCL-xL的表达,从而抑制Glu诱导的视网膜神经细胞的凋亡。

%Objective To study the protective effect of recombination human erythropoietin (rhEPO) on the apoptosis of retinal neurons induced by glutamate.Methods The primary retinal neurons of postnatal SD rats were cultured in vitro for 7 days and divided into 3 groups :control group ,glutamate group and rhEPO pretreatmentgroup.The neurons in the rhEPO pre-treatment group were afterwardsallocated to three subgroups in terms of different rhEPO treatments (0.15 ,0.30 or 0.50 U/mL rhEPO for 12 h).Those in glutamate group and rhEPO pretreatment group were treated with glutamate at the concentration of 20μmol/L for 30 min for establishment of the apoptosis model.Twenty-four h later ,the apoptosis index (AI) was assayed by TUNEL and the expressions of BCL-xL mRNA and protein was detected by RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry respective-ly.Results The AI was significantly higher in the glutamate group than in the control group (P<0.01).The AI was signifi-cantly reduced ,and the expression level of BCL-xL mRNA and protein was markedly dose-dependently increased in the rhEPO pretreatment groups compared with the glutamate group(P<0.01).Conclusion The rhEPO pretreatment can inhibit the glu-tamate-induced apoptosis of retinal neurons by up-regulating the expression of BCL-xL .【总页数】4页(P227-230)【作者】李珂;贾君【作者单位】武汉市中心医院眼科,武汉 430014;武汉市中心医院眼科,武汉430014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R774【相关文献】1.重组人促红细胞生成素对急性高眼压兔视网膜谷氨酸表达的影响 [J], 王建明;熊蕾;孙乃学;赵世平2.重组人促红细胞生成素对急性高眼压兔眼视网膜缺氧诱导因子1α表达的影响[J], 王建明;宋艳萍;孙乃学;惠娜;赵世平;胡凯3.重组人促红细胞生成素对压力作用下混合培养视网膜神经细胞凋亡及BCL-2表达的影响 [J], 李珂;张虹4.藏红花素抑制谷氨酸盐诱导的视网膜神经节细胞凋亡 [J], 吕伯昌;党晓洁;许治国;霍福权;张婷;杨新光5.银杏内酯B对谷氨酸诱导视网膜神经细胞凋亡的影响 [J], 郭梦翔;朱晓波;罗燕;高艺;唐仕波因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



Muller’s Ratchet: Accumulation of deleterious mutations in asexual populations
"modern synthesis" of Darwinian evolution through natural selection with Mendelian genetics
Francis Galton:
Rabbits experiments
Mendelian inheritance
Proposed by Gregor Johann Mendel in 1865 and 1866
Re-discovered in 1900 by Hugo de Vries, Carl Correns (student of Nägeli) and Erich von Tschermak (whose grandfather taught Mendel botany during his student days in Vienna)
A loose grouping of largely heterodox theories and mechanisms that emerged after Lamarck's time
Ivan Pavlov’s conditioned reflex experiment of white mice. With each generation, the mice became easier to condition. In 1926 Pavlov announced that there had been a fatal flaw in his experiment and retracted his claim to have demonstrated Lamarckian inheritance.





【结果】在大麦基因组中鉴定出29个HvVQ 基因(HvVQ1~HvVQ29),HvVQ蛋白序列平均长度较短(214aa),多数HvVQ蛋白为碱性或偏中性蛋白,HvVQ基因不均地分布在大麦染色体上,定位于细胞核中。







生物系统学原理与方法Molecular Phylogeny

生物系统学原理与方法Molecular Phylogeny
– Rate of change at a position: independent of ancestral base at this position (Markov property)
– Constant substitution rate over time (homogeneity) – Relative base frequencies at equilibrium (stationarity)
Da-Wei Huang
α: transition; β: transversion
Molecular Phylogeny
Tamura-Nei model
• Base composition bias • Transition:transversion bias • 2 types of transitions
Da-Wei Huang
Molecular Phylogeny
Why is the model important?
• This type of model would be used to compare the two sequences by either assuming that one sequence evolved into the other or vice - versa, or assuming that they had evolved from a common ‘ancestral’ sequence of DNA.
Felsenstein 81 model
• Base composition bias • No distinction between substitution types
Da-Wei Huang

蛋白质的结构和生物学功能(Structure and biological function of protein)

蛋白质的结构和生物学功能(Structure and biological function of protein)

