
A.游说.(shuì) 幽咽.(yè) 弄.堂(nòng) 踟蹰.(chó)B.窠.臼(kē) 庇.护(pì)恁.地(nèn) 蹴鞠.(jū)C.漫溯.(sù)恬.然(tián) 旌.旗(jīng) 迤逦.(lǐ)D.寒暄.(xuān) 玉枹.(páo) ) 庐冢.(zhǒng) 颛臾. (yú)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()。

7 、修辞不同类的一项是第Ⅰ卷(选择题共45分)一、基础知识(24分)、老栓看看灯笼,已经熄了。
A B、那人一只大手,向他摊着;一只手却撮着一个鲜红的馒头,那红的还是一点一点的往下滴。
蹩(bi é)进A、咳(ké)嗽攫(jué)取簇(cù)拥D、那三三两两的人,也忽然合作一堆,潮一般向前进;将到丁字街口,便突然立住,簇成一个半圆。
眼眶(B、横(hèng)肉模(mó)样kuāng)玄(xuán)色8、文学常识表述出现错误的一句是n 搭讪(shà)pnsǎ)文瞥(piē)见泡(ào)茶C、散(A、鲁迅,字豫才,原名周树人,浙江绍兴人,中国现代伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家。
)跄踉(结(jié)果拗(ǎo)开liàngD、夹(jiá)被B 2、汉字书写有错误的一项是、《狂人日记》是第一次以“鲁迅”为笔名发表的小说,是我国现代文学史上第一篇白话文小说。
气精练D、瘙痒攀谈蒸二、诗歌阅读(、填入句中横线处的词语准确的一项是12分)3 ⑴小栓坐在里排的桌前吃饭,大粒的汗,从额上滚下,夹袄也帖住了脊心,两块肩胛骨高高。

鲁迅(1881—1936),原名周樟寿, 后改名为周树人,字豫才、豫亭,浙江绍 兴人;中国文学家、思想家和革命家。 1905~1907年发表了《摩罗诗力说》、《 文化偏至论》等论文。1909年,与其弟周 作人一起合译《域外小说集》,介绍外国 文学。1926年间,陆续创作出版了小说集 《呐喊》、《彷徨》,论文集《坟》,散 文诗集《野草》,散文集《朝花夕拾》, 杂文集《热风》、《华盖集》、《华盖集 续编》等专集。
拎着: 提着。 弄堂: [方言]胡同,小巷。 褴褛: 衣服破烂。 游说: 文中指四处活动,用谎言劝说别人。 执拗: 固执任性,不听从别人的意见。 揩地板: 擦地板。 蹒跚: 因腿脚不灵便,走路缓慢、摇摆的样子。 谄媚: 用卑贱的态度向人讨好。 不假思索: 用不着想。形容说话做事迅速。
《包身工》写于1935年,最初发表于1936年的《 光明》杂志创刊号。《包身工》是夏衍经过深入社 会调查、掌握了大量材料后写出的报告文学,它具 有新闻的真实性和文学的形象性,做到了深刻的思 想内容和完美的艺术形式的统一。它的出现标志着 我国报告文学正在走向成熟阶段。它不仅在当时是 优秀的报告文学作品,而且给后来的报告文学创作 以巨大的影响。
蠕动 拎着 弄堂 游说 赚 抹 嘈 执拗 簿子 籼米
rú līng lòng shuì zhuàn mā cáo niù bù xiān
莴苣 揩地板 搽粉 蹒跚 皮辊 谄媚 骷髅 噩梦 怔住 锭子
wō jù kāi chá pán shān gǔn chǎn kū lóu è zhèng dìng
其中,1921年12月发表的中篇小 说《阿Q正传》,是中国现代文学史上 的不朽杰作。从1927年到1936年,创 作了历史小说集《故事新编》中的大 部分作品和大量的杂文,收辑在《而 已集》、《三闲集》、《二心集》、 《南腔北调集》、《伪自由书》、《 准风月谈》、《花边文学》、《且介 亭杂文》、《且介亭杂文二编》、《 且介亭杂文末编》、《集外集》和《 集外集拾遗》等专集中。

