D800采用3,630万有效像素,并搭载了新型EXPEED 3数码图像处理器和约91,000像素RGB感应器,令其具有突破性的高清晰度和图像品质。
除了新的尼康FX格式CMOS图像传感器和专门为尼康数码单镜反光相机优化的全新数码图像处理器EXPEED 3,D800还搭载了新的约91,000像素RGB感应器,它支持高级场景识别系统,在场景识别性能上具有革命性的进步。
主要特点1. 新的尼康FX 格式CMOS 图像传感器D800搭载了新的尼康FX格式CMOS 图像传感器和专为尼康数码单镜反光相机设计的全新数码图像处理器EXPEED 3。
尼康d800使⽤说明书详解( )虽然⽬前售价较⾼,但是相信时间⼀长价格就会逐渐降下来,此外不管售价⾼不⾼,D800都注定会是未来四年最⽕爆的相机。
尼康镜头字母标示所代表的意思:AI:Automatic Indxing,自动最大光圈传递技术。
AF-S:Silent Wave Motor,超声波静音马达,该技术的采用使快速而安静的对焦成为可能。
(1992年推出)ED:Extra-low Dispersion,超低色散镜片。
是指这只镜头内含有ED 镜片,最大限度降低镜头色差(chromatic aberration),从而保证镜头有优异的光学表现。
IF:Internal Focusing 内对焦技术,所谓内对焦是指镜头在对焦时前后组镜片都不移动,而由镜头内部的一个对焦镜片组(focus lens group)的浮动来完成对焦,对焦时镜头长度保持不变。
代表:105mm f/2.8D AF Micro-NIKON。
VR:Vibration Reduction 电子减震系统,NIKON防手震镜头的代号,可用于手持摄影再低速快门时增加画面的稳定性。
APS的原意是指“高级摄影系统”(Advanced Photo System)。
APS-C画幅只的就是数码相机的CCD(CMOS)的尺寸与APS的C 型画幅大小相仿,大约在25mmX17mm左右。
差不多是全画幅CCD (CMOS)面积的一半,也称半幅机。
尼康D800E详细参数切换到简洁版主要性能发布日期2012年02月机身特性全画幅数码单反操作方式全手动操作传感器类型CMOS传感器尺寸35.9*24mm传感器描述清洁图像传感器,图像除尘参考数据(需要另购的Capture NX 2软件))最大像素数3677万有效像素3630万影像处理器EXPEED 3最高分辨率7360×4912图像分辨率FX(36×24)图像区域7360×4912(L)5520×3680(M)3680×2456(S)1.2×(30×20)图像区域6144×4080(L)4608×3056(M)3072×2040(S)DX(24×16)图像区域4800×3200(L)3600×2400(M)2400×1600(S)5:4(30×24)图像区域6144×4912(L)4608×3680(M)3072×2456(S)动画即时取景中拍摄的FX格式照片:6720×3776(L)5040×2832(M)3360×1888(S)动画即时取景中拍摄的DX格式照片:4800×2704(L)3600×2024(M)2400×1352(S)注意:动画即时取景中所拍照片的宽高比为16:9。
尼康D800相机及镜头D800一台尼康镜头尼康(Nikon)AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED 镜头尼康(Nikon)AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II 防抖变焦镜头各一个,存储卡32GB高速存储卡45MB/SUV保护镜肯高原装电池EN-EL15尼康原装包闪光灯SB-700曼富图三脚架曼富图(Manfrotto)055CXPRO4专业四节碳纤维三脚架(承重8kg)品牌尼康Nikon型号D800相机类型数码单镜反光照相机总像素3677 万有效像素3630 万传感器类型CMOS传感器尺寸35.9 ×24.0mm CMOS 传感器(尼康FX 格式)短片拍摄功能1920 ×1080 ;30p (逐行)、25p、24p;1280 ×720 ;60p、50p、30p、25p;60p、50p、30p、25p 及24p 时的实际帧频分别为59.94、50、29.97、25、及23.976 幅/ 秒;选项同时支持★高和标准图像品质机身除尘清洁图像传感器、图像除尘参考数据(需要另购的Capture NX 2软件))对焦系统尼康高级Multi-CAM 3500FX 自动对焦感应器模组,具备TTL 相位侦测、微调、51 个对焦点(包括15 个十字型感应器)和AF 辅助照明器(范围约为0.5-3 m)屏幕参数液晶屏尺寸 3.2 英寸(8cm)液晶屏像素约92.1 万画点(VGA)取景器类型眼平五棱镜单镜反光取景器液晶屏比例4:3屈光度条件及范围-3 - +1 m-1取景器描述 B 型光亮磨砂对焦屏Mark VIII (带有AF 区域框,可显示取景网格)景深预览:按下Pv 按钮后,镜头光圈会缩小为用户(A 和M 模式)或照相机(P 和S 模式)选择的数值镜头参数镜头描述兼容AF 尼克尔镜头,包括G 型和D 型镜头(PC 微距尼克尔镜头受到某些限制)、DX 镜头(使用DX24 ×16 1.5 ×图像区域)、AI-P 尼克尔镜头以及非CPU AI 镜头(仅限于曝光模式A 和M)。
索尼E卡口全部60枚原厂镜头点评(20210323p1)3月16日,索尼正式发布了FE 50mm F1.2 GM镜头,这是第一支原厂的F1.2光圈镜头,也是第13支G大师镜头,同时也将原厂E 卡口镜头群的规模扩充至60支之多。
针对新手用户科普一下索尼镜头的命名:FE:全画幅镜头;E:APSC画幅镜头;GM:G大师镜头,最高端产品线;G:G镜头,高端产品线;ZA:索尼蔡司合作生产的镜头PZ:电动变焦;OSS:光学防抖全画幅镜头-定焦篇1. FE 20 mm F1.8 G(SEL20F18G)67mm口径 373g重量非常推荐:体积重量控制优秀,分辨率和色散顶级水平,XD线性马达对焦迅速,索尼G系列镜头的代表作。
适合题材:广角风光,星空接片,自拍Vlog替代选择:适马 20mm F1.4 Art,腾龙 20mm F2.8,蔡司 Batis 18mm F2.82. FE 24mm F1.4 GM(SEL24F14GM)67mm口径 445g重量非常推荐:体积重量控制优秀,分辨率和慧差都是顶级水平,对焦迅速,色散控制较为一般。
适合题材:广角人像,星空接片替代选择:适马24mm F1.4 Art,蔡司 Batis 25mm F23. FE 28mm F2(SEL28F20)49mm口径 200g重量一般推荐:除了分辨率尚可以外,其他乏善可陈,畸变尤其明显。
3.1 键盘连接 .................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.1 RS232 串口控制模式 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.1.2 RS485 串口控制模式 ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.1.3 通过网络连接键盘 ........................................................................................................................... 15
键盘 NKB1000 系列
前言 ............................................................................................................................................ i 重要安全须知 ............................................................................................................................ ii 1 概述 .......................................................................................................................................1
全球单反画质最好的相机排行榜全球单反画质最好的相机排名1 :Nikon D800E 得分:96全球单反画质最好的相机排名:2 Nikon D800 得分:95全球单反画质最好的相机排名3 :Nikon D600 得分:94全球单反画质最好的相机排名4: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 得分:93(2013新机型)全球单反画质最好的相机排名:5 Phase One IQ180 Digital Back 得分:91全球单反画质最好的相机排名:6 Nikon D4 得分:89全球单反画质最好的相机排名:7 Nikon D3X 得分:88全球单反画质最好的相机排名8: Phase One P40 Plus 得分:87 全球单反画质最好的相机排名:9 Leica M Typ 240 得分:84(2013新机型)全球单反画质最好的相机排名:10 Nikon D7100 得分:83(2013新机型)选购单反相机的技巧1、预算有多少其实买什么都好,面对众多选择时,最主要的还是一个“预算”的问题。
