Risk factors for predicting central lymph node metastasis in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma




$$Feb.2021Vo a. 42$No. 12021年 2月第42卷第1期首都医科大学学报JouenaaoeCapiiaaMedicaaUnieeesiiy[doi : 10. 3969/j. issp. 1006-7795. 2021. 01. 025 ] ・ 临床研究 ・血清全段甲状旁腺激素浓度对甲状腺全切除术后发生永久性甲 状旁腺功能减退症的预测效果蔡淑艳郑建伟** Corresponding authos , E-mail : zhen/jw1116@ qq. com网络出版时间:2021 -01 -19 13: 09 网络出版地址:https ://k*s. ski. net/kcms/detaii/11.3662. R. 20210119. 1002.046. html(首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院普通外科,北京100043)$摘要】目的 探讨甲状腺全切除术后24 h 全段甲状旁腺激素! inmct pa/thyoid hormone , VTH )浓度与永久性甲状旁腺功能 减退(permanent hypoparathyoidis 叫pHPP )的关系及其预测效果。

方法 收集首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院普外科2008年12月至2019年12月期间,行甲状腺全切除的共622例甲状腺癌及甲状腺良性病变患者的病例资料。

采用单因素及多因素 Logw/o 回归分析术后24 h 1UTH 与术后发生永久性甲状旁腺功能减退的相关性;采用受试者工作特征(receiver operatingcharacteristic ,ROC )曲线下面积!area under the curve ,AUC ),评估发生永久性甲状旁腺功能减退症的预测效力。

结果622例患者中,发生永久性甲状旁腺功能减退的患者共25例,发生率为4.02% (25/622),多因素分析显示,术后第1天测定的iUTH(OR =2. 815, 95% C/:1. 169 -6. 781,P=0. 021)是术后发生永久性甲状旁腺功能减退的独立预测危险因素。

Evolutionary Ecology of Population Dynamics

Evolutionary Ecology of Population Dynamics

Evolutionary Ecology of Population Dynamics Evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is a complex and fascinating field of study that seeks to understand the interactions between organisms and their environment. This field of study is concerned with the ways in which populations of organisms change over time, and how these changes are influenced by environmental factors such as climate, food availability, and predation. In this essay, I will explore some of the key concepts and perspectives that are central to the study of evolutionary ecology of population dynamics.One of the most important concepts in evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is the idea of natural selection. Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than those that are less well adapted. This process leads to changes in the genetic makeup of populations over time, as individuals with advantageous traits become more common. For example, in a population of birds, those with longer beaks may be better able to access food resources and therefore more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, this can lead to the evolution of longer beaks in the population as a whole.Another important concept in evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is the idea of density dependence. Density dependence refers to the ways in which the size of a population can influence its growth and survival. For example, in a population of predators, as the number of prey increases, the predators may become more successful in hunting and therefore more likely to survive and reproduce. However, as the number of predators increases, the prey population may begin to decline, which can in turn lead to a decline in the predator population. This type of feedback loop is an example of density dependence, and it is an important factor in the dynamics of many populations.A third key concept in evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is the idea of trade-offs. Trade-offs refer to the fact that organisms often face competing demands on their resources, and must make choices about how to allocate those resources. For example, a bird that invests more energy in producing eggs may be better able to reproduce, but may also be less able to defend itself against predators or find food. Understanding these trade-offs is important for predicting how populations will respond to changes in theirenvironment, and for understanding the factors that influence the evolution of different traits.From a broader perspective, the study of evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is also important for understanding the ways in which ecosystems function as a whole. Populations of organisms are connected to one another through complex networks of interactions, and changes in one population can have ripple effects throughout the ecosystem. For example, if a predator population declines, this may lead to an increase in the population of its prey, which can in turn lead to changes in the populations of other organisms that depend on that prey. Understanding these interactions is important for predicting how ecosystems will respond to environmental changes such as climate changeor habitat destruction.Finally, the study of evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is also important for understanding the ways in which humans are impacting the natural world. Human activities such as hunting, fishing, and habitat destruction can have profound effects on populationsof organisms, and can lead to changes in the genetic makeup of those populations over time. Understanding these impacts is important for developing strategies to conserve biodiversity and protect the natural world for future generations.In conclusion, the study of evolutionary ecology of population dynamics is a complex and multifaceted field that is essential for understanding the ways in which populations of organisms change over time. By exploring concepts such as natural selection, density dependence, trade-offs, and ecosystem interactions, we can gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the evolution and survival of different species. This knowledge is essential for developing strategies to conserve biodiversity and protect the natural world from the impacts of human activities.。


人类思维主要由知识、观念、方法、智力、情 感、意志、语言、习惯等八大要素组成。这些要素 相互联系,相互作用,形成思维模式这样一个动态 复杂的系统。
Mode of thinking 思维模式
The mode of thinking is closely related to the worldview. It is the concentrated embodiment of all cultural and psychological properties and is shaped in a certain historical, social and geographical environment.
Analytical 分析
西方人倾向于分 析思维,更多地关注 某一场景中的主要或 突出物体,例如在 “蒙娜丽莎”这幅画 中,关注画中的人而 非她身后的岩石与天 空。
Holistic 整体
中国人倾向 整体思维,他们往 往观察整个画面, 并依靠在情景中所 获得的信息对所观 察事物作出决定和 判断。
How Is
The Mode of Thinking Formed?
Mode of thinking 思维模式
Human thinking mainly consists of such elements as knowledge, ideology, methodology, intelligence, emotion, willpower, language and habits. The interrelationship and interaction of these elements form a dynamic complex system known as the mode of thinking.






血清肿瘤标志物包括血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)、癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖类抗原19-9 (CA19-9)、糖类抗原125(CA125),是机体癌细胞产生的一种抗原和生物性活性物质,正常组织状态下含量甚微。











卵巢恶性风险计算法预测盆腔包块患者卵巢癌风险张双革摘要目的:探讨血清人附睾蛋白4(Human epididymis protein4HE4)和癌抗原125(CA125)联合检测(卵巢恶性风险计算法ROMA)预测盆腔包块患者上皮性卵巢癌(EOC)风险。








人附睾蛋白4(human epididymisprotein4,HE4)是新兴的肿瘤标记物,对卵巢癌的敏感度和特异度都有显著提高。



41上海医药 2023年 第44卷 第9期 (5月上)心脏移植术后感染的危险因素分析及风险预测模型构建任珍平 郭琳 陈健超 浮志坤 刘云霏(郑州市第七人民医院心脏移植中心 郑州 450016)摘 要 目的:分析探讨心脏移植术后患者发生感染的危险因素。

方法:回顾性分析50例行心脏移植手术患者的病历资料,将他们分为感染组(n =25)和非感染组(n =25),比较两组患者相关指标的差异,通过logistic 回归分析明确患者心脏移植术后发生感染的危险因素,并建立风险预测模型。

结果:logistic 回归分析显示,术后深静脉置管时间、术后桡动脉置管时间、术后胸腔引流管置管时间、术后心包引流管置管时间、术后胃管置管时间、术后尿管置管时间、术后ICU 时间等均为心脏移植术后患者发生感染的危险因素。

应用ROC 曲线对风险预测模型价值进行分析,R ≥15.5患者心脏移植术后发生感染的比例显著高于R <15.5患者。


关键词 心脏移植 术后感染 危险因素 风险预测模型中图分类号:R619.3; R654.2 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-1533(2023)09-0041-04引用本文 任珍平, 郭琳, 陈健超, 等. 心脏移植术后感染的危险因素分析及风险预测模型构建[J]. 上海医药, 2023, 44(9): 41-44.Risk factor analysis and risk prediction model construction for post-operative infection after heart transplantationREN Zhenping, GUO Lin, CHEN Jianchao, FU Zhikun, LIU Yunfei(Heart Transplant Centre, the Seventh People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou 450016, China)ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze and explore the risk factors for the occurrence of infection in patients with heart transplantation. Methods: The medical records of 50 patients undergoing heart transplantation were retrospectively analyzed, and the patients were divided into infected (n =25) and non-infected (n =25) groups. The differences in relevant indicators were compared between the two groups, and the risk factors for patients to develop infection after heart transplantation were clarified by logistic regression analysis, and a risk prediction model was established. Results: The logistic regression analysis showed that the times for deep vein placement, radial artery placement, chest drain placement, pericardial drain placement, gastric tube placement, urinary catheter placement and ICU stay after surgery were all risk factors for the occurrence of infection in patients with heart transplantation. The incidence of infection after heart transplantation was significantly higher in patients with R≥15.5 than R<15.5 when the ROC curve was used to analyz e the value of the risk prediction model . Conclusion: The risk prediction model established in this study has some predictive value in assessing postoperative infection in heart transplant patients.KEY WORDS heart transplantation; post-operative infection; risk factor; risk prediction model心脏移植手术是学界公认的治疗各类终末期心脏疾病的首选方案,自1967年首例人类心脏移植手术成功以来,心脏移植手术数量逐年增加[1-2]。

Probability and Stochastic Processes

Probability and Stochastic Processes

Probability and Stochastic ProcessesProbability and stochastic processes are fundamental concepts in mathematics and statistics. They play a crucial role in understanding and modeling various phenomena in the natural and social sciences, from the behavior of particles in physics to the behavior of financial markets in economics. In this essay, I will explore some of the key ideas and applications of probability and stochastic processes, as well as their limitations and challenges. One of the central ideasin probability theory is the concept of randomness. Randomness refers to the lack of predictability or regularity in the outcome of an event or experiment. For example, the outcome of a coin toss is random because it is not possible topredict whether the coin will land heads or tails with certainty. Probability theory provides a mathematical framework for quantifying the likelihood or chance of different outcomes, based on the underlying randomness of the system. Stochastic processes are a generalization of probability theory that allow for the modeling of systems that evolve over time. A stochastic process is a collection of random variables that evolve over time according to some probabilistic rules or laws. For example, the movement of particles in a gas can be modeled as a stochastic process, where the position and velocity of each particle are random variables that change over time due to collisions with other particles.Stochastic processes have a wide range of applications in various fields,including physics, engineering, finance, biology, and social sciences. For example, in finance, stochastic processes are used to model the behavior of stock pricesand interest rates, which are subject to random fluctuations and uncertainty. In biology, stochastic processes are used to model the growth and division of cells, which are influenced by various random factors such as mutations and environmental conditions. One of the challenges of working with stochastic processes is the difficulty of analyzing and predicting their behavior. Unlike deterministic systems, where the outcome can be predicted with certainty given the initial conditions, stochastic systems are inherently unpredictable and subject to randomness. This makes it challenging to make accurate predictions or to design optimal control strategies for stochastic processes. Another challenge of working with stochastic processes is the need for large amounts of data and computationalresources. Stochastic processes often involve complex models with many parameters, and require extensive simulations and numerical analysis to understand their behavior. This can be computationally expensive and time-consuming, and may require specialized software and hardware. Despite these challenges, probability and stochastic processes remain essential tools for understanding and modeling the behavior of complex systems. They provide a powerful framework for quantifying uncertainty and randomness, and for making predictions and decisions under uncertainty. As our understanding of these concepts continues to evolve, we can expect to see new applications and insights in a wide range of fields.。



-1226•国际护理学杂志2()21年4丿J第4()卷第7期Ini J"rsjpril2()21,\“L4().、)•7CDDS超纯水血液透析与普通透析对维持性血透患者在营养状况方面的影响对比姚晶赵佳饪严书玲楼月惠刘丽丽复旦大学附属华山医院北院血液净化中心,上海201906【摘要】目的探讨中央供透析液系统(CDDS)模式与传统透析模式对维持性血液透析患者营养状况方面的不同影响。





记录两组患者自2017年10月开始的实验室检查:白蛋白(Alb),血红蛋白(Hb),C反应蛋白(CRP)0结果经过6个月的观察,发现实验组CRP降低水平显著高于对照组(P<0.05),Alb.Hb的升高水平显著高于对照组(P< 0.05)。


【关键词)CDDS;血液透析;营养基金项目:复旦大学附属华山医院科研启动基金资助(2016QD092)D01:10.3760/221370-20190829-00356Comparison of the effects of CDDS ultrapure water hemodialysis and ordinary dial­ysis on the nutritional status of patients with maintenance hemodialysisYao Jing,Zhao Jiayu,Yan Shuling,Lou Yuehui,Liu LiliBlood Purification Center,Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University,North Hospital,Shanghai201906,China [Abstract]Objective To compare the effects of central dialysate delivers system(CDDS)ultrapure water hemodialysis and ordinary hemodialysis on nutritional status of maintenance hemodialysis patients.Methods Patients with dialysis age greater than6months in the center were selected as the research object,and the patients were randomly divided into CDDS experimental group and traditional dialysis control group.Dialysate in the experimental group was sup-plied in CDDS mode,while dialysate in the control group was supplied in non-central mode.During dialysis,the patients were given a unified diet,and the diet for the interdialysis period was formulated.Subjective global assessment(SGA) was used to assess the basic nutritional status of the two boratory examinations of albumin(ALB),hemoglobin (Hb)and C-reactive protein(CRP)were recorded in both groups since October,2017.Results After6months of ob­servation,CRP reduction in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.05). The elevated level of ALB and HB was significantly higher than that of control group(P<0.05).Conclusions CDDS ultrapure dialysate can improve nutritional status of maintenance dialysis patients to a certain extent.[Key words]Central dialysate delivers system;Hemodialysis;NutritionFund program:Supported by Research Start-up Fund of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University(2016Q1X)92)DOI:10.3760/221370-20190829-00356近年来,我国终末期肾病患者急剧增加⑴,但由于肾源极度紧张,大多数患者选择接受透析治疗继续维持生命,其中血液透析患者约占90%⑵。



