温度升高,Na-O键伸长,晶胞参 数沿c轴增加,P-O和Zr-O键的
键长不改变,必然导致键角的改 变,结果在垂直于c轴的二维方 向上发生收缩。
NZP的管状结构 [4]
[4]刘颖. 复合负热膨胀材料的合成, 表征及性质[D]. 河北大学, 2009.
1 2 负热膨胀系数材料 3
2.2 分类-各向异性
[4]刘颖. 复合负热膨胀材料的合成, 表征及性质[D]. 河北大学, 2009.
1 2 3 零热膨胀系数材料
3.1 简介
零膨胀材料外观尺寸受外界环境温度变化影 响小,甚至为零,有优异的抗热震性与尺寸 精确性,在工业界具有很大的应用价值。
目前,不仅在氧化物而且在合金等体系中发 现了一些具有零膨胀特性的材料。
1.3 不同材料的线膨胀系数(来自《材料热膨胀系数》 )1
1.3 不同材料的线膨胀系数
从上文可知,一般情况下,线膨胀系数α为正 。也就是说温度升高体积增大。但是也有例外 ,当水在0-4ºC之间,就会出现反膨胀,也就是 说在一定温度条件下有负的热膨胀系数。而一 些陶瓷材料在温度升高的情况下,几乎不发生 任何特性变化,其.2 热膨胀系数
实际应用中,有两种主要的热膨胀系数。 体膨胀系数
热膨胀系数 线膨胀系数(常用)
定义:当温度改变1ºC,固态物质长度的变化 和它在标准温度时的长度的比值
表达式: LL 02t2Lt11L0 Lt [1]
L1、L2 —— t1、t2温度时的样品长度; L0 —— 标准温度t0时的样品长度,t0常取0ºC或20ºC
堇青石晶体的热膨胀驱动力 是 [MgQ6] 八面体(图中的M) 的热变形, 由于Mg-O 之间 的弱键力,造成沿 a 、b轴 的膨胀和沿c 轴的收缩。
1. 铜:铜是一种优良的导热金属,其导热系数约为401
2. 铝:铝是另一种导热性能较好的金属,其导热系数约为237 W/m·K。
3. 铁:铁也是一种常见的金属材料,其导热系数约为80
4. 镅:镅是铜和铝的合金,具有更高的导热系数。
镅的导热系数约为400 W/m·K,比铝稍高,也因此在一些高温导热装置
5. 银:银是导热性能最好的金属之一,其导热系数高达429
金属氧化物热膨胀系数解释说明以及概述1. 引言1.1 概述金属氧化物热膨胀系数是指金属氧化物在受热或冷却时线性膨胀或收缩的程度。
1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍什么是热膨胀系数,并阐述金属氧化物的热膨胀特性以及影响热膨胀系数的因素。
1.3 目的本文的目的是对金属氧化物热膨胀系数进行解释说明并概述其应用和意义。
2. 金属氧化物热膨胀系数解释说明2.1 什么是热膨胀系数热膨胀系数是一种描述物质在温度变化时体积变化的性质,它衡量了材料在单位温度变化下的线性尺寸的变化情况。
2.2 金属氧化物的热膨胀特性金属氧化物是一类由金属和氧元素组成的化合物,其热膨胀特性与其分子结构和原子间相互作用有关。
2.3 影响热膨胀系数的因素金属氧化物的热膨胀系数受到多种因素的影响,主要包括以下几个方面:- 材料的化学成分:金属氧化物的热膨胀系数与其化学成分密切相关。
金属氧化物的导热系数1. 引言1.1 金属氧化物的导热系数的重要性金属氧化物的导热系数在材料领域具有非常重要的意义。
1.2 研究背景金属氧化物的导热系数一直是研究领域的重要课题。
2. 正文2.1 金属氧化物的结构与导热系数金属氧化物是一类具有特殊结构和性质的物质,其结构与导热系数之间存在着密切的关系。
常见物质及不锈钢的热膨胀系数常见物质的热膨胀系数常见物质的热膨胀系数α(10‐6/k)小拓分享物质热膨胀系数α(10‐6/k)物质热膨胀系数α(10‐6/k)铝 23.3 钢 13锑 10.5 不锈钢14.4‐16 芳纶‐4.1 钛 10.8水泥6‐14 铋 14铬 6.2 钨 4.5钻石 1.3 锌 36铜 17.5 锰 23金 14.2 砖 5花岗岩 3 石墨 2玻璃(工业) 4.5 聚氯乙烯(PVC) 80玻璃(普通) 7.1 陶瓷 3玻璃(热派克) 3.25 胶木、硬橡皮64‐77 陶板4.6‐6 石墨板 5.5 石英 0.51 有机玻璃 130不透性石墨板 5.5 硬聚氯乙烯 59聚酰胺(尼龙6)110‐140 聚酰胺(尼龙1010)14‐16YD-TDS-1016 附录常用金属材料的热膨胀系数表YD100S TFE GUIDE 的长度计算:线膨胀系数8.3X10(-5 )厚度为1mm 1.区分A:瞬间热膨胀系数长度△L=(d+1)×π×8.3×10^(-5)×(200-20)所以L=(d+1)×π-1.832.区分B:平均热膨胀系数槽的内径公差=d×8.3×10^(-5)×(200-20)/10;为槽内的多余空间2050751001251501752002252502753003253503754004251 000A11.5211.9112.2412.5612.8613.1513.4613.7414.0314.3314.6314.8 915.1315.3715.5915.8116.01B11.5211.7611.8912.0512.2112.3712.5512.7012.8312.9913.1413.2 813.4213.5713.6813.8313.96A10.0510.7911.3711.9312.4612.9413.4113.8414.2314.5914.9215.2 215.4815.7215.9216.1016.23B10.0510.4610.7511.0411.3311.5911.8412.0912.3312.6012.8213.0 013.1813.3713.5413.7113.87A9.7310.4711.0711.6512.1912.6913.1613.6014.0114.3814.7315.05 15.3315.5715.7815.9716.12B9.7310.1010.3910.6911.0011.2811.5611.8512.1112.3512.5812.80 12.9913.1913.3613.5113.65A12.6212.9613.2213.4713.7213.9414.1714.3814.5814.7714.9615.1 315.2815.4215.5515.6815.80B12.6212.7912.9413.0913.2313.3813.4913.6213.7113.8113.9314.0 314.1414.2414.3114.4014.48A11.1411.6612.0612.4212.7413.0613.3513.6213.8814.1214.3614.5 714.7614.9515.1315.2915.42B11.1411.4011.6211.8212.0012.2112.3712.5412.6812.8312.9713.1 013.2313.3613.4713.5913.69A11.5912.0412.3012.5312.9413.2413.4513.7213.9214.1314.3114.4 714.6214.7414.8714.9815.11B11.5911.7811.9412.1012.2712.4312.5612.7012.8312.9613.0913.2 113.3313.4313.5213.6113.71A11.7311.9612.1512.3412.5212.6812.8613.0213.1813.3313.4813.6 313.7713.9114.0414.1714.30B11.7311.8212.0212.1412.2612.3712.4712.5312.5912.6612.7412.8 212.8912.9613.0413.1113.17A10.4710.7210.9311.1411.3511.5511.7411.9212.1012.2912.4612.6312.7912.9513.1113.2513.38B10.4710.5910.7310.8710.9911.0811.2111.3011.3911.4811.5811.6 711.7511.8511.9311.9912.07A15.1415.6616.0716.4716.8517.2217.5517.8618.1118.3518.5818.7 919.0019.2019.4019.5719.75B15.1415.4515.6315.8216.1016.1616.3816.5516.7216.8917.0317.1 817.3417.4717.5817.6617.81A10.6010.6010.6110.6210.6210.6210.6410.6410.6410.6410.6610.7 010.7510.8010.8710.9511.05B10.6010.6010.6110.6210.6210.6210.6410.6410.6410.6410.6610.6 710.6710.6810.6910.7110.73A14.2814.6714.9715.2515.5415.8216.0716.3216.5616.7917.0217.2 317.4317.6217.7917.9818.30B14.2814.5614.7514.8915.0615.2215.3615.4815.6015.7215.8415.9 516.0616.1816.2916.3816.48A15.2115.7216.0916.4316.7317.0417.3317.5917.8418.0818.3318.5 518.7618.9419.1119.2719.41B15.2115.4915.6815.8716.0516.2116.3716.5216.6616.8116.9417.0 717.2017.3317.4617.5717.67A16.1416.3316.5016.6616.8116.9417.0717.2017.3217.4417.5517.6 617.7717.8817.9818.0818.17B16.1416.3016.4216.5116.6116.6716.7416.8016.8716.9316.9917.0 317.0917.1517.2017.2517.29A15.3315.9016.3816.8317.2517.6217.9418.2418.4718.7018.9019.0 819.2519.4119.5719.7319.88B15.3315.6215.8516.1216.3616.6016.7716.9717.1417.3117.4717.6 117.7417.8517.9618.0618.14A16.3716.7116.9817.2417.5017.7417.9718.1918.4118.6118.8018.9 