蛋白质的结构和生物学功能(Structure and biological functionof protein)Structure and biological function of proteinProtein is the basic substance that makes up cells and organisms, accounting for half of the dry weight of cells. The content of protein in biological membranes accounts for 60% to 70%, and the protein occupies 80% of the organic components of protoplasm. All the elements of the protein group, Chengdu, are similar. They contain four elements, C, H, O and N. The average nitrogen content is about 16%, which is a characteristic of protein in the composition of elements. Protein is a kind of very complex nitrogen-containing macromolecular compound, and its basic component is amino acid.1. the basic unit of protein amino acidsThere are 20 kinds of amino acids that make up proteins, 19 of which can be represented by a general formula. The other is proline, which also has a similar structure, but the side chains are linked with nitrogen atoms to form amino acids. Except glycine, amino acids in the protein are asymmetric carbon atoms, are L type and D type, the difference between two configurations, compared with glyceraldehyde configuration, a L typeartificial regulation, another is a type of D. When writing, the NH2 is written to the left, type L, and NH2 to the right, and D. Known amino acids in natural proteins are of type L.Of the 20 basic amino acids, many are synthesized from other compounds in living organisms. But there are 8 kinds of aminoacids which are not synthesized in human body. They are called essential amino acids. They are threonine (Thr), leucine (Leu), isoleucine (Ile), methyl sulfate (Met), phenylalanine (Phe), tryptophan (Try), lysine (Lys) and valine (Val). The classification of 20 amino acids, mainly based on the R group. In earlier years according to the structure of R based amino acid into aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic three categories, which are divided into neutral aliphatic (monoaminodicarboxylic acid (two), a carboxyl amino) and alkaline (two amino acids with a carboxyl group). In recent years, the polarity of R group has been used to distinguish the kinds of amino acids.For alpha - amino acids containing an amino group and a carboxyl group, do they exist in neutral or solid states in neutral or zwitterionic forms? Many experiments have proved to exist mainly in the form of zwitterionic ions.Neutral forms of molecules; zwitterionic formsAn amino acid, such as an amino acid and a carboxyl group, that is chemically characterized as an amphoteric compound with weak bases and weak acids. The charged state of amino acid in the solution, and changes with the pH value of the solution, if the net charge of amino acids is equal to zero, and in moving to the positive or negative phenomenon does not occur in the electric field, the solution in this state pH value is called its isoelectric point, pI said. Since all kinds of amino acids have specific isoelectric point, when the pH value of the solution is lower than the isoelectric point of an amino acid, the amino acid is positively charged and moves toward thecathode in the electric field. If the pH value of the solution is higher than the isoelectric point of an amino acid, the amino acid has a net negative charge and moves toward the anode in the electric field. The calculation method of the isoelectric point of amino acid for amino acid amino single carboxyl group, its isoelectric point is pK1 and Pk2 arithmetic average, from pI = 1/2 (pK1 + pK2) in the formula is obtained; for containing 3 ionizable group of amino acids, as long as in order to write it from neutral to alkaline after acid his solutions to various kinds of ions to form high process, and then take the zwitterionic pK value on both sides of the arithmetic average, can get the value of pI. For example, when Asp is dissociated, there are 3 pK values, and under different pH conditions there can be 4 ionic forms, as shown in the following figure.At the isoelectric point, the zwitterionic form is mainly Asp +, so the Asp of pI = 1/2 (pK1 + pK2) = 1/2 (2.09 + 3.86) = 2.98. In the same way, the isoelectric point of other amino acids with 3 pK values can be obtained. Various amino acids have no light absorption in the visible region, while in the ultraviolet region only tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine are absorbed. The maximum absorption wavelength of tryptophan is 279nm, the maximum absorption wavelength of tyrosine is 278nm, and phenylalanine is 259nm. The content of these amino acids can be determined by ultraviolet light. Most of the UV absorption of proteins in 280nm is caused by tryptophan and tyrosine. Therefore, it is a simple and rapid method to determine the light absorption value of proteins in 280nm by UV spectrophotometry when the protein content is measured.2. the chemical structure and spatial structure of proteinsThe amino acid composition of the protein, with the peptide bond together. The peptide bond is another amino acid and alpha amino adjacent an amino acid molecule in the alpha carboxyl groups formed by dehydration condensation polymers of amino acids together so called peptides. The amino acids on the peptide chain are known as amino acid residues because of the loss of H on the alpha ammonia and OH on the alpha carboxyl group in the process of mutual connection.Yet the reaction containing a free amino group on the polypeptide chain amino acid (NH2), is called peptide amino terminal amino acids or amino acids N terminal amino acid; the other end contains a non reacting free carboxyl group (COOH), called peptide carboxyl terminal amino acid or C terminal amino acid. In general, when a polypeptide chain is expressed, the N end is always written to the left, and the C end is written to the right. When the peptide chain is synthesized, the synthetic direction begins at the end of N and extends gradually toward the end of C.A variety of protein molecules have a specific spatial structure, that is, conformation.The primary structure of the protein is also called the primary structure or chemical structure, refers to the number of amino acid, polypeptide chain composed of protein molecules in the type and sequence number of the polypeptide chain, but also include two disulfide bonds within the chain or the number and the location of. The primary structure of protein molecules is formed by covalent bonds, peptide bonds and two disulfide bondsare covalent bond. The peptide bond is the basic way of amino acids in the protein molecule, forming a covalent backbone. Two sulfur bonds (S - S) are linked by dehydrogenation of two cysteines (residues), and are the major chemical bonds between the peptide chains and the peptide chains. The two sulfur bond plays a stabilizing role in protein molecules, and is often related to biological activity. When the two sulfur bond is destroyed, the biological activity of the protein or polypeptide will be lost. In protein structure, the number of two sulfur bonds is more, and the stability of protein structure is stronger. Among the proteins in the skin, horn and hair that protect the organism, the two sulfur bond is the most.The two stage structure of a protein is the folding and coiling of the polypeptide chain itself, which is a periodic, repetitive structure or conformation of a polypeptide chain in a protein molecule that is rolled in a single direction. This periodic structure is maintained by hydrogen bonds between the peptide chains or between the peptide chains. The common two stage structures are alpha helix, beta fold, beta corner, etc.. For example, various fiber proteins of animals, whose molecules revolve around a longitudinal axis, are called spirals. Adjacent helices are linked by hydrogen bonds to maintain conformational stability. Nails, hair, and hoofs of hooves, horns, and wool are all alpha - Helical fibrin, also called alpha keratin. Beta - sheet is more than the alpha helix extension peptide, connected to each other by hydrogen casting become lamellar, such as silk, silk in beta keratin.The three - stage structure of proteins: refers to further folding and folding on the basis of the two - level structureto form a very irregular protein molecule with a specific conformation. To maintain the force of three level structure is mainly some so-called weak interactions, i.e. secondary bonding or non covalent bonds, including hydrogen bonds, salt bond, hydrophobic and Vander Ed Ley etc.. Salt bond also called ionic bond, side chain groups in the protein molecule is positive and negative charges are close to each other, the electrostatic attraction formed, such as the interaction between carboxyl and amino and guanidino, imidazole groups etc.. Is hydrophobic hydrophobic or hydrophobic side chain polypeptide chain of some amino acids (nonpolar side chains) due to avoid boiling water caused by close to each other and adhesion together. It occupies a prominent position in the maintenance of the three structure of protein. Fan Dehua gravitation is the attraction between molecules. In addition, the two sulfur bond also stabilizes the conformation of the three structure.A globular protein with a three - stage structure is a more complex protein in conformation than fibrin. The peptide chains also have conformational units such as alpha helix, beta fold, etc. these conformational units are connected by an irregularly coiled peptide segment, so that the entire peptide is cast into an almost spherical irregular shape. Enzymes, a variety of proteins, hormones, antibodies, and proteins in the cytoplasm and cell membranes are globulins. Unlike fibrin, the surface of the globulin is hydrophilic and therefore soluble in water.The four - level structure of a protein: a protein molecule that is polymerized into two or more than two polypeptides with a three - class structure. The polypeptide chains that constitutefunctional units are called subunits, and in general, the subunits alone do not have biological activity, and only when aggregated into four structures do they have complete biological activity. For example, phosphorylase is composed of 2 subunits, glutamate dehydrogenase is composed of 6 identical subunits, hemoglobin is composed of 4 different subunits (2 alpha polypeptide, 2 beta chain) form, each chain is a three level structure of immunoglobulin. The subunit synthesis of the four - order structure is linked by some secondary bonds of the molecular surface, mainly salt bonds and hydrogen bonds. Some protein molecules have only one or two or three structures, and no four structures, such as myoglobin, cytochrome C, ribonuclease, lysozyme, etc.. Other proteins, one or two and three or four, exist simultaneously, such as hemoglobin, catalase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and so on.3. properties and biological functions of proteinsProteins are made up of many amino acid molecules,Large molecular weight. Therefore, some of its properties are the same as those of amino acids, some of which are different from those of amino acids, such as colloidal properties, allosteric processes, and denaturation.(1) colloidal properties: protein molecular weight is large, easy to form colloidal particles in water, with colloidal properties. In aqueous solutions, proteins form hydrophilic colloids, i.e., the outer layer of colloidal particles contains a layer of water film. The water film separates the particles from each other, so the particles do not condense into piecesand sink.(2) allosteric effect: protein molecules containing more than 2 subunits, if one of the subunits with small molecules, it is not only the spatial structure of the subunit to change the conformation of other subunits will also change, the conformation of the entire protein molecule and the activity will change this phenomenon, called allosteric or allosteric effect. For example, certain enzyme molecules can bind to the final product they catalyze, creating allosteric effects that reduce the activity of the enzyme and thus act as a feedback inhibiting agent.(3): protein denaturation in heavy metal salts (mercury salt, silver, copper salts), acid, alkali, acetaldehyde and urea in the presence of, or is heated to 70 to 100 DEG C, or in X, under the action of ultraviolet ray, the spatial structure change and destruction, and loss of biological science the activity of this phenomenon is called degeneration. Peptide bond cleavage and two disulfide bonds do not occur in the process of degeneration and destruction, thus not a structure damage, and mainly hydrogen bond, hydrophobic bond failure, the polypeptide chain orderly curl, folded into loose.A wide variety of proteins have a variety of biological functions, which are summarized as follows: (1) as an enzyme, proteins have catalytic functions. (5). (2) as a structural component, it establishes and maintains the structure of cells.(3) as a regulator of metabolism (hormone or repressor), it coordinates and guides intracellular chemical processes. (4) as a vehicle, it can transport small molecules or ions throughthe cell membrane or through the cell membrane. (5) as an antibody, it plays an important role in protecting organism and preventing invasion of foreign objects. The protein is indispensable to the phenomena of life, even like a virus and so on nucleic acid as the main biological, must also be in the living cells of their parasitic protein function, to show the phenomenon of life.PAGEPAGE 1***[JimiSoft:, Unregistered, Software, Convert, Part, Of, File, Read, Help, To, Know, ONLY, How, To, Register.]***。



中图分类号R259单位代码10517学号YX151********密级不保密硕士研究生学位论文中文题目头顶一颗珠对OA诱导的AD模型大鼠认知障碍的防治作用及其机制研究英文题目To Study on the prevention and treatment ofAD model rats induced by OA and its possiblemechanism研究生姓名谢文执学科专业中医内科学研究方向中医药延缓衰老及防治老年病的研究导师姓名职称罗洪斌(副教授)陈娟(副主任医师)学位授予日期2018年6月授予单位名称及地址湖北民族学院湖北省恩施市学院路39号摘要目的:探讨头顶一颗珠水煎液对OA诱导的AD模型大鼠认知功能障碍的防治作用及其可能机制研究。