反应频率的英语单词Frequency of Reaction.The concept of frequency of reaction is central to the understanding of chemical kinetics, the study of the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. Frequency, in this context, refers to the number of times a particularreaction occurs within a given period of time. This metricis crucial for predicting and controlling reaction outcomes, optimizing reaction conditions, and understanding the underlying mechanisms of chemical transformations.The frequency of a reaction is influenced by a varietyof factors, including the concentration of reactants, the temperature of the reaction mixture, the presence of catalysts or inhibitors, and the nature of the reaction itself. These factors can either increase or decrease the frequency of a reaction, depending on their specificeffects on the reaction rate.Concentration is one of the most significant factors affecting reaction frequency. When reactant concentrations are high, the number of collisions between reactant molecules increases, leading to a higher frequency of reactions. Conversely, when reactant concentrations are low, the frequency of reactions decreases due to a reduction in the number of collisions.Temperature also plays a crucial role in determining reaction frequency. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of reactant molecules rises, resulting in more frequent and energetic collisions. These collisions aremore likely to result in successful chemical reactions, thereby increasing the frequency of the overall reaction. Conversely, as temperature decreases, the kinetic energy of reactant molecules decreases, leading to fewer and less energetic collisions and a corresponding decrease inreaction frequency.Catalysts and inhibitors can significantly alterreaction frequency by either speeding up or slowing downthe reaction rate. Catalysts provide an alternativereaction pathway with a lower activation energy, allowing reactions to proceed more rapidly at lower temperatures. This increase in reaction rate translates into a higher frequency of reactions. On the other hand, inhibitors can block or slow down the reaction by binding to reactant molecules or disrupting the reaction mechanism, thereby decreasing the frequency of reactions.The nature of the reaction itself also has a profound impact on reaction frequency. Some reactions are intrinsically faster than others due to the ease with which reactant molecules can align and react. For example, reactions involving double bonds or aromatic systems often proceed more rapidly due to the presence of highly reactive sites within the reactant molecules. Conversely, reactions involving stable bonds or large molecules may proceed more slowly due to the need for more energy or a more favorable alignment of reactant molecules.In addition to these individual factors, reaction frequency can also be influenced by the combination of multiple factors. For example, the presence of a catalystmay allow a reaction to proceed at a higher temperature, further increasing the frequency of reactions. Similarly, the optimization of reactant concentrations and temperatures can lead to a synergistic increase in reaction frequency.Understanding the factors that influence reaction frequency is crucial for controlling and optimizing chemical reactions in a laboratory setting. By manipulating these factors, researchers can control the rate and extent of reactions, produce desired products more efficiently, and minimize waste and byproducts. Additionally, knowledge of reaction frequency can aid in the design of industrial processes and the development of new chemical technologies.In conclusion, the frequency of reaction is a fundamental concept in chemical kinetics that is influenced by a variety of factors including concentration, temperature, catalysts, inhibitors, and the nature of the reaction itself. Understanding and manipulating these factors is essential for controlling and optimizingchemical reactions in both laboratory and industrial settings.。



51肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC )是我国常见的恶性消化道肿瘤,属于肝癌的一种,肝癌患者绝大多数为HCC ,患者发生淋巴结转移将影响到治疗方案的制定。

HCC 主要以血液转移为主,病灶主要局限在肝脏内,故而不能手术切除的HCC 患者的淋巴结转移易被忽略。


因此一些恶性基于肝细胞癌临床数据预测淋巴结转移列线图的构建张煜坤,何渡*,赖琳,段春燕,吕鹏(恩施土家族苗族自治州中心医院 肿瘤科,湖北恩施 445000)摘要目的:利用肝细胞癌(HCC)患者临床数据构建预测淋巴结转移危险因素的Nomogram 模型。

方法:收集恩施土家族苗族自治州中心医院2016—2021年收治的328例HCC 患者临床数据,将50例淋巴结转移患者纳入转移组,余278例纳入对照组。

多因素Logistic 回归分析寻找淋巴结转移的风险因素,在此基础上构建Nomogram 模型。

结果:甲胎蛋白(>243.35 μg/L )、γ-谷氨酰基转移酶(>181.82 U/L)、肿瘤最大直径(>6.17 mm)、肿瘤个数(>1个 )是HCC 患者淋巴结转移的危险因素(均P <0.05)。

Nomogram 模型被成功构建,内部验证结果显示预测HCC 患者淋巴结转移C-index 为0.805(95%CI 为0.086~1.325),风险阈值>0.058,且临床净收益均高于甲胎蛋白、γ- 谷氨酰基转移酶、肿瘤直径、肿瘤个数。

结论:基于HCC 临床数据成功构建了预测淋巴结转移的Nomogram 模型,该模型对于临床筛查预判HCC 患者可能出现淋巴结转移具有实用价值。

关键词:肝细胞癌;风险因素;淋巴结转移;列线图Construction of Nomogram for predicting lymph node metastasis based on clinicaldata of hepatocellular carcinomaZhang Yukun,He Du*,Lai Lin,Duan Chunyan,Lyu Peng(Department of Oncology,Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Central Hospital, Enshi 445000,Hubei,China)AbstractObjective:To construct a Nomogram prediction model of risk factors for lymph node metastasis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) clinical data.Methods: 328 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Central Hospital were collected, and 50 patients with lymph node metastases were included in the metastasis group, and the remaining 278 patients were included in the control group.Logistic regression analysis looked for risk factors for lymph node metastasis, based on which the Nomogram model was constructed.Results: Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)(>243.35 μg/L), γ-Gluyl transferase(γ-GT>181.82 U/L), tumor maximum diameter (>6.17 mm) and tumor number (>1) were a risk factor for lymph node metastasis in HCC patients(all P <0.05). A Nomogram model for predicting lymph node metastasis in HCC patients was constructed. The internal verification results showed that the C-index is 0.805 (95%CI : 0.086-1.325),and risk threshold > 0.058. But the Nomogram model provided a clinical net benefit and was higher than that of AFP, γ-GT, tumor diameter, and tumor number.Conclusions: In this study, a Nomogram model for predicting lymph node metastasis was constructed based on the clinical data of HCC. This model has practical value for clinical screening to predict the possible lymph node metastasis in HCC patients.Key words: Hepatocellular carcinoma; Risk factors; Lymph node metastasis; Nomogram张煜坤恩施土家族苗族自治州中心医院肿瘤科基金项目:湖北省卫生健康委科研项目(WJ2021Q019)*通信作者:肿瘤根治术需大面积清除病灶周围淋巴组织,但这可能造成局部淋巴回流障碍,影响患者营养状态及免疫功能且不利于预后。