919.1719.3319.4819.6419.77B16.3716.5916.7516.9017.0517.1817.3217.4217.5417.6517.7517.8517.9518.0418.1418.2418.32A14.8215.1615.4215.6715.8916.1216.3316.5416.7416.9217.0917.2 517.4117.5517.6917.8117.94B14.8215.0215.1715.3015.4515.5815.7115.8015.9216.0216.1116.2 016.2916.3916.4816.5616.64A15.8516.0816.2216.3316.4116.5116.5916.6716.7116.7716.8316.8 816.9317.0017.0617.1417.2018.90B15.8516.0316.1516.2516.3216.3816.4116.4516.4816.5116.5416.5 716.5916.6216.6616.6916.70A14.7915.0815.3215.5615.7916.0116.2216.4216.6116.7916.9717.1 417.3117.4617.6117.7417.87B14.7914.9015.0215.1415.2615.3815.5115.6215.7415.8415.9316.0 316.1316.2316.3216.4016.50A15.6815.9816.1316.2716.4216.5716.7116.8617.0217.1717.3117.4 717.6317.7917.9318.0818.24B15.6815.8315.9616.0616.1916.2816.3616.4416.5116.5716.6316.7 016.7716.8516.9116.9917.06A10.6410.9711.2011.3911.5611.7111.8511.9712.0712.1512.2412.3 312.4212.5112.6012.6912.79B10.6410.8410.9911.1011.2311.3411.4211.5111.5711.6411.6911.7 311.7811.8411.8911.9512.00A9.589.8410.0510.2410.4110.5910.7710.9311.1011.2511.3911.541 1.6811.8111.9412.0712.18B9.589.739.859.9710.0810.1710.2510.3410.4210.5010.5810.6610.7 410.8210.9010.9611.03A9.039.189.309.439.549.659.789.9010.0110.1410.2610.3710.4910. 6110.7110.8410.95B9. .9710.02A12.1512.7313.1913.6013.9414.2314.4914.6914.8815.0615.1915.3 015.4115.5115.6015.7015.76B12.1512.5512.8113.0113.1813.3313.4913.6113.7213.8213.9314.0 314.1114.2114.3014.3914.47A13.9114.7215.1315.4215.6515.8516.0116.1416.2716.3816.4516.5 216.6016.6916.8016.9617.13B13.9114.4914.8215.0715.2915.4915.6515.7815.9016.0116.0916.1 616.2416.3316.4116.4916.56A13.4513.7013.9014.0814.2514.4114.5714.7314.8915.0615.2115.3 515.4815.6215.7515.8816.01B13.4513.6313.7713.9114.0214.1314.2314.3314.4314.5214.6114.7 714.8014.8914.9615.0515.12A12.0512.4112.7512.9713.0213.0513.1013.1813.2313.2913.4013.5 013.5813.7413.9414.1414.38B12.0512.2612.6112.8312.9012.9613.0413.1313.1713.2113.2813.3 613.4413.5113.5513.6113.68A12.6812.9313.1513.2513.5513.7213.9214.0814.2514.4114.5514.6 814.8214.9615.1015.2315.38B12.6812.8012.9113.0213.1213.2013.3013.3913.4913.5913.6713.7 613.8413.9214.0014.0814.14A12.0612.5212.7812.9913.1713.3313.5113.6513.7613.8313.8613.8 713.9013.9814.1214.3214.56B12.0612.3012.4812.6412.8112.9713.1313.2913.4113.4813.5013.5 113.5413.5913.6813.7913.91A13.4513.5813.8713.9314.2314.6514.8214.9715.0715.0715.0815.1 215.2315.3515.4715.6015.72B13.4513.5713.6813.7313.8213.9714.1114.2014.3014.3514.4314.4814.5314.6314.6814.7314.773.个材料的区分如下表示1)碳素钢、合金钢(区分1)碳素钢? 3/4Ni-1/2Mo-Cr-V ?3/4Ni-1Mo-3/4Cr ?碳?钼钢?3/4Ni-1/2Mo-1/3Cr-V ?1Ni-1/2Cr-1/2Mo ? 1/2Ni-1/2Mo-V ?3/4Ni-1/2Cr-Mo-V 2)碳素钢、合金钢(区分2)碳?硅钢? 1/2Cr-1/2Mo ?1Cr-1/5Mo-Si ?1/2Mo ?1Cr-1/5Mo-V ?1Cr-1/2Mo ?1Cr-1Mn-1/4Mo ?1Cr-1/5Mo ?1?3/4Cr-1/2Mo-Cu 0.15145.15 3)碳素钢、合金钢(区分3) 2.382712.4 ?碳?钼钢? 1?1/4Ni-1/2Mo ?2Cr-1/2Mo ?1/2Cr-1/4Mo-Si ?1?1/4Cr-1/2Mo-Si ?3Cr-1Mo ?1Cr-1/2Mo-V 4)碳素钢、合金钢(区分4) Mn-1/2Mo ?Mn-1/2Mo-1/2Ni ?Mn-1/2Mo-1/4Ni ?Mn-1/2Mo-3/4Ni 水泥在1000度以上的热膨胀系数为5.8 5)碳素钢、合金钢(区分5)310S在800度时热膨胀系数为18.5 ?1.1/4Ni-1Cr-1/2Mo ?2Ni-3/4Cr-1/4Mo ?3.1/2Ni ?1.3/4Ni-3/4Cr-1/4Mo ?2Ni-3/4Cr-1/2Mo 310S在1000度时热膨胀系数为19.5 ?3.1/2Ni-1.3/4Cr-1/2Mo-V ?2Ni-1Cu ?2.1/2Ni ?1Cr-1/2Mo-V 6)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分1)7)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分2) 8)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分3) ?18Cr-13Ni-3Mo ?18Cr-12Ni-2Mo ?17Cr-4Ni-Cu18Cr-5Ni-3Mo9)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分4) 10)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分5) 11)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分6) ?18Cr-8Ni ?18Cr-11Ni ?18Cr-10Ni-Ti 18Cr-10Ni-Cb 0.459 12)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分7) 13)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分8) 14)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分9)0.505 ?18Cr-9Ni-Mo-W 22Cr-13Ni-5Mn25Cr-12Ni ?23Cr-12Ni ?25Cr-20Ni15)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分10) 16)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分11) ?(660)26Ni-15Cr-2Ti28Ni-19Cr-Cu-Mo17)马氏体不锈钢SS(区分1)12Cr ?12Cr-1Al ?13Cr ?13Cr-4Ni 18)马氏体不锈钢SS(区分2) 19)马氏体不锈钢SS(区分3) ?17Cr27Cr20)高镍合金(区分1) 21)高镍合金(区分2)22)高镍合金(区分3)Ni-Cr-Fe(NCF600) ?Ni-Fe-Cr(NCF800,NCF800H) ?Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu(NCF825,GNCF2種及び3種) 23)高镍合金(区分4)24)高镍合金(区分5)25)高镍合金(区分6) ?Ni-Cr-Mo-Cb(NCF625,GNCF1種)Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cb(NCF718)Ni-Cr(NCF750)各温度的热膨胀系数(×10-6 ℃)温度(℃)材料碳素钢、合金钢(区分1)SCPH2/A105碳素钢、合金钢(区分2)碳素钢、合金钢(区分3)SCPH21/A182-F11奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分7)碳素钢、合金钢(区分4)碳素钢、合金钢(区分5)合金钢 2.25Cr 1Mo 合金钢 5.0Cr 0.5Mo 合金钢 7Cr 0.5Mo/9Cr1Mo奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分1)14A/16A(316/316L)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分9)309S/309H/310S 奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分10)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分11)马氏体不锈钢SS(区分1)SUS410/410SS 马氏体不锈钢SS(区分2)440A/B/C 奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分2)SUS630/17-4PH 奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分3)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分4)13A/19A(304/304L)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分5)321SS奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分6)347SS 高镍合金(区分6)镍?铬?铁合金690核工业规格区分马氏体不锈钢SS(区分3)高镍合金(区分1)高镍合金(区分2)高镍合金(区分3)高镍合金(区分4)高镍合金(区分5)奥氏体不锈钢SS(区分8)。
已知钢板的导热系数为λ=48.5W/(m·k),热扩散率a=12.7×10-6㎡/s,板与空气之间的表面传热...铝合金的导热系数:ADC12, A360, A380的导热系数分别为:96.2/113/96.2(W/m.K)* a/ v3 ~1 r7 S! f此系数只是理论上的,一切很标准的话。
& t; h2 _: L, f: Y+ \4 |% U具体情况具体对待++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++常用材料导热系数(20℃)——λ(w/m.k)晨怡热管2008-5-2 15:03:49 名称λ(w/m.k)F4、F460.19~0.25聚苯乙烯0.04PVC0.14~0.15PP0.21~0.26PE0.42有机玻璃0.14~0.20泡沫0.045木材(横) 0.14~0.17(纵) 0.38散珍珠岩0.042~0.08水泥珍珠岩0.07~0.09石棉0.15混凝土 1.2885%MgO0.07玻璃0.52~1.01水垢 1.3~3.1搪瓷0.87~1.16耐火砖 1.06普通砖0.7~0.8银419锌112钛14.63锡64铅35镍90钢36~54铸铁42~90钝铜381黄铜118青铜71纯铝218+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++铸铝138~147不锈钢17空气温度[10^-2(w/m.k)]100K0.93150K 1.38200K 1.80250K 2.21300K 2.62350K 3.00400K 3.38水温度w/m.k0℃0.5010℃0.5820℃0.6030℃0.6240℃0.6450℃0.6560℃0.6670℃0.6780℃0.68水蒸汽0.023硫酸5~25%0.51~0.4725~50%0.47~0.41++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++导热系数导热系数是指在稳定传热条件下,1m厚的材料,两侧表面的温差为1度(K,°C),在1小时内,通过1平方米面积传递的热量,单位为瓦/米?度(W/m?K,此处的K可用°C代替)。
金属导热系数表(W/mK)导热系数是指在稳定传热条件下,1m厚的材料,两侧表面的温差为1度(K,°C),在1小时内,通过1平方米面积传递的热量,单位为瓦/米度(W/mK,此处的K 可用°C代替)。
以下是几种常见金属的热传导系数表:银429 铜401金317铝237铁80锡67铅各物质的导热系数:亚麻布50落叶松木0木屑50普通松木45~海砂20杨木100研碎软木20胶合板0压缩软木20纤维素0聚苯乙烯100丝20~硫化橡胶50~炉渣50镍铝锰合金0硬质胶25青铜3032~153白桦木30殷钢3011橡木20康铜30雪松0黄铜2070~183柏木20镍铬合金20~171普通冕玻璃201石棉0~石英玻璃4纸12~燧石玻璃32皮棉重燧石玻璃矿渣棉0~精制玻璃12毡汽油12 蜡凡士林12纸板“天然气”油12皮革~甘油0冰煤油100新下的雪蓖麻油500填实了的雪橄榄油0瓷已烷0石蜡油二氯乙烷变压器油90%硫酸石油醋酸18石蜡硝基苯柴油机燃油二硫化碳沥青甲醇玄武岩四氯化碳拌石水泥三氯甲烷花岗石~氨气*丙铜水蒸汽*~苯重水蒸汽*水空气*聚苯板木工板重水硫化氢*表2窗体材料导热系数窗框材料钢材铝合金PVC PA松木导热系数203表3不同玻璃的传热系数玻璃类型玻璃结构(m)传热系数K-w/(m2-k)单层玻璃双层中空玻璃5×9×5 / 5×12×5一层中空玻璃5×9×5×9×5←-- 5×12×5×12×5 Lhw-E中空玻璃5×12×5。
镍 镉 錳 铍 锗 铱 钼 铂 银 金 窗玻璃 工业玻璃 普通玻璃 派热克斯玻璃 玻璃陶瓷 瓷器 砖
钢筋 混凝土
水泥 花岗岩 石墨 尼龙 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 (PMMA 聚氯乙烯 (PVC) 碳纤维 (HM 35 in L ängsrichtung 木头 食盐 冰, 0 °C
13 41 23 12.3 6 6.5 5.2 9 19.5 14.2 7.6 4.5 7.1 3.25 < 0.1 3 5 1.2 1.0-1.5 6.0-14 3 2 120 85 80 -0.5 8 40 51
元素符号 B e Sb Cu Cr Ge Ir Mn Ni Ag
性热膨 线 胀系数 12.3 10.5 17.5 6.2 6.0 6.5 23.0 13.0 19.5
金属名称 元素符号 线 性热膨胀 系数 铝 Al 23.2 铅 Pb 29.3 镉 Cd 41.0 铁 Fe 12.2 金 Au 14.2 镁 Mg 26.0 钼 Mo 5.2 铂 Pt 9.0 锡 Sn 2.式
材质 软钢 NAK80 SKD61 SKH51 硬质合金 V40 SUS440C 无氧钢 C1020 6/4黄铜 C2801 铍铜 C1720 铝 A1100 硬铝 A7075 铝合金 纯铝 钛 0 灰铸铁 一般铸铁 铸铁 一般碳钢 马氏体不锈钢 奥氏体不锈钢 不锈钢 铬钢 镍钢 铜 青铜 黄铜 康铜 铬 铅 锡 锌 镁 钨 钛 热膨胀系数 *10-6/℃ 11.7 12.5 10.8 10.1 6 10.2 17.6 20.8 17.1 23.6 23.6 23.8 23 8.4 9 10.5 10.5 11.5 1.01 1.6 14.4-16 11.5 14 18.5 17.5 18.4 15.2 6.2 29.3 26.7 36 26 4.5 10.8 长度 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 温度 100 200 300 400 500 100 500 600 700 475 500 350 350 500 350 50 50 200 200 200 200 20 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 0.000001 变化量 0.117 0.25 0.324 0.404 0.3 0.102 0.88 1.248 1.197 0.30267 1.18 0.833 0.805 0.42 0.315 0.0525 0.0525 0.23 0.0202 0.032 #VALUE! 0.23 0.28 0.37 0.35 0.368 0.304 0.124 0.586 0.534 0.72 0.52 0.09 0.216
三、影响导热系数的因素1. 结构:金属氧化物的晶体结构对导热系数有着重要的影响。
2. 温度:导热系数一般随温度的升高而增加。
3. 成分:金属氧化物的化学成分对导热系数也有一定的影响。
4. 晶粒大小:晶粒的大小对导热系数也有重要影响。
通常把导热系数较低的材料称为保温材料(我国国家标准规定,凡平均温度不高于350℃时导热系数不大于0.12W/(m·K)的材料称为保温材料),而把导热系数在0.05 W/(m·K)以下的材料称为高效保温材料。
纯铁的导热系数非常高,大约在80 W/m·K左右。
相比之下,铜的导热系数约为400 W/m·K,铝的导热系数约为200 W/m·K。
硫化橡胶 50 0.22~0.29 炉渣 50 0.84 镍铝锰合金 0 32.7 硬质胶 25 0.18 青铜 30 32~153 白桦木 30 0.15 殷钢 30 11 橡木 20 0.17 康铜 30 20.9 雪松 0 0.095 黄铜 20 70~183 柏木 20 0.1 镍铬合金 20 12.3~171 普通冕玻璃 20 1 石棉 0 0.16~0.37 石英玻璃 4 1.46 纸 12 0.06~0.13 燧石玻璃 32 0.795 皮棉 4.1 0.03 重燧石玻璃 12.5 0.78 矿渣棉 0 0.05~0.14 精制玻璃 12 0.9 毡 0.04 汽油 12 0.11 蜡 0.04 凡士林 12 0.184 纸板 0.14 “天然气”油 12 0.14 皮革 0.18~0.19 甘油 0 0.276 冰 2.22 煤油 100 0.12 新下的雪 0.1 蓖麻油 500 0.18 填实了的雪 0.21 橄榄油 0 0.165 瓷 1.05 已烷 0 0.152 石蜡油 0.123 二氯乙烷 0.147 变压器油 0.128 90%硫酸 0.354 石油 0.14 醋酸 18 石蜡 0.12 硝基苯 0.159 柴油机燃油 0.12 二硫化碳 0.144 沥青 0.699 甲醇 0.207 玄武岩 2.177 四氯化碳 0.106 拌石水泥 1.5 三氯甲烷 0.121 花岗石 2.68~3.35 氨气* 0.022 丙铜 0.177 水蒸汽* 0.0235~0.025 苯 0.139 重水蒸汽* 0.072 水 0.54 空气* 0.024 聚苯板 0.04 木工板 0.1-0.2 重水 0.559 硫化氢* 0.013 表 2 窗体材料导热系数 窗框材料 钢材 铝合金 PVC PA 松木 导热系数 58.2 203 0.16 0.23 0.17 表 3 不同玻璃的传热系数 玻璃类型 玻璃结构(m) 传热系数 K-w/(m2-k) 单层玻璃 6.2
