ALE Modeling of Explosive Detonation on or near Reinforced-Concrete Columns(fsi_ale09-b)


ALE框架下虚拟流体方法模拟移动边界的 一维可压缩多介质流动问题

ALE框架下虚拟流体方法模拟移动边界的 一维可压缩多介质流动问题

φt + uφx + vφ y = 0,
其中 φ 表示符号距离函数, φ 的零值面表示物质界面, φ 取负值时代表一种介质,取正值时代表另一种 介质,每一种介质具有不同的状态方程。由于计算方法的内在效应,在计算一段时间之后, φ 将不再满 足符号距离函数的性质。因此需要对 φ 进行初始化,使其仍然近似表示符号距离函数。本文采用如下的 初始化方程进行初始化:
移动从而可以追踪物质边界,内部网格不断调整从而改善整体网格质量。使用ALE框架下Level Set方程 追踪物质界面。利用虚拟流体把多介质问题转化为多个单介质问题,避免物质界面附近非物理振荡。
ALE,Ghost Fluid方法,移动边界
Copyright © 2018 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/
− w 1U
i+ 2
1 2
F =
w 1
i+ 2
− w 1U
i+ 2
w 1
i+ 2
其中 U
wi +1 2
wi −1 2
x = wi +1 2 方向的守恒量和通量值。 t
2.3. Level Set 方程
利用拉氏方法处理多介质流动问题时,可以清晰的分辨物质界面,然而这种方法难以处理网格大变 形问题。本文采用 ALE 方法,在计算中可根据需要不断地调整网格以保证较好的网格质量,有良好的灵 活性和适应性,但是无法利用网格追踪物质界面。因此为了解决这个问题,本文引入 Level Set 方程,利 用 Level Set 方程追踪物质界面。 二维情况下的 Level Set 方程如下:

Guidelines for ALE Modeling in LS-DYNA

Guidelines for ALE Modeling in LS-DYNA

DRAFT July 2009Guidelines for ALE Modeling in LS-DYNAJim Day, LSTCReviewersIan Do, LSTC;Jerry Farstad, BoeingIn modeling fluid or fluid-like behavior, a Lagrangian approach, wherein the deformation of the finite element mesh exactly follows the deformation of the material, is often not suitable owing to the very large deformation of the material. Mesh distortion can become severe, leading to a progressively smaller explicit time step and eventual instability.In contrast, an Eulerian or ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) solution method, wherein the materials flow (or advect) through the Eulerian/ALE mesh which itself is either fixed in space (Eulerian) or else moving according to some user-issued directives (ALE), is much better suited to modeling of fluid or fluid-like behavior.In LS-DYNA, Lagrangian and Eulerian/ALE solution methods can be combined in the same model and the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) may be handled by a coupling algorithm. Thus parts that deform a moderate amount, such as structural components of metals, composites, or polymers, can be modeled with Lagrangian elements whereas fluids, such as air and water, and fluid-like parts, such as birds or ice impacting at high velocity, can be modeled withEulerian/ALE elements. Bear in mind that at very high pressure, temperature, and/or strain rate, even structural materials (metal, concrete, soil, etc.) may behave in a fluid-like manner and thus may be more suitably modeled with Eulerian/ALE elements in such cases.This article gives an introduction to and general guidelines for modeling with Eulerian/ALE elements. Modeling of airbags is a special and complex subtopic that is not addressed in this document.Introduction – Lagrangian vs. Eulerian vs. ALE FormulationsThe figure below shows a 3-frame sequence of a water projectile striking a metal plate. Each row in this figure represents a different modeling approach and helps to illustrate the fundamental differences in Lagrangian (1st row), Eulerian (2nd row), and ALE formulations (3rd row). The solid blue portion represents the water projectile. The red outline is for reference only and marks the initial, undeformed location of the parts. The LS-DYNA input deck for the model that produced this figure is available at/anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/3in1_impacting_plate.k.LAGRANGIANIn an all-Lagrangian approach (3-frame sequence shown in the top row), the nodes move directly along with the material and thus elements and materials translate, rotate, and deform together. Material does not cross element boundaries and thus the mass of material within each Lagrangian element never changes.EULERIANIn the sequence shown in the middle row of the figure, the metal target plate is Lagrangian, however the mesh of the water and surrounding void is Eulerian and thus their mesh remains fixed in space. The water (shown in solid blue) can move and deform within the fixed mesh. As the simulation progresses, the materials (water and void) cross element boundaries, i.e., with each time step some small amount of each material may flow or advect out of one cell (or element) and into an adjacent cell. At any given point in time, each Eulerian element may contain a mixture of water and void, hence the term “multi-material” is used in describing the element formulation. The process by which history variables, e.g., stresses, are calculated within a mixed element is beyond the scope of this modeling document.ALEThe third approach, shown in the bottom row of the figure, employs an ALE formulation in modeling the water projectile and surrounding void. Again, the metal target is Lagrangian. Unlike the Eulerian case in which the water and void mesh remain fixed, the ALE mesh is directed to move in some prescribed manner as the solution progresses. Thus Eulerian is a special case of ALE wherein the prescribed reference mesh velocity is zero. Subsequently we may refer to this general Eulerian/ALE class of methods as simply “ALE”. Unlike the wholly Lagrangian case in which the mesh and material move exactly together, the ALE mesh and the material do not move exactly together. Thus material advection across element boundaries isstill required but the amount of material advected each time step is generally less as compared to the Eulerian approach since the mesh is also moving. Generally the less material that is advected per time step, the more accurate the simulation. An additional advantage of ALE is that because the mesh can be directed to approximately follow along with the fluid material(s), generally fewer elements are needed as compared to the Eulerian approach. In other words, the entire spatial domain covered over the course of the simulation need not be meshed at the outset. MESH SMOOTHINGThere is a subclass of ALE modeling referred to as mesh smoothing in which the mesh conforms to the exterior boundary of the ALE material and the elements are reshaped using any of several smoothing algorithms. After the elements are smoothed, material advection occurs. Although this smoothing approach is available in LS-DYNA, it is less general and less robust than the case in which the ALE mesh need not conform to the material boundaries. Thus the ALE smoothing approach in LS-DYNA is not discussed any further in these modeling guidelines. Instead, when ALE is discussed, focus will be on the general ALE approach.FSIWhen Euler or ALE parts are required to interact with Lagrangian parts, some form of coupling (or fluid-structure interaction, FSI) feature must be defined. (The exception is if nodes are shared between the ALE mesh and the Lagrangian mesh at their juncture – a practice which is generally not recommended.) ALE-to-Lagrange coupling can be constraint-based but is more commonly penalty-based. The coupling commands in LS-DYNA are discussed in detail later in this article.LIMITATIONSThere are some limitations to the ALE approach to consider.The ALE solver in LS-DYNA is predominantly applicable to laminar flow. Also, the ALE solver is not a full Navier-Stokes solver and thus does not account for fluid boundary layer effects such as drag. Effects of fluid viscosity derive solely via the material model, e.g., via MU in *mat_null. The ALE solver (ALE compressible flow solver) has been developed with the intent of simulating short duration problems with high pressure and velocity gradients. The solver is not well suited to problems driven by low pressure gradients such as in acoustic problems nor is it suited to long duration problems (on the order of seconds or longer). The limitation in time duration is a result of the explicit time integration wherein the time step is limited based on element size and material soundspeed. In the case of ALE, time step may be further limited by the penalty stiffness of the ALE-Lagrange coupling.ALE is relatively expensive as compared to Lagrangian owing to the additional advection, interface reconstruction, and coupling computations.Advection associated with the ALE solver is inherently dissipative to some extent, e.g., pressure amplitude eminating from detonation of explosive tends to be underpredicted, especially when first order accurate advection is employed (METH = 1 in *control_ale). Nonphysical energy dissipation is generally reduced when second order accurate advection is employed (METH = 2)but there is some additional computational cost. Refining the mesh will also help to reduce energy loss but again there is additional computational cost.Results from the ALE solver may exhibit some slight to moderate mesh biasing effects. For example, a pressure wave originating from a point source in a fluid may become less and less spherical as the distance from the point source increases. This mesh biasing effect is reduced or eliminated when the mesh lines are parallel and perpendicular to the direction of wave propogation.ALE Element FormulationWhen two or more fluids or fluid-like materials (empty space counts as one material) are to be modeled using the ALE approach in LS-DYNA, the recommended element formulation for those materials is the multi-material ALE formulation (ELFORM = 11 in *section_solid). Although there are other ALE element formulations (ELFORM 5, 6, and 12), those are of interest perhaps only in an academic sense and will not be discussed here.To review, as the ALE materials flow through the ALE mesh, the material boundaries or interfaces in general do not coincide with the mesh lines. These material interfaces are internally reconstructed each time step based on the volume fractions of the materials within the elements. Each material which the user wants to track individually must be assigned a unique ALE multi-material group (AMMG) ID via the command *ale_multi-material_group. Parts sharing the same material properties may be included in the same AMMG ID or, at the user’s discretion, can be distributed into separate AMMG IDs to allow for independent tracking of each group. Materials which do not share the same material properties cannot be part of the same AMMG. Generally some portion of the ALE mesh is initially devoid of material or else is initially filled with a gas at STP condition (standard temperature and pressure). This void or pseudo-void provides space into which other, higher density materials may be transported as the simulation progresses. In our earlier example, water moved with time into elements initially devoid of material. Space initially devoid of material (and thus having zero mass, zero pressure, etc.) is modeled with *mat_vacuum. If the space is occupied by air or some other ideal gas with nonzero density, with or without nonzero pressure, a material model and an equation-of-state appropriate for such a gas, e.g., *mat_null and *eos_ideal_gas, should be assigned to that space. Motion of the ALE mesh is controlled by the family of command(s)*ale_reference_system_option. Without such a command, the ALE mesh will remain stationary thus becoming the special case of Eulerian. Using these commands, one can prescribe the motion of the ALE mesh in a very specific and/or predetermined manner, or the mesh motion can be made to approximately follow the mass-weighted average velocity of the ALE materials. The latter option is perhaps the most common and useful choice and is invoked by setting PRTYPE=4 in *ale_reference_system_group.Since the ALE method allows for materials to flow between elements and the user has direct control over the ALE mesh motion, ALE element distortion is generally of no concern. Itfollows that hourglass deformation is less of an issue in the case of ALE than in the case of Lagrangian, and the need for hourglass forces to restrict hourglass deformation is much reduced or eliminated. For materials modeled as ALE, hourglass formulation 1 and a much reduced hourglass coefficient, e.g., 1.0E-6 or less, are recommended to prevent application of inappropriate hourglass forces. This recommendation is especially true in the case of modeling gases and liquids. Starting in version 971 R3.1, the default hourglass coefficient for all parts with ELFORM=11 is set to 1.E-06. The default hourglass control can always be overridden by the user using *hourglass and HGID in *part. Such an override may be appropriate in the case of solid (non-fluid) ALE materials.MeshingHexahedral elements with reasonable aspect ratios should be used for the initial ALE mesh. Degenerate element shapes such as tetrahedrons and pentahedrons should be avoided as they may lead to reduced accuracy at best and perhaps numerical instability during the advection. Bear in mind that use of *ale_reference_system may affect the element shapes as the solution progresses. If element shapes become unreasonable, controls in the*ale_reference_system_option command(s) may need to be adjusted to maintain reasonable element shapes.An initial ALE mesh may be constructed using one of the following two approaches:•The initial mesh of the ALE domain may be constructed to conform to the materials, i.e., there are no mixed (or partially filled) cells in the initial configuration. Mesh lines follow the outer contour of each AMMG.• A regular, orthogonal mesh of the ALE domain may constructed with no restriction that mesh lines follow the outer contour of each AMMG. In this case, there will likely beelements containing more than one AMMG. For these mixed elements, the initialvolume fractions of AMMGs must be prescribed via*initial_volume_fraction(_geometry). This command has a "geometry" option thatautomates the assignment of initial volume fractions to ALE elements. At the conclusion of the automatic assignment of initial volume fractions, LS-DYNA writes a filecontaining the *initial_volume_fraction data for each ALE element before continuingwith the simulation. This file can be utilized in subsequent runs in lieu of the*initial_volume_fraction_geometry command, thereby speeding up initialization.What constitutes an appropriate degree of refinement for the ALE mesh is at least partially dictated by the geometric characteristics of the Lagrangian parts. Though not a requirement, a reasonable goal is to have the ALE elements be nearly the same size as the Lagrangian elements where coupling is to take place.If ALE material is to flow through any passages in the Lagrangian mesh, use at least 5 to 10 elements across the passage width in order to adequately resolve the flow. Consider as aguideline using a number of elements across the passage equal to the points necessary to resolve a parabolic shape such that the area of the parabola is preserved to the user’s required accuracy.As stated under the limitations section above, results may exhibit some mesh bias. If these effects appears to be significant, reconstruction of the initial mesh and controls on mesh movement (*ale_reference_system_option) may be warranted.Coupling Lagrangian Surfaces to ALE MaterialsMost often, in Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems modeled with LS-DYNA, the fluids (and sometimes other materials that behave in a fluid-like manner) are modeled with ALE hexahedrons and the structure is modeled with Lagrangian shells or solids. In such a model, the Lagrangian mesh usually does not share nodes with the ALE mesh. Rather, the two meshes interact via a coupling algorithm defined with the command *constrained_lagrange_in_solid. This coupling serves to generate forces that resist penetration of the ALE material through the Lagrangian parts. Coupling is a key and sometimes complex aspect of ALE modeling. Some recommendations for using *constrained_lagrange_in_solid for coupling are provided below. Let us consider some of the more critical parameters of the *constrained_lagrange_in_solid card. $-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID$ slave master sstyp mstyp nquad ctype direc mcoup1 200 1 02 4 2 -1$ start end pfac fric frcmin norm normtyp DAMPFRAC0.0 0.0 0.100000 0.0 0.300000$ cq hmin hmax ileak pleak lcidpor0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.10000$4A IBOXID IPENCHK INTFORC IALESOFT LAGMUL PFACMM THKF0 0 1 0 0 0 0.0$-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The slave side parameters SLAVE and SSTYP identify the Lagrangian part(s) or segment sets to be considered in the coupling. The master side parameters MASTER and MSTYP identify, by part or part set ID, the ALE mesh that will interact with the slave side. Again, the master side identifies mesh but not material. Together, SLAVE, SSTYP, MASTER, MSTYP define the overlapping computation domains (Lagrangian and ALE) that the code will search for interaction. This does not yet specify which ALE material(s) flowing through the ALE domain are to be coupled to the Lagrangian structure.A separate parameter MCOUP identifies the specific ALE materials, or more precisely, the AMMGs that will interact with the slave side.To summarize coupling thus far, for coupling forces to be developed on a Lagrangian surface, that surface must (1) reside on the slave side of a *constrained_lagrange_in_solid, (2) that surface must be spatially overlapping a portion of the ALE mesh identified by the master side, and (3) that surface must be penetrating at least one of the AMMGs identified by the parameter MCOUP. See below for more discussion of MCOUP.The parameter NQUAD determines the number of coupling points distributed over each Lagrangian slave segment. If NQUAD=2 (default), then there are 2x2 = 4 coupling points on each Lagrangian slave segment. The coupling algorithm looks for penetration of any ALE material meeting the conditions of MASTER, MSTYP, and MCOUP across each of the coupling points. If penetration at a coupling point is found, coupling forces are applied to counteract penetration. The larger the value of NQUAD, the more expensive the coupling and the more likely the coupling forces will be excessive. If the Lagrangian slave segments are approximately the same size as or smaller than the Eulerian/ALE element faces, NQUAD=2 will generally suffice. If the Lagrangian slave segments are coarser/larger than the ALE element faces, NQUAD may need to be raised to 3 or higher to provide proper coupling.The parameter CTYPE identifies the coupling algorithm employed. In most applications, penalty-based coupling is more robust and is therefore preferred over constraint-based coupling. Thus CTYPE should generally be set to 4, or in the case where the Lagrangian slave side is comprised of solids which may be eroded due to material failure criteria, CTYPE should be set to 5. There are other CTYPEs that allow for physical porosity of the Lagrangian surfaces, e.g., as in the case of an airbag or parachute, but a discussion of modeling porosity effects is outside the scope of this document. For the special case of coupling Lagrangian beam elements within a Lagrangian solid mesh, e.g., as used in coupling rebar to concrete, the constraint-based coupling algorithm should be used (CTYPE=2).The parameter DIREC should generally be set to 2 as this most often best represents the physical nature of the interaction. Furthermore, it is also the most reliable and robust option. With DIREC=2, normal direction coupling occurs only in compression. Tangential coupling, associated with friction between materials, is controlled separately via the parameter FRIC.The parameter MCOUP defines the AMMG(s) to which the Lagrangian slave side is coupled. In cases where one AMMG dominates the forces imparted to the Lagrangian structure and the forces from any other AMMGs can be neglected, MCOUP should be set to 1. This might be thecase where the density of one AMMG is far greater than the density of the other AMMGs. In cases where the effects of two or more AMMGs need to be considered in the coupling, MCOUP can be set to a negative number. In this case, |MCOUP| identifies a set of one or more AMMGs to be considered in the coupling. That set is defined using the command *set_multi-material_group_list.When the slave side of the coupling is comprised of Lagrangian shells or of a segment set comprised of Lagrangian element faces, an additional requirement of successful coupling is that the slave shell/segment normals must point toward the AMMGs to which coupling is desired. If the slave side normals happen to point away from the AMMGs, these normals can be automatically reversed and the situation remedied by setting the parameter NORM=1. Note that setting NORM to 1 reverses all the normals of the Lagrangian slave segments. Thus it is imperative that the slave segment normals are at least consistently oriented either pointing toward (NORM=0) or away from (NORM=1) the ALE material.Leakage is an undesireable condition whereby coupling does not prevent unreasonable penetration of ALE material through Lagrangian surfaces. Problems of leakage can be identified visually when postprocessing as described in a later section. A small amount of leakage is to be expected for penalty-based coupling and can be tolerated, just as in the case of small penetrations seen for penalty-based contact. The following modifications to the coupling input are presented as possible remedies to excessive leakage.•Increase the value of NQUAD if it is suspected that there are too few coupling points on the Lagrangian segments. Be judicious here because increasing NQUAD drives up thecpu time.•When coupling to a shell surface, assign one AMMG ID to the ALE material on one side of the shell surface and a different AMMG ID to the ALE material on the opposite side.Of course, this practice is a requirement if there are two physically different materials to either side. The point is that this guideline applies even when the same physical fluidexists on both sides of the shell surface.•Use a separate *constrained_lagrange_in_solid command for each AMMG. This will require the use of a negative MCOUP value and a *set_multi-material_group_listcommand for each *constrained_lagrange_in_solid command.•An appropriate coupling stiffness is key to good coupling behavior when CTYPE=4 or 5.In most cases, the default penalty stiffness (PFAC=0.1) works fine and this should beyour starting point. If it becomes clear that the default coupling stiffness is inadequate,simply increasing PFAC (by 5 or 10 times) might resolve the problem. A more logicalapproach is to set PFAC to a negative integer which tells LS-DYNA that the couplingstiffness comes from curve |PFAC| wherein the abscissa is penetration distance and theordinate is coupling pressure. *Define_curve should be used to define curve |PFAC|.(Let’s say PFAC=-20. Then curve 20 defines coupling pressure vs. penetration distance.)A rule-of-thumb in defining the curve is to define two points: (0,0) and (1/10th the ALEelement dimension, maximum pressure observed in the ALE mesh near the leakage site).Be aware that an increase in coupling stiffness may result in a smaller time step size. Just as far too small a coupling stiffness has detrimental effects, so does far too great acoupling stiffness.•For coupling of ALE gases to Lagrangian parts (low-density-to-high-density materials), it may help to set the parameters ILEAK=2 and PFACMM=3.As a final word in modeling coupling between ALE and Lagrangian parts, there is a coupling method that may serve as a preferred alternative to constrained_lagrange_in_solid in some cases. *Ale_fsi_projection uses a constraint-based approach, projecting the nearest ALE nodes onto the Lagrangian surface. Coupling can be in all directions, in tension and compression only, or in compression only. Energy is not conserved in this approach but it has been shown to be effective in coupling fluid to tank walls in a sloshing tank simulation. An example in which only gravity is applied to develop hydrostatic pressure in a tank of water is provided in/anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/init_water_coupled_to_tank_fsi_projection.k . The figure below shows the hydrostatic state at the end of the simulation.In the next two examples, the container moves horizontally to introduce sloshing of the water. /anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/init_water_coupled_to_tank_fsi_projection_wi th_sloshing_2couplings.k uses *ale_fsi_projection to couple the water to the tank./anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/init_water_coupled_to_tank_ with_sloshing.k uses penalty-based *constrained_lagrange_in_solid to couple the water to the tank. The two figures below show similar results from the two simulations.Modeling Inflow and Outflow ConditionsIn addition to setting ELFORM to 11, setting AET to 4 in *section_solid invokes a reservoir (or ambient) type element option in the ALE formulation. The user may dictate pressure to such elements by prescribing the thermodynamic condition of the element, either as unvarying with time by simply defining E0 and V0 in the *eos (equation-of-state) input or as a function of time via *boundary_ambient_eos. Thus to model a prescribed inflow or prescribed outflow of material, one or two layers of ALE elements on the exterior of the mesh at the inflow (outflow) region is assigned a unique PART ID so that AET may be set to 4 for that layer. If the inflow or outflow conditions include a known flow velocity into or out of the ALE mesh, that velocity is prescribed by applying *boundary_prescribed_motion_node to the exterior nodes at theinflow/outflow region.To model unprescribed (unknown) outflow, AET may be left as 0 (default) in which case outflow is calculated by LS-DYNA.Do not attempt to assign values other than 0 or 4 to the parameter AET.An example illustrating prescribed inflow is found at/anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/purge.ambient.mod.k . The following three figures show snapshots of the simulation. In this example, inflow of water into an empty container is diverted by a rubber flap modeled with Lagrangian solids. The rigid “container” is simulated via nodal constraints, i.e., the container is not represented by elements. An egress hole in the container is included by leaving some of the exterior nodes in the lower righthand corner unconstrained in the horizontal direction. By virtue of their ambient inflow designation(AET=4), the pressure is prescribed in the top layer of elements and that, together with gravity loading, serves to drive the simulation. Because *boundary_ambient_eos is not used in this example, the prescribed pressure in the ambient elements is a constant value, determined from the initial condition parameters in the equation-of-state.Initializing Pressure in ALE MaterialsIn many situations, an initial pressure field in one or more of the ALE materials in known, e.g., atmospheric pressure in air or hydrostatic pressure in water. If the pressure field is uniform as in air at atmospheric pressure, EO and V0 in the *eos input is sufficient to initialize the pressure. In such a case, as mentioned earlier, exterior segments must also have an applied pressure to equilibrate the internal pressure, either via *load_segment or via PREF in *control_ale.In the more complex case where pressure varies with depth as in the case of water, the command *initial_hydrostatic_ale can be used as an aid to greatly reduce the time it takes to initialize the hydrostatic pressure and reach a steady state condition in the fluid./anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/f_damp300_bub.k is an example of a pool-like condition without inflow or outflow conditions. Here, a gas bubble initially resides below the surface of the water as shown in the figure below.*Initial_hydrostatic_ale, in conjunction with *load_body, which applies gravity loading, and*boundary_spc, which applies the normal direction constraints to the pool walls and pool bottom, serves to quickly initialize the hydrostatic state of the fluids. In addition, this exampleemploys mass damping (*damping_part_mass) to remove the oscillations in pressure time histories that are otherwise seen when no damping is employed. The damping is specified as a function of time and is set to zero after achieving a steady state condition (t = 0.08 in this example) soas not to inhibit physical motion thereafter. If the termination time in the example is extended from 0.2 to 2.0, such motion is clearly evident in the form of the gas bubble rising and changing shape. Note that when mass damping is used, the value should be derived from the period of oscillation T, recognizing that critical damping is equal to 4*pi/T. Figures showing the early time results of the example are provided below. For more details of the example and of*initial_hydrostatic_ale command syntax, see pp. 14-25 of/anonymous/outgoing/jday/aero/21_hydro_p_initialization_34p.pdf.。






