

生物专业外语 文章翻译

生物专业外语 文章翻译

Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。




The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。


华东理工大学 East China University of Science And Technology Principal Component AnalysisPCA 我们来看一个例子小学各科成绩的评估可以用下面的综合成绩来体现 a1×语文a2×数学a3×自然a4×社会科学 确定权重系数的过程就可以看作是主成分分 析的过程得到的加权成绩总和就相对于新的综合变量——主成分 推而广之当某一 问题需要同时考虑好几个因素时我们并不对这些因素个别处理而是将它们综合起来 处理这就是PCA。 这样综合处理的原则是使新的综合变量能够解释大部分原始数据 方差。 由于各种量测到数据通常是以矩阵的形式记录、表达和存储的实际中的很多 数据信息往往是重叠与冗余的。从线性代数的观点来看就是这些数据矩阵中存在相 关的行或列。因此需要对其进行处理和提炼抽取出有意义、独立的变量。 主成分分 析Principal Component Analysis 简称PCA是一种常用的基于变量协方差矩阵对信息 进行处理、压缩和抽提的有效方法。 情形II下总分的方差为0显然不能反映三个学 生各科成绩各有所长的实际情形而红色标记的变量对应的方差最大可反映原始数据 的大部分信息 上例可见用总分有时可以反映原分数表的情况保留原有信息有时则 把信息丢尽不能反映原理的情况和差异。根据总分所对应的方差可以确定其代表了 多大比例的原始数据分数信息。一般来说我们希望能用一个或少数几个综合指标分 数来代替原来分数表做统计分析而且希望新的综合指标能够尽可能地保留原有信息 并具有最大的方差。压缩变量个数用较少的变量去解释原始数据中的大部分变量剔 除冗余信息。即将许多相关性很高的变量转化成个数较少、能解释大部分原始数据 方差且彼此互相独立的几个新变量也就是所谓的主成分。这样就可以消除原始变量 间存在的共线性克服由此造成的运算不稳定、矩阵病态等问题。 latent variable PC1 a11X1 a12X2 … a1pXp PC2 a21X1 a22X2 … a2pXp . . . PCm am1X1 am2X2 … ampXp 选择加权系数a11…a1p时要能使PC1得到最大解释方差的能力 而PC2则是能对原始数据中尚未被PC1解释的差异部分拥有有最大解释能力若以此 类推我们可以找出m个PC出来m≤p 原始数据前的加权系数决定了新的综合变量主 成分得分的大小和性质通常称为主成分轴或者载荷向量载荷轴、载荷系数。 主成分 分析的关键就是确定这些系庑┫凳钩闪诵碌淖晗到 急淞吭谛碌淖晗迪 峦队熬涂汕蟮眯伦晗迪碌谋淞恐抵成分得分。 三变量主成分分析示意图 PC1a1xi1a2xi2a3xi3 PC2 b1xi1b2xi2b3xi3 对三维空间下的一组样本设样本数为n 其 原始变量的坐标系为x1x2x3在对原始坐 标系经过坐标平移、尺度伸缩、旋转等变换 后 得到一组新的、相互正交的坐标轴v1v2 可使原始变量在新坐标系上的投影值分 别称为第一、第二主成分的方差达到最 大。其中v1v2称为第一、第二载荷轴。对于 m维空间载荷轴的个数最多为m。 主成分变换将三维空间的样本显示在二维空间 消除原始变量间存在的共线性克服由此造成的运算不稳定、矩阵病态等问题 压缩变 量个数剔除冗余信息使模型更好地反映真实情况。 PCA分析在很多领域有广泛应用 模式识别、化学组分的定量分析、多元物系的组分数目确定、动力学反应机理的确 定等 对p个变量进行n次观测得到的观测数据可用下面的矩阵表示 采用PCA技术可 以将上述矩阵的列数压缩。 npnnppxxxxxxxxxX212222111211 协方差covariance 方 差 标准差 11cov1yyxxnyxinii2111nxxiiLxxnxxxLS 相关系数correlation coefficient 协方差数据矩阵的每一列对应一个变量的n个量测值任意两列之间可以计算两变量 间的协方差covijij时 yxSSyxyxrcov2coviSii协方差矩阵 22322213cov2cov1cov3cov23cov13cov2cov32cov12cov1cov31cov21covpSppppSpSpS



生物给人类的科技贡献英文作文English:Biology has made significant contributions to technology in numerous ways. One of the most important ways is through the field of medicine, where biological discoveries have led to the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and various medical technologies that have saved countless lives. Biotechnology, a branch of biology, has also revolutionized many industries with advancements in genetic engineering, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and environmental protection. The study of genetics has paved the way for personalized medicine and gene therapy, providing solutions to genetic disorders and improving the overall quality of healthcare. Furthermore, biomimicry, which involves learning from nature to design innovative technologies, has led to the creation of new materials, structures, and systems that are more efficient, sustainable, and resilient. Overall, biology continues to play a crucial role in driving technological advancements that benefit society as a whole.中文翻译:生物学在许多方面为技术的发展做出了重要贡献。