河南中职语文拓展模块第四单元测试卷教材名称(完整)中职语文《拓展模块》(第四版)教材ISBN号 978-7-04-052291-4主编陆迎真出版社高等教育出版社命题范围教材第 139 页至第 154 页一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.下列各项中,加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()A.拈断(niǎn)钦佩(qīng)绮靡(mí)瑰丽(guī)B.拘泥(ní)李煜(yù)笃嗜(dǔ)恐吓(xià)C.造诣(yì)氛围(fēn)蹩脚(bié)着落(zhuó)D.哽咽(yàn)携手(xié)戊戌(wū)窒息(zhì)2.不列词语中,书写没有错误的一项是 ( )A.不可磨灭索然无味谈笑风声入不符出B.迥然不同叹为观止贻笑大方墨守成规C.扣人心弦意味深长全神关注无动于衷D.望洋兴叹一愁莫展不记其数各行其事3. 下列各项中,作品、作者、体裁对应正确的一项是()A. 《反对党八股》——鲁迅——议论文B. 《文学的趣味》——朱光潜——文艺论文C. 《运用之妙,存乎一心》——张文勋——诗歌D. 《音乐就在你心中》——陈钢——小说4.下列各句中,标点符号使用错误的一项是( )A.鲁迅曾经批评过这种人,他说:“辱骂和恐吓决不是战斗。
D.音乐是什么?我——懂吗?5. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是()A.我国古代的许多诗人,为了写好一首诗,反复推敲,锤字炼句,有限的字在他们笔下,花样翻新,变化无穷,创作出瑰丽多姿的艺术品来。
中职教材英语(拓展模块)电子试题附答案unit 6

Unit 6一、单项选择,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. People in summer in this river which is so dirty now.A. used to swimB. are used to swimmingC. were used to swimD. used to swimming2. Thomas got the first place in the math competition, made his mother very proud.A.itB. thatC. thisD. which3. All the team members attend the regular meeting.A. requestedB. are requested toC. requireD. requested to4. Mary’s suffering ill health at the moment.A. fromB. toC. /D. on5. I can’t decide .A. to buy which oneB. which one to buyC. to buy whichD. which to buy one6. All the students should arrive at school . .A. at timesB. on timeC. in timeD. at time7. I warned you home alone.A. not walkingB. walkingC. to walkD. not to walk8. Although she didn’t mention any names, we all knew who she .A. referred toB. mentionedC. referredD. led to9. I found Tom behind the door.A. hiddenB. to hideC. hidingD. hides10. They had to the football match as the ground was too wet to play on.A. put onB. put offC. put downD. put up二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。
中职教材英语(拓展模块)电子试题附答案unit 3

Unit 3一、单项选择,从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. Alice, together with her two friends, climbing hill this Saturday.A.is going toB. are going toC. isD. are2. Not only I but also Mary fond of playing the piano.A. amB. areC. isD. was3. It’s very kind __________ your parents to do that for us?A. for B to C. about D. of4. If we __________ now, we __________ there on time.A. are going to leave, will getB. leave, will getC. will leave, getD. leave, get5. Which country is __________,Canada or Australia?A. largeB. largerC. the largestD. the larger6. They __________ much time in developing the new computer software.A. tookB. spentC. costD. got7. __________ you need help, come to me.A. WhateverB. WhereverC. WheneverD. However8. They offered him a new job but he turned it __________.A. offB. upC. inD. down9. We __________ check out of the hotel by 2 pm.A. are supposed toB. suppose toC. suppose thatD. are supposing to10. Her mother doesn’t know who she hangs __________ with.A. outB. onC. inD. about二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。

中职语文拓展模块期末测试卷一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.宠(chǒng)幸一骑(jì)蒂(dì)部祠(sí)堂B.勉强(qiǎng)曹禺(yú)瘦削(xuē)癖(pǐ)性C.调(tiáo)唆奇葩(pā)怪嗔(chēn)适当(dàng)D.暴殄(tiǎn)模拟(nǐ)皓(hào)月参与(yù)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )。
D. 好大一阵子,我才战战兢兢地走过去,用电简一照,嗨!不过是只老鼠而已!4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )A.青蛙之所以具有这样一套特殊的本领,主要是因为它有一双机能优异的大眼睛的原因。
5.下列作家、作品所处时代(朝代)作品中人物,体裁对应有误的一项是( )A.司马迁 ----《鸿门宴》 -----西汉 ----项羽 -----古代散文B.曹禺 -----《雷雨》 -----现代 ------鲁待萍 -----小说C.鲁迅 -----《祝福》 -----现代 ------四婶 ------小说D.曹雪芹 -----《红楼梦》 -----清代 ------探春 -----小说6.下列文学常识,表述有误的是()A.《史记》是我国第一部纪传体通史,共130篇。

