

重庆八中2018届高考适应性月考(五)理综物理试题 Word版含答案

重庆八中2018届高考适应性月考(五)理综物理试题 Word版含答案







则下列说法错误的是A.一定有h1=h3B.一定有h1<h4C.无法判断h2与h4的大小D.一定有h1>h217.如图8所示,可视为质点的小球位于半径为R的半圆柱体左端点A的正上方某处,以初速度水平抛出该小球,其运动轨迹恰好能与半圆柱体相切于B 点。

过B 点的半圆柱体半径与水平方向的夹角为60°,则半径R 的大小为(不计空气阻力,重力加速度g=10m/s 2)218.一宇航员到达半径为R 、密度均匀的某星球表面,做了如下实验:用不可伸长的轻绳拴一质量为m 的小球,上端固定于O 点,如图9甲所示,在最低点给小球某一初速度,使其绕O 点的竖直面内做圆周运动,测得绳的拉力F 大小随时间t 的变化规律如图乙所示。




题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13答案 B A D C B C B A B C A C D 二、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题6分。


题号14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21ABD 答案 B D C A C AC AD【解析】1.植物细胞壁的主要成分是纤维素和果胶,细菌细胞壁的主要成分是肽聚糖,A错误。




2.光合作用所利用的光都是可见光,叶绿体色素吸收蓝紫光和红光最多,不吸收紫外光,A 错误。












1 2


14. a∥b 12 3x2 x 2 ,检验 x 2 , a (6,2) , b (6,2) , a b | a | | b | | a || b | ,
故舍去; x 2 , a (6,2) , b (6, 2) , a b | a | | b | 成立.
20k 2 5k 2 1

x1 x2
20k 2 5 5k 2 1

则 | PQ |
1 k 2 | x1 x2 |
1 k2
20k 2 2
20(4k 2 1) 5k 2 1
1 k2
20(1 k 2 ) 5k 2 1
5(k 2 1) 5k 2 1

b sin B
23 3

∴2cos B sin B
23 3

………………………………………………(4 分)
∴tan B 3 ,
π 3

∴b 2cos B 1 . …………………………………………………………………(6 分)

π 3

∴△ABC 是正三角形.
(34 b)(33 b)
则 P( A)
C2 b34
C2 100
2 100 99
59 165

解之得 b 26 ,又 6 a 22 b 34 100 ,
∴ a 12 .
………………………………………………………………………(4 分)
























重庆市第八中学2018届高三上学期第一次适应性考试理综物理试题 含解析

重庆市第八中学2018届高三上学期第一次适应性考试理综物理试题 含解析



14.下列说法正确的是A.亚里士多德提出物体的运动不需要力来维持B.伽利略用“月—地检验”证实了万有引力定律的普适性C.物体做曲线运动时,速度一定变化D.物体在恒力作用下一定做直线运动【答案】C【解析】考点:考查万有引力定律及其应用;曲线运动;开普勒定律.【名师点睛】本题考查了曲线运动、万有引力定律以及力和运动的关系对应的物理学史,要注意正确理解曲线运动的性质,知道曲线运动的条件和对应的特例,如平抛运动和圆周运动等.15.如图3所示,固定天花板与水平面夹角为θ(0<θ<90°),一木块在水平推力F作用下始终保持静止状态,则下列判断正确的是A.天花板与木块间的弹力可能为零B.天花板与木块间的摩擦力可能为零C.推力F逐渐增大的过程中,木块受天花板的摩擦力一定增大D.推力F逐渐增大的过程中,木块受天花板的摩擦力一定不变【答案】C【解析】试题分析:A、B、木块在重力作用下,有沿天花板下滑的趋势,一定受到静摩擦力,则天花板对木块一定有弹力.故A、B错误;C、D、木块受力如图所示:根据平衡条件得f=G sinθ+F cosθ,当逐渐增大F的过程,木块受到的静摩擦力f增大.故C正确,D错误.故选C.考点:考查共点力平衡的条件及其应用;摩擦力的判断与计算.【名师点睛】本题考查分析物体受力的能力.对于弹力和摩擦力的关系要理解:两物体间有摩擦力,一定有弹力.16.如图4所示,AB、BC为不同倾角的固定斜面,某物体从AB上的某点静止释放,在BC斜面上速度减为零并静止。


