B&O BeoLab 4音响中的“高富帅”作为一个标新立异的时尚音响品牌,BO很多时候给人的感觉就是华丽的外形和高不可攀的价格,而其华丽的造型和优质的声音也一直备受众多用户青睐。
的确,作为一个标新立异的时尚音响品牌,BO很多时候给人的感觉就是华丽的外形和高不可攀的价格,就拿今天的BeoLab 4来说,作为一款品牌中入门级的电脑音响,其价格就在万元,而且选配的支架价格都在几千元,如此高的定价也注定了这是一个小众的品牌,一个属于高富帅的品牌。
1925午11月17日,两位年轻的丹麦工程师Peter Bang和Svend Olufsen在丹麦小镇Quistrup一间小小的阁楼里合伙创立了BangOlufsen公司,设计和生产收音机,揭开了BO公司辉煌历史的序幕。
一、实验需求1、某网络拓扑如图所示,局域网部署两台虚拟机,一台作为攻击者(Hacker),一台作为正常用户(Client),PS:如两台都用虚拟机,虚拟机网络模式为NAT;2、Hacker搭建钓鱼网站,以139邮箱登录网站为例:,以本地ip 地址测试钓鱼网站的可用性。
创建克隆网站1,setoolkit 回车,如有以下提示选择Y。
2,选择1,社会工程学3,选择2,web攻击4,选择3,凭证信息收集5,选择2,网站克隆6,输入网站克隆存放的主机的IP地址,kali eth0的IP 地址7,输入要克隆的网站的链接, 验证克隆网站是否成功,kali浏览器输入127.0.0.1 或者正常用户访问kali的ip地址。
验证克隆网站是否成功,kali浏览器输入127.0.0.1 ,成功运行克隆网站,即表示克隆成功。
vi /etc/ettercap/etter.dnsettercap工具的使用1,ettercap –G打开工具。
7,开始攻击最后,开始测试,xp客户端ping 回复的地址为kali地址。
Lab4 介绍
3. 使用PDX(VPT)在页目录在查找,得到一个特殊的页
表(SPT)——页目录本身 (自映射的作用)
4. 使用PDX(addr)在SPT(也就是页目录)里找到一个特 殊的页(SPage)——实际上是页表
5. 使用PTX(addr)|00得到页表项
fork() vs dumb_fork()
一个古老的fork,采用复制地址空间的内容的方法 创建子进程
实现了copy‐on‐write的fork函数 lib/fork.c
1. sys_exofork
env_alloc eax (0) Status (ENV_NOT_RUNNABLE)
envs[1]、envs[2]… envs[NENV‐1]形成一个逻辑 上的环状结构
如果curenv==NULL,就从envs[1]开始检查;否 则就从curenv指向的Env结构的下一个envs数 组元素开始检查。从环上寻找第一个状态为 ENV_RUNNABLE的进程
利用一些系统调用来实现一个用户空间的、写 时复制的库函数fork
sys_exofork sys_env_set_status sys_page_alloc sys_page_map sys_page_unmap
1. set_pgfault_handler 2. sys_exofork
参照美国国家临床实验室标准化委员会(NCCLS) EP17-A文件要求,对非配套检测系统项目的检测低限、功能灵敏度进行评价。检测低限:测定空白样本20天,计算其均值及标准差。按99.7%可能性定
6 FileI/O
Opening and closing data files. Reading data from and writing data to files. Reading from and writing to spreadsheet-formatted files. Moving and renaming files and directories. Changing file characteristics. Creating, modifying, and reading a configuration file.
