Bay of Plenty Polytechnic (Tauranga)丰盛湾理工学院关键词:学院公立综合性院校简介:丰盛湾理工学院位于新西兰飞速发展的海滨城市陶朗加。
丰盛湾理工学院于北岛陶朗阿市(Tau- ranga),设有两所校舍,并于Edgecumbe设有一所小校舍。
1. 奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)奥克兰大学是新西兰最大、历史最悠久、国际影响最大的大学之一。
2. 墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)虽然墨尔本大学是澳大利亚的大学,但其在新西兰备受推崇。
3. 奥塔哥大学 (University of Otago)奥塔哥大学是新西兰历史最悠久的大学之一,位于新西兰南岛。
4. 威灵顿维多利亚大学 (Victoria University of Wellington)作为新西兰首都惠灵顿的主要大学,威灵顿维多利亚大学为学生提供广泛的学科选择。
5. 威尔士理工学院 (University of Waikato)威尔士理工学院是新西兰的一所综合性大学,位于汉密尔顿市。
6. 坎特伯雷大学 (University of Canterbury)坎特伯雷大学是新西兰南岛的一所著名大学,该大学在工程学、科学、地球科学等领域具有很高的声誉。
Rajamangala University of T echnology Rattanakosin (RMUTR)大学简介School profile泰国兰塔纳功欣皇家理工大学(简称:国王理工),是全泰国的公立皇室大学之一,隶属于泰王国高等教育部管辖。
相较于国内本硕博连读节省1-3 年学习时间,平均学费3-5 万元人民币每年,仅为欧美留学费用1/4,纯欧美式精英教育培养模式,等同于国内三本的费用,留学性价比高,更拥有泰国皇室成员主持毕业典礼、颁发学位证的殊荣。
国际创业管理学院隶属于泰国兰塔纳功皇家理工大学的11 个学院之一,位于兰塔纳功欣皇家理工大学校本部沙娜娅(Salaya)校区。
为泰国国家经济政策4.0” 以及东盟一体化战略发展而建立的创新创业型重点学院,学院所有开设的专业均可采用中文或者英文授课,辅修泰文,推行欧式教学系统,实行学分制,学制灵活。
关于学校 About school 国王理工是泰国公立皇室大学之一,隶属于泰王国高等教育部管辖。
专业师资和学生国王理工是中国教育部涉外监管信息网重点推荐院校学位承认国王理工现有学生约 20000 名,教师近 2000 名,其中博士占 70%。
栝楼根腐病镰孢菌拮抗菌SJ1623发酵代谢物的抑制活性余利,孟祥涛,陈甦,潘怀松,段海明∗㊀(安徽科技学院,安徽凤阳233100)摘要㊀检测了6株拮抗菌发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性,采用菌丝生长速率法测定优势拮抗菌不同接种量和发酵时间对发酵上清液抑菌活性的影响,测定了不同稀释倍数的发酵上清液和脂肽粗提物对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性㊂结果表明,对栝楼根腐病菌抑制活性最高的拮抗菌为SJ1623,种子液培养时间为10h ,0.75%(体积比)的接种量效果较好;发酵上清液稀释10倍对病菌的抑制率为87.6%,脂肽粗提物50倍稀释液对病菌的抑制率为83.1%㊂关键词㊀栝楼根腐病;拮抗菌;发酵液;抑制活性中图分类号㊀S 435.67㊀㊀文献标识码㊀A㊀㊀文章编号㊀0517-6611(2024)03-0119-03doi :10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2024.03.028㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Inhibitory Activity of Fermentation Metabolites of Antagonistic Bacteria SJ1623Against Trichosanthes kirilowii Fusarium Root Rot YU Li ,MENG Xiang-tao ,CHEN Su et al㊀(Anhui Science and Technology University,Fengyang,Anhui 233100)Abstract ㊀The inhibitory activity of the fermentation supernatant of 6antagonistic bacteria against Trichosanthes kirilowii Fusarium root rot was detected.The effects of different inoculation amount and fermentation time of the dominant antagonistic bacteria on the antifungal activity of fer-mentation supernatant were determined by the mycelial growth rate method.The inhibitory activity of fermentation supernatant and crude li-popeptide extract against Fusarium sp.was determined.The results showed that the antagonistic bacteria SJ1623had the highest inhibitory ac-tivity.The seed liquid culture time was 10h,and the inoculation amount of 0.75%(volume ratio )was better.The inhibition rate of the fer-mentation supernatant diluted 10times was 87.6%.The inhibition rate of 50times dilution of crude lipopeptide extract was 83.1%.Key words ㊀Trichosanthes kirilowii root rot;Antagonistic bacteria;Fermentation broth;Inhibitory activity基金项目㊀凤阳县科技计划项目(NY2022-05);作物抗逆育种与减灾国家地方联合工程实验室开放基金(NELCOF20190102);安徽省高校自然科学研究项目(KJ2017A510,KJ2019A0814);安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(202104a06020001)㊂作者简介㊀余利(1985 ),女,贵州习水人,实验师,从事作物栽培和育种研究㊂∗通信作者,副教授,从事作物病害生物防治研究㊂收稿日期㊀2023-02-10㊀㊀栝楼(Trichosanthes kirilowii )是葫芦科栝楼属多年生缠绕性藤本植物㊂栝楼的种子㊁根㊁茎㊁叶㊁瓜皮皆可做优良的中药材,具有解热止渴㊁利尿㊁镇咳祛痰㊁扩张冠状动脉㊁抗肿瘤㊁抑制血小板凝集等药理功能[1-2]㊂栝楼属于多年生宿根植物,一旦地下发生根腐病对其生长造成严重的影响,轻则因营养不良而造成减产,重则引起整株死亡而导致绝收[3]㊂栝楼根腐病的致病因素比较复杂,主要分为生物因素和非生物因素2个方面,其中生物因素主要由病原真菌㊁线虫和细菌引起,而非生物因素则由水分胁迫㊁土壤及其营养元素失衡等造成,二者致病因素混合存在导致根腐病发生更为严重㊂闫龙民等[4]研究表明,栝楼块根中锌和磷的含量越高,根腐病的发病率越低,可通过加施上述2种元素的方法减轻损失㊂栝楼根腐病大多数是由镰孢属真菌(Fusarium sp.)