[关键词]:乳化炸药;铝粉;爆热;爆温;爆容;理论数值[中图分类号]:TJ 55 [文献标识码]A [文章编号][收稿日期][基金项目][作者简介]作者简介规范说明:Effect of Aluminum Powder on High Speed Chemical Reaction - Detonation Performance of Emulsion ExplosiveAbstract: In order to explore the influence of aluminum powder on the theoretical value of detonation parameters of emulsion explosives, the theoretical parameters of detonation heat, detonation temperatureand detonation volume of emulsion explosives with different aluminum powder contents were calculated and compared with the theoretical data of emulsion explosives without aluminum powder. The results show that the addition of aluminum powder in emulsion explosive can effectively increase the detonation heat of emulsion explosive. When the contentof aluminum powder is 7%, the detonation heat increases by 29.77%. The addition of aluminum powder in emulsion explosive can effectively increase the detonation temperature of emulsion explosive. When the content of aluminum powder is 7%, the detonation temperature increases by 18.42%. Adding aluminum powder to the emulsion explosive willreduce the detonation capacity of the emulsion explosive. When the aluminum powder content is 7%, the detonation capacity is reduced by7.27%. The experimental results show that aluminum powder caneffectively improve the detonation performance of emulsion explosives, and provide a reference for practical application.keywords: emulsion explosive ; aluminum powder ; explosion heat ; explosion temperature ; explosion capacity ; theoretical values随着国民经济的发展,我国已生产出多种现代工业炸药,工业炸药品种繁多,按组成特点可分为铵梯炸药、硝甘炸药(硝化甘油类炸药)、铵油炸药、含水炸药(乳化炸药、水胶炸药和浆状炸药)和特种炸药(含铝炸药、液体炸药等),而乳化炸药由于其具有抗水效果好、爆轰性能优良和制作工艺简单的优点,因而乳化炸药是工业炸药的典型代表,也是现在我国工业炸药主要品种之一。