1D Array
Waveform graph terminal (1D array)
1D Array
Waveform graph terminal (cluster)
2. Multiple-Plot Waveform Graphs
Build Array function (Array subpalette)
Build Array
1D Arrays
2D array
Waveform graph terminal (2D array)
cluster array
Waveform graph terminal (cluster array)
5.2 Charts
1. Chart Update Modes
6.2.3 More Writing and Reading of Files
1.Writing and Reading Text Files 可以进行纯文本的读写 Write To Text File Read From Text File 2. Writing and Reading Binary Files
3-5(1)源操作数为立即寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器寻址方式(2)源操作数为基址寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器寻址方式EA=BX+DISP PA=DS×16+BX+DISP(3)源操作数为寄存器寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器间接寻址方式EA=SI PA=DS×16+SI(4)源操作数为基址加变址寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器寻址方式EA=BX+SI PA=DS×16+BX+SI(5)源操作数、目标操作数都为寄存器寻址方式(6)源操作数为基址寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器寻址方式EA=BX+10H PA=DS×16+BX+10H(7)源操作数为寄存器间接寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器寻址方式EA=BX PA=ES×16+BX(8)源操作数为带位移量基址加变址寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器寻址方式EA=BX+SI+20H PA=DS×16+BX+SI+20H(9)源操作数为寄存器寻址方式;目标操作数为寄存器间接寻址方法EA=BP PA=SS×16+BP(10)源操作数为寄存器寻址方式3-6(1)源操作数为寄存器寻址方式(2)源操作数为基址加变址寻址方式(3)源操作数为基址加比例变址寻址方式(4)源操作数为比例变址寻址方式3-7(1)有错。
格式为IN AL, I/O端口地址,且100H>255,应放在DX中,DX在指令中出现(13)有错。
Lab4 龙贝格(Romberg)算法的应用下面图1中的塑料雨蓬材料是由图2中所示的长方形平板塑料材料压制而成。
图1 图2已知图1的横截面曲线形状满足函数,则给定了雨蓬的长度后,要求需要平板原材料的长度。
函数接口定义:double Integral(double a, double b, double (*f)(double x, double y, double z), double TOL, double l, double t)在接口定义中:a、b分别为定积分的上、下界,f是积分核函数,其中x是积分哑元,y、z是本题目定义的特殊参数,分别对应中的l和t;TOL是要求积分达到的精度;l和t传入裁判输入的参数l和t的值。
裁判程序样例如下:#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>double f0( double x, double l, double t ){ /* 弧长积分的核函数*/return sqrt(1.0+l*l*t*t*cos(t*x)*cos(t*x));}double Integral(double a, double b, double (*f)(double x, double y, double z), double TOL, double l, double t);int main(){double a=0.0, b, TOL=0.005, l, t;while (scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &l, &b, &t) != EOF)printf("%.2f\n", Integral(a, b, f0, TOL, l, t));return 0;}裁判输入样例:2 100 1标准输出样例:1.68实验报告:1.求解步骤参照书上的龙贝格求积算法2.步骤①利用k=0;h=b-a;T[0][0]=(h/2)*(f(a,l,t)+f(b,l,t));求解T0(0)3.求解T0(0)到T0(k)的值由公式h=b−an 及h=b−a2k可得n=2k其中h为步长,n为二分次数又由递推公式:T2n=12T n+ℎ2∑f(xk+12)n−1k=0得T2k+1=12T2k+b−a2k+1∑f[a+b−a2k+1(2i−1)]2k−1i=1,k=0,1,2,3~其中xk+12= a+ℎ2(2i−1)。
第六章. 系统调度,IPC和页面失效控制(lab4)(v0.1)6.1. 实验目标MIT这次实验是在Lab3进程和中断管理的基础上实现,目标是在他们的JOS操作系统中实现多进程管理和进程间消息通信的功能。
学习VivadoHLS第4章 例程中文版
另外还把物理接口添加到RTL设计中,接口综合包括了相关联的I/O 协议,容许数据通过接口传输并自动与内部优化的逻辑同步。
•Lab1: 查看函数的返回和块级协议•Lab2: 理解默认端口的I/O协议,并学会怎么选择I/O协议•Lab3: 查看一下数组端口实现,可以进行分区。
•Lab4: 为设计创建一个优化的实现并添加AXI4接口教程设计描述从xilinx网站下载教程的设计文件,参考信息中获取教程设计。
本教程使用教程目录中的设计文件Vivado_HLS_Tutorial\ Interface_Synthesis。
步骤1:创建并打开工程1.打开Vivado HLS 命令提示符a.在windows系统中,采用Start>All Programs>Xilinx Design Tools>Vivado2014.2>Vivado HLS>Vivado HLS 2014.2 Command Prompt,如下图b.在linux系统下,打开新的shell,2. 用命令提示符窗口,如图55,把接口综合教程的路径变为lab13. 执行TCL并建立vivado HLS Project,采用的是vivado_hls–f run_hls.tcl如图55所示4. 当vivado HLS 完成,在用户界面里打开工程。
EE133-Lab4FM Demodulation using the PLL1IntroductionThis should be an exciting lab(honest)!By the time you’re done,you should be sending and receiving your very own FM broadcasts from within the confines of the lab.With that basic functionality under your belt, we’ll then spend the next few weeks on improvements to increase performance in range and SNR.First,we will need to get the Phase-Locked Loop up and running and characterize its limitations.This is particularly important because the rest of our system will need to accommodate the PLL specs if the whole radio is to function.In other words,it is worth your while to be diligent in your characterization. Then,we will practice some simple FM demodulation with the PLL(using signal generators as inputs). Finally,we will integrate the blocks of the transmitter and receiver so that you can broadcast your favorite music across the room(be sure to bring a CD!).Figure1:Roadmap for Lab42The Phase-Locked Loop-Signal TrackingThefirst thing you will