金属的热传导系数表2010-04-04 11:33金属导热系数金属的热传导系数表:银429铜401金317铝237铁80锡67铅34.8各种物质导热系数material conductivity k (W/m·K)diamond 钻石2300silver 银429copper 铜401gold 金317aluminum 铝237各物质的导热系数物质温度导热系数物质温度导热系数亚麻布50 0.09 落叶松木0 0.13木屑50 0.05 普通松木45 0.08~0.11 海砂20 0.03 杨木100 0.1研碎软木20 0.04 胶合板0 0.125压缩软木20 0.07 纤维素0 0.46聚苯乙烯100 0.08 丝20 0.04~0.05 硫化橡胶50 0.22~0.29 炉渣50 0.84镍铝锰合金0 32.7 硬质胶25 0.18青铜30 32~153 白桦木30 0.15殷钢30 11 橡木20 0.17康铜30 20.9 雪松0 0.095黄铜20 70~183 柏木20 0.1镍铬合金20 12.3~171 普通冕玻璃20 1石棉0 0.16~0.37 石英玻璃 4 1.46纸12 0.06~0.13 燧石玻璃32 0.795皮棉 4.1 0.03 重燧石玻璃12.5 0.78矿渣棉0 0.05~0.14 精制玻璃12 0.9毡0.04 汽油12 0.11蜡0.04 凡士林12 0.184纸板0.14 “天然气”油12 0.14皮革0.18~0.19 甘油0 0.276冰 2.22 煤油100 0.12新下的雪0.1 蓖麻油500 0.18填实了的雪0.21 橄榄油0 0.165瓷 1.05 已烷0 0.152石蜡油0.123 二氯乙烷0.147变压器油0.128 90%硫酸0.354石油0.14 醋酸18石蜡0.12 硝基苯0.159柴油机燃油0.12 二硫化碳0.144沥青0.699 甲醇0.207玄武岩 2.177 四氯化碳0.106拌石水泥 1.5 三氯甲烷0.121花岗石 2.68~3.35 氨气* 0.022丙铜0.177 水蒸汽* 0.0235~0.025苯0.139 重水蒸汽* 0.072水0.54 空气* 0.024聚苯板0.04 木工板0.1-0.2重水0.559 硫化氢* 0.013表2 窗体材料导热系数窗框材料钢材铝合金PVC PA 松木导热系数58.2 203 0.16 0.23 0.17表 3 不同玻璃的传热系数玻璃类型玻璃结构(m) 传热系数K-w/(m2-k)单层玻璃6.2双层中空玻璃5×9×5 3.265×12×5 3.11一层中空玻璃5×9×5×9×5 2.22←-- 5×12×5×12×5 2.08Lhw-E中空玻璃5×12×5 1.71。
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Physical Properties of Iron-Oxide Scales on Si-Containing Steelsat High TemperatureMikako Takeda1,Takashi Onishi1,Shouhei Nakakubo1and Shinji Fujimoto21Materials Research Laboratory,Kobe Steel,Ltd.,Kobe651-2271,Japan2Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka University,Suita565-0871,JapanThe mechanical properties of oxide scales at high-temperature were studied in order to improve the surface quality of commercial Si-containing high strength steels.Specific oxides of Fe2O3,Fe3O4,FeO and Fe2SiO4were synthesized by powder metallurgy.The Vickers hardness,thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity were measured at high-temperatures.A series of measurements confirmed that the physical properties of the synthesized oxides were different each other.From the Vickers hardness measurements,it was verified that the hardness of each synthesized oxide was identical with the naturally-formed iron oxide,as observed in the cross-section of oxide scales on steels. The influence of the Fe2SiO4formed on Si-containing steels on the scale adhesion at high temperature and the surface property is discussed on the basis of the physical properties of the oxides.[doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2009097](Received March18,2009;Accepted June4,2009;Published August25,2009)Keywords:high-temperature oxidation,oxide hardness,oxide thermal expansion coefficient,oxide thermal conductivity,silicon-containing steel,FeO,Fe3O4,Fe2O3,Fe2SiO4,adhesion,surface property1.IntroductionThe iron oxide scales that form on billets and slabs of hot-rolled steels are usually detached using a hydraulic descaling process.However,residual primary scales or secondary scales that form after the descaling process remain on the steel surface through subsequent hot-and cold-working,then influence the surface quality of thefinal products by modifying its mechanical properties,such as deformation, fracture and spalling.The residual scales may induce non-uniform surface temperature,which affects thefinal scale structure and mechanical properties of the steel.Hence,it is of great importance to examine/understand the physical and mechanical properties of iron oxide scales in order to control their formation and properties,and ultimately to improve the quality of steels.The oxide scales that form on steels include Fe2O3,Fe3O4, FeO,which form in lamellar strata from the substrate towards the outer layer.In the case of Si-containing steels,which are widely used for automobile bodies and frames in the form of high-tensile steel sheets,the inner-most layer,mainly composed of fayalite(Fe2SiO4)and FeO,can form at the interface between scale and steel.1–4)Therefore,the high-temperature physical properties such as hardness,thermal expansion coefficient,thermal conductivity,etc.of each oxide species need to be clarified in order to understand the deformation and fracture behaviour of scale and its influence on the surface properties after rolling.The high-temperature deformation and fracture behaviour of these oxide species are not yet well summarised in the literature.Amano et al.5)reported the Vickers hardness of Fe2O3,Fe3O4,FeO and Fe2SiO4at RT(room temperature) and