


2.1 系统需求 ............................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 安装ArcSWAT..................................................................................................................... 2 2.3 ArcSWAT安装目录 .............................................................................................................. 5 第三章 数据准备 ............................................................................................................................. 7 3.1: 必需的ARCSWAT空间数据集 ........................................................................................ 7 3.2: 可选的ARCSWAT空间数据集 ........................................................................................ 8 3.3: ARCSWAT表和文本文件.................................................................................................. 9 第四章 启动ARCSWAT ............................................................................................................... 19 4.1: ARCSWAT 工具条介绍.................................................................................................. 19 4.2: ARCSWAT PROJECTS管理 ........................................................................................... 20 4.3: ARCSWAT帮助................................................................................................................ 20 4.4: ARCSWAT 1.X与ARCSWAT 2.X .................................................................................. 20 第五章 流域划分 ........................................................................................................................... 21 5.1 流域划分对话框 ................................................................................................................ 21 5.2 DEM设置 ........................................................................................................................... 22 5.3 河网定义 ............................................................................................................................ 25 5.4 OUTLET、INLET定义 ..................................................................................................... 26 5.5 流域总出口指定及子流域划分 ........................................................................................ 27 5.6 子流域参数的计算 ............................................................................................................ 27 本章小结 .................................................................................................................................. 28 第六章 HRU分析........................................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Land use/SOIL/SLOPE定义及覆盖 .................................................................................. 29



SWAT新手安装指南SWAT的安装1 AVSWAT的安装:1)安装环境:ArcView 3.1 or 3.2 (software)Spatial Analyst 1.1 or later (单独安装的模块)Dialog Developer 3.1 or later (自带的模块)2)安装要点:先安装ArcView和Spatial Analyst模块,中文用户需要把区域与语言选项中把语言修改为英语(美国)。

然后解压AVSWAT安装文件,启动ArcView,在File 菜单上单击Open Project,打开安装文件所在的目录,选择setup.apr,并单击OK。


2 ArcSWAT 1.0.7的安装:1)安装环境:Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1ArcGIS-ArcView 9.1 with service pack 2 (Build 766)ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 9.1 extensionArcGIS Developer Kit (usually found in C:\ProgramFiles\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit\)ArcGIS DotNet support (usually found in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DotNet\) 2)安装顺序及要点:①首先安装Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1;注意:很重要,否则第2步中将不会出现".NET Support";②安装ArcGIS9.1,选择自定义安装并勾选".NET Support"和"SpatialAnalyst"模块,或者选择完全安装;③安装ArcGIS Developer Kit;④安装ArcGIS9.1 SP2 (build 766);从英文官网可以下载到,/index.cfm?fa=downloads.patchesServicePacks.viewPatch&PID=43&MetaID=1162⑤安装ArcSWAT,不再出现错误,成功。



C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb\Reclass_19902C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\ArcGIS\Default1.gdb\Reclass_Extr3预处理:要先建立一个模型库一、D EM数据下载地理空间数据云下载二、土地利用数据准备:土地利用分布图& 土地利用类型索引表(矢量、栅格)土地利用栅格图(已准备好)①首先进行投影转换Arctoolbox-----data management tools--------projection and transformation-----raster----define projection②提取研究区那一部分的土地利用……Arctoolbox----extraction------extract by mask③重分类土地利用(分成10以内),首先要查询刚刚剪裁完的LUCC数据库,查看其具体分类attributes of ……然后再进行重分类,要将剪裁完成的土地利用数据库分类成swat可以识别的数据(查询数据库中的crop)spatial analyst tools-----reclass-----reclassify(重分类的输出路径可以更改,但是名字好像要取默认的……)④重分类完成后,填写txt文本索引表。

三、土壤数据库建立(麻烦)C:\Users\Ad ministrator\Documents\ArcGIS\Default1.gdb\Extract_chin1HWSD中国土壤数据集①土壤数据也需要进行投影转换(同土地利用数据)Data management tools -----projections and transformation---raster----define projection②提取研究区的土壤Spaial anylyst tools ---extraction----extract by mask③打开研究区土壤属性表Open attribute table查看value打开HWSD.mdb---HWSD-DATA表,按照对应的value,栅格数据的value值与HWSD-DATA表中的MU-GLOBAL字段的数值相对应,寻找出每一种类型的参数。



Soil and Water Assessment Tool User’s Manual Version 2000S.L.Neitsch, J.G.Arnold, J.R.Kiniry, R.Srinivasan, J.R.Williams, 2002Chapter 1 overview1.1 流域结构 WATERSHED CONFIGURATION✧子流域-无数量限制的HRUs(每个子流域至少有1个)-一个水塘(可选)-一块湿地(可选)✧支流/干流段(每个子流域一个)✧干流河网滞留水(围坝拦截部分)(可选)✧点源(可选)1.1.1子流域(subbasins)子流域是流域划分的第一级水平,其在流域拥有地理位置并且在空间上与其他子流域相连接。

1.1.2 水文响应单元(HRU)HRUs是子流域拥有特定土地利用/管理/土壤属性的部分,其为离散于整个子流域同一土地利用/管理/土壤属性的集合,且假定不同HRU相互之间没有干扰。




1.1.3主河道(Reach/Main Channels)水流路线、沉积物和其他经过河段的物质在theoretical documentation section7中有描述。