数码相机的低通滤镜数码相机的低通滤镜(low pass filter)实际上是一种抗混叠滤波器(anti-alias filter),它位于传感器前,用于消除由于频率差拍产生的莫尔条纹(Moire Patterns)。
在数码相机中,设传感器像素大小为p微米,则传感器的釆样频率为1/p ,Nquist频率为1/2p。
Nikon D800 D800E技术指南
IntroductionThis “Technical Guide” details the principal techniques used to create two of the more technically advanced photographs in the D800/D800E brochure. Take this opportunity to admire the skills of professional photographers who have mastered the D800/D800E.While its groundbreaking 36 megapixels give the D800/D800E resolution unrivalled by previous digital SLR cameras, a side eff ect of such high resolution is that blur, whether the result of imprecise focus or camera shake, becomes that much more noticeable. Realizing the full potential of a camera with over 30-m illion pixels involves a thorough understanding of the causes and characteristics of blur, careful selection of settings and tools (lenses, tripods, etc.), and working with the best possible subjects.ii1Table of ContentsIntroduction i2Still Subjects (2)Lesson 1: Use a Tripod (5)Lesson 2: Use Live View (6)Lesson 3: Avoid Very Small Apertures (11)Same Shot with Viewfinder Framing ....................................13Portrait Subjects (14)Lesson 1: Choose the Proper Focus Settings (17)Lesson 2: Choose the Proper Exposure Settings (18)Learn from Mistakes: Same Shot, Diff erent Focus Point (21)221. High ISO Sensitivity (22)2. Auto ISO Sensitivity Control (24)3. Improving Optical Performance (26)4. Backlit Portraits (28)301. High Resolution Images with the D800E (30)2. Aperture and Complex Subjects (32)3. Color Aliasing and Moiré (34)•••••••Shooting Techniques 23Shooting TechniquesAt the high resolutions off ered by the D800/D800E, even the slightest camera shake can result in blur. The technique re-vealed in this section minimizes blur through a combination of live view photography and the use of a tripod.Technical Data■Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 14–24 m m f/2.8G ED ■Exposure mode: Manual ■Shutter speed: 1 s ■Aperture: f/8 ■White balance: Choose color temp. (5000 K) ■ISO sensitivity: 100 ■Picture con-trol: StandardNote: This photo was shot in 14-bit NEF (RAW) and processed using Capture NX 2.Photo © Benjamin Anthony Monn4Still Subjectsphotographing static subjects. Itshould be as sturdy as possible;avoid extending the legs or centercolumn farther than necessary. Alarge head helps keep the camerasteady.Shooting TechniquesLive view can be used to achieve sharper focus and prevent6Still Subjects Why Use Live View?1. The mirror is raised prior to shooting, reducing blur.At the high resolutions off ered by the D800/D800E, even the slight m ovem ent that occurs when the m irror is raised can sometimes be enough to blur photographs. With live view, the mirror is raised well before the shutter is released, reduc-ing one possible cause of blur.7Shooting TechniquesWhy Use Live View?2. Focus anywhere in the frame.With live view, the multi selector can be used toposition the focus point anywhere in the frame, regardless of the options selected for AF/MF andautofocus.The ability to position the focus point anywhere within the monitor’s angle of view greatly expands the range in whichthe camera can focus.In autofocus mode, press the shutter-release button halfway, or press the B button, to focus on the subject in the select-ed focus point. In manual focus mode, focus can be adjusted by rotating the lens focus ring.8A navigation window will appearin a gray frame at the bottom ofthe display. Use the multi selectorto scroll to areas of the frame notvisible in the monitor.Navigation windowShooting Techniques: Framing guides,Still SubjectsStopping down the aperture in manual (h) and aperture-prior-ity auto (g) exposure modes increases depth of fi eld, bringing both the foreground and the background into focus. Stop the aperture down too far, however, and the eff ects of diff raction may actually result in images with less defi nition. The optimal aperture setting — that which produces the greatest depth of fi eld with no loss of sharpness — varies from lens to lens. With the AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED used in this example, an aperture setting of f/8 produces