侵染引起,具有明显的积年流行病害的特征,应提早开展防治工作[5]㊂施用多菌灵㊁福美双㊁苯醚甲环唑等化学药剂不能彻底根除该病害的发生,而且连年施用对环境具有较大破坏作用,不利于中药材的药品安全[6]㊂目前,对栝楼等中药材根部病害主要采取生物防治的相关措施,枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis )㊁解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefa-ciens )㊁哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum )等微生物菌剂以及功能菌发酵制备的生物有机肥已较为广泛地应用于中药材根腐病的防治,在部分地区产生了可观的效果,但应用益生菌防治病害受到菌株种类㊁环境㊁施用方法等的影响较大,总体推广应用面积较小[7]㊂因此,通过系统研究筛选更加高效广适的拮抗菌对于栝楼根腐病的防治具有重要意义㊂笔者以栝楼根腐病菌(Fusarium sp.)为靶标菌,开展拮抗菌株筛选研究,进而为栝楼根腐病的可持续防控提供优良的生防菌株㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀材料1.1.1㊀供试菌株㊂栝楼根腐病菌(Fusarium sp.)㊁细菌菌株SJ1510㊁SJ1519㊁SJ1623㊁GFJ -3㊁D -1和F -1由安徽科技学院植物土传病害生物防治研究室分离纯化并保存㊂1.1.2㊀供试培养基㊂PDA 培养基㊁NA 培养基和NB 培养基参照方中达[8]的方法配制㊂1.2㊀方法1.2.1㊀6株拮抗菌对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性及优势菌的生长曲线㊂无菌条件下将6株细菌划线培养至NA 培养基平板上,置于26ħ恒温箱中培养72h,待菌苔长出后接种到装有15mL NB 培养基的试管中,以140r /min 摇培10h,然后用分光光度计以无菌NB 培养基为对照调整OD 600=1.0,然后再以0.2%(体积比)的接种量接种到装有50mL NB 培养基的150mL 三角瓶中,140r /min 摇培72h,得到菌株的发酵液置于4ħ㊁10000r /min 的离心机中离心10min 得到上清液㊂吸取5mL 发酵上清液和2.5mL 1000mg /L 硫酸链霉素水溶液同时加入42.5mL 冷却到40~60ħ的PDA 培养基中,迅速充分混匀后倒3个平板,对照加入等量和上述浓度相同的硫酸链霉素溶液和5mL 灭菌水,重复3次㊂待平板凝固,接种培养144h 菌落边缘的菌饼(直径为7mm),然后置于26ħ恒温培养箱中连续培养144h 后测量菌落直径,求出不同菌株发酵上清液对病菌的抑制率,优选出抑制效果较好的拮抗菌株用于以下试验㊂1.2.2㊀不同接种量对病菌的抑制活性影响测定㊂按照安徽农业科学,J.Anhui Agric.Sci.2024,52(3):119-121㊀㊀㊀1.2.1 制备的种子液按照0.0625%㊁0.1250%㊁0.2500%㊁0.7500%㊁1.0000%㊁1.5000%(体积比)的接种量接种到装有50mL NB培养基的150mL三角瓶中摇培,同样按照 1.2.1 的方法制备发酵上清液,检测不同接种量制备的发酵上清液对病菌抑制活性的影响㊂1.2.3㊀不同发酵时间对病菌的抑制活性影响测定㊂按 1.2.1 和 1.2.2 优化试验条件开展不同培养时间对病菌抑制活性的影响㊂接种完毕后,发酵摇培时间分别为24㊁48㊁60㊁72㊁84㊁96和120h,检测不同发酵培养时间制备的发酵上清液对病菌抑制活性的影响㊂1.2.4㊀不同稀释倍数的发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性测定㊂参照 1.2.1 的方法检测最优条件下制备的发酵上清液原液和原液的1.5㊁3.0㊁4.0和8.0倍稀释液的抑菌活性,然后求出不同浓度的发酵上清液对病菌的抑制率㊂1.2.5㊀不同脂肽粗提物对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性测定㊂采用邓建良等[9]方法略有改进制备脂肽粗提物㊂将脂肽粗提物分别稀释5㊁7㊁10㊁15㊁20和40倍,脂肽粗提物的抑菌活性检测方法同 1.2.4 发酵上清液的检测方法㊂1.3㊀抑制率计算公式以及数据分析㊀抑菌率=(对照菌饼直径-处理菌饼直径)/(对照菌饼直径-菌饼直径)ˑ100%;所得数据采用Excel2007和IBM SPSS statistics25.0进行分析㊂2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀6株拮抗菌发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制效果㊀从表1可以看出,6株拮抗细菌对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制率从高到低的顺序为SJ1623㊁SJ1519㊁D-1㊁GFJ-3㊁F-1和GFJ1510㊂其中SJ1623的抑制效果最好,抑制率达82.1%, GFJ1510的抑制效果最差为44.6%㊂筛选出菌株SJ1623作为下一步的研究对象㊂表1㊀6株细菌发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌的抑菌效果Table1㊀Antifungal effect of fermentation supernatant of6strains on Fusarium sp.菌株Strain 发酵上清液浓度Concenration of fermentation supernatantʊmL/L抑菌率Inhibition rateʊ%GFJ151010044.6ʃ1.2F-110051.0ʃ1.5 GFJ-310055.8ʃ2.5D-110057.6ʃ1.1SJ151910071.5ʃ0.7SJ162310082.1ʃ1.82.2㊀拮抗菌SJ1623的生长曲线㊀由图1可知,0~6h为菌株生长的延滞期,6~14h为对数生长期,然后进入稳定期㊂因此,选定菌株对数生长的中期10h作为种子液的培养时间㊂2.3㊀拮抗菌SJ1623不同接种量的发酵上清液对病菌的抑制活性㊀由图2可知,随着接种量的不断增加,拮抗菌产发酵上清液的抑制率呈逐渐上升后下降的趋势㊂接种量为0.7500%(体积比)抑制率达最高为85.74%,接种量为图1㊀拮抗菌SJ1623的生长曲线Fig.1㊀Growth curve of antagonistic bacteria SJ1623 0.0625%抑制率最小为62.85%㊂由此可知,初始接种量对发酵上清液抑制活性的影响较大,当接种量较小时菌体增殖较慢,产生的抑菌物质较少;然而接种量过大对抑菌物质的产生同样不利,推测接种量过大导致发酵培养基中的基质营养物消耗过快,导致营养物缺乏或溶氧不足,从而使抑菌效果下降㊂图2㊀不同接种量对发酵上清液抑菌活性的影响Fig.2㊀Effect of different inoculation amount on the antifungal activity of fermentation supernatant2.4㊀拮抗菌SJ1623不同发酵培养时间的发酵上清液对病菌的抑制活性㊀由图3可知,随着培养时间的延长,拮抗菌产发酵上清液的抑制率逐渐上升后缓慢下降㊂培养时长为84h时抑制率最高为87.13%,培养时长为24h抑制率最小为39.58%㊂说明培养时间过短,菌量少抑菌活性物质产生少,但随着培养时间增加,菌量进一步增大,可能由于大量菌体的存在致使抑菌活性物质被菌体吸附而抑菌效果下降,也图3㊀不同培养时间对发酵上清液抑菌活性的影响Fig.3㊀Effect