1.1.4 支流(Tributary Channels)辅助性水流渠道用来区分子流域产生的地表径流输入的渠系化水流。


























ArcSWAT 2012.10_2.18 Release NotesUpdated 9/9/15AcrcGIS Compatibility:ArcSWAT 2012.10_2.18 is compatible with ArcGIS 10.2.2, build 3552.SWAT2012.exe Version:The SWAT2012.exe Revision 637 is packaged with ArcSWAT 2012.10_2.18.Changes from Version 2012.10_2.17:IMPORTANT: Older SWAT projects created prior to the current ArcSWAT version should run the new “Database Update” utility found under the “Write Input Tables” menu. This utility will update the tables in your SWAT project database (e.g., “gw”, “hru”) to make sure all the correct columns are in the table and assign default values for the new columns. The utility will also copy new parameter “range” tables from the current SWAT2012.mdb distributed with the ArcSWAT to the SWAT2012.mdb database associated with your current ArcSWAT project. You should select all tables when you run the database update.1.tblOutputVars: In the previous ArcSWAT version, the “Database Update” utility was not copyingthe new “tblOutputVars” table from the newly installed “SWAT2012.mdb” database into previously created projects. This has been fixed now.2.There had been some reports of output files (such as output.rch) not getting imported to the SWAToutput database correctly when the user selected output variables option was chosen. Some database checks have been added to help prevent this error.3.The new “ElevationBand” table is now automatically created when running “Write SWAT InputTables”. This addresses an error that could occur if a user did not run the “Database Update” utility prior to writing the SWAT input tables.Changes from Version 2012.10_2.16:IMPORTANT: Older SWAT projects created prior to the current ArcSWAT version should run the new “Database Update” utility found under the “Write Input Tables” menu. This utility will update the tables in your SWAT project database (e.g., “gw”, “hru”) to make sure all the correct columns are in the table and assign default values for the new columns. The utility will also copy new parameter “range” tables from the current SWAT2012.mdb distributed with the ArcSWAT to the SWAT2012.mdb database associated with your current ArcSWAT project. You should select all tables when you run the database update.4.Automatic elevation band delineation: Inputs to allow automatic delineation of elevation bands havebeen added to the HRU Definition interface as a new tab to the form. Users can now specify theminimum difference between subbasin minimum elevation and maximum elevation in order forbands to be delineated, as well as the number of elevation bands for those subbasins meeting thecriteria. Elevation bands are delineated such that each band has equal area.5.Subbasin elevation band re-calculations in “SUB” file edit: When editing subbasin parameters, userscan now change the number of elevation bands for the subbasin, and the interface will automatically determine the elevation band elevations and fractions. For this to be functional, the SWAT modelwill need to have had basin delineation occur with ArcSWAT Version 2012.10_1.17.6.From the “Run SWAT’ interface, users can now choose which RCH, SUB, and HRU parameterswill be printed in the output files.7.Additional error checking was added to soils database code to look for missing soils.8.The CROP table in the SWAT2012.mdb database was updated with new crops9.When using the US STATSGO soils database, the selection of which component to choose wasmodified from the old method of choosing the first SEQN value, to now choose the component with the maximum percentage of the map unit.10.Units for rooting depth printed in the .SOL file were corrected.11.The default operation schedules in the “OpSchedules” table in the SWAT2012.mdb database cannow be date based in addition to heat unit based.12.A new definition for the iEvent variable was incorporated.13.The input file formatting of observed reservoir outflows was modified to be able to accommodatelarger values.14.A new HRU delineation method based on a user’s target number of HRUs in the watershed wasadded.15.The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) lookup table was added into the SWAT2012.mdb database, and asan option in the Land Use analysis tab during land use/soils/slope overlay.16.A bug in how the output.mgt file was importing into the SwatOutput.mdb database was fixed.17.The required location for custom SWAT executables (swatUser.exe) was changed to be the project’sTxtInOut folder. This allows different custom SWAT executables to be used with different projects. Changes from Version 2012.10_2.15:1. A bug was introduced in version 2012.10_2.15 that occurred during watershed delineation. The bugoccurred when users added their own outlet points to the delineation, beyond the automaticallygenerated outlets. The result was most often an error message that prevented delineation fromcontinuing to completion. Version 2012.10_2.16 corrects this problem.Changes from Version 2012.10_2.14:IMPORTANT: Older SWAT projects created prior to the current ArcSWAT version should run the new “Database Update” utility found under the “Write Input Tables” menu. This utility will update the tables in your SWAT project database (e.g., “gw”, “hru”) to make sure all the correct columns are in the table and assign default values for the new columns. The utility will also copy new parameter “range” tables from the current SWAT2012.mdb distributed with the ArcSWAT to the SWAT2012.mdb databaseassociated with your current ArcSWAT project. You should select all tables when you run the database update.2.Updated the CROP table to include several new crops in the SWAT2012 database.3.Modified writing of atmo.atm file to only write the file if average annual value option is chosen.Users can supply their own atmo.atm monthly values by choosing an IATMO value of “1”. Inaddition, the same deposition values specified in the .BSN file are written as one line for everysubbasin in the watershed.4.The DEM, Land use, and soils raster datasets can now be read in from a file geodatabase.5.The header line in the .RES files was modified to be compatible with SWAT-CUP.6.The handling of split sub-landuses during HRU delineation has been modified for the case exemptland uses are specified. In this version, if a parent land use is specified as being “exempt” from theland use threshold, then all sub-land uses will also be exempt.7.New parameters in the HRU table and .hru files have been added to the interface.8.New parameters in the BSN table and .bsn file have been added to the interface.9.The SWAT executable has been updated to version 627.Changes from Version 2012.10_1.13:1.Corrected a bug in the printing of “Residue Management” and “Generic Conservation Practice”operations in the .OPS files.2.Added error checking to the writing of all SWAT ascii input files that specifies which subbasin orHRU has an error that causes the printing error.3.Added new code to automatically print the .SUB files in the .OPS files get re-written.4.Fixed some issues associated with the new “Database Update” functionality available from the“Write Input Tables” menu to ensure cleaner operation. This should fix issues associated with“PR_W1” and “PR_W2” in the WGN table interfaces.5.Modified the printing of the “CH_EQN” parameter in the “.rte” file to print as an integer forSWAT-CUP compatibility.6.Modified the option of applying point sources to every subbasin. Due to occasional issues withapplying this option for user defined streams, the point source geographic locations are now set to be the “label point” of the subbasin. The point source location will no longer appear coincident with a reach. This has no impact on the model simulation.7.Update the reading of “output.pot” to be compatible with latest output format from SWAT.exe. Filecan now be read into the SWATOutput.mdb database.8.Updated the version of SWAT-Check to most recent (2/26/14) version.9.Updated the version of the swat2012.exe to Rev. 622.Changes from Version 2012.10_0.12:1.Added a new item to the “Write Input Tables” menu. The new item, “Database Update”, launchesan interface that allows the user to select ArcSWAT tables to update to the database structurecompatible with the current ArcSWAT version. Important: Running this new utility is necessarywhen using ArcSWAT for a project that was created with an earlier version of ArcSWAT.Otherwise, interface errors or crashes are more likely