2022年中职语文拓展模块线上测试题1、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、百舸kě绸缪móuB、橘子jú苍茫chāngC、挥斥方遒qiú层林尽染jìn(正确答案)D、寥廓liào 百侣lǚ2、修辞手法选择:白云在山里依然游来游去。
[单选题] *夸张比喻拟人(正确答案)比拟3、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、百舸kě绸缪móuB、橘子jú苍茫chāngC、挥斥方遒qiú层林尽染jìn(正确答案)D、寥廓liào 百侣lǚ4、25.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是()[单选题] *A.妯娌(zhóu)酒肆(sì)镌刻(juān)暴风骤雨(zhòu)(正确答案)B.狡黠(xié)挟持(xié)胡髭(zī)惨绝人寰(yuán)C.燥热(cào)翘首(qiào)嶙峋(xún)言不由衷(zhōng)D.私塾(shú)遁形(dùn)糜子(mí)日夜不辍(zhuì)5、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、狭隘(ài)言简意赅(hài)B、笑靥(yǎn)心宽体胖(pán)C、脸颊(jiá)诲人不倦(huǐ)D、酝酿(niàng)一蹴而就(cù)(正确答案)6、60. 下列句子没有语病的一项是()[单选题] *A.由济南著名历史人物辛弃疾、扁鹊、秦琼组成的济南“吉祥三宝”之“泉城抗疫天团”一时间成了市民的热追对象,大大激发了全民核酸检测。