of different culture times on the antifungal activity of fermentation supernatant021㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀安徽农业科学㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2024年有可能是抑菌物质被进一步分解转化为其他抑菌活性下降的物质㊂2.5㊀拮抗菌SJ1623发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性㊀由表2可知,SJ1623发酵上清液的浓度从12.5mL/L增至100.0mL/L时,发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌的抑菌率从40.2%增至87.6%,说明发酵上清液对栝楼根腐病菌具有较高的活性,稀释倍数小于15倍所达到的抑菌效果较好㊂表2㊀拮抗菌SJ1623发酵上清液对病菌的抑制活性Table2㊀Inhibitory activity of fermentation supernatant of strain SJ1623against Fusarium sp.稀释倍数Dilution ratio 发酵上清液浓度Concenration of fermentation supernatantʊmL/L抑菌率Inhibition rateʊ%8012.540.2ʃ1.1 4025.048.1ʃ0.5 3033.356.8ʃ1.3 1566.773.5ʃ1.4 10100.087.6ʃ0.22.6㊀拮抗菌SJ1623脂肽粗提物对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性㊀由表3可知,从发酵上清液中提取的脂肽粗提物对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制效果明显高于发酵上清液对病菌的抑制效果,50倍稀释液的抑菌率可达83.1%㊂然后随着稀释倍数的增加抑菌率开始降低,因而对病菌要有较高的抑制效果,其稀释倍数应小于70倍㊂表3㊀拮抗菌SJ1623产脂肽粗提物对病菌的抑制活性Table3㊀Inhibitory activity of crude lipopeptide extract from antago-nistic strain SJ1623against Fusarium sp.稀释倍数Dilution ratio 脂肽粗提物浓度Concentrationof crude lipopep-tide extractʊmL/L抑菌率Inhibitionrateʊ%5020.083.1ʃ0.5 7014.375.3ʃ1.2 10010.064.3ʃ0.8 150 6.754.6ʃ2.6 200 5.049.0ʃ2.2 400 2.528.5ʃ2.83㊀结论与讨论近年来,栝楼种植效益较高,种植面积扩大较快,但由于栝楼为多年生宿根植物,为根部病害的发生创造了良好条件[10]㊂栝楼根腐病的发生受到多重因素的影响,应全方位考虑㊂如不合理灌溉施肥导致土壤酸化,土壤微生物群落结构失调导致土壤微生物多样性降低㊁种群结构简单,有益微生物的生长受到抑制,有益菌逐渐受到有害菌的排斥,从而使土壤从细菌主导型向真菌主导型转化,最终导致以根腐病为代表的土传病害愈演愈烈[11]㊂生物防治措施作为延缓土传病害发生的治本措施,已形成诸多重要成果,也为营造绿色可持续的农业生产环境提供了重要实践路径[12]㊂栝楼根腐病的生物防治措施报道较少,但其主要致病菌 镰孢菌(Fusarium sp.)为代表的葫芦科植物根腐病相关生物防治研究较多㊂曹云娥等[13]采用平板对峙法结合抑制菌丝生长速率法,从蚯蚓堆肥中筛选到1株对4种瓜类枯萎病菌均有显著抑制效果的拮抗细菌WQ-6,经鉴定为暹罗芽孢杆菌(Bacillus siamensis),其对瓜类枯萎病菌具有广谱性防效,发酵液10倍稀释液的抑菌率为34.96%~46.75%;张涵等[14]从河南南阳桐柏山景区土壤中分离筛选到一株对苦瓜枯萎病菌具有抑制效果的短短芽孢杆菌(Brevibacillus brevis TB17),发酵液10倍无菌滤液对病菌的抑制率为54.95%,盆栽防效达76.92%㊂该研究所得的菌株SJ1623的发酵上清液10倍稀释液的室内菌丝生长抑制率达80%以上,说明其应用价值更大,活体试验需要进一步探究㊂脂肽类物质为拮抗细菌发酵液中提取的重要抑菌活性物质[15]㊂向亚萍等[16]报道芽孢杆菌产脂肽类抗生素是抑制植物病原真菌的主要成分,其中伊枯草菌素(iturins)的结构变化及其分泌量与抑菌活性具有相关性㊂该研究所提取的脂肽类物质对栝楼根腐病菌的抑制活性明显高于发酵上清液,同样也说明脂肽类物质在抑菌方面发挥重要作用,下一步应研究脂肽类物质中起主要抑菌作用的活性成分,从而为菌株的开发利用提供基础数据㊂参考文献[1]王力玄,杨磊磊,郭颖婕,等.栝楼化学成分及药理作用研究进展[J].特产研究,2020,42(2):79-84.[2]王楠,汤俊瑜,李怡洁,等.云南栝楼属植物的化学成分及生物活性研究进展[J].安徽农业科学,2022,50(22):1-5.[3]巢志茂.瓜蒌栽培生产和加工贮存环节病虫害防治研究进展[J].中国中医药信息杂志,2009,16(9):100-102.[4]闫龙民,车勇.某些矿物质元素与栝楼根腐病的关系[J].特产研究, 2000,22(2):37-38,43.[5]薛玲,吴洵耻,姜广正,等.栝楼根腐病病原菌的研究[J].山东农业大学学报,1992,23(4):415-420.[6]廖长宏,陈军文,吕婉婉,等.根和根茎类药用植物根腐病研究进展[J].中药材,2017,40(2):492-497.[7]魏蕾.根际微生物防治土传病害研究进展[J].蔬菜,2022(11):32-39.[8]方中达.植病研究方法[M].北京:中国农业出版社,1995:152.[9]邓建良,刘红彦,刘玉霞,等.解淀粉芽孢杆菌YN-1抑制植物病原真菌活性物质鉴定[J].植物病理学报,2010,40(2):202-209.[10]邢站,赵红艳,刘坤,等.瓜蒌规范化生产操作规程[J].山东农机化, 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综合英语教程第五册 课后答案 课件Unit-09 Kids and Computers
Detailed Reading
1. There's a familiar saying, "Play is children's work." Through play, people who study child development tell us, children develop the skills and outlooks that determine the adults they will become. Playing house or school, for example, helps them "try on" the roles of Mom or Dad or teacher. Athletic activities help kids develop coordination, learn to work as part of a group, and gain confidence and a sense of fair play. Even solitary activities like reading connect children with the wider world, encouraging a sense of empathy with the greater human family.