该过程物体运动的总路程为15m,所用总时间为10s,在此过程中,物体速度的最大值为A.1.5m/s B.3m/s C.4m/s D.5m/s【答案】B【解析】考点:考查匀变速直线运动规律的综合运用.【名师点睛】解决本题的关键掌握匀变速直线运动的运动学公式和推论,并能灵活运用,有时运用推论求解会使问题更加简捷,本题也可以结合速度时间图线,抓住围成的面积表示位移进行求解.17.已知行星Kepler-186f绕恒星Kepler452做匀速圆周运动,其周期为T1;某人造卫星在离地高度等于地球半径的圆形轨道上饶地球做匀速圆周运动,其周期为T2.恒星Kepler452的质量与地球的质量之比为p,行星Kepler-186f饶绕恒星Kepler452运动的轨道半径与地球半径之比为q,则T1、T2之比为A .38qpB.38pqC.3qpD.3pq【答案】A【解析】试题分析:设行星Kepler-186f质量为m186,恒星Kepler452质量为M456,行星Kepler-186f 绕图 4恒星Kepler452做匀速圆周运动轨道半径为r 1,根据万有引力提供向心力,有:2452186186122114M m G m r r T π=,解得:23114524r T GM π=①,人造卫星在离地高度等于地球半径的圆形轨道上绕地球做匀速圆周运动,由万有引力提供向心力有:22224M m G m r r T π=地,解得:23224r T GM π=地②,联立①②得:23311322452188M T r q q T r M p p=⨯=⋅=地,故A 正确,B 、C 、D 错误;故选A.考点:考查万有引力定律及其应用.【名师点睛】本题关键是明确卫星的动力学原理,然后根据万有引力等于向心力列式分析,注意不是围绕同一中心天体运动的,要注意构建物理模型.18.直角坐标系xoy 中,A 、B 两点位于x 轴上,坐标如图5所示,C 、D 位于y 轴上。






H 2SO3)=6.0×10-9,忽略SO32-的第二步水解,则Ksp(CaSO3)=_______________。



中加入20mL 0.0lmol·L-1KIO3溶液,并加入过量的KI并酸化,发生下列反应:5I-+IO3-+6H+=3I2+3H2O,。

、1366.8 kJ·mol-1,则ΔH=_____________。

1,回答下列问题:g) ΔH=-29.1kJ/mol。

向体积为1L的密闭容器中充入3mol CH3OH(g)和3mol CO(g),测得容器内的压入2mol CH3OH 和1mol HCOOCH3后,平衡_______移动(填“正向”“逆向”或“不”),原因是___________________。










1. Where are the speakers now?A. In a reading-room.B. In a restaurant.C. On a plane.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. A delayed parcel.B. A friend Tony.C. The bad weather.3. What’s the man doing now?A. Seeing a doctor.B. Watching TV.C. Singing a song.4. What is probably the man’s job?A. A porter.B. A salesman.C. A repairman.5. What does the man mean?A. He doesn’t like the woman at all.B. He can’t find the way to the cinema.C. He is not willing to watch the film.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。












14.下列说法正确是x 图像,则下15.如图4所示是A、B两质点从同一地点沿同一直线运动的t列说法正确的是A. A质点做匀速直线运动B.4s时A、B两质点相距最远C.前4s内A、B两质点的平均速度相同D. B质点前4s内做加速运动,后4s做减速运动16.如图5所示,两个相同的小球A、B用两根轻绳连接后放置在圆锥筒光滑侧面的不同位置上,绳子上端固定在同一点0,连接A 球的绳子比连接B 球的绳子长,两根绳子都与圆锥筒最靠近的母线平行.当圆锥筒绕其处于竖直方向上的对称轴OO ’以角速度ω匀速转动时,A 、B 两球都处于筒侧面上与筒保持相对静止随筒转动。