英语(拓展模块)月考(2-4)试卷姓名分数一,词组互译(10分)母语既然宽容(做某事)成功闯红灯A blue-chip Thanks to be involved inlight up insist on二,单项选择(10分)( )1.Hardly _____arrived at the station when the train began to leave . A I had B had I C did I( )2.only when everything is ready ______startA you canB she doC can you( )3. ---How do you doA How do you doB Nice to meet youC How are you( )4. He knows ______Chinese, so he can’t understand us.A. littleB. a littleC. a fewD. few( )5.It is necessary to respond _____the apology to show that you forgive the person.A atB ofC to( )6.The term “mood” ____how we feel at a particular time .A refers toB looks upC according to( )7.colors are often _____with different objects .A busyB connectC associated( )8.when someone is very angry ,people would say that he or she ______A sees redB feels blueC sees orange()9Education _____an important role in the development of society. A has B takes C plays( )10 –-I am sorry about standing on your toes.-----__________A Never mindB you are welcomeC up to you三,完形填空(共30分,每小题1.5分)Many people use email to communicate with each other. If you can surf the Internet, it is a great 11___ to send messages easily, quickly and as often as you like. No 12 ___ is it necessary to find a pen or paper, not to 13_____ an envelope or stamp.Are we missing anything by not writing paper letters to people? Must you take the14_____ of writing them if you want to receive such letters? Most people would probably answer, “No, it is a waste of paper 15______ , and this is a much better system.” It is hard to be against such a viewpoint. However, I would like to try.I believe that the kinds of letters people 16______ to write were probably more 17______ than billions of emails sent today. Of course, when it 18______ to sending quick messages, email is the best. If 19_____ is important, email is particularly useful. 20 _____, if you want really to touch someone, a letter is more personal.21______ letters are the most personal. If you can type fast, you can put a lot into a letter, but it lacks(缺少) the special sense that comes from seeing the handwriting. As long as it is understandable, it doesn’t matter how tidy it is. When someone sits down and just writes to you, you will 22_____ that when you are reading it.Though I’m a teenager, I admit that I too feel 23______ to receive a letter in the mail.I love seeing my name written by hand on 24_____ .You make yourself a cup of coffee, sitdown in a comfortable place ,open your 25____, and enjoy everything that the person puts into those words just for you. What is a gift!( )11. A. chance B. way C. fun D.time( )12.A. longer B.much C. less D.important( )13. A.say B. speak C. talk D.mention( )14. A. question B.trouble C.pleasure D. problem( )15. A anyway B. too C. simple D. just( )16. A. needed B. used C. got D. agreed( )17. A.important B. useful C. helpful D. meaning( )18. A. runs B. leads es D. arrives( )19. A. money B. meaning C. feeling D. time( )20. A. However B. So C. Therefore D. But( )21. A.Long B.Typed C. Handwritten D.Short( )22.A. feel B.love C. want D.like( )23. A.excited B. disappointed C.puzzled D.surprised( )24. A. a letter B.a list C.a paper D. an envelope( )25.mouth B. letter C. book D. magazine四阅读理解ARobinson was born in a poor family. At seven he had to pick coal in a deserted mine near his home and then he sold what he had picked and earned a few coins to help his parents. He had no schooling for being so poor how could they afford school fees When he was fifteen he worked as a servant in a school. Looking at other children studying in the classroom he felt sorry for himself. In the day time after the sweeping and cleaning was over he could stand by the window outside the classroom trying to catch what the teacher said. At night he tried his best to remember what he learned during the day. He worked so hard at the lesson that he sometimes had just three or four hours’ sleep. The more he learned the greater interest he had. A maths teacher discovered him and came to like this diligent 勤奋的 boy and allowed him to sit at the back of the class. In one exam he came first in grade in the whole school. He would have been given the scholarship if he had been a regular boy of the school. Robinson struggled through six long years with his study of maths and wrote several articles which caught the attention of some university professors. They appreciated 欣赏his diligence as well as his cleverness. To give him the better chance they hired him as a librarian 图书管理员and offered him free guidance. Robinson was filled with joy for he felt that before him there was a broad road leading to success.26. When he was very small Robinson didn’t go to school because _____.A. there was no school thereB. his family was poorC. the school didn’t want himD. he didn’t like school27. When he was a teenager Robinson _____.A. went to schoolB. left schoolC. lived in a schoolD. worked in a school28.In the second paragraph of the passage,the word “catch” means___________.A. listen toB.rememberC. controlD. hear and understand29. At the end of the story Robinson was sure that he ____.A. would no longer worry about his future lifeB. would work in the library for a long timeC. would become successful in businessD. would become successful in learning30. The best title for the passage is _____.A. Diligence Makes a SuccessB. Cleverness Makes a SuccessC. A Boy’s Early lifeD. A Boy’s Early EducationB判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示I am an e-mail user. When I first started to use the e-mail system I used to read all my e-mail. I didn't have much mail. I was very excited about receiving any e-mail.I gave my friends my e-mail address. Soon I had more mail than I wanted. Some of the mail was junk mail (垃圾邮件). I was worried. I didn't want my mail to control me.I've tried some methods to help me get control of my mail. First, I check my mail at the same time every day. Also I try to allow myself only 15-20 minutes every day to process my e-mail. This doesn't always work, but I try. Sometimes I save the messages. Sometimes I just read them, maybe answer a few, and then delete them.Sometimes I'm not at all interested in a message, so I don't even open it. I delete it right away. This is very much the way I go through the mail that the postal service delivers to my home.These methods are very simple. I have some friends who are very clever with computers. From time to time, they teach me new tricks for managing my e-mail. I've also learned to transfer (转存) some messages to a disk so they don't fill up my mail files (文件夹). Then I can read them later and maybe use them in my work. I'm still amazed at what e-mail can do for me! I'm still worried, however, about having too much to read.( )31. The writer used to read all his e-mail because he didn't have much mail.( )32. After giving his friends his e-mail address the writer had more mail than he wanted.( )33. Sometimes the writer checks his mail in the morning and sometimes in the evening.( )34. The writer always spends less than 15 minutes processing his e-mail.( )35. Sometimes the writer doesn't open the mail because he is not at all interested in it.( )36. The writer teaches his friends how to manage their e-mail.C“You don’t listen” says your friend. When you answer “But I do. I can repeat every word you just said” It doesn’t seem to be good enough. “No” she says “you don’tlisten.” What’s wrong Scientists tell us that words give us only 35 percent of what we mean. The rest Body language. In other words you may hear the words but not the “tune”. Body language. You know about the hitchhiker’s thumb. That sign is clear. But what is the sign for a pretty girl An Arab strokes his beard (捋胡须). An Italian pulls on one of his ear lobes( 耳垂). An Englishman looks slowly away. Body language if you look for it is all over the place. When two people like each other they show it. They hold their bodies straighter. Eyes are bright. Skin may be pinker. And each preens. The girl works with her hair. The boy combs his hair straightens his tie – or his shirt – and pulls up his socks. When you are looking at the other person you show interest. When you fail to make eye contact you give the impression that the other person is of no importance. Words are only part of talking. The rest takes in body movements dress eye contact and of course the tone of the voice. Recently I went to a meeting of some teachers. Two teachers were arguing. What the lady was saying was polite enough. Her voice though gave her away. It kept getting higher and angrier by the minute. She was saying – in words – that there were two sides to the matter. But what she was really saying – with her tone of voice – was “I hate you” When the man told her that she was showing anger by her voice –and her whole body – she did not agree. She was not aware of her real feelings. But her body language told the story.37. We come to know about ______ for a pretty girl in different places.A. one signB. two signsC. three signsD. four signs38. If you “hear the words but don’t get the tune” it means that you ______.A. didn’t hear what the person said to youB. didn’t get the person’s real messageC. didn’t listen to the personD. didn’t notice the person’s tone of voice39. People who like each other show it by _____ according to the passage.A. telling each other about itB. holding their bodies straightC. looks and dressD. body language40 This passage means to tell us that ____.A. body language and words are both importantB. body language helps people understand others fullyC. there are different kinds of body languageD. it’s important to know some examples of body languageB .American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturday.Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programmes(节目) help children to understand (理解)the news, others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programmes show crime(犯罪) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.( )41. Some children spend eight hours more _______.A. studyingB. playing gamesC. watching TVD. helping their parents.( )42. On television children can see _____.A. gamesB. big animalsC. oceansD. almost everything( )43. Children usually spend _______ a day in school.A. six hoursB. more than eight hoursC. only a few hoursD. four hours.( )44. “Television brings places and events into homes” means_____.A. television makes things happen in homesB. we can know places and events without going to see them.C. we can see houses and buildings on TV.D we can find them easily.( )45. Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is ____ for children .A. a bad programmeB. an animalC. a gameD. an uninteresting film五.根据括号内所给单词填空。