the sharpest image.f/8Amount of detail visible inwindow leads and frieze isless than at f/8f/11Still Subjects The second sample image below was captured without us-ing live view. As the mirror was not raised until the photo was taken, the resulting image is slightly blurred.With liveviewWithout liveviewBook edges andother details areblurredShooting TechniquesShooting TechniquesThis section introduces a technique that achieves sharp focus on a selected point when framing portrait subjects through the viewfi nder.Shooting TechniquesApertureUse a wide aperture for a softer feel.An aperture setting of f/4 captures facial expressions.Depth of fi eld is suffi cient to clearly reproduce the range from the lips to the outer corners of the eyes, but focus gets softerfrom the earrings back.Portrait SubjectsShutter SpeedChoose a speed slightly faster than the minimum req uired to prevent blur caused by camera shake.The superior resolution of the D800/D800E makes even slight blur resulting from cam era shake appear m ore obvious. Choose a shutter speed slightly faster than would be selected when photographing the same subject with another camera.A fast shutter speed has captured details of thelace veil and brought out individual eyelashes.Shooting TechniquesLighting and ISO SensitivityAdjust lighting and ISO sensitivity appropriately.Once the shutter speed and aperture settings have been manually specifi ed, lighting or ISO sensitivity may require ad-justment to achieve optimal exposure.Soft, natural light, rather thanfl ash or studio lighting, was usedfor these photos. When shootingoutdoors, lighting can be adjust-ed by repositioning the portraitsubject or yourself in relation tothe light source (above). Whenshooting indoors, blinds can beraised or lowered (right).Portrait SubjectsSlight shifts in focus are m ore noticeable in photos captured with the D800/D800E than with other cameras under the same conditions. Thus, greater attention must be paid to focusing with the D800/D800E. As the following sample images show, chang-ing the focus point even slightly may blur important details.Earring is in focus,iris and eyelashesare blurredIntendedresultFocus onunintendedpointThe following sections introduce useful techniques and camera functions applicable to a variety of situations.The D800/D800E keeps noise to a minimum for high-resolu-tion results at even the highest ISO sensitivities.The High ISO NR option in theshooting m enu reduces the ran-dom ly spaced bright pixels, fog,and lines characteristic of high-sensitivity noise, but m ay leaveedges less sharp. A setting of Offor Low may off er a good balancebetween sharpness and noise even at high ISO sensitivities. The setting can later be changed using Capture NX 2 (avail-able separately) for images recorded in NEF (RAW) e Capture NX 2 for more preciseadjustment of noise reduction In-tensity and Sharpness . For NEF(RAW) im ages, select the NoiseReduction tool in the Developsection of the Edit List. For JPEGand TIFF images, select Noise Re-duction from the Adjust menu.High NormalDetailed views of the samesubject shot at diff erent HighISO NR settings. Higher set-tings reduce the noise visiblein the sky but also reducethe sharpness of edges in themain subject.NormalLowAuto ISO sensitivity control au-tom atically adjusts ISO sensitiv-ity if optim al exposure cannot beachieved at the value selected bythe photographer. If Auto is se-lected for Minimum shutter speed , the camera will also ad-just the threshold for auto ISO sensitivity control according to the focal length of the lens (CPU lenses only), a feature you will fi nd particularly convenient when using zoom lenses (see sample photos at right).To enable auto ISO sensitivity control, select On for ISO sensitivity settings > Auto ISO sensitivity control in theshooting menu.Focal length: 24 mmShutter speed: ½ 5 sISO sensitivity: 900Focal length: 50 mm Shutter speed: 1⁄50 s ISO sensitivity: 2500Focal length: 70 mmShutter speed: 1⁄80 sISO sensitivity: 4500Focal length: 100 mm Shutter speed: 1⁄100 s ISO sensitivity: 6400Stopping down the aperture increases depth of fi eld, mak-ing both the foreground and background sharper. Stop