下列说法正确的是 A .两球所受的合力大小相同B .A 球对绳子的拉力等于B 球对绳子的拉力C .A 球对圆锥筒的压力小于B 球对圆锥筒的压力D .两球所需的向心力都等于绳子拉力的水平分力17.一物体由某一固定的足够长斜面的底端以初速度0υ沿斜面上滑,物体质量m=0.5kg 。

斜面的倾角037=θ,物体动能Ek 随离开斜面底端的距离s 变化的图线如图6所示,g 取10m/s 2,不计空气阻力,则以下说法正确的是 A. 斜面与物体间的动摩擦因数μ=0.5 B. 物体沿斜面上滑过程机械能损失为25J C. 物体从最高点下滑过程的加速度大小为10m/s 2D. 物体从底端开始运动到再次回到底端运动总时间为2s18.如图7所示,在虚线所示宽度为d 的范围内,存在竖直向下电场强度为E 的匀强磁场,某种正离子(质量为m ,电荷量为q )以初速度为0υ垂直于左边界射入,离开右边界时偏转角度为θ。



一、选择题(本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分)
题号 1
9 10 11 12
答案 C D C D D A A D B B A B
【解析】 1.因为 B {0,2} ,所以 A B {0} ,故选 C.

1 x

sin C cos A
3 2

sin( A

3 2


3 2


b2 a2 c2 2ac cos B 4
a2 c2 ac≥2ac ac ac


1 2
ac sin
1 2

/!@ +/ -* +- $ A *- -
槡 !!!2ËÇ *+(/6$ #*+(#*+/Ö:×¾h # * 1K×JØÙ$ ÚÛ2ËÇ1ÇÌÜ)l$ `2ËÇ1
槡 0(" *
槡 #%
1( *
)(*# *
槡 #& 4
2( *

!#!à# 0" &#-#3#;&<8&Ó 1" &#-#&3&;<8&1oG8J3Oá1â'F$ ã6 ;häåD#1æ#$ A#



7、化学与生产、生活密切相关,下列说法不正确的是A.酸雨样品露天放置一段时间,酸性增强,是因为发生了氧化还原反应B.将草木灰与NH4H2PO4混合施用,可更好为植物全面提供N、P、K 三种营养元素C.纳米铁粉可将地下水中的NO3-转化为N2,是因为纳米铁粉具有还原性D.生活中常用可溶性铝盐净水,可加速水中悬浮物沉降8、设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A.S+2KNO3+3C= K2S+3CO2↑+N2↑每生成0.5mol N2,反应中转移电子数为6N AB.a g C2H4和C3H6混合气体含有的原子数目为a N A/14C.lL 0.2mol/L NaHCO3溶液中含HCO3- 和CO32-的离子数之和为0.2N AD.1mol·L-1的NaClO溶液中含有ClO-的数目小于N A9、化合物a、b的结构简式如图3所示,下列说法正确的是A.化合物b不能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色B.a的消去产物中最多有15个碳原子共面C.a、b均能发生还原反应、取代反应、消去反应D.b分子发生加成反应最多消耗4mol H210、前20号元素W、X、Y、Z原子序数依次递增,W原子最外层电子数是次外层的3倍,X的简单离子半径在同周期中最小。


下列说法错误的是A.W与X的简单离子具有相同的电子层结构B.1mol Y的最高价氧化物含共价键数目为4N AC.X、Z分别与W形成的化合物都具有相同类型的化学键D.X、Y的单质均可以和Z的最高价氧化物对应的水化物溶液反应11、下列实验操作、现象和结论均正确的是12、用甲醇燃料电池作电源,用铁作电极电解含Cr2O72-的酸性废水,利用生成的Fe2+可将Cr2O72-转化成Cr(OH)3沉淀而除去,装置如图4。

下列说法正确的是A.由b口加入物质为O2B.燃料电池负极的电极反应式为CH3OH+8OH--6e-= CO32-+6H2OC.电解过程中,Fe(I)质量减少,Fe(Ⅱ)上有气体产生D.电路中每转移6mol电子,最多有lmol Cr2O72-被还原13、常温下,向20mL0.2 mol·L-1H2A溶液中滴加0.2 mol·L-1NaOH溶液。