347Downloaded from at Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/348Bartlett et al.CID2000;31(August)is not available initially but is subsequently reported,changing to the antimicrobial agent that is most cost-effective,least toxic, and most narrow in spectrum is encouraged.Recommendations for treating patients who require empirical antibiotic selection are based on severity of illness,pathogen probabilities,resis-tance patterns of S.pneumoniae(the most commonly implicated etiologic agent),and comorbid conditions.The recommendation for outpatients is administration of a macrolide,doxycycline,orfluoroquinolone with enhanced ac-tivity against S.pneumoniae.For patients who are hospitalized, the recommendation is administration of afluoroquinolone alone or an extended-spectrum cephalosporin(cefotaxime or ceftriaxone)plus a macrolide.Patients hospitalized in the in-tensive care unit(ICU)should receive ceftriaxone,cefotaxime, ampicillin-sulbactam,or piperacillin-tazobactam in combina-tion with afluoroquinolone or macrolide.b-lactams,other than those noted,are not recommended.Intravenous antibiotics may be switched to oral agents when the patient is improving clin-ically,is hemodynamically stable,and is able to ingest drugs. Most patients show a clinical response within3–5days. Changes evident on chest radiographs usually lag behind the clinical response,and repeated chest radiography is generally not indicated for patients who respond.The failure to respond usually indicates an incorrect diagnosis;host failure;inappro-priate antibiotic;inappropriate dose or route of administration; unusual or unanticipated pathogen;adverse drug reaction;or complication,such as pulmonary superinfection or empyema. Prognosis.The most frequent causes of lethal community-acquired pneumonia are S.pneumoniae and Legionella.The most frequent reason for failure to respond is progression of pathophysiological changes,despite appropriate antibiotic treatment.Pneumococcal pneumonia.S.pneumoniae,the most com-mon identifiable etiologic agent of pneumonia in virtually all studies,accounts for about two-thirds of bacteremic pneumonia cases,and pneumococci are the most frequent cause of lethal community-acquired pneumonia.Management has been com-plicated in recent years by the evolution of multidrug resistance. b-lactams(amoxicillin,cefotaxime,and ceftriaxone)are gen-erally regarded as the drugs of choice,although pneumonia caused by resistant strains(MIC,у2m g/mL)may not respond as readily as pneumonia caused by more susceptible strains. The activity of macrolides and doxycycline or other b-lactams, including cefuroxime,is good against penicillin-susceptible strains but less predictable with strains that show reduced pen-icillin-susceptibility.Vancomycin,linezolid,and quinupristin/ dalfopristin are the only drugs with predictable in vitro activity. Fluoroquinolones are generally active against strains that are susceptible or resistant to penicillin,but recent reports indicate increasing resistance in selective locations that correlate with excessivefluoroquinolone use.Prevention.The major preventive measures are use of in-fluenza vaccine and use of pneumococcal vaccine,according to guidelines of the Advisory Council on Immunization Practicesof the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC). Performance indicators.Recommendations for perform-ance indicators include the collection of blood culture speci-mens before antibiotic treatment and the institution of anti-biotic treatment within8h of hospitalization,since both aresupported on the basis of evidence-based trials.Additional per-formance indicators recommended are laboratory tests for Le-gionella in patients hospitalized in the ICU,demonstration ofan infiltrate on chest radiographs of patients with an ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases,9th edition)code for pneumonia,and measurement of blood gases or pulse oximetrywithin24h of admission.IntroductionLower respiratory tract infections are the major cause ofdeath in the world and the major cause of death due to infec-tious diseases in the United States.Recent advances in thefieldinclude the identification of new pathogens(Chlamydia pneu-moniae and hantavirus),new methods of microbial detection (PCR),and new antimicrobial agents(macrolides,b-lactamagents,fluoroquinolones,oxazolidinones,and streptogramins).Despite extensive studies,there are few conditions in medicinethat are so controversial in terms of management.Guidelinesfor management were published in1993by the American Tho-racic Society[1],the British Thoracic Society[2],and the Ca-nadian Infectious Disease Society[3],as well as the InfectiousDiseases Society of America(IDSA)in1998[4].The presentguidelines represent revised recommendations of the IDSA. Compared with previous guidelines,these guidelines are in-tended to reflect updated information,provide more extensive recommendations in selected areas,and indicate an evolutionof opinion.These therapeutic guidelines are restricted to com-munity-acquired pneumonia(CAP)in immunocompetentadults.Recommendations are given alphabetical ranking to reflecttheir strength and a Roman numeral ranking to reflect thequality of supporting evidence(table1).This is customary forquality standards from the IDSA[5].It should be acknowledgedthat no set of standards can be constructed to deal with themultitude of variables that influence decisions regarding site ofcare,diagnostic evaluation,and selection of antibiotics.Thus,these standards should not supplant good clinical judgement.EpidemiologyMagnitudeCAP is commonly defined as an acute infection of the pul-monary parenchyma that is associated with at least some symp-toms of acute infection,accompanied by the presence of anacute infiltrate on a chest radiograph or auscultatoryfindingsconsistent with pneumonia(such as altered breath sounds and/at Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/Downloaded fromCID2000;31(August)IDSA Guidelines for CAP in Adults349Table1.Categories for ranking recommendations in the therapeutic guidelines.Category DescriptionStrength of recommendationA Good evidence to support a recommendation for useB Moderate evidence to support a recommendation for useC Poor evidence to support a recommendationD Moderate evidence to support a recommendation against useE Good evidence to support a recommendation against useQuality of evidenceI Evidence from at least1randomized,controlled trialII Evidence from at least1well-designed clinical trial without randomizationIII Evidence from opinions of respected authorities,based on clinical experi-ence,descriptive studies,or reports of expert committeesor localized rales),in a patient not hospitalized or residing in a long-term-care facility forу14days before onset of symp-toms.Symptoms of acute lower respiratory infection may in-clude several(in most studies,at least2)of the following:fever or hypothermia,rigors,sweats,new cough with or without sputum production or change in color of respiratory secretions in a patient with chronic cough,chest discomfort,or the onset of dyspnea.Most patients also have nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue,myalgias,abdominal pain,anorexia,and headache.Pneumonia is the sixth most common cause of death in the United States.From1979through1994,the overall rates of death due to pneumonia and influenza increased by59%(on the basis of ICD-9codes on death certificates)in the United States[6].Much of this increase is due to a greater proportion of persons agedу65years;however,age-adjusted rates also increased by22%,which suggests that other factors may have contributed to a changing epidemiology of pneumonia,includ-ing a greater proportion of the population with underlying med-ical conditions at increased risk of respiratory infection. Annually,2–3million cases of CAP result in∼10million physician visits,500,000hospitalizations,and45,000deaths in the United States[7,8].The incidence of CAP that requires hospitalization is estimated to be258persons per100,000pop-ulation and962per100,000persons agedу65years[8].Al-though mortality has ranged from2%to30%among hospi-talized patients in a variety of studies,the average is∼14%[9]. Mortality is estimated to be!1%for patients not hospitalized [9,10].The incidence of CAP is heavily weighted toward the winter months.Prognosis,Risk Stratification,and the Initial Site-of-Treatment DecisionKnowledge about the prognosis of a disease allows physi-cians to inform their patients about the expected natural history of an illness,the likelihood of potential complications,and the probability of successful treatment.Understanding the prog-nosis of CAP is of particular clinical relevance,since it ranges from rapid recovery from symptoms without functional im-pairment to serious morbid complications and death.The abil-ity to accurately predict medical outcomes in cases of CAP hasa major impact on management.The decision to hospitalize apatient or to treat him or her as an outpatient(figure1)isperhaps the single most important clinical decision made by physicians during the entire course of illness,which has directbearing on the location and intensity of laboratory evaluation,antibiotic therapy,and costs.The estimated total treatment costfor an episode of CAP managed in the hospital is$7500(USdollars)[11],120-fold higher than the cost of outpatient treatment.Numerous studies have identified risk factors for death incases of CAP[9,10,12].These factors were well-defined in thepre–penicillin era;studies of adults showed an increased riskwith alcohol consumption,increasing age,the presence of leu-kopenia,the presence of bacteremia,and radiographic changes[12].More recent studies have confirmed thesefindings[2,13–18].Independent associations with increased mortality havealso been demonstrated for a variety of comorbid illnesses,suchas active malignancies[10,16,19],immunosuppression[20,21], neurological disease[19,22,23],congestive heart failure[10,17,19],coronary artery disease[19],and diabetes mellitus[10,19,24].Signs and symptoms independently associated with in-creased mortality consist of dyspnea[10],chills[25],alteredmental status[10,19,23,26],hypothermia or hyperthermia[10,16,17,20],tachypnea[10,19,23,27],and hypotension(diastolic and systolic)[10,19,26–28].Laboratory and radiographicfindings independently asso-ciated with increased mortality are hyponatremia[10,19],hy-perglycemia[10,19],azotemia[10,19,27,28],hypoalbumi-nemia[16,19,22,25],hypoxemia[10,19],liver function test abnormalities[19],and pleural effusion[29].Infections due togram-negative bacilli or S.aureus,postobstructive pneumonia,and aspiration pneumonia are also independently associatedwith higher mortality[30].Despite our knowledge regarding the associations of clinical, laboratory,and radiographic factors and patient mortality,there is wide geographic variation in hospital admission ratesfor CAP[31,32].This variation suggests that physicians donot use a uniform strategy to relate the decision to hospitalizeto the prognosis.In fact,physicians often overestimate the riskof death for patients with CAP,and the degree of overesti-at Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/Downloaded from350Bartlett et al.CID2000;31(August)Figure1.Evaluation for diagnosis and management of community-acquired pneumonia,including site,duration,and type of treatment. b-Lactam:cefotaxime,ceftriaxone,or a b-lactam/b-lactamase inhibitor.Fluoroquinolone:levofloxacin,moxifloxacin,or gatifloxacin or another fluoroquinolone with enhanced antipneumococcal activity.Macrolide:erythromycin,clarithromycin,or azithromycin.CBC,complete blood cell count;ICU,intensive care unit.*Other tests for selected patients:see text,Diagnostic Evaluation:Etiology.**See table15for special considerations.mation is independently associated with the decision to hos-pitalize[30].Over the past10years,at least13studies have used multi-variate analysis to identify predictors of prognosis for patients with CAP[10,16–20,25–27,33–35].The Pneumonia PORT developed a methodologically sound clinical prediction rule that quantifies short-term mortality for patients with this illness [10].Used as a guideline,this rule may help physicians make decisions about the initial location and intensity of treatment for patients with this illness(table2).The Pneumonia PORT prediction rule was derived with 14,199inpatients with CAP;it was independently validated with 38,039inpatients with CAP and2287inpatients and outpatients prospectively enrolled in the Pneumonia PORT cohort study. With this rule,patients are stratified into5severity classes by means of a2-step process.In step1,patients are classified as risk class I(the lowest severity level)if they are agedр50years,have none of5important comorbid conditions(neoplastic dis-ease,liver disease,congestive heart failure,cerebrovascular dis-ease,or renal disease),and have normal or only mildly derangedvital signs and normal mental status.In step2,all patients whoare not assigned to risk class I on the basis of the initial historyand physical examinationfindings alone are stratified into clas-ses II–V,on the basis of points assigned for3demographicvariables(age,sex,and nursing home residence),5comorbidconditions(listed above),5physical examinationfindings(al-tered mental status,tachypnea,tachycardia,systolic hypoten-sion,hypothermia,or hyperthermia),and7laboratory or ra-diographicfindings(acidemia,elevated blood urea nitrogen, hyponatremia,hyperglycemia,anemia,hypoxemia,or pleuraleffusion;table3).Point assignments correspond with the fol-lowing classes:р70,class II;71–90,class III;91–130,class IV;and1130,class V.In the derivation and validation of this rule,mortality wasat Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/Downloaded fromCID2000;31(August)IDSA Guidelines for CAP in Adults351 parison of risk class–specific mortality rates in the derivation and validation cohorts.Risk class a (total points)MedisGroups MedisGroupsPneumonia PORT validation cohortderivation cohort validation cohort Inpatients Outpatients All patientsn Mortality,%n Mortality,%n Mortality,%n Mortality,%n Mortality,%I13720.430340.11850.55870.07720.1II(р70)24120.757780.62330.92440.44770.6III(71–90)2632 2.86790 2.8254 1.2720.03260.9IV(91–130)46978.513,1048.24469.04012.54869.3V(1130)308631.1933329.222527.110.022627.0 Total14,19910.238,03910.613438.09440.62287 5.2 NOTE.No statistically significant differences in overall mortality or mortality within risk class existed among patients in the MedisGroups derivation,MedisGroups validation,and overall Pneumonia Patient Outcome Research Team(PORT)validation cohorts(n denotes the no.of patients within each risk class in the derivation and validation cohorts).P values for the comparisons of mortality across risk classes are as follows:class I,;class II,;class III,;class IV,;and class V,.P p.22P p.67P p.12P p.69P p.09a Risk class I was determined by the absence of all predictors identified in step1of the prediction rule.Risk classes II–V were determined by a patient’s total risk score,which is computed by use of the point scoring system shown in table3.low for risk classes I–III(0.1%–2.8%),intermediate for class IV(8.2%–9.3%),and high for class V(27.0%–31.1%).Increases in risk class were also associated with subsequent hospitaliza-tion and delayed return to usual activities for outpatients and with rates of admission to the ICU and length of stay for inpatients in the Pneumonia PORT validation cohort.On the basis of these observations,Pneumonia PORT investigators suggest that patients in risk classes I or II generally are can-didates for outpatient treatment,risk class III patients are po-tential candidates for outpatient treatment or brief inpatient observation,and patients in classes IV and V should be hos-pitalized(table4).Estimates from the Pneumonia PORT cohort study suggest that these recommendations would reduce the proportion of patients receiving traditional inpatient care by 31%and that there would be a brief observational inpatient stay for an additional19%.The effectiveness and safety of applying the Pneumonia PORT prediction rule to the initial site of care for an indepen-dent population of patients with CAP have been examined with use of a modified version of the Pneumonia PORT prediction rule[36].Emergency room physicians were educated about the rule and were encouraged to treat those in risk classes I–III as outpatients,with close,structured follow-up and provision of oral clarithromycin at no cost to the patient,if desired.The outcomes for those treated at home during this intervention phase were compared with the outcomes for historical control subjects from the time period immediately preceding the intervention.During the intervention period,there were166eligible pa-tients classified as“low risk”for short-term mortality(risk classes I–III)for comparison with147control subjects.The percentage treated initially as outpatients was higher during the intervention period than during the control period(57%vs. 42%;relative increase of36%;).When initial plus sub-P p.01sequent hospitalization was used as the outcome measure,there was a trend toward more outpatient care during the interven-tion period,but the difference was no longer statistically sig-nificant(52%vs.42%;).None of those initially treatedP p.07in the outpatient setting during the intervention period diedwithin4weeks of presentation.A second multicenter controlled trial subsequently assessedthe effectiveness and safety of using the Pneumonia PORT pre-diction rule for the initial site-of-treatment decision[37].In thistrial,19emergency departments were randomly assigned eitherto continue conventional management of CAP or to implementa critical pathway that included the Pneumonia PORT predic-tion rule to guide the admission decision.Emergency room physicians were educated about the rule and were encouragedto treat those in risk classes I–III as outpatients with oral levo-floxacin.Overall,1743patients with CAP were enrolled in this6-month e of the prediction rule resulted in an18%reduction in the admission of low-risk patients(31%vs.49%;).Use of the rule did not result in an increase in mor-P p.013tality or morbidity and did not compromise patients’30-dayfunctional status.These studies support use of the PneumoniaPORT prediction rule to help physicians identify low-risk pa-tients who can be safely treated in the outpatient setting.The IDSA panel endorses thefindings of the PneumoniaPORT prediction rule,which identifies valid predictors for mor-tality and provides a rational foundation for the decision re-garding hospitalization.However,it should be emphasized thatthe PORT prediction rule is validated as a mortality predictionmodel and not as a method to triage patients with CAP.Newstudies are required to test the basic premise underlying the useof this rule in the initial site-of-treatment decision,so that pa-tients classified as“low risk”and treated in the outpatient set-ting will have outcomes equivalent to or better than those ofsimilar“low-risk”patients who are hospitalized.It is important to note that prediction rules are meant tocontribute to rather than to supersede physicians’judgment.Another limitation is that factors other than severity of illnessmust also be considered in determining whether an individualpatient is a candidate for outpatient care.Patients designatedas“low risk”may have important medical and psychosocial contraindications to outpatient care,including expected com-pliance problems with medical treatment or poor social supportat Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/Downloaded from352Bartlett et al.CID 2000;31(August)Table 3.Scoring system for step 2of the prediction rule:assignment to risk classes II–V .Patient characteristicPoints assignedaDemographic factor Age Male No.of years of age FemaleNo.of years of age Ϫ10Nursing home resident ϩ10Comorbid illnessesNeoplastic diseasebϩ30Liver diseasecϩ20Congestive heart failuredϩ10Cerebrovascular diseaseeϩ10Renal diseasefϩ10Physical examination findingAltered mental statusgϩ20Respiratory rate 130breaths/min ϩ20Systolic blood pressure !90mm Hg ϩ20Temperature !35ЊC or 140ЊC ϩ15Pulse 1125beats/minϩ10Laboratory or radiographic finding Arterial pH !7.35ϩ30Blood urea nitrogen 130mg/dL ϩ20Sodium !130mEq/L ϩ20Glucose 1250mg/dL ϩ10Hematocrit !30%ϩ10Arterial partial pressure of oxygen !60mm Hg hϩ10Pleural effusionϩ10aA total point score for a given patient is obtained by adding the patient’s age in years (age Ϫ10,for females)and the points for each applicable patient char-acteristic.Points assigned to each predictor variable were based on coefficients obtained from the logistic regression model used in step 2of the prediction rule.bAny cancer except basal or squamous cell cancer of the skin that was active at the time of presentation or diagnosed within 1year of presentation.cA clinical or histologic diagnosis of cirrhosis or other form of chronic liver disease such as chronic active hepatitis.dSystolic or diastolic ventricular dysfunction documented by history and physical examination,as well as chest radiography,echocardiography,Muga scanning,or left ventriculography.eA clinical diagnosis of stroke,transient ischemic attack,or stroke docu-mented by MRI or computed axial tomography.fA history of chronic renal disease or abnormal blood urea nitrogen and creatinine values documented in the medical record.gDisorientation (to person,place,or time,not known to be chronic),stupor,or coma.hIn the Pneumonia Patient Outcome Research Team cohort study,an oxygen saturation value !90%on pulse oximetry or intubation before admission was also considered abnormal.Table 4.Risk-class mortality rates.Risk class No.of points Validation cohortRecommended site of care No.of patientsMortality,%I —a30340.1Outpatient II р7057780.6Outpatient III 71–906790 2.8Outpatient or brief inpatient IV 91–13013,1048.2Inpatient V1130933329.2InpatientNOTE.Table is adapted from [10].aAbsence of predictors.at home.Ability to maintain oral intake,history of substance abuse,cognitive impairment,and ability to perform activities of daily living must be considered.In addition,patients may have rare conditions,such as severe neuromuscular disease or immunosuppression,which are not included as predictors in these prediction rules but increase the likelihood of a poor prognosis.Prediction rules may also oversimplify the way physicians interpret important predictor variables.For example,extreme alterations in any one variable have the same effect on risk stratification as lesser changes,despite obvious differences in clinical import (e.g.,a systolic blood pressure of 40mm Hg vs.one of 88mm Hg).Furthermore,such rules discount the cu-mulative importance of multiple simultaneous physiological de-rangements,especially if each derangement alone does not reach the threshold that defines an abnormal value (e.g.,systolicblood pressure of 90/40mm Hg,respiratory rate of 28breaths/min,and pulse of 120beats/min).Finally,prediction rules often neglect the importance of patients’preferences in clinical de-cision-making.This point is highlighted by the observation that the vast majority of low-risk patients with CAP do not have their preferences for site of care solicited,despite strong pref-erences for outpatient care [38].Role of Specific Pathogens in CAPProspective studies evaluating the causes of CAP in adults have failed to identify the cause of 40%–60%of cases of CAP and have detected у2etiologies in 2%–5%[2,7,26,39,40].The most common etiologic agent identified in virtually all studies of CAP is S.pneumoniae,which accounts for about two-thirds of all cases of bacteremic pneumonia cases [9].Other pathogens implicated less frequently include H.influenzae (most strains of which are nontypeable),Mycoplasma pneumoniae,C.pneumoniae,S.aureus,Streptococcus pyogenes,N.meningitidis,Moraxella catarrhalis,Klebsiella pneumoniae and other gram-negative rods,Legionella species,influenza virus (depending on the season),respiratory syncytial virus,adenovirus,parainflu-enza virus,and other microbes.The frequency of other etiol-ogies is dependent on specific epidemiological factors,as with Chlamydia psittaci (psittacosis),Coxiella burnetii (Q fever),Francisella tularensis (tularemia),and endemic fungi (histo-plasmosis,blastomycosis,and coccidioidomycosis).Comparisons of relative frequency of each of the etiologies of pneumonia are hampered by the varying levels of sensitivity and specificity of the tests used for each of the pathogens that they detect;for example,in some studies,tests used for legi-onella infections provide a much higher degree of sensitivity and possibly specificity than do tests used for pneumococcal infections.Thus,the relative contribution of many causes to the incidence of CAP is undoubtedly either exaggerated or un-derestimated,depending on the sensitivity and specificity of tests used in each of the studies.Etiology-Specific Diagnoses and the Clinical SettingNo convincing association has been demonstrated between individual symptoms,physical findings,or laboratory test re-sults and specific etiology [39].Even time-honored beliefs,suchat Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/Downloaded fromCID2000;31(August)IDSA Guidelines for CAP in Adults353Table5.Diagnostic studies for evaluation of community-acquired pneumonia.Baseline assessmentChest radiography to substantiate diagnosis of pneumonia,to detect associated lung diseases,to gain insightinto causative agent(in some cases),to assess severity,and as baseline to assess responseOutpatientsSputum Gram stain and culture for conventional bacteria are optionalInpatientsDetermination of complete blood cell and differential countsSerum creatinine,urea nitrogen,glucose,electrolyte,bilirubin,and liver enzyme valuesHIV serological status for persons aged15–54yearsO2saturation arterial blood gas values for selected patientsBlood cultures(ϫ2;before treatment)Gram stain and culture of sputum aTest for Mycobacterium tuberculosis,with acid-fast bacilli staining and culture for selected patients,especiallythose with cough for11mo,other common symptoms,or suggestive radiographic changesTest for Legionella in selected patients,including all seriously ill patients without an alternative diagnosis,es-pecially if aged140years,immunocompromised,or nonresponsive to b-lactam antibiotics,if clinicalfeatures are suggestive of this diagnosis,or in outbreak settingsThoracentesis with stain,culture,and determination of pH and leukocyte count differential(pleuralfluid)Alternative specimens to expectorated sputumAspirates of intubated patients,tracheostomy aspirates,and nasotracheal aspirates:manage as with expec-torated sputumInduced sputum:recommended for detection of M.tuberculosis or Pneumocystis cariniiBronchoscopy(see text under Special Considerations:Pnemococcal Pneumonia)Transtracheal aspiration:recommended only in cases of enigmatic pneumonia,to be done by personsskilled in the technique,preferably before antibiotic treatmentOptionalAdditional cytological or microbiological tests,as listed in table8,depending on clinical features,availableresources,underlying conditions,and/or epidemiological associations of the patientSerum:to be frozen and saved for serological analysis,if needed ba Should be deep-cough specimen obtained before antibiotic therapy.Gram stain should be interpreted by trainedpersonnel and culture done only if specimen is adequate by cytological criteria,except for Legionella and myco-bacteria.Consider diagnostic studies for endemic fungi and mycobacteria when clinical features suggest infectionwith these.For hospitalized patients with severe pneumonia or clinical features that suggest legionnaires’disease,perform culture and urinary antigen testing for Legionella.Inability to obtain specimens for diagnostic studiesshould not delay antibiotic treatment of acutely ill patients.b Serological tests would include those for Mycoplasma pneumoniae,Legionella pneumophila,Chlamydia pneu-moniae,or others(i.e.,viruses,Chlamydia psittaci,or Coxiella burnetii),depending on the circumstances.as the absence of productive cough or inflammatory sputum in pneumonia due to Mycoplasma,Legionella,or Chlamydia species,have not withstood close inspection.On the other hand, most comparisons have involved relatively small numbers of patients and have not evaluated the potential for separating causes by use of constellations of symptoms and physical findings.In one study,as yet unconfirmed,that compared patients identified in a prospective standardized fashion,a scoring sys-tem using5symptoms and laboratory abnormalities was able to differentiate most patients with legionnaires’disease from the other patients[41].A similar type of system has been devised for identifying patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)[42].If validated,such scoring systems may be useful for identifying patients who should undergo specific diagnostic tests(which are too expensive to use routinely for all patients with CAP)and be empirically treated with specific antimicrobial drugs while test results are pending.Certain pathogens cause pneumonia more commonly among persons with specific risk factors.For instance,pneumococcal pneumonia is especially likely to occur in the elderly and in patients with a variety of medical conditions,including alco-holism,chronic cardiovascular disease,chronic obstructed air-way disease,immunoglobulin deficiency,hematologic malig-nancy,and HIV infection.However,outbreaks occur amongyoung adults under conditions of crowding,such as in armycamps or prisons.S.pneumoniae is second only to Pneumocystiscarinii as the most common identifiable cause of acute pneu-monia in patients with AIDS[43–45].Legionella is an oppor-tunistic pathogen;legionella pneumonia is rarely recognized inhealthy young children and young adults.It is an importantcause of pneumonia in organ transplant recipients and in pa-tients with renal failure and occurs with increased frequency inpatients with chronic lung disease,smokers,and possibly thosewith AIDS[46].Although M.pneumoniae historically has beenthought primarily to involve children and young adults,someevidence suggests that it causes pneumonia in healthy adultsof any age[8].There are seasonal differences in incidence of many of thecauses of CAP.Pneumonia due to S.pneumoniae,H.influenzae,and influenza occurs predominantly in winter months,whereasC.pneumoniae appears to cause pneumonia year-round.Al-though there is a summer prevalence of outbreaks of legion-naires’disease,sporadic cases occur with similar frequency dur-ing all seasons[8,46].Some studies suggest that there is noseasonal variation in mycoplasma infection;however,otherdata suggest that its incidence is greatest during the fall andwinter months[47].at Library of Medical Center of Fudan University on April 21, 2014/Downloaded from。