at1000 C,as measured by employing micro-indenta-tion.6)In this study,5)Vickers hardnesses were measured for the lamellar constituent oxides in cross-sections of Si-containing steels.In terms of the deformation behaviour of oxides,Hidaka et al.reported on the deformation of Fe2O3, Fe3O4and FeO at600–1250 C by measuring stress-strain curves.7,8)In these studies,tensile-test specimens of pure iron were completely oxidized underfixed conditions and tensile tests atfixed strain rates were conducted to obtain the deformation and fracture behaviour.Although knowledge of such high-temperature mechanical properties of oxide scales is beneficial,their mechanical properties have been less extensively studied because high-purity specimens of specific iron oxides are required in order to measure these parameters with sufficient accuracy.This paper focuses on the hardness,thermal expansion coefficients and thermal conductivities at high-temperatures of Fe2O3,Fe3O4,FeO and Fe2SiO4which were prepared by powder metallurgy and oxidation under a controlled atmo-sphere.Furthermore,the influence of the Fe2SiO4formed on the Si-containing steel on the scale adhesion at high-temperature,and surface property were investigated.2.Experimental2.1Preparation of specific oxide specimensIn this study,pure high-density FeO,Fe3O4,Fe2O3and Fe2SiO4were prepared by powder metallurgy and oxidation under a controlled atmosphere.Sintered compacts of each oxide were used as test specimens to measure the physical properties at high temperature.Each synthesized specific oxide of iron-oxide was prepared using the following process.FeO forms on Fe under limited oxygen partial pressures, ranging from2:8Â10À13Pa(equilibrium oxygen pressure of Fe2SiO4/FeO at850 C)to2:6Â10À13Pa(equilibrium oxygen pressure of FeO/Fe3O4at850 C).FeO is the stable phase at temperatures of570 C and above,but is not stable below570 C.9)Therefore,FeO may decompose into Fe and Fe3O4at RT.FeO that is formed at high temperature can be ‘frozen-in’by quenching,but this type of material is not suitable for measuring the mechanical properties in the high-temperature phase because numerous pores are present in such FeO specimens.Materials Transactions,Vol.50,No.9(2009)pp.2242to2246 #2009The Japan Institute of MetalsIn order to prepare an FeO specimen,finely-powdered Fe and Fe3O4were mixed in the ratio8:10by weight,and were then formed into blocks,55mm square by8mm thick.The shaped blocks were compacted by cold isostatic pressing under a constant load of150MPa,and then sintered at 1100 C for3.6ks in an Ar atmosphere.The sintered blocks were pressed in a graphite mould at900 C for3.6ks in vacuum,under a constant load of50MPa.Dense sintered compacts of pure FeO werefinally obtained.On the other hand,Fe3O4forms on Fe over a wide range of oxygen pressures from2:6Â10À13Pa(equilibrium oxy-gen pressure of FeO/Fe3O4at850 C)to4:1Â10À3Pa (equilibrium oxygen pressure of Fe3O4/Fe2O3at850 C). Fe3O4is relatively stable,but can be oxidized to Fe2O3 under high partial pressures of oxygen,and is reduced to FeO under low oxygen partial pressures.In addition,Fe2O3 forms on Fe under limited partial pressures of oxygen above 4:1Â10À3Pa(equilibrium oxygen pressure of Fe3O4/Fe2O3 at850 C).Fe2O3is stable in high partial pressures of oxygen,but is unstable and can be reduced to Fe3O4under low partial pressures of oxygen,e.g.,in an inert atmosphere. The blocks offinely-powdered Fe3O4and Fe2O3were compacted by cold isostatic pressing under a constant load of300MPa,and then sintered at1100 C for3.6ks.The Fe3O4and Fe2O3were sintered in atmospheres of Ar and air,respectively.Si-containing steels promote the formation of lamellar fayalite:Fe2SiO4forms between the FeO layer and the steel substrate.Fe2SiO4forms in a narrow range of oxygen pressures between2:7Â10À14Pa(equilibrium oxygen pressure for SiO2/Fe2SiO4at850 C)and2:8Â10À13Pa (equilibrium oxygen pressure for Fe2SiO4/FeO at850 C), and therefore it is difficult to obtain pure Fe2SiO4by the oxidation of Si-containing steels.Therefore,Fe2SiO4was prepared by the sintering of fayalite powder.The natural fayalite minerals were powdered and classified into the appropriatefineness(below150mesh),then formed into blocks.The shaped blocks were compacted by cold isostatic pressing under a constant load of150MPa,and were sintered at1130 C for3.6ks in vacuum.2.2Quantitative analysis of purity and sintering densityof synthesized specific oxide specimensThe synthesized oxide specimens were identified and were quantitatively analyzed by X-ray