the aperture down too far, however, and diff raction will actually cause the image to be less defi ned. The eff ects of diff raction are partly infl uenced by the size of the pixels on the camera’s im age sensor, but with the high resolution off ered by the D800/D800E, the eff ects generally becom e noticeable at around f/11. When greater depth of fi eld is needed, don’t im-mediately apply the minimum aperture; instead, determine the aperture setting that off ers the best balance between sharpness and depth of fi eld. The sample images on this page show how defi nition in the metal grating is lost when an ap-erture smaller than f/11 is used.f/8f/11f/16f/22The RGB sensor with approxim ately 91K (91,000) pixels built into the D800/D800E off ers m ore accurate face detection. When used with viewfi nder framing in exposure modes other than h, the camera balances exposure between a portrait sub-ject and the background, even when the subject is backlit.D800/D800EThe camera usesface detection toensure optimalexposure of thesubject’s face.Earlier camerasThe subject’s faceis underexposed,requiring exposurecompensation.29Flash PhotographyThe D800/D800E also automatically optimizes fl ash output for portrait subjects.D800/D800EFlash outputis adjustedaccording tothe brightnessof the subjects’faces, producingoptimal resultseven with brightbackgrounds.Earlier camerasFlash outputis adjustedaccording to thebrightness of thebackground; asa result, the sub-jects’ faces areunderexposed.30The D800E is a good choice for those who require high-reso-lution photos of visually complex subjects.Case 1: A Model Wearing a KimonoReproduce fi ne details in the subject’s hair and the patterns on her clothing.Increasing ResolutionResolution c an be inc reased by disabling high ISO noise reduction (High ISO NR ) (page 22), particularly at low ISO sensitivities.31Case 2: A Japanese GardenCapture roof tiles and other fi ne details with superior resolution.Case 3: LeavesCapture individual leaves in crisp detail.MoviesThe D800 and D800E off er the same level of performance in terms of resolution with movie recording. Choose the mod-el that best suits your needs based on other characteristics or specifi cations.32With cameras like the D800E, which are suited to photogra-phy of visually complex subjects, maximizing lens resolution is vital. Though results will vary from lens to lens, the great-est contrast all the way to frame peripheries can generally be achieved at an aperture setting two to three stops down from maximum aperture. Some lenses that off er excellent resolu-tion are listed below.AF-S NIKKOR 14–24 m m f/2.8G ED AF-S NIKKOR 24–70 m m f/2.8G ED AF-S NIKKOR 70–200 m m f/2.8G ED VR II AF-S NIKKOR 16–35 m m f/4G ED VR AF-S NIKKOR 24–120 m m f/4G ED VR AF-S NIKKOR 200–400 m m f/4G ED VR II AF-S NIKKOR 24 m m f/1.4G ED AF-S NIKKOR 35 m m f/1.4G AF-S NIKKOR 85 m m f/1.4G AF-S NIKKOR 200 m m f/2G ED VR II AF-S NIKKOR 300 m m f/2.8G ED VR II AF-S NIKKOR 400 m m f/2.8G ED VR AF-S NIKKOR 500 m m f/4G ED VR AF-S NIKKOR 600 m m f/4G ED VR AF-S Micro NIKKOR 60 m m f/2.8G ED AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105 m m f/2.8G IF-ED••••••••••••••••33The D800E off ers better resolution at aperture settings with which diff raction (page 26) is not an issue. As the aperture set-ting has more infl uence on resolution with the D800E than with the D800, D800E users should always keep the possible eff ects of diffraction in mind.f/8f/22Note : These pictures were taken with the D800.34Color artifacts and moiré are less frequent at the high resolu-tions supported by the D800/D800E, but when they do occur, they tend to be more noticeable in photos taken with D800E. Aliasing and moiré are not visible in the camera monitor but can be confirmed by copying photos to a computer and view-ing them at a display size of 100%.The photo on the left was taken with the D800E, that on the right with the D800. Color artifacts are visible in the sash.Capture NX 2 can be used to reducecolor aliasing and m oiré. For bestresults with NEF (RAW) images, dis-play the image at 100% and adjustthe Color Moiré Reductionsetting.Off High35Using Diffraction to Combat Color Artifacts and MoiréAlthough stopping down theaperture increases the effects ofdiff raction, sometimes resultingin lower resolution (page 26, 32),this same diff rac tion c an alsobe used to reduce color aliasingand moiré. Adjust the aperturesetting ac c ording to the prior-ity for the photo — maximumresolution or minimum moiré.f/5.6f/8f/11f/16© 2012 Nikon Corporation CS SB2B02 (11)。