to occur. It is best to select all tables to getchecked for updates.2.Fixed a bug in the User Weather stations editing interface that occurred when updating values forthe PR_W1 and PR_W2 parameters.3.Updated some “ArcAPEX” message box text to say “ArcSWAT”.4.Fixed a bug related to the printing of observed reservoir outflow time series that caused errormessages to occur when the starting date of the simulation was earlier than the starting date of the reservoir operation.5.Fixed a bug in the “res” table to correctly set the value of the “RES_SUB” parameter to be equal tothe subbasin. This bug did not result in any errors in the printing of .res files or simulations.6.Updated default and range values for some PND and GW table parameters.Changes from Version 2012.10_0.11:7.Updated the .GW interface to add new parameters.8.Updated printing of PCPmm in the .WGN files to handle values 1000 and greater.9.Fixed a bug in the editing of Manning’s overland flow values in crop database.10.Modified the land use change functionality to make subsequent land use changes cumulative on theland use changes specified earlier in the model run period.11.Fixed a bug in the assignment of lat and long to the point sources in the MonitoringPoint featureclass. The values were reversed when running user defined watersheds and streams and when theuser chooses to add a point source to each watershed.Changes from Version 2012.10_0.10:1.Modified the point source/inlet editing interface regarding how the type of point source/inlet(constant, daily, etc.) is checked, reducing the chance for errors to be encountered.2.Modified the header line in the .hru files to print “Slope:” instead of “Slope”. This was necessary forSWAT-CUP compliance.3.Modified the ranges for PLAPS and TLAPS in the “subrng” table in the SWAT2012.mdb database.4.Fixed the printing of the pcp.pcp and tmp.tmp files so that lat, lon, and elevation are printedcorrectly.5.Fixed a problem with the .sub file editing interface regarding the flag to use subbasin specific .snofiles. There were situations where this flag (SUBSNOW in the sub table) was being unintentionally set back to a value of “0”.Changes from Version 2012.10_0.9:6.Fixed an issue introduced in 2012.10_0.9 with the delineation of HRUs when the split HRUs optionwas used AND the new split HRU land classes were not already part of the original land use class.The split HRUs were not getting created correctly in 2012.10_0.9.7.Updated the WGN tables in the “ArcSWAT_WeatherDatabase.mdb” database. Problems with dewpoint temperature and half hour rainfall intensity value identified in the previous version of thedatabase have been fixed.Changes from Version 2012.10_0.8:8.Calculation of closest weather stations to each subbasin: A bug was fixed that could occur if thedistance from the weather station to the subbasin “center” was equal to 0. In these situations, thesecond closest station was selected. This issues had been corrected.9.Assignment of subbasin Lat/Long: The subbasin Lat and Long attributes (in watershed featureclass) were modified so that they are first calculated as the centroid of the subbasin. If the centroid falls outside the subbasin boundary, then the subbasin lat/long is calculated as the “label point” of the subbasin. The “label point” will always be within the subbasin boundary.10.RunSWAT: When the SWAT model is run, the “swat2012.exe” file is now deleted from theTxtInOut folder once the process finishes (change made for SWAT-CUP).11.CHLA_SUBCO: The min, max, and default values for this parameter were modified in theswat2012.mdb database.12.Watershed Delineation: Parts of the watershed delineation code were modified to help improvestability, particularly during stream delineation.13.Atmo.Atm: The writing of this file was corrected. Values for atmospheric deposition are now storedin the BSN tables and are editable through the bsn edit interface.14.Reading weather station location files: Problems associated with reading in text files of weatherstation location (found on some computers) was fixed.15.HRU Splitting: The process of splitting HRUs into sub-HRUs was found to potentially result induplicate HRUs (same subbasin, land use, soil, slope). The HRU splitting process was re-written to correct this potential problem.16.Measured PET File: The documentation on how to handle and format measured PET data wascorrected in the ArcSWAT documentation.17.Irrigation Sources: The use of reservoirs as irrigation sources was not being handled correctly. Oneof the problems was in associated printing of the .mgt files. Another problem was in the sorting of the irrigation sources in the MGT interface. These issues have been corrected.Changes from Version 2012.10_0.7:1.The default subbasin channel slope (CH_S1) had been set to the mean subbasin slope (the SLO1field in the Watershed feature class). The more appropriate value to use is the longest flow pathslope (the CSL field in the Watershed feature class). The default value for the CH_S1 value is now set to the longest flow path slope.2.In the .hru files, the parameter CFDEC was only being printed out 1 digit to the right of thedecimal. The precision has been increased to 3 digits to the right of the decimal.3.In the .bsn file, the parameter PC_BSN was only being printed out 2 digit to the right of thedecimal. The precision has been increased to 3 digits to the right of the decimal.4.In the BSN edit interface, the CN_FROZ was assigned to either “inactive” or “active”. Now, theparameter takes a specific value (default = 0 .000862) and prints that to the .bsn file.ArcSWAT 2012 Version Notes:ArcSWAT for SWAT 2012 includes several changes from ArcSWAT for SWAT 2009. Some of the more significant updates include the following:1.SSURGO Soils Integration: Integration with SSURGO-based spatial soils dataset and hasbeen included in the Land Use/Soils/Slope Overlay process. In addition, a nationaldatabase of SSURGO soils attributes has been developed. This database can be downloadedfrom the SWAT web site at: /software/arcswat/ .2.Expanded Weather Database: An expanded monthly weather database for the United Statesis now included with the ArcSWAT install package. This database,“ArcSWAT_WeatherDatabase.mdb”, contains monthly weather statistics (for the SWATweather generator) for over 18,000 stations. There are four different time periodsrepresented, allowing for comparative analysis suitable for climate change studies. Thesetime periods include, 1960 – 1990, 1970-2000, 1980-2010, and 1960-2010.3.Updated ArcSWAT Table Management: The interface for writing of default SWAT inputtables has been re-designed. In addition to the change to the user interface, the back-endprocessing which creates the default tables is now conducted without the use of ESRIArcObjects software. This has allowed a significant expansion in the functionality of theArcSWAT companion software, SWATEditor. SWATEditor can now process and theweather data and generate all input tables, no longer requiring ArcGIS for this purpose.ers can now change the weather inputs multiple times without needing to re-write and/oredit the SWAT input tables before re-running the model. Note: ArcSWAT 2012 no longersupports dBase format weather input files. Only text files are allowed. See that ArcSWAT2012 documentation for format requirements.5.New DRAINMOD Sub-Surface Drainage: New options for simulating sub-surfacedrainage have been added to SWAT and the ArcSWAT interface. The new DRAINMODdrainage option follows is accessible through the HRU table editing interface.6.Urban BMPs: Four new urban BMPS can now be simulated with SWAT 2012 and can beparameterized using the ArcSWAT interface. The new BMPs include Detention Ponds,Wet Ponds, Retention/Irrigation Basins, and Sedimentation/Filtration Basins. These BMPscan be accessed from the PND table editing interface.7.Expanded Output Files: A significantly larger number of SWAT output files can now beread into the SWATOutput database. There are now 15 different SWAT output files thatcan be imported for analysis.8.SwatCheck: SWAT model output in the output.std file can now be analyzed for possibleerrors or unreasonable values through the SwatCheck program, accessed directly fromArcSWAT.9.Updates to the SWAT 2012 model executable: The SWAT2012 model executable includessome changes to the SWAT2009 model executable. In some cases, results obtained from the SWAT2012 model will not be the same as the SWAT2009 model.。