然而,在硅酸盐 - 磷酸盐玻璃的主要特征也是它的脆弱性,这显著限制了它们的用途如生物材料。

一种最好的方法就是提高眼镜的机械性能的最佳方式是执行部分结晶(失透),以获得玻璃 - 结晶材料。




然而,一个问题结晶相生长的出现会对玻璃的生物活性产生不利影响[13,14] 。


主成分分析 英文译文

主成分分析 英文译文

BULETINULUniversităţii Petrol – Gaze din Ploieşti Vol. LXIINo. 1/201088 - 96 SeriaMatematică - Informatică - FizicăUsing Principal Component Analysis in Loan GrantingIrina Ioniţă, Daniela ŞchiopuPetroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti, Informatics Department, Ploieşti, Romaniae-mail: tirinelle@, daniela_schiopu@AbstractThis paper describes the utility of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in the banking domain, more exactly in the consumer lending problem. PCA is a powerful tool for analyzing data of high dimension. When an applicant requests a loan for personal needs, a credit officer collects data from him and makes a scoring. The factors analyzed can be significant as well as insignificant. The principal component analysis can help in this case to extract those factors, which produce a better credit scoring model. The data set used for the analysis is provided by a public database containing credit data from a German bank. The results emphasize the utility of PCA in the banking sector to reduce the dimension of data, without much loss of information.Keywords:principal component analysis, consumer lending, credit scoring model, banking domainIntroductionIn banking domain to know what are the best decisions to make is a permanent concern for managers. An active banking area with higher risk is represented by credit department. Here, credits officers analyze the customers application credit forms and calculate a score. The factors considered can influence more or less the credit scoring model. Identifying those factors with higher significance is not a simply task.Principal Component Analysis (PCA) represents a powerful tool for analyzing data by reducing the number of dimensions, without important loss of information and has been applied on datasets in all scientific domains [16, 17]. On the other hand, PCA is known as an unsupervised dimensionality reduction technique which transfers the data linearly and projects original data to a new set of parameters called the factors (further on, we will use the term “factor” with the meaning of “principal component”), while retaining as much as possible of the variation present in the data set.In this paper we discuss use of PCA in credit approval problem, considering a set of records provided by a German bank [24]. The results indicate the utility of eliminating variables with a minimum influence in credit scoring model in order to make a better decision for consumer loan granting. The instrument used to apply the PCA technique was SPSS [25]. The paper structure contains a section with theoretical sequences referring to PCA, a section regarding the PCA application in banking domain and a final section presenting a case study.Using Principal Component Analysis in Loan Granting 89Principal Component AnalysisPCA is considered the oldest technique in multivariate analysis and was first introduced by Pearson in 1901, and it has been experiencing several modifications until it was generalized by Loeve in 1963 [21].PCA is a method that reduces the dimensionality of a dataset, by finding a new set of variables, smaller than the original set of variables [15]. This efficient reduction of the number of variables is achieved by obtaining orthogonal linear combinations of the original variables – the so-called Principal Components (PCs) [12]. PCA is useful for the compression of data and to find patterns in high-dimensional data.PCA and Factor Analysis (FA) are both methods for data reduction. FA analyzes only the variance shared among the variables, while PCA analyzes all of the variance. Concepts such eigenvalues, eigenvectors, loadings and scores are characteristics for these statistical methods. The main steps of the PCA algorithm are as shown in Figure 1, adapted from [18].Fig. 1. Principal Components Analysis stepsThe mathematical equations for PCA are presented below.We consider a set of n observations on a vector of p variables organized in a matrix X (n x p ):p n x x x ℜ∈},,,{21L .(1)The PCA method finds p artificial variables (principal components). Each principal component is a “linear combination of X matrix columns, in which the weights are elements of an eigenvector to the data covariance matrix or to the correlation matrix, provided the data are centered and standardized” [7]. The principal components are uncorrelated.90 Irina Ioni ţă, Daniela ŞchiopuThe first principal component of the set by the linear transformation is:n j x a x a z pi ij i j T, (1)1111===∑= .(2)In equation (2), the vectors a 1 and x j are: ),...,,(121111p a a a a =(3)),...,,(21pj j j j x x x x = . (4)One chooses a 1 and x j such as the variance of z 1 is maximum. All principal components start at the origin of the ordinate axes. First PC is direction of maximum variance from origin, while subsequent PCs are orthogonal to first PC and describe maximum residual variance.For example, when we work with two dimensions, we have the situation depicted in Figure 2, adapted from [23].Fig. 2. Principal ComponentsIn the next section, we make a survey of various applications of the PCA method and we consider the use of this data reduction method in banking sector.PCA and Banking DomainPCA is applied in various domains such as medicine [11], face detection and recognition [3], signal processing [5], banking [1] etc.As we discussed earlier in this paper, PCA is an effective transformation method for reduction of a large number of correlated variables in situations in which variable selection is hard to achieve. The result of PCA is a set of new independent variables that can be directly used by credit scoring techniques.Continuous changes in the banking world produce strategies remodeling, adaptation on new financial trends and manage knowledge. A bank wants to maintain it in balance on the market, to obtain benefits with minimum costs. Managers have to find better solution to make decisions to increase their credibility and to situate their institution on the top.The basic objectives of bank management have focused on the need to balance between liquidity, assets, credit, interest rate risks, in order to minimize the risks for bankruptcy. Analyzing the factors that may affect these risks is an important job for mangers. An example of factor analysis (similarly with PCA) applied in banking domain to identity the risk exposure is presented in [14]. The results of this analysis indicated that liquidity and interest, domestic market, international market, business operation and credit are the factors affecting banks’ riskUsing Principal Component Analysis in Loan Granting 91 exposure. The managers have to consider these factors in formulating the risk management strategy to avoid any situation of bankruptcy.Credit department confronts with various problems regarding loan granting process. When a customer applies for a loan, the credit officer requests some financial and nonfinancial date and calculates a score. If the customer obtains a good score, the file with necessary documents will be analyze and sent to Central Bank. Other verifying procedures will be applied (for example, analyzing of customer credit history by Credit Bureau). A response affirmative or negative will be send bank to credit officer and the customer will be announced. In the favorable case, after signing the contract, the bank will supply the customer account with the value of loan granted. The credit score system used today was designed to provide lenders with financial profiles on consumers who wished to borrow money. The lenders' biggest concern was whether or not an individual had the ability to repay a loan on established terms, and find what percentage of risk might be involved [6, 8, 10]. Credit scoring is calculated by a mathematical equation that evaluates many types of information found in a consumer’s credit file (duration of loan, loan amount, number of years on service, number of years of residence, marital status, education level etc.) [2, 4, 9]. By comparing this information to the repayment patterns store in hundreds of thousands of consumers’ past credit reports, the score identifies the lender’s level of future credit risk.For example, the FICO credit score model takes into consideration five factors to create a model for credit scoring [19]:o Payment history (35% significance);o Outstanding credit balances (30% significance);o Credit history (15% significance);o Type of credit (10% significance);o Inquiries (10% significance).A FICO score can range between 300 and 850 and is a measure of client creditworthiness. Most credit bureau scores used in the U.S. are produced by Fair Isaac and Company, or FICO. FICO scores are provided to lenders by the three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion [20]. The FICO score is considered an efficient predictive scoring model designed to evaluate costumer credit risk [19]. This credit scoring model has been widely developed and is used in many credit bureaus around the world, such as [19]: Asia/Pacific Rim, including South Korea, Singapore, India, Taiwan and Thailand, Europe/Middle East, including Ireland, Poland, Sweden, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Latin America, including Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Panama. The FICO score is presented in Romania, since January 2009.In order to develop a credit scoring system to assist the credit officers in their decision process, we formulate the hypothesis of using PCA to identify those variables with minimum effect in credit scoring computing and to eliminate them from the scoring model. The