do with the PLL is get it working and use it to track an incoming signal.The circuit is(obviously)the one you designed(and hopefully built)during your lab preparations(It’s included in Figure2just for your reference.)1.Build and power up the LM565with V cc=9V.Note the4.5V DC biasing of pins2and3.This isnecessary for proper operation of the phase comparator(multiplier).Before proceeding,be sure your LM565is not on the same power and ground rails as your SA612or crystal oscillator.2.View the VCO Output(pin4)on the oscilloscope with no input connected.You should have a free-running frequency of around300kHz(if not,tune it using the potentiometer with which you realized R o).What is the f o of your PLL?3.Connect a1V sinusoid at your f o.The PLL should now lock onto this incoming signal.The VCOoutput will be seen in the time domain as a steady square wave.The scope should be displaying both the input signal and the VCO output.Since the input signal is at the free running frequency of the VCO,the two signals should be90degrees out of phase with each other.Sketch or plot the two signals to verify this result.VinVoutRFigure2:LM565PLL4.Measure the DC voltage on the output of the PLL.(If you have a DC blocking capacitor at the output,you should look at the inside of that cap,or directly at pin7.)Does this agree with your prelab results for the free running frequency voltage?5.Now,change the frequency of the input waveform to350kHz.Be sure the PLL is still locked at thisfrequency by examining the VCO output.Then,lower the input voltage until the PLL loses lock.What is the minimum detectable input signal of your PLL?Note:You can tell that lock has been lost when a large number of different signals suddenly appear in the frequency spectrum,and when the time domain trace is no longer clean and steady.This represents the fact that the PLL is now“searching”for an input signal it can lock to.6.Please reset your signal generator to1V at f o.Then,vary the input signal frequency until the PLLloses lock.Plot or sketch the time domain signal just before it loses lock on either side.7.Record the maximum and minimum”lockable”frequency and the respective phase differences observed.What is your lock range?Also,record the DC value of the output at the highest and lowest frequencies that lock.Do the lock range and observed phase differences agree with theory?Given your actual hold range,what equation for f H wouldfit your data?(Hint:it’s probably not the equation in the data sheet,though it should depend on V c and f o.)?8.Record a few more corresponding pairs of input frequencies and DC output voltages within the lockrange.Roughly sketch the graph of VCO frequency versus output DC voltage.Give an approximate value forκ(mV/kHz)-the’constant’that relates a change in input frequency to a change in DC output voltage.Isκconstant across frequency?Why,or why not?9.According to theory,why is there a difference between the output voltage when you apply a single-frequency signal and the output voltage in the free-running case?Is this consistent with your plot?10.Reduce the power supply from9V to7.5V.What do you observe?What do you observe if you reducethe power supply to6V?11.Set the power supplies to16V.(Be sure that doing this will not damage other chips connected to thepower supply or the4.5V reference-if it will,disconnect the power to those chips).Now re-check the lock range.Does it agree with theory?12.Reset the power supplies to9V.3FM Demodulation using the PLLNow that you’ve seen how the PLL tracks a signal,we will explore one of its applications,FM demodulation. If we recall the original definition of FM,it is a signal whose frequency is proportional to a modulating voltage.We have just seen that a PLL produces an error voltage that is proportional to the frequency of the incoming signal.That’s exactly what we need to demodulate an FM signal.In fact,it’s as simple as setting the center frequency of the VCO in the PLL to the center frequency of the FM signal,and then taking the error voltage as the output.The only