Design of a model blasting system to measure peak p-wave stress

Design of a model blasting system to measure peak p-wave stress

Design of a model blasting system to measure peak p-wave stressKorichi Talhi *,Bachir BensakerDe´partement de Ge ´nie Minier et d’Electronique,Universite ´d’Annaba,BP 12,Annaba 23000,Algeria AbstractLiterature review information and model scale rock blasting tests have been utilized to study the effects of some blast and fragmentationparameters on peak p-wave stress.A method for modelling scaled blasting in sandstone blocks with dimensions 515£335£215mm 3has been presented.The dynamic and static properties of the sandstone are given.The results from model blasting experiments instrumented with pressure gauges are discussed.It is also shown there exists a useful correlation between blast,fragmentation parameters and peak p-wave stress.q 2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Model blasting;p-wave stress;Sandstone;Fragmentation;Experiments1.IntroductionThe study of stress waves in soils and rocks has been carried out for many years under the impetus of problems of damage from underground and surface blasts of exploration seismology and of detecting nuclear explosions.Theoretical studies of stress wave propagation have been carried out by assuming a reasonable pressure input to the fractured zone of a long cylindrical charge [1].The US Bureau of Mines and others have made extensive measure-ments on wave propagation.Concurrent studies of stress wave propagation in plastics,metals,and rock cores have also been reported [2–4].A detailed development of stress wave theory is given in Refs.[5–9].It has been found that the blast parameters have significant effects on the model blasting results.The rate of decay of the peak strain,generated by confined explosives,with distance as a function of the physical properties of the rock as well as the size (diameter)and the depth of burial of the explosive charge have also been studied [10,11].The effect of decoupling of the charge in a cavity is known as the decrease of the peak of the seismic signal produced by the explosion [12].Similar effects should be observed in laboratory-scale model blasting if a sufficient degree of similitude is achieved.The main purpose of this work is to develop a suitable method for instrumented model scale blasting.The experiments were conducted in sandstone in the form ofblocks.This paper gives the results of instrumented tests in such blocks using pressure gauges to study the effects of blast and fragmentation parameters on peak p-wave stress.2.Model scale blastingIn model blasting concerning a particular explosive/rock system,the peak p-wave stress ðP pw Þis a function of the formP pw ¼f ðW ;L b ;L s ;S ;d ;R c ;N Þð1Þwhere with reference Fig.1,P pw is the peak p-wave stress produced by an explosion in a charge hole,W is the burden,which is the distance between the main body of the charge and the nearest free face,L b is the stemming length,which is the material prepared and wrapped in cartridge form used for sealing a blasthole after the charge has been placed,S is the spacing,which is the linear distance between blastholes parallel to a free face,R c is the decoupling which is the ratio of the diameter of the hole to the diameter charge andN is the hole number in round which is the series of blastholes required to produce a unit of advance in a face.If L b is constant,Eq.(1)will be of the form P pw ¼f ðW ;L s ;S ;d ;R c ;N Þð2Þ0267-7261/03/$-see front matter q 2003Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0267-7261(03)00018-6Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 23(2003)513–519/locate/soildyn*Corresponding author.The task of relating these variables in some mathematical form is an extremely difficult one.In order to simplify the problem,one of the parameters was varied while the others remained constant.It is always recommended to conduct blasting exper-iments in full scale so that they include the structural discontinuities present in the rock mass.This type of work requires handling of large volumes of broken material and thus increases the cost and the difficulty of the experiment.It is generally not possible to carry out enough repeats to make a statistically significant analysis of results.This explains why,only a few field studies have been undertaken where all the blasted fragments were recovered and screened.Dick et al.[13]have overcome this drawback by conducting the experiments on a reduced scale in situ rock with physically consistent properties.The validity of model scale tests for studying the blasting phenomena has been shown by Singh et al.[14].The results obtained from small scale blasting are only qualitative because of the inability to provide the required rock and explosive characteristics to meet similitude requirements [15,16].3.Properties of the sandstone materialsBefore blasting,the sandstone material properties were determined by static and dynamic experiments.The results are summarised in Table 1.The representative cores are obtained from a block sandstone sample;38mm rock cores were cut from it.All core samples were cut to length/diameter of 2.5.The ends of cores were grounded flat and parallel.The diameter and the length of each specimen were measured and the mass of each specimen was determined immediately before testing.Specimens were affixed to two laterally and two axially oriented foil strain gauges of type N22-FA-5-120-H.These pairs were placed diametrically opposite each other and located centrally on the specimen.During testing the pairs were connected up with the pairs of gauges on ‘dummy’sample away from the machine to obtain temperature variation compensation.A Wheatstone bridge was formed and strain changes were monitored by changes in the voltage across the bridge.The compression tests were carried out in a fast-response,closed-loop,programmable testing machine.To carry out a test,the specimen was inserted in the testing machine between platens having the same diameter as the specimen.The program was switched on and the specimen was then displaced at a constant rate of 2£1023mm/s corresponding to an axial strain rate of about 3£1023%/s.Displacement was thus the independent variable and force was the dependent variable.Failure was then controlled beyond the peak force because the displacement was programmed to increase at a constant rate regardless of whether this necessitated a rise or fall in applied force.The loadwasTable 1Summary of the sandstone materials testing PropertyMean value Uniaxial compressive strength,C 0(MPa)37Tensile strength,T (MPa) 3.4Shear strength,t (MPa)11Density,g (g/cm 3)2.25P-wave velocity C p (m/s)4000S-wave velocity,C s (m/s)2429Young’s modulus static,E (GPa)24Young’s modulus dynamic,E d (GPa)28Poisson’s ratio static,m 0.15Poisson’s ratio dynamic,m d0.21K.Talhi,B.Bensaker /Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 23(2003)513–519514monitored with a pressure transducer and a complete force–displacement curve was obtained for each specimen on an X–Y recorder.Remote X–Y chart recorder that was used to monitor the axial and the lateral displacement detected by the stain gauges additionally monitored axial load.The load displacement curves obtained from the X–Y recorder were converted to stress–strain curves by dividing the load by the original cross-sectional area of the specimen to give stress and by dividing the displacement by the original length of the specimen to give strain.The uniaxial compressive strengthðC0Þwas obtained from the peak of each curve.Young’s modulusðEÞand Poisson’s ratioðmÞwere obtained from the stress–strain axial and lateral curves.The details are given in Talhi et al.[17].The method used to determine the tensile strengthðTÞof the sandstone was the indirect tensile strength.The Brazilian test was performed using38mm diameter speci-men and thickness equal to the specimen radius.From the load at failure and the specimen dimensions,the tensile strength was calculated.The shear box was used to determine the shear strength ðtÞ:The specimen and plaster were placed into the shear box and constant holding load was applied by means of a hand operated hydraulic pump.Another such pump was used to apply a shearing load along the shear plane.This load was progressively increased until rupture occurred.Knowing the force applied along the shearing plane and the cross sectional area,the shear strength was computed.The dynamic properties of the sandstone were deter-mined indirectly by measuring the propagation velocities in the sandstone.In pulse techniques,a mechanical impulse is imported to a specimen.The time required for the transient pulse to traverse the specimen length is used to calculate the wave velocity.The instrumentation consisted of pulse generator,sample holder assembly,a timer stabiliser,an amplifier and an oscilloscope.Two sample holder assemblies were employed. One was used to determine the p-wave velocityðC PÞand the other was used to determine the s-wave velocityðC SÞ:The sample holder assembly contained two rectangular(in C P experiments)or triangular(in C S experiments)Pyrex glass plates upon which were placed transducers.The pulse coming directly from the pulse generator was transmitted through the specimen by one glass wedge (driver)and picked by an other(pickup)connected to the amplifier.The amplified signal was fed to an oscilloscope. The wave travel in a specimen was recorded from the timer and checked by the time indicated on the oscilloscope. Knowing C P and C S;dynamic E-modulusðE dÞand dynamic Poisson ratioðm dÞwere calculated.4.Preparation of modelsThe rock was sawn into shaped blocks(Fig.1(a)) with the dimensions of515£335£215mm3.Because of the difficulty of the preparation of a large number of blocks, the authors decided to carry out two shots in each block.The block dimensions were such that for any set of boreholes,the minimum distance from the edge of any hole to the block side was not less than2.5times the burden.This forces the cracks to take place in the burden towards the face.The blastholes in each block were drilled parallel to the blasted surface with different model groups in order to study the effect of the pattern parameters(hole diameter,hole length,burden and hole spacing)on shock wave pressure from the experiment in the groups A–C(Fig.1(b))and for two hole patterns in the groups D and E(Fig.1(c)).The experiments involving decoupling were also pre-sented.To study the effect of each of these parameters on the shock wave pressure,the experiments were divided as shown in Table2.4.1.Shothole diameter experimentsIn the experiments concerning the group A and B (Table2(a)),the hole diameters were,respectively,taken equal to11and5.5mm.The explosive quantity for a pattern in the experiments of the group A was twice the explosive quantity of the same pattern for the experiments of the group B(two equal lengths of the detonating fuse were inserted in the hole for the experiments of the group A and one length, only,for the experiments of the group B).The burden was included in the experiments concerning the two groups and was varied from15to60mm.The decoupling ratio and the borehole length were kept constant.4.2.Shothole length experimentsIn the experiments concerning the groups B and C (Table2(b)),the hole depths were,respectively,taken equal to80and60mm,the burden was varied from15to50mm.The decoupling ratio and the loading density were kept constant.4.3.Experiments concerning the burdenTo obtain the optimum burdenðW0Þfrom the groups A–C,the total weight of the fragment was used for each shot. The optimum burden(Table2(c))was taken equal to75%of the burden which gives the maximum total weight of broken material(W0¼75%of Livingston’s optimum burden).4.4.Hole spacing experiments(a)The experiments of the group D(Table2(c))weredivided into three series of tests:†In thefirst series of tests with two hole patterns,the optimum burden(W0¼30mm)was defined from the results of the experiments of the group B.The hole diameter(d¼5.5mm),the hole length(L s¼80mm), and the explosive quantity(80mm of detonating fuse) were kept constant.K.Talhi,B.Bensaker/Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering23(2003)513–519515†In the second series of tests,the optimum burden (W 0¼22mm)was defined from the experiments of the group C.The hole diameter (d ¼5.5mm)and the charge length (L s ¼60mm of detonating fuse)were kept constant.†In the third series of tests,the optimum burden(W 0¼40mm)was calculated from the results of the experiments of the group A.The hole diameter (d ¼11mm),the hole length (L s ¼80mm),and the explosive quantity (80mm of the detonating fuse)were kept constant.(b)The experiments of the group E (Table 2(c))consisted of a series of tests where the product S £W was taken equal to 3600mm 2for all experiments,while the ratio S =W was varied from 1to 16.The hole diameter (d ¼5:5mm),the hole length (L s ¼80mm)and the explosive quantity (80mm detonating fuse)were kept constant.For all experiments in both groups D and E,the decoupling was kept constant and the ratio S =W 0was varied from 2to 5.4.5.Decoupling experimentsTwo cases were investigated (Table 2(d)):†Single hole pattern tests,the burden was varied from 20to 50mm for different hole diameters.†Two hole pattern tests using the optimum burden,the hole spacing was changed from 2to 5W 0;for different hole diameters.In both cases,the shot hole diameters of 5.5,6.5,7,8and 80mm deep were examined.The hole charges (an 80mm length of detonating fuse and 5mm diameter)were kept constant and placed in the hole centre.The blastholes were charged with P.E.T.N as the explosive (loading density 7.0g/m,velocity of detonation 6900m/s and outside diameter 5mm)and incorporated a single electric N 86cap to simultaneously initiate a single or two charges outside the blastholes.For reasons of safety the block was placed in a special steel box and was clamped in two directions to reduce the influence of side,bottom and front surface on fragmentation.A piece of plastic foam with thickness 10mm was used to cover the model to prevent secondary breakage.After blasting all fragments were collected and sieved.5.Experimental technique,apparatus and testing methodThe experimental technique was as follows:at a distance equal to the burden,behind the shot hole one water filled gauge hole was included (Fig.1).The pressure gauge port connection was extended using an adaptor and terminated inTable 2Summary of the series of tests Model group Hole diameter ðd Þ;mm Explosive charge ðQ ÞBurden (W ),mmHole length ðL s Þ;mm(a)Shot hole diameter tests A 112Q 15–6080B5.51Q 15–6080(b)Shot hole length tests B 5.51Q 15–5080C5.51Q15–5060Series of testsHole diameter ðd Þ;mmOptimum burden ðW 0Þ;mmSpacing burden ratio ðS =W ÞHole length ðL s Þ;mmSpacing optimum burden ratio ðS =W 0Þ(c)Hole spacing tests D1 5.530–802–5D2 5.522–602–5D31140–802–5E 5.5–1–1680–Cases Hole diameter (d),mmBurden (W),mmHole length (Ls),mm Spacing optimum burden ratio (S/W0)(d)Decoupling testsSingle hole 5.5;6.5;7;820–5080–Two holes5.5;6.5;7;8–802–5K.Talhi,B.Bensaker /Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 23(2003)513–519516an open pipe which was inserted into the hole,while the main body above the surface was connected to a display system.The gauge measured the pressure pulse produced in the waterfilled hole.For all shots,measurements were made of the fragmentation size and gauge hole pressure. It was clear that the pulse duration was going to be in the sub millisecond region,so the only obvious choice was an oscilloscope with digital storage and single shot facility.The gauge chosen has a nominal range of0.14bar (2psi),with a burst pressure of0.70bar(10psi).This was considerably more than required,but the device displayedgood resolution over the small range used.It is temperature compensated and internally regulated.This means that variation in supply voltage does not affect the result,as long as it stays in the range of8–20V.The output is to steady 1V at atmospheric pressure,with linear rise to6V at 0.14bar(2psi).This makes this device very convenient to use as1V¼25bar(400psi).The device is rugged,well made and proved to be reliable.The voltage source for detonator was a current limited power supply,which was fed through a switchbox,and then to thefiring cable.A tap was taken downstream of the switchbox and fed into the oscilloscope external trigger,so that when the button is pushed the trigger and the shot were synchronised.The full system of the blasting model apparatus used is shown in Fig.2.6.Measuring the pressure in waterfilled boreholeFrom the chart recorder,the peak pressureðP0Þobtained in the waterfilled borehole was measured;a typical result is shown in Fig.3which is for one of the experiments.It is now necessary tofind the corresponding peak stress ðP pwÞin the sandstone at the position of the waterfilled borehole.For such a quasi-static case,assuming linear elastic behaviour the following formulae can be used[18]. P0P pw¼g0C2p01þg pw C2spwð3Þwhere P pw refers to values in the incoming wave(in the sandstone)and P0refers to values in the transmitted wave (in the waterfilled borehole),g0is the density of the water, g pw is the density of the sandstone,C p0is the p-wave velocity in the water,and C spw is the s-wave velocity in the sandstone.Using g0¼1000kg/m3,g pw¼2250kg/m3, C p0¼1500m/s,and C spw¼2429m/s one can obtain from Eq.(3).P0P pw¼0:17ð4ÞIn this case of waterfilled borehole in sandstone,the peak pressure in the water is17%of the stress in the p-wave front. Using Eq.(3),the corresponding peak p-wave stress in the sandstone at the burdenðWÞis then calculated.The fragmentation from each blast was weighed and passed over a set of sieves.The sizes of the sieves used were 76,38,19,9.5and4.75mm.Each size fraction fragmenta-tion was weighed and its cumulative mass percentage was calculated.The average fragment sizes were also computed.7.Analysis and discussion of resultsThe experiment of groups A and B show an increase in the shock wave pressure at the free face in the case of the smaller burden distance and explosive charge(Fig.4).This indicates that the attenuation of peak of the shock wave pressure through the rock(for a particular rock and an explosive)depends on the quantity of the explosive and the distance from the explosive charge(when the other variables such as length of the charge,decoupling,and stemming areconstant).It can be seen from curves(B and C),in Fig.4,that the shock wave pressure/explosive length is slightly higher for the experiments using the shorter charge(group C),when decoupling,loading density of the explosive and the burden are constant.From thisfigure it can be seen that the pressure is also changing in proportion to the total charge,Q: Fig.5shows shock pressure as a function of S=W0and S=W for the experiments in groups D and E.The results may be interpreted as,peak shock pressure decreases with increasing S=W0(at constant W0)and increases with increasing S=W(at constant S£W).Figs.6and7show peak shock pressure versus burden for the single hole pattern tests and S=W0for two hole pattern tests at various decoupling degrees.Thesefigures show that decoupling the charge reduces significantly the peak of shock wave pressure.An attempt was made to unify all data on average fragment size and peak pressure of shock wave from all the experiments at L s¼80mm and with a constant explosive quantity.This data are plotted in Figs.8and9,and it was found a proportional relationship between the shock wave pressure and the average fragment size.Thus,it is more reasonable when efficient fragmentation is analysed to look for factors which give rise to the shock wave value.These include small burden,good decoupling,small spacing distance,a higher explosion pressure and small holedepth. Fig.5.Peak p-wave stress vs.S=W and S=W o(two hole patternshots).Fig.6.Peak p-wave stress vs.S=W o and d as a parameter(two hole patternshots).Fig.7.Peak p-wave stress vs.S=W o and d as a parameter(two hole patternshots).Fig.8.Average fragment size vs.peak p-wave stress(single hole patternshots).K.Talhi,B.Bensaker/Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering23(2003)513–519518It would be useful to correlate the experimental results to a real quarry face from different geological conditions.This could be achieved by lowering a gauge down a test hole in a ‘sausage’bag filled with liquid.This thin bag would ‘squat’at the bottom achieving a reasonably good coupling with the rock.Planning and performing the type of experiments reported in this work has given valuable experience for future instrumented blasting.It would be possible to connect a second device to the second channel of the display system to analyse simul-taneously two different functions.The sandstone material properties testing can be limited,for a standard case,to measurements of p-wave velocity,s-wave velocity and density.8.ConclusionsThe use of a small quantity of explosive charge and pressure transducers,both in small diameter holes in a block of rock,gives good quality values for the peak pressure of the shock wave.Each of the charge loading parameters has a significant effect on the peak p-wave stress.The peak wave pressure is significantly reduced by decoupling the charge.There is a proportional relationship between the shock wave pressure and the fragmentation.To make instrumentation possible and to ensure reproducibility of initiation,detonation and fragmentation,the size of the experiment should be reasonably reduced.AcknowledgementsThe authors are indebted to Prof.G.M.Maxwell and his staff,Strathclyde University,for their many suggestions and to Visiting Prof.I.Malyarov,Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute,for his interest in this work.References[1]Blair DP.Rise times of attenuated seismic pulses detected in bothempty and fluid-filled cylindrical boreholes.Geophysics 1984;49:398–410.[2]Rustan P.Burden.Spacing and borehole diameter at rock blasting.Third International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting,Brisbane,Australia;26–31August,1990.p.303–10.[3]Yang ZG.The influence of primary structure on fragmentation byblasting.First International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting,Lulea Univeristy of Technology;22–26August,1983.[4]Fletcher LR,D’Andrea DV.Control fly rock in blasting.Proceedingsof the 12th International Conference on Exploration and Blast Technique by Konya,Atlanta,GA,Society of Exploration Engineer-ing Montville;9–14February,1986.p.167–77.[5]Dowding CH.Blast vibration monitoring and control.EnglewoodCliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall;1985.[6]Jiang J,Blair DP,Baird GR.Surface vibrations due to a buriedexplosive source.Fourth International Symposium on Rock Frag-mentation by Basting,Vienna,Austria;1993.p.89–96.[7]Blair DP,Jiang J.Surface vibrations due to a vertical column ofexplosive.Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech 1995;32:149–54.[8]Dowding CH.Construction vibrations.Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall;1996.[9]Ghosh A,Daemen JK.Statistics.A better blast vibration predictions,research and engineering applications in rock mechanics.Proceedings of the 26th US Symposium on Rock Mechanics,Rapid City,South Dakota;26–28June,1985.p.1141–50.[10]Atchison TC.In:Pfleicher EP,editor.Fragmentation principles insurface mining.AIME;1968.p.355–72.[11]Blair DP,Minchinton A.On the damage zone surrounding a singleblasthole.Fifth International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting,Montreal,Canada;1996.p.121–30.[12]Konya CJ,Britton R,Lukovic S.Charge decoupling and its effect onenergy release and transmission for one dynamite and water gel explosive.Proceedings of the Third Mini-Symposium on Explosives and Blasting Research,Miami Florida;5–6February,1987.[13]Dick RA,Fletcher LR,D’Andrea DV.A study of fragmentation fromblasting in limestone at a reduced scale,R.I 7704,US Bureau of Mines;1973.[14]Singh DP,Saluja SS,Rao YVA.A laboratory study of effects of jointson rock fragmentation.Proceedings of the 21st US Rock Mechanics Symposium,University of Missouri Rolla;1980.[15]Martin CW,Murphy C.Prediction of fracture due to explosives.EngMech Div ASCE 1963;89:133–50.[16]Da Gama boratory studies of communication in rock blasting.MS Thesis,University of Minnesota;1970.[17]Talhi K,et al.De´termination des proprie ´te ´s de re ´sistance d’un gre `s naturel.Annales de Chimie-Sciences des Mate ´riaux 2000;3:225–30.[18]Bjarnholt G,Skhalare H.Instrumented model scale blasting inconcrete.First International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting,Lulea University of Technology;23–26August,1983.Fig.9.Average fragment size vs.peak p-wave stress (two hole pattern shots).K.Talhi,B.Bensaker /Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 23(2003)513–519519。