next sections present our case study. The software package used in this case is SPSS [25].Case StudyThe dataset that has been used in our case study has been obtained from a public database that contains credit data of a German bank [22]. We have chosen 500 records from this database, data that were organized in a table in SPSS [25]. In Table 1 we present the first five rows. The table also contained information about duration of the credit, credit history, purpose of the loan, credit amount, savings account, years employed, payment rate, personal status, residency, property, age, housing, number of credits at bank, job, dependents and credit approval (target variable). The first 15 variables will be further on denoted with V1 to V15 and the target variable with VT.92 Irina Ioni ţă, Daniela ŞchiopuTable 1. Credit DataV1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 VT1 62 01169 0 4 4 1 4 2 67 1 2 1 1 1 2 480 0 5951 1 2 2 0 2 2 22 1 1 1 1 0 3 122 1 2096 13 2 1 3 2 49 1 1 0 2 14 420 2 7882 1 3 2 1 4 3 45 0 1 1 2 1 5 241 3 4870 123 14 0 53 0 2 1 2 0 The criteria we take into account for the number of the retained factors are: the cumulatedpercent in variation explained by the retained factors should be higher than 50% and the variance of each retained factor should be higher than 1.First, PCA summarizes the pattern of intercorrelations between variables. The variables that are highly correlated with one another are grouped together into factors. The correlation matrix for the first 13 variables is shown in Table 2.Value 0 for correlation coefficient indicates the absence of statistical linkage between variables. We note that only the V5 variable is not well correlated with some others.Table 2. The Correlation MatrixV1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V1 1 V2 ,103 1 V3 ,108 ,149 1 V4 ,611 ,115 ,201 1 V5 -,058 -,054 ,006 -,084 1 V6 ,011 ,122 -,019 -,074 ,035 1 V7 ,057 ,087 -,063 -,288 ,007 ,136 1 V8 -,053 -,049 ,060 -,025 ,075 ,091 ,033 1 V9 ,052 ,104 ,121 ,024 ,011 ,220 ,030 -,112 1 V10 -,188 -,096 -,069 -,247 -,049 -,094 -,024 ,002 -,103 1 V11 -,036 ,198 ,104 ,021 ,003 ,270 ,124 ,038 ,327 -,130 1 V12 -,141 -,091 -,067 -,136 ,058 -,095 -,079 -,036 -,046 ,318 -,342 1 V13-,031 ,452 ,131 ,016 ,015 ,099 ,043 -,046 ,064 -,022 ,149 -,090 1KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) is a statistic test that indicates the degree of association of the variables [16]. In our case, KMO test is 0.555. This value is an argument favorable to the existence of factors, suggesting that factoring is appropriate.The communality for a given variable can be interpreted as the proportion of variation in that variable that is explained by the analyzed factor. A factor loading represents the correlation between a variable and a factor that has been extracted from the data. The communalities for the V i variable (i = 1,…,15) are computed by taking the sum of the squared loadings for that variable. Lowest values of communality indicate that the analyzed variable is inadequate represented by the factorial model. Here, the most variable communalities are between 0.5 and 0.9 (see Table 3).Using the PCA method the fifteen variables are reduced to seven factors as shown in Table 4. These seven factors can be used further as predictors.The variance in the correlation matrix is reassembled into 15 eigenvalues. Each eigenvalue represents the amount of variance that has been captured by one component.In general, once eigenvectors are found from the covariance matrix, the next step is to order them by eigenvalue, highest to lowest. This gives the components in order of significance and we can decide to ignore the components of lesser significance. This procedure implies to lose some information, but if the eigenvalues are small, the loss of information is minimal.Using Principal Component Analysis in Loan Granting 93Table 3. CommunalitiesIn the first part of Table4 (the first three columns) are presented the eigenvalues for our data and proportions of variance for the fifteen components. Only the first seven components have eigenvalues greater than 1.We select varimax, the most used method of factors’ rotation. Its purpose is to reduce the variance of values not accounted in composition of the factor. Varimax minimize the complexity of the components.The columns Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings contain eigenvalues, explanatory and cumulative version for that three factors, in the context of the initially factorial solution (without rotation). The explanatory version for each factor is distributed as follow: factor I – 15.500%; factor II - 12.357%, factor III – 8.870% and so on. The proportion of the total variation explained by the seven factors is 66.123%. The individual communalities tell how well the model is working for the individual variables, and the total communality gives an overall assessment of performance. In the columns Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings, we have the same values for all the factors, but, as a result of rotation, a new distribution of explanatory variance of each factor can be observed (factor I – 10.942%; factor II - 10.921%, factor III - 10.725% and so on), with the same total variation (66.123%). The remaining variation till 100% is unexplained by this model. With the method of rotation, factor I and factor II loose from the saturated degree in favor of factor III and factor VII.94 IrinaIoniţă, Daniela ŞchiopuFig. 3. SPSS Scree PlotScree Plot (see Figure 3) presents graphically the eigenvalues for all the principal components obtained, the numeric values being stored in Table 4.In Table 5 are indicated the data after factors’ rotation.The data in Table 5 lead to the final conclusions on the factorial structure of the analyzed variables, as follows:o Factor I has a good correlation to variables V9, V6, V11 (and will be labeled TimeFactor);o Factor II has a good correlation to V1, V4 (and will be labeled CreditFactor);o Factor III has a good correlation to V14 (and will be labeled JobFactor);o Factor IV has a good correlation to V13, V2 (and will be labeled CustomerCreditFactor);o Factor V has a good correlation to V3 (and will be labeled PurposeFactor);o Factor VI has a good correlation to V8, V15 (and will be labeled CustomerFamilyFactor);Using Principal Component Analysis in Loan Granting 95o Factor VII has a good correlation to V5 (and will be labeled SavingsFactor).A related work is presented in [13], where the authors presents an improved credit scoring to the Chinese commercial bank for credit card risk management. Also, they choose PCA to calculate the weights of the original indexes and to obtain a predicting function for computing the score of new applicants. In their case, the KMO value given by SPSS is 0.787 .ConclusionsPCA is a method for multivariate data analysis and it is used in many fields to extract relevant information from confusing data sets. Also, PCA provides a way of identifying patterns in data, and of expressing the data in a way that highlights their similarities and differences between them. An advantage of using PCA consists in quantifying the importance of each dimension for describing the variability of a data set. This method reduces the number of dimensions, without much loss of information.In this paper we presented the possible use of PCA in the banking domain to reduce the dimension of data related to the credit problem. In our case study, we used 15 variables describing consumer loan data; by means of PCA, we have got only seven factors that concentrate more than 60% of the information provided by the original 15 variables. Future work will focus on developing a credit scoring system based on use of PCA in the banking domain.References1.A b u-S h a n a b, E., P e a r s o n, M. -Internet Banking in Jordan: An Arabic InstrumentValidation Process, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2009, pp. 235-2452.B a s n o, C.,D a r d a c,N.-Management bancar, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 20023.E l-B a k r y,H.M.-New Fast Principal Component Analysis for Face Detection, Journal ofAdvanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.11, No.2, 2007, pp.195-201 4.H a n d, D.J.,H e n e y,W.E.- Statistical Classification Methods in Consumer ClientScoring: A Review, J. R. Statist. 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Lecture 5: Dimensionality reduction (PCA),/rgutier/cs790_w02/l5.pdf, accessed 201022.***- Know the Score. Educate Yourself about Credit Scores and Critical Credit Issues,, accessed 201023.***- Principal Component Analysis (PCA), /strata/software/pdf/pcaTutorial.pdf, accessed 201024.***-Source data, /ml/machine-learning-databases/statlog/german/ ,accessed 201025.***-SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), / , accessed 2010Utilizarea analizei în componente principaleîn problema acordării creditelorRezumatAceastă lucrare descrie utilitatea Analizei în Componente Principale (ACP) în domeniul bancar, mai exact în soluţionarea problemei acordării creditelor de consum. ACP reprezintă un instrument puternic pentru analiza datelor de mari dimensiuni. Atunci când există o cerere pentru un împrumut de nevoi personale, ofiţerul de credite colectează date de la această persoanăşi îi calculează un punctaj. Factorii consideraţi pot influenţa diferit analiza de credit realizată. ACP poate ajuta în acest caz la extragerea acelor factori care descriu cel mai bine modelul de credit scoring. Datele folosite în aplicaţie au fost preluate dintr-o bază de date publică ce conţine date de creditare de la o bancă germană. Rezultatele subliniază utilitatea aplicării ACP în sectorul bancar pentru a reduce dimensiunea datelor, fără pierderi mari de informaţii utile.。