泰国先皇理工大学(拉卡邦)(英语:King Mongkut's Institute of Tech-nology Ladkrabang简称:KMITL)位于泰国首都曼谷市内,是曼谷市的主要研究和教育机构之一。
在1982年KMITL颁发了国家的第一一个电机工程专业的博士学位,并且把电机工程博士学位授予给Chom Kimpan博士,其也是泰国大学准许的第一个工程博士。
The Effectiveness of the Setting of Volleyball Training Guide Model to Increase the Setting SkillAbstract — D evelopment of science and technology an important to improving of human resources, especially in the issue of education. The use of media in learning and training activities greatly helps the process of delivering material effectively and efficiently. The use of appropriate media will help encouraging motivation, creativity, and enthusiasm of students or athletes in participating in exercises activities . The purpose of this study is to find out whether the guidebook on volleyball passing training model for volleyball extracurricular participants at the junior high school level is effectively used as a medium to improve volleyball passing skill at junior high school age. The numbers of research subjects are 60 junior high school students in Makassar, South Sulawesi, selected by using purposive sampling. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method from Borg and Gall. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest test to the research subjects obtained significant results on improving passing skills on volleyball. So it can be concluded that the manual about the volleyball passing training model for junior volleyball extracurricular participants is effectively used to improve the results of volleyball passing skills.Keywords: exercise, setting, gamesKhurotul Aini Sport EducationState University of Jakarta Islamic University of 45 BekasiMoch. AsmawiFaculty of Sport Science StateUniversity of Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia Ramdan Pelana Faculty of Sport Science State University of JakartaJakarta, Indonesia Firmansyah Dlis Faculty of Sport Science State University of JakartaJakarta, IndonesiaJakarta, ME WinarnoFaculty of Sport Science State University of MalangMalang, Indonesia James Tangkudung Faculty of Sport Science State University of JakartaJakarta, Indonesia Achmad Sofyan Hanif Faculty of Sport Science State University of JakartaJakarta, Indonesia I.I NTRODUCTIONThe need for technological development at this time is the latest innovation to achieve the latest breakthroughs. The innovativeness of course cannot be separated from the stages of learning cognition that have been taken by students. This is done so that the new breakthroughs created do not neglect the main actors in the learning process. One form of communication which can be done by trainers, coaches and teachers can be through media.Media is one source of learning that is understood as a device, material, or arrangement, where students can interactwith the surrounding environment with the aim of facilitating students to improve performance[1]. The media is a form of a communication channel to convey messages from the sender of information to the recipient of information. In a study or exercise, it also needs the right media to deliver material effectively and efficiently. Educational or learning media are said to be media if they are used to channel or convey messages with educational goals. In general, educational media have the following uses: 1) Clarify the presentation of the message, so that it is not too verbal or mere verbal; 2) Overcome the limitations of space, time and sense, and 3) The use of varied and appropriate educational media can overcome the passivity of students [2].Therefore, teachers, trainers and coaches are expected to be able to present media in a form which is more interesting, varied and able to improve students’ activity in learning activities. In learning activities, a good system design is needed to design, analyze and implement an instruction carried out by a trainer, teacher or coach to students as participants. This is in line with the opinion which states that instructional design or instructional systems design conceptualizing the preparatory process of instruction is the most representative field in educational technology, Gustafson in [3]. The use of the study guide is a form of instructional design which is used to design approaches appropriate for students, to design, to develop the material, and to be used as further evaluation material. In addition, using media will involve students or athletes to share ideas, understand other people's reactions, sharpen thinking and deepen understanding [4]. Research and development are needed to develop learning media. In the educational field, the main purpose of research and development is not to formulate or test theories, but to develop effective products for use in schools [5]. An effective product is a product which is able to overcome the gaps between expectation and reality that can be generated in the form of hardware, software and has certain characteristics which meet the current needs.Learning media strongly supports activities in the field of sports, in which sports play an active role1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019)in increasing student activity. The results of the study prove thestatement stating that Studies have shown that children who participate in organized sports are significantly more active thanthose who do not [6]. In addition, sports can overcome negativeproblems such as anxiety, stress and depression in athletes [7].The use of visual media is also needed in sports volleyball.The importance of visual information in the learning process iswell known. Consider that, on average, people learn 1% through what they like, 1.5% through what they touch, 3.5% through what they smell, 11% through what they hear, but 83% through what what they see. The study also found that individualsretained 10% of what they wrote, 20% of what they heard, 30%of what they saw, 50% of what they saw and heard, and 70% of what they discussed [8] It is well known that volleyball is apopular sport. This is because there have been many studiesstating that volleyball is a sport which can improve total body performance [9]. Athletes need to develop basic movementskills to develop special skills so that they are able to excel. Volleyball is a sport which depends a lot on internal and external factors. It is in line with the opinion stating that winning a volleyball match is dependent on the personal factors of players’ motor skills, trainers’ coaching skills, and on the intellectualfactors of match analysis and strategy development, Mottley in[10]. This means that all internal and external aspects are closely related to the success of a sport. One of the most successfulforms of volleyball training is the mastery of basic techniques. The basic techniques in volleyball are serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking, and serving receive. To stimulate children to master basic techniques, it is done with an interesting or illustrated guidebook [11].By all means, coaches need to teach athletes the basic skills. One of the basic techniques which need to be done is to train the passing on each student, meaning that it is not only for the tosser. This is in line with the opinion which states that when a child’s ability to set the ball allows your team to create a scoring opportunity out of a broken play [12]. Hence, each student will be able to get points from the setting skills they have and does not depend on the setters. To carry out varied passing exercises, it is necessary to do research and development on volleyball, especially passing. Research and development (R&D) is a process for developing and validating a product. The steps of this process are called cycles which consist of studying research findings related to the product, developing the product based on these findings, testing it in the place of the research subject, revising it to correct the deficiencies found at the proposed testing stage. In a more rigorous R&D program, this cycle is repeated until it shows the value that the product meets the objectives set.[13]. Research and development emphasizes the process used to develop and justify the results of products which are developed to the experts and have sequential steps.Participants in this study are volleyball extracurricularparticipants in a junior high school classified as adolescence.During this period, the recognizable period of physical activity decline [14]. The statement explains that efforts are needed to increase physical activity such as exercise in extracurricular activities which are carried out regularly and in an organized manner. This is in line with the opinion which states that exercise is described as planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive with the goal of physical improvement [15]. Therefore, through proper exercise, an increase in physical activity will be achieved properly. Exercise is not only done prior to the championship or competition, but it needs to be done in a long-term period.This is in line with the opinion which states that players that acquired higher amount of game skills then possess an advantage [16] This means that mastering a number of basic skills as much as possible will benefit athletes to properly complete a task either independently or in groups or teams in certain sports. It should also be supported by a good training program and be carried out by professional trainers who already have good training programs. The results of the study stated that inadequate