Nikon D800 D800E完全摄影手册
曝光三要素 光圈 快门 感光度 测光与曝光 自动对焦 选择释放模式 色温与白平衡
P:程序自动模式 S:快门优先自动 A:光圈优先自动 M:手动模式
衡量曝光的标准——查看直方图 让曝光更精准——曝光补偿 自动包围曝光 自动对焦/曝光锁定 多重曝光 光比与反差 闪光灯基本知识 即时取景拍摄
Nikon D800的常用附件 辅助器材——滤镜、三脚架与摄影包 外置闪光灯使用技巧
这是《Nikon D800 D800E完全摄影手册》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的精彩内容摘录。
第4章玩转曝光模 式——轻松掌控 D800
第5章优秀作品 的技术支持— —曝光技巧进
第6章常用附件 与辅助器材
相机正面 相机背面 相机液晶显示屏信息 相机即时取景模式液晶屏信息 相机顶部 相机侧面 相机底部 液晶控制面板 相机光学取景器
控制面板(机肩液晶屏) 通过机背液晶显示屏进行快速设置 其他拍摄设置 优化校准 润饰菜单:用相机进行后期处理 快速访问经常使用的选项设定
关于镜头的基本概念 NIKKOR镜头型号的解读 镜头焦距与视角传达的信息 了解镜头类型 Nikon D800镜头推荐 根据拍摄题材选择镜头 镜头的合理搭配 与镜头相关的附件与辅助器材
这是《Nikon D800 D800E完全摄影手册》的读书笔记模板,暂无该书作者的介绍。
这是《Nikon D800 D800E完全摄影手册》的读书笔记模板,可以替换为自己的心得。
第7章风光 摄影技巧
第8章人像 摄影技巧
第10章自 然之灵动物 摄影技巧
第12章的 镜头选择
1. 使用合适的镜头:尼康D800E的像素非常高,可以呈现出极为精细的细节,因此选择高质量的镜头非常重要。
2. 注意稳定:由于D800E的像素密度很高,任何微小的移动都可能导致图像模糊。
3. 使用适当的ISO:尽可能选择较低的ISO值来拍摄,可以减少噪点的产生。
4. 多重曝光功能:D800E具备多重曝光功能,可以将多张图片叠加在一起。
5. 使用闪光灯:尼康D800E内置的闪光灯不适合拍摄远距离的目标。
6. 使用RAW格式:尼康D800E支持RAW格式的拍摄,这意味着相机会将所有的传感器数据都保存下来,而不进行任何处理或压缩。
7. 自动对焦模式选择:尼康D800E具备多种自动对焦模式,包括单点对焦、动态区域对焦和3D跟踪对焦。
8. 定时器和遥控器:使用定时器或遥控器可以帮助避免因按下快门造成的相机抖动。
9. 使用D-Lighting:尼康D800E的D-Lighting功能可以帮助提高照片的动态范围,并保留更多的细节。
10. 手动模式:D800E具备手动模式,可以让摄影师完全控制曝光参数。
D800的到来,是源自于佳能EOS 5D Mark Ⅱ的痛在“上古时代”,相机像素是一把“双刃剑”,正所谓成也高像素,败也高像素。
2010年之前,尼康在高像素上一直被佳能压制,导致这个局面的根本原因,就是1200万像素的尼康D700,与2110万像素的佳能EOS 5D Mark Ⅱ。
要说D800之前,下要从一堆宿敌开始说起,那就是尼康D700与佳能EOS 5D Mark Ⅱ2007年,佳能率先推出2100万像素的EOS-1Ds Mark Ⅲ,2000万像素让大众消费者第一次感受到无与伦比的清晰画质。
2008年,尼康D700以亲民形态上市,但是遭遇的却是佳能EOS 5D Mark Ⅱ与索尼α900的双重夹击。
欢迎拍砖相机品牌:SAMSUNG 相机型号:GT-N7102 镜头:1285 pixels曝光:光圈优先光圈:F2.6 ISO:1000 曝光补偿:0 EV 曝光时间:1/15 sec这三台尼康机(我是从佳能转入尼康阵营的)就像宠龙的歌《兄弟抱一抱》,那么可亲爱可亲。
相机品牌:NIKON CORPORATION 相机型号:NIKON D3X 镜头:24-70mm f/2.8-2.8曝光:程序优先光圈:F8 ISO:100 曝光补偿:0.2 EV 曝光时间:1/50 sec在夜晚弱光下,是D3X、D800E的天下,高感这劳什仔词也不全面,这张靠在演出道具箱上照片就是用100感指拍的,不过拍时必须让演员“不动”。
相机品牌:NIKON CORPORATION 相机型号:NIKON D800E 镜头:24-70mm f/2.8-2.8曝光:程序优先光圈:F3.2 ISO:100 曝光补偿:0 EV 曝光时间:1/40 sec这张照片的光指1800K左右与上一张光指1700一样,用100指真好。
D800E应该打70分吧相机品牌:NIKON CORPORATION 相机型号:NIKON D800E 镜头:24-70mm f/2.8-2.8曝光:程序优先光圈:F6.3 ISO:2000 曝光补偿:0 EV 曝光时间:1/160 sec这一张是截图剪裁300%,2000高感,真是细阿,这就是D800E 这台神机的所在。
(个人观点不一定对)相机品牌:NIKON CORPORATION 相机型号:NIKON D800E 镜头:24-70mm f/2.8-2.8曝光:程序优先光圈:F7.1 ISO:2000 曝光补偿:0 EV 曝光时间:1/200 sec这是我手持所拍,壁画是我用水粉颜料画的,也非常“吸光”。
许宗馨《龙年开首“神器”——Nikon新里程碑——尼康D800/D800E数码单反相机使用报告》(《照相机》杂志稿)龙年开首“神器”——Nikon新里程碑——尼康D800/D800E数码单反相机使用报告许宗馨文/图“不鸣则已,一鸣惊人”经过了近四年漫长等待,尼康终于在龙年之初推出入门全幅后继机种D800/ D800E——搭载了3630万超高像素CMOS感光元件,是前代D700的三倍,彻底扭转了长期在影友中尼康数码单反像素偏低的固有印象,D800/ D800E还几乎移置了除大容量电池和顶级含手柄机身设计外尼康最新旗舰机型D4的所有核心原件。
例如:Multi-CAM 3500FX对焦系统、9.1万画素RGB测光传感器、EXPEED 3影像处理器……火力强大的规格将D800/ D800E推向媲美专业旗舰的市场定位。
最近试用了这款新上市的影友称之为2012龙年“开年神器”的尼康准专业数码单反相机D800/ D800E,最近当之无愧的被评为TIPA AWARDS 2012最佳准专业数码单反相机(唯一),现与影友交流分享如下。
招惹关注的魅力点1、有效像素约3630万像素FX格式 CMOS图像传感器D800/D800E搭载新的尼康 FX 格式 CMOS 图像传感器,以业界同类全画幅数码单反相机最高的3630万像素CMOS呈现于世,确系是个震撼,据称配合锐利的尼克尔镜头使用,图像显示的分辨率可与中画幅数码相机匹敌。
因为这个优势,D800/ D800E 还支持多种画面的调节,比如在使用5:4模式时,除了便利拍摄肖像,还可以得到1.2X的焦距延伸,即便使用1.5X的DX兼容模式,仍能得到1500万像素的高解析度图像。
无低通是否带来高画质解析尼康D800E无低通是否带来高画质解析尼康D800E2012-05-04 05:59:00 [ 中关村在线原创 ] 作者:商皛责编:高卓鹏1无低通非先例极相似是首次如果说2012年最抢眼球的数码单反相机是什么,相信绝大多数人会说是尼康D800E,这台拥有3630万有效像素并且没有低通效果的相机毫无疑问创造了135相机历史上的最高水平。
产品:D800E(单机) 尼康数码相机2对比兄弟D800 细节少量增多·对比兄弟D800 细节少量增多首先是与尼康D800的锐度对比,相对于尼康D800,尼康D800E 最大的优势就在于可以带来更高的锐度,当然具体效果如何还是要看图说话,笔者选取了5个地方,希望能给大家足够的参考价值。
产品:D800E(单机) 尼康数码相机3对比兄弟D800 高感基本不变·对比兄弟D800 高感基本不变然后是高感对比,从理论上来讲由于D800E带来了更多的细节,所以高感表现有可能增加更多的细节,那么实际上如此吗?可以说实际上并没有本质的变化,不过更加锐利这一特点的确保持到了ISO 25600的数字,当然前提条件是拥有更好细节的亮部,暗部区域可以说并没有太大的区别。
d800e使用技巧1. 确保相机设置正确:在开始使用D800E之前,您应该确保相机设置正确。
2. 利用相机的高像素:D800E是一款全幅高像素相机,拥有3632万有效像素,因此您可以拍摄出细节丰富的图像。
3. 使用适当的镜头:为了发挥D800E的高像素优势,您应该选择高质量的镜头。
4. 注意稳定性:高像素相机对稳定性要求较高,因为任何微小的晃动都可能导致图像模糊。
5. 借助自动对焦系统:D800E配备了51点自动对焦系统,可以提供快速和准确的对焦。
6. 注意曝光:在拍摄时,您应该注意曝光的准确性,以确保拍摄的图像亮度均衡。
7. 拍摄RAW并后期处理:D800E支持拍摄RAW格式的图像,这意味着您可以在后期处理过程中进行更多的编辑和增强。