restriction is that the frequency deviation of the FM signal must be less than the hold range of the PLL,and that the frequency of the modulating signal be significantly less than the frequency of the carrier.1.Set the input to the PLL to be a1V,FM signal from the signal generator,with a center frequencyequal to your f o(hopefully,around300kHz)and a1kHz modulating signal with∆f=50kHz.2.Connect the scope and signal analyzer to the output(pin7)of the PLL through the coupling capacitor.3.At this point,the output should be a demodulated signal,at1kHz,with a signal to noise ratio of atleast40dB.If the low frequencies seem to be overpowered by feedthrough of the higher frequencies(i.e.if your output seems to be at f o rather than at1kHz),build a low-passfilter and add it to theoutput(Be sure to add the LPF after the coupling capacitor at Pin7).Don’t spend too much time, we’ll put in a more effectivefilter next week.4.Plot or sketch this signal in the frequency and time domain.(Don’t worry about how messy it mightlook in the time domain.)5.Record the S/N Ratio.At this point,you should have a signal with a good S/N ratio and THD(i.e.SNR near40dB and THD from1%-5%).6.Attach the output of the PLL into a speaker and comment on the quality of the1kHz tone.4Transmitting and ReceivingWe are now going to hook up everything you’ve built up to this point,and get yourfirst transmitter with super-heterodyned receiver system running.You have the option of proceeding through these steps with one of two differentflavors of transmitter.Thefirst is simply the Colpitts VCO.The second uses the SA612 (a.k.a.SA602,SA612,NE612-they’re equivalent),the fundamental-mode crystal oscillator,and the LM566. You are welcome to employ either one(or both)of these options-just follow the corresponding directions (denoted by Colpitts VCO/LM566).1.Power up your transmitter from Lab2and view the24.3MHz output signal on the sprectrum analyzer.If you haven’t built your audio amp yet,this is the time to do it.2.For convenience,we will use music from the computer as the signal we are interested in transmitting.So,pop in your favorite CD or MP3and hook up the audio output of the computer to the input of your audio amp(disconnect the microphone and use a big¿22uF coupling cap-if you’d prefer,you can just test with your voice)using a special BNC to stereo cable that will be provided by the TA’s.Connect the output of the audio amp to the base of the varactor/the RF port.Turn up the volume until you get a∆f=50kHz(but,turn down the computer speakers so that you do not damage them with the high volume).3.LM566only:Check that your SA612transmit multiplier from Lab2is still operational.With thefundamental-mode crystal oscillator feeding the LO port at24MHz,connect the output of the LM566 VCO to the RF port.Depending on the size of your LM566output and the maximum allowable input signal for the SA612,you may need to attentuate the signal coming from the VCO.4.Then,connect the node between the tapped inductors where the spectrum analyzer would otherwise beplaced/the output of the SA612on the transmitter to the RF input of the SA612on the receiver(the LO port of the receive SA612should still be fed with the crystal oscillator).You might need to move some BNC’s around to do this.If you have more than2BNC’s left on your board,we highly recommend removing them and giving them back to the TA for reuse.View the output on the spectrum analyzer and make sure that you get a signal at300kHz.What is the approximate signal power at300kHz?5.Now hook up the output of the receive multiplier into the PLL and hook the output of the PLL intoa ment on the relative quality of the music compared to what you got with the AMsynchronous detector.6.Disconnect the transmitter from the receive SA612and now use2antennas to transmit and receive;one offthe tapped inductor/output of SA612on the transmit board and one into the SA612on the receive board(When you get to this step,be sure to let others in the lab know you are transmitting so that they are not surprised when