Arc swat安装步骤

Arc swat安装步骤

Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)模型的安装Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)模型的安装有些许复杂,如果是从没有接触过的同学,在安装时非常容易遇到问题。






下文详细描述了模型的安装过程,供大家参考!原文地址:/SWAT的安装1 AVSWAT的安装:1)安装环境:ArcView 3.1 or 3.2 (software)Spatial Analyst 1.1 or later (单独安装的模块)Dialog Developer 3.1 or later (自带的模块)2)安装要点:先安装ArcView和Spatial Analyst模块。

然后解压AVSWAT安装文件,中文用户需要把区域与语言选项中把语言修改为英语(美国),启动ArcView,在File 菜单上单击Open Project,打开安装文件所在的目录,选择setup.apr,并单击OK。

2 ArcSWAT 1.0.7的安装:1)安装环境:Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1ArcGIS-ArcView 9.1 with service pack 2 (Build 766)ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 9.1 extensionArcGIS Developer Kit (usually found in C:\ProgramFiles\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit\)ArcGIS DotNet support (usually found in C:\ProgramFiles\ArcGIS\DotNet\)2)安装要点:①首先安装Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1;注意:很重要,否则第2步中将不会出现".NET Support",则ArcSWAT安装目录中不会出现"ProgramFiles\ArcGIS\DotNet",这就是网上很多人出现的常见错误"swat_hru.dll..."的原因。



SWAT模型上机实例一、打开SWAT打开ArcView,File Extensions,勾选AVSWATX Extendable,点击OK进入SWAT界面。


)二、建立SWAT 工程文件1、点击New Project新建一个工程文件,出现如下界面的时候,可先在右边方框选择路径,在左边方框输入工程文件名称,完成路径选择和名称输入点击ok。




三、Watershed Delineation1、导入dema, 点击①,选择Load DEM grid from disk,点击OK;b, 在右边路径选择为:C:\AVSWATX\AvSwatDB\Example3,此时选择左边的dem,或者直接输入dem,点击OK;c, 有警示栏提示需将DEM数据投影,点击OK即可。

2、DEM投影a, 点击②,依次点击projection、OK、Yes;b, 选择Predefined Projection,Alber Equal_Area(Conterminous U.S.),点击OK。

回到Dem Properties提示栏时,再次点击OK回到Delineation。

3、载入MASKa, 勾选③Focusing watershed area option前面的方框,在弹出界面中选择Load mask grid from disk,点击OK。

b, 在右边的路径选择中,将路径选择到C:\AVSWATX\AvSwatDB\Example3,然后在左边选择amask,点击OK。




ARCSWAT模型使用1. 模型介绍SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)是由美国农业部(USDA)的农业研究中心(ARS,Agricultural Research Service)Jeff Amonld博士1994年开发的。



SWAT模型综合了早期开发的SWRRB(the Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins)模型和ROTO(the Routing Outputs to Outlet)模型的特征,从1990s 问世以来,经历了SWAT94.2,96.2,98.1,99.2,2000等版本,模型在原理算法、结构、功能等方面都有很大的改进,现在使用的SWAT2005版本可以在Arcview、ArcGIS等常见的软件平台上运行,具有良好的用户界面,在ARCGIS上的SW AT 模型为ARCSW AT。

本文使用的是ArcGIS 9.2支持下的ArcSW AT 2.0.0。

模型数据处理过程:SWAT模型所需的数据有地形、土壤、土地利用、气象、水文、营养物质等,根据研究目的不同可以选择建立不同的数据库,模型本身带有Land Cover/Plant Growth Database、Urban Database数据库。