8. 注意白平衡:在不同的光线条件下,白平衡可能会有所不同。
9. 使用高速存储卡:由于D800E的图像文件较大,因此您应该使用高速存储卡以提高相机的连拍速度和写入速度。
10. 实践拍摄:最后,要熟练掌握D800E的使用技巧,您需要进行实践拍摄。
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由于近期有一系列新镜头发布,尼康方面对这份资料进行更新:Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G EDNikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED (FX) - Review / Test Report – Analysis DistortionsVignettingMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikkor AF-S 14-24 is an impressive ultra wide angle zooms lens that outperforms most of the prime lenses in its range resolution wise, with its fast aperture allows for low light shooting (or alternatively some object separation with limited depth of field) and is built solid enough to withstand the hard treatment of a working professional (allthough this, combined with the huge amount of glass, makes it the heaviest ultra wide around and also one of the most expensive). However it's not without flaws. Where there's light, there's shadow, and if you shoot it with this lens there's easily a flare spot, too. There's some vignetting, especially wide open, but it's in line with the competition and easy to correct. Distortions are very high at the wide end, but at least they are of uniform shape and thus can be corrected in software, too.Some will also dislike that there's no filter thread to mount a polarizer or a filter holder. However, in summary it's still an excellent lens and for those who can live or work around its issues currently probably the most attractive ultra wide zooms lens available.Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreNNikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G EDNNikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED (FX) - Review / Test Report – Analysis DistortionsMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikkor AF-S 24-70 is an impressive standard zooms lens that delivers very sharp and contrasty images. With its fast aperture it allows for low light shooting or alternatively object separation with limited depth of field, where it delivers an unusually smooth bokeh for a zoom lens in this focal range. It is built as solid as you'd expect a pro grade lens to be and its sonic wave driven AF is very fast and silent.It's not without flaws, though. Distortions are very high at the wide end, but at least they are of uniform shape and thus can be corrected in software if required. CAs are very high, too, but just like distortions can easily be corrected in software (in fact most current Nikon DSLRs do this already if you shoot JPGs). The wavy image field at the low end might be an issue if you shoot flat objects and last but not least the lens is not exactly cheap.However, in summary the Nikkor 24-70 currently sets the benchmark for F-mount FX standard zoom lenses.Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreNikkor AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 G ED VR IINikkor AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 G ED VR II (FX) - Review / Test Report - Analysis DistortionsVignettingMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikon AF-S 70-200 VR II is a very good zoom lens that delivers excellent sharpness wide open already, at least in the image center. Vignetting is very well controlled and CAs as well as distortion are typical for a lens in this class. LoCAs are rather low and the bokeh is exceptionally smooth for a zoom lens.For many the main question of course is: have the issues of the previous model, especially high vignetting and lack of border sharpness, been adressed. Well, yes, the vignetting is visibly lower at f/2.8 and the resolution figures in the image corners are also better compared to the mk I lens. However, in direct comparison these improvements come at the price of slightly reduced corner sharpness at f/2.8 at focal lengths below 200mm.In addition, there's another issue we haven't talked about yet: the lens' maximum magnification. The 70-200 VR II increases the field of view with close focus. This is not uncommon, in fact any IF lens does this to a certain degree, but only a few do so at a similar amount. At minimum focus distance (MFD) at 200mm the 