重庆市第八中学2018届高三高考适应性月考(五)英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读选择The Most Popular Cultural Attractions in the WorldThese are the top experiences, tours, and activities, according to TripAdvisor’s new travel trend report. Add them to your list.The VaticanMore than just the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and home to the Pope, the Vatican is a treasure of art and architecture. Its museums display an enormous collection of classical sculptures and Renaissance masterp ieces, including Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and Raphael’s Stanze di Raffaello. Prepare for your trip with a deeper look inside the Vatican.Chicago Architecture River Cruise (游览)So many beautiful buildings, so little time. What better way to view them all than on an architecture-focused cruise on the Chicago River? The 75-minute cruise takes travelers on a journey through the fascinating history of its most storied structures, including the Willis Tower, John Hancock Center, and Riverside Plaza.Warner Bros. StudioThe magical wizarding world of Harry Potter draws devotees from near and far. A walking tour gives visitors a behind-the-scenes look at the film - the set, costumes, props, and more. Pro tip: This exciting experience tends to sell out, so be sure to book in advance.Sagrada FamiliaDesigned by noted Catalan architect Antoni Gaudf, the Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona, Spain, is the largest unfin¬ished Roman Catholic church in the world. The monumental basilica (教堂) has been under construction since 1882. With waits often in excess of three hours, a priority access tour with guide is a great idea.1.If you want to appreciate an attraction on the water, you should go to . A.Vatican B.SpainC.America D.Britain2.Which of the following activities needs to be booked beforehand?A.Visiting Warner Bros. Studio.B.Having a cruise on the Chicago River.C.Enjoying the Renaissance masterpieces.D.Appreciating the church designed by Gaudi.3.What is true about the Sagrada Familia?A.Its construction didn’t start until 1882.B.The Pope is living in the church now.C.It’s the largest Roman Catholic church.D.Visiting it often takes less than 3 hours’ waiting.Eleven years ago, the world as I knew it ended. My husband of 19 years was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Over the course of seven months,Bill went from beating me silly at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom. It was the best seven months of my life.Maybe I don’t actually mean that. But it was certainly the time when I felt most a live. I discovered that the minor complaint of an annoying coworker, or a flat tire pales in comparison with the beauty of sincere laughter, or the smells of a bakery. There were moments of joy, laughter, and tenderness. After Bill’s diagnosis and brain su rgery, I found clinical trials and talked to doctors in Texas, Pennsylvania, and New York. It gave me a sense of purpose.In the latter days, being Bill’s caregiver also meant being fully present for as many moments of every day as possible. During his last weekend, we had dinner together. Later, a relative visited. I noticed that she’d changed her appearance, and not in a good way. It was the kind of thought I’d usually keep to myself. Just then, Bill voiced exactly what I’d been thinking, in that truthful way he had, and I found myself laughing out loud.I thought I could look after this man forever. However, he would be dead in four days.Eleven years later, I haven’t started a foundation to cure cancer. I haven’t left the news business to get a medical degree. But every day, I try to again be the person I became during those seven months. I try to be a little less judgmental, a little more forgiving and generous. I am a better person for having been Bill’s caregiver. It was his last, best gift to me.4.What is true about her husband?A.He was a bad tennis player.B.He felt weak because of his brain surgery.C.He had to talk to doctors in different cities.D.He had to be accompanied mostly during his illness.5.What does the underlined word “pales” in Parag raph 2 mean?A.Turns whiter than usual. B.Seems less important.C.Becomes more significant. D.Proves unreasonable.6.The story of their relative in Paragraph 4 is used to show .A.being a caregiver requires much time and effortB.one needs to speak out his own thoughts truthfullyC.change in appearance is a necessary part of one’s lifeD.life needs a sense of humor even faced with hardships7.What is the best title of the passage?A.The Best Time of My Life B.The Greatest Gift to MeC.My Loving Husband D.A Caregiver’s Hard WorkDo you use online ratings and reviews to decide which products and services to buy? Well, we just found out that those ratings may not always lead to the best choices.Online reviews should be helping us make good decisions about what to spend our money on. However, they do help us make decisions — just not necessarily the best ones, according to a new study led by Derek Powell, PhD of Stanford University.Specifically, the study reveals that we tend to buy a product that has more reviews than a product that has less, even if the product with more reviews has lower ratings. When given a choice between two products that have equally bad reviews, we’re still willing to buy the one with more reviews. Dr. Powell asked several hundred people to look at a series of cell phone cases, presented in pairs along with the average user rating and number of reviews for each case, and then indicated which they preferred. The result was that the participants tended to choose the case that had more reviews, rather than better reviews.This herd-mentality is a function of social learning, the process by which new behaviors are learned through observing the behavior of others: “The Internet now provides social evidence on an unprecedented scale. However, properly adopting this evidence requires a capacity for statistical inference.”“Consumers try to use information about other people’s experiences to make good choices, and retailers (零售商) have an motivation to channel consumers toward products they will be satisfied with,” Dr. Powell added. “Our data suggest that retailers might need to rethink how reviews are presented and consumers might need to do more to educate themselves about how to use reviews to guide their choices. That includes absorbing the idea that a larger number ofreviews is not a reliable indicator of a product’s quality.8.Which product do we intend to buy?A.A product with more reviews and no ratings.B.A product with fewer reviews and lower ratings.C.A product with more reviews and lower ratings.D.A product with fewer reviews and higher ratings.9.According to the research, we will make a purchase after .A.observing the behavior of other customersB.analyzing statistics carefullyC.educating ourselves to use reviews properlyD.referring to our former experiences10.What will Dr. Powell agree with?A.No review is reliable when customers buy things online.B.Customers should rethink the way reviews are shown.C.The retailers should teach customers how to use reviews.D.It is not wise to follow the crowd when customers make a purchase.11.