or unsuitable training programs would reduce the physical condition and skills of the students [17].Based on the results of a needs analysis conducted for 20 extracurricular participants and interviews with 2 volleyball trainers, it is found that (1) The experience as a volleyball player is around 14-15 years, but the experience as a trainer for volleyball is only 3-4 years; (2) Trainers got the experience when they were players and college students; (3) The trainer applies the upper passing variation exercises such as in pairs and independent drills; (4) As much as 86.95% of athletes need variations in the exercise to help reducing boredom during the training; (5) Athletes need guidebooks to help the training process and (6) Trainers need reference material to train volleyball passing.II.M ETHODA.Research Method1)MethodThe method used in this study uses the Borg and Gall method using nine steps [18], basically comprise two main objectives: (1)developing the product and (2) testing the effectiveness of the product in achieving the goal. The first objective is called validation. Thus, the concept of research and development is more properly defined as a development effort coupled with validation.2)ProcessThe implementation of this research uses Borg & Gall's (1983) research and development process through nine processes, namely: (1) Research and Information Collection, (2) Planning, (3) Preliminary Development, (4) Preliminary Field Testing, (5 ) Main Product Revisions, (6) Main Field Testing, (7)Operational Product Revisions, (8) Operational Field Trials and (9) Final Product Revisions [18]. The following is a description of the research process carried out by researchers in table 1.3)ParticipantsThe subjects of the study were extracurricular participants (n = 60) of volleyball in the junior high schools, namely State Junior High Schools 3, 13, 24 and 27 Makassar City with characteristics aged 13-16 years old. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This research was conducted from September 2017 to October 2018. A trial was conducted on volleyball experts, games, media and training to perfect the guidebook product for volleyball.B.Data AnalysisThe Data analysis form of descriptive qualitative percentage analysis as follows.1)The formula for processing data per subject.P = XXi x 100%Information:P : Percentage of subject evaluation resultsX : Number of answer scores by the subjectX i : The maximum number of answers in the aspect of assessment by the subject2)The formula for processing data as a whole subject:P = ΣXΣXi x 100%Information:P : Percentage of results of the overall evaluation of the subject∑X: The total number of answers to the subject in all aspects of the assessment∑Xi: The total number of maximum scores of the test subjects in all aspects of the assessmentTo test the effectiveness of the guidebook, the one-group pretest-posttest design which is pre-experimental research design was used as shown in table 2 below:TABLE II. R ESEARCH D ESIGN IN THE E FFECTIVENESS T ESTING OF THEG UIDEBOOKThe steps in this trial include; (1) forming a group of research subjects; (2) conducting a pre-test (O1); (3) trying a product that has been developed; (4) carrying out post-test (O2);Research and development conducted by the researchers resulted in the findings summarized in table 3:TABLE III. T HE R ESULTS OF R ESEARCH AND D EVELOPMENTThe Results of Research and DevelopmentTABLE I. T HE P ROCESS OF R ESEARCH(5)looking for pre-test and post-test average scores and comparing them; (6) finding the difference between the two averages through the T-Test using the SPSS 21 application program.III.R ESULT A ND D ISCUSSIONA.Product Development ResultsB.Effectiveness Test ResultsAfter conducting a small group trial and revising the second stage for the product development model of volleyball passing for volleyball extracurricular participants, a field trial and a third stage revision were conducted. Hence, to find the effectiveness of the product, it is necessary to implement it by using a experimental design in the form of "one group pretest-posttest design". The T-test was used to the effectiveness of the application of the guidebook on passing model. Before conducting data analysis, it is necessary to test the normality of the results of the pre-test and post-test of volleyball passing using the Lilliefors [19]at the real level α = 0.05. The following is a summary of the results of normality test calculations shown in table 4 below:TABLE IV. S UMMARY OF T EST R ESULTS FOR N ORMALITY IN P RETESTAND P OSTTEST D ATA OF V OLLEYBALL P ASSING S KILLSDescription: Group 1 = Pretest data of volleyball passing skills Group 2 = Posttest data of volleyball passing skills n = Number of test L o = L-count value L t = L-table value α = 0.05The results of normality test, as shown in table 1, Lo values obtained for all pretest and posttest data for basic volleyball passing skills on are smaller than Lt at the real level α = 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that all the pretest and posttest data of volleyball passing skills are from normally distributed populations.Before conducting further data analysis, it is necessary to test the effectiveness of the implementation of the volleyball guidebook for junior high school volleyball extracurricular participants using the paired sample t-test with the application of SPSS version 21 with the summary in table 5 as follows:TABLE V. P AIRED S AMPLES R ESULTS FOR P ASSING A BILITY T ESTSThe basis of decision making: If the Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05, there is a significant difference between the results of the exercise on the pre-test and post-test data. If the Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05, there is no significant difference between the results of the exercise on the pre-test and post-test data. So can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the results of passing training on volleyball in the pretest and posttest data. Thus it can be stated that the guidebook on volleyball passing training models for junior high school volleyball extracurricular participants is effectively used to improve the results of volleyball passing skills.IV.C ONCLUSIONAfter data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the hypothesis that the passing exercise guidebook model for extracurricular participants is proven to be able to help trainers and athletes to improve their volleyball passing skills effectively and efficiently. Thus the use of the volleyball passing exercise guidebook model is effective for use.R EFERENCES[1]M. Januszewski & Molenda, Educational Technology . New York: Routledge, 2008.[2]D. W. Dwiyogo, Aplikasi Teknologi Pembelajaran MediaPembelajaran Penjas & Olahraga . Malang: Fakultas Ilmu Pendiidkan Universitas Negeri Malang, 2008.[3]C. Lim, S. Choi, and M. Hong, “A Developmental Study ofInstructional Systems Design Model for Primary School Teacher,” J. Educ. 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一、综合大学(18所)1、University of Warsaw华沙大学2、University of Bia ystok比亚威斯托克大学3、University of Gdańsk格但斯克大学4、Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań波兹南密茨凯维奇大学5、Jagiellonian University in Kraków克拉科夫雅盖隆大学6、University of ód 罗兹大学7、Maria Curie-Sk odowska University in Lublin卢布林居里夫人大学8、Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń托伦哥白尼大学9、Opole University奥波莱大学10、The University of Szczecin什切青大学11、University of Silesia in Katowice卡托维兹西里西亚大学12、University of Rzeszów热舒夫大学13、University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn奥尔什丁瓦尔米亚玛祖里大学14、University of Wroc aw弗罗茨瓦夫大学15、Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw华沙维申斯基红衣主教大学16、University of Zielona Góra绿山大学17、The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin卢布林天主教大学18、Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz比得哥熙卡基米日维尔基大学[$pagetag]二、技术大学(21所)1、Warsaw University of Technology华沙工业大学2、Bia ystok University of Technology比亚威斯托克工业大学3、University of Bielsko-Bia a别耳斯科-比亚瓦技术人文学院4、Cz stochowa University of Technology琴希托霍瓦工业大学5、Gdańsk University of Technology格但斯克工业大学6、Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice西里西亚工业大学(格利维策)7、Kielce University of Technology圣十字工业大学(凯尔采)8、Tadeusz Kosciuszko Cracow University ofTechnology克拉科夫工业大学9、AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków矿业冶金学院10、Lublin University of Technology卢布林工业大学11、Technical University of ód 罗兹工业大学12、The Opole University of Technology奥波莱工业大学13、Poznań University of Technology波兹南工业大学14、Kasimir Pulaski Technical University of Radom腊多姆工业大学15、Rzeszów University of Technology热舒夫工业大学16、West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin什切青工业大学17、Woc aw University of Technology弗罗茨瓦夫工业大学18、University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz希尼亚德茨基农业技术学院19、Gdynia Maritime University格丁尼亚海洋学院20、Maritime University in Szczecin什切青海洋学院21、Military University of Technology in Warsaw华沙军事科技学院[$pagetag]三、体育大学学院(6所)1、J drzej niadecki Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk格但斯克希尼亚德茨基体育学院2、The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice卡托维兹体育学院3、University School of Physical Education in Kraków克拉科夫柴赫体育学院4、The Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education in Poznań波兹南比亚赛茨基体育学院5、Józef Pi sudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw 华沙毕苏茨基体育学院6、University School of Physical Education in Wroc aw弗罗茨瓦夫体育学院[$pagetag]四、医科大学(11所)1、Medical University of Bia ystok亚威斯托克医学院2、Nicolaus Copernicus University Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz雷迪盖尔医学院3、Medical University of Gdańsk格但斯克医学院4、Medical University of Silesia in Katowice卡托维兹西里西亚医学院5、Medical University of Lublin卢布林医学院6、Medical University of ód 罗兹医学院7、Poznań University of Medical Sciences马尔琴科夫斯基医学院8、Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin什切青波莫瑞医学院9、Medical University of Warsaw华沙医学院10、Wroc aw Medical University西里西亚皮亚斯特医学院11、Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków克拉科夫雅盖隆大学医学院[$pagetag]五、经济大学(5所)1、University of Economics in Katowice阿达密耶茨基经济学院2、Cracow University of Economics克拉科夫经济学院3、Poznań University of Economics波兹南经济学院4、Warsaw School of Economics华沙中央商学院(原:华沙经济学院)5、Wroc aw University of Economics弗罗茨瓦夫经济学院[$pagetag]六、艺术学院(18所)1、Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk格但斯克美术学院2、Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice卡托维兹美术学院3、Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Art in Kraków克拉科夫马泰依科美术学院4、Strzemiński Academy of Art in ód 罗兹斯特热敏斯基美术学院5、The University of Arts in Poznań波兹南美术学院6、The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw华沙美术学院7、The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art in Wroc aw弗罗茨瓦夫美术学院8、The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz比得哥熙音乐学院9、The Stanis aw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk莫纽什科音乐学院10、The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice席曼诺夫斯基音乐学院11、Academy of Music in Kraków 克拉科夫音乐学院12、The Gra yna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in ód 罗兹音乐学院13、The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań帕德莱夫斯基音乐学院14、The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw肖邦音乐学院15、The Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wroc aw利平斯基音乐学院16、The Ludwik Solski State Drama School in Kraków克拉科夫索尔斯基高等国立戏剧学校17、The Polish National Film, Television and Theater School in ód 罗兹高等国立席勒电影、电视与戏剧学校18、The Aleksander Zelwerowicz State Theatre Academy in Warsaw华沙泽尔维罗维奇戏剧学院[$pagetag]七、农业大学(5所)1、University of Agriculture in Kraków克拉科夫科翁泰农学院2、University of Life Sciences in Lublin卢布林农学院3、Poznań University of Life Sciences波兹南农学院4、Warsaw University of Life Sciences华沙中央农村经济学院5、Wroc aw University of Environmental and Life Sciences弗罗茨瓦夫农学院[$pagetag]八、教育大学(6所)1、The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw格热格热夫斯卡特殊教育学院2、Jan D ugosz University in Cz stochowa琴希托霍瓦高等师范学校3、The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce凯尔采圣十字科哈诺夫斯基学院4、Pedagogical University of Kraków克拉科夫“国民教育委员会”师范学院5、Pomeranian University in S upsk斯乌普斯克波莫瑞师范学院6、Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities 谢德尔策波德拉斯学院[$pagetag]九、高等职业教育学院(36所)1、Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Bia a Podlaska比亚瓦-波德拉斯卡国立高等职业学校2、The State School of Higher Education in Che m海乌姆国立高等职业学校3、The State School of Higher Professional Education in Elbl g埃尔布拉格国立高等职业学校4、State Higher Vocational School in Gorzów Wielkopolski大波兰戈茹夫国立高等职业学校5、The Bronis aw Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaros aw 亚罗斯瓦夫国立高等职业学校6、The Karkonosze State Higher School in Jelenia Góra耶累尼亚-古腊卡尔科诺斯学院7、The President Stanislaw Wojciechowski Higher Vocational State School in Kalisz卡利什国立高等职业学校8、The State School of Higher Professional Education in Konin科宁国立高等职业学校9、State Higher Vocational School in Krosno罗斯诺国立高等职业学校10、The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica莱哥尼查国立高等职业学校11、Jan Amos Komienski State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno莱什诺国立高等职业学校12、State Higher Vocational School in Nowy S cz新松奇国立高等职业学校13、State Higher Vocational School of Podhale in Nowy Targ新塔尔克国立高等职业学校14、The School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa尼萨国立高等职业学校15、Stanis aw Staszic State School of Higher Vocational Education in Pi a皮瓦国立高等职业学校16、The State School of Higher Professional Education in P ock普沃茨克国立高等职业学校17、East State Higher School in Przemy l普热米希尔国立高等职业学校18、State Higher Vocational School in Racibórz拉奇布什国立高等职业学校19、The Jan Grodek Higher Vocational State School in Sanok萨诺克国力高等职业学校20、State Higher Vocational School in Sulechów苏莱胡夫公共行政高等职业学校21、Public High Vocational School Named by Prof. Stanislaw Tarnowski in Tarnobrzeg塔尔诺布热格国立高等职业学校22、Higher Vocational School in Tarnów塔尔奴夫国立高等职业学校23、The Angelus Silesius State School of Higher Vocational Education in Wa brzych瓦乌布日赫国立高等职业学校24、 Higher Vocational State School in W oc awek弗罗茨瓦维克国立高等职业学校25、Public Higher Medical Professional School in Opole奥波莱国立高等职业学校26、The State College of Computer Science and Business Administration in om a沃姆热国立信息与企业高等学校27、State Higher Vocational School in G ogów格沃格夫国立高等职业学校28、The State Higher Vocational School in Gniezno格涅兹诺国立高等职业学校29、State Higher Vocational School in Wa cz瓦乌奇国立高等职业学校30、The Karkonosze State Higher School in Jelenia Góra耶莱尼亚古拉国立高等职业学校31、The State Higher Vocational School in Koszalin科斯林国立高等职业学校32、The State School of Higher Education in O wi cim奥斯维辛国立高等教育学校33、The State Higher Vocational School in Sandomierz桑多梅日国立高等职业学校34、Higher Vocational School in Suwa ki苏瓦乌基高等职业学校35、The State Higher School of Vocational Education in Zamo 扎莫希奇国立高等职业学校36、The State Higher School of Vocational Education in Ciechanów切哈奴夫国立高等职业学校。
As a high school student with a keen interest in education and urban development, I have always been fascinated by the idea of building universities in suburban areas. This concept not only offers a fresh perspective on educational infrastructure but also has the potential to transform the socioeconomic landscape of these regions.Growing up in a bustling city, I have witnessed the overcrowded classrooms, the traffic congestion, and the high cost of living that often accompany urban education. However, the idea of relocating a university to the suburbs presents a unique opportunity to alleviate these issues while providing a more serene and conducive environment for learning.One of the primary advantages of building a university in the suburbs is the availability of land. Unlike urban areas where space is at a premium, the suburbs offer vast expanses of land that can be utilized for constructing stateoftheart facilities. This includes spacious classrooms, modern laboratories, sports complexes, and student housing, all of which contribute to a holistic educational experience.Moreover, the tranquility of the suburbs provides an ideal setting for academic pursuits. The absence of city noise and distractions allows students to focus better on their studies, fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. The natural surroundings also offer a refreshing break from the monotony of textbooks and lectures, inspiring creativity and innovation.In addition to the educational benefits, establishing a university in thesuburbs can have a profound impact on the local economy. It can create job opportunities for the residents, stimulate local businesses, and attract investment in infrastructure development. For instance, the construction of the university itself would require the services of architects, engineers, and construction workers, while the operation of the university would necessitate staff for administration, maintenance, and support roles.Furthermore, the presence of a university can elevate the cultural and intellectual life of the community. It can serve as a hub for research, innovation, and public engagement, fostering a spirit of collaboration between the university and the local community. This can lead to the development of communitybased projects, workshops, and seminars that enrich the lives of both students and residents.However, it is important to consider the potential challenges associated with building a university in the suburbs. One of the main concerns is the accessibility of the university for students and staff. Adequate transportation facilities need to be in place to ensure that the university remains connected to the city and its resources. This may involve the development of public transportation systems, such as buses or trains, that connect the university to the city center.Another challenge is the potential isolation of the university from the citys cultural and social life. While the tranquility of the suburbs can be beneficial for academic pursuits, it is also essential for students to have access to the citys cultural institutions, such as museums, galleries, and theaters. This can be addressed by organizing regular trips to the city or byestablishing partnerships with cultural institutions that bring their resources to the university.In conclusion, building a university in the suburbs presents a unique opportunity to create a conducive environment for learning while also contributing to the socioeconomic development of the region. By addressing the challenges associated with accessibility and cultural integration, a suburban university can become a thriving center of education and innovation that benefits both students and the local community. As a high school student, I am excited about the prospect of such developments and look forward to witnessing the positive impact they can have on our society.。
何晓薇,石 花,孙 颖,廖爱军,杨 威,王慧涵
TwocasesofprimaryplasmacellleukemiatreatedwithPCADregimenandreviewoflit erature
【收稿日期】 2020-02-15 【修回日期】 2020-05-06 【基金项目】 辽宁省自然科学基金计划项目(编号:20180551257) 【作者单位】 中国医科大学附属盛京医院第二血液内科,辽宁 沈阳 110022 【作者简介】 何晓薇(1988-),女,辽宁沈阳人,在读博士研究生,主要从事浆细胞疾病的诊断与治疗研究。 【通讯作者】 王慧涵(1979-),女,辽宁沈阳人,教授,硕士生导师,副主任医师,主要从事浆细胞疾病的诊断与治疗研究。E-mail:wanghh@
[13] YEUNGCCS,MCELHONES,CHEN XY,eta1.Impactofcopy neutrallossofheterozygosityandtotalgenomeaberrationsonsur vivalinmyelodysplasticsyndrome[J].ModPathol,2018,31(4): 569-580.