70-200 VR II provides an image angle equivalent to a 135mm lens. This issue has been wildly discussed in the community after it was initially noted. While the lack of magnification is undoubtly a fact, anyone considering purchasing this lens should carefully check if it's really an issue for his/her kind of shooting. When shooting close to the MFD at the long end regularly the previous model is probably the better choice,since in this usage scenario its drawbacks, especially lack of corner sharpness, will hardly be an issue. For anyone usually shooting at longer distances the increase of the image field will be less of an issue since it's not much wider here compared to other lenses in this class.There may be minor issues but the Nikkor is, nonetheless, highly recommended!Nikkor AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 G ED VR II lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreNikkor AF-S 70-200mm f/4 G ED VRNikkor AF-S 70-200mm f/4 G ED VR (FX) - Review / Test Report - Analysis DistortionsVignettingMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/4 VR is an excellent lens that performs on a very high level. Resolution is generally excellent in the image center and very good at the borders and corners. Distortion is a bit on the high side at the long end of the zoom range, while vignetting and CAs are well controlled. The bokeh is quite smooth.The build quality is excellent, it's a bit anoying though that Nikon does not include the tripod collar with the lens. Thanks to the silent-wave drive the AF is silent and very fast. The new third-generation VR module is impressive and works very well.Which in summary means: a highly recommended lens.Nikkor AF-S 70-200mm f/4G ED VR lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreNikkor AF-S 16-35mm f/4 G ED VRNikkor AF-S 16-35mm f/4 G ED VR (FX) - Review / Test Report – Analysis DistortionsMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikkor AF-S 16-35 VR is a very good pro grade ultra wide zoom lens that shows excellent resolution in the center, very good border and corner at medium focal lengths, but lacks border and corner sharpness at the shortest and longest focal lengths. Distortion is rather hefty at 16 mm, but well under control above this zoom setting. Both vignetting as well as CAs show acceptable to good values for an ultra wide zoom lens, nothing to rave about, but certainly no show stoppers either. The build quality is excellent and in line with other professional Nikkor lenses.Even if it's still a good lens, this is probably not the level of performance many had expected from it, especially regarding corner sharpness. However, for many it might nonetheless be the more attractive lens compared to the Nikon AF-S 14-24, since it has also a few strong selling points. First of all, it has a front filter thread and that feature alone will make it more appealing to anyone intending to use ND, IR or CPL filters on a regular basis. VR will also be more useful than a large aperture for those who need to shoot stopped down to increase depth of field in low light. Last but not least, the lens is not completely free of flare, but it needs strong backlight with the sun either inside or just outside of the frame to produce visible flare. No comparison to the AF-S 14-24 in this regard, which seems to bend the sunlight from almost anywhere to produce flare spots.So, in summary the lens delivers mostly solid performance, without being really outstanding in any discipline.Nikkor AF-S 16-35mm f/4G ED VR lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreAF-S NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR ¥2900Nikkor AF-S NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VRNikkor AF-S NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR (FX) - Review / Test Report - Analysis DistortionsVignettingMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikon AF-S 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR leaves us with mixed impressions. Mechanically, there's not much to complain about. The built quality is good and in line with other current consumer-grade Nikkor lenses. The optical stabilization works very