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To argue. B.To inform.C.To persuade. D.To prove.New Zealand plans to bar foreigners from purchasing existing homes. The ban is expected to become law this year. It aims to slow the rising housing prices and protect New Zealanders interested in buying a home.The Labour Party government believes that foreign investors have pushed many possible first-time home buyers and families out of the housing market. Last year, median housing prices across the country rose by 5.8 percent, to over $405,000. Housing prices rose even more in New Zealand’s capital city, Wellington. Price there rose by more than 18 percent over a12-month period that ended in June 2017.The rising prices have pushed home ownership outside the reach of many possible buyers. One home owner told VOA he feels sorry for the younger generation. “I just believe the market has made it impossible for them to get into the housing. ’’ J ust 25 years ago, three out of every four New Zealanders lived in their own homes. Now the rate is 64 percent —and falling.The plan to ban foreigners from buying existing homes has yet to be approved. But the measure, called the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill, passed its first reading in parliament in December. Restricting foreign ownership of housing has been tried in other countries, including Switzerland, “If foreign investors are looking to put their cash into New Zealand, if it then forces u p the price of property, people cannot afford to live anymore.” says Norman Gemmell, chair of public finance at Victoria University.Critics say foreign investors have had only a small effect on the cost of housing. Low interest rates, limited supply and immigration have also driven up house prices.Housing prices continue to make solid gains across the country. And for many New Zealanders, the dream of owning a home is as distant as ever.12.Which is the main factor of the high housing prices, according to the Labour Party government?A.Low interest rates. B.Domestic investors. C.Immigration. D.Foreign buyers.13.What is true about the housing condition in New Zealand?A.Housing prices rose by over 18 percent over a year.B.The housing prices of the capital city rose the least.C.The rate of New Zealanders living in their own houses is decreasing.D.The country has witnessed the highest rise of housing prices up to now.14.What do we know about the ban against housing buying of foreigners?A.It has been approved in New Zealand so far.B.It has won the support of people from all walks of life.C.Similar bans have been adopted in some other countries.D.It will definitely make New Zealanders harder to own a home.15.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.It is hard for the locals to buy a house in New Zealand.B.A ban on stopping foreign home buyers will take effect in New Zealand.C.The prices of houses have been rising sharply in New Zealand.D.There are many reasons for high housing prices in New Zealand.二、七选五It is what failed dieters have long suspected: 16.Scientists have confirmed that themajority of overweight people who try to lose weight either by cutting calories or exercising will return to their former size.Fewer than 10 percent of the 12 million Britons who go on a diet each year succeed in losing significant amounts of weight and 17.The scientists, from the Medical Research Council’s National Survey of Health and Development, followed 5,362 men and women from their birth in 1976 and 20,000 from birth in 1988, measuring their weight and blood pressure and assessing their lifestyles. They found both groups began gaining weight in the 2000s and had steadily increased in size ever since.Dr. Rebecca Hardy, the council’s program leader on body size, said, “Once people become overweight, they continue without doubt upwards.18.It is better to avoid getting fat in the first place. For men, weight goes up steadily through life.19.Experts have suggested evolution means we are programmed to put on weight rather than lose it. Dieting can make this tendency worse as decreasing calorie intake causes the body to go into starvation mode and reduce the amount of energy it naturally expends, making it even harder to lose weight.20.So eating less and taking more exercise can increase fitness and lower blood pressure.A.They hardly ever go back down.B.Overweight people are born fat.C.Fat people really can’t keep the weight off.D.most of those do put it all back on again within a year.E.few of those can keep on exercising and eating less food.F.For women, it starts slowly and accelerates in the mid-thirties.G.But the study’s findings do not mean dieting is pointless and useless.三、完形填空Louis Cha, better known by his pen name Jin Yong, is an established writer of the classic Chinese Wuxia novel series The Condor Trilogy, A Hero Born.Cha 21 to Cambridge University for a master’s degree. Aged 81, he became one of the oldest students to 22 in the university’s history.Cha and his wife left their finely-furnished house in Hongkong and rented a much 23 one near Cambridge. It was 24 that after a careful discussion they hired an Italian25 so that they could eat Chinese food in an Italian style.Every day, Cha 26 a schoolbag containing books and materials for class. As a famous kung fu 27 , he has many fans. Whenever asked for his signature, he would28 them politely and tell them if instead of 29 class, he was taking a walk or having a coffee, he would 30 for them.“Cha used to go to class by bike. However, his wife 31 that cars in the campus might knock him down. Then, the bike was 32 , but Cha called himself an old man with little sense of 33 and before long he 34 the car too. Now he uses a taxi.”When Cha was very 35 , his mother once compared him to his star cousin Xu Zhimo who went to Cambridge. Cha was a little 36 , determining to prove himself by studying in Cambridge too. 37 , the most important reason is his strong thirst for knowledge. Cha said, “Some people think I am not 38 to be the director of Literature School in Zhejiang University. I don’t retort (反驳), but I can always 39 my own knowledge.”As the most accomplished and highly productive founding father of Chinese Wuxia classics, Cha’s consistent 40 to learn really deserves our admiration. 21.A.applied B.graduated C.appealed D.entitled22.A.enter B.enroll C.write D.show23.A.shabbier B.costlier C.bigger D.brighter24.A.serious B.challenging C.considerate D.interesting 25.A.babysitter B.nurse C.chef D.teacher26.A.sends B.carries C.holds D.chooses27.A.scholar B.director C.artist D.novelist28.A.refuse B.accept C.approve D.appreciate29.A.delivering B.skipping C.conducting D.attending 30.A.interpret B.write C.sign D.explain31.A.expected B.predicted C.feared D.argued32.A.changed B.replaced C.destroyed D.exchanged33.A.humor B.business C.direction D.achievement34.A.gave up B.took up C.sold out D.used up35.A.old B.young C.sick D.lazy36.A.sad B.surprised C.demanding D.jealous37.A.However B.Therefore C.Furthermore D.Consequently38.A.welcomed B.qualified C.recruited D.elected39.A.test B.show C.prove D.increase40.A.hesitation B.intelligence C.willingness D.ability四、用单词的适当形式完成短文Chomolungma, “Goddess Mother of the World,” the local name of Mount Everest, is a fitting name for the 41.(high) peak on earth. Mount Everest 42.(worship) by followers of the Buddhist religion, and two temples, respectively in Nepal (尼泊尔) and China have been built 43.(face) the peak.In 1852, a British surveyor excitedly burst into his supervisor’s office and made an 44.(announce): “Sir, I have discovered the world’s summit!” Thus the world outside the Himalayas learned of Everest’s claim to fame. However, the remoteness of the peak, its “thin air,” the 45.(predict) climate, and political and religious reasons delayed the first climbing plan. It was not until 1921 46.an attempt was made.Numerous later expeditions failed,47.each time, climbers got closer to the summit. New equipment, including oxygen 48.(tank) for the thin air, helped.49.May 29, 1953, a New Zealand beekeeper named Hillary and his Nepalese guide Tenzig reached the top of the world and planted 50.national flags.五、短文改错51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