DOI:10 15972/j cnki 43 ̄1509/r 2018 02 021论著:临床医学收稿日期:2017-03-31ꎻ修回日期:修回日期:2017-10-08∗通讯作者ꎬE ̄mail:2073428621@qq.com.Urocortin在子宫内膜异位症患者组织及血清中的表达水平及临床意义马㊀莉1ꎬ田㊀金2ꎬ陈江新1∗(1.湖北省武汉市第八医院ꎬ430010ꎻ2.郑州人民医院妇产科)摘㊀要:㊀子宫内膜异位症具有侵袭㊁复发等恶性行为特征ꎬ且存在激素依赖性ꎬUrocortin(UCN)属于促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素ꎬ参与血管生成㊁炎症反应㊁凋亡及免疫活动调节等ꎬ本研究通过免疫组织化学(IHC)㊁酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)实验ꎬ探究56例内异症患者组织及血清中UCN表达水平与内异症临床因素之间的关系ꎬ结果显示内异症患者在位内膜及异位病灶中UCN的表达强度显著高于正常子宫内膜组织ꎬ且与患者疾病分期㊁病灶大小相关ꎮ内异症患者血清UCN水平(54.40ʃ9.12pg/mL)显著高于正常对照组(21.30ʃ4.72pg/mL)ꎮ提示UCN的表达水平与内异症发生发展密切相关ꎬ可能成为内异症早期诊断及预后评估的潜在标志物ꎮ关键词:㊀子宫内膜异位症ꎻ㊀Urocortinꎻ㊀IHCꎻ㊀ELISA中图分类号:R711.3㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:ATheclinicalsignificanceofurocortinexpressioninendometriosisMALiꎬTIANJinꎬCHENJiangxin(TheEighthHospitalinWuhanꎬHubeiProvinceꎬWuhan430010ꎬHubeiꎬChina)Abstract:㊀Endometriosishasthecharacteristicsofmalignantbehaviorꎬsuchasinvasionandrecurrenceꎬandthereishormonedependence.Urocortin(UCN)belongstothecorticotropinreleasinghormoneꎬinvolvedinangiogenesisꎬinflamma ̄tionꎬapoptosisandimmuneregulation.ThisstudyistoexploretherelationshipbetweentheexpressionofUCNintheserumlevelsof56casesofendometriosispatientsandclinicalfactorsofendometriosisbyimmunohistochemistry(IHC)anden ̄zyme ̄linkedimmunosorbentassay(ELISA).TheresultsshowedthattheintensityofUCNineutopicendometriumandec ̄topiclesionofendometiosiswassignificantlyhigherthanthatofnormalendometriumtissue.Itwasalsosignificantlycorrela ̄tedwithstagingandlesionsize.TheserumUCNlevel(54.40ʃ9.12pg/mL)wassignificantlyhigherintheendometrio ̄sisgroupthanthatinthecontrolgroup(21.30ʃ4.72pg/mL).ItissuggestedthattheexpressionlevelofUCNwascloselyre ̄latedtothedevelopmentendometriosis.ThusꎬmaybeUCNcouldbeapotentialmarkerfordiagnosisandpredictingprognosisinpatientswithendometriosis.Keywords:㊀endometriosisꎻ㊀urocortinꎻ㊀iimmunohistochemistryꎻ㊀ELISA㊀㊀子宫内膜异位症(以下简称内异症)指具有生长功能的子宫内膜出现在子宫腔以外的部位ꎬ是一种激素依赖性疾病ꎬ以炎症和血管生成为主要特征ꎬ以不孕及疼痛为主要症状ꎮ内异症虽然是一种良性疾病ꎬ但其因具有侵袭㊁复发等恶性行为特征ꎬ且有一定的恶变倾向ꎬ又被称为 不死的癌症 ꎬ严重影响育龄女性的身心健康[1]ꎮ内异症的发病机制至今尚未完全明了ꎬ缺乏特异性血清标志物ꎬ导致其早期诊断和预后评估存在很大的困难[2]ꎮ近年来ꎬ有研究表明ꎬ内异症患者在位子宫内膜中存在神经内分泌细胞ꎬ其所分泌的多种细胞因子可能在子宫内膜异位症的发病中发挥作用[3]ꎮ其中ꎬUrocortin(UCN)是1995年从大鼠中脑中克隆出的一种含40个氨基酸的多肽ꎬ属于促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(corticotropinreleasinghormoneꎬCRH)家族的成员ꎬ与CRH有45%的氨基酸同源性ꎬUCN在物种之间有严格的保守性ꎬ人源性与鼠源性UCN的氨基酸序列同源性高达95%ꎮUCN通过与CRH受体1和2(CRH ̄R1㊁CRH ̄R2)结合发挥作用ꎬ可参与血管生成㊁炎症反应㊁凋亡及免疫活动调节等[4 ̄5]ꎮ因此ꎬ猜想UCN可能与内异症的发生发展密切相关ꎬ其在子宫内膜异位症中的研究鲜有报道ꎮ本文分别收集子宫内膜异位症患者在位内膜㊁异位病灶组织和非内异症患者正常子宫内膜组织ꎬ子宫内膜异位症患者的血清及健康体检者的血清ꎬ分别采用免疫组织化学技术(ImmunohistochemistryꎬIHC)及酶联免疫吸附试验(Enzyme ̄linkedimmunosorbentassayꎬELISA)对内膜组织和血清中的UCN表达水平进行研究ꎬ旨在探究其在内异症中的表达情况并探讨其潜在临床意义ꎬ从而为内异症的诊断㊁治疗及预后评估提供实验依据ꎮ1㊀资料与方法1.1㊀标本来源㊀㊀在本院伦理委员会批准及患者知情同意的情况下ꎬ收集本院妇科2012年1月~2016年11月接受手术患者的子宫内膜组织ꎮ实验组:选取经病理证实的内异症患者56例ꎬ根据1997年美国生育学会提出的 修正子宫内膜异位症分期法 其中I/II期10例ꎬIII期/IV期46例ꎬ获取患者的在位子宫内膜及内异症病灶ꎮ对照组:因子宫肌瘤行子宫切除术ꎬ盆腔结构正常㊁无内膜病变的患者50例ꎬ获取患者正常子宫内膜ꎮ上述病例均无免疫疾病㊁急性炎症及其它雌激素依赖性疾病ꎬ术前3个月内未经激素替代治疗ꎮ实验组平均年龄为41.40ʃ3.57岁ꎬ对照组平均年龄为44.10ʃ2.42岁ꎬ差异无统计学意义(P=0.063)ꎮ实验组与对照组病例均在术中收集标本ꎬ将标本固定于4%多聚甲醛-0.1mol/L磷酸缓冲液中ꎮ另外ꎬ于术前留取上述56例内异症患者血样用于后续研究ꎮ留取体检中心健康患者的血清样本56例作为对照组ꎮ1.2㊀主要试剂及仪器㊀㊀兔抗人UCN多克隆抗体购自美国Abcam公司ꎻ羊抗兔/小鼠酶标二抗试剂盒及DAB显色试剂盒均购自北京中杉金桥生物技术公司ꎻ人UCNELISA试剂盒购自武汉华美生物工程有限公司ꎻ石蜡组织包埋机购自美国Leica公司ꎻ石蜡切片机购自美国Leica公司ꎻ电磁炉购自中国九阳公司ꎻ电热恒温干燥箱购自上海捷成实验仪器有限公司ꎻ光学生物显微镜及成像系统购自日本尼康公司ꎮ1.3㊀实验方法1.3.1㊀免疫组织化学染色法(SP)㊀子宫内膜及内异症病灶组织于20倍体积的4%多聚甲醛-0.1mol/L磷酸缓冲液(pH=7.4)中室温固定至少24hꎬ后续进行常规脱水及石蜡包埋处理ꎬ4μm连续切片ꎬ用免疫组织化学SP法检测UCN蛋白的表达水平ꎮ具体操作步骤简述如下:二甲苯脱蜡3次ꎬ每次10minꎬ0.3%过氧化氢 ̄甲醇溶液室温避光封闭内源性过氧化物酶10minꎬ梯度乙醇水化ꎬ蒸馏水及PBS冲洗5minꎬ各3次ꎬ采用pH6.0柠檬酸缓冲液高温高压修复法修复抗原2.5minꎬ自来水冲洗冷却20min后PBS冲洗3次ꎻ山羊血清室温封闭20minꎬ滴加1ʒ100倍稀释的兔抗人UCN一抗ꎬ阴性对照组用一抗稀释液替代ꎬ室温下孵育1~2h(视温度而定)ꎬPBS冲洗3次ꎻ滴加羊抗兔/小鼠酶标二抗ꎬ室温孵育1h后ꎬPBS冲洗3次ꎬ应用DAB溶液显色ꎬ苏木素复染ꎬ梯度乙醇脱水ꎬ二甲苯透明ꎬ中性树胶封片ꎬ镜检并采集图像ꎮ1.3.2㊀酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELISA)㊀收集内异症患者术前及体检者清晨空腹外周静脉血2mL至真空促凝采血管中ꎬ3000rpm离心15minꎬ取上层血清分装并保存于-80ħ冰箱中备用ꎮ血清UCN水平检测采用酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELISA)ꎬ操作严格按照试剂公司提供的说明书进行ꎮ实验步骤简述如下:①标准品倍比稀释及加样ꎻ②血清样品稀释5倍后加样ꎻ③37ħ孵育30minꎻ④洗涤5次ꎬ拍干ꎻ⑤加入酶标试剂ꎬ每孔50μLꎬ37ħ孵育30minꎻ⑥同④ꎻ⑦显色:每孔加入显色剂A50μLꎬ再加入显色剂B50μLꎬ轻轻混匀ꎬ37ħ避光显色15minꎻ⑧终止:每孔加入终止液50μLꎻ⑨酶标仪检测OD450ꎮ1.3.3㊀结果判断㊀综合切片中阳性细胞占观察细胞百分比和阳性细胞着色强度两项指标半定量进行判定ꎮ根据显色程度判断阳性强度ꎬ无着色计为0分ꎬ淡黄色计为1分ꎬ棕黄色计为2分ꎬ棕褐色计为3分ꎮ根据阳性细胞所占观察细胞的百分比分为:阳性细胞数10%为1分ꎬ10%~50%为2分ꎬ50%为3分ꎬ将两者分数相乘ꎬ0分计为阴性(-)ꎬ1~3分计为弱阳性(+)ꎬ4~6分计为阳性(++)ꎬ7~9分计为强阳性(+++)ꎮ1.4㊀统计学方法㊀㊀采用SPSS19.0统计软件进行分析ꎬ计量资料采用均数ʃ标准差表示ꎬ组间差异比较采用独立样本t检验进行分析ꎬ分类资料样本率比较采用χ2检验ꎮP<0.05为差异具有统计学意义ꎮ2㊀结㊀㊀果2.1㊀UCN在子宫内膜异位症中的表达及其与内异症临床因素之间的关系㊀㊀UCN在实验组和对照组子宫内膜及异位病灶组织中均有表达ꎬ主要定位于细胞质中ꎬ呈淡黄色至棕褐色ꎮ内异症在位内膜及异位病灶分别与正常子宫内膜相比ꎬUCN的表达显著增强(P<0.001)ꎮ而UCN在内异症在位内膜和异位病灶中的表达无明显差异(P=0.374)ꎮ详见图1㊁表1ꎮ将UCN表达水平与内异症临床因素之间的关系进行分析ꎬ统计结果表明UCN的表达水平在内异症在位内膜和异位病灶中ꎬ随着内异症分期的进展逐渐升高(P<0.001)ꎮ同时ꎬUCN在内异症在位内膜和异位病灶中的表达水平随卵巢子宫内膜异位症囊肿直径的增加而升高(P<0.001)ꎮ然而ꎬ内异症中UCN的阳性程度与患者BMI指数㊁是否痛经㊁所处月经周期等情况无关(P>0.05)ꎮ详见表2㊁表3ꎮ图1㊀UCN在子宫内膜异位症中的表达A1㊁在位内膜(100ˑ)ꎻB1㊁异位病灶(100ˑ)ꎻC1㊁正常内膜(100ˑ)ꎻA2㊁在位内膜(400ˑ)ꎻB2㊁异位病灶(400ˑ)ꎻC2㊁正常内膜(400ˑ)表1㊀子宫内膜异位症中UCN的表达水平(例ꎬ%)组别n++++++内异症组㊀在位内膜5646(82.1)10(17.9)0(0.0)㊀异位病灶5644(78.6)10(17.9)2(3.6)正常对照组505(10.0)19(38.0)26(52.0)表2㊀内异症在位内膜中UCN的表达水平与临床因素之间的关系(例ꎬ%)临床因素n++++++χ2P分期I/II期104(40.0)6(60.0)0(0.0)III ̄IV期4642(91.3)4(8.7)0(0.0)14.740<0.001病灶直径<3.0cm126(50.0)6(50.0)0(0.0)>3.0cm4440(90.9)4(9.1)0(0.0)10.757<0.001BMI指数<18.521(50.0)1(50.0)0(0.0)18.5~24.94236(85.7)6(14.3)0(0.0)25.0~28.086(75.0)2(25.0)0(0.0)>28.043(75.0)1(25.0)0(0.0)2.191>0.05痛经有3125(80.6)6(19.4)0(0.0)无2521(84.0)4(16.0)0(0.0)0.106>0.05月经周期增殖期3629(80.6)7(19.4)0(0.0)分泌期2017(85.0)3(15.0)0(0.0)0.173>0.05表3㊀内异症异位病灶中UCN的表达水平与临床因素之间的关系(例ꎬ%)临床因素n++++++χ2P分期I/II期102(20.0)6(60.0)2(20.0)Ⅲ~Ⅳ期4642(91.3)4(8.7)0(0.0)26.623<0.001病灶直径<3.0cm123(25.0)7(58.3)2(16.7)>3.0cm4441(93.2)3(6.8)0(0.0)26.924<0.001BMI指数<18.521(50.0)1(50.0)0(0.0)18.5~24.94235(83.3)7(16.7)0(0.0)25.0~28.086(75.0)1(12.5)1(12.5)>28.042(50.0)1(25.0)1(25.0)10.691>0.05痛经有3126(83.9)4(12.9)1(3.2)无2518(72.0)6(24.0)1(4.0)1.404>0.05月经周期增殖期3630(83.3)5(13.9)1(2.8)分泌期2014(70.0)5(25.0)1(5.0)1.358>0.052.2㊀UCN在内异症患者血清中的表达内异症患者血清UCN水平(54.40ʃ9.12pg/mL)显著高于正常对照组(21.30ʃ4.72pg/mL)(t=10.196ꎬP<0.001)ꎮ3㊀讨㊀㊀论内异症是育龄期女性的常见病ꎬ目前诊治难点在于早期诊断困难且易复发ꎮ内异症是一种多病因疾病ꎬ其发病机制目前尚无定论ꎮ目前ꎬ最为广泛接受的是Sampson[6]提出的经血逆流学说ꎬ即脱落的子宫内膜随经血逆流进入盆腔ꎬ粘附和侵袭入腹膜间皮层ꎬ进而形成新生血管ꎬ最终导致子宫内膜组织的异位形成ꎮ但经血逆流的发生率高达70%~90%ꎬ仅有约10%~15%的女性患有子宫内膜异位症[7]ꎬ究其原因ꎬ有国内学者提出了 在位内膜决定论 [8 ̄9]ꎬ与正常子宫内膜相比ꎬ内异症患者的在位内膜在血管生成㊁侵袭㊁转移以及凋亡等方面存在诸多基因差异和蛋白表达异常ꎮ近年来ꎬ有研究表明ꎬ内异症患者在位子宫内膜中存在神经内分泌细胞ꎬ其所分泌的多种细胞因子可能在子宫内膜异位症的发病中发挥重要作用[3]ꎮ其中ꎬUCN可参与血管生成㊁炎症反应㊁凋亡及免疫活动调节等[10]ꎮ因此ꎬ本文通过将56例内异症在位内膜㊁异位病灶及内异症患者血清中UCN的表达情况与正常对照组进行对比ꎬ结果表明内异症在位内膜及异位病灶组织中ꎬUCN的表达显著增高ꎮ进而将其表达水平与多种临床因素相分析表明ꎬUCN的表达与内异症的分期和病灶大小高度相关ꎬ随着疾病的进展ꎬUCN的表达逐渐增强ꎮ目前ꎬ内异症的无创性诊断多依赖于临床表现及影像学ꎬ这使得一部分无症状或早期内异症受到了忽视ꎬ进而影响了相关的治疗ꎮCA125是目前广泛应用于临床的一种卵巢肿瘤的血清学标志物ꎬ但是其特异性不够高ꎬ在卵巢癌㊁子宫内膜异位症㊁子宫腺肌症㊁腹膜炎及盆腔炎中均有升高的可能[11 ̄15]ꎮ可见ꎬ血清CA125并不是一种十分可靠的内异症分子标志物ꎮ因此ꎬ寻找一种更佳有效的内异症特异性血清标志物显得尤为重要[16 ̄17]ꎮUCN作为一种分泌性的细胞因子ꎬ可在血清中检出ꎬ与血管生成㊁炎症反应㊁凋亡及免疫活动调节等生理及病理过程相关ꎮ因而血清UCN可能成为一种潜在的内异症血清标志物ꎮ本研究检测了56例内异症患者和56例正常体检者的血清UCN水平ꎮ结果表明ꎬ内异症患者的血UCN水平为(54.40ʃ9.12pg/mL)ꎬ显著高于正常对照组(21.30ʃ4.72pg/mL)ꎬ差异具有统计学意义(t=10.196ꎬP<0.001)ꎮ因此ꎬ血清UCN有可能成为一种极具潜力的内异症标志物ꎮ综上所述ꎬUCN的异常表达与内异症的发生和发展密切相关ꎬUCN可能成为内异症治疗的新靶点ꎮ另外ꎬ对UCN的深入研究有助于进一步了解内异症的生物学特性ꎬ同时为内异症的早期诊断㊁预后估计及疗效评估提供一个新的分子标志物ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀GIUDICELC.Clinicalpracticeendometriosis[J].NEnglJMedꎬ2010ꎬ362(25):2389 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DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-0512.2024.01.013 [通信作者] 张远媛,Email :*****************。