DepartmentofSecondHematology,ShengjingHospitalofChinaMedicalUniversity,LiaoningShenyang110022,China. 【Abstract】 Objective:Toexploretheeffectivetreatmentmethodofprimaryplasmacellleukemia.Methods:PCAD (bortezomib,cyclophosphamide,liposomedoxorubicin,dexamethasone)wasusedtotreattwoelderlypatientswithpri maryplasmacellleukemia.Atthesametime,thediagnosisandtreatmentofprimaryplasmacellleukemiawerere viewed.Result:Overallsurvival>24months.Conclusion:Primaryplasm cellleukemiaprogressrapidlyandhasa poorprogrosis.PCAD basedonbortezomibissafeandeffectiveinthetreatmentofsenileprimaryplasmacellleu kemia. 【Keywords】bortezomib,primaryplasmacellleukemia,M protein ModernOncology2021,29(13):2317-2319
red get man syndrome红人综合征119Available online /content/7/2/119The incidence of nosocomial infections in hospitalizedpatients varies between 5 and 15% [1]. Nosocomial infectioncan lead to complications in 25–33% of those patientsadmitted to intensive care units. Vancomycin is often used inintensive care units. It is the drug of choice for the treatmentof infections due to methicillin-resistant staphylococci,Corynebacterium jeikeium, and resistant strains ofStreptococcus pneumoniae. Vancomycin is an alternativedrug for serious staphylococcal and streptococcal infections,including endocarditis, when allergy precludes the use ofpenicillins and cephalosporins.Vancomycin can cause two types of hypersensitivityreactions, the red man syndrome and anaphylaxis [2]. Redman syndrome is an infusion-related reaction peculiar tovancomycin [3]. It typically consists of pruritus, anerythematous rash that involves the face, neck, and uppertorso. Less frequently, hypotension and angioedema canoccur. Patients commonly complain of diffuse burning anditching and of generalized discomfort. They can rapidlybecome dizzy and agitated, and can develop headache,chills, fever, and paresthesia around the mouth. In severecases, patients complain of chest pain and dyspnea. In manypatients, the syndrome is a mild, evanescent pruritus at theend of the infusion that goes unreported.Signs of red man syndrome would appear about 4–10 minafter an infusion started or may begin soon after itscompletion. It is often associated with rapid (<1hour)infusion of the first dose of vancomycin. The reaction may notbe of the same severity with successive exposures, but it canoccur for the first time after several doses or with a slowinfusion [4]. Delayed reactions at or near the end of a 90 or120 min infusion have been seen in patients who had beenon vancomycin therapy for longer than 7 days without priorincident [5]. Most of the hospital protocols requirevancomycin to be infused over 60 min, as a minimum [5,6].Sporadic reports of red man syndrome following theadministration of vancomycin via routes other thanintravenously are also on the increase. Red man syndromehas been linked to intraperitoneal and oral administration ofvancomycin [7].Red man syndrome was in the past attributed to impuritiesfound in vancomycin preparations, earning the drug thenickname ‘Mississippi mud’. But reports of the syndromepersisted even after improvements in the compound’s purity[5]. Studies have shown that an unknown percentage of thepopulation may be prone to releasing a large amount ofhistamine in response to vancomycin [6]. The hypersensitivityreactions that can arise due to vancomycin are due to itsCommentaryRed man syndromeSoupramanien Sivagnanam1and Dirk Deleu21Senior Registrar, Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Al Khod, Muscat, Oman2Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Sultan Qaboos University, Al Khod, Muscat, OmanCorrespondence: Soupramanien Sivagnanam, *****************.omPublished online: 23 December 2002Critical Care 2003, 7:119-120 (DOI 10.1186/cc1871)This article is online at /content/7/2/119? 2003 BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 1364-8535; Online ISSN 1466-609X)AbstractVancomycin can cause two types of hypersensitivity reactions, the red man syndrome and anaphylaxis.Red man syndrome has often been associated with rapid infusion of the first dose of the drug and wasinitially attributed to impurities found in vancomycin preparations. Even after improvement invancomycin’s purity, however, reportsof the syndrome persist. Other antibiotics (e.g. ciprofloxacin,amphotericin B, rifampicin and teicoplanin) or other drugs that stimulate histamine release can result inred man syndrome. Discontinuation of the vancomycin infusion and administration of diphenhydraminecan abort most of the reactions. Slow intravenous administration of vancomycin should minimize therisk of infusion-related adverse effects.Keywords antibiotics, antihistamines, red man syndrome, vancomycin120Critical Care 2003 Vol 7Sivagnanam and Deleueffect on the mast cells. In tissue culture, vancomycin causesdegranulation of peritoneal mast cells in rats [8]. Theanaphylactic reaction is mediated by IgE. Red man syndrome,an anaphylactoid reaction, is caused by the degranulation ofmast cells and basophils, resulting in the release of histamineindependent of preformed IgE or complement. The extentof histamine release is related partly to the amount andrate of the vancomycin infusion. Clinical studies haveshown that the plasma tryptase levels were notsignificantly elevated in confirmed anaphylactoid reactions,so they can be used to distinguish chemical reactions fromimmunologic reactions [9].The most common hypersensitivity reaction associated withvancomycin is red man syndrome. The incidence variesbetween 3.7 and 47% in infected patients [2]. Studies ofvancomycin also show that the most severe reactions occurin patients younger than the age of 40, particularly in children[6]. Other research has found that between 30 and 90% ofhealthy