their signals are jammed.Be sure to turn your circuit offwhen you are done!).Turn on the receiver and(hopefully)listen to the ment on the sound quality now.If it doesn’t work,look at the output power of the multiplier.Is this signal large enough for the PLL to lock onto?7.Move your circuits further apart until the receiver stops operating and record this approximate distance.8.For completeness,use a1kHz modulating input into the base of the varactor/VCO input with theamplitude from Lab2needed to get a50kHz deviation.Record the signal to noise ratio of the1kHz output(from the PLL)first with antennas then with the transmitter and receiver directly connected.9.Now that you’ve modulated a signal and demodulated again,try increasing the range by hookingup your LNA into the sequence.Find the minimum detectable signal via antenna then via direct connection.What effect does the LNA have?Congratulations on getting the whole system working!The rest of the quarter should be easier,as you are now an expert RF engineer.From this point on,we will concentrate on the fun stuff:making the system work farther,be portable,and look pretty.Looking ahead we’ll be working on the Intermediate Frequency(IF) Amplifier next week which will boost the distance at which your receiver can demodulate signals,and then we’ll work on a power amplifier for your transmitter,so that you’ll be able to transmit across campus.。
Lab 4:Git实战
哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院2014年秋季学期《软件工程》Lab 4:Git实战目录1 实验要求 (1)2 安装Git (1)2.1 本地机器上安装git (1)2.2 申请github帐号 (1)3 Git操作过程 (3)3.1 实验场景(1):仓库创建与提交 (3)3.2 实验场景(2):分支管理 (6)3.3 实验场景(3):远程分支管理 (9)4 在Eclipse中安装和使用Git Plugin (11)4.1 Eclipse中Git plugin的安装和配置 (11)4.2 Eclipse中使用Git plugin (12)5 计划与实际进度 (15)6 小结 (16)1实验要求简要复述实验手册中要求达到的实验目标与过程。
github账号:haibarasfshttps:///haibarasfs/lab4 https:///haibarasfs/test3Git操作过程3.1实验场景(1):仓库创建与提交给出R0~R7的操作命令,并给出执行界面的截图(命令输入界面和结果界面)R0-r1:R3-r4R5R6R73.2实验场景(2):分支管理给出R8~R15的操作命令,并给出执行界面的截图(命令输入界面和结果界面)R8R9R10R11R12R13R14R153.3实验场景(3):远程分支管理给出R16~R20的操作命令,并给出执行界面的截图(命令输入界面和结果界面)R16R17R18R19R204在Eclipse中安装和使用Git Plugin4.1Eclipse中Git plugin的安装和配置采用屏幕截图的方式给出自己在Eclipse中安装和配置Git plugin的过程。
软件测试lab4--使⽤mujava进⾏变异测试软件测试技术第四次实验报告⼀、需求分析(描述具体需求)1. 安装MuJava。
2. 根据给定的两个⼩程序使⽤MuJava⽣成对应的变异体。
3. 使⽤Junit给两个程序编写测试集。
4. 使⽤MuJava和测试集测试这些变异体。
⼆、概要设计(简单描述设计思路,配合UML图)1. 设计思路⾸先安装mujava.jar,openjava.jar和junit.jar等需要⽤到的包,在进⾏环境变量的配置,⽣成需要的变异体。
三、详细设计(详细描述具体如何实现,附代码及说明)1. 安装MuJava。
2. ⽣成变异体。
3. 编写测试⽤例。
(1) backpack的测试⽤例:import org.junit.Assert;import org.junit.After;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.Test;public class testBackPack {private BackPack c;@Beforepublic void setUp() throws Exception {// setUp()⽤于测试前的初始化c = new BackPack();}@Testpublic void test2() {int m = 10;int n = 3;int w[] = {3, 4, 5};int p[] = {4, 5, 6};int a[][] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4},{0, 0, 0, 4, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9},{0, 0, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 9, 10, 11, 11}};Assert.assertArrayEquals(a,c.BackPack_Solution(m, n, w, p)); }@Afterpublic void tearDown() throws Exception {// tearDown()⽤于测试后的善后c = null;}}(2) bubblesort的测试⽤例:import static org.junit.Assert.*;import java.util.Arrays;import org.junit.After;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.Test;public class testBubbleSort {private BubbleSort c;@Beforepublic void setUp() throws Exception {// setUp()⽤于测试前的初始化c = new BubbleSort();}@Testpublic void test1() {int a[] = new int[]{1,6,2,2,5};int b[]=new int[]{2,2,2,1,2,13};int a1[] = new int[]{1,2,2,5,6};int b1[]=new int[]{1,2,2,2,2,13};assertEquals(Arrays.toString(a1), Arrays.toString(c.BubbleSort(a)));assertEquals(Arrays.toString(b1), Arrays.toString(c.BubbleSort(b)));}@Afterpublic void tearDown() throws Exception {// tearDown()⽤于测试后的善后c = null;}}4. 对变异体进⾏测试。
MasterScreen 中文手册.doc
每更换一次测试气体后,一定要将新的气体分成输入计算机,具 体方法如下:
在菜单中点击"Entry of calibration gas concentration",就弹出下 面的对话框:
气体与标称值相差很大,所以在换气之前最好用笔记下原有的气体定标 系数,换气后立刻作一次气体定标,记下新的定标系数。如果气体准确, 定标系数应该不会改变太多,如果不准确,会改变很多(因为气体分析 器不会在换气前后发生大改变!)