well, even at short focal lengths, and thanks to a silent-wave drive the AF is silent and quite fast.The resolution figures in the image center are very high, however the lens needs to be stopped down to achieve good to very good sharpness across the frame. At large apertures the extreme corners show significantly lower resolution than the image center, especially at wide-angle zoom settings.CAs and vignetting are a bit on the high side. This is also true for image distortion, which is worse than what we are used to see from super-zooms with considerably larger zoom ranges. It almost seems, that with software correction available for all three issues in-camera nowadays, these properties are no longer high on the priority list during lens design.So, in summary, the lens delivers solid performance regarding sharpness, at least when stopped down, but fails to impress regarding other image parameters. Most of the issues mentioned here can be resolved with in-camera correction (or in post processing), however from a consumer zoom carrying a price tag close to 500 EUR we expected a little more.Nikkor Nikon AF-S 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreAF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm f/4G ED VR ¥7860AF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm f/4G ED VRNikkor AF-S 24-120mm f/4G ED VR (FX) - Review / Test Report - Analysis DistortionsVignettingMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikkor AF-S 24-120 mm f/4G ED VR offers an attractive zoom range with excellent sharpness in the image center at the lower end of its focal range. However, the image borders and corners show a little less resolution wide open than we had expected from a lens in this segment. The same applies to the sharpness in general (including the image center) at the lens' tele setting. Distortion is rather pronounced except around 35 mm, vignetting is somewhat on the high side, too, which is also true for CAs. So, optically, the lens isn't all that stellar.Mechanically however, there's nothing to complain about. The build quality is excellent and in line with other high-end Nikkor lenses. VR II works as promised and AF, although not on the same level as high end primes, works fast enough for most applications.So, in summary the lens combines solid build and very attractive specifications with just okayish performance in most regards. It's the combination of specs and features, not its optical performance, that will earn this lens its buyers nonetheless, especially since there is currently no alternative that offers a similarly attractive package.Nikkor AF-S 24-120mm f/4G ED VR lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreAF-S NIKKOR 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II ¥4.86万AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4GNikkor AF-S 24mm f/1.4 G ED (FX) - Review / Test Report – Analysis DistortionsVignettingMTF (resolution)Chromatic Aberrations (CAs)VerdictThe Nikkor AF-S 24 f/1.4 is an impressive lens. At large apertures it produces very sharp images in the image center with somewhat soft corners wide open and stopped down it's sharp enough even for landscape work, although it's certainly not meant to be the primary choice for this kind of application. CAs are moderate on a full format DSLR. LoCAs are present at larger apertures but this is typical for such a fast prime. Severe light falloff at wide open aperture is the primary weakness of this lens. The bokeh is very smooth and actually pretty much outstanding for a wide angle lens. Flare is well under control.The build quality is on a very high level including sealing against dust and moisture.One feature not mentioned yet is the lens' ability to focus rather close (0.25m) which, combined with the wide angle of view and large aperture, can lead to very interesting perspectives and unique results.So in summary it's a very fine piece of glass. A somewhat specialized and certainly pricey tool though.One final note: there have been user reports of AF issues with this lens. We had no such issueswith the tested sample.Nikkor AF-S 24mm f/1.4G ED lens rate at the DxoMark ScoreAF-S NIKKOR 28mm f/1.8G ¥4670。