volunteers receiving vancomycin developed red mansyndrome, while only about 47% of those with infections hadthe reaction [10]. One explanation for these results is that aninfection induces some histamine release as part of thenatural immune response. Having a higher histamine level tobegin with is thought to downregulate vancomycin’s effect onmast cells and basophils. It occurs in 5–13% of patients,especially when the infusion is given over less than 1 hour[11]. Polk and colleagues [12] observed the reaction duringa 1 hour infusion of 1g vancomycin in nine of 11 volunteers(82%), which was associated with a rise in plasma histaminelevels. No reaction occurred with a 500mg dose. Healy andcolleagues [13] noted symptoms in eight of 10 volunteers(80%) given 1g vancomycin over 1hour, but in only three of10 volunteers (30%) given the same dose over 2hours. Totalhistamine release was greater with the faster infusion.Antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, amphotericin B, rifampcinand teicoplanin [14] can potentially cause red mansyndrome. Like vancomycin, they are capable of causingdirect degranulation of mast cells and basophils. Red mansyndrome is amplified if these antibiotics are combined withvancomycin or with each other [10]. Red man syndrome isalso magnified in patients receiving vancomycin and opioidanalgesics, muscle relaxants, or contrast dye because thesedrugs can also stimulate histamine release.The effects of red man syndrome can be relieved byantihistamines. Pretreatment with hydroxyzine cansignificantly reduce erythema and pruritus [15].Administration of diphenhydramine to patients before startingvancomycin infusion (1g over 1hour) can prevent theoccurrence of red man syndrome with the first dose ofvancomycin [16]. Other studies have shown that combiningan H1receptor blocker with an H2receptor blocker such ascimetidine may help to prevent or reduce the risk of red mansyndrome [5].If red man syndrome appears then the vancomycin infusionshould be discontinued immediately. A dose of 50mgdiphenhydramine hydrochloride intravenously or orally canabort most of the reactions. Once the rash and itchingdissipate, the infusion can be resumed at a slower rateand/or at a lesser dosage. Hypotension will requireintravenous fluids and, if severe, vasopressors may beneeded. Hypotension can be troublesome if it occurs duringanesthesia following the use of vancomycin for surgicalprophylaxis [17,18]. Therapywith a β-blocker before surgeryhas been found to be protective against hypotension causedby vancomycin infusion [19].In summary, each intravenous dose of vancomycin should beadministered over at least a 60 min interval to minimize theinfusion-related adverse effects [20]. Longer infusion timesshould be used in patients receiving doses considerablylarger than 1g vancomycin. Studies have shown thatvancomycin is much better tolerated when it is given insmaller and more frequent doses [20]. In clinical situationswhere prolonged infusion times are often impractical, as inthe intensive care unit or an operative setting, especiallyambulatory orthopedic or emergency procedures,pretreatment with antihistamines combined with an H2receptor blocker can offer protection against this infusion-related reaction with vancomycin [5].Competing interestsNone declared.References1.Eggimann P, Pittet D: Infection control in the ICU. Chest 2001,120:2059-2093.2.Lori D Wazny, Behnam D: Desensitization protocols for van-comycin hypersensitivity. Ann Pharmacother 2001, 35:1458-1464.3.Davis RL, Smith AL, Koup JR: The ‘red man’s syndrome’andslow infusion of vancomycin [letter]. Ann Intern Med 1986,104:285-286.4.Wilson APR: Comparative safety of teicoplanin and van-comycin. Int J Antimicrobial Agents 1998, 10:143-152.5.Renz CL, Thurn JD, Finn HA, Lynch JP, Moss J: Clinical investi-gations: antihistamine prophylaxis permits rapid vancomycininfusion. 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Candidate of philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor K.K.Smagulova, Candidate of philology Sciences, Associate Professor L.M. Kotiyva Chair of Diplomatic translation of Department of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty.哈萨克斯坦民族大学教育特点哈萨克斯坦阿里法拉比国立大学是哈萨克斯坦共和国领先的高等教育机构;它成立于1934年,经历了漫长而艰难的过程,为国家科学,技术,文化和高等教育的发展做出了重大贡献;自成立多年以来,该大学一直和其他高等院校开展合作和健康的竞争;目前,KazNU与世界领先的教育机构合作,开展积极的学术流动和双学位教育计划,使学生在通信和语言实践方面获得丰富的经验;特别是在全球合作领域,国际关系系脱颖而出;根据其名称,教师们与当前领先的大学开展积极的国际活动,并且积极交流经验;该学院于1995年在历史学院的基础上成立,从那时起,他就一直在高速发展;总的来说,国际关系系在大学专业学科中属于年轻的专业,并且不断向专业化和国际化迈进;我们的教师在国际关系,国际法,世界经济和区域研究领域培养学生;所有专业都有不同的复杂性和广泛性,同时又具有多样化和趣味性;学生在国际关系系不仅可以获得理论知识,而且还可以在大学内外使用他们的知识;该系设有外交俱乐部和辩论俱乐部,允许学生发展和练习他们的演讲能力和外交技巧;教师积极与国际组织合作,并与联合国,北约,上海合作组织等合作;特别强调与联合国的合作,学生可以通过联合国中心的教师获得有关全球组织活动和政策的资源和文件,并可以与联合国驻阿拉木图办事处联系;许多学生可以在联合国办公室实习,并在毕业后进入这些组织中工作;在与联合国的合作下模拟联合国官方会议,并且发挥出了巨大的作用,在过去的5到7年中,这一项目越来越受到年轻人和外交界欢迎和好评;这一项目由由哈萨克国立大学和其他几所大学的学生组织的,不仅是阿拉木图的学生,哈萨克斯坦的所有人都有机会在这几天内扮演外交官的角色,并展示他们在谈判领域的技能;此外,学生们可以同来自不同国家的外交官以及来自世界各地的活动家进行交流的独特体验;国际关系系的另一个重要特征是语言学习;如您所知,语言是在人与人之间交流和发展的最主要且最有效的工具;这同样适用于世界各国的国际和外交关系- 任何合格的外交官都应该能说流利的几种语言;在这方面,外交部翻译部门的人员扮演着不可否认的重要角色;该系的教师教学生使用中文,阿拉伯语,英语,法语,西班牙语,德语,意大利语等语言;同时,学生不仅可以学习语言,还可以深化他们的专业知识;学生们所学的专业都有专业的教职员工以及大量的材料和各种文献帮助他们深入理解专业知识;该专业以其独特的教学方法同学生交流;该系培训学院所有专业的学生;许多学生用两种,三种语言学习,当然,这开辟了广泛的可能性;在这个世界上,国际舞台所有入口的中心是国际关系系;正是他为普通学生们准备了技师,合格的外交官和分析师,语言学家和教授;正是在这个专业内每个人都发现了自己最喜欢的事业,并且对自己未来的目标充满了信心,该系以其高质量的教学水平,丰富多彩的文化活动,以及学生超高的专业水平著称说到东方文化,就不得不提到国际关系系下的孔子学院;由于这一结构,中国的大学和KazNU的合作关系逐年发展,这反过来又发展了该领域的教育机制,培养了学生的学习兴趣;此外学生还有机会在世界各地的孔子学院学习汉语课程和参加实践培训;哈萨克斯坦阿里法拉比国立大学现拥有14个院系,一所高级语言培训学院,7个研究所,25个专业学位论文理事会,67个专业博士,15,000多名学生,研究生和博士生;这是一个庞大,友好,有爱心有责任心的团体;这些成千上万的多才多艺的,有才华和有前途的学生,他们被这个大家庭联系在一起,他们已经成为彼此亲人;在这个世界里,数以万计的机会,前景向我们敞开;在哈萨克斯坦法拉比国立大学学习可以保证每个学生都能在生活中找到自己的位置,成为他所在领域的专业人士,并在高水平和充满自信的情况下开展他最喜欢的活动;这是对未来幸福的保证;。