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7、化学与生产、生活密切相关,下列说法不正确的是A.酸雨样品露天放置一段时间,酸性增强,是因为发生了氧化还原反应B.将草木灰与NH4H2PO4混合施用,可更好为植物全面提供N、P、K 三种营养元素C.纳米铁粉可将地下水中的NO3-转化为N2,是因为纳米铁粉具有还原性D.生活中常用可溶性铝盐净水,可加速水中悬浮物沉降8、设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A.S+2KNO3+3C= K2S+3CO2↑+N2↑每生成0.5mol N2,反应中转移电子数为6N AB.a g C2H4和C3H6混合气体含有的原子数目为a N A/14C.lL 0.2mol/L NaHCO3溶液中含HCO3- 和CO32-的离子数之和为0.2N AD.1mol·L-1的NaClO溶液中含有ClO-的数目小于N A9、化合物a、b的结构简式如图3所示,下列说法正确的是A.化合物b不能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色B.a的消去产物中最多有15个碳原子共面C.a、b均能发生还原反应、取代反应、消去反应D.b分子发生加成反应最多消耗4mol H210、前20号元素W、X、Y、Z原子序数依次递增,W原子最外层电子数是次外层的3倍,X的简单离子半径在同周期中最小。


下列说法错误的是A.W与X的简单离子具有相同的电子层结构B.1mol Y的最高价氧化物含共价键数目为4N AC.X、Z分别与W形成的化合物都具有相同类型的化学键D.X、Y的单质均可以和Z的最高价氧化物对应的水化物溶液反应11、下列实验操作、现象和结论均正确的是12、用甲醇燃料电池作电源,用铁作电极电解含Cr2O72-的酸性废水,利用生成的Fe2+可将Cr2O72-转化成Cr(OH)3沉淀而除去,装置如图4。