多模态超声在评估甲状腺微小乳头状癌颈部中央区淋巴结转移中的价值李建宁,司志雯,于明秀,蒋雪梅,张远媛山东中医药大学附属医院超声医学科,山东 济南 250014 [摘要] 目的:评估多模态超声预测甲状腺微小乳头状癌(PTMC )颈部中央区淋巴结转移的有效性。

方法:收集110例PTMC 患者的临床指标和多模态超声特征,并与颈部中央区淋巴结转移行单因素及多因素分析。

结果:<42岁、男性PTMC 患者更易发生颈部中央区淋巴结转移(均P <0.05);结节最大截面横径≥0.52 cm 或纵径≥0.66 cm 是PTMC 发生颈部中央区淋巴结转移的高危因素(均P <0.01);微钙化和弹性评分≥4分的PTMC 患者更易发生颈部中央区淋巴结转移(均P <0.01)。

多因素分析显示,仅微钙化是PTMC 颈部中央区淋巴结转移的独立危险因素。

结论:对结节内伴微钙化的PTMC 患者,应加强颈部中央区淋巴结的术前评估和术中治疗。

[关键词] 超声检查;甲状腺微小乳头状癌;中央区淋巴结;转移Value of multimodal ultrasound in predicting cervical central lymph node metastasis of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma LI Jianning ,SI Zhiwen ,YU Mingxiu ,JIANG Xuemei ,ZHANG YuanyuanDepartment of Ultrasound Medicine ,Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Jinan 250014,China[Abstract ] Objective :To evaluate the value of multimodal ultrasound in cervical central lymph node metastasis (CLNM ) of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC ). Methods :Clinical data and ultrasonic features of 110 PTMC patients who underwent thyroid surgery were collected. The risk factors for predicting cervical CLNM were analyzed. Results :Male and age <42 years old were more likely to develop cervical CLNM in PTMC (P <0.05). Transverse diameter ≥0.52 cm or longitudinal diameter ≥0.66 cm were high -risk factors for cervical CLNM (P <0.01). Microcalcifications and elastic scores ≥4 points were more likely to develop central LNM in PTMC (both P <0.01). The multivariate analysis showed that microcalcification was an independent risk factor for cervical CLNM in PTMC. Conclusions :For PTMC patients with microcalcification within the nodules ,preoperative evaluation and intraoperative treatment of cervical central lymph nodes should be strengthened.[Key words ] Ultrasonography ;Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma ;Central lymph nodes ;Metastasis头颈部影像学WHO定义直径1 cm 的甲状腺腺癌为甲状腺微小乳头状癌(papillary thyroid microcarcinoma ,PTMC ),多数患者预后较好,长期生存率达99%[1]。