ArcSight SmartConnectors软件版本8.4.x安装指南:上下文和内容AUP文件发

ArcSight SmartConnectors软件版本8.4.x安装指南:上下文和内容AUP文件发

ArcSight SmartConnectors Software Version:8.4.xInstallation Guide for Context and Content AUPDocument Release Date:2023Software Release Date:2023Legal NoticesOpen Text Corporation275Frank Tompa Drive,Waterloo,Ontario,Canada,N2L0A1Copyright NoticeCopyright2023Open Text.The only warranties for products and services of Open Text and its affiliates and licensors(“Open Text”)are as may be set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Open Text shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Trademark Notices“OpenText”and other Open Text trademarks and service marks are the property of Open Text or its affiliates.All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners.Documentation UpdatesThe title page of this document contains the following identifying information:l Software Version numberl Document Release Date,which changes each time the document is updatedl Software Release Date,which indicates the release date of this version of the softwareTo check for recent updates or to verify that you are using the most recent edition of a document,go to:https:///support-and-services/documentationInstallation Guide for Content AUP and Context UpdatesThis guide provides information to install the Content AUP and Context updates.Note:From May2023onwards,the ArcSight Context-GeoLocation&VulnerabilitySignature updates and ArcSight Content-Categorization updates will be a monthly release. Content AUP also known as ArcSight Content-Categorization Updates is delivered as Patch and is available through ArcSight SmartConnectors License SKU.Customers who are still on legacy ArcSight product structure who have not migrated to ArcSight Standard Edition license structure might obtain the AUP updates through most current version of core product downloads.There is a list of signatures within which the categorization gets modified which changes with every release.Context Update also known as ArcSight Context-GeoLocation&Vulnerability Signature Updates is delivered through ESM and Logger SKUs.Context updates are based on the following3factors which changes in every release:l Vulnerability Signatures:Every single ArcSight release provides additional context as part of the event enrichment process and lets ESM leverage this data as it analyzes the barrage of IDS and other security alerts available for popular products like Snort, Juniper,TippingPoint,etc.l Sensor Signatures:The term signature refers to signatures,rules,and filters.Customers use IPS systems to monitor networks for suspicious traffic.Mostly a set of filters or rules,which is commonly known as signatures,is designed to identify various types of network events.Signatures are often associated with vulnerabilities.ArcSight collects this information and stores it in the categorization database.Vulnerabilities are mapped to a signature.From a signature,one can find the associatedvulnerabilities.l ipdataV6:We have a redistribution license for Maxmind DB,which is a third-party geolocation database that is updated every week.The MaxMind and the geolocation information are distributed via a binary data file known as ipdataV6.mmdb.Important:Every information submitted to MaxMind is subjected to modifications as theyhave the final destination to introduce the modifications on DB's that they provide to buildthe Context Builds.Every correction is reviewed by MaxMind to ensure that is accurateand complies with their policies which might take2-3weeks.No requests are accepted forchanging anonymous proxy or VPN IP addresses.Intended AudienceThis guide provides information for IT administrators who are responsible for managing the ArcSight software and its environment.Additional DocumentationThe ArcSight SmartConnector documentation library includes the following resources:l Technical Requirements Guide for SmartConnector,which provides information about operating system,appliance,browser,and other support details for SmartConnector. l Installation and User Guide for SmartConnectors,which provides detailed information about installing SmartConnectors.l Configuration Guides for ArcSight SmartConnectors,which provides informationabout configuring SmartConnectors to collect events from different sources.l Configuration Guide for SmartConnector Load Balancer,which provides detailedinformation about installing Load Balancer.For the most recent version of this guide and other ArcSight SmartConnector documentation resources,visit the documentation site for ArcSight SmartConnectors8.4.Contact InformationWe want to hear your comments and suggestions about this book and the other documentation included with this product.You can use the comment on this topic link at the bottom of each page of the online documentation,or send an email to MFI-***********************************.For specific product issues,contact Open Text Support for Micro Focus products.Installing ArcSight Content-Categorization UpdatesImportant:Micro Focus recommends the customers to use this AUP Content version onthe latest release of SmartConnectors.Note:ArcSight Content Updates are packaged in the form of AUP files.To obtain theupdated files,navigate to https:///and log in using theuser ID and password.Applying on ESMTo apply a new Content AUP:1.Log in to an ESM machine.2.Copy the.aup file to ARCSIGHT_HOME\updates\directory.3.SmartConnectors registered to this ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager downloadsthe file,and generates an audit event once completed.The ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager finds the new content and pushes it to the SmartConnectors.When the updates occurs,each of the affected SmartConnectors triggers an audit event to ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager.Applying on ArcMCTo apply Content AUP:1.Copy the downloaded Content AUP file to the machine that is used to connect to thebrowser-based interface.2.Log in to the browser-based interface for ArcSight Management Center,from thecomputer where the AUP file is downloaded.3.Click Administration>Repositories.4.Click Content AUP from the left panel.5.Click Upload from the right panel.6.Click Browse and Select the file you downloaded.7.Click Submit to add the specified file to the repository and send it to all the applicableconnectors.Modified SignaturesThere is a list of signatures within which the categorization gets modified.Every Content AUP release might not contain any modified signatures and this changes with every release.The user can find these signatures in the Release Notes.Installing ArcSight Context-GeoLocation& Vulnerability Signature UpdatesApplying and Verifying Context Updates on ArcSight ESM1.Make a note of the md5checksum generated for the files,as the values change with everyrelease.The updated values are provided along with the mappings for every release.For detailed description,click Release Notes for2022Context Updates.2.Copy file over to the$ARCSIGHT_HOME/config/server directory on ESM.3.Unzip the file in$ARCSIGHT_HOME/config/server,and replace the existing files with theunzipped files.4.Remove file extension.5.Verify the md5checksum values for the files.6.ESM renames files from previous releases with a timestamp appended to their names.These files are saved in the same directory as the unzipped files.7.To verify if the updates are successfully applied on the ArcSight Enterprise SecurityManager,check the timestamped files from the last release.8.Verify that the three new files are unzipped.The ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager willuse the new files until the next release update.These file names are present in the Release Notes.Note:Restarting the manager is not required with this version.Important:Make sure to check the Release Notes for the specified version of ArcSight EnterpriseSecurity Manager for the updates to work properly.For more information on this process,see ESM Administrator’s Guide.Applying on Logger1.Log in to ArcSight Logger.2.Navigate to Configuration>Import Content.3.Click Choose File.4.Locate the specific file name.Installation Guide for Context and Content AUPInstalling ArcSight Context-GeoLocation&Vulnerability Signature Updates5.Click Import.A message will be acknowledging the request.6.Verify that the new file named ipdataV6.mmdb was imported to<loggerInstalla-tion>/config/logger/server/.When new release files are imported to Logger,the old files are automatically renamed in the following format:ipdataV6_year-month.mmbd.Note:ArcSight Logger stores a maximum of4geolocation files by default.The Logger searchpanel uses the latest imported file.For more information on this process,see the Logger Administrator’s Guide.Send Documentation FeedbackIf you have comments about this document,you can contact the documentation team by email.If an email client is configured on this computer,click the link above and an email window opens with the following information in the subject line:Feedback on Installation Guide for Context and Content AUP(SmartConnectors8.4.x) Just add your feedback to the email and click send.If no email client is available,copy the information above to a new message in a web mail client,and send your feedback to***************************************.We appreciate your feedback!。