wave“In connection with the problem of the process of the chemical reaction in a detonation wave, the objections raised against theconceptions of Le Chatelier and Vieille of the 19to the ignition of the gas by the shock wave are refuted.”Zeldovich “On the theory of the propagation of detonation in gaseous 6/20/2007Detonation6Expansion waves catch up to wave and slow it down until CJ state is reached.Steady Reaction Zone2121122dYM u dx dP u M u dx du u M dx d uVU VV U U C2H4CO2H2O CO C2H4-3O2-9N2, 20kPa WarnatzOH H OConvection-reaction balanceC2H4-3O2-9N2, 20kPa Warnatz'V'HCharacteristic induction zone width 'Detonation10Propagating Pressure Wave GDT280mm diameter, 7.3m long•Velocity from time of arrival•Pressure from piezoelectric gauges•Structure from schieren, shadowgraph, PLIF imaging6/20/2007DetonationSchlieren OH emissionscale:4mm 2H2-O2-85%ArP o=20kPaC3H8-5O2-60%N2P o=20kPa0.0263 atm 2.7 km/s0.3 atm 2.2 km/s“Generalizations of available observations suggests that turbulenceDetonation H2+O2+7Ar mixtureSelf-propagating –near CJ velocityC2H4-O2 75% Ar H2-O2 40% ArC3H8-O2C2H2-O2“Notice that because of its innate complexity, there is virtually no hope that theoreticians will piece together an a priori theory for detonation structure; they •Cell width measurementsA sooted aluminum sheetData from R. Knystautas,McGill universityCH 4C 4H 10C 3H 8C 2H 6H 2C 2H 2Fuel Smoke PressureFoil OscillationsEQUIVALENCE RATIO0 1 2 3 41005020105210.50.2C 2H 46/20/2007Detonation21Quenching Q21= f(T,background)Absorption IQ= f (x)Boltzmann fcator N= f (T)Overlap integral* = f (T,p,background)2H2+O2+85%Ar, 20kPa2H2-O2-12Ar,P1=20kPa18x150mm test sectionimage height 60mmReference: J. Austin, F. PIntgen and J.E. Shepherd, ReactionZones in Highly Unstable Detonations, 30th Combustionimage height 150mmDetonation 256/20/2007Detonation 262H2+O2+17Ar,20kPa (Pintgen et al 2002)20 mm02468101214161820E a /R T Sf=12H2+O2+17Ar222C2H4-3O2-10.5N2C3H8-5O2-9N2C3H8-5O2-9N26/20/2007Detonation 29Numerical Tools for Shocks and Detonation (CJ) Computations •NASA CeC code•STANJAN (in CHEMKIN)•Cantera–Shock and detonation toolbox from Caltech•GASEQ–Computation not quite correct for detonations•CHEETAH (export controlled)–LLNL6/20/2007Detonation 30Numerical Tools for Reaction ZoneStructure •Chemkin-based programs–Reaction Design–ZND fortran program•Cantera-based programs–Caltech shock and detonation toolbox•NASA, …Detonation Phenomena•Initiation by Blast Waves•Diffraction through tubes openings and orifices•Limiting tube diameter•Deflagration-to-Detonation TransitionInitiation of Detonations•Direct initiation–Requires a strong blast wave –Fuel-oxygen mixtures•Exploding wire or•Electric discharge (spark) in air–Fuel-air mixtures•High explosives•Fuel-oxygen mixtures with DDT initiation•Deflagration-to-detonation transition–Weak ignition source (glowplug or spark plug)Detonation33What is the critical E needed to start a detonation?6/20/2007Detonation34Subcritical, E<EcSupercritical E>EcInside View Showing High-Explosive Detonating Cord Positioned on Bag AxisDetonation370.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0EQUIVALENCE RATIOC 2H 4H 2C 2H 2C 3H 8CH 46/20/2007Detonation Diffraction CasesSuccessFailureSupercriticalCriticalIncreasing cell size and reaction timeTube Diameter = 1.83 m ; Bag Diameter = 3.66 mEQUIVALENCE RATIOc 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 GoDetonationR STube Initiation ConfigurationHigh-Explosive Initiation Transmitted AirShock Wave Detonation WaveBag Trajectory (Contact Surface)6/20/2007Detonation45Deflagration to DetonationTransition in gases•Flames and detonation propagation regimes•Effect of confinement on flame propagation•Mechanisms of flame acceleration•Mechanisms involved in DDT•Pressure waves and structural response6/20/2007Detonation46Flames can become detonations!Example: DDT in tubesObstacles or roughness is verysignificantThe path of DDT6/20/2007Detonation 53Scaling of Detonation Onset 6/20/2007Detonation 54Effect of Expansion RatioReferences1. A discussion of high explosive detonation from a practicingengineer’s perspective is given by: P. W. Cooper. Explosives Engineering. VCH, 1996.2.More in-depth discussions are given in the compilation of: J. A.Zukas and W.P. Walters, editors. Explosive Effects andApplications. High Pressure Shock Compression of Condensed Matter. Springer, 1995.3.The classic reference on detonation is: Ya. B. Zel’dovich and A. S.Kompaneets. Theory of Detonation. Academic Press, NY, 1960. This is an English translation of original Russian. Out of print and in many ways out of date.4. A more up to date theoretical treatment is given by: W. Fickettand W. C. Davis. Detonation. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1979 Now available as a Dover paperback.5.Gaseous detonations are discussed in most textbooks oncombustion.。



第一作者 吴桂英 女 , 教授 , 导,9 2年生 博 16
c r e o x ls u v fe po i
振 动 与 冲 击
2 1 年第 3 01 O卷
同的研究者 对 空 气 中入 射 冲击 波 的参 数 进 行 了 研究 ,
并 提 出了相 应 的经 验预测方 法 。 1 2 计算模 型 . 本文采 用 A S S L — Y A中 A E算 法对 球壳 进 N Y / SD N L
本 文利 用 有 限元 软件 A S SD N 采 用 A E算 N Y — Y A, L 法对爆 炸载 荷下球 壳 的动力 反 直观 响 应进 行 了数值 模 拟研究 。当炸药 当量 不 变 时 , 到 了 产生 反常 现 象 区 找
域 。通 过改 变炸 药 中心 与球 壳 中心 的距 离 , 究 了球 研
爆炸 是能 量 急 剧 释放 的现 象 , 究 壳 体 在 爆 炸 载 研
式 以弹体 冲击 和 脉 冲 载荷 曲线 为 主 , 爆 炸 载荷 作 用 而
下结 构反直 观行 为 的研 究报导较 少 。
荷作 用下 的响应对 航空 航 天 、 舶 潜艇 、 防工程 等 有 船 人
着 十分重要 的 意义 ¨ 。板 壳 结 构 在 国 防军 工, 械 加 机 工, 能源化 工 等领 域 应 用 非 常 广 泛 。结 构 的 反 直 观 响
式 中 :。为 初 始分 布 压 强 ,图 1 爆 炸 冲击 压 力 时 程 曲线 P
r 为正 压 作 用 时 间 , 为 由 实 验 决 定 的衰 减 系 数 。 不
F g The p e s e—i i .1 r sur tme
收稿 日期 :20 09—1 4 修 改稿 收 到 日期 :0 0- 5— 5 2—0 2 1 0 0




[ 9]

第 19 卷
有限差分反应流体动力学程序 WSU 数值模拟计算 ROT - 901 炸药的两种装药直径下圆筒的膨 胀过程, 通过迭代优选方法, 求出该炸药爆轰产物 JWL 状态方程的参数值。 3. 2 解析求解方法 由热力学关系式 ES = p dV Q
( 6)
由( 2) 式和( 6) 式, 可得到 JWL 状态方程的等熵内能形式 ES = 式中 E S 为爆轰产物的等熵内能。 设 E S| V= 1 为爆轰产物气体膨胀释放的有效总能。对爆轰产物膨胀驱动过程 , 将满足守恒 关系 E S| V= 1 = E S + E gk ( V) + E M ( V ) 式中 : E gk ( V ) 为爆轰产物的动能 ; E M ( V) 为被驱动金属的动能。设 E g ( V ) = E gk ( V ) + E M ( V ) E g ( V ) 为系统的 Gurney 能量, 则由 ( 8) 式和 ( 9) 式得 E S = E S| V = 1 - E g ( V ) 我们可以看到, E S| V= 1 就是爆热 Q , 可由 E S| V= 1 p CJ Q 0D = Q = 2( C- 1) = 2( C+ 1) ( C- 1)