[收稿日期]㊀2020-11-18[修回日期]㊀2020-12-01[基金项目]㊀梅州市医研类科技计划项目(2016B005)[作者简介]㊀杜焰家,副主任医师,研究方向为呼吸性疾病的诊断和治疗,E-mail 为htyyhtyyhtyy@㊂DOI :10.15972/ki.43-1509/r.2021.01.008㊃肿瘤专栏㊃血清PCT 与肺腺癌化疗患者肿瘤标志物的相关性杜焰家,温雅,张伟强,郭俊华(梅州市人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科,广东省梅州市514000)[关键词]㊀肺腺癌;㊀降钙素原;㊀癌胚抗原;㊀表皮生长因子受体[摘㊀要]㊀目的㊀分析血清降钙素原(PCT )与肺腺癌化疗患者肿瘤标志物癌胚抗原(CEA )㊁表皮生长因子受体(EGFR )的关系㊂方法㊀选取接受抗肿瘤治疗的51例肺腺癌患者,于化疗结束1~6月,参照肿瘤复发转移标准评估患者复发转移情况并分组㊂设计资料调查问卷,记录两组基线资料,检测并比较PCT ㊁CEA ㊁EGFR 水平,分析PCT 与CEA ㊁EGFR 的关系㊂结果㊀化疗结束时51例肺腺癌患者血清PCT ㊁CEA ㊁EGFR 水平均较抗肿瘤治疗前降低(P <0.001)㊂随访1~6月,51例肺腺癌患者抗肿瘤治疗后13例复发转移;复发转移组血清PCT ㊁CEA ㊁EGFR 水平均高于未复发转移组(P <0.001)㊂经二元Logistic 回归分析并建立多元回归模型,结果显示,血清PCT ㊁CEA ㊁EGFR 高表达均是肺腺癌患者化疗后复发转移的影响因素(OR>1,P <0.05)㊂相关性分析结果显示,血清PCT 与CEA ㊁EGF 之间均呈正相关(r >0,P <0.05)㊂绘制ROC 曲线显示,血清PCT 预测肺腺癌患者化疗后转移复发风险价值的AUC 为0.919,有一定预测价值,且在PCT cut-off 值取0.095μg /L 时,预测价值最佳㊂结论㊀肺腺癌患者化疗前血清PCT 与CEA ㊁EGFR 水平均呈正相关,且PCT ㊁CEA ㊁EGFR 高表达可能会增加化疗后肿瘤复发转移风险,动态监测血清PCT 水平变化,有可能早期预测化疗后肿瘤转移复发风险㊂[中图分类号]㊀R734.2[文献标识码]㊀ACorrelation between serum PCT and tumor markers in patients with lung adenocar-cinoma chemotherapyDU Yanjia,WEN Ya,ZHANG Weiqiang,GUO Junhua(Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine ,Meizhou People s Hospital ,Meizhou ,Guangdong 514000,China )[KEY WORDS ]㊀lung adenocarcinoma;㊀procalcitonin;㊀carcinoembryonic antigen;㊀epidermal growth factor receptor [ABSTRACT ]㊀㊀Aim ㊀To analyze the correlation between serum procalcitonin (PCT)and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA),epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)in patients with chemotherapy of lung adenocarcinoma.㊀㊀Methods ㊀A total of 51patients with lung adenocarcinoma who were received anti-tumor therapy were selected as the research sub-jects;1~6months after chemotherapy,referred to the criteria of tumor recurrence and metastasis to evaluate the recurrence and metastasis of patients and divided them into groups;designed a data survey questionnaire,recorded the baseline data of the two groups,detected and compared the levels of PCT,CEA,EGFR,and analyzed the relationship between PCT and CEA,EGFR.㊀㊀Results ㊀At the end of chemotherapy,the serum PCT,CEA,EGFR levels of 51patients with lung ade-nocarcinoma were all decreased compared with those before anti-tumor therapy (P <0.001).㊀After 1~6months of follow-up,among 51patients with lung adenocarcinoma after anti-tumor therapy,13patients had recurrence and metastasis;the serum PCT,CEA,EGFR in the recurrence and metastasis group were higher than the non recurrence and metastasis group(P <0.001).㊀After binary Logistic regression analysis and a multiple regression model was established,the results showed that the overexpression of serum PCT,CEA,EGFR were all influencing factors for recurrence and metastasis in pa-tients with lung adenocarcinoma after chemotherapy (OR>1,P <0.05).㊀The correlation test results showed that serum PCT was positively correlated with CEA,EGFR (r >0,P <0.05).㊀The ROC curve was drawn and showed that the AUC of serum PCT predicting the risk of metastasis and recurrence in patients with lung adenocarcinoma after chemotherapy were0.919,which had certain predictive value.㊀And when the PCT cut-off value was 0.095μg /L,the best predictive valuecould be obtained.㊀㊀Conclusion㊀The serum PCT in patients with lung adenocarcinoma before chemotherapy is positive-ly correlated with CEA,EGFR levels.㊀And high level of PCT,CEA,EGFR may increase the risk of tumor recurrence and metastasis after chemotherapy.㊀In the future,changes in serum PCT levels can be dynamically monitored to guide early clinical prediction,intervention in tumor metastasis and recurrence after chemotherapy.㊀㊀化疗方案可延长患者生存期限,是治疗晚期肺腺癌最有效的手段之一㊂但研究发现,受肿瘤分化程度㊁化疗周期等因素影响,肺腺癌患者化疗后仍存在复发转移风险,影响整体的化疗干预效果[1]㊂癌胚抗原(carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA)㊁表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)是评估肿瘤复发转移风险常用的肿瘤标志物,上述指标在乳腺癌㊁肺癌等多种肿瘤中均有升高[2]㊂有研究显示,CEA㊁EGFR评估肺腺癌化疗后复发转移风险虽有一定价值,但单一检测灵敏度㊁特异度不佳,多需结合检测以提高预测价值[3]㊂降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)是炎症指标,可提示细菌㊁病毒感染,指导临床用药[4]㊂近年来研究发现,PCT在肺癌中也有升高表现,且体外实验提示小细胞肺癌细胞株能大量分泌PCT[5]㊂由此推测,PCT与肺腺癌病情发展存在一定关系,且有望成为肺腺癌化疗后复发转移风险预测指标㊂本研究通过观察肺腺癌患者化疗前后血清PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR水平变化,分析血清PCT与CEA㊁EGFR水平之间的相关性,旨在为肺腺癌化疗后肿瘤复发转移风险的预测评估提供新的预测指标㊂1㊀资料和方法1.1㊀一般资料选取本院2018年2月 2020年2月接受抗肿瘤治疗的51例肺腺癌患者为研究对象,男31例,女20例;年龄32~75岁,平均(53.40ʃ2.25)岁㊂化疗方案:培美曲塞+顺铂9例,EGFR-TK抑制剂(吉非替尼㊁奥希替尼㊁克唑替尼㊁阿法替尼㊁埃克替尼等) 19例,培美曲塞+奈达铂6例,其他17例㊂TNM分期[6]:Ⅳb期17例,Ⅳ期18例,Ⅳa期3例,ⅢA期5例,其他8例㊂本研究经本院医学伦理委员会批准,并经患者及家属知情同意㊂1.2㊀入选标准纳入标准:①所有患者均符合‘中国原发性肺癌诊疗规范(2015年版)“[7]中肺腺癌诊断标准,且经穿刺活检手术病理证实;②均为初次治疗,预计生存期>3月;③均化疗6~8个周期,且完成随访;④无化疗禁忌证㊂排除标准:①同时接受放射治疗;②合并心㊁肝㊁肾等重要脏器病变;③凝血功能异常;④合并其他恶性肿瘤;⑤既往有抗肿瘤治疗史;⑥精神异常,交流障碍㊂1.3㊀化疗后肿瘤复发转移评估及分组于化疗结束后对51例患者进行为期1~6月的康复随访,参照相关标准[8],经CT提示原肿瘤病灶体积较化疗前增大,或4周出现新病灶为复发;检查提示肾上腺㊁肝㊁肺内侧等出现与原发肿瘤类型一样的病灶为转移㊂将符合上述复发㊁转移标准肺腺癌患者纳为复发转移组,反之则纳为无复发转移组㊂1.4㊀血清PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR水平检测于化疗前㊁化疗结束时,取患者清晨空腹肘部静脉血5mL,用低速离心机(巩义市宏华仪器设备工贸有限公司,型号L3-800R)以4000r/min离心10min后,取血清采用全自动生物化学分析仪(济南欧莱博科学仪器有限公司,型号BK-280)以放射免疫分析法测定PCT水平;以化学发光法测定CEA 水平;以酶联免疫吸附测定法检测EGFR水平,所有检测试剂盒均购自雅培制药有限公司㊂PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR测量水平值以文献[9]为参考㊂1.5㊀统计学方法采用SPSS23.0软件进行数据处理,计数资料以例数(%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;等级资料采用秩和检验;全部计量资料均经Shapiro-Wilk正态性检验,符合正态分布的计量资料采用xʃs表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;相关性采用一般线性双变量Pearson直线相关检验;采用Logistic回归分析行影响因素分析检验;绘制受试者工作曲线(ROC),并计算曲线下面积(AUC),AUC>0.9表示预测性能较高,0.70~0.90表示有一定预测性能, 0.5~0.7表示预测性能较差;以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2㊀结㊀果2.1㊀化疗前后外周血肿瘤标志物水平比较化疗结束时,51例肺腺癌患者血清PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR水平均较抗肿瘤治疗前降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001;表1)㊂表1㊀51例肺腺癌患者化疗前㊁后外周血肿瘤标志物水平的比较单位:μg/L 时间PCT CEA EGFR 化疗前0.09ʃ0.03 5.47ʃ0.960.69ʃ0.07化疗结束时0.04ʃ0.02a 3.25ʃ0.85a0.53ʃ0.06a㊀㊀注:a为P<0.001,与化疗前比较㊂2.2㊀是否复发转移肺腺癌患者临床资料的比较随访1~6月,51例肺腺癌患者中13例复发转移,发生率为25.49%(13/51)㊂复发转移组化疗前血清PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR水平均高于未复发转移组(P <0.001);组间其他资料比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05;表2)㊂表2㊀复发转移组和未复发转移组肺腺癌患者临床资料的比较项目未复发转移组(n=38)复发转移组(n=13)χ2/t/Z P男/[例(%)]23(74.19)8(25.81)0.0040.949年龄/岁53.42ʃ6.3353.35ʃ6.350.0340.973化疗方案/[例(%)]培美曲塞+顺铂7(77.78)2(22.22) 2.6120.455 EGFR-TK抑制剂13(68.42)6(31.58)培美曲塞+奈达铂6(100.00)0(0.00)其他12(70.59)5(29.41)TNM分期/[例(%)]Ⅳb期11(64.71)6(35.29)0.8020.422Ⅳ期14(77.78)4(22.22)Ⅳa期3(100.00)0(0.00)ⅢA期5(100.00)0(0.00)其他5(62.50)3(37.50)PCT/(μg/L)-0.04ʃ0.010.22ʃ0.0425.914<0.001 CEA/(μg/L)- 4.32ʃ1.038.53ʃ1.1212.446<0.001 EGFR/(μg/L)-0.63ʃ0.060.84ʃ0.0610.070<0.0012.3㊀Logistic回归分析结果2.3.1㊀二元Logistic回归分析结果㊀㊀将PCT㊁CEA和EGFR作为协变量,将复发转移情况作为因变量(1=复发转移,0=未复发转移),经二元Logistic回归分析显示,血清PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR高表达均是肺腺癌患者化疗后复发转移的影响因素(OR >1,P<0.05;表3)㊂表3㊀肺腺癌化疗后肿瘤复发转移二元Logistic回归分析指标B S.E.Wals P OR95%CI PCT32.14812.5616.5500.0109.1604.509~860.670 CEA 2.1870.63811.7370.0018.9092.549~31.117 EGFR0.0500.0215.4370.0201.0511.008~1.097 2.3.2㊀Logistic多元回归模型分析结果㊀㊀将复发转移情况作为因变量(1=复发转移,0=未复发转移),将PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR作为协变量,同时纳入性别㊁年龄等基线资料,建立多元回归模型,在校正性别㊁年龄等基线资料后显示,血清PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR 高表达均是肺腺癌患者化疗后复发转移的影响因素(OR>1,P<0.05;表4)㊂表4㊀肺腺癌化疗后肿瘤复发转移多元回归分析指标B S.E.Wals P OR95%CI性别-0.3601.3240.0740.7860.6980.052~9.337年龄 1.127 1.8120.3860.534 3.0850.088~107.581化疗方案0.2310.6440.1290.720 1.2600.356~4.455 TNM分期-0.1030.4010.0660.7970.9020.411~1.980PCT 1.9870.62510.1190.0017.2942.144~24.810 CEA 1.6970.6387.0820.0085.4581.564~19.047 EGFR0.0521.8124.8770.0271.0541.006~1.104 2.4㊀肺腺癌患者化疗前血清PCT与CEA㊁EGFR的相关性经双变量Pearson直线相关性检验,结果显示,肺腺癌患者血清PCT与CEA㊁EGFR之间均呈正相关(r>0,P<0.05;表5)㊂散点图见图1㊂表5㊀肺腺癌患者化疗前血清PCT 与CEA ㊁EGFR 水平相关性指标PCT CEA EGFR PCT -0.3720.269CEA0.372-0.631EGFR0.2690.631-㊀㊀注:PCT 与CEA㊁EGFR 之间呈正相关(r >0,P <0.05)㊂图1㊀肺腺癌患者化疗前血清PCT 与CEA ㊁EGFR 相关性散点图2.5㊀血清PCT 预测肺腺癌患者化疗后转移复发风险价值分析绘制ROC 曲线显示,当血清PCT cut-off 值为0.095μg /L 时,预测肺腺癌患者化疗后转移复发风险价值的AUC 为0.919(95%CI:0.838~1.000),有一定预测价值,灵敏度为92.3%,特异度为63.2%,约登指数为0.555(图2)㊂图2㊀PCT 预测肺腺癌患者化疗后转移复发风险价值的ROC 曲线图3㊀讨㊀论化疗作为晚期肺腺癌主要治疗方式,治疗本身虽然有较好的干预效果,但化疗后肿瘤仍可能会出现复发㊁转移,增加预后风险[10]㊂既往临床多采用影像学或细胞学检查肿瘤复发转移情况,二者虽可明确肿瘤发展情况,但无法预测肺腺癌化疗后复发转移风险,应用存有局限[11]㊂因此,寻求有效血清指标评估肺腺癌化疗后复发转移风险对指导早期干预㊁改善患者预后意义重大㊂肿瘤标志物是一类由肿瘤细胞生成并释放至血循环中的物质,可反映肿瘤生长㊁转移情况,且可评估临床干预效果,预测预后不良风险[12]㊂CEA㊁EGFR 是评价肺腺癌病情进展情况常用肿瘤标志物,其中CEA 是一种含有胚胎抗原特异性的酸性糖蛋白,该蛋白最早在结肠癌患者血清中检出,且在多种恶性肿瘤中均呈高表达[13]㊂有研究显示,CEA 可促进FAK 信号通路磷酸化,以抑制肿瘤细胞转移㊁浸润,但当肿瘤细胞活化㊁复发时,对应染色体上基因会清除抑制,使被阻滞的肿瘤细胞重新活跃,分泌更多的CEA,继而增加血清中CEA 含量[14]㊂EGFR 是一种含有酪氨酸激酶活性的糖蛋白受体,主要由原癌基因C-erb-1分泌而来,通常情况下,EGFR 低表达或不表达㊂有研究显示,EGFR 高表达会促进肿瘤血管生成,使肿瘤细胞黏附㊁转移[15-16]㊂由此猜测,CEA㊁EGFR 在外周血中的高表达可能也提示了肺腺癌患者的预后㊂本研究结果显示,51例肺腺癌患者化疗后CEA㊁EGFR水平较化疗前降低,初步提示CEA㊁EGFR可反映化疗效果;复发转移肺腺癌患者CEA㊁EGFR水平均高于未复发转移患者,且经回归模型发现,CEA㊁EGFR高表达均是肺腺癌患者化疗后复发转移的影响因素,证实上述猜测㊂有研究发现,CEA㊁EGFR虽有助于预测肺腺癌化疗后复发转移风险,但各指标灵敏度㊁特异度均存有局限,故无法成为肺腺癌化疗后复发转移风险最佳预测指标[17]㊂PCT是由甲状腺㊁肺等器官分泌的蛋白质,正常生理状态下,PCT几乎不释放进入血循环,但当机体受真菌㊁细菌入侵后,血清PCT含量会显著升高[18]㊂近年来研究发现,PCT对肺癌㊁肝癌等均有一定诊断价值,且PCT可促进增殖基因表达,提高病变增殖细胞活性,继而促进肿瘤细胞转移㊁复发[19]㊂由此猜测,PCT与肺腺癌患者化疗后肿瘤复发转移存在一定关系,且可用于预测肿瘤复发转移风险㊂本研究结果显示,51例肺腺癌患者化疗后血清PCT水平较化疗前降低,且经Logistic多元回归模型分析结果显示,PCT高表达也是肺腺癌患者化疗后复发转移的影响因素;进一步绘制ROC曲线发现,血清PCT预测肺腺癌患者化疗后转移复发风险有一定预测价值,且当血清PCT水平取0.095μg/ L,提示化疗后复发转移高风险,并随着水平升高风险增加㊂证实上述猜测㊂此外,本研究还发现,肺腺癌患者化疗前血清PCT与CEA㊁EGFR水平均呈正相关,提示血清高水平PCT可能会导致CEA㊁EGFR表达升高,CEA㊁EGFR等高表达导致的不良预后风险可能与外周血PCT有关㊂分析原因可能为血清PCT含量增加会提高增殖细胞活性,继而促进肿瘤复发转移,增加CEA㊁EGFR分泌量,继而增加转移复发风险,导致不良预后[20]㊂但各指标之间相关性的具体机制尚未明确,仍需进一步研究证实㊂综上所述,肺腺癌患者化疗前血清PCT与CEA㊁EGFR水平均呈正相关,且PCT㊁CEA㊁EGFR 高表达可能会增加化疗后肿瘤复发转移风险,未来可动态监测血清PCT水平变化,指导临床早期预测㊁干预化疗后肿瘤转移复发,改善患者预后㊂[参考文献][1]夏世旺,艾甜甜,李立.非小细胞肺癌放化疗后复发转移的预测模型[J].临床肿瘤学杂志,2018,23(10):62-66. 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(此文编辑㊀朱雯霞)。