MasterScreen 中文手册.doc
MasterScreen 中文手册.doc
Helium C 氦分析器的增益系数,
O2 C
重 要 的 要 看 这 些 系 数 的 新 旧 对 比 的 偏 差 系 数 %Diff, 偏 差 系
数%Diff 越接近 0%越好,表示分析器没有变化。
原理: 用干燥的空气校正一氧化碳和氦传感器的零点,用已知气体成分 的标准气来校正气体分析传感器的增益,零点和增益是由计算机控制的 放大器和软件部分来共同调整的。一切全自动完成,免去了手动调正的 随意性和误差。 MasterScreen PFT 的氧分析器也是同样方法自动给空气和 100%纯 氧,用两点法进行校正。
概述 该程序是对流速传感器进行质量控制,从而保证流速和容量测试 的精确性。所以应该每天测试病人前都要进行一次,或者更换流速传感 器后就应该进行一次。只有激发试验 APS 例外,因为激发试验流速传感 器不是精确的流速检查,而仅仅是流速控制,所以只有每更换一个过滤 网才进行一次。 仪器正常时每次定标结果一般都相差不大,不定标也可以直接进 行测试,但是如果测试前不进行定标,本公司不对测试的精确性负责。
使用根签证书配置SSL 1目标在WINDOWS操作系统上,练习配置触发器2实验环境●Windows 2000●WMQ Server V5.33实验步骤3.1 准备证书1.登陆网站2.在提示框中,选择“总是信任……”,并按是确定3.选择“测试证书”下的“根CA证书”4.在弹出的保存提示窗口,选择“保存”,保存rootTest.cer到本地目录下至安装成功6.点击“测试证书”下的“用表格申请证书”7.在申请表格中,输入如下信息名称:JADY公司:SUYUAN部门:IT城市:NANJING省:JIANGSU国家:CN电子邮件:<YOUREMAILADDRESS> 证书期限:30天证书用途:通用证书8.点击“提交”,在提示窗口选择“是”10.选择“下载并安装证书”根证书相同12.用同样的方法申请并下载、安装JADY2.DER证书13.在IE浏览器菜单中,选择“工具 INTERNET选项”,选择选项卡“内容”,点击“证书”14.在证书窗口,选择“个人”选项卡,选中“JADY”,单击“导出”15.选择“是,导出私钥”16.选择“启用加强保护”17.输入密码18.输入导出文件名称为JADY19.“完成”20.用同样的方式导出证书JADY23.2 创建两个队列管理器并启动1.在CMD命令窗口的命令提示符下,创建并启动队列管理器JADY, JADY2a)CRTMQM JADYb)STRMQM JADYc)CRTMQM JADY2d)STRMQM JADY22.在命令提示符下,输入RUNMQSC JADYa)DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.JADY2) CHLTYPE(SDR) CONNAME(….')XMITQ(XQ)b)DEFINE QLOCAL(XQ) USAGE(XMITQ)c)END3.在命令提示符下,输入RUNMQSC JADY2a)DEFINE CHANNEL(TO.JADY2) CHLTYPE(RCVR)b)END3.3 为两个队列管理器配置SSL1.在WebSphere MQ资源管理器中,选择QMSSL 1,右键选择“属性”,在属性窗口,选择“SSL”标签页,点击“管理SSL证书”2.选择其中所有证书,按“去除”,删除3.选择“添加”,在添加证书窗口,选择“从文件导入”4.选择QMSSLQ.PXF文件,输入密码,选择“添加”5.完成后,仓库中可以看到新导入的证书6.以同样的方式导入根证书7.选中“QMSSL”,选择右上方的“指定”按钮8.在弹出的窗口,选中“QMSSL”,选择“指定”按钮9.完成后可以看到JADY前的图表由一个勾10.选择“确定”,退出属性窗口11.在JADY2上,以同样的方法导入JADY2.PXF和根证书,并指定JADY212.在MQ资源管理上,选中JADY的发送通道TO.JADY2,右键“属性”,选择“SSL”选项卡,在标准设置中,选择“TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US”,按“确定”完成13.同样的,在MQ资源管理上,选中JADY2的接受方通道TO.JADY2,右键“属性”,选择“SSL”选项卡,在标准设置中,选择“TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US”,按“确定”完成3.4 启动和使用1.在命令行运行RUNMQLSR –M JADY2 –T TCP –P 14152.在MQ资源管理器中,选择JADY的通道TO.JADY2,右键选择“启动”通道。
Lab-4.Calibre –DRC與LVSI•目的:實習六是介紹一個大部分業界所使用的一套佈局驗證的軟體―Calibre(為Mentor公司之產品),Calibre是被世界上大多數的IC設計公司做為sign-off的憑據,適合做大型電路的驗證。
但Calibre改進了這些缺點,不但操作簡易,更可搭配Virtuoso或其他layout軟體做線上的驗證,由於Calibre的已被大多數的公司所採用,因此CIC 也將轉向支援Calibre的技術而漸漸取代Dracula。
II•DRC(Design Rule Check):1•建立子目錄、拷貝calibre_035.drc檔及撰寫DRC的主要檔案:<i> 因為作DRC佈局驗證時會造出非常多檔案,因此在此強烈建議建立一個屬於此Layout作DRC時之新目錄夾,也就是說在你的根目錄下鍵入mkdir 0.35然後再進入0.35的資料夾內,即鍵入cd 0.35,再鍵入mkdir drcnand3,建立一個名為drcnand3的子目錄。
..<ii> 先進入/avanti/Lab610/avanti/Lab/610/test/lab/drc/目錄下再利用filemgr &或拷貝指令cp,將calibre_035.drc拷貝至你的工作目錄底下。
<iii> 為配合Layout,因此在作DRC驗證時必須利用編輯軟體(ex Vi、textedit….),編輯下面的檔案並存為drc_rules 的檔。
4[问答题]5.经过计量检定合格的电子天平,在检定周期内每3个月对100.0000g 测量点进行一次核查。
CS144学习(2)TCP协议实现Lab1-4 分别是完成⼀个流重组器,TCP接收端,TCP发送端,TCP连接四个部分,将四个部分组合在⼀起就是⼀个完整的TCP端了。
Lab1 流重组器这⼀个实验是要实现⼀个流重组器,传⼊数据的⽚段以及起始位置,之后对其进⾏重组,并尽快将以及重组完成的数据输出。
Lab2 TCP接收端这个实验是基于上⼀个的流重组器来实现⼀个TCP接收端,这⼀个还是⽐较简单的。