然后取脑海马组织并均浆,再用蛋白免疫印迹法检测各组大鼠脑海马组织PP2A活性以及Tau蛋白磷酸化水平和突触相关蛋白表达情况;运用尼氏染色法检测海马CA1和CA3区神经损伤情况;运用高尔基染色法观察各组树突棘的数量;运用LTP 来观察各组大鼠脑海马突触可塑性。


2免疫印迹法显示高剂量组可明显下调脑海马组织PP2A的磷酸化和去甲基化水平,而上调甲基化水平,这表明头顶一颗珠中、高剂量组可提高PP2A 的活性。



英文回答:The purpose of this paper is to describe the principles and processes of seroprotein separation and identification to guide researchers in the proper conduct of their work. Sample pre—treatment is required to remove impurities and protect target proteins. Specific operations include the collection of cow serums, centrifuge removal of cell fragments and large molecular polymers, and the removal of fats, cell membrane proteins from plasma using different methods. Separatization should be undertaken to obtain target protein. Major technologies include adhesive deposition, ion exchange, gel filtration, prostheses, etc. Validation is required to determine the purity and structure of the target protein. Common methods include SDS—PAGE electric swimming, Western blotting immune footprints, mass spectrometry, etc. Work must be carried out in strictpliance with the above—mentioned processes and principles to ensure the accuracy and reliability of research work.本文旨在阐述牛血清蛋白分离纯化及鉴定的原理和流程,以指导科研工作者正确进行相关工作。



中国药理学通报Chinese Pharmacological B ulletin 2003 Mar ;19 (3) :253~7 ·253 ·脑源性白介素的研究进展李俊旭郑继旺梁建辉(北京大学中国药物依赖性研究所,北京100083)中国图书分类号R 322181 ; R 392111 ; R 392112 ; R 338164 ; R 749116 ; R 749141文献标识码 A 文章编号100121978 (2003) 0320253205摘要传统观点认为白介素是由免疫细胞产生的,然而,许多研究资料表明,神经元和神经胶质细胞也能够产生和分泌白介素,即脑源性白介素。



关键词脑源性白介素;神经递质;行为细胞因子是一类由各种免疫细胞在受到各种生理和病理刺激后所合成和释放的多肽物质,一般相对分子质量小于8 ×104 。


随着分子生物学技术的发展,在中枢神经系统内发现的细胞因子越来越多,对其生物学特性的研究也越来越深入,甚至有人提出中枢神经系统内的细胞因子是“神经调质( neuromodula2 tor) ”的概念[ 1 ] 。


1 脑源性白介素的产生与分布IL21 有两种亚型: IL21α和IL21β。

应用原位杂交、免疫组化等不同方法证明在大、小鼠脑中可以产生IL21α和IL21β(Lechan 等,1990) 。


小胶质细胞是IL2 1 的主要来源。






差异凝胶电泳(DIGE)是2DE的发展,DIGE 技术最早在1997年由Jon Minden实验室提出,其技术路线是将样品在电泳前标记Cy2、Cy3和Cy5这3种荧光染料(其中Cy2作为用Cy3、Cy5标记的蛋白质内标,用以比较数据库中各个胶之间的蛋白质的量的差异),然后将标记后的3种样品混合,同时在一块胶上进行电泳。






基于非胶体系的多维层析分离与生物质谱相结合的技术路线(Mud PIT)。







单等位基因突变英文缩写Single allele mutation, often referred to as a monogenic mutation, is a genetic alteration that occurs in a single gene, resulting in the alteration of the gene's function or expression. These mutations can lead to a range of phenotypic effects, including changes in physical characteristics, disease susceptibility, and other traits.The genetic code is made up of DNA sequences that encode for proteins, which are the building blocks of life. When a mutation occurs in a single gene, it can alter the sequence of DNA, leading to changes in the protein's function or structure. These changes can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful, depending on the specific mutation and its effect on the organism.Single allele mutations can be caused by a variety of factors, including spontaneous mutations that occur naturally during DNA replication, exposure to mutagens (agents that cause mutations), and inherited mutationspassed down from parent to offspring. Mutations can also result from errors in DNA repair mechanisms or damage caused by external factors such as radiation or chemicals.The phenotypic effects of single allele mutations can vary widely, depending on the gene affected and the nature of the mutation. Some mutations may result in minor changes in physical characteristics, such as eye color or hair texture. Others may cause more significant effects, such as changes in organ function or the development of genetic diseases.For example, sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease caused by a single allele mutation in the gene that encodes for hemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. The mutation leads to the production of abnormal hemoglobin molecules, which cause the red blood cells to sickle or take on a crescent shape. This shape change can lead to blockages in blood vessels, causing pain and organ damage.Another example is cystic fibrosis, a genetic diseasecaused by mutations in the gene that encodes for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. CFTR is responsible for regulating the flow of salt and water in cells. Mutations in this gene lead to the production of a dysfunctional CFTR protein, which resultsin the accumulation of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and other organs. This mucus build-up can lead to chronic infections and organ failure.Single allele mutations can also have beneficial effects. For example, some mutations may confer resistanceto certain diseases or enhance certain traits, such as athletic performance or cognitive ability. However, the beneficial effects of mutations are typically less common than the harmful ones.In research, single allele mutations are often studied using genetic model systems, such as mice or fruit flies. These systems allow researchers to manipulate specificgenes and observe the phenotypic effects of the mutations. Through these studies, we can gain a better understandingof the function of genes and the mechanisms that underliegenetic diseases.In conclusion, single allele mutations are genetic alterations that occur in a single gene, leading to changes in the gene's function or expression. These mutations can have a wide range of phenotypic effects, including changes in physical characteristics, disease susceptibility, and other traits. Studying these mutations can provide valuable insights into the function of genes and the genetic basis of diseases.。

溶酶体逃逸 氨基酸转运体

溶酶体逃逸 氨基酸转运体

溶酶体逃逸氨基酸转运体Lysosomal escape and amino acid transporters have been the subject of extensive research in the field of cell biology. The problem of lysosomal escape refers to theability of certain substances, such as drugs or nanoparticles, to evade the degradation process within lysosomes and gain access to the cytoplasm. On the other hand, amino acid transporters play a crucial role incellular metabolism by facilitating the movement of amino acids across cell membranes. Understanding the mechanisms and implications of these processes is of great importancein various biomedical applications.Lysosomes, often referred to as the "recycling centers" of the cell, are membrane-bound organelles filled with hydrolytic enzymes responsible for degrading macromolecules. They play a vital role in maintaining cellular homeostasis by breaking down proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, andnucleic acids. However, certain substances have the ability to escape from lysosomes, leading to potential therapeuticimplications. For example, in cancer therapy, lysosomal escape is a desirable characteristic for drug delivery systems, as it allows drugs to reach their target sites more effectively. Understanding the mechanisms behind lysosomal escape can help in the development of more efficient drug delivery systems.One of the mechanisms involved in lysosomal escape is the disruption of the lysosomal membrane. This can be achieved through various means, such as the use of pH-sensitive nanoparticles or the incorporation of membrane-active peptides. These strategies exploit the acidic environment within lysosomes to trigger the release of encapsulated drugs or nanoparticles into the cytoplasm. By understanding the physicochemical properties of these escape mechanisms, researchers can design more effective drug delivery systems that can selectively release their cargo in a controlled manner.Amino acid transporters, on the other hand, are integral membrane proteins that facilitate the movement of amino acids across cell membranes. These transporters playa crucial role in cellular metabolism by regulating the uptake of essential amino acids for protein synthesis and other metabolic processes. Dysfunction or dysregulation of amino acid transporters has been implicated in various diseases, including metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer.There are several classes of amino acid transporters, including the solute carrier (SLC) family and the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. The SLC family is further divided into multiple subfamilies based on their substrate specificity and transport mechanisms. For example, the SLC7 family includes cationic and neutral amino acid transporters, while the SLC1 family includes glutamate and neutral amino acid transporters. These transporters play a crucial role in maintaining amino acid homeostasis and are tightly regulated to ensure proper cellular function.Understanding the structure and function of amino acid transporters is essential for developing targeted therapies and improving drug delivery systems. By elucidating the mechanisms of amino acid transport, researchers canidentify potential therapeutic targets for diseases associated with transporter dysfunction. Additionally, the development of selective inhibitors or activators of specific transporters can help modulate cellular amino acid levels, which may have therapeutic implications in conditions such as cancer or metabolic disorders.In conclusion, the problems of lysosomal escape and amino acid transporters are of great significance in the field of cell biology and biomedical research. The ability to understand and manipulate these processes can have far-reaching implications in drug delivery systems, targeted therapies, and the treatment of various diseases. Continued research in these areas will undoubtedly contribute to advancements in the field and ultimately benefit human health.。