diffraction.In the quanti-tative analysis of the synthesized oxides,the main peaks of the X-ray diffraction spectra werefitted to Gaussian curves, and the intensities of the main peaks were obtained.The relative concentrations of the synthesized specific oxide were calculated by substitution in the following equation for the peak intensity.C n¼A nÂY nÆðA iÂY iÞð1Þwhere C n is the relative concentration of component n,A n is the relative sensitivity coefficient of component n,and Y n is the peak intensity of component n.The synthesized oxide specimens were machined and their densities were obtained at room temperature by measuring the volume-to-weight ratio.2.3Measurements of physical properties2.3.1HardnessThe synthesized oxides,Fe2O3,Fe3O4,FeO and Fe2SiO4, were machined into work-pieces with dimensions of 10Â20Â3mm3,and then polished with a series of emery papers up to1500grit,buffed,finally degreased in acetone. The hardnesses of the work pieces were measured by a high-temperature micro indenter(Nikon MQ type)at temperatures up to1000 C using square-based diamond and sapphire pyramids.A load of50g was applied for30s,and3 impressions were recorded for each sample.Oxide scales that were formed on iron and steel substrates were also prepared as reference standards,and the hardnesses of these scales were also measured similarly.10mmÂ20mmÂ2mm work-pieces of high-purity Fe(99.99%)and an Fe-3.0mass%-Si alloy were oxidized at1000 C for1.8ks in an O2atmosphere.Oxide scales of about600m m in thickness were formed under the oxidation condition.The hardnesses of oxide scales were measured using the square-based diamond and sapphire pyramids as indenters for the lamellar oxides in a cross section.5)2.3.2Thermal expansion coefficientThe synthesized oxides were formed into3:5mmÂ3:5mmÂ18mm blocks,and were degreased in acetone. The thermal expansion coefficients of the work pieces were measured between room temperature and1000 C using a thermo-mechanical analyzer(Rigaku TMA8140type)at a heating rate of5 C/min.A fused quartz bar was used as a reference in this measurement.The thermal expansion coefficients of the synthesized oxides were measured in the air for Fe2O3,in an Ar atmosphere for Fe3O4and FeO,and in a He atmosphere for Fe2SiO4.2.3.3Thermal conductivityThe synthesized oxides were machined into work pieces with dimensions of 10mmÂ1:5mm,and were degreased in acetone prior to measurements.The thermal conductivities were measured at up to1000 C using a laserflash analyzer (ULVAC-RIKO TC-7000type).The specific heats were measured by differential scanning calorimetry in an Ar atmosphere.The thermal conductivities of the synthesized oxides were calculated using the thermal diffusion coeffi-cient,the specific heat and the sintering density.3.Results and Discussion3.1Purity and sintering density of iron oxide specimens The synthesized oxides were identified from X-ray diffraction spectra.Typical X-ray diffraction patterns of the synthesised oxides are shown in Figs.1to4.It was confirmed that the synthesised Fe2O3,Fe3O4and Fe2SiO4were composed of a pure single phase.Although,slight inclusions of residual -Fe and Fe3O4were indicated for the synthesized FeO as shown in Table1,FeO was the predominant compound because the concentration of Fe3O4was below 2.0mass%.From these results,we could assume that the synthesized oxides were essentially composed of single oxide species.The densities of the synthesized oxides of Fe2O3, Fe3O4,FeO and Fe2SiO4were4.69gÁcmÀ3,5.08gÁcmÀ3, 6.27gÁcmÀ3and4.08gÁcmÀ3,respectively.Considering thatPhysical Properties of Iron-Oxide Scales on Si-containing Steels at High Temperature2243the densities of Fe 2O 3,Fe 3O 4,FeO and Fe 2SiO 4noted in the literature are 5.27g Ácm À3,5.18g Ácm À3,5.70g Ácm À3and 4.34g Ácm À3respectively,the sintering density of our synthesized Fe 2O 3was slightly low and that of the synthesized FeO was slightly high compared with the values available in the literature.10)3.2HardnessThe hardnesses of synthesized iron oxides at room-and high-temperatures are shown in Fig.5.The hardnesses of all of the oxides decrease with increasing temperature,with the magnitude of the decrease occurring approximately in the following order:Fe 2SiO 4,Fe 2O 3,Fe 3O 4and FeO.In particular,the hardnesses of Fe 2SiO 4and Fe 2O 3are remarkably high at room temperature,but are equivalent to the other oxides above 400 C.The hardness of FeO is lower than the other oxides in the range between room temperature and 1000 C.The hardness of Fe 2SiO 4can not be exactly measured at 1000 C