#include "wrapping_integers.hh"using namespace std;WrappingInt32 wrap(uint64_t n, WrappingInt32 isn) {uint64_t res = isn.raw_value() + n;return WrappingInt32{static_cast<uint32_t>(res)};}uint64_t abs(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {if (a > b) {return a - b;} else {return b - a;}}uint64_t unwrap(WrappingInt32 n, WrappingInt32 isn, uint64_t checkpoint) {uint64_t pre = checkpoint & 0xffffffff00000000;uint64_t num;if (n.raw_value() >= isn.raw_value()) {num = n.raw_value() - isn.raw_value();} else {num = 0x0000000100000000;num += n.raw_value();num -= isn.raw_value();}uint64_t a = pre + num;uint64_t b = a + 0x0000000100000000;uint64_t c = a - 0x0000000100000000;// b a cif (abs(a, checkpoint) < abs(b, checkpoint)) {if (abs(a, checkpoint) < abs(c, checkpoint)) {return a;} else {return c;}} else {return b;}}最后就是对流重组器进⾏⼀下包装,计算出ackno和window_size提供给后⾯使⽤,处理⼀下SYN和FIN标记就⾏了。
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Lab 4Static and Dynamic FrictionGoals: Our purpose in this laboratory is to investigate the laws that govern friction.Theory: We encounter friction at almost all times during the day. Friction between our foot and the floor helps us walk. In spite of its importance, friction is still not well understood. However,empirical laws describe the friction between two surfaces. These laws are as follows:1. The ratio of the maximum frictional force and the normal force is a constant and equals the coefficient of friction, µ, and depends only on the nature of the two surfaces in contact. I.e.:µ ≥ (Frictional Force) / (Normal Force).2. The coefficient of friction is independent of the area of contact.3. The coefficient of kinetic friction µk (the object is in motion) is lower than the coefficient of static friction µs (the object is stationary.)Fig. 1We will first use the configuration shown in Fig. 1 to determine the coefficient of static and kinetic friction between a few surfaces. Here, the normal force N = Mg, obtained by balancing forces in the vertical direction on the block. Recall that the pulley only changes the direction of force but does not change its magnitude. Balancing forces in the horizontal direction, we obtain:mg - µN = 0.Therefore, µ= m/M.mgFig. 2Next, we explore if there is a substantial change in µ if the surface on which the block is sliding is at an angle to the horizontal. In this case the normal force N is not equal to Mg, but rather to Mg cosθ. Balancing forces along the inclined plane when the block is about to move up the plane, we obtain:mg - µN - Mg sinθ = 0 .Substituting for N, we obtain:µ = (m/M - sinθ )/cos θ.(Note: When the block is about to move downwards, the direction of the frictional force is in opposite direction and therefore you will have to modify the formula appropriately.)Apparatus: Aluminum track, wooden block, pulley, string, meter stick, paper clip hanger and mass set.Procedure:Static Friction:1.Check that the Al track is level using the angle indicator. Attach the pulley to one end of thetrack.2.Tie a string to the supplied wooden block and the hanger as shown in Fig. 1. Use the woodensurface with the larger area first.3.Add masses to the hanger until the block begins to slide. (Take care to gently place smallincrements of masses just before the block begins to move.) At this point, the tension which equals mg is