肽基脯氨酰同分异构酶(Pin1)对子宫颈癌细胞脂质代谢的作用郝立君 1),徐丽秀 2),李金秋 2),马俊旗 3),阿仙姑·哈斯木 2)(1)新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院检验科,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830001;2)新疆医科大学基础医学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011;3)新疆医科大学第一附属医院妇科,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011)[ 摘要 ] 目的 探讨肽基脯氨酰同分异构酶(Pin1)蛋白对宫颈癌细胞脂质代谢的作用。

方法 应用免疫组织化学方法检测Pinl 和ACC1蛋白在女性慢性宫颈癌及宫颈癌组织的表达;Western blotting 技术和RT-PCR 技术检测Pin1基因在宫颈癌SiHa、C33a 及H8细胞中的蛋白本底表达情况,采用RNA 干扰技术下调子宫颈癌C33a 细胞中Pin1的表达;Western blotting 技术检测宫颈癌细胞中Pin1蛋白表达水平变化对ACC1蛋白表达的影响;脂溶性荧光染色(BODIPY493/503)观察转染Pin1低表达慢病毒前后宫颈癌细胞中性脂肪含量的变化。

结果 与慢性宫颈炎相比,宫颈癌组织中Pin1和ACC1蛋白表达明显上调(P < 0.05),两者在宫颈癌组织中的表达呈正相关(χ2 = 6.02,P < 0.05)。

与C33a 细胞相比,SiHa 细胞中Pin1蛋白的表达水平较低,故选用C33a 细胞转染Pin1低表达慢病毒。

C33a 细胞转染Pin1低表达慢病毒后,Pin1及ACC1蛋白表达水平明显降低(P <0.05),与正常对照组和阴性对照组比,转染Pin1低表达慢病毒的细胞内中性脂肪酸含量降低。

结论 Pin1蛋白的表达参与宫颈癌细胞内的脂质代谢,具体调控机制尚待研究。

[ 关键词 ] 宫颈癌; 肽基脯氨酰同分异构酶; 脂肪酸合成酶[ 中图分类号 ] R737.33 [ 文献标志码 ] A [ 文章编号 ] 2095 − 610X (2021)01 − 0012 − 05The Effect of Peptide-prolinyl Isomerase (Pin1)on LipidMetabolism in Cervical Cancer CellsHAO Li-jun 1),XU Li-xiu 2),LI Jin-qiu 2),MA Jun-qi 3),AXIANGU Hasimu 2)(1) Dept. of Laboratory ,People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ,Urumqi Xinjiang 830001; 2) Basic Medicine College of Xinjiang Medical University ,Urumqi Xinjiang830011; 3) Dept. of Gynecology ,The 1st Affiliated Hospital of XinjiangMedical University ,Urumqi Xinjiang 830011,China )[Abstract ] Objective To investigate the effect of peptide-based prolinyl isomerase (Pin1)protein on lipid metabolism in cervical cancer cells. Methods The expression of Pinl and ACC1 protein in chronic cervical cancer and cervical cancer tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry. Western blotting and RT-PCR were used to detect the background expression of Pin1 gene in SiHa,C33a and H8 cells of cervical cancer,and RNA interference was used to detect the expression of Pin1 in C33a cells of cervical cancer. The influence of Pin1 protein expression on ACC1 protein expression in cervical cancer cells was detected by Western blotting. Lipid-soluble fluorescence staining (bodipy493/503)was used to observe the changes in the content of neutral fat in cervical cancer cells before and after transfection with low expression of lentivirus Pin1. Results Compared with chronic cervicitis,the expression of Pin1 and ACC1 in cervical cancer tissues was significantly up-regulated (P < 0.05),and the expression of Pin1 and ACC1 in cervical cancer tissues was positively correlated (r = 4.45, P < 0.05). Compared with C33a cells,the expression level of Pin1 protein in SiHa cells was relatively low,so C33a cells were selected for transfection with lentivirus with low Pin1 expression. After the transfection with lentivirus with low Pin1[收稿日期] 2020 − 11 − 26[基金项目] 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81960463)[作者简介] 郝立君(1979~),男,新疆乌鲁木齐人,医学学士,副主任技师,主要从事临床医学检验工作。



小学下册英语第6单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I see butterflies on the _____.2.The _______ of a chemical reaction is the starting materials.3.The ________ (toothbrush) is in the bathroom.4.What is the primary color of grass?A. RedB. YellowC. BlueD. Green答案: D5. A ______ is an area of land that drains into a river.6.The train leaves at _______ (five) o'clock.7.The ________ (collaboration) was successful.8.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun?A. YearB. MonthC. WeekD. Day答案: A9.The atomic number indicates the number of _____ in an atom.10.The symbol for scandium is _____.11.The ancient civilization of ________ is known for its mathematical innovations.12. A sound wave can be ______ by different materials.13.I like _____ (reading/watching) TV.14.The Earth's crust is constantly being reshaped through the processes of ______.15.My favorite number is _____ (seven/four).16.The ancient Greeks are known for their contributions to ________ (科学).17.What is the capital of Fiji?A. SuvaB. NadiC. LautokaD. Labasa答案: A. Suva18.The ______ (果实) of the apple tree is known for its health benefits.19.The chemical formula for praseodymium oxide is _____.20.Planting cover crops can improve ______ (土壤健康).21.The country known for its hot springs is ________ (以温泉闻名的国家是________).22.My ________ (玩具名称) is a fun way to inspire creativity.23.The ________ is a delightful creature to observe.24.The ________ is a colorful flower that attracts butterflies.25. A _____ (植物保护协会) can advocate for endangered species.26.The process of ______ can create sedimentary layers in rocks.27.The _____ (飞盘) is great for playing outside.28.Each plant has a specific _____ (需求).29.What do we call the process of collecting rainwater for reuse?A. Rainwater harvestingB. Water conservationC. Rainwater recyclingD. Stormwater management答案: A. Rainwater harvesting30.The study of matter and its changes is called __________.31.My sister enjoys __________ (参加文化活动).32.Hydrogen is the lightest ______.33.The goldfish swims gracefully in the _______ (水中).34.The capital of Brunei is __________.35.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to complete one rotation?A. YearB. DayC. MonthD. Hour答案: B36.The girl loves to ________.37.The ____ is known for its impressive speed and agility.38.What do we call the time when the sun rises?A. SunsetB. MidnightC. DawnD. Noon答案: C. Dawn39.The ________ is very popular.40.The _____ (大象) sprays water with its trunk.41.My friend is __________ (非常有帮助).42.The _____ is a large body of gas and dust in space.43. A _____ is a group of stars that forms a pattern.44.What is the capital of Bhutan?A. ThimphuB. ParoC. PunakhaD. Phuentsholing答案:A.Thimphu45.The concept of biomes categorizes ecosystems based on ______ conditions.46.The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called ______.47.Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the _______ (Ptolemaic Kingdom) of Egypt.48.The ________ was a pivotal moment in the narrative of national identity.49.How many eyes does a bee have?A. 2B. 4C. 5D. 6答案: C50.I love to _____ stories before bedtime. (hear)51.In a reaction, the component that is in excess will remain _____ after the reaction is complete.52.The pH scale measures how __________ a substance is.53.The first successful heart transplant was performed in ______ (1967年).54.The ________ was a major turning point in World War II.55.In a neutral solution, the pH is equal to ________.56.The Earth's atmosphere protects it from harmful ______.57.The ________ was a significant moment in the history of science.58.Which is a mode of transportation?A. BicycleB. TableC. ChairD. Lamp答案: A59.Creating a habitat for wildlife can enhance your ______. (为野生动物创造栖息地可以增强生态系统的多样性。