Protein Filaments Caught in the Act蛋白质细丝的行为Grant J. Jensen*C ells can be thought of as little chemical processing plants, but they also 细胞可以被看做小型化工加工工厂,但他们也能完成一些了不起的物accomplish some marvelous physical and mechanical tasks such as理和机械工作,例如把自己塑造成特有的形状,朝营养素处移动,组shaping themselves into characteristic forms, moving toward nutrients, 织复杂的内部结构,复制、分离DNA。

organizing their complex interiors, replicating and then segregating their DNA, and dividing (1). It has long been understood how in 人们很早就认识到真核细胞中的大部分工作是由它的细胞骨架细丝----一种细胞eukaryotes most of this work is done by cytoskeletal filaments –long中的细丝网状或束状的长的蛋白质聚合物来担当的。

protein polymers that are used like cables, tracks, and bea ms in the machinery of the cell. But until about a decade ago, it was a 但是直到大约十年前,细菌细胞如何完成同样的工作仍是个谜团。

mystery as to how bacterial cells did the same tasks. None of the 当时任何一种科技,包括传统的电子显微学方法,都不能令人信服地existing technologies, including "traditional" electronmicroscopy在细菌细胞中发现类似的细胞骨架细丝。



经济学人科技类文章中英双语(5篇范例)第一篇:经济学人科技类文章中英双语The Brain Activity Map绘制大脑活动地图Hard cell 棘手的细胞An ambitious project to map the brain is in the works.Possibly too ambitious 一个绘制大脑活动地图的宏伟计划正在准备当中,或许有些太宏伟了 NEWS of what protagonists hope will be America’s next big science project continues to dribble out.有关其发起人心中下一个科学大工程的新闻报道层出不穷。

A leak to the New York Times, published on February 17th, let the cat out of the bag, with a report that Barack Obama’s administration is thinking of sponsoring what will be known as the Brain Activity Map.2月17日,《纽约时报》刊登的一位线人报告终于泄露了秘密,报告称奥巴马政府正在考虑赞助将被称为“大脑活动地图”的计划。

And on March 7th several of those protagonists published a manifesto for the project in Science.3月7日,部分发起人在《科学》杂志上发表声明证实了这一计划。

The purpose of BAM is to change the scale at which the brain is understood.“大脑活动地图”计划的目标是改变人们在认知大脑时采用的度量方法。



营养与科技作文【中英文实用版】Title: The Intersection of Nutrition and TechnologyTitle: 营养与科技的交汇In the modern world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep.It is no surprise, then, that technology has also made its way into the field of nutrition, revolutionizing the way we think about food and health.在现代世界中,科技已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,从我们早上醒来直到晚上入睡。


One of the most significant ways that technology has impacted nutrition is through the development of new farming techniques and technologies that allow for more efficient and sustainable food production.For example, the use of precision agriculture has allowed farmers to use data and technology to optimize their farming practices, resulting in increased yields and reduced environmental impact.科技对营养影响最显著的方式之一是通过开发新的农业技术和方法,以更高效、更可持续的方式生产食物。



一篇英语科技文献摘要范文The rapid advancement of technology has transformed various aspects of our lives, from the way we communicate to the way we work and learn. In the realm of scientific research, the role of technology has become increasingly crucial, enabling researchers to push the boundaries of knowledge and make groundbreaking discoveries. One of the key components of scientific literature is the abstract, which serves as a concise and informative summary of a research study or paper. This essay will provide a sample abstract for a scientific literature, highlighting the essential elements and the importance of this critical component.The abstract is typically a standalone section that appears at the beginning of a research paper, providing readers with a concise overview of the study's purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. It is designed to give the reader a clear understandingof the study's focus and its key findings, without the need to read the entire paper. The abstract should be written in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to a wide audience, including those who may not be experts in the field.One of the primary functions of the abstract is to serve as a gateway to the research paper, allowing readers to quickly assess the relevance and significance of the study. It should be structured in a way that logically and coherently presents the key aspects of the research, guiding the reader through the study's objectives, methods, and outcomes. By providing a well-crafted abstract, researchers can effectively communicate their work to a broader audience, increasing the visibility and impact of their research.The structure of a well-written abstract typically includes the following key elements:Introduction: The introduction section of the abstract should provide a brief background on the research topic, outlining the problem or issue that the study aims to address. This section should also clearly state the research objectives or hypotheses being investigated.Methodology: The methodology section should describe the research methods employed in the study, including the study design, data collection techniques, and any relevant analytical approaches. This information should be presented in a concise and straightforward manner, without delving into excessive technical details.Results: The results section should summarize the key findings of the study, highlighting the most significant outcomes and any relevant statistical analyses or data. This section should be focused and informative, providing the reader with a clear understanding of the study's outcomes.Conclusion: The conclusion section should briefly summarize the overall significance and implications of the study's findings. This section should also address any limitations of the research and provide recommendations for future studies or potential applications of the findings.By following this structure, the abstract can effectively communicate the essence of the research study, allowing readers to quickly assess the study's relevance and determine whether they want to further explore the full research paper.In addition to the structural elements, the language and tone used in the abstract are also crucial. The abstract should be written in a clear, concise, and objective manner, avoiding the use of jargon or overly technical language that may be inaccessible to a general audience. The tone should be formal and professional, conveying the seriousness and rigor of the research.Overall, the abstract is a critical component of scientific literature,serving as a gateway to the research paper and providing readers with a concise and informative overview of the study's purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. By crafting a well-written abstract, researchers can effectively communicate their work to a broader audience, increasing the visibility and impact of their research.。