第 19 卷
第一次计算时, 圆筒膨胀初始时间计算值与试验测试值基本相符。但由于预估参数的偏 差, 计算得到的圆筒膨胀过程 R ( t ) 随着膨胀距离( R - R 0 ) 的增大偏离试验测试结果。 按偏离趋势 , 适当地修正预估参数 , 再代入程序中进行计算 , 计算逐渐接近试验测试结果。 经四次修正和计算, <25mm 圆筒试验模型的圆筒膨胀过程 R ( t ) 计算结果与试验测试结果基 本相符。再将 <25mm 圆筒试验计算得到的参数作为预估参数代入 <50mm 圆筒试验模型进行 数值模拟计算, 并对参数作微量调整后 , 计算结果与试验测试结果基本一致。 ROT - 901 两种装药直径圆筒试验圆筒膨胀过程数值模拟计算结果与试验结果比较 , 参见 图 4 和图 5。可以看出 , 除圆筒膨胀初期, 试验测试结果与数值模拟计算结果的相对误差基本 控制在 1% 左右 , 符合 JWL 状态方程参数确定的要求。









关键词:点火起爆柔性导爆索DDT硝酸肼镍硕十论文新型柔性导爆索爆轰性能研究ABSTRACTcausedOn influencewhichwerethebaseof density,bychargeexperiments,theandinitiationof and mannertOthediameter sizeperformance ignitingcharge,particleintheresearched ofNHNmildtransmissionofdetonationfuse MDF wasdetonatingeffectrulesofabovefactors detonationturning velocity,andpaper.The affectinglocatedin4902wereobtained.It thatthedetonationiscomestOconclusionsvelocitystableandthediameterof is10minimumcomerm/s-5876m/s,the degreesturningtubedetonationrealizedsmall fuseheadandshockare O.85mm,detonators,electricby3.Omm3.Omm oflmm.thedistances and thediameterofsympatheticrespectively.Totest radial fordetonationin andin ale and0.Inaxial O.5mm addition.theapplicationof MDFinthe Wasalso resultofas―prepared assemblyblastingcap explored.ThewouldshowthatsuchMDFCallusedinnetwork,initiatingexplosiveexplodinglogicdeviceandcommercialmatedals.explosivewordsinitiationmild fuseDDTNickelnitrate Key hydrazinedetonatingj辽1625461声明本学位论文是我在导师的指导下取得的研究成果,尽我所知,在本学位论文中,除了加以标注和致谢的部分外,不包含其他人已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得任何教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction


2 ALE连续介质力学
首先令ALE坐标与材料坐标重合 则网格运动
ˆ (χ, t ) 可以写作 xφ
ˆ (X, t ) x Φ
由于网格运动与材料运动一致,表示网格现在是Lagrangian的形 式。这也可以通过检验映射(7.2.4)看到,它成为
from time t0 seen at time t0 +dt
Control Volume (Section of pipe)
Fliud flow in control Volume (Section of pipe)
The fluid that was in the control volume at time t0 seen at time t0 +dt
1 引言
变量求解和单元扭 曲最小化。



ment and C ̄nitrification is more reliant and the yield is higher. Melting point of DNP is 86. 5 ℃ ꎬ theoretical density is
1. 87 g / cm3 ꎬ actual explosion speed is 7 633 m / s ( ρ = 1. 65 g / cm3 ) ꎬ explosion heat is 4 326 kJ / kgꎬ and the theoretical
requirements of current insensitive ammunition. Development of melt casting explosives is an important objective in new
carrier explosives research. 3ꎬ4 ̄Dinitropyrazole ( DNP) is a new type of explosive carrierꎬ according to the related reports
doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1001 ̄8352. 2020. 05. 001
3ꎬ4 ̄二硝基吡唑( DNP) 的研究进展

雷 伟 罗一鸣 张蒙蒙 杨 斐 李秉擘 杨 勃
西安近代化学研究所( 陕西西安ꎬ710065)
[ 摘 要] 随着武器装备的不断发展ꎬ对弹药能量和安全性的要求也越来越高ꎬ传统 TNT 基熔铸炸药存在易损性
℃ . Compared with TNT and DNTFꎬ thermal decomposition peak temperature of DNP is higherꎬ thus its thermal stability is



The Wavelet TransformThe Wavelet Transform is the new realm of a quick development in current mathematics, the theories is deep and apply very extensively.The concept of small wave transformation is BE been engaged in engineer J.Morlet of petroleum signal processing to put forward first in 1974 beginning of years by France, passed the keeping of physics effective demand of view and signal processing to empirically build up anti- play formula, could not get the approbation of mathematician at that time.Just such as 1807 France of hot learn engineer J.B.J.Fourier to put forward any functions can launch into the creative concept of the endless series of triangle function can not get famous mathematician grange, the approbation of place and A.M.Legendre is similar.Lucky of BE, as early as 70's, A.Calderon means the detection of axioms and Hardy space of atom the resolving did to theoretically prepare for the birth of small wave transformation with the thorough research of unconditional radicle, and J.O.Stromberg still constructed history the top is similar to the small wave in now very much radicle;Famous mathematician Y.Meyer by chance constructs a real small wave of in 1986 radicle, and cooperates with S.Mallat to build up the approval method of constructing the small wave radicle Zao after many dimensionses are analytical, small the wave analysis just start developing rapidly, among them, female mathematician I.Daubechies in Belgium composes of 《small wave ten speak(Ten Lectures on Wavelets) 》have an important push function to the universality of the small wave.It and Fourier transformation and window way Fourier the transformation(Gabor transformation) compares, these are a time and area transformation in the bureau of frequency, as a result can effectively withdraw an information from the signal, pass stretch and shrink to peaceably move to wait operation function to carry on many many difficult problems that the transformations that the dimensionses are thin to turn analysis(Multiscale Analysis), solve Fourier can not work out to the function or the signal, thus small wave the variety is praised as "mathematics microscope", it is the progresses of concordance analysis the development history top milestone type.The application of small wave analysis is to study with the theories of small wave analysis closely and combine together.Now, it has already obtained achievement that make person's focus attention in science and technology information industry realm.The electronics information technique is a realm of importance in six great high new techniques, its important aspect is portrait and signal processing.At present, the signal processing has already become the importance part that contemporary science technique works, the signal handles of purpose be:Accurate analysis, diagnosis, code compression and quantity to turn, quickly deliver or saving, by the square weigh to reach.(or instauration)Seeing from mathematics ground angle, signal and portrait processing can unify to see make is a signal processing(the portrait can see make is a two-dimensional signal),in small many applications of wave analytically many analysises, can return knot to handle a problem for signal.Now, is a stable constant signal to its property with the fulfillment, the ideal tool of processing still keeps being a Fu to sign leaf's analysis.But at physically applied in of the great majority signal right and wrong stabilize of, but be specially applicable to tool of stabilizing the signal not be small wave analysis.In fact the applied realm of small wave analysis is pretty much extensive, it includes:Many academicses of mathematics realm;Signal analytical, portrait processing;Quantum mechanics, theories physics;The military electronics resists to turn with the intelligence of weapon;Calculator classification with identify;The artificial of music and language synthesizes;The medical science becomes to be like and diagnoses;The earthquake investigates to explore a data processing;The breakdown diagnosis of the large machine etc.;For example, in mathematics, it has already used for number analysis,Construct the rapid number method, curve curved face structure, differential equation to solve, control theory etc..Analyze the filtering of aspect wave, Zao voice and compress, deliver etc. in the signal.The portrait compression, classification that handles aspect in the portrait, identify and diagnose, go to dirty wait.The decrease B that becomes to be like aspect in the medical science is super, CT, nuclear magnetic resonance become be like of time, raise a resolution etc..The Wavelet Transform is used for signal and portrait compression are small waves are an important aspect that analyzes an application.Its characteristics is to compress a ratio Gao, compress speed quick, compression behind can keep signal is as constant as the characteristic of portrait, and in the middle of delivering can with the anti- interference.Have a lot of methods according to the compression of small wave analysis, a little bit successfully have small wave radicle method with best pack, small wave area veins model method, small wave transformation zero trees compress, the small wave transformation vector compresses etc..The Wavelet Transform in the signal in of the application is also very extensive.It can used for a handling of boundary and filter wave, repeatedly analytical, letter the Zao separate and withdraw weak signal, beg identifying of form index number, signal and diagnosis and many dimensions edges in cent to examine...etc..The application in engineering technique etc..Include calculator sense of vision, calculator sketch to learn, the research and biomedical science in the curve design, swift flow and long range cosmos.Correspondby letter in the video frequency in, video frequency's coding a technique not only has to have the coding efficiency of Gao and it is born code of to flow to have various flexible.In this research realm, flow out to appear many new coding thoughts and technique, code calculate way according to the video frequency of the small wave transformation among them be have much of one of the technique of development foreground.This text carries on a classification research to the smallwave the area video frequency coding calculate way of typical model in the cultural heritage and get a dissimilarity of according to the function analysis of the video frequency coding calculate way of small wave transformation.The merit and shortcoming that contrast analysis calculate way respectively, point out small wave the area video frequency codes calculate way of research direction.The small wave transformation is a kind of tool, it data, function or calculate son to cut up into the composition of different frequency, then study with the method of decomposition to in response to under the dimensions of composition.This technical earlier period work is a difference to independently make in each research realm with different:Such as be engaged in an in harmony with analysis research in pure mathematics of just d Jia the atom of the ∞(1964) resolve;The physical educational circles hands the A Y ou of matter quantum mechanics research Ksen and a flock that Klander(1968) constructs concern with Tai and also have research hydrogen Paul of the atom man airtight Er function;(1985)The engineering field is like the design(1977) of nd to qMF filter of Estebarl and G Y ou, later on Sn, -th and Bam Ⅵtell(1986) vetterli(1986) the fork studied to have to strictly weigh to reach OMF of the characteristic a filter in the electrical engineering. the J M(1983) formally put forward the concept of small wave in the analysis in the earthquake data.About five in the last yearses, people carried on each above-mentioned work made by realm to synthesize and made it become a kind of method of without loss of generality that can be applicable to each realm.Let us temporary analyze a small wave method inside the scope to carry on a discussion in the signal.Signal at the small wave transformation(for example.the voice exert the flapping of pressure on the ear drum) in the area is decided by two three quantities:The dimensions(or frequency) in time:When the small Du transformation is 1 kind repeatedly the part repeatedly positioned while turning or being called of tool, this book the l chapter will relate repeatedly fixed position of meaning and it causes a person door biggest the reason of interest, afterward will carry on a description to the small wave of different model.。



工业炸药专用术语一般术语01冲击波shock wave在介质中以超声速传播的并具有压力突然跃升然后缓慢下降特征的一种高强度压力波。

02空气冲击波air blast;air concussion在空气中传播的冲击波。

03空气冲击波集中air blast focusing由于声波从空气返回到地面的折射作用,而在地表小范围内形成的声能量的集中。


04C-J面C-J plane;Chapman-Jouguet plane在 C-J 假设的模型中,爆轰化学反应区的末端面。

05爆炸状态explosion state爆炸时爆轰区后面与压力和温度有关的物理条件。

06爆炸效应explosion effect炸药爆炸施于物体荷载使之破坏的效果。




07爆轰压力detonation pressure炸药爆轰时爆轰波阵面中, C-J 面中所测得的压力。

08爆炸压力explosion pressur;eborehole pressure又称“炮孔压力”,爆轰气体产物膨胀作用在孔壁上的压力。

09爆速detonation velocity爆轰波沿炸药装药传播的速度,通常以km/s 或m/s 表示之。



低威力炸药的爆速介于1500~2500m/s,高威力炸药的爆速介于 2500~7000m/s。

10 炸药燃烧combustion of explosives炸药不仅能爆炸,而且在一定条件下,绝大多数炸药都能够稳定地燃烧而不爆炸。

当然,炸药燃烧, 经过一段时间后转化为爆炸的现象也是可能的。

因起爆条件不良而造成的炸药燃烧,对于有大量可燃气体 存在的井下煤矿是很危险的。

11(绝对)体积威力 (absolute)bulk strengt ,hABS ;(absolute)volume streng ,t hAVS指单位体积炸药的作功能力,单位为 M J /m 3。