小学上册英语第六单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I think it’s fun to go ________ (参加展览).2.What do you call a place where animals are kept?A. ZooB. FarmC. AquariumD. Park3.The playground has a ______ (big) slide.4.The river is ______ with fish. (full)5. A ________ is a small body of water that is often found in parks.6.The baby kangaroo is called a _________. (小袋鼠)7.What do we call the person who teaches us in school?A. StudentB. PrincipalC. TeacherD. Janitor8.The _______ (Emancipation) proclamation declared the freedom of slaves in Confederate states.9. A hydrate is a compound that contains ______ molecules.10.We can ___ a picnic. (have)11.My brother is a ______. He plays video games.12.Which of these is not a vegetable?A. CarrotB. TomatoC. BananaD. SpinachC13.The ancient city of Rome was built on ________ hills.14.The ice cream is ________ and cold.15.What is the opposite of busy?A. FreeB. OccupiedC. EngagedD. Both A and BA16.Chlorine is used to purify ______.17.I have _____ stickers in my album. (many)18.The first successful pancreas transplant was performed in ________.19. A molecule of methane contains one carbon and four ______ atoms.20.My favorite game is ______ (棋) because it challenges my brain and improves my ______ (思维能力).21.Which animal is known for its ability to swim well?A. CatB. DogC. FishD. HorseC22. A compound that has a high boiling point is likely to be ______.23.My sister is a ______. She enjoys doing crafts.24.What is the name of the sweet dessert made from cream and sugar?A. MousseB. TiramisuC. PuddingD. CakeA25.The ______ loves to sing songs.26.My _____ (父亲) is very supportive.27.How many zeros are in one thousand?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four28.My favorite type of ________ (饮品) is lemonade.29.The ________ is an important area for wildlife conservation.30.What is the opposite of loud?A. QuietB. SilentC. MuteD. All of the aboveD31.We go ________ every summer.32. A covalent bond involves the sharing of ______.33.Where do fish live?A. TreesB. MountainsC. WaterD. GrassC34.What is the name of the famous mountain in Nepal?A. K2B. AnnapurnaC. EverestD. KilimanjaroC35.The ancient Greeks believed in the importance of ________ (教育).36.What do you call a young vulture?A. ChickB. EagletC. CubD. Hatchling37.The poet, ______ (诗人), writes beautiful poems.38.My favorite memory is ______.39.I think that being open-minded helps us understand __________.40.She is studying for her ___. (test)41.The _______ is vital for the survival of many species.42.Which animal is known for carrying its house?A. SnailB. RabbitC. SquirrelD. Fox43.My brother loves to __________ (解决难题).44.The car is ___ (blue).45.I love making ______ (手工艺品) during art class. It’s fun to create something unique with my own hands.46.What do we call a person who studies the structure and function of proteins?A. BiochemistB. Molecular BiologistC. GeneticistD. MicrobiologistA47. A ____ has a soft, fluffy coat and enjoys being around people.48.What are the two main types of telescopes?A. Optical and RadioB. Digital and AnalogC. Reflector and RefractorD. Infrared and X-ray49.The _______ (Underground Railroad) helped enslaved people escape to freedom.50.My dog likes to roll in the ______ (草地).51. A _______ (小松鼠) hoards food for winter.52.The ______ (小龟) is very slow.53.My favorite hobby is _______ (摄影).54. A ______ is a geological feature that rises steeply.55.ts are __________ (有毒的) and should be handled carefully. Some pla56.Birds make _______ (巢) in the trees.57.What is the name of the insect that is known for its colorful wings?A. FlyB. BeetleC. ButterflyD. AntC58.We are going to the ___. (park)59.I want to _______ (visit/leave) my grandparents.60. A __________ is a place where many cultures meet.61.We need ________ (水) to drink.62.Wildflowers add beauty to __________ (自然).63. A _______ is a measure of how much energy is required to change the temperature of a substance.64.My sister loves to ________.65.What do you call a person who designs clothes?A. TailorB. Fashion designerC. StylistD. SeamstressB66.The parrot is known for its bright ______ (颜色).67.What is the capital of Finland?A. OsloB. HelsinkiC. StockholmD. TallinnB68. A _____ (小马) can be very gentle and friendly. It enjoys being petted. 小马可以非常温顺和友好。

〖医学〗基因直接进化研究进展——DNA Shuffling技术

〖医学〗基因直接进化研究进展——DNA Shuffling技术
❖对一组同源蛋白质的氨基酸序列进行比较,以一 定的标准程序计算出各氨基酸序列的共有序列; ❖人工合成同序基因后重组表达。
Martin Lehmann等(2000~2002)把这种方法应 用在真菌植酸酶家族设计合成了同序植酸酶基因, 并表达出具热稳定性的同序植酸酶。
同序植酸酶-1的最适温度为71℃,而亲代植酸酶的最适温 度为45-55℃,增加了16-26℃, 同序植酸酶-1Tm为78℃,比亲代 植酸酶增加了15-22℃,而催化性质与大多数亲本植酸酶相似。
——DNA Shuffling技术
基因多样性:为完成同一功能所表现出的 多个 基因或同一个基因(同源性)
代谢途径的多样性:同样产物,多条途径 代谢产物的多样性:同一底物,不同产物 生物多样性:整个生态系统中的生物
生物功能 蛋白质 基因
➢基因的直接进化(directed evolution)
可使已有基因获得新的特性 可获得自然界中不存在的基因 可解决许多新的理论和应用问题
Nature Biotechnology Vol. 17, August, 1999
Aims of the work: Demonstration of usefulness of the DNA shuffling tool for rapidly evolving human a interferon towards improving antiviral property



变异研究报告英文翻译Study on Genetic MutationIntroduction:Genetic mutations are alterations in the DNA sequence that can lead to changes in the structure and function of proteins, thereby affecting the phenotype of an organism. Understanding the nature and consequences of genetic mutations is crucial in various fields, including medicine, evolutionary biology, and genetic engineering. This report aims to provide an overview of the research conducted on genetic mutations, including their causes, types, and implications.Causes of Genetic Mutations:Genetic mutations can occur due to various factors, both internal and external. Internal factors include errors in DNA replication and repair mechanisms, while external factors can encompass exposure to environmental agents such as radiation, certain chemicals, and viruses. Other causes can be stress, certain diseases, and genetic predisposition.Types of Genetic Mutations:Genetic mutations can be categorized into various types based on their effects on the DNA sequence. Point mutations involve the substitution, insertion, or deletion of a single nucleotide, resulting in a single base pair alteration. Frameshift mutations occur when the addition or deletion of nucleotides causes the reading frame ofthe DNA sequence to shift, leading to a completely different amino acid sequence during protein synthesis. Chromosomal mutations involve structural changes in chromosomes, including deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.Implications of Genetic Mutations:Genetic mutations can have significant implications for organisms. Some mutations can be neutral, not affecting the phenotype or overall fitness of an individual. However, mutations can also be deleterious, leading to genetic disorders and diseases. Examples include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and certain types of cancer. On the other hand, some mutations can be beneficial, providing an advantage to an organism in certain environments. These advantageous mutations can drive evolution and adaptation.Importance of Genetic Mutation Research:Research on genetic mutations is essential for several reasons. First, it enables scientists to understand the fundamental mechanisms of DNA replication, repair, and gene expression. This knowledge contributes to developing diagnostic tools and treatment strategies for genetic disorders. Additionally, studying genetic mutations aids in tracing evolutionary relationships among species, as well as identifying genetic variations associated with disease susceptibility, drug response, and personalized medicine. Furthermore, genetic mutation research is integral to advance genetic engineering techniques, such as gene editing and gene therapy.Conclusion:Genetic mutations are critical components of biological systems, driving evolution, and influencing human health. Understanding the causes, types, and implications of genetic mutations is an ongoing research endeavor that contributes to various scientific disciplines. Continued investigation in this field will provide invaluable insights into genetics and pave the way for innovative solutions in medicine, agriculture, and other areas where genetic manipulation is essential.。