基于没有交集的主成分模型下的模式识别方法-外文文献及翻译xx工业大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:系(专业):姓名:学号:外文出处:Pattern Recognition附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

指导教师评语:签名:2010年6 月日附件1:外文资料翻译译文基于没有交集的主成分模型下的模式识别方法化学计量学研究组,化学研究所,umea大学摘要:通过独立的主成分建模方法对单独种类进行模式识别,这一方法我们已经进行了深刻的研究,主成分的模型说明了单一种类之内拟合所有的连续变量。


























然而,在硅酸盐 - 磷酸盐玻璃的主要特征也是它的脆弱性,这显著限制了它们的用途如生物材料。

一种最好的方法就是提高眼镜的机械性能的最佳方式是执行部分结晶(失透),以获得玻璃 - 结晶材料。




然而,一个问题结晶相生长的出现会对玻璃的生物活性产生不利影响[13,14] 。




代表性论文摘要中文翻译1.Mingying Yang#*, Guanshan Zhou#, Yajun Shuai, Jie Wang, Liangjun Zhu andChunbin Mao*.Ca2+-induced self-assembly of Bombyx mori silk sericin into a nanofibrous network-like protein matrix for directing controlled nucleation of hydroxylapatite nano-needles. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3, 2455-2462. IF 4.72摘要翻译:骨生物矿化是有规则的蛋白调节过程,在这个过程中羟基磷灰石HAP优先与自组装的蛋白矩阵定向成核。


因此,候选人及团队利用丝胶与骨矿化物羟基磷灰石HAP来构建纳米复合物,首次阐明家蚕丝胶构象改变/自组装对羟基磷灰石HAP协同作用的化学机理:丝胶含有丰富的阴离子氨基酸残基,通过静电引力结合HAP前驱溶液中的Ca2+离子,结合后的Ca2+促使丝胶的结构从random coils转变为β-sheets,并自组装成相纳米纤维网状结构蛋白,引起HAP晶体的成核和生长,使羟基磷灰石HAP晶体沿其C-轴纵向生长成纳米针状羟基磷灰石HAP,与此同时,纳米针状羟基磷灰石HAP通过丝胶的C=O基团与HAP的O-H间的氢键作用聚集成球状。


2.Mingying Yang#*, Guanshan Zhou#, Harold Castano-lzquierdo, Ye Zhu andChuanbin Mao*, Biomineralization of natural collagenous nanofibrous membranes and their potential use in bone tissue engineering, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2015, 11 (3): 447-456.IF 5.338摘要翻译:脱细胞组织的小肠粘膜下层(SIS,small intestinal submucosa)是一种自然的纳米纤维生物材料,因其主要组成为Ⅰ型胶原纤维与组织工程所需要的生长因子(成纤维细胞生长因子2和转换生长因子β)。



科技和食品制备英语小作文Technology and Food PreparationTechnology plays a crucial role in food preparation, from the earliest tools used for hunting and gathering to modern kitchen appliances and food processing techniques. In this essay, we will explore the ways in which technology has influenced food preparation and how it has improved the efficiency and quality of our meals.One of the most significant technological advancementsin food preparation is the development of cooking appliances such as stoves, ovens, and microwaves. These appliances have made it much easier for people to cook and prepare meals, allowing for greater control over temperature and cooking times. This has led to more consistent and reliable results, making it possible for people to create a wider variety of dishes with greater ease.In addition to cooking appliances, food processing technology has also had a major impact on food preparation. From the invention of the food processor to the developmentof industrial-scale food processing techniques, technology has made it possible to mass-produce and distribute food products more efficiently than ever before. This has led to a wider variety of convenient and pre-packaged foods being available to consumers, as well as a reduction in foodwaste and spoilage.Furthermore, the rise of the internet and digital technology has also revolutionized the way we access and share recipes and cooking tips. With the click of a button, we can access a vast array of recipes from around the world, allowing us to experiment with new flavors and ingredients. Social media platforms and cooking websites have also madeit easier for people to share their own recipes and cooking experiences, creating a global community of food enthusiasts.In the future, we can expect technology to continue to play a major role in food preparation. As new advancementsin artificial intelligence and robotics are made, we maysee the development of automated cooking devices that can prepare meals with minimal human intervention. Additionally, advances in food science and biotechnology may lead to thecreation of new ingredients and food products that are healthier, more sustainable, and more flavorful than ever before.科技对食品制备有着重要的影响,从最早的狩猎和采集工具到现代厨房电器和食品加工技术。



为什么植物是重要的英语作文初二英文回答:Plants play a crucial role in the intricate web of life on Earth. Their significance extends far beyond the oxygen they produce or the sustenance they provide; they are the foundation upon which ecosystems thrive and biodiversity flourishes.1. Oxygen Production: Plants are the primary producers of oxygen through photosynthesis, the process by which they convert sunlight into energy. This oxygen is essential for the survival of all aerobic organisms, including humans, animals, and microorganisms.2. Carbon Sequestration: Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it for photosynthesis. This process helps regulate the Earth's climate by reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases and mitigating theeffects of global warming.3. Food and Shelter: Plants provide a vital source of food for humans, animals, and insects. Their leaves, fruits, roots, and seeds are integral components of countless diets. Additionally, plants offer shelter and nesting sites for various wildlife species.4. Medicine and Pharmaceuticals: Many plants contain compounds with medicinal properties. These compounds have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments, from common colds to chronic diseases. Modern science continues to explore the therapeutic potential of plants, leading to the development of life-saving medications.5. Soil Conservation: Plant roots help anchor soil and prevent erosion. Their presence improves soil fertility by adding organic matter and nutrients. This is crucial for agriculture, as healthy soils are essential for crop production.6. Water Filtration: Plants act as natural waterfilters by absorbing pollutants and toxins from groundwaterand surface water. Their root systems slow down runoff, reducing the risk of flooding and improving water quality.7. Aesthetic and Cultural Value: Plants enhance the beauty of our surroundings, from vibrant gardens to sprawling forests. They have played a significant role in human culture and spirituality, inspiring art, literature, and mythology.中文回答:植物是地球上复杂生命网中至关重要的组成部分。