Simulation of Energy Absorbing Materialsin Blast Loaded StructuresMichael J. Mullin, mikemullin@Brendan J. O’Toole, bj@Department of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity Nevada Las VegasAbstractEnergy absorbing materials such as foam or honeycomb are of interest in blast protection because of their ability to absorb energy through plastic deformation. After reaching their yield stress, these materials exhibit a region of constant stress for increasing strain until the material is completely compacted. The energy needed to crush the material is proportional to the area under the stress-strain curve. Because foams and honeycombs have this “plateau” region, they absorb a considerable amount of energy relative to their low density. These materials are investigated to determine if their energy absorbing abilities can be used to mitigate the load and shock transferred to a vehicle structure subject to blast loading.Ballistic pendulum experiments show that energy absorbing materials increase the imparted impulse from a blast. This behavior was contrary to expected results so computational models were created in LS-DYNA to understand the phenomenon that causes an increase in imparted impulse. ConWep and Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) techniques were used in simulations to demonstrate their efficiency and accuracy. An additional ConWep aluminum foam model was created to directly compare simulations against ballistic pendulum experiments found in the literature.1. IntroductionAs the military industry moves forward into the 21st century, strong lightweight materials are changing their status from exotic to commonplace. Vehicles are being reevaluated to create a safer, more efficient, and more lethal vehicle with significant weight savings. Survivability from mine blast is of particular concern: as weight is reduced, the accelerations of the vehicle when subjected to mine blast aluminum increases. A sacrificial layer of material that can absorb some or all of the blast energy is one possibility for light vehicle survivability. Metal foams and honeycombs are materials that absorb a considerable amount of energy relative to their low density.A simple device to measure impulse imparted to a structure from a blast is a ballistic pendulum (Figure 1). With a charge detonated in front of the pendulum, the face is subjected to a pressure wave, which causes the pendulum to rotate a measurable amount. Knowing the rotation of the center of mass (cm in Figure 1) and the distance from the rotation center, the imparted impulse from the blast can be calculated. Panels of various shapes and materials can be placed on the face of the pendulum to investigate their abilities to reduce the imparted impulse. With the material absorbing some of the energy, the resulting rotation of the structure was expected to be reduced. Ballistic pendulum experiments show opposite results; energy absorbing materials placed on the front of the panel caused an increase in rotation [1][2].Hanssen et al. [1] performed ballistic pendulum tests on Al foam panels as early as 1998. Hannsen showed an increase in imparted impulse to Al foam panels subjected to close range blast. This increase was attributed to collapse of the foam under the blast (dishing), which allowed confinement of the blast. Hanssen used numerical models to show that although anincrease in impulse was observed, the transmitted force through the Al foam panels was decreased.Figure 1: Ballistic Pendulum and Representative Models Diagram.This paper compares two loading methods available in LS-DYNA: one using a Lagrangian model and the ConWep air blast function and the other using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) coupling including the explosive material as part of the model. Although these models use the same standoff, equivalent charge mass and material properties, they are not representative of any physical experiment. A separate ConWep model is presented that compares ConWep’s capabilities against experimental values for simulating blast loading of Al foam panels.2. Blast Loading Using LS-DYNABoth ConWep and ALE techniques have been validated for simulating mine blast [3],[4],[5]. Randers-Pehrson [3] describes the ConWep air blast function and concluded the function as adequate for use in mine blast applications. Similarly, Wang [4] benchmarked material properties used in ALE modeling of detonating landmines. Williams [5] compared ConWep to a commercially unavailable mine blast algorithm and concluded ConWep as apt if a scale factor is determined for the soils being used. The ballistic pendulum, which is what the models presented here simulate, is more appropriately simulated with an air blast. The effect of soil is not an issue, so standard practice values [3],[4],[5],[6] are used for the representative models.In order to reduce the computational expense of modeling the maximum displacement of a pendulum (with a period of over 2.5 seconds) with a time step appropriate for capturing ballistic phenomena, simpler models were devised (Figure 1). These simpler models consist of a sled of known mass subjected to the same blast load the pendulum counterpart would be exposed to. The sled has the same area exposed to the blast as the pendulum bob as well as the same mass. When the sled is subjected to the impulse of the blast, it will undergo acceleration until the sled reaches a maximum velocity (upon completion of the impulse). The resulting kinetic energy, which iscalculated using the maximum velocity of the sled, is comparable to the potential energy calculated from the maximum height of the pendulum swing.The following two subsections describe the models made to compare the different loading methods of ConWep and ALE. Both methods have a rigid body model and an Al foam model. For the foam models, the foam panel is attached to the front of a rigid body support using a contact card. The exposed surface of the foam model has the same standoff as the exposed surface of the rigid body model (Figure 1).2.1 Lagrangian Models with ConWep Blast FunctionLS-DYNA’s ConWep air blast function has inputs of TNT equivalent mass, type of blast (surface or air), location in space of detonation, and surface identification for which the pressure will be applied. From this information, ConWep calculates the appropriate pressure to be applied to the designated surface. This method is computationally less expensive than the ALE method at the cost of accuracy: ConWep is unable to account for confinement (focusing of the blast due to geometry) or shadowing (when an object is blocking a surface from direct loading)[3].Figure 2: Discretization of Lagrangian panels. Foam elements (numbering 86,400) are shown in yellow, rigid body elements (numbering 10,800) are displayed in green.The rigid body model has dimensions (in x, y, z) of (50cm, 5cm, 25cm), consists of 10,800 elements, and is positioned 26.14 cm away from the source of the blast. The foam model (Figure 2) adds a panel of foam elements of the same dimensions as the rigid body and splitting each solid element into 8 equally sized smaller elements. All the Lagrangian elements use a single integration point element formulation and have a 1:1:1 aspect ratio. Quarter symmetry was used to reduce the number of elements in the model; all nodes on the planes of symmetry were constrained to stay on the planes of symmetry. *Contact_tied_surface_to_surface_offset was used to tie the rigid body to the foam plate. The “offset” option is necessary when tying a deformable part to a rigid body. The rigid body was chosen as the master and the foam as the slave for the contact algorithm.One pound of C-4 was chosen for the blast load simulations to be similar to ballistic pendulum experiments performed by Skaggs [2]. The ConWep air blast function requires an input for equivalent mass of TNT. C-4 explosives release more energy per pound than TNT by afactor of 1.14 [5], [6]. Using that factor and converting from lb to gm, the equivalent mass of the TNT used in these studies is 517.1gm.2.1.1 Material PropertiesMaterial properties for the ConWep and ALE models are listed in Table 1. Some of the material properties required in these material cards are not easily described, so the values are displayed according to what is required for the LS-DYNA material cards. Wang [4] used a similar table structure and it is felt that this format displays the data in a format most useful to the end user.Table 1: Material Properties Used For ConWep And ALE Models.*MAT_RIGID (material 20) was used for the rigid body model. Material properties for steel were used with the exception of density. For all models, the overall mass of the sled was 4 kg; with a volume of 25000cm3 the density of the rigid body in the rigid body model was set to 0.16 gm/cc. The foam model has a rigid body support panel and a foam panel each with a volume of 25000 cm3. With the Al foam density at 0.15gm/cc, the rigid body’s density was set at 0.01gm/cc to keep the overall mass of the sled the same.*MAT_HONEYCOMB (material 26) was chosen for the Al foam material model. Material 26 offers uncoupled orthotropic behavior as seen in foams. Nonlinear elastoplastic material behavior can be defined separately (for each direction) for all normal and shear stresses. These curves can be used to define elastic-perfectly-plastic-rigid material behavior as seen in the majority of papers modeling foams subjected to high strain rates [1], [7],[8]. The values used for the foam material model were gathered from a couple of sources [1],[8].2.2 ALE ModelsUsing ALE in LS-DYNA involves modeling the charge and surrounding fluid with an Eulerian mesh, which is then coupled with a Lagrangian mesh (used for the foam and rigid bodypanel). Equations of State (EOS) are used for the High Explosives (HE) and air. The ALE method models the explosion and calculates the pressure profile throughout the Eulerian mesh. ALE is computationally more expensive than ConWep, and is only appropriate for small standoff distances: with the small Eulerian mesh needed to appropriately capture the pressure wave front, large amounts of elements are needed.Figure 3: Discretization of the ALE Eulerian mesh. There are 88,200 air elements and 304 HE elements in the original mesh; 128,284 and 4,000 elements in the refined mesh respectively.Several ALE models were constructed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the models. The list includes an eighth symmetry rigid body model, a fourth symmetry rigid body model, a rigid body model with a refined Eulerian mesh, a rigid body model with an increased number of quadrature points, a foam model, and a foam model with a refined Eulerian mesh. The same amounts of Lagrangian elements (10,800 rigid and 86,400 foam) were used in the ALE models as were the ConWep models. In the eighth symmetry rigid body model (Figure 3), the number of Eulerian elements used to model the HE and air were 304 and 88,200 respectively. The mesh seen in (Figure 3) labeled “Original” was created by Powers [9] in a previous ALE parametric study. In the figure the red mesh shows the discretization of the air Eulerian elements, the blue mesh shows the High Explosive (HE) discretization. The darker area (highlighted) shows the Lagrangian part overlapping the Eulerian mesh, which explains why the mesh looks different in that region. The overall dimensions used in the x, y, and z directions are 55 cm, 40 cm, and 30 cm respectively. A 1:1:1 ratio was not achievable with the Eulerian mesh because of the spherical nature of the charge, but all elements are hexahedral. Boundary conditions disallowing motion normal to the planes were placed on the XY, XZ, and YZ planes (the three planes intersect at the center of the spherical explosive).A quarter symmetry model was constructed to address a boundary condition concern inherent with the eighth symmetry model: the constraints on the XZ plane of the eighth symmetry (Figure 3) model simulate another plate mirrored across the XZ plane. It was necessary to model quarter symmetry conditions to see if the affect, if any, the reflected blast wave from the mirrored plate had on the solution. A total of 18,598 (304 HE, 18,294 air) elements were mirrored about the XZplane allowing for quarter symmetry conditions while keeping the number of elements down (Figure 4). This addition of elements allowed the blast wave to reflect off of itself about the XZ plane while not calculating a full model (nor simulating another plate on the other side). Nodes along the YZ and the XY planes were constrained to stay on their respective planes. The darker region in Figure 4 (highlighted) is where the rigid body and air mesh overlap.AirExplosiveFigure 4: Quarter symmetry model: 106,190 Air (red) elements, 608 HE (blue) elements, 10,800 Rigidbody (within air mesh) elements.As reported by Wang [4], the mesh density significantly influences the peak pressure in theEulerian mesh. A new mesh was constructed (Figure 3) with 43,780 more Eulerian elements, to understand mesh effects for this set of models. Maximum velocity of the sled with the refined mesh was within 8% of the original mesh.2.2.1 Material PropertiesThe rigid body and Al foam material properties are the same as those found in the ConWepsection and are listed in Table 1. Air and HE material properties and equation of state (EOS) parameters were obtained from [4] and are also listed in Table Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian CouplingFor accurate solutions, two Eulerian elements must fit across one Lagrangian element whencoupling the two meshes [9]. This sizing promotes appropriate advection from Eulerian to Lagrangian elements. Increasing the number of quadrature points, which are used to couple the Lagrangian and Eulerian elements, can be used in place of mesh refinement for fluid-structure contact issues. If the number of quadrature points is not enough, the solution will underpredict the energy transferred from the blast. Increasing the number of quadrature points significantly increases the computational expense. Considering the mesh densities used in these models, four quadrature points are used for the rigid body model and two are used for the Al foam model.To couple the foam and the rigid body support panels to the fluid, a part set containing bothpanels was used as the slave id on the in the *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_IN_SOLID (*CLS) card. Using a part set allowed both parts to be coupled with the Eulerian fluid. One concern using this method is the number of quadrature points needed: the meshes of the rigid body and foam are different so a careful number is needed to keep costs down while not allowing penetration of the coarser mesh. It was decided to keep the number of quadrature points based on the foam mesh reasoning that the rigid body’s interaction with the fluid was not as significant:the rigid body is only exposed to the overpressure of the blast after it travels around the foam panel.Also on the *CLS card, the penalty factor was set to 0.2 and the coupling type (CTYPE) chosen allows for erosion of the Lagrangian elements. Examining the model after the part set was implemented showed all parts coupling appropriately without penetration. The time scale factor had to be reduced significantly for the ALE models: a value of 0.10 was needed for the foam models to run to completion.3. Results: ConWep vs. ALE3.1 Maximum Velocity/Kinetic EnergyMore ALE models were created than ConWep models because there are a lot more variables to consider using ALE. The sled velocity curves for all six ALE models are shown in Figure 5a, while tabulated results are located in Table 2. The kinetic energy was within 1% for the ALE eighth symmetry rigid body model, fourth symmetry rigid body model, and the rigid body model with 5 quadrature points. The refined Eulerian mesh model showed an increase of 7% in sled kinetic energy over the original mesh in the rigid body models and a decrease of 3% in the foam models.Figure 5: A) All ALE Models Sled Velocity vs. Time B) ConWep and ALE Sled Velocity Curves.As shown in Figure 5b and Table 2, using benchmarked parameters found in the literature [3], ConWep increases the KE of the sleds over ALE: 58% higher in the rigid body models, and over 115% higher in the foam model. The ConWep models show an increase in energy transferred to the foam models by 37% over the rigid body models; this behavior is seen in the experiments [1],[2]. ALE foam models show a slight decrease in energy transferred to the rigid body sled velocity, contrary to what has been shown in experiments.Table 2: ConWep and ALE Results.3.2 Computation TimeThe length of time to run the ALE models is significant: especially when coupled with a deformable material or when the number of quadrature points or elements is increased. The ALE rigid body eighth symmetry model took over 840x as much time as its ConWep counterpart. The ALE Foam model took as much as 38x as much time as the ConWep foam model, depending on the level of Eulerian mesh refinement.3.3 Foam BehaviorFigure 6 shows the Y-displacement contours of the 3 foam models at an elapsed time of 4.5E-4 seconds (when the foam is done deforming). Hanssen [1] showed similar foam panel deformation as seen in the ConWep model. The panels tested by Skaggs [2], which had a much larger cube root scaling [11], were completely destroyed by the explosive. The behavior seen in the ALE foam panels is unlike any physical experiments, and is dependent on the discretization of the Eulerian mesh.Figure 6: Y-Displacement Contours Of The Foam Panels At Maximum Deformation.4. Comparing Models to Experiments4.1 Modeling the Norwegian Ballistic Pendulum ExperimentIt was desirable to compare the numerical simulations with a ballistic pendulum experiment. Hanssen’s work [1] provided most of the details needed from his experiments to build a representative finite element model. Additional aluminum foam material properties not listed in Hannsen’s work were supplemented from [8]. With ConWep as the blast loading method of choice, sleds were constructed in the same manner as described in section 2.1. The dimensions of the foam panel match those of Hanssen’s. The rigid body support plate (red elements in Figure 7) is representative of the bare pendulum: the face area matches Hanssen’s and the dimension in the y direction was chosen so that the density of the rigid body could be set to a value in the range of steel. Quarter symmetry conditions were utilized to reduce the size of the model.Table 3: Material Properties Used To Match Experiments Performed By Hanssen [6].Figure 7: Discretization of Norwegian Foam Model NF-21160 Used To Compare Against Experiments.Foam elements (numbering 21,160) are shown in blue, rigid body elements (numbering 8,464) aredisplayed in red.4.2 Comparison With ExperimentThe rigid body model was originally run with no scale factor on the *LOAD_SEGMENT card. The model showed a 19% higher kinetic energy (KE) than the experiment, so the load curve was scaled down by a factor of 0.914 to match the experimentally measured KE. This factor was also used in the foam model. With the scaling factor, the rigid body model KE matches, but the foam model value is lower from the experimental foam model by about 25%.The mesh of the foam model was refined until the maximum velocity was within 3% of the last refinement. The velocity curves of the Norwegian Rigid Body model (NRB) and Norwegian Foam Models (NF-#) can be seen in Figure 8. Here the number after “NF” is the number of foam elements used in the model. All elements in foam models NF-21160 and NF-169280 have 1:1:1 aspect ratios. Foam elements in NF-169280 were split in the y-direction to build model NF-338560 (2:1:2 aspect ratio).Figure 8: Velocity Curves For Experiment Comparison Models.Table 4: Experiment And Model Results.Hanssen [1] reported a double curvature deformation pattern in the Al foam panels from the ballistic pendulum tests. Although the model predicts a higher amount of dishing than the experiments, the deformation pattern matches the double curvature behavior seen in the experiments (Figure 9). This pattern was not seen in the ALE results of the previous section.Figure 9: Y-Displacement Contours Of The Norwegian Ballistic Pendulum Model Under Maximum Deformation (Image Was Reflected About The Planes Of Symmetry).5. DiscussionAlthough the maximum sled velocity is close between the original and refined Eulerian mesh models, the patterns in the foam deformation vary. Additionally, the foam in the ALE models deformed much differently from the ConWep models. The ALE deformation patterns imply that the results are highly dependent on the Eulerian mesh. A spherical Eulerian mesh may improve the deformation of the foam, because it will allow the pressure wave to propagate outward normal to the solid element faces in all directions. The foam mesh refinement on the Norwegian foam model was not performed on the models used in ConWep/ALE comparison section. Further refinement of these models may bring out more discrepancies between the blast loading methods.The coupling between the Lagrangian and Eulerian meshes is problem specific. The LS-DYNA guidelines suggest two Eulerian elements to one Lagrangian element, which proved effective in these models. If that ratio is not possible, the number of quadrature points can be adjusted to improve the contact. The propagation of the pressure wave is more mesh dependent than the coupling between the Lagrangian and Eulerian elements.The ConWep air blast function is a lot simpler than the ALE models, and produces results seen in physical experiments. Hanssen [1] attributed the increase in impulse transferred to the Al foam ballistic pendulum tests as a factor of the foam deformation. He theorized that the dishing seen in the foam panels caused a focusing or confinement of the blast. Originally it was felt that this would not be demonstrated with ConWep models because ConWep does not account for confinement. In the ConWep algorithm [3], LS-DYNA looks up tables of information to determine pressure for a given cube root scaling value (not time). The algorithm implements Friedlander’s equation to find the rate of decay for the pressure. Friedlander’s equation uses the current model time, time to arrival, and duration time along with a decay coefficient to calculate the drop in pressure over time. A possible explanation for the increase in KE seen in the ConWepfoam models without accounting for confinement is that as the elements collapse, the orientation of the elements changes such that the angle of incidence is decreased (the faces become more normal to the blast). As the angle of incidence decreases, the reflected pressure on the element increases, resulting in an overall increase in impulse.The foam in the Norwegian models show more dishing then the results from the experiments. This increase in dishing may be transferring more of the blast energy to internal energy (IE) instead of kinetic energy (KE). The loss of KE to IE helps explain the difference between model and experiment. The experiment cannot produce a value for how much energy was converted to internal energy from foam deformation. Additionally, the foam material properties were gathered from a couple of sources because a complete set of values was not provided by Hanssen. Hourglass control had to be implemented in NF-338560, which helps explain why NF-338560 dished more than NF-169280.The conversion factor used to convert PE4 (used in the Norwegian ballistic pendulum experiments) to TNT was 1.043. Barker [12] explains in his results that the conversion of PE4 to a TNT equivalent is slightly on the conservative side. Barker’s statement compliments the 0.914 scaling factor on the ConWep load curve needed to equate the KE of the Norwegian rigid body model to the experiment.Kinetic energy was used to compare the results between models and experiments, but it is not the best factor for determining the Al foam’s effectiveness of mitigating blast damage. Although the Norwegian foam models reached a higher maximum velocity than the rigid body models, the slope of the velocity curves (acceleration) of the sleds was reduced. This could be crucial to vehicle occupants whom are limited to certain amounts of acceleration for survivability. Additionally, the foam undergoes constant stress from yielding until the densification strain is reached. With the level of stress limited to the collapse strength of the foam until densification, if the foam panel is thick enough not to completely densify through the thickness, the structure behind it (at a higher yield strength) could be saved.6. ConclusionThis paper compared two loading methods available in LS-DYNA: one using a Lagrangian model and the ConWep air blast function and the other using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) coupling including the explosive material as part of the model. Additionally, a separate model using the ConWep air blast function compared simulation against ballistic pendulum experiments. Results showed ALE models as mesh dependent when coupled with deformable materials. ConWep models showed similar deformation patterns compared to experiments. With a scaling factor used to match the kinetic energy of the baseline models, the kinetic energy of the Norwegian foam model underpredicted and the dishing overpredicted the experiments. These discrepancies were related to more blast energy being converted to internal energy in the models than the experiments. From these results using common practice material properties, it is apparent that scaling factors will have to be determined for each experiment.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to extend their gratitude to the DoD EPSCoR Program for supporting this work through the Army Research Office, Grant No. DAAD19-02-1-0105, “Development of Computational Tools for the Design and Optimization of Light Weight Armor”.References[1]Hanssen, A.G., L. Enstock, M. Langseth. “Close-range blast loading of aluminium foam panels.” InternationalJournal of Impact Engineering 27 (2002): 593-618.[2]Skaggs, R. Internal report on ballistic pendulum experimental results. Army Research Lab, 2003.[3]Randers-Pehrson, Bannister “Airblast Loading Model for DYNA2D and DYNA 3D” ARL-TR-1310 (1997).[4]Wang, J. “Simulation Of Landmine Explosion Using LS-DYNA3D Software: Benchmark Work Of SimulationOf Explosion In Soil And Air.” (DSTO-TR-1168). Fishermans Bend, Victoria, Australia: DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory. 2001.[5]Williams, K., et al. “Validation of a Loading Model for Simulating Blast Mine Effects on Armoured Vehicles,”Proceedings from the 7th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, May 19-21 2002, Dearborn, MI: p 6-35 – 6-44.[6]Kinney, G. and K. Graham. Explosive Shocks in Air. 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag New York Inc. New York,1985.[7]Hanssen, A.G., et al. “Validation Of Constitutive Models Applicable To Aluminium Foams”. InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (2002): 359-406.[8]Lopatnikov, S., et al. “Dynamics of metal foam deformation during Taylor cylinder-Hopkinson bar impactexperiment.” Composite Structures 61 (2003): 61-71.[9]Powers, B. “ws_flat.k” LS-DYNA input deck. Last Modified May 8, 2003.[10]Hallquist, J. O. LS-DYNA Theoretical Manual. Livermore Software Technology Corporation. May 1998.[11]Conventional Weapons Effects Program (ConWep), Technical Manual TM5-855-1, Fundamentals of ProtectiveDesign for Conventional Weapons, US Dept. of the Army, Washington, DC, 3 November, 1986.[12]Barker, G., D. Sharp. “Measurement of Blast Pressures.” .au/research/blast/blast.pdf :ADFAStudies. Produced by Australian Defense Force Academy. Viewed January 2004.[13]Deshpande, V.S., N.A. Fleck. “High strain rate compressive behaviour of aluminium alloy foams.” InternationalJournal of Impact Engineering 24 (2000): 277-298.[14]Gibson, L. J., M. Ashby. Cellular Solids: Structure & Properties. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1988.[15]Hanssen, A.G., M. Langseth, O.S. Hopperstad. “Optimum Design For Energy Absorbtion Of SquareAluminium Columns With Aluminium Foam Filler”. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001): 153-176.[16]Hutchinson, John. “On the Design of Blast Resistant Sandwich Plates: The Talbot Lecture.” The TAM(Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) 400 Graduate Seminars. University Illinois Urbana Champaign. 1 May.2003.[17]LS-DYNA Keyword User’s Manual, Version 970. Livermore Software Technology Corporation. March 2003.。