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J.theor.Biol.(1999)200,49}64Article No.jtbi.1999.0975,available online at onNeutral Evolution of Model Proteins:Di4usion in Sequence Space and OverdispersionU GO B ASTOLLA*-,H.E DUARDO R OMAN?AND M ICHELE V ENDRUSCOLO A*H¸RZ,Forschungszentrum Ju lich,D-52425Ju lich,Germany,?Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN,;niversita di Milano,I-20133Milano,ItalyA Department of Physics of Complex Systems,=eizmann Institute of Science,Rehovot76100,Israel(Received on12November1998,Accepted in revised form on21May1999)We stimulate the evolution of model protein sequences subject to mutations.A mutation isconsidered neutral if it conserves(1)the structure of the ground state,(2)its thermodynamicstability and(3)its kinetic accessibility.All other mutations are considered lethal and arerejected.We adopt a lattice model,amenable to a reliable solution of the protein foldingproblem.We prove the existence of extended neutral networks in sequence space*sequencescan evolve until their similarity with the starting point is almost the same as for randomsequences.Furthermore,we"nd that the rate of neutral mutations has a broad distribution insequence space.Due to this fact,the substitution process is overdispersed(the ratio betweenvariance and mean is larger than1).This result is in contrast with the simplest model of neutralevolution,which assumes a Poisson process for substitutions,and in qualitative agreementwith the biological data.1999Academic Press1.IntroductionA recent study on the Protein Data Bank(PDB) shows that the distribution of pairwise sequence identity between structurally homologous pro-teins presents a large peak at8.5%sequence identity,only slightly larger than what expected in the purely random case B(Rost,1998).This is -Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Present address:Freie Universita t Berlin,FB Chemie, Takustr.6,D-14195Berlin,Germany.E-mail:ugo@chemie. fu-berlin.de.B The number of amino acid matches obtained by pairing two random sequences of the same length is given by the binomial distribution with p" if one assumes that the20 amino acids have the same probability to occur.For se-quences of length N there will be on average pN identical amino acids,with a variance Np(1!p).For random se-quences,95%of pairwise comparisons yield a sequence identity between1and9%.an interesting result which means that the struc-tural similarity does not imply sequence similarity. An intensive computational study on second-ary structures of RNA molecules(Schuster et al., 1994),which is a problem much simpler than protein folding,and can be studied through e$-cient and reliable algorithms,showed that an exponentially large number of sequences corres-ponds in average to a single structure,and the distribution of structures in sequence space is quite inhomogeneous(it follows a Zipf law).Se-quences folding into the most common structures form connected&&neutral networks''that perco-late sequence space.These neutral networks directly arise from the non-uniqueness of the relation between sequence and structure. These results are important to understand how evolution works at the molecular level.Kimura0022}5193/99/017049#16$30.00/0 1999Academic Press(1968,1983)and Jukes&King(1969)proposed a long time ago that most of the evolutionary events at the molecular level consist in the substi-tution of one allele with another one selectively equivalent(neutral evolution).A keystone of neu-tral evolution is the existence of a&&phenotypic threshold'':below a critical value of structural similarity,natural selection cannot avoid the spreading of variants of the protein in a popula-tion through&&di!usion'',called&&genetic drift''by genetists.Neutral evolution in sequence space conserves the structure of the protein(thus taking place below the phenotypic threshold)but can drive to sequence similarities expected for ran-domly chosen sequences.The purpose of this paper is to investigate these subjects in a simpli"ed model of protein folding.Our aim is to show that,as in the case of RNA sequences,protein sequence space is traver-sed by vast neutral networks.The attempt to study this problem requires some methodological choices.The"rst and most severe condition is that,given a sequence of amino acids,we should be able to identify its native conformation.This is tantamount of solv-ing the protein folding problem.We decided to adopt a lattice model of proteins,since,to date, this is the only case in which protein folding is routinely solvable.This choice restricts drasti-cally the possibility to represent active sites and structural motifs,which might play an important role in constraining neutral evolution.The second choice is how to represent muta-tions.We mutate amino acids and not nucleo-tides.In nature,mutations a!ect DNA,so that mutations happen with larger frequency between amino acids whose codes di!er by just one nu-cleotide.We do not take this fact into account and consider an uniform probability of mutation for any nucleotide.This does not change the characteristics of the&&neutral networks'',and it should not change the relevant features of di!u-sion in sequence space.More important is the fact that we work with sequences of"xed length (number of amino acids)N"36,considering only point mutations,without insertion and dele-tions that would make the model much more complicated.The third choice is how to represent natural selection.We introduce a stochastic algorithm which at each time step attempts to change one amino acid.The mutation is accepted if three conditions are met:the ground state should be conserved,thermodynamically stable and easily accessible.Since we are limited by computational re-sources,we decided to study one particular neutral network,namely,we followed the evolution from one single common ancestor.The extent to which this network can be considered paradigmatic will be commented.We believe that the features of neutral evolu-tion which are found in real proteins are universal enough to be captured by the present simpli"ed model.Support for this view comes from a recent study by Babajide and co-workers (Babajide et al.,1997).They also found evidence for the presence of neutral networks in sequence space.Their work is similar in spirit to the pres-ent one,but signi"cantly di!erent methodologi-cally.They used a description of the protein structure based on the C?and C@coordinates as taken from the PDB,and an approximate cri-terion of fold recognition based on the Z score (Bowie et al.,1991;Casari&Sippl,1992).The paper is organized as follows:in Section2, we present an outline of the theory of neutral evolution.In Section3,we describe our model protein and our protocol to simulate neutral evolution.In Section4,we illustrate our results concerning the genetic drift.In Section5,we deal with population genetic considerations and study the dispersion index of the process of substitu-tions.Section6presents an overall discussion, where we discuss the applicability of our results to the interpretation of existing biological data.2.The Neutral Theory of EvolutionThe theory of evolution explains how di!erent living species evolve adapting to an ever chang-ing environment.The key ingredients of the explanation are reproduction,mutation and natural selection,and the complex ecological in-teractions that modify the environment.The pat-tern of change in time at the phenotypic level is quite irregular:long periods of stasis are followed by abrupt bursts of activity,species suddenly appear and disappear and very large extinction events happen,showing complex features(Gould50U.BASTOLLA E¹A¸.&Eldredge,1977;Sole et al.,1997).In contrast to this,evolution at the molecular level seems to be more regular.The"rst studies on this subject showed that the rate of change in time of the amino acid sequence of a given protein,which can be estimated from the di!erence of homolog-ous sequences of di!erent species,does not vary much from one species to another in the same class,even if the species compared have rather di!erent population size and environmental conditions(Zuckerland&Pauling,1962)(on the other hand,the evolution rate changes drastically from one protein to another).This property makes each protein a sort of&&molecular clock'' (Zuckerland&Pauling,1962;Kimura,1983; Gillespie,1991;Ratner et al.,1996),with its own measure of time,and allows to transform a dis-tance in sequence into a distance in time and to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from molecular data.In order to explain this and other features of molecular evolution,as for example the presence of many ploymorphic loci in the genome,30years ago Kimura(1968)and Jukes&King(1969) proposed a new interpretation of molecular evolution,that was named the neutral theory of molecular evolution,reviewed in Kimura(1983). According to this theory,most of the changes in protein sequences happen not because better variants of the protein are found but because many mutations do not modify signi"cantly