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Overview of Brain Absence
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Risk factors: Risk factors for developing a brain abscision including underlying diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune disorders, as well as conditions that prepare to affect such as skin fractures, neurological procedures, and injection drug use



原发性肺癌是起源于支气管黏膜或腺体的恶性肿瘤,以非小细胞肺癌(non -small cell lung cancer ,NSCLC )最常见,腺癌、鳞状细胞癌是其主要的2种组织学亚型[1]。

肺癌早期多无明显症状,5年生存率约15%,70%患者确诊时已处于晚期,及早诊断能明显DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-0512.2024.03.015 [基金项目] 江苏大学2023年度医教协同创新基金一般项目(JDYY2023060);昆山市第一人民医院2022年度广仁基金科研课题(临床研究专项)重点项目(KRY -YN2022001);2023年昆山市重点研发计划(社会发展)指导性项目(KSZ2311)。

[通信作者] 朱玉春,Email :***************。

18F -FDG PET/CT 原发灶代谢参数对肺腺癌临床分期的预测价值朱俊辉1,李思叶2,黄子康3,王 静1,周 伟1,陈薏帆1,朱玉春11.江苏大学附属昆山医院/江苏省昆山市第一人民医院核医学科,江苏 昆山 215300;2.南京医科大学姑苏学院,江苏 苏州 215002;3.江苏大学医学院,江苏 镇江 212013 [摘要] 目的:探讨基于18F -脱氧葡萄糖(FDG )PET/CT 代谢参数对肺腺癌临床分期的预测价值。



测量原发灶最大径、最大标准化摄取值(SUV max )、平均标准摄取值(SUV mean ),以相对阈值法(40%为阈值)测量肿瘤代谢体积(MTV )及糖酵解总量(TLG )。

采用单因素及多因素logistic 回归分析对进展期肺腺癌的危险因素进行分析,并生成相应的预测模型。

通过ROC 曲线分析各参数及模型预测进展期肺腺癌的价值。

结果:进展期组中央型肺癌、有肺癌相关症状、血清癌胚抗原(CEA )≥5.00 μg/L 的构成比,以及原发灶最大径、SUV max 、MTV 、TLG 均大于早期组,差异均有统计学意义(均P <0.01)。



Apr. 2021Vol. 42 No. 22021年 4月第42卷第2期首都医科大学学报 Journal of Capital Medical Universit/[doi : 10. 3969/j. isse. 1006-7795- 2021- 02- 022]・临床研究*两种术式治疗老年骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折的效果及其术后 继发相邻椎体骨折的危险因素分析杨 波1王庆雷1马建华1梁智林1唐 杰1赵小林1高茂龙2!(1.北京老年医院骨科,北京100095; 2.北京老年医院老年病临床与康复研究所,北京100095)【摘要】目的 评估老年骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折(osteoporotie vertebral compression fracture ,OVCF )患者行经皮椎体后凸成 形术(percutaneous kyphoplasty , PKP)和经皮椎体成形术(percutaneous vertebroplasty ,PVP )的临床治疗效果,探讨术后继发相邻椎体骨折的危险因素。

方法 选取2014年7月至2018年6月在北京老年医院骨科住院有症状的单节段骨质疏松性胸腰椎椎体 压缩性骨折的患者为研究对象,其中行PKP 术的189例患者为PKP 组,行PVP 术的173例患者为PVP 组,随访1年,比较两种手术方法的治疗效果。

以随访时继发邻近椎体骨折的25例患者为病例组,未继发邻近椎体骨折的337例患者为对照组,分析可能 的危险因素。

结果 共入组362例患者,PKP 和PVP 两种术后均使患者疼痛视觉模拟评分(vuuai analogue scale , VAS )明显减低,两种术后继发邻近椎体骨折的比率差异无统计学意义;Logutie 多因素回归分析显示,高龄(0« = 1.075,95% CI : 1. 040 -1. 112,P <0.001),骨密度 T 值减低(0" =0.576,95% CD0. 351 ~0.946,P =0. 030),骨水泥渗漏(OR =2. 284,95% CD 1.200 -4. 344,P=0. 018),术后矢状位CobbO 角过度矫正(OR = 1. 188,95%C/:1. 124 - 1. 255 ,P = 0. 009)是OVCF 术后继发邻近椎体骨折的独立危险因素。



中国医药导报2020年12月第17卷第36期•论著•预测PICC导管相关血流感染风险的列线图模型的建立与验证唐倩芸邢柏海南医学院第二附属医院ICU,海南海口570311[摘要]目的探讨经外周静脉穿刺的中心静脉导管(PICC)患者发生PICC相关血流感染(PBS I)的危险因素,并建立与验证预测PBSI发生风险的列线图模型。






[关键词]经外周静脉穿刺的中心静脉导管;血流感染;列线图;模型[中图分类号]R473[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1673-7210(2020)12(c)-0045-04Establishment and validation of nomogram model for prediction of periph­erally inserted central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection risk TA NG Qianyun XING BoDepartment of ICU,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University,Hainan Province,Haikou570311, China[Abstract]Objective To discuss the risk factors of peripherally inserted central catheter(PICC)related bloodstream in­fection(PBSI)in patients with PICC,and to establish and validate a nomogram model for predicting the risk of PBSI.Methods A total of931patients receiving PICC in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University from January2016to January2020were selected as research objects.The patients were divided into PBSI group(63cases) and non-PBSI group(868cases)according to whether there was PBSI or not,and clinical characteristics were com­pared.Multiplicity logistic regression analysis was used to screen independent risk factors of PBSI.According to the re­sults of regression analysis,the nomogram prediction model was established.Calibration curve and receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC)were used to evaluate the predictive effectiveness of the model.Results Multiplicity logistic regression analysis showed that diabetes mellitus,malignant tumor,hematopathy,parenteral nutrition,double lumen, additional devices,ICU stay,and the time of indwelling catheter were independent risk factors for PBSI in PICC pa­tients(P<0.05).The C-index of internal validation of nomogram model was0.929.The average absolute error between the predicted risk of PBSI and the actual risk was0.017.The area under the curve predicted by ROC curve nomogram model was0.930.Conclusion The nomogram model established in this study for predicting the risk of PBSI in patients with PICC has good discrimination and accuracy,and has high clinical value.[Key words]Peripherally inserted venous central catheter;Bloodstream infection;Nomogram;Model经外周静脉穿刺的中心静脉导管渊PICC)相关血流感染(PBSI)是PICC置管后患者常见的重要并发症之一,发病率为0.6%~7.4%,严重影响患者预后[1-4]。



·肝脏肿瘤·DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5256.2023.11.015肝纤维化-4指数(FIB-4)联合预后营养指数(PNI)对早期肝癌射频消融术后复发及生存期的预测价值张旭,哈福双,李凤惠,高艳颖,梁静天津市第三中心医院消化肝病科,天津市重症疾病体外生命支持重点实验室,天津市人工细胞工程技术研究中心,天津市肝胆研究所,天津 300170通信作者:梁静,******************(ORCID: 0000-0001-5114-9030)摘要:目的 探讨术前肝纤维化-4指数(FIB-4)联合预后营养指数(PNI)对于早期肝癌射频治疗(RFA)术后复发的预测价值。

方法 回顾性分析2013年1月—2017年12月于天津市第三中心医院行RFA的365例初诊为早期肝癌患者的临床资料,统计患者的复发及生存情况。

以术后肿瘤复发为阳性事件绘制FIB-4、PNI的ROC曲线,选取最佳cut-off值,进行FIB-4和PNI的分级,组合为FIB-4-PNI评分,据此分为FIB-4-PNI 0分组(n=207)、1分组(n=93)和2分组(n=65)。