宽城职教中心期末试题一、选择题(共40分)1、下列加点的词注音解释全对的一组是()A摧山坼.(chè,裂开)地端倪.(ní) 啃噬.(shì)B不盈不溢.(充满而流出来)坐骑.(jī,所骑的马)C翎(..(混沌、蒙昧的状态,借指远古时代)无恙...līng)毛洪荒(yàng,小病)D惨淡..(形容苦费心力)抟.(tuān,把东西揉成球形)瞩.(shù)望2、下列词语有两个错别字的一项是()A、倍尝艰苦掩耳盗铃怵目惊心唇枪舌剑B、毋庸置疑溯流而上悬梁刺股风姿绰约C、瑕不掩瑜飘泼大雨风雨如晦成人之美D、察言观色穷途末路声名雀起锦秀河山3、下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()A、早上起来就看到天气很不好,乌云密布、暮气沉沉....的,好像要下雨,又好像要起风是的。
A、原型查出反映岁月B、原形判处反映春秋C、原型查处反应春秋 C、原形判处反应春秋5、下列各句,标点符号使用正确的一项是()A、他认真地看过这封信后,郑重地转给了有关部门,不知道有关部门收到这些信后作何感想?能不能像影片中那位女法官那样秉公断案,尽快解决问题?B、以前可能因为年龄小,不知道珍惜时间,现在我才体会到“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

第I卷一、语文知识运用(22分)1、下列词语中加点字的读音正确的一项是()(3分)A. 撮.土(cuō)便当.(dāng)入场券.(juàn)污秽.(huì)B. 庞蕴.(yùn)笨拙.(zuō)木橛.子(quē)抽噎. (yē)C. 一绺.(lǚ)踽.踽(jǔ)黑黢.黢(qū)嗲.声(diě)D. 憧.憬(chōng)嘟哝.(nong)乍.一看(zhà)打蔫.(niān)2、下列词语中有两个错别字的是()(3分)A. 箢篼弥高不胫而走炯乎不同B. 缥渺逶迤曲高合寡毛骨悚然C. 遒劲饿殍楔而不舍翩然离去D. 馥郁刮痧兀兀穷年气充斗牛3.下列句子中有语病的一项是()(3分)A.为了防止这类交通事故不再发生;我们加强了交通安全方面的教育和管理。