the e$ciency of the protein,so that natural selection cannot avoid their spreading through the popu-lation by random genetic&&drift''(&&di!usion''in physical language).There have been,however,more recent and accurate studies which question the very exist-ence of molecular clocks,noting that most of the clocks underwent in some instances(i.e.in some periods of the evolution of some lineages)drastic accelerations or decelerations(Ayala,1997)so that the validity of the clock hypothesis is du-bious.In some cases,the adaptive nature of the acceleration of the substitution rate was clearly demonstrated,like in the case of the changes that hemoglobin underwent in the time when verte-brates colonized the earth(Ratner et al.,1996). Some authors believe that these discrepancies of the clocks are such that the neutral hypothesis should be completely rejected.This dispute pro-duced a vast literature.See the book by Gillespie (1991)for a nice and detailed discussion of the selectionist point of view.One decade after Kimura's proposal,the the-ory of the molecular quasi-species(Eigen et al., 1989)showed the possible existence of an evolu-tionary phase,at high mutation rate and low selective pressure,with the di!usive features of neutral evolution:thus this mode of evolution is expected not only for strictly neutral mutations, but whenever the damage brought by frequently occurring mutations is smaller than a threshold depending on the mutation rate.Neutral evolu-tion RNA molecules,whose secondary structure can be easily computed,was studied in detail by the Vienna group(Schuster et al.,1994;Huynen et al.,1996;Fontana&Schuster,1998).The prop-erties of neutral networks in sequence space have been characterized(Schuster et al.,1994).Adap-tive evolution of a population of RNA molecules towards a target structure has been simulated (Huynen et al.,1996).This alternates periods of stasis where evolution happens on neutral net-works of phenotypically equivalent structures and fast transitions towards better adapted struc-tures.The population dynamics in the periods of stasis is equivalent to neutral evolution and has the features of di!usion in sequence space.The transitions between di!erent structures suggest to de"ne and a metric in structure space related to the contiguity of neutral networks of di!erent structures(Fontana&Schuster,1998).With regard to proteins,Shakhnovich and Gutin estimated,in the framework of their ran-dom heteropolymer model,the probability that a mutation does not change the ground state (Shakhnovich&Gutin,1991).Their conclusion is that this probability has a"nite limit for increas-ing system size.A more recent study considering a lattice model and an optimized sequence showed that indeed the probability that a muta-tion is neutral can be as high as70%(Tiana et al., 1998).A numerical study of neutral networks in sequence space was performed by Bornberg-Bauer(Bornberg-Bauer,1997).He considered a two-dimensional lattice model with two amino acid types(HP)and sequences of length up to18, for which exact enumeration allows to deter-mine exactly the correspondence between se-quences and structures.He found out that someNEUTRAL EVOLUTION OF MODEL PROTEINS51structures are very frequent(indeed,the ranking of structures according to the corresponding number of sequences follows a generalized Zipf law)but,contrary to the case of RNA,the subsets of sequences corresponding to the most frequent structures are localized in sequence space.This is probably an artifact of the HP model:our study, considering20amino acid types,reaches the op-posite conclusion.These"ndings suggest the question of how many di!erent species of amino acids are needed to create the possibility of ex-tended neutral networks in sequence space.An interesting conclusion of Bornberg}Bauer is that neutral networks of di!erent structures are un-likely to be connected by very few point muta-tions.This conclusion seems to hold also for the 20amino acid model presented in this work.In this work,we investigate with a minimal model the possibility of neutral evolution of proteins.We"nd that the model supports this possibility**.Interestingly,we"nd also that the rate R between the variance of the number of substitutions and its average value is larger than 1.Originally,Kimura proposed that the substitu-tion of amino acids in proteins follows a Pois-sonian stochastic process,which implies R"1. For most proteins,however,real data give R sig-ni"cantly larger than1,till values between30and 50(Gillespie,1991).This problem is produced by the drastic accelerations of the substitution pro-cess mentioned above,and has been regarded as a severe evidence against the neutral theory. Thus it is remarkable that our&&microscopic'' model leads to similar results considering only neutral evolution.This fact suggests that the neu-tral theory can be reconciled with at least part of the data.**This possibility does not imply that neutral evolution should occur.In particular,our model describes neutral evolution with the additional hypothesis that the environ-ment remains constant.Some selectionist theories,on the other hand,consider a rapidly changing environment,so that amino acids substitutions are needed to"t the protein to the new environment(Gillespie,1991).While it is un-debatable that dramatic climatic and ecological changes happen on the time-scale of molecular evolution,it seems not unreasonable that the homeostatic properties of cells protect the cellular environment against such changes.In-deed,the most irregularly(thus less&&neutrally'')evolving proteins seem to be hormones(Gillespie,1991),which are responsible for intercellular communication,while most enzymes evolve in a more regular fashion.Finally,a remark about terminology:by &&mutation''we mean the modi"cation of a triplet of the genetic code in one individual lineage(by means of environmental damages,errors in a rep-lication process or other causes).By&&substitu-tion''we mean the much more complex process inwhich an allele dominant in a biological popula-tion is replaced by a new one arising from muta-tion.We consider here only individual lineages. Passing from the level of individual lineages(mutation and reproduction)to the level ofa population(substitution)requires the tools ofpopulation genetics.However,Kimura(1968,1983)showed that the passage is very simple inthe case in which the only mutations occurring are either lethal or completely neutral.In thiscase,the substitution rate in the population isQS@Q" x,(1) where is the&&microscopic''mutation rate(at thelevel of the single lineage)and x is the fraction of mutations which are selectively neutral[see alsoBastolla&Peliti(1991)].Note that the rate ofevolution does not depend on the size of thepopulation,whereas it does if positive naturalselection plays a role.Under these assumptions,the model of neutral evolution of single lineages that we present here is equivalent to a model ofevolution at the level of a population,and thus itcan be in principle compared with the biologicaldata.3.Model of Neutral Evolution in ProteinsIn this section,we describe in detail the latticemodel used to represent protein structures andour model of evolution in sequence space.3.1.DEFINITION OF THE MODEL PROTEINSWe represent protein con"gurations as self-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice.Eachof the N occupied sites represents an amino acid,chosen among the20possible ones.We associate each con"guration of the protein to its contactmap C.This is a N;N matrix whose element CGH is1if residues i and j are nearest neighbors on thelattice(but not along the chain)and0otherwise.Note that the correspondence between contact52U.BASTOLLA E¹A¸.maps and con "gurations is not unique,and the smaller is the &&density of contacts ''N A/N of a con-tact map,where N A " G H C GHis the number ofcontacts,the larger is the number of con "gura-tions to which it corresponds (Vendruscolo et al .,1999).We measure similarity in structure space through the overlap q (C ,C )between the contact maps C and Cq (C ,C )"1N*A G HC GH C GH ,(2)where N*A is the maximal between N A and N A,thenumber of contacts,respectively,of two contact maps C and C .Two maps are identical if and only if q "1.We study sequences of length N "36,denoted by S "+s ,2,s ,,, G3+1,2,20,.The energyE (S ,C )of con "gurations of sequence S whose contact map is C is de "ned asE (S ,C )" ,G HC GH ;(s G ,s H ),(3)where ;(a ,b )is a 20;20symmetric interaction matrix,which gives the energy gain obtained when amino acids of species a and b are brought into contact.We use a matrix ;(a ,b )derived from the Miyazawa }Jernigan interaction matrix (Miyazawa &Jernigan,1985).We identify the native structure with the ground state of the model.We choose as native state the structure represented in Fig.1.Since its contact map C *has the highest number of con-tacts for this chain length,N A"40,it de "nesuniquely the structure apart from trivial symmet-ries.We note that C *is an atypical structure for the interaction parameters that we choose:since ;(a ,b )has an average value zero and variance 0.3,we would expect open structures to be ener-getically favored.Indeed,typical random se-quences with N "36and contact interactions whose average vanishes have a ground state with approximately 30}32contacts (Bastolla,unpub-lished result),being thus less than maximally compact.The contact map C*was studied by Shak-hnovich and co-workers in a computer experi-ment of inverse folding (Abkevich et al .,1994).F IG .1.The &&native state ''of our model protein.They designed a sequence S *with ground state on C *using the procedure of Shakhnovich &Gutin (1993),showing that S *has good prop-erties of kinetic foldability and thermodynamic stability at the temperature where the folding is the fastest.The lower part of the energy land-scape of this sequence is remarkably smooth:all the structures with low energy have a high over-lap qwith the ground state.The lowest energy ofcon "gurations with a "xed value of qdecreasesregularly as qapproaches one.This correlatedenergy landscape,reminiscent of the &&funnel ''paradigm (Bryngelson &Wolynes,1987),is the reason of the good folding properties of the se-quence,which is very di !erent from a random one.In Tiana et al .