下列说法正确的是A.由b口加入物质为O2B.燃料电池负极的电极反应式为CH3OH+8OH--6e-= CO32-+6H2OC.电解过程中,Fe(I)质量减少,Fe(Ⅱ)上有气体产生D.电路中每转移6mol电子,最多有lmol Cr2O72-被还原13、常温下,向20mL0.2 mol·L-1H2A溶液中滴加0.2 mol·L-1NaOH溶液。

有关微粒的物质的量变化如图5所示(其中Ⅰ代表H2A,Ⅱ代表HA-,Ⅲ代表A2-),根据图示判断,下列说法正确的是A.当V( NaOH )= 20mL时,pH<7B.当V(NaOH)= 20mL时,溶液中离子浓度大小关系为c(Na+)>c(A2-)>c(OH-)>c(HA-)>c(H+)C.当V(NaOH)= 10mL时,有c(Na+)=2[c(HA-)+c(A2-)+c(H2A)D.当V(NaOH)= 30mL时,2c(H+)+3c(H2A)+c(HA-)= 2c(OH-)+c(A2-)26、(14分)某工厂为了节能减排,将烟道气中SO2和含Ca(OH)2、NaOH的废碱液作用,经过一系列化学变化,最终得到石膏和过二硫酸钠(Na2S2O8)。