主修科学的英文作文英文:As a student majoring in science, I have always been fascinated by the mysteries of the natural world. Scienceis a subject that requires a lot of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It is not just about memorizing facts and figures, but about understanding how things work and why they work the way they do.One of the things I love about studying science is that it is a constantly evolving field. There is always something new to learn and discover. For example, in my biology class, we recently learned about CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary gene-editing technology that has thepotential to cure genetic diseases. It is amazing to think about the impact this technology could have on the world.Another reason I enjoy studying science is that it is a very practical subject. The concepts and theories we learnin class can be applied to real-life situations. For instance, in my physics class, we learned about the laws of motion and how they apply to everyday objects. This knowledge can be used to design and improve machines, vehicles, and other technologies.Overall, I believe that studying science is essential for understanding the world around us and making meaningful contributions to society. Whether it is through developing new technologies, discovering cures for diseases, or simply gaining a deeper understanding of the natural world, science has the potential to make a positive impact on our lives.中文:作为一名主修科学的学生,我一直被自然界的奥秘所吸引。



科技与食物Scientific advances have an impact on many aspects of our lives, including food. I believe that the increase in food varieties can be beneficial to mankind, although there are some problems.The development of food technology can be beneficial to the health of many people. This is because they are provided with a wider range of high-quality choices to adopt a balanced diet. For example, some perishables such as fruit and vegetables can be preserved and made available for people in cold climates.Some diet supplements have also been developed to improve the nutrition of our diet and promote our well-being.On the other hand, some people argue that the application of advanced food technology can pose health risks, although it can give us more options in our diet. Genetic engineering, for instance, modifies the genetic characteristics of natural crops, but the health consequence of eating these crops is yet to be known. In addition, some chemicals have been used to increase the shelf life of some foodstuffs, despite the fact that these chemicals can harm our health.In my view, the agricultural industry is able to feed a growing population because of technological advances. The main reason for this development is that technology makes a variety of crops resistant topests and diseases and also enables these crops to grow faster. This can boost food production. These emerging technologies are especially important for developing countries or heavily populated countries, where many people suffer from malnutrition.。



营养健康与科技的作文四年级【中英文版】英文:utrition, health, and technology are three interconnected aspects that play a vital role in our lives.In today"s society, we are increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.The advancements in technology have also revolutionized the way we approach nutrition and health.中文:营养、健康与科技是三个相互关联的方面,在我们的生活中起着至关重要的作用。



英文:A balanced diet is essential for providing our bodies with the necessary nutrients for growth and development.It is important to consume a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.Technology has made it easier for us to access information about healthy eating habits and to develop convenient tools like nutrition trackers and meal planning apps.中文:均衡的饮食对于为我们的身体提供成长和发育所需的营养至关重要。



主修科学英文作文英文回答:Science is an ever-evolving field, constantly expanding our knowledge and understanding of the natural world. As a student in the sciences, it is essential to develop strong writing skills to effectively communicate your research and findings. To write a compelling scientific essay in English, consider the following:Structure: Organize your essay into clear sections, such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should have a specific purpose and flowlogically from the previous one.Clarity and Concision: Use precise and unambiguous language to convey your ideas. Avoid jargon and unnecessary details. Focus on presenting the most important information in a concise and clear manner.Evidence and Support: Back up your claims with evidence from reputable sources, such as scientific journals or textbooks. Cite your sources correctly to give credit to the original authors and enhance your essay's credibility.Objective and Impersonal Tone: Maintain an objective and impartial tone throughout your writing. Avoid expressing personal opinions or biases. Use the third person to convey information and present a scientific viewpoint.Use of Formal Language: Employ formal academic language appropriate for a scientific context. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Avoid using contractions, informal language, or slang.中文回答:科学英文写作技巧。





关键字:现代生物技术转基因食品安全目录英文摘要 (1)第1章:简介 (1)第2章:转基因食品的现状 (2)第3章:转基因食品的安全问题 (2)第四章:结论 (5)参考文献 (5)第1章:简介生物技术是什么?也许不是太多的人知道它的定义。