(1998)it was shown that the sequence S *is also very stable against mutations.It was estimated that about 70%of the point mutations performed on S *result in sequences with the same ground state and good folding properties.Thus,energy minimization makes C *stable not only in structure space,but also in sequence space.We now de "ne three measures of distance in sequence space.The "rst one,directly related to point mutations,is the Hamming distance,which counts how many amino acids are di !erent between two sequences S and S of the same length N :D (S ,S )",G[1! (s G ,s G)],(4)NEUTRAL EVOLUTION OF MODEL PROTEINS53where is the Kronecker symbol and sG takes20di!erent values.Equivalently,one can use the overlap Q(S,S ),which is equal to one minus the normalized Hamming distance D/N:Q(S,S )"1N,G(s G,s G).(5)If we divide the20amino acid types in just two classes,eight hydrophobic ones and12hydro-philic ones,we obtain as the corresponding Ham-ming distance the&&hydrophobicity distance''D &.(S,S ),de"ned as above but withG3+1,2,.The third distance that we use is D3(S,S ),whichmeasures the di!erence in the native interactions. This is given by the quadratic di!erence of the native interactions in two di!erent sequences:D 3(S,S )"G HC*GH[;(SG,SH)!;(SG,SH)] ,(6)where C*is the native contact map.3.2.MODEL OF EVOLUTIONWe consider a reference structure C*as the biologically active native structure,and we set as starting point of neutral evolution a sequence S* which folds onto C*.The simulated molecular evolution is realized by the following iterative procedure:1.At t"0we start from S(0)"S*.2.At time step t we mutate at random oneamino acid of S(t!1),producing a newsequence S (t).3.We submit the new sequence to selectionaccording to the criteria speci"ed below.Ifthe sequence survives we accept the muta-tion(S(t)"S (t)),otherwise we restoreS(t)"S(t!1).The selection of sequences is governed by the following conditions:Conservation of the phenotype The ground state C of S (t)must have an overlap with C*not smaller than a&&phenotypic threshold''qRFP.q(C*,C)*qRFP ,(7)In our calculations we imposed strict conserva-tion of the phenotype by setting qRFP"1.¹hermodynamic stability We de"ne thermodyn-amic stability through the condition1q(C*,C)2*1q2RFP,(8)where1)2represent a Boltzmann average at thetemperature¹of the simulation and1q2RFPisa"xed parameter.This condition implies that allthe thermodynamically relevant states have anoverlap greater than1q2RFPwith the target state.Kinetic accessibility We use the PERM method(Grassberger,1997;Frauenkron et al.,1998;Bastolla et al.,1998),a new Monte Carlo algo-rithm which is particularly successful in"ndingthe ground state of lattice polymers.For everysequence S to be tested,we run iterations of thealgorithm.If the lowest energy structure found atthis point does not coincide with C*,we discardthe sequence because the kinetic accessibilitycondition is violated.Otherwise,we continue torun the algorithm for a time to check that nolower energy structure is found.If this conditionis met,we start again the Monte Carlo algorithmand run it for a time2 .Only if C*is once againfound as the lowest energy structure we concludethat the ground state of S really coincides withC*.Note that there is no bias towards C*in ourMonte Carlo algorithm.We never found in the second independent runof the MC algorithm a structure with lower en-ergy than the putative ground-state C*.This factencourages us in believing that the algorithm wasreally e!ective in"nding the ground state.An-other support to this conclusion comes from thefact that all of the selected sequences had a re-markably correlated energy landscape,whichmakes the search for the ground state easier.Onthe other hand,when a sequence is rejected,weare not sure whether we were able to determineits ground state.The di!erence is due to tworeasons:"rst,we run rejected sequences fora shorter time( instead of2 is the rejection ismade at the"rst decision stage,1run instead of2independent ones if it is made at the secondstage).Second,rejected sequences have typically54U.BASTOLLA E¹A¸.a much less correlated energy landscape,so that it is expected that the determination of the ground state is more di $cult.Nevertheless,we shall discuss at the end also data about rejected sequences,since they are interesting and refer to a very large number of sequences.The three conditions for the acceptance of a mutation enforce the conservation of biological activity of the new sequence.We have to stress that conservation of the fold is not a necessary condition for selective neutrality in real world,and it is not even su $cient,since the active site has also to be conserved and the environment has to remain reasonably stable.Thus with our model we represent the neutral evolution of the part of the chain not involved in chemical activ-ity,in a stable chemical environment.Never-theless,we think that these limitations do not prevent from the applicability of the model to real molecular evolution.3.3.GENETIC DRIFTFor a given sequence S of N amino acids,wede "ne the rate of neutral mutation x as the frac-tion of acceptable non-synonymous mutationsx (S )"120N, GO s G?G (S ),(9)where ?G(S )"1if assigning the amino acid ofspecies at position i on the sequence S does not change the native state and 0otherwise.In Kimura 's (1983)ordinary neutral theory it is assumed that x (S )"x is indeed independent of the sequence.With this hypothesis,the evolu-tion of the overlap with the starting sequence,Q (t )"Q (S (0),S (t ))(the overbar denotes an average with respect to the mutation process)is given byQ (t )+ #(1!)e \VR ,.(10)Since every mutation is either neutral or lethal,the evolution of the wild-type genome of the population coincides with that of a single repro-ductive line (Kimura,1983),and we may interpret di !erent realizations of our evolutionary process as di !erent &&species ''originating from a commonancestor.Thus QS@Q"x /N is the substitution rateboth of a single lineage and of the population,and the time t represents in our model the num-ber of mutational events.As we shall see,how-ever,the hypothesis of constance of x (S )is not in agreement with the results of the simulations.3.4.NEUTRAL SETWe de "ne the neutral network (C *,S *)as follows: (C *,S *)is formed by all the sequences S that have C *as their ground state and are connected to S *through a neutral path (a path in sequence space which satis "es the three selection criteria given above).We then de "ne the neutral set (C *)as(C *)"8I (C *,S *I)(11)with running over all disconnected neutral net-works.If more than one disconnected componentof the neutral set exists it would be possible to distinguish between convergent (di !erent ances-tors,same "nal structure)and divergent (same ancestor)evolution:if the evolution of two homo-logous proteins takes place in two disjoint neu-tral networks,it must be convergent.We studied only one starting sequence S *,thus this work is concerned only with divergent evolu-tion.However,since the neutral networks that we studied is so spread that typical pairs of se-quences have a Hamming distance comparable with that of random sequences,it turns out that it is not possible to distinguish between divergent and convergent evolution on the basis of the sequence homology alone.Under this respect,our results are equivalent to those of Rost (1997).4.Results4.1.EVOLUTIONARY DRIFTWe generated eight trajectories with the following values of the selection parameters:q RFP "1,1q 2RFP"0.9,¹"0.16, "1.6;10 .In each trajectory,a number of sequences ranging from 875to 2709were tested.The CPU time needed for a single trajectory was about 4}5weeks on Sun Ultra stations.Di !erent realizations di !erentiated greatly from the &&common ancestor ''S (0)and from eachNEUTRAL EVOLUTION OF MODEL PROTEINS55。