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在固体中非常快的化学和相变的非线性波机制,应用到宇宙化学反应过程接近0 K时,亚稳态固相的爆炸般的衰变和灾难性的大地构造现象摘要:在宇宙中,化学反应发生在非常低的温度下,非常接近0K.根据标准的阿伦尼乌斯机制,这些反应应该发生微小的效率。






关键词:非线性波化学与力学耦合在非常低的燃烧温度地球化学宇宙大地构造学1 在冷冻断裂试剂矩阵的非线性传播:在宇宙物质的化学演化机制快速在固相化学进化发生在宇宙中,其温度接近0 K,在价格上比基于标准阿伦尼乌斯考虑预期的要快得多。


化学反应已被观察到导致行波在实验室的实验中,在非常低的温度下(4 K液氦中传播,并在77 K液氮)在速度关系,不能用传统的阿伦尼乌斯燃烧理论解释。








(2)正氧平衡 炸药中的氧将碳、氢完全氧化后仍有剩余,此时氧平衡大于零,即 c-(2a+b/2)>0 ◆ 氧量过剩,爆炸产物除H2O、CO2和N2外,爆炸反应剩余的氧将与游离氮反应生成
◆ 固体炸药 ◆ 液体炸药 ◆ 气体炸药 ◆ 多相炸药
1 炸药与爆炸的基本理论
1.2 炸药的氧平衡
氧化剂 + 还原剂
(Ca, Hb, Nd)
CO2 热!!
★ 何谓氧平衡?
炸药由富含氧的氧化剂和可以燃烧的还原剂构成。 还原剂一般为C和H,但炸药产品大多也含有相当量的N。 炸药的化学构成可以通式的形式表示为:
1.1.2 爆炸现象及其分类
◆ 物理爆炸 ◆ 化学爆炸 ◆ 核爆炸
由系统的物理变化引起的爆炸。在爆炸前后,物质的化学 成份没有变化,发生变化的只是物态(物质的物理性态)。
如锅炉爆炸,是由于内部蒸汽压力超过容器的极限强度, 但爆炸前后蒸汽的成份相同,都是H20,只不过由高压变成低压 罢了。再如自行车车胎爆炸、强放电(如闪电雷击)爆炸等。



关于核武器创造科学家作文600字英文回答:As a scientist involved in the creation of nuclear weapons, I am fully aware of the ethical and moral implications of my work. The development and deployment of nuclear weapons have had a profound impact on the world, both in terms of the destructive power they possess and the potential for catastrophic consequences. It is important to acknowledge that the creation of nuclear weapons is a complex and multifaceted process that involves various scientific disciplines.One of the key scientific aspects of nuclear weapons is the understanding of nuclear physics. The principles of nuclear fission and fusion are fundamental to the functioning of these weapons. Scientists study the behavior of atomic nuclei, the release of energy during nuclear reactions, and the critical mass required for sustained chain reactions. This knowledge is essential in designingand optimizing the explosive power of nuclear weapons.In addition to nuclear physics, other scientific fields such as materials science and engineering play a crucialrole in the development of nuclear weapons. Scientists need to design and fabricate materials that can withstandextreme temperatures and pressures generated during a nuclear explosion. They also need to ensure the reliability and safety of the weapon's components, including the detonation mechanism and the delivery system.Furthermore, computer simulations and modeling are extensively used in the creation of nuclear weapons. Scientists utilize advanced computational techniques to simulate the behavior of nuclear reactions, the dynamics of explosions, and the effects of radiation. These simulations allow scientists to optimize the design of nuclear weapons and predict their performance under various conditions.Despite the scientific advancements and expertise involved in the creation of nuclear weapons, it isimportant to consider the ethical implications of such work.The immense destructive power of these weapons raises questions about their use and the potential forcatastrophic consequences. Scientists have a responsibility to ensure that their work is guided by ethical considerations and to engage in discussions about arms control, non-proliferation, and disarmament.中文回答:作为一名参与核武器创造的科学家,我充分意识到我的工作所涉及的伦理和道德问题。



凝聚相炸药拐角爆轰的数值模拟王星;姜胜利;赵寒月;余一;张蕾;陈军【摘要】The hybrid detonation formulation of three-dimensional condensed phase explosives is presented based on the multiphase compressible fluid equation and the reaction rate equation.The iteration method of thermodynamic equilibrium for the multiphase detonation mixed reaction zone is built and an efficient detonation parallel software is developed.The feasibility of the physical model,the numerical method and the program module are verified by comparative experiments.We focus on the wave front structure,the coupling of flow fields and chemical reactions and the secondary initiation mechanism of condensed phase explosives by numerical simulations of the detonation process at various corners.The numerical results show that the diffraction area of a corner of 135°is larger than that of 90°of PBX9404 explosive,and the wave front structure is affected by the local flow field velocity.The temporary "death zone" is formed because the chemical reactions are decoupled from the leading shock wave when the detonation wave passes the corner.As the corner angle increases,the dead zone of the corner is expanded.The key of secondary initiation in the dead zone is that the acting time of back-detonation wave should be longer than the critical induction time of explosives in the corner zone.%基于多介质可压缩流体方程和炸药反应速率方程构建了三维凝聚相炸药爆轰的物理模型,建立了适用于多相爆轰混合反应区计算的热力学平衡迭代方法并开发了高效稳定的爆轰并行模拟软件,基于对比试验验证了物理模型、数值方法和软件模块的正确性.通过数值模拟不同拐角的爆轰过程,重点研究了凝聚相炸药拐角爆轰的波阵面结构、流场与化学反应的相互耦合和拐角处的二次起爆机理.结果表明,PBX9404炸药1 35°拐角比9°°拐角衍射范围更大,波阵面结构受到当地流场波速的影响;爆轰波绕过拐角后由于流场涡流作用导致化学反应与前导激波解耦,形成临时“死区”,随着拐角增大,拐角死区范围扩大;死区二次起爆的关键是混合反应区回爆波的作用时间大于拐角区域起爆的临界诱导时间.【期刊名称】《含能材料》【年(卷),期】2018(026)001【总页数】7页(P94-100)【关键词】凝聚相炸药;拐角爆轰;数值模拟【作者】王星;姜胜利;赵寒月;余一;张蕾;陈军【作者单位】中国工程物理研究院高性能数值模拟软件中心,北京100088;中国工程物理研究院高性能数值模拟软件中心,北京100088;中国工程物理研究院高性能数值模拟软件中心,北京100088;中国工程物理研究院高性能数值模拟软件中心,北京100088;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京100088;中国工程物理研究院高性能数值模拟软件中心,北京100088;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京100088;中国工程物理研究院高性能数值模拟软件中心,北京100088;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京100088【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TJ55;O382.+11 引言凝聚相炸药的拐角爆轰一直是爆轰波研究和武器装备设计的重点关注的问题,涉及到拐角的绕射、熄爆及重新起爆。