because the melting point of Fe 2SiO 4is 1170 C and the material begins to soften at 1000 C.In order to confirm the validity of these results,they were compared with the hardnesses of oxide scales formed on steels.The hardnesses of the synthesized iron oxides and of cross-sectional oxide scales on pure Fe and a Fe-3.0mass%Si alloy are listed in Table 2.Variation of hardness of the synthesized oxides is similar to that of scales formed on steels.Furthermore,the order of magnitude of thehardnessFig.1X-ray diffraction pattern of Fe 2O 3specimen.Fig.4X-ray diffraction pattern of Fe 2SiO 4specimen.Fig.2X-ray diffraction pattern of Fe 3O 4specimen.Fig.3X-ray diffraction pattern of FeO specimen.Table 1Concentration of oxide phase in FeO specimen (vol%).Fe 2O 3Fe 3O 4FeO -Fe 01.986.811.3Fig.5Hardness of the synthesized iron oxides at high-temperature.Table 2Comparison of Vickers hardness (GPa)of the respective iron oxide scales and the cross-sectional oxide scales on iron.TemperatureSample formSintered specimenScale formed on ironFeO RT 1.67 3.501000C 0.04360.05Fe 3O 4RT 1.64 4.001000 C 0.05050.08Fe 2O 3RT 3.27 6.701000 C 0.07340.53Fe 2SiO 4RT 3.29 5.501000 C—0.632244M.Takeda,T.Onishi,S.Nakakubo and S.Fujimotoof the synthesized oxides is consistent with that formed on the steels.However,the hardness of Fe 2O 3formed on the steel is much larger than synthesized Fe 2O 3at 1000 C.It is considered that the hardness of Fe 2O 3formed on the steel could not be measured precisely because its thickness is a few or several tens of m m .Therefore,it is concluded that the properties of synthesized iron oxides that had been fabricated with high purity and density corresponds to that of oxide scales formed on steels.3.3Thermal expansion coefficientAs shown in Fig.6,the thermal expansion coefficients of all of the synthesised oxides increase with increasing temperature,with magnitudes approximately in the following ascending order:FeO,Fe 3O 4,Fe 2O 3and Fe 2SiO 4.In particular,FeO exhibits the highest thermal expansion coefficient in the temperature range below 400 C.The thermal expansion coefficient of FeO abruptly increases at 600–700 C.This phenomenon may be caused by a stabiliza-tion of FeO,because FeO is becomes stable above 570 C.3.4Thermal conductivityThe temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of the synthesized iron oxides is shown in Fig.7.The thermal conductivity is reduced approximately in the following ascending order:FeO,Fe 2O 3,Fe 3O 4and Fe 2SiO 4.A prominent feature is that FeO has the highest conductivity and Fe 2SiO 4shows the lowest in the temperature range between room temperature and 1000 C.The following is also noteworthy.The thermal conductivity of Fe 2O 3is the highest at RT,but changes remarkably smaller at high-temperature,while Fe 2SiO 4exhibits extremely reduced thermal conduc-tivity compared with FeO.3.5Influence of the physical properties of iron-oxide scales at high temperature on the surface properties of the Si-containing steelIt was shown in section 3.1–3.4that the high-temperature physical properties,such as hardness,thermal expansion coefficient,and thermal conductivity,are significantly differ-ent for each oxide species.The scale structure and oxidation behaviour on the Si-containing steel have been described in many literatures.1–4)On the Si-containing steel,inner-most layer consisting of FeO–Fe 2SiO 4mixture is formed beneath the outer FeO layer.1–4)However,Fe 2SiO 4in the inner-most layer,the amount of which increases as the Si content increases,suppresses the outward diffusion of Fe ions from steels and hence the inner diffusion of oxygen ions predominates in the oxide growth.11)Therefore,as the Si content increase,the composition of outer scale layer changes from FeO to Fe 3O 4and Fe 2O 3.11)These results show that the fayalite (Fe 2SiO 4)affects the structure of the outer and inner scale layers on Si-containing steel.In the following section,the influence of the fayalite (Fe 2SiO 4)formed on the high-Si steel on the scale adhesion at high temperature and surface properties are discussed on the basis of physical properties of iron-oxide scale.3.5.1The scale adhesion at high temperature of theSi-containing steelThe thermal stress generated by the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient between inner-most layer and steel causes a spalling and cracking of the scale during the hot-rolling process.As described above,the inner-most layer on the high-Si steel is mainly composed of Fe 2SiO 4.Therefore,the scale adhesion of high-Si steel