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Science in China Series A:MathematicsJun.,2009,Vol.52,No.6,1342–1350 Modeling and prediction of children’s growth data via functional principal component analysis Dedicated to Professor Zhidong Bai on the occasion of his65th birthdayHU Yu1,HE XuMing2†,TAO Jian1&SHI NingZhong11Key Laboratory for Applied Statistics of MOE,School of Mathematics and Statistics,Northeast Normal University,Changchun130024,China2Department of Statistics,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,725South Wright Street,Champaign, IL61820,USA(email:huy578@,x-he@,taoj@,shinz@)Abstract We use the functional principal component analysis(FPCA)to model and predict the weight growth in children.In particular,we examine how the approach can help discern growth patterns of underweight children relative to their normal counterparts,and whether a commonly used transformation to normality plays any constructive roles in a predictive model based on the FPCA.Our work supplements the conditional growth charts developed by Wei and He(2006)by constructing a predictive growth model based on a small number of principal components scores on individual’s past. Keywords:eigenfunction,functional principal component analysis,LMS method,growth curve MSC(2000):Primary62H25,Secondary62P101IntroductionAnthropometric methods for constructing reference growth charts date back to Quetelet in the19th century,and have experienced vigorous subsequent growth in modern times.Almost every country has developed children’s reference growth charts for key measures,such as height, weight,and head circumference.These charts are widely used by pediatricians and parents.In recent years,two new directions have emerged in the study of growth charts.First,researchers began to consider conditional growth charts by incorporating individual’s past records(see[1]). Second,researchers advocated singling out subgroups(e.g.,the group with low birth weight) for more careful comparisons(see[2–4],among others).The present paper follows these new directions by modeling and predicting children’s weight growth by sub-groups and by utilizing individual’s past records.Weight is an important health indicator for children of all ages.To control weight gain velocity may be a useful intervention to avoid obesity(see[5]).In particular,the low birth weight group of children deserve special attention,because their weight growth is associated Received November10,2008;accepted April22,2009DOI:10.1007/s11425-009-0088-5†Corresponding authorThis work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.10828102),a Changjiang Visiting Professorship,the Training Fund of Northeast Normal University’s Scientific Innovation Project(Grant No.NENU-STC07002)and the National Institutes of Health Grant of USA(Grant No.R01GM080503-01A1).Citation:Hu Y,He X M,Tao J,et al.Modeling and prediction of children’s growth data via functional principal component analysis.Sci China Ser A,2009,52(6):1342–1350,DOI:10.1007/s11425-009-0088-5Modeling and prediction of growth data1343with their cognition development,educational attainment,and physical well-being;as made clear by[6,7].Typical growth charts used to screen children’s growth are based on the marginal percentile curves.Wei and He[1]advocated the use of past records to construct conditional growth charts. It is generally agreed upon that a child’s past growth pattern is a good indicator for his or her future growth.In this paper,we move away from screening abnormality relative to a reference population.Instead,we focus on modeling and predicting individual growth paths.To do so, we approach the problem by the functional data analysis.As shown in[8],the functional data analysis has wide applications,and the functional principal component analysis is a powerful tool for data summary.Since the weight measurements of children are not taken at regular intervals,we follow the idea of Yao et al.[9]and use a framework of nonparametric functional principal component analysis(FPCA).We show that taking thefirst two principal components from FPCA would greatly improve the prediction of the individual growth path of weight given prior measurements. We also show that regardless of whether the analysis is performed on the raw data or their z-scores the prediction errors are mostly comparable.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.In Section2,we briefly review the LMS transformations and show how they work for the children’s weight data we analyze in the paper. We also introduce the functional principal component analysis in this section.In Section3we examine thefirst two eigen-functions of weight growth for four subgroups of children.Section4 examines modelfitting,and discusses the number of principal components needed for modeling the weight data.In Section5,we evaluate the predictive performance of the model for the weight between2and3years based on the prior measurements in thefirst two years.We show that there is a very noticeable improvement in predicting individual growth from using thefirst one or two principal components,but using additional components adds little value.Section6 concludes the paper by discussing possible directions for the future work.2Methodology2.1LMS transformationTo construct growth charts with a series of percentile curves,it often helps to transform the data tofit a convenient parametric family.The most popular transformation is the LMS method first proposed by Cole[10],which generalizes the power transformation of Box and Cox[11]as an efficient tool for reducing skewness.In this paper we shall also consider modeling the LMS-transformed data,and investigate whether a transformation to normality has any benefits to individual prediction.Letλ(t),μ(t)andσ(t)denote the age-specific power,median,and scale functions,respec-tively.We standardize the raw weight byZ(t)=(Y(t)/μ(t))λ(t)−1λ(t)σ(t),which are assumed to be normally distributed,and will be called z-scores.The functions {λ(t),μ(t),σ(t)}are assumed to evolve smoothly with age,so Cole and Green[12]proposed1344Hu Y et al.estimating these functions by maximizing the following penalized log-likelihood,L (λ,μ,σ)−νλ (λ (t ))2dt −νμ (μ (t ))2dt −νσ(σ (t ))2dt,where L (λ,μ,σ)is the Box-Cox log-likelihood function,L (λ,μ,σ)=n i =1λ(t i )log(Y (t i )/μ(t i ))−log σ(t i )−Z 2(t i )2 ,and the smoothing parameters (νλ,νμ,νσ)are chosen to control the equivalent degrees of free-dom (edf)for those functions.We use the algorithm described by Carey et al.[13]in our work.Figure 1gives the three functions,λ(t ),μ(t )and σ(t ),over the ages of 0to 4years controlled at edf =(7,10,7).The results show that the correction of skewness is more necessary as the age increases.Earlier work has shown the clear advantages of using the LMS-transformed data to estimate percentile curves,but we will later examine the impact of the transformation for model fitting and individualprediction.Figure 1LMS transformations with edf =(7,10,7).2.2Functional principal component analysisConsider that X i (t )are independent random realizations of a random function X (t )with a mean function EX (t )=μ(t )and a covariance function G (s,t )=cov(X (s ),X (t )).We assume that the domain of X (t )is a closed interval [0,T ],and there exists an orthogonal representation (in the L 2sense)with orthonormal eigenfunctions φk and corresponding eigenvalues e 1 e 2 ··· 0satisfying ∞i =1e i <∞:G (s,t )=∞k =1e k φk (s )φk (t ),s,t ∈[0,T ].Modeling and prediction of growth data1345 By the Karhunen-Lo`e ve expansion of X(t),we haveX(t)=μ(t)+∞k=1ξkφk(t),whereξk are uncorrelated random variables(principal component scores)with mean zero and variance e k.We now model Y i(t)asY ij=X i(t ij)+ ij=μ(t ij)+∞k=1ξikφk(t ij)+ ij,where Y ij is the j-th observation(either the raw measurement on weight or the z-score derived from the LMS transformation)of the i-th subject, ij are i.i.d.measurement errors distributed as N(0,τ2)with an unknownτ2.A useful principal component analysis uses a truncation of the Karhunen-Lo`e ve expansion:Y ij=X i(t ij)+ ij=μ(t ij)+Mk=1ξikφk(t ij)+ ij,for some relatively small integer M.We follow[14]to estimate the decomposition,including using a local polynomial smoothing method to estimateμ(t).We use the fraction of variances explained(FVE)to guide our selection of M.3Functional principal components for each groupWe use weight data obtained from the1991longitudinal follow-up to the National Maternal and Infant Health Survey(NMIHS)conducted by Centers for Disease Control(CDC)in the United States[15].Longitudinal measurements on weight are available on5,062children born in1988.After removing a small proportion of the subjects with missing birth weight records, we have2,553boys and2,509girls between0and4years of age.We use month as the unit of time,but the measurement times are irregular.The median number of measurements of all children is7,and one child has a maximum of46measurements.Since gender and birth weight are often considered to be