exactly equal to µN, the maximum frictional force. Because you know both masses M and the minimum mass m required to slide the block, you should be able to. Repeat your measurements three times and note determine the coefficient of static friction µsyour average measurement.4.Place additional masses on the block to change the total mass M of the block, and determinethe corresponding mass m required to slide the block. Repeat your measurements for at leastfour different values of M in increments of 100g. What can you say about the maximum frictional force? Does it change or remain constant? Plot a graph of the maximum frictional force versus normal force. Can you fit a line through your data points? Determine the coefficient of friction.5.Next, use the felt side of the block and determine the frictional force and the coefficient offriction for at least four masses. How does your result compare for the two cases?Kinetic Friction:6.Next, we determine the coefficient of kinetic friction (you may use either the wooden or feltside.) The procedure is the same as before, except that after adding an incremental mass to the hanger, give a gentle push to the block. If the block moves away with a constant speed, then the tension in the string corresponds to the kinetic frictional force. Note, you should take care not to add too much mass in which case the block will accelerate to the right and youwill erroneously measure a higher kinetic frictional force. How does µk compare with µ the smaller of the two surfaces, determine the µk(and time permitting static friction)how does it compare with µkusing the larger surface?Friction on an inclined plane:8.Tilt the Aluminum track through approximately 300 (you may use the angle indicator toapproximately set this angle but, measure the height and length of an appropriate angle to determine the angle more accurately.) You may use the larger side of the wooden block for these measurements. (Does the block move up or down the slope with just the hanger in place? If the block moves up the incline, chose a larger angle of inclination such that the block moves downwards.) Add masses in small increments to the hanger so that the block stops sliding down. Which direction is frictional force acting? Determine the coefficient of friction.9.(Optional) Next, add small increments of masses on the hanger, the block will be stationary,and then at a critical mass m, the block will move up the slope. Does the frictional force change as you add masses? Which direction is the frictional force pointing? Determine the coefficient of friction and compare to the values you obtained earlier for the same surfaces.What can you conclude from your experiments regarding the nature of the coefficient of friction and the its dependence on the type of materials and conditions.Questions:1.In which direction does the frictional force act under your foot as you are walking forward?2.Can the coefficient of friction be greater than 1.0?3.How does your measurement of static and coefficient of friction explain the superiority ofanti-lock brakes (as opposed to regular brakes?)。