is influenced by the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient between the Fe 2SiO 4and steel.As shown in Fig.6,the thermal expansion coefficient of Fe 2SiO 4increases as the temperature increases.The thermal expansion coefficient of Fe 2SiO 4at 1000 C is nearly equal to that of Fe(14:6Â10À6/ C at 800 C).12)By contrast,the difference in the thermal expansion coefficient of FeO and Fe is large at 1000 C.It is also reported that the scale adhesion of Fe 2SiO 4on steel at high temperature is greater than that of FeO.11)Therefore,the Fe 2SiO 4might strongly adhere to the substrate steel and is not detached by the descalingprocess.Fig.6Thermal expansion coefficients of the synthesized iron oxides athigh-temperature.Fig.7Thermal conductivities of the synthesized iron oxides at high-temperature.Physical Properties of Iron-Oxide Scales on Si-containing Steels at High Temperature 22453.5.2Surface property of the Si-containing steel afterrollingAs described above,the Fe2SiO4strongly adheres to the substrate steel,resulting in the deterioration of the descal-ability.The remaining Fe2SiO4suppresses the outward diffusion of Fe ions from the steel and hence the inner diffusion of oxygen ions predominates in the oxide growth.11) It is also shown in Fig.7that the thermal conductivity of Fe2SiO4is lower than that of other oxides.This result suggests that the remaining Fe2SiO4on the substrate steel brings about a reduction in the cooling rate and a rising of the surface temperature.As a result,the thick Fe2O3,which is a higher order oxide,is formed as the outer-most scale layer on the Fe2SiO4-coated substrate steel.Therefore,the fracture and deformation behaviour of Fe2O3may directly affect the surface properties of high-Si steel.It is shown in Fig.5that the hardness of Fe2O3is greater than that of the other oxides at800 C.It is also reported that the ability to deform Fe2O3is lower than that of FeO.7,8)As a result,the outer-most scale surface,mainly composed of Fe2O3,is crushed because of its hardness and stiffness at 800 C,corresponding to the hot-rolling temperature.Finely-ground Fe2O3is often observed on high-Si steels,which frequently form red scales on their surfaces and degrade the surface property of the high-Si steel.4.ConclusionIn the present study,we measured the high temperature physical properties of various iron oxides,constituents of oxide scales on steels,in order to clarify the dynamic behavior of the oxide scales that occur on practical steels. We selected FeO,Fe3O4,Fe2O3and Fe2SiO4as typical oxide species that formed on Si-containing steels,and synthesized artificial specimens of each type of oxide.The specimens were composed of a single oxide species,and were used to measure the hardness,the thermal expansion coefficient and the thermal conductivity over the temperature range between RT and1000 C.As a result,it was found that the physical properties of the synthesized iron oxides differed significantly from each other.The hardness of the synthe-sized iron oxides was identical with the naturally-formed corresponding iron oxide observed in cross-sectional oxide scales on practical steels.The experimental results from this study are confirmed as reflecting the physical properties of the oxide scales that form on practical steels. Moreover,we discussed the relationship between the physical properties of oxides at high temperature and surface property after rolling the Si-containing steel.It is possible that Fe2SiO4affects the high-temperature adhesion,surface temperature,and surface property of the Si-containing steel after rolling.REFERENCES1) C.W.Tuck:Corros.Sci.5(1965)631–643.2)W.W.Smeltzer,L.A.Morris and R.C.Logani:Can.Metall.Quart.9(1970)513–519.3)R.C.Logani and W.W.Smeltzer:Oxid.Met.3(1971)15–32.4)K.Yanagihara,S.Suzuki and S.Yamazaki:Oxid.Met.57(2002)281–296.5)T.Amano,M.Okazaki,Y.Takezawa,A.Shino,M.Takeda,T.Onishi,K.Seto,A.Ohkubo and T.Shishido:Mater.Sci.Forum522–523 (2006)469–476.6)G.R.Anstis,P.Chantikul,wn and D.B.Marshall:J.Am.Ceram.Soc.64(1981)533–538.7)Y.Hidaka,T.Anraku and N.Otsuka:Mater.Sci.Forum369–372(2001)555–562.8)Y.Hidaka,T.Anraku and N.Otsuka:Oxid.Met.59(2003)97–113.9)L.S.Darken and W.R.Gurry:Physical Chemistry of Metals,(McGrow-Hill Book Company,New York,1953)p.351.10)K.H.Hellwege ed.:Landolt Borstein numerical data tables,Group3,12,(Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1980)p.8.11)M.Takeda and T.Onishi:Mater.Sci.Forum522–523(2006)477–488.12)Metals Data Book,4th Edition,(Maruzen)p.14.2246M.Takeda,T.Onishi,S.Nakakubo and S.Fujimoto。