(3)已知用惰性电极电解SO42-可生成S2O82-,其过程如图19所示,S2O82-中S的化合价为__________,阳极生成Na2S2O8的电极反应式为____________________________;在整个流程中可以循环利用的物质是H2O 和_________________ (填化学式)。

(4)若制取1mol Na2S2O8且阳极有11.2L的氧气产生(标准状况)。



常温下,测得某纯CaSO3与水形成的浊液为9,已知K a1 (H2SO3)=1.8×10-2,K a2 (H2SO3)=6.0×10-9,忽略SO32-的第二步水解,则Ksp(CaSO3)=_______________。

27、(15分) 硫代硫酸钠(Na2S2O3·5H2O) 俗名“大苏打”。









(6)为检验制得的产品的纯度,该实验小组称取4g 的产品配制成250mL 硫代硫酸钠溶液,并用间接碘量法标定该溶液的浓度:在锥形瓶中加入20mL 0.0lmol·L-1KIO3溶液,并加入过量的KI并酸化,发生下列反应:5I-+IO3-+6H+=3I2+3H2O,再加入几滴淀粉溶液,立即用所配的Na2S2O3溶液滴定,发生反应:I2+2S2O32-=2I-+ S4O62-,实验数据如下表:当滴入最后一滴Na2S2O3溶液时,溶液___________,且半分钟内不变化,则达到终点。



(1)乙醇是一种重要的燃料,工业上利用乙烯制酒精:C2H4(g)+H2O(l)=C2H5OH(l) ΔH,已知乙烯、乙醇的燃烧热分别是1411.0kJ·mol-1、1366.8 kJ·mol-1,则ΔH=_____________。




在一定条件下可利用甲醇羰基化法制取甲酸甲酯,其反应原理可表示为CH3OH(g)+CO(g)HCOOCH3(g) ΔH=-29.1kJ/mol。

向体积为1L的密闭容器中充入3mol CH3OH(g)和3mol CO(g),测得容器内的压强(p: kPa) 随时间(t: min) 的变化关系如图22 中Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ曲线所示:①Ⅱ和Ⅰ相比,Ⅱ中改变的反应条件是_______________________。


③反应Ⅰ在5min 时达到平衡,在此条件下从反应开始到达到平衡时v(CH3OH)= ________________。

④反应Ⅱ在2min 时达到平衡,平衡常数K(Ⅱ)= ______________。

在体积和温度不变的条件下,在上述反应达到平衡Ⅱ时,再往容器中加入2mol CH3OH 和1mol HCOOCH3后,平衡_______移动(填“正向”“逆向”或“不”),原因是____________________________________________。

35、[化学一一选修3:物质结构与性质] (15分)硼系高温超导材料都具有良好的应用前景。



H3BO3为一元酸,与足量NaOH溶液反应得到[B(OH)4 ]-,[B(OH)4]-中B的杂化轨道类型为__________________________。



硼氮苯属于____________(填“极性”或“非极性”)分子,其间位上的二氯代物有______________种.(4)NH4BF4 (氟硼酸铵)是合成氮化硼纳米管的原料之一。

1mol NH4BF4含有_________mol 配位键。

(5)硼与镁形成的高温超导材料晶体结构如图30 所示(B在六棱柱柱体内)。

该六方晶胞中镁原子与硼原子的数量比为_____________,晶体密度d=_______________g·cm-336、【化学一一选修5:有机化学基础】(15分)如图31,现有芳香族化合物A,分子式为C8H8O3,含有两种官能团,A 的核磁共振氢谱存在6组峰。


已知:①酚羟基极易被氧化;②—CHO+(C6H5)3P=CH一R→—CH=CH—R+(C6H5)3P = O;③。


反应(Ⅱ) (Ⅳ)的反应类型分别是_______________。


(3)有同学提出可以将A 与KMnO4直接氧化反应得到E,请解释这样反应的不恰当之处。


(4)反应(Ⅰ) 的化学方程式为________________________________,反应(Ⅵ) 的化学方程式为________________________________。