important factors for weight growth, we divide the subjects into four subgroups based on these two factors.Those children with birth weight at5.5lb or less are classified into the low birth weight groups.The four subgroups are labeled as Low1(623low birth weight boys),Low2(675low birth weight girls),nonLow1(1930 normal birth weight boys)and nonLow2(1834normal birth weight girls).Table1FVE for thefirst two principal components(LMS v.s.Raw)Low1Low2nonLow1nonLow2 FVE10.7377:0.70410.6717:0.65980.7593:0.71000.7169:0.767120.7671:0.75030.8539:0.85020.8551:0.85390.7778:0.7934M7:62:22:210:9Note:Row1for FVE is for thefirst principal component;Row2for thefirst two principal components.The last row for M is thefirst M for FVE to exceed0.85.Table1lists the FVEs for thefirst two principal components in each of the four subgroups based on the LMS-transformed data.If we require the FVE to reach0.85,the minimum number1346Hu Y et al.of the principle components,M,is2for two subgroups but7and10for the other two subgroups. Even for the two subgroups with M=7or10,thefirst two principal components already have the FVE value of over0.75.As a comparison,the FVEs for thefirst two principal components are also reported in Table1.Obviously,the FVEs based on the two types of data are very similar.We examine thefirst two eigenfunctions for each sub-group.We can see from Figure2that thefirst eigenfunction captures the trend of the long-term variation of the body weight over the four years.Interestingly,thefirst eigenfunction curve of the Low1group rises more rapidly in the initial months than those of the other groups.After3months,a similar trend is observed for thefirst eigenfunction in all subgroups,even though the boy’s birth weight of the Low1 group is obviously lower than the nonLow1group.The same observation can be made for the eigenfunctions based on the raw data or the LMS-transformed data.The second eigenfunction shown in Figure3explains the remaining residual variance that is not related to the mean function.The high residual variance localized at the ages of3.5to4years is mainly due to the sparsity of the observed data in that region.Figure2Thefirst eigenfunction for all groups.4Fitting individual growth curvesEven though it takes M=10in the nonLow2subgroup to explain85%of the variance,a model with two principal componentsfits most of the individual growth curves well.For illustration,we examine one subject(ID12501798).Thefitted growth curves and the observed measurements for this subject,based on0,1,2and10principal components,are given in Figure4.The upper left panel is thefitted curve obtained by10components,and the upper right panel is just the mean function with0principal components used.Clearly the mean function aloneModeling and prediction of growth data1347cannot predict accurately the weight growth of this individual.The two lower panels show the fitted curves obtained from1and2principal components,respectively.We note that thefitted curves from M=1or2are nearly as good as that from M=10.We note again that the LMS transformation had little impact on the quality of thefitted curves.Figure3The second eigenfunction for all groups.Based on our empirical results,we recommendfitting the weight growth of each subgroup with2principal components.As pointed out by James,Hastie,and Sugar[16],a large M risks over-fitting.This risk is not sufficiently compensated by the improvement in the overallfitting.5Predicting individual growth curvesFor each group,we are often most interested in making predictions for future growth paths.To evaluate the accuracy of prediction,we consider using the growth records in thefirst2years to predict the measurements in years2to3.We include subjects for whom there is at least one observed point before two years of age and at least one more point between2and3years of age.We divide them into two subsets:a training sample(80percents of subjects in each sub-group)and a testing sample.We use the training sample(with all the measurements)to estimate the unknown principal components and then predict the growth path(over ages2to3) of subjects in the testing sample based on their measurements prior to age2.For further information,we construct100(1−α)%asymptotic pointwise prediction intervals for the subjects in the testing sample.We shall describe how this can be done for the LMS-transformed data.Suppose that we want to predict the growth pattern of subject i.Let Y∗i denote the z-scores of subject i prior to age2, ΩM= Λ− H Σ−1Y∗i H T,where Λ=diag{ˆe1,...,ˆe M},H=1348Hu Y et al.Figure4Fitted curves for one subject with different number of principal components.Table2Coverage and average prediction error(LMS v.s.Raw)M Low1Low2nonLow1nonLow2 #{obs}9699283284Coverage00:00:00:00:010.7188:0.80210.7172:0.54550.7562:0.66520.7394:0.707720.7396:0.76040.7071:0.74750.7527:0.70880.8521:0.7077all0.7812:0.84380.7071:0.74750.7527:0.70880.8908:0.8521 Average prediction07.9000:7.9874 6.5021:6.6222 5.8219:5.81187.2530:7.1719 error1 4.8727:4.7662 3.4761:3.7983 3.5837:4.9416 3.5891:3.52522 4.7229:4.5987 3.6528:4.4299 3.9381:4.6231 3.5800:3.5219all 4.2560:4.2163 3.6528:4.4299 3.9381:4.6231 3.7473:3.5674 FVE10.7029:0.65900.6773:0.69440.7617:0.71070.7069:0.725520.7493:0.77610.8556:0.85930.8570:0.86990.7539:0.7979(ˆe1ˆφi1,...,ˆe MˆφiM)T,M is the number of components used to make the prediction,and ΣY∗iisthe covariance function at the observed time points t∗i corresponding to Y∗i.Obviously, Σ−1Y∗i andH depend on Y∗i.For t∈[2,3],letˆφM,t=(ˆφ1(t),...,ˆφM(t))T,and X M i(t)=ˆμ(t)+ˆφT M,tˆξM i, whereˆξM i=(ˆξ1,i,...,ˆξM,i)T is determined by Y∗i and the M principal components,ˆξj,i=n∗ik=1(Y∗i,k−ˆμ(T i,k))ˆφj(T i,k)(T i,k−T i,k−1),0=T i,0 T i,1 ··· T i,n∗i2,ˆφj,similarly totheir multivariate counterparts,is obtained by orthogonal decomposition of empirical covariance function G estimated by training sample,j=1,...,M.Now we construct the100(1−α)%Modeling and prediction of growth data1349approximate pointwise prediction interval for X i(t),the measurement at time t∈(2,3)as follows:X M i (t)±Φ−1(1−α/2)ˆφTM,tΣMˆφM,t,whereΦ(·)is the standard Gaussian c.d.f.For simplicity,we use[LB∗,UB∗]to denote this interval on the z-scores.When evaluating the accuracy of predictions,we transform them back to the raw scale,and the resulting intervals are denoted as[LB,UB].We evaluate the performance of prediction intervals using both coverage and average predic-tion error on the raw weight scale.The results are summarized in Table2,where the FPCA is used for both the raw data and the LMS-transformed data.We make two important observa-tions.First,the coverage probabilities are below the nominal level of95%.This indicates that the asymptotic prediction intervals are too liberal at the sample sizes of our study.Betterfinite-sample prediction intervals need to be developed.Second,the LMS-transformation appears to lead to better prediction intervals(smaller errors and higher coverage)for boys with normal birth weight,but the benefit is not clear for the other subgroups.Most importantly,we note that the use of M=2principal components offers a substantial benefit over any prediction based on the group means,but going beyond M=2has little added value.6Conclusion and further workBy analyzing the weight growth data from the four subgroups of children,we have made a con-vincing case for using a small number of functional principal components in modeling or predict-ing individualized growth paths based on their prior records.We alsofind that transformation to normality,which is often valuable in constructing centile curves of the same measurements, may not provide much benefit to individualized prediction.Two future research problems arise from our study.One is how to use the functional principal component models to adjust for additional covariates(such as parental information).The other is how to obtain prediction intervals that are better than those based on the asymptotic normality so that the coverage probabilities are well preserved.We hope that our article adds further credential to[1]for the value of conditional growth analysis and encourages additional research in this important area.References1Wei Y,He X.Discussion paper:conditional growth charts.Ann Statist,34:2069–2097(2006)2Ogden C L,Troiano R P,Briefel R R,et al.Prevalence of overweight among preschool children in the United States,1971through1994.Pediatrics,99:1–7(1997)3Stettler N,Zemel B S,Kumanyika S,et al.Infant weight gain and childhood overweight status in a multi-center cohort study.Pediatrics,109:194–188(2002)4Waring M E,Lapane K L.Overweight in children and adolescents in relation to attention-deficit/hyperactiv-ity disorder:results from a national sample.Pediatrics,122:1–7(2008)5Belfort M B,Rifas-Shiman S L,Rich-Edwards J W,et al.Infant growth and children cognition at3years of age.Pediatrics,122:689–695(2008)6Schimidt L A,Miskovic V,Boyle M H,et al.Shyness and timidity in young adults who were born at extremely low birth 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