6.1.1 启动............................................................................................................................. 29 6.1.2 Land Use 数据 ............................................................................................................ 30 6.1.3 Soil 数据 ..................................................................................................................... 34 6.1.4 Slope分类..................................................................................................................... 37 6.1.5 Landuse, Soil, And Slope的覆盖................................................................................. 39 6.2 HRU定义............................................................................................................................ 40 第七章 输入气象数据 ................................................................................................................... 44




2 对于蒸发方式默认的是pengman公式,河道汇流演算如果想改成马根琼斯,修改bsn里可以找到。


4 观测值要去除预热期,不要包含预热期,之前我包含了预热期,也是一直出错。

2 注意的问题,(1)投影一定要选对,要知道不同的投影对流域的面积产生很大的影响,我之前用wgs_web默卡托投影就比选择albers投影大了很多。
















gdb\Reclass_Extr3预处理:要先建立一个模型库一、D EM数据下载地理空间数据云下载二、土地利用数据准备:土地利用分布图&土地利用类型索引表(矢量、栅格)土地利用栅格图(已准备好)①首先进行投影转换Arctoolbox-————data management tools-—-—----projection and transformation--—-—raster—-——define projection②提取研究区那一部分的土地利用……Arctoolbox--——extraction---—-—extract by mask③重分类土地利用(分成10以内),首先要查询刚刚剪裁完的LUCC数据库,查看其具体分类attributes of ……然后再进行重分类,要将剪裁完成的土地利用数据库分类成swat可以识别的数据(查询数据库中的crop)spatial analyst tools———--reclass—--——reclassify(重分类的输出路径可以更改,但是名字好像要取默认的……)④重分类完成后,填写txt文本索引表。

三、土壤数据库建立(麻烦)C:\Users\Ad ministrator\Documents\ArcGIS\Default1.gdb\Extract_chin1HWSD中国土壤数据集①土壤数据也需要进行投影转换(同土地利用数据)Data management tools -—---projections and transformation-——raster—-——define projection ②提取研究区的土壤Spaial anylyst tools —-—extraction—---extract by mask③打开研究区土壤属性表Open attribute table查看value打开HWSD.mdb—-—HWSD—DATA表,按照对应的value,栅格数据的value值与HWSD-DATA表中的MU—GLOBAL 字段的数值相对应,寻找出每一种类型的参数.HWSD土壤数据库分为两层,上层用T来表示,下层用S来表示。



swat源码编译摘要:1.SWAT 源码编译简介2.SWAT 的编译流程3.编译SWAT 源码的步骤4.SWAT 源码编译的注意事项5.总结正文:1.SWAT 源码编译简介SWAT(Simplified Wrapper and Test 工具)是一款用于简化软件测试的工具,它可以帮助开发人员和测试人员快速地编写、运行和分析测试用例。

SWAT 源码编译就是将SWAT 的源代码转换为可执行文件的过程。

通过编译SWAT 源码,用户可以定制和优化SWAT 工具,以满足特定需求。

2.SWAT 的编译流程SWAT 的编译流程可以分为以下几个步骤:(1)预处理:在这一阶段,预处理器读取SWAT 源代码,并处理包含的头文件和宏定义。



3.编译SWAT 源码的步骤(1)获取SWAT 源代码:首先,你需要从SWAT 的官方GitHub 仓库或其他可靠来源下载SWAT 的源代码。

(2)安装编译工具:要编译SWAT 源码,你需要安装C++编译器(如GCC)和相关工具。

在Linux 系统中,你可以使用包管理器(如apt-get)安装这些工具。

在Windows 系统中,你可以从MinGW 官网下载安装包。


(4)配置编译环境:使用文本编辑器编辑编译目录中的编译脚本(如Makefile 或CMakeLists.txt),设置编译选项和目标文件路径。

(5)编译SWAT 源码:在命令行中,切换到编译目录,并运行编译脚本。

编译过程可能需要一段时间,具体取决于你的计算机性能和SWAT 源码的规模。


4.SWAT 源码编译的注意事项(1)确保源代码的正确性:在编译SWAT 源码之前,务必确保源代码的正确性,避免因为错误的源代码导致的编译失败或运行异常。



ArcSWAT使用手册整理1、关键流程加载选择ArcSWAT划分流域和定义水文响应单元(Optional) 编辑SWAT数据库确定气象数据默认的输入文件写入(Optional) 编辑默认的输入文件建立、运行SWAT (需要说明模拟周期,PET 计算方法等)(Optional) 应用校准工具(Optional) SWAT输出结果的分析、制表和制图2、数据准备要创建SWAT 数据集,ArcSWAT需要访问提供流域信息的准确类型的ArcGIS的栅格、矢量和数据文件。

2.1必需的ARCSWAT空间数据集1)Digital Elevation Model (DEM):ESRI GRID Forma2)Land Cover/Land Use:ESRI GRID,Shape or Feature Class Format土地覆盖/利用图中定义的类别,需要重新分类成SWAT土地利用/植物类型。




第三种选择是为土地覆盖/利用图的不同分类创建一个能够识别4位SWAT代码的look up表。

3)Soil:ESRI GRID,Shape or Feature Class Format2.3ARCSWAT表和文本文件1)子流域出口位置表(dBase 表)2)Watershed Inlet 位置表(dBase Table)3)土地利用索引表——Look Up Table (dBase or ASCII)4)土壤类型索引表——Look Up Table(dBase or ASCII)5)气象发生器测站位置表(dBase),在创建工程之前,需要把用户气象发生器数据输入User Weather Stations6)降雨测站位置表(dBase)7)每日降水数据表(dBase or ASCII)8)亚日降水数据表(dBase or ASCII)9)气温测站位置表(dBase)10)气温数据表(dBase or ASCII) 气温数据表用来存储测站逐日最高和最低气温。



SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool )安装说明许红梅国家气候中心2009年9月一、安装ARCVIEW3.3双击ARCVIEW3.3下setup.exe ,进行安装。

点击“Next”继续安装,点击“Yes”继续,选择“Local Install”继续安装,选择“Typical”,点击“Browse”可以改变安装路径(建议不要更改),点击“Next”继续安装,选择“Next”继续安装,选择“install”开始安装,安装过程中,可能需要一定时间,点击“确定”,继续安装,选择“No,I will start my computer later”,点击“Finish”完成ARCVIEW3.3安装。

二、安装ARCVIEW3.3扩展模块安装和运行AVSWAT需要安装ARCVIEW的三个扩展模块:3D Analyst,Spatial Analyst,GratGrid。


1.安装3D Analyst模块双击“ArcView 3D Analyst 1.0”下setup.exe,选择“Next”,继续安装,选择“Local Install”,点击“Next”继续安装,选择“Typical”,点击“Next”继续安装,点击“Next”继续,点击“Finish”,继续安装,点击“确定”,完成3D Analyst安装。

2.安装ArcView_Spacial_Analyst_2.0双击“ArcView_Spacial_Analyst_2.0”下setup.exe,点击“Next”,继续安装,点击“Yes”,继续安装,选择“Local Install”,点击“Next”继续安装,选择“Typical”,点击“Next”继续安装,点击“Next”,继续安装,点击“Install”开始安装,选择“No, I will restart my computer later”,点击“Finish”继续安装,点击“ Finish”,继续安装,点击“确定”,完成安装。



第十六章例子本章是ArcSWAT自带的例子1的演示说明,例子1位于:安装目录\ Databases\Example1。


4个栅格数据是:●dem:Lake Fork流域的数字高程模型(DEM)栅格数据。

图件投影类型AlbersEqual Area,分辨率单位是m,海拔单位是m。

●amask:DEM Mask栅格数据。

图件投影类型Albers Equal Area,分辨率单位是m。

●landuse:Lake Fork流域的土地覆盖/土地利用栅格数据。

图件投影类型AlbersEqual Area,分辨率单位是m。

●soil:Lake Fork流域的土壤栅格数据。

图件投影类型Albers Equal Area,分辨率单位是m。


DBF表和文本文件是:●USGS河道径流测站位置表:strflow.dbf172●河道内营养物监测点位置表:nutrient.dbf●降水测站位置表:pcpfork.dbf●降水数据表:hop0pcp.dbf,hop1pcp.dbf,hop2pcp.dbf,hop3pcp.dbf,hop4pcp.dbf●气温测站位置表:tmpfork.dbf●气温数据表:tmp_2902.dbf,tmp_4483.dbf,tmp_4976.dbf,tmp_8743.dbf●用来创建自定义气象生成器数据集的气象站位置表:wgnstations.dbf●土地利用索引表:luc.dbf●土地利用索引文件:luc.txt●土壤索引表,STMUID选项:soilc.dbf●土壤索引文件,STMUID选项:soilc.txt16.1 建立SWAT工程1.打开ArcMap选择A new empty map。


确认已经勾选SWAT Project Manager、SWATWatershed Delineator和Spatial Analyst等3个模块。



SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment TooL)操作说明(ArcView界面)http:/./swatR.SrinivasanBlackland Research and Extension CenterTexas Agricultural Experiment StationTexas A&M University翻译:高歌 许红梅(国家气候中心)2007年11月主要内容1.简介2.目的3.扩展部分4.流域划分及土地利用、土壤类型定义5.应用SWAT6.结果的后处理及显示简介土壤和水评估工具(SWAT)是一个具有物理基础可进行连续事件模拟的水文模式,用于预报土地管理措施对水、沉积物的影响以及农用化学物的大量使用、复杂流域的土壤变化、土地利用和管理条件的长期影响。

模拟时,一个流域被划分为一定数量均匀的子流域(即水文响应单元 HRUs),子流域内的土壤和土地利用具有一致的特征。



更为细致的SWAT功能的描述,请参考SWAT User’s Manual, Version 99.2 (/swat/swatdoc.html#new)。


建立项目A VSWATX , ArcView3.x的扩展版。


项目还包括一个常用的ArcView 图形用户界面(GUI),有菜单、按钮和工具。

1.启动ArcView3.x, 从File菜单中选取extension, 浏览A VSWATX并选择可选框,出现A VSWATX界面(图1)。

2.按下New Project旁边的按钮,弹出对话框,从下拉菜单选择资料目录,然后填写创建项目的名称,如:SWATDEMO. 文件名最长可以有8个字符,不给出文件的扩展名。



ArcSWAT Frequently Asked QuestionsInstallation:1.Problem: During installation an error message containing “ … unable to get installer types …”appears, preventing successful installation.Solution: Make that the following is loaded on your system:a.) .Net Framework 2.0b.) ArcGIS DotNet Support (C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DotNet). In order for ArcGIS DOTNetsupport to be installed, the .Net Framework 2.0 must be present on the target computer prior foinstalling ArcGIS.Solutions to Interface Problems and How-To:1.Problem: Error during Landuse/Soils/Slope overlay of “Item not found in this collection”.Cause: The SWAT2005.mdb crop or urban tables do not have a properly formatted OBJECTIDfield.Solution: Create a cop table with a sequential OBJECTID field by exporting the crop table back into the SWAT2005 database using ArcCatalog. Delete the old table and rename the new one to “crop”or “urban”2.Problem: Error at beginning of Landuse/Soils/Slope overlay operation.Possible Cause: Land use lookup codes begin with a number and not a letter. All land use lookupcodes in a user-defined landuse lookup table and also found in the crop and urban tables MUSTbegin with a letter.3. Problem: Error during watershed delineation of, “You attempted to open a database already opened…”.Cause: There is a renegade lock on a table or feature class in your SWAT project database.Solution: Close the SWAT ArcMap project. Reopen the SWAT project a try the operation again. It is a goods idea to save your SWAT project during the watershed delineation task after each step iscompleted.4.Problem: Error during the writing of SWAT input files, such as “Missing CN2 for hydrologic group…” .Cause: Soil lookup table of database usersoil table has problems.Solution: Soil names in the soil lookup and usersoil table CANNOT have “_” characters. Thesecharacters must be replaced by something else, such as “-“ or “#”.5.Problem: Errors while reading in observed weather filesCause: Make that there are no extra empty rows at the end of the tables. Also, check observed datafiles to make sure that there are no dates that are skipped in the middle of the file.6.Question: Observed weather data was loaded. However, during model setup, I can only select asimulation period that falls within the dates of my observed data. How setup a model “warm-up”period using simulated weather?Answer: You must add missing data values to the beginning of at least 1 of your observed weatherfiles. This will allow the model setup dates to span a wider range, allowing several years of “warm-up” prior to the observed data.7.Question: How to copy a SWAT project manually:1.) Copy the entire project folder to a new location.2.) Open up the SWAT project .mdb database (in new folder) using MS Access.3.) Open "MasterProgress" table. Update the "WorkDir" field to reflect the new project folder path.4.) Open the SWAT .mxd document in new project folder. It should be all set, and point to newfolder8.Problem: Some interface forms crash when exiting OR the help system does not work.Cause: Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8.0 or higher must be installed.9.Problem: I get an error loading my weather station dBase files.Cause: On some operating systems, the length of the dBase file name must be 8 characters or less(plus the extension). By making your station list table and the individual station table files withnames of less than 8 characters, this error should be resolved.10.Problem: When using user-defined watersheds option, ArcSWAT fails when writing the MGT filesusing the Heat Units calculator option.Cause: A likely cause is that the user watershed and/or stream dataset did not their projection defined.This will cause the heat unit calculator program to crash. Define the projection for the userwatersheds/streams datasets, then re-import through the watershed delineation interface. ArcSWAT Databases:1.Question: The ArcSWAT project databases contain an “ArcHydro” feature dataset where the finalwatershed delineation datasets are stored. This structure does not match the standard ArcHydrogeodatabase model. Why not?Answer: The ArcSWAT “ArcHydro” feature dataset contains feature classes that follow closely thestandard ArcHydro model, but not completely. These feature classes can be readily imported into astandard ArcHydro geodatabase.2.Question: In my SWAT project database, there are more records in the “hru” table than are found inthe spatial HRU layer, “Full_hru”. Why is this?Answer: In there are split HRUs into sub-hrus, then there will always be more records in the “hru”table than in the spatial layer. This is because we have made multiple tabular hrus out of a singlespatial hru.3.Question: In my SWAT project database, there are fewer records in the “hru” table than are found inthe spatial HRU layer, “Full_hru”. Why is this?Answer: In some cases, a land use or soils lookup table may have more than 1 value representing the same land use or soils class. In these cases, the spatial hru layer generated will have a single polygon for each unique combination of the raw dataset values, not the lookup values. However, in the hrutable, unique combinations that have the same lookup values will be combined into a single hru. Good Practices to Prevent Crashes:1.Unexplained crashing: Periodically, use the “Compact Database” function in ArcCatalog to compactthe SWAT Project geodatabase. This database can approach the 2 GB limit when working with very large datasets. Unexplainable crashes will occur when using the interface is this 2 GB limit isreached.2.Crashing during LU/Soils definition: Some ArcInfo coverage format soils or land use datasets mayresult in errors in the HRU analysis functions. It is best to use shapefile or ESRI grid formatdatasets.3.Crashing when using user-defined watersheds/streams: When using user-defined watersheds andstreams, the input watersheds and streams datasets must have exactly the same fields as defined inthe user documentation (Section 3 page 14). Otherwise, errors may result.Land Use/Soil/Slope Overlay Problems:1.If you manually re-assign a land use in the “SWAT Land Use Classification Table”, and you choosea land use class that is already assigned in the table, then you will experience a crash during theoverlay operation. The land use classes listed in the “SWAT Land Use Classification Table” must be unique prior to performing the overlay. The solution to this issue is to modify your land use lookup table so that multiple grid codes get assigned to the same SWAT land use class. In this case, theinterface will automatically reclassify the land use dataset based on the lookup table, resulting inunique lands use values in the “SWAT Land Use Classification Table”. NOTE: This same concept applied to the soils data as well.。




2 对于蒸发方式默认的是pengman公式,河道汇流演算如果想改成马根琼斯,修改bsn里可以找到。


4 观测值要去除预热期,不要包含预热期,之前我包含了预热期,也是一直出错。

2 注意的问题,(1)投影一定要选对,要知道不同的投影对流域的面积产生很大的影响,我之前用wgs_web默卡托投影就比选择albers投影大了很多。













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ArcSWAT 2.1.4 Release Notes
Updates\Bug Fixes from Version 2.1.3
The most important update to ArcSWAT with version 2.1.4 was a fix to an error that was found to occur with watersheds that had draining inlets defined. The error would result in a crash during calculation of subbasin parameters. Other updates are minor bug fixes and an enhancement to the way exempt land uses are treated during HRU definition.
SWAT Project Setup:
Watershed Delineation:
1.Made a correction to error that occurred when calculating subbasin parameters for a model with
inlets defined. This error resulted from erroneous GRIDCODE values in a temporary
“WDCWATERSHED” feature class. This error was present in ArcSWAT version 2.1.2 and 2.1.3
and is now fixed at 2.1.4.
HRU Analysis:
1.Made a correction in the final HRU report. The full watershed area was not getting calculated
correctly in the report.
2.Modified the handling of exempt land uses. The new method preserves the actual area of the exempt
land uses and does not redistribute the area from those land uses that fall below the threshold area to them. This ensures that the original GIS-based are for these exempt land uses does not get altered.
Write Input Files:
1.Modified interface for editing the user weather stations. The interface now looks to the “wgnrng”
table to retrieve the min and max values used in tooltips and in value checking.
Edit SWAT Input
1.Modified interface for editing the user weather stations. The interface now looks to the “wgnrng”
table to retrieve the min and max values used in tooltips and in value checking.
2.New parameters in the MGT2 table, PST_DEP and IHV_GBM, are added as new fields to the
table for models created with earlier versions of ArcSWAT. An error was found to occur if the values for these new fields were not set to a default of “0”. This is now performed automatically when the fields are added to the table.
3.When loading a saved management schedule, errors could result in cases where the schedule being
loaded used a different scheduling method (i.e., date versus heat units) than the current method for the HRU. This error is now resolved.
SWAT Simulation
1.Fixed memory errors that could occur when writing point source files. This error was found to
happen when writing a large number of point source files during the “Setup SWAT Run” operation.
This error has now been fixed through memory releases.
2.Modified the setting of the ICLB parameter in “cio” table. In previous versions, it was possible that
following auto-calibration and resetting a default simulation, that the ICLB parameter would not
get properly set back to a value of 0. This has been fixed so that the ICLB parameter is always set
back to 0 whenever “Setup SWAT Run” occurs.。