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ALE Modeling of Explosive Detonation on or nearReinforced-Concrete ColumnsJohn M. H. PuryearProtection Engineering Consultants, 14144 Trautwein Road, Austin, TX78737, ph: 512.380.1988 ext. 302, jpuryear@David J. StevensProtection Engineering Consultants, San Antonio, TXKirk A. MarchandProtection Engineering Consultants, San Antonio, TXEric B. WilliamsonUniversity of Texas, Austin, TXC. Kennan CraneUSACE Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MSAbstractThe detonation of explosive threats in contact with or near reinforced concrete columns was modeled using the Arbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian (ALE) capability of LS-DYNA, in support of the development of a software tool for assessing the vulnerability of structures subjected to terrorist attack. The explosive, air, and concrete were modeled as fluids, and the reinforcement was modeled using beam elements. *MAT_72R3 was used for the concrete, and column damage was characterized using the scaled damage measure, an output from the constitutive model that quantifies damage to the material. The model was initially validated against a large database relating spall and breach thresholds of reinforced concrete slabs to charge weight and standoff. It was further validated against a small database for explosive loading against reinforced concrete columns. A parameter study was then performed to populate a results space comprising four column shapes over a representative range of dimensions. This results space was used to develop a fast-running algorithm that will be implemented in the structural vulnerability assessment software.Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited1IntroductionProtection Engineering Consultants (PEC) and the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) have been collaborating to develop an anti-terrorism planning tool (ATP) as part of a broad effort by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The ATP tool is a fast-running software for determining damage and failure of structural components due to terrorist attack. Engineers may use the ATP tool to estimate the damage or failure state of a component and, from that, determine the remaining capacity of the component itself.In support of the ATP tool, PEC has developed an algorithm for predicting spall and breach of a reinforced-concrete column. Spall is partial rubblization of the cross section; breach is total rubblization of the section. These conditions are illustrated in Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b), respectively. The basis of the algorithm is limited test data and extensive synthetic data generated using LS-DYNA®Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE). This paper discusses the parametric ALE model, and focuses on how the concrete was modeled as a fluid and how damage to the column was estimated.(a) (b)Figure 1(a) Column Spall (b) Column Breach2MethodologyThe strategy for development of the algorithm was to extend existing 1D spall-breach methodology (for slabs) to include 2D effects (column). Edge effects in the 2D case influence both the applied load and material response. The existing 1D methodology is highly empirical, comprising a set of best-fit curves to spall-breach test data. This slab data was generated from a large set of tests where explosives were detonated on or near different slab geometries. The damage state (breach, spall, or no damage) and damage extent (breach or spall diameter) were recorded.Such an extensive data set does not exist for the 2D column case. The limited data on spall-breach of columns came from a series of blast tests supporting National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 645 Blast-Resistant Bridges: Design and Detailing Guidelines(1). Therefore, a parametric ALE model was developed, and parameters such as charge weight, standoff, and column geometry were varied to populate a results space withsynthetic data. This results space served as the basis for calibrating best-fit curves for the 2D column case, shown in Figure 2. τ is an inverse mea sure of impulse attenuation through the target thickness; i is applied impulse.Figure 2. Threshold Curves3Independent ParametersTo generate the synthetic data, a parametric ALE model was developed and validated against the NCHRP 645 data. Then, 325 ALE simulations were run of RC columns subjected to close-in and contact detonations. For those simulations, charge weight, standoff, charge L/D ratio, column shape (circular, square, or rectangular section), and column dimensions were varied. For most simulations:∙Compressive strength was 4,000 psi, per the test series supporting NCHRP 645 (1);∙Steel reinforcement was 60 grade;∙Longitudinal steel ratio (percent cross section) was 1%;∙Volumetric steel ratio (per ACI 318-08 (2) definition of ρs) varied from 0.05% to 0.27%. Four column sections were included in the simulations:∙Circular, typically 36-in, 48-in, or 60-in diameter∙Square, typically 32-in, 42-in, or 52-in edge∙Rectangular with D/W = 2, typically D = 45 in, 60 in, or 75 in∙Rectangular with D/W = 0.5, typically D = 22.5 in, 30 in, or 37.5 inFor most simulations, the longitudinal bar diameter was calculated from the column cross- sectional area and longitudinal steel ratio (generally 1%). The transverse bar diameter was typically 50% of the longitudinal bar diameter. The cover on all columns was 2 in.The shape of the charge was cylindrical for all simulations, and the most common L/D ratio was 1.0, with the range being from 1.0 to 2.5.4Multi-Material Group and Fluid Structure Interaction CouplingThe LS-DYNA ALE models included air, explosive, and concrete as Eulerian fluids composinga multi-material group. As shown in Figure 3, a quarter-symmetry, cubic Eulerian domain was used for the multi-material group filling. The column is shown on its side to emphasize symmetry planes. *INITIAL_VOLUME_FRACTION_GEOMETRY was used for filling. First, the entire Eulerian domain was filled with air; then the concrete and charge volumes were filled using parameterized coordinate definitions. The concrete was unsupported (inertial resistance to charge only), and gravity was not included in the simulation.The reinforcement was included as beam elements coupled to the concrete as discussed below; ELFORM 1 (Hughes-Liu with cross section integration) was used. *BOUNDARY_ NON_REFLECTING was applied to the exterior faces of the domain to simulate free-field (outdoor) explosion; these are all non-symmetry planes in Figure 3 (a). A detail of the filled concrete, steel reinforcement, and explosive is shown in Figure 4; air is not displayed for clarity.A cubic domain rather than spherical was used, because a spherical domain caused initial distortions in the rectangular concrete target, and these exaggerated the damage predictions. A mesh biased with respect to the charge center was generated using the block mesher in LS-PrePost (LSPP). Beyond the joint shown in Figure 4, the mesh was biased at a 5% increase per element. At the charge center, the element size was 1.2 in. (3 cm), as shown in Figure 5; this dimension was selected on the basis of a mesh convergence study performed during initial modeling. Overall dimensions for the Eulerian mesh were selected to accommodate the maximum column size and permit minimal reflection from exterior *BOUNDARY_NON_REFLECTING, which is known to amplify applied pressure and impulseif the boundary is too close to the target or charge. Method 2 was used for the advection method. Figure 6 through Figure 8 illustrate detonation of a 100-lb TNT charge at a 40.8-in standoff froma 42-in square column. The animation of the quarter-symmetry models is reflected about symmetry planes, and air is excluded for clarity.The steel beam elements were coupled to the concrete using *CONSTRAINED_LAGRANGE_ IN_SOLID. For the coupling, CTYPE was set to 2 and MCUP to 1.No contact was defined between the longitudinal and transverse beam elements; both sets of beam elements interacted through coupling to the concrete. This approach permitted consistent, robust modeling of the reinforcement for all simulations. A penalty-based contact between the steel beam elements likely would have introduced instabilities and would have required intermittent adjustment for different geometries. Therefore, no beam-to-beam contact was considered sufficient for the fidelity of the models.Figure 3. (a) Eulerian Domain Prior to Filling; (b) After FillingFigure 4. Detail of Filled Concrete, Steel Reinforcement, and Explosive(a)(b)SteelReinforcement118.1 in. (300 cm)178 in. (452 cm)AirConcreteExplosive200.4 in. (509 cm) Symmetry Planes148.8 in. (378 cm)ConcreteExplosiveSteelReinforcement1.2 in. (3 cm)Biased MeshFigure 5. Characteristic Element for Parametric Simulations(3.05 cm X 3.06 cm x 3.06 cm)(a) (b)Figure 6. 42-in Square Column, 100-lb TNT, 40.8-in Standoff:(a) 0 usec; (b) 60 usec [315](a) (b)Figure 7. 42-in. Square Column, 100-lb TNT, 40.8-in. Standoff:(a) 114 usec; (b) 258 usec [315](a) (b)Figure 8. 42-in. Square Column, 100-lb TNT, 40.8-in. Standoff:(a) 1782 usec; (b) 4000 usec (column only) [315]5Constitutive ModelsConstitutive models and equations of state for these materials are detailed below. All simulations used units of g, cm, usec (10-6 seconds). Parameters used for the constitutive model are reported in units of lb, in., sec for familiarity and report consistency.5.1AirThe constitutive model for the air was *MAT_NULL. Its only input was density, and this equaled 1.22E-07 lb-sec2/in4.5.2TNT ExplosiveTNT (Trinitrotoluene) was selected for the explosive. The constitutive model used was *MAT_ HIGH_EXPLOSIVE_BURN, and the equation of state was *EOS_JWL. Standard input parameters for the constitutive model and equation of state were used. The cylindrical charge was detonated at its centroid.5.3Concrete*MAT_72R3 was used as the constitutive model for the concrete. The parameter generation option was used where the strength and mechanical properties (unconfined tensile strength, cap model parameter, etc.) are inferred from nominal unconfined compressive strength.Rate effects were included using the strain rate curve in the LS-DYNA Keyword manual. Including rate effects can overestimate compressive strength, because that strength increase is added to a contribution from inertial confinement. However, the spall threshold is largely determined by tensile strength, and past work suggested that including rate effects was necessary to capture rate-dependent increase. This is consistent with the fact that rate effects in tension are significantly greater than rate effects in compression. Assuming *MAT_72R3 was calibrated primarily for compression, including rate effects, is appropriate. The appropriateness was confirmed against the NCHRP 645 test data.5.4Steel*MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY was used for the steel constitutive model. The input parameters are shown in Table 1. Rate effects were not included.Table 1. Steel Constitutive Parameters(*MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY)6Damage CharacterizationBecause the concrete was modeled as a fluid, erosion was not added to the constitutive model. Rather, damage was characterized using the scaled damage measure, an output from the *MAT_72R3 constitutive model. This measure is recorded for each concrete Eulerian cell, at each time step. The parameter ranges from 0 to 2. If it is between 0 and 1, the concrete is in the elastic range; if it is between 1 and 2, it is yielding. If it reaches 2, it is fully damaged and has a residual compressive strength of pulverized concrete. Therefore, any concrete Eulerian cell that reached 2 was used to define the extent of the damaged region and to identify the occurrence of breach, spall, or no damage.Inspection and measurement of the damaged region was performed using LSPP. The scaled damage measure was displayed as a contour plot, the damage state (breach, spall, or no damage) was identified, and the extent of damage measured. Examples of this transition are shown in Figure 9(a) (spall of square section) and Figure 9(b) (breach of square section). In all cases, the scaled damage measure was displayed from 1.9 to 2.0 for clear distinction between failed and intact elements.(a) (b)Figure 9(a) Spall of Square Section [302] (b) Breach of SquareSection [283] (Scaled Damage Measure from 1.9 to 2.0)7Mass ScalingFor all simulations, mass scaling was used. In an ALE simulation, a small body of Eulerian fluid can separate from its species and cause the time step to plummet, increasing computation time significantly. When mass scaling is turned on, the mass of the Eulerian element containing the small body is scaled to increase the time step. The change in mass is tracked and reported so that the analyst can ensure that the effect on the model’s performance is small. Large batches of simulations were performed, and mass scaling was necessary to prevent any one run fromstopping the batch with a plummeting time step. Simulations with non-trivial increases (greaterthan 1%) in mass were excluded from the database to ensure mass scaling had little effect on results.8Validation against NCHRP 645 DataThe parametric model was initially validated against a large database relating spall and breach thresholds of reinforced-concrete slabs to charge weight and standoff. After that initial validation, it was further validated against the eleven NCHRP 645 tests. As shown in Table 2, the models agreed with test data for damaged state in all cases but one. In the case of the exception, BR5-1, the column had just barely breached in the simulation. Agreement on extent of damage was acceptable. The post-test condition of BR2 and results from the numerical model are shown below in Figure 10(a) and Figure 10(b).Table parison of Column ALE Modelsversus NCHRP 645 Tests(a) (b)Figure 10(a) Post-Test Damage to BR2 (Avg. 54 in)(b) Parametric Model Damage (Avg. 54 in)9ConclusionsModeling concrete as an Eulerian fluid using ALE methodology yields good results where the explosive is explicitly modeled. Concrete as fluid permitted the column to respond with large deformations at very high rates. In addition, the approach was stable over a wide range of charge weights, standoffs, and column geometries.Furthermore, when rate effects are added to the *MAT_72R3, its scaled damage measure accurately reports spall and breach damage to a reinforced-concrete column from a close-in or contact detonation. It is necessary to add rate effects, because spall and breach of concrete are tension-dominated responses, and concrete is more rate-sensitive in tension than compression. Accurate damage reporting was achieved using unmodified strength properties from *MAT_72R3 parameter generation based on unconfined compressive strength.10R eferences1. Williamson, Eric B., et al.Blast-Resistant Highway Bridges: Design and Detailing Guidelines.Washington, D.C. : Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2010. Report 645.2. ACI Committee 318.Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) andCommentary. Farmington Hills, MI : American Concrete Institute, 2008.11AcknowledgementsThis work was funded by the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management Division.Permission to publish was granted by Director, Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, Engineer Research and Development Center, US Army Corps of Engineers.。