结果 所有患者的1、3和5年RFS率分别为79.2%、49.8%和34.3%,中位RFS为35个月,1、3和5年OS率分别为98.9%、86.9%和77.3%。




demonstrate the ultrasonographie features of papillary thyroid carcinoma A total of 1 36 patients
(PTC)in predicting associated cervical lymph nodes metastasis(LNM).Methods
最大径2.9—58.2 mITI,平均(13.1±10.9)mm (表1)。
节的边界分为边界清晰和不清晰;与周围组织的交 界面清楚、锐利或光滑为边界清晰,与周围组织的交
界面不清楚、模糊或浸润状为边界不清晰。结节纵 横比≥1为结节前后径≥与其垂直的径线,相反者
margins(P=0.018),solid appearance(P=0.003),
LNM,central cervical LNM w80%),72.5%of whom appeared
主堡医堂苤壶!Q!!生!旦!!旦笠!!鲞筮!!塑盟塾!丛鲤』g!i塑:』!!Y!!:!!!!:y!!:堑:堕!:!! 【Key words】Ultrasonography;Carcinoma,papillary;Lymphatic
甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)是最常见的甲状腺恶性 肿瘤,预后较好,10年生存率超过90%-l J,但仍有 30%一50%的患者发生颈部淋巴结转移嵋圳。超声 诊断检查(超声)是甲状腺病变影像诊断检查的首 选方法,而其对PTC患者术前颈部淋巴结转移的诊 断特异度较高但敏感度很低。3’5 J。这可能是PTC的 淋巴结转移灶较小而不易被发现所致。另一方面有
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Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2014;7(9):6199-6205 /ISSN:1936-2625/IJCEP0001527Original ArticleRisk factors for predicting central lymphnode metastasis in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma Dequan Xu, Xiaoying Lv, Song Wang, Wenjie DaiDepartment of General Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China Received July 23, 2014; Accepted August 23, 2014; Epub August 15, 2014; Published September 1, 2014 Abstract: Objectives: We aimed to determine the predictive factors for central compartment lymph node metas-tasis (LNM) in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC). The outcome of the current study could assist greatly in decision-making regarding further treatment. Methods: Retrospective analysis of PTMC treated at the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University. The predictive risk factors for central lymph node metastases (CLNM) were analyzed with respect to age, sex, tumor size, multifocal and capsular affection. Results: CLNM are common in thy-roid microcarcinoma patients. The factors correlated with neoplasm size greater than 5 mm (odds ratio, 0.520; P = 0.001), tumor bilateral (odds ratio, 0.342; P = 0.020), and capsule invasion (odds ratio, 2.539; P = 0.000) were independently predictive of CLNM. In patients with a solitary primary tumor, tumor location in the lower third of the thyroid lobe was associated with a higher risk of CLNM. Conclusions: The risk factors such as male gender, tumor size > 5 mm, bilateral, multifocal location, lower third of the thyroid lobe and capsule invasion that can be identi-fied preoperatively or intraoperatively, be considered for determination of prophylactic CLND in patients with PTMC. Keywords: Papillary thyroid carcinoma, thyroid microcarcinoma, central lymph node, lymph node dissection, lymph node metastasesIntroductionThyroid microcarcinoma (TMC) is defined as a malignant tumor measuring 1 cm or smaller in diameter [1]. With the advent of improved methods of diagnostic imaging such as com-puted tomography, magnetic resonance imag-ing and ultrasonography, the diagnosis of papil-lary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) has been increased [2]. The treatment may vary from fol-low-up without surgery to a total thyroidectomy with or without radioactive iodine treatment. Although PTMC has an indolent course, the cer-vical lymph node metastasis (CLNM) of PTMC was reported in 12.3 to 64.1 per cent of patients and has been known to be associated with locoregional recurrence and distant metastasis [3, 4]. The role of central lymph node dissection (CLND) for PTMC has been debated because no evidence has demonstrat-ed that CLND has better prognostic benefit. In addition, CLND can increase the frequency of postoperative transient hypocalcaemia. How- ever, better knowledge about the risk factors for CLNM may guide clinical decisions regard-ing which cases require CLND. Therefore, we investigated predictive factors for CLNM in PTMC using a large group of Chinese patients. Materials and methodsPatients and surgical treatmentThere were 939 patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) initially treated at the Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University between January 2008 and January 2014; of these, 507 were diagnosed with PTMC histologically. During the first year of the study (2008~2009), PTMC accounted for 47% of PTC cases treated. However, during subsequent years, while the proportion of PTMC treated have progressively risen from 47% in 2008~2009 to 67% in 2013~2014, the total numbers of PTC patients has also varied over the years (Figure 1). These 507 patients repre-sented 54% of the 939 patients with PTC (of all tumor sizes) who had their initial surgical thera-py in our hospital over this time period. The characteristics of these patients are listed in Table 1.Figure 1. Frequency of PTM diagnoses during six years of the follow up. The numbers shown represent all PTC diagnosed during each year; percentages signify proportions of PTMC diagnosed during each year.rospectively. Our database included age at the time of surgery, gender, surgical pro-cedure performed, clinical characteristics and final pa-thology results, including bilat-erality, multifocality, cervical lymph node involvement and capsule invasion. The location of the tumor within the gland was classified by which fourth of the thyroid lobe was involved (inferior, middle, sup- erior, or isthmus). The associa-tion between primary tumor location and CLNM risk was analyzed using data from 305 patients with solitary primary lesions limited to one lobe. There were 110 patients with a primary lesion in the upper third of the thyroid lobe, 101 patients in the middle third, and 89 patients in the lower third (Table 2).Diagnostic pre operative work-up included: clinical examina-tion, chest X-ray, neck and thy-roid ultrasonography (US), elastography, and fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Du- ring the period of this study, we performed prophylactic CLND for patients without clin-ical metastatic nodes (cN0). The patients meeting the fol-lowing conditions could be diagnosed as cN0: 1). No pal-pable enlarged lymph node in clinical examination or maxi-mum diameter of enlarged lymph node was less than 2 cm with soft texture; 2). No visible enlarged lymph node in imaging examination or the maximum diameter of enlar- ged lymph node was less than 1 cm or the maximum diame-ter was 1~2 cm with no central liquefaction necrosis, periph-eral enhancement or disap-peared fat gap adjacent toTable 1. Clinical and pathological characteristics of patients (n = 507)Number of patients (n)Percent (%) GenderFemale41281.3 Male9518.7 Age at diagnosis (years)Mean 45.4 ± 11.2*< 4523446.2≥ 4527353.8 Tumour size (mm)≤ 5 mm26151.5 > 5 mm24648.5 BilateralityYes12023.7 No38776.3 MultifocalityYes14729.0 No36071.0 Thyroid capsular invasionYes16532.5 No34267.5 DiagnosisIncidental39878.5 Nonincidental (clinically suspected)10921.5*Mean value ± standard deviation. CLNM, central lymph node metastasis.The medical records of all patients with a final pathological report of PTMC were reviewed ret-lymph node. The histology of the frozen sec-tions (FS) guided the extent of the surgical pro-cedures. Lobectomy plus ipsilateral CLND was performed as the initial surgical treatment for PTMC patients with malignant lesions that were limited to a single lobe. When a benign or unde-termined nodule was detected in the contralat-eral lobe by US, a subtotal lobectomy was per-formed in our hospital. When malignant lesions were found in both lobes of the thyroid by FS, a total thyroidectomy (TT) plus a bilateral CLND was performed.Statistical analysisChi-square test and Fisher’s exact test were used to analyze the significance of difference in the proportion of variables (univariate analysis). eral CLND (78 patients). Mean diameter of PTMC was 0.47 ± 0.17 cm (range, 0.1-1 cm). The characteristics of these 402 patients are listed in Table 2.Clinicopathologic risk factorsFrequency of CLNM was greater in patients with multifocal neoplasm (P = 0.000), in patients whose tumor size greater than 5 mm (P = 0.000), and in patients with bilateral neo-plasm (P = 0.000). Male patients and capsule invasion were also associated with CLNM (P = 0.032 and 0.015, respectively; Table 2). Table 3 shows that there was an increased risk according to the location of the tumor when theTable 2. Analysis of factors on cervical lymph node metastases in patients with PTMC (n = 402)Variable CLNM number (%)Rate of me-tastasis (%)P value GenderFemale117 of 323 (36.2)29.10.032 Male39 of 79 (49.4)9.7Age at diagnosis (years)< 4583 of 192 (43.2)20.60.082≥ 4573 of 210 (34.7)18.2Tumour size (mm)≤ 5 mm67 of 204 (32.8)16.70.013 > 5 mm89 of 198 (44.9)22.1LocationBilateral46 of 78 (58.8)11.40.000 Ipsilateral110 of 324(34.0)27.4Tumor numberSolitary lesion103 of 305 (33.8)25.60.000a Upper third26 of 110 (23.6) 6.50.028b Middle third41 of 101 (40.6)10.2Lower third35 of 89 (39.3)8.7Isthmus 1 of 5 (20.0)0.2Multifocal lesions52 of 97 (53.6)12.9Multifocal in both lobes46 of 78 (59.0)11.40.032c Multifocal in affected lobe 6 of 19 (31.6) 1.5Thyroid capsular invasionYes57 of 119 (47.9)14.20.015 No99 of 283 (35.0)24.6Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditisAbscent115 of 315 (36.5)28.60.072 Present41 of 87 (47.1)10.2PTMC: papillary thyroid microcarcinoma. a The P value means the difference between the group solitary lesion and multifocal lesions. b The P value means the difference among the upper third, middle third, lower third, and isthmus in the group of solitary lesion. c The P value means the difference between the group multifocal in both lobes and in affected lobe in the group of multifocal lesions.Logistic regression analysis was performed for multivari-ate analysis to determine significant factors associat-ed with CLNM. All statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS software (ver-sion 19.0; SPSS, Chicago). Values of P < 0.05 were con-sidered statistically signi- ficant.ResultsPatient characteristicsOf 939 patients diagnosed with PTC, 402 (42.8%) cN0 patients with tumors sized 10 mm or less at the maxi-mum diameter met the inclusion criteria. Of the 402 patients, 79 (16.65%) were men, 323 (83.35%) were women and the male/ female ratio was 1/4.1 (Table 2).The age of these 402 patients ranged from 16 to 78 years (mean 45.4 ± 11.2 years). Based on US and FS results, three different types of surgical procedures were performed: 1) lobectomy with ipsilateral CLND (121 patients); 2) lobectomy + ipsilateral CLND + subtotal lobectomy of the contralat-eral thyroid lobe (203 patients); 3) TT with a bilat-location was adjusted for the upper third, which indicates that patients with primary tumor in the lower third had a greater probability of suf-fering from CLNM than did those with a primary tumor in the upper third. Multivariate analysis showed that neoplasm size greater than 5 mm (odds ratio, 0.520; P = 0.001), tumor bilateral (odds ratio, 0.342; P = 0.020), and capsule invasion (odds ratio, 2.539; P = 0.000) were independently predictive of CLNM (Table 4). ComplicationsPostoperative hypocalcaemia was defined as at least 1 event of hypocalcemic symptoms (perioral numbness, or paresthesia of hands and feet) or at least 1 event of biochemical hypocalcaemia (ionized Ca level < 1.0 mmol/L or total Ca level < 8.0 mg/dL). Among 402 patients, transient hypocalcaemia developed in 28 (6.97%) patients, and resolved within 6 months. Permanent hypocalcaemia developed in 3 patients (0.75%). Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury occurred in 5 patients (1.24%). 4 of these 5 cases was transient, and 1 of the 5 cases were permanent. Postoperative hematoma developed in 2 patients (0.50%) and was treat-ed by reoperation.Follow-upAll patients received TSH-suppressive hormon-al therapy after surgery and thyroxine doses were adjusted to risk (to keep TSH below 0.1 12-month follow-up period, and many patients had a longer follow-up period. The mean length of follow-up was 28.5 months. The following cri-teria were used to define disease recurrence: either pathological evidence of disease on exci-sion or cytology or recurrent disease confirmed by two surveillance modalities (e.g. elevated Tg and whole-body scan). During the follow-up period, there were no recurrences in central cervical compartment (level VI). Only 3 patients who underwent lobectomy with ipsilateral CLND (0.75%) suffered from a malignant recurrence in the contralateral lobe. This recurrence was resected; no patient demonstrated distant metastasis or died.DiscussionThe incidence of PTMC has been increasing in China and over the world with the advent of improved methods of diagnostic imaging. PTMCs account for nearly 50% of new cases of PTC [5]. Although the reasons for the rapid increase vary extensively, more and more stud-ies have shown that papillary thyroid microcar-cinomas (PTMC) account for a significant pro-portion of the increase [6]. An interesting finding of our study was that the proportion of PTMC treated have progressively risen from 47% in 2008~2009 to 67% in 2013~2014. The high incidence rate since 2012 may be attrib-uted to the elastography for the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Presently, thyroid nodules areTable 3. The risk of location in the solitary primary tumor for CLNM adjusted for the factor of upper thirdVariable Adjusted OR95% CI P value Location upper third1Middle third 2.989 1.873~4.3450.001 Lower third13.0478.587~20.7870.001Table 4. Multivariate analysis for risk factors of central lymph node metastasis95% CI. for Exp (β)P value*Exp (β)ΨLower Upper Gender (male).720.913.556 1.500 Size (> 5 cm).001.520.358.755 Location (Bilateral).020.342.139.845 Multifocal (present).820.905.381 2.150 Capsular invasion (present).000 2.539 1.729 3.729 *Logistic regression analysis. Exp (β)Ψ: odds ratio for subclinical central lymph node metastasis. CI: confidence interval.mU/L for high-risk patients and from 0.1 to 0.3 mU/L for low-risk patients). Radioactive iodine therapy was not routinely prescribed for patients in this study because of its strictly con-trolled use in China. Radioactive iodine therapy was given following thyroxine withdrawal to selected patients with positive lymph nodes on pathology or who had distant metastasis. A routine periodic clini-cal examination (every 3 months in the initial year and then at yearly intervals) was mandatory, including neck ultrasound, whole body scans and serum TSH and basal thyroglob-ulin (Tg) levels with measurement of Tg antibodies.Excluding 170 patients who were diagnosed with PTMC during 2013~ 2014, 232 patients adhered to aoften diagnosed in asymptomatic patients with many of these nodules frequently presenting as nonpalpable lesions. More than 60% of the population will present with thyroid nodules if screened with cervical ultrasonography. Elastography is a promising new technique that may improve the ultrasonic evaluation of thy-roid nodules [7]. This technology evaluates tis-sue stiffness. Malignant lesions tend to be stiffer than the surrounding benign tissues. Elastography has been easily integrated into a routine ultrasound examination in our hospital since 2012.Despite the overall prognosis of PTMC is gen-eral excellent, CLNM for some patients still exists. CLNM are usually identified only when prophylactic Level VI area lymph node dissec-tion is performed. Wada et al. [8] reported that as high as 64% of all PTMCs had central node involvement after they followed a group of 259 patients, all of whom underwent lymph node dissection at the time of thyroidectomy. CLNM have previously been associated with tumor stage [9], increased risk of neoplastic progres-sion [10], and were characterized as the most important prognostic factors for patients oper-ated on for TMC [11, 12]. In our study, 156 patients had cervical lymph node metastases, representing 38.8% of all 402 patients. This percentage leads us to suggest that PTMC is not an indolent disease.The opinion that patients with lymph node metastasis proved by physical examination or radiological findings must be performed lymph-adenectomy has come to a consensus. Routine prophylactic CLND for PTMC has been debated because prophylactic CLND seems to have lit-tle prognostic benefit [13, 14]. CLNM, however, is an important risk factor of locoregional recur-rences and often is not detected clinically. It is relatively difficult to reoperate on patients with regional recurrence in the central compart-ment. In addition, the central compartment can be dissected during thyroid surgery as it does not extend the wound. Therefore, investigation of the clinicopathologic factors associated with subclinical CLNM is of clinical importance. A variety of studies have been focused on the influencing factors of cervical lymph node metastases [15, 16]. Our analyses of influenc-ing factors of cervical lymph node metastases in patients with TMC found that: The factors correlated with neoplasm size greater than 5 mm (odds ratio, 0.520; P=0.001), tumor bilat-eral (odds ratio, 0.342; P = 0.020), and capsule invasion (odds ratio, 2.539; P = 0.000) were independently predictive of CLNM. In patients with a solitary primary tumor, tumor location in the lower third of the thyroid lobe was associ-ated with a higher risk of CLNM. Patient age is known to be a significant prognostic factor, but in our study, age was not predictive of CLNM; frequency of subclinical CLNM was slightly greater in patients aged < 45 years. Previous studies suggested that the location of PTMC within the thyroid was related to the prevalence of CLNM [17, 18]. In our study of patients with a solitary primary tumor, we found that location in the lower third of thyroid lobe conferred a higher risk for CLNM. These results suggest that CLND may not be necessary for patients with only one tumor located in the upper third of the thyroid.A meta-analysis on the safety of central lymph node dissection with total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma was performed by Pan Y et al. [19]. A total of 1524 patients were included, 620 were with total thyroidectomy plus central lymph node dissection and 904 with thyroidectomy alone. In their study, there was a significant increased risk of temporary hypocalcaemia and temporary vocal cord palsy when central lymph node dissection was per-formed in addition to a thyroidectomy. However, the risk of permanent hypocalcaemia and per-manent vocal cord palsy has no statistical dif-ference between the two groups. Recent stud-ies of CLND report the development of permanent hypoparathyroidism in 0~4% of patients and the development of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in 0~6% of patients, respectively; the temporary complication rates for these conditions were 47 and 5%, respec-tively [20, 21]. Hence, the advantage of prophy-lactic CLND should be weighed against the associated complications. In our study, perma-nent hypocalcaemia developed in 3 patients (0.75%). Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury occurred in 5 patients (1.24%). 4 of these 5 cases was transient, and 1 of the 5 cases were permanent. It suggests that routine CLND can be performed safely and with low morbidity by experts. Moreover, parathyroid autotransplan-tation was effective to reduce the complica-tions related to parathyroid glands.In our study, there were no recurrences in the central cervical compartment, which may results from effective removal of central LNM by CLND. We cannot, however, exclude the influ-ence of short-term follow-up analysis in this study. This study does not address how to inte-grate ablative therapies such as radioiodine ablation into the treatment algorithm for patients with PTMC. Certainly, many centers have developed excellent local tumor control with such therapies. In our study, radioactive iodine therapy was not routinely prescribed for PTMC patients after surgery because of its strictly controlled use in China. Once the meta-static or recurrent lesions were detected, either surgical treatment or radioactive iodine therapy was suggested.ConclusionTaken together, though PTMC is generally asso-ciated with an excellent prognosis, patients may die of PTMC. The management of central lymph node is important in PTMC because recurrence of the central compartment can result in a serious problem such as invasion of the recurrent laryngeal nerve or trachea. Given these observations, it is hypothesized that a prophylactic CLND at the time of the original thyroidectomy would decrease the likehood of cervical disease remaining. In addition, the risk factors such as male gender, tumor size > 5 mm, bilateral, multifocal location, lower third of the thyroid lobe and capsule invasion that can be identified preoperatively or intraoperatively, be considered for determination of prophylactic CLND in patients with PTMC.Disclosure of conflict of interestNone.Address correspondence to: Dr. Wenjie Dai, Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery of The First Affiliated Hospital Harbin Medical University, 23 Youzheng Street, Nangang District, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, P. R. China. Tel: 86-0451********; 86-139********; E-mail: wenjiedai@References[1] Hedinger C, Sobin LH. Histologic typing of thy-roid tumours. In: Hedinger C, Williams ED, So-bin